The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual

The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual


Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 22 August 2005 Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment *Department of the Army Pamphlet 750–8 The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a n administrative revision. Summary. This pamphlet covers the aut o m a t e d p r o c e s s , p r e p a r a t i o n , a n d m a n - a g e m e n t o f f o r m s , r e c o r d s , a n d d a t a required to manage maintenance, control u s e , r e p o r t d e f i c i e n c i e s , d o c u m e n t w a r - ranty actions, document equipment modifications; report equipment improvement recommendations; and report quality deficiency reports. Applicability. This pamphlet applies to t h e A c t i v e A r m y , t h e A r m y N a t i o n a l G u a r d o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , t h e U . S . Army Reserve, and contractors supporting operations in a contingency environment. Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) I t a p p l i e s t o n o n t a c t i c a l ( c o m m e r c i a l ) wheeled vehicles and non-Army activities that have or support Army equipment and watercraft. It also applies to all air traffic control equipment, including tactical and U.S. Army-maintenance air traffic control and navigational aid facilities designated for use in the National Airspace System by the Federal Aviation Administration. D u r i n g m o b i l i z a t i o n , p r o c e d u r e s i n t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n c a n b e m o d i f i e d t o s u p p o r t policy changes as necessary. Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4 has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4 may delegate this approval aut h o r i t y , i n w r i t i n g , t o a d i v i s i o n c h i e f within the proponent agency or a direct reporting unit or field operating agency of the proponent agency in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the expected benefits and must i n c l u d e f o r m a l r e v i e w b y t h e a c t i v i t y ’ s senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or s e n i o r l e a d e r o f t h e r e q u e s t i n g a c t i v i t y Chapter 1 Introduction, page 1 Purpose 1–1, page 1 References 1–2, page 1 Explanation of abbreviations and terms 1–3, page 1 Exceptions 1–4, page 1 Army-wide use of TAMMS 1–5, page 1 TAMMS history, current organization, and future 1–6, page 1 TAMMS policy foundation and applicability 1–7, page 2 TAMMS processes, forms, records, and reports 1–8, page 2 *This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 750–8, dated 25 February 2005. and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to AR 25–30 for specific guidance. Suggested improvements. Users are i n v i t e d t o s e n d i n c o m m e n t s a n d s u g - g e s t e d i m p r o v e m e n t s t o t h i s r e g u l a t i o n . Internet users can submit their comments a n d s u g g e s t e d i m p r o v e m e n t s u s i n g t h e e l e c t r o n i c v e r s i o n o f D A F o r m 2 0 2 8 ( R e c o m m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s and Blank Forms) found within the individual Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4 regulat i o n a n d p a m p h l e t . A n y o n e w i t h o u t Internet access should submit their comments and suggested improvements on a DA Form 2028 directly to Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4, ATTN: DALO-SMM, 500 A r m y P e n t a g o n , W a s h i n g t o n , D C 20310–0500. Distribution. This publication is available in electronic media only and is intended for command levels A, B, C, D, and E, for the Active Army, the Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve. DA PAM 750–8 22 August 2005 i UNCLASSIFIED

Headquarters<br />

Department of the <strong>Army</strong><br />

Washington, DC<br />

22 August 2005<br />

<strong>Maintenance</strong> of Supplies and Equipment<br />

*Department of the <strong>Army</strong><br />

Pamphlet 750–8<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Army</strong> <strong>Maintenance</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong> (<strong>TAMMS</strong>) <strong>Users</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><br />

H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a n<br />

administrative revision.<br />

Summary. This pamphlet covers the aut<br />

o m a t e d p r o c e s s , p r e p a r a t i o n , a n d m a n -<br />

a g e m e n t o f f o r m s , r e c o r d s , a n d d a t a<br />

required to manage maintenance, control<br />

u s e , r e p o r t d e f i c i e n c i e s , d o c u m e n t w a r -<br />

ranty actions, document equipment modifications;<br />

report equipment improvement<br />

recommendations; and report quality deficiency<br />

reports.<br />

Applicability. This pamphlet applies to<br />

t h e A c t i v e A r m y , t h e A r m y N a t i o n a l<br />

G u a r d o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , t h e U . S .<br />

<strong>Army</strong> Reserve, and contractors supporting<br />

operations in a contingency environment.<br />

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)<br />

I t a p p l i e s t o n o n t a c t i c a l ( c o m m e r c i a l )<br />

wheeled vehicles and non-<strong>Army</strong> activities<br />

that have or support <strong>Army</strong> equipment and<br />

watercraft. It also applies to all air traffic<br />

control equipment, including tactical and<br />

U.S. <strong>Army</strong>-maintenance air traffic control<br />

and navigational aid facilities designated<br />

for use in the National Airspace <strong>System</strong><br />

by the Federal Aviation Administration.<br />

D u r i n g m o b i l i z a t i o n , p r o c e d u r e s i n t h i s<br />

p u b l i c a t i o n c a n b e m o d i f i e d t o s u p p o r t<br />

policy changes as necessary.<br />

Proponent and exception authority.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proponent of this regulation is the<br />

Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4. <strong>The</strong> Deputy<br />

Chief of Staff, G–4 has the authority to<br />

approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation<br />

that are consistent with controlling<br />

law and regulations. <strong>The</strong> Deputy Chief of<br />

Staff, G–4 may delegate this approval aut<br />

h o r i t y , i n w r i t i n g , t o a d i v i s i o n c h i e f<br />

within the proponent agency or a direct<br />

reporting unit or field operating agency of<br />

the proponent agency in the grade of colonel<br />

or the civilian equivalent. Activities<br />

may request a waiver to this regulation by<br />

providing justification that includes a full<br />

analysis of the expected benefits and must<br />

i n c l u d e<br />

f o r m a l<br />

r e v i e w<br />

b y<br />

t h e<br />

a c t i v i t y ’ s<br />

senior legal officer. All waiver requests<br />

will be endorsed by the commander or<br />

s e n i o r l e a d e r o f t h e r e q u e s t i n g a c t i v i t y<br />

Chapter 1<br />

Introduction, page 1<br />

Purpose 1–1, page 1<br />

References 1–2, page 1<br />

Explanation of abbreviations and terms 1–3, page 1<br />

Exceptions 1–4, page 1<br />

<strong>Army</strong>-wide use of <strong>TAMMS</strong> 1–5, page 1<br />

<strong>TAMMS</strong> history, current organization, and future 1–6, page 1<br />

<strong>TAMMS</strong> policy foundation and applicability 1–7, page 2<br />

<strong>TAMMS</strong> processes, forms, records, and reports 1–8, page 2<br />

*This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 750–8, dated 25 February 2005.<br />

and forwarded through their higher headquarters<br />

to the policy proponent. Refer to<br />

AR 25–30 for specific guidance.<br />

Suggested improvements. <strong>Users</strong> are<br />

i n v i t e d t o s e n d i n c o m m e n t s a n d s u g -<br />

g e s t e d i m p r o v e m e n t s t o t h i s r e g u l a t i o n .<br />

Internet users can submit their comments<br />

a n d s u g g e s t e d i m p r o v e m e n t s u s i n g t h e<br />

e l e c t r o n i c v e r s i o n o f D A F o r m 2 0 2 8<br />

( R e c o m m e n d e d<br />

C h a n g e s<br />

t o<br />

P u b l i c a t i o n s<br />

and Blank Forms) found within the individual<br />

Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4 regulat<br />

i o n a n d p a m p h l e t . A n y o n e w i t h o u t<br />

Internet access should submit their comments<br />

and suggested improvements on a<br />

DA Form 2028 directly to Deputy Chief<br />

of Staff, G–4, ATTN: DALO-SMM, 500<br />

A r m y P e n t a g o n , W a s h i n g t o n , D C<br />

20310–0500.<br />

Distribution. This publication is available<br />

in electronic media only and is intended<br />

for command levels A, B, C, D,<br />

and E, for the Active <strong>Army</strong>, the <strong>Army</strong><br />

National Guard of the United States, and<br />

the U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Reserve.<br />

DA PAM 750–8 22 August 2005 i<br />


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