The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual

The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual

The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual


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ORG WON/DOC. <strong>The</strong> organizational work order number or document number.<br />

SERIAL NUMBER. Self-explanatory.<br />

ECC. Identifies the equipment category code. See table B–18.<br />

EIC. <strong>The</strong> end item code assigned to the equipment.<br />

QTY REC. Quantity received.<br />

PD. Priority designator.<br />

MALFUNCTION. Self-explanatory.<br />

FDD. <strong>The</strong> failure detected during code. A required entry.<br />

EQUIP USAGE. Miles/kilometers/hours/rounds recorded on the item.<br />

PROJ CD. If there is a project code assigned, it is reflected here; otherwise, this is blank.<br />

SNT. <strong>The</strong> serial number tracking designator. Y (yes) or N (no).<br />

APC. Account processing code. This is a code prescribed locally for costing and budget identification of customers and organizations.<br />

May be blank if not required locally.<br />

ORF AUTH. Operational readiness float (ORF) authorized. A Y indicates this is a candidate.<br />

WRNTY. If item is under warranty, a Y is reflected on the report.<br />

BUMPER NO. Self-explanatory.<br />

LVL WORK. Indicates the level of work. A blank indicates a contractor will do the work.<br />

MH (man-hours). Covers three areas:<br />

MH PROJ. <strong>The</strong> number of man-hours projected in hours and tenths.<br />

MH EXP. <strong>The</strong> number of man-hours expended in hours and tenths.<br />

MH RMN. <strong>The</strong> number of man-hours remaining in hours and tenths.<br />

QTY RPR (quantities repaired).<br />

QTY CONDEM (condemned). Are reflected as applicable.<br />

QTY NRTS. Not repairable this station.<br />

EVAC WON. Evacuation work order number, if applicable, is reflected on this report.<br />

ORF TRANS (operational readiness float transfer). An I indicates an ORF item has been issued; R indicates an ORF item has been<br />

repaired. Cost data information:<br />

WON. A 12-position support work order number assigned by the supporting DSU. Cost data for direct labor is shown for military and<br />

civilian to include the man-hours and the cost, and the total direct labor cost. Also shown is indirect labor cost, when applicable. <strong>The</strong><br />

repair costs show the total cost for all parts. <strong>The</strong> last column is the total cost of maintenance.<br />


MH. Number of military manhours expended on the work order.<br />

COST. Cost data for military direct labor.<br />


MH. Number of civilian manhours expended on the work order.<br />

COST. Cost for civilian direct labor.<br />

TOTAL DIRECT LABOR COST <strong>The</strong> sum of the MIL Direct labor cost and the CIV direct labor cost.<br />

INDIRECT LABOR. This cost reflects a calculation using direct labor hours and SAMS indirect labor factor and rate.<br />

REPAIR PARTS COST. This is the total of all repair parts cost used to repair the equipment item.<br />

TOTAL COST OF MAINTENANCE. This cost reflects the sum of Total direct labor, total indirect labor and repair parts cost.<br />

TOTALS. Reflects the total cost for each column.<br />

TASK DATA. Shown for planned data completed data.<br />

TASK NO. This code is a unique number assigned at support maintenance.<br />

ACT RQD. Action code. See table B–5.<br />

TASK DESCRIPTION. Self-explanatory.<br />

QTY TO BE RPR. Report reflects the quantity of items to be repaired.<br />

WORK CENTER. A unique code assigned within the support maintenance activity.<br />

FAIL CD. Failure code. See tables B–1 and B–2.<br />

MH RMN. Man-hours remaining or projected to complete the job.<br />

TASK ID AND NSN. For serial number tracking (SNT) only.<br />

OLD/NEW EQ SN. For use with SNT. If a serial numbered item has been replaced, then both numbers are reflected here.<br />

TRANS DATE. For SNT only.<br />

ACT COMPL. <strong>The</strong> action completed code.<br />

QTY RPR. Quantity repaired.<br />

MH EXP. Man-hours expended.<br />

EMPLOYEE NO. A code used to identify employee.<br />

MH EXPENDED. Man-hours expended.<br />

OVERTIME. Self-explanatory.<br />

Figure 3–7. Sample SAMS–1 Work Order Detail Report<br />

DA PAM 750–8 22 August 2005<br />


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