The SWIFT BAT Software Guide Version 6.3 30 ... - HEASARC - Nasa

The SWIFT BAT Software Guide Version 6.3 30 ... - HEASARC - Nasa The SWIFT BAT Software Guide Version 6.3 30 ... - HEASARC - Nasa
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D.15. BATMASKWTIMG 165 D.15 BATMASKWTIMG D.15.1 NAME batmaskwtimg - compute mask weights for the entire detector BAT plane D.15.2 USAGE batmaskwtimg outfile attitude ra dec D.15.3 DESCRIPTION batmaskwtimg constructs a mask weighting map, for a particular source position, for the entire BAT detector plane. This is the first step to computing a flux or spectrum for a source from survey type or image type data. The output is an image of the detector plane with one mask weight for each detector. Users can also compute a “forward” ray tracing map, which gives the expected counts in each detector based on a unit intensity source, accounting for various geometric optics effects. Users should use ”corrections=forward,unbalanced,flatfield“ and ”rebalance=no” in order to simulate such a map. Users can also request analysis for a batch of sources in a catalog, using the ‘incatalog’ parameter. The catalog must provide at least the source position (and optionally the name of the source and an identifying number). By default, the output will contain multiple extensions, one for each source. However, individual catalog maps can be combined into one map with the combmeth parameter. NOTE: If the input catalog is empty, then no output catalog will be created. If ‘clobber=yes’ is set and the input catalog is empty, then any pre-existing output file will be erased. The actual output map type is controlled by the ‘outtype’ parameter. By default it is WEIGHTS, indicating to output the ray traced mask weights. If outtype=ZERO or outtype=NONZERO is chosen, then a “footprint” mask is made instead, which shows which parts of the aperture (or non-aperture) illuminates the array, regardless of the aperture pattern. This may be especially useful in combination with combmeth=“MIN” or “MAX”, to mask out portions of the array illuminated by particular sources. By default, the coordinates are right ascension and declination. Users must also provide the instrument aperture and teldef files (or use CALDB). Instrument coordinates can also be used, as described in ADVANCED COORDINATE SYSTEMS below. D.15.4 ADVANCED COORDINATE SYSTEMS Users may specify a source position using a coordinate system other than sky position. Depending on the value of the coord type parameter, the user may give the cartesian or angular position of the source in instrument coordinates. When coord type is changed from “sky” to any of the

166 APPENDIX D. BAT SOFTWARE TOOL REFERENCE other coordinate systems, then the meaning of the ra and dec parameters changes according to the following table: COORD_TYPE RA parameter DEC parameter Units -----------------------------------------------------------sky Right Ascension Declination deg tanxy Tan(theta_x) Tan(theta_y) none cartesian BAT_X position BAT_Y position cm unit BAT_X unit vector BAT_Y unit vector none fswlonlat Phi (flt. software) Theta deg grmclonlat Longitude (GRMC) Latitude deg The coordinate types “fswlonlat” and “grmclonlat” are coordinate systems used in the flight software and instrument simulators. The coordinate type “tanxy” gives the tangent-plane angles of the source. Where necessary the source distance and/or BAT Z position must also be provided (in centimeters). D.15.5 DISTORTION CORRECTION Batmaskwtevt can correct for systematic non-linear centroid shifts in the BAT imaging system. It is assumed that the input position (either celestial or instrumental) is in “true” undistorted coordinates. All distortion corrections occur internally within the task. The distortion correction occurs if the ‘distfile’ parameter points to a correction map. D.15.6 PARAMETERS outfile [filename ] Output image file name. The mask weight map will be written to the primary extension of this file. attitude [string ] ra [real ] File name of Swift attitude history, or NONE if none is used. Right ascension of source in decimal degrees, or other source position coordinate, depending on coord type. This value is ignored if incatalog is specified. dec [real ] Declination of source in decimal degrees, or other source position coordinate, depending on coord type. This value is ignored if incatalog is specified. (infile = “NONE”) [string ] The name of an input file containing valid Swift/BAT time and instrument keywords. For example, an existing detector plane image. The time and instrument keywords are used to select the proper CALDB files, and also to determine the TSTART/TSTOP time for the output file. The keywords in infile are also cloned to the output file. If given, the ‘time’ parameter overrides TSTART/TSTOP in infile. By default the midpoint time is used to compute the spacecraft attitude.

D.15. <strong>BAT</strong>MASKWTIMG 165<br />

D.15 <strong>BAT</strong>MASKWTIMG<br />

D.15.1 NAME<br />

batmaskwtimg - compute mask weights for the entire detector <strong>BAT</strong> plane<br />

D.15.2 USAGE<br />

batmaskwtimg outfile attitude ra dec<br />

D.15.3 DESCRIPTION<br />

batmaskwtimg constructs a mask weighting map, for a particular source position, for the entire<br />

<strong>BAT</strong> detector plane. This is the first step to computing a flux or spectrum for a source from survey<br />

type or image type data. <strong>The</strong> output is an image of the detector plane with one mask weight for<br />

each detector.<br />

Users can also compute a “forward” ray tracing map, which gives the expected counts in each<br />

detector based on a unit intensity source, accounting for various geometric optics effects. Users<br />

should use ”corrections=forward,unbalanced,flatfield“ and ”rebalance=no” in order to simulate<br />

such a map.<br />

Users can also request analysis for a batch of sources in a catalog, using the ‘incatalog’ parameter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> catalog must provide at least the source position (and optionally the name of the<br />

source and an identifying number). By default, the output will contain multiple extensions, one<br />

for each source. However, individual catalog maps can be combined into one map with the combmeth<br />

parameter. NOTE: If the input catalog is empty, then no output catalog will be created. If<br />

‘clobber=yes’ is set and the input catalog is empty, then any pre-existing output file will be erased.<br />

<strong>The</strong> actual output map type is controlled by the ‘outtype’ parameter. By default it is<br />

WEIGHTS, indicating to output the ray traced mask weights. If outtype=ZERO or outtype=NONZERO<br />

is chosen, then a “footprint” mask is made instead, which shows which parts<br />

of the aperture (or non-aperture) illuminates the array, regardless of the aperture pattern. This<br />

may be especially useful in combination with combmeth=“MIN” or “MAX”, to mask out portions<br />

of the array illuminated by particular sources.<br />

By default, the coordinates are right ascension and declination. Users must also provide the<br />

instrument aperture and teldef files (or use CALDB). Instrument coordinates can also be used, as<br />

described in ADVANCED COORDINATE SYSTEMS below.<br />


Users may specify a source position using a coordinate system other than sky position. Depending<br />

on the value of the coord type parameter, the user may give the cartesian or angular position<br />

of the source in instrument coordinates. When coord type is changed from “sky” to any of the

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