stamp bulletin - Australia Post Shop

stamp bulletin - Australia Post Shop

stamp bulletin - Australia Post Shop


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Is the idea of humans settling on Mars too fantastic<br />

to consider?<br />

On the contrary, many scientists and engineers<br />

consider Mars a logical destination for future<br />

space expeditions both crewed and uncrewed.<br />

Right now there are no active programmes<br />

with the goal of landing humans on Mars.<br />

However many researchers are working on<br />

proposals for crewed expeditions to Mars<br />

within twenty years or so.<br />

Much of the research is looking for ways<br />

to reduce the costs of such a mission and are<br />

trying to identify opportunities to use local<br />

Martian resources.<br />

Using local resources helps solve one of<br />

the major dilemmas that confronts any<br />

space mission, the cost (effort) of moving<br />

great weights from Earth’s surface to low<br />

Earth orbit. Although this part of space<br />

travel is relatively easy and quick, it is also<br />

the most demanding in terms of effort.<br />

Cost, in time and dollars, is just one of the<br />

concerns that our imaginary settlers will<br />

have to resolve.<br />

Despite their exotic destination, their<br />

concerns are remarkably similar to those any<br />

of us might face moving to a new (terrestrial)<br />

neighbourhood.<br />

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Stamp pack<br />

Facts are the foundation for the artist’s imagined<br />

solutions to the settlers’ worries:<br />

Cost (in time and dollars) to move<br />

The Mars based ‘skimmers’ can use locally<br />

produced fuel, so the transport ship doesn’t<br />

have to bring fuel from earth. Astronauts can<br />

take advantage of the lower (~1/3 Earth’s)<br />

gravity and ‘freefall’ to the Martian surface,<br />

slowed only by a personal thruster device.<br />

Availability of basic goods and services<br />

Everything the settlers need to survive and<br />

prosper must either be transported to Mars<br />

from Earth, or made on Mars from local<br />

resources. Local production frees space on the<br />

transport ships for more valuable cargo, such as<br />

instruments and equipment that would be<br />

beyond the settlers capacity for some time.<br />

Our settlers are growing their own food and<br />

reclaiming liquid water from frozen or trapped<br />

sources. They can also react carbon dioxide<br />

(CO 2 ), which is abundant in the atmosphere,<br />

with hydrogen, producing water, oxygen and<br />

methane (for fuel and to use as a raw material<br />

for synthesising organic compounds).<br />

In the kelp rods the settlers are using CO 2 ,<br />

sunlight, water and the kelp and other algae to<br />

produce oxygen. As well as being an excellent<br />

fuel, oxygen can be used to enrich the atmosphere<br />

and make it more suitable for human habitation.

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