The SWIFT BAT Software Guide Version 6.3 30 ... - HEASARC - Nasa

The SWIFT BAT Software Guide Version 6.3 30 ... - HEASARC - Nasa The SWIFT BAT Software Guide Version 6.3 30 ... - HEASARC - Nasa
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D.15. BATMASKWTIMG 167 (aperture = “CALDB”)[filename ] BAT aperture map file name, which contains the coded mask pattern and alignment parameters. If the CALDB database is set up, then CALDB can also be specified. If several aperture types are available in the CALDB, the user can specify CALDB:apertype. Valid values of apertype are currently: FLUX, DETECTION, or MASK EDGES; for apertures optimized for flux reproducibility, detection sensitivity, or for the shadow of the edge of the mask, respectively. (coord type = “sky”) [string ] Method of specifying the source coordinates. It should be one of: “sky”; “tanxy” (coordinates expressed in tangent-plane coordinates); “cartesian” (source at cartesian position in BAT coordinates); “unit” (unit vector direction in BAT coordinates); “fswlonlat” (flight software phi and theta); “grmclonlat” (source at simulator longitude and latitude). All coordinate types but the first are specified in the instrument coordinate system. (time = 0) [real ] Time associated with the mask weighted image. When coordinates are used, it is also possible for the attitude to change as a function of time. Specify the mission elapsed time of interest with this parameter. A value of 0 (the default) indicates to use the first row of the attitude file, or the time in ‘infile’ if it is present. Ignored for non-sky coordinate systems. (rebalance = YES) [boolean ] If YES, then the mask weight map will be adjusted so that its additive mean is zero. If NO, then, the map will be written unadjusted. (bat z = 0) [real ] Position of the source in BAT Z coordinates, if coord type is “cartesian” (in units of cm). (incatalog = “NONE”) [string ] Input source catalog containing source positions. The catalog should contain one row per source. A value of NONE indicates that the source coordinates should be taken from the command line. (racol = “RA OBJ”) [string ] Column name of the first coordinate value in the input catalog, typically right ascension. (deccol = “DEC OBJ”) [string ] Column name of the second coordinate value in the input catalog, typically declination. (namecol = “NAME”) [string ] Column name of the source name in the input catalog. This value is written to the output keyword named ‘OBJECT’. If NONE is specified, then this column is ignored. (catnumcol = “CATNUM”) [string ] Column name of the source catalog number in the input catalog. This value is written to the output keyword named ‘CATNUM’. If NONE is specified, then this column is ignored. (outtype = “WEIGHTS”) [string ] Type of output map (one of WEIGHTS, ZERO or NONZERO). For ZERO, the test (weight == 0) is performed on each pixel; for NONZERO, the test (weight != 0) is performed. (1=true; 0=false).

168 APPENDIX D. BAT SOFTWARE TOOL REFERENCE (combmeth = “NONE”) [string ] Method of combining multiple maps (one of NONE, MIN, MAX or SUM). If NONE, then multiple maps are output individually. If MIN/MAX/SUM, the minimum/maximum/total value is output for each pixel. (distance = 1.0e7) [real ] Default bat z position if bat z is zero (centimeters). (maskoffx = 0.0) [real ] Translational offset to apply to the mask along the BAT X coordinate from its nominal design position. (maskoffy = 0.0) [real ] Translational offset to apply to the mask along the BAT Y coordinate from its nominal design position. (maskoffz = 0.0) [real ] Translational offset to apply to the mask along the BAT Z coordinate from its nominal design position. (maskthickness = INDEF) [string ] Thickness of the lead mask tiles in centimeters. Normally this will be set to INDEF, which reads the mask thickness from the aperture file. A thickness of 0 cm is permitted. (distfile=CALDB) [string ] The ‘distfile’ parameter should point to a FITS file containing an MxNx2 image (or CALDB to use the default instrument correction in the calibration database). The two planes of the image are the non-linear distortion of the BAT “plate scale” as a function of position in the sky image. The values are offsets in tangent plane coordinates (IMX,IMY), and therefore unitless. The first plane of the image cube is the IMX offset, and the second plane is the IMY offset. The sense of the offset is (TRUE-APPARENT), i.e. for a measured position in tangent plane coordinates, the offset values should be *added* to arrive at the true position in tangent plane coordinates. The images are low-resolution versions of the BAT field of view in instrumental sky coordinates, and are meant to be interpolated to the desired sampling. The WCS keywords must specify the image coordinate systems. (corrections = “default”) [string ] Comma-separated list of corrections to apply to the mask weighting, or “none” if no corrections are to be applied. The possible corrections are: default Default corrections, which is shorthand for: “flatfield,ndets,pcode,maskwt” flatfield Apply corrections for cosine and edge projection effects maskwt Apply corrections for mask weighting technique pcode Apply partial coding corrections ndets Normalize by number of exposed detectors subpixelate Use slower but potentially higher fidelity algorithm forward Reserved for clean procedure unbalanced Reserved for clean procedure

168 APPENDIX D. <strong>BAT</strong> SOFTWARE TOOL REFERENCE<br />

(combmeth = “NONE”) [string ]<br />

Method of combining multiple maps (one of NONE, MIN, MAX or SUM). If NONE, then<br />

multiple maps are output individually. If MIN/MAX/SUM, the minimum/maximum/total<br />

value is output for each pixel.<br />

(distance = 1.0e7) [real ]<br />

Default bat z position if bat z is zero (centimeters).<br />

(maskoffx = 0.0) [real ]<br />

Translational offset to apply to the mask along the <strong>BAT</strong> X coordinate from its nominal design<br />

position.<br />

(maskoffy = 0.0) [real ]<br />

Translational offset to apply to the mask along the <strong>BAT</strong> Y coordinate from its nominal design<br />

position.<br />

(maskoffz = 0.0) [real ]<br />

Translational offset to apply to the mask along the <strong>BAT</strong> Z coordinate from its nominal design<br />

position.<br />

(maskthickness = INDEF) [string ]<br />

Thickness of the lead mask tiles in centimeters. Normally this will be set to INDEF, which<br />

reads the mask thickness from the aperture file. A thickness of 0 cm is permitted.<br />

(distfile=CALDB) [string ]<br />

<strong>The</strong> ‘distfile’ parameter should point to a FITS file containing an MxNx2 image (or CALDB<br />

to use the default instrument correction in the calibration database). <strong>The</strong> two planes of the<br />

image are the non-linear distortion of the <strong>BAT</strong> “plate scale” as a function of position in the<br />

sky image. <strong>The</strong> values are offsets in tangent plane coordinates (IMX,IMY), and therefore<br />

unitless. <strong>The</strong> first plane of the image cube is the IMX offset, and the second plane is the<br />

IMY offset. <strong>The</strong> sense of the offset is (TRUE-APPARENT), i.e. for a measured position in<br />

tangent plane coordinates, the offset values should be *added* to arrive at the true position<br />

in tangent plane coordinates. <strong>The</strong> images are low-resolution versions of the <strong>BAT</strong> field of view<br />

in instrumental sky coordinates, and are meant to be interpolated to the desired sampling.<br />

<strong>The</strong> WCS keywords must specify the image coordinate systems.<br />

(corrections = “default”) [string ]<br />

Comma-separated list of corrections to apply to the mask weighting, or “none” if no corrections<br />

are to be applied. <strong>The</strong> possible corrections are:<br />

default Default corrections, which is shorthand for: “flatfield,ndets,pcode,maskwt”<br />

flatfield Apply corrections for cosine and edge projection effects<br />

maskwt Apply corrections for mask weighting technique<br />

pcode Apply partial coding corrections<br />

ndets Normalize by number of exposed detectors<br />

subpixelate Use slower but potentially higher fidelity algorithm<br />

forward Reserved for clean procedure<br />

unbalanced Reserved for clean procedure

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