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TODAY!<br />

/ r rsi?c/sco's O/dest /Sign Sc/ioof Paper<br />

KF-UEMMEIt<br />

THE I.Ott'KI.I,<br />

I.KTTnit<br />

IIOX!<br />

7*;. So. 1 - * •* r.-ilifnrnin. rYliniiitv n. 1040 Fonnilf*! Jnnunry. IB0fl ;<br />

<strong>311</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>STUDENTS</strong> <strong>ENTER</strong> <strong>THIS</strong> <strong>TERM</strong><br />




I-'tdifi* and K'Wi'll at other si-hooN<br />

..nl will li;i" «• c-iiaij-,. of th.- Hoard<br />

of hi rector.*' mn'iitiir and the<br />




IVtiie Fiance.. Harrison is the<br />

viii* nrvsid'iit of the student Iii>.ly.<br />

Shi 1 hn* a definit" flair fur dramatic*<br />

a.- i,r"\.-d |,y her nin-t r.-sful<br />

cn.ntiTii: uf thi 1 leading role in .Mr.<br />

1 itllami 1 * term *dny production.<br />

"Thf |{(.,.iiitTaiii,-."' las 1 . vuir.<br />

Oai'eful. with liK]]t lirnwn "hair<br />

and twiiiiilinir him- eyi-s. l'ram>-.i<br />

w:i* elivu-d t tht- Shield and I, f,,r<br />

her rvrvire t" IAIWI'II. Frances<br />

will IH-IP President Ctirl.-y plan ih«r.»I!k-j*.<br />

and will ref«'i%'i* yurst."<br />

fr"in II'IIIT n'hii'ils*<br />

"OII.I sui'll Ktiy" JA tl.o way<br />

!>a-)ifu! .!,.'• Ciillfn, .-fi-r.-tary, in<br />

ijf."'rtlifil. Charavti'rizt'd l\v an<br />

car-to-far jrrin, ('ull^n Iia^ i>ortra.Vfd<br />

«.*unipkitu«<br />

in '«> many -{ tl".f -Irainatif xicic*<br />

ti>-' (.iiiiHilk- 11 l.efl In rtirhl: Joe Culle'i, -erri'tar* ; Art Schumacher, y •• 11 leader; .. _ . .<br />

Itlncl. I,; I'rann- |[.irri-i>n, tice pre-ident; (ail U.iiilta. lrt;i»uriT; Principal Stephen*; Coli Kitchen. pre.v<br />

ident of tin* Scroll a ml I.: lloli Curie*, president of the I.. II. S. S. A.; Mary Knuler. taMcria mannin-r: Hilt<br />

. Hr is a Scroll aiu 'iarry. l(. O. "I". C. n.mniamler; Joe .Mitchell, editor of the Ked and White; and FA Normoyle. editor of the<br />

L n;.-tnl".T. He will taki* tin mi.i- i l-»»'«'ll. ^<br />

uu> at th'- IJ'iard in' hi<br />

ir.ini:s, i<br />

hundred and cloven pew<br />

students Ix-camc new memlwrs of<br />

the I familv when the -<br />

term opened January "0, it wax<br />

.iiwuiiccd hy the offic yesterday.<br />

IIK.IIC these new I^owvllitcn arc<br />

ret' junior hijih .student body<br />

Tsidents, three duneiiLiry school<br />

client IMMIV chiefs, American Lc-<br />

.,n a.vard winners, ediulr* oC<br />

hodl pape.-i, and many on Inland-<br />

<strong>The</strong> total Uiwell enrollment irf<br />

From Itoo.-evell Junior If[f*b<br />

inine: Irvine Hnnnan, president;<br />

Hetty >'iil»mtin. !^>i*ion award; Ed<br />

iJrec.i, editor af the jchool paper?<br />

Paul Honda, treasurer; Joan Cara-<br />

.ella", Mt-ri'larv. and David<br />

S-.-hu.ltz, a star l>asl:vt!iall player.<br />

I'romii"; i Aiitos-itc.t new to<br />

1/twell this term an-: presidcht,<br />

JacJ. Wood.-idr; sivretary. Cirolc<br />

Metiary; editor e-f the ftcvii!W_<br />

IIHen Meiiary. and Gtace Ilannon.<br />

whose nrincip.'il interest H deli.itink'.<br />

-Miirina irraduatcs are led hy<br />

President C,t nlon Pear»on. Dcl«itinir<br />

i-* the main interest of cx-<br />

Mnriner>- Jack Mm-Dou trail, Corir.ie<br />

("layto.i. Nancv Tr«\-( i r«o,.<br />

Phil ("ollt'i-honn, an''. Kil I»c Mar-<br />

.. ., .. , , tini. MaeDntiLr.ill was also drum<br />

( oitnril. president of the tnnjor.<br />

Presidio sends us Krancin Xcwrnaii,<br />

vice president and Aincrioin<br />

, U-irnm award winner, and Nancy<br />

j Itaer. who nljiys the ninim.<br />

Council,Silverstein and UPPER DIVISIONS 13 Girls Elected to<br />

from<br />

Neher will Lead SELECT OFFICERS Shield and L for<br />

Outstanding Work;<br />


A IMP a Scroll and I* PH'IIIUT,<br />

! president, [till Epstein; Secret»ry,<br />

iili'Udi' Tr«i>un.T Carl lUxnkn (in-<br />

Jnvce Phink-le; tn*a«un>r. Pick Daf*.T><br />

u, di> hi.s aviint; on tlt >>[i—<br />

' mi. and cirl.*' athletic manaacr,<br />

kftliall court. As furwanl on tl»-<br />

f I'iane Itoih.<br />

utiijniiti-tl f»in this u-rm. af.il a."<br />

a Iii;1mveiyht forwnnl la^t .ifa.-nii, Block "L"<br />

Humltvil- of peiicilM were noi-ed<br />

K:t:ik.t\ >p"rtsnian.-hi|i has nftcii<br />

in ntindriii • •>: liands over hini-<br />

U-.-U h-raided. Kaak;i will t:ikf<br />

dreds o!' hiillittn last week whvli<br />

i-hiir-j, ,,f -tml.-tit Ixuly card s:ili-s Afle iiL' the l>ail ol' tin- >tudent- throughout the M*1IOO! se<<br />

ThiiU-eii m« :ii>-ntoers were<br />

I, ele.<br />

• in.' affal'K* di -, f h-<br />

, I, elettn.li i. na. leat'Ui-il It-flt-d their cl;.. secretary wiit ««ide >ay, "I'III n nn'.iitivr of the shield i >"u* I-ist Wednenlav elected Bob<br />

the du.-tinie.s ut the IIH.S.H (1f aprintr und I. Society." j Friend and Tom .Matier to o nssif«t f<br />

I'ark hair ar.d a hoyish irrin de-• Witli<br />

'M. in their most important term. <strong>The</strong> lutly y triris are Mr.rie Cum-'Art Sfhumacher in lemlinir yells<br />

K-.I-- Kditoi IM Nnrmoylf of;Moi<br />

th il i Si Kti'insi May Cowdeii, Miithi Muri-ithid term f for the h t t- II II. S. S. A.<br />

i l<br />

g Mary Knir'er. riiftri:i A i-i<br />

rn:ina»rr. *rrvi>* ,,n tn,. Shield an.l 11J11 ,1. t<br />

I- Shi- h«js hail one and one-half t-il t.i :iit<br />

yenrs' experience w..rI;iriL' in tiir .-t'lllH.I.<br />

hflu tli<br />

Sixty<br />

ttee of twenty-one •"•T^CH nil her clas.i dance commit* Sli'ner. aiiti*. amoni: whom were VenliiT,<br />

nher has been Select- t«i"«, and :i* a room repr.-.«eiitalivc. Srtrct New Hat.-* Ittnlluff, Ituni-nlien-. Conway. Mldi<br />

Ilitr Hroth-rs in the Nv "f '* = l >*••"•" andl. memlwr. ]!;.•*-. hats, and m-re hats'—this dletoii. Ilr.-wer. Dnrnimly. Wood-<br />

<strong>The</strong> ; r dutie.t are inititdy to ««« WIIS Pnlnli<br />

roinis<br />

Fnrh<br />

cacn<br />

"" '"'* *' *".'•'"•.':». »."' «!'"?•<br />


W. In ndd nddition tn thc $1,000 fi first AM dead, tin dead can be. andricht housecairhyVrapplVK'Vnldancin'c shot!', nnd tunu their<br />

nnze, ze, oiher oihe h prijw i include ld 3 f for Latin killed thc Romans<br />

&000.<br />

S25O. $100, ten $10 nrLt* L and d<br />

J5 ri<br />

n ty\<br />

_ _ _ metropolitan • an sutro Sutro nresi Forer-t menu merits j1<br />

voices n.i thev will be prepared o Girl* «.,o<br />

And now It*J kcllinjr me. the enteem nnd prmite of every,nut on * froshnun reception in j lender rnu5t<br />

—A Dyinir Pupil, hunter's club In America. • fine style.<br />

Uenior year.

TWO<br />

THE LOWKLL, F&IJRUAItY 13. 1940<br />


j Songs that Remind<br />

Me Strongly of You<br />

Published by thc Associated Students nf <strong>Lowell</strong> Hiffh School<br />

1S00 Hayci* Street, San Francisco. Californit<br />

L. II. S. S. A. Member* Free<br />

Member, Central California Scholastic Prea* As'-ociatioii<br />

STAFF<br />


Aotociate Editor -.-.... Wnrrrn I'lina<br />

Spn.'ti«<br />

Cirls* SportH<br />

Kdilor<br />

..,<br />

_ Ed Conn<br />

Club*<br />

Katlnka Kallin<br />

Circulation Manngrr<br />

ItrHy .Mae Lewi*<br />

William Cotilrntz<br />

Harliara Itcnn<br />

KKI'OUTKltS<br />

Ann Itowman<br />

Skills Huffman<br />

Art Cohen<br />

Klizahcth Kitchen<br />

Charles Davix<br />

Dorothy Lang<br />

PaUine DcCarlo<br />

P|a I-omt>anli<br />

HuRh Donrudy<br />

Uiil Manning<br />

Roberta Fater<br />

Iternire McCook<br />

Lrsula Fcibelmpn<br />

Pat Peter*<br />

Kol>ert Finlayson<br />

N'nomi<br />

Mnx Kupbinchik<br />

Shaiii<br />

I'ntti Finn<br />

il-il Silverstein<br />

Herb Fowler<br />

Jean Sonn?<br />

Lorrninc Glos<br />

Gloria Sproul<br />

Itlll Graves<br />

Betty Stringfield<br />

Faculty Adviser<br />

Mr. J. W. PATTEHSON<br />

: "It WJ.I WrMen in the .Stars"<br />

i—What? This column.<br />

"Tin 1 Answer Irf l^ive"—Itob<br />

Troppman thinks so.<br />

i "You're the Greatest Discovery"<br />

1<br />

—Howie Datlmar.<br />

, "God'n Country"—<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

"Confucius Say"—"Pi* confidential. Howie Dallmar<br />

Duty';* thi-me, "lteart> are always "* " vcli K"ing out: going out. mind<br />

changing" . . . ar,t V. rl "_' x -. _... W i ll V h ul !' ^'.l"* 1 >ou lm<br />

"ford<br />

having mirh nkv red hair,<br />

rt'lfs.i"—Dii-k Culver. Yoi<br />

"All what. in Fun"—Song miiw.<br />

"Thanks a Million"—NVw offi-<br />

"Kaithful Fim-vcr"—Mr. Ptt-<br />

: ptifiis.<br />

I "I'm Fit to Il« TiVd"—Bmvrly<br />

W.tni to a p.ist Luwt-Hitf.<br />

-Dndily's Hoy"—Walter Krarkc.<br />

with Mr. Mnn»> as D;idd' .<br />

"All thr whatever hi.-* name 1.1. and why<br />

T. T. T. j «I« ( we sot- IHH car parked in front<br />

P. >. riif r.st was teiworfil. ! »* J'nur hou.-c till the time?<br />

— I,— ,o_wnuc thc big ig attraction attractio from<br />

And now 11 helpful hint for all.!<br />

Staff and Things<br />

IlilOMTH ll'IPllll.',<br />

"W.. Won't n Home Until<br />

MnHiinr"—After Senior Prom. A luvul puppy ..1 muni-timm found I "<br />

"In the Moo'J"—Al Gan-in. all<br />

th«> time.<br />



If 1 Didn t Care, would My<br />

Prayer Last Nichl and every night<br />

from Now On be that you will<br />

Trust in Me? And, by the way,<br />

Sut-akine of Heaven and All the<br />

Thing* You Are. I'm still Wishing<br />

you'd Slop Kicking My Heart<br />

Around.<br />

Uonr»tly. I rimily): "Did you ever! Future<br />

see the man in the moon?" [ "Hi bring nlong a freckle re-<br />

Joe College (absent mindedly):, mover when I call tonight.*'<br />

; "No, but I've neen a lady in the "But ( haven't any of those<br />

!*un." ! things."<br />

—I-*— [ "I know, but I thought It might<br />

Jitterbug I remove Freckles, your kid broth-<br />

"Jitterbugs is a good name for er."<br />

them. When they start acting bugs I —L—<br />

they give us the jitters. [ Ta»te<br />

j She: "What Wrd of lipstick do<br />

When I reach the first floor tht<br />

I mob is simply terrific. Please,<br />

. ,,-•«---. . . . v * 1 All, use your influence. Your<br />

mine would be interested In form- (compatriot, A FFMVF<br />

Ing an archery club. If we would ; Uvar Kemme*<br />

get a faculty adviser it would be 1 know exactly about which you<br />

a big success I'm sure. What<br />

Daddy, so Let'* CJI II<br />

Thine Off: In Olher Word-*. WrVi<br />

Khl<br />

—Dorothy Jones.<br />

1 * i speak. But plk«e don't forg«<br />

your opinion? <strong>Lowell</strong> has a greater enrollment<br />

ROBIN (HOOD) WILLIAMS. !than it was built for. So. C<br />

Dear Robin: I try t« find another way to come<br />

Your rJggestlon lit a fine one. [ upstair* until Uiiit t>ituat tnn -"" '-<br />

If ynu're really interested. se« Mr.; straightened out.<br />

Monroe with a list of all thc names ; —L—<br />

of those Interested. ALI. Dear Ali:<br />

—L— Why In it that some teachers<br />

Dear All: persin in keeping their windows<br />

How about puttlnK «ut norne |"Khily closed ? <strong>The</strong>re Is nothing<br />

good-looking auto slickers that wel"° awful as to come from the nice.<br />

LowclliU* would all be proud of?|f rc ' l h outdoors into a hot. fdeken-<br />

HERE'S HOPIX*. 'ng. stuffy scho*>| room with til iLi' TL" L i^L ' 1<br />

IS!"^./!^,.. i'vH 1 "- ««wy i * nings nave Changed<br />

i ill*?" 1 ? I"* iu * 1 n " sna l l " t" get<br />

« Hl'ick L fr«»i now on. <strong>The</strong> nquin-ments<br />

an-# g,iing to 1* made<br />

I hardi-r. Any girl who ttoes out for<br />

1 sport." regularlv won't actomati-<br />

»I rally gel a Blwk h ami be a tncm-<br />

• wr pf t'w sccifty. No di-finin-<br />

•' regulations have been made D«t yet<br />

but at the meeting of the Iljock l!<br />

fcwu'TV, last Wwlnojulny, weryono<br />

ffwiSK """ now |M " UKhl<br />

lift<br />

—!,_ : '"<br />

President June Crook said that<br />

the society would<br />

m »""•'If ynWoik Iho tench.<br />

„ ,„ i'' r ir «•" »""• »»n the window, to<br />

Dcnr Ali: in rra^onnhlo iWriK 1 It win I« •.<br />

On behalf of mndf and the ! mltttiL <strong>The</strong>re a^ regu a Ln^ con<br />

track team, I would like to know Iteming this, so don't 1« tlC 1,5 C<br />

if it would be possible to furnish' on the teacherT May£ jw<br />

ui with car tickets, an we have to j clothe* are too h-nvy. * A^l<br />

ride out to the old stadium every —L—<br />

day for practice. You can readily And ,o. AH ha<br />

the<br />

1<br />

t we use up car tickets pret-, last letter for thk<br />

day7Thiitinea!fiaacir ticket ciich[ jfion£ wriT<br />

week (51 c«U). £04 a month, | them' faSe<br />

commltier "and''the'<br />

r Box and so on. Even if they call It near the office.<br />

?*«&*!* Iinnounccd Joan: ".Sister"." r'hmw "him no<br />

wvll wo don't speak."<br />

"—Lr—<br />

"My Scotch boyfriend >ent me<br />

Ins picture yesterday."<br />

"How doeH he look?"<br />

. "I ilon't know yt-t. I imven't hod<br />

it developed."<br />

\rm_<br />

All Wet .<br />

Doctor: "Weil. Sam. what SOCMS '<br />

to be the trouble with you?" j<br />

Sam: "I don't know, doctor.!<br />

One minute I in hot, thu next min- |<br />

ute I'm .-..Id. and then I'm wring-1<br />

mg wet." j<br />

Doctor; "Well, those are alarmig<br />

itymtuinit. When did you first,<br />

nice them? j<br />

Sam: "This morning when 11<br />

took a shower." '<br />

—L— I<br />

Hxperience ',<br />

'\e*1 Kir. ;t> H4>on as we married,'<br />

my wife fired tnv secretary.<br />

"'"^<br />

1 Cards, Attention!<br />

^<br />

*<br />

"Why. I thouirht she used to hv<br />

a si-crt'tary hera-lf!"<br />

Yi-h, that's why she fired her."<br />

CU J w ^.° thinks he is a card Is<br />

0 0 tr n l0 Ia UD t( a<br />

queen.<br />

'** *"* >*' P P V »<br />

—"—<br />

Time<br />

English I'rofessor: "John Wise,<br />

correct this sentence: *Girls is naturally<br />

K-tter looking thnn r«j-s'.<br />

.'*'hn Wise: "Girls h artificially<br />

better looking than Iwys."<br />

—L—<br />

.. Plans<br />

Interesting Program<br />

A reception for the mothers of<br />

nt-w Mtuilonu will be held by the<br />

I --T. A., Thursday, Febt ary 15in<br />

the auditorium.<br />

A proj ram planned by Mrs.<br />

Waldo Postel. chairman. Is in observance<br />

of the founding of the<br />

.National Congress of Parent? and<br />

Teachers in ISO", nnd a candlelijrht<br />

lt.m<br />

•Th,v «,!,"& Ihn, «u<br />

••Vo» B !,y* tlm win ° [?i - II ,<br />

nine is a (i-man.<br />

!'A government man?"<br />

'.\aw. All he enn say Is pec!"<br />

i.Iny M dJS* O1> * m ° nCy f visiting mother* nnd Introduce w<br />

pral meml«rt of thi faculty. MI*;<br />

Mai jorte I^oui.ic Cofcr, n <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

graduate, will sing several songs.<br />

Refreshments will be aerted after<br />

r a thc biMitiepit meeting, corvjuctwl W<br />

° Mrs. Ward Royal, rtJMit of tho<br />

"And what are you going to do * ••*. A.



TIIK r.ovra.1. FKIIIIUAUY IS. mo<br />

THREE<br />


"Poly Mighty<br />

Hy Ed Conn<br />

Attention, uporl fanh! Poly'*<br />

d d enough Iun«Ii-il nioiv like "Garry/* -I, VnVnP Fv<br />

JniyKun'i Winning Kick,' or "One V#O aCIl V OjllK CV<br />

Minute inute to to Pljy" I'ljy," than a rcca(>ilu- recapitu- n 11 l "<br />

lation of the events the day before..<br />

Get a load of this; "I^well was i<br />

hciiind 12 tw y midway *'i the third !<br />

ciuarter when Howard Dallmar, the \ Mike Voyne. veteran prep haseindian<br />

!-U»c center, who was held hall coach, is one man at Lowr'l<br />

on the hviic], iill the last moment w!lai,i wit'i a^Mirunct' that l>»wel| <strong>The</strong> pole vault, with OeorgvCan-<br />

^•' ui-.-n- .iiit i" the i-ot.i wat.-ri" I,;,., ,-vi'ry opportunity of winning, field expected to repeat his winuf<br />

Sin I-'nineifOii Kay. This j* tati'im m is bai-tnl upon the nin-» iifrfornianci* of last year, and<br />

Mr. Litrhty, the new roach, is «(»•• fuel that the first Itoat is com- with Mulcreavy. will pn>bably yield<br />

his time and efforts to rosed '-'Hti.rl;* of veteran.* from a rotisidfrabli' nutflber of points.<br />

"Hip" Russell is playing i;oi.ii training and building up thiM- buy.- last ."ear's -utiad. 1 \n the hijth jump. IXJWCII has<br />

What Max the te.^m to do? kill at third, ami will iini.rove in M l-cnii.- A-l i..rformers. Ac- With such "ace/' returning from Canfield. fingers. Eichborn. nnd<br />

Would IIHIIKM UPMTI U.-*. # i,otn hitting and fielding, llowev- nirdintr to Cw.rh Mchty. the sec- \:ifl y».ar'H team as Culver, Bach-' Finlaysen. while Skiten Hoffman is<br />

Uiuld they powtibly function t.r, he'll have vi>in|>ctt:.'i.., too, otid day of f.ractict* proved vt?ry ntitn, McCtnn, Ctilander. Welcome, j tho mainstay in the broad jump,<br />

without "Benny* thrcatenmt; frum |{,,d Shaip. who's one of the, uiisut'i csjful *»* all hail achinir Kustiu-.', and Kepon. and up from 1 Hurdlers Grvrr. Schumacher,<br />

wordi MM ihry ntiivnj do*n court? fastest piayt'rs yn the tt-ain- • miiji'li's from the previous days ]a!tl vear's thirties such men asjan,| y;tchrll are expected to irive<br />

Alat*. Alai. what would be the result? Mr. .Mr. Voyne. as usual. usual, received reivvd workcut. .Princle, Smith. Hitchcocir. # ai.d 1 pnvn*t of Commerce and any<br />

Never fear, jtporl fans, the day ton»iderably help this year from<br />

wait oaed: oaved: Coach Hen Ihuucht c t)K. t)K u^kttball tt:im. tt-:im. In In addition<br />

and nd ttluuicht ttlht until til fill finally he he found fund go Unlimar, I'aul.^ut:, l nnd d Ch Churr>',<br />

an Id« that wan iiurir to click. <strong>The</strong> |'auI Harlvs^ ij* making a stnini:<br />

itixn lanttuaxr. the eoud ull Indian |,;d for a rt'Kular Iwrth nn the nine.<br />

»'«•'la»l!uai!r. that, it! ' Tht. pitohim.' burden rests<br />

Ahiie the Myu on the court |anw|y „„ paui Or»i. who, in an<br />

were pa»»mi! the ball around and | hi „ alar „„, cm,ush<br />

runninc hack and forth, they re. :;|i.r|SIU.o „„ ,ho mound. <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

jelved »uch rainmon aiKiu •« lhe,.e '|ik(. rau,t t(.am< mxi, a hkunit<br />

from toach Neff: tthjn Kenny pj,enel anJ hi, ,.n|Cnl behind the<br />

rubbed hi» head, and then chawed %£ , , , ^ dctCrmined. Don<br />

hi. HnsernalU to bit., that meant. 1 By nnw. however, aching mus-|Tully. the crew championship ininlhl,P boys a merrj- run for their<br />

ctes anr forrtotten, and the team it'-lO appear; inevitable. money.<br />

Sports Summary<br />

Taking the court in their initial<br />

a j u n i o r who throws with hh<br />

•Try that new Mdelme play, you , f , 'd , k eoml hM it is<br />

!" (thalV d .irons lansuace., '^d that, like ninny jouth paws<br />

"""%£" Jl'S ' ild Uh Oi d R lk<br />

1 <strong>The</strong> Forecaster<br />

contest. January l». against a j<br />

AH Told to Ed Conn<br />

cocky St. Ignatius quintet, the; Prcjtentine for the second time anywhere that authentic authority<br />

Cards d displayed d i l d it brand b d of f has- bxs • 'of<br />

accredited American athletic*. "<strong>The</strong> Forecaster." (Mama, oh mama.<br />

ketbail that immediately branded that man's here again!)<br />

them as favorites for the confer-] (Enter the Forecaster*<br />

My friends—there's an old saying that *«ys. "You can't keep a<br />

when he waved his h<br />

.._ _ . . raging a citation, and »ild.<br />

i and Ross lack 1<br />

Ixd by Howard Dallmnr. 0<br />

matted to score 10 points, c I good man down," so here I am again, you lucky people! After those<br />

j resounding victories, five out of seven correct "pickens" (if that !H *X"<br />

then buried hit head in them, that<br />

bowled the<br />

meant, **I)o you (really "j I route, but Klven proper >«PIehaved. it might have been six out of sev^n),<br />

didnt think he wu that harsh) lM'jtl!«-<br />

|<br />

micht win a taneball cliam-; , ,„„,.„, ,,,„.„ lh .<br />

all <strong>Lowell</strong> (that, of coume, includes 2*>00 students, the faculty, the juni-<br />

had<br />

know v iat a defense looks like?".<br />

I?.'.;i,ion«hiii for <strong>Lowell</strong>. , has rallied behind "their<br />

hero" (not Dallmar, but me. "<strong>The</strong> Forecaster"), and hns given him full<br />

Third, when Co«h Xeff imitated;<br />

leeway to do ns he pleases (m-e Mr. I'oUand. you can't ask me for n<br />

W d<br />

-•r r "Tii"•".'*• ini> |Il ir poetry to each other. Snap-<br />

St. Ignatius scored thirteen points. d,,,^,, Hu-man reports that: v\na out of what might lw termed<br />

Against <strong>Lowell</strong> he scored one. ,1!iclc from lMt y ,„ lht, fm- style i ];iov.K,| by Bill Kotta nnd Ed Gold-,<br />

three shots at the basket Ounng sprints; (irnnnis and Heytimn him- i stein debated Bailwa's "michty i<br />

the whole game. He was guanlcd fcl{ in the 100-yard hrwwt jiittiv men" by the score of 30 to<br />

(and gunnln! well) by Hark-ss. stroke; Middleton in the 100-yard j HJ, 1<br />

Irvin of Balboa scored thirteen liaclc stroke, and Beanston In the, Against the (lalilco Lion, Jnn- j<br />

noints against a strong Sacred 220-ynrd free style. Bolster, f«r-!U;,ry III. I>uwcll nut on the most 1<br />

Heart team, but failed to score n merly on the Ilo's, is also swim- -tpwtaculnr finish ever witnessed'<br />

field goal .-.gainst <strong>Lowell</strong>. He was tiling the 100-yrtnl back stroke. Thu , ;n a name played at Kewir thih I<br />

nlso guarded by Harlcss. medley irlay will most likely ri?n-' VPar. With the "nee" of both I<br />

White -ve're in the mood of slst of Scagravo.i doing the free teams on the bench at the begin-1<br />

doling «mt nluifs. we might as '.veil rtyle: Hcyma.i swimming the | nmjr of the game, nnd with these \<br />

do It whnlc-heartedly. So here's brenst stroke, and Bolster finish-;two boys iPai|ing their respective;<br />

,„ Don nran.,.o. nn,! tmpum. jg gj^ %?* SUiZt^^X !l"Xffll<br />

for their vtctorics against the D(, IcnOi ncan5ton< nn,i Re^Ieure.; )lny for high school Pt>orts. It so j<br />

Stanford swinimlng team; to Bill <strong>The</strong> team is complete with the ex- • hnnnens, however, that Itoward 1<br />

Kotta of the <strong>Lowell</strong> *.10's for his ceptfon of divers. [ Dnlltnar was much better than j<br />

[11 the second game of Uieir j it.,, because th" rooms were chanijed). Rememln-r. gentlemen, the early<br />

schedule, played agan«t Balboa,; fl;ni catches the worm (no connirtinn. however, between "<strong>The</strong> Forewhich<br />

could easily k cu.Ied a c^tt,r» atlfi a worm>.<br />

-.Slceiw-Jroma" or "Basketball in , owr)| Otrr poiyifthnic<br />

Walu Time."_ Curl Ilnaka prove! -nie Parrot< art. n tr!ckv bunch.<br />

in I <strong>The</strong>y'll be slaughter"., that's my hunch.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y'll fight hanl, but to no avail.<br />

And after the game, the Cards we'll hail.<br />

(<strong>Lowell</strong> by five points)<br />

I.owell O*»r Commerce<br />

<strong>The</strong> ambitious Bulldog. <strong>Lowell</strong> will tame.<br />

Even Tw^edail may get in the game.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y haven't a chance, so it apponrs.<br />

Yet strange things hnve happend through the years.<br />

(<strong>Lowell</strong> bv ten points)<br />

Balboa Over St. Ignatius<br />

Pirates vs. Wildcats should he swell.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final victor, it's hanl to tell.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wore will IM> clot>i>, close n« c'in bo.<br />

With the Cues on mp. it weems tc me.<br />

(Bntlxia by two points)<br />

Washington Over Commerce<br />

(<strong>The</strong> Bulldogs look about us P»MJ«I to ttt snow man looks t"<br />

the Russians.)<br />

Calllro Orrr Sacrrd Hi-art<br />

fHo-hurn, this in boring)<br />

Pol"!echnlc Over Balboa<br />

(Ballwa discoverr.1 tt-p'Pacific, but Poly disctwered how to w;n.)<br />

Galileo Over Mif-ion<br />

(For IIMSO* 5?i ho\c to do this, apply at room 154.)<br />

Washington Over Sacred Heart<br />

(Tne ?r.':ih look green, very green.)<br />

-stellar marksmanship in his last: In n reply to questions concern- I Trade Sperry. so consequently j<br />

w ra.nM *«A to Tt«b steveiu of \^a his material and the outlook! <strong>Lowell</strong> was victorious, the score<br />

the Chronicle for the swell Ifor say?. the "Well mermen. give every Coach team Dclman in being weichts 24 were to 10. less <strong>The</strong> fortunte, Cardinal losing light- Well, it'? au rovclr until next issue, friends, when I hope to see your<br />

up he gave Howard Dallmar after the league a fight for the chnm- to the Lion ISO's by the score of cheerful snilka ncniit.<br />

the Galileo "skirmlBb," pionshlp In both divisions." 30-20.<br />

Notice: Yes, you Doubting Thomas', those poems arc original.

f oan<br />

"Orchid Parade"j<br />

Name Given Prom!<br />

Colorful! 1'ii turennue! Itcaut!-1<br />

full Cay! I<br />

All of these terms describe the i<br />

Kiting of Wo <strong>Lowell</strong> acmur dance, I<br />

January IS * Thin K»y affair hud'<br />

a colorful background, fur it won'<br />

held itk tile beautiful Terrace Room {<br />

uf the Fairmont llolfl. <strong>The</strong> "Or- I<br />

chid I'arade." an it wa< called, 1<br />

*aw many I.4Wellite?» graduates •<br />

nlunvae, and others enjoying •<br />

themselves irvmendouMy. <strong>The</strong> j<br />

graduates were bubbling over with<br />

excitement, fur it wan their blp<br />

day—what with their graduation,<br />

am] the wonderful senior prom on<br />

lht* fi;ime cJr.y and but a ftw iiourt<br />

opart.<br />

Hut the graduate* were not the<br />

tr ly otic* uf <strong>Lowell</strong> tu enjoy the*<br />

dunce, for every clan*, including<br />

fre»hmen. was represent ml. <strong>The</strong><br />

mUfic was supplied '•>' Carvel<br />

Craig ntnl his nrchrstru. A'so<br />

dancing tit hie tune;- were member*<br />

of thf faculty.<br />

Are You an Engineer?<br />

University Grades<br />

Made Clear<br />

Till: I.OWKI.I., FBlmCAKV 1:1. IU4U<br />


Kngim-vr.- mal..- natural f.,n.-.<br />

work for rn.inKrtidV UM 1 . TO be an!<br />

eiuriiieer Vitu mu'l learn niat)>"<br />

matics, pliysii.-, and cl»'mi*t«-ry. If<br />

you like the.-e hard subjects and (<br />

undi-istnnd ll:\ in thfm in high "f »••'"'•""•' l£ ' " "<br />

M-hiH»I. it may be wise for you t«» + J;' " '"<br />

to a 'iiiivi-ri'itv mid train for!' 1<br />

. Mr*. Hjn.'<br />

have Thurm. anil -Mr. Mm.roe. I (»l=* r right: '"".'r HiMlm: ary (ail, s vrriilan ,<br />

.l Vox" IVnlrf I'orl Itaaka und J»«»nrllc llnmill rr.lhile with Mr. and Mrs. Itt-n .Neff.<br />

||!,h Tnlppinaan and IM M Haft at admire am ppiam.t<br />

W.UI.T n»t..li..*. l.»».-r r:uhl: CJ^rse J«^-n.<br />

Sil . and d Ji Jimmy » »onn.-rt t nil il «-ti|»>ing |i ^ llnrj I Bit IT.<br />

Thai • '""<br />

S;'£ni'&^£Si CVr/ Featured on New Student Body CardE. Clark and Williams<br />

Head Council Groups<br />

If you like engineer.** wurk ur.l bur the .'ir.-i time since<br />

are handy with tools, and want to Jewell began, there will be<br />

be an engineer all rigi.l but can't J the. picture of a girl t'li the<br />

iiiuke A's und U's in matlii!i.ia.ics. I utoilent body c.tnis<br />

und physioi and the in t> I fry, g»i tu jMble<br />

for this feat ii- i'arl<br />

a technical college after you grad- liaaka, tin- new treasurer. <strong>The</strong><br />

uate from here. Don't waste your cards \.--nt o» salr February<br />

time ,-ind your parents' money trj- 7, at the u.iua! price of .«><br />

in;; tw get intu a university. A cents. UP to February y the<br />

good technical M.JIOOI '.* the place following classes were 100 per<br />

for you, and if you learn what it cent itt'Tttitle it body: loo. an.<br />

can teach you, and you get along and ;;;»;;,<br />

Marge Clo.-e ha.' the distiiuioii<br />

,;{ being the first girl to<br />

riut-hanic after abuut five k-sign a student body card for<br />

,, . , , , I I.uwel\ Along with being tin-<br />

1! re are thV special cn.ens. :,nd. perhaps f> , l: \' m ' 1:1 Vtiiwnt intfiids to enter<br />

uports etlitor. Alv.n Heyinau. and visit M.mf of the other schools!<br />

J - !• '" tht- fall. She wants to<br />

girls i«port.« editor. Anita Ames. Mr. Airth. a new member of the ] *' J1 " f " r «»•»'-• new Lt.ild ! nBH atj<br />

. <strong>The</strong> June MO Red and White will,'Uwell music staff, is a graduate ^'"^i 1'ark.<br />

M Ul \<br />

ne one of the inggc,. of all edi-! of the University of California. Hay Milton said he could L-ive<br />

5UX a n^! Wl nlt beC . ttU // "W 10 un 5? I ! ^' ^ming to Well hewa!^ or three rt-iwuni for rettrn-1<br />

Kually large art «taff, <strong>The</strong> staff, mt-sic innnictor at Aptos. Kverett. |'"«. "I know one goo, on.- " J.!<br />

With Wo Scroll and l» meet ing* i <strong>The</strong> University of California<br />

already havini; Iwcn held, the Jtcholnrships for freshmen yield<br />

Scroll has decided on the theme; between $100 and *2fl<br />

ttrtat a success as the lout one. [dent activities<br />

1 ?*<br />

nhyj<br />

]n\ j.•<br />

Rare Flowers<br />

Cultivated By<br />

Mohr, Hetzgher<br />

Orchid irmwjnu i* unually left<br />

to botanists- and horticulturists,<br />

!mt \Varr«n Mohr and Ed Hellk'her,<br />

hotti I/jwelHttK, grow orchids<br />

iijt n hobby.<br />

Werrcn Itceamc interested In orchid.i<br />

as a hobby after collcctlnjc<br />

pictures of the rnrv flower. He<br />

Kent to different countries for cat*<br />

alog* of the various typcx. War*<br />

ren sal'J the books are very inter*<br />

estinir because of the foreign Ionimages<br />

und tK price ranges.<br />

Friend* of his gave him the<br />

plants, Wnen interviewed. War-<br />

J ren suid that otchi'l plants arc to<br />

, delicate thnt the slightest change<br />

< in temperature or humidity will<br />

• Mop the flowers from blooming.<br />

<strong>The</strong> temiK'niture must 1M; kept bej<br />

tween •">(' ami T.'i degrees, und a<br />

' very humid climate mtwi picvail.<br />

This cIlaracteristic is what makes<br />

| the fluwi-r *o expensive.<br />

' Tlii* plants bloom once* a year,<br />

!and Miirt'time.-f us many an 1U<br />

• flower.* blouin im MM- plant. War*<br />

I ren has had red orchid* besides<br />

''ho usual color btit has never had<br />

] thi! most expensive variety, the<br />

whit orchid.<br />

I According to Mohr, qiiito a ftw<br />

•tion of nrchit 1 grower:, he ..aid.<br />

At nre.-fiii. Warren \* busy with<br />

plan* for hi.t green house, which<br />

v.i)! fee completed in about a<br />

trioi'tb. If

ixr<br />

By Koberta Fnlen<br />

Subieft: Double Talk<br />

<strong>The</strong> learned .Mr. Webster defined<br />

u twin us on-. 1 of two petrous<br />

closely related by ties of liir:h and<br />

rt'sit tnlil:inco. A pair of twin.-, he<br />

concluded. Is Made up of two dielini-i.<br />

nearly related trnd iqiml<br />

members.<br />

La.«t wfi-Ic ffiiittEl the l.nrra*isi:il<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> staff* roving reporters<br />

roaming from registry to registry<br />

seeking net* of twins. Unwittingly<br />

foiling hundreds wlm every tiny<br />

attempt to tfLinguish l>etween<br />

thinatT,in comprist- the .'tli twins<br />

nt I^w.-H.<br />

Th*» Lnnelnnil twin*. R.-ttv and<br />

Loi«. are wfl] known for I lie D-nniim-nt<br />

part they piny in schnol nr.<br />

tivifir*. Roth. !»ivnrdimr t" ^tr.<br />

(Contimied on Paci' 1. Col. 1)<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Calendar<br />

March 13 — Debating pn»-<br />

Kraro.<br />

March 14—Krcshmnn rct*eption.<br />

March IG—Stanford aptitude<br />

te.«t. IU'H only. Own-baM,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> \-5. Sacred Heart.<br />

March 16-21 — Winter Vacation.<br />

March 2G— Baseball. <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

Commerce.<br />

March 20—Block I. dance.<br />

Baxeball with St. Innatiu.«.<br />

April 1—April Fooln* Day.<br />

April 2—Baneball. Lowcll-<br />

Wnshinjrton.<br />

April &—Itanrb.II. Uw«||.<br />

MiMlon<br />

April 0—Baseball. <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

Galileo.<br />

April 12—Bnncbnll. LowoIN<br />

Balboa.<br />

April 19—Bueball. <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

Poly.<br />



.MARCH<br />

II<br />

DOUBLE TROUBLE Six Card Seniors Play Final Game Today<br />

\ When <strong>Lowell</strong> Meets Sacred Heart Cagers<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> and the<br />

A. A. A<br />

.Should b.uvll withdr.r.v<br />

from the A. A. A.7<br />

This iiuestioii has cunie. up<br />

many tiiue>, particularly daring<br />

the last year. After discussing<br />

the tiursti.iu from ati<br />

angles, it has been decided<br />

that Much a move at this time<br />

would be exceedingly utiwi«i\<br />

Hi-art Hi' tht- wlmk> problem<br />

is >imply this: I>iwell<br />

M-its nu.re tickets to the<br />

i;ame* tbau any other school<br />

in iIn- league. Hut is IA-WI-11<br />

itlln\\v;l to keep the motley<br />

her own stt:ili-:Us pay ? Yes.<br />

Hut tlie gate receipt* money<br />

is divided among the seven<br />

public high ccliimls. Fortunately,<br />

Ij)well hellji more<br />

tickets in -chnu] than any<br />

itthei high M-liuul, so we have<br />

a little advantage there.<br />

We still must split ur<br />

lotiil with th high praise for ynnr<br />

fme support. Ymi ?upport<br />

vnur team at the gamos. You<br />

support vnur team when. a«<br />

buyer?* of student body cards.<br />

over 90 per tent Join the «tudent<br />

Ijody. And you take the<br />

situation with good grace.<br />

In ?pitc- of n situation<br />

many of UR consider unfair,<br />

we remain in the A. A. A.<br />

hoptnc thnt. in the nnt-tonfnr-dislnnt<br />

fiitu'f. there will<br />

be a "N>w Deal."<br />

ED NORMOYLE, Editor.<br />

Cast Picked for Term<br />

— What A \<br />

Reception For Frosh<br />

Brings "Stars"<br />

: To <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Today, Sacred Heart vs, <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Tomorrow, und every day until<br />

! 1041, high school basketball will be<br />

: absent from Kcxur pavilion.<br />

t <strong>Lowell</strong> has now cinched second<br />

! place in the league standing, a po-<br />

! sition which it hasn't held for six<br />

* years, having previous!'' held top<br />

While peeping through the key r "ATTIK: end of today's game, thu<br />

ho!« dur.ng one of the rehearsals Cards' first t\x men will turn In<br />

for the freshman reception, to be; t)]t![r uniforms nevev to don a<br />

held in the auditorium Mnrch 14, i^well baskutbull suit again for<br />

genuine tloradoni_ .sextette, •_..-••-• - • —<br />

Sextette straight from the<br />

. Mr|>lirr*li Htlil II. >lrl>)irr*

TWO<br />


•d by th* Annwiated Student* of Lowvll Hitfh School<br />

1800 Hayes >:tit*i>t, San Kran-.-I*ro, California<br />

I* II. S. S. A. .Member* Free<br />

-, font ml ('iilit'ornia ScholnMic Vrvna A.^wiatlon<br />

BDlTOlt<br />

Arwi>ciati< Kditor.<br />

Sport* Kdiior<br />

Clrtit' Sport*<br />

Clulw<br />

Circulation Mann<br />

I tar bum Hi-nn<br />

Ann IlWitmn<br />

Art (*!u>n<br />

Cliarli'K Imvl*<br />

rli Ol<br />

lluk'l<br />

ttoUTt:. Fule<br />

Jim Wrllcr<br />

l-*,iriitl>- Ail\i,.r<br />

STAFF<br />

...EM XOUMOVLB<br />

Witrri'n Unna<br />

' ' Kd Conn<br />

."""... .'.....'.'. Kallnksn<br />

Coll<br />

l y Mm* l>ni**<br />

William ('itlilrnf<br />

IlKI'OftTKKS<br />

I'u'wrt V'mliiynuii<br />

I'ntii fmn<br />

llt-ili Fo»lt>r<br />

If tit Ornv"*<br />

Skil'f* Hoffman<br />

EHz,itwth Kitrhni<br />

Ihirothy Lam:<br />

Tin i/iml>:inli<br />

Hill .Mniminc<br />

IturriKt-' MCOHII<br />

Pat fVt.'rs<br />

Nautili Shitm<br />

Hal r'ilvt't^U'in<br />

•K'tui Scrimnitiria<br />

Sprout<br />

llvtty Strirujfic<br />

•Jr. .1. «'. I'M<br />

THE ..OVtEUL. MARCH 8,<br />

Counselor Suggests .<br />

Habits for Study<br />

Z. ' i<br />

Murfiiri 1 'Jl«.-n letu-r to my fan*: , fimry' W It. O. buy* taki<br />

\\y<br />

ftalvnniiTvr<br />

1 pride<br />

An Han .to was n-t'inrHlvd by ' in our hair the Mine tn th«i prls,<br />

L2 Ooiiiwi'lor '.tonif 'if hi* friend* tu K» •"> aji'lfUM- try and RC. uftt* put in. W«<br />

Whi'ii iti« KJmW on yuur rciwrt tiiur. IM" mm"? ii w«ultl I* ton. would u|ci- -'';•"'''•,<br />

cuH diiwiiw.iiu y«»u. •'''lf***X4iiniiii*ti«iii man! I "trri- with yr>u~y»* IndcKl.<br />

ini.iv n-v'-ai tin- fuvi that you an: Kit what •••ully will In; super m Miu.y art- tin 1 tinni, I vvouUI UKQ to<br />

'IIIK Mittf f-iir with yfursrlf In th(n tlv »i>|tv'in-n my<br />

.1. A 4: ytiiir-t-H ;i few «|» (lli - mak.- :U Va-«ar. (And I «l«n t curly li-k>. Mayiiv i^nitMioily wili<br />

likr th"-iv > mean t>ut.iitl ino<br />

1<br />

nota-cablc example of this wa> a iwent rally. UIH-JHISI; »f llw ti.'J' ,.r -lV.-,,? ' j j ; ^ , , , , ; * ^ ti,,."i!,.,t. ' ' -l^- V<br />

selfishness uf a a few who insist on tulkiiiL', talking, or iin»'iiriir Stuili-nt: .M:iyl>t- tlw r»-;iM'i, v-'u i-an'i open<br />

faculty and student officers the fi)-o,M-ratinii they ask f»»r.'<br />

M-iili/** it i- 'Ti-ltv i'«ild ilovn your Im'ki-r in the rr.or-i:!!,; i.» ym<br />

Help tlitr Scroll iiml L and l!lm-k I. !«.y* WIH-II ilu-y uA .vmi l»I, 'I'".'."",!,,.' 1 "," „,/ M, \':r ,,i'ii!'"""• Wlly l|l '"' t v "" " v:lr ;1 '"•'' •"" •"" " l "'" v '" M "" ""' """••' l «- < -<br />

lie tiuict at n rally i.r to pick lip si.mu |I.I|»T in tin- ysnl. I.i-f:= | li.Vr.i.v' M.i.lf. ..r, l...^ira. «;,, : ;V,|..';; l "iV r Ji;.,1-,"i,""|:, 1 ,'i t 1| ''S' |, „£ " miSii','t,. y '! ! ,v''i'! : 'iiJ;!ir'' V f-K<br />

all L'S. I tut di'fs<br />

f it*y, l>i'-v liii<br />

it'. Hoy,<br />

ti:imr 't Tluit i», in ;i »:i;,'. ' pear<br />

drill will he lonjr and drawn out in order to nit o:;t si»nie ehi**s !•>'•I.CIW.T.V<br />

iliti.<br />

! If >i>u iin I'lt-'i<br />

poorer and [worer.<br />

iiis. I a-^'' •<br />

Bob Hnnftcn. wake 'ip! <strong>The</strong>reV I n crosswoi<br />

a Rirl with the same Ian name n.t\ nnn<br />

Kthvl: "Weli. Jimmy and I sat<br />

, , ---• -t* It last nicht. and JimiM* cot<br />

with a fountain twint on his trousers."<br />

yours who vfould like to know<br />

better. Well, ....... you<br />

that'* thirty<br />

He: "We're -omlnc to a tunneL<br />

Tor today, folks. I'll be back soon, ifrty Little Johnnie: "Uncle, does Are you afinld? '<br />

father like to watch you play foot-<br />

with a new line.<br />

ball?"<br />

She: -Not If you taie tb»t<br />

ciuar out of your month."

faw<br />

Mj Ed Conn<br />

/,ttentioii. jr-nrt far*! Till* ><br />

yd"** last *'h:ince! Ai'ier today t* •<br />

came Mweett the Cardi* and th.»!<br />

Inch, the portals of Kexnr pnyil-i<br />

Ion elr.se for another year or. Inch<br />

jchoo! basketball.<br />

In -*tmimrtrizi;iir thi 1 past HCT (<br />

5i'Tl. Coach Neff<br />

I wjye. "Thi* hat*<br />

| 1w?n rjie nf the<br />

-t y?nr* ever!<br />

J fur cacw compe- j<br />

I t i t i u a : the;<br />

| scores have<br />

the interest ha«<br />

Iweil hif:h. With<br />

-,_ c" tmmm.m *ra* th« tmnw nf<br />

'SJ.^ 1*1 Conn iii!:tori, and Pol-<br />

(ui"*l|»* •. ".ei'lmie practically "" »i even<br />

lf !trV.*'^ I' 1 r - !l } : - !«»«"" l":t- N^n l.lenty<br />

" J ^ '•"*; Kuuianx IJeclar.* War «n '.111 Crew<br />

^">.*.,'' 1'i.r jt.ttr nivii 'ifi.l'ttioti, all<br />

*•' *••-'* I-"\ -Hit*-.- an- hereby tm;ed to -i-<br />

•*• litC"* 1 ' csiri ira*" ma-k- and learn the<br />

** >l*!*"? whe calioiil 1 * of l«iitihiiro.if .-iiel-<br />

: r^s. ^ l '* ler*. |w'r;ni-"- ivc an- fared with a<br />

^JV'Js It >H I'ftan a f.w week.-* airo,<br />

J^ *•'•» when "iir lii;Iutvi a ic;.<br />

"CT<br />

-• u*:!<br />

ttt"<br />

it:ht crew while<br />

out p •ii'.-tieiiiir in il"" hay, proceeiied<br />

t m-nnl :i KUMI.UI "•• mer.<br />

whiili 1..1- n-stirnr calmly i our<br />

R " - harlior.<br />

-*. '^.i<br />

'^••t-<br />

And .'.'ii f.'ii lit'lievi' it--the at-<br />

^'^•£.m;•r r '!f^ ; ^:n^•Killkv; '•'•'-•' lt>ft! i< " ulis s1ir •-.^:<br />

-<br />

wlni ;n-ik Kn-Sian. U-ftnldlcl' '.I'-' He..inait; n-nirl:<br />

""-—-.•; tcriiH. l*i.-t> were -hal:en arid<br />

' '•> Sr: ^<br />

•Mm<br />

I»'M it* L-.i'<br />

It all r- l.^Uv will uiii.l ui< l.v<br />

fiiir.i; t-> u-rm * wish :i<br />

Put'l of ,,„ _ -<br />

Maestri ai« center and Pan! Har-<br />

Ii>*-- of I»wel! an I Bob O'Rourfce<br />

of Rnllioa ns cuaidpl'luc<br />

Depftrtment<br />

Here'.s a huzzah m Gene Clark,<br />

Klnr |/iw«'H *niler. who i»-rrnitied ,..,..,.. . ,rm<br />

two fellow harriem to win their ':!' ri ">- urm *<br />

THE LOWKM. MARCH 8, 1.11(1 THREE<br />


•>, and ,M)er>.; upper rittht; •.wiinminj; t<br />

rave; If.WIT left: "printers Silva,<br />

Panl- >n. (heiri, ltus-i-ll. Simmon-. lEesli-r.<br />

Cards, Sacred Heart<br />

Begin Swatting<br />

March 15<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* Cards, runners up for<br />

the bjtuvbai] title durinir the liuit<br />

two yearn, open their ocuHon this<br />

y-nr ntcairi*! a Iiard-hittlnff Sacred<br />

Heart nirifi at Seul Stadium,<br />

Friday, .March 1.1.<br />

Although the Iri.ih lost the<br />

leiifrue'K lendlnc hitter In Ilud<br />

IVamvich, they have always Wen<br />

atilu to put up a otru^gle wht-n*<br />

ever t'le.y vft;:uuriter the Indians.<br />

Thr* Canh>, with muinntays<br />

Howie I»allfl).'ir a fid IJob Paulson,<br />

t>i>th hold overs from last year's<br />

, uil-eity team. Mliould rule a> fn-<br />

. voritefl. Paulmm'5 bnttrrs* mate,<br />

• who will hand!.: the mound chores,<br />

will h« the lithe pitcher, Paul Orxt.<br />

1 Ur?i has* yet to lak'.- the hill wenr-<br />

'• i»:r a (.'HVi-H uniffirm, but he came<br />

'here with a darzlirtu' junior hiifh<br />

1 niord, etirht wint auain.-: ont- I»mt.<br />

Tno.-i- fit;ini'S jipeak well tiiuiiifh<br />

Inr nnv iiileher.<br />

Thv ^iinri.-l'ip i.r.jlit.-iii, .jh«;iys a<br />

' headarhf to -Mike Voyni 1 . will ha<br />

ike Orsi. is an ex-juninr hiyh ."tar.<br />

|)urin^ the winter league at . v ':itter a neat<br />

• :iC I.<br />

OutHehl SimiiK-<br />

This year. <strong>Lowell</strong> hn< oil.- ..f the<br />

hi .-t outfields ditfen tjvely. Unit<br />

, Cherry. Paul Hnr'"Ie.«^, and "Pea-<br />

•rut" l£'*slf*r. arc thr? piny**'* n»«<br />

.sp..nsili|f for that. Cli.-rrv. Coleman.<br />

Ili*j*k'r. Orsi, and .John Pre-<br />

' vol»-. a utility infieldcr. have annthtT<br />

year of tea pie comp. iiti"n.<br />

Tin- Card.** ftartmt' iinv.ip will<br />

. I>ick-»n nnd;j(,.: the infield—Datlmar. Mprruc-<br />

•Id. and Hoff- ti. C..ln:an. ,-md lUn^ell. Outfield<br />

--H.iieN'fis, Cherry, and KeMer.<br />

1'ir-rhir.tr. Or. J i. and catvhinir. I'uul-<br />

indrniu-fi -wainpril tin-<br />

I., tin- luriv nf •

FOUR<br />


Debating Funds to Be Book Issue of Library Year Book Pictures | New<br />

Raised by Program! Averages 600 Daily! Nearing Completion<br />

In onk-r to nay cntrnnct! fcon,<br />

judgeiT few, ami league dues, tl't*<br />

member* of the <strong>Lowell</strong> Dtbatinc<br />

Society will present n protrrom of<br />

dec lamnt inns. Mnrcli 13, thinl and<br />

fourth period*.<br />

Third iK-rioit, Jetty Kilty will<br />

present -Homecomin*": K U c n<br />

Shnnk, "Honey": and Lois Longlaml,<br />

"China Illue Eye*."<br />

Fourth pt.riod. Frank Quinn will<br />

present "Hope*": Fran Harrison,<br />

"Eliznbvtl. and EKKCX": Jerry Kilt;*,<br />

"Exit DiK »»<br />

civt'ii to thf i-. "t Play-<br />

1 M<br />

Au»vint; that "lt> noiat- i" i'-" V*i-t'>ry. havniL- .''0 pupils.<br />

i-rK. Th. contest i*4 iftN'n t :.]'.. U<br />

vorv Monday jtftt-r .'.cho(.l.<br />

i," they Aiverditur '» Mi."*! lb-r Iran, the Two Bi'jdvntn of <strong>Lowell</strong> have visin<br />

a tin*- I'tijitls in trie- ytnff ar- ;i',l v-nry tat- jtL theven weeks there.<br />

Italian cla" c , hani:i "} llcxcc ' 11 th:it EIIu flnrwy IVntlnml. president of [<br />

the .Motion pic tun. Club. .«tatf«l'<br />

that thi- int-mberR of the- club are'<br />

all liri-iHod opi-rator*. <strong>The</strong>y ."linw-,<br />

>* ""'ifhtlv Killer s.-H-nc.. [lUtunv for the teachers,<br />

wati. <strong>The</strong>ir sisters friends apeak, their te:M1L-r* an- at :, I,(,, in tellto<br />

tliem, then wonder why they re- .: ihein ' apart, — fbey -,,'rf \w-:\ .<br />

cetve «uch blank starw. It's all<br />

nnrt of bitini* a twin.<br />

Itii^alic urtd Tlierf.^,. Zieclf.-<br />

Hob and Jack Conway don't look ' Adam*. th.Vr<br />

ntikf, but th.-y are the second «el knnws whirh<br />

1 • •-li.ilf. A i • tf 1> nr I* tn »nv<br />

' li.MlU.tllf,.<br />

• tuiU-ttt • "<br />

Thi. liiNt pii-tun: shown was ;„.• n-h,,,-.,. ;.:,r. Kr^h'nwn inrr..-<br />

"Mien. n-opinii Animal I.if.v" Tl:.' i--t-i« i.r,- .M.VIIMI. - ;.n.i h.,\,- n.< v..t-<br />

•,'.h-r officers art' Kd Slu-rmiiii '<br />

•ec rotary.<br />

r "'" 'i'i;uif> nt* t.rtn* munt !•••<br />

wi-iit. anu I-I,,,I,I.. schmi.it:i" i ,!," i ;,i'.! i: ! i JHr"s ir P.J--J.

7*?. N'n- 3 Sun Krancinco. California. An HI 12. IiMO Founded January.<br />

'Ellen Shank chosen [<strong>The</strong> "Aldrich Family" will arrive here '<strong>Lowell</strong> faces Balboa<br />

V Valedictorian; Art May 14 with Henry, the problem child in baseball b game<br />

Aronsen, Historian<br />

*'\Vh« „"£.'] today at Funston<br />

for the graduation rxrrrioes to be<br />

held in <strong>The</strong> Opern House. June IlJ<br />

„ „ , „ j<strong>The</strong> 101 mrmlHTN of the Hffljor j<br />

Durhii* tin' past three wccl-S our 'April 3. i<br />

24 Ha{{ rcnoriers have canvimed > Seven Compete for Offiiem<br />

every I«owell rt'ctatry rcKitn on the<br />

subject tif students nnd their aututu<br />

hoist'les.* vs K<br />

ily ll iittf iif of the Air.eriraipp<br />

favorite imstimc i nctiiitie*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> r«'ru!t! i of tiur survey proved<br />

Many in Accidents<br />

Of r..tir«». th"rc ii. a lm"i side to<br />

every i«t*iry and ;t dangerous >ido<br />

to every hiilihy. Over 2S0 I^twi-11<br />

students l:avi- IK'OII in accident. 1 ", ;!•"><br />

while ilrivinir.<br />

Our in'i't.-ni<br />

su]iili»-«i with fat.-I Over ;>b stu- ,.„.<br />

dent!' have their own cars and over tl.r',<br />

l'. ( 0 drive family can", or at Icasi. „<br />

have Ut-cn*e«.<br />

IInt<br />

Running ai*ain>* K'len, who is<br />

from reiti.itiv :!ui. wore Kntherinr 1<br />

Gkifkides and Fr.;nk Kast. Iwth of!<br />

•Hi:;. Arniiseii, 211, WHS victorious •<br />

01 er Dorothy MoKenzK 21.'!; I(udolph<br />

Kuhn, II'.'1; and Princes!<br />

Ifuhlinn!, ["I*. Kllen U tho third<br />

irirl ever to lie a valedictorian nt;<br />

r^iM-ell. <strong>The</strong> last on*<br />

I ki't*"--Th«' I/iwell in<br />

:he thin) OIK*.<br />

Il-irdi'r tu write, thin ntylt<br />

is ('.'iiiyinj; coiisuiiiption of<br />

va*t •luautitie.f of aspirin by<br />

tvimrtiTr 1 . \s 11 Wf.rth thr<br />

fffurt? P11 ymi lik«' it? Ij-t<br />

tht! li'tter-l»ox voiii 1 for premlrr of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> IJltlc Tr<br />

hide. Tt-e rddlo family, with its at 3:70. I la 1 boa, the<br />

olfrtprinjr, Henry, who [*<br />

kwn locally nn Joe<br />

' Hoth are .i(M) hitter?.<br />

"<br />

your<br />

eomnit'nt^< i>ru and con!!!<br />

alcd Er champx, were expected (o be wesk><br />

belter known locally a* Joe Culler f 'h«n lost neonon becatwc they<br />

will at t >f f MU<br />

Clifford Ooldsmith'it spirlled come-j'c^cj1''nn aif'Viiy*imtn. *<br />

dy. Openlne on the morn'ng r.f j Gcnc HJI^ ,he Buc mentor, nat-<br />

Tui'ttday, .May 11, Director Col*; utally counts on improvement<br />

land* latent extravn(fun/j| it* MIIMI • f^-m holdovers. Walt Jordan,<br />

to run Ihrouch Wrdnesda, nnd ;f«*her; and IMc Davis, first lose<br />

Thursday morning, climaxint* with<br />

n M<br />

a final P.*T. A. benefit perform-<br />

*<br />

ance Friday evening. May 17. le/'u'c'^favoreif .VlSio'n^tho 10 *ro<br />

New Sound E'fectH rated even-money apainst the Card<br />

i <strong>The</strong> entire three-net play has as "'WTKers.<br />

I its Net tint; the uffk'e of the school ; I>iWvI!V tmtterv. cnnilM>sed of<br />

[principal. Sink-e Mur.a»er Bill | JJ U ' P'. r ' na PV'J'""^"^<br />

' Majors has plannrd :iome nen £;/ |*r^jj *Il.'L'Vt 'acnirisi f<br />

suund effects which promise to be • Hfari. fannet) it; latter.*.<br />

dynamic. <strong>The</strong> orij-innl play con- • simrt of the leairuo ri-cnnl.<br />

lerninj- hiirh school life mn on;<br />

Street's rival. Uruadway, :<br />

Two<br />

?aul-<br />

'ion h* just roundintr into form and<br />

hitting at •VX) JUT cent. Dall-<br />

, • „. . • )r , •• mar. llrown. llus.ii'll. and Cherry<br />

rjim«' a Mtciesl the. over one hundred dollar*.<br />

," ,T in KnTnTi ib<br />

u-ell-kmm-n «nd exceptionally por>-! vvonls rant: lhV»uKh room 101.' A ira«t onrairV "what\ your erm will open<br />

Ular Pnmanan. who pa-scl awny in April 3. .Mr. Tucker's blnhM\tJf]nS^'w^^u!dSSu<br />

that city *evi;ral vcvkn n<br />

stitute. August 2.'t: I.abor Day.<br />

Pulu Alto. April ti. Comim. September L<br />

44 include a Pan-American Day pro-<br />

Plans are completed for the<br />

urain held here in (tchool, April 15;<br />

April 1*7, at St. Marys, a C. F. F.<br />

new girl's gym"said architect<br />

i-oiivuniion; and, to close the season's<br />

foical activities, the C. S. F.<br />

of the city. Mr. DodlCe Kudy. in built on the front of the buildim:., dance, June 7._ <strong>The</strong>se events^have<br />

an interview at the Cily Ball. Speakers will be able to address been planned by President Gloria<br />

April 3.<br />

Meyer. Vice-I*resident Bobby Har-<br />

Even thouch the plans ore fin- {W»<br />

the «tiB special mmiui student<br />

balcony. u...i.u..,. body at rallies from<br />

n A c..^.^., shelter. 18 ... • ter. Secretary Virginia Thompson,<br />

{shed, the date when work will be- by 53, at the west entrance rf the [ under the faculty sponsorship<br />

gin Is unknown. That is up to the Kym. will be provided with the of Mr. R. W. Moore.<br />

<strong>The</strong> H3 dance will Hoard of Education.<br />

benches lining the wall. Girls will) v'niuntM»r r<br />

<strong>The</strong> farm will be located to theu<br />

».t_ • 7 i i. :_ .».- .v..t... i \oiumerr L.<br />

be a super-colossal west and joininR the boys' eym.<br />

Doom joininc the two syms will be<br />

Affair when the dance IIMCM blare made HO they can be opened. n»*k-<br />

oot next Friday.<br />

ini- the boys' and R{rfo* cym one.<br />

<strong>The</strong>me of the dance IK being <strong>The</strong> buildinc Itself will bo 70 by<br />

withheld from everyone, including 87. the floor will be M by M. and<br />

the press, bub when questioned the locker room will also b" 84 by<br />

about It, 113 President Jerry Arn O»<br />

pleparth's twinkling eye* Indicated <strong>The</strong>re will be fiftyfivc showers<br />

It would be Ion* remembered. <strong>The</strong> and sixteen lockers will open Into<br />

dance committee Includes Jerry each shower. Additional lockers<br />

Applemrth, Ccrrv Krill, June Rob- line the wall.<br />

em. Bob Vnyssfe, Annes Tru- <strong>The</strong> general finish of the sym<br />

mure, June Lrffit, Don SIcKee, will be the same as that of the<br />

and Harold Blmrose.<br />

boys'. However, A balcony will be<br />

1 : Admission Day, SeptemlKT<br />

!*: Armistice Day, November<br />

II; Teachers' Institute, Novctnl»er<br />

ai; Thanksfrivintr. N'ovembcr<br />

^1 and 22; Chrititniai* Vacation, Docember<br />

'i'( to January 3. Tbi*<br />

spring tenn wilt open January 27r<br />

ll'll.<br />

be able to cat lunch in the shelter<br />

ilunler Cotchcfl<br />

In rainy y weather. A special »p«lal in- In- 0!»"» >'"• •r. , Kotaro Mural,<br />

K °'?'° k. ><br />

n mom ri hv if. an an. Hnrr>' Biittimer, Jeannctte uian-<br />

S 11 by b 14 andd<br />

j^r Gcrdn Meyer Hnrold Davis,<br />

l 'ill<br />

part of the new gym-to-be.<br />

<strong>The</strong> estimated cost lit $130,000.<br />

Miss Flynn and Mr. Stephens<br />

have something to say about the<br />

mm. too:<br />

ME«s Flynn: "It's certainly going<br />

to be wonderful and Isn't coining<br />

*, minute too soon for our needs."<br />

Mr. Stephens: M <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> paper<br />

received a third<br />

place rating ratng in i it* CI In n th the six<br />

rr> Biittimer, Jeanctte i<br />

th teenth annual l Columbia, Scholastic h l i<br />

y 14 and aj^r. . Gcrdn Mey<br />

Press Association's contest. <strong>The</strong><br />

Meyer. Hnrold Davis,<br />

also 'will hi Gwendolyn dl Miller.<br />

contest was held n month fciro andT<br />

Mil E M ^<br />

tb ncr, ner nnd and Vern Vera Kr Krick In are the C.<br />

h A^onxorerf by Columbia Univer-<br />

S. F. volunteer coaches for this<br />

sity.<br />

term.<br />

Senior pins row on «ue<br />

Mr. Monroe Toent East for £1.00 at 12G Post street

TWO<br />


Published b/ the Associated Student* of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hitch school<br />

If00 Hayes Street, San Prnncisro. California<br />

L. II. S. 3. A. Member* Free<br />

Member. Central California Sdiolartfe Press Association<br />

STAFF<br />


AoAOcUle Editor „ „., Warren Unnii<br />

SporU Editor.. „ „ -_ EtI Conn<br />

Girl*' Sparl* _ Katinka Gnllln<br />

Club* „ -...Ik-It)' 3I«* I.ewt*<br />

Circulation MitfiafT-T „ William Coiilvntz<br />

THE LOWlXi., AI'Kli. 12. 1340<br />

rr> T ..i T r 1 Nurses are useful<br />

Teepee , Tattle „ , . Tales , , in &eir ;BM well an in own hiMpllaU. homI'crhmp*<br />


Narbara Ht*nn Jim Welter Hill Manning<br />

Ann Ilowmun Robert Finln>»on Ilo-nice McCouk<br />

Art Cohen Pntti Finn I'at IVtri*<br />

Charlca Davif Herb FOWIT N'aomi Slialn<br />

Pauline DeCnrlo Ukraine liius Hnl Silvers :ein<br />

Hugh Dormody Dill GrnvtJ Jean J?nnn«!<br />

Roberta FateR Skiir* Hoffman Gtnriii Sprou<br />

Elizabeth Kitchen<br />

Dorothy Lnr.jr<br />

1 We'll tret in yuur hair, ;; h<br />

And we'll nit there and stare, , T^ S,Scl"crU!y ,. „ UM-louT' &, "U" h^hX^<br />

(But we'll know all about you, |in/r u liking to SKylinc whom I hey brlnj* up. Children<br />

jSiujclei*, coujuej*, steadies and v/liitj We've been scouting around [»well whone mother tr was u a sond sod none one<br />

hiivc you. 'to find the best examrii of puppy art' apt to hare an eitr* good<br />

Seen at tliy freshman rcctpt'^iilove. Weil, we've found it. Our t.l-ii In lif A nur*.e'* trainlnr<br />

dance: Corinnc Ctayton, one of' ciiiulidnte* are I»rnnne "AK Heiman I t l Th i fild<br />

.<br />

Hetty Srif<br />

1'ia L<br />

i-tilty -\.lv:,..r . W I'.i<br />

iIe V man ,tli(j.io new au'ihumoren, making the utul i>ietc . Ah spnnjc.<br />

in always awful. <strong>The</strong>re i- a field<br />

fu, ' nurBM aUo,<br />

iStujf Jtne tftnj-j-er. I'd Kta^cer ' " •<br />

l"-'uiii.-f of lln; Wfiither. Hev. He',-,i:l,[ I hut kts* thy hand ,ij. JJabo Hiuh School (•rmlustion KM|Uir«!<br />

.Ims a iiiev i-a; 1 , t'»'. What rut'tv*. : !•,«•-;.' twn tlrl.. that hav« t>c«n health, and with ti-*»th in aood rtthe<br />

hundredth in the KOllitls who's so snimt hr i!-M-*lt't Imvo "> v , n u ? v aI . ul f 'KUr.'ji \."r the, v..rJ:.. _pi.|...,n..t,ni.- n.*:, Th.-. W.tfa>'?n ,..r for two ywm m I.in-or or «aw<br />

" •". *"••" ••«•"••» *.t..-ii...». "iV M» vou know ariyunri: aiKiUt it. ;.;r- rail tiiem Uremia and Coftfna. .Mi-.roM.-irc t« n'rommeri'if'i. al'.linyeh<br />

L»CS it jret them ; liiiui? Jean Itilovich was the aii-irtatn Adams was learning how to j ho?nit:il< still take Hkelv candi*<br />

k onsv pnoiii'h Fvrrv ^tinli'iit in h-rh I ?\' vr "' l '" urtm Imvo<br />

t he f<br />

uf tilt* vi.rJ'i,<br />

... . Why do know nriytjiirt: alKiut it.<br />

they chctt. anil what does it jret them?<br />

? ICilih h<br />

<strong>The</strong> first question i; _. . _.. .. . .<br />

'y I*«rt«-r"* and Bob.lriv,. on Crissv Fiflil while a plar.*» • tlnt.'.« wt'.hout thi.« qualificatim.<br />

school—consciously or i.s not—(we'll eat>> emnign. put r.\i that r\ in .-HHILIH to satisfy HI n«/nu-)H.rry'.- ail m the la.m uvuu of i>ie «-a- trvimr to land for fiftcun min- , r-<br />

hair-splitters) is working for marks. What they uniijrhoine Kxpvi'i , fay.-: • of atn-ntinn t,> .lane HIair lately.<br />

on that little white card is more important to them tran what /<br />

they<br />

iit.tr<br />

—only<br />

<strong>The</strong> Letter Box<br />

cot<br />

and you caii'I carry n stack uf'pupcr throiijrh life with you. •'*•:?."• Ali:<br />

rt r<br />

** uuiu 11 "v |H»!">ii'ie ui JMU :<br />

ALI.<br />

Ytm *H't tmt ttt a erntivc r.aictli/ what \um jn/t tutu it and other lijjlu in room Jisr Ii is<br />

if al! you put out is a little itiKCiitiity in thejrentk* art of crib- lilirl * in V 1 ' 1 ' 1 " 1 - 1 • ll: ' VL ' hiul to cei Dear Ali:<br />

bing—oh, yes. you'll jrot 100. And what you've really Rotten f'jjl 1111 -- since t ,,riiT t What C'IUP"'!« in hiirh school irivr<br />

1 cirl th»- best iirop.irntion? You'll<br />

:ot like thv Hst l>ut here it '»:<br />

Alcebni. jreomct ry. chfiuin'ry,<br />

ihv«ic!i. L" .S. hi.«ti>ry. one year<br />

•ai-h; frc-hnnil ilrawins.'. typintr. a<br />

'• war rath »ir at Ifiist. :i term: Eritr-<br />

111 •*h. f"«r year*, with »omf oral;<br />

'' fon-icn l:inciiii'-'i* ni li-a?: iwu<br />

war.*. l'hy.-ioI'iKy? No. Junior<br />

tcolli'ire, jlaU<br />

1 lhv crcw h:ivc<br />

in-'i.-i» %})',H n-F**.' 1 citlK-ce. :m i hospitals<br />

w:ml to tfach you the I.itt-s: tli-**<br />

i iiwrii*^ tlit'm=c|vt«, in their o*vn<br />

«vay; but they want J'"u to come<br />

corrwponds exactly to that 100— my i-ffort^ won't bo<br />

i" rain? FISHY.<br />

Students mukiiin hiph honor count." complain because Y«U* ««irt»° th .:'* '*' < ""cl'V/V.. nr_nir.Hi fir ,h,. .„<br />

...w wilt t.» t. ,i • iVnr N'uver Mind: .ttrni? Other schooN (five tht'ir<br />

L itui^ AM* ,'M*I?I rI>OIJ» LOT OLFitr<br />

«ym tcnchtT, to cnll a certain num-<br />

(iwr, and e»ch year with unfailing<br />

{number only to bo aiuwcre/by ilj?!. 11 ' 1<br />

; voice at the oiher end of tbe wire<br />

r<br />

it fur hi^toloiry. Typiiiir ? " Huntiind-IVi-k"<br />

i.t n".» cooortion. iwrctrntaKe you<br />

will use whvii you team to make<br />

tip .solution.*. Alp'bni. vhi'mistry.<br />

mid physics will hVlp you tht'rv, ^o<br />

Ki.«t what you can from them r.ow.<br />

Itcat Job to Oillcci' Graduates<br />

Tlu' Iwrtt positions BD to uni*<br />

vernity-tniiik'd nursei' these tiay*.<br />

A nit her ynuiii; university jrrad*<br />

uau« from l^jwell i^ now head<br />

nurse in an imiiortant San Francisco<br />

hospital. dircctinsT ol

'j."*i-t<br />


THE I/m'EU. APItll. 12. I0W<br />

1940 season started <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Unl.<br />

Card trackmen trounced Bay Region Schools<br />

such as Piedmont, Berkeley and Richmond<br />

with such veterans buck from last I<br />

year's vnralty as George nackm»n,| HefC UtTC tllC<br />

Dick Culler, Clayton Callentier, <<br />

tll'A Eustaces nnd Petu Kcnon, nnd j<br />

Ity Ed Conn<br />

new men: Joe Culien (the dramatic;<br />

Attention, uport fans! Bawball, tar), _Bob<br />

Druuln, Dick Wello,<br />

and Italia will undoubtedly-have " J-ck W«*«If«W (who is back after J<br />

treat bearing on UN final outcome. '"* r «ent Injury). i<br />

wi WJlcn our<br />

i"' .Ji. *!!"!!! >' reportcT intcr.-lcwed i<br />

"break" ihrm. hopen and expectation* for four '<br />

other men who are counted on for,<br />

their ability and support. <strong>The</strong>y arc'<br />

squad" with "the; Nernhanlt. Tulley. I>. Halmon, anJ !<br />

utstand I n g 1 l^» n Welcome. Welcome hasn't'<br />

plnyent bcini ;n able to row lately, but Cnncll,<br />

Walt " " said that he<br />

S-t'vTf 'first<br />

Kd Conn<br />

up lIa ' a ' wht ' n aIIdv, llartfor'I. Schwartz, and Cardinal, this .-canon,<br />

'. ... • - — Hoffman Itreakf* Iteford<br />

March i'l, the cintlermcn defeate'l<br />

Pif'lmont on the I"^inir school's<br />

i:r»tind l»y a fcore of f>'i-31\. Hue<br />

t« the fine weather, time* and dia-<br />

"»<br />

lst yr and f dont<br />

thcy miL-ht do it thw year.<br />

Canfirld v». Hoffman<br />

ncp ' 1 ftir "" QVPnU WVTV txiTKmv for the city-wide high echo.»l tour- tnurney,<br />

-iniianu-nt<br />

s-latrd to Ix-irir- the f;r.*t six:h fl<br />

]y KititiJ j h ^ ouUtlini]injt per. -<br />

M:t>. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s team is tnmhy.<br />

II<br />

uttijH^.il ,.f some nf :lie br.«; jun- (."oa'eti Vn.vne ha.t iteheduKnl n f«»nancc nf the day war rmide by<br />

ur y,i!fiT.4 in the city. fvw iinictio.* matches with sunn- of M»»re uf Piedmont^ when he mde-<br />

("..a.fi MiiM- Voyiie y >aid iei-ently. th.- other Bav area -chools. in vaulted 12 feet '.»** inches to break<br />

We have a fun- team and . .-lumld l>raratiim for the final tests in , the school recurd. Hoffman of<br />

very little trouble b in k il l LwH bk th tdi d i<br />

hai»pi<br />

Canlield, who, by Uiv way, was<br />

cited in the San rr.nn.-i.-co Exami- ,.1,1,. ..::i|/<br />

per a. nu^iLly repic-entiti,- the |n the f.rlt imii<br />

United Mates in the decathlon at i v ,<br />

tlie IlUt Olympic KUDU-*, has Su J^* _*,'' "'! ;, ."-'i'l jump,<br />

.hiti ladder." Sci;»ol at the Mlibrae golf c.'Lir-c I-mvell climaxed its Marrh vic-<br />

^pfukutir «f ladder-, the first Wlu-n a-koi how Inrye the golf torle* by trouncing Horkeley 7.-,=a<br />

fivi- culfiT." on tne latH.-r an-: Bob tnrtmiit 'v:;s. ('..at-li V^yni- tcplieri, to 27'a. April 1 (the meet wa.i<br />

1'iirr.ll. .V! I arn-n, < *r«'i jjHt.>« "1 wi-.li Ini.n- MI,n\.. iv.)u!il come ' ^cheditled fur March 'J9. but ilue<br />

flrady. l!..h Caplinal. and Art i.ut fur golf, a.-i w.- arc sifcurt hand- *• rilin it was pustpontd *.. the<br />

>Ylnvi.i-7. A f«-v .if the a'nivf .-.i, mid ri..,'d Ii.*hix|<br />

n J:*!fi.r> mile to m-tter the<br />

or*senl A. A. A. record by MO<br />

i* a -second.<br />

^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ Lowe " netsiers await A - A - A - com P etition<br />

Things I<br />

anti the relay, ntid now and then 1 tr '" vv - s l '<br />

runs the low hurdles and take.s a<br />

.... ti,, . , . I Cardinal swimmers<br />

bkiles Hoffman, the only varsity'<br />

trackman to win a bluck in 'MCII<br />

of his ,vv:irs of competition »mce<br />

he w:u a ftefliman (a feat which < . . . , , , .,.<br />

hiuirt .Kcurred for year«), >»]»' il dual I »^ t h which i» ••ri'ilulrd to slarl around I'i'-n tjate .(uni.i- Tenni.* Club.<br />

the fir-i of .May. Thi- yi-arV team • >.vani7atinn foundtd for di«<br />

., ) of - almost all veteran '(notion of junior triinis. t-> rep-'<br />

olayer-, and captained id b by HHarry<br />

rvent that club at Lowcl'. <strong>The</strong> I Never Knew<br />

Hut timer. I.ikas Kocho. Creel), '-niiie U.well tennis h.'am as well j'" — ' '<br />

met up with defeat Mver-. and Ratio, airing with ("apt. a-inany other teniit.i players are . Attention, sport fans! Here tire<br />

? tht-.^oie of .;.,-<br />

four wi-nli*, the huntlreu, the two- j Il iliiltimer. make up the 1!»tC» xquad. riifter t.fficen or memlV-ra of Vhe<br />

>' Natatorium last Kriila;.'.<br />

twenty, the :.road jump, and the <strong>Lowell</strong> and Berkeley were lied<br />

relav. relay."<br />

1U1I--I* K"ing into the laiit event,<br />

<strong>The</strong>s-D two together score almost<br />

the £!0-yurd four-man relay which<br />

lf f L l ' i h<br />

: a few (wrtinent facta about LoiveU<br />

Coarh Uchtv has «hwlul«l a clwt .' An >* i UI1 . ior . h ?Y t«»nfc play- '•««hot men like Lincoln!)<br />

breast stroke, Bi-iin.tton in the 220yard<br />

free *tyl

FOUH THE UHVKM- AITIII. 12. 1040<br />

<strong>The</strong>se Spic and Span-ncrs jMinkler, Kilty,Twohy, Girls modeled at '<strong>Lowell</strong> could supply<br />

Gay 90's and modern 14 speed demons<br />

Bank night were hits f?^'^ £«<br />

at the Freshman party<br />

E for nil nr* htutlrnis in the<br />

audJInrlutn. March 14. tlurinc "*•lh<br />

d ihh ll Mr. Sir-<br />

and Meister have won!O'Connor Moffat's teachers to answer<br />

four big competitions;', 1 arch 20. <strong>The</strong>n*<br />

,""<br />

by Mm. Con.<br />

this lerm. "Smilinc" Don Milkier. j»ale«mun»lilp cla>N.<br />

,a Kraduale of June 59. wa» .ward. | Marlon llrown<br />

,r"f'rom w h"ri students unusual needs<br />

j lull would vou know who lo Me If<br />

an after, j >" u hai1 '" ll " 1 ' 1 io * LouU?; If<br />

_ ii. C. tort innnth. "with a full nkirt. «hnrt Klccvei, and i or Chinese?; If you Kat af.<br />

While nt <strong>Lowell</strong> lion wan prexy «iy I!ob Dawsnti lust year.<br />

iavc a n-.-urd from ."iO to ;»S warils A irirt fn.m IV.Iy i«mk first plai»>'<br />

"* Keller, I'.his y,<br />

.Hid frntn ji.-vt-ml other<br />

fneruN. l^wt-ll Mich School<br />

**-tv\f its lu-nrtl.:* :n[i«thy<br />


LOW.I<br />


DANCE<br />


Franc/SCO's Oldest JJrgh ScAoo/ Paper<br />

LOWELL<br />

HEFENDS A. A. A.<br />



Voliimf "fl. N*o. 4 San Fn rc. Cnlifomln. May :t. li»4f) Founded January. 1808<br />

<strong>The</strong> Principal "reasons" with Henry<br />

j"What A Life" cast is patiently<br />

polishing performances for May 14<br />

II)* Gloria Sprout<br />

<strong>The</strong> man that conies to our bouse.<br />

He come* to take the census . . .<br />

Da-Da. Da-Da. Da-Dn. . . .<br />

<strong>The</strong> cen*u.« taker arrived at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Ijtht week, not in the i>crson<br />

of a Rovermnent man. hut in lh«<br />

per«t>n of the I-owellV reporters,<br />

vim, in«trnd of ctiur.tliic m>«e«,<br />

(ountcil votes for tin- school's fi>.<br />

vi.ritf in 'he movie world.<br />

Objections<br />

ccvei-al of the. rtudentii atrd<br />

•wit^ many of the adult.* *<br />

wrote across the hlanks pax*etl om<br />

by tin* would-be on.«;us taken:<br />

"Who can's?" . in "Whai a Life" IJIK- I'liHi-a). ax hi* Mnmlliy. Myra llurholz, rnmen tn<br />

A hlith-i buys him n-ail: "ha-! |hi- rwuo. INI! (Jnrry. >iri>prinripal. i» rvrrylaiilv'a friend: Prank<br />

vuriw male Mar. m.-: favorlf »,.. ((uinn. 11rinrip.1l. rti.fc.-s il oul (l»y anil hnw): Warren Slnhr. leather.<br />

man Mar. llren.lx" Himiv.T. !"lcro | ,iu by wilh prrlly Swrrlary Lillian Mnixan.<br />

considerable .loubt that you j<br />

could jtet a date with llrenda with- » II' r~* n r~* * < P. 1 . n o i<br />

ou: coMna conmur aioni:. Or may. <strong>Lowell</strong> s C. o. r. gives<br />

Cal. 50% of all Phi to preside at Rally<br />

Beta Kappas of S. F.<br />

1 when Henry A Id rich<br />

Hurry! man the lifeboats and his pals nill tell<br />

echoH aver the Bay, their troubles to r-ympa-<br />

April II. when an thctic <strong>Lowell</strong> aut'iences<br />

fijjhtwn foot sailboat at four .shows—Tuesday<br />

capxixed nbout 15 0<br />

yards off Yacht Ilar- and Thursday morn*<br />

bor.<br />

incs. and Wednesday<br />

Two men and two wnrn«n and Friday evenings.<br />

str:ii:«!eti ir. tlie choppy wn* Proceed* from rriilay'.t Dcrform-<br />

tern. Would they be able to once will be ti'rncu over to the P.last<br />

until he!), came or would T. A.<br />

(hey fall victims to oM Kinir Publicity-wine Producer Pol land<br />

Neptune'** power?<br />

promises a xurprise xtunt. May in,<br />

Today Spencer Clark, Ilay the >lay before the play** npeninjr,<br />

Mil'er, Doris Heap.*, and to raise anticipation HIHI inlcnttt<br />

Je.it.et.o (I-'tnke owe their to fever pitch.<br />

!:"c« to tlit .luick thinking "What a Life." unniveU {l mysand<br />

heroism of four Sea : tery. Who s>l»\v the b;.nd instru-<br />

Scouts of unit 1140. who resi ni'-ntii of Centerville HiKh School?<br />

cued the four from n watery P'or ns contK th« .it-crut will l»e rcvcnled<br />

amidnt rib-ticlclint: KUK* and<br />

1 a ugh-provoking jiituntiontt.<br />

fi'.'orjre I'OUID, L2, and Ni- Movie WIIM Incomplete<br />

cholas Dimiloff, H2. nr.; the<br />

two <strong>Lowell</strong> boys who wen- in ""<strong>The</strong> play is beinir shown in it*<br />

the rescue party. Rox Hell entirety," explained Mr. Polland.<br />

and "Husty" Kimarnki are "In tho movie version of 'What a<br />

the othtT two Sen Scouts. Life," hnd«<br />

Can- DlOtlGCclSt 3<br />

<strong>The</strong> bulletin board blossomed<br />

n> lliir» 'larloft anil Itella Lni.i»i. Iwr nf uluilrnls of any *ini!li-hilth .minis Captain Itill<br />

last week with artist it- advertisc-<br />

fll ' M »"'• ISU-I'""!"!" Caiilain llill r \ l~\ It '""' v "'" k uith ""' have surii;i.-*>ed in the<br />

porters' nenes an-' save tin ilny. biwi-11 student."," said C. t<br />

Jello Star<br />

^tar of the Jello radii ,<br />

and slur '»f the new I'i'm<br />

Benny Hides Acaii<br />

who is (io ably j<br />

1 . F. Ad- trials and who will run in the fi-<br />

\iser Mr. Moore. "alx.<br />

hook-up, May 2.'t. wheniuiihi>i.n Ccntrosphcre, from rrom Ihn tnc skillfully ^ > thuy<br />

roll»b|ni. pt'cm hu.nan. Saltci a<br />

tlll,ir ,,llcnU in<br />

blriltosphcrc. and c\cn ., SVm|.hony. a jazz band, and in<br />

from >e\v York, crowds varioiw other anazinj: anticd.<br />

will he minratinK to | _. .. St.* Exhibit.<br />

Treasury Tr,asur, Island Island for for^thc<br />

f°r "II material was May 1.<br />

day-school contestants. Both re-'except for a few sport article* opening of the Golden | 1 series of exhihiti which<br />

ccived individutl cups and each r«. i wltu-h could not be handed in until Gate International Ex- ceven acres of space pce in th the Federal Fderal<br />

ceiveil a cup for the sihool the [Inter,<br />

position, May 2T>. Bunc. A Lilliputian town and<br />

rvprcscntctl.<br />

Opening ceremonies wilt center a shopping district, modeled from<br />

College JudjrF*<br />

<strong>The</strong> contest was hj d under the cloth cover. <strong>The</strong> art work will be<br />

, around iund Admiral Ailmtrat Hyrd'n ItyrdM throwinir throig of<br />

a downtown San Francixco block,<br />

aunpkes of Mr. Walsh, principal of nome of the best ever done, ncconi-<br />

', | the switch nl 7 |.. m., from Uttlc<br />

will be the main feature of the<br />

1<br />

Humboldt. Judges were speech ing to Mrs. Kuhnlo, te faculty ad'<br />

,* j America, releasini- three aluminum<br />

Homes and Gariiens ItuiMlnR this<br />

year. Gaudy coteir, mucous noise,<br />

authorities of our vailous rol(oKi*s. '"er. <strong>The</strong> first sixteen paces wili<br />

liirhta, music, and hundreds of dif-<br />

Contestants were •nitlc'l by u a novelty; they will be printed<br />

ferent concession* will festoon tho<br />

numbering system, etch contestant in two colors.<br />

Four fiifcant'e Attraction*<br />

section of Treasure Island rightly<br />

drawing n numlw- before the Two pages will lie devoted tu<br />

known as the G.iyway.<br />

snapshots of lower elassmen, bc-<br />

Entertainment features will<br />

flides the usual paces nf snapshots cover everything from swine bands<br />

Fair Lasts 130 l)aT«<br />

Tl.c Fair closed September 29,<br />

of the cniin.* school. <strong>The</strong>re wilt be to symphony, but the four out- covering a period of 130 days duran<br />

extensive use of humorous car- stnndinjc daily features will be: Enir ttx second year. Bridge tolls<br />

"America! Cavalvndo of n Nation," will probably be reduced to 25<br />

This term's staff has six ctlitom.' Billy RoseV Aquacade, the FoHc* cent*, cnt, and ad pparking<br />

on the Island<br />

<strong>The</strong>y arc Joe Mitchell, editor; Don I Bcrccre, and SMid'n Punpebi. <strong>The</strong> cut t t« t a qrter quarter. This Thi hnlven halve* the<br />

Keanston. finnnclnl editor; Al Hey- Cavalcade opens with a full also expense or i automobile an<br />

mnn. boys* sports editor; Marilyn replica of the Santa Maria, float- ipnrcd to last year. Ticket sale*<br />

Ada me. senior editor; Anita Ames, injr on n minfature ocean, &!S feet ... nt <strong>Lowell</strong> have been in exceu of<br />

cirls* sports editor; and Lucy Mou- in length. International Hull will MOO. most of which vens expended<br />

radian, literary editor.<br />

be converted Into a dual theater for season books.

TWO<br />


IHiblisned by the Associated Student* of <strong>Lowell</strong> HIRII t?th"'il<br />

ISOO Haye* Street, San Francisco. Cnlifoniia<br />

L. II. S. S. A. Mcml-cTx Krcc<br />

Member, Central California Scholastic Press Association<br />

Enrroit - _ ~I A L - En NOIMIOYI"«t critical and it mdltlon usuallj<br />

..•robbed": Itnl. Lynch -"Say, nmv";; start* from something like this: isuatly<br />

, Claytt,,, v.,,^,...v. — ~.^...:<br />

QUESTION*: Tuuuh? Stolt!"; Art i'Vliumiichcr—"lloi«««it j girls that are forever<br />

ANSWER; Vex. ij<br />

I <strong>Lowell</strong> il b boys always l make' it?"' A •'° "•""^"•"> - "•"»« D '! llmnr i """""> « *>» »" »>"»«••» '»<br />

• <strong>Lowell</strong> boy is head of hi* class at<br />

'Wt-ft I'uint richt now. You can<br />

take tliose exams over and over;<br />

un nlM Ut t ljnt :wv 1<br />

nii£«?fr. t ^' >'' "' -;lik'cV motto")—"9.4 or'busl":; Hob|her. ami, as you do In the can*.<br />

i• QUESTION: I thouirht ret? Kiut^n'M ulm« ^ouiiiln like a m-itto; «|.|n th(. Tail on tin* Donkey" h«<br />

coantwl. n* they :IU for U. C and! it.., "Wim-. win,on. an.) sonc" MI-« " hl I "" n Uw JJoriKP >* h «<br />

fetanianl. friends !-aid tit b-av.- .,ut tli« fir.; do, with sub- and last, but this he stoutly do-<br />

, stantiatini; examinations. A|>- nied.)<br />

exams come first and<br />

ure soir.ewhat hardor than tho sub- o #. f £ J<br />

stantiatin^ ii < . That'.* how it o I U I I tl H Cl<br />

Courtesy from girls too much to expect? p—T'ION-: HOW dll, ,,eCin? T h i n e s<br />

Courtesy i* certainly mi asset to any one\i chnncrter and ANSWER- Write to your dis- &<br />

sticks hut troamired frat<br />

on the sweater of the auorinir fluff<br />

of femininity.<br />

Of Sliftrt Ou.ation<br />

OvtTcntne with emotion, the<br />

two hold hands, jja-e into each oth*<br />

. . —L—<br />

a '33 Chrysler. to"somelMhjy'e'se. ir *<br />

Dear W^ 3 1 Y "'""••«•<br />

U.Sin i l 1 he l ?u.r V &, U e Cl «jwnd mt.rt.. time with—in<br />

who?" Carl Raaka-U—"J'iraw<br />

vnir Mill*, Hammitl." Incra Friedman-H-l—"That's<br />

what I kw*n tellinir<br />

them doun at the office.**<br />

Italph Kjar-H-1—"Go over to<br />

Washincton to see little Florence."<br />

"Bain*" [A'C-!f4—"Mmv time for<br />

T. B." Dot Ritter-H-I—"A little<br />

mor'e sleep would help." "Midtre"<br />

Deckman-M—'Fip.I Yehudt." Shirlee<br />

!!art° llr ..if i . " ".'""; truly why . Al Garia fMtball star has •<br />

Mtlyn Gr i s i t t d i b<br />

lliin "nyoi'L' tell your t-ulv why<br />

•I?. 00 . 11 i?!iV:i l . n :L_ S h , n 'L u w s '.'— i ;\ I . IirI . ! %hnt a combination, i-h Grann'ji? >'" G««n I*.«o intertite'l in<br />

«, "^ir"?.<br />

omnVate<br />

us like ike that.<br />


Dear Slightly Mistreated:<br />

That's the spirit I like. I will<br />

talk to ^thls fellow Conn. I don't<br />

00 *. X our II( " art «e-'»t for<br />

•u can't treat ; Ie • ".** Joan Waililngtun tun liigh? LodTJui, Art!<br />

. . ^ Ji Junior BBob<br />

Kinslow sure<br />

Downey of Mike goos niter frenhmen. We think<br />

| (a Galileo senior).<br />

Joyi-e Pringle is O. K., tool . . .<br />

..VS""}; With "the Light Brown Jackie Zilraus, that cute janior<br />

Ifnir/—<strong>The</strong>re» only one Uru«h to brunetti<br />

touch it. Hight, Don?<br />

"I Mke To Recognize the Tune"<br />

—Jerry Applcgnrth.<br />

~ "Would 'ja Mind"— Dave<br />

Paulson's deep blue eyes* Bob I<br />

wk wuld't N T<br />

Cherry'* nose and complexion; Art<br />

1 • • Al Garcia, fo-jtball star, has<br />

been quite Ga-Ga over a certain<br />

Miirs-y. Wheie did you Mradcr<br />

Al? . . . To "Little GW<br />

'.Jackie Weyl): What's wronp wiih<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> men? Whv do ir.v* a<br />

r«rtttin Washington fellow all the<br />

, has been seeing iiultp a "•ivnks? You traitor. . . .<br />

bit of a certain Bin. Good luck Dot Kappn has been Been parad*<br />

(.Man—). . . . Lovely Kddie inir around whool with an S. I-<br />

(Clark Gable) Goldstein, 130-pound<br />

It looks serious!<br />

Poor<br />

Robert Pfile. go back to her.<br />

Hunter ulrrlrd Vl'njc'l'nR "Oh. How*<br />

Ir. Oh." j:

SPORTING -- *V <strong>Lowell</strong> will meet some "tough" competition<br />

M>G& in defending its track crown Saturday<br />

By Ed Conn<br />

Attentinn, uport fan*. Tomorrow's<br />

the "Big .Meet"—the climax<br />

of mouth* of pentistenl practice!<br />

and tiring training—lhe flnnl high!<br />

El<br />

«««•, our nearest rival, hmi plain<br />

«k and field !»/,".» »»n~Pl»n« to win, and don't<br />

.nertacieln S.n tM " k for n Kprcinric peel.... in »an ! , "lomcnt , , , It ( won't , , cone<br />

close to realization. In the mean-<br />

Francisco this<br />

time, i while hil Commerce C plans, l LLow<br />

havo c " * tore * energy, and in the big<br />

9»i"k \- it "Has mect tomorrow every available<br />

Icommorce « °? ncc °J * Mr *f, wil1 ** U8C(I «

oun<br />

THK LOWELL. MAY 3. ltUU<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s R O. will i Barbara Tyler and Ray Blanch harmonizing Ceremonies honoring <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Debaters<br />

take part in Reserve<br />

the Flag were held will not be able to<br />

in the court facing room go east to the finals<br />

151, April 19. <strong>The</strong> pro-<br />

Bram was under the di- in Philadelphia, accordrection<br />

of Vice-I'rincipal ing to the reports given<br />

Miss LaCoste.<br />

by Mr. Lorbeer, who is<br />

Tlie story of the Flair wan told in charge or inltr-scho-<br />

l>y Kuverul studenu wh" traced the laslic debating.<br />

background of history leading up <strong>The</strong> trip ha* been called off,<br />

to tlic final development of thenot<br />

because of financial dlfficul-<br />

Officers Day, May 28<br />

when the band and n<br />

platoon participate in a<br />

special drill. This will<br />

take the place of the<br />

competition held annually<br />

at the Civic Auditorium.<br />

I-ast year. An Arnnson won the<br />

lender's saber and Allan S-uithson<br />

won u medal fur outstanding drum<br />

major.<br />

Parade .Memorial D»j<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> will also lake part in the<br />

Memorial Dny parade that will<br />

proceed alone Lombard street to<br />

tbo I'a-sldio Cemetery, where<br />

America'* patriotic dead will bo<br />

honored by •> .iioroorial service.<br />

P.-T.A. Officers to be<br />

Lo the final development or tho •»•«• -««« «• *» -•»• «"»^'-<br />

•Sltm am? Gripes." Songs of! 1 '**' for thc debaUnir team has<br />

America through the generation* j*' n ° u K ffir toft. citi».fe ! "» m I "" M -<br />

was elected president<br />

for (he second year at<br />

the lasl meeting.<br />

Her offi::cr» utu: rfrrt viccprvf<br />

idenc, .Mr>. Hilary Crawford; second<br />

vucpnvidiM, Jj. A- E. LtvingMon;<br />

hori'T.Try vice-presidrnt,<br />

Mr. Lvroy II. SlcpiicD*: treasurer,<br />

Mrs. Andrew SWICII|«IPII foincwt<br />

Fevtviury, .virtf- WilUrun Bates; itcording<br />

secretary, Mr?. George<br />

Aprlcgi-.r'-h: corresponding secretary.<br />

Mm. H- T. Pe"y; and audits.*.<br />

MM, H"i.ry Morris.<br />

On the evening n£ May 17, the<br />

terc play, **W*ha: u ijf* 1 Consensus of opinion nmonir thi; > <strong>The</strong>re are a number of debaters<br />

(students was tliut Miss LuCoste .<br />

' had (fono an excel If nt Job of plan-<br />

] ning thin I'rogmm for u>.<br />

given at <strong>Lowell</strong> have favorite<br />

for them to attend. Among those<br />

by the Girls' Glee Club,! nne of (hear book* U "<strong>The</strong>; : Patrol will be who could have gone wore Dave<br />

.May 21, seventh and,<br />

eighth penud.s it was<br />

'<br />

learned Tuesday from which nhe nearly accom- together with patrol* from ' K[\.V<br />

Miss Alexander.<br />

pushed her round the world all o«r California, it want**<br />

Each Kpring the (Iirt«' (!Ive hoidr Koal.<br />

learned from Police Captain<br />

a concert for parents and friend.*, though .«he never returned, the Cclchcll at a traffic nquad I n w p ] | f C f<br />

—'h girl receiving three bids. At ,„,„„ wax „..,. published „„ by her hu.xthis<br />

time certificate?! »re mvanii-d band. Mr. 1'utnum.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mcrlini; Ixiys participating held lam week. in theJ-OWWI<br />

U.O.T.<br />

4>H C&<br />

thoxe who have done outstanding "<strong>The</strong> Story of tl<br />

tianuie will be excused from SL-hool<br />

10 dU<br />

i.i<br />

Wcdnefdiiy, Miiy 2V, and given<br />

free transportation, admissiun to April 28, for the thirteenth<br />

the fair, and milk to i; with their annual convention of the C<br />

," is to be<br />

fivvii /or the Parenl'Tcachors AJ-<br />

SCI.<br />

the various stone*. Musical num<br />

Thu club, uncicr ;ht ?jion»dnihip| will Inrluih. nrluih. mudrik-iik by b<br />

of Miss .Vctcnif, ii ;ilsu cfinftfdtriiii;<br />

u thuMcvr i-arty uitlch will include<br />

1<br />

a S|?a;iich movie.<br />

"<br />

L'IKI ir.nntli Ihfy aUcndtd u din-'<br />

IKT -;i i, dou'r-.tntvn Spanish rtylaiimnt.<br />

nUml * I> f Will<br />

,Mr. Henderson, speaker / . .# . .<br />

f E je the star performer<br />

i it DL LI n L P'<br />

"<br />

nn May 8. at the semi-annual<br />

I'M I y technic - Woxhincotn •<br />

Registry 403 went on a l.nivel| music club party.<br />

Mr. !{(ventha!. a profeKsional<br />

hike to Mann County •r. will jihare tlie program with<br />

ace m the contest<br />

at the Phychology Club tl( ,,ie Nalicma, .<br />

April HI. chor.e a* the *ub- I'reMt A«u>ciatiun, :,<br />

jtct of her talk. "IVycholo- by Ihe Univerxity of Minn,<br />

gy uf Altitude" and related While on the subject of <strong>The</strong><br />

HCviral interesting ex pe- <strong>Lowell</strong>, it might interest you to<br />

riencen. know that the staff received a 1«-<br />

,n "Fan Tempo of t*-* r from \\\ S. Uurkiirdt, editor of<br />

Low-H Chess Team to vie<br />

for city-wide title orown<br />

^hfn they meet flalboa notac<br />

tint? brforp May H.<br />

T.j datr, LoWfliV tcum him dcft-nt'M<br />

Co.niiiiT>:e and Mission, and<br />

h-w iu?i oniy to Hulboa 4-2, Lut<br />

due to \ho hut thni~iiali>oa' lost Bridge club is finishing<br />

^tournament, the two «hMi« a 8UCCea8fuI tournament<br />

Mr. Hcnrfch feda confident that<br />

his team will beat Balboa and cop<br />

the championship title.<br />

Teachers wore asked<br />

corr«r n 'wiwV^Sripmiiicr^'Iii'autiiority Howard Sullivan, 301, won<br />

i Two mistnk°M l 'i|'i°°:irod in the '•"," thl :, W

•>«£<br />

«st<br />


TODAY<br />


<strong>THIS</strong> MORNING<br />






JUNE 11<br />

Volume TG. No. 5 San Frnnctwo. Ciillfornln.June 5.1040 > > FoonoVd Jannary. 1808<br />

By Betly-Mae Lewis<br />

North. iou'h« cast and west—<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> graduates will travel to<br />

all points of the compact to attend<br />

college atitt spend their vacations. •.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "Senior Census," taken re-1<br />

cemly, showed how many and how I<br />

varied are the vacations that the; ]<br />

graduates are anticipating. <strong>The</strong>: i<br />

same census showed the numerous { |<br />

colleges the seniors expect to at-,<br />

tend in the fall, and the jobs that' f<br />

they would liko to have. (<strong>The</strong>se '•<br />

latter facts were merely incidental, i i<br />

for who's going to worry about col-;<br />

leges and future positions with'<br />

summer vacation practically here!)<br />

Some "Loafer*" j<br />

A large number of lazy grad- j<br />

uatcs will spend the Hummer "just<br />

June 15th to August 25th<br />

Graduation Exercises<br />

For 405 <strong>Lowell</strong>ites<br />

School's largest Senior Class to receive<br />

diplomas Jane 11<br />

Editor's Swan Song<br />

Editor for 107,260 minutes, ftndovery<br />

minute -f excite*<br />

[ ment. That ha* been .ny expo-<br />

! Hence as your editor.<br />

, To please the student body as<br />

i well ns the faculty has been my<br />

'<br />

loafing." (We wonder how mimy<br />

will extend summer 1 o a f i n g<br />

thruugh college yearn and future<br />

job hunting!) And, there nre those<br />

who arc going to hibernate and<br />

n ' m - Sometimes the going was<br />

•gftj-vrr 1 California's oldest public high<br />

school — <strong>Lowell</strong>—will hold commencement<br />

exercises for the largest<br />

graduating class In its history*<br />

Tuesday afternoon, June 11, when<br />

405 young San Franciscans receive<br />

their diplomas from Principal L. H.<br />

Stephens ut the War Mciua.-ial<br />

Opera House.<br />

;— } tough, because opinions varied.<br />

• ^- ' j Several new ideas were presented<br />

One hundred eighty-eight boys<br />

to the student body for the first<br />

and 217 girls will be given **aheep-<br />

I time.<br />

nkins" signifying completion of<br />

their courses of study at <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

With n now staff nnd J new ad- San Francisco's first high school<br />

viscr, certain aimfl were achieved. und direct descendent of the oM<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> Day by Day" became n Union Grammar School, estab-<br />

hig feature; more pictures with lished in 185G.<br />

rii ,i at »»n it *II ' XT T i r\et' stronger background were printed;<br />

Girl Valedictorian<br />

Block L Rally will New Term's Officers ;;$„» £««• »•»» «>•"•«• »••> Ellen Shnnk, prominent debater<br />

ami t I I* * 1 1 1 1<br />

lent of the Shield and L,<br />

»r society, will act as val-<br />

c " lch be the climaxing event to be elected today<br />

with only eight students planning the Shield ami 1, and the Scroll and* ~yar vice-president tlarc<br />

to spend vacations there, and the L. : M.fri,,-:. n tn,n „,<br />

name number to see the exhibits at Special Awards Sir " »>!ldti* ?"<br />

June 6—G. A. A. luncheon<br />

at Aquatic Park.<br />

June 6—Graduation reht-arsal<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

C. S. F. dance.<br />

June 10—Graduation rehearsal<br />

at Opera House, 1:00<br />

p. m.<br />

June 11—Graduation at Opera<br />

House. 2:00 p. m.<br />

Senior Ball at Fairmont,<br />

8:30 P-1<br />

June 12—; -Making out ^f new<br />

program*.<br />

June 13— Molting out of new<br />

programs.<br />

Jane 14—Making out of new<br />

programs.<br />

School out at 12:30.<br />

Jane 14-Aug. 27—Vacation.<br />

August 27—Back to school<br />

again.<br />

IWueW ana • 5cro11 nm$n successiui term<br />

of Senior Class ball aMin B LowelKtes and assisting Teachers<br />


Bol) Kitchen, Scroll and I, proxy,I<br />

22 Work on name-plate.<br />

winning design shown<br />

Look at the top of the page.<br />

That is the new <strong>Lowell</strong> name-plate,<br />

result of the combined efforts of<br />

Fred Suucr nnd Jean Malonc last<br />

Monday. Some twenty-two students<br />

in the classc* of Mr. McCord<br />

and Minn Hermann submitted dc*<br />

signs.<br />

If you'll recall. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> took<br />

second place in the National Scholastic<br />

Press Association contest<br />

lost spring. One reason we didn't<br />

place first (the goal of next term's<br />

staff) was the poor design of our<br />

name-plate. Thus one of the first<br />

steps toward our goal has been<br />

completed.<br />

n0 Soft lights and Hwcet music will<br />

ccrs and members will be anpour<br />

forth from the mlrror-re- Bol) Kitchen, Scroll and I, pro "n«

TWO<br />

LOWE:<br />

Rides and more rides<br />

on street cars ride up<br />


Farewell to you, our<br />

seniors of June '40<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

Whether you know It or not. Out In two we*l«—you golden<br />

21,000 tiekcM for street car ridtM lauii and uirlit we vu Molded and<br />

Published by the Associated StuilcnU r were sold ld di during lst last t term here hro at loved—itut of school into the world.<br />

Ad 'HV'h ld l h l<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hllth School<br />

1800 Hayes Street. Son Pninclsco, Cnllfornla<br />

L. II. S. S. A. Members Free<br />

Member, Central Cnllfornla Scholontlc<br />

Press Association<br />

STAFF<br />

EDITOR<br />


Awclale Edllor_.<br />

Warren Unna<br />

Sports BlUor<br />

„, Ed Conn<br />

Girls' Sports<br />

Kstlnka Callln<br />

Clubs<br />

llellr Mae Lew<br />

Clrcalatton.M.naircr...-<br />

.William Cohlentf<br />


Barbara Bcnn • ' Stile* Hoffman<br />

Ann Bowman<br />

Elizabeth Kitchen<br />

Art Cohen<br />

Dorothy Lnnjr<br />

Chorlc« Davis<br />

Bill Manning<br />

Hugh Dorroody Bcmicc McCook<br />

Koberta Fnien<br />

Hit Peters<br />

Jim Wcller<br />

Naomi Slialn<br />

Iloliert Kim»s»n Hal Sllvnteln<br />

Paul Finn<br />

Joan Sonne<br />

Herb Fowler<br />

Gloria Sproul<br />

Lorminc Glos<br />

Betty StnncficM<br />

Dill Graves<br />

Pin Lombard!<br />

Kftcmiy<br />

1 " " r if h While the majority of you are walking around In<br />

f°' '"" "? "","• a dnxe, day drcamfnjr. of the day when school will<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. This is an average of about And the world hi a tough place<br />

XMUMO .rides each school term of | right now. you may have heard..<br />

be out. or suffering from an attack of spring fever<br />

or, perhaps, even from a visit from the love bug,<br />

ninety days. i "rr i<br />

your* truly delve* into the Inner depths of the gonfp<br />

- .one cent on the can!. w»rid h<br />

world and comes forth with the latest dirt to satisfy<br />

thn undying curiosity of our loyal readers (or should<br />

that )•« singular?).<br />

Hut, Imfore reading any further, you might like<br />

to know thni only ccnlors arc featured In T. T. Tales<br />

thin time So, if you're one of these lower classmen<br />

who rends this only to nee your name in it, and to<br />

campanii<br />

satisfy yuur ego, we're warning you nhead of time ft<br />

^•"'wc ....<br />

" the prorfHL <strong>The</strong> pages of oil won't be here unless (if you're lucky?) In connection<br />

hht history'nre r drenched'with dhed ith Mow! Mood! with 11 senior. —L—<br />

of SlS.'i a term.<br />

mid team, yet mankind is still go-j it you've happened to nee fane. Clark sporllnr a<br />

Ung strong.<br />

rather well, er, uh (t» nut tt politely) far from eon.<br />

LOWELL DIRECTORY j It'x Been T.iURh Itefore Kirvative shirt, don't give him all the bin me. After<br />

, Vour own ancestor* learned tc all, if that's Roberta'* choice, who's he lo quibble!<br />

Attendance office—bureau ot<br />

i take it—otherwise you would not<br />

nimint persona.<br />

1 —L—<br />

exixt today. Von can tuke [t. too.<br />

Library—the hangout.<br />

Majorie WeifcelV phone numlier seems to be one<br />

IJving is a good thing. What-<br />

Halls— flirtation walk.<br />

of the nightly calls on n Jay Hamewlag's calendar<br />

ever happen* yoy will have nomn.<br />

Room 00—college rhythm.<br />

thwe days!<br />

—L—<br />

' times indeed. All good!<br />

S*rn Here and <strong>The</strong>re<br />

Auditorium—nw^e .door. | time* come to nn end: Ho tlocn nil \ Mary Lou giving ii Mr. M Ban* B the h eye; come on, Mr.<br />

Uirld gym—fashion H nightman;. |fl„„„.., j IIIIM. give the girls a break. . . . Open lockets<br />

Boy*' Jiym—atlas foundation. t t^.vo and be faithful. Believe in idnnirlintr from Uremia and Cnbinn'n m-cki with pic-<br />

Locker rooms — mile crackers (;(M| j| l l V e j.,,;^, ,|,at ol(r sou),, tun,H or two «;ar]intr b«y.-< (whose journals did they<br />

parodist'. live (in. thnuirli our bmlie-i ille. rut up?7 ???????». Don McGinn dashing down<br />

Masonic nnd Hell ftreets-thumb p God be wit], y-.u. Happy li ' " . . - - . -<br />

wmrgers glory. , in-*,<br />

same without<br />

mK .-hollac. At U-uat he had a cp^My ..npn ,„,. „„,,„ |,,.sin „„„,„.<br />

line iiniriii. . j<br />

Howard Council's timid voice;<br />

Jim Hoiinm'a "jrotia K, Daddy": <strong>The</strong> codfish lays a million tC<br />

red-head'-d •tinter cuttinj» Alice Mnry<br />

Howard Alvord's thinness; Fred <strong>The</strong> barnyard hen but one. Will thi* news be welcome to Jim?<br />

Beaver's «l«w motion; Harry Uutti- Hut t the cedfi.sh ish doesn't d e t cackle Pot Daft is looking really mournful these days.<br />

invr's broken arm: Dick Cansidy, To iow what shi-* has done:<br />

»Ur little roly poly: Geiie Clark'it Wee<br />

Murn rn thy (Hottest cotlfixh,<br />

Hob Troppmann. . . .<br />

lfih<br />

record breaking; ami Joe Cullen'a <strong>The</strong> L-afkIinK kIi hhen<br />

wi- prize—<br />

I We think it's because she is leaving <strong>Lowell</strong>—and<br />

CUe.-is who?<br />

Proving that, beyond a doubt.<br />

I We hear that our Hlot-k L viee-pn-xv i* all Lnu-<br />

Oick Culver's pcn>xide hair; Bob It pay.* t" advertise."<br />

' I.ou over a certain Wnithintfton mis^«. In that rieht,<br />

Hal? —IJ—<br />

Curley's speeeheB; Howard Dull-<br />

Dot Mackenzie claims that her only love is the<br />

mar's shyntss; Bill (Jarry in a "WKATliKiTilKPOIlT thoater. What about that turner romance that seems<br />

term play: Paul Harlvss' limber Monday—Mist<br />

to have endured the long winter? ? ? ? ?<br />

K'lpt; Joe Mitchells voice; and Don Tuesday—Mirt<br />

! — L—<br />

McGinn'.* cute dimples.<br />

Wediiwdiiy—Mist 1 Hnwie Council fa going crazy these dayn. Ut'n<br />

Klrino Neher's broad shouldcn*; Thursday—Mi«<br />

having trouble with a follow named Oertan. It<br />

Jnlmny O'Brien's tan complexion; Friday—ISulI'i* i-ye." seem* that Urann has been cutting In on Shirley, and<br />

Jim Itool A cute c>rl friend; Bill<br />

—L—<br />

Howie doesn't like it a bit.<br />

Kosi*' cute t;irl friend, from f^owell: <strong>The</strong>n there u-:t« the bride who<br />

Hal SiIviT.itfin's manui^erial ability;<br />

and Jack Woodffold's charminK ET'"?I*I i.<br />

smile.<br />

W ?lV« m »° " : In whoM BIock L wits raised for philanthropy can get who arc trained in these lines. To qualify,<br />

and student nld." *<br />

you should he pretty hnn-Iy with tools anyway:<br />

then, if you are a junior or senior next term, pl«n<br />

Hotue rolls to their executives re* to work at <strong>Lowell</strong> in the morning and tro to Samuel<br />

cently.<br />

Gompers Trade School for work In the afternoon.<br />

San Jo*e High—ScwinK stu-<br />

Thin work will count toward graduation. <strong>The</strong> airdents,<br />

having had lessons In darnplane<br />

factories take the boys from Sam Gomners as<br />

Ing and patching, say. "If I have<br />

fast as thev qualify. When peace comes, a machinist's<br />

or radio technician's trade Is as good as any.<br />

to darn sock* when I get married, And better than many others, as qualifications for a<br />

I'll never get marr'ed."<br />

job<br />

Ororllle High School—Popularity<br />

polls were held at OrovUle to<br />

select the beat looking boy and<br />

the moat popular frirl.<br />

Is holnir<br />

shown by installments to the pupIU<br />

of that school.<br />

» Bloff<br />

Ad<br />

job.<br />

What does a commercial pilot get?<br />

Airline pilots receive an average of $600 a month<br />

nt prcnent prcnent. with cpilt co-pilot* averaging i around ud $270. $270<br />

Tnm.ln.t. HI.!. TWn (%.«...• ^ nnt « < *°^ S ' l C0Ilt tO trn ' n ' , .<br />

loniaipaia nijjn—iwo iormeri <strong>The</strong> Boeine School of Aeronautics In Oakland<br />

Tamalpaw students had the honor charges «1.0C0 for the limited commercial pilot's<br />

:I S'^SS^a. f - an orchestra led ?.' by "tffiK Leopold 2Government ^ TnmughAnny trains pilots and free Xavv, if they the United duality, Stnt« and<br />

Slokowikl.<br />

Kives them rndctn' pay while teaming. You must be.<br />

Piedmont HiRh—Piedmont High »t least twenty years old and physically fit for th«-<br />

Ski Club has organiied a thrflllmr worlc. with two years' collece training. ConirrUS >';<br />

trip to Sun Valley for the sole now considering loo-erinit the colleire requirement,<br />

purpose of skiing. About 30 pupils however.<br />

belong to tho club.<br />

You can net more detailed Information for tb« .$<br />

asking In Room 138.

* i.<br />

Xothlnjr rould he cuter. : 1'nlrs.n, "may lie, it's n<br />

-Petty drawing. ?«y .M.'Pe An dries, r\lf uhbard;<br />

M. AanniH, M. Bo>vc'r.MC. Keller, and iCHnrter<br />

continue smiling. -' : , . , . *,<br />

'i HI: !.HUI:I.!...M'M: •.. t


Seniors draw up last will and testament ITen Years-fiom now.. !"Nothing But <strong>The</strong> Truth" survey forces the<br />

Ten yenra fnm now: I I I I f At\r\ 1<br />

bestowing prize possessions on friends<br />

Gym Htiltn, nhof lacea, extra<br />

Mailey n.n»ie counrfi-u«n.»ro i...,i j real low-down from 4UU departing seniors<br />

button* an- toft for *onn? hopeful<br />

, To iret a better picture of ...„„ Ku<br />

poundage, thone, arc but n xampla xerueant by Jack Hartley.<br />

bran Unrrimm—Fat mid fifty.<br />

.-er. J. May. U. Ncnl, C. Slkind,<br />

' Hctiool jttudenu' idealM anil thiirof<br />

the . Cook IL<br />

Em Cowilvn hetvh>' will* ntnl U>-11'dhit; Htl Cnvnllini h» lovo to JuaM Greeiii.—<strong>The</strong> unv dlvorci-o., '"• '""' '»-•»: l «re their riwjiorixc.s: Taylor. J. Vuu Hcekfrun. E"",K<br />

quenttw her cnurdfl in EnsliRh Ills- Un iiroken lienrt nf<br />

er, I). tttwl«, K. Kay, anil La Uachlory<br />

to Adolnh HHlur. T«I 1'ohl- |. Kpivt'y t"'<br />




Iljr Ed Conn<br />

Attcnttnn. »j»rt f«m! Uwcll<br />

ha. willed ofr with Ihc liawn<br />

•icain thin yrar and you ran be err*<br />

tain that bacon tntttni "mighty"<br />

Kood!<br />

Basketball<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Parade of Sports<br />

By David<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> basketball team.<br />

which has been known as "<strong>The</strong><br />

Mister Big f in tho prop cage ranks<br />

during the past five yean, failed<br />

in a desperate attempt to win<br />

its sixth straight face title when<br />

it was defeated 1A* Washington<br />

22-20. at Keznr. February 3.<br />

At the outset of tho season the<br />

Card* were marked ns "the team<br />

to Wat," because of their splendid<br />

nrc-sea«m record. Those wonls<br />

THE LOWELL. JuNE G. 1040 KIVE<br />

Don Welcome, Pete Kepon. Don<br />

Pringle. Willis Hitchcock, and aided<br />

by Joe Cullcn, Jack Woodficld,<br />

Dick Nido, and Bob Drouln, which<br />

comprised a rather strong crow.<br />

<strong>The</strong> graduating men are: Joe<br />

Cullcn, Dick Culver. Bob Drouln,<br />

Jack Woodficld. Dick Niello.<br />

George Hackman, and Bob Hitchcock.<br />

<strong>The</strong> outstanding men on the<br />

team weic veterans, hence no one<br />

man received any glory as being<br />

the hUtr of the crew.<br />

Swimming<br />

Cardinal Coaches Collaborating<br />

held true to the end, as the Eaa.cn<br />

had to do :hit to win their first<br />

mnjar title.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students are proud of<br />

their team and it* nix ncniorji. Howie<br />

Dallmnr, Paul Hnrlpus. Cnrl<br />

Rankn, Bntn* \jw, John Owen, nnd<br />

Jr.ko natUit, who carried tho lied<br />

and White colors Into n second<br />

inthc<br />

Ed Conn champlon.hlp. ' > standings.<br />

—twinning nnd crew. i *(Jracfc<br />

"<strong>The</strong> finest example ,.f sports- [<br />

maiwhip am! team work displayed j By Hoffman<br />

in some time" describe* an acconi*! —- . Completing n successful season<br />

.<br />

nnd:«*i the cinders, Coach Harris' vnr-<br />

pliiilunent uf George Cunflel ft k id h A A came through very well in each of<br />

Hff<br />

man, w<br />

hih<br />

g l<br />

trackmen their Mocks<br />

their events <strong>The</strong> first place- were<br />

! Rjr Finlayson<br />

<strong>The</strong> unlimited swimming team<br />

won the A. A. A. meet May II, at;<br />

Plcfshhackcr Tool as the result of'<br />

Kood coaching and steady practicing.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* varsity swimming team<br />

has completed its bent season In<br />

five yearn, for it was five years<br />

atro thiit the unlimited* won their . . .<br />

last championship. This was nc-' - ' *' * . '<br />

o»mpli»hed by tho hard work of the<br />

A. crown last May 4. nt Kczar, be<br />

and medals in the three quarter ; fore f an<br />

mile relay which perfectly cli- Persons.<br />

Just five minute* before the run-: 171^ jjr|bwi 15, 1<br />

nine «>f this final event, and with; ton 10, St. Iirn<br />

: .<br />

staff anweIl<br />

from lai«t plnre to second place,<br />

and t« mak« thosi- four fellows—<br />

.foe Miu-hfll, Art ?chumai'her. E"l<br />

Klli.*, ami Italston Allan—who nthenvise<br />

mijlht have I wen somewhat<br />

morose, very, very happy!<br />

Faculty vi*. Students<br />

While viewing our learned p p Many .seniors will 1m misled on<br />

defeated Bub Gaston and Itol> Keermn<br />

of St. IgnatiuH, to cop the city<br />

liexi year's .Ho,uad. Either gra;l-<br />

••'""•<br />

oftasors<br />

huffing and puffing and<br />

l I Ktihn. anii "Nails" Hart wig.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nucleus of the team will be<br />

lost next term due to graduation.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se players an-: ItutUmcr,<br />

Roche. Greely, Kuhn, nnd Hartwig.<br />

who all did their part to bring another<br />

championship to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Baseball<br />

llv Davi*<br />

After setting the pace in the<br />

high nthofll baseball race for the<br />

past two years and supposedly a<br />

tough "hombre." thin year, tho<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> nine nose-dived Into sixth<br />

place nnd the second division this<br />

-. Some of the other pennon.<br />

.. <strong>Lowell</strong> netslcrs this With many sophomores and jun*<br />

arc: Teddy Myers. Rudy iors on this yearn* team, graduation<br />

lakes .surprisingly few men.<br />

side golf cour.*«\ May -1, to cop<br />

Howie Dallmar. "Lofty" Ross,<br />

CreW tin' city championship.<br />

Dean Marchucci. "Smokic" Good-<br />

Captain Al Farn'ii led the team<br />

win. Bob Brown, and Cliff Roberts<br />

lty Manning<br />

to victory with u i«w ncore of 68.<br />

are the seniors who have played<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s varsity crew ended whiil, i.t three strokes bottur than'<br />

their last year in <strong>Lowell</strong> uniforms.<br />

rather unsuccessful HMO<br />

---- - -- - --<br />

runilc l;>st vi'-'ir, [tub Cardinal<br />

• 4 > «<br />

t Its first fl rate was with l ItallHia. its -Ai :III,I |['(li, Farrell oame through rtmit'liac --- • » »i ^a ^*>i^i| KHIIIVf T ^J \f — ""<br />

xeconil with Galileo, third with St. 'with an fcl).<br />

Ignatius, and fourth with Sacred l.nwi'11 finished thirteen stroke- Ifa.xi'biill: i-ensatitmal pitching of j • l • i .<br />

Heart. !t wnn against Sarred; ani.aii ,,f ylt\Vt .„„( Woshingto- ^.phomore Paul Or*i and Bob WlflS CbampiOnSniP<br />

Patilsiiii s All-City arcomplwh- r "<br />

and at the name time witnessing |<br />

the urne P ai |;'<br />

lial) in the "Little World Serif*."<br />

played May 20, we beheld a Tew interesting<br />

fact*:<br />

1. Ben Nrff looked »imply der*<br />

a*tat ing in (hat little red frock of,<br />

his. You should fnvor that color 1<br />

Heart by four lengths, and then! t.o,,«inir third "tilacr. Next yet . „,,,„.„<br />

""-'ITrack: Gene Clark'* breaking of<br />

rjaytnn Calender was captain' t» the graduation of threw mem- •<br />

lid stroke of the vanity crew. Hi' Wn of the chnmptoniOiin team:<br />

ucl1<br />

itrans an rir Ha t.aitiii A .<br />

Hick Culver. Bill Kiwtact..<br />

more. Kenny, drah* I<br />

2. Mr. Taxey" WnNh, when not<br />

"At the Bat." Mi'tntd tit he the attraction<br />

of generous masae-i uf<br />

femininity.<br />

.1. Coach "In" Helmut whole*<br />

hcarledly retaliated to the critical<br />

calls of "Dogmrat and Catment<br />

l>> hitting a homer with the haw*<br />

loaded.<br />

I. Mr. DunnV f«c«" wan an crimson<br />

as strontium rhloridr when he<br />

dropped that My >w all bin admirer*<br />

wilfully looxrn on. Teh!<br />

Teh! Teh!<br />

(If any of th/ foremrnlloncd<br />

teacher* wish to *« •"«•. my residence<br />

i» now ttaittok. Slnm.)<br />

My Swa» Song<br />

Well, spurt fans, the time has v»iy<br />

come for this writer to say adieu,<br />

and I do so with » "»adness in my<br />

1 the city record in the mile by<br />

.,......- .,« ,..~ rf ~_ ~.._ — _ _. . „__.----,. .., _— .- five seconds<br />

such yeitM-aiM _w Gtjorge Back- j Captain Al J'^'»; •*n first team anil Hirl-ss on the<br />


SIS<br />

THE LOWELL, JU.NE 6.1040<br />

<strong>The</strong>spian Honors America! Cavalcade of a Nation JC.S.F. Dance to<br />

Go to Joe Culler. «asHBiflSsaffiSllMi ibe held tomorrow<br />

Climaxing ten »M-k» i.< dally<br />

rehearsals the c»»t at "What a<br />

Life" presented four su«.cewul<br />

perfrrmnncrt of the term ploy.<br />

Say H. 15. 1C. and 17, In the auditorium.<br />

i'or hik spleiuliu performnnce as<br />

Henry Aldnch In "WhM a Life,"<br />

Joe Oullen hud hl» name placed on<br />

thi TramatlM Honor Rcll. which to<br />

the hlBhnit honor that any <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

thespiun ran receive.<br />

Th- huce IUCCCI' of the play, accoitling<br />

tu modest Air. Pollnnd, tfce<br />

co»ch, »a» u'je first. !o tho ploy<br />

iuelf. ."d secondly, the experienced<br />

cost. , . ,<br />

<strong>The</strong> reit of tho cant Included<br />

Fran Hnrrlion, Myra Buchholi,<br />

Bill Garry, Frank Qulnn, Jim Uonncrt.<br />

Warren Mohr, Joan Stuart.<br />

Margilec Chrisman. Dorothy Kane,<br />

Ellen Shunk, Charlio Blake, Carolann<br />

McDonald. Don Brush. Carta<br />

Wagner, Dot JIcKeniie, Frank<br />

BroJie. Margaret Mcfirath, Bcr.y<br />

I'cten«on, anil ilorvcth Cain.<br />

tpproximutc exl'enstn for the<br />

piny, ^vordlng to -Mr. Curl*, were<br />

S::n0, while the rit-t-ipt-H tftaied<br />

y ThV inside of "the tank" is" painted ; r f 1 T l \ L . |<br />

award Riven in the exhibition. This turtiuoj«. eiVinir ft thc annearance ° Lo w f'»< t n °J. the homage of our!<br />

wus the flrwt time <strong>Lowell</strong> ha? won |0f n tile cool I neart, j<br />

the prize in the five years of iw. Kosc ^ari'v younK holds the dis-' We offer thue bffon* we part.<br />

.».,«»«. ! ^ , , M^th^tlnle.t in rte; We lovely tanner, proudly ,av-1<br />

Choir has performed :^^^..n/Marli^cS: on "^»d'«»• •-- g.on--1<br />

for manV DroeTamz > »"-• 'he youngest performers In the k""nsi tnt SKJ. ,<br />

JOT lliuiiy pivgi u..io ,,how. each being 10 years old. Thy eom have /ought to keep thy'<br />

^^t^^^^^S^^TlX^ rne^hies „ their!<br />

>n«fiii " *ai(i Jlr Airth.! American tour, nto|ipini; in two m ""11 1 *, , ,<br />

I major cities. Buenos Aires and Uio O <strong>Lowell</strong>, thou, the homage of our<br />

I dc Janeiro. <strong>The</strong> tour will 'ast from I huart.<br />

j three to nine months. ' \Vc A resume of the chair's actlvi-<br />

o{{tt ^ y.^^ wc p,m><br />

ties cs foIlL follows: It sani;. .March _. IS, for<br />

; Of frit-nUhip made, than thfne are '<br />

the r.-T. A.; Qt the Flac Day cer<br />

emonics. held in the yard. A 38 Seniors Slated<br />

Holds winning ticket on<br />

car; gives ;t away For C.S.F. Honors<br />

Hy Lorraine G\on<br />

Thirty-tMKht hi«h senior* will l<<br />

honored with life membership in<br />

A Lmvi'll Indian gave a the C. is. K. upon (fruduation, if<br />

Stanford Indian a ticket, not<br />

for siH-'edinfT but flo he might<br />

they qualify this last term.<br />

have a chance to speed.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se Mudents are:<br />

William Harrison, Charles Sax-<br />

.May 9, Courtney Porter, IKT, l'hillip Stinchfield. 32S: Stan-<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Indian and basley Felix. Laurence Shepard, 222;<br />

ketball player, ushering at i William Kuji.su, Marie Cumroinpf.<br />

the Aliiambra <strong>The</strong>ater on the June Onwsun, Kiitinka Gallin, Bet-<br />

second night of his new job, ty-Mae Lewis, Marion Nctuttadt,<br />

unknowingly gave the win- Gladys Oliver, 213; Norman Wai*<br />

ning ticket for n Hudson car .ter, 214: Itoscmnry Gonener, Katb-<br />

1 to an ex-Stanford Indian crine Glafkides, Bobby Hartner,<br />

who, like Porter, is a bas- Lois Hoacvear, Carlo Wansorsle*<br />

ketball pjaycr.<br />

'ben, and Shclia Yelland, -103.<br />

j Robert StiratfUe, Marcvlle Ar-<br />

When the Stanford In- ;toux. I»u Van dcr Wat. 136: E'f>r's ideal.<br />

P«1| 96-page "Red and nune more dear,<br />

Hunk Luisctti, uho now "be-<br />

19; and a pain at thc Public Schools :<br />

' In work or play, their purpose<br />

lieves in miracle?." So cloc.-i<br />

Courtney Porter.<br />

Week proRram in the auditorium, White" now on sale : shine:' clear.<br />

April 24. Thc boy* of the choir<br />

:Tliy ijtiiis and daughtt'rs prniec thy<br />

taiif thc theme sons of the term Fifteen hundred «i|ijv*<br />

piny at a rally in several of the<br />

of Lo«fc-.<br />

L i o lofty aims, w p , ! .<br />

ell's largest e

0<br />

tSk-<br />


IUU.V<br />





Volume 77. No. 1 Sar. Francisco, California. September in. 1040 Founded January, 1888<br />

PrexyRaaka to Lead; ''%I e * a f Time " Tlie \Ho Money; Girls' Gym J<strong>Lowell</strong> Faces Galileo<br />

Football Rally Today, ; Of Freshmen Reception Dream Shattered<br />

In Tomorrow's Game<br />

Dancing During Lunch<br />

Hey man will introduce<br />

new school pep song<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Farce iif Time" theme, for<br />

the freshman reception to be held Principal Hopes Work<br />

Friday, Scptcmlter 27. i* now under<br />

way, Hini numerous minposed "su- Will Begin Next Fall |<br />

|n.*r" nets arc being weighed in the<br />

minds of the commit too memltcrs.<br />


Indians rated underdogs in first<br />

league encounter at Kezar<br />

<strong>The</strong> . theiny .. . . wns .... decided . upon nt n,<br />

<strong>The</strong> jiir's' jtym will nut be built j<br />

"Ojmninjr E-rnhs." **' . 1 joint meelirg >*t the Scroll nnd i this year. <strong>The</strong> Board of Education<br />

Cardinals,". and """-- oil" •' ** I 11 " 1 1 F>ri4 '' | i** ..~ n * com " J has been forced to cancel all build- ;<br />

A lira ham Lincoln High School, and<br />

wcre'ilie "Holler Derby." "".Summer ' lIl rally will he presided over by ...„<br />

newly elected student Ixidy nrcsi-<br />

° *>• •"*• Junior College.<br />

dcni. Carl Rnaka. , , Souvenirs," "<strong>The</strong> Indiiin," "A Day \ir<br />

<strong>The</strong> nilly will 1K<<br />

pine ilevoted to pep-'at uwi.n." ,,mI "<strong>The</strong> Folies." i<br />

l 'P the students and rehears<br />

Mr. Stephen*-, however, ho* not<br />

inc the rooters for the <strong>Lowell</strong>-Gal- ' v * • -. given u» hope. "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> gym,"<br />

:lcn football game to he held In iNPIlstaCltPr OF! 1 OD lie said, "is still firm on the board'*<br />

Kesar Stadium tomorrow after- ^^UalrfUlCI Ull 1 UL), tisi i>f 'must builds,' followed by<br />

noon, at i!:.'t(>. Al Heyman witl run<br />

AI indium Limoln's gym plan.*. We<br />

over the revised "Axtf Veil" wi;h<br />

ean only hope we will stay first,<br />

the students. <strong>The</strong> eherr has l«V!i<br />

for if we do, we will have a «O«M1<br />

speeded up and will IK* dnne n* it<br />

chance of getting the gym next<br />

i- at Stanford. <strong>The</strong> Galileo stu-<br />

fall."<br />

dent body officers, visiting <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

IIeady by Al Heyman, <strong>The</strong> ten expt'iit nts uf wisdom ;ind 1illJiVS<br />

.ill<br />

>•<br />

lle.Xl fall<br />

the tn'w head yell leader, who will with tin -mint.* wen-: Donald Heaii- rialin<br />

All .M» de<br />

aisc It-ail the singing of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s simi, v.Wni; .Marion lie Kerry, cafe Tr.. ' iilans i•<br />

T tile JO."<br />

f'tb-r wuitr. "fin Cardinal." Words F; l.ois UaiiM-n, Ui2; I'ram.s Kte.|i; editor i.f Tin* IJOWtl!.<br />

Ktl. ronn: and eafe manager,<br />

.Mart-ret Schaeffer.<br />

1<br />

-I<br />

'Smattcr, Pal; Someone SI'ECrAt BVLLKtm<br />

Jab You with a Needle? Ten Itunn, Galileo ntar halfback,<br />

suffered an injury to his right Ie*<br />

Have you seen a spring Wednesday. September J. and will<br />

dnnce in a movie when the IM- out of lornorrow'n line-op.<br />

sound track went off?<br />

Whin <strong>Lowell</strong>'s fighting Indiana<br />

Have you ever seen a I trot out on Kerar Stadium'i crccn-<br />

punch-drunk fightfr waltz irixteeii lockers opi-nitu; into<br />

iNew Council Heads ;ty barks are Steve Dotur. I'aul Orinsaccumti-<br />

••ai-h .-Imwer, ntiil additional lockers<br />

I si, Clavton Calender. Howie Rimn.se.<br />

Bill Chandler. Skilrx Hofflatvd<br />

.*>.'> Jioint.-. Ttiese ilieltided: liniiiir the walls. in the closest election in many mnn. Al Androvich. nnrl Vic An-<br />

I_ Ilrowti, IV2-J-. S. Hrown. :U'.'; F. Speaker*.' Itakuny Mars. .Majorie Weiss was elected<br />

:l Ii<br />

iiuff. ajii; W. Hush, :i:il: 0. Chiim,<br />

lit of the Girls Council and<br />

Weight Advantage for flalUen<br />

(•alileo will hnve a fliL'ht weight<br />

advantnge of t«'o or three pounds<br />

What Did You Gain<br />

per man throughout the team.<br />

Fans who watch the gnm? to*<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>? Students<br />

morrow will probably see n colorful<br />

II. Styris, 'M2.<br />

Mr. Tucker opened the meeting with plenty of speed nnd dc-<br />

Quiz six Mtidems itcciimuiated umulated .Ml point-. flliuo^u'and^i'lVCTWtora^Miry tnlives who were°to take charge of slnr* bo h the coaches. Mike Voyne<br />

How It Works »»rk« ...„ .||,.iude«i in the tilans the salon salr* of student body cards: cards; nna Ra.i itn Johnnon, employ wide-<br />

T.i those new students who are<br />

then Miss Lacostc called forward open system to a great **xtont.<br />

All Say <strong>Lowell</strong> is Tops unfamiliar to the honor count<br />

all the \\\ iniy and irirl room rvp- I'rohable line-up«:<br />

I.< IWKI.1. rlili>h OAMI.KO<br />

Hlmniiill* ...^ » )]I<br />

.. It .<br />

Johiwrn .Tntipmn<br />

rtn«mi.v<br />

IB ____McGutlln<br />

Uller<br />

President Curl lUaka—"Attend* 'p,irt.,i . A muni of _\. points -\\e are well on our way toward Erickiion, »nd Mariorie Weiss. Th«<br />

g <strong>Lowell</strong> has given me the op-; jN n,,, to make the Honor uur goal- 100 per cent member- !„,..« running were Ed Normoylv.<br />

purtunity to meet many fine fel- n,,]|<br />

lows nnd girls, and has given me,<br />

!fihip." »uid Bob Arnold, <strong>Lowell</strong>s K,f Kowe, Angclo Misthos and Bill<br />

lows and RiHs, und has civen me, ' . . ' tn-asurer. yeJtwnlay'as he reviewed Grnvci"<br />

pltnty of enjoyable time*, both in ; c_l.ni_ncL_r Unanimously! thtf l*ctrra<br />

I'umlnl<br />

..Silver<br />

.Chatlum<br />

"limn<br />

wo-uay old student body curd ^ 'J.<br />

an athletic education. •ctivitieM and in KiumnK ocnumacner unanimouaiy (lriV(. * •- .. .. i i ^ c *7 J<br />

Vicc-I'rvsident AffneH Jones— j Elected H4 PresiHent I ' he iu,u won't hopes have hi* to [iuah woni* a : h«id tme ^ rail enrollment totals L^JJ J; student<br />

1 h<br />

Unanimously elected pre^i'dunl ot 1 ucross h won't Kezur's have turf to push tomorrow a foothall aft- •<br />

S<br />

• , Art Sehu- ernoon. <strong>The</strong> treasurers of tinlileo leaders, athletes among new Sophs, Frosh<br />

gained experince which will bo | *"•' -••• secretary race. _<br />

elpful to me in my law career." i _"~Z '71, '-,'.'<br />

Cufeteria Mannitcr Miiripirot R.O.T.C Rifle Shoot<br />

knowledco to help me In the future,<br />

Editor <strong>The</strong> Luwell, Ed Conn—<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> has given me a background<br />

that will tx! indiflpcniiahlc when I<br />

Bo to collcire."<br />


Sept. 13— Opening Rnlly.<br />

Sept. 14—<strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Galileo<br />

football game.<br />

Sept. 23 — Senior pictures<br />

taken throughout week.<br />

Sept. 27 — Freshman Recep.<br />

Hon.<br />

Sept. 30—Group pictures for<br />

Red and White.<br />

Oct. -I—<strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Commerce<br />

football game.<br />

itloco<br />

Jatsu*<br />

_ Soko-<br />

headquarter* where h"* will JI .<br />

bly bu assigned t«j» - w o&aU Tak- In fl*2l\ there are Wayne Gray lov, semi-finnliflt In the state tening<br />

his place hi.- ..i <strong>Lowell</strong>, is arid Arnold --•- Goldman from Dudley . nls tournament<br />

Sergeant Harr. \. Koclberg, for- | h.one, who received American Lcmerly<br />

n corj- >\ |n the Oth Coast lon awards.<br />

I'nlo Alto He presented<br />

<strong>The</strong> class nreni ient, Kenneth Me-<br />

our rifle team when it enters into Artillery tit V ~. '<br />

From Grant have come Gordon .-- - - ---- v«~~r_<br />

eompctition with other schools of<br />

Lissler, student body president; Lt-nnon. and tht secretary, Betty<br />

the Oth corps urea next spring.<br />

nnd Ruth Levison. secretary and S^IK^^IWH/!,<br />

However, th'» fall, the individual NewAnnu. liaffGiven<br />

momVrfi nrc going to enter tho<br />

Nntlonni Rifle Association tournaments<br />

to determine who will be<br />

<strong>The</strong> newly announced staff of<br />

good: enough for the tenm.<br />

the lied nnd White includes: editor,<br />

Don Ucnnston; assistant edi-<br />

For those who like statistics, the tor, Marilyn Adams; finance editor,<br />

rifle team uses a 22 caliber Spring* Lorraine Granichcr, and assistiints<br />

field rifle, nnd the high man, right S. Burke, G. Bolster, and Dreeson;<br />

now, is Major William Flcxrenltnr. literary editor, Ruth Kaufman:<br />

senior editor*, Lucy Mouradlan and<br />

SPECIAL NOTICE Alice Bloom; boys' sports editor,<br />

<strong>The</strong> September I3lh Usue of <strong>The</strong> Ralph Spied, nnd assistants S.<br />

I-oTiJ is free lo all students but Kesslcr and H. Nelson; pirls'<br />

hen;.nfler only student body mem- snorts editor, Anita Ames, nn*l n*bent<br />

wit) reeeirc <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>, a* it sluUnt June Sutton; ami W. POR-<br />

in througlh<br />

student body cards that tel, J. Livingston, Graven), Ash-<br />

the ie paper Is supported.'<br />

croft, P. Kerrigan, and Thompson.<br />

1 !!. 1 ^;<br />

veil lender bath In 323 Also from '"• wn " c >rom 1 rentalp has corns<br />

Glint "SlSaSm EdGrSiT, Shirley Sinmr. 1« llmwnant In<br />

trrautircr: Anrc Soult, nnociclc W« trarnc wind,<br />

editor nt their pnper: nml Jerry; From a dUtance, Talit Alto, haa<br />

Dfll'oBiio. ciiptaln of the baxkcthall corac Bob Jonnen, who was vice*<br />

nml hanclmll tcanu. president "—" of "" his class. -'—<br />

From Roosevelt<br />

From Aptos Have come Jason<br />

Roosevelt Junior _... High „ hns con* MInklcr, president, and Shirley<br />

tributed MIml Lcbo. school secre- Plymire, secretary.<br />

tary; Jack Cooker, ninth grade i Splro Gudclt, president of Dnnclnss<br />

president; Mildred Kfefer, cd- id Welutter; Albert Dean, treasuritor<br />

of the school rxner; Paul Tar- ;cr of St. Ignatius; and BUI Law,<br />

H. yell leader; Dick Warren boys', president of Jefferson, arc also at<br />

xports manager: nnd EleanorTlmct <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

in the debating society. <strong>The</strong>se stu-1 Finally from Rwldlnp h«vR rom»<br />

dents nre from 214.<br />

the class secretary. Mary Ellen<br />

In 213 from James Lick Is Frank James, and president, Richard Sol-<br />

Kanrakan, ashlstant yell leader, omon.

TWO<br />

LOWELLL®<br />

ra>ocitco% ami <<br />

mi <br />

visit the cliiMroom* an they used to, yearn flffo. In<br />

tJieir youth.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y want to unite with their former fnVr.J.1<br />

nnd ulnp them on the bark. nnd smile and say,<br />

"Well, you old jwand'M, I haven't seen you for<br />

<strong>The</strong>y wnnt to join together and come through<br />

with the same old yellii that gnvc spirit to <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

teams of years back.<br />




OUR SIDE:<br />

We want to do everything we can to promote<br />

apirit at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

We wnnt to make <strong>Lowell</strong>'* graduates feel<br />

"they're Kone, but not forgotten."<br />

We want to promote friendship OIK) -plrit En<br />

the hearts of both alumni and Mudcnb.<br />

We want to make the niumni themxclvei* proud<br />

of the school they onco represented.<br />

And vhat would mnke our thouwndrf of alumni<br />

prouder, more devoted to <strong>Lowell</strong>, than to know<br />

we had given them n chance to revive their former<br />

friendship* and to promote a new kind of<br />

!LowcIl Snlrit!<br />




TO COME.<br />

Stuff and Things<br />

<strong>The</strong> governor picked up a phone and called<br />

lone distance.<br />

**I want ;o speak to Killer Demoff at the "tate<br />

prlaon," ht tM excitedly.<br />

"Sorry," a voice anxwercd, "your party Just<br />

r up.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re wai an old man from Nan tucket<br />

Who kept nil hi* cosh In a bucket;<br />

But hi* daughter, named Nan,<br />

Ran away with a man—<br />

.'And an for the bucket, Nantuckct.<br />

A penthoune *ulte In swell, but Home people<br />

wunt a suite with two pair of pentn.<br />

•TVhnt did Attiln call his fnvoritc wife?"<br />

•"Bonny. I gueja."<br />

"When u girl hnj ircod ealvci her shin* will<br />

nlwayft K forgiven.<br />

Cote: "Haven't I alwayg been fair to you?"<br />

Brute: "Yw; bat I want you to be faff and<br />

•warmer.<br />

Daughter (Bt ono a. nv): "GondnlRht^ mother."<br />

mother: "Cominir fai or wing out?"<br />

Your<br />

Foreign<br />

Correspondent<br />


While your Korny Kolumnintwax<br />

xnoonlnir around Forclim<br />

Shun-* ii la Sherlock Holme*, she<br />

uncovered th« followinjr items:<br />

Nurnrry Khymw "• U I****"<br />

Flash: . • - R«l « lu « Hteh<br />

ha* U'«-n itolnir in for nursery<br />

rhyme*, if w" 1 can juilce from these<br />

namplea of half-witticism* printed<br />

In Thf niuffer:<br />

"Old Mother Ilubbnn) went t» the<br />

cupliord<br />

Tu fetch her poor don n hour;<br />

Cut when *he ROI there<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cupbu&rd was bare—<br />

Ami :"o tlie poor dog Went on V,.<br />

P. A.<br />

"Humpty-Dumpty *at on a wall,<br />

lltitiwiy-numpty hail a irn'»t fall.<br />

AH the klmrV hoists and nil the<br />

kinu'.i i"* i n—•<br />

Hud<br />

Chem. Wit<br />

Clirrr.btry Professor: " S 11 m ,<br />

what do you think is chemistry 1 *<br />

i;rea te ot contribution to the<br />

-Sam" (niediiiiifvel- " Blonde."<br />

—<strong>The</strong> Weekly Aegis.<br />

Advice to the Lovelorn<br />

Lincoln High Schitil. i" Portland.<br />

Ore, huai>l> an "Adv^e to thf<br />

Lovelorn" column [n its achuol<br />

pa|H*r for the romanticallv minded.<br />

A glaiice at it revealed U»-* following<br />

confidential (?) i-orrvspont!*<br />

"Ih-ar Aunt H''p*;t>ah:<br />

"Since breaking up with Geor*:e,<br />

I have been • xtremely norvous.<br />

Wl'-su*:" giM»d fcr biting fincer-<br />

-nKVEKLY.<br />

"Pear Bov:<br />

"Sharp tct-'ih, you dop Itaiime .Minings'* advice<br />

ymi'll firget tin- music and ^tart<br />

yiuir • iiak»'st Ver^iun of a hut<br />

.xhiiir. Swing risht out. cat.<br />

Ni-ver mind the n'-'t of the c.itivftklioTi<br />

I:'"* 1 bigot.-* around yoU.<br />

F«».Mt; thiit long fancy train on<br />

v«>ur partifr'si ginvn- <strong>The</strong> pt>opl«< 11<br />

kt'i-p out of your Wiiv after you've<br />

upset a fev. if tlu-m. aiui the train<br />

v.un't rip much farther than the "-r AH:<br />

Whpt will l»e tht; paper's policy<br />

(eward girl.-*' xuortfi?<br />

—Sports Enthusiast.<br />

I'i-ar Sports Enthusiast:<br />

inu hnx'e heard of reading between<br />

the linea haven't you? All<br />

that I have been able to gather by<br />

m? Huper sleuthing In what you<br />

girl*' sports enthusiast* will have<br />

to do. —All's Secretary.<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

Amofltr our louvenlni we found thU little liter*<br />

ary Kcm by the well-known |»oete«a, Gertrude<br />

Stein:<br />

Eniiuuh Said<br />

He *nlrl enough, ennutrh «ald,<br />

He naid enough, cnouuh *aiii.<br />

He snid enough, enounh »aij.<br />

He nafd ''nought enough naij.<br />

Isn't that quaint?<br />

• • • • •<br />

About <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

This last KUmmer neema to have cooled many<br />

a romance around <strong>Lowell</strong>, for instance: What?<br />

wrong with IJud Spiegel? W«s can remember when<br />

he walked around the halls muttering that Lovelie's<br />

name over and over to himself.<br />

We think it will take more than summer to<br />

cool off that mutual feeling between Hal Bimrose<br />

and Martha Mclvin.<br />

Dob Troppmatt took in tickets at a local theater<br />

nit summer. We don't think Bob knew he had so<br />

many friend* until they came In drove* so they<br />

cotilil get In for nothing.<br />

From what iwople nay. Camp Mathei la quite<br />

the place. Ahk Bill Henderson, he knows. We<br />

hear he wan rushing xome gal up there iuite a<br />

bit until h»- 1 found out she iva« married. Th.it VTOS<br />

pretty ctae. Willy-<br />

Dumping p»Mt'heM into a vat at a cannery kept<br />

"Ktitiin' Arnold out of mfcehief thN summer. He<br />

worked from six at night lo jiix - f n the morning.<br />

Kail! Uob; "Being hack at school 13 simply uneiinny-*'<br />

.Seen some of the new women. If you haven't,<br />

iM-ttcr *ee ati optician. Ye.-* uir. thin year's crop<br />

of .MinstM is i.|I right.<br />

H<br />

Have any nf you girl* noticed Gene Vayssle,<br />

Hob's younger brother" From the looks of things<br />

it won't In.* long in'fore Gent will he giving broth*<br />

t*r Hub plenty of competition. By the way. Bob<br />

ju*t g«i out of the hospital. Appendix.<br />

To all appeainm-ps the S. When his crudes t-ame heie he \va* afraid<br />

tn i*ee them—wondiT why? Hear he was heart<br />

"roKin lit-cause i'Iairt p Moody is going u» Nurth.<br />

Why not p> over to the polo grounds in the<br />

park aftt-r school wtnc day. and watch your footl'jili<br />

tfant work out? Don't worry about getting<br />

there too late befause the l>oys stay until »):W)<br />

I'vety night. Though ihe toam ts green, it ought<br />

to go far. judging !>v its spirit. Alnivt- all. please<br />

d«n t forget to root for it at games. It - really "<br />

•'an U*K- your support.<br />

j\i»iut Grail?.<br />

Si-'-ms awfully dead around the old "campus"<br />

without the last year's grad*. Want to know<br />

what ^ome of thirn have d«ne?<br />

Liitt termV voosorne little twoyome. Joe Mit'<br />

chcll and Ft an iU-N'eil. art- both Kutng to C. 0. P.<br />

this term. What a o-inky-dinkyl Hear Claire<br />

Moody and t'at I)i>dd itre also goinir to the Northern<br />

Country Club. Wish WE could.<br />

|)id you notice that Alice 'iary Williams is<br />

back? She's P. G.ing. Must Iv lone.*ome without<br />

Jtrn and Bob to carrv hor books.<br />

For those interested. Carry and Xiemeyer are<br />

no more.<br />

Faiin-d Jimmy Hatto induced Jim Weeks to<br />

send ."oiiii! cartoons into King Feature Company.<br />

Not all were accepted, but they cent a letter to<br />

Jim a.tking for more and more. Hope we see<br />

."onu* of the drawinm in print soon.<br />

Anyone who is interested can go to Union<br />

Square nl noon time and nee Joe Cullen and Noel<br />

Fteyburn chewing their lunch on the gra«s. Noel<br />

works fur P. G. &. K. Joe goes to shorthand<br />

.•chool. runny, but we can't picture him sitting<br />

on the boss" knee.<br />

We heard Dotty Button wiw married, to we<br />

looked into it. Yes. she Is.<br />

£:inca Clam will mits Jim Honnert for at least<br />

n year. Gradon made him go to the new J. C<br />

Falling asleep while driving Is no Joke, or $0<br />

nrucc Sutherland tells us. He did. and hit an<br />

oncomintr car on the Hnyshore. Said his car was<br />

a mess, but no one hurt badly. Lucky boy!<br />

Thought Itosic Young wax going to swim at<br />

the Aquacade. \Vh«-n we saw her she looked more<br />

like an usherette than a swimmer. We wonder<br />

why?<br />

• • * • •<br />

We hope that the Freshmen Reception will be<br />

taken out of thv hands of the teachers this year<br />

and left entirely to the Scroll and Shield. Last<br />

term's was not so hot n.*T>.<br />

I*, wouldn't be any trouble and Et would certainly<br />

make sitting down easier.<br />

• • • * •<br />

From Reader'* Digest ,<br />

r have never killed a man. but I have read<br />

many obituaries with a lot of pleasure. (Nice<br />


& &<br />

,!<br />

"51<br />

By Chariot Dirlfl<br />

H*ving juat returned from our<br />

two months' sicata (ume of ft,<br />

wai a fiesta), we find th.it things<br />

havs been happening fast and furioiwly<br />

In the sporu picture.<br />

St. Mary's College, which, in the<br />

past always drew its nharo of San<br />

Francisco high school football'<br />

stars, took the roll the other day<br />

and found only one San Francisco<br />

**prep«er' —Ernie Lang, center<br />

from Commerce, answering the call.<br />

<strong>The</strong> real good ones didn't have a'<br />

chance to escape. St. ilnry'a Club-I<br />

ben, ever on the alert for talent,<br />

virtually insisted they play for i<br />

Madfgnn.<br />

Now if the St. Clary's Clubbcra'<br />

wanted to do a good turn they 1<br />

could help "lied" Strader and grab'<br />

some of ID-Jo's better prep football<br />

players (who ever they arc) for<br />

the 11*41 reason. |<br />

Milt Vuctnicli and Errie Gentnt-r,<br />

co-captains of the VxlH "Ucnm<br />

of u Generation," will play .ignfn<br />

this fen«»n, but un different sides.'<br />

Milt CIIOM.' Stanford for his alma<br />

muter, while Ernie chose the Sather<br />

(Jiiie*. Bi»th have u good<br />

chance to rate high on their rcsrM'ctivv<br />

U'am*. and ycu can In* *ure<br />

th.it thvy'U give their uil, Novem-<br />

ELt-y<br />


<strong>Lowell</strong> Grid Luminaries i Cards A. A. A. Title Chances A Big Question;<br />

j Poly, Galileo Elevens Given Top Rating<br />

•Twenty-seven Shin-<br />

B. Neff Starts Lt-wt.<br />

Basketball in Oct.<br />

Voudall, Johnnie mie S'lieil. Mike Klo-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s lightweight banketball tovich, Al Derien. and innumeraMo<br />

season will «tart about the middle other gridiron luminaries Into big<br />

of October nnd Coach Ben N'eff rime, opened the 1040 prep season<br />

will send onto the court of Kexar n San Franclvp believe in jn wl winning<br />

By Expense or \ Kackers Make Keady ^^JuKl;;^^^.^;<br />

Sen .Veff. And th«ro lies the Neff<br />

Klnu-r Harris unlimited' psychology<br />

New<br />

nn K>.'tb.iI| titles to <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

comtnj, During t"ie prncttco pvtlatl* many<br />

* to I* plnycd thi.t fall. >• n youthful nnd hopeful soul takes<br />

first big game.<br />

n.Tiii. ilvcuust* of the expenses in-: With a tetitn c«mp«r«t'd of expe- ,. • ° n "l"*ciacuinr "p'-ctacultir *noi shot to to impress [mpre«*» LO.ICH Coacii<br />

Athrrlon Code ciiient to the opening of throe now; rivncvtl plnyvre, including nil null- *,*<br />

Attention high school football<br />

^clioiiis, thi' l!i>anl of Education i<br />

had to ul "minute the propose*<br />

If you - . . want to - ,-. pl«v college -.-- ->:.., foot- year'.t school littdget. i.h<br />

without risking the official According to Mr. Stephens, how- •••<br />

Athcrton thumb, take this advice! • -<br />

ff ' ' mt n °, n "°. nn knoWR thnso<br />

i-tituteit. Mr. Harris mnv well look"; 1 " 1 h:ivp what it tnkes." Vi cot<br />

diviRiiin bor-h •'' !ot| £ as a <strong>Lowell</strong> eager, and those<br />

•r eleven when wll ° i"" 1 n ' 1 nnd N'elsnn will 1* n tough blow<br />

to Coach Jae WrduccI nnd hia title<br />

hopes, but you ran r<br />

studies.<br />

I'lujt by Request "Dfiwrtmcnt<br />

Bob Cardinal, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s leading<br />

Botfer. added another title to his<br />

many taurcln by defeating Bill Mc-<br />

Laughton. stale junior omnteur<br />

champ. 4-3 for thfi California Country<br />

Clab crown recently.<br />

Next Monday's CalMluiletln will<br />

carry • irtory in lt« sportii nection<br />

In which Charlie Davln and a Gt<br />

lira writer will analyte the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Galileo *mme.<br />

Darin* article wilt be the nmt in<br />

a lerita of-prep footb«t! reviews<br />

belnr sponsored by the Call-Biilletln<br />

and written hr itodenl writirt<br />

ofthf city** high ichools. Watxh<br />

tor them. •<br />

Vkcalion Varleticn rience and to build them up for<br />

Thi- three muskvtecM, Bob Bunrcistcr. Ed Rowe. and J»ck O'Brien, action on the ranlty team. <strong>The</strong><br />

jt,wnt two week* nt Capitola. This wasn't trim<br />

'& the truth or nut, we don't j<br />

held from June 24 to 20 at the know, but at leant it sound* good. <strong>The</strong> two lads who are always to<br />

S»n Francisco Y. M. C. A, build-<br />

Football Contest<br />

full of spirit, Steve Dotur nr.

TOUR<br />

Lorbeer Once Cage Coach; Facts Revealed<br />

In First of Series Featuring Teachers<br />

Back in tbo year 1917. a certain i<br />

George Coe Lorbeer was noted as<br />

an "aggressive coach for Commerce<br />

Losketlinli. whose teams beat j<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>." !<br />

Although a fir cry from his;<br />

preient "white collar" (ho never<br />

wear* oiio) job, it was In this ca-<br />

y is Useful<br />

and Profitable<br />

lly .Mm. Jordan. Councilor<br />

In peace- ami war, the chemist is<br />

a very useful man. His work<br />

range* from (hut of a nkilled techpacity<br />

tliat .Mr. Lorbeer .the man in nician -xho runs r'J'ine analysts in<br />

319, 3U. began hi* hb teaching Mrtta, career. career "SilSTtt^^iK^SiS:<br />

I'rmul oC twenty-three year* of•^ throU(rhout California, rcccivclose<br />

and friendly association with ]„,, nbout $123 per month, to tup<br />

and public speaking to the de- "firneSrai Foundation'Nccnuury<br />

batcrs. To \>e ,\ top rese.'irch chemist you<br />

teacher, for together w.lh eit'ht l .?:_. i .",!. f ! 1 ."\.'--':''...?_". .K 1 . 1 ,.^<br />

lledidcd discovering Uie mystery <strong>The</strong>n there in such a thing a--* a<br />

of growing an orange, life was "gift" for research, a facility that<br />

relatively uneventful until his high grows with u«p anil niak v: 'r "f hmrH-n. ami a<br />

will havx a hard tlmu surpassiiitf. > V!ir " r "V""' 1 " f nit " nr >'- .<br />

them." Pn«»n'i! (.rail*-.*<br />

Become (Jjm InMrutor in^im^rtnnT"!,^<br />

Nini-tecti U'li found mm untcrinc wmt tn 1i» ;• clictni^t<br />

romunu Cullcse, which later saw ;„,.,, an,| ,,,.< ,,..lsiin,<br />

'b,.,h: r » ilu ffi°, n _, i ;. r , "r...V! rU children. Undecided a.s io liia fu- i"; • 1-'" f,ir .•hnii-i'l 'lat*-< Am'v. CCH-II wrtnion .-h^i<br />

ist.i du tln'ir ln-it-ratd wml; In n<br />

1.!'[on anil liinliigiral fi''l'i^ a 1 "(•rii'Mai K^j^rame." an anti-<br />

i- With the addition «•:" tkv._n IK-W war play: "Au'hie ('niii'- Hoine."<br />

" a ii>iiiil*T> n-gistcring nit "fie fit.it -Tlie VV.-Mini:.- "<strong>The</strong> K, : Makes<br />

nil,..<br />

call for s-ign-upj. ->f the "Itelutiitg dm id," a".; "Astii- Hay." which,<br />

i?iK luty." August '2'J. in ',',1'j, and lik* 1 ilii* (•iiv>igit up at once, but<br />

I predict 11 fiH'inbi.'r.^lii,' of al^ut<br />

.^•.•vfiity," -*late.l Jir. Lorueer.<br />

Competitions, which have Iweii<br />

atittoutit^l. aro the Mate lournatniTit,<br />

Friday and Saturday a<br />

Fight g to<br />

:dToda<br />

Clioru.s<br />

found fa»*'r among Llii' tv»cht,T»(i<br />

U»..-ll High.<br />

l)w to the tiniciinc.-a of thw itba:aMv<br />

tiui'.-tioii. fifteen tenchea<br />

curning it. <strong>The</strong> retults found if.'i<br />

in fi'vyr of i:, four again>t it, art<br />

the lemainitic four not w-ihinj; U<br />

discussing their good tlmci logeL*i-: j|«n Miss D De ".Maria ria is th the new m: t'rls li.t Andcmni, '.luhn Hanvy] "rind ' gii-iil."" ' " " " " al:»o du'it* duty."<br />

' Kym teacher, taking 31 hs Xorton'n l>avld Itobms. president of the co- So JMU niust: Fight, men, and do Knur Againut It<br />

Thus, we salute Mr. George Coe plaire, who ha gone to Lincoln L l<br />

or die! .Mild opjn ojijmxition _ to _ the bill 1<br />

Lorbvcr ... »s one - - of the - finest - - teach' . . High tl1 School. ! ! MIw . "" - Maria for.- March triumpliant for <strong>Lowell</strong> High, expressed by Miss Scott<br />

erg and friends any <strong>Lowell</strong> student. merly taught at Poly and studied<br />

Verne: wanted it only "If a real need t<br />

could have. at Stati- and Stanford colleges. She<br />

Hail the Ked and White. definitely established." Mr. Lo-"<br />

."ay* that she has found <strong>Lowell</strong> C C \ In <strong>The</strong> school that ha** spirit and fighu ' beer. L*. S. history teacher. «**<br />

. O, 1. iHrlii very co-opemtive nnd i» |*lad<br />

tO Oiartto be here.<br />

fOf ^3CllOOl ! JHV .""i» eheer on her team, "Since Congress feel* a danff<br />

For they'll rule ,-uprvnie, • exists, every man, woman, w;<br />

•*vr. , T ~ 1 —,, , Me Austin is subbing for Miss<br />

Anil they'll >lunv that child should do his bit."<br />

Lo.ii.ie Austin, ,jt.;inm-tte Uravcn- l<br />

WithLargeLxieeLlub §«»{£•. »•»' *«»« Lana for M^ d«r. .Marint) Itmwn, Jane Clark. Jo- ' '""'l<br />

'-"well has might.. Many teacher*, nctably Mil<br />

let our voices ring: . I'vckum, Cnptain Flex«nha:\ :<br />

ili"c Ncpiwrt, nro indefinite, but Captain Fred Dlvknon. will Le nwdt.<br />

several eral prgirjt prograirjt are under way. up p of the fwing following Block L boy?:<br />

Th <strong>The</strong> voice* of f any new students d in- Captain ain Fred Dicknon, Diknn Nick Nik Ilvlkin. Illki<br />

Uvjstcd in the clubs arc atwnyii Oeorgu Krttnky, Charles Davis,<br />

•" v im« according to the advitwrfi. ""*• t# — •"" t# — ! — *•"•— " -<br />

Camera. Begin Clicking<br />

i^Y Disbanded<br />

Tho Camera Cluli uniler tho Icuil-<br />

Major*, Al" Hagerty. ,u)<br />

As of *hi* dsto. August 26, 1040.<br />

KnJ<br />

mijulst. C. Galfjiden. L<br />

•he lowcll Ht-Y Club is dUbandcd<br />

until il ffurther h notification.' ifii R Wn: ji^^^S^^X<br />

*U whool nervice hw already been ford, Jack Stoll, Jnck Thompnoii,<br />

Uken Ukcn c«r« of by either the sc Mhoi-1 Rudy dy Scheldt. nnd Alex Vnldimc<br />

honor society or the Block L. roif.<br />

B "' J L r - D '" k < !r i .• yyre Henry<br />

Leonard Fnildmin. . . .. . _<br />

- I" »P«n to a 1 This term the club will sponsor w cre given out to new ««""*•<br />

a Gold Tup aerie* of tournamenta. 111 '* term, it was reported by r<br />

Competition will be held Mondays. r '<br />

in room eighty.<br />

Thin was the largest »m°2<br />

A claw clitM in lit npei open to beginner* who ever diktrihuted. <strong>The</strong>re were «?<br />

are fintcrcjtted in learning how to new lockers taken from G*"<br />

p y wiI1 moct<br />

* A Mondayf, In<br />

eight*<br />

1 **^<br />

order to accommodtte the ne« •*",<br />

dentil.<br />


fife<br />


VS.<br />




<strong>THIS</strong><br />


". X°- - Snn Frnnclfco, California, October 10, 1940 Pounded January, 1898<br />

A Homecoming?--Students, it's up to you!<br />

Student*. <strong>The</strong> Lotrrll imlu your Mippurl! Our editorial campaign h«i<br />

btgun. Our nlogan, "Homecoming this Thauluclrlnr,."<br />

Yes. a "HomccominE." A chance for Home of Lowe!!** cxtinmtwl<br />

Variety y Show will be J <strong>Lowell</strong> Gridders Meet<br />

Presented^ <strong>Lowell</strong> Wildcats Today<br />

Take some pretty gals, *cme<br />

kbndsomn ffuy«, a little bit of sintf-<br />

Indians Will Rely on Speed and Deception<br />

To Scalp Ignaiians in Third League Tilt<br />

40,000 alumni to t^!l tok'ulher aRitin. A chance to promote a spirit<br />

ne«r ne«r wen thought o( before in hlsh Khool CIRIU. A chinco 'nit. ilanrtnic. dramo,«««ell law...<br />

for <strong>Lowell</strong> to do •anuthini; never before done In San San yranciKo or nowl- nowl oichc»tru-mU HOT all toKcthci—<br />

bl blv CalKomin. ClKomin<br />

l "" i » nl " have you cot? <strong>The</strong> an-<br />

' Our l'lan >«»crVca»y. You\n KUI n "Vurio-<br />

Our plan—it'* simple. <strong>The</strong> .Momluy und Tuenluy of Bit- Game Week,!'" Show.<br />

let there t>e Open Uouftc nt <strong>Lowell</strong> with creetcrit to show vixitinR alumni I That* what Dramatic Coach Mr.<br />

the work done by the preffent Ktuilcntx. Let them visit with their former 1I'ollund is. KoinK to produce for<br />

teachers and re-estalilish former friendship*. (Notice: the teachera j Liiwell audiences the wt** fpllow-<br />

•jh'ju'd "«te|i up" the work two weeks ahead of time »o the Open Houro in i: ThanlmKlvinc vacation.<br />

would not be interfering.) Mr, I'olland once heard of the<br />

Tuesday afterticun there would 1H.> a student mlly nt I^uwcil—stu- vrry old, and very true, raying.<br />

Ucflt talent, htutfcnt spirit. .Variety is the spic He the ar.y "political pull.** Any* l^irls, I.owelPs nix "Varieties" ought i<br />

on** ran >K> on a committee, '" " from ncnior* . to . frefhrnenl . . to be good.<br />

Cium of 1900 Dinnci<br />

A large cast, about sixty, is a!- \<br />

Almt.3t 200 member* of Hie <strong>Lowell</strong> class nf 11)00 were summoned f«r rtndy "buckling down" to its work,<br />

a dinner Sejilfmbvr 2~, given Tur Fklding "Hurry-Up" Yost in a very so that yuu. dear public, can spend<br />

srort time and with n little publicity. Imnyin- the alumni crowd that '" and une-hulf hours tif KOKO n<br />

c.iuld lie attracted with ample time to spare and much publicity. \ j,.ymont. <strong>The</strong> cl.orus of niftit-s in<br />

City newspaper* hate editorial campaigns—most of them succeed. I ik.jIli; t,ut through it* pace* by<br />

Thr I-o*ell for the first lime in jean* in intrnnifylng an editorial cam* | y/,^ Harbnni Muring, teacher<br />

ii»ijrn. ItV HUCCI** depends on you! . „ | hero urn) veteran luncini: inntruc- •<br />

Think of t!i- pubtirjty fl(r l^.welt! Think of thp spin", created for ttn<br />

the gntiit*: Thir-k of how many hearth will he enlightened with reborn Information I'lronr!<br />

friendship?! Tim..; of c m-w loyalty heUeen alu;nni and ntudrnlN. yuT ym "yt.ung'uns," who don't<br />

LETS MAKE UK! GAMK WKKK A TRULY BIG WKEK. ' i.inemlMr the InM "Vark-tiin," we-<br />

LET'S SUPPORT "A HOMKCUMING <strong>THIS</strong> THANKSGIVING ! | »u|IIn|t t|,,: blowing facts:<br />

—Ed. Conn. I<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Class of 1900 ! By Bill Graves<br />

Facing Ot. IpimUus tot!ay in their third league encounter,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s fast improving gnclaters will mret a test of their<br />

ability to finish the senson success fully.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wildcats have been having trouble winning football<br />

games this year, chiefly because of<br />

inexperience and lack of speed, but<br />

hf augured the Itilltopncrs will bo<br />

Artie! Strip Tease Irvine mighty hard to win this one.<br />

WItonp! What's cominc<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wildcat* would ax ROOU beat<br />

off here?<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> us any other league team,<br />

Cardinal football tcairj; havo<br />

<strong>The</strong> cape slipped down )tn found them a punhfiver.<br />

ftUmly expoxin^ one satiny . .if Wildcat*' cause will bo<br />

white nhouldcr.<br />

'greatly aided if Danny Colcman,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n . . . a pause '*- 1 titpif-thrcat fullback in able to<br />

hind thr curtain. Hr (or nhe) Irilay. If Cowman is healthy, and.<br />

rvnnpenrctl — it wan Art 'if the big Ignatian Hn« is ablu to<br />

"Gypalc flose Lcc" Shn- open hole*. <strong>Lowell</strong> will havo work<br />

mnener attired in a slinky rut out for it.<br />

whin* evening cownt Coyly<br />

Gyniie ilose let the shoulder l' valedictorian and historian.<br />

Ijist term's valedictorian, Ellen<br />

Shank, wu5 the thinl girl in the<br />

history of <strong>Lowell</strong> to deliver the<br />

farewell addrtsi. Arthur Aronscn<br />

ripn-^eiitrd .June '10 in relating it's<br />

hlxtory.<br />

I -" rLl<br />

start, the left haf post<br />

either Howie Bin^rose or<br />

t-nd vhit-j pieces of nurtcboard. 1'cul Orsi. <strong>The</strong> right half spot<br />

Kim regi-try 100 percent was ^ » Calfinder "''' ^ ^<br />

^STt!. Mr. CMbcr*. ,o it i. "<br />

i l l<br />

tinrs that year were »05lerg,| t<br />

(juarter: Hamilton, full; Prentm, j W- pHirfnnan O<br />

tnd: William», guard, nnd ttooney \ V aiCUlCLOridll I U<br />

at half.<br />

"Times liave changed, reminisced<br />

Yost. "When 1 «M coachiiiR<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> we wore lucky to<br />

lave thirty-five boys out for football.<br />

Now you have, over 100,<br />

tnough 1'or a team and a rooting<br />

siit'on, too, in thost* days.<br />

"Yi«5, football lias changed in<br />

tlic last forty yearn.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re wait m> penalty for unn(Co>Mary<br />

rounhneiw* thin. Clip*<br />

pine from behind WOH considered a<br />

very effective way of taking a tnaii<br />

out."<br />

Ami »•«, the "old gnids sat at<br />

tit table far into the night dwcuMing<br />

old times—times when<br />

football war a kick, tncklc, run,<br />

block, und ii ray affair.<br />

I heard: "<strong>The</strong> boys were a little |<br />

older then, and if you didn't have [<br />

a mustache you were a sissy. |<br />

<strong>The</strong> table echoed and re-echoed<br />

with taughter at remembered j<br />

"Say." what became of old<br />

wnal's-ms-name?** was an oftbtard<br />

question. <strong>The</strong> old-timers income<br />

a U'tlc younger as they |<br />

ttaced their memories way brn-k.<br />

dtwn the dark corridor of Time. '<br />

Eyes took on a little more spar-'<br />

klc as the puff, grunt, and smash<br />

days of football were recalled. Even<br />

one wanted to tulk at once. ,<br />

Forty years Is a lone time to!<br />

caver in a few hours. j<br />

Finally It was time to go. <strong>The</strong> i<br />

grid heroes of 1000 filed their)<br />

memories away and lapsed back j<br />

Into the roto of middle-aged business<br />

men with "a big day at the<br />

office tomorrow, you know."<br />

W<br />

m.4m\. u> usual, ifo senior*, are VrchMe jinr-upit:<br />

.1 the bottom of the ltut, represent- |simm..n* . I.XU . ._ UUi-kwrtl<br />

'* j cd by registry 306n.<br />

| Jlflrl) „ _.I.<br />

I Tni|,j.n.iititi ... _<br />

Today y there are twenty-six n..ix 100 Ilonn* - It<br />

inKHlel. ter cent rrvinlrlni. lamely fre»h-<br />

IITI...'.. . Mrunlf r<br />

i It in nnt. <strong>The</strong>re U a midget on men and ttophomores.<br />

- ItlTI. -Unity<br />

MrO.rti,k-k<br />

; ti-ii cf GoldherK'n. Peterson wcrks j<br />

Llllt . llArry<br />

without a midcet. ' llomrcomine thin<br />

ItHI.<br />

<strong>The</strong> men»ure-?copc is for ti-lllnE<br />

—i*f!nleiiiAn<br />

; how much PKMurc vnricn with the i<br />

; l h f liid A ki dl<br />

^.jgi^y'r^ra^|L3s Make Debut in First <strong>Lowell</strong> Dance;<br />

to Meet Bi-1 Shindig Promises to be A Big Success<br />

P. A. S. Popularity is overwhelming tho;c!:ir.t officers and resprcsentatlvca<br />

'' US'A. j from each of the eleven L3 regis-<br />

A motion tc !.«.. '.^ •jrtl meetings | <strong>The</strong>ir danc« is tomorrow, eighth trii-s. <strong>The</strong> officers are Bob Kcsbi-weekly<br />

w.-5 iiaijsw I duiing the: [w| anj ^H LoWcn it M e n^ tei. prcHtik>nt; Jnnet Uico, vicethe<br />

i them. So for it looks as if L3's<br />

• AAliio<br />

cii.ttos.-cd nt thin nicotine j will predominate, however, for few<br />

A <strong>Lowell</strong> Frosh sees wire the plimfi to o buy a " pnblic pulic nd nd- nre nri* promising their bids tc others.<br />

drtM nystm. It was definitely<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fair for nothing decidi> for approximately ThtJ dance threatens to bo some-<br />

XonlHtrudt. <strong>Lowell</strong> fresh- three ftxttbnil jrames tiiis term. thing special. It's the first dance<br />

man, recounteil u visit to the Jack »\ OIMISIUC was elected an | (.hia CIIISJ has ever given, and<br />

Koir extended from '1 p. in. nj>sintant yell leader over a field | tlny'rc determined to make good,<br />

to 12 midnight, neeint; »vcr>'* that Included Gene Vayssif. Stnnj <strong>The</strong>me a Secret<br />

thii'if, miwinjr nothing, and<br />

all frv«.<br />

<strong>The</strong> theme, of course, is a secret.<br />

But noli Kcslvr, dance committee<br />

Haw? Her mother was<br />

cUtirman nnd president of the<br />

Fair visitor C,OO0,0O(J, Tues-<br />

c'hss, want you to know It's a good<br />

day, September '14.<br />

one. He n!so proraines really snan-<br />

"I've never had such a wonpv<br />

niimus for the dence*.<br />

derful time In my lif><br />

Published by the .nMncladl Student*<br />

of U>w«ll JtitI, School<br />

1100 Ilaycn Siwt. l**n Fraticlaco. California<br />

U II. 8. 8. A. Mvmtwr* Vrt*<br />

STAKF<br />

i:niTOR<br />

NKWH KPlVOIt<br />


omur «PortTS<br />


STAKF I'llnTCKIBAI'HBIt . _<br />

STAFF AllTIST. -<br />


Amnn* Amiiult<br />

Ilnrbarn Utnn<br />

J..I111 PrtHrt-itli<br />

Ann ilnwman<br />

Frank Qutnn<br />

Illll Ornw<br />

('lH KrtM<br />

n Jh<br />

Ut.OUt,\<br />

. CHAKMtt* DAH3<br />

tfKIMtt HOPKMAX<br />

Ai<br />



... iiir.l. M" VNINO<br />

Faculty AiH-twr. ..Mr. J. W,<br />

Conceit Source of Unpopularity<br />

<strong>The</strong> student iiody of a school—a complex cot-<br />

Jcctlon of individual personalities. Looking at a<br />

mass of Htudcntu, boys and girls with separate<br />

thoughts, nnd opinions, different characters, and<br />

innumerable admirable traits, and weeing n certain<br />

few mhe their heads above the man into the<br />

spotlight of popularity nnd renown, onc cannot<br />

help but wander just what i; in that these cht/sen<br />

few have, what element their make-up contains<br />

that makes them outstanding.<br />

Personality! And nine-tenth* of it is character.<br />

In tfi^re any thine more repulsive than n<br />

"swelled head"?—anything more disgusting than<br />

someone who has let petty conceit run away<br />

with him? School is overrun with boys and jriris<br />

who have had their chance—have been elected to<br />

some office,nnd have had the fact go to their<br />

heads.<br />

Look nt the leading officer* of the school;<br />

inevitably they are students who resHHrt the other<br />

portions' points of view, shrink from sclf-ecatcrcdnesff,<br />

and nonchalantly pass over the honor<br />

that 70" hand in hand with a responsible position<br />

by election.<br />

Conceit is high school'* greatest source of unpopularity,<br />

nnd the force which drags down more<br />

fine personalities than alt other common faults<br />

put together, it is the undesirable clement which<br />

produces the "fathead," bore of school society,<br />

and ruins the individual's chance for success.<br />

Let's ostracize conceit and let's banish the<br />

"swelled head" from <strong>Lowell</strong>—forever!<br />

Civil Service Explained<br />

By Mrs. Jordan, Head Counselor<br />

Civil service is "working for the government."<br />

<strong>The</strong> city, the itate, and the federal sovemmcntu<br />

all hire a Kreat many people to do all kinds of<br />

work, from day labor to important executive jobs.<br />

Two-third* of these workers are chosen by competitive<br />

examination.<br />

San Francisco's policemen, firemen, and teachers<br />

are the civil servants of the city; doctors,<br />

nurses, typists, stcnnirranhers, draughtsmen, electricians,<br />

machinists, janitors, cooks, and nil sorts<br />

of helpers who work In our city's institutions are<br />

civil sen-ice employees.<br />

State Sen-Ice<br />

State highway patrolmen are perhaps the best<br />

Vnown state civil servants. Teachers receive part<br />

of their pay from the state. Purchasing agents,<br />

librarians, cooks, truck drivers, agronomists, fish<br />

and some wardens, and printers are amonjr the<br />

civil servants California employs.<br />

Greatest employer of skilled and experience<br />

civil servants Is the United States Government.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Panama Canal was a government job. Your<br />

postman, the customs Inspector, the meat Inspector<br />

who puts that little blue stamp on the i^ast;<br />

the weather man and his staff; all the doctors,<br />

nurses, and orderlies in the Marine Hospital and<br />

the Veterans' Hospital, are federal employees.<br />

Civil svrrfce Is a (toed career for able people-<br />

Employment Is steady as km* as you do your<br />

work well. Pay Is not so hfKh in boom times as<br />

pay may be In private Ufa; but boom times don't<br />

come very often. When a civil servant Is retired,<br />

he is pensioned.<br />

Most Be Citizen<br />

A civil servant must be 3n American citizen;<br />

ne must have a snnd character: and he must be<br />

very Rood in1 his line. Chances of promotion are<br />

as good as they are enywhere. You must be able<br />

to get along with people.<br />

Women have as Rood a chance as men of equal<br />

ability; rnc-. Is not so powerful a factor as it Is<br />

In private employment—especially l.i the federal<br />

service.<br />

Most of these jobs require experience, «> It Is<br />

best to jret a food education, then a private job<br />

in your line, then Investigate the civil service opportunities<br />

In your field and prepare for them.<br />

More Information is available in room 13?<br />

Once This<br />

Was News<br />

"Wr'rr Proud of You. Artie*<br />

So runs a headline in the October<br />

I««ue of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> for 1925.<br />

It neems that ono Art Dolnn wai<br />

entered into n beauty content n\tly mind was n nlank. I Mhot him<br />

brr.iu*t' I litvi'd htm'?"<br />

—L—<br />

Wuy back in 'US A. D.. the girl.l::itl<br />

a crew. We ran imagine how<br />

11 race must have Wen:<br />

"Turn back the lx>at. my nose Is<br />

shining."<br />

Ilomwnmintc I hi" Thanksgiving.<br />

Ali's Secretary<br />

Preneating the galavantini; glorified<br />

gvniiis with the god-given<br />

gift of gab, nasinj: into the gloomy<br />

ctytal of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s pet student<br />

[neve* and proMfms—Ali's Kvcrewry.<br />

Dear AH:<br />

Is it posjibif for something to<br />

be done about the cafeteria food?<br />

—Connoisseur of Goo'i Food.<br />

Dear Connoisseur:<br />

I have taken it up with the editor<br />

and will campaign to ha%-e a<br />

Itromu-Sultzer dispenser ut each<br />

drinking fountain.<br />

—Ali's Secretary.<br />

Deur AU:<br />

As long as I have been in <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

there has always been a problem<br />

about opening Joors; that is. sometimes<br />

a boy opens the door of a<br />

doss room suddenly and accidentally<br />

injures someone. Now here's<br />

m>* idea: thirty seconds before the<br />

bell for the end of the period ends,<br />

sound a warning bazzcr, which will<br />

be n xigna! for sonic one in the<br />

class room to open the door. In<br />

that way, by the time the bell rings<br />

the doors arc already open and<br />

there is less chance of injury.<br />

—GucM Who.<br />

Dear Guess Who:<br />

I strongly suspect that you are<br />

Sir Galahad or Ycudhi with a<br />

Fnuntlcroy complex. Of course, if<br />

you wutild like to run around and<br />

open alt the doors before the bell<br />

rings. I'm sure your efforts would<br />

be appreciated. —AU's Secretary.<br />

—L—<br />

Dear All:<br />

Why is It that <strong>Lowell</strong> always<br />

holds the graduation In the afternoon<br />

when all the other schools<br />

have theirs in the evening?<br />

—Jiuit Curlouf.<br />

Dear Ali:<br />

Why can't <strong>Lowell</strong> have its graduation<br />

at night? It would bo<br />

much nicer und loU more font 1.<br />

—Wondering.<br />

Dear Wondering and Just Curious:<br />

We have hadtho eminent scientist.<br />

Dr. Olaf Olafson male* tests<br />

of the evciinijr air in the Opera<br />

House and he has come to the conclusion,<br />

after long deliberation,<br />

that it Is not suited to the lungs<br />

of a <strong>Lowell</strong> valedictorian. However,<br />

if they decided to risk ill<br />

health, a breakfast ball would have<br />

to be held, which might be slightly<br />

disconcerting to the advocated of<br />

moon beams an I soft music.<br />

—Ali*s Secretary.<br />

Homecoming thf* Thanksgiving.<br />

Dear Ali:<br />

I navu made the discovery of the<br />

century. At last people can put<br />

their minds (what's left them) to<br />

ttzit for I huvc found out who Yehudi<br />

». Some people may say that<br />

he's Utc Uulo fclW who puts the<br />

lights out in refrigerators; others<br />

state that lies the man who opens<br />

tho doors at Itoos Dros., and still<br />

others claim that It"* he who puts<br />

the seeds In grapes. But I know<br />

bettor!—for he's the little >my who<br />

owns the place that the fire goes to<br />

when it goes "oul"<br />

_ . —"Joe."<br />

Dear Joe:<br />

Thanks for letting us tn on your<br />

"amaring discovery." But. really,<br />

we still don't feel you have the<br />

right answer. —All's Secretary.<br />

Homecoming this Thnnksgiring.<br />


Hadme<br />

Allronga<br />

Look out: lle'11 ]o«Mte a«ain! lt'»<br />

that social leprr. U.idtm- AII run (to.<br />

who scaped from the man in the<br />

little while coot long enough to<br />

gite you the M-trond of thmte six<br />

U^HunH from lUdrus Allrunga,<br />

Toduy's littlu gum d?als wilh<br />

your jtopulurity ut rallies. Here<br />

il'ft not indivlilunlinin t h i*. roun^t<br />

MI much in it \* group leiidcrA^if.<br />

For instance, when the ci.tlrc<br />

fiudvnt body is solemnly sobbing<br />

the dirge-liki: "<strong>Lowell</strong> Hymn," it<br />

is your ciiuncu to qualify as a leading<br />

CHAIUCTEH ut <strong>Lowell</strong> by<br />

gi.thtrir.jr toK«th»r a group of funloving<br />

fullows and giving n nice<br />

Kwinia- rendition of "Join Ilnnds<br />

foi Polytechnic."<br />

<strong>The</strong> pnfcaing of remarks loud<br />

cis&ugh for the annulment of all<br />

ic also n good wuy to attract attention<br />

to your ficintillntinir wit.<br />

iltwevcr, let me urge you to use<br />

ttict and ^'itwl judgiiK-nt in this<br />

I'rutlk-o. So one apjirecintes u<br />

irasli remark blurted without<br />

thiitiyht of ultimate cun.'cquenres.<br />

Poor -Slinky'<br />

One of my old pupil*. Stmky<br />

smith, unco (•'.larkt.-ii at ;i rally<br />

tr.aL our leudini; quarttrbaik was<br />

v £ht yi'.irs old bY-foru he cuuld<br />

wavt- "Iiy«-bye." This might have<br />

liasscil unnoticed, but ^>td Q. B.<br />

\\urt boinn ir-truduced to an tulmiri»>;<br />

throng and it insulttnl hi* in*<br />

tflligence to the il-gree that Stinky<br />

showed up with a tape snood<br />

nnainil hi* hvad the next day. HejiWes<br />

that, he hud to sign an affidavit<br />

that the quarterback was<br />

really only five when he accomlilltihtil<br />

the fi-ul of waving "liyel.yi-."<br />

Save Happy Crack*<br />

Ho «ave yt»ur cunnintr remark.*<br />

till the Contract Bridge Club ban<br />

t. rally. <strong>The</strong>re'* no I6.*>-(mund<br />

ttipK> thrift man in thut little<br />

1,'rotip (I tiiiu-lt n liM j*uit>, though<br />

tli'Te art' some t'(jually dangerous<br />

IJ.n.ls.<br />

But new. friends, the man with<br />

the net in IK 1 re uirnin ami I n>tiri*<br />

to my enpe ur.til some O"P rmuncks<br />

me nnuther file.<br />

Homecoming ihU Thanksgiving.<br />

Your<br />

Foreign<br />

Correspondent<br />

In Mr. Uasi' economic-fceoifntphy<br />

cJuac, where wisecracks pop iikv<br />

Lullvts from u Tommy xun. this little<br />

gem of humor was born:<br />

Mr. Unas: "Never mind, vou<br />

fellow*. I've been working »u u<br />


Sport Comment<br />

By Charley DarU<br />

l-owrll develop* mure good young<br />

football player* than any other<br />

hi|h school >n San Francisco, If not<br />

la the liar area.<br />

Mike Voync deserves the credit<br />

for the pit fide of outstanding nth*<br />

. I c t e K from<br />

" ""• | <strong>Lowell</strong> into tho<br />

big shuw. It's<br />

no nccldent that<br />

J <strong>Lowell</strong> has been<br />

• sending players]<br />

I to the colleges:<br />

| fust company.<br />

For one thinir.<br />

Mr. Voyno ia an<br />

I astute tt Jd Judge of f<br />

footlwll talnnt.<br />

Charles DavU For another, he<br />

never »,uit* Oh n :<br />

jtutig player, »»nei< he makes up<br />

hit; mind that the nlnyr ha* In-;<br />

tent ability. Mr. Voyne plays his<br />

joungMers legulurly, come what *<br />

may. I<br />

Cinder 1'alh In Gridiron j<br />

\» a sprint or, rikil*M Hoffman. 1<br />



Doiur, 25, fullowing Itu*ncIIV, 77, interference, hit* (he left «lde nf the Hulldog line, in a first quarter play.<br />

_ an ihf Cards lost » hear! breaker In Commerce 11-7. Friday, October •'. —Photo by Bill McOuffy.<br />

;' Block Meets; 'Indian Shin-Kickers<br />

Appoints Committees Pace Galileo Oct. 21<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Hopes Bright<br />

As Fall Track Opens<br />

j Papoose Cagers Meet<br />

{Washington's Eagles<br />

Today b <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Gym<br />

Eagle Cagcr», "Beware"<br />

Injuns A' Coming<br />

Wfth three league (tamek a]ruidy<br />

pla)-ed and Just lour more to<br />

Kv til] the end of tho lenion, Lowel!'><br />

IlKlitvel^ht baiketbull reami<br />

will play the tTajhinirton squad<br />

tltifi aftcnioon in our gym.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Itaht-Aviirhtg anpwir strong<br />

B'IU tho Waihln^ton "Easlettes"<br />

an- out ti> !»'jt r.Dwell, It Ij ,).<br />

l" evont<br />

c'3 <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> 10's will be flifhtinr their<br />

ilianlut when they mt«t Wash-<br />

I Im*ton lunflcf fte OK on the court court this<br />

n. l'rnbahly uartlnsr iho<br />

B« will ue AI Tyc and J'aral nt<br />

the marii i>J»»ttor.3. Tile forwnrdj<br />

will b» Toila and Obayashl, while at<br />

center will be A.kerd.<br />

Uwcjl'n ISO-pound mpoose! will<br />

Uce *V'h:(' 120d E<br />

, - T^o 20 2 have high hopes of<br />

*.clop into a wt;ir. but the odds art-;<br />

against it with iinly one ."c.-iBun of<br />

<strong>The</strong> first meelMijr of the jrirls'! Fm-inir a strong Galileo s«eer<br />

Ulock h w« held September 10 to<br />

eligibility facing him.<br />

n.Mh|ne. Lowi-ll'a jhin-kloiera caitteev.<br />

. ,. -< . . »<br />

Voync believes Hoffman will!<br />

prove -,f value to the <strong>Lowell</strong> team i<br />

in onr wnv or another. He lncks{<br />

expericner, but his speed—run<br />

greatest afset—and hi."* willingness<br />

several practice gnmca behind<br />

rU'tlicm. the chance* of victory for<br />

)n<br />

"' Coach Harris* soccer eleven are ex-<br />

Judging his pant pcrftu tiir.nccs Miss Flynn reports that ull ceptionally bright.<br />

wt stamp Hoffman as the most<br />

di^ici-rub* break-away man on the<br />

Indian tcum.<br />

A. A. A. Slower?<br />

Our griditlerM muxt be thinskinned<br />

nowadays.<br />

I mci»n they cut v«ry easily. i<br />

<strong>The</strong> prep players of yesteryear:<br />

were different. <strong>The</strong>y suffered few '<br />

injuries that forced THEM to remain<br />

on the* sidelines during n<br />

whole season.<br />

Maybe it's the new age limit that<br />

went into effect in 193". Before<br />

th.it year Snn Francisco high<br />

school.* were allowed to play any<br />

toy who wan in pohtMil. but he<br />

couldn't be over 21 —a la Mission's<br />

3!ike Klotivich. .Mike wn.< within<br />

th. A. A. A. rule*, though.<br />

Today no San Fnincino prep<br />

coach can [rvp circuit<br />

would speed up some.<br />

Around Town Department<br />

No matter how sunny the days<br />

ore, there's mill a gloom over "Big<br />

Kec." Alison Orr—he** gone.<br />

When £pik« Heiineney hud his day<br />

« Seal Stadium. "<strong>The</strong> (treat Umtlre"<br />

called the third strike on Orr.<br />

Orr has developed many bljr<br />

league ball players nrtJ a p'an has<br />

keen MutCgcitcu, that a monument<br />

be erected in his honor at "Biff<br />

Pec." This comer is whole-heart'<br />

eily in favor of thut suggestion.<br />

Contributions are being accepted<br />

by the San Francisco Examiner<br />

and the Park Commission.<br />

Adlofl. Mi Amllto<br />

So long, Dick, we'll miss you.<br />

Yeah, Dick W»r, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s 130pound<br />

basketball star, is transferring<br />

to Drew School.<br />

If a good offense is the best defense,<br />

you can bet heavily t'ltat<br />

Lnwejrn grid opponents will score<br />

seldom. Voyne will have his quar*<br />

tw-back* use all the trick* In the<br />

Docks, Voynr is a magician* when<br />

It comet* to razzlc-diizzle foutlmll.<br />

IVrrlnw Tick Department<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ovrr St. Ixn*t!u*; Balboa<br />

over WafdiinRton; I'oly ovrr Com*<br />

meree; Skie* over Caul; Hrlng over<br />

Coal.<br />

: CL ' l ' tioim "'<br />

[/Turin are in full nwiiiir and will! Despite setback* and ties In<br />

did the third week in December.! t rtictice "~~ * L '"<br />

climaxi'd liv llii> fi. A. A. lunrhn.n. . . . .<br />

Thompson, lost term » temils man- I KracrvM Strnnr<br />

niier, IIIIM playul in tnnnv tournn-1 _,, . , atrons<br />

ments in San Fmncfc'-o. " She won Tho "*-' who navc Although weakened by the graduation<br />

of many outstanding ath-<br />

Ittcti, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s varsity track prospects<br />

'ook bright as fall train<br />

"tarred in prethe<br />

city nlayRroumi tournament' vious gumL'S include F*ck:irt, Solthin<br />

year. Hue to an biipendectomy Ichru. Chinn. Hitchcock. Roche, Ar-<br />

I J j *'"'J- •' ^. ior. j)^^ KinugaMa, ^fackarit, Poulo,<br />

_ ^ _ ' _ * till. V.m..r

FOUR<br />

Term Plays at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Financial Successes;<br />

Polknd Explains Why<br />

Studied and Acted at<br />

Columbia and U. C. j<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ytudemp *«ould ntio with j<br />

jjrfda that for the pait fifteen'<br />

yennt nil term t>l.i}-* have been n* ;<br />

nandal ntu-cuues.<br />

Thin i» lurKcly due to the fact'<br />

that l,oweir* dramatic roach, Sam-.<br />

ucl Kay PoNand, iwlievoa so tar-!<br />

ncbtly in absolute fcinccrity and'<br />

*il;)pllcity a* «andjml» ot iictinic'<br />

icr nil twrticiiHtiintf. llu stated I<br />

jut; week, thai unlesi u pUy ii» ca- i<br />

phbie vf bctiic within the mental :<br />

at.:! emoliutint icnuu of the nviora, I<br />

it U nut wt rlh presenting, and h<br />

net fuir to 'he audience* who pay :<br />

u* &«u u. Hi- lias found that urti* <<br />

j>i.ihty in acting carries ww •<br />

jntu in-Jinc'-Tily in rrsl Inc.<br />

U^lue moil aspirant* to tha!<br />

theater, Sir. i'ollatiij was n>Jt in-<br />

;t tested i*» tire u':ting :ii mui-r. UH<br />

ic was m the urcdurviuu of plays.<br />

Active Training<br />

"for two yeura J studied and<br />

JI-'.CU at tfcu 'Jnivemity of Cuiifctuiii,<br />

,ind appeared there in both<br />

juvenii- ai-u cliuracUr par;a," suya<br />

THE liOWCM, OCTOHEIt 10<br />

S. F. Girls Ride at Fair 4800 Inches of j<br />

Hot Dogs Sold I<br />

In Cafe Each Day r<br />

Largest of School Caj« -•;..<br />

! fly yt-yni'tiir Mrinfcr r<br />

' inthc* uf not d*itf* and h^mbunjer; ?<br />

) has ctini'- 1 to mrau just another diy *<br />

: ia thi- life of L«»we'i> cufetoria. '<br />

; Feeding w-u thotunnd hunfn .<br />

.fltonwehs i* a fur try, liowevcr, I<br />

J from Irs mnni'le Lctrinnifis of ye*. |<br />

; ter yt's**, iviwn 'i hc«I of soup acd ;<br />

a litllv dtMen was the .--<br />

. lunch.<br />

! r Ik « }<br />

It w^.« uat-k In 1915 that lit<br />

Iiniall tMk ^n lyowcll circles wu "<br />

luhaut the "little cafe" they wen -<br />

buildinj; in the basement. Thli '<br />

"little cafe" in the basement be* '<br />

c.'.niv the realized dream of one «f :<br />

LOWOH'H HM muthema'.iTa tenchtn, i<br />

For yvait the tttudenu or. 3Ia«nie<br />

(ihnt's us) had needed a room h<br />

| the school building whore good hot<br />

fooil cfiuld be ol'tainod, and now,b<br />

! 1515, it was thcirt.<br />

j At first the cafeteria was not'<br />

' riven much attention, but word<br />

I traveled ground that "pretty cod'<br />

! food was beinjr iter\;ea. So LowtQ<br />

Here vitu Hre ftume of the KIHH whu appenred in the rittinj* cvhibitian at the Fair. <strong>The</strong>y are. left to rifht: , tried it. liked it, and kept on LOT-<br />

[>lly Ann Crane. Cilihu: Edith .N(ck?UbVaRhhcl«-T. Itelly HohsSNvr. <strong>Lowell</strong>; Jran IJithardH. Mnj*. With a quarter fentury «f<br />

I^twfll; Tht-rew /.ieijlrr. I^iwcil; Ihm* Ayer. I'oly; Ituhalfe ZirnliT, Lowrll; Barbara Thyhe.l'oly; Betty semce to it* credit, the cafterii<br />

Fitzgerald. I.r.*i>ll.<br />

—S. P. Chronicle Photo.<br />

j-i dramatic coach.<br />

/S^S. 1 '<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Riding Girls \ Grant BakewM<br />

ime u member of several dru- pi • f ••• ' *~ -<br />

has crown until today it is ti*<br />

I jt t amnnir the city's hiji<br />

schools.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Debaters Under *ell's Favorite Food<br />

h L<br />

niuti'*<br />

.nemrk When- ' Way jn TwQ Weeks<br />

an<br />

an, -!„».. and ,„ an auburn SllOW at EXDOSltlOn Grunt Hakewcll. l.l-"16, WHB ilo-<br />

"Wheu the war came, I Kot out<br />

c hi» hmni-work Tu««tliiy niirht,<br />

Sfpti'inttiir -I. when hv w;m rudely<br />

"j.wikei;t\l" by a U<br />

:ond liuuleniuit a<br />

' ^ W &<br />

1 li])hoiiL i j one, One term it's hot dogs, ti#<br />

Comjjotitimi with Poly and Mis-, n«xt beans, and the next it mieti<br />

fiioti on tlie jtubji-ct, "It.;.-t'ved, that j bo iVe cream.** "But," ?hc aoi.<br />

call. cumpulsory military t*aii.ini: exists ] "they always kt*p oii a balanced<br />

k Tiri>vut] to be a ti-lecram from in public hitfh .-chuuls," oiK'ny. Low- ditt, and that'n what we want."<br />

l Jnhnsjii. L'. S. Scn«ti.r from til's debating program the muldlo j<br />

L'ulifor.iir., tclliii)* Gnirt to be<br />

Invent Otilrilurr ."> at the O}v Hall Twu iinjiortaiit tournutiieiits will <strong>Lowell</strong> Boy (the sucker)<br />

ti: tnkt* a test for entrance iiito the bf at rf. F. State College o»<br />

.\uval Ai-ii'lfmy at Annarw.!i». 'lhanki, at .Mo- **Dnpper'* Harvis. gema' trvl<br />

tkttu, " :oui'h, ji t a, new car-—om*e. „.. It *a<br />

Hick Warnn, Frank ilanrahan,!<br />

New Reading Matter<br />

— _ _. — «.icnler rode with ir ... .<br />

m Lxteimiun Divwiun, here m rnirton, IV.Iv. un.l Galileo,<br />

iun 1-rancwco, and directed many i.(.Wcll-/hi«h.^hi-bomnre volley- Up<br />

a \*-* Hupmobile.<br />

Frank Ualaran, June Gusxcr, Jack<br />

u I >fl1 ' • U-Mb.. Imurht tie<br />

C«ii;wr. Juiiiwi Martin,and Hleunoru CbI 1:i3: ww * ani1 "• hur


FAVOR<br />




TO BE<br />

NOV. 28, 27, awl 28<br />

Volume 77. So- 3 Sun Frunclnco, California, November 1, 1040 Founded January. 1808<br />

<strong>The</strong>spians Rehearsing Mission Heavy Favorites as Cardinals<br />

ESS*SS^TC Win at Kezar Today<br />

[Homecoming is Still _.<br />

Possible; Teachers<br />

; Favor Alumni Return<br />

{1/ Frank Quinn<br />

A ct-bwd of MC»te*L<br />

love II the*pi*n» wa*<br />

'round a small piece of pup*r<br />

»dmninR one of 306'» doom n ecu-<br />

He or Mordnys ago.<br />

Kvry one had something to say<br />

Hid «id all were navinir nav their s&y &y sim- sim<br />

ultaneously. W- closer and<br />

f ffotn the h mass w of confusion i heard, hd<br />

"Gee, I Rot the part"; "Look at nil<br />

the plays he's in"; or "Well, I'll<br />

Joit nave to try again next year."<br />

Edging still close-* we could see<br />

written or. the jwipor, in the distinctive<br />

handwriting of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

diamatic cp.n'h. >Ir. PolbnH, the<br />

rejults of it week of iry-outs fcr<br />

this tt-rn/j Variety Show.<br />

Prominent "V?li*"<br />

Imminent wt:rc the Lames of<br />

ttiia play "VMS"—Du r 'President Rsalca to j<br />

Lead Mission Rally »<br />

AH the wound of the ''<strong>Lowell</strong>'<br />

right Song" dicn aw*y, and tfce.<br />

cuurt beglpx »o regain "ante wm« !<br />

Iilance of order. 1'rrsEdent iUaks I<br />

will open the Minion rally lf>H«y. ',<br />

Endeavor of today's rally will j<br />

1* to get us plenty cf -J^ht and!<br />

spirit for the game this afternoon ,<br />

with the Bears. '<br />

Minion Officers Visit !<br />

Among the Kr»*st ..tars appear-1<br />

Ing nt the rally will be tho Mission's<br />

student \-ody officers. As Is<br />

tlu usual custom, our own Agnes<br />

JcncK will introduce the Mission •<br />

vice-president.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be lot* t>f fcood i-ntcr-<br />

. Srutth. Lillainment today, iiut it Is * deep, I<br />

lian Morgan, iini Kane, Joan Stew- dnrk «e?ret an to what h in store j<br />

ard, Phil SeauTHves and Mnrgille<br />

Chrfouan. , _ -All con - be rvmem- "Ou Cardinal*'* nnd "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

Icrcd far t!te wt.V.lh of talent they Hymn" wilt ug;itn ring nut under;<br />

d'fplaycd in last term's "What a the ublc lt'Pdcrshiu of dynamic Al<br />

Life." Htymnn, ulio v.-iil draw llic rally<br />

<strong>The</strong> fallowing Wedncudity .-i;uv t»: a cUwe with the traditional "Axe !<br />

the beginning of long and weu.y Ytli."<br />

after-school rehearsals. Every i.:iy.|<br />

until al-out five. tuo»e chosen hiivei „„ .„ ,<br />

been hard at work, no thnt on No- ,, . . linncm ^<br />

winter 2rt. 27. and 28. they can d» !r l\ hcTt \. t " I 00 * 1 'T^T >hrough.<br />

lu'K to their parts In the twei.ty ! * »'••' "">'. |l»f *•''« '»' dancing<br />

twe acts which make up the show. in : h * c " ur <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Marty h Bears Attempt to Give I A Howcrom.nkT thin '<br />

Sub-Deb Cartoonist<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Sixth Setback lug? Yen. Us ntrcmJly poulblc,<br />

I but nut ja't the Mine as <strong>The</strong> Low-<br />

F>«* o( you who read Anna<br />

I)y Kill Graves ell had planned.<br />

UoycrV article about <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

In lift Chronicle, Saturday,<br />

I Still to experience the sweet <strong>The</strong> second issue of this<br />

October lflth, realized thnt a counter, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

former Lowcllitc drew the<br />

;artoon next to it.<br />

ar Stadium i<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong> she was Martha this afternoon.<br />

or Mary Links, but nhe now<br />

nigiis her drawingr, "Marty."<br />

She WHS one of Miss Herman's<br />

nrt udenm. ICow the<br />

work^ nn a cartoonist for the<br />

Sub-Deb page of the Chronicle,<br />

and in nddition to this,<br />

draws decorative pictures for<br />

the City of I'aris 'te«n-ace<br />

department.<br />

Martha, trrndunto of Jui.c<br />

'nr> wn^ always IntfrextPd in<br />

nrt with n humorous ulnnt<br />

nnd her cartoons indicate lur<br />

interest hits found a profitable<br />

outlet.<br />

! <strong>Lowell</strong> to Debate U. C.<br />

On Night of Nov. 15<br />

' dminc the lunch<br />

We Quote<br />

riodx.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Varieties hn't Just a si- ri<br />

blhd schools. <strong>The</strong> alumni c*mr<br />

before at a time when<br />

o he cha<br />

—<br />

the boys_vvho make the ground „ H,. Mween alumni and under-<br />

<strong>The</strong> I^iwcll. fineaking for the en<br />

tire student body, express dt-^peat<br />

sympathy to the Klcxscnhur<br />

family in the death of Captain II. „...„; art? n*«iulrrd.<br />

J- Flexscnhar, Monday afternoon. 1 the C. S. F. iCnlifori<br />

Captain Flcxfltutiar, ut <strong>Lowell</strong> Kip Krdrration) IK achl<br />

since 1910, cnuu.lbhed our first R.<br />

C T. C. Battalion. This term's Ihr eoulvalent or three nnal A'« 1 ""j""<br />

"Red and Whitf" is dedicated to<br />

Captain Flexfenhar in recognition<br />

^f his twenty-onv years' ser\ic»' to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

111 littce membent include Hal H-*lian,<br />

Dick Cutiplcc, Betty Giles,<br />

!oh Canipbt'II, Hurbara Thomnson, lily Pons, Famous Opera Singer, Interviewed;<br />

""raus, and John So-<br />

^<br />

:;nil a 11 in prepared »ul>Jecni.-e 4., Journal Get» High Rating<br />

, j "Oh. where is Minnie, Minnie the! when I leit the Opera Hooac there<br />

. ,. «. ..t- !„•-, A "First Class Honor Rat'ng"— Mnochcr?" was a great plunge of people to<br />

Ihimtcnmlnie Ihm Thanksgivmp. j:i facti on]y n fcw po;ntll Jrom the Thus carolcu Uly, Cladyn, and; see me.<br />

*- ... "very was awai'led lop "All-American" our journal, "Red ratine— and und Helen rendered ait they Ihbt slid ditty onto in the a stage! bur-' they "I tin* ulip rut Into to my U> deprived. automobtlc.but <strong>The</strong>y<br />

EleCt w t w<br />

•"»"*' Artie w"**" SlttaW King b Ol<br />

I<br />

White"<br />

was awai'led<br />

ot June<br />

our<br />

'40,<br />

journal,<br />

in a<br />

"Red<br />

nation*<br />

and<br />

l«nue<br />

nnd rendered<br />

of a whlning-toncd<br />

Ihbt ditty in a<br />

radio<br />

bur-'<br />

cannot<br />

they tin*<br />

reach<br />

rut<br />

me-but<br />

to bv deprived.<br />

thrr kEs*<br />

<strong>The</strong>y<br />

the<br />

Uy N. Shain<br />

Xcbody's Baby" (12). "Maybe"<br />

''What is vour favorite orchei-<br />

(10). and "Whisiwring Grass (10).<br />

tra ? Popular song 7 College<br />

With 55 voters. "Come Join the<br />

wng? Clbuical sonjf?" <strong>The</strong>se<br />

Ikind" was chosvn the favorite col- __<br />

questions were asked of 23S Low- Irge song. Other favorites were::-Red and White."<br />

elliten in a recent poll conducted Xotro Pamc Fight Song" (30),<br />

by the <strong>Lowell</strong> staff.<br />

Here arc the results: Mont popular<br />

orchestra leader wan Artie<br />

Shaw, with 40 votes. Hunntm up<br />

were: Glenn Miller. 39: Kay Kyscr,<br />

95; Freddy Martin, 17; Tommy<br />

Horsey. 15; ami Orrin Tucker, 11.<br />

Farorite Popular Sot.gi<br />

"HI Xewr Smile Apiin" took<br />

lint Iionors in the popular song<br />

Kroup with 33 votes. Honorable<br />

irentions were 'received by: "Blueberry<br />

Hl!i" '22). "Krencsi" (18),<br />

"Ferryboat Serenade" (13), "I'm<br />

1<br />

\'.idc contest conducted by the Na- >r act. complete with motion*. -indowit of my cap as they run betional<br />

Scholastic I'rvits Association, I'nnicking the crowd when they side it, and tl.uy make love ft mo<br />

it was announced October 15. appeared at a benefit for the Stage with their eyes."<br />

<strong>The</strong> contest in sponsored by the, Kciief fund, these three, the ft-[ 150,(100 Heur Her Sine<br />

University _ , of „ Minnesota — Joe Mit-; MKJUS opera . singers ------ —-, Uly I'ons, -., 1 «m not afraid of crowds. Two><br />

chell was editor of the* winning Gladys Swathout, und Helen Jep-; yearn agu I nang lo 150,000 people<br />

~ Hon. stopped the show. at Grant I'nrk, in Chic*fo—the<br />

Xotro Pamc Fight Sng (),<br />

Confessing to this bit of stop-[ largest audience for o singer in<br />

"Our Sturdy Golden Bears" (26),<br />

"California Hymn" (23). "U. S. C. Stage efll_. p__ ran p- j j [stick. Miss Pons at-ems hardly lik« tht world—they told me. <strong>The</strong> pre«»<br />

ruunaca;tnc conVcntional opera singer when i to reach me aft«r the concert was<br />

Fight Son*" 110). -<strong>The</strong>,Bells of<br />

for the appreciation a • interviewed last Sunday in her I no great (hat my manager had mo-<br />

St. Mary's" (8). and "Hail to Cal- of the legitimate ma»re. >. the _ _Thca-1<br />

drcsslni* room at the Opera House. I taker


rubliahed by ttie Anoclated StudV'its<br />

o: r^w.ll Hlsh School<br />

y tr**U V*n franco***. Cnlir-irnJa<br />

/* It 8..R. A. M*mNr« Free<br />

STAFF<br />

ED. c<br />

.-INO Kntron ai;v:ioru MKISTKII<br />

NKW8 KD1TOIL_ .-.O I/) HI A SPROUt*<br />


si;r. w* novFXAS<br />

OIIILS' srorrre UII-HAINU 01-0=<br />


STAKK rnOTVatUI > i;B1t-...-_!llM. Mtftir/I-V.'K<br />

STARK AltTKT.. , ItlM- KA SWING<br />

Avnnne Arnamt<br />

Faculty Ailvl -Mr. J. W. Pattvmtn<br />

Ali's Secretary<br />

Ali'a secretary, (vceivinjj more<br />

than fifucn letters ench isaut, can<br />

pot UKC them all an Ihc space ii*<br />

limited; however, nil are rend, and<br />

th(*o of most Kenoral interest arc<br />

printed.<br />

~—L—<br />

Dear Ali'P Secrctarj*:<br />

Couldn't itomcthint; be done about<br />

the dear little things who insist on<br />

throwing oranges into the nir KO<br />

they'll land with a nice hie squirt?<br />

—"Certie."<br />

Dear Gertie:<br />

You have one of two choices: (1)<br />

d(4l(rc the liquid sunshine or (-)<br />

carry ar. umbrella.<br />

—AH's SwMtarj*.<br />

Dear Ali's Secretary:<br />

Why dcn'l the member* or the<br />

scphomore tootUH team reccire<br />

blockh? <strong>The</strong>y earn one if they win<br />

all their ir* mM - Tliey really work<br />

during practice. <strong>The</strong>y would hare<br />

more apirii if they had something<br />

to play for.<br />

—A Ujjt Student Uody Member.<br />

Dear Student:<br />

<strong>The</strong> member* of the sophomore<br />

tiara, no I have been informed, net<br />

three point* toward their Block L.<br />

Twelve points and they receive a<br />

block. —Alt'. StereUry.<br />

Tltar Ail's Secretary:<br />

In checking up on how many<br />

days are in the year I have discov*<br />

treJ the alarming fact that there<br />

am 36E.2M. To tafto care of the<br />

SS day every four years one day Is<br />

•tided to Feoruary, but what of the<br />

.006 day? Throuch hiither mntheruottcs<br />

1 have flfrured ouL that sU<br />

doya must be added to February<br />

every thousand yenrs. If those<br />

six days every thousand yearc ore<br />

not token care of. In 30,000 yearn,<br />

or in the year 31J40 A. D., winter<br />

will ttnrt June 21 Instead of December<br />

21. Whom shall J couult<br />

about the extra six days?<br />

—-A Lartncd.<br />

Dear A. Larmed;<br />

You really have something there.<br />

I suirKCst that you refer tre matter<br />

to President Roosevelt. He<br />

fixed up Thanksgiving, perhaps he<br />

will toko care of the extra six days.<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

Bcav Ali'e S«cretary:<br />

Why can't trlrbi tco out for lunch<br />

n\ the boys do?<br />

—Three Hopeful*.<br />

Dear Hopefuls:<br />

Those who live within a few<br />

blocks of the school a/o permitted<br />

tn (to home. This ruling was mode<br />

to safeguard thu Iiealth of the<br />

XowcJl glrlf. —All's Secretary.<br />

—L—<br />

"Dear All'* Secretary:<br />

Since the Bonrd of Director*<br />

Toted for bi-weekly meetings why<br />

don't they have them?<br />

—Inquisitive.<br />

Dear Inquisitive:<br />

It U Vp to the student body pr*Jldent<br />

to cnll board meetings. Jmt<br />

be oatlect. —Ait's Secretary.<br />

Buckle Down, Freshmen<br />

What did you *ay? Vwi «7 thitt in junior<br />

high you irot all A'I and B's, nnd that hare nc<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> you rpfi-iveil a report cart) below your<br />

usual standard?<br />

We watched some of yw. Newcomers r^n the<br />

I'irxt report rnrd day. We HUW Homo of you fllow-<br />

\y trudRc up the street to get tha street car. Yon<br />

aeemed unhap|iy an you rode home thinking, probably,<br />

of the fateful moment when you would hand<br />

your curds to your parent*.<br />

A» WI» unncr division students rcm:uiber our<br />

first cimls, well— for a few day*, lift at homo was<br />

not what it n*ed to be. Whnt did wo uo'i<br />

We flit down nml unl'i to a mirror, "Comes<br />

the revolution, lad, new for Komo real work."<br />

Consoler the fact that L«well in an academic<br />

school and in hound to IH> harder thitn Jtir.ior high,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> prepares murfentn for rollcjte and univcr*<br />

*ity work—ti bljarci percentage (86 per cent last<br />

year) of the j-raduaU-s from <strong>Lowell</strong> K., «>n tn c»lleiic<br />

than (»o from any oth*r hlirfi school «• t!ie<br />

rity. University requirements must be n»t.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> meets them. Hence, you work Imnioi hi-rv<br />

if yrtti want A'* an.) l\'n.<br />

If ymi want better (mules, try wor!;'i'c t tiltla<br />

harder. You'll be proud pf the result*. We were.<br />

(KdltorV imtr: This article fs a sumr.iaiy of<br />

the idea* «f two low fnur» mid a low threv.i<br />

Ali, Himself, says:<br />

You don't have '.o !ivp in n troo tn lie a Rap.<br />

After all, puppy lnv« is only the beKinuini;<br />

of a doc's lifi-.<br />

!lr who hesitate* in huntcml.<br />

iVupk- wlitj lie easiest don't always sleep the<br />

i:i-U. Ye*, it'* a great life if you don't week-1 1 nil.<br />

Can some obstacle halt this<br />

onrush? We'll soon know!<br />

Hadme Allronga<br />

Had me Allrnn-a*: secret aurntn<br />

report that picnics arc ajj.iin becoming<br />

the rule among the'-VuunKer<br />

Set." This IF VI rj- refrcsIitJis<br />

new*, and, UH Ilnilme U always up<br />

to the minute, yorr third Lfaon<br />

ftcm Hadme Allron^a deals with<br />

Uinc the life of the picnic.<br />

Location Important<br />

<strong>The</strong> indiridual who sutTKcstx **i;olr.tr<br />

a KUie farther," when the<br />

party Is dylnt- of hur.rfer, wil 1 n 1 -<br />

\rays be dearly loved. Finally,<br />

when overy°ne is too we*U to care,<br />

you -top with n jolt on the side of<br />

a huge cliff In close pioximity to a<br />

billbcard edv«rtti.inff Com Ter.rr<br />

Bun'on pads "for the athletic type<br />

c! foot."<br />

To the west is tiic Odorous Corn.-r<br />

Tanneries, which need nj advmisIt.K,<br />

nj thirc '* r. pr^vailinc<br />

wcrlcrly wind.<br />

N'ow it l s t'me for food. You<br />

brcal: out your v-mviskas vhlch<br />

conjUt of Toe-Mane sardineb,<br />

canned potato salad, canned<br />

!XUchejiM and cannwl tumnles.<br />

After Kttini; these in appetizing<br />

array amid the poison ivy end nettits,<br />

you disco"er you have everytt.inir<br />

but a can opener.<br />

Sparkling Conven*«tlon<br />

Usually, at this point, your<br />

fniesu etan KOIDK- a bit mnd. Bat<br />

this situation can be smocihed over<br />

b> pointlnir out the aurroundins<br />

U-auty of the country jide.<br />

"Why. Mrs. Tworthintrtnn, h~w<br />

dclnrhtful you look in that fresh<br />

flump oi Poison Cak! Is that a<br />

««unk you're pcttlnff?"<br />

At thU time the males will display<br />

a playful inclination to toss<br />

you over the cliff to see 'f you will<br />

bounce. <strong>The</strong> women will wistfully<br />

conjecture on the possibility of separating<br />

you from your breath with<br />

a cleaver.<br />

Bet you, you lucky devil, what<br />

do you care? You're taking six<br />

lessons from Hadme AJlronea!<br />

Next tout. Hadme AllronBa,<br />

the -Social lepper." will (rive you<br />

tho low down en belnjr tho life of<br />

the football (Tome. Re*d our next<br />

column far your social develop*<br />

Once This<br />

Was News<br />

Hot off the press—lit the January<br />

'JS, 102-1 LowcJI, one headline<br />

rend* tike this:<br />

"IMAVV, TV * fi\ir>"thinc i*;^"<br />

thvy had 'c brinjr themselves. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

alir tell uc a -kit wiw bcine re-<br />

!;fur?t>it tvo \ivtks ulicul of thi*<br />

rccoptinn hM probably will ft HI be<br />

... lite time of presentation.<br />

—I*—<br />

Wi> notice that sixteen yoars 111:0<br />

\/ wcl! wa^ tarrying on (he fame<br />

u.mpaiscn IIK today. Sitfus were<br />

ix^tud ji!»oiit tlic school by a .4jmltary<br />

yt|iiai| i» the Iw-lief that ndvrrli^inir<br />

pays.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y rwid: "Take lime to keep<br />

the builtiinjr clear. We renlize ;hat<br />

ynu hnve n lot on your hands, but<br />

vi are confident that a little «onp<br />

aril water will soon t;;rcu it off."<br />

'*If you t!irow tiujier on floor nt<br />

lK'titf—ji- homel"<br />

Tin- Great War was ('ought ovt-r<br />

,-. wrap nf paper. If w» are to<br />

tr.kp that n« monninir anything<br />

ti.i-ri* rthn;i](l have been more wars<br />

i.i ttii- l.uililirip than in the Ilalk<br />

"<br />

N.-.v. 1—Kmilbjll. t^iw-H! vjt. >li»-<br />

»i'»*-. !•—Stanford !'w< C»nvi>n><br />

Nov. :,"»—I-ow-1 Dancr.<br />

Ncv. 21— Iks Came, Lnwrll vn.<br />

f'ulytfchnie.<br />

Nt.v. 2fi. 27, and 2£-"\'nrieli«»."<br />

We submit for tfii> l>nja(ioninir of yo;ir knuwl*<br />

cdK*; octij** 1 Lhif> chuniiini* iiit!e uilty.<br />

*;irl» %vhcfl thty x-cnl {ur 4 A*\XR.<br />

Onrt* drn*^vtJ iihr .Mother Jlttblmrd.<br />

Now ihvj h.ivp a diffi-rtnt w(tlm<br />

And drw-j* mure lil.c h?r cupboard.<br />

Time Morrh^s Oti! (Hope we're dti'l arounu<br />

In twenty yearn.)<br />

For IhtMe of you who wrote tn us *U£g?«{i:i|t<br />

Ihtt our raluinn contain more nam«t w« recommend<br />

(lie Honor Icull on poc* Tour. One «f our<br />

aim* U to keep the "Talei*" from rntemblinic a<br />

pane from the telephone book. Thanks for the<br />

iniereNt, nnyvay.<br />

• • • • •<br />

A Unit Lo

Sport Comment<br />

Ilj Charlca Davit<br />

Sh-h-h—don't *P**k above j<br />

«htop*r. Itatler yet. ilnn'l apeak<br />

", ,11. That'ft the new, unusual'<br />

Eukfilwll policy at Uwcll. W*<br />

Sridly hush-hush.<br />

ItV all xcf y MinpWou*. And lor<br />

a rrajton. <strong>The</strong><br />

I Card* will Imve-<br />

I nomi'thing next;<br />

nctMin. T h o y;<br />

knuw It. Dut;<br />

I they ilon'l rai.th<br />

public to 1<br />

it —juxl i<br />

I any rale.j<br />

hey want tu;<br />

capitalize .m the!<br />

clement «jf Kur- |<br />

prim, 1 y<br />

the<br />

l<br />

it. P Vhey i<br />

. |<br />

(<br />

\ml no ihc ;<br />

»ut nf Cuach ;<br />

dli f> thw<br />

hli<br />


Backs Block For Russell<br />

Cards to Meet Eagles<br />

And CommerceinPost-<br />

Stasou Games Nov. 4,5<br />

Sanford to Lead Indians<br />

Loweil'i URtilwd.iM haskctoal.<br />

}V"7jk-am h«in«t Into it* last week of<br />

• ''"•" It-ague competition nrxt Monday<br />

jwhon It metl* Washington Ir* t'nt<br />

• Kaulen* gym.<br />

j With iwn '>i>tii agabut the<br />

itwrntir*' record and onr 1;INI mar*<br />

ring the tenV hupcc for a title, the<br />

Indian* will be battling for a position<br />

nfor the lop of the lrague<br />

n landings.<br />

'< Wmhlnnton Tough Team<br />

: Washington'* Eagles, al»*ay* a<br />

'tuutfh cuiTPtner for <strong>Lowell</strong>, will be<br />

!cut to win their game in no mean<br />

fashion. <strong>The</strong> tens nave n strong<br />

t Captain KUKHHI £*,» off a jMod punt a* Ihe LAW*!! bacbx Mttrfc for him. t>rt tr. right are Bnrnw (N*|c3i NleDitff;e jnnilcn Pi r i fit* •••""•'""«"«• vitmry m inv racuic ; •"»••<br />

"in<br />

-•!.»•<br />

.<br />

i*"u "Ji w.rcw i>-t uucKi-rn<br />

l<br />

umdn Indiana a luutainnl In mntiy dmi instances, usainst they the Cvnst Virginia twinls Wnlfcndcn, chi" • ton Pacific wi the ' Ci V l ( ""*-' Ics tounwment for boys ; i-li.y ilieir next witu-r pol.i match.<br />

ojlcaine.1 the opposition on the K^l > Sor -: -i G A A' rnllvV m " !or i8 ' cndir " t Octo! ' vr will bo at center.<br />

Tin* 1UQ pound I'apooiej* f-'.m the<br />

ttclKioi «« ji(,.yt.j» street reservation will tun*<br />

K in the j tit> with Washington 0.1 thr Eaults*<br />

the i.ext txmie nest. Although the Indians<br />

ln-st on irniunds familiar to<br />

'mt but one inn f.vo to .iims ,.f tho ladder is to ileu-rniinc play-<br />

atouih^r h job than timd t-imd jpouMmB |lllur, eominumi,:;- dail. which; crt with KO«| poMil>;:!ii.than one.<br />

s|le ha]1 v m ma trophic« in I Iludiw" a chance to iirush up on I<br />

By Skilw Hoffman<br />

SnauMmi: has done the job tas |} yc;lr» of competition' their (pune. I»well has a hahit of<br />

wcl aa any other con?!: possibly ti[ayjn(r on,| hoiie.-* to add more to j winning tennis chi.mpion»lnp and It<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s TooLbal! tilayent mltfht K rolls around he has no encrpy<br />

ctuld. Any one who had an idea-t '^cuHection h»ik* as if next year will bo no exnot<br />

bo sujRTStitiuus. but many be- kft. Take ttol':. Kip: A supermun<br />

that the Irinh would win three<br />

liuve that by wearinjr ribbons in wouldn't be cblc to stand Iu and<br />

trjmea this Aeatton (as they haven't,<br />

,\o Jinx<br />

their lielmets Rood luck will prevail. Viiu're a lonjt way from bcinjr any<br />

I be no % > ris* jinx this<br />

Both Frar.k CarJulIi and Ht'Wie Mi|»erman.<br />

•«——!-« IbU Thank,*,. Hill wear their mothers' ribbon*--] Ir. >'e«d of Oranjre*7<br />

<strong>The</strong> Irt*:h ure Koinif to win ' It the school to chart?*!<br />

«• they say. Viera wears mx uu- To quench the playcra* thlret<br />

fftent ribtwns, but clnimi the cne during h*If-r.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> over Washington—Injuiu i rav^i"]r. r<br />

grocery storm, so if you ^rl» «Uh<br />

itome nice, wweet. juicy orange* for<br />

home use, consult Coach Voyne.<br />

Whils on the subject ot oruugta,<br />

here's an Idea that sounJs tempting:<br />

A half cup of Calso water,<br />

bs well as oranges, is (riven to the<br />

t.lnycrs, so why not mix the two<br />

together. It sounds good and, who<br />

I:now3. it might taste good.<br />

who run and touched the bull down > luck to It.<br />

In the game agaoM the San<br />

.tit front of the goal-posts. Due to<br />

Odd racti*<br />

Ktancixo State mtrrm which<br />

'a difference in fields, it was ruled<br />

<strong>The</strong> hichcM nccirere In i..e lea«e a first down for <strong>Lowell</strong> on the<br />

Geurge Simmons, f/iv/cll's first <strong>Lowell</strong> won 35 to G, Norm Willhacfc<br />

h? of October 211 an' n pair of full- Commerce two, where a determined<br />

iring end. has never been on the plhec kicked five convention* In c<br />

bk backs. BH' 1'ett l'ett Davis and ond Commerce eleven held for 'our<br />

nreiving end of a forward pass in row. Congratulation*. Norm! It's<br />

' "i 3i and down* or. ihe one, then took over<br />

a league game during his last two a feat not performed every day.<br />

., Leading and Uickeu out of banker.<br />

>< ant of playing. <strong>The</strong> Sacred<br />

Heart game was the first time it<br />

scorer is Ed Ru*sell with In the third narirU.", a kick by had ever beer, thrown to him and he Krase, Cal Tennis Winner<br />

Gates v%* bicked. caught, and run missed it,<br />

Tl» KG KPTP)Over i«r thi Bullpups' touchdown, Angela Misthos

FOUR<br />

Dr. Martine, <strong>Lowell</strong> ><br />

Alumnus, Won $1,500<br />

Scholarship from U. C.<br />

THE LOWEU- rpVEMCER I. 1M»<br />

'No, Elsie, it's This Afternoon"<br />

"I ennoidvr a* my t£rciilei(t thrill<br />

lit,- $1,:,00 t.rhotarnhip I revised<br />

ftiint the I7ntv?iiic) of California."<br />

ht-nmed Or. E. M. .Murtine tlurfnic<br />

atir "leather*' biography interview"<br />

|a« »?ef k.<br />

]*r. Martine is a fiowcll alumnus.<br />

5>.e vtnr a member of tho Dramatic<br />

Club, an editor of <strong>The</strong> Utwcll. anil<br />

•V.E interested in all pluses of<br />

Lowsll life.<br />

Working h*r way tfcro.'uh c«l*<br />

Icpe by tutoring nnd at a reader in<br />

ihv Oerman dopurtmonl, Dr. Marline<br />

fmduuted in thm-« and n ha;:<br />

*««*' from the Ur.i-emity of Cnli-<br />

/cmip. Wniie there. Dr. l{»rtino<br />

becume a member jf *«e Phi !]••'«<br />

K4p)-a Scholarship S^^iy. Sh?<br />

kino twk part ir. the Parthenia nnd<br />

wan prominent in <strong>The</strong> fierman Club<br />

0^ li. C. Some yearn Jjtcr, she rv<br />

wived her MnnterV deef* 1 »t U. C.<br />

Itccfived Traveling Fellowship<br />

<strong>The</strong> Stpmund Martin Heller<br />

Tinvelintr Fellowship to Gcrnirny<br />

wns handed to Dr. Mnrtine after<br />

receiving her Master'* di«trr*r. So nay* Janet llicn (Ifft) to EMc Wagner n« Eluif puls ad nn blnckl^ard ndvirltNi<br />

In Germany »he attended the<br />

L'niventitiei* of Leipziic and Mu- California Ctub IhU afiertiiMin* 2:13. It-.nnld Tclfrr will read "IMv With Father.**<br />

nich. While in Europe, »he trav-<br />

C<br />

eled widely throughout the Continent,<br />

and met many prominent<br />

people.<br />

|R.O. Members Face<br />

Fall Exams; Promotions<br />

Are Pending<br />

| Hope* are rai*cd ami heads<br />

cn.mmi'd u* R. O. T. C. member*<br />

; ftvuriHhly I'rcf-iiru for full exam-<br />

| inattumr. From ntl itpiwnrances,<br />

j three "exnnm" will be anything but<br />

'r. snup.<br />

I <strong>The</strong>re arc to lie five question* on<br />

: each Hubject, the sub.'ectft to bo de-<br />

| tirmined by the nink or position<br />

fur wliith the It. O. members are<br />

"H" Average. Needed<br />

Other importJint details to be<br />

; wken into ronxirleration will be tho<br />

; ntt-inlu'D** enn'fuct and appearance<br />

; ;;i uniform fur the hi.tt quarter. Alt<br />

' memlwrx scrlcinir promotion must<br />

'< lu.ve at least a "}i" averace in<br />

scholastic grades. A pawing krad?<br />

.^.ill b-> not Ions than SO per cent.<br />

T.i add tu the irrcatcr xuspeniie of<br />

iiit concerned, results nf t!ii< examinn<br />

t ion will rcmnin unknown to<br />

' fiiuilonts. until the new appointtni<br />

- n f 5 are made.<br />

Rifle Team<br />

P.-T. A. Tea at Sergeant Harry A. KnUnerg an-<br />

1 ncu;icc veterans, wan<br />

Stanford, U. C, Scene Pfile, Zapanta called |Shou!dU.S.Ser.dFond,:SJ£i,Toctg o ^ ^^<br />

ttSTBJ'Of Press Conventions ^ u - s - '^l al Rcser ' le \Clothing to England? j- £f"^ I^'EE?<br />

Doctor'* degree.<br />

„[<br />

Poetry, art, Interior decoration<br />

nnd all kinds »f muni'- arc he- Iinb<br />

bleu. She al*o takes great pier. 1 Wiiii ttif rail i f llty or-vn m-m ' '"<br />

*' ,<br />

urv in coH^tint: rrcytds of cla^titc > •'<br />

hc ' le ' 1 ' '" """Jw' 1 ! 0 ''- At l ^' tn<br />

On ,„ .S,..nforJ! . ,h,,int. ,„ t,,t.ir «,„ „„„ m,. u'. : ••Should rh.- ITilrd Slal Knd '.'";'„ Wrm"!! hJSuncM ,'n5<br />

Cl,.. ,,1»,, talcj Brent i.lcr.«-| Thl; """' ""•'""' of thc KlJ " ncl -'•-. "»'l Bob Zniianln. 11.1. 1*1. M. '"•"' '•"* clolhing la (irrot Hrllaln [,,,, cra(]u,.,,;nL, nff|ccr, tfvon iheir<br />

•• • ' " ' ' "'''• -mil <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>. !..:\vi-il Orlulvr 1«. 1" ioin ill., mo- ntirine the cmim.. uf Ihp war? "hall nnil fnrowcll."<br />

Naval IW- wtl * ln -" (J«'' h tiiin axked by the in-<br />

Dr. Mflrtine iius tau^h £fls!:*h I ftlo Alto, November 9. to attend a<br />

ire at <strong>Lowell</strong> rather than at Stan- and a dance t*. top off the day.<br />

ford."<br />

tine oiie of the few teachers at ine Oregon Sute footbiill gome.<br />

i-owell who luu received a Doctor's T, attending the Stanford<br />

tUi.rec. and one who IR alwa,vii will- ' • «•*_...„.<br />

inc to help others.<br />

L4 D-ince Set for Nov. IS<br />

Sh! It"** n secret! We mean the<br />

thtmc of the lA dani'e. But vtn<br />

were abl

sail<br />

P<br />


STOPS<br />


THE.<br />


MERP.V XHAS;<br />

IlAPPY •:••<br />

<strong>NEW</strong> VEAR<br />

Volume 77, No. 4 Son FranciKo, California, Occcmlxr 12, 1040 Founded January. ISM<br />

Social Events Postponed;<br />

Influenza is the Cause<br />

cifli event* plnnncd for about this VJITIS in LtGSLQ<br />

time have been called off at the<br />

rnggestion of the Board of Education.<br />

Activities Hit<br />

"Senior Day," that frolMmome<br />

fut>fest. originally not for tomorrow,<br />

will not corn*.- off unt'l after<br />

Christmas vncntio.; ».t? C. 3. I',<br />

1940 CIIIMST.MAS<br />

Our voleea tnll with sonir and<br />

cheer,<br />

A' VuMlde-»ca»on ]oy» draw near.<br />

Our homra ar..1 htorls reflect the<br />

sway.<br />

And thrill lo tiie uplrit of Chrlnt.<br />

mas Day.<br />

215 Seniors Slated<br />

To Receive Diplomas<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re Ain't No Justice." Fun's Off,<br />

But Work Goes On and On<br />

By Mildred Pickering<br />

"Kcrchoo . . ."<br />

"You're fretting the Flu!"<br />

And so the absentee list hns (frown from an nvernRc of<br />

175 to 200 a day to over 400. All because of the subversive<br />

activities of a "fifth columnist," I • • ,<br />

taown to the medical profession as _—- *. - , •» „<br />

TSTEi 11 -*. -fore,, 891 Graduation And Senior Bell<br />

Our fireside* slow with radiance<br />

nrlshl,<br />

Will Be Held on January 22<br />

An loved ones gather within il«<br />

H«ht.<br />

And trees besprinkled with tinsel- Graduation is sneaking up. It won't lie long until 2 p. ran<br />

slow<br />

January 22, rolls around, and then 215 senior will marsh<br />

Spread brooding arm* o'er the gift* down the aisles of the War Memorial Opera >'ouse to bid<br />

below.<br />

farewell to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

ilut hark lo the voice lhat vails In<br />

One hu.iiired and iWrtcen boyt<br />

the wind,<br />

md one hundred and ono jdrln will<br />

That thin Christmas for Borne is ol r i Journal To Be rcrcivo their sheepskins in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

different kind.<br />

123rd ccmmcnccment exercise*, tbe<br />

Make Roll; For candle* have swelled into Sold Jan. 14 fa_£ being held when <strong>Lowell</strong> was<br />

searchlight* bold<br />

the Union Grammar School, way<br />

ncenC all the long-anticipatcd so- llit»lo m I A~*1 To light the demons that airplanes<br />

"Come early! to it* to be su.t to<br />

hold.<br />

!>:ick in 18K.<br />

get yours. \'en, I mean vour fall<br />

!'4O Ked.tr.d Whhe, that'll lo on<br />

Present Colon<br />

dincc, scheduled for December li,<br />

v»» postponed Itj-finlioiy: the ' G. V!«2tt f-oints. the hfelioit honor! "<br />

A. A. tea UL.- IH-.T. tiir.vcil un to<br />

Jummry 13: "M tlic Ci. A. A. c<br />

diJates' rally will •r-cur Jnnui<br />

14<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

ur<br />

iinVv '•'"""*• l " IH> nc' lt cra;;it total of S!>' honor student*.. Tdat war on earth may quickly ; c«mp'ieled""and" a't^th"'Venters' j Arthur Schumacher, clans prcsi-<br />

Frnncca Mizuno. H2-!o5, and: cease. I ruuiy to be made into 1475 an-1 dent, will itlve the introduclcry<br />

rvnsld O'Conneil. L-l-20'. received' n . 1 r .mtrt." r>CMiiL.'<br />

«vml. Sixty point*.! ,<br />

Mnr><br />

.- tin' next hicliPst number of point*, i Aim*<br />

Iwns received by Kisie Wagner,'That<br />

n Preceding an address by<br />

0514 toims. iho hiclim: honor I O«r umeful nation now mustf Mr,. Kuhnle. faculty iklnser fo. ! ^"'V „„ JuZ frkTrf<br />

' P«y .(hit Journal, laid. "ItOBirdlcss of EiUnn Conn, editor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

ive all clue on CliridtmnK !>ay. i tlic fact that this issue may lie a I *'.I1 lie a piano solo hy Sonin Hay-<br />

• HiHin ai:ain, this KCaxon m.y mean I hit small in *izc(!;-i 1,1 a small j uitrd. vice-prcsiilcnt of the senior<br />

type. , , i <strong>The</strong> regitttry with ihe highest In D.A.R. Contest "'"Si"<br />

,. " Ca " nrr{im ' Cnn T' I? ' claw nviTmuH wan M-201. with a,<br />

Although numerous IAWCII sin-jonunt of a 1.4. <strong>The</strong> next hi chest'<br />

dent* have been hopm* thnt lh" fctnsse* Were Hl-SSfi wiin 2R.fi. Hi- pi,,.n.n *. i .. I printed, 2.1 less than lust<br />

city school* might bo close*., nl-, r,0f,a with 2fl. lA-MT, with 2. r i.B. nnd 1. ' il> ' Iin AntlL ' min * w - W!l * unatt ! senior class, it will be more color-1 chss<br />

June Nakay. -na. prominent Low*<br />

eil debater and orator, will recount<br />

Ihe claim history, and David Rollins,<br />

nlno a well-known debater, will act<br />

an valedictorian.<br />

.„ Muxical selection* fur the pro-<br />

He sure to (ret >-mir« early, n*j Ki>m Includt; Liszt's "Loreley" and<br />

re are only to be I47fl jciurnnls ; "'"V "«»« "t Th.- Sweet Voice ht-<br />

• —<br />

-: when there wns a complete nel<br />

loving them n longer Christmas • H2-rn° with ".* 4 « unously .•mlnm-d !-•,• the fatuity<br />

vacation, their hopes have done lit-1 <strong>The</strong> complete honor r»ll will lw ' r\umhci> as the eaimlilato from Al I 1 m n; 1 MJ-I.B<br />

tk m influencing the power- th»t, fllUnd „„ mRC fi. I Uw(.n ilt n Ktme.w;lk. y(;]irIv coM; Alumni Leaders<br />

But thoro is one cheerful note.<br />

f •»-•-- • • > Sr.int Snims. ruiifc* by the Giuj 1<br />

year.<br />

ll-s*<br />

j test, sponsored by the D.»uBhter?« of<br />

minor though it may 1H>: the man-1 <strong>The</strong> ReX, ITOSt<br />

I the A mem-tin Hi-volution, to rcpre- \<br />

uftctrers of Kleenex mtt»t he mtik- TftR O nffirAr«i<br />

iiik a fortune.<br />

K r. Cnt . C ^° rrill L. nt lhc D * A ' n llfll m* fc T ' Lj.|i'cubic Quartet of the Buys* Glee<br />

Will Meet Tonight iclvb. under the direction of Miss<br />

__„. Nrppcrt. will sinjr the "Cherubic<br />

• IT-" inn" by »,,. Borlnlnnky nn«1«tn.t,u and «H.I Frimle's P^mU'a<br />

1O I\. \J» VjrnCerSI Goo* of the National above all others for the position—<br />

Christmas.<br />

Guard.<br />

a position with the Buckbcc Thome<br />

Heal Csfntc Co.<br />

Earl, in a letter to Mrs. Jordan,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Students Lf*ve School Early<br />

head counselor, said he felt sure<br />

t.ia C. S. K pin brought him hip job.<br />

To Work in Stores; Tramp the Mail Routes Orchestra to Entertain<br />

If you went shopping during the Ecr hnnl at work carryinR pack- At FairmontDecemberl7<br />

Cliristtoas rush wher« would you uees. At Licbcs' we found Bob<br />

find some of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Ktudcnts hant Hater and Georce Llebei. while nt<br />

*t work? Let's seel<br />

. <strong>Lowell</strong>'* concert orchestra will<br />

the Emporium was Boh Arnold.<br />

We rush Into Kress' to buy somo<br />

Jcntortafn the American Vocational<br />

Katioaery for nn aunt In New<br />

At the Show<br />

Association on the cerund day of<br />

xoric. and thcie Rwecpinjr the floors That night, after a hard day, we their conference, December 17, at<br />

wo find Don Welcome and Dave decided to KO to n show and the Fairmont Hotel.<br />

Berwick. We then run to the post couldn't decide whether to KO to the Thih. the thirty-fourth annual<br />

office to mkil aald stationery, and Hardlnp; <strong>The</strong>ater where Art Cehcn convention, will be the first one<br />

Jarjco Into John Preovolos. Bill works, to the Empiro <strong>The</strong>ater held tn San Francisco in twenty-<br />

Chandler and Dean Marcucci, who where Bob Troppmati is on duty, five years. Over 3500 delegates<br />

are iGOJnjr out with mail sacks or the Athambra where Court Por- from nil parts of the United States<br />

over their shoulders.<br />

ter hold: forth.<br />

will meet here from December 16<br />

At O'Connor Moffatts, whim we We haven't got the time to tell tti 18. at the Fairmont headquar-<br />

want to buy some handkercrj'cfs, vou of all the other smiling faces ters.<br />

we find Marjorie Votaw, and at of <strong>Lowell</strong> students we saw at work, <strong>The</strong> onhestra selection* will In-<br />

PodMta and Baldocchi, the florists, but go around yourself during the clcde "Orpheus in the Underworld"<br />

*• "^tcb Dunne Tweedale monpinir Christmas holiday. <strong>The</strong>re is a ly Offenbach, and "<strong>The</strong> March of<br />

up wilting roses from the floor. At <strong>Lowell</strong> student in every store In tne Toys*<br />

Ijvlnirton?s we noU Pierre Salln- town—well, almost every.<br />

1 Is there n-ally a student government<br />

in San Francisco** public high<br />

schools?<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> got curloue recently.<br />

So out they trottwl to make a aurvty.<br />

By interviewing n number o.*<br />

study body presidents, they go; nJ<br />

by Vl.-tor Herbert, all<br />

under the direction of Mr. Devlin.<br />

l<br />

er, the auditor and the principal<br />

draw It uu. lhc student council<br />

can r'mnge the nmounts liy a majority<br />

vote.<br />

BALBOA nnd MISSION—A bud-<br />

JM committee ail .*iscu Ly the facthe.<br />

answers—here they nre. liul COMMERCK—<strong>The</strong> principnl and<br />

they're mill confused. You figure u faculty treasurer keep a ciieck<br />

it out.<br />

rn all money spent!<br />

<strong>The</strong> student body officers went POLY—A Hdgel committe* of<br />

nbout the camo in all cases—but student body otTicera, a 'utility<br />

from there on the schools went sponsor, the faculty treatsmr and<br />

tlioir own sweet ways.<br />

1<br />

How many Board meetings are WASHI??GTON—<strong>The</strong> school<br />

there?<br />

treasurer and a faculty adviser.<br />

GALILEO—Every two weeks. <strong>The</strong> students O. K. it ami spend the<br />

BALBOA—Every week. money.<br />

MISSION—Every week.<br />

LOWELL—Thr faculty draws It<br />

COMMERCE— Every week, up. It Is then approved by the<br />

i'OLY— Every week.<br />

Board of Directors.<br />

WASHINGTON—Every week. Ifc> the ntudentft know where the<br />

LOWELL—About four n term. money goes?<br />

Can students out-vote Ihe facul- , In every cote the faculty or stuty?dent<br />

body treasurer reports, usual-<br />

GALILEO—<strong>The</strong> .irincfpnl has a ly to the student council, which re-<br />

final vote. Thr, rest of the faculty lays It to the students. Poly also<br />

has practically r.., voice in student prints the budget tn Its paper.<br />

government.<br />

A.c Ihe student* MUSHM?<br />

BAI.BOA —What the faculty <strong>The</strong> overwhelming answer was<br />

-Yes. but . . ." Moat schools<br />

'''MISSION—Same here. flit that their officers could bo<br />

POLY—Here. too.<br />

tiiwtid with more responsibility,<br />

COMMERCE —"We cin't re- altnough they were grateful for<br />

icmher even tiying to outvote anJ relied on good faculty advice.<br />

them."<br />

Severn! schools declared that they<br />

WASHINGTON —<strong>The</strong> principaT woulJ V.ave better government if<br />

has a final vctt. but ho seldom lhc students knew what It was all<br />

utcs Et.<br />

about.'<br />

LOWELL—We agree with Bal- Now then—UJ '. San Francisco<br />

bcn. high srhools have student fc


LOWE1.L;<br />

iS otncw iio«i KHOOL sr.\v\iv\pi<br />

I*ub]t«h»d by lh» AnoclatMl ntitj#jl»<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> HlRh School<br />

1100 llnj-w Strcvl. Han Frnnciaco. Cnt!fo:nl*<br />

U II. S. S. A. Memtttrt I-Yw<br />

STAFF<br />

KniTOlI ___ FP. CK.Xy<br />



STOUTS Bmrons ffifKH&Sffi;?<br />

aiitur sponvs.——____-LomutSE OLOS<br />

FKATUItK KniTOlI „.._., i;t> NOIUIOVI.K<br />



Avonna Annult<br />

Durban Dtnn<br />

Ann Bowman<br />

Dtll a raves<br />

Doujr Juhmton<br />

Dill Moliter<br />

Itay Meni*l<br />

JUM Xftkaynma<br />

Jim Welle r<br />

iPacultr AilvUer<br />


John f r-t»vitloa<br />

Fri.k Qulnn<br />

UnvXa Feltteim.ii<br />

PJerr* Saline*.-<br />

N'aoml Rfuii.<br />

John Pntnaru-t<br />

J#ai. f»nn«<br />

Marjorlt Weiss<br />

i,(irri»lii« He 1 man<br />

Christmas: UnitedStatesandEurope<br />

By Doug, Johnston<br />

Christmas Eve In the United States, llMO.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hustle is over. Children heve wormed<br />

through grownups to press their noses ngainst<br />

department store windows exhibititip mechanical<br />

toys. Good naturtd shopping crowds have jostled<br />

into street curs. <strong>The</strong> last toy soldier has left<br />

the shelves. <strong>The</strong> lust baby doll in on itn way to a<br />

prospectiwe "mother."<br />

Radios aw murmuring carols. Sweetly, sin*<br />

ccrely, "Peace on Earth," Uood Will to Men."<br />

Twelve o'clock. He Is born.<br />

Christmas Eve In London, 1940.<br />

<strong>The</strong> last pedestrian has left the streets, for<br />

safety in the air raid shelter*. Street* are dark,<br />

lonely, deserted, except for an unlit cab creeping<br />

slowly past the taped, unllghted w>...'*»ws. Maybe<br />

there 11 be carols echoing hollcwl^ u. the tomblike<br />

bomb shelters. Ironically, wistfully, "Peace<br />

on Earth, Good Will to Men."<br />

Twelve o'clock. A weary A. R. p. Warden<br />

gaxes at the huddled sleeping figures on tne floor<br />

of the shelter.<br />

"He is born," he r.iurmurs.<br />

Christmas Eve in Berlin. 1940.<br />

Streets are murky, unlighted. A lone cyclist<br />

steers can-fully 'round a crater in the road. w ill<br />

thnre be carols? No. Carols arc an expression<br />

of weakness. Carols ore "vcrboter."<br />

Twelve o'clock. "Heil Hitler."<br />

Politics Good Life Work,<br />

But Won't Make You Rich<br />

By Mrs, Jordan, Head Counselor<br />

Politic* Is the way democratic government<br />

works. It get* pretty raw sometimes; hut right<br />

now everybody in the United Stales can sec It in<br />

better to hare bad poHtiot than no politics at all<br />

In a country. We are young at it: Great Britain,<br />

after centuries of trials and failures, fights<br />

mgaiiut dishonexty and for honesty. And the<br />

United States is learning fmt these days.<br />

Politics Is great business; but do not go into<br />

it to set rich. A great many graduates of this<br />

Ochool have gone into politics; three have been<br />

Cabinet Members; one a longtime Congressman;<br />

one a Governor; one was Mayor of Oakland for<br />

over tuvnly yean; one was Mayor of San Franfhco.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have served In the State Legislature<br />

and on the Board of Supervisors; muny are hi<br />

such service now. Some arc great, some not<br />

M»t am honest<br />

Huv did they get Into politics? Most of them<br />

began as lawyers. Mayor Pardee of Oakland<br />

•was a dentist; Mayor Schmltz of San Francisco<br />

was a musician; Assessor Washlpsrton Dodge<br />

was n doctor. To Ret into politics, ihoose your<br />

party early; volunteer for election wort in your<br />

precinct; get to know your precinct executive.<br />

Belong to the church you believe in; as ycu como<br />

of age, Join fraternal order* of your kind; thus<br />

people know whet you arc.<br />

But think alvrays of what is good for the<br />

country, not just what's good for your crowd.<br />

If the country got* down, where will your<br />

crowd br, or your union, or ai'r of us? Do not<br />

get rich but nlwayn earn more than you are paid<br />

for. Study the live* or great politicians. U«rah<br />

left enough for hlv widow to H»e on; Etthieman<br />

did not. Lincoln, greatest politician, said, "We<br />

can't outstrip the *orld—we must try to purify<br />

(be world, but we must not hold our wires pure<br />

tbore the world.<br />

•:-. Political rows are good shows; they hold pcopie's<br />

fptenn. Every citizen must be a politician<br />

.to miVe Uda government work. Always vote at<br />

the p/.mar-w, and understand public questions<br />

as well m you can.<br />

jr-->:w-— ,.th<br />

Pastimes While Waiting For Santa Claus!<br />

i<br />

About Grads<br />

Cards Gain Fame And<br />

Name on Local. Campi<br />

Your<br />

Foreign<br />

Correspondent<br />

i<br />

Greetings friends {?). This is<br />

you our Foreign Correspondent all<br />

dccl ueckvcl fit in a new straight jacket,<br />

bunging you thn latest news from<br />

the southwest corner of u padded<br />

cell.<br />

A Piedmont High student hasn't<br />

minted a day of school from kindergarten<br />

to I • high junfor year.<br />

K must be the fudge sundaes they<br />

pass around in every clasrf.<br />

1 AIN'T DRUNK (Hie)<br />

Judge: "Because a man is en His<br />

knees in the middle ft the<br />

rond, it does not nccerwarily<br />

follow that he is drunk,<br />

does it?"<br />

Policeman: "No sir, it docs not.<br />

But this one was trying to<br />

roll up the white line.<br />

—<strong>The</strong> Tattler.<br />

—h—<br />

<strong>The</strong> little nngels in a physics<br />

class at Huyward Union High decided<br />

to have Komc fun not long<br />

ago and locked their worthy pedagogue<br />

out of the room. Teacher<br />

hud his revenge by keeping *he<br />

class after school ?nd making it<br />

listen to a lecture on "Safety in<br />

Locking Doors in Public Buitdinijs,"<br />

—L—<br />


Fremont High in Oakland<br />

awards candy barn to students<br />

who cheer the loudest and show the<br />

n:oJt school spirit at footbnlt<br />

games. In other words:<br />

If you go to Fremont High<br />

And a candy bar you'd like to try<br />

Tlie loudrr you yell<br />

And the more you raise<br />

—your voice in »ong the mo.c<br />

chance you have of winning one-<br />

Soe?<br />

And now. with our Great Aunt<br />

Mat'lan having another attack rt'<br />

i\\f D. T.'s, rre must leave you. To,<br />

ta, you lucky people.<br />

What <strong>The</strong>y Want<br />

For Christinas<br />

Xow that the holiday* arc clov<br />

ing in nnd the spirit of Christmas<br />

has invaded l»wcll, n-c dcciditl to<br />

ask a pertinent question: "What<br />

do you want for Christmas?" Th-?y<br />

hnvc ancHxml ..s folloM:<br />

"MldKv" Decknun—Gynl>plar.e.<br />

ACRIO .Mi»to» — Georcc Potty's<br />

datiuhtiT.<br />

Janet Rim—Aviation IcMons.<br />

-Kal lUmrox— Orance lipstick<br />

fo; Shirley Goicoviti-h.<br />

J C %<br />

*. K 'lera—Ten in'nuIcK with<br />

"Hal" Uimrow.<br />

l.oul»e firecr- Private telephone<br />

and telephone numlwr.<br />

Jlax Sinerr—Mr«. Oliver's hox oC<br />

Kleenex.<br />

Shirley Il.rl—St. I,rnatiu«.<br />

Al Herman—A natuml voice noiln.<br />

AmonB other thinirs thounht up<br />

liy our "clever" students as Clirlstfi»<br />

re S ! , a Letter Box<br />

Bing! Crajihl itang! Is<br />

'.tming down the chimney? And<br />

we thought thnt Santa was comint<br />

tarly thin year? But it was<br />

i'»ly the mailman, who had gotten<br />

tii«- Christmas spirit a 1'ttle early<br />

this year, unburdening himself of<br />

hi.s pack of letteri Tor Ali'.i secretary<br />

ty answer.<br />

—L—<br />

Uear Alt'* Secretary*<br />

I hare a burning quMtioti in my<br />

simple mind. Can a president uf<br />

the Mtudent body be impeached?<br />

Don't mUuPderitland. Car I Itaaka<br />

In a nice fellow- and all of that. It<br />

just happen* that I am curinu*<br />

about being able to corrupt tlie<br />

guv-rnment. Thnnlot.<br />

—Subversive Activity Element,<br />

Number 183812!!<br />

Dt-ar Subversive Element:<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re is no machinery in <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

lot the impenchiwnt of an officer,<br />

UA we triut lliey arc alt upstanding<br />

young students." Thiu siwke principal<br />

Stephens. He remembers<br />

only one such case when the inut.a-<br />

K«i of the IUd and WW'e wai re*<br />

moved from office t'or lack of activity<br />

in ihf vxcvutloii of the duties<br />

cf his office. —Ali's Secretary.<br />

Dear AiE's Secretary:<br />

How about giving u* the low-<br />

(jown or\ Ihnt cute new usinlant<br />

fuotball ccuch?<br />

—Curious CutEes.<br />

l>e.\r All** Secretary:<br />

Would you please Inform us cu*<br />

noibi KirU if the new assistant<br />

football roach has a woman.<br />

—"Just Wondering,"<br />

Dear Ju»t Wondvring and<br />

Curiiou.1 Cuties:<br />

Sorry that we must be the<br />

bearer of Hitch «ad tidings, but<br />

Coach Felling ban been In a Male<br />

uf matrimonial blian far Io these<br />

many years. Too, too bad, girb.<br />

>»c itympathExr.<br />

—AH'* Srcrclarj.<br />

—L—<br />

i^car AH'K Secretary:<br />

,tl»u we have any janitor* at Low-<br />

»<br />

Grant. Santa<br />

were<br />

0 ." 1 ife aIhl?lM that ««" those<br />

feet? What ripened to oo- footuall<br />

w-m? . :>ut that's UeiUlo t;.o<br />

Oym \U-vk"? ? Th Thin^ ar« nal!y<br />

l>ad l>ad. j'l hi heir . ur r<br />

ft.et. ft.<br />

A A<br />

—An Athlftu.<br />

Deft, athlete:<br />

LoA-cli will at (om^ futisr* date<br />

have a chiropodist here twice a<br />

wtck to look after «ur athletes' aill"K<br />

feeu In the meantime, we aug-<br />

« cal Ilf Fra.ik Quinn<br />


Tepee Tattle Tale><br />

Heyman Does Strip;<br />

Chigris Wins Annual<br />


Male in the barnyard, ISIT and alck.<br />

Uoy with a pin on the end of a stick.<br />

Kid Jabbed the able; male made a lurch—<br />

Services Rnnday, Flrvt Methodist chunk.<br />

—-Widow."<br />

• •• • • • •<br />

It aeflnw: Al Heyman, for once, mi on the<br />

otlur end of a "Burly Q" when his pants took u»<br />

unexpected irip Inward term tlnau while leading<br />

& yell at a recent program—onco more Hcyman,<br />

and yculi have to Join the S. T. Union. Herb<br />

Caen's most e surprised if Dean<br />

Mnrvucci nuirches virtuously into the senior ball<br />

resplendent in n gold dinner jacket, jrrccn pants,<br />

n |unk tie, and, oh yc», «paU: \wndcr what Spurt-<br />

Editor Davis wax think!..g of when that pictcre<br />

in his column was taken? And, by the way, WQ<br />

could , pcm>, money<br />

amounting to $4.00 und one lend<br />

slug, combs, orators, notebooks,<br />

toothpicks, knives, empty coin<br />

nurse, football ticket, glasses nnd<br />

warn, washer, ring, notes for chemistry<br />

tent, unexplained cut slips,<br />

library pusses (slightly wr.iklcd),<br />

Uckut stubs from shown around<br />

tewn, and a check for r. short beer<br />

(ri'dccmnblc nt Moc's Flop House).<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were many other articles<br />

found, hut due to ctttonthip of the<br />

high Hchool pre»x, ¥.-• arc unable to<br />

lint them.<br />

For further information in xeg.ird<br />

to censored articles, get in<br />

touch with "Snoopy" Smith, the<br />

man to v.'hcm we owe a d>'.bt of<br />

cr.U ;t u<br />

counting words and chewing his<br />

nails.<br />

In the desk by the window Is a<br />

lovely bit of femininity solemnly<br />

* hammering the devil out of n typewriter.<br />

Stop drooling, freshman,<br />

that's Gloria Sproul, and fbb's very<br />

busy thinking up diplomatic answers<br />

to tho questions you tm- in<br />

'he "Letter Box.*'<br />

In the front desk you see curly<br />

headed Charley Davis, Bcreaaur<br />

i>? Skiles Hoffman, creator o*<br />

"Grid Iron Gossip," and on nil<br />

arc und athlete, at that<br />

tnd who Is that deep-chested in-<br />

•Oridual, leering into a little black<br />

.took and chuckling sardonically as<br />

he scribbles copy? That's Frank<br />

(Tippy Tails) Quinn. who dashes<br />

of! that home-wrecking column*<br />

Teepee- Tattle Talcs,"<br />

Rcgnrd that bushy-haired individual<br />

in the desk inciuic tho class.<br />

Ti;nt's our sane adviser, Mr. J. W.<br />

Puttcrson, who wo run tc with oar<br />

i-oom ingly insoluble publication<br />

rioblcmw, <strong>The</strong>ro he sits, modest,<br />

itnasuming. intense Mr. Patterson,<br />

Hblcnuii;* wondering whether to bit<br />

Jchniton, the boy with tho circled<br />

eyes, now • or after class.<br />

And nov, freshman, get to your<br />

claps, und .v)u*n you get your <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, rcmon&or, hereafter, to<br />

wrap your rpirbage in it vrlth refpect.<br />

From the Files of the Editor<br />

In a dim, dank hole, we interviewed<br />

Hadme Allronga, as he was<br />

culminating the labor of years in<br />

He: "Please!"<br />

i.is effort to tunnel out of the local She; "NP!"<br />

Squirrel Cage.<br />

He: 'Must this once!"<br />

She: "No."<br />

Punctuated by the crumbling of He: "Aw, Mn—all kids ore<br />

failing mortar, his sentences came I ing barefoot."<br />

thickly, shades l.y tho walla of — **—<br />

eitrth between us. He was gasping I First Student Aviator: "Quick,<br />

OH he labored with only the wot what do I do now. inntru tor?"<br />

«.* benm. U. and rroodum. |} JJg-WHj J ..0.-* -aren't<br />

Courageous Reporter<br />

—lr-<br />

I turned to Gloria Sproul, who i<br />

"Qiiict, dvnr, the sand-<br />

' m:.n is coming."<br />

| Modem Child: "I won't tell nop. l!<br />

had accompanied me on (his dan-<br />

Kerotw mission. I<br />

"You had better leave/' I cau-1!<br />

—L—<br />

tloned her tnodeAtly, "his breath in | Owner: "How did you come to<br />

coming In short ptinls." I<br />

over milk<br />

"DMn't you sco it In<br />

"No. the kid had it<br />

Be original. Don't wear 5uspcndera<br />

or a l«U. Eventually your<br />

oiiginclity will be noticed.<br />

|i ""^ u *<br />

But Gloria, a true reporter ofibotlle."<br />

the old school, was not tl not railv with Gnat<br />

spirit abcut their opponents' whool in the midd'c of the night.<br />

Dfc*h Coimenb"—IVens Convention, University of Cuiifornia, November<br />

2: We met » <strong>Lowell</strong> "grad," ONked him, "Why do certain CaL<br />

MtudenU carry tnmaioeit to the rooting section?." and he answered, *To.<br />

throw at the yv'l fender—we thought of you, Al: had lunch at the International<br />

IIQIMC, the food wan just pretty good—no itnlad; at, lunch<br />

IlAlbaa table echoed, "fley l.owell, hercV Ilalbja," and then they connttt)<br />

th« 21: Mhiifinltet chanted. "Hey <strong>Lowell</strong>, here'x Mission," and (hen they<br />

counlrU toll; and Galileo respectively followed unit—we were silent and<br />

embarrassed; we haven't had addition yet!<br />

Press Convention, Stanford Unlvvrnity, November D: We didn't<br />

see any <strong>Lowell</strong> grads—we sitfpeot they itnw us first; the food was very<br />

good—we had a pnlad: there wad no yelling or counting nt dinner—the<br />

delegates left their voices in the stadium: when we tn\d Professor Bush<br />

thru the University of Minnesota detent* the lvy-f*irl angfc in Teepee<br />

Tattle Talcs, hut the students "rto for It," he told us to do as we pleiJT—<br />

Seriously though, the lectures w?rc excellent. We studied newspaper<br />

styles, had round table discussions, heard Infonautlvc comment<br />

or. oil types of writing", lcarriml the mechanics of a colligc newspirw,<br />

and found out what's in store for the university journalist Oh yes, Cnl.<br />

lost to Oregon St**.o 10-13. and Stanford bent Washington 20-10.<br />

Newspaper Gripew: Xo. we don't nay <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> paper Is perfect;<br />

but it's about time somebody defrnded It and refuted unnecessary crlticlsm.<br />

1<br />

Teepee Tattle Tnles h regarded as dry by some students, but those<br />

rame students dislike thn nnoffenslvn criU'cisms which give the column<br />

much needed color. Gad, consistency In life !« wonderful I .<br />

Manv say AM Ban Jo should answer tho Icttcia directly and do<br />

away with cnml-.sU remarks. Yet, those snme |>cople worshipped thb<br />

original All Ban Jo, Bob Rockwell, who hardly ever answered the 0UMtlons<br />

directly, hut really rnouo the letter box popular with his brief<br />

And, above all. If the pcoplo who complain the paver contains little,<br />

informative news'wouW do thelr_ part (In giving Jnformation to our<br />

iie nudist/wears.<br />

Tnese alonpr with many other such<br />

useful occupations tend to make book would naturally sell more copies? It's human natnro to be dabl&ns \ "•' <<br />

YEHOODI n very busy man. about something of -which yna know little. Metropolitan magazines<br />

We should like to hear more depend solely on publicity for their circulation and not a -whlsperbMT ' v -<br />

atout YEHOODI, so drop your In* campaign. Moral to you newshounds: we can't secure news wfe.3 tb» :-,;<br />

formation In the Lettcr-Box channels o

vFODR 1 THK LOWELL. DECEMBER lg, 1040<br />

All in Life Expose<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cheat That Wore 60<br />

Medals<br />

Dy Naomi Shaln I<br />

Step up. fulls. .Meet twit ox*'<br />

rut in ttKttiyi (not. only tho vn-<br />

ricty found In »toct sheets), .Mr.<br />

torco W. Boiffl!<br />

I'roccedliiK with cay. ton last<br />

week, we ervpi mralttiily UD to Sir.<br />

I'uBii, anil, rmiiloyiiii: -» fi---JM offeiise,<br />

wannc prove it.<br />

Admit* living Star<br />

MocW'.ly. Mr. BIUIS ;ultlu.ttl;iiilic<br />

<strong>The</strong> Camera Covers <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Debaters Win<br />

High Honors<br />

Trophies Captured At<br />

Forensic Tournament<br />

chump ion*! lip fur ./. tr four yc:i:«.<br />

We- tnunil out, al.su, that ho v...•<br />

i?M>cu in UiAkvtlialt, U.-— u. AtKiatol, il. Itutlcr,<br />

M CatiMttiR H- )'lumt.. C. A. 6.0.<br />

KO— It NmiHtfelt. . If. ... Htrnl>«nr __;jfi M. JL Ca_<br />

123—Jt. AnMjn. At. ItnlmoniL II Ivtnnon,.<br />

N. Ilk-hmonO, U. Alulier V.<br />

VtmMtWi. 1* Holler. C. A. >.t. •<br />

Wnk It .L-vlvmin. A. Monalmn, IL<br />

L*v(t»n. F. O»n«. c. A. 10-k-<br />

3!*—I* Pk-nnl, «.S; II. Sutrn. 45;<br />

JV. Hch'ils. H: 1*. HIOM. if. nown^in. (^.<br />

ar&^iss 11 * 1 --* 1111 - 1 -* 1 ilwM«r, It. BJdy, 1'. F-rrr.-o. J. Han<br />

>>llW-. I. Otrmbra*. J- I'fl'kfr. J.<br />

y. i:, MoimKif. r. A. I'J.JI.<br />

ir. :••— v. neuiri. «i,; \v. iuj>r.miu<br />

KH. 3l.l*erNb>lii. *'•: I»- I^iivnby.<br />

... -*i>nnn1. K. K.itMicnw». K. Iturniv,<br />

W lull, *•- Jinlw. J. tl.-umunl. ft.<br />

A'»*y, N. SiicMlllati. a. KkUeh. C. A.<br />

-JH; J. lh.ll. It uWliW. V. VIM-<br />

Itxnt, K. LVul'. K. HnttrahHit. J. <br />

«*T. I). IW'I*-!'*!). c. A. »-3.<br />

;it—M. Kli>r«r. Mi; y. .Mll'lnu*. P.<br />

Twill, n Wolff. J, Kr-yirirmmi. V.<br />

W«rm. J. It.^lcr. J. Ma, J. Martin. Hurlkbchi.<br />

H. KHik. J. l. D. Klviitn. J. C.K.^r. it.<br />

lelm. it. Hlumltrri:. i:. A. 33.1.<br />

113—\V TtMk. Ii. J,mcih J- Knamoto.<br />

Ntjcochl. T. liowlrp. ft. Iln-'kniiin.<br />

_. U tlumllHTlft. A. K«lil|jn-ti. >i. »„.<br />

cMsukl. f*. A. tn.t<br />

MI—J. Tntwurnel. 1*4 ; J. 11 Ink!- r.<br />

M. Ito'iuy. «J. SlnsI-. K. Wltllnnw. M.<br />

.rrmir. W. \»-'nkV,<br />

Tociter. P. Mim-—<br />

(74; A. Sjinint, IL Sohfwlirlni. I. l^w. P. \-i..,t j<br />

**: It. llnil*-ii». A. ItlB^i-HI. K. Yn- y. II. mrlnn. !„ Jtr.tar. J. Bhjn.<br />

5M_T. KOKW. q. ITIC^. N. PanlrK<br />

«r«l. J. ]lnl»rni.yr. J. tlehtiliv. JI.<br />

K M^lvln K. Murray, y. Ktwumlno.<br />

Uhl. 11. O'NVnl. II. (.'rooks. J. * Turtle (*<br />

ll«'_j/ iiAnco. O. Hharmnn. t7^; IL<br />

M. Mrflrnlb. K. Morrliwin. (1. Nkliolx<br />

Thurhan. 45: IL HtyrU. A. CoMnnflnl. U 'H"*"!'""'- "• -••-tKmfl. IV. Klnfc<br />

65: _:_ J. Younit, V 65; J. IiiRrnm. C hn>, p. rhrlnllr. I*<br />

hrl>.<br />

Kat**. C Korct 1,','A. M.I. c A 2"S •<br />

, BWO. Rmw. J. llraciivar. A. Hoptwl.<br />

U. Hmllry. M. nirtl^. It. llnucr. St. fla-<br />

,to«nl II. Jolinatnn. W. Hnpiro. P. pv«n.<br />

;y. II. Nri»on A. J. llatir. JL l^(iB7o.<br />

Ilcnnon. D. M. Ihnert. W. H«Met. it.<br />

MalliswH, C. atPtutry. IL KturtovanU<br />

C A, 22.<br />

»*-. -!••: J, HVIIV»R, C. Cha-<br />

>t«K. o. Klilo, O. IlanMjn. I'. Iloniln. K.<br />

— ,it...i>*u. r. VuUHird. O. Tnuda. J. IJplon. IL Alun.<br />

K Ch»1k*. A. K-ltlnuir. n. 8olomn.<br />

K. Drawn, n. llabrr. O. A. SI.<br />

KI—M. Il*reovlcli. w; K. Cumbr--<br />

:h, &0: II. Sakal. M: M. I»WP, r.<br />

" "*" * "">_ K; Hhjmomura. «,<br />

: C. Wlnter-<br />

Mcll "» rc - "• wiw.<br />

^F. 'Katnw. K^i; ,\. Chu. so: II.<br />

h. '-hliiii. K. ijubolr. s. LTiine<br />

.. ; u •":• '• •fcnmwi. !>• ll-rwl-5:<br />

* . A, 1R.I,<br />

!ifh?>»^«?i<br />

IZIcukr. I. Domm 1» M.nt,,|m. K<br />

1 M4«.!as t r:<br />

Ida.'<br />

Z2S-.M. ntnltsmnn, V. Knbnyiuhl M<br />

^ J- Mbhlllnd. C<br />

Ilffi O.<br />

HJ." hl J. Konmra. M<br />

anoff a"D<br />

1 N - * v * w nMnn, If. li<br />

•:•». II. mo<br />

*«uchl. J. K<br />

nrin. u. Louie. U. Moranoff,<br />

«• Mlyahara, T. Bator. C.<br />

«»—H. Uratlthi. it Ca<br />

iSSilfHP<br />

military<br />

II. ivirnmn, II Kikoitrnko. G. 3protiL<br />

,t- 0 *—A. Tnimurf, W; IL Scheldt. 15;<br />

.«) O..|... .J. i.itc, j. Hart-<br />

" ' 'W. P. Allen,<br />

1>. llackry. It.<br />

Mir.-, it, Rtirilcl. J dhai<br />

wnrr^li. Sc-huohunJ. J.<br />

is: ii. KiW<br />

" In . K. Wwrlilan*. a. I'ynn. I». An-<br />

«l l '«riH. M. Parnialr*,<br />

:'kw», K~5ot"ton,"i

SgortComment<br />

lly , ,<br />

- B o b -.toppmann nutpjnyed<br />

Mark Hiww In lh« l f «»v-<br />

Ra« Sweet.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cardinal), j<br />

iliil mufau some.<br />

mistake*. Hut I<br />

tfidr opponents J<br />

nmtlu home, Ww.l<br />

IT coach** .•mi'<br />

I nmko n-.lbt:ikt:j\>u 1<br />

[ otr-t'^i from Lite*<br />

i hoy* younfrl<br />

i tiioucn to buj<br />

the suns of the i<br />

Charlc* DavU coat-he*? And!<br />

maybe football ><br />

would l< a «lrab, unintcTtttinj:<br />

fame it mwtakes weren't mnda. ><br />

poly won the came Noveirl>u;<br />

21. Perhaps Lowei! s Indians would'<br />

have, if a mista':"*; liere and UI<br />

could've been climifutd. I<br />

Mi A take* portly ;<br />

You remeinlwT the Kami*? <strong>The</strong>;<br />

sci're was 0-0 in the second quarter.<br />

An inspired <strong>Lowell</strong> e'-vin<br />

bid been imxhini; the I'nrrutJ 'all <<br />

over the lot." so to rfpeak.<br />

It was the Cards' ball on the;<br />

Sunwttcrs* ;t(); first and ten. Poly!<br />

was uiiini: a G-- --1 defense. :<br />

Why, then, did the Indiana c-rct<br />

(o pu« whrn Ed I(u*»ell, SI. He*<br />

4 t Poly line? Vn? '"l^diiw ^ ' were,<br />

"liot." <strong>The</strong>y we;-e rolUnR. Tropps*snn,<br />

Horn. Muthoa and Co. were<br />

motlnK the Parrot forward*.<br />

Wax it order* from I hi bench?<br />

Your £umn i* an eood an mine!,<br />

Calender's Future U:iRht i<br />

He's s.hort 1.11 newsimjier clipuag,<br />

but lone on ahlily. That a<br />

Clayton Calan: ( er, <strong>Lowell</strong> riyhi<br />



q: Hoffman, h;."imro-e.'i; Dolur. _f....SecondJtow: Simmon-. *: Rtftkr,<br />

tr: Onti, '.; ::tnfkid«*. t; Cnrnrr. n: Cardelli. t; Holm an. E; Willhack. h; Voyne. Third How: Mandi. '.<br />

l« Tor It .„• . Utto —c, I SU f , h L ^"S"I ^TSi<br />

now in p procn.iM at Golden (ialcj j t».«l t uiit-.<br />

Pk Park, and d ! !»>• several l prnclice! i! ll h<br />

other «chooU. J<br />

Prii*|»ectii for n'on-ihip, h won this year. M'*\,i<br />

'pHetfc |ilayer. Welf, I jirjKht. a.* <strong>Lowell</strong> nickelrer* huw<br />

j lar ctiU'l.iftivd other j«clic.tU in<br />

! on.-'y. but ly, und ileftndinc ctiamjiiod<br />

inexju-riein'i'. Of tin- first vlv\ci», Low«*Il landwl In tti" teilar<br />

'iiuy one. Steve Dotur. hai! l»«:en un after rot winninc a •rime.<br />

tlit* first twrtity-two last year. Ilik'Ken sun'riw of the<br />

Svven S'raiuhl l.(i«MrK i*<br />

IJJVVCUV firrtt tritniv.' of the i-eauiti<br />

vvjiH with Galiieo, and after<br />

driving l» t>ali!>'o'* lit) yard Hue in<br />

,uupL, a nteiu mutch with HalUta. tt.ioe play*. I»well at the end JH!I><br />

year. Come, cenw Mr. l>otur.-<strong>The</strong> first four rankmu l«iw«*H ' to :i superior at'^k and<br />

yuu'rc 'tnartiT tlian that.<br />

Yt- rhi<br />

few peopli<br />

rrctc<br />

ioy ._ ... .... __ _ _. _ ._<br />

back -.-hen yuU COULD be the |v,.B|e match!<br />

leSRU; s out"t.'inuini* tacklv. ur, I . :,<br />

perhapn yuur


Gridiron Gossip<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Staff<br />

Makes a Challenge<br />

"Inexperience, Lack of Speed were Chief<br />

Factors in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s DowrtfalT-Voyne<br />

To blot out their nine losses and, i,veryone stayed close to the house. In football the traditional<br />

die tie, <strong>Lowell</strong> has two sweet vie- Kvason: Cvorgc shot at anything game is the <strong>Lowell</strong>-l'aly<br />

lories to recall. One with San Jta- ihut moved with tho exception of < busic. In baseball lt> Thu Coach Feiling Works<br />

X»el* a 7 to 0 win. and the other the leaves. (<strong>The</strong> caretakers dor in l»wcll staff vs. the Red nnd Out with Injun Cagers<br />

with the State Rest-rvcs, 35 to 6 Lflll mli'ilng.)<br />

White ..staff. .. Though -this<br />

win. Against San Ka/aci, Chand- Krolly though, getting down to fii*me has been omitted these<br />

Itr drove over tackle for tho senre seriousness. seriouness, Captain Ciptal Russell, speak-<br />

Newsflash! <strong>Lowell</strong>'s thirties has*<br />

late two terms, we of Tho<br />

and Willbnck converted. Agnlnut •— Inft fir '— all ••" *—-**— fouren — —i«— m ,<br />

I:ctball team nlmx for high honors!,<br />

the Stnte Reserves It was field day v/.r.hes to express n simple but well<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> staff would l.'Je tc re- -Tlie 130 |H>und eager* who hang<br />

and all took their turn in ik-n-mg. meant "thanks'* to Mr. Horn and new thin rivalry and chal- | «,ut at the "red brick r.hool no»jse"<br />

Willback in full stride converted Uert for Innujruratini- the trip. lenge the Red nnd White Inn.<br />

after nit five touchdowns.<br />

To wind up their football *ca*on, staff to a nine-Inning gnme<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s other two practice the team's Kcniors defeated next of !tofll*l|.<br />

gitm^J, Hoth losses, were with tfim'fi vanity by n score of 0 to 2. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> -Uiff boa*'.* of<br />

PUtsburg an'! Kichmond. Though <strong>The</strong> first fcore '**ns late (n the such "slugger/," a* "Killer"<br />

they outplayed the latter team they first hulf when Willback kicked n Conn, "Trottri'" Johnston,<br />

cam* out. per usual, at :he bottom field goal from About the .10 yard "Babe" SnIIngtr. "Sure Foot"<br />

of the score board.<br />

line. It was Russell's pass to<br />

Graves, "Three Bagger" Pro-<br />

A Wockn« with fiotbaP. [tactical front, while n!ottna>t i<br />

rrr:ient*H with very good 1-ajikot- (uuRh burden for any tram (o oi<br />

Horn and Larrv Horn. Fpent a.cicusi* to call the play back.<br />

week-end at the Horn's summer; Gridiron Shorts<br />

home, nt CIcarlaKc. I Many thunk* to Jim Ilnnncrt.<br />

Thrw whole night* and dnyff of j Hill Jcfllyn. Howard Council, Elrino hasn't n chance.<br />

endless toil, strife, and t urtiire.' N't her. J!ni Stophi'iiiion, and Hay Is there an ncceptaiwe of<br />

Toil In getting u;» In th" w«e -old! Milton for their iniipirlng pep talk*<br />

hrun> of morning and trylnfT .''before the Poly game.<br />

the clmlletiire?<br />

find your clothes aft»*r «ome vtacl It'* ri-ally n «hnme Ixm-clt'* en- .<br />

iniy has tosucd them up on the roof.! tire line can't make all-city »ft?r [Prospects for 41<br />

Strife in trying to get a place nti tla-ir valiant stand in the I'oly< _ . . _,<br />

the breakfast table and to e:it ymriiwme. ' D u '* v -*food<br />

without someone swiping 't ! tiioll material lr the form cf boy* 1 co:n*r.'<br />

who liave played under Ben Xtff I n you'll wall. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

on tho lightweight*, M-. Filling I u:t teusun with only UUQ m<br />

<strong>The</strong> average Lowcl! foottuili<br />

or without some plavful lad hprink-! niuycr gets n "C" .-.va.-ain.<br />

1'ng pepper in it. Torture in hear- '-.-mi. however there &re *<br />

ing Russell'* com'e corncob con- ;ip'ion* nnd Bert Hoi<br />

coctlonjt (Jokes to youl nr gettinr; v the favo-tj Complon of Sim-, p_l|v Fon^ball<br />

ford fronh. Th- (w mile ci-ur»o:<br />

under the Red and White during<br />

pun of o the co coif campaign pt in 1940.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se seasoned veterans, plus ca-<br />

r0i| y, i , < ; 0tDal ;<br />

was covered in t!i? suiprtslr,g I<br />

time of 10 minutea nivi 4'J seconds<br />

(10.4."). Fir.ishing bch;ntl Com]<br />

end football champions<br />

Trif, you can't win all of the vme, Urlght Outlook for '41 iu&* to clumxy, he'u hungle ndtv.<br />

Lut still every student at ti.ia According tu Ccach llcrrtii, "full [longingly, the i-uach KIIIUCCJ into<br />

Ha;»w street school wishes that the track ck has done dne a lot of gobd in the tht: stumln where h<br />

Cardinal would remain tops in the training and ksei<br />

athletic field.<br />

oi f next term's t ' team." Those re-<br />

So come on divot dinners, keep turning from the '40 championship<br />

that ffolf trophy up In our library team em are r Silvn. ilvn, Fonaas, Fonaas Dotur.<br />

foi a; least another year. Douglas, Tiuiiln, Brueh, B<br />

Houch. ohepard, and Do Martini.<br />

Goof Football Season To ascl»-t these veterans and put<br />

tteli- rturd in the championship<br />

Over; Won One Game tight of '41 will be Garbing, Oresler,<br />

Nichols, Wyrvch, and Grcvn- uoitwl to the uiiMUsncaint;<br />

LOTJOII'B lightweight footbflil bi.um. all newcomers to the Lowel! !"* Brown,<br />

team finished up Its ccason N'ovcmtrack<br />

team. ' , A prayer<br />

Ur 18 by losing to Poly 20*0, /ivinc<br />

thCTT. a season's total of \ win, Cardinal Ticket<br />

1 tie, b h.im.<br />

In all (fames except the Balboa,<br />

junior* and seniors were tltowed to Sales Top League<br />

pJti- if they were within the sixc<br />

Mmit, ffivine the opposition a decided<br />

ad\*anuge.<br />

In BeTltiw B<br />

Exwkinir at the summary of the<br />

season wa find; Tarnalnals 25-<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

12: Mores by McLennan ana<br />

Hofmsnn: WaVuinKton 20-LowcH<br />

0:, no! so bod—third string varsity<br />

ttmUnst freshmen nnd sophomores;<br />

St. Ignatius O-Lowi'l) 7; Indian*<br />

tatt« sweet victory, score on prss<br />

Buchanan to Moore, conversion by<br />

Iforn: Commerce 6-<strong>Lowell</strong> 0; tie<br />

hissed H' 1 ya*d due to mUup of<br />

r-oiUon rf Rotlposu: Mission 13-<br />

Lo»c l l 0; rfcore on pass Suchanan<br />

to G*te»: Balboa 0*Lowcll 0; In<br />

d* l d bt m « v.-.<br />

.Maybe we know where Yehudi Is.<br />

It he isn't thurc it's u miracle, be*<br />

lEiMt. cverj'thiiiff clue is there.<br />

| H»r*i Shaw Drcember U \ where? In the <strong>Lowell</strong> lost and<br />

I Tht* Kvmi-annual horse show i found.<br />

! wi!! tx held next Saturday. Dccem* j One ot the oddest bit of findings<br />

. , *-. ,! l.cr ! 1.1.» ilcturminc the best riders | ia a tooth retainer. <strong>The</strong>y've been<br />

CKery C.XpO3eu":- each icroup. <strong>The</strong>re will be n , trying to find out how it could have<br />

_^ |(Iin;;L*r at i );. m. preccdintr thu i been lost, if a piece of gum wa*<br />

"^<br />

f £Obd in tbc<br />

in condition<br />

" Th<br />

ll 0; In<br />

d*ans dans plnycd best K» of of f season,<br />

should hl !«>vi won: Poly 20-<strong>Lowell</strong> Lll 0:<br />

FurroU ou*char»^i Indian line.<br />

Tliere you have It, the 1040 season<br />

la review.<br />

Coach UfftU* said that due to<br />

tl Inure number of vnrslty men<br />

leturnlnK. l only l twenty-four ttyfu iopho- h<br />

mores ?t-xt >ear'n fashions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final bzulminton tournament | If yo't uulo mechanic fans ever<br />

in the K'rltt' trytn and the final ten: huve any xjiurc time, drop around<br />

*ki.tt! lit Wintvrlaiu] were hclj tiv I • ion, and found. <strong>The</strong>y have a<br />

ccmbiv 10. 1 uico book on that subject. If you<br />

A*, the i. \V. C. A. tho final [need Rlaajt-s to read it and have<br />

nwimminj; ewnti* wen* held De-i fo/gottcn yours, they hnve a varied<br />

..___• his star back sat timber 'J, atul the first hockey final I fi.nply of those,<br />

disconsolate. If only Smith hadn't at Golden Gate Park wax December! <strong>The</strong> Lost and Found is quite be*<br />

flunked—but he had. and to was<br />

, wildcred. <strong>The</strong>re linve been many<br />

ineligible.<br />

Ittock L | rcnuc*t? for R. O. T. C. manuals,<br />

Suddenly the coach'* i')'M Betty Bom*. .Mary LJbby, and, und no one nvin= to know what<br />

Klramrd. Hy golly, he'd risk it. Gloria Fricdricks were voted on! they arc.<br />

IJrown uml Smith changed for president of Block L: Hetty I Of course, there are the<br />

clothes there in the lokor room at<br />

of Block L: Hetty I Of course, there arc the regular<br />

Thompson, Mnrtha Howdl, and; run of p*»ns, pencils, jcwelo*. books,<br />

Ircakncvk Kiwed. <strong>The</strong>n Smith, a Mil.i Starston for secretary of: and binder*.<br />

ttofti-guard marking his ;-:ce. re-<br />

Htnclc L at a meeting December 9.! If only someone would claim<br />

Winner* will be announced at the (them!<br />

• today.<br />

.. r r.... -a long run—nnd<br />

Smith hud won for I'oly!<br />

<strong>The</strong> I'olyitcx swarrnvd duwti in ubly go to Sigmund Stem Grove.<br />

Kite. <strong>The</strong> hero, riding Us friends'<br />

in triumph, forgot<br />

„..„ ... -_ hfj precious mmc'gui Violin, Who'll<br />

At just the wrong moment<br />

ilipped—he ppedtood stood revealed. r e d .<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> spirit triumphs over all!<<br />

Buy My Violin?<br />

In spite of a rather slow football<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>':* howl nhiwk the stadium.<br />

eason, our ticket sales have ex-<br />

Poly officials agreed that it was Hy Leo Mnnus<br />

ceeded those of our opponenta in terrible, terrible. And th* unmc "CQIHA I want, to tell you," snys<br />

fail Kant* but twu, provinu that wan played over, minus Smith. Abe, pulling me into his pawnshop,<br />

Lowvll rooters never let a teem It didn't he<br />

finds the work hard, but that she<br />

likes our school very much.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> ownor con.e* back, and I'm<br />

lvlnie him 5M for it. Ychoodi no<br />

ci.nic back. Today my friend<br />

IESROI am saying it a cn*»an vf»-<br />

.:n. $2 mlt der case. Tonight old<br />

c!othcs am going up 10 per cent<br />

"Kicking me, I'm telling you,"<br />

he says, bending over.<br />

s<br />



JAN.'*! THE-<br />


Volume "?. No. fl<br />

Seniors Claim Diplomas<br />

At Opera House, Jan 22<br />



Snn Francisco, Catilornlc, January *"t 10-11 Founded January, 1898<br />

Block L Rally<br />

Set for Today<br />

To Announce Office.-*.<br />

Scroll. Shield Members<br />

Election Results Will<br />

Be Made Known Today<br />

Robins ia Valedictorian; Nakayama,<br />

Conn to Speak; Glee Clubs Sing<br />

Seniors, two hundred and fifteen of them, slowly walking<br />

down wn the aisles of the War Memorial Opera Oper HHouse<br />

on<br />

January 22.<br />

It's the start of the I2?r& jrrad-<br />

OMion uf <strong>Lowell</strong> student*, snd those<br />

two hundred and fifteen seniors of Thanks, to All of You<br />

t>.6 class of loll '40 arc wulkin? For Your Co-operation<br />

timy frvm <strong>Lowell</strong> forever. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

acjemble on tl:c stanc and at a mo- To you. the sludento of<br />

tion from .Mr. Stciinens. neat them- <strong>Lowell</strong> Hleh, for the co.oper><br />

wlves as one. I<br />

ntion and Interest you're<br />

shown, thank* a lot. You've<br />

<strong>The</strong> program for the exercises ] made <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> an impor-<br />

Ion been carefully planned. As j tant part of itchool life.<br />

uu&l. the Lov/cll orchestra will I To you. the member* or my<br />

play the proccwlonul: then Lieu*! *taff for your excellent work<br />

UMnt-ColoncI William Biuh of the '•<br />

thl* term— IhankH a tot. Your<br />

work van hard and you com-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> R. O. T. C. will lead all' pitted it succcsKfutly.<br />

thece prcHcnt in & salute to the' Tn you. Mr. Stephen*, for<br />

Flap. <strong>The</strong> class president, Arthur < jnjr helpful criticUm And<br />

Schumacher, will irive the introduc- . timely **ti(M<br />

torv message. !<br />

Speeches :<br />

Instead of nn outside spvakfr, i<br />

Euwin Conn, iditor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.'<br />

•will speak on "Our Generation—,<br />

fcnii Vottts." I<br />

<strong>The</strong> claim history will be told by ,<br />

Jcne Nakayama. well-known de-;<br />

baler and orator at <strong>Lowell</strong>, and the •<br />

%alrdietory addrenw will be given ><br />

bv Date Jliibinn. another of Low* \<br />

fill* prominent (VhaU-rs.<br />

Thfc Girls' Git--.* Club, under Misa<br />

Alexander'* direction, will sine<br />

Litzt's "Lnreloy" anil Saint-Sauna; Q_-__-._,,_ T_<br />

-.My limn at Thy Sweet Com- UllSpeilSe IS<br />

manil." Th»* Boy** Dout>Ic Qunrtet' v^**ii*<br />

' " .V Glee Club..directed • «/•-••<br />

tuit'it. will Hint* (lor- <<br />

iymn" and '•<br />

H Candidates ncrrou-.lv wonder<br />

"Old I or didn't I win?" Amid*<br />

pation (trip* all an the boom or the<br />

**EraIi<br />

—thankN a lot.<br />

lou've hern very in»trumen*<br />

Ul in the KUCCCKM of our<br />

pit per.<br />

T«i you, Mr. I'alter on, for<br />

your MJpcrvlftlon and ;i'!vin—<br />

thankn a lo'.<br />

Mar next trrm*n editor,<br />

wkiever he nay br. have a*<br />

cnlovahlc a time HM I have<br />

Imd.<br />


Edilor or Thp UweM.<br />

ftom th<br />

by Mt5» ...<br />

lainsky's "Cherubic Myi<br />

Frimle's "Ciar.ninu Mia." ; Attention. Lowrllilca! Don't he |<br />

Itobln Hood Select Ions : u!arnnil If yem nnt.'ci* certain intli* '<br />

Instead of Oic A Canpella Choir. v.iJu»U »linkinB through the halls I<br />

:• i«<br />

M Offices of Pr.*ident and Yell Leader<br />

Filled by Unoppoasd Candidates<br />

<strong>The</strong> elections arc a thing of the past. But until the rally<br />

opens the Block L rally,<br />

fourth period, today In the court, today<br />

weether pertnittinf.<br />

y tho mystery vill not be unraveled—the victors will not<br />

Margrct Schaeffer will lift the be known.<br />

' Mountinjr from the primary elec-<br />

v**ii of mystery aui-roundim* the<br />

\Wnnlnjr candidates when she intion<br />

last Thursday and x-jomlnj<br />

troduce* the new cafeteria mnnn- "Graduates, Join with the finals yesterday, tho KOI-<br />

Btr. Next. Don Bejnston and Ed<br />

; ptnse hnn been ulmosL overwbelia-<br />

Conn will reveal the names to their New Alumni Ass'n" Ir.jr for all of the c^ndMnt'is buL<br />

ITfdpccAsor. for thu editorsl.ii> of<br />

Hie lUfii ami White and <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

two. Bvh Arnold, 201, and Bob<br />

followed by the introduction of the A new <strong>Lowell</strong> High School Friend. 207a, already know.<br />

new secretary r.nd treasurer. <strong>The</strong> Alumni Association haa been • Amuld U sure he'u president—<br />

announcements will lie topped off orfianixed and Incorporated.<br />

v.-ith the disclosure .if tlw name of Members of December,<br />

{ he had no opponent. Friend, too, Ii<br />

oui new vice-president.<br />

1910, dess arc tinted to join. already practicing pep talks—no-<br />

You will realize the need of body bothered to run a«i|n»t him<br />

Shield and Scroll<br />

an organization to fight for<br />

Sixteen pirln nnd twelve bovs<br />

for head yell trader.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, when you consider<br />

will learn of their election it, the the fact that <strong>Lowell</strong>, the old'<br />

Close [{arc<br />

Shield and L and the Scroll cr.d L est school. haM the least fa- But for Geary Kriil, 'JOI. an*<br />

j for service rendered the school in cilitlm of any tuner or senior<br />

ili* various departments. <strong>The</strong> scr*<br />

Ai.tta Faltln. 1*01, the week be-<br />

high school in San Francisco.<br />

| vice soriffties' new officers also will<br />

tween the pr!marica ami th-* finals<br />

1I* announced.<br />

We intend to work hard , has seemed endless, far their race<br />

j Service Mock* will be awarded fur what is needed at <strong>Lowell</strong>, {fcr the vicc-pTvsidcncy promised<br />

I to five ntudenl* and other?* will re* and, if tradition, prrotfge,<br />

ceivi* hnnorahle mention for un- and oreapJzallon mean* any- l«> t>* ctohe.<br />

' rewarded service lo the school. thing, we will Hucceol In our This alxo .vnt true uf the candi-<br />

legitimate claintK.<br />

date* for (h« editor of thv Red and<br />

• ins will lie awarded to<br />

Only <strong>Lowell</strong> it«« enn havi* Wl.it.-. U'lth Wnldo rostel. L»07a,<br />

, iVurteen t"*-H. Knrty'even other*<br />

the privilege of fellownhip ami i^rruinc Grar.icher. 207b. wore<br />

• will ri-ceivi" -ni' Mocks fur their atwith,<br />

and fighting for, the experienced and ea«er fur the Jor.<br />

craniW t.ld HC'.-.WA in (he<br />

' tivitv in irirb* hiKirt*. Anproxi-<br />

For the task of writinc up min-<br />

1<br />

mtitrlv twenty 'my* will roceivv',<br />

Went. ttU-B ami kiwptnir corrunpunilcnco in<br />

: ihi-ir block* fur ».. '•(.er. basketball,' WILLIAM I). McIUE. •itdt-r lion llrush. 201. nnd Frank<br />

:.n.l footbiill. NVw < Ticors for linlh [<br />

I'rrttiilcnt. \Vii:miirv, 220. WBIC both hopeful<br />

' i::rlft' nnd \\nyt' UU, k L Ditru-tit'it<br />

a^iiirunu and zeclouM votu-seekers.<br />

: v.ill In* announced.<br />

; As the winning cai. 1 Mates anil.<br />

wliilf Hal OluroAO, 207b. and Ira<br />

I tl.i'sc who irct'ived nwi ill" are he-Senior<br />

Ball to be Thonipmm. 221. were Uitli reach*<br />

11iii, i-nni:nitulnted. tlu* tnulttional<br />

''•!;* covutuus finders toward tho<br />

tf f d ;"Ax»- V«U" will CIOM- i'ii- IHiN-k L[<br />

t rj;lly f.ir tl'Ii ttrni.<br />

:!dat<br />

IiW<br />

Tell Why<br />

<strong>The</strong>y'll Come Back<br />

from ICnin'n Hood, under tho < <strong>The</strong>re ix nothing to fear. Thcite! In aniiwer lo the query. "Wl.y j<br />

i MuneiiU, eljchteen wtrotiK. art? xim- ire you KOtn^ to take a putt Brad*, itlenty of it ill l>t><br />

Un of Mr. Devlin.<br />

Mr. Stephen* will confer the di- |-l* wondcrine • whether they will uate course at Jewell next |WM?" 'Carvel Ctaig. dr<br />

tlcma* upon the 11-1 boy* and 101 cain life membemhip in the C. S. K. I In hich seniorit un.e the follow In c ASCAI" feud.<br />

ririi. assUteU bv senior n.i:Irtry!<br />

un»werK:<br />

Tlll, «imini** who wiH 1M! lifL.<br />

Uachers, Mws Alexander, Mi*. Bar- ,<br />

I'lttny AU-x.'.litIiT—"<strong>The</strong> xhptk of<br />

llu,, - -- •<br />

fional. Hn Morris, Alice Oloom, Uurluira ndes to t: tu Stanford.<br />

Conrad. Kdwji Conn, Uiclutnl H-irahnr Cor.rrd—"IIecau Komethintr t" do hc-<br />

New Frosh Inspect Calendar of I>intn ! f^re j-cinir to college ir. AUKIWI."<br />

This term hint been a busy one] I)on I>on Ilaliltnnn—"I Itahln can't tirur inyfor<br />

C. S. F'ers with .iwonutil • id? awny."<br />

Campus. Students includinir a C. S. " ' *'*""• - •<br />

Sci.lion nt Treasure Hand. Scp-; m'H» I want to take while wallmen<br />

Ntxt were tcnnV introduced lwwihlnwl to <strong>Lowell</strong> fresh-; ar-' i';<br />

" ^ K"'^ S ' III% kui^iubv 4ifj^;i;in *UWiirtl IHO<br />

Fi*ani»ie!<br />

:L^? I Clarke Aaronsen and Frank<br />

• thr deadline for<br />

Bob Crosby Prefers To Play<br />

In Large Room and 'Let Go'<br />

My Itelty Sullivan<br />

"IIr. Crosby, meet the ladies awl 1 I'm on the Htc«e. I wte'j I was In<br />

Kcntlcincn of the Prena!" tlic movies; when I'm in the<br />

At IPIIIT last. <strong>Lowell</strong> h.-/ its own i "Mr. Hob Crosby (a nrwir. slen- J niovies, I wish I was on the radio,<br />

Our Own P. A. System<br />

nublic addretH system to l-oiuit j tkror Cro-wliy). tan of face nnd Mid when I'm on the radio. I wish<br />

i January. 1941. -craduatew to cct<br />

bl»c*k of hair, had put In hU up- I was in n bdllroom."<br />

Band Members to Be I their appuc^uun application .n in IO to ...-«. .MJw. ..«...-. Harri- , Thhiirfi thei uiKeubff effort! of r< urnnco in a small windowWs "We teally like to olay the lai'Re<br />

foKUniven.ilr of California Art Echumacher and Jack Zcilc.<br />

Drafted in R.O. Shakeup -• Eive.. by .-.lumni of | !»rk^ bj'^ boarti^^jirectors mom backntnirc of San Francisco's billroomN better,<br />

U. C.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater, Janunry<br />

LOWCII'M It. O T. C band nan Scholainthipss<br />

for frcfthmen ...<br />

nlxh hope* thf* year of belnic Californii California [a yield yteli eld l*etwren 3100 and<br />

ranked the best hitch school rnusl* $2C0 a year. Th <strong>The</strong> university ii ddocs<br />

TWO THE LOWELL. JANUARY 17. 1941<br />

S ajoc\rnc»t<br />

PubiUhMl by tho Aoociittd Student*<br />

cf Lowall IflRh School<br />

HOC ifayta Street, San Krnnclivo. California<br />

I* 11. 8. & A. Mttnbcn Fne<br />

K I) I TOR<br />


<strong>NEW</strong>S EDITOn<br />


ED. C1W5<br />

AllT CC1IKN"<br />

_ai.OItI> 8PH0UL.<br />




STAFF AP.TI8T. itii.f. itA_vx;?;a<br />

'Avonna .'.ntault<br />

Uarbura U«nn<br />

Ann Pownwn<br />

Bill Graves<br />

Dmiic Johnaton<br />

DIU Meliier<br />

Hay Mtnxcl<br />

Jun* Naknynma<br />

Jim Wcllcr<br />

John Prruvutor<br />

Frank Qulnn<br />

Ursula Fellwlman<br />

Pi«rr* Snlln«r<br />

N'noml Sham<br />

John Snlwarr.<br />

J«un Scnntf<br />

M-irJor'* Wemj<br />

Lorndtw Hainan<br />

Faculty AdvlMr _Mr. J. W. Patwnon<br />

"Carry on traditions and<br />

Achievements," Seniors asfa<br />

To each and every Lnwellili- of 1911 and thercafter<br />

w-*-. lh? fcennonid Mt-ninm make these few<br />

request*;<br />

Carry on <strong>Lowell</strong> spirit—no other ^choolV can<br />

compare with it. ...<br />

Carry (> n <strong>Lowell</strong> tradition—years ujtrni year/<br />

of endlirin your t»chula.»tie achievement—college*<br />

and unfvcndlieit erodii <strong>Lowell</strong> for il. . , .<br />

Cnrry on and Improve y«ur athletic ability—<br />

opposing high school* respect <strong>Lowell</strong> for it. . . .<br />

Carry on and intensify your extra curricula<br />

activities—they're pleasant niemorui to recall.<br />

Carry on and increase you high 51-hool friendships—they<br />

mid nil the more enjoyment tu your<br />

work. . . .<br />

Carry on ami develop your personality*—it i*<br />

the common criterion of people** Jmltrment. . . .<br />

Carry on and ueve-r lose your ambition—the<br />

most important key to succor-* lie* in It. . . .<br />

Carry on, above alt, your love foe l,n*ell—<br />

jou'Il never rcRrct it.<br />

—Ed. Conn.<br />

College isn't necessary<br />

To get Jobs; be capable<br />

Ilr Mm. Jordan, Head Couiutelur<br />

All the high Hcnian* face thin question, tome<br />

ht*e decided for themselves, their Hrcumi-.anceH<br />

hire decided for other*- Will nwe eduction be<br />

'* hvlp to you or not? It hat helped t-omc, hindered<br />

others*<br />

Only lost week word came that fits right Iiere.<br />

A succewiful contractor, n man In WK loral IMLM*<br />

new. looking for a helper. Raid this; -1 don'l<br />

irant a colleg* graduate to Hland up and teil me<br />

my business: 1 want a capable boy out of high<br />

school that I can tench my bunlnmi to," So<br />

there you are.<br />

Not long ago the State Employment Bureau<br />

ratifc me up to recommend two high school graduates<br />

who can type, to enter an insurance office<br />

at fair beginner 1 * pay. and to work tin If they<br />

prove tapabic. So there you are again.<br />

Suppose you can't type? Too bad. Letr:i at<br />

once. If you are graduating, evening classes cru<br />

free, to are afternoon N'- Y. A. classes. TyplnK<br />

Is u handy these days ax knowing how to drive<br />

tk car.<br />

In general, if you ore a careful, faithful student<br />

in school, and can get along well with other*,<br />

you can get mil keep oonip kind of job in thh<br />

city. This school gives thu training some employer<br />

prefers. Mr. Cameron Beck, prcsonncl<br />

manager of the New York Stock Exchange, puts<br />

the matter thus: "We prefer to hire young men<br />

out of academic hitch schools rather than out of<br />

commercial high krhooK i^nuic they know belter<br />

how to ftudy: and we assign them tht/ijrfl to<br />

study that orb part of their training with 'is.<br />

According U the news from many <strong>Lowell</strong> alumni,<br />

ninny Sctn Francisco employers feel that same<br />

way. Even if you go to (.olli'gc, six months or a year<br />

In a practical fo'i ia verv r.elpful to you and makes<br />

you evaluate Vour studies better. College life Is<br />

a ver>' bright experience; don't let it dazzle you.<br />

Keep your feet on :fc" ground; don't float off<br />

fn an nci.dcmic haze -witii a Ph. D. at the end of<br />

tho rainbow. This Is a tough world and we utl<br />

mu»t live in It.<br />

In all their term* at <strong>Lowell</strong>, the xcnioM<br />

thcucht these people were the b*.-st:<br />

Brtflkcthnll player—Don Burncnit—10.<br />

FootUil plavcr—Milt Vucinlch—17.<br />

Trockiran—Skitnt Hoffman— Ifl.<br />

Bancbnll player—Bob Paulnon—II*<br />

Public speaker—Dave Robins—1—<br />

Musician—Maclo Williams—0.<br />

Dancer—Helen Schultx—14.<br />


A man showed up at a bread line with an electric<br />

totter.<br />

Hnffmnn asked a freshman if he knew where<br />

tho swimming Pool wan. "Sure, you take the<br />

«scnlntor," piped the freshman.<br />

Stuff and<br />

Things<br />

1'Iuntbcr: "I've rutne to fix the<br />

old tub in thu kitchen."<br />

Son; "Ma, here** the doctor to<br />

««-e the cook"*<br />

-I mu« apologize for my dime-<br />

Ing. I'm n little stiff from Uailitilnton."<br />

"My clear man, I dim't carv when;<br />

you came from."<br />

War dnen nut determine who 1*<br />

rich!—cinly wl>o 1* 1EFT.<br />

Voice ovsr phone: "Pop, miess<br />

v-lio got kicked out of college?"<br />

"Can you love two gifl* nt<br />

once?"<br />

"\a*. itir, immodintely."<br />

A tiutiKipuliKt in aw who iMs<br />

each ellmw utt the arm of his theater<br />

chair.<br />

Coach: "WhalV y»ur name?"<br />

Student: '•Stili having a hard<br />

time fiiuling tr.e pcrftct girl. . . . Gra:iraV sister. I'at l l ixle>. iitonUmir 5t«jilu'Il'-<br />

College. Mo,, receivfil tltrcv tiate-di-.-nan.liiig<br />

teleirrains 'mfnro loiivinir fur S. F. to svvni<br />

hnlidays—gad, Hi'iiy 1/iniarr pmliablv n\vn.> a<br />

>hort u;iv- station.<br />

Holiday Hollaring: Itort HartfordV U**<br />

"lipped off the rfe*k '"'> zar'jage com*<br />

pony—they ui-ually split the<br />

tr<br />

Graduate* invite oa many<br />

iTUeM* H* 7v

' ' . - * • • ' - : " , •

Last Will f<br />

and Testament<br />

Looking over the Lo*t Will and TciUmei t °f<br />

(ho graduating dara of January Ml, we find (hat<br />

Mr. Darnm la the recipient of everything from<br />

phyilca ability from SlI^Kc Drrkman, to alx inchw<br />

of height from Norman Keller. Sam Sher will*<br />

his musical ability: rtttr Kepon W* conBIdcrnlion<br />

for other*; nnd Ed. l(o*e wills hl« haircut to Mr.<br />

Barnes. In turn. Mil Graves leaves Mr. Ilsrn-** his text hooks to t(l °<br />

next poor ntudcnti that tree them, nnd Jeanctto<br />

Sukoloff wills her chemistry books to Evelyn<br />

Scott. BUt O'Brlpn generously leaves hl« mark*<br />

to a C. 3. F. members, Helen Mnrle Marx will*<br />

her physic to whoever want* them. Barbara<br />

Walter wills her hemework. which she hasn't<br />

done, to nnyonc in Mr. Barnes* class next term.<br />

Emmrlino Tong leaves lier ehemfotry notebook to<br />

Ella Won*; Don Kahlmann wills his excellent<br />

knowledjrcd or the "military" to, next t*rm'i«<br />

"rookies'*: and Ginda Benstrup will* her ability<br />

nee to do physic* to whoever rare* to flunk in it.<br />

A geometry student. Wyona Lincler. will* her<br />

belated ccomctry knowledj^ to the nen iiophoinore<br />

clasa; and Frank Kahn leaves his report<br />

card to Ralph McKcnnn* Two students, who irenerously<br />

bequeathed tt.de bmlns, were Martha<br />

Mflvin. who left liers to her sinter, nnd Botly<br />

Rosenblatt, who will* her brnin U> the mi.thflmattcs<br />

department<br />

Mnch «/ni fdfpment wM left by thin jrraduatlng<br />

class. F*r example. Marilyn Adams leave*<br />

her gym ftfrekf. la Jean Vernon; Olffa Ekvlof wliM<br />

her grm rtl* to Wllmn Sehulx; and Audrey Cameron<br />

Ui*ef her old. dKrepit nj-m socks to 'he<br />

ffym.<br />

Stars Lcnve Equipment<br />

Soir* of our ntMetic stars willed their equipment.<br />

Ray Ratto willed nla tennis racjueU to the<br />

un n*id coming tennis stars -.; <strong>Lowell</strong>, and Angclo<br />

Ml?.n« leaves his football clean nnd the dfrt on<br />

th'.m to Connie Glofkldcs. It's not technically<br />

equipment, but Barbara Krasfi will* her backhand<br />

'.o Betty Mae Cofc«n if we'll promise nnt to give<br />

Memories; Remember<br />

When You Were L-ls?<br />

Do you remember?<br />

Four years ago it seemed as » graduation<br />

would never come, and now we wish we could prolong<br />

that n January so as to reltvo some of<br />

those duv. J thut we shall always remember.<br />

Ho you remember?<br />

It wasn't to long ago and yet—each day, each<br />

period h«M in store for us some memory—<br />

Do vou remember?<br />

SPRING '37:<br />

Tho basketball championship? Don Bumcts?<br />

Cnrol rhanning'* winning of the all-city Crusad.'rs*<br />

Contest nnd a trip to Hawaii?<br />

"Kemny"?<br />

2PAI.L '37:<br />

<strong>The</strong> up«' l t of the year— <strong>Lowell</strong>'s football team<br />

defeated poly'c?<br />

"Capt-iln Applejack"?<br />

Charlotte Newell wins C. S. F. oratorical contPAtt<br />

<strong>The</strong> chnninlonnhin In basketball?<br />

"Varieties"?<br />

ThatCharloUo Xewcll won tho D. A. R. trip<br />

Thnt Kitnwiwn and GllJto took fir.«t and second<br />

nlacc in the State Oratorical Contest?<br />

FALL MSr<br />

"GemH of the Generation"?<br />

"riton Thief'? Cordon Kennv?<br />

<strong>The</strong> loiifl-awaitwj boys' (rym?<br />

SPRING 'M:<br />

When wo were iipperclasjnu'n—our first officers;<br />

our first dance. "Ptfeet Shop Shuffle"?<br />

Tho baFketha'l. track, ffolf, swimming, and tennis<br />

championships ?<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Fortune Hunter"? Bill Carry?<br />

That vro won the nwenatakes* trophy in the<br />

stnti iournamert?<br />

Thnt the R- 0. T. C. wnj nvrorJc' two first<br />

mncw fn tho nnnual compeiitlon?<br />

FAU. '.19:<br />

fi"r ftwithall chnmnfonahfp *<br />

''Thp Boompranir' 1 ?<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> by Night"?<br />

SPRING '40:<br />

Our chnmpInmhlD In swimmlnir. cnlf. traA.<br />

nnii the .in', crew?<br />

Gono Clark nmnlnr the mfle In 4:40. nix tecmi*<br />

alt the cltv iword ?<br />

Our winning elpht of tne n'ntf cup-i In tho Suit?<br />

a Llfe?-<br />

Oil** Senior Dav?<br />

Graduation at tho OMM Rons- and tho Senior<br />

Pntl lit tho St. Fran;!! Hotel will brine to a<br />

clone the.« rememlirance, of towelL<br />

THE LOWELL. JANUARY 17. 1841<br />

Even Dirty Gym<br />

Sox Willed<br />

it buck. Jjiniscl") Casey leaves her golf balls to<br />

nil prospective Kjlf playem and Bert Hartford<br />

leave* his old coif clubs io Bob Kcmcnnnerger.<br />

We have some MUpcr.rgoK tfraduallnir from<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, a* witness Ed. Conn leaTlng his super<br />

penwnslity to lUlph Spiegel and Ralph Spiegel,<br />

in turn, leaving his esc in Al Hcyraan. Al Heyman<br />

then wills his red complexion Io Harry Hook.<br />

A cencrous l»oy. Tom Mauer, will* his automobile<br />

to some deKcrving freshman. In wo same<br />

field, Jackie Blum wills her knowledge of driving<br />

a car to Bonnie McPnerson.<br />

Some Strange Ilequests<br />

Paul Bruch wills his nullity to take the darkroom<br />

door off its hinges to Ilonry Albert: and<br />

Ralph Roleson leaves hi* duck-fhooting ability to<br />

Curt Coffman. Arils* noono wills her many wor<br />

rles to the open window; and Jennie Seven! In wills<br />

her galoshes to Jcanettc. Mnrgrct Sal* wllu<br />

hor memory to the Lost and round, nnd Alyco<br />

Groth wills her forgctfulness to Mary Files.<br />

BUI Manning generously lenves all his earthly<br />

belongings, left at Loncll High School, to "Wilrl<br />

Bill" Henderson. A icverse proceduro Is followed<br />

by Gordon Bird. f!t freshman. Typing nbilltv h<br />

left by Barbara t'onnui to Mr. *'Ionrr,o.<br />

Romance enter* our I,a»t Ufll and Testa,<br />

ment through the following bequfxt: Itill Chandler<br />

will* hit* belonging* and sincrrrai devotion Io<br />

Sonia Hayr/anl. Sonfa. In turn, will* her earthly<br />

possesslop^, money and properly to her huttband<br />

(If she has one). Frank Sherman, romantically,<br />

leaves his everylhtnn to Sue. ..Joan Stuart, similarly,<br />

wills her -all" to Olmn.<br />

P. (•. Bequenlhrd<br />

TVan Mnrcucci wilU hi« oM telephone hook.<br />

botUo of bromo-scitzer, nm> piickncc of sen*Ren to<br />

nl 1 next year's P. G.'s. Ellis WinnI ovidently hud<br />

n good time hen 1 , for he wilN all hi* high school<br />

fun to tho freshmen. Frank Quinn generously<br />

leaves his little black book to anyone with tho<br />

right amount nf dough.<br />

As he won*: need to watch th« clock when he<br />

gmduaten. Bob Murphy loaves his Micltcy Mouse<br />

to Tom Mauer.<br />

Som!anil.<br />

Maryjcan Erlekson wills her extvri.«e In.it ovquonts we CIOM' thi* Last<br />

V7il! an i Testament of the graduating das* of<br />

Jnnunr/ '•)!.<br />

Perfect Girl<br />

Gue.i Who?<br />

<strong>The</strong> perfect senior girl should<br />

htve, according to the senior poll:<br />

Hair of Betty Fltigcrald.<br />

Eyes of Sonja Hayward.<br />

Smile of Agnes Jone*.<br />

Brains of Elsie Wagner.<br />

Athletic ability of Barbara<br />

Krone.<br />

Dancing ability of Helen Schultx.<br />

Ambition of Midge Dcckman.<br />

"Personalties"<br />

We'll Miss in'41<br />

Life is a lot of fun and persbnalttie.r.<br />

You can irivc your all in the "bic irame,"<br />

Dm it takes a *;nr to iinpreit.-i a dam*!.<br />

T.i Olthiin An Office:<br />

I'nz* out oiirar/. to th.« folloiM.<br />

Vilinitp thy mike w'tn yuur bvllews.<br />

Don't forget your palni<br />

fi«t in irood with ;ht> i;als.<br />

If l'»»u don't pot more than jour own vote.<br />

Tiii'ii. brut her. you've misled the boat.<br />

I>aiicinc I^iwell Style:<br />

l^ul; rlvtaiit nnd aunteiv,<br />

U< ifr .md not tm» near.<br />

1 nt<br />

around d the th campus of f Oieuun O Uni- Ui isursimr, II. D Dove. V. V GGntttarola,<br />

A.<br />

vi-rr.ty. way Lack «t tin- Univ*!»itv Cttker. I* Koltlcr. and II. Kusut.f<br />

Nuw Hampshire, Han'itri], or.«I min . dentistry, D- Mai^ucci and E.<br />

Vest roint, in the iwrsous of Ar-,i:vwe: Mivuialixed pli>*sician. 1*.<br />

I:K» noune, P;iiil Ilruch. Edward , l>iurh. II. Wcirk and \. McKcnziu<br />

Sl.cmian. and V lliam rtexst'iibar, • ti't.'iVr'diftetk-.-*; and b;ictuy<br />

respectively. j ^I,HI.MIS tu li. Morse.<br />

What Is Your Hobby? ! B. Tout,-. I. Cohen, D. Graves. 11. Mk your step* loni; and iiroBrc33ive,<br />

Tliose who hi'cm to ititlulc*? In ' I^strvtu. and Y. Kutas*-. would ltkt> Hammer lock li«r are ami look nosseMive<br />

itnuitual. ji-t inlerestinc hob'ji'.if, j m |K- chcmfiti, while U. Oetteticoun IJoni. fortret to sti>p on her feet,<br />

hie I)»uc JohnHton, who Hkt'.* lolalnu to be a lab. technician. L. loull lie one of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s dancing i-Iittf.<br />

heckle Mr. I'&ttcrMin. Art Schu-. Frii-d. M. Ducowe. B. Taylor, B.<br />

maeher. Him Ijkes '.» wreck e.tr«; | Siahnicr, F. Sherman, an«I II. Crow-<br />

s a Oaiv:<br />

Dean Mareucci likr* to hunl Cy«u \-V , -vfer encineeriiiK.<br />

know wlial). Hen*. Andcrxon re-1 ['ru->pectivo Singem<br />

Send ner a fortune in flawera.<br />

Tell her she's wsiitlcrfui.<br />

ci'ivo* her exercise by chaitlns Itoyx.: Stnetnir attracts K. Collins, II.<br />

while Irwln Cohen. IWt Hartfiinl. i Mnrk. ami J. Ca«ey. and :<br />

Siav up till the "wet! jtmaU* hours,<br />

Ralph bpirRi, nnd Funk Quinn en- '<br />

Tell her i«he's wundcrful.<br />

p trots tu Kcun Sher. ^.'.<br />

jo> I he com pan v ol women dur-<br />


Sport Comment<br />

By Charles DavU<br />

Son Francisco's public nnd \,rU<br />

.,.„ eolf cour-e* nliV« either<br />

Steepnt the switch, or ml Mr.,; In,<br />

^fwn basketball rlnycm don't<br />

cU to local playcrouniln, just K>caune<br />

thcr like<br />

| the Knmo. <strong>The</strong> 1<br />

reason in com- j<br />

petition. Most,<br />

of thy A. A. A.'<br />

cnircru were!<br />

taught the fundarr<br />

cntals an,<br />

the recreation<br />

centers. Concha<br />

j dim't bother to<br />

tell nlnyen, how<br />

It nwi-h through<br />

nre axpeeted :oi<br />

THE LOWBM, JANUARY 17. 1041<br />

Locker Room Loafers<br />

FIVE<br />

Track Season<br />

Being Planned<br />

Outlook<br />

Is Great<br />

Coach Harriz nnd hi* 1941 track<br />

prodigies hnve drawn up n itchedulo<br />

for practice meet* with various<br />

j Hah school* In th* Hay urea. Cltmiorinir<br />

Uino practice meets Is the<br />

A. A. A. city meet in which Lowers<br />

cinJer men are out to win.<br />

MtictD with Sacramento ftichm-mil,<br />

and Berkeley hove already<br />

Uen arranged, though tho data*<br />

hive not yet been ma«'e definite.<br />

Inviufionn huv.-j also be*n wnt to<br />

Stanford and California froth, San<br />

I.Mateo Mt and d S Snn Rfl Rafael.<br />

When in* triple A ruled out gotr „ ! <strong>The</strong> Red nnd White i-pikenters.<br />

i, B Wk'ur itpnri. it hurt the golf<br />

l«o years of competition, intend to<br />

i-xtend their winninir *t;eak for<br />

another six months. "One thin?,"<br />

Out For Win in Third League ; Casabas 30's Face i>xe!ainis .Mr. Harris*, "is that wo<br />

than the<br />

Encounter Against Galilieo Wednesday; GalileoChamps<br />

On<br />

Skiing New Favorite Bothl^UIW<br />

Improving<br />

llvrv "' c > «*• Mt '" " Kltt - Ut "»»*—Cherry, Troppman. O.I man. Wigmorf. O'Ncil, Dnnlloff. 2nd row— |«fco haven't lost a meet in the I.-ut<br />

courses more than nn>thing rlt>c. Arnold, lew, l-oldn, Callahan Newman. 3riTrow—Kotta. i'orter. O»ikv. Wynn. *<br />

Yon set* it tout four hit* for a guy<br />

to play rich teen hole*. ..And the<br />

>lany played every day. Hut no<br />

Wore. <strong>The</strong>y dor. t want to wand 1<br />

Ihrir * pending toot (ln nulf when<br />

local tournament*. ar»» few.<br />

So the InuRh't on llu- Kolf link*<br />

*ho *>milfd when they heard there<br />

wuuld tic m» high nchool Knlf. Thus<br />

leaving ihe fairway* open to adults . . . . .. , , ,<br />

who piny hut once or twice a week. A * klt ' ri( "'"•••I' 1 * 1 * f ' )U r f««*t »><br />

Why ihould I worry—I *.hoot Imi a i«"-'K«-'d *now with a top drensini; oi<br />

mere m-tenty-Cnur, And IliatV for :hri> or four itiilu-.* of powdun^I<br />

thi first nine hole*!*. snuw. Twoald !w a nkler'< naia-<br />

EHKIC», Hue* (iuod disc* indeed.<br />

•* N 'S i l J i *ii»}r'u'isf V " ni1 * 1>1 '!d Ol ' W ' th " a " "" ki M ' n """ '" fu " ** ini -''<br />

SlwiTi a close-1 1 m^iv'oi ihTnu'- llu ' '•" wr " jlM ' lehwl * ilh ' J "<br />

liiils have drawn their hum worn-hi- r:i >** | ty !•! know how mnny Mm'cnl*<br />

sit-n ut tin- lu|i-liti;lii tillf ton- in ->rhool skied. Thi' r ficun-ti umcnir. t« '.m any. i nrn.nt;c(l nt '.he G. A. A. teas TuesixiKti.<br />

iKtnn — CIUN-. ctaat, „ UtlK-r ski I'Xliurts in U'wcll arc (Vnlitoo I.»si-i. retire First TVnm pilots next wvvk.<br />

cU.V.ndlh.n>.mCr. clrv. , U..Wrt I-I..II. J^k^.ill.m. Maymir.1 ^ Li(ms ]M fmf .^ ,hsl'.<br />

: »•"" won Iiy KoU-n fi.r tho »«•.».! tu "liiirsiM- thi, year, but tho] Um-ll-n thirtiw mre ••hM-up" i^j; "• |h« Women'. City Club<br />

•cii! atraiuhl yi'ar. Another family team M.-calloil nr."i ••«:>crl»" have buvn ] tsbout Ihe inuno nnd expect to up-1 ^ 'n». ^' s ' 1 ^ 3t JJJ^!piJSi'tol "o<br />

clever and hen »..ie Vou i Smith, ami Harvey I-entland. Betty: Ihe uon» un tour •<br />

: Im-iliVvm? JtS; F;tI1?,n.U and. Midxe Ionian «lr nBer..via the_ Braduatio<br />

riwu and d »on Ellin _. are _ the bent r.Ltidle the «kl» in expert womanlyKvl.le yiv.l the fifth.furwi.rd.<br />

iMt of cuardn offentiveo" ami de- fushion. ho they claim, at liM.t.t-1 c;.<br />

.riiHivt-ly in Ihe local circuit. Artie ItiMip Howard (til<br />

5. Commerce—Don't veil them<br />

short. Chuck lA-mhel is cowl, de-<br />

SM'e hts beiuii tut "Koat" uf th»<br />

1 , and Oavi<br />

lierkick also, are ex|>vrt MIOW-<br />

IJ'HI.H they i tli.iit.<br />

Uoimt-r isummit is the most uop<br />

Came, JanVury' 7. " <strong>The</strong>y a.-e ul-*r spot for <strong>Lowell</strong> skiers,<br />

stitnified »li*ni!H;d as the deck durk horsu hotae and they they I<br />

miKht well be. L»m Hatmale. Bull- (Crew Vcteruns !i;tuni<br />

doi; mentor, i* nobmly'it tool. , , ^. • t i<br />

, As ir tion n.«e. Ben Neff New P. E. Head<br />

Truile'<br />

;-erry> uuit .tchoul for uork. At a recent meeting mectitiif of the Board<br />

Coach Vv NikH has three pruinis- * Kducatiun. Ueti Neff, lumketbalt<br />

ni; aubri liai-It who are now holJin^ ! ?.<br />

bch, wan appointed head of the<br />

regular tMtr.hs: guards Ken Hei-;nu.nt «urrsciline .Mr. Kitchen, who<br />

miiti and I'ete Boudourei<br />

Note: On-h.-Kun.li.pl. youl, Underway<br />

Scoop—bob Paulson. <strong>Lowell</strong>s<br />

futi t e n mm., , i* Joininte the Van • "We'll Well be -«K'ht -«Kht nin<br />

tho thick ick of<br />

kec lUxeimll ill Club Clb i in mid-Kvbru-[the midKvbru[the idKbu h title il *:ramblf," :raml, bl" id CCoach<br />

C h<br />

ar>-. In 1039, U Ucb wan tabbed bbd a» j Llithty Llh when h Hiked kd of hU crew<br />

:hc best younr diamond backstop 1 tviim'a clmnce* in their forthtomb<br />

this neck of the woods. Me ;in- leaRuu cnmi>ctittor<br />

' s dn<br />

t Znter- With such mull as Singer, N'nckcnine<br />

Note: underrated. Presidiu Junior Hiffh ord. KetthT. Lobell. Kritalcy. Miller,<br />

School, t'JliS. Dick Stuiic and Bill and McArthur, Gromeeko, Yamana-<br />

Kotta. tvammtr up at forward posika. Watson, ICapp. Hook. Buch:»n<br />

tions on 110 oound squad—1£>UO. un. Saiincer, Saiinc, H. I'earaon. Iearaon. and So- So<br />

Slt.ne played 10'fl &l Washington; rout on nil) i itO' Couch Cuch Lichty Is I<br />

K&tta. 20'H ai <strong>Lowell</strong>. 1940—Stone justified id i in hhis<br />

optimism. ii Howuv- Hv<br />

mede all*city 3O'« aloni* with Kotta. tr. the :!0'M will have a hard time<br />

1941—Stone uccrs his punts out on duplicating their feat of lust sea-<br />

the bench; Kotta's urn* of the 3.V * ton, when they were champion'.<br />

brat. You IN, Bill definitely hn* Thtre arc twenty-four new men<br />

what it token. Overlooked trying out for Varsity and thirty<br />

in laht iesueV best and worst de- iix new men trying out for 30*s.<br />

partment: IJput pass of the season Returning from last yeur'a Vars!<br />

—Jim "Tool" O'Conncl to Bobly<br />

and itoinir to row on ihi- years<br />

vcrsity ere mus^li<br />

"Haircut" Linda. Si> ty-nine, yards<br />

—tuid no score. <strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Balboa.<br />

OttoW '2i.<br />

1 . and Cvn-, >!!.'d lust year. Mr. Neff's qunlifi-<br />

IIT G(..-i'.-» Cuiieo. Hailed as "an- i catiiins had. to l>e hich. because an<br />

,. • - ..- >< v i n i a .* ft ut.nunistrn[ive credential iif le*<br />

-ther LuiseV.i, hi Dal.ey. b «.,,..[.„! of department heails apu<br />

tn. suphumore, hoMs down MIC J j,oinu-d after laid.<br />

fciward Miut. while Tom Pou^her-j<br />

ty seems to have u lead on the Mr Hill: "Vincinia. use the word<br />

f.lher. geometry ' n a 8 i Caroj,-,^ ArKHcourw. R. Waiter. J.<br />

i Morn*, J. (.Jriffin. 31. Almli^, I*<br />

. G|MS R Sapiri fii Kitchen. N.<br />

AII*he, D. Knue. E. Wagner, M.<br />

V/il5on, D. El'art. A. Bceker. M.<br />

J B. KlinVer, and P. De<br />

Carlo.<br />

ftcMults of Sport Finals<br />

<strong>The</strong> final winner* in this term's<br />

fmirts were: <strong>The</strong> Red Ttam. h."»cktv;<br />

V. Wilson, coif; B Kruno, tennis;<br />

K. Wacner (sinirles>, E. Wacrcr<br />

and I*. Fsman (doubles), buctrr.intor.;<br />

juniors, volleybalt; S. Parkir.soi.<br />

(nilv.), A. Minnhan (Int.),<br />

*J, Kelbelmnn (ln*jr.). ndinc<br />

Si'cn-ups for next term's sport*<br />

*ntcnct;."<br />

v.ill be «ome time in February.<br />

Cards Also Inexperienced VirRinia: "Unce thun* was a Ul- Rtse-bnll will be substitute foi<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> IIHO lost its entire first i tic acorn who srew ana screw and volleyball, and basketball foi hock-<br />

ttam by croduation. and this year's i (,-rcw until one day it sak*. 'Geomey All other sports rcmnin ivs thi?<br />

rejrulnrs were nlmout entirely inex-1 ctr>'*-"<br />

ttim.<br />

pitriencvd at the bc^innim; of the!.<br />

season. <strong>The</strong>y have been coming<br />

iii; fajt, h^revtr, and in their first<br />

lemue encounter knocked off. Commerce,<br />

ranked one of the topflight Gridiron Gossip<br />

cintendurs K-fore tlie season started.<br />

<strong>The</strong> KtartinR five will probaMy<br />

Ity .Skilcs Hoffman<br />

Lu Kcttu and Cherry, forwards; Complctim; tlieir term of<br />

Porter nnd Troppmann, jcuanls; football at <strong>Lowell</strong>, the rations low<br />

"in,<br />

win.<br />

t^uieuucr,<br />

Calender.<br />

oitiri,<br />

Strci.<br />

mil.<br />

Hill, and<br />

unu<br />

-*- Unold, >•"•''' "•»'»' jind hi»rh senior players have bej,Tin<br />

Montrose, v. hi!e basketball will<br />

kig plans for their /uture<br />

fltim the services of Wiinnoru,<br />

and tt« dquatt schooling. While tew are certain]To<br />

Tipppmann.<br />

strentcthen<br />

O'Conntl,<br />

the track<br />

and<br />

team.<br />

Cooke.<br />

Dov.hi-ro<br />

tn«y art* noinK. the majority j tur. Miller, and I. Thompson will do<br />

Are Rsnn to Gohave<br />

tind* p.irt. Baseball will attract<br />

Ik-rt Horn and Norm Willhack, Simmons Orsi. and Renter.<br />

nave dct'inittly decided on the Uni- ! According to Coach Voyne, foot-<br />

'alifornia. Norm, how- _ ;»a|i flayers should compete in oth-<br />

A few months back lh'> department<br />

predicted that <strong>Lowell</strong> r.ould<br />

IK- at the top of the 'c-KUi 1 when j-Vlirunr* 22.<br />

coming<br />

man **ill decide nfter completing j retPivcd tht *>weater really apprc-<br />

the current cnrtnbi «cason e*ids. In<br />

Few Veterans<br />

their I* C coiirsi- her** rt Utwetl. icl&tc-s Bill's thotiKhtful.m>K*>.<br />

vnw of ilic Indiann' *ubacqucp.i Swimmers After Titles This mny seem on the h optimistic Uncertain of their future eolleiW " 1'<br />

10's Funnlnti Happening:<br />

&efc*i by the puny San Francisco<br />

hide for only Rosenberg. Stunie- aie the two captains. Burmcister| Munv funny thinjre happen in<br />

State Frot.h quintet, the prediction, t ^ ^ _ -<br />

vnnt. and Ellis return from last und Kussell. Both h.iv.> liccn eyvinR football each year and in the San<br />

didn't wear »o well, and we werei],^], ]tetaininir divtsiuns t],e is A. the A. common A. title jroal in vihr's squad. But with n new ar- Wa*

six<br />

Mr. Kast Hints<br />

At Grim Past<br />

Mr. Kast, the Violet—<br />

A Tiger Lilly?<br />

"I'm a food my! Aw. tell 'em<br />

I'm a cnotl gu} I**<br />

Dewey eyed. Mr. Kast ptciiled.<br />

when cornered ret en I ly In rwm<br />

133, fur a non*libelou* write-up. BM<br />

wilh penknife in hand he sharpened<br />

your reporter)*' pencil*.<br />

AH AW:*<br />

"Whenever there'* dirty wow,<br />

ho moaned. "I'm ths ono they coniu<br />

to." He waved the unknife thrt--.it*<br />

crJnt;ly. "But when it'o Fonethipjr<br />

free and jteod— >- /' < * 1 J'f'""w | *r. „[ tne f,)rn1t.r assiniation and presi-<br />

I 1 . B...oin. I). Itusvnhtal. u. to- ,it.,lt ()f the Uwell student body in<br />

>ni-n. and J. Nnka- yjlG, enthusia.mt.illy exclaimed: M I<br />

al me so much I had to throw 'em<br />

tut. <strong>The</strong>y mndo me blush!"<br />

Mistaken Identity<br />

Mr. Knst. ft irood Hcpubliiran. won<br />

dhockcil rcccntl*' u-h-r. n totnl<br />

Ktrnnin-'r informed him thnt he wns<br />

tl:e "jpittin* imnire" of Serretaoof<br />

the Interior Ickett. Any Rood<br />

photojrraphs of the Bccrt-tan- will<br />

U> npprecintcd—Mr. Kast doesn't<br />

kr.mv whether hc*« flattered or<br />

tutored.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> to Have<br />

New R* O. Armory?<br />

For Io thtstf many years the B.<br />

0. has stru^eled with its makeshift<br />

nrmory. With tears in their<br />

cnllectlve eyes thsy have read the<br />

accounts of thfc fancy armory at<br />

Georcc Washincton Ilich School.<br />

With more and laltlcr tears they<br />

rtod the news ncvountx of the super<br />

ffomethinir nrmorv at the new Abe<br />

Lincoln Ulirh.<br />

Just Humor? Maybe<br />

Now the tide (of tears"? . . .<br />

•c. thut's rorny) has turned . . .<br />

or so it is rumored. Before fans;<br />

(It i* rumored, remember) <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

men of military mein will have a<br />

new />r nt h'USt. a renovated nr*<br />

mrr>*. \V1iother it in n nart of the<br />

"al! out lor the Army" mania or<br />

{list because the authorities have<br />

dcttded t.> tdvc Lowt-ll u break we<br />

don't knew . . but it's a rvmcr.<br />

frliown. and that's irore Rood ncwn<br />

than w«Vvonc<br />

point (a forfeit). Yen,<br />

"Ilahy-fnce" Heannion and his<br />

ttad Mimhrcro mob just plain<br />

"chickened* out. <strong>The</strong> speed<br />

and deception, of Conn, the<br />

hard hitting of "Stinkey"<br />

John*ton, the superb sliding<br />

"f (iravitt ,and thl titliulz on the panide •<br />

f:c|ii. Cauciitis Barton MerLiiith,<br />

Frank McClu:c, ttmi Julius Itnitin I nuvy y formt.<br />

•will lend thrt. Bv now he i.s prob,-ibly in San<br />

jSl.anke aru the ntjw band officers. i !ianl at work. He wants to<br />

1 It ir. »iti, Uiese officer., that Ser- »:'-'* >otidfi;re shouM be addrc-ued<br />

t.t the Executive Secretary, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Alumni Association, c/o Kric Fa!culler.<br />

Merchants Exchange Build*<br />

ir\il. San Francisco.<br />

fis. k .<br />

he office of the; Lwl of Official*<br />

i tried to net into <strong>The</strong> li--. of officers, directors, and<br />

i but they: rlass si-L-retarics will bc^ completed<br />

i ? "d will be printed in the first<br />

lust re- i6l - U(; °f <strong>The</strong> UwoK next term.<br />

It may Iv I nuled ld that h all ll HIM H hu<br />

uUd from the «litori-l camrivl<br />

by thin nerr--»&3«r<br />

and November.<br />

! ' u m m l v t "<br />

fe hm to|28 ScrolJ and Shield Members Leave;<br />

Succesors will be Made Known Today<br />

ml biCt l<br />

jNcw Ping Pong Champs<br />

introducing the cham^.> itf that Those filliiij* the IIIJ-.-*-'* of the | Uetty Kitzja-rald. Jane Griffin,<br />

• wry a<br />

Jean I<br />

'. Anderson Star<br />

Tho fi<br />

diUeU S 1 . „ jr.ime.nmj: poni*-- twenty-eij-ht Kniduntinc members • -Sei.ja Ilaj^vard, Airm-J Jones, Anne<br />

;an Hvlovich and Marjorie Weii;il U'f <strong>Lowell</strong>'s twit; service societie.-t' i»ilcourne. Klizabeth Kitchen, Nor*<br />

<strong>The</strong> arrival of two new tables' v;i!l find it difficult f> outdo tlm ma Kothe, Barliam Krasc. Patricia<br />

_ started the urge for Ihin "razid '• rctord set l»y their nredei-esfors. ; -'<br />

i for<br />

u lV--.hlnn.on u. u.un,,^J.J'A,K»\,!l. ^^^''•^^it"^'^!<br />

l "," 1 " "*' "."• \o°%^JTS&$?&%!%,£££*%£!** Helen<br />

_. _ . „ licltl' ti-r. nnpjaidcm, Marilyn \lm iM» „,„!„ ,rc. i^n i|»an.<br />

C* in th- balance! _ Maria'*; jrirls were the victiinr.<br />

PhylHr And

<strong>NEW</strong>COMERS'<br />





Volume 78, No. 1 San Francisco, California, February J8, 1841 Founded January, 18S3<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

Eight Former<br />

Presidents at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Now<br />

i ill trt*L lour us in — ^^— — » ^ •, c* 1 " «•**••.•».<br />

Eta nmlo <strong>Lowell</strong>, ho 1 * ffolnj- to | to «P*nWnj: of their activities in<br />

make<br />

<strong>The</strong>se<br />

nU .Vs.)<br />

comments<br />

He can't<br />

arc<br />

miss!<br />

always<br />

former schrols.<br />

Thoxa><br />

Freshman Reception Thursday<br />

Arnold, Krill Lead <strong>Lowell</strong> j<br />

IN MEM0R1AM<br />

<strong>The</strong> many frlcndJ of Howart!<br />

Lnko were shocked and<br />

naddnncd at his uiuxptttcd<br />

passing on February third.<br />

Howard Lake was a high<br />

junior, sixteen yean old. In<br />

hi* character wan an enthusiasm<br />

to help others, shown<br />

by hi» ajulntuncc in Mr.<br />

Monroe 1 * office nnd in Mr.<br />

Ornyhicl'n laboratory, Uofh<br />

fellow stutlc-niB nn'l teachers<br />

wi>re attracted hy hid npprecihtive<br />

Fen; 1 * 1 of humor, i>.ee!,<br />

hhy, Mpecchlc^H child, who j<br />

, p<br />

"'"" hi hit- li l tll [<br />

c aruund - _ [n ... a ti.*nk<br />

purple perambulator, will nit<br />

LI I Money ) Crabber (open-mouthed at the wMum of new<br />

I)arl;-h»ir*men" bv Rntai't Knox. <strong>The</strong><br />

will conclude the prol«i<br />

trio tic selection*,<br />

program was given<br />

12 to commemorate<br />

Odds and HndH Department Dudley Stone w rcnromntvil by'V" ^Y 1 '." 1 "^' ',- t<br />

j Editor of the Kcd nnd White,<br />

I Lorraine Granlchcr, says the<br />

| "this term's Journal will hi> utterly<br />

[tlifforcttt." She hopes, if possible,<br />

l<br />

If you want a good ' laugh l h watchj , - ,. Peter .„. U Vole, . student body , pros- ,— •'-""'"'" * birthday.<br />

Monsieur Troppman do the nulu- • itk-iu nnd basketball player; vict- L<br />

hula in an Island scene during thu 1 president, Noel McKunnn; and Don-,<br />

Froih Reception. No fooling, the nU Sil»a, another potential <strong>Lowell</strong>;<br />

reception I* a corker. . . . "So casnba pasucr.<br />

far so Bood," that's French for Thn,fi other formcr stud,-nt body |<br />

t ^ e ll Lead in<br />

the best ever published<br />

Honor Points, In aiMltion to wv,ral imiova.<br />

;tioiu>, Lorraine ho|»es to have the<br />

itoBsting a grand total of 771 ircw fabritoid cover*. <strong>The</strong> themo<br />

students, with cirl.i outnumber-1 hut not as ynt been decided upon,<br />

irif, boyn -J.11 to WO, the final Iloncr I Editora<br />

Mr. Edminster Is Rull for fall 1940 listed npproxi- [ rAilVjr Granieher will be assist-<br />

Now a Proud Poppa mttely one-tmrJ of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s en-.^i by Financial Manager Jim LJvrcllment.<br />

jingston, and Senior Editors Waldo<br />

super, meaning the rallies this presidents who Intend to tafce part<br />

Flapping its vinK" a stork Wolfgang Schwabacher. 102, jl'ustel and Anita Amen,<br />

tfcrc*. . . . Ambition plus equals in vxtra'curricular activities at<br />

hovered over the smokey San topped the list with 0,'i honor After ten yearn' connection with<br />

Hill O'Nuil and his Music Ideal. I Iflwcl , are Dcllicrt Weaver from<br />

Kmndsec chimneys last. Sat- [.oints. Followers-up with G2& I the Hcd nnd White an faculty nd-<br />

heir they are a little bit of I'aul Iaul ICcvvrJ. Norma N'orma Jean Howeli<br />

urday, February 8. In his po'nts wre Donr.li! O'Connell. SOJt Ivjsor, Mrs. Kuhnle will b» replaced<br />

H l<br />

ncht.<br />

f;om Jeffcrhon. and d Franciscu'i: F i '<br />

beak hi> hold a bundle nnd Francrt Mizuno, 108. Sixty | this term by J. M. I'stterson and<br />

And whatever ttecamc of the<br />

mniked "Special Delivery" points wt-ur earned by nine other | A. B. McKcevcr,<br />

Ilirhard K<br />

Jnuble lunch periods ? . . .<br />

to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kd-<br />

Sports scoon—Ted Myers versus minstcr.<br />

i— „ -»!• t<br />

Jarry lik fr number en- spot<br />

It's n tittle ;rirl ar.*l a red<br />

Jarry i prep likai. t»,i/iw for sup: number „. en- - spot Enrollment High: and howling bit of feminini-<br />

in grudce prep -na*ch t»,i/iw and supremacy. will ukc It pmce<br />

ty she ia.<br />

a a! " '<br />

in a few wceVs.<br />

p#<br />

Fiithcr Edminstcr blushes<br />

prnudty whrn nsketi altout<br />

d h ill k l pj p Q Cl her. ''We haven't even triven<br />

On Jnnuarj* 29. the bejpnning of<br />

Dreams Do Come True,<br />

her u name yet," ho declares.<br />

thi- spring term, <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

Girls, Maybe Ours Can School welcomed to its foldx Oi-er<br />

*)C8 new students, both freshmen From Panama Hattie,<br />

and sophuinurr.*. <strong>The</strong> total etiroll-<br />

It's been a rumor for years. irent was tabulated at 22H0. which Thanks to Mr. Fast<br />

Ont-tfme ficshmcn, now seniors, !>houA a decided increase over the<br />

have dreamed about it.<br />

rfcvjous winter term.<br />

Have you notfred Mr. Fast<br />

We've seen the plans—wide open Tne new iuom'ing stutlont irroup | walking around with th.it fur-<br />

spaces, rolling doors, showers— was more numerous in that of the < away Itxik in his ?yr> lately?<br />

yes, honest, raws anil rows of H>|ihomorf irroup when 21G an-1 Reason: a recent letter from<br />

them. And then we've gonu tu tiwvred the first roll cnll of the new Paniinm Huttic" .<br />

j. .rely<br />

Bym—In the basement.<br />

teim. However, the frvshmen make it. of course.<br />

Well, that drram of a rcnl toT'i a KMxl showing with n total of 107. Mr. Fast, ns you know, posed<br />

for <strong>Lowell</strong> idrl.i has popped up <strong>The</strong> upper diviniou clnsn group for II picture fur the "-' —<br />

again. In fact, it MAY ccme true j nrcdomimiteil in the total student<br />

between 19-11 nnd 1042 IP tno ap[Irody<br />

with a count of 1-111. while<br />

propriation of ? 150.000 mnda by'<br />

the tower division clanKcy showed a<br />

the Board of Education, Janunry tt tal of 9G4,<br />

2S, h not deleted. Throueh the<br />

untirinR efforts of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s P.-T. Sixteen I'owl Gradualr«<br />

A., provision for the jnin was Iyiwell also welcomed back six-<br />

mvdc in the tHmnl's budget last teen crnduntcs i'rom last term who<br />

mouth.<br />

plan to take pottt-craduatc courier<br />

for the mr-tlndcr of the new term.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hIgh-4 class had the highest<br />

CALENDAR iiulividunl total when the roll call<br />

I shnve.I a count of 332. <strong>The</strong> hJgh-.1<br />

group was juet four vtudcntu be-<br />

Tuesday, February 18—<strong>Lowell</strong>-Linhind thom with n total cf .!&*. <strong>The</strong><br />

coln Game.<br />

hirh-» claw IM just two students<br />

Thursday, February 20—Frvshraan behind the high-:! class with a total<br />

Reception.<br />

cuunt of .180.<br />

Friday, February 21—Phyllis An- <strong>The</strong> enrollment has steadily inderson<br />

Go*« to D. A. R. Tea. creased In the pant, i>n

TWO<br />

Publlahed hjr t*M A»«v!«t«d StuiI«nU<br />

of Lowtil Hi«h School<br />

1100 Hajrca 3trt«t. 8M Francisco. California<br />

I. Ii; S. S. A. X.irt'^n Frw<br />

STAFF<br />


AKScIntc Editor. Glortii Spn>"»<br />

Now* Editor. - „ „.-Pierre Salinger<br />

Sport* Editor. ~John Prcovolo*<br />

Feature Editor.- _ .-..AnnJQowman<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

Mnry Klen-i.-r Juan Poritliie<br />

llfirtuir-i Oiila 1U>|(>- Hulliv^n<br />

li-nn Mn.!?dllum M.irjnri* Tnrtwr<br />

IMtil McKwy llamitrri \\'»>-<br />


llnnnlrick school building<br />

with its wonderful tmditir.ns, its spirit, it* fun.<br />

Are you disappointed in it? Love of it will grow<br />

in you junt as it haj< on most of us why came<br />

-here before you.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is Homcthing, intangible though it [5.<br />

"that will mnk'! you proud of our old alma mater<br />

Perr-np* it*« the traditions . . . the arc . . .<br />

the U»wc!l Hymn. Perhaps U'« our fighting ri>iril,<br />

our tendency to stand behind our team and support<br />

it. even though it may tic losing.<br />

Welcume future seniors! Our hope and faith<br />

is in you to "carry on" where we leave off. W«<br />

aec ymi. not us lowly freshmen, but as future<br />

-clam officer*, future deHtcrjt, future block men.<br />

future lenders of <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

Get into <strong>Lowell</strong>'s ; fe by participating in our<br />

nctiviiics. You won't regret it! Enjoy <strong>Lowell</strong> for<br />

.all the grand opportunities it can offer you.<br />

Safety Measure: driving should<br />

Be taught in public schools<br />

Why is It that teen age boys and irirls have<br />

znorc automobile accidents than any other ape<br />

? ft fs not chance that Ottrs these ac*;iin<br />

this one age croup.<br />

No, there must be a good reason. Fibres for<br />

1940, gathered by the Public Itoads Acimiutstra*<br />

tJon tJn of Federal Fedeal Works Agency Agcy show sh the te age a iip<br />

op to t twenty t yenm of f age have h twicr i Oi many<br />

accident* as any other. Why in it? Pirhaps It i;<br />

that young people nrc not prepared tr» drive a car.<br />

It's true, maybe four out of every t?n pom<br />

through thfc atfc group without on accident, but<br />

on the whole, a young p»nmn. In the glory »if<br />

finding himself behind the whee> cf a car, forgets<br />

2]is responsibility of "Live and L~t Jive."<br />

But still the question prevails—what should ho<br />

•done? <strong>The</strong>se young people rr.jst be taught to<br />

drive carefully and be ready fr.r a:>y and oil crr.ereenclcii.<br />

And what better way •« there than tefich-<br />

'Jnjc them In public schonto along with tlrawire;,<br />

jrymnustiea, ami the three "RV?<br />

- Bewildered Freshman Struggles<br />

Through First Day at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ily Fr«nclitca Mlddlclon<br />

(<strong>The</strong> fut'owing essay won the low Freithman<br />

Eam*y Coldest, which ended February 4. <strong>The</strong><br />

- wiener received a bid to the Low-3 Dance.—<strong>The</strong><br />

Editor.)<br />

My firtt day at <strong>Lowell</strong> was one of the happiest<br />

and most eventful dny* of my life. Bric^r<br />

and early (fcr me), at 6:110, I jumped out cf bed<br />

"Yc* jumped!! I wonder how long that will last?<br />

When I arrived ot <strong>Lowell</strong> I wu creeled by<br />

many "Shield ana V girls, ready to help me find<br />

my room. I wus iligntly afruid I would end in<br />

the battctnent or the pvinnndln of >hvur Cal.<br />

aup'iomoru?<br />

tloli Arnold—About bijr re^pon*<br />

fiibiiitles as proxy?<br />

N'cw tenthera—If Lowcll'5 n.cb<br />

tilsyit you?<br />

N'nricy— Owi **:io Kiden" rule in<br />

Vi.ywlt-'a tintype?<br />

Ini Thompfcon—Over a noiioa<br />

thst you haven't go", what %vu<br />

tl-em? tS; A.)<br />

Yua iwo—If Don Welcom» for-<br />

Kttit to bring hi« luncii for you to<br />

«-t'.'<br />

Geary Krill—About your smooth<br />

"platform appearances?"<br />

Diive Berwick—flow Jong forever<br />

will last?<br />

Readers--If you don't get above<br />

references?<br />

Rila Wiolaod—If you ever ean.<br />

less than liisty *io'iur DoinU?<br />

Low 1 giiia—If t hey call you<br />

"Rosebud" |jrcsc—If you'll never<br />

gel wise?<br />

Fellow."—Because Barbara PJnpcr<br />

has »-T# welcome mat?<br />

Bab ' ••••• -S — ^out getting<br />

"Wise*'<br />

Jear ' , '|«y circle?<br />

Cur— 1 • .-• rfn Barb<br />

Letter Box<br />

Tho girls' g>m 11 reality? All's<br />

h(cretar>- wondfringly incaked a<br />

>ly glance Into the depths of the<br />

mystcry-fhrau'I'.rd cn*stul bull. Ans—ers<br />

to m.iny nuericF vvera there,<br />

l-ut AH** Secretary, Hhc everyone<br />

•-lee, can only wnlt and hope. Word«<br />

It'ck, and we thought we could<br />

score n Kcoop!<br />

Dear Ali's Secretary*:<br />

I wish these yang '.varit In thu<br />

court, 'jtli i*eriod. would stop. Us<br />

dcfennclens civilians haven't .1<br />

rl.aiice. We get hit in the head<br />

with squishing oranges and rotten<br />

apple cores.<br />

What do wdo?<br />

—An Ornnge-Juicc Ha tor.<br />

Dear CranirdJuit., Hater;<br />

You have two alternative*, either<br />

tlr,dge the flyinrr missileH of liquid<br />

punshlm- or carry nn umbrella.<br />

Ituth arc proven methodn,<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

—L—<br />

Pear AII'J* Socretarj";<br />

Why r:in't we have a little soap<br />

in the cK'tnii'try rooms? T':e other<br />

iiinrninir I had an experiment which<br />

invulved lampblai'k nrd the rest o:'<br />

the day I W.M cjked. "Are you cold, Beven^e?**<br />

Someone replied, "PII nay sho In." . . . It's<br />

easily seen Ihnt the xki xraiton IN Id full nwiu«—<br />

Jerry Apptegarlh*^ icft leg In only onr nf (tie<br />

ir.any ncridenN. . . . Pat Farrell—a very cite<br />

;ngh-:i. . . .<br />

Seen around . . . Snonn TrYjMch hitch hikinv—my<br />

niy, . . . "Boob" Thompson nnd<br />

"Cnnu'l" L'offman seen whooping it up at one of<br />

thv local jigs, . . . Court porter nonchalantly<br />

oyruig a new soph—her name is Barbara Jean<br />

Cuiilnttt. . . . 'Tool" U'Connetl really enjoyed<br />

hi.* "blind date" with a certain Hamlin clr'—we<br />

hear nho hud the same feeling. . . . Every girl<br />

looking wild-eyed at the fight of mammoth Bill<br />

Ctnvden. . . . "Corky" Kettler just can't stem<br />

t» be able to :nake -p Ms mind. . . . Norm<br />

Keller doing very \. • on S. F. S'-ote'n basketiral!<br />

team—he never played at L«w-ll. . . . Dot<br />

Richnnlnon nern grabbing a "Quickie" breakfast<br />

at the King Cnle. . . .<br />

Our Lo'vell composers, Bob Rotfprs and Patsy<br />

Alexander, are really scaling the heights—Lto<br />

lii'ismni] ha/» nccepted tneir sont», "Evening to ILjintnt^r,"<br />

C'lnKratulatitnn:!! . . .<br />

Fred N«'L'atadter WHS th" only fnor and M.icein WilMam» t. \»z hit oft<br />

HuddliaV Amateur I'our. , . . .Mac^'o hef.t out<br />

MH version of Boiurr Vi'oogy" on the ivork'jc -Ue<br />

cnvt. a \nca\ renditfem of "JeanEe With tlir Light<br />

Mrifwn Hair." . . .<br />

Vinl"t Johns wan seen a.i one of t!>o many<br />

"1'aiiely model. 1 * at the Si»b-Den Fashion show.<br />

. . . Gtenna Martin *een in n Girl Sc-'Jt uniform.<br />

. . . What are you ncoutlnir iir. t'lrnna?<br />

,r . . Val V,'i|.*o» getting inti of golTing prac*<br />

tice. She ca-i rea'ly swing those elubi!' , . .<br />

lion McKee trying to take iiliysioljc/ U when he<br />

liasn' 1 an yet pac>c you prefer Stan "Peanut" Rwler,<br />

or Elmer "Thick-knee" i'icr?on?<br />

How about Steve "Turk" Dotur, Clayton "Lefty"<br />

Calender, or Gloria "Sutwlster" Sproul?<br />

HereV "Charlie"!<br />

Do you know- Shirley "Charlie" BurKc Lor<br />

ralne "Tommy" Thoinns. Howard 'Tank" Hjllt<br />

and Jim "Tool" O'Connell? Perhaps you'd IU;V<br />

Louise "DuckiV Iloran or Doris "Dody" McCuIr*<br />

Have you been introduced to Betty "Cynthla*|<br />

Bohln. Louise "Pussy" Austin, and Janet "Ricoco<br />

P.ico? Over here you might like to meet Ed<br />

"Easy" Eas*a, Bernico "Bee" Bowman, or Ophel»<br />

"Dopey" Marrorjuln.<br />

Of course, Johan "Joey" Files, Jean "Beannte"<br />

Rowe, ond Ira "E-Sah" Thompson are quite nice,<br />

too. And may WR suggest Barbara "Ping" Pinjfff<br />

and Jim "Mltcaue* Montrosc, who have nicknames<br />

of the first water?

I Sport Shorts<br />

fly John I'rcovolm I<br />

Here*" c HttJa *tory junt 1«*'<br />

tnecn >'ou and me. Yesterday a I<br />

tfhost came into my office am) In-1<br />

Induced himself an the ffhtJt ofi<br />

Abner Dc'Jblcday, creator of basebull-<br />

He told me<br />

i It a t student*<br />

were not sup*<br />

porting the<br />

their t o a m R<br />

played nit mui git iimn* high<br />

whool student.* inliTt'^UMi in ]mfebail,<br />

i*o Iierc goe.t,<br />

Il.i-rh.ill lira** Itfg Shot*<br />

Let m introduce ,«ouu> of t.-ie<br />

memWn- nf tlic tvum. <strong>The</strong>re'* Koh<br />

Cherry nnd Jerry Coletuaii, :>a«ketball<br />

5titrs; George Simmon*. Paul<br />

i)rti, J«ck Irvine. "Hooh' 1 Thompfon,<br />

and I!al Ilolman, gridirrn<br />

"eenu": alone with "K*-d" £hi«rp*'.<br />

Walt Cristoforo, and Your* Tnily.<br />

Go u>U and ftuppoct your foam.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tram han (lie fichl, but it<br />

needs /our ttp'rft. Incidentally,<br />

fhejtamw ar- FRBE.<br />

'•12 Vanity 0. K.<br />

V.*hi-n <strong>Lowell</strong> meets Lincoln this (<br />

afternoon. I'onch Neff will un- '•<br />

dtiribtedly ».\'t a chance to play i<br />

nest yi-.-r's varnity. By pinyt.if- i><br />

Rood portion of tho gam.?, the subx \<br />

will get the cxp'-'Keiu-c they necl.;<br />

Watch tiis soconil team nn \<br />

throuirh tl.e :Jncolr. Mustang* lik.><br />

^alrr runs through it sieve.<br />

Mure "Coachen" f«r <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

It •icemx that I>owcll hann'*.<br />

enouph coai'he.o. Four in o r e<br />

coache. 1 * liave been ad many sensational shuts<br />

THE LOWEIX. FEIinUAUY 18. 1941 THREE<br />

Cards vs. Mustangs Today<br />

1<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Favored<br />

To Beat Lincoln<br />

A hard flchtinjr Ivowoll bankettall<br />

team trots on tu thv floor of<br />

Keznr Pavilion thin afternoon,<br />

httvy favoHU'n to defeat the new-<br />

[vcincr to tht league, Lincoln.<br />

While thn Mufltnn^s from th«<br />

Twenty-fourth avenue sand dunci<br />

have been losing with rcsularity,<br />

fiich depcndableii at Cherry, Arnold,<br />

Troppmann, Porter, Kotta><br />

nnd Lew hive j^iined the Indians a<br />

top runf> on thi league ladder.<br />

I'layinjr atpiinFt hii former<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> tirr.mmatei will be LouU<br />

F'trtro. f.^nrd. Fortrn tmnaferred<br />

Irr.n; U>w'Al to Unroln at the hcnir.nirm<br />

of the fall '-lit term.<br />

Neod Er'eriencr<br />

TlioLRh Lincoln hni- some clever<br />

Mit'-er* i» Roy Gmvpit, forward,<br />

RTH! Ix.well Trautman, center, the<br />

re«t of the Kfjuad'n inexperience In<br />

fart A. A. A. piny offsets their<br />

Lhility.<br />

Even rf the [,i»rn!n team haim't<br />

:• chnp.:*« of winnti-K the title, it will<br />

I co into tho trnme to "Hlimit the<br />

i works," fijruriim it hr« prentice to<br />

win nnd nuthin^ to lo»e.<br />

Startent<br />

TI;e fivj raon nlartiiiK today will<br />

1 c; Bob Chi-rry. ore of the lentrue'ii<br />

ni&Rt connlr.te.it per/ormprn, nt fory/nitl:<br />

Tom L*w (need more be<br />

id?). »t t're other forward: Rob<br />

ld, oni .tf the bcttrr centers in<br />

thf lejjnie. at center: Courtney<br />

Porte*, versatile tniaril; Rob Troppmann.<br />

|»vveu'» foremost athlete,<br />

•il the other cuard.<br />

Likas and Meyers<br />

j Lead Tennis Team<br />

i.it'll rwrii•<br />

II I><br />

i-iii<br />

.: n<br />

^ H I'.tn Ilii'iri-<br />

I<br />

Dn i-..tv i.. lit.;.'<br />

1 ;<br />

^n n.iii<br />

2<br />

••Vii-ttnmt<br />

HI z 3<br />

lu.'.iiin<br />

91 •''•<br />

z<br />

rll<br />

i I<br />

S3 '•'"*<br />

9 1 •-•—'.•I<br />

H. •in . ; 1<br />

ilMlr 1.iiii-f (hi* rw>.iba. Cen. i-i,,-,:- tt .*.,,(_ K<br />

lir: Itig Hoi, Arnold (9) tl|»- in; »u«m(r-jff their h<br />

a follow t»hi.t I»H [talbHaV In in j - trin I "A powerhouse team!"<br />

! In these three words that'n the<br />

' bright future predicted by Captrin<br />

IHi.rry L,ik.is, I^oivetl'K king of tha<br />

: c-curts, when interviewed last<br />

'Tliuixliiy.<br />

I G'eat I'romiHe<br />

: Fron ull that wan said and from<br />

• i'»« performance* we, too. iiave<br />

linized into a cry.-ttal bnll and, with-<br />

1'iut ninchinj;, we'll iny that thin<br />

: y< ar's team should be one of the<br />

jrreatest In I»wcH'« his;orj*. »f>J<br />

that's nayinp something<br />

I <strong>The</strong> boys have been practicing<br />

|di.ily at the California Tennis Club<br />

(f ui* treir legs, _ __ — u(, (1V.._,„„.„ „„„.„<br />

ill) Irint uni-urcp-M fully to »li>p i t:ack»tcrs are preparing to (iefi-nd nrcbably be ojtf.tandinc on r.ny<br />

.Sim. Hill Hutu (7) luokn un. | (i-uoceisfully, they hope) the \. jothcr team in ihc circuit.<br />

((V.iter p'ciur.—S. K. I'hrrii.-, A, A- cr Jwn they won iast vcnr. Manr Sum<br />

cU<br />

'-> I .,.». ,. .L ,._,.„ ,.t. .„ AnwnK the Iw**t in H1.17.Liku.<br />

AlthoJKh the majority of the In-in KeanonM! vcloron. who will un-<br />

,•11111. team are mexjierienced Idouhlnlly be a lop heavy farorlta<br />

haw helped mjkv <strong>Lowell</strong> a front<br />

riim.*Iy each day at Yacht Harbor<br />

runner all reason. Lanky Kuriel-<br />

l(>ts of promise;<br />

runner all n-uon. Uni:y Kudcl- „, to condition themselves for the .uVSini! men M Co-••..,•>££ Ber- SormTchlcheiter, «ho did .ell In<br />

ka, a sure .hot crater, ha.< urn-learning Wnshmcton Day races on,,,,,,,, Silva^ a ,aa[ yeBt', voteran: I-J>t year's doubles matcVa; Warslstelltly<br />

le.l the loop in the ncor-I K«liruiiry £1 Tim race -vlll include :j_>:_ Ure«sler from the 30 1 ,; and • re" LoKan nnd GeorKO Licbo<br />

ing cilumli. |both nhtweiBht ^n.| vamtv boa.~ Rrnest Gieenbuuir'. dashman. I <strong>The</strong> neuters will be seeking their<br />

school t-hamil<br />

iwieicir Jcrrj- Colrtnnn. _ ine, ",'^\ post Hi* is uHy uWed l»y 'tin* varMty who lonk exceptionally •^• u " «»*••. ; Uvhby riumb, 112 of 103. took a<br />

irnpue a licst shortstop; and Pitch- i „«',.,•» \ioi>hcn>nrt wl." has keen I cco'l. Anmnir them are tmwrrful Although a bit 'in the green f'i'inii yluce in the Vc:wm:te Invjm<br />

i'nul Orsi and George Simmon*, ],„,,, ,'i i... ., i,,",,;.. ,nniin»il an- A"* O'Brien of fontluill fume. Ihiiie. the lithtweigbts have a stronff tntionp.l Clu.is .1 Ski M.*t. Februrho<br />

have g-catly Improved *"•">, i||t, ' jjm ••Tool" OVoniiell Uts "Tank" Hill, and Connie Glnfkides. ni-doiH to work ..ilh from fnlljaryl.<br />

Inat year ann are looking foward j,]'] b5lj, ti,t. i:uiini nnd >r- UKhlweight Velerann I'ractiee. promising mun crnnpet* j <strong>The</strong> run consulted of skiing in<br />

to a successful season. I wort 1 *pois well. ! A host of experienced men re- IR K [°r ttw iiirntweiBhw are 3Inr- nnj oUl rj K-enty-five flags pn a<br />

' Although <strong>Lowell</strong> hits dropped turning fn»m ».he '-10 champs un. tili-i. MirnhfieU, and Dean. Jaig-zag course. Hobby's time was<br />


^Smiley" Coerrr "Curler 11 Porter "Bappr" Arnoli) -SIMPT" KOIU" Torky" Tnppmu<br />


FOUR<br />

LJ.Henrich<br />

Reveals Past<br />

Crawl Into Hole—We're<br />

Dumber Than Bugt<br />

Ar:! Your snooping repoitcr<br />

hnd luunii a victim.<br />

L. J. Hcnrlch knew when ho was<br />

cornered. IIcM ju»t huvu to tn*in<br />

out! boar fi. Hiunhinjr » beautiful<br />

shade uf crimson, he toyed with a<br />

bottle of pickled lizard*, self-consciously.<br />

Room 70. <strong>Lowell</strong>'* pioneer outpost,<br />

surely was a strange sight.<br />

Jars of pickled Uurdx decorated<br />

c*»cry shelf. 1'uizlvd-lookine individuals<br />

were draped over the tnb'c(.<br />

acnitchinir their hinds like an<br />

audience ut a flea circus. "It's the<br />

Cheng Club." .Mr. Hsnrich explained<br />

Southerner, Scholar, Athlete<br />

Cut what about the kinc of thin<br />

8tran«e domain Iiiinnelf. A South-.<br />

eiTiur, ho was bom and raised at!<br />

*»nv|Hirt, Kentucky. His e»Ileue ?<br />

Take your choice—he went to t v<br />

A three year graduate, he finished<br />

University of Kentucky in lUlU,<br />

ut Uni Hot hift Master's Decree- at<br />

Iowa State OiIleKC. He attended<br />

University i>{ Illinois until the war<br />

boirnn .tnd later furthered hit education<br />

a*. University of California.<br />

He ul.io went in for athtetici, bi><br />

ndmitteil. He played fuutl-all z '<br />

basketball in hj|>ti mho..:. 1-unhur<br />

*=i. Sabre C'-.b, exclusively<br />

for officers. which takes care<br />

of nH the Kocinl activities. <strong>The</strong><br />

officers plan to have an exclusive<br />

club dinner once u month. Plans<br />

ore bvh|f tnade for a miliUry ball j .i,<br />

for the entire corps, and later on,' *<br />

un IL O. T. C. dance for the whole<br />

student body, with Mr. Stephens'<br />

perrr'ssion.<br />

THE LOWELL, FEBRUARY 18. 191!<br />

Spring '41 Class Officers<br />

l!ill cla*-. itfficiTs; (*ppk'h and is "(,'lad t»<br />

Askvd where he jjot his iaea of be back at <strong>Lowell</strong>."<br />

tri* table ny»stcm he :ucs in his<br />

CIUSHVS, he said it vest from study- After ten and a half years of<br />

inn inln.nlrasts between the ants tcavhiriK mci-hanical drawing and<br />

and the<br />

machine c|(>i; Mis.«i.m Hiirh<br />

s, Mr. Mitchell is hen- u><br />

He summarized his theory as . uf. ii mwhimk-nl drawitit;<br />

folfws: -A better world of the inittiuctiir. Major ^. K. *<br />

future will probably be first<br />

worked out in a school room It<br />

vill be some happy -flat'on t,jtv.een<br />

two pnnciplen at least J50,-<br />

000,000 years old—co-aneratiun and<br />

comimtition."<br />

We said goodbye to our friend,<br />

IJr. Hcurich, vowing to meet htm<br />

250,000,000 years f rvm n»w._<br />

: _I«jor £ —"<br />

wh» wur. c-'t'lLii by the Army. Mr.<br />

.Vitrhell "liked M i •*» i o n \\-rv<br />

mu.-h." hut is rfuro he'll "Itkv i't<br />

hete.too."<br />

*'»Ir. McKtever cona-s to <strong>Lowell</strong> I<br />

from Toma:«.i'_ Union High in<br />

New Debaters Vie For<br />

Position* of Ex-Stars \<br />

LotftWtt Dcbatnjf Society han<br />

from dixty to ncvcnty mcml>ent<br />

thin term. Six talented debaters<br />

have CTnduatcc, while many newcomers<br />

nope ••'rfine.'day to *tcp into<br />

their -.hoca.<br />

Star denatent nil] here Include<br />

Anderxon, Nahman, IInn*»y, C.<br />

Cohen. K. Cohen, Rosenblatt, nnd<br />

Greenbertr.<br />

Clever <strong>Lowell</strong>ite<br />

Unique Map ?' neM<br />

Tweedalc's Puppy<br />

Wins Honors<br />

l»u.tnr Tw»i-d;il,., ||.;, tvv.<br />

I*'H. is tht: proud po-.-M^or<br />

»f a prizfWJnnmV cinrkiT<br />

>pniiti.>1. that wi»n third |it;uv<br />

ribbon in the »ix-nine iimmli<br />

puppy olasd fur tinker j*pani;

'' LOWELL VS.<br />

•'•' ' EAGLES<br />



It. O. T. C<br />

DANCE<br />


Volume '8. No- 2_ San FrandMu, California, March 0. 1041 Founded January. UQ8<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

By Editor Charles Davis<br />

Uncle Sam may he tiblo U» take<br />

>Ir. Patterson out of <strong>Lowell</strong> journalism,<br />

but he can't tttko Journalism<br />

out of Patterson!<br />

For during his year's arm"<br />

PTA Program<br />

In Auditorium<br />

Tonite,8P.M.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Washington in<br />

<strong>The</strong> Season's Finale Today<br />

True <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Porter, Kotta, O'Neil,<br />

Troppmann, Arnold, Lew,<br />

Welcome to fathom:<br />

Tnls is the theme of Uio pprent-<br />

Teacher Association mecUnj,- 10 be<br />

leave too p*nial <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> nd-<br />

hclil in IawcU'b auditorium on,<br />

vlwr will continue with his first-<br />

Thursday. March 6, at 8 p. m.<br />

love—newspaper work—as staff<br />

AmonjE tho evening speakers will<br />

correjppndfnt for the San Fran*<br />

be Mr. Howard Carver, the Kmpo-<br />

cisco Chronicle.<br />

rium's riums director of o personnel, pnnel, on on<br />

Yes. the National Guards at San Youth." y " '<strong>The</strong> °I°K"f"jI'<br />

Importance of Mcm<br />

Lul* Obiipo will bo 'covered" by ,wn,hip {ur FaZrs" will |« Sis-<br />

? oa S°*"t S BB •'" *' Po ' Ul » on Spirit Praised<br />

My Hob Arnold<br />

"I/ist week, at a mcetinc of the<br />

ituilent body officers we were dis- And Wigmore play their<br />

cusslnjr <strong>Lowell</strong> spir.t—(t* tradttion<br />

ami true mean inc.<br />

by-line and all.<br />

' «w«3> I? Mr. Hilary Crawford, Wo believe that everyone at Last Game for <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Mr. _L- II. Stephens nnd other* of<br />

Red andi Whit<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> knows our tradition and<br />

welcome to<br />

what it mean?<br />

to each one of<br />

lly Dal Kader<br />

Here come the Indians!<br />

"<strong>The</strong> impor- Y.*s sir, you cuewrd it. It's <strong>Lowell</strong> • Washington in what nron*t<br />

ant thin p i»ca to be one of tho "huttcst" irames oi the current B«ac nlaying the Kiinlua for the fourth tinui and.<br />

must realize<br />

Utter of the Week<br />

this year, as in the past, it will have much to do with the final league-<br />

will consist of ;<br />

and keep<br />

Dear Mr Charlie:<br />

ep con fUandirj:*. <strong>Lowell</strong> leads in the auric* by a ninrjrin of ^ tn 1.<br />

Charlie: the A Cnpellu Choir, which in under<br />

y :n mind<br />

Althouy;. TJoyit f'ith's charccs.<br />

lUve riu ever really looked *t lhc .lir^tlnn<br />

that<br />

nf .Air. A. II. Kar-!<br />

rll<br />

M<br />

in<br />

statue<br />

the entrance<br />

of Jimw<br />

to<br />

Ku-well<br />

the school;<br />

Low- ,,,.n!,toi,.. Scl.-ctions »untr will ho<br />

tin? trUO<br />

will l»c xlichtly f.tvoroti. the bow<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Hikers' Snnir." "Venetian I<br />

JJR.O.T.C. Dance frym tin linnet BtrcL-t brick pile<br />

that h horrible, ilt t »»n*e-cnlored, l d ta<br />

showed K«:»| improvement in their<br />

I S " !iy~EtheH*rt' b hlta Xi "Nhvn" ; »«b Arnold nnd how<br />

ter anparition? d'eorue Wiwnw<br />

came '(jcinjt tho ^*. lirnatltv.<br />

'"Innil "Tlic Master*." Touch" whirh j<br />

can apply"<br />

it "It i Tomorrow; Has<br />

ton niRh cot a new building,<br />

{"Wildcat*" nnd ui.Jcr<br />

:. »: will be sum- in u caMln fiirtfm'. | "turicnt activity. _. .<br />

uur captstadium.<br />

mural*, and ntalue*<br />

! I'lc mnt-strj, Bet: Xef', may upcat<br />

'°|I'iann accompanist will bo Grace: "No one can criticize our slu- IN&tlOnal<br />

dfcoralr their schoot, from lh l l t t U U U ( U<br />

| ihi' dojK'.<br />

* Hani.on. /I'-nt 1-ody. It is by f.,r the best<br />

government. J. C. cot a new<br />

j rartwrll (lame<br />

After the itici-tinir, rpfroshmeiitJi ! - cnunlry for any nren<br />

-~" I Winding up their career* as;<br />

H<br />

- prt mi m LIIV iinvki'iiif. i True Sprit<br />

ltci'iius« of thesu patriuta 1 1J>WC11 batikvtixrit in Kuzur i*avtlbufldtne<br />

(yet) but we could uxe u<br />

Th irocn.m. iirocn'.m. whch which I1.5 I1.15 l>pon on r "Rut, Rut, nn menilKrp. menilK-rp. ;il| (ifu.skniiw (<br />

: our dance will bo on a pa-<br />

Good Ktatuv of Jnmra ltu«ell<br />

under t'ii> direction of Mrs. Mrs Mer- Mer ;{hnt {hnt we w omiot rt-.^t upon «ur Ian-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> by some prominent San<br />

cor. ha* licrn planned for tho fath-' n-l». Wibk> improvement- in the next<br />

.•.•dition.<br />

I Uniform pictured<br />

• A remtHlv has Itcen prescribf-d<br />

• for blotchy-appearing Rroun pley<br />

rally for the title-jturcs: Kirl» wearing white blotaws<br />

"•"-i»—-*-—-* - " >-»- Hwcators nnil b**yn in sweaters or<br />

replace<br />

ncck-<br />

y<br />

Harvey; "Mary Stuart" by Helen<br />

Horn oTalent Slmtx<br />

Troppmnn Cap tain<br />

Herring; and "WinRlos* Victory"<br />

Tho sen-Ices of Mr. Doncrty,<br />

Troppman. captain for the Low-<br />

atd dubiously. Where?<br />

by Bonn [a Ellsworth.<br />

Fisher Co.. photographer, haro<br />

cll-WashinRton<br />

France, in the year 1022."<br />

Thc adtniwlon price for thU nRt came, will intro- been srctircd. He also takes tho<br />

Drum mine his fingers against "What other places have J'ou suprr nhoir is only 25 ernl*. <strong>The</strong>duce<br />

Lll' <strong>Lowell</strong>'s rasabnpui b l pictures f,*r the Stanford yo»r -<br />

the table, he stated he'd studied visited?"<br />

proceed* will ill financially fnac aid d«Some<br />

of the more prominent Ba- book. Due to the success of "hormv<br />

in Europe for quite a while. And "Well, we went into the interior baters in the future.<br />

de battkctcerK will irive their talent" shots in the fall MO edi-<br />

|>." •*- • *" *• *• * ^- *- ••' --»•• ^«-*- lllimit -illWkfl III til" *«••.<br />

for three years he and his "com- of China as far an Tsin»r Tan. Of alt the schooln in the slate views i on the th eamu. However, " " all "" • tion. nil candid shots will besuppanion<br />

i:i crime," Chris Chriitten- <strong>The</strong>n we w

TWO ; THE LOWBLI.. MAI1CII 0. 1011<br />

TH<br />

Published by ^» A*»octftt«a Student?<br />

of LawtU Illsh School<br />

I«0 Ilnyw Htmt, San FTMCIKO. California<br />

- U-H. g- 8. A. Marobrt yy«*<br />

STAFF<br />


AMocInte Editor . Gloria Sprout<br />

News Editor... ..„ Pierre Salinger<br />

Sporti Editor.-.. _.- ..-..John Preovolos<br />

Feature Editor.. „ _...Ann Bowman<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

M*ry KVtchrr Joan I'ontlnc<br />

Darlmm Onle It-tly Sullivan<br />

Jwui MacCalium Marjnrlp Tonnw<br />

MitrgntTt \\*o>*<br />


Ilniinfe Klbirorttr. Iliylll* Hn«<br />


Juitira Mlin<br />


Dili !<br />

Up, San Franciscans;<br />

""Dead Enders" Aren't Fiction<br />

It has become en accepted custom for San<br />

Franciscans to dose thflr

•<strong>Lowell</strong> Tracksters Invade Richmond High<br />

(Tomorrow For a Dual Meet; Maybe! (Rain)<br />

i Meet Figures<br />

To Ee Close<br />

Although hampered » liiiU. by<br />

the taunts of old "June Pluvius,"<br />

the Indian track squad has been<br />

preppfni; itself, despite tho rnln,<br />

for a dual meet tomorrow with «<br />

Krone tram representing Richmonj<br />

High nt Richmond. I<br />

Richmond, n preseason fnvoritc j<br />

to COP the 0. A. L. track crown, |<br />

figure* to supply <strong>Lowell</strong> with all I<br />

the competition it can lunidln. Our j<br />

"Redikitifi" w >" invade the Icich-1<br />

rooiKi oval with n team just round- ;<br />

ins into good form.<br />

Harris' Track Slogan<br />

Coach Harris* »loRun in similar<br />

to thtt of thf mailman, something<br />

lo the effect of "Neither snow nor<br />

rain nor »!«?!" can stop their<br />

progres*. This especially hold*<br />

true with the rtnphasU un It A IN!<br />

<strong>The</strong> iraekuleni dc*cr-r u ttreat 1<br />

deal of crrdil for bravn.n- the tor- c-nlltil<br />

._.I_t _!..*.',«_ twill »^ lt.vn.mll Ikittv * n u u l •'<br />

Indoor Tournnmcnt<br />

In the recent Nnihcrn C&lifornu<br />

indoor tennis touniamcnt <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

w»!t reprtflenteil by Likan,<br />

Slyer*, Chit heater, Lagan. Golhetz,<br />

and Price in the "boys under<br />

ninteen" divi»Ipn. In the "under<br />

- sixteen" division were 3ockolov,<br />

Hcale, Ll«b«s. and Whitney.<br />

Ukas nnd Gotbctz were winner<br />

*nd quarter-finaliiit, ri'spectively,<br />

« were Sockolov and Beale In the<br />

younger division. Lowull boys<br />

won two championships in tfic<br />

tournament which wan quite an ac*<br />

Lincoln Enrollment<br />

Lincoln High'* enrollment<br />

«ached 1,100 this term. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

•« now about 6flO boys and 540<br />

xirls. Among this group arc 1F0-<br />

200 proud newcomers.<br />

THE LOWELL. MARCH 0, Kit<br />


BY INDI\NS<br />

TERSE<br />

Indian Baseball Team Battles Stafford<br />

Frosli Tomorrow; 1st Practice Game ox '41<br />

League Play<br />

Starts Mar. 25<br />

After three wctiu -j( upasmodlc<br />

practuv. -with J. Pluvifj on the<br />

looxe, the Lowpll diamond stars<br />

will motor to t'alo Alto tomorrow<br />

tp do battle with the alwaystouch<br />

StamorJ Frosh.<br />

necjiiiKi of rain, which caused<br />

j tin* postponement of two games,<br />

I the Crd t*am it at yet untried,<br />

but, a'lth a big turnout nt the first<br />

practice, Cotch Voyno expects to<br />

• able lc ficlil n good nine.<br />

With the league opening still<br />

three weeks away, th* iiQiiad will<br />

htvc ample time to get in shape,<br />

since it ha3 fifteen prnctke games<br />

before the league opener, March<br />

25. with Sacred Heart.<br />

rential down-poiint through their<br />

ing thi* WnxltiriKton team are: Top row—Coach Foiling, . ow, Arnold, I'mppmann, .mil Coach Ncff.<br />

practice session.<br />

Secmid ocmid rn*—Mtiriarty rnw—Moriarty, Purler Purler. Cherrj Cherrj. ami and Kutia Kotia. Ikiltom lUittnm row—'. row—MntMerien Schui'r jlaccrty and<br />

<strong>The</strong> men in the field events nnd<br />

hurdle! wilt now be ditfUMed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> high hurdles wilt be ably<br />

represented by "Slim" Ed Kogcrs,<br />

John Corby. anil Don It rush. In<br />

Sport Shorts<br />

the "lows" will be Shcpard. Corby, In Final Game<br />

Brush, nnd Cbysoaky.<br />

My John Prcorolot*<br />

Sheridan Vaults<br />

Sacramento itei.'ls us n potential<br />

Knave for victory. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s 130- . .,"'"*,'*' SarR. What** cook*<br />

itar pole vaultcr in the person of<br />

pound bnsketccrH expectantly \<br />

Bill Sheridan. He will be prewed<br />

for top honors by Garry Wionhotd.<br />

Tho dincus and shot put will find<br />

o-capwin Johr Fonase, Joe Eckart.<br />

an«' Steve Dntur computing s wide open, with Ed OdentL**<br />

plan- (lending the scramble for the keyluatio<br />

| stone position. "Hct Corner"<br />

team appear* to have snapped out I<br />

.— .--..... --- -.-•-"••;-- - - of its doldrums and is now on the I<br />

Un Fo'aM while flipping o-Jt rcaUKh a few uniforms have<br />

beer, given o'Jt to probable regulars,<br />

many more are being fought<br />

A Challenge To <strong>The</strong> for by promising sophomores tnJ<br />

juniure.<br />

Journal "Sissies" WHun tlie season guts underway,<br />

the boys will play two and three<br />

Once mere the <strong>Lowell</strong> garni ft a tveck, and from the looks<br />

staff challenges the Hcd and of things, with mud plates on their<br />

V'hitc- staffs •panty-waistii" spikcr.<br />

lu an athletic encounter, this <strong>The</strong> team's prayers every night<br />

'.ino on vhc uanketbalt courL run something like this: "Please<br />

l.vtl by »u:h capable has- step this terrific flood, even for<br />

kct:vrs iis "Dynamito" Da- one nicht and day. so we can get<br />

vis, "Greek" Preu.'olos, I in one good practice before the<br />

"Glom it" Itailer, "Rugged league s:arW."<br />

Heu" Shaqw, "Tiger" Menilclson,<br />

"Ace" Golbetr, and<br />

"Curly-locks" Wellcr, the<br />

Luwell should have little<br />

trouble beatinr the-uh-stuf- I Girls' Sports |<br />

fings out of the Red nnd<br />

White "bookie*."<br />

Girls' tennis, under the direction<br />

yince men (ire at a pre- of Minn Booms, started b».t week<br />

mium on the Uud and White. with a bang! lUtn Wiclond. man*<br />

recruits from the art utaff t nger, expressed creat confidence<br />

will be eligible.<br />

in the tennis ability of the new-<br />

! comers.<br />

Gradually coming for A. /VIOng A. A.<br />

George Chichcster. I*eon Gotbet*,<br />

Cugcno Ituiwrher. Warren<br />

Logan, and Gcorga Licbcn, all vet* Promising are both <strong>Lowell</strong> itasebttllerH a'Fcutlin<br />

erans, tach of whom would be acrews—varsity<br />

inu lightweights—<br />

number one man at other high judging from their fine showing<br />

tehool?, art excellent players. In the Washington Uay rugntta.<br />

<strong>The</strong> oarsmen are looking forward<br />


FOUR<br />

L. S. Gerlough, Rhodes<br />

Scholar, Relates All<br />

Also Strong<br />

BlackG.O.P.<br />

Have you a picture in your<br />

mind ur _IirM«e Club meet«_uii(ier di-i .nil S.70 per mnnth.<br />

Hi* nix-li5t Includes hleachrd<br />

icmbers o- the i!wer and very<br />

bi*.«y tlnncc cmimittce include:<br />

frank ^titifcnl. Vice- !.in»V<br />

— Patriotism" —<br />

I'r'napW comiHwcd t*ie<br />

" f t '" ? V ;if .' lin K t — finest oratoriiji! ever<br />

L*iven in the State of California"—<br />

thu.* Il'.iliier-of-Ch.inipiyiis Coach<br />

.»*n's t>irth<br />

Lorlieer. docrifted the f.irtii-coming<br />

t n i t l<br />

" =••' • — !<br />

Plmrii L; why G.'uvce \\a»1niiRton fon.inc TtiurnamenlH<br />

w<br />

"; ' "--^ .HI m-ace first 111 war. Curr.-nt «itnin»r event is the<br />

>**• "' ? la - n ' h . 10 two stii«wccm«r« i"» »» ^'^ *»"**• «wn.. job. **""««MU, «ere<br />

<strong>The</strong>'"shield 1<br />

We Come; We Hope<br />

*'an- American :ou:.ci] "wiii "lie II«Kt Thu!ay"7n~the "nuditorilim i<br />

prcucnt.<br />

'and made good «>n tr.eir promis*: of<br />

A dinner vchftluled for June<br />

nlm» listed on this term'n C. S.<br />

calendar.<br />

; I^JWIII Iii-re on .March 12.<br />

A new forr: of debate—"Progr»'!>s**—<br />

will I,o introdurvtl in the<br />

l»well vs. State COHCRO contest.<br />

Oratorical Contest<br />

Several seninr debaters will try<br />

ut for the California Banker!<br />

a rollicking rvrcption.<br />

p *._<br />

Specchw<br />

injtto.v<br />

Double<br />

.rmit-<br />

riod.<br />

Fridav, March N—Dehn'.Int? Proffnm.<br />

8:00 p. m.. in Au-*.V.Wum.<br />

AdmiMion «n ccntn. Em! of<br />

Quarter.<br />

Saturday. March IS-S^nford Aptitude<br />

Te*t for Scniois nt Stanford.<br />

Wednwjday. March *0—TryouU<br />

for Term !>!„» ,'n 30C.<br />

Thursday. March 20—L3 Danco.<br />

eriod in Auditorium.<br />

out of trie.

IMKII-3 liANCE<br />

IIF.IIE<br />

TOMOItltOW<br />



FOR<br />

AI'lllI. 14<br />

Volume ~S. No.

TWO<br />

** OUtiTMKM KHOOL<br />

rvblUbad by lh» AaKtclattd StudtnU<br />

of Luwwll inch School<br />

1100 Hayes SUMt. 8ui Frmnclseo, California<br />

U IL 3. a A. y.mturm frw<br />

EDlTOIt.<br />

Auoelnto Editor.<br />

News Editor<br />

Sports Editor..<br />

Feature Editor..<br />

STAFF<br />


Gloria Sprout<br />

Pierre Salinger<br />

John Preovolo*<br />

-....-.Ann Bowman<br />

Cirrulatloti Manager............ Betty Sullivan<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

M«rr Pietriier Joan Panting<br />

Vmtbttra QNIe lie I.- Sullivan<br />

JMMI MncCnlltim MA.rj*>rle Tnrnv>'<br />

Fail! iteKvoy Munmret Way<br />


Bonnie Kll*wortn I'HyllU l<br />

James<br />


Jafnr» rfliarpo<br />

Fiuully Advlicr. Mr. AIK-rt McKecvr-r<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> needs a new statue<br />

To honor its famous namesake<br />

That frowning statue of Jair.es Ituimclt <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

in the entrance hall hail been passed for years<br />

by Lowi'Ii students uinost unaware of it:i presencc.<br />

Thin statue has *ct«ed its time. Lot's replace<br />

it with a butter and more Humble piece of sculpture<br />

1<br />

One yoar ago <strong>Lowell</strong> needed it new banner for<br />

school iracitu, Koch student gnvt.. « penny or<br />

more, mill tiv this method col the banner.<br />

We of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> think that this method<br />

couM al«o be used to secure » new Jitiitue. Leave<br />

a letter ir. the i.i;»il box j:Hng your opinions on<br />

Luis matter. 1*1*1 mitkc ^rhool spirit nccoir.plrtih<br />

somclhing!<br />

| Ali's Secretary<br />

Ah, epriiig! Beautiful »pring!<br />

Sprirj: in here anc! Us effects have been felt<br />

In no U** n place th"-n the office of Ali. k*en<br />

the cr'^tal ball xrcmx a little MIUKRIKJI thntc<br />

balmy d«y«, not to mention All's Secretary, who<br />

feels the nrccstiity of l»n« draughts of sulphur<br />

and mota-si-a while basking In the »un, yetting aii<br />

early !tu« beside Die nwlmnting pool's edge on<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* fifth floor.<br />

Dear Ali** Secretary:<br />

Could you C'vo vs nn estimate on how much<br />

dough It woijlri take to fnstnK escalators at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>? Our knees have finally revolted—nisi:<br />

our fei-r. — Fugitive From a Crutch.<br />

Dear Fugitive:<br />

At least you have uplifting idea*. W«'r«<br />

sorry to discourage you but the cost would be<br />

terrific. We all have one cunnolntion, however—<br />

it puts the foot in condnj.;i for future job-hunting.<br />

—Ali's Secretary.<br />

—L—<br />

Dear All's Secretary:<br />

How about putting somebody vise's name in<br />

the paper besides t'dc name ole gang? I hear a<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> gal and a Poly mil appeared an Unclu<br />

Benny's Amateur Hour. How about them?<br />

—Feeling Slighted.<br />

Dear Slifhled:<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls were Mar Wet Haynes, <strong>Lowell</strong>, and<br />

Phyllis HfitMd:. Poly, did you're mentioned,<br />

ioo Lovrci: endeavor* to use on many nantm m,<br />

possible I" each burnt, but there are aom* 2.300<br />

student* in <strong>Lowell</strong> inJ we can't net around to<br />

them all. Yoar tidbits are npprrcisted.<br />

—A1F» Secretary*<br />

—L—-<br />

Dear Ali's Secretary:<br />

Is ?t possible to get more variety in the cafeteria<br />

menu? I'm tired of the name old thing*.<br />

_ —A ConnoiseiH-<br />

Dear ConnoiKur:<br />

I always did wonder whet Uic name old tiling<br />

was, but when I .isk. isk everybody everybdy just Rive* i me a<br />

knowing look and tu.'.ii. After u huddle with the<br />

cryetal wll wo lave comfl to the conclusion that<br />

you'd better try wearing .ititi glnsse? when eiitini:<br />

lunch—it serves two purposes, you look glamorous,<br />

and you have no idea the way it can chang«<br />

tno routine diet. Otherwise, try to be a homebody<br />

and brJnjf your lunch.<br />

—Alt'* Secretary.<br />

I<br />

Dear All's SecwUuy:<br />

Why don't ityrfcnt body officcni, iwxMrti the<br />

president, l-ct more recognition than they an><br />

ROtUnir «i present? Some pupiln at UwHJ don'*<br />

even know who the necr-tii-y in. — p jt<br />

Dear P. >f.:<br />

Well, rcallr. you eloct the "fficeni. you know.<br />

But It would I* a itreU Idea for the »ecretaty to<br />

nmmariu the minutes of the Board «f nircctoni'<br />

meeUnfts in. the paper. —All's Secntary.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Alphabet | | On the Inside j Teepee Tattle Tales I<br />

A'pnendicitcd: Yell l«Mfer<br />

Bob Friend at the U aahtngton<br />

game.<br />

B'lue Monday: report rcru tiny.<br />

C*ovetcd: a beautevus !>Ion by<br />

II. Hill.<br />

"•issaflHfir'd: ex. LiwelHtM<br />

' and Wist with frllow J. C-<br />

.:..„ return to the fold Tor<br />

dam.<br />

E-nviable: Neon * uynskft<br />

line—his gal buy* the gns when<br />

he brings her to school.<br />

F-ogiry: nil the week-ends, darn<br />

it! G-ruei'ftmt*: the niesity court.<br />

H-omeciiining- Jack Virra. resplendent<br />

in uniform, on leave<br />

from the Nn*y.<br />

I-niiocvnt: hmr.imm.<br />

J-ust kld.t ngniii: .lean SotilM*<br />

unit her latest—J. W.. you know.<br />

K-mzy Knntortions: girls* pyta<br />

clawes exercising in the yard.<br />

L-uve in Bloom; Jayce Priftpl*<br />

and Fred Ileckwith.<br />

M-udest: LVtty Thorn l-"tn. A<br />

champ whii doeen't tell you n'vut<br />

it. V-pot bul not gnudy: wnior<br />

boys rmplenricnt in nuil* «nd lies<br />

for picture**.<br />

O-nii»al: quarterly exams.<br />

I'-uzzItil: AI HugiTty in mnking<br />

up bis mind—girls, of courM*.<br />

Q-uriuus: that basketball Marg<br />

Way's wenring.<br />

lE-ough hoit^e: thnt litile mix-up<br />

nt Kezar the other day.<br />

S-ad case: Stu MacPh-'ivon and<br />

Nancy Traverse<br />

T-iresome: 'rniorn lonling it<br />

over lower clansmen.<br />

U-ndirrffl [mated by Lnwellile*:<br />

Lorraine (Iraitirher, who hii& a<br />

m'!.*Ifvnumt>red Stanford froth in<br />

tow.<br />

Victorious: the Entries, unfortunately.<br />

W-innomi. 1 : Connie Wilson'-, very<br />

cute coiixin. Jean Tucker.<br />

X-an|ienited: Jimmy Ho»vani's<br />

•teventh period teacher with his<br />

V-ouiii- love: Corinne Clayton<br />

and Paul Huppcr.<br />

/-link: thi;« crilumn without .Kome<br />

ni'w idins.<br />

Why Worry? I<br />

Hnrbnm Jean Guiriotti—If IH'nn<br />

Ma^uM i« through (at 1/'W(.1I).<br />

Hub RemcneberciT—If j »« ivm't<br />


By John Preovolu*<br />

Work hi* Htarled on Improrin?<br />

the pb>>l«* f' 1 * 1 •* " KI * H«.*<br />

Along with tht remtuiniclion of<br />

tbe fitarllnc point of mnny f*.<br />

•out "bis leaKUer*. will bf built<br />

B drinking fountain dedicated to<br />

the lair Annon Orr. a man who<br />

endeared himself tit thousands ,if<br />

pen *nd hoy* by encouraging<br />

to via; *-"<br />


C_ards Clash With Bears Tomorrow<br />

Along <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Sport Front<br />

Card Pitchers<br />

Seasoned; Team<br />

Hits Stride<br />

Ily Jamm Sharp*<br />

With ono league victory under<br />

ji;.( belt, a determined <strong>Lowell</strong> base*<br />

I ball teiim run* up njpi(|u.ul and hoys that<br />

ostd to play for I^n-;..]! have, at,<br />

farm- time or aiuithvr, bt tried to<br />

twil'i Up t».i : *r left: Hiehmonil runner and Sinn Itnsenlit-rg. Upper riifht: Nelli-r Harry Lika*. Lower left: Gran- ;ho t*e»t play<br />

renter Ml: Cilandur. llroJie, Tullj. Wllbaek. O'llnvn. aiid^wkoiiiv.^Cemer^iKht^Kukrlair"'.' indJr't<br />

J|<br />

« !' !I t" '*"• l-owell<br />

itutlents Now ;V m-i of '.he<br />

m I|tfl f< l After dumping Sacrwl Ilenrt<br />

High, thc team hat settled<br />

down to playimr good. »tfudy ball.<br />

Pitclirrji Paul Urai nnd George<br />

Simmon* have been wry effective.<br />

Behind tho plate, Dill Brown hafl<br />

been doing yeoman work in atop*<br />

; pinsr the wicked slant* .-f th»<br />

• pitchers.<br />

' Infield Tlshtent<br />

<strong>The</strong> infieid defenders. led by tho<br />

capable chortst.,[i. Jerry C'nleman;<br />

firiit b^iKemnn, \V:.ll Cri^t^foro;<br />

.•pi :>r* I Imsi-man. John Apontnl;<br />

und *.hird brt^cmnn, John Preovolos;<br />

have [wbMcd cverythinjr tliat<br />

Iian come near them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cnnl outfield Vta-'to one of<br />

players in the Irauue in<br />

Bob Cherry. Bolter<br />

r<br />

r. Iloi, Tiillj. Wllback. Ol(ri«. ainl<br />

'Idcr<br />

H»n, Hill,<br />

Haht-rme)er, Mfddlelon, and llartman. —I'hoiuKniphs !»• Tcil Matthew*.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Cindermen Swamp Richmond 88 to 37; <strong>Lowell</strong> Mermen<br />

S. F. State, Salinas High Also Dumped Title Choice<br />

I Fonass<br />

; """' " " W 'JPPiTt l» nllo eivcn<br />

j hy Sum Iti'sl»-r anj Dl-.k Hoffman,<br />

i promiHinc sophoninn;.<br />

i<br />

; Lead<br />

Crew Season to<br />

Open April 24th<br />

and crew races to attend. j |<br />

For a lone Unit* the rnrdir.nl: Thv mi^tiiy fn-a!j'int: ;irni of the Kvn: t>n or nterlit. I fjr,t if fall l»'tu-ath th- !»>w •r-! April Uii, and close against a I>o-<br />

(JrannU Tnfcwt 100<br />

Athb-tic (<br />

tcntiat powerhouse outfit fro in<br />

1 h : tt;nj- was weak. But in the<br />

lust two i.celt.H every matt on the<br />

team has developed an eyi*.<br />

Two of tlit- tousthmt ifame.i of<br />

tile season face the Indian* in the<br />

iietl wt-uk. the Mitsi,>n anil Co:-:moit't*<br />

fmy*.<br />

KoHmvinir are the league ftannj<br />

JrannU Tnfcwt 100<br />

A. A. A. IIASeilAI.1. STANDINGS<br />

ful f'anlinal axe tn the tttm- of SSIit'iitinl iwwrrhouse outfit from Th(. , . .' . Do-vanl nice<br />

Toan—<br />

:] v:i ;i 1<br />

' > I-*'"' ""-"' l«rf"«»n.l «-. •-» "» «ilk l0 ' ttat<br />

St. lenatEat 2<br />

Truby an.! Ccorne (.'hik'riM tiic- LOWKLL „ I<br />

iwucd m ,i clo-e fiO>ynnl affair. • J<br />

yon (u>eio> on your athletic ea- this year.<br />

reer.' fAnh m w l WM prMctii'ally a<br />

ment that he likes them bii*. he; vtititm of the first. Bob Kddy<br />

.urr- as<br />

7 to 2; Burlingame High School, 5 to 3 manager and Mrs. Smith as sponsor.<br />

In prepiiriition for the def*ntlinj-<br />

of their A. A. A. ternia title,<br />

the l>iwell neters are pnicticmn<br />

daily at the Oolden Cat.* TftrK<br />

Ttlilcrn Active<br />

courts and nt the California Ten- Tho Team** Best<br />

Under the direction of MIM Wilm,<br />

the rid inn chiM meets<br />

i-rown. Stroniiest comp«'titi •••K iur.ior" DlnycrK in "Northern<br />

t-xpectfl from W;tnhinnton,<br />

-»•». I'oly. and St. lunatius.<br />

at Fututon.<br />

1 record and i-» apt to break thc roc-<br />

April 35—Tmck. At Sacramento, ord any duy.<br />

1 Onc_ of the hichliRhtjt of the<br />

California. Kjiuscher is also a I term is two --hour rides to San<br />

plaver of excellent ability. ' Mati-o. <strong>The</strong> torn ends in a horse<br />

I Junior pluycm, Chichestcr anilljhow. Asalntlnir Ruth Scliwed-<br />

- ! Gollx'tz: nopliomores. I-oRan. Price. • h'-'lm are Betty Hobanser and<br />

J<br />

]n rftwn[ Retire matches. Uw-! Goll^tz: nopliomores. I^»Ban. Price. B<br />

attention »n ,ltfe;m-i[ San Frnnrlwii State's i an.l Swrn; and freshmen, Sokolov: Uiufsc Austin.<br />

• • i 7 matches tn 2. < .-.nd ilfale. follow tne>« men in In the recent indoor tennis tourand<br />

Stanford Krofch hav alray<br />

been scheduled and they will be

FOUR<br />

Miss Kellogg Recalls<br />

Her Days at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Yell Leader<br />

Now Teacher<br />

Stanford Aptitude<br />

Tests Taken<br />

THK I OW&LU THl'BSDAV. AI'Kllfl. 1341<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>" Sends<br />

s So Cal.<br />

Thin yi-itr'.- I'IUV.TK ity «t<br />

I'liliforrita ">'oll.-e of I'uhliciitioliN'*<br />

\\\i* l>'Id oil ihe<br />

il.Tt;.!,y ..HI ipiH. ^I;l^i-K<br />

!'•!•<br />

1L', ami uii » (ut"tidi••.I<br />

I-:tin-.-<br />

.(..-|i«i:a\lv*<br />

iron i T!..'<br />

Woodcarving is Hobby<br />

Of Ray Smith, H4-207B<br />

Journ. Classes 'Display Now<br />

Publish Papers |In Library<br />

,- .Mary Flclch* 1 .., ..._ " ! <strong>The</strong> Sninfi.nlI :.milud h-.-M at<br />

" ' t "FenUi 1 inr: I'n-ire Saliii!fi*r. ' ne*ti<br />

•ilit-:r; i>!id 11lj(M,o.j<br />

IJiider,<br />

p •<br />

Mirtcr.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ol.jf.ft ..f tlw "C.'ctl<br />

!••£*!<br />

nt Puhlicatio11^"<br />

M~az4 to L't'I<br />

icvinl.^r-* of the KUI: ffs of<br />

liieli st'linul neWiipHp*? tok'<<br />

:tnT, in niuiid tulilf wi>i>H|ier work.<br />

! » h lu * w *:. c 1" rn r rw ' ' n t"» ''A-<br />

N.-w, is mainly ulmut stuilentt Ir > r *" m - ?l*h. that ho had \xttt<br />

in iininiali-.nl rl'^^es wilh bold' 1 firi'i'*!!! hi" nulitiy of wotrqenrr.<br />

i.in-iil. m.u>. .\i«in'w»irrv is* no'. '">•' f " r In(iri * Innn lcn >' p »f«.<br />

i.i ii.inp.-t.- -.vith the Mhool paper. II' 1 Marti* 1 hy mu'.tnir furniture,<br />

Tin- <strong>Lowell</strong>, <strong>The</strong> fmir-pi'K''. niim--f-Ul of lat.* Iiiis t-uticentrated all<br />

• 'lu'rai'iird papc-r.' iirv i>-- jmirnalism i '-pei-ially .ship.-*.<br />

.tla-^f.-:. 4\\ the Kxpifition lai*t ycrr thu<br />

Ttif I'aikHiw _ t _ .slender, hlond chap exhihiiH i<br />

1 _ ..l.».^ ^ti.. \t'** L. tllj* 111!.' Itlll. . • ' IIIFII'll. l,IMtl"|tU ..I 1 'IV"k<br />

••Thint,-s wete different then,", first vanet,- **h«w tm.k piiue. oitnplt-ft'i! th«- i>r-i«ram with ••('.HI- "1 -, .''"*' It: »y smith r. :< tw.i ,.r -hrfr<br />

Jie rmdUd. "We took hard v .v-AIi *nt cniifessrd w.i- "tiartly ..>rv:iti>m nr..I V.nHli.- CrilSafier ConfCfit • y * "•' "*-' ri ""' i Wf " ":• •"' "f hi ", !tr! -<br />

ooun-es and i»tu ,1 more than -.-• niv lib. :„>." . WUaaUCI V U 1 U V h(iid'-nU do now." (C'o»W K- •'•••^ K"«!!IIKK was a .Shielil nnd f. . • I v<br />

f.ither's U'lnir vice-prinfip«l h.-c-i- IPVIIIIHT, pr.-siil.-nt MiT linnlii-r and sis- • rvtralli'd iroml-naltirodly.<br />

I '.ii" i rUMjiili-r*' ('imtost with IIIB'IIH :1I.- artu:il rawini; whlt-n tr.ay<br />

ch. "Ami'rii-an Vm-.th and ih»* j laK/ fruni oil.- huur to ft>ur :in.n:nM«« ,,,,.,.„ I,,-I,,,H. •:. 11 i;,.- 1: 11.1., I .: , I . • .11. in>lini.l ..unir n • ,,.|,,lst. ,.|n,ir,,,;,,i »-n« n :it in tl... J. I!K.\' SII.VA.<br />

i«! s . m iSrf.Ki.iu!' ;;"- i '-;v;v:-^-;;;;-T^'; if '!"Ti'"""'" ""' ; -'"""' "•••"•--""" w.-dn,.-i,y. a. JANE m^m.<br />

. . . . M..jtir. : t> n.ii ] ,,,i,<br />

i..; I', ll.t |I.TV. ii Knll. .M .nr»th.<br />

. SH,,,,.... .:. .•„„„, .• Km... u<br />

|.,r. A. .Ml.l.ll.i.M. [i. liriii.ii, J. Ci.i.1- '• a<br />

lltok . / i i / t . KnL^ V , ; ij<br />

Si l<br />

.IL:.-. M l.iriim. \. I'.-Illn I*.<br />

n». J. i:i»uihvi. »-John ii.<br />

A. ;'7."i.<br />

\i h!<br />

in. vi -r. 1.. rllti. |i,'M':.Vlltil. [•' 'sTT-'aii'l'i-M^ '•!"• •' '-'V'<br />

II. 1-l.in-<br />

.sVlill*. N.<br />

f. A. 21.3.<br />

4l'T.<br />

I3-* M I.ll.l.v. •••; Ho., fit.. -.»;•(•<br />

y\fTtt. :>•: H Kiyiixii, ;,i,- I- M.n,.'<br />

KIIII. •'•": y NVuHt.rllt-r. :.n' .1 M.n*.<br />

«'i,|iinti. I p .!„- IT. lt..'ts. |; I'IIMIIIH<br />

j. H.-iHl..r«)hl_ |l_ If.iv..,,. , T.i '<br />

V Jl..i.t., I. S.-l:.<br />

•" A. .'1.<br />

s. h,i;;.,.r.!.i. !,.;<br />

'•'*? : it j|..nt. ,. 1.1.<br />

.' II iiniil. N. I_u - (.3<br />

J .M»>«i. V Tift. It., Jfi -A :; ],,,?.. Mi- |; j,,,,.<br />

,. , . - ..i.'. i». HI.IIII.I, J. \.t»..[.. ,\ ,\. !•; :< ii.,--.'. si !.....!:. i. \v, ;.t, v<br />

.».' ;j"-.tl. i:i.-n/.,i..n. :.JI. y. K.,I..,. L-.-I-. .M ••.ir.,,.1- ;i. .M. ti.,-i,". .,•<br />

*• V. II--..I .1 .\|..|,U'i.'l<br />

A - ,\l n

noNT suss<br />


LJOWEI_L<br />



COMINR<br />

Volume 78, No. 4 Ran Frnnciuro, California. Friday, May 0, 1041 Founded Jonuanr, ISM<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

Hy Ed I lor Chirlea Davis<br />

angovern<br />

r notes from a jruy who<br />

did not pick Wliirlnwuy, the winner—instead<br />

Put it Haricot, that'll<br />

Fr***rh for Little (learnt, wlw finfch-J<br />

fifll:. Naturally, I didn't win.<br />

But 1 came oat of the melee with a<br />

shiit uolicy w to tie I<br />

truthful nnd accurate new* and<br />

print tlie Hiimc. That ha- liven ou>* <strong>Lowell</strong> in Term<br />

polic* in the paM and it will cmilinue<br />

that way. • Play Thriller<br />

Iti'member that you make the'<br />

C'ouM ii !»•• that tlie tr'un hurl-? t Hcallv an illu-trimis piiiiWtim;<br />

is "ThnniL'h the Xiclit." th.- ul.-a.--<br />

Killy, Mriflcr in<br />

antly LT<br />

flliif (Iras* Country<br />

Lowi-ll'.- iMialir.f* fame is In iim<br />

fprral far mid wide hy 's t>oodwilt<br />

nrnlja.-.^Klnr.-i. Jerry Kilty and<br />

Sfyni'irt: Mi-i"t-r, who an- u*im<br />

their vocals to I^xin^ton, Ken<br />

iuvky. Our t.-'pionnue system re<br />

(>M:S they are up to par, which<br />

ir.r;n* they'll probably i-uine horn<br />

1<br />

mystery ti- I..- pn--<br />

W*. and End.- or<br />

<strong>The</strong>sr *n Thowe Depi.<br />

Thikt vducatcr'n p«e. you read<br />

to "'uca about in tho NKWS is<br />

noDi* other tliaii our oi*.*i Charles<br />

Waldh. It woi.'t be loriK now until<br />

they cor.'.meme work on the new<br />

bujil (JI J. II. <strong>Lowell</strong>—we hope.<br />

Ht-nry Fujita i«t nmonir the best<br />

fly-caster." in this neck of the<br />

'Awods. June Button's -lamp col-<br />

" ''"' u<br />

Tom Toms Beat! McPherson To<br />

Lead L4 Injun Dance Today<br />

In-ware, •aviiKo are headt-il ymir way! Th.-y will ;;rr:ve<br />

1 1<br />

iliiti.t ^iii.-.-iri**!' jilfc^L'IV II" IM |ll<<br />

; M-nti-il iii I^iwell's littb- theater i<br />

j the ni^ht.- uf M'iv L'l, Ii-, and 111!.<br />

It i-i rcfri-shiiiL'l.v new hecatife<br />

only a ye,ir ;i(;n it,* premier \v:is<br />

In-id iti Kind's <strong>The</strong>uter, l.citnlnn.<br />

H> slur." v.'il] be Dim Hni^h, Ala-<br />

.; ri.m Cuks, and .lean Duff.<br />

Itru^h ha.H an excellent iiart as<br />

Itunny, .» ynuiitr vagabond fiy-tt<br />

mi!'.. Marion ami ,)>-mi alternate<br />

_ «•* Sayre, moiety's lau-st lM?trothed.<br />

i <strong>The</strong> h.'ird-workilif. drama crew i><br />

1<br />

pluiii>ed in the midht of rehear>:d!; A. A.<br />

A. triicK war.n<br />

tin<br />

;iniliti,riu:ti ah.mt tin- -iuhth IUTIIKI today tu (>PM-II: tin- 1,1 I mi i ait Dance:<br />

Tln\v will IH' I.-.i by -Hie briny<br />

!thi'ir druniK nnd horns. <strong>The</strong> couple<br />

'.hat does the ln*st war danre<br />

will receive "heap fine" journal*<br />

as n reward.<br />

1<br />

Thit yi"»r ihrrt t'iiii1-,»Uion'<br />

utaiiil head and shouldcri* aoovitin-<br />

rt'-t cf tlie fi(M—Mii'mth htridiin,'<br />

Ti.ny l'iaiz;i, \i\ii- di-'tanctman:<br />

iiin. Ue" Silva and John Koiiaa)*,<br />

Luwell'tt sprinter ar.d wciKht<br />

man, ii'it|ioetively.<br />

Silvn in 100 and 220<br />

t'o-caplain Hen Silva, thr Cnrd'rt<br />

dvmnn (!iirih man. wan nut at hu*t<br />

year's ci'.y meet wiih a ludlr<br />

)C«>:itinui'.l nn Pace II. Odiimr. iji<br />

Will Attend Meet<br />

Tomorrow<br />

<strong>The</strong> liuwell Ili'tuititii; Sucifty has<br />

lii;il it is out for the sweepntakcrf<br />

in tho OiUr.il Clifornia uratorieal<br />

conteU which will IK- held at<br />

]AH\I tomorrow. This event will<br />

i-Iimax thi.' society's hpeiikiiijr nctivities<br />

for this term.<br />

Amoni; those reprt-M-nlini; I-owell<br />

will Sr ^uch oiit*tnnd!nKhtna.4<br />

Harry (IreenhtTc and John Cooper<br />

—nl* experienced delialerx and nraj'jtiiu'<br />

Mad," popular junior liiuh<br />

! school play, was nl.«o written by eomposecl of adult reprcscntatiyt-s<br />

I tlie authorr. of "Throujrh the froni each of the participating'<br />

PoD'.kiaiu end<br />

• Nicht," Kyorsnn and Clements.<br />

1 whiKiR Any person cuitty of •<br />

Gr«riinR Dcpt.<br />

(.iiwell Alumnus Stan* !>ltil*:nrism will In- automntirally<br />

It won't be ione »»«• until you'll Thin team hue produced many diftqiintifii'd. A trophy is In be<br />

be hfirintr the chant* nf th« l^tw- | iiucces-sful playx. one nf them, awarded (he winninjr school and inell<br />

polltictimi. Kemembor, fifteen . "Glamour Preferred," in now nhowdividual awards will be granted'<br />

honor pointH in last term'n final:* injr for a vn»ti some chords she liketl and<br />

wrote them down. Sounds mure<br />

like pure uniidullemUtl *uknt.<br />

HoKcr* then had Pat play the<br />

liiew several timei> until words<br />

"came to him."<br />

Visit* Rei.imfcn<br />

Knowini* the popular lender *a*<br />

in idvtn. Kojft-nt \i*iled Vr. lleiitm.irti,<br />

orchr^tn, reheamaln. After<br />

afxiut the mxlh vixit, kicordinic to<br />

1 flier li«> wan allnwrd to upt'ak lo<br />

Mr. ltfi«t»jn, only to l**arn that<br />

the pii"-v would Imve to IH* orch^*<br />

(ruled liefure It could (K* considered.<br />

Sllurtly afterwant, tlie |*orsi«teat<br />

tlnt'Ts rvt'irned to Mr. Rcisinan<br />

with the orcliestrated ntect\<br />

It wa* v/all wurth the trouble,<br />

however, as thwell imimetH totJr.y<br />

in n-spcv-tful Htlencc to the<br />

memory of one of her own—<br />

happy, cheerful, youni; Did:<br />

Hoffman, who m^t a most<br />

unfortunate end Sunday Inst<br />

ut (jucmcvill?.<br />

FiflMn-yeur">!d Iloffmnn,<br />

only a sophomore but already<br />

a regular and n ktar<br />

hitti-r on ihe <strong>Lowell</strong> baseball<br />

team, fell off a Rysslan<br />

River cliff and wnshed below.<br />

Condolence* arc extende


riibluftal by Uio AMoclfttnl students<br />

tf Lowall Ilich School<br />

HOo feyet !irt«t, San PranclKo. California<br />

I*. H. S, :«. A- Member* Prr*<br />

STAFF<br />

BlllTOIt. CH.Wti*Et* TWnM-y<br />

Pwui MeKvuy Mnrcnn-1 W.i;'<br />


llonnV I'Jljtunrth ''liYllia ){uwi.>y<br />

Jjmn Wrller<br />


Faculty Advfaer Mr. Albert McKcever<br />

Tribute to Teachers at Lott;<br />

Extra Activities Go Unnoticed<br />

<strong>The</strong> I^.wclt paure.i to pay tribute to the baldest<br />

working, the most underrated people at<br />

Lowcll-TIIfi TEACHERS.<br />

Koch day tbMe tone hern go about the duties<br />

to whkh tney devote their extra tlm«\ asking nw<br />

praixr, never getting any.<br />

<strong>The</strong>m, lenchcr* deserve nil the praise lha! »i"<br />

c*n give them!<br />

Mr. Tii'-kcr nnd Mr. Curtn at the bank counter;<br />

Mr. KonilePi will* the lookers: Mr. Alger<br />

wiUi tht hook room; Mr. .Moore with the C. S. H.;<br />

Mr. Barnes with tht honor roi': Mr. I/TIMXT with<br />

debating; Mr. Henrieh will) the ches* towns: M'M<br />

Wilson with tho dance committce»; Mr. Lighty<br />

nnd Misr Uotihm with the yard and court; Mr.<br />

Walsh and Mr. Johnston with the traffic ^(juad;<br />

nnd lost, but not least, all the teacher* whs do<br />

eoumeling. <strong>The</strong>re jre very few punil* in this<br />

jichool who do xuch work. Thin self-sacrifice is<br />

something from which all the students of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

flbouM inkelU;r place to nttend.<br />

Stuff and Things<br />

Don't worry if your work is hard and ynur reward*<br />

arc few,<br />

ltemi'mber ihnt the mighty oak wan or.ee- a nut<br />

ltliL> you.<br />

<strong>The</strong> blrdj do It,<br />

<strong>The</strong> been do It.<br />

Tht little IWIK do i|,<br />

Mama, ran I Uke flying trwon*, too?<br />

—L—<br />

Do You Know What<br />

—<strong>The</strong> robber said lit h« jumped on the scale?<br />

"Here'h where I m-t away."<br />

—<strong>The</strong> key said to the keyhole?<br />

"What do ya hear from tht knob?"<br />

—<strong>The</strong> rub said to the north wind?<br />

"Don't blow so hard, I'm a little bear."<br />

—L—<br />

An idiot i» a fellow who come* up the right<br />

vtaii* when you're trying to go the wrong one<br />

in » htirry.<br />

WP callctl her Sunka l>ecaui>e she probably will<br />

never keep anyone awake.<br />

—h—<br />

B equal* Boy.<br />

G wjuals GiH.<br />

C equals Chaperon.<br />

B phis G plus C equals mtscrj*.<br />

2G ptus B equals jealousy.<br />

2B plus G equals wir.<br />

B plus G minus C equald elopement,<br />

—IT—<br />

"What cait-*t|d the accident ihln morning?"<br />

"Two motoring were chasing th>rraint-<br />

"Tummy" Tho you think (he IH>)» could Mtand it?<br />

—Alw* Secretary.<br />

—I*—<br />

Dear A'.iV S.ecreWry:<br />

CouM you sujreest any way to make the s'.u*<br />

dents more co-opvnitivc with the clean-up committee<br />

on picking up their papers? When I a.«k<br />

• nem 1o, tliey janl look at me and lauc^. What<br />

tin VOU HURKt'St?<br />

—Clean-Up Campaigner.<br />

I>e,ir Clean-Uii r-.tmpniiriit>r:<br />

W.- ^vi;i;iatliize with you. as we had the same<br />

i-xperiftn-i'. IVrhap-i a nul-il« hint to the tfirl*<br />

nl)oul the benefits derived from bondinir and •<br />

s'ji-nestiun to t(,e \ioyx that it is in e.xcelluni way<br />

of keepini; limK-r. Cliet-r «p, there are some who<br />

are riRht co-uiieruttvp. —Ali'- Secretary.<br />

I-e.ir Ali'a Secretary;<br />

In acnu> clas.-(i"> I freeze ai>d in others I roast.<br />

I* there i-ny possible way to p-t a more or Ie«<br />

••ven t:nipi

-riff<br />

Track team. Front nnd center!<br />

Tomorrow the k*iu track *>, ..V,* and ....&« field nviu<br />

men. prep style, take uvcr Kczar<br />

Sum in the annual A. A. A.<br />

trick and fi-sM recct. _<br />

- iniun,. defending ch.mj,j Oarsmen<br />

di<br />

5cJ?nt act.<br />

Race<br />

T!Iii LGWELU KRIDAY. MAY 9. 1041 THREE<br />

sportshorts [jCards Seek Third Straight Track Title!<br />

By John Preoroloc<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Poly To Be Tossup Silva, Fonaas,<br />

„ , ,. ~ \n J c • jArnot and Co.<br />

Lf", Galileo Today Closes Baseball Season Team I Card Swimmers ._ n ,<br />

|Win City Meet May Repeat!<br />

at the mee<br />

are not tno<br />

y Inoklnc at LowcllV husky oarsmen, with<br />

"><br />

r ciejit.<br />

J » m With the final outcome of the (Continued From PI-RC One)<br />

Sharpc<br />

A. A. A. cky swimminjr meet do-, twisted knee. This year. Bert seeks<br />

• rain your eye. •", '""•" , ct " rk ».'° thoirciejit. After twice beinB rained out, the'pradant upon the outcome of the revenue for; thin minhnn and Is tv<br />

on Den Sllva, " r ' ""rurally i>rep|imK themselves Lnrd baseball team hope« to tan- hut event, the 200-ynrd relay, the' peeled lo climb Ihe winners' stmnd<br />

ace dash mant : ' or today* rnc? with Galileo. K!« with n tattcr-than-othcr-yonrs <strong>Lowell</strong> vanity emerged from for winning bolh the century and<br />

Phil Arnot and Potcntl.nllv HlrmiciT than last, Pll| y n ' nc «t Funston this after-. Kli-ishhackor I'tol Saturday with \ '•"'•»•» dn.h«i.<br />

John Prcotoloit J'« kIn T "» i n . yenr'c hoat. the 41 orow'» elmm.'!K° n _, •5"» lht Vankln Taahin, VCarV Imat them I practicing "tnmina «>nmina necessary to win.<br />

Lcl'tnmii. who are also the top bat-' Trubr. "hero" of "<strong>The</strong> meet for<br />

break in (f tnllc.<br />

lone and hard just f»r ir this thin PIG HIG Hard Hard Workers Workers<br />

.ir-i on the cluh. ! <strong>Lowell</strong>, lurni-d a .Ij-ll defeat at<br />

Piazza ban been<br />

Jay. Watch the Cardinal ilinal track<br />

t hreaterinu<br />

A finer group of hnrd-working chcrr^'Th'e^hrav'lesI "hitler on' JMS^jfeo?' for '"he" C«rd"'°by<br />

both the mile<br />

mai'hint- tomorrow. You nu will<br />

sro •iMrltv can't IK- found anywhere, tin. leam.'b. on.-of Ihe leaifue's lop leading from lhc"fir»t splash until<br />

nnd 880 records<br />

• T .»I»V1 ppn _ \» *t t. Cttftt Ct.a luiri _>.. *_>.11 !»._._ _«.. -•!•.->.*. .. f I I. — 1... .if. . . ' .1 •_ .. i — _1. .. >«. *.*»*».£••-. »•_•.-.-!<br />

a team bi'lflinc for its third con- With nuch Ktulwartt pulling oar* .. with a bulling average the last stroke. St. Ignatius placed<br />

and ln.-it week<br />

,«utive ti.Ie. Caijl. --, Clayl. .. Calandar._.Slrei. — » over .100- Bvery ball he hllc. fourth in Ihe same event.<br />

was timed in<br />

Marshall, W i 11 b a c k. O'Hrien. fairly sfxilcs. Many Stars<br />

the I'n.'JHc Aa-<br />

Swan.ton, Ilnrtman. KavnltHlse, Ir- Colemnti, far and away the iio.i- <strong>The</strong> city meet clima*.ed a sue<br />

«oci«tion meet<br />

:^.">.7 mite.<br />

bulk ut thf mound dutv f"r Low- 50-yanl free style: Frank Gronnin,:<br />

a slight advantage, over the Hues.<br />

il, WatsiiVi, WaNh, whll^" hiiMl(iwt«untry- .. 100-yard backstroke.<br />

Tin- f*;iii)>- "hnuld be ;t liumdinciT. and Sinner.<br />

man. John , handled m-coml Tin* mr.tlt.-y relay team ' Dor't sell Commerce short. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

itiddinK for lurlhs on thp AH- for Ihe pa-t three yearn. Clay.<br />

l.a«e in ;. vvry steady fashion. Powd of Cj.pt. Vay^-ie. KesU-ure. »•«^ v -omc me capalile apable mtn mt-n in the per-<br />

City nine are Itoh Cherry, slugging (on Calandnr hat* JH*en xtrnkint; Ihe*<br />

Kirnt>hn!>i.>ninit ." Walr CriMoforn ami Kudlnff. ami b;-.* cu|itun-d first; pjjjj<br />

Irft fielder, and Jerry Coleman. yiirsity Iwat. This feat, in Coach<br />

lo*.<br />

.' hi be equaled in prep crew."<br />

and their chance* for "AM-Cily<br />

<strong>The</strong> first rare (if the **i*:isnn fur<br />

Wk very good.<br />

lii'Ui lijihtwi'i-jht and varsity In<br />

Crew I.iKikn S(roi>*<br />

WAS with a stnm^ [tallio.t li<br />

lii.wi'HV varsity an«l thirties I>I\VI-H - won the race - bv - half a Imnt<br />

11 ^kin-t and Mills whn \viih<br />

[: ALL-CITY TEAM : rhe^roicXur-man 'rSay.' ** and upwt Uwell and Balboa<br />

Itrenk Record<br />

Alnv certain winners, if form<br />

<strong>The</strong> lightweight<br />

TIIK LOWELL pick. All- hi nquad d complete-,- chareH ... prevail, . . besides - Silva. ^ Pinz- _<br />

1 ly oiilclaweil the other school **. and Fonaan, will b*' Varoff of<br />

ty kiM-hull teuin: . , , teunis. v.inn'ng \\2 to second plac* < Hallm*i. a double winner in the pole<br />

I'oxitioii, i'layr<br />

^<br />

l':Hi'l'i-r. IVtrwthi Galileo<br />

I'itcflt r.-i, Dijanich Comnu'rc*<br />

10U » St. lenallun' S2. vtull nnd broad jump: Cnrroll of<br />

Ilighliitht of the liehtwcixht j Cummrrej* in the high rtilck-t; I'ro^<br />

««-. „ ,b«.ini r«i-tta. .,f jjn^.;, ;-wh-' .."-.' "y<br />

twing made of championship materir!.<br />

Coach Stan "IltK'k" Lighty. • - . • «« ,<br />

with the h.Op of rhtyi CnlnndarjA.A-A- 1 dllllS<br />

Set for May 19<br />

anti Jim Mcntrone. 'las been working<br />

hard to cet the fellows in<br />

shape fnr their corninir nices.<br />

Aril I'O they have to set ' n<br />

I tween the Iiijuns and Parots. 1 „<br />

1T_T<br />

, urine for <strong>Lowell</strong> will pmhnbty be<br />

With the A. A. A. mv-wide ten-<br />

JTlOW<br />

; Obayashi. Toda. nnd Wai -en in<br />

Try i-owing in an ex whale hr.at nis iiit'ft just two weoks off, Low-<br />

On-i .<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ;<br />

the 110-pound clans; Roscberi;.<br />

some time, it's j\c picnic. S'too ell's defenuiHir (linmpinn racket-;. _ ... ,<br />

• Ijinninff. Car>*. Ellis. Sullivan, end<br />

Nt U\*f, HtsU'lIi Galileo ,<br />

Kohaynhi in the 120-pound cL " •*•• *«« C1 „ Preiidciit Ted Myers.<br />

ts •-'S Spphk-rs were "<br />

16<br />

:u<br />

23<br />

13<br />

i:i<br />

»T- '-""" ThST<br />

w d MK I Stern Ed McClarty Bob Whitney, Fnctor<br />

r<br />

.18^ tietrez. ^eeretary<br />

G 177 American Day committee, who dia-<br />

, *,-. ciHst>.-n nrii » « of tin- oul.'lamlinit<br />

rfilerfl.<br />

hy 5 was the bi'ir badminton<br />

'I l y<br />

a»ny day. <strong>Lowell</strong>, rashinffton<br />

1 .1^5 the University. University.<br />

•falboa, »n.| the Junior Collece in-<br />

I iiuiiiiini.il „..-•-.».. .....-.•—*- 'J ^ .105 .»•*»- EEntertainment i.uih. t !•* i I.III was furnfnhed by torrhanireil players for the event<br />

Powem, and ^IcKeevcr.<br />

j Stern. Ed McOlarty. Bob Whitney, FnCtor 12 1 .084 084<br />

; Ray R Castell-I Ctell-BIanch, who tana two Rcfrt.-

FOUR<br />

5==<br />

Teacher Talks<br />

H, Edminster<br />

Reveals Self<br />

As Novelist<br />

By Mary Klvlrhrr |<br />

Wan he n mirage—so tall, dark,'<br />

and handsome? ;<br />

Anyhow, let's call him one. i<br />

Sn we'll entitle thit little tale.<br />

"How I Interviewed 0 MiniRu." by •.<br />

Ychmli. Well. friend*. It'* thi«-a-,<br />

way. <strong>The</strong> other niorninc • our re- '<br />

porter chanced inin Mis. 1 * Harri- j<br />

Bon'* office—now. ,;V none of your<br />

bu5invjiit why. We wit there, ana-:<br />

U'ltnir the degenerated remnants<br />

of the human race that streamed<br />

by. Finally, up"" 1 reaching the c«rchiton<br />

that mankind newliM, a<br />

fart'-liftini* and general remodelinc.<br />

a sudden, unprecedented appearance<br />

"unconvinced" us all over<br />

Tall. Hark, and Handsome<br />

"Cosh." ejaculated our feminine<br />

fancy to our appreciation of phyfiiiue.<br />

"What have v.-e here? Look<br />

nt that foothall player build."<br />

"Good morninir. Mr. Fdminster,"<br />

paid our L'eniai hostess. Miss Harrison.<br />

"Hniv'f the baby?"<br />

"She's bejrini'iir to urow hair on<br />

her head." He smiled with palerpal<br />

pride.<br />

Ham, iinyway—a family man.<br />

fiirl-, i\r wen- Itorn too late.<br />

Ni'verthelei-.-, -ensinc a story.<br />

your faithful fUpersh-iith track.,!<br />

down her prey.<br />

K^'-Jili-liini,- "is identity as a '<br />

I>iw. '• Kntrli.-b twu-lier. we discovered<br />

also that—lo and l»-liold—wo'<br />

pared iitioti a writer—a wielder of,<br />

the inij-hty pen.<br />

Shake*pear«\ IU*wore!<br />

"I was awarded the Senator Pin- ;<br />

Ian award f»>r one novel a few •<br />

years nifo." revealed Mr. Rilminptcr.<br />

"When I went to the University<br />

of California, sonn 1 of my<br />

*«-jr*llY 'M * 'M<br />

'•••"' i.ii-i....i on the ram-<br />

1111 ..!!.!. ^WJIJ- *'4 III.<br />

'stuff way piiMishi'd on the cam-<br />

purs. I rt-ceiv.-d tWn award* there,<br />

the Took prize in poetry at IT. C.<br />

,'illd tin- Ulade aw:ml for State." ,<br />

(Jrailuatinir from Mission Hij"h<br />

.•it sixteen he went to *ea. visitinjr<br />

Austmlia a"d the South Sia«.<br />

1,-iter oil he C«t a job with n<br />

downtown theater. "I used to<br />

Man.! «,n the sidi'wnlk.« and try to,<br />

attract, pt-rplo outside to come in-<br />

side."<br />

Mnrie-MaBaxine Writer<br />

"I Played footlmll »nd did some<br />

Jwxini: at Mission Hiirh. Anyway.<br />

I received scholarships for the last<br />

three veair and had t^ study."<br />

1 ventured further. "Have you<br />

always In-en a teacher?"<br />

"Xo." he smiled, "1 was in Hollywood<br />

fVr a while, writing for the<br />

movie mairaiine* before I j;ot a<br />

Jnh teaching-" We perked up at<br />

thin revelation. "<strong>The</strong>re fi«*orgr Albec.<br />

« fellow novelist, encouraged<br />

rni* to continue writ in jf."<br />

Our "goodbye" carried an echo<br />

(if appreciation for him. If Low*<br />

Success For Red j<br />

And White Looms<br />

Five full paye.« of cam!n furmal<br />

pat{e.i!<br />

I-iruer ..r-fiiMr f the dr»wi.i(r tuiilo* itt IO.'I, ;.s<br />

your n-poi'-jr a«)?-o.iohcd. I .-i-nyi<br />

!K-hind her. wati fiir,^ her rapidly<br />

movini; pencil it/aw *ma)I animals<br />

••f nil nty.V.<br />

Suddenly slw look*! up ant!<br />

"piil'if. This wits Mary f*w Jahn.<br />

i divu- up a chair ami Jmmediaieiv<br />

iiliinici-d into her lit. Hf<br />

tory. AlthoiiL'lt Keemintr mther<br />

ntiinticd ill my impetuosity, she<br />

(••i-j*l-nature! hl-rary inaugurated a [«,.T. A. mei>tinirw-<br />

Iiraian. r o.<br />

rcl'uund either in ysrvvn or Mack, I ICe.-ently Mnry [>-e shawi-d . of the lar^r j*r;uluatinjr<br />

cln.*s—clone t" 100—the book will<br />

have r.mri; pa«cs thr.n before, and.<br />

nnd Whit**** will truly lw a volume<br />

Anticipntinir « la rift* student<br />

•wit*. Granicher rer.jr*.t*cnly liit'o<br />

ccpien nr.d there are about 2S00<br />

!>tud: u.-ih:<br />

Tho;.- \\,i.- tin- wind- that ranj;<br />

in ••:.. ,.;ir> ..•" th^cmbiiiMl f.,ree><br />

when they catli.-ri-d in tii.- ai.dih.-<br />

:r thank- U< tlie > tin lent hmly riuui on April .'lit fur th'-ir ar.in.il<br />

for their donation of white m>ss b-iw at tin' f«-.-t of T.-rp-iilion-.<br />

l»-lt«. sh;iko and baton for the<br />

: i<br />

li: d; the American (>*ci< n fur<br />

^ i'"<br />

i thur natiomil flair and thU;<br />

n.nic avenue, espi-cially wilh heatr<br />

rajp. . . . Thi^ boy wan Mafldin«<br />

in the middle of the street ftnd<br />

Wirt tl III in I? Vtt'in V Itt hfT-* IN'JCIUI^<br />

my*cl f.<br />

" . . . I belii-vo hin name w»*<br />

Herald C'lnyton. I hope thin boT<br />

ri*roivejt a ju*>t reward for hw<br />

fplentlid work."<br />

i Mr. Wnliih anil Mr. Johnstca<br />

: should also U* compltmcntwl because<br />

of their untirinjr work train*<br />

. int.- thpfly hoy.t to conduct th*mi<br />

selvt'H in this way. <strong>The</strong> squad b«J<br />

; lieen paid many olhcr tribute* tor<br />

; doirij- such excellent work, ana<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ite-t should he proud oi<br />

j them.


JUNE I<br />




VulumA 73. Xo. 5 San Franrisco, Califu.-nia, Thurwlay, May 22. 1941 Founded Ja<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

By EdltLr Charles Davbt<br />

Pol net* »* the !<br />

Term Nrar* H» Clow<br />

A* we have said before, we .arc<br />

no great shakes as a movie critL",<br />

book reviewer, or hoss authority,<br />

not even of the nrm chair variety,<br />

but MI do k""w th.it llial hilarious.<br />

Sy««r;...:" i-''ra nlay. "TIIUOUGH<br />

THE X'dHT," if* well worth your<br />

time ami nn'tiey.<br />

T*iat. afl?r wnrki'ic in I In- s-tnic<br />

r i<br />

.har^.-'l. an- to !»• h>li;<br />

junior standing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> student ni'eivcs no<br />

rolled 1 to see the (<br />

s c i u t i 11 a t i n K<br />

•'Throiiifh the NIKIH," rttiirrinj;<br />

Pon Ilru^li am! .Matiim Cock*.<br />

At S;llll p. in. they "Vere fnizuii to<br />

t'.ieir seal.", ready to witncKM a<br />

rm.rder. n hriilc-to-ln-. a f.urulnr,<br />

n hrainy yi.'.inir v:.LMl">nd—all in<br />

iiiiinn, all f r a sinall :;•'• centji.<br />

Don itru-h hid hehind a menac-<br />

, niir pair of iiont-rinis an'ii with filed tiwli nuci<br />

in --I iff; wnn- hairtry pi'i't.* ami a<br />

litiWIL-ColMlry .IfCl'Ilt<br />

Itiidfto-Ik'<br />

fru- liride-to-U<br />

Red-White<br />

I Granicher says<br />

It's a Beauty<br />

units f.>r the ontirxv<br />

which vu-in *10.<br />

1 , %vh«i looLed befnre<br />

she t.aped. wa. J M|:irfnri Cocks<br />

;i< Sayr.-. Jean Duff will take over<br />

Sayn s rule tonight. .Marion nviy<br />

ri'turn tKinorrr..v nixht. SavrVw<br />

affiaiu-i'il, (»reir. was playc'l by<br />

.\ rt Hufir* who alternates with<br />

Jail, \Vo(«iside. Ahlv done ity<br />

Krank Havis is the r.ili- of S. ilth,<br />

N'-w Yurk click. vei"u.-»—hut tiiat<br />

would |i,- icllin»r.<br />

Vivai-ioiis lady va; IV* Ifulchini;s.<br />

a> hif sis if • t> fxjuv' thi- niiexpectwJ, unveil<br />

tit.: .•hmufl ahout IIulinyH<br />

. <strong>The</strong>-, there wii« :?»• culprit,<br />

who flashot] l hi<br />

«o.tt iiifket. hut cli'>-;<br />

the murder more quii<br />

Judcii'i: from ihe rumors I'niinatini*<br />

from ronni "A", first pnients w:\* M<br />

("hri-man .is the hcfndled ...<br />

, , • , , mint, whose main worries were<br />

the hnt| Journal »«•»•«• ever a|wut :, c[u,kini- co.-katrto Flcr<br />

had «» IK- sure J11JS»I;I1MJ. John Hnrve-% role, had<br />

lo l>e Ju-re early rt.ni ^orrj,.s :i[,olU f;o,000 fnand<br />

no clue as to<br />

ralne Cr.inicher.<br />

cdiior of thi* Uvd Debating<br />

and While dur- *?<br />

inc an tntcrvirx.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re h a new <strong>Lowell</strong> Hosts<br />

ini- to crab YOUR ballot for;<br />

feature, predict* _ _ _<br />

Graduati u<br />

ed by Mr. Me- ll/lnri^l<br />

THEIR nffice. <strong>The</strong> I/iwetl rec- '<br />

Keevcr, faculty AT1OUCI<br />


•*wo THE LOWELL. THURSDAY. MAY , 11.1 i<br />

LJOWILLJ..!<br />

BANClVCW CUr*>Tt«4l KIlOCM. NtVVM<br />

PuUl-bvd by l*ie AMOclated Students<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hlsh 8c* A>\<br />

1100 Unytm Strwt. 8nn Vrnrxlrzo, California<br />

I*. H. & S. A- Members K.««<br />

STAFF<br />


AMOciato Editor. - Gloria Sprorl<br />

Neu-« Editor...- - Pierre Salinger<br />

Future Editor. ~ \nn Boi.-mnn<br />

Circulation Manager B'.tty Sullivan<br />

}*xn MarCailum<br />

Pnul McKvuy<br />

nll Hl<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

Joan puniJni:<br />

Ilcttv Sullivan<br />

M.irjnrte Tornii-y<br />

Mnrcarrt W.iy<br />


Uonnte Klliwortli l'hylll* 'Uv<br />

Jam** Wrilrr<br />


Faculty Adviner. - Mr. Albeit Mek'eever<br />


Or. Miiy 2S, boys nnil ctrl.-t, -ill leaders in jour<br />

School, will come before vou in an attempt to<br />

rain a echool of/ice.<br />

Some of them h&ve worked hatd for year* tQ cents? —Pennyjfincher.<br />

Dear I'einyptncher:<br />

That extra one cent is used to cover partially<br />

•tie com of mainUininir the car book division<br />

and banUntr nccount. —All's Secretary.<br />

—L-<br />

Dcar All's Secretary:<br />

Where does the money we paid out for senior<br />

dues fr*>" —Curious.<br />

Dear Curious:<br />

<strong>The</strong> money collected from lh.» senior dues<br />

pays for the rcntinp of the Opera Hou-c, pays<br />

cost of the program*: in none nil, it takes care of<br />

all the expense** incurred in tfraduatinc a class<br />

Jfrom th-. i se 'hallowed hulls of looming."<br />

• —Ati'n Secretory.<br />

Dear A* :<br />

I am a kid seven year* old. I have a rfc.i<br />

•three ixnnieit and a rusty nail. Is there any<br />

Santa? —Uninformed.<br />

Dear Uninformed:<br />

Eat more finh. —Ali's Secretary.<br />

TDear Ali's Secretary:<br />

Hovr thut warm weather is in style, how<br />

come w-: don't Ret those court dances we were<br />

•promised wiy back when?<br />

—Sunsliino Fan.<br />

TDear Sunshine >'an:<br />

Court aances are beinjr held for the iui.ch<br />

period that keeps the court the cleanest. We<br />

Merest Hit clean-up campaigners keep the court<br />

tdean and In thai way help win your court dance.<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales | | Stuff and Things<br />

I'n-.M-ntinL- the latent '» Unveil IOW-HWII wtralnht from "that littto<br />

l.trit,"<br />

Jn»n M.-riarty im': im: ipilnif around with u «irl, any i-iore. . . .<br />

In other WOPIK, you you K-J your way uml I'll K» mill". . . . Wot Kicliaru-<br />

noii i' isn't uofnt, f around d with ith anybody. anybdy<br />

Hill Mi'mtrnxtn in foml of Mimt r;olciivlrh. very fond—but he U apprrently<br />

xlty — wp'n* ki&linic!!!<br />

.'mk (Jilpin win* diiivii in Chitintowii during the eilebialitm. . . .<br />

1L* did hin Kit f-r tin* cause. . . . It is unconfirmed, but H- !en John-<br />

V.-n may '.lavi- attended a football picnic with lira -Jiy lt.ib Troppmnn"<br />

tdtr Creek mmy. . . . He doenn't want t tret up in the from line*,<br />

Iiinvi'vi-r. I.Ivatior K»x i'* a Hinall lint cutv youm* i^'y. nit ii* Marie Lo-<br />

Ituai 1 ^'.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Illock L .Sucit'iy >'K having a touch lime collect in p for the Illwk<br />

I. metlnln. . . . llaVi'ti't the athklen learned lei cave (heir mnne;,<br />

,et??<br />

'•Drill" llolnnn is, «ini we utmie, "a nucBet," That's all, Hal! . . .<br />

Jame.4 Iwtfitte i.-< . . . »t him in this colun.n c f igaotl will?<br />

. . . It wasn't u«;<br />

<strong>The</strong> rc-i-nt streak of uiiimliiiie has put many a tun vml many a nuriluirn<br />

..n Uit;i of Uiwt-MV •'tuJfnii. . . . Ami that'.i not a!l; it ha-*<br />

ItrttttL'ht mil i«ifiuv "f now and snn'.pv svvimmiiKf -**n*t?*. . . Ye*.<br />

>ir!!: I'-it 1'oi.liiii: ••••rtJ' i r.!v iinitali* the actimo i>f I.i>\\ol)% "I'lanur<br />

ui.-l.V . . . ll'n all m fun.<br />

t'harlit Co«i>er. IIL* df ««r I.«*»t'llilf*. line licen tfllini; [.• iltal he i- )'• >i>arr. of »«*'. . . . Hie truth ^ that !>•' U patimllv<br />

aw.nitini; his l.'tth'hirthda)'ls<br />

Olira J-'tlmsoii M-voti!i i,r an- we ton inctaiu I'mi irriifder havi*<br />

IH-I'II sc-iiiL- «wh oiln-r, and nftcn. . . . Sir unisi haw told yuii!!!<br />

Don't urt >oin)> people wroiii* when ihvv hr.rn: ari'tmd 'iar*. . . .<br />

'1 hey ju-l w.itit In h.> lawyer.:.<br />

•Iran ll-iwm-y an! • Hop.-" M;tnti|uin >t--n .-.itnllii'ir at the IK>;U ii. the<br />

..tli.r day . . h;ivr -'hnliz w;f a>ki-.| -HI' hv Cli-ria L'nti.<br />

. . . !],• :uv.-pt»i|. . . . What a 1 '.*!: Na'-.i-????<br />

Garlic and<br />

Garlands<br />

Again <strong>The</strong><br />

Alphabet<br />

Cailail.i- I.i the *tu.|.-Hl b.nly ..f- .\-«l-Hiliilili|.-- .ill ihe .liter--t<br />

ii ITS fin- ilteir .-.plvinliil woik tiii. i . leathers iiiamf.'-[...i !»y s<br />

CarliiiuU to ilu* t;ir| "«>iniii^" . «•'>"•»"• - wi-annir.<br />

for cimlinuinK under the condi- H-'I'i»v-tlir 'Vuiiii.ni: aiiUe,<br />

• !,,„« : the Iiiwi-r i'la.i.erpal*:h—1'OIK!. clothe-, -hi-lttr.<br />

(Practical ittiy.)<br />

Ann l^inir—A hail of .-im.kt' sijrnals. -OIK*? ml<br />

fl:nr j . a uirfl.i« -el. (S)H- hateI de.svrt island*.)<br />

•Mm HiiruMii—A I-of of brer.d. a jua of ivrnii'iitfd<br />

era 11 **.*, .uid vow!<br />

Marjurii 1 Hat*-* — Y- hiidi. tin* nd^-u'i' on rr.j"<br />

ain.lVI.atLlal.oxnf dimple.<br />

IV.;n!; Davi-—A'-iutiitii'n, the Amoriiran flaff,<br />

a ti-'.i u-ope.<br />

(RKSTI')N TWO:<br />

With ba.i' fai'i" h.incinj- and iherub kneti<br />

knocking, .-'.udeiit-. stared bl.ti kly at thi.* queilion<br />

hanirinir fovkeyotl in midair. "What "Aould<br />

yni! do if you met a fustianisl?"<br />

Ccarj* Krill—"I*d dip."<br />

I-'m.-ihii 1 —"I'd hire him to di> my housework.<br />

if tin. tliinir had :*inuers to coun: o;i and oould<br />

parley vou sfran«;.y,"<br />

Fro.-ihie's chum—"Maylie thi--* is it." (.C^linf<br />

Vfih'd t'y*!* on vours truly.*<br />

Mari- Fh'telier—' I'd i(ii..re it."<br />

Candiiu- KHis—"!•» U animal, v»;ectable or<br />

mtiu-ral? Or did yot' drt'.itn it a!.' up?"<br />

t'hylli* Anderson—"I'd cm«lo in»*ulrei*tly and<br />

call a white mat."<br />

I.on..ld OVonnell— "I'd stick pini in it."<br />

And why not? We quote W?Ko declare old L0«*<br />

Kl.IAS?<br />

Three city ehiimpionxhins in thrt-e different<br />

sports were won in iMie day in '928 by <strong>Lowell</strong>*<br />

athletes?<br />

lit*rd-crowing contntU wi-r* indul***! In *»*<br />

fort rvrry dance, and prize* wrre awarded *»<br />

mottHlcsi f«c«i? ^Vhcthrr or nof ibe prix^win*<br />

nerij comd rind anyone to dance with Ui not r**<br />

veaied,<br />

, ? o yt*I ml «fcly Wn school. LowoII itarttd tl<br />

lowly "Union Grai.ur School"?

TIIK I-UWE.'.I.. THURSDAY. MAY 22, 1041 THREE<br />

"CSP^S 16 ! Tri P le A Tennis Matches Started<br />

Half a track team in going to]<br />

enrcll l\\ Santa Clam ntMt semester,<br />

in the pewui, of "Blaring";<br />

Benny Silv.i. H:t nil to no avail.<br />

Why* S* C. linn no track team.<br />

X*ic "Ult'e Hiniie" whimper* that<br />

Ben will 'Inn the mole-kins for -<br />

L«n Owinov.'jt fro.-h ,.rid squad,<br />

however. . . . Our feathered<br />

trienil alfo tells us that •'Powerful"<br />

Jiick O'Hrien, .nits landing<br />

irarA on Y'ke VoyinA- *-IO varsity.<br />

ujiy hold .town a rfteady jolt with<br />

the Hronco yearlings.<br />


Hat-* -.T In Ilnrliarn Km si', 1>.<br />

*(0 gra'f and Harlmra Scofteld,<br />

Harry I.ika.«. and Maurice ^KIIKIUV<br />

—1911 Califorrm Stale tennis<br />

champ" til.<br />

(Jr-uiii.iV liar liar a tin* mine x id<br />

lh.<br />

I^iirclliti* Snifi'-t'- 1 up-''l Su/anm-<br />

Springer fur ihe girl-' r rown.<br />

Sofkolov is the m-n hoj-.-iinder-l.'i<br />

title-holder, while l.ikn- it (my*.<br />

undrr-18 ivinjr pin.<br />

Harry l.ikan. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s So. 1 net-:<br />

Iff, and Trddy M>erw. thi- Cards*<br />

No. 2 m.?n. have hrm seeded first<br />

anc third, respectively, fur Ihe cily<br />

trniiiH (inn'.pionshiit now in progress.<br />

Tie Sf-uiiT vs. Faculty lia.een .-vhi-luieii for J-.ir.-<br />

I. Alt .--nidr> arj fltuiliio cxcejit<br />

ihnf wh'i hi"e played f..r tl»><br />

>chi«il tf.u.i. Off li;ui-l we pi-;k the<br />

•1'iiiors liy a l"fitr.il- •'., Inn they *ay<br />

the 'ai-uiiv has Wen (tract it-ing<br />

after -rbi.nl it.n;f. I1i. Tli-miMon,'<br />

Gardner. Keller. Ilnlinan, ari-j [lio '<br />

Simmnm: brothers. !<br />

Hill Jn-Iyti, f.irmi'r school »irexy !<br />

a tit] >Uir inl.Ote, mm 1 fiilt/nditig J<br />

Stunfor.1, was dealt with very;<br />

Vi' r ;. lllv a f«u|ilu of «w|t* :iL'i> l»y<br />

Eddie /thertun, eoas*. . 'inference<br />

"BLAZING BENNY" Indians Are<br />

Expected To<br />

Retain Title<br />

With single* matches played<br />

1 Monday iv-iit Tuwriny, dVublci<br />

I mutche* Wi'tinfsday and today,<br />

and th final* scheduled for thi*<br />

.Saturday morning, Mai* 2-1. Ihe A.<br />

, A. A. tennis tuumnment in run-<br />

' ninir in full swing thin .-.•eeti at the<br />

1 Gulden Gate Park courts.<br />

: Parh school in represented by<br />

twelve players. f«ur xlnnles nlay-<br />

, ers with the remaining eii»Jit nlay-<br />

,er« teaming up, making four tlou*<br />

1 !•••• J» (enm.t. T«,. tournament s,<br />

pinirte.-* and dnuhlr-s, are tl'.Ti run<br />

off. (Icterinir.iiiir th- winninif<br />

hl<br />

l^meil wjll he- -Iron::!) r?pre><br />

Nfnled 11 the Mticle* hy Captain<br />

Harry M^K, Ted Mjer*. Hill<br />

Uvale. nnd Lei. Cidhelr. ('laying<br />

double* will |M* Morri- Siwknlov<br />

and George Chirhottter. Eugene<br />

Itauscher and Wurren I.tican,<br />

(tt'urgi* Lit-iV** and l,r*ter Price,<br />

and Mob Whilnev and All-n Ctnpp<br />

1/ .mard Slern, Itnlph Kl.tr. and YA<br />

McClarly will act an alternate*.<br />

I.'kas and Myers ir.- \|Hvtfd<br />

to rome in first arid m-cind. while<br />

H e a 1 v and (inlhof. mav also<br />

i (.me very ejr.tr to th* top. <strong>The</strong><br />

teams r.f Chid;, sier and SM-1. ,.V,<br />

-•ml I^ignti and tlaiwher. are Mth<br />

strong. <strong>The</strong> ntiVr two teams are<br />

als.i favored lr» advL-nc. many<br />

tound-4 hef.n'p It-'lng u-iV-r.'i'. f.ut<br />

"f the tournament.<br />

With «nrh miNtanding "layer*<br />

an these, l.ow.dl will l>,- ,MbN nn<br />

favorite to capture iu sixth con-<br />

.tiTtitivc erii»"n. unib'r ihe r.-Mi.il'iV<br />

gtiidanre i.r Cnpcfi Stanley I,ighty.<br />

Chirf Competition<br />

Wathington. Mis-ion. St. IgntiiH.<br />

and FViy are i-\|>. vt.-d t-> nfi'.-r<br />

:h" mn-ii u-.r.u i-.i!i;peti>.ii.n. <strong>The</strong><br />

fir-t and semnd rankitii: iilay.T*<br />

frntn several ntln-r fvii.ii.t- " ar.-<br />

Ii-arniiiL- iiu with hope- ,,]" rapturing<br />

the di.utili'. cr.mii. f.ir ehatn-i J<br />

of defeating [Jkas i-n.l Myer-t in<br />

thi- -iinclfs are very •jlim.<br />

Outstanding 'louli!e> fams nr*,<br />

. Frank Matk :mu Hay Oak.** of Si.<br />

I Ignatius. Clarence Siven.«ilicd far duwn In * Ua^oa stalwarttt hit hiejuir Stadium and knovked rriiglity Uiwell off<br />

! l h !<br />

u'k throne, thus end in;: the Curds* tx/u-year reign a* f.ing of the<br />

«k " .tl""~ ,..»,..". ......... . Iri|)ie A. Tin- Huvs ama.-^ed a total of -17 jininls to Swell's :i:i. l.'om-<br />

£??i: £T arC Vlt ' mc for ""^"y nn-m- wat thinl with *:,. •<br />

D-rtlw: n«b Cherry, versatile out-j Hii;hlii:hting the meet were the<br />

__! * h s nm>licd far duwn In ; hii Ua:.c.:.<br />

e PJck. |!ic »quail has pt«!uml ; ,|lt. uuk I<br />

r a<br />

.1"° ° " W")'""' Anonir . Triple A.<br />

romprtitlon: .° """^ Jtrry weond Coleman. in league lal-1 slerIinLa/zn.<br />

,,remlom% |(erf nrwn.i of Tony I'i.<br />

*ntcd infirldrr; and Paul Orsi. . wno n?rnv^ thi- meet l» rm:iiiiir<br />

thf Injunh* ace moundsman. j th«< fastest mile ever reKisi -.ed :»•<br />

<strong>The</strong> vanity cn-w has dropped \ a San Trnnri-co prep. v u« ietl<br />

only one league encounter, and t l/iwell'i. Vaskin Tashin hy 30<br />

that to Galileo. Don't sell tlie yards at the finish and was clocked<br />

crewmen short. <strong>The</strong>y .(till have in 1:2? ~<br />

the champi»n (•«? wutdone by th* terrific<br />

Tony. "Itlazing" Henny S'lva, the<br />

i Injun's •-•ajitain. touk Ixith sprints<br />

' and placed third iu thf broadjum|i.<br />

Hen stopped the wntrhes in a 1U.J<br />

ventury and was el'ieked in ihmli«rH of<br />

I.OWKI.I. .<br />

"MI jw>r'« var.ily f.M.lhnll u-am<br />

SiK-rril Hi-art<br />

»re roine tp jrd "Sliizip" hnirruls<br />

--Hob Troppmann is also Koine to<br />

w » lironcl.ii— |ti>b r.nulnim. all. "'<br />

f'ty calchrr on the '.TJ anil '10 *<br />

lu»fhall Iram. i«<br />

''<br />

in Ihe l'.,mcrr iragii,, i J,',^ j!(<br />

T . h V h " THC **»* " r M:l >;, I7 w «<br />

me ojuner ill :>.-aI< Stadium oy 1 <strong>The</strong> pri-Krntatiou or the colors was<br />

tn •'{. Paul Or.-i on ihe mound, , j firi-t t o on the program, followed by<br />

tiitehetl a three hit iran his i best. bhiliti rxhiliitinn-t of f the h advanced, dd inter- it<br />

of the th,<br />

media I r anil heBinnprs croups. <strong>The</strong><br />

. , >n| w H hlch-HKhl«l with Ihe<br />

valiantly I mm there but ho|iL-lf.*-ly, on m, I/.well losing foutrlit, to | , a | k id d l hi<br />

Commen-t-, r- to (>; Washington. G<br />

to ;: in an up-let: Cialileo, the loid*<br />

c.t! rhainp.i, 10 to K, in the Lion's<br />

g:\niv of the Benson; Mistyinj-<br />

the SJ record rec of 2:C . Ar-<br />

not. one f the h h.._<br />

working k<br />

title with n throw of athletes on the team, with another<br />

•et, which incidentally is far v,.ar ,,f cimpvtiU'.u. has r\ j;t«Ml<br />

low John's liest effort. ,'ehance of breaking the hi'.lf mile<br />

, AfTEK.nj«AI>. IIEI'T. . , A while wnil. later lat,-r it was I'iazza who • rw-,,rd.<br />

rr" llu

Foun<br />

•<br />

South America<br />

Art, Ice and<br />

Andes Lure<br />

Miss M. Chase<br />

Hy Ilclly Sullivan<br />

Slowly, brvathlcaidy. we ml<br />

v:incctl up the thousand ami one'<br />

*'.*•!•* lhut Mil to room -105. csu- 1 y<br />

tioun front of ihi- ._ .<br />

Itirhl art r,'<br />

a»»-»'ti«v, M, I'll hatf (ilt-nly .if<br />

That ->al.l>:i:ii:al leave" h>fl IH<br />

Icrfjkmj; pitifully blank, i\V. ;,Ivra.v»<br />

tlKitiirhl it bud >oiin'thiiii; t<br />

di» with Sunday.) Hut tin-<br />

Mi--ri,-;.<br />

hill* ami clirintyidn «juw» th': diiks' fyr tlii- xrai!u:itiui. in: ti-aii nf vi.-.<br />

rf tl»; uiant Antics. ' vrrsa.<br />

Tin- m-xt WK of her inn will Haviiii; iraMTM-l ihv f"l! iliiu-rcurry<br />

her avto.iat-s to the wi'rk-<br />

Un ; viT>iti»-s uf California. Stan- a-day wnrM. N'.tvin^ M'\*~ Vhutf ti<br />

fnnl. am] l.'oltinii'in) nndi'r tbu tu- ilrratn -if siilt i aks tui'l"' 1<br />

bcl Vinsmi and (luy Owen, cham- a iiiiio>>tb rbytbrnic rliun>)i<br />

Honor Roll<br />


R.O.T.C. Receives<br />

Regimental Flag<br />

T. r.<br />

i.iii'l'trt<br />

t>> i 'ir:in> .!:i!<br />

-( ful i<br />

i:t •'!> A-ri<br />

pi. .i.t.il l.v<br />

1" m.t'siiur :h>- i iit:iti..i., Mr.<br />

I-'al- -n.-r .•tn|' 1 r.;iM?..-.f th.- fr.T.|..in<br />

iif Aiii-ri.;.n I'i"-'.i!u''• "ii- i• ri• i tlnfun-'-i<br />

thai l 'rmii:h' ti:tni into i-x-<br />

«.f -p.-.,-I:, of ;i»,-m-l:\ -f tl..-<br />

,i,,..^__ Wl, urow arcu;li'i!:«il .-.i<br />

I'asilv ti> tin* familiar thai *.\r<br />

Ct-ai-f t valin* 'ir r' 1 .' : j.-h tlit-rn.<br />

J[ is only v> ln-ii \i>- tiMik<br />

abn'ail t.j ciuMitraii'-ti f.itiij.-;.<br />

:irM|-ai:atida: wln-rt \\>- find Un'<br />

fatiK.ii.- "•h""|.. vni/.r.U'ii and f' • i>:i!|)it<br />

off l.v i:a^L'«r. J. n.>b*rtF. «. Sal'ltalo, M.<br />

Ho»«»H. p. l-iidi-n. r, A 5S.5.<br />

M\—4. it,**, 50; J|. iimwn, J. Cor.<br />

by M. Whu*-. r frpyrtney A urn<br />

«rr, N. Itonry. 4. WnII«>n.<br />

Sprftirt. v. iJnt^lt J \\ :<br />

wn, J. Co<br />

ry. A. urn<br />

, tonry. 4. WnII«n. B. Yow a<br />

Sprftirt. v. iJ-nt^lt. J. \\<br />

Catty. P. \<br />

Col. (-•<br />

:o»—IL<br />

: «*—si. ni,-ltxmiiii. HI, : r. nu,k,-<br />

SI. Oviittart*. SI. ainor... ll. HrAun. v"<br />

irtiliayanhl. j.-. ll'itmtnn. j s*.ttiiTn i;<br />

J!<br />

e\u>. K. We-<br />

Catty. P. ,\>il. B. XVMnon. V. Mcn-<br />

Col. (-• A. SS.C.<br />

:o»IL Shllt 50; n. Cochranf. O.<br />

ly ?,"^" r "- K ] l..i.-lTrr. II. l^-vy<br />

^'fK-lmni.. A. Uar<br />

M. Ilrlli T. |lu.Hl. n. (.•|,rmitiiiiit,-n. ,<br />

Ohn. C. c.-ik-. T. S.,1,,,,. c. A. :i<br />

n< lt. MnVt-^n. ,v''r*rl<br />

Inl. A NU'tioN<br />

. S|. f<br />

'rtizin, \\* 'w<br />

1<br />

I \ =:«-n If •tt.<br />

/'Vi<br />

j * vi-rk. K 1<br />

"sa-r .<br />

1 I.<br />

.-<br />

Sl. IVflh-y<br />

-'fcrlffim.<br />

rU" 1<br />

'•»!<br />

:'~<br />

j .<br />

in K.<br />

I 1<br />

'*;' ll T<br />

Pianitt<br />

TempIeton 'n<br />

jWife Talk-<br />

, But Slightly<br />

IIack*ti"tr" in thf \Ynr 3f'-morinl<br />

Op«ra lioth«- I cnuL boar the<br />

frcsli. rintrinir voice of Alec Tcmc\rlnininir<br />

to an amazed<br />

** limv it ix doriL* at llif Met<br />

—tmiH'i.xonntiiiK a tenor, a hast,<br />

anil n wavering Foprnnu. done with<br />

p-:rf'-ction in hi* luiiihc Eni;ltsh<br />

himiur.<br />

H was part of hi.i cnnci-rt.<br />

With tin- ;i[i;i|:iusc .still echoing<br />

!.•• w.ilkrd jiluwly down the- back*<br />

Map- hull: :i irrnciri!!- laily—Mn.<br />

cti.ii—at ill's elbow. <strong>The</strong><br />

'- fiiri-nit.-t |i. : ;iiif jicr-ntialiiy<br />

ili'li! lloW.<br />

Wtlsh smllf.<br />

i;..vvii~iii'.«! !it:i;i >;cp[;.-(l up<br />

,.. ;..:;-:. M.OI:.- .,,:. lively<br />

. t. n in i \vi:ii awi'il * miles,<br />

i ti" 1 rii;iti U'fi, 1 iMuuhl a<br />

d' ainl i'.,:-u—<br />

;i Whrnati. tiiat'.- n«*.<br />

V-nt l;niiw, ili.n't you?"<br />

A lwam of plca-un' brfik" nvor<br />

l Ti -nip!.••..ri's far.- at tlio<br />

l\'t :-h Word..-.<br />

."••.iHi.-i.tir nielltttiM-d I^iv.'i-M llich<br />

)\ I:t.l,v h.-r.—<br />

v iii«tiil in hi- :ii;d<br />

o.'-lial ••H..H-.1.,t:.-.\<br />

'.Inn- wa- littl*- I<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Staff Joins T-S\r.K^r 1 ,,!.:.;?*-,^<br />

"Quill and Scroll" *'''-• ^HTI " k "<br />

:i..,l ,i.,j.-il fa.v.. :„<br />

>•'••-<br />

Tll PlBiV<br />

.v.;-.:inii.-,i |-|,,m<br />

.i.i: r"u,;l:.-r li'.an ii-u.il'.' lawyer fri*-.i>l. i- tii>- ii-..i<br />

W.-ll, ih [-ruii.i iti'l happy wato!i..-d.<br />

,..-..Iii.- n,-i,. t-r.i!.jil.|y III'-IHIMTS of<br />

THK |.(t\VKM. -t.iff.<br />

Tli.- jilay play i.- i wri'.ti-n ri.tfn by<br />

I.,yuriH.:h i»'nn;::ifn:ly tlusctl?<br />

-ill...] J.jiiin,ili-;-. I: !.•; a jottrniil- Ar>* tm> ••.ob.n Si.tnls rrur'-cl? U<br />

i-'.i.- i.on.ir t vv'..rt.:.1n.-. ;.:.; 1:. s-i,,,u,.<br />

1<br />

E. Millintr, .12?: H. Piciin!, .11.1; H. : Il i-.""i .1 *i*.'ii'.'.ii /» i.'.i-ii >• A ; K<br />

1.:.' 1: i.(i-.iti". n:1ii )> Su-T! V M.-Jr.H!, It<br />

?„.?!.-. f i;!..fl.-.1. . J| I^-IIII;.I,I,. T<br />

1<br />

l-i. V.-f. |: 1:,,:•[!.. u i; l'r.-iil\ I'<br />

11 ki.i.i.;-..... l- .\t.: T- n. t< ,M n- 1' ,\ :r,<br />

•si. t; i;vit.i. .1 s.-h,,in,j,. u u,,.<br />

,),<br />

:••: fi i-! v •"• t 1:. i,.iff v .M;v<br />

u-.i-.ui. 1: I.U.MNI.-. I- M... .<br />

I JW . It M.ii-nir. . i: y...!L./ .! . \V<br />

Safcni. K,l: V. Tonhln, IM; E. >••••<br />

«<br />

Witrlilnn-;, 2tl7li; nnd J. Younj,-. '"-,<br />

t of 1.M v.'»i:<br />

P<br />

iltirbe.«t rlnM avvrairc. 2<br />

unirvil to lit. rt'iristry 20l-<br />

- ii/'«... I. Kli: .:, r. I! .<br />

i" i-|.:\ tin., s '•rn,.i..T|...*.-ti. .1 in.; I.-H. i:. ii.irr.-it. «". liirt^r. ll. stait:.iM,<br />

M 1...H-- !> i lin-i .-. V. liiltiitn. fl,-l,l. K. W.IU. N. fi.riml.in. K I.ln*-<br />

• • A if.- ' li.ii,. U Mi.lk.-. K. i.-Iarkc I*. While.<br />

II* s \\-Mik. A. l'n|ikiti. *'. A. t^fi.<br />

I.<br />

• II I-<br />

1:.. I. II<br />

1 W<br />

'- ; M K.I .- I<br />

!••!<br />

HI.-.II. M li.i.!.-. . .M T-.ti. hi...<br />

I.I If. IT. Hint...If \\ it..n I!'...<br />

i- i- ilr.i«!i i". A M irc.ii*. r.; : M,-I roll .•<br />

II. Sullivnri. I> I'-'>n,.r. !• Sm.-illwrn..! ! .v. r.. '<br />

'• **t ! v ':-•-•:• i'l. I*. I"--". P{ \ 1...,I.I .'<br />

>.'liiT>i.lt. A Oiji. I* M.,rf.]nlt. I. S .1--<br />

I-: Si,V;trI. '•:-, f .Milliint'<br />

ll-t'U.-fn.-ti. M l.W.'|t-..,i, \ |it;.rtII"<br />

V Mtlt.-lil,,,-,.. |t M..H,,... |.,r.., |,"<br />

" II.T U Sli.ll. v. II T..t,:.l»-. I- !.„.!.<br />

Intii. It .-l.-in.-i.t. V M,..,.Ml.,,ff ).<br />

V.-i.-ilf .1 W.yl, U- WI-...K- M<br />

"i ' ^ M " ' » V t I < ' f 5 i I<br />

' '- •: K'TI.IV.I.. It MIIJ.T. II fjtii-<br />

'* • ' * Wynn. «" A. 23 S<br />

,i V 3-'IJU*. Sltiitr .*.n: Ifc Mcar.l. J<br />

Hirr. I. |t,,u..|t 11 U'n\. K Ah'*ott I.<br />

Mjyiliplm, J. '/iiiintr. i". I^-.-, .'. ,\<br />

1<br />

.u ,, II..HIN.H1. jt Winklrr.



Volume "8. No. 6<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

LOWELL<br />


Baacbali<br />

Senior Hobos<br />

Play Faculty<br />

Nine Thursday<br />


JUNE E<br />

Snn Francisco, California, Tuesday, June 3, 1041 Founded January, JB88<br />

Stu McPherson vs. Ira Thompson in<br />

Finals Thursday--To Be Close Race<br />

Friendly Rivals!<br />

Barbara Pinger,<br />

Jane Blair Vie<br />

For Vice-Prexy<br />

Office _<br />

Hy Editor Charlca Darin<br />

All is nut KoinR to be quiet in .<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Uttle lied School House"<br />

Thursday.<br />

Its crowded corridor*, through ,<br />

many mv famotiK men have<br />

will not In* solemnly'<br />

trainitfl.<br />

lt.i court yard.<br />

t h v center of<br />

1/iu'eir.H fun nnd<br />

fn)lic, will Ix» vacated<br />

durinjr the'<br />

linon time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> three I.'."<br />

will l|y h;iV4- evpcririi.' i thi-ir "Cinid iniiriiini;, Mr. 'I hump-mi.' fid<br />

Nire day. i-n't it. .Mr. Mri'hei- lii'i • tiriik jilacj- l>r.'i;ht .ind early I hi*<br />

['nlirician and<br />

c.,.if|ini: Mi-jit.<br />

Tht Htarli ; linr-up for the J*1Uintirniaj;<br />

a*, ;ire-idfn|ial canili-<br />

A.lii'ii: ti. Low.-ir^ pc-rnt -tat- dint, will ti<br />

"lonely. .Mr. I'liomii-.<br />

-. Ir.i '1 lin'i'p-on and Smart<br />

(lhe>e .ire suhject to<br />

i.i hyMt-na .m- tin* fin;il .•In-liim.-* chnnue): 1<br />

"Nertoit-. .Mr. Mrl'lier<br />

AIi I'd. r^.n, In-Ill hand* nut ('lny(<br />

11* *iu*ali. Von ari* Hot voting fur<br />

Calender.<br />

ju-t a namr on a hullnt. Itut ymi<br />

are \otintr for VOtlt leadi-n.. So -Manatr'T H'-n Nrff antmunf d<br />

duxce ihi-m with (lie ureate.st uf tl.*<br />


1 Red and White Appears<br />

Thursday; Bring Money<br />

.-tartinr faculty line-up as fidl<br />

_ _ " _ _ _ N.-ff. ,„ inat;er; Hani--, catcher;<br />

('d'U "n Knd.- or ' iintinuv I mi I'ac'-<br />

Thr-e 'n Thu-e Ilepl.<br />

Plujr I'.v r*'t[Ui's:: Fran* Huff.<br />

Hlvtl". nimiestiy infoniis this offu-<br />

that ht- has ix'cn a -ttnuchl A<br />

Mud'-nt during hi* two and a ''alf<br />

vi'ar- at Ixiwell . . . you .'.ml<br />

It.ivi», chum.<br />

Graduates An Cohen. Ifmiir<br />

-luhnston. and Frank Quinn. of hint<br />

.***ni('«terV staff, have ntanifn-s.i on the S. F. J. ('. paper.<br />

. . . Art will 1M: the new neyv!»<br />

iditur: Pinijf take.'' «ver a spei-ial<br />

•"•j'umn; KraiiJi has hown ii:inieti ad-<br />

1 I. (""Ilium fl)<br />

Hi.u'iui-t- to .Mis- I^irosti- nnd<br />

Mrs. Kuhnle ami r«. f..r Lmw.!.'*<br />

Flac Pay fete.<br />

. \iid whatever Uvanie of the<br />

i^iivid aid L i'L>rniiiilU'f that wa><br />

tii ;rriiic anotlu-r ^tutut' *>t' .f:tnu\«<br />

Rusnell L»A-CM7 W« liop,- that<br />

in the not too t 1 Freshmen Pull 'Wrong<br />

Way Corrigan* Stunt<br />

Kv.-n the pv.s.sitni.-ts .said it<br />

i-nnldti't happen here!<br />

Hut it did, :rs ;L*VIT:I! !IUIIdi<br />

Tie I1MI-K wiio.il .-al.'iidar for ''"' *<br />

were forced<br />

to pick tin th.-ir hek.npin^s<br />

:iiid iiiiivf to the I'oly High<br />

l.tiilditic and Iw-K'n th*.-ir tour<br />

r.r iii.xpirtinn anew.<br />

vttnK " : "" m:i1 -<br />

day .-i-li'M.I.. a- re liotind. Ittti e-nl" o:uh<br />

Students and faculty riike agiee th<br />

that it i 1 - oiii 1 rviiusm\«».<br />

of the he^tt jourm- Not even after the firia! vnt'.<br />

ever i-diled at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

j 11'. VJV2. <strong>The</strong> calendar us adopted ] <strong>The</strong> art staff i> t.i lie eurnpli- el.rtmii i*. *ti s.<br />

! Th» completecalendar f.illim^: . Ill(.m,.,i „„ i,., ^kill in interptetiiii; Hlocli L rally.<br />

DAY SfllOOL CALENDAIt j ,}„• them". I<br />

1 ha«<br />

U-t-n iiiutited, ho'l'evcr. wili th with 'Hit- t-Ieftinns when Ihr Shield<br />

Seniors Graduate June 11 in<br />

Opera House; 4 Student Speakers A n*'w iwperin<br />

.»eni..rs will hid their hi(.*h M-hmd days ''"'"<br />

P. S. .\1I1.inml in th... Gtli at Ilull-<br />

""•nt, SatdnJay.<br />

All's 'i-ell thai ends well. It's<br />

my last column and your last<br />

<strong>The</strong> Loll Th'<br />

ttTll ! n|r n niied lelerimr nut llie finixhinif •"•"'•!'•* I'hylli<br />

* . ,,<br />

duate from the W.ir Memorial Opera '» «•«'»•' |iictuivft hhnulti meet with<br />

k f ! l l l i !al approval.<br />

1 * AnderMin, president;<br />

ratM.l iiurink put In« tmixhinj, M -, c|irisman. vice-president:<br />

liiiirhn. »n Ihe j>>well alumni.<br />

Tlu* strains of ^larch '.'el^bre by [^.'ii-hiier jilayed fiy the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ktni tiniN-r under th» ilir«'ft direcf>n of Mr.!<br />

- •nt of having as nnd the Scroll chute Itolt Troppf'ivor<br />

>ti of Mr.! w ., -,, . ,.<br />

nn Divlii:. will h lisbvr in lij I'hilli- Andrmun. star drbnler. Margllee Chrismnn Wins "<br />

t colu d y<br />

th dl li ftl i t Lll<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. That's ":(0.<br />

Mr. Graybiel Wished<br />

A Speedy Recovery<br />

TW absjnre .if Jlr. J. V. Gray<br />

P"fl tram room lot) chcral^lrj- 'nl'<br />

if Icnimn to all Ucvrall, but fell<br />

'"f'st keenly by his uverlovinj: Htud»r.u.<br />

who havo j;rent renptct for<br />

"'* profound knuwlcdirc of chemistry,<br />

in addition to hid nrofcunor'ii<br />

vtrijtrnjlity. He i, Judcc/| by his<br />

cuplll it "KOOII head," and efficient<br />

ttacker.<br />

Bwatuo „( UIIIM». Mr. Grnybiel<br />

£»» beer, absent from <strong>Lowell</strong> since<br />

EMter vacation, und fa beinj- «ub-<br />

•tituted for by Mm. Wcdcman.<br />

mann ' prifident. and Hill Major*,<br />

necritary.<br />

Tin* Freshman Tlei-eption that<br />

IJrotjirht from dim corni-fit the taletitK<br />

of "Bonnet" Bob Arnold.<br />

"Sweet Loilani" Viiynsie. arti<br />

Madame I-n Itonca" Krill.<br />

t ir | . i well c_._ MI n«»«.. »•- A ....I <strong>The</strong> Welcoming of fall freshmen<br />

down the IIMI« , dranalUI. .ill al»o addrc»» the clarm on the hnlteiit day of the year<br />

nnd the hubsrqucnl tour from the<br />

a P r - 41 Dramatic Award<br />

to the »t.-i£t>. aN.-'emblaee. ' qe tu from<br />

Kollowinir thio' Musical wlt'ctiunrt will include, Tj , ..(.v,.,,.,! nwarii that arl roomi. lo the DOB HOU«.<br />

ivill he I he «i-. violin «O;o» hy Doris Crane and, "" '"".} „, ,J " J ° ' And, fina'ly. the day that the Wlule<br />

to the iUK 1*> Manu»i and a piano Jolo by «' V I-">wllite, who believes him- ..„„,„„ mrm|i.r» (oU,,d their tmme«<br />

nml the r.int,'im:i Harl-ara Hcnll. <strong>The</strong> Girls' Glee,-"elf or hurnelf to iwMhc next Bar- ,,n the list of graduates: rliyllis<br />

of (ji ti:e i.iiT "Star- *^t4ii~ j |i,,n*j, Club, under U,,..^A the bin- direction -..I ..*-*...',1 of v* Miss -', «.T-, ( rymoru j j iiwrv or Cornell, v ii r** vii. is it* to receive Anderson, Ann Howman, Mnrgilcc<br />

SPanKlc" 1 ! Krill, Liirr-iire* Sfarijian. Bnrbara<br />

JO'Sl'.a. Mnrj^iret Schacffer, Gloria<br />

nnt - L-olontl of I i'irst movement nf Schubcrt'M "Un-J Marjiilcc received rccotfnittun _ Sprnul, Betty Sullivan, and Lor*<br />

_ _<br />

the R. 0. T. C.<br />

finished r».«if-ViAil C**^*tlitfifii'** Svmphony" »i"i willhe. 11 Ikdk played til

TWO<br />


I*ubtUaed "'/ th» AM-ing<br />

Stanford way for ktvps. I mean<br />

Bev Ward and Carolann McDonald.<br />

—v\nd have ymi heard "I Married<br />

An Angel"? Hm-m-m?<br />

—Three girl* are framing Blazing<br />

Hcnn'N rotogravure nhot.<br />

—About Sandy Johnston nnd Fat<br />

Trupiim.-iiin. What bar* you heard<br />

.iN.utOiem?<br />

—Senior's parting cry: "Sign my<br />

journal. Sign my journa't. Sirni<br />

my journal."<br />

—Hetty, our Ztarr sophomore,<br />

has ,i new "O. A. 0." whose first<br />

Harm; i*n't George.<br />

I Should<br />

Say<br />

—that Dick U'liito<br />

tryine to fon:*<br />

coincidence whi*n Jack ViiTa ond<br />

Jeati rtonne hotli turned up at the<br />

same place the same time resplendent<br />

in Matching sailor outfits—<br />

hi.*, pftifiMsinnat; her'.t, recieational.<br />

I Whatj^Love<br />

Love is ,i feeling of affection.<br />

Affection U son.i-thing you f«'cl<br />

fur ynur dog.<br />

A tUnr is an aniiral.<br />

An animal is worm-thing that<br />

eats.<br />

Siirii'thing you eat is spinach.<br />

Spinach U green.<br />

virt'e'i is the colt>r you gu* when<br />

.v.iu're jealous.<br />

Jealousy in tin- feiir of beinr<br />

supplanted by a li'.'tii.<br />

A rival > a gun.<br />

A gun i what giing.-tiTs ui»f to<br />

kill tieople with.<br />

If y>u kill pMipli? you get put<br />

in thf jug.<br />

A jug is sonn-ihing y1 McClarty—hati of the Uniti'l<br />

Stilt) •< Trvjisury.<br />

I.'-n Maims—playing first violin<br />

and iLi\'tiitii: with b'n St"kuw.ski.<br />

Cuv Watjsun—tryii-i: \o brinir<br />

Martci' Mauck down to vartlj.<br />

Pomes<br />

"WIUTI 1 I* niv wandering h ^h" to hcarabout BobKiSfli'r'ii<br />

unfortunate accident. LviV hojie he O't- 1 * We"<br />

simii—veiy n'1011 1 ;<br />

"You're Temptation" wu dedicated to I'at,<br />

Barbara. (Henna, vie, < - 'c« and sn on into the<br />

night. It »as fignt-d. Al Ilageriy—he can't have<br />

all hi* marble*.'!<br />

Many's tlit* nntan.4 and groans we heard aft».*r<br />

the .Jayce*- ti-s! at Poly last week—you Ruys are<br />

slipping—it was a snap—Oh. Yeah .*<br />

Tht'U'V i\ guy named Herb Fowler iLrninif<br />

anuinil school likv a chicken with its head cui off<br />

—Fowl isn't In-? . . . Hob Signer is gruwinff<br />

a Hollywood.<br />

I>uane Twccdale got "o mad at I'mpire An*<br />

derron's decision about a home run in gym the<br />

other day that he bum*. Into learn—Tweedale<br />

wear* a glove in all thf contesU, by the way.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n there*!* the little girl who went into Mr.<br />

MufirocV office to jihu'.e her mother and Miid to<br />

that surprised lady. "I'm in trouble for cutting,<br />

what shall I do?" and then broke into laughter.<br />

. . . It certainly is a queer world.<br />

Do you know Bert -Beamer'' Titus? , . .<br />

1 ou should meet him, really.<br />

Dnnaldine Bridges would make a pei-fur wife,<br />

acionling to a recent census taken.<br />

"ell, it wasn't too bad. was it? Or was it?<br />

Stuff and Things |<br />

Mr. Clo^e: "What is a red corj'uwK-?"<br />

>"|ih(tniort': "An officer in the C.-ssian armi 1 .*'<br />

—L—<br />

"Calling car £'!—calling car 2.1—crazy man<br />

is giving away ten dollar bills a: Fiimeroa and<br />

\ernon. Kettirn to station and take chaigv while<br />

1 investigate."<br />

—L—<br />

Kvei. his U->i friends wouldn't tell him—JO<br />

he flunked the exam.<br />

— L—<br />

("ust,uiier: "What colors hav

Seniors Leave<br />

Plenty; Dyed<br />

Hair Included<br />

A» ta tlic fate* of nil students,<br />

who enter <strong>Lowell</strong>, sooner or Inter<br />

thev must leave ocr laughter-fiHcd 1<br />

*MIU and Iicad fur new lands. Be-1<br />

fore they leave this hapny life they :<br />

rake their last v.iU a-d testament;<br />

which is no* pawed on to you. j<br />

BOB VAYaSIE k-aves all his<br />

"DOA fortur.i which he hnd at Low- •<br />

Sto hia brrtlw7 GENE. JACK-!<br />

SOS' SCOTT leaves his sergeant;<br />

stripe* to some new non-com.<br />

RAVE WELSH 1-jflves n worn!<br />

book covet to nny frosM KEN.<br />

McCATTV leaves the red ink on,<br />

hli"rcpoit card to the whool board.'<br />

PEGGY SMALLWOOD leaves her;<br />

tcUscf KO future students can<br />

tut and set away with it. JACK ;<br />

UEES bequt-aths Mrs. Henderson<br />

to future <strong>Lowell</strong> rttudcni*. DILL'<br />

VTALJJY anil JIM DUNCAN will<br />

jotm* curls tu .dr. I'c! la ml, while<br />

I'lKKHK SrtLlNGKIt wills his<br />

Spaniel knowledge (?) to Miss<br />

(>«una. GIL.MAN HAYN'ES. HILL<br />


WHERE'S THAT FACULTY? Knowledge<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Gallop<br />

Poll Reveals<br />

!H-4 Gains<br />

in a rit-euL poll eonducteil by<br />

'• <strong>The</strong>* <strong>Lowell</strong> cuncernini; "what our<br />

; jieriiitr* cot out of hi«h rchool,"<br />

. MIIHL* wry startling replies were<br />

1 received,<br />

**o r inntancc, EuRenc David<br />

clnims hff j;«it trainiOK for W. P. A.<br />

IirojpctK. John Larr.on not R<br />

nickled rnt from Mht KettogK.<br />

1 J»?jin Grunucci learned how to<br />

; ju^'e chnnictcr. We wonder<br />

, where Judy Job tot the cuilty con-<br />

, wicncu? Milt Kvancclasfl ;rot a<br />

ITIMMI lookinir blond from Paly.<br />

! Those who Just hid a pUin oldrafiluoned<br />

-RIM-J time" Cvhich InclL-ii-H<br />

a lot) Here Jack Item,<br />

f.il Hnynr-. lU'ttv Ilnbiniion. Itob<br />

Iriinil. Urh-n Chrbttk', Marty Nlnill.<br />

.•MarciliT Chri Coynr. ant! Mereedcx<br />

l.OfH'T..<br />

Jack (iiljiin (li.)n't leant to pol-<br />

his luture TC W<br />

THKY'I'K -SMILING NOW, the senior claim trim, but will they be doing so after they've met the<br />

y woflkillr'* here Thursday in the hie event of tin- annual Senior Day program? <strong>The</strong> lwy» claim<br />

MAN will Mr. Cass<br />

""* * » from all Ihe I^iwcll «port field*, the senior squad include: (I., lo K., front) Yoyrnic.<br />

itudenls.<br />

md Koltn: (-nd ruw) l!imr»:»*t Willharh and Silva; (rear) Calender, Tioppmnnn, Arnod<br />

Krilnd *<br />

itOlIEUT WALKER will* a car<br />

—Photograph by Hill F/ir.l<br />

with lo Mr. Haul, CHARLES<br />

UllENNAN a copy of "How io pa C of Ihe It. 0. T. C. to<br />

Win Friend* and Influence Pen*<br />

Yrhudi' cnu*in. JACK O'IMIEN<br />

leave* i I i Swan Song Sung Glamour ?<br />

S<br />

-13 TO LEAVE- Is This Your Idea<br />

Jlr. I<br />

la 11011 llOI'K<br />

Of Perfect Senior?<br />

! By <strong>Lowell</strong> Staff<br />

i: th i<br />

LwwHl .-taff* high i.«*n<br />

'" nf<br />

ItCIt<br />

I PltOSlI ALL WET<br />


I'.OSEMARIE COL»MAN wills the freshmen who are all wet.<br />

a juctcssful four year* to next RUIH SHKIT It-:i\«-.i his :,wim-•<br />

term's frmhtnun. GEORGE .SIM- niitij- nbilitv to DALLAS lEAUKK.' . • ;nlii(li'il liv Tin* L.iwell, the per<br />

fret ^ini.ir bijy wnuld have tin-:<br />

I! tit •/ i:.,j, Y;.y,.- .if IJi-n Silva.<br />

'"' -"tiuviito lii<br />

ll:;iiii ,.f Ti-ddy My.T-.<br />

li'-> (f-iiir) vi.u-kiiik' y i . i'ii-m-ility ,,f It..l. Arnold.<br />

ln- I^.w.-ll -tuff, [hi; l'Hl «-|>iiinit Troppall<br />

ttiat i.. ilfVi.T. and Lnlliarit,<br />

' lJi a ar.d ir!, l<br />

wurl'i l<br />

Ambiti.<br />

tiulny,<br />

f .1,-rry Kilty.<br />

i*«>iir In work<br />

ili•.- '.•Tin [•> li<br />

Tin- i»-i .,,.i:ii.r irirl wnutd be<br />

;it)il Vuii, ti>*'<br />

h<br />

tt..rM. Thi- I*i'<br />

Allv >: " r \<br />

MON'S wills his beautiful flout of MOB PETERSON bequeath--.- his I" 1 '' always W<br />

car* C 7 ) to HENRY FORR IJILL mush* ability to any.uie wiio «-I«i-kitiK t/yv<br />

KOTTA k-avi-A-SLATS" O'MAKA «i"»sn't want t.. In- a musician. >"•. ni:t t fiier.d-; and his bad<br />

CIIONIN. HOB ROGERS leaves li-aehfrs m his nit-am's. m«.> \w>r |M-rs.»ti. DOKlS Uuvi^ that diwvynl Ca-sanova or<br />

tn the remaining sti»U*nt.« JEAN CltANK wills her ability n net 3t:iV fourth .>UU-. ban snuntcred<br />

IIKS'DKttSON leaves h«>r physics thincs dune at the l;ist nioiiu-.'U t*i iinclaunl«-(l min the riMim, rouran.tle<br />

J«»k an.! «1I headaches thus- FLORENCE RI7.ANU. lIAIEKA- er»u*ly -hallrrin^ ih^ IMIIIIP nrck.^.<br />

ly ttwurrrd to VIHGlNlA CAR-; HA YEW wills her class** i to AN- that sl«>» up newspaper pn«Iuc-<br />

PEXTEIl. NATAMK KC^A.N" NIE CHU. !'»"• ,,.. AmUitmn of Phyllis An'Jvrxon.<br />

]«:iv.« her loni; hair t«» .louuone To hi.s tast iivintr hoir, HILL "l#t* (*f»* your dummy. Nproul. — - —<br />

with a German haircut. ALLEN MePUFFY. DOKMAN 1*OTTKK hv command-, and (iloria, the vivn- linjr m y u n v wjn,in reach on the<br />

CLAPP leav(» all hi.i school book* wills «ome pencil shiivitiKs. [{ILL «•'"'"* ''Innil a^ocirte editor, Ircm- head with puns uf the munk-r-intoan<br />

unnamed person. HEItHEItT . COKMAN wills bis rt-iristry to th.- »k-* »n h»r So. I caddk- kheett and •<br />

ELOESSKh wills all of his test fn'shmen. DALE S.MATIM-K.S; «tan.N in rn«prctful m.mce while<br />

r-nu-i. to whoever wants them.' wilU his latent antitii"n tn nny-; the editor mercsk-snly «ans he.- -ij] and even mole precariously<br />

(<strong>The</strong>y don't help—the Ed.) CLO- 'body. CI«il(ENCE G1NTIIEK »«rk. . (ad—'; in .> - . uates c.n <strong>The</strong> Ixiwi-ll staff.<br />

anc,, to some iir-nnd-comlne" Jar. nil m fun. ^mU-men. i.ll in .,<br />

fiOOI) \\ ILL I freshni.-ii. Some very thrown-' »m.<br />

V II.LIAM SUSUKI will* \m KUM! ( aniund nhjccts were nym suits and !<br />

t^h aiipleK (which is vitali. John<br />

Citttcrmole will linger wi:h his<br />

nu-mtirie.t. I'aul HvnndH'rry and<br />

ilill Harris say they did a lui of<br />

stmtyinc ( ?>.<br />

FricniU;<br />

Th»KP who think they have made<br />

loads of iwHl nnd scn-wy frit-nd.i<br />

Ji-e Muirh Miu'Kenzie. Vickie Arbaton,<br />

June Turner. Marion de<br />

Herry. Mnrtrnrul V.Vlib, Lcnoro<br />

Stcvvnn, UnuK Chan, Doris Wise,<br />

Marjone Cot'fey. and Josephine<br />

ilfimero.<br />

' " " " Ivlucition ran rampant ax Slilt<br />

Sippli',(Irant ll.ikc^cll.lfusscll Hu*«<br />

»•• the wnim* poll. tici.Stu Smith. . Mill Hill Majoni. Majom. "* CIoHd '<br />

hiln. l.eii Talkov, Pat Macncill,<br />

Carolyn Ellin, Hti-rmarir OOrtnan,<br />

l>nn I'.-ir'xiii^, and Hob Ki>aj*u,<br />

"I.ucky" Jack il'^arj- cot flat feet<br />

(mi (trail for him), while I'n-Kton<br />

.Mayinin ua« cutsed with .ithlrten<br />

fcHit. Cuv U'atNon claim?* h? liaa<br />

mtiHc!r>*!!!!<br />

Itarli.'tra I^trutn and J..ck Uartfniin<br />

--», pr'" n ! : - "'-nder* to VASKIN 1 ASHIN.»* tIlf C Iiro "" lnr "' l " t ""ft<br />

,.»AT.SON wills hi.t dramatic ItAIEUARA N0IEY1I LI-* mint ha*v' fancn-w. hharpe nm, l'<br />

FSP i° ART M°"'K- F«ASsC;« hard t(m« in French b""',.!,;.' « r '''"« ^'"* «»>• *•>»••*'*<br />

** lc h Mk ! W l<br />

wing of Hound and disporting NORDFELT. fl^Htkn lilie another f'»

FOUR<br />

Mi»» Wilton<br />

P. E. Teacher<br />

Speaks; For<br />

Girls' Gym<br />

Chancir.jr down to tlic lurid<br />

depths n( the Lflwcll cellar not<br />

louir asv :o i«y our annunl visit to<br />

Uncfc WIJHe, the termite exterminator,<br />

we found the poor fellow<br />

pcrrhfd on a barrel moaninjr dejectedly.<br />

"Hinlne** If awful!" tie reflected.<br />

"A cym teacher named Mi«n<br />

WlUon hat eoiivinced all my termiln<br />

they nhuiild Htrike for a cement<br />

jrym. What's to become of<br />

me?*'.<br />

Indignantly we offered our con-<br />

PolntioiiH iii.il net forth to find this<br />

"fifth •critumnijL"<br />

<strong>The</strong> "l^ynliitti"<br />

A. few moment* later we trucked<br />

her down in the cirlx* jrym office I<br />

and wormed from her n mt-rk njiol- '<br />

It w;is all in loyalty to her alma '•<br />

muter, hi.e explained. <strong>The</strong> tiym<br />

hai" been here since nhv was n Mu- '<br />

dent, tind slit* wait achiiiir fur n<br />

change nf environ mom.<br />

"What? You nay you're a Low*<br />

t'll urnd?" **e queried, nl**}** nn<br />

the alerl.<br />

"I t-urdv nm,** «.hi* replied. "I<br />

crndunled'with the claxt "f '22.<br />

Here let me *hnw you—"<br />

Our hCiit^K begun thunibinir<br />

tbr'tiiL'h an old, irrren bound bonk.<br />

1*iie "Uit'll of aume pictures picture numinert maniacs of oi the me upper clauses cjanm and<br />

Ifutb tn • I'JB If.i.ila* fp*aThiHA M<br />

, of xtudcnlit (cwual and candid, j I"* to >'•ertinent to<br />

Uiwull life.<br />

Robbery<br />

e cameraman and 112 Shirley FrirdriekH M»*. Walsh's Flower<br />

"Strtile preClv," ro.i\r(l tin , — ,,<br />

I; 1 !;"''<br />

IV ulj ip;<br />

*'!* for lniy-.. II-- w;i.- a liaiiiiIv.^-I.>»Kini,' lit- "I»o \ >u want tu i-v ;i *<br />

ib- • ;tn:< it eii !•',- tfiiday. w'm-n tin- .-tudelit b'«l.\ ct-le- t;.iri|.ii. He ilidn't know ai::uiii*<br />

l.iat.-.i ri.iir Pay. To i.p.>n t!u- ];"o- was w.lulling. II 1 •i*Ti:i>t:"<br />

"Hnetor,"<br />

"How dots bt-inji at I.oMell nuke<br />

youifr-H?'"<br />

Scared.<br />

Naturally, we took the hint, li-ft<br />

tin- curly.haired, white-faced little<br />

liiorid i,i iii*r inoii.^.vHahl.M and<br />

ea^dy sli'ijied biu-k to >IHIrii f each pWiuul [u be sfate*).<br />

New Term's Schedule .<br />

(("outinued F'oin I*an«* 1 *<br />

Institute; September i*. Tuesday,<br />

Admission Day: October l.'I. .Monday<br />

fidlowini: Icnal huli lay {(.'«lumbus<br />

j.iy. Octolwr 12); Xovernher<br />

11, Tue.-ilay. Arm^ticc Day;<br />

November 1H. \V«dni-«day, lnst s I Senior Day |<br />

(Continued From Pnet I)<br />

Vo>ne, pitcher; Walith. fir*I bane;<br />

I.ichtj, right field; FelNnc Ml<br />

Held; Dunn, third bate; Ilrrlin,<br />

- center field; McKeever. nhorlitlop;<br />

tut": \ovt-iiib-T -I). Tiiurjiday. I^'TIH-IT, 2nd !>a*e; nnd, lant bat<br />

Yhankr'ifividt; Day; November 2*J nut lea-.I. utility man and wstrr<br />

, t'', January 2, t'hristniiis vjii'atHin. Imy. I'ower.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ui.w t.(.,iuj«. i.r th.- i;r».In.iHi iz ' !.im><br />

,.t Junr -II:<br />

11M).<br />

I'., ••Tmii U.-v.l AlU-tl. >!|ilt.-y Ah<br />

T>v. J'.lm |- r;uii-.« Ati.l.-ri...u. AIIMTI<br />

Ji.lin /\|-..'li,!, •„.. .M.iri'-il, AI.'IHI, ilil,'.'<br />

L. Ari4itH.'.|. ii,ii«.rt K. Arii'tlil.<br />

-. m-rt T v< UM>JI,. , -^.....- ,:..».•.... u_.,.., . »-..^_........<br />

: 'l , ^.,,...<br />

. .e|i N''i'^:j'l'(.- Iti.ti.rt T Ni Mtfni<br />

.M.irllu V;,, XU-..1I. "<br />

Kn.J -.. •i(..>:1K|il. j,,i,,, Fruti<br />

«.-:>r .-k «rr,,,l(1,.», \v»l I 111 .M:l-riu.l<br />

1 i»t*'-l'.t '"•"•i:i--'iJ. Jfllvit ,l.if..i.Ii tn\. k:iti>V.<br />

•• **- -inn. (WnS-rtf. '<br />

Mm .- Hit!.- .-. J..v i:•,!.! I:.,I-'M,,,.,,<br />

" " r. (Jl..rl.-t I*. M«-r.<br />

KHB-7.^ Ji-cnh Itat-f^hf- ,<br />

IH'DI l:-irt.<br />

jt-r-. .'.Ivyi, Allwrr It.inUil.i ,„.,. Jut.- r.m.1<br />

lE;lTwr,.;».ri;.r. Miii.il.-y Jto-W. Kicln-rl 1 .". .'M.lrJ.'.l<br />

,.1.4it **-" lt«ri>:. iw:.ii'f. ii'f. -iiiunuit I'luti-- K. " liirk.-*,!. '• - Il.;-r r*,rW.iv H-tt,- ri.I ' 1X icWft. fry. Hn*riiii,r|«. HKu t..Tti Man tan. Ju.<br />

^i>liin« Mnrro.|iiln Atiudl II.IKI-..'<br />


LETS «KT<br />

1<br />

ACQCAlSTKtl!<br />

.*rnl<br />

Volume 70. -^* o '<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Show-Down<br />

By KHilor Mary Fletcher<br />

Fompall iw;i*i>n—n«ain the mine,<br />

'ntlle*. and excitement.<br />

<strong>The</strong> time when iwartliy pigskin*<br />

nrancer* nc-iiare their jaw ami fly<br />

to it—when bands play, yell leadem<br />

(f,f*r^ANP wnvn loyal students<br />

flock to ihi* i-tndium to occupy<br />

their vital (roiiition in the contest.<br />

ThU term a* alwMrii—mark our<br />

vorit it will be the n**cnmrn.<br />

who flock in crealent number with<br />

spirit uniiindrrnl Ity a "IHg-time"<br />

complex, u.ntniiclu'd by **l»cllif*lont«<br />

of firindcur.' 1<br />

If yoii, noble upper-classmen.<br />

i-Jiallctici* my statement, go ahead<br />

—W indium*" 1 - Go out to the<br />

Cainis and count Vm ymir.-eir.<br />

)Jn .-I'itf uf •••>nu1 emergency, we still<br />

will ftVf fVfH ««' ( ls tlUTt'V another<br />

Ild-i- Itowl team ^loughi-.g up tin-<br />

Stai-fiml farm this fall.)<br />

From Joe In Mm*<br />

"Hell,, 1<br />

"Hrlln liny" •» the dinner fur<br />

Yd I" frtr.hm.-n and YOU of mighty<br />

*rnini> In •£•-! acquainted with nm-<br />

•mtlhrr and YOUK *ch«ol. fur each<br />

onf of yfiu in an intricntr part nf<br />

lhi» treat machine.<br />

Pu- 1 tn tin* co-operation of an<br />

arn>m«!.-,y\ .-"t'pti'inlu'r J-":<br />

t>iu*'!I v*. r»nim*'i«*«'.<br />

Stuff Like TltiK<br />

Ju«l Can'i MIM<br />

. x r-1he n3y.n1* ir'«.'f—"Sinu-'ii um<br />

it—#'>rm* haven't cut it! Tin* **lt*_-«i<br />

and Whiti-"? Ah! II'K j»o.t it.<br />

"It" micht rrprenrni any of iht><br />

*-rn*>atiiini| nrn- idenn which prum-<br />

Ur to agfijn brine our Jinirnal I he<br />

"Firm Cxftt* lUlinc*<br />

Cuual nholt of CUHH offtcerM!<br />

Action Knaps of firalhall ton ml AM<br />

for writriiD*—Shnkenprnrt*. enmprtition<br />

U ihtne!<br />

Sifti-upji and payment • for jiiur-<br />

R»l" *lil br made from Heptemht-r<br />

22 to October 3 only.<br />

Due to national dcfi'iinc demand*<br />

on paper, N'O COIMKS WILL UK<br />



Chint of the<br />

Soap-bos Orator<br />

THE.<br />


Smiling<br />

Leaders<br />



_Snn Francisco, California, Wednesday. September \1, iO41 Founded January. 1808<br />

Smilint; at \»u areihi*<br />

vtudenls jmi'te elected tn<br />

r\e a% jour leader?*, . <strong>The</strong> eight offirer* jtnliripalr<br />

a nil*} term crammed with peppy rnllie*., lively<br />

tiiib1icatiiin-f at KfBiir will be at<br />

This afternoon's game will 1M; a<br />

idi.'-oiKMi affair, introducing into<br />

prep initials the fameii "T-foma-<br />

I lion" — I^iweli'* new attack —<br />

utrain*t Washington's newly adopt-<br />

; I'd offense from t*h«irt punt formation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> I>>well "KcniebiM'k Kids"<br />

• will be out fighting to get n'ti-ad<br />

in the "Sea gull" scries whkh<br />

. stum)** nt niii" win apiece n'.id a tie.<br />

Cards (Jiven Edge<br />

Bolstered by many returning vet.<br />

eraiiji and a swiirm of promiftinimaterial.<br />

Coach VoyneV team will<br />

go into the g'lnu- a slight favorite<br />

«iver >i green KujtJe miuail which is<br />

iiii'l'T*;ointc a change in grid men-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Eagle eleven which In built<br />

around five returmni* lettermrn<br />

and Iw.i promitiin*; pro>/.•' f.i:1*<br />

H.-ii<br />

i<br />

ry<br />

II I.TIJ<br />

ilnf><br />

in-j<br />

I.u rn<br />

Mill<br />

1 >r. .•••tin L'll<br />

)* hr liaMi't no- i ->n I-'I.I. Limv rt<br />

1 ••»liir<br />

i'1'ti people who '1<br />

11TI.<br />

IIi-rtn.<br />

ash \r\, id<br />

J<br />

I:KJ.<br />

ninwm<br />

XI<br />

.Plans Secret for<br />

j i Frosh Reception<br />

. Listen, I>>W':llile.t! Class ••h>t*tionf<br />

arc ncnin uiHin us. Ontf more,<br />

the hollow pnimixeM of the .xoapw>rt<br />

politician is heirii; oulithadow*:.!<br />

by tht »ini'Cri' Htiitk'nt with your<br />

inten.'fl: at heart ami »mn»* cracker*<br />

,n. yen, noon the termites may<br />

HP 1 Hy |iiiyitiir f«r your •»»'•< ><br />

you oati i'lrt-Vfiit this hiippvninr to<br />

• u. With 1K)th the .Shield nnd the,<br />

Editor* jTroppmanns Troppmann's performance of the<br />

IIiHtk .Must He Ordered Scroll btuiittiii}.* a Inr^c ww mem- Thin term a cirl ediu <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> i t'ulenkala t'lkl Hl Huln and d eignt i other h<br />

and win n it'* durk-haired. capable Sc.*i)ltites driid.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stafr enn ntilv print the l-i-rship. their fall aitivilies .".•« bnnie W:Nn remain<br />

term.<br />

Compete in Contest<br />

ta ' tl l " nia kt' the cafe run as Folhiwintr the reception, the<br />

from last' •""•oolhly as last term. .Vfarltnt's will be ftiveu their first<br />

I <strong>The</strong>re are the officer*, new-j taste of the terpsfchorral arts in<br />

j comers. <strong>Lowell</strong> elected them and their thus far brief careeiri nt our<br />

I'residtn** over the Scroll meet- kn.)ws you will like them. big re


rutilialied by th« Auociateil Stu the intllinir crowds in tin- hall:<br />

yearning for ffimilinr fare-; wnndering if you'll<br />

ever f* 1 *'! that yi»u belong.<br />

You do belong. <strong>The</strong> minute you pnsM-d through<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Jiiiir, you In-camc a P«rt of her. » protector<br />

of hi-r iilufll". of her tradition.<br />

We're glad you're hurt*. We want *hi* npirit<br />

which you will put into <strong>Lowell</strong>. We want you to<br />

work hard for us tto that when tin' tirnir fumed,<br />

we'll bid you farewell with silicon* regret.*.<br />

A Tangle With Fate<br />

<strong>The</strong> roar and the excitement of the mob only<br />

added to my already nervous state. Tht» was ,ny<br />

first big change—my first opportunity to show<br />

jtut what I could do.<br />

Jtutt exactly what my fair would be I had no<br />

idea, but ii wan certain to be more thrilling than<br />

my wilder. expectation*.<br />

My fingers were wet with perspiratio:; as I<br />

Knmped the bench nnd looked with agitation at<br />

the hiuky warriors on the field and at our chief<br />

nervously pacing up and down.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n suddenly my heart nfcipned a beat"!<br />

"Hurryr* * voice grumbled and an arm directed<br />

me toward my destiny.<br />

I saw the eager feeea of the excited crowd<br />

and heard their uplrlted yelling. My big chance.<br />

Could I co through with it?<br />

Dut I must! After all, it was a great honor<br />

to be eked to take the position of second string<br />

water boy with this season's great team.<br />

I Ali's Secretary<br />

Here we are again, you lucky people, back<br />

after u grueling summer to bring you uorne gruesome<br />

mail. Remember, we're only too glad to<br />

answer anything (that is, utmost everything). So<br />

remember to drop your letters in the Letter Box<br />

in front of 118.<br />

Dear Ali's Secretory:<br />

I'm n murcle bound sophomore, how can I go<br />

out for football, baseball, ttoccer. track, basketball<br />

nnd mvlmming all while I'm a «oph.<br />

—A Worried Miwclcbound Soph.<br />

Dear Musclebound:<br />

You art an ambitfou* fellow, but in order to be<br />

the Superman yod want to be, vou'H ha*-e to get<br />

two I 1 a on your final grades. Good luck.<br />

—Ali's Secretary.<br />

Dear Ali's Secretary:<br />

Good luck to o.ir football team. —A Rooter.<br />

Dear Hooter:<br />

Thanks a lot for your message. <strong>The</strong> team is<br />

jroing places this fall. —Alt's Secretary.<br />

—L—<br />

Dear Ali's Secretary:<br />

Are there thieves in this school? My locker<br />

has really been cleaned. —I. M. Dingus ted.<br />

Dear Disgusted:<br />

This column has received no mforatloti as to<br />

recent purge of your locker.<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

| We Saw You ]<br />

Well, school Is off with n bang.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mud rush of the first day |"<br />

onr, and all thnis I»*. :5 T-~-.I<br />

fuee.-t seen at this *«i»i* her from being Ml. 1 of<br />

the luill. • . . Tahoe Tavern nnd<br />

Hicli.irdJ'onV* both swarmed with<br />

f.owt'lHtfcK- • . . P 1 Knox "<br />

Tiihm- from Cal-NVvndn j.tatc li^e<br />

(IPK miteli. Iloli?). . . . Betty<br />

Ibn*»-n Tahoed nil »ummiT v.ith<br />

tlu- unnu- l«".y.<br />

Al.l'MNl AT THE LAKE<br />

Alumni at Tahop included Eleanor<br />

Wei**. Carolyn Ellis, ard Al<br />

Pi'yman. . . . At .Meek's. Eleanor<br />

.Motley. Jtickiv Peuljich. and<br />

Hilda Cliapman hold f»rth. . . *<br />

Ilflen Morri.-o'i saw the Lsiku in n<br />

lifautiful Krot'ii Chrysler (whoxe<br />

wn* it. IMWI?). . • • Holefolly<br />

tiitikirijr into cni*h other' 1 * vyvs, FAlit*<br />

Mctijt''** and Cewfll*-* Ro*i were<br />

as mui-li known ait Lincoln, bah!<br />

IIm trying to set all of our young buys' hearts<br />

afiiv.<br />

Janet Itico, UnvrH'H f.imoun IMJIIL*, signed up<br />

with t>oinn Galileo tlvuL <strong>The</strong> um** i* always<br />

gr*unt-'r on the other nidi*.<br />

.......i about yesterday'* nbee Ik'tty L-irson mid<br />

. _ .1- i ...... U»_i.rf .<br />

M uskpU nl>out vMtcnliy'i nljirr.co lletlj- [.-irson .'Hid "Uoc I)oc" Ilerwick. lIcrwicK. one of Low- !«»•<br />

:uul th>' rdataf excuw, nolltclr »ay ••''-• cIV oluw -•'•«"•• "jiteady"' "jitnuly ' ncLs, ncLi. huvt* h»v* called cnllpd it riuitfi. nultl<br />

you f..ri;i.t it. Whim you finnlly . . . Th,. reason: Onvi. han a rovine eye!<br />

Kilt tu r.'.ws it will I* nl'out 0:1". >iany Lowrll fo-callrd "Hollywood haircuts<br />

IW-coi, lleiwcen cl«.r. clutte* l»nk l>ank your your l«k- l»ck- '""V^.iii' Z'lT^ .. «.!»„.• „„•„ ,M<br />

cr «•* loud tin possible. Daub up Dolor»^4 MojiCA f*een nt .Sahrllo'rt—you're too<br />

the wrong ld nlair* and l whi-n Db a teach- u ng!! . . , Ilonnie ^IcI'hemon *trpping out<br />

er tell* >ou not In, argue with him ine with former I.owcllilr "Itil, Nick<br />

until the Ml ring*, and you have<br />

to get an admit flip-<br />

NKVKR mtlNoes (he ur sl»*l n-ally like me?"<br />

All tin* way fni'fl Ciiu-innali to Hetty CHo «n the IOOHC and a hit of all<br />

San Francisi-u mi uiit- nuart of oil right!!!<br />

and no ira*.<br />

Watch the next column for startling develop-<br />

Sounds iiiipiissihl''. )>ut ttVments!"!<br />

claiino'l to bf true Xmn* HIIKT<br />

lhan Vice-I'rincipa! .M«'imn-N "Ilftfivy,"<br />

a dashing Dotitzv from 'way<br />

back in H'-'l could yccumplish this<br />

remarkable feat. (Did it come on I Stuff and Things<br />

ih« train. Mr. Monr»e?l<br />

lit; inherited it fr«>m his mother<br />

in ]•»:;$. and in typical "Gear Aviator: "Wanta" fly, kid:"<br />

Grinder" Monrnc fashion, lip pre- Young Thing: "Ooh, yes!"<br />

served it fntil it U now <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Aviator; -Just a minute ami HI catch you<br />

oldest ear.<br />

one."<br />

Second l>l;it-i- fur the ancient age<br />

— L—<br />

automobile i-ontest was a Hraw l*e- I g&^pcd, I fumbled, my heart Ivjped up. "I've<br />

tWft-n Ken I^irkin's *'Flo^si« P'ord" tost it. I'm sure it war. there." I opened my desk,<br />

and Hud Williamson'* "Oti) Faith- surveyed the flor. crawled around under my chair.<br />

ful." Iloth are 13J9 model /. Fords. My hand grasped it. I mumbled "I've found it."<br />

1 «iat down elated, and once more chewed at my<br />

gum!<br />

—h—<br />

"Now," naid the I*rof., "pass all your papers to<br />

Summer<br />

the end of the row. Have a sheet of carbon paper<br />

under each one so I can correct all the mistake*<br />

at once."<br />

Hangovers<br />

—L—<br />

"Too had about Profescor Smith. He was a<br />

profound thinker."<br />

Paul Orsi'n j o mny WeUmulIer "Yvs. he wan nlwiiy-i thinking no matter where<br />

haircut.<br />

he was. <strong>The</strong> last time we saw him he wa< in<br />

swimming and hit -tuddenty watted out: "I'm think-<br />

Connii* Wilson's ii»*«»ii>ition of intr. I'm thinking!!"<br />

Charlie Cook's football.<br />

"You foot! Professor Smith *pok*> with a<br />

<strong>The</strong> Betty Ijtrsun nnd Dave Ecr- lisp'"<br />

wiuk "crack-up."<br />

Haby Stork: "Mama, where did I come from?"<br />

<strong>The</strong> raindrop crept up in a "peck of dust and<br />

-.iid: "From now on your name In mud!"<br />

<strong>THIS</strong> Al'TO DKIVB YOU CARAZY<br />

A conversation K'tween n husband and hit<br />

wife: "When- are you going, dear?" "I'm gotoff<br />

down tu Stu-do-haker's and get some food."t<br />

•W-ll. don't buv anything t'lci 1 . We r.in't P.-<br />

Furd it. And iMrsides Reo practically ever>-l»odjr<br />

in town now. <strong>The</strong>re's Zejihyr-a! things I want<br />

tu say fo ihif baker, he given me the Willy.-", anyway.<br />

What are we going to have for supper?"<br />

"AcI'Iinline; i(1 the maid, we're going to have<br />

roast beef and Nnsh-ed potatoes."<br />

"You know 1 dcn't like roast beef and ?r«h-ed<br />

pointiH*!«. Wi-'vo argut-d thw out Pnrk-ard and<br />

forward and I'm ^o ruad I couM Terruplur.e<br />

apart."<br />

She accepted the rc-Huiik in silence, for what<br />

opiil.l she say?<br />

—L,—<br />

Character: You.<br />

Scene: Warm lied.<br />

Time: .Mondav morn nt school time. Nuff<br />

said.<br />

—L^<br />

IM like a lunik thnt'a viry short;<br />

I have to make n book report.<br />

I want a hook with irood liiir print<br />

And quite n lot in in't.<br />

With margin^ wide and page* stout<br />

I don't care much what it** about.<br />

Hut I must rend it through tonight.<br />

And then>'« the report to write.<br />

La5t month our teacher gave us warning<br />

It must be in tomorrow movnlng!

Shootin' <strong>The</strong><br />

Breeze<br />

\l7 Dal Itader<br />

<strong>The</strong>y're new! <strong>The</strong>y're rejuvenated!<br />

<strong>The</strong>y're spirited!<br />

Thai's the definition of <strong>Lowell</strong>'*<br />

1941 contribution tr> tile A. A. A.<br />

foolhnll U-a.rue. and we're cnlHng<br />

them the ''Komebarb Kimrthini*<br />

had happored t«i our t;ile;.thn.«nip<br />

;; Lightweight Basketeers Led by<br />

ZZiZ" : Coach Neff Seek Championships<br />

| Girls' Sports<br />

lolu are ^.^t^.fb*' • •—..»*» .^-- 9 - -captain:<br />

llob llnrileravf. Jw Efkhurl.<br />

Ernie Xackord. "Swole"<br />

WiCi their -v.-- nil ".;*«.• alnii^t<br />

tra.litiim.it rmwn, : 1 :r in'- add 'Ji)'s<br />

li-'il'-tt-r- iin- iifw Tttli'ijr d.i.Mi f.<br />

wcl* ! the iTuvvn.<br />

—rntirti'sy S. F. Chronicle<br />

tin. Howie Hill. I'at Simmon*. "fuddleV* Cardi-lU dlll and d "Curly" "Cl" \V WtKRinre.<br />

In tin- Kiikfi.-M; ••harl>-HC.«.lv«' (left). "Lwo" Miller (ci*nti*r>, "Culd-<br />

•11 II'iv" Or-i (riirht), and Maine Gardner (behind Hill*.<br />

Cards Take<br />

Opener 13-0<br />

Indians Rely-<br />

On Flashy T'<br />

And Veterans<br />

f;> Joan S'mon<br />

A busy .-imrl v MMWIII has l»*i-n<br />

Iin)|i'i-((i this t.'rni fur tin- eirN.<br />

entirely new division fur Im-yd,rid<br />

in L* fans lu'id tla* hiiii; li.->t of<br />

activities.<br />

\l't* J M-illli»i*r<br />

Manager* for the varioti- ^|lo^N<br />

arc: Kleaiuii MenM*h, in* ^tiilini;;<br />

Ursula Wolff, hievclinu; Inm* .Mil.<br />

linif, Kolf; ihiTft .Miirkarian. badminion;<br />

Wanda McKemic hiK-kej;<br />

Shirley Friedrickn. Icnnin; Mar|orie<br />

Krickrwin. vollevltitll: Vireinin Head,<br />

dancing; nnd Itetty Unlmn-'T. man.<br />

.iKer for hori>i'back riding.<br />

thi* 5evvrith (N-riod "ii the Wc.ln.sday.i<br />

sjifcified.<br />

Hlock I. Officer*<br />

Molly Shcpard and Virginia Carpenter,<br />

prt>ia iiirii ar«- J'II«!<br />

•itaiti'f iht-ir [irnctire s.iiHUi. th«><br />

aniMKil Tripl.<br />

-<br />

•>l -i|u.ul.<br />

Th.* j't\ iharm-.. ;ir.- !•-•! I»v Hud<br />

I'rniilx, .^liiirp-'hootiT un from the<br />

in'", and llal Si*ht*|ip the ball safely, because<br />

in lh«* "T" the backfield play*<br />

down. Jack Irvine. Whlnd Charlie closer to the line and passes the<br />

('<br />

, other tackle. <strong>The</strong> guards will he<br />

Ira Thompson and I'at SEmmonn,<br />

yard Hne. Gardner vasMtA to Ontl At Ihe pivot *pot will be Stan Djiien e can snoot Aoot 18 18 holes<br />

under 80, let nlone TO. Dick pbinn to entff lomc aipateur tournaments hole.<br />

In the future. At the rate this 17-year-oId Lowclllte Is progrVS th<br />

present champs had belter keep their eyes open. «»IHB, in


R. J. Dunn Out of Circulation Prominent New Several New Teachers Join<br />

- - Your Tough Luck, Girls Student* Enroll Faculty; Miss Duffy Retire<br />

him on the stairs. Flashing a<br />

brond smile at UK, he continued,<br />

"Come on In to my room nnd inter-<br />

Ex-Loweliites at<br />

Locai Universities<br />

A few<br />

and now,<br />

nlti should be said, here,<br />

almul the unfumiliar-<br />

& h S 1 S2r STTSm.<br />

both frenhn.cn and sophomores,<br />

Gointr to college? | have held hiKh position in student<br />

What will your first impressions activities in their former schools.<br />

view me, but I warn you I'm n<br />

hard man to quir. ,<br />

W« followed him Into 305 and 1<br />

•j)e? iludley Stone OfiTcrM<br />

At n rennt survey of the sprinc From Dudley .Stone come Pale<br />

• -•- Tr.ivain and sl.irley MclUe, claim<br />

After hi.i graduation from col-' cnpuiin—"It's k'inda *ai'i ioaving my<br />

legc, Mr. Dunn practiced trjiching friend* ai !»woll, l>ut Santa Clara<br />

In Oakland, where Don Budge was i '* J""* wI ! at . rvt , ing outstanding in j'ch'Mtl/ictivitii.-*. t;;ry: ami Itoimoim flolbiu, first<br />

I HEN SILVA. last year'* track viVe-rrrl»." All RirU who want to serve on<br />

two weeks of training.<br />

l.y the death of on* of the mi^t When »sk«| if Luwell was much the clean-up commiltee c-n sign<br />

• • ' • • - ••' change from her former up on the bulletin board oulside of<br />

1 began Mr.; won a HO percenter better class \*( ihe .ic:.ool hart definitely la-en (\»i<br />

Dunn. "I came home late for din-j honor rating from the head' ^"••^ t ptonithip four times /ind Block<br />

girl, Betty Thompson, ntc r*»t byj-'ridny. | low frwhmcn, swelling the<br />

mnk« of the freshman class.<br />

Private schools nlflo were<br />

represented by 13 low freshmen<br />

<strong>The</strong> recent enrollment has<br />

made up for the toss of 399<br />

students through Inst terra'*<br />


LOWELL VS.<br />


FRIDAY<br />

Volume "3. So. 2<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Show-Down<br />

By Editor Mary Fletcher<br />

<strong>The</strong> ball was deep In <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

own territory!<br />

Second down, 70 odd yards left *o<br />

go with 11 minute and a half remaining<br />

in the ball game!<br />

A once-beaten Commerce eleven<br />

teas leading <strong>Lowell</strong>'s gridnleni by n<br />

7 to 6 if ore.<br />

A tennc huih fell over the Isiwell<br />

rooting section. Fiercely they<br />

chewed their nails—desperately<br />

they knitted their brown.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n suddenly 1-owell'n break<br />

ejmet Out of the huddle and up<br />

to Ihe line ca*ne Ihc battling and<br />

(uttered **Kidn." <strong>The</strong> play: a<br />

quick pa-"* to Sheridan. Quickly<br />

the team went into action, vUu I-.';'IV.i'"*j;, V..." •!.„ w vou will annreciale when that pen (the imTenu in question) the new-j lar production. It \yill W the »ev-<br />

Stage to<br />

; S. F., London Favorite Cities<br />


^ Hoys („„„,,, .^i,,,^ Mnry| Sluilcmn intiwtnl'in winnlnir n


o^ ouevrt«&ii KHOOC.<br />

Pubtlshnl br lh« AvocUttd Students<br />

or Lmr«u Hijh School<br />

1100 Hayw Stwt. 8M Krancuwo,<br />

California.<br />

U II- S. 8, A. Heaiben Free<br />

STAFF<br />


Feature Edltor^.mw_.wm...-^ww Jim Wcller<br />

News Editor* Paul McEvoy, Barbara Gala<br />

d<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

H'chnn! Mam<br />

LouUc llai li- m<br />

Louis I^rllholil1<br />

Helen John"'"'!**<br />

ftohrft KturtcVunt<br />


Jnctt h'eder<br />

ItoWrt IIU*S^<br />

'lull ]'rl(-i><br />

|J*ll>* HintlKn<br />


Jrnn Simon<br />

Pr^iikk Pl'iitil**'<br />

KO MeArilitir<br />

H'>t ^tlvrnnati<br />

Faculty Adviser. „ Mr. A. R. McKecver<br />

Don't Cheat,<br />

Just Study<br />

Can you earnestly .*ay tiiiit you have<br />

never cheated in an exam'.'<br />

Think a moment!<br />

It is :i rare person indeed who has not<br />

•at one time in his student career fallen<br />

prey to temptation.<br />

When it quick sideward glance of the<br />

eye. a flash signal from your fourldy may<br />

decide the shape of your grade, can you<br />

put strength of character before deception?<br />

This is the real test, far more vital<br />

than the one on paper.<br />

We arc not so callous as to reveal the<br />

"clever" systems of the minority group of<br />

cheaters at <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> teachers are already<br />

"wise" and uninformed students<br />

will not he at a lo-ss for this neglected<br />

phase of their education.<br />

If you can cheat successfully—congratulations!<br />

You ARE a clever cad.<br />

And if you're caught expect to pay the<br />

penalty, for you deserve it.<br />

But of all the methods employed in<br />

passing a test there is only one flawless<br />

one.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fool-proof system consists of the<br />

three basic essentials—a textbook, a little<br />

determination, and a lot of good harmless<br />

mental exertion.<br />

. This svstem has never been known to<br />

fail!<br />

I Driving Test J<br />

With great pleasure and pride we offer this<br />

aptitude tent for all prospective mr.torlsts. Plea??<br />

\vriti f answers in one ityllable—prefVmbly less—<br />

tear it up—nnlrecl. yon jtioold (a) hit It, (b) lrf»e It to »<br />

friend, CO late II. it might look nice in roar<br />

* room. ':<br />

See the next edition for a list of good books<br />

io raid while recuperating in the hospital.<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales I Stuff and Things<br />

Seen: Connie Wllion and Char<br />

He Cooke nt Larkspur a ft era recent<br />

game. . . . Che«r Leader Paul<br />

Hoii|>er teaching Barbara Oliver<br />

nnJ Virginia Jnckson, the yell*, of<br />

counfo. . . . On tho court atepj,<br />

Helen Crawford and Don Motzcr,<br />

must any day. . . . So Tom<br />

Tully in that way nlx>ut Jnan Dennis.<br />

. . . What fair Lowolllte<br />

(trippingly climbed out of a Mcn'o<br />

Park crock? . . . Was it tho<br />

horse of the heat, floealie?<br />

113 Vtny Ilert Ilunw* classic<br />

faux |NUt thanking Mcrv Klpnlw in.<br />

Mtrad of Hub Duii: «n tin- trail<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Songs<br />

ON, CAItlMNAI.<br />

On—mi—Canlinal!<br />

Fight for vietoiv tinlay, tvam.<br />

r«|,,M Kfd ami White<br />

Pmudlv wavf fur you fiom up on<br />

hfch.<br />

Courage—<strong>Lowell</strong> Hearts—<br />

Down th fite-mt'it in the fray,<br />

team.<br />

And wh'*n the l>att!e !••* won.<br />

We'll cheer for Unveil High.<br />

I.i.*:vn to our cheers*;<br />

Hear oiil" vWls ring out anew, team.<br />

We have faith in you—<br />

Daunt It*.* fijrht will win for<br />

IEtx] nnd White.<br />

On—on—Indian, thousands strong<br />

Will direr you throueh, team.<br />

Vammish your enemy!<br />

For Uiwell Fight. Fitrht, Fight.<br />

THE LOWF-I.l. HYMN<br />

I<br />

With heads bnrcl we stand<br />

In tribute to thee—<br />

Our nimu mater, <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Oh. true to thee. well in?.<br />

Unfurled—Red and White.<br />

None shall thee decry.<br />

Thy nii.ne uv guard—<br />

. Oh—<strong>Lowell</strong> Hich!<br />

II<br />

<strong>The</strong> battle is o'er<br />

And <strong>Lowell</strong> heart.* true.<br />

In victory or defeat will<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir faith in thee renew.<br />

With hearts full we *ing.<br />

Thy i»on« ne'er wili fail.<br />

Thy name we love.<br />

Hail. <strong>Lowell</strong>. Hail.<br />


Cltorux:<br />

Fi(»ht. men, for I^oweil High!<br />

Raise your banner* ui> to the xky.<br />

Onward, you Cardinal*!<br />

Let our victory b« your cry.<br />

We're ttoing to cheer you men on.<br />

And Kpur you men on for Lou-cf.<br />

We're Koing to force you men on.<br />

And drive you men. and W house.<br />

H-4 Seil.: Yos. yen.<br />

I-rit'Tt'sting: ''Saiiily'* Johnston.<br />

.f-ilter: Uotty Larson.<br />

K-k'ver: Ira Tiiomjtson's littlo<br />

bonk.<br />

I^u^eiuii-: ("arniella. What Fay,<br />

Sieve?<br />

M*I*H>1: Bob Arn»Ic!'n smile,<br />

N'-tcriaining: "Daddy" sunp by<br />

tin* football team, starring Pnt<br />

"Oh-oh-oh" Simmoiw.<br />

O-rilea!: Itoport Card Day.<br />

P-iisizle: How Coninn rci* beat <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Q-uest: For n "perfect girl."<br />

It-iblions: On Paul Or«i and "Red"<br />

IrwinV lielmets*.<br />

S-crcwy: This co'umn,<br />

T-formation; Starring B * a i n e<br />

Gardner and Bill Khert'lati.<br />

IM.wantiil: <strong>The</strong> bangit the K\T\»<br />

nre wearing.<br />

V-tvaciou. 1 *: Mar\* Altec Scott. Kit.<br />

Ed?<br />

W-insnme: ltol>erta Miithew.i,<br />

X-tr:i gootl: <strong>The</strong> Fro!*h Iteception,<br />

Y-..]| k-a.ler: Pnul "Hit It'" Hopper.<br />

Z*carce: Double lunch jwriod*.<br />

I Mother Goose j<br />

Old Mother Hubbard went to the<br />

cujMHiard,<br />

To fetch her poor dog a lione;<br />

But when «ln« got there.<br />

Tile cupboard wax bare—<br />

Ant 1 5o the poor dog went on W.<br />

P. A.<br />

Humpty-dumpty nat on n wall.<br />

Humpty-dumpty had a Krent fall.<br />

All the king** horse* nnd nil the<br />

kinca men-<br />

Had EgRnog.<br />

Mary had a little cut;<br />

She fed It on tin cans.<br />

And when the little kittens came,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y came in Ford sedan*.<br />

Joe took hut aunt out riding, tho icy was the<br />

breeze.<br />

He put her In the rumble pc.it, to see his antifreeze.<br />

—L—<br />

Fimt Mosquito: "Why nre you making lurij<br />

11 fUM? 1 *<br />

Second Mosquito: "Wheel I just passed the<br />

screen tc i."<br />

—L—<br />

Om.i' I was a froshie, by seniors I was Miscd,<br />

I wundercd through the ftpacioun halls bewildered,<br />

worried. W.<br />

Now I am a senior, and my preunco Is BO dear,<br />

That my teachers have invited me to stay anoth«r<br />

.7cur.<br />

Ho wasn't very funny until Iio i-nme to <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

but now lit-'* a Cnrd.<br />

—L—<br />


"Next."<br />

"Who me?"<br />

"When* burn?"<br />

"KuMia."<br />

"What piiri?"<br />

"All of me."<br />

'"Why did voU li-aw Itu.s^ia?"<br />

"I couldn't bring it with me."<br />

"Your business?"<br />

"Itottfll."<br />

*'Wh>i.-'s Washington?"<br />

"Ut>'n dead."<br />

"I mean the cripitol of the U. S."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y I'-aiicd it all to Europe."<br />

"Now, du vuu promise lo su|i|iurt the Conattttitioii<br />

of tin 1 L'liiti-i! Stntv.o of Amerk^?"<br />

"Mr ? How can I ? I already have a v ifo ami<br />

rlK killrt!"<br />

—L—<br />

Politician: "Coiigratulatr me, dear. 1 won<br />

the elittion."<br />

His \Vifv: ••HnlK-.stly?-<br />

Politiiiari: "V.'hy bring that up?"<br />

'•Knock! Kiif>ck!"<br />

"Who's there?"<br />

".••!-."<br />

«fi\* whn?"<br />

"Si.- is thf fiin't tlie "clean-up" committee do<br />

."onirthim: with the school banner? It looks as if<br />

it had I'fen used as a rug,<br />

—Cleanlines* It,s» Virtue.<br />

Dear Virtue;<br />

Yrn'd be dirty, too. if *-ou were on display at<br />

(•••fry game and rally all term. Any donations .<br />

\v!ll l».* accepted. —All** Secretary.<br />

— L—<br />

Dear AliV Secretary:<br />

I've hern a popular kid over since kindeijcJrten;<br />

I v.;ii the "belle of the Iiall" in junior h^h.<br />

hut nl last week's dance I "hugged the wall." i*»n<br />

you help me in my nrcxent dilemma 1<br />

—Forsaken and Forlorn.<br />

Dear F. nnd F.:<br />

Your case is indeed nad but not lu.itcleiw- ^ flU<br />

can never know whnt n little fixing will do, Dont<br />

get too drastic, of course, A little peroxide, mascara,<br />

nun-tan jKiwder. nnd dark tClasK-s will do<br />

wonders. If these fail, you mifrht trv pluctic *ur*<br />

KVTy. — All's Secretary.<br />

Dear AII'K Secretary:<br />

I iim In room 12D nnd am very dingustcd with<br />

the I. 2, .1, 4-1. 2. y. 4 of the R. 0. T. C. when I<br />

nm trying to nt'.idy. Is there anything you ca0<br />

iio?? I, j[. Disgusted.<br />

Dear Diflgusted:<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is little I can do. but you mifrht fret In<br />

the mvlng of it. If you feel like grunting. y>J><br />

could form a Contra lino. This would furnish<br />

no end of fun and confusion.<br />

—AH's Secretary.<br />

• fie** 1 !<br />

pWSC ' • -<br />

tf« have ;<br />

jj^ b&t t

Shootin' <strong>The</strong><br />

Breeze<br />

' <strong>The</strong> found of n pistol report nine<br />

cut; Cheers echoed nil over the<br />

itadium, iK'Op'e swarmed onti the<br />

field and on the Scoreboard high<br />

ttop Koznr Stadium many glum<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>itnts G.<br />

also know how to "trip the light<br />

1 fantastic."<br />

<strong>The</strong>- Card* **T*d" off on Piltitburg<br />

1-1-0 in their 'II debui. Rrttlng re*<br />

'• <strong>The</strong> girl- 1 and !H.)V gym tenth- »"">«•• f«r lajil yr*r'i« .TJ-P »helUcki<br />

er- h.'ivc i-ffttperated in m-iking in T* '"aul Oml ant! Charlie Cooke<br />

i-.lii, .lancing instruction pos,il.Ie. ••"•It wored nnd Cook-converted.<br />

! ..,.,„,..,. " ri " K'tmi'track Ki-IV then in-<br />

I'KOKKAM , .Mj,.,| , following schedule haw In-en Marin County team VJ-O. to make<br />

planned for aflt'r Kchirol -tpnrlr No. It—to Hurlinganu—<br />

d,'nt ,.f the .San KrarK-i.'i-o Alumni Tin- siitmj ,,r l!,c uprnini: rah-rah i-chini: in his »\ir>t. "Itic Sinf", '!,^ V LV—IH-K , inner- horsrliack f,,un,i tnt, l^-al gridders battling to<br />

hockey, nnd bicycling. -• - • - •<br />

Klnlll 'I"t i hi>rM-liack f,,i,nd ihi- lik-nl irriddor* liattlinir to<br />

A»,«ialic,n. ami !„• aim *e\k in.•—'nU'r"""!!"!'- »nd ail. ,;,,. flr,t ,|Uart,.r „„ „ ]aU.ra| frnm<br />

Aflir inakine fivi- riinnenilivv really -Itiiiil" it ilnon Ihe ll,r,,aC» .if lh,w Sacrrd Heart lri«h Kriilav Janccl niirM-iiack """'«• Gardner to Shondan. with Sncriilan<br />

cnverM. Charlie C.i.,k,' w,a '„ meet «lwn Ihey da«h at Si. Icnallus Field. ' • •"•rrmptlialr anil aoiancnl iin- uncnrktnk a .',."• yard heave to Eob<br />

,(i"' "" P.".""* " I " 1 " 1 k as o meet<br />

in the Commerce<br />

Tllnmp.",,,, ,n the lM,l lone. In O<br />

i: 1<br />

Sghti '">vifh''''t'h : :,t 1 ' > aii' l 'im t i',"rt,m't 10's Win Both League Encounters.<br />

'•-"•it. lint t,i t,« tlie ]ini> was •!•***« ri »r t\ s\1 I I r» • t r\ •<br />

lite Li'i"^^ water over a erumhling da I«oweH's light 20 wight s Lose "'.'aralta" by aiinttier Single i-jiampioii.-htit Digit have many<br />

tacS. »r.o wl<strong>The</strong>'wS'ingt'on lilt to*«er«. traditional winiurs of tfc'<br />


for th Lions<br />

S<br />

1 fim- hall li'indler.x, anioiitr them<br />

A. A. A. crown, have started off "fit iMiy" Hi.j Fanfclle, Fnjila. Jay<br />

the sea.-oil in tiieir i^ual brilliant Mml,] an ov'ninb» nnd<br />

\'ud "Pop-up" Silv.'rman.<br />

Cnt.-hinL' will be K.1 "Don't<br />

J" Ih<br />

ti Runaway<br />

Boxcar"<br />

nacrl of prep perfection in puntinL'j t'n m to]).<br />

are Pott* Nelson, iin uiulerniti'd > <strong>The</strong> ten*, apjian-ntly heailing for<br />

back who ha* rooted ninny n '••""'<br />

one for Ommcrce. Maine Gardner<br />

w aim<br />

outMnndinc<br />

t d i<br />

in<br />

i<br />

fpitc<br />

it<br />

of<br />

f<br />

lib<br />

lb<br />

Goof Gridsters Tie<br />

r at l'lr^S^TSS Galileo Ilegovich Is proba- , Bucs; Just Miss Win<br />

Jjlv the city's best kicker. . . .' Tough breaks and a few techni-<br />

*»ti30. '.-alities rendered a scoreless dvntl-<br />

I lock between the inex|K-riL-ncfd<br />

I I^iwell goofsters ittnl the Ilalboa<br />

1 '42 Crews Prepare sniia

FOUR<br />

Neff Here 161<br />

Years; Prides 1<br />

His Two Sonsj<br />

An we wnP.-cd onto the floor of I<br />

/1 hi* boy*' irymnaKium. we spied a;<br />

rather Kliehr, ccnial-n "pearl iijr mnn<br />

of medium height, coaching his<br />

uym HtudeitH in the art of toRSinc!<br />

a btufccttalt. |<br />

"What can I do for you?" was 1<br />

the friendly cveoUnc fcivcn us by.<br />

Mr. Benny Nuff, bvfld of <strong>Lowell</strong>'i<br />

physicrJ education department I<br />


Af-*r a minute of explnininc,<br />

that wo desired an interview, ourj<br />

basKelball coach kft hi* students at;<br />

play owl offered UK n teat on a,<br />

bench next to the cytn door. t<br />

<strong>The</strong>n there followed a barraxc j<br />

of auction*. I<br />

We learned that our ho*t KM<br />

bom at Concord. California, where)<br />

he upcF' moat of hi* childhood. He!<br />

atfcndi with an air of accomptiched<br />

t;rr*!«mri. &i wt.|| an the new field magnanimity. n*e suspect thai he<br />

radir> announcinj:. j,< the typo who wojld not give hb<br />

, . - , . , , Litwi-ll s junior debaters nre irnindmother carfare to thf poor-<br />

•.!»• idea has become Hr> Jhyadi-il by Norman Kramer. Dayc house.)<br />

" " *"'' " '*' Itubenstein, Alwnyj" vn the toikout fi»." oUraelf,<br />

we entreated him to (jive u« .1<br />

cil " » anrouncini;<br />

i°nc I T""'° n ' Ut '" rh ° h "' bCC "" !VCr i T1 "-' »'''•»"«•"• I""'' Pl""» '" '"' 1',*! X<br />

We lenrnnl that I he- blgwl! " a " h "' "'""' " f l> * mminjtii: ,:„",;„""; :,,,','| ^'..I'i'.sVui nn.r l,«auso TidV-Viaum, Cln. ..<br />

««»» in Ihe life of »ur «n(rnl• fyullaill » < ntiilcr tnn a ccmin^ iriime<br />

eldeiit Imy in Hill, an 17 "I I'renidlo""' lnir. thu» mttibihhine lt«.-lr »« riftli ,vrir»l «>., a m.k thrauk-h- "Marti,,. Joe Kvkhnrt. antl OraM m >„ al h°° diunill nnd ».oed<br />

ell..l.ho.,«h»»Mr.Neffpulii: ^ ^ . . ^ ^ . ^ . I r t " M «"'••' m - "»!'.'""'• what looked to V'like foldin,:<br />

"I m not brasirinf; about hi» alh- ;"<br />

letle nbililr."<br />

!<br />

such iliftinctinn.<br />

His other wn, Pete, i« nn 1,1 atj<br />

nfaytt firnmmur School. _ _,<br />

.be ,IS;"ha,rrh d e l Sn; o "i;' <strong>Lowell</strong>ite s Book<br />

^ " " tyI " Ci " " f Mr | Looms a Success<br />

! Iteinemlic' Mary I.-e .lahn?<br />

1<br />

Do you recall the sut'cens thif*<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

June 't I jriTiduntc had with her<br />

! first Ixiok puMiflhcd, **Dee have an nudieno<br />

triven the cbnnce lu fhow her when ynu )i*«nl. IJ.itlura<br />

r-ilri.-.<br />

17.<br />

''yll.t l:;>l>lit'in: IliMjt<br />

'.•!>: .•. >\. i * Ui.<br />

X'- >1Hl-l».<br />

-i-l .t...nt S,it i»n.<br />

13<br />

.\I .i>. .11 l..r,-.<br />

J a c -<br />

tlii*. • '•irititii- tti<br />

i n - . * ll.-.k r^Htll. Nirr.mv I t • \% n i . i i .<br />

1 -ii J I IT f<br />

Kti<br />

In all. there are llNi C. S. K.'or*<br />

Ju.inltn<br />

Iiiili kr -M.ir<br />

ry.<br />

I^iwcll expects to IK.- l»-ttu-r than this term :ni<br />

-fr. ••<br />

th"-. ..<br />

cruufutur<br />

jpri:.:.- '<br />

hd.i nt \<br />

n«wr.<br />

both :-<br />

«nd >i<br />

nun...<br />

pri<br />

hea/i-v<br />

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VS.<br />

LOWIXL<br />

TOrAY<br />

Volume T9. N '• 3<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Show-Down<br />

Ity Editor Mnry Fletcher<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were many melodramatic<br />

Ktrtr* enacted by the light of tho<br />

itudy ' iip (*« we're told) on the<br />

eve of Ian October 20.<br />

For out of our littf** red school<br />

house that afternoon had panned a<br />

troup of student* which cotihl now<br />

\* divided inlo four definite<br />

cr*up*. lo-wit:<br />

1. Thone who Mudy and are<br />

2. Tho.'c who study and aren't<br />

2. Tho#i* who don't !*tudy and use<br />

ink cradicaior.<br />

•1. Thri'e who iWell gnt ihnt we<br />

haven t got?", "Why in it that you<br />

have more student inemlior-i?" ami<br />

HtA<br />

"Why i> it that you have as much<br />

fupport for a losing team as you<br />

haw for a championship team?"<br />

When you lu-ar thi^e iiiastiotis<br />

or the likfji of IIRIII, we :iave an<br />

answer thai goes soinethini: like<br />

this:<br />

"We have at l>iwel|. tradition,<br />

kept alive by the spirit that has<br />

Wen passed down from the founders<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> to this very term.<br />

<strong>The</strong> parsing of this spirit seems to<br />

1M- very easy, for those who conic<br />

to <strong>Lowell</strong> have ; iMHikx alreadj; -Sol.l, according<br />

to Kditor Jim Livjig.-t«n Monday,<br />

p .. . . . . .<br />

I« will not let the diudents down. iValur.-s pn-wn ed in thw icrnm<br />

—TIIR fid. , Journal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second try-out for the radio;<br />

program to l*> held at State Teach- '<br />

er's College on Dwiinber .'• will<br />

take place in t..te November or<br />

early December under the HjwnHori*hip<br />

of .Mr. Loriwer in nmm .'tiy.<br />

This lontt-st is fi|i«n to .ill Ixiwell'<br />

students int*>n*st«>il. <strong>The</strong>y will be<br />

judged on five points—enunciation,'<br />

pronunciation, sincerity, variety<br />

and time of voice.<br />

With a few change*, the same<br />

system as was found practical in<br />

the fim try-outs will be used. <strong>The</strong><br />

ujieakers will wait in room ;tli) until<br />

iht^y ;ir» called. i he t.iicro-<br />

Jihone in rij..m ;!I7 will be attached<br />

to a loud speaker in room i'2*l, in<br />

which will k- the judge and a person<br />

reprci-eittinir radio station<br />

KPO. <strong>The</strong> sivaker will deliver<br />

hi.* talk into tin* microphone without<br />

benefii of audience and be<br />

rated by the judgf oVer the loud<br />

speaker.<br />

Sports com tii enta ling, commercial*,<br />

and news broadcastin,i: will<br />

IH> the topics, and there are to be<br />

limited to from I 1 ? to 2 minutes<br />

in length. <strong>The</strong> lating wll be exci'lh'itt,<br />

."iipei i'T. good, fair, or<br />

Tilt- iiim- or ten • • ;:-!eti*s who<br />

r-;uh the fmal> will ho .'iigii.Je.<br />

ten t'lily for ttn> ft ate toiiniatn«>nt!t<br />

but also fur thr national championslii;i-<br />

to he held in Denver this<br />

.-titimitT.<br />

Skclton Pinna for<br />

"Tombstone Trot"<br />

"That will he my niirht tit<br />

howl." said the sci'ind floor<br />

skeleton when we roll in chid wild<br />

and ivmilv Tripe A nice, wi'l have<br />

a rouxht and toi{>h time when It<br />

runs into the Lions for its fifth<br />

leainie test, hut the rampaffinf*<br />

Cardinal'* swift, tmwerful, and deceptive<br />

nffen>e. toother with a<br />

strontr defi-n^e will he too much<br />

for the punch'ess Galiltonit.<br />

(Continued on I'ncr .1)<br />


LOU KM. Pw. CAMI.E0<br />

1'i Wii:morc. . t.KIt . llegovich<br />

:i:i Octur ..LTIt Calehredi r.c<br />

!(l I.TiiompHi; n,.I.GI!. ['resto 1>9<br />

lei Mill.<br />

(iuidotti 40<br />

•J'( Simmons. ...IKil.. ... r. Spieler 41<br />

ID Caiclclli . ItTI. . Itianchi J2<br />

•£! U.Th won KK1. . Smirl<br />

17 G.-tnincr.<br />

Itr.Kk 21<br />

M Orni I.I IK Morgan 57<br />

JII r«nko ..itm. , ,.1'utcetli 27<br />

"»7 Irvine. .. ,.K. . Cirimnle 3.1<br />

•Words'—New Pathway<br />

To Literary Acclaim<br />

819 On Honor Roll<br />

r- _ r* , r<br />

r ^ Irst Q<br />

Kight hundred and nineteen student.-,<br />

approximately oin'-iliinl of<br />

the school, made the honor roll for<br />

the first iiuarter of this term.<br />

As compared to the first dance commit-<br />

..•»• are .lane Iilair. Ira Thompson,<br />

L»nkletter From <strong>Lowell</strong> Also - -<br />

That Is, <strong>Lowell</strong>, Massachusetts<br />

•W, IhTt'llurnn, liarkira Leon- A yung, Anuy-iie >aunu-red up<br />

il. and lloli &idy. ••('ie'iieVi! ' ,," nT ^ Wt ' il >" m chance in college—San Diego State,<br />

I to !H- exact. Went into dramatic.*,<br />

"* debating, and such. . . .** His<br />

llf quipped to his military pleasant face creased into a trrin<br />

friend, "I'm In-ing intt'n'ii'wed by a as he leaned back against a pillar<br />

IN MEMORIAM pat •*!•—Lite magazine."<br />

and brushed off mental co'mcM<br />

•Ych. and we'll rvnA Time gathered by eight years. "Oi.e day<br />

around tomorrow. Art," We coun- th'.< local radio station, KGB, had<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> r-tildelltfl and<br />

ter, d in parting.<br />

| an Dinning—a friend gave me a<br />

faculty wen* shocked ami<br />

"Thanks."<br />

i verliat boost, and there I was—an<br />

deeply touched Tuesday, Otf-<br />

1<br />

tober'2I. nt the news of the Thanks—that's a lau^li. That's anoiincer.<br />

:<br />

death of Tom Uyan, first what you get for trying to inter- "I worked there for n year and<br />

floor janitor. He was workview<br />

tin interviewer.<br />

a half and then, upon graduation,<br />

I tiecnme milio production mannint;<br />

.Monday, hut that nicht<br />

:<br />

ger for the San Diego Exposition,<br />

he «lied svithlenly of a heart Society Note; Hull Hockwcll, for- then tu the Dalian, Texan Centen*<br />

attack. . . , , , iner Ixnvell chief, and now a1<br />

j nial in the same cnpacily. In '39<br />

Ityan was Irani m irelami i ^ophomnre at Stnnfonl, was one'<br />

I came out here ami wrote Cnvnl*<br />

in I87!l. He waf only at • of those interviewed on the "Who*« ' cade for the GHIK. and al?o<br />

I>.well a year and n half but | Dancing Tonight" broadcast. : served in the same mdlo pout. I'm<br />

he wax well known and re-<br />

; free lancing now—write, direct,<br />

(•ptvteti. , _,<br />

' "So, you're from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>? ' and stage my own programs for a<br />

S«rvici'* were held Thurs- j. . . I'm from <strong>Lowell</strong> myself—<br />

day. October 23, ot 10:.*J0.<br />

1 1 l<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. MBMnchwettn. * Art IJnk- "ls\*hnl ntl?" he finished.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> will not soon forpct il-'tter, radio iH-rsonality extraor- Our "I gin-t» no" wan .broken<br />

it* friend, who had many i dinan.% won upeaking. as we short by a -Wait a minute—you<br />

friends nmonc l>oth faculty i ctasped his mealy nalm in the lob* forgot to ai'k me my hobby! I<br />

and KtudcntH.<br />

j by of the Palace Hotel.<br />

play handball for the Y," he<br />

I "My Mart? I Rot my first<br />

' chud<br />



by th* Associated Stud'nts<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> IllJth School<br />

ISM llAjrvt Street. Sun Franclaco.<br />

California,<br />

L. H. fl. 8. A. Member* Fr*#<br />

STAFF<br />


News Editors Paul McEvoy, Barbara Gale<br />

Feature Editor „..„....-. Jim Wetter<br />

Sports Editor. „„_... -.. ^a\ Radi<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

Saucy IJni-r Itcib^rtn Mat)i*tvn<br />

llrtrll J >lm»llll<br />

l^ltliold<br />


crowd. , . . Ilabcttc Mchman wafting for her<br />

"cradle unatchlng" Bear from Ciil. across from school. . . . He patient!!<br />

<strong>The</strong> -Habit" wan recently ehe «e«n of a ntiffhly war—apple*, bottle*,<br />

etc. flew In every direction and over in * corner Tom Inme* I^ifitte taking up IUty 1-nrnon'n time<br />

now that I'iivV Invc hat dicil. , . . Sin* sure curt pick them! A rive<br />

kitMiitg?? 7 . . . Old news—Sultan Ileforde hajt «lmpitrd bi.-*<br />

liarem fur Mi*!* Phyllis C'armll. , . . Com! [)cal!! . . . Bettv C'ih*<br />

wearing jlowie Mill's m«-h" Thompnmi it K"k SMHev U'lttirke lug picnic Sunday.<br />

. . . At the "Mark Hopkins" !£.tt itac.* ui-tc Krtnn I'ike. Jnne<br />

Sacks and Marjnrie llatcs. . . . IW-ie tr.i-si 1 guys the ln-st ilateha|ielv Hetty Heeler. . . .<br />

How diM* she holij pjnilV interest so? 7 ".'<br />

Phil l.ce of Ine Holly«o*«| hairJo firtJill) cot a buirrut.<br />

Wallace Cotitielly it iTiakilit; trouble ill reiristry \v»> hear. . . .<br />

jOie's not the worst!!!<br />

<strong>The</strong> huge Ce.iri',- !!.».*•< an.t Kllie Mensvli Lining it (jf( in gre.-n fashion.<br />

Viee-Prexy N'ai.nii Hi*«litt eertainly wuit;t>i| husily >u\ tli»" day i.f tin. 1<br />

low.;; tiarue. l".)i it weni off v.'iy well ami \w woulil like to congnitulate<br />

the low-:;'.-* .in their first ilatu-i 1 . . . . It «':i, a nifty!!! . . .<br />

(jit'.le Je;iin' l!mvi-, oin- df 1/nvt-H's vniiiijfr -i*t. always looking very<br />

iiltnu-tivv. . . . Via tin- .Municipal ("our:. Have Si-huHz ha« beennie<br />

Pave Shel.tuii.<br />

All the Miplmnier girl* lire juv. *ki-eraiy" ;ib«ut ICte,i Fusion, Inn<br />

it's seni«n< "r nothing f"f well Ui>.-t>-s."<br />

LiwellV traffie Imys wen- nuvkin^ plenty of tioi-i- as tliey ruanln-il<br />

arouml l!u> srhniil in inrjuinitimi for tht-ir "May at ill*- Presidio." . . .<br />

<strong>The</strong> It. O. T. ('. Wits cotnparativrly «ilt'iit. . . . Pat SiimtMns shyly<br />

nuking hi* 'latest" to th.- fyotliall pienii 1 . . . . <strong>The</strong>.-e l«iys ;ite<br />

p'ally gettinc bravf!<br />

<strong>The</strong> latent free ticket Iniyr.,it the Kntpire <strong>The</strong>ali-r thw year are<br />

(till l.andnrth and Jack Wooiloidf. . . . l>y l'ie May, him* about a<br />

rally at the fame theater for the Turkey Day Context? . . . t.aM<br />

year** was very HUcce:>*ful. . . . Set* *I>at you can dn, Ira!!!<br />

Hetty Pluml> of VoM-miti* i* a coinmiiter. . . . She must really<br />

enjoy I»nvll to dash down every week,<br />

Margie Smith ami her Intent, a wtv little bit of Hmce Williams.<br />

. . . His ex has ^radiiatril.<br />

Hub >Jol.auKWin mid Itoli S'm.H, despite the former's larKe sUr, -till<br />

look like the elephant and the flea!<br />

That's ail fur now but >ee you on our next trip thrombi this Kurg.<br />

. . . A pretty swvll hurg!!!<br />

By Barbara Gate<br />

'•<strong>The</strong> chances for today's boy< and gir)a to<br />

tNter the buHincss world arc very good."<br />

So did Mr*. Jordan, bead of <strong>Lowell</strong>'* counseliig<br />

department, repeatedly point out when ques-<br />

'ioned about vocational openings for high school<br />

Insurance «nd ffaliklnr<br />

Insurance and banking arc especially recommended<br />

to the inexperienced seeking work. Both<br />

profi-sslon* have Jirmn which provide their own<br />

u-hools for the training of their employees. One<br />

of the many ex-1;'well it en who found cmploynient<br />

i'i the hattkimr husincM Maid of a Bank of<br />

America clans, "It looked like <strong>Lowell</strong> registry<br />

1119." Men nccreta rit-j now have a definite place in<br />

Snn Francisco business.<br />

Typing i.» a very helpful accomplishment, not<br />

only iwTause of its usefulness, but because a<br />

typist easily learn* to work calculating machtntJ.<br />

Mrs. Joninn recomnu-mU >al,~imanship as on<br />

excellent course to thoir interested in retail yelling.<br />

Vocational preparation for a variety of_ profe.^'iun*<br />

are provi'!e:l by different schools<br />

throughout trie citv Some of them are free;<br />

other.-' ehiirge n ( :i.«»»n:ibl(! fee*: and many offer<br />

rvholar>hi).s. Mrs. .lordan will gladly iu^nly<br />

inf'irmniion m tlur.* 1 wh" are interested in specialized<br />

training.<br />

SCIIIKII Itccords Important<br />

Kmpliiyers VO look up school records of pros*<br />

iit-ctive employee,*, ntii«lyittg iiMil to be belter trained.<br />

On*' proiiiin\ Nm*. I". l:-ll-f >- IMUy.<br />

lni-*iliiy, Nnv. !;•, i'. —Tlx'iilpr<br />

At the Mark, Bnrlmm Ptxleyi ILill)- i«t the Ktni.'n-. ,.ll.l.i>-.<br />

and Ed Conn. Have a good time,'<br />

Barb? .<br />

A cute couple Nell O'Donncll<br />

and v>arren Siuim<br />

Tiifnilay, I*.,-. 5. mi—Term Km.rtiiinrtirnr.<br />

Mario Lo Blanco turning down Tliurwlay, Dee. *. 1.+II—T*rm Knicr*<br />

nn Invite to n dance. Why, Murie?<br />

inliini^nt.<br />

Barbara Mclntyn? Icttlnjr "Bob"<br />

dream, the rest while she goes out<br />

Friday. tW. 2. I9M—Trrni Ktitpriuin-<br />

with "Red."<br />

nwnl.<br />

Frlilajr. D«-. ir. I?ll—O. s, K. Dunw.<br />

l full.<br />

—Art** 5*crtftary.<br />

—L—<br />

Dear Ali'ii Secrt'tary:<br />

Where nrc we supposed to eat our lunch when<br />

if* raining outside and the basement i* full of<br />

people? —All Wet.<br />

Dear All Wet:<br />

We havi* two suggestions for you. Either<br />

don't eat lunch on rainy day*, or get a raft and<br />

be «*xctu*ivL> in the ecurt.<br />

—AH'* Secretary.<br />

—IJ—<br />

Dear AltV Siwrt'tary:<br />

1.1 ih-re a direct route to <strong>Lowell</strong> from St.<br />

I'mncis WVHIK? —Alwttys Last and Late.<br />

Dear L and [.: ,<br />

Hive yoti ever tried the air wivice? H J<br />

|.r.K,t : ral n« wt-ll a* economical, nntj Gabriel niffl-<br />

.«f!f collects the fares.<br />

—AH'* Secretary.<br />

Why Worry?<br />

Either you are successful or you ar n»t succe.xsful.<br />

If you are successful, there is nothing W<br />

worry about. If you arc not aucccwful. there are<br />

only two things to worry about.<br />

Vour health in either giod, or you are lick. If<br />

your health i.+ good, there i* nothing to worry<br />

alM»ut. If you are Hick, them are only^two thin^<br />

to worry about.<br />

You nn; ei'her going to get well or you are<br />

going to die. If you arc going to got well. the«<br />

i» nothing to worry about. If you are going W<br />

die. there are only two things to worry about.<br />

You nre either going to heaifen or you are not.<br />

• f you are going to heaven, there's nothing to<br />

wory about. If you arc going to the other plMft<br />

you will be no husy *hakin-r handa with oW<br />

friends, you won't have time to worry.<br />

So, why worry?<br />

i<br />

••Bunt<br />

f«k o. _<br />

'"San K|<br />


lightweights Close<br />

Season Next Week "All-City"<br />

Candidates<br />

Shinkickera Drop<br />

One, But Tie Two<br />

I Girls' Sports |<br />

Uy Jean Simon<br />

A» far an we know, I»well is the<br />

fjrut publie sehot in the United<br />

States that considers bicycling a<br />

renilar fporL<br />

Under the xupervision of Mi**<br />

Barbara Monsinir, the twenty-five<br />

•nembvrs ride one hou r each<br />


Hot Cards Ready to<br />

Dazzle Lions Today<br />

Famous <strong>Lowell</strong> Spirit<br />

; To Be Shown Tomorrow<br />

<strong>The</strong> Papoose RharjwlumUrr*. <strong>Lowell</strong>**<br />

llf and 120 pound basketball<br />

team*, arc cunning nt another<br />

ehainpinnjthip fur Conch Ueti Sctt'a<br />

rapidly expanding treasure chc.it.<br />

Lnxt year the tt*n.« nrid twenties<br />

fa ml ititiie well but full short by<br />

the lo*s nf n couple of exciting<br />

(nntoif. Thi* season the liny<br />

( fTH and Clinch Xi'ff . Kt'xtuin. Mimrr. Aizawu,<br />

and H.irtniaii fitrhtinj; the rear<br />

iii, and >ul>> Fr:,«Iii;i,<br />

.v, .*Vlii»th candidates<br />

Injunsui-n-vrry itnpoliti-to the new f"r "if nitlliirat ".ill-oily" loam. . . . Watch them upcn link* in lhat Calilfu line today—they're 1<br />

quintc: from Unculn. downing thf ;"".,.,'-" '"" ::: lllV lla * 1 ' a llik ' cr " w-."<br />

that line burv<br />

Ih . Li.-n- into FIKST .MBKT<br />

th-.'t^thvv'll'h-lvc '" the firn " n 'r'-titiVf meet of<br />

to liriiii* ^h'lVt•i!• *'"' *""" tl ' rin ' tn ' ; '-anlirial crayon<br />

li» the field country ttani journeyed down to<br />

.•ind^di^- them >":anford on October 18, only to be j<br />

... _« • . 1 .i\LTiM l^tf.l .lull (~)fifu*n«<br />

who plays foot- IHT. ll'iU Hu.o.^e. and Jim Shcp-<br />

V**«, it l»ok> like a bright a<br />

I'at Simmon* hiill and ba.ikLrexy when mmrds Ira Thumpson<br />

and Frank I'reito have it out-<br />

CardV I tacks IkM<br />

In th.- backfield it'.s nil <strong>Lowell</strong>—<br />

on '.he lar.d and in thL> air. Gali-<br />

If./s muin backfield thn-at liu* in<br />

Fn-d Ciriniclc, a |.owerhouhips behind it. i<br />

n- played, tin- ll cluve lvn till preparing for a df defense i>f f hthe<br />

ernwn. It won n recent tuurna-<br />

* typf of plav i- dt-fiiiitely uf mi-nt fr

FOUR<br />

O'Malley Tells Life Story;<br />

Claims It's Uninteresting<br />


Dramatic Declamation to<br />

Be Held on November 10<br />

Cunipetini* at;.ijn*t it fle!d of<br />

over 21)0 young journalist* from,<br />

C> tit nil Caiifumia. Lnwcll ttt'Jdents<br />

Reporter at Loss [ Traffic Squad On mptureil two of the ponxiMe three<br />

first ptaires in a journalism writing I<br />

For "Clever Ideas"! March at Presidio content at Stanford University last<br />

Saturday.<br />

Hr Bert Ujnu<br />

l>alla.n Itadcr, uporU editor of<br />

Twenty-five picked mom*<br />

How can we start thf* Inter-J<br />

Tin* l^iwrll. von tlrnt [trite In the<br />

hem of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s traffic<br />

view? <strong>The</strong>re are *o ninny conven- !<br />

mrtiV headline writing e What a Memory I j Kviv;* hinh school and jun-<br />

Inr hi|*fc twrhool in the city<br />

For instance: when we nuked the '<br />

genial teacher w!:en nh< first ar*;<br />

win ht« »rp resented. In nil,<br />

rived at <strong>Lowell</strong>, the kindly curator ><br />

aprrirxii inicty 3.000 boy*<br />

of art whipped out in unhesitating, will tiar-trittnte.<br />

words "I arrived at Ijy\w>\\ on January<br />

18. liMS, at approximately<br />

"'3 U3 a. m. m.'*<br />

Debaters Hope p to<br />

Sec how ho much better tint nt sound- u «17. »v « »<br />

ed? d? if if WL WL- xtmpiy xtmpiy i H..J that ht *\u-\ \u\\<br />

Win Denver Meet<br />

van born here h in San Francisco, Fi iit<br />

doesn't b sound an jrood ii.s if we said ' •» „<br />

that our fair metropolis wus' °" to "en<br />

btawvd with her [inw.-ncc for the *" ' )f l ' Vi ' r v I-»w«!<br />

fim ti l ( d ) lli| J" n<br />

l<br />

Tin- emu-nil* were the htfjiht<br />

df the ri^titL-i-nth annual convention<br />

of th« Contra I California S*ho*<br />

liuitic I'm*;* AsMtK-iatinn, held on<br />

tin* "Farm," and included round- \<br />

uiblv di«cunKion'> nf newspaper and '<br />

yearbook ui'tivitH?*, A flintier and'<br />

dance in thi* Stanford U»fon con-;<br />

eluded the convention.<br />

This w tf»- m.npinker<br />

and de-<br />

:<br />

Haraden Pralt. Profits Will Send<br />

Best in Air Navigation Society to Denver<br />

Of th>> tlmuwindu of students<br />

»:rn« money to send ilie<br />

Fli'tchiT. Hck'ii Johnson. Ilort<br />

(icUitinc stu<br />

l*r. J. l.lviriRoli'ii. I!. Cnitniif 1 . • '<br />

OS'tn. i*. ,\. IT-<br />

S»l —Ii Colilamltti. *T-S; U. C"PTiI1 '' 1 ". N > K.rrik-.ui f, >'.i>it-. !»' -••?— It. Krl'. t)il, A- I!i*i-tp. j;. I..-V. i'. /,. ||.7, l.ijni.tti. It. »III\«<br />

r.l. K. ItliM-li. A. .SUff-Ti). i\.<br />

..,.,„„.. - .. ^; SI. ItnLinl. ."•••; K. I>I.IA.I. I'.: St Hrroii-<br />

IT 1 ,. "I. N.ikulii'C), C. ...Vl.li. II. ITik. I'. U'W.-. J. lUrrrll. K<br />

It M.'•;.>!!; M. )j;iml..iii1t. I', Trii. l--ti. I*. M-'Hflu<br />

I-II- f C|.vf''ri ^ I'.IIIII j * it," H Kr.ink. f M..n.iti:y, li .-!• •!•.•. J. i.ln '". A. :•".<br />

(;r«»*. 91. siiPii^ril<br />

._- 3 !.- v J.' JIcI_iitctillii,<br />

- .V!.irr!mi>'*. -.'..-.; i:. llnm, j,<br />

Mjirtlir. K dinit.n. J I;II.M*-I. I.<br />

Kv: »•. II. TiirtillriMi". M A. Scctt. 1J,<br />

II«ilt:«T. SI. i'iN-kii iu.ii..». :•:.:,;.<br />

v. Trfniim. in; K snttit. (;;,• i; i^,,.,<br />

tlrj'. 1. lUii.^t,, li M.rijwli. It. Si,h.<br />

win; K u, Ii l»;i«imi. i,<br />

Ilrown. f*. n,,,,,. v. il-.,,l. V. K'-hlB<br />

A.^Anir*. s imit'.ii, ,M. i.',.!,!.. o. ,\.<br />

;:•>— V. Morit.i i:,S; I Sliru.r. r.-<br />

J. lI'HlRklnimii. J. Vrrnun, It. O-hn, j,<br />

lltimlll. It. MtM-rty. l| A.IH-II*. M<br />

Thorwrli. I.. An»tl». l(. I.jjit.m. 11. Mny. |<br />

-r. II- Itiiw, \V. W.init. c:. A. !13.<br />

rl ",'.."- '•• -Mrirr.ij. Ii<br />

n--u\ v.i,.,, :.-.: .i. \vij,,.,, i;-..<br />

I: K k w llltl1<br />

;.- .!*' '.'""- " '- . r w .iff. II!<br />

ii*N.-ti. i:. i:.,uf'Hi"u<br />

l^i;-•;^• l ^ J Vv^.;•v^vv;;/ll: l ^.;.: i ^<br />

M «* r -f'^v-'-M^j."<br />

r i !:..L!^r-j:'i l i.:;i p :./\A7.i^^^^ j^/\i.^;;:i,n:^;K.j:<br />

, . .. , - '•. '» u.:i-. i*. A. tin. '•"'<br />

, '•';• '• '»'!!• I' Tl> (f.n. |-.: .i»i:|; J. I;.,;.H-IV. -".'i. II. II.IH.-H. I"-;<br />

.' WMi.i:, I ir-t-l.".!.. ,\| i^.t.irv. St. K it-tt.il.t. V. l--n.Mii. U. WMil.i.i, H. '<br />

Itillii.". .1 |-r. - Kfhr.-iM, .1 \:/.,«... | I-M..II.••![• I-' .M.Iin.l...<br />

[..,(,-..,. S MI.~K. t. |i,lW,,,.lfl. H. ,1, M),„,.,. ,'- ijuu.,,;:..,,,, i>. nv.l.-1-lj:,<br />

j^ii.H-1,. SI IV..II..T. I. i*n.(,h... >>. J rum-Mint.-<br />

•i"Si^\i!'WS7:.SiKrr. M "" r - "<br />

i-S". J. U,.rkmun. a. ,.„„,.,„. .T.lffli:.. 1 •MS<br />

J1<br />

v "is ••'•••«"""'• - .•»"""•• i?.is,,n»-.. ',: «'.»! ... «•;.»,. i-! .S.laV'j'i' i-: i.r.iai JI<br />

,1SI. iKibiM. II.<br />

fi.Iv.Tt. St. |,-i,o|...

Volume 70, No. 4 San Francisco, Wednesday, November 19, 1941 Founded January* 1898<br />

I<br />




Quote and<br />

Unquote<br />

Ily Editor 11a Sulllrin<br />

"fireat Experience for <strong>The</strong>m**<br />

Referring to comment!* made En<br />

favor of thi* cub edition of <strong>The</strong><br />

In the hand* of the joumnlfom I<br />

student* lies the future HUCCOM of<br />

thi* hich pchool'tt miner. And so.<br />

vin thin edition, the memtwra of<br />

the student body nre receiving a<br />

trcek into the future nnd we, n*<br />

nurnbers of the stnff, are acquiring<br />

a &cai tU-.il of knowledge and experience<br />

fo that we might put out<br />

;i hi truer and l-elter paper when our<br />

tluiiwe come.i,<br />

-Dirty Deal for tV'<br />

Krfvrrir.c to comments made by<br />

ihe regular sinff upon their temporary<br />

retirement.<br />

^c.i."(ined nnd .spirited until their<br />

intf il>-flnlioii. the member* of <strong>The</strong><br />

I^iHi'U :iw.-lt staff MIIO will re«unie their<br />

duti*^ in it frw day* our t\st<br />

and mi'-t Miuerc fympi.thy in this<br />

their tinu- nf ii>s now<br />

arid the memb'-rts of the cast nre<br />

rt-allv giving all they have in the<br />

way of time and effort to the*o<br />

pnu-li>'e.«. <strong>The</strong> show itself will be<br />

in i-arly December and will certainly<br />

be Worthy of n grent audience.<br />

«'». .*t:»rt thinking about it now!<br />

"De-Mmiiuflaue I.nwi'|| in Thing!*'<br />

Referring to the cleaiwip campaign<br />

Wingi-airied on by ih«* (iirl.s'<br />

IJlork I. Society air! volunteer.-..<br />

In Mail ban<br />



Indian Spirit<br />

Wants No Turkey--<br />

Lusts for Parrot<br />

PRE-CAME<br />

RALLY<br />

TODAY<br />

Indians Try For Championship<br />

Against Poly Thanksgiving Day<br />

Parrot-Indian Rivalry is Old; Santa to Rule<br />

28 Years of Grid Competition Qyer<br />

; Cards to Avenge<br />

j Last Year's Defeat<br />

Ur Jiek WlUon<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hor "T-Kid-i" roll nKain.<br />

Whether Oiey will roll over tho<br />

I'oly Parrot anil cop the crown on<br />

Turkey Day at Kezar, when the<br />

two tennis clash, is the question on<br />

the lipi of every <strong>Lowell</strong> ltudenL<br />

"Itevenec:"<br />

<strong>The</strong> kittle cr>* that the Indians<br />

will be •.m-aminc whin they enter<br />

the. bit: stadium at 11:00 o'clock<br />

Thursduy morning.<br />

Hevenife for the defeat of lost<br />

yt'arf! Dfcidrf Championship<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cartls having lost one jramo<br />

to n bnrd-charcinfr Commerce line,<br />

will be fiuhtinc wit 11 every ounce<br />

of «n«riiy to squash the powerful<br />

Poly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> t-hitmpinnship 15 at stake.<br />

I.Hell'ft unpredictnhli* "Model<br />

'I" will be Ird by Poul "Coltlen<br />

lloy" On*i. Ihe "Pete Kemotovlc"<br />

itf (he 1..I»TH eleven, while the<br />

••'-•n poHi will be hrld by 'Frankio<br />

Albert" d'nrilniT, firine thr hall to<br />

"Chief" Irvine and Charlie Cookr<br />

for large pain*.<br />

In the forward wall, "ready to<br />

pluck the feathers of the Parrots,"<br />

will IK.' i>cven Ktnlwnrt Indians, led<br />

by Tiickle Steve Potur. (iuard Ira<br />

(Continued on Pace .", Col. 1)<br />

—Heat Poly—<br />

lty June (Jue^?r V ^^ QL _. ...<br />

ThuTM,i.y'j« game i.s the twenty-• In 1IUS. 1IMS ,1 former . I/iwe|lil.; _ and i\ III 8L S (DHOW<br />

i-ighlh .miiital I»well-Poly "llig L<br />

Thi* bit •.* literature was received<br />

through the mail: "1 was<br />

strollin* do'.vn jlnye- street de mler<br />

day when I gets to ihu vicinity of<br />

.\Ia*onic, and what does I w-- but<br />

a big pile. WV1I. me think.-* di> is<br />

Mid. I thot thi' city dump v.'ns out<br />

in dc Wood*. My eagle i-yw seen<br />

*i»niftniri' move. ,\ iwr*on? I


LOW X*. "»C\v«».\|>n£5'<br />

PublUhwl by tha A«*>clat«l Studtftita<br />

of Lotrall High School<br />

I'M Uayra Strwt, San Francisco.<br />

Ollfomft<br />

U 1L H. S. A. AI«mb«ra Frw<br />


EDITOR.... . IM.; SULLIVAX. L3-106<br />

Managing Editor. —Mildred Kicfor, 13-214<br />

Feature Editor «_——George Ross, H3-139<br />

Sports Editor.__..Stanf:ord. Rosenberg, L4-138<br />

News Editors. ....Edna Lnjrorio, L4-J31<br />

Joseph San Felipe, L3-J09<br />

Circulation Bruce Williams, IH-220<br />

Reporteis Students of Journalism I Classes<br />

Football and e CW£ey--A'o Bombs;<br />

Thai's Our American tjhant<br />

Thanksgiving Day I'm going to get up<br />

early.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re won't be theroarof bombers overhead<br />

to waken me. 1 know mother, dad,<br />

and my brother will greet me at breakfast<br />

—they weren't called out during the iiight<br />

to fight incendiary bomb fires or aid in<br />

digging out the wounded buried beneath<br />

wrecked homes.<br />

I'll read the newspaper—a newspaper<br />

that is free to give the truth—a newspaper<br />

that gives me the information from<br />

which I form my own opinion on any happening.<br />

I'll go to a game at Kezar where young<br />

men will be playing a football game. Over<br />

the loud speaker a voice will probably say.<br />

"Fifty thousund spectators here today." I<br />

connect this number with a voice I heard<br />

over the radio the other night that announced,<br />

not 50,000 cheering spectators,<br />

but 50,000 "killed and wounded" on a war<br />

front.<br />

Perhaps my team will win—perhaps<br />

not. It's all in fun, anyway. Points, not<br />

lives, decide the victor.<br />

After the game, I'll go home. We'll<br />

have a big turkey dinner. <strong>The</strong>re are no<br />

ration cards. <strong>The</strong> lights burn brightly—<br />

there is no blackout.<br />

This, you zee, is America, and today is<br />

Thanksgiving. —A <strong>Lowell</strong> Student.<br />

Stuff and Things<br />

"What make* you think 'hv'it a photographer'*<br />

daughter?"<br />

"Because her system Is to nit in a dark room<br />

and await development*."<br />

—L—<br />

Uxe Malpnlure Shaving Cream—no brush, no<br />

lather, iiu nib In, no soap, no box, no nothin'—<br />

just blood.<br />

— Is—-<br />

Little Boy: "Say, mister—let me have six<br />

of those diaper*."<br />

Clerk: "Here you arc. sonny. That'll IK?<br />

ninety cent* for the diapers and two com* for<br />

the tax."<br />

Little Boy: "<strong>The</strong> heck with the tax; my<br />

mother uses safety pins."<br />

Sergeant: "Did you nhuve this morning?'*<br />

Recruit: "Yes. air."<br />

Sergeant: "Well, tomorrow stand a little<br />

closer to the razor." —U—<br />

Houwwjfe (to garbage mnn); "Am I loo<br />

late for the trarhaice?**<br />

Garbage Man: "No ma'nm; Jump right in."<br />

—L—<br />

Small Boy: "Dad, in Rotterdam n bad word?"<br />

Dad: "Why no. son. It's the name of a city."<br />

Small Hoy: "Well, sinter ate nil the candy and<br />

I hope it'll Rotterdam teeth out."<br />

—L—<br />

Orphan: "I don't know who I am. I wan<br />

left on a dooratep."<br />

Girl: "Maybe you're a bottle of milk."<br />

Doctor: "Are you troubled with Improper<br />

thoughts?"<br />

Student: "No, I enjoy them."<br />

When I asked her to wed, "Go to father," she said.<br />

She knew that I knew that her father was dead.<br />

She knew that I knew what a life he had led.<br />

She knew that I knew what she meant when she<br />

she said. "Go to father."<br />

—L—<br />

"Goodness, Georjre, this Isn't our baby. This<br />

!a the wrong carriage."<br />

"Shut up. ThU is n better ccrrtajre."<br />

"My business Is tearing down buildings."<br />

"Bow's business?"<br />

"Not so good. Bomber* are doing It for nothintfl"<br />

j Keep 3HCooing! Br FRANK «C««WI*I' CARDFJXI<br />

WILL THE ICU/"PfteeoT bC/BTHE Ua'UuT?<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

One diminutive newshawk, on a temporary leave nf ab.-ence from his<br />

job, has acquired a great knowledge of heckling and Low to handle the<br />

consequence*. Can you taki* it as well as you dish it out, dear Dal?<br />

Wf wonder why Nancy May doesn't go uut for ninniiger uf the L\<br />

S. F. football team?<br />

Add Coleman chafers: .lean (make-the-boys-aigh) Duff.<br />

Women are a funny nur: they curl their hair and paint their faces<br />

—but the oddest oddity yet is Jtickie Bcrkson's


<strong>Lowell</strong> Indians-<br />

Grid Warriors Poly Given Edge By Football Captains<br />

Experts Pick Jenningi,<br />

Orsi as Outstanding<br />

IJr Slanrord Rosenberg<br />

Sports Editor<br />

p or<br />

Who known a football player better<br />

than a football player?<br />

U»iitf . th the "Lll ''Lowe'lfstJiff Stff Car."<br />

I your ttportx editor last week<br />

I crubied from school to school to gat<br />

the fact* and figure* or th* forthcoming<br />

piirakln tilt between th*<br />

Parrot* and the Indians.<br />

Few people have met more football<br />

captain* in an hour than X did.<br />

flail N*w*<br />

At Commerce Hftfh. finit Injtitucion<br />

visited, Am OH AdJtins, Bulldoir<br />

captain nnd All-City end, was<br />

the finit object of my inquiry.<br />

f A poHftible wore? Oh. I'd gay<br />

Poly 13 and Uwell 7. Dot It all<br />

depend* on ihe weather and, if It<br />

rain*. <strong>Lowell</strong> wj|| have a sood<br />

ch.inc- to dump Poly." Ad kin a pre-<br />

1<br />

dirleu.<br />

Commerce'* captain chose Paul<br />

''One in a million" Orsi and the<br />

. Parrot\s .star halfback, Jennings,<br />

as outmanding players.<br />

Mlr-wion Comes Through<br />

Down-hearted. I left the home of<br />

th» IlulhlogB, headed for Mission.<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> orrr poly In a close 7<br />

1<br />

to fi content," mombled Ihe near<br />

chief.<br />

I felt better.<br />

; Out to the sticks and rumbling<br />

Balboa High I traveled.<br />

1 "<strong>The</strong> Cardii 7 In 0." wan ihe en.<br />

, couraging decision of Ihe Ituc team<br />

head.<br />

, Bad; into tho "Staff Car" and,<br />

like a flash, I find myself at tho<br />

den of the Galileo Lion, quizzing<br />

i Quarterback Tom Brock.<br />

LoHrllCrid Star*, right to left, unpvr rn* : IJoob Thompwin, Ira Thompson, Charlie CWti\ Mill Sheridnn. Frank WiEmore. Paul Or»i. lltit-' mulrrM fHVh?•?«!*h'il l£<br />

tom rrm: Hlaine Gardner. HOAIV Hill. Hal Hutman. Sieve Dottir. Pat Simmon*. Jack Irvine. —Photo by Bill McDuffie , "LoVell 7 and PolylV*<br />

Urock'rt choice as t outstanding<br />

Triple A Crown At Stake f'Aiy Cats<br />

7 >"il • 1 • /-!• 1 'DOWlinfiT Cm (jVer : c "Cross '"" Country Countr>- Itoicnbere Rosenberg" I<br />

ln I It g. »vi vtl «"kn ' f } ^1X1*1} ??* ??'^ I:." *"»'»«• «M. ."and Or,i. Ira<br />

"Sorry, girl*<br />

(Continued From Page 1, Col. 5)<br />

Thomi»«i.ii, and End "Uool>" Thomson.<br />

Poly Line Itig—Powerful<br />

Th" Parrots are no slouches is<br />

can be seen by such hard hitting<br />

lim-m-n us Dk-k IluUgrrn, and<br />

H |<br />

B< oni~Ifoom" Ciundersoil, guardsi<br />

Dirk Flailand. c«Miter: anil Vii-.<br />

Our "Model T." with I.iilv Luck Victory Chances in Poly "Crucial"<br />

i some baekseat drivinj:. rnm-<br />

, - ,- — ..,.,„ w*.*, msy-"" '* il'K* 1 ' •• l t < • '"".A. ..•*•' -'.".1^ -P. ,' — .--.— ^<br />

<strong>The</strong> first Poly Kntne was played • in (hi- last three jcntr.ec alo!ir; »

FOUR<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Own Engineering<br />

Marvel—<strong>The</strong> Fordabaker<br />

School Also Boasts ; R- O. T. C. Dance Great<br />

71 Common Vehicles Success; Best Y<<br />

Bv Lillian Brown<br />


CSF News<br />

And Plans<br />

Ity France* Katane<br />

whispered AtatC'<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 1 * R. 0. T. C, boy* made ,nt.fr i,ig dance. <strong>The</strong> date? She<br />

-J quick and lively change fromj W(lu|4j nmal thin—It irf Friday, De-<br />

Ford Mi-runi With Sludebak*r [their customary military pace to |ccml>er I-.<br />

Sensation In the automobile in-! dance stcpn November 12. when! Tno JJG brainstorm* of <strong>Lowell</strong>**'<br />

dustry? No, nothing aa shocking! the nemeatcrly **R O" dance took j chapter of the mate fcManhlp<br />

ax that. Merely the brainchild of j place, commanding large attend-' society are bunt I ing with excitcone<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> lod who combined fl.aiicc . . . . ment anticipating the ocvanion<br />

Ford chaMfo with n Studebakcr en-1 <strong>The</strong> affair was held during the!wnen tno. abandon their books in<br />

.! r<br />

Raising Homing Pigeons<br />

Is Tuke's Unique Hobby<br />

Itj- Joy WJIion<br />

, That's the word that bring* joy<br />

: to the HOUI of Tuke Rickard, low<br />

j lunlor. Not "men," not "chocolate<br />

ice cream soda," not tven "whoor<br />

, —none of those phnines, no dear to<br />

; thu hcarU of most <strong>Lowell</strong> nquawf.<br />

. . . Junt plain pigeons.<br />

• Main Life Interest<br />

JEaifting nnd training homlnjy<br />

- pigconB in Tuke uliobby. <strong>The</strong> prctj<br />

ty, soft, gray birds became "her<br />

, main in wrest In life while nlie was<br />

j stationed with her army family' at<br />

• Vancouver. Washington.<br />

When the young pigeon expert<br />

cam« to the Prwuilo, a coop wan<br />

! constructed In the Rickanl'ii back<br />

• vnnl almost overnight, a family of<br />

j birds installed, and a new hobby,<br />

which ha* ntnce nlmon overrun the<br />

: army heiiduuartt>rx. had ur-ived—<br />

hut definftelyl<br />

Pigeon Union?<br />

Tuke's pigeons are Just like everybody<br />

Hsc'«—they had to join<br />

tin- union, too! "o-o-o they're nil<br />

member* of the'/Tmcncan Racing<br />

f'igpon Union, which meant each<br />

Chronicle J'hoto '»' r d wear* a l!ttlr>.band around its<br />

. .1.- — _ • - li-j- with a number on it. ami hns a<br />

gine—making his completely onff- eighth period in the auditorium | favor of rug-cutting. Already the<br />

inul Tordobaker.'<br />

nnd ncvernl prizes were offered. snfne members of the dance com-;<br />

Uut the ncvcnty-onc remaining but |r. wan not announced beforo. miltcu limire „,,. ar« ,„ in a w ,,M huddle „ ,,,„ planning „<br />

car-owning Lowclfitcft nrcn't quite<br />

So radical, an revealed by a survey be the awarded. occasion for .Munic what was they supplied, would mlvincr, the great Mr. day with .Moore. the aid Something' of their<br />

completed tott week. <strong>The</strong>y tike, talon usual, by records. , entirely new nnd, different in the<br />

order of preference, fuch tried ond| Offfcen* of the It. 0. T. C. com- wny of a theme In-promised, 1<br />

true cam UK Fnrdu, Quick*, Chevm-j prised the dance committee, j AUo on the CSK.xocinl calendar<br />

lott. and Plymouth*. ; among them being nuch hiph-rnnk- , iB n ,iinner dunce scheduled for. 1<br />

Mr. ------ Ford ha» twenty-nine • eiuto-' ' j Ing cadet* fl» l-iVut.-Col. John Gib- J.(,III, 1110 ilay in ' January. - This — . ipila -<br />

merit at Lo^HI. nmonlf Ihouc being! son. Cnpl. Adj. Moyl Sejei.e, and event wi'ii h? hel.l at the Ciarcmont<br />

Frank Cardrlll. Cni_ Frank Clanroe, HIM ' Major Steve Rohiie. Hotel in Berkeley, - . -<br />

Oiiuna. Bill Marnhall. Jim 1<br />

Harvey lingers. Hill Sales. Frank;<br />

—Heat I'oly—<br />

Novi-mlfc'r Yi. found m»nv n<br />

CSFVr at firorgi- Washington High<br />

"-' -' «»"•«.. •if.!'>i.;5Si Art Posters Help attending tht* city-widc convention.<br />

K<br />

"TIS £V>- .,r ,„„« fiiwer-tiend. Create Publicityy<br />

i* Burnett Shet'han, iinntd nwnernf<br />

o Durant-fi *ed»n, vintage '2C, the; Have iho.«f drawingi* on tlip huloMcut<br />

car owned bv any ittuticnt. | U'tii Imaul »ippof-<br />

Amid the -oft light* of Voneto J^n'mem «f "h.- 'ittidi-n" body!<br />

r»—iturant .Monday evcninir. Nnlm* sinn* last<br />

MiiniTi-r. Whik- this mr.'s is<br />

l"-itiL' ."traiirhti'iK-d cut a Inud<br />

t-rasb is hrard in mw t-nrncr<br />

tit tliwe]I idaced second I'li-r-nn. and Tuke.<br />

in d.hatiiiL'. first in cxti'mpnra- Wanta buy a pigeon?<br />

neous speaking, and first nnd sec- —Heal poly<br />

oiid ir. "pnigM'-siim" at this tournam-m<br />

and C'oaeh Urbccr ex- Attorney Stresses<br />

Iir.->s.-r-'d in at I^>wi>ll last N'ovt-tn- '" -Ori.<br />

p|a__ i !.„ r>|, r f - -'-I'-k"' Ki-ntfn-lil. Ilul> KJrtv<br />

I'icturos which have rlrcnily lieen "•"' Hnrlmra U-onarJ,<br />

«• . > • . ^ . Allan. ••!.«. ..!>>* n v.k «l<br />

rfl i" •• for th*' P.-T. A.'s Fathers' Mr. Alger gnicinusly coit>(>ntfd<br />

riannea oy UlUO; Siehi iinigrnm to deliver his inter- t" iday a *'«1» for yntir rvporter<br />

better acmiainted with ' V.* 1 . 1 .' 111 ' ta J k tll .» "*""! C V* W \- Mr -'''!"'' lll *.. tn





DECEMBER 2, 4, S<br />

Volume 79, Xo. 5 Sun Francisco, Tutiday. December 2. 1041 Founded January. IMS<br />

Show<br />

Down<br />

Fall Journal<br />

Will Feature<br />

Indian Wins<br />

Christmas Varieties Feature Laughs,<br />

Glamor Galore on Nights of Dec. 2,4,5<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong>'s great victory over<br />

«* w "' J" 1 BY Editor Mary Fletcher<br />

»l*«acularly pre-<br />

<strong>The</strong>y'll hand it UP somewhere?—i Jim Livingstone as he paused rao-<br />

And some day. if a student Ig- tnc football photos on tho "dumnores<br />

his books long enough toj , ., . .. M „ .,<br />

look that way In passing, hell no-' mle " un ln ilr ' Mctonla room,<br />

tier that the newest Inscription:<br />

Mys:"LOWEI.L-!9*I."<br />

!<br />

Just two wo.-.!-, tell the story.; . , - .. H _.L._ .<br />

Xo Tienticn of long hours of prac-| m u " lC oiner J° u<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ites Help Santa Claus,<br />

Uncle Sam During Xmas Rush<br />

you try to pected record-breaking moll this<br />

"<strong>The</strong> journal, maktni; Us fall '41<br />

I*<br />

tic? xerimmege nnd coaching, of,of the past,' reiterated Jim.<br />

pep rallies, dances, and car pa-'<br />

1 cards s secret, someone from Low*;<br />

ell is going to find out about them.<br />

Bonnie McPherson And Anita,<br />

Ames will know what everybody's<br />

"" °" •>•"»""•>• 22. will be ren-<br />

:<br />

Vaudeville Replaces<br />

Regular Term Play<br />

Santa Claus will be here next<br />

week!<br />

He will make three personal ap-<br />

year. ar.<br />

pearances, December 2, 4, and 5.<br />

If you'ic In the mood to buyIn<br />

conjunction with the Christina*<br />

toy*,, a <strong>Lowell</strong> student, Carole<br />

Claiboroe, will help select them at<br />

Varieties.<br />

the White House. Jean Duff and In addition to Snlnt N'ick, there<br />

gvtting from San Francisco's big* Phylis* Carrol will bo at Carlisle's,<br />

ires irest deportment store because<br />

will be novelty skits, dance spe-<br />

Frank Grannn at the Emporium,<br />

• wrapping packagv* nt the<br />

the;<br />

Jane Sachs at I. Magnin'n, Ears* cialties, orchestral selections, and<br />

... _ • fi_> •_ i — j~ii<br />

I Emporium. Joan Brown is doing jam* Kondrick* at the White House, I a gala array of pretty <strong>Lowell</strong> girls,<br />

the sports section; tho same at Llebes*. and Gloria Hocrtkorn nt Davis j<br />

iy football section! At exclusive Ransohoffs, N'ata-J Schohnwasscr's. j .Mystery, t-un. Etc<br />

many action shots. Informal | !'«„ ? o '* nb .r r ir'_?rA *?*!•.. ^'IK.?! - Slock Workers <strong>The</strong> playlets include a weird<br />

n t\llh Riimr* rnloi-nivitr#> mtvtn' •'»«n.-vnii V.IIHI-IK. HUM un»m «nu i> (»v- nope) give J'— .. ,--<br />

...Roar ""•• "° roti>Er:uure «yle,SnarI, .ln. „„,,,. „ fcw of ,hc „,„„>•„.« ,-hnnKe or (we nlso honci will (Inns.<br />

Sh.inmnr the bottlenecks that • niclures this edition of the. Jtri j UWrllitc welt worth looking<br />

forward to and a big senior<br />

went.<br />

<strong>The</strong> committee includes:<br />

Anita Aincn. Betty Giles.<br />

Blnini" Gardner, Bonnie Me*<br />

Pherson, Joan Denis*. Vaxken<br />

Tnshinn. Jim Livingstone,<br />

Bill Christ in n.«on, nnd<br />

Marge Tomlinsuti.<br />

**> composed of low and<br />

n<br />

'?n leniors, entertained them<br />

and folk dancing at the<br />

Kmi-anmul g«t>togethcr under<br />

«e dlicction of Motile Shepherd.<br />

Block. L president, and Virginia<br />

Carpenter.<br />

al1 <strong>The</strong> theme or tnc C. a. r. nance' »oot ' twonty-eight -JX* <strong>Lowell</strong> sfjdenU<br />

ASrmany brush-3ffs. Prd-| .<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong> coming State TTournament<br />

ti<br />

dent Vera K«fcis finally consented , h " d * btl< * 1 """?''<br />

to divulge this priceless informa* •£" •«


Published br th« Auoc!»t«d Stuilentii<br />

of fcow»|l High School<br />

IWO HajrnStrwt, S*n Frmnclico,<br />

California<br />

U IL H. 8, A. Mrmtwr* Pna<br />

L STAFF<br />


Managing Editor. .. — Joan Simon<br />

Feature Editor.. ~~—Bert Burns<br />

Sport* Editor. — . -Bud Silverman<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S EDITORS<br />

** °' Itlcliiinl jifim<br />


Ilob lluwf<br />

Jack Fnl-r<br />

Ilitrbora n<br />

Hrten Jttinruin<br />

llotH-rtii itathcw<br />

M.I McArthur<br />

Krank Horn.MI<br />

Hall 1'ic<br />

Itli<br />

Mr. J- U\ Patt*r».in<br />

Comeback of <strong>Lowell</strong>s Football<br />

Team is Characteristic of Life<br />

In winning 1 the A. A. A. championship<br />

Thursday. n« well us downing' our traditional<br />

foe. Poly, <strong>Lowell</strong>'* football team<br />

taught us a lesson in lift* we should not<br />

forget.<br />

Look back a year. It was the name<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> team, un victorious in its previous<br />

same*, pitted against an undefeated Parrot<br />

.squad. No hope was given for that<br />

Indian eleven. <strong>The</strong>y would break under<br />

the pressure and .strain of the game. But<br />

history tells a different story. True, they<br />

lost the game, but only in the last minute<br />

of play. Those boys fought their hearts<br />

out in that game. Even when the gigantic<br />

Poly machine threatened to explode any<br />

minute, no signs of disliearteiiment found<br />

its way into their spirit. Yes. that fighting<br />

spirit, not the defeat, still stands in<br />

the minds of all.<br />

This year, that team stepped on the<br />

gridiron with that same spirit. But this<br />

year, in contrast to last's, found them<br />

sweeping all opposition aside. Victory<br />

was their'*.<br />

Life, as we will find out, will be like<br />

that football team. <strong>The</strong>re will be times<br />

when it seems as if the whole world is<br />

against us. Everything goes wrong. But<br />

when crises as these arise, don't dispnir!<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no problem so great that w« can't<br />

conquer if we fight back. Remember this<br />

Ml football team. <strong>The</strong>y proved it.<br />

Shipyards Act As Backbone<br />

Of National Defense Program<br />

By Bert Burns<br />

<strong>The</strong> ship-ynrds!<br />

Hack bone of the national defense. With skeletons<br />

of soon-to-be destroyers, with men climbine<br />

on the framework like fifes on sweets.<br />

Teem in c with no inc. yet there is order. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

ere the yards wheru our two-ocean navy In soon<br />

to be realize!. On the prow of a slim, fleck destroyer,<br />

the wind-tauten. sun-tannft*citlitl Jant't<br />

Kkti. luw .- lt>mlinir<br />

tlirui-.<br />

Jrim-t Rico, the uiriiifr. an alumnus<br />

of .Mjirina Junior Iliuh, is a<br />

mi'mK-r of the Shield and L, work*<br />

in .Miss Ihirison'.i offiiv. and was<br />

vici'-i 1 resident of hfr It»w-." finis.<br />

Jane Btjiir. the ranin.-r-u|), cntnt*<br />

to LoWflt from Atitu.t Junior High.<br />

and is vice-prcxy yf th« student<br />

botiy. l)f.tidt'!t 1KMHi: on the Shiuld<br />

and niix-k L, and workinir in the<br />

office.<br />

Barbara Ix'oriard. like the winner,<br />

ratni* from Marina, rs vice*<br />

iiresldent of this term's low juniur<br />

clahs. and iilso wurks 'n the office.<br />

Following is the first te;im:<br />

Quarterback and captain. "Sandy"<br />

Johnston.<br />

Left It til f, Janet Rico.<br />

liiifht half, .lane Illnir.<br />

Fullback, Barbara Ix'onard.<br />

ICtirht t'n.l. Shirley Uurke.<br />

Kitrht Tnrklf, IM«n Homnc<br />

Kinht cuard, Betty Hunsen.<br />

Center. Manr2 HiVrs.<br />

I A-ft Kuurd, Mart;? Itauok.<br />

iA-ft iavklc. Willamay Wi-isinj-.<br />

(A*ft erul, Joan D?nntss<br />

Stuff and<br />

Things<br />

Mr. Bas.«: "A fool enn nsk more<br />

iiuef.tionit tJmn a wise man can answer."<br />

Pat Simmons: "That*"* whv we<br />

all flunki.l!"<br />

—\s—<br />

In nfjRifiitd controversial.<br />

My 'M'n-uption I'K e Krb Kirls*. Je;tn and Kuth—<br />

aren't they dariinjf?'*<br />

I'"irii.!ly one ri*tnctnbt*red the tcame and said.<br />

"fi\v. why i-an't they make a tuuehdown? I'm<br />

i-Ttain they could if thev would oilv put in that<br />

McDoucaM bov or that Ken McKU-nnan, bct.*au*e<br />

they look so nice in their uniforms, don't you<br />

iiirnk so?" . . . "You know Warren Simmons,<br />

don't >' many pretty cirls at <strong>Lowell</strong>."<br />

1'hey'p; not to be equaled any place.<br />

Conrii' Clafkides trettfne up his couratre W<br />

ask Sophie Evanirelnu to a trritliron party. Jane<br />

KMi''on tHH*n for rolk-ce boys—Cal. men in particulnr.<br />

Ex-(jra«l Tom .Mnuer has tak


First Period Blocked Kick Almost Turns Into An Indian Score<br />

Oppirlunity knock* like! This Mocked kick xrt Up Ihr necond four<br />

down* in*iuV the Poly 5 yard nlripo, in which lht> Cardinals couldn't<br />

ovrr a score. —Chronicle Photo.<br />

Parrots Hand Back Title As<br />

Cards Win 14th Big Game 7-0<br />

TV Airshots Lick j<br />

Champs in Fourth'<br />

Kezar Stadium's large.it crowd ,<br />

of the M-a.^oJi. approximately 37,-;<br />

DW, witnessed one of the biggest,<br />

"little big games" ever to be<br />

started at the local stamping :<br />

grounds when the Indlnns plucked<br />

the mighty Poly Parrot, 7-0, to<br />

cinch th« much-coveted city title.<br />

In their annual Turkey Day grid-'<br />

iron classic. •<br />

<strong>The</strong> lone tally of the contest occurred<br />

midway in the 4th "•»'><br />

lar climb was the taking back of |<br />

K '<br />

;ihe title which they lost u Polyi L»*ell was one team that<br />

in IMU by dumping then. 7-0. de-, *"*"' '. no PWiostlcMon. At<br />

cidingthe championship by half »j the "P?" 1 "'-' ° r .""„ '"*"> thc J<br />

game, were the league s dark horse."<br />

This battle ended Poly's twenty-1 When they were favored ov»r tho<br />

game win-strcalc, gave revenge to j Commerce eleven, they lost. When<br />

the Card* for last year's 2tt-seeond ; they played underdog to Oalboa<br />

i Hi. nin.. it,.. •n«L..tb..ll


Champs In Action!<br />

Shrtwn wn tm-i.-hini: fhrfiiigh I hhi*<br />

'imm'imM''" I'otv lint* i- i'aul *)r*i, »hn ^fauxi* i»f hirnn«i*h'nl<br />

si'ns,it.oniil l «*i>rk nl l«*fl hnlfltark in (he (^)Mrll chaaip ; "n-hrp team.<br />

*a* unanintnunlv ,\|I-t*i(> rliuiri* *Ihi> vtar- thr liifiKi*>t s ain l.o'^vll fnn|ierity. ami f I.,,wel| domiiiatini; prep ,-ports history.<br />

I!'-ll : l.owi-ll '.eats Poly, wins all-iity fnoti.all championship: <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

"Ifiuil" el.-ven trounec. Poly: <strong>Lowell</strong> simvr team ties Poly, winds up<br />

iinii,iiK^tlif top three teams in the league: <strong>Lowell</strong> ia> l.asketl.all team<br />

ln-ats Poly, wins city i-hanirionshi[i: Louvll l.asketeers in the 11(1 IM.IIIIJ<br />

division Leal Poly, take M-eouil place i.-i te:i-school league.<br />

l!'-'l t A p-eat s|i...-:.- year for ll',- Haye.s >treet Indian—a sad ami<br />

liiitei-oi..- !'••!• the Parrot.<br />

j'ANr.<br />


<strong>Lowell</strong>ites in National Defense. Boys Join Forces, Girls Knit<br />

Few '.uwellHeN will ever fnrC-M down l«i recular dutiv* but not n-gv j become a FirM Aid Slnlion.<br />

filrlr* In DrfenAc Ship, Ida Frfedburr, and Dorecn<br />

that day. DecemlHT 7 i* a red let- uUr thoughts ltoyM "Pitch In**<br />

<strong>The</strong> xirt* did Ihrir part, loo. At<br />

ter day In United Stale* hiniory Once iiRitin the clatter of nolneit j :*l(emember IWI Harbor"<br />

Tonken. <strong>The</strong>w airU «re «. wilting<br />

•he American Women* Volunteer<br />

dul the folltrwine day wlU mil IH- from l-owrtt'-i hulU could he heard, rxlirred more than a few hear It* te Srrvice. of frrinti I heir •.wicr*,<br />

their It. A. K. blue uniform*.<br />

for cot Ir n Iti thr Indian drfender-* but now lhene fo'imla tteemrd In!action. Hill Houston received courl wvre Jrnrl Kifo. M-c^rrl Shep- Ked Crntm llelpeni<br />

her*-.<br />

Mump unl, "We did it hrforr nnd | permi*rion tu join the Navy. ard, Ida Frledhur--. .Mary Fletcher, Itaritara Ilenn and Mary Fla»<br />

<strong>The</strong>re KKK little work heinic we'll do It neafn!" j Dal .Mihone became a mechanic Nancy lifter. <strong>The</strong>rr*e nnd ItiMwlie- worked at the lied Crona during<br />

done, everyone wan talking in IdUer on plan* for orcnni/allnn ,in the Naval Air Corp*; Tom Ta- :ZiccltT, Diane Kolh. Joan L«vy, vacation. Lorce Welcon and Mar*<br />

hurnrd voice*. "We're Kiiin*-; In in aid our "dnii-R fl ncain" were I makar, n member, of ..the Stale 'Jnnne Film and other*. A future fftirtl Haynrn are ft I 111 there and<br />

hear ill" I'reKidrnt *penk at 9:30." laid. Guard, ind Itoherl (.'onion llnley 'ambulance driver wan Jean Klinr- too numerou* to mention are the<br />

"GonK ttilrty-two are nlMenl in Studvnt* immedialvly j*oi in the look the Army. Other* en I in ted he- er. who \n tak'njf em-reft now. <strong>Lowell</strong> jjirN rolling bandajcr*.<br />

my rce.** *i)W you hrai that we'rt* "KriMivr** for victory.<br />

thai memorabfe Decrmbt'r 7 At thr present thr member* of At I^iwell, many arc knilllnr for<br />

colnc lo have a blackout tonight* Defenne acltrUir-4 b+jfun tu form.<br />

lame group joined in the Motor Corp* carrying mc-ma-cm the Ked CroM. Hetty Water boaxt-i<br />

After the Hn*l fe-r da)*' reali- Itrd Crotm cnumc* were organized civUian defrnne and really "pitched lo and ftom newrtpaper office* and thr record of (hr« *wra(cr*i comzation<br />

uf war. everyone calmed here. Kven the IC 0. T. C. armory In.*<br />

hroadrt*unj -dationn include ~"<br />


PLANS<br />


LOWELL<br />


228 SENIORS<br />

TO<br />


Volume "!'. N". undent state cr, seek luiii<br />

..f hyst.-ria »••••• the priniiirv -.'!•••" |r sur >'' .<br />

tn«ri* lii^t rnil.iy wliK-h ^nttrlnl •<br />

ilnwn to ;i niaxiiiinin of in<br />

. will<br />

l:i<br />

Of<br />

l..,.lyih.-<br />

?<br />

i-i-iif.- an tu tin- ii'tit-r i.i]\':<br />

.Inin- Siitti'ii. Hiii.'l'! nii'inhcr ;unl<br />

1*. and W. fin.itu i.il ni:i:i;iL'''r, ;nid<br />

'*""• "'"•«•" |»,ri* Th..ir.)i.inj. lit.rar.v --.iit.ir.<br />

In .n.ll.w iani,- •nit i.n t»|i<br />

ln.-fi.n-<br />

;itl. ,.,i,,;it).,t«- f,.r i:.-,t and Wlut.vm-|!iv--iileiilial<br />

tilt. .latn'l ,-,ij[i.r.<br />

\h» ryi-* of huiKln-ils 'if i-rntiil pji- lti"<br />

._ ._ ..ilver iihittiT—Imt it w<br />

'.•;; ii..i.i-<br />

iu«t what vuii i*.\in-ft''t|.<br />

' h.ih<br />

1 «an: ! 'itammjir Srht-t<br />

i'ur"iiiit"h°!i—/|V''li'i'l «»f'f. 'iVi'it ' :l "' ""'"'" "' "'" :i " " :lv '"<br />

»•- think you mi -lamialy J^ 1 .<br />

COOP I.UCK. (iU.MH.'ATKS UK p;,., ,iN l.k. l.mv, ami kn'<br />

JANUARY. l!l«: , ,<br />

V.,ic.-» Will T-ll<br />

IV1 All dp'-i-fd U|i in it l>i\vt> .fulinfcu:.i<br />

niviT, :;u.i i-.idy l>> adurn (he •<br />

,;'•;.;U •>!' (..nv.-H -nuli-nt- is the fall |<br />

Ml ••.|iti->n ofh- I.V.latKl Whit.-.<br />

.lat.nary L'1 i.- th. and ami f ri;:- • -Z .-<br />

By-word for friend ami .it PI tiger .•<br />

___ more pi,-lL- ?. than rv.r JK-fot- fi'ii* lire<br />

S&'£-?*'iJH<br />

will be "^iitn my journal." T«> hack to thf days of th.- "ihnv ]rtll ., j-,.;v ,,f th.- MIL in store<br />

Kditqr Jim Uvinirston the ni'i.'t It's."<br />

for ihf linky Imyers.<br />

ftpokch Wiird that day will )> day for<br />

Stftiforr*. prevailed upon hy Hi. all thu ^imluntc.-.<br />

Boys Glee Dropped<br />

Pr«ty Tom Tully will AtU\ h«w Tomiiiitf the ali imiiortaiit vwnt<br />

ti«-« and rufflc« to their usual - trrai.'iiiiiioii, tne Senior I'rom Next term will find two in.-w >ulixuirrl<br />

(Li'vi jean* and dirty<br />

S=) ^ J ?|KrT«S5 ir «Th: .vi.« i*** Place K-.ruary :: in t,,- ^ « ; ^ &£»**»-«*'<br />

^W&VlW^Krr FT T ? T T 'Txv U( i1 "' ll ^^"Ur£TAV wil<br />

.W.tridifi^.il/ "" lt ''' WIth Uarri "" I!lI| K l< »- or - If m-ttially a term of V^nrunu-<br />

,..1^ ^,, .- ,,.. '-liMtra. ! .-.horth.ind. Thi.- will EH.- foIIovv.-.-J<br />

in tnakini: the j" the fall hy an advanced emiix-<br />

I" ilnir I' ttv : *" l ^'* *' JI1111 Animation will viirv the usually . .,,,,,,<br />

€Jull tone use,! l>v .h.- chemi.stry /^r^ ' •'Uitjtvl, all.) will eotl*<br />

r, in"} ljlu|l, .(> ., two.|,.rm ^udjVct.<br />

'-. hiinnie .Me-, <strong>The</strong> oth.-r n.w Mil-j'ct will I- a<br />

u "K Ws<br />

tfa.'h«r In cla^^cy. He. ".<br />

•oraUv and without crwHt ilo nil<br />

Jh* little taskn that ket-n thinj:«<br />

"fjtini:<br />

Where it In not dm?:<br />

l<br />

^ "> those miid«nt.i who rpfufctl to'<br />

is*' .T !t wcre ft rcni » ir ">M<br />

* mi mmi «l« not flnil youiyvlf a* im-<br />

* to notnhti and machlne-i-un<br />

'* an vnu aiwumwl ymtmrlvrs'<br />

\V«dnc*lay. ;<br />

niy laKt column nnd y*."«*'<br />

« <strong>Lowell</strong>. That'n 30.<br />

WHS th.- Utrrfimt in<br />

a: <strong>Lowell</strong>?<br />

At I'our 11. in.. Inst w.-ek.<br />

Mr. rhurio WaMi. lw\\<br />

t. jn-lier wh't lives mi .MtiM.njc<br />

ami Hayes, iK-cpd »iut nf hi:=<br />

i^l ti.vuij; to t;i'l itit illm<br />

f< r a ](«-m T hN<br />

ealleit the nolicc.<br />

Thiee radio prowl earn arrived<br />

nt ill.- r of ncttnn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> I>OIH-'- wiiitt-d: «a*v i«<br />

man, wcarintr overall-* nnd n<br />

cup. appear at A thinl ytory<br />

window; heard him shout.<br />

"Here it *-ome.«." Uown va'iie<br />

th«* 'Stolen 1-nfnl-"—;i sack<br />

of irarlijii**'<br />

228 to Receive Diplomas<br />

At the Opera House, Feb. 3<br />

KIM TI I.I.Y<br />

III IV.•>• Itkhard llant<br />

ftru'liialioti is nwiftly npprnnehin^.<br />

In an almost unl>di(>vr;ihly<br />

••hitrt thin-. : t will 1M-*j [i. m., Fni»rji will I).*<br />

~-— writini: the final rhapli-r in tli-ir<br />

-fli.Hil careers, n* th««v march<br />

n ;hi i iiislex of the War .Memorial<br />

opfrii ll.,u-e. tf b'.| ;i fond<br />

far.-wt-ll to Iyjwpll.<br />

At thi>. 1^.well's V2:>lh coinir.iiitm.-nt<br />

,-\.-n-i-.'s. 11^ firN and<br />

ll'l ln.y.-i wilt j»-e<br />

iiaii, nnd Charl«> Cohen, a well-<br />

,r |;p"H-n dehuter and orator, will pre-<br />

•\ sciii the valedictory. A r'eadlnj:<br />

" j will IK; civt-n by'Jnnn DcnniM.<br />

^ ^ , . i<br />

j .Mi^icul ncW'tinnn, furni.shed by<br />

;: the (JitlV ttlee Cluh. under the di-<br />

1<br />

• rectiun nijvr- ny Mulnttc. <strong>The</strong><br />

' ovprtur** to "Phi'drc" l»y Mx-*sonct<br />

i ;•. . • will IH- |)I:i>-ed hy iho IjnW^U orvhi-«i-<br />

•* •*;.'•'•*'•j---; ; tra. dirert^d hy .Mr. .Mmlison Dov-<br />

Diploma* Conferred<br />

Mr. Stephcn?i, nrtncj-ial. will confer<br />

the dfplomiiK, ns.siMeiJ \,\- the<br />

; Ffttior registry teachers. Mr^, Oli-<br />

... .-. ..... • . - j l i r jjj.Mi,.. ( apiiiiii.-* .-••lent** i_nni|i-, •<br />

I lmy> K|IT. lt..yn in- (l(.i| ;ih(i Kyi-, iin.l l.ieiitH. IViieeli-./i-iiiimi.ni Hotel.<br />

tir.st.-d in MI:.:IIIC will tu- nrt'.-il t.i i,.r_ (;R(v. CnIi-. :111c! S-U-l. A test —•<br />

join :\n- A Cai»-lla Cliuir. winch is vvj[j |^. ;;v,.n t,, determine the nro- T . „ _ . _ .<br />

fa-t («.,..mil:-- an-ni-.r .lUtMandii^- .....u,,,,^ <strong>Lowell</strong>s Sale* Students<br />

.'-..tjic .1* I>iw<br />

knr.w that l^.ucll hao .Ian. 1— V. (". ••ntraniv Kra*l*t " | i'|,rUtimw lioHdiiy nwh.<br />

.nkrTi, the L



Capuln Viraltjr Forwird<br />

| Elmer's Tune<br />

Why arc the stars (Charlc* Blnkc<br />

and Marion Cocks) ;<br />

Always winkin' (Marge Totnlin- j<br />

son) j<br />

And bltnkin' (Lorraine Christ)!<br />

above?<br />

What makes a fellow d. with difficulty.<br />

to catch a few important fact*<br />

about hi< lift-'. Koine of which rnuat<br />

necessarily be omitted. He graduate!<br />

from Oakland High School.<br />

Before this, he attcnndei! Weed<br />

High, whore he wa* Htud>Mii body<br />

president. ^tiiiifoni University<br />

ami journalism were tltt> m-xt steps<br />

in his education. After receiving<br />

bis dipldiuii. he found fmpluymtiu<br />

:uiKt> that r»-fiv.-lu->.<br />

Hi'iiurt cai't.i—I^Mik l'r tin- liig<br />

red letters.<br />

Algi'l.ra cias.—1M walk ;i miK*.<br />

llttim-wiirk—Wlii-ii it miiw it<br />

IMjur.-*.<br />

Vacations—Here t.id:iv ;>inl notw<br />

lomnrrow.<br />

Ynur fdueatiitii—It m-vt'r It-Is yuii<br />

down.<br />

Kveryone'.-' asli't'p — Opportunity<br />

kmV'k?.<br />

Fc'.ter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> library—Silviu-e ia golden.<br />

—I,—<br />

(,'oioncr: "What were \mir hiu**<br />

lijind'.i lant word*, madam?"<br />

Widow: "Hy thetit 'ast<br />

week."<br />

<strong>The</strong> waiter leaned confidingly<br />

across the table.<br />

"In that really so. sir?" he said<br />

blandly, "then I've won my bet<br />

with the oook."<br />

Unntcded "Glamour" Added to<br />

School During Xas Varieties<br />

Inside, the lights burned brightly, and the<br />

student performers excitedly changed rostumes<br />

and make-up to continue <strong>Lowell</strong>'s annual Christmas<br />

\aneties. Parents, visitors, and students<br />

vine proud of <strong>Lowell</strong>, ami what Uwell cculd do.<br />

But during an Intermhulon a few llleged.<br />

voung men of <strong>Lowell</strong> thought that they rould<br />

help, in their childish way, to glamorize <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

bach boldly pulled a cigarette from his pocket, lit<br />

it. and stood in *.he corridor glaring back at the<br />

parents who knew smoking was against the law<br />

in schools, and at the others who knew that tbe*e<br />

ft*w students just didn't know any better.<br />

You probably don't know their names because<br />

they re not the type that are well known. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

:iren t on the baseball team, they aren't student<br />

body officers, they haven't won a cup tar debating<br />

or a medal fur track, basketball, or football.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y just drift alone with the students who make<br />

iij> the truer side of <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

This won't happen agnin soon, because the<br />

honor and preatip... 1 , the true moaning of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ilik'h cannot help but seep into the hearts of the?e<br />

few. If not, let it Iw known—<strong>Lowell</strong> is real and<br />

true—we can gf l^ttvel) Hictj School<br />



Track Team Finishes Fall<br />

Training; Outlook Good<br />

Newcomers Sparkle<br />

In Fall Workouts<br />

With their i-ye* set on thi» A. A.<br />

A. championship, thu L»wcll track<br />

team completeil its fall training.,<br />

and prepared to embark on the.<br />

regular sprinc activities. j<br />

Fall track linn proved very benc- j<br />

ftcial. Ueinde* conditioning tin?!<br />

runners, it made known heretofore i<br />

hidden talent* of the newcomers, j<br />

It also cave the t;im a spirit iff<br />

working together ait team mates. |<br />

not .is individual*. This wns j<br />

shown in '.he six-1 day rat-ex and in<br />

the Stanford erons-country mwi.<br />

Indian* Strong<br />

Tlu- Indians up-war t Herman.sen, and<br />

"Lightning" Lee KII:,».<br />

'".Sheepy" Shepanl, who tool:<br />

second place in the (10 last year,<br />

will return as will Miirl lto;uli and<br />

"Puppy" Kvans Utr the (.darter<br />

mile.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 880 find.* 1 Ca*,tain Phil Arnot.<br />

bob Ilusfc. ami Harrison curryinir<br />

the red and white in what<br />

should !«• I»well'* strongen event.<br />

I-irry O'Dnnnel. \V*inkk*r, and Ron*<br />

ney comprine the mil i *rj».<br />

Three of last year's finalist.*, Kd<br />

Rogers. Bob Sim*, and John liar*<br />

(•rave, arc p.-turnitu: hurdler*.<br />

Hacking thti* trio up art* Sheppard.<br />

Lowe, and "Di'ntory** Nus^haum.<br />


A Rebound<br />

Scores for 30's<br />

Crew Will Qp On Despite<br />

War; Big Boys Look Good<br />

Oarsmen Rely On<br />

Vets For Honors<br />

Despite the war, subnet*, mines,<br />

and other HIK-II obstacles staring<br />

them In thti face, it's full f^wed<br />

ahvatl fcr the <strong>Lowell</strong> crew and<br />

their able conch, Stan Lishty.<br />

j When April roll* around, and tho<br />

j turbulent San Francisco Bay calms<br />

to n smooth pattern, «ultable to<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> crew nml junior sailors<br />

ttmonit five other city crvwa.<br />

<strong>The</strong> victor>' tstiirvcd varsity seamen<br />

confidently look forward to a<br />

sucrefuful season this year. Tho<br />

llrt of returning veterans is very<br />

impressive. At the starboard, Lea<br />

Tt'torson, Ituh Ancleinon, Jack Ha><br />

bermcyiT, Connie Gl.-.fkides, Itema<br />

Cuniuertf, Henry Morris, Ronald<br />

Sockalnv, and Jack MacOounal return<br />

to I)o!i!"r the strung side.<br />

On tho i*»rt side arc Tom Strcl,<br />

Ken Hnli, Harry Itahbiann, Jtichnrd<br />

Lee, George Kritaky. - I l^'Wi-ll's tennis team, led by its | ruary. .. .... _.<br />

v-t.T-ii I<br />

.tilth ,i,., , [I,- fl<br />

in<br />

. a->:i>ifil by Molly ^h<br />

the tr:ii|.'lit year. Up fnun tlu><br />

IHirhi-r ;ivv;inl- will I i«i. light uvight *ii|iia«i art- Iiavi- Wilam!<br />

new offii'rrs and manimrt-s ii;il<br />

will 1H> aitfioiitia'd at tlir Ira. .Mr.<br />

Stephen4 will urescm llu* ptns;<br />

Mi->* Flvnti. tlit* stars; Molly JMH-Pjinl.<br />

thV IiWk-; and Mr. Itty<br />

1 it Vd i !m led by veteran* Dud<br />

Silvcrmun, Aizivn llawuro, John<br />

ti, und Kuni Yumanaka<br />

| i';u-e u hri^lit season. <strong>The</strong> thirties<br />

were undefeated lant year, and<br />

tin- • an. i-hootini; n* that coal once<br />

again.<br />

Su, whet! the boats roll into tho<br />

bay, .Uarttnff practice comes Fcbwheii<br />

the starter's<br />

' *"'*pH'i'*i Ueorge Cliich'Mler, I bark.-* in April, the Indian crew<br />

. . .. , „, iniid u hti*t of returning wtcran-*; will be .ib'e to »:t staunchly in its<br />

in its l.altk- is nnn- again favorite to take the shell und fight It out stroke for<br />

city tit.lt> from any chulleniter. i Htrcke with any opponent, be it<br />

Returning IteturniriL stnn «tnr* are Lester U'.i'.er TrireJ Tn'reJ Missicn, Missicn. Galleo, Oalileo. lla^oa, SSucrnl u l<br />

Wnrrt'tt Iteale, GKOTRO LiebesJ Heart, or defendink' champ St. IIff-<br />

W<br />

> aiigau, b Iophomore Ken^.tlion, Morrin <strong>The</strong> U»ys in the crew don't rc-<br />

• from tl"- ilii;ht-<br />

Sn'kolov. ('ruwlev, a new star," ci'ivr. the attention that the buys<br />

I already is in sixth place, threat-: on th the ffootball, t , bbasketball, a t a , or ttruck k<br />

Ii;iL-kstr points. Closely fallowing<br />

her It-ail, five points behind,<br />

were eight students.<br />

ill<br />

:*M-K. OlllfMiili-. ;•.; .1. Livlrc*!..!-,<br />

K t>ftr.iiiili»-ll. W<br />

V.iraktn. K. .M.-itnoh. IL Scott. K<br />

tltiioll!.-, II. Trvi:;iii"Vvli. }\, l^mily<br />

M. U'cltihKiil. It. Nlekiittt. U ^4li-i.: J. (Jil.c.n. W; I;<br />

!•'>•«•. J. M«r:iir, I) Il.iilk-'T. F- (Urn i<br />

Hi'. H. CunltK-r. II. :-V. N. Kiiwncuchl.. ll<br />

Ilraini. H. I>iuir. II. JU:in. J. MI>1».<br />

kind. AT. JirlH. C. .V. =1.T.<br />

113—T. Altluuifti. iC; S^ni H. Mar<br />

lln. W. Tnkat. II. Knkul. H Tl.lUiilmu,<br />

St. Klatctt-r. C. WVitihnltl. n.<br />

l**rtwrlsht. C. Hloani. J. T«Ia. p<br />

nuiuton. U. r.alT. u Hal vim, I)<br />

1 llrnrlif^M. K. Jli-lUi*. Jr. Totnii-nrii, ft.<br />

Churirn. \\', llanlvy. J iktlomon, J<br />

Hutton. It. Ait«lcn*nii, p. Krlly. J<br />

K. KnteyurttJi, II. Kmltli. C. A. =«.£.<br />

It:—A, U'lfilr. 4S: P. otto. C. OroMl.<br />

J. iMitk, U. Htruunton. O. Clmrv. I><br />

Ulchar-Uon. !>• MeliPrln, It. Uw, J<br />

Laokman, W. l*oy**-ii. At. Htivttnrii,<br />

Ki-J. \'o*nUr. to; IL Wfinwl. J<br />

I'ool. K orannlo. XI. Illocte. K. Cor<br />

1 !,--.. It. W'.llllrtl S. uinlrii,iteli. .<br />

V. «;ri(Tim. i.*. A|ii«vi-nm.<br />

r. A. 1*2.1.<br />

K. i-l.in..], 1" M..rri-..ii. K. N.t.lii.nl<br />

M. III.FMI. IIFMI. A! IH.IHI!. IHI!. I>. I. W.irr.n Wrr<br />

131IJ 131—I-J, ltrl l-tti-rln, ."."•; ""•; II II. i"ranfr1 i."ranfur-1. 1. li.ul.-y, F. il.unln.-li. .'.<br />

I'rrnnlww.<br />

3'>^ -M. At. 'i). •: tiLm. Oi^k<br />

ShfltK. t*. HifliHT.<br />

A.irnM. OIIIIII !,. J. KtlltK-T, 1.. KtltiL-.-r. -Til<br />

1 It. It..(fr:i.iti. I,. Il.irtrti.in. !». W.iueh<br />

C Aloniif. I:. lI'iMiii. At. Kliarfuwu.<br />

31"-—ti Al'-'i'tifi, •:»; ,M. «•oitpjKim, T<br />

Sl.«-i:r, II. I'liimti. K. Kourr* J. lt>;if,<br />

.M. llotlrr, \t. Anilrrnoi!. f. dlll.-i.iilt,<br />

W, II.-..I-. W. Alonrau. .11 lljl.iimf, J<br />

Klv ''. '.<br />

ijiil SiaurK J itiin i<br />

ITfHI«. M. JJHU-p". II. tI«T^r II, II.<br />

Itntuii. 1. I'jHVrii. It. Lyiii. Jl- M—<br />

l-r.-v, II. Hl.ijin-y. A. I».-!i:i. A. .-'inilli<br />

Di.»l!. AHMHI. i": i:. I'i'ttTiHin, II.<br />

I^HttiLMKl. It ITunU. 51. Hmllfi.<br />

3JI—!.. I'ltMnl. i"; 1*. llruuni'f. K<br />

Wiitkl.r. I-. iMviiliNin. J. Wlrlu.nl. II,<br />

-.<br />

il*—U, CtH'lirnn, C.i: S. Morlla, ,M. Slur*. J^(I. 1^ I'lihlriitB,* I*<br />

l*ur»t>li. Iv Ih-Irfnimir'-. K. Sutiuki, " .\rrrte. C II^Tnli-riHtP,<br />

,-nft. ON.-1II. W..lrf. KntliiMi. C»li'» I*- K»r.iiu"i... It- ,l.iit(.-n. *. P l y C. C AA.<br />

is.lt,<br />

lit*—W. Hfti*ritlincli«"r. "•; T. McK'-o<br />

•'•: U •'••tin. It. Jt.-inrnj., R ItluniJ V.<br />

L!l, r^-.; (I Jlclniyrp. C;<br />

It. W'ilimti. p. IlrlilcfM, J. Hoimtnur,<br />

IL Ixf, 1*. Kcrriaan. . M«« t'onnlil, T. JIun-grl-iK. It<br />

Itjirrt-tt. <br />

(1.^. «. LivltiRtun C. Tooky. >l. Cohn<br />

J. l^vy. f. A. IT.!*.<br />

J. Willie .1. Kim. C All.in, AI. HnrulY<br />

I<br />

, I'B-II;, *\ c'lak<br />

vitrin-. J. Cn>«t.r. M. Prll.t.fr. II. Mmr<br />

l.y. It. Sturtevnnt, \V, ltoldon, ><br />

Krlmmli-h. C, A. =1.6.<br />

ao;—it. iirroivirii. '•«•. ir. rmiinnc*<br />

II. Hnl;af. il. Itklnnlwin. C- Oil rift<br />

K. yhltii'untira, 1>. Clirlatlr. J. liicran<br />

1 ...Kklr..<br />



Ambitions • College is <strong>The</strong>ir Goal<br />

•n officer In the Marine Corps,, '"'"". Mnnte Tomlimon. \utlha<br />

and even <strong>Lowell</strong> clrls want to help | Mckln. Deny Nelson, and Jlolly<br />

Uncle Sam—Emmy Lou Krlckson Shi-nanl, while Bonnie McPhemsn<br />

nt Income a nurnc in Ite I wiH not lie satisfied with anything<br />

dent Ira Tliomp«on nnd Allen Coop-1 future imnte secretaries ore<br />

cr, who Intend to Iwome Naval of- * Jranetle Hanill, Harriet Bown, and<br />

fleet*, while Bruce Williams hopes | Loi, |Iotvcndahl. Elsie Laudry<br />

Perfect High<br />

Senior Boy<br />

aiRh fchool Kratw.tci always producer, whito Warren Nagata in- Matle Jean Gould want, p<br />

have Mffh ambitions and this tends to tie a veterinarian. ' •I'ice Ice muitieal muitia comedies medies while Gerald ^n0 ^ vour j,jcn of a perfect According to a recent poll con-<br />

v<br />

year's dan has more than Its To c^iln success in the field of Cohn would like to play In a sym-1 senior girl? ?<br />

ducted by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>, the perfect<br />

•hart. <strong>The</strong>ir Ideas cover practi- medicine is the umbitioti of many! Phony orchestra. Wllnui Burn; <strong>The</strong> senior boys voted lit it the te an a senior boy should have the ail*<br />

cally everything—from becoming a of the class of January. 1942. As- hopes to become a child specialist,<br />

nual poll taken by by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> tha that nround ability of our tttudent k.',d*<br />

iihe must have the all around abili-<br />

member of Uncle Sam's armed pirinc doctors arc Dick Samuels, \ »nd Robert Poon wants to become ty of blond ntudent body vice-presi- prcxy and all-city man, Ira<br />

forces to being a museum curator Rick Cupples. Sam Chan, and Luis an auto mechanic.<br />

dent, Jane Blair, anil the person- Thompson. Tom Tully, better<br />

o auto mechanic to veterinar- Zabala. Barbara Thompson. Ma- Garry Wcinhold, Mary Emerson, ality of little<br />

-<br />

Mai<br />

"—'- Tomlinson, Tomlinson known k an the th "La "L Contra Cn King," Ki" U<br />

ian.<br />

gako Kawagnchi. and Mitzc Russ<br />

" the jfirf'K favorite as to dtuidng<br />

and Bill Rojas nspirc to be Illus-<br />

With present world conditions In j hope to become nurses. Emilcc<br />

^ t _ I technique.<br />

trators.<br />

to beminds,<br />

the ambition of a great i Broullct wants to be a surgeon,<br />

senio"r"ciass. Betty Giles, has the Th »ItfcperB» of Gary<br />

como a certified public account dancln" ability for the perfect Rirt'- •• »'...... *..<br />

many high seniors Is to net Into j and Margaret Lclbaeh intends to nt.<br />

samo branch of the military ser- be a medical librarian.<br />

Prohnbly the highest ambition of<br />

vice. Future army officers are' More or. the domestic side arc<br />

Judge McUURhlin and Henry MIcl- j Jane Blair. Mary Alice Scott, ami<br />

ke. Jack Truby wants to i^-ad* I Jean Hudgklnsoit. who nil have the<br />

uate from West Point as a Second' same ambition—to "get a man."<br />

tion IK to »* be able to du nothing. [ the winnah! A happy countenance J **£" fiarry C iJ5Jk*ni e<br />

L i i nWl pearly wh.tc teethgave h g h ^<br />

Army pilots. Bob Fye will bo nat- retary. Garet Markarian hopes to and Eleanor Mensch hopes to be- chosen iind we can only *uy we're thought to have the best tar.<br />

isfied with nothing less than a enter the field of Journalism. ' tome a famous tire's desiRner, I ."orrv that more of you couldn't Congratulations, boys!<br />

Second Ucutcmnt's ratine in the Some with ambitions more on while Ruth Be Lnno want. .Imply I<br />

Armv Air Coriw.<br />

the practical aide nrc Marlon<br />

Five fellows—Hal Holman, Jim<br />

'Cocks, Bill ChriH'.ian^'n, and<br />

Livingston. P«ul Sclehau, Don<br />

' James Lafitte. whose urcatcnt<br />

Snarrowe. anil Warren Swannon—<br />

hoiH-.i are to graduate from <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

all want to help win the war.<br />

while the umiritinn of Jean Vemon<br />

Some who have rather unusual<br />

and Guge St-heuvr is to P.ifs the<br />

ambitions arc Harry A'lams who<br />

KnglUh "A" te« at California.<br />

wants to become n museum cura-<br />

Charles Coheit*« ijrrntest ambition<br />

tor, and Ben Gollobcr who hepes<br />

nt present is to be able t present<br />

some day to t*e a moving picture<br />

a good valedictory.<br />

h " vi> """''••"•., , Athletic .......-...-•- ability: Howie Hill.<br />

Kyes: Gary Weinho.d.<br />

to ride in an airplane. I ^SST'tiA*. I Hair: Harry Hook.<br />

Boris Mpranoff Moranoff has hopes hopes oo.<br />

be- | Hair: l/irniine Christ. ; Smile: 111 nine Gardner.<br />

enmintr n law.vcr. and Hence Cohn Style; Boni.ie McPherson. J Dancing: Tom Tul'y.<br />

want* to becotm: a laboraturj* tech- I'iimre: Nadlnc Lapkin. ! Personality: Stu McPhcrson.<br />

il I j Smlie: Joan Dcnniss, : Style: Kick Cupples.<br />

So there you have it—n ntd the amhitions anil fu-l Tlnneinir: Betty Giles.<br />

.Money: John I). Itockcfcller.<br />

ttin-.s of <strong>Lowell</strong>V elncs "f January.!<br />

All-around ability: Jro Thomp-<br />

1U4-J. ' All-around I'. S. Height: ability; to ruit Jane your taste. Blair.: * ."on.<br />

THREE<br />

in the ambition of John Summers, chosen as the ideal hair for the Richard Cupplv* was chosen ay the'<br />

Envin Goldsmith. George Lmvne. m'rff.-t irlrl. <strong>The</strong> dapper Bonnie , most Myli.-h boy. We attribute his<br />

Denman Honda. ,ndBert 0>vy»n«. > K ~ o n top honor, -I-.;.*.. «. *, fce, ttayj, K W<br />

114 I>r«»>; Tom Tally want, lob. congratulation, to nil the Blrls I john D. Kockefeller', money<br />

a Mutoon clcanc; in n bnrDer «hop, ,nnl were \mky ,.n,,ui:h to lie was tops, while Charlie Cohen Wai<br />

Last Will and Testament -"Soup to Nuts '|! Grads Plan Great Futures<br />

This term's last will and testa- Petty drawings to a freshman just Alltn Cooper wills to new freshment<br />

tiy the hitch senior clous to start him off on the right foot. men his broken pencil.<br />

proved to be very interesting, even John Ureenburg leaves hw corny<br />

though the reo plants of these wills pun* to .Mr. G. W. Mass. Boh Ifaihouldr.'t<br />

be too overjoyed.<br />

1*T leaver his b*\t.it. *-il tone on the<br />

i>ox to Bruce JUIICH. Edwin Gold-<br />

Marion Brill mi'rvly leaves the<br />

k*y to her locker, with nobody in<br />

smith crop* all the fun he had<br />

mind. . . . Alice Wcathcrly working on the Radio Society, No-<br />

leaves Mr. Pobson'K class room to gnko Dawaguehl wills to Masa Ki-<br />

an unsuspecting freshman. • . . tagawa a hortv shoe in math. Ma-<br />

Molly Mao Shepard leaves to N'arian GMzmnn in leaving her<br />

talic Ueniilfotf her tennis ability suit rin'i socks behind her.<br />

(My, isn't NMabe lucky!)... . .<br />

Violet Johns »s ju»t fortfett">K her Marjorie Haas leaves the mir-<br />

lovely blue gym suit. . . • Paul<br />

ror that tthouM be in her locker to<br />

Sclchau vacates a front row seat<br />

you ntiil you and you. KsU'He Spie-<br />

In Mr. Otis*' cluss. Ira Thompson<br />

rrrlinim leaves her power of ajjcech<br />

tcrgcant uniform to some fresh- Warren Nagata fives all that Lowman.<br />

. . . Betty Nelson wills oil offer* t.. a newcomer. Vtra<br />

the pretty men in her locker and Krcckin gives Mr. Dunne's jokes<br />

her bottle of paste to the next oc- to a suffering ehemixtry class.<br />

cupant of her heavenly cubby hale. Shirley Burke leaves Mr. Dob«on<br />

. . . Jeun Barton* leaves her a headache, like the one he gave<br />

headaches to a struggling fresh- her.<br />

man.<br />

Bloml Barbara Thompson leaves<br />

Ella Gross wilts her "fool proof her locker mirror to all those who<br />

locker to a member of the frosh use it anyway. Jack Truby leaves<br />

class. . . . Don Sparrow leaven hi* swimming ability to Frank<br />

his white suspender* to "Pepc" Grannis. flattie Jean Gould wills<br />

Cardelli, but we doubt if they will<br />

nil hrr good times to the "young."<br />

fit. . . . Gene Miyaharn will<br />

Tom Tully was generous enough<br />

his brain to Hank Hidckawa: he<br />

to .rave one match box to "Camel"<br />

Coffnun. Judge .McLaughlin leaves<br />

got a new one for Christmas. \\ il- his inspiration of very pood times<br />

ma Burn leave* locker number zaz Itehind—hugh? Jerry Marrc leaves<br />

to Pat Dolan. and also a flood wish Mr. Ban* till un and coming econ.<br />

to every <strong>Lowell</strong> student now nnd xtudenw. Wntren Swanson leaves<br />

in future. . • • Harriet Brown his wi Inkles from u-orryI"K— bctleaves<br />

her books to a new freshsuit<br />

to that very lucky<br />

1 College i* indtnifil in the plans of most of our graduates. Here are<br />

-, leaky come of them:<br />

fountain [H'ns and tHiokf. Boris<br />

Mornnoff nays. "All the Ion- acn- Caret Marfcarian pplane<br />

after six months" of work; Gtrda<br />

inrs tan have the hiKli Keniors'<br />

N<br />

IilaceK next term!" (Boy. what fl<br />

Meyer M-M .Mnunt Zion Nurstnir l-ch(K.I a- her next step.<br />

It's<br />

hunch ut xnlmnn*!) Hob Draun San Prant'isco College for Women i«r Louise Austin.<br />

Lou Za-<br />

all of."<br />

bain will 'Ion the Green and Gold of U, S. V. as his next school.<br />

VITIM. ami split'nifinltivvs to soniu-' Loi|1 Hufvi-ndahl desfrvs to tnter Munxon's scliool of private secre<br />

one who understands them. Itencc! • • • Mariai. Cockf is heading away down Texatt way to Tcxam AiM,<br />

j Cohn hopes that t-vcryone has nsj yes suh! . . . No school for Shirley Burke, fhe j'ui't wants to sing.<br />

i to Noel l (*hristian nnd all the! Jilv ^ Truby will prepare for action at West Point. . . . Barbara<br />

; bumpx .n lieginncni riding to any-1 Benn will attend the Collojrc of Pacific In Stockton. . . . Among ih*<br />

* ojie.who like? to stand .up. Carol- many going to the "Berkeley Factory.'* known as (.'«!.. arc Margaret<br />

' to^ff'poo^r'iophs on'Kro.Sis O Ja J nc! HoIlmcI< * Charles Cohen. John Somcr«. Mini Ku.-i'. Matthew Fonff, Mary<br />

I Blair wilU her Ian Ixittle of I'crox-' ^ icv S( -'« tt « Bob Kinslow. Bert Owyang, Betty Giles, James La Fitte,<br />

. ii!c to Gloria Nich.,!s, Betty Lib- Erwin Goldsmith, Inge Shonr. Dick Hipton, I'atti Finn. Turn Tully,<br />

I crty giveji all the movie vtars pic-, Marion Git-inian, Bob H:iK-r, Mnttic Jvan Gould, Molly Mae Shcpard,<br />

j tutrs in her locker tu the next oc-; Milltcent Glmpcrts, Genpi .Miayhara, Ruth N'onlfclt, Marion Brill.<br />

1 cijfiam. Kmilie Broullict giv^s Mr. Boh Brown, Kiithcryn Hitchcock. Lois Ann Dillon, and, o host of uthers.<br />

Monrc someone in the C. S. F.<br />

Helen Herring gives her small<br />

5.F.J.C. will clnim many of <strong>Lowell</strong>'.<br />

knowledge of physics to Mr. Pe-<br />

; tcrson. Jocn Ireland teavca her<br />

baby talk and messy locker to Xoel<br />

Christian, who already has both.<br />

, Lois Ann Dillon will* her gym<br />

; clais to Pat Brazil. Howie Hill<br />

wills his old cast to George Bull,<br />

next year's center. Bob Fyc wills<br />

to Bud .Martin h!« private's chevrons<br />

and his extraordinary ability<br />

[n leadership.<br />

Do You<br />

Remember?<br />

who wants to snivel. „_<br />

Jfcn Gollober. feeling In a gen-<br />

col a cold yhruldur. Barlara Benn<br />

erous mood, wills his locker and all<br />

leave* dirty gym n>c)m to Frances<br />

It contains to Max "Himey" Dia-<br />

Lou Mandich. 'ohn Samcrs says,<br />

mond. . . 1 Harmon ShrctgKc<br />

"I w; ' rnv old phyjijcs 11 papers<br />

leaves his gym socks and shoes to<br />

to S:t»-v Dotur— so lie may we<br />

Mr. Diamond • • - Frank Lin-<br />

what he i-.i-.jtcu".'' . . Unquote.<br />

decker leaves his alt to Mr. Dob-<br />

BUI Chiistinrji" ii.m his reg.<br />

neat to n n->or -cittlefld freshman<br />

(there*n pro'nablv a tack on it).<br />

I cut fli|i» to anyone who will take<br />

Tom Hood leaves his gym shoes 1<br />

to John Moriarty. Florence Hous-<br />

them.<br />

ton leaves her comer in the court Anntolc Dm toff btqtieaths to the<br />

to those who Hue the little spot. persons finding them his six lost<br />

. . • Herbert Wacchtler wills to text books. Max Singer's final wilt<br />

Roy McMItler a box of dog bis- reads. -A toothbrush »*'Sueur.<br />

West point. . . . Warren Hoff-<br />

li-udcr. Miiot Adams,<br />

man wants to go on living when<br />

cot, Mr. M»orc.<br />

I he graduate?. . . . Fran Gimlin<br />

j will hunt and peek on a typewriter.<br />

. . . Filicc Hwl-hirc would like<br />

to work in a store, while Jcanctte<br />

Memories Unmill is Keninr chuN and we<br />

-•'1 you the most?<br />

ope thnt they rcaliie<br />

vet to class I'<br />

information that didn't<br />

then.<br />

V scon-d.<br />

Bill Jonlyn wus L, IL S. pa-sident.<br />

Spring, il:<br />

rill ? s<br />

When we again were robbwl of S ,, >»ney? Fitment Where*to<br />

the casaha crown. Bob Arnold ted — 1 How to net! Or which »M»<br />

the students.<br />

P? •$}' will remcniber trylne to<br />

Fall. 41:<br />

look beautiful? Uok itlamorou.?<br />

Victory over Polv for th? football<br />

championship—and Im Thompson SfcAS; -""• '<br />

as prrxy. 1<br />

wonilcr hmlI mlinc; in Rapp's old jalotiy and<br />

roofs we useil to raise on KrJar<br />

nlphtji at the eirls<br />

"•"'<br />

Some will remember their M.<br />

tient leuchcrs. who irave them a lot<br />

1 houses and<br />

how the ulrls secretly loved it.<br />

iou'11 find some will remember<br />

graduation or their senior bill, but<br />

whatever you remember you ran<br />

never form <strong>Lowell</strong>. Yen. you're<br />

leaving a swell nlace and we'll mitt<br />

you. . . . Goodbye. ClaM ef '

I<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 25<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 31<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 39<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 22<br />


How <strong>The</strong> Varsity Cagers Came Out (or Didn't) On the Road<br />

St. James 17<br />

Tamalpais 27<br />

Piedmont 31<br />

Oakland Tech. 35<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 34<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 30<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 30<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 38<br />

Castlemont 27<br />

McClymondi 34<br />

Richmond 37<br />

South City 28<br />

Cards Shaded by Wildcats in<br />

Opener; First Win in 13 Years<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 24<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 46<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 25<br />

Lor/ell 36<br />

Palo Alto 50<br />

San Mateo 25<br />

Sequoia 17<br />

San Jose 23<br />


T-L* i* Al r> hai'. Cherry again tanked a high »f A' Hiieert)'** attempts which<br />

1 nifties AlSO iirop one from over thirty-five fe»t to rolled In and out of the hoop.<br />

First League Clash j Hut* meanwhile the Wildcats Thv "entleln"* KCorEnt; was done<br />

, iwere not napping-, sparged bv Htmainly<br />

on loni: "prayer shots."<br />

It) Ed McArthur ... itle Chuck MardW an*', speedy Ed<br />

Surprisingly<br />

irtnur .Hennesy, the blue a'.ii red started<br />

tius five* >nal<br />

•ate. St. iKna-'a rallv which hroug'.t them to a 1.1u<br />

double bill ID iea(( before bo.iriiiir down.<br />

from the hard ficbtiiiL' Indian* »fi" Cherry again drilled the crowd<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> in the initial clash for bothby ni)I £milZ\ne ',onir shot< and "hen<br />

Mjuads of the current season last i followed by ^.eahini; a foul try<br />

Th y r'* : i * -r it u |Thc tIiri '° «H«rter *rk saw Alex<br />

<strong>The</strong> Card varsity ended on the,Schwartz 1 l>oys hoMii:? » 17-14<br />

bottom of a 23-iy w.ore, while the!,.,)<br />

thirties hirties drppd dropped a 21-111 21111 decision, decision. j |n'lhe final eight minutes. Cher-<br />

U was the fi«( time in thirteenn<br />

,r>' tapped in Coleman's l»neie for<br />

"" ~ wore. With two and n half<br />

beaten a I Neff varsity, but nL.<br />

remaining, Coleman wn.t<br />

ter how looked at, the Wildcats<br />

were not lucky in their win, judging<br />

bv their speed and accuracy. LOWELL A. A. A. SCHEDULE<br />

Coleman StartN Hall<br />

For Varsity and 30V<br />

f y Jerry Coleman, Card for- •Ian. 2*J—I<br />

as havinir thirteen of the fourteen'<br />

Cooke 1 0 •*<br />

team* finish in a first division—<br />

Wtj-more 0 1 1<br />

the results heinir five first, four<br />

Wynn 0 0 0<br />

s.:ondi«, three third, one fourth,,<br />

Thompnon 0 0 0<br />

und one seventh place—and hnvintri<br />

l.au 0 0 0<br />

alli'ity performers in basketball,!<br />

baseball, and football, were fea-l<br />

i; tares of this *41 "clean-up." Here's<br />

FG FT TP<br />

Mardel<br />

1 2 "" 4<br />

Chri.ttinn.ne n 1 0 J<br />

1 » Soa Shi<br />

I 0 2<br />

Hennesy .. 2 5 9<br />

OVhea<br />

:i o •;<br />

7 i:<br />

CARDS 19—CATLEXS 21<br />

t<br />

FG FT TP<br />

iry<br />

l i n<br />

Sheldon<br />

2 1 ;.<br />

("rowb'v<br />

0 0 0<br />

Bailor"<br />

1 43<br />

Sanford<br />

1 1<br />

Tanabe<br />

l<br />

Schwartz .... 0<br />

IP<br />

FG FT TP<br />

Johnson Oil<br />

Habajtaleto 0 0")<br />

- Iwiatiu* 2.1.<br />

Warehouse ..2 0 4<br />

were welcomed with c shower of Thirties Itueeed<br />

Heesun<br />

1<br />

tomatwK and eKpi* and u near riot.f fn the fast and ruciied prelimi- Knu-ler<br />

but it fixtn ralmed down and noth- nary, Frank Sanford, Ifave Shi-1- Hanlev<br />

inir ame ofiu |darkt*d the IIttlemon, but to no<br />

Getting off to a quu-k second avail. Touj-h luck held back many<br />

1<br />

-By Hud Sllrerman=<br />

in the final race after three<br />

straight victories, to take a ntcond<br />

place.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n a not so bad record turned<br />

sort of bad as the Indian baaeball<br />

club nose-dived into the cellar, bemj-<br />

able to take only one out of<br />

etirnt conti'SU.<br />

It look the old -dnchles* touiis<br />

and NWlmminr to break Ihbi npr!l<br />

and get some *JI recognition. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

r took the tennis matches with<br />

*« wh'le the hard prawed vanity<br />

and lixhtwrifht swimmen had to<br />

11 h»w it went.<br />

brine their meets -out of the fire"<br />

to win. Golf w« discontinued;<br />

well marled the new year<br />

: -i»- by dropping down lo a He<br />

Starting the fall term off with<br />

fcr third on the basketball ladder,<br />

*.i "*"' L<br />

winning six and loiiing three. <strong>The</strong><br />

•W« just managed lo slap in the<br />

firxt division, winning four and<br />

droppiag five.<br />

I <strong>Lowell</strong> lost her track title to<br />

Ha I boa by a big 14 points. <strong>The</strong><br />

1 :<br />

'•-'" took second to Poly<br />

LowcI1 racked up another<br />

title an her endders made a spec-<br />

; tacular comeback, winning seven<br />

and dropping one.<br />

: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> soccer team kicked<br />

, itself into thin! place with a record<br />

00 t l d f<br />

tlM *<br />

e Poly. Fall basketball Erabbed off ano-<br />

By thin time the crew teams had w<br />

I finished their si-ason. <strong>The</strong> var-<br />

I Mity tied for third by winning and<br />

' Iodine three races. <strong>The</strong> "thirties"<br />

handed their title over to Galileo<br />

r ^ l iS BIMl almost lwo " <strong>The</strong><br />

20» tied for first winning sever.<br />

!. and \OSWK one. Th« 10's ruined a<br />

! two-year fifteen-tpime wii:-atreak<br />

'S?.w * Uwir finnl ^ m asnini;ton, to come in second. * »»<br />

Cards in Line For Tough Spring Tests<br />

For <strong>Lowell</strong> it'll just be a mass<br />

•if ticklish questions.<br />

. tie for third, an nil-lime low toe<br />

\ a Neff team.<br />

Can the Card teams keep up this<br />

terrific title pace that has been<br />

<strong>The</strong>n come our baseballcr*.<br />

kept up year after year? Arc<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were championship in *3S and<br />

'.19, sixth place in '40, and cellar In<br />

Card teams slipptni; even as sports •41.<br />

kinc? Well let's tuke a look.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> basketball teams walked Can the track learn regain it*<br />

away with the title in *3.*r. ",16, ;t",<br />

i lout title? Will our vamity crew<br />

*.a. and in lll.'tO . . . then, in<br />

be in Ihe race? It h»*n't seen a<br />

11*40. it was down to second, and<br />

championship since, way back in<br />

'33. Can our net mm capture their<br />

in 1941. another notch down to a sixth ftlrairht title? Will the rarsity<br />

Mwjmmrni take In their third<br />

consecutive meet, and the light-<br />

_ weights add on lo (heir string of<br />

•seren*<br />

This sprinc will really be a show<br />

down!<br />

Sequoians Don't Have A Chance As Cards Scramble For Bail<br />

Cagers May Surprise<br />

t Facing one of the toughest and<br />

most even hoop leagues in a long<br />

while, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s quintet, tltlelcss for<br />

!<br />

two years, hns finally been checked<br />

' off the favorite list to become a<br />

"block horse." Favorites are twu<br />

powerfully "loaded" team* from<br />

Poly and Mission. Washington,<br />

two time champ. Is just a threat.<br />

, From these four teams will proba-<br />

I bly come the '42 rhamp.<br />

: <strong>The</strong> "bl»'.!» horse five" from<br />

• <strong>Lowell</strong>, wYt haw been hindered In<br />

practice '.Ilia with J "hot 'n cold"<br />

game, hr.ve experience, height, and<br />

! lots of scoring- possibilities . . .<br />

Chance for revenge with a good<br />

old upset! <strong>The</strong>^i' name four I earns<br />

who are picked thU year ended up<br />

an Ihe lop four In 'II. II wax atso<br />

Poly. Washington, and Mbvdon who<br />

i knocked <strong>Lowell</strong> lo it* lowest rang<br />

: on the ladder under Xeff. Polr<br />

) licked Washington: Washington<br />

j dumped Ml--.ion; Minion toppled<br />

: Poly, and all three or "cm boat<br />

I law}].<br />

I<br />

i <strong>The</strong> "thirties" race will IK* a red<br />

i hot scramble with u few teams<br />

J havinir a flight edi;e. With a<br />

practice record of ten wins and<br />

I three defeat* the Card ISO's will be<br />

j tin*- of the team* to lieat.<br />

_ Coleman

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