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TWO<br />

LOWE:<br />

Rides and more rides<br />

on street cars ride up<br />


Farewell to you, our<br />

seniors of June '40<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

Whether you know It or not. Out In two we*l«—you golden<br />

21,000 tiekcM for street car ridtM lauii and uirlit we vu Molded and<br />

Published by the Associated StuilcnU r were sold ld di during lst last t term here hro at loved—itut of school into the world.<br />

Ad 'HV'h ld l h l<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hllth School<br />

1800 Hayes Street. Son Pninclsco, Cnllfornla<br />

L. II. S. S. A. Members Free<br />

Member, Central Cnllfornla Scholontlc<br />

Press Association<br />

STAFF<br />

EDITOR<br />


Awclale Edllor_.<br />

Warren Unna<br />

Sports BlUor<br />

„, Ed Conn<br />

Girls' Sports<br />

Kstlnka Callln<br />

Clubs<br />

llellr Mae Lew<br />

Clrcalatton.M.naircr...-<br />

.William Cohlentf<br />


Barbara Bcnn • ' Stile* Hoffman<br />

Ann Bowman<br />

Elizabeth Kitchen<br />

Art Cohen<br />

Dorothy Lnnjr<br />

Chorlc« Davis<br />

Bill Manning<br />

Hugh Dorroody Bcmicc McCook<br />

Koberta Fnien<br />

Hit Peters<br />

Jim Wcller<br />

Naomi Slialn<br />

Iloliert Kim»s»n Hal Sllvnteln<br />

Paul Finn<br />

Joan Sonne<br />

Herb Fowler<br />

Gloria Sproul<br />

Lorminc Glos<br />

Betty StnncficM<br />

Dill Graves<br />

Pin Lombard!<br />

Kftcmiy<br />

1 " " r if h While the majority of you are walking around In<br />

f°' '"" "? "","• a dnxe, day drcamfnjr. of the day when school will<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. This is an average of about And the world hi a tough place<br />

XMUMO .rides each school term of | right now. you may have heard..<br />

be out. or suffering from an attack of spring fever<br />

or, perhaps, even from a visit from the love bug,<br />

ninety days. i "rr i<br />

your* truly delve* into the Inner depths of the gonfp<br />

- .one cent on the can!. w»rid h<br />

world and comes forth with the latest dirt to satisfy<br />

thn undying curiosity of our loyal readers (or should<br />

that )•« singular?).<br />

Hut, Imfore reading any further, you might like<br />

to know thni only ccnlors arc featured In T. T. Tales<br />

thin time So, if you're one of these lower classmen<br />

who rends this only to nee your name in it, and to<br />

campanii<br />

satisfy yuur ego, we're warning you nhead of time ft<br />

^•"'wc ....<br />

" the prorfHL <strong>The</strong> pages of oil won't be here unless (if you're lucky?) In connection<br />

hht history'nre r drenched'with dhed ith Mow! Mood! with 11 senior. —L—<br />

of SlS.'i a term.<br />

mid team, yet mankind is still go-j it you've happened to nee fane. Clark sporllnr a<br />

Ung strong.<br />

rather well, er, uh (t» nut tt politely) far from eon.<br />

LOWELL DIRECTORY j It'x Been T.iURh Itefore Kirvative shirt, don't give him all the bin me. After<br />

, Vour own ancestor* learned tc all, if that's Roberta'* choice, who's he lo quibble!<br />

Attendance office—bureau ot<br />

i take it—otherwise you would not<br />

nimint persona.<br />

1 —L—<br />

exixt today. Von can tuke [t. too.<br />

Library—the hangout.<br />

Majorie WeifcelV phone numlier seems to be one<br />

IJving is a good thing. What-<br />

Halls— flirtation walk.<br />

of the nightly calls on n Jay Hamewlag's calendar<br />

ever happen* yoy will have nomn.<br />

Room 00—college rhythm.<br />

thwe days!<br />

—L—<br />

' times indeed. All good!<br />

S*rn Here and <strong>The</strong>re<br />

Auditorium—nw^e .door. | time* come to nn end: Ho tlocn nil \ Mary Lou giving ii Mr. M Ban* B the h eye; come on, Mr.<br />

Uirld gym—fashion H nightman;. |fl„„„.., j IIIIM. give the girls a break. . . . Open lockets<br />

Boy*' Jiym—atlas foundation. t t^.vo and be faithful. Believe in idnnirlintr from Uremia and Cnbinn'n m-cki with pic-<br />

Locker rooms — mile crackers (;(M| j| l l V e j.,,;^, ,|,at ol(r sou),, tun,H or two «;ar]intr b«y.-< (whose journals did they<br />

parodist'. live (in. thnuirli our bmlie-i ille. rut up?7 ???????». Don McGinn dashing down<br />

Masonic nnd Hell ftreets-thumb p God be wit], y-.u. Happy li ' " . . - - . -<br />

wmrgers glory. , in-*,<br />

same without<br />

mK .-hollac. At U-uat he had a cp^My ..npn ,„,. „„,,„ |,,.sin „„„,„.<br />

line iiniriii. . j<br />

Howard Council's timid voice;<br />

Jim Hoiinm'a "jrotia K, Daddy": <strong>The</strong> codfish lays a million tC<br />

red-head'-d •tinter cuttinj» Alice Mnry<br />

Howard Alvord's thinness; Fred <strong>The</strong> barnyard hen but one. Will thi* news be welcome to Jim?<br />

Beaver's «l«w motion; Harry Uutti- Hut t the cedfi.sh ish doesn't d e t cackle Pot Daft is looking really mournful these days.<br />

invr's broken arm: Dick Cansidy, To iow what shi-* has done:<br />

»Ur little roly poly: Geiie Clark'it Wee<br />

Murn rn thy (Hottest cotlfixh,<br />

Hob Troppmann. . . .<br />

lfih<br />

record breaking; ami Joe Cullen'a <strong>The</strong> L-afkIinK kIi hhen<br />

wi- prize—<br />

I We think it's because she is leaving <strong>Lowell</strong>—and<br />

CUe.-is who?<br />

Proving that, beyond a doubt.<br />

I We hear that our Hlot-k L viee-pn-xv i* all Lnu-<br />

Oick Culver's pcn>xide hair; Bob It pay.* t" advertise."<br />

' I.ou over a certain Wnithintfton mis^«. In that rieht,<br />

Hal? —IJ—<br />

Curley's speeeheB; Howard Dull-<br />

Dot Mackenzie claims that her only love is the<br />

mar's shyntss; Bill (Jarry in a "WKATliKiTilKPOIlT thoater. What about that turner romance that seems<br />

term play: Paul Harlvss' limber Monday—Mist<br />

to have endured the long winter? ? ? ? ?<br />

K'lpt; Joe Mitchells voice; and Don Tuesday—Mirt<br />

! — L—<br />

McGinn'.* cute dimples.<br />

Wediiwdiiy—Mist 1 Hnwie Council fa going crazy these dayn. Ut'n<br />

Klrino Neher's broad shouldcn*; Thursday—Mi«<br />

having trouble with a follow named Oertan. It<br />

Jnlmny O'Brien's tan complexion; Friday—ISulI'i* i-ye." seem* that Urann has been cutting In on Shirley, and<br />

Jim Itool A cute c>rl friend; Bill<br />

—L—<br />

Howie doesn't like it a bit.<br />

Kosi*' cute t;irl friend, from f^owell: <strong>The</strong>n there u-:t« the bride who<br />

Hal SiIviT.itfin's manui^erial ability;<br />

and Jack Woodffold's charminK ET'"?I*I i.<br />

smile.<br />

W ?lV« m »° " : In whoM BIock L wits raised for philanthropy can get who arc trained in these lines. To qualify,<br />

and student nld." *<br />

you should he pretty hnn-Iy with tools anyway:<br />

then, if you are a junior or senior next term, pl«n<br />

Hotue rolls to their executives re* to work at <strong>Lowell</strong> in the morning and tro to Samuel<br />

cently.<br />

Gompers Trade School for work In the afternoon.<br />

San Jo*e High—ScwinK stu-<br />

Thin work will count toward graduation. <strong>The</strong> airdents,<br />

having had lessons In darnplane<br />

factories take the boys from Sam Gomners as<br />

Ing and patching, say. "If I have<br />

fast as thev qualify. When peace comes, a machinist's<br />

or radio technician's trade Is as good as any.<br />

to darn sock* when I get married, And better than many others, as qualifications for a<br />

I'll never get marr'ed."<br />

job<br />

Ororllle High School—Popularity<br />

polls were held at OrovUle to<br />

select the beat looking boy and<br />

the moat popular frirl.<br />

Is holnir<br />

shown by installments to the pupIU<br />

of that school.<br />

» Bloff<br />

Ad<br />

job.<br />

What does a commercial pilot get?<br />

Airline pilots receive an average of $600 a month<br />

nt prcnent prcnent. with cpilt co-pilot* averaging i around ud $270. $270<br />

Tnm.ln.t. HI.!. TWn (%.«...• ^ nnt « < *°^ S ' l C0Ilt tO trn ' n ' , .<br />

loniaipaia nijjn—iwo iormeri <strong>The</strong> Boeine School of Aeronautics In Oakland<br />

Tamalpaw students had the honor charges «1.0C0 for the limited commercial pilot's<br />

:I S'^SS^a. f - an orchestra led ?.' by "tffiK Leopold 2Government ^ TnmughAnny trains pilots and free Xavv, if they the United duality, Stnt« and<br />

Slokowikl.<br />

Kives them rndctn' pay while teaming. You must be.<br />

Piedmont HiRh—Piedmont High »t least twenty years old and physically fit for th«-<br />

Ski Club has organiied a thrflllmr worlc. with two years' collece training. ConirrUS >';<br />

trip to Sun Valley for the sole now considering loo-erinit the colleire requirement,<br />

purpose of skiing. About 30 pupils however.<br />

belong to tho club.<br />

You can net more detailed Information for tb« .$<br />

asking In Room 138.

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