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TWO<br />


Published b/ the Associated Student* of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hitch school<br />

If00 Hayes Street, San Prnncisro. California<br />

L. II. S. 3. A. Member* Free<br />

Member. Central California Sdiolartfe Press Association<br />

STAFF<br />


AoAOcUle Editor „ „., Warren Unnii<br />

SporU Editor.. „ „ -_ EtI Conn<br />

Girl*' Sparl* _ Katinka Gnllln<br />

Club* „ -...Ik-It)' 3I«* I.ewt*<br />

Circulation MitfiafT-T „ William Coiilvntz<br />

THE LOWlXi., AI'Kli. 12. 1340<br />

rr> T ..i T r 1 Nurses are useful<br />

Teepee , Tattle „ , . Tales , , in &eir ;BM well an in own hiMpllaU. homI'crhmp*<br />


Narbara Ht*nn Jim Welter Hill Manning<br />

Ann Ilowmun Robert Finln>»on Ilo-nice McCouk<br />

Art Cohen Pntti Finn I'at IVtri*<br />

Charlca Davif Herb FOWIT N'aomi Slialn<br />

Pauline DeCnrlo Ukraine liius Hnl Silvers :ein<br />

Hugh Dormody Dill GrnvtJ Jean J?nnn«!<br />

Roberta FateR Skiir* Hoffman Gtnriii Sprou<br />

Elizabeth Kitchen<br />

Dorothy Lnr.jr<br />

1 We'll tret in yuur hair, ;; h<br />

And we'll nit there and stare, , T^ S,Scl"crU!y ,. „ UM-louT' &, "U" h^hX^<br />

(But we'll know all about you, |in/r u liking to SKylinc whom I hey brlnj* up. Children<br />

jSiujclei*, coujuej*, steadies and v/liitj We've been scouting around [»well whone mother tr was u a sond sod none one<br />

hiivc you. 'to find the best examrii of puppy art' apt to hare an eitr* good<br />

Seen at tliy freshman rcctpt'^iilove. Weil, we've found it. Our t.l-ii In lif A nur*.e'* trainlnr<br />

dance: Corinnc Ctayton, one of' ciiiulidnte* are I»rnnne "AK Heiman I t l Th i fild<br />

.<br />

Hetty Srif<br />

1'ia L<br />

i-tilty -\.lv:,..r . W I'.i<br />

iIe V man ,tli(j.io new au'ihumoren, making the utul i>ietc . Ah spnnjc.<br />

in always awful. <strong>The</strong>re i- a field<br />

fu, ' nurBM aUo,<br />

iStujf Jtne tftnj-j-er. I'd Kta^cer ' " •<br />

l"-'uiii.-f of lln; Wfiither. Hev. He',-,i:l,[ I hut kts* thy hand ,ij. JJabo Hiuh School (•rmlustion KM|Uir«!<br />

.Ims a iiiev i-a; 1 , t'»'. What rut'tv*. : !•,«•-;.' twn tlrl.. that hav« t>c«n health, and with ti-*»th in aood rtthe<br />

hundredth in the KOllitls who's so snimt hr i!-M-*lt't Imvo "> v , n u ? v aI . ul f 'KUr.'ji \."r the, v..rJ:.. _pi.|...,n..t,ni.- n.*:, Th.-. W.tfa>'?n ,..r for two ywm m I.in-or or «aw<br />

" •". *"••" ••«•"••» *.t..-ii...». "iV M» vou know ariyunri: aiKiUt it. ;.;r- rail tiiem Uremia and Coftfna. .Mi-.roM.-irc t« n'rommeri'if'i. al'.linyeh<br />

L»CS it jret them ; liiiui? Jean Itilovich was the aii-irtatn Adams was learning how to j ho?nit:il< still take Hkelv candi*<br />

k onsv pnoiii'h Fvrrv ^tinli'iit in h-rh I ?\' vr "' l '" urtm Imvo<br />

t he f<br />

uf tilt* vi.rJ'i,<br />

... . Why do know nriytjiirt: alKiut it.<br />

they chctt. anil what does it jret them?<br />

? ICilih h<br />

<strong>The</strong> first question i; _. . _.. .. . .<br />

'y I*«rt«-r"* and Bob.lriv,. on Crissv Fiflil while a plar.*» • tlnt.'.« wt'.hout thi.« qualificatim.<br />

school—consciously or i.s not—(we'll eat>> emnign. put r.\i that r\ in .-HHILIH to satisfy HI n«/nu-)H.rry'.- ail m the la.m uvuu of i>ie «-a- trvimr to land for fiftcun min- , r-<br />

hair-splitters) is working for marks. What they uniijrhoine Kxpvi'i , fay.-: • of atn-ntinn t,> .lane HIair lately.<br />

on that little white card is more important to them tran what /<br />

they<br />

iit.tr<br />

—only<br />

<strong>The</strong> Letter Box<br />

cot<br />

and you caii'I carry n stack uf'pupcr throiijrh life with you. •'*•:?."• Ali:<br />

rt r<br />

** uuiu 11 "v |H»!">ii'ie ui JMU :<br />

ALI.<br />

Ytm *H't tmt ttt a erntivc r.aictli/ what \um jn/t tutu it and other lijjlu in room Jisr Ii is<br />

if al! you put out is a little itiKCiitiity in thejrentk* art of crib- lilirl * in V 1 ' 1 ' 1 " 1 - 1 • ll: ' VL ' hiul to cei Dear Ali:<br />

bing—oh, yes. you'll jrot 100. And what you've really Rotten f'jjl 1111 -- since t ,,riiT t What C'IUP"'!« in hiirh school irivr<br />

1 cirl th»- best iirop.irntion? You'll<br />

:ot like thv Hst l>ut here it '»:<br />

Alcebni. jreomct ry. chfiuin'ry,<br />

ihv«ic!i. L" .S. hi.«ti>ry. one year<br />

•ai-h; frc-hnnil ilrawins.'. typintr. a<br />

'• war rath »ir at Ifiist. :i term: Eritr-<br />

111 •*h. f"«r year*, with »omf oral;<br />

'' fon-icn l:inciiii'-'i* ni li-a?: iwu<br />

war.*. l'hy.-ioI'iKy? No. Junior<br />

tcolli'ire, jlaU<br />

1 lhv crcw h:ivc<br />

in-'i.-i» %})',H n-F**.' 1 citlK-ce. :m i hospitals<br />

w:ml to tfach you the I.itt-s: tli-**<br />

i iiwrii*^ tlit'm=c|vt«, in their o*vn<br />

«vay; but they want J'"u to come<br />

corrwponds exactly to that 100— my i-ffort^ won't bo<br />

i" rain? FISHY.<br />

Students mukiiin hiph honor count." complain because Y«U* ««irt»° th .:'* '*' < ""cl'V/V.. nr_nir.Hi fir ,h,. .„<br />

...w wilt t.» t. ,i • iVnr N'uver Mind: .ttrni? Other schooN (five tht'ir<br />

L itui^ AM* ,'M*I?I rI>OIJ» LOT OLFitr<br />

«ym tcnchtT, to cnll a certain num-<br />

(iwr, and e»ch year with unfailing<br />

{number only to bo aiuwcre/by ilj?!. 11 ' 1<br />

; voice at the oiher end of tbe wire<br />

r<br />

it fur hi^toloiry. Typiiiir ? " Huntiind-IVi-k"<br />

i.t n".» cooortion. iwrctrntaKe you<br />

will use whvii you team to make<br />

tip .solution.*. Alp'bni. vhi'mistry.<br />

mid physics will hVlp you tht'rv, ^o<br />

Ki.«t what you can from them r.ow.<br />

Itcat Job to Oillcci' Graduates<br />

Tlu' Iwrtt positions BD to uni*<br />

vernity-tniiik'd nursei' these tiay*.<br />

A nit her ynuiii; university jrrad*<br />

uau« from l^jwell i^ now head<br />

nurse in an imiiortant San Francisco<br />

hospital. dircctinsT ol

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