The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual

The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual

The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual


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5. SERIAL NUMBER OF DEADLINED ITEM. <strong>The</strong> serial number of the inoperative item.<br />

6. MALFUNCTION DESCRIPTION. Brief description of the deadlining fault in 15 alpha/numeric characters or less.<br />

7. ERC. ERC for the item. Codes A, B, C, P or a space. If a weapon system is inoperative, the ERC of the weapon system is entered. An<br />

ERC is assigned to each item in the MTOE. Pacing items are identified in AR 220–1, which governs the use and application of ERCs.<br />

8. WS D/L. Is the item causing a weapon system to be inoperative (deadlined)? Weapon <strong>System</strong> Deadline Code, Y (Yes), or N (No) is<br />

entered.<br />

9. WPN SYS EIC. <strong>The</strong> Weapon <strong>System</strong> End Item Code (EIC) for the weapon system is entered if it is reportable on the MCSR. AR<br />

700–138 lists the equipment and their subsystems. It is left blank if block (8) WS D/L is N, WPN Sys EICs are also identified on the<br />

ULLS–G or Air Equipment Master File, which is output from SAMS–2.<br />

10. SERIAL NUMBER OF WEAPON SYSTEM (WS SERIAL NO.). <strong>The</strong> serial number of the deadlined weapon system. Blank if an N is<br />

entered in block 8 (WS D/L).<br />

11. BUMPER NO./TAIL NO. <strong>The</strong> bumper number, tail number, or administration number, if applicable.<br />

12a. STATUS CODE. <strong>The</strong> current status code; valid status codes are: Code Description 1, Awaiting NMCS parts; B, In shop; C, Awaiting<br />

shop; I, Awaiting shop while awaiting parts; J, In shop awaiting NMCS parts; M, Evacuated NMCS; O, Awaiting evacuation.<br />

b. ORDINAL DATE. <strong>The</strong> ordinal date of the current status in block 12a.<br />

c. MILITARY TIME. <strong>The</strong> military time of day of the current status in block 12a.<br />

d. REPORTED BY. <strong>The</strong> person reporting the status information initials in this block. Note that if the IER is in a visible file, the ORG<br />

WON, priority designator (PD), and bumper number can be entered at the bottom. A signal tab can be used to identify the current status<br />

(blocks 15–20). If N is entered in block 8, blocks 9 and 10 are left blank. If Y is entered, blocks 9 and 10 must be completed.<br />

e, f, g. To be completed by the supporting DSU.<br />

13. UNIT WORK ORDER NUMBER. Self-explanatory.<br />

14. PD. Self-explanatory.<br />

15–20. To be completed by the supporting DSU<br />

21. BUMPER NO./TAIL NO. Self-explantory.<br />

Figure 3–1. Sample DA Form 5409<br />

Legend for Figure 3–2;<br />

completion instructions follow.<br />

1. FILE INPUT ACT CD. File Input Action Code C for Change to previous input; status changes, corrections, or controlled exchange.<br />

2. UNIT WORK ORDER NO. (ORG WON). <strong>The</strong> ORG WON of the work order that the status update applies to.<br />

BLOCKS 3–11. Leave blank.<br />

Figure 3–2. Sample DA Form 5409 (change)<br />

DA PAM 750–8 22 August 2005<br />


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