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<strong>THIS</strong><br />


". X°- - Snn Frnnclfco, California, October 10, 1940 Pounded January, 1898<br />

A Homecoming?--Students, it's up to you!<br />

Student*. <strong>The</strong> Lotrrll imlu your Mippurl! Our editorial campaign h«i<br />

btgun. Our nlogan, "Homecoming this Thauluclrlnr,."<br />

Yes. a "HomccominE." A chance for Home of Lowe!!** cxtinmtwl<br />

Variety y Show will be J <strong>Lowell</strong> Gridders Meet<br />

Presented^ <strong>Lowell</strong> Wildcats Today<br />

Take some pretty gals, *cme<br />

kbndsomn ffuy«, a little bit of sintf-<br />

Indians Will Rely on Speed and Deception<br />

To Scalp Ignaiians in Third League Tilt<br />

40,000 alumni to t^!l tok'ulher aRitin. A chance to promote a spirit<br />

ne«r ne«r wen thought o( before in hlsh Khool CIRIU. A chinco 'nit. ilanrtnic. dramo,«««ell law...<br />

for <strong>Lowell</strong> to do •anuthini; never before done In San San yranciKo or nowl- nowl oichc»tru-mU HOT all toKcthci—<br />

bl blv CalKomin. ClKomin<br />

l "" i » nl " have you cot? <strong>The</strong> an-<br />

' Our l'lan >«»crVca»y. You\n KUI n "Vurio-<br />

Our plan—it'* simple. <strong>The</strong> .Momluy und Tuenluy of Bit- Game Week,!'" Show.<br />

let there t>e Open Uouftc nt <strong>Lowell</strong> with creetcrit to show vixitinR alumni I That* what Dramatic Coach Mr.<br />

the work done by the preffent Ktuilcntx. Let them visit with their former 1I'ollund is. KoinK to produce for<br />

teachers and re-estalilish former friendship*. (Notice: the teachera j Liiwell audiences the wt** fpllow-<br />

•jh'ju'd "«te|i up" the work two weeks ahead of time »o the Open Houro in i: ThanlmKlvinc vacation.<br />

would not be interfering.) Mr, I'olland once heard of the<br />

Tuesday afterticun there would 1H.> a student mlly nt I^uwcil—stu- vrry old, and very true, raying.<br />

Ucflt talent, htutfcnt spirit. .Variety is the spic He the ar.y "political pull.** Any* l^irls, I.owelPs nix "Varieties" ought i<br />

on** ran >K> on a committee, '" " from ncnior* . to . frefhrnenl . . to be good.<br />

Cium of 1900 Dinnci<br />

A large cast, about sixty, is a!- \<br />

Almt.3t 200 member* of Hie <strong>Lowell</strong> class nf 11)00 were summoned f«r rtndy "buckling down" to its work,<br />

a dinner Sejilfmbvr 2~, given Tur Fklding "Hurry-Up" Yost in a very so that yuu. dear public, can spend<br />

srort time and with n little publicity. Imnyin- the alumni crowd that '" and une-hulf hours tif KOKO n<br />

c.iuld lie attracted with ample time to spare and much publicity. \ j,.ymont. <strong>The</strong> cl.orus of niftit-s in<br />

City newspaper* hate editorial campaigns—most of them succeed. I ik.jIli; t,ut through it* pace* by<br />

Thr I-o*ell for the first lime in jean* in intrnnifylng an editorial cam* | y/,^ Harbnni Muring, teacher<br />

ii»ijrn. ItV HUCCI** depends on you! . „ | hero urn) veteran luncini: inntruc- •<br />

Think of t!i- pubtirjty fl(r l^.welt! Think of thp spin", created for ttn<br />

the gntiit*: Thir-k of how many hearth will he enlightened with reborn Information I'lronr!<br />

friendship?! Tim..; of c m-w loyalty heUeen alu;nni and ntudrnlN. yuT ym "yt.ung'uns," who don't<br />

LETS MAKE UK! GAMK WKKK A TRULY BIG WKEK. ' i.inemlMr the InM "Vark-tiin," we-<br />

LET'S SUPPORT "A HOMKCUMING <strong>THIS</strong> THANKSGIVING ! | »u|IIn|t t|,,: blowing facts:<br />

—Ed. Conn. I<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Class of 1900 ! By Bill Graves<br />

Facing Ot. IpimUus tot!ay in their third league encounter,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s fast improving gnclaters will mret a test of their<br />

ability to finish the senson success fully.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wildcats have been having trouble winning football<br />

games this year, chiefly because of<br />

inexperience and lack of speed, but<br />

hf augured the Itilltopncrs will bo<br />

Artie! Strip Tease Irvine mighty hard to win this one.<br />

WItonp! What's cominc<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wildcat* would ax ROOU beat<br />

off here?<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> us any other league team,<br />

Cardinal football tcairj; havo<br />

<strong>The</strong> cape slipped down )tn found them a punhfiver.<br />

ftUmly expoxin^ one satiny . .if Wildcat*' cause will bo<br />

white nhouldcr.<br />

'greatly aided if Danny Colcman,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n . . . a pause '*- 1 titpif-thrcat fullback in able to<br />

hind thr curtain. Hr (or nhe) Irilay. If Cowman is healthy, and.<br />

rvnnpenrctl — it wan Art 'if the big Ignatian Hn« is ablu to<br />

"Gypalc flose Lcc" Shn- open hole*. <strong>Lowell</strong> will havo work<br />

mnener attired in a slinky rut out for it.<br />

whin* evening cownt Coyly<br />

Gyniie ilose let the shoulder l' valedictorian and historian.<br />

Ijist term's valedictorian, Ellen<br />

Shank, wu5 the thinl girl in the<br />

history of <strong>Lowell</strong> to deliver the<br />

farewell addrtsi. Arthur Aronscn<br />

ripn-^eiitrd .June '10 in relating it's<br />

hlxtory.<br />

I -" rLl<br />

start, the left haf post<br />

either Howie Bin^rose or<br />

t-nd vhit-j pieces of nurtcboard. 1'cul Orsi. <strong>The</strong> right half spot<br />

Kim regi-try 100 percent was ^ » Calfinder "''' ^ ^<br />

^STt!. Mr. CMbcr*. ,o it i. "<br />

i l l<br />

tinrs that year were »05lerg,| t<br />

(juarter: Hamilton, full; Prentm, j W- pHirfnnan O<br />

tnd: William», guard, nnd ttooney \ V aiCUlCLOridll I U<br />

at half.<br />

"Times liave changed, reminisced<br />

Yost. "When 1 «M coachiiiR<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> we wore lucky to<br />

lave thirty-five boys out for football.<br />

Now you have, over 100,<br />

tnough 1'or a team and a rooting<br />

siit'on, too, in thost* days.<br />

"Yi«5, football lias changed in<br />

tlic last forty yearn.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re wait m> penalty for unn(Co>Mary<br />

rounhneiw* thin. Clip*<br />

pine from behind WOH considered a<br />

very effective way of taking a tnaii<br />

out."<br />

Ami »•«, the "old gnids sat at<br />

tit table far into the night dwcuMing<br />

old times—times when<br />

football war a kick, tncklc, run,<br />

block, und ii ray affair.<br />

I heard: "<strong>The</strong> boys were a little |<br />

older then, and if you didn't have [<br />

a mustache you were a sissy. |<br />

<strong>The</strong> table echoed and re-echoed<br />

with taughter at remembered j<br />

"Say." what became of old<br />

wnal's-ms-name?** was an oftbtard<br />

question. <strong>The</strong> old-timers income<br />

a U'tlc younger as they |<br />

ttaced their memories way brn-k.<br />

dtwn the dark corridor of Time. '<br />

Eyes took on a little more spar-'<br />

klc as the puff, grunt, and smash<br />

days of football were recalled. Even<br />

one wanted to tulk at once. ,<br />

Forty years Is a lone time to!<br />

caver in a few hours. j<br />

Finally It was time to go. <strong>The</strong> i<br />

grid heroes of 1000 filed their)<br />

memories away and lapsed back j<br />

Into the roto of middle-aged business<br />

men with "a big day at the<br />

office tomorrow, you know."<br />

W<br />

m.4m\. u> usual, ifo senior*, are VrchMe jinr-upit:<br />

.1 the bottom of the ltut, represent- |simm..n* . I.XU . ._ UUi-kwrtl<br />

'* j cd by registry 306n.<br />

| Jlflrl) „ _.I.<br />

I Tni|,j.n.iititi ... _<br />

Today y there are twenty-six n..ix 100 Ilonn* - It<br />

inKHlel. ter cent rrvinlrlni. lamely fre»h-<br />

IITI...'.. . Mrunlf r<br />

i It in nnt. <strong>The</strong>re U a midget on men and ttophomores.<br />

- ItlTI. -Unity<br />

MrO.rti,k-k<br />

; ti-ii cf GoldherK'n. Peterson wcrks j<br />

Llllt . llArry<br />

without a midcet. ' llomrcomine thin<br />

ItHI.<br />

<strong>The</strong> men»ure-?copc is for ti-lllnE<br />

—i*f!nleiiiAn<br />

; how much PKMurc vnricn with the i<br />

; l h f liid A ki dl<br />

^.jgi^y'r^ra^|L3s Make Debut in First <strong>Lowell</strong> Dance;<br />

to Meet Bi-1 Shindig Promises to be A Big Success<br />

P. A. S. Popularity is overwhelming tho;c!:ir.t officers and resprcsentatlvca<br />

'' US'A. j from each of the eleven L3 regis-<br />

A motion tc !.«.. '.^ •jrtl meetings | <strong>The</strong>ir danc« is tomorrow, eighth trii-s. <strong>The</strong> officers are Bob Kcsbi-weekly<br />

w.-5 iiaijsw I duiing the: [w| anj ^H LoWcn it M e n^ tei. prcHtik>nt; Jnnet Uico, vicethe<br />

i them. So for it looks as if L3's<br />

• AAliio<br />

cii.ttos.-cd nt thin nicotine j will predominate, however, for few<br />

A <strong>Lowell</strong> Frosh sees wire the plimfi to o buy a " pnblic pulic nd nd- nre nri* promising their bids tc others.<br />

drtM nystm. It was definitely<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fair for nothing decidi> for approximately ThtJ dance threatens to bo some-<br />

XonlHtrudt. <strong>Lowell</strong> fresh- three ftxttbnil jrames tiiis term. thing special. It's the first dance<br />

man, recounteil u visit to the Jack »\ OIMISIUC was elected an | (.hia CIIISJ has ever given, and<br />

Koir extended from '1 p. in. nj>sintant yell leader over a field | tlny'rc determined to make good,<br />

to 12 midnight, neeint; »vcr>'* that Included Gene Vayssif. Stnnj <strong>The</strong>me a Secret<br />

thii'if, miwinjr nothing, and<br />

all frv«.<br />

<strong>The</strong> theme, of course, is a secret.<br />

But noli Kcslvr, dance committee<br />

Haw? Her mother was<br />

cUtirman nnd president of the<br />

Fair visitor C,OO0,0O(J, Tues-<br />

c'hss, want you to know It's a good<br />

day, September '14.<br />

one. He n!so proraines really snan-<br />

"I've never had such a wonpv<br />

niimus for the dence*.<br />

derful time In my lif><br />

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