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vkMsW^..^ JVlotWoti.<br />

atWtM WOMU MAIb tb» I<br />

tbM who wMi to ka^.<br />

^ S ^ S j - s<br />

IWWl<br />

WW* Mniu AM<br />

^^pttaigfin UK flitirtiaiCZ<br />

' ' "•vok nf^MnCh MM. I<br />

jrHXMftMMlIA uuilwrt »» Tte'<br />

fmvel itK U^ciESLf^<br />

JniM^ In elotb, ftOOi,<br />

««««or S<br />

I W ima • UUB» 000raoed him. He says,<br />

*TV>Bch me not, I have not yet ascended to my Fa.<br />

ther. Go tell my Diaoiplea 1 go. before them Into<br />

Gallilee." The neat day aa two of the disciplea are<br />

on their way to Emmans, Jetut Joins them and<br />

talkaflreely with them, and when they reach their<br />

place of destination be makea as though he would<br />

r» on, but thrbugh the pennaston of the diso)pl«L<br />

he tarries and mautfeats himself unto them In the<br />

hueailngot bread, and we hear them aay to each<br />

other, "Did tiot on^ hiiria horn Wtihin ns as he<br />

talked to ua by the way r And upon another oc-<br />

crson,<br />

exerted hia divine power-commande.1 Lazarus,<br />

after he had been dead four dayi^ deposited In<br />

the grave, putrefaction had comm«noed1t« work<br />

to come forth, and instau Uy the grave pulsates<br />

with llfo and, UHf dsad esc restoitd to the tender<br />

embraces of bereaved and desponding sistezs,<br />

while they all Join the resurrected one in praises<br />

toGod.^ It waa the Dlvjae iwwer of Jesua that<br />

*poke the damaei while she wha yet warm Indeath,<br />

into life. Thus we aee the same pewer that apoke<br />

man into balng, wiU raise him Iti tlie great day of<br />

hia power, at his second coming. Preparo then to<br />

meetjilm in the air, as cornea In hia New Jeruaaiem,<br />

which, like a halo of glory, ahall encompAaa<br />

the whole earth. Then they shall ntnrn with htm<br />

tojudge the world In righteousneis. ^<br />

3. With what body shall it be raised ?<br />

With that body which lies before ua; thit one<br />

we to-day deposit in the ^rave. ](^ will not aay that<br />

all we pUce there will come up., 1 am Incllued to<br />

AdltTorent opinion. But that body, purffled, will<br />

be raised up. The human hody of the Lo^ Jaaua,<br />

the body Md in Josepli'a new tom^i, waa ithe one<br />

that was raised up. The very Idenlloal botly. The<br />

priiiUofUieiialls Were In his haada. The wwbd<br />

of the Roman apear waslilili «ide. He tlww a<br />

reU over the eyea of the two BfiHl*^ Journeying<br />

to Emmau% ao that their ayea wew holden that<br />

they knew him not; thia being iismbyod, «o clear<br />

were the marka of hia peraon. they kn«W It Was<br />

their Lord. The eleven «aaembted together kuewkK<br />

hlrti while he atood In tlieir tnldat^ft-ft |i«S3l4l«»ed,<br />

,^acobeuntoyou." Thomas eald ha w ^ oo(<br />

believe uttlaaa he oould put his fi^r lit tMiiftii^ '<br />

of tb« nalia and thrtrtt hia hand In Wa btd^^ewr<br />

wade to ejwialm,»'«Mf liord and my God I" aa ao<br />


•Siarhlii c^^ jfllijuiwu u Ijpdy. iJwwa<br />

Iwlog tlto fi>|ifruJUi,o(imom6r will belttid Id tho ght^e. Nut oxitrasiilou<br />

isairbe tnado mot-'j oloar or deflnlt« than tinHHi to<br />

. tho same pei'wti or thing, and thiiR m conolud,<br />

wq majr True, aud our ehar^ter,<br />

o if (irl^lpl^ ofir ^ our sins will go with<br />

us fo^^^ and freed.. The murderer<br />

v^lHly aUempis to escape his crime by fieeihg to<br />

atiOiher Isind. But he cannot flee trom himself.<br />

His sin is vft^ ^iw; a part of bis being. If the<br />

gii'Uty b^' were in heaven, uncleansed and unforgiveil,<br />

ii« wouledtont for you that<br />

I go away, for If I go iiot iway, the Com ertor wll<br />

not come unto you; but If I depart I will send iiiwi<br />

uoito yoo, and when he comes ho will convluco the<br />

world of sin, of righteousness and of Judgment"<br />

L The Holy Spirit quickens or enlivens tho lost<br />

or dead aoul. Said Jesus: "It is the Spirit that<br />

quickeneth."<br />

' 'm<br />

the dead in their mid*t, aaoended to heaven from<br />

theUr city, atlll they wore unconoerned about thoir<br />

danipr. Yt)», "they were dead in trespasses and<br />

•in*.'* When they were qaiokenod,bourinced,' called<br />

by the Holy Spirit, they uked, "What muat<br />

we dor<br />

4. Th# Spirit may be rulattd. God bbold, M &<br />

W* oUtms MMi bat b« hMim<br />


It<br />

; ?<br />

M<br />

OIti IJlMdWftrl.hni-rWhai^lV It? Ihrtmgli tUU<br />

oniinJr^, il)» iiiviuli^rt i»f iwy ctMiivH i»re<br />

tion4tti«r(«nuiiM)>^lf," Omp of f!io olilefil atiil<br />

lw>t( wcnilwri) iiiiyf liiw<br />

irtlemimiiiiinSuit wt* Hght If I mMnk*-not, #Jie<br />

(till! iii« tf«il\yttu lm|»itmt hi-r Inii'iMuil la .f«cls»0M;<br />

Tetiii^ lumiy )C!«r» Hgo, wlw-n yoii Ut-M a iiiecUtiiic<br />

there} iH!Hitl»,J»«l at tlic cloio of your d«'b»lc<br />

with Cl»«ip«n«ti. 'fhpnj l» • llaiiiJiit iititil«tt«r<br />

iu (Ii1» k'oiiiitjr, i»tiM», who i^oMiij y6«r* ago, came<br />

from tho HoUiOtUii^ «ii() he nayiilhat his arrirai<br />

at btltef that lb« Bi;rl|»tuio« llniHed the Siippef<br />

to each local ti»t.<br />

>V1«J' »omo br.'lhreii are no bitterly oppoiwd to<br />

you for havitiK wriUeii N(>n'iiit«rcoiMiaiinioti, I aiu<br />

«t« 16m tA dccido. Ureth. Bond and tiarrai ha^e<br />

wrltteii ably ni»d gcrlptiirally^ I have read Bro.<br />

ll«nfr«oV bo»k, written ajialimt you. It!« my<br />

opiiiiuH that h« h&« woakenod lilii cauf»e; h« certainly<br />

ha« not utrengthoiied It. And why somo<br />

brethren try prcjiulicc,—! tlo not He« what otlicr<br />

ttioave than to pi-ejadicc—liaptilts ajfulust you, by<br />

charting you with hindering and iiegli^ctiug niia-<br />

«!oit work, I am at a low to «ay. They ceitainiy<br />

know their charge 1« unjuitt aed untrue. To bear<br />

komecdiion talk, oue would think that all niisnion<br />

work donti among Ilapt!«U, wast iloue by antilandniarkcr«.<br />

If was truv, it would prove<br />

one thing—that, uoi Iim-s than thre«-fourtb« of the<br />

Bapdiita of ttio United States are laudmarker*.<br />

But we could name iieverat JD. D's who are not<br />

put dowu aa "iandinarkvra," that are not a whit<br />

iu advance of landniarkcniiu nii«itiou work. The<br />

commtaaion rcquirea us to tcucii baptizinl believert<br />

to obwrre all things whatwever Christ has commanded,<br />

as much as it requires us to no and tnake<br />

^ disciples of the nations. But t must stop.<br />

Put me down for one copy of the Seven I>isi>en><br />

t«tions, and a promise to sell some. I believe<br />

"I'he Great Iron Wiicel** Is the only book of yoont<br />

that I have not sold, and tliat was out of priut before<br />

I was bid enough-to sell it. 1 want to join<br />

the Tract Society this year; will send fur Tracts<br />

soon. I started to Join ]a«t year. I sent one dollar<br />

for Tracts, but it did not reach you. The envelotm<br />

had my UAtpe and address printed ou it,<br />

but it was not "relnrncd." Afy time for The Baptist<br />

Is nearly; out, I sec. I will renew in a few<br />

da) s—let it come ou. Just as soon as I can, I want<br />

to send something for Ihe young ministers at Jackson.<br />

I ant now ontereil upon my fourth year as paxtor<br />

hpw^, with the unanimous voice of the cliurth.<br />

I believe tho Lord sent me here, and ho will take^<br />

me away. Wo shall try to obey the divine charge<br />

i«2Tim. iv; l-8.,<br />

. Hy motio is—sound teachingand firm di<strong>ici</strong>pline.<br />

' Bat t have not yet been able to get the church lo<br />

keep iu covenant vow—"nVe luast imy tbta note April iM. Shall wa ba*e<br />

to i>ay It out of our own privaUt ftiiHlsf We faofinl<br />

the weatlier w* abouid liear from tb« ehursbes.<br />

We intemi to pny It, but we trust our bniuirea wit) {>r«v«<br />

tiieniHClvea to be brethren indeed.<br />

m:w ORLEANS.<br />

We f iv« lielow a very interMttoi; letter froin I>r. Lan-<br />

•Irtira Jn retrsed W nilMionary work In tbat city. We rfgard<br />

Kew Orleans as tbe most ImporUuit Held in tbswbvte<br />

Sooibwast. We think tbe sii^^ttiobs eonUfned lo tbe letter<br />

eminently wliie. Tbe Ibwrd would r^dlly adopt tbeiu<br />

and send the invn wtked tar. if Its trtnisury allowed tbls<br />

expenditure, but it cannot, in its prosent condition, send<br />

even onistrlct,which<br />

Is Carrollton. Yon will see (hatlhave<br />

marked a location; but have also marked one^<br />

Valence and MagaKine—in Glh District. The last<br />

is the more hopeful field by far. Hero wo have<br />

HOW a Sunday-school of« hundred schoipirs. IJere<br />

I would locate the first man—let liim also have a<br />

Sunday-school and preaching place In Carrollton.<br />

Cttrroliton is not a promising field; It has a large<br />

Nogro population, and m soon u the whites get<br />

ablo tliey move down (own. Tho Carrollton people<br />

can reach Valence street with one atrcet-ear<br />

fare. Mnt. Nelson fs well acquainted with (his<br />

part of tho field and would l)o w'iillng to give most<br />

of ber time to it. I am very well satisfied that you<br />

should plant your next man with Vaienco street<br />

fiud Carrollton. Then look at the 4Ui District<br />

Horel pro|x)se thatthc.FIrstchurch be moved firom<br />

deboiid and Magazine to Eighth aiid Magaxine, or<br />

I, litUo flirthrr, to Louisiana Avenue. The chnroli<br />

is (00 near Coliseum. By moving, they will be In<br />

the midst of a population of 20,000, mostly English<br />

•faking. Brother Walno hiu iwen horo^ recently^<br />

and we have canvaaiM the mitUir ani^ .decided<br />

that tho First church should not ni-putdiase Ihe^r<br />

old property, but go to a new IcHAtloi^ T^y b«Tj><br />

over two Uiposand doilarih ^'nil cut IbtiUil .'m, lieiitr<br />

houw for throe Uioasaud thfn the ono "^thejr noir<br />

u^" ^ • we tnuit<br />

reatdwellliig houses; the first tloor flw tue«tini;a<br />

oimI schools and the second for mlarionarits and<br />

tlsrolliee. Perhaps the brother ftom MImouH ttisht<br />

go to Valence street before the COuventlon. We<br />

need missionaries who kr6 aoiiad in body and<br />

mind a« well as In rellgloa. It will be a slow aiul<br />

hard service with tbem all, and they should come<br />

to stay and work natl^atly and hopefully.<br />

I feel deeply sol<strong>ici</strong>tous to live to see this eliy<br />

dotted wlih Baptist mlssioaa and churches. I am<br />

so glad /our heart b oo this iprvoi city. V'e hate<br />

nearly colored churcltfs and 7,000 members. I<br />

am greatly encouraged Ui my eflbru for the Improvement<br />

c f their preachers. a Landkvm.<br />

New Orleans Feb; 10^ 1883.,<br />



To tbe PactMi, Mlalttsn, and twstttrwi ot Sidcn AMOcUUoa.liEARBRETnREN.—W«<br />

were appointed by the<br />

^ raeethdg which cotivened with the Macwionis<br />

church Friday before the 3rd Lord's day In Jatinary,<br />

to (Oil another meeting, and designate the t^me<br />

aud place. Aner eousultatlon and correspondence<br />

we have selected Salem church, at the town of Liberiy,<br />

DcKalh county, aa tbe place, and Wednssdsy<br />

before the 3d Lord's day in April—being the 4th<br />

day of tbat moi^Ui—as the time of the meeting.<br />

The object of the tqeeUng Is to consult together,<br />

and with the Board of Missions, on the subject vt<br />

missionary work. It It no part of Its object to dcvUe<br />

pIatis,or to dlsourn plans. We already have a<br />

plan, aud, whatever Its defects may be^ we cannot<br />

stop to discoM them now while we are In midatrcam.<br />

We mast go ft>rward. What we want is<br />

aciion. Zealou", euthusiastic work. Cone, dear<br />

brethren, let ua meet In the spirit of missions, which<br />

s the spirit of our Master. Let os gathor In obedience<br />

to Uls voice as It riags idown the agss, ^o<br />

teach all naUom^" "Preach the Gospel to every<br />

creature." I^etno pastor stay away. Let every<br />

jireacber come; and ^wbosoever will let him oome.''<br />

Espmlally let tho sisters come. No cause, baptized<br />

u woman's smiles, woman's tears, aud woman's<br />

prayer*, ever failed. Fraternally,<br />

joHW W. Bowrn,<br />

M.D. Allen,<br />

JeaxHt BAIRO.<br />

COmmitlee. nmit<br />

The Church Newt, an Episcopal monthly of<br />

Natches, Mias.,«haracterlsea the baptism of Infimll<br />

as "tlie birth-mark of Ihe family of God," and a«'<br />

sores ua that '*ifae spotleoa iotil comes forth purs<br />

fh)m tlie ^waters of regeneration," whlla Christ<br />

"gives It then and (her«t, tbeblaaslBCof etemsl<br />

ifb." Not the Kpl8oop«l, bat th» MMbodUt, aad<br />

Presbyterian rontlu babes for<br />

pose, and these denomloatloBf^ let woipni<br />

CampbellilM, baptise idultaio pnNmMC the itnli'<br />

alon.ofainaaiidinegeBMat^oflMuii ^<br />

donomlnatloiM''Evatigriiaal,''Br^ Tiioktrr<br />

or I'lgliUy jir^t our Atopa Mjile^ li«lVvei-takeu by thcin in deHyfirliig us from cried:<br />

svATsn otimuaoToiui.<br />

thew^by moans direct or Indir^t. Wlittt» bleosod 'My lif^ whtoh Thou bikst mmle Thy cars,-; -:'<br />

* . - KBV W.O. tNMAW, - namboidt, Tenn<br />

S«V,jr.».OAItUS*,- -<br />

OrnnmsrM./n^n thought must this be to ihc dwout and truhtful<br />

liord Idcvole toTheo/ " ^ ,<br />

WCV.WM.I'.HOKD, - BolUsHo. obild ofOpd ? With what great furtitudo aud trust,<br />

Tho following two iU'ilauces of inipiTMlone bavej<br />

jqtV.ini.»OBTON, . V BnglanU,<br />

bcon furul^hod by F. B. Moody, Uto pr^ideut of<br />

but Hoi with raMbhOHs, can wo go forth, antid perils the Union FemalelDolleBe, Euffluln, Aitff ^-flJO'e<br />

BiuUaMs Msiisgsr by laud sea, to ihe dUchargo of our duties, trus Vmi* in Uiix vuuchsaiVid protection of our hcuvonly the Joint agoiicy of augeljq. iiiluistry operating<br />

BI7B90IUm01«8 PKB ANMUII IN ADVAMCBt Fa'hor!<br />

with Moutlgraphy—the of julmlju<br />

.IS.IM<br />

UM We will dovoio the rosl of this artlclo to uiite-<br />

oSS^SU (sent atone<br />

vm<br />

mlnd-~iuerttal lologritphy. oaso «f Mrs. fltjorworthy<br />

iostauccfi of pi-oniOiillmotitK, which were<br />


ter, of Eufaula, was another clear cose in tliis class<br />

...........<br />

waruiugs from this suurco'^minlsloring spirits- —11)0 uiliid of the dylug sou acting upon tllat of<br />

urn (sxtit M on* Uma)...<br />

and lulonded lot' Ihc tcinporHl good of tliuso nceiv Ills distant mother, whom, lu that hour he so much<br />

(seat at ons ttm«).~<br />

ADvaariatMa BATKBi<br />

lug Ihoin.<br />

dcBirod to see. We should bo pleased if Bro.<br />

Oas hwti 0* Unas or iion|N»«lt) one InasrUoa......<br />

Wo submit two fsulH furiiitthcd us by Eld. Jobe Moc^y would Itimself give Us his ow|t.«^ptaualion<br />

Mslneb*^ tasertlOtts<br />

MliMWlMM^Ma ot patroM of this psiMMT or «fi«mb«rB Of<br />

UaiTftli Mississippi.<br />

of the cases submitted. - M<br />

First fact!<br />

Fourth fact : ::<br />

••Bro, D. M^ KeaK if Kiifatila,iiiformcd nifi^a^lrs.<br />

5robftMiir. Nowion<br />

•VAJSillsts. we art to stimd tor the onUnanoes of OhiW<br />

M be M^iuSQiem apoa bis toUowers, tbe aaine in nwm^^<br />

bis noljjbbor bod cantlouHly jtull-d tho logs apart, surd Vaughn, ot Brandon, Miss., an oUi friond-^burryinglo<br />

S^b^aerdN-. and In qnMte vMwniiv. aD0h*ii««3 and en«UKb there lity a very large .rutflBsnaije. Tbo ui»n<br />

make tiie 'tranrfer,' I said to hini, 'W by hurry so** lie<br />

nnciiMUwable tulbeeonie.<br />

saW, 'I bftvo roecived a teiegrfui to burry hontO to Kons,<br />

Asflaptlsts, we are to stand lOr a spirit^ Md rjMraeiS tool( n han''-Hi>ll6lil{ly urged Mr. Kinluob tO alight and hbuae, khowing jwingif if my f fitiierworo i aide He'd surely |je in<br />

In their hands they shall iiear thee up, lust at any time<br />

spend the night there, promising him a warm supper and bis • pew. pew. I 1 wont in In tbo Ibot hack dutiil him In tied leHniugon<br />

most precious and comforting doctrine. •Oh, sir;'replied Jtmntimn; 'sueh a dream as I have<br />

a pillow and chair. isaW he was U)0 fail Ibr uttoranco—<br />

B/> all th- fam ly. Not a word was upoken fur ten m'nutfs<br />

Itls a greatenoouiogement and comfort to know bad) >iirl A morveloiis ijad dream about tho onomy'a seemingly. The silence was broken with tbese momorable<br />

that our Father In heaven has a fetter a1 oversight coiiilpg upon you to-night, «lr!'<br />

word*, spoken as ho gaxed through an open window, ••l<br />

of and oare for us, his children, but this doctrine •Poobl' quoth Mr. Kinloeh, turning bimoolf over lor an- b.ivejust w iked out «f a sweet slumber. I saw you ps<br />

jou oanio on l»y Botiii I ehurch. t kn of (le

"DEPRECIATION OF MiODtie Ur«.-»Ttai book fa branded M^oontaiii^<br />

ruK Avmoif ASP -BAD NAMSH KOR lag not only iiowf and etiHoua dootrlnea^ liiTolvIng<br />

K wim «fUMauatntJittJaisa.<br />

lus Hmmoxf}."<br />

a sinful "wa.ta of time, but t« with otiier of m<br />

A . Hm'llCW or M^fMK ^ TIIlC i AmC»>1l8 or TUt<br />

wiUliigf^ A«nfm person he, want that day to ParadlHo'WUh t|ip iiilef<br />

ittflu«i»^,ortoi)laceiiitn iiiaao'a.o<br />

benftbltf H^lit befon bli» .readrra, awl ileuy liinj dred, of professed ChrUtlans. whohad bccome en- prlsohem of hope," il,at ho hiul sallWod by lilii oii'n<br />

tlw riglit of d«f«nee l»efora 0»e aanw aiitliiMice. ia a t4ngl®d with Ita dccepUona were aaved fts>m the suOferinga the doinands of the divine latv- tor thom<br />

mow vielofia aii^ p«>rbit'i^ut ebaiactcr uf joitmal. delusion- Aa a aequal of the dl«cu«ilon» Mr. Po/nor, which wat an oafuestof tholr lull and complete it>.'<br />

liio, and i« Jmifty d|irecat«d and cxecratcd by all the world-renowned Spiritual medium, of New defnptioh. He did ^oro-ho con(ittorc4 dcilth In<br />

good men. loweat ciats of polHical jotirnaJn York, waa brought to thla city, and I wa« chal- his own dark domintons^robbed h!ia of his sti.,,<br />

are seldom so lo»t lo « seow of «»niaion JuaiIc^ «« lenged to meet him In a A*ietmgf, and expoM him or took from him the koya of Hado» for all his people'<br />

to deny an a««i|U«d niaa Ui!t equity. Dearer llian admit hl« preteniJonir. The rewiit waa, Foster was and on the thinl day entered and re-anlmatod the<br />

life to «true mae la lii» rp|Hitauon, for, wben tlial c«po«e.l and the public imUsflml that all he did was K>fly he had left In Joseph's tomb, taWng.tip the<br />

la amlttcn doitm, he Hrtsa among men a iiiorat<br />

through th« aiteucy of mcamerism—disembodied [ff he had laid down, and in that same garlnont of<br />

paralytic. jrun offer you will «*er find me<br />

»p1riu having nothing to do with the phenomena. lleih, glorified, ho staiida to-day before the i,(oicy.<br />

ready t«» redprocaie.<br />

I copy a sentence or two from the city Appeal of se^t on high, the Great High Prle«t and Aflvocate<br />

Tha lUe 1 have beeu able to obuinofthe Itecord the next morning:<br />

of his people. If to toaph that Christ and<br />

only leacbea back to the firat of la»t May. What<br />

died Is a new doctrftie and a tbett am i a<br />

may bare appeared belorc thai date, I roust pa»» "l>r.O«v« WMttoFo.u.ra.»frae scleatlfle Inrsstljator.<br />

Ha dented the supemsturnl, but admitted the na. nojroilst and horotic, but I say to yon, to teach that<br />

UDuoticed—aod very much that ban ap(«aied since,<br />

tnr.1 T«l«verye*pllcim>r. WM loreatJgatloa prtwd only a part, and the most Insignificant part of<br />

Juitly obuoxlou* to censure, 1 »hail alao aUow to fiMrtj, liiat I^iar could do a certain thlnjf, and could da Chriit suffered and died, as a few dlakctHiiins do,<br />

pat nnivenmlly preached, bnt should %el<br />

2. Tho falto awumplions upon which you ansall<br />

tho truth everywhere. But, If the implied cbaigca I The trouble on thia point is, yott hold a vfew ot<br />

my book—"Interoommualon ITngcrlptiiral," etc.<br />

are groundlei«, then I envy not the one who could •hla doctrine that yon dare not pteaob^ via., that<br />

find it in his heart lo make them-theyaroslan-1 Christ did not auflbr, only one part,<br />

'The dogm* about which our Ifetfpbts feroihoi'is niftk.<br />

log so mueh ado, and In the Interest of Which he soiimli<br />

I the human part, while the dMne nart turn,* «.r willing to waste hir thne and tha time of the . ohurcbei Is<br />

A. to what ia implied in the phra«,.'New Com- iered . moment'. une«ln^ duriS STwSle based mainly on (wo great errors, one of Interprststlort<br />

munlon Lanark," will be be«.ner n ^ f t ^ period of hla incamaUon; St ifwi<br />

and one of assumption. TIib one of Interprottttlon maitw<br />

It la rollerated in warly .J, every imuc Issue wt of imr; being who suffered and died to redeem ua. and not the "" bread In '"i""® the communion symbollao symbbllao the ohurob; the as. a*.<br />

I «MMM4lnt« lis Altai M ' ' ^ _ „ L > •^.sA^'<br />

for aUt months. I will ahow, howi^er it^<br />

be to you, that I am auppoHed by tb« nw*<br />

XMptiM ItttUito^whe have written ontbe<br />

warrtinted to oonblhde ttom<br />

Jjwttirw IM BittKir 0«4|,tlil HH^^Urllt) the jiiUl atotemlilt bf tiMI' If<br />

I'll<br />

•IT .-'R m<br />

!., ibo '•»«'«' ho spoke, 'his doctWiw,' nho faitlmt<br />

tbflOosiwh* i , ' ,<br />

"If I )i«vt» rlKlUly npprBhcnded tUij «ymb"l, loaj<br />

dvmbollMS «i« 'ojiw fiiitU' of Ihtt ppsjwHtho oite pi'in,* f<br />

«'alv»tibn through ClirUt. Tlmro wssbiitone l>lvi»i>«Hvlour,<br />

«nd U is not suinwsublo tUathf w«uW dirtglnfllobut<br />

one system of doctrlof, and It Is tboreforo exprmly Htatod<br />

that tlHPri Is biit 'ohc filtU,' .'Jtli a symbol of oburch followshlp. ^<br />

"When,a man eats of that 'ons bro^,' Bijtldrlnksof,1ha«<br />

'dnttoun,' ho, in Ali aot, profossoii himself a niemliorof<br />

tbS^31 Jiy;' lO^earty, holy, simriaUiy- *ltli Its dot>.<br />

"rlfloS at® iSd ftWlyVfcd tully' sJhJOottagJtohnKBir .U)<br />

lltkVA Ulo^ "elirl'* bill«hVtlblliii ilbriftliiliii<br />

f<br />

to all the cliurobes. tho<br />

propploty of honueiorih haviog .at all our croumnIon»<br />

only oM lotif or tiako, the nmro appropriateflgijro o« tits<br />

iwift of Olirisi, l»roko»i f ir our sins,, anil also of tho wnrtu<br />

J(NVE»T Td SJBO. € AJktBBltt^Ul ^<br />

Its wntch-ortrij an^^ertttontf^ Citr.^v'tt<br />

III t Cor. vi1l,tho;-itii»lrph Is furlrtddee to e«t( In the lord's<br />

8upp«r) as tUo oonttixt oloarly fhbws) with,Immoral IH»«<br />

sonsj thus. disUttotly liwklwjt tjio oxdtoanw a symbol of<br />

Ir j r 'A. HQOK<br />

lliU>*iGMilVWt-Uiidfr Uie aliove<br />

ohuroh-followitblp,"<br />


fc girtii ^liifHrl l« dntl I<br />

•or gmltr lit lli» Hwx)nd C»>nihig<br />

of lirtflteflour. Whw^yoH bivi* tljo 8ove»i<br />

IH«|g^li|ti .. . ; mtaal*^ 1 ' J'li;-' ji^<br />

Ib^ idMi lds rsAising to publfaih Bn^ Xbttml's<br />

jrilc . up<br />

^o ilatomem, having In thla, papw proved It kue, hll-irfttl»er (m l Oor. *v<br />

Weundmiand Bm. Owbroil «,,«p«eraUng uS| C ao Itingdoiii<br />

from the chargB of putti ng Bi o. llarral forward *« FaDief;<br />

our subsUtutei whlct he nevor waa, and it. doiild I '<br />

low to God,<br />

•eparat« fW)m the<br />

have been only for effect Miftt Bro. Gumbrell<br />

charged It.' Bpo. Oarabrell agreoa to let his read<br />

our di.p;«;fTfii.- a s s ' l i r . i r s s s ; i<br />

caroe'dliwti'^^^^ Bnptitt h^<br />

State aid, Those concctsionH remove some of the<br />

brush out cf tlu5 way, and look* toward fairneM,<br />

Which di'light* us. But the editor says the time<br />

htts oitmo to turn away from tho coramunlon que®,<br />

tlon. Indeed, before you have allowed your itiad-r<br />

oi-s to SCO evon our first answer to your long article<br />

In which, by verbal fallacies, you try to plaoo u* in<br />

l>rell reniombor IIiIh, and imbilsh what wo hate<br />

written.<br />


4 CEUTAIN Baptist minister was preaching at a<br />

churcii which waa sunounded by those who<br />

opiKJse, with all their might, Baptist principles, and<br />

take particular pains to keep others from receiving<br />

iliem. While preaching, an old wan who belonged<br />

to the Campbellita fraternity, shook hla<br />

bead at tho minister repeatedly. Finally, the niin-<br />

Igtoi- Blopi»ed and said to the old man: "You need<br />

not shake your ho»d at mo, for these aro not my<br />

words, but the word* of inspiration which were<br />

written by I'aul." After services, the old man approached<br />

tho miuislor and said; "Yon would have<br />

been a right sharp boy if you had been raised<br />

right." The preacher said: "Weil, it may be true<br />

tliat I was not raised right, for my fatlior and mother<br />

are both very strong Camtibellites." c.<br />

QvenibT.<br />

Bro. Guavm:—Permit me to ask somequesUonsof you.<br />

ami I waiu you to aatwer In Thk Bapti. t.<br />

1. tr tbcro are to tm no CbrisMwis or Cliristian on this<br />

carlo wben Christ cornea again, why did be soy to I'eter<br />

ihBt the gates of boil should not prevail uKuinst bl<<br />

itourciir<br />

2. Does It not Uke Christians to oonsUtuto a Church ?<br />

S. Is not the cbun-b tbe kingdom of Cbristf<br />

us witii!mttrB.b)ipWmf t J« 1* not his baptism<br />

ree*«vpd<br />

t.<br />

tir<br />

kptlsm valW.beJ<br />

regiilw Baptist mlnlaterf 1%<br />

ti/nw tf ri' — "-i "" mlnl»lorf<br />

Thti queatioD I* not whether tbo adniluUtrator<br />

held this or that view, or was bapU»ed or unbantlwl,<br />

but wa» ho an officer ol» church of Chri»t<br />

and baptleed by the voice of that obureh? It la<br />

the church that baptized, not a mere man; It ii tho<br />

nances or ordinations to be recognleed as valid l,v<br />

regular Baptist churoheg. '<br />


Bho. CATMi-There Is aoas^ "lstlngor»«fp,ratlonor<br />

husband and wife, who «re mambers of tho church st dif<br />

ferent plaw s. the ohurch of which tbe husband is a member<br />

had an investigation of tbo matter, (both parties were<br />

prewnt), and f4tied to iind any fault in him. nis church<br />

then informed the church of which tho wifo is a member of<br />

theexIsUng oircumstanees in the case. They nfuKed'to<br />

Investigate the matter, on tbo ground that a separation<br />

from husband was no», suflialent reason for prtferrlnir a<br />

charge against a memlwr.<br />

Please give this your earnest oonslderation. Let me<br />

have your advioeand information on this subject. Answer<br />

through your paper, and greatly oblige, d. C.<br />

Bkmarks.—Not knowing the faois in tho ease, oi<br />

the evidence on which the church actfld in the casn<br />

of the husband, we have nothing at present to say<br />

in rofbrence to the action of the churches.<br />

We learn from the woi-d of God that a man and<br />

hid wife ought not to separate, except for the scriptural<br />

cause-foriiication. But if they should soparste<br />

for any oth6r cause, although the laws of the<br />

laud may justify tlie act, they are not at liberty to<br />

marry agaiu. They must remain unmarried, or<br />

be reooHciled to each other.<br />

Tlio inspired writer eays:<br />

4. If ihero aro no Cbrittiaiisno eaitta when Christ comes<br />

a^aln, have not the g-tesof hell overoomotbe ««urcn ohurobor or Hf "if But<br />

. . . . . """"n^s'iejepatt, let her remain uumarrled, or be i-oca.<br />

1 ^lleveour Sarlrjur will have a kingdom on earth onciied to her husband: and let net the iiusband<br />

through all eternity, (Matt, v: 6) and there will be but fow PUt SWay his wife.-l (for. vil • 10 11"<br />

CbrlBiiiiM to coujiww the church when Christ oomM ' i H I '<br />

wain. Tliere wero but few aaved ia tbo ark (Matt, xxlv: th®"® ^ho are members of tho<br />

^ ^ i Z L t f E* i'T.'i^v'i and have separlited to "be reoonciied" to<br />

Kipley.Tenn. ^ i»»itn«r. each other. The sooner the better for them and tlie<br />

Remarks.-You do err, not understanding the ^^fttdtlf^^^^^ Pe«e the remain-<br />

1. uTnot becaus3 of the gates o/Hades that L i r t o accomplish this, they must guard,<br />

then, i* to be no ChrlsUans on thJearth when c S S ' t v ' * that would have the slightest<br />

conies for his saint*. It is because Christ co«« to J J ? o""<br />

gloriously and triumphantly redeem them from the Z f h T ^ ^ f^fl' Thoy'houid remember<br />

earth and to bestow upon Uiem their glorified<br />

bodies and awards,preparatory tothoir S i n g T i i S T h e y . h o u i d<br />

..J<br />

upon<br />

..<br />

their<br />

.<br />

reign with<br />

7 .<br />

him<br />

.<br />

as<br />

A<br />

king* and priests<br />

"'iwing<br />

on<br />

I tpgjt g^ijother kindly, at all time* and under all<br />

tbe earth. There will bo another time when there<br />

olroumstanoes.<br />

Some men, and women,too, aro all love In the so-<br />

will be no Christians on the earth, viz., at the last<br />

olal circle, and use tlie kindest and sweeie«t wonis,<br />

reburrectioM «nd righteous judgiuent of ungodly<br />

when speaking to each other, that can be found In<br />

men, and when they are glvou over to their doom<br />

[ the English language. But In private they use bit-<br />

to bo destroyed in tlie flames of a burning world.<br />

tor words, dipped in a solution of vinegar, worm-<br />

2. It does take Christian* to make a church.<br />

wood and gall. Such a hypororitloal course as this<br />

3. There i* no anch thing existing u "the<br />

Is caloolated to destroy tho lovo and confideuce that<br />

church"—that oxpr6**ion 1* only a figure ©f spoeeh.<br />

ought to exist in the family circle, and tondt to sop-<br />

Tho kingdom of Christ 1* composed of all hi* local<br />

aration. ,<br />

cliurches on the earth at any given time. Churohes,<br />

not individuals, are the constUuencIes of Christ's Therto sliouia bo a mutual eflbrton the part of<br />

kingdom. Where there wa. but one local chuiih, tho husband and wife to render each other happy,<br />

as was the case from the days Christ received Ws ST , obedience to the divine law, and<br />

dlaolpie. from John until the orgaidzaUon S Z tA "J"* f<br />

churoh at Antloei, that eiiurcU^c^<br />

Kinguom. u I wift to separate.<br />

4 No, sir, because tlio Rapture of the Salhts to ' -- - - _<br />

Paradise *nd their glorifioatieu that, they may be NOTIOBS OP OUR PUBLICATIONS.<br />

prepsrod to come with Christ to judge at,d punish oomsoIwomhat is i,.?<br />

thenaUon*,hiUieirtriumphpverthogatesofHades fgiBF ii.h(i.t ii««ir ir^.. \ J „<br />

through Chrl«L Book House, at Memph^^<br />

, 6. You do not beUeve the Woi^ o< God If y c u l P ^ n P ^ ® ^<br />

idoifcr Pa«l MTi that the daLwtu on "ConiolBnce," itnd<br />

,ao,ior araw »«ri that tbe daywUl ^ ^ ^<br />

m »<br />

••Peoulliir People." Wehavisjuat<br />

closed "read liii( "WhHt Is Cohaojenoer Tbe author<br />

cxidpdesi iu a raoeloriy way, tho ldei| that "Man's<br />

conscience the oraoio of Goii," and (liatail wor.<br />

ship according to Its dlotatos Is right. Ho shows<br />

cieai-iy that the Bible is tlie supreme,law to try the<br />

couaoience, not the oonscienoo tho Bible. However,<br />

we ar^ «f tbe opinion th&t ^iue of the sectional<br />

coiioluiiioiiB of our author charging'the sin of our<br />

late eivU war ujion the North, are not es6ehtial to<br />

the elucidation of bis subject. The sins of both<br />

tbe North and tlio Bouth piung^ the nation into<br />

that fratr<strong>ici</strong>dal wnr. "I^t tlie dead bury their<br />

dead,"—metiean liaplkt FUtg. If a false theory<br />

of consoienou had murii to do with that calamity,<br />

we think the faoi should be shown thlit the false<br />

theory may bo n-Jt'ctod before other and greater<br />

evils result.<br />

A r«cowAitrKori.K. rmcit lOcm<br />

We havA only had time to sketch Bro. Melvln's<br />

VecullarPeople." Ilia evidently an ablo au(<br />

charming iittla work, setting forth the peculiarity<br />

of BaptisU in their history in their denonilnationa<br />

position, and in their grand mission iu tlie world<br />

—Avierionn JiapUtt ttag. ><br />

ITEMII.<br />

Another vetomii watchman has taHon from the<br />

walls of our Zionr>-auothor tiunifiet, that always<br />

gave a curtain sound, has been nileiuwd by death<br />

and tho piiliiits long fliled by onepf our faithful<br />

prt'suhors urc now vauant. By death and removals,<br />

West TennesBOO is losing her old ministers. How<br />

fuw young men nro couilug forward to take tlieir<br />

piMcesI How little intcrtjst tlio churchoi* feel upon<br />

tliiif suliject t Who is praying the Lrti of th<<br />

harvest to send fortii reaiwrn to reap iho whitened<br />

fields ? The sermon pi-eacljcin his labors, and his works will follow him.<br />

Wo aro in receipt of the Miiiutos of I'ine liiuir<br />

Aawwiatioii, Ark., for 1882, Win. Tucker, Modcrutoc,<br />

W. U. C. Doiongh, Clerk. Tliey im- out in<br />

commendable stylo from tl\e Mmngel t fllco. Tl»«<br />

stailstics show: Churclies, 26.? *baptizid, fW; m<br />

ceivcd by bitter, 1)3; rojiorod, 6; dlsuiissoil, 87; vxpoiiotl,<br />

15; died,20; notjifain, 42. Total, 1,202. We<br />

appreciate tho expression of approbation tiiid IhkIv<br />

gave of this patwr, tiid t^ist we shall never furfeit<br />

thoir confldence and support, Tho Coniniiiluu on<br />

PubiiuationH ina.lu tlio following report:<br />

Your C immittoo on I'ubllontlons ugnin rvp M t wiili emphAsiii:<br />

Thut.BiiptlHUi should read rellgiuus book* and<br />

newspuiwrM; uud in reaomm>>mting the latter, car. sny<br />

with couMitenue that Tmk 'I'knmimhxk BAi>-ri6T has no superior,<br />

but'tliHt the Hvanpel, n* a ineHns of iutorommiinioatloii,<br />

iihould be enueyo view of tiie Land of<br />

Proiniite, both wont luid oust of the Jordau, and f^rom<br />

Lfliianou and Hiirinon on tho north to theDoserton<br />

the south. It pruiuiiis an Iniprosslvo and reUabtt<br />

Tlow of the physioai foaturcs andtonogra|)hy ofthO<br />

Uply Laiitl, and Will Im iuvuiuabio iu tlie Bundayw-hool<br />

iind Bible Cla«s,"<br />

And of Rov. P. S. De Haas, D. D., late U. 8.<br />

Consul *t Jerusalem, 806 Broadway, N. Y. t<br />

.•{Hu, """^'iifcexmnlnoil oarefully . the now ^ panoramic<br />

TiowofPatontln*, wo take ploasuio in rocoiuuiend-<br />

Iiitf U to ill sluiiduts of tlio lloly I^iiid, as oorreetly<br />

oiriWai bokutii^ully lMioMUt»d In Ooloi-s, aud In «yoi4<br />

mp^<br />

Weh«v»<br />

W« hate recommended to lilm to oOv it tosMfii<br />

to BrowosvUIe, HutnS^d^ Mtl«a ud jmio&i^<br />

Ills way to Nashville, aud it the 9(i»day^oif|<br />

wish hi| services they can oorrMpood with blm<br />

here-^Hire B aftist offloe. HI* ienos are rea*oii»<<br />

bie. .<br />


LIBAR BROTHER:—In the last aomber of Thx<br />

Tekxkssek BAmsT you take an extract from<br />

my ooliimi|B and call on me to defltnd myself from<br />

your *trictU!re«. You should have quot^.ftll Isali<br />

in thatoonneotlon. The following Is the language<br />

lused:<br />

'>Tbls was the regular Ume ior the ehuroh to oelebrat*<br />

^e t«rd'* Supper, and, afUr preaching, we eooduoted tlw<br />

oommunion servlo*. Nu doubt this chureh recognises (hat<br />

upon it is laid tbe responsibility of oonservtag tiM ordl.<br />

nances and inducting into otBoa by ordlaatloa. But It la<br />

so far reoognlMd the aotton of another Independent eliareti<br />

in ordaining us, aa to invite us to till It* pulpit ami admia.<br />

iDter tne churcti ordinance. The church also recognised<br />

the capability of another indspendent ohurch to Judge of<br />

our fitness for church membership, and quaiilioatloo* fbr<br />

partaking of the elements of the 'commemoration* awl t«aderedthem<br />

tons. We partook, andws had a pleaaant<br />

servioe." ^<br />

This action yoH ask me to defend. My ac^ anc<br />

that of the Edgefield church, was one with which<br />

you and I have been fkmiliar ail our lives, ahd oar<br />

fathc-m aud grandfathers Iwfore us were familiar<br />

with such acts. It baa been common custom. He<br />

who would change it must show that It Is wrong.<br />

The burdeu of proof Is upon him. With this rale<br />

of logic you aro familiar. Then'why seek to put<br />

tl'eonu«7>ro6(?m/( upon me?<br />

Ail tiie queftioiis that need to be raised upon this<br />

subject, it is fair to presume, have been staled by<br />

tiio editor of Tinc TKMNKesKK Baptist in bis bocA<br />

on "iHtcrconiiHunioti, Unscriptarai, etc.''<br />

A di»eu»iion f(/ thai book, and with the aniAor,<br />

il the onty dUtcmtim into whii^ £ can 6e drawn<br />

through hi'n columm, or my own, in eonnecUoH<br />

with hU.<br />

You, Htid ottiei-s tvlio liold the non-intercommunion<br />

tlieor«,s;iy thurtlioLord's Supper, ssa church<br />

ordinance, is a elinri!li .privilege, like voting.<br />

if nil ODlinniiif, tli«-ii there uiukI be^n adniiiiistratxi<br />

; ifti «;iiiii'cli ordinaiice, then the administrator<br />

inn-i Ih) a I'liiiroh memlier; if a church ordlnmic<br />

ill t'li'. MMiHn ynu seek to maice Itachnreb<br />

"priviieg).'," tin n tJio adininistralor mustbea mefnbc:'of<br />

lilts cbufcli C4>iebrating It.<br />

Ai-ain-'l my xiliiiini-iriition of the ot^lnance ai<br />

E'lgi tloi'l >« II r.««ts In doiog this supper JnsUee<br />

ss best w*ooald,«e were sgaJn in tho fnmt raoaia wJwi*<br />

aa boor or tw* were apcsil in a ttm sooial flssaMr, «tier<br />

wlMk all Wd us good nigbt, leaving us In peewsslsn of<br />

tJwhotiss la agreat neasure AtmMM, especially with<br />

eatables la almmlanfle. M's wrre visited ai^B nm day<br />

Iqr many, ssakiag us feci quite at boor. f his prsSeaee. STo whisky ealooas hm. Soetoty<br />

f f tue bM ei li^ advsatsges eieeilest; la all a nrf<br />

desirable plaiii to live. Thto is a l»tg» eoniity, f irty lvs<br />

or IWy miles serosa it either ways geaerslly good lawl:<br />

produces well; iBprovenents sotofiuitlal; mMiacike<br />

iwr.*. if-hardUaaes tsberslM lives sad teas InSIm<br />

i^M In 't'eoB**^ In ny aext I will give yo« sMssttinc<br />

4buut tft« moral aad rtiiflsaa easMHtlOB la tk* tuwa sad<br />

conaty."<br />

DIED.<br />


Thi^^iuig South.<br />

T » " r >,,J. M.Onnurfy'a Hot of twenty-Qve<br />

cenr aatMertiwr*. I ace nuder the bead ot Oar lliiMionary lSE]<br />

Tawjg<br />

li»t OM kt» toMd lli'wajr'<br />

Kin piiWytiBrt yet,<br />

Saitivirll. lain^ii mt<br />

^•itoi«(kataudd«iub-i«tiato(D (aterMitng. vy«aU|ur«her m<br />

'»i|rhv I'upa l>w Bt»«n "Wlnnliitlraveii" nro twnt* t»Mt, 1 remain, i(»«ver, your nleec,<br />

' Watkim'Mill, TottB. llATrm liowai,.<br />

' tiavo not fnrgoiten Iron illj #(Hild |Mve~"Samuel Ixiuildormilk."<br />

Ans^^rod bjr Olarenoe Wlugo, Willie Oravos, Kdwln Uoore,<br />

Cutio O'anerda, Uamo liale,<br />

• ... tJANTOU dUl<br />

It is not tlut«atiiihlii«, 1 aio OS auroiixcHH it', ' / --'in<br />

fonld iH it--Jn»i Uwk and rtif,<br />

Wiiy^raudttuftuer'aiieeilh)* Mtaad«itttli{^ bor|ad«i<br />

Ai»d,*»alloa rup at/lot all over borfa/ioi . ,<br />

;&s4 muthi|)r Iii0|(a up from Jl3«r |it;sttring old iia^<br />

^hWa ftohod 'M, aiid stiiobe^ at, and NiAtiin biwitrd tlio<br />

A nd alatfif lofkii pieawiui ly ui> froit; the i>av«><br />

ttlili^cbtlt>triimn()ti,anAaunh Dotihafp<br />

HiiyolwqBO rolwqB^ to tOiii|iki» iii|iki» tnomiy. «ii>miy, . There There WIM wi a jiraiit d««t ofaiokneta tho l/^t'ib MUd the ibiori Jl om fiub ui isu^a n<br />

B<br />

V»i'' wlw tw«?(jmefwia»w»y op'n Ktw OnrtJoti, VrJ, lo Jn|th?a iwrl .....,... W Te«n >oeh «tong whilealnee I wrotettiat To hhi tuoUier, \^tio patobc*} tu bis slatar, •jwltikj;^^<br />

,1 Mpifot sou ami ilio tMiuidua have Aihiutteii me, but I'm aiili<br />

' • , • • Avktmnk, • IntonMled tu )he YoiuigHouth. 1 aend Iwent; oenia to tiiu mU> Kor a iMco full of auMhlno to ,«uu»hiii0 erwioat gtoim of tit* toppllog ma wail;<br />

Wtli'itot Kive lU ABOtber obaoue to do ao, I» it uot about time<br />

IIQt, botlor than that,«lbwu,«a^ Hire<br />

«t iheflNstice, It Ui jBOt tlw.Uniw qnnilxra tO Blir up the iiaughtinees, and liio more 1<br />

rite an* mott, for faar oi the "lewwtcbtwuct. wwtc btuaet. If l«ee my letter and X have bucome ao noeh int«re«ted in Uie Young Month, am<br />

In firtut I will writ« acain. YonrUtUenleM, •<br />

tbe good worx ot tt]o Uitle Workem, that 1 Wish tu join them<br />

toll them It) be good the wor«e iliey act."<br />

fOrtWonioatb«anywayi Andwben lretura bomel am going<br />

]>, n —niirt yon viU ndd enoloMl BoenUi for TAtt.'smnlorA, '<br />

Kow, Fantiloand Kitlie, aud other woiTtfid elder<br />

to iKtmuade mama to take tbe papei t a* I lova to read tbe jvtbsra<br />

l«tti*t niUfTeiiD.1 wid Mart at tbe ttm muntlm of tiio yoar, and<br />

oti..AnnieilKHiklny,'loots. LnuraMeVaddpn, lOrtr. Johnny<br />

try t*4ftb Avenue, N. Y,<br />

ICB I x.-*ii<br />

f IM JitlmU WMMStn mmt<br />

Mj'iWffl!<br />

Iftcwi<br />

Jl!,<br />

fl'II ,'jit, -^ Tf<br />

MClaRgiiitfwWiMtfiriniltf<br />


|rro« ijrivw Mempfaisi, |UIa9. liiw a^ uiwiJOMu.yv UtnaloMt to us* (b*<br />

I r O R T H & l A l i !<br />

T H n e E T H A I N S D A I L Y<br />

By tUsllMVMilt^<br />

mSOOAHBOtlOaS iAJQ^^<br />

.A3ul«*l»«.Kf,<br />

i C I n c k a n a w fi^iite^^^<br />

W i l l i J i P CBABIISTOS lAIIlob<br />


efVIWO KA<br />

aiAtfc A mxr.<br />

Ijvo Meiniihl(^...-.JtHS pm<br />

An Ur»(i4 ,ftltit!tlot). liMaiu<br />

* if iddlolou. Sai " •<br />

> WirtJlUl...^..,.,,-. :nt«.aea

vi<br />

r-i . I • riiiii^fi iiM<br />

. .HUB NoaA I, MHAVW. lejwto*..<br />

To yiii^ iMriiwnmnttfQMtotui for UtM ommnma^t mtpf jm<br />

, «itdr«H«iiiMM<br />

" wbo Miii«6B|efriH»*W«j'«pl>i Vtw OnrCt^ V^ W<br />

tklK wiUt y«u< M«<br />

, hnT« the !iieela>v-<br />

icaijDT mdt*jita>e TonBKMitli vaiynaeb. I am to<br />

''You are liot my uiaiua, y»'« ajre oi»iy yanwe; r<br />

the BaptiM cbarcb M ibto iriana. J, tear I a« «H(-<br />

Mhifof. 1 wiU (OoM, witb mneb lora to Aont Nora joTtbe iigtooioog<br />

ifffOT myflnt^ 80willtorftar tlr*but tM want to make a uouc, autl you raui>t not bother<br />

ooiuiiu.. ^ .. ® ^•'"tt^^- ite way to<br />

waatabaaKet<br />

«<br />

llneh kiT* to yWyAiiat K«re. aad tiM<br />

ArUT XokA^lMMDO many latton from tb« UtUa «oiitIita I little<br />

little<br />

eotiidii*.<br />

e<br />

me" - , • , -<br />

Yoar AXleetknMta aHce, l*aAiu, lAtortoa. rc,^<br />

. inwiWVMI<br />

ibottfftitXwuiild CM Ityon WQold l(s»imtJoi]i,lM T«uiimSo«Ui. MWVMttXaU.. -<br />

The key is a worsJ of four letlen«---TACT. It ie a<br />

I am «}«v«n xo«n old, fuMt am koIbk t0«cb04«. I bate tme brotb* W««recl^ t« yM>f foa")* •ad hof* yoa wlU ^tdeB tw)?. and lAi-warratiled to iii any hick. I<br />

er filler, tbtttinntlr. two aliten (M«r. Mulonedtier joiiitMr «iMd ia penuadlBg yonr moiJia-to talmtba<br />

tun Tfery attre tbat JUdilie poBWseei tii'i« shining<br />

tbaui my*elt, tiid tb« Itabr U a bo£; ba It eiiryeara «td. If yoo Will become «oe with hi:<br />

jittblub' tM I will'wriMaiiaib. 'Twill ot(>»o.' 80 gM>d-bf«'to<br />

k«y.<br />

f yon •mtaU'^iMUttJa oonatiki. FAmi jroittjatt««^<br />

Y6u remember wbat a time you ttad with Willie,<br />

Who wu the aeoMd aoc of JaeoW<br />

who waa determined 10 have Buwiu'm FreiKth tioll a*<br />

: 11i»*eil«wr aawa letiwtn ^<br />

Vi'btt bgok Afra<br />

ah Ltike, MiMut. Obed. VrtjAb,David. l>t>Oor»t», Biaha. BaUb, ^ In oianagiag liHkt onee, wheu )'ou are not pot'<br />

o«oi mibtefiber*. I tee under (haltMid 01 Obr MiaKiniiaty l^Mt Uary hta|pl«kM, faaae, Ijimb,ltibn)(b4i«M«nth.<br />

aewed of auy real auibontyi Vou mimt U'O a groat<br />

]BlUAl»i|MfI-**8AaitMlI>»a• M I m<br />

eArtftl<br />

i<br />

J..<br />

Bl/:"<br />

i^'Jbthe flat,<br />

xn: •<br />

rojjic JtmhiUB<br />

;jellcd llto Fivneh they Itifbil^l<br />

roarfeifoat Fauborg St, Au-^<br />

^ ioiiie in ibftFi^ncti tfettv^hition. The<br />

''' people coJiqu0>s«l tli(ii.'','4lfiic, and thoy<br />

deKrviKi Hiu Ui«Mtteiiipt<br />

aeedfm dm^er!<br />

I'eiilfi greater limn ibcfse of buHet<br />

ano beyvnei Kumiuitd uh on every<br />

hatidr ilowever Iniioceuf, young<br />

tlroitg licaiitlful, fhuy y^i^P"<br />

diteaw? It entem end theres tin de><br />

fei<strong>ici</strong>'. ii» linie thejc's noub eun teiU<br />

Uiit we can alwajAJU^cept a<br />

hitrg, Ky., Aaid in O; ncent MUorialt<br />

•i'arkerV Gi»»g»:r Tonie hRs no rqiiat<br />

AAaii apptitiis. r, or as, a pi-«ive»i'ive of<br />

etoniAch atiii liver tnxibi^x. It wants<br />

off i etdnclie- I t'act* promptiy, pleseaiiily<br />

and *«m«hftit?y. I use it in my<br />

fanuly, AM'l It has giyrii<br />

fkctiuii, aiwl I ftH!l coini(«<br />

ml ii; tr« tlie reatler*Sf tt»w,|iUr«aj,<br />

ubu will |ikover)Mi of iHeifttcu la<br />

ywrtotw$«i«liH|rtlst Mervlil. .<br />

Xbe b(i»k DUglil to biivea vt'iy tai^e'isiro-tiia.<br />

il^. liii kiHia txtlDtwIllttud )t« wuy bttwot-n<br />

ilHi very Jr>lnlK and nuimiW of tkuptlnUui. niith<br />

to, my uife i|, tiuii rt jiich<br />

aonie of (httih oimv<br />

I atuuitt th«-ii«, iu fuii > u * ' f Wi ath, Lt<br />

far rirlirr UiAit godutfi twine iiilo<br />

tlie World 10 Wvp fclniiiirii. I begtlicm<br />

to have faiih in Je^fUS, for by this faith<br />

alone oiii; tboy. Iw -avud,'^ •;;<br />

Why run hny riskwith your cough,<br />

„ co:dy hq^e'iit^, or iiidfCtl cjiy pul-<br />

® nionary or hroiii^hial compluini, when<br />

a remedy aafe, thorough, end ed easily<br />

obiaiued a^ Dr. daync's ISxpuciorant<br />

can lie had? If j(bii h«yo lionli^ted<br />

a aevere • coldj ba*o j bur lungf» from<br />

the dangcrouA irritatiuni and inllammatlon,<br />

which frutinontly i>ring9 aiiout<br />

ootisumption« by proihpUy resorting<br />

toth^ Kxiweloyaiit; And If, troubled<br />

with hny aflbflib.n .of the throaty you<br />

will flud thiA rewetjiy tHjually eflbotuai<br />

in aSbrding r^ile^'from bbHfruotlng<br />

phlegn, and in healing tftb liidamcd<br />

ptrUb<br />

.Oaiftt iiUcd ai itua eld hi*<br />

KKigifr frtpy, ycitK- fkfl/'ii^iel^^.'il k:<br />

or .TOe, facTi wl't'rt'^xn*<br />

Vkind \ m m m s HF<br />

.Jffj I. f"r fJw'Pn Va !Hdfi»cies S't fnranni*<br />

viii»|e, ir««,(ir Meentt forntinptelAonfni. with<br />

Alt (ut* ehmmofi. Money teluraod If ootMil'HHl.<br />

^'lortk's MAOAsiiik,l<br />

l^WQ ©AlJUy pA^HENGKB TBAINW ^^<br />

MAti, a<br />

jfirOrairn 'onoUoii, , lif liliiain<br />

?''Aluiiilelou. .smi<br />

5 V ''<br />

lOitfMn<br />

Uuipta<br />

tai '<br />

an «<br />

' tiOIMO WKlUVl<br />

UhHlt'iiimigii.;;... ptt<br />

}t my t uhiifi,,<br />

' l>. cMiur ....W". Jf»» "a<br />

• (Warn •<br />

* Miililloiim.; I M "<br />

f Urmui Jflheltoii^ itlA «<br />

Mt liiAmpltlS, TAUU<br />

OrAnyArtntiifofthe ItorttA.<br />

uiaUh<br />

W A D I T n j ^ M o t l ^ ^ U tmihrni

htf. ;<br />

t r<br />

rj-'.<br />

iv^lto]<br />

fortlwJ}^^<br />

, • ard, a SS^lunsn weeklj^fHor, pab.<br />

^ lUhea «t B^ownwwid, Texft*. It i« tn<br />

ably ^Ittl^ olMtily printed Biptiat<br />

l)»por| UwufarM tiemionMch WM<br />

by (be bM( kiioWb iad «b)nt BapUs<br />

^ mlBUtei^ }iitcn»UiBg conwpood^ eggs. Why? BeiMiuse tliey were<br />

flirefUlly adcot^ reading tor the fluBi those lufanious porcelain things uaed<br />

"y oirelft cliuftli HewB, Tixa* nowa. by ingenious aud fnMl!lu!)h. I mmA Utile Kwck KiMlawMl.<br />

« .. k . ^ . L»»t«. Arrtv«,<br />

MsU n:*lti l:«l>.i». )e:W|i.m<br />

imtB dsHy...... »!flS«j«. 8i«p.ui<br />

T:OQp.in<br />

mm4 Vmhomm SUIIMII^.<br />

»ewlWMjlwMsll.itallr.,.»lJ!iS|>^ iDilOsJn<br />

Kx|VMlrM*Bbt, dsUy •«.<br />

Fn^M Trsln, d»«y ejMWpt<br />

»9'rtotght iraioii oun' pUMBCvn.<br />

T«XM mm St. ItMls lUUMMdl.<br />

JLesVs. Arriirei<br />

........ fi;00s.m. Titep'O*<br />

S:aop.m 9a>tk.m.<br />

. .BRIKXLSV to CXAkXMMif.—OonMctS >>Ul<br />

lieiii|>bissiKlUtUo Bock Bailmutsi BHnk<br />

tor. at aMWi«loa wiu> the JurksaMS MW<br />

luidltatlKMMl.<br />

••tMvtlls SMUl Krlaklsy BalltMMB.<br />

_. . Lmto Arrltre.<br />

n r i o k l « t y „ M — — M O p.m.<br />

Cokms.........^..^....l*to«.iii. Ibaiiun.<br />

(.^neetiMwubtbeMeinphlaSBd Lmi«i(te«,'«»itfi<br />

tbe b^t aud in on belpfni one pablKbcd.*'<br />

-1 bare unM tbe 'Motee on tbe ln'*>n nafncttive<br />

•nd White fitRborn Id eM», fl.lft pM- dosen. MammoM<br />

Hiuinamr MeSMtnt Seed tweaty'flve<br />

•Nwu JUtOit, lans.<br />

l»lMiM fkWM ««nUIM4l<br />

tmr Bla.<br />

eiHtem •« Wmmt0mt fltr Materte, wmI l«r<br />

mm MS rvMfliajf BMi H# vaiuii* JMMVaifi^l<br />

Wmr Ola<br />

SAVE MA „<br />

jrarBalerfcjr<br />

xviil<br />

H. H. WAUrCM A CO..<br />

BMlwater.ll.Y,<br />

Is a ^tH»nd of the vlrtoea ot ssnaparilla.<br />

stilling mandrake, yellow dock, with<br />

the iodide of potash and Iron, all powerfal<br />

blM^msktoff, biood become Dlse^ Mearalctot Female Weak.<br />

M r In my own na (nmillar to KnndHy-Mjboul teat teaobera aa UMses «ad IrreitaiartUes, JTaaadlee.<br />

Itoambold word."—synfliiae Jonraal.<br />

AlI)»etloiia of the Uver, l^pepsla,<br />

-Weoommend It In 6nnday.»0l ^KTtbomibt u mwt b«<br />

ihoutthe<br />

^duesa warned him that there was go- Md wsntjownrk'stoaM wlilt n bot*<br />

whole system. Ho sulfersr from any dis«<br />

_ m o. M«it.AMi!« rimSttrvam^.<br />

ease which arlsss from Impurity of the<br />

ing tu be great scarcity of watermol smnlourorffiyoblldmi,-<br />

ir of my oblldrn^ {Mr ans beins m<br />

blood need despair who wUf give Avxa's<br />

on«, and tliurdbro bii put in a crop of<br />

MIowii: -<br />

Sabsapabiixa a filr trial.<br />

twuuty-se^n acres of that fruit, But<br />

Um retmlti Alice luid JC&iiw «une out M<br />

Itis foUy to enMrifflsntwith the nom^<br />

ons IqwHiricod mixtures, of cheap materiais,<br />

wheu they came up tiiey (iirnodoutto<br />

and Mtiiottt tneOiclual virtuss, olfsred as<br />

blood-paiiaers, while dlieaia becomes more<br />

be pump^na, and a dead low was thu •»« t^ wjndwftil dteot or yaur Ve«nlfi«a<br />

nrmiy soateO; Avn's SAaaATAaiUA is a<br />

conti«quouc«. Bonielimes a purilou of •alilblUon In mytrtoms.<br />

med<strong>ici</strong>ne of such concentiatsd> curative<br />

his oroi) goe4 into tho ground (he most<br />

Yooni Wuly. JOHN PIPEIl<br />

power, that It is by far tbe bestt'ebsapest.<br />

snd most reUable blood«pnrlfldr known.<br />

|i|i)ihi«liiltsbur«h. Pa.,<br />

in tUat way. When' he bought hla<br />

Pf«par«d by Df. 0. Ay«rJ( Co.,<br />

tjMr^ sigmitans or O. WcLnmi iwd<br />

fkrm he lound ol^e egg in every heu'a m^Bew. nisti«v«pmsd«lniM.Iiii^<br />

FrseUoU mm* AMOyttsalfilwailals.<br />

neat on tho laid (hat hebo<br />

lyettty vsnetiM sootlwB^ soo pm'!^,<br />

(.owali, Maaa.<br />

portsiWiMbeMOnn.<br />

-SOLS •* au. natweim amhrwaaas.<br />

B<br />

1 f<br />

lOI<br />

isa-<br />

JBLDKA mirni<br />

Ilia jMin- bitiiAti'lli: lUCi^^y^^<br />

Kantas Vhitf, 18, i<br />

^loit aje oitr i-cail^s well remetnlier<br />

Mosfs'Klte (who |ive«1 in 1*uior8burj_<br />

Bottom), the hero of our ,8tttto*» earl<br />

poifilcal hUtory, Who wi|;of stalwart<br />

^ build fciid powerful iiliyulqufj j who In<br />

led a O0lony of our people to<br />

PlkeVI'eak i wiio fought the Indians<br />

on the plains and was shot throug .<br />

the body ; Who on bis return hr'tv ai -<br />

t^r tlie rebolllOn was oonvortM aiid<br />

bnptleed by Ktder Heusltall, of tho<br />

Ohrlstlan church at Petersburg Bo<br />

torn, aud became a revival preachoro<br />

celebrity all tliroiigh this section. They<br />

will also h^all tiie faot Uia^ attacked<br />

with (»u«umption and reiiucetl to a<br />

skeleton, he was obliged to remove to<br />

tbe Rookle't in the hope of saving<br />

his life. Koho thought he would sue<br />

ceed, Ijniit fail, ho wever, the editor of<br />

this p»mr mat him at the head of tbe<br />


^ __ -tHt^te'pS^lilti^lfllifif.<br />

^mur(wiM»timl of bul^ r/ Iwlf ^<br />

ketUc^lMia lift it mtlt<br />

coaatug » both AUor ^C^^tiilil<br />

«yon like. • ^<br />

< « t e t i .<br />

c o p o f Q i u » o f V f t f a i r , ^ w M e " " " "<br />

UMcipooiiAiI of put in if<br />

hM *Ufa oiM<br />

•olred in btot wjMWt:^ Bofl^ wkMiit<br />

tUrriDg, JMir au hour ormntil<br />

burdens ia colil^wjjiltijr,, Jfiljl "U<br />

VWto «Hii ihe tfiiadf ylnii' Mb^er*<br />

Df.<br />

itwUfi piv?.<br />

Jfiua tlia tiorusr whcrelireV nl<br />

mMtl MIV.<br />

rite, , ^ffV<br />

i"you«ovthorax,wiUuol rrgK'<br />

• .iPT^i<br />

^ - ' > II i - f I<br />

fc, with (1ie*nea't»,'ana the rwl fe<br />

— — , I<br />

on't spare the^Ualolwr aud ice.thir.<br />

doctor. ~ z<br />

^femd jipott ten of ttownidii 4r<br />

origfoate ml mliitatB<br />

t^i^Wt-tioa whicfc AnaiVi^iSK<br />

and Jrdti;--iui<br />

Is S K ,<br />

go^ WpW am complete cn^ of<br />

kiveD^oWsoi<br />

Wttle, I)B.J63£K4eifM7S;ri<br />

ipeiti<br />

B<br />

PE<br />

( M L L i E N B E K O J S<br />

The MCchanicai Orgufnette,<br />

urgmnwie,<br />

l o ^ i p i l l<br />

^ ^ tear W oftMf'Jjm<br />

tiwPopularoftt.!^^ ' « -<br />

— _<br />

jtjfTf^ " "T,;^ -Jt SB!PT l&TJ— _<br />

Jjn. Had tme pr4|i«Mitl

if<br />

t<br />

A<br />

ilii' i<br />

Pf.i. •<br />

p.<br />

/<br />

^l^pjiea Orgftn^<br />

. tVitkv ikfo litttiihotlt «>t Mllliig yoar at<br />

itntioit ii>th« MtebfAUwi Ek)4r«i)(llatievea<br />

; vrolapmu uteri in fe<br />

.hat no mcdioihe can reacii,<br />

Uko a broken Umb, it needs mfiotUuii<br />

Cal.Bapport.:;^..;,: • \ •<br />

It relieves piles and pntaptmo^<br />

by Qpli^g juie lower boweh ftom<br />

tfiercoWw. . .V-<br />

It la li>elng (wed more and more<br />

yearly, as I& value iaX known, i by<br />

public speakers and Blngei& andiby<br />

those having: weak lUnga and badts:<br />

and by those having stooping ahboi^<br />

ders and haoking cdugns,' tiie ran<br />

preoursoN of oonsnmption. And<br />

many a suifBrer has been cmed d<br />

dysjpepda and liver ct/liplaiiit who<br />

had b^ considered in the last<br />

of consumption.<br />

dctii utTKovxn Muos. • wi.;-<br />

The (nrlglnal Beaoe, madeoyy,{(».<br />

ladies, was too weak ibr the sterner<br />

sex. I remedied It by an important<br />

Improvement, as the (Rowing will<br />

s h o w : — • • I f i v •<br />

^ all «Mm KMtoe^ 'v^^<br />

•ntiii te eerUQr thmt ih* wwleanslsMaS<br />

tstli* only auuianMtaMir ^ tli«<br />

ItaMUr NurtSlMMnUs.<br />

sifiMtaiihMi tov.t.'it:<br />

siwde,j0i«MMi»tt, wiwl *re •s*n Awcfilile,<br />

iiiMl iBspMvenmt mr**' UM<br />

•lylid MWllH'Mwi^liMt. 'W«;iSeU'W tf*<br />

btlier pMiidT M«iitk aT

s'Ji<br />

— _ ' L i ^<br />

laSi^SSbl<br />

rttwjuj J^rliit Ui l*«|M)r<br />

tg^jtWM » Ui« HapwltoBt. liy f ^ M ^ '<br />

cwtfiqr*<br />

•wOttOflttiiBi^t. ID<br />

Boruwtfiu. UtMnnSMif \<br />

•SSuf ««lnth. njM, ei<br />

10 j<br />

alBlstwli I<br />

BP U» iu Mirm « nuoi<br />

.^tnlatcuni<br />

«touik«40.<br />

I ;fork wui be •alncU*. PtUm m<br />

.<br />

mm'Mtimst of (tei^SS,<br />

fliert M» ftww 2S<br />

•«» oi immiL vtSiAaur,. t&l* wwiS!<br />

da ibi win; oil I I»rttanl«r, TJ» bindtnc ftStiSS! "<br />

•«-Yon w«Bt to Mm » Serlpt<br />

yoor tUkteMAwdMtb MMi<br />

iMon. Yon wutt to praiMt roar pwijr lOoo^HMtaooI UM,<br />

iDM (fl'i BnniMoM umhlnga of bplHv P§lu<br />

te CMHhl* book, nmS itTMia »U,<br />

rfiualljrtur«MtU. U ta tb* maMl^MriglllU*<br />

book foa aver md. Htld i Wlil ' M'<br />

)b«r of tb* muM 4uaciut<br />

>UiM. y>*u •bouki r««d It<br />

ntDiil* [InKi* or' oopr.Ma^pott.<br />

nUi:Tii«<br />

«U*niQi<br />

« blMorjr or tbe<br />

..J ohnmotoRlmlty fn^tiim llMU-lMMt. A OOmptnUlom<br />

Vol.li.iip.m<br />

toMlSSKilifwoitof 4M piss; l»tw» typw. I 'iSPy^<br />

FlMft to <br />

niB VBW BArnmr |>HAIl«ae)pletabookofrateretaeebnall<br />

wltkawt •aaleTwe tiivo alM ^ ^ the I !!Jl>lou* .n)iid«ei«* i, Newl»n<br />

pr.eeorthUboktoluoeBUperoopy.iaSOMrl^VB* pr.ee of ibu bok to w oeau per oopy, 16 Sa per I nrowa. llloatrated by t wood' - eat*, - map, and<br />

aad ateel. U76 pa«ea.<br />

l&k Matary, by &<br />

f M X ^ l f s ^ V<br />

Ifaetoib, 101<br />

patMiMata.<br />

New "— .^ptlii "iti^ut and . Tuuo ' liook. .. ttend • «?i «•-—^T oatalogne.<br />

for a Bpeolmtn Copy.<br />



Btrwiilila.Vaaa.<br />

•UMnja IPaiaaalat.<br />

l»AVaB«»IVBUai DBBATB^ I aad>Vlaiid edluqaTia '^'^nd!,<br />

labieet^ Bum l e a r a ^ i ^ la plaoe of tha old ladax, one ei laive,<br />

alaable bookoa<br />

bold<br />

torpa. and jtlao many nW a a ^jvorlto v<br />

^between byataa, taUaa (belpkea of otbera wbleb w<br />

wan waaUng^ aiwlt. The arraamea<br />

;^aamberinit ban not baen l^nqpu<br />

lOOObjrmna, Plain roaU.78o """pw<br />

mm BbiiMbm.<br />

JO<br />

•BBMORB.<br />

_ FBBBunroBniBBiiaioBa. pinyaliort<br />

KSSSSSrVBaTOa®,^ X i : "<br />

i.llJM.<br />

•yvrVMa'a B«raiaii»~io v«it.<br />

Prtoa.pervol,|i.M).{<br />

nial|* «« tka MdMt. oioth.im<br />

Viilfilt Tli«H«a. aotta. lito-<br />

MOiCB tun wii «iauiM^.<br />

.^I^Elif!!;!^ StJ?!,* WMa-From UeiieikiR I<br />

Unaaane for<br />

^ Vbki ruMer. It baa buded in dark-<br />

There m y Waome in thia<br />

Dudba. Being satisfied with this Intormatlon, they<br />

; newAad mystery. We are broujrlit Into Hffe, we<br />

the Christian doMrine of human di^flil^<br />

returned and thus intrrKluced Budhism intoChina,-<br />

»lru«flffdi' eiistottcefor a few brief ycsM, tlioii<br />

of tiie opinion that it is a dm«rtt» r lionifjf tf it 11<br />

The, "Garden of the JfesperideV as sang by the<br />

wo know.ttof whither. Lift Is a<br />

chtss of ChriiHiUia known aa tlila<br />

iwets of Greene, and the "(iolden Ajfe," as sung by<br />

coraiM^gtocl joeno ^f snni-litno aud cloud, of siiiilcs<br />

however Is not tha fitrtj atti^ltiiirm y l ^<br />

V^irgil, and the "Deilre of aliXatloiis," as.sung by<br />

and telupa, or pl«i8ur« and |)8in«. Goolre of all<br />

deraof the mind tltao of Uie body^ aad' llw ^liiids<br />

of it, wMeh will eoflduet ns through this labvrlnth nations has come." The light of eternity has bwn<br />

of all the vio^ lb all, tiioagli;«My«» aiaii^<br />

Into opteh flekla, whore all la bright and beaiillful poured in a flo«Kl upon this mblanary existence.<br />

oBt In every one.^ Hlai^M oalla-ft^^tlM^niNlitie<br />

.ThiaeItfei^l>}«kdUhrough a gradually winillftg Life and immortallly have been hrcrught to light;<br />

evil of jnanklnd.7 PMpmlaa a^rai>«iCvei9i»dy<br />

•l*bi(tMit^f,.aarkW(Mi into light, ir Ve will but itnd a clue given into the hand of man which will<br />

haa a yicli to ^hleh 1 h»-feMneHiMd tirvHU^"<br />

fdUow tt4 inrfd»iiob irtrahall And that our pathway surely conduct him out of tliis condition of dark-<br />

Horaee sayar^No imA^ U b o t - o t 1 « | I .<br />

Jr«ifraaoiil-aaoeiit, «mdthe< higher rlwjihceas- ness, doubt and misery into the realms df etehial<br />

MAakind rttaii into vtcek And slil'a)^ dteMnAvt la<br />

• • iiMfirthv#ft)riT luuif /<br />

day. '-Thou wilt show me the path of life.'' This<br />

fortrfdden. Youth ltaa

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