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Sport Comment<br />

By Charley DarU<br />

l-owrll develop* mure good young<br />

football player* than any other<br />

hi|h school >n San Francisco, If not<br />

la the liar area.<br />

Mike Voync deserves the credit<br />

for the pit fide of outstanding nth*<br />

. I c t e K from<br />

" ""• | <strong>Lowell</strong> into tho<br />

big shuw. It's<br />

no nccldent that<br />

J <strong>Lowell</strong> has been<br />

• sending players]<br />

I to the colleges:<br />

| fust company.<br />

For one thinir.<br />

Mr. Voyno ia an<br />

I astute tt Jd Judge of f<br />

footlwll talnnt.<br />

Charles DavU For another, he<br />

never »,uit* Oh n :<br />

jtutig player, »»nei< he makes up<br />

hit; mind that the nlnyr ha* In-;<br />

tent ability. Mr. Voyne plays his<br />

joungMers legulurly, come what *<br />

may. I<br />

Cinder 1'alh In Gridiron j<br />

\» a sprint or, rikil*M Hoffman. 1<br />



Doiur, 25, fullowing Itu*ncIIV, 77, interference, hit* (he left «lde nf the Hulldog line, in a first quarter play.<br />

_ an ihf Cards lost » hear! breaker In Commerce 11-7. Friday, October •'. —Photo by Bill McOuffy.<br />

;' Block Meets; 'Indian Shin-Kickers<br />

Appoints Committees Pace Galileo Oct. 21<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Hopes Bright<br />

As Fall Track Opens<br />

j Papoose Cagers Meet<br />

{Washington's Eagles<br />

Today b <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Gym<br />

Eagle Cagcr», "Beware"<br />

Injuns A' Coming<br />

Wfth three league (tamek a]ruidy<br />

pla)-ed and Just lour more to<br />

Kv til] the end of tho lenion, Lowel!'><br />

IlKlitvel^ht baiketbull reami<br />

will play the tTajhinirton squad<br />

tltifi aftcnioon in our gym.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Itaht-Aviirhtg anpwir strong<br />

B'IU tho Waihln^ton "Easlettes"<br />

an- out ti> !»'jt r.Dwell, It Ij ,).<br />

l" evont<br />

c'3 <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> 10's will be flifhtinr their<br />

ilianlut when they mt«t Wash-<br />

I Im*ton lunflcf fte OK on the court court this<br />

n. l'rnbahly uartlnsr iho<br />

B« will ue AI Tyc and J'aral nt<br />

the marii i>J»»ttor.3. Tile forwnrdj<br />

will b» Toila and Obayashl, while at<br />

center will be A.kerd.<br />

Uwcjl'n ISO-pound mpoose! will<br />

Uce *V'h:(' 120d E<br />

, - T^o 20 2 have high hopes of<br />

*.clop into a wt;ir. but the odds art-;<br />

against it with iinly one ."c.-iBun of<br />

<strong>The</strong> first meelMijr of the jrirls'! Fm-inir a strong Galileo s«eer<br />

Ulock h w« held September 10 to<br />

eligibility facing him.<br />

n.Mh|ne. Lowi-ll'a jhin-kloiera caitteev.<br />

. ,. -< . . »<br />

Voync believes Hoffman will!<br />

prove -,f value to the <strong>Lowell</strong> team i<br />

in onr wnv or another. He lncks{<br />

expericner, but his speed—run<br />

greatest afset—and hi."* willingness<br />

several practice gnmca behind<br />

rU'tlicm. the chance* of victory for<br />

)n<br />

"' Coach Harris* soccer eleven are ex-<br />

Judging his pant pcrftu tiir.nccs Miss Flynn reports that ull ceptionally bright.<br />

wt stamp Hoffman as the most<br />

di^ici-rub* break-away man on the<br />

Indian tcum.<br />

A. A. A. Slower?<br />

Our griditlerM muxt be thinskinned<br />

nowadays.<br />

I mci»n they cut v«ry easily. i<br />

<strong>The</strong> prep players of yesteryear:<br />

were different. <strong>The</strong>y suffered few '<br />

injuries that forced THEM to remain<br />

on the* sidelines during n<br />

whole season.<br />

Maybe it's the new age limit that<br />

went into effect in 193". Before<br />

th.it year Snn Francisco high<br />

school.* were allowed to play any<br />

toy who wan in pohtMil. but he<br />

couldn't be over 21 —a la Mission's<br />

3!ike Klotivich. .Mike wn.< within<br />

th. A. A. A. rule*, though.<br />

Today no San Fnincino prep<br />

coach can [rvp circuit<br />

would speed up some.<br />

Around Town Department<br />

No matter how sunny the days<br />

ore, there's mill a gloom over "Big<br />

Kec." Alison Orr—he** gone.<br />

When £pik« Heiineney hud his day<br />

« Seal Stadium. "<strong>The</strong> (treat Umtlre"<br />

called the third strike on Orr.<br />

Orr has developed many bljr<br />

league ball players nrtJ a p'an has<br />

keen MutCgcitcu, that a monument<br />

be erected in his honor at "Biff<br />

Pec." This comer is whole-heart'<br />

eily in favor of thut suggestion.<br />

Contributions are being accepted<br />

by the San Francisco Examiner<br />

and the Park Commission.<br />

Adlofl. Mi Amllto<br />

So long, Dick, we'll miss you.<br />

Yeah, Dick W»r, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s 130pound<br />

basketball star, is transferring<br />

to Drew School.<br />

If a good offense is the best defense,<br />

you can bet heavily t'ltat<br />

Lnwejrn grid opponents will score<br />

seldom. Voyne will have his quar*<br />

tw-back* use all the trick* In the<br />

Docks, Voynr is a magician* when<br />

It comet* to razzlc-diizzle foutlmll.<br />

IVrrlnw Tick Department<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ovrr St. Ixn*t!u*; Balboa<br />

over WafdiinRton; I'oly ovrr Com*<br />

meree; Skie* over Caul; Hrlng over<br />

Coal.<br />

: CL ' l ' tioim "'<br />

[/Turin are in full nwiiiir and will! Despite setback* and ties In<br />

did the third week in December.! t rtictice "~~ * L '"<br />

climaxi'd liv llii> fi. A. A. lunrhn.n. . . . .<br />

Thompson, lost term » temils man- I KracrvM Strnnr<br />

niier, IIIIM playul in tnnnv tournn-1 _,, . , atrons<br />

ments in San Fmncfc'-o. " She won Tho "*-' who navc Although weakened by the graduation<br />

of many outstanding ath-<br />

Ittcti, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s varsity track prospects<br />

'ook bright as fall train<br />

"tarred in prethe<br />

city nlayRroumi tournament' vious gumL'S include F*ck:irt, Solthin<br />

year. Hue to an biipendectomy Ichru. Chinn. Hitchcock. Roche, Ar-<br />

I J j *'"'J- •' ^. ior. j)^^ KinugaMa, ^fackarit, Poulo,<br />

_ ^ _ ' _ * till. V.m..r

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