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TIIK r.ovra.1. FKIIIIUAUY IS. mo<br />

THREE<br />


"Poly Mighty<br />

Hy Ed Conn<br />

Attention, uporl fanh! Poly'*<br />

d d enough Iun«Ii-il nioiv like "Garry/* -I, VnVnP Fv<br />

JniyKun'i Winning Kick,' or "One V#O aCIl V OjllK CV<br />

Minute inute to to Pljy" I'ljy," than a rcca(>ilu- recapitu- n 11 l "<br />

lation of the events the day before..<br />

Get a load of this; "I^well was i<br />

hciiind 12 tw y midway *'i the third !<br />

ciuarter when Howard Dallmar, the \ Mike Voyne. veteran prep haseindian<br />

!-U»c center, who was held hall coach, is one man at Lowr'l<br />

on the hviic], iill the last moment w!lai,i wit'i a^Mirunct' that l>»wel| <strong>The</strong> pole vault, with OeorgvCan-<br />

^•' ui-.-n- .iiit i" the i-ot.i wat.-ri" I,;,., ,-vi'ry opportunity of winning, field expected to repeat his winuf<br />

Sin I-'nineifOii Kay. This j* tati'im m is bai-tnl upon the nin-» iifrfornianci* of last year, and<br />

Mr. Litrhty, the new roach, is «(»•• fuel that the first Itoat is com- with Mulcreavy. will pn>bably yield<br />

his time and efforts to rosed '-'Hti.rl;* of veteran.* from a rotisidfrabli' nutflber of points.<br />

"Hip" Russell is playing i;oi.ii training and building up thiM- buy.- last ."ear's -utiad. 1 \n the hijth jump. IXJWCII has<br />

What Max the te.^m to do? kill at third, ami will iini.rove in M l-cnii.- A-l i..rformers. Ac- With such "ace/' returning from Canfield. fingers. Eichborn. nnd<br />

Would IIHIIKM UPMTI U.-*. # i,otn hitting and fielding, llowev- nirdintr to Cw.rh Mchty. the sec- \:ifl y».ar'H team as Culver, Bach-' Finlaysen. while Skiten Hoffman is<br />

Uiuld they powtibly function t.r, he'll have vi>in|>ctt:.'i.., too, otid day of f.ractict* proved vt?ry ntitn, McCtnn, Ctilander. Welcome, j tho mainstay in the broad jump,<br />

without "Benny* thrcatenmt; frum |{,,d Shaip. who's one of the, uiisut'i csjful *»* all hail achinir Kustiu-.', and Kepon. and up from 1 Hurdlers Grvrr. Schumacher,<br />

wordi MM ihry ntiivnj do*n court? fastest piayt'rs yn the tt-ain- • miiji'li's from the previous days ]a!tl vear's thirties such men asjan,| y;tchrll are expected to irive<br />

Alat*. Alai. what would be the result? Mr. .Mr. Voyne. as usual. usual, received reivvd workcut. .Princle, Smith. Hitchcocir. # ai.d 1 pnvn*t of Commerce and any<br />

Never fear, jtporl fans, the day ton»iderably help this year from<br />

wait oaed: oaved: Coach Hen Ihuucht c t)K. t)K u^kttball tt:im. tt-:im. In In addition<br />

and nd ttluuicht ttlht until til fill finally he he found fund go Unlimar, I'aul.^ut:, l nnd d Ch Churr>',<br />

an Id« that wan iiurir to click. <strong>The</strong> |'auI Harlvs^ ij* making a stnini:<br />

itixn lanttuaxr. the eoud ull Indian |,;d for a rt'Kular Iwrth nn the nine.<br />

»'«•'la»l!uai!r. that, it! ' Tht. pitohim.' burden rests<br />

Ahiie the Myu on the court |anw|y „„ paui Or»i. who, in an<br />

were pa»»mi! the ball around and | hi „ alar „„, cm,ush<br />

runninc hack and forth, they re. :;|i.r|SIU.o „„ ,ho mound. <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

jelved »uch rainmon aiKiu •« lhe,.e '|ik(. rau,t t(.am< mxi, a hkunit<br />

from toach Neff: tthjn Kenny pj,enel anJ hi, ,.n|Cnl behind the<br />

rubbed hi» head, and then chawed %£ , , , ^ dctCrmined. Don<br />

hi. HnsernalU to bit., that meant. 1 By nnw. however, aching mus-|Tully. the crew championship ininlhl,P boys a merrj- run for their<br />

ctes anr forrtotten, and the team it'-lO appear; inevitable. money.<br />

Sports Summary<br />

Taking the court in their initial<br />

a j u n i o r who throws with hh<br />

•Try that new Mdelme play, you , f , 'd , k eoml hM it is<br />

!" (thalV d .irons lansuace., '^d that, like ninny jouth paws<br />

"""%£" Jl'S ' ild Uh Oi d R lk<br />

1 <strong>The</strong> Forecaster<br />

contest. January l». against a j<br />

AH Told to Ed Conn<br />

cocky St. Ignatius quintet, the; Prcjtentine for the second time anywhere that authentic authority<br />

Cards d displayed d i l d it brand b d of f has- bxs • 'of<br />

accredited American athletic*. "<strong>The</strong> Forecaster." (Mama, oh mama.<br />

ketbail that immediately branded that man's here again!)<br />

them as favorites for the confer-] (Enter the Forecaster*<br />

My friends—there's an old saying that *«ys. "You can't keep a<br />

when he waved his h<br />

.._ _ . . raging a citation, and »ild.<br />

i and Ross lack 1<br />

Ixd by Howard Dallmnr. 0<br />

matted to score 10 points, c I good man down," so here I am again, you lucky people! After those<br />

j resounding victories, five out of seven correct "pickens" (if that !H *X"<br />

then buried hit head in them, that<br />

bowled the<br />

meant, **I)o you (really "j I route, but Klven proper >«PIehaved. it might have been six out of sev^n),<br />

didnt think he wu that harsh) lM'jtl!«-<br />

|<br />

micht win a taneball cliam-; , ,„„,.„, ,,,„.„ lh .<br />

all <strong>Lowell</strong> (that, of coume, includes 2*>00 students, the faculty, the juni-<br />

had<br />

know v iat a defense looks like?".<br />

I?.'.;i,ion«hiii for <strong>Lowell</strong>. , has rallied behind "their<br />

hero" (not Dallmar, but me. "<strong>The</strong> Forecaster"), and hns given him full<br />

Third, when Co«h Xeff imitated;<br />

leeway to do ns he pleases (m-e Mr. I'oUand. you can't ask me for n<br />

W d<br />

-•r r "Tii"•".'*• ini> |Il ir poetry to each other. Snap-<br />

St. Ignatius scored thirteen points. d,,,^,, Hu-man reports that: v\na out of what might lw termed<br />

Against <strong>Lowell</strong> he scored one. ,1!iclc from lMt y ,„ lht, fm- style i ];iov.K,| by Bill Kotta nnd Ed Gold-,<br />

three shots at the basket Ounng sprints; (irnnnis and Heytimn him- i stein debated Bailwa's "michty i<br />

the whole game. He was guanlcd fcl{ in the 100-yard hrwwt jiittiv men" by the score of 30 to<br />

(and gunnln! well) by Hark-ss. stroke; Middleton in the 100-yard j HJ, 1<br />

Irvin of Balboa scored thirteen liaclc stroke, and Beanston In the, Against the (lalilco Lion, Jnn- j<br />

noints against a strong Sacred 220-ynrd free style. Bolster, f«r-!U;,ry III. I>uwcll nut on the most 1<br />

Heart team, but failed to score n merly on the Ilo's, is also swim- -tpwtaculnr finish ever witnessed'<br />

field goal .-.gainst <strong>Lowell</strong>. He was tiling the 100-yrtnl back stroke. Thu , ;n a name played at Kewir thih I<br />

nlso guarded by Harlcss. medley irlay will most likely ri?n-' VPar. With the "nee" of both I<br />

White -ve're in the mood of slst of Scagravo.i doing the free teams on the bench at the begin-1<br />

doling «mt nluifs. we might as '.veil rtyle: Hcyma.i swimming the | nmjr of the game, nnd with these \<br />

do It whnlc-heartedly. So here's brenst stroke, and Bolster finish-;two boys iPai|ing their respective;<br />

,„ Don nran.,.o. nn,! tmpum. jg gj^ %?* SUiZt^^X !l"Xffll<br />

for their vtctorics against the D(, IcnOi ncan5ton< nn,i Re^Ieure.; )lny for high school Pt>orts. It so j<br />

Stanford swinimlng team; to Bill <strong>The</strong> team is complete with the ex- • hnnnens, however, that Itoward 1<br />

Kotta of the <strong>Lowell</strong> *.10's for his ceptfon of divers. [ Dnlltnar was much better than j<br />

[11 the second game of Uieir j it.,, because th" rooms were chanijed). Rememln-r. gentlemen, the early<br />

schedule, played agan«t Balboa,; fl;ni catches the worm (no connirtinn. however, between "<strong>The</strong> Forewhich<br />

could easily k cu.Ied a c^tt,r» atlfi a worm>.<br />

-.Slceiw-Jroma" or "Basketball in , owr)| Otrr poiyifthnic<br />

Walu Time."_ Curl Ilnaka prove! -nie Parrot< art. n tr!ckv bunch.<br />

in I <strong>The</strong>y'll be slaughter"., that's my hunch.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y'll fight hanl, but to no avail.<br />

And after the game, the Cards we'll hail.<br />

(<strong>Lowell</strong> by five points)<br />

I.owell O*»r Commerce<br />

<strong>The</strong> ambitious Bulldog. <strong>Lowell</strong> will tame.<br />

Even Tw^edail may get in the game.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y haven't a chance, so it apponrs.<br />

Yet strange things hnve happend through the years.<br />

(<strong>Lowell</strong> bv ten points)<br />

Balboa Over St. Ignatius<br />

Pirates vs. Wildcats should he swell.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final victor, it's hanl to tell.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wore will IM> clot>i>, close n« c'in bo.<br />

With the Cues on mp. it weems tc me.<br />

(Bntlxia by two points)<br />

Washington Over Commerce<br />

(<strong>The</strong> Bulldogs look about us P»MJ«I to ttt snow man looks t"<br />

the Russians.)<br />

Calllro Orrr Sacrrd Hi-art<br />

fHo-hurn, this in boring)<br />

Pol"!echnlc Over Balboa<br />

(Ballwa discoverr.1 tt-p'Pacific, but Poly disctwered how to w;n.)<br />

Galileo Over Mif-ion<br />

(For IIMSO* 5?i ho\c to do this, apply at room 154.)<br />

Washington Over Sacred Heart<br />

(Tne ?r.':ih look green, very green.)<br />

-stellar marksmanship in his last: In n reply to questions concern- I Trade Sperry. so consequently j<br />

w ra.nM *«A to Tt«b steveiu of \^a his material and the outlook! <strong>Lowell</strong> was victorious, the score<br />

the Chronicle for the swell Ifor say?. the "Well mermen. give every Coach team Dclman in being weichts 24 were to 10. less <strong>The</strong> fortunte, Cardinal losing light- Well, it'? au rovclr until next issue, friends, when I hope to see your<br />

up he gave Howard Dallmar after the league a fight for the chnm- to the Lion ISO's by the score of cheerful snilka ncniit.<br />

the Galileo "skirmlBb," pionshlp In both divisions." 30-20.<br />

Notice: Yes, you Doubting Thomas', those poems arc original.

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