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<strong>CALIFORNIA</strong>, <strong>SAN</strong> <strong>DIEGO</strong> 15<br />

Nicholas J. Schork, Congenital disease SNPs target lineage Email: mht@chem.ucsd.edu<br />

of a transcriptional terminator, Nucleic Acids Research, 34,<br />

specific structural elements in protein kinases, Proc. Natl. mthiemens@ucsd.edu<br />

6461-6471 (2006).<br />

Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105, 9011-9016 (2008). S. A. Aireau, J. Farquhar, M. H. Thiemens, L. A. Leshin, K. S. Keating, N. Toor and A. M. Pyle, The GANC tetra-<br />

Natarajan Kannan, Nina Haste, Susan S. Taylor and An- H. Bao and E. Young, Planetesimal sulfate and aqueous al- loop receptor interaction, Journal of Molecular Biology, 383,<br />

drew F. Neuwald, The hallmark of AGC kinase functional di- teration in CM and CI carbonaceous chondrites, Geochinica 475-481 (2008).<br />

vergence is its C-terminal tail, a cis-acting regulatory mod- Cosmochimica Acta, 69, 4166-4171 (2005).<br />

N. Toor, K. Rajashankar, K. S. Keating and A. M. Pyle,<br />

ule. [Erratum to document cited in CA146:333062], Proc. R. Jost, G. Michalski and M. H. Thiemens, Comparison of Structural basis of exon recognition by a group II intron, Na-<br />

Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105, 9130 (2008). rovibronic density of symmetric versus symmetric NO2 iso- ture Structural and Molecular Biology, 15, 1221-1222<br />

topologues at dissociation threshold: Broken symmetry ef- (2008).<br />

TEZCAN, F. AKIF (b.1972) Assistant Professor. A.B, fects, J. (Chemistry). Physics, 123, 054230 (2005).<br />

N. Toor, K. S. Keating, S. D. Taylor and A. M. Pyle, Crys-<br />

1995, Macalester College; Ph.D, 2001, Caltech. Re- J. R. McCabe, C. S. Boxe, A. J. Colussi, M. R. Hoffmann tal structure of a self-spliced group II intron, Science, 320,<br />

search Fellow, 2001-2005, Caltech. Bioinorganic Chem- and M. H. Thiemens, Oxygen isotopic fractionation in the 77-82 (2008).<br />

istry. Metal-Protein and Protein-Protein Interactions photochemistry of nitrate and ice, J. Geophys. Res, 110, D15-<br />

Metal-Directed Protein Self-Assembly Biological Nitro- D15310 (2005). TOR, YITZHAK (b.1960) Professor. B.Sc, 1982, Telgen<br />

Fixation. TEL: (858) 534-4862 FAX: (858) 534- B. Alexander, R. J. Park, D. J. Jacob, Q. B. Li, R. M. Yan- Aviv University, Israel; Ph.D, 1990, The Weizmann In-<br />

6157<br />

tosca, J. Savarino, C. C. W. Lee and M. H. Thiemens, Sulfate stitute of Science, Israel. Weizmann Postdoctoral Fel-<br />

Web: tezcan.ucsd.edu<br />

formation in sea-salt aerosols: Constraints from oxygen iso- lowship, 1990-1993, California Institute of Technology.<br />

topes, J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres). J. Geophys. Res, 110,<br />

Email: tezcan@ucsd.edu<br />

Bioorganic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. RNA–small<br />

D10307 (2005).<br />

Eric N. Salgado, Jasmin Faraone-Mennella and F. Akif V. K. Rai, T. L. Jackson and M. H. Thiemens, Photochem-<br />

molecule interactions; antiviral and antibacterial agents;<br />

Tezcan, Controlling Protein-Protein Interactions through ical mass independent sulfur isotopes in achondritic meteornew emissive nucleosides and oligonucleotides; novel<br />

Metal Coordination: Assembly of a 16-Helix Bundle Protein, ites, Science, 309, 1062-1065 (2005).<br />

cellular delivery agents. TEL: (858) 534-6401 FAX:<br />

J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 13374-13375 (2007). Mark H. Thiemens, History and applications of mass inde- (858) 534-0202<br />

Eric N. Salgado, Richard A. Lewis, Jasmin Faraone-Men- pendent isotope effects, Annual Reviews of Earth and Plane- Web: www-chem.ucsd.edu/research/profile.cfm?cid=<br />

nella and F. Akif Tezcan, Metal-Mediated Self-Assembly of tary Sciences, 34, 217-262 (2006).<br />

C02218<br />

Protein Superstructures: Influence of Secondary Interactions T. A. Mather, J. R. McCabe, V. K. Rai, M. K. Thiemens, Email: ytor@ucsd.edu<br />

on Protein Oligomerization and Aggregation, J. Am. Chem. D. M. Pyle, T. H. E. Heaton, H. J. Sloane and G. Fern, Oxy-<br />

Soc, 130, 6082-6084 (2008).<br />

Lev Elson-Schwab and Yitzhak Tor, Targeting HIV-1<br />

gen and sulfur isotopic composition of volcanic sulfate aero- RNA with aminoglycoside antibiotics and their derivatives,<br />

sol at the point of emission, J. Geophys. Res, 111, D18205<br />

Aminoglycoside Antibiot, 267-287, 2 plates (2007).<br />

THEODORAKIS, EMMANUEL A. (b.1964) Pro- (2006).<br />

Christopher M. Barbieri, Malvika Kaul, Melanie Bozzafessor.<br />

B.S, 1987, University of Athens, Greece; M.S, J. Savarino, J. Kaiser, S. Morin, D. M. Sigman and M. H.<br />

Hingos, Fang Zhao, Yitzhak Tor, Thomas Hermann and Dan-<br />

1989, University of Paris XI, France; Ph.D, 1993, Uni- Thiemens, Nitrogen and oxygen isotopic constraints on the<br />

iel S. Pilch, Defining the molecular forces that determine the<br />

versity of Paris XI, France. Postdoctoral, 1993-1995, origin of atmospheric nitrate in coastal Antarctica, Atmos.<br />

impact of neomycin on bacterial protein synthesis: impor-<br />

Scripps Research Institute. Bioorganic Chemistry; Or- Chem. Phys, 7, 1925-1945 (2007).<br />

tance of the 2’-amino functionality, Antimicrob. Agents Cheganic<br />

Chemistry. Synthesis of natural products; develop- M. De Angelis, M. H. Thiemens, J. Savarino and J. R. Pet-<br />

mother, 51, 1760-1769 (2007).<br />

it, Contributions of an ancient evaporitic-type reservoir to<br />

ment of synthetic methodology; and interaction of organ- Seergazhi G. Srivatsan and Yitzhak Tor, Fluorescent Py-<br />

Lake Vostok chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,<br />

ic molecules with biomolecules. TEL: (858) 822-0456<br />

rimidine Ribonucleotide: Synthesis, Enzymatic Incorpora-<br />

222, 751-765 (2007).<br />

FAX: (858) 822-0386 Tetsuya Yokoyama, Vinai K. Rai, Conel M. O’D. Alexantion,<br />

and Utilization, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 2044-2053<br />

Web: www.chem-faculty.ucsd.edu/Theodorakis/index. der, Roy S. Lewis, Richard W. Carlson, Steven B. Shirey,<br />

(2007).<br />

html Mark H. Thiemens and Richard J. Walker, Osmium isotope<br />

Victor K. Tam, Denise Kwong and Yitzhak Tor, Fluores-<br />

Email: etheodor@ucsd.edu evidence for uniform distribution of s- and r-process compo-<br />

cent HIV-1 Dimerization Initiation Site: Design, Properties,<br />

nents in the early Solar system, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 259,<br />

and Use for Ligand Discovery, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 3257-<br />

Gianni Guizzunti, Thomas P. Brady, Vivek Malhotra and<br />

567-580 (2007).<br />

3266 (2007).<br />

Emmanuel A. Theodorakis, Trifunctional norrisolide probes<br />

Vinai K. Rai and Mark H. Thiemens, Mass independently<br />

Edith C. Glazer, Douglas Magde and Yitzhak Tor, Ruthefor<br />

the study of Golgi vesiculation, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett,<br />

fractionated sulfur components in chondrites, Geochim. Cosnium<br />

Complexes That Break the Rules: Structural Features<br />

17, 320-325 (2007).<br />

mochim. Acta, 71, 1341-1354 (2007).<br />

Controlling Dual Emission, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 8544-<br />

Derek Fischer and Emmanuel A. Theodorakis, Studies on<br />

M. A. Tyra, J. Farquhar, B. A. Wing, G. K. Benedix, A. J.<br />

8551 (2007).<br />

the synthesis of Schisandraceae natural products: exploring a<br />

T. Jull, T. Jackson and M. H. Thiemens, Terrestrial alteration<br />

Lev Elson-Schwab, Omai B. Garner, Manuela Schuksz,<br />

cyclopropylcarbinol ring expansion strategy, Eur. J. Org.<br />

of Antarctic CM chondrite meteorites in a suite of Antarctic<br />

Brett E. Crawford, Jeffrey D. Esko and Yitzhak Tor, Guani-<br />

Chem, 4193-4196 (2007).<br />

CM chondrites: Evidence from oxygen and carbon isotopes,<br />

dinylated Neomycin Delivers Large, Bioactive Cargo into<br />

Paqui G. Traves, Sonsoles Hortelano, Miriam Zeini, Ta-<br />

Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 782-795 (2007).<br />

Cells through a Heparan Sulfate-dependent Pathway, J. Biol.<br />

Hsiang Chao, Thanh Lam, Saskia T. Neuteboom, Emmanuel<br />

S. A. Ewing, G. Michalski, M. Thiemens, R. C. Quinn, J.<br />

Chem, 282, 13585-13591 (2007).<br />

A. Theodorakis, Michael A. Palladino, Antonio Castrillo and<br />

L. Macalady, S. Kohl, S. D. Wankel, C. Kendall, C. P.<br />

Seergazhi G. Srivatsan and Yitzhak Tor, Synthesis and en-<br />

Lisardo Bosca, Selective activation of liver X receptors by<br />

McKay and R. Amundson, Rainfall limit of the N cycle on<br />

zymatic incorporation of a fluorescent pyrimidine ribonuacanthoic<br />

acid-related diterpenes, Mol. Pharmacol, 71, 1545-<br />

Earth, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB3009 (2007).<br />

cleotide, Nat. Protoc, 2, 1547-1555 (2007).<br />

1553 (2007).<br />

Justin R. McCabe, Mark H. Thiemens and Joel Savarino, A<br />

Nicholas J. Greco and Yitzhak Tor, Synthesis and site-spe-<br />

Derek Fischer, Emmanuel A. Theodorakis and Mark A.<br />

record of ozone variability in South Pole Antarctic snow: role<br />

cific incorporation of a simple fluorescent pyrimidine, Nat.<br />

Haidekker, Synthesis and use of an in-solution ratiometric<br />

of nitrate oxygen isotopes, J. Geophys. Res., [Atmos.], 112,<br />

Protoc, 2, 305-316 (2007).<br />

fluorescent viscosity sensor, Nat. Protoc, 2, 227-236 (2007).<br />

D12303/1-D12303/9 (2007).<br />

Renatus W. Sinkeldam and Yitzhak Tor, To D or not to D?<br />

Mark A. Haidekker and Emmanuel A. Theodorakis, Mo-<br />

N. Patris, S. S. Cliff, P. K. Quinn, M. Kasem and M. H.<br />

On estimating the microenvironment polarity of biomoleculecular<br />

rotors-fluorescent biosensors for viscosity and flow,<br />

Thiemens, Isotopic analysis of aerosol sulfate and nitrate durlar<br />

cavities, Org. Biomol. Chem, 5, 2523-2528 (2007).<br />

Org. Biomol. Chem, 5, 1669-1678 (2007).<br />

ing ICT-2k2: Determination of different formation pathways<br />

Nicholas J. Greco and Yitzhak Tor, Furan decorated nucle-<br />

Ayse Batova, Thanh Lam, Veit Wascholowski, Alice L.<br />

as a function of particle size, J. Geophysical Research, 112,<br />

oside analogues as fluorescent probes: synthesis, photophysi-<br />

Yu, Athanassios Giannis and Emmanuel A. Theodorakis,<br />

D23301 (2007).<br />

cal evaluation, and site-specific incorporation, Tetrahedron,<br />

Synthesis and evaluation of caged Garcinia xanthones, Org.<br />

Yuki Kimura, Joseph A. Nuth, III, Subrata Chakraborty<br />

63, 3515-3527 (2007).<br />

Biomol. Chem, 5, 494-500 (2007).<br />

and Mark H. Thiemens, Non-mass-dependent oxygen isoto-<br />

Seergazhi G. Srivatsan and Yitzhak Tor, Using an emissive<br />

Matthew E. Nipper, Sheereen Majd, Michael Mayer, James<br />

pic fractionation in smokes produced in an electrical disuridine<br />

analogue for assembling fluorescent HIV-1 TAR con-<br />

C.-M. Lee, Emmanuel A. Theodorakis and Mark A. Hai-<br />

charge, Meteorit. Planet. Sci, 42, 1429-1439 (2007).<br />

structs, Tetrahedron, 63, 3601-3607 (2007).<br />

dekker, Characterization of changes in the viscosity of lipid<br />

Melanie Baroni, Mark H. Thiemens, Robert J. Delmas and<br />

Yitzhak Tor, Susan Del Valle, David Jaramillo, Seergazhi<br />

membranes with the molecular rotor FCVJ, Biochim. Bio-<br />

Joel Savarino, Mass-independent sulfur isotopic composi-<br />

G. Srivatsan, Andro Rios and Haim Weizman, Designing<br />

phys. Acta, Biomembr, 1778, 1148-1153 (2008).<br />

tions in stratospheric volcanic eruptions, Science (Washingnew<br />

isomorphic fluorescent nucleobase analogues: the thieno<br />

Alba Diaz-Rodriguez, Susana Fernandez, Yogesh S.<br />

ton, DC, U. S.), 315, 84-87 (2007).<br />

[3,2-d]pyrimidine core, Tetrahedron, 63, 3608-3614 (2007).<br />

Sanghvi, Emmanuel A. Theodorakis, Vicente Gotor and Mi-<br />

Gerardo Dominguez, Terri Jackson, Burton Brothers,<br />

Seergazhi Srivatsan, Nicholas J. Greco and Yitzhak Tor, A<br />

guel Ferrero, Synthesis of 2’,3’-cyclohexene bicyclic nucleo-<br />

Bryan Nguyen and Mark H. Thiemens, Discovery and meahighly<br />

emissive fluorescent nucleoside that signals the activiside<br />

analogues as antiviral compounds, Nucleic Acids Symp.<br />

surement of an isotopically distinct source of sulfate in<br />

ty of toxic ribosome-inactivation proteins, Angew. Chem.,<br />

Ser, 52, 99-100 (2008).<br />

Earth’s atmosphere, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105,<br />

Int. Ed, 47, 6661-6665 (2008).<br />

12769-12773 (2008).<br />

Renatus W. Sinkeldam, Nicholas J. Greco and Yitzhak<br />

Derek A. Fischer, Synthetic studies toward complex natu-<br />

Subrata Chakraborty, Musahid Ahmed, Teresa L. Jackson<br />

Tor, Polarity of major grooves explored by using isosteric<br />

ral products. (D)<br />

and Mark H. Thiemens, Experimental Test of Self-Shielding<br />

emissive nucleoside, ChemBioChem, 9, 706-709 (2008).<br />

Fatima R. Rivas, Synthetic studies towards the total synin<br />

Vacuum Ultraviolet Photodissociation of CO, Science<br />

Seergazhi G. Srivatsan, Haim Weizman and Yitzhak Tor,<br />

thesis of norzoanthamine. (D)<br />

(Washington, DC, U. S.), 321, 1328-1331 (2008).<br />

A highly fluorescent nucleoside analog based on thieno[3,4-<br />

Thanh T. Lam, synthetic studies towards diterpenes; synd]pyrimidine<br />

senses mismatched pairing, Org. Biomol.<br />

thetic studies towards the caged garcinia xanthones. (D)<br />

Chem, 6, 1334-1338 (2008).<br />

Thomas Patrick Brady, Total synthesis of norrisolide, syn- TOOR, NAVTEJ SINGH (b.1973) Assistant Profes-<br />

Manuela Schuksz, Mark M. Fuster, Jillian R. Brown, Brett<br />

thesis of norrisolide analogues, and biological evaluation of sor. B.Sc, 1996, University of Calgary; Ph.D, 2004, Uni- E. Crawford, David P. Ditto, Roger Lawrence, Charles A.<br />

norrisolide probes. (D) versity of Calgary. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Glass, Lianxhun Wang, Yitzhak Tor and Jeffrey D. Esko,<br />

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2004-2009, Yale University. Bio- Surfen, a small molecule antagonist of heparan sulfate, Proc.<br />

THIEMENS, MARK H. (b.1950) Professor and chemistry; Structural Biology. Group II introns are self- Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105, 13075-13080 (2008).<br />

Dean. B.S, 1972, University of Miami; M.S, 1974, Old splicing RNAs which are thought to be the ancestors of<br />

Dominion University; Ph.D, 1977, Florida State Univer- both retrotransposons and spliceosomal introns, which Nicholas J. Greco, Design, synthesis and application of<br />

sity. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1977-1980, University of together make up more than 50% of the human genome. novel fluorescent nucleosides. (D)<br />

Chicago. Atmospheric Chemistry; Physical Chemistry. My research interests include studying the structure and Victor K. Tam, Targeting unique nucleic acid structures<br />

Measurement of isotope ratios in atmospheric species; function of group II introns, as well as the spliceosome, with small molecules. (D)<br />

application of high precision stable isotope ratio mea- using a combination of x-ray crystallography and<br />

surement to resolve quantum chemical astrophysical and biochemistry. TEL: (858) 534-3211 FAX: (858) 534- TROGLER, WILLIAM C. Professor. B.A, 1974,<br />

atmospheric processes; studies on the evolution of the 6255<br />

Johns Hopkins; M.A, 1974, Johns Hopkins; Ph.D, 1977,<br />

solar system and nucleosynthesis. Paleoclimatology and Email: ntoor@ucsd.edu<br />

California Institute of Technology. Materials Chemistry;<br />

ice core studies. Investigations of the origin and evolu- N. Toor, A. R. Robart, J. Christianson and S. Zimmerly, Nanochemistry. Inorganic polymers and nanoparticles as<br />

tion of planets and life. TEL: (858) 534-6882 FAX: Self-splicing of a group IIC intron: 5’ exon recognition and luminescent and electronic sensors for explosives. Char-<br />

(858) 822-0389 alternative 5’ splicing events implicate the stem-loop motif acterization of the chemoselectivity of field effect tran-

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