Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

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26 U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 270 Cinetus texanus (Ashmead) Z elotypa texana Ashmead, 1893, pp. 364, 365. Holotype male, USNM no. 11741; Texas; left antenna with 5 segments remaining, right with only the scape, left forewing missing, thorax damaged by pin. Unique. Macrohynnis fragilis (Nixon) Cinelaptus fragilis Nixon, 1957, p. 91. Holotype female, USNM no. 69312; Trawallua, County Sligo, Ireland, Aug. 10, 1933, A. W. Stelfox; well preserved. One female paratype. Miota alaskensis (Ashmead) Zelotypa alaskensis Ashmead, 1902b, p. 139. Holotype male, USNM no. 5520; Virgin Bay, Alaska, June 26, 1899, T. Kincaid; right antenna with 11 segments remaining, thorax some- what damaged by pin, abdomen off but attached separately to the card point. Unique. Miota americana (Ashmead) P silomma americana Ashmead, 1887c, p. 197. Holotype male, USNM no. 11722; Jacksonville, Fla.; well preserved except that right antenna is missing after 7th segment, left after 9th. Unique. Miota conformis Fouts, 1966, p. 19. Miota conformis Fouts Holotype female, USNM no. 67628; Westwood, Calif., Oct. 24, 1935, R. M. Fouts; well preserved. Ten female paratypes. Miota glabra Ashmead, 1890, p. 12. Miota glabra Ashmead Holotype female, USNM no. 11720; West Cliff, Colo., T. D. A. Cockerell; left antenna missing after 6th segment; gaster missing. Unique. Miota Tufa (Ashmead) Leptorhaptus rufus Ashmead, 1893, p. 350. Lectotype female, USNM no. 11719; Arlington, Va.; well preserved. The male described by Ashmead is doubtfully the same species as the lectotype.

PROCTOTRUPOIDEA IN U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM 27 Oxylahis fuscicomis (Ashmead) Zelotypa fuscicomis Ashmead, 1897, p. 55. Holotype male, USNM no. 11738; Hull, Province of Quebec, Canada, July 23, Harrington no. 14; well preserved except that right antenna is missing. Unique. Pamis ione Nixon, 1957, p. 30. Pamis zone Nixon Holotype female, USNM no. 69311; Dublin, Ireland, May 24, 1939, A. W. Stelfox; well preserved. Pantoclis analis Ashmead P antoclis analis Ashmead, 1893, pp. 367, 370. Holotype female, USNM no. 11747; District of Columbia, June 23, E. A. Schwarz; well preserved. Unique. Pantoclis califomica Ashmead Pantoclis californica Ashmead, 1893, pp. 367, 371. Lectotype female, USNM no. 11751; Santa Cruz Mts., Calif.; well pre- served. The male described by Ashmead is not conspecific with the lectotype. Pantoclis canadensis Ashmead Pantoclis canadensis Ashmead, 1897, p. 55. Holotype female, USNM no. 11739; Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 13, 1894, Harrington no. 4; head off but attached separately on the card point. Unique. Pantoclis coloradensis (Ashmead) Zelotypa coloradensis Ashmead, 1890, p. 12. Holotype male, USNM no. 11750; West Cliff, Colo., T. D.A. Cockerell; right antenna with 8 segments remaining, left with only the scape. Unique. Pantoclis flavipes Ashmead Pantoclis flavipes Ashmead, 1893, pp. 367, 370. Holotype female, USNM no. 11749; Arlington, Va.; left antenna with 12 segments remaining, right with 9. Unique.


Oxylahis fuscicomis (Ashmead)<br />

Zelotypa fuscicomis Ashmead, 1897, p. 55.<br />

Holotype male, USNM no. 11738; Hull, Province of Quebec, Canada,<br />

July 23, Harrington no. 14; well preserved except that right antenna<br />

is missing. Unique.<br />

Pamis ione Nixon, 1957, p. 30.<br />

Pamis zone Nixon<br />

Holotype female, USNM no. 69311; Dublin, Ireland, May 24, 1939,<br />

A. W. Stelfox; well preserved.<br />

Pantoclis analis Ashmead<br />

P antoclis analis Ashmead, 1893, pp. 367, 370.<br />

Holotype female, USNM no. 11747; District of Columbia, June 23, E. A.<br />

Schwarz; well preserved. Unique.<br />

Pantoclis califomica Ashmead<br />

Pantoclis californica Ashmead, 1893, pp. 367, 371.<br />

Lectotype female, USNM no. 11751; Santa Cruz Mts., Calif.; well pre-<br />

served. The male described by Ashmead is not conspecific with the<br />

lectotype.<br />

Pantoclis canadensis Ashmead<br />

Pantoclis canadensis Ashmead, 1897, p. 55.<br />

Holotype female, USNM no. 11739; Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 13, 1894,<br />

Harrington no. 4; head off but attached separately on the card point.<br />

Unique.<br />

Pantoclis coloradensis (Ashmead)<br />

Zelotypa coloradensis Ashmead, 1890, p. 12.<br />

Holotype male, USNM no. 11750; West Cliff, Colo., T. D.A. Cockerell;<br />

right antenna with 8 segments remaining, left with only the scape.<br />

Unique.<br />

Pantoclis flavipes Ashmead<br />

Pantoclis flavipes Ashmead, 1893, pp. 367, 370.<br />

Holotype female, USNM no. 11749; Arlington, Va.; left antenna with 12<br />

segments remaining, right with 9. Unique.

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