Using Part-time Faculty - Florida State University

Using Part-time Faculty - Florida State University

Using Part-time Faculty - Florida State University


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By<br />

Dorothea Taylor Bogert<br />

A Dissertation submitted to the<br />

Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies<br />

in partial fulfillment of the<br />

requirements for the degree of<br />

Doctor of Philosophy<br />

Degree Awarded<br />

Spring Semester, 2004<br />

Copyright © 2004<br />

Dorothea Taylor Bogert<br />

All Rights Reserved

The members of the Committee approved the dissertation of Dorothea Taylor Bogert defended<br />

on October 2, 2003.<br />

Approved:<br />

Carolyn Herrington, Chairperson, Educational Leadership<br />

ii<br />

Joseph C. Beckham<br />

Professor Directing Dissertation<br />

James P. Sampson<br />

Outside Committee Member<br />

Barbara A. Mann<br />

Committee Member<br />

Beverly L. Bower<br />

Committee Member<br />

The office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members.

This work is lovingly dedicated to my family: my husband, Theodore L. Bogert, Sr.; my<br />

mother, Dorothy Taylor; my siblings, Cindy, Jay, and Sherri; Michael, David and Christina; my<br />

nieces and nephews, Jacob, Jenna, Jesse, Jordan, and Gwyneth; and to the memory of my father,<br />

John W. Taylor, Sr., to whom I made a promise that I could not break.<br />



In early 1995, my father and I were discussing my doctoral work, and he asked me to<br />

promise him that I would finish my Ph.D., and I made the promise. On April 13, 1995, he<br />

passed away, and in his infinite wisdom, left me with a promise that I had to fulfill. I have been<br />

on this journey of doctoral work for many years, and I would not have been able to complete it<br />

without the support of numerous individuals. I have been extraordinarily fortunate to have the<br />

support of so many tremendous people throughout this endeavor. Although it is impossible to<br />

thank all of those who contributed, I will always remember with gratitude the assistance of these<br />

wonderful teachers, colleagues, family, and friends.<br />

I would first like to thank my doctoral committee. Dr. Joseph Beckham, to whom I am<br />

especially indebted, I thank you, first and foremost, for your perseverance and patience with me.<br />

You have been a friend and mentor throughout my years at FSU, and my respect for your<br />

intellect and teaching continues to grow. Your insight and guidance throughout this process has<br />

been indispensable. Your input, advice, compassion, and direction have helped me to reach my<br />

goal. You have taught me more than I can acknowledge about academic professionalism,<br />

research, and mentorship. To Dr. Barbara Mann, you have been such a significant part of all my<br />

graduate work. Your practitioner’s perspective and reassurance have been much appreciated<br />

throughout this process. To Dr. Beverly Bowers, with your expertise in community colleges,<br />

you have given such noteworthy contributions to this study. I thank you for sharing your<br />

knowledge with me. Finally, to Dr. Jim Sampson, thank you for serving as my outside<br />

committee member. Your input and insight into this research has truly helped to improve the<br />

study. Your willingness to step into this role so quickly and provide such helpful contributions<br />

has been a true asset to my work.<br />

Having been an adjunct faculty member myself, I understand the difficulties often faced<br />

by adjuncts, and I am especially aware of the <strong>time</strong> constraints of these unique individuals. I<br />


would like to thank the adjunct faculty who gave so willingly of their valuable <strong>time</strong> to participate<br />

in this study and discuss the issues they faced so candidly. I would also like to thank the<br />

administrators who agreed to discuss these issues forthrightly and the institutions who gave me<br />

access to and usage of their campuses.<br />

I would like to thank the assistant moderators who helped me in the focus groups,<br />

Dorothy Taylor, Sherri Taylor, and Betty Gene Haller. Your assistance provided me the<br />

opportunity to focus on the important aspects of the study. Additionally, a special thank you<br />

goes to Paula Aubin, Lisa Williams, and Mary Jack, who took on the very difficult task of<br />

transcribing the many hours of focus group and interview tapes. I would not have been able to<br />

complete this work without their assistance.<br />

I would also like to extend a special note of thanks to the following individuals: Dr.<br />

Dotti Bressi, whose friendship, encouragement, and “pep” talks throughout all my research<br />

topics helped me to continue to pursue and reach my goal. I would not have made it to where I<br />

am without your constant encouragement and aid; Dr. Sonya Joseph, whose expertise in<br />

community colleges and insight into the world of adjuncts was invaluable; Dr. Richard<br />

O’Sullivan, whose interest in my study, encouragement to continue, and willingness to assist me<br />

is much appreciated; Dr. David Leslie, whose previous work inspired this endeavor—you will<br />

always be the Buddha of higher education; Dr. Mary Pankowski, whose prodding and<br />

encouragement began this great journey for the Ph.D. and who has set a remarkable example of<br />

pursuing one’s dreams; Dr. Sylvia Fleischman, who was always willing to take <strong>time</strong> from her<br />

busy schedule to help me with finding needed information; Lucy Hamilton-Duncan, your<br />

friendship throughout our graduate work and beyond has been priceless; and to my many friends<br />

who stuck through this long process with me with unceasing encouragement and support:<br />

Patricia Bausch, Charysse Wiley O’Donnell, Debbie Roof Negrete, Beth Rossi, Traci Bradley<br />

Gouveia, Erik and Pati Pyle, Todd and Kerri Fussell, and many others.<br />

I would like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to whom I give all honor and<br />

glory for this work. His unconditional love and forgiveness has allowed me to make mistakes<br />

and move beyond my shortcomings to reach a much sought after goal.<br />

A profound and heartfelt thank you is extended to my family. Their constant prayers,<br />

prodding, and encouragement helped me move through and complete the process. To my Mom,<br />

you have supported me financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I will always be<br />


grateful for your unconditional love and listening ear. To Cindy, you have supported me through<br />

continuous prayer and encouragement even when not fully understanding the why or what of the<br />

work. You are a wonderful sister and an incredible friend. To Jay, your wisdom and objective<br />

questioning of my work helped to push me beyond my limits, and you have helped me to look<br />

outside the boundaries and question everything. You have been brother, friend, and teacher. To<br />

Sherri, your indefatigable drive, perseverance, and commitment to your field of study and work<br />

have been an inspiration. You have been a wonderful friend and great sister. To David and<br />

Christina, you are not only a wonderful brother-in-law and sister-in-law but also great friends.<br />

Thank you for all your support. To Michael, thank you for accepting me as part of your family<br />

and making me feel so welcome. To Jacob, Jenna, Jesse, Jordan, and Gwyneth, I hope that my<br />

journey will encourage you to set your goals high and pursue your dreams regardless of the<br />

obstacles you may encounter. I also hope that you will make it your goal to pursue your<br />

education to the highest level possible and to never settle for being ordinary or average. You<br />

must always remember that “to whom much is given, much is required,” and you have been<br />

given so much talent, intellect, love, and support. Remember to always pursue excellence.<br />

Finally, I would like to extend a special thank you to my husband, Theodore L. Bogert,<br />

Sr. Ted, your unconditional love for me is truly the greatest gift I have ever received. Although<br />

reaching this goal has been a part of my life for many years, the joy of having you as my<br />

husband, best friend, confidant, and love of my life is a far greater reward than any diploma or<br />

degree that I could receive. Through your encouragement, emotional and financial support, real<br />

world insight, and much needed frank discussions, you have helped me to reach my goal.<br />

Knowing you were always there with love and support was more than I could have ever hoped,<br />

and I will never be able to repay you for all you have given me.<br />

To all those who have helped me in this undertaking, may you find many blessings in this<br />

life. May you find prosperity, health, and happiness, and may you be rewarded 100 fold for what<br />

you have given to me.<br />



LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................ xii<br />

ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................. xiii<br />

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................1<br />

Description of Problem....................................................................................................... 1<br />

Purpose of the Study ........................................................................................................... 2<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Defined ......................................................................................... 3<br />

<strong>Florida</strong>’s Community College System (FLCCS)........................................................ 4<br />

Significance of the Study.................................................................................................... 6<br />

Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 7<br />

2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE............................................................................................10<br />

Introduction....................................................................................................................... 10<br />

National Perspective ......................................................................................................... 11<br />

Taxonomies....................................................................................................................... 12<br />

Tuckman’s Taxonomy .............................................................................................. 12<br />

Biles and Tuckman’s Taxonomy .............................................................................. 13<br />

Gappa and Leslie’s Taxonomy ................................................................................. 13<br />

Characteristics of <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> ................................................................................. 14<br />

Age............................................................................................................................ 14<br />

Gender....................................................................................................................... 14<br />

Ethnicity.................................................................................................................... 15<br />

Marital Status............................................................................................................ 16<br />

Educational Level and Rank ..................................................................................... 16<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Issues .................................................................................................. 16<br />

Recruitment and Hiring ............................................................................................ 17<br />

Socialization and Integration .................................................................................... 18<br />

Compensation and Benefits ...................................................................................... 20<br />

Job Security............................................................................................................... 22<br />

Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 23<br />

Reasons for Teaching <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong>........................................................................................ 24<br />

Advantages of <strong>Using</strong> <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong>............................................................................ 25<br />


Fiscal Benefit ............................................................................................................ 25<br />

Expertise ................................................................................................................... 27<br />

Disadvantages of <strong>Using</strong> <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> ....................................................................... 27<br />

Effect on Full-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong>....................................................................................... 28<br />

Professionalism of <strong>Faculty</strong>........................................................................................ 28<br />

Quality of Teaching .................................................................................................. 29<br />

Impact on Students.................................................................................................... 31<br />

Critique of Key Research.................................................................................................. 31<br />

Job Satisfaction: A Theoretical Framework .................................................................... 40<br />

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 434<br />

3. METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURES................................................................................45<br />

Introduction....................................................................................................................... 45<br />

Overview of Data Collection ............................................................................................ 45<br />

Assumptions of Qualitative Research............................................................................... 46<br />

Trustworthiness................................................................................................................. 47<br />

Transferability........................................................................................................... 47<br />

Credibility ................................................................................................................. 49<br />

Dependability............................................................................................................ 53<br />

Confirmability........................................................................................................... 54<br />

Audit Trail................................................................................................................. 54<br />

Authenticity ...................................................................................................................... 55<br />

Fairness ..................................................................................................................... 55<br />

Ontological Authenticity........................................................................................... 55<br />

Educative Authenticity ............................................................................................. 56<br />

Catalytic Authenticity............................................................................................... 56<br />

Tactical Authenticity................................................................................................. 56<br />

Data Collection Protocol................................................................................................... 56<br />

Site Selection ............................................................................................................ 56<br />

Entry.......................................................................................................................... 57<br />

Reciprocity................................................................................................................ 58<br />

Role Management ..................................................................................................... 58<br />

Data Collection Method – Individual Interviews ..................................................... 59<br />

Data Collection Method – Focus Groups ................................................................. 61<br />

Data Collection Method – Documentation ............................................................... 67<br />

Ethical Considerations .............................................................................................. 67<br />

Pilot Study................................................................................................................. 68<br />

Data Analysis.................................................................................................................... 69<br />

Organizing Data........................................................................................................ 69<br />

Generating Themes, Categories, & Patterns............................................................. 70<br />

Testing Emerging Hypotheses .................................................................................. 70<br />

Searching for Alternative Explanations.................................................................... 71<br />

Limitations and Assumptions of the Study....................................................................... 71<br />


4. RESEARCH FINDINGS ...........................................................................................................73<br />

Overview........................................................................................................................... 73<br />

<strong>Part</strong>icipants........................................................................................................................ 74<br />

Access, Location, and Time of Focus Groups .......................................................... 75<br />

Demographic Characteristics and Academic Backgrounds.............................................. 77<br />

Age............................................................................................................................ 77<br />

Gender....................................................................................................................... 78<br />

Ethnicity.................................................................................................................... 78<br />

Educational Level ..................................................................................................... 78<br />

Fields of Study .......................................................................................................... 80<br />

Work Experience ...................................................................................................... 80<br />

Career Aspirations .................................................................................................... 82<br />

Reasons for Teaching <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong>........................................................................................ 86<br />

Love of Teaching ...................................................................................................... 86<br />

Employed Full-<strong>time</strong> Outside of Community College Teaching............................... 87<br />

Seeking Full-<strong>time</strong> Position........................................................................................ 87<br />

Desired Experience ................................................................................................... 88<br />

Wanted Only <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> ............................................................................................. 89<br />

Flexibility and Autonomy......................................................................................... 89<br />

Income....................................................................................................................... 91<br />

Up-to-Date Knowledge and Real-life Input.............................................................. 92<br />

Prestige...................................................................................................................... 93<br />

Students..................................................................................................................... 93<br />

Community ............................................................................................................... 94<br />

Personal Satisfaction................................................................................................. 95<br />

Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................... 95<br />

Job Satisfactions and Dissatisfactions .............................................................................. 96<br />

Satisfaction with Teaching........................................................................................ 96<br />

Satisfaction with Students......................................................................................... 97<br />

Satisfaction with the Institution ................................................................................ 99<br />

Satisfaction with Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> and Other Adjuncts....................................... 101<br />

Satisfaction with Department or Program Area...................................................... 104<br />

Satisfaction with Compensation & Benefits........................................................... 110<br />

Satisfaction with Recruitment, Orientation, and Integration .................................. 128<br />

Satisfaction with Evaluations.................................................................................. 140<br />

Satisfaction with Other Jobs and Roles .................................................................. 144<br />

Satisfaction with Being an Adjunct ........................................................................ 144<br />

Overall Satisfaction................................................................................................. 146<br />

Perceptions and Experiences .......................................................................................... 146<br />

Job Satisfaction Taxonomy..................................................................................... 147<br />

Institutional Influences and Policies............................................................................... 148<br />

Institutional Polices................................................................................................. 148<br />

Non-institutional Influences and Policies............................................................... 149<br />



RESEARCH............................................................................................................................152<br />

Purpose of the Study ........................................................................................................... 152<br />

Synopsis of the Findings............................................................................................. 152<br />

Conceptual Framework....................................................................................................... 155<br />

Theme Analysis and Interpretation..................................................................................... 158<br />

Expanding a Previous Study ....................................................................................... 158<br />

Implications ........................................................................................................................ 160<br />

Implications for <strong>State</strong> Policy....................................................................................... 160<br />

Implications for Community Colleges........................................................................ 161<br />

Practice versus Policy ......................................................................................................... 162<br />

Comparison of Institutional Practices to FLCCS Guidelines and Gappa and Leslie’s<br />

Recommendations....................................................................................................... 164<br />

Recommendations............................................................................................................... 168<br />

Improve Compensation............................................................................................... 168<br />

Develop Some Type of Benefits Program .................................................................. 169<br />

Provide a Supportive Infrastructure............................................................................ 170<br />

Provide a Thorough Orientation ................................................................................. 171<br />

Provide for Integration and Socialization ................................................................... 171<br />

Improve Methods of Evaluation ................................................................................. 173<br />

Provide for Quality Control ........................................................................................ 174<br />

Provide Some Form of Job Security ........................................................................... 174<br />

Improve Recruitment and Hiring Policies .................................................................. 175<br />

Directions for Future Research........................................................................................... 175<br />

Summary............................................................................................................................. 176<br />

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ 177<br />

APPENDIX A: <strong>Florida</strong>’s 28 Community Colleges ........................................................ 177<br />

APPENDIX B: District Black Colleges That Merged with the FLCCS......................... 178<br />

APPENDIX C: FLCCS Facts ......................................................................................... 179<br />

APPENDIX D: Gappa and Leslie’s Recommended Practices ....................................... 181<br />

APPENDIX E: Audit Trail Categories ........................................................................... 183<br />

APPENDIX F: Sample of Memo to Adjuncts ................................................................ 184<br />

APPENDIX G: Questionnaires used in campus interviews ........................................... 185<br />

APPENDIX H: Seating Arrangements ........................................................................... 192<br />

APPENDIX I: Assistant Moderator’s Responsibilities .................................................. 193<br />

APPENDIX J: Informed Consent Form ......................................................................... 194<br />

APPENDIX K: <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong>/Adjunct <strong>Faculty</strong> Demographic Survey.................................. 195<br />

APPENDIX L: Opening and Closing Focus Groups...................................................... 196<br />

APPENDIX M: Human Subjects Research Approval Letter ......................................... 197<br />

APPENDIX N: Guidelines For Effective Use Of <strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community<br />

Colleges ................................................................................................. 198<br />


REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................201<br />

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH .......................................................................................................215<br />



1. Credit and Non-Credit Hours Delivered by FLCCS 6<br />

2. Number of <strong>Faculty</strong> in the FLCCS by Gender and Race 6<br />

3. Focus Group and Telephone Interview <strong>Part</strong>icipants by Institution 75<br />

4. Ages of <strong>Part</strong>icipants by Ethnicity and Gender 78<br />

5. Areas of Study for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Degrees of <strong>Part</strong>icipant 79<br />

6. Subjects <strong>Part</strong>icipants Taught by Degree Level and Gender 81<br />

7. Numbers of Years as Adjunct by Degree Level and Gender 82<br />

8. RCC Pay Schedule 114<br />

9. Adjunct Pay By Institution and Degree Level 115<br />

10. Hourly Pay Rate of Adjuncts by Institution and Degree Level 115<br />

11. Full-Time Instructional Personnel Salaries by Institutions and Degree Levels<br />

(Fall 2003) 117<br />

12. Hourly Rate of Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> by Institution and Degree Level 118<br />

13. Comparison of Hourly Pay Between Full- and <strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> 118<br />

14. Per Course Pay Rate for Adjuncts at Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Hourly Rate<br />

(140 Hours Per Semester) 119<br />

15. Per Course Pay Rate for Adjuncts at Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Hourly Rate<br />

(48 House Per Semester) 119<br />



The purpose of this study was to explore the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at three <strong>Florida</strong><br />

community colleges using a case study design. The in-depth analysis helped to describe who<br />

serves as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and illuminate the reasons they teach as adjuncts. In addition, the<br />

researcher analyzed the policies in use for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at selected community colleges in<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> and determined how adjunct faculty are affected by these policies. Finally, within the<br />

context of the community college, the study analyzed the job satisfaction of the adjuncts as it<br />

pertains to job satisfaction theory and how their perceptions and experiences differed.<br />

A multi-site case study was conducted at three community colleges in <strong>Florida</strong>. These<br />

institutions were designated as Rural Community College (RCC), Transfer Community College<br />

(TCC), and Urban Community College (UCC). Each institution was selected based on<br />

availability, demographics, and location. Focus groups, one-on-one interviews, and telephone<br />

interviews were utilized to collect data for interpretation. Collected data was used to address the<br />

following research questions: 1. What are the demographic characteristics and academic<br />

backgrounds of the participants of the study in the three community colleges studied? 2. What<br />

are the reasons for teaching part-<strong>time</strong> of the faculty members in the three community colleges<br />

studied? 3. What are the job satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the<br />

three community colleges studied? 4. Are there differences in the perceptions or experiences of<br />

the community college part-<strong>time</strong> faculty studied? 5. What are the institutional influences and<br />

policies affecting the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at the community colleges studied?<br />

In analyzing the data, the following demographics of the 26 participants were found:<br />

Fifty percent of the participants were between the ages of 46 and 60. The gender breakdown was<br />

62% women and 38% men, and 77% of the participants were white. All but two adjuncts had<br />

their Master’s degree, and five held doctoral degrees. Fields of study ranged from mathematics<br />

to remedial level reading with more than 10 fields of study represented. There was a combined<br />

total of 170 years of adjunct teaching experience with a mean number of years of eight. Eleven<br />


participants worked only as part-<strong>time</strong> instructors, and nine of the participants worked full-<strong>time</strong><br />

outside of teaching. The remaining adjuncts worked as part-<strong>time</strong> instructors with additional part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> jobs. Thirty-eight percent of the adjuncts were pursuing full-<strong>time</strong> positions, and 15% had<br />

other career aspirations; the remaining 47% were content with working as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Numerous reasons were given by the participants for teaching part-<strong>time</strong>. Some of the<br />

most discussed reasons included the following: love of teaching, employed full-<strong>time</strong> outside the<br />

institution, seeking a full-<strong>time</strong> position, desired experience, wanted part-<strong>time</strong> only position, liked<br />

the flexibility, needed income, enjoyed working with students, enjoyed the community college<br />

environment, and derived great personal satisfaction from teaching.<br />

There seemed to be a high level of satisfaction with teaching itself and with teaching<br />

students at the institutions. Satisfaction with the institutions varied with dissatisfaction usually<br />

resulting from the level of pay and number of classes they could teach. The majority of the<br />

participants had high levels of satisfaction with the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty they encountered. However,<br />

satisfaction with other adjuncts was lower because many of the adjuncts had little or no<br />

interaction with other adjuncts. One of the highest levels of satisfaction came with support<br />

faculty, the office assistants and secretaries. Most of the adjuncts were satisfied with the<br />

department administrators. Satisfaction with office facilities varied. Dissatisfaction was the<br />

highest in those who were looking for a full-<strong>time</strong> position and wanted to be more integrated into<br />

the institution. Recruitment, orientation, and integration could all be improved according to the<br />

participants. Satisfaction with integration often depended on whether or not the individual was<br />

interested in a full-<strong>time</strong> position.<br />

The greatest level of dissatisfaction was with compensation and benefits. For those who<br />

were dependent on the income of the part-<strong>time</strong> position, income and benefits, to a lesser degree,<br />

were significant motivators, and the low level of pay impacted their satisfaction levels adversely.<br />

For those in full-<strong>time</strong> positions or with outside income sources, income served more as a hygiene<br />

factor. All adjuncts felt they should be paid more for what they were doing. For those who<br />

needed medical benefits, there was a high level of dissatisfaction with the lack of benefits.<br />

Another area of dissatisfaction was with evaluations. Although most of the adjuncts<br />

appreciated and utilized the student evaluations, they wanted more input from their peers and<br />

superiors. For those who had been evaluated by a faculty or supervisor, the adjunct often felt<br />

that the evaluation was conducted in such a way as to fulfill an obligation instead of providing<br />


useful and constructive criticism and suggestions. Overall, the adjuncts were satisfied, and even<br />

with the problems they faced, the majority of them admitted that they would continue to teach as<br />

an adjunct.<br />

In analyzing the findings, the separating factors were dependency on income and the<br />

perceived equitability of the income in respect to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s salaries. All part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty felt they should be paid more for what they were doing whether or not their satisfaction<br />

level with income was high, and they felt their pay should be equivalent to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Based on the findings, a job taxonomy was created that categorized adjuncts into three distinct<br />

groups: 1. Dependents were teaching because they needed income and many needed the<br />

benefits, too. Also, teaching as an adjunct was the primary, if not sole, source of income. Their<br />

perceptions were influenced significantly by their need for money or need for a full-<strong>time</strong> position<br />

with benefits. 2. Stables were adjuncts who had other sources of income either from a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

job, their spouses, retirement, or other ventures, which provided financial stability. Stables<br />

seemed to be much more satisfied with every aspect of being an adjunct. 3. Interims included<br />

the remainder of the individuals, most of who were in transitional phases in their life.<br />

The following recommendations were suggested to improve job satisfaction levels among<br />

adjuncts: 1) improve compensation, 2) develop a benefits program, 3) develop a strong<br />

infrastructure, 4) improve orientation, integration, and socialization, 5) improve the evaluation<br />

process, 5) provide for quality control, 6) provide for job security, and 7) improve the<br />

recruitment and hiring process.<br />


CHAPTER 1<br />


<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty have become a critical component of postsecondary institutions’<br />

academic faculties over the last few decades (Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Gappa & Leslie,<br />

1993; Lee, 1997; Leslie, 1998a, 1998b, 1998c; Roueche, Roueche, & Milliron, 1995, 1996a,<br />

1996b). With the increasing fiscal constraints of institutions, faculty labor market factors,<br />

shifting demands for academic programs, and the growing student population, it appears the use<br />

of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (also referred to as adjunct faculty) will continue to grow well into the future<br />

(Gappa, 2000; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Roueche et al., 1995, 1996a; Townsend, 2000). Gappa<br />

and Leslie concluded, “This alternative, which started out to be a ‘temporary solution,’ has<br />

become a ‘permanent fix’” (1993, p. 3). As part-<strong>time</strong> faculty use continues and increases, the<br />

academic profession has become “bifurcated into two faculties: the tenured ‘haves’ and the<br />

temporary, part-<strong>time</strong> ‘have nots’” (Bowen & Schuster; National Education Association [NEA],<br />

as cited in Gappa & Leslie, 1993, p. 2). This bifurcated faculty within the current postsecondary<br />

system has raised many issues, questions, and debates on the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Description of Problem<br />

There is a strong belief that a bifurcated faculty and the increasing use of postsecondary<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty decreases the quality of the institution (Balch, 1999; Banachowski, 1996a,<br />

1996b; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Lee, 1997; Leslie, 1998c; Roueche et al., 1995; Samuel, 1989;<br />

Thompson, 1995). Nonetheless, given the fiscal constraints and growing demand for post-<br />

secondary education, this usage will only increase in the future. This study addressed the use of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in <strong>Florida</strong>’s community colleges focusing on three institutions in the state.<br />

In their 1993 book, The Invisible <strong>Faculty</strong>, Gappa and Leslie conducted an in-depth study<br />

of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at various types of postsecondary institutions across the country. From their<br />

work, they determined many “myths” and “realities” of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and provided<br />


ecommendations to improve the use of adjuncts. Gappa and Leslie studied all types of<br />

postsecondary institutions including community colleges; however, Leslie (1998b) believed that<br />

to better understand the role and needs of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty there should be studies that<br />

disaggregate information by type of institution and field of study.<br />

In their book, Strangers in Their Own Land, Roueche, Roueche, and Milliron (1995)<br />

investigated community colleges affiliated with the American Association of Community<br />

Colleges (AACC). Their comprehensive survey study provided information on the policies and<br />

practices pertaining to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and created a profile of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty based on the<br />

perspective of the administrator. Although the study provided excellent information from an<br />

institutional/administrative perspective, the study did not directly survey or interview part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty leaving a large gap for further research.<br />

Purpose of the Study<br />

The purpose of this study was to explore the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at three <strong>Florida</strong><br />

community colleges using a case study design with “thick description” (Geertz, 1973, p. 10), a<br />

detailed description of the phenomenon being studied. An in-depth analysis helped to describe<br />

who serves as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and illuminate the reasons they teach as adjuncts. In addition,<br />

the researcher analyzed the policies in use for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at selected community colleges<br />

in <strong>Florida</strong> and determined how adjunct faculty are affected by these policies. Finally, within the<br />

context of the community college, the study analyzed the job satisfaction of the adjuncts as it<br />

pertains to job satisfaction theory and how their perceptions and experiences differed.<br />

In this study, the following research questions were addressed:<br />

1. What are the demographic characteristics and academic backgrounds of the part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty participants of the study in the three community colleges studied?<br />

2. What are the reasons for teaching part-<strong>time</strong> of the faculty participants in the three<br />

community colleges studied?<br />

3. What are the job satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty participants<br />

in the three community colleges studied?<br />

4. Are there differences in the perceptions or experiences of the community college<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty studied?<br />

5. What are the institutional influences and policies affecting the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

at the community colleges studied?<br />


<strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Defined<br />

There are many definitions for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. California community colleges defined<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as those who teach not more than 60% of a full-<strong>time</strong> load; Texas Community<br />

Colleges defined part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as those faculty who teach no more than 50% of a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

load (Roueche et al., 1995). The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)<br />

identified part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as those who teach nine or fewer credit hours (Roueche et al.). Biles<br />

and Tuckman defined part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as “those who work less than a full-<strong>time</strong> load as defined<br />

by their employing institution (1986, p.1). Gappa and Leslie (1993) defined part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as<br />

“those individuals who are temporary, nontenure-track faculty employed less than full-<strong>time</strong>” (p.<br />

3).<br />

For the purpose of this study, Roueche et al.’s (1995) definition of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is<br />

used. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty are defined as “those whose employing institutions recognize them<br />

legally as less than full-<strong>time</strong>—that is, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are those so recognized by their<br />

employing institutions” (p. 25). Doctoral students included in this definition are those employed<br />

as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty members and not graduate teaching assistants. Also, many institutions and<br />

individuals refer to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as adjuncts; these terms will be interchangeable in this<br />

study.<br />

Graduate assistants, who may serve as research assistants (RA’s) as well as teaching<br />

assistants (TA’s), are usually found at four-year institutions, especially research universities.<br />

Although there were 200,000 graduate assistants nationwide in 1993 in comparison to the<br />

184,000 part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998), the use of<br />

teaching assistants in community colleges is fairly limited (Lee, 1997). Therefore, they are not a<br />

part of this study unless they were teaching at a community college in addition to teaching as a<br />

TA.<br />

One of the most prominent areas in which part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are used is in undergraduate<br />

education or lower-division courses (i.e. remedial, English composition, and basic math and<br />

algebra courses) and technical or specialized training courses (e.g. LPN clinicals or police<br />

training courses). Since community colleges offer mainly lower-division, general education, and<br />

technical training courses, these colleges are especially prone to the use of adjunct faculty<br />

(Banachowski, 1996a; Dickinson, 1997).<br />


<strong>Florida</strong>’s Community College System (FLCCS)<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> has a large community college system consisting of 28 institutions enrolling a<br />

total of 211,780 full-<strong>time</strong> equivalent (FTE) students in 2001-2002 (Division of Community<br />

Colleges, 2003a).<br />

While governed by local boards of trustees, the colleges are coordinated under the<br />

jurisdiction of the <strong>Florida</strong> Board of Education, and until January 2003, the <strong>State</strong> Board of<br />

Education (otherwise known as the <strong>Florida</strong> Cabinet). Administratively, the Chancellor of<br />

Community Colleges is the chief executive officer of the system, reporting to the<br />

Secretary of the <strong>Florida</strong> Board of Education who serves as the chief executive officer of<br />

<strong>Florida</strong>’s K-20 Education System.<br />

Policy of <strong>Florida</strong>’s Community College System generates from activities of the <strong>Florida</strong><br />

Board of Education (FLBOE) and is authorized by the <strong>Florida</strong> legislature. The FLBOE<br />

meets monthly to discuss policy and consider and approve system decision items.<br />

(Division of Community Colleges, 2003c)<br />

Each institution has a Board of Trustees that determines institutional policy. Main and<br />

branch campuses and teaching sites of all 28 institutions are used to provide general lower<br />

division, vocational, and adult continuing education.<br />

History of FLCCS. A brief history of the <strong>Florida</strong> Community College System is given<br />

below. The FLCCS began in 1933 with the establishment of Palm Beach Jr. College as a two-<br />

year public institution where it was the sole public two-year college in <strong>Florida</strong> until 1947 when<br />

St. Petersburg Jr. College was established. <strong>State</strong> and local support was established with the<br />

enactment of the <strong>Florida</strong> Minimum Foundation Program in 1947. This led to the establishment<br />

of Pensacola Jr. College in 1947, and Chipola Jr. College changed from private to public.<br />

The Community College System was established in 1955 by the <strong>Florida</strong> Legislature and<br />

published a report, “The Community Junior College in <strong>Florida</strong>’s Future,” in 1957. This report<br />

provided a Master plan and needed legal changes that laid the foundation for the FLCCS and<br />

created a system that would provide postsecondary education that was in commuter distance for<br />

99% of <strong>Florida</strong>’s population.<br />

In 1957, the Division of Community Colleges was authorized and six new community<br />

colleges were established. Throughout the 60s and into the early 70s, the remainder of the 28<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> community colleges were established (See Appendix A for the 28 colleges and years<br />

established). Also, there were 12 district Black Colleges that merged with the system in the mid<br />

1960s (See Appendix B).<br />


In 1979, the <strong>State</strong> Community College Coordinating Board was established and was<br />

replaced by the <strong>State</strong> Board of Community Colleges (SBCC) in 1983. In 2001, after a repeal of<br />

the statute creating the <strong>State</strong> Board of Community Colleges, FLCCS went under the control of<br />

the <strong>Florida</strong> Board of Education (FBOE).<br />

The Master Plan has been adapted over the last 20 years incorporating the inclusion of<br />

distance education and technology. <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes states the following: “The community<br />

college’s mission reflects a commitment to be responsive to local educational needs and<br />

challenges. In achieving this mission, the colleges strive to maintain sufficient local authority<br />

and flexibility while preserving appropriate legal accountability to the state” (Chapter 240,<br />

Section 301).<br />

General Facts about FLCCS. In the United <strong>State</strong>s, <strong>Florida</strong>’s community college system<br />

ranks third for producing A.A. degrees. Eight of the 28 institutions rank in the top 20: Miami-<br />

Dade Community College—1st; Valencia Community College—2nd; Broward Community<br />

College—6th; <strong>Florida</strong> Community College at Jacksonville—8 th ; St. Petersburg College—9th;<br />

Santa Fe Community College—10th; Hillsborough Community College—14 th ; Palm Beach<br />

Community College—17 th (Borden & Brown, 2003).<br />

In addition, the system ranks fourth nationally in enrollment. Total enrollment for the<br />

system in 2001-2002 was 887,835 with 688,163 credit seeking and 199,672 non-credit seeking<br />

students (Division of Community Colleges, 2003a). The system profile includes 28 colleges with<br />

52 campuses and 167 sites. The student population includes 37% minorities, and the Fall 2002<br />

credit-seeking students consisted of 61% female and 39% male with 33% enrolled as full-<strong>time</strong><br />

students. The average age system-wide of the students was 27 years (Division of Community<br />

Colleges, 2003b).<br />

As with other community college systems, <strong>Florida</strong> utilizes part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in all levels<br />

of general, vocational, and adult continuing education. Information in Table 1 was taken from<br />

the 1999 survey findings of the FLCCS (S. Fleischman, e-mail communication, October 8,<br />

1999). Although the SBCC maintains a System Data Base, the survey findings are self-reported<br />

by the colleges, and the survey has not been conducted since 1999. Table 2 gives a breakdown<br />

of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty by gender and race. See Appendix C for more information on the <strong>Florida</strong><br />

Community College System.<br />


Table 1: Credit and Non-Credit Hours Delivered by FLCCS<br />

6<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

Number for Fall 1998 11,256 (68.6%) 5,152 (31.4%)<br />

Percent of credit hours delivered 35% 65%<br />

Percent of non-credit hours delivered 63% 37%<br />

Table 2: Number of <strong>Faculty</strong> in the FLCCS by Gender and Race<br />

(The Fact Book, 2003)<br />

Male Total White Black Hispanic Other<br />

Full-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 2,408 1,951 196 179 82<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 8,887 6,831 636 1,085 335<br />

System-Wide 11,295 8,782 832 1,264 417<br />

Female Total White Black Hispanic Other<br />

Full-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 2,536 2,036 247 190 63<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 8,190 6,110 837 910 333<br />

System-Wide 10,726 8,146 1,084 1,100 396<br />

Total 22,021 16,928 1,916 2,364 813<br />

Significance of the Study<br />

Roueche et al. (1995) discussed the changing organizational concept of staffing. With<br />

the changing work force and increasing costs, “ there is evidence that jobs as we know them are<br />

changing, that they are social artifacts, going the way of the dinosaur” (p. 19). Bridges (1994)<br />

stated, “Today’s organization is rapidly being transformed from a structure built out of jobs into<br />

a field of work needing to be done” (p. 64). He further discussed the impact of part-<strong>time</strong>rs on<br />

future organizational structure:<br />

Tomorrow’s organization certainly must turn a significant part of its work over to<br />

a contingent work force that can grow and shrink and reshape itself as its situation<br />

demands. But note that even the most creative work design begs the question of<br />

how unready most organizations are to manage this work force of temps, part<strong>time</strong>rs,<br />

consultants, and contract workers effectively (Bridges, 1994, p. 64).<br />

Historically, community colleges have been the institutions that claim to respond quickly<br />

and effectively to the needs of the changing environments in their service areas. As these

institutions age, they have become more prone to perpetuate the status quo (Roueche et al.,<br />

1995). Additionally, the “permanent fix” of using part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is here to stay (Gappa &<br />

Leslie, 1993; Roueche et al., 1995). With part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at community colleges passing the<br />

65% level, it is imperative for community colleges to know who these individuals are, why they<br />

teach part-<strong>time</strong>, and how their status as “invisible faculty” can improve. Furthermore, having a<br />

better understanding of the demographics, characteristics, and reasons for teaching of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty will provide better systems for administrators and human resource officers to find and<br />

hire the most qualified individuals for part-<strong>time</strong> positions.<br />

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has provided information on full-<br />

and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty through the National Study of Postsecondary <strong>Faculty</strong> (NSOPF) (National<br />

Center for Education Statistics, 1997a). Many of the demographic characteristics can be<br />

determined through the data gathered in the NSOPF surveys; however, a survey response makes<br />

it difficult to obtain information on how individuals feel about being part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, what type<br />

of experiences they have, or why they choose to work part-<strong>time</strong>. Case studies with focus groups<br />

and in-depth interviews provided an opportunity to uncover such data.<br />

Through the use of qualitative research, this research study sought to provide a better<br />

understanding of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty within community colleges, most notably the <strong>Florida</strong><br />

institutions studied. The study expanded on Gappa and Leslie’s 1993 research by focusing on<br />

community colleges and analyzing information within specific fields of study. It also expanded<br />

on Roueche et al.’s (1995) study by directly interviewing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as well as<br />

administrators within the community college environment. Furthermore, the findings may<br />

contribute to improved practices with regard to the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in <strong>Florida</strong> community<br />

colleges. The study also explored, through the eyes of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, whether current part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty policies are effective and how these policies can be improved.<br />

Definitions<br />

The following are definitions used in the text:<br />

1. Confirmability: The qualitative component of trustworthiness that addresses the<br />

subjectivity of the researcher, commonly referred to as objectivity in quantitative research<br />

2. Credibility: The ability to demonstrate that the inquiry was conducted in such a manner<br />

as to ensure that the subject was accurately identified and described; it is referred to as internal<br />

validity in quantitative research<br />


3. Dependability: The ability of the study to show evidence that the findings would be<br />

repeated if replicated with the same or similar subjects and context; in qualitative research, it is<br />

referred to as reliability and is a precondition of validity.<br />

4. Focus Group: A group interview of 8-10 individuals utilizing a guided questionnaire that<br />

focuses on particular issues<br />

5. Full-Time Employee: Individual who works full-<strong>time</strong> as designated by the institution<br />

and receives full benefits<br />

6. Going Native: Becoming so engrossed in the setting and with the study subjects that the<br />

researcher loses sight of her role and purpose in the study<br />

7. Half-Time: Individuals who are contracted by their institution to work one-half of the<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> load for which they receive one-half or partial benefits<br />

8. Job Satisfaction: How people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs<br />

(Spector, 1997, p. 2)<br />

9. Member Checking: Allows members of the stake holding groups to test categories,<br />

interpretations, and conclusions<br />

10. Motivation: Reasons given by adjunct faculty for teaching part-<strong>time</strong><br />

11. National Survey of Postsecondary <strong>Faculty</strong> (NSOPF): Survey conducted by the NCES<br />

every five years that collects quantitative data on various aspects of faculty in postsecondary<br />

institutions<br />

12. Naturalistic Paradigm (also called Constructivist): A researcher does not attempt to<br />

manipulate the setting but works in the naturally occurring environment without a predetermined<br />

direction for the research.<br />

13. Paradigm: An example or model<br />

14. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty: Those whose employing institutions recognize them legally as less<br />

than full-<strong>time</strong>—that is, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are those so recognized by their employing institutions<br />

(Roueche et al., 1995, p. 25)<br />

15. Phenomenological Paradigm: The perspective that is concerned with human behavior<br />

from the actor’s own frame of reference; examining how the world is experienced from the<br />

subject’s perspective<br />

16. Transferability: The ability to replicate the study in other contexts or with other subjects;<br />

referred to as external validity in quantitative research<br />


17. Triangulation: In order to establish internal validity, the researcher works to substantiate<br />

an interpretation or to clarify its different meanings by bringing more than one source of data to<br />

bear on a single point. Use of triangulation allows for data from various sources to be used for<br />

corroboration, elaboration, or illumination of the research questions.<br />


CHAPTER 2<br />


Introduction<br />

Use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in colleges and universities has been growing steadily over the<br />

years (Clery, 1998; Kirshstein, Matheson, Jing & Zimbler, 1997; National Center for<br />

Educational Statistics, 1997; Roueche, et al., 1995; Townsend, 2000). Although there is a<br />

proliferation of opinions on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, the empirical research to support many of these<br />

beliefs is limited.<br />

From a historical perspective, use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, especially within the community<br />

colleges, has been prevalent for many years. Eells (1931) reported a large usage of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty as early as the 1920s, with approximately one-half of the instructors in Texas community<br />

colleges and more than 91% in eight California community colleges serving part-<strong>time</strong>. Heinberg<br />

(1966) reported approximately 38% of faculty in community colleges were teaching part-<strong>time</strong> in<br />

1966. By the 1980s, Cohen and Brawer (1989) and Palmer (1987) reported the number of part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty in community colleges to be between 50% and 60%. According to Hawkins (1993),<br />

community colleges increased part-<strong>time</strong> hiring from 40% in 1987-1989 to 60% in 1990 and<br />

1992. Similarly, Cohen and Brawer stated that between 1973 and 1984 full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

increased 22% while part-<strong>time</strong> faculty increased by 168%. Also, Roueche et al. (1995)<br />

maintained the number of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty have been increasing at a relatively stable rate of<br />

approximately 15% per year.<br />

Prior to 1980, the research on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is scarce. Tuckman (1978) conducted the<br />

most preeminent early study of part-<strong>time</strong> employment practices of postsecondary institutions.<br />

The taxonomy he developed is discussed at length in this chapter, and his research is used as the<br />

basis of more recent research. The 1980s and 1990s produced much more literature on part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty covering areas including the following: characteristics of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty; recruitment,<br />


orientation, mentoring and professional development of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty; reasons individuals<br />

choose to teach part-<strong>time</strong>; quality of instruction; working conditions and needs; and suggestions<br />

and recommendations to improve the instruction as well as the status of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

One area of interest is how part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are perceived by the world of academe.<br />

Banachowski (1996a, 1996b) noted that much of the literature has negative connotations, being<br />

referred to by many names: “the academic underclass” (Benjet & Loweth, 1989), “a corps of<br />

unregulated personnel” (McGuire, 1993), “hopeful full-<strong>time</strong>rs” (Tuckman, 1978), “anchorless<br />

street-corner men” (Franklin, Laurence, & Denham, 1988), “M.I.A.’s” (Heinzelman, 1986), and<br />

“invisible and expendable” (Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Wallace, 1984). Within the particular arena<br />

of community colleges, McGuire (1993) described part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as a “necessary evil,”<br />

“cheap fix,” “dangerous addiction,” and an “exploitation of the worse kind” (p. 2). Interestingly,<br />

Banachowski noted that little empirical data is available to substantiate these negative<br />

perceptions of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

This chapter reviews the research and literature on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in all postsecondary<br />

institutions with a focus on community colleges. The following areas pertaining to part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty are discussed: the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty from a national perspective; taxonomies; age,<br />

ethnicity, gender, marital status, and educational level; recruitment and hiring, socialization and<br />

integration, compensation and benefits, job security, and evaluation; reasons for teaching part-<br />

<strong>time</strong>; and the advantages and disadvantages of using adjunct instructors.<br />

National Perspective<br />

In the 1998 National Study of Postsecondary <strong>Faculty</strong> (NSOPF), there were 562,000 full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty and 417,000 part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, or 57% to 43% respectively. This is approximately<br />

the same percentage of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as in the 1993 NSOPF, which may indicate that the use<br />

of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is leveling off (Berger, Kirshstein, Zhang, & Carter, 2002). According to the<br />

1998 NSOPF, two year institutions had 102,000 full-<strong>time</strong> faculty and 170,000 part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

indicating a greater use of part-<strong>time</strong> (62%) than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

According to Lombardi’s (1992) research, 38.5% of instructors in the 698 junior colleges<br />

studied were part-<strong>time</strong> in 1962. This number increased to 40% in 1971 and 43% in 1974. The<br />

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) reported an increase from 41% part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty in 1973 to 65% in 1991 with an increase in the number of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty members of<br />

205.4% (Lee, 1997). Some institutions exceeded these numbers significantly. According to<br />


Williamson & Mulholland (1993), 75% of Valencia Community College’s Osceola campus’<br />

faculty were adjuncts, and Iadevaia (1991) reported that 80% of Pima Community College<br />

faculty were part-<strong>time</strong>.<br />

Based on Lee’s report (1997), community colleges averaged 65% of faculty teaching<br />

part-<strong>time</strong>, with very few TAs. There were 177,844 part-<strong>time</strong> faculty compared to 96,698 full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty in community colleges (64.8% versus 35.2%). This compared with the 1991 IPEDS<br />

Staff Survey where 126,969 part-<strong>time</strong> faculty taught in community colleges. This showed an<br />

increase of 40% (Lee, 1993, p.3). According to the 1998 NSOPF, there were 170,000 part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty and 102,000 full-<strong>time</strong> faculty in two-year institutions (62% and 38% respectively).<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> community colleges’ numbers are similar to the national level. In a 1999 survey<br />

of the <strong>Florida</strong> Community College System conducted by the <strong>State</strong> Board of Community<br />

Colleges, 68.6% of the faculty were ranked as part-<strong>time</strong>, delivering 35% of the credit hours and<br />

63% of the non-credit hours of instruction (Fleischman, e-mail communication, October 8,<br />

1999).<br />

Taxonomies<br />

With the increasing use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, several studies have attempted to define and<br />

categorize them. These studies have focused on various aspects and characteristics of part-<br />

<strong>time</strong>rs.<br />

Tuckman’s Taxonomy<br />

Tuckman (1978) interviewed 3,763 part-<strong>time</strong> instructors and created a taxonomy of<br />

seven, mutually exclusive categories for part-<strong>time</strong>rs:<br />

1. Semiretireds (2.8% of the total sample) were former full-<strong>time</strong> academics/professionals<br />

who have reduced their hours and are no longer concerned about the future of their<br />

jobs/careers.<br />

2. Graduate students (21.2%) were usually not employed at the institution where they were<br />

pursuing their degree and worked to augment income and gain experience.<br />

3. Hopeful full-<strong>time</strong>rs (16.6%) were those pursuing full-<strong>time</strong> academic positions but could<br />

not find them.<br />

4. Full-mooners (27.6%) held primary jobs of at least thirty-five hours outside of academe.<br />

5. Homeworkers (6.4%) worked part-<strong>time</strong> due to outside family commitments such as<br />

children or other relatives.<br />


6. <strong>Part</strong>-mooners (13.6%) held part-<strong>time</strong> teaching positions while working less than thirty-<br />

five hours a week elsewhere.<br />

7. <strong>Part</strong>-unknowners (11.8%) were those whose reasons for working part-<strong>time</strong> were<br />

unknown, transitory or highly subjective (Tuckman, 1978).<br />

Biles and Tuckman’s Taxonomy<br />

Biles and Tuckman (1986) utilized another typology that classified part-<strong>time</strong>rs by their<br />

employment situation. The four classifications included the following:<br />

1. Moonlighters were employed in another job but teach one course. They had no fringe<br />

benefits, tenure, sabbatical, advisees, committee work, or departmental vote.<br />

2. Twilighters were not employed outside the institution, but the institution chose not to<br />

employ them full-<strong>time</strong>. They had no departmental vote but received prorated fringe<br />

benefits and longer contracts.<br />

3. Sunlighters were like full-<strong>time</strong> faculty in every aspect except the amount they work. They<br />

received prorated benefits, committee assignments, advisees, and tenure and sabbatical<br />

eligibility. Their probation period was a maximum of seventeen semesters, and they had<br />

an opportunity to negotiate full-<strong>time</strong> status.<br />

4. Person on occasional part-<strong>time</strong> leave were full-<strong>time</strong> faculty who may leave the<br />

institution or teach part-<strong>time</strong> for a short period of <strong>time</strong>. They may return to full-<strong>time</strong><br />

status or continue in the part-<strong>time</strong> phase. This category included but is not limited to<br />

women who have small children. (p. 11-13)<br />

Gappa and Leslie’s Taxonomy<br />

Based on their 1993 study, Gappa and Leslie created four categories that encompassed<br />

and further defined Tuckman’s taxonomy:<br />

1. Career enders included those in Tuckman’s semiretired category as well as those who<br />

were already retired, and those moving to preretired or retired status. Many of these<br />

individuals were in well-established careers.<br />

2. Specialists, experts, and professionals had a primary career elsewhere, usually full-<strong>time</strong>.<br />

These individuals worked part-<strong>time</strong> for the love of teaching and usually did not rely on<br />

the income.<br />

3. Aspiring academics were those who aspired to be “fully participating, recognized and<br />

rewarded members of the faculty with a status at least similar to that currently associated<br />


with the tenure-track or tenured faculty” (p. 48). Included in Gappa and Leslie’s aspiring<br />

academics were part-<strong>time</strong> faculty who possessed a terminal degree and want full-<strong>time</strong><br />

teaching careers and ABD doctoral students (students who had completed all the doctoral<br />

requirements except the dissertation).<br />

Also in this group, Gappa and Leslie distinguished between true part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and<br />

“full-<strong>time</strong>” part-<strong>time</strong>rs who have combined several part-<strong>time</strong> appointments at several<br />

institutions, some<strong>time</strong>s teaching heavier loads than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. This group was<br />

often referred to as “freeway fliers” (p. 48).<br />

4. Freelancers were a compilation of Tuckman’s part-unknowners, part-mooners, and<br />

homeworkers. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty in this category were in higher education by choice and<br />

did not aspire to become academics.<br />

Characteristics of <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

Beyond taxonomies, the literature on adjunct faculty discussed various characteristics.<br />

These characteristics influenced the development of the previously discussed taxonomies and<br />

include age, ethnicity, gender, marital status, and educational level.<br />

Age<br />

There were several factors concerning age discussed by Gappa and Leslie (1993). They<br />

noted that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty tend to be younger than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Many of the younger<br />

individuals were still in academic or professional training. Others had completed their training<br />

and were searching for full-<strong>time</strong> work.<br />

The mean age of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the 1993 NSOPF study was 45.8 years as compared<br />

to 48.0 years for full-<strong>time</strong> faculty (Leslie, 1998c). Furthermore in the 1993 NSOPF, 49% of the<br />

faculty fell into the younger age brackets than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty with 15% under 35 and 34% in<br />

the 35-44 age bracket. Thirty percent were 45-54 years old, and only 7% were 65 or older<br />

(Conley, Leslie, & Zimbler, 2002).<br />

Gender<br />

According to the 1988 NSOPF survey, 57.9% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were men while 42.1%<br />

were women. In comparison, 73% of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty were men, and 27% were women<br />

(National Center for Education Statistics, 1990). By 1993, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty consisted of 55%<br />

men and 45% women, while full-<strong>time</strong> faculty were 67% male and 33% female. In the 1998<br />

NSOPF, men held 62% of the full-<strong>time</strong> positions and 38% of the part-<strong>time</strong> positions, while<br />


women held 51% of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty positions and 49% of part-<strong>time</strong> positions (Berger et al.,<br />

2002).<br />

Women were disproportionately represented in the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (Burns, 1992; Gappa<br />

& Leslie, 1993). This also tied in with the conclusion that the part-<strong>time</strong> academic workforce is<br />

more female than the full-<strong>time</strong> and may indicate lack of flexibility of the traditional tenure<br />

system that may conflict with women’s prime childbearing years (Gappa & Leslie, p.24). In<br />

their study of gender and career trajectory of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, Lundy & Warme (1990)<br />

concluded that significantly higher percentage of women than men believed that their gender<br />

affected their career decisions and opportunities because of several factors such as discontinuity<br />

in service and training.<br />

Gappa and Leslie (1993) found other gender-related issues in their interviews with part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty. One such issue was that women seemed to rely more on the income received from<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> teaching than men. Men tended to hold a full-<strong>time</strong> professional position as well as<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty position.<br />

Conley et al. (2002) noted that academic disciplines were also dominated by gender in<br />

both part-<strong>time</strong> and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty positions. According to the 1998 NSOPF, women held 65%<br />

of the part-<strong>time</strong> positions in the fine arts, while holding only 13% of the part-<strong>time</strong> positions in<br />

Engineering. Overall, women held only 9% of the engineering positions (Berger et al., 2002).<br />

Ethnicity<br />

Based on the 1988 NSOPF, minorities made up only 9.2% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (National<br />

Center for Education Statistics, 1990). In 1993, 12% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and 13% of full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty were minorities (Conley et al., 2002), which indicates a slight increase. It also<br />

emphasizes the dominance of white, non-Hispanic instructors in both 4- and 2-year institutions.<br />

In their study, Gappa and Leslie (1993) found a similar lack of diversity among their<br />

interviewees. “While we had speculated that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty employment would offer<br />

institutions an excellent opportunity to hire teachers from racial and ethnic minorities,<br />

considerations of affirmative action or diversity did not appear to play an important role in the<br />

recruitment and employment of minority candidates at most of the institutions we visited” (p.<br />

22). Gappa and Leslie concluded, “Institutions are missing out on an opportunity to enrich their<br />

programs with diverse perspectives” (p. 24) by not hiring minority part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />


Marital Status<br />

Based on the 1988 NSOPF data, the number of married men and women part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

were nearly equal, 78% and 71%, respectively (National Center for Education Statistics, 1990).<br />

This was a contrast to the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty where 83% of the men and 63% of the women are<br />

married. The marital status of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty did not vary by institution and was a strong<br />

factor in choosing part-<strong>time</strong> employment (Gappa & Leslie, 1993, p. 26). In the 1993 NSOPF,<br />

the difference between part-<strong>time</strong> and full-<strong>time</strong> married was 75% and 77%, respectively (Conley,<br />

et al., 2002).<br />

Furthermore, Gappa and Leslie reached an interesting conclusion. “Regardless of<br />

gender, we were struck by the degree to which people of talent, energy, commitment, and<br />

obvious qualification had been relegated to marginal positions in academic life by their marital<br />

and familial status” (1993, p. 30).<br />

Gappa and Leslie also concluded that geographic immobility was closely related to<br />

marital and familial status. Geographic immobility was a strong factor in pursuing part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty positions. Furthermore, Gappa and Leslie found that, outside of full-<strong>time</strong> graduate<br />

students, few part-<strong>time</strong>rs were willing to relocate.<br />

Educational Level and Rank<br />

There were some differences in full-<strong>time</strong> and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in respect to level of<br />

education. In all institutions, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were less likely to hold doctoral degrees than full-<br />

<strong>time</strong>, 27% to 67% respectively. Furthermore, 54% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty held a Master’s degree in<br />

comparison to 28% of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Additionally, only 11% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at two-year<br />

institutions reported holding a doctorate, and 31% reported having a Bachelor’s or lower degree<br />

(Berger et al., 2002).<br />

In the 1998 NSOPF, 18% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty held the rank of full, associate or assistant<br />

professor at all the institutions, while 77% of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty held these ranks. Furthermore,<br />

73% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty held position of instructor/lecturer at two-year institutions compared to<br />

39% of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty (Berger et al., 2002).<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Issues<br />

In a study of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, Sheeks (1998) concluded that there was a lack of<br />

consistency in the recruitment, utilization, integration, and socialization of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Roueche, et al. (1995) discussed these issues as ones that administrators found important when<br />


discussing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. The following section will examine the literature on recruitment<br />

and hiring, socialization and integration, compensation and benefits, job security, and evaluation<br />

of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Recruitment and Hiring<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty are recruited from several sources. In the early days of community<br />

colleges, most part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were secondary school instructors and some university<br />

professors. By the mid 1970s, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty included many retired individuals and graduate<br />

students (Cohen & Brawer, 1989).<br />

There are many issues to consider when recruiting and hiring adjunct faculty. Adjuncts<br />

are often treated as transient or temporary workers with selection often resulting in last minute,<br />

one-semester hirings by the institutions (Finucane & Algren, 1997; Gappa & Leslie, 1993).<br />

Often, recruitment efforts for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are by word of mouth or only advertised locally,<br />

possibly regionally (Gappa, 2000). Furthermore, many institutions do not have a set hiring<br />

policy or contract. Hiring processes often lack any set procedures, and Gappa noted that<br />

“[b]ottom-fishing for the least expensive and most vulnerable (but not necessarily best qualified)<br />

can occur when department chairs are not accountable for their hiring practices” (p. 80).<br />

Also, appointments are often given late and are on a term-by-term basis (Gappa, 2000).<br />

This is emphasized by Rhodes’ (1996) study of contracts for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Of 183 contracts<br />

analyzed, the appointment and release of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty was not specified in 140.<br />

There are other problems encountered by institutions when hiring part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. In<br />

some states, union contracts allow last minute bumps by full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, and this uncertainty of<br />

classes makes qualified adjuncts hard to find and keep. Also, students are often hesitant to<br />

register for classes marked as “staff” or “TBA” because they feel they are not getting “real”<br />

teachers. It is often difficult to find adjuncts to teach at <strong>time</strong>s full-<strong>time</strong> faculty do not want, such<br />

as early morning or weekend classes. Finally, loss of adjuncts to last minute reasons, such as<br />

illness, death, or no-shows, makes recruitment especially difficult (Styne, 1997).<br />

The actual hiring process is another issue in recruitment. The American Association of<br />

<strong>University</strong> Professors (1998) stated that the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty hiring process was much more<br />

stringent than part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Growing use of long-term part-<strong>time</strong> faculty may require a more<br />

efficient hiring process of adjuncts, making it as important as the hiring of full-<strong>time</strong> instructors<br />

(Balch, 1999; Roueche et al., 1995; Todd, 1996).<br />


Socialization and Integration<br />

Van Maanen (1976) and Van Maanen and Schein (1979) defined socialization as the<br />

progression of learning the culture, norms, and expectations of the workplace. Finucane and<br />

Algren (1997) discussed socialization and integration, how it is critical to organizations, and how<br />

it has been linked to variables such as satisfaction, feelings of self-worth, effective performance,<br />

productivity, role clarity and performance, and commitment. Most institutions do a poor job of<br />

integrating part-<strong>time</strong> faculty into the institutional culture with few administrations aggressively<br />

or systematically directing integration efforts (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors,<br />

1998; Balch, 1999; Parsons, 1998; Roueche et al., 1995, 1996a, 1996b). Furthermore, lack of<br />

integration often leads to feelings of exclusion and isolation, decreasing job satisfaction (Balch,<br />

1999; Finucane & Algren, 1997; Rifkin, 1998).<br />

Roueche et al. (1996a, 1996b) found that integration of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty into community<br />

colleges was possible, and several institutions had done it quite successfully. They believed that<br />

“part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are a vital resource that can and should be integrated into the community of<br />

learners that community colleges seek to form” (Roueche, 1996a, p. 45).<br />

There are two ways to socialize or integrate adjunct faculty, through formal and informal<br />

methods (Finucane & Algren, 1997). Examples of formal integration are orientation for new<br />

adjuncts where institutional policies and procedures are explained, documents such as<br />

handbooks, rules, benefit booklets, and employee services information that provide much needed<br />

information, mentoring programs for new instructors, and professional development<br />

opportunities (Balch, 1999; Finucane & Algren, 1997). Informal socialization is on the job<br />

learning (Jones, 1986) and often comes from experiences and interactions (Jablin, 1987).<br />

German (1996) believed that “the challenge of the future is to integrate part-<strong>time</strong> faculty,<br />

tapping their talents and energies, while providing them with collegial support and positive<br />

relationships to the institutions” (p. 239). To improve integration, it is important to understand<br />

that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s loyalty is to the department first then to the institution, and that is why<br />

the departments should make efforts to regularly integrate adjuncts with full-<strong>time</strong> faculty (Balch,<br />

1999; Gappa & Leslie, 1993).<br />

Thompson stated, “the most successful adjunct development programs are those that have<br />

the commitment and participation of the college administration and full and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to<br />

help integrate adjuncts into the mainstream of the college” (1995, p. 19-20). This can be done in<br />


a variety of ways. Three areas addressed in the literature are participation in the academic<br />

decision-making processes, mentoring programs, and professional development opportunities.<br />

Academic Decision-Making. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty often feel as if they are second-class<br />

citizens in the academic community (Kelly, 1991). They are usually excluded from the decision-<br />

making arena. Most faculty do not attend faculty meetings at the departmental or institutional<br />

level or serve on committees, but many would like to be included (Kelly, 1991; Pollington,<br />

1991). Kelly’s study found that some part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were invited to faculty meetings, but<br />

most of those that were invited could not attend because of scheduling conflicts. She also found<br />

that part-<strong>time</strong>rs who attended division meetings felt more involved in the campus community. In<br />

addition, Rifkin (1998) found that part-<strong>time</strong>rs had little autonomy within institutions because<br />

they had no decision-making power.<br />

Mentoring. Mentors for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty can be full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, other part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty, administrators, or adjunct coordinators (Balch, 1999; Styne, 1997). Adjunct<br />

coordinators are individuals who are responsible for the management of adjuncts. This includes<br />

ordering textbooks for classes, providing clerical support, ensuring adjuncts have keys and<br />

mailboxes, and providing support for adjuncts in general. Coordinators may be full- or part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty or administration, and they may be compensated or coordinate on a volunteer basis<br />

(Balch, 1999; Styne, 1997).<br />

Mentoring programs vary widely in use and format. Usually, full-<strong>time</strong> faculty (and<br />

occasionally long-term adjuncts) are joined with adjuncts. These mentors may or may not be<br />

compensated (Balch, 1999; Styne, 1997). Williams noted that the most successful programs are<br />

those that give release <strong>time</strong> to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty (as cited in Balch, 1999). These experienced<br />

faculty visit part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s classrooms, provide feedback, answer questions, and give<br />

encouragement.<br />

One study showed that adjuncts believed there were open lines of communication, but<br />

they did not know the right questions to ask (Finucane & Algren, 1997). Mentoring programs<br />

give the adjunct the opportunity to ask questions and offer experienced individuals to provide<br />

answers (Balch, 1999).<br />

Finucane & Algren (1997) found that the socialization process of full- and part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty does not promote mentoring. Their study found that the adjuncts they interviewed did<br />

not get the support they felt they needed to do an adequate job.<br />


Professional Development. Marits (1996) discussed the benefits to colleges that provide<br />

professional development opportunities to adjuncts. First, it contributes to better integration of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty into institutional goals. Secondly, it is an excellent recruiting tool to attract<br />

outstanding adjuncts. Finally, professional development provides an organized plan for<br />

assessing faculty growth and development (Marits, 1996). Furthermore, Balch (1999) noted that<br />

all activities involving part-<strong>time</strong> faculty help to improve instructional abilities. Interestingly,<br />

Rhodes’ (1996) study of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty contracts showed that only 10 of 183 reviewed made<br />

any provisions for professional development.<br />

Finucane and Algren’s (1997) study found that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty believed that the lack of<br />

professional development leads to decreased quality of classroom instruction and could possibly<br />

affect individual adjunct’s career development. Kelly (1991) found that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were<br />

very interested in professional development, especially concerning areas closely tied to teaching.<br />

Instructional topics of greatest interest to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty included motivational techniques for<br />

the classroom, teaching underprepared and adult students, and increasing student retention (p.<br />

11). Furthermore, Pollington (1991) found that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty wanted to be involved in areas<br />

of professional development as well as provided with opportunities to conduct research.<br />

Unfortunately, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were much less likely than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty to receive any form<br />

of professional development (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998).<br />

Compensation and Benefits<br />

Salary. At the institution studied, Weglarz (1998) found that 90% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

ranked salary as the first or second choice of importance. Furthermore, compensation varies<br />

widely among institutions, and it is far below the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty equivalent. Some institutions<br />

pay a flat fee per course; other institutions have a salary range based on experience (Balch, 1999;<br />

Gappa, 2000). <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty are confronted with low and static pay scales (Banachowski,<br />

1996a, 1996b; Gappa, 2000; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Kelly, 1991; Lankard, 1993; Pollington,<br />

1991, 1992; Twigg, 1989; Wyles, 1998) and a median pay of $1,500 for a three-credit course<br />

(Avakian, 1995; Wyles, 1998). Grenzke (1998) found that approximately one-half of adjunct<br />

faculty earn $2,500 per course. According to the American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors<br />

(1998), salaries can range from $1,000 to $3,000 per course; this is a fraction of the full-<strong>time</strong><br />

pro-rata (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Kelly,<br />

1991; Pollington, 1991; Roueche et al., 1995). Roueche et al.’s (1995) study of community<br />


colleges indicated a mean salary of $1,197 with a range of $424 to $3,852 per course. Conley et<br />

al. (2002) found that the average basic salary for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty was $10,200, which<br />

constituted only about 30% of their income, and the other 70% came from outside sources.<br />

Furthermore, the discrepancy between the salary of full-<strong>time</strong> and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is a<br />

concern. Roueche et al. (1995) found that the average expense for a community college district<br />

for 10 three-hour courses for a new, entry-level faculty member was $38,225; the same district<br />

could use part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to teach those 10 classes and save approximately $21,400 (p. 35). In<br />

California, hourly rates for part-<strong>time</strong>rs may be from 1/3 to 1/2 of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s rates.<br />

Thompson (1992a) stated, “<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong>rs who calculate their actual hourly wages based on <strong>time</strong><br />

spent teaching, preparing, and grading some<strong>time</strong>s learn that they are earning less than the<br />

minimum wage” (p. 30).<br />

There may also be disparity within states. Spinetta (1990) found a variation of as much<br />

as 350% in compensation level of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty within the 107 California community<br />

colleges. As Pollington (1991) found, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty would like to be paid fairly for the work<br />

they do.<br />

Benefits. The 1993 NSOPF found that 55% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were satisfied overall<br />

with their pay, but only 43% were satisfied with their benefits. Lack of benefits is also a concern<br />

for adjunct faculty (Kelly, 1991; Mize, 1998; Pollington, 1991). There are limited, if any,<br />

benefits such as health insurance and retirement (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors,<br />

1998; Balch, 1999; Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Lankard, 1993;<br />

Pollington, 1991, 1992; Roueche et al., 1995). Some institutions provide medical benefits if the<br />

instructor works at least 50% or more, and, if provided at all, retirement benefits vary widely<br />

among institutions. Balch (1999) pointed out that offering benefits can be very costly and<br />

institutions may need to look at other options. With part-<strong>time</strong>rs much less likely to receive any<br />

fringe benefits, Balch (1999) anticipated that there may be a significant social implication in the<br />

future with many of these individuals relying on the government for emergencies and retirement.<br />

Pollington (1991) found that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were not eligible for other benefits as well.<br />

Tuition waivers are often a benefit for full-<strong>time</strong> faculty and staff but are not given to part-<strong>time</strong>rs<br />

even when they teach close to a full-load and have been an employee for several years. She also<br />

noted that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty do not receive the same treatment as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty in respect to<br />

library privileges, parking permits, newsletters, and names published in the class schedule.<br />


Collective Bargaining. Finally, Leslie, Kellams, & Gunne found that 41% of public<br />

institutions and 28 % of private institutions with collective bargaining have grievance procedures<br />

for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (1982; Balch, 1999). Conley et al. (2002) found that only 12% of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty were union members. Additionally, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are limited in their ability to<br />

negotiate salaries and other needs with institutions (Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Gappa &<br />

Leslie, 1993; Lankard, 1993). Organization of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at postsecondary institutions is<br />

on the rise, and there have been some successful efforts in creating a union for part-<strong>time</strong><br />

instructors (Thompson, 1994).<br />

With strong efforts in Boston, Washington, and Chicago, there is currently a nationwide<br />

move to organize part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. The Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL)<br />

held its fourth annual conference in early January 2001. This organization’s purpose is to<br />

organize part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to improve teaching conditions including salaries, benefits, and other<br />

working conditions (Delaney, 2001).<br />

This effort to organize has been further galvanized by the recent report by the Coalition<br />

on the Academic Workforce (CAW) concerning the large numbers of part-<strong>time</strong>rs in<br />

postsecondary institutions, especially in areas such as history, English, and the humanities<br />

(Townsend, 2000). With the quantitative data to support their cause, many adjuncts are moving<br />

to organize into unions to improve their working conditions.<br />

Job Security<br />

Lack of job security and employment incentives is a major concern when addressing<br />

issues facing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Balch,<br />

1999; Mize, 1998; Styne, 1997). Gappa stated that 45% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the 1993 NSOPF<br />

were not satisfied with job security (2000; Conley et al., 2002). In the 1998 NSOPF, 38% were<br />

dissatisfied with job security (Berger et al., 2002). German (1996) stated that 91% of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty were unranked (outside the channels for advancement). Furthermore, 19% of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty were moonlighters or semi-retired professionals (Finklestein, 1985; Finucane & Algren,<br />

1997). Corley (1988) estimated that 85% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were not eligible for tenure. This<br />

leaves a significant number of individuals without job security (Finucane & Algren, 1997). If<br />

faculty members have long relationships with an institution, it is usually because of the goodwill<br />

of the institution and not the rights of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (Gappa, 2000).<br />


In addition, many part-<strong>time</strong>rs face a lack of job security with term-to-term appointments<br />

(Balch, 1999; Curzon-Brown, 1988; Gappa, 2000; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Mize, 1998; Wyles,<br />

1998). There is a lack of adequate notice of employment and non-renewal with many adjuncts<br />

receiving their assignment the day before the class is to start or losing their classes to full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty at the last minute (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Kelly, 1991;<br />

Styne, 1997).<br />

Evaluation<br />

In their discussion of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, the American Association of <strong>University</strong><br />

Professors (1998) noted that adjunct faculty are much less likely than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty to receive<br />

any type of evaluations. Institutions, however, are beginning to establish policies for formal<br />

evaluation of adjuncts (Parsons, 1998; Styne, 1997). <strong>Part</strong> of the reason for formal policies being<br />

developed is the demand from “the customers” to know they are receiving quality instruction<br />

(Williams, 1994).<br />

There are several types of evaluations that may be used by institutions. From his case<br />

study of Yavapai College, Williams (1994) analyzed the three forms of evaluation the<br />

institutions incorporated for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty evaluation: standardized student evaluations,<br />

administrative in-class evaluations, and self-analysis evaluations. The two most common forms<br />

will be discussed.<br />

Student evaluations are the most common form of evaluation. These evaluations are<br />

usually standardized forms filled out on a periodic basis, usually once per term, and for many<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, these evaluations are the only form of feedback they receive. In the<br />

assessment of use of student evaluations a Yavapai College, it was determined that students were<br />

very honest in their evaluation of instructors and the courses (Williams, 1994).<br />

Some institutions have administrators or full-<strong>time</strong> faculty visit classrooms and provide<br />

formal and informal feedback. In a case study of her department, Styne (1997) discussed how<br />

new instructors have experienced instructors visit the classroom in the first and second semester<br />

of teaching. Feedback on ways to improve in the classroom is then provided to the new adjuncts.<br />

This has proven to be successful and much appreciated by new adjuncts.<br />

In their study of community, technical, and junior colleges in a 19-state region, Erwin &<br />

Andrews (1993) found that 88.6% of the institutions had evaluation procedures in place for part-<br />


<strong>time</strong> faculty compared to 97.5% for full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Furthermore, 60% of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

evaluated were not satisfied with the evaluation system.<br />

Evaluation plays a significant role in faculty integration into an institution (Behrendt &<br />

Parsons, 1983). “<strong>Faculty</strong> evaluation should be used as a tool to seek more overlap among<br />

credit/noncredit and full-<strong>time</strong>/part-<strong>time</strong> teaching staff members so that …artificial barriers are<br />

removed” (p. 42), and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty believe they are an integral part of the institution.<br />

Reasons for Teaching <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong><br />

The literature shows a variety of reasons individuals choose to teach part-<strong>time</strong>. Often<br />

part-<strong>time</strong>rs who hold full-<strong>time</strong> jobs teach for the prestige (Pollington, 1991), or they find<br />

teaching an interesting outlet for their lively minds (American Association of <strong>University</strong><br />

Professors, 1998; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Tuckman, 1978). Some teach to keep current with their<br />

professional literature or to bring their professional expertise to the classroom. Others want to<br />

give back to society, make a contribution to education, or help others from similar backgrounds<br />

(American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Benjamin, 1998; Gappa & Leslie, 1993).<br />

Another source of part-<strong>time</strong>rs is high school teachers who moonlight as adjunct<br />

instructors for additional compensation or to work with students who are attending school<br />

willingly (Freeland, 1998). Conley et al. (2002) noted that 62% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty surveyed in<br />

1992 taught part-<strong>time</strong> for supplemental income.<br />

Some individuals choose to teach part-<strong>time</strong> because it provides more flexibility and <strong>time</strong><br />

to spend with their families (Mize, 1998; Pollington, 1991; Tuckman, 1978). Many part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty find that their personal or career goals are incompatible with the traditional tenure-track<br />

career, and teaching as an adjunct provides more flexibility in their career paths in higher<br />

education (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Roueche et al., 1995). Also<br />

according to the 1993 NSOPF, 50% of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty chose to teach part-<strong>time</strong> because it was<br />

what they preferred (Conley et al., 2002).<br />

Some find that they are not eligible for full-<strong>time</strong> positions because they lack a Ph.D.<br />

(Pollington, 1991). Consequently, their desire to be in academia motivates them to teach part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> (Conley et al., 2002). Also, some teach part-<strong>time</strong> while finishing their graduate degrees<br />

(Conley et al., 2002).<br />

Finally, there are those who teach simply because they like to teach and are good at it<br />

(American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Pollington, 1991).<br />


Cohen’s study of 149 adjunct faculty found that personal satisfaction and acquiring teaching<br />

experience were the main reasons to teach part-<strong>time</strong> (1992).<br />

Many part-<strong>time</strong>rs view adjunct teaching as an avenue to full-<strong>time</strong> academic positions<br />

(Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Conley et al., 2002; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Roueche et al., 1995;<br />

Tuckman, 1978). Conley et al. (2002) found that 47% of faculty surveyed in the 1993 NSOPF<br />

taught part-<strong>time</strong> because full-<strong>time</strong> positions were unavailable. In 1998, Berger et al. (2002)<br />

found that 59% were teaching part-<strong>time</strong> because they could not find a full-<strong>time</strong> position.<br />

Silvers’ (1990) study of Pima Community College and a survey of adjunct faculty at College of<br />

the Canyons, Valencia, California, found 50% and 62.5%, respectively, of adjunct faculty hoped<br />

to move into full-<strong>time</strong> positions. Also, many part-<strong>time</strong>rs hope for the “foot in the door” only to<br />

find that they do not have the opportunity to convert their appointments into full-<strong>time</strong> positions<br />

(Delaney, 2001; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Wyles, 1998).<br />

Freeland (1998) believed the part-<strong>time</strong> faculties at community colleges are a natural<br />

resource for future full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. She discussed the anticipated shortfall in qualified<br />

community college instructors in the next decade, especially due to retirement. This is due to the<br />

fact that approximately one-half of undergraduates are enrolled in community colleges, and a<br />

significant percentage of those teaching in higher education are teaching at community colleges.<br />

This may provide a great opportunity for part-<strong>time</strong>rs to move into the full-<strong>time</strong> arena.<br />

Advantages of <strong>Using</strong> <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

Usage of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, especially in community colleges, continues to grow because<br />

of two main advantages to postsecondary institutions. These advantages, the fiscal benefit to the<br />

institution and the expertise of adjunct faculty, will be discussed.<br />

Fiscal Benefit<br />

One of the most common reasons for using part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is finance (Banachowski,<br />

1996a, 1996b; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Haeger, 1998; Rifkin, 1998; Styne, 1997). <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty are “the economic bargain of the last 20 years” (Freeland, 1998, p.4). With the<br />

increasing fiscal constraints on institutional and departmental budgets, colleges and universities<br />

are seeking alternative methods of funding and cost cutting (Avakian, 1995; Monroe & Denman,<br />

1991; Osborn, 1990; Selvadurai, 1990).<br />

An institution can save a considerable amount of money by hiring part-<strong>time</strong>rs. Use of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong>rs is less costly because the pay scale is usually lower than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, often set,<br />


and usually stagnant (Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Cohen & Brawer, 1989; Gappa & Leslie,<br />

1993; Twigg 1989). According to Twigg (1989), many part-<strong>time</strong>rs did not receive pay raises or<br />

benefits, a significant saving over full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Furthermore, Mangan (1991) discussed the<br />

savings in terms of sick leave, pension, and health-care insurance that institutions secure from<br />

use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Another benefit of using part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is flexibility (Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Rhodes,<br />

1996). One of the greatest advantages of flexibility is the ability to adapt to varying enrollment<br />

demands (Lankard, 1993; McGuire, 1993; Osborn, 1990). Utilizing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty allows<br />

departments to hire, often on very short notice, if there is a greater demand for classes than<br />

expected. Conversely, there is no penalty for not renewing a term-by-term appointment of part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty (Cohen & Brawer, 1989; Mize, 1998). Use of adjuncts also provides for more<br />

flexibility in meeting institutions’ needs such as flexibility in class scheduling (American<br />

Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998). This is a significant issue in community colleges<br />

because there is often a large population of part-<strong>time</strong> students that affects enrollment.<br />

Also, budgets are often based on formulas that use enrollments from as many as three<br />

years preceding the current academic year (Gappa & Leslie, 1993). These formulas do not<br />

accommodate any fluctuations in enrollments and can lead to significant budget crises in many<br />

departments with surging enrollments. Use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty provides the needed flexibility in<br />

these situations.<br />

Budget flexibility is advantageous because it allows full-<strong>time</strong> faculty lines to be used for<br />

departmental needs such as supplementing operating funds or providing more part-<strong>time</strong><br />

instructors (Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Haeger, 1998). The cost-effectiveness of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

allows departments to free up resources providing for increased full-<strong>time</strong> faculty salaries and<br />

support. Also, using adjuncts for introductory classes allows full-<strong>time</strong> faculty to teach advanced<br />

level courses and work on research projects (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors,<br />

1998; Mize, 1998).<br />

Another benefit is the reduction of departmental budget through attrition of retiring<br />

faculty. These faculty are replaced with lower paid part-<strong>time</strong>rs providing even greater flexibility<br />

for potential future budgetary constraints (Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Haeger, 1998).<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty are more willing to teach at odd <strong>time</strong>s and in different locations (Cohen<br />

& Brawer, 1989) providing inexpensive and mobile labor (Clark, 1997), which increases<br />


departmental flexibility. Also, community colleges often have branch campuses. <strong>Using</strong> part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty allows colleges to offer classes away from the main campus and utilize expertise<br />

from the area where the branch campus is located (Lee, 1997).<br />

Farrell (1992; Balch, 1999) discussed the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to test and evaluate<br />

new curriculum without burdening the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Institutions can limit their expenses<br />

significantly from this form of curriculum development (Balch, 1999; Roueche et al., 1995).<br />

Expertise<br />

One of the main benefits of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is that they provide diverse and specialized<br />

skills, often working full-<strong>time</strong> within the field of study (Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Gappa &<br />

Leslie, 1993; Haeger, 1998; Lee, 1997; Mize, 1998). These instructors provide up-to-date real<br />

world experience and skills (Brewer & Gray, 2000; Cline, 1993; Cohen, 1992; Cohen & Brawer,<br />

1989; Littrell, 1990; Roueche et al., 1995) and provide a venue to infuse a field’s professional<br />

norms and values into the curriculum (Phelan, 1986). Finally, adjunct faculty, especially those<br />

working full-<strong>time</strong> in professional positions, help the transition of students into the real world<br />

work force and provide valuable contacts (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998;<br />

Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Roueche et al., 1995).<br />

Often, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty provide a pool of talented, motivated teachers (McGuire, 1993).<br />

Although some argue that part-<strong>time</strong>rs do not have proper pedagogical skills or understanding of<br />

new teaching methods (Digranes & Digranes, 1995; Kelly, 1990), there are several studies that<br />

discuss the advantages of hiring part-<strong>time</strong> faculty instructors (Avakian, 1995; Kelly 1990;<br />

Roderer & Weissbecker, 1990; Selvadurai, 1990; Spangler, 1990).<br />

Another benefit is using older faculty who are moving into a semi-retired or even retired<br />

stages. These individuals can teach part-<strong>time</strong> allowing them to remain a part of the institution as<br />

well as providing expertise and continuity (Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Lee, 1997).<br />

Disadvantages of <strong>Using</strong> <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

With the many benefits, the literature also cites real, perceived, and potential problems<br />

with using part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. With more part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, there is the belief that the quality of<br />

programs may be affected because these individuals may not be able or want to participate in, or<br />

even be concerned with, institutional activities such as inter/intra-departmental collegiality,<br />

governance, course content, curriculum development, faculty-student interaction, and student<br />

advising (Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Haeger, 1998; Lee, 1997; Roueche et al., 1995). This section<br />


will discuss the institutional problems resulting from use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty addressed in the<br />

literature.<br />

Effect on Full-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

A 1988 Commission On The Future Of Community Colleges stated that “within the next<br />

12 years, approximately 40% of all community college faculty who now teach will retire”<br />

(Banachowski, 1996b, p. 7) with many of these positions being filled by part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

(Engleberg, 1993; Mangan, 1991). With the increasing use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, decreasing<br />

number of full-<strong>time</strong> positions, and extra pay for course overloads, there may be a harmful effect<br />

on full-<strong>time</strong> faculty (Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Twigg, 1989).<br />

Another significant impact from the overuse of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is that it may create a<br />

“false economy” (Gappa & Leslie, 1993). Although economical savings from the use of part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty may be perceived, the cost to faculty within departments may be significant with<br />

increased responsibilities to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty in areas such as advising, curriculum development,<br />

and program coordination (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Gappa &<br />

Leslie, 1993; Mize, 1998; Styne, 1997). Furthermore, the savings may be offset by lack of<br />

program coherence, reduced faculty involvement with students, and reduced student learning<br />

(American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998).<br />

An additional “hidden cost” of using part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is the growing costs of<br />

unemployment benefits to institutions (Nance & Culverhouse, 1991-92). Many states require<br />

only a short period of work <strong>time</strong> to qualify for unemployment, and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are utilizing<br />

this system to compensate for breaks in their employment. Interestingly, Nance & Culverhouse<br />

note that most deans and department heads are usually unaware of this problem.<br />

Professionalism of <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

With part-<strong>time</strong> faculty numbers growing in community colleges, there is the potential for<br />

community college faculties to become predominantly part-<strong>time</strong> (Lee, 1997). Clark (1988)<br />

believed that the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty would affect the professionalism of the institution’s<br />

faculty claiming that using adjuncts is “a disaster for the professorate… Nothing<br />

deprofessionalizes an occupation faster and more thoroughly than the transformation of full-<strong>time</strong><br />

posts into part-<strong>time</strong> labor” (p. 9). In addition, Clark (1997) noted that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty have<br />

long been in marginalized positions with little influence over decisions and little opportunity to<br />

be an active member of the collegiate environment. Overuse of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty lessens<br />


opportunities for academic professions and may lead to lower salaries for entering, full-<strong>time</strong>,<br />

tenure-track faculty that may lead to diminished quality of faculty recruits in undergraduate<br />

education (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998).<br />

Quality of Teaching<br />

Another concern for the institution is the quality of teaching provided by adjuncts. The<br />

belief by many in academe is that the quality of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is not as good as full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty (Mize, 1998). German’s (1996) survey of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty showed that 80% believed<br />

that use of adjunct faculty had a negative affect on academic excellence. Lankard (1993) noted<br />

that many part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are hired for their professional abilities and expertise but may have<br />

little training in teaching skills; however, there are studies that support this “belief” as well as<br />

ones that challenge it.<br />

Thompson (1992b) and Samuel (1989) believed that academic integrity is undermined<br />

because using part-<strong>time</strong> faculty leads to a differentiation in teaching services (See also<br />

Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b). Digranes and Digranes (1995) credited this differentiation with<br />

the failure of many part-<strong>time</strong>rs to incorporate new teaching methods. This is evident in Kelly’s<br />

(1990) study of teaching methods used by faculty at Fullerton College in California; 93% of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty used the traditional lecture method.<br />

Critics believe a differentiation in teaching makes part-<strong>time</strong> faculty less effective than<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. In a single site case study, Spangler’s study of reading and writing<br />

examinations at Los Angeles Valley College indicated that students of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty did not<br />

score as well as students of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty (1990; Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Mize, 1997).<br />

Burgess & Samuel (1999) found that when studying retention and academic performance for<br />

either developmental or regular courses, students who took a first course in a two course series<br />

from an adjunct instructor and the second course from a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor seemed under<br />

prepared for the second course. Also, the American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors (1998)<br />

believes that excessive use of and reliance on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in lower-level courses may lead<br />

to a greater number of entering or under prepared students causing a disadvantage for more<br />

advanced students.<br />

MacFarland’s (1998) study on grades awarded by part- and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty found that<br />

adjunct faculty awarded more successful grades than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. This study agreed with<br />

Fedler’s (1989) study that supported the opinion that part-<strong>time</strong>rs are not as difficult or<br />


demanding on students as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Fedler compared students’ grades and found that<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty awarded higher grades than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty in all three institutions studied.<br />

Banachowski (1996a) noted that although differentiation in grades of students instructed by part-<br />

and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty may raise concern, the results may be interpreted from a different<br />

perspective. Are part-<strong>time</strong>rs easier instructors, or are they more effective in helping students<br />

meet learning objectives? If they are more effective, more research on full-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s<br />

teaching skills is needed (Banachowski, 1996a).<br />

As previously discussed, many believe part-<strong>time</strong> instructors are inferior to full-<strong>time</strong><br />

instructors. Research does not necessarily back this perspective; there is only limited research<br />

that supports the belief that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are less effective teachers than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

There are several studies that found little to no difference between full- and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

when focusing on the following aspects: instruction (Bolge, 1995; Sworder, 1987), student<br />

success rates (Bolge, 1995; Iadevaia, 1991) student performance based on grade differentiation<br />

(Stovall, 1994, as cited in Banachowski, 1996a), students’ post-test scores (Bolge, 1995), when<br />

there was a control for discipline (Lowther et al., 1990, as cited in Banachowski, 1996), or in<br />

overall quality of instruction (Roueche et al., 1995).<br />

Rifkin (1998) surveyed 1,554 faculty members at community colleges around the country<br />

and found that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty had greater expectations for student learning and achievement<br />

than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. This seems to contrast with the popular notion that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty have<br />

lower expectations of students. Rifkin believed that this refutes previous findings that part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty inflate grades (Fedler, 1989) or undermine instructional quality (Thompson, 1992b).<br />

There are several studies that show that part- and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty use similar<br />

instructional methods (Kelly, 1992; Impara, Hoerner, Clowes, & Alkins, 1991). Furthermore,<br />

Rhodes (1996) found that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, deans, division directors and department heads all<br />

rated similarly on teaching priorities with determining course goals, using a variety of teaching<br />

methods, and clearly defining performance objectives as high priorities. The American<br />

Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors (1998) discussed a study using a single course, section by<br />

section review that found the quality of part- and full-<strong>time</strong> instructors were equivalent with the<br />

available measures. Bogg’s (as cited in Banachowski, 1996a) study of freshmen at Butte<br />

College found no difference in students’ performances based on having a part- or full-<strong>time</strong><br />

instructor.<br />


Impact on Students<br />

There are also disadvantages that impact students when using adjunct faculty. Adjuncts<br />

are less likely to have offices or hold office hours, which leads to fewer interactions with<br />

students (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998; Balch, 1999; Brewer & Gray,<br />

2000; Mize, 1998; Weglarz, 1998). As discussed previously, students are often hesitant to take<br />

classes from adjunct instructors due to the fear they will not get the full value of their tuition<br />

money because of inferior teaching ability. “The students don’t pay any less (tuition) when they<br />

are taught by a part-<strong>time</strong> instructor” (Finucane & Algren, 1997, p. 44). Also, students find that<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty teaches many core classes that create the foundation for their studies, possibly<br />

leaving them at a disadvantage (American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998).<br />

Critique of Key Research<br />

The following section discusses key research studies chosen for critique. These studies<br />

were selected primarily because they are qualitative studies that deal with part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Gappa and Leslie (1993) dealt directly with part-<strong>time</strong> faculty with a focus on various types of<br />

institutions, interviewing administration, full-<strong>time</strong>, and part-<strong>time</strong> personnel. Roueche et al.’s<br />

(1995) study dealt directly with community colleges and has both a quantitative and qualitative<br />

component. Other studies critiqued dealt with particular types of faculty or areas of interest.<br />

Gappa and Leslie (1993) interviewed, individually and in groups, chief academic<br />

officers, deans, department chairs, tenured faculty members involved in governance and<br />

development, and adjunct faculty (a total of 467) at 18 colleges and universities to ascertain the<br />

status of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and to better understand the problems faced by such a large number of<br />

individuals who teach in our institutions. The institutions were a representation of all types<br />

within higher education with some chosen because of specific policies and practices on part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty. Information gathered included part-<strong>time</strong>rs’ educational and employment backgrounds<br />

and their perceptions of their jobs and information on institutional policies and practices on<br />

adjuncts, as well as administrators’ and senior faculties’ views on the benefits and weaknesses of<br />

using adjuncts. Along with the interview data, written policies, procedures, handbooks, and<br />

other materials collected were analyzed.<br />

Although the actual methodology is discussed only briefly in their book, the researchers<br />

were able to provide for trustworthiness and authenticity in their study by establishing<br />

transferability and credibility from several perspectives. First, they used 18 institutions in their<br />


study that provided for greater generalization. Secondly, the use of two researchers and the<br />

collection of data from both part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and administrators improved triangulation. Also<br />

strengthening their study was the use of various sources for their document analysis, including<br />

policies and practices from the institutional and state level, legislation, court documentation, and<br />

other materials. Overall, the study was very well done, and it provided useful information about<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

The result of this study is the book, The Invisible <strong>Faculty</strong>: Improving the Status of <strong>Part</strong>-<br />

<strong>time</strong>rs in Higher Education. The book provided an investigation of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in higher<br />

education. It carefully examined the myths and realities surrounding part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Findings<br />

of the study, dispersed throughout the literature review, include the following: who serves as<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty including demographic and employment profiles; what forces lead to the use of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, how usage is affected by fiscal issues; when and why institutions employ<br />

adjuncts; and what institutional policies and practices are in place. From their study, Gappa and<br />

Leslie developed 43 recommended practices for institutions when dealing with part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

(See Appendix D).<br />

Gappa and Leslie concluded “a college or university strengthens itself through the wise<br />

use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty” (p. 277). Therefore, they encouraged institutions to take a proactive<br />

approach to dealing with part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Unfortunately, the status quo is often difficult to<br />

overcome within institutions and policy-making arenas. Furthermore, they warned against the<br />

exploitation of adjuncts believing that institutions can do serious long-term damage to the<br />

academic integrity by overlooking, overusing, and abusing part-<strong>time</strong>rs.<br />

They also concluded that issues of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty will have to be addressed in order to<br />

ensure the quality of the curriculum. With part-<strong>time</strong>rs carrying a large amount of the teaching<br />

load, especially in the lower-level, often foundational classes, it is important to ensure they are<br />

quality instructors. Furthermore, the adjunct faculty provide a large pool of potential full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty from which institutions may draw. This is extremely important to ensure enough quality<br />

teachers for the large number of students who will be entering the postsecondary system.<br />

Gappa and Leslie believed that much is to be gained by understanding part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

and integrating them into the academic institution at all levels of participation. These faculty<br />

members are skilled teachers that can and do strengthen the academic programs and the overall<br />

institution.<br />


Roueche, Roueche, and Milliron (1995) built on Gappa and Leslie’s 1993 study creating<br />

a profile of community college part-<strong>time</strong> faculty from the administrators’ perspectives. The two-<br />

part study, consisting of a national survey combined with telephone interviews resulted in the<br />

book, Strangers in Their Own Land: <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> in American Community Colleges. The<br />

study had three goals: to review important issues in the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty debate, to describe the<br />

current extent of community colleges’ reliance on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, and to identify and<br />

showcase selected successful part-<strong>time</strong> faculty utilization and integration programs (p. 23).<br />

The researchers surveyed a stratified random sample of member colleges of the American<br />

Association of Community Colleges (AACC) with an overall response rate of 62.4%, which is<br />

higher than a typical national mail survey. With the inevitable limitations, Roueche et al. (1995)<br />

contend that the data effectively represented “trends in the employment of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in<br />

AACC member colleges” (p. 27).<br />

From the study, the following data were reported, and conclusions were made:<br />

1. 58.3% of all faculty in AACC institutions are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty with district and larger<br />

community colleges more likely to employ part-<strong>time</strong> faculty than smaller institutions.<br />

2. Of the credit hours taught, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty taught 33.6% while full-<strong>time</strong> faculty taught<br />

66.3%; no distinction was made for noncredit hours.<br />

3. The salary range was $424 per course to $3,852 per course with the mean salary at<br />

$1,197. Furthermore, institutions that paid full-<strong>time</strong> faculty more tended to pay part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty more.<br />

4. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty benefits were offered by less than 24 institutions. Where benefits were<br />

offered, few part-<strong>time</strong> faculty met the minimum requirements.<br />

5. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> students are more likely than full-<strong>time</strong> students to be taught by part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty because part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are more likely to teach at <strong>time</strong>s, the level, and the type<br />

of courses in which part-<strong>time</strong> students enroll.<br />

6. 54% of the respondents agreed that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty would increase in the future, and 26<br />

% felt it would remain the same.<br />

7. The selection and hiring process was ranked as the most important process in the use of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. The remaining issues were ranked in the following order of<br />

importance: orientation, evaluation, recruitment, staff development, involvement in<br />

college life, and retention of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (pg. 37).<br />


In the second part of the research, respondents to the survey were asked to recommend<br />

institutions that had exceptional part-<strong>time</strong> faculty programs and policies. From the referential<br />

sampling, telephone interviews were conducted with 30 community colleges (including three<br />

from <strong>Florida</strong>: St. Petersburg Junior College, Indian River Community College, Valencia<br />

Community College) using a set of thematic questions centering on the issues of recruitment,<br />

selection, orientation, integration, evaluation, and retention of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. This<br />

information was then placed into an ACCESS database and compared across institutions. The<br />

remainder of the book is the result of the telephone interviews.<br />

The researchers concluded that community “colleges must take serious steps toward<br />

improving the utilization and integration of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty” (p. 154). To establish such a plan,<br />

the researchers recommended the following steps based on their interviews:<br />

1. All part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be recruited, selected, and hired with clear purpose and<br />

direction.<br />

2. All part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be required to participate in substantial orientation activities<br />

and provided with faculty support structures.<br />

3. All part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be required to participate in professional development<br />

activities.<br />

4. All part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be integrated into the life of the institution.<br />

5. The performance of all part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be evaluated as seriously and<br />

consistently as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

6. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty should have equitable pay schedules (p. 154-156).<br />

Roueche et al.’s study provided excellent insight into the policies and practices of<br />

community college institutions. The survey provided information specifically focused on part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty in community colleges while the telephone interviews provided unique insight into<br />

community colleges with successful part-<strong>time</strong> faculty policies. To establish trustworthiness,<br />

transferability was established through the use of purposive sampling. The use of multiple<br />

sources established credibility through triangulation. The use of a qualitative and quantitative<br />

component also improved reliability and validity.<br />

The results of the study are from the administration’s point of view. With the exception<br />

of approximately three full-<strong>time</strong> faculty members, the remaining interviewees were<br />

administrators. There is no indication of any interviews with part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Gappa & Leslie<br />


(1993) and Roueche et al. (1995) make an excellent foundation to study part-<strong>time</strong> faculties’ at<br />

community colleges.<br />

Finucane & Algren’s (1997) pilot study investigated the socialization of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

in academic settings utilizing the theoretical framework of Van Maanen‘s (1975) three stage<br />

socialization process: anticipatory socialization, entry/encounter phase, and the metamorphosis.<br />

To obtain their data, the researchers used in-depth interviews of eight part-<strong>time</strong> faculty members<br />

from different institutions in the Northeast Ohio area; four participants were strangers to the<br />

researchers, and the other four were casually known on the professional level. All interviews<br />

were audio-taped and transcribed and were approximately 30-45 minutes in length.<br />

The following are the key findings from the eight part-<strong>time</strong>r instructors’ “breaking in”<br />

periods: 1) <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> employees often felt isolated and lamented not being able to establish<br />

professional and personal relationships with peers. 2) <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty believed the lack of<br />

professional development could have serious consequences on the quality of the classroom<br />

instruction and their own career advancement. 3) Those who have had extensive experience in<br />

the classroom, college or high school level, were more likely to be satisfied with socialization<br />

opportunities available to them. (p.17)<br />

There are three issues to address when critiquing the study. First, although the study was<br />

titled as a “pilot study,” the researchers did not discuss at length the limitations of their findings.<br />

Most notably, the small sample size provides for limited generalization, but using faculty from<br />

differing institutions, a multi-case study, does provide for greater generalization. Secondly, the<br />

issues of triangulation, reliability, confirmability and dependability were not addressed. Finally,<br />

when presenting the results of the study, the researchers’ use of actual dialogue provides<br />

emphasis to their findings, but examples should have been limited to one per finding/issue. A<br />

possible way to incorporate more findings would be an appendix of excerpts from the transcripts.<br />

William’s (1994) study of Yavapai College is a good example of a single site case study.<br />

He discussed the evolution of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty evaluation policy implemented by Yavapai.<br />

Yavapai used three forms of evaluations: standardized student forms, administrative in-class<br />

evaluations, and self-analysis evaluations.<br />

Williams gave a thorough but succinct description of the institution including its history<br />

to date. He provided the reasons for implementing the evaluation process, the types of<br />

evaluations, and the process of developing the evaluations.<br />


The sample used in this study was a report for 30 instructors for the 1986 Fall semester.<br />

Furthermore, the institution has an ongoing process of reviewing student evaluations and<br />

comparing them with district information and administrative and self-analysis evaluations.<br />

Through their analysis of the evaluations over <strong>time</strong>, Yavapai has found that students are<br />

honest about the instructors and courses with a close comparison of students’ evaluations and<br />

observer’s in-class view. Through the development of their evaluation policy, Yavapai has<br />

found that “completing the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty evaluation is important if:<br />

1. the instruments collect the proper information<br />

2. the results of the evaluation are truly reviewed<br />

3. prescription for improvement is available<br />

4. the institution wants part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to feel important in what they do and be able to<br />

improve teaching<br />

5. the institutions want the clients (the students) to feel that they have some part in<br />

institutional change and control over their own learning environment” (p. 40).<br />

As with Finucane & Algren’s (1997) study, generalizability is a key problem with this<br />

single-site case study. Williams’s intent, however, was not to provide a theoretical framework<br />

but to provide a strong case on how an evaluation policy can and should be implemented.<br />

Grenzke (1998) studied how adjunct faculty were affected by “quality issues.” The<br />

National Education Association’s Higher Education Research Center conducted extensive<br />

interviews of 396 union and 404 non-union members of part-<strong>time</strong> faculties from four states:<br />

California, Washington, Minnesota, and Michigan. The states were chosen because they were<br />

geographically diverse, had both voluntary membership and agency-fee bargaining units, and<br />

had a significant number of part-<strong>time</strong>rs who belong to the union (p. 1). The report can be viewed<br />

as two separate studies since the findings between union and non-union adjuncts were not<br />

combined, and the author suggested that if there are different results for the members and non-<br />

members, the non-members were more typical of the representation. Furthermore, the author<br />

emphasized that this study was not intended to represent part-<strong>time</strong> faculty nationwide.<br />

The findings in the study are the following: 1) two-thirds of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty held<br />

other jobs; 2) approximately one-half spent less than 20 hours per week at their other jobs; 3)<br />

they were experienced and provided a stable workforce for their institutions; 4) approximately<br />

half earned less than $2,500 per course; 5) humanities, English, and language had the highest<br />


percentage of faculty; 6) more women preferred part-<strong>time</strong> for personal reasons; 7) there were<br />

fewer multi-year contracts than in 1993; 8) adjuncts in states with bargaining units were much<br />

more likely to hold office hours than those in 1993; 9) adjuncts were much more likely to be<br />

evaluated by students and administration than peers; 10) future employment was dependent on<br />

formal evaluation for just over half of adjunct faculty (p. i).<br />

There are several problems with Grenzke’s report. First, the report is presented in<br />

graphical form, and it is difficult to understand the information. Also, there is no information on<br />

the actual questions asked in the interviews. Third, the article did not cite any supporting<br />

research other than the NSOPF (1993). Fourth, the presentation of the information does not<br />

provide any information on why the study was conducted or the methodology of the study.<br />

Although the information presented from this study is useful if one can decipher it, a much<br />

greater impact would be made if it were presented in a more thorough manner. The size of the<br />

sample could provide for generalizations, at least within the four states studied, but the limited<br />

information presented is a hindrance.<br />

Benjamin (1998) used the 1993 NSOPF to study characteristics of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty by<br />

general fields of research and instruction. Although quantitative in design, it dealt directly with<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and fields of study that are pertinent to this research project. He divided faculty<br />

into two clusters: a vocationally oriented cluster (VOC) and a liberal-arts-oriented cluster<br />

(LOC). He concluded the following information for each cluster:<br />

Vocationally oriented part-<strong>time</strong> faculty better fit the “typical” picture of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

They brought more advanced preparation and “real-life” experience to the classroom. They<br />

were more likely to have outside jobs that allowed them to work at lower paying, part-<strong>time</strong><br />

wages. They required less out-of-class <strong>time</strong> for grading and office hours, and they enjoyed the<br />

benefits of working part-<strong>time</strong> such as professional contribution to their institutions.<br />

The liberal-arts-cluster of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were much more discontent than the VOC<br />

part-<strong>time</strong>rs. They were much more dependent on their wages, had less job security, lower<br />

household incomes, and a greater obligation to perform uncompensated, nonacademic work.<br />

They were less likely than VOC part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to have degrees beyond the master’s level.<br />

Benjamin concluded the LOC part-<strong>time</strong> faculty felt “constrained and economically vulnerable”<br />

(p. 58).<br />


Benjamin noted that more research needed to be conducted on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty,<br />

especially considering that a large number of lower level, liberal arts classes are being taught by<br />

LOC part-<strong>time</strong> faculty who are undercompensated and insecure. He further advocated study of<br />

these individuals because of “the educational consequences of shifting lower-division, liberal<br />

arts instruction to faculty who have negative performance incentives and lack the <strong>time</strong> and<br />

security essential for excellent instruction” (p. 59).<br />

Benjamin provided useful quantitative information on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. This analysis<br />

provided further proof that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty have differing needs and desires within the various<br />

fields of study and research, and these differences need to be determined to provide more useful<br />

information to those who hire and support part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Antony & Valadez (1998) conducted a study of job satisfaction among part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

at different types of postsecondary institutions. The researchers utilized the 1993 NSOPF data,<br />

which sampled 974 institutions and 31,354 faculty, for their study. From the NSOPF data, part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty members, whose primary responsibility was teaching, were used for analysis; 7,522<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty responses were utilized in the study. Although the survey addressed various<br />

aspects of faculty work, Antony & Valadez focused their study on the 15 items that pertained to<br />

job satisfaction. Utilizing an exploratory factor analysis, they grouped 14 of the items into three<br />

dimensions: Satisfaction with Personal Autonomy (alpha = .87) measured how satisfied faculty<br />

are with their authority to develop course content and work independently (p. 10); Satisfaction<br />

with Students (alpha = .79) measured satisfaction with the <strong>time</strong> available to advise students and<br />

quality of students (p. 11); and Satisfaction with Demands and Rewards (alpha = .77) measured<br />

satisfaction with work loads, job security, opportunities for pay and advancement, and pay or<br />

benefits (p. 11). The final variable, Overall Job Satisfaction, was used as a global measure of job<br />

satisfaction (p. 8).<br />

In addition, the researchers conducted analyses of the mean satisfaction of all the<br />

variables as a function of several socio-demographic variables and institutional type.<br />

Comparisons were made between full- and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and between part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at<br />

two- and four-year institutions.<br />

Antony and Valadez found that full-<strong>time</strong> faculty were significantly more likely than part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty to be satisfied with autonomy and students. Interestingly, full- and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

were equally satisfied with the demands and rewards of their jobs. From the overall job<br />


satisfaction indicator, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were significantly more satisfied with their jobs than full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty, a contradiction of a popular notion of part-<strong>time</strong>rs’ disenchantment with academic<br />

work (p. 12-13).<br />

There are several other interesting findings in the study. The study showed that full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty were more likely to leave their current jobs for a tenure track position and view tenure as<br />

a necessity for engaging in academic work (p. 13). Antony & Valadez noted that this did not<br />

support another belief—part-<strong>time</strong>rs were just biding their <strong>time</strong> until they can obtain a tenured,<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> position. Furthermore, full-<strong>time</strong> faculty were more likely to move to a job with better<br />

benefits, research facilities, job opportunities for spouses, and geographic location.<br />

From the institutional perspective, little difference was found between part-<strong>time</strong>rs at two-<br />

and four- year institutions when asked whether they would choose an academic career again;<br />

both indicated a strong commitment to academic work. However, part-<strong>time</strong>rs at two-year<br />

institutions were more likely to leave their current jobs for ones with a higher salary, tenure-<br />

track positions, increased job security, opportunities for job advancement, better benefits, better<br />

instructional facilities and equipment, greater opportunity to teach, and greater opportunities for<br />

administrative responsibilities (p. 17).<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty at four-year institutions were more likely to move to a new position that<br />

had better research facilities, which implies that they may be more research oriented. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty at four-year institutions were significantly more satisfied with autonomy which may stem<br />

from the fact that two-year institutions are more centralized leaving faculty with less of a voice.<br />

They were also more satisfied with the students than their two-year counterparts, but part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty at two-year institutions had greater overall job satisfaction (p < .001).<br />

Antony & Valadez concluded that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were satisfied with their roles.<br />

Furthermore, it may also be concluded that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty do not have many of the duties<br />

imposed on full-<strong>time</strong> faculty allowing them to do what they most enjoy—teach; thereby creating<br />

increased job satisfaction.<br />

In critiquing Antony and Valadez study, their methodology was sound. The data source<br />

for the study was the 1993 NSOPF findings. The large sample (31,354 faculty) and high<br />

response rate (86.6%) provided a good source for generalizing findings. Also, the sample of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty from the NSOPF study was 29.2% of the overall sample. Although Antony and<br />

Valadez did not discuss limitations in length, the strong sample size and thorough evaluation of<br />


the data provided useful, valid, and reliable findings and conclusions. Furthermore, they<br />

provided a framework and foundation for future research in full- and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s job<br />

satisfaction.<br />

Further research needs to be done to determine why part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are more satisfied<br />

with their jobs overall while being less satisfied with autonomy and students. Also, dimensions<br />

of satisfaction and models and policies that increase satisfaction need to be studied.<br />

Job Satisfaction: A Theoretical Framework<br />

Job satisfaction has been defined in numerous ways. For the purpose of this study, it is<br />

defined as “how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs” (Spector, 1997,<br />

pg. 2). Spector gave three reasons for studying job satisfaction: 1) humanitarian perspective–<br />

individuals deserve fair treatment and respect in their job; 2) utilitarian perspective–how an<br />

individual is treated often leads to the employee’s behaviors that can affect organizational<br />

functioning, both positively and negatively; and 3) organizational functioning–understanding<br />

employees’ job satisfaction within various units can pinpoint troubled areas (p. 2).<br />

Why is job satisfaction important? There can be both positive and negative ramifications<br />

to job satisfaction that may affect job performance, employee behavior, employee physical and<br />

psychological well-being, and life satisfaction (Spector, 1997). Understanding these<br />

consequences can help organizations to provide better working environments for employees as<br />

well as endeavor to improve employee productivity.<br />

One of the earliest studies of job satisfaction was conducted by Frederick Herzberg and<br />

his colleagues in 1959 (Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman). Herzberg et al. discussed the two-<br />

factor approach to job satisfaction, which included hygienes and motivators. Herzberg et al.<br />

believed that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction were parallel as opposed to opposite of each<br />

other. Hayes (1984) noted that these factors were based on extrinsic (hygienes) and intrinsic<br />

factors (motivators), where extrinsic factors related to the content of the job and intrinsic factors<br />

related to the context of the job.<br />

Hygiene factors include supervision, interpersonal relations, physical working conditions,<br />

salary, company policies and administrative practices, benefits, and job security. “When these<br />

factors deteriorate to a level below that which the employee considers acceptable, then job<br />

dissatisfaction ensures. However the reverse does not hold true” (Herzberg, 1959, p. 113). If<br />

these hygiene factors are not sufficiently met, the result can be lower job satisfaction if not<br />


properly addressed; however, high levels of satisfaction are not guaranteed if the hygiene factors<br />

are present (Rainey, 2001).<br />

Herzberg et al. felt that positive job attitudes derived from an individual’s need for self-<br />

actualization, which ties into Maslow’s (1954) hierarchy of needs. Herzberg et al. defined these<br />

job factors as motivators. Motivators include achievement, recognition, the work itself,<br />

responsibility, and personal growth/advancement. Although both hygienes and motivators meet<br />

the needs of the employee, Herzberg et al. noted that motivators were the factors that improved<br />

job satisfaction and helped to improve job performance, while satisfaction of hygiene needs<br />

helped to prevent job dissatisfaction.<br />

Another theory of job satisfaction is the need gratification theory proposed by Wolf<br />

(1970). This theory also derives its framework from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and has two<br />

factors that are similar to Herzberg et al.: the context factor (hygiene) and the content factor<br />

(motivator). According to Wolf (1970), job motivation is affected by Maslow’s hierarchy and an<br />

individual “will actively seek to gratify his active need or needs” (p. 91). Depending on the<br />

individual’s hierarchy level, the impact of content or context elements can either increase or<br />

decrease job satisfaction. Context elements include company policy and administration, working<br />

conditions, job security, technical supervision, status, and interpersonal relations with superiors<br />

and peers. Content elements include achievement, recognition for achievement, the work itself,<br />

responsibility, and personal growth and advancement (p. 91).<br />

Herzberg found that salary could serve as either a motivator or hygiene. In addition, the<br />

perception of equity as opposed to level of salary had a greater impact on the individual’s job<br />

satisfaction or dissatisfaction. As with Herzberg, Wolf believed that salary could be seen as a<br />

satisfier or dissatisfier and classified it as a context element. “According to need gratification<br />

theory, salary will act as a motivator only when an individual has a high expectancy that he can<br />

increase his salary (and thus obtain the various gratifications additional income can buy) through<br />

job-related behaviors, that is, when he sees a direct relationship between pay and job<br />

performance” (p. 92). Beck (2000) described this perception as equity theory, which suggests<br />

that “there is greater job satisfaction if the worker perceives that the return for her or his work is<br />

equitable” (p. 410). One of the main criticisms of Herzberg’s theory is that he did not feel salary<br />

had a significant impact on job satisfaction or motivation. Lawler (1971), who disagreed with<br />

Herzberg et al., cited numerous surveys that showed the importance of salary on motivation and<br />


satisfaction because it was an indicator of the motivators such as performance, achievement, and<br />

recognition.<br />

Although one would think that high job satisfaction would imply high job performance,<br />

research shows only a moderate correlation with job performance (Iaffaldano & Muchinsky,<br />

1985; Petty, McGee, & Cavender, 1984). Research indicates a better correlation with job<br />

satisfaction when job performance is tied to rewards (Jacobs & Solomon, 1977). To date, a<br />

thorough explanation of the cause of these relationships has not been determined (See Spector).<br />

Use of part-<strong>time</strong> workers is increasing in many organizations, and the motive is usually<br />

fiscal (Spector, 1997). <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong>rs are often paid less and cost less to the employer because<br />

benefits, such as medical and retirement, are not required. Yet, part-<strong>time</strong> employees often do the<br />

same work as full-<strong>time</strong> employees. Therefore, the logical conclusion to make is that they would<br />

be less satisfied with their jobs; however, research on part-<strong>time</strong> work schedules and job<br />

satisfaction has conflicting results.<br />

With the continually growing population and general understanding that use of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty is here to stay, little research has been conducted on the job satisfaction of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty in community colleges or any postsecondary institutions. In the limited research that has<br />

been conducted, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s overall job satisfaction is high and often greater than full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty’s (Antony & Valadez, 1998; Eberhardt and Shani, 1984; Gappa, 2000; Jackofsky<br />

and Peters, 1987; Truell, et al., 1998; Tuckman, 1978; Weglarz, 1998). Also, the research<br />

supports the belief that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are less satisfied in specific areas such as wage<br />

differentials, autonomy, students, co-workers, supervision, and rewards (Antony & Valadez,<br />

1998; Feldman, 1990; Hagedorn, 1996; Miller & Terborg, 1979; Williams & Wiatrk, 1986).<br />

Furthermore, the research show that these lower levels of satisfaction stemmed from the<br />

following: problems with salary differentiation, lack of negotiating power, limited benefits, low<br />

academic status, role ambiguity, institutional culture, lack of morale among adjuncts, limited<br />

orientation, integration, and professional development (Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Cohen,<br />

1992; Gappa, 2000; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Gappa & Leslie, 1997; Hagedorn, 1996; Hoerner,<br />

1991; Jacobs, 1998; Kelly, 1991; Langenberg, 1998; McGuire, 1993; Monroe & Denham, 1991;<br />

Pollington, 1992; Roueche et al., 1995).<br />


In analyzing job satisfaction of faculty, Hagedorn (2000a) provided a conceptual<br />

framework. In developing the framework, she focused on mediators and triggers that lead to a<br />

job satisfaction continuum.<br />

“A mediator is a variable or a situation that influences (moderates) outcomes and<br />

relationships between other variables or situations” (Hagedorn, 2000b, p. 1). Hagedorn’s<br />

framework included three types of mediators: motivators and hygienes, demographics, and<br />

environmental conditions. The first mediator incorporated Herzberg’s motivators and hygienes<br />

including achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, and salary. Demographics in her<br />

model included gender, ethnicity, institutional type, and academic discipline. Finally, the<br />

environmental conditions she evaluated were collegial relationships, student quality or<br />

relationships, administration, and institutional climate or culture.<br />

Triggers are the changes or transfers that occur throughout a faculty’s career. Hagedorn<br />

included changes in the following areas as triggers: life stage, family-related or personal<br />

circumstances, rank or tenure, institution, perceived justice, and mood or emotional state. All of<br />

these triggers lead to a change on the job satisfaction continuum.<br />

Hagedorn (2000b) recognized that job satisfaction runs on a continuum and has<br />

pinpointed and labeled three specific points on the continuum: disengagement,<br />

acceptance/tolerance, and appreciation. In her study, Hagedorn placed most of the faculty<br />

somewhere between the disengagement and appreciation; they have “accepted and evolved with<br />

their work-related roles” (p. 9). Furthermore, she found that the triggers in the study led to<br />

certain levels of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction tended to increase with advanced life stages.<br />

Married faculty had higher levels of job satisfaction than single, separated, or divorced faculty.<br />

<strong>Faculty</strong> who recently changed rank or moved to a new institution had lower levels of job<br />

satisfaction. Finally, faculty who had a higher level of perceived justice tended to have higher<br />

job satisfaction. Hagedorn concluded that overall job satisfaction can be affected by her three<br />

pronged model.<br />

Based on Hagedorn’s conceptual theory and job satisfaction research in organizations<br />

and with part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, this study explored the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty through the lens of job<br />

satisfaction. The study addressed the following research questions:<br />

1. What are the demographic characteristics and academic backgrounds of the part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty participants of the study in the three community colleges studied?<br />


2. What are the reasons for teaching part-<strong>time</strong> of the faculty participants in the three<br />

community colleges studied?<br />

3. What are the job satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty participants<br />

in the three community colleges studied?<br />

4. Are there differences in the perceptions or experiences of the community college<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty studied?<br />

5. What are the institutional influences and policies affecting the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

at the community colleges studied?<br />

Conclusion<br />

The American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors (1998) concluded, “a part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty shouldering a significant share-both in size and educational importance-of undergraduate<br />

teaching has become practically indispensable to the functioning of U.S. higher education”<br />

(American Association of <strong>University</strong> Professors, 1998, p. 56). Roueche et al. (1995) concluded<br />

that “internal demands, such as the increasing number and diversity of students, and external<br />

demands, such as burgeoning technological advancements and competitive global markets, warn<br />

us that maintaining the status quo is an irrational, foolhardy, if not suicidal, response to<br />

inevitable change” (p. 24). Therefore, it is imperative that institutions understand the needs of<br />

the future.<br />

The research on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty focuses on a variety of areas, much of it opinions. If<br />

one is coming from the position that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are here to stay, thoroughly understanding<br />

what type of individual serves as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and why they choose to be adjuncts is<br />

paramount to making them an integral part of the higher education arena.<br />


CHAPTER 3<br />


Introduction<br />

Although there is empirical data on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty through the National Center for<br />

Education Statistics’ (NCES) NSOPF and other studies, it is difficult to understand the<br />

experiences of individual adjuncts without one-on-one conversations. In exploratory research<br />

that delves into the attitudes of individuals, it is important to have a descriptive, in-depth<br />

understanding of the context, setting, and subjects’ frames of reference (Marshall & Rossman,<br />

1989).<br />

According to Wilson (1977), the traditional research techniques such as the laboratory or<br />

questionnaire have become artifacts that leave the subjects suspicious and wary, or the subjects,<br />

being aware of what the researcher may want, try to please them. Wilson also noted that, often,<br />

the subjects do not know their own feelings and actions. Therefore, it is difficult for them to<br />

articulate a response to questionnaires. Wilson espouses that a researcher “cannot understand<br />

human behavior without understanding the framework within which subjects interpret their<br />

thoughts, feelings, and actions” (p. 249). While it is important to understand the framework,<br />

researchers can impose their world on subjects and destroy valuable data through use of coding<br />

and standardized, objective approaches. Therefore, field study research can better explore the<br />

processes and meanings of events (Marshall & Rossman, 1989; Wilson, 1977). In order to<br />

provide information that will be useful to empirical researchers, policy makers, and practitioners,<br />

this study utilized field research through the case study method.<br />

Overview of Data Collection<br />

This collective case study (Stake, 1995) involved site visits to three community colleges<br />

in the state of <strong>Florida</strong>. Throughout this report, the three institutions studied will be referred to by<br />

a general description: Transfer Community College (TCC), Rural Community College (RCC),<br />


and Urban Community College (UCC). The selection of these institutions was based on<br />

accessibility to the campus by the researcher and the demographics of the institution including<br />

student headcount and geographic service area.<br />

The researcher used a multi-method of data collection including focus groups, in-depth<br />

interviews, and document analysis. In-depth interviews were conducted with chief academic<br />

officers and campus or departmental adjunct faculty coordinators, if available. Focus groups<br />

consisting of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty members from different academic disciplines were conducted on<br />

each campus. In-depth interviews were also used for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to provide a follow-up to<br />

the focus groups. Each interview and focus group was taped and transcribed to improve<br />

accuracy. In addition, the interviewer took field notes to supplement the transcribed interviews.<br />

Finally, documentation on the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty was collected from two sources.<br />

First, institutional policies and procedures were gathered. Secondly, state level documentation<br />

was collected including policies and procedures, statutes, and court-rulings, if applicable.<br />

Assumptions of Qualitative Research<br />

When using a qualitative research design, it is important to understand the type of<br />

paradigm the study will utilize and the assumptions of the chosen paradigm (Cresswell, 1994;<br />

Guba & Lincoln, 1998; Marshall & Rossman, 1989). Guba & Lincoln (1998) defined a<br />

paradigm as “a set of basic beliefs (or metaphysics) that deals with ultimate or first principles”<br />

(p. 200). This study utilized a naturalistic paradigm, also referred to as constructivist (Denzin &<br />

Lincoln, 1998; Guba & Lincoln, 1998). Based on the naturalistic paradigm, the following<br />

section will discuss the various assumptions of constructivist research presented by Firestone<br />

(1987), Guba and Lincoln (1989, 1998), Marshall and Rossman (1989), and McCracken (1988).<br />

There are five main assumptions within research: ontological, epistemological,<br />

axiological, rhetorical, and methodological. These assumptions determine what question the<br />

researcher is addressing and how the researcher answers the question. It is important to note that<br />

qualitative research is based in a phenomenological paradigm (Firestone, 1987). The following<br />

is a brief synopsis of each assumption in qualitative research.<br />

The ontological perspective asks the question, “What is reality?” In qualitative research<br />

design, reality, as seen by the participants, is subjective and multiple; it is relative. In the case<br />

study, the multiple realities often become apparent during the interviews.<br />


The epistemological question determines the relationship between the knower and what<br />

could be known. Constructivist epistemology is transactional and subjective. That is, there is<br />

the assumption that the researcher interacts with the participants and the setting being<br />

researched. Whether as an observer, participant observer, or interviewer, this interaction is vital<br />

to answer the research questions through thick description.<br />

Values play a large role (axiological assumption) in qualitative research. Unlike the<br />

value-free, unbiased quantitative research, qualitative research is value-laden and biased. The<br />

inquiry is bounded by values including the values of the inquirer and respondent, as well as the<br />

values of the substantive theory, inquiry paradigm, and social and cultural norms of the inquirer<br />

and respondent (Guba & Lincoln, 1988). Often, it is the values and biases that provide for<br />

significant insight into better understanding the concept being studied.<br />

The rhetorical assumption, or the language, of qualitative research is informal, evolving,<br />

and in the personal voice. It is exploratory and affected by many changing factors.<br />

Finally, the process of qualitative research (the methodological assumption) is inductive<br />

with an emerging design with evolving categories or patterns that are identified during the<br />

research process. Qualitative research is <strong>time</strong> and context-bound, and it is accurate and reliable<br />

through verification (Marshall & Rossman, 1989, p.5; Firestone, 1987; Guba & Lincoln, 1988,<br />

McCracken, 1988). This study will be shown to be valid and reliable using the concepts of<br />

trustworthiness and authenticity.<br />

Trustworthiness<br />

Determining the validity of a research study is extremely important to its usefulness by<br />

policy-makers, researchers, institutions, and study participants. Qualitative research is often<br />

criticized as being difficult to prove as valid and reliable, and in order to do so, the study, “must<br />

demonstrate its truth value, provide the basis for applying it, and allow for external judgments to<br />

be made about the consistency of its procedures and the neutrality of its findings or decisions”<br />

(Erlandson, Harris, Skipper, & Allen, 1993, p. 29); that is, it must be trustworthy. The study will<br />

be determined to be trustworthy (Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Erlandson et al., 1993) by addressing<br />

the issues of transferability, credibility, dependability, and confirmability.<br />

Transferability<br />

Within qualitative research, the ability to replicate the study in other contexts or with<br />

other subjects is transferability (Erlandson, et al., 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985); this is referred<br />


to as external validity in quantitative research. Furthermore, in quantitative research, the use of<br />

random sampling allows the researcher to generalize to the population from which the sample<br />

was taken. Therefore, generalizability is seen as a weakness of the qualitative approach by<br />

traditionalists because random sampling is not used in naturalistic studies. Nonetheless,<br />

Erlandson et al. (1993) pointed out that naturalistic researchers do not believe that results from<br />

one context may not be applied to another. They claimed, “’transferability’ across contexts may<br />

occur because of shared characteristics” (p. 32). This transference is done not through random<br />

sampling but through thick description and purposive sampling.<br />

In addition, naturalistic studies provide the researcher with the ability to detail the<br />

uniqueness of the context. In qualitative research, the uniqueness of the study is often the most<br />

important aspect (Merriam, 1988). Stake (1995) asserted that uniqueness is important to<br />

understanding, and it provides for particularization, “coming to know the particularity of the<br />

case” (p. 39). Cresswell (1994) stated “the uniqueness of the study within a specific context<br />

mitigates against replicating it exactly in another context. However, statements about<br />

researcher’s positions—the central assumptions, the selection of informants, the biases and<br />

values of the researcher—enhance the study’s chances of being replicated in another setting” (p.<br />

159). Furthermore, the burden of using one set of findings from a qualitative study in another<br />

study rests more with the researcher of the second study than the original researcher (Erlandson<br />

et al., 1993; Guba & Lincoln, 1989; Marshall & Rossman, 1989); however, steps for replication<br />

and transferability can be taken through use of thick description, purposive sampling, and a<br />

detailed protocol.<br />

Thick Description. A naturalistic researcher uses thick description to provide a detailed<br />

picture of the context of the data allowing another researcher to determine whether there may be<br />

transferability (Erlandson et al., 1993; Geertz, 1973). “Effective thick description brings the<br />

reader vicariously into the context being described…often, we have found that an individual<br />

whose first encounter with a setting is through an effective thick description has a sense of déja<br />

vu upon actually visiting the setting” (Erlandson et al., p. 33). Lincoln & Guba (1985; Erlandson<br />

et al, 1993) used thick description for two purposes: 1) to detail the specifics of the context and<br />

2) to generate information that will be the basis for the emergent design and grounded theory.<br />

Purposive Sampling. If thick description is utilized to determine transferability of a<br />

context, purposive sampling must be used to determine where data will be collected (Erlandson<br />


et al., 1993). Unlike random sampling, the objective of purposive sampling is to find data that<br />

provides specific information and rich detail on a context (Patton, 1980). “Information-rich<br />

cases are those from which one can learn a great deal about issues of central importance to the<br />

purpose of the research, thus the term purposeful sampling” (Patton, 1990, p. 169; Erlandson, et<br />

al., 1993, p.82). This requires a sampling “procedure that is governed by emerging insights<br />

about what is relevant to the study based on the focus determined by the problem and<br />

purposively seeks both the typical and the divergent data to maximize the range of information<br />

obtained about the context” (Erlandson et al., 1993, p. 148).<br />

The size of the sample may vary, and there is no set rule to determine it (Erlandson et al.,<br />

1993). As Patton stated, “[i]n the end, sampling size adequacy, like all aspects of research, is<br />

subject to peer review, consensual validation and judgment” (1990, p. 186).<br />

Patton (1987) also discussed several strategies for selecting sample cases including:<br />

extreme or deviant case sampling, maximum variation sampling, homogeneous samples, typical<br />

case sampling, critical case sampling, snowball or chain sampling, criterion sampling,<br />

confirmatory and disconfirming cases, politically important or sensitive cases, and convenience<br />

sampling (p. 52-58). For the purpose of this study, the sampling strategy included homogeneous<br />

samples of three community colleges in <strong>Florida</strong> and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in these institutions.<br />

Another method of sampling was the convenience sampling with the location and ability to<br />

conduct interviews affecting the decision to choose the three institutions.<br />

Detailed Protocol. Finally, Yin (1994) advocated using a detailed protocol for<br />

qualitative research data collection in order to provide for replication in other settings. The<br />

protocol for this study will be discussed in detail later in the chapter.<br />

Credibility<br />

Credibility is an assumption of the qualitative paradigm “in which the goal is to<br />

demonstrate that the inquiry was conducted in such a manner as to ensure that the subject was<br />

accurately identified and described” (Lincoln & Guba, 1985, as cited in Marshall & Rossman,<br />

1989, p. 145). To provide strength for the study, it must be valid; within the traditional<br />

quantitative paradigm, this is referred to as internal validity. Marshall and Rossman (1989)<br />

believed that the method of qualitative study through “an in-depth description showing the<br />

complexities of variables and interactions will be so embedded with data derived from the setting<br />

that it cannot help but be valid” within the parameters set (p. 145). In order to establish<br />


credibility, “attention must be directed to gaining a comprehensive intensive interpretation of<br />

these realities that will be affirmed by the people in the context” (Erlandson et al., 1993, p. 30).<br />

The following strategies were proposed to help ensure credibility and were utilized in this study:<br />

1) member checking, 2) triangulation, 3) peer debriefing, 4) referential adequacy materials, and<br />

5) a reflexive journal (Erlandson et al., 1993; Firestone, 1987; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Marshall<br />

& Rossman, 1989; Stake, 1995).<br />

Member Checking. One of the most important techniques in establishing credibility is<br />

the use of member checking (Erlandson, et al., 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Stake, 1995).<br />

Member checking allows “members of the stakeholding groups to test categories, interpretations,<br />

and conclusions” (Erlandson et al., p. 142), and only data that can be verified with member<br />

checking should be used in the findings (Erlandson et al.).<br />

There are several junctures within the study where member checking can be conducted:<br />

1) At the end of the interview, the moderator can summarize the data and allow respondents to<br />

correct errors in facts or challenge interpretations; 2) Follow-up interviews may be used to<br />

clarify data from the original interviews; 3) Informal conversations with members of the<br />

organization can provide clarification; 4) Copies of all or part of the report may be given to<br />

participants with a request for written or oral feedback on the contents; and 5) A panel of<br />

participants should be furnished with final copy of study for a final review (Erlandson et al.,<br />

1993, p. 142; Krueger, 1994).<br />

To provide for member checking in this study, several steps were taken. First, each<br />

informant in the individual interviews and at least one individual from each focus group was<br />

given the opportunity to read the transcription of his or her interview or the focus group<br />

interview, respectively, and provide written comments to the researcher. This provided for<br />

clarification of content of the original interviews. Secondly, if further clarification was needed<br />

on the interviews or focus groups, follow-up interviews or telephone calls were made to<br />

individual participants. Finally, the researcher had “informal” conversations (conversations<br />

outside the structured interviews or focus groups) with the participants of the study with a<br />

detailed description of these conversations documented in the field notes.<br />

Erlandson et al. (1993) warned against the problems of member checking. Some<br />

individuals may not be willing to admit to problems within or criticisms of their institutions.<br />

Also, participants may be too willing to verify data because all informants “share a common<br />


myth or conspire to mislead” (p. 143; Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Careful analysis of the data and<br />

further interaction with the informants may help to overcome these problems.<br />

Triangulation. In order to establish internal validity, the researcher attempted to<br />

triangulate the findings of the study. Stake (1995) defined triangulation as “working to<br />

substantiate an interpretation or to clarify its different meanings” (p. 173), or “the act of bringing<br />

more than one source of data to bear on a single point” (Marshall & Rossman, 1989, p. 146).<br />

Use of triangulation allows for data from various sources to be used for corroboration,<br />

elaboration, or illumination of the research questions (Rossman & Wilson, 1985). When the use<br />

of multiple sources of data, various researchers’ interpretations of data, and multiple methods of<br />

collection lead to the same interpretation or conclusion, it provides strength to the argument that<br />

the findings are valid and reliable and establishes credibility.<br />

There are several types of triangulation: data source, methodological, investigator, and<br />

theory. Data source triangulation (Patton, 1987; Yin, 1994) determines “if what we are<br />

observing and reporting carries the same meaning when found under different circumstances”<br />

(Stake, 1995, p. 113) or through other sources of data. Knodel (1993) noted that the use of focus<br />

groups allows data triangulation by comparing statements within and across groups, thus<br />

increasing reliability.<br />

Another form is methodological triangulation where dissimilar methods such as<br />

observation, interviews, videotapes, and document analysis are used, and the findings are<br />

triangulated (Erlandson et al., 1993; Merriam, 1988; Patton, 1987; Yin, 1994). It allows the<br />

researcher to compare findings from various data collection methods such as documentation to<br />

support interview findings and improves the reliability of the study.<br />

Investigator triangulation (Erlandson et al., 1993; Patton, 1987; Stake, 1995; Yin, 1994)<br />

uses multiple observers. If observers report the same observations, confidence increases in the<br />

accuracy of the observation (Erlandson et al.).<br />

Theory triangulation (Patton, 1987; Yin, 1994) uses investigators from differing<br />

theoretical viewpoints to review data in an attempt to triangulate. (Erlandson et al., 1993, noted<br />

that this is difficult to do and is not achieved by many researchers.) If two investigators compare<br />

data and come up with similar interpretations some triangulation has occurred. Additionally,<br />

Flick points out that triangulation protocols “have come to be the search for additional<br />

interpretations more than the confirmation of a single meaning” (as cited in Stake, 1995, p. 115).<br />


To provide for credibility in this study, the following forms of triangulation were used.<br />

First, methodological triangulation was used by collecting data from various sources through<br />

different methods including the following: focus groups, individual interviews, and document<br />

analysis. Utilization of both individual interviews and focus groups provided for strong<br />

validation of findings (Michell, 1999). As recommended by Yin (1994), the study used multiple<br />

sources including written policies and procedures at the institutional and state level to improve<br />

triangulation.<br />

Secondly, data source triangulation was used to provide data from various sources. The<br />

sources included interviews with administrators, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty coordinators if available, and<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty from various fields of study. The various data sources provided the opportunity<br />

to determine if findings triangulate across the different areas.<br />

Furthermore, Yin (1994) advocated the use of a multi-site case study (minimum of three)<br />

to enhance the researcher’s ability to examine if patterns, theories, or events are replicated in<br />

different settings. For the purpose of this study, three community colleges were used to provide<br />

a multi-site case study.<br />

Peer Debriefing. Erlandson et al. (1993) emphasized the importance of the researcher<br />

working with professionals in the field to review insights, perceptions, and analyses in order to<br />

refine and redirect the inquiry process (p. 31). They called this step peer debriefing.<br />

In this study, the researcher had two opportunities for debriefing sessions. First, an<br />

assistant moderator was used in each focus group to assist with the mechanics of the interview<br />

and take notes for the moderator. After each session, the researcher reviewed the information<br />

gathered from the interview with the assistant as well as compared notes (Krueger, 1994). This<br />

session was taped, transcribed, and utilized in data analysis.<br />

Secondly, a colleague, who is an administrator in the <strong>Florida</strong> community college system<br />

and also an adjunct faculty member, served as the researcher’s peer debriefer for this study. The<br />

researcher and peer debriefer met periodically during the interviewing process and discussed the<br />

researcher’s perceptions, hypotheses, and conclusions (Erlandson et al., 1993).<br />

Referential Adequacy Materials. Referential adequacy materials included materials<br />

such as photographs, videotapes, tape recordings by or for the researcher, catalogs, and<br />

handbooks. These items “support credibility by providing context-rich, holistic materials that<br />


provide background meaning to support data, analysis, interpretations, and audits” (Erlandson et<br />

al., 1993, p. 139). These materials were used to support the audit trail for the study.<br />

In this study, the researcher collected material, such as catalogs and brochures that helped<br />

to provide insight into the culture of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Also, conversations with the researcher<br />

were recorded, transcribed, and used for support. Finally, to help with the physical<br />

surroundings, photographs were taken of the locations of the interviews as well as areas of the<br />

different campuses.<br />

Reflexive Journal. Lincoln and Guba (1985; Erlandson et al., 1993) recommended<br />

using a reflexive journal to help the researcher keep track of her thoughts and actions during the<br />

course of the project. The journal provides insight into methodological decisions and helps<br />

document insights, logistics, and schedules. Furthermore, it supports all four functions of<br />

trustworthiness (Erlandson et al, 1993). This journal will eventually become part of the audit<br />

trail.<br />

In this study, the researcher kept a journal with periodic entries detailing the progress of<br />

the study. This journal was typed into a word processing program. All hand written and taped<br />

journal entries were transcribed and put into the computer journal.<br />

Dependability<br />

An underlying assumption of qualitative research is that the world is always changing,<br />

and replication is a problem with qualitative studies (Marshall & Rossman, 1989). The<br />

dependability of the study is when “the researcher attempts to account for changing conditions in<br />

the phenomena chosen for study as well as changes in the design created by increasingly refined<br />

understanding of the setting” (p. 146-147). Lincoln and Guba (1985; Erlandson et al., 1993)<br />

defined dependability as the ability of the study to show evidence that the findings would be<br />

repeated if replicated with the same or similar subjects and context; within traditional research<br />

this is referred to as reliability and is a precondition of validity (Erlandson et al., 1993).<br />

Furthermore, the nature of a qualitative study does not assume “isomorphic relationships<br />

between observations and realities” (Erlandson et al., 1993, p. 34). Instead of the traditional<br />

approach with a goal for invariance in the data, it is “’trackable variance (Guba, 1981),<br />

variabilities that can be ascribed to particular sources (error, reality shifts, better insights, etc.)”<br />

(Erlandson et al., p. 34) that the researcher endeavors to find and describe.<br />


Erlandson et al. (1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985) proposed the use of a dependability audit<br />

to allow external checking of the processes of the study. This “audit trail” includes<br />

documentation and a running account of the process. An audit was used to help ensure<br />

dependability for this study. The categories of the audit trail for this study are included in<br />

Appendix E (Erlandson et al., 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Marshall & Rossman, 1989;<br />

Schwandt & Halpern, 1988).<br />

Confirmability<br />

Confirmability, in qualitative research, captures the traditional concept of objectivity<br />

(Erlandson et al., 1993; Marshall & Rossman, 1989). That is, the researcher must address<br />

concerns of researcher subjectivity. In the qualitative paradigm, the researcher understands that<br />

objectivity is an impossible goal; instead she attempts to rely on the confirmability of the data<br />

(Erlandson, et al.). “This means that data (constructions, assertions, facts, and so on) can be<br />

tracked to their sources, and that the logic used to assemble the interpretations into structurally<br />

coherent and corroborating wholes is both explicit and implicit” (Guba & Lincoln, 1989, p. 243;<br />

Erlandson et al., 1993).<br />

Although a researcher’s biases are inevitably included within the data, an audit trail will<br />

provide an external reviewer the opportunity to determine if the products of the study (the<br />

conclusions, interpretations, and recommendations) can be verified (Erlandson et al., 1993). In<br />

order to control for bias in interpretation and possible subjectivity by the researcher, the<br />

following steps were taken. The review committee provided feedback and critical questioning of<br />

the researcher’s analyses. There was constant checking for and interpretation of negative<br />

instances in the data (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Marshall & Rossman, 1989). There was continual<br />

checking and rechecking of the data and testing of rival hypotheses. The researcher maintained<br />

an audit trail with a file of transcripts, field notes, a reflexive journal, and other pertinent<br />

information to decision-making rationale that was made available for others to inspect,<br />

reanalyze, and challenge (Erlandson et al., 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Marshall & Rossman,<br />

1989; Schwandt & Halpern, 1988).<br />

Audit Trail<br />

Within qualitative research, it is important to maintain adequate records to show the<br />

dependability and confirmability of a study that in turn leads to establishing the trustworthiness<br />

of a study (Erlandson, et al., 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Lincoln and Guba’s audit trail<br />


categories will be incorporated with Schwandt and Halpern’s (1988, also see Erlandson, et al,<br />

1993) four-stage model of planning to establish the audit trail categories for this study (See<br />

Appendix E).<br />

Authenticity<br />

Although trustworthiness is important to qualitative research because it provides for the<br />

methodological safeguard of traditional research, it is not sufficient; there must also be<br />

authenticity to the study. Authenticity is the recognition of the status of separate realities that are<br />

the strength of naturalistic studies (Erlandson et al, 1993; Guba & Lincoln, 1989). Guba and<br />

Lincoln (1988; Erlandson et al., 1993) discussed five criteria for authenticity: fairness,<br />

ontological authentication, educative authentication, catalytic authentication, and tactical<br />

authentication (p. 111). These five criteria for authenticity can be shown through observations<br />

and testimony of the respondents and can be recorded in the data as well as the audit trail.<br />

Fairness<br />

The concept of fairness requires that “the constructions of all stakeholders must have<br />

equal access to the process by which group direction is determined” (Erlandson et al., 1993, p.<br />

153). That is, it is the researcher’s role to seek out and communicate the constructions of the<br />

individual stakeholders and within the group of stakeholders. Furthermore, an open access must<br />

be maintained where constructions can be shared between stakeholders and the researchers.<br />

Finally, Erlandson et al. discussed the necessity of renewing informed consent continuously<br />

throughout the study because of the changing characteristics and relationships of the study.<br />

Although this process is seen as a liability to traditional researchers, it provides a mechanism for<br />

continuous dialogue and open relations between the stakeholders and the researcher (Erlandson<br />

et al.).<br />

Ontological Authenticity<br />

Ontological authenticity shows that individual respondents have actually improved the<br />

ways they experience the world due to the study; their understanding of their own constructions<br />

has improved. It demonstrates “through the testimony of individual respondents that they have<br />

in fact enhanced their understanding and through recorded observations that mark the expansion<br />

of their constructions” (Erlandson, et al., 1993, p.154).<br />


Educative Authenticity<br />

Educative authenticity indicates that the respondents have an understanding of the<br />

constructions of other respondents. This growth can be determined from the testimony of the<br />

respondents or observation (Erlandson et al, 1993).<br />

Catalytic Authenticity<br />

Catalytic authenticity “represents the extent to which decisions and actions are facilitated<br />

by the expanded constructions of the stakeholders” (Erlandson et al., 1993, p. 154). Evidence of<br />

this criterion is the respondents’ willingness and ability to use the expanded constructions to plan<br />

a course of action and use the new constructions in decisions.<br />

Tactical Authenticity<br />

The final criterion discussed by Guba and Lincoln (1988) is tactical authenticity—“the<br />

ability to act toward change or empowered politically or educationally” (p. 111). It can be<br />

determined by the testimony of the stakeholders, follow-up observations of stakeholders within<br />

the context, and demonstration of empowerment during the actual research process (Erlandson et<br />

al., 1993, p.154).<br />

Data Collection Protocol<br />

This study used a multi-method of data collection to improve trustworthiness and<br />

authenticity. The following sections discuss the protocol of the study addressing issues of site<br />

and sample selection, entry, reciprocity, researcher’s role management, data collection methods,<br />

and ethical considerations. It concludes with a short synopsis of the pilot study conducted by the<br />

researcher.<br />

Site Selection<br />

The sites chosen for the study were selected based on the following criteria. First, the<br />

institutions’ availability and willingness to participate in the study were a major factor.<br />

Secondly, the three institutions were located in geographically different locations in the state.<br />

Thirdly, one institution serviced a rural area. The second institution serviced a larger,<br />

metropolitan area. The third institution serviced an area with rural as well as city populations,<br />

and it also had a large majority (60%+) of students who transferred into four-year institutions.<br />

The institutions had different demographics, diversity in headcount as well as varying usage of<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Finally, the focus groups were held on the “main” campus or the campus with<br />

the largest student enrollment. These criteria provided a broad base of experiences and data.<br />


The three institutions studied will be referred to by a general description: Transfer Community<br />

College (TCC), Rural Community College (RCC), and Urban Community College (UCC).<br />

Transfer Community College (TCC). TCC opened in the mid 1960’s and has a<br />

primary purpose as a transfer institution with over 60% of its students pursuing an Associate of<br />

Arts (A.A.) degree and over 70% transferring to the <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> System (SUS). The<br />

institution services three counties with four campuses and has a headcount enrollment over<br />

23,000 with a 27 to 1 student/teacher ratio.<br />

Rural Community College (RCC). Also opening in the 1960’s, RCC services a two<br />

county area with three campus locations. It is one of the smaller institutions in the state with a<br />

headcount of approximately 7,000 students.<br />

Urban Community College (UCC). Opening pre-1960, UCC is located in an urban area<br />

that has numerous post-secondary institutions including public, private, two- and four-year<br />

schools. Its service area is only one county and boasts a headcount enrollment of over 50,000<br />

students.<br />

Entry<br />

Accessibility to the campus was a key component in choosing the three institutions. A<br />

total of five institutions were contacted to participate. One declined because it was in the<br />

process of reevaluating its adjunct program. The second institution initially contacted was<br />

reluctant to provide approval. By the <strong>time</strong> approval was granted, approximately one month later,<br />

another similar institution had been chosen instead.<br />

To gain access, the institution’s President was contacted by e-mail. This correspondence<br />

requested permission to use the campus as a site for the study, and it also provided a short<br />

synopsis of the study as well as a copy of the memo to be placed in adjuncts’ mailboxes.<br />

Furthermore, it outlined the needs of the researcher and set the dates for the focus groups.<br />

(These were adjusted based on availability on the campus). A request was made for a<br />

comfortable room such as a conference room to hold both one-on-one and focus group<br />

interviews.<br />

Once permission to use the institution was granted, e-mails were sent to the Chief<br />

Academic Officer of each institution, either a Vice President for Academic Affairs or Provost,<br />

requesting an interview and referrals of adjunct faculty and adjunct faculty coordinators who<br />


were interested in being interviewed. Two administrators/coordinators were interviewed on<br />

TCC & RCC, and one was interviewed at UCC.<br />

Due to privacy issues, institutions would not give out personal addresses of adjunct<br />

faculty. Therefore, the primary methods of contacting adjunct faculty were through their<br />

mailboxes and referrals. A short memo was given to the Division/ Department Heads to place in<br />

adjunct faculty mailboxes. Also, a memo or flyer was placed on all faculty bulletin boards<br />

throughout the campuses. Finally, referrals for potential focus group and one-on-one interview<br />

participants were requested from administrators, adjunct coordinators, and adjunct faculty.<br />

The memo to the adjunct faculty gave a brief description of the purpose of the focus<br />

group as well as a <strong>time</strong> frame (see Appendix F for a sample memo). It also provided a toll free<br />

number for participants to call if they would like to participate. When an adjunct called to<br />

participate, his or her name, number, and address were taken for confirmation and follow-up<br />

purposes. They were also given an overview of the informed consent, and any preliminary<br />

questions they had were answered. If the participant wanted to serve as a member checker, the<br />

personal information gathered from this telephone call was destroyed at the end of the study.<br />

Otherwise, it was destroyed following the focus group so that anonymity was ensured.<br />

Individuals from various fields of study were registered to participate in each group.<br />

There was a desired minimum of six participants, but only one group actually made the six. The<br />

remainder of the groups varied from one to three participants. Although the ideal focus group is<br />

six to eight members, the smaller groups provided valuable information for the study. Telephone<br />

interviews were used to supplement the focus groups interviews.<br />

Reciprocity<br />

In respect to reciprocity for the participants, this study offered adjunct faculty an<br />

opportunity to express their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their roles within their institutions<br />

and to provide suggestions for improvements. The participants were asked for further input on<br />

their transcribed interviews, and, if interested, they will be sent a copy of the results. As an<br />

incentive for attending, the interviewer provided a light meal for the participants. Also, there<br />

was a drawing for a $50 gift certificate at the end of each focus group.<br />

Role Management<br />

The researcher explained to participants what the researcher’s role was. This helped to<br />

build trust and manage possible political situations. The researcher was the moderator for all of<br />


the focus groups and interviews. The advantages and disadvantages of the researcher serving as<br />

the moderator is discussed in further detail in the section on using focus groups for data<br />

collection.<br />

Marshall and Rossman (1989) suggested that the researcher establish guidelines that will<br />

provide for physical and emotional health and safety including avoiding going native (getting too<br />

involved in the setting). These steps included <strong>time</strong> set aside between each interview to write<br />

notes and reflect on the interview. The researcher evaluated her role in the interview to<br />

determine if it was effective. Adjustments were made with each interview, such as determining<br />

areas that needed to be covered and assessing new topics that could be discussed in the<br />

upcoming interviews. Also after each session, peer debriefing was utilized to help keep the<br />

researcher focused.<br />

Data Collection Method – Individual Interviews<br />

Marshall and Rossman (1989) described the interview method as “an interaction<br />

involving the interviewer and the interviewee, the purpose of which is to obtain valid and<br />

reliable information” (p. 82); however, they emphasized the “assumption fundamental to<br />

qualitative research—the participant’s perspective on the social phenomenon of interest should<br />

unfold as the participant views it, not as the researcher views it” (p. 82). Lincoln & Guba noted<br />

that interviews help the researcher to reconstruct the past, interpret the present and predict the<br />

future (1985; Erlandson, et al., 1993). A “conversation with a purpose” is how Denzin describes<br />

interviews (as cited in Erlandson, et al.).<br />

The following sections discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the individual interview.<br />

In addition, it focuses on criteria for effective focus interviews that are applicable not only to<br />

individual interviews but also to focus groups.<br />

Strengths. An in-depth interview has several strengths. It allows one to obtain large<br />

amounts of data quickly. When using more than one interviewer, it allows for a wide variety of<br />

information and a large number of subjects. In addition, interviews allow for immediate and<br />

future follow-up. With observation, interviews allow for the checking of description with fact<br />

(Marshall & Rossman, 1989). Finally, individual interviews allow for greater depth than other<br />

forms of data collection (Crabtree, Yanoshik, Miller, & O’Connor, 1993).<br />

Weaknesses. As with any method of data collection, individual interviews also have<br />

weaknesses. This method requires personal interaction with and cooperation from the<br />


interviewee. Secondly, unfamiliarity with the jargon may lead to inappropriate questions by the<br />

interviewer. Third, answers may not be comprehended properly by the interviewer. A possible<br />

problem of great importance is that the interviewee may not be truthful. Finally, interviews can<br />

collect excessive amounts of data that is difficult to interpret (Marshall & Rossman, 1989, p. 82).<br />

In conducting an interview, Erlandson et al. (1993) recommended that the researcher and<br />

respondents have a common vocabulary. In this study, the researcher’s experience as an adjunct<br />

faculty as well as familiarity with the institutional settings provided an excellent background for<br />

interviewing informants.<br />

Criteria for Effective Interviews. In each individual and focus group interview,<br />

Merton, Fiske, & Kendall’s (1990) four broad criteria for effective interviews were used: range,<br />

specificity, depth, and personal context. First, the interview covered a wide range of topics<br />

providing the researcher with predetermined topics as well as unanticipated topics. Merton et al.<br />

considers the range sufficient if the interviews<br />

1) exemplify types of resources to the situation which are anticipated on the<br />

basis of prior analysis of the situation;<br />

2) suggest types of interrelations between respondents to the situation which<br />

were obtained in some other way (for example, through questionnaires or<br />

observations);<br />

3) bear upon aspects of the situation, and responses to these aspects, which were<br />

not anticipated on the basis of prior analysis (p. 41).<br />

Second, the moderator produced data on specific experiences of the participants. If an<br />

interviewee or the group spoke in generalities, the moderator probed for specific details about<br />

the aspects of their experiences.<br />

Third, the moderator fostered interaction that encouraged participants to express their<br />

experiences in depth. Depth attempts to report affective responses. “The interviewer seeks to<br />

obtain a maximum of self-revelatory reports of how the situation under review was experienced”<br />

(Merton et al., 1990, p. 95).<br />

Finally, the moderator paid close attention to the personal context of the participants’<br />

remarks. Merton et al. (1990) defined personal context as a “person’s prior attitudes and values<br />

and certain of his social statuses and roles” (p. 115). Personal context consists of idiosyncratic<br />

context and role context. Idiosyncratic contexts are occurrences that rarely happen even within a<br />


homogeneous group. Role contexts are experiences that are common among homogeneous<br />

groups and account for frequent responses. Both contexts provide useful information for data<br />

analysis.<br />

Selection of Individual Informants. Individual interviews were conducted with<br />

administrators on the site campuses. The researcher interviewed the chief academic officer at<br />

each campus. The researcher interviewed administrators of faculty who oversaw part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty on two of the three campuses. In addition, individual interviews were held with part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty if an academic area was underrepresented in the focus groups, if clarification was needed<br />

from focus group interviews, or if part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were unable to participate in the focus group<br />

due to schedule conflicts.<br />

All focus groups and one-on-one interviews were held on campus. The interviews<br />

ranged from 45 to 90 minutes in length, utilized an interview guide (Patton, 1987), and were<br />

audio-taped and transcribed for data analysis. Questionnaires for all the interviews can be found<br />

in Appendix G.<br />

Data Collection Method – Focus Groups<br />

Focus groups were the main method of data collection used in this study. Krueger (1994)<br />

defined focus groups as “a carefully planned discussion designed to obtain perceptions on a<br />

defined area of interest in a permissive nonthreatening environment” (p. 6). Frey & Fontana<br />

(1993) defined a focus group as “a research technique that includes 8-10 persons brought to a<br />

central location to respond to questions on a topic of particular interest to a sponsor or client” (p.<br />

30). The primary purpose of using focus groups in a study is to collect qualitative data to answer<br />

research questions (Morgan & Krueger, 1993, p. 11; Krueger, 1994). The following sections<br />

will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using focus groups, the selection of the focus<br />

groups’ participants, and the focus group sessions.<br />

Advantages. The advantages of using focus groups are numerous. In exploratory<br />

research, focus groups are extremely useful because the method allows for a free-flowing<br />

conversation among participants (Frey & Fontana, 1993; Morgan, 1997). Furthermore, the focus<br />

group uses group dynamics to produce new or additional data. It also allows the researcher to<br />

generate new ideas and identify new languages and symbols, and it can serve as a testing ground<br />

for emerging hypotheses and analytic suggestions (Frey & Fontana, 1993, p. 33).<br />


There are also numerous advantages to focus groups in collecting data. The method<br />

allows the researcher to collect a large amount of data in a limited period of <strong>time</strong> on an exact<br />

topic providing for greater efficiency making it a less costly method in respect to <strong>time</strong> and<br />

money (Crabtree et al., 1993; Edmunds, 1999; Frey & Fontana, 1993; Krueger, 1994; Morgan,<br />

1997). In comparison to individual interviews, two eight-person interviews generate as many<br />

ideas as 10 individual interviews (Morgan, 1997). It is some<strong>time</strong>s referred to as the “quick and<br />

easy” method (Morgan, 1997), although this may be deceptive.<br />

In addition to a large amount of data, focus groups can give us a wide range of data<br />

(Merton et al., 1990; Morgan, 1997). Furthermore, it is a useful method to obtain information on<br />

unobservable data that would not be evident in a participant observation method (Morgan).<br />

The focus group allows the researcher to observe interaction between the participants on<br />

the topic. This in turn can provide direct evidence of similarities and differences across groups<br />

(Frey & Fontana, 1993; Morgan, 1997). “The comparisons that participants make among each<br />

other’s experiences and opinions are a valuable source of insights into complex behaviors and<br />

motivations” (Morgan, 1997, p. 15; Morgan & Krueger, 1993).<br />

A focus group provides a respectful atmosphere for participants (Morgan & Krueger,<br />

1993) that helps to reduce inhibitions among the group members (Merton et al., 1990) and<br />

allows participants to express emotions that would not emerge in other methods (Krueger, 1994).<br />

Furthermore, the focus group allows participants to be more explicit in their views and often<br />

triggers participants’ memories to produce more detailed data causing a “cueing phenomenon”<br />

(Morgan & Krueger, p. 17) that presents even more data (Frey & Fontana; Merton et al., 1990;<br />

Morgan, 1997). The method also allows for probing and clarification by the moderator<br />

(Edmunds, 1999, Krueger, 1994).<br />

The focus group also helps to reduce the distance between the researcher and the social<br />

context. This, in turn, provides a greater understanding of the context of the field and the<br />

members’ relationships to the setting (Frey & Fontana, 1993).<br />

Finally, using groups can provide direct data on the issues of consensus and diversity<br />

within the group, especially pertaining to the topic of interest (Morgan, 1997; Morgan &<br />

Krueger, 1993). Morgan noted that the greatest strength of focus groups over participant<br />

observation and individual interviews is that it provides flexibility by allowing operations across<br />

traditional boundaries (1997; Krueger, 1994).<br />


Disadvantages. Although there are many advantages to using focus groups, there are<br />

disadvantages and concerns that a researcher must take into consideration. In comparison to<br />

participant observation, there is a trade-off with the naturalistic setting to a more unnatural<br />

setting for the participants, and these settings are created and managed by the researcher who<br />

plays a much greater role (Morgan, 1997) and must be skilled at moderating (Krueger, 1994).<br />

There is a concern about the influence of the moderator on the group’s interaction<br />

because the moderator must choose whether or not to control the discussion topics or allow for a<br />

free flowing conversation (Morgan, 1997). Morgan noted that moderator’s influence is a<br />

concern in all research, but he had found no hard evidence that a moderator’s influence on a<br />

focus group is any greater than in an individual interview or participant observation.<br />

There are other disadvantages to focus groups. The researcher is limited to verbal<br />

behavior because the focus groups consist of interaction of the discussion groups in a controlled<br />

setting (Morgan, 1997). This type of setting may cause inhibition to some, especially on<br />

sensitive topics (Fern, 1982; Merton et al., 1990).<br />

Another concern is that the group may affect the nature of data produced (Morgan, 1997).<br />

There is the risk of domination by some & lack of input by others (Frey & Fontana, 1993;<br />

Merton et al., 1990; Morgan, 1997). Krueger (1994) classifies members into four categories:<br />

experts, dominant talkers, shy participants and ramblers (See Appendix H).<br />

There is also a concern towards conformity and polarization. That is, the individual<br />

participants may withhold data they would have shared in private or express more extremes in a<br />

group than in private (Morgan, 1997). Morgan notes, “that for some types of participants<br />

discussing some types of topics, the presence of a group will affect what they say and how they<br />

say it” (1997, p. 15).<br />

Another disadvantage is that focus groups provide less depth and detail about<br />

participants’ experiences and opinions (Frey, 1982; Morgan, 1997). Furthermore, depending on<br />

each participant’s interest in the topic, there is a concern of losing control of the topic or not<br />

getting enough data (Morgan).<br />

Although a focus group may produce more data in less <strong>time</strong>, the data may be difficult to<br />

analyze (Krueger, 1994). Also, Crabtree et al. (1993) argue the validity of the claim that it saves<br />

<strong>time</strong>. When all the <strong>time</strong> is factored in for preparation and planning, they believe it may take as<br />

long or possibly longer than other methods.<br />


Finally, setting up the logistics of a focus group has disadvantages. A one-on-one<br />

interview can be held almost anywhere. Focus groups interviews must be scheduled, and<br />

some<strong>time</strong>s it is difficult to find a central location with a large enough space and schedule the<br />

meeting <strong>time</strong> to work with all the participants’ schedules (Crabtree et al., 1993; Edmund, 1999;<br />

Frey & Fontana, 1993; Krueger, 1994).<br />

Focus Group Selection. In selecting the participants of the focus groups, Morgan’s<br />

(1992) “Rules of Thumb” were used as a guideline: 1) use of homogeneous strangers as<br />

participants; 2) rely on relatively structured interview with high moderator involvement; 3) have<br />

six to ten participants in a group; and 4) have a total of three to five groups per site. Merton et<br />

al. (1990) and Krueger (1994) noted that when a group comes from a single organization, such as<br />

the same institution, it may be difficult to find a group of strangers. Additionally, appropriate<br />

participants are the key to a successful study (Krueger, 1994). Therefore, the participants were<br />

selected based on the following criteria.<br />

The focus groups’ participants were volunteers from the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at each<br />

institution, and the researcher attempted to have a faculty member from each major<br />

discipline/division area. There was a minimum of two focus groups per institution with one to<br />

six individuals from various academic divisions in each group.<br />

The groups were segmented based on break and control characteristics (Knodel, 1993).<br />

The uniform control of the groups was that all members were part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. An attempt was<br />

made to have a group composition with a mix of gender, race, and various lengths of<br />

employment. The break characteristics of the study were the institutions with two focus groups<br />

from each institution’s main campus.<br />

For the purpose of this study, the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s area of study was not a break<br />

characteristic. Instead, there was an attempt to provide as many varying academic areas as<br />

possible with each group. There were three reasons for not using field of study as a break<br />

characteristic. First, Gappa and Leslie’s (1993) study found “pockets” of dissatisfaction based<br />

on area of study of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and suggested further research into this area. <strong>Using</strong><br />

individuals from various academic areas provided a broader range of experiences with<br />

participants sharing their experiences within their departments. “<strong>Using</strong> focus groups to create<br />

such interactions gives the researcher a set of observations that is difficult to obtain through<br />


other methods” (Morgan, 1997, p. 46), and it will help to ensure authenticity (Erlandson et al.,<br />

1993).<br />

Secondly, being from various academic backgrounds improved the likelihood that the<br />

individuals were not acquainted. With the nature of collegiality at academic institutions<br />

however, some participants did know each other, but this should not affect the quality of the data<br />

(Frey, 1982).<br />

The final reason for not using field of study as a break characteristic was that it would<br />

require a focus group from each department increasing the number of groups significantly. With<br />

each additional group, the cost of the study rises. Therefore, the study was trying to reach as<br />

many academic areas with as few groups as possible.<br />

As stated before, the minimum number of groups per institution was two. However, the<br />

researcher felt that additional groups were needed to achieve theoretical saturation (Glaser &<br />

Straus, 1967; Krueger, 1994) and were added until no new information was found.<br />

The researcher strove for diversity among the academic areas represented in the focus<br />

groups, attempting to have at least one individual from each of the following areas: English,<br />

mathematics, humanities, physical sciences, social sciences, business, education, and allied<br />

health or other technical or clinical programs. Also, if data from the focus group interviews<br />

needed explication, individual interviews, either in person or via telephone, were conducted to<br />

provide clarification.<br />

The interview sites and set-up are important for a successful group. “Perhaps the greatest<br />

challenge to these internal focus groups is creating a non-threatening and informal organizational<br />

environment necessary for focus groups to be effective (Krueger, 1993, p. 68). Krueger<br />

suggested using a neutral, easy to find location with a table that allows participants to see each<br />

other and provides for easy audio-taping.<br />

The researcher scheduled a conference style room on each campus to conduct the focus<br />

groups. Interviews with administrators were held in their campus offices. This provided greater<br />

convenience for participants; however, if participants could not attend the focus groups, the<br />

researcher conducted a telephone interview. The context of every interview was carefully<br />

described in the field notes for inclusion in data analysis.<br />


Each focus group had a moderator and assistant moderator. The researcher served as the<br />

moderator for the session. The assistant moderator took notes during the interview. These notes<br />

supplemented the tapes and served as a back up in the case of taping malfunctions.<br />

The study had three assistant moderators. The assistant moderators were chosen on their<br />

availability to attend the session and their expertise in taking notes. The primary roles of the<br />

moderators were to set-up the room for the interview, ensure that each participant was fed,<br />

handle the taping of the session, take notes as a back-up for the tapes, and provide feedback on<br />

the group discussions. The assistant moderator’s responsibilities are listed in Appendix I and<br />

were adapted from Krueger (1994).<br />

Focus Group Session. The focus groups were 45 to 90 minutes long, depending on the<br />

number of participants; participants were informed that the sessions would be approximately 90<br />

minutes. The sessions were held at various <strong>time</strong>s. The majority of the sessions were held in the<br />

evening, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. In an attempt to improve participation, two sessions were held in<br />

the afternoon, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Each session began with a small meal and informal<br />

conversation. This gave participants <strong>time</strong> to meet each other and accommodated latecomers. As<br />

participants entered, they were allowed to chose a seat and make their own plate. The moderator<br />

opened the interview with a welcome. Next, the participants read and signed an informed<br />

consent letter (Appendix J) and answered a short, pen and paper demographic survey (See<br />

Appendix K). Once finished, the moderator gave an overview of the purpose of the focus group<br />

and the ground rules followed by the first question (See Appendix L). The session followed the<br />

questionnaire for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (Appendix G.1). The moderator concluded with a summary<br />

of the discussion and a “thank you” for participating. The final task was the drawing of the $50<br />

gift certificate.<br />

Morgan (1997) noted that it is important to be aware of the conversation after the<br />

sessions are officially over. Based on his recommendation, the tapes continued to run until the<br />

moderator felt that all “useful” conversation had stopped.<br />

At the end of each session, the assistant moderator debriefed the moderator on the session<br />

(Edmunds, 1999; Erlandson et al, 1993). The debriefing session was taped, transcribed, and<br />

included in the notes for analysis. All notes were labeled and filed for the audit trail.<br />


Data Collection Method – Documentation<br />

Along with the interviews, written policies and procedures from the following areas were<br />

analyzed to determine if there was an impact on the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty: campus-wide and<br />

departmental policies and procedures, <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes, <strong>State</strong> Board of Community College<br />

policies, accrediting agencies’ guidelines, collective bargaining entities’ policies, and any<br />

national policies affecting the state of <strong>Florida</strong>.<br />

Ethical Considerations<br />

Erlandson et al. discussed several ethical considerations in qualitative research: harm,<br />

privacy, confidentiality, deception, and informed consent (1993, p. 155-159). It is important that<br />

the individuals and groups within qualitative research retain control over their lives (Baker &<br />

Hinton, 1999). To protect a research subject from harm includes a proactive approach that<br />

protects the individual from physical or psychological harm such as loss of dignity or self-esteem<br />

or loss of autonomy. In naturalistic studies, it is difficult to determine possible situations that<br />

may arise during the course of the changing research context, but Erlandson et al. suggested that<br />

the researcher assess each ethical dilemma faced with sensitivity and integrity. They note that<br />

often these dilemmas lead to new, interesting, and useful constructions.<br />

Privacy and confidentiality are ethical considerations in quantitative research, but they go<br />

one step further in qualitative research by including not only dissemination of research data and<br />

findings but also the personal space of the respondents that is declared off-limits to the study. In<br />

order to ensure privacy and confidentiality in this study, the following steps were taken. Each<br />

interview and focus group was audio-taped. The tapes were heard only by the researcher and the<br />

transcribers. The tapes and full transcriptions were not made public. Any uses of the<br />

transcriptions were done in such a manner as to provide for complete anonymity of the<br />

informant. Any name used in the study is an alias given to the participant by the researcher to<br />

protect the anonymity of the participant. If the researcher felt the anonymity of the<br />

administrators could not be maintained due to the limited number interviewed, their data was not<br />

used.<br />

Erlandson et al. (1993) believed there is no justification for deception in qualitative<br />

study. It defeats the purpose of having a free and open exchange needed for authenticity.<br />

Finally, informed consent should be given at the beginning of the study. Additionally, it is<br />

important to note that there is a constantly changing context of the research and therefore,<br />


informed consent becomes an ongoing process. Although many traditional researchers see fully<br />

informed consent as a potential detriment, it is seen by naturalistic researchers as an “opportunity<br />

to daily renegotiate and expand the basis for informed consent as new opportunities for<br />

collaborative activity emerge” (Erlandson et al., p. 155). Informed consent helps to validate not<br />

only data but also the partnership of the informant in the research process (Baker & Hinton,<br />

1999).<br />

For the purpose of this study, the informants were given as much information as possible<br />

as to the purpose of the study. The researcher endeavored not to include any forms of deception<br />

and answered any informant’s questions as thoroughly as possible. Furthermore, she informed<br />

the participants that she was also an adjunct at a community college in <strong>Florida</strong>.<br />

In addition to the previously mentioned ethical issues, Guba and Lincoln (1989) and<br />

Erlandson et al. (1993) also discussed the ethical considerations of empowerment, education, and<br />

connection. The naturalistic researcher endeavors to empower the participants of the study. A<br />

naturalistic study should also be educative allowing participants to learn from each other’s<br />

constructions. Finally, promoting connection of shared constructions allows participants to<br />

obtain a richer level of understanding and insight into other participants’ constructions<br />

(Erlandson et al., p. 158-159). Keeping these ethical considerations in mind allows the<br />

researcher to provide authenticity to the study.<br />

Finally, the <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Human Subjects Committee (Appendix M)<br />

approved the study. The Committee ensures that no violations of ethical research standards have<br />

been committed providing a safeguard to participants in the study.<br />

Pilot Study<br />

The researcher conducted a pilot study focus group at a nearby community college as a<br />

precursor to the actual study. Through the pilot study, the researcher made several<br />

methodological determinations. First, she found that the best method of contact was through the<br />

adjuncts’ mailboxes because the institution would not give out personal information on<br />

employees. Also, the adjuncts passed the information on to other adjuncts.<br />

Secondly, the original reciprocity to participants was to be a small stipend, $10, to each<br />

person; however, the focus group felt that providing an incentive such as a drawing for a gift<br />

certificate for a larger amount of money would encourage faculty to participate. They felt that a<br />

$50 gift certificate to a local restaurant or store would be adequate.<br />


The third determination was the <strong>time</strong> set for the focus groups. The pilot study group was<br />

held from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. with a light meal provided at 6:30 p.m. and the actual session<br />

starting at 7:00 p.m. The participants suggested starting earlier. Therefore, the start <strong>time</strong> for the<br />

focus groups was moved to 6:00 p.m., which would give those off campus <strong>time</strong> to arrive from<br />

their daily jobs while adjuncts on campus would not have to “hang-out” until the focus group<br />

started, but focus group <strong>time</strong>s would depend on room availability on each campus.<br />

The final purpose of the pilot study was to give the moderator and assistant moderator an<br />

opportunity to “practice” in an actual setting. A list was made of all items that were used during<br />

the set-up and session to ensure smooth running groups for the actual data collection. Overall,<br />

the pilot study proved very useful to the researcher and improved the process of data collection.<br />

The researcher also conducted a one-on-one interview with the faculty member who<br />

oversees the hiring of adjunct faculty at the same institution as the pilot focus group. Again, the<br />

interview provided the researcher an opportunity to practice. It also provided an opportunity to<br />

test the questionnaire guide and provided the researcher with feedback on the questions. The<br />

faculty member believed the interview was very thorough and felt that useful information would<br />

be derived from the data to be collected.<br />

Data Analysis<br />

“Qualitative data analysis is a search for general statements about relationships among<br />

categories of data; it builds grounded theory” (Marshall & Rossman, 1989, p. 112; Glaser &<br />

Strauss, 1967). It begins with data collection and continues throughout the process (Erlandson et<br />

al., 1993; Krueger, 1994). Furthermore, revision of the analysis strategy may be revised during<br />

the study on numerous occasions (Krueger).<br />

The procedures for analyzing data collected in the interviews and site visits followed five<br />

modes as suggested by Marshall and Rossman (1989): organizing data; generating themes,<br />

categories, and patterns; testing emergent hypotheses against the data; searching for alternate<br />

explanations; and writing the report (p. 114).<br />

Organizing Data<br />

The study used a transcript-based analysis utilizing transcripts of the interviews, field<br />

notes, and debriefing sessions as well as documentation collected during the interviews<br />

(Krueger, 1994). After transcription, data was organized by computer by subdividing<br />

information into meaningful segments (Knodel, 1993). Field notes were edited and information<br />


synthesized. This was an ongoing process and often coincided with the next step of generating<br />

themes, categories, and patterns.<br />

Generating Themes, Categories, & Patterns<br />

The process of generating categories, themes, and patterns is the next mode. (It should<br />

be noted here that this phase is ongoing from the beginning of the study.) In order to work<br />

through this process, code mapping was developed to use with qualitative research software.<br />

The NVIVO software package was used in this study for data analysis.<br />

Code mapping begins with the development of an initial set of codes that correspond with<br />

each item on the questionnaires used for the interviews (Knodel, 1993; Krueger, 1994).<br />

Additional codes are created as new topics arise from the data collection (Erlandson et al., 1993,<br />

Knodel). Knodel also recommended the development of nonsubstantive codes that assist in<br />

analysis and write-up and detailed codes for analyses of specific topics (p. 46-47).<br />

Knodel (1993) suggested using an overview grid to assist in the analysis phase. This grid<br />

can be used to make inter- and intra-group comparisons. Furthermore, it can be placed in the<br />

audit trail to increase the validity and reliability of the study.<br />

In the analysis, the researcher searched for instances of internal and external<br />

convergence—data that is internally consistent but distinct from one another (Guba, 1978, as<br />

cited in Marshall & Rossman, 1989). Indigenous and analyst-construct typologies were used to<br />

show classification schemes (Patton, 1980, 1987; Marshall & Rossman, 1989). Indigenous<br />

typologies are created and expressed by participants and generated through analyses of local use<br />

of language (Patton, 1980, p. 306-308). Analyst-construct typologies are created and expressed<br />

by participants and generated through analyses of local use of language (Patton, 1980, p. 306-<br />

308).<br />

During this phase, logical analysis of the data was conducted where classifications<br />

schemes, typologies, and data were cross-referenced with each other to generate new<br />

interpretations leading to data that “might be logically uncovered” (Marshall & Rossman, p.<br />

116). As patterns and themes were generated, new hypotheses emerged that were tested.<br />

Testing Emerging Hypotheses<br />

One of the key aspects of qualitative research is that the hypotheses often emerge during<br />

the data collection and analysis phase. When a plausible hypothesis emerges, it must be tested<br />

against the data by searching “through the data, challenging the hypotheses, searching for<br />


negative instances in the pattern, and incorporating these into larger constructs” (Marshall &<br />

Rossman, 1989, p. 118; Patton, 1987). Marshall and Rossman noted that this is also the stage<br />

where data is evaluated for adequacy, credibility, usefulness, and centrality. Every hypothesis<br />

must be stringently tested and alternative explanations explored.<br />

Searching for Alternative Explanations<br />

Once the researcher begins to establish patterns and categories, the researcher must<br />

search for, identify, and describe alternative explanations. She must then explain how the<br />

chosen explanation is better (Marshall & Rossman, 1989). The search for patterns, themes,<br />

emerging hypotheses, and alternative explanations was an ongoing process from the beginning of<br />

data collection through the writing of the final report.<br />

Limitations and Assumptions of the Study<br />

There are several limitations to a qualitative research design that may affect this study.<br />

First, although a thorough investigation into all 28 community colleges would provide excellent<br />

data, this was not possible due to <strong>time</strong> and cost constraints. Therefore, the case studies were<br />

limited to three institutions. <strong>Using</strong> a purposive sample of only three institutions decreased the<br />

generalizability of findings. Therefore, this study was not able to generalize to all institutions or<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. However, it provides insight for specific institutions and points to potential<br />

problems in other community colleges, especially within <strong>Florida</strong>’s community college system.<br />

In addition, with only one researcher conducting interviews, it was difficult to cross<br />

check frameworks from multi-sites as suggested by Miles and Huberman (1984). However,<br />

using multi-sites improved the ability to check patterns, categories, and themes (Yin, 1994).<br />

Another limitation when using interviews and focus groups is the inability of the<br />

researcher to verify the truthfulness of the responses. With the use of three institutions and two<br />

or more focus groups at each institution, the researcher attempted to provide triangulation of the<br />

data to compensate for this limitation. In conducting interviews, the researcher was aware that<br />

interviewing required the interviewee to give his or her perspective. In this study, the researcher<br />

assumed that each participant in the study was truthful and honest in answering all questions.<br />

There were also limitations to the researcher serving as the moderator. There are varying<br />

opinions as to whether the researcher should be the actual moderator for a focus group (Krueger,<br />

1994). Dr. Karen Monkman, an experienced researcher in qualitative studies at <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>, determined that for the purpose of the study and the type of focus groups being<br />


conducted, the researcher would be the best individual to serve as moderator (K. Monkman,<br />

personal communication, October 18, 2000). The reason for this decision was based on the fact<br />

that the researcher was most familiar with the literature and nuances of the study. Therefore, she<br />

was better able to respond with appropriate questions and information; however, it is noted that<br />

there is the potential for the researcher to knowingly or unknowingly search for specific<br />

responses. She may also create a bias due to body language or response questions. Utilizing<br />

thick description and member checking should help account for any instances of these types of<br />

biases.<br />

Finally, the participants were informed that the researcher/moderator had been an adjunct<br />

previously. The researcher acknowledges that there may be bias in interpreting the data based on<br />

the experiences of the researcher. However, every effort was made to evaluate the material from<br />

an unbiased position. Furthermore, in conducting the sessions, it appeared that the participants<br />

felt that there was greater understanding of the problems due to the researcher’s experience as an<br />

adjunct.<br />


CHAPTER 4<br />


Overview<br />

This research study was conducted as an exploratory study of the use of adjunct faculty at<br />

three of <strong>Florida</strong>’s community colleges and used a multi-case, qualitative design. The study was<br />

framed through the lens of job satisfaction, which Spector (1997) defined as “how people feel<br />

about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs” (Spector, 1997, pg. 2). There is a large body<br />

of research on job satisfaction, especially within the organizational behavior and related fields<br />

(See Spector, 1997). Spector noted the importance of job satisfaction because of the positive and<br />

negative ramifications that may affect job performance, employee behavior, employee physical<br />

and psychological well being, and life satisfaction (Spector, 1997).<br />

Concerning part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, the assumption might be that they would be less satisfied<br />

than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Interestingly, Eberhardt and Shani (1984) and Jackofsky and Peters<br />

(1987) found that part-<strong>time</strong> employees had greater overall job satisfaction. Other research<br />

concluded that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s global satisfaction may be higher, but they are less satisfied in<br />

specific areas such as rewards and student and faculty interaction (Feldman, 1990; Miller &<br />

Terborg, 1979).<br />

This chapter discusses the findings of the data collected in the focus groups, interview<br />

sessions, telephone interviews, debriefing sessions, and the field notes of the researcher. The<br />

focus groups sessions and telephone interviews allowed part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to express their views<br />

on their experiences as an adjunct. The quotes and discussion offered by the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

and administrators provide the raw data for this research. At the end of each focus group, the<br />

data was summarized and reviewed with the assistant moderator. For feedback and accuracy,<br />

transcripts were sent to at least one participant of each group; the selection of the participant was<br />

based on his or her willingness to read the transcripts and availability.<br />


The study addressed six research questions concerning the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at the three<br />

community colleges studied. This chapter will discuss the findings of the research and address<br />

the five questions.<br />

1. What are the demographic characteristics and academic backgrounds of the part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty participants in the three community colleges studied?<br />

2. What are the reasons for teaching part-<strong>time</strong> of the faculty participants in the three<br />

community colleges studied?<br />

3. What are the job satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the three<br />

community colleges studied?<br />

4. Are there differences in the perceptions or experiences of the community college<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty studied?<br />

5. What are the institutional influences and policies affecting the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

at the community colleges studied?<br />

This report of findings first addresses the participants in the study. Next, the first<br />

research question on the demographic and academic backgrounds of the 26 participants is<br />

discussed. Secondly, the reasons for being part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are analyzed. The next section of<br />

this chapter addresses the job satisfaction of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, the third research question.<br />

This discussion is followed by the analysis of research question 4, which deals with the differing<br />

perceptions and attitudes of the participants. Finally, the institutional influences are discussed.<br />

<strong>Part</strong>icipants<br />

<strong>Part</strong>icipants in the study were part-<strong>time</strong> faculty members and selected administrators at<br />

one of the three institutions during the Spring and Fall Semesters of 2001. Throughout the<br />

course of this chapter, the institutions studied will be identified by the following acronyms:<br />

Urban Community College as UCC, Transfer Community College as TCC, and Rural<br />

Community College as RCC. In addition, each participant was given a pseudonym, which is<br />

used throughout the study in order to maintain anonymity. Each adjunct was contacted through a<br />

memo in his or her campus mailbox. There were 26 adjunct faculty participants in the study.<br />

Each institution employed a varying numbers of adjuncts. Furthermore, the institutions<br />

could not give the exact number of adjuncts they employed because it changed semester to<br />

semester. From the administrators’ estimations, UCC had approximately 300; TCC had<br />

approximately 275; and RCC had approximately 100. Table 3 shows the number of participants<br />


from each institution. Seven of the participants’ data were collected by telephone interviews,<br />

with three from RCC and one from UCC.<br />

Table 3: Focus Group and Telephone Interview <strong>Part</strong>icipants by Institution<br />

Community College Number of <strong>Part</strong>icipants<br />

Rural Community College 6<br />

Transfer Community College 13<br />

Urban Community College 7<br />

Total Number of <strong>Part</strong>icipants 26<br />

In addition to the focus groups and telephone interviews with adjuncts, one-on-one<br />

interviews were conducted with administrators at all three institutions. Five administrators were<br />

interviewed ranging from the Vice President of Academic Affairs to Department Chair. The<br />

researcher attempted to interview one chief academic officer and one department or program<br />

chair at each institution. A chief academic officer (CAO’s) was interviewed at each institution<br />

and a program/department chair was interviewed at RCC and TCC.<br />

The CAO’s were contacted by telephone, and a meeting was scheduled. During the<br />

initial meeting with the CAO’s, the researcher requested a referral of a department or program<br />

chair who dealt with adjuncts on a regular basis and who would be willing to do a one-on-one<br />

interview. The researcher contacted the recommended individuals by telephone and e-mail and<br />

set up a meeting <strong>time</strong>. One-on-one interviews with administrators were held in the<br />

administrator’s personal office, and all sessions were tape-recorded. (Due to the limited number<br />

of administrators, their demographic information is not included to ensure anonymity.)<br />

Access, Location, and Time of Focus Groups<br />

Gaining Access to <strong>Part</strong>icipants. The most difficult process of the study was contacting<br />

adjuncts. Due to privacy issues, none of the institutions would disclose the names, telephone<br />

numbers, or addresses of adjunct faculty members. Furthermore, there was no directory listing<br />

the individual adjuncts due to their adjunct status. Therefore, the only means of contact were<br />

through individual memos placed in the mailboxes of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and flyers posted on<br />

faculty information boards. The memos were placed in adjuncts’ mailboxes one to two weeks<br />


prior to a focus group, and adjuncts were instructed to contact the researcher through a toll-free<br />

telephone number or by e-mail to reserve a place in the focus group. The memos also informed<br />

the participants that a $50 gift certificate would be awarded to a participant at each focus group.<br />

Follow-up telephone calls and e-mails were sent to interested participants to verify attendance at<br />

each group.<br />

Location of Focus Groups. Each institution provided a conference room on the selected<br />

campus to hold the focus groups. All the rooms provided a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere<br />

for the sessions. The following is a short description of each.<br />

TCC’s conference room was located in the Student Union in one of the student affairs’<br />

areas. It provided a convenient, central place to meet although some adjuncts had a little<br />

difficulty finding the room since it was upstairs, away from the main student area. The<br />

researcher posted signs at several key areas to provide directions to the room. The room had two<br />

entrances on opposite ends of the room as well as a large window on one wall of the room that<br />

overlooked a hallway. The large conference table sat approximately 10 to 12 individuals. Since<br />

the table and chairs were the only furniture in the room. The researcher brought in a small table<br />

for the food.<br />

UCC’s conference room was located in the administration building. Due to extensive<br />

renovations on campus near the building, several of the adjuncts found it difficult to park. Signs<br />

were posted at all entrances directing the adjuncts to the room, and they had no difficulty in<br />

locating it. The room had a large conference table that sat approximately 10 people. There were<br />

two small windows that looked out onto the street on one side of the room. There was also a<br />

small cabinet along one wall that provided an ideal location for the food and snacks.<br />

RCC’s conference room was in the Student Union also. The researcher had some<br />

concern initially because it was located next to the office of the Vice President for Academic<br />

Affairs; however, the meetings were held in the evenings when the office was closed.<br />

Furthermore, none of the adjuncts had a problem with the meeting place. Being a smaller<br />

campus, it was easy to locate the room, and parking was plentiful. This conference room was the<br />

largest and may have doubled at <strong>time</strong>s as a small classroom. There were two entrances, one<br />

from the hallway and one from the administrator’s office. There were blackboards on two<br />

separate walls, and the conference table could hold approximately 15 people. The room also had<br />

a small table along the entrance wall that was used for the food.<br />


Times for Focus Groups. Focus groups’ <strong>time</strong>s were set initially for evening hours at the<br />

institutions. On the last round of focus groups, the researcher included a mid-afternoon meeting<br />

<strong>time</strong> to accommodate those who could not make the evening slots and to improve participation.<br />

The afternoon sessions were held at TCC and UCC. RCC had no responses to the afternoon<br />

meeting <strong>time</strong>.<br />

The original focus group sessions were scheduled in April of 2001 with some success.<br />

The first focus group, held at TCC, had six participants (the largest group of the study). The<br />

remaining groups consisted of one to three individuals. Due to limited participation in the<br />

Spring of 2001, the researcher scheduled a second round of focus groups at all three institutions<br />

in the Fall of 2001. The original Fall 2001 groups at TCC and UCC were scheduled to meet the<br />

week of the September 11 th tragedy, so the researcher had to cancel the groups and reschedule.<br />

Due to the enormity of the 9-11 incidents, additional sessions were delayed for one month, and<br />

the remaining sessions were held in October of 2001.<br />

Numerous electronic mails (e-mails) and telephone calls were received from adjuncts<br />

who were very interested in participating in the study, but they were unable to accommodate the<br />

sessions into their schedule. The reasons given for not attending included conflict with a class,<br />

difficulty in finding a baby-sitter, and lack of desire to be on campus other than on a scheduled<br />

class day. Therefore, the researcher offered any adjunct, who was interested in participating in<br />

the study but was unable to attend, the opportunity to do a telephone interview.<br />

Demographic Characteristics and Academic Backgrounds<br />

Research Question 1: What are the demographic characteristics and academic backgrounds of<br />

the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty participants in the three community colleges studied?<br />

The first research question addressed the demographic characteristics and academic<br />

backgrounds of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the three community colleges studied. In addition to the<br />

interviews and focus groups, each participant was given a short demographic survey (see<br />

Appendix J) that was completed before the interview began. Further information on the<br />

demographics and academic background was culled from the transcripts of the focus groups and<br />

interviews. The following is a breakdown of the information.<br />

Age<br />

The ages ranged from 27 to over 66. Fifty percent of the participants were between the<br />

ages of 46 and 60. The remainder of adjuncts was dispersed with 23% in the 45 or below<br />


categories and 23% in the 61 and above categories. One participant did not give his/her age.<br />

Gender<br />

There were 10 male and 16 female participants. Although with the small number of<br />

participants in the study makes it difficult to generalize, the gender of the participants was much<br />

like previous studies in the literature, with more females than males.<br />

Ethnicity<br />

Twenty of the 26 participants (77%) were Caucasians. The remaining six included the<br />

following: one African American, one Hispanic, and four undesignated. These findings are also<br />

similar to the research literature, where minority groups are not well represented.<br />

Marital status was not discussed in the interviews or the survey and is not included in this<br />

study. Table 4 shows the break down of age by ethnicity and gender.<br />

Table 4: Ages of <strong>Part</strong>icipants by Ethnicity and Gender<br />

Caucasian<br />

African<br />

American Hispanic Undesignated Totals<br />

Age Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women<br />

26-30 1 1<br />

31-35 1 1 2<br />

41-45 2 1 3<br />

46-50 3 2 1 6<br />

51-55 1 4 5<br />

56-60 2 2<br />

61-65 1 1 2<br />

66+ 2 1 1 4<br />

Unknown 1 1<br />

Totals 7 13 0 1 1 0 2 2 26<br />

Educational Level<br />

Pursuant to the state of <strong>Florida</strong> policy, which follows the Southern Association of<br />

Colleges and Schools’ (SACS) rules for accreditation, the minimum requirement for an<br />

individual to teach is a Master’s degree with 18 hours in the subject field. The educational levels<br />

of the participants were the following: two were beginning their Master’s work; 17 had obtained<br />


their Master’s degree; two had completed all of their doctoral work except the dissertation; five<br />

had doctoral degrees. The areas of study in which participants had degrees are shown in Table 5.<br />

Table 5: Areas of Study for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Degrees of<br />

<strong>Part</strong>icipants<br />


Accounting<br />

Aeronautical Science<br />

African and American Literature<br />

Criminal Justice<br />

Elementary Education<br />

English Literature<br />

German and Economics<br />

History<br />

Industrial Technology<br />

Journalism<br />

Liberal Studies Degree<br />

Mathematics Education<br />

Political Science<br />

Theatre<br />

MASTER’S<br />

Counseling & Psychology<br />

Criminal Justice<br />

Curriculum<br />

Dramatic Literature<br />

English Education<br />

English Literature<br />

ESOL<br />

History<br />

Mathematics Education<br />

MBA<br />

Political Science<br />

Pursuing Aeronautical Science<br />

Reading<br />

Social Science Education<br />

Sociology<br />

Theatre<br />

79<br />


Anthropology<br />

Organizational Communication<br />

Psychology<br />

Zoology<br />

Pursuing Education<br />

One adjunct was currently pursuing an education doctorate. Interestingly, only one other<br />

adjunct expressed the desire to return to school and pursue a Ph.D. Rita, from RCC, was in the<br />

process of obtaining a psychology certification in order to teach psychology at the college level.<br />

She also wanted to pursue her Ph.D. in psychology. “The education helps anyway if I go that<br />

route, so I will have more education in my life. I have not stopped. There will be more.”<br />

A number of the adjuncts discussed why they did not want to pursue a doctoral degree.<br />

Amy, from RCC, felt that she was too old (57) to try to go back and get her degree.<br />

Furthermore, she felt it was unnecessary to have a Ph.D. to teach survey history courses. Lori,<br />

another RCC adjunct, was at the ABD (all but dissertation) stage of her doctoral work and<br />

decided “it wasn’t what I wanted.”<br />

At UCC, Ray, a professional writer, did not want to pursue a Ph.D. because teaching was<br />

not the focus of his career. “I have a lot of ego invested…[in] being a writer, so that is where my

career is. So my career is not related to certain status in teaching, [and] that is why I chose not to<br />

go for a Ph.D.”<br />

Brad, a TCC adjunct, understood that many places required a doctorate to teach full-<strong>time</strong>,<br />

but money and the <strong>time</strong> to do a dissertation were major discouraging factors for him.<br />

I do not want to spend the money to pursue a doctorate degree, and I don’t want to write<br />

a dissertation…I don’t want to take that two years or three years to write something that<br />

thick. I mean if somebody hires me as a consultant and I write a report, they are going to<br />

pay me anywhere from $100-$200 an hour to write that report or whatever. If I [have] to<br />

write something like that as a doctoral candidate, I’m paying $600 an hour. So I can’t<br />

justify the expense, and that is part of the reason why I got the CPA, [be]cause in a lot of<br />

places that is as good as having the doctoral degree.<br />

Finally, Jean, another TCC adjunct, felt life was too short to go back for a Ph.D. Even<br />

though she had been encouraged repeatedly by her superiors to continue her graduate work, she<br />

could not justify it.<br />

I’ve always been of the opinion that life is too short for that kind of entrapment….I [had<br />

someone] here tell me one <strong>time</strong>…’you know you really need to get your Ph.D. If you<br />

had your Ph.D.,’ and I said, ‘if I had my Ph.D., you would be burying me.’ Life is way<br />

too short; especially in my area [theatre]…it’s a conundrum.<br />

Fields of Study<br />

The subject fields taught by the participants were the following: six English, six<br />

mathematics, one humanities, one history, two sciences, two business, one education, eight<br />

social sciences, and six remedial level classes including reading, mathematics and ESOL<br />

(English as a second language). There are more than 26 fields represented because several<br />

adjuncts taught more than one subject. Table 6 shows the break down of subject taught by<br />

gender and degree level.<br />

Work Experience<br />

According to the 1998 NSOPF, the mean number of years working as an adjunct was 9<br />

years, and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty had been in their teaching position an average of 16 years (Berger et<br />

al., 2002). Of the 26 participants, 24 reported their years of adjunct work experience, with a<br />

combined 170 years of experience. The average number of years as an adjunct was eight. The<br />

mode was one year, and the median was five years. Furthermore, three of the adjuncts were in<br />


Table 6: Subjects <strong>Part</strong>icipants Taught by Degree Level and Gender<br />

Some Graduate Completed<br />

Doctoral<br />

Degree Work Master's ABD Degree<br />

Subject Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women<br />

Business 1 1<br />

Education 1<br />

Engineering 1<br />

English 1 5<br />

History 1<br />

Humanities 1<br />

Math 1<br />

Science 1<br />

Social Science 1 3 2 2<br />

Remedial 2<br />

Unknown 2 1<br />

ESL 1<br />

Math 1 1 1<br />

Reading 1 1<br />

their first semester of teaching, and five had taught for 15 or more years. Table 7 shows the<br />

break down of years teaching as an adjunct by gender and degree level.<br />

The job situations were diverse among the 26 adjuncts. Eleven of the participants had<br />

only the adjunct job as a paying position. Of these 11, two were retired, one was a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

Master’s student, one was a Doctoral student and full-<strong>time</strong> mom, and one was a full-<strong>time</strong> mom.<br />

Nine of the participants held full-<strong>time</strong> jobs in the following positions: administrator,<br />

CPA consultant, education counselor, engineering and manufacturing, management analyst,<br />

professional writer, secondary school teacher, and workforce counselor. In addition to a full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> job and adjunct position, one adjunct was working on her Master’s degree, and two had<br />

additional part-<strong>time</strong>s jobs, one with a local high school and the other teaching part-<strong>time</strong> at<br />

another institution.<br />

The remaining six individuals, whose main job was part-<strong>time</strong> teaching, also worked<br />

additional part-<strong>time</strong> jobs. Three of the adjuncts working were “freeway fliers” (Gappa & Leslie,<br />

1993, p. 48); they held positions as adjunct faculty at another institution. Two other adjuncts<br />


held part-<strong>time</strong> positions outside of the academic arena. Finally, one individual worked half-<strong>time</strong><br />

with a local high school and ran a production company.<br />

Table 7: Numbers of Years as Adjunct by Degree Level and Gender<br />

Degree<br />

Some Graduate<br />

Work<br />

Completed<br />

Master's ABD<br />

82<br />

Doctoral<br />

Degree<br />

# years as<br />

Adjunct Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women<br />

Unknown 1 1<br />

1st semester 1 1 1<br />

1 2 1 1 1<br />

3 3<br />

4<br />

5 1 1 1<br />

6 1<br />

7 1 1 1<br />

8 1<br />

15 1<br />

17 1<br />

18 1<br />

26 1<br />

30 1<br />

There was a definite mix of job experience among the 26 participants. Furthermore,<br />

almost all adjuncts seemed to have additional outlets, whether personal interests, schooling, or<br />

another part-<strong>time</strong> job that made for very busy schedules.<br />

Career Aspirations<br />

Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong>. According to the 1998 NSOPF, 42% of two-year part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

aspired to full-<strong>time</strong> positions, while 58% preferred to work part-<strong>time</strong> (Berger et al., 2002).<br />

Several of the adjuncts aspired to teach full-<strong>time</strong> at the community college. At RCC, Rita and<br />

Amy were very interested in full-<strong>time</strong>, as well as Jen who aspired to teach and then go into<br />

administration. Tina wanted to find a position as full-<strong>time</strong> teacher in the future, but at the <strong>time</strong><br />

of the interview, she was very content working part-<strong>time</strong> and spending <strong>time</strong> with her family.

At TCC, several of the adjuncts wanted to teach full-<strong>time</strong>; however, there were several<br />

reasons why they were not in full-<strong>time</strong> positions. Jean noted, “If TCC had a full <strong>time</strong> position, I<br />

would apply for it, but the fact of the matter is, there haven’t been any in my field in all the <strong>time</strong><br />

that I’ve been here.” Hanna, a remedial specialist, was looking for full-<strong>time</strong> work also. “I<br />

interviewed for a position here [at TCC]. It went to somebody who had been here for 14 years,<br />

and that is the continuing story here. It is very, very hard to get on.”<br />

Lisa and Eden, who were employed full-<strong>time</strong>, were teaching as adjuncts to try to get a<br />

“foot in the door.”<br />

“[H]ere at this [community college] you basically have to do it for a while. [You] have<br />

to get to know the faculty before you can go for full-<strong>time</strong> position, and really full-<strong>time</strong><br />

positions are only offered when someone retires…But I’ve known where I want to be.<br />

Once I start having a family, I know that I wanted to be teaching, so I’ve been working<br />

towards this for a long <strong>time</strong>…I’ve been around for about five years, and I know a lot of<br />

faculty around here. Even though I haven’t been …adjunct teaching…a lot of classes, I<br />

know the faculty because I’ve been working here for a while, so hopefully [it will help in<br />

the search committees]. (Lisa, TCC)<br />

I’m too old to teach high school. I might blow a fuse! My goal is to eventually teach<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> at a community college. I really wanted my Master’s, and I decided teaching<br />

during that <strong>time</strong> would be good experience also. (Eden, TCC)<br />

It was apparently rather difficult to obtain a full-<strong>time</strong> position at TCC, as Lisa, Jean and Hanna’s<br />

comments indicated.<br />

Reba, a Ph.D., wanted to teach full-<strong>time</strong> because she wanted to work at the community<br />

college, and she loved her subject field, anthropology.<br />

I have an emotional kind of feeling for community college. I would love to teach full<strong>time</strong><br />

at a community college. I don’t care about training the next generation of<br />

anthropologists. There are enough schools that are graduating enough of us who are<br />

going to have trouble finding a job like I did. It’s the subject. It’s the feel. It’s the<br />

awareness that I want to be able to share.<br />

At UCC, only two instructors directly expressed a desire to teach full-<strong>time</strong>. Suzi was<br />

looking for job security and benefits. “I’d like to be able to work here full-<strong>time</strong>, but with some<br />

sense of security or some perks in terms of just even Medicare coverage or something, but I<br />

guess I can’t get it in an adjunct position they tell me.”<br />

Ellie had been teaching part-<strong>time</strong> at UCC for several years because of her family<br />

obligations. She was planning on applying for a full-<strong>time</strong> position upon the next opening, which<br />


she believed would be within the next year due to a number of faculty retirements. She felt she<br />

had paid her dues and because of her seniority as an adjunct, she would be next in line for a full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> position.<br />

People are getting ready for retirement, and I’ve been here long enough that I’ve<br />

watched. When I was at the back of the line, I didn’t even try for a position. But now I<br />

have some seniority…but I feel like it in the next year I probably will.<br />

Continue as part-<strong>time</strong>. Several of the adjuncts were very happy in their role as a part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> instructor, and they were not planning on changing their status. Lori (RCC) had no career<br />

aspirations beyond the part-<strong>time</strong> instructor. Dave (UCC) planned on continuing teaching part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> even after retiring from his full-<strong>time</strong> job. Jill (UCC), who had been an adjunct for 15 years,<br />

noted below her reasons for not wanting more than part-<strong>time</strong> work:<br />

I’ve wanted at <strong>time</strong>s to be a full-<strong>time</strong> teacher, but it just didn’t work out, so, there you<br />

go…If I were…offered a full-<strong>time</strong> position right now, I would say no, but it’s just<br />

because of my age. You need someone younger. You need a younger person…I would<br />

certainly consider it, but I wouldn’t take it. I’m very flattered by the whole thing, but<br />

no…it’s more than I want to do at this point.<br />

Other Aspirations. For those who had career aspirations other than being a community<br />

college instructor, there were a variety of directions that the participants were headed. Brad<br />

(TCC), who was almost 48, was doing what he wanted to do with his career in consulting. “I<br />

work out of my home; I usually have one big contract and three or four little clients at any given<br />

<strong>time</strong>. I make $50,000 plus a year and work three days a week. So, I’m happy right now.”<br />

Although Pam (TCC) loved teaching, her dream was to be a writer of children’s books.<br />

She stated, “Teaching was always a means to an end for me, and writing is the thing I love to<br />

do.” Therefore, she had no desire to teach full-<strong>time</strong> and had every intention of dropping her<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> position if her writing career “took off.”<br />

Cara, also at TCC, had originally wanted to be a full-<strong>time</strong> professor, but when the<br />

position was initially unavailable, she began to branch out in other areas. At the <strong>time</strong> of the<br />

interview, she did not want to give up her outside interests to teach full-<strong>time</strong>. “I think probably<br />

now I wouldn’t go full-<strong>time</strong>…[be]cause I have a lot of other irons in the fire. Even though when<br />

I’m teaching four classes, I literally am a full-<strong>time</strong> employee you know.”<br />


Geographic Mobility. Many of the adjuncts were not geographically mobile. Whether<br />

bound to the area by their spouse or family or by personal reasons, they felt they could not leave.<br />

These findings are comparable to the research literature.<br />

The most prevalent reason adjuncts had for not wanting to leave their area was due to<br />

family constraints. Jean (TCC) was geographically bound due to her husband’s job, while<br />

Hanna (TCC), whose husband also taught as an adjunct, wanted to stay because her son was in<br />

school in the area. Hanna also noted that she was tied into a lease, as well as the fact that she<br />

and her husband had spent thousands of dollars to relocate from their previous jobs.<br />

Rita (RCC) had extended family living with her including her adult daughter and<br />

grandchild, and she did not want to uproot them. “So for me to uproot, it would be to uproot her,<br />

and at this point she is a full-<strong>time</strong> student at a community college. So at this point to uproot and<br />

move is not a good thing; so no, I’m not mobile.”<br />

Eden (TCC), who was married with a child, also wanted to stay in <strong>Florida</strong> due to family.<br />

“I’m at the age where family makes a big difference. No, I don’t think I will leave.”<br />

Lisa, a full-<strong>time</strong> employee at TCC as well as a CPA, was geographically bound due to<br />

her husband’s business. She also had family in the area. Although her goal was to teach full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> at TCC, she was in the position to work full-<strong>time</strong> in business because of her credentials.<br />

“My education is so diverse that I don’t…have to have a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty position…I don’t have<br />

to be a teacher. I can be a CPA at a public firm. So I’m not moving anywhere right now.”<br />

Ellie, at UCC, was also place bound due to her family. “[N]o, we are not going to move.<br />

If I had to, I would look for employment here in town, elsewhere from the junior college<br />

…Also, we have a lot of campuses, so I could go to the other campuses if I had to.”<br />

Although Amy (RCC) had no immediate family in the area, she had lived in her area for<br />

25 years and felt a place of permanence.<br />

My house is going to be paid off this month, and when you’re in that situation, you feel<br />

like you’re permanent, and yeah, I like living out in the country. I don’t think I could<br />

find any place else where I could have my 8 cats, and they would be perfectly safe, so<br />

things like that.<br />

A few of the adjuncts expressed interest in moving if the position or timing was right for<br />

them and their family. Cara was not interested in teaching full-<strong>time</strong> at TCC, but if she decided to<br />

pursue a full-<strong>time</strong> teaching job, she would definitely move. Jen (RCC) was also open to moving.<br />


“I’ve discussed [moving] with my husband. Yes, when the <strong>time</strong> comes and the right position<br />

comes, we would leave.”<br />

Pete (TCC) was prepared to move wherever the job took him either as a consultant or a<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> teacher, but he still had family considerations.<br />

I’m applying for [various] jobs and if something lucrative comes up, you know in<br />

Cincinnati or up North somewhere, I will probably go…I will have to figure out how to<br />

get my daughter through her senior year down here, and, we’ll see what comes up in [this<br />

city]. But, you know, it scares me [be]cause there are a lot of people who came down<br />

here to go to school, and they’re here for a long <strong>time</strong>, and I don’t want to be here for a<br />

long <strong>time</strong>.<br />

As with the research literature, geographic mobility did seem to have an effect on the<br />

pursuit of full-<strong>time</strong> positions by those interviewed. Also, women appeared to be more bound<br />

geographically than their male counterparts. Family ties seemed to have the biggest influence on<br />

adjuncts not wanting to move.<br />

Reasons for Teaching <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong><br />

Research Question 2: What are the reasons for teaching part-<strong>time</strong> of the faculty participants in<br />

the three community colleges studied?<br />

According to the literature, there were 10 main areas that motivated part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to<br />

teach. These areas include the following: love of teaching, employed full-<strong>time</strong> outside of<br />

community college teaching, seeking a full-<strong>time</strong> position, desired experience, flexibility and<br />

autonomy, income, keeping current in the profession, prestige, students, and personal<br />

satisfaction.<br />

The second research question addressed the reasons the adjuncts taught part-<strong>time</strong> in the<br />

three community colleges studied. There were a variety of reasons given by the participants on<br />

why they chose to teach part-<strong>time</strong>. The next section will discuss their responses including the<br />

above reasons from the literature as well as some reasons not mentioned directly in the literature<br />

including only wanting part-<strong>time</strong> work and enjoying the community feeling working at the<br />

college gave.<br />

Love of Teaching<br />

At some point in the discussions, the majority of the adjuncts expressed how much they<br />

liked to teach. This was a strong motivating factor for teaching as an adjunct and coincides with<br />

the research literature.<br />


Brad (TCC) found that teaching gave him the ability to positively influence someone’s<br />

life. “Not too many things you can do that give you that opportunity.” Lisa (TCC) found<br />

inspiration in teaching and helping to students to learn something new.<br />

Although Hanna (TCC) did not enjoy being an adjunct, she loved teaching, and teaching<br />

adjunct got her into the classroom. Reba (TCC) also saw teaching part-<strong>time</strong> as a way to get into<br />

the classroom and do what she loves—teaching her subject. “I do like the chance it gives me to<br />

expose students to my field.”<br />

A number of the adjuncts discussed the fact that they loved to teach. Jen (RCC)<br />

expressed how much she enjoyed the teaching aspect. Jean (TCC) also enjoyed teaching. “I am<br />

delighted with what I teach, and I enjoy it; and that is what makes me do it.” Dan, a history<br />

adjunct at TCC, also enjoyed teaching. “I enjoy the subject…Period…I’m having fun.”<br />

Probably the most exuberant proponent of teaching was Rita (RCC). She taught part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> in the evenings and wanted to become a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor.<br />

…after my first semester it was like “wow, this is really fun.” I really, really enjoyed it,<br />

and I’ve been teaching ever since, everything that they can give me. If I can fit it into my<br />

schedule, I’m teaching it. I really get a kick out of being up front in a classroom and<br />

explaining stuff, and I have a good <strong>time</strong>. I’m a good teacher. You should be in my class.<br />

I have a lot of fun in my class; I get a lot of student participation, that kind of thing. And<br />

I just kind of got hooked…on teaching…[be]cause I love it. I really, really love being in<br />

the classroom.<br />

Overall, love of teaching was one of the strongest motivating factors found in this study.<br />

Also, it seemed to be the main motivation for continuing as an adjunct.<br />

Employed Full-<strong>time</strong> Outside of Community College Teaching<br />

In the research, many part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were employed full-<strong>time</strong> in another job. In this<br />

study, nine of the adjuncts had a full-<strong>time</strong> position, but only two adjuncts gave it as a reason for<br />

teaching part-<strong>time</strong>. Eden (TCC) noted, “I’m a full-<strong>time</strong> [job location withheld] worker, and I do<br />

need to keep my job.” Dave (UCC) was working full-<strong>time</strong> in the field he taught. Although he<br />

had no interest in a full-<strong>time</strong> teaching position, he did state that he would continue teaching as an<br />

adjunct even after he retired from his full-<strong>time</strong> position.<br />

Seeking Full-<strong>time</strong> Position<br />

Several adjuncts were looking for full-<strong>time</strong> positions but were unsuccessful in finding<br />

one. Ellie (UCC) was a full-<strong>time</strong> teacher before she had children. With her children being older,<br />


she felt free to work full-<strong>time</strong> again, and she was going to apply to the next full-<strong>time</strong> position<br />

that opened up in her department.<br />

Amy (RCC) had been trying to get a full-<strong>time</strong> position for several years. In her field of<br />

history, the positions almost always went to candidates with doctorates; however, she did not<br />

want to pursue a doctoral degree at her stage in life.<br />

Hanna and Reba, both adjuncts at TCC, were seeking full-<strong>time</strong> positions as well, and<br />

both wanted to be at the college level. Reba, who holds a doctorate, could also work at the<br />

university level, but she preferred community colleges. Hanna, however, was limited to<br />

community college because her field of expertise was in developmental and remedial studies.<br />

“[Universities] don’t usually have a place for [remedial specialists] like me. I’m pretty much<br />

community college, my niche.”<br />

Reba (TCC), Amy (RCC), and Hanna (TCC) all expressed their concern and<br />

disappointment at how difficult it was to obtain a full-<strong>time</strong> position. Their experience is another<br />

example that teaching part-<strong>time</strong> may not be the “foot in the door” for which some adjuncts hope.<br />

Interestingly, Lisa noted the difficulty of breaking into a faculty position at TCC, and she<br />

believed that you had to be an adjunct in order to move into full-<strong>time</strong> teaching.<br />

I’ve seen the pattern around here. You [have to] be an adjunct for a while… I’ve been<br />

around here for about 5 years, and I know a lot of the faculty around here. Even though I<br />

haven’t been…adjunct teaching a lot, I know the faculty because I’ve been working here<br />

a while. So hopefully that will be a [benefit].<br />

According to the adjuncts and administrators at TCC, most full-<strong>time</strong> faculty came from the ranks<br />

of the adjuncts.<br />

Desired Experience<br />

Some of the adjuncts were not interested in teaching full-<strong>time</strong> at the <strong>time</strong> of the<br />

interview; however, they wanted to teach full-<strong>time</strong> in the future. Their reason for teaching part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> now was to gain experience for future job opportunities. Jen (RCC) stated, “[I am] hoping<br />

to be a full-<strong>time</strong> teacher, so [I am] trying to get all the experience I can under my belt.”<br />

Two of the participants, Tim (RCC) and Eden (TCC), were working on their Master’s<br />

degree and felt that teaching part-<strong>time</strong> provided excellent experience. It also provided them with<br />

additional income while pursuing their educational goals.<br />

I need to do something on my résumé…Well, I just started my Master’s degree and<br />

didn’t want to do it at the same <strong>time</strong> as work[ing] full <strong>time</strong> because I can’t focus…and I<br />


want to [put] my “best foot forward,” if you will… I just teach two classes and do the<br />

Master’s program. (Tim, RCC)<br />

The <strong>State</strong> cancelled this student waiver thing and still won’t pay for school [any] more.<br />

So I decided to get a part-<strong>time</strong> job in teaching,…[and] I applied to TCC as an adjunct<br />

instructor. (Eden, TCC)<br />

Wanted Only <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong><br />

Several adjuncts desired only a part-<strong>time</strong> position, and their reasons varied as to why they<br />

wished for just part-<strong>time</strong> work. Tim (RCC) found the job very convenient for him while he was<br />

working on his Master’s. Lori (RCC) did not want to teach full-<strong>time</strong> any longer, and she was<br />

financially able to drop to part-<strong>time</strong> due to her husband’s income. Tina (RCC) chose to teach<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> in order to spend more <strong>time</strong> with her husband and three daughters.<br />

Nancy (TCC) was a retired high school teacher who taught in a private school for 33<br />

years. She found part-<strong>time</strong> teaching a refreshing change and an enjoyable experience.<br />

I just don’t want to [teach full-<strong>time</strong>]. I’m tired frankly. I taught a long <strong>time</strong>, as I said, 33<br />

years, and I also did the anchor club at my school for 15 years…when you teach in a high<br />

school, it is a very draining thing because you are involved in so many extracurricular<br />

things, whereas on campus in a college it’s not exactly that same situation.<br />

In addition to Nancy (TCC), Chris (UCC) was also retired after 30 plus years at the community<br />

college and only wanted to teach part-<strong>time</strong>. Retirees such as Chris and Nancy bring many years<br />

of expertise and often excellent pedagogical skills to the classroom.<br />

Flexibility and Autonomy<br />

From the institutional perspective, the administrators acknowledged that flexibility was a<br />

key motivator for adjuncts. Flexibility was another reason given by many of the adjuncts for<br />

teaching part-<strong>time</strong>, and it was a strong motivating factor for various reasons. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> teaching<br />

allowed adjuncts to spend more <strong>time</strong> with their family.<br />

This aspect is the most satisfying part of being an adjunct for me. I have much more<br />

personal free <strong>time</strong> and more <strong>time</strong> with my daughters and husband. I am also more able to<br />

help my husband in his business…It’s part-<strong>time</strong> and flexible, and that’s why I continue<br />

doing [adjunct], but I feel its taking unfair advantage. (Tina, RCC)<br />

It isn’t full-<strong>time</strong>, so I have a great amount of <strong>time</strong> to spend as I wish…I also get to spend<br />

<strong>time</strong> with my grandson who was born in March. (Lori, RCC)<br />


Some found the flexibility allowed them to come and go as they pleased, choose to<br />

participate as much or as little as they wished, and gave them greater freedom overall as the<br />

statements below show.<br />

Probably the flexibility of the schedule coming and going. You don’t have any classes,<br />

you don’t have to be there. (Jen, RCC)<br />

That’s one big advantage to being an adjunct, to get to say no. (Adam, TCC)<br />

It is nice to have freedom to come and go…I like variety and I like flexibility, and I have<br />

a lot of that. (Ellie, UCC)<br />

I want more discretionary <strong>time</strong>. I want more <strong>time</strong> to do my thing and some stuff outside<br />

of here. (Chris, UCC)<br />

A number of the faculty had outside careers or interests, and working as an adjunct<br />

provided greater independence to pursue their real love. For example, Cara (TCC) enjoyed part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> because it allowed her to spend <strong>time</strong> on outside interests.<br />

institutions.<br />

In discussing flexibility, Pam (TCC) spoke of her friend who taught part-<strong>time</strong> at several<br />

I want to say another thing about one advantage of being an adjunct, and I [am] speaking<br />

of a friend of mine. [She] has a Ph.D. in dramatic [literature]...She was teaching 4 or 5<br />

different places at different colleges. Why she does that instead of getting a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

job? Because she chooses her courses…I was given my choice… I’m doing exactly what<br />

I want to do…teaching is just something I’ve found that I can do in order to make the<br />

writing possible. So as soon as anything breaks, I’m out of here.<br />

Ray (UCC) also liked the freedom the adjunct position gave him to pursue his career in<br />

writing. Furthermore, he enjoyed the fact that he did not have to participate in other required<br />

duties of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty:<br />

It helps my independence… It helps me be a better writer…I like the freedom of being<br />

an adjunct. I joke that I don’t have to go to meetings, and that is one of the payoffs I<br />

really appreciate when somebody says, “Why don’t you apply for a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

position.”…I like not having to go to meetings. I really do. I like the idea that I’m<br />

coming in, teaching my course, meeting with the students if they want to meet, and my<br />

responsibility as far as …that goes…of being onsite, I’m done…so I like that a lot. (Ray,<br />

UCC)<br />

Another interesting example of the flexibility of being adjunct came from Jean (TCC), a<br />

theatre instructor. Jean also ran a production company and taught half-<strong>time</strong> at a local high<br />


school. One reason she found adjunct teaching desirable was because it was not the typical nine<br />

to five job. “[I] cannot comprehend punching a clock. If anything ever could, that would cause<br />

me to have hives I think…When I hear about <strong>State</strong> workers or people with regular jobs, they do<br />

what they do all day long—oh my goodness.”<br />

Along with flexibility, instructors enjoyed the autonomy that comes with being a college<br />

teacher, such as Amy (RCC) who stated, “That’s the good part about doing this job is that you<br />

are on your own, and you don’t answer to anybody.” Dave (UCC) found an added advantage of<br />

being part-<strong>time</strong> was not being involved in the bureaucracy of the college.<br />

No involvement in the politics of the bureaucracy, I just come in and teach my class and<br />

leave…As any large organization, there are personality issues and office politics. I go<br />

teach my class. I leave and am totally unencumbered by what’s happening at the<br />

institution. It’s a very refreshing role to be in.<br />

Income<br />

In addition to providing greater flexibility, part-<strong>time</strong> teaching also provided income. Not<br />

surprisingly, one of the strongest motivations for being an adjunct was the additional income,<br />

whether it was their only income or it was a second or third job. Two main reasons were given<br />

for the need for additional income. The first was to provide extra income for personal needs or<br />

extra spending money. Pam (TCC) retired five years earlier and wanted extra money for<br />

traveling. Rita (RCC) also sought out the job for extra spending money, but she found that she<br />

truly loved to teach.<br />

…I didn’t set out to be a teacher. That wasn’t my main goal, [I] just [wanted to] make a<br />

little extra money… I didn’t know that I wanted to teach that bad except I knew I needed<br />

a little extra money…I knew that they would pay me for teaching, and I knew that I had<br />

the qualifications [be]cause I had a Master’s degree…it was just something that I was<br />

[going to] check out and try [to] see how it would go. Mostly, I think, because I knew I<br />

would get paid you know, and I really needed the extra money at the <strong>time</strong>. I really, really<br />

needed some money, and so I thought what the heck, it can’t be that bad…I’m smart so<br />

all I [have] to do is get a textbook. I can teach anything. Just give me a book; I can teach<br />

it…Money helps. Money is good. It allows me to…[do the] things that I would struggle<br />

to do with just a regular paycheck (Rita, RCC)<br />

The second reason for the needed income was to provide some type of stability for those<br />

whose other jobs may not provide a steady or established flow of income. Nancy (TCC), a<br />

retired high school English teacher, had her pension from her private school, which was not in<br />

the greatest shape due to market fluctuations.<br />


I need the money…Because [of] my retirement [and] having been in private schools for<br />

all these years, I don’t get a <strong>State</strong> check. My retirement is in the stock market, which is<br />

currently shot to hell, as we all know. So I need this little extra money now, and that is<br />

one reason that I’m doing it.<br />

Ray (UCC) also found that the part-<strong>time</strong> teaching position provided for a much-needed<br />

stability, since he was not always certain when he would be paid for his writing.<br />

…it also gives me some stability to be able to budget certain income. As a freelance<br />

writer one of the few things you can’t control is when somebody is going to pay you.<br />

You can control how much work you do and how much you have [in] billables out, but<br />

whether the magazine or newspaper choose actually to issue that check is totally<br />

irrelevant, out of your control. So if I am an adjunct, I know that on a certain day I am<br />

going to get a certain amount of money. So I can pay that bill on that date and take some<br />

pressure off me.<br />

Dan (TCC), who was in his second term as an adjunct, took a very interesting perspective<br />

on why he believed individuals chose to work part-<strong>time</strong> at TCC. He felt that most perceived it as<br />

a great second job for additional income, especially those pursuing doctoral degrees.<br />

The few adjuncts that I even bothered to talk to, who work…for [company withheld] in<br />

some fashion and they have no intention of ever working at TCC full-<strong>time</strong>, they are doing<br />

this instead of working at McDonald’s. When I worked for [company name withheld],<br />

there were people all around me who left at 5:00 p.m. They had to drive like crazy<br />

[be]cause at 5:45 they had to be at [JC] Penney’s. They are going to be a sales clerk for<br />

however long they stayed there in the Mall, a lot of them worked in those places. So it’s<br />

a very common thing [in this town] for somebody to have a second job. Most of the<br />

adjuncts I know of…[have] a second job that gives them extra money. [They are] not<br />

really dependent on it. If they didn’t work [at TCC], they would work someplace else.<br />

Or they are people in school trying to finish up whatever they are finishing and hoping<br />

the heck they can finish it fast enough so they can get out of here.<br />

Up-to-Date Knowledge and Real-life Input<br />

The adjuncts discussed how teaching helped to keep their skills and knowledge current.<br />

It also helped them to see the world from their students’ perspectives.<br />

I like the fact that it forces me to stay up on a bunch of different disciplines…I like the<br />

fact that I get a different perspective on things because I get students coming…from<br />

different backgrounds, and they’re giving me their perspective…In a nutshell, all the<br />

variety appeals to me (Brad, TCC)<br />

…I enjoy discovery of the writing process…and [teaching] also keeps me honed on my<br />

writing skills. (Ray, UCC)<br />


The best thing I like about being an adjunct…the opportunity to get into new technology.<br />

I don’t have that opportunity at [my full-<strong>time</strong> job]. We don’t have that kind of money.<br />

(Bill, UCC)<br />

The program keeps me in contact with others (my students primarily) in the<br />

manufacturing arena. I am able to learn what others are doing to resolve common issues,<br />

and we also tour different plants in our area as part of our program. (Dave, UCC)<br />

Furthermore, they also enjoyed being able to bring real-life experience into the classroom<br />

as Lisa pointed out in her interview. “I’ve been in public accounting, as far as a CFO position<br />

and comptroller of corporations, and I enjoy teaching. I enjoy bringing all that real life to a<br />

classroom.”<br />

Prestige<br />

As in the literature, many of the adjuncts felt a sense of prestige that came with the<br />

position of college instructor. It was an ego and self-esteem boost for them. Rita, Jill, Suzi, and<br />

Ellie’s comments express these feelings:<br />

Students<br />

I really get a kick out of being up front in a classroom and explaining stuff, and I have a<br />

good <strong>time</strong>… So I continue to do it because it’s like an ego builder for me…it’s the selfesteem<br />

kind of thing for me that I’m doing this, and the money is not bad either, so that’s<br />

why I continue to stay… I’m well known in [my workplace] with all my coworkers…”Ms.<br />

[name withheld] teaches college out here.” So I think it’s a self-esteem<br />

booster, ego builder, a self-satisfaction that I’m doing something that I like. I get paid for<br />

doing something I like to do, and I really, really do like to teach. I really do. (Rita,<br />

RCC)<br />

…I just enjoy the ego boost when I’m walking across campus and somebody says, “Hi<br />

Mrs. [name withheld]. How are you doing?” I say, “I’m doing fine,” and they may have<br />

been [students] two or three semesters ago. I just really like that, but that’s the sort of<br />

thing I think that all teachers get after they’ve been on campus a while. (Jill, UCC)<br />

So, it’s also got to do with…your self esteem. I think my self-esteem and ego [are] very<br />

much evolved around the job. (Suzi, UCC)<br />

I like the role…of junior college instructor. I mean, I think it is respected. It is a<br />

professional position. I enjoy not only that it is a professional position but [also] that it is<br />

perceived as that. (Ellie, UCC)<br />

Although the literature states that adjuncts had lower job satisfaction when dealing with<br />

students, the majority of the adjuncts in this study said working with the students was one of the<br />


est parts of the job. The desire to work with students was an extremely strong motivating factor<br />

expressed by the adjuncts.<br />

point of view.<br />

You know it can be inordinately rewarding, especially if you are a good communicator<br />

and you like people. That’s what keeps me coming back…out of every fifty, there might<br />

be those two again that keep you coming back. (Jean, TCC)<br />

I like to teach [be]cause I like the students. There are some that are a pain, but…some of<br />

the students are just really nice. There are some that are really here to learn, and they<br />

kind of keep you going through the rough spots. (Cara, TCC)<br />

I think that is really what makes a teacher is if you can find out what motivates your<br />

student and find some way to communicate to that student so that you push that<br />

motivation…I like the variety of students. (Brad, TCC)<br />

Bob, a political science instructor at TCC, felt working with students gave him a unique<br />

I do it because I am interested in the political development of the country, and I can see it<br />

through the students. [I determine] what they consider important and then what I try to<br />

do is give them back a feeling that, “although I understand what you are saying, there are<br />

other things that you need to understand why these events took place,” sort of a maturing<br />

type view of things. So there is interplay, and I enjoy that part as much as anything, not<br />

just book learning but making sure that they understand things just didn’t happen here.<br />

Antony & Valadez (1998) found that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s job satisfaction was lower than<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the area of students. Although there is no comparison in this study to full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty, the positive attitude towards students was one of the strongest motivating factors in<br />

the interviews, which seems to contradict previous findings.<br />

Community<br />

All the participants felt that the community college provided a valuable educational<br />

service. Furthermore, the community atmosphere provided by the community college was<br />

another reason they chose to teach as adjuncts, as the comments below exemplify.<br />

I just plain love [the] community college. I think it is the best thing going in the<br />

educational world, and that is why I chose to work here so long. I could have retired 10<br />

years ago, but I didn’t want to. I just think there are so many challenges because all these<br />

ages of people. Kids still in high school taking credit bank courses to senior citizens and<br />

everything in between, and from all the different backgrounds you can imagine, and it<br />

just makes life interesting to work with those kinds of people…When I look at all those<br />

different kinds of things, I really don’t want to throw in the towel. I just enjoy working<br />

here. (Chris, UCC)<br />


I think what I like the most about being an adjunct is being a part of this<br />

community…this is kind of opening up another window professionally for me, and I<br />

enjoy that very much…I like the atmosphere. (Nancy, TCC)<br />

Personal Satisfaction<br />

Many of the adjuncts expressed great personal satisfaction in working as an adjunct.<br />

Jean (TCC) expressed it extremely well, “I come in, enjoy what I do, and I go. I do it out of<br />

need, but I also do what I like. It is what I do.”<br />

Tim (RCC) found that it provided a personal outlet as well, “Another reason, if I’m not<br />

working, I’m just bored. I just want to go hang out with colleagues…I kind of like the idea of<br />

being adjunct, which basically is separate from the full-<strong>time</strong> staff.”<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Besides the above-mentioned reasons for teaching part-<strong>time</strong>, there were a variety of<br />

miscellaneous reasons. Bill (UCC), an adjunct for over 18 years, enjoyed the variety of the<br />

position. Dave (UCC), who had a full-<strong>time</strong> job, found that not being involved in the “politics”<br />

was a good reason for staying on as an adjunct.<br />

No involvement in the politics of the bureaucracy, I just come in and teach my class and<br />

leave…As any large organization, there are personality issues and office politics. I go<br />

teach my class. I leave and am totally unencumbered by what’s happening at the<br />

institution. It’s a very refreshing role to be in.<br />

One of the more interesting stories of why an individual chose to be an adjunct came<br />

from Pete (TCC), a consultant. It provides a strong case for the advantages and effects of<br />

mentoring.<br />

…why I teach part <strong>time</strong>?…I have been doing [part-<strong>time</strong> teaching] for such a long <strong>time</strong>,<br />

but I remember…I guess I was 19 years old, and I worked while I was going to college; I<br />

worked at a TV station in Cincinnati as a cameraman…and the program director was a<br />

college program director at WCET, and he taught part <strong>time</strong> at the <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Cincinnati. Now I’m 19 and naive as can be, and I thought that was the coolest thing in<br />

the world. I couldn’t imagine being such a professional as he and teaching part-<strong>time</strong>. I<br />

just thought that was so great that he shared his wealth of knowledge about television and<br />

broadcasting. He is dead now, and he was one of the pioneers in television. So, I went to<br />

him, “What do you [have] to do to teach?” “Well you [have] to get a master’s degree.”<br />

So I graduated from Northern Kentucky <strong>University</strong>, and I talked to him…I was still<br />

working at the TV station, “Can you give me a year’s leave of absence so I can go get<br />

my master’s degree so I can go teach part-<strong>time</strong>?” And he said, “Sure.” So I went to<br />

Eastern Illinois <strong>University</strong>. [It] took me 11 months to get my master’s degree, and I<br />


came back to the same TV station. Then I started teaching part <strong>time</strong>. I thought I was<br />

cool. I was 23, 24 years old.<br />

There were varied and often multiple reasons participants chose to teach part-<strong>time</strong>. Need<br />

for income, love of teaching, and working with students were the three most strongly expressed<br />

motivating factors. Furthermore, all participants expressed a strong commitment to teaching, as<br />

well as a professional attitude towards their jobs at the institutions. In addition, these motivators<br />

were similar to the research literature.<br />

Job Satisfactions and Dissatisfactions<br />

Research Question 3: What are the job satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

participants in the three community colleges studied?<br />

The third research question addressed job satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty participants in the three community colleges studied. As Spector (1997) noted, job<br />

satisfaction is important because of its positive and negative ramifications. Having a<br />

comprehensive understanding of these ramifications helps the institutions to provide a better<br />

employee environment and may help to improve productivity in part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as well as full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

In the course of the focus groups, questions were asked that addressed the satisfaction<br />

levels of the adjuncts (See Appendix G1). Furthermore, in the discussion, the adjuncts addressed<br />

several areas not specifically targeted by the questions.<br />

In analyzing the data, satisfaction levels with the following topics were addressed by the<br />

adjuncts: teaching; students; institutions; full-<strong>time</strong> faculty and other adjunct faculty; the<br />

departments or program areas including the departmental level, support staff, physical facilities,<br />

office hours and office space; compensation and benefits; recruitment, orientation, and<br />

integration; evaluation; other job roles; and overall satisfaction.<br />

Satisfaction with Teaching<br />

Eleven of the 26 participants commented directly on their love of teaching and found<br />

satisfaction in working with the students and at the institutions. At all three institutions,<br />

satisfaction with teaching was evident by the adjuncts’ strong remarks on teaching. The<br />

following excerpts are a few of the comments and discussions on teaching:<br />

Well the teaching itself, I’m very satisfied with the teaching. (Jen, RCC)<br />


I love teaching in general…Overall, I find college teaching to be very stimulating<br />

intellectually…I love teaching college material and working with college students…I<br />

love teaching! (Tina, RCC)<br />

I’m here because I love to teach…And I don’t want to give up teaching, and I never knew<br />

until a couple of years ago that teaching is something that I really love [be]cause I never<br />

pursued an education degree…and I love it…I would rather be out here teaching school<br />

any day than working…full-<strong>time</strong> [at her current job]…I just enjoy it so much, and I never<br />

thought I would be a teacher… I’m here [be]cause I love to teach. (Rita, RCC)<br />

I am totally delighted with [teaching]. I’ve had no complaints at all. (Dan, TCC)<br />

I am delighted with what I teach, and I enjoy it, and that is what makes me do it. (Jean,<br />

TCC)<br />

…I love teaching. I really do. I love it and … I feel like [adjunct teaching] is a<br />

wonderful thing for me to do to be able to keep my finger in [teaching]. (Nancy, TCC, a<br />

retired high school teacher)<br />

I enjoy what I’m doing. I love teaching, and I wish I could have done more in the past.<br />

(Jill, UCC)<br />

Among the participants, there was a strong desire to teach and a strong level of satisfaction that<br />

came from teaching.<br />

Satisfaction with Students<br />

In the literature, studies showed that adjunct faculty found lower levels of satisfaction<br />

with students. Although the findings of this study are limited in generalizability, this research<br />

contradicts those findings. Overwhelmingly at all three institutions, the participants agreed that<br />

one of the greatest job satisfactions as an adjunct was working with the students.<br />

There were several reasons given for the greater satisfaction with working with students.<br />

One was that they were more committed to their studies. Lori, a former middle school teacher,<br />

noted, “I love this job. I feel like a teacher again instead of a referee. The students are friendly,<br />

but respectful, and appreciative of the assistance I can give them.”<br />

Another reason adjuncts found working with students satisfying was greater intellectual<br />

stimulation; the students were ready to learn, as with Tina (RCC).<br />

I like the intellectual stimulation of college teaching and absolutely love working with<br />

my students. Definitely, I like teaching the college students and working with adults…I<br />

truly enjoy students, especially in my night class. We have wonderful discussions, and<br />

they are so eager to learn. I feel that I am really making a difference for many of them.<br />


Others, such as Pete, Jill, and Pam, found establishing relationships and rapport with<br />

students rewarding.<br />

I enjoy the students, and I have a great rapport with them, and I guess that is what keeps<br />

me coming back. (Pete, TCC)<br />

I really enjoy very much establishing relationships with students and rapport with the<br />

students. (Jill, UCC)<br />

I enjoy seeing the progress made with the students… When they realize that there is a<br />

whole world out there beyond their little egos, it’s just remarkable, and they all don’t get<br />

it, but some of them are starting too, and that is the fun of teaching. It is a calling, you<br />

know, more than a profession. It is like a minister doesn’t count how much money he is<br />

getting, and if he does, he’s not a really good minister. (Pam, TCC)<br />

Even for adjuncts who were not satisfied with other aspects of the part-<strong>time</strong> position,<br />

they found working with students very rewarding. Suzi (UCC), who was dissatisfied with being<br />

only part-<strong>time</strong>, is an example of the commitment to the students. “I think the whole saving grace<br />

of this place is really the students…I’m very, very focused on those students and what happens<br />

outside of that is very secondary to me.”<br />

Interestingly, the adjuncts who had the opportunity to teach both day and night classes<br />

discussed a distinct difference in the students. Hanna (TCC) acknowledged, “This is my first<br />

day class, and the students are 180 degrees different to me…The night classes are more<br />

dedicated…They are more serious too.” The consensus from those who had experienced<br />

teaching both day and night students was that evening students were usually more motivated and<br />

mature. Brad (TCC) found a very noticeable difference also.<br />

…my experience with community college has been, particularly in the evening, it has<br />

been [the] older student. A student that is either going back to school [be]cause they’re<br />

changing careers,…or personal situations have changed and they [have] to do something<br />

about their life or something. But I find that a community college student is somebody<br />

that has screwed around in high school and now they can’t get into a [university] or<br />

whatever, so the only route they’ve got now is community college. On a whole, I find<br />

the community college student usually highly motivated…The day students tend to be<br />

younger. They tend to be 18, 19, 20ish. Some of them are good because they…can’t get<br />

into a university…for whatever reason…so they’re motivated, but not quite as much as<br />

the night student. Usually the night student is a little bit older [and] has been out there<br />

working for a while. They have banged around. They know what it takes to get<br />

something done, and they taught themselves how to get something done… I call them<br />

adults, these people who have been working for a while. They’re in their late 20’s or<br />

early 30’s – even in their 40’s. They’ve been working, and when their boss gives them<br />

an assignment, they [have] a deadline to meet. And they go and meet that<br />


deadline…They know how to ask questions to meet that deadline, and they just know<br />

how to get the job done. You give that same assignment to your traditional college kid,<br />

and they will yap and moan and groan about how much work it is and how much effort it<br />

is, and they will spend more <strong>time</strong> yapping than they will getting it done. And it is only<br />

[be]cause they haven’t been out there yet. You can pick out the college students, even<br />

the ones that had to work through high school from the ones that just kind of coasted<br />

along, and mommy and daddy gave them everything.<br />

The majority of the participants had only positive comments to make about the students.<br />

Even those who had negative comments, attributed the behaviors to only a few students, but they<br />

truly enjoyed working with the students as a whole.<br />

Satisfaction with the Institution<br />

The level of satisfaction varied somewhat with teaching at the institutions. Issues with<br />

the institutions usually derived from wanting more classes or being paid more, as Lori (RCC)<br />

expressed in her comment below:<br />

I would like to teach more than just one class, but [I] am aware that as an adjunct, I am<br />

filling a slot where needed, and they only needed me for one class this semester.”<br />

However, most of the adjuncts enjoyed the community college environment as the following<br />

quotes indicate:<br />

I’m real satisfied with [teaching at the institution]. I love that. (Rita, RCC)<br />

I like teaching here…It [TCC] probably has been about my best experience as an adjunct.<br />

(Brad, TCC)<br />

I’m satisfied. I mean I’ve been here [at TCC] for a long <strong>time</strong>. I’ve gotten to know a lot<br />

of people around here. It’s a nice working environment around here. It really is as<br />

compared to other jobs that I’ve had. (Lisa, TCC)<br />

I also like the environment of the teaching staff. I don’t think I would like [the<br />

university’s] so much; I think that there [they are] more maybe snobbish. There is more<br />

academic backbiting kind of thing. [TCC] is a big happy family, and I enjoy that. (Pam,<br />

TCC)<br />

I think [UCC is] really a pleasant place to work actually. (Suzi, UCC)<br />

I think…UCC is very protective of teachers generally in that they don’t have to take guff<br />

[referring to disruptive students]. (Jill, UCC)<br />

In working for the community college, Hanna (TCC) had a unique outlook. She had<br />

almost 13 years of teaching full-<strong>time</strong> at community colleges, and she had taught part-<strong>time</strong> at<br />


two-year institutions before she began her career as a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor. Although her goal was<br />

to find a full-<strong>time</strong> position and she was unhappy with not being able to find one at TCC, she still<br />

found the institution an enjoyable place to work.<br />

People [at TCC] are wonderful. The atmosphere is very good…People are professional<br />

and cordial and friendly, and I’ve been in other institutions where they are not. I have<br />

been at institutions where they had unions…and I’d run into situations where people say,<br />

“that is not my job.” I much prefer this kind of setting where the focus is on the student<br />

and how can we help them do better…This is a clean campus…well kept, and they take<br />

pride in appearances, and there are other campuses that don’t. And so all that adds up to<br />

job satisfaction for me…But I guess my point is that I’m the kind of person that will<br />

sacrifice salary to get a place that is friendly and compatible, and I feel we’re all working<br />

together for the student. And that’s what I did.<br />

Dave (UCC), who was employed full-<strong>time</strong> outside of academia, enjoyed teaching at the<br />

institution because he did not have to get involved.<br />

No involvement in the politics of the bureaucracy, I just come in and teach my class and<br />

leave…As any large organization, there are personality issues and office politics. I go<br />

teach my class. I leave and am totally unencumbered by what’s happening at the<br />

institution. It’s a very refreshing role to be in.<br />

Several of the TCC adjuncts taught at other institutions in the area, mostly four-year<br />

schools, and they believed there was a difference in how adjuncts were treated between the two-<br />

and four-year institutions. Reba (TCC) expressed this sen<strong>time</strong>nt.<br />

First of all, I make more [money] at [the four-year institution]. Second, I feel as though<br />

I’m treated more like a professional. If I wanted to go to a professional meeting, I have a<br />

TA that can handle my classes…if I’m out sick, I’m out sick. We don’t get docked. We<br />

don’t have to find a substitute…but not here…not only do they pay us so little, but they<br />

nickel and dime us with everything else.<br />

The “nickel and dime” point Reba was expressing pertained to the rules for substituting.<br />

If an adjunct had to miss a class, all three institutions required that a substitute be found for the<br />

class, and the adjuncts were docked at an hourly rate for the missed class; the hourly rate was set<br />

by the institution. Like Reba, several adjuncts commented that such treatment made them feel<br />

like hourly workers instead of professionals with graduate degrees. Nonetheless, Reba enjoyed<br />

working at the community college. It was her preference, but her dissatisfaction derived from<br />

her perception that she was being treated unprofessionally, especially in relationship to how she<br />

was treated at the four-year institution.<br />


Many of the adjuncts were satisfied with their institution. They were comfortable with<br />

the working environment, and they felt that the community college arena was a good place to<br />

work.<br />

Satisfaction with Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> and Other Adjuncts<br />

In discussing satisfaction with the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, most of the comments were positive.<br />

Those who had established associations with adjuncts were positive also, but the adjunct-to-<br />

adjunct relationships were scarce.<br />

Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong>. Instructors who worked during the day had significantly more<br />

contact with full-<strong>time</strong> faculty members than those who worked in the evenings. Almost all of the<br />

participants had positive input on full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Tim (RCC) and Lisa (TCC) discussed how<br />

helpful full-<strong>time</strong> faculty were in answering their questions. Suzi (UCC) relied heavily on a full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty member. “I have one member of the faculty, who is full-<strong>time</strong>, and she’s been really<br />

helpful, but otherwise I would be totally lost.”<br />

There was a consensus among most of the adjuncts that they were treated respectfully by<br />

the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, as the statements below point out:<br />

I’ve never had any problems with full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. They’ve all treated me very nice,<br />

with respect and courtesy. (Jen, RCC)<br />

Everyone is friendly and helpful to one another without regard to whether full- or part<strong>time</strong>,<br />

tenured, adjunct or whatever. (Lori, RCC)<br />

The faculty members…have been so warm and so complimentary…and they make me<br />

feel very much appreciated and included, and I don’t get any of this…”we’re above what<br />

you do.” It’s always that we are colleagues, and they seem interested in what I’m doing<br />

and in my opinion. (Nancy, TCC)<br />

Full-<strong>time</strong> faculty are wonderful. My immediate supervisors are wonderful… I like the<br />

people I work with. I mean, it is always pleasant to talk to other folks, compare<br />

notes…The full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, especially if you have been here long enough that they<br />

know you, they treat you well. Some<strong>time</strong>s I can almost delude myself into feeling that<br />

I’m almost a professional doing it. (Reba, TCC)<br />

I think instructors work together to develop an almost unwritten policy. I think that<br />

people make informal group decisions if they’re teaching the same thing. You talk about<br />

what textbooks you’re using, when you’re testing, or what approach to take on<br />

something. We collaborate…I’m there during the day<strong>time</strong>. I have a nice relationship<br />

with the full-<strong>time</strong> staff. (Ellie, UCC)<br />


Although the comments were mostly positive towards full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, a few adjuncts,<br />

especially those teaching nights, noted that interaction with full-<strong>time</strong> instructors was often<br />

limited. Rita (RCC) observed, “There is just not an opportunity for us to get together because<br />

when I come out here at night, I go straight to the classroom, and I teach my class.” Brad (TCC)<br />

is another example of this sen<strong>time</strong>nt.<br />

Full-<strong>time</strong> faculty are usually here during the day, and the adjuncts are here during the<br />

evening, so you don’t really have too much [interaction]… I don’t think you really do<br />

that much in adjunct because, you know, adjunct faculty. You come in; you some<strong>time</strong>s<br />

are rushing to get from somewhere to class… You are as bad as your students, you know<br />

… You’re coming in here and doing your hour or two in class, and then you are gone.<br />

There is not too much opportunity to interact with any other [faculty].<br />

Furthermore, as in Tina’s (RCC) case, there was a definite desire to establish<br />

relationships with faculty colleagues. This desire seemed to be more pronounced for Tina<br />

possibly due to the fact that she had the experience of working in a collegial atmosphere in her<br />

former job as a public school teacher.<br />

This area is the biggest drawback to being an adjunct professor in my experience, for a<br />

number of reasons. When I was a public school teacher I had a tremendous camaraderie<br />

with my colleagues…I formed very close working relationships and friendships with<br />

other teachers. I miss that interaction a great deal. While my actual work is satisfying,<br />

much more satisfying than when I taught language arts, I feel isolated personally and<br />

professionally. I rarely see any other faculty member, adjunct or tenured. I truly enjoy<br />

the interaction with my students, but I really miss working more closely with colleagues.<br />

Interestingly, there was very limited dissatisfaction among the adjuncts in discussing<br />

working with full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Only one individual, Cara (TCC), a Ph.D. adjunct, felt strongly<br />

enough to comment on it, and she indicated that the incidents were isolated. Her attitude could<br />

derive from her dissatisfaction in being unable to obtain a full-<strong>time</strong> position and being relegated<br />

to adjunct status.<br />

We don’t get professional respect from full-<strong>time</strong> faculty…The full-<strong>time</strong> people, as I say,<br />

some of them have a total disregard for our profession, no professional respect<br />

whatsoever from some of them. Others, they…treat us like professionals…it is kind of<br />

mixed. (Cara, TCC)<br />

Other Adjunct <strong>Faculty</strong>. Most of the adjuncts had little interaction with other adjuncts,<br />

except for initial meetings at the beginning of the semesters. The lack of interaction may be<br />

caused by several factors. Many of the adjuncts worked evenings, and they often would come to<br />


their class and leave afterwards without ever visiting any other area, which did not afford them<br />

much opportunity to meet or socialize with others. Those who worked in the day seemed to have<br />

slightly more contact with other faculty, part- and full-<strong>time</strong>, than those who worked only<br />

evenings.<br />

Constant turnover of adjuncts was also a contributing factor. With adjunct faculty,<br />

attrition is always an issue. RCC had approximately 50% turnover. TCC had a 25% turnover,<br />

which provided for a much more stable pool of adjuncts. Overall, administrations were aware of<br />

the costs incorporated with adjunct turnover, but none of them discussed the negative impact to<br />

the relations and satisfaction of adjunct faculty.<br />

Bill was an adjunct at UCC for 18+ years, and he found that relationships were difficult<br />

to establish with adjuncts due to turnover. “I don’t have as good a rapport with the adjuncts<br />

because there is a quick turnover it seems. There are few that have been there for a long <strong>time</strong>,<br />

but there are new names all the <strong>time</strong>.”<br />

Furthermore, the initial meetings or orientations of the adjuncts at all three institutions<br />

did not allow for much, if any, <strong>time</strong> to meet other adjuncts. Rita (RCC), Dan (TCC), Nancy,<br />

(TCC), and Dave (UCC) commented that they did not know any other adjuncts mainly due to the<br />

fact they were only on campus to teach their classes.<br />

satisfied.<br />

For adjuncts who had an opportunity to meet and interact with other adjuncts, they were<br />

[I am] satisfied. Everyone is friendly and helpful to one another without regard to<br />

whether full- or part-<strong>time</strong>, tenured, adjunct or whatever (Lori, RCC)<br />

I like the adjuncts that I know, that I get to see…we get along fine. (Reba, TCC)<br />

…we come and go, you know. So I only know a few people, but I think we get along<br />

pretty well with the people. (Cara, TCC)<br />

Hanna (TCC), who wanted to teach full-<strong>time</strong> and had interviewed at TCC for a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

position, taught full-<strong>time</strong> in community colleges for over 13 years and also taught for a few years<br />

as an adjunct at the beginning of her career. She talked about her attitude towards adjunct before<br />

she moved to TCC. Although she appreciated adjuncts while she was working full-<strong>time</strong>, she<br />

never gave them the full respect they deserved or truly understood how difficult it could be, as<br />

she attests to in her statement below:<br />


While I was full-<strong>time</strong>, I wished I had gone out of my way to be nice to the adjuncts<br />

[be]cause I see now what they are doing…I did it, you know. Fifteen years ago I was<br />

starting out in Oregon and all that. Every person’s situation is unique you know. You<br />

are young. You expect that you [have] to tough it out for a while and do stuff when you<br />

are young, you know. I did it; three jobs in three different institutions part-timing it. Just<br />

barely getting enough to live and then finally when I got my first real full-<strong>time</strong> job with<br />

benefits I said, “Holy smokes, how did I do it?”… And I said, “Wow, how thankful I am<br />

to have this job.” But I will forever be, you know, paying attention to adjuncts. They do<br />

it. It’s a hard thing, depending upon their circumstances. There may be a lot of real<br />

content, you know, ones that are doing it for different reasons, but those of us that are in<br />

circumstance like mine [needing a full-<strong>time</strong> job], it is not easy. (Hanna, TCC)<br />

Satisfaction with Department or Program Area<br />

Departmental satisfaction was divided into four categories: the department or program<br />

area, the support staff, the physical facilities, and the offices space and hours. There were mixed<br />

reviews concerning the support of the administrators, physical facilities and office space and<br />

hours; however, in discussing the support staff, the majority of the adjuncts found this to be the<br />

most satisfying area of the department/programs.<br />

Departmental Level. For most adjuncts, the department and program administrators had<br />

an open door policy, and they felt they could ask questions freely. Words used to describe the<br />

administrator include the following: friendly, cooperative, helpful, excellent, supportive,<br />

accessible, respectful, on the ball, lovely, a sweetie, and a great gal. By their comments, it was<br />

apparent the adjuncts appreciated being able to openly discuss problems and address issues with<br />

their supervisors.<br />

Ray, an adjunct for over 30 years, and Bill, an adjunct for over 18 years, both discussed<br />

the support they received from their supervisors over the years.<br />

I have had good supervisors. I have never felt that I wasn’t supported by my supervisors.<br />

One of the things longevity gives you is you survive a lot of supervisors. I can’t think of<br />

one I’ve had that I didn’t feel like I was supported by. (Ray, UCC)<br />

I have been through quite a few department chairs over there, but there has always been<br />

support. We have always had good training over there for adjuncts…the department<br />

chairs have, without exception, all been very much open door policy people for anyone. I<br />

have never felt like “you are an adjunct.”…I am on a first name basis with most full-<strong>time</strong><br />

people there…I have had several concerns. I have gone to talk to the department chair,<br />

and he has raised the issues. Some<strong>time</strong>s he has been able to do something about it,<br />

some<strong>time</strong>s not, and if he can, he explains why. I have no hesitation ever to bring things<br />

up to him, which is a good feeling… I am very happy with the way I’m treated. I’m<br />


treated like an equal, like a professional. There is no distinction between full-<strong>time</strong> and<br />

adjunct in the way I’m treated. (Bill, UCC)<br />

However, even when the adjunct was satisfied with the department and chairperson, there was<br />

still a feeling of being an outsider, as Jean (TCC) explains in her statement below<br />

It has to be the product that you’re representing where you draw your satisfaction or<br />

gratification because the structure is good, and the current chairman in my department is<br />

quite excellent and acceptable. You are still an invisible entity, make no mistake. They<br />

might know your name… but you are a fifth wheel so to speak.<br />

There were a few disgruntled individuals who felt that the administrators were not<br />

supportive, and these adjuncts’ satisfaction levels were low. The dissatisfaction with<br />

administration was focused within the adjuncts at RCC.<br />

I went and talked to [the department head], with his open door policy, and I felt all I had<br />

done was shoot myself in the foot…When I had my last confrontation with the<br />

department head, he told me, in effect, that the attitude was that he was doing me a favor<br />

by allowing me to work here to gain experience as a teacher so that I could then go on<br />

and get a full-<strong>time</strong> job. And I said, “If they’re not going to hire me as a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

instructor at RCC where they know the work that I’ve done, where are they going to hire<br />

me, especially if I’m the anonymous applicant with all these other people with higher<br />

degrees?”…In 20 years are they still going to be doing me a favor? (Amy, RCC)<br />

The department treats you sort of like they don’t trust you. You don’t have access to<br />

things. You have to ask for paper and to make copies, not allowed to have access to<br />

make own copies. Supplies you have to ask. I used to teach at [another community<br />

college], and they were never like that. I don’t know that it’s not trusting or feeling<br />

they’d be taken advantage of. (Jen, RCC)<br />

Support Staff. The lifeblood for most of the adjuncts came through the departmental<br />

support staff, the secretaries and assistants. With the limited orientation and integration of the<br />

adjuncts, the secretaries and assistants were the individuals who provided the adjuncts with much<br />

need information and directions. The following excerpts demonstrate the strong levels of<br />

satisfaction felt towards support staff:<br />

She’s great [speaking of the department chair’s assistant]. I don’t know if she actually<br />

has any reason to assist me, but she does…She puts stuff in my mailbox and hunts me<br />

down and everything else, so she’s very helpful…I just go to the other teachers for advice<br />

on class issues or technical issues…but as for other ones [issues], I just go to [the<br />

secretary]. (Tim, RCC)<br />

I have to tell you that Gina [name changed] who is our secretary is also wonderful. You<br />

really get the feeling that she is on our side…You go to the secretary if you have a<br />

problem. The secretaries are the ones who really run this place. All the administrators<br />


are getting huge salaries, and if the secretaries left, they would not have a clue. (Amy,<br />

RCC)<br />

[TCC support staff] are wonderful…and anything you need, you can ask any of them. It<br />

doesn’t have to be your division support. You can ask any of them, and they’ll help you<br />

out. (Lisa, TCC)<br />

Yeah, they [TCC] are good…there is none of this “that is not my job,” and they may be<br />

very busy…You know who I get most [of my] information is our secretary out<br />

front…They run the place. They know how things are…She is so helpful, and …I know<br />

they are the most important people to get to know…and she’s professional and she’s<br />

good, and I really think they do a fine job. So I go to that person. In terms of the<br />

teaching and all that, I mean, you know, I kind of knew how to do stuff but if I need<br />

anything, I know who to ask, and they’re real good. No complaints (Hanna, TCC)<br />

I would put all my stuff…in my department chair’s secretary’s box, and she would take<br />

care of everything for me. When it was delivered, she would put it right in my box, and I<br />

would have it whenever I needed it. (Bill, UCC)<br />

Interestingly, none of the adjuncts expressed negative comments in this area. Everyone<br />

in the study expressed a high level of satisfaction with departmental or program areas’ support<br />

staff.<br />

Physical Facilities. Physical facilities included the classrooms, offices, and other<br />

physical aspects such as access to copiers, supplies, etc. There were mixed positions on the<br />

physical facilities of the adjuncts. One of the main complaints, especially for evening<br />

instructors, was inability to access facilities.<br />

Tina (RCC), an evening instructor, often had problems with the technology for her<br />

distance learning/interactive TV class, and she was unable to get help from the institution. Pete<br />

(TCC), who also taught as an adjunct at another institution, believed he could not have done a<br />

competent job if he had not had his other teaching position because he did all his copying and<br />

preparation there. Occasionally, evening adjuncts were unable to access their mailboxes or other<br />

needed items because the offices had closed for the night; however, all three institutions were<br />

working on correcting the problems to better accommodate their evening instructors.<br />

Of the three institutions, TCC was given the highest praise for its excellent facilities and<br />

classroom set-up. Brad gives an example of this point of view:<br />

Schools are places that have permanent facilities. I think that’s made the difference for<br />

TCC…Permanent campus…tend to be a better experience for the adjuncts…I think it<br />

gives it more of an educational feel…There is more of tone there and particularly with<br />


the older students, I think it helps them transition from working into a student role… A<br />

lot of these people are managers or supervisors. They’re use to giving orders and bossing<br />

people around and taking the lead and taking initiative and teaching others, and they have<br />

to come in at night, and they’ve got to put themselves into a subjective role, a student<br />

role, someone dictating to them what’s what. I think it helps them make that transition.<br />

The campus is nice—parking, every building. Somebody did a good job laying all this<br />

out.<br />

Concerning physical facilities, the one area that most frustrated the adjuncts at RCC was<br />

the inability to make copies. In one particular department, the department chair had<br />

implemented a policy that would not allow adjuncts to obtain an access code for the copier. The<br />

reason given to the adjuncts was that it was to improve cost effectiveness. Also, the chairman<br />

felt that many adjuncts worked for other institutions and would abuse the use of the copier. The<br />

policy did not set well with the adjuncts affected by it.<br />

The head of our department [at RCC] says that no adjuncts can have access to the copy<br />

machine…so I felt that that was kind of a thing to adjuncts. You’re inferior. You’re not<br />

responsible enough to have access to the copy machine because you will abuse this<br />

privilege. We don’t trust you…One thing they could change that wouldn’t be skin off<br />

anybody’s back, it would be to let us use the copy machine…it’s like we’re treated like<br />

children. (Amy, RCC)<br />

You don’t have access to things. You have to ask for paper…not allowed to have access<br />

code to make my own copies. Supplies—you have to ask. I used to teach at [another<br />

community college], and they weren’t like that. I don’t know that’s it’s not trusting or<br />

feeling that they’d be taken advantage of. (Jen, RCC)<br />

I asked [a fellow adjunct] what is the point of [not having access to the copiers]. She said<br />

that she thinks adjuncts will abuse and use it for personal use and stuff like that, and they<br />

don’t think full-<strong>time</strong> do that? I guess not. I didn’t say anything. The only person I’ve<br />

talked to is the secretary. If I started saying something about it, I’d go off on them. (Tina,<br />

RCC)<br />

Although not all departments had the policy, most of the adjuncts at RCC with whom the<br />

researcher spoke were in this department. Furthermore, the administrator did not discuss the<br />

copier issues; he said that adjunct faculty had the same access as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Although a seemingly minor item, the policy of not allowing adjuncts access to the<br />

copiers made them feel inferior and untrustworthy. Furthermore, as Amy stated, it would appear<br />

to be a very small adjustment for the department to make to help improve adjuncts’ satisfaction<br />

level.<br />


Office Hours and Office Space. Each department or program at the three institutions<br />

handled the adjunct office hours and space differently. At RCC, the office space varied by<br />

department. One department had a room, formerly the faculty lounge, with desks all along the<br />

wall. Other departments did not have any designated space for their adjuncts. Some adjuncts,<br />

such as Amy and Jen, had an office and were moved out to accommodate administrators and<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> faculty during renovations. Jen felt as if she had been “shoved” out of her office,<br />

leaving her with nowhere to go but a teacher workroom/lounge. Amy had her office for six<br />

years when she was displaced, and she believed the lack of an office had a negative impact on<br />

her students too. “The difference I notice from when I had an office—I got students coming in<br />

talking to me…but I don’t get any of that now…I kind of felt like it was nice to be there for my<br />

students.” The RCC administrator acknowledged that renovation had displaced some adjuncts,<br />

but the division was working to make sure that each had a telephone and computer.<br />

Some adjuncts, such as Tim, saw no need for an office since adjuncts were only required<br />

to be there one-half hour before class. Rita, who taught only at night, also felt no need for an<br />

office. A few shared space with another adjunct, which they found to be acceptable. Finally,<br />

Tina, who taught with distance learning, had virtual office hours and did her office hours online<br />

at home.<br />

At TCC, adjuncts were required to hold one office hour for each class they taught, and<br />

they were supposed to set, document, and adhere to their scheduled hours just like full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty. Some adjuncts found mandated office hours to be unneeded and frustrating because it<br />

inhibited their ability to do other things. For example, Pam kept her hours for fear of getting into<br />

trouble. “I heard that they actually check up on [office hours]. I just sit in my office some<strong>time</strong>s<br />

with absolutely nothing to do…and I feel like what a waste of <strong>time</strong>.” Reba, who was determined<br />

to make better use of her <strong>time</strong>, noted, “If I have to go to the library or grading center…I make<br />

sure I tell our office manager. ‘These are my office hours, but I need to do such and such on<br />

campus.’”<br />

In discussing office hours, Adam pointed out that most adjuncts spent much more than<br />

one hour a week on grading, meeting with students, preparing for classes, etc. He believed that<br />

most went significantly over the one hour per class requirement.<br />

TCC had several types of facilities for adjunct office hours. One of the larger divisions<br />

had an adjunct office that housed approximately 40 adjuncts. Each had desk area with a<br />


telephone and cabinet space. The office had a computer with two printers for the adjuncts to use.<br />

There were mixed reviews on this particular office. Some were just grateful to have a place to<br />

go while others felt it was much too impersonal and public. The greatest complaint was the<br />

inability to have private conversations as expressed by Cara in the following statement:<br />

Our office space is pretty awful, pretty limited…so they took all the adjuncts and put us<br />

in one like kind of barn. We have some little cabinet space and stuff like that, and<br />

everybody has their own telephone. So we are all in this kind of open room. There are<br />

no cubicles. Nothing to block sound…if there is one or two of us there…it is not bad, but<br />

this morning there were five adjuncts in there holding office hours at the same, and it<br />

turned out that three of us had students…then the telephones start going, and we have 42<br />

telephones in this room also… Now obviously we are not all there at the same <strong>time</strong><br />

[be]cause people teach at night and everything like that. You know this is not<br />

professional treatment… we are in this barn. You know, I see that as being a strong<br />

impediment to my function as an instructor.<br />

There were several other types of office space. The following adjuncts seemed to be<br />

satisfied with their office situation. Eden had space in a room with cubicles for the adjuncts,<br />

which provided for some privacy. Hanna, who shared her office with her husband, also an<br />

adjunct, was very satisfied. “I have…my own telephone that I share with whoever is in my<br />

office, which happens to be my husband, but you know it works out. A computer and a file<br />

cabinet, I mean that’s huge, compared to a lot of other schools, with what adjuncts get.” Others,<br />

who had traditional office spaces, were content, such as Jean, “Love TCC, have a great office, a<br />

phone, a computer, and such.” Lisa, who worked full-<strong>time</strong> at the institution, had adjunct office<br />

space she did not use. She chose to use her work office instead.<br />

UCC required adjuncts to hold office hours one-half hour before or after class. Some of<br />

the adjuncts had actual physical office space or teacher workroom areas they shared with other<br />

adjuncts, but most held their hours in the classrooms. Suzi discussed her difficulty in not having<br />

actual space.<br />

There’s nowhere really. One of the hardest parts was at the beginning I was coming all<br />

the way from [city about 45 minutes North], and I used to have to bring books from three<br />

or four classes in the beginning. I was just carrying loads of stuff everywhere, and you<br />

can’t leave your stuff anywhere…so they gave me a little trolley. (Suzi)<br />

A few of the adjuncts who had been at UCC for a while had their own office for which<br />

they were very grateful. Having their own office improved their satisfaction with the facilities as<br />

Ellie’s comments show.<br />


I’m part of the regular scenery now…and I have a little spot. I have a key to an office<br />

that is right in my daily path. So those things have made it. It sounds like such small<br />

things, but it really makes a big difference…I’m not really required to hold office hours.<br />

I’ve been fortunate this year for the first <strong>time</strong> in all these years in having an office space<br />

that is very convenient and in a good location for me. I’ve spent many semesters with no<br />

office or an office in another building…places that I never went were designated as my<br />

office space.<br />

Bill, who had been at the institution for 18+ years, was in a very rare position. He had<br />

his own private office with a window. When he disclosed his office accommodations in the<br />

focus group, the other adjuncts were amazed that he was treated so well and had enough respect<br />

from the program head that he would be given his own space with a view.<br />

I have my own office now with one big window that looks out over the humanities<br />

building…I don’t know of any other adjunct over there that has their own office…I<br />

[have] a computer too…They gave me a new computer!<br />

With a few noted exceptions, satisfaction with the physical facilities was good, but it<br />

could always be improved. Department leaders were very accessible. Support staff was helpful.<br />

Access to needed areas was acceptable. Areas that most strongly impacted the adjuncts<br />

included feeling comfortable in approaching superiors, being able to access needed facilities, and<br />

having at least a semi-private or private office space.<br />

Satisfaction with Compensation & Benefits<br />

In any industry or job, pay and benefits are always a key issue. At the three institutions<br />

studied, the adjuncts were not given any benefits, and the pay schedule varied among the<br />

institutions. This section will discuss the compensation and benefits including medical and<br />

retirement benefits. In the focus groups, compensation was the most discussed issue.<br />

Compensation. Overwhelmingly, the greatest dissatisfaction with being an adjunct was<br />

the poor compensation followed by the lack of benefits. Dissatisfaction with compensation was<br />

experienced by all of the adjuncts interviewed. Even if they were content teaching part-<strong>time</strong> and<br />

had no desire to do anything else, all felt they should be paid more, as the following comments<br />

illustrate:<br />

I would also like better pay that more realistically reflects the job that I do…Money is<br />

less of an issue, but still important. (Tina, RCC)<br />

Well, of course, more money would always be a good thing. (Lori, RCC)<br />


I would love to be paid more. (Nancy, TCC)<br />

You make more just being a graduate assistant. I don’t know what is going on down here<br />

in terms of salaries, but it is not good. (Hanna, TCC)<br />

I can make in a day [consulting] what I make here all semester…I make double per class<br />

over at [the university]. (Pete, TCC)<br />

Well, [pay] could be higher. If I were self-sufficient and relying on [teaching adjunct], I<br />

don’t think I could live on the salary of an adjunct. (Ellie, UCC)<br />

[The things I would change] would all be money and benefits. (Bill, UCC)<br />

Although Ray (UCC) felt the pay was too low, he acknowledged that he agreed to do the job at<br />

the pay level offered.<br />

Jean (TCC), who found the pay to be “ridiculous,” referred to adjuncts’ pay as “academic<br />

serfdom monetarily.” “Migrant workers,” “indentured servants,” “civil war slaves,” and<br />

“second-class citizens” were some of the descriptors adjunct faculty used to depict how their pay<br />

made them feel.<br />

An example of the low pay received by adjuncts was given by Amy (RCC) when she<br />

discussed the janitor’s pay at a nearby community college (NCC). The adjuncts at NCC were<br />

paid $1,450 per semester per class. If they worked the equivalent of a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor (ten<br />

classes over the Fall and Spring semesters), their annual salary would be $14,500, which is less<br />

than the janitor at the institution was paid, and he received health and retirement benefits. Amy<br />

made the following insightful comment on the scenario:<br />

…Activist groups on college campuses are now fighting to get a living wage for the<br />

janitorial staff and so on. Why aren’t they fighting to get a living wage for the people<br />

who are actually teaching the classes? We are supposed to be professionals. If it were<br />

not for [adjuncts], there would be no classes. Yet…the guy out cutting the grass, why,<br />

how do they even justify paying him more money? …We are the equivalent of slaves<br />

before the civil war, and I brought this up at one of the faculty meetings that whenever<br />

slavery is permitted to exist, people will take advantage of that situation (Amy, RCC)<br />

When viewed from Amy’s perspective, it is understandable that adjuncts are dissatisfied<br />

with pay. Adjuncts perform the service of teaching, which is central to the mission of the<br />

institution. Furthermore, they are required to have a Master’s degree as a minimum level of<br />

education, yet they are paid less than employees who are not required to have any postsecondary<br />


training. Understandably this insight can significantly impact an adjunct’s morale and lead to<br />

feelings of second-class citizenship.<br />

During the discussion on the poor pay, the following dialogue from an RCC focus group<br />

occurred exemplifying the poor pay level of some of the adjuncts and possible ethical issues:<br />

Amy: …speaking of government paying, another adjunct here, who also works for more<br />

than one college, just this year got off of welfare! She had several children, and she was<br />

getting welfare and food stamps and lived on adjunct pay.<br />

Tim: That’s a good example because the community college takes in all these welfare<br />

people, saying “come to school, get an education, get off welfare.”<br />

Amy: And yet their own teachers are on welfare.<br />

Tim: I think the community college, with a big word community in there; they should be<br />

setting the example.<br />

Amy: That’s right! To me, it’s unethical the way the part-<strong>time</strong> teaching staff [are<br />

treated]. I think we teach possibly half of the classes on campus. So they are really<br />

dependent on us. And it’s because we work for this amount of money, [RCC President]<br />

can make a $100,000 or however much he makes. It just seems like that gets down to a<br />

basic ethical question. I said, “if we were coal miners, we’d be out breaking heads,” but<br />

because people who get jobs teaching as adjuncts are not the kind of people who go out<br />

and do that, we’re just steamrollered over.<br />

Amy and Tim found it ironic that community colleges promoted education to get individuals off<br />

of welfare, and there were adjuncts at their institutions who had to collect welfare to make ends<br />

meet.<br />

TCC and UCC had various levels of pay based on educational degree with doctorates<br />

being paid the highest down to the lowest level of Associates’ degree or Professional<br />

Certification/Licensure. RCC paid on a per student basis.<br />

At all three institutions, individuals holding a Bachelor’s degree or lower could teach<br />

only remedial level courses with the exception of some certificate programs. To teach college<br />

credit courses at postsecondary institutions, SACS’ accreditation requires that individuals must<br />

have a Master’s degree or higher and 18 graduate hours in the subject area being taught, and all<br />

three institutions abide by SACS’ policies. If the adjunct did not have the proper graduate hours,<br />

their position as an adjunct would have to be justified. For example, if adjuncts were world<br />

renowned musicians, their experience and expertise would be used to justify their use as an<br />

adjunct.<br />


TCC’s pay schedule was two-fold: credit and/or contact hours and clock hours. Credit<br />

or contact hours were paid at the following rate: $604 per hour for Doctorate, $558 per hour for<br />

Master’s, and $504 per hour for Bachelor’s or Associate’s, professional certification or licensure,<br />

and/or verified related work experience as a qualifying factor. If the adjunct is teaching on a<br />

clock hour, such as labs, clinicals, and law enforcement, they are paid according to the following<br />

schedule: $35.34 per hour for Doctorate, $25.49 per hour for Bachelor’s or Master’s, $22.60 per<br />

hour for Associate’s, and $21.47 per hour for professional certification or licensure. Instructors<br />

were paid $13.65 per class/contact hour for substituting in lectures. If they were substituting for<br />

clock hours the pay was the following: $31.45 per hour for Doctorate, $22.65 per hour for<br />

Bachelor’s or Master’s, $19.50 per hour for Associate’s, and $18.40 per hour for Professional<br />

certification and licensure. This information was taken from TCC’s 2003 Human Resources<br />

Manual.<br />

UCC’s pay schedule was much more detailed than TCC’s. Pay is based on equated credit<br />

hour (ECH). The pay schedule for 2003-04 was the following: $481 per ECH for an Associate’s<br />

degree, $528 per ECH for a Bachelor’s degree, $589 per ECH for a Master’s Degree, $628 per<br />

ECH for a Master’s + 30 [graduate hours], and $667 per ECH for Doctorate. UCC also offers a<br />

number of high technology certificates and Associate of Science courses, and instructors’ pay<br />

was significantly higher, ranging from $667 to $1,500 per ECH, depending on the field and<br />

class. For non-credit courses, the contact hour rate was $13.00 to $125.00, again depending on<br />

the type of class and level of instructor. Substitutes were paid $25 per contact hour. This<br />

information was taken from the Adjunct, Temporary and Substitute Personnel: General<br />

Compensation Information (http://www.[UCC].edu/central/hr/tempsal.htm#credit) [name<br />

withheld for anonymity].<br />

RCC’s pay schedule was not based on degree level, although the adjuncts must still<br />

maintain the minimum SACS’ requirements to teach. Adjuncts were paid based on the number<br />

of students in the class for a three-hour credit class. Table 8 shows the pay schedule. If paid by<br />

contact hour, the pay was $17.00 per hour and could go up to $22.50 per hour if special<br />

qualifications were required.<br />

Although RCC adjuncts did not comment on being paid the same amount regardless of<br />

educational level, there were some issues with being paid per student. Some instructors felt<br />

pressure to ensure the students liked them and received a good grade so that other students would<br />


sign up for their classes in the future. They also suggested that this made them more lenient in<br />

class so they would have a good reputation with and referrals from the students, which<br />

Table 8: RCC Pay Schedule<br />

Enrollment Salary<br />

1-6 $100 per student<br />

7-10 $1,000 per class<br />

11-16 $1,150 per class<br />

17-23 $1,350 per class<br />

24+ $1,550 per class<br />

Provided by RCC Director of Human Resources, September 8, 2003.<br />

may have an adverse effect on quality of instruction. Amy and Jen expressed their feelings<br />

toward this policy in the statements below:<br />

When you have that kind of sliding scale…you then have the motive to try and teach so<br />

that as many students will sign up for your class as possible, so to maybe give A’s and<br />

B’s…I think perhaps the administration is very well aware of this, and they can’t come<br />

out and say, “we want a high enrollment; therefore don’t fail any of these kids.” But by<br />

putting the financial burden on us, it kind of gives us the incentive to fail as few students<br />

as possible so that the next year you will still get twenty-five students in your class.<br />

(Amy)<br />

Some<strong>time</strong>s you’re in competition with the other adjuncts that are teaching the same<br />

subject because pay is based on per head, on how many students you get per class. So [I]<br />

feel like [we’re] competing with each other to get money. When it comes down to it, the<br />

more students you have, the more money you make. I don’t enjoy that aspect of it…sort<br />

of like you have to market yourself to get other students to say, “she’s this, take her.” So<br />

you have to change, try to attract students…[I] probably would have taught the class<br />

differently. If you know [your] livelihood didn’t depend on it,…I’d probably be stricter.<br />

(Jen)<br />

Table 9 shows the breakdown of pay by institution and degree level. The breakdown is<br />

calculated on a per class basis with each class being a three-hour credit course with an<br />

attendance of 20 students.<br />


There is a distinct difference in the amounts paid by each institution, with UCC having<br />

the highest pay schedule. However, these figures are calculated only on the class contact hours<br />

of the instructor and do not compensate for initial class preparation, office hours, weekly class<br />

preparations, test preparations, or grading.<br />

Table 9: Adjunct Pay by Institution and Degree Level<br />

Institution Doctorate Master's + Master's Bachelor's Associate's<br />

RCC $1,350 $1,350 $1,350 $1,350 $1,350<br />

TCC $1,725 $1,593 $1,593 $1,440 $1,440<br />

UCC $1,944 $1,830 $1,716 $1,539 $1,401<br />

Figures calculated on a per class basis with the class being three credit hours with 20 students in the class..<br />

For example, if broken down by three-hour class, the instructor is in class for three hours<br />

per week over a sixteen-week semester. With a minimal one hour per week for office hours, one<br />

hour per week for test preparation and grading, three hours per week preparation for each class<br />

(one hour per class), and 12 hours minimal initial class preparation, the instructor puts in a<br />

minimum of 140 hours total in the semester. Based on Table 9’s pay scales, Table 10 shows the<br />

hourly breakdown of the class if the adjunct works the 140 hours semester. As the table shows,<br />

the hourly rates are extremely low, especially for requiring advanced degrees.<br />

Table 10: Hourly Pay Rate of Adjuncts by Institution and Degree Level<br />

Institution Doctorate Master's + Master's Bachelor's Associate's<br />

RCC $9.64 $9.64 $9.64 $9.64 $9.64<br />

TCC $12.94 $11.95 $11.95 $10.80 $10.80<br />

UCC $14.29 $13.45 $12.62 $11.31 $10.30<br />

Hourly rate for one 16 week semester, 8.75 hours per week (total 140 hours per semester)<br />

Furthermore, many of the adjuncts averaged well over the 8.75 hours per week used in<br />

this example, especially those in classes that required extensive writing such as English. The<br />

following statements from the adjuncts are examples of the <strong>time</strong> they invested in their teaching.<br />


I do a lot more than what I owe them based on what they pay me. Based on my personal<br />

work ethic, I’m not going to teach a class and not do a good job. I feel like what they pay<br />

is kind of insulting. I’m putting in all this <strong>time</strong> doing a good job, and it’s not worth it as<br />

far as the money’s concerned. It’s not really a fair compensation for the amount of <strong>time</strong><br />

and effort I put in. (Tina, RCC)<br />

…the way I teach them [the classes require a lot of out of class <strong>time</strong>]. You know you<br />

could get away with giving three multiple-choice tests a semester,…but I don’t do that. I<br />

give a quiz after every chapter, a quiz that I write myself. It is not a multiple-choice test,<br />

and I make them do a project. Two of my classes right now are in the process of turning<br />

in their big writing project for the semester where they actually have to go out and collect<br />

psychological data and write it up as though they were writing a professional publication<br />

and things like that. So, it’s a burden on me too. It’s a lot of work for them, but it’s a lot<br />

for me too because I have to shepherd them through the process. (Cara, TCC)<br />

I’ve worked too hard for what little money I get, and as an English teacher I’m constantly<br />

marking papers, and I also collect the homework almost every <strong>time</strong> and I look at it. I<br />

don’t give a grade to the homework, but I look at it and some<strong>time</strong>s make comments on it.<br />

This is way beyond and above the call of duty, but that is the way I am. (Pam, TCC)<br />

I did find though it’s the first <strong>time</strong> I’ve taught that particular class that I probably spent<br />

three <strong>time</strong>s as much <strong>time</strong> as I was getting paid for (Chris, UCC)<br />

Well it is a flat fee. If you do it per hour, it is not a real good hourly rate. (Ray, UCC)<br />

Adjuncts invested a lot of <strong>time</strong> outside of the classroom preparing for lectures, creating<br />

tests, grading test and writing projects, and meeting with students. Reba (TCC) discussed how<br />

difficult it was to really put in the required <strong>time</strong> needed to properly prepare for a class when she<br />

was not compensated for her outside work, especially when she was teaching the equivalent load<br />

of a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor between two institutions. Although she wanted to be able to invest more<br />

<strong>time</strong>, her finances and class load would not allow her, and she felt badly that she was unable to<br />

give the commitment to her classes she would like. Her frustration with the pay and system is<br />

evident in her comments below:<br />

They don’t pay me enough, quite frankly, to do more than I’m doing, and that sounds<br />

terrible…I would love to be able to devote more <strong>time</strong> to preparing for my classes. Once I<br />

got my lectures put together, I continue to use them. I add here and there, but I use what<br />

I’ve got. I don’t have <strong>time</strong> to reinvent the wheel every semester…I would like to freshen<br />

up my materials every semester, but I don’t have the <strong>time</strong>…The classes we teach carry<br />

the same value on a student’s transcript as that of a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor. There is no<br />

distinction made, but we’re not compensated that way, and when I am, I will put in the<br />

extra <strong>time</strong>. Until then, I can’t because teaching four courses [two at the community<br />

college and two at the university], as I am, I’m not even making a full-<strong>time</strong> income. I am<br />


not even making a decent part-<strong>time</strong> income. If I had a half-<strong>time</strong> job, I would probably<br />

earn more…not only do they pay us so little, but they nickel and dime us with everything<br />

else. In a way, it is an insult considering the fact that we have the same qualifications as<br />

their full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. It’s grating…I’m doing it, but I’m hav[ing] to work so much just<br />

to put a decent salary together. I’d like to be able to pay off my student loans before I<br />

retire…I make twice as much for a class at [the university] as I do here…My argument is<br />

with the system that is in place that goes above the community college level. It rests with<br />

the Board of Trustees that make salary scales and all the other regulations that we have to<br />

abide by… [Pay] should be more. For a Ph.D., it is $1,640 for a semester—an entire<br />

semester,…and I earn $3,400 at [the university], and there are some classes at [another<br />

university] that adjuncts earn [$5,000} but really large sections… Working it out by units<br />

the way they do, it looks like we make a lot per hour but…<br />

As Reba discussed, many adjuncts felt they were not being paid appropriately in comparison to<br />

the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, especially with the educational requirements for hiring being the same.<br />

In the community college system, the average salary for a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor for the Fall<br />

2003 semester was $45,803 for a 2.0 semester equivalent (The Fact Book, 2003a). Table 11<br />

gives the salaries of full-<strong>time</strong> instructors by degree level and 2.0 Semester Equivalent and by the<br />

three institutions and system-wide (The Fact Book, 2003a).<br />

Table 11: Full-Time Instruction Personnel Salaries by Institutions and Degree Level<br />

(Fall 2003)<br />

2.0<br />

Masters<br />

Institution Equiv. Doctorate +30 Masters Bachelors Associates<br />

RCC $38,233 $42,215 $44,687 $37,050 $39894, $31,849<br />

TCC $55,880 $59,442 $0 $54,568 $50,412 $0<br />

UCC<br />

System-<br />

$46,939 $52,157 $47,672 $43,737 $43,801 $37,696<br />

wide $45,803 $52,257 $47,530 $44,416 $40,205 $38,968<br />

Figures are based on 2.0 semester equivalent, which are determined by the application of<br />

conversion factors to the 2.5 and 3.0 semester salaries.<br />

Table 12 shows the hourly breakdown of Table 11’s salaries based on two 16-week<br />

semesters, working 40 hours per week or 640 hours per semester. Moreover, full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

are not required to work a standard 40-hour week. For example, UCC requires full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

to hold a minimum of 30 to 36 duty hours, and a duty hour is defined as 50-minute hours, which<br />


is the equivalent of 25 to 30 hours per week on campus. Translated to a 16-week semester, the<br />

total hours would be 480 instead of 640, which would increase the hourly pay by approximately<br />

25%.<br />

Table 12: Hourly Rate of Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> by Institution and Degree Level<br />

Institution 2.0 Equiv. Doctorate<br />

Masters<br />

+30 Masters Bachelor's Associates<br />

RCC $29.86 $32.98 $34.91 $28.94 $31.16 $24.60<br />

TCC $43.65 $46.43 $0.00 $42.63 $39.38 $0.00<br />

UCC<br />

System-<br />

$37.85 $40.75 $37.24 $34.16 $34.21 $29.45<br />

wide $35.78 $40.82 $37.13 $34.70 $31.41 $22.63<br />

Hourly rate for two semesters, 16 week semesters, 40 hours per week (Total 640 hours per semester)<br />

Table 13 shows the comparison of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s hourly rates (from Table 12) to<br />

adjuncts’ hourly pay (from Table 10). The full-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s hourly salary rate is 255% to<br />

362% higher than the adjunct’s rate. When analyzing pay from this perspective, it is<br />

understandable that there is a low level of satisfaction for pay.<br />

Table 13: Comparison of Hourly Pay Between Full- and <strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

Institution Doctorate Master's + Master's Bachelor's Associate's<br />

RCC 342% 362% 300% 323% 255%<br />

TCC 359% n/a 357% 365% n/a<br />

UCC 285% 277% 271% 302% 286%<br />

Table 14 shows the pay rate for adjuncts if paid at a comparable hourly rate as full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty. The 140 hours per semester is based on the example used previously. In comparison to<br />

Table 9, there is a significant increase in the per course pay.<br />

Table 15 shows the per semester pay rate for a course if adjunct faculty were paid strictly<br />

for actual contact hours with students. For a three credit course, contact hours would be three<br />

class hours and one office hour per week. Based on a 16 week semester, the total number of<br />


contact hours would be 48. Although the hourly rates for UCC’s Masters +30 & Master’s level<br />

are -2% & -3%, respectively, and RCC’s Associates pay schedules are lower, the remainder of<br />

the salaries would be 1% to 23% higher. One of the reasons in the decrease at the Associate’s<br />

level is that often these are certificate programs, which may be technical certificates, and the<br />

salary of adjuncts for these programs are often higher than the standard pay because of the<br />

difficulty of finding individuals with expertise. Also, UCC’s initial pay schedule was higher than<br />

TCC and RCC. Furthermore, administrators and adjuncts acknowledged that adjuncts spend<br />

much more <strong>time</strong> on their classes than the basic contact hours with students.<br />

Table 14: Per Course Pay for Adjuncts at Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Hourly Rate<br />

(140 Hours Per Semester)<br />

Institution Doctorate<br />

Masters<br />

+30 Masters Bachelor's Associates<br />

RCC $4,617.20 $4,887.40 $4,051.60 $4,362.40 $3,444.00<br />

TCC $6,500.20 $0.00 $5,968.20 $5,513.20 $0.00<br />

UCC<br />

System-<br />

$5,705.00 $5,213.60 $4,782.40 $4,789.40 $4,123.00<br />

wide $5,714.80 $5,198.20 $4,858.00 $4,397.40 $3,168.20<br />

Per course salary, 16 week semester, 8.75 hours per week (Total 140 hours per semester)<br />

Per hour rate of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

Table 15: Per Course Pay for Adjuncts at Full-Time <strong>Faculty</strong> Hourly Rate<br />

(48 Hours Per Semester)<br />

Institution Doctorate<br />

Masters<br />

+30 Masters Bachelor's Associates<br />

RCC $1,583.04 $1,675.68 $1,389.12 $1,495.68 $1,180.80<br />

TCC $2,228.64 $0.00 $2,046.24 $1,890.24 $0.00<br />

UCC $1,956.00 $1,787.52 $1,639.68 $1,642.08 $1,413.60<br />

System-wide $1,959.36 $1,782.24 $1,665.60 $1,507.68 $1,086.24<br />

Per course salary, 16 week semester, 3 class hours and 1 office hour per week (Total 48 hours per<br />

semester); Per hour rate of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />


Although there is a huge disparity between the pay of adjuncts and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, the<br />

adjuncts believed they were as effective teachers as their full-<strong>time</strong> counterparts, as their<br />

comments indicate:<br />

I’m doing what I want to do. I just get ticked off when I see someone else who is doing<br />

the exact job that I’m doing, perhaps not even doing it as well, but he is getting paid three<br />

<strong>time</strong>s the rate that I’m getting paid. He doesn’t have to go out and pay a $100 and so<br />

much a month for health insurance and so on …I was actually working more than full<strong>time</strong><br />

[a combination of classes at two community colleges approximately 45 minutes<br />

apart] plus putting in all that travel, and yet just making ¼ of what the full-<strong>time</strong><br />

[make]…I’m just saying that they should be paying us proportionally at the same rate as<br />

the entry-level full-<strong>time</strong>…It all comes down to supply and demand because there are<br />

enough people willing to teach these classes for a small amount of money. (Amy, RCC)<br />

Just because they are full-<strong>time</strong>, doesn’t say they teach any better. It doesn’t say they<br />

teach any less. They are expected to teach just as well…because you are full-<strong>time</strong>, you<br />

give 100% in class; I’m part-<strong>time</strong>, and I give 100% in class too. (Eden, TCC)<br />

They can hire about three adjuncts for every full-<strong>time</strong>. (Cara, TCC)<br />

…and why is there such a huge discrepancy [between full- and part-<strong>time</strong> pay]. I’m doing<br />

the same thing as somebody upstairs who happens to teach [full-<strong>time</strong>]. Not only that, she<br />

only has to teach one more class than I do. I teach three. She teaches four. Why is there<br />

such a huge discrepancy between what I’m getting and what she is? (Hanna, TCC)<br />

The classes we teach carry the same value on a student’s transcript as that of a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

instructor. There is no distinction made, but we’re not compensated that way. (Reba,<br />

TCC)<br />

I’d change the pay…Pay is consistently low, and in many cases doing the same quality<br />

work as a full-<strong>time</strong> member…I am actively doing every day…what I teach, and I’ve been<br />

told that’s not often the case where somebody is an adjunct or full-<strong>time</strong>, so I bring that<br />

skill. (Ray, UCC)<br />

Moreover, several of the administrators acknowledged that the adjuncts were as effective<br />

teachers as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty and some<strong>time</strong>s better. One administrator commented, “I would say<br />

some of our adjuncts probably provide better quality of instruction than some of our full-<strong>time</strong><br />

[faculty].” An administrator at another institution acknowledged that the quality of teaching<br />

depended on the individual. He had some adjuncts he wanted to hire, but he did not have a<br />

position for them, while there were tenured full-<strong>time</strong> faculty that he wanted to replace. “I would<br />

say generally, that the quality of teaching is as comparable as a full-<strong>time</strong> [faculty].”<br />


In addition to low pay, several of the adjuncts indicated they were not paid for any<br />

committee or faculty meetings they attended, even if the meeting was required by the department<br />

or institution. In order to encourage attendance at workshops, TCC had implemented a policy<br />

that would pay the adjuncts for attending workshops:<br />

What they have done in our department is that there is going to be [a meeting] tomorrow,<br />

on safety, and so what they’ve done is they tried to set these for us as workshops so they<br />

can actually pay us substitute pay for it. So we’ll get $27.30 or something. That’s<br />

coming here tomorrow night on campus, right here. Otherwise, they don’t [pay for<br />

attending meetings]. (Reba, TCC)<br />

If an adjunct at RCC assisted with the development of an online course, the institution<br />

provided technical as well as monetary support. TCC and UCC also provided additional<br />

compensation for development of online courses by adjuncts.<br />

There was also a difference in satisfaction levels if the adjuncts were financially<br />

dependent on the income from their adjunct positions, and those who were reliant on the income<br />

from part-<strong>time</strong> teaching were much more vocal about the pays and benefits. For Amy and<br />

Hanna, adjunct teaching was their primary form of income, which made for a financial strain on<br />

both.<br />

Once, while I was still married and had all the nice benefits like health insurance and so<br />

on, I was perfectly content to go along and teach for whatever they pay me…so part-<strong>time</strong><br />

was fine with me…Of course that’s the myth of the adjunct instructor, it’s usually either<br />

somebody who has a full-<strong>time</strong> job somewhere else or who is successfully married and<br />

everything is provided for them and is just doing it for fun on the side. But once I needed<br />

it to be my source of income, it was a different story, and I started to push for things—<br />

talk about things like benefits. (Amy, RCC)<br />

For a lot of people this is not an issue at all. They are retired…they will tell you so. It is<br />

just pin money. They have husbands that are employed…and this is just something to do.<br />

But if you are trying to break in or if you are trying to survive, you know, it is very, very<br />

difficult. (Hanna, TCC)<br />

Brad was teaching as an adjunct for secondary income, and he was far less concerned about the<br />

pay.<br />

It’s not bad…The adjuncts are not really doing it for the money because it’s not real<br />

fantastic money. It’s pocket change… As a matter of fact, I never even sat down and said<br />

okay, if I took this what I’m getting paid to teach this course as an adjunct and spanned it<br />

out to full-<strong>time</strong> would. I’m not really worried about it. (Brad, TCC)<br />

The administrators also acknowledged that it was most difficult on the adjuncts who were<br />


dependent on their pay. The CAO at RCC acknowledged that pay was low, but she pointed out<br />

that the average salary in RCC’s service area was $18,000. She also noted that the funding was<br />

restricted, which affected pay schedules. Having been an adjunct for seven years, the CAO also<br />

acknowledged the difficulties of being an adjunct; however, she believed she was very upfront<br />

with adjuncts when hiring and told them, “don’t depend on this as your livelihood.”<br />

Although there is delineation in pay at TCC & UCC based on degree level, none of the<br />

institutions increased compensation based on years of service. That is, the pay scale was the<br />

same regardless of the length of <strong>time</strong> one had been an adjunct instructor; however, there were<br />

slight increases yearly in the pay scales for TCC and UCC. RCC’s scale had not changed in<br />

several years. TCC had discussed pay raises based on seniority, but the policy had not been<br />

adopted. Furthermore, although the institution did not pay based on seniority, one administrator<br />

admitted that adjuncts who performed well, had a good track record, and were liked by the<br />

students, were given classes first.<br />

Lack of seniority was a point of issue with some of the long-term adjuncts. Chris, a<br />

Ph.D., had worked and taught at UCC for 30 years before retiring, and he felt it was unfair for<br />

someone who had never taught to be paid the same rate as adjuncts with longevity. “It just<br />

seems that in education if experience is supposed to be important, then why isn’t it important for<br />

adjuncts as well? Why can’t Ray get paid more because he has been an adjunct all these [30+]<br />

years?” Bill, an 18 year adjunct and Ph.D., pointed out that “Someone could come in who has<br />

never taught and would make exactly the same thing that somebody who has the same degree is<br />

making, who has taught for 30 years;” however, Bill also noted that “as long as a department has<br />

a large pool from which to draw, there is no incentive to increase your salary.”<br />

Another issue discussed by adjunct faculty that affected their level of satisfaction was the<br />

uncertainty of pay schedules, receipt of paychecks, and the amount they were actually making.<br />

This lack of understanding may be due to the types of orientation given to adjuncts, which is<br />

discussed later in this chapter. According to Jill (UCC), adjuncts at UCC could work one and a<br />

half to two months before getting their first paycheck, “and for someone that’s really dependent<br />

upon their salary, that’s horrible.”<br />

Rita (RCC) found payday confusing, and clarity was important to her. “I wish that was a<br />

little more clear to me [be]cause I teach more than one class, and I want to make sure I’m getting<br />

credit for all the things that I teach so I have sit down and figure it out myself.” Furthermore,<br />


adjuncts at RCC who taught independent studies were not paid until the end of the term.<br />

There was also confusion at UCC, as Ellie discusses below:<br />

I wasn’t depending on my checks for my bread and butter, and it was a good thing<br />

because there was so much vagueness [about how much she was making and when<br />

paychecks were issued]. I don’t think it was intentional…but it was strange to me<br />

because usually right there where you work, somebody knows the answers to these [pay]<br />

questions…There is a little lack of knowledge there and I don’t know why that is. I<br />

guess it is my job to call personnel and find out what I’m earning…It is public record, it<br />

is public record and should be right there…I don’t know. I think [the pay rate] depends<br />

on education…For example, in the public schools there is a chart that comes out every<br />

year saying if you taught this many years you earn this much. If you are a substitute, you<br />

earn this much. It is all very, very out front, and I feel it’s a little more Byzantine here,<br />

and I don’t know why that is, unless people are getting hired at [different] rates.<br />

The adjuncts at all three institutions had high levels of dissatisfaction with compensation.<br />

It was most prominent in the adjuncts who were financially dependent on their income from their<br />

adjunct position. Furthermore, when compared to salary scales of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, pay was<br />

significantly lower for adjuncts even though most felt they were doing as comparable or better<br />

job teaching as full-<strong>time</strong> instructors.<br />

The other facet of compensation with which adjuncts expressed dissatisfaction was<br />

benefits. Benefits included health insurance, life insurance, retirement plans, vacation and sick<br />

leave, and other perks. None of the institutions offered medical or life insurance, vacation leave,<br />

or sick leave to their adjuncts. Adjuncts were eligible for workman’s compensation at all three<br />

institutions. On occasion, adjuncts would apply for unemployment benefits, but due to the one<br />

semester contracts, none had been able to collect. At the <strong>time</strong> of the interviews, all cases<br />

involving unemployment pay sided with the institutions. Medical insurance was the most<br />

desired benefit, with retirement plans being second.<br />

Medical Benefits When discussing medical benefits, adjuncts fell into three categories:<br />

those who were covered by another source or their own full-<strong>time</strong> job, those who covered<br />

themselves, and those who were not covered. Although they did see a need for medical benefits,<br />

adjuncts covered by another source were not as concerned. They also realized that giving<br />

adjuncts benefits could be a formidable expense to the institution.<br />

I’ve always been on my husband’s insurance. Benefits have not been as much an issue.<br />

(Tina, RCC)<br />


My husband covers us with benefits. That’s the only reason why we have benefits.<br />

Otherwise, there is nothing. (Reba, TCC)<br />

I have Medicare and AARP supplemental so I don’t need the medical choice<br />

now…Medical insurance is very expensive. Thank God now I don’t have to be afraid to<br />

go to the doctor. There was a <strong>time</strong> when I would just put off going. (Pam, TCC)<br />

They really couldn’t afford to offer all adjunct benefits. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> people don’t get any<br />

benefits in most all jobs. They don’t get them. So I didn’t expect any of that when I was<br />

hired on. (Rita, RCC who received benefits from her full-<strong>time</strong> job)<br />

They are making a fortune on adjuncts as it is now with no benefits (Bill, UCC who is<br />

covered by his full-<strong>time</strong> position).<br />

Adjuncts who covered themselves felt providing insurance to adjuncts was an excellent<br />

idea, however, there was an understanding of the financial constraints as Nancy discussed,<br />

“Something like insurance would be a wonderful benefit, but I understand the budget<br />

constraints.” As Jill (UCC) remarked below, not having benefits leads to lower satisfaction.<br />

You don’t have insurance. You don’t have any of the things full-<strong>time</strong> faculty people do,<br />

and that, in itself, can make you feel somewhat diminished…so I think a lot of it has to<br />

do with the benefits that you do not get, and I’m sure the junior college is not the only<br />

one. Most colleges, corporations…hires part-<strong>time</strong> people all the <strong>time</strong> because they don’t<br />

have to pay them benefits. Benefits cost a great deal of money, and if you can avoid that<br />

as a business, you are going to be saving a great deal of money.<br />

Although covered through Medicare at the <strong>time</strong> of the interview, Pam (TCC) had no<br />

health coverage when she began to teach as an adjunct because she could not afford it.<br />

It was very scary for me when I first came to [town], and I didn’t have medical insurance.<br />

I made darn sure not to get sick. Thank God now I don’t have to be afraid to go to the<br />

doctor. There was a <strong>time</strong> when I would just put off going.”<br />

She adamantly believed adjuncts should fight for benefits because of the importance of health<br />

coverage.<br />

Ray (UCC), a professional writer, also believed benefits were important. At the <strong>time</strong> of<br />

the interview, he paid for his own coverage, and he realized that providing benefits to adjuncts<br />

would take some thought and planning by the institutions:<br />

I also wished there were benefits; of course, because I have to pay my benefits myself<br />

and worry about that…I think benefits are a long stretch. I think you could figure out<br />

benefits, even partial benefits…I think there is certainly potential for something like<br />

[partial benefits]. If not partial benefits, then…some health benefits…I think those kind<br />

of discretionary perks, if that is the right word, are possible, but how do you get them?<br />


How does a director plan in the budget for those? I don’t know those answers to those<br />

questions. I don’t think it has to always be the way it is.<br />

For adjuncts financially dependent on their teaching income, the need to purchase their<br />

own insurance provided yet another added burden to their finances.<br />

So I wrote him [the RCC President] a letter and brought up the question of benefits for<br />

adjuncts instructors, and he wrote me back saying the reason [RCC] cannot give benefits<br />

to adjunct instructors is because there is such a turnover. It would be impossible for our<br />

administrative staff to keep track of them. Well, I’ve worked here for seven or eight<br />

years; the Spanish teacher has been here for 15 years…maybe they could come up with a<br />

program where, if you served five years of your sentence, maybe then you could be<br />

provided benefits, or maybe they could pay part of your health insurance. For almost<br />

four years, I had gone without health insurance at all. I figure, again I made myself<br />

unpopular by saying in a meeting that, “well if I get sick, I’m just gonna die, and I’m<br />

gonna come right here and do it.” But finally this summer I got a little bit worried, and I<br />

went and got health insurance…and I got a surprisingly reasonable rate. So I feel a little<br />

bit better that…I won’t have to die if I come down with something catastrophic. (Amy,<br />

RCC)<br />

Pay for me is very secondary…[Lack of insurance] would be [my biggest issue]…I have<br />

no medical protection down here. So being an adjunct prevents me almost from staying<br />

here because I can’t look for jobs now. (Suzi, who is at UCC on a work visa)<br />

Hanna (TCC) suggested offering a part-<strong>time</strong> health plan. “I know there are places where<br />

you can get insurance if you are part-<strong>time</strong>, and I think that is nice for people like me who are in<br />

transition or one person…I think it would be good to have as an option.”<br />

Surprisingly, several of the adjuncts, who did not have benefits through other jobs, did<br />

not carry any medical insurance because they felt they could not afford it or did not need it. Tim<br />

(RCC), who had no medical insurance, suggested that adjuncts be allowed to buy into the plan.<br />

Even if they had to pay full cost, they would still have coverage, and it would give the individual<br />

an opportunity to be a part of a larger system and lower their insurance costs. Ellie (UCC) also<br />

had no medical insurance:<br />

No [insurance], not right now. My husband is self-employed, and so this is not<br />

something I want to continue now indefinitely…The main benefit of full-<strong>time</strong> work is all<br />

the benefits. Medical insurance and a big part of the <strong>Florida</strong> retirement system and<br />

whatever else is involved, and I don’t have any of those benefits as an adjunct. So I think<br />

to do it forever would be okay if I didn’t need any of those perks, but I will use them<br />

when I have them…The only problem is medical insurance. Probably, it’s the single<br />

missing piece that would make me real happy.<br />


If a catastrophic emergency were to occur, the adjuncts, who have no medical insurance,<br />

would incur a huge financial burden. Furthermore, if they could not bear the costs, they become<br />

a financial burden to society. Although institutions may consider the costs of medical insurance<br />

to be high, the cost to society could be even greater if adjuncts with no medical insurance must<br />

rely on the government to pay unexpected medical costs.<br />

Retirement Plans. Although medical and life insurance benefits were not offered at the<br />

institutions, the adjuncts did have some opportunities to put their own money into an alternative<br />

social security plan. None of the institutions contributed money towards these retirement plans.<br />

RCC adjuncts had the option of putting money into an IRA type of fund. UCC adjuncts could<br />

pay into a tax-deferred fund.<br />

In the past, TCC adjuncts contributed to social security, but now they have an alternative<br />

to social security where the same portion, approximately seven percent, is deducted from their<br />

pay and put into a 401K-type plan. The problem that some had with the new policy was that<br />

their overall pay was actually decreased, as Cara explains:<br />

When I first started teaching here we were being covered by Social Security. Okay?<br />

There was a matching obviously, you know, a certain part of our check went to Social<br />

Security and the people, the college was required to match that… So eventually when I<br />

get to age 65, you know, I would be able to collect Social Security. Now we don’t have<br />

that system. Now [the institutions] are allowed to give us alternate Social<br />

Security…They deduct a portion of our pay. The same portion, which is like 7% or<br />

something like that, goes into what they call a 401K. The college, on the other hand, is<br />

not required to make a contribution to that…So in essence they stole 7% of our pay. But<br />

then they had given us a few hundred dollars raise [chuckle] so it looks like, you know,<br />

we are getting a raise but in fact, you know, they have stolen 7% in terms of their budget<br />

from us. And for the first two or three years, the money was going into regular savings<br />

account so you were making like 1% a year interest on our own contribution. Now at<br />

least they have gotten it into a more reasonable investment kind of thing where we are<br />

making around 4% or 5%. I don’t know what it’ll be now but you know. There may be<br />

0% interest but at least, you know, for three years or something like that, you know, we<br />

were collecting 1% on our own money…If you quit your job, then you can have the<br />

money but then they charge you a processing fee. Somebody also told me that, I just<br />

found out, … if [you] don’t teach during the summer [and] there is not investment going<br />

into your plan, they charge you $3 a month, something like that, for managing your noninvestment.<br />

But they don’t tell you this, you see… They didn’t give [us] a choice as to<br />

whether we wanted to move from Social Security to alternate Social Security. They just<br />

told [us] “we are moving.”… I think we should at least be given the option, or we should<br />

be told. We were never told this obviously, you know. You have to have some<br />

mathematical sense. You have to sit there and figure out how much money you are<br />


losing, which most people don’t, and younger people don’t even think about their Social<br />

Security.<br />

Ellie (UCC) discussed the usefulness of a more solid retirement plan, especially since<br />

many adjuncts were current or former high school teachers or community college retirees already<br />

in <strong>Florida</strong>’s retirement system.<br />

The <strong>Florida</strong> retirement system is huge…I’m vested in the <strong>Florida</strong> retirement system from<br />

public school work. To not continue paying into that pool…hurts me in the future, so<br />

that is a big issue.<br />

Other Benefits or Perks. Other benefits and perks offered by the institutions varied.<br />

Although the adjuncts realized they had no medical benefits or retirement plans, many of the<br />

adjuncts had no idea what other perks or benefits were available to them.<br />

Paid vacation and sick leave were two desired benefits that several adjuncts mentioned,<br />

but adjuncts were not eligible for these at any of the institutions.<br />

…you don’t get paid vacation. I love to travel; I wished I could get more paid vacation.<br />

(Pam, TCC)<br />

…we get no vacation. We get no accrued leave <strong>time</strong> including sick leave. So if you are<br />

sick, or you need to be off for something like that, you have to get some person to<br />

substitute for you. (Cara, TCC)<br />

RCC offered several benefits to their adjuncts. Adjunct faculty who had taught at least<br />

one semester could take classes free, one class for each class they taught; however, only full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty members’ children could go free. They also had faculty parking and library<br />

privileges, but RCC did not offer the same bookstore discount to adjuncts as they did to full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty members.<br />

TCC also offered free classes to the adjuncts. Other perks included library privileges and<br />

faculty parking.<br />

UCC adjuncts received no retirement benefits. They were given library and parking<br />

privileges, and there were some perks, such as discount passes to theme parks, they could<br />

acquire through Human Resources.<br />

Overall, Jill (UCC) summarized how the lack of benefits affected job satisfaction. “You<br />

don’t have any of the things that full-<strong>time</strong> people do, and that, in itself, can make you feel<br />

somewhat diminished.”<br />


Satisfaction with Recruitment, Orientation, and Integration<br />

This section will discuss the satisfaction levels of the adjuncts with recruitment,<br />

orientation, and integration. For the purpose of this study, the following are the definitions for<br />

these three areas: Recruitment is the hiring process including initial contact, applications,<br />

interviews, and hiring. An orientation is any meeting and/or training the adjuncts received upon<br />

hiring and before teaching. Occasionally, the institutions provided some in-house workshops<br />

and sessions during the semester, and this is discussed with orientation but is considered<br />

training. Finally, integration is the attempt to make the adjuncts feels as if they are a part of the<br />

institution, department, and faculty. This includes providing mentors, socialization<br />

opportunities, and special recognition efforts.<br />

Recruitment. The adjuncts in the study were hired through various methods. Several<br />

were interested in earning a little extra money, had their Master’s or Doctorate, thought teaching<br />

would be a good part-<strong>time</strong> job, and applied for an adjunct position. Three went through the<br />

formal interview process for a full-<strong>time</strong> position, did not get the job, and decided to come to the<br />

institution as an adjunct in hopes of obtaining a full-<strong>time</strong> position. Another was asked to teach<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> by an acquaintance he knew at the institution. A few specifically sought out a position<br />

as an adjunct to get experience teaching while completing their graduate degree. All the adjuncts<br />

went through an application process, which consisted of submitting a résumé, completing a<br />

detailed application, and providing education transcripts. Most were required to interview for<br />

the position.<br />

Tim (RCC), a first semester adjunct, had an interesting viewpoint on the hiring process.<br />

He remarked that the institutions required an extensive process for applications, transcripts and<br />

references without giving any guarantee of employment.<br />

That’s one thing that I noticed. The application process for me to get in here was quite a<br />

bit—big ol’ fancy application and all kinds of references and official transcripts,<br />

interviews. I mean it was a lot [of] work just to show up [for them to say] “and oh you<br />

don’t have a class this semester” or “it made, but you can’t go.” It’s…weighted real<br />

heavy on their side for the input I did to get it [versus] unknown benefits.<br />

At all three institutions, the Board of Trustees actually hired the adjuncts. In addition,<br />

the Division of Community Colleges has established guidelines for hiring adjunct faculty for the<br />

community colleges to follow (See Appendix N), and all three institutions adhere to the SACS’<br />

guidelines for accreditation purposes. Unlike searches for full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, formal committees<br />


and search criteria were not established for the hiring of adjuncts.<br />

From the administrator’s perspective, hiring adjuncts was an ongoing process. All three<br />

institutions usually used more adjuncts in the Fall term than the Spring Term, and very few<br />

adjuncts were used during the Summer. To attract adjuncts, all three institutions ran<br />

advertisements in area newspapers, on the local cable station, and on their website.<br />

Finding qualified adjuncts willing to work for the low pay was a problem discussed by all<br />

the administrators. To assist in the hiring process, RCC established faculty coordinators who<br />

were responsible for the hiring and monitoring adjuncts. RCC had a difficult <strong>time</strong> in finding<br />

qualified adjuncts due to the rural area and low number of individuals with a Master’s Degree in<br />

the region. The RCC CAO admitted the institution needed more creative ways to hire adjuncts.<br />

She believed paying them for mileage might attract more candidates, but the state did not allow<br />

mileage except in specific cases.<br />

The RCC administrator believed the most difficult problem with hiring adjuncts was lack<br />

of experience. Although many had excellent credentials and were qualified in their experience,<br />

they had no teaching experience. Furthermore, many adjuncts found it difficult to transition<br />

from their subject field to the classroom, and developing their teaching abilities proved to be a<br />

challenge.<br />

The TCC CAO emphasized the low pay problem in finding qualified applicants, too.<br />

Finding adjuncts for the community college level was difficult, especially when local four-year<br />

institutions were paying twice as much per course. Furthermore, the available pool of adjuncts<br />

was affected by the need for full-<strong>time</strong> amenities such as benefits, and TCC would often lose part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty to high schools. She believed that it was more likely for adjuncts to decline<br />

teaching at TCC than for TCC to bump an adjunct.<br />

In addition, community colleges are in a unique position that required careful planning,<br />

which the TCC CAO explained below:<br />

Universities have, of course, the whole teaching assistantship, but those people are<br />

obligated to do well for the institution because they need something from the institution.<br />

So we’re really the only level that has this whole group, fairly large group, of our<br />

employees who have no obligation to us, and we have no obligation to them beyond a<br />

one-semester commitment. Therefore, it takes a lot of energy and a lot of goodwill on<br />

both parts to keep it working.<br />


Also, with the demand for technologically savvy classes growing, administrators believed<br />

that adjuncts must be able to incorporate new technology and mul<strong>time</strong>dia methods into their<br />

teaching. In addition, the TCC department chair believed that the real world experience<br />

incorporated by adjuncts provided a unique opportunity for students.<br />

The research literature indicates that many educators take a position as an adjunct in<br />

hopes of “getting their foot in the door;” however, the literature noted that part-<strong>time</strong> teaching<br />

positions often do not lead to full-<strong>time</strong> jobs. This was also the case in this study for a number of<br />

adjuncts. Furthermore, adjuncts, such as Amy (RCC) who did not originally have any intention<br />

of teaching full-<strong>time</strong>, found that their individual life situations changed to where they wanted to<br />

teach full-<strong>time</strong>, and they mistakenly felt their experience as an adjunct would open doors to full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> jobs.<br />

Also, adjuncts seeking full-<strong>time</strong> employment felt they were given veiled promises of<br />

hiring that never came to fruition. This was especially notable among those in the fields such as<br />

history and English where there is an abundant supply of individuals with Ph.D.’s and few<br />

teaching positions. This was evident in the experience of Amy, a seven year adjunct instructor at<br />

RCC who had a Master’s Degree in history.<br />

…when there was a full-<strong>time</strong> opening in history, I applied for that. Over the years<br />

…whenever I would bring up the question of a full-<strong>time</strong> job, I had been told “well Bob<br />

[name changed] is going to be retiring just hang in there,” and when Bob [a previous full<strong>time</strong><br />

history teacher] turned in his letter of retirement, I went to talk to my department<br />

head. Once again [he] assured me that he saw no reason why I would not get the full<strong>time</strong><br />

job [because] everybody knew that I did a wonderful job. Everybody on the<br />

committee would know me. He sounded like it was a shoe-in. When it came down to it,<br />

[interested candidates] had put in like 200 applications, most of them with doctorates,<br />

and I did not even get an interview. And all the people who had said, “of course we’re<br />

going to support you for this job,” all of a sudden did not know who I was. I was told it<br />

was inappropriate for me to even talk to them. Whereas the full-<strong>time</strong> applicants who<br />

came to the campus, it was fine for them to talk to these people. So you probably can tell<br />

I have an axe to grind…All I got was form letters saying “thank you for your interest in<br />

[Rural Community College.]” My department head never even told me ahead of <strong>time</strong>,<br />

“Well you’re not being considered for such and such a reason.”…I even pointed out just<br />

the year before that he had assured me that there was no reason why I wouldn’t get the<br />

job, and he said, “Well your memory of that is different from mine.” I have to admit I<br />

got upset and broke down and cried because I brought up everything, the copy<br />

machine…It doesn’t make any difference, they don’t care…It kind of reminded me of the<br />

biblical story of Jacob [who] worked for seven years because he was promised that he<br />

would have Rachel as his wife, and then once his seven years were up, the father said,<br />

“Well you’re gonna have to take Leah and work another seven years.” So, they didn’t<br />


even give me something of a consolation prize. Maybe they could have given me the<br />

benefits as the consolation prize, but that wasn’t the plan. (Amy, RCC)<br />

Amy (RCC) was apparently very vocal about her adjunct status and frequently<br />

confronted the administrators and other part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Furthermore, the administrators were<br />

aware of her issues. Concerning Amy, the CAO stated,<br />

Teaching part-<strong>time</strong> in a college certainly can help you get your foot in the door; it did in<br />

my career. It’s not always going to be the case, and this person was very vocal to the<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. She was very accusatory to the administration…taking advantage of<br />

people…to the point that I had to remind her that there were a lot of full-<strong>time</strong> jobs there,<br />

and you can’t rely on that.<br />

Furthermore, both administrators discussed the issue of longevity and how it may not<br />

lead to full-<strong>time</strong> work. In addition, one administrator pointed out that some adjuncts were more<br />

involved in the institution, and these adjuncts felt this involvement was an act of loyalty that<br />

should be reciprocated by the institution. He was adamantly opposed to this type of thinking<br />

because he knew that often it was not reciprocated with a full-<strong>time</strong> job. The CAO made the<br />

following comment:<br />

My advice to any adjunct would be, “if you’re looking for a full-<strong>time</strong> job, you’ve been at<br />

the college more than five years, there have been full-<strong>time</strong> openings, and you haven’t<br />

gotten an interview, it’s <strong>time</strong> to go somewhere else or look at another field.<br />

Conversely, some of the institutions did promote from within their adjunct ranks. At<br />

UCC, the majority of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty positions were filled by adjuncts according to the CAO.<br />

TCC administrators acknowledged that many of their full-<strong>time</strong> appointees were former<br />

adjuncts who they hired because they knew the institution, the culture, and the students.<br />

However, both administrators at TCC noted that full-<strong>time</strong> positions did not become available<br />

frequently. For example at the <strong>time</strong> of the interviews, the history department was hiring a full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> history professor, and the opening was the first in eight or 10 years. There were 20 history<br />

adjuncts, and no one was guaranteed the position because the search pulled from a national pool<br />

of candidates. Furthermore, the CAO acknowledged that it could be five or more years until<br />

another full-<strong>time</strong> position became available. “[Adjunct experience] helps them, but the<br />

competition is so great that we could never encourage them to teach here part-<strong>time</strong> just because<br />

it will lead to full-<strong>time</strong>.” Although longevity did not guarantee a position at TCC, most of the<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> positions were filled by adjuncts.<br />


Hanna (TCC) had experienced the negative side of hiring internally:<br />

You are kind of like trapped because if you want to get in this field, [teaching adjunct] is<br />

how you have to get in… I interviewed for a position here. It went to somebody who had<br />

been here for 14 years, and that is the continuing story here. It is very, very hard to get<br />

on……I can understand you just go, and that happens a lot. Not only that, once you get<br />

here you find out that other people also applied for that job and were interviewed and<br />

didn’t get it. So then you sit and wonder now what number in line does that make<br />

me…and I come here and take this risk, am I now three down the line or how set are they<br />

in terms of who they promote and how exactly does that work? You never know…I can<br />

understand it, and I’ll do it briefly. But I don’t have 14 years to do it.<br />

Whether or not the institution had a policy of internal promotion, a few adjuncts<br />

commented that there should be some consideration in the hiring process for individuals who<br />

were already working at the institution, as Tim and Amy’s comments confirm:<br />

I think that’s the biggest thing. If there was one first issue to get done, I think [the<br />

adjunct] should have priority. Just use (Amy) as an example, if you work for a big<br />

company, they have to promote within first…I think if they want to hire, first, they need<br />

to promote her first…weigh it on a scale, whatever, regardless if you don’t have it on a<br />

Ph.D. (Tim, RCC)<br />

…when it comes to full-<strong>time</strong> hiring, I think that your experience doing this job should be<br />

considered as something in your favor. If we are good enough to be there on the firing<br />

line with the students, why aren’t we then considered good enough to be in the full-<strong>time</strong><br />

position? It’s only because if you have that Ph.D. next to your name, it’s gonna look<br />

good in the college catalog (Amy, RCC)<br />

Administrators were aware of the adjuncts who served long-term at the institutions and<br />

recognized the difficulty of not being able to get a full-<strong>time</strong> job. The RCC CAO believed she<br />

was very upfront with adjuncts when hiring and told them “don’t depend on this as your<br />

livelihood.” Furthermore, two of the administrators discussed the problems of moving from<br />

adjunct to full-<strong>time</strong> positions. Adjuncts are usually hired from a local pool. A national search is<br />

conducted for all full-<strong>time</strong> positions, which provides more experienced and credentialed<br />

applicants, but UCC and TCC administrators noted the majority of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty come from<br />

the adjunct ranks. Interestingly, three of the five administrators were adjuncts at some point in<br />

their careers.<br />

A number of the adjuncts discussed the importance of the “real world” experience that<br />

adjuncts brought into the classroom. They felt work experience should play a role in the hiring<br />

process because it provides such valuable input in the classroom. Some even believed it made<br />


adjuncts, who were actually working in the field, better in the classroom than those who had<br />

done nothing but teach in their field.<br />

…my having been in an administrative position for a period of years, I discovered an<br />

awful lot of people in education, and that’s all they’ve ever been…I worked on the<br />

factory floor, and I’ve been a radio announcer also. It is a whole different ball game. I<br />

know when I was hiring, if I had three equally qualified teachers and one had done some<br />

kind of job other than working for McDonald’s, I’d grab him in a second because of the<br />

perspective that he brings… Because, if I’ve got somebody who has never done anything<br />

but work to get his degree in journalism and I [have] a chance to hire a working reporter,<br />

I will grab that reporter in a second. (Adam, TCC)<br />

Not that the person who has spent all his life in education is not a good writer, or isn’t<br />

even excellent…Certainly in any of our fields I’m sure, and certainly in mine, I’ve been<br />

in classes with graduate student kids who are teaching about how to get a job in theatre or<br />

on TV and haven’t got a clue, have not got a clue! (Jean, TCC)<br />

In addition, the UCC CAO noted that often adjuncts in high tech fields were exceptional,<br />

and the institution attempted to get as many “working” adjuncts in those areas as they could.<br />

Moreover, Bob (TCC) explained how experience brought a distinctive form of diversity into the<br />

classroom.<br />

And one thing I might add, diversity within a department, and I don’t mean sex, race and<br />

all that stuff, I mean diversity of experiences. I had an opportunity recently to look at<br />

some these individuals and their backgrounds and what their interests [are], and you<br />

would not believe that they are in the same place, at the same <strong>time</strong>. They are just 180<br />

degrees apart, each one of them going around in a circle, completely different types of<br />

people [with] different interests. [Of] course, they teach maybe history or they teach<br />

Phys Ed., and that has some element of value. But the overall perception of department<br />

is to look for [diversity], so they get all different types of points of view. Even the<br />

adjuncts, they are going to focus on that because it is beyond just the teaching of a<br />

particular discipline. It is what you bring with that discipline into the class. (Bob, TCC)<br />

Administrators agreed that the adjunct faculty brought a great deal of diversity of experience to<br />

the classroom.<br />

In the recruitment process, there was dissatisfaction with the interview process. An<br />

example is Hanna (TCC). Both she and her husband had interviewed for full-<strong>time</strong> position at the<br />

institution. She discussed the cost to come to the institution for an interview only to find out they<br />

were not really being considered for the job. As her comments indicate below, she was<br />

frustrated and aggravated by the institution’s practice:<br />


…[what] is frustrating is…where they have these committees and they pull these people<br />

in from all across the country when they know very well who they are going to give the<br />

position to because they are sitting right there at the college…They should have some<br />

kind of honesty …because I’ve taken trips all over the place. Some<strong>time</strong>s they pay<br />

nothing. Some<strong>time</strong>s they pay the whole thing…To bring you in [for an interview], and<br />

after the fact you find out, the person they [hired] is right there [at the institution]…I’m<br />

not sure what the answer is. I’m just saying that it is really frustrating being on that other<br />

side when you are having to finance their national search in a way… The other thing I do<br />

want to say is this institution did not pay anything to have us come and interview. If<br />

they’re bringing people in here, they should pay. [My husband and] I had to use our own<br />

resources to get us here, two people, and both jobs went to people that were here. That’s<br />

okay, but what I’m saying is [that] all the other institutions I’ve interviewed with have<br />

paid something…You’re talking a plane ticket, car rental, and hotel…It adds up.<br />

All of these issues affected the adjuncts’ levels of satisfaction with the recruitment<br />

process. Most did not mind the extensive process to be hired, but many felt that the institutions<br />

should be frank about where the position could lead.<br />

Orientation/Training. Another area discussed by adjuncts was the orientation they<br />

received, including any training. All three institutions required the adjuncts to attend an<br />

orientation, but the institutions did not necessarily enforce the policy.<br />

Orientation at all the institutions was limited. Most were set up as a meeting where basic<br />

information was disbursed. Adjuncts did not have much opportunity to meet others at these<br />

sessions, and often, they found the material not useful and redundant. Additionally, according to<br />

those interviewed, none of the adjuncts were paid for the sessions they attended. For<br />

informational purposes, all the institutions provided a handbook for adjuncts. These adjunct<br />

manuals provided procedure and policy information as well as information reviewed at the one<br />

to two hour orientation sessions.<br />

At TCC if the adjunct was unable to attend the orientation, s/he was given a one-on-one<br />

by one of the Deans or faculty coordinators. Brad’s experience with orientation was one-on-one.<br />

They brought me in and showed me where the classroom was, showed me all the A/V<br />

stuff – gave me a mini-tour – here’s the copier, here’s this, here’s that, here’s that, here’s<br />

your books, use this room, there’s that room, that kind of stuff. So that was okay, and the<br />

adjunct almost has to do [orientation] that way, one–on-one because I think it would be<br />

almost impossible to get all your adjunct faculty together at one given <strong>time</strong>, unless you<br />

did it an hour before the first class or something like that.<br />


In addition to the mandatory sessions, adjuncts at UCC were required to watch a 3-video<br />

series on teaching produced by the college. Adjuncts were given a faculty handbook and other<br />

information about the institution.<br />

One of the most interesting orientation stories was told by Jean (TCC). When she began<br />

as an adjunct, she did not have an orientation, but after a two year hiatus to have a baby, she was<br />

required to attend a session and watch a video on how to be a successful adjunct.<br />

…the real kick in the pants was who do you think wrote the script for [video]? Me, and<br />

I’m watching it! And some of the actors who are in it are people I hired [be]cause I<br />

didn’t do the whole video or didn’t do the close production of it but segments…It was too<br />

much to bear. It was funny… At this particular <strong>time</strong>, the movement was to try to<br />

coalesce the adjuncts to try to have some kind of continuum or something. So [we] go in<br />

the conference room and watch this videotape.<br />

The only overtly positive opinion on orientation was from Bill, an 18 year adjunct at<br />

UCC. He felt his department provided a thorough orientation for adjuncts. Adjunct faculty were<br />

included with full-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the meeting, which he believed created a welcoming<br />

atmosphere to adjuncts.<br />

The majority of the opinions were that the sessions were not very useful, and the training<br />

was limited. At TCC, Adam and Dan discussed the poor quality of orientation, as Dan explains<br />

below:<br />

They have [orientation] at TCC, and of course, I get a bad case of poor mouth when I talk<br />

about it because I, frankly, believe it is no good…First, they put you in a room, which is<br />

10 <strong>time</strong>s too big. It’s an auditorium…They did just what they shouldn’t have done; they<br />

put it in the biggest room on campus. It ought to be in [a] room where you can get to<br />

know people, and you don’t have that many people show up anyway… They have a<br />

string of speakers who come along and talk about all kinds of stuff …but I don’t know<br />

who the people are. If they are adjuncts like you people and you told me what you told<br />

me tonight, I wouldn’t know anything about you, but it is not a good meeting. There is<br />

no orientation for the people I work with at the Social Sciences.<br />

At UCC, Suzi described her initial training as “not clear…very fuzzy.” Ellie (UCC) and Cara<br />

(TCC), both experienced teachers, were given no training by the institution. They had to rely on<br />

their previous experience and questions to other faculty to “learn the ropes.” Chris (UCC)<br />

received no orientation or training. He stated, “I don’t know, but I had not one single meeting<br />

with other faculty…I don’t know how people coming…out here for the first <strong>time</strong>, how good an<br />

orientation they have for them.”<br />


The CAO at RCC admitted that the orientation could be improved, but the administrators<br />

at UCC and TCC felt it was working well. Overall, the adjuncts felt that the orientation and<br />

training was dissatisfactory at all three institutions, with a few exceptions.<br />

Integration. Integration of adjuncts into the institutions varied, and the desires of the<br />

adjuncts to be involved at their respective institutions varied greatly too. Some of the adjuncts<br />

were very interested in being an integral part of the faculty and department, as Jean and Hanna<br />

indicate in their discussions below:<br />

There is something inside of you. I don’t know if it is some altruistic something. I<br />

would love to be an integral part of a successful team, not a showboater but because you<br />

have something legitimate and valuable as much as anybody else to contribute. And<br />

mostly they know that. The faculty in the community colleges mostly rivals the ones in<br />

universities. There is no onus anymore. It is not called a junior college anymore. I<br />

found at [TCC] and other smaller colleges or community colleges, they’re very fastidious<br />

about getting good faculty because they’re trying to eradicate that whole misperception<br />

that this is a lesser school. (Jean, TCC)<br />

As much as they want to include me, I want to be included. They asked me to come to<br />

one of their meetings [be]cause I had experience at other community colleges, and they<br />

were talking about going to two different levels as opposed to one level, and so I went<br />

and met with full-<strong>time</strong>rs. I appreciated that opportunity. It was nice of them to [include<br />

me]…I think [that] was special. (Hanna, TCC, concerning sitting on committees)<br />

Others appreciated the fact that they had complete autonomy and were not encumbered<br />

by the politics and functions of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. As previously mentioned, Dave (UCC) liked<br />

not being involved in the bureaucracy of the institution. Ray (UCC) really enjoyed not having to<br />

attend meetings, and Dan (TCC) liked the freedom and autonomy being part-<strong>time</strong> brought him.<br />

None of the institutions required adjuncts to participate in faculty meetings or sit on<br />

committees. All three invited adjuncts to participate and give their input, especially at the<br />

departmental and program level. Also, invitations were extended to the adjuncts for all campus<br />

events.<br />

In discussing integration, several of the adjuncts talked about the use of mentors at the<br />

institutions. Mentors were usually full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

RCC did not have a mentor program in place for adjuncts. The administrators felt that<br />

the chairs and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty were there to answer questions and assist the adjuncts.<br />

TCC had a mentoring program in place that utilized full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. The mentoring<br />

policy was handed down from Academic Affairs, but implementation of the policy was the<br />


esponsibility of each area head. Each adjunct was assigned a full-<strong>time</strong> partner who served as a<br />

mentor to assist the adjunct. The mentor was also responsible for visiting and observing the<br />

class and helping with the evaluation process.<br />

UCC also provided mentors for the adjuncts, which is organized at the program level.<br />

Experienced faculty were paired with adjuncts, at least through the first semester an adjunct was<br />

teaching. The mentors were there to answer questions and stay in communication with the<br />

adjunct.<br />

Some departments assigned a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty member to an adjunct. At her adjunct<br />

orientation, Nancy (TCC) was given a mentor that she could call. Although not limited to that<br />

person, she could call her designated individual for assistance and questions. Her “mentor”<br />

never contacted her. Cara (TCC) was given a “full-<strong>time</strong> faculty partner” who was supposed to<br />

come and sit in on one of her classes. It was more for evaluation than mentoring, at least to<br />

Cara.<br />

Suzi (UCC) connected with a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty member through a chance meeting.<br />

Although not “school-appointed,” Suzi’s mentor answered most of her questions and gave her<br />

guidance. She felt she would have been completely lost without this individual.<br />

A number of the adjuncts, such as Rita (RCC), felt they had no need for a mentor. Hanna<br />

(TCC) said, “They’re there if you need them.” At TCC, Brad noted that he had not had any<br />

formal mentoring, but he felt the support staff and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty were there if one needed<br />

questions answered or assistance in any way.<br />

A second component of integration is professional development. Professional<br />

development varied at each institution, and none of the institutions required any ongoing training<br />

from their adjuncts. Pursuant to state requirements, each school had a staff development fund<br />

that was 2% of the budget, which could be used for travel and professional development. At<br />

each institution, adjuncts had access to that fund. On rare occasions, an adjunct would be<br />

granted money to attend a conference or travel, but the institutions most often used the funds to<br />

provide on-campus workshops. There were no special rewards given to adjuncts.<br />

RCC encouraged and welcomed adjunct faculty to participate in committee meetings, but<br />

attendance was not required and was without compensation. Interestingly, the administrator<br />

noted that some adjuncts attended faculty meetings more regularly than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. The<br />


administrator felt that RCC provided an atmosphere where adjuncts were welcome to give their<br />

input.<br />

In addition to the travel money available to a limited number of full- and part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty, TCC provided workshops for adjuncts and paid them to attend. “$15 is not a lot of<br />

money, but at least it is an acknowledgement.” The workshops ranged from how to grade to<br />

using new technology in the classroom. Workshops were not required and did not affect hiring.<br />

The CAO noted that adjuncts were involved with extracurricular activities offered by the<br />

departments and helped on committees, but they were usually looking for full-<strong>time</strong> positions.<br />

UCC utilized the funds for workshops and campus-based programs to better provide for<br />

all adjuncts and faculty. <strong>Faculty</strong> could use it to attend local conferences also, but the funds were<br />

rarely used for travel. The funds were available to part- and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

When discussing awards, the TCC CAO informed the researcher that the faculty had<br />

decided not to have a faculty recognition program because “they have this concept that they are<br />

all good, and they all do a good job, and they don’t like singling each other out.” The CAO had<br />

tried to change the attitude, but she was not very successful. However, if an adjunct (or any<br />

faculty member) did something exceptional, the supervising Dean sent a letter to the CAO<br />

acknowledging the work. In turn, the CAO would send the individual a thank you note.<br />

UCC had an internal newsletter where adjuncts were recognized for their<br />

accomplishments. The newsletter provided for some type of recognition.<br />

Another facet of integration is socialization. Among administrators, socialization<br />

discussion was limited. The TCC administrator mentioned that adjuncts were invited to all<br />

social events offered by the department or institutions, but there were a limited number of such<br />

events. The adjuncts at RCC did not discuss socialization other than they were not readily<br />

available to participate in functions. TCC and UCC did have some socialization opportunities.<br />

Adjuncts received notices of faculty or departmental functions or parties, either from the<br />

faculty bulletin boards or flyers in their mailboxes. Often, they were invited to functions such as<br />

luncheons, birthday parties, and baby showers for individuals in the department, but due to their<br />

schedules, they were not always available to participate. As Jean (TCC) pointed out, “This<br />

[focus group] is one of the first adjunctorial things that I have ever done.”<br />

Adam’s department at TCC provided some unique opportunities for adjuncts:<br />


We had somebody in our department, I don’t know how she got in it, whether she just did<br />

it because she felt the need, but we actually had an adjunct group for a year, and it sort of<br />

withered away—disappeared…Our department picks up some things; we do some things<br />

that other departments don’t. Like during the regular academic year, once a month, if<br />

you are there during the day, we have a department lunch. I can tell you right now that’s<br />

our lead secretary. She is the miracle worker when it comes to that… It’s hard to build,<br />

and it’s hard to do that especially with mobile faculty. No matter when you have it, some<br />

are going to be teaching and can’t come, but that is one <strong>time</strong> when you can sort of kick<br />

back. I enjoy it more when you go and there is somebody who wants to talk about<br />

something other then teaching.<br />

As his statements show, a department that makes an effort to provide socialization opportunities<br />

for their adjuncts can help improve their satisfaction level.<br />

Scheduling conflicts were not the only reason adjuncts did not attend social functions.<br />

Ellie indicated that many adjuncts did not know anyone in the department, which made it<br />

difficult for them to participate, even if they had <strong>time</strong>.<br />

In addition, Ellie (UCC) discussed some of the issues of integration felt by day<br />

instructors versus evening instructors. She had worked as both and felt it was important to make<br />

the effort to attend campus and faculty functions:<br />

It is always more fun if I could go. It’s always…made the whole picture fill out better if<br />

I could go to things, outside of just go[ing] to my classroom and teach. For instance,<br />

there are student government sponsored activities outdoors every month or two with a<br />

free lunch for students and faculty and various activities, and I have always tried to get to<br />

those. I just liked the atmosphere, and I liked feeling that, like part of a real campus.<br />

Even though there is not a lot of campus life, there is some. I feel that comes out in those<br />

day<strong>time</strong> events. So even when I wasn’t around here in the day<strong>time</strong>, if I knew something<br />

like that was happening, I would try to get over for a half hour or forty-five minutes just<br />

to maybe see a couple of students or a couple of people I know and have a little lunch<br />

with them.<br />

The final facet of integration is representation. All three institutions were non-union, but<br />

faculty had representation in the form of a <strong>Faculty</strong> Senate. RCC had two adjunct representatives<br />

elected by the adjuncts with full representation on the senate faculty. However, there were no<br />

adjunct positions on institutional committees.<br />

At TCC, there was a strong and influential <strong>Faculty</strong> Senate. There was adjunct<br />

representation on the senate in the form of a voice, but they had no vote. Adjuncts were not<br />

included on institutional committees, but they sat on department committees to provide input.<br />


They were also invited to division meetings where they were welcome to offer suggestions and<br />

input.<br />

In discussing collective bargaining, the TCC CAO acknowledged that it would definitely<br />

influence the budgeting.<br />

Most likely it would impact financial and benefits; that is what [adjuncts] want most. If<br />

we incorporate that into the package, we just have to cut down on some other things we<br />

do in the institution. It would be restructuring of financial [areas]. It may restrict the<br />

number of classes we offer because we can’t do it. I don’t know [what the impact would<br />

be].<br />

At UCC, adjuncts had very little voice. There was no representation in the <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

Senate. The UCC administrator admitted that because program directors are often very reliant<br />

on their adjuncts, they provide a voice for them when necessary.<br />

Satisfaction with Evaluations<br />

All three institutions required some type of evaluation for the adjuncts. The main source<br />

of feedback for all the adjuncts was the student evaluations.<br />

At RCC, the faculty coordinators monitored the adjuncts, and periodic classroom<br />

evaluations were done if necessary. The student evaluation was the focal point for adjuncts’<br />

feedback. Occasionally, a department chair would visit the classroom, but as Rita pointed out,<br />

this practice was rare. “He doesn’t have a clue how I teach.”<br />

Tina was concerned that the limited feedback at RCC could impact the quality of<br />

teaching. As a former school teacher, she compared methods of evaluation:<br />

There is also very little recognition or feedback of any kind. As a public school teacher, I<br />

enjoyed an excellent reputation as a teacher and felt that my principal valued my work as<br />

a teacher. Here, I have been told by my students that they have learned a tremendous<br />

amount in my class, and that is the only feedback that I have. I feel that no one at the<br />

college knows or cares about the job I am doing. I do an excellent job because of my<br />

personal work ethic and integrity, not because of any interaction with anyone at the<br />

college… they did have us do a student evaluation for the fall? I’m surprised they didn’t<br />

have us do one for the spring. I did get the feedback from the students from the Fall. I<br />

did get some informal feedback. I had to talk to the Dean. He talked to the high school<br />

and he said they were very complimentary, but I’ve not had anyone visit my class or give<br />

me feedback on my teaching in the classroom… If I were a student, I would wonder<br />

about quality control with adjuncts. If you have someone who doesn’t care with the lack<br />

of monitoring and feedback, how would they know? I just wonder about others, seeing<br />

the lack of supervision. Not that I feel there needs to be a lot of supervision, I just<br />

wonder about any type of quality control.<br />


Although a few adjuncts, such as Amy, expressed some nervousness with being visited by<br />

faculty or department chairs, overall the adjuncts desired better feedback and recognition from<br />

their departments.<br />

As with RCC, the main source of evaluation at TCC was from the students. In addition,<br />

evaluations were done each semester by the Dean or Program chair with meetings afterwards to<br />

discuss teaching techniques and materials. Also, adjuncts were paired with a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Although the pairing was for mentoring purposes, the faculty member observed and wrote up a<br />

report on the adjunct. Adjunct and mentor would sign off on it and send it to the Division Chair<br />

for review and signature. All evaluations were kept in the permanent file of the adjunct.<br />

Evaluations by another faculty member were supposed to be done once a semester, no<br />

less than once a year, but these evaluations were not consistent. Nancy’s evaluator stayed the<br />

entire class period, while Lisa’s stayed for five minutes. Cara and Reba had interesting<br />

experiences with their evaluations by full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, which draws into question the real<br />

validity of the evaluation. Nevertheless, both acknowledged the value of having someone<br />

conduct a thorough evaluation:<br />

…we each have a “full-<strong>time</strong> faculty partner” who is suppose to…come in and sit in one<br />

of our classes…It’s supposed to be helpful, but, in fact, it is evaluative. I mean there is<br />

no attempt to improve your teaching. It is a pure evaluative kind of thing as I see it…<br />

We have to sign [the evaluation]… I guess I really don’t [think that it helps with<br />

teaching]…Well, the woman that evaluated me last year came the last day of the semester<br />

when I was doing nothing but cleaning up and getting ready for finals…and she said,<br />

“well I know you are a good teacher,” so she brought a stack of papers and she was<br />

grading and sat in my class for an hour… The guy that is going to do me again this year,<br />

when he evaluated me, [he] got me mixed me up with another person…He was supposed<br />

to do it first semester, but he never made it to my class first semester. So then he came in<br />

second semester, but it was so long between the <strong>time</strong> that he actually filled out the form<br />

and the <strong>time</strong> he had been to my class, he got me confused with another person. And he<br />

said something about “you gave this lecture on such and such,” and I said, “I didn’t give<br />

that lecture. That’s not even a chapter that is on syllabus you know.” But he didn’t<br />

change what was on the paper that he wrote about me… I’m not sure [if evaluations are<br />

used for rehiring purposes]. They stay on file, and I know other faculty can go look at it<br />

[be]cause that is another thing [that] happened to me one <strong>time</strong>. A person came, and he<br />

fell asleep in my class. So he went and he looked to see what other people in previous<br />

years had said about me and student evaluations, and he wrote his form…, but he told me<br />

he did it, based on what other people had said and what my student evaluations were<br />

like…It’s kind of hard to say [if] I’m getting positive feedback from those, you know, if<br />

they’re treating it like it’s a joke… I have had a couple of people … who took it seriously<br />

and who were good and who made some constructive criticisms. (Cara, TCC)<br />


Last semester I was assigned to a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty member that [had] already observed<br />

me. And he just said, “I know how you teach. I’m not going to come,” and he got away<br />

with it…They just let it be. But I have been observed every semester I was here. They<br />

try to arrange the schedules so that a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty member that does not have a<br />

conflict can come in [and] observe your classes, and they give you a report, and I file<br />

every one of them along with my student reports. It’s helpful because you get<br />

suggestions, and they ask questions. Once you get use to it, it is just not threatening as<br />

long as you recognize it, everybody is assigned a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, and that’s the way it<br />

is…If it were negative, I think it would [affect employment] because if they see<br />

something that they feel you should improve, they just tell you, or they make<br />

suggestions…I think it is very helpful. I wish I had that when I was still in graduate<br />

school, but they didn’t do that cause not all graduate programs have something in place.<br />

(Reba, TCC)<br />

However, there was a feeling that the departments really did not know what the adjuncts were<br />

doing in the classroom or how well they actually taught, as Jean (TCC) explained:<br />

… They do not have a clue what I do. They hear great things. They assume that I’m<br />

doing wonderful stuff, and, of course, I tell them I am, and they believe me. But they<br />

don’t know. They haven’t got a clue. I mean, they trust me. What do they trust, my<br />

academic record? My degrees or such like that?...Some<strong>time</strong>s they come in to view, to sit<br />

with you, as they have to do…a lot of <strong>time</strong>s people who are sitting in to observe are<br />

people that I have taught, who teach here full <strong>time</strong> now.<br />

According to the administrators, if problems were detected through student evaluations or<br />

observations, conferences were set with the adjuncts, and the problem areas were addressed.<br />

The administrators noted that the evaluations could affect future employment adversely if the<br />

problems continued and could not be resolved.<br />

As with RCC & TCC, student evaluations were UCC’s main source of feedback on the<br />

adjuncts’ teaching. Most of the adjuncts felt that the student evaluations were an excellent source<br />

of feedback. They believed it provided them with information that would improve their teaching<br />

skills:<br />

And I feel here I’d far prefer to be evaluated by the students that I deal with on a daily<br />

basis than anybody in the department… the program director, after the first three weeks,<br />

said that she had spoken to a number of students and that the feedback was very positive,<br />

that she had checked me out. (Suzi, UCC)<br />

[The program chair] used student feedback sheets that were evaluations that students<br />

filled out in the middle of the semester. She would present them as an evaluation during<br />

the following semester, and that served for me, <strong>time</strong> after <strong>time</strong>, as a kind of training<br />

because I would look at the graph and at the sheets that students had said what they felt I<br />


excelled at or what they felt could have been better. I would try to respond to that.<br />

(Ellie, UCC)<br />

According to the UCC CAO, evaluations were given by program directors at UCC. After<br />

a class visit where a feedback form was utilized, the program director and adjunct would meet to<br />

discuss any problems that needed to be addressed. <strong>Faculty</strong> did not perform evaluations of<br />

adjuncts, but student evaluations were reviewed by the program director with the adjunct. As<br />

with the other institutions, there was a feeling of inconsistency with the evaluations conducted<br />

by the programs, as Chris expressed:<br />

The college runs hot and cold on [classroom evaluation]. Some<strong>time</strong>s they really get<br />

down on the program chairs, get in those classes, find out what they are doing, and selfevaluate<br />

them on a piece of paper so you knew exactly what they’re doing inside their<br />

classroom. Then they will go for years without doing any. So it is totally inconsistent…<br />

I had a conference with my program director, but it was sort of talking about the course<br />

and how I plan to teach it and all that kind of good stuff. Maybe that was an evaluation.<br />

I don’t know, but it was at the very beginning [of the semester]. (Chris, UCC)<br />

Although feedback from students was appreciated by most, Jill (UCC) felt students were<br />

not the best individuals to evaluate an instructor and provide constructive criticism.<br />

I will tell you something that bothers me, (and it does not apply just to adjuncts, it’s full<strong>time</strong><br />

teachers too, except that they have a more concrete position in what they’re doing,)<br />

and that’s the evaluations. I don’t know what the format is of the evaluations anyplace<br />

else, but evaluations are handed out to the students, except for the summer<strong>time</strong>. The two<br />

semesters, Fall and Spring, and whoever it is, no one knows. Actually we do know when<br />

you finally get to see them, “I know who wrote that.” …Students, I would say, are not<br />

going to be supremely objective on these evaluations, and the evaluations boil down to<br />

the decisions that the students make not on the course so much, but I think on the<br />

teacher…Students can come up with the most outrageous opinions and things on these<br />

evaluations that have nothing to do with what you were teaching [or] with what you<br />

weren’t teaching… That’s one of my irritations is [student] evaluations. Get rid of<br />

them… I can tell you in all the years that I’ve been an adjunct teacher I have been<br />

observed twice…That should happen more often.<br />

All three institutions provided student evaluations each semester, but there was a definite<br />

inconsistency in evaluations conducted by the departments, programs, or full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Largely, the adjuncts seemed to prefer more feedback from their departments or programs of<br />

study. Overall, the issues with the evaluation process negatively affected the satisfaction of the<br />

faculty.<br />


Satisfaction with Other Jobs and Roles<br />

In the study, adjuncts were asked about how satisfied they were with other jobs and roles<br />

in their lives, and most participants were satisfied. This was applicable across all three<br />

institutions, as the following comments illustrate:<br />

It doesn’t really cause a conflict for me. I have it scheduled so that it’s not really<br />

conflicting. (Jen, RCC, full-<strong>time</strong> mom)<br />

This aspect is the most satisfying part of being an adjunct for me. I have much more<br />

personal free <strong>time</strong> and more <strong>time</strong> with my daughters and husband. I am also more able to<br />

help my husband in his business. It’s flexible. (Tina, RCC, full-<strong>time</strong> mother)<br />

All my part-<strong>time</strong> jobs—yeah it works out. I’ve been here for a while so usually I get<br />

kind of like a choice of what classes I want to teach or what <strong>time</strong>s I want to teach. (Cara,<br />

TCC, other part-<strong>time</strong> jobs)<br />

I have a good supervisor back where I work full-<strong>time</strong>. Because we have flex hours that<br />

means I can do what I’m doing now [be]cause I teach Tuesday, Thursday 1:25 to 2:40<br />

and that’s between regular office hours. But my section where I work, you can do flex<br />

hours… I can go back to my supervisor in my full-<strong>time</strong> job and tell her I don’t want my<br />

half days on Tuesday no more, I want my half days on Thursday because I have to be<br />

here, and she will say “okay.” (Eden, full-<strong>time</strong> job)<br />

They compliment each other. You learn about different companies and how different<br />

people are doing things. It’s a real connection. (Dave, UCC, full-<strong>time</strong> job)<br />

Satisfaction with Being an Adjunct<br />

When questioned about their satisfaction as adjunct instructors, there were mixed<br />

responses. On the positive side, Dan (TCC) was “totally delighted with teaching adjunct.” Bob<br />

(TCC) enjoyed the fact that he could take a semester off if he desired.<br />

There were several who were dissatisfied as adjuncts. Hanna (TCC) believed her<br />

institution used an excessive amount of adjuncts. “That could be just my disgruntled opinion. I<br />

think they need more full-<strong>time</strong> people, and they just are not creating the positions.”<br />

Although Tina (RCC) was only interested in part-<strong>time</strong> work at the <strong>time</strong>, she was<br />

dissatisfied with her position because her treatment made her feel like a “second-class citizen.”<br />

I feel that my status as an adjunct is not very satisfying. I feel that my status does not<br />

reflect my real responsibilities in teaching or my true abilities. Adjuncts are second-class<br />

citizens at RCC. For example, we are not allowed to use the copy machine in our schools<br />

(full-<strong>time</strong> faculty can)…Another example is the faculty discount…I asked and was told<br />

that adjunct faculty cannot use the discounts. I found that to be offensive. For one thing,<br />


the adjuncts make so little money teaching! We are performing a valuable service for the<br />

college, and they can’t even let us have a faculty discount like everyone else? While the<br />

adjunct position is useful for me at this point in my life, I also feel that it is exploitative.<br />

Stuff like copy machines is silly. It really annoys me. (Tina, RCC)<br />

Moreover, adjuncts realized there were trade-offs to being an adjunct:<br />

It is not about being unhappy or anything. It’s about yeah, I do this ,and I’m gonna to do<br />

it when I leave here, and I’m going to like what I do. (Jean, TCC)<br />

This doesn’t mean you are 100% happy. You never will be. You trade one set of<br />

disadvantages and advantages for another set. I can get a lot of congeniality on that<br />

assembly line but I didn’t choose to do that. That doesn’t mean I won’t bitch about the<br />

disadvantages that came with this job, but there [were] some that came on that one too.<br />

(Adam, TCC)<br />

Suzi (UCC), who taught nights at another institution, felt the adjunct position was very<br />

lonely. “You never see any staff member…I never talk to anybody. You really don’t know if<br />

you’re on the right track, and there’s nobody there to even chat with.”<br />

Finally, Ellie (UCC) summed up the notion of part-<strong>time</strong> work while discussing her<br />

satisfaction as an adjunct:<br />

…I could say I don’t feel undervalued by anyone except the system. I feel that every<br />

individual I work with is treating me fairly and with respect…I think it is the structure<br />

and again it’s the American workplace. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> people have not achieved the official<br />

and paid status of full-<strong>time</strong> people. It is just a structural problem I hope changes. There<br />

should be more job sharing I think; that is more a political view.<br />

Hanna (TCC) had a very unique perspective on being an adjunct. As she mentioned<br />

previously, there was nothing that she liked about teaching part-<strong>time</strong>. Hanna came from a<br />

background as a full-<strong>time</strong> instructor in the community college. She had approximately 13 years<br />

experience as a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, but she could not find a position at TCC.<br />

A lot of it is, do they choose to be there, or do they feel like they have to be there? And<br />

that is something to consider…But it is an interesting perspective, you know, having sat<br />

on the other side of the fence and quite comfortable and secure position, had tenure, the<br />

whole thing, and now seeing what it’s like doing adjunct, I really feel poor. You know,<br />

I’ve seen specials on TV about people that do this, and it is just terrible. And a lot of<br />

places are much worse than [us]. I have an office. I have a telephone. I have a<br />

computer. People in a lot of places do it on the back seat of their car. They meet with<br />

students out in the parking lot. This is a horrendous kind of thing that you hear<br />

complaints about all across the country with people that are struggling to get on full-<strong>time</strong><br />

or re-piece it together with adjuncts. We have a lot of real good things here that I find<br />

were better than the last place I was at. The last place they had one little office for<br />


adjuncts, and when they came they had to put all their stuff in there if nobody was there<br />

and try to meet with students. If there were 3 or 4 people, it’s impossible. Here, I have<br />

my own little cubbyhole and a lot of nice things, but just looking at it from having been<br />

in the other position too and seeing this now is really interesting to me. (Hanna, TCC)<br />

Overall Satisfaction<br />

As mentioned at the beginning of this section on job satisfaction, most of the adjuncts<br />

were teaching because they enjoyed it. They endured many of the dissatisfactions that come<br />

with part-<strong>time</strong> teaching because they were doing something they loved, and they had high levels<br />

of commitment. As Amy (UCC) stated:<br />

Actually, I really am satisfied to a degree…I could get some kind of a job that would pay<br />

much better and get those benefits, but I would have to be in an office eight hours a day<br />

surrounded by other people, and I’ve never been able to succeed at that. Whereas<br />

teaching at this level, it’s something that I do feel like I have been successful with.<br />

Being part-<strong>time</strong> fit well into Lisa’s (TCC) plans, “I’m interested in family and slowing down, so<br />

I’m satisfied with what I’m doing right now.”<br />

The adjuncts, who expressed lower levels of satisfaction, usually had a specific reason,<br />

such as Ellie (UCC) who really needed the medical benefits of a full-<strong>time</strong> position. Also, Rita<br />

(UCC) was dissatisfied with her current situation because she enjoyed teaching so much she<br />

wanted to go full-<strong>time</strong> as soon as she could. As she stated, “So to be honest with you, I’m not<br />

real satisfied right now [be]cause I know what I want, and at this point, I can’t get it.”<br />

As demonstrated by the responses to job satisfaction and its many facets, there are a<br />

variety of levels and reasons that affect each individual. Furthermore, job satisfaction is tied into<br />

the adjuncts perceptions and experiences, which is addressed in research question four.<br />

Perceptions and Experiences<br />

Research Question 4: Are there differences in the perceptions or experiences of the community<br />

college part-<strong>time</strong> faculty studied?<br />

The experiences of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty members were often reflected in their<br />

perceptions of the institutions, colleagues, and themselves. They came from varied education,<br />

ethnic, and work backgrounds as discussed in the section on demographics. As far as<br />

institutional experiences, each institution had a continuum of adjuncts that were very happy with<br />

their experiences to those who were extremely unhappy.<br />


Job Satisfaction Taxonomy<br />

When analyzing the data through the job satisfaction lens, the most noted differences in<br />

perceptions and experiences throughout the institutions were whether or not the individual was<br />

financially dependent on the position for either income or benefits or both. Based on this<br />

observation, the researcher created a taxonomy that divides the participants into three groups:<br />

Dependents, Interims, and Stables.<br />

Dependents. Dependents were teaching because they needed income and many needed<br />

the benefits, too. Also, teaching as an adjunct was the primary, if not sole, source of income.<br />

Their perceptions were influenced significantly by their need for money or need for a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

position with benefits. During the focus groups, the researcher and assistant moderators agreed<br />

the overriding factor in satisfaction levels was dependency on income. Moreover, Dependents<br />

believed that their compensation indicated how the institution appreciated and respected them as<br />

teachers, and their self-worth was often tied into their compensation. Finally, most of the<br />

adjuncts, who fell into this category, were searching for full-<strong>time</strong> positions. Repeatedly, they<br />

were the individuals who had the most complaints. Also, they expressed their dissatisfaction<br />

most vehemently, especially when discussing their compensation and benefits.<br />

Stables. Stables were adjuncts who had other sources of income either from a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

job, their spouses, retirement, or other ventures, which provided financial stability. Stables<br />

seemed to be much more satisfied with every aspect of being an adjunct. Although there was<br />

general discontent with the level of pay, individuals who had other sources of income expressed<br />

far less concern about their compensation, but many were very concerned about their colleagues<br />

who were dependent on their part-<strong>time</strong> salary. None of the Stables were interested in full-<strong>time</strong><br />

positions.<br />

Interims. Interims included the remainder of the individuals, most of who were in<br />

transitional phases in their life. They may or may not have had other sources of income, but<br />

their positions as adjuncts were only temporary. All of the graduate students were included in<br />

this category.<br />

The three categories of the job taxonomy can overlap. Also, when compared to<br />

Tuckman’s (1978), Biles and Tuckman’s (1986) and Gappa and Leslie’s (1993) taxonomies, the<br />

job taxonomy would incorporate each in the following manner: Dependents would encompass<br />

Tuckman’s hopeful full-<strong>time</strong>rs and part-mooners, Biles and Tuckman’s twighlighters, and Gappa<br />


and Leslie’s aspiring academics and freeway fliers. Interims would include Tuckman’s graduate<br />

students and part-unknowners and Gappa and Leslie’s freelancers. Finally, Stables would<br />

include Tuckman’s semiretireds, full-mooners, and homeworkers, Biles & Tuckman’s<br />

moonlighters, sunlighters, and person on occasional part-<strong>time</strong> leave, and Gappa and Leslie’s<br />

career enders and specialists, experts, and professionals.<br />

Institutional Influences and Policies<br />

Research Question 5: What are the institutional influences and policies affecting the use of part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty at the community colleges studied?<br />

Many of the institutional policies have been discussed previously. The following is a<br />

discussion of institutional and non-institutional policies affecting adjunct faculty.<br />

Institutional Polices<br />

Minimum Education Requirements. All three institutions had minimum education<br />

requirements of a Master’s degree with 18 hours in the subject field, which adhered to the<br />

SACS’ accreditation requirements (see below). Adjuncts who had only a Bachelor’s degree<br />

were limited to teaching college prep classes.<br />

Maximum Load and <strong>Faculty</strong>-Adjunct Ratios. At RCC, full-<strong>time</strong> faculty loads<br />

consisted of 15 credit hours, and they are required to be on campus 33 hours with 10 of those<br />

hours established as office hours. The administrator noted that all full-<strong>time</strong> faculty taught<br />

overload courses and were paid at the same rate as adjuncts for their overload classes. Adjuncts<br />

usually taught nine hours, with a maximum of 11 hours per semester. In addition, RCC limited<br />

the number of hours adjuncts could teach at other institutions.<br />

According to the RCC CAO, the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty ratio was 65:35.<br />

The other administrator noted that his division’s ratio was approximately 60:40, which could be<br />

attributed to the subjects offered in his division.<br />

The maximum load for adjuncts at TCC was nine hours, with a minimum number of<br />

students. The full-<strong>time</strong> faculty load was 15 hours. According to the TCC administrator, full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty taught three to four classes based on a loading formula, which included the number<br />

of class preps and students each faculty member had. They were also required to serve on both<br />

divisional and institutional committees and advise students for at least 30 hours a semester. The<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty ratio was 60:40, which varied between departments, but the goal of<br />


the institution was to reach a 70:30 ratio.<br />

UCC based their loads on Equated Credit Hours (ECH) and limited adjuncts to 12 ECH’s<br />

per session, which are roughly three to four courses. If the individual is working full <strong>time</strong> in<br />

another job, s/he is limited to six ECH. This limitation also applies to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty who are<br />

teaching classes beyond their full-<strong>time</strong> load. The only way for individual to exceed the limit is<br />

through presidential approval. UCC had a 65:35 ratio of full-<strong>time</strong> to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. The ideal<br />

goal for the institution was 70:30.<br />

Outside Employment Limitations. RCC and UCC limited the amount of hours an<br />

adjunct could teach when working outside the institution. Outside employment did not affect<br />

adjuncts at TCC.<br />

Vacation and Sick Leave. None of the institutions gave any form of vacation or sick<br />

leave to adjuncts. Furthermore, all three required that adjuncts, who had to miss a class, find a<br />

substitute for the class, and they were docked for the <strong>time</strong> missed according to their hourly rate.<br />

Retirement Plans. All three institutions gave adjuncts some form of alternative social<br />

security. None of the institutions contributed to these plans. Adjuncts were not eligible for the<br />

retirement plans offered to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Support and Access. All the institutions provided support to the adjuncts in the form of<br />

word processing services, audio-visual needs, supplies, and copying services. In addition, all<br />

institutions provided parking and library privileges.<br />

Office Space and Hours. All adjuncts were required to hold offices hours, but each<br />

institution handled them differently. RCC and UCC allowed adjuncts to hold office hours before<br />

and after class in the classrooms. TCC adjuncts were required to hold one office hour for each<br />

class, and they also required adjuncts to post their office hours with the department and adhere to<br />

the posted schedule.<br />

Other perks or benefits. RCC and TCC adjuncts were able to take classes for free.<br />

Tuition was not offered at UCC. However, UCC offered special discounts to theme parks to<br />

their adjuncts.<br />

Non-institutional Influences and Policies<br />

SACS. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools is the accrediting body for the<br />


southern region of the United <strong>State</strong>s including Alabama, <strong>Florida</strong>, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,<br />

Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia and also for Latin<br />

American postsecondary institutions. The association is responsible for the accreditation and<br />

monitoring of the institutions it oversees. Furthermore, it reports regularly on the accreditation<br />

status of institutions under its umbrella. Information on SACS and the principles of<br />

accreditation to which it adheres can be found at the SACS website.<br />

For most programs and areas of studies, both part- and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty must have a<br />

minimum level of education. The minimum level is a Master’s degree and 18 graduate hours in<br />

the subject field. There are exceptions for some professional, occupational, and technical<br />

programs. In addition, exceptions may be made for faculty who have exceptional skills and<br />

experience in place of the education, but each individual, who does not meet the minimum<br />

requirements, must be justified by the institution (SACS, 2000).<br />

<strong>State</strong> Law. Title XLVIII of the <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes establishes the law that governs the K-<br />

20 education system. The statutes cover from the state-level of governance, the <strong>State</strong> Board of<br />

Education, down to the institutional level, the Board of Trustees. The areas that deal specifically<br />

with community colleges include Chapter 1001, <strong>Part</strong> III and Chapter 1004, <strong>Part</strong> III.<br />

The <strong>State</strong> Board of Education sets minimum standards for the state universities and<br />

community colleges. It also submits a K-20 budget yearly to the <strong>Florida</strong> Legislature for all areas<br />

of supervision including the Department of Education, the Commissioner of Education, and all<br />

of the boards, institutions, agencies, and services. In addition to the statutes, Chapter 6A-14 and<br />

6H-1 of the <strong>Florida</strong> Administrative Code gives a more detailed description of how the<br />

community colleges are to be run based on interpretation from the <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes.<br />

FLCCS. The FLCCS oversees the 28 institutions in the state of <strong>Florida</strong>. Concerning<br />

adjuncts, FLCCS has published guidelines. The <strong>Florida</strong> Community Colleges Guidelines and<br />

Procedures Manual provides general guidelines to help provide a uniform policy across the 28<br />

institutions (FLCCS, 1994). These guidelines are shown in Appendix N. The <strong>Florida</strong> Board of<br />

Education (FLBOE) oversees the FLCCS and is authorized by the state legislature<br />

Division of Community Colleges. The Division of Community Colleges (DCC)<br />

develops and coordinates the policies for the FLCCS. Chancellor J. David Armstrong is the<br />


head of the DCC, and it consists of three divisions: Student and Academic Success, Applied<br />

Technology and Career Success, and Finance and Information Systems. Additional information<br />

on the FLCCS and DCC can be found at their websites.<br />


CHAPTER 5<br />



Purpose of the Study<br />

The purpose of this study was to explore the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at three <strong>Florida</strong><br />

community colleges using a case study design. The in-depth analysis helped to describe who<br />

serves as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and illuminate the reasons they teach as adjuncts. In addition, the<br />

researcher analyzed the policies in use for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at selected community colleges in<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> and determined how adjunct faculty are affected by these policies. Finally, within the<br />

context of the community college, the study analyzed the job satisfaction of the adjuncts as it<br />

pertains to job satisfaction theory and how their perceptions and experiences differed.<br />

Synopsis of the Findings<br />

In this study, the following research questions were addressed, and a synopsis of the<br />

findings are included with each question:<br />

1. What are the demographic characteristics and academic backgrounds of the part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty participants in the three community colleges studied?<br />

In analyzing the demographics of the 26 participants the following was found: Fifty<br />

percent of the participants were between the ages of 46 and 60. The remainder of adjuncts was<br />

dispersed equally in the 45 or below categories and the 61 and above categories. The gender<br />

breakdown was 62% women and 38% men, and 77% of the participants were white. All but two<br />

adjuncts had their Master’s degree, and five held doctoral degrees. Fields of study ranged from<br />

mathematics to remedial level reading with more than 10 fields of study represented. There was<br />

a combined total of 170 years of adjunct teaching experience with a mean number of years of<br />

eight. Eleven participants worked only as part-<strong>time</strong> instructors, and nine of the participants<br />

worked full-<strong>time</strong> outside of teaching. The remaining adjuncts worked as part-<strong>time</strong> instructors<br />


with additional part-<strong>time</strong> jobs. Thirty-eight percent of the adjuncts were pursuing full-<strong>time</strong><br />

positions, and 15% had other career aspirations; the remaining 47% were content with working<br />

as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

2. What are the reasons for teaching part-<strong>time</strong> of the faculty participants in the three<br />

community colleges studied?<br />

Numerous reasons were given by the participants for teaching part-<strong>time</strong>. Some of the<br />

most discussed reasons included the following: love of teaching, employed full-<strong>time</strong> outside the<br />

institution, seeking full-<strong>time</strong> position, desired experience, wanted part-<strong>time</strong> only position, liked<br />

the flexibility, needed income, enjoyed working with students, enjoyed the community college<br />

environment, and derived great personal satisfaction from teaching.<br />

3. What are the job satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the<br />

three community colleges studied?<br />

There seemed to be a high level of satisfaction with teaching itself and with teaching<br />

students at the institutions. Satisfaction with the institutions varied with dissatisfaction usually<br />

resulting from the level of pay and number of classes they could teach. Nearly all of the<br />

participants had high levels of satisfaction with the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty they encountered. However,<br />

satisfaction with other adjuncts was lower because many of the adjuncts had little or no<br />

interaction with other adjuncts. One of the highest levels of satisfaction came with support<br />

faculty, the office assistants and secretaries. Most of the adjuncts were satisfied with the<br />

department administrators, but there were a few who were very unhappy with their superiors.<br />

Satisfaction with office facilities varied. Many of the adjuncts did not feel they needed an office<br />

space. Dissatisfaction was the highest in those who were looking for a full-<strong>time</strong> position and<br />

wanted to be more integrated into the institution.<br />

Recruitment, orientation, and integration could all be improved according to the<br />

participants. Adjuncts acknowledged that they had to go through an extensive process for hiring<br />

without any guarantees for a job or any type of job security. Most of the adjuncts felt the<br />

orientation offered by the institutions was not particularly helpful. Satisfaction with integration<br />

often depended on whether or not the individual was interested in a full-<strong>time</strong> position. Those<br />

who were seeking full-<strong>time</strong> teaching positions wanted greater integration. Those who were<br />

content with their roles as adjuncts had far less interest in being integrated into the institutional<br />

culture.<br />


Among the adjuncts, dissatisfaction was the highest with compensation and benefits. For<br />

those who were dependent on the income of the part-<strong>time</strong> position, income and benefits, to a<br />

lesser degree, were significant motivators, and the low level of pay impacted their satisfaction<br />

levels adversely. For those in full-<strong>time</strong> positions or with outside income sources, income served<br />

more as a hygiene factor. All adjuncts felt they should be paid more for what they were doing.<br />

For those who needed medical benefits, there was a high level of dissatisfaction with the lack of<br />

benefits. For participants who were covered elsewhere, there was empathy for individuals not<br />

covered. Almost all of the adjuncts felt that some type of benefits program should be offered to<br />

those needing it.<br />

Evaluation was another area where adjuncts were highly dissatisfied. Although most of<br />

the adjuncts appreciated and utilized the student evaluations, they wanted more input from their<br />

peers and superiors. For those who had been evaluated by a faculty or supervisor, the adjunct<br />

often felt that the evaluation was conducted in such a way as to fulfill an obligation instead of<br />

providing useful and constructive criticism and suggestions. Overall, the adjuncts were satisfied,<br />

and the majority of them admitted that they would continue to teach as an adjunct even with the<br />

problems they faced.<br />

4. Are there differences in the perceptions or experiences of the community college<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty studied?<br />

In analyzing the findings, the separating factor was dependency on income and the<br />

perceived equitability of the income in respect to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s salaries. All part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty felt they should be paid more for what they were doing whether or not their satisfaction<br />

level with income was high. In the discussions, the perceived equity of adjuncts’ salaries to full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculties’ salaries became an issue. Also, several of the adjuncts, who were previously fine<br />

with what they were being paid, had a significant change in the continuum when their life<br />

circumstances changed, and they found themselves in the position of depending on the income.<br />

Based on the findings, a job taxonomy was created that categorized adjuncts into three<br />

distinct groups: Dependents were teaching because they needed income and many needed the<br />

benefits, too. Also, teaching as an adjunct was the primary, if not sole, source of income. Their<br />

perceptions were influenced significantly by their need for money or need for a full-<strong>time</strong> position<br />

with benefits. Stables were adjuncts who had other sources of income either from a full-<strong>time</strong><br />

job, their spouses, retirement, or other ventures, which provided financial stability. Stables<br />


seemed to be much more satisfied with every aspect of being an adjunct. Interims included the<br />

remainder of the individuals, most of who were in transitional phases in their life.<br />

5. What are the institutional influences and policies affecting the use of part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty at the community colleges studied?<br />

All the institutions adhered to SACS accreditation requirements for hiring of adjuncts,<br />

which requires a minimum of a Master’s degree with 18 hours in the subject field. Additionally,<br />

all three institutions are governed by the <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes; Title XLVIII of the <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes<br />

establishes the law that governs the K-20 with Chapter 1001, <strong>Part</strong> III and Chapter 1004, <strong>Part</strong> III<br />

focusing specifically on community colleges, and Chapter 6A-14 and 6H-1 of the <strong>Florida</strong><br />

Administrative Code gives a more detailed description of how the community colleges are to be<br />

run based on interpretation from the <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes. Furthermore, all three institutions adhered<br />

to the FLCCS Guidelines established for the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Each institution<br />

implemented these policies differently.<br />

Some of the policies affecting adjuncts included the following: Adjuncts were required<br />

to hold office hours at all three institutions, and the adjuncts had a designated area to hold these<br />

office hours. In addition, they were given parking and library privileges. RCC and TCC offered<br />

tuition waiver privileges for adjuncts who met specific requirements. RCC and UCC restricted<br />

the number of hours an adjunct could teach if he or she had outside employment, and all three<br />

institutions had a maximum number of hours that could be taught by adjuncts. All three<br />

institutions had a professional development fund to which adjuncts had access.<br />

Conceptual Framework<br />

Job satisfaction is defined as “how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of<br />

their jobs” (Spector, 1997, pg. 2). Spector gave three reasons for studying job satisfaction: 1)<br />

humanitarian perspective–individuals deserve fair treatment and respect in their job; 2) utilitarian<br />

perspective–how an individual is treated often leads to the employee’s behaviors that can affect<br />

organizational functioning, both positively and negatively; and 3) organizational functioning–<br />

understanding employees’ job satisfaction within various units can pinpoint troubled areas (p. 2).<br />

Why is job satisfaction important? There can be both positive and negative ramifications<br />

to job satisfaction that may affect job performance, employee behavior, employee physical and<br />

psychological well-being, and life satisfaction (Spector, 1997). Understanding these<br />


consequences can help organizations to provide better working environments for employees as<br />

well as endeavor to improve employee productivity.<br />

In early studies of job satisfaction, Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyder (1959) utilized a two<br />

factor theory of job satisfaction, which focused on motivators and hygienes. Hygiene factors<br />

include supervision, interpersonal relations, physical working conditions, salary, company<br />

policies and administrative practices, benefits and job security. “When these factors deteriorate<br />

to a level below that which the employee considers acceptable, then job dissatisfaction ensues.<br />

However the reverse does not hold true” (p. 113). If these hygiene factors are not sufficiently<br />

met, the result can be lower job satisfaction if not properly addressed; however, high levels of<br />

satisfaction are not guaranteed if the hygiene factors are present (Rainey, 2001).<br />

Herzberg et al. (1959) felt that positive job attitudes derived from an individual’s need<br />

for self-actualization, which ties into Maslow’s (1954) hierarchy of needs. Herzberg et al.<br />

defined these job factors as motivators. Motivators include achievement, recognition, the work<br />

itself, responsibility, and personal growth/advancement. Although both hygienes and motivators<br />

meet the needs of the employee, Herzberg et al. noted that motivators were the factors that<br />

improved job satisfaction and helped to improve job performance, while satisfaction of hygiene<br />

needs helped to prevent job dissatisfaction.<br />

Although one would think that high job satisfaction would imply high job performance,<br />

research shows only a moderate correlation with job performance (Iaffaldano & Muchinsky,<br />

1985; Petty, McGee, & Cavender, 1984). Research indicates a better correlation with job<br />

satisfaction when job performance is tied to rewards (Jacobs & Solomon, 1977). To date, a<br />

thorough explanation of the cause of these relationships has not been determined (See Spector).<br />

Use of part-<strong>time</strong> workers is increasing in many organizations, and the motive is usually<br />

fiscal (Spector, 1997). <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong>rs are often paid less and cost less to the employer because<br />

benefits, such as medical and retirement, are not required, but part-<strong>time</strong> employees often do the<br />

same work as full-<strong>time</strong> employees. Therefore, it could be concluded that part-<strong>time</strong> employees<br />

would be less satisfied with their jobs; however, research on part-<strong>time</strong> work schedules and job<br />

satisfaction has conflicting results.<br />

With the continually growing population and acceptance that use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty is<br />

here to stay, limited research has been conducted on the job satisfaction of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in<br />

community colleges or any postsecondary institutions. In the limited research that has been<br />


conducted, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s overall job satisfaction is high and often greater than full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty’s (Antony & Valadez, 1998; , Eberhardt and Shani, 1984; Gappa, 2000; Jackofsky and<br />

Peters, 1987; Truell, et al., 1998; Tuckman, 1978; Weglarz, 1998). Also, the research supports<br />

the belief that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are less satisfied in specific areas such as wage differentials,<br />

autonomy, students, co-workers, supervision, and rewards (Antony & Valadez, 1998; Feldman,<br />

1990; Hagedorn, 1996; Miller & Terborg, 1979; Williams & Wiatrk, 1986). Furthermore, the<br />

literature showed that these lower levels of satisfaction stemmed from the following: problems<br />

with salary differentiation, lack of negotiating power, limited benefits, low academic status, role<br />

ambiguity, institutional culture, lack of morale among adjuncts, and limited orientation,<br />

integration, and professional development (Banachowski, 1996a, 1996b; Cohen, 1992; Gappa,<br />

2000; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Gappa & Leslie, 1997; Hagedorn, 1996; Hoerner, 1991; Jacobs,<br />

1998; Kelly, 1991; Langenberg, 1998; McGuire, 1993; Monroe & Denham, 1991; Pollington,<br />

1992; Roueche et al., 1995).<br />

In analyzing job satisfaction of faculty, Hagedorn (2000a) provided a conceptual<br />

framework. In developing the framework, she focused on mediators and triggers that lead to a<br />

job satisfaction continuum.<br />

“A mediator is a variable or a situation that influences (moderates) outcomes and<br />

relationships between other variables or situations” (Hagedorn, 2000b, p. 1). The framework<br />

included three types of mediators: motivators and hygienes, demographics, and environmental<br />

conditions. The first mediator incorporated Herzberg’s motivators and hygienes including<br />

achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, and salary. Demographics in her model<br />

included gender, ethnicity, institutional type, and academic discipline. Finally, the<br />

environmental conditions she evaluated were collegial relationships, student quality or<br />

relationships, administration, and institutional climate or culture.<br />

Triggers are the changes or transfers that occur throughout a faculty’s career. Hagedorn<br />

included changes in the following areas as triggers: life stage, family-related or personal<br />

circumstances, rank or tenure, institution, perceived justice, and mood or emotional state. All<br />

of these triggers lead to a change on the job satisfaction continuum.<br />

Hagedorn (2000b) recognized that job satisfaction runs on a continuum and has<br />

pinpointed and labeled three specific points on the continuum: disengagement,<br />

acceptance/tolerance, and appreciation. In her study, Hagedorn placed most of the faculty<br />


somewhere between the disengagement and appreciation; they have “accepted and evolved with<br />

their work-related roles” (p. 9). Furthermore, she found that the triggers in the study led to<br />

certain levels of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction tended to increase with advanced life stages.<br />

Married faculty had higher levels of job satisfaction than single, separated, or divorced faculty.<br />

<strong>Faculty</strong> who recently changed rank or moved to a new institution had lower levels of job<br />

satisfaction. Finally, faculty who had a higher level of perceived justice tended to have higher<br />

job satisfaction. Hagedorn concluded that overall job satisfaction can be affected by her three<br />

pronged model.<br />

Theme Analysis and Interpretation<br />

Themes identified in this research study will contribute to knowledge by providing an<br />

understanding of the perceptions and experiences of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at the community colleges<br />

studied. Also, the gap between policy and practice is examined. In addition, the research study<br />

provides an analysis of the previous research recommendations and whether or not any of the<br />

recommendations have been implemented. Furthermore, the knowledge gained will fill part of<br />

the gap in research concerning job satisfaction of adjuncts in the two-year institutions. Although<br />

limited in generalizability, the findings and recommendations from this study can provide useful<br />

information to all postsecondary institutions.<br />

Expanding a Previous Study<br />

Historically, community colleges have been the institutions that claim to respond quickly<br />

and effectively to the needs of the changing environments in their service areas. With part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty at community colleges passing the 65% level, it is imperative for community colleges to<br />

know who these individuals are, why they teach part-<strong>time</strong>, and how their status as “invisible<br />

faculty” can improve. Furthermore, having a better understanding of the demographics,<br />

characteristics, and reasons for teaching of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty will provide better systems for<br />

administrators and human resource officers to find and hire the most qualified individuals for<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> positions.<br />

Many of the demographic characteristics can be determined through the data gathered in<br />

the NSOPF surveys, but a survey response makes it difficult to obtain information on perceptions<br />

about being part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, experiences they have, or reasons they choose to work part-<strong>time</strong>.<br />

Case studies with focus groups and in-depth interviews provided an opportunity to uncover such<br />

data.<br />


Through the use of qualitative research, the researcher sought to provide a better<br />

understanding of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty within <strong>Florida</strong>’s community colleges, with the possibility of<br />

the findings being applicable around the country. The study expanded on Gappa and Leslie’s<br />

1993 research by specifically focusing on community colleges. It also expanded on Roueche et<br />

al.’s (1995) study by directly interviewing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty as well as administrators within the<br />

community college environment. Most notably, the study focused on providing new information<br />

on the job satisfaction levels of adjuncts in the three community colleges studied. Furthermore,<br />

it may contribute to improved practices with regard to the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in <strong>Florida</strong><br />

community colleges. It also explored, through the eyes of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, whether current<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty policies are effective and how these policies can be improved to help lead to<br />

increased job satisfaction and possibly improved quality of instruction.<br />

Based on the Hagedorn framework, a job taxonomy was developed to help better<br />

described the participants, especially in respect to their motivators and hygienes. Understanding<br />

of the job satisfaction taxonomy proposed in this study provides administrators the opportunity<br />

to better assess the needs of adjuncts. In the case of Dependents, they are financially dependent<br />

on their position, so pay is a large motivator for them. Furthermore, they are usually searching<br />

for a full-<strong>time</strong> position, and they are very interested in becoming an integral part of the academic<br />

setting. Although money is their primary motivator and benefits are strongly desired, the<br />

satisfaction levels of Dependents can be increased by implementing smaller, often inexpensive<br />

policies, such as recognition of teaching, inclusion in curriculum decisions, and participation in<br />

faculty decisions at the institutional level. By improving the hygienes in their situations, levels<br />

of dissatisfaction may be decreased also.<br />

Furthermore, when a Dependent is hired, there should be clarification of the limits of the<br />

position and future opportunities. If there is little chance for advancement after several years,<br />

administrators should encourage the adjunct to pursue other opportunities. Finally, if the<br />

Dependent is so dissatisfied as to cause disruption and dissent among the part- or full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty, the administrator may need to make the difficult decision of removing the individual<br />

from the list of prospective adjuncts.<br />

Interims are in an ideal position to serve as adjuncts. Being in a transitional life stage,<br />

they are not interested in the long-term situation. For example, graduate students would fall into<br />

the Interims classification. They are looking for temporary work to provide income and often<br />


experience. Although there may be possibilities in the future for full-<strong>time</strong> work, it is not the<br />

primary focus for them. Furthermore, as an Interim, pay is usually supplemental to loans,<br />

graduate assistantships, and outside funding such as spousal income or parental support.<br />

Therefore, the Interim is usually less dependent on the income and has a more satisfying<br />

experience.<br />

Stables are often the individuals who provide the real world experience. Although pay is<br />

important because Stables are often highly trained and successful individuals who feel their <strong>time</strong><br />

is valuable, it serves more as a hygiene than motivator for teaching. Stables tend to teach for<br />

more self-actualizing reasons such as giving back to society. They have minor dissatisfaction in<br />

some areas, but their overall satisfaction is usually high because they are not encumbered by the<br />

worries of financial burdens like Dependents. Furthermore, they are less interested in being<br />

integrated into the faculty, and they prefer to participate at their leisure. Their satisfaction levels<br />

may be increased by providing them with recognition for their achievements and<br />

acknowledgment of the work they do as adjuncts.<br />

Themes uncovered in this research study provide a unique perspective on how job<br />

satisfaction may affect part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Understanding the importance of specific areas,<br />

especially compensation and benefits, in the job satisfaction taxonomy can help administrators<br />

make better choices in hiring adjuncts. In addition, it may also lead to a more productive, more<br />

satisfied faculty at all levels.<br />

Implications<br />

The study provided unique insight into the reasons for teaching, demographics, and job<br />

satisfaction levels of adjuncts at the three community colleges studied. The following section<br />

will discuss the implications of the findings on state policy and community colleges.<br />

Implications for <strong>State</strong> Policy<br />

The <strong>Florida</strong> Community College System (FLCCS) is one of the leading systems in the<br />

country with strong ties to the <strong>Florida</strong> Legislature. With the explosive growth in enrollment of<br />

the system statewide and lag in enrollment funding, institutions are faced with the difficult<br />

choice of finding the right balance of full-<strong>time</strong> and part-<strong>time</strong> instructors while providing the<br />

needed classes and services to their primary clients, the students. Although the research did not<br />

focus on the state level, adjunct policies need to be studied with a critical focus.<br />


Implications for Community Colleges<br />

It is important for institutions to understand that an individual’s behavior is affected by<br />

his or her level of job satisfaction, both positively and negatively. As Spector (1997) discussed,<br />

understanding job satisfaction can provide the institutions with a humanitarian as well as<br />

utilitarian perspective and improve organizational functioning.<br />

The primary reward at the institutions studied was compensation. With job satisfaction<br />

levels affected by rewards that, in turn, may affect job performance, the community colleges<br />

need to carefully evaluate their compensation policies. Although quality of instruction was not<br />

the focus of the research, one of the principal missions of a community college is to meet the<br />

educational needs of its service area, and with teaching (faculty’s job performance) being a key<br />

focus of the institution, quality of instruction should be a major concern. If rewards affect job<br />

performance and the main job performance of faculty, especially adjuncts, at community<br />

colleges is teaching, high levels of dissatisfaction with compensation may adversely affect the<br />

overall quality of instruction.<br />

One of the main reasons institutions use adjuncts is for the fiscal benefit. Adjuncts<br />

provide greater flexibility for institutions in <strong>time</strong>s of growth and decline; however, the<br />

institutions must evaluate the true cost of using adjuncts including the cost to the adjunct, full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty, and students.<br />

Furthermore, if adjunct faculty ranks continue to grow as expected and community<br />

colleges continue to pay such low compensation, there is a strong possibility that adjuncts will<br />

become coordinated and form collective bargaining units, as has happened in other areas of the<br />

country. Although none of the institutions studied were unionized, adjunct faculty seldom had a<br />

strong voice in the faculty senates and often felt as if they were “second-class citizens,” which<br />

provides an even stronger impetus to unionize. Institutions in the FLCCS need to take a<br />

proactive stance on the use and treatment of adjunct faculties, or these organizations may find<br />

themselves in a reactive situation that could limit their fiscal abilities and flexibility<br />

significantly.<br />

In addition as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty retire, there may be a shortage of instructors. Many<br />

community colleges are competing with the four-year institutions in their local areas for<br />

adjuncts, especially in high demand subject fields, and the four-year schools are often paying a<br />

higher per course rate than the community college for the same class. Many of the four-year<br />


institutions have graduate teaching assistants they can utilize cost effectively, and these<br />

individuals are usually committed because the institution controls their degree. Community<br />

colleges have no such commitment or “hold” over their adjuncts. Adjuncts who are looking for<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> positions often give more commitment to the institution in hopes of being the next in<br />

line for the position, but if the position does not open or goes to someone else, the adjunct’s<br />

loyalty is limited.<br />

In order to remain competitive, the two-year institutions will have to reevaluate their<br />

compensation schedule in order to attract qualified adjuncts even if they are at the ideal ratio of<br />

70:30. All the institutions studied had already experienced competition with other postsecondary<br />

institutions because they had implemented exceptions to their pay schedules for unique or high<br />

demand areas such as technical certificates. However as population grows and the qualified pool<br />

of adjuncts becomes more limited, the community colleges may find it difficult to provide<br />

required classes to their students.<br />

The community colleges studied need to critically examine their policies to provide for<br />

better pay, improved integration, and ensured continued success for adjuncts and students.<br />

While each institution studied had a unique identity, make-up, and service area, improvements<br />

could be made concerning the use of adjuncts by all three, and these policies may be applicable<br />

and adaptable to all of <strong>Florida</strong>’s community colleges.<br />

Practice versus Policy<br />

In the research study, there were several gaps in what the administrators indicated as<br />

policy and what adjuncts experienced in practice. As previously discussed, none of the<br />

institutions offered medical benefits, retirement plans, vacation or sick leave to the adjuncts.<br />

There were a few perks that were offered to adjuncts, but the institutions did not do an adequate<br />

job of informing adjuncts about the availability of these additional benefits.<br />

Most notably, all three institutions had a professional development fund that could be<br />

used for workshops, traveling, and research. Administrators indicated that all faculty, including<br />

adjuncts, were eligible for professional development funds. For cost effectiveness, the<br />

institutions most often utilized the funds for campus-wide workshops; however, none of the<br />

adjuncts interviewed were aware of the fund. When asked if there were any opportunities for<br />

development, most noted that they were invited to the workshops offered, but only the TCC<br />

adjuncts were paid for attending.<br />


Several other benefits were offered to adjuncts. TCC and RCC offered free tuition.<br />

Again, it seemed that most of the adjuncts were unaware of this opportunity. UCC offered<br />

special theme park discounts, but when asked, none of the adjuncts mentioned this as a benefit or<br />

perk.<br />

Occasionally the institutions utilized adjuncts in curriculum development, especially in<br />

the development of Internet courses. Adjuncts in the study who were involved in the<br />

development of Internet classes were paid for their <strong>time</strong> at the same rate as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Adjuncts at UCC were the only ones who discussed this opportunity.<br />

Support services were available to all the adjuncts. Most of the adjuncts prepared their<br />

own tests, hand-outs, and other class materials. The main support service used by the adjuncts<br />

was copying, but the evening adjuncts often found it hard to use this service because of the<br />

difficulty of getting to campus before the offices close. At RCC, the adjuncts in one division<br />

were not given a copy code for fear of abuse, so they had to depend on full-<strong>time</strong> faculty or office<br />

employees to make their copies for them, often causing significant inconvenience to the adjunct.<br />

Another area where policy and practice differed was in hiring. All three institutions had<br />

policies in place that indicated their adherence to SACS and FLCCS guidelines. Administrators<br />

attempted to keep a qualified pool of applicants to hire. None the less due to increased demand,<br />

classes were offered for which there were no qualified adjuncts to teach, and they admitted that<br />

adjuncts were hired who did not meet the SACS requirements to teach some of these classes. In<br />

addition, the administrators acknowledged that they hired adjuncts at the “last minute” to fill<br />

spaces, and there were <strong>time</strong>s when adjuncts were released from classes after conducting two or<br />

three classes due to the low number of students. Administrators conceded this gap in policy and<br />

practice. To justify this practice, they blamed the growing number of students at community<br />

colleges and decreasing budgets which forced institutions to offer classes using adjuncts, and<br />

some<strong>time</strong>s it was not possible to find qualified adjuncts on such short notice to meet the<br />

demands.<br />

Another noted policy to practice gap is pay. FLCCS guidelines state that pay should<br />

reflect compensation for the adjuncts in-class and out-of-class hours devoted to teaching a class.<br />

All the administrators interviewed noted that adjuncts were paid based on in-class hours with<br />

the expectation of a certain number of office hours included. However, adjuncts discussed the<br />

actual number of hours spent on a course, and there is a significant gap between the two.<br />


Finally, one of the most prominent gaps in practice and policy is evaluations. Student<br />

evaluations appeared to be given regularly. Additionally, administrators discussed the use of<br />

supervisors and faculty to evaluate adjuncts, with the requirements that evaluations be<br />

administered regularly (preferably once a semester but a minimum of once a year), and adjuncts<br />

were required to meet with the evaluators and supervisors to discuss the evaluation. Based on<br />

the interviews, the limited number of adjuncts who were actually evaluated by another faculty<br />

member or supervisor were not pleased with the process; they felt those doing the evaluations<br />

were not taking the process seriously. In addition, very few adjuncts had follow-up discussions<br />

with their evaluator or supervisor concerning the evaluation. On the whole, adjuncts wanted<br />

more input from the peers and supervisors to help them to improve their teaching skills.<br />

Comparison of Institutional Practices to FLCCS Guidelines and Gappa and Leslie’s<br />

Recommendations<br />

There are several gaps between policy and practice as previously noted. This section will<br />

discuss how the institutions studied compare to FLCCS guidelines and Gappa and Leslie’s<br />

(1993) recommendations. The FLCCS compiled a list of guidelines for the member community<br />

colleges to use in the hiring of adjuncts titled “Guidelines For Effective Use Of <strong>Part</strong>-Time<br />

<strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community Colleges” (See Appendix N). Although the institutions studied met<br />

most of the guidelines of the FLCCS, these guidelines are very broad and deal with only the<br />

basic needs of adjuncts. When comparing the findings of the research study, the following was<br />

determined:<br />

1. Guidelines 1 and 2: All three institutions attempted to maintain a pool of<br />

qualified part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. In maintaining this pool, adjunct faculty had to meet the SACS<br />

accreditation requirements. All three institutions required applications with references and<br />

verifiable transcripts, and they all conducted a minimum of at least one interview before hiring.<br />

Although the administrators acknowledged that they attempted to avoid hiring “last minute”<br />

adjuncts who were unprepared, hiring often depended on the demand, which often was not fully<br />

known until the first week of classes.<br />

2. Guidelines 3 and 4: All three institutions provided some type of orientation,<br />

which was usually scheduled before classes began, and they all had adjunct faculty (or faculty)<br />

handbooks that were given to the instructors.<br />


3. Guideline 5: TCC and UCC had mentoring programs in place for part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty. RCC did not have a formal program in place, but the administrators believed that part-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty could go to the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty with any questions.<br />

4. Guideline 6: All three institutions noted that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were eligible for<br />

professional development funds. In addition, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were also invited to the<br />

workshops. Although there were some professional development opportunities, the majority of<br />

the adjuncts in the study were unaware of them, indicating that the institutions may not have<br />

done a sufficient job of informing these adjuncts.<br />

5. Guideline 7: Although all three institutions varied, each had a set amount of<br />

office hours adjuncts were required to keep. Most adjuncts had some type of workspace or<br />

office space to hold their office hours.<br />

6. Guideline 8: All three institutions adhered to this policy.<br />

7. Guideline 9: Adjuncts were provided mailboxes as well as access to the library<br />

and needed media and technology services. Although all adjuncts did not have their own<br />

telephone or word processing instrument in their office space/area, all departments provided<br />

access to these items. Copying services were provided to all adjuncts. The main problem the<br />

institutions encountered with Guideline 9 was with evening adjuncts. Those who had the most<br />

trouble with any of these items were those who were there after office hours. Although the<br />

institutions extended their services to as late as 7:00 p.m., adjuncts still encountered problems if<br />

they had issues with audio-visual or technical items.<br />

8. Guideline 10: At all three institutions, observations in classrooms and follow-up<br />

interviews or meetings were sporadic and inconsistent. Student evaluations were the main<br />

source of evaluation, and adjuncts indicated that they wanted more input from their peers and<br />

superiors.<br />

9. Guideline 11: This information was not determined in the interviews.<br />

10. Guideline 12: All three institutions invited adjuncts to the faculty meetings, and<br />

adjuncts were welcome at college level meetings. Publications were distributed through<br />

mailboxes at all institutions.<br />

11. Guideline 13: When discussing compensation with administrators, it was<br />

indicated that adjuncts were compensated for their in-class <strong>time</strong>. Adjuncts felt that their out-of-<br />

class activities were not properly compensated. If these hours were incorporated into the hour<br />


count for per semester wages, per hour rates were significantly lower than the initial rate<br />

indicated.<br />

12. Guideline 14: None of the institutions indicated any type of recognition program<br />

for outstanding teaching performance geared towards part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. <strong>Faculty</strong> at TCC had<br />

opted to not have any type of “Teacher of the Year” award for any faculty.<br />

Gappa and Leslie (1993) provided a more detailed list of 43 recommendations. When<br />

compared with the practices of the institutions studied, there were numerous shortcomings as<br />

discussed below:<br />

1. Recommendations 1-3, 8: None of the institutions specifically involved adjuncts<br />

in the faculty staffing plan.<br />

2. Recommendations 4-6: None of the institutions discussed how they collected and<br />

monitored data on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Additionally, none indicated that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were<br />

being surveyed.<br />

3. Recommendation 7: None of the institutions indicated that short- or long-term<br />

assessments of the cost of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty were conducted.<br />

4. Recommendation 9: None of the institutions indicated that a representative body<br />

or committee was in place to advise the institution on the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. TCC had a<br />

special liaison in one division who focused on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

5. Recommendation 11: <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty employment policies varied between the<br />

institutions. Although Board of Governors actually confirmed appointments, hiring was done at<br />

the program or departmental level in most cases.<br />

6. Recommendation 12: All three institutions utilized part-<strong>time</strong> faculty on a<br />

semester-to-semester basis. There were also several adjuncts who had been employed for many<br />

years by their institution, but no adjunct was given a guarantee of future employment.<br />

7. Recommendations 13-16: There was no job security, tenure track, or reward<br />

system for long-term adjuncts at any of the institutions.<br />

8. Recommendations 17-20: Although the institutions attempted to recruit<br />

proactively and followed the hiring requirements of SACS, there did not appear to be any<br />

attempt to improve diversity through the hiring of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

9. Recommendations 21-23: All three institutions had salary scales set for part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty. However, the method of progression for TCC and UCC was based on degree levels.<br />


Occasionally, UCC adjuncts had an opportunity to be paid for extra hours based on percentage of<br />

load, but this pay method was used sparingly. RCC adjuncts could progress through the pay<br />

scale only by increasing class size. There were no scales that rewarded longevity or professional<br />

development outside of additional degrees.<br />

10. Recommendation 24: No medical, retirement, sick leave or vacation pay benefits<br />

were provided to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

11. Recommendation 25: The main source of evaluation at the institutions was the<br />

students’ evaluations.<br />

12. Recommendations 26 and 27: Adjuncts in the study felt that support services<br />

were good at the institutions. However, the feeling that adjuncts played an important role in the<br />

institution was limited.<br />

13. Recommendations 28-30: Responsibility for hiring and supervising adjuncts was<br />

usually at the departmental or program level. None of the department heads discussed incentives<br />

or training given to them as supervisors that was specifically geared to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

14. Recommendations 31 and 32: Mentoring programs were utilized at UCC and<br />

TCC, but it was usually a single individual assigned by the department or program to do<br />

evaluations. Adjuncts at all three institutions felt mentoring programs could be improved, but<br />

not all of the adjuncts were interested in utilizing them.<br />

15. Recommendations 33- 35: <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty were occasionally asked for input on<br />

course design, but this was the exception rather than the rule. TCC included part-<strong>time</strong> faculty on<br />

several of their committees, especially at the departmental level. However, there was little<br />

inclusion at the institutional level by any of the institutions.<br />

16. Recommendations 36 and 37: <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty, who were involved in “informal<br />

talk,” were usually those who were day instructors. In addition, all institutions invited the<br />

adjuncts to social events, but most were unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts.<br />

17. Recommendation 38: There was very little public recognition of adjuncts’<br />

achievements and contributions.<br />

18. Recommendation 39: All institutions had orientations for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty, but<br />

most adjuncts felt that it was not especially useful.<br />


19. Recommendations 40 and 41: Although adjuncts were welcome to attend, the<br />

institutions had limited in-service training. With rare exceptions, professional development<br />

opportunities were limited to workshops and activities on campus.<br />

to adjuncts.<br />

20. Recommendation 42: None of the institutions gave performance-based incentives<br />

21. Recommendation 43: Student evaluations were given to adjuncts for review, and<br />

many used them to improve their skills. Peer and supervisor evaluations were limited or non-<br />

existent at all three institutions, and often when they were conducted, adjuncts felt the evaluator<br />

was not doing an appropriate job.<br />

As the previous comparison indicates, institutions in the study were meeting the broad<br />

specifications of the FLCCS. However, when scrutinized at a more detailed level through the<br />

lens of Gappa and Leslie’s recommendations, many improvements could be made.<br />

Recommendations<br />

Based on the research literature and the findings of the research study, the subsequent<br />

section discusses recommendations to improve the job satisfaction levels of adjuncts. With<br />

improved job satisfaction, institutions may be able to reduce turnover, provide better support,<br />

and improve the quality of instruction institution-wide. Although not a completely<br />

comprehensive list, the following recommendations highlight the areas of greatest dissatisfaction<br />

found in this study.<br />

Improve Compensation<br />

As previous research indicated, job satisfaction is often tied positively to rewards (Jacobs<br />

& Solomon, 1977). All of the adjuncts were in agreement that they were not paid enough,<br />

especially when compared to full-<strong>time</strong> faculties’ salaries. One of the quickest ways to improve<br />

job satisfaction for adjuncts is to improve their pay to where the adjuncts believe they are being<br />

paid equitably to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Community colleges should develop a formula that would<br />

account for the in-class <strong>time</strong>, initial and weekly class preparation, grading, and office hours that<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty actually work. If placed on a proportional scale to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty, part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty would feel they are getting equitable pay for their teaching since they are required to<br />

have the same levels of education and often go through as rigorous a hiring process as full-<strong>time</strong>.<br />

Furthermore, when adjuncts are hired, the pay scale should be thoroughly explained, so they<br />


have a solid understanding of how the pay scale works and that they are being paid in equitable<br />

terms when compared to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Adjuncts should also be paid, either per diem or hourly, for attendance at any function<br />

required by the institution with the exception of social events. These functions include but are<br />

not limited to orientation, training sessions, faculty meetings, committee meetings, and required<br />

or voluntary workshops. This would increase their incentive to invest more <strong>time</strong> into the<br />

institution as well as improve their teaching abilities.<br />

Institutions should consider instituting raises based on longevity. Adjuncts who have<br />

been with an institution for long periods of <strong>time</strong>, especially those over 10 years, should be paid<br />

more than those who are just starting as an adjunct. Providing longevity raises will help to<br />

increase loyalty to the institution and retain exceptional adjuncts.<br />

Develop Some Type of Benefits Program<br />

Although approximately two-thirds of the adjuncts in the study were covered by outside<br />

medical insurance programs through spouses or private plans, medical insurance was a<br />

significant problem for the adjuncts who did not have any. Even with adjuncts paying full cost,<br />

providing insurance would decrease adjuncts’ dissatisfaction, especially those who are not<br />

covered elsewhere.<br />

Currently, the most practical way of providing insurance is through some type of non-<br />

group plan. Many postsecondary institutions provide per semester insurance for enrolled<br />

students. A similar type of policy could be provided to adjuncts, which would cover them as<br />

long as they were teaching, and there is usually no cost to the institutions for the policies.<br />

Institutions should also allow the adjuncts to participate in the retirement plans. Even if<br />

there are no matching funds, being allowed to invest money beyond the social security<br />

requirement will only benefit the adjunct and possibly the economy in the future.<br />

Finally, an adjunct should receive the same (or similar) perks as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Parking permits, library privileges, copying privileges, faculty discounts, and free (or reduced)<br />

admission to institutional functions such as plays, concerts, movies, and work-out facilities<br />

should be extended to adjunct faculty during the period of their appointment. Also, if full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty are offered free tuition, adjunct faculty should be able to accumulate credits towards this<br />

benefit. These are small, relatively inexpensive steps the institution can take to improve adjunct<br />

satisfaction.<br />


These recommendations would have to be carefully considered with specific parameters<br />

put into place such as requiring a minimum number of consecutive semesters as an adjunct.<br />

Providing benefits to long-serving and reliable adjuncts would improve their satisfaction level in<br />

many areas as well as increase loyalty to the institution.<br />

Provide a Supportive Infrastructure<br />

Institutions need to provide a supportive infrastructure that would allow a smooth<br />

transition into the teaching position for adjuncts. Policies should be in place in which a new (or<br />

previously employed) adjunct can easily obtain keys, textbooks, grade books, sample syllabi, and<br />

other needed information. Also, there should be easy access to facilities for copying and<br />

technological support, especially for those teaching in the evening. Having a strong<br />

infrastructure and support system will help alleviate unnecessary frustration.<br />

The institutions studied had 100-300 adjuncts at various <strong>time</strong>s of the year. <strong>State</strong>wide this<br />

number fluctuates, but there are large numbers of adjunct faculty in the state. To provide better<br />

services for this large population of employees, every community college should have at least<br />

one adjunct liaison whose main responsibility is to assist adjuncts. Although a college-wide<br />

liaison would provide for consistency across the institution, the institution may prefer to have<br />

liaisons within each division, department or program to help with problems and issues that may<br />

be specific to the fields of study within that particular area. For example, adjuncts within the<br />

English and humanities areas have distinctly different questions and needs for training than<br />

adjuncts in the mathematics area.<br />

At the <strong>time</strong> of the interviews, TCC had created a new position in one division, and one of<br />

the main responsibilities of the individual was to work to improve adjunct relations, experiences,<br />

and services. Such a position indicates to adjunct faculty that the institution believes their roles<br />

as educators are important.<br />

All adjuncts should be provided with a space for office hours. Although not always<br />

feasible, the space needs to be semi-private. Furthermore, their space should be easily accessible<br />

and usable, with at least a telephone. Although many adjuncts have their own personal<br />

computers, if a computer and printer cannot be provided to an adjunct in their office space, one<br />

should be readily accessible for the adjunct’s use if needed.<br />


Provide a Thorough Orientation<br />

Although adjunct faculty are often very busy due to outside commitments, orientation is a<br />

valuable tool. It can help establish the infrastructure mentioned previously. Furthermore,<br />

orientation gives the adjuncts an opportunity to ask questions, learn about the services the<br />

institution provides to assist them in their roles as adjuncts, and meet other full- and part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty, administrators, and support staff, which helps initiate them into the culture of the<br />

campus. Orientations should be mandatory and held at a <strong>time</strong> when the majority of adjuncts can<br />

attend, such as a Saturday. To encourage attendance and show the value of orientation, adjuncts<br />

should be paid for their <strong>time</strong>. Besides disseminating information, structured <strong>time</strong> should be set<br />

aside to meet other part- and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty. A good orientation will help alleviate many of the<br />

fears adjuncts face when they first begin to teach.<br />

Provide for Integration and Socialization<br />

Although integration and socialization is a difficult goal to accomplish with a mobile<br />

faculty, institutions can make an effort through induction at the institutional, division,<br />

departmental, and program level. Some possibilities could include the following: establish<br />

evening gatherings on campus for adjuncts to attend, invite adjuncts to all faculty meetings with<br />

occasional meetings set in the evening to improve availability, and invite and pay adjuncts for<br />

attending workshops and staff development meetings on campus.<br />

In addition to the liaison mentioned previously, institutions should set-up a mentoring<br />

program pairing an adjunct with a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty member or a mentoring team of faculty who<br />

share the responsibility of mentoring. It is recommended that mentor training programs be<br />

provided to the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty to improve their skills as mentors. Policies should be in place<br />

that make mentoring part of the full-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s duties and should include the following<br />

minimum requirements:<br />

1. Weekly telephone or e-mail contact with the adjunct<br />

2. Meetings with the adjunct on a periodic basis with a minimum of three <strong>time</strong>s per<br />

semester<br />

3. Several classroom visitations with verbal and written feedback to the adjunct (not to be<br />

used as their formal evaluation but as an opportunity for informal feedback and<br />

constructive criticism).<br />


Mentoring can be an extremely effective tool in providing an atmosphere of acceptance as well<br />

as a supportive environment for growth and improvement.<br />

Another form of integration is to provide professional development opportunities for<br />

adjuncts. Although all three institutions studied had set-up the 2% development fund required<br />

by the state and affirmed that the funds were available to adjuncts as well as full-<strong>time</strong> faculty,<br />

none of the adjuncts studied were aware of professional development opportunities. Institutions<br />

often used these funds for campus-wide workshops that were open to the entire faculty to<br />

increase development opportunities across campus; however, only TCC paid adjuncts to attend<br />

these workshops. Adjuncts should be invited to all the workshops, paid for their attendance, and<br />

possibly receive additional recognition for participating. Furthermore, adjuncts should be made<br />

aware of the professional development money available and understand that they are eligible for<br />

the funds, which was not the case among the adjuncts studied. Allowing adjuncts to apply for<br />

professional development funds or supporting them in their efforts to improve their skills<br />

demonstrates that the institution values the adjunct not only as an instructor but also as a<br />

professional who desires to grow and learn. With the limited funding, the institutions could limit<br />

opportunities to use funding for travel and off-campus conferences to those who have been at the<br />

institution for a specified period of <strong>time</strong>, which could be a form of reward for long-term service.<br />

Another way to incorporate adjuncts into the institutional culture would be to reward<br />

them with special commendations or awards. Many corporations budget for “service excellence”<br />

awards, and postsecondary institutions have special recognition for outstanding full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Establishing an “Adjunct Teacher of the Year” award would be a nominal expense to the<br />

institution, division, or department and would emphasize adjuncts importance to the institution.<br />

Giving small monetary awards for adjuncts who have provided outstanding service to the<br />

institution is another inexpensive method of rewarding adjuncts. These “excellence” awards<br />

could be for loyalty and long-term service to the institution as well as for outstanding academic<br />

instruction. There are many ways to implement such awards with only minimal policy changes.<br />

A final method of integration into the institution would be to give adjuncts a valid voice.<br />

Two of the institutions allowed adjuncts to sit on committees or have input to faculty senate<br />

proceedings, but only one of those institutions gave the adjunct representative an actual vote. A<br />

valid voice would be representation and a vote at the departmental, faculty senate, and<br />

institutional level.<br />


Other ways to provide adjuncts a voice could be in the form of input into curriculum<br />

development at the departmental or program level. Adjuncts, especially those who have been at<br />

the institution for several years, should be included on department/program, division, and<br />

institutional committees. When asked to participate on committees, adjuncts should be paid for<br />

their <strong>time</strong>. Based on the literature and the findings of this study, adjuncts are very committed to<br />

teaching, whether pursuing a full-<strong>time</strong> position or working outside of academia, and they can<br />

provide unique insight and input if given the opportunity.<br />

Improve Methods of Evaluation<br />

Student evaluations are important to the evaluation process, but the institutions were<br />

much too reliant on them. Evaluation should be a three-fold process and should be part of every<br />

faculty’s feedback. First, the student evaluation should continue. Although a few adjuncts felt<br />

students were not the most objective individuals to evaluate instructors, student evaluations of<br />

instruction can provide excellent feedback, and many adjuncts took feedback seriously and used<br />

it to make changes to improve their methods of instruction.<br />

Classroom observation and evaluation should be given each semester to all faculty who<br />

are in their first few years of teaching and at least annually to those who have been teaching<br />

three or more years. The evaluator should give a written report and have a meeting to discuss<br />

the evaluation with the adjunct. Policies should be implemented that require the evaluators to<br />

actually visit and observe in the classroom for a specified period of <strong>time</strong> (for example, one hour<br />

minimum). Each institution should make every effort to make these evaluations as non-<br />

threatening as possible, but those being evaluated should understand that the evaluations are<br />

important and the institution is concerned about the quality of their teaching.<br />

Additionally, the department or program chair should meet with adjuncts each semester<br />

to discuss the formal observation and student evaluations. This meeting should be used to<br />

discuss areas of teaching effectiveness and areas for improvement in the adjunct’s teaching and<br />

may include a plan to address areas for improvement that could incorporate staff development<br />

opportunities or other assistance for the adjunct.<br />

With the implementation of the adjunct liaison, adjuncts could come together on a regular<br />

schedule to discuss issues and problems. These focus groups or sessions can provide valuable<br />

insight into the needs of adjuncts and pinpoint possible training areas on which professional<br />

development workshops need to focus.<br />


Finally, the institutions could arrange evaluations for adjuncts to complete. In these<br />

evaluations, adjuncts can address their satisfactions and dissatisfactions with their supervisors,<br />

support faculty, students, and the institution as a whole. Furthermore, every adjunct who leaves<br />

the institution, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, should have an exit interview. If set-up<br />

properly, these interviews can provide valuable information on changes the institution, divisions<br />

or departments need to make to improve their services to the adjuncts and to the students. In<br />

addition, the exit interviews can be used to provide a quantifiable measurement of problems and<br />

issues confronting adjuncts at the institution.<br />

Provide for Quality Control<br />

One of the concerns of students, parents, educators, and legislators is the quality of<br />

teaching at institutions. A policy for evaluating quality should be implemented by each<br />

institution and could include the use of formal observation and student evaluation. Exit<br />

interviews of faculty will also provide a measure of quality by exposing the positive and<br />

negative experiences of the departing faculty. Furthermore, institutions may consider<br />

implementing a quantitative method of measuring quality with performance indicators such as<br />

student achievement. There is the common perception that adjuncts do not teach as well as full-<br />

<strong>time</strong> faculty, but there is no solid research to prove this assumption. With a measurement system<br />

addressing student achievement, institutions will be able to determine who needs to improve<br />

their methods of teaching, and an assessment of adjunct faculty effectiveness can be compared<br />

with that of full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Provide Some Form of Job Security<br />

Due to the nature of the part-<strong>time</strong> position, the researcher recognizes that job security is<br />

difficult to provide. However, adjuncts, who have taught semester after semester and year after<br />

year, should be assured that they will have first priority for classes over other adjuncts.<br />

Ray, a 30+ year adjunct at UCC, had an interesting suggestion that would help reward<br />

adjuncts for loyalty, longevity, and professional development. He suggested implementing a<br />

point system. Adjuncts receive points based on the number of classes they have taught. They<br />

would be given additional points for consecutive years as well as degrees obtained and<br />

professional development activities. Adjuncts would be given priority on available classes and<br />

<strong>time</strong>s based on their point level. It would also provide a quantifiable way to determine pay<br />


scales and raises for adjuncts. Such a system would help to alleviate feelings that adjuncts<br />

commitments are not appreciated by the institution.<br />

Although a full-<strong>time</strong>, tenured position would be the best way to obtain job security,<br />

institutions need to be honest about the opportunities for advancement. They should not state or<br />

imply that an adjunct position will lead to a full-<strong>time</strong> job. Furthermore, if the institution is aware<br />

that an adjunct’s goal is to obtain a full-<strong>time</strong> position and knows the adjunct will not be<br />

considered due to educational qualifications or personality issues, they should be clear about the<br />

situation.<br />

Also, if their policy is to promote from within, the adjuncts should be aware of the <strong>time</strong>-<br />

frame for promotion. For example, TCC was known to promote internally; however, some<br />

adjuncts worked 14 years before receiving a promotion to full-<strong>time</strong>. Adjuncts should be aware<br />

of such <strong>time</strong>-frames when they begin at the institution, especially if their goal is to become a<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> faculty member there.<br />

Improve Recruitment and Hiring Policies<br />

Institutions should not give courtesy interviews for adjunct positions if they know they<br />

will be promoting from within, especially if they are not going to reimburse the interviewee for<br />

their expenses.<br />

Although it is often difficult to change organizational culture on campuses, the preceding<br />

recommendations can provide for a more accepting setting for adjuncts. In addition, by<br />

implementing the recommendations, the institution demonstrates the valuable role adjuncts have<br />

in the educational process. These recommendations are given as ways to improve the job<br />

satisfaction level for adjuncts. It is understood that the community colleges, as all postsecondary<br />

institutions, have significant financial constraints with which to contend, but many of the<br />

recommendations are policy changes that have only minor financial implications, yet if<br />

implemented, could have definite positive ramifications.<br />

Directions for Future Research<br />

In qualitative research, the findings and conclusions often lead to many more questions<br />

and need for further research. Use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty will continue at postsecondary<br />

institutions, and there is much more information to learn about this group of individuals. Many<br />

areas needing additional research surfaced during the course of this study. A list of proposals<br />

includes the following:<br />


1. Replicate the study on other community college campuses to gather additional data<br />

on adjunct faculty. Further research would assist in identifying special needs of this<br />

group.<br />

2. Conduct a study that would provide quantifiable measures of quality of instruction of<br />

both full- and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

3. Establish an alternative strategy of studying adjuncts utilizing the readily accessible<br />

electronic technology through use of e-mail and chat rooms hosted and monitored by<br />

the researcher.<br />

4. Conduct a study that would expand the analysis of the differences among adjuncts in<br />

subject fields, by gender, by marital status, and by educational level.<br />

5. Conduct a quantitative study that would provide verifiable, replicable data to solidify<br />

the findings of this research as well as former studies conducted on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

6. Conduct a study that would compare the experiences of part-<strong>time</strong> and full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty at community colleges.<br />

7. Conduct a study to determine the reasons why part-<strong>time</strong> faculty’s overall satisfaction<br />

is greater while satisfaction with autonomy and students is less than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

Summary<br />

This research provides valuable insight into the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty at the three<br />

community colleges studied. Nevertheless, the reader must understand that there are numerous<br />

factors that are unknown to or unaccounted for by the researcher. Furthermore, the findings and<br />

conclusions of this study were based on a small sample size and significantly limit the<br />

generalizability of the information contained herein. It is the hope of the researcher that the<br />

information provided by this study will be used as a solid stepping stone for further research. In<br />

addition, the researcher hopes the findings, conclusions, and recommendations will provide<br />

information for policy makers, at both the state and institutional level, to improve the status and<br />

use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty within all institutions.<br />




<strong>Florida</strong>’s 28 Community Colleges<br />

(The Fact Book, 2003, pg. 7)<br />


Palm Beach Community College 1933<br />

St. Petersburg Junior College 1947 1<br />

Chipola Junior College 1948 2<br />

Pensacola Junior College 1947<br />

Gulf Coast Community College 1957<br />

Central <strong>Florida</strong> Community College 1958<br />

Daytona Beach Community College 1958<br />

Manatee Community College 1958<br />

North <strong>Florida</strong> Community College 1958<br />

St. Johns River Community College 1958<br />

Brevard Community College 1960<br />

Broward Community College 1960<br />

Indian River Community College 1960<br />

Miami-Dade Community College 1960<br />

Edison Community College 1962<br />

Lake City Community College 1962<br />

Lake-Sumter Community College 1962<br />

Okaloosa-Walton Community College 1964<br />

Polk Community College 1965<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> Keys Community College 1966<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> Community College at Jacksonville 1966<br />

Santa Fe Community College 1966<br />

Seminole Community College 1966<br />

South <strong>Florida</strong> Community College 1966<br />

Tallahassee Community College 1967<br />

Valencia Community College 1967<br />

Hillsborough Community College 1968<br />

Pasco-Hernando Community College 1972<br />

1 St. Petersburg Jr. College was established in 1927 as a private institution and became part of <strong>Florida</strong>’s public<br />

system in 1947. The name was changed to St. Petersburg College in 2001.<br />

2 Chipola Jr. College was established in 1947 as a private institution and became part of <strong>Florida</strong>’s public system in<br />

1948.<br />



District Black Colleges That Merged with the FLCCS<br />

(Taken from The Fact Book, 2003, p.3)<br />

District Black College Founded Merged With Year<br />

Booker T. Washington Jr. College 1949 Pensacola Jr. College 1965<br />

Carver Jr. College 1960 Brevard Jr. College 1963<br />

Collier-Blocker Jr. College 1960 St. Johns River CC 1965<br />

Gibbs Jr. College 1957 St. Petersburg Jr. College 1966<br />

Hampton Jr. College 1958 Central <strong>Florida</strong> CC 1966<br />

Jackson College 1961 Chipola Jr. College 1966<br />

Johnson College 1962 Lake-Sumter CC 1966<br />

Lincoln College 1960 Indian River CC 1965<br />

Roosevelt College 1958 Palm Beach CC 1965<br />

Rosenwald College 1958 Gulf Coast CC 1966<br />

Suwannee River College 1959 North <strong>Florida</strong> CC 1967<br />

Volusia Community College 1957 Daytona Beach CC 1966<br />



FLCCS Facts<br />

(Table C.1 through C.4 Taken from The Fact Book, 2003)<br />

APPENDIX C. 1: Headcount Enrollment for FLCCS Fall 2002<br />

Total 358,854 Minority Total 149,047<br />

Males 141,348 Blacks 58,300<br />

Females 217,506 Hispanic 64,095<br />

Am. Indian Or Alaskan 1,494<br />

Asian or Pacific Islander 9,457<br />

Alien 9,830<br />

Unknown 5,871<br />

APPENDIX C.2: Enrollment in Degree Programs in FLCCS (2001-2002)<br />

A.A. Degrees A.S. Degrees Certificates* Total<br />

System-Wide 228,359 87,403 45,378 361,140<br />

*Includes enrollment for Postsecondary Adult Vocational Certificate Program, Postsecondary Vocational Certificate<br />

Program, and Advanced Technical Certificate Program<br />

APPENDIX C.3: Total Degrees Awarded in FLCCS (2001-2002)<br />

A.A. Degrees A.S Degrees Certificates* Total<br />

System-Wide 27,781 9,133 21,304 58,218<br />

*Includes enrollment for Postsecondary Adult Vocational Certificate Program, Postsecondary Vocational Certificate<br />

Program, and Advanced Technical Certificate Program<br />

APPENDIX C.4: Headcount, Full- and <strong>Part</strong>-Time Count, and Racial Make-up of<br />

Instructional Employees in the FLCCS Fall 2002-2003<br />

Male Total White Black Hispanic Other<br />

Full-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 2,408 1,951 196 179 82<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 8,887 6,831 636 1,085 335<br />

System-Wide 11,295 8,782 832 1,264 417<br />

Female Total White Black Hispanic Other<br />

Full-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 2,536 2,036 247 190 63<br />

<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> 8,190 6,110 837 910 333<br />

System-Wide 10,726 8,146 1,084 1,100 396<br />

Total 22,021 16,928 1,916 2,364 813<br />


APPENDIX C.5: Interesting Facts about the FLCCS<br />

♦ The FLCCS has eight of top 20 producers of associate degrees in the nation (Borden &<br />

Brown, 2003):<br />

� Miami-Dade Community College (1)<br />

� Valencia Community College (2)<br />

� Broward Community College (6)<br />

� <strong>Florida</strong> Community College at Jacksonville (8)<br />

� St. Petersburg College (9)<br />

� Santa Fe Community College (10)<br />

� Hillsborough Community College (14)<br />

� Palm Beach Junior College (17)<br />

♦ Fifteen of the 28 institutions in the FLCCS are in the top 100 producers of associate degrees<br />

(Borden & Brown, 2003).<br />

♦ The FLCCS has three of the top 10 producers of associate degrees for minorities in the nation<br />

(Borden & Brown, 2003):<br />

� Miami Dade Community College (1)<br />

� Broward Community College (4)<br />

� Valencia Community College (5)<br />

♦ The FLCCS has three of the top 20 community colleges in student enrollment (Borden &<br />

Brown, 2003):<br />

� Miami Dade Community College (1)<br />

� Valencia Community College (8)<br />

� Broward Community College (12)<br />



Gappa and Leslie’s Recommended Practices<br />

1. Develop goals for the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty that are based on the educational mission of<br />

the college or university.<br />

2. Include the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the overall faculty staffing plan.<br />

3. Consult part-<strong>time</strong> faculty during the development of faculty staffing plan.<br />

4. Assign responsibility, delegate authority, develop policies and guidelines, and review and<br />

monitor adherent to policy.<br />

5. Systematically and routinely gather and use accurate and <strong>time</strong>ly data on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty for<br />

decision-making purposes.<br />

6. Periodically survey part-<strong>time</strong> faculty for additional information about their perceptions of the<br />

conditions under which they work, their satisfaction with their employment, and other<br />

concerns or interest.<br />

7. Assess the benefits and short- and long-term costs of employing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

8. Review and evaluate the faculty staffing plan on a regular basis.<br />

9. Establish a campuswide representative body to give advice on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty employment<br />

policies.<br />

10. Publish part-<strong>time</strong> faculty employment policies in the faculty manual and distribute them to<br />

all department chairs and faculty, especially the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

11. Make department chairs responsible for implementing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty employment policies<br />

consistently<br />

12. Offer a range of employment options for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

13. Provide for part-<strong>time</strong> tenure<br />

14. Provide security and due-process rights for part-<strong>time</strong>rs with seniority and records of effective<br />

performance.<br />

15. Appoint continuing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty for more extended periods.<br />

16. Establish career tracks that provide rewards and incentives for long-term service and/or high<br />

achievement.<br />

17. Identify qualifications for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty that are legitimately related to the job<br />

requirements<br />

18. Recruit, select, and hire part-<strong>time</strong> faculty proactively.<br />

19. Diversify the part-<strong>time</strong> faculty pool through affirmative action<br />

20. Provide <strong>time</strong>ly and early notification of appointments to part-<strong>time</strong> positions.<br />

21. Develop a salary scale for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

22. Ensure consistency of compensation practices for part-<strong>time</strong>rs within departments and<br />

institutions.<br />

23. Set standards for progression through the salary scale.<br />

24. Provide benefits to continuing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

25. Develop objective performance criteria and procedures for evaluating part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and<br />

use the results as the basis for decisions about reappointment.<br />

26. Provide support services to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

27. Communicate the message that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are important to the institution.<br />

28. Give department chairs responsibility and incentives to supervise part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

29. Orient department chairs to good supervisory practice.<br />


30. Invite part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to share their perceptions of effective supervisory practice at<br />

department chair training sessions.<br />

31. Use teams of experienced faculty (full- and part-<strong>time</strong>) to develop new faculty members’<br />

teaching skills.<br />

32. Provide faculty mentors to inexperienced part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

33. Engage full- and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in course coordination.<br />

34. Involved part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in the assessment of student learning.<br />

35. Appoint part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to committees.<br />

36. Involve part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in informal talk.<br />

37. Invite part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to social events.<br />

38. Publicly recognize part-<strong>time</strong> faculty for their achievements and contributions.<br />

39. Orient part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to the institution and to the expectations the institutions has for them.<br />

40. Conduct frequent workshops on good teaching practices.<br />

41. Provide in-service professional development opportunities for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty.<br />

42. Provide incentives for good performance.<br />

43. Use teaching evaluations to help part-<strong>time</strong> faculty improve.<br />

(p. 234-276)<br />



Audit Trail Categories<br />

(Adapted from Lincoln & Guba, 1985, Erlandson et al., 1993, and Schwandt & Halpern, 1988)<br />

I. Phenomena Being Studied<br />

A. Raw data (Strong influence on credibility)<br />

1. Interview guides<br />

2. Tapes recordings and transcriptions<br />

3. Notes from observations, interviews, documents, and other sources<br />

4. Documents<br />

5. Times and dates of activities to be included on all material<br />

B. Data reduction and analysis products (assist in forming overall themes)<br />

1. 5 X 7 cards<br />

2. Condensation of notes to facilitate communication<br />

3. Write-ups for data clarification (immediate follow-up writings)<br />

4. Categories as they emerge to classify unitized data<br />

5. Peer debriefing notes<br />

6. Visual displays to summarize large quantities of data<br />

7. Computer analysis summaries<br />

C. Data reconstruction and synthesis products (Track themes as they emerge)<br />

1. Grounded theory sheets<br />

2. Data analysis sheets<br />

3. Theoretical notes representing new constructions and working hypotheses<br />

4. Visual displays that show relationships among categories<br />

5. Findings and conclusions are logically related to categories that have been identified and<br />

examined<br />

6. Reports that have been made of the study (interim or final)<br />

II. Procedures of the Inquiry<br />

A. Notes about process of the inquiry<br />

1. Methodological notes—how procedures, strategies and day-to-day decisions were made<br />

during study<br />

2. Trustworthiness notes—track steps taken to enhance credibility, dependability, and<br />

confirmability<br />

3. Audit trail notes that provide road map of study<br />

4. Reflexive journal<br />

B. Notes about intentions and motivations<br />

1. Copy of original inquiry proposal<br />

2. Personal notes reveal feelings, introspections, fears, biases, and emerging values of<br />

researcher<br />

3. Reflexive journal—record of researcher’s thought processes as they developed and<br />

guided study<br />

4. Key questions that guided the inquiry—initially and during process<br />

5. Peer debriefing notes<br />

C. Copies of instruments tools, and resources<br />

1. Preliminary protocols<br />

2. Information relative to any instrument development<br />

3. Tools used to collect data<br />

4. Tools used to analyze data<br />

Notes to remember:<br />

1. Do not report a “fact” without documenting a source<br />


TO: Adjunct Instructors<br />

Urban Community College<br />

FROM: Dorothea Taylor Bogert<br />

DATE: April 5, 2001<br />


Sample of Memo to Adjuncts<br />

M E M O<br />

RE: Focus Group for Adjunct Instructors<br />

I am conducting a study of the use of adjunct instructors in <strong>Florida</strong>’s community colleges, and<br />

this memorandum is to request your participation in a focus group. The focus group session will<br />

be approximately 90 minutes, and we will be discussing your experiences as an adjunct<br />

instructor at Urban Community College. There will be two focus groups with a limit of 8-10<br />

participants per group, so please contact me right away if you are interested in participating.<br />

The focus groups will be meeting April 16 & April 17, 2001 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the<br />

Main Campus. The room location will be given at the <strong>time</strong> of confirmation. Also, I will be<br />

providing a light meal of sandwiches, chips, and drinks for your convenience and enjoyment<br />

between 6:00-6:30 p.m.<br />

If you are interested in participating in the focus group, please contact me toll free at 877-242-<br />

6884 by April 12, 2001. Also, please feel free to pass this information on to fellow UCC<br />

adjuncts who would be willing to participate in the study.<br />

In appreciation for your participation, we will be having a drawing from the participants in each<br />

focus group for a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant.<br />

I thank you for your assistance in this study, and I look forward to talking with you.<br />



Questionnaires used in campus interviews<br />

(Gappa & Leslie, 1993, p. 291-308)<br />

APPENDIX G.1: Questionnaire for <strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

1. Give a brief description of your academic background and professional experience.<br />

2. How long have you been teaching here? Are you teaching anywhere else?<br />

3. What other jobs or roles do you hold at the present <strong>time</strong>? Which one is your primary job?<br />

4. Why are you a part-<strong>time</strong> teacher here?<br />

5. How satisfied are you with your current work/life situation?<br />

a. With your teaching at this institution?<br />

b. With your department (status, support, relationship to other part-<strong>time</strong>rs and to tenured<br />

faculty)?<br />

c. With the relationship between your teaching here and other jobs/roles?<br />

6. What are your career aspirations? Are you geographically mobile?<br />

7. What are the most important issues you confront as part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

8. What do you like most about teaching adjunct?<br />

9. What would you change?<br />

10. What should [this study] address?<br />


APPENDIX G.2: Questionnaires for Chief Academic Officer 3<br />

Tell me a about your professional career. How long have you been in your position at this<br />

institution.<br />

1. a. How would you describe the mission of your institution?<br />

b. Does the institution have policies governing the employment of all part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty? Are policies developed at the college/school or department level?<br />

c. What state laws or state-system policies affect employment of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

d. Are any recent legal developments (court cases, grievances, arbitration, etc.) affecting<br />

use of part-<strong>time</strong>rs at your campus?<br />

e. Do part-<strong>time</strong>rs belong to a collective bargaining unit? Is there a separate contract<br />

covering part-<strong>time</strong> faculty? Are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty included in a full-<strong>time</strong> faculty unit?<br />

2. Deciding when and how to use part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

a. Who controls/monitors use of part-<strong>time</strong>rs (centralized or decentralized; if decentralized,<br />

deans or chairs)?<br />

b. Is there written policy on their use ( for example, ratio of full-<strong>time</strong> to part-<strong>time</strong>, limits on<br />

<strong>time</strong> base, etc.)?<br />

3. a. How are part-<strong>time</strong>rs recruited? How are they hired and rehired?<br />

b. What are the qualifications for hiring part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (terminal degree, teaching and<br />

professional experience)?<br />

4. a. What are the terms of part-<strong>time</strong>rs’ employment?<br />

Length<br />

Continuity<br />

Amount of work assigned (<strong>time</strong> base)<br />

b. How are the terms of employment communicated to the part-<strong>time</strong>rs? 4<br />

5. What kinds of assignments are given to part-<strong>time</strong>rs?<br />

� a. Teaching<br />

Undergraduate, basic subjects<br />

Undergraduate, other<br />

Not-for-credit offerings (extension, etc.)<br />

� b. Committee work<br />

� c. Advising<br />

� d. Research<br />

� e. Other<br />

Are b, c, d, and e volunteer or compensated assignments?<br />

3<br />

Collect pertinent written materials (handbooks, work-force analyses, collective bargaining contracts) and look for<br />

exemplary practices.<br />

4<br />

Obtain samples of contracts<br />


6. What roles do part-<strong>time</strong>rs have in institutional governance?<br />

a. Academic senate<br />

Voting rights<br />

Membership<br />

b. Schools/colleges<br />

Voting rights<br />

c. Departments<br />

Committees<br />

Social events<br />

Voting rights<br />

7. How much are part-<strong>time</strong>rs paid, and how are the rates established?<br />

a. How much variability is there within the institution? Is there a written salary policy?<br />

b. How is salary information communicated to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

c. How are salary increases handled? Are they routine? Are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty promoted?<br />

If so, what are the requirements for promotion?<br />

8. a. What kinds of institutional benefits are provided to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

Retirement plan, including 401-k<br />

Health insurance<br />

Dental insurance<br />

Life insurance<br />

Disability income<br />

Sick leave<br />

Vacation or other leaves<br />

Child care<br />

b. Are benefits available to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty based on the fraction of FTE they work (for<br />

example, benefits only for those employed at .75 FTE or greater?<br />

c. Can part-<strong>time</strong> faculty elect from among benefit options?<br />

d. For what state-mandated benefits, if any, are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty eligible?<br />

Worker’s comp<br />

Unemployment<br />

Other<br />

9. How are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty oriented to the campus?<br />

� a. Handbook<br />

� b. Separate orientation program<br />

� c. Mentor program<br />

10. How are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty supported?<br />

� a. Office space<br />

� b. Telephone<br />

� c. Mail service<br />

� d. Clerical support<br />

� e. Photocopying service<br />


� f. Library privileges<br />

� g. Support services available during the hours they teach<br />

� h. Parking privileges<br />

� i. [computer center privileges]<br />

11. What professional development opportunities are available for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

� a. Research support<br />

� b. Travel funds<br />

� c. Tuition remission for themselves<br />

� d. Leaves with pay (sabbaticals)<br />

� e. Leaves without pay<br />

� f. Recognition of excellence<br />

� g. Other<br />

12. How are part-<strong>time</strong>rs supervised and evaluated? Are decisions regarding reappointment based<br />

on evaluations?<br />

13. Are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty eligible for any kind of job security (for example, tenure, multiple-year<br />

appointment, seniority system)?<br />

14. What are the most important issues [this study] ought to address?<br />

� a. Ideal ratio of part-<strong>time</strong> to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

� b. Improving and assessing teaching performance (for example, providing<br />

mentors, resources on good teaching practices)<br />

� c. Integrating part-<strong>time</strong> faculty into institutional life ( for example,<br />

orientation, participation in governance)<br />

� d. Fair employment practices (for example, enhancing pay and benefits)<br />

� e. Career development opportunities (for example, providing support for<br />

travel, research)<br />

� f. Other<br />


APPENDIX G.3: Questionnaire for All Administrators, Including Chairpersons. 5<br />

Department Chairs to Be Interviewed<br />

A. Selected discipline (all site institutions) [these may vary with a minimum of 3]<br />

English<br />

Political sciences/government<br />

Mathematics<br />

Music or art<br />

Business (usually accounting and finance)<br />

Education (teacher preparation programs)<br />

Engineering/related technical fields<br />

Allied health professions/sciences<br />

B. Briefly describe your professional career.<br />

Briefly describe your institution. Who are you? What is your mission?<br />

1. a. What portion of total instruction is provided by part-<strong>time</strong> faculty? How many<br />

(head count) full-<strong>time</strong> and part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are there in your unit? Can you give a<br />

% of credit hours taught by part-<strong>time</strong> faculty and full-<strong>time</strong> faculty? How does this vary<br />

among colleges/departments?<br />

b. Are there limits on how many part-<strong>time</strong> faculty can be used? On how many or what<br />

types of courses they can teach?<br />

c. In your experience, is there some optimum ratio of part-<strong>time</strong> to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty that<br />

balances cost, program needs, and quality of instruction?<br />

2. a. Who controls/monitors use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (centralized or decentralized)?<br />

b. Describe the pool from which you draw part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. Where do you find<br />

Them? What kinds of qualifications (degrees, experience) do they have? Large pool?<br />

Much turnover versus many repeat hires?<br />

c. What motivates part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to teach at your institution?<br />

3. What incentives do you use to attract and retain part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

a. Salary-what is the scale, if any?<br />

b. Benefits<br />

c. Support services<br />

Office space<br />

Telephone<br />

Mail<br />

Clerical support<br />

Photocopying/duplicating<br />

Computing/word-processing equipment<br />

Parking<br />

5<br />

Collect pertinent written materials (handbooks, work-force analyses, collective bargaining contracts) and look for<br />

exemplary practices.<br />


Library<br />

Recreational facilities<br />

Are they available during hours part-<strong>time</strong> faculty teach?<br />

d. Professional development opportunities<br />

Orientation to institution and department (handbook)<br />

Orientation to teaching<br />

Mentor teachers available to assist part-<strong>time</strong>rs<br />

Other support for instructional development and improvement<br />

Research support<br />

Travel funds<br />

Tuition remission<br />

4. What kinds of assignments are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty asked to assume?<br />

� a. Teaching<br />

Lower-division undergraduate courses<br />

Upper-division undergraduate courses<br />

Not-for-credit courses<br />

� b. Committee work<br />

� c. Advising<br />

� d. Curriculum development<br />

� e. Course coordination<br />

� f. Research<br />

5. Are any of these assignments (other than teaching) compensated?<br />

1. How are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty supervised and evaluated? Are reappointments based on<br />

evaluations of performance? How is part-<strong>time</strong> faculty teaching performance monitored?<br />

� a. Standard student evaluation form used throughout the institution<br />

� b. Department evaluation form<br />

� c. Peer visitation<br />

� d. Videotaping/portfolio analysis<br />

� e. Other<br />

6. Do you have any evidence that quality of teaching is better or worse when part-<strong>time</strong> rather<br />

than full-<strong>time</strong> faculty does it?<br />

7. How are part-<strong>time</strong> faculty integrated into the department’s life and work? Do part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty participate in college or university activities/assignments?<br />

8. What roles do part-<strong>time</strong>rs have in governance?<br />

� a. Committees<br />

� b. Social events<br />

� c. Voting rights<br />


9. What does the institution gain by employing part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

� a. Financial savings<br />

� b. Access to scarce expertise<br />

� c. Access to current knowledge and practice<br />

� d. Links with employers and professions<br />

� e. Visibility/credibility<br />

� f. Flexibility in meeting student demand<br />

� g. Extended use of retired faculty<br />

� h. Other<br />

10. What does use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty cost the institution?<br />

� a. High turnover<br />

� b. More nonteaching responsibility for full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

� c. Supervisory problems (continuous needs to search, recruit, orient, evaluate<br />

part-<strong>time</strong> faculty)<br />

� d. Morale problems<br />

� e. Problems with quality instruction<br />

� f. Problems with quality of faculty-student contact (advising, knowledge of<br />

university requirements, etc.)<br />

� g. Other<br />

11. What trends, pressures, developments will affect your future use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty?<br />

� a. Fiscal problems (including tenure ratio)<br />

� b. Quality concerns<br />

� c. <strong>Faculty</strong> work-force issues, such as retirement trends, and availability of<br />

faculty in high-demand fields<br />

� d. Policy constraints (for example, budget formulas, state guidelines, worker’s<br />

compensation, unemployment compensation, collective bargaining issues,<br />

and legal precedents)<br />

� e. Other<br />

12. What are the most important issues [this study] ought to address?<br />

� a. Ideal ratio of part-<strong>time</strong> to full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

� b. Improving and assessing teaching performance (for example, providing<br />

mentors, resources on good teaching practices)<br />

� c. Integrating part-<strong>time</strong> faculty into institutional life (for example, orientation,<br />

participating in governance)<br />

� d. Fair employment practices (for example, enhancing pay and benefits<br />

� e. Career development opportunities (for example, providing support for<br />

travel, research)<br />

f. Other<br />



Seating Arrangements<br />

(Adapted from Krueger, 1994)<br />

Circular pattern where appear as group no one person stands out is best (Merton et al., 1990)<br />

Seating arrangements should be made based on the moderator’s determination of what type of<br />

participant the individual may be (Krueger, 1994). The moderator must assess the level of<br />

involvement during the informal social <strong>time</strong> while the meal is being served. The expert and<br />

rambler may not be noticeable until the session has started. They should be arranged as follows:<br />

♦ Dominant talkers—seat next to moderator<br />

♦ Shy participant—seat directly across table to maximize eye contact<br />

♦ Experts—emphasize all participants have important perceptions and need to express them<br />

♦ Rambler—seat where one can easily discontinue eye contact after about 30 seconds<br />



Assistant Moderator’s Responsibilities<br />

(Krueger ,1994, p. 124-125 )<br />

1. Take responsibility for all equipment.<br />

� Tape recorder and microphone<br />

� Extension cords (power and microphone)<br />

� Blank tapes (90 minute tapes)<br />

� Name tents/name tag<br />

� Honorariums<br />

� Marking pens<br />

� Refreshments<br />

� Duct tape to hold down cords<br />

� Spare batteries<br />

� Visuals or handouts<br />

2. Take responsibility for refreshments.<br />

3. Arrange the room:<br />

� Seats should be where everyone can see each other<br />

� Be aware of background noise problems with taping<br />

4. Set up the equipment and verify it is working.<br />

5. Welcome participants as they arrive.<br />

6. Sit in the designated location:<br />

� Outside the circle, opposite the moderator, and close to the door.<br />

� If there is a late arrival, meet at the door, take outside and brief on what has happened<br />

and topic being discussed<br />

� Bring late participant in and show to seat<br />

7. Take notes throughout discussion:<br />

� Well said quotes: try to capture word for word<br />

� Note nonverbal activity: head nods, physical excitement, eye contact<br />

� Make a sketch of seating arrangements<br />

8. Monitor recording equipment: turn over tapes when needed without drawing attention to<br />

yourself<br />

9. Do not participate in the discussion<br />

� Talk only if invited by the moderator<br />

� Control nonverbal actions<br />

10. Ask questions when invited: at the end moderator may ask you to ask questions for<br />

clarification or amplification.<br />

11. Give an oral summary (this will be done by the moderator)<br />

12. Hand out honorariums and thank the participants<br />

13. Debrief the session with the moderator<br />

14. Read and provide feedback on the analysis.<br />



Informed Consent Form<br />

I freely and voluntarily and without element of force or coercion, consent to be a participant in the<br />

research project entitled “Use Of <strong>Part</strong>-Time/Adjunct <strong>Faculty</strong> In Community Colleges: A Multi-Case<br />

Study Of Three <strong>Florida</strong> Community Colleges.”<br />

This research is being conducted by Dorothea Taylor Bogert, who is a doctoral candidate under the<br />

direction of Professor Joseph Beckham in the Department of Educational Leadership in the College of<br />

Education at <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>. I understand the purpose of this research project is to better<br />

understand the use of and create a profile of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in <strong>Florida</strong>’s community colleges.<br />

I understand that I will be asked to fill out a short paper and pencil questionnaire. I will also be asked to<br />

participate in a focus group or individual interview with Ms. Bogert. The total <strong>time</strong> commitment would<br />

be approximately two hours. I understand that a drawing from among the participants in the focus group<br />

will conducted at the end of the group for a $50 gift certificate.<br />

I understand that the researcher will audiotape the session. The researcher will keep these tapes in a<br />

locked storage facility. I understand that only the researcher and transcriber will have access to these<br />

tapes and that they will be destroyed by December 31, 2002.<br />

I understand my participation is totally voluntary, and I may stop participation at any<strong>time</strong>.<br />


THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW. All my answers to the questions will be identified by a fictitious<br />

name, and only this fictitious name will appear on any of the results. Any responses reported will remain<br />

anonymous.<br />

I understand that there are benefits for participating in this research project. I will be providing useful<br />

information to create a better understanding of the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in community colleges in<br />

<strong>Florida</strong>.<br />

I understand there is a possibility of foreseeable risks or discomforts to me if I agree to participate in this<br />

study. Most notably, I may experience anxiety or discomfort discussing my personal experiences as an<br />

adjunct faculty. I also understand that I am able to stop participation or choose to not answer any<br />

questions at any <strong>time</strong>.<br />

I understand that this consent may be withdrawn at any <strong>time</strong> without prejudice, penalty, or loss of benefits<br />

to which I am otherwise entitled. I have been given the right to ask and have answered any inquiry<br />

concerning the study.<br />

I understand I may contact Dorothea Taylor Bogert at 863-207-4177 or at her e-mail,<br />

Dorothea.Taylor.Bogert@juno.com for answers to questions about this research and my rights. Group<br />

results will be sent to me upon my request.<br />

I have read and understand this consent form.<br />

Subject Date<br />


Please complete the following survey.<br />

Check one that applies:<br />


<strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong>/Adjunct <strong>Faculty</strong> Demographic Survey<br />

Gender: [ ] Female [ ] Male<br />

Race: [ ] Caucasian [ ] African American [ ] Native American<br />

[ ] Asian [ ] Hispanic [ ] Other:<br />

Age: Check the one that applies<br />

[ ] 18-22 [ ] 22-26 [ ] 27-30 [ ] 31-35 [ ] 36-40<br />

[ ] 41-45 [ ] 46-50 [ ] 51-55 [ ] 56-60 [ ] 61-65<br />

[ ] 66 & up<br />

Educational Level: Check highest level attained<br />






DEGREE<br />


Number of years you have served as an adjunct/part-<strong>time</strong> faculty:<br />

In what areas have you taught as an adjunct faculty member? Check all that apply.<br />







OTHER:<br />

Do you hold a full-<strong>time</strong> job? [ ] YES [ ] NO<br />

If so, what is your full-<strong>time</strong> occupation?<br />

Do you hold a part-<strong>time</strong> job besides teaching at the community college?<br />

[ ] YES [ ] NO If so, what is your part-<strong>time</strong> job?<br />



Opening and Closing Focus Groups<br />

(Adapted from Krueger, 1994 and Merton et al., 1990)<br />

Opening Interview<br />

1. Welcome<br />

Good evening and welcome to our session tonight. Thank you for taking the <strong>time</strong> to join<br />

our discussion on part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. I am Dorothea Bogert, and my assistant is<br />

____________. We want to find out more about who part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are, how they feel<br />

about part-<strong>time</strong> teaching, and what motivates them to teach. We have invited adjuncts<br />

from various departments to join us here tonight.<br />

First, I would like for you to take a few minutes to read the informed consent in front of<br />

you. If you have any questions concerning this consent, please feel free to ask.<br />

Next, please take fill out the short demographic survey in front of you. It should only<br />

take you a few minutes.<br />

2. Overview<br />

You were chosen to participate in this group because of your experience as part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty. Tonight we will discuss your experiences and opinions about being a part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty member. There are no right or wrong answers but rather differing points of view.<br />

Please feel free to share your point of view even if it differs from what others have said.<br />

3. Ground rules<br />

Before we begin, let me share some ground rules. This is strictly a research project.<br />

Please speak up—only one person at a <strong>time</strong>. We’re tape recording the session because<br />

we don’t want to miss any of your comments. If several are talking at the same <strong>time</strong>, the<br />

tape will get garbled, and we’ll miss your comments. We will be on a first name basis<br />

tonight; if you do not want to use your real name during the taping, please feel free to<br />

choose a pseudonym. In our later reports no names will be attached to comments. You<br />

may be assured of complete confidentiality. Keep in mind that we’re just as interested in<br />

negative comments as positive comments.<br />

Our session will last about 90 minutes.<br />

4. First question<br />

Let’s begin. We’ve placed name cards on the table in front of you to help us remember<br />

each other’s names. Let’s find out some more about each other by going around the<br />

room one at a <strong>time</strong>. Tell us your name and …[go to interview questions]<br />

Closing Focus Group<br />

1. Final Question—Miss anything?<br />

2. Summary of overall group<br />

3. Thank group for attending, have drawing, wish safe journey home<br />



Human Subjects Research Approval Letter<br />



Guidelines For Effective Use Of <strong>Part</strong>-Time <strong>Faculty</strong><br />

<strong>Florida</strong> Community Colleges<br />

The importance of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty in community colleges is virtually unchallenged today as<br />

colleges recognize the value of the special expertise of many citizens who can enrich the<br />

instructional program. In some subjects, part-<strong>time</strong> faculty who work full-<strong>time</strong> in the field can<br />

provide the most current and relevant instruction that is available. In addition, the increasing<br />

need for flexibility in scheduling and the requirement for quick responses to fluctuating<br />

enrollments and course demands make the use of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty an important component of<br />

academic management. However, there are certain concerns and considerations that must be<br />

addressed as colleges work to assure that part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are fully assimilated into the work<br />

and life of the college.<br />

Although, there is no "magic" in the proportion of courses taught by part-<strong>time</strong> versus full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty, there is general agreement that a substantial portion of instruction should be provided by<br />

full-<strong>time</strong> faculty to assure continuity in the curriculum and availability of faculty for student<br />

advising, curriculum development, work with college committees, and other important non-class<br />

activities accomplished by faculty. A reasonable ratio of full-<strong>time</strong> to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be<br />

maintained in each college program, on each campus or instructional site including outreach<br />

centers, and collegewide. Colleges must ensure that they have at least one full-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

member in each degree program/ discipline as required by accrediting agencies.<br />

When ratios of full-<strong>time</strong> to part-<strong>time</strong> faculty are considered, student semester hours or credit<br />

hours or, in the case of occupational contact hours programs, contact hour equivalents taught<br />

should be used as the measure rather than headcount faculty. Otherwise it will appear that a<br />

higher proportion of a college's instruction is accomplished by part-<strong>time</strong> faculty than is actually<br />

the case. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty should not be used just to save money as evidenced by individuals<br />

who are assigned full instructional loads at reduced salaries.<br />

The following guidelines represent sound educational practices. They focus on treating this<br />

important component of the faculty as important professionals and on assuring quality teaching<br />

throughout the hiring and managing of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty. In keeping with <strong>Florida</strong>'s long<br />

established local governing board autonomy, each community college is responsible for<br />

translating these precepts into instructional policies and procedures.<br />

1. Colleges should recruit and maintain a pool of qualified part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to avoid "last<br />

minute" hiring and placement into classes of instructors who are not prepared to begin<br />

instruction at the first class meeting. Recruitment and selection of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

should include appropriate screening, such as reference checks and personal interviews.<br />

2. Qualifications of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty (i.e., academic and professional preparation and<br />

experience) should be consistent with the Criteria for Accreditation of the Commission<br />

on Colleges for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.<br />


3. Orientation of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be conducted prior to beginning teaching or at<br />

least within the first term to ensure that each instructor understands the mission of the<br />

community college, the nature of the students in their classes, the expectations for their<br />

performance, and other aspects of their assignment necessary for their success.<br />

4. A current faculty handbook, which details expectations and college practices, should be<br />

provided to each part-<strong>time</strong> faculty member.<br />

5. Full-<strong>time</strong> faculty members should be assigned as mentors to new part-<strong>time</strong> faculty<br />

members to assist with the orientation, development, and assimilation of the part-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty member into the college community.<br />

6. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty members who have been with the college for a number of semesters<br />

should be provided professional development opportunities to enhance their pedagogical<br />

skills, knowledge of their subjects, and sense of involvement with the college<br />

community.<br />

7. Colleges should provide an appropriate workspace for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to prepare for<br />

classes and meet with students before and after classes, and they should require clearly<br />

identified <strong>time</strong>s for part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to be available to their students outside of scheduled<br />

instruction.<br />

8. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be provided with a sample course syllabus for each course they<br />

teach, and they should be required to submit a copy of the syllabus they use for each<br />

course they teach to be filed with their supervisor.<br />

9. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be provided mail services, access to library, audio-visual and<br />

other media and technology services and resources, telephones, and word<br />

processing/clerical and copying support.<br />

10. Evaluation and supervision of part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should include periodic visits to the<br />

classroom and follow-up interviews as well as other procedures used to evaluate full-<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty such as student feedback.<br />

11. <strong>Part</strong>-<strong>time</strong> faculty members should retain their student class records for 12 months<br />

following the end of the term and submit a copy of the official grade report and grade<br />

book to be retained by the appropriate authority.<br />

12. Colleges should, when appropriate, invite part-<strong>time</strong> faculty to participate in departmental<br />

and college faculty meetings and professional development activities and include part<strong>time</strong><br />

faculty on the distribution list for college newsletters and other publications.<br />

13. Compensation for teaching by part-<strong>time</strong> faculty should be understood to cover not only<br />

the course hours but also out-of-class activities such as course preparation, orientation,<br />

faculty meetings, and identified hours to meet with students outside the class <strong>time</strong>.<br />

14. Colleges should consider implementing a program to recognize part-<strong>time</strong> faculty for<br />

outstanding teaching performance.<br />


Adopted by the Council of Instructional Affairs<br />

and recommended to the Council of Presidents<br />

February 10, 1994<br />

Approved by the <strong>State</strong> Board of Community Colleges<br />

September 9, 1994<br />

Taken from Division of Community Colleges Website: http://www.dcc.firn.edu/policy/POL-21.HTM<br />



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Dorothea Taylor Bogert was born in Lakeland, <strong>Florida</strong> and raised in Auburndale, FL<br />

where she attended Auburndale High School. She completed her B.S. degree in Liberal Studies<br />

at the <strong>University</strong> of Central <strong>Florida</strong> in 1987. She received her M.S. in Higher Education in 1992<br />

from <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>. She completed her Ph.D. work in the Spring of 2004.<br />

Dorothea, a licensed <strong>Florida</strong> real estate broker, is currently serving as the Managing<br />

Broker for Mid-<strong>Florida</strong> Realty, Inc. in the Central <strong>Florida</strong> area. She is also a licensed <strong>Florida</strong><br />

Mortgage Broker. She has worked as an adjunct instructor at Polk Community College teaching<br />

Ethics, where her interest in the use of adjuncts began.<br />

Dorothea is married to Theodore L. Bogert, Sr.<br />


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