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Iljr Ed Conn<br />

Attcnttnn. »j»rt f«m! Uwcll<br />

ha. willed ofr with Ihc liawn<br />

•icain thin yrar and you ran be err*<br />

tain that bacon tntttni "mighty"<br />

Kood!<br />

Basketball<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Parade of Sports<br />

By David<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> basketball team.<br />

which has been known as "<strong>The</strong><br />

Mister Big f in tho prop cage ranks<br />

during the past five yean, failed<br />

in a desperate attempt to win<br />

its sixth straight face title when<br />

it was defeated 1A* Washington<br />

22-20. at Keznr. February 3.<br />

At the outset of tho season the<br />

Card* were marked ns "the team<br />

to Wat," because of their splendid<br />

nrc-sea«m record. Those wonls<br />

THE LOWELL. JuNE G. 1040 KIVE<br />

Don Welcome, Pete Kepon. Don<br />

Pringle. Willis Hitchcock, and aided<br />

by Joe Cullcn, Jack Woodficld,<br />

Dick Nido, and Bob Drouln, which<br />

comprised a rather strong crow.<br />

<strong>The</strong> graduating men are: Joe<br />

Cullcn, Dick Culver. Bob Drouln,<br />

Jack Woodficld. Dick Niello.<br />

George Hackman, and Bob Hitchcock.<br />

<strong>The</strong> outstanding men on the<br />

team weic veterans, hence no one<br />

man received any glory as being<br />

the hUtr of the crew.<br />

Swimming<br />

Cardinal Coaches Collaborating<br />

held true to the end, as the Eaa.cn<br />

had to do :hit to win their first<br />

mnjar title.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students are proud of<br />

their team and it* nix ncniorji. Howie<br />

Dallmnr, Paul Hnrlpus. Cnrl<br />

Rankn, Bntn* \jw, John Owen, nnd<br />

Jr.ko natUit, who carried tho lied<br />

and White colors Into n second<br />

inthc<br />

Ed Conn champlon.hlp. ' > standings.<br />

—twinning nnd crew. i *(Jracfc<br />

"<strong>The</strong> finest example ,.f sports- [<br />

maiwhip am! team work displayed j By Hoffman<br />

in some time" describe* an acconi*! —- . Completing n successful season<br />

.<br />

nnd:«*i the cinders, Coach Harris' vnr-<br />

pliiilunent uf George Cunflel ft k id h A A came through very well in each of<br />

Hff<br />

man, w<br />

hih<br />

g l<br />

trackmen their Mocks<br />

their events <strong>The</strong> first place- were<br />

! Rjr Finlayson<br />

<strong>The</strong> unlimited swimming team<br />

won the A. A. A. meet May II, at;<br />

Plcfshhackcr Tool as the result of'<br />

Kood coaching and steady practicing.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* varsity swimming team<br />

has completed its bent season In<br />

five yearn, for it was five years<br />

atro thiit the unlimited* won their . . .<br />

last championship. This was nc-' - ' *' * . '<br />

o»mpli»hed by tho hard work of the<br />

A. crown last May 4. nt Kczar, be<br />

and medals in the three quarter ; fore f an<br />

mile relay which perfectly cli- Persons.<br />

Just five minute* before the run-: 171^ jjr|bwi 15, 1<br />

nine «>f this final event, and with; ton 10, St. Iirn<br />

: .<br />

staff anweIl<br />

from lai«t plnre to second place,<br />

and t« mak« thosi- four fellows—<br />

.foe Miu-hfll, Art ?chumai'her. E"l<br />

Klli.*, ami Italston Allan—who nthenvise<br />

mijlht have I wen somewhat<br />

morose, very, very happy!<br />

Faculty vi*. Students<br />

While viewing our learned p p Many .seniors will 1m misled on<br />

defeated Bub Gaston and Itol> Keermn<br />

of St. IgnatiuH, to cop the city<br />

liexi year's .Ho,uad. Either gra;l-<br />

••'""•<br />

oftasors<br />

huffing and puffing and<br />

l I Ktihn. anii "Nails" Hart wig.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nucleus of the team will be<br />

lost next term due to graduation.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se players an-: ItutUmcr,<br />

Roche. Greely, Kuhn, nnd Hartwig.<br />

who all did their part to bring another<br />

championship to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Baseball<br />

llv Davi*<br />

After setting the pace in the<br />

high nthofll baseball race for the<br />

past two years and supposedly a<br />

tough "hombre." thin year, tho<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> nine nose-dived Into sixth<br />

place nnd the second division this<br />

-. Some of the other pennon.<br />

.. <strong>Lowell</strong> netslcrs this With many sophomores and jun*<br />

arc: Teddy Myers. Rudy iors on this yearn* team, graduation<br />

lakes .surprisingly few men.<br />

side golf cour.*«\ May -1, to cop<br />

Howie Dallmar. "Lofty" Ross,<br />

CreW tin' city championship.<br />

Dean Marchucci. "Smokic" Good-<br />

Captain Al Farn'ii led the team<br />

win. Bob Brown, and Cliff Roberts<br />

lty Manning<br />

to victory with u i«w ncore of 68.<br />

are the seniors who have played<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s varsity crew ended whiil, i.t three strokes bottur than'<br />

their last year in <strong>Lowell</strong> uniforms.<br />

rather unsuccessful HMO<br />

---- - -- - --<br />

runilc l;>st vi'-'ir, [tub Cardinal<br />

• 4 > «<br />

t Its first fl rate was with l ItallHia. its -Ai :III,I |['(li, Farrell oame through rtmit'liac --- • » »i ^a ^*>i^i| KHIIIVf T ^J \f — ""<br />

xeconil with Galileo, third with St. 'with an fcl).<br />

Ignatius, and fourth with Sacred l.nwi'11 finished thirteen stroke- Ifa.xi'biill: i-ensatitmal pitching of j • l • i .<br />

Heart. !t wnn against Sarred; ani.aii ,,f ylt\Vt .„„( Woshingto- ^.phomore Paul Or*i and Bob WlflS CbampiOnSniP<br />

Patilsiiii s All-City arcomplwh- r "<br />

and at the name time witnessing |<br />

the urne P ai |;'<br />

lial) in the "Little World Serif*."<br />

played May 20, we beheld a Tew interesting<br />

fact*:<br />

1. Ben Nrff looked »imply der*<br />

a*tat ing in (hat little red frock of,<br />

his. You should fnvor that color 1<br />

Heart by four lengths, and then! t.o,,«inir third "tilacr. Next yet . „,,,„.„<br />

""-'ITrack: Gene Clark'* breaking of<br />

rjaytnn Calender was captain' t» the graduation of threw mem- •<br />

lid stroke of the vanity crew. Hi' Wn of the chnmptoniOiin team:<br />

ucl1<br />

itrans an rir Ha t.aitiii A .<br />

Hick Culver. Bill Kiwtact..<br />

more. Kenny, drah* I<br />

2. Mr. Taxey" WnNh, when not<br />

"At the Bat." Mi'tntd tit he the attraction<br />

of generous masae-i uf<br />

femininity.<br />

.1. Coach "In" Helmut whole*<br />

hcarledly retaliated to the critical<br />

calls of "Dogmrat and Catment<br />

l>> hitting a homer with the haw*<br />

loaded.<br />

I. Mr. DunnV f«c«" wan an crimson<br />

as strontium rhloridr when he<br />

dropped that My >w all bin admirer*<br />

wilfully looxrn on. Teh!<br />

Teh! Teh!<br />

(If any of th/ foremrnlloncd<br />

teacher* wish to *« •"«•. my residence<br />

i» now ttaittok. Slnm.)<br />

My Swa» Song<br />

Well, spurt fans, the time has v»iy<br />

come for this writer to say adieu,<br />

and I do so with » "»adness in my<br />

1 the city record in the mile by<br />

.,......- .,« ,..~ rf ~_ ~.._ — _ _. . „__.----,. .., _— .- five seconds<br />

such yeitM-aiM _w Gtjorge Back- j Captain Al J'^'»; •*n first team anil Hirl-ss on the<br />


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