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$eventh <strong>Int</strong>emational Technical Gonference<br />

on Experimental<br />

Safety Vehicles<br />

Sponsored by:<br />

The Government of France<br />

Hosted bY:<br />

The French Automobile Manufacturers<br />

Held in:<br />

Paris, June 5 - 8, 1979<br />

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For Brlo by th6 Superlntcndent ol Documonta, U.s. Govcrnmsflt Pdnttng Omc6, wshlngton, D.C. 20{{}rl<br />

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IT<br />

This report ofthe proceedings ofthe <strong>Seventh</strong> <strong>Int</strong>ernational<br />

Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence otr Expcrintental Safety Vehiclcs was<br />

preparecl by tlte National Highway Traffic Safety<br />

AcJnrirristration, U.S. Department of Tratlsportation.<br />

We wish to thank the authors ancl all tltose responsible for<br />

rhe exccllence of the material submitted, which aided<br />

nraterially in the preparation of this report.<br />

For clarity atrcl bccause of somc translation difficulties, a<br />

certain amount of ccliting was llecessary. Apologies are,<br />

thercfore, offcrecl where thc trans.^ription is not exact'<br />

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Belgium<br />

FEBIAC<br />

M. Claude GerrYn<br />

M, Michel Pierard<br />

FESR<br />

M. Jean-Paul de Coster<br />


M. Jack HopPenbrouwers<br />


M. Andre Meganck<br />

M. Makato Tokubuchi<br />


M. Yasuhiro Ogawa<br />


M. Georges MazY<br />


M. Hitoshi Uemura .<br />

M. Masanobu Wada<br />


M. Shinji KamiYashiki<br />

M. Hiroshi Ogawa<br />

Canada<br />


Mr. Eric R. Welbourne ,<br />

Chief, Vehicle SYstems<br />

Road and Motor Vehicle Traffic Safety<br />

Branch<br />

Denmaft<br />


Mr. Per Frederiksen<br />

Federal Republic of GermanY<br />



H. Prof. Dr. Heinrich H. Praxenthaler,<br />

President<br />

H. Prof. Dr. Bernd B' Friedel<br />




H. Prof. Dr. M. Danner<br />

H. Dr.-lng. Klaus Langweider<br />


H. O. Erl<br />

H. Dr. M. Kramer<br />

H. Dr. R. Loebich<br />

H. Dr. L. SchemPerg<br />

H. Dr. R. Wagner<br />

i<br />

ll..<br />

,;l+ ,

{<br />


H. Dr. H. Hontschik<br />


(BMW AG<br />

H. J. Fellerer<br />

H. D. Frank<br />

H. J. Frings<br />

H. H.-W. Thon<br />

H. H. Weisbarth<br />


H. Prof. Dr. H. Appel<br />


H. H.-K. Daur<br />

H. Dr. K. Enke<br />

H. G.M. Hespeler<br />

H. J. Kennebeck<br />

H. Dr. F. Panik<br />

H. Prof. Dr. W. Reidelbach<br />

H. Dr. W. Schmid<br />

H. G. Schontag<br />

H. J.H. Sorsche<br />

H. H. Thalmann<br />

H. Dr. A. Zomotor<br />


H. H.-H. Ernst<br />

H. K. Zitterbart<br />


H. Dr. P. Weigt<br />


H. R. Brasche<br />

H. H. Krieg<br />

OPEL AG<br />

H. K. Jullig<br />

H. E.S. Kiefer<br />

H. G. Zech<br />


H. U. Bez<br />


VI<br />

H. Dr. H.-H Braess<br />


H. J. Mitzkus<br />

ROCI(\ /ELL GOLDE GmbH<br />

H. K. Grebe<br />


H. Dr, H. Kunert<br />


TroN (RHrNEr-AND)<br />

H. Dr. K. Burow<br />

H. K. J. Kruger<br />

H. P. Wiegner<br />


e.V (VDA)<br />

H. Dr. -Ing. Guenther Brenken<br />

H. D. Matthes<br />


H. H. Albrecht<br />

H. A. Bauer<br />

H. Prof. Dr. E. Fiala<br />

H. Wolfgang Rosenau<br />

H. Dr. H. Schimkat<br />

H. Ruediger Schmidt<br />

H. Dr. Ulrich Seiffert<br />

H. Dr. Rudiger Weissner<br />


KG<br />

H. Dr. Schmidt-Clausen<br />

France<br />


M. Jean-Jacques Dumont<br />

M. Bernard Gauvin<br />

M. Jean-Francois Rupert<br />

M. Yannick Souchet


rNSTtruTE (lRT)<br />

M. Michel Frybourg, Director<br />

M. Patrick de Buhan<br />



M. Timothy Bentamin<br />

M. Roger Biard<br />

M. Claude Bluets<br />

M. Dominique Cesari<br />

M. Andre Chapon<br />

M. Henri Cuny<br />

Mlle. Maryvonne Desjeammes<br />

M. Pierre Duflot<br />

M. Hubert Duval<br />

M. Jean Leroy<br />

M. Jean Moreau de Saint-Maftin<br />

M. Yves Systermans<br />




M. Regis Bello<br />

M. Jacques Rothera<br />


Mlle. Francoise Brun<br />

M. Andre Fayon<br />

M. Francois Hartemann<br />

M. Claude Tarriere<br />



(cscA)<br />

M. Yves Aubin<br />

M. Marc Behaghel<br />

M. Jack Goger<br />

M. Michel Martin<br />

M. Marc Ouin<br />


M. Pierre Beguin<br />

M. Henri Bredif<br />

M. Pierre Brunon<br />


vll<br />

M. Claude Daubertes<br />

M. Jacques Andre Desbois<br />

M. Fernand Dollet<br />

M. Michel Guerreau<br />

M. Bruno Hartz<br />

M. Pierre Housset<br />

M. Jean-Pierre Noual<br />

M. James Pollard<br />

M. Jacques Rousseau<br />


M. Pierre Billault<br />

M. Serge Bohers<br />

M. Jacques Colette<br />

M. Christian Dubus<br />

M. Andre Estaque<br />

M. Patrick Eymerit<br />

M. Eric Fabre<br />

J. Jean Genestier<br />

M. Rene Larousse<br />

M. Andre Petitdidier<br />



(FtEV)<br />

M. Raymond Guasco<br />


M. Andre Guery<br />

M. Jean-Marc Guillez<br />

M. Jean-Charles Maingan<br />

M. Joel Pailloux<br />

M. Michel Pouzet<br />

M. Pierre ThierrY<br />


M. Simon Choumer ,<br />


M. Andre Coustet<br />

M. Michel Rideau<br />

Mlle. Liliane Valla<br />

L.E.A.D.<br />

M. Ferdy Mayer

,a<br />


M. Peter Evans<br />


M. Philippe Burguburu<br />

M. Georges Cognard<br />

M. Jean Derampe<br />

M. Jean-Pierre Echavidre<br />

M. Michel Forichon<br />

M. Bernard Loyat<br />

M. Gerard Mauron<br />

M. Omelan Szewczuk<br />


M. Hubert Allera<br />

M. Noel Bureau<br />

M. Jean-Pierre Labrosse<br />

M. Henri Lachaize<br />


M. Jean-Francois de Andria<br />

M. Andre Chevenez<br />

M. Jean-Louis Chiapello<br />

M. Daniel Criton<br />

M. Charles Moretti<br />

M. Jacques Provensal<br />

M. Hubert Seznec<br />

M. Georges Stcherbatcheff<br />

M. Pierre Tiberghien<br />

M. Christian Tisseron<br />

M. Philippe Ventre<br />

M. Georges Vian<br />

R.V.l.<br />

M. Robert Frachon<br />


M. Claude Bourelier<br />

M. Pierre Mathe<br />

M. Roger Orain<br />

s.G.c.l.s.R<br />

M. Jack Lefranc<br />


viii<br />



M. Pierre Jenoc<br />

U.T.A.C<br />

M. Edouard Chapoux<br />

M. Jean-Pierre Dumas<br />

M. Jean-Claude Jolys<br />

M. Henri LeGuen<br />

M. Louis-Christian Michelet<br />

M. Jacques Thabaud<br />

M. Nicholas Touroveroff<br />

Italy<br />


Dr. Ing Caetano Danese, General<br />

Manager, Civil Motorisation<br />

Sig-na. Ileana Luzi<br />

Sig. Giacomo Pocci<br />

Sig. Franco Rossi<br />

Sig. Claudio Schinaia<br />

Sig. Renzo Strampelli<br />


Sig. Carlo Bianchi Anderloni<br />

Sig. Luciano Chidini<br />

Sig. Erwin Landsberg<br />

Sig. Lamberto Maestripieri<br />

Sig. Loranzo Mantovani<br />

Sig. Vincenzo Pagliarulo<br />

Sig. Lorenzo Rosti Rossini<br />



Sig. Michele Bianchi<br />



Sig. Carlo Tibiletti<br />

FIAT<br />

Sig. Pierluigi Ardoino<br />

Sig. Mario Barile

Sig. Bruno Bonis<br />

Sig. Stefano Buscaglionb<br />

Sig. Enzo Franchini<br />



Sig. Paolo Soardo :<br />


MOTORI, S.P.A.<br />

Sig. Angelo Biagi<br />

Sig. Rodolfo Etruschi<br />

Sig. FiliPPo Moscarini<br />


Sig. Silvio Manicardi<br />


Sig. Antonello Cogotti<br />

Japan<br />



Mr. Tetsuo Soma<br />


Mr. Masandro Hanajima<br />

Mr. Yoshiharu Ishikawa<br />

Mr. Takashi Shimodaira, Deputy Director<br />


Mr. Toshiyuki Kondo ,<br />


Mr. Kazuhiko Aoki<br />


Mr. Soichiro Honda, President<br />

Mr. Yoshimi Furukawa<br />

Mr. Kiyoshi Ikemi<br />

Mr. Kiyoshi Mori<br />

Mr. Yoshio Nakamura<br />

'<br />

:<br />


Mr. Shoichi Sano<br />

Mr. Hideo Takeda<br />



' i<br />

Mr. Takayuki Imago<br />

Mr. Yutaka Kitahima<br />

Mr. Kuniyoshi Sawada<br />

Mr. Moriharu Shizume<br />



Mr. Kenichi Coto<br />

Mr. Masahiro ltoh<br />

Mr. Atsushi Watari<br />


Mr. Shigeo Fukuda<br />

Mr. Masami Kiyoto<br />

Mr. Nagayuki Marumo<br />

Mr. Hiroshi Miyazaki<br />


Mr. Yasushi TanaYa<br />

Mr. Yoshio Taniguchi<br />

Mr. Nobuyuki Watanabe<br />


Mr. Hirosuke Nakaya<br />

The Netherlands<br />



Mr. Hendrik Bussemaker<br />

Mr. Pieter Hoekstra<br />


Mr. Toshimichi Kurata<br />



Dhr. Anton A. Edelman<br />

Mr. Boudewijn Van KamPen<br />

i ''



Mr. Jan Edelman<br />

Mr, R. L. Svalnace<br />

Mr. Andre Tak<br />

Mr. Jacques Wismas<br />

VOLVO<br />

Mr. J. Huibers<br />

Mr. L. Van Oyen<br />

Sweden<br />



Mr. Thomas Turbell<br />




Mr. Curt Nordgren<br />



Mr. Bertil Aldman<br />


Mr. Lars Svensson<br />


Mr. Joel Danielsson<br />

Mr. Lars Nilsson<br />

VOLVO<br />

Mr. Rune Almqvist<br />

Mr. Nils Bohlin<br />

Mr. Olle Eklund<br />

Mr. Friedrich Jaksch<br />

Mr. Lauritz Larsen<br />

Mr. Svante Mannervik<br />

Mr. Gerhard Salinger<br />

Mr. Dan Werbin<br />


United Kingdom<br />





Mr. John Furness, Director/<br />

Chief Engineer<br />

Mr. Steve Ashton<br />

Mr. Raymond Attwood<br />

Mr. W.L. Baxter<br />

Mr. Ronald Boyce<br />

Mr. Philip Critchley<br />

Mr. Ian Neilson<br />

Nr. Slade Penoyre<br />

Mr. Harold Taylor<br />

Mr. Peter Watson<br />


Mr. Gil Jones<br />

: :<br />


Mr. Marcus Jacobson<br />


Mr. Douglas Cunningham l<br />


Mr. Philip Morris<br />

Mr. John Reid<br />

Mr. Harry Sheron<br />

Mr. John Wolfe<br />

DUNLOP<br />

Mr. Philip Ayliff<br />

Mr. John Davis<br />


Mr. Harry Whitcut<br />


Mr. Edward Cutting<br />

Mr. Cary Suthurst<br />

Mr. Kenneth Teesdale

GKN<br />

Mr. Graham Cale<br />

JAGUAR<br />

Mr. James Richard Hartshorn<br />


Mr. W.S.G. Clay<br />

Mr. S. Meisner<br />


Mr. Frederik Boulton<br />


Mr. Paul Oppenheimer<br />



Mr. Alan Dyche<br />

Mr. Ivan Cazeley<br />

,i<br />

i;,,<br />


Mr. Peter Finch l<br />

Mr. John Fowler<br />

Mr. David Cebbels<br />


Mr. Peter Baker<br />

Mr. James Child<br />

Mr. Gunter Persicke<br />


Mr. John Hollings<br />

Mr. John Knight<br />


& TRADERS (SMMT)<br />

Mr. Kenneth Barnes<br />

Mr. Richard Griffiths<br />


Mr. N. Geoffrey<br />

Mr. John Humphreys<br />


:<br />

Mr. John Pickard<br />

Mr. S. Richards<br />




Mr. Murray Mackay<br />

United States<br />




Mr. William Harsha (Ohio)<br />

Mr. Harold Johnson (California)<br />



(HOUSE)<br />

Under <strong>Int</strong>erstate & Foreign Commerce<br />

Committee<br />

Mr. John Mclaughlin (Counsel)<br />

Mr. John Shacknai (Assistant to Chairman<br />

Scheur)<br />

.-/<br />



Hon. Brock Adams, Secretary<br />

Mr. Howard Schmidt<br />




Mr. Stanley Backaitis<br />

Mr. William Boehly<br />

Ms. Joan Claybrook, Administrator<br />

Mr. S. Daniels<br />

Dr. Kennerly Digges<br />

Mr. Howard Dugoff<br />

Dr. Rolf Eppinger<br />

Mr. Michael Finkelstein<br />

Mr. James Hackney

Dr.<br />

James Hedlund<br />

Dr. Carl Nash<br />

Mr. William Scotr<br />

Mr. James Shively<br />

Dr. R. Rhoads Stephenson<br />




Mr. Kenneth Hendershot<br />


Mr. Jack Martens<br />


Mr. Chester Hale<br />

Ms. Toni Harrington<br />

Mr. Hiromitsu Miyahara<br />

Mr. William Triplett<br />


Mr. Goerge Johannessen<br />


Mr. Donald Hurter<br />


AT|ON (AtA)<br />

Mr. Ralph Millet<br />

Mr. George Nield<br />



Mr. Paul Sondel<br />



Mr. Howard Pritz<br />



Dr. Albert I. King<br />


xu<br />


Mr. Hanns -P. Weisbarth<br />


Mr. John Andes<br />

Mr. Gardner Fabian<br />


Mr. Leonard Baker<br />

Mr. Gerald Frig<br />


NATIONAL, S.A.<br />

Mr. Wadimir Mollof<br />


Mr. Paul Boulay<br />

Mr. Sol Davis<br />

Ms. Neva Johnson<br />

FIAT U.S.A.<br />

Mr. Alberto Negro<br />


Mr. Anthony Dimaggio<br />


Mr. Klaus Arning<br />

Mr. Myer Bril<br />

Mr. John Versace<br />


Mr. Robert Donohue<br />

Mr. Richard Wilson<br />



Mr. William Sprole<br />




Mr. William Hunter

Ms. Patricia Waller<br />




Mr. Peter Cooley<br />

Mr. John Melvin<br />

Mr. Delmar Robbins<br />



Mr. Brian O'Neil<br />

Mr. Jackson Wong<br />


Mr. Lawrence Patrick<br />


Mr. Gebhard Hespeler<br />

Mr. Hansjurgen Thalmann<br />


Mr. Samuel Romano :<br />

Mr. Charles Strother<br />

Dr. Donald Struble<br />


Mr. Teruo Maeda<br />


Mr. Michael Crossman<br />


Mr. Erwin Belohoubek<br />

RENAULT U.S.A.<br />

Mr. Francois Louis<br />



Mr. Leo Ziegler<br />



Mr. Ralph Rockow<br />


Mr. Jiro Kawano<br />


ITRW<br />

Mr. James Yingst<br />



Mr. Charles Moffatt<br />



Mr. William Brown<br />

Ms. Caroline Olden<br />

Mr. Michael Seal<br />


Mr. Charles Apreuss<br />

Mr. Philip Hutchinson<br />

<strong>Int</strong>emational Organizations<br />




Mr. Michel Biver<br />

Mr. John Phelps<br />

Mr. Edward Wilson<br />


(EEC)<br />

Mr. Herbert Henssler<br />

Mr. Gianfranco Silvestri<br />



(ccMAc)<br />

Mr. Friedhelm Barthel<br />

Mr. Bernard Belier<br />

Mr. David Graham Bissel

M iscellanoous Organizatlons<br />


Mr. Robert Kaeser<br />


ZURICH<br />

Mr. Peter Niederer<br />

Press<br />


Redaktionsburo<br />

H. Kurt W. Reinschild<br />


Handelsblatt GmbH<br />

H. M. Hill<br />

Saarlandtscher Rundfunk, Saarbrucften<br />

H. P. Guth<br />


Motoring<br />

Ms. Anne Hope<br />


Automotive News<br />

Ms. Helen Kahn<br />


l"l#kl:lil'l<br />

rflffilroT<br />

EE JT4 tE<br />

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LtsToF PARTICIPANTS . . . . .i'<br />


Mr. Michel Frybourg, <strong>Conf</strong>erence Chairtnan, France<br />

Keynote Address<br />

Secretary Brock Adams<br />

Department of 'IransPortation<br />

United States .<br />

Welcoming Address<br />

Minister Jo'el Le Theule<br />

Ministry of Transportation<br />

France<br />

Address<br />

H. Kurt Gscheidle<br />

Ministry rtf Transport and Post and Telecommunications<br />

Federal Republic of GermanY<br />


The Honorable Brock Adams, Unitc'd States Secretary of Transportation<br />

Ms. Joan Claybrook, Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Departmetrt of Transportation .<br />


Mr. Michel Frybourg, <strong>Conf</strong>erence Chairman, France<br />

Status Report of the United States<br />

Michael M. Finkelstein<br />

Associate Administrator for Rulemaking, NHTSA/DOT<br />

Dr. R. Rhoads Stephenson<br />

Associate Administrator for Research and<br />

NHTSA/DOT ....<br />

Status Report of JaPan<br />

Dr. Masando Hanajima<br />

Director Ceneral of Safety and Nuisance Research Institute<br />

Ministry of Transport<br />

tu<br />

zl<br />


Status Rcport of Italy<br />

Dr. lng. Gactano Danese<br />

Ceneral Manager, Civil Motorization<br />

Ministry of Transportation<br />

Status Report of the Federal Republic of Germany<br />

Prof. Dr. H. Praxenthaler<br />

President ol'the Federal Highway Research Institute<br />


Status Report of the United Kingdom<br />

J. W. Furness<br />

Director/Chief Mechanical Engineer, TRRL<br />

Department of the Environment - Department of Tranr;flort<br />

Status Report of France<br />

Michel Frybourg<br />

Director<br />

Transportation Research Institute<br />


Dr. R. Rhoads stephenson, conference Technicar chairman, united states<br />

lntroduction<br />

Dr. R. Rhoads Stephenson<br />

Associate Administrator. NHTSA<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

Peugeot 104 Safety Vehicle<br />

Jean f)erarnpe<br />

Head, Sat'ety Research Department<br />

Peugeot<br />

Status Report on Minicar's Research Safety Vehicle<br />

Dr. Donald Struble<br />

Vice President, Research and Engineering<br />

Minicars, Inc. . .<br />

Manufacturer's Report by Volkswagenwerk AC<br />

H. Dr. Ulrich Seiffert<br />

Corporate Research and Development<br />

Volkswagenwerk AC<br />

Features of the Experimental Safety Motorcycle, ESM-l<br />

P. M. Wat.son, Head of Motorcycle Safety <strong>Section</strong><br />

Transport and Road Research Laboratory<br />

Department of the Environment - Department of Transport<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Status Report of Renault Experimental<br />

Salety Vehicle<br />

Philippe Ventre<br />

Renault Crashworthiness Department .<br />

34<br />

35<br />

40<br />

42<br />

47<br />



Status Report on Calspan/Chrysler Research Safety Vehicle<br />

G. J. Fabian, Calspan Corporation<br />

C. Frig, Chrysler Corporation<br />

Performance and Driveability Tests on Calspan RSV<br />

Rodolfo Etruschi<br />

Istituto Sperimentale Auto E Motori, S.p.A.<br />

Results of Handling Tests With the Calspan RSV<br />

Bl,f#lT#:lil':<br />

Presentation on Lateral Collision on Calspan RSV<br />

ffi:1,":1":<br />

Experimental Simulation of Car-to-Pedestrian Collisions With the Calspan RSV<br />

Dr. Riidiger Weissner<br />

Volkswagenwerk AG<br />

Safety, Fuel Economy, Transportation Capacity, Performance - Partial Functions<br />

of a Method for the Simultaneous Adaptation of Car Design Parameters to Changing<br />

Requirements<br />

Dr. Hans-Hermann Braess<br />

Porsche Research and Development Center<br />


<strong>Int</strong>roduction<br />

Joan Claybrook<br />

Administrator, NHTSA<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

Mr. Soichiro Honda<br />

President<br />

Honda Motor Company<br />


Mr. Howard Dugoff, <strong>ESV</strong> Program Chairman, United States<br />

<strong>Int</strong>roduction<br />

Howard Dugoff<br />

Deputy Administrator, NHTSA<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

Panel Mernber Statement<br />

Dr. R. Rhoads Stephenson<br />

Associate Administrator for Research and Development<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Aclministration<br />

U.S. Departmcnt of Transportation<br />

)wii<br />

104<br />

132<br />

157<br />

180<br />

185<br />



Panel Member Statement<br />

Dr. Harold Taylor<br />

Chairman of the European Experimental Vehicles Committee<br />

Panel Member Statement<br />

Tetsuo Soma<br />

Head, Technology <strong>Section</strong>, Automobile Division<br />

Machinery and Information Industrics Bureau<br />

Ministry of <strong>Int</strong>ernational Trade and Industry<br />

Japan. lg0<br />

Panel Member Statement<br />

Dr. Willi Reidelbach<br />

Director, Passenger Car Body Basic Research<br />

Daimler-Benz<br />

Panel Member Statement<br />

Dr. Enzo Franchini<br />

Director, Safety Research Center<br />

Fiat S.p.A.<br />

Panel Member Statement<br />

Michel Forichon<br />

Managing Director of Design and Development Division<br />

Peugeot lg4<br />


<strong>Int</strong>roduction<br />

H:?:H'J-'Silll-",,<br />

Prof. Dr. Ernst Fiala, representing the European car manufacturing industry lgl<br />


Seminar <strong>One</strong>: Frontal Crash Protection and Passive Restraint Development<br />

Dr. Kennerly Digges, Chairman, United States<br />

Study of a Safety Seat with Incorporated Belts<br />

F. Moscarini and A. Biaei<br />

Istituto Sperimentale Auto E Motori S.p.A. 203<br />

Safety Systems Optimization Model (SSOM)<br />

John Versace<br />

Executive Engineer/Safety Research<br />

Ford Motor Company 210<br />

Market-Related Passenger C-'ar Design to h'nprove Collision Protection for "Own" and<br />

"Other" Vehicle<br />

Reinhard Wagner<br />

\ nudi NSU Autounion AG<br />

xvlu<br />

r87<br />

r92<br />

193<br />



Development and Performance of Passive Restraint System<br />

Wolfgang Rosenau and Riidiger Weissner<br />

Research and DeveloPment<br />

Volkswagenwerk AG<br />

Matching of Crash Sensors to Crush Characteristics of a Vehicle<br />

Osamu Ichinose, Koji Kurimoto, and Hirosuke Nakaya<br />

Toyo Kogyo ComPanY<br />

lmproved Test Procedures for Frontal Impact<br />

I. D. Neilson, S. Penoyre, and S. P' F. Petty<br />

Transport and Road Research Laboratory<br />

Department of the Environment-Department of Transport<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Results of Comparative Frontal Crash Tests<br />

Philippe Ventre<br />

CCMC WorkingCroup Crashworthiness. .. " .'<br />

Upgraded Frontal Crash Protection for Motor Vehicle Occupants<br />

William Boehly, L. A. Delarm, and J- B- Morris<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

A Concept of Increasing Compatibility of Passenger Cars<br />

Dr. H. Schimkat<br />

Volkswagenwerk AC<br />

A Study of the Body Strength on Seat Belt Svstems<br />

Satoshi Morita, Shigeo Fukuda, and Toru lwata<br />

Nissan Motor Company<br />

lmprovement of Belt Restraint by Means of an Inflatable Diagonal Belt<br />

P. Billault and C, Ti$seron, Citrob'n<br />

M. Deieammes and R. Biard, ONSER<br />

P. Cord and P. Jenoc, SNPE<br />

Occupant Protection in Frontal Impacts<br />

P. Stutenkemper and R. Brasche<br />

Product Development GrouP<br />

Ford-WerkeAG...<br />

Design of Steering Columns for Passive Restraint Applications<br />

Charles Strother<br />

Minicars, Inc. ..<br />

$eminar <strong>Two</strong>: Biomechanics and Dummy Development<br />

Dr. Bernd Friedel, Chairman, Federal Republic of Germany<br />

A preliminary Report About the Work of the Joint Biomechanical Research Project (KOB)<br />

D. Cesari, ONSER<br />

A. Heger, Technical University of Berlin<br />

)f,x<br />

zz4<br />

232<br />

247<br />

264<br />

269<br />

281<br />

300<br />

308<br />

32r<br />


B. Friedel, Federal Highway Research Institute<br />

M. Mackay, University of Birmingham<br />

C. Tarrie're, Peugeot-Renault<br />

R. Weissner, Volkswagenwerk AC<br />


Synthesis of Human Tolerances Obtainedfrom<br />

Lateral Impact Simulations<br />

C. Tarrie-re, et al.<br />

Association Peugeot-Renault<br />

Frediction of Thoracic Injuries as a Function of occupant Kinematics<br />

D. H. Robbins, R. J. Lehman, HSRI - University of Michigan<br />

K. Augustyn, Consultant<br />

Protection Criteria for Occupants and Pedestrians<br />

Hermann Appel, Florian Kramer. and Jens Hofmann<br />

Technical University of Berlin<br />

Considerations in Side Impact Dummy Development<br />

Dr. Rolf H. Eppinger<br />

National Highway Traffic $afety Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

Development of the NHTSA Advanced Dummy for the occupant protectionStandard<br />

Upgrade<br />

Stanley Backaitis and Mark Haffner<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Departmentof Transportation ... .......,{.<br />

Presentation of a Frontal Impact and Side Impact Dummy, Defined From Human Data and<br />

Realized From a "part 572" Basis<br />

C. Tarriere, et al.<br />

Association Peugeot-Renault<br />

Experimental Application of Advanced Thoracic Instrumentation Techniques to Arrthropomorphic<br />

Test Devices<br />

J. W. Melvin, D. H. Robbins, and J. B. Benson<br />

Highway Safety Research Institute<br />

University of Michigan<br />

A New Design for a Surrogate Spine<br />

N. K. Miral, R. Cheng, and A. I. King<br />

Wayne State University<br />

Dr. Rolf H. Eppinger<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

Seminar <strong>Three</strong>: Slde Impact proteetion<br />

Dr. Giacomo Pocci, Chairman,<br />

Italy<br />

Realistic Test Conditions for Evaluation of Passenger Car OccupantProtection<br />

Prof. Dr. W. Reidelbach andDr.<br />

W. Schmid<br />

Passenger Car Body ResearchDepartment<br />

Daimler-Benz AC<br />



lmproved Test Procedures for Side Impact<br />

t. n. Neitson, et al.<br />

Tran$port and Road Research Laboratory<br />

Department of the Environment - Department of Transport<br />

United Kingdom<br />

A. K. Dyche<br />

Motor Industry Research Association<br />

Side Collision<br />

Enzo Franchini<br />

Director, Safety Center<br />

Fiat S.p.A. . .<br />

Lateral Collision Tests<br />

Ulrich Seiffert<br />

CCMC WorkingGroupCrashworthiness .''' i' r'<br />

sratus of the National Highway Traffic safety Administration's Research and Rulemaking<br />

Activities for Upgrading Side Impact Protection<br />

Dr. August Burgett and James R' Hackney<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportatlon<br />

Occupant Protection in Lateral Collisions: SpecialFeatures of Renault E'P.U.R.E.<br />

Jacques Provensal<br />

Research and Development DePartment<br />

Renault ....<br />

Improvement in the Protection Against Side Impact<br />

Bernard Loyat<br />

Chief. Structural Studies and Tests<br />

Peugeot<br />

The V-Shaped Vehicle Front - Its Influence on lnjury<br />

Side Collisions<br />

Ulrich Bez, Ranier Hoefs, and H' -W' Stahl<br />

Research and DeveloPment Center<br />

Porsche....<br />

A Study of Various Side-lmpact <strong>Conf</strong>igurations<br />

P- Cooley, J. O'DaY, and R. J. KaPIan<br />

Highway Safety Research Institute<br />

University of Michigan<br />

Seminar Four: Accldent Investigation and Data Analysis<br />

Mr. William Scott, Chairman, United States<br />

Severity in Pedestrian Accidents and<br />

The National Crash Severity Study and Its Relationshipto<br />

<strong>ESV</strong> Design Criteria<br />

Dr. James H. Hedlund<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportatlon ' ' '<br />



Accident Investigation Techniques for Secondary Safetv<br />

Barbara E. Sabev<br />

Transport and Road Research Laboratory<br />

Department ol' the Environment - Department of Transport<br />

United Kingdorn.<br />

Data Base for Accident and Sat'ety Research on the Sector of Automotive Engineerilg;<br />

Ceneral Aspects of Data Requirements and Supply<br />

Cunther Zimmermann<br />

,<br />

Highway Research Institute<br />

Federal Republic of Cermany.<br />

,r j;'ji!i<br />

. : .t ..<br />

' ''""<br />

Analysis of Fedestrian Accidents Taken Froma<br />

Road Traffic Accident lnvestigation<br />

Masahiro Itoh<br />

Japan Autornobile Research lnstitute, Inc.<br />

collision clharacteristics ancl lnjuries to pedestrians in Real Accidenrs<br />

M. Danner and K. Langwiecler<br />

German Association of Third Party, Accident, Motor'Vehicle and Legal Prdtection Ihsurers; .'. . ; . .<br />

A study of Driver control Behavior Based on Accident Investigations<br />

Y. Furukawa and S. Sano<br />

i<br />

HondaMotorCompany .....:...........<br />

: l<br />

compatibility of Masses and structures in car-to-car Lateral coilisions<br />

F-. Hartelnann, J. Y. Foret-Bruno, C. Thomas, ancl C. Tarriere<br />

Association Pcr-rgcot-Renault . .<br />

Semincr Five: Pedestrian Protection<br />

Mr. Ian Neilson, Clhirirman, United Kingdom<br />

Car Design lor Pedestrian lnjury Minimization<br />

S. J. Ashton and C. M. Mackay<br />

Accident Research Unit<br />

Dcpartmenl of Transportation and Environmental planning<br />

Universityof'Birmingham ...<br />

A Synthesis of Available Data for Improvement of PedestrianProtection<br />

F. Brun, D. Lestrelin, F. Castan, A. Fayon, and C. Tarrie*re<br />

Association Peugeot- Renault<br />

Results From Experimental simulations of car-to-pedestrian collisronswirh<br />

vw-Production<br />

Cars<br />

E. Lucchini and R. Weissner<br />

Volkswagenwerk ACi<br />

Pedcstrian Protection; Special Fearurcs of the Renault E.p.U.R.E.<br />

G. Stcherbarcheff<br />

Research and Development Department<br />

Renault<br />

)oilr<br />

'<br />

'-' I : t<br />

-';..:J<br />

;., I<br />

563<br />

_ t<br />

571<br />

,l:<br />

s79<br />

581<br />

6r0<br />

630<br />

655<br />



Improved Fedestrian Protectlon by Reducing the Severity of Head Impact onto the Bonnet<br />

Martin Kramer<br />

Audi NSU Autounion AG . .<br />

Peugeot VLS 104 and Pedestrian Protection<br />

Jean-Pierre Echavidre and Jean Gratadour<br />

Peugeot . .. .<br />

Vehicle Design for Pedestrian Protection<br />

H. B. Pritz<br />

BattelleColumbusLaboratories,,.,<br />

Safer Cars for Pedestrians<br />

J. Harris and C. P. RadleY<br />

Transport and Road Research Laboratory<br />

Department of the Environment - Department of Transport<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Development of a Simplified Vehicle Ferformance Requirement for Pedestrian lnjury<br />

Mitigation<br />

Dr. Rolf H. EPPinger<br />

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

considerations in the Development of a Pedestrian safety standard<br />

Samuel Daniel, Jr', Dr. Rolf H. Eppinger, and Daniel Cohen<br />

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

Seminrr Six: Braklng, Handllng, nnd $trblllty<br />

Mr. Kazuhiko Aoki, Chairman, JaPan<br />

<strong>Int</strong>e8rel or Combined Braking System for Motorcycles<br />

$ilvio Manicardi<br />

Moto Guzzi - Brembo<br />

lmproving the Stability of a CommerciEl Vehlcle When Braked<br />

J. W. Davis<br />

Dunlop Limited Engineering GrouP<br />

Hydro-Air Brake System<br />

Fred W. Boulton<br />

Leyland Vehicles<br />

A Study of the Automatic Braking System<br />

Masami Kiyoto, Norio Fujiki, and Toshihisa Fujiwara<br />

Central Engineering Laboratories<br />

Nissan Motor ComPanY . .<br />

Radar-controlled Functions in the u.s. Research sefety vehicle<br />

E. Belohoubek, et al'<br />

Head, Microwave Circuits Technology<br />

RCA Laboratories .<br />

:sdii<br />

674<br />

689<br />

699<br />

7M<br />

713<br />

724<br />

119<br />

741<br />

148<br />

154<br />




Possibilities for Improving SafetyWithin<br />

the Driver-Vehicle-Environment Control Loop<br />

Dr. Kurr Enke<br />

Passenger Car Chassis Design<br />

Daimler-Benz AC<br />

Analysis of the Control System<br />

"Driver-Vehicle-Road"<br />

Dr. Wolfgang Darenberg, Dr. Ferdinand panik. and Dr. Wolfgang Weidemann<br />

Vehicle Research<br />

Daimler'Benz AC<br />

Vehicle Characteristics, Describing the Steering Control euality of Cars<br />

Friedrich O. Jaksch<br />

Volvo Car Corporation<br />

Definition of the vehicle Dynamic Characteristics by the Transfer Function: Correlation With<br />

Subjective Evaluation<br />

L. Chidini and F. Mantovani<br />

Alfa Romeo<br />

The Effect of Improved vehicle Dynamics on Drivers' control performance<br />

S. Sano, Y. Furukawa, and Y. Oguchi<br />

Honda Motor Clompany<br />

Improvement of Rear and Front Lighting systems for Motor vehicles<br />

Hans-Joachim Schmidt-Clausen<br />

Westfalische Metall Industrie Hueck and Company . . . . g75<br />

An Optimum Visibility Design for the Stop Lamp<br />

M. Pasta and P. Soardo<br />

Istituto Electrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris<br />

Italy . .<br />

A Practical Approach to Rear Underride Protection<br />

G. Persicke and J. R. child<br />

Persicke & Child<br />

Vehicle Safety Car Handlingand<br />

Braking-Legislation Cannot Cover<br />

M. A. Jacobson<br />

Chief Engineer<br />

The Automobile Association<br />

Indirect Visibility Requirements for Passenger Cars<br />

Seiichi Sugiura, Kenji Kimura, and Hiroaki Shinkai<br />

Toyota Motor Company<br />


Ms. Joan Claybrook, Chairman, United States<br />

<strong>Int</strong>roduction<br />

Joan Claybrook<br />

Administrator. NHTSA<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

789<br />

803<br />

815<br />

846<br />



Presentation on Prospects for Legislation: Europe<br />

John W. Furness<br />

Director/Chief Mechanical Engineer<br />

Department of the Environment-Department of Transport<br />

United Kingdom<br />

The U.S. Motor Vehicle Safety in Perspective<br />

A. C. Malliaris and Michael Finkelstein<br />

National Highway Traffic Safetv Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Transportation<br />

The Italian Government Presentation on Rulemaking<br />

Dr. Giacomo Pocci<br />

Ministry of TransPortation<br />

Italy ..<br />

The Japanese Covernment Presentation on Rulemaking<br />

Takashi Shimodaira<br />

Deputy Director, Motor Vehicles Department<br />

Ministry of TransPort<br />

Japan .<br />


Closing Remarks by Dr. R. Rhoads Stephenson, <strong>Conf</strong>erence Technical Chairman<br />

Closing Remarks by Mr. Michel Frybourg, <strong>Conf</strong>erence Chairman<br />


)g(v<br />

955<br />

956<br />


Keynote Address<br />


Department of TransPodation<br />

United States<br />

It is a pleasure to address this distinguished<br />

gathering and to participate in the opening of the<br />

<strong>Seventh</strong> tnternational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence on<br />

Experimental SafetY Vehicles.<br />

it is fittine that we meet this year in Paris, for<br />

this is where we began our cooperative effort<br />

more than eight Years ago'<br />

Since that historic ftrst conference, tremendous<br />

advances have been made in the technology<br />

of motor vehicle safety-advances toward<br />

which all nations have contributed-and from<br />

which each nation has benefitted'<br />

Through individual innovation and international<br />

cooperation, we now have the capacity<br />

to design automobiles that can withstand<br />

Mr, Michel Frybourg, <strong>Conf</strong>erence Chairman<br />

higher-impact collisions; that have better<br />

braking and vehicle control mechanisms,<br />

greater occupant protection and restraint<br />

iystems, and overall structural safety<br />

imprcvements.<br />

As worldwide attention focused increasingly<br />

on problems relating to energy consumption,<br />

environmental pollution and the<br />

cost of personal transportation, so did we<br />

broaden the scoPe of our concerns'<br />

Our international commitment to the<br />

development of cars that are safer grew to<br />

includi commitments to the development of<br />

cars that are more economical, fuel-efficient<br />

and sociallY responsible.<br />

We have made great progress-pushing the<br />

boundaries of automotive technology into new<br />

frontiers of safety, economy and efficiency'<br />

But we have a long way to go.<br />

tn my country last year, more than 50,000<br />

persons lost their lives in motor vehicle


accidents. Untold thousands of others were phase of our integrated vehicles program.<br />

senselessly injured.<br />

This new phase will begin this year, and will<br />

We have reduced the speed limits on our support the development of new systems-<br />

nation's highways to 55 mph, and still oriented standards to be effective in the<br />

excessive speed claims the lives of thousands decade beyond the mid-1980s.<br />

of motorists each year.<br />

The effort of this year is analytical and<br />

We have pursued our efforts to prornote includes further accident analysis, demand<br />

the use of seat belts and other passenger modeling and a review of the impact of<br />

restraint systems, and still people die in planned standards. This analytical phase will<br />

accidents where use of a seat belt might have be the basis for advanced prototype vehicles,<br />

prevented such senseless tragedy.<br />

which will include not only automobiles, but<br />

We have increased programs aimed at keep- light trucks and vans as well.<br />

ing drivers off the roads if they have been This is the foundation upon which we will<br />

drinking, and still alcohol is the leading cause continue to build.<br />

of all traffic fatalities among young people, The next stage is already underway.<br />

and a primary contributor ro traffic deaths Last month, in Washington, president<br />

overall.<br />

Carter and I met with the chief executives of<br />

These initiatives are vital, and we will con- the American auto industry in a White House<br />

tinue to pursue and enforee regulations that "summit"<br />

conference at which we agreed on<br />

can potentially save thousands of lives on our the principles of a cooperative industry-<br />

nation's highways. But while we must do all government program of directed basic<br />

that we can to produce safer roads and better research in automotive technology.<br />

drivers, we must look first and foremost at the This effort will involve our university,<br />

safety value of the car itself.<br />

industrial and federal research centers-<br />

The United States has contributed to and bringing the narion's top scientific and<br />

profited from the <strong>Int</strong>ernational Experimental engineering talent to bear on the fundamental<br />

Safety Vehicle Program. Our initial <strong>ESV</strong> pro- disciplines related to the automobile.<br />

gram concentrated on exploring the Ultimately, this basic directed research is<br />

technological limits of safety. Larer, we expected to produce a pool of vital research<br />

expanded this program into a more com- information to aid automotive engineers in<br />

prehensive Research Safety Vehicle pro- their essential auromotive design probgram-seeking<br />

to balance safety requirements lems-especially those related to the social<br />

with requirements for improved fuel economy concerns of fuel economy, air pollution emis-<br />

and reduced emissions, and meet a wider sions and safety.<br />

public demand for such vehicles.<br />

It is our hope and intention that this pro-<br />

As you know, these RSVs are now being gram will lay the technology base for a truly<br />

tested worldwide.<br />

different car by the end of this century-one<br />

The result of some of these tests, which will with new structural concepts, materials, con-<br />

be presented later during this conference, are trol systems, and possibly, a totally new and<br />

tremendously encouraging.<br />

innovative engine.<br />

Indeed, they reconfirm my belief that when Last week, in Belgrade, I invited the<br />

the technologies developed through this member nations of the European Council of<br />

cooperative effort are applied universally, we Ministers of Transport to join us in this<br />

will count the number of lives saved in the effort-to broaden the scope of the <strong>Int</strong>erna-<br />

tens of thousands annually.<br />

tional Experimental Safety Vehicle program<br />

In conjunction with our RSV efforts, we to include all facets of automotive tech-<br />

have been planning ancl developing the next nology.

I extend that same invitation here today.<br />

By any standard, the cooperative effort<br />

toward the development of cars that are structurally<br />

safer ranks as one of the most successful<br />

of all modern international initiatives'<br />

We can do no less in our efforts to develop<br />

a car of the future-a technically superior,<br />

totally integrated and fuel efficient vehicle<br />

that can take us into the 21st century.<br />

This is an effort to which I am totally committed.<br />

And t seek your commitment.<br />

In a few moments we will be honoring here<br />

today many of these who have contributed so<br />

Welcoming Address<br />


M inistry of Transportation<br />

France<br />

'<br />

I am pleased to welcome the participants in<br />

the <strong>Seventh</strong> lnternational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

on Experimental Safety Vehicles and<br />

especially Mr. Brock Adams, Secretary of<br />

Transportation of the United States, to Paris.<br />

Your presence, Mr. Secretary, as well as that<br />

of many important figures of the automobile<br />

world who have honored us by participating<br />

in this conference is a sign of the progress<br />

made since 1971, the date of the first conference,<br />

here in Paris, which witnessed the<br />

launching of the research program on<br />

experimental safety vehicles.<br />

These eight years have been hiehlighted by<br />

six conferences at which representatives of the<br />

United States, the European manufacturing<br />

countries, and Japan shared the results of<br />

their research aimed first of all at gaining further<br />

knowledge on road accidents, at defining<br />

realistic criteria for the effective protection of<br />

occupants under real accident conditions, and<br />

at improving each part of the vehicle affording<br />

this protection.<br />

Along with study and research efforts, the<br />

French government conducts a coherent<br />


3<br />

significantly to this effort to develop cars that<br />

are safer, structurally sounder and more<br />

socially responsible. Much of the success we<br />

have shared to date in creating a safer<br />

environment for motor vehicle drivers and<br />

passengers is due in large measure to the work<br />

these dedicated individuals began and have<br />

carried on so faithfullY.<br />

On behalf of all nations participating in this<br />

conference, I am proud to join with the U.S.<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator<br />

Joan Claybrook in presenting these<br />

awards for engineering excellence.<br />

policy, implementing all measures that aid in<br />

improving road safety. And so, investments in<br />

road construction have grown at a fast pace<br />

and significant regulations have been laid<br />

down concerning speed limits, the compulsory<br />

use of seat belts, and the monitoring<br />

of drivers' alcohol consumption, while<br />

modern information methods were utilized to<br />

raise the awareness of users and to increase<br />

the effectiveness of regulatory measures.<br />

Vehicles have been clearly improved, either by<br />

the automatic incorporation of research<br />

results or as a result of the development of<br />

technical regulations.<br />

This policy has borne fruit; it has enabled<br />

specifically a 3090 reduction in road deaths,<br />

which dropped from 16,900 in 1972 to 12,100<br />

in 1978, a figure that does not satisfy us'<br />

Therefore this policy will obviously be continued<br />

(our new objective is to reduce the<br />

number of deaths to f'ewer than 10,000), and<br />

the work you will do during this conference<br />

will be a significant contribution.<br />

With respect to vehicle design, the French<br />

government has always attributed special<br />

importance to the following four concerns:<br />

r The saf'ety of vehicle occupant'e as well as that<br />

of other road users, especially pedestrians<br />

r Fuel savings

t<br />

r Environmental protection against noise and<br />

pollution<br />

r Manufacturing and consequently sales at<br />

the lowest cost<br />

The research program conducted in<br />

cooperation with the automobile industry was<br />

designed in terms of these four concerns.<br />

Therefore, it seemed essential, from the<br />

outset, that the improvement of vehicle safety<br />

not result in a considerable increase in vehicle<br />

weight. This would be reflected in an increase<br />

in fuel consumption, which is completely<br />

unacceptable today.<br />

Once again, I would like to underscore an<br />

important point, since it is related to energy<br />

savings. As early as 1971, the French government<br />

stressed that improved vehicle safety<br />

should not affect weight and price to a large<br />

degree. This constant concern is not surprising<br />

since, of all cars sold in the European<br />

Community countries, French cars have the<br />

lowest average fuel consumption,<br />

The average consumption measured<br />

according to the European standard was 8.5<br />

liters/I00 km in 1976, which corresponds to<br />

3/4 Iiter/km less than the average for other<br />

European cars.<br />

In the years ahead, efforts made to reduce<br />

consumption must be appraised in terms of<br />

this starting point. The cooperation rhar now<br />

exists between manufacturers and the French<br />

government has Ied to plans for the production<br />

in 1985 of a line of automobiles whose<br />

average consumption, greatly reduced, would<br />

be 7.3 liters./IO0 km. The reducrion in percentages<br />

is significant; the results in absolute<br />

values are of greater import.<br />

The two experimerital vehicles exhibited at<br />

this conference by French manufacturers are<br />

the result of the joint program financed by<br />

both the government and the manufacturers.<br />

No less than 4.5 million francs were earmarked<br />

for each of the two programs. The<br />

development of these experimental vehicles<br />

aimed first at showing that it is possible to<br />

include, in the design of a small car having the<br />

general features and appearance of today's<br />


cars, the major part of research results on<br />

systems and subassemblies presented during<br />

previous conferences. Thus, the weight of the i<br />

cars developed is 800 kg.<br />

You have seen these cars and you were able<br />

to note that nothing about their appearance is<br />

spectacularl they would go unnoticed in the r<br />

streets of Paris. Their size and weight place<br />

them at the bottom of the line of mediumsized<br />

French automobiles. And yet, taking<br />

into account all criteria currently used to ,<br />

evaluate the protection given to occupants<br />

and pedestrians in collisions, these cars have<br />

demonstrated results that are far superior to<br />

those for automobiles coming off the<br />

assembly line today. Thus, in a front end collision<br />

standardized at a speed of 65 kmh, the<br />

occupants do not suffer any stress or deceleration<br />

greater than those that they now receive<br />

in a good car at 50 kmh.<br />

The aforementioned vividly reflects that,<br />

with energy proportional to speed squared,<br />

these experimental vehicles give their l<br />

occupants, in cases where the impact is twice<br />

as great, a quality of protection equal to that<br />

of good automobiles on today's market.<br />

Does this mean a change tomorrow from<br />

the prototype vehicle to mass production?<br />

The specialists here are not unaware of the<br />

large gap that exists between demonstration ,<br />

and industrialization, as well as between the<br />

development of a laboratory product and its<br />

commercial production.<br />

And yet, it was necessary to show that an 1<br />

automobile could, by combining a number of l<br />

technical devices, provide in the aggregate I<br />

clearly improved safety; each of the devices j<br />

could be introduced progressively in mass I<br />

produced vehicles. For example, the Renault I<br />

vehicle uses a pyrotechnic belt whose reten- ,,1<br />

tion capacity is optimal since it ensures * .',<br />

perfect coupling between the occupant and I<br />

the vehicle from the moment of impact. This I<br />

belt has been perfected and could be mass ,l<br />

assemhled. I<br />

Likewise, composite materials could be I<br />

used elsewhere to attenuate the stress {<br />

1II<br />


undergone by the automobile body at the moment<br />

of impact, energy being dissipated in a<br />

controlled deformation of the materials.<br />

To accelerate the improvement of vehicles,<br />

the Government provides technical regulations.<br />

The French government feels that it is a<br />

basic objective to modify technical regulations,<br />

on an ongoing basis, in accordance with<br />

increased knowledge and research results.<br />

lndeed, what would be the use of all the efforts<br />

and energy expended in research if the<br />

results were not applied as rapidly as possible<br />

in industrial production? To this end, in 1978,<br />

the French government prepared a com-<br />

Address<br />


Ministry of Transportation and Post and<br />

Telecommunications<br />

Federal RePublic of GermanY<br />

From the beginning, the Federal Republic<br />

of Germany has supported the worldwide<br />

efforts towards a car of Sreater safety for all<br />

road users because government and industry<br />

in the Federal Republic have recognized and<br />

accepted that fundamental improvement is<br />

necessary.<br />

The readiness to take part in the joint effort<br />

equally applies to the widened task that is to<br />

be solved under the <strong>ESV</strong> project' The<br />

environmental burden and energy consumption<br />

connected with the car have added new<br />


prehensive proposal for regulations covering<br />

the protection of occupants involved in front<br />

end collisions. It has expended efforts in the<br />

United Nations and intends to do the same in<br />

the European Economic Community, so that<br />

modern European regulations will be issued<br />

very soon.<br />

ln conclusion, I would like to thank you for<br />

having come to Paris to participate in this<br />

conference, to thank all those, especially the<br />

French automobile manufacturers, who<br />

played an active role in organizing the conference,<br />

and to wish you success in your<br />

work.<br />

important dimensions to the <strong>ESV</strong> project,<br />

making the problem much more difficult'<br />

I welcome that those involved in the <strong>ESV</strong><br />

project are facing the widened task with great<br />

hedication and the whole wealth of ideas of a<br />

vehicle engineer, in order to achieve a satisfactory<br />

balance between safety, environmental<br />

factors, and energY saving'<br />

The joint discussions about the <strong>ESV</strong> project<br />

began in Paris and were then continued in<br />

Stuttgart. I should be delighted if the 8th<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong>erence could again be held in the<br />

Federal Republic of Germany and you would<br />

accept our invitation.<br />

My sincere greetings go to all participants<br />

of the conference wishing at the same time<br />

that a good step can be made towards the<br />

ambitious goal.

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<strong>Int</strong>emational Safety Awads for<br />

Engineering Excellence<br />

Nils Bohlln<br />

Professor Emst Fiala<br />

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U.S. Department ol Transportation<br />

Senior Engineer for Automobile $afety,<br />

AB Volvo<br />


Mr. Bohlin's long and distinguished car€er in the field of<br />

automotive safety began in 1958 when he became the head of<br />

the Safety and Occupant Compartment <strong>Section</strong> of AB Volvo.<br />

His work at that time resulted in the introduction, in 1959, of<br />

three-point safety belts as standard equipment on all Volvo<br />

models, at least a decade before such equipment appeared in<br />

most other cars. He initiated the development of "multidisciplinary<br />

accident investigations" which provide designers<br />

with vital safety information and which is now a permanent<br />

part of Volvo's safety design process. Mr. Bohlin's study and<br />

evaluation of more than 28,000 accidents provided vital data<br />

which supported the effort in the United States to require lap<br />

and shoulder safety belts in production cars.<br />

Head of Research and Develotr<br />

ment and Member of the SuPervi$ory<br />

Board of Volkswagenwerk<br />

AG<br />

Professor Fiala is an international authority in vehicle safety,<br />

dynamics, and driving cybernetics. His early research into<br />

causes and remedies for occupant injury resulted in the<br />

development of numerous advanced occupant protection<br />

systems. As a part of this work he has published a number of<br />

technical papers and patents. Dr. Fiala recognized early the<br />

advantages of passive protection, and won support of the VW<br />

company to proceed with the development of the passive belt<br />

system and its introduction into the production of Volkswagen<br />

Rabbit. In the development and application of the<br />

passive belt systern for Volkswagen Experimental Safety<br />

Vehicle, Dr. Fiala and his team were able to engineer a degree<br />

of automatic occupant safety unmatched in automotive industry.<br />

Dr. Fiala has proven that zealous and concerned individuals<br />

can move a corporation to do far more for the<br />

benefit and saf'ety of the motoring public.


Dr. Enzo Franchini<br />

Receiving for Yoshiro Okami

Director, Fiat Safety Center<br />


Mr. Franchini is one of the earliest proponents of automobile<br />

safety engineering. He developed the concept of "survival<br />

space," which is particularly important to designers of small<br />

cars. He established vehicle front end design characteristics to<br />

minimize injuries to pedestrians and has developed several<br />

motor vehicle safety test devices and procedures that have<br />

contributed to the use of standard safety requirements by<br />

many nations. Among his other significant achievements are<br />

the development and patenting of reinforced longitudinal<br />

beams for motor vehicle doors, improvements in passenger<br />

car body structures that retain passenger space integrity while<br />

providing energy absorption at the front and rear of the car,<br />

and the development of an articulated steering column that<br />

helps to reduce injuries to the driver in a frontal crash.<br />

Research Supervisor, Japan Automobile<br />

Research Institute, Inc.<br />

Mr. Okami has been a pioneer in Japan's crash safety<br />

research. He was instrumental in the early training of the<br />

Japan Automobile Research Institute's collision safety team<br />

and played a major role in the drafting of the specifications<br />

for the Japanese Experimental Safety Vehicles. His accomplishments<br />

include the design and constructiorr of the new collision<br />

test facility in Japan including the data gathering and<br />

processing systems for analysis of test results, and the<br />

extension of vehicle collision test engineering to motorcycles<br />

as part of the Experimental Safety Motorcycle program. Mr.<br />

Okami has also been active in the development of accident<br />

analysis techniques, including scale-model testing.<br />



Mr. Jurgen Paul<br />

Mr. P. H. Rlchedg<br />


Manager, Hydraulic Components<br />

Developments, Daimler Benz AG<br />


Mr. Paul has been engaged since 1969 in the development of<br />

Anti-Locking Brake Systems. His efforts have included the<br />

early testing and refincment of first-gcneration mechanical<br />

spring-mass sensors, the development of an antilocking brake<br />

system using electromagnetic sensors' and, finally, the<br />

development of a reliable production anti-locking brake<br />

system using modern electronic computer technology to<br />

assure excellent vehicle stability under extreme braking conditions.<br />

This braking system is currently offered on Mercedes<br />

Benz production automobiles and is a major advancement in<br />

the state-of-the-art in crash avoidance safety research.<br />

Chief Design and Development<br />

Engineer for Triplex Safety Glass<br />

Company LTD<br />

Mr. Richards led the effort to develop a new, thin laminated<br />

windshielcl with a very strong inner layer' This new glazing<br />

reduces the risk of lacerations by more than 99 percent in<br />

automobile accidents and virtually eliminates the possibility of<br />

disfiguring cuts to the face or eyes of persons thrown against<br />

the windshield. This development is a significant advance in<br />

automotive saf'ety performance and this glass is now in use in<br />

several production automobiles.


Dr. Ulrich W. Seiffert<br />

..<br />

Dr. Claude TanlBru<br />

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Safety Director and Deputy<br />

Director of Research for Volks<br />


;:X-ffillul ,n,r,".tionally known sarety expert and<br />

engineer who has been responsible for significant and unique<br />

developments in vehicle crashworthiness and advanced occupant<br />

protection systems for small cars. He has contributed to<br />

the development of a new generation of integrated, automatic<br />

occupant crash protection system concepts that can substan'<br />

tially improve the safety of people in small cars. Dr. Seiffert's<br />

pioneering work leading toward the development of the<br />

passive safety belt and its successful introduction into production<br />

cars in advance of Federal requirements has demonstrated<br />

that safety does sell. Hundreds and perhaps thousands of<br />

Volkswagen passive belt car owners who have been spared the<br />

misery of serious and fatal injury can be grateful to Dr.<br />

Seiffert for his care and dedication.<br />

Head of the Physiology and<br />

Development Department of<br />

Peugeot-Renault Association<br />

Dr. Claude TarriEre, a physician, began his work in auto<br />

safety investigating accidents that had no apparent cause. He<br />

has, for the last decade, concentrated on the protection of<br />

people in collisions. His work support$ the improvement of<br />

restraints and protection in lateral impacts and a reduction of<br />

pedestrian trauma from impacts. He was responsible for the<br />

establishment of a permanent, multidisciplinary crash survey<br />

and analysis program that included automobile, pedestrian<br />

and two-wheeled vehicle accidents. This program emphasizes<br />

cooperation with the police and local hospital staffs. The<br />

results of Dr. TarriBre's work are a valuable contribution to<br />

motor vehicle safety research and are being used as a basis<br />

for the establishment of safety standards. His work has aided<br />

in the development of experimental and production vehicles,<br />

including the Experimental Safety Vehicles presented by<br />

Renault at the 5th and 7th <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erences.<br />



Mr. Phlllppe Ventts<br />

Receiving for Mr. Hiroyuki Yoshino<br />


Head of the Bodywork Structure<br />

and Occupant Protection Depart<br />

ment of Renault<br />


Mr. Ventre has been involved in vehicle crash testing since it<br />

was begun at Renault in 1959. He has been in charge of<br />

Renault's Occupant Protection Research and T'esting since<br />

1970. FIe and his staff have developed the methods and<br />

measuring equipment currently used by Renault in accident<br />

analysis. These methods include use of the yielding dynamometric<br />

barrier, estimation of speed variation and mean<br />

deceleration from vehicle deformation. This equipment and<br />

these methods were used in the study of aggressivity and compatibility<br />

between vehicles. His work has been instrumental in<br />

the development of two experimcntal vehicles. The "Basic<br />

Research Vehicle," which was presented at the <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

in London in 1974 and the Experimental Safety Vehicle<br />

which is on display here today. Mr. Ventre is responsible<br />

for applying research results to production vehicles. Modifications<br />

of several Renault tnodels have been made as a result of<br />

this work. Mr. Ventre's most recent efforts involve studying<br />

real-life accidents and their relation to current crash testing<br />

for certification. The results of these studies have lead to his<br />

proposal for use of a 30 degree asymmetrical crash test.<br />

Honda Motor Company, Ltd<br />

Mr. Yoshino is a key contributor to Honda Motor Company's<br />

efforts in motorcycle safety. He was responsible for<br />

the overall coordination of the accident causation factors<br />

study, as well as the developmcnt of the accident investigation<br />

methodologies employed in the study. The study highlighted<br />

the problem of the visibility of motorcycles to other drivers.<br />

As a result, Mr. Yoshino, working with staff members of<br />

Honda R&D, designed motorcycle headlights that remain on<br />

during daylight operation. This appears to be a practicable<br />

and reasonable way to make motorcyL-lists more visible. He<br />

was involved in the human factors identification study and in<br />

the development of programs to improve rider-vehicle performance.<br />

Mr. Yoshino is also responsible for the development<br />

of the first tubeless tire and its wheel for motorcycles. In<br />

addition, his work in motorcycle handling has helped us to<br />

undcrstand and improve motorcycle handling and stability<br />

characteristics.<br />



Special Award Ceilificate of<br />

Appreciation for Contribution$ to<br />

Automotive Safety<br />

Fleceiving for Mr. Johanes Comelius Bastiaanse

Princlpal Engineer for the<br />

Development of Occupant<br />

Protection Systems at the Organization<br />

for Applied Scientific Research<br />


For the last fifteen years, Mr. Bastiaanse has devoted his<br />

talents, tinre, and energy toward saving the lives of children<br />

and reducing their injuries in motor vehicle crashes. He has<br />

made outstanding contributions to this field by applying<br />

biomechanical and accident information to the establishment<br />

of criteria for evaluating the injury saving capabilities of child<br />

restraint systems. He has devised test procedures for child<br />

restraints and has developed a family of child test dummie$ to<br />

evaluate child restraints that are commercially available. As<br />

the Organization for Applied Scientific Research (Organisatie<br />

voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, TNO)<br />

representative to the European Economic Community<br />

activities in child protection from motor vehicle injuries, he<br />

has been a leader in the development of the regulation,<br />

"Restraining<br />

Devices for Child Occupants of Power Driven<br />

Vehicles," which has been submitted for adoption by the<br />

United Nations Economic Committee for Europe. The<br />

regulation will serve as a model for the countries of Europe<br />

to improve the safety of children in automobiles.

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Mr. Mlchel Frybourg, <strong>Conf</strong>erence Chalrman, Franc€<br />

$tatus Report of the United States<br />


Associate Administrator for Rulemaking,<br />



Associate Administrator for Research and<br />

Development, N HTSA/ DOT<br />

It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to<br />

describe the very ambitious plans the United<br />

States Covernment has for making the socially<br />

responsible automobile a reality. When market<br />

forces do not deliver products with attributes<br />

that best serve society's needs, in the<br />

United States, the government frequerrtly<br />

intervenes.<br />

With respect to motor vehicles, governmental<br />

involvement has taken the form of regulation.<br />

Beginning only 12 years ago, the U.S.<br />

Department of Transportation's National<br />

Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

(NHTSA) issued the first Federal Motor Vehicle<br />

Safety Standards. Today, the Federal<br />

government regulates vehicles for safety,<br />

emissions, noise, damageability, and fuel efficiency.<br />

The regulatory goals and objectives<br />

are clearly articulated in the enabling legislation<br />

authorizing government action. But it<br />

takes more than just clearly articulated goals<br />

to intelligently regulate a sophisticated multibillion<br />

dollar industry. It also requires a comprehensive<br />

understanding of motor vehicle<br />

technology and constant probing and testing<br />

to extend the state-of-the-art.<br />

t-<br />

Today, I hope to tell you of our goals, our<br />

regulatory plans, and how they are intimately<br />

related to the integrated safety vehicle (ISV)<br />

program-how the regulatory goals of the<br />

U,S. Government are shaping the nextgeneration<br />

ISV's and how the current research safety<br />

vehicle (RSV) is providing the foundation for<br />

our present rulemaking program.<br />


Our work begins with the definition of the<br />

accident environment. Last year, 154 million<br />

vehicles traveled one and one half trillion<br />

miles and killed 50,145 persons. More than<br />

half the crash victims were passenger car occupants.<br />

Almost half those killed died in single<br />

vehicle accidents. From the following table,<br />

the diversity of ways with which we have<br />

learned to kill people with motor vehicles<br />

becomes clear.<br />

Table 1.1 Traffic fatalities-1978.*<br />

Total 50,145<br />

PassengerCarOccupants 28,120<br />

Truck Occupants 7,420<br />

(PickupA/an Occupants) (5,950)<br />

(Heavy Truck Occupants) (1,010)<br />

(Other Truck Occupants) (460)<br />

Motorcyclists 4,500<br />

Pedestrians 7,920<br />

Pedalcyclists 890<br />

Other 1,295<br />

-<br />

Estimated as of 2/16/79<br />



The next two tables show that a major challenge<br />

faces all of us interested in upgrading<br />

safety because of the mix of vehicles sharing<br />

the roads. Growth in fatalities involving<br />

trucks are outpacing all others and in a multivehicle<br />

accident involving trucks, passenger<br />

car occupants are almost invariably the losers.<br />

1978 saw the end of a lO-year trend in the<br />

reduction of the fatality rate as a function of<br />

vehicle travel. From 1967 to 1917, it had declined<br />

from 3.21 per hundred million vehicle<br />

kilometers to 2.01. In 1978, it rose to 2.03,<br />

and for the first few months of 1979, it is continuing<br />

to rise at an alarming rate. In part,<br />

this epidemic of highway deaths is attributable<br />

to the very deep rseated attitudes of so<br />

many motorists to the risks they face on the<br />

highway.<br />

Speed<br />

In 1974, in response to the energy crisis, the<br />

U.S. Congress adopted a national speed limit<br />

of 55 mph. While it was gratifying to see the<br />

energy resources that were saved by establishment<br />

of this limit, far more gratifying was the<br />

Table 2.2 Fatalities by type of vehicle involved.<br />

Fatalities" in accidents involving:<br />

Passenger cars<br />

Single unit trucks<br />

Combination trucks<br />

Motorcycles<br />

1975<br />

34,840<br />

9,306<br />

3,311<br />

3,425<br />

'lncludes hoth occupant and nonoccupant deaths<br />

Table 3.2 Passenger car occupant fatalities.<br />

ln all accidents<br />

In accidents involving single unit<br />

trucks<br />

accidents Involving combination<br />

trucks<br />

Eqg<br />

26,269<br />

2,W7<br />

1,814<br />

2?<br />

savings in human resources that resulted. We<br />

can attribute as many as 20,000 lives saved to<br />

the 55 mph.3 Now, compliance is clearly eroding<br />

and fatalities on high speed roads are<br />

increasing.<br />

Safety Belt Use<br />

Each year now sees new lows reached in belt<br />

use. Whenever we believe that usage can go no<br />

lower, we unhappily discover that we were<br />

wrong. Only 14 percent of all motorists and 8<br />

percent of people in serious accidents are<br />

wearing safety belts.a Despite this there is continuing<br />

opposition to belt use [aws. We are<br />

discovering that one of the reasons for low<br />

usage is the poor comfort and convenience of<br />

virtually all contemporary belt systems to<br />

many people.<br />

Motorcycle Helmet Use<br />

In the last four years 26 states have repealed<br />

the laws that require motorcyclists to wear<br />

helmets. Our studies have shown that repeal<br />

of a helmet law is followed by a decline in<br />

helmet use from nearly 100 percent to less<br />

1976 1977 1978 Vo 75-78<br />

34,960<br />

10,214<br />

3,909<br />

3,525<br />

1976.<br />

26,M7<br />

2,982<br />

2,059<br />

36,328<br />

11,434<br />

4,198<br />

4,240<br />

w<br />

27,535<br />

3,423<br />

2,191<br />

36,950<br />

13,000<br />

4,680<br />

4,680<br />

lgzq<br />

28,120<br />

4,000<br />

2,4W<br />

o/o<br />

6.1<br />

39.7<br />

41.3<br />

36.6<br />

+ 7.0<br />

+42.5<br />

+ 36.7

than 60 percent in the first year after repeal<br />

and a further decline to about 50 percent in<br />

the second year.s Motorcyclists deaths have<br />

increased over 35 percent in the last two years.<br />

Alcohol<br />

Finally, alcohol, after all of our efforts still<br />

is a contributing factor in about 50 percent of<br />

highway fatalities, a remarkably constant<br />

figure.6<br />

Unfortunately, we have not learned how to<br />

modify motorists' behavior. Deep seated attitudes<br />

with respect to speed limits, belt and<br />

helmet use, and drinking seem too deeply ingrained<br />

to materially alter. So far, they have<br />

defied our solutions.<br />


Having had only limited success in changing<br />

driver behavior, we have concentrated our<br />

efforts on changing the motor vehicle to make<br />

it more forgiving in a crash.<br />

The most ambitious of these vehicle modifications<br />

will occur through Federal Motor<br />

Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208, Occupant<br />

Crash Protection. Presently, compliance with<br />

this standard is effected with manual (active)<br />

safety belts. NHTSA's repeated evaluations<br />

have shown that these belts are 50 to 60 percent<br />

effective in reducing fatalities and incapacitating<br />

injuries, provided they are worn<br />

by occupants.a<br />

Unfortunately belts are used very little by<br />

the U.S. motoring public, thus yielding an<br />

overall effectiveness about 5 percent in reducing<br />

fatalities and incapacitating injuries.a<br />

Other paths to increased belt usage, such as<br />

mandatory safety belt use laws or the starter<br />

interlock feature in new cars that made it necessary<br />

to buckle saf'ety belts before a car could<br />

be started, have not succeeded largely as a<br />

result of strong Congressional and public sentiment<br />

against such measures.<br />

In recognition of the great life saving and<br />

injury reducing benefits of occupant restraint<br />

systems and the public's resistance to using<br />

manual safety belts, the Secretary of Trans-<br />


23<br />

portation, Brock Adams, amended Federal<br />

Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208 to<br />

require automatic (passive) restraints, beginning<br />

with full-sized cars in model year 1982<br />

and covering all passenger cars by model year<br />

1984. Monitoring and evaluating progress<br />

toward achieving the benefits of automatic<br />

restraints is the top priority of the NHTSA.<br />

So far, implementation of the occupant crash<br />

protection Standard No. 208 is going forward<br />

as planned.<br />

The major manufacturers and suppliers are<br />

moving ahead with the development of production,<br />

automatic restraint systems and components.<br />

<strong>Two</strong> manufacturers, Volkswagen<br />

and General Motors, are currently selling cars<br />

to the general public with automatic belt systems,<br />

and several others are expected to follow<br />

soon. <strong>Three</strong> manufacturers have announced<br />

plans to offer air cushion systems in production<br />

cars in the l98l model year, as much as a<br />

year before they are required, and others also<br />

may do so. The performance of systems currently<br />

in use, both automatic belts and air<br />

cushion restraints, has been consistent with<br />

past estimates of their potential capability to<br />

reduce occupant fatalities and injuries by 40<br />

percent.2<br />

Tests of public opinion have shown strong<br />

public support for automatic crash protection.<br />

And when asked to choose between air<br />

bags and automatic belts the public divides its<br />

preference about evenly, with price surprisingly<br />

being a consideration for fewer than a<br />

third of the people surveyed.T There is a detinite<br />

constituency for each system.<br />

While a large share of the agency's efforts<br />

have been directed at the occupant crash protection<br />

regulation, since 1968, the U.S. Government<br />

has promulgated almost 50 separate<br />

regulations aimed at reducing the likelihood<br />

of the crash occurring or minimizing the injuries<br />

that occur in a crash.<br />

With respect to accident avoidance, minimum<br />

performance standards now exist for<br />

braking systems, Iighting and mirror systems,<br />

tires, and controls and displays. We are now<br />

in the process of upgrading requirements for

earview mirrors and establishing requirements<br />

for direct visibilitY.<br />

Once a crash has occurred, we try to minimize<br />

injury through performance standards<br />

that require energy absorbing interior surfaces<br />

and steering columns, specify glazing require'<br />

ments and windshield bonding, establish<br />

thresholds for side door strength and roof<br />

crush resistance, and insure the integrity of<br />

the fuel system in a crash.<br />

Studies by the General Accounting Office'<br />

an agency of the Congress, concluded that<br />

these measures had, by themselves, saved<br />

28.000lives between 1968 and 1974.8 Extrapolating<br />

through 1978, motor vehicle safety<br />

standards have probably saved almost 55,000<br />

in the U.S.<br />

We are now in the process of extending<br />

many of these important measures to light<br />

trucks and vans, the fastest growing segment<br />

of our vehicle population. To chart a course<br />

for the future, one year ago, NHTSA published<br />

its first rulemaking plan in seven years.e<br />

<strong>One</strong> year later, it is gratifying to state that<br />

many of the goals in that plan have been<br />

achieved. Obviously, much more awaits to be<br />

done.<br />

With the issuance of Standard No. 208 in<br />

1977, vastly improved frontal crash protection<br />

for passenger car occupants will become a<br />

reality in the early 1980's. With that problem<br />

ameliorated, the agency now turns to other<br />

priorities, most of which are specified in our<br />

Rulemaking Plan.<br />

Side crashes, the killer of 8,000 people last<br />

year, is the target of some of our most concentrated<br />

efforts.2 [n order to improve occupant<br />

crash protection in side crashes, the NHTSA<br />

will upgrade Federal Motor Vehicle Safety<br />

Standard No. 214 for passenger cars and extend<br />

its coverage to light trucks. NHTSA will<br />

define requirements through dynamic performance<br />

requirements established for vehicles<br />

struck by a new moving barrier currently<br />

under development.l0 Injury criteria as measured<br />

on an advanced anthropomorphic<br />

dummy will measure compliance.ll This proposal<br />

is planned for issuance in 1980, and will<br />


address compartment integrity in a most comprehensive<br />

sense, including door retention, in<br />

order to deal with a very persistent safety<br />

hazard: occupant ejection.<br />

With respect to accident avoidance rulemaking,<br />

braking remains NHTSA's number<br />

one priority. In addition to the extension of<br />

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.<br />

105 (Hydraulic Brakes) to light trucks, nearterm<br />

rulemaking is planned in two other<br />

areas. In the interest of resolving safety questions<br />

raised by the recent judicial review of<br />

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.<br />

l2l, Air Brake Systems, the NHTSA is currently<br />

soliciting comments regarding a new air<br />

brake regulation for trucks, trailers and<br />

buses, to replace Federal Motor Vehicle Safety<br />

Standard No. l2l in its present form. A<br />

notice of proposed rulemaking is planned for<br />

1979.<br />

Moreover, in order to deal with the saf€ty<br />

hazards of poorly maintained brakes, the<br />

NHTSA plans to issue a notice in 1979 requiring<br />

that brakes on all vehicles under 10,000<br />

pounds be designed so that the brake shoes or<br />

pads and other components can be inspected<br />

without removing the wheel.<br />

As progress is being made in reducing the<br />

traffic casualties of motor vehicle occupants,<br />

the problem of pedestrian casualties becomes<br />

more acute. In the near-term the NHTSA<br />

contemplates issuing a regulation with a notice<br />

of proposed rulemaking scheduled for later<br />

this year, to modify vehicle front and bumpers<br />

and hood edges to lessen pedestrian injury,<br />

particularly for children. Last year we killed<br />

8,000 pedestriansz and it is time we consciously<br />

designed vehicles to do less harm, as<br />

Europeans and Japanese have done for<br />

years.lz If we can achieve results in the near<br />

term. we would then turn attention to the next<br />

stage in pedestrian protection, the modification<br />

of hood surfaces and windshield headers'<br />

With the accident data showing an alarming<br />

increase in motorcyclist deaths, we will be<br />

concentrating more of our resources on improving<br />

motorcycle braking and increasing<br />

motorcycle consPicuity.




Having taken credit for our accomplishments<br />

to date and having promised a rather<br />

ambitious plan for the future, it is useful to<br />

examine how integrated vehicle research in<br />

general, and the RSV, in particular, support<br />

rulemaking.<br />

The NHTSA has historically conducted its<br />

own research and development to demonstrate<br />

alternative systems which can satisfy safety<br />

performance criteria. A major objective of<br />

the integrated vehicle research program is to<br />

demonstrate that safety regulations can be<br />

incorporated into practical and acceptable<br />

vehicles,<br />

The R&D aimed at developing countermeasure<br />

systems for crash protection is systematically<br />

advanced. First, a saf'ety problem<br />

is identified, and a goal is established which<br />

will substantially reduce this problern. For<br />

example, a 60 percent reduction in fatalities of<br />

automobile occupants was the goal of the<br />

R&D to support the occupant restraint regulation.<br />

The next step is the identification or<br />

development of technological alternatives that<br />

can meet this goal. <strong>One</strong> of the alternatives is<br />

then chosen, along with specific performance<br />

objectives which are related to the initial<br />

goals.<br />

We then conduct basic R&D which is designed<br />

to satisfy thc performance objective.<br />

Initially, the research direction purposely contains<br />

few constraints so as not to inhibit designs<br />

which will meet the research objective.<br />

As candidate systems are developed, they are<br />

evaluated to determine if they satisfy the initial<br />

pcrformance objectives. The next step is<br />

the integration of these systems into vehicles<br />

in a manner which will satisfy the consumer<br />

demands in the marketplace.<br />

<strong>Int</strong>egrated vehicle research is a cofnerstone<br />

of NHTSA's rulemaking eftbrts. It is here<br />

that all the objective and subjective issues of a<br />

possible rulenraking initiative and its associated<br />

vehicle systems are addressed. Vehicle<br />

systems which provided specific levels of performance<br />

in the basic R&D effort are installed<br />

and integrated into vehicles. During this integration<br />

process, many trade-off decisions<br />

must be made. Some of these are objectivesuch<br />

asn can a sofi front end bumper which<br />

provides lower leg injury reduction for pedestrian<br />

impacts also provide acceptable damageability<br />

protection in low speed irnpacts? This<br />

relationship must be quantitatively developed<br />

so that the correlation of pedestrian protection<br />

with vehicle damageability is known,<br />

along with the consumer response to systems<br />

which provide various levels of performance.<br />

This allows the rulemaking official to make<br />

informed decisions of appropriate performance<br />

levels. This, by the way, is precisely the<br />

path we are taking to develop the initial pedestrian<br />

safety standards described earlier.<br />

The current integrated vehicle research program,<br />

the Research Safety Vehicle Program,<br />

is now entering the fourth and final phase,<br />

where NHTSA with the help of foreign and<br />

U.S. laboratories will test the ability of these<br />

vehicles to meet goals in safety, fuel economy<br />

and emissions, and economy of ownership,<br />

while simultaneously providing the consumer<br />

with a well-designed, comfortable, convenient<br />

vehicle that catt compete in the ntarket. During<br />

this testing and evaluation phase, NHTSA<br />

will supplement RSv test results to support<br />

the rulemaking program.<br />

Perhaps the most impressive performance<br />

of these vehicles will be their ability to provide<br />

frontal occupant crash protection at speeds<br />

well above those required hy regulation in all<br />

1984 passenger cars. The Minicars RSV has<br />

already demonstrated fully passive fiontal<br />

crash protection at speeds up to 50 mph while<br />

at the same time achieving a 32 mpg fuel econorrry<br />

level.l-r Our artalyses indicatc that such a<br />

vehicle would increase the estimated 9,100<br />

lives per year, which the 30 mph Standard No.<br />

208 will save, to about l8,000lives per year.l3<br />

The complexity and sophistication of the restraint<br />

systems in the Research Safety Vehicle<br />

are quite similar to those developed for lower<br />

speed protection. Thus, in addition to demonstrating<br />

the ability to meet high speed protection<br />

and provide a greater lifesaving potential,

the Research Safety Vehicle provides absolute<br />

confirmation that the current regulations are<br />

clearly f'easible and achievable.<br />


Since side impacts account for almost onethird<br />

of all passenger car fatalities, and an<br />

even larger fraction of injuries, a major design<br />

objective of the RSV was enhanced side impact<br />

protection. Both the Minicars and Calspan<br />

RSV'.s have demonstrated in various tests<br />

substantial improvements in side impact perfbrmance<br />

over that available with current production<br />

vehicles. These vehicles have illustrated<br />

the ability to provide this improvement<br />

with systems which are attractive to consumers.<br />

During the Phase IV Test Program,<br />

we will further document the lifesaving potential<br />

of these side impact improvements and<br />

use the information to provide much of the<br />

foundafion for our future regulations.<br />

Each year, about 100,000 pedestrians are<br />

injured by impacts with motor vehicles, and<br />

the vast majority of these are injuries to the<br />

lower leg. NHTSA has developed a research<br />

methodology which allows the assessment of a<br />

vehicle bumpers' propensity to cause lower leg<br />

injury. Using these research criteria, RSV<br />

bumpers were developed which can reduce<br />

lower leg injury by utilizing soft materials<br />

which applies the impact load over a large<br />

area, thereby reducing the likelihood of lower<br />

leg injury. Additionally, these bumpers provide<br />

the ability to absorb low speed crash<br />

energy without significant vehicle damage.<br />

This combination of pedestrian protection<br />

and vehicle damageability reduction is an excellent<br />

example of integrating designs which<br />

can provide enhanced performance in a number<br />

of different areas.<br />

The Research Safety Vehicles have been<br />

designed to reduce the injury to occupants involved<br />

in crashes as well as reducing pedestrian<br />

injury without sacrificing low-speed<br />

vehicle damageability resistance. In all of<br />

these areas. NHTSA has evolved both a test<br />

environment and a measuring device to evaluate<br />

vehicle performance.l0'll'12 Dummy responses<br />

in crash protection and pedestrian<br />

tests, along with the costs of vehicle repair in<br />

damageability tests will allow a detailed evaluation<br />

of RSV performance.<br />

Collision avoidance and collision severity<br />

reduction is an area where the RSV's or for<br />

that matter any research vehicle must rely on<br />

a different method of evaluation. For example,<br />

the RSV's have a goal of reducing wet<br />

pavement vehicle stopping distance by 30 percent.<br />

Today, w€ cannot determine the absolute<br />

number of collisions which will be avoided<br />

due to this performance level. NHTSA is<br />

developing a simulation model, but in the interim,<br />

we must rely on engineering judgment<br />

to support this goal. Indeed, the vehicle systems<br />

which provide a collision avoidance improvement<br />

will be analyzed to determine their<br />

expected costs in mass production.<br />

As we look to the longer term, we expect to<br />

upgrade vehicle occupant protection while<br />

simplifying the array of regulatory requirements.<br />

In place of our occupant crash protection<br />

standards that make up the 200 series<br />

regulations, we would go to a new 400 series,<br />

consisting of dynamic standards in each of 4<br />

crash modes-frontal, side, rear, and rollover.<br />

The next generation dummy, a dummy<br />

that correlates well with human responses<br />

over a much wider range of injury types and<br />

crash modes, will be the principal evaluation<br />

device.<br />

NHTSA's next generation integrated vehicle<br />

research program is intimately tied to this<br />

rulemaking program. The culmination of the<br />

research will be the development and fabrication<br />

of integrated vehicles which demonstrate<br />

the feasibility of upgraded Federal Motor<br />

Vehicle Safety Standards. The research plan<br />

to support the 400 series contains five<br />

elements:<br />

. Systems Analysis and Systems Engineering<br />

r Biomechanics and Advanced Dummv<br />

Development<br />

r Crash Environment Simulator Development<br />

r Advanced Dummy and Simulator Evaluation<br />

r <strong>Int</strong>egrated Vehicle Development and Fabrication

The product of the Systems Analysis and<br />

Systems Engineering effort is a model which<br />

would estimate lives saved and injuries reduced<br />

for various rulemaking actions in the<br />

1990's accident environment. Detailed analyses<br />

of crash test data will be conducted to<br />

define the crash characteristics of contemporary<br />

vehicles. This will provide a benchmark<br />

against which vehicle improvements may be<br />

objectively measured. Finally, analysis of<br />

materials and designs will be conducted to<br />

verify their ability to provide enhanced vehicle<br />

crash performance, along with the weight<br />

required to obtain this performance. During<br />

these analyses, constraints will be imposed so<br />

that materials and designs which are investigated<br />

are capable of mass production at an<br />

acceptable cost, in the time frame anticipated<br />

for rulemaking.<br />

The Biomechanics and Dummy Develop'<br />

ment research will provide a dummy with<br />

more human like response, along with criteria<br />

which relates these responses to levels of occupant<br />

injury. These test dummies will allow a<br />

thorough evaluation of the protective performance<br />

of integrated vehicles. I I<br />

The third element of the research program<br />

is the development of test devices and procedures<br />

that simulate the motor vehicle crash<br />

environment. Devices to measure the crashyorthiness<br />

as well as the aggressiveness of<br />

motor vehicles will be designed.<br />

The fourth element will evaluate these advanced<br />

dummies and crash environment simulations<br />

in actual vehicle crashes. Staged<br />

crashes will be conducted which are representative<br />

of injury producing real crashes. The<br />

responses of the vehicle and dummy in the<br />

staged crash will improve the confidence in<br />

these test tools, making them available for<br />

integrated vehicle evaluation.<br />

The fifth and final element is the actual<br />

development and demonstration of the integrated<br />

vehicle, using the research methods<br />

and tools developed. The culmination of this<br />

phase is the final demonstation of enhanced<br />

vehicle performance-including crashworthiness,<br />

aggressivity, pedestrian protection, colli-<br />


27<br />

sion avoidance, vehicle damageability, fuel<br />

economy and emissions.<br />

This demonstration will provide NHTSA<br />

with the engineering foundation for the next<br />

generation of rulemaking.<br />


l. "Traffic Fatality Estimates, 1975-1978,"<br />

NCS/ Highway SaJ'ety Facts, Special<br />

Edition, April 1979.<br />

2. Fatal Accident Reporting System, National<br />

Center for Statistics and Analysis, 1978.<br />

3, Highway Satety-.A Report on Activities<br />

Under the Highway Safety Act of 1966 as<br />

Amended, U.S. Department of Transportation,<br />

DOT-HS-803-372, June 1978.<br />

4. Hedlund, James, Preliminary Findings<br />

from the National Crash Severity Study,<br />

April 1979.<br />

5. Progress Report, Colorado Motorcycle<br />

Accident and Helmet Use Study, April<br />

r979.<br />

6. Fell, James C., A Profile of Fatal Accidents<br />

Involving Alcohol, September 1977.<br />

7. Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc.,<br />

Public Attitudes Toward Passive Restraint<br />

Systems, August 1978.<br />

8. U.S. General Accounting Office, Effectiveness,<br />

Benefits flnd Costs of Federal<br />

Safety Standards for Protection of Passenger<br />

Car Occupants, July 7, 1916,<br />

cED-76-l2l.<br />

9. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.<br />

"Five Year Plan for Motor<br />

Vehicle Safety and Fuel Economy Rule-<br />

. making," March 16, 1978 (updated April<br />

26, t978).<br />

10. Burgett, August and James Hackney,<br />

"Status<br />

of Research and Rulemaking Activities<br />

for Upgrading FMVSS No. 214-<br />

Side Impact Protection," <strong>Seventh</strong> <strong>Int</strong>ernational<br />

Technical <strong>Conf</strong>'erence on Experimental<br />

Saf'ety Vehicles (Technical Session<br />

No. 3), Paris, June 4-8, 1979.<br />

ll. Backaitis, Stanley and Mark Haffner,<br />

"Development<br />

of the Advanced Dummy<br />

for the Occupant Protection Upgrade<br />

Systems Standard," <strong>Seventh</strong> <strong>Int</strong>erna-<br />

I<br />


tional Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence on Experimental<br />

Safety Vehicles (Technical Session<br />

No- 2), Paris, June 4-8, 1979.<br />

12. Eppinger, Rolf and Sam Daniel, "Considerations<br />

in the Development of a<br />

Pedestrian Impact Injury Mitigation<br />

Safety Standard," <strong>Seventh</strong> <strong>Int</strong>ernational<br />

Technical <strong>Conf</strong>'erence on Experimental<br />

Status Report of Japan<br />


Director General<br />

Traffic Safety and Nuisance Research Institute<br />

Ministry of Transport<br />

I am (Dr.) Masands Hanajima, the Director<br />

Ceneral of the Traffic Safety and Nuisance<br />

Research Institute, the Ministry of Transport,<br />

Japan.<br />

It is a great honor for me to attend this 7th<br />

<strong>Int</strong>ernational <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erence and to have<br />

the opportunity of presenting the status report<br />

as a representative of Japanese Government.<br />

Taking this opportunity, I wish to extend<br />

my sincere appreciation to the Government of<br />

France, the sponsor of this <strong>Conf</strong>erence, the<br />

Government of U.S.A., the promoter of the<br />

<strong>Conf</strong>erence and other people concerned who<br />

have extended their utmost cooperation.<br />

Placed under the situations that motor<br />

vehicles now play a vital role in land transportation<br />

media and that a number of problems<br />

related with safety, pollution control and<br />

energy conservation are continuously occurring,<br />

it is quite significant and useful to hold a<br />

conference of this nature.<br />



Status of Motor Vehicle Traffic<br />

First of all, let me explain the situations in<br />

Japan surrounding motor vehicles. In Japan<br />

the number of motor vehicles in use exceeded<br />


28<br />

Safety Vehicles (Technical Session No. 5),<br />

Paris, June 4-8, 1979.<br />

13. Boehly, William, Leon Delarm and John<br />

Morris, "Upgraded Frontal Protection,"<br />

<strong>Seventh</strong> <strong>Int</strong>ernational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

on Experimental Safety Vehicles<br />

(Technical Session No. l), Paris, June<br />

4-8. 1979.<br />

35 millions as of the end of December, last<br />

year (1978), which resulted in 2.6 times increase<br />

as compared with l0 years ago. The<br />

number of passenger cars in use increased to<br />

2l millions, which is comparable to the numbers<br />

in European countries. As for the domestic<br />

cargo transportation in Japan, trucks account<br />

for one-third of the tolal volume of the<br />

transportation, and the rate is expected to be<br />

increa.red in coming years.<br />

The number of persons who possess driving<br />

licenses was 39 millions as of the end of the<br />

last year (1978), which means that one person<br />

out of three has the license. The overall increase<br />

rate for the past decade is approximately<br />

1.4 times while that of female drivers is<br />

about 2.5 times more as compared with l0<br />

years ago, and the increase among young<br />

female drivers in their 20's and 30's is significant.<br />

Status of Traffic Accidents<br />

As mentioned earlier, while the number of<br />

motor vehicles has shown a rapid increase, the<br />

number of fatalities caused by motor vehicle<br />

traffic accidents has been decreasing over the<br />

past decade after the peak level observed in<br />

1969 owing to various traffic saf'ety measures.<br />

Nevertheless, over 8,700 persons were killed<br />

in motor vehicle accidents just for the one<br />

year of 1978, and it is considered that the improvement<br />

of motor vehicle traffic safety will<br />

still constitute one of vital tasks, in future.

A particular feature of motor vehicle accidents<br />

in Japan is the fact that the rate of<br />

accidents involving pedestrians and bicycle<br />

riders-in other words. motor vehicles are the<br />

assaulters of the accidents-is higher as compared<br />

with US and European countries. Yet,<br />

this type of accidents has been showing a<br />

gradual decline owing to the betterment of<br />

traffic environments and safety education for<br />

pedestrians, etc. On the other hand, the rate<br />

of casualties of occupants of motor vehicles<br />

has been increasing. A recent marking feature<br />

is that large trucks often drag in pedestrians<br />

and bicycle riders who are at the left side of<br />

the vehicles to the left rear wheels when they<br />

are making left turns (in Japan, motor vehicles<br />

are to run the lefl side of roads. Therefore,<br />

it corresponds to the right turns of vehicles<br />

in the countries where motor vehicles run<br />

the right side of roads).<br />


Systems<br />

I will firstly describe traffic $afety measures<br />

taken in Japan.<br />

As for the safety-related regulations on<br />

structure and equipment of motor vehicles<br />

"safety Regulations for Road Vehicles" were<br />

established in l95l as the technical standards<br />

for rnotor vehicles pursuant to "Road Vehicle<br />

Act."<br />

The Satety Regulations have been amended<br />

since l95l over 44 times and the contents have<br />

also been improved in response to the changes<br />

in traffic environments, the transition of<br />

usage of motor vehicles and the improvement<br />

in the levels of industrial technologies.<br />

In order to ensure the operations of motor<br />

vehicles in the conditions to conform with the<br />

said Safety Regulations, following systems are<br />

implemented in Japan.<br />

Designation of Motor Vehicle Types'<br />

Notificatiort of Motor Vehicle Types<br />

Motor vehicle manufacturers and importers<br />

are required to make a prior application for<br />


29<br />

the type designation or a notification of the<br />

new type motor vehicle concerned to the Ministry<br />

of Transport in cases where such vehicles<br />

are to be manufactured or sold, and such<br />

vehicles are subject to the technical tests carried<br />

out by the Traffic Safety and Nuisance<br />

Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport.<br />

Upon type designation, motor vehicles<br />

concerned must receive thc tests to ensure the<br />

unifbrmity in productiou and receive the designation<br />

by the Minister for Transport.<br />

Furthermore, motor vehicle mattuiacturers<br />

or importers are obliged to notify the Minister<br />

for Transport concerning the defects, causes<br />

and improvement methods, etc. in cases where<br />

some defects are found for the motor vehicles<br />

which received the type designation or for<br />

which type notification had been submitted,<br />

in order to prevent accidcnts caused by the<br />

defects of motor vehicles.<br />

Periodical Inspection of Vehicles<br />

Those who use motor vehicles must receive<br />

periodical inspection once in every two years<br />

for passenger cars and once in every year for<br />

commercial vehicles. This inspection is obligatory,<br />

for every vehicle except motor-driven<br />

cycles and small-sized special motor vehicles,<br />

etc. Approximately a half of the implementations<br />

of the inspection are carried by national<br />

inspection stations located at 78 places<br />

throughout the country and the remaining<br />

half by approximately 15,000 private service<br />

shops designated by the Minister for Transport.<br />

Periodicnl Inspection and Maintenance<br />

In order to prevent accidents caused by the<br />

motor vehicle failures on roads, it is provided<br />

by law that motor vehicle users carry out the<br />

daily inspection prior to the initiation of the<br />

operation. In case of motor vehicles used for<br />

business, a periodical inspection and maintenance<br />

are mandated once in every month, and<br />

for those used privately, once in every six<br />

months.<br />

\<br />

j<br />

.<br />

I<br />


7<br />

Characteristic Features of Motor Vehicle<br />

Safety Regulation<br />

A particular feature in Japanese traffic environments<br />

is that motor vehicles, pedestrians<br />

and bicycles, etc. are using roads closely to<br />

one another (mixed traffic), which results in<br />

the high rate of accidents involving pedestrians<br />

and cyclists. Emphasis, therefore, is<br />

placed on the prevention of such accidents:<br />

for example, the elimination of motor vehicle<br />

exterior protrusions, the prohibition of projection<br />

of rotating units, and the improvement<br />

of visibilities in immediate front and left<br />

of vehicles. In order to prevent the accidents<br />

occurring frequently when large trucks are<br />

making left turns involving pedestrians and<br />

cyclists by the rear wheels, since the inner<br />

wheel difference is increased due to the long<br />

wheel base upon such occasions, some steps<br />

were taken recently, and major ones are as<br />

follows.<br />

r Through the adclition in number and the<br />

enlargement in size of mirrors, the recognition<br />

of obstacles in forward and leftward<br />

directions is made easier for the drivers of<br />

large trucks.<br />

In order to inform pedestrians that a Iarge<br />

truck intends to make a left turn, a large<br />

and bright direction indicator is added to<br />

the center of each side of vehicle body.<br />

The improvement be made to the involvement<br />

prevention device so that a pedestrian<br />

will not be dragged into the rear wheel of a<br />

large truck, even if the truck should hit the<br />

pedestrian.<br />

The above three items have been made<br />

obligatory by the amendment of the Safety<br />

Regulations.<br />


Besearch Institutes<br />

Research and development activities related<br />

with motor vehicles are carried out by several<br />

governmental and private research bodies and<br />

institutes. That is, "Traffic Safety and<br />

Nuisance Research Institute of the Ministry of<br />


Transport," "Mechanical Engineering Laboratory,<br />

Agency of Industrial Science and<br />

Technology,"<br />

"Police Science Research Institute,<br />

National Police Agency," "Civil Engineering<br />

Research Institute, the Ministry of<br />

Construction" as the governmental bodies,<br />

research laboratories in universities, "Japan<br />

Automobile Research Institute" as a private<br />

organ, and research divisions of motor vehicle<br />

manufacturers are carrying out various R&D<br />

activities.<br />

Objectives of Research<br />

Research activities related with motor vehicle<br />

safety include studies on kinetic performances<br />

to prevent accidents, studies related<br />

with the reduction of damages of occupants<br />

upon accident, studies concerning the information<br />

sysl.ems such as lights and lamps of<br />

motor vehicles to ensure safe operation of<br />

vehicles, and studie.s on preyention of accidents<br />

attributed to the defects of vehicles.<br />

On the other hand, researche$ related with<br />

pollution control are for the reduction of exhaust<br />

gas emission, the noise abatement, the<br />

reduction of running vibrations, and the<br />

development of electric motor vehicles.<br />

Energy and resources conservation studies<br />

include the wcight reduction of vehicles, the<br />

improvement clf fuel economy, the reduction<br />

of various losses, the development of new<br />

type engines and the study on alternative<br />

fuels.<br />

R&D on rnotor vehicle overall traffic control<br />

technologies are also under way, aimed at<br />

the decrease of motor vehicle traffic jams<br />

together with the preventions of accidents and<br />

pollutions.<br />

ACTIVITIES CONCERN ING <strong>ESV</strong>/RSV<br />

IN JAPAN<br />

Backgrounds of <strong>ESV</strong> R&D Activities<br />

Backgrounds<br />

<strong>ESV</strong> Program in Japan was initiated by the<br />

exchange<br />

of memorandum between US Gov-

ernment (the Department of Transportation:<br />

DOT) and Japanese government (the Ministry<br />

of lnternational Trade & Industry, and the<br />

Ministry of Transport) that took place in<br />

November, 1970, concerning R&D status of<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>'s aimed at the rcduction of damages<br />

caused by traffic accidents, the pursuit of<br />

motor vehicle safety and the exchange of information.<br />

It was decided that the development of<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>'s be proceeded by the cotrtract between<br />

Japanese Government and Japanese manufacturers.<br />

As a result of the offer for public<br />

subscription, Toyota Motors and Nissan<br />

Motor decided to participate officially in the<br />

R&D. while Honda Motor decided on informal<br />

participation. The performance tests<br />

of <strong>ESV</strong>'s developed by these companies were<br />

entrusted to Japan Automobile Research Institutes.<br />

Major specifications assigned to the R&D<br />

of <strong>ESV</strong> are the following two iteurs.<br />

r The vehicle shall not overturn at sudden<br />

turn of the steering wheel at the vehicle<br />

speed of ll0 kmh (accident avoidance pcrformance).<br />

r The vehicle shall satisfy the safety criteria<br />

for the occupants at the impact velocity of<br />

80 kmh against a fixed barrier.<br />

Specific Contents<br />

In May, 1971, an <strong>ESV</strong> of 2000 pound class<br />

with specifications based ou a US <strong>ESV</strong> of 4000<br />

pound class was completed modified to Japanese<br />

environrnents.<br />

Since then R&D was carried out respectively<br />

by the participating companies for over 2<br />

years with the cost of approximately 2 billion<br />

yens for the trial production of <strong>ESV</strong>'s. Between<br />

September, 1973, to December of the<br />

sanle year, Toyota and Nissan delivered l0<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>'s each-total 20 <strong>ESV</strong>'s-to Japan Automobile<br />

Research lttstitute. Four-wheel disc<br />

brakes, safe tires that allow vehicle operation<br />

even if the tires are punctured, periscopic<br />

rear-view-mirrors and electronic devices such<br />

a$ electronic-controlled anti-skid devices,<br />

electronic-controlled automatic transmis'<br />


sions, etc. were introduced to the delivered<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>'s. Additionally, active efforts were made<br />

on the erlergy absorbing vehicle structure for<br />

the reduction of damages, ancl l he installation<br />

of air bags which open up by means of radar<br />

sensors or g-sensors, and passive belts, etc.<br />

for the protectiort of vehicle occupants.<br />

Performance tests were carried out between<br />

September, 1973, and June, 1974 by Japan<br />

Autornobile Research Institute. The tests rnay<br />

be classified roughly into a) accident avoidance<br />

performances (conspicuity, indication<br />

and control devices, steering, handling, braking<br />

and anti-turnover pertbrmances, etc.) and<br />

b) impact and rollover tests. Tests were carried<br />

out about 800 tirnes for 30 detailed items.<br />

Achievements and Results<br />

The purpose of <strong>ESV</strong> tests conducted by<br />

Japan Automobile Research Itrstitute was to<br />

implement the tests of developed <strong>ESV</strong>'s on<br />

the basis of development objectives by the<br />

Institute that is independent and neutral<br />

body, so that the tests would be helpful for<br />

the evaluation of <strong>ESV</strong>'s and to obtain data<br />

that might form the basis of development<br />

safety vehicles in future.<br />

All items of <strong>ESV</strong> tests were completed as<br />

scheduled and the test data were reported at<br />

sth <strong>Int</strong>ernational <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erence held in<br />

London, in July, 1974. The test data serve<br />

sufficiently for the evaluation of <strong>ESV</strong>'s and<br />

contribute to the formation of a basis for the<br />

safety control steps taken by the Government<br />

and the design of motor vehicle safety in<br />

future.<br />

Technologies related with the <strong>ESV</strong>Program<br />

and applied already in vehiclcs sold on market<br />

include the following items, which show one<br />

of significances of the <strong>ESV</strong> Program.<br />

r Impact energy absorbing vehicle structure<br />

(including bumPer)<br />

r Anti-skid brake<br />

r Belt system<br />

r Various warning devices (warnings against<br />

enginc, brake, light and belt failures or<br />

troubles)<br />


Electronics (various electronic control<br />

devices)<br />

<strong>Int</strong>erior<br />

<strong>Two</strong> <strong>ESV</strong>'s developed by the <strong>ESV</strong> program<br />

are exhibited in this Hall. Please take a Iook at<br />

them.<br />

Experiments on FISV's<br />

Backgrounds<br />

There are no special vehicle R&D programs<br />

in Japan after the completion of the <strong>ESV</strong> Program.<br />

However, according to the inquiry<br />

made in 1977 by US Government (DOT) concerning<br />

our possible cooperation in the evaluation<br />

and experiments related with RSV's<br />

developed in U.S.A., it was decided that<br />

Japan would extend her cooperation in light<br />

of the process of <strong>ESV</strong> development.<br />

Following tests are, therefore, scheduled to<br />

be conducted by Japan Automobile Research<br />

Institute (JARI) having experience in evaluation<br />

tests for <strong>ESV</strong>'s.<br />

Contents of Experiments (Tests)<br />

RSV Test Program in Japan will be of<br />

research nature aimed at the collection of<br />

various basic data related with RSV's. Specifically,<br />

following tests are scheduled.<br />

r Car to Car, Frontal<br />

r Aggressivity<br />

r Side Protection<br />

r Rear lmpact<br />

. Handling and Stability<br />

r Visibility<br />

r Steering<br />

r Braking<br />

Of the above items, "Car to Car lmpact<br />

Test" will be conducted by preparing Japanese<br />

vehicles sold on market, having equivalent<br />

vehicle weight and the number of .seats<br />

with those of Calspan's RSV and Minicar's<br />

RSV and the test will be carried out between<br />

the above mentioned Japanese cars and these<br />

RSV's.<br />

<strong>One</strong> RSV made by Calspan arrived in Japan<br />

at the end of April, this year, and reviews and<br />


studies are being made for the details of the<br />

implementation of the experiments.<br />

These experiments will be completed in this<br />

year, and the data will be prepared after then.<br />



Various Social Demands<br />

Social demands in Japan against motor<br />

vehicles include l) the improvement of safety<br />

for the prevention of traffic accidents; 2) the<br />

improvement of the performance of prevention<br />

of exhaust gas emissions and motor vehicle<br />

noises; and 3) the improvement of fuel<br />

economy for energy-saving.<br />

Improvement of Safety<br />

Although detailed descriptions will be made<br />

Iater on, I would like to point out now that<br />

the intensification of the Safety Regulations<br />

for Road Vehicles will be made, taking account<br />

of the status of traffic accidents in<br />

Japan.<br />

Improvement of Prevention of Exhaust<br />

Gas nnd Noise Emissions<br />

As for exhaust gas control performances,<br />

the Regulations, made more stringent as NOx:<br />

0.25glkm, HC:0.25g/km and CO: 2.l\e/km<br />

(according to l0-mode tests), have been enforced<br />

since 1978.<br />

As for commercial vehicles (trucks and<br />

buses), the provision on NOx emission was<br />

intensified this year against the conventional<br />

provision with the classification by vehicle<br />

weight, or the type of fuel or engine, as the<br />

first stage of the Exhaust Gas Reduction Program<br />

for such vehicles.<br />

For diesel commercial vehicles, for example,<br />

emission levels of NOx (540 ppnr for<br />

direct injection type, and 340 ppm for auxiliary<br />

chamber type), HC: 510 ppm, CO: 790<br />

ppm (according to bench 6-mode tesrs) were<br />

provided. Particularly, for the reduction of<br />

NOx emission of commercial vehicles. tareet

values for the second stage are planned for the<br />

attainment by 1985.<br />

Concerning noise prevention performances'<br />

more stringent noise targets for the first stage<br />

of Noise Abatement Program were also introduced<br />

this year agaittst conventional noise<br />

levels. For example, the noise level for Iarge<br />

trucks and buses was changed from the conventional<br />

level of 89 dB(A) to the new level of<br />

86 dB(A), by which the abatement of 3 dB(A)<br />

can be attained. As for the second stage of the<br />

Noise Abatement Program, 83 dB(A) is also<br />

proposed.<br />

Improvement of Fuel Economy<br />

Due to the increase of social demands for<br />

energy-saving motivated by the oil crisis,<br />

certain guidelines are considered in Japan for<br />

the improvement of fuel economy of motor<br />

vehicles.<br />

As I have explained, there are strong social<br />

demands in Japan for the safety measures'<br />

exhaust gas and noise emission controls, and<br />

energy-saving measures, and efforts are continuing<br />

to satisfy these dematrds at high levels<br />

with appropriate balance among some contradictory<br />

tasks.<br />

Future Tasks Related With Motor<br />

Vehicles Safety<br />


The intensification and strengthening of the<br />

Safety Regulations for motor vehicles should<br />

be promoted not by short-sighted and allopathic<br />

attitudes but on the basis of long-term<br />

visions. In view of the foregoing, the Minister<br />

for Transport requested recommendations<br />

from the Council for Transport Technics consisting<br />

of the representatives of university professors,<br />

Japanese motor vehicle industry,<br />

motor vehicle maintenance,/service industry,<br />

police officers engaged in traffic controls and<br />

road-related groups, etc. As a result, "Long-<br />

Term Program for Safety Regulations," covering<br />

63 items was established in September,<br />

1972. Based on this Program, the Safety Regulations<br />

were amended in July, 1973 and<br />

November, 1974. After that, in order to<br />

review the recommendations submitted in<br />

September, 1972, taking accounts of changes<br />

in the usage of motor vehicles and teehnical<br />

developments, etc., the deliberation by the<br />

Council was started again in December, 1976,<br />

to prepare a new long-term program. The<br />

Safety Regulations will also be strengthened<br />

according to the new program. These tecommendations<br />

also cover the items which should<br />

be studied and developed in future on a longterm<br />

scale, in addition to the items that need<br />

immediate attention. R&D in future will be<br />

based on the foregoing.<br />

lnternational Unification of Standards<br />

According to the increase of the importance<br />

of motor vehicles as international commercial<br />

products, discussions on the international<br />

unification of motor vehicle safety standards<br />

are particularly heated recently'<br />

It is a pleasure to see that the unification of<br />

these standards is being promoted in here,<br />

European countries, with the initiatives of<br />

Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and<br />

European Community (EC).<br />

As you know, Japan, on the other hand, is<br />

an Oriental island country, isolated by the<br />

long distance from US or European countries,<br />

and the culture, history and geographical conditions<br />

are rather particular ones. Some of<br />

usage of motor vehicles and the road environments,<br />

therefore, also differ from those in US<br />

or European countries. Thus, to our regret,<br />

motor vehicle standards also exhibit Japanese<br />

particularity. Nevertheless, in light of the<br />

recent situations, efforts are being made to<br />

collect information of US and European<br />

standards and attention is being paid to unify<br />

our standards with international standards as<br />

much as possible, upon amendments of the<br />

standards.<br />

ln order to unify standards in spite of the<br />

difference among countries, a length of time<br />

and steady efforts are required' In order to<br />

reach this goal, it will be necessary to facilitate<br />

active exchange of information on world-wide<br />

scale and to deepen our mutual understanding.

I do hope that my presentation has been<br />

useful in one way or another for you to understand<br />

our country.<br />

It is a universal and earnest desire of mankind<br />

to reduce the victims of traffic accidents<br />

even if one by one. From this point of view, it<br />

is very significant and fruitful to exchange<br />

Status Report of ltaly<br />


General Manager, Civil Motorization<br />

Ministry of Transportation<br />

In the period between the sixth and seventh<br />

<strong>Conf</strong>erences the ltalian Administration has<br />

not neglected its activities, both indirect and<br />

direct, with regard to the study and research<br />

program concerning the problems of vehicle<br />

safety-not separate at present from those of<br />

environmentalprotection and the economy of<br />

energy.<br />

Numbered among the studies carried out<br />

directly by the Administration are:<br />

r performance and driving quality tests on<br />

the CALSPAN/RSV vehicle;<br />

r achievement of a safety seat for motor vehicles,<br />

with incorporated restraining devices;<br />

r studies on the aggressivity of vehicles and<br />

on the compatibility between vehicles in<br />

case of collision, let alone studies designed<br />

for the simulated reproduction of accidents<br />

in order to supply numerical elements for<br />

biornechanical research.<br />

All the research, as well as that part entrusted<br />

to outside laboratories such as the Fiat<br />

Research Center and I.S.A.M. is directed by<br />

the Center for Higher Research and Testing of<br />

Rome, which depends on the Ministry of<br />

Transportation.<br />

Furthermore, the Administration conducted<br />

studies, often equipped with laboratory measures<br />

and testing, which, even involving it in<br />

different areas fiom those of the <strong>ESV</strong>/RSV<br />

program, aimed at attaining greater intrinsic<br />

safety of the vehicle and better environmental<br />


information concerning motor vehicle sefety<br />

technologies, and to deepen our mutual<br />

understanding. In concluding my statement, I<br />

do pray that this <strong>Int</strong>ernational <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

will bring out favorable results in that respect.<br />

Thank vou.<br />

protection, even for the purpose of regulations<br />

to be adopted in the !'uture.<br />

Some studies regard acoustic problems and<br />

contribute to the activities of noted expert<br />

group$ such as GRB (Report Croup on Noise)<br />

which depends on WP 29 (group of experts in<br />

the construction of motor vehicles) of the<br />

ECE/UNO of Ceneva. These studies concern<br />

the fbllowing subjects:<br />

r acoustical alarm signals of special vehicles<br />

(police, ambulances, etc)-to achieve the<br />

efficiency of the signal and its possibility of<br />

individualization with the minimum disturbance<br />

to the environment;<br />

r warning horns for efficient vehicles at high<br />

speeds-a problem never so present as<br />

today because of the soundproofing of the<br />

interiors of motor vehicles, internal ventilation<br />

systems, spread of radios;<br />

r perception of acoustical signals by motorcyclists<br />

and automobilists wearing crash<br />

helmets. Study on the frequencies absorbed<br />

by protective and internal covering elements<br />

and on the modifications to be<br />

brought about without compromising<br />

safety standards.<br />

r incidence of low frequencies on the noise<br />

produced by motor vehicles. The aim of the<br />

study is to make the methods of measurement<br />

adhere more to the real conditions of<br />

disturbance caused by motorized traffic.<br />

Besides in the fight against noise, the Italian<br />

Administration is collaborating closely in the<br />

area of environmental protection with UNEP<br />

(United Nations Organization for the Protec-

tion of the Environment) for what concerns<br />

both air pollution produced by exhaust gases<br />

and the possibility of achieving econotrty of<br />

energy.<br />

In particular, UNEP's referring the workedout<br />

practical regulations on the subject to<br />

WP 29, proved a considerable contribution to<br />

the activities of this group, with the study of:<br />

r the perfecting of methods of measurement<br />

and the lowering of legal limits for the emission<br />

of pollutants;<br />

r a regulation for limiting the enrission of<br />

pollutants in motorcycles;<br />

. methods of control of emissions in diesel<br />

motors of vehicles in circulation.<br />

For the purpose of a practical utilization,<br />

more or less immediate, of the results of the<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>/RSV progl'anl concerning the characteristics<br />

of intrinsic safety of the structures, the<br />

Italian Administration is actively participating<br />

in the special GRCS group (Report Group<br />

on the Behavior of the Structures) which<br />

depends on wP 29, which itself has the aim of<br />

adapting the results of the research to the<br />

totality of production in the automobile industry;<br />

GRCS takes into consideration above<br />

all the activities of WC 5 of the EEVC. The<br />

direction of works of WC 5 and CRCS are<br />


Status Report of the Federal Republic of Germany<br />


President of the Federal Highway Flesearch<br />

lnstitute<br />

Federal Republic of Germany<br />

Once more I have the honor to present to<br />

you at this conference, on behalf of the Federal<br />

Republic of Germany, the status report of<br />

my government.<br />

By way of introduction, let me recall the<br />

outcomes of the 6th <strong>ESV</strong> conference in Washington<br />

1976; even then we were strongly aware<br />

of the way the objectives of environment,<br />

energy consumption, and economy besides<br />

that of vehicle safety are going to influence<br />

the car of the future. It could also be seen<br />

35<br />

both entrusted to the representative of the<br />

Italian Administration.<br />

Finally, it is to be noted that the studies and<br />

research on aggressivity and compatibility,<br />

besides those mentioned above in the area of<br />

the <strong>ESV</strong>/RSV program, have been carried out<br />

and others are in the process of being carried<br />

out on the behalf of the Europcan Economic<br />

Comrnutrity Cotntnission.<br />

After this synthetic framework, I can affirm<br />

that the Italian Ministry of Transportation<br />

maintains its firm conviction that, today, in<br />

the immediate future, and for many years to<br />

come, a motor vehicle, in order to be admitted<br />

to share the roads as an object of progress<br />

and wellbeing without being a source of<br />

death or damage, must answer to strict standards<br />

of:<br />

r active and passive intrinsic safety;<br />

. cnvironmental protection from pollution<br />

caused by noise atrd noxious emissions;<br />

r reasonable consumption of energy.<br />

The vehicle will have to, then, be a module<br />

possessing some polyhedral characteristics in<br />

contrast among themselves which must be<br />

unitecl in an intelligent compromise, or even<br />

better, in atr harmonic equilibrium.<br />

and, indeed, was worked out during that conference,<br />

which conflicting objectives will have<br />

to be coped with; e.g. conflicts between the<br />

reduction of rtoxious exhaust gases and the<br />

consumption of'energy and, in the same connection,<br />

between the desirable weight reduction<br />

and the safety of vehicles. What was presented<br />

as a problem at the time has by now<br />

become an imperative challenge of the future,<br />

mainly because of the energy situation, occupying<br />

the minds of us all, which ranges from<br />

the instability in the Middle East over the<br />

problems concerning the use of nuclear energy<br />

to the development of new energy resources.<br />

So much morer on the other hand, has it be-<br />

'<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />


come necessary not to lose sight of the objective<br />

of vehicle safety, for we should always<br />

bear in mind that engineering can still make<br />

an important contribution to improving the<br />

accident record.<br />

Nowadays, the awareness of single catastrophes<br />

only too easily makes one forget that<br />

road traffic world-wide claims an annual<br />

death toll which equals the population of<br />

large cities.<br />

After an encouraging decline from 1972 to<br />

1976, the total number of road accidents in<br />

the Federal Republic of Cermany rose again<br />

by about l49o from 1976 to 1978; of which<br />

about 5Vo are personal injuries. The 1978<br />

death toll however, following a modest increase<br />

in 1977, was about 6Vo lower than in<br />

1976, i.e. L4,647. These figures should be seen<br />

in context with mileages, which went up about<br />

7.590 from 1976 to 1978. Before the background<br />

of this increase, it may be stated that<br />

the risk of fatal accidents is declining in the<br />

Federal Republic of Cermany-certainly the<br />

result of joint efforts on the part of government,<br />

society, and industry.<br />

Let me now give you a brief outline of some<br />

of the more recent measures and activities in<br />

tlte field of safety in our country.<br />

r Restraint systems (seat belts) have been prescribed<br />

by law fbr all seats in new cars since<br />

May this year. Outward seats immediately<br />

behind windscreens must have three-point<br />

belts at least; for the remaining seats, the<br />

regulation considers Iap belts to be adequate.<br />

We would have welcomed a requirement,<br />

within the European Community, of<br />

three-point belts for outward rear seats.<br />

r Given the further increase in the number of<br />

mopeds and their substantially greater involvement<br />

in accidents with pcrsonal injuries,<br />

the Federal Govcrnment, in June<br />

1978, introduced mandatory crash helmet<br />

use for vehicles of this group faster than 25<br />

km/h; whether this mandatory helmet use<br />

should be extended to include also the<br />

slower range of rnopeds is a matter of current<br />

discussions.<br />


36<br />

r The large-scale test, started in 1974, on the<br />

effccts of a rigid speed Iimit of 130 km/h on<br />

the motor ways versus a recommended<br />

speed guideline of 130 km/h has been completed<br />

meanwhile. The study has shown<br />

that a 130 km/h speed limit will not have a<br />

major adverse effect on the process and<br />

flow of traffic while promising an improvement<br />

in the accident situation as against the<br />

recommended speed guideline. However, in<br />

the overall analysis, i.e. especially allowing<br />

for economic aspects outside the accident<br />

situation, the group of experts carne to the<br />

conclusion that the speed limit might have<br />

to be rejected if particular emphasis were to<br />

be laid on those aspects whereas it was preferable<br />

should the saf'ety aspect be predominant.<br />

Consequently, they could not without<br />

qualification recommend an introduction.<br />

In the Federal Republic of Germany, the<br />

free development of personality is given<br />

high priority, and there is general political<br />

consensus that regimentations should be<br />

limited to cases of irrefutable necessity and<br />

prospects of pronounced success. Special<br />

studies have revealed that a majority of<br />

motorists are against a speed limit on the<br />

motor ways. What the public is particularly<br />

concerned with is the rate of fatal accidents:<br />

a total death toll of about 14,650, about<br />

6.5u/o of which on the motor ways.<br />

Therefore, the Federal Government. in<br />

1978, pcrmanently introduced the recommended<br />

speed guideline. Independently, you<br />

will find local speed restrictions on particularly<br />

dangerous stretches and danger<br />

points; they are also prescribed for wet road<br />

conditions.<br />

The view that the seat belt is of great value<br />

holds unchanged in the Federal Republic,<br />

Mandatory belt use, as you know, bccame<br />

law in 1976; on the other hand. in rhc<br />

Federal Republic, you are not prosecuted<br />

for not wearing the belt. In the spring of<br />

1979, the rates of belt usage were 85o/o for<br />

the motor ways, 67u/o outside towns, and<br />

45slo inside towns. What is worth noting is


the average increase of lslo points from the<br />

spring of 1978 to the same titne in 1979. The<br />

discussion. conducted between the Federal<br />

Government and the governments of the<br />

Bundesldnder, about the introduction of a<br />

penalty for not wearing the belt, is still<br />

undecided. Another positive change of<br />

behavior may be brought about by a judgment<br />

of the Bundesgerichtshof of March<br />

1979, which says that a tnotorist must pay<br />

for any part of his own damage caused by<br />

his failure to wear the belt.<br />

It has been further confirmed that the number<br />

of cases where the belt may possibly<br />

aggravate the effects of an accident is very<br />

small.<br />

The search for new technologies has been<br />

intensifiecl and has been given important<br />

stimuli. Thus, in analogy with the objectives<br />

of the S3E concept, the "Forschungsauto"<br />

The reduction of exhaust gas emission continues<br />

to be a priority issue, mainly by further<br />

development of conventional Otto (controlled<br />

ignition) and Diesel engines. Furthermore,<br />

alternative drive systems, too, are studied<br />

such as gas turbine and electric drive.<br />

In accordance with the objectives of its<br />

environmental program, the Federal Government<br />

has introduced, at EC and ECE<br />

level, proposals for pollutant limits of the<br />

eighties as well as for a modification of the<br />

te$t procedure. These proposals would mean<br />

to a Iarge extent reaching the target of reducing<br />

pollutant emissions to a tenth of the 1969<br />

averages. However, it appears that the position<br />

of the Federal Republic in this matter is<br />

supportecl by few countries only; specially<br />

economic reasons are mentioned. All indications<br />

are, therefore, that the effective date<br />

proposed (1982) cannot be realized'<br />

project was advertised in early 1978, as part of Under a research project that has been<br />

the expansion of the motor vehicles and road going on for some time, the development is<br />

traffic promotion program' This project is an promoted of au advanced lean concept with<br />

attempt to translate the latest state of art as low emission of pollutants, good driveability,<br />

achicved in various fields of autotnotive engi- and Iow fuel consumption.<br />

neering, into integratcd overall concepts of Several research and development projects<br />

test car models. Guidelines are to be pointed are studying the suitability of noble-metal and<br />

out for further research and development. non-noble-metal oxidizing catalysts as a low-<br />

The first stage of thc project, the preparapollutant drive concept for use in Europeatr<br />

tion of specifications and thc design of cars, motor vehicles. There is some hope that catagot<br />

under way in May 1978 with the participa- Iysts will be found which retain their activity<br />

tion of the big German car matrufacturers and up to about 50,000 km even at a lead content<br />

some university institutes. The stage of devel- in the fuel of uP to 0.4 g/lit'<br />

opment will follow in nrid-1979' The results of Measures to limit the pollutant emissions of<br />

development are to be demonstrated in the vehicles with Otto engines as well as of Dicsel<br />

years l98l and 1982. This project is airned at a engines are a legal requirement both in type<br />

passenger car with 30(% average improve- approval and series production supervision.<br />

rnents over a comparable present-day produc- Air quality, however, depends largely on the<br />

tion vehicle in saving energy and resources, in emission properties of vehicles in actual traf-<br />

protecting the environment, in safety, econfic on the road. A simple meaningful method<br />

omy, and efficiencY.<br />

of control is therefore being worked out.<br />

Besides this project, individual schemes are The Federal Government has further con-<br />

promoted whose results are to directly flow tinued its efforts to reduce the noise emission<br />

into the project; for instance, to improve of motor vehicles. Large-scale research proj-<br />

compatibility in collisions and to increase ects are studying the actual noise emissions of<br />

service life (long-life car). This includes vehicles in urban traffic, and prototypes of<br />

studies of the advantages and disadvantages low-noise cars ate being designed in the fore-<br />

of light-alloy bodics.<br />

field of cttcleavors to reduce the EC limit


values. Work for an acoustic optimization of<br />

the enginc gives rise to the expectation that<br />

noise emissions of passenger cars with Otto<br />

engines will be capable of reduction down to<br />

the rolling noise level, by improvements on<br />

the engine itself; the Diesel engine will require<br />

a capsule. Specifically are being developed<br />

cars with body-side capsule and with tight<br />

engine capsule, low-noise lorries of 85-380 PS<br />

power, as well as light mOtorcycles with<br />

throttle-type engines. Further components of<br />

motor vehicles such as gearbox, radiator/fan<br />

system, axle drive, tires and suspension, as<br />

well as the exhaust system are included in the<br />

measures to reduce noise under a demonstration<br />

project.<br />

ln another point-of-main-effort project,<br />

alternative energies for road traffic are being<br />

studied. This project is to run until 1982 and is<br />

concentrated on alcohol and hydrogen technologies<br />

as well as electric traction and hybrid<br />

technology. Top of the agenda is the testing,<br />

close to real life, of the rnost promising concepts<br />

under actual road traffic conditions.<br />

Accompanying studies serve to analyze and<br />

evaluate the energy chain from generation<br />

over distribution, stock-keeping, storage to<br />

the use in the car. These activities in the field<br />

of alternative fuels should also be seen in the<br />

context of emission reduction.<br />

Accident research is intensified continuously.<br />

This is true of the government and its<br />

research assignments but no less of both industry<br />

and the research of the association of<br />

German motor vehicle insurers (HUK). We<br />

should first give prominence here to the activities<br />

of that association: Investigators into<br />

approximately 1,200 acciclents with twowheelers<br />

and, up to now, 3,000 accidents involving<br />

pedestrians, have laid foundations for<br />

accident characteristics and injury risks of<br />

pedestrians and two-wheelers. These studies<br />

are continuously expanded and deepened.<br />

What emerges here are starting points for<br />

possibilities of partner protection by an<br />

optimization of the structure of vehicles even<br />

for pedestrians and two-wheelers. Another objective<br />

of these studies is to analyze not only<br />

the effect ofthe "seat belt" system as such but<br />

also its interaction with the structure of vehicle<br />

depending on the type collision. The material<br />

currently available for this purpose is more<br />

than 1,000 accidents where seat belts were<br />

used, a figure to be nearly doubled by the end<br />

of 1979. Al.so, an accident material of 10,000<br />

passenger car accidents served for compatibility<br />

studies; another study is dealing with<br />

collisions between cars and lorries.<br />

For 1980. the German motor vehicle insurers<br />

are planning new comprehensive evaluations<br />

of more than 50,000 accidents, so that<br />

topical and representative analyses of traffic<br />

safety problems can be carried out in future,<br />

too.<br />

Expansion and deepened analysis have also<br />

been features of research initiated and financed<br />

by the state. The following are but<br />

key-words of research in the field of passive<br />

safety:<br />

. Surveys on the sites of accidents have been<br />

carried out irr tscrlin and Hanover since<br />

1973. Over 1.000 accidents have been analyzed<br />

so far. The results of these efforts are<br />

reported in a large number of publications;<br />

apart from investigations of vehicle passengers,<br />

analyse.s of accidents involving motorcyclists<br />

are of particular importancc.<br />

r In cooperation with European car manufacturers<br />

ancl research institutes both home<br />

and abroad, a Joint Biomechanical<br />

Research Project has beerr set up in the<br />

years since 1977. lts objective is to establish<br />

the correlation of tolerance ancl protection<br />

criteria. Selected accidents (head-on.<br />

lateral, and pedestrian accidents) are<br />

reproduced in cxpensive laboratory tests<br />

with dead bodies and dummies. First results<br />

are going to be presented at this conference.<br />

r Injuries of persons using belts were analyzed<br />

carefully in several stages. As a result,<br />

the probability of the belt worsening the ef'fects<br />

of an accident is about l9o. From the<br />

engineering point of view, it is generally felt<br />

that further improvements in the seat belt

and in the interaction between the belt and<br />

the vehicle are possible and should be<br />

implemented. These efforts are to be aimed<br />

also at the function of vehicle seats and. in<br />

particular, at a further mitigation of the<br />

passenger compartment.<br />

r As far as the air-bag is concerned, it is still<br />

agreed that it canrlot replace the belt. Further<br />

research and design efforts will have to<br />

show just how important the air-bag may<br />

become as a supplementary system in addition<br />

to the belt.<br />

The research of the German car industry<br />

will be discussed in detail at this conference.<br />

Therefore it may suffice here to make a few<br />

brief rernarks.<br />

r After extensive preparatory work, the system<br />

of automatic anti-locking is now ready<br />

for series production; it can be expected to<br />

make an important contribution to active<br />

'<br />

safety.<br />

r The behavior of passenger<br />

cars with singleaxle<br />

trailcrs is another focus of research.<br />

Proposals have been worked out for a<br />

standard European definition of braked<br />

and unbraked axle loads.<br />

I Special investigations have been conducted<br />

for the Calspan Research Safety Vehicle.<br />

r Since 1976, a large-scale research project<br />

has been studying "man as driver," the<br />

stress he experiences from the transfer of<br />

visual and auditive informatiotr.<br />

r For vehicles with a gross weight rating of<br />

over 3.5 tons, preparatory work has been<br />

made to create the basis for reqr.rirements<br />

on the anchorage of seat belts and for the<br />

design certification of belts and the injuryreducing<br />

design of passenger compartments.<br />

r In a fundamental investigation a model for<br />

the execution of cost/benefit studies in the<br />

ficld of'traffic safety was developed.<br />

This picture of the research efforts in the<br />

Federal RepLrblic of Gertnany would not be<br />


39<br />

complete without a reference to the growing<br />

coopcration of all research institutions and<br />

rescarch-promoting agencies. Sittce tlte last<br />

<strong>ESV</strong> conference in particular, the interaction<br />

between government, industry, insurance<br />

companies, and universities has become<br />

markedly close and, consequently, more<br />

effective.<br />

Let me conclude with a few words about<br />

the issue of the harmonization of regulations.<br />

We are starting from the assumption that the<br />

necessity of harmonizing regulations for the<br />

design of motor vehicles, trailers, and vehicle<br />

components, given the world-wide trade of<br />

these products and the increasing assimilation<br />

of traffic conditions, is widely accepted and<br />

that, in the long run, such harmonization will<br />

be in the interest of all of us. So we especially<br />

welcome the statement made by the representatives<br />

of the United States of America within<br />

the EDE, that the NHTSA will endeavor in<br />

future to closely cooperate with the European<br />

authorities in those areas which provide good<br />

prospects for harmonization; especially in<br />

those fields where new regulations are to be<br />

issued.<br />

As objectives for the future, we feel the<br />

following should be considered:<br />

r Exchange of new research results, such as in<br />

the areas of passenger protection, lateral<br />

collision, test dutntny design.<br />

r Convergence of requirements and test<br />

methods.<br />

r Early information about new plans for regulations<br />

and modifications.<br />

With great inter€st we are looking forward<br />

to the 7th <strong>ESV</strong> conference and the treatment<br />

of the conflict of objectives, more or less unsolved<br />

so far, between the safety requirements<br />

and the necessity to make full use of all capa'<br />

bilities for saving energy. Because this conflict<br />

of objectives, currently and presumably for a<br />

long time to come, is overshadowing other<br />

objectives, we think that it is one of the<br />

important tasks of this conference to preserve<br />

the due place for the call for safety.<br />

J<br />



Status Repoil of the United Kingdom<br />

J. W. FURNESS<br />

Director/Chief Mechanical Engineer, TFIBL<br />

Department of the Environment*Department of<br />

Transport<br />

Since the last <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erence in 1976 the<br />

United Kingdom has continued with its vehicle<br />

safety work in collaboration with other European<br />

countries. This has taken place with due<br />

regard to the need lor light weight, low cost<br />

vehicles which have low cnergy demands and<br />

are environmentally acceptable.<br />

Many accidents and injuries could be<br />

avoided or minirnized by road or traffic improvements<br />

or by greater skill or care on the<br />

part of road users. Clearly road safety education,<br />

training and publicity all have a part to<br />

play and in Britain these aspects are not overlooked.<br />

Speed limits and enforcement are also<br />

important factors. But since the design and<br />

construction of vehicles have such a considerable<br />

influence on the severity of injuries it is<br />

right to consider whether these can be improved<br />

to enhance road safety. This <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

affords a useful opportunity to exchange<br />

knowledge on this subject.<br />

In Britain the national accident statistics<br />

show that most injuries concern pedestrians in<br />

collision with cars, car occupants in single<br />

vehicle accidents and car occupants in car,/car<br />

collisions. Motorcycles in collision with cars<br />

and in single vehicle accidents are showing an<br />

increasing trend in injury accidents. A more<br />

detailed study of the 1977 injury data together<br />

with an explanation of current accident investigation<br />

work in Britain will be given later this<br />

week in the accident investisation and data<br />

seminar.<br />

The various other UK papers to be considered<br />

at the Technical Sessions are mainly<br />

related to these more frequent types of acci-<br />

dents. For example an in depth study of<br />

pedestrian injuries is reported and suggestions<br />

are made on how to minimize such injuries by<br />

improving the fronts of cars. A possible<br />

design of soft energy absorbing bonnet and<br />

front of car is given.<br />

Other papers concern side impact problems<br />

involving cars which continue to be a major<br />

type of accident throughout the world. Special<br />

and urgent attention should be given to the<br />

development of a suitable regulation on this<br />

subject because of its good potential for<br />

reducing injuries. A British proposal for using<br />

a small rigid faced mobile barrier is described.<br />

Energy absorbing padding is considered necessary<br />

for cars whether or not the occupants<br />

are using their restraint systems. A study of<br />

accidents has indicated that ejection of car<br />

occupants in side impact collisions is not<br />

unusual and the international Regulation concerning<br />

door latches and hinges needs to be<br />

changed to ensure that the door and body<br />

structure are taken into account to prevent<br />

inadvertent door opening in such accidents.<br />

A great deal of effort has been given to<br />

frontal irnpact testing of current production<br />

cars. The 30" angled impact tcst into a barrier<br />

seems to relatc closely to many types of road<br />

accidents. A speed of impact of 55*60 kph<br />

(approximately 38 mph) seerns more appropriate<br />

than the 50 kph (approximately 30<br />

mph) flontal irnpact tesl at 90' but much will<br />

depend on thc human tolerance levels chosen<br />

for the restrained durnmics used in the tesrs.<br />

If the 30' angled barrier test is eventually<br />

adopted internationally it will be necessary to<br />

consider the future ofl the perpendicular test.<br />

In our judgment both tests will be necessary<br />

but the perpendicular test should be improved<br />

to ensure that the steering column of the irnpacted<br />

car always yields in real accidents and<br />

that the steering wheel center is sufficiently<br />

large to minimize chest injuries. Accident<br />

investigations have shown that where a driver

is not wearing his belt or it is not properly<br />

fitted the energy absorbing steering column<br />

jams and so fails to collapse as intended.<br />

Clearly the problems of how to ensure compatibility<br />

of car fronts atrd car sides of different<br />

makcs and models become more difficult<br />

if both pedestrians and car occupants are to<br />

be considered. <strong>Int</strong>ernational standards or<br />

legislation may be necessary to achieve a<br />

reasonable degree of compatibility.<br />

The use of modern dummies in vehicles for<br />

the 30" angled impact type of barrier test has<br />

shown that the results are not always repeatable<br />

even though the tests are identical. Progress<br />

towards safer cars will be delayed unless a<br />

more realistic dummy becomes readily available<br />

internationally. Also there is a need to<br />

improve the dummy setting up procedure.<br />

The UK is aware that research into these subjects<br />

is proceeding but we are far from optimistic<br />

that an acceptable dummy specification<br />

will emerge. Perhaps closer collaboration between<br />

USA and Europe is necessary through<br />

the United Natiolts C)rganization if this subject<br />

is to reach a satisfactory conclusion in the<br />

near future. The UK is prepared to collaborate<br />

closcly in any worthwhile study of the<br />

problem.<br />

For side impact tests there is also an urgent<br />

need for a suitable dumtny specification and<br />

setting up procedures. These are being studied<br />

in Europe (EEC). However progress is not as<br />

rapid as we would like.<br />

My comments so far have related mainly to<br />

cars where major injury reductions are possible.<br />

But accident injuries involve other<br />

classes of vehicles. <strong>One</strong> particular class which<br />

has increased considerably in numhers in<br />

recent years is the motorcycle. Further increases<br />

in motorcycle casualties are likely<br />

unless vigorous countermeasures are adopted.<br />

In the exhibits at this <strong>Conf</strong>crence the UK is<br />

showing its ESMI motorcycle. A paper will be<br />

presented which shows possible ways of improving<br />

the safety of such vehicles including<br />

brake developments and leg protection devices.<br />

There is also a suggested method for im-<br />


proving the trajectory of the rider in frontal<br />

collisions and important suggestions are made<br />

for improving the cotrspicuity of the rider and<br />

machine. Lack of conspicuity is a factor in<br />

about 3090 of the accidents involving these<br />

vehicles.<br />

Other technical contributions from Britain<br />

include improvements in the braking and<br />

braking stability of commercial vehicles and<br />

developments concerning underride guard<br />

protective devices for these vehicles. There is a<br />

paper from a user organization about safety<br />

features of cars which are Irot covered by<br />

legislation. The newly developed Triplex<br />

10/20 thin laminated windscreen is now in<br />

production. A second versiort of the Dunlop<br />

Denovo tire is available to provide additional<br />

saf'ety for vehicle users.<br />

Work on the strength of passenger coaches<br />

has been carried out in Britain in an attempt<br />

to minimize the dangers of roof collapse in<br />

overturning accidents. The strength of the<br />

coach seat mountings has also been investigated<br />

and designs for minimizing breakage in<br />

frontal impacts have been finalized. Seat belts<br />

have been fitted to a limited number of<br />

coaches but these have beerr subsequently<br />

removed because of lack of use by the<br />

passengers.<br />

This review is not comprehensive but attempts<br />

to set out the general situation on vehicle<br />

safety clevelopments in Britain during the<br />

past 2-3 years. We are disappointed at the<br />

lack of progress with internatiotral legislation<br />

to help rninimize injuries to pedestrians atrd to<br />

occupants of cars iuvolved in side impacts. It<br />

is hopcd that rapid progress catr be made on<br />

these topics in the next year or so. As I have<br />

said there is an urgent need for an international<br />

collaborative effort to develop an<br />

acceptable dumtny specificatiorr wltich gives<br />

repeatable results in angled impact barrier<br />

tests.<br />

The collaborative efforts in testing cars and<br />

motorcycles carried out between USA and<br />

United Kingdom has been useful and constructive.

Status Report of France<br />


Director<br />

Transportation Research lnstitute<br />

Covernment subsidized research in the context<br />

of a program called "Programmed Thematic<br />

Activities-Vchicle Safety" started in<br />

France in 1971.<br />

ldeas from various sources were solicited<br />

on five different occasions, most recently in<br />

January l97tt. Thirty-eight million francs of<br />

public funds have been earmarked for this<br />

project. Sixty research contracts were approved;<br />

one half have been completed and<br />

approximately 30 are underway.<br />

As a reminder I would like to mention the<br />

amounts allocated to some of the large questions:<br />

r "phototheque"-6<br />

million francs<br />

. synthesis vehicles-3.35 million francs<br />

r development of a tractor trailer truck with<br />

improved stability to prevent overturning-<br />

3.35 million francs<br />

With the development of the synthesis vehicle,<br />

"Programmed Thematic Activities" has<br />

reached an important stage in its development<br />

in the area of' the private automobile. The<br />

actual development of the synthesis vehicle<br />

could be undertaken only after an initial predevelopmental<br />

stage, during which we were<br />

ablc to determine the best methods of evaluating<br />

ancl increasing our technological knowhow.<br />

The first French experimental safety<br />

vehicles wcre the B.R.V. Renaulr and the 1974<br />

V.S,S. Peugeot, certain leatures of which<br />

have already been incorporated in mass produced<br />

vehicles.<br />

The synthesis vehicles introduced today<br />

should make it possible to modify the lightestweight<br />

cars by using the technical solurions<br />

reached during previous stages. This will be<br />

necessary for the adoption of regulations<br />

applicable to all cars. On the basis of the results<br />

obtained, it was necessary to demonstrate<br />

both the technical and economic t'easi-<br />


bility of a small car that performed better with<br />

respect to secondary safety and yet remained<br />

acceptable from the cost/benefit perspective<br />

while its other performancc remained unchanged<br />

(road holding qualities, fuel consumption,<br />

etc.).<br />

The development of the two prototypes by<br />

French manufacturers, carried out through<br />

Government research assistance contracts,<br />

constitutes in our opinion an important step<br />

forward and is the result of years of cffbrt and<br />

research. Because these vehicles are practical<br />

examples, thcy have confirmed the validity of<br />

a systematic, methodological, and ongoing<br />

approach.<br />

A similar effort must be made for trucks<br />

and two-wheeled vehicles. In this respect, it is<br />

essential that a number of participants from<br />

outside the automobile industry be involved<br />

in research. It is now possihle to measure the<br />

progress made since our re$earch results have<br />

become an important factor in prescribing<br />

policy for regulations.<br />

A slide presentation will illustrate, better<br />

than a long speech, the results of our work in<br />

France.<br />





Progress in vehicle technology is one of the<br />

major factors in improving road safety. Thus,<br />

the French Government has decided to promote<br />

industrial and laboratory research in the<br />

context of Programmed Thematic Activities<br />

concerning vehicle safety. The Institule of<br />

Transportation Research, assisted by a Scientific<br />

Cornmittee, defines the priority research<br />

areas and contacts members of the profession,<br />

that is, industry, engineering firms and research<br />

laboratories, to solicit ideas. The Institute<br />

then approves research assistance contract.s<br />

and ensures their implementation. The<br />

Covernment usually subsidizes 50go of the

program costs, and the contractors are re'<br />

sponsible for the remaining 500/0.<br />

All research is concerned with accident prevention,<br />

which we call Primary Safety, and<br />

ways of affording greater protection to occu^<br />

pants once an accident has occurred, which<br />

we call Seconclary Safety. This research<br />

focuses on private autornobiles, as well as<br />

trucks and two-wheeled vehicles.<br />

Initially, researclt was aimed trasically at the<br />

private automobile. <strong>One</strong> of the objectives was<br />

the improvement of visibility, especially at<br />

night, which is an itnportant safety factor.<br />

Several devices were designed and developed<br />

to this end:<br />

r a non-glare rear view mirror<br />

r a mechanism to allow a gradual switching<br />

frorn high beatns to low beams to avoid the<br />

"black hole" or unlighted area that occurs<br />

the momcnt before two vchicles pass each<br />

other<br />

Another objective was the development of<br />

driving aids;<br />

I a governor to improve the respect of speed<br />

limits,<br />

r devices to encourage more frequent wearing<br />

of seatbelts,<br />

r a means to warn drivers of collision risks<br />

through the use of radar detectors,<br />

r a way of spotting that drivers are becoming<br />

less alert because of fatigue,<br />

r and, in a more general way, devices that<br />

monitor the good mechanical condition of<br />

the vehicle.<br />

Most of the research to date has focused on<br />

secondary safetY.<br />

We shall go into detail on some pertinent<br />

data in order to have a better understanding<br />

of real accidents. By obtaining information at<br />

the accident site, we can establish an accident<br />

file including: a description of the accident, a<br />

report on the type and severity of injuries sustained<br />

by the occupants, a I'eport on the deformations<br />

of the car's structure.<br />

Moreover, it is trecessary to determine the<br />

importancc and severity of every kind of collision<br />

in the whole spectrum of accidents' Thus,<br />


43<br />

the "black boxest' were developed to register<br />

speed arrd accelerations at the moment of impact.<br />

It is also necessary to analyze structural<br />

deformations iu real accidents in ordcr to<br />

compare them with the results of impact tests<br />

on cars against standardized obstacles. This<br />

method is called "phototheque."<br />

Finally, we are trying to get a better understanding<br />

of thc human body's tolerance to impact.<br />

We can increase our knowledge of biomechanics<br />

by performing tests on models representing<br />

the hutnan body. It was therefore<br />

possible to modify the dummy being used at<br />

that tinte, by developing, for example, a<br />

dummy's head that would allow us to cvaluate<br />

facial lesions.<br />

Specific analyses during impact on how side<br />

rail type structures of the automobile were<br />

aff'ecteci rlake it possible to establish:<br />

. optimal types of defortnation,<br />

. results of impact speed,<br />

. effects of foam fill.<br />

Finally, research is being carried out on the<br />

possibility of using spccial grades of steel or<br />

composite materials.<br />

We shall refer to frontal impact and lateral<br />

impact, and then study the protection afforded<br />

to persons outside the vchicle: two-wttcclcd<br />

vehicle riders and pedestrians.<br />

In the study of frontal inrpact, a twofbld<br />

approach is used:<br />

r the theoretical approach that studies the<br />

problem by preparing mathematical models<br />

. of the car's structure.<br />

'r the experimental approach that, based on<br />

data obtained frotn simulations in crash<br />

tcsts, ittdicates tlte itrrprovelnellts to be<br />

made on the front end.<br />

Thus:<br />

r the deformation of the front end is progratnmc-cl<br />

Lry pinpointing the rupture<br />

points, iu markittg the side panels;<br />

r reinforcements are added behind the<br />

wheels;<br />

r and longitudinal supports are installed at<br />

door level.

These changes should lead to a maximum<br />

deformation of the front end during impact,<br />

while leaving the passenger compartmcnt intact.<br />

There is therefore a need to study occupant<br />

restraint, once again by using a twofold<br />

approach:<br />

r theoretical, with the help of mathematical<br />

models of occupant restraint,<br />

r ancl experimental, by doing bench tests on<br />

dummies to measure biomechanical parameters.<br />

With respect to the seatbelt, the main component<br />

in the restraint of occupants in frontal<br />

impact, several improvements are possible:<br />

r increasing the width of the strap to lessen<br />

pressure on the thorax,<br />

r developing a pressure gauge to ensure gradual<br />

rcstraint,<br />

r finding a better anchoring position of the<br />

seatbelt and the seat,<br />

r reducing the play that exists between the<br />

strap and the occupant's thorax to make<br />

the restraint system more efficient, for examplc,<br />

by using pyrotechnic devices,<br />

r finally, developing an inflatahle hclt that<br />

better distributes pressure on the thorax.<br />

As to the dashboard, it is possible to make<br />

the parts that might strike the occupant less<br />

aggressive:<br />

r by installing a retractable, telescopic steering<br />

column to prevent the hackward thrust<br />

of the steering wheel,<br />

r by installing a deformable trigger catch<br />

along the interior crossbeam,<br />

. by modifying the rigid parts of the steering<br />

wheel ancl dashboard,<br />

. by reducing the aggressiveness of the windshield.<br />

A new arrangement of the interior of the<br />

vehicle has been conceived to protect unrestrained<br />

occupants in low speed impacts. A<br />

seat providing added safety for children was<br />

studied.<br />

In the lateral collision study, the use of<br />

mathematical models is less hclpful than in<br />

the case of' frontal impacts. Therefore, we<br />


44<br />

proceed in an experimental way by doing carto-car<br />

latcral impact tests. ln this way, we obtain<br />

the basic parameters playing a role in this<br />

type of impact, which point to some stanclard<br />

improvemcnts:<br />

I strsnglSsning the lateral $tructures ro reduce<br />

the intrusion of the impacting vehicles,<br />

r installing protective padding inside the<br />

doors.<br />

Finally, there is the problem of the compatibility<br />

between the structural improvements<br />

made in the case of fiontal impact and<br />

their eff'ects in lateral impact.<br />

We are also trying to improve the protection<br />

af'forded persons or.rt^side thc vehicle. Impact<br />

tests were done on two-whccled vehicles<br />

and on pedcstrians. The results af thes€ te$;ts<br />

may be corroborated by a rnathematical moclcl<br />

in the case of pedestrians.<br />

The resulting improvements involve primarily<br />

a reduction of the aggrcssiveness of the<br />

hood and of thc windshield in relarion to the<br />

head.<br />

These sectorial studies naturally give some<br />

idea of a riynthesis vehicle, derivecl from existing<br />

models among thc medium sized cars. lt<br />

must aflbrd a level of protection del.ined by a<br />

set of specifications. The devclopment of prototypes<br />

hy French manufacturer$ aims ar<br />

proving the technical and economic feasibility<br />

of thc cars with the best pcrformance with<br />

respect to secondary safcty and at providing<br />

guidance in the choice of future regulatory<br />

measures.<br />

As concerns trucks, the main concerns with<br />

respect to primary salety are improving braking<br />

and, more reL-ently, improving the,rtability<br />

to prcvcnt rollover. This study will lead to the<br />

development o1 a tractor trailer truck with<br />

much greater stability. The problcm has been<br />

greatly sirnplified by a mathernarical rnoclel<br />

that helps to dcfine the parameters to be<br />

moclified.<br />

In the area of secondary safety, the improvement<br />

of occupant protection has also<br />

been studied. This has pointed to the neecl of<br />

increasing the resistance of the cab in collisions<br />

against fixed obstacles or between

trucks. Finally, it has proven necessary to protect<br />

other vehicles by installing shock absorbing<br />

devices especially on the front end of<br />

trucks.<br />

To date only one study has been done on<br />

two-wheeled vehicles on the improvement of<br />

the protective features of the helmet. Research<br />

was done based on experiments aimcd at<br />

determining the tolerance of the head to<br />

impacts.<br />

ln developing synthesis vehicles, "Programmed<br />

Thematic Activities" has reached a<br />


45<br />

decisive stage in the area of the individual<br />

automobile. A similar effort must still be<br />

made for trucks and two-wheeled vehicles. To<br />

this end, it is desirable that many participants<br />

from outside the automobile world play a role<br />

in diversifying the research approaches to<br />

improve vehicle safety. We can state at this<br />

time that "Programmed Thematic Activities"<br />

is serving an important function in road safety,<br />

since the results of its work up to now are a<br />

basic factor in defining regulations for future<br />


<strong>Int</strong>roductory Remarks<br />

Dr. F. Rhoeds Stephenson, <strong>Conf</strong>erence Technical Chairman, Unlted Statee<br />


<strong>Conf</strong>erence Technical Chairman<br />

United States<br />

I am Rhoads Stephenson, Associate Administrator<br />

for Research and Development of<br />

the National Highway Safety Administration'<br />

I welcome you to the opening Technical Session<br />

of the 7th <strong>Int</strong>ernational Experimental<br />

Safety Vehicle <strong>Conf</strong>erence. This session<br />

covers several vehicles which have been developed<br />

ancl tested over the past few years' It is<br />

of such importance that we scheduled it without<br />

parallel sessions, so that all of you could<br />

participate. There will be six other technical<br />

sessions over the next two days on specific<br />

aspects of vehicle safety' However, today's<br />

emphasis is on the systems level-the total integrated<br />

vehicle.<br />

This morning we have papers by Renault,<br />

Peugeot, and Volkswagen; an experimental<br />

safety motorcycle presented by the United<br />

Kingdom; and papers on the two United<br />

States sponsored research safety vehicles'<br />

These vehicles have completed their phase<br />

three development, and are now entering the<br />

phase four testing period which is being conducted<br />

under international cooperative agree'<br />

ments. The Calspan/Chrysler car is further<br />

along in its testing phase, and preliminary test<br />

results on that car will be presented in the<br />

afternoon session.<br />

There are two changes in today's program.<br />

The paper by Volvo will not be given. Due to<br />

a mistake, they were given inadequate notification<br />

and time to prepare their paper. I apologize<br />

for that oversight' In the afternoon session<br />

there is also a change' The paper by the<br />

Unitecl Kingdom on the frontal impact testing<br />

of the Calspan vehicle will not be presented.<br />

Because of schedule delays outside of their<br />

control, these tests have not been completed<br />

and will have to be presented at a later date.<br />

We will now proceed to the presentations. I<br />

ask that you make notes of any questions or<br />

comments and hold those until the discussion<br />

period at the end of this morning's session.<br />

Will the authors of each of the papers<br />

please remain in the front of the room- After<br />

the last paper has been presented, I will ask all<br />

the authors to come up and sit at the front<br />

table. We will then accept guestions or comments<br />

from the floor.<br />


Peugeot 104 Safety Vehicle<br />


Head, Safety Research Department<br />

Peugeot<br />



CRISIS<br />

At the 5th lnternational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

on Experimental Vehicles in 1974, the<br />

E.E.V.C. put forward the objectives of the<br />

next generation of safety rules.<br />

These objectives, based on information<br />

from accident studies and on the results of<br />

laboratory tests, were expressecl no longer in<br />

terms of the limitation of def ormation, but in<br />

terms of "protection criteria" measured on<br />

dummies in crashes representativc of real accidents.<br />

A year and a half later, in December<br />

1975, the E.E.C. adopted rhe conclusions of<br />

the E.E.V.C. as the main points of the future<br />

European Rules on the protection of occupants.<br />

ln the meantime, the crisis in November<br />

1973 has completely altered the economic<br />

situation, changing prospects and priorities.<br />

Petrol has become scarce and its basic price<br />

has quadrupled; the cost of other raw materials<br />

is evolving fast. Crowth rates have suddenly<br />

slowed down; the demand for vehicles<br />

which had been growing at I09o annually, has<br />

become less regular and the average annual<br />

growth rate is much smaller.<br />

And yet road traffic, after faltering in 1974,<br />

has begun to grow again, less quickly but<br />

regularly all the same. Accidents entailing<br />

bodily harm and the number of iniurecl have<br />


275,000<br />

,.t----.<br />

.,r' I<br />

250.000<br />

,/r--<br />

7'se8,ooo<br />

353,000<br />

16,200<br />

|<br />

--._.- |<br />

258.oo0<br />

-!'-..--d---_'r<br />

I--<br />

353,000<br />

I<br />

.,rr*""<br />

1971 1972 1973 1974<br />

-<br />

Fuel consumption<br />

Road accidents<br />

I njuries<br />

.. ...... Dead<br />

r975 1976 1977 191A<br />

Fuel consumption,<br />

accidgnt number,<br />

accident severity<br />

evolution from 1971<br />

to 1977<br />

not followed this progression; they have<br />

diminished slowly whilst the number of people<br />

killed in road accidents has diminished<br />

considerably.<br />

This improvement of road safety is of<br />

course due to measures taken by the Administration,<br />

to the improvements made to<br />

cars and road.s, and also no doubt to changes<br />

in the mentality and habits of drivers, who<br />

have no doubt listened to the lessons of the<br />

road safety campaigns that have been organized<br />

for them.<br />

Today we must prepare economies of energy<br />

for the future, which means finding ways of<br />

reducing consurnption considerably, but at<br />

the same time we must continue to improve<br />

safety.<br />

The role of the VLS lM is first to propose<br />

solutions, to c-hcck thcir cffcctiveness and

their cost, and above all to allow the choice of<br />

the best measures; in no case will it be possible<br />

to adopt all the solutions asscttrtrled in the<br />

VLS. They could togcther weigh and cost too<br />

much.<br />

But we shall have to choose among them<br />

those which most improve safety without<br />

jeopardizing the necessary reductions in<br />

weight without irnposing on society unacceptable<br />

extra costs.<br />

In our opinion, that is the usefulness of the<br />

VLS.<br />


For the implications of the results obtained<br />

to be generally valid, the study has been made<br />

on a srnall, widely sold car.<br />

The vehicle mu.st be one that can be registered<br />

as a 1980 model particularly as far as exhaust<br />

control, noise, and salety in general are<br />

concerned.<br />

According to the terms of the contract this<br />

vehicle must protect its occupants in the following<br />

cases:<br />

r frontal irnpact at 55 kph against a fixed rigid<br />

wall at an angle of 30 degrees to the trajectory<br />

of the vehicle,<br />

lateral impact with a car of similar type with<br />

impact at 50 kph and at 90o, when the vehicle<br />

is standing,<br />

rear impact at 35 kph caused by a moving<br />

flat rigid barrier weighing ll00 kilos'<br />

roll over at 50 kph.<br />

Non-opening of doors on imPact<br />

Possibility of opening at least one door by<br />

hand rAri+h^r rt tnnlq<br />

Po$sibility of extractlng the dummies in one piece<br />

after impact without tools ..<br />

No total ejection and at no time the uppermemberg<br />

stuck between the vehicle and the ground<br />

No unlocking of the seat f ixtures<br />


The required performances for each type of<br />

impact are set out in the chart below'<br />

The vehicle must be modified to improve<br />

the protection of the pedestrian: the first conclusions<br />

will be drawn from this study and the<br />

test results.<br />

All these performances must be obtained<br />

without significantly aff'ecting the fundamental<br />

characteristics of the vehicle:<br />

. road handling,<br />

r internal and external dimensions,<br />

. performance,<br />

r fuel consumption.<br />

Despite the precautions taken to ensure effective<br />

and light solutions, the modifications<br />

on the VLS when put together would lead to<br />

an additional 10Vo in weight, lower no doubt<br />

than the increase with <strong>ESV</strong>S, but too great, as<br />

we have alrcady stated, in the context of the<br />

present crisis.<br />

Choice of the Basic Vehicle<br />

The vehicle chosen is a Peugeot 104.<br />

It is a small saloon-car measuring 3'48 m in<br />

overall lcttgth, capable of transporting 4 to 5<br />

passengers and weighing 780 kilos when ready<br />

to drive.<br />

It has four side doors and a fifth door at the<br />

rear. The back seat can be folded forward in<br />

order to increase the size of the luggage compartment<br />

if necessarY.<br />

The 104 has front wheel drive, driven by a<br />

transversely mounted engine. The 1I24 cm3<br />


IMPACT<br />

a<br />

t<br />

a<br />

I<br />

a<br />

a<br />

t<br />

a<br />


IMPACT<br />

a<br />

a<br />

a<br />

I<br />

t<br />

a<br />

I<br />

BOLL<br />

OVER<br />

I<br />

t<br />

I<br />

a<br />

a<br />

a<br />

REAR<br />

IMPACT<br />

o t<br />

I<br />

I<br />

t<br />

I<br />

I<br />


engine develops 57 hp at 6000 rpm, and 7.8<br />

mdaN at 3000 rpm.<br />

There is independent suspension on all four<br />

wheels.<br />



The vehicle presented, known as the VLS<br />

10,4-light safety vehicle-was conceived on<br />

the basis of the 104 and has kept all its essential<br />

characteristics. The major modifications<br />

involve the structure of the vehicle and the<br />

protection devices necessary to allow the effects<br />

of each type of impact.<br />

Conception of the Frontal lmpact<br />

It is not generally accepted that the most<br />

representative of frontal crashes on the road is<br />

the so-called 30" impact.<br />

The choice of the test speed at impact is<br />

essential because it is that speed which determines<br />

the amount of energy concerned that is<br />

the size of the structures and the type of<br />

restraint system.<br />

AV km/h<br />

80<br />

70<br />

BO<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

o<br />


For the sake of this contract, the speed was<br />

fixed at 55 kph, that is l0o/o more than the rest<br />

speed at pre.sent prescribed; this means 20go<br />

more energy to be absorbed at each deformation,<br />

According to the accident analysis made by<br />

the Peugeot-Renault Association, it is at this<br />

speed that 93Vo of all people injured receive<br />

their injuries, and 74u/s are killed and seriously<br />

injured whereas at 50 kph the figures are<br />

respectively 90% and 6090.<br />

Frontal Structure<br />

The energy of a frontal impact is dissipated<br />

by the gradual deformation of structural elements<br />

working in compression and placed at<br />

two levels:<br />

r at underframe level, the lower forward<br />

crossmember distributes the load over the<br />

engine cradle and the lower rails of the<br />

wheel panel; the compression load is transmitted<br />

to the bottom runner.s under the forward<br />

part of the f'loor and linked at the rear<br />

to the side members by means of the crossnnember<br />

under the front seat,

. at waistline level, the load is applied to the<br />

reinforcement ol' the wheelhouse, resting<br />

directly on the beams set above the fiont<br />

and rear doors.<br />

The steering-column mounting has been<br />

modified to reduce the strains caused by the<br />

rear-ward movement of the toeboard.<br />

Special arrangements have been made to<br />

facilitate the opening of at least one door per<br />

row of seats (door-frame reinforced; doors<br />

Ant i-eggressiveness<br />

cross.member<br />


51<br />

D ETAI L "4"<br />

Cross bar<br />

DETATL<br />

,,8,' chamf ered<br />

exrernar oanel<br />

Hinge<br />

red ucing-play<br />

Hinge reducing play

strengthened; crossbars placed in the pillars;<br />

measures taken to reduce play and chamfered<br />

external panels).<br />

Protection l)evices<br />

The protection of occupants at front and<br />

rear is assured by automatic three point seat<br />

belts. Because of the additional 2090 of energy,<br />

it has power necessary to stiffen the strap reducing<br />

its elongation rate to 690.<br />

To avoid pressure on the thorax above that<br />

which the human body can tolerate, a load<br />

limiting mechanism has been devised made up<br />


52<br />

of a torque bar placed between the axis of the<br />

retractor and the retractor box.<br />

In the front seats, the buckle is fixed on the<br />

seat to allow the correct positioning of the<br />

pelvic part of the strap, whatever the size of<br />

the occupant.<br />

In the rear seats there is a special device<br />

which has been developed to obtain sufficient<br />

verticalization of the pelvic strap (some 60o),<br />

whilst making sure that the rear seat can be<br />

maneuvered easily.<br />

The windscreen, stuck to its frame, is a<br />

Securiflex one; this Securiflex is made up of

L<br />

four layers, one of which-on the inner<br />

side-consists of a layer of plastic to reduce<br />

the risk of cuts from flying glass.<br />

Results for l'rontal ImPact<br />

The results obtained during sled tests at<br />

55 kph are satisfactorY.<br />


Head l.y-|. ,. (9)<br />

Thorax l7l, *"<br />

(g)<br />

Abdominal criterion<br />


Head HIC<br />

Thorax ltl3ms (g)<br />

w<br />


Front<br />

Rear<br />

Hybrid ll 50th percentile<br />

50th percentile f emale<br />

Driver R L R<br />

62<br />

52<br />

0<br />

I<br />

Femur load F (daN) F<br />

Abdominal criterion<br />

o4<br />

40<br />

0<br />

72<br />

52<br />

0<br />

Hybrid ll<br />

50th percentile<br />

Driver R<br />

858<br />

56<br />

120<br />

660<br />

0<br />

84<br />

48<br />

0<br />

806<br />

46<br />

400<br />

120<br />

0<br />

The testing of frontal impact at 59 kph on a<br />

converted vehicle also gave satisfactory<br />

results.<br />

For Rear lmpact<br />

The structure of the VLS 104 is reinforced<br />

by two small rails running beneath the rear<br />

part of the floor. The petrol tank is protected<br />

by a structural frame inside the rear axle,<br />

which rests on the side rails of the underbody.<br />

ln the case of rear impact, the protection of<br />

the occupants in both front and rear is assured<br />

by means of seat backs and head rests; for the<br />

Reer exl6 resting<br />

- f, T.-,-.-.-,J--<br />

- rl-)i+---r-<br />


ear seats the head rests are fixed to the upper<br />

cross member of the rear window so as to<br />

allow the seat to be folded forward.<br />

Results<br />

The results measured on 50th percentile<br />

male dummies in the front and 5th percentile<br />

female ones in the back can be seen below.<br />

No fuel leak was observed either during nor<br />

after the test at 35 kph.<br />

For Lateral lmpact<br />

Researching into this type of impact is a<br />

relatively recent practice; as a result the<br />

choice of test procedures based on real accident<br />

conditions has not been universally agreed<br />

upon.<br />

Information Gleaned From<br />

Accident Analyses<br />

To improve protection in cases of lateral<br />

impact, it is necessary to reduce the speed<br />

35 km/h rear<br />

crash flat rigid<br />

moving barrier<br />

1100 kg<br />

Head lTls." (g)<br />

Hyperextension<br />

Thorax l7l,,n" (o)<br />

Pelvis l7l,,.,.', (O)<br />


variation which the occupant is subjected to<br />

on impact.<br />

This speed variation for the occupant on<br />

impact, which characterizes the gravity of the<br />

accident, is closely related to the inner panel<br />

speed at the time when the occupant hits it.<br />

This speed variation for the occupant is<br />

often far greater (more than 5090) than that<br />

for the vehicle which is hit, particularly in<br />

cases where impact leads to intrusion.<br />

Our first task was therefore to reduce inner<br />

panel speed.<br />

Reducing Inner Panel Speed<br />

The means used for the VLS are as follows:<br />

. the structure of the passenger<br />

compartment<br />

has been reinforced.<br />

- the floor has been strengthened by three<br />

transverse members with strong cross<br />

section inertia. on which the rails of the<br />

underbody, itself reinforced, rest;<br />

- the resistance of the side wall has been<br />

improved by a central roll bar; the doors<br />

Front occupants<br />

Hybrid ll<br />

50th percentile<br />

Rear passengers<br />

5th percentile<br />

female<br />

Driver Occupant L R<br />

17<br />

*HlEl<br />

f,?<br />

t4<br />

Fatal cases 50-60% 20-30% 15-25%<br />

Any ddqree<br />

of severity<br />

60-700/" 15-250/, 10.20%<br />

Distribution of side impacts by type of obstacle.<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Location of impact point in car to car collision.<br />

E aV vehicte<br />

B VT occupant<br />

90 degrees 50 km/h<br />

Comparison vehicle AV/occupant transverse<br />

speed.<br />


have been strengthened to avoid localized<br />

perforation; the chaining of the<br />

doors has been improved;<br />

- the side wall has been braced at pelvis<br />

Ievel, that is at the level of the bumper of<br />

the vehicle causing impact;<br />

- the frontal structure of the vehicle causing<br />

impact has been made /essaggressive;<br />

90 degrees 50 krh/h<br />

Comparison occupant AVT/calculated Vioo.<br />

'o<br />

Vo<br />

tzd'v1o<br />

u,o e1d cos /J + e?d<br />

aV1 - V;<br />

*<br />

AVZ - Vio<br />

T<br />

apt*Vioto-D=0<br />

tp * Vio<br />

Determination of occupant-wall impact speed.<br />

- it is the lower part of the structure which<br />

causes impact thanks to a cross member<br />

placed far to the front just beneath the<br />

bumper and opposite the side rail of the<br />

I underbody;<br />

- the upper part of the structure has been<br />

located 104 mm back from the lower<br />

cross member.

Reducing the Rlgldlty of the Inner Panel<br />

The second parameter to be taken into account<br />

in order to reduce the gravity of impact<br />

at a given body speed is the deformation capacity<br />

of- the inner panel, so that the energy of<br />

impact of the occupant can be atrsorbed without<br />

intolerable strain.<br />


This means that the rigidity of the inner<br />

panel must be reduced, and that it must be<br />

equipped with padding of appropriate rigidity.<br />

The VLS is equipped with semirigid three<br />

centimeters thick foam at chest height and<br />

four centimeters thick foam at pelvis height.

Results<br />

The results of lateral impact of VLS against<br />

VLS at 90o and at 50 kph are given in the chart;<br />

DUMMY<br />

HEAD<br />

HtC<br />

CHEST<br />

SI<br />

lTlr," (o)<br />

PELVIS<br />

ltls -, (g)<br />

104 VLS<br />

Rear<br />

Driver<br />

Passenger<br />

Jriver<br />

Rear<br />

Passenger<br />

265<br />

807<br />

65<br />

105<br />

139<br />

50<br />

19<br />

The results obtained from tests with the<br />

Hybrid II dummy confirm the homogeneous<br />

character of the various techniques tried. But<br />

we know that the dummy type is not sufficiently<br />

representative of the real behavior of<br />

an occupant.<br />

We therefore intend to confirm the value of<br />

the principles used on the VLS once a more<br />

representative dummy has been found.<br />

45<br />

Anti-aggressiveness cro$$-member<br />


170<br />

112<br />

40<br />

52<br />

400<br />

201<br />

40<br />

40<br />

Seat reinforcement<br />

Protecting Pedestrians<br />

Hinge reinforcernent Pillar "B" reinforcement<br />

An earlier study presented in London on<br />

the Peugeot safety vchicle put forward the<br />

idea of a deformable front, intended to reduce<br />

the severity of initial front impact.<br />

Research work has continued, and has been<br />

facilitated by better knowledge of pedestrian<br />

and two wheel vehicle accidents.

Annlysis of Accidents<br />

Various analyses made show that the worst<br />

accidents are caused by head injuries, and<br />

Vehic le/pedestrian i mpacts: i nj ury distribution.<br />

Body Regions<br />

Head<br />

Neck<br />

Chest<br />

Upper M€mbers<br />

Ahdomen<br />

Lumbar Column<br />

Pelvis<br />

Lower Members<br />

TOTAL<br />

lmportance of<br />

Iniuries Due<br />

to the Vehicle<br />

40.7<br />

0.7<br />

7.3<br />

3.4<br />

0.3<br />

o.2<br />

1.7<br />

25.5<br />


Overall<br />

lmportance<br />

of Injuries<br />

53<br />

0.9<br />

't1.3<br />

4.7<br />

0.3<br />

0.3<br />

2.'|<br />

27.4<br />

Vehiele/pedestrlan impacts inJury origin.<br />

Head vehicle<br />

contact areas<br />

Windshield frame<br />

Bonnet & fenders<br />

Bonnet deck<br />

Windshield<br />

Facia panel<br />

Side accessorles<br />

that most often these injuries are caused by<br />

the vehicle when the head hits either the rear<br />

part of the hood or the windscreen.<br />

The dangerous parts of the vehicle have<br />

been found to be above all in the windscreen<br />

frame, which is a very rigid area.<br />

Coneeption<br />

Injurie$<br />

importance<br />

33.5<br />

22.8<br />

12.9<br />

10.6<br />

9.2<br />

2<br />

Average<br />

severity<br />

4<br />

3.4<br />

3.7<br />

2.S<br />

5<br />

2.1<br />

Injuries importance Average Severity<br />

E(AlS","*"nJ3<br />

r(nts)s<br />

E(AtS)3<br />

On the VLS 104 solutions are proposed to<br />

make this windscreen frame area sufficiently<br />

deformable (collapsible windscreen frame in<br />

case of impact and covered by a polyurethane<br />

skin).<br />

lmportance of<br />

Injurle$ Due<br />

to the Ground<br />

12.3<br />

0.2<br />

4.0<br />

1.3<br />

0.0<br />

0.1<br />

0.4<br />

1.9<br />

79.8 100 20.2<br />

n<br />

Crlterion of injuries<br />

importance<br />

E (Alsbody<br />

resbJs<br />

E (AlS)o<br />

NOTE: The numbers<br />

shown $hould be taken al<br />

their relative value, they<br />

have no simple absolute<br />

signif icance.<br />


Absorbing structure<br />

On e flexible frame<br />

"Securiflex" stuck<br />

I<br />

I<br />


56<br />

LamP and<br />

concea led<br />

head lamp<br />

As far as the influence of the parameters of<br />

shape and rigidity on the trajectory of the<br />

head are concerned, the results obtained with<br />

sophisticated mathcmatical models show that<br />

only the shape has any influence on the point<br />

of impact; the way of the rigidity of the front<br />

of the car is spread has a style influence on the

speed of impact. Impact between vehicles and<br />

dummies confirm these results.<br />

The Securiflex windscreen is also only a<br />

slight danger to the pedestrian: it ensures the<br />

protection of the head over a very big surface.<br />

The axes of the wipers are protected by<br />

elastomer pads. It should be added that the<br />

front of the vehicle is deformable in axe to<br />

reduce the severity of the initial impact on the<br />

pedestrian (Nose of the hood and bumpers in<br />

polyurethane foam).<br />

Test Results<br />

The characteristics of the elements have<br />

been determined by test with a pendulum<br />

equipped with a striker adapted to the area of<br />

the vehicle.<br />

The comparison of the results of tests show<br />

that the braking attitude has little influence<br />

on the localization of the point of impact of<br />

the head on the vehicle and the degree of<br />

severity.<br />

The attitude has an influence on the localization<br />

of the first impact on the knee. On the<br />

VLS, this impact has been localized just<br />

beneath the knee of the adult with polyurethane<br />

foam with a density chosen so that the<br />

constraints remain beneath the limit of<br />

tolerance.<br />

It should be noted that this protection of<br />

the Iower members is compatible with the<br />

Leg impacUbumper VLS 104 bumper.<br />


lmpact against bonnet nose.<br />

effective protection of the vehicle during<br />

parking.<br />

It is preferable for the car to be able to<br />

resist without damage the results of small impacts<br />

caused when parking, that is at a speed<br />

less than 4 kph. This means compatibility between<br />

the front and rear contact areas at a<br />

height proposed by the ISO standard if not<br />

lower than it.



90 km/h<br />

CONSO<br />

120 km/h<br />

Liters<br />

rEtffi<br />

Consumption.<br />


The adaptation of these various solutions<br />

has led to the birth of the VLS 104.<br />

This safety vehicle maintains the general<br />

concept of the original saloon.<br />

It is a four-door saloon capable of carrying<br />

four people in the protective conditions already<br />

described.<br />


CHART<br />

1Q4 VLS<br />

Vehicle<br />

Mass<br />

Engine<br />

Max power is DIN hp<br />

6cV<br />

57<br />

6000<br />

8.2<br />

Max torque in mdaN<br />

3000<br />

Kph at 1000 upons<br />

24.9<br />

Maximum speed kph rpm 147<br />

Max $peed at 470<br />

114<br />

Standing start 400 m<br />

1000 m<br />

Hill start<br />

20.6<br />

38.7<br />

27 o/o<br />

In general the amount of room inside has<br />

been maintained except for elbow space,<br />

which has been reduced. because of additional<br />

door paddings.<br />

The external length of the VLS has been increased<br />

by 40 mm; this lengthening has been<br />

n: ldc necessary to allow protcction of the<br />

pedestrian against initial impact on the front<br />

of the car.<br />

ln the rear there is a fifth door together with<br />

a rear seat that can be folded forward. In<br />

order to preserve this possibility and still ensure<br />

adequate protection of the rear seat passengers,<br />

thc buckles of the rear seat belts have<br />

had to bc ntounted on peduncles placed in a<br />

hollowed out part of the seat, and the rerracrable<br />

headrests have had to be lixed on the<br />

upper crossbeam of the rear window.<br />

To ensure better pedestrian protection, the<br />

5800<br />

11<br />

outer shape has had to be modified; a flexible<br />

front hrrs replaced the classical one, and this<br />

also ensure$ the protection of the vehicle during<br />

parking. It should also be noted rhat the<br />

3000 assembly of the roof has been char-rged to<br />

28.5 avoid the risk of a door being struck in case of<br />

153 roll-over: this has been dorrc by doing away<br />

121 with the rain gutter along the sides of the roof.<br />

19.7<br />

37<br />

320/,<br />

As far as the rnechanical side is concerned,<br />

most elcrnents remain similar to those in the<br />

basic model.<br />

I,<br />

I<br />

14<br />

l2<br />

10<br />

I<br />

6<br />

4<br />

6.21<br />

8.49<br />

6.03<br />

8.08<br />

1/100 km<br />

100 120 140 Km/h<br />


Front and rear independent-wheel suspension<br />

is that of the basic saloon apart from the<br />

fact that the front axle has to be adjusted to<br />

allow for the increase in the weight of the car.<br />

The VLS has been equipped with punctureproof<br />

Denovo II tires, which make it possible<br />

to drive with a flat tire. Doing away with the<br />

spare wheel has meant that we have been able<br />

to improve the load-deformation characteristics<br />

of the hood in cases of impact from the<br />

head.<br />

The rack-type.steering is absolutely identical<br />

with that of the basic saloon.<br />

The power of the vehicle has been modified<br />

to take into account the extra weight of the<br />

structure and Brotection devices. In order to<br />

keep fuel coniumption down, to that of the<br />

basic saloon, and to similar vehicles, the<br />

engine in the VLS has capacity increased to<br />

1360 cm3. This develops 72 hp and torque of<br />

ll dmdaN.<br />



The work undertaken on the VLS tO+ is not<br />

yet finished, but already it appears that new<br />

62<br />

measures to improve safety are possible and<br />

they are technically compatible with each<br />

other.<br />

What remains is to choose the best of them<br />

and to marry them with another objective, the<br />

reduction of weight and fuel consumption,<br />

which is today the aim of another "Action<br />

Program" in France.<br />

There is no doubt that among the measures<br />

tried in this study, many will finally be<br />

adoptcd in a way that remains to be improved.<br />

Useful results have already been integrated<br />

in the studies in progress, each time that an<br />

improvement of our knowledge has made that<br />

possible.<br />

<strong>One</strong> important point in this study is that we<br />

can confirm that a small car can give excellent<br />

results when it comes to saf'ety and just as<br />

good protection from impact as a big car, and<br />

that the improvements envisaged today in no<br />

way exclude small cars.<br />


l. 5th <strong>ESV</strong> "The future for car safety in<br />

Europe" A report of the EEVC-Londres<br />

Juin 1974.

2. Actes du symposium automobile europd6n-Bruxelles<br />

Decembre 1975.<br />

3. R6vue d'information du comitd interministdriel<br />

de Ia s6curit6 routidre (France).<br />

4. 5th <strong>ESV</strong> "Synthesis of statistical data on<br />

traffic accidents in France, West Germany,<br />

Italy and United Kingdom" London, June<br />

t974.<br />

I<br />


Status Report of Minicars' Research Safety Vehicle<br />


Vice President of Engineering & Flesearch<br />

Minicars, Inc.<br />

Minicars, Inc. has been involved in the<br />

Research Safety Vehicle program continuously<br />

since 1974. During much of that time the<br />

Contract Technical Manager has been Mr.<br />

Jerome Kossar, and we would like to<br />

acknowledge and express appreciation for his<br />

contributions to the success of the program.<br />


Shown in Figure I is the RSV as it appears<br />

today. It is a compact size car weighing less<br />

than 2500lbs. It is powered by a Honda Ac-<br />

Figure 1. Minicars RSV.<br />

l9th Stapp Car Crash <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

"Safety<br />

Performance of Securiflex Windshield."<br />

REvue des ing6nieurs de I'automobile-<br />

Mars 79. "Analyse des paramdtres significatifs<br />

du choc lat6ral."<br />

Sth <strong>ESV</strong> "Presentation<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

of Peugeot Safety<br />

yshisls-VSS."<br />

8. 3rd IRCOBI Septembre 1978.<br />

cord stratified charge engine, and has<br />

demonstrated fuel economy in excess of 32<br />

mpg. The low weight and the high fuel<br />

economy are nevertheless consistent with<br />

outstanding crashworthiness, which has been<br />

demonstrated in l7 verification crash tests<br />

covering the full spectrum of significant realworld<br />

accident modes. This synthesis of fuel<br />

efficiency and crashworthiness is made possible<br />

by the vehicle structure. As Figure 2 illustrates,<br />

the structure is comprised of closed<br />

box sections. These are fabricated from lightgage<br />

low carbon steel with typical thicknesses<br />

of .030 to .050 inches. Where the cell volumes<br />

are appropriate, they are filled with 2 lb/ff<br />

polyurethane foam, which stabilizes the sheet

Lower door<br />

Front seat<br />

t)ox<br />

Hear seat box<br />

Figure 2" RSV foam-filled areas.<br />


Sill A<br />

cen ter<br />

spr ne<br />

metal and contributes substantially to the<br />

ability of the structure to absorb energy when<br />

crushed in a variety of directions.<br />

The RSV is not based on a current vehicle,<br />

but is a new design from the ground up. This<br />

allows maximum flexibility regarding the<br />

vehicle architecture. With reference to Figure<br />

2, the longitudinal load paths $tart with the<br />

foam-filled luggage compartment floor and<br />

front t'ender boxes, and continue through the<br />

foam-filled door reinforced with longitudinal<br />

struts, and terminate in the engine compartment.<br />

The gas tank is a rubberized fuel cell<br />

stowed under the floor in the rear center<br />

spine, well forward of the rear wheels.<br />

<strong>Int</strong>rusion resistance in side impacts is provided<br />

by the foam-filled door, which seats<br />

against ample shut faces on the sill and the Aand<br />

B-posts. The bottom of the door is<br />

secured by the latch, and by crash pins located<br />

just below the daylight opening. The A-post is<br />

supported by the cowl and foam-filled<br />

toeboard. The sill is supported by foam-filled<br />

boxes under the front and rear seats, see<br />

Fender boxes<br />

Bolt-on nose<br />

Figure 2. Foam-filling is accomplished by<br />

machine mixing and pouring the liquid<br />

reagents into each cell, as in Figure 3. The<br />

foam then rises and solidifles to fill the<br />

volurne.<br />

Figure 3. Foam-filling process.

Other important plastic components are the<br />

reaction injection molded exterior parts, and<br />

the flexible urethane bumpers. The front<br />

fascia and fenders are made entirely from<br />

reaction injection molded urethane; these<br />

parts attach to the fiberglass hood surround<br />

and base structure, as shown in Figure 4. The<br />

hood is a foam-filled laminate made of a reaction<br />

injection rnolded outer and a fiberglass<br />

inner. Similarly, the rear fenders are made of<br />

reaction injection molded urethane. The rear<br />

bumper fascia is made from hand fabricated<br />

flexible urethane to reduce tooling costs.<br />

Parts away from bumper strike areas are<br />

made of fiberglass, as indicated in Figure 5.<br />

The bumpers are made of flexible tbam in<br />

conjunction with rubberized fabric (or rubric)<br />

Figure 4. Front exterior parts.<br />

Figure 5. Rear exterior parts.<br />

I<br />


F iberg lass<br />

fender<br />

65<br />

inserts, see Figure 6. The bumpers and reaction<br />

injection molded parts were developed by<br />

Bailey Division of United Shoe Machinery.<br />

The front bumper prevents damage at collision<br />

speeds up to I mph. Between 8 and approximately<br />

17 mph, damage is limited to a<br />

bolt-on module, which can be easily replaced.<br />

At higher speeds, damageability becomes less<br />

important than occupant injury, and the<br />

strategy is to save the occupant-not the car.<br />

These features are provided by the forcedeflection<br />

characteristic shown in Figure 7.<br />

This characteristic resulted lrom a very careful<br />

analysis of the variety of accident modes in<br />

which the RSV could be involved.<br />

In particular, ttre RSV is designed to collide<br />

with existing vehicles in the population. In<br />

Polyurethane foam<br />

Figure 6. R$V bumper design.<br />

I<br />

Force<br />

Bolt.<br />

on<br />

Bumper nose<br />

Mein front<br />

structu re<br />

Figure 7. HSV front structure and crush characteristic.

frontal collisions with those vehicles or with<br />

fixed objects, the concern is with occupant<br />

protection, due to the RSV's low weight' Conventional<br />

cars, on the other hand, are most<br />

vulnerable when struck in the side*even large<br />

cars. The very soft RSV front structure is the<br />

result of trading off, on the basis of total<br />

societal losses, aggressivity in side impacts<br />

versus occupant protection in frontal impacts.<br />

The specific crash modes are shown in Figure 8.<br />

In addition to dealing with the crash environment,<br />

the structure was designed to be<br />

ffil;1f, earrier<br />

w5A:tI rrq-l<br />

FH"/!J<br />

RSV Small<br />

tr=Tnr<br />

EFVYd<br />

RSV<br />

rFfil NT-T|I<br />

rE1/-rt E\J--U'1<br />

Figure 8. HSV compatibility.<br />

Figure 9 RSV 50 mph frontal barrier performance.<br />


Rsv ffi Lurg"<br />

6ryn1 ffi<br />

l+ja:--l /L-.1-l n fl<br />

L.:l4rr lt-l<br />

H<br />

Occ. eggressivity Protection<br />

66<br />

translatable into a mass-produced, affordable<br />

product, and to be durable in regular driving.<br />

To meet these goals, the Budd Company participated<br />

in the structural design activity and<br />

performed a vibration screening test on the<br />

structure. Additionally, a 15,000-mile accelerated<br />

life test will be performed at the Chrysler<br />

Proving Grounds.<br />

Cetting back to the crash environment,<br />

Test 8.10-a frontal barrier crash of the final<br />

design RSV-produced a very favorable crash<br />

pulse, with a peak of 43 g's and a crush of 45<br />

inches, see Figure 9. Even though the total<br />

velocity change was 54.4 mph, the structure<br />

maintainecl its integrity and provided a favorable<br />

environment for the restraint systems, as<br />

we shall see later. Both doors were readilv<br />

opened after the crash.<br />


The driver restraint employs no belts, to<br />

keep it fully passive. The system consists of<br />

the seat, dual-cell airbag, inflator, column,<br />

knee restraint, and appropriate bracketry, as<br />

shown in Figure 10. The inner bag inflate-s<br />

first to fill the gap between the wheel and the<br />

torso; the gas is vented to the outer bag and<br />

reused to control head motions later in the<br />

event. Figure I I shows the major components<br />

in the driver restraint system. As indicated in<br />

Figure 10. RSV driver restraint.


GM ACFIS wheel<br />

Tube mendrel<br />

sa unit<br />

Figure 11. RSV drlver restralnt components.<br />

Figure 12 the column is a Minicars tube and<br />

mandrel unit integrated with a General Motors<br />

ACRS column housing and steering wheel.<br />

The column possesses a high degree of geo-<br />

Figure 12. Column stroking mechanism.<br />

7ring<br />

N,N-kt<br />

{\/-'t<br />

I<br />

Thiokol<br />

i nflator<br />

Clamping<br />

ilng<br />

1 .0 cu, ft,<br />

inner bog<br />

Bag cover<br />

metric stability in the presence of bending<br />

movements, provides 6 inches of stroke, and<br />

is almost totally insensitive to upward rim<br />

loads, which can be as high as 500 lbs.<br />

GM ACRS wheel

The system has been shown to demonstrate<br />

occupant protection well in excess of FMVSS<br />

208 criteria, with speeds in excess of 50 mph'<br />

The results of Table I were produced in the<br />

barrier crash test referred to above. F-or occupants<br />

other than 50th percentile males, protection<br />

has been demonstrated by sled tests.<br />

The results shown in Table 2 are the outcome<br />

of 39 sled tests, which led us to cortclude that<br />

protection can be provided within FMVSS 208<br />

criteria to speeds of 45 mph for occupants at<br />

the anthropometric limits.<br />

The RSV passenger restraint operates on<br />

principles similar to those of the driver re'<br />

straint, in that a torso bag quickly fills the gap<br />

between the torso and the reaction surface;<br />

subsequently, gas is vented to a second bag to<br />

control head motions later in the event. A<br />

crushable knee restraint is also employed, see<br />

Figure 13. Restraint hardware is shown in<br />

Figure 14, including the cylindrical inflator.<br />

Performance of this system has also been<br />

demonstrated for 50th percentile male occupants<br />

at speeds of 50 mph. The results of<br />

Table 3 were obtained in crash test 8.10. For<br />

Table 1. RSV driver restraint performance 50th<br />

percentile male.<br />

Parameter<br />

Velocity aV (mph)<br />

Hrc<br />

Chest Gs<br />

Femur Load (lb)<br />

RSV<br />

54.4<br />

304<br />

45<br />

1 575<br />


FMVSS<br />

208<br />

Criteria<br />

30+<br />

1000<br />

60<br />

22Q0<br />

Table 2. RSV driver restraint performance<br />

anthropometric limits.<br />

Parameter<br />

Velocity AV (mph)<br />

Hrc<br />

Chest Gs<br />

Femur Load (lb)<br />

5th Percentile<br />

Female<br />

45.4<br />

528<br />

55<br />

900<br />

95th Percentile<br />

Male<br />

44.8<br />

615<br />

60<br />

2000<br />

Figure 13. RSV passenger restraint.<br />

Dual cell<br />

air cushion<br />

lator<br />

Foam knee restraint<br />

Figure 14. RSV passenger restraint configuration.<br />

Table 3. FISV passenger re$traint performance<br />

50th Percentile male.<br />

Parameter RSV<br />

Velocity aV (mph)<br />

HIC<br />

Chest Gs<br />

Femur Load (lb)<br />

54.4<br />

554<br />

48<br />

890<br />

FMVSS<br />

?OB<br />

Criteria<br />

30+<br />

1000<br />

60<br />

2200<br />

5th percentile females and 95th percentile<br />

males, protection within FMVSS 208 criteria<br />

is provided to at least 46 and 40 mph, respectively,<br />

see Table 4. These conclusions are

Table 4. RSV passenger restraint performance<br />

anthropometric I imits.<br />

Parameter<br />

Velocity AV (mph)<br />

HIC<br />

Chest Gs<br />

Femur Load (lb)<br />

5th Percentile<br />

Female<br />

46,1<br />

710<br />

4g<br />

200<br />


95th Percentile<br />

Male<br />

40.1<br />

700<br />

47<br />

ss0<br />

based on 33 sled tests of the system. Further<br />

tests are planned with out-of-position occupants.<br />

Figure l5 illustrates the packaging of<br />

the driver and passenger restraint systems in<br />

the vehicle. As with the driver system, the<br />

passenger system is fully passive in that no<br />

belts are employed.<br />

In the rear seat, however, low occupancy<br />

mitigates against all but the simplest restraint<br />

systems. The RSV belt system looks similar to<br />

conventional 3-point harnesses, but it employs<br />

low stretch webbing, and tuned force Iimiters<br />

Figure 16. HSV rear seat belt $ystem.<br />

Shoulder belt<br />

69<br />

Figure 15. RSV dashboard, showing finished<br />

front seat restraints.<br />

at each of the anchorages, see Figure 16. Sled<br />

tests have demonstrated performance of this<br />

system at speeds of 40 to 45 mph, depending<br />

on the occupant size.<br />

In side impacts, the restraint system consists<br />

of padding on the door and potential strike<br />

surfaces. Aside from providing appropriate<br />

'D'ring<br />

gu ide<br />

Slide adjustmenl<br />

0utboard force<br />

lirnitBr (not vlsiblBl<br />

Inboard<br />

f orce limiter<br />

Under seat box<br />

delta support<br />

Force<br />


F.F*<br />

energy absorption in crashes, a major consideration<br />

is to minimize the claustrophobic effects<br />

that have sometimes been demonstrated.<br />

This is accomplished by extensive sculpting of<br />

the door pad, as shown in Figure 17. Based on<br />

car-to-car crash test results, we found that<br />

RSV door padding elements can be developed<br />

using dummy impact tests at about 25 mph.<br />

Such dynamic tests led to a urethane shoulder<br />

pad of 5 inches, and a hip pad of 6 inches,<br />

Flgure 17. RSV door interior.<br />

Figure 18. Gross sectlon.<br />


Structu ral<br />

foam<br />

70<br />

Table 5. Volume comparison.<br />

Car<br />

Fairmont<br />

Audi 5000<br />

RSV<br />

Volvo<br />

4-dr Accord<br />

4-dr Audi Fox<br />

protected by a fiberglass cover, as shown in<br />

Figure 18. Despite the extensive padding, the<br />

vehicle maintains an interior volume in the<br />

compact car range, as indicated in Table 5.<br />

Pedestrian impact protection is being investigated<br />

in a series of tests at Battelle Institute.<br />

An initial series of 13 tests, utilizing a new leg<br />

impact test device, indicated that proposed<br />

knee injury criteria are inconsistent with other<br />

requirements imposed on the bumper, such as<br />

reducing damageability. A further series of<br />

tests on a special pedestrian impact dummy<br />

will examine the adequacy of the RSV bumper,<br />

soft fascia, and flexible hood in reducing<br />

whole-body injuries.<br />


Passenger<br />

(Fts;<br />

96<br />

90<br />

90<br />

89<br />

82<br />

84<br />

Luggage<br />

(Ftel<br />

17<br />

15<br />

13<br />

14<br />

14<br />

11<br />

With respect to accident avoidance, the<br />

RSV meets all of the I<strong>ESV</strong> handling requirements,<br />

except for ride and returnability. The<br />

I<strong>ESV</strong> specifications were based on large cars.<br />

Returnability tests were run in two directions<br />

at two speeds. Results were satisfactory in<br />

three tests and were marginal in the fourth.<br />

Most of the RSVs to be delivered for Phase<br />

IV evaluation will be equipped with the fourwheel<br />

disc system trom Fiat XLl9's. Howeverr<br />

a high technology version of the RSV is<br />

being developed, and one of its features will<br />

consist of a Bendix anti-lock brake system.<br />

This system will be moditied to accommodate<br />

collision mitigation capability, which would<br />

be employed when a high speed collision is<br />

unavoidable. The collision mitigation feature<br />

will quicken brake system response by dump-

ing hydraulic accumulator pressure directly<br />

into the anti-skid valve. This feature is designed<br />

for circunrstances in which the driver<br />

does not perceive a dangerous collision situation<br />

soon enough, and when braking action<br />

should begin automatically to reduce the collision<br />

speed to a level that can be handled by<br />

the occupant crash protection system.<br />


On the high-technology RSV, the collision<br />

mitigation feature requires some "eyes" in<br />

the form of a radar system, which is interfaced<br />

with an onboard microcomputer. These systems<br />

make possible a "smart" cruise control<br />

which will be discussed below. Other features<br />

of the high technology RSV are a special flexible-format<br />

digital display, a turbocharged<br />

Honda Accord engine, and a manual transmission<br />

shifted automatically under computer<br />

control, so that engine power and driver convenience<br />

can be improved without undue sacrifice<br />

of fuel economy.<br />

The radar, shown in block diagram in Figure<br />

19, is a non-cooperative FM/CW system<br />

using two antennas (one for transmit and one<br />

for receive) is bistatic, homodyne operation.<br />

Radar specifications are shown in Table 6.<br />

Figure 20 shows how the radar sensitivity<br />

pattern is biased to the right. This bias,<br />

coupled with computerized signal processing,<br />

appears to elirninate all false alarms.<br />

Tran$mit<br />

Sntenna<br />


r7.E GHz ll3 ill:<br />

Figure 19. Block diagram of Ku-band FM/CW radar.<br />

71<br />

Table 6. Radar speclflcatlons.<br />

Frequency | 17.S cHz<br />

Power output I zo mw<br />

Horizontal beamwldth I SDeg<br />

Vertical beamwidth I SDeg<br />

Antenna gain I SO Og<br />

Total antenna size I 77 x Zi x B cm<br />

Range rate | 0-60 m/e<br />

Range<br />

Collision mltlgation<br />

I e-gO m<br />

Headway control | 6-50 m<br />

The existence of the radar and the computer<br />

make possible a "smart" cruise control.<br />

When no car is in front of the RSV, the car<br />

travels at the selected cruising speed until the<br />

cruise control is overridden by the driver, just<br />

like a conventional system. However, when<br />

the RSV comes up behind a slower moving vehicle,<br />

the RSV slows down accordingly and<br />

maintains a safe following distance. We think<br />

that this system illustrates one way of packaging<br />

a safety device in the form of a desirable<br />

convenience feature for car buyers.<br />

In the high technology RSV, the basic Honda<br />

5-speed manual transmission is shifted<br />

automatically under computer control. The<br />

computer is based on an <strong>Int</strong>el 8080 CPU, with<br />

l6k of PROM and 32k of RAM memory. This<br />

is all located on two cards. The computer generates<br />

analog signals which drive actuators for<br />

Post amp<br />

Slgnal<br />

* processor<br />


istance (m)<br />

3.o 2,o 1.0 0.5 t 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0<br />

Left (ml .- ---* Hight (rnl<br />

Figure 20. Radar sensitivity pattern.<br />

(a) Clutch actuator<br />


(b) Throttte actuator<br />

Figure 21. RSV high-technology transmission actuators.<br />

72<br />

the clutch, shift and throttle, shown in<br />

Figure 2l.<br />

The engine is turbocharged to provide improved<br />

acceleration, and to permit the installation<br />

of power consuming accessories like air<br />

conditioning, with minimal sacrifice in fuel<br />

economy. The most significant feature of this<br />

turbocharger installation is the application to<br />

a stratified charge engine; the third valve per<br />

cyclinder requires that the blower be mounted<br />

ahead of the carburetor. Furthermore, the<br />

presence of the onboard computer that shifts<br />

the transmission also provides a means of<br />

knock control by controlling the operation of<br />

the wastegate. It is expected that the turbocharging<br />

will boost the maximum power from<br />

68 to 110 hp.<br />



An important outcome of activities like the<br />

RSV program is the transferral of technology<br />

to other car designs. Accordingly, we undertook<br />

to illustrate the application of RSV technology<br />

to a full size 6-passenger car. The result<br />

was the Large Research Safety Vehicle, or<br />

(c) Shi{t actuators

LRSV. The goals for this vehicle ar. iho*n in<br />

Table 7.<br />

The most important objective was to demonstrate<br />

27.5 mpg fuel economy, vifl combinations<br />

of weight reductions and power-train<br />

substitutions. Being larger and heavier than<br />

the RSV, there is less need for high speed impact<br />

protection, and therefore Level II safety<br />

performance was established as the goal. Research<br />

goals were adopted for emissions, and<br />

acceleration performance was to be comparablc<br />

with existing vehicles.<br />

A major step in meeting these goals was the<br />

development of a modified Volvo Bl9 engine<br />

with a triple catalyst emission control system.<br />

Turbocharging was to be used if necessary to<br />

provide suitable acceleratiott performance.<br />

An appropriate transmission was to be<br />

selectcd for fiont wheel drive application, and<br />

Table 7. LRSV goals.<br />

Fuel economy: | 27.5 mph<br />

Safety: I 40 mph front<br />

Emissions: | :Hl.<br />

, |<br />

|<br />

3.4 GPM CO<br />

in 15 sec<br />

0.4 GPM Nox<br />

Acceleration: I O-oo mpn<br />

Figure 22. LRSV engine compartment.<br />


73<br />

current plans are focused on the GM X-body<br />

4-speed and the Volkswagon Rabbit S-speed<br />

transaxle.<br />

Engine development focused on reduced<br />

friction, increased operating temperature, and<br />

multiple spark ignition. For maximum power<br />

to avoid detonation with turbocharging,<br />

water injection was used, with spark retardation<br />

as a backup. This work was done by<br />

Volvo of America.<br />

The ffansverse front engine installation is<br />

shown in Figure 22.<br />

The use of the smaller engine was made<br />

possiblc by a series of weight reductions that<br />

amounted to 868 lbs relative to the base vehicle,<br />

which was a Chevrolet Impala. Table 8<br />

shows that the largest reduction was in the<br />

engine and transmission, although significant<br />

weight savings were affected in the structure<br />

and burnpers despite the increascd crash protection<br />

requirements. This was accomplished<br />

by the use of foam-filled sheet metal elements,<br />

applied in a fashion similar to the RSV design.<br />

Of cour$e, the front engine installation precluded<br />

the use of a forward foam-filled luggage<br />

conlpartment floor as in the RSV, but on<br />

the other hand. note the foam-filled fender<br />

boxes, sills, and seat box in Figure 23. The<br />

front end structure that has resulted from<br />

design and development testing is shown in<br />

Figure 23. It is conceptually similar to the<br />

Table 8. LRSV and Chevrolet lmpala weight<br />

comparison.<br />

E n g ine/tran$m iss ion<br />

Flunning gear<br />

Underbody and frame<br />

Bumpers<br />

Exterior elements<br />

Flestraints<br />

Miscellaneoug<br />

Total<br />

Weight in Pounds<br />

Chevrolet LRSV Change<br />

778<br />

493<br />

442<br />

152<br />

188<br />

0<br />

394<br />

488<br />

271<br />

275<br />

60<br />

96<br />

35<br />

354<br />

- 290<br />

-222<br />

- 167<br />

-92<br />

-92<br />

+35<br />

-40<br />

- 868

D6mag€ resistant<br />

f ront bumper<br />


Bumper support structure Foam filled structure<br />

Figure 23- LRSV foam-filled areas.<br />

structure in the operational mockup introduced<br />

in 1978, but it differs significantly in<br />

design details.<br />

Shown in Figure 24 are the results of a barrier<br />

test at 39 mph, with a total velocity<br />

change of 43 mph. The maximim deceleration<br />

was 48 g's with a crush of 45 inches. Large<br />

crush, coupled with the compartment integrity,<br />

permitted the restraint system to perform<br />

very well in the test.<br />

The driver restraint shown in Figure 25 is an<br />

adaptation of the RSV system. The main dif-<br />

Figure 24. LRSV 40 mph frontal barrier performance.<br />

74<br />

RSV column 7<br />

e/e unit<br />

crvr aclS.rt(<br />

Knee restraint<br />

S" thick<br />

Figure 25. LRSV driver restraint.<br />

Damage<br />

resistnnl<br />

rear<br />

bumper<br />

ferences are 1) a single bag configuration, 2) a<br />

two-inch increase in column stroke, and 3) a<br />

steeper column angle.<br />

The passenger restraint system, shown in<br />

Figure 26, provides protection for passengers<br />

in both the micldle and outboard seats. This is<br />

done via side-by-side single cell bags for the<br />

head and chesl, coupled with a separate knee<br />

bag. spent gases are vented to the engine compartment.<br />

Both the driver and passenger seats<br />

are modified versions of the RSV seat.<br />

For 50th percentile male occupants, crash<br />

testing at 43 mph velocity change has indicated<br />

excellent protection in all three positions. See<br />

Table 9. The driver system is designed to ac-

Figure 26. LRSV passenger restraints.<br />

Table L LHSV occupent protection: 50th male<br />

at AV - 43.0 mPh.<br />

Parameter Driver<br />

Hlc<br />

Chest Gs<br />

Femur Load (lb)<br />

commodate 5th perccntile females through<br />

95th percentile males. Sled testing at 40 mph<br />

has confirmed this performance, as indicated<br />

in Table 10. The passenger system is designed<br />

to accommodatc 5th percclltilc females through<br />

5fth percentile males, with the bias toward<br />

smaller occupants being based on observed<br />

occupancy patterns. The performance inclicated<br />

in Table 1l was achieved in sled testing.<br />

Performance with regarcl to the S3E concept-safety,<br />

energy' environment and econ-<br />

Table 10. LHSV driver restraint performance<br />

anthroPometric limits.<br />

Parameter<br />

Velocity AV (mph)<br />

Htc<br />

Chest Gs<br />

Femur Load (lb)<br />

174<br />

37<br />

1 135<br />

5th Percentile<br />

Female<br />

39.8<br />

259<br />

40<br />

850<br />


Mid<br />

Pa$s,<br />

169<br />

31<br />

1 120<br />

Right<br />

Pas$.<br />

178<br />

30<br />

1090<br />

95th Pelcentile<br />

Male<br />

39.8<br />

435<br />

52<br />

1675<br />

75<br />

Tahle 11. LHSVpassenger<br />

protection 5th Per-<br />

centilefemale.<br />

Velocity | =40mPh<br />

Hlc | * szt<br />

ChestGs |<br />

-37<br />

Femur loads | = 250 lb<br />

Figure 27. LRSV prototype.<br />

omy-has been demonstrated in a vehicle that<br />

looks and behaves very much like a production<br />

car, see Figure 27. lt should be noted that<br />

the LRSV development has occurred on a<br />

scale that was very limited with respect lo<br />

both tirne aud money, and that the degree of<br />

finish in this design is nowhere near that of<br />

the RSV. But we do think that this excrcise<br />

has demonstrated the potential for the transferral<br />

of RSV technology to the full range of<br />

vehicles that are sought by the American consumer.<br />

Going to the other end of the spectrum'<br />

RSV occupant protection concepts have been<br />

demonstrated in a Chevrolet Chevette' In a<br />

barrier test at 32 mph, both the driver and the<br />

right front passenger were protected by airbag<br />

systems, again well within the FMVSS 208<br />

criteria.<br />

In conclusion. the RSV and related programs<br />

sponsored by the National Highway<br />

Traffic Safety Administration have demonstrated<br />

that higher speed occupant protection<br />

ean be provided for a full range of vehicle<br />

sizes, and that national goals for safety, fuel<br />

economy, and emissions can be mutually<br />



Manufacturer's<br />

Report<br />

by Volkswagenwerk<br />

AG<br />

DR. U. $EIFFERT<br />

Research Division<br />

Corporate Research and Development<br />

Volkswagenwerk AG<br />


This year's <strong>ESV</strong> conference in Paris continues<br />

the series of <strong>Conf</strong>erence$ on the subject<br />

of Experimental Safety Vehicles. Actually,<br />

one might say that we are meeting today at the<br />

very place where the tirst conference was held<br />

on this very subject.<br />

Volkswagenwerk AG has been deeply involved<br />

in the motor vehicle safety improvement<br />

program. This is illustrarcd by some<br />

vehicles that were developed by our company<br />

(fig. l):<br />

The <strong>ESV</strong>W I in 1972<br />

Thc EWVW II in 1974<br />

The IRVW in 1976.<br />

In addition, Volkswagen participated in<br />

Phase I of the RSV project.<br />

The successive changes in the development<br />

objectives for these vehicles rellect the<br />

Figure<br />

The RSV model together with the <strong>ESV</strong>W I and <strong>ESV</strong>W ll vehicles.<br />

76<br />

changes in the societal requirements relating<br />

to energy questions and other problem areas.<br />

It was fclt during the first safety vehicles that<br />

the cost of improving vehicle safety could be<br />

passecl on to the consumer. ln the course of<br />

time, though, the rnore useful approach was<br />

found to be the use of bcneflt-cost analysis.<br />

Thc selected safety concepts were then combined<br />

with other parameters such as fuel<br />

economy, emission bchavior, and vehicle perr<br />

formance, into an integrated vehicle design<br />

concept which was callcd the <strong>Int</strong>egrated Research<br />

Volkswagen.<br />

Here again are the specifications of this<br />

vehicle (fig. 2):<br />

Fuel consumption<br />

Frontal impact against<br />

fixed barrier<br />

Emissions<br />

60 miles per gallon (us<br />

target for 1985 27.5 mpg)<br />

40 miles per hour<br />

lower than 0.4'l13.4/1.5<br />

grams per mile<br />

(HC/CO/NOX)<br />

Acceleration from In approximately<br />

0 to 60 mph 13.S seconds<br />

Maximum vehicle velocity approximately 100 mph.

Fuel consumption: 3,9 l/100 km (U$combi<br />

ned)<br />

Sefety: 64 km/h frontel<br />

impact with<br />

rigid barrler<br />

Emlssions: O.41 13.411.5 graml<br />

mile (HC/CO/Nox)<br />

Acceleration: 0-1O0 km/h in 14<br />

sgconqs<br />

Top speed: 160 km/h<br />

Exterfldl noise level:<br />

75 d8 (A) ilSO -<br />

R 362)<br />

Figure 2. IRVW (lntegrated Research Vehicle).<br />

The required compliance with numerous<br />

applicable standards in the area of fuel consumption,<br />

vehicle safety, noise and exhaust<br />

emissions in combination with the effects of<br />

the present energy situation makes it increasingly<br />

necessary for rulemakcrs and industry to<br />

submit essentially integrated design concepts<br />

that provide for optimum fuel economy, exhaust<br />

gas emission and noise levels without<br />

leading to adverse effects on safety.<br />


The essential objective of this conference<br />

again is to provide for increased motor vehicle<br />

safety in traffic. After almost fifteen years of<br />

extensive activities in motor-vehicle safety we<br />

should now determine what the specific fields<br />

are on which future efforts should focus.<br />

We feel that these are the following areas:<br />

r Lateral colhsions<br />

r Frontal collision at an angle against a rigid<br />

wall<br />

. Increased protection during collisions with<br />

weaker or stronger road users (pedestrians,<br />

pedalcyclists, motorcyclists, trucks).<br />

Lateral Collisions<br />

<strong>One</strong> of the main topics of this <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

will be the subject of Lateral Collisions.<br />

Extensive investigations performed by<br />


77<br />

Volkswagen as well as by the other European<br />

automobile manufacturers have revealed the<br />

major problems that are posed by the definition<br />

of a representative test procedttre and<br />

adequate criteria for the evaluation of lateral<br />

impact data. The CCMC will present to this<br />

conference a paper on this subject. Permit me<br />

to deal briefly with the major results of this<br />

investigation.<br />

The Working Group Crash Worthiness<br />

(CCMC) of the European Car Manufacturers<br />

carried out an extensive program for the investigation<br />

of lateral crash test results<br />

obtained with various collision configurations<br />

in order to gather information on the following<br />

two major aspects (fie. 3):<br />

r To determine whether the proposed ECE<br />

Test Procedure WP 29 463, Rev. I (35 km/h,<br />

Rigid Mobile Barrier Test) is a proper and<br />

realistic simulation of lateral collisions.<br />

r To establish data bases for the development<br />

of possible test procedures and performance<br />

criteria for the simulation of lateral<br />

collisions.<br />

The results of these investigations suggest<br />

the following conclusions.<br />

The ECE barrier test and vehicle-to-vehicle<br />

tests are not comparable in the following areas<br />

(fie. a):<br />

I Energy absorption by the impacted vehicle;<br />

r Dummy results.

Test Mode<br />

Test<br />

configuration<br />

lmpact angle<br />

ldegreel<br />

lmpact<br />

velocity Ikmh]<br />

Figure 3. Test configurations.<br />

12<br />

tl<br />

10<br />

s<br />

f s<br />

o<br />

r ?<br />

E i 6<br />

G- 65<br />

6<br />

: 4<br />

3<br />

I ECE-test<br />


Car-to-car tests<br />

identical cars<br />

A,B.c Slli*llr"Xl;,ets1f<br />

\<br />

r*<br />

l+-h5_<br />

r50 ?50 300<br />

s, [mm1<br />

Figure 4. Dummy data vs. passenger compartment intrusion for identical cars.<br />

78<br />

res P€lvis<br />

ares che5t<br />

a head<br />

res<br />

HIC head

While a complete test procedure cannot be<br />

specified at this time it is suggested that the<br />

struck vehiclc be stationary and the irtrpact<br />

angle be 90o to the center line of the direction<br />

of impact, aligned with the front-seat occupant<br />

of the struck vehicle.<br />

The ECE barrier should be replaced by an<br />

impact device which is more representativc of<br />

the European car population. CCMC is currently<br />

involved in investigations on deformable<br />

barrier which it considers a more realistic<br />

approach to lateral impact testing. CCMC<br />

believes that a special dummy should be developed<br />

also suitable for lateral impact testing.<br />

The test results have illustrated some of the<br />

problems posed by the developn-rent of an<br />

acciclent simulation procedure for lateral collisions<br />

that can be used all over the world.<br />

Under no circumstances should lateral impact<br />

test procedures be specified for present-day<br />

vehicles that were designed for compliance<br />

with perhaps premature rules based on insufficient<br />

research. An approach Iike that might<br />

substantially increase costs without significantly<br />

improving the vehicle's safety features.<br />

The present apfJroach, i.e., the almost exclusive<br />

concentration on vehiCle-to-vehicle impacts<br />

should be changed to provide for the<br />

replacement of the impacting vehicle with a<br />

more realistic barrier.<br />

Frontal Collision<br />

At this time, there are several more thoroughly<br />

researchcd accident simulation processes<br />

for frontal collisions. The primary<br />

objective in this area will be to find a test procedure<br />

that would be most effective in order<br />

to ensure proper occupant protection during<br />

frontal impact. Volkswagen and Audi will<br />

submit to this conference two reports on the<br />

subject of compatibility. The first paper is<br />

titled "A Concept of Increasing Compatibility<br />

of Passenger Cars." That project was sponsored<br />

by the Cerman Federal Ministry of Research<br />

and Technology. The report rnay be<br />

summarized as follows:<br />

The entire scope of vehicle-to-vehicle passenger<br />

car collisions is defined by twelve types<br />


7g<br />

of collision (fig. 5). The five most significant<br />

types of collision, determined by the level of<br />

personal injury, are investigated with the aid<br />

of mathematical sintulations and real-life<br />

tests. In addition, tests are performed on production<br />

vehicles and modified versions. Differences<br />

in dummy loads are determined in<br />

order to establish a base for the detcrtnination<br />

of the benefits resulting lrom tltc vehicle<br />

engineering modifications, with the aid of accident<br />

statistics and biomechanical data'<br />

Mathematical simulations are employed for<br />

the determination of the benefits in those<br />

types of collisions that are not covered by<br />

reallife tests. This approach permits the<br />

deterrnination of the overall benefits resulting<br />

from all investigated vehicle engineering<br />

measures.<br />

The second paper is called "Mathematical<br />

Optimization of Car-to-Car Protection Characteristics<br />

with a new Audi 80." It describes a<br />

Collision type Ranking position<br />

,€-t-,!<br />

I LMr l_!"ll 2<br />

,, Erh 6<br />

ill<br />

rv ffiP<br />

V<br />

w H<br />

f]T*T] ':/.+'<br />

VI<br />

M<br />

vlt<br />

vlll<br />

.E<br />

d<br />

rx t81il4 I<br />

* ffi.m<br />

Figure 5. Rarrking order of collision types'<br />

1<br />

4<br />

7<br />

5<br />

3<br />

11<br />

xr LrrL& t0<br />

xtt<br />

[- rl']<br />

---l-b+"<br />

___i{/<br />

I<br />


methodological approach to improve passen-<br />

Eer.car compatibility characteristics. A summary<br />

is presented below.<br />

The cumulative frequencies of vehicle<br />

masses and maximum front structure deformations<br />

during a 50 km/h wall impact are<br />

determined for the German Federal Republic<br />

on the basis of a market analysis and registration<br />

statistics. A simple collision model is prepared<br />

with the essential vehicle-related parameters<br />

such as mass and front structure stiffness.<br />

This model is used for the simulation of the<br />

frontal collision of a vehicle with any possible<br />

other road user, The collision velocities are set<br />

on the basis of accident statistics. The accident<br />

frequencies are based on registration statistics.<br />

The results of the simulations permit the<br />

assessment of vehicle occupant protection and<br />

of the protection of other road users. This approach<br />

was used first for the new Audi 80<br />

which offers a maximum of occupant and<br />

other road user protection (fie. 6).<br />

Both papers illustrate the deep involvement<br />

of the Volkswagen Croup's research work in<br />

the area of frontal collisions and the protection<br />

of other road users. Final evaluations,<br />

especially in comparison with the present accident<br />

simulations with the aid of the 0" and<br />

30' angle impact against fixed barriers are not<br />

(/J<br />

(<br />

UJ<br />

E<br />

rlj<br />

t o.a<br />

F<br />

()<br />

Ul<br />

rlu_<br />

UJ<br />

o.-t<br />

400<br />

F<br />

()1<br />

T<br />

{t<br />

500 600 mm<br />


Figure 6. Vehicle occupant, other road users,<br />

and total protection effectiveness as<br />

'<br />

a funciion of ihe dynamic deformation<br />

stroke during the 50 km/h-crash<br />

, against the rigid barrier.<br />


protdction of<br />

I uSers<br />

ectiveness<br />

Vehicle hicle occupant<br />

protect )tection<br />

effectiv ectiveness<br />

80<br />

yet possible at this time. It becomes apparent,<br />

though, that in relation to realJife accidents<br />

the 30" angle wall impact test may be the more<br />

suitable test for the investigation of vehicle<br />

collisions with fixed obstacles.<br />

Pedestrian Protection<br />

<strong>One</strong> of the most important areas in the field<br />

of passenger-car safety is pedestrian protection.<br />

The determination of the kinematics and<br />

of the loads on the impacted pedestrian requires<br />

mathematical and experimental simulations<br />

of vehicle-to-pedestrian collisions. These<br />

simulations should be based on statistically<br />

certain parameters. This kind of data is supplied<br />

by accident research. Recent publications<br />

describe the extensive work Volkswagen<br />

does in the area of pedestrian protection.<br />

During this conference we will present some<br />

results of our experimental work on production<br />

cars (fie. 7). This infbrmation is required<br />

primarily for the following two reasons:<br />

. To acquire more knowledge of the behavior<br />

of production vehicles in vehicle-to-pedestrian<br />

collisions under special conditions and<br />

to define vehicle improvements, and<br />

r To acquire data which can be used to verify<br />

mathematical simulation programs.<br />

When we add up all problems posed by<br />

vehicle-to-pedestrian collisions and their simulations<br />

(experimental and mathematical) we<br />

find that the benefits produced by vehiclerelated<br />

measures will not be so substantial as<br />

those that may be expected to be produced by<br />

restraint-system deployment.<br />

Improvements are called for especially in<br />

regard to active safety, i.e., accident prevention,<br />

in order to increase the protection of<br />

pedestrians in traffic. This goal can be achieved<br />

only by close cooperation between rulemakers,<br />

town planners,motor-vehicle manufacturers,<br />

and pedestrians themselves.<br />

Accident Prevention<br />

There is another area in which I feel insufficient<br />

efforts have been made so f'ar. This is the

I<br />

E E<br />

N<br />


Ikm/hl lmpact sPeed<br />

Figure 7. Pedestrian protection.<br />

ffiffi<br />

Control ceflter<br />

Data acquisition<br />

and transmission unit<br />

increase in motor-vehicle safety by vehicle<br />

engineering measures aimed at accident prevention.<br />

We may say that, at least in regard to<br />

European vehicles, a maximum safety level<br />

has been reached. Therefore, any further reduction<br />

oi the accident rate could Lre achieved<br />

only by providing the motorist with better infonnation<br />

on the current traffic situation.<br />

What I have in mind is information on road<br />

conditions, accidents, possible alternative<br />

routes, in case of traffic back-ups. lnformation<br />

like that would not ottly reduce accident<br />

risks but would also substantially cotttribute<br />

to the saving of energy and fuel (fig. 8). ln this<br />

connection, I may refer to a research project<br />

that is being carried out by Volkswagen under<br />

a contract awarded by the Germatr Federal<br />

Ministry of Rescarch and Technology' The<br />

project is the development of a system that<br />

complements the present traffic broadcasts<br />

and supplies the motorist with information on<br />

traffic signs, obstructions of traffic, and<br />

weather conditions.<br />

Figure 8a. On-board guidance and information system for motorist (LISA)'<br />

81<br />

t<br />

,\<br />

Destination code<br />

1 l Directionsl-in'tructions<br />

and traff ic information<br />


\ Routing<br />

direction$<br />

J<br />

V<br />

Figure 8b. LISA: on.board display.<br />

Fuel Consumptlon<br />

Even though the main subject of this conference<br />

is safety, I feel that it should be made<br />

quite clear that any improvements in motorvehicle<br />

safety that lead to higher vehicle<br />

weights may result in detrimental effects on<br />

fuel consumption because the latter essentially<br />

is determined by vehicle-weight, aerodynamic<br />

drag coefficient, engine concept including the<br />

air-fuel mixture preparation system, and<br />

transmission design. It goes without saying<br />

that the motori$t himself can very significantly<br />

affect fuel consumption if he tries to change<br />

his mode of driving and becomes more energy<br />

conscious.<br />

It was mentioned earlier that increases in<br />

vehicle weight mostly result from vehicle engineering<br />

modifications that were performed in<br />

order to increase vehicle safety. This may be<br />

illustrated by the requirement for a "5 miles<br />

per hour no-damage protection" of the vehicle<br />


6O km/h<br />

Staugefahr<br />

82<br />

Destinstiod<br />

i]l LiSt;<br />

'i<br />

which is meant to prevent so-called bagatelle<br />

damage in the lower speed range. We have<br />

stated repeatedly that compliance with this<br />

requirement does not entail any favorable<br />

benefit/cost ratio for the consumer nor the<br />

rulemaker. Any increase of the extent to which<br />

economy considerations are included in pertinent<br />

computations will lower the beneflt/<br />

cost ratio. Even if we base our deliberations<br />

on a very economic vehicle, i.e., the present<br />

VW Rabbit, a reduction of the impact velocity<br />

from 5 mph to 2.5 mph could lead to a cut of<br />

approximately three billion liters per year if<br />

this cut is uniformly apportioned to the entire<br />

American automobile population.<br />

The amount of this cut is based on the present<br />

vehicle mileages per year.<br />

This example alone shows that unilateral<br />

approaches no longer suffice (fig. 9). All<br />

vehicle engineering measures including those<br />

in the area of noise and exhaust emission<br />

levels should be investigated thoroughly for

6 U<br />

l<br />

v,<br />

{<br />

ru<br />

E<br />

{<br />

l<br />

e<br />

6<br />

*Br<br />

=<br />

L<br />

U<br />

z<br />

tlJ<br />

c0<br />

-T<br />

s.ac<br />

Ar,<br />

Figure 9. Principle of consistent measures'<br />


their effects on the other parameters' Generally<br />

speaking, we feel that the American<br />

approach in regard to fuel consumption rules<br />

is less useful than the European model' It<br />

appears that a reasonable approach to a solution<br />

is a free market-oriented competition<br />

among the individual automobile companies'<br />

Volkswagen has developed a special engine<br />

concept within the framework of the- Research<br />

Safety Vehicle program. A gasoline-engine<br />

concept was to be developed for a passenger<br />

car in the inertia weight class of I,350 kg that<br />

would produce most favorable fuel consumptions<br />

in the US composite cvcle (fig. l0).<br />

Artditionally specified requirements call for<br />

acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 12 seconds<br />

and compliance with the US-75-cycle exhaust<br />

s .ac<br />


83<br />

Measure I<br />

Poinls of consistent measure$<br />

Measure 2<br />

Figure 10. Turbocharged engine with suction<br />


emission standard of 0.41/3.4/1.6 g/mlle<br />

HC/CO/NOx. A l.6liter gasoline engine with<br />

exhaust gas turbocharger was selected for this<br />

purpose. The following design concept was<br />

chosen with a particular view to optimum fuel<br />

12<br />

#<br />

22A -<br />

r00 140 180 22Q<br />


--.F<br />

:.-<br />

231<br />

,/<br />

#r t 'F<br />

2t,,!HI'i cs+<br />

I<br />

i'l \lv/<br />

t \<br />

,/<br />

,E<br />

I<br />

223<br />

-H<br />

F<br />

\<br />

consumption and high torques at low engine<br />

speeds.<br />

The engine design concept provides for a<br />

compression ratio of e 8.0 and a maximum<br />

chargc pressure of 1.6 bar. The turbo-<br />

300 340<br />

ENGINE - RPM<br />

84<br />

J<br />

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Figure 11. SFC-Chart. Lines of constant values in g/hph.<br />

l*-'<br />

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charger was tuned to small flow at low loads.<br />

The excess exhaust gas at high engine speeds is<br />

blown off through a wastegate. The turbine<br />

housing was moved close to the cylinder head<br />

in order to utilize a large portion of the exhaust<br />

gas energy. The air-fuel mixture is formed in a<br />

two-stage carburetor located on the intake<br />

side of the compressor. The swirling of the<br />

mixture and the heat input into the compressor<br />

provide for very effective mixture preparation<br />

and permit short ways to the cylinders. Art<br />

electrically heated device with small protruding<br />

heater bars improves the mixture preparation<br />

further during the warm-up phase.<br />

The exhaust side is equipped with an oxygen<br />

sensor that controls the two-stage carburetor<br />

for stoichiotnetric mixture with an electronic<br />

control unit, and a three-way catalyst of conventional<br />

design.<br />

The engine concept includes a S-speed<br />

manual transmission. The purpose of the high<br />

axle ratio is to ensure that the specified driving<br />

cycles can be performed in the range of<br />

favorable fuel cotrsumption.<br />

Figure I I is the engine fuel consumption<br />

map and shows that the charging which<br />


becomes effective even at partial load leads to<br />

very low specific fuel consumption throughout<br />

broad section of the map.<br />

The table shows the fucl consumption and<br />

emission data produced by this US engine,<br />

This data is compared with that of other<br />

power plants installed in vehicles in the 3,000<br />

Ibs. inertia weight class. Fuel economy measurements<br />

show a 6590 more favorable consumption<br />

of 4.6 liter per 100 km whetr compared<br />

with that of gasoline engine of the same<br />

performance. A comparison with a similar<br />

diesel engine shows roughly the same fuel consumption<br />

and a 30Vo increase in the output of<br />

this design concept.<br />

.,''<br />


Vehicle safety features should continue to<br />

be a significant part of future vehicle development.<br />

Efforts should be undertaken, regardless<br />

of present rule-makitrg, to further especially<br />

those vehicle safety measures that produce<br />

positive effects on fuel economy because<br />

of the urgent need to save energy.<br />

Features of the Experimental Safety Motorcycle - ESMI<br />

P. M. WATSON<br />

Head of Motorcycle Safety <strong>Section</strong><br />

Transport and Road Flesearch Laboratory<br />

Department of the Environment-Department of<br />

Transport<br />

United Kingdom<br />


The paper gives details of six safety features<br />

which have been incorporated in the first<br />

United Kingdom Experimental Safety Motorcycle<br />

(ESMI). These result from the motorcycle<br />

safety research and development<br />

program which has been carried out by the<br />

Transport and Road Research Laboratory<br />

since 1973. The features are;<br />

r sintered metal disc brake Pads<br />

85<br />

r antilocking brakes ,<br />

r increased conspicuity<br />

r digital display speedometer "<br />

r chest pad<br />

r leg protection.<br />

The technical backgrounds to these features<br />

are briefly described and progress towards<br />

general adoption is indicated. The paper also<br />

discusses the trends in the usage and accidents<br />

of motorcycles during the last two decades<br />

and indicates the likely influence of legislation.<br />

This study together with two accident<br />

studies formed the basis of the developments<br />

leading to each of the six safety features. The<br />

first four improve accident avoidance and the<br />

other two reduce the risks of injury.


The Experimental Safety Motorcycle Mark<br />

I exhibited at this <strong>Conf</strong>erence by the United<br />

Kingdom has six safety features which have<br />

been studied by the Transport and Road Research<br />

Laboratory. They result from several<br />

investigations into how to improve the safety<br />

of motorcycles which have principally been<br />

concerned with the majority of motorcycles in<br />

use, namely the smaller rather than the larger<br />

machines. However because it is easier to get<br />

features adopted first on larger and more<br />

expensive motorcycles, these six are fitted to<br />

the 750 cc Triumph Bonneville to make the<br />

ESMI now being exhibited. Trials are planned<br />

using a number of ESMI machines with<br />

several of these features.<br />

The six features on ESMI are;<br />

r Sintered metal disc brake pads<br />

r Antilocking brakes<br />


Table 1. Motorcycle statistics, Great Britain 1953-75.s<br />

Year<br />

1953<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

E<br />

s<br />

1960<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

B<br />

1970<br />

1<br />

2 I<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Total<br />

motorcycles<br />

(thousands)<br />

1,009<br />

1,108<br />

1,221<br />

1,290<br />

1,431<br />

1,475<br />

1,678<br />

1,796<br />

1,790<br />

1,779<br />

1,755<br />

1,7 41<br />

1,612<br />

1,406<br />

1,350<br />

1,228<br />

1,127<br />

1,048<br />

1,021<br />

982<br />

1,006<br />

1,042<br />

1,161<br />

Total<br />

motorcycle<br />

usage<br />

1't0o tm;<br />

6.8<br />

6,9<br />

7.6<br />

7.4<br />

8.4<br />

8.4<br />

9.8<br />

10.0<br />

9.7<br />

8.7<br />

7.5<br />

6.7<br />

6.0<br />

5.2<br />

A A<br />

4.2<br />

3.9<br />

3,8<br />

3.5<br />

3.7<br />

4.0<br />

4.9<br />

New<br />

motorcycle<br />

reg istrations<br />

(thousands)<br />

139<br />

165<br />

185<br />

143<br />

206<br />

183<br />

332<br />

257<br />

212<br />

140<br />

166<br />

205<br />

150<br />

109<br />

138<br />

112<br />

85<br />

105<br />

128<br />

153<br />

194<br />

190<br />

265<br />

Data for motorcycles include all powered 2 wheelers<br />

r Improved conspicuity<br />

r Digital speedometer<br />

. Chest pad<br />

r LeB protection<br />

Motorcycles have been used as personal<br />

transport since the turn of the century and<br />

they outnumbered private cars in the United<br />

Kingdom until well into the 1920s. The pattern<br />

of ownership is particularly interesting<br />

for the years 1953 to 1975 (table 1). By 1960<br />

motorcycles made up about 19 percent of all<br />

vehicles in use after which their proportion<br />

declined steadily to about 6 percent.<br />

The changes in the numbers of motorcycles<br />

and total traffic together with the respective<br />

vehicle distances travelled for this period are<br />

shown in Figure I which also gives the changes<br />

that occurred in the motorcycle casualties.<br />

These keep in phase with both the total numbers<br />

of motorcvcles licensed and with motor'<br />

Total<br />

motorcyclisl<br />

casualties<br />

(thousands)<br />

86<br />

49<br />

52<br />

64<br />

64<br />

72<br />

77<br />

97<br />

oo<br />

95<br />

87<br />

B2<br />

91<br />

83<br />

73<br />

64<br />

5B<br />

52<br />

50<br />

48<br />

44<br />

45<br />

47<br />

56<br />

Motorcyclist<br />

casualty rate<br />

(casualties)<br />

(per 10s km)<br />

1.9<br />

2.0<br />

2.2<br />

t.L<br />

2.2<br />

2.4<br />

2.6<br />

2.6<br />

2.5<br />

2.6<br />

2.8<br />

3.1<br />

3.2<br />

3.2<br />

3.2<br />

3.2<br />

3.2<br />

3.3<br />

3.3<br />

3.2<br />

3.2<br />

3.1<br />

3.0<br />

'<br />

Total<br />

vehicles<br />

(thousands)<br />

5,341<br />

5,827<br />

6,466<br />

6,977<br />

7,844<br />

7,960<br />

8,662<br />

9.439<br />

9,966<br />

.t0,562<br />

11,446<br />

12,370<br />

12,938<br />

13,286<br />

14,096<br />

14,447<br />

14,752<br />

14,950<br />

15,377<br />

16,117<br />

17,014<br />

17,252<br />

17,501<br />

Total<br />

vehicle<br />

usage<br />

(10e km)<br />

65<br />

70<br />

77<br />

81<br />

80<br />

93<br />

104<br />

112<br />

122<br />

128<br />

136<br />

152<br />

163<br />

173<br />

182<br />

191<br />

196<br />

207<br />

22Q<br />

232<br />

244<br />

237<br />


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cycle usage except for a short period beginning<br />

in 1962. If the motorcycle casualty rate is<br />

studied in terms of casualties per distances<br />

travelled by motorcycle, instead of falling<br />

with the number of motorcycles with their<br />

reduced usage, it increased to almost double<br />

from 1953 to 1965 (table 1). A possible reason<br />

for this is the large increase in other traffic<br />

during this period. Thcre has been a reduction<br />

in the rate more recently although the total<br />

casualties among motorcycle riders and<br />

passengers rose to 71,689 in 1977.<br />



It is interesting to speculate on the reason<br />

for the reduction in motorcycle casualties in<br />

the two year period 1962-3. Regulations came<br />

into force in January 1962 preventing learner<br />

riders of motorcycles from riding machines<br />

with an engine capacity of 250 cc or over.<br />

From Figure I it may be considered that this<br />

regulation had the effect of reducing the<br />

casualties by those represented by the shaded<br />

area, i.e., possibly saving 12,000 people.<br />

After three years the accident pattern again<br />

tended to follow in phase with the number of<br />

motorcycles being ridden.<br />

A similar situation existed in 1972. Regulations<br />

were introduced in December l97l which<br />

allowed 16 year olds to ride only mopeds<br />

which were legally defined as motorcycles<br />

with an engine capacity not over 50 cc and<br />

equipped with pedals. These regulations were<br />

introduced to limit the speed and acceleration<br />

of machines that could be ridden by 16 year<br />

olds in the hope that this would reduce accidents<br />

to this class of rider. The reduction in<br />

casualties was encouraging during the first<br />

two years after the regulations were introduced<br />

but subsequently the number of casualties<br />

to 16 year old riders increased. This increase<br />

coincided with the introduction by<br />

some manufacturers of the "sports moped"<br />

which was basically a light motorcycle.<br />

Although it met the requirements for a moped<br />

at the time, its performance was considerably<br />

higher than that which was originally intended<br />


88<br />

by the regulations, and it became necessary to<br />

redefine a moped in terms of maximum speed<br />

in 1977.<br />


<strong>Two</strong> studies have been carried out by the<br />

Transport and Road Research Laboratory to<br />

look at motorcycle accidents in detail. From<br />

March 1970 to April 1972, 120 motorcycle<br />

and moped accidents were investigated by the<br />

on-the-spot Accident Investigation group of<br />

the Laboratoryl and in 1974 483 accidents<br />

were studied together with the associated<br />

injuries to 421 riders and 29 passengers.z<br />

The main points from these studies were:<br />

r In about l/3 of the accidents the motorcycle<br />

was not seen by the other road user<br />

prior to the accident.<br />

r Thirty percent of the accidents investigated<br />

occurred when the road was wet.<br />

r A frontal impact for the motorcycle was the<br />

most common direction of collision.<br />

r Other vehicles were the most prominent<br />

cause of injuries to motorcyclists which<br />

were particularly to the legs.<br />

Improved conspicuity and better braking<br />

offer the best chance of reducing the probability<br />

of motorcyclists being involved in accidents.<br />

Rider protection for frontal impacts<br />

and some protection for the legs in less severe<br />

impacts must be considered as being the most<br />

important priorities for those accidents which<br />

have not been avoided.<br />


Motorcycles are more difficult to see on the<br />

road than other motor vehicles and it has been<br />

found that this is a contributory factor in<br />

about l/3 of their accidents. To improve the<br />

chance of a motorcycle being seen, separate<br />

consideration has to be given to day time and<br />

night time conditions and some measures can<br />

be applied to the rider but others are appropriate<br />

fbr the motorcycle. Rider treatments<br />

are restricted to improvements in clothing<br />

which will give a better chance of being seen,<br />

whereas applications to the motorcycle could

take the form of variation in finishes, the<br />

addition of accessories and the use of lighting.<br />

The advantage of any treatment which can be<br />

applied to the machine is that the features are<br />

there whenever the tnotorcycle is in use<br />

whereas clothing varies and there is a choice<br />

to be made at the start of each journey for the<br />

rider.<br />

Experimental work has been carried out by<br />

the Institute for Cotrsumer Ergonomics at the<br />

University of Loughborough (reterence 3) to<br />

study the likely effect of various options that<br />

were measured against a control which consisted<br />

of a standard unlit motorcycle on which<br />

was seated a rider dressed in drab clothing for<br />

the daytime situation. Laboratory simulation<br />

techniques were used together with field trials.<br />

In the field trials the subjects were not aware<br />

that they were takiug part in an experiment<br />

until atter the event. Variation in detection<br />

rate of the frontal view of the motorcycle and<br />

rider was considered in each case.<br />

Because of the small frontal area of a<br />

motorcycle it was found that variations in surface<br />

finishes applied to the machine had no<br />

significant effect; this was also the case when<br />

the rider attached small pieces of brightly colored<br />

material (such as fluorescent half sleeves)<br />

to his clothing. To significalltly improve the<br />

cletection rate over the control it was found<br />

that a large area of high visibility color is necessary<br />

such as is given by a rider wearing a<br />

fluorescent jacket or waistcoat over his normal<br />

riding clothes.<br />

The claytirne use of lights continuously is an<br />

option which has had to be carefully considered<br />

in the United Kingdom because of the<br />

wide range of motorcycles from small to very<br />

large machines. The small machines have low<br />

power lighting equipment and it was found<br />

that the use of these lights on such vehicles in<br />

daytirne did not inrprove the chance of detection<br />

over that for the unlit control motorcycle.<br />

To be as conspicuous as a rider wearing<br />

a fluorescent jacket it was found that the<br />

motorcycle has to be equipped with a large l2<br />

volt headlamp with 40 watts output. Because<br />

the normal lighting equipment on a notor-<br />


89<br />

cycle provides a directional beam, experiments<br />

were carried out with snrall additional<br />

lights fitted with l8 watt bulbs but giving a<br />

high scatter beam pattern. The use of two of<br />

these lamps was found to be the only option<br />

which significantly improved the detection<br />

rate over either the use of a large headlamp or<br />

the rider wearing a fluorescent jacket' The use<br />

of one of these lamps is equivalent to a large<br />

heacllamp or the wearing of a fluorescent<br />

jacket.<br />

ESMI is fitted with two daytime running<br />

lamps, one each side of the standard headlamp.<br />

The frontal area of the combined<br />

weather shields and Ieg protectors is finished<br />

in basic unpigmented white paint as a further<br />

aid to daytime consPicuitY'<br />

The preliminary results at TRRL on nighttime<br />

conspicuity have identified problems on<br />

a larger rnagnitude than informed opinion<br />

woulcl previously have suggested' At night the<br />

distance required for an observer to detect a<br />

motorcycle is cousiderably less than for a car<br />

and the estimation of the motorcycle's speed<br />

is also Iess accurate. Variations in the vehicle<br />

lighting layout and the application of retroreflective<br />

materials have so far not provided<br />

any apparent solution to this disparity<br />

between motorcycle casualties atrd cars.<br />

Althougli between a third and a half of the<br />

motorcycle casualties occur at night this is<br />

because the risk per mile at night is twice as<br />

high as during the day although the accident<br />

sites are similar (i.e., junctions and routtdabouts).<br />

Research to identity possible solutions<br />

to the night-time problem continues.<br />


Perhaps the mairr and most important differerrce<br />

between the motorcar and the motorcycle<br />

from the safety point of view is that the<br />

latter is much more sensitive to steering and<br />

braking procedures. Any slight mistake in<br />

braking under adverse conditions can quickly<br />

develop into a spill and, if circumstances are<br />

adverse. a serious accidettt can occur' An<br />

indication of the rnagnitude of this problem is

given in the accident figures for 1972 in Great<br />

Britain (table 2) which shows that the<br />

proportion of skidding in personal-injury<br />

accidents is significantly higher for motorcycles<br />

than other vehicles particularly when<br />

the road is wet.<br />

The problem associated with motorcycles<br />

skidding has been known for some considerable<br />

time and by 1964 the Transport anil Road<br />

Research Laboratory had constructed a<br />

motorcycle with an anti-lock system fitted to<br />

the front wheel which included a full flow<br />

braking system controlled by a flywheel overrun<br />

device using an early version of the Dunlop<br />

Maxaret system4. The system was constructed<br />

to demonstrate the principle of an<br />

anti-lock braking system fitted to a motorcycle<br />

and was an experimental system rather<br />

than a prototype design suitable for production.<br />

Shorter stopping distances were obtained<br />

with the unit switched in comparison with<br />

standard braking with the front wheel locked.<br />

In the latter case. the machine fell onto its<br />

side.<br />

The current system used at TRRL is a development<br />

for motorcycles of an experimental<br />

system originally designed for cars. Plate I<br />

shows the installation on the front wheel of a<br />

motorcycle.<br />

'fhe system has the benefit that it<br />

can be fitted to all motorcycies having<br />

hydraulic disc brakes without major design<br />

changes being made. It has been fitted with<br />

excellent results on very large heavy motorcycles<br />

as well as on lightweight machines of<br />

90 kg (200 lbs) without any changes to the<br />

systems engineering for any type of machine.s<br />

The results of tests carried out using a<br />

motorcycle equipped with the complete system<br />

on both front and rear wheels is shown in<br />


Table 2. Skidding in personal-injury accidents in Great Britain-1972.<br />

Motorcycles<br />

Other vehicles<br />

Plate 1. Motorcycle front wheel fitted with<br />

prototype antilock braking $ystem.<br />

Figure 2. Test runs were made both with and<br />

without the anti-lock system at 48 km/h (30<br />

mile/h) on a wet slippery surface and the<br />

braking distances noted. Each rider in turn<br />

made five runs. A "failure" was recorded if,<br />

when braking without the anti-lock system,<br />

the rider caused the wheels to lock and the<br />

machine to fall sideways onto the protective<br />

skids which were fitted. No "failures"<br />

occurred with the anti-lock in operation and<br />

reduced braking distances were noted.<br />

<strong>One</strong> of the TRRL motorcycles was also successfully<br />

tested in the USA under contract<br />

from N.H.T.S.A. durine 19776.<br />

Dry Wel lce/snow All conditions<br />

$kidded Total o/o Skidded Total oh Skidded Total ,k skidded Total o/o<br />

4,147<br />

20,423<br />

37,824 11<br />

229,845<br />

I<br />

3,432<br />

19,256<br />

12,957<br />

117,221<br />

90<br />

27<br />

16<br />

568<br />

8,531<br />

1,019 56<br />

17,427 49<br />

8,147<br />

48,210<br />

51,800<br />

364,293<br />

16<br />


O In control<br />

I Control lost<br />

i.e. "failure"<br />

Rider<br />

Figure 2. Braking.<br />

lattt<br />

A further advantage of anti-lock braking is<br />

that the rider can steer when braking hard<br />

because he has no reason for losing control or<br />

falling off unless he attempts to require of his<br />

motorcycle a greater lateral force than its tires<br />

can generate on the road surface being traversed.<br />

For example Figure 3 shows a rider<br />

travelling at 46 km/h around a bend which<br />

requires him to incline his machine to about<br />

l6o from the vertical. This requires a tire=road<br />

friction coefficient of 0.27 or more. Suppose<br />

that a coefficient of 0.45 is available then the<br />

rider can brake on this bend at up to about<br />

0.36 g without any problem. Without antilocking<br />

brakes the wheels would lock if he<br />

braked harder than this, but with the ESMI<br />

antilock this would not happen and however<br />

hard the rider braked, his machitre would<br />

decelerate at not more than 0.36 g. The only<br />

circumstance in which the rider would be<br />

expected to fall off would be if he banked at<br />

more than 24o equivalent to the full 0.45 friction<br />

coefficient available.<br />

ESMI is fitted with this anti-lock system on<br />

both liont and rear wheels.<br />


91<br />

B=61 m<br />

+q<br />

t \<br />

7<br />

28<br />

26<br />

35<br />

24<br />

20<br />

lmprovement<br />

in braking<br />

d r stan ce<br />

(percentl<br />

t \<br />

I u* = o.+s<br />

IrB = 0.36<br />

tts= 027<br />

Figure 3, Effect of machine camber on bral

on a wheel if the full vertical reaction is not<br />

being exerted and coupled brakes. The first<br />

two reduce the probability of motorcycle<br />

wheels inadvertently being locked but with<br />

some loss of braking deceleration in many<br />

conditions. They do not prevent wheel locking<br />

if excessive braking efforts are exerted or if<br />

the conditions are very slippery. Coupled<br />

brakes ease the task of a rider but need the use<br />

of valves in the brake system to achieve anything<br />

like optimum braking. Overall performance<br />

and simplicity of operation cannot be<br />

achieved without anti-locking brakes, with or<br />

without coupling of their controls.<br />


Disc brakes were fitted to some large<br />

motorcycles, for road use, about ten years<br />

ago. Originally they were fitted only to the<br />

front wheels but more recently they have been<br />

fitted to rear wheels as well. These brakes are<br />

now often standard equipment on even the<br />

smallest machines.<br />

Disc brakes offer riders distinct advantages<br />

over the drum/shoe counterparts they have<br />

replaced. They are more sensitive to a rider's<br />

response and maintenance is simpler, particularly<br />

when they are hydraulically operated.<br />

Problems of brake fade associated with some<br />

drum/shoe braking systems have been largely<br />

overcome, On the other hand it has been<br />

found that motorcycles firted with disc brakes<br />

often have problems when braking in the wet<br />

and riders have experienced significant and inconsistent<br />

reductions in wet braking efficiency<br />

after a few thousand kilometers of use. They<br />

are not then able to judge the amount of<br />

brake application pressure required to provide<br />

a desired level ofdeceleration and because the<br />

road surface is also wet, overbraking can lead<br />

to wheel locking and loss of control.<br />

TRRL carried out basic research to identify<br />

the cause of inadequate braking being available<br />

in wet conditions. The reduction in braking<br />

efficiency was shown to be caused by a<br />

thin but continuous laminar coat of water<br />

which is not easily removed by the pads and<br />

which covers the surface area of the disc acted<br />


92<br />

on by the brake pads. Any excess water over<br />

the amount required to form the laminar coat<br />

is in the form of turbulent flow across the surface<br />

of the laminar film. Although the water<br />

in turbulent form is unlikely to have a significant<br />

effect on the braking efficiency, its presence<br />

acts as a reservoir to restore the laminar<br />

film quickly if the latter is partly broken down<br />

by the action of the brake pads. This explanation<br />

is supported by experimental results<br />

which show that braking efficiency decreases<br />

as the amount of water fed onto a disc is<br />

increased.<br />

The options studied in the experiments included<br />

brake discs in stainless steel and cast<br />

iron. These were tested with a plain surface<br />

for comparison with similar discs which had<br />

been drilled and radially slotted. The pad<br />

materials tested in conjunction with the experimental<br />

discs were plain organic, patterned<br />

organic and a range of sintered metals. Testing<br />

was carried out at a fixed brake pressure<br />

with the braking system both wet and dry and<br />

the stopping distances for each condition were<br />

compared. To simulate wet weather conditions,<br />

water was fed directly by a forked bar<br />

with three 1.57 mm (0.063') holes per side<br />

onto both sides of a disc. The flow rate from a<br />

water reservoir carried on the motorcycle was<br />

adjusted between 36 and 72 cubic decimeters<br />

(8 and 16 gallons) per hour for the front<br />

brake.<br />

Of the options investigated, using the comparative<br />

test technique, cast iron discs generally<br />

produced longer stopping distances than<br />

stainless steel discs. Drilling the discs usually<br />

had a detrimental effect. The use of selected<br />

sintered pads on stainless steel or cast iron<br />

discs improved the performance in the dry<br />

and the stopping distance when the discs were<br />

wet wa.s little different from rhat when dry7.<br />

The sintered metal material used for the<br />

motorcycle pad application is cne of a series<br />

developed by Dunlop.<br />

Figure 4 shows ssme of the results obtained<br />

when stopping from 48 km/h (30 mile/h) and<br />

using the front brake on one particular<br />

motorcycle. The hydraulic line pressure was

(ft l<br />

800<br />

700<br />

500<br />

llt<br />

I 5o0<br />

a<br />

.g<br />

s<br />

.E 400<br />

o.<br />

at<br />

300<br />

(ml<br />

- r50<br />

_ 100<br />

60<br />

25<br />

0<br />

Disc<br />

Pad<br />


Eo" ffl *"t (8 sar/hl ffi w", (16 saUh)<br />

Figure 4. Braking of motorcycle with various disc pad combinations'<br />

2758 kNm-2 (+00 psi) in all cases. Four of the<br />

disc,/pad options described in Figure 4 are rrot<br />

acceptable for a rider who is trying to stop on<br />

a wet road. Figure 5 shows three options<br />

tested at an hydraulic line pressure of 1379<br />

kNrn - 2 (200 psi) in all cases using the same<br />

motorcycle. At this pressure the patterned<br />

organic pad option also exhibits an unacceptable<br />

level of consistent performance and only<br />

the sintered pad gives the braking expected by<br />

riders. ESMI is also fitted with sintered brake<br />

pads for consistent Performance'<br />


Controlling the speed and direction of a<br />

motorcycle requires the rider to carry out<br />

tasks such as operating the controls of his<br />

93<br />

machine at the same time as observing the<br />

road scene and his instluments' Motorcycles<br />

have to be fitted with speedometers and riders<br />

must observe the speed limits which are in<br />

force. Experiments at TRRL have shown that<br />

a significant difference exists in the time riders<br />

take to read their speedometers and this<br />

depends on the type of instrument fitted' A<br />

large dial speedometer takes on average l'62<br />

,eci to read but this time is reduced to l '04<br />

secs if a digital display is used' During 0'58<br />

secs a distance of 8 m (25 ft) is covered at<br />

48 km/h (30 mile/h).<br />

ESMI is fitted with a digital display speed'<br />

ometer which uses part of the circuit of the<br />

anti-lock brake system for its speed infor'<br />

nration.<br />

o<br />

E<br />

o<br />

J<br />


(ft) (ml<br />

F<br />

g<br />

* +oo<br />

'$ soo<br />

6<br />

100<br />

- 150<br />

_100<br />

50<br />

25<br />

- 0<br />

Disc<br />

Pad<br />

E o,t<br />


[,ffi] Wut"r at I gnl/h<br />

k::::l:l::l 1u61i1 $tart of brakingl<br />

fi<br />

ffi<br />

wut.t at I gnt/h<br />

*ur*r. at 16 gal/h<br />

Figure 5. <strong>Three</strong> disc pad options tested at 1380 kNm-2 (200 p.s.i.).<br />

To allow a rider to concentrate more fully<br />

on the road scene there may be a need to<br />

improve the ergonomics of the task of riding a<br />

motorcycle. Some progress has been made on<br />

standardization of a layout for controls and<br />

instruments but further work is needed on the<br />

response of the motorcycle and the forwards<br />

and rearwards vision for riders.<br />


Frontal, or near frontal impacts iccount<br />

for over 80 percent of accidents involving<br />

injury to motorcyclists. Fatal accidents are<br />

often caused by the rider being ejected head<br />

first over the handlebars and into the hard<br />

obstacle with which has machine has collided.<br />

About I meter of space exists on a motorcycle<br />

which could be used to absorb the rider's<br />

94<br />

kinetic energy. Dynamic tests have shown that<br />

at present the rider is ejected head first off his<br />

motorcycle at almost the same speed as that of<br />

the impact of the motorcycle (plate 2). The<br />

Laboratory has carried out tests on various<br />

types of energy absorber mounted on the<br />

motorcycle including crushable foams, airbags<br />

and chest pad restraints. Variations in<br />

rider trajectory and ejection speed due to<br />

changes in shape of fuel tanks have also been<br />

studied.s A major problem associated with<br />

the introduction of these types of restraint<br />

was realized early on to be that of acceptability<br />

by the motorcyclist. Crushable foams<br />

for energy absorption must have a reaction<br />

plate ahead of them and they had to be high<br />

to restrain the rider at chest level. Although<br />

they offered good energy absorption properties<br />

the acceptability of this passive system


plate 2. Dummy rider being thrown head f irst off a "traditional<br />

*,<br />

"<br />

\<br />

1<br />

motorcycle" during impact test'<br />

would be reduced by such a large volutne. Experiments<br />

with pre-inflated airbags provided<br />

encouraging results as reported by previous<br />

researchers. Acceptability of atr enginecred<br />

inflatable bag system on groutrds of appearance<br />

is unlikely to be a problem; tlte cost ht)wever<br />

may be. Developmetrt of this restraint at<br />

TRRL was not pursued on grouttds of technical<br />

performance. Firstly thcre is the accidcnt<br />

which involves the motorcycle with two<br />

impacts, the first impact inflirtes the bag so<br />

that it is not available at ttrc second or subsequent<br />

impact. Secondly therc is the problem<br />

of sensittg the impact and inflating the bag in<br />

time to restrain the rider. Under road accident<br />

95<br />

conditions "g"<br />

Ievels carr be mcasured on a<br />

motorcycle which are higher tharr those experienced<br />

initially in a car impact' A scnsor to<br />

triggcr the inflation of the lrag would probabll'<br />

have to be placed behind the steered axis<br />

for practic'al putposcs atrd as such would }tave<br />

to initiate during either a short period later in<br />

the crash phase at a very high "g" level or a<br />

lower "g" level over a longer time. If the time<br />

taken for either of the initiation delays is<br />

added to the bag inl-lation titne lhe rider is ttot<br />

protccted if this excceds 50 ms in a 48 krn/lr<br />

(30 rnile/h) impact beciluse he will ah-eady<br />

have left his rnachitre. Thcse prolrlems should<br />

be solved for the motclrcycle application

efore further work can be justified on this<br />

system which otherwise has much to offer.<br />

The chest pad restraint fitted to ESMI<br />

yields at a present load as the rider pushes<br />

against it during an impact. From tests at 48<br />

km/h (30 mile/h) it has been shown that the<br />

rider is ejected at only 13 km/h (8 mile/h) in<br />

an upright position. lt can be seen that his<br />

chances of survival are much higher than on a<br />

motorcycle without any restraint. To improve<br />

acceptability for riders the chest pad yields<br />

under light pressure in normal use but this<br />

free movement is stopped during an impact.<br />

For the sake of appearance when the motorcycle<br />

is parked the chest pad can be stowed in<br />

an unobtrusive position. Altertrative designs<br />

have been made up at TRRL so that acceptability<br />

by riders can be assessed.<br />


The high incidence of serious injuries to the<br />

legs for riders and passengers has directed<br />

attention to possible methods which could<br />

reduce the severity of these injuries. Althor.rgh<br />

the most common direction of impact for<br />

motorcycles is frontal, the object hit (usually<br />

a car) is not perpendicular to the heading of<br />

the motorcycle, and there is a glancing impact.<br />

In the 483 accidents investigated 60 percent<br />

of the casualties with severe injuries had<br />

severe injury to the legs.2<br />

ESMI is fitted with leg protection for both<br />

rider and passenger. The system is designed by<br />

Wilson of Bristol in conjunction with the<br />

Laboratory to gil'e some weather protcction<br />

plus space for carrying small pieces of luggage.<br />

The protection is designed to provide a survival<br />

space for the legs at a speed equivalent to<br />

a perpendicular impact at 48 km/h (30<br />

mile/h). It is desirable to provide protection<br />

up the whole of the side of the motorcycle<br />

because not all impacts will be at any one<br />

height.<br />

Progressive crush at the point of impact<br />

should help to prevent the rider being ejected<br />

unnecessarily violently into the obstacle<br />

struck while his rnachine is beins thrust to one<br />


96<br />

side. No test results are available at present<br />

but some preliminary results should be available<br />

later in the year.<br />


Work on improving the safety of motorcycles<br />

certainly needs to continue and TRRL<br />

has a full program. There is the unresolved<br />

problem of lighting which will be studied to<br />

improve day and night-time conspicuity.<br />

Work is also being undertakcn on the very<br />

diff'erent sutrjects of motorcycle stability and<br />

protective clothing including safety helmets.<br />

A fundamental rcview of helmets has been<br />

started with accident and injury data being<br />

used as a basis for fbrmulating design improvernents.<br />

Accident and injury studies are<br />

being undertaken at the University of Birmingharn,<br />

the Oxford Road Accident Group<br />

and the London Hospital. It is encouraging<br />

that the TRRL accidcnt study has already<br />

been ablc to show that thc higher standard<br />

full faced helmets off'er better protection in<br />

accidents than do open face designs particularly<br />

by preventing facial injuries. There is<br />

scope however for research on methods to<br />

overcome hcaring impairment and some<br />

development on helmet cquipment which will<br />

rcducc glare from sunlight without the rider<br />

having to darken his visor.<br />

Later this year the results will be available<br />

from a national survey of many aspects of<br />

motorcycle usage carried out by SCPR (Social<br />

and Community Planning Research). For the<br />

flrst time exposure data and the related<br />

casualtie.c will be available lar each cla.ss of<br />

machine. This information will help determine<br />

priorities for future research.<br />


The work described in this paper forms part<br />

of the program of the Transport and Road<br />

Research Laboratory and the paper is published<br />

by permission of the Director.<br />


I. Watson, P. M. F. and Lander, F. T. W.<br />

"M{rlorcycle Accidents and Injuries."


<strong>Conf</strong>erence Vehicle Safety Legislation:<br />

Its Engineering and Social Implications.<br />

I.Mech.E. London 1973.<br />

Whitaker, J. "Mottlrcycle Siifety-Accident<br />

Survey ard Rider ltrjuries'" Supplementary<br />

Report 239 TRRL Crowthorne<br />

1976.<br />

Kirkby, C. and Stroud, P. G. "Daytime<br />

Motorcycle Conspicuity'" Institute for<br />

Cotrsunter Ergotromics Loughborough,<br />

Leicestershire. To be Published.<br />

Wilkins. H. A. "Tests on a Motorcycle<br />

with an anti-locking braking systcm fitted<br />

to the front wlteel." Departtnelrt of<br />

Scientific and lndustrial Rcsearch, Road<br />

Research Laboratory, Laboratory Note<br />

No. LN/659/HAW, Hartnondsworth<br />

1964 (unpublished).<br />

Watson, P., Lander, F. T' W. and Miles,<br />

J. "Motorcyclc 2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

q<br />

Braking." <strong>Int</strong>ernational<br />

<strong>Conf</strong>erence on Automobile Electronics,<br />

LE.E. Lorrdon July 1976.<br />

Zellner" J. W. and Weir, D. H. "Evaluation<br />

of the Mullard/TRRL Antilock<br />

Br-ake System." Systems Technology,<br />

Inc. California 90250. Contract No.<br />

DOT-HS-6-01 381 August 1978.<br />

"Braking<br />

in the Rain with Motorcycles<br />

Fitted with Disc Brakes." LF 697 TRRL<br />

Crowthortre August 1978.<br />

Whitaker, J. 'oMotorcycle 6.<br />

,1<br />

8.<br />

Rider Dynamics<br />

in Frontal Collisions." M'Phil<br />

thesis November 1978 Brunnel University,<br />

Uxbridge, Middlcscx.<br />

9.<br />

"Trarrsprlrt Statistics Creat Britain 1965-<br />

1975." HM Stationery Office, Lonclon.<br />

10.<br />

"Road Accidents Great Britain 1975'"<br />

HM Stationery Office, Lottdon'<br />

Status Report of Renault Experimental Safety Vehicle<br />


Renault Crashworthiness Department<br />


To establish the present stage of Rcnault's<br />

research regarding the protectiotr of motorists<br />

it is helpfulto rapidly rccall the path travelled'<br />

Since 1959 Renault has been interested in the<br />

problems posed by the protection of vehicle<br />

tccupants and produced its first collision tests<br />

in clifferent cottfiguratiotrs, witltout remaining<br />

strictly within the framework of frontal<br />

impacts. The work continued thus far for l0<br />

years, resulting in 1969 in the decision to<br />

Lstablish a multi-disciplinary invcstigation of<br />

real roacl accidents. It is an important turtting<br />

point, since this investigation rapidly raised<br />

many rrlore questions than it attswered'<br />

It brought about the cleveloptnent of research<br />

in ieveral areas that has trot stopped<br />

developing since'<br />

Parallel to these activities the evolution of<br />

the road conditions lead public officials of all<br />

97<br />

countries to become rnore and more interested<br />

in the regulatiotrs of vehicles in the area of<br />

motorist protection and in numerous cascs<br />

governmental organization began or partially<br />

financed research with nutnerous laboratories'<br />

In France this research was regrouped within<br />

the framework of tlte Frenclt Programmed<br />

Thematic Actions managed by the Institut de<br />

Recherches des Transports and Renault<br />

actively participated in this research'<br />

At the beginning of the American <strong>ESV</strong> Program,<br />

the French had preferred a more units<br />

parts analytical method consisting of working<br />

scparately on the different sub-systems that<br />

corrstitute all automobile and which relate to<br />

motorists' protectiorr. Looking back we still<br />

think that it is a good method and, as far as<br />

we are concerned, will Pursue it'<br />

But for an automobile manufacturer, there<br />

are certain times when lte needs to verify that<br />

the differerrt sub-systems on which he is working<br />

scparately, each having arrived at an advanced<br />

stage of state, are capable of being

eassembled as a vehicle capable of being a<br />

feasible and marketable automobile. It is in<br />

particular for this reason that Renault<br />

presented a synthesized safety vehicle, named<br />

BRV, at the <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erence in London in<br />

1974 whose specifications were closc enough<br />

to those of the RSV (fig. l). In 1976 an example<br />

of the BRV was successfully tested in<br />

the USA for frontal as well as lateral impact.<br />

Since 1974, the Renault research has gone in 3<br />

particular directions :<br />

r the development of biomechanical<br />

knowledge,<br />

r the development of research for the protection<br />

of motorists, pedestrians and riders of<br />

two-wheeled vehicles, and for the protection<br />

of occupants in lateral impacts,<br />

. and the development of technological<br />

research to reduce the weight and cost of<br />

solutions.<br />

It is in particular on this last point that the<br />

interests of Renault and the French government<br />

through the Institute of Transportation<br />

Research focused to produce a new small<br />

safety synthesis vehicle, but adhering to the<br />

strict requirements in the area of motori,$t<br />

protection. It is the result of this work which<br />

is presented in detail for the first time.<br />

However this new experirnental vehicle of<br />

Renault is at the same time thc product and<br />

content of the sarne course of action:<br />

r synthesis of work on the sub-system<br />

(assembly),<br />

idlll<br />

llrr<br />

ffi<br />

Figure 1.<br />


,.,,.r,:#tgs<br />

li<br />

liii<br />

,ill<br />

ir<br />

98<br />

r integration of the latest knowledge acquired<br />

in all fields,<br />

r attainment of performarlce.s adapted as best<br />

as possible to real-life driving and costs of<br />

technical solutions,<br />

r and application of this orientation to small<br />

vehicles.<br />

The result is this vehicle called EPURE<br />

(Etude dc la Protection des Usagers de la<br />

Route et de I'Environment-Study of the<br />

Protection of Motorists and of the Environment)<br />

(fis. 2).<br />


Summary of Objectives - Figure 3<br />

Establishment of the Specifications<br />

In the beginning, a small synthesis vehicle<br />

that had to allow verification ol all the quantitative<br />

perfornrirrtce objectives in regard to<br />

occupant protection fixed by the EEVC in<br />

1974 was attainable with reasonably acceprablc<br />

cost supplements, and performance losses<br />

in thc othcr areas (noise, pollution, fuel economy,<br />

accelerating and road handling).<br />

But taking account ol'the progrcss achieved<br />

in the area of road acr.iclent knowleclge as well<br />

as in the technology of the solutions, Renault<br />

and the Institute ol'Transportalion Research<br />

decided to work on higher goals allowing an<br />

even greater number of motorists to be inf-luencecl<br />

by the anticipated solutions. The<br />

evcntual modifications had to do with test<br />

Figure<br />


Figure 3.<br />


PRESENT E.E.V.C.<br />


Realistic vehicle category<br />

Mass = 850 kg<br />

speed in frontal impact, lateral impact and<br />

collisions with pedestrians (fig. 4)'<br />

These objectives were defined after the<br />

analysis of real accidents either directly from<br />

our own investigations or using the data supplied<br />

by other Europcan teams.<br />


The experience accumulated over the years<br />

as well as the costly experience of the BRV<br />




Homogeneous: solution levels<br />

representative of statistical weight<br />

of collision configuration<br />

Good cost/benefit ratio<br />

Technical and economical<br />

e$timate of feasibitity of a<br />

vehicle complying with future<br />

regulations projects<br />

99<br />





demonstrated to us that it is not necessary to<br />

design and produce an entirely new vehicle to<br />

verify the validity of the foreseen technological<br />

solutions. Furthermore, the desire to verify<br />

that our objectives and our solutions were applicable<br />

to a small vehicle led us to select<br />

srarring points dictated by the different types<br />

of impact. For frontal impact, and particularly<br />

for a vehicle with front wheel drive, the<br />

lay out of the front mechanical parts is determined<br />

at the $arne tirne by the requirements

. No ddor openlng durlng impadi<br />

r Posslbilliy 6t mgnual openlng ol<br />

et laast 6n6 door atter Impact<br />

. ManuEl exlraciion Ol dummlsg<br />

. No fuel le8kage-nO llrg<br />

. No total or partial ejection<br />

. Saat cushions remain lock€d<br />

6urlnq lmPact<br />

Frer colll$lon test-Vf - 3b kmih<br />

rl9id movabte baili6r 1100 kg<br />

HIC s 1000<br />

tF { 80 g/3 ms<br />

lfrpact t68l: Bskm/h - 30' anglsd berrlsr<br />

Figure 4.<br />

Front aEEIE 2 patt 572 dummloa<br />

R6sr 6sal8 1 part 572 dummy<br />

I 8lx y6ar old dummy<br />

imposed by the structure, and by the harmful<br />

bracing effects which it entails. To try and<br />

cover the largest number of cases we chose a<br />

design with a transverse engine set almost flat.<br />

In such a way, the room occupied lengthwise<br />

is almost the same for a north-south engine,<br />

and the room occupied in the width is almost<br />

the same as for a transverse engine.<br />



Head: 80 g/3 mB<br />

Chest:60 g/3 ms<br />

24 km/h te6t<br />

sterra9Ian oummy<br />

{part 572 neck)<br />



Fronlal.lateral car to oar<br />

Collision tEst {idontical cars)<br />

gp€€d 50 khih enols 75"<br />

Thr€s part 572 dummies drlv€r<br />

Front and l6ft rEar passenger<br />

100<br />

Comptying with E.C.E. r1<br />

(seat belts anchorages)<br />

Complying with E.C.E. 17<br />

seats and seat anchorages<br />

Complyin0 wlth E.C.E. 21<br />

internal tilllngs<br />

lllumlnation E.E.C. dir€ctive<br />

Fuel COnSuilOlion 6qual<br />

to average value in this<br />

cate{ory ol vehicl€ ( + 10%)<br />

. s6t up ln cooperation with ltusTlTUT oE RECHERCHE<br />

DES TRANSPOFTS within /6s6arch conlract<br />

''Synth6sls v€hlcl€"<br />

"Pauoeoi Fanault Assoclation<br />

For lateral impact, we began with the least<br />

wide of our most recent models. This forces<br />

us to:<br />

I on one hand optimize the anticipated technological<br />

solutions to the maximum. for the<br />

structure as well as for the padding,<br />

r and on the other hand. this allowed us to<br />

measure the lower Iimits of the exterior

width of the vehicle for an acceptable interior<br />

space, taking account of the space<br />

used for the structure and the padding.<br />

The choice of existing production parts centered<br />

on external panels, tirne consuming to<br />

design and expcnsive to manufacture, but the<br />

structure of the vehicle was greatly rnodified.<br />

Also, it cannot be judged according to its<br />

appearance.<br />

Brief Description<br />

The structure is classic for us (fig. 5), a<br />

unit body with intcgrated chassis. The performance<br />

is obtained by improving the design<br />

of the parts and the use of materials with very<br />

good mechanical characteristics.<br />

Onc point in particular that we would like<br />

to mention is the deformable front hood protruding<br />

over the fenders, going up to the<br />

windshield, designed for pedestrian protection.<br />

The hood is used as deformable padding.<br />

This requires leaving sufficient space<br />

under the hood for its deformation. When<br />

this space was most reduced at the level of<br />

front suspension upper connecting points supplementary<br />

padding was used to optimize the<br />

crush characteristics. Another point to mention<br />

concerns the front bumper whosc shape<br />

was studied in such a way so that in case of<br />

collision with a pedestrian the impact point<br />

would be situated below the knees ol an individual<br />

of the height of a 6 year old child.<br />

Figure 5,<br />


101<br />

The structure of the doors could be adapted<br />

without changing the thickness of those of the<br />

vehicle we used as a base (base model).<br />

The interior protection systems are more<br />

unusual and merit a few comments.<br />

The Belts<br />

True to our confidence in this means of<br />

restraint we have not hesitated to preserve<br />

them, even to attain higher performance levels.<br />

We also kept the width of 60 mm used for our<br />

production vehicles. The improvement affected<br />

is a technological evolution of the solution<br />

adopted for the BRV in 1976:pyrotechnic<br />

retractors (fig. 6). But here, in the place of<br />

linear preloaders difficult to install in a vehicle,<br />

we used pyrotechnic reel retractors. The technology<br />

was developed by one of our suppliers,<br />

but our contributiou consisted of the device<br />

specifications and its electronic control: disengagenrent<br />

time, tinre to attain rcstraint effort,<br />

definition of this restraint effort aud duration<br />

of restraint effort. For this we used our most<br />

recent work in the area of biomechanics.<br />

Door Padding (fig. 7)<br />

This required a considerable amount of<br />

work of optimization to rcduce the thickness,<br />

the weight and thc cost. Unfortunately, this<br />

padding was defitred for a Hybrid lI dummy<br />

because it is the only means of official judgment<br />

(standard to go by) we have today. But<br />

Figure 6.

Figure 7.<br />

Figure 8.<br />

Figure L<br />

the work led simultaneously by our Biomechanics<br />

Laboratory in conjunction with the<br />

Institute of Orthopedic Research at Carches,<br />


102<br />

when designing this padding, demonstrated<br />

that the result is not perfectly adapted to<br />

hunrans and there remains work 1o he done to<br />

proceed from dummies to humans, entailing<br />

probably the use of more space in the vehicle<br />

by an increase in the thickness. [n the same<br />

vein as the principle padding the peripheral<br />

padding was studied to protect the head<br />

(fig. 8).<br />

Finally the dashboard was studied to be an<br />

eventual supplenrentary padding, its use being<br />

greatly diminished by the use of cfficientbelts.<br />

(fig. e).<br />


The main statement that we can add to the<br />

table is that if higher performances in frontal<br />

impacts have not affected the interior horizontal<br />

space, the interior width cannot be<br />

considered acccptable. Consequently, and<br />

considering that it must be difficult if not impossible,<br />

to produce a lesser door thickness,<br />

the small vehicle of the future will have to<br />

have an exterior width increased to about<br />

100 mm to be able to be judged habitable.<br />

Comparing the size characteristics of the<br />

EPURE and BRV, both of them having l'airly<br />

close protection performances, one can see<br />

the tectrnological progress achieved:<br />

3.6 m instead of 4.4 m<br />

850 kg insread of 1200 kg<br />

Table 1. Comoarison of characteristics<br />

E.P.U.R.E. and B.R.V.<br />


Overall length<br />

Overall width<br />

Wheel base<br />

Front wheel track<br />

Rear wheel track<br />

Front elbow room<br />

Width at f ront window Blll<br />

Rear elbow room<br />

Width at rear window sill<br />

Curb weight<br />

3.636 m<br />

1.525 m<br />

2.434 m<br />

1.352 m<br />

1.240 m<br />

1.260 m<br />

1.150 m<br />

1.150 m<br />

1.130 m<br />

850 kg<br />

4.410 m<br />

1.690 m<br />

2.620 m<br />

1.450 m<br />

1.443 m<br />

1.406 m<br />

1.281 m<br />

1.400 m<br />

1.280 m<br />

1,300 kg


Table 2. lnjury criteria measuied on part 572 dummies during frontalcollisions<br />

against 30" angled<br />

barrier at 65 km/h. Compared Results: R 14 (production car); Renault E.P.U.H.E.<br />

DHIVER<br />

R14<br />


DRIVER<br />

RENAULT E.P,U.R.E,<br />



Front impact table<br />

Lateral impact table<br />

Pedestrians<br />

Hrc<br />

845<br />

1493<br />

552<br />

777<br />

HEAD<br />

.y3 ms<br />

7og<br />

102 g<br />

509<br />

7og<br />

Table 3. Flenault E.P.U.R.E. occupant protectlon<br />

in lateral impact collision at 50 km/h<br />

75'. Injury criteria measured on a part<br />

572 dummy seated in front on the side<br />

of the imPact.<br />

Head H.l.C.<br />

Thorax .y3 ms<br />

Pelvis 73 ms<br />

Table 4. Renault E.P.U.R.E. pedestrian protec'<br />

tion. lmpacts against the vehicle injury<br />

criteria.<br />

Head H.l.C.<br />

Thorax 1, 3 ms g<br />

Pelvis "y 3 ms g<br />

Knee'y max g<br />

Ankle 1 max g<br />

Table 2<br />

Table 3<br />

Table 4<br />

Production vehicle Modif ied vehicle<br />

R 14/R 5 R 14/E.P,U.R.E<br />

102<br />

48g<br />

85s<br />

Collisions at<br />

24 km/h<br />

61<br />

309<br />

499<br />

Collisions at<br />

32 km/h<br />

I 2 3 I 2<br />

151<br />

1E<br />

3B<br />

150<br />

40<br />

87<br />

11<br />

47<br />

180<br />

60<br />

111<br />

20<br />

115<br />

40<br />

425<br />

20<br />

65<br />

200<br />

57<br />

303<br />

29<br />

55<br />

160<br />

65<br />

103<br />

THOBAX<br />

?3 ms<br />

51 g<br />

479<br />

41 g<br />

42g<br />

490 kg<br />

190 kg<br />

480 kg<br />

150 kg<br />

F FEMUR<br />

160 kg<br />

160 kg<br />

150 kg<br />

260 kg<br />

ln all the collision configurations tested the<br />

protcction criteria were not exceedcd.<br />


1959-1979. 20 years of research work conducted<br />

by Renault in order to come to<br />

grips with the many problems associatetl with<br />

roacl acciclents and 19 improve road users'<br />

protection. A new experitneutal vehicle being<br />

presetrted is the opportunity to take stock of<br />

the situatiorl, even ii it is only partial.<br />

Renault has attempted to solve the problems<br />

with respect to their actual statistical<br />

importance, as much for the order of priority<br />

as for the level of protection within the vehicle'<br />

But on these two points, thc importance of<br />

legislation is of the utlnost importance' The<br />

lcgislator is the one who decides on the requirenrents,<br />

both for the ordcr in which the<br />

prohlems are to be dealt with arrd the minimum<br />

level of protection to be provided for<br />

each of them.<br />

What do we have at our disposal to do this?<br />

Work carricd out by all the public and private<br />

teanl:i r,r'orking on this subject atrd, as far<br />

as Renault is concertred, it has published all<br />

the results of its work and actively participated<br />

in every international meetitrg'<br />

But it is clear to everybody ttrat this will not<br />

suff ice. Even thottgh a considerable mass of<br />

clatir exists, even though an experinental vehicle<br />

such as EPURE sltows the technical<br />

feasibility of perfortning solutions, even if<br />

most car manufacturers have shown they

know how to overcome these problems, the<br />

fact remains that we all still have gaps in our<br />

knowledge, and that the world economic<br />

juncture has made it even more difficult to<br />

specify satisfactory economic compromises.<br />

Drawing up a list of these gaps mean$ specifying<br />

the work program for the future. It<br />

would now seetn to us that the priorities have<br />

been classified.<br />

Improve our knowledge in biomechanics<br />

and give it concrete form in the shapc of a<br />

dummy that is really representative of<br />

human body behavior. What is the point<br />

spending considerable energy in research<br />

work, and large sums of money on technical<br />

solutions destined to protect dummies and<br />

which are inefficient lor humans.<br />

Considering that the solutions to frontal<br />

collision problems are now known, and that<br />

it only remains now for an efficient legislation<br />

to be drawn up, research efforts must<br />


be concentrated on the lateral collision and<br />

collision between vehicles and pedestrians<br />

and two-wheelers. This is the order of statistical<br />

priority.<br />

. Finally, legislators and constructors together<br />

working in an atmosphere of mutual confidence<br />

must specify protection performance<br />

requirements that are compatible with cost,<br />

energy economy and raw materials requirements.<br />

For engineers, this means obtaining<br />

the same performances with reduced weight<br />

and cost; for economists, this means deciding<br />

on compromises that can be supported<br />

by the states.<br />

It was to attempt to make progress in these<br />

three subjects that Renault has concentrated<br />

its eff'orts in these threc directions, and<br />

it also seems to us that large meetings of experts<br />

like this conference would be even more<br />

efficient if they also were to concentrate on<br />

the same subjects.<br />

Status Report on Calspan/Chrysler Research Safety Vehicle<br />

G. J. FABIAN<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

G. FRIG<br />

Chrysler Corporation<br />

After describing the reasons for, and the<br />

methodology used in, the development of the<br />

Calspan/Chrysler Research Safety Vehicle,<br />

the final car is presented and its features<br />

enumerated. Such aspects of the design as<br />

styling, front, side and rear structure, chassis<br />

and body cornponents, restraints, aerodynamics,<br />

weight and cost considerations are examined<br />

in some detail and the tradeoffs and<br />

compromises made in an attempt to attain the<br />

desired RSV performance are identified. Experimental<br />

results obtained on prototype<br />

vehicles are addressed, augmented where<br />

possible by information from tests of the ten<br />

final vehicles that have been built and<br />

delivered to the U.S. government. A discussion<br />

of results and conclusions completes the<br />

paper.<br />

104<br />


The overall objective of the National Highway<br />

Traffic Safety Administration's Research<br />

Safety Vehicle Program is to develop technological<br />

data applicable to automotive safety<br />

requirements for the mid-1980s and, in addition,<br />

to evaluate the compatibility of these<br />

safety goals with environmental policies,<br />

energy utilization and consumer economic<br />

considerations for that time period. To assist<br />

NHTSA in obtaining information appropriate<br />

for formulating meaningful automotive standards<br />

for that era, a multi-phase research program<br />

was undertaken to develop a light weight,<br />

advanced safety vehicle (RSV) suitable for<br />

family transportation. Current regulations<br />

were not to be constraint on RSV design; alternative<br />

safety features were to be explored.<br />

The design was to be compatible with mass<br />

production techniques, fuel economy and<br />

emissions requirements for the eighties. The<br />

RSV was to be constructed of readilv available

materials, to be easily recyclable and also require<br />

minimal energy in manufacture; it was<br />

to have reasonable initial and operating costs,<br />

as well as good consumer acceptance, Most<br />

importantly, it must provicle a high level of<br />

safcty for its llasserlgers, occupants of other<br />

vehicles and pedestrians.<br />

The car designed to meet these goals, fabricated<br />

for testing during the final fourth phase<br />

and representing the end product of a five<br />

year Calspan/Chrysler research program is<br />

shown in Figures I through 4. All test vehicles<br />

now have been built iind delivcred. Testing is<br />

currently being accomplished and sorne of the<br />

results are to be reported later in this conference.<br />

While a broad spectrum of data went into<br />

the evolution of the RSV, there obviously had<br />

to be sonre constraints. Thc most irnportant<br />

of these concerned program size and rirrring.<br />

Since actual production and sale of the automobiles<br />

was not contemplated, funds and<br />

&,'-Mm'ruffi-<br />

Figure 1. Calspan/Chrysler RSV.<br />

Figure 2. Calspan/Chrysler RSV.<br />


105<br />

Figure 3. Calspan/Chrysler RSV.<br />

Figure 4. Calspan/Chrysler R$V.<br />

scope were significantly less than would be invested<br />

by an autornotive company to develop<br />

a new production vehiclc. Selectivity was<br />

necessary in choosing the areas where research<br />

and developrnent could be most beneficial.<br />

F'inal development activities were directed primarily<br />

toward crash safety systems with minimum<br />

concern for refinement of basic automotive<br />

sy$tems comrnon to current cars. For<br />

in$tance, the rnajor expense of dcveloping advanced<br />

emissions systems ior 1985 was not incurred;<br />

instead, current systems were accepted.<br />

In fact, the choice of developing the RSV<br />

from a current rnass produced vehicle, wlrile<br />

providing a reliable basis for production<br />

aspects, imposed some desigrt and performance<br />

limitations on the final design. Timing<br />

was, of course, important. To be effective as<br />

an aid to defining 1985 safety requirements,<br />

the RSV proBram had to be completed sufficiently<br />

early to permit reasonable lead time<br />

for rule makirrg if the production cars were to<br />

be expected to include sirlilar features. Con-

sequently, in many instances, where an entirely<br />

new concept or direction was involved, development<br />

could only be carried to a feasibility<br />

demonstration level; while the RSV points the<br />

way, additional research, development and<br />

testing will be required before new standards<br />

could be implemented in those areas.<br />

Many people and organizations have contributed<br />

to the RSV program. Calspan is the<br />

prime contractor, but a large measure of the<br />

effbrt was undertaken by Chrysler Corporation.<br />

Calspan led in overall program direction,<br />

being primarily involved in the background<br />

investigations that led to the design<br />

specification, occupant restraint system<br />

design, component and vehicle evaluation<br />

testing as well as being instrumental in crashworthiness<br />

development. Chrysler's activities<br />

included structural design of the body and<br />

chassis to meet performance goals within the<br />

anticipated capabilities of future manufacturing<br />

technology, pedestrian protection, and<br />

engine and driveline installation, fuel economy,<br />

emissions, and styling. Subcontractors<br />

and suppliers to this project span the automotive<br />

industry, but the following organizations<br />

should be recognized for their support: Allied<br />

Chemical, Bendix, Cibie, Creative Industries,<br />

Davidson Rubber, Coodyear, Great Lakes<br />

Steel, Hexcel, Modern Engineering Services,<br />

Motor lnsurance Repair Research Centre,<br />

Roblin Industries, St. Gobian, Sheller-Globe,<br />

100<br />

o<br />

u<br />

X J<br />

E ><br />

u {<br />

-rtr 50<br />

(JF<br />

*n<br />

> = E<br />

f<br />

o 1970<br />

4000 - 10.000 #<br />

Figure 5. Projected vehicle mix.<br />


106<br />

Takata Kojyo, and Thiokol. Finally, and<br />

most importantly, the contributions of<br />

Franklin C. Richardson, NHTSA Program<br />

Technical Monitor, are gratefully acknowledged.<br />

Previous publications have discussed the<br />

many aspects of the program (references I<br />

and 2). A Phase [l status report, as well as<br />

reviews of technical aspects of the design were<br />

presented at the Sixth <strong>ESV</strong> <strong>Conf</strong>erence (references<br />

3 through 9). More recent activities in<br />

Phase III have been covered in reports and<br />

papers (references l0 through 27). That documentation<br />

will be referenced below in the<br />

brief review of the earlier work that is included<br />

to provide continuity and an appropriate<br />

frame of reference for the subsequent<br />

description of the final Calspan/Chrysler<br />

RSV.<br />


In the first phase of the program, initiated<br />

in January 1974, an analysis of the environment<br />

in which the vehicle is to operate in the<br />

mid 1980s was developed through investigations<br />

of trends of automotive usage, accident<br />

data, population growth, and the prediction<br />

of economic and resource status. From that<br />

postulated environment was developed a definition<br />

of vehicle characteristics suitable for<br />

1985, including vehicle performance specifica-

tions and preliminary design concepts. A<br />

review of accident statistics irrdicated priorities<br />

to be placed on crashworthiness (occupant<br />

protection) and pedestrian protection. Economic<br />

and environmental constraints imposed<br />

limits on vehicle weight and power.l<br />

On the basis of the automotive usage trend<br />

analysis and the continuing scarcity of fuel, as<br />

well as the other considerations. the initial<br />

vehicle was defined as a 2700 pound sedan<br />

(fig. 5) having a capacity suitable for a normal<br />

family use and fuel economy approaching 30<br />

miles per gallon. Recycling of materials to<br />

conserve vital fabrication also were design<br />

objectives.<br />

The Phase I study included analysis of the<br />

distribution of traffic fatalities in 1972. Some<br />

of the results are shown in Figures 6 and 7.<br />

The occupants of passenger cars represent 62<br />

Vehicle to vehicle<br />

19.660<br />

Figure 6. Distributlon of U.S. traffic fatalities.<br />


Figure 7, Injury producing elements-all pedestrian<br />

injuries in front impacts with full<br />

size American automobiles.<br />

All fstaliti6s<br />

56,600<br />

107<br />

z<br />

UJ<br />

U<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0 (46.e)<br />

+<br />



percent of the total. Pedestrians struck by<br />

vehicles make up another 19 percent. Reduction<br />

of fatalities and serious injuries in these<br />

categories would appreciably reduce the cost<br />

of transportation. In addition, a preponderous<br />

portion of pedestrian injuries arises from<br />

vehicle frontal impacts. Significant reductions<br />

in the pedestrian statistics might be achieved<br />

by a new approach to the design of the front<br />

of the car. Such accident statistics in combination<br />

with a wide variety of background<br />

factors led to the RSV crashworthiness goals<br />

summarized in Figure 8. Many other goals<br />

were established for a variety of other RSV<br />

capabilities as indicated in the table at the end<br />

of this paper. Cost/benefit studies were not<br />

performed at that time on specific features<br />

because actual on-the-road experience was<br />

deemed to be required to accurately assess<br />

their value.<br />

Since it was felt that the mass production<br />

capability of the vehicle was of paramount<br />

importance to the credibility of the data, the<br />

approach taken utilized a Chrysler Simca<br />

1307/1308 as the base vehicle which was subsequently<br />

modified to achieve the design<br />

goals. Although bringing with it certain design<br />

limitations, the base vehiclc provides dimensional,<br />

weight and handling characteristics<br />

ttrat approxinrate the Phase I RSV specifications.<br />

In addition, the Simca I308 manufacturing<br />

facilities furnish a realistic basis for<br />

estimating the effects on cost and producibility<br />

of design or process changes attendant to the<br />

achievement of RSV safety, emissions, and<br />

efficiency performance.<br />

F ront<br />

Sitle<br />

Rear<br />

"Speed for each car<br />

lmpact obiect <strong>Conf</strong>igurati on<br />

Fixed flat barrier<br />

Fixed pole barrier<br />

Fixed flat barrier<br />

Fixed flat barrier<br />

RSV<br />

RSV<br />

RSV<br />

RSV<br />

o' to 45o<br />

Center impact<br />

0'<br />

50% offset<br />

Center impact<br />

o" to 4so<br />

0"<br />

Figure 8. RSV crash performance specifications.<br />

Phase II activities2 were directed toward<br />

some refinemcnt of the RSV specifications,<br />

thoroughly testing the Simca 1308 to determine<br />

the base car performance, preliminary<br />

design of the crash safety elements ancl building<br />

and testing of prototypqs to establish the<br />

capabilities of the design to meet crashworthiness<br />

goals.2 Figure 9 illustrates the methodology<br />

adopted to hring the various vehicle elements<br />

into harmony. Particularly to be noted<br />

is the prominent part played by computer simulation<br />

which makes possible exploring design<br />

tradeoffs and compromises. Careful attention<br />

has been paid throughout the program to important<br />

considerations such as producibility,<br />

costs. and other "real life" factors to assure<br />

credibility of the results and their applicability<br />

to the I985 time frame.<br />

Economics of the design were also addressed.<br />

Consumer costs were established<br />

based on an assumed annual production of<br />

300,000 units. Research and development<br />

costs, materials, facilities, and production<br />

tooling costs were also assessed. The analysis<br />

of RSV costs provided increments between<br />

those for the RSV and a car of similar size and<br />

type designed to meet current governmental<br />

regulations. The RSV was assumed to be an<br />

all new, regular production model requiring<br />

implementation of all new tooling in an existing<br />

manufacturing facility.<br />

Phase Ill included not only the refinement<br />

and testing of the areas addressed in Phase II,<br />

but also considered additional characteristics<br />

not previously covered, such as durability,<br />

handling, acceleration, limited cmissions con-<br />

lmpact speed<br />

{MPH)<br />

Goal<br />

50<br />

50<br />

35<br />

2s<br />

50*<br />

50*<br />

45<br />

50<br />

108<br />

Minifium<br />

40<br />

40<br />

?n<br />

2A<br />

40*<br />

40*<br />

4Q<br />

45<br />

Comments<br />

I njury criterla-front seat occupants<br />

InjurV criteria-f ront seat occupants<br />

Iniurv criteria.-all positions, egres$ doors<br />

Maxirrum barrier force 60,000 lbs<br />

InjurV criteria-front seat occupants<br />

I njury criteria-front $eat occupants<br />

Injurv criteria- occupants struck side<br />

I njurv criteria-all occupants

Pedestrian/<br />

vehicle<br />

simulation<br />

BEse vehicle<br />

charscteristics<br />

Figure 9. RSV crash safety activity.<br />

Design and<br />

COrnPUter<br />

simulation<br />

System<br />

integrarion<br />

testing<br />

trol development, collision repairability, and<br />

compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety<br />

Standards.<br />


Before discussing Phase III test results<br />

demonstrating the performance achieved with<br />

the Calspan/Chrysler RSV, it is appropriate to<br />

first review the features of this design.26 A<br />

synopsis of many of the features of the RSV is<br />

shown in Figure 10.<br />


109<br />

Styling<br />

Design and<br />

computer<br />

sirnu lation<br />

Although the RSV resembles the Simca 1308<br />

from which it was derived, the shape forward<br />

of the windshield is all new and the wheel base<br />

almost three inches longer. In addition, the<br />

RSV has a new rear bumper and hatch lid'<br />

Wind tunnel testing led to the rounded front<br />

shape that is also beneficial for pedestrian impact<br />

protection. Other aerodynamic effects<br />

led to reduced size of the cooling air inlets,

iffi<br />

lli il:li<br />

r i l<br />

'rr;rl<br />

;iir ;<br />

lil<br />

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110<br />

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':t<br />

.9<br />


lower front end air dams, addition of front<br />

wheel f'lares, rear hatch lid spoiler, and<br />

smooth wheel covers, as well as rcmoval of<br />

the rear segrnent of the drip rail (figures I<br />

through 4).<br />

lnterior appearance also is similar to the<br />

Simca except for items needed to provide<br />

occuparlt protection in the attenlpt to realize<br />

the high speed impact goals (figures I l, l2 and<br />

l3). Most noticeable among these changes are<br />

the thicker door trim pads with enclosed<br />

aluminum honeycomb energy absorbers for<br />

occupallt protectiott during side inrpacts (figure<br />

l4). Energy absorbing foam pads are<br />

placed on uppef A, B and C pillars and above<br />

door openings to attenuate head contact forces<br />

in side impacts. Aluminum honeycornb mate-<br />

Figure 11. RSV driver air bag and<br />

Panel.<br />


instrument<br />

Figure 12. RSV passenger air belt and knee<br />

blocker.<br />

111<br />

Figure 13. RSV rear interior.<br />

rial similar to that in the doors is also used in<br />

the lower instrument panel to reduce forces<br />

frorn knec impacts during frontal crashes (figure<br />

l5). "See-through" head rcstraints are<br />

provided for front seat passengers both for<br />

improved driver visibility and for a feeling of<br />

added interior reominess. Passive restraint<br />

systems, described later, are also tnajor f actors<br />

in the interior appearance.<br />

$tructure<br />

Though not outwardly visible, the Simca<br />

based structure of the RSV has been altered<br />

extensively.T The impact speed goals of 40 to<br />

50 mph necessitated major alterations throughout.<br />

Few completely original Simca sheet<br />

nretal stampings rcmain in the RSV structure;<br />

they are shown as unshaded parts in Figure 16.<br />

Also seen in this illustration is the abundant<br />

use of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels<br />

for weight efficiency and structural strenBth.<br />

Limited use of such materials is occurring in<br />

present procluction automobiles,6 but not to<br />

the extent shown in the RSV because of welding<br />

difficulties. Wherever possible, the body is<br />

assernbled usirtg production type spot welding<br />

for low cost with minimal amounts of arc or<br />

MIG welding. Mechanical fasteners are of<br />

production lype throughout. In spite of its<br />

light weight, aluminunr applications are restricted<br />

to hood and hatch lid inner and outer<br />

panels which can rcadily be removed when the

Figure 14. Energy absorbing door trim.<br />

bolster -<br />

support<br />

Hexcel aluminum<br />

honeycomb en6rgy<br />

ebsorbing material<br />

Vacuum formed<br />

kn€B bolster covEr<br />

Figure 15. Instrument panel construction.<br />


Hexcell aluminum<br />

hdneycomb energy<br />

absorbing materiel<br />

/ qe1,\<br />

\04fr i<br />

u/<br />

112<br />

car is scrapped to preserve RSV recyclability.<br />

It was found that even minimal contamination<br />

either by aluminum or steel makes the resulting<br />

scrap of very low value so care has been<br />

taken to avoid material intermingling in any<br />

components. Chrome plating has been eliminated<br />

for similar reasons.<br />

Front<br />

Vacuum formed<br />

trim cover<br />

over %" foam<br />

A unique t'three-zone" approach wa$ conceived<br />

(fie. l7) to meet the requirements of<br />

pedestrian injury mitigation, limited low<br />

speed vehicle damageability, and reduced<br />

"aggressivity" with small cars and in side impacts<br />

while still permitting occupant surviva-

Figure 16. RSV materials utilization.<br />

Pedectrian<br />

& property<br />

255 mm l0 in<br />

559 mm<br />

953 mm<br />

Cornpatibility<br />

22<br />

Figure 17. Front structural concept.<br />


113<br />

High speed<br />

impect<br />

E:3 ir*rp sfiEE j<br />

tHntl<br />

ilunnrutrt<br />

rqryfis<br />

,",i,irriiir,lri,,lr,l' r


bility in high speed frontal crashes. The first<br />

zone, combining the needs of pedestrian safety<br />

and reduced low speed vehicle damage, de'<br />

velops the lowest level of impact force. Proper<br />

material selection (urethane foam) gives forces<br />

proportional to contact area' so a small object<br />

impacts (fig. 18). The side structure also<br />

serves to provide a load path for some of the<br />

frontal crash forces as well as to limit side impact<br />

intrusion.<br />

Side<br />

like a pedestrian receives a low force, but a<br />

large one like a car experiences a greater<br />

force. The second zone, having intermediate<br />

force levels, provides the limited aggressivity.<br />

The highest crush forces are developed in the<br />

third zone, to protect RSV occupants in high<br />

speed impacts. Such a scheme does not provide<br />

the highest crush efficiency in frontal impacts;<br />

in fact, it leads to somewhat higher<br />

peak accelerations on the vehicle, since only<br />

Iow crush forces are experienced during the<br />

initial portion of structural deformation in<br />

higher speed impacts. However, it was felt<br />

that this drawback was outweighed by the improvements<br />

effected by providing pedestrian<br />

protection and limited aggressivity.<br />

A very careful tuning of the design was required<br />

to satisfactorily attain the desired combination<br />

of all these capabilities. Tradeoffs<br />

were necessary between vehicle aggressiveness<br />

and crashworthiness and between intrusion<br />

and structural collapse. Reduction of body<br />

pitching on impact had to be effected consistent<br />

with energy absorbing crush. However, as<br />

is the case in any tuned system, variations in<br />

any single element seem to have a disproportionate<br />

effect since they de-tune the whole<br />

system. Consequently, in order to insure the<br />

proper operation of the individual elements so<br />

that the expected superior performance of the<br />

balanced system can be realized, additional<br />

effort (and cost) will have to be expended on<br />

inspection and quality control during vehicle<br />

fabrication than is utilized for cars manufactured<br />

to current standards.<br />

Structural modifications to the RSV sides<br />

(fie. l8) include stronger door hinges, interlocks<br />

into pillars and sills, as well as large<br />

door beams to carry loads across doors. This<br />

HSLA beam, extending from glass to sill and<br />

from latches to hinges, is bonded to the door<br />

outer skin for increased ef'ficiency and reduced<br />

weight. The front door glass was shortened at<br />

its forward end to clear the beam and rear<br />

door window glass opening distance was reduced<br />

for the same reason. Reinforcements<br />

were added to the A, B and C pillars. Utilization<br />

of a single stamped<br />

Major front structural elements exclusive to<br />

the RSV include the upper fender beams, front<br />

longitudinals designed to collapse in a prescribed<br />

manner, strengthened cowl sides, and<br />

the central tunnel and floor pan reinforcements<br />

which limit engine intrusion into the<br />

passenger compartment in high speed frorrtal<br />

"aperture panel" for<br />

the area surrourrding both front and rear<br />

doors reduces the number of weld joints and<br />

improves side strength. To prevent the side of<br />

the car from collapsing inward during impact,<br />

a roof reinforcement (rollbar which also provides<br />

improved roof crush strength) was<br />

added across the top between the B pillars and<br />

a transverse reinforcement was similarly added<br />

to the floor under the front seats.<br />

These elements serve to limit intrusion during<br />

side impact. Minor deformation of the<br />

door beam occurs after initial contact by a<br />

striking car. Through the door interlocks, the<br />

beams then engage the rigid base formed by<br />

the transverse members and strengthened<br />

door openings. Thus, the beams act more<br />

efficiently as tension members rather than as<br />

simple bending elements and combine with<br />

the rest of the structure to provide exceptional<br />

side impact performance even when hit by<br />

much larger cars.<br />

Rear<br />

The rear structure of the Simca required<br />

minimal modification (fig. 18). The fuel-tank<br />

filler neck was rerouted to obtain better protection<br />

in crashes. Location of the Simca fuel<br />

tank between the rear wheels, well forward of<br />


Figure 18. Phase lll structure.<br />

the rear end, was retained although its capacity<br />

was slightly reduced to provide added luggage<br />

volume. Rear Iongitudinals and rear crossmernber<br />

were reinforced primarily for low<br />

speed damage reduction and the rear end of<br />

the hatch lid and rear fcnders werc altered to<br />

permit attachment of the soft bumper and<br />

spoiler.<br />

Body Components<br />

Secondary<br />

hood latches<br />

Although most body haidware components<br />

on the RSV were retained intact frorn the<br />

Simca 1308. a number were somewhat modified<br />

to better suit specific requirements of the<br />

RSV. These include the instrument cluster,<br />

seats (reinforced and recliner mechanism<br />

removed), window mechanisms, most glass,<br />

door and hatch latches. and various other<br />

small components. Some special elements<br />


Rei nf.<br />

f loor<br />

Tunnel and cross<br />

floor pan ftemoer<br />

reinf orcementg<br />

115<br />

sirl<br />

interlock<br />

were u$ed, the most significant being the soft<br />

foam t'illed bumpers, new front and rear lighting,<br />

special windshield, and the hood latch<br />

systems.<br />

The soft urethane plastic, foam filled<br />

bumpers are unique, as shown in Figure 19.8<br />

They protect the RSV from damage in barrier<br />

irnpacts up to 13 kph (8 mph), I kph (5 mph)<br />

rear collisions, and 2l kph (13 mph) front-torear<br />

crashes between RSVs.II'ts More importantly,<br />

with this bumper, a capability for the<br />

reduction of pedestrian injuries has been<br />

demonstrated at speeds up to 32 kph (20 mph)<br />

for both adults and children.e<br />

Prelirninary cornputer studies were used to<br />

establish the bumper shape and its forcedeflection<br />

properties. Both factors were found<br />

to be significant in timiting injuries. Force<br />

properties primarily linrit bone fractures and,<br />

combined with overall shape, can affect

High density<br />

Figure 19. Pedestrian protecting bumper.<br />


pedestrian kinenatics after contact forces<br />

with other car elements and with the ground.<br />

The aluminum hood, in addition to saving<br />

weight, enhances the bumper properties by<br />

beirrg "sofler"<br />

than a steel hood. (There is<br />

somc disadvantage, however, in that thc hood<br />

can bc more readily damaged in non-impact<br />

situations.) Fortunately, the rounded bumper<br />

shape has proven to be ccrmpatible with aerodynamic<br />

needs, although it does not fully<br />

comply with present U.S. bumpcr standards<br />

and was not designed to do so. ln fact, current<br />

U.S. standards pertain to protecting the vehicle<br />

on which the bumper is installed rather than<br />

pedestrians. The fixed headlamp covers, installed<br />

primarily to improve aerodyttatnics,<br />

also aid the pedestrian by providing surface<br />

continuity.<br />

RSV headlamps (fig. 20) have only one<br />

bearn and use a plastic lens to attain prccise<br />

aiming for improved lighting with reduced<br />

glare while effecting a weight savings (figures<br />

2l and 22). While not fully develorred, this<br />

system could have safety advantages by providing<br />

better lighting, and eliminating im-<br />

116<br />

mounting brecket$<br />

Figure 20. RSV plastic headlamP.<br />

proper beam usage. A suspension activated<br />

hydraulic headlamp aiming system is available<br />

to automatically compensate for vchicle loading<br />

and dynamic effects. High-level rear lamps<br />

are located on the rear roof pillars (fig. 23).<br />

Thcy combine runnitrg, side-marker, stop,<br />

and turn functions in a highly visiblc location.


Figure 21. Standard tungsten sealed beam low beam.<br />

Figure 22. RSV headlight beam.<br />


Figure 23. BSV high level rear lamp'<br />

The RSV windshield is similar to current<br />

U.S. three-layer units but is sottrewhat thinner<br />

and has a f our th plastic inner layer' I'his<br />

layer, to a large extellt, eliminates lacerative<br />

injuries to unrestrained occupants.<br />

A special hood latch system with the secondary<br />

catches remotcly located along the<br />

hood sides is used (f-ig. 2a). A conventional,<br />

interior-actuated primary latch is located at<br />

the front of thc hood. Secondary catches provide<br />

inrproved crush eiiiciency for the lightweight<br />

aluminum hood by increasing the<br />

number of buckles fornred in it during frontal<br />

impacts. The secondary latches prevenI the<br />

hood from entering the windshield lower zone<br />

and stabilize thc fenders laterally in angled or<br />

offset collisions.<br />

Restraints<br />


Development of the RSV occupant restraints<br />

began carly in Phase II using the Calspan developed<br />

crash victim simulation computer<br />

prograrn (CVS lll)5 with input decelerations<br />

provided by comptete car crush simulations<br />

from Chrysler. Preliminary results of tttese<br />

studies indicated that an advanced belt systemle<br />

coulcl provide a sr.rrvivable impact speed<br />

about 8 khp (5 nrph) greater thirn an air bag<br />

118<br />

Figure 24. Secondary hood latch.<br />

system. The parametric studies were confirmed<br />

by tcsts on a HYCE impact sled. While<br />

the slecl resr-rlts were not exactly equivalent to<br />

the computer predictions, based on FMVSS<br />

208 tolerance levels front seat occupants could<br />

be assured survivability with the projected<br />

RSV structural response. The Phase ll cars incorporated<br />

such a belt to take advantage of<br />

the indicated greater impact speed potential.<br />

Subsequently, for use in Phase III, NHTSA<br />

awarded additional contracts tor dcvelopment<br />

of air bag type restraints for both the driver<br />

and front passenger. The passenger system<br />

was not developcd sufficiently to be included<br />

in the vehicle, but the driver air bag systema<br />

was selected ior the final RSVs to detnoustrate<br />

an available alternate passive system.<br />

The driver's restraint (fie. 25) incorporates<br />

a steering wheel mounted air bag with a<br />

sodiunr azidc inflator, porous nylon bag, dual<br />

rirdiator yoke mounted irrrpact sensors (1973<br />

CM type) and a dash mounted diagnostic box

Dual rediator<br />

mounted crash<br />

sensors<br />

H<br />

Yr\.'o'.\<br />

*[f<br />

I nt€grat6cl<br />

knee restra i nt<br />

Figure 25. lllustration of drlver air bag system.<br />

with integral back-up crash $ensor. For the<br />

front passenger, the restraint system (fie. 26)<br />

is a motorized, passive inflatable torso belt<br />

with the inflator mounted between the seats (a<br />

single inflator could serve two belts for both<br />

front occupants), force limited webbing, and<br />

an inertia retractor. Both systems offer optional<br />

active lap belts made of force Iimiting<br />

webbing to supplement the previously described<br />

"knee blocker" instrument panel and<br />

to minimize chances of ejection during impact.<br />

In the interest of simplicity, the belt<br />

system uses the same sensors as the air bag'<br />

When deployect, the inflatable element eliminates<br />

belt slack (required for comfort), distributes<br />

forces over the torso and, since it extends<br />

under the chin, reduces passenger head<br />

motions. Force limiting webbing limits the<br />

occupant accelerations to accepted tolerance<br />

values. When the ignition is turned off, a<br />

motor drives a flexible cable pulling the movable<br />

D ring forward to the upper right corner<br />

of the windshield, allowing ready entry and<br />

egress by the front seat passenger.<br />


Diagnostic<br />

-<br />

119<br />

I nflstBd<br />

air bag<br />

extent<br />

Thiokol<br />

in f lator<br />

The air bag system has advantages in that it<br />

is completely passive, unobtrusive, and provides<br />

effective distribution of impact forces<br />

on occupants. A strong point for the improved<br />

belt is that it is anchored farther back<br />

in the vehicle structure and thus may not be as<br />

susceptible to degradation of performance<br />

should serious intrusions occur. Also, since as<br />

a normal belt it provides satisfactory restraint<br />

up to 30 mph, belt system inflatiorr could be<br />

deferred to a higher impact speed than the air<br />

bag. This could result in repair cost savings<br />

since restoration of the system after crashes<br />

would be needecl in fewer instances. In addition,<br />

a belt supplies some lateral support for<br />

accidents other than frontal impacts. On the<br />

other hand, the automatic intlatable belt has<br />

two major shortcomings: it is nearly as expensive<br />

as the air bag and it is far more likely to<br />

result in owner/occupant objections to its discomfort,<br />

inconvenience, and appearance.<br />

Force limiting webbing is used in the active<br />

belts for the three rear seat positions. <strong>Three</strong>point<br />

restraints with inertia retractors are pro-

D+ing<br />

drive motor<br />

Energy absorbing<br />

knee bolster<br />

Movable D-ring<br />

forward position<br />

D+ing track<br />


Optionel lap belt<br />

Electrical connection<br />

to diagnostic box<br />

& crash sensors<br />

Figure 26. Inflatable shoulder belt-Phase lll'<br />

vided for the outboard positions and a lap<br />

belt for the center. While these devices provide<br />

a lower level of impact performance than<br />

the front seat restraints, they were considered<br />

satisfactory and consistent with maintaining<br />

reasonable vehicle costs in view of markedly<br />

lower use of the rear seats. Sheet metal panels<br />

on the backs of the front seats serve to absorb<br />

rear passenger knee contact forces ancl prevent<br />

consequent injuries to front passengers,<br />

Aerodynamics<br />

An aerodynamics study was undertaken<br />

during Phase 11126 involving a complete, fullscale<br />

car test performed at the National Research<br />

Center wind tunnel in Ottawa, Canada.<br />

Many aerodynamic features were investigated<br />

120<br />

Vehicle sensitive<br />

inertia retrector<br />

Fixed D'ring<br />

Energy absorbing<br />

shoulder belt webbing<br />

lnflatabelt inflator<br />

& manifold<br />

on a Phase III prototype and the measured effects<br />

on drag are tabulated in Figure 27. Some<br />

tradeoffs were made to achieve this level of<br />

<strong>Conf</strong>ig- Description cD AcD%<br />

u rati on<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Base car .474 O<br />

(1) w/45 mm rear spoiler .438 7,8<br />

(2) w/Headlamp cover$ .421 11.4<br />

(3) w/Flush wheelcover ,415 12.6<br />

(4) w/Convex wheel fairlng .41 3 13.1<br />

15) w/Faired drip molding &<br />

rear ouarter window .412 13.3<br />

{61 w/Rear wheel arch skirt .41 1 13,5<br />

(7) wlFront vertical air dam .4OB 14.1<br />

(8) w/Center grill inlets only<br />

and two aerodynamic<br />

mirrors .405 15.4<br />

Figure 27. RSV wind tunnel test results.

performance. For example, the initial rear<br />

vision goal was similar to the currcnt proposed<br />

standard for indirect visibility. An analysis of<br />

that goal indicated a need for very large outside<br />

rear view mirrors on both sides of the car.<br />

The right side mirror had the iurther disad,<br />

vantage of having to be placed atop the right<br />

fender forward of the windshield. The size<br />

and location of these mirrors would increase<br />

drag as well as present a potential hazard to<br />

pedestrians. [t was decided that these elements<br />

outweighed the advantages of improved indirect<br />

vision. The fixed headlamp covers described<br />

earlier in the bumper section were<br />

similarly found to provide major aerodynamic<br />

improvements as well as a potential advantage<br />

to pedestrians. Therefore, they are used in the<br />

RSV despite their non-concurrences with current<br />

U.S. regulations.<br />

Chassis<br />

The RSV goals include a7.84litres/100 km<br />

(30 mpg) conrbined citylhighway EPA cycle<br />

fuel economy and emissions of .41 HC, 3.4<br />


Circuit I<br />

(lt. frt. & rt. rearl<br />

CO, and 2.0 NOx gpm. The high cost of developing<br />

an entirely new type of emissions<br />

systems would have diluted the primary objective<br />

of safety. Instead, a current production<br />

engine was selected to replace the Simca unit.<br />

Installation of a I.7 liter Omni/Horizon<br />

engine in the RSV required redesign of the<br />

engine accessory drives and relocation of<br />

other engine compartment components as<br />

well as an increase in the front overhang. The<br />

very good aerodynamics of thc RSV result in a<br />

fuel econorriy rating exceeding the 8.55 litres/<br />

100 km (27.5 mpg) combined city/highway<br />

average required of all U.S. cars by 1985.<br />

Emissions levels meet 1979 California requirements.<br />

The remainder of the RSV driveline is<br />

also Omni/Horizon with both manual arrd<br />

automatic transmissions available.<br />

The other chassis items have been changed<br />

from their Simca or Omni/Horizon counterparts<br />

only as required to meet the specific in-<br />

$tallation or weight requirements of the RSV.<br />

The Simca brakes have been altered to provide<br />

a diagonal split (fig. 28) to give improved<br />

braking when the system is partially failed.<br />

Existing residual<br />

Circuit 2<br />

(rt- frt. & lt. rearl Circuit 2 Existing proportion ing<br />

valve (circuit 1)<br />

Figure 28. Brake line routing for RSV with diagonal split system.<br />

1?1<br />

Additional proportioning<br />

valve (circuit 2)

Further development of an adaptive (four<br />

wheel, electronically modulated) braking<br />

system is currently underway for installation<br />

on the RSV.<br />

A break-away lower steering column member<br />

(fig. 29) is used to reduce steering wheel<br />

rearward motion during high speed. frontal<br />

impacts by separating the steering rack and<br />

pinion gear from the upper column after<br />

about one inch of crush takes place aft of the<br />

front wheels.<br />

The tire system utilizes a flatproof tire (fig.<br />

30). When the pressure is removed, thethicker<br />

sidewalls support the car weight and car handling<br />

response is not severely affected. A low<br />

tire pressure warning system is included to<br />

1FQ<br />

krFR"<br />

fr l-t<br />

),*sd"<br />

-riltr* +<br />

cj}<br />

&!<br />

##<br />

Figure 29. Breakaway steering shaft.<br />

Figure 30. Flatproof tire.<br />


fied Simca<br />

provide an instrument panel indication when<br />

any of the four tires has less than I l5 kilopascals<br />

(17 psi). The car can be drivcn up to 65 km<br />

(40 miles) at speeds up to 65 kph (a0 mph) to a<br />

service station without damaging the tire, providing<br />

added safety by eliminating the hazards<br />

of roadside tire changing. There is also a small<br />

weight savings (albeit at added cost) afforded<br />

by replacing five tires and the jack with four<br />

flatproof tires even though they weigh more<br />

individually than the standard ones. A substantial<br />

increase in luggage volume is also<br />

achieved.<br />

Weight<br />

Since fuel economy is closely associated<br />

with vehicle weight, particular attention was<br />

paid to changes in weight resulting from design<br />

modifications during the development of the<br />

Calspan,/Chrysler RSV.26 The success of that<br />

activity is attested by the fact that the measured<br />

curb weight of 1213 kg (2675 lbs) is only<br />

13 ke (7 lbs) above that shown on the September<br />

weight report, several months prior to<br />

completion of the first Phase IV RSV (fig.<br />

31). The curb weight represents an increase of<br />

16l kg (355 lbs) over the base French Simca,<br />

but since it is estimated that about 60 kg<br />

(132lbs) would have to be added primarily for<br />

emissions, bumpers, and door crush resistance<br />

to meet current U.S. regulations, the weight<br />

attributable to the RSV f'eatures is about<br />

101 kg (223 lbs).<br />

Costs<br />

Obviously, all of the added RSV safety<br />

features cannot be obtained without some<br />

penalties. As noted, the curb weight of the<br />

Calspan/Chrysler RSV is estimated to be<br />

101 kg (223 lbs) greater than a "f'ederalized"<br />

Simca. That added weight results in increased<br />

operating costs due to reduced fuel economy.<br />

In addition, the added complexity of the vehicle<br />

subsystems and structure might result in<br />

additional maintenance costs. Increased part<br />

and labor content in the more complex RSV<br />

will probably result in higher manufacturing

Base car (Simca C€l<br />

Adjusted bdse car<br />

Front structure<br />

Side $tructure<br />

Side exclusively<br />

Front/side<br />

Side rollover .<br />

Flear structure<br />

Environmental protsction<br />

Occupant protection<br />

Steering & suspension<br />

Producibility & shipping<br />


{1050.7s4)<br />

(?0.843)<br />

(48.803)<br />

(3.574)<br />

5G<br />

Phase | | |<br />

r026.844<br />

62.608<br />

73.22<br />

3.598<br />

9.614<br />

39.610<br />

4.739<br />

Lbs<br />

12317.001<br />

2264.1S<br />

138.0s<br />

161 ,45<br />

(45.S61<br />

(107.61 )<br />

(7.88)<br />

7.94<br />

21 .20<br />

87.34<br />

-10.45<br />

Total car 1210.758 2669.62<br />

Figure 31 Research safety vehicle crashworthiness weight status.<br />

costs and consequently increased consumer<br />

cost. On the other hand, however, the benefits<br />

of reduced damageability and improved safety<br />

might more than offset those increases.<br />

A detailed consumer cost analysis has been<br />

carried out by Chrysler personnel, assurning<br />

an annual production of 300,000 units with a<br />

normal amortization.zd Since the Simca is<br />

neither manufactured nor sold in the U.S.,<br />

and the French manufacturing facilities, procedures,<br />

and labor rates are not specific to the<br />

U.S., an actual total consumer cost for a federalized<br />

RSV is not available. However, cost<br />

differentials between the RSV and a car of the<br />

same size and general features meeting current<br />

U.S. standards (federalized Simca) were deiived<br />

as summarized in Figure 32. The total<br />

consumer cost differential including research<br />

and development, facilities, tooling, and other<br />

expenses associated with bringing such a car<br />

into production is shown to be $1795 in 1979<br />

dollars. Although a major number of the<br />

items appearing in the estimate are the type<br />

Chrysler presently fabricates, a disproportionately<br />

large dollar portion of the estimate is<br />

associated with a limited number of components<br />

that are not now in production and<br />

would have to be purchased. Chrysler had<br />

only vendor's estimates to use in assembling<br />

123<br />

PErt grouP<br />

Bodyin{lthite<br />

Front sheet m6tEl<br />

Glass<br />

Paint. sealsrE & d€adoneri<br />

Bumper$<br />

Grille & light$<br />

Exterior ornamentetion<br />

lnstrument Pan6l<br />

Steering wheel<br />

I nterior trim<br />

Front restrsints & knee blocker<br />

Rear restraints<br />

Chassis & 6l€ctrical<br />

Flatproof tires & sensor sys.<br />

Adaptive brake systeff<br />

Hodlemp leveling system<br />

Mircellaneous<br />

Figure 32. Consumer cost summary.<br />

Additionsl<br />

con$um€r<br />

cost<br />

$ 203<br />

23<br />

28<br />

-0-<br />

107<br />

31<br />

M<br />

-0-<br />

-0-<br />

138<br />

g2<br />

34<br />

22<br />

102<br />

325<br />

45<br />

41<br />

Tobl $1795<br />

the costs for the passive restraint systems' antiskid<br />

brakes. and flatproof tires which comprise<br />

the high technology category of the RSV<br />

features as shown in Figure 33. The vendor<br />

supplied costs for these three elements are<br />

dependent orr the supplier's estimate of the<br />

market that does not admit detailed analysis;<br />

they dominate the cost differential, representing<br />

60 percent of the total incremental cost.

High technology features<br />

Front passenger restraints. incl. knee blocker<br />

Flatproof tires & low pressure warning<br />

Adaptive braking sYstem<br />

Di$cretion8ry feEtur€s<br />

4-Plv windsheild<br />

Rear sooiler<br />

Halogen head lamp$ & covers<br />

Headlamp adiusting system<br />

High level rear lamps<br />

Rub strip molding<br />

Soft wheel covers<br />

Aluminum hood & hatch lid<br />

Basic features<br />

Body structure & hardware<br />

Soft front S rear bumDers<br />

lnterior trim & padding<br />

3-Point reer belts<br />

Miscellaneous other items<br />

Consumer<br />

cost<br />

$ 642<br />

102<br />

325<br />

Elo6e---<br />

$?s<br />

30<br />

14<br />

45<br />

21<br />

24<br />

30<br />

16<br />

lrr%) $ 208<br />

$ zto<br />

77<br />

138<br />

34<br />

59<br />

(ze%l $TiE-<br />

Total (1O0%) $1795<br />

Figure 33. RSV consumer cost feature categorization.<br />

Concurrently, the basic vehicle features which<br />

are closely related to parts currently being<br />

manufactured account for only 29 percent of<br />

the total, with the optional or discretionary<br />

features constituting the remaining l1 percent<br />

of the cost difference.<br />

Although we believe this to be the best estimate<br />

that can currently be obtained, since it is<br />

based on the most reliable information available,<br />

it is true that the closer an item is to being<br />

in production at the desired rate, the more<br />

nearly the actual cost can beassessed. Chrysler<br />

has expressed a view that while these costs are<br />

realistic, they may be sonrewhat optimistic;<br />

they should fall within a normal l0 to 20 percent<br />

band. However, since 60 percent of the<br />

cost represents three major elements not yet<br />

scheduled for production, careful monitoring<br />

of variations in these costs will be necessary<br />

because of the leverage of these items on the<br />

total cost differential.<br />


A number of tests were conducted during<br />

Phases ll and III to assess the performance<br />


1?4<br />

capabilities of components and systems being<br />

designed and built for the RSV. Static crush<br />

testsl0 were used to predict structural performance<br />

in dynamic impacts, slecl testsa'lg<br />

with a postulated acceleration pulse to indicate<br />

dummy occupant performance in car<br />

crashes, a number of barrier and car-to-car<br />

crash testsll-l8'zl were run to evaluate occupant<br />

survivability, and handling tests22'23 provided<br />

information on vehicle driveability and<br />

response. In addition, aerodynamics, fuel<br />

economy, emissions, flatproof tire performance,<br />

braking and acceleration were investigated<br />

experimentally.z6 Results of the performance<br />

of the RSV obtained by test and<br />

measurement2T are shown in the table at the<br />

end of this paper. Also included are specifications<br />

that were proposed early in the program<br />

and references to reports in which the information<br />

is contained. It is hoped that the scope<br />

of the experimental information contained<br />

therein can be enlarged by the results of other<br />

tests to be reported at this meeting by representatives<br />

of other natii.ls who have cooperated<br />

in this international effort to enhance<br />

automotive safety.<br />

Information in the table is, in most cases,<br />

self-explanatory. The internal width of the<br />

RSV is, in fact, that of the Simca base car<br />

minus the space taken up by the additional<br />

energy absorbing padding on the sides. A<br />

decision was made for Phase IIt to proceed<br />

with the design and fabrication of the RSV on<br />

that basis rather than to spend the additional<br />

money required to provide the internal room<br />

needed to comfortably seat three people sideby-side.<br />

The braking performance exceeded<br />

the specification after the first preburnish<br />

test.26 The RSV prototype stopped from<br />

96.5 kph in 46 meters (60 mph in 151 feet)<br />

with a maximum pedal force of 68 kg (l50lbs).<br />

In subsequent fade and recovery tests, the<br />

pedal force to obtain a deceleration of 3 meters<br />

(10 feet) per second per second (.31 g's) varied<br />

from 12 to 14 kg (26 to 3l lbs), while that required<br />

to achieve 4.6 meters (15 feet) per second<br />

per second (.465 g's) varied from 20 to<br />

24 kg (45 to 52 lbs).

Table 1. RSV system performance.<br />



1.0 Vehlcle Description<br />

1.1 General <strong>Conf</strong>iguration<br />

Weight (Curb)<br />

Payload<br />

Occupants<br />

Trunk Volume<br />

"<br />

Test Payload<br />

1.2 lnterior Oim€nsions<br />

Head Room-F<br />

_R<br />

Leg Floom-F<br />

_R<br />

Shoulder Hoom-F<br />

_R<br />

Englne Description<br />

1.3 Exterlor Dimenslons<br />

Wheelbase<br />

O/A Length<br />

oiA Heighr<br />

o/A width<br />

Wheel Tread<br />

Turning Circle<br />

2.0 Salety Performance<br />

Requiremenls<br />

2.1 Vehicle Handling<br />

2.1.1 Braking Performance<br />

$ervlce Braking:<br />

60 mphlstraight<br />

Pedal Force<br />

Emergency Braklng:<br />

Boosier Failure<br />

1/2 System Failure<br />

Proportion $ystem<br />

Parking Brake<br />

Vehicle Jacking<br />

2.1.2 Steering<br />

Yaw Re$ponse<br />

.49, 25 mph<br />

.49, 50 mph<br />

.49, 70 mph<br />

Transient Responee<br />

.49,25 mph<br />

.49,70 mph<br />

Returnability<br />

.49,25 mph<br />

.49, 50 mph<br />




2500-3000 lbe<br />

4-5<br />

14*19 ft3<br />

37.6 ln.<br />

36.8 in.<br />

40.0 in.<br />

36 in.<br />

49.8 ln.<br />

52.5 in.<br />

1400 cc.<br />

Transverse Front<br />

Engine and Drive<br />

106In.<br />

180 ln.<br />

55 in.<br />

72 in.<br />

62 in.<br />

42 tt<br />

350 ft<br />

400 ft<br />

250 ft<br />

30% Grade<br />

FR 17055<br />

125<br />

BSV<br />


2675 lbs (1213 kg)<br />

Family of 5<br />

19 ft3 (0.ffi8 m3)<br />

37.5 in. (0.95 m)<br />

36.1 in. (0.91 m)<br />

40.85 in. (1.04 m)<br />

33.85 in. (0 86 m)<br />

48.7 in. (1.24 m)<br />

50.8 in. (1.29 m)<br />

1716 cc. (104.7 in.o)<br />

Transverse Front<br />

Engine and Drive<br />

105.? in. (2.68 m)<br />

177.8 in (4.52 m)<br />

53.1 in. (1.35 m)<br />

67 in. (1.70 m)<br />

55.71t54.72 in. (1.4?1.39 m)<br />

Less than 38 ft (11.58 m)<br />

151 ftll$O lbs<br />

(46 m/68 kg)<br />

.31 g=26.31bs<br />

(1? ks)<br />

.469 = 52 155<br />

(24 ks)<br />

192 ft (58.5 m)<br />

329 ft (100.3 m)<br />

157 ft (47.9 m)<br />

82 lb (37.2 kg)<br />

FR 17055<br />

Gain = 30<br />

Gain = 38<br />

$atisf actory<br />

Satisfactory<br />

(22) (23)


Table 1. RSV system performance (Cont.).<br />



?.1.3 Handling<br />

Lateral Accel.<br />

Control at Breakway<br />

Ory Pavement<br />

Directional Stabllity<br />

Steering Control<br />

No Power Assist<br />

Pavement lrreg.<br />

?.1.4 Overturning lmmunity<br />

Slalom Course<br />

Drastic Maneuvers<br />

2.1.5 Engine/Driveline<br />

Passing Time<br />

30-65 mph<br />

(48-105 kph)<br />

50-70 mph :<br />

80-113 kph)<br />

Range at 55 mph<br />

(88 kph)<br />

Lateral Force<br />

2.1.6 Hide Per{ormance<br />

2.2 Visibillty Systems<br />

2.2.1 Driver Visibility<br />

Direct Field of View<br />

Driver Size<br />

Shacle Bands<br />

Light Trans<br />

t-v<br />

v<br />

Obstructlons<br />

lndirect Visibillty<br />

Backlight<br />

2.2.2 Llghting<br />

Def rost/defog<br />

2.2.3 Vehicle<br />

Consplcuity<br />

2.3 Driver Environment<br />

?.3.1 Controls and<br />

Displays<br />

2.3.2 Warning Devices<br />

2,3.3 Environment<br />

2.3.4 Emergency Eguipment<br />

2.4 Grash Energy<br />

Management Systems<br />

2.4.1 $tructural $ystems<br />

Return in 4 sec.<br />

Torque 5 x power<br />

Deviation 1 ft<br />

50 mph<br />

50,60 mph<br />

24 sec<br />

22 sec<br />

220-250 ml<br />

I<br />

Constant Output<br />

Frequencies<br />

F .g-1.1 Hz<br />

R 1.?-1.4 Hz<br />

37FR7?10<br />

SAE JIOO<br />

TOVr<br />

60%<br />

36FH1156<br />

Defog<br />

37FR22801<br />

FMVSS 103<br />

Light Color/<br />

Contrast Strip€<br />

S-O-A Practlve<br />

Be$traint StatuB<br />

S-O.A<br />

Standard<br />

126<br />

Exceed Spec.<br />

.599 Outer R<br />

at 5 psi (34 k pascal)<br />

Beturn in 4 sec.<br />

ok<br />

ok<br />

50 mph (80 kph)<br />

Satlsfactory<br />

16.3 sec<br />

17.4 sec<br />

257 to 390 mi<br />

(414-628 km)<br />

F - 1.08 Hz<br />

R = 1.27 Hz<br />

Satisfactory<br />

Satlsfactory<br />

Below Spec<br />

Heated Backlight<br />

$ingle Beam F<br />

High Level Rear<br />

Light Color/<br />

Contrast Stripe<br />

SOA<br />

Reetralnts Flat Tlre<br />

S.O-A<br />

STD<br />

RSV<br />


(22) (23)<br />

l22l<br />

(27) (26)<br />

(26)<br />

(26)<br />

(26)<br />

(1) (2) (26)

SECTION 3:<br />

Table 1. RSV system performance (Cont),<br />


CATEGORY<br /> Front Structure<br />

Wide Barrier lmPact<br />

.<br />

=0"<br /> Slde Structure<br />

Car'to-Car<br /> Roof Structure<br />

?.4.1.4 Rear Structure<br />

Car'to'Car<br />

2.4.2 Exterior Protection<br />

Propeny DamaqB<br />

Front Barrier<br />

Front-to'Ftear<br />

2.4.3 Fuel $ystem<br />

2.5 OccuPant Systems<br />

2.5.1 Seating<br />

2.5.2 Restraint<br />

215.3 Flammauility<br />

2.5.4 lnterior Design<br />

2.5.$ EmergencY Egress<br />

3.0 Vehlcle Systems<br />

3.1 Engine, Fuel, Gooling'<br />

and Exhaust Systems<br />

Fuel EconomY<br />

Weight/Power<br />

Crulse<br />

40 to 50 mPh<br />

40 to 45 mph<br />

30 mph rollover<br />

45 to 50 mPh<br />

I mph<br />

13 mph<br />




No fuel leakage<br />

all test conditions<br />

Prlmary restralnt<br />

rear collision<br />

Front-Goal -<br />

Passive Restraint;<br />

FMVSS No. 208<br />

iniury clitBria lor<br />

all crash test$.<br />

Rear-30-35 mPh<br />

barrier.<br />

lnterior FMVSS<br />

No. 302 fuel, electrical,<br />

exhaust,<br />

containment of<br />

luel and exclusion<br />

of volatile mate'<br />

rials in contact<br />

with ignition<br />

soulces duling<br />

crash.<br />

FMVSS NO. 201<br />

<strong>One</strong> half doors<br />

operable during<br />

35 rnph frontal<br />

barrier and other<br />

crashes.<br />

S.O-A<br />

20-30 mpg<br />

30-40 lbs/bhp<br />

60 mph/S% grade<br />

500 lb load<br />

127<br />

RSV<br />


43/40 mph (69/65 kph)<br />

39.1 mph (62.9 kph)<br />

Not tested<br />

4Q.4 mph (65 kph)<br />

I mph (12.9 kPh)<br />

13 mph (20.9 kph)<br />

Satis{actory<br />

Prlmary restraint for reer<br />

collision<br />

F-Air Bag<br />

$atisfactory.<br />

lnflatabelt did not demonstrate<br />

208 comPliance in<br />

65 kph (4? mph) harrier test,<br />

but passed olher$.<br />

R*Satis{actory<br />

Satislactory<br />

Satisfactory<br />

S.O.A<br />

27.6 mpg<br />

(8.5 U10o km)<br />

38.5 lbs/bhP)<br />

(17 5 kslbhp)<br />

32Vo GradelTT lb<br />

(34 ks)<br />

HC - 0.34<br />

(18) (21)<br />

(14)<br />

(20)<br />

(1 1)<br />

(1U<br />

(26)<br />

(1e) (4) (18) (21)<br />

(26)<br />

(27)<br />

(26) (27)

Table 1. FISV system performance (Cont.).<br />



Grade Start<br />

Emissions<br />

3.2 Tire and Wheel $ystems<br />

3,3 Electrical<br />

3.4 lnterior Comfort<br />

3.5 Maintenance<br />

4.0 Produciblllty<br />




32% Grade/450 lb<br />

Compliance with<br />

most recent<br />

standard<br />

"Ftun Flat"-Tlres<br />

Base vehicle<br />

sy$tem<br />

Base vehlcle<br />

$ystem<br />

Base vehicle<br />

character<br />

The steering and handling information are<br />

taken from References 22 and 23 which, in<br />

summary, states that the RSV handling characteristics<br />

satisfactorily meet the specifications<br />

in all respects. The structure of the RSV<br />

was designed with the goal of having the front<br />

seat occupants comply with FMVSS 208 injury<br />

criteria for barrier impact crashes in the<br />

65-80 kph (40-50 mph) range.l0 As indicated<br />

in the test reports,ls'21 the two frontal barrier<br />

crashes at 69 and 65 kph (43 and 40 mph) did<br />

not provide valid tests of the restraint systems<br />

because of malfunctions in ancillary components.<br />

However. in a recent bartier test of one<br />

of the Phase IV RSVs in Phoenix, Arizona,<br />

the driver protected by an air bag mounted in<br />

a modified steering wheel passed FMVSS 208<br />

requirements at 66 kph (41 mph). The rear<br />

crash of a moving barrier into an RSV at<br />

65 kph (40 mph)20 demonstrated satisfactory<br />

occupant performance. When struck from the<br />

side at 62.9 kph (39.I mph) in another testr4,<br />

the dummies on the struck side. as well as<br />

those in the striking RSV, indicated survival.<br />

In another test, a 4200Ib Plymouth at 51 kph<br />

(32 mph) striking the RSV on the side at 60o<br />

provided similar results.16 We hope that further<br />

experiments with the RSVs delivered to<br />

128<br />

RSV<br />


CO = 4.69<br />

IrlQ{ = 1.045<br />

Run Flats<br />

s-o-A 12V<br />

S-O.A<br />

S-O.A<br />


(26)<br />

(26)<br />

(26)<br />

(26)<br />

the DOT this year will provide more evidence<br />

of the performance that can be achieved.<br />

ln general, in all areas where RSV performance<br />

was quantified, test data show minimurn<br />

goals were met or exceeded. RSV weight, for<br />

instance, is below the 1360 kg limit even with<br />

a fully optioned car; braking performance<br />

levels were easily exceeded; handling goals<br />

were met; acceleration performance is acceptable.<br />

A few areas, however, did not yield<br />

results anticipated. Frontal impact performance<br />

met nrinimum goals, but better capabilities<br />

were expected. Structural response was<br />

generally good, but somewhat higher decelerations<br />

than anticipated were required to<br />

achieve the three-zone concept.26<br />

(2)<br />


Primarily, a design has been developed for<br />

the manufacture of a safe family automobile<br />

for the middle 1980s. that can be utilized to<br />

investigate the applicability of safety requirements<br />

and their compatibility with environmental<br />

considerations. The design of the vehicle<br />

and the delivery of two pedestrian test articles<br />

and eight driveable RSVs to attest its<br />

performance are tangible results. ln addition,


certain conclusions can be drawn from the demonstrated compliance with FMVSS 208,<br />

relative success achieved in the conduct of the such performance in a fully integrated, near<br />

program. During the developrnent of the RSV production car like the Calspan/Chrysler<br />

from the Simca, niajor improvements were RSV that also provides improved pedestrian<br />

achieved in the capability of the vehicle to safety as well as Iimited aggressivity is proving<br />

provide occupant protection. However, the to be harder to achieve than thought pre-<br />

detailed quantification of the life-saving beneviously. Since the 80 kph (50 mph) vehicle<br />

fits realized is not easy to assess.<br />

speed implies almost three times the energy of<br />

<strong>One</strong> conclusion that can be drawn from the the current (to 1984) 48 kph (30 mph) regula-<br />

present program is that a significantly higher tion, it is questionable that such an increase in<br />

level ofl traffic safety is potentially attainable production vehicle capability could be avail-<br />

in the near future, albeit at an increase in purable even by the encl of the 1980s. It is not<br />

chase cost to the consumer. However. that in- clear that even without hitches in the developitial<br />

expenditure should tend to be offset by ment there would be sufficient time to accom-<br />

the low operating cost and reduced expense plish all the tasks that are associated with<br />

related to accidents. Also. a vehicle like the bringing out and proving a new production<br />

RSV could be manufactured in facilities vehiclc.<br />

similar to those in current use. Further, mate- Development of air bag restraints on the<br />

rials required to build the RSV are generally RSV indicated a nced for positioning the<br />

available, and some manufacturing cost sav- steering wheel very close to the driver in an<br />

ings might be realized by design for particular almost vertical plane (horizontal column).<br />

recycling capabilities.6 At the same time, how- Such a wheel position is sufficiently removed<br />

ever, some manufacturers might have to from those generally indicated to be satisfac-<br />

change to new products because of nraterial tory or preferred in tests of driver comfort,<br />

substitutions attendant to new developments fatigue and vehicle handling that it is feared it<br />

such as the urethane bumper system.<br />

would not be acceptable, particularly for large<br />

As previously mentioned, although the drivers. Hence. further research would seem<br />

minimum goal of 65 kph (40 mph), driver sur- to be required to resolve this dilemma.<br />

vival of a barrier crash has been demonstrated, It has been our aim to provide in the RSV a<br />

the desired 80 kph (50 mph) impact speed was rational basis for the formulation and assess-<br />

not successfully attained. While structural ment of motor vehicle regulations for the<br />

response was generally good, the necessity of 1980s. Of course, only history can tell, but<br />

staying below the relatively low levels of ac- adoption of the features iltcorporated in the<br />

celerations needed to ensure non-aggressive<br />

performance in crush zones one and two<br />

overall design of this car will, we feel, also<br />

provide an indication of the success of our<br />

resulted in higher than anticipated accelerations<br />

of the occupant compartment when<br />

program.<br />

zone three is crushed in order that the total<br />

crash energy be absorbed betbre the bound-<br />


aries of the occupant compartment are seriously<br />

violated. It is clear that the degree of<br />

difficulty of designing a structure to bc fabricated<br />

by current mass production techniques<br />

that simultaneously satisfies the various<br />

restrictions of the three crush zones within the<br />

I- Miller, P.M., DuWaldt, F. A., Pugliese,<br />

S. M., and Chesley, S. W.n<br />

space available in the RSV is greater than<br />

anticipated. Although 80 kph (50 mph) tests<br />

of experimental vehicles have successfully<br />

"Recommended<br />

Characteristics for Research<br />

Safety Vehicle (RSV)," Calspan Report<br />

, No. ZN-5450-V-1, September 1974.<br />

Miller, P. M., DuWaldt, F. A., Pugliese,<br />

S. M., and Ryder, M. O., Jr., "Recom-<br />

'<br />

mended Specifications for Research<br />


Safety Vehicle (RSV)," Calspan Report<br />

No. ZN-5450-V-2, December 1974.<br />

Miller, P. M., Pugliese, S. M., Ryder,<br />

M. O., Jr., DuWaldt, F. A., and Chesley,<br />

S. W., "Research Safety Vehicle Program<br />

(Phase l)-Volume I-RSV <strong>Int</strong>roduction<br />

and Executive Summary," Calspan Re-<br />

port No. ZN-5450-V-lI, April 1975,<br />

HS-801607.<br />

PB 246765.<br />

Miller, P, M., Pugliese, S. M., Ryder,<br />

M. O., Jr., DuWaldt, F. A., and Chesley,<br />

S. W., "Research Safety Vehicle Program<br />

(Phase I)*Volume II-RSV Program<br />

Definition and Foundation; Accident<br />

Data, Automobile Usage, Natural Resources,<br />

Related Safety Costs," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-5450-V-12, April 1975.<br />

HS-801608. PB 246766.<br />

Miller, P. M., Pugliese, S. M., Ryder,<br />

M. O., Jr., DuWaldt, F. A., andChesley,<br />

S. W., "Research Safety Vehicle Program<br />

(Phase l)*Volume III-RSV Characterization<br />

and Performance Specification,"<br />

Calspan Report No. ZN-5450-V-13, April<br />

197s. HS 801609. PB 246767.<br />

Miller, P. M., Pugliese, S. M., Ryder,<br />

M. O., Jr., DuWaldt, F. A., andChesley,<br />

S. W.,<br />

2:.<br />

"Research Safety Vehicle Program<br />

(Phase I)-Volume IV-RSV Conceptual<br />

Definition; Final Phase I Bi-Monthly<br />

Report," Calspan Report No. ZN-5450-<br />

V-l4, April 1975. HS-801610. PB 246768.<br />

Miller, P. M. and Greene, J.E., Editors,<br />

"Design, Development and Testing of<br />

Calspan/Chrysler RSV*Phase II," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZM-5793-V-1, November<br />

1976. HS-802250. PB 265247 /7WT.<br />

Pugliese, Saverio M., "Research Safety<br />

Vehicle-Phase II-Specifications Review,"<br />

Calspan Report No. ZM-5793-V-2,<br />

November 1976. HS-802251.<br />

Macuga, Roy F. (Chrysler Corporation)<br />

and DuWaldt, Frank A. (Calspan Corporation),<br />

"Research Safety Vehicle-<br />

Phase ll-Producibility Studies," Cal-<br />


span Report No. ZM-5793-V-3, November<br />

1976. HS-802252. PB 265248/5WT.<br />

3. Miller, P. M.,<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

"A Status Report on the<br />

Calspan/Chrysler RSV," presented at the<br />

Sixth <strong>Int</strong>ernational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

on Experimental Safety Vehicles in Washington,<br />

D.C. October 12-15, 1976.<br />

Pugliese, S. M., "Development and Evaluation<br />

of a Driver Air Bag System for the<br />

Calspan Research Safety Vehicle," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZM-5793-V-4, April<br />

1979.<br />

Massing, D. E., Kostyniuk, O. W., and<br />

Pugliese, S, M., "Crash Victim Simulation-A<br />

Tool to Aid Vehicle Restraint<br />

System Design and Development," presented<br />

at the Sixth <strong>Int</strong>ernational Technical<br />

<strong>Conf</strong>erence on Experimental Safety<br />

Vehicles in Washington, D.C. October<br />

l2-15, 1976.<br />

Miller, P. M. and DuWaldt, F. A., "fnfluence<br />

of Material Resources on the<br />

RSV," presented at the Sixth <strong>Int</strong>ernational<br />

Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence on Experimental<br />

Safety Vehicles in Washington,<br />

D.C. October 12-15, 1976.<br />

Glasgow, F. J. (Chrysler Corporation)<br />

and Treece, T. L. (Chrysler Corporation),<br />

"Calspan/Chrysler Research Safety Vehicle<br />

Front Impact Structure Development,"<br />

presented at the Sixth <strong>Int</strong>ernational<br />

Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence on Experimental<br />

Safety Vehicles in Washington,<br />

D.C. October 12-15, 1976.<br />

Kruse, W. L. (Chrysler Corporation),<br />

"Calspan/Chrysler Research Safety Vehicle<br />

Front End Design for Property and<br />

Pedestrian Protection," presented at the<br />

Sixth <strong>Int</strong>ernational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

on Experimental Safety Vehicles in Washington,<br />

D.C. October 12-15, 1976.<br />

Pritz, H. B. (Battelle Memorial Institute),<br />

"A<br />

Preliminary Assessment of the Pedestrian<br />

Injury Reduction Performance of<br />

the Calspan RSV," presented at the Sixth<br />

lnternational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence on<br />

Experimental Safety Vehicles in Washington,<br />

D.C, October l2-15, 1976.

10. Donnelly, B. R., Massing, D. E., 'nResearch<br />

Safety Vehiclc (RSV) Phase III.<br />

Static Crush Test Report," Calspan Report<br />

No. ZN-6069-V-8, February 1978.<br />

11. Galganski, R. A., "Research<br />

Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase IIL Crash Test Report<br />

No. l-5-8 mph Frontal Flat Barrier Impacts;<br />

Test No. 2-6-8 mph Front-to-<br />

Rear Colinear Impacts; Test No. 2M-<br />

6-13 mph Front-to-Rear Colinear Impacts;<br />

Test No. 4-Modified FMVSS 215<br />

Pendulum Impacts," Calspan Report<br />

No. ZN-6069-V-9, June 1978.<br />

12. Galganski, R. A. and Massing, D. 8.,<br />

"Research Safety Vehicle (RSV) Phase<br />

III. Crash Test Report. Test No. 3-46<br />

mph Barrier Frontal [mpact," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-6069-V-10, March 1978.<br />

13. Calgarrski, R. A. and Massing, D. E.,<br />

"Research<br />

Safety Vehicle (RSV) Phase<br />

III. Crash Test Report. Test No, 5*40<br />

mph Moving Barrier Rear [mpact," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-6069-V-Il, March<br />

1978.<br />

14. Galganski, R. A., "Research Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase III. Crash Test Report.<br />

Test No. 6-90o Front-to-Side Impact of<br />

Stationary RSV by RSV at 39 mph,"<br />

Calspan Report No. ZN-6069-V-12, July<br />

1978.<br />

15. Galganski, R. A., "Research Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase IIL Crash Test Report.<br />

Test No. I l-Low Speed RSV Impacts<br />

into Stationary Plymouth Fury," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-6069-V-13, June<br />

1978.<br />

16. Galganski, R. A., "Research<br />

Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase III. Crash Test Report.<br />

Test No. 8M-60' Front-to-Side Impact<br />

of Stationary RSV by Plymouth Fury at<br />

32 mph," Calspan Report No. ZN-6069-<br />

V-14, July 1978.<br />

17. Galganski, R. A., Donnelly, B. R., and<br />

Pugliese, S. M., "Research<br />

Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase III. Crash Test No. 9-4r'.<br />

mph Flat Barrier Frontal Impact," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-6069-V-15, MaY<br />

t9?8.<br />


131<br />

18. Galganski, R. A., "Research Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase III. Crash Test Report.<br />

Test No. 10-43 mph Frontal Barrier Impact,"<br />

Calspan Report No. ZN-6069-<br />

V-16, August 1978,<br />

19. Pugliese, S. M., Romeo, D. J. and<br />

Johnson, A. R., "Phase III Development<br />

of the Calspan RSV Air Belt Restraint<br />

System," Calspan Report No. ZN-6069-<br />

V-18, May 1978.<br />

Galganski, R. A., "Research Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase III. Crash Test Report.<br />

Test No. l2-Colinear Rear Impact by<br />

Moving Barrier at 40 mph," Calspan Report<br />

No. ZN-6069-V-21, August 1978.<br />

Galganski, R. A., "Research Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase III. Crash Test Report.<br />

Test No. 13," Calspan Report No. ZN-<br />

6059-V-23, May 1979.<br />

Rice, R. S., "Calspan/Chrysler Research<br />

Safety Vehicle Phase Ill-Chassis Development<br />

Car Handling Tests," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-6069-V-19, April 1978.<br />

Rice, R. S., "Research Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase IV-Handling Tests," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-6069-V-29, May<br />

1979.<br />

Fabian, O. J., Pugliese, S. M. and Szilagyi,<br />

A. J. (Chrysler Corporation),<br />

"Development<br />

of the Calspan/Chrysler Research<br />

Safety Vehicle (RSV)," presented at the<br />

Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.<br />

Passenger Car Meetirtg in Troy, Michigan.<br />

June 5-9,1978 (Paper No. 789602).<br />

Fabian, G. J., "Occupant Protection in a<br />

Research Safety Vehicle," Paper No.<br />

790325 presented at the Society of Automotive<br />

Engineers, Inc. Congress and Exposition<br />

in Detroit, Michigan. February<br />

26-March 2, 1979.<br />

26. Frig, G. (Chrysler Corporation), Editor,<br />

"Research safety Vehicle (RSV) Phase III<br />

Final Design Report," Calspan Report<br />

No. ZN-6069-V-23, to be Published'<br />

27. Fabiann G. J., "Research<br />

20.<br />

2t.<br />

22.<br />

23.<br />

24.<br />

2s.<br />

Safety Vehicle<br />

(RSV) Phase III Final Report," Calspan<br />

Report No. ZN-6059-V-31, to be Published.


Pedormance and Driveability Tests On Calspan RSV<br />


lstituto $perimentale Auto E Motori, S.P.A.<br />

Italy<br />

The ltalian test program involved the Calspan<br />

RSV evaluation in the following three major<br />

areas:<br />

l. Fuel Econorny<br />

2, Vehicle Response, Braking and Handling<br />

3. Driver Environment<br />

The results obtained with the Calspan RSV<br />

have been compared with those obtained, in<br />

the same tests, with ten European medium<br />

class vehicles.<br />

These vehicles are:<br />

r Alfa Romeo Alfctta - 2.0<br />

r Alfa Romeo Giulietta - 1.6<br />

. B.M.W. 520 - 2.0<br />

. B.M.W. 320i - 2.0<br />

r Ciffoen CX - 2.0<br />

r Fiat 132 - 2.0<br />

r Lancia Gamma - 2.0<br />

r Peugeot 305 SR - 1.5<br />

r Renault 20 TL - 1.6<br />

r Simca 1307 S - 1.3<br />

The European vehicles have been selected<br />

with reference to the displacement, weight<br />

and body mold of the Calspan RSV.<br />

Al[ vehicles have been tested in the same<br />

general conditions as following:<br />

r Rectilinear test base and plain with a slope<br />

no greater than 1.590<br />

r Pavement of the test base with asphalt or<br />

cement with an adherence coefficient similar<br />

to that of national roads or highways<br />

. Approach base and test base perfectlv drv.<br />

r Atmospheric temperature between 0-25'C.<br />

r Atmospheric pressurelS0-'770 mm Hg.<br />

r Relative humidity 50-8090.<br />

r Wind velocity no greater than 3 m/sec.<br />

A conrplete list of the te.ets performed with<br />

the vchicles is the following:<br />

Fucl consumption test-constant speed<br />

Performances<br />

Top speed<br />

132<br />

Acceleration and Pick-Up<br />

Power at the wheels<br />

Handling tests<br />

Slalom<br />

Overtaking<br />

Cornu spiral<br />

Steering pad<br />

Speed track (Vallelunga speedway, near<br />

Rome)<br />

Braking<br />

Driver compartment physiology and<br />

ergonomy<br />

Driver compartment noiseness<br />

Pedal force<br />

Driver's position (Physiology test)<br />

Visibility<br />

Complementary controls<br />

Weights and distribution<br />

Cround clearance<br />

Turning circle<br />

Engine oil consumption<br />

A brief description of the procedure used,<br />

accompanied by sketches, is underwritten<br />

together with rhe results of the Calspan RSV<br />

tests compared with those obtained with the<br />

European vehicles.<br />



Fuel consumption is determined on a basis<br />

of 4 kilometers, 2 kilometers in each direction.<br />

Having cstablished the test speed, the vehicle<br />

drives 2 kilometers in one direction and<br />

then does the same in the opposite direction at<br />

the sarne speed. By means of the instrumentation<br />

dcscribed bclow, the quantity (in weight)<br />

of fuel consurncd by the engine at a given<br />

speed to travel a base of 4 km (2 km in each<br />

direction) is found.<br />

Vehiclc load: driver, fuel tank half full,<br />

50 kg of instrumentation.<br />

The instrumentation consists of an ISAM<br />

fuel consunrption meter which is installed<br />

parallel to the v'ehicle fuel system,

Cars<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

Fuel Consumption (1,l100 Km)<br />

Speed (Kmlh)<br />

60 BO 90 100 120 140 150<br />

5.80<br />

5.62<br />

6.49<br />

8.52<br />

s.32<br />

6.54<br />

7.18<br />

5.61<br />

5.35<br />

5.09<br />

6.72<br />

7.09<br />

6.22<br />

7.40<br />

7,62<br />

7.37<br />

7.70<br />

7.95<br />

6.42<br />

6.36<br />

q7E<br />

7.28<br />

7.70<br />

6.70<br />

8.24<br />

7.94<br />

7.94<br />

833<br />

8.45<br />

6.97<br />

7.10<br />

6.19<br />

7.90<br />

8.36<br />

7.36<br />

8.56<br />

8.88<br />

8.s6<br />

8.99<br />

9.0?<br />

7.68<br />

7.97<br />

6.73<br />

9.43 12.04<br />

't4,22<br />

9.88 11.87 13.15<br />

9.22 11.9013.63<br />

10.1612.18<br />

13.55<br />

10.53 12.70 14.20<br />

10 06 12.23 13.57<br />

10.48 12.5Q14.05<br />

10.66 13.05 14.55<br />

9.60 12.25 13.85<br />

10.1213.29<br />

15.30<br />

8.57 11.6713.68<br />

Within the meter is a special electrical valve<br />

which makes it possible to shift between the<br />

normal fuel tank of the vehicle and the one<br />

contained within the device itself. This second<br />

tank consists of a small removable glass<br />

vial which can hold approximately 2000 g of<br />

fuel. In the consumption meter there is also a<br />

fuel pump which makes it possible to feed fuel<br />

to the engine at the same pressure as the<br />

regular fuel supply system even when the fuel<br />

Ievel is being read in the test tank.<br />

The electrical valve is controlled by a<br />

photocell which emits special signals to indicate<br />

the beginning atrd end of the test base.<br />

When the vehicle, traveling at a predetermined<br />

speed, reaches the start of the test base,<br />

the photocell actuates the valve which shifts<br />

the fuel from the vehicle tank to the test tank.<br />

At the end of the base (2 kilometers), the<br />

reverse operation is carried out.<br />

;W-, ..<br />


133<br />

In the same manner the test base is covered<br />

in the opposite direction; afterward the test<br />

tank is weighed with a precision scale accurate<br />

to a gram (also used, of cour$e, to weight it<br />

before the test) thus finding, by taking the difference,<br />

the quantity of fuel consumed by the<br />

engine in order to run the total test base of<br />

4 km. The photocell also actuates a chronometer,<br />

accurate to a thousan

Test base for top speed and consumption test<br />

, ,k!,*i<br />

- 'ry{nrryita<br />

white lines which designate rhe tesr base. This<br />

same photocell also actuates a rpm counter<br />

which gives the total number of engine rpm<br />

needed to cover the test base.<br />

Acceleration and Pick-Up<br />

These items are<br />

on a base of<br />

1000 meters.<br />

Weight of the vehicle: the driver, fuel tank<br />

half-fr,rll, 50 kg of instrumentation.<br />

Instrumentation: ISAM Chronostatigraph<br />

(records data on graph paper as a function of<br />

time) and photoccll.<br />


+ SouthlvEst<br />

Northwest +<br />

134<br />

The test base is designated with ground<br />

markers every 5 meters.<br />

During testing, the photocell records the<br />

markings and transmits them to the chronostatigraph,<br />

which records them directly as a<br />

function of time.<br />

In acceleration the first marking is indicated<br />

with the appropriate signal, showing the exact<br />

monrent at which the vehicle begins to move.<br />

In the Pick-Up test the exact speed at which<br />

the vehicle enters the test base is recorded<br />

using the same instrumentation.<br />

In both the test$ not only the time required<br />

to cover the base of 1000 meters. but also the

Cars<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

Carc<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

vehicle speed upon leaving the base are<br />

recorded.<br />

A special microswitch is also mounted on<br />

the vehicle which permits the recording of the<br />


Time ($ec) Way Out<br />

Speed<br />

Time (sec) From 0 to (Km/h)<br />

0-400 m 0-1000 m (Km/h) 20 4t) 60 80 100 120<br />

24324<br />

16.820<br />

17.597<br />

17.W7<br />

16.862<br />

18.182<br />

18.195<br />

17.871<br />

18.626<br />

19.107<br />

18.622<br />

38.074<br />

31.216<br />

32.981<br />

33.146<br />

31.232<br />

33.665<br />

33.827<br />

33.004<br />

35.24?<br />

35.813<br />

35.044<br />

Time (sec) From 40 to (Km/h)<br />

134.128<br />

1M.233<br />

153.846<br />

155.776<br />

164.158<br />

154.506<br />

151.515<br />

157.205<br />

140.460<br />

141.176<br />

1€.597<br />

60 80 100 120<br />

8.10<br />

6.15<br />

7.90<br />

6.00<br />

5.00<br />

7.20<br />

7.80<br />

5.20<br />

6.80<br />

6.90<br />

8.30<br />

16.70<br />

11.85<br />

15.00<br />

11.80<br />

9.90<br />

14.60<br />

14.50<br />

10.?0<br />

13.40<br />

13.90<br />

16.00<br />

26.40<br />

17.80<br />

22.40<br />

18.10<br />

15.30<br />

21.90<br />

21,50<br />

15.20<br />

20.90<br />

21,30<br />

24.20<br />

38.20<br />

24.45<br />

30.80<br />

24.90<br />

21.30<br />

29.90<br />

29.60<br />

20.50<br />

30.60<br />

29.90<br />

34.60<br />

135<br />

1.2<br />

0.8<br />

0.8<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

1.0<br />

1.1<br />

1.1<br />

1.0<br />

1.1<br />

1.1<br />

3.4<br />

2.2<br />

2.2<br />

2.5<br />

2.'l<br />

2.6<br />

2.6<br />

2.5<br />

2.5<br />

2.9<br />

2.8<br />

6.7<br />

4.1<br />

4.5<br />

4.8<br />

4.1<br />

4.9<br />

s.0<br />

4.8<br />

5.0<br />

5.7<br />

5.2<br />

time it takes to carry out the various gear<br />

changes and the duration of the gear times<br />

themselves by sending the appropriate signal<br />

to the chronostatigraph (this is, of course,<br />

only true for a vehicle with a manual gear<br />

shift).<br />

This reading is taken five times for each<br />

direction. and the times considered are those<br />

found as the averaging best time recorded for<br />

each direction.<br />

Power at the Wheels<br />

11.0<br />

6.5<br />

7.4<br />

7.6<br />

6.3<br />

7.8<br />

7.8<br />

7.4<br />

8.3<br />

9.3<br />

8.5<br />

17.8<br />

9.5<br />

11.0<br />

11.4<br />

9.5<br />

12.2<br />

12.2<br />

11.4<br />

13.0<br />

14.1<br />

13.2<br />

27.2<br />

13.8<br />

16.3<br />

16.6<br />

13.6<br />

17.7<br />

17.5<br />

16.4<br />

20.0<br />

21.6<br />

20.1<br />

For this item the vehicle is positioned on a<br />

roller stand in a room with a controlled temperature<br />

of approximately 20'C.<br />

Cars<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

3rd Gear<br />

(HP/rpm)<br />

54.3/4,430<br />

103.3/5,100<br />

95.0/5,265<br />

94.0/5,748<br />

ffi.2t5,4M<br />

86.8/5,660<br />

97.9/5,000<br />

62.9/5,500<br />

73.115,244<br />

69.7t5,522<br />

4th Gear<br />

(HP/rpm)<br />

51.5/4,406<br />

102.8/5,095<br />

93.0/5,026<br />

90.5/5,548<br />

71.9/5,161<br />

84.9/5,480<br />

95.3/4,960<br />

59.8/S,230<br />

68.3/5,009<br />


The wheel power is recorded in the various<br />

gears, keeping the accelerator pedal completely<br />

depressed to the floor and regulating<br />

the brake load in order to find several points<br />

to plot the power curve for a given ratio. The<br />

curve correction is in accordance with the<br />

I.C.M. regulations.<br />

Vehicle load: driver and fuel tank half-full.<br />

Special conditions: the drive wheels, which<br />


136<br />

are in contact with the rollers, are inflated to a<br />

pressure of 0.5/1.0 atm greater than that for<br />

the normal full load operation of the vehicle.<br />

The instrumentation consists of a Schenk<br />

364/2,5/100 roller stand with a maximum<br />

speed of 200 km/h and with a power limit of<br />

200 cv.<br />

ln addition there is a temperature probe for<br />

recording the temperature of the intake air.<br />


$lalom<br />

The vehicle, with only the driver on board,<br />

must cover the test base in the least amount of<br />

time possible without knocking down any of<br />

the cones which mark the course. The test is<br />

repeated several times in both directions in<br />

order to obtain the best time possible.<br />

-T<br />

Overtaking<br />

SlElom<br />

j-F<br />

. 4<br />


The times required to cover the base, i.e.,<br />

the average speeds, are recorded using markings<br />

on the ground and a photocell which<br />

transmits signals to an electronic chronometer<br />

which is accurate to a teil-thousatrdth of a<br />

second.<br />

ln general the test is considered valid when<br />

the test official has five times for each direction<br />

which are within 5olo of thc besl absolute<br />

time.<br />

The five times, averaged, provide the test<br />

result.<br />

Overtaking<br />

Compared to the test described in the previous<br />

section, only the design of the course is<br />

changed.<br />

In the case of vehicles with manual gear<br />

shift, the highest ratio is used for the performance<br />

of this test.<br />


Gornu SPiral<br />

The sarne test conditions as described in<br />

Slalom prevail with the exception of the<br />

courses.<br />

The test is performed in the highest gear in<br />

natural deceleration, withottt braking.<br />

For each test the entrance and exit speeds<br />

are recorcled as well as the total time required<br />

to cover the entire base'<br />

Length of entry<br />

Length of exit<br />

X-Y dimension$<br />

Minimum radius of curvature<br />

137<br />

The Cornu spiral test is carried out in two<br />

spiral courses, and the time found by averaging<br />

the best times on the two courses is tahen.<br />

Steering Pad<br />

<strong>Three</strong> circles of various diameters are negotiated,<br />

using the most suitable gear ratio at the<br />

highest speed possible in order to make the<br />

vehicle ski

Cars Slalom<br />

(sec)<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

13.935<br />

12.003<br />

11.616<br />

11.598<br />

10.590<br />

13.222<br />

12.199<br />

11.497<br />

11.396<br />

13.078<br />

12.172<br />

Overtaking<br />

(sec)<br />

4.724<br />

4.259<br />

4.2U<br />

4"345<br />

4.020<br />

4.388<br />

4.293<br />

4.319<br />

4.274<br />

4.430<br />

4.ffi7<br />


Steering Pad (sec) Cornu Spiral<br />

d25m d50m 6t5m<br />

9.058<br />

'T 8.984<br />

Lggg<br />

8.518<br />

8.717<br />

'.y<br />

the best time required to cover the entire<br />

circle.<br />

The test conditions are the same as described<br />

in Slalom.<br />

Speed Track<br />

The following page shows a diagram of the<br />

speed track.<br />

After two or three warm-up laps, the driver<br />

covers a total of l0 laps.<br />

The time and top speed of each lap are<br />

recorded.<br />

As the result of the test, the best of the l0<br />

times and the top speed are taken.<br />

Vallelunga speedrryay<br />

12.618<br />

12.419<br />

":,<br />

1?.202<br />

11.740<br />

12.040<br />

12.772<br />

15.489<br />

15.137<br />

tu.'t*<br />

14.894<br />

14.497<br />

14.808<br />

15.785<br />

Way-in<br />

speed<br />

(Km/h)<br />

81.448<br />

80.357<br />

trfu<br />

80.357<br />

82.569<br />

81.818<br />

75.742<br />

Way-out<br />

speed<br />

(Km/h)<br />

56.250<br />

55.901<br />

uuy''<br />

68.441<br />

60.403<br />

61.017<br />

*.:,<br />

Cars Time Average<br />

BSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

Mln Sec 1ilD00 sec<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Test courset<br />

19<br />

10<br />

13<br />

09<br />

14<br />

14<br />

12<br />

16<br />

14<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Eli1E Length 18O0m<br />

tEl?ll<br />

236<br />

711<br />

546<br />

726<br />

776<br />

185<br />

?s5<br />

106<br />

046<br />

Speed<br />

(Km/h)<br />

81.781<br />

91.641<br />

88.108<br />

92.S35<br />

86"659<br />

87.349<br />

8S.633<br />

85.144<br />

87.513<br />

-. Length 3?OO m<br />

TotalTime<br />

(sec)<br />

4.912<br />

4.819<br />

o.:'<br />

4.792<br />

4.ffi7<br />

4.895<br />

5.N4<br />

Maximum<br />

Speed<br />

(Km/h)<br />

88.626<br />

139.535<br />

129.964<br />

139.481<br />

127,119<br />

126.761<br />

130.388<br />

124.870<br />


Vehicle load: driver and fuel tank half-full.<br />

The instrumentation consists o[ an ISAM<br />

triple digital chrononreter, accurate to a tenthousandth<br />

of a second actuated by photocell<br />

lines at l0 meter intervals on the main stretch.<br />


During this test the vehicle has the same<br />

load and the same instrumentation as described<br />

in Acceleration and Pick-Up. The only<br />

new feature is an ISAM brake pedal force<br />

recorder.<br />

Braking is recorded at various speeds.<br />

A microswitch indicates the exact time at<br />

which the brake pedal is depressed.<br />

The ISAM chronostatigraph makes it possible<br />

to record the exact speed before the initiation<br />

of braking without blocking ol' the<br />

wheels and the distance traveled try the vehicle<br />

during braking.<br />

Braking Distance (m) From Speed of (Km/h)<br />

Cars 60 80 100 110<br />

HSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

17.7<br />

21.0<br />

19.4<br />

18.1<br />

17.5<br />

18.5<br />

18.6<br />

17.3<br />

20.0<br />

23.6<br />

18.2<br />

30.7<br />

37 "7<br />

34.2<br />

32.0<br />

32.5<br />

34.5<br />

32.3<br />

32.2<br />

33.5<br />

40.2<br />

32.3<br />


48.1<br />

59.6<br />

53.0<br />

51.5<br />

53.3<br />

53.3<br />

50.8<br />

50.0<br />

50.8<br />

60.0<br />

51.2<br />

59.5<br />

72.5<br />

63.0<br />

65.7<br />

65.0<br />

61.5<br />

59.5<br />

61.1<br />

70"6<br />

61.7<br />

139<br />

In addition to the distance traveled while<br />

braking at a certain speed, the force applied<br />

to the brake pedal during the test and the<br />

cleceleration of the vehicle in m/sec' can be<br />

recorded.<br />



Driver ComPartment Noisiness<br />

Load of the vehicle: driver, one passenger'<br />

fuel tank half-full.<br />

Mainly the noise present into the vehicle<br />

afler the vehicle has bcgun to travel the test<br />

base at various predetermined speeds is<br />

recorded.<br />

For each speed the passenger records the<br />

noise present within the passenger compart'<br />

ment at the level of the clriver's right ear and<br />

at the ear level of the passenger in the rear<br />

seat. seated in the center.<br />

The readings are taken in both directions at<br />

various tachymetric sPeeds.<br />

The instrumentatiou used consists of ' a<br />

phototleter tleeting the EEC standards; the<br />

data irre recorded otr the C scale'<br />

# l.r<br />

-,ffi<br />

H<br />

4 "d<br />


Cars<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

Pedal Force<br />

Ambient<br />

Noise<br />

(dB)<br />

The same instrument as for the braking test<br />

was used for this test.<br />

It is an ISAM transducer rigidly anchored<br />

to the brake or friction pedal which, when<br />

subjected to pressure, transmits the appropriate<br />

signal to an indicator which gives an<br />

instantaneous reading of the kg of force applied<br />

by the foot to the pedal being tested.<br />

Cars<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

60<br />

64<br />

55<br />

48<br />

52<br />

52<br />

60<br />

48<br />

56<br />

52<br />

58<br />

Brake<br />

(Average)<br />

(Kg)<br />

24.5<br />

19.5<br />

32.5<br />

29_5<br />

't9-5<br />

25.0<br />

22.0<br />

32.5<br />

25.0<br />

26.0<br />

23.0<br />


Constant Speed (Km/h) - FronURear Noise (dB)<br />

40 60 80 100 120 140<br />

95/93<br />

8d87<br />

85/86<br />

90/89<br />

88/90<br />

90€3<br />

82t8/<br />

86/88<br />

88/89<br />

90/90<br />

Friction<br />

(Ks)<br />

18.5<br />

7.0<br />

7,0<br />

9.5<br />

11.0<br />

10.0<br />

6.0<br />

7.0<br />

7.0<br />

6.5<br />

10.0<br />

96/96<br />

86/87<br />

86/88<br />

86/80<br />

83/88<br />

90/95<br />

90/94<br />

8A82<br />

90/91<br />

8d86<br />

90/90<br />

140<br />

97/96<br />

87/89<br />

87t89<br />

79/81<br />

89/90<br />

89/92<br />

90/95<br />

84/86<br />

91t92<br />

89/89<br />

90/90<br />

98/98<br />

88/89<br />

g0/91<br />

81/82<br />

90p0<br />

89t92<br />

9996<br />

87/88<br />

9?J93<br />

90/90<br />

90/90<br />

10u100<br />

9293<br />

9Zg3<br />

85/86<br />

9?J93<br />

94t94<br />

93/96<br />

88/88<br />

94/95<br />

9J92<br />

92t92<br />

Driver's Position - Physiology Test<br />

104/102<br />

93/95<br />

g4/95<br />

86/87<br />

96/95<br />

94/95<br />

g4t97<br />

90/93<br />

94/95<br />

95/94<br />

93/94<br />

The criteria taken into consideration in<br />

order to arrive at a reasonable estimate of the<br />

degree of comfort and suitability of the<br />

various dimensions of the passenger compartment<br />

and seats in vehicles are based on various<br />

parameters.<br />

The first parameter is that of the "anthropometrically<br />

valid" sample of a few subjects,<br />

i.e., those having body characteristics considered<br />

representative of a vast majority of<br />

the Italian population.<br />

We wish to list here the anthropometric<br />

characteristics of the "representative persons"<br />

selected.<br />

Height<br />

Height at chest<br />

Chest size<br />

Arm<br />

Leg<br />

Short<br />

stature<br />

159 cm<br />

85.9 cm<br />

85 cm<br />

51 cm<br />

74.1 cm<br />

Average<br />

stature<br />

172 cm<br />

91.8 cm<br />

92 cm<br />

57 cm<br />

83.7 cm<br />

Tall<br />

stature<br />

189.1 cm<br />

98.1 cm<br />

99.2 cm<br />

63.1 cm<br />

94.3 cm<br />

Here we are dealing with so-called "normal"<br />

subjects, i.e., in between "the taller<br />

types," who tend to be taller rathcr than<br />

broader, and the "broader types," who are,<br />

on the other hand, those subjects with<br />

broader shoulders and hips, short thick necks

and legs which are short in relationship to<br />

their trunks.<br />

The subjects selected as "representative"<br />

satisfactorily reflect the majority of the driver<br />

population in ltaly insofar as they comprise a<br />

statistical percentage of at least 80V0.<br />

The technique adopted is based on the ability<br />

of the "representative" subjects to assume<br />

the best possible driving position from a<br />

physiological point of view.<br />

Best driving position is defined as:<br />

r The position in which all the joints assume<br />

angles ancl axes which are not at odds with<br />

functional anatomy, i'e., which fully per'<br />

mit, if required, ma,'timum free movement'<br />

r Complete relaxation of all muscle groups.<br />

r Full visibility to the rear, to both sides and<br />

to the front by means of the appropriate<br />

mirrors, etc.<br />

r Possibility of making all maneuvers con'<br />

nected with driving without any greater<br />

force than the minimum required by the<br />

specifications of the vehiclen complete<br />

naturalness of movement'<br />


Having established these basic concepts'<br />

the angles of the joints which best serve to<br />

define proper driving positions are taken into<br />

consideration. The angles formed by all the<br />

fundamental parts of the spinal column are<br />

examined: the cervical, dorsal and sacrolumbar<br />

parts and also an ideal vertical line'<br />

In addition, the inclination of the head on<br />

the neck is taken into consideration'<br />

The lollowing angles of the upper linrbs are<br />

examined: the anglc formed between the dorsal<br />

spinal column and the arnr (shoulder<br />

joint), Lhe angle between the upper and lower<br />

arm and finally the angle between the forearm<br />

and the hand (wrist).<br />

Naturally, the steering wheel grips must be<br />

givett due consideration.<br />

Of the lower limbs the joints of the thigh<br />

and pelvis, the knee and the ankle are considered.<br />

Further measurements are being carried out<br />

in orcler to check possiblc displacements, with<br />

regard to the llatural thcoretical ilriving posi-<br />

141<br />

tion of the steering wheel as well as of the<br />

pedals, t0 the right or the left.<br />

These displacements, which are very common<br />

especially in smaller vehicles, are of<br />

enormous importance with regard to driving<br />

fatigue.<br />

The estimate of the proper positions of the<br />

passengers is naturally of clearly less importance<br />

than that for the driver, and thus in tliis<br />

regard the measurements are much simpler<br />

since, obviously, the shoulder joints and those<br />

of the upp€r limbs and the position of the feet<br />

are not taken into consideration.<br />

In the evaluation of each individual part of<br />

the driver's body, each joint and each muscle<br />

group has its own importance; however, the<br />

greatest emphasis is given to the support supplied<br />

to the spinal column by the seat, particularly<br />

in the lumbar region, where frequently<br />

painful symptoms known as "jeep Krankhiet<br />

ffeep sickness]" can occur. The study of the<br />

inclination of the head on the neck also<br />

assumes particular importance, especially in<br />

very tall subjects or those who are fairly short;<br />

for the former the Iow roofs of some cars<br />

force them to bend their head and neck forward<br />

considerably in orcler to have sufficient<br />

visibility in front and above; for the latter, on<br />

the other hand, the steering wheel and the<br />

hood can obstruct their field of vision, particularly<br />

in front and below, forcing an Lrnnatural<br />

hyper-extension of the head and neck<br />

in order to improve the fietd of vision' The<br />

angle formed by the spinal column and the<br />

arm is more or less extended as a function of<br />

the driving position: in general, the angle<br />

must not be too large so that the scapolohumeral<br />

joints are not forced into a vitiated<br />

position.<br />

The inclination of the steering wheel must<br />

be such as to reduce to a minimum the angle<br />

formed between the forearm and the hand'<br />

The position of the thigh with respect to the<br />

trunk is extretnely important: this angle must<br />

never be too acute. The position known<br />

humorously as "clriving with your knees in<br />

your face," certainly in addition to being par-

ticularly uncomfortable, also inhibits rapid<br />

and precise movement of the pedals.<br />

It is not acceptable for subjects with long<br />

legs to drive with their legs spread wide apart,<br />

as frequently occurs: the arrangement of the<br />

steering wheel of some vehicles also forces a<br />

person with legs which are slightly longer than<br />

normal into this uncomfortable and unnatural<br />

driving position.<br />

The placement of the feet is not satisfactory<br />

in vehicles which have front wheel wells which<br />

protrude rather prominently. In this case the<br />

pedals are displaced towards the center of the<br />

vehicle and, consequently, so is the driver. If<br />

this displacement is minor, it does not cause<br />

any problems; if on the other hand it is fairly<br />

accentuated, it can cause premature fatigue<br />

even if the driver little by little becomes completely<br />

accustomed to this driving position.<br />

Many vehicles do not provide a rest or support<br />

for the left foot which is not continuously<br />

in use.<br />

ln conclusion the lower limbs must be supported<br />

for almost the entire length of the<br />

thigh by the seat, the foot must reach the<br />

pedals naturally, the contact between the sole<br />

of the shoes and the plane of support of the<br />

Cars<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

LEGEND:<br />

1, Head and neck position<br />

2. Chest position<br />

3, Arms and steering wheel position<br />


4. Legs and feet position<br />

5. Front $eat<br />

6. Rear seat<br />

142<br />

pedals must occur at a normal angle and with<br />

maximum traction.<br />

As in the other tests, a grading system has<br />

been adopted for a practical evaluation of the<br />

main aspects examined. l<br />

Visibility<br />

The sketch on the next page shows the dimensions<br />

which are considered in these tests.<br />

The test assumes a driver of average height,<br />

adopting the correct driving position.<br />

Car-s<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

A<br />

(cM)<br />

201<br />

1S9<br />

190<br />

201<br />

178<br />

2A5<br />

190<br />

202<br />

176<br />

196<br />

192<br />

A =<br />

M =<br />

B =<br />

B<br />

(cM)<br />

200<br />

391<br />

401<br />

402<br />

486<br />

410<br />

487<br />

460<br />

467<br />

476<br />

308<br />

c<br />

(cM)<br />

115<br />

112<br />

115<br />

119<br />

114<br />

115<br />

1't6<br />

113<br />

111<br />

115<br />

118<br />

Tall stature<br />

Average stature<br />

Short stature<br />

D<br />

(cM)<br />

125<br />

136<br />

137<br />

138<br />

132<br />

127<br />

135<br />

127<br />

125<br />

130<br />

130<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

A M B A M B A M B A M B A M B A M B<br />

27<br />

24<br />

25<br />

27<br />

18<br />

18<br />

27<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

28<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

28<br />

29<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

27<br />

27<br />

28<br />

27<br />

27<br />

28<br />

25<br />

N<br />

27<br />

26<br />

28<br />

27<br />

25<br />

26<br />

26<br />

27<br />

27<br />

25<br />

25<br />

28<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

28<br />

25<br />

27<br />

29<br />

25<br />

25<br />

26<br />

26<br />

26<br />

27<br />

27<br />

25<br />

25<br />

27<br />

28<br />

25<br />

25<br />

26<br />

18<br />

28<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

?4<br />

28<br />

28<br />

26<br />

27<br />

?7<br />

18<br />

29<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

28<br />

28<br />

28<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

18<br />

n<br />

27<br />

27<br />

28<br />

?8<br />

28<br />

2B<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

22<br />

26<br />

28<br />

24<br />

22<br />

22<br />

26<br />

27<br />

26<br />

23<br />

24<br />

24<br />

27<br />

28<br />

26<br />

27<br />

27<br />

28<br />

28<br />

27<br />

?7<br />

27<br />

25<br />

27<br />

27<br />

26<br />

27<br />

27<br />

28<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

27<br />

25<br />

26<br />

ffi<br />

25<br />

18<br />

20<br />

27<br />

28<br />

25<br />

28<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

27<br />

27<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

26<br />

28<br />

26<br />

26<br />

?7<br />

29<br />

27<br />

28<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

26<br />

28<br />

27<br />

18<br />

23<br />

17<br />

22<br />

16<br />

24<br />

20<br />

25<br />

16<br />

24<br />

22<br />

22<br />

m<br />

24<br />

26<br />

24<br />

27<br />

24<br />

26<br />

?4<br />

24<br />

26<br />

E<br />

(Cv1<br />

2054<br />

1637<br />

1601<br />

127s<br />

1 371<br />

1 169<br />

886<br />

2635<br />

896<br />

1268<br />

943<br />

24<br />

27<br />

26<br />

26<br />

27<br />

27<br />

25<br />

26<br />

25<br />

27<br />



3; INDUSTRY<br />

STATUS<br />



Weights<br />

and Distribution<br />

Turning Circle<br />

Cars<br />

Maximum<br />

Load<br />

Minimum Load<br />

Tot<br />

(Ks)<br />

Front<br />

(Kg/%)<br />

Rear<br />

(Ks/%)<br />

Tot<br />

(Kg)<br />

Front<br />

(Ks/%)<br />

Hear<br />

(Ks/%)<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

1,630<br />

1,540<br />

1,520<br />

1,650<br />

1,470<br />

1,670<br />

1,600<br />

1,770<br />

1,350<br />

1,580<br />

1,47Q<br />

800/49.1<br />

680/44.2<br />

67W4d..'l<br />

n0/46.7<br />

69fl46.9<br />

980/58.7<br />

7451ffi.6<br />

910/51.4<br />

650/'4.1<br />

840/53.2<br />

7Mffi.3<br />

83050.s<br />

860/55.8<br />

850/55.9<br />

880/53.3<br />

780/53.1<br />

690/41.3<br />

855/53.4<br />

860/48.6<br />

70fl51.9<br />

740/46.8<br />

7frt49.7<br />

1,280<br />

1,190<br />

1,170<br />

1,300<br />

1,120<br />

1,315<br />

1,250<br />

1,415<br />

1,005<br />

1,230<br />

1,120<br />

7&t57.8<br />

630/52.9<br />

610/52.1<br />

700/53.8<br />

620/55.4<br />

890/67.7<br />

680/54.4<br />

840/59.4<br />

ffit55.7<br />

750/61.0<br />

660/58.9<br />

il0142.2<br />

ffi147.1<br />

560/47.9<br />

600/46.2<br />

500/44.6<br />

425/32.3<br />

570t45.6<br />

575/40.6<br />

M5t4.3<br />

480/39.0<br />

460/41.1<br />

Ground Clearance<br />

Cars<br />

Maximum<br />

Load<br />

(mm)<br />

Minimum<br />

Load<br />

(mm)<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

80<br />

100<br />

90<br />

115<br />

95<br />

150<br />

110<br />

95<br />

95<br />

105<br />

BO<br />

125<br />

125<br />

120<br />

150<br />

140<br />

150<br />

140<br />

130<br />

145<br />

142<br />

120<br />

Cars<br />

Turning<br />

Circle<br />

(M)<br />

Steering<br />

Wheel<br />

Left Right Diameter<br />

(CM)<br />

FSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />

13.00<br />

11.60<br />

11.31<br />

10.90<br />

10.50<br />

11.80<br />

11.90<br />

11.75<br />

10.75<br />

11.50<br />

11.15<br />

1?.15<br />

11.10<br />

11.40<br />

10.80<br />

10.30<br />

11.90<br />

12.70<br />

11.60<br />

10.50<br />

11.50<br />

11.30<br />

36.5<br />

38.5<br />

38.0<br />

40.0<br />

37.5<br />

41.0<br />

40.0<br />

38.0<br />

39.0<br />

41.0<br />

38.0<br />


Engine Oil Consumption<br />

Cars GR/1.OOO KM<br />

RSV<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

L<br />


341<br />

349<br />

316<br />

404<br />

591<br />

787<br />

248<br />

248<br />

361<br />

306<br />

Results of Handling Tests With the Calspan RSV<br />


Daimler-Benz<br />

AG<br />


The Cerman working committee "safety<br />

vehicle" within the VDA (Verband der<br />

Automobilindustrie e.V.) agreed to test the<br />

handling qualities of the Calspan RSV in Cermany<br />

as its share of the worldwide test program.<br />

The Cerman government as the participant<br />

in the RSV program has delegated the<br />

test work to an ad-hoc working group consisting<br />

of the Cerman car manufacturers with the<br />

BASI (Federal Highway Research Institute)<br />

acting as a coordinator.<br />

The organization and the test program were<br />

worked out in several meetings and a priority<br />

list was established for the test sequence. Due<br />

to the late arrival of the testcar*the car arrived<br />

mid May-the prioritylist became highly<br />

important and the test sequence had to be followed<br />

very slrictly.<br />

However, due to the outstanding cooperation<br />

of all participants and last but not least<br />

144<br />

due to the unexpected good weather conditions<br />

during the test period it was possible to<br />

perform Lhc most important part of the test<br />

progranl in two weeks only. Originally there<br />

were estimated 4 weeks for the program.<br />

Given the time frame and in order to meet<br />

the schedule of this <strong>ESV</strong>-conference, we<br />

decided to leave some specifications regarding<br />

braking unchccked.<br />

Only straight line braking in a curve with<br />

regard to $topping distance and path keeping<br />

were tested.<br />

The drastic steer and brake maneuver were<br />

disregarded also with respect to their low<br />

priority according to the above mentioned<br />

priority list.<br />


The tests were carried out with the Calspan<br />

RSV no. 7 (fig. l) on the proving grounds of<br />

the Volkswagenwerk in Ehra-I.essien. Ceneral<br />

clala of the testcar are shown in the table in<br />

Figure 2.<br />

The measured values are shown in Fisure 3.

Figure 1. CalsPan RSV.<br />

Curb ureight<br />

2739 lbs<br />

Weight (loaded to 60% capacity)<br />

Axld loed distribution<br />

3346 lbs<br />

{vehicle loaded to 6Ol capacity)<br />

53147%<br />

Track front 61-5 in<br />

rear 61 .0 in<br />

wheelbase<br />

1 16.0 in<br />

Tires P 195/70 R 13 GoodYear<br />

Figure 2. Calspan RSV general data.<br />

Steering wheel angle<br />

Steering wheel velocity<br />

Steering wheel torque<br />

Yaw velocity<br />

Lateral acceleration<br />

Forward velocity<br />

Stopgring distance<br />

Figure 3. Instrumentation.<br />

Figure 4 shows the measuring equipment<br />

used during the test. This unified instrumentation<br />

packagc is typical of the general state of<br />

the art in Ciertnatry. lt consists of:<br />

r steerin8 wheel measuring device<br />

r stabilized platform<br />

r rate gyro<br />

. optical correlation speed sensor<br />

. tape recorder<br />

The tests were performed according to the<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>-RSV-specifications at 600/o and 10090<br />

load capacity.<br />


145<br />

Figure 4. Measuring equiPment.<br />

The procedures Performed were:<br />

r brakin8 in a straight Iine (stoppitrg distattce<br />

and stability)<br />

. brakirrg in a turn (stopping distance and<br />

stability)<br />

I steady state yaw response<br />

a transient yaw response<br />

a steering returnabilitY<br />

t maximum lateral acceleration<br />

a control at breakawaY<br />

a crosswind sensitivitY<br />

a steerirrg control sensitivitY<br />

a pavement irregularity<br />

t slalorrr coutse<br />


The results are presented in a format as<br />

given in the RSV-spccifications. Therefore all<br />

data collectecl are in English units for easier<br />

comparisotr with published calculatiotr results.<br />

The following figures will present the<br />

specific test results.<br />

Figure 5: At 60ry0 and lfi)90 loading conditions<br />

and the initial speed of 60 MPH the re-<br />

Loading<br />

% capacttY<br />

60<br />

100<br />

Initial<br />

speed<br />

60 MPH<br />

StoPPing distance<br />

flequired<br />

4 1 90 feel<br />

Measu red<br />

I 59 feet<br />

1 65 feet<br />

Figure 5. Calspan RSV braking in a straight line.

quired t90 ft stopping distance will be met<br />

with 159.4 ft respectively without leaving the<br />

lane.<br />

Figure 6: This figure shows that the car<br />

stopped in 78.2 and 85.6 ft as compared with<br />

the required 90 ft stopping distance in the<br />

braking in a turn test. However the latter<br />

distance was only 590 below the requirement.<br />

The steady state yaw response, as shown in<br />

this Figure 7 is within the limits for the .4 g<br />

lateral acceleration test for all 3 initial speeds.<br />

The results of the transient yaw response<br />

test as shown in Figures I and 9, are within the<br />

Looding<br />

% capecity<br />

60<br />

100<br />

In itial<br />

cond itions<br />

Radius 357 feet<br />

Speed 40 MPH<br />

llat. acc. .39)<br />

Flgure 6. Calspan RSV braking in a tum.<br />

UJ<br />

o<br />

IT<br />

o<br />

IJJ<br />

6<br />

IJJ<br />

att<br />

{<br />

dl<br />

u,l<br />

lrJ<br />

r =X<br />

F<br />

6<br />

o<br />

IJJ<br />

(9<br />

=<br />

E {t<br />

100<br />

(980<br />

uj<br />

uJ<br />

J<br />

a<br />

z {J<br />

IIJ<br />

H40<br />

B<br />

F<br />

z<br />

o tr<br />


StopFing distance<br />

Required Measurad<br />

90 foet<br />

78.2 leet<br />

85.6 feet<br />

limits with the exception that the curve foithe<br />

initial speed 70 MPH is identical with the<br />

boundary.<br />

Figure l0: All the curves measured with<br />

respect to the steering returnability of the testcar<br />

lie within the limits.<br />

The table in Figure I I shows the maximum<br />

lateral accelerations reached compared to the<br />

requirements. All the requirements were met.<br />

The measurements on wet pavement have<br />

not been performed due to lack of time.<br />

With respect to the RSV specifications, the<br />

performance of the car regarding control at<br />

breakaway was also ok.<br />

In the field of directional stability the requirements<br />

for crosswind sensitivity will be<br />

met (fig. l2).<br />

Figure 13; AII the measured data for the<br />

steering torque are greater than the lower limit<br />

of 5 inch pound. Therefore the car fulfills the<br />

requirements at all of the specified test speeds.<br />

t l<br />

.4G LAT ACC RSV<br />

Over steer<br />

l.#<br />

30 40<br />


E. EE<br />

iiiii#<br />

#+== #<br />

=:,1:<br />

# ii- .:.:ii.:=-=-::=.-i<br />

r steer ;...:i:.<br />

table ':-.-::<br />

=:l{#Effi<br />

# A =iiiii.ii#*-#:==ffi<br />

l:::::::l-=f-riF<br />

{F F<br />

Figure 7. Steady state yaw response.<br />

146<br />

ffi #++=<br />

ECW<br />

A ccw

il<br />

uri<br />

flfr<br />

>ur<br />

r20<br />

HF*<br />

v,f<br />

r-I<br />

frE (JJ<br />

trH<br />

tB<br />

{<br />

t<br />

/ l<br />

/*<br />

Arrr<br />

IA /<br />

lA /<br />

/<br />


'[-<br />

/<br />

- 25MP<br />

n EAr rA-<br />

I<br />

low6r boundary<br />

I<br />

1.0<br />


Figure 8. Calspan RSV transient yaw response (at 25 MPH).<br />

r80<br />

fi<br />

J<br />

ur (' 120<br />

{ {<br />

(/ril<br />

>nl<br />

O I<br />

4l.<br />

Hi<br />

tA t-<br />

Eq<br />

(J IIJ<br />

E ><br />

H=60<br />

{<br />

I<br />

/.,/r/r/l<br />

{<br />

t<br />

tl<br />

ti<br />

l!<br />

r<br />

ded envelope<br />

\ r A \<br />

Figure 9. Gatspan RSV translent yaw response (at 70 MPH)'<br />

\<br />

Z<br />

tt5 1.0<br />


147<br />

RSV<br />

.-r;\r<br />

- 70 MPHupper boundery<br />

\ l<br />

\<br />

\<br />

bAr =Ad<br />

RSV<br />

r7\r<br />

tAttlt<br />


ya12<br />

uJ<br />

uJ<br />

uJ<br />

o<br />

UJ<br />

; 8<br />

z {<br />

z<br />

o<br />

S 4<br />

I<br />

UJ<br />

I<br />

-<br />

{<br />

H o<br />

.4<br />

/<br />

Ih E,<br />

'tl-<br />

?, .r.-<br />

Figure 10. Free control heading.<br />

Su rface<br />

Dry<br />

concret6<br />

or<br />

asphalt<br />

Wet concr€tg or asphalt<br />

Flgure 11. Galspan HSV lateral accelerations.<br />

In addition to that, there measurable<br />

deviation from the straight during the<br />

pavement irregularity test.<br />

Figure 14: With regard to the slalom test as<br />

one out of two proposed tests for overturning<br />

immunity there is no indication that the car<br />

will turn over. But it was impossible also for<br />

/<br />

EE. \r<br />


/<br />

Tire<br />

pressu<br />

re<br />

Design value<br />

1204/"<br />

80%<br />

1 2O% front<br />

80% rear<br />

80% front<br />

12Qa/o rear<br />

Design<br />

u "'"' " *"<br />

;.:t IJo" "^,,,,o ffi,<br />

_\z \-l \-l<br />

.br<br />

1-tF<br />

l-ltSl<br />

0.8<br />


--<br />

t-l<br />

A<br />

ll<br />

a<br />

25 MPH CW<br />

25 MPH CCW<br />

50 MPH CW<br />

50 MPH CCW<br />

skilled drivers to drive the car through the<br />

course at the required minirnum speed of<br />

50 MPH. The maximum average speed reached<br />

was 47.8 MPH.<br />

Thereforc the overturning immunity could<br />

not bc proved according to the specification<br />

at the given load capacity.<br />

r-l<br />

Upper limit * 50 MPH<br />

Lower limit * 50 MPH<br />

I<br />

1.2<br />

Lateral accelerations (g) fixed control<br />

Requirod Measured<br />

0.60<br />

0.60<br />

o.55<br />

o.63<br />

o.59<br />

/Skid numbar (wer)\<br />

4., (wetl =l--la.,<br />

(dry)<br />

'<br />

\Skid number (drvl/ '<br />

,/<br />

0.70<br />

0.70<br />

0.63<br />

o.68<br />


uJ<br />

n r 4<br />

t4<br />

z<br />

o<br />

F S s<br />

lu<br />

Lu<br />

6 tr<br />

frz<br />

(J<br />


Figure 12. Allowable course deviation by crosswind.<br />

Speed<br />

MPH<br />

30<br />

50<br />

70<br />

Steering wheel torque<br />

Required Measured<br />

F5 in. pound<br />

14.5<br />

22.6<br />

26.7<br />

Figure 13. Calspan RSV steering control sensi'<br />

tivity.<br />


According to the mentioned te$t results the<br />

Calspan RSV has performed in general the test<br />

specifications set up for the RSV program.<br />

However in some aspects the performance<br />

was marginal.<br />

For example: The result of stopping distance<br />

in the braking in a curve test at full<br />

rated load was only 590 below the target.<br />

Afl<br />

-/<br />

ro0 150<br />


I<br />

.f<br />

rF<br />


Minimum averege velocitY<br />

Required I Measured<br />

50 MPH I 47.8 MPH<br />


Figure 14. Overturning immunitY.<br />

F<br />

Additionally, the steady state yaw response<br />

curve represents the highest amount of understeer<br />

allowed at higher sPeeds'<br />

J<br />

t<br />


The curve of transient yaw response results<br />

at 70 MPH coincides with the boundary after<br />

2 seconds.<br />

Although the short time did not permit a<br />

detailed subjective handling evaluation a<br />

short ride revealed and saf'e driving in real<br />

trafflc would not be possible due to the steering<br />

system. The steering effort characteristic<br />

was unsteady over the steering angle and the<br />

feed-back of road contact was poor.<br />

The required lateral accelerations were obtained<br />

by wider special tires, and the soft tire<br />

rubber, which most probably is not sufficiently<br />

resistant against abrasion, also provided<br />

the required braking performance.<br />

However, it is doubtful whether this is the<br />

correct way towards better primary safety,<br />

especially if the space requirements of the<br />

wider wheels result in difficult disadvantages<br />


Presentation<br />

on Lateral Collision<br />

on Calspan RSV<br />


Renault<br />


The aim of this paper is to present the<br />

results obtained as regards protection of the<br />

occupants of the RSV (Research Saf'ety Vehicle)<br />

in a lateral collision with Renault 20.<br />

The testing program developed in conjunction<br />

with the National I{ighway Traffic Safety<br />

Administration (NHTSA) specifies rwo lateral<br />

collisions at different impact speeds performed<br />

by Peugeot and Renault, the main<br />

features of which are as follows:<br />

lmpacted vehicle: thc RSV developed by<br />

the Calspan Corporation under corrtract to<br />

the NHTSA.<br />

Striking vehicle: a Renault 20, lg7g model.<br />

Target: projection of R point of front seats<br />

onto doors of RSV.<br />

Direction: the trajec{ory of the R 20 forms<br />

an angle of 75o with the centerline of the body<br />

of the RSV (table l).<br />

in the steering geometry as it is the case in the<br />

RSV.<br />

The investigation of the Calspan RSV<br />

shows that compliance with a number of quite<br />

reasonably chosen criteria of detailed disciplines<br />

will by no mearls grant guarantee that<br />

the driver will be able to safely control and<br />

handle the vehicle in actual traffic situations.<br />

There are still reservations regarding the<br />

test procedures themselves and their validity<br />

with respect to safcty as derived from handling<br />

qualities.<br />

In conclusion the test results do not show<br />

any significant progress in handling qualities<br />

of the tested car comparecl to the standard of<br />

today's European production cars.<br />

Active saf'ety will still require quite a bit to<br />

do on research satetv vehicles.<br />

Table 1. Test conditions.<br />

e l l<br />

-t -1<br />

:T- U<br />

Speed of impact: RSV stationary, R 20 at<br />

50 km/h for Peugeot collision and at 65 km/h<br />

for Renault collision.<br />

Occupantsr three instrument-equipped<br />

dummies in the RSV, two in the front seats<br />

and one in back, on the impact sidc; two<br />

ballast dummies in the front seats of the R 20.


BY RENAULT (65 km/h)<br />

A view before the impact (photo l) shows<br />

the RSV positioned ovcr a wide glass-covered<br />

pit fbr film coverage of the structure from<br />

underneath. It is positioned in such a way that<br />

its centerline fortns an angle of 75" with the<br />

launch path of the R 20 and the longitudinal<br />

centerline of the R 20 passes through the projection<br />

of R point on the outside sheet metal<br />

of the right front door of the RSV.<br />

The tailgate and hood were removed to<br />

allow movie cameras to be carricd, providing,<br />

in combination with the side top and bottom<br />

views, complete film coverage.<br />

The wcights and trim of both vehicles were<br />

kept the same as in the crash at 50 km/h' In<br />

Table 2, the trim heights are those of the wheel<br />

wclls as measured directly above the front and<br />

rear axles.<br />

The two dummies placed in the R 20 were<br />

Hybrid II's not equipped with instruments,<br />

servittg as ballast, but also making it possible<br />

to study, in the film, the behavior of the retaining<br />

devices (in this case, two inertia-reel<br />

belts with $traps 60 mnr widc).<br />

<strong>Three</strong> dunrmies equipped with instruments<br />

arrd calibrated in accordance with Part 572<br />

were placed in tlte RSV following the procedure<br />

descrilrcd by standard I-I\4VSS 208'<br />

They were accordingly equipped with triaxial<br />

accelelometcrs (head, thorax, and pelvis)<br />

and strain gauges (both fenrurs). The transverse<br />

accelcrLrlreteni wcrc cluplicatcd to provide<br />

against any failure.<br />

Photo 1- RSV and R20 vehicles positioned in<br />

the impact configuration.<br />


151<br />

Table 2. Vehicle test weights and attitudes.<br />

The retention devices were those of the<br />

RSV: knee bar and air bag itt steering wheel<br />

for driver; kttee bar and inflatablc passive<br />

shoulder bclt for f'ront passenger (photo 2);<br />

active three-point belt with strap 50 mtn wide<br />

for rear-seat passenger (photo 3).<br />

Lateral protection was provided by rcinforcenrent<br />

of the sides of the structure, the<br />

most significant features of which were the<br />

reittforcement of the doors, the sccuring of<br />

the doors to the body lrottotlr, the center pillar<br />

or the rear pillar, and the irtstalliltion of padding<br />

on the upper door sill and at the bottom,<br />

alongside R point.<br />

h'<br />

F ront Rear Total<br />

Weidhl 845 kq 560 kq 14O5 kt<br />

:12OTS n<br />

645 mm<br />

R ight side<br />

n<br />

550 mm<br />

Left side 641 mm 555 mm<br />

Weiqht 785 kg 715 kq 1500 k<br />

TSV<br />

Risht side 614 mm 570 mm<br />

n<br />

Left side<br />

635 mm 590 mm<br />

,f,<br />

Photo 2. Right front passenger in RSV side<br />

impact test.

Photo 3. Right rear passenger in RSV side<br />

impact test.<br />

The energy absorbing material used in both<br />

the knee bars and thc door padding was an<br />

aluminum honeycomb structure.<br />

In addition, acceleration pick-ups were<br />

placed at various points in the structures of<br />

the RSV and the Renarrlt 20, and also in each<br />

of the doors on the right siclc, in linc with the<br />

thorax and pelvis ol the dumnics (table 3).<br />

Just before the crash (photo 4), a white<br />

powder was sprayed on parts insicle both vehicles<br />

with which the dummies might come<br />

into contact, such as dashboards, knee bars,<br />

side padcling, etc. ., to determinc the points<br />

of impact of the dummics with precision. The<br />

Table 3.<br />

Left A piilar<br />

Bight A pillar<br />

Engine<br />

Sensor oosition RSV R2OTS<br />

Right wishbone<br />

Air bag ,sensor<br />

Left B pillar<br />

Right B pillar<br />

Left C pillar<br />

Flight C pillar<br />

Rear cross member<br />

Right front door-thorax level<br />

Right f ront door-pelvis level<br />

Right rear door-thorax level<br />

Left rear door-pelvis level<br />


XY<br />

XY<br />

XY<br />

XY<br />

XY<br />

xYz<br />

2Y<br />

2Y<br />

2Y<br />

2Y<br />

XY<br />

XY<br />

XY<br />

X<br />

Photo 4. Front passengers in R20 vehicle,<br />

same powder was used to determine the travel<br />

of the safcty bclts of the striking vehicle in the<br />

inertia reels and to obtain tire tracks on the<br />

ground to evah.rate accuracy of aim.<br />


The R 20 hit the RSV at 64.6 km/h; the trajectory<br />

was accurate and no significant offset<br />

was found on the basis of the marks on the<br />

ground and through cxaminatiotr of thc film.<br />

Bclth vehicles were displaced parallel to<br />

themselves and stopped 7.20 m from the point<br />

of collision (photo 5).<br />


The maximum indentation of the right<br />

front section was on the order of 400 mm.<br />

Photo 5. Post test, RSV and R20 vehicle: top<br />


The four side doors could be opened easily.<br />

No head impact was noted, but there was<br />

contact of the thorax with the bottom of the<br />

steering wheel and an impact of the knees of<br />

both dumrnies with the dashboard. without<br />

the deformation that would have resulted<br />

from a violent impact.<br />


The general condition of the RSV was satisfactory.<br />

Its cettterliue remained perfectly<br />

straight. The floor was not very defortned.<br />

The right-side doors rcmaitred closed; only<br />

the fastening of the front door to the body<br />

bottom failed. Maximum indentation was<br />

240 mm at the first point of impact and<br />

152 mm at the front R point (photo 6).<br />

The reduction in room was grcater in front:<br />

141 mm at thc front R point as against 35 mm<br />

at the rear R point (photos 7 and 8).<br />

S1,E*f;t1!r"<br />

Photo 6. Post test, view of RSV.<br />

Photo 7. Compartment<br />

door.<br />


intrusion right front<br />

153<br />

Photo 8. Compartment intrusion right reardoor.<br />

Tle pyrotechnical systems (air bag and inflatable<br />

belt) fired 55 msec. after the first contacr<br />

(photo 9).<br />


Table 4 gives the transverse acceleration<br />

curves of the thorax and pelvis of the two passengers.<br />

Table 5 gives the significant values<br />

delivered by the accelerometers of the three<br />

dummies, together with those measured on<br />

the passengers of an R 30 under the same conditions.<br />

The driver of the RSV was displaced from<br />

left ro right inside the vehicle and the delayed<br />

inflation of the air bag accentuated this displaccment<br />

up to impact with the front passenger<br />

(95 ms).<br />

The front passenger touched the top of the<br />

center pillar with his head, the padding at the<br />

Photo 9.<br />

r;ffi"<br />

Post test<br />

RSV.<br />

f i F * a<br />

t* r- -{<br />

front passengers in

Table 4. RSV test: thorax and pelvls accelerations on impacted side dummies.<br />

I Fz<br />

o F{<br />

LIJ<br />

J<br />

uJ<br />

(J<br />

o {<br />

E<br />

Fz,<br />

I<br />

k 5 0<br />

tr<br />

uJ<br />

uJ<br />

(J<br />

{<br />

i!<br />

, i<br />

i<br />

;<br />

Ji<br />

r1 i<br />

.--._,.,r i<br />

top of the door with his arm (indentation<br />

30 mm deep), and the padding at the bottom<br />

with his thigh (wide indentation up to 20 mm<br />

deep).<br />


154<br />

- Thorax<br />

---- Pelvis<br />

Front Passenger BSV<br />

Thorax<br />

Pelvis ReEr passenger RSV<br />

The rear passenger hit the rear pillar with<br />

his head, the padding at the top of the door<br />

with his arm (indentation l0 mm deep), and<br />

part of the bottom padding with his pelvis.


Table 5. Dummy responses of 2 collislons te$ts.<br />

R20 against R30<br />

H20 against RSV<br />

|mpecled sldc<br />

Opposlle Bld6<br />

lmoectod sld6<br />

Dummy rriFonltr<br />

FSV lront<br />

passang6r<br />

F|SO drlvcr<br />

HSV drlver<br />

R30 lront<br />

PegE6nger<br />

RBv r6ar right<br />

paaa6n06l<br />

B3o r6ar l6lt<br />

Peggangsr<br />

?max y3 ms sl<br />

93<br />

245<br />

30<br />

tltnB<br />

39<br />

7e<br />

233<br />

7S<br />

1m<br />

36<br />

tranS<br />

3€<br />

{t<br />

210<br />

PolvlE Thorax Hoad<br />

5S?<br />

3102<br />

1{a<br />

3el<br />

4fi€<br />

AV<br />

llanE.<br />

10 m/8<br />

'14.5<br />

m/8<br />

10 mr8<br />

10 ilVE<br />

1g ft/E<br />

19 m/8<br />



For the behaviors of a Renault 30 and the<br />

RSV to be compared, the test conditiotts ltad<br />

to be exactly the same (table 6).<br />

The RSV was impacted liom the right and<br />

the R 30 from the left. Since the structure of<br />

the R 30 is perfectly symmetrical, the comparison<br />

can be made provided that the behavior<br />

of the driver of the RSV is compared to that<br />

of the front passenger of the R 30, that of the<br />

front passenger of the RSV to that of the<br />

Table 6. Summary of 2 collision tests.<br />

R20 against R30.<br />

R20 against RSV.<br />

T6st w6lght<br />

Pea|tnetel<br />

lmpect v6loclly<br />

Flntl Yeloclty<br />

Veloclty chrnge<br />

lnltlel kln6ilc on6rgy<br />

Enorgy disslpat6d<br />

Max compartm6ni<br />

acc€leratlon<br />

Mf,x companmonl<br />

intruElon<br />

Irg<br />

km/h<br />

m/s<br />

m/s<br />

m/a<br />

KJ<br />

KJ<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Crash H2GF30 Cra8h RzGRSV<br />

H20 F30 H20 HSV<br />

1435<br />

I<br />

e4.s I<br />

18.02 |<br />

z l<br />

r1.02 |<br />

zsl I<br />

122.<br />

17 1 I<br />

t l<br />

1 512<br />

.0<br />

0<br />

t0<br />

10<br />

0<br />

t0<br />

s?o<br />

1405<br />

6{.6<br />

|<br />

|<br />

17.s4 |<br />

,.u I<br />

10.44 |<br />

226 I<br />

125,<br />

25 1I<br />

r l<br />

1510<br />

0<br />

o<br />

s<br />

I<br />

0<br />

31<br />

240<br />

?max ?3 ms sl<br />

1?1<br />

76<br />

€6<br />

ffl<br />

7A<br />

05<br />

70<br />

g7<br />

il6<br />

52<br />

60<br />

60<br />

5{t0<br />

588<br />

160<br />

239<br />

360<br />

232<br />

lranE<br />

I m/8<br />

12 m/8<br />

B mr8<br />

l0 m/E<br />

12 1W8<br />

E m/E<br />

lmax sl Hlc<br />

t70<br />

70<br />

r{€<br />

E7<br />

119<br />

222<br />

718<br />

628<br />

319<br />

332<br />

fil<br />

5123<br />

?5€<br />

338<br />

271<br />

?31<br />

7fi<br />

3600<br />

driver of the R 30, and that of the right rear<br />

passenger of the RSV to that of the left rear<br />

passenger of the R 30.<br />

When the R 30 was impacted by an R 20,<br />

the impacted doors of the R 30 neither opened<br />

nor failed. However, the indentations were<br />

much greater than in the case of the RSV<br />

(compared in table 7) (photo l0).<br />

The indicators of severity measured on the<br />

dummies on the impacted side were substantially<br />

different as regards the pelvis and head<br />

(table 5). Briefly, no passenger in the RSV had<br />

an SI or HIC exceeding 900, but in the R 30<br />

the driver had an S[ pelvis of 3102 and the<br />

rear passenger an SI pelvis of 4266 and an<br />

HIC of 3508.<br />

In both collisions, the front dummies on<br />

the opposite side showed comparable reactions;<br />

both struck the other front-seat occupant<br />

at the end of the collision.<br />


<strong>Two</strong> vehicles were impacted by a Renault 20<br />

under identical conditions. <strong>One</strong> was a massproduction<br />

vehicle, a Renault 30, and the<br />

other an experimental vehicle designed by the<br />

Calspan Corporation: the RSV.

$<br />

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Photo 10. Post test. view of R20 vehicle.<br />


157<br />

Data concerning the passengcrs on the impacted<br />

side showed:<br />

r the reinforced structure of the RSV together<br />

with ample, soft door padding mininrizes<br />

pelvis injury indicators;<br />

r that overly rigid padding at the tops of the<br />

doors of the RSV resr.rlted in no inrprovement<br />

as regards the thorirx;<br />

r that padding the wirrdshield pillars, ccnter<br />

pillars, roof sills, and rear pillars limited the<br />

maxinum accclcration recorded durins an<br />

inrpact of the hcad.<br />

Experimental Simulation of Car-to-Pedestrian Collisions<br />

With the Calspan R$V<br />


Research and Develooment<br />

Volkswagenwerk AG<br />


This paper presents results from experimental<br />

simulations of car-to-pcdcstrian<br />

collisions betwecn the Calspiur RSV and a 50<br />

percentile male dummy and a 6 year old child<br />

durnmy, respectivcly.<br />

Because a driveable Calspan RSV was not<br />

available for the tests, a Calspan RSV-Buck<br />

was used.<br />

A total number of l2 tests was performedseven<br />

tesrs with the 50 percentile rnale dummy<br />

and five tests with the 6 year old cliild<br />

dummy. The impact speeds were 15, 20, and<br />

25 rnph. The same bumper type was used for<br />

all tests, a similar test series was planned with<br />

a rnoclifiecl [runrper typc; this bunrper, however,<br />

wa$ not available in tirne.<br />



The equipment, which was used for the<br />

tests, is described in Ref'erences I and 2. Figurc<br />

I is an overall view of the entire facility.<br />

Detailed inl'ormation about all the cornponents<br />

of the equiprncnt can be taken f ronr the<br />

Iiterature mentioncd above.<br />

Figure 1. Equipment used for simulating<br />

vehicle-to-pedestrian col I isions.<br />

Dummy<br />

<strong>Two</strong> dummy types were used for the tests:<br />

r 50 percentile male dummy, type Humanoid<br />

572-5DP<br />

r 6 year old child dummy, type Hurrianoid<br />

572-6c<br />

Tlre clurrrmies are shown in FigLrres 2 and 3.<br />

Ttrc durnrnies were instrumented with three<br />

axis accelerometers located in the head, the<br />

chest and the pelvis. In addition the 50 percentile<br />

rnale durlmy wils eqr.ripped with two<br />

other accelerometers in cach leg to neasure<br />

the lateral acceleration of the knee and the<br />


Figure 2. A 50 percentile male dummy, type<br />

Humanoid 572-50P.<br />

Test Car<br />

The test car was a Calspan-RSV (Research<br />

Safety Vehicle). Because a driveable car was<br />

not available a "buck" was used (fig. a).<br />

The buck was mounted on a moveable barrier<br />

(fig. 4). The barrier was equipped with a<br />

brake system (fie. 5) which was activated in<br />

the moment of impact to sinrulate an emergency<br />

braking. Diving of a real car was sitnulated<br />

by corresponding fixation of the buck<br />

on the barrier.<br />


Table I shows which tests were performed<br />

with the 50 percentile male dutnmy and Table<br />

2 those performed with the child dummy.<br />


158<br />

Figure 3. A 6 year old child dummy, type Humanoid<br />

572-6c.<br />


The numeric results of the tests are presented<br />

in Tables 3 and 4. In addition tlte main<br />

results for the primary impact are presented in<br />

Figures 6 to 9.<br />

Figures l0 and ll show the movement of<br />

the dummy-hcad rclative [o the car. T]rc influence<br />

of the impact speed and tlte dummy size<br />

is obvious.<br />


T'he purpose of this investigation was to<br />

demonstrate the behavior of the Calspan-RSV<br />

during a car-to-pedestrian collision under<br />

special conditions.<br />

Unfortunately it is impossible to estimate<br />

the overall efficiency of the Calspan-RSV

ffi,t ,l W<br />

Figure 4. Calspan RSV-Buck.<br />

Figure 5. Brake system.<br />

Table 1. Tests with the<br />

dummy.<br />

Test<br />

Nr.<br />

381<br />

370<br />

377<br />

379<br />

380<br />

382<br />

383<br />

lmpact speed<br />

(moh)<br />


Th*-n*k,'<br />

50 percentlle male<br />

Hood<br />

impact<br />

area<br />

15 20 25 hard soft<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

Table 2. Tests with the child dummy.<br />

Test<br />

Nr.<br />

366<br />

362<br />

368<br />

363<br />

369<br />

lmpact speed<br />

(moh)<br />

Hood impact<br />

area<br />

15 20 25 hard soft<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

regarding pedestrian safety in real accident<br />

situations. This is due to rnainly two facts:<br />

. the number of tests for each pararneter<br />

combination is too small in order to draw<br />

statistically secure conclusions. lt is well<br />

known that the reproducibility of car-topedestrian<br />

collisions is very poor concerning<br />

the dummy loadings"<br />

r the tests were made under very special conditions.<br />

Up to now it is impossible to correlate<br />

the dummy-test results to the real<br />

accident situation for mainly three reasons:<br />

- limitation of test parameters in comparison<br />

to the real accident situation.<br />

- insufficient simulation of the pedestrian<br />

by the dummy and<br />

- insufficient protection criteria for the<br />

impacted pedestrian.<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />


tr<br />

,o<br />

370<br />

377<br />

379<br />

380<br />

381<br />

38?<br />

383<br />

B d'<br />

E \<br />

32.4<br />

32.1<br />

32.4<br />

32.4<br />

24.4<br />

40.6<br />

40.7<br />

o o<br />

F<br />

B<br />

- . Y<br />

7.O<br />

8.5<br />

7.6<br />

7.6<br />

5.2<br />

9.6<br />

12.5<br />

a =<br />

6 E<br />

E ><br />

.=<br />

X F<br />

o,i<br />

z o<br />

81<br />

81<br />

62<br />

44<br />

55<br />

54<br />

80<br />

O F<br />

1r<br />

rE<br />

. c<br />

x o<br />

6 0<br />

E S<br />

67<br />

16<br />

s2<br />

22<br />

23<br />

58<br />

47<br />

o E<br />

'l*<br />

oH<br />

r.g<br />

-9<br />

o<br />

o..<br />

6 H<br />

oii<br />

T.E<br />

G t<br />

S l<br />

. T<br />

X E<br />

E C<br />

.fo<br />

O F<br />

: l<br />

EE<br />

x O<br />

E S<br />

6<br />

Fr<br />

i F<br />

th.=<br />

!rH<br />

Hb<br />

(/)<br />

.:<br />

6E<br />

E}<br />

E =<br />

X E<br />

G -<br />

E O<br />

Y u<br />

6tr<br />

1r<br />

oi<br />

x O<br />

6 0<br />

E $<br />

Head Chest Pelvis<br />

384<br />

436<br />

318<br />

339<br />

134<br />

543<br />

6S8<br />

E2<br />

11<br />

177<br />

21<br />

14<br />

55<br />

137<br />


Table 3. Results of tests with the 50 percentile male dummy.<br />

29<br />

17<br />

27<br />

21<br />

19<br />

40<br />

36<br />

27<br />

15<br />

34<br />

30<br />

17<br />

45<br />

18<br />

65<br />

42<br />

76<br />

49<br />

33<br />

121<br />

169<br />

Table 4. Results of tests with the child dummy.<br />

z<br />

o<br />

H€<br />

€ o<br />

E<br />

c ';<br />

T<br />

F<br />

o<br />

x c<br />

m t<br />

Ei<br />

|;<br />

X E<br />

5 E<br />

6*<br />

o F<br />

d :<br />

Et<br />

. c<br />

x c<br />

E g<br />

I<br />

.E<br />

E<br />

.E<br />

=<br />

o<br />

d<br />

c<br />

o<br />

=<br />

o<br />

o =<br />

m E<br />

ll><br />

trt<br />

. F . c<br />

I E x o<br />

o o<br />

E A E g<br />

362 31.f 7.7 48 35 181 23<br />

363 40.; 12.5 55<br />

366 24.E 6.4 20<br />

368 3?.( 11.432<br />

369 39.1r<br />

5-g 41<br />

125409<br />

33s<br />

6r 37 55<br />

o? 145 170<br />

48 270 2-1<br />

49<br />

20<br />

28<br />

37<br />

z<br />

TE<br />

ul<br />

F<br />

CF<br />

l<br />

a z_<br />

{<br />

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IlE<br />

i E<br />

X E<br />

E A<br />

, c<br />

x o<br />

o o<br />

EH<br />

H6ad Chest P6lvis<br />

11<br />

51<br />

c6<br />

48<br />

51<br />

141<br />

224<br />

27<br />

a7<br />

8<br />

't2<br />

83<br />

56<br />

141 49<br />

5 1 0 1 5 2 0<br />


Figure 6. HIC vs. impact speed.<br />

83<br />

64<br />

45<br />

49<br />

67<br />

, o<br />

23<br />

110<br />

64<br />

2A<br />

33<br />

17<br />

c<br />

43<br />

46<br />

16<br />

70<br />

42<br />

24<br />

32<br />

35<br />

34<br />

2E<br />

38<br />

38<br />

20<br />

17<br />

63<br />

53<br />

jO<br />

76<br />

33<br />

* 6;160<br />

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. F<br />

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6H<br />

- a<br />

o.:<br />

o<br />

0 ><br />

fr:<br />

.::<br />

HF<br />

EE.<br />

Kneelateral<br />

Lef t I Right<br />

49<br />

44<br />

40<br />

32<br />

55<br />

55<br />

16<br />

73<br />

79<br />

102<br />

83<br />

104<br />

89<br />

58<br />

55<br />

34<br />

70<br />

81<br />

a<br />

6<br />

j'o<br />

><br />

H.'<br />

. g<br />

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o.:<br />

o<br />

U }<br />

F F<br />

: ; j<br />

6.F<br />

E E<br />

Foot-lateral<br />

Left I Rigtrt<br />

79<br />

*a 109<br />

93 118<br />

74 62<br />

41 127<br />

133123<br />

32<br />

121<br />

83<br />

65<br />

88<br />

33<br />

13$<br />

121<br />

10:<br />

94<br />

99<br />

95<br />

22<br />

s E<br />

o<br />

G<br />

o ><br />

Hd<br />

x o<br />

E g<br />

16<br />

s1<br />

3l<br />

69<br />

119<br />

a7<br />

Figure 7. Max. res. chest acceleration vs. impact<br />

speed.<br />

Figure 8. Sl vs. impact speed.

200<br />

^ 160<br />

U' tr'<br />

4z<br />

PF rzo<br />

.;{<br />

uJ4<br />

al eo<br />

x!{<br />

{X<br />

Et ao<br />

Primary impact<br />

r Chilfl-flurnmy<br />

. 50% Mate-dummy<br />

o 10 15<br />


Figure g. Max. res. pelvis acceleration vs. im.<br />

pact speed<br />


3S2<br />

37e<br />

070<br />

- -<br />


l.<br />

z.<br />

Lucchini, E. and Weissner, R., "Influence<br />

of Bumper Adjustment on the Kinematics<br />

of an Impacted Pedestrian," IRCOBI<br />

<strong>Conf</strong>erence 1978 Lyon, France.<br />

Lucchini, E. and Weissner, R., "Results<br />

from Simulations of Car-to-Pedestriarr<br />

Collisions with VW-Production Cars," 7th<br />

<strong>ESV</strong>-<strong>Conf</strong>erence 1979 Paris, France.<br />

Figure 10. Movement of the dummy-head relative to the Calspan-RSV; 50 percentile male dummy.<br />

Figure 11. Movement of the dummy-head relative to the Calspan'R$V; 6 year old child dummy.<br />


Safety, Fuel Economy, Transportatlon Gapacity,<br />

Pedormance - Partial Functions of a Method for<br />

the Simultaneous Adaptation of Gar Design<br />

Parameter$ to Changing Requirements<br />

H.-H. BRAESS<br />

Porsche Research and Development Center<br />


When developing a new vehicle concept,<br />

the stipulation of the basic design parameters<br />

such as the main dimensions and the determination<br />

of the size and position of the vital<br />

units must be considered as being the most<br />

essential decisions within the overall concept<br />

phase, as, during the subsequent development<br />

phase, it will hardly be possible to correct any<br />

errors made during concept finding.<br />

For that reason, it is of utmost importance<br />

to make use of appropriate calculation<br />

methods to support decision-making at the<br />

earliest possible development stage. These<br />

methods must permit to evaluate the influence<br />

of an utmost number of design paralneters on<br />

the various properties of an individual vehicle<br />

type.<br />

The present paper is meant to be a contribution<br />

on this special field. It shows the derivation<br />

of a system of equations allowing the<br />

simultaneous adaptation of the design parameters<br />

to given changes of requirements. These<br />

considerations ate based on a known vehicle<br />

concept and take into account technological<br />

possibilities and a variety of marginal conditions.<br />


When developing new vehicle concepts,<br />

special importance must be attributed to<br />

determining the basic design parameters such<br />

as overall dimensiorrs, wheel base, size and<br />

position of units, length of the crush zones,<br />

and last but not least the overall weight, which<br />

essentially influence the basic vehicle proper-<br />

ties.<br />

Due to the multitude of both vehicle properties<br />

and design parameters<br />

to be considered,<br />


there is a strong desire for combined calculation<br />

methods to facilitate decision-making<br />

during the design phase and mainly when it<br />

comes to harmonize conflicting objectivesl.<br />

The latter are typical phenomena in automotive<br />

design and occur in all sectors including<br />

transportation capacity, driving performance,<br />

fuel economy, exhaust emission, safety, and<br />

noise reduction.<br />

So, the present paper is meant to highlight<br />

the interdependence between different individual<br />

properties and essential design parameters<br />

and to show the adaptation to changing<br />

requirements.<br />



<strong>Int</strong>roductory Remarks<br />

The following properties are considered:<br />

r dimensions of the passenger<br />

compartment<br />

r acceleration capacity<br />

. fuel economy<br />

r potential occupant protection<br />

r potential compatibility<br />

The properties are to<br />

functions of the following<br />

(fie. l):<br />

r Length of the passenger<br />

compartment<br />

I Width of the passenger<br />

compartment<br />

r Overall width<br />

PC<br />

ACC<br />

FE<br />

POP<br />

PCB<br />

be represented as<br />

design parameters<br />

L""<br />

wr"<br />

w<br />

r Length of the frontal crush zone Lr.,<br />

r Engine displacement V<br />

r Vehicle weight VW<br />

The calculations refer to the following basic<br />

. vehicle<br />

length<br />

r length of the occupant<br />

compartment<br />

L = 4.40m<br />

LPc = 1'70m


Figure 1. Longltudinal section of a passenger car with standard drive unit.<br />

a overall width<br />

a width of the occupant<br />

compartrnent Wpc = l'47 m<br />

Iateral protective distance LPD = 0.25 m<br />

(see Potential Occupant<br />

Protection)<br />

vehicle weight<br />

VW = 1200 kg<br />

(including 2 passengers)<br />

r length of the engine hood LEH : l'25m<br />

. engine displacement V = 2.01<br />

Passenger Compartment<br />

<strong>One</strong> of the primary demands on a passenger<br />

car is the availability of a sufficiently large<br />

and well accessible useful space.<br />

When assuming a constant inner height and<br />

taking into consideration only the characteristic<br />

main dimensions, the relative change of<br />

the passenger compartment can be expressed<br />

as follows:<br />

aPC = ALre + AWpc<br />

Pc Lr. Wr.<br />

When substituting the initial dimensions of<br />

the basic vehicle (see <strong>Int</strong>roductory Remarks)<br />

W = 1.70m into this equation we obtain:<br />

xf = 60' alpc + 68 ' Awr. (l)<br />

(APC/PC expressed in go, ALFC, AWr" expressed<br />

in m)<br />

Acceleration Capacity<br />

Another important primary requirement to<br />

be fulfilled by a passenger car is a satisfactory<br />

driving performance with a sufficient acceler'<br />

ation capacity. Though the tractive resistance<br />

varies with changing driving conditions, the<br />

relative change of acceleration can be considered<br />

as a function of the vehicle weight<br />

change and closely approaches:<br />

AACC<br />

ACC<br />

AVW<br />

vw<br />

If the engine concept is maintained, the<br />

acceleration level can be further approximated<br />

and approaches:<br />

AACC AV<br />

: E<br />


When substituting the values of the basic<br />

vehicle into this equation we obtain:<br />

aACC = -0.0833.4VW+50.4V<br />

n ^<br />

(2\<br />

ffi<br />

(AACCi ACC exfrressed in 90, AVW expressed<br />

in kg, AV expressed in l)<br />

Fuel Economy<br />

lf no adaptation of the engine and the<br />

transmission ratios takes place the influence<br />

of the vehicle weight on fuel economy is relatively<br />

unimportant with the standardized driving<br />

cycles (e.g., references 2 and 3).<br />

However, as the fucl consumption strongly<br />

increases with increasing acceleration (e.g.,<br />

reference 4) the influence of fuel economyweight<br />

function undcr real traffic conditions<br />

can be considered as being:<br />

#:<br />

,ts,tr<br />

-(0.25<br />

./.0.40).#<br />

where 0.25 represents relatively steady driving<br />

0.40 represents driving with frcquent<br />

accelerations<br />

Similar to the vehicle weight, the influence<br />

of the engine displacement on the fuel economy<br />

is considerably greater with sharp accelerations<br />

than with standardized driving cycles2's,<br />

so that, for real traffic conditions, we<br />

can assume:<br />

*=?" : _ (0.35 ./. 0.70) . +<br />

AFF NV<br />

tt Y<br />

where 0.35 represents relatively steady driving<br />

0.70 represents driving with frequent<br />

accelcrations<br />

The influence of the air drag strongly depends<br />

on the driving speed.<br />

From Figure 2 we can see that:<br />

AFE AC^A<br />

=== : - (0.32 ./ .0.69 ./. 0.80)<br />

FE COA<br />


164<br />

(,l o<br />

lrl { \ |\<br />

o<br />

r<br />

1 6<br />

l {<br />

< t<<br />

o.2<br />

ptr i<br />

/<br />

//<br />

..,.<br />

,/<br />

/<br />

,/n .--'<br />

/ , /<br />

40 60 80 100 120<br />

SPEED km/h<br />

Figure 2. Influence of the driving speed on the<br />

air drag-fuel economy function (from<br />

reference 6).<br />

where: 0.32=vo TOkm/h<br />

0.69: v = ll0km/h<br />

0.80 * v = l30km/h<br />

Assuming constant values for the vehicle<br />

height and air drag coefflicient we obtain:<br />

AFE LFE- : - (0.32 ./. 0.80) .<br />

ff<br />

A\r/<br />

When using the values of the basic vehicle<br />

(see <strong>Int</strong>roductory Remarks), the relative<br />

change of the fuel economy is:<br />

"-<br />

: -<br />

\J'020 '/' 0.033) ' AVW<br />

LL -(18 ./. 35) . AV<br />

*(r9 ./.47) - Aw<br />

AFE /n nin ./ n ^1a\ - A\<br />

- AFE<br />

where: 15-<br />

is exFressed in qo (3)<br />

AVW is expressed in kg<br />

AV is expressed in I<br />

AW is expressed in m<br />

Potential Occupant Protection<br />

The efficiency of occupant protection during<br />

collisions is the result of the complex interaction<br />

between the so-called "primary"<br />

protecl.ion (offered mainly by the restraint<br />

systems) and the "secondary" protection en*

sured by the vehicle body structure (e.g., references<br />

7 to 9).<br />

Within the framework of the present paper,<br />

considcration will be given to those features<br />

of secondary protection which can be approached<br />

as functions of the parameters stated<br />

in <strong>Int</strong>roductory Remarks.<br />

The corresponding values are:<br />

r the length of the front crush zone influenc'<br />

ing the efficiency of occupant protection<br />

during frontal collisions,<br />

r the length of the passenger compartment<br />

influencing the efficiency of the restraint<br />

systems and the forward displacement of<br />

the passengers,<br />

r the width of the lateral protective zone, i.e.,<br />

the lateral distance between the passengers<br />

sitting at the side of impact and the outer<br />

vehicle contour, influencing the occupant<br />

protection during lateral collisions,<br />

r the vehicle weight influencing the compatibility<br />

during vehicle-to-vehicle collisiorrs.<br />

As an increase of the three values mentioned<br />

in the first place does not "automatically"<br />

entail an improved occupant protection, one<br />

can only speak of a "potential" improvement<br />

of passenger protection. ln addition, there are<br />

only some specific ranges (e.g., the collision<br />

speed) where these values will produce an<br />

effective increase of occupant protection.<br />

Fronl Crush Zone<br />

The longer the crush zone the smaller the<br />

decelerations of the passerrger comparrment<br />

under identical impact conditions with similar<br />

overall design and without impairing the occupant<br />

survival space. The mean deceleration of<br />

the passenger compartment being a measure<br />

of the accident severity and the injury probability<br />

respectively (e.g., references l0 to l2),<br />

the change of the potential occupant protection<br />

can be formulatecl using the dependence<br />

of the mean deceleration on the leneth of the<br />

crush zone:<br />

APOP arcz<br />

POP<br />

Lrcz<br />


Length of the Passenger Compartment<br />

As the increase of the forward occupant<br />

displacement is a further means to reduce<br />

occupant deceleration, the influence of the<br />

passenger compartment length can be formulated<br />

in a simplified manner as follows:<br />

aPoP : AL"c<br />

POP Lrc<br />

Lateral Protective llistance<br />

The lateral protective distance which is a<br />

further design parameter to be observed<br />

(fie. 3) incorporates three partial functions<br />

namely:<br />

r location of specific components to obtain<br />

adapted stiffness of the Iateral body structure<br />

. space allowing lateral deformations without<br />

intrusion into the passenger compartment<br />

wpc<br />

Laterel protective distance;<br />

w-c.wD.<br />

LPD =<br />

'-<br />

2<br />

lC * 0.95)<br />

1<br />

Ar-po--Aw-<br />

2 2 Awec<br />

Figure 3. Definition of the lateral protective<br />

distance.<br />


mountinB of a protective paddinB to the<br />

inner door side to attenuate occupantim<br />

pacrs<br />

Though exhaustive knowledge is still lacking<br />

to date (e.g., reference l3) it is possible to<br />

approach the influence of the lateral protective<br />

distance on the potential occupant protection<br />

as follows;<br />


POP LPD<br />

The influence of the relative movement of<br />

passengers sitting side by side, is neglected in<br />

the present context.<br />

Vehicle Weight<br />

From accident investigations it can be seen<br />

that lighter vehicles offer less occupant protection<br />

than heavier ones (e.g., reference l4).<br />

o(,)<br />

ZT<br />

{F<br />

u)Z<br />

po<br />

*oE<br />

s iz<br />

;;e<br />

FUJF<br />

{ L {<br />

tE (4E<br />

} HE<br />

= =E<br />

zztr<br />

-;"1<br />

trq<br />

>I<br />

TUU<br />

ta><br />

a x<br />

xx x<br />

x<br />


x (.931<br />

xr ax<br />

xx<br />

a<br />

t<br />

x<br />

I<br />

a '<br />

ta x t t<br />

x*a<br />

xxx x<br />

a<br />

Figure 4, e.9., shows that the frequency of<br />

severe accidents strongly increases.<br />

The increase illustrated in Figure 5, however,<br />

is essentially smaller.<br />

It must be mentioned that different countries<br />

and different vehicle-types (size, model,<br />

5oo ks 1000 1500<br />

-oeno wetcnT<br />

Figure 5. lnjury rate versus vehicle weight<br />

(from reference 15).<br />



r 1968 Models<br />

x 1969 Models<br />

Frequency of severe accidents versus vehicle weight (from reference 14, paper 48).<br />


year, etc.) are concerned. The influence of the<br />

vehicle size which cannot be separated from<br />

the vehicle weight (see above) has been taken<br />

into consideration, too.<br />

In the framework of the present paper, the<br />

results obtained from Figure 5 are used. This<br />

means that as far as the basic vehicle (dead<br />

weight of 105(i kS) is concerned, the dead<br />

weight has no significant influence on the injury<br />

frequency. This applies to a broad range<br />

of weight changes.<br />

Overall Function<br />

When combining the influence of front<br />

crush zone, passenger compartment length,<br />

and lateral protective distance, the relative<br />

change of the potential occupant protection<br />

can be expressed as follows:<br />

APOP I<br />

= - a<br />

POP Lrc,<br />

. ALpc . t*L.<br />


ALPD<br />

When substituting the values of the basic<br />

vehicle we oblain:<br />

APOP<br />

ffi=167'ALPs2+59<br />

'ALPc + 200<br />

. AW - 190 . AWpc<br />

APOP<br />

ffi<br />

is exPressed in 9o<br />

(4)<br />

All other values are expressed in m.<br />

Equation (4) gives the occupant protection<br />

offered by the basic vehicle. No components<br />

have been added or stripped. It is assumed<br />

that the passenger survival space is maintained<br />

while the occupant protection is improved by<br />

increasing ETS or AV.<br />

Potentlal Compatibility<br />

Al,pcz * $!PC<br />

The main problem of compatibility is the<br />

protection of pedestrians and occupants of<br />

smaller and lighter vehicles during vehicle-tovehicle<br />

collisions (e.g., reference 8).<br />

167<br />

The present paper takes into consideration<br />

two design parameters of special importance,<br />

namely:<br />

r the length of the engine hood influencing<br />

the pedestrian protection<br />

r the mass ratio influencing the protection of<br />

the occupants of other vehicles.<br />

Length of the Hood<br />

The front hood should be as long as possible<br />

in order to minimize the frequency of pedestrian<br />

head impacts on the (stiffl windshield<br />

frame (e.g., ref'erence l6).<br />

So, for reasons of simplification, it is assumed<br />

that the potential pedestrian protection<br />

be proportional to the length of the engine<br />

hood. As this value is no variable in the present<br />

paper, it is also assumed that the change<br />

of the engine hood be considered as the change<br />

of the front crush zone (see fig. l).<br />

In addition. this effect results in an improved<br />

occupant protection in smaller and<br />

lighter vehicles.<br />

Consequently, the first partial function of<br />

the change of the potential compatibility<br />

reads as follows:<br />

APCB=.I-^, l--^<br />

PCB Lr" ' ALPn =fr' Alrcz<br />

Mass Ratio<br />

In the case of vehicle-to-vehicle csllisions,<br />

the mass ratio of both vehicles is an important<br />

parameter (e.g., reterence l7).<br />

As can be taken from Figure 6, the relative<br />

frequency of passenger lesions in the vehicle<br />

struck increases with increasing mass of the<br />

impacting vehicle.<br />

This effect is contained in a characteristic,<br />

defining the accident severity during lateral<br />

impacts, and presented in Reference 17.<br />

The modified form of this characteristic<br />

reads as follows:<br />

CH =<br />

l/6<br />

flle "".<br />

flPi.<br />

vo<br />

mA rll4^'-<br />

whereA: struckvehicle<br />

B : impacting vehicle<br />


uJ<br />

F<br />

d<br />

z<br />

U<br />

o<br />

(J<br />

{<br />

2.5<br />

2.O<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

6OO kg<br />

' l:-_-......T..._+<br />

800 1000 1200 1400<br />


Figure 6. Injury rate versus weight of the im'<br />

pacting vehicle (from reference 15)'<br />

According to Reference 17, the load on the<br />

near-side passengers increases with increasing<br />

CH. Thus the potential compatibility can be<br />

considered as being inversely proportional to<br />

CH.<br />

The impacting vehicle only is to be treated.<br />

This means that the compatibility must be<br />

considered as a function of the impacting<br />

vehicle weight.<br />

From (5) we obtain:<br />

l l l<br />

PCB --rr-:fi<br />

ml'b m rnt/o<br />

resulting in:<br />

APCB 7<br />

= * - a<br />

PCB 6<br />

AVW<br />

VW<br />

Overall Function i<br />

Summarizing, the change of the potential<br />

compatibility can be expressed as follows:<br />

APCB I .. 7 AVW<br />

PCB = aLncz -<br />

t'<br />

e'a5l<br />

With LEH : 1.25 m<br />

VW : 1200 kg<br />

we obtain:<br />

APCB<br />

ffi<br />

= 8o'Al-'cz-o'l'avw<br />


(6)<br />

168<br />

. APCB<br />

where: ffi<br />

APC<br />

PC<br />

AACC<br />

ACC<br />

AFE<br />

FE<br />

is expressed in 9o<br />

ALEcz is expressed in m<br />

AVW is expressed in kg<br />


Summary of the Vehicle<br />

Property-Parameter Functions<br />

When combining the property-parameter<br />

functions (1) to (6) derived in Vehicle Properties<br />

as a Function of Design Parameters, we<br />

obtain:<br />

#J<br />

: 60 . ALr" + 58 . AWpc<br />

: *0.0833 . AWV + 50 . AV<br />

: - (0.020 ./. 0.033) . AVw<br />

-(18 ./.35) . AV<br />

-(19 ./.47) .AW<br />

= 161'aLFCZ + 5e<br />

190 . AWPC<br />

APCB<br />

= 80 ' ALpcz<br />

PCB<br />

- 0.1 ' AVW<br />

(7)<br />

The change of the vehicle weight AVW can<br />

be considered as being derived from the parameters<br />

contained in the model, if only the<br />

vehicle dimensions are changed and if no<br />

modifications are made to the vehicle concept<br />

and equipment.<br />

Change of the Vehicle Weight<br />

Leaving additional measures and thus additional<br />

weight increases out of account (which<br />

would result e.g. from a distinct increase of<br />

the ETS), the weight change, as a function for<br />

the parameters cited in the <strong>Int</strong>roductory Remarks,<br />

can be formulated as follows:<br />

AVW = f (ALpc) + f (aW)<br />

+ f (ALFCZ) + f (AV)

When summarizing all data concerning the<br />

bodies-in-white, chassis, aud engittes and taking<br />

into consideration the tnaterials available<br />

today, this function can be expressed as<br />

follows:<br />

AVW = (100 ./. 200) .ALpc<br />

+ (250 ./. 600) ' AW<br />

^Pc I<br />

PCI<br />

AACC I<br />

T6 I<br />

AFE I<br />

El=<br />

^POP I<br />

PoP I<br />

APCB I<br />

TcB= J<br />

flpcLpc<br />

aAccr*"<br />

4FElpc<br />

aPop1."<br />


SpCwpc<br />

0<br />

0<br />

aPopryr"<br />

ilpcBrr. 0<br />

_<br />

With the coefficients of the chosen<br />

vehicle;<br />

flpcLpc 60<br />

'pcwpc : 68<br />

aACC;.,<br />

trACCyy<br />

aAccrr.,<br />

flnccy<br />

ftrELpc<br />

aFE*<br />

flFElocz<br />

flFEu<br />

&Popl*.<br />

EIPopry".<br />

4Popyy<br />

aPt)P1r."<br />

fltcB;*.<br />

aPCn*<br />

aPCB1r.,<br />

aPCBy<br />

: -(8 ./, 16\<br />

: -(20 ,/.50)<br />

= -(5 ./.l0)<br />

= 11 ./. 43<br />

= _(2./.7)<br />

= -(24 ./.67\<br />

I<br />

l<br />

l<br />

= -(r ./.4) I<br />

= - (20<br />

./. 4A) J<br />

=59<br />

= _lg0<br />

= 200<br />

: 167<br />

= -(10 ./.20\<br />

= - (25 ./. 60)<br />

= 68 ./. 74<br />

: - (8 ./. 16)<br />

|<br />

) ,<br />

0<br />

aAcco,,<br />

flrE*<br />

neop,sy<br />

aPCe*<br />

basic<br />

r)<br />

2)<br />

3)<br />

4)<br />

5)<br />

l)<br />

+ (60 ./. 120) . Al-r,cz<br />

+ (80 ./. 160) . av (8)<br />

Mathematical Model of the Overall System<br />

When substituting equation (8) into the<br />

system of equations (7), we obtain:<br />

2)<br />

3)<br />

4)<br />

5)<br />

169<br />

0<br />

aAccrr""<br />

aFELFcz<br />

flPoPrr.,<br />

0<br />

aeccy<br />

flFEv<br />

0<br />

EtPCB,.o., flRcsy<br />

low values:<br />

high values:<br />

low value:<br />

high value:<br />

low value:<br />

high value:<br />

low value:<br />

high value:<br />

low values:<br />

high values:<br />

ALpc<br />

AWpc<br />

AW<br />

ALpcz<br />

AV<br />

light construction<br />

"traditional"<br />

construction,<br />

increase of track<br />

and wheelbase<br />

"traditional"<br />

construction<br />

light construction<br />

light construction,<br />

Iow accelerations<br />

"traditional"<br />

construction,<br />

high acceleration$,<br />

wheelbase increase<br />

light construction,<br />

low accelerations<br />

and driving speeds<br />

''traclitional"<br />

construction,<br />

high accelerations,<br />

track increase<br />

light construction,<br />

low accelerations<br />

"traditional"<br />

(e)<br />

construction,<br />

highaccelerations (9a)

The system of equations (9) constitutes a<br />

complete mathematical model, allowing the<br />

adaptation of the vehicle parameters to changing<br />

requirements. The individual requirements<br />

can be given either separately or jointly in a<br />

modified form.<br />

As this model is a linearized one, the given<br />

changes must be limited. However, it is not<br />

possible to calculate the limits.<br />


The first application of the "adaptation<br />

model" concerns the reduction of fuel consumption<br />

by 1090. The other properties considered<br />

in the model shall be constant. Consequently,<br />

the systeur of equations (9) reads as<br />

follows:<br />

d<br />

flPC, '+c<br />

flAccr..<br />

BFElpc<br />

aPoPr*"<br />

-aPCB1..<br />


ALpc<br />

AWpc<br />

AW<br />

L4cz<br />

AV<br />

(10)<br />

First, today's common materials and climensions,<br />

and average driving style are used<br />

to solve the system of equations (10) for the<br />

chosen basic vehicle. The values are sumrnarizcd<br />

in Figure 7.<br />

The following details should be mentioncd:<br />

r In order to reduce the fuel consumption by<br />

l0%, the engine ctisplacement and vehicle<br />

weight must be recluced by less than 690 if<br />

the vehicle width is decreased adequately'<br />

r The vehicle width influences both the air<br />

drag and the overall vehicle weight, whereas<br />

the vehicle length has an effect on the vehicle<br />

weight only. That is why the adaptation<br />

model results in a reduced width with a simultaneously<br />

increased vehicle length.<br />

r Figure I shows how the weight decrease by<br />

66.7 kg (or 5.5V0 respectively) has been<br />

realized (according to equation (8)).<br />

Figure 9 illustrates the increase of the fuel<br />

economy.<br />

170<br />

+1 0%<br />

Figure 7. Adaptationof<br />

the<br />

parameter$ for an<br />

economy.<br />

+32-3 kg<br />

+o.216 m +<br />

+12.-1%<br />

-78.3 rg<br />

-0.184m a<br />

-10.8%<br />

-o.190m3 -o.07?me<br />

-1 3.0% -12,O%<br />

Due to<br />

reduced<br />

LFcz<br />

vehicle design<br />

increased tuel<br />

Due to<br />

reduced<br />

Due to<br />

decreased<br />

w -14 kg . -66.5 k9<br />

Figure 8. Individual influences on the weight<br />

decrease.<br />

Due lo<br />

decreased<br />

W<br />

+3.5%<br />

NI<br />

Nil<br />

Fl\ |<br />

hNl l\\\ I<br />

Due to<br />

decrea$eo<br />

+1O%<br />

-1 ]% of FE<br />

Figure 9. Individual influences on the fuel<br />

economy increase'



The second application of the "adaptation<br />

model," the system of equations (9), is the increase<br />

of the potential occupant protection by<br />

1090. The vehicle equipment is to remain unchanged<br />

and no additional weight-increasing<br />

measures must be taken.<br />

ln this special case, the system of equations<br />

(9) reads as follows:<br />

* 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />


(l l)<br />

The calcuiation results, i.e., the vehicle<br />

parameter changes for the basic vehicle with<br />

today's common materials and dimensions<br />

and average driving style, are summarized in<br />

Figure 10.<br />

When substituting the results (fie. l0) into<br />

the equation of potential occupant protection<br />

(4) one will find that an increase of the width<br />

of the lateral protective distance (due to a<br />

+10%<br />

-0.0437 me<br />

-2.97%<br />

Aw<br />

stronger reduction of the interior width as<br />

compared to the exterior width) improves the<br />

potential occupant protection by approx. 690.<br />

The increase of the interior length improves<br />

the potential occupant protection by about<br />

390, while the extension of the front crush<br />

eone produces an increase of approx. l9o.<br />

It is obviou$ that the improvement of the<br />

potential occupant protection by I0Vo requires<br />

distinctly less extensive modifications to the<br />

vehicle than the l09o fuel economy increase<br />

(see fig. 7).<br />

This is to be attributed to the fact, that for<br />

an improved occupant protection only the<br />

vehicle dimensions must be adapted and that<br />

additional weight-increasing measures, such<br />

as stiffening elements or heavier restraint systems<br />

are not taken into account in the present<br />

calculation example.<br />

In most cases, however, more severe requirements<br />

inevitably result in such weight increases<br />

which then must be taken into consideration<br />

also in the "adaptation model."<br />

To this end, we proceed again on equation<br />

system (7). While previously the weight<br />

change AVW has been considered as being<br />

derived only from the vehicle parameters, it<br />

may also incorporate an additional weight<br />

term for special components to be added or to<br />

be removed.<br />

+0.0055 m I<br />

+o.92% +o.oo54t I<br />

+o.27%<br />

-= ALrcz AV<br />

X:31ff<br />

+3.96 tg e<br />

+o.33%<br />

Figure 10. Adaptation of the vehicle design parameters for an increased potential occupant protection.<br />



In this case, the equation system (9) reads as follows:<br />

-<br />

APC<br />

PC<br />

AACC<br />

7E<br />

AFE<br />

FE<br />

APOP<br />

POP<br />

APCB<br />

EB-<br />

where:<br />

aACCvw -<br />

uttn*<br />

apcByl,y : -0'l<br />

:<br />

flpCtpc<br />

€[ACC1""<br />

flrELpc<br />

aPOPr""<br />

_aPCBr""<br />

- 0.0833<br />

-.<br />

0.020 .<br />

0^033<br />

(see equat. (2))<br />

(see equat. (3))<br />

(see equat. (6))<br />

(12a)<br />

For another calculation example let us<br />

assume that besides the potential occupant<br />

protection of lOVo an increase of the frontal<br />

impact speed (ETS) by l0Vo necessitates an<br />

additional weight increase by 1090. The results<br />

of this extended adaptation model are represented<br />

in Figure I l.<br />

As compared to the calculation without<br />

additional weight increase, the parameter<br />

changes required are considerably greater.<br />

When substituting these values into the<br />

equation of the potential occupant protection<br />

(4) we see that the frontal impact has been<br />

improved, whereas the lateral protection has<br />

been deteriorated.<br />

An additional insight into the function of<br />

the adaptation model, equations (9), is furnished<br />

by a sensitivity investigation carried<br />

out to examine the increase of the potential<br />

occupant protection in conjunction with an<br />

additisnal weight increase.<br />

The corresponding results can be taken<br />

from Table l.<br />

172<br />

ALpc<br />

AWpc<br />

AW<br />

ALEcz<br />

AV<br />

0<br />

aACcu*<br />

fl""u*<br />

0<br />

apcByl,y<br />

avwudd<br />

(12)<br />

The greatest influence is exerted by the<br />

values apop* and a"u*.<br />

An increase of apsp,il (occupant protection<br />

-vehicle width-function) by 1090, which, in<br />

the basic vehicle configuration means a<br />

smaller lateral protective distance (see fig. 3)'<br />

results in stronger changes of the passenger<br />

compartment width and length by l4.5Vo<br />

each.<br />

An increase of app* (fuel economy-vehicle<br />

width-function) by 1090, which means either<br />

a Breater vchicle weight per width or a keener<br />

driving style, reduces the changes of the<br />

passenger compartment width and length to<br />

I l.6Vo each.<br />

Of general importance are also the coefficient<br />

a6ggv/, 4FEw and apgu, which exert a<br />

distinct influence on all vehicle design parameters.<br />

Only coefficient aFELFcz can be practically<br />

neglected.<br />



Another calculation example concerns the<br />

increase of the potential compatibility by l09o.<br />

The results for the basic vehicle with today's<br />

common materials and dimensions, and average<br />

driving style are shown in Figure 12.<br />

When comparing Figure 12 to the equation<br />

(6) for the potential compatibility, we see,<br />

that the compatibility improvement is realized<br />

by increasing the front crush zone and thus

a u*uoo<br />


+o.1476 mi<br />

+8,33%<br />

{).12S m+<br />

-8.5095<br />

Figure 11. Adaptation of the vehicie design parameters to the Increase of potentialoccupant protec'<br />

tion, with a weight increase for a higher ETS-<br />

also the front hood. The model does rrot<br />

display a decrease of the mass aggressiveness.<br />

Within the overall potential occupant protec'<br />

tion, however, the increased front crush zone<br />

favors the protection in frontal crashes, while<br />

deteriorating the lateral protection.<br />

-O.2O5 me<br />

-12.O5%<br />

+0.110 me<br />

+18.35%<br />

+O.13181 I<br />

+6.599$<br />

+60.12 k9 t<br />

+5.O1%<br />

Ad8ption without<br />

6dditionsl vehicl€<br />

weight<br />




The results of the calculations for increased<br />

fuel economy and improved potential occu-

Table 1. Results of the sensitivity investigation.<br />

apCLpc<br />

apcwpC<br />

flecc,,a"<br />

anCCly<br />

ancclaa,<br />

&eccy<br />

flFElpc<br />

"FE*<br />

"*tua,<br />

uFEv<br />

apgpLpc<br />

aroelryra<br />

arortl.<br />

aPoP"r",<br />

aectl"a<br />

aecn1ry<br />

atcu1r""<br />

aecny<br />

ALpc AWpc AW ALncz AV<br />

++<br />

f f<br />

+<br />

0<br />

+<br />

0<br />

+++<br />

++<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

0<br />

+<br />

0<br />

++<br />

+++<br />

++<br />

0<br />

f<br />

+<br />

f<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />


+<br />

0<br />

+<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

t<br />

0<br />

0<br />

+<br />

0<br />

T<br />

0<br />

0<br />

+<br />

+<br />

0<br />

++<br />

Explanations: The modification of the individual coefficients<br />

by + l09o results in an influence of:<br />

0 * 0.1.+1Vo<br />

+ +, 1Vo .1. t 5oh<br />

rr t5'h.1. +10%<br />

.f ++ -<br />

>+ 10%<br />


Figure 12. Adaptation of the vehicle desigrt parameters for an increased potential compatibility.<br />

there are three different solutions for each individual<br />

design pafiimeter.<br />

1st Solution<br />

-+ +0.086 m:<br />

+5.56%<br />

a tpc<br />

{.092 ml<br />

-5.410/"<br />

The 3 partial equations:<br />

AACC/ACC + 10.6237 :<br />

- 35AW - SALFcz + 40AV<br />

AFE/FE+3.4835:*404W<br />

- 3LLFCL - 30AV<br />

APOP/POP - 12.8453 =<br />

200Aw + l6TALFcz<br />

are resolved as follows, using: APOP/POP =<br />

l0o7o, AACC/ACC = AFE/FE = 0:<br />

AW : -0.204 m (-0.205 m in fig. 1l)<br />

&pcz = +0'227 m(+0.ll0minfig' ll)<br />

AV = +0.133 I (+0.132 I in fig. ll)<br />

+0.O020 m;l<br />

+o.12%<br />

175<br />

+0.121 m=<br />

+20.15%<br />

+0.0006t t<br />

+o.D3% AVW<br />

A trcz A v -2.o4 ks :<br />

-o.11%<br />

While the changes of the overall width AW<br />

and the displacement AV are altnost identical<br />

with Figure I I (no secondary requirentent),<br />

the increase of the front crush zone Iength is<br />

twice as great. This means a strong shift within<br />

the overall potential occupant protection:<br />

aPoP /POP : 59ALpc - IgOAWPC<br />

+ 2004W + l6TALFcz<br />

= 59 . 0.0567<br />

- 190 . (-0.05)<br />

+ 200( - 0.204)<br />

+ 167 - 4.227<br />

APOP/POP : * 3.3 (frontal prot.)<br />

+ 9.5 - 40.1 (lateral<br />

prot.)<br />

+ 37.9 = l0 (frontal<br />

prot.)<br />

The distinct reduction of the overall width<br />

accompanied by a slight decrease only of the<br />

passenger compartment width reduces the<br />

occupant protection in side impacts by approx.<br />

30V0. whereas the increase of the front crush<br />

zone improves the frontal protection by 38V0.

Znd Solution<br />

The three partial equations:<br />

AACC/ACC + 10.6237 =<br />

- 35AW - SALFcz + 40AV<br />

aPOP/POP - 12.8453 :<br />

2004W + lFTALFcz<br />

APCB/PCB + 12.8505 =<br />

- 38AW + lzLLFCz - l2AV<br />

can be resolved as follows, using: APOP/POP<br />

: 1090, AACC/ACC : APCB/PCB = 0:<br />

AW = -0.131 m<br />

ALpcz = *0.139 m<br />

AV = +0.1791<br />

With this solution, the shift towards a deteriorated<br />

lateral protection is less pronounced<br />

than with the lst one. However, the fuel economy,<br />

the equation of which has not been considered<br />

in the present case, is reduced by more<br />

than 4070.<br />

3rd Solution<br />

The 3 partial equations:<br />

aFE/FE + 3.4835 =<br />

- 40aw - 3aLFCZ - 30av<br />

aPOP/POP - 12.8453 :<br />

200aw + l67aLFCz<br />

APCB/PCB + 12.8505 =<br />

- 38AW + TZALFC' - lzAV<br />

can be resolved as follows, using: APOP/POP<br />

= t l0Vo, AFE/FE : APCB/PCB = 0;<br />

AW = -0.116 m<br />

Alrcz : *0'122m<br />

AV : +0.0261<br />


With the 3rd solution, the "inbalaRce" of<br />

the potential occupant protection is rather<br />

small, while the acceleration capacity, the<br />

equation of which has not been considered in<br />

the present case, has decreased by 6.590,<br />

Summarizing, we can say, that an "inter=<br />

ference" with the adaptation model prevents<br />

"balanced"<br />

solutions. at least as far as the<br />

example of the compartment width is concerned.<br />



ln order to exemplify a combined adaptation<br />

procedure, an increase of the fuel economy<br />

and of the potential occupant protection<br />

(including the necessary additional weight) by<br />

lOVo each has been pre-determined.<br />

Since the adaptation model (9) is a linear<br />

one, the superimposed solution (fig. l3) is the<br />

sum of both individual solutions (see Fuel<br />

Economy lncrease and Increase of the Potential<br />

Occupant Protection).<br />

Attention should be drawn to the remarkably<br />

strong increase of the vehicle length and<br />

the strong dccrease of the width.<br />


The present paper shows the establishment<br />

of a linearized mathematical model, describing<br />

the potential of basic properties of a passenger<br />

car as a function of its essential design parameters,<br />

and aiming at the simultaneous adaptation<br />

of these parameters to one or several<br />

changing requirements.<br />

The calculated results have shown above<br />

all. that*at least as far as the data of the<br />

chosen basic vehicle are concerned-an increase<br />

of the fuel economy, while maintaining<br />

all other requirements, entails a strong reduction<br />

of the vehicle width and increases the<br />

overall vehicle length.<br />

This results in a shift within the overall<br />

occupant protection to the disadvantage of<br />

the protection in side impacts, which is also<br />

true for those cases, where weight increasing<br />

components are required to improve the occupant<br />


A FE ApoP<br />

FE<br />

-_-___.f<br />

r\*.<br />


+21 .O%<br />

-22.90/"<br />

Figure 13. Combined adaptation of the vehicle design parameters.<br />

Shifts or non-cempliance with individual<br />

reqnirements results also from the predetermination<br />

of secondary requiremctrts.<br />

The proposed calculation proccdure, which<br />

is still at the stage of developmcnt, is meant to<br />

177<br />

contribute to the finding of balanced vehicle<br />

concepts and to an appropriate combination<br />

of the most essential basic design parameters,<br />

furnishing optimum conditions for the execution<br />

of detail work.



l. H.-H. Braess, "Bewaltigung von Zielkonflikten-<br />

eine wichtige Teilaufgabe bei<br />

der Konzeption zukunftiger Personenwagen"<br />

(Mastering of <strong>Conf</strong>licting Objectives-an<br />

Important Task in the Development<br />

of Future Vehicle ConcePts.)<br />

Fort.-Ber. VDI-Z, Reihe 12, Nr. 3l<br />

(1978), S. 4sr/462.<br />

2. A, Ciccarone, "Possible Advances in<br />

European Passenger Cars Fuel Economy"<br />

sAE 770846.<br />

3. L. J. Janssen, H. J. Emmelmann,<br />

"Senkung<br />

des Kraftstoffverbrauches durch<br />

Aerodynamik und Formoptimierung der<br />

Karosserie von PKW" (Reduction of the<br />

Fuel Consumption by Improved Aerodynamics<br />

and Design of Passenger Car<br />

Bodies). Fort.-Ber. VDI-Z, Reihe 12,<br />

Nr. 3l (1978) S. 149/162.<br />

4. M. Estermann, "Der EinfluB der Fahrweise<br />

und der MotorgroBe auf die Abgasmenge<br />

der Personenkraftwagen im Strapenverkehr"<br />

(Influence of Driving Style<br />

and Engine Size on the Exhaust Emissisn<br />

of Passenger Cars in Road Traffic). Diss.<br />

T.H., Wien 1969.<br />

5. J. D. Murell, "Factors Affecting Automotive<br />

Fuel Economy," SAE 750 958.<br />

6. G. W. Carr, "Aerodynamics as a Mean$<br />

to Vehicle Fuel Economy," Instn. Mech.<br />

Engrs., A. D., Paper C 210 (1978).<br />

7. U. Seiffert, "Probleme der Automobilsicherheit"<br />

(Problems of Automotive<br />

Safety). Diss. T. U. Berlin t9?4.<br />

8. R. WeiBner u,a., "Passive<br />

Sicherheit" in:<br />

"Technologien fur die Sicherheit im Stra-<br />

Benverkehr" ("Secondary Safety" from<br />

"Technologies for Traffic Safety").<br />

BMFT-Studie 1976, S. 457/617.<br />

9. U. Bez, G. Laschet, "Entwicklung von<br />

MaBnahmen zur Unfallminderung" (Development<br />

of Measures to Reduce Accidenr<br />

Severity). ATZ 1977, S. 3/11.<br />

D. L. Ivey, "Predicting the Probability of<br />

Injury During Highway Collisions Sub-<br />

Compacts Versus Standard Size Cars."<br />

Proc. 3. <strong>Int</strong>. Congress Autom. Safety<br />

1974, Paper 41.<br />

J. M. Kossar, "Big and Little Car Compatibility.<br />

" Proc. 3. <strong>Int</strong>. Congress<br />

Aurom. Safety 1974, Paper 43.<br />

P. Ventre, "Proposal for Methodology<br />

for Drawing Up Efficient Regulations."<br />

Proc. 4. <strong>Int</strong>. Congress Autom. Safety<br />

1975, S. 791/811.<br />

13. U. Seiffert, "Seitenaufprall-Schwerpunkt<br />

fur die Fahrzeug-Entwicklung" (Side Impact*a<br />

Crucial Point irt Vehicle Development).<br />

ATZ 1978, S. 465/468.<br />

14. Several Authors, Proc, 3. <strong>Int</strong>. Congress<br />

Autom. Safety 1974, Paper 2, 8, 10, 48.<br />

15. K. Langwieder,<br />

"Aspekte der Fahrzeugsicherheit<br />

anhand einer Untersuchung<br />

von realen Unfallen" (Aspects of Vehicle<br />

Safety based on the Examination of Real<br />

Traffic Accidents). Diss. T. U. Berlin<br />

t975.<br />

16. H. Appel u.a., "Sicherheitsfahrzeug fur<br />

FuBganger und Insassen*Ein Widerspruch?"<br />

(A Safety Vehicle for Improved<br />

Pedestrian and Occupant Protection-a<br />

Contradictory Objective?) in: Entwicklungslinien<br />

in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik<br />

1977, Verlag TUV-Rheinland, 5.421/447 .<br />

17. H. Appel u.4., "Entwicklung 10.<br />

ll.<br />

t2.<br />

kompatibler<br />

Fahrzeuge-Kopplung von Simulationsprogrammen<br />

und Versuchstechnik<br />

zulNutzenbestimmung kompatibler Ma-<br />

6nahmen" (Development of Compatible<br />

Vehicles-Combination of Simulation<br />

Programs and Test Technique to Determine<br />

the Utility of Compatibility-Increasing<br />

Measures) in: Entwicklungslinien in<br />

Kraftfahrzeugtechnik und Strassenverkehr,<br />

1978, Verlag TUV Rheinland, S.<br />

495/50/..<br />


lrl#ki:{i1'{'l<br />

ffil i.l<br />

l$<br />

I r+lt I<br />

t-1' i l<br />

<strong>Int</strong>rcduc'tion<br />


Administrator, NHTSA<br />

U. $. Department of Transportation<br />

l|<br />

I<br />

:<br />

*1<br />

r1: rll<br />

ttlEl Y I sf,Pilrrl<br />

rl_<br />

[lTTA<br />

t t t t<br />

lll1 II<br />

Good afternoon. It is a great pleasure for<br />

me to have the opportunity to introduce to<br />

you this afternoon Mr. Honda, who is here<br />

to speak to us.<br />

He has been a lifelong innovator, sustained<br />

a great interest in learning about new ideas<br />

and has been a progressive force in Japan, advocating,<br />

for example, the use of motorcycle<br />

helmets as a part of his business of selling<br />

motorcycles.<br />

He is a fiercely independent and generally<br />

self-taught individual. Rather than having a<br />

formal engineering or business training he<br />

began as an apprentice mechanic. Starting<br />

work in a motor vehicle repair shop he soon<br />

opened a branch of his own; and, at about the<br />

same time, he obtained his first patent for<br />

bicycle spokes made of cast metal.<br />

In the 1930's he closed his repair business<br />

and established a new company to make<br />

piston rings. But he was as daring in his personal<br />

life as he was in his business exploits. He<br />

was seriously injured in 1935 while driving an<br />

automobile of his own construction in a race<br />

after he set an all-Japanese speed record.<br />

Mr. Honda started the Honda Motor Company<br />

in 1948, making motorized bicycles, using<br />

surplus military materials. His philosophy<br />

on business and technology would warm the<br />

heart of a true free-enterprise advocate. Honda<br />

Company has maintained its independence<br />

from the corporate,/State relationship that has<br />

I I l.l.l r l f,<br />

*aki$alt,<br />

l<br />

become all too common these days. He does<br />

not favor conglomerate arrangements and his<br />

company is founded on the idea that it should<br />

make things with motors: cars, motorcycles,<br />

motorized agricultural equipment. He believes<br />

that research is the cutting edge of a<br />

company and established Honda Research<br />

and Development in 1960 to carry out that<br />

philosophy. He said recently (and I quote):<br />

*'The degree of safety in a product reflects<br />

whether the firm places greater emphasis on a<br />

short-term profit or on technological progress<br />

through research."<br />

I think the progress of Honda Motor Company<br />

and the career of Mr. Honda is really a<br />

tribute to that PhilosoPhY.<br />

This afternoon, the Department of Transportation<br />

of the United States would like to<br />

present to him a Certificate of Appreciation.<br />

He has devoted his career and his boundless<br />

energies to the development of a major industrial<br />

concern. His unique combination of<br />

technical and entrepreneurial talents has been<br />

applied to all aspects of automotive design<br />

and manufacture. He has also been a major<br />

advocate of safety design.<br />

Upon his retirement several years ago, he<br />

left a legacy of innovative management and<br />

engineering that continues to meet the tradition<br />

of innovation that he established. He<br />

holds more than a hundred patents himself,<br />

and has committed his firm to a strong<br />

research and development program that includes<br />

the development of a stratified charge<br />

engine for improved fuel economy and emmissions<br />

control and a program to develop a<br />

unique new type of air bag restraint system'<br />

Mr. Honda has shown how technology can be<br />


used creatively to meet social needs. It is with<br />

special pleasure that I have the opportunity to<br />

Guest Speaker<br />


President<br />

Honda Motor Company<br />

I should like to extend to everybody concerned<br />

my heartiest congratulations for this<br />

<strong>Seventh</strong> <strong>Int</strong>ernational Technical <strong>Conf</strong>erence<br />

on Experimental Safety Vehicles.<br />

Yesterday, I was gratified by the opportunity<br />

of listening to speeches on traffic administration<br />

from Transport Minister JoEl Le<br />

Theule of France, Transportation Secretary<br />

Brock Adams of the United States, and<br />

President Frybourg of the <strong>ESV</strong> Cont'erence.<br />

It is my great honor to be given this opportunity<br />

of speaking to you here in the capital of<br />

France, whose automobile industry has made<br />

numerous unique contributions for many<br />

decades since the days of Panard and De<br />

Dion.<br />

As an individual who has followed motorcycle<br />

and automobile technology throughout<br />

his career, rather than as the founder of<br />

Honda Motor Company, I am most pleased<br />

by this opportunity of being able to exchange<br />


present him withthe<br />

certificate and ask him to<br />

speak to us thisafternoon.<br />

opinions with leaders in automotive technology<br />

from many parts of the world. The<br />

growth of my company to date has been made<br />

possible through the great achievements made<br />

by the forerunners of today's automobile<br />

industry as represented by yourselves, and for<br />

that reason I would like to express my deep<br />

appreciation.<br />

At this international conference, I am looking<br />

forward to hearing valuable opinions and<br />

achievements from you, and I am confident<br />

that the results of your research will further<br />

ensure continued progress in this field.<br />

I have been associated with the automotive<br />

industry throughout my career, and I have<br />

learned from my own experience that the basis<br />

of corporate management and of technology<br />

is man. I attach a great deal of importance to<br />

the principle that tecnnology, or for that<br />

matter, science as a whole must serve mankind<br />

and must be easily utilized by man.<br />

For this reason, I have felt the keen need<br />

for reviewing the relationship between science<br />

and technology and human nature from a<br />

broad viewpoint, and for seeking to achieve a<br />

civilization filled with humanity.<br />

Ever since I founded Honda Motor<br />

Company in 1948, I have persistently<br />

followed the philosophy that an enterprise<br />

which gains its strength through technology<br />

should serve society with technology, that<br />

technology exists only for the good of<br />

mankind, and that only through service can<br />

we maintain our social position and make<br />

contributions to the progress of the society. I<br />

have been fortunate in being able to make my<br />

company gfow to what it is today through the<br />

cooperation of my young employees and<br />

understanding and support received from<br />

many quarters including government officials.

Progress and thorough pursuit of science<br />

and technology must start from the standpoint<br />

of respecting humanity' And I believe<br />

ih*t cotpotate profits are merely the results of<br />

efforts to incorporate in commercial products<br />

the achievements made in such scientific and<br />

technological pursuits. It is wrong to attach<br />

the primary importance to profit-making and<br />

to neglect improvement of products' <strong>One</strong><br />

must not feel complacent simply because his<br />

company's profit picture looks good today.<br />

When air pollution caused by automobile<br />

exhaust emissions became a major social<br />

problem and stringent controls were being<br />

studied by the governments of Japan and the<br />

United States, I told my employees:<br />

"With<br />

the technology we have, we can become the<br />

first to come up with an engine to meet those<br />

emission standards. Then we will make a lot<br />

of profits with our patents." The employees,<br />

however, countered by saying: "We are not<br />

working on new engines for profit-making<br />

alone. As manufacturers of automobiles that<br />

emit pollutants, we have the social obligation<br />

to develop engines that do not pollute the atmosphere<br />

which is the common asset of all<br />

mankind. We do not want you to think only<br />

of making profits." I immediately realized<br />

that I had been wrong in my thinking. At the<br />

same time, I began to know that at least some<br />

of my employees had grown up to think of<br />

our social responsibility more than I did. This<br />

incident was one of the reasons that prompted<br />

me to retire.<br />

When a corporate executive seeks to do<br />

something, it is essential that he gain understanding<br />

of his employees. He may be able to<br />

make them work for a while through such<br />

authority as power or money or organization,<br />

but this will never last very long. If I had<br />

steered the course of my company from solely<br />

profit-making motivation, I do not believe my<br />

employees would have worked as gladly as<br />

they did.<br />

Recently, an outsider who is well acquainted<br />

with my company said that humanism<br />

and romanticism constituted the basis of<br />

Honda Motor's corporate management philo-<br />


sophy. What had given him his impression<br />

apparently was not only our products but also<br />

such specific acts of mine as attempting to<br />

give bright hopes to my employees, respectinB<br />

their ideas, and non-discriminatory and fair<br />

evaluation of their Performance.<br />

In any event, it is most important to have<br />

the philosophy of respecting humanity. It<br />

must be recognized that the best service to the<br />

general public and the customers is to produce<br />

thirrgs that are safe and free from pollution.<br />

Ancl this, I believe, is a natural obligation for<br />

manufacturers.<br />

Furthermore, in developing, manufacturing<br />

and marketing products, it is imperative that<br />

you recognize and respect culture, religion<br />

and custom of the marketplace even if it<br />

works against you. It is wrong to think that<br />

people are the same all over the world. It<br />

goes without saying that mutual understanding<br />

is most important in this world, and if<br />

people really understand each other, I believe<br />

most of the problems in tnodern civilization<br />

will be resolved. I am of the view that if I<br />

encounter something I do not know about, I<br />

should only ask $omeone. [n order to be able<br />

to do so, it is important to always maintain<br />

goocl human relations with a large number of<br />

people. And I am convinced that human communications<br />

begin where people can teach<br />

each other.<br />

In discussing the question of traffic safety<br />

which we face today, it may be useful to review<br />

history. It is widely recognized that<br />

mobility constitutes the basis of human<br />

actions. It is no exaggeration to say that the<br />

history of mankind is the history of developing<br />

means of mobility- Needless to say, mobility<br />

was very important for mankind in the ancient<br />

days as a means of securing food' Mobility,<br />

however, is also important even from the<br />

spiritual point of view, as mobility plays an<br />

important role in maintaining normal mental<br />

conditions of humans' Psychologists tell us<br />

that if a man is deprived of mobility and<br />

placed in a secluded room, he will immediately<br />

become abnormal. In short, mobility<br />

is part of the human instincts.<br />


Means of achieving mobility have under-<br />

_gone many changes; from the most ancient<br />

methods of walking, to riding horses, then to<br />

the invention of horse-driven carriages. The<br />

development of horse-driven carriages, however,<br />

resulted in such disagreeable phenomena<br />

as bad odors, horse manure and flies. Automobiles<br />

were invented in the midst of all this.<br />

This revolutionary tool gave mankind a<br />

greater degree of ease of mind and a greater<br />

sense of freedom than had been anticipated.<br />

Further progress in technology has resulted in<br />

the invention of airplanes, which has made<br />

traveling much easier.<br />

With the establishment by Henry Ford I of<br />

a mass-production system, automobiles<br />

spurred progress in civilization and economic<br />

benefits for society. As automobiles were improved<br />

to incorporate easy handling features,<br />

their numbers increased drastically. And this<br />

in turn created such social problems as increased<br />

energy consumption, pollution from<br />

exhaust emissions, and traffic accidents. AII<br />

of them are serious concerns for the seneral<br />

public.<br />

What we must bear in mind is that when the<br />

automobile was invented, nobody was able to<br />

foresee what social impact it would have in<br />

the future. The problem of air pollution was<br />

totally unforeseen. Considering the low technological<br />

standards of the time, nobody was<br />

to blane for not being able to foresee such<br />

problems. The general public was simply<br />

delighted that the car would eliminate the<br />

kinds of problems they had had to face with<br />

the horse.<br />

I now wish to speak on what must be done<br />

from now on, what measures must be taken in<br />

the future. It is a well known fact that the<br />

question of traffic safety has many facets and<br />

that it has threemajor elements: road conditions<br />

and other environments, the driver, and<br />

the vehicle. I have long thought that it is important<br />

to incorporate accident avoidance<br />

characteristics into an automobile. I am<br />

afraid, however, that generally speaking,<br />

people have tended to concentrate their ef-<br />


forts into improvement of the vehicle itself<br />

and to overlook human aspects.<br />

There is no denying that many problems<br />

await an urgent solution with respect to<br />

vehicle safety. What we must remember, howevert<br />

is that no matter how much progress is<br />

made in this field, it is the man, namely, the<br />

driver, who plays the final and the most decisive<br />

role. lt is necessary to develop technology<br />

that suits a natural human tendency toward<br />

laziness wherever possible.<br />

There is one thing that I cannot over emphasize.<br />

And that is the importance of taking<br />

steps by foreseeing the future. I have already<br />

mentioned the failure to see ahead when the<br />

means of transportation shifted from the<br />

horse to the car. Today, science and technology<br />

have made such progress that it is perfectly<br />

possible for us to foresee the future and<br />

indeed I think it incumbent on all of us manufacturers<br />

to do so. In order for us to prosper,<br />

it will be necessary forever to continue studying<br />

measures to ensure the safety of our customers,<br />

and the <strong>ESV</strong> program could be one of<br />

the means of achieving this goal.<br />

Lastly, I would like to touch on the passive<br />

restraint system, which represents a new technology<br />

for safety. It is the United States which<br />

first introduced this technology, and I would<br />

Iike to pay my respects for the determination<br />

and courage of that country in doing so.<br />

Much research work has been accumulated,<br />

and the passive restraint system is about to be<br />

introduced in the mass market. The air bag, in<br />

particular, is an entirely new technology without<br />

resemblance to anything that has been<br />

tried in the past. Its introduction into the<br />

market can be termed as an epoch-making<br />

event in the history of automobiles.<br />

Nevertheless, ffiy thinking is that the best<br />

method of occupant protection is the conventional<br />

seat belt. The reason is that, in my<br />

opinion, it requires the driver to take an<br />

action before he starts the car, and this makes<br />

him conscious of safety, which in turn reduces<br />

the chance of his causing an accident. I believe<br />

that mandatory fastening of seat belts, as

exercised in Europe and Australia, is a very<br />

effective means. Thus, I regard the passive<br />

restraint system as the second best system, although<br />

I think efforts are needed to eliminate<br />

the risk arising out of the driver being too lazy<br />

to bother to fasten the belt. Although Honda<br />

Motor has been working on the passive restraint<br />

system, we have not yet completed<br />

either the air bag or the passive belt, as we<br />

continue to face technical difficulties attendant<br />

on small, lightweight automobiles.<br />

The biggest advantage of the air bag is that<br />

it does not tie down the occupants and that<br />

they can continue to ride and drive in a relaxed<br />

manner just as they do today. ln this<br />

sense, there is a good possibility that the air<br />

bag will be accepted by society without resistance.<br />

The air bag, on the other hand, has<br />


shortcomings in that it could be expected to<br />

be disadvantageous in roll-overs and lateral<br />

collisions and that it might not offer 10090<br />

reliability. Further efforts are needed to solve<br />

these problems.<br />

We must always keep in mind that our existence<br />

as manufacturers can only be assured<br />

if we continue our endeavors for ensuring the<br />

safety of the general public through a most<br />

effective utilization of what time is left for us.<br />

I wish to thank you, ladies and gentlemen,<br />

for your kind attention. In closing, I wish to<br />

thank Administrator Joan Claybrook of the<br />

United States National Highway Traffic<br />

Safety Administration for giving me this<br />

honor to speak at this conference, which has<br />

served to remind me of the important responsibility<br />

which we carry.

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