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Volume 77. No. 1 Sar. Francisco, California. September in. 1040 Founded January, 1888<br />

PrexyRaaka to Lead; ''%I e * a f Time " Tlie \Ho Money; Girls' Gym J<strong>Lowell</strong> Faces Galileo<br />

Football Rally Today, ; Of Freshmen Reception Dream Shattered<br />

In Tomorrow's Game<br />

Dancing During Lunch<br />

Hey man will introduce<br />

new school pep song<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Farce iif Time" theme, for<br />

the freshman reception to be held Principal Hopes Work<br />

Friday, Scptcmlter 27. i* now under<br />

way, Hini numerous minposed "su- Will Begin Next Fall |<br />

|n.*r" nets arc being weighed in the<br />

minds of the commit too memltcrs.<br />


Indians rated underdogs in first<br />

league encounter at Kezar<br />

<strong>The</strong> . theiny .. . . wns .... decided . upon nt n,<br />

<strong>The</strong> jiir's' jtym will nut be built j<br />

"Ojmninjr E-rnhs." **' . 1 joint meelirg >*t the Scroll nnd i this year. <strong>The</strong> Board of Education<br />

Cardinals,". and """-- oil" •' ** I 11 " 1 1 F>ri4 '' | i** ..~ n * com " J has been forced to cancel all build- ;<br />

A lira ham Lincoln High School, and<br />

wcre'ilie "Holler Derby." "".Summer ' lIl rally will he presided over by ...„<br />

newly elected student Ixidy nrcsi-<br />

° *>• •"*• Junior College.<br />

dcni. Carl Rnaka. , , Souvenirs," "<strong>The</strong> Indiiin," "A Day \ir<br />

<strong>The</strong> nilly will 1K<<br />

pine ilevoted to pep-'at uwi.n." ,,mI "<strong>The</strong> Folies." i<br />

l 'P the students and rehears<br />

Mr. Stephen*-, however, ho* not<br />

inc the rooters for the <strong>Lowell</strong>-Gal- ' v * • -. given u» hope. "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> gym,"<br />

:lcn football game to he held In iNPIlstaCltPr OF! 1 OD lie said, "is still firm on the board'*<br />

Kesar Stadium tomorrow after- ^^UalrfUlCI Ull 1 UL), tisi i>f 'must builds,' followed by<br />

noon, at i!:.'t(>. Al Heyman witl run<br />

AI indium Limoln's gym plan.*. We<br />

over the revised "Axtf Veil" wi;h<br />

ean only hope we will stay first,<br />

the students. <strong>The</strong> eherr has l«V!i<br />

for if we do, we will have a «O«M1<br />

speeded up and will IK* dnne n* it<br />

chance of getting the gym next<br />

i- at Stanford. <strong>The</strong> Galileo stu-<br />

fall."<br />

dent body officers, visiting <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

IIeady by Al Heyman, <strong>The</strong> ten expt'iit nts uf wisdom ;ind 1illJiVS<br />

.ill<br />

>•<br />

lle.Xl fall<br />

the tn'w head yell leader, who will with tin -mint.* wen-: Donald Heaii- rialin<br />

All .M» de<br />

aisc It-ail the singing of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s simi, v.Wni; .Marion lie Kerry, cafe Tr.. ' iilans i•<br />

T tile JO."<br />

f'tb-r wuitr. "fin Cardinal." Words F; l.ois UaiiM-n, Ui2; I'ram.s Kte.|i; editor i.f Tin* IJOWtl!.<br />

Ktl. ronn: and eafe manager,<br />

.Mart-ret Schaeffer.<br />

1<br />

-I<br />

'Smattcr, Pal; Someone SI'ECrAt BVLLKtm<br />

Jab You with a Needle? Ten Itunn, Galileo ntar halfback,<br />

suffered an injury to his right Ie*<br />

Have you seen a spring Wednesday. September J. and will<br />

dnnce in a movie when the IM- out of lornorrow'n line-op.<br />

sound track went off?<br />

Whin <strong>Lowell</strong>'s fighting Indiana<br />

Have you ever seen a I trot out on Kerar Stadium'i crccn-<br />

punch-drunk fightfr waltz irixteeii lockers opi-nitu; into<br />

iNew Council Heads ;ty barks are Steve Dotur. I'aul Orinsaccumti-<br />

••ai-h .-Imwer, ntiil additional lockers<br />

I si, Clavton Calender. Howie Rimn.se.<br />

Bill Chandler. Skilrx Hofflatvd<br />

.*>.'> Jioint.-. Ttiese ilieltided: liniiiir the walls. in the closest election in many mnn. Al Androvich. nnrl Vic An-<br />

I_ Ilrowti, IV2-J-. S. Hrown. :U'.'; F. Speaker*.' Itakuny Mars. .Majorie Weiss was elected<br />

:l Ii<br />

iiuff. ajii; W. Hush, :i:il: 0. Chiim,<br />

lit of the Girls Council and<br />

Weight Advantage for flalUen<br />

(•alileo will hnve a fliL'ht weight<br />

advantnge of t«'o or three pounds<br />

What Did You Gain<br />

per man throughout the team.<br />

Fans who watch the gnm? to*<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>? Students<br />

morrow will probably see n colorful<br />

II. Styris, 'M2.<br />

Mr. Tucker opened the meeting with plenty of speed nnd dc-<br />

Quiz six Mtidems itcciimuiated umulated .Ml point-. flliuo^u'and^i'lVCTWtora^Miry tnlives who were°to take charge of slnr* bo h the coaches. Mike Voyne<br />

How It Works »»rk« ...„ .||,.iude«i in the tilans the salon salr* of student body cards: cards; nna Ra.i itn Johnnon, employ wide-<br />

T.i those new students who are<br />

then Miss Lacostc called forward open system to a great **xtont.<br />

All Say <strong>Lowell</strong> is Tops unfamiliar to the honor count<br />

all the \\\ iniy and irirl room rvp- I'rohable line-up«:<br />

I.< IWKI.1. rlili>h OAMI.KO<br />

Hlmniiill* ...^ » )]I<br />

.. It .<br />

Johiwrn .Tntipmn<br />

rtn«mi.v<br />

IB ____McGutlln<br />

Uller<br />

President Curl lUaka—"Attend* 'p,irt.,i . A muni of _\. points -\\e are well on our way toward Erickiion, »nd Mariorie Weiss. Th«<br />

g <strong>Lowell</strong> has given me the op-; jN n,,, to make the Honor uur goal- 100 per cent member- !„,..« running were Ed Normoylv.<br />

purtunity to meet many fine fel- n,,]|<br />

lows nnd girls, and has given me,<br />

!fihip." »uid Bob Arnold, <strong>Lowell</strong>s K,f Kowe, Angclo Misthos and Bill<br />

lows and RiHs, und has civen me, ' . . ' tn-asurer. yeJtwnlay'as he reviewed Grnvci"<br />

pltnty of enjoyable time*, both in ; c_l.ni_ncL_r Unanimously! thtf l*ctrra<br />

I'umlnl<br />

..Silver<br />

.Chatlum<br />

"limn<br />

wo-uay old student body curd ^ 'J.<br />

an athletic education. •ctivitieM and in KiumnK ocnumacner unanimouaiy (lriV(. * •- .. .. i i ^ c *7 J<br />

Vicc-I'rvsident AffneH Jones— j Elected H4 PresiHent I ' he iu,u won't hopes have hi* to [iuah woni* a : h«id tme ^ rail enrollment totals L^JJ J; student<br />

1 h<br />

Unanimously elected pre^i'dunl ot 1 ucross h won't Kezur's have turf to push tomorrow a foothall aft- •<br />

S<br />

• , Art Sehu- ernoon. <strong>The</strong> treasurers of tinlileo leaders, athletes among new Sophs, Frosh<br />

gained experince which will bo | *"•' -••• secretary race. _<br />

elpful to me in my law career." i _"~Z '71, '-,'.'<br />

Cufeteria Mannitcr Miiripirot R.O.T.C Rifle Shoot<br />

knowledco to help me In the future,<br />

Editor <strong>The</strong> Luwell, Ed Conn—<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> has given me a background<br />

that will tx! indiflpcniiahlc when I<br />

Bo to collcire."<br />


Sept. 13— Opening Rnlly.<br />

Sept. 14—<strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Galileo<br />

football game.<br />

Sept. 23 — Senior pictures<br />

taken throughout week.<br />

Sept. 27 — Freshman Recep.<br />

Hon.<br />

Sept. 30—Group pictures for<br />

Red and White.<br />

Oct. -I—<strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Commerce<br />

football game.<br />

itloco<br />

Jatsu*<br />

_ Soko-<br />

headquarter* where h"* will JI .<br />

bly bu assigned t«j» - w o&aU Tak- In fl*2l\ there are Wayne Gray lov, semi-finnliflt In the state tening<br />

his place hi.- ..i <strong>Lowell</strong>, is arid Arnold --•- Goldman from Dudley . nls tournament<br />

Sergeant Harr. \. Koclberg, for- | h.one, who received American Lcmerly<br />

n corj- >\ |n the Oth Coast lon awards.<br />

I'nlo Alto He presented<br />

<strong>The</strong> class nreni ient, Kenneth Me-<br />

our rifle team when it enters into Artillery tit V ~. '<br />

From Grant have come Gordon .-- - - ---- v«~~r_<br />

eompctition with other schools of<br />

Lissler, student body president; Lt-nnon. and tht secretary, Betty<br />

the Oth corps urea next spring.<br />

nnd Ruth Levison. secretary and S^IK^^IWH/!,<br />

However, th'» fall, the individual NewAnnu. liaffGiven<br />

momVrfi nrc going to enter tho<br />

Nntlonni Rifle Association tournaments<br />

to determine who will be<br />

<strong>The</strong> newly announced staff of<br />

good: enough for the tenm.<br />

the lied nnd White includes: editor,<br />

Don Ucnnston; assistant edi-<br />

For those who like statistics, the tor, Marilyn Adams; finance editor,<br />

rifle team uses a 22 caliber Spring* Lorraine Granichcr, and assistiints<br />

field rifle, nnd the high man, right S. Burke, G. Bolster, and Dreeson;<br />

now, is Major William Flcxrenltnr. literary editor, Ruth Kaufman:<br />

senior editor*, Lucy Mouradlan and<br />

SPECIAL NOTICE Alice Bloom; boys' sports editor,<br />

<strong>The</strong> September I3lh Usue of <strong>The</strong> Ralph Spied, nnd assistants S.<br />

I-oTiJ is free lo all students but Kesslcr and H. Nelson; pirls'<br />

hen;.nfler only student body mem- snorts editor, Anita Ames, nn*l n*bent<br />

wit) reeeirc <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>, a* it sluUnt June Sutton; ami W. POR-<br />

in througlh<br />

student body cards that tel, J. Livingston, Graven), Ash-<br />

the ie paper Is supported.'<br />

croft, P. Kerrigan, and Thompson.<br />

1 !!. 1 ^;<br />

veil lender bath In 323 Also from '"• wn " c >rom 1 rentalp has corns<br />

Glint "SlSaSm EdGrSiT, Shirley Sinmr. 1« llmwnant In<br />

trrautircr: Anrc Soult, nnociclc W« trarnc wind,<br />

editor nt their pnper: nml Jerry; From a dUtance, Talit Alto, haa<br />

Dfll'oBiio. ciiptaln of the baxkcthall corac Bob Jonnen, who was vice*<br />

nml hanclmll tcanu. president "—" of "" his class. -'—<br />

From Roosevelt<br />

From Aptos Have come Jason<br />

Roosevelt Junior _... High „ hns con* MInklcr, president, and Shirley<br />

tributed MIml Lcbo. school secre- Plymire, secretary.<br />

tary; Jack Cooker, ninth grade i Splro Gudclt, president of Dnnclnss<br />

president; Mildred Kfefer, cd- id Welutter; Albert Dean, treasuritor<br />

of the school rxner; Paul Tar- ;cr of St. Ignatius; and BUI Law,<br />

H. yell leader; Dick Warren boys', president of Jefferson, arc also at<br />

xports manager: nnd EleanorTlmct <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

in the debating society. <strong>The</strong>se stu-1 Finally from Rwldlnp h«vR rom»<br />

dents nre from 214.<br />

the class secretary. Mary Ellen<br />

In 213 from James Lick Is Frank James, and president, Richard Sol-<br />

Kanrakan, ashlstant yell leader, omon.

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