Public reports pack PDF 2 MB - Blaby District Council

Public reports pack PDF 2 MB - Blaby District Council

Public reports pack PDF 2 MB - Blaby District Council


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Cllr. R. J. Berrington<br />

Cllr. L. M. Breckon<br />

Cllr. M. G. Broomhead<br />

Cllr. D .R. Clements<br />

Cllr. K .D. Coles<br />

Cllr. J. A. Dickinson<br />

Cllr. J. A. Dolby<br />

Cllr. D. J. Findlay<br />

Cllr. J. Forey<br />

Cllr. J. M. Fox<br />

Cllr. D. Freer<br />

Cllr. B. Garner<br />

Cllr. A. V. Greenwood<br />

Dear <strong>Council</strong>lor,<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Offices Desford Road Narborough Leicestershire LE19 2EP<br />

Telephone: 0116 275 0555 Fax: 0116 275 0368 Minicom: 0116 284 9786 Web: www.blaby.gov.uk<br />

This document is printed on recycled paper<br />

To Members of the <strong>Council</strong><br />

Cllr. J. Blackwell (Chairman)<br />

Cllr. A. C. Tanner (Vice-Chairman)<br />

Cllr. I. M. Hewson<br />

Cllr. J. O. Hudson<br />

Cllr. F.G.H. Jackson<br />

Cllr. D. Jennings<br />

Cllr. S.J. Maxwell<br />

Cllr. C. A. Merrill<br />

Cllr. P. L. Moitt<br />

Cllr. A. Moseley<br />

Cllr. M. L. Potter<br />

Cllr. B. M. Parkins<br />

Cllr. D. R. Parsons<br />

Cllr. E. Parsons<br />

Cllr. T. J. Richardson<br />

DATE: 14 November 2012<br />

MY REF: <strong>Council</strong><br />

YOUR REF:<br />

CONTACT: Miss Sandeep Mander<br />

TEL NO: 0116 272 7640<br />

FAX NO: 0116 272 7596<br />

EMAIL: committees@blaby.gov.uk<br />

Cllr. G. Sanders<br />

Cllr. S. Scott<br />

Cllr. S. Smith<br />

Cllr. J. Springthorpe<br />

Cllr. R. C. Ward<br />

Cllr. J. L. Weatherstone<br />

Cllr. B. J. Welsh<br />

Cllr. G. L. Welsh<br />

Cllr. E. F. White<br />

Cllr. M. A. Wright<br />

Cllr. W. A. Wright<br />

A meeting of the COUNCIL will be held in the <strong>Council</strong> Chamber, <strong>Council</strong> Offices,<br />

Narborough at these offices on TUESDAY, 27 NOVE<strong>MB</strong>ER 2012 at 5.30 p.m. for the<br />

transaction of the following business and your attendance is requested.<br />

Yours faithfully<br />

Colin Jones<br />

Corporate Services Group Manager<br />



To receive apologies for absence, disclosures of interest from <strong>Council</strong>lors, and<br />

Minutes of the previous <strong>Council</strong> meeting.<br />

1. Apologies for absence<br />

2. Disclosures of Interests from Members<br />

To receive disclosures of interests from Members (i.e. the existence and the nature<br />

of those interests in respect of items on this agenda).<br />

3. Minutes (Pages 1 - 16)<br />

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2012 and 22<br />

October 2012 (enclosed).<br />


To receive announcements from the Chairman and the statement of the Leader of<br />

the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Any <strong>reports</strong> for consideration listed under this section will be moved in one block<br />

without discussion, unless any Member present requests otherwise.<br />

4. Amendments to Appointments to Committees (Pages 17 - 18)<br />

To consider the report of the Interim Democratic Services and Governance Manager<br />

(enclosed).<br />

5. Chairman's Announcements<br />

6. Leader's Statement<br />



To receive questions to <strong>Council</strong>lors submitted by members of the public and to<br />

receive any petitions submitted in accordance with the <strong>Council</strong>’s petitions scheme.<br />

7. <strong>Public</strong> Speaking Protocol<br />

Requests received by the Protocol deadline to be reported by the Democratic<br />

Services and Governance Manager with details of the Agenda Item to which they<br />

relate. (Such persons entitled to use the Protocol attend for the purpose of making<br />

representations, answering questions or giving evidence relating to the business of<br />

the meeting and the time allocated to each person is a maximum of three minutes<br />

unless extended at the discretion of the Chairman).<br />


To consider any <strong>reports</strong> submitted for consideration by <strong>Council</strong>.

8. Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive: Revised Capital Programme 2012/13<br />

(Pages 19 - 32)<br />

To consider the report of the Cabinet Executive (enclosed).<br />

9. Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive: Amendment to Lease of Land to<br />

Narborough Parish <strong>Council</strong> (Pages 33 - 40)<br />

To consider the report of the Cabinet Executive (enclosed).<br />

10. Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive: Green Space Strategy (Pages 41 - 56)<br />

To consider the report of the Cabinet Executive (enclosed).<br />

11. Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive: Corporate Plan Refresh (Pages 57 -<br />

66)<br />

To consider the report of the Cabinet Executive (enclosed)<br />

12. Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive: Climate Local (Pages 67 - 74)<br />

To consider the report of the Cabinet Executive (enclosed).<br />

13. Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive: Strategy for Supporting Vulnerable<br />

People (Pages 75 - 96)<br />

To consider the report of the Cabinet Executive (enclosed)<br />

14. Final <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support Scheme for Adoption (Pages 97 - 126)<br />

To consider the report of the Director (enclosed).<br />

15. New Customer Complaints Policy (Pages 127 - 138)<br />

To consider the report of the Interim Democratic Services and Governance Manager<br />

(enclosed).<br />

SECTION 5 - ME<strong>MB</strong>ERS' QUESTIONS<br />

To receive any questions submitted by <strong>Council</strong>lors.<br />

16. Questions from Members<br />

Any Members wishing to submit questions must do so to the Democratic Services<br />

Manager no later than 3 working days before the meeting.<br />

The Democratic Services Manager will report if any questions have been submitted.<br />


To consider any Motions submitted by <strong>Council</strong>lors, or take part in a debate or<br />

receive a presentation/consultation from an external body/partner agency.<br />

17. Motion under <strong>Council</strong> Rules of Procedure<br />

Cllr. G. L. Welsh to move the following motion, seconded by Cllr. A. Moseley:<br />

1. That this <strong>Council</strong> notes that the continuing charge to shoppers to park in the<br />

district car parks behind Johns Court and on Enderby Road in <strong>Blaby</strong> centre<br />

risk damaging the long term viability of the <strong>Blaby</strong> shopping area.<br />

2. <strong>Council</strong> therefore resolves to amend the current parking charge structure and<br />

return to a free three hour parking period for shoppers at these two car parks.<br />


To receive any <strong>reports</strong> submitted which require consideration under exempt status.<br />

18. Exempt Paragraph<br />

To consider passing the following resolution:<br />

“That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be<br />

excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that the item<br />

involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part<br />

1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act.<br />

Exemption Category: 1<br />

Reason for Exemption: the report contains personal information about the financial<br />

affairs of individual members of staff.<br />

<strong>Public</strong> Interest Test: The public interest test has been considered and, in all the<br />

circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption is<br />

considered to outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.”

Cllr. R. J. Berrington<br />

Cllr. L. M. Breckon<br />

Cllr. M. G. Broomhead<br />

Cllr. D .R. Clements<br />

Cllr. K .D. Coles<br />

Cllr. J. A. Dickinson<br />

Cllr. J. A. Dolby<br />

Cllr. D. J. Findlay<br />

Cllr. J. Forey<br />

Cllr. J. M. Fox<br />

Cllr. D. Freer<br />

117<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />


Minutes of a meeting held at the <strong>Council</strong> Offices, Narborough<br />

TUESDAY, 25 SEPTE<strong>MB</strong>ER 2012<br />

Present:-<br />

Cllr. J. Blackwell (Chairman)<br />

Cllr. A. C. Tanner (Vice-Chairman)<br />

Cllr. B. Garner<br />

Cllr. I. M. Hewson<br />

Cllr. J. O. Hudson<br />

Cllr. F.G.H. Jackson<br />

Cllr. D. Jennings<br />

Cllr. S.J. Maxwell<br />

Cllr. C. A. Merrill<br />

Cllr. P. L. Moitt<br />

Cllr. A. Moseley<br />

Cllr. D. R. Parsons<br />

Cllr. E. Parsons<br />

Officers present:-<br />

Cllr. T. J. Richardson<br />

Cllr. G. Sanders<br />

Cllr. S. Scott<br />

Cllr. S. Smith<br />

Cllr. J. Springthorpe<br />

Cllr. R. C. Ward<br />

Cllr. J. L. Weatherstone<br />

Cllr. B. J. Welsh<br />

Cllr. G. L. Welsh<br />

Cllr. E. F. White<br />

Cllr. W. A. Wright<br />

Mrs S. Whiles - Chief Executive<br />

Mr S. Beard - Director<br />

Mrs. J. Toman - Director<br />

Mr. C. Jones - Corporate Services Group Manager<br />

Mrs S. Pennelli - Financial Services Group Manager<br />

Ms. Q. Quinney - Community Services Group Manager<br />

Mrs L. Bendall - Interim Democratic Services & Governance<br />

Manager<br />

Mrs. L. McBean - Scrutiny Manager<br />

Mr M. Berry - Senior Democratic Services Officer<br />

Apologies:-<br />

Cllr. A. V. Greenwood, Cllr. B. M. Parkins and Cllr. M. A. Wright<br />

Page 1<br />

Agenda Item 3


118<br />

Cllr. D. Findlay - Agenda Item 12<br />

Nature of Interest - Non-Pecuniary<br />

Extent of Interest - Member of Countesthorpe Parish <strong>Council</strong><br />

Cllr. J. Fox - Agenda Item 13<br />

Nature of Interest - Non-Pecuniary<br />

Extent of Interest - Board Member of East Midlands Housing<br />

Group<br />

Cllr. J. Hudson - Agenda Item 13<br />

Nature of Interest - Non-Pecuniary<br />

Extent of Interest - Member of Three Oaks Homes Board<br />

Cllr. D. Jennings - Agenda Item 12<br />

Nature of Interest - Non-Pecuniary<br />

Extent of Interest - Member of Countesthorpe Parish <strong>Council</strong><br />

Cllr. D. Parsons - Agenda Item 13<br />

Nature of Interest - Pecuniary<br />

Extent of Interest - Director of company providing an advisory<br />

consultancy service to an involved party.<br />

Cllr. J. Springthorpe - Agenda Item 13<br />

Nature of Interest - Non-Pecuniary<br />

Extent of Interest - Member of Three Oaks Homes Board<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />

Page 2

141. MINUTES<br />

119<br />

The minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2012, as circulated, were<br />

approved and signed as a correct record.<br />


The Leader of the <strong>Council</strong> presented a cheque for the sum of £444.88 to a<br />

representative from Marie Curie Cancer Care following the Fosse Meadows<br />

charity walk which took place to raise funds in memory of Cllr. P. Fox.<br />

Cllr. G. Sanders arrived at the meeting during this item.<br />


The Chairman made announcements in respect of the following items:<br />

• Welcome back to the Leader and Cllr. B. Garner following their recent<br />

illnesses;<br />

• Civic events attended;<br />

• Upcoming charity fashion show;<br />

• Thank you and farewell to the Senior Democratic Services Officer for<br />

the help and support provided to Members during his time with the<br />

<strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Cllrs. Broomhead, Maxwell, D. Parsons and E. Parsons arrived at the<br />

meeting during this item.<br />


The Chairman invited Cllr. Ron Ward to read out the following statement<br />

which he had prepared:<br />

“I want to apologise to members and staff of the <strong>Council</strong>, together with parish<br />

councils, for what I now understand to be an inaccurate portrayal of the<br />

Lubbesthorpe consultation process, on a recent BBC Radio Leicester phonein<br />

programme.<br />

I had been contacted by a number of residents in my ward, voicing their<br />

concerns about the proposals. I meant to articulate those concerns in the<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />

Page 3

120<br />

interview, but I failed to do so clearly.<br />

In hindsight, I should have made it clear in the interview, that members were<br />

yet to consider the matters and when they did, they would determine the<br />

application with an open mind. I am sorry I did not make that position clear in<br />

the broadcast.<br />

I would be grateful if you would convey this sincere apology to all members<br />

and staff of the <strong>Council</strong>, together with parish councils.”<br />


The Leader of the <strong>Council</strong> presented his Statement, copies of which were<br />

circulated in advance of the meeting, in respect of the following:<br />

• Leader’s walk;<br />

• <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan (Core Strategy);<br />

• <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Olympic Legacy;<br />

• Best Village/Community Hall Win for Elmesthorpe;<br />

• The Local Authority Mortgage Scheme;<br />

• Findings of the External Auditors;<br />

• Children and young people participate in physical activities at The<br />

Pavilion;<br />

• Working with Parish and Town <strong>Council</strong>s;<br />

• Launch of Athena – <strong>Blaby</strong>’s new e-learning tool.<br />

The Leader then announced two additional items which had been received<br />

after publication of the Statement:<br />

• Lucy Garner – retained Junior World Road Race Championship title;<br />

• <strong>Blaby</strong> police volunteers – awarded Police Support Volunteer Team of<br />

the Year for the third time in four years by the National Police<br />

Improvement Agency.<br />

Cllr. J. Forey arrived at the meeting during this item.<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />

Page 4


121<br />

Considered – Report of the Corporate Services Group Manager.<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />


That the amendments to the Constitution attached at Appendices 1, 2 and 3<br />

to the report of the Corporate Services Group Manager be approved.<br />

Reasons:<br />

1. Changes are required to the Officer Delegation Schemes for the<br />

Development Control, Licensing-Sub and Regulatory Committees to allow<br />

a greater number of officers in the Regulatory & Leisure Services Group<br />

to carry out specific functions as set out in the Scheme.<br />

2. The Access to Information Procedure Rules have been updated to reflect<br />

legislative changes which came into force on 10 September 2012.<br />

3. Following changes to the Cabinet Executive membership which took<br />

effect from 03 September 2012, it has been necessary to update the<br />

portfolio responsibilities of some Cabinet members.<br />


Considered – Report of the Senior Democratic Services Officer.<br />


1. That Cllr. L. Breckon be appointed Chairman of the Audit Committee in<br />

place of Cllr. T. Richardson.<br />

2. That Cllr. L. Breckon be appointed to the Joint Consultative Committee.<br />

3. That Cllr. I. Hewson be appointed to the Appeals Against Dismissals<br />

Committee.<br />

Reason:<br />

It is appropriate to give effect to the wishes of the political groups.<br />

148. O<strong>MB</strong>UDSMAN'S REPORT<br />

Considered – Report of the Monitoring Officer.<br />

Page 5

122<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />


That the report of the Ombudsman be considered and accepted.<br />

Reason:<br />

The report from the Ombudsman is comprehensive. Payment has been<br />

made in recognition of the distress and inconvenience caused to the<br />

individual concerned.<br />


No requests were received.<br />



Considered – Report of the Cabinet Executive (presented by Cllr. E. F. White<br />

– Leader of the <strong>Council</strong>).<br />

Cllr. J. Weatherstone arrived at the meeting during this item.<br />


1. That Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> continue to operate as the host<br />

authority for the Police and Crime Panel.<br />

2. That the Panel arrangements as required by the Police Reform and<br />

Social Responsibility Act 2011 and the Terms of Reference of the Panel<br />

as set out in Appendices A and B to the report of the Cabinet Executive<br />

be approved.<br />

3. That the Chief Executive be granted delegated authority to make such<br />

further practical arrangements with regard to the procedures and<br />

protocols to be followed in relation to the Police and Crime Panel as may<br />

be appropriate to facilitate its operation.<br />

4. That as a matter of principle, co-option of members from constituent<br />

authorities should be used to secure the balanced appointment objectives<br />

in relation to political balance and representation of the area covered by<br />

Leicestershire Police.<br />

5. That subject to ongoing review, as provided by the Panel arrangements,<br />

the Police and Crime Panel should consider co-option of three additional<br />

members from the Leicester City <strong>Council</strong> to achieve the balanced<br />

Page 6

123<br />

appointment objectives.<br />

6. That <strong>Council</strong>lor White be nominated as <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s<br />

representative on the Panel for the remainder of the 2012/13 civic year<br />

with <strong>Council</strong>lor A. V. Greenwood as his nominated substitute.<br />

Reasons:<br />

1. To confirm host arrangements.<br />

2. The steps set out in the recommendations are required in order to<br />

establish the Police and Crime Panel and to advise the Home Office of<br />

actions taken, as required by the Police and Crime Panels Nominations,<br />

Appointments and Notifications) Regulations 2012.<br />

3. To enable further arrangements in preparation for the establishment of<br />

the Panel.<br />

4. To enable balanced appointment objectives.<br />

5. To appoint a representative and a nominated substitute from <strong>Blaby</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to the Panel.<br />



Considered – Report of the Cabinet Executive (presented by Cllr. D. R.<br />

Clements – Corporate Services, Performance & Leisure portfolio holder).<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />


That the lease of the public open space (known as Countesthorpe Country<br />

Park) to Countesthorpe Parish <strong>Council</strong> be approved, subject to the transfer of<br />

ownership to the <strong>Council</strong> and that delegated authority be given to the<br />

Financial Services Group Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holders<br />

to agree terms and conclude the legal arrangements.<br />

Reason:<br />

The land is considered of strategic value forming a natural border to the built<br />

edge of Countesthorpe with <strong>Blaby</strong>. It also affords wider and strategically<br />

important green infrastructure links, provides opportunities for formal and<br />

informal sport and recreation, children’s play, nature conservation and<br />

improving health and well being. As such this will be an integral part of the<br />

community and leasing to the Parish will ensure a coordinated approach is<br />

taken to develop, enhance and maintain this facility. This approach is<br />

consistent with the recommendations in the draft Green Space Strategy.<br />

Page 7



SITES<br />

124<br />

Considered – Report of the Cabinet Executive (presented by Cllr. T.<br />

Richardson – Planning, Economic Development & Housing Strategy portfolio<br />

holder).<br />

Cllr. D. Parsons left the meeting for the consideration of this item, having<br />

declared a Pecuniary interest in it.<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />


1. That plans to dispose of 7 <strong>Council</strong> owned garage sites at nil value to East<br />

Midlands Housing Association for the purpose of developing 18 affordable<br />

housing units be approved.<br />

2. That the release of the remaining 5 <strong>Council</strong> owned sites for sale be<br />

approved.<br />

Reasons:<br />

1. Development of affordable housing complies with the local ambitions and<br />

the objectives of the <strong>District</strong>’s Community Plan (Sustainable Community<br />

Strategy) 2011-2014 and the <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Corporate Plan 2011-<br />

2014<br />

2. In management terms the 12 retained sites listed in the report have<br />

increased in liability for the <strong>Council</strong> from a Health and Safety perspective.<br />


Considered – Report of the Scrutiny Commission (presented by Cllr. G. L.<br />

Welsh – Chairman of the Scrutiny Commission).<br />

Cllr. D. Parsons returned to the meeting at the start of this item.<br />


That the Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 be accepted.<br />

Reason:<br />

Part 3, Section 6 of the <strong>Council</strong>’s Constitution states that ‘the Scrutiny<br />

Commission must report annually to <strong>Council</strong> on their work and make<br />

Page 8

125<br />

recommendations for future work programmes and amended working<br />

methods if appropriate.’<br />



Considered – Report of the Financial Services Group Manager (presented by<br />

Cllr. J. O. Hudson – Finance, Efficiency & Assets portfolio holder).<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />


That the current lease agreement with Enderby Band Organisation (EBO) be<br />

renewed on similar terms to the existing lease and delegated authority be<br />

given to the Financial Services Group Manager in consultation with the<br />

Portfolio Holder to agree terms and conclude the legal arrangements.<br />

Reason:<br />

The current lease was entered into when the building of the Children’s<br />

Centre required the re-siting of the EBO structure to the present location on<br />

site at the Pavilion. Renewing the lease supports the decision that was made<br />

in 2009 to approve additional capital expenditure in that year to re-site the<br />

structure in addition to supporting an organisation which benefits the<br />

community.<br />



Considered – Report of the Cabinet Executive (presented by Cllr. D. R.<br />

Clements – Corporate Services, Performance & Leisure portfolio holder).<br />


1. That the restructuring of the management of the parks and open spaces<br />

be approved.<br />

2. That the Director be given delegated authority to take any consequential<br />

action resulting from the implementation of the report.<br />

Reasons:<br />

1. The proposed changes will deliver a fit for purpose management of parks<br />

and open spaces and reflect the current business needs.<br />

2. It is appropriate to give the Director delegated authority in the<br />

circumstances specified.<br />

Page 9

156. QUESTIONS FROM ME<strong>MB</strong>ERS<br />

126<br />

No questions were received.<br />


Considered – A proposed resolution to exclude members of the public from<br />

the meeting for the following item.<br />

Resolved:<br />

“That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public<br />

be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that the<br />

item involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in<br />

paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act.<br />

Exemption Categories: 1 and 3<br />

Reason for Exemption: Personal and financial information in relation to<br />

individual staff members is contained in the report.<br />

<strong>Public</strong> Interest Test: The public interest test has been considered and, in all<br />

the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the<br />

exemption is considered to outweigh the public interest in disclosing the<br />

information.”<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />

Page 10



127<br />

Considered – Report of the Cabinet Executive (presented by Cllr. D. R.<br />

Clements – Corporate Services, Performance & Leisure portfolio holder).<br />

Before the close of the meeting, Members gave thanks to the Senior<br />

Democratic Services Officer for the help and support he had provided to<br />

them during his time with the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Tuesday, 25 September 2012<br />


1. That the redundancy and associated costs of post number 015322 be<br />

approved.<br />

2. That the Director be granted delegated authority to implement the<br />

decision recommended in this report and take necessary consequential<br />

action.<br />

Reason:<br />

The proposed changes will deliver a fit for purpose management of parks<br />

and open spaces and reflect the current business needs.<br />


Page 11

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Page 12

Cllr. R. J. Berrington<br />

Cllr. M. G. Broomhead<br />

Cllr. D .R. Clements<br />

Cllr. K .D. Coles<br />

Cllr. J. A. Dickinson<br />

Cllr. J. A. Dolby<br />

Cllr. D. J. Findlay<br />

Cllr. J. Forey<br />

Cllr. J. M. Fox<br />

Cllr. D. Freer<br />

1<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Monday, 22 October 2012<br />


Minutes of a meeting held at the <strong>Council</strong> Offices, Narborough<br />

MONDAY, 22 OCTOBER 2012<br />

Present:-<br />

Cllr. J. Blackwell (Chairman)<br />

Cllr. A. C. Tanner (Vice-Chairman)<br />

Cllr. B. Garner<br />

Cllr. A. V. Greenwood<br />

Cllr. I. M. Hewson<br />

Cllr. F.G.H. Jackson<br />

Cllr. D. Jennings<br />

Cllr. S.J. Maxwell<br />

Cllr. C. A. Merrill<br />

Cllr. P. L. Moitt<br />

Cllr. D. R. Parsons<br />

Cllr. E. Parsons<br />

Officers present:-<br />

Cllr. M. L. Potter<br />

Cllr. T. J. Richardson<br />

Cllr. G. Sanders<br />

Cllr. S. Scott<br />

Cllr. S. Smith<br />

Cllr. J. Springthorpe<br />

Cllr. J. L. Weatherstone<br />

Cllr. E. F. White<br />

Cllr. M. A. Wright<br />

Cllr. W. A. Wright<br />

Mrs S. Whiles - Chief Executive<br />

Mr. J.L. Holden - Deputy Chief Executive<br />

Mr S. Beard - Director<br />

Mrs. J. Toman - Director<br />

Mr. C. Jones - Corporate Services Group Manager<br />

Mr K. Pegg - Neighbourhood Services Group Manager<br />

Mrs L. Bendall - Scrutiny Officer<br />

Miss S. Mander - Senior Democratic Services Officer<br />

Mrs J. Robinson - Democratic Services Officer (Civics)<br />

Apologies:-<br />

Cllr. L. M. Breckon, Cllr. J. O. Hudson, Cllr. A. Moseley, Cllr. R. C. Ward, Cllr. B. J. Welsh and<br />

Cllr. G. L. Welsh<br />


The Chairman welcomed Cllr. M. L. Potter as the new member for Pastures<br />

Ward following a by-election on 27 September 2012.<br />

Page 13


2<br />

No disclosures were received.<br />


No requests were received.<br />


Considered – Report of the Deputy Chief Executive.<br />

That it be approved that:<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Monday, 22 October 2012<br />


a) Business rates be pooled with Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>, Leicester<br />

City <strong>Council</strong>, all Leicestershire <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s and Leicester,<br />

Leicestershire and Rutland Fire Authority as set out in this report.<br />

b) That delegation of authority be given to both the Chief Executive and the<br />

Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and Finance,<br />

Efficiency & Assets Portfolio holder to agree the pooling governance<br />

arrangements, including the legal agreement, and to withdraw from the<br />

pool if information in the Local Government Finance settlement in<br />

December indicates that continued pooling would not be in the best<br />

interest of this <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

c) That a report containing an update be brought back to the next meeting<br />

of <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Reason:<br />

To enable a pooling proposal to be agreed that would ensure that resources<br />

are retained in the sub region for economic development.<br />


Considered - Report of the Director.<br />

An updated version of the “Waste Research: <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>:<br />

Recycling Services – Options for Change 2012” was circulated at the<br />

meeting.<br />

Page 14

3<br />

<strong>Council</strong> - Monday, 22 October 2012<br />


1. That the <strong>Council</strong> introduce a “co-mingled” collection system for kerbside<br />

recyclables as soon as possible.<br />

2. That the collection frequency for the new service remains at fortnightly.<br />

3. That glass is not included in the co-mingled recycling collection service<br />

(unless the income generated by its inclusion improves to the extent that it<br />

becomes beneficial to the net cost of the service).<br />

4. That Officers are authorised to make the necessary arrangements and<br />

incur expenditure as set out in Appendix 2 of the report for the new<br />

service.<br />

Reason:<br />

The service will be an improvement for residents, more efficient<br />

and more environmentally friendly than the current arrangements. The<br />

market prices for recyclate mean that it is very costly to collect glass at<br />

present, however the markets are so volatile that flexibility to change is<br />

needed.<br />


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Page 16

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Amendments to Appointments to Committees<br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

• Leona Bendall<br />

• Interim Democratic Services and Governance<br />

Manager<br />

• <strong>Council</strong> Offices<br />

• 0116 272 7706<br />

<strong>Council</strong>lor David Clements - Corporate Services,<br />

Performance and Leisure<br />

1.1 To consider the following changes to the appointments of committees.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

2.2<br />

2.3<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

3.2<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

That Cllr M. L. Potter be appointed to the vacant seat on Scrutiny<br />

Commission.<br />

That Cllr. L. Breckon replaces Cllr J. Dickinson as the Chairman of the<br />

Appeals Against Dismissal Committee.<br />

That Cllr I. Hewson is appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Appeals Against<br />

Dismissal Committee.<br />

Reasons for Decision Recommended<br />

Following the Pastures by-election held on 27 September 2012, the<br />

Conservative Group requested that Cllr. M. Potter be appointed to the<br />

vacant seat on Scrutiny Commission.<br />

Part 3, Section 6 of the Constitution stipulates that a member of the Cabinet<br />

Executive cannot hold the position of Chairman/Vice-Chairman of the<br />

Appeals Against Dismissal Committee.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Not applicable.<br />

Page 17<br />

Agenda Item 4

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 No, this is a decision reserved for <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

6.1 Following the resignation of Cllr. E.A Webster-Williams and the appointment<br />

of Cllr. T. Richardson to the Cabinet Executive, a vacant seat had arisen on<br />

the Scrutiny Commission. The Conservative Group requested that Cllr. M.<br />

Potter be appointed to the vacant seat on Scrutiny Commission.<br />

6.2 Part 3, Section 6 of the Constitution refers that a Member of the Cabinet<br />

Executive is not eligible to hold a position of Chairman or Vice-Chairman of<br />

the Appeals Against Dismissal Committee. It has therefore become<br />

necessary to amend the Chairmanship appointments and replace Cllr J.<br />

Dickinson with Cllr. L. Breckon.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 There are no other considerations relevant to this report.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 There are no other considerations relevant to this report.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Relevant Group/Whips.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 None in the context of this report.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 None.<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 None.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted:<br />

(insert � below to show relevant consultation has taken place)<br />

Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 18

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive:<br />

Revised Capital Programme 2012/13<br />

Report of: Cabinet Executive<br />

Portfolio Holder: Cllr J. Hudson – Finance & Efficiency<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

1.1 To present to <strong>Council</strong> the recommendations of the Cabinet Executive made at<br />

its meeting held on 19 November 2012 in respect of the above item.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To follow.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

To follow.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Agenda Item 8<br />

6.1 A supplemental report in respect of this item will be circulated to Members<br />

following the meeting of Cabinet Executive to be held 19 November 2012,<br />

detailing the recommendations agreed at that meeting.<br />

6.2 Attached at appendix 1 is a copy of the report to be considered by Cabinet<br />

which relates to this agenda item.<br />

Page 19

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 No other considerations are relevant to this report.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 None.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Not applicable.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 As detailed in section 6 of this report.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Revised Capital Programme 2012/13<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 None.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager/Director)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 20


Meeting: Cabinet Executive<br />

Date: 19 th November 2012<br />

Subject: Revised Capital Programme 2012/13<br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Sarah Pennelli<br />

Financial Services Group Manager<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Offices<br />

0116 272 7650<br />

Portfolio Holder <strong>Council</strong>lor J. Hudson – Finance & Efficiency<br />

Portfolio Holder<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

1.1 To inform Members of the available capital resources, the progress of the<br />

Capital Programme 2012/13 and to gain approval for additional items to the<br />

programme.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

That the report be accepted and that the additional capital expenditure of<br />

£112,000 be authorised as an addition to the Capital Programme.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

The additional expenditure is required to ensure resources are available to<br />

implement the new Revenues and Benefits system with as little risk to<br />

customers as possible. To ensure the appropriate vehicles and machinery<br />

are provided to operational areas of the Authority.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong><br />

Page 21

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

6.1 The 2012/13 Capital Programme was formally approved by <strong>Council</strong> on 20 th<br />

February 2012. The detailed programme, which is set out in Appendix A,<br />

amounted to an investment of £1.584m. Added to this there were a number<br />

of schemes brought forward from previous years together with the associated<br />

funding allocation, which amounted to £1.087m, as well as net expenditure on<br />

new projects totalling a further £1,772m. Altogether this leads to a revised<br />

capital programme of £4.443m for 2012/13.<br />

6.2 In accordance with the <strong>Council</strong>’s Capital Strategy, the Officer Asset<br />

Management Group is charged with constantly monitoring and reviewing<br />

progress on the capital programme. This includes those schemes brought<br />

forward from previous years, to seek to ensure that the resources available<br />

are deployed efficiently and effectively. Each capital project has a nominated<br />

project manager who is responsible for the delivery of the project.<br />

6.3 Capital Expenditure 2012/13<br />

6.3.1 Appendix B gives details of the actual spending against budget for all<br />

schemes in the approved capital programme for the period 1 st April 2012 to<br />

31 st October 2012. The table includes any in-year changes and identified<br />

variations in project costs.<br />

6.3.2 The overall position at 31 st October 2012 is that actual expenditure of<br />

£1.655m has been incurred, with additional commitments of £0.243m against<br />

the overall revised budget of £4.443m. This represents 42.72% of the<br />

proposed programme. The Asset Management Group are monitoring the<br />

schemes closely to ensure completion by the end of the financial year and<br />

where possible reallocate unused funding to allow additional capital projects<br />

to be undertaken but stay within the agreed programme budgets.<br />

6.3.3 As part of the monitoring process a number of amendments to the original<br />

programme have been identified. The additional expenditure on these<br />

projects have been authorised through separate <strong>reports</strong> that have been<br />

brought before <strong>Council</strong> or have been added through the monitoring of<br />

received funds. S106 Monies being an example of this. In addition to this an<br />

additional requirement has been identified for £112,000 to be added to the<br />

Capital Programme for which Authorisation is sought. The movement in the<br />

total Capital Programme is detailed in the table overleaf and additional<br />

narrative around each item is provided in further depth in the text.<br />

Page 22

Authorised Capital Programme 2012/13 ( inlcuding 2011/12 B/Fwd) 2,670,726<br />

Authorised Additions<br />

Bin Purchase (Boxes to Bins) 900,000<br />

Local Authority Mortgage Scheme 1,000,000<br />

Contribution from NHB - empty properties 50,000<br />

Revised Authorised Programme 4,620,726<br />

Vehicle Saving (Boxes to Bins) (390,000)<br />

Disabled Facility Grants - further funding rec'd 23,831<br />

Additional S106 Monies Rec'd 70,415<br />

Additional Enhancement to Payroll - funded within revenue budget 5,901<br />

Net savings to Capital Programme net of self funded additions (289,853)<br />

Revenues & Benefits Replacement System 25,000<br />

Additional Vehicles - Three Oaks Homes 35,182<br />

Operational Vehicles/Mowers 51,624<br />

Proposed Additions to Capital Programme 111,806<br />

Total Revised Capital Programme 4,442,679<br />

Note : The following items have been funded from the contingency within the Capital<br />

Programme and therefore do not form additional capital investment over and above<br />

that authorised.<br />

Formation of additional Staff Car Park Area 7,000<br />

Installation of Ramp at the Pavilion 4,000<br />

Contribution towards Narborough Park Fencing 5,000<br />

Online Booking System at the Pavilion – to integrate to corporate systems 10,697<br />

Covers for Inspection Pits at Depot 4,900<br />

31,597<br />

6.3.4 The original 2012/13 Capital Programme included the sum of £978,000 for the<br />

replacement of fleet vehicles, including four kerbside recycling vehicles. The<br />

Boxes to Bins initiative that was approved at <strong>Council</strong> on the 22 nd October<br />

removed the requirement to replace the four kerbside recycling vehicles but<br />

required an additional refuse vehicle be purchased in addition to those<br />

already included in the initial Capital Programme. This revision generates a<br />

net saving in capital expenditure of £390,000 on vehicles that is attributable to<br />

the Boxes to Bins initiative.<br />

6.3.5 Offset against this is a further requirement to fund additional vehicles as<br />

follows:<br />

• £35,000 leased to Three Oaks Homes, the cost of which is recovered<br />

in the recharge made to Three Oaks Homes<br />

• £51,624 for operational vehicles and mowers<br />

6.3.6 The requirement to borrow £900,000 to purchase 40,000 240 litre wheeled<br />

bins was identified in the Boxes to Bins initiative approved by <strong>Council</strong> on 22 nd<br />

October 2012.<br />

6.3.7 On 19 th July 2011 the <strong>Council</strong> approved an advance of £1m to Lloyds Banking<br />

Page 23<br />


Group as part of the Local Authority Mortgage Scheme. This scheme is aimed<br />

at first time buyers and the advance equated to the <strong>Council</strong>’s share of<br />

financial assistance through the provision of an indemnity. The scheme has<br />

proven to be a great success and the <strong>Council</strong>, therefore, agreed to support<br />

the scheme with a further £1m advance which was transferred to Lloyds in<br />

July 2012. This additional £1m has now been fully utilised and additional<br />

funds from Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> are in the process of being made<br />

available to <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents.<br />

6.3.8 Along with East Midlands Housing Association, the <strong>Council</strong> has also<br />

contributed £50,000 from its New Homes Bonus grant allocation towards<br />

bringing empty homes back into use on a purchase and repair basis. It is<br />

estimated that the <strong>Council</strong>’s contributions will lead to 2 to 3 empty properties<br />

being brought back into use during this financial year.<br />

6.3.9 Included within the 2011/12 capital programme was an amount of £175,000<br />

for the replacement Revenues and Benefits system. The remaining amount of<br />

£105,000 was brought forward into this financial year and this project is<br />

anticipated to be delivered in the coming months. A further provision of<br />

£25,000 has been included within the revised capital programme to make<br />

allowance for additional staffing costs during the ‘go live’ period. This will<br />

ensure any backlogs that have built up over the ‘go live’ period is processed<br />

quickly and brought fully up to date. Provision has been made for the resource<br />

requirements for both the Revenues and Benefits departments.<br />

This project was funded through spend to save reserves and the payback<br />

period including this additional expense is still within a five year period.<br />

6.3.10 Spend on Disabled Facilities Grants is shown in the table below. Although<br />

this only equates to 47% of available DFG resources, it is expected to require<br />

the ability to commit 2013/14 funding towards the end of this financial year to<br />

allow an earlier start on next year’s grant awards. Of the £626,185 2012/13<br />

funding, £409,354 is funded through borrowing.<br />

Brought Forward from 2011/12 209,354<br />

New resources made available in 2012/13 416,831<br />

Expenditure to date (238,062)<br />

Commitments to date (91,692)<br />

Balance Carried Forward 296,432<br />

6.3.11 The improvements to the Pavilion and the development of a golf range are<br />

included within the Capital Programme and Appendix B in line with the original<br />

investment proposals. A separate report providing an update on the Pavilion<br />

Capital Expenditure has capital implications which will be incorporated in the<br />

Capital Programme should the recommendations be accepted by <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6.4 Capital Resources<br />

6.4.1 The <strong>Council</strong>’s projected available capital resources are determined at the<br />

beginning of each financial year and a detailed breakdown of the resources<br />

required to support the programme are shown at Appendix C. The funding<br />

shown in Appendix C assumes that all schemes will be fully implemented.<br />

Page 24<br />


6.5 Estimated Resources Carried Forward<br />

6.5.1 The total resources estimated to be carried forward into 2013/14 are £985,499<br />

but of this £809,620 is already committed or ring fenced as follows:<br />

VAT Shelter Receipts from Three Oaks Homes<br />

277,441<br />

Special Schemes Reserve Fund 42,763<br />

Computer Room Reserve Fund 100,000<br />

Leisure Centre Renewals Fund 389,416<br />

Total 809,620<br />

6.5.2 This leaves only £197,879 available to spend on new projects or variations<br />

within current projects. The Asset Management Group are monitoring spend<br />

against projects very closely to ensure that the resources are maximised in<br />

this financial year.<br />

6.5.3 Should any significant asset issues arise requiring immediate attention,<br />

having only £197,879 available is cause for concern. It is not sustainable to<br />

continue to borrow regardless of the current interest rates available as<br />

repayments of principle/interest have to be found from within an ever<br />

constrained revenue account. This concern was highlighted in the 2009/10<br />

Financial Statement Audit report by the authority’s external auditors,<br />

PriceWaterhouse Coopers.<br />

“With lower levels of receipts now available to the <strong>Council</strong> in the Usable<br />

Capital Receipts reserve, future capital funding will need to come from<br />

increased borrowing or through the use of revenue resources. In either<br />

case the long term consequences will mean an additional charge to<br />

revenue, either through the impact of financial capital expenditure directly<br />

with revenue resources or through the additional interest payments of<br />

long term borrowing. The <strong>Council</strong> should consider the long term<br />

consequences on the revenue budget of future capital expenditure.”<br />

6.5.4 Accordingly, any capital projects that gain approval for 2013/14 will again<br />

largely have to be funded from borrowing. Asset disposals have diminished in<br />

recent years from an already low base of building assets. It is, therefore, likely<br />

that Members will once again be asked to consider a substantially reduced<br />

capital programme for the forthcoming financial year.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

Human Rights Act 1998<br />

N/A<br />

Legal Implications<br />

N/A<br />

Page 25<br />


Equalities<br />

N/A<br />

Nottingham Declaration and Climate Change<br />

N/A<br />

Crime & Disorder<br />

N/A<br />

Human Resources Implications<br />

N/A<br />

Risk Assessment<br />

N/A<br />

Other<br />

N/A<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 The option of proceedings with the current year’s capital programme without<br />

review and amendment could lead to a mismatch at resources and needs.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 This report has been produced in consultation with the Asset Management<br />

Group.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 This report sets out the up to date position with regard to the <strong>Council</strong>’s<br />

2012/13 Capital Programme.<br />

11. Appendix to this report<br />

11.1 Appendix A – Capital Expenditure and Funding Summaries<br />

11.2 Appendix B – Detailed Revised Capital Programme 2012/13<br />

11.3 Appendix C – Budgeted Capital Resources<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 Asset Management Group working papers<br />

Page 26

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

� S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Legal Services Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 27

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Page 28

Capital Expenditure - 2012/2013<br />

Prior Years<br />

Schemes<br />

B/Fwd<br />

Approved<br />

Allocations<br />

March 2010<br />

In-Year<br />

Movements<br />

Revised<br />

Expenditure<br />

Expenditure +<br />

Commit's to<br />

Period 7<br />

2012/2013<br />


Unspent Project<br />

Budget C/Fwd<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />


Emergency Boiler Replacement Contingency 8,496 20,000 0 28,496 7,321 21,175<br />

Local Authority Mortgage Scheme (LAMS) 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0<br />

Contribution Towards Empty Homes Scheme 0 0 50,000 50,000 0 50,000<br />

Disabled Facilities Grants - Major Works 209,354 200,000 23,831 433,185 234,243 198,942<br />

Disabled Facilities Grants - Minor Works 0 193,000 0 193,000 95,510 97,490<br />


Assets - New Builds 0 0 15,788 15,788 15,788 0<br />

- In year Additions 15,788<br />

- In year Reductions 0<br />

Asset Maintenance 383,148 11,000 11,000 405,148 54,273 350,875<br />

- In year Additions 11,000<br />

- In year Reductions 0<br />

Community Projects 201,197 144,500 59,627 405,324 196,748 208,576<br />

- In year Additions 112,160<br />

- In year Reductions ( 52,533 )<br />

Corporate Equipment and Information Technology 247,992 1,015,000 611,899 1,874,891 282,957 1,591,933<br />

- In year Additions 946,496<br />

- In year Reductions ( 334,597 )<br />

Environmental Services 37,039 0 0 37,039 11,176 25,863<br />

Land Use and Economic Development 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

TOTAL 1,087,226 1,583,500 1,772,145 4,442,870 1,898,016 2,544,854<br />

Funding - 2011/2012<br />

Funding for<br />

Schemes<br />

B/Fwd<br />

Original Total<br />

Funding<br />

2011/2012<br />

Supplementary<br />

Funding<br />

2011/2012<br />

Total Capital<br />

Programme<br />

Funding<br />

2011/2012<br />

Capital<br />

Expenditure<br />

Funding<br />

2011/2012<br />

Funding<br />

C/FWD<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

Internally Funded:<br />

Prudential Borrowing 622,058 1,359,500 593,722 2,575,281 ( 538,539 ) 2,036,741<br />

Useable Capital Receipts 0 0 37,153 37,153 ( 29,599 ) 7,554<br />

Useable Capital Receipts / Investments (LAMS) 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 ( 1,000,000 ) 0<br />

Leisure Centre Renewals Fund 3,714 0 3,140 6,854 ( 5,836 ) 1,018<br />

Special Schemes Reserve 27,365 31,000 0 58,365 ( 7,321 ) 51,043<br />

Revenue Funded Capital Expenditure 227,257 0 59,672 286,929 ( 125,130 ) 161,798<br />

Externally Funded:<br />

Disabled Facilities Grant 0 193,000 0 193,000 ( 95,510 ) 97,490<br />

Leicestershire CC - <strong>Blaby</strong> Town Centre Works 7,957 0 0 7,957 ( 7,876 ) 82<br />

Leicestershire CC - Bouskell Park 15,000 0 0 15,000 ( 15,000 ) 0<br />

Leicestershire CC - Cycle Facilities 3,921 0 0 3,921 ( 3,140 ) 781<br />

Leicestershire CC - Play Builder 1,909 0 0 1,909 0 1,909<br />

Housing Association Contibutions to DFG Grants 0 0 23,831 23,831 ( 5,456 ) 18,375<br />

S106 Contributions - Various 141,006 54,625 195,631 ( 53,434 ) 142,197<br />

DEFRA - Air Quality Grant 37,039 0 0 37,039 ( 11,175 ) 25,864<br />

Total Funding 1,087,226 1,583,500 1,772,145 4,442,870 ( 1,898,016 ) 2,544,854<br />

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Assets - New Builds<br />

Budgets bfwd from<br />

2011/12<br />

Original Approved<br />

Budget<br />

Programme<br />

2012/2013<br />

Virements /<br />

Additions etc<br />

within the year<br />



Expenditure +<br />

Commit's to Period<br />

7 2012/2013<br />

Unspent Project<br />

Budget C/Fwd<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Thorpe Astley Community Centre 0 0 15,788 15,788 15,788 0<br />

Asset Maintenance<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Joint Service Shop Remodelling 899 0 0 899 776 123<br />

Carbon Management Works 2,761 0 0 2,761 0 2,761<br />

Create Fitness/Dance Studio At Pavillion 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 40,000<br />

Create Golf Driving Range At Pavillion 220,954 0 0 220,954 34,707 186,247<br />

Refurbishment Of Facilities At Pavillion 37,420 0 0 37,420 0 37,420<br />

Improvements To Pavillion Car Park 53,000 0 0 53,000 0 53,000<br />

Installation Of Extra Pavillion Heating 6,854 0 0 6,854 5,838 1,016<br />

Improve Cycle Facilites At <strong>Council</strong> Offic 6,440 0 0 6,440 3,140 3,300<br />

Increase Size Of Depot Yard 9,820 0 0 9,820 9,812 8<br />

Create Additional Staff Car Parking Spaces 0 0 7,000 7,000 0 7,000<br />

Install Ramp Outside Pavillion Portcabin 0 0 4,000 4,000 0 4,000<br />

Refurbishment Of Shower Facilities At Co 0 11,000 0 11,000 0 11,000<br />

Fire Alarm Installation At The Depot 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 5,000<br />

Sub Total 383,148 11,000 11,000 405,148 54,273 350,875<br />

Community Projects<br />

Improvements To Btc Paving & Landscaping 3,840 0 0 3,840 3,840 0<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Town Masterplan Improvements 1,990 0 0 1,990 0 1,990<br />

Improvements To Btc Hanging Baskets 5,522 0 0 5,522 5,428 94<br />

Improvements To Btc Addnl Benches & Bins 4,780 0 0 4,780 4,682 98<br />

Improvements To Btc Addnl Notice Boards 5,000 0 0 5,000 4,935 65<br />

Installation Of Benches - 2012 0 0 4,000 4,000 2,750 1,250<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> Town Masterplan Improv. 12-13 0 25,000 -4,000 21,000 0 21,000<br />

Addnl Bollards In <strong>Blaby</strong> Town Centre 3,606 0 0 3,606 2,800 806<br />

Whistleway Steps Improvements 0 15,000 0 15,000 12,000 3,000<br />

Bouskell Park Better Places Project 30,000 0 0 30,000 24,355 5,645<br />

S106 Contrib To Littlethorpe Play Area 0 0 53,891 53,891 53,891 0<br />

Contrib. towards fencing of Narborough Park 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,000<br />

Whistleway Countryside Bridges 12-13 975 30,000 0 30,975 28,027 2,948<br />

Capital Grant Programme - 2012/13 0 54,500 0 54,500 54,500 0<br />

On-Street Parking Schemes 12-13 0 20,000 0 20,000 0 20,000<br />

Whistleway / Speedwell Cl. Play Area 1,909 0 0 1,909 0 1,909<br />

Childrens Play Programme 2,569 0 0 2,569 0 2,569<br />

S106 Receipts<br />

S106 - Stoney Stanton 0 0 0 0 -460 460<br />

S106 - 4A Duncan Avenue, Huncote 2,436 0 0 2,436 0 2,436<br />

S106 - Coventry Road, Narborough 48,533 0 -48,533 0 0 0<br />

S106 - Barns Lane, Kirby Muxloe 61,414 0 0 61,414 0 61,414<br />

S106 - Oakfield Avenue, Glenfield 0 0 556 556 0 556<br />

S106 - Huncote Road, Croft 0 0 3,897 3,897 0 3,897<br />

S106 - Nowell Close, Glen Parva 0 0 2,436 2,436 0 2,436<br />

S106 - Groby Road, Glenfield 0 0 2,436 2,436 0 2,436<br />

S106 - Fairview Avenue, Whetstone 0 0 11,691 11,691 0 11,691<br />

S106 - Church Farm, Elmesthorpe 0 0 4,871 4,871 0 4,871<br />

S106 - Barry Drive, Kirby Muxloe 0 0 4,872 4,872 0 4,872<br />

S106 - Hillborough Close, Glen Parva 0 0 2,436 2,436 0 2,436<br />

S106 - Desford Road, Kirby Muxloe 0 0 4,871 4,871 0 4,871<br />

S106 - Wigston Street, Countesthorpe 0 0 1,461 1,461 0 1,461<br />

S106 - Forest Drive, Kirby Muxloe 0 0 4,871 4,871 0 4,871<br />

S106 - Tournament Drive, Glenfield 0 0 4,871 4,871 0 4,871<br />

S106 - St. Johns - Enderby 28,623 0 0 28,623 0 28,623<br />

Sub Total 201,197 144,500 59,627 405,324 196,748 208,576<br />

Page 30<br />

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Budgets bfwd from<br />

2011/12<br />

Original Approved<br />

Budget<br />

Programme<br />

2012/2013<br />

Virements /<br />

Additions etc<br />

within the year<br />



Expenditure +<br />

Commit's to Period<br />

7 2012/2013<br />

Unspent Project<br />

Budget C/Fwd<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Corporate Equipment and Information Technology<br />

Personnel & Payroll System 831 0 5,901 6,732 6,732 0<br />

Upgrade Of <strong>Council</strong> Web Services 71,788 0 0 71,788 67,304 4,484<br />

Power Standby Generator 6,732 0 0 6,732 4,534 2,198<br />

Pv Polar Systems 1,966 0 0 1,966 1,943 23<br />

Litterbin Replacement Programme 12-13 0 12,000 0 12,000 11,836 164<br />

Purchase Fleet Vehicles - 2012-13 Prog. 0 978,000 -303,000 675,000 138,377 536,623<br />

Purchase 240Ltr Bins For Boxes To Bins 0 0 900,000 900,000 0 900,000<br />

Covers for Inspection Pits at Depot 0 0 4,900 4,900 4,778 122<br />

Gas Monitoring Works At The Pavillion 16,350 0 0 16,350 0 16,350<br />

E-Financials Upgrade To 4.1 0 25,000 0 25,000 0 25,000<br />

Online Booking System At The Pavillion 228 0 10,695 10,923 10,923 0<br />

Replacement Revenues & Benefits System 105,317 0 25,000 130,317 36,530 93,787<br />


Amg Capital Contingency 44,780 0 -31,597 13,183 0 13,182<br />

Sub Total 247,992 1,015,000 611,899 1,874,891 282,957 1,591,933<br />

Environmental Services<br />

Air Quality Action Plan 37,039 0 0 37,039 11,176 25,863<br />

Sub Total 37,039 0 0 37,039 11,176 25,863<br />

Land Use and Economic Development<br />

Sub Total 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

TOTAL GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROGRAMME 869,376 1,170,500 698,314 2,738,189 560,942 2,177,247<br />


Private Sector Housing<br />

Disabled Facilities Grants - Major Works 209,354 200,000 23,831 433,185 234,243 198,942<br />

Disabled Facilities Grants - Minor Works 0 193,000 0 193,000 95,510 97,490<br />

Contribution Towards Empty Homes Scheme 0 0 50,000 50,000 0 50,000<br />

Contribution To L.A. Mortgage Scheme 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0<br />

Provision Of Heating Grants 8,496 20,000 0 28,496 7,321 21,175<br />

Sub Total 217,850 413,000 1,073,831 1,704,681 1,337,074 367,607<br />


HOUSING 217,850 413,000 1,073,831 1,704,681 1,337,074 367,607<br />

GENERAL FUND 869,376 1,170,500 698,314 2,738,189 560,942 2,177,247<br />

TOTAL - 20112/13 PROGRAMME 1,087,226 1,583,500 1,772,145 4,442,870 1,898,016 2,544,854<br />

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Useable Capital Receipts - Sale of General Fund Assets 188,360<br />

- TOH VAT Shelter Receipts<br />

(Ringfenced for Investment)<br />

998,592<br />

Unsupported Borrowing - General Fund - Prudential Borrowing 622,058<br />

Renewals Fund - Leisure 396,270<br />

Special Schemes Reserves - Various Projects 101,128<br />

- Computer Room Reserve 100,000<br />

Revenue Funded Capital Expenditure 227,257<br />



for the financial year 2012/13 as at Period 7<br />


Disabled Facilities Grant - DCLG -<br />

- Housing Association Contrib. -<br />

S106 Contributions - Various 171,765<br />

DEFRA - Air Quality Grant 37,039<br />

Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> - Better Places - <strong>Blaby</strong> 22,957<br />

- Playbuilder 1,909<br />

- Cycle Facilities 3,921<br />


TOTAL FUNDING 2,871,257<br />

OF WHICH COMMITTED 2,683,217<br />

FREE BALANCE 188,041<br />

Page 32<br />




as at IN as at CAPITAL as at<br />

01-Apr-12 2012 / 13 31-Oct-12 PROGAMME 31-Mar-13<br />

(IN RESERVES) (Estimated) * (Estimated) *<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

47,671<br />

278,848<br />

1,939,222<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

59,672<br />

2,325,414<br />

193,000<br />

23,831<br />

23,866<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

240,697<br />

2,566,111<br />

(29,599)<br />

(1,000,000)<br />

(538,539)<br />

(5,836)<br />

(7,321)<br />

-<br />

(125,130)<br />

(1,706,425)<br />

(95,510)<br />

(5,456)<br />

(53,434)<br />

(11,175)<br />

(22,876)<br />

-<br />

(3,140)<br />

(191,591)<br />

(1,898,016)<br />

(7,554)<br />

-<br />

(2,022,741)<br />

(1,018)<br />

(51,043)<br />

-<br />

(161,798)<br />

(2,244,156)<br />

(97,490)<br />

(18,375)<br />

(142,197)<br />

(25,864)<br />

(82)<br />

(1,909)<br />

(781)<br />

(286,698)<br />

(2,530,854)<br />

198,879<br />

277,441<br />

-<br />

389,416<br />

42,763<br />

100,000<br />

-<br />

1,008,499<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

1,008,499<br />

809,620<br />


Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive:<br />

Amendment to Lease of Land to Narborough Parish<br />

<strong>Council</strong><br />

Report of: Cabinet Executive<br />

Portfolio Holder: Cllr J. Hudson – Finance, Efficiency & Assets<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

1.1 To present to <strong>Council</strong> the recommendations of the Cabinet Executive made at<br />

its meeting held on 19 November 2012 in respect of the above item.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To follow.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

To follow.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Agenda Item 9<br />

6.1 A supplemental report in respect of this item will be circulated to Members<br />

following the meeting of Cabinet Executive to be held 19 November 2012,<br />

detailing the recommendations agreed at that meeting.<br />

6.2 Attached at appendix 1 is a copy of the report to be considered by Cabinet<br />

which relates to this agenda item.<br />

Page 33

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 No other considerations are relevant to this report.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 None.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Not applicable.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 As detailed in section 6 of this report.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Amendment to Lease of Land to Narborough Parish <strong>Council</strong> & Appendix 1<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 None.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager/Director)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 34


Meeting: Cabinet Executive<br />

Date: 19 th November 2012<br />

Subject: Amendment to Lease of Land to Narborough Parish<br />

<strong>Council</strong><br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

Sarah Pennelli<br />

Financial Services Group Manager<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Offices<br />

0116 272 7650<br />

Cllr J.Hudson – Finance & Efficiency Portfolio<br />

Holder<br />

1.1 To seek authority to amend and combine the existing leases in relation to the<br />

open space known as “Narborough Park”.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

• That the existing lease to Narborough Parish <strong>Council</strong> be amended to<br />

combine the areas of land as highlighted on the plan in Appendix 1 and<br />

delegated Authority be given to the Financial Services Group Manager<br />

in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to agree terms and conclude<br />

the legal arrangements.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

• It is appropriate to amalgamate the lease agreements with Narborough<br />

Parish <strong>Council</strong> and alter the boundary of those leases to coincide with<br />

the replacement fencing.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong><br />

Page 35

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Narborough Parish <strong>Council</strong> currently lease the area known as Narborough<br />

Park under two lease agreements dated 4 th November 2009.<br />

Discussions in relation to the replacement of the fencing on the boundary<br />

between Narborough Park and the <strong>Council</strong> Offices have led to a proposal to<br />

alter the boundary of the area leased by Narborough Parish <strong>Council</strong> and also<br />

to amalgamate the two leases that are currently in existence.<br />

Extended discussions between Officers of <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and the<br />

Parish <strong>Council</strong> have taken place and the following are elements that have<br />

been considered in the process:<br />

o The replacement fencing should be of the type to ensure safety of the<br />

public utilising the park in relation to vehicles accessing the <strong>Council</strong><br />

Offices via the driveway.<br />

o That a contribution is made by <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to reflect some of<br />

the additional expenditure that has resulted in this enhanced<br />

specification.<br />

o That the boundary of the leased area be amended to extend the verge<br />

as shown in Appendix A in order that a further six spaces be<br />

accommodated within the staff car park and to allow access for<br />

emergency vehicles.<br />

o That the annual lease value of £1,065 be reduced to a nominal sum.<br />

Recent arrangements where Parish <strong>Council</strong>s have taken on the<br />

responsibility and costs of maintenance have been at a nominal<br />

amount to recognise the expenditure that the Parish <strong>Council</strong>s take on<br />

with maintenance and upkeep of such areas.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

Human Rights Act 1998<br />

Not Applicable<br />

Legal Implications<br />

All legal implications will be considered throughout the process.<br />

Human Resources Implications<br />

There are no Human Resources implications.<br />

Risk Assessment & Business Continuity<br />

The considerations for the replacement fencing took into account the physical<br />

barrier that was needed along the boundary between the park and the<br />

driveway leading to the <strong>Council</strong> Offices. It is anticipated that a fence line<br />

providing a physical barrier reduced the risk of incidents of children running<br />

into the path of oncoming vehicles.<br />

Equalities<br />

No EINA is required for this report.<br />

Page 36

Nottingham Declaration and Climate Change<br />

There are no Nottingham Declaration implications.<br />

Crime & Disorder<br />

There are no Crime and Disorder implications.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

Not to make alterations to the lease agreement. With the replacement of the<br />

fencing it seemed the appropriate time to consider the boundary of the area<br />

used and take the opportunity to revise the boundary and to amalgamate the<br />

agreements. For this reason not altering the existing leases was not<br />

considered.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

Narborough Parish <strong>Council</strong> has been consulted through discussions with the<br />

Parish Clerk.<br />

The Regulatory Services Group Manager has also been consulted throughout<br />

this process.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

It is proposed that a nominal rent is charged for the amalgamated lease<br />

agreements.<br />

A contribution towards the replacement fencing equating to approximately<br />

50%,(£5,000) of the cost is proposed. This has been included within the<br />

Report detailing the Revised Capital Programme 2012/13.<br />

Per annum<br />

Revenue/Cost £1,065<br />

Capital £5,000<br />

11. Appendix/Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Appendix 1 : Plan of Land to be Leased to Narborough Parish <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 Counter Part Lease 1 between <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> dated 4 th Nov. 2009<br />

12.2 Counter Part Lease 2 between <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> dated 4 th Nov. 2009<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

� S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Legal Services Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 37

Page 38

Page 39

This page is intentionally left blank<br />

Page 40

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive: Green<br />

Space Strategy<br />

Report of: Cabinet Executive<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

Cllr David Clements – Corporate Services,<br />

Performance and Leisure<br />

1.1 To present to <strong>Council</strong> the recommendations of the Cabinet Executive made at<br />

its meeting held on 19 November 2012 in respect of the above item.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To follow.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

To follow.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Agenda Item 10<br />

6.1 A supplemental report in respect of this item will be circulated to Members<br />

following the meeting of Cabinet Executive to be held 19 November 2012,<br />

detailing the recommendations agreed at that meeting.<br />

6.2 Attached at appendix 1 is a copy of the report to be considered by Cabinet<br />

which relates to this agenda item.<br />

Page 41

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 No other considerations are relevant to this report.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 None.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Not applicable.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 As detailed in section 6 of this report.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Green Space Strategy and Appendix<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 None.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager/Director)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 42


Meeting: Cabinet Executive<br />

Date: 19 November 2012<br />

Subject: Green Space Strategy<br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

Phill Turner<br />

Health & Recreation Manager<br />

Pavilion<br />

0116 2727647<br />

Cllr David Clements, Portfolio Holder for Corporate<br />

Services, Performance & Leisure<br />

1.1 To approve a Green Space Strategy for the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

That the Green Space Strategy at Appendix 1 be approved.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

The <strong>Council</strong> needs to develop and adopt a Green Space Strategy in order<br />

to strengthen its strategic approach to the provision of green space within<br />

the <strong>District</strong> and ensure a co-ordinated approach with partners.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Yes<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

6.1 At present the <strong>Council</strong> does not have a Green Space Strategy and therefore<br />

has no formalised strategic direction for green space.<br />

6.2 Green space is an essential ingredient of successful neighbourhoods and it<br />

provides a wide range of social, economic and environmental benefits to local<br />

communities. There is huge national demand for better quality green spaces.<br />

Page 43

Surveys repeatedly show how much the public values them, while research<br />

reveals how closely the quality of green spaces links to levels of health, crime<br />

and the quality of life in every neighbourhood. Well designed green space<br />

provides space for recreational activities, improving physical health and<br />

fitness and improving mental health and well being.<br />

6.3 National best practice guidance for developing Green Space Strategies has<br />

been used to provide the structure of the Green Space Strategy.<br />

6.4 An earlier version of the Green Space Strategy was brought to Cabinet<br />

Executive on 11 June 2012 (minute 48 refers). Following Scrutiny ‘call in’ a<br />

further report was taken to Cabinet Executive on 30 July 2012 (minute 101)<br />

withdrawing the Strategy: recognising it needed further development work and<br />

consultation. This process is now complete and the version appended to this<br />

report is a complete revision taking on board the views of the <strong>Council</strong>’s<br />

Scrutiny Commission and those of local Parish <strong>Council</strong>s and other external<br />

community groups.<br />

6.5 The Strategy now has a clear purpose, to:<br />

• Provide a shared vision for the future and ensure linkages are evident.<br />

• Provide a framework for Parish / Town <strong>Council</strong>’s and community<br />

groups.<br />

• Help to identify improvements required and to set priorities.<br />

• Help make the case for funding opportunities and planning obligations.<br />

• Be responsive to the changing financial, planning and policy<br />

environment.<br />

� Understand and manage public expectations in relation to green space<br />

issues.<br />

• Improve access and usage.<br />

6.6 To deliver the strategy an action plan has been developed using the following<br />

themes:<br />

• Provide - we will seek to provide sufficient accessible green space to<br />

meet current and future demand<br />

• Improve - we will seek to maintain and raise the quality of our green<br />

spaces<br />

• Connect - we will work in partnership to develop and manage<br />

continuous green networks for people and wildlife<br />

• Involve - we will work in partnership with the community and<br />

stakeholders to develop, manage and promote green spaces<br />

• Resource - we will seek to ensure sufficient resources are available to<br />

develop, manage and maintain green spaces<br />

• Sustain - we will work to ensure that the management of our green<br />

spaces have a positive impact on people, the local economy and the<br />

environment<br />

• Conserve - we will ensure that green space biodiversity, landscape<br />

and natural heritage is protected and conserved<br />

6.7 The action plan will be monitored through quarterly Portfolio Reports and<br />

internal working groups and will remain a working document.<br />

Page 44

6.8 The Strategy has been developed jointly with our partners, through<br />

consultation with related statutory and voluntary sector organisations, service<br />

providers and customers.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

Human Rights Act 1998<br />

Human rights have been considered but there are no overarching matters for<br />

concern in relation to this report.<br />

Legal Implications<br />

There are no legal implications.<br />

Human Resources Implications<br />

There are no human resources implications.<br />

Risk Assessment & Business Continuity<br />

There are no risks, business continuity or resilience issues associated with<br />

this report.<br />

Equalities<br />

An EINA has been carried out and any adverse impacts identified have been<br />

mitigated in the EINA Action Plan.<br />

Nottingham Declaration and Climate Change<br />

Climate Change has been considered within the strategy. On page 4 of the<br />

strategy it is stated that in delivering the strategy we will recognise the<br />

changing climate and manage sites accordingly.<br />

Crime & Disorder<br />

Through the strategy we will work to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB) by<br />

implementing good design principles and by working with local agencies to<br />

address ASB when it occurs.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 To not adopt the strategy – this would continue the present position with<br />

uncertainty around required provision and lack of clarity of role and ownership<br />

of sites.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Consultations with internal and external partners have been undertaken with<br />

139 comments, suggestions or amendments put forward.<br />

Page 45

9.2 The following internal groups were consulted:<br />

• Green Infrastructure Forum<br />

• S106 Working Group<br />

• Management Board<br />

• Scrutiny Commission<br />

• Cabinet Briefing<br />

• Cabinet Executive<br />

• Quality Services Working Group<br />

9.3 The following external partners were consulted:<br />

• Environment Agency<br />

• Natural England<br />

• Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust<br />

• The Woodland Trust<br />

• Parish <strong>Council</strong>’s<br />

• Leicestershire Access Forum<br />

• The Friends of Fosse Meadows<br />

• Stepping Stones<br />

• Leicester City <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong><br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 There are no financial implications arising directly from the adoption of the<br />

strategy. Implementation of the action plan will have budgetary implications<br />

which will be subject to the usual budgetary processes.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Appendix 1 – Green Space Strategy<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

• Planning Policy Guidance – PPG17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and<br />

Recreation (2002)<br />

• Urban Green Spaces Task Force report – Green Spaces Better Places (2002)<br />

• Living Spaces, Cleaner, Safer, Greener (2002)<br />

• European Landscape Convention<br />

• The Natural Environment & Rural Communities (NERC) Act<br />

• Green Space Strategies – A Good Practice Guide (2004)<br />

• 6C’s Green Infrastructure Strategy (2010)<br />

• East Midlands Green Infrastructure Scoping Study (2009) & Stepping Stones<br />

Project<br />

• Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Landscape and Woodland Strategy<br />

• Building a Big Society for our area – A Community Plan for <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

(2011)<br />

• <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy<br />

Submission Version (January 2012)<br />

Page 46

• <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> PPG 17 Open Space, Sports & Recreation Facilities<br />

Assessment (2009)<br />

• <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Children’s Play Strategy (2007-2012)<br />

• Local Health Data (various sources)<br />

• Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Biodiversity Action Plan<br />

• Areas of Separation Policy (included in Core Strategy)<br />

• Countryside Policy (included in Core Strategy)<br />

• Leicestershire Rights of Way Improvement Plan<br />

• Leicester City Rights of Way Improvement Plan<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted:<br />

(insert � below to show relevant consultation has taken place)<br />

� Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

� S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Legal Services Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 47<br />


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Page 48

BLABY<br />


STRATEGY 2012<br />

Draft – October 2012<br />

Page 49

Introduction p.3<br />

Purpose of the Strategy<br />

Scope<br />

Vision for our Green Space p.4<br />

How will we deliver this?<br />

Current Green Space Provision p.5<br />

Consultation Key Findings p.5<br />

Green Space Standards & Practice p.6-7<br />

Summary of Green Space<br />

Standards<br />

Assessing Green Space<br />

Adoption, Ownership<br />

and Management<br />

Disposal or Leasing<br />

of Sites<br />

Developer Contributions<br />

Safeguarding Green Space<br />

Partnership Working<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Strategic Sites p.8<br />

Delivering the Strategy p.8<br />

2<br />

Action Plan<br />

Evaluation & Review<br />

Page 50

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has risen to the challenge of preparing a strategy for its green<br />

spaces in the light of the current fi nancial situation to make the greatest use of the<br />

resources and meet the needs of local residents. The Green Space Strategy is one of<br />

a number of plans refl ecting the Community Plan and will inform the development<br />

of the <strong>Council</strong>’s Local Development Framework. The Strategy will inform planning<br />

policy and enable the <strong>Council</strong> to protect and enhance Green Spaces. The strategy<br />

should become the reference point for all the <strong>Council</strong>’s decisions in relation to the<br />

design, development, management, maintenance and funding of green spaces.<br />

Purpose of the Strategy:<br />

Scope<br />

Provide a shared vision for the future and ensure the linkages are evident<br />

Provide a framework for parish / town councils and community groups<br />

Help to identify improvements required and to set priorities<br />

Help make the case for funding opportunities and planning obligations<br />

Be responsive to the changing fi nancial, planning and policy environment<br />

Understand and manage public expectations in relation to green space issues<br />

Improve access and usage<br />

The scope of this strategy will include the following classifi cations of green space:<br />

Green Space Classifi cation Description<br />

Parks and Recreation Grounds Recreation grounds, parks, and formal gardens often with a wide range<br />

of uses<br />

Outdoor Sports Space Fixed sports spaces that are accessible to the public (sports pitches, tennis<br />

courts etc)<br />

Children’s and Young People’s Space Equipped space (play areas) and provision for teenagers (multi-use games<br />

areas)<br />

Informal Open Space Spaces open and free to use but neither laid out or managed for a specifi c<br />

function<br />

Natural Green Space Natural Green Space open to the public (meadows, river fl oodplain & woodland)<br />

Allotments Areas for people to grow their own produce and plants<br />

Churchyards and Cemeteries Churchyards & cemeteries which can provide a tranquil haven for people<br />

and wildlife<br />

Green Corridors Green links from urban areas to the countryside and other settlements<br />

Green Wedges Strategic green space to prevent settlements merging and to guide development<br />

<strong>Public</strong> Rights of Way <strong>Public</strong> rights of way can include bridleways, paths and cycle routes<br />

Civic Spaces This includes Market Squares, often in busy shopping areas<br />

Sites of Special Scientifi c Interest (SSSI) Sites designated as being ecologically or geologically important<br />

Page 51<br />


The Strategic vision for <strong>Blaby</strong>’s green spaces was developed by the <strong>Council</strong>’s Green<br />

Infrastructure Forum with key stakeholders and has the support of Elected Members.<br />

The strategic vision for <strong>Blaby</strong>’s green space strategy is shown below:<br />

“ To provide green spaces that make a positive contribution to the quality and<br />

diversity of the local environment and to the health and well-being of our residents.<br />

Our green spaces can be used, valued and enjoyed by everyone.”<br />

4<br />

How will we deliver this?<br />

Promote our green spaces to increase usage<br />

and encourage the use of green spaces as part<br />

of a healthy lifestyle<br />

Listen to the views of local residents about what<br />

they want in relation to green space<br />

Provide events and activities on our green spaces<br />

Reduce defi ciencies in green space across the<br />

district through the planning system<br />

Prioritise our green space sites and identify sites<br />

of strategic importance<br />

Prioritise investment and improvements at our<br />

green space sites<br />

Work in partnership with Parish / Town <strong>Council</strong>s<br />

and other relevant organisations to ensure a coordinated<br />

approach to green space issues.<br />

Monitor this strategy and review it annually.<br />

Encourage voluntary & community groups to<br />

participate in the management & development of<br />

green spaces.<br />

Manage & maintain green space sites to provide<br />

quality local facilities.<br />

Recognise the changing climate and manage sites<br />

accordingly.<br />

Page 52

2.5<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

The charts below provide an overview of the supply and defi ciencies of green space<br />

throughout the <strong>District</strong>:<br />

Category Current level of provision<br />

(Hectares/1000 population)<br />

Current level of provision (hectares/1000 population)<br />

National standard (hectares/1000 population)<br />

Allotments Children and<br />

young people<br />

Churchyards<br />

and cemetaries<br />

Informal<br />

open space<br />

Natural<br />

green space<br />

National standard<br />

(Hectares/1000 population)<br />

Allotments 0.16 0.3<br />

Children and young people 0.05 0.3<br />

Churchyards and cemetaries 0.19 0<br />

Informal open space 1.31 0.5<br />

Natural green space 2.24 1<br />

Outdoor sport 1.52 1<br />

Parks and recreation grounds 0.41 0.8<br />

Outdoor<br />

sport<br />

Parks and<br />

recreation grounds<br />

A range of consultation has taken place with residents in relation to green space,<br />

including a Community & Young Persons survey, a <strong>Public</strong> Satisfaction with Parks<br />

& Open Spaces report and the <strong>Blaby</strong> Residents survey. Common themes can be<br />

drawn from these different consultations, these are shown below:<br />

Increasing the amount of provision for teenagers<br />

Increasing the amount of park furniture (benches, bins & lighting)<br />

Reducing the amount of dog fouling<br />

Satisfaction levels with open spaces remains high<br />

Only a small proportion of local residents want to<br />

volunteer at a local open<br />

space.<br />

Page 53<br />


The following information highlights key standards and practice which will be<br />

undertaken by the <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> when managing green space:<br />

Summary of Green Space National Standards<br />

This table below summaries the proposed quantity and access standards for green<br />

space across the <strong>District</strong>.<br />

Typology Quantity Standard Access Standard<br />

Parks and Recreation Grounds 0.8 ha/1000 800 metres (15 mins straight line walk time)<br />

Outdoor Sports Space 1.0 ha/1000 480 metres (10 mins straight line walk time)<br />

Children & Young People’s Space 0.30 ha/1000 Junior Provision – 450m (just under 10 mins straight line walk time)<br />

Youth Provision – 800 m (15 mins straightline walk time)<br />

Informal Open Space 0.5 ha/1000 480 metres (10 mins straight line walk time)<br />

Natural Greenspace 1.0 ha/1000 960 metres (20 mins straight line walk time)<br />

Allotments 0.3 ha/1000 480m (10 mins straight line walk time)<br />

A comparison with existing provision establishes the following key themes:<br />

Assessing Green Space<br />

Existing green space and new green space submitted through the planning process<br />

will be assessed against a strategic criteria to determine its strategic value. The<br />

<strong>Council</strong>’s criteria for assessing green space is based on the following elements:<br />

6<br />

Protect and enhance existing sites<br />

Increase play areas and facilities for<br />

young people<br />

Increase and improve rural provision<br />

Usage<br />

Facilities<br />

Size<br />

Biodiversity & wildlife<br />

Develop multi-functional sites<br />

Improve access and quality of sites<br />

Increase allotment provision<br />

Utilise existing natural green space<br />

Linkages to strategic green<br />

infrastructure / wedges or corridors<br />

Other considerations<br />

(historical and cultural)<br />

This strategic value will be used to determine our approach to adoption, ownership<br />

and management to help establish future priorities and create a positive change in<br />

service delivery.<br />

Adoption, Ownership and Management<br />

Following the above assessment, the process below will be followed to determine<br />

who will take ownership of the site:<br />

Stage 1 – <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to adopt (if no, progress to stage 2)<br />

Stage 2 – Parish / Town <strong>Council</strong> to adopt (if no, progress to stage 3)<br />

Stage 3 – Management Company to adopt (minimum standards to be applied)<br />

Page 54

Disposal or Leasing of Sites<br />

The <strong>Council</strong> will use the following criteria when considering any sites for disposal<br />

and in relation to any requests made to BDC by Parish / Town <strong>Council</strong>s or Community<br />

Organisations wishing to take ownership of a BDC site:<br />

Is there suffi cient quantity<br />

in the locality?<br />

Is there suffi cient access to<br />

other similar opportunities?<br />

Is there suffi cient quality in the locality?<br />

What is the current and future value of the land?<br />

Will the green space be improved or<br />

alternative/additional facilities provided?<br />

The <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will endeavour to re-invest into green space sites with receipts and<br />

maintenance resources released from any such arrangements.<br />

Developer Contributions<br />

Contributions are typically secured against residential development but can also be<br />

required for non residential development if it would have an impact on the area. The<br />

provision of infrastructure, facilities and services which are required by a planning<br />

obligation should, where possible, be provided on site. However, there will be<br />

circumstances where this may not be practical or appropriate. In these circumstances,<br />

the <strong>Council</strong> will seek fi nancial contributions towards the provision and / or maintenance<br />

of infrastructure, facilities and services at an alternative off-site location.<br />

In relation to off-site contributions, due to the variation between sites and locations of new<br />

residential housing developments, it is considered to be impractical (given the time scale<br />

allowed to determine planning applications) to individually cost up each application where<br />

an off-site contribution is required. Therefore the <strong>Council</strong> has developed a standard formula<br />

for calculating the cost of providing the required facilities offsite. This model considers<br />

the diverse range of recreational, play and sporting needs of the community along with<br />

providing areas natural green space that will benefi t wildlife and ecology.<br />

Planning legislation requires for these off-site contributions to be invested in local<br />

infrastructure that will benefi t the residents of the new development. The <strong>Council</strong> has<br />

established a Working Group to make recommendations on how these contributions are<br />

used in consultation with local Parish / Town <strong>Council</strong>s.<br />

Safeguarding Green Space<br />

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides against building on green<br />

spaces and the sites of sports and recreational buildings for non-recreational uses. The<br />

NPPF indicates that local communities can identify for special protection green areas of<br />

particular importance by designating land as Local Green Space. Green Wedges and Areas<br />

of Separation along with their detailed boundaries will be reviewed through the <strong>District</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong>’s Allocations, Designations and Development Management Plan Document.<br />

Partnership Working<br />

We will work in partnership with the County <strong>Council</strong>, Parish / Town <strong>Council</strong>s and<br />

Community Groups to manage and enhance our green spaces. The <strong>Council</strong> needs to<br />

develop strong relationships with external organisations and its residents to provide,<br />

develop and enhance services. It will continue to work with its partners to improve<br />

the <strong>District</strong>’s green spaces, from listening to what local users want to adopting new<br />

ideas on their use, layout and management.<br />

7<br />

Page 55

The sites listed below are the <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s strategic sites (these sites have the highest<br />

score using the assessment described on p6 and will be prioritised for investment)<br />

8<br />

Fosse Meadows (Sharnford)<br />

Bouskell Park (<strong>Blaby</strong>)<br />

Glen Hills Nature Reserve (Glen Parva)<br />

Crow Mills Way (South Wigston)<br />

Osiers Nature Reserve (Braunstone)<br />

Action Plan<br />

An Action Plan has been developed to implement the Strategy, this will deliver<br />

against the following strategic themes:<br />

Provide - we will seek to provide suffi cient accessible green space to meet<br />

current and future demand<br />

Improve - we will seek to maintain and raise the quality of our green spaces<br />

Connect - we will work in partnership to develop and manage continuous<br />

green networks for people and wildlife<br />

Involve - we will work in partnership with the community and stakeholders<br />

to develop, manage and promote green spaces<br />

Resource - we will seek to ensure suffi cient resources are available to<br />

develop, manage and maintain green spaces<br />

Sustain - we will work to ensure that the management of our green spaces<br />

have a positive impact on people, the local economy and the environment<br />

Conserve - we will ensure that green space biodiversity,<br />

landscape and natural heritage is protected and conserved<br />

Evaluation and Review<br />

The Green Space Strategy will be monitored and evaluated<br />

through the following mechanisms:<br />

The <strong>Council</strong>’s Green Infrastructure Forum<br />

The <strong>Council</strong>’s Planning Obligations Monitoring Group<br />

<strong>Public</strong> Satisfaction Surveys<br />

Quality Audits<br />

Regular Strategy Updates and Annual Review<br />

Cabinet Executive Portfolio<br />

Reports<br />

Tel: 0116 275 0555<br />

www.blaby.gov.uk<br />

Page 56<br />

Jubilee Park (Enderby)<br />

Whetstone Way (Whetstone)<br />

Whistle Way (Narborough / Enderby)<br />

Countesthorpe Country Park

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive:<br />

Corporate Plan Refresh<br />

Report of: Cabinet Executive<br />

Portfolio Holder: Cllr E White – Leader<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

1.1 To present to <strong>Council</strong> the recommendations of the Cabinet Executive made at<br />

its meeting held on 19 November 2012 in respect of the above item.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To follow.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

To follow.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Agenda Item 11<br />

6.1 A supplemental report in respect of this item will be circulated to Members<br />

following the meeting of Cabinet Executive to be held 19 November 2012,<br />

detailing the recommendations agreed at that meeting.<br />

6.2 Attached at appendix 1 is a copy of the report to be considered by Cabinet<br />

which relates to this agenda item.<br />

Page 57

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 No other considerations are relevant to this report.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 None.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Not applicable.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 As detailed in section 6 of this report.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Corporate Plan Refresh<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 None.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager/Director)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 58


Meeting: Cabinet Executive<br />

Date: 19 th November 2012<br />

Subject: Corporate Plan Refresh<br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Sandra Whiles, Chief Executive<br />

0116 272 7501<br />

sw2@blaby.gov.uk<br />

Portfolio Holder: Cllr E White - Leader<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

1.1 To advise Members of the outcome of the Corporate Plan refresh and to seek<br />

approval for the revised critical activities<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation / Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To approve the refreshed Corporate Plan<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

It is timely to update the plan to reflect current and known future challenges<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Yes<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

The Corporate Plan is the document which sets out how <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

will deliver its commitments set out in the Community Plan which is the<br />

vision developed with other public services, outlining what we want the district<br />

to be like in 2026.<br />

The Corporate Plan is based on information about the district and customer<br />

feedback and identifies how we will contribute to improvements over the next<br />

3 years which will help us to deliver our long term vision.<br />

Page 59

Since the 3 year Corporate Plan was approved by <strong>Council</strong> in April 2011, the<br />

landscape has changed both due to reducing resources and changing<br />

priorities, be they national or local and, it was therefore considered timely to<br />

review the critical activities set out within the Plan. As they were developed by<br />

the community and our partners, the priorities and ambitions within the report<br />

remain unchanged with the 4 priorities for the council being:<br />

• Vibrant Places – Sustaining and Improving the Environment<br />

• Access to Quality Provision for Children and Young People<br />

• Health & Well Being for All<br />

• High Quality, Responsive, Efficient and Valued <strong>Public</strong> Services<br />

There are 24 ambitions within the plan which will remain the same for reasons<br />

already stated. The critical activities have been revised to incorporate new<br />

priorities such as the implementation of the Supporting Leicestershire<br />

Families model and the implementation of the scheme for the Localisation of<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax as well as responding to the impact of Welfare Reform.<br />

The revised critical activities are high level activities and each of these may<br />

require several different services working on a number of projects in order to<br />

achieve. These individual activities will be identified within service plans and<br />

will be reported on via the quarterly performance <strong>reports</strong>. A report setting out<br />

the revised performance management framework will be the subject of a<br />

report to the Cabinet Executive on 14 th January 2013.<br />

The revised Critical activities are detailed at Appendix 1 of this report.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

Human Rights Act 1998<br />

Human rights have been considered but there are no overarching matters for<br />

concern in relation to this report.<br />

Legal Implications<br />

There are none associated with this report.<br />

Human Resources Implications<br />

There are none associated with this report.<br />

Risk Assessment & Business Continuity<br />

There are none associated with this report.<br />

Equalities<br />

As the priorities within the plan have remained unchanged, there is no EINA<br />

for this report.<br />

Page 60

8. Other Options Considered<br />

• No other options were considered as the Corporate Plan should reflect<br />

current priorities.<br />

9. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

• The Medium Term Financial strategy details how we will deliver our<br />

Corporate Priorities and the annual budget is agreed by <strong>Council</strong> each<br />

February. There are no additional resource implications as an outcome of<br />

this report.<br />

10. Appendix/Appendices to this report<br />

10.1 Revised list of critical activities 2011 - 14<br />

11. List of Background Papers<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted:<br />

(insert � below to show relevant consultation has taken place)<br />

� Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

� S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 61

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Page 62

Priority 1 - Vibrant Places – Sustaining & Improving the<br />

Environment<br />

Ambition 1: There will be less nuisance and fewer community safety<br />

issues relating to traffic.<br />

• Consider and represent community views to Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong> and partners etc on<br />

traffic issues, relating to infrastructure, development proposals and Core Strategy.<br />

• Deliver and update Air Quality Action Plans.<br />

Ambition 2: There will be greater opportunities for people to travel by<br />

public transport and means other than the car.<br />

• To ensure that the Development Plan enables opportunities for reduced car use, increased<br />

public transport networks and for us to influence the provision of infrastructure.<br />

Ambition 3: Community areas including recreation, parks and open<br />

spaces and streets will be clear for all to enjoy and use.<br />

• Deliver the Clean & Safe Strategy.<br />

• Deliver the Green Space Strategy Action Plan.<br />

Ambition 4: <strong>Blaby</strong> town centre will provide a greater retail experience<br />

for shoppers.<br />

• Support and develop the <strong>Blaby</strong> Town Centre Partnership to improve the Town Centre ‘offer’ for<br />

residents, businesses and customers.<br />

Ambition 5: Use of current infrastructure (roads, community facilities,<br />

public realm) will be maximised and improved where economically<br />

viable.<br />

• Put a rigorous process in place to deal with potential challenge through ‘The Community Right to<br />

Bid’.<br />

Ambition 6: New infrastructure (roads, community facilities etc) will<br />

be included as appropriate to support any proposed growth through<br />

development.<br />

• Use the planning system to support the provision of new infrastructure.<br />

Ambition 7: The housing needs of communities will be met, including<br />

ensuring affordable housing for all age groups across the <strong>District</strong>.<br />

• Deliver the Development Plan.<br />

• Review and deliver the Housing Strategy and associated policies including production of an<br />

affordable housing supplementary planning document and a vulnerable persons housing<br />

strategy.<br />

Page 63

Ambition 8: Development of the right quality and quantity (housing<br />

and employment sites) to take place in the right places, informed by<br />

local communities and their representatives.<br />

• Deliver the Local Plan, and build confidence in <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> around influencing<br />

planning matters appropriately.<br />

Ambition 9: Communities make appropriate adaptations to climate<br />

change and take steps to reduce its impact.<br />

• Commit to and Implement ‘Climate Local’ and deliver the critical activities.<br />

Priority 2 - Access to Quality Provision for Children & Young<br />

People<br />

Ambition 10: There will be better and more facilities and activities for<br />

Children and Young People.<br />

• Revise and implement the Children’s and Young People’s Strategy<br />

Ambition 11: Integrated youth support work available for the most<br />

vulnerable young people.<br />

• Revise and implement the Children’s and Young People’s Strategy<br />

Ambition 12: Greater support for families with young children and<br />

teenagers.<br />

• Deliver a local model for Supporting Families Leicestershire<br />

Ambition 13: Young people are actively involved in planning and<br />

delivering improvements to services.<br />

• Revise and implement the Children’s and Young People’s Strategy<br />

Ambition 14: All children and young people reach their potential,<br />

including in education.<br />

• Revise and implement the Children’s and Young People’s Strategy<br />

Priority 3 - Health & Well Being for All<br />

Ambition 15: The health of residents will improve through<br />

preventative measures.<br />

• Develop and deliver a local health plan for <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Page 64

Ambition 16: Vulnerable people are more involved, valued and<br />

supported to live independently within the community with a good<br />

quality of life.<br />

• Deliver a Vulnerable Persons Strategy and Action Plan.<br />

• Maximise our ability to provide an advice service, including welfare reform, to enable people to<br />

access income appropriately.<br />

Ambition 17: There will be greater opportunities for people to<br />

improve their chances of employment.<br />

• Develop and implement the Economic Development Strategy.<br />

Ambition 18: People feel a greater sense of pride, local identity and<br />

get on well together in their communities irrespective of personal<br />

background.<br />

• Working with parishes, key community groups and the voluntary sector to share and achieve<br />

common goals, including an effective community engagement mechanism.<br />

Ambition 19: Crime levels including Anti-Social Behaviour will fall;<br />

people will feel safer and have a greater public confidence in all<br />

community safety services.<br />

• Deliver the Community Safety Plan<br />

Priority – 4 High Quality, Responsive, Efficient and Valued<br />

<strong>Public</strong> Services<br />

Ambition 20: High performing accessible services that meet the<br />

needs of our community.<br />

• Deliver continuous improvement by challenging our services to provide what matters to the<br />

customer as efficiently and effectively as possible.<br />

• Improve access to services based on an understanding of the customer’s needs and point of<br />

view.<br />

Ambition 21: Transparent reporting and involvement of the local<br />

community.<br />

• Provide relevant and accessible information that matters to the local community.<br />

• Improve service delivery by ensuring services are shaped by customer demand.<br />

Ambition 22: Efficient services that provide value for money.<br />

• Continually challenge and review service costs and quality.<br />

Ambition 23: Fairness and respect for all with no one suffering<br />

disadvantage.<br />

• Ensuring that services meet the diverse needs of the community.<br />

• Deliver the People Strategy (The <strong>Blaby</strong> Way).<br />

Page 65

Ambition 24: There are talented people within the <strong>Council</strong> who have<br />

the skills to deliver high quality, responsive, efficient, valued public<br />

services.<br />

• The People Strategy (The <strong>Blaby</strong> Way) is in place, communicated and delivered<br />

• Deliver the Member Development Strategy.<br />

Page 66

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive:<br />

Climate Local<br />

Report of: Cabinet Executive<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

Cllr Guy Jackson – Neighbourhood and<br />

Environmental Health Services<br />

1.1 To present to <strong>Council</strong> the recommendations of the Cabinet Executive made at<br />

its meeting held on 19 November 2012 in respect of the above item.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To follow.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

To follow.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Agenda Item 12<br />

6.1 A supplemental report in respect of this item will be circulated to Members<br />

following the meeting of Cabinet Executive to be held 19 November 2012,<br />

detailing the recommendations agreed at that meeting.<br />

6.2 Attached at appendix 1 is a copy of the report to be considered by Cabinet<br />

which relates to this agenda item.<br />

Page 67

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 No other considerations are relevant to this report.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 None.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Not applicable.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 As detailed in section 6 of this report.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Climate Local & Climate Local Discretion<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 None.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager/Director)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 68


Meeting: Cabinet Executive<br />

Date: 19 November 2012<br />

Subject: Climate Local<br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

• Jon Wells<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

• Group Manager, Regulatory and Leisure Services<br />

• <strong>Council</strong> Offices<br />

• 0116 2727545<br />

Cllr Guy Jackson – Neighbourhood and<br />

Environmental Health Services Portfolio Holder<br />

1.1 To advise members of the Local Government Association ‘Climate Local’<br />

initiative and seek the <strong>Council</strong>’s approval to sign up to it.<br />

1.2 To outline the implications of making such a declaration.<br />

1.3 Seek approval for the Climate Change Working Members Group to progress<br />

the next stage of the process; which is, to propose an ambition and set out<br />

clear and measurable actions. The Regulatory and Leisure Services Group<br />

Manager will then bring a further detailed report back to <strong>Council</strong> setting this<br />

out for approval.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

2.2<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

3.2<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

The <strong>Council</strong> sign up to Climate Local.<br />

The Climate Change Working Members Group be requested to set out a<br />

level of ambition, develop an action plan and report this back to a future<br />

<strong>Council</strong> meeting for approval.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

The initiative supports the <strong>Council</strong>’s continued drive and ambition to act on<br />

a changing climate following the signing of the Nottingham Declaration in<br />

2006.<br />

This will help the <strong>Council</strong> to capture opportunities and benefits of action on<br />

climate change through:<br />

Page 69

3.3<br />

1) Saving on energy bills.<br />

2) Generating income from renewable energy.<br />

3) Attracting new jobs and investment in ‘green’ industries.<br />

4) Reduce flood risks and help to manage the impacts of extreme<br />

weather (such as drought).<br />

5) Tackling fuel poverty.<br />

6) Protecting the natural environment.<br />

This will provide a way to show the <strong>Council</strong>’s leadership on climate change<br />

to our communities, partners and collectively to government and other<br />

national stakeholders.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Yes<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

6.1.1 The <strong>Council</strong> signed the Nottingham Declaration in December 2006 thereby<br />

demonstrating its commitment to act on a changing climate. Following on<br />

from this the <strong>Council</strong> implemented a Fuel Poverty Strategy and developed<br />

and delivered action plans for Climate Change, Green Travel and Carbon<br />

Management. Some of the key work carried out is detailed below:<br />

• The installation of a Combined Heat and Power System at Enderby<br />

Leisure Centre giving a carbon dioxide saving of 351.9 tonnes ongoing<br />

• Installation of a Solar PV system at the Pavilion which has provided<br />

£3,500 in Feed In Tariffs (FITs) in its first year<br />

• Bike week cycle servicing and car tyre checks<br />

• The installation of automatic meter reading for all utilities throughout the<br />

organisation<br />

• Refuse and recycling round rationalisation<br />

• Safe and efficient driving SaFeD training sessions for all staff<br />

This has resulted in the following achievements:<br />

• A Green Apple Award for our Time 4 Change programme<br />

• Silver and Gold Motorvate Awards for a reduction in vehicle emissions<br />

• Top performer in the East Midlands with a 21.7% reduction in carbon<br />

emissions in three years<br />

• Established a knowledge partnership with DeMontfort University to support<br />

local communities in reducing costs associated with running a home<br />

• A greater awareness of resource usage, saving over £25,000 year on year<br />

in fuel bills<br />

6.2 Climate Local is an initiative to drive, inspire and support <strong>Council</strong> action on a<br />

changing climate. The initiative supports our efforts both to reduce carbon<br />

Page 70

emissions and also to improve resilience to the affects of our changing climate<br />

and extreme weather. Climate Local will help the <strong>Council</strong> to capture<br />

opportunities and benefits of action on climate change, through saving on<br />

energy bills, generating income from renewable energy, attracting new jobs<br />

and investment in ‘green’ industries, reducing flood risks and managing<br />

impacts of extreme weather, tackling fuel poverty and protecting our natural<br />

environment.<br />

6.3 By signing Climate Local the <strong>Council</strong> will commit to:<br />

• Set out actions we intend to take locally to further reduce our carbon<br />

emissions and respond to changes in the climate within our own<br />

operations, services and with the local community<br />

• Set a level of ambition and actions in the following areas: mainstreaming<br />

climate change, energy, local economic growth, natural environment,<br />

planning and the built environment, transport, waste, health and our<br />

communities.<br />

• Share actions, progress and learning with other partners<br />

6.4 To ensure delivery against the Nottingham Declaration a Climate Change<br />

cross-party Members Working Group was established. This has successfully<br />

helped to guide and aid delivery of Climate Change and Green Travel actions<br />

while raising carbon awareness among members and staff. The success of<br />

the Group is such that if the <strong>Council</strong> are minded to commit to Climate Local<br />

then they should be asked to develop future actions and outcomes. This will<br />

also ensure leadership within the local community.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 Human Rights Act 1998<br />

Human rights have been considered but there are no overarching matters for<br />

concern in relation to this report.<br />

7.2 Legal Implications<br />

All legal implications will be advised upon when an action list is developed<br />

subsequent to this Report being approved.<br />

7.3 Human Resources Implications<br />

There are no Human Resources implications.<br />

7.4 Risk Assessment & Business Continuity<br />

Financial risks and future revenue streams will be considered as part of this<br />

process.<br />

7.5 Equalities<br />

No EINA is required for this report.<br />

7.6 Nottingham Declaration and Climate Change<br />

The Nottingham Declaration has now been replaced by the Climate Local<br />

document, and it is recommended the <strong>Council</strong> sign up to the new Climate<br />

Local to show its continued support to the Environment, and allow the <strong>Council</strong><br />

to continue to excel in this area of work.<br />

Page 71

7.7 Crime & Disorder<br />

There are no Crime and Disorder implications.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 Do nothing and risk reputational damage through lack of commitment to the<br />

climate change agenda.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Climate Change Members Working Group<br />

Leicestershire Together Environment Hub<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 Costs associated with any actions will be brought forward for discussion in the<br />

next paper. Resource costs are already incorporated within revenue budgets.<br />

10.2 Resource for delivery exists within the Environmental Health Service. There<br />

maybe implications moving forward dependent on final actions agreed.<br />

11. Appendix/Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Appendix 1 – Climate Local Declaration<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 Cabinet Executive 7 December 2006<br />

12.2 Cabinet Executive 30 June 2008<br />

12.3 Cabinet Executive 8 September 2008<br />

12.4 Cabinet Executive 6 October 2008<br />

12.5 Cabinet Executive 1 December 2008<br />

12.6 Cabinet Executive 23 March 2009<br />

12.7 Cabinet Executive 18 January 2010<br />

12.8 Cabinet Executive 22 March 2010<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted:<br />

(insert � below to show relevant consultation has taken place)<br />

� Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

� S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 72


Climate Local<br />


Our commitment to taking action in a changing climate<br />

We recognise that our council has an important role to help our residents and<br />

businesses to capture the opportunities and benefits of action on climate change.<br />

These include saving money on energy bills, generating income from renewable<br />

energy, attracting new jobs and investment in ‘green’ industries, supporting new<br />

sources of energy, managing local flood-risk and water scarcity and protecting our<br />

natural environment.<br />

We will progressively address the risks and pursue the opportunities<br />

presented by a changing climate, inline with local priorities, through our role<br />

as:<br />

• Community leader – helping local people and businesses to be smarter about<br />

their energy use and to prepare for climate impacts;<br />

• Service provider – delivering services that are resource efficient, less carbon<br />

intensive, resilient and that protect those who are most vulnerable to climate<br />

impacts;<br />

• Estate manager – ensuring that our own buildings and operations are<br />

resource efficient, use clean energy, and are well prepared for the impacts of<br />

a changing climate.<br />

In signing this commitment, we will:<br />

[Date]<br />

• Set locally-owned and determined commitments and actions to reduce<br />

carbon emissions and to manage climate impacts. These will be specific,<br />

measurable and challenging;<br />

• Publish our commitments, actions and progress, enabling local<br />

communities to hold us to account;<br />

• Share the learning from our experiences and achievements with other<br />

councils; and<br />

• Regularly refresh our commitments and actions to ensure they are current<br />

and continue to reflect local priorities.<br />


[Signature of Leader]<br />

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Page 74

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Recommendations of the Cabinet Executive:<br />

Strategy for Supporting Vulnerable People 2012-<br />

2014<br />

Report of: Cabinet Executive<br />

Portfolio Holder: Cllr D. Jennings – Community Services<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

1.1 To present to <strong>Council</strong> the recommendations of the Cabinet Executive made at<br />

its meeting held on 19 November 2012 in respect of the above item.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To follow.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

To follow.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Not applicable it is a matter for <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Agenda Item 13<br />

6.1 A supplemental report in respect of this item will be circulated to Members<br />

following the meeting of Cabinet Executive to be held 19 November 2012,<br />

detailing the recommendations agreed at that meeting.<br />

6.2 Attached at appendix 1 is a copy of the report to be considered by Cabinet<br />

which relates to this agenda item.<br />

Page 75

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

7.1 No other considerations are relevant to this report.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 None.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 Not applicable.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 As detailed in section 6 of this report.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Strategy for Supporting Vulnerable People.<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

12.1 None.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager/Director)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 76


Meeting: Cabinet Executive<br />

Date: Monday 19 th November 2012<br />

Subject: Strategy for Supporting Vulnerable People<br />

2012-2014<br />

Report of: Teresa Neal<br />

Community Services Manager<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Offices<br />

0116 272 7785<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

Cllr. D. Jennings<br />

Community Services Portfolio Holder<br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

1.1 To advise Members of the new Vulnerable Persons Strategy and to<br />

recommend endorsement of the strategy.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation / Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

That the Vulnerable Persons Strategy be approved.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is committed to ensuring access to our services is<br />

available to all parts of our community including those that are the most<br />

vulnerable.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

4.1 Yes.<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

5.1 Yes.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

6.1 At present the <strong>Council</strong> does not have a Vulnerable Persons Strategy and<br />

therefore has no formalised strategic direction.<br />

6.2 <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is committed to assisting vulnerable people in<br />

sustaining independent living. We will throughout our business processes<br />

ensure that vulnerable and potentially vulnerable people are identified at an<br />

early stage and receive the appropriate advice and support either through<br />

direct service provision or through partnerships with key stakeholders such as<br />

Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>, Police and voluntary sector.<br />

Page 77

6.3 The Strategy outlines an approach which will meet the expectations of<br />

vulnerable people and their supporting agencies whilst meeting the overall<br />

objectives of the Government, including the focus on supporting families<br />

without compromising <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s business objectives.<br />

6.4 The purpose of the strategy is to ensure services to vulnerable adults are<br />

more personalised, more preventative and more focused by:<br />

• Providing a shared vision and commitment to assisting vulnerable people<br />

• Improved access and usage of services by vulnerable people<br />

• Ensuring all departments within <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> consider the impact of<br />

any changes in service provision, funding or policies on vulnerable people.<br />

• Vulnerable people are consulted and help us shape services of the future.<br />

• <strong>District</strong> and parish councillors understand what we mean by vulnerability and<br />

know where to refer individuals and families to.<br />

• The safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children is considered in respect of<br />

any information we become aware of.<br />

6.5 All teams within <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> should:<br />

• Support people to live as independently as possible and have a good quality<br />

of life.<br />

• Ensure people have the opportunity to make choices and have as much<br />

control as possible over their lives.<br />

• People get the support they need in local and community settings.<br />

• Ensure the most vulnerable people are safeguarded against abuse.<br />

• Support and encourage individuals to adopt a healthier lifestyle and behaviour<br />

and be self-reliant.<br />

• Provide people with information about the range of services available to them<br />

as a first response to need.<br />

6.6 The Vulnerable Persons Strategy 2012-2014 has been developed jointly by<br />

the council and its partners, through consultation with related statutory and<br />

voluntary sector organisations and service providers. The strategy comprises<br />

of the strategy itself, identification of vulnerable people, map of services and<br />

an action plan. The action plan will be reviewed quarterly through the<br />

Vulnerable People & Places Forum.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

Human Rights Act 1998<br />

• Human rights have been considered but there are no overarching matters<br />

for concern in relation to this report.<br />

Legal Implications<br />

• There are no legal implications<br />

Human Resources Implications<br />

• There are some implications in terms of human resources in relation to<br />

ensuring staff and members receive training on what we mean by<br />

vulnerability, identifying and signposting individuals.<br />

Risk Assessment & Business Continuity<br />

• There are no risks, business continuity or resilience issues associated with<br />

this report.<br />

Page 78

Equalities<br />

• An EINA has been carried out and any adverse impacts identified have<br />

been mitigated in the EINA Action Plan.<br />

Nottingham Declaration and Climate Change<br />

• N/A<br />

Crime & Disorder<br />

• The strategy supports the Community Safety Strategy for 2012-2014, in<br />

relation to ensuring that those most vulnerable within our communities<br />

including offenders are supported to reduce the chance of them<br />

reoffending or individuals becoming involved in crime and disorder.<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

8.1 There is an expectation on the <strong>Council</strong> to develop and adopt a Vulnerable<br />

Persons Strategy. There are no alternative options available.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

9.1 The consultation period has proved successful with internal and external<br />

partners contributing comments, suggestions and amendments.<br />

9.2 The following internal partners were consulted:<br />

• Service Managers with responsibility for front facing teams & strategic<br />

housing<br />

9.3 The following external partners were consulted:<br />

• Members of the Vulnerable People & Places Forum<br />

• Police<br />

• Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Community Action Partnership<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

10.1 Recommendation can be implemented within existing resources.<br />

11. Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Appendix A – Strategy for Supporting Vulnerable People 2012-2014.<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

• The Vulnerable People & Places Forum has been operational for over twelve<br />

months and the cases we have dealt with at this meeting have informed this<br />

strategy. The notes from the meeting are confidential as they name<br />

individuals/families but the support required for these persons has helped us<br />

develop both the strategy and the action plan.<br />

• The Vulnerability Action Plan is attached to this report to inform on how we<br />

intend to implement the strategy at an operational level.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by �):<br />

� Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

� S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Legal Services Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

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Page 80

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Strategy for supporting vulnerable people<br />

2012-2014<br />

This document sets out the commitment and approach of <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> towards supporting vulnerable people in all aspects of its service<br />

planning and delivery.<br />

Page 81

Contents<br />

Introduction<br />

Section 1 Purpose & Scope<br />

• Local Priorities<br />

• Policies<br />

Section 2 Evidence of local need<br />

• Definition of vulnerability<br />

• Joint Strategic Needs Assessment<br />

Section 3 Identifying Vulnerability<br />

• Vulnerable People & Places Forum<br />

Section 4 Delivering the Strategy<br />

• Support services<br />

• Leicestershire Supporting Families<br />

Section 5 Measuring outcomes<br />

• Social Return on Investment<br />

Section 6 Conclusion & Summary<br />

Appendices<br />

Appendix 1 Identification of vulnerable people<br />

Appendix 2 Map of services<br />

Page 82

A Strategy to Support Vulnerable People within <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> 2012<br />

Introduction<br />

Improving the life chances of our most vulnerable residents is a key strategic<br />

priority for <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (BDC). We know that increasingly people<br />

with care and support needs expect a better quality of life and services that<br />

are tailored to their needs.<br />

Delivering this requires people to have a real choice and control over services<br />

and access to the resources they need when they need them to ensure they<br />

live a healthy life and remain independent for as long as possible.<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is committed to assisting vulnerable people in<br />

sustaining independent living. We will throughout our business processes<br />

ensure that vulnerable and potentially vulnerable people are identified at an<br />

early stage and receive the appropriate advice and support either through<br />

direct service provision or through partnerships with key stakeholders such as<br />

Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong>, Police, and the voluntary sector.<br />

Whilst there continues to be a focus on high performance across the council,<br />

it is essential that we are able to demonstrate that our service provision is<br />

tailored to meet the needs of our most vulnerable customers.<br />

The purpose of this strategy is to ensure services to vulnerable adults are<br />

more personalised, more preventative and more focused.<br />

This strategy outlines an approach which will meet the expectations of<br />

vulnerable people and their supporting agencies whilst meeting the overall<br />

objectives of the Government, including the focus on supporting families,<br />

without compromising <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s business objectives.<br />

The strategy has been informed by national policy such as the Welfare<br />

Reforms, Localism Bill and the Health & Social Care Bill.<br />

Page 83

Section 1 Purpose & Scope<br />

1.1 The purpose of the strategy is to:<br />

• Provide a shared vision and commitment to assisting vulnerable people<br />

• Improve access and usage of services by vulnerable people<br />

• Ensure all services within <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> consider the impact of<br />

any changes in service provision, funding or policies on vulnerable<br />

people.<br />

• Vulnerable people are consulted and help us shape services of the<br />

future.<br />

• <strong>District</strong>, Parish <strong>Council</strong>lors and officers understand what we mean by<br />

vulnerability and know where to refer individuals and families to.<br />

• The safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children is considered in<br />

respect of any information we become aware of.<br />

1.2 The scope of the strategy is that vulnerable people are everyone’s<br />

business. This is supported by <strong>Blaby</strong>’s principles and our policies<br />

which are detailed below:<br />

• Personalisation – recognition that service users play a central role in<br />

the shaping of their own care.<br />

• Prevention and early intervention - High quality universal services can<br />

act to prevent problems occurring.<br />

• Personal responsibility – To note that prevention is not something<br />

services can do alone and that the empowerment of individuals and<br />

communities is key in people improving their own lives.<br />

• Building Community Capacity – in recognition of the role of active<br />

communities in directly promoting the well being of individuals.<br />

• Service development – to facilitate the growth of an improved range of<br />

service provision (working alongside service users, providers, potential<br />

providers and partners.)<br />

All teams within <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will:<br />

• Support people to live as independently as possible and have a good<br />

quality of life.<br />

• Ensure people have the opportunity to make choices and have as<br />

much control as possible over their lives.<br />

• Ensure people get the support they need in local and community<br />

settings<br />

• Ensure the most vulnerable people are safeguarded against abuse.<br />

• Support and encourage individuals to adopt a healthier lifestyle and<br />

behaviour and be self-reliant.<br />

• Provide people with information about the range of services available<br />

to them as a first response to need.<br />

Page 84

Section 2 - Evidence of Local Need<br />

.<br />

2.1 Definition of vulnerability<br />

We recognise that we have a responsibility to ensure that the<br />

vulnerable and socially excluded are protected. Our policies and<br />

processes need to be sensitive and provide adequate opportunity for<br />

the less resourceful to access and obtain relevant assistance and<br />

support both in the short term and beyond.<br />

A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 or over, “who is or may be in<br />

need of community care services by reason of mental or other<br />

disability, age or illness: and who is or may be unable to take care of<br />

him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant<br />

harm or exploitation.” Section 2 “no Secrets”, Department of Health and<br />

the Home Office (2000)<br />

2.2 Those that might be potentially vulnerable therefore include but not<br />

limited to;<br />

• · Supporting Leicestershire Families<br />

• · Tenant under 18;<br />

• · Tenant under 25;<br />

• · Pensionable age;<br />

• · Leaving care;<br />

• · Homeless;<br />

• · First Tenancy;<br />

• · Ex-offender;<br />

• · Fleeing domestic abuse/harassment;<br />

• · Misusing drugs;<br />

• · Misusing alcohol;<br />

• · Neurological impairment;<br />

• · Sensory impairment;<br />

• · Physical impairment;<br />

• · Mental health impairment;<br />

• · Chaotic lifestyle;<br />

• · Literacy;<br />

• · Learning difficulties;<br />

• · Life skills issues;<br />

• · Involvement with Social Services;<br />

• · Cultural/religious/sexual orientation<br />

• · Recently bereaved;<br />

• · Single parent families;<br />

• · Pregnant women (particularly teenagers);<br />

• · Unemployed people;<br />

• · People who are considered to be financially excluded; and<br />

• · Those who have difficulty in understanding, speaking or reading<br />

English.<br />

Page 85

2.3 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)<br />

The <strong>Blaby</strong> JSNA is the primary document which describes the health<br />

and wellbeing needs in <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong>. It tell us that<br />

• In 2010 the population of <strong>Blaby</strong> was estimated to be 128200. Around<br />

42% of the population are aged 60 years and over. By 2030 the<br />

population of over 65’s is estimated to increase by 60%.<br />

• In 2010 there were 54100 people over 60 years and 27500 aged over<br />

80.<br />

• In 2010 there are estimated to be around 7500 people in <strong>Blaby</strong> over<br />

the age of 65 with a limiting long term illness. By 2030 this is estimated<br />

to increase to around 12200, an increase of 63.6%.<br />

• It is estimated that 19, 400 adults are obese, 6.4% of reception<br />

children and 14% of year 6’s.<br />

• 14, 700 adults smoke<br />

• There are an estimated 13700 adults who binge drink (18.2%)<br />

• In 2010 there are estimated 1170 people in <strong>Blaby</strong> with dementia. By<br />

2030 this is estimated to increase to 2280 people, an increase of 96%.<br />

• In 2010/11 there were 499 people in <strong>Blaby</strong> registered with their GP as<br />

having a mental health disorder including schizophrenia, biopolar<br />

disorder and other psychoses.<br />

This evidences a greater need for mental health support services.<br />

The facts and figures inform us that in the longer term an ageing<br />

population will mean there will be a rise in demand for health services<br />

and long term care, creating a challenge for the funding of public<br />

services. We will also need to provide more choice in homes for the<br />

elderly. Current supported (sheltered) stock is out of date and fails to<br />

meet decent homes standard. We need to work towards improving the<br />

choice for the elderly.<br />

Alongside this there are those individuals within the district whose<br />

unhealthy lifestyles have a significant impact on people’s quality of life<br />

and ability for people to maintain independence. They also have a<br />

significant impact on the demand for health and social care services.<br />

These choices and behaviours include alcohol, substance use,<br />

smoking and healthy weight.<br />

Section 3 Identifying vulnerability<br />

3.1. The key element is that we identify a vulnerable person at the earliest<br />

possible stage. Identification can be difficult as vulnerable people often<br />

demonstrate quite rational and normal behaviour with the<br />

characteristics being fragmented, obscure and particular to individuals.<br />

Identification of a vulnerable person can occur at any time during the<br />

course of an individuals’ contact with us and staff should ensure that<br />

they use any contact as a way by which potential vulnerability can be<br />

identified.<br />

Page 86

3.2 <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will use all the sources of information available to<br />

help us to identify vulnerability. It is more difficult where a vulnerable<br />

person is not on our radar and this is where we need staff and<br />

councillors to share knowledge with the Community Services Team.<br />

The sharing of this information then allows the team to support the<br />

vulnerable person using a range of tools that are available to us.<br />

3.3. The current service provision at BDC has a breadth of experience of<br />

supporting people in independent living across a wide range of client<br />

groups such as, households where there is Domestic Abuse; rehousing<br />

of high risk offenders, drug and alcohol users, families with complex<br />

needs, children with behavioral difficulties; etc. Many of the service<br />

users span several groups and over 30% have mental health<br />

difficulties. BDC workers have developed skills and expertise at<br />

working with clients on many issues simultaneously.<br />

3.4. Alongside this the Vulnerable People & Places Forum (VPPF) allows<br />

those individuals or families that are identified by other teams within the<br />

local authority, partners and other external organisations to be brought<br />

to a multi agency meeting to discuss their needs and ensure the<br />

relevant support is put in place. A single referral process is used which<br />

all internal teams and external agencies have adopted.<br />

3.5. In anti social behaviour cases a ‘vulnerability matrix’ is completed<br />

which prompts a series of questions and subject areas aimed at being<br />

able to identify and determine the extent of vulnerability. Where the<br />

matrix comes out as high risk then a referral to the Vulnerable People<br />

and Places Forum (VPPF) is made automatically.<br />

3.6. The completion of the referral form and in ASB cases the vulnerability<br />

matrix enables us to assess what support if any is required. In<br />

particular we will ensure;<br />

• Appropriate agencies are advised of the service user’s circumstances<br />

and if required a referral made for specialist support<br />

• Policy and procedures are adopted and regularly reviewed to ensure<br />

synergy across disparate teams<br />

• Capture and record all relevant details and actions through the VPPF<br />

• Where appropriate hold to account agencies to ensure actions are<br />

followed through.<br />

• Individual/family will remain as a case at the VPPF until their risk has<br />

been reduced or the case has moved to the responsibility of one<br />

agency.<br />

3.7. The purpose of identifying potential vulnerability is to ensure that the<br />

service provided is wherever possible tailored to meet the needs of the<br />

individual. Where we do not directly provide a service, identifying<br />

vulnerability can prompt staff to signpost people to relevant<br />

organisations that can provide support.<br />

Page 87

3.8. We have access to a great deal of information through direct and<br />

indirect contact with individuals. Whilst sensitivity and discretion are<br />

obviously important in protecting the privacy of individuals it is essential<br />

that data is shared amongst different sections of the organisation and<br />

partners, and is used to maximum effect to ensure that vulnerable<br />

people are known and identified. Data will be shared in line with the<br />

Data Protection Act. It is also important that internal relationships are<br />

effective especially the relationship between key teams such as our<br />

Environmental Health Officers and those officers who work within the<br />

Community Services Group.<br />

Section 4 - Delivering the strategy<br />

4.1. The pathway by which vulnerable people are identified and potentially<br />

supported is outlined in Appendix 1 .The provision of support may be<br />

long term or may also be time limited to enable an individual to gain the<br />

skills, motivation and confidence to move on to greater independence.<br />

4.2. Level of support and roles of support services will be determined<br />

following an assessment of individual’s circumstances.<br />

4.3 <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> provides the following services:-<br />

• · Domestic abuse outreach service<br />

• · Substance use support<br />

• . Alcohol Support Group<br />

• · Resident Support<br />

• · Children’s Worker<br />

• · Anti Social Behaviour<br />

• · First Contact<br />

• · GP referral scheme<br />

• · Home Security Scheme<br />

• · Youth provision via BB19 Bus<br />

• · Financial & Debt management advice<br />

• · Benefit & Housing advice<br />

• · Positive Activities for Young People<br />

• · Disability Facilities Grant<br />

• .Environmental Protection<br />

• · Translator service<br />

• · Assisted bin collection<br />

• . Memo cameras<br />

4.4 Provision provided by external agencies includes:-<br />

• · Befriending service<br />

• · Victim support for people who have been victims of ASB or hate<br />

• · Mental Health Forum<br />

• · Carers Forum<br />

Page 88

• · Children’s Centres, associated provision through these<br />

• · Place to grow<br />

• · 20:20 mentoring<br />

• . Safe Inside Safe Outside<br />

• Housing Related Support from Nottingham Community Housing<br />

Association<br />

• Employment support by Acorn Training<br />

Please see Appendix 2 map of services.<br />

4.5 Vulnerability can affect an individual, a couple and families. The<br />

Government is committed to significantly improving outcomes for<br />

families and their children while reducing the current costs to the public<br />

services. Leicestershire Supporting Families Programme will roll out in<br />

April 2013.<br />

The service will be provided for families across Leicester,<br />

Leicestershire & Rutland across housing tenures and referrals will<br />

come from a wide range of services including self-referrals, local<br />

Registered Social Landlords, Social Services, Health, Education,<br />

Police, Probation and Voluntary Sector agencies. This will build on the<br />

work we already undertake as detailed within this strategy with<br />

vulnerable people.<br />

4.6 The family workers will network with other local initiatives and the full<br />

range of statutory agencies to build a network of support to assist<br />

families to settle into the area, break social isolation and to improve the<br />

quality of family life. It is anticipated that the workers will sit within a<br />

multi-disciplinary team to aid this initiative. The emphasis will be on<br />

supporting and empowering service users to build on their independent<br />

living skills and parenting skills.<br />

4.7 The eligibility criteria for the programme will be families who:<br />

• Consist of at least one adult and one child, who are involved in crime<br />

and anti-social behaviour and or,<br />

• Have children not in school and or<br />

• Have an adult on out of works benefits and or,<br />

• Cause high cost to the public purse<br />

• Who agree to work with the BDC team and allow the worker to meet<br />

with them on a pre-agreed basis (for example, once or twice a week)<br />

• Have basic self care skills of budgeting, cooking or cleaning or be<br />

willing to develop these with staff support<br />

4.8 The worker will complete a holistic assessment with the client which will<br />

include:<br />

• Parenting<br />

• Education<br />

• Housing<br />

Page 89

• Health and associated needs<br />

• Income and expenditure<br />

• Debts and loans<br />

• Life skills<br />

• Community activity<br />

Under these broad headings an action plan will be agreed between the<br />

worker and the family, prioritised by the family.<br />

4.9 Specific problems that have been identified include families<br />

experiencing and/or causing ASB, mental health, drug and alcohol<br />

issues, parenting skills and money management. Specific support<br />

services will focus on these issues and will link with local communities<br />

and other services.<br />

4.10 Therefore, this service has been identified as a key strategy to break<br />

the cycle of disadvantage by:<br />

� Directly delivering supportive services which will include referrals to<br />

appropriate agencies, practical assistance with life skills, welfare rights<br />

and ongoing support as agreed in a support contract with the family.<br />

� Enable the family to be able to disclose abuse situations (our<br />

experience in working with women experiencing Domestic Abuse will<br />

assist with this process) Latest figures suggest 77% of Leicestershire<br />

Supporting Families would have experienced domestic abuse.<br />

� Enable the family to benefit from our experience of multi-agency<br />

working and of being the ‘lynch pin’ in bringing services together.<br />

� Enable the family to make a successful transition to sustaining<br />

independent tenancies in the community.<br />

� To identify at an early stage families that are struggling to maintain<br />

their tenancy and to work with them to ensure they continue to live<br />

independently.<br />

� Maximise independence of clients including active encouragement to<br />

use and engage with local community facilities, services and groups.<br />

� Ensure that people are aware of and engage with relevant health<br />

provision such as GP, community health visitors, and specialist health<br />

providers.<br />

� Assist and work with Social Care and Health, Education and Probation<br />

services to ensure that those interventions are completed and<br />

supported.<br />

� Commit to and provide a quality service that is client focused and<br />

committed to developing good practice across statutory and voluntary<br />

agencies.<br />

4.11 Intensive work will be provided through joined-up relationships with<br />

other organisations in the area with the aim of forming effective links to:<br />

� Drug and alcohol treatment programme<br />

� General medical services<br />

� Peer support<br />

Page 90

� Encourage the family to develop social networks with the community<br />

e.g. through take up of life time learning<br />

� Basic skills development including literacy and numeracy<br />

� Money Management<br />

4.12 The development of the supporting families programme is in its early<br />

development and <strong>Blaby</strong> will form a key part of this development and<br />

ensure it fits into our wider strategy for supporting vulnerable people.<br />

Section 5 - Measuring outcomes<br />

5.1 Social Return on Investment is a framework for understanding,<br />

measuring and managing the outcomes of an organisation’s activities.<br />

SROI can include all types of outcomes, social, economic and<br />

environmental the key is that they are based on involving the service<br />

user in determining distance travelled. SROI is different from other<br />

performance measures as it places a monetary value on outcomes<br />

which can then be measured against investments made.<br />

5.2 <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is committed to evidencing the difference our<br />

support services have made. We have already begun to collect SROI<br />

data for our support services within the Community Services Team<br />

which includes service users scoring themselves on several different<br />

elements such as accommodation, finance, safety, health and<br />

wellbeing. These scores are collected when they access support<br />

services and reviewed every three months.<br />

5.3 On closure of a case where support is no longer required the scores<br />

will be collected again and alongside data about changes within their<br />

lifestyle i.e. starting work will evidence the distance an individual or<br />

family have travelled during the support process. This will evidence the<br />

difference BDC and its partner agencies have made to the individual or<br />

the families lives.<br />

Section 6 - Conclusion & Summary<br />

6.1 <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> acknowledges the strides that it has made to<br />

improve services to vulnerable people and recognises the need to<br />

make further progress. The development and roll out of Leicestershire<br />

Supporting families across the district will see an alignment of current<br />

support services to take forward this agenda. A vulnerability action plan<br />

has been developed which identifies key actions and lead officers to<br />

progress this work. The action plan will be reviewed quarterly.<br />

6.2 A report be brought back to Cabinet Board identifying progress made.<br />

on a regular basis.<br />

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Page 93<br />

Appendix 1 Identification of vulnerable people<br />

Identification Key Worker Process<br />

First Contact Coordinator One form completed, signpost to a range of agencies, provide support to<br />

Self Referral to<br />

Community Services<br />

Team<br />

Vulnerable People &<br />

Places Forum<br />

Internal referral from<br />

another team within<br />

BDC<br />

Domestic Abuse<br />

Children’s Worker<br />

Substance Use Officer<br />

Resident Support<br />

Officer<br />

Local Authority<br />

Police<br />

Social Services<br />

Housing Associations<br />

Community Action<br />

Partnership<br />

Youth Service<br />

Youth Offending Team<br />

Probation<br />

Integrated Offender<br />

Management<br />

Family Intervention<br />

Project<br />

Community Services<br />

Manager<br />

By external agency Community Services<br />

Manager<br />

individual/family, and provide feedback on work undertaken.<br />

Allocated to worker, assessment undertaken, action plan agreed with<br />

individual/family. Regular face to face contact undertaken to provide<br />

support. Regular recording of performance information to show social<br />

return on investment.<br />

All relevant agencies involved in managing a vulnerable individual or<br />

family. Monitor progress, reduce vulnerability and risk, case closed at<br />

agreement of all agencies.<br />

Consider case and decide on most appropriate worker, then rest of<br />

process as for a self referral.<br />

Consider case and decide on most appropriate worker, then rest of<br />

process as for a self referral.

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Appendix 2— Map of Services<br />

Leicestershire Police<br />

Comprehensive Referral<br />

Desk<br />

DAIO’s (Domestic Abuse<br />

Specialist Officers)<br />

Vulnerability Identified /<br />

History markers on<br />

address<br />

Strategic Housing<br />

Gap analysis on housing<br />

provision.<br />

Provision of affordable<br />

housing.<br />

Benefits<br />

Advice<br />

Home visits<br />

Housing benefit<br />

<strong>Council</strong> tax benefit<br />

<strong>Council</strong> tax support<br />

Hardship funding<br />

Environmental<br />

Protection<br />

Noise Nuisance<br />

Fly tipping/litter<br />

Dog Warden<br />

Community Action<br />

Partnership<br />

Carers Forum<br />

Mental Health Forum<br />

Place to Grow<br />

Befriending<br />

Children’s Centre<br />

Range of support to<br />

parents with children<br />

aged 0-5<br />

Police Volunteers<br />

Memo Camera’s<br />

Service Users<br />

Page 95<br />

Children’s Social<br />

Services<br />

Safeguarding of children<br />

Community Services<br />

Resident Support<br />

First Contact<br />

Domestic Abuse<br />

Children’s Worker<br />

Anti Social Behaviour<br />

Youth Provision<br />

Probation<br />

Integrated Offender<br />

Management<br />

Mappon<br />

Mappa<br />

Health & Recreation<br />

Health Improvement<br />

Officer<br />

Positive Activities<br />

Referral Scheme<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> Staying<br />

Healthy Forum<br />

Housing Options<br />

Housing Advice<br />

Choice based letting<br />

Adult Social Services<br />

Safeguarding of adults<br />

Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong><br />

Voluntary Sector<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

External Organisations

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Page 96

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: Localisation of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit Scheme<br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

Steve Beard - Director<br />

0116 272 7504<br />

Steve.Beard@blaby.gov.uk<br />

Cllr. John Hudson – Finance, Efficiency & Assets<br />

Cllr. David Jennings – Community Services<br />

1.1 To seek approval for a final <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support scheme for the <strong>District</strong><br />

following consultation, in order that this can be used as the basis for the<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax calculations and implemented from the new financial year.<br />

1.2 To finalise the <strong>Council</strong>’s position on the application of funds to partially absorb<br />

the reduction in Government funding for <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support as agreed with<br />

major preceptors.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

2.2<br />

2.3<br />

2.4<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation / Recommendation to <strong>Council</strong><br />

To approve the proposed <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support scheme as<br />

set out in the report.<br />

To take advantage of new powers set out in the Local Government Finance<br />

Bill to vary statutory exemptions from <strong>Council</strong> Tax in respect of vacant and<br />

unoccupied dwellings, as set out in the report.<br />

To authorise to bid for funding from the Government’s Transitional Relief<br />

Fund on 1 February 2013 and to utilise an agreed amount from each of the<br />

major preceptors to offset the remaining shortfall and administration costs,<br />

etc.<br />

That delegated authority be given to the Director, in consultation with the<br />

portfolio holders to make all detailed arrangements required to implement<br />

the proposed local scheme of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support and the variations to<br />

statutory exemptions from council tax.<br />

Reasons for Decision Recommended<br />

Agenda Item 14<br />

The <strong>Council</strong> must have considered, consulted upon and adopted a <strong>Council</strong><br />

Page 97

3.2<br />

3.3<br />

3.4<br />

Tax Support scheme in time for the <strong>Council</strong> Tax setting process to take<br />

place in time for the 2013/14 budget.<br />

To spread the financial burden arising from the implementation of the<br />

proposed local scheme of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support and to encourage owners<br />

to bring empty homes back into use.<br />

Having modified the draft scheme in light of the consultation and to meet<br />

the requirements of the Transitional Relief Fund, the reduction in <strong>Council</strong><br />

Tax Support does not match the reduction in grant anticipated.<br />

To allow proposals to be implemented in accordance with the required<br />

timescales.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

Yes<br />

5. Key Decision<br />

Yes<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

6.1 National Context<br />

At Spending Review 2010 the Government announced that it would localise<br />

support for <strong>Council</strong> Tax from 2013-14, reducing expenditure by 10 percent.<br />

The Welfare Reform Act 2012 contains provisions for the abolition of <strong>Council</strong><br />

Tax Benefit, paving the way for new localised schemes.<br />

The Local Government Finance Act has now completed its passage through<br />

Parliament and has received Royal Assent. This imposes a duty on billing<br />

authorities to make a localised <strong>Council</strong> Tax reduction scheme by 31 January<br />

2013 and to consult with major precepting authorities and such other persons<br />

as it considers likely to have an interest in the scheme.<br />

6.1.1 Under the current national system of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit the Government<br />

reimburses Billing Authorities for expenditure incurred in the payment and<br />

administration of the benefit. The proposals will result in the payment of grant<br />

direct to major preceptors – <strong>District</strong>s, Counties, Unitaries, Police and Fire<br />

Authorities. This grant will probably be based on 90% of the forecast <strong>Council</strong><br />

Tax Benefit expenditure for 2013-14, subject to “floors and ceilings”<br />

adjustments to take account of particular local circumstances. Provisional<br />

grant figures have been published and are set out later in this report.<br />

6.1.2 In October the Secretary of State announced a Transitional Relief Fund for<br />

the first year of the new scheme, under which if <strong>Council</strong>s adopted a scheme<br />

which met certain criteria they would be eligible for additional grant funding for<br />

the first year only. This grant will be paid directly to major preceptors as listed<br />

above together with the base grant.<br />

Page 98

6.1.3 Schemes once adopted have to remain unchanged for the duration of the<br />

financial year. This creates a financial risk for Preceptors. As the grant will be<br />

fixed but entitlement to Support will be demand led and closely linked to the<br />

local economy any significant change in the numbers of those entitled to<br />

support under the locally adopted schemes could see a greater than<br />

anticipated reduction in the amount of <strong>Council</strong> Tax received. The need for<br />

very careful modelling and identification of the effects of the proposed scheme<br />

is therefore paramount.<br />

6.2 Local Schemes<br />

6.2.1 In formulating local schemes Billing Authorities have to take account of a<br />

number of factors;<br />

Government Prescribed Requirements.<br />

The Government has prescribed certain classes or groups who must receive<br />

reductions in their <strong>Council</strong> Tax liability. This includes classes of eligible<br />

pensioners, based on the same factors that have determined pensioner<br />

eligibility and award under the <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit system. The prescription is<br />

designed to ensure that pensioners (those who have attained state pension<br />

age) should be no worse off under any new scheme than they would have<br />

been under the national <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit scheme.<br />

6.2.2 Process for Adopting a Scheme<br />

Before adopting a scheme, the billing authority must in the following order:<br />

a. consult any major precepting authority which has power to issue a<br />

precept to it,<br />

b. publish a draft scheme in such manner as it thinks fit, and<br />

c. consult such other persons as it considers are likely to have an interest<br />

in the operation of the scheme.<br />

Consultation has been undertaken with major preceptors. Their responses<br />

are shown at Appendix 1.<br />

Consultation with the public, service users and other interested parties has<br />

been undertaken. The feedback is attached at Appendix 2. The full document<br />

is available in the Members’ Room.<br />

The draft proposals that were the subject of the consultation are set out in<br />

Appendix 3. Under the scheme now proposed (6.4.1 below) nobody would be<br />

worse off than they would have been under the initial proposals, the<br />

consultation undertaken is considered to have been robust and therefore it is<br />

not considered necessary to undertake another full consultation exercise. A<br />

short focussed exercise is due to take place w/c 19 November 2012 with<br />

invited organisations and contacts.<br />

6.3 Local Context<br />

6.3.1 Pensioners make up 58% of the current <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit caseload<br />

of around 5,200. This presently accounts for £2,599,831 of the total spend of<br />

£4,414,970 on <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit per year. A 10% reduction in this<br />

expenditure equates to around £460,000 for <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents. The<br />

Page 99

protection for pensioners means that the reduction in benefit will fall upon the<br />

remaining 42% (2,284) claimants. If spread evenly this would have meant an<br />

average increase in <strong>Council</strong> Tax liability of £209.52 per year. The proposed<br />

measures are estimated to reduce the total benefit/support by around<br />

£260,000 as opposed to the draft scheme which would have saved in excess<br />

of the £460,000 funding reduction.<br />

6.3.2 The proposed scheme, set out at 6.4.1 below is compliant with the<br />

requirements of the Transitional Relief Fund. However these changes result in<br />

substantially more <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support being made available than was the<br />

case under the draft scheme. After taking account of the additional transitional<br />

relief expected to be received from the fund there remains a substantial gap<br />

(approximately £100,000) between the total grant reduction and the amount of<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax Support anticipated to be awarded under the proposed scheme.<br />

It is proposed to utilise “new” income resulting from flexibilities contained in<br />

the new LG Finance Act to reduce exemptions from <strong>Council</strong> Tax on two<br />

classes of vacant property and this will require a number of additional steps to<br />

put this mechanism in place.<br />

6.3.3 The <strong>Council</strong> can take advantage of changes in <strong>Council</strong> Tax and reduce or<br />

eliminate discounts and exemptions on empty properties.<br />

These are:<br />

• Class A - Vacant dwellings where major repair works or structural<br />

alterations are required, under way or recently completed (up to 12<br />

months). Currently 100% exemption for a 12 month period is given.<br />

• Class C - A vacant dwelling, i.e. empty and substantially unfurnished (up<br />

to 6 months). Currently 100% exemption for a 6 month period is given.<br />

6.3.4 A and C exemptions are financially significant; it is proposed to reduce these<br />

exemptions to 50% which could create additional annual revenue in the order<br />

of £44,000 and £239,000 respectively. All preceptors will have to recognise<br />

that this “new” income will arise and adjust their <strong>Council</strong> Tax requirement<br />

accordingly in the same way that the grants will be treated.<br />

6.3.5 Each financial year the <strong>Council</strong> will have to consider whether to revise its<br />

scheme or replace it with another. The proposed scheme is only intended to<br />

be used for the first year. During this time the actual operation of the scheme<br />

will have to be very closely monitored and any lessons for its use will be<br />

incorporated into the scheme to be used for the year after. In addition various<br />

factors will change over time. These include local demographics affecting the<br />

numbers of residents entitled to support and changes to the national benefits<br />

schemes with the move to UC. These will remove a number of the factors that<br />

currently determine eligibility for <strong>Council</strong> Tax benefit - such as Child Benefit.<br />

6.4 Proposed <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support Scheme for <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> 2013/14<br />

6.4.1 The table below shows the proposed changes to the current national <strong>Council</strong><br />

Tax Benefit scheme which forms the scheme of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support<br />

proposed for adoption by this <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Page 100

Table 1: Proposed variations from the existing <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit Scheme.<br />

Proposed change Impact Number<br />

of h’holds<br />

91.5% maximum award<br />

for all working age<br />

householders<br />

This will have an ‘across<br />

the board’ effect on<br />

those under 60, lone<br />

parents, couples, single<br />

people and disabled<br />

people<br />

Increase taper to 25% For every £1 over the<br />

needs allowance the<br />

benefit is reduced by<br />

25p (this is currently<br />

20p)<br />

Second Adult Rebate This will affect<br />

householders who<br />

reside with a second<br />

adult who is on a low<br />

income<br />

Disregard of 100% for<br />

military compensation<br />

payments, including War<br />

Disablement Pensions,<br />

War Widow’s Pensions<br />

and Armed Forces<br />

Compensation Scheme<br />

payments.<br />

Page 101<br />

Comments<br />

2284 Maximum award<br />

increased from 85%<br />

in the consultation<br />

draft. This change is<br />

required to meet the<br />

qualifying criteria for<br />

the Transitional<br />

Relief Fund and will<br />

reduce the financial<br />

impact on families for<br />

the first year. Due to<br />

its generality this<br />

measure affects a<br />

broad range of<br />

people equally.<br />

1098 This is an increase to<br />

a taper that already<br />

exists and brings it<br />

more in line with the<br />

taper proposed for<br />

Universal Credit. This<br />

is unchanged for the<br />

initial proposals.<br />

42 This enables people<br />

who would not qualify<br />

for a reduction if they<br />

lived alone to qualify<br />

for benefit if they<br />

have a low paid<br />

second adult living<br />

with them. This is<br />

unchanged from the<br />

initial proposal.<br />

24<br />

(including<br />

pension<br />

age)<br />

This is the case<br />

currently under local<br />

discretion and it is<br />

proposed to continue<br />

this practice.

All the above would generate a total benefit<br />

reduction of 260,000<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

2284<br />

The impact of the changes proposed has been assessed using a number of<br />

sample cases to represent typical benefit recipient segments.<br />

These examples are set out in Appendix 4 and show both the impact of the<br />

original proposals and the revised scheme now recommended.<br />

Human Rights Act 1998<br />

Human rights have been considered but there are no overarching matters for<br />

concern in relation to this report.<br />

Legal Implications<br />

• The existing <strong>Council</strong> Tax legislation will end on 31 st March 2012. The<br />

<strong>Council</strong> will have a duty to put into place appropriate replacement<br />

legislation which will need to be able to withstand legal challenge.<br />

Human Resources Implications<br />

• It is anticipated that additional resources will be needed during the<br />

transitional period and this will be reviewed frequently.<br />

Risk Assessment & Business Continuity<br />

There are a number of risks identified;<br />

1. Technical<br />

a. IT systems will have to be modified and will be importing data from<br />

other external agencies. There is the potential for data mismatch or<br />

errors resulting from inaccurate information.<br />

b. IT suppliers say they will struggle to deliver thoroughly tested<br />

modifications to systems in time for the implementation date.<br />

2. Social/Political<br />

a. Schemes must comply with the Government’s requirements and<br />

<strong>Council</strong>s will be open to challenge via judicial review from major<br />

precepting authorities if they have not been fully consulted or from local<br />

tax payers. This risk is now considered minimal as thorough<br />

consultation and dialogue has taken place.<br />

b. Many people who previously paid no <strong>Council</strong> Tax bills will find<br />

themselves having to find 8.5% of the full liability. This will place strain<br />

on family budgets and generate considered additional administrative<br />

work.<br />

c. Wilful obstruction of process – there is a potential that a “poll tax” type<br />

situation could arise with significant numbers either refusing to pay or<br />

Page 102

3. Financial<br />

appeal their tax liability. Either possibility could severely impact on the<br />

<strong>Council</strong>’s ability to collect tax and create cash flow issues.<br />

a. Grant is fixed – demand is not. Changing demographics or<br />

miscalculations in design could mean <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support awarded is<br />

more than anticipated and hence tax collected and distributed will not<br />

equate to that budgeted for.<br />

b. Ability to pay may impact on collection rates.<br />

c. The use of new flexibilities to generate additional income from empty<br />

properties to offset the shortfall between the amount of <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support anticipated and the amount of grant paid to preceptors will<br />

need to be agreed and a suitable mechanism put in place.<br />

These risks are being minimised by;<br />

1. Technical<br />

Working closely with suppliers and having contingency plans where<br />

possible to use temporary staff to manually calculate entitlement to<br />

support.<br />

2. Social/Political<br />

Consulting closely with major preceptors, other districts, members, public<br />

and specialist groups e.g CAB to identify as far as possible the impact of<br />

proposals.<br />

A hardship fund will be provided with criteria for applying additional<br />

support where the impacts of the changes could result in unwanted<br />

consequences e.g. homelessness, family breakdown, severe financial<br />

hardship etc.<br />

3. Financial<br />

A contingency or “hardship” fund is being established. The <strong>Council</strong>’s<br />

balances have been increased to take account of increased financial risks<br />

in the current economic climate.<br />

A member/officer working group is to be established, which will monitor<br />

closely the application of the adopted scheme and watch for unintended<br />

consequences or instances of hardship. This group will advise on the<br />

working of the adopted scheme and input to the review of the scheme for<br />

the next financial year.<br />

Equalities<br />

An EINA has been prepared and no particular group appears to be<br />

disproportionately disadvantaged.<br />

The anticipated impacts on residents are set out in the report above and<br />

consultation has not thrown up any previously unidentified impacts.<br />

Nottingham Declaration and Climate Change<br />

Page 103

There are no Climate Change implications arising from this report.<br />

Crime & Disorder<br />

There are no Crime and Disorder implications arising from this report<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

1. Do nothing<br />

If Billing Authorities fail to adopt a local scheme the legislation will result in the<br />

application of a default scheme. This scheme will be the existing national<br />

scheme. If this situation came about it would mean that <strong>Council</strong> Tax liability<br />

was reduced by 10% more than the total compensatory grant paid to major<br />

preceptors.<br />

2. Adopt a scheme which results in the full reduction in support being applied<br />

to tax liability.<br />

The initial proposal would have recovered the full reduction in grant however<br />

the requirements of the Government’s Transitional Funding include the<br />

proviso that no one who previously paid no <strong>Council</strong> Tax should have to pay<br />

more than 8.5% under the new local scheme. This makes recovery of the full<br />

reduction impossible and the additional grant does not fully compensate.<br />

Consequences of this would be similar to those in the “do nothing” option<br />

above, but the financial impact for benefit recipients would be reduced<br />

proportionately. The work required to implement the changes would be the<br />

same as for a full recovery and given the relative size of the funding cuts this<br />

is not recommended. The preferred option would be to either absorb or<br />

recover the full amount.<br />

3. Adopt the current national scheme unamended.<br />

The Authority could decide to provide <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support at the current level<br />

of benefit i.e. to continue with the current scheme of entitlement. This in effect<br />

would be similar to 1 above but would be a conscious decision of the Authority<br />

after consultation with the other major preceptors rather than a simple default.<br />

This would ideally require the acquiescence of the other major preceptors in<br />

agreeing to absorb the reduction in their income, so far there has been no<br />

indication of any willingness to go down this route and failure to secure their<br />

willing compliance could result in judicial review.<br />

The net loss of income for this <strong>Council</strong> would be £41,860 if all major<br />

preceptors agreed to continue the current level of support. This is not a huge<br />

sum in itself but comes on top of other cuts in Government funding, is likely to<br />

increase in size in future years and would effectively mean that all <strong>Council</strong><br />

Tax payers will be subsidising the local support scheme through their <strong>Council</strong><br />

Tax. This is a route that some unitary authorities have decided to follow.<br />

The advantages of this course would be the reduction in workload required to<br />

implement a new scheme and the reduction of many of the risks – particularly<br />

those related to non-collection. It is recommended that this option is kept open<br />

and consulted upon with the other preceptors.<br />

Page 104

4. Apply different modifications to those suggested.<br />

A wide range of changes were considered and detailed in the earlier report.<br />

However to meet the requirements of the Transitional Fund only those shown<br />

above can be applied.<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

Consultations and liaison is on-going with all other Billing Authorities and<br />

major preceptors in Leicestershire. A briefing session has been held for<br />

Parish and Town <strong>Council</strong>s and another will be held when the final details of<br />

the scheme and grant arrangements are known.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

The provisional figures published in May 2012 in the DCLG Funding<br />

Arrangements Consultation show that this <strong>Council</strong> will receive a grant of<br />

£375,000, with £203,000 allocated for distribution to Parish and Town<br />

<strong>Council</strong>s in the <strong>District</strong>.<br />

This level of allocation appears to be based on 90% of a forecast expenditure<br />

of £4.6 million. The grant to this <strong>Council</strong> appears to have been reduced<br />

slightly under the “floors and ceilings” damping arrangements.<br />

There will be a need to establish a contingency and hardship fund but this will<br />

be considered in greater detail when the consultation is completed and<br />

decisions can be made as to the scheme that will be adopted.<br />

11. Appendix/Appendices to this report<br />

11.1 Consultation responses from Major Preceptors<br />

11.2 <strong>Public</strong> Consultation feedback<br />

11.3 The draft proposals that were the subject of the consultation<br />

11.4 Examples of how the proposals could impact upon existing cases<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

Localising Support for <strong>Council</strong> Tax - A Statement of Intent: Department for<br />

Communities and Local Government: May 2012<br />

Localising Support for <strong>Council</strong> Tax – Funding Arrangements Consultation:<br />

Department for Communities and Local Government: May 2012<br />

Letter dated 1 November from the Director General of the Royal British legion.<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted (identified by ):<br />

Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

Monitoring Officer (Legal Services Manager)<br />

Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 105

Appendix 1 - Consultation responses from Major Preceptors<br />

First response to consultation:<br />

From: John Sinnott [John.Sinnott@leics.gov.uk]<br />

Sent: 02 August 2012 12:16<br />

To: Wilson Leila-Jane<br />

Cc: Brian Roberts; Chris Tambini<br />

Subject: RE: Localisation of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Scheme 2013<br />

Dear Leila<br />

Thank you for your letter dated 27th July 2012 (on behalf of <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Chief<br />

Executives) on the localisation of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Scheme 2013. The County <strong>Council</strong> will<br />

need to agree a response through Cabinet on the 14th September and at this stage I<br />

will formally respond. However, at this early stage I think it may be useful to set out<br />

some initial comments given that the overall timescale is extremely tight.<br />

It is pleasing to note the partnership approach being taken by the <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s<br />

and also the involvement of the City and Rutland <strong>Council</strong>s and all the preceptors to<br />

this complex and difficult issue. I think it is important that as far as is possible a<br />

broadly similar scheme is adopted across the County. There will be advantages to<br />

both <strong>District</strong>s and preceptors in this approach.<br />

I support the proposal for a scheme to be developed that will seek to recover at least<br />

some of the funding reduction. I also agree that <strong>Council</strong>s across Leicestershire<br />

should use some of the new flexibilities around removal of discounts for empty and<br />

second properties to make up the shortfall and reduce the impact on current<br />

recipients of <strong>Council</strong> Tax benefit. I probably do not need to state the obvious but, if<br />

the default scheme was introduced across the county, there would be a major<br />

impact on the County <strong>Council</strong>’s budget both in the short and longer term. The<br />

additional cost would no doubt need to be offset by further service cuts.<br />

I agree the design of a new scheme needs to take account of the two principles set<br />

out in your paper (support for the most vulnerable and supporting people into work)<br />

but also should as far as is possible align with other welfare changes such as the<br />

universal credit.<br />

In the letter you raise the issue of the preceptors funding a common framework. It<br />

would be useful to understand exactly what this means and it would be very helpful if<br />

additional information could be shared with us as soon as possible. Obviously we<br />

would want to minimise any extra costs by ensuring there are efficient processes in<br />

place across the county.<br />

We are keen to continue the partnership approach to this issue and I will respond<br />

formally in September.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

John Sinnott<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Leicestershire County <strong>Council</strong><br />

Telephone: 0116 305 6000<br />

Page 106

john.sinnott@leics.gov.uk<br />

Second response to consultation:<br />



2 nd OCTOBER 2012<br />

This is the County <strong>Council</strong>’s response to the supplementary information provided by<br />

the <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s on:<br />

• Hardship Fund<br />

• Administration Funding Proposal<br />


The County <strong>Council</strong> is supportive of the establishment of a severe hardship fund for<br />

those people who will have great difficulty paying <strong>Council</strong> Tax. We also accept that<br />

the County <strong>Council</strong> should fund its fair share of the cost of such a fund and are<br />

supportive of this being shared in proportion to the precept (this means the council<br />

will fund c70% of the cost of such a fund which would be c£250,000). If this type of<br />

fund was not established we believe there would not be a financial saving as the<br />

effect would be an increase in the number of small bad debts and potentially an<br />

impact on demand for public services more generally.<br />

We would, however, make the following points which we see as important to our<br />

funding support;<br />

a) The <strong>Council</strong> Tax Discount Scheme that is introduced, along with the changes<br />

to A and C exemptions, will fully absorb the 10% funding reduction.<br />

b) The scheme will have a key principle that customer access is both efficient<br />

and user friendly, i.e. the application process for all the hardship funds in the<br />

paper (crisis loans, social fund loans, discretionary housing payments and<br />

council tax benefit) are streamlined so there is one process (and if possible<br />

one form) for these funds. This process should as far as is practical have<br />

consistent eligibility criteria. We would want to ensure for example crises<br />

loans eligibility is consistent and complimentary with council tax discounts<br />

and discretionary housing payments.<br />

c) The partners should seek to make further improvements to the customer<br />

access and efficiency of the operation of these funds. It is recognised that in<br />

the first year a pragmatic approach will need to be taken to ensure that the<br />

funds are in place for the start of the year. In future we would also want to<br />

consider links to debt and financial advice services.<br />

d) The County <strong>Council</strong> does have concerns about the ‘cash limited’ nature of<br />

these funds and whether this is either practical or legal. i.e. is it fair that a<br />

Page 107

person with a recognised need could access the fund in June but not in<br />

February? There could be unintended consequences if this rule is adopted.<br />

We believe this aspect needs further consideration. The preferred method of<br />

containing costs should be the application of clear and tightly defined<br />

eligibility criteria. Eligibility may need to be tightened in response to the<br />

demand for these funds.<br />

e) Once established, the County <strong>Council</strong> would want to receive regular budget<br />

monitoring and performance information.<br />

f) The County <strong>Council</strong> is currently talking to <strong>District</strong>s about their role in<br />

administering Crisis and Social Fund loans. The County believes that joint<br />

administration by <strong>District</strong>s of all these hardship funds is the sensible<br />

approach both for the service user and for operational efficiency. If adopted<br />

this could mean that <strong>District</strong>s are in a stronger position to have a continuing<br />

role on the ‘face to face’ contact on benefits following the introduction of the<br />

universal credit.<br />

In summary the County <strong>Council</strong> is broadly supportive of the paper. We would want<br />

to be involved in agreeing detailed operational aspects along the lines set out in this<br />

paper and consider bringing together the operation of all these hardship funds as<br />

important.<br />


<strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s are funded by government for the administration of <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

which involves both collection and application of discounts. We also understand that<br />

government will review the funding position in the context of the new burdens<br />

doctrine whereby Central Government would fund any new burdens, that have a<br />

financial cost, of which this could be one. We are also aware that the number of<br />

County <strong>Council</strong>s who are currently looking to fund districts is very small (4 from the<br />

15 we surveyed).<br />

Despite the above, the County <strong>Council</strong> recognises that there could be unfunded<br />

extra costs and is extremely supportive of the good partnership approach adopted on<br />

this programme to date.<br />

As such the <strong>Council</strong> is willing to make a contribution shared in proportion to the<br />

precept (c70%). However, it was noted that the proposal showed a range of<br />

contributions depending on the district council. This ranged from £7.40 to £29 per<br />

existing <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit case. It is difficult to rationalise this when we would<br />

expect that the systems and procedures would be broadly similar and as a result so<br />

would costs. As such it is proposed to make the contribution based on the following<br />

costs which are considered to be consistent as they are based on the figures<br />

provided but assuming a consistent cost per case based on the most efficient <strong>District</strong><br />

(Charnwood). We do recognise that for some districts this is a fairly large reduction<br />

and we are willing to consider any further compelling evidence. In total the reduction<br />

is £130,000.<br />

Page 108

Affected<br />

eligibility<br />

cases (1)<br />

Admin<br />

Cost<br />

Charnwood 5300 £39,200<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> 2350 £17,400<br />

Oadby & Wigston 1630 £12,000<br />

North West<br />

3260 £24,000<br />

Leicestershire<br />

Hinckley & Bosworth 3130 £23,100<br />

Melton 1430 £10,600<br />

Harborough 1640 £12,100<br />

Total £138,400<br />

(1) Source Coactiva report<br />

We also believe it would be very sensible to review the position at the end of the first<br />

year to take account of what has happened in practice.<br />

We would want also to be assured that we are contributing to an efficient service and<br />

in future would request performance information is provided that would show unit<br />

costs and performance information.<br />

Page 109

Appendix 2 - <strong>Public</strong> Consultation feedback<br />

Web Consultation<br />

Preliminary analysis for: <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Data range: Thursday 2 nd August- Friday 28 th<br />

September<br />

Consultation closes 28 th September 2012<br />

Preliminary report V1.0 (Confidential)<br />

If you have any queries please contact:<br />

Leila Wilson Programme Manager<br />

Localisation of <strong>Council</strong> Tax Scheme<br />

Leila-Jane.Wilson@charnwood.gov.uk<br />

01509 63 2554<br />

Page 110

Summary<br />

Data range: Thursday 2 nd August 2012- Friday 28 th September 2012<br />

Number of responses: 660<br />

Number of responses across Leicestershire and Rutland: 1807<br />

Method:<br />

Individual letters with questionnaires and freepost envelopes were sent out to<br />

households at the beginning of the period by <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> which resulted in<br />

a response of 11% as a percentage of current claimants.<br />

60 responses were completed by respondents online, the remaining responses were<br />

returned as paper questionnaires, and then manually input online.<br />

The consultation was also heavily promoted throughout September through debt<br />

road shows.<br />

A higher proportion of respondents are of working age, which is to be expected with<br />

the demographic profile.<br />

Page 111

Who is responding?<br />

Are you…<br />

Male 225 34.09%<br />

Female 376 56.97%<br />

Prefer not to say 7 1.06%<br />

Not answered 52 7.88%<br />

Gender assignment same as at birth?<br />

Yes 341 51.67%<br />

No 4 0.61%<br />

Prefer not to say 10 1.52%<br />

Not answered 305 46.21%<br />

ONS Data Consultation<br />

Under 25 28.7% Under 16 0%<br />

25-65 55.6% 16-19 0.76%<br />

Over 65 15.8% 20-29 7.42%<br />

30-44 26.06%<br />

45-59 35.61%<br />

60-74 13.48%<br />

Over 75 1.36%<br />

Prefer not to say 0.61%<br />

Did not answer 14.70%<br />

Are you disabled or do you have a long term<br />

limiting illness or condition?<br />

None 299 45.30%<br />

Physical disability 98 14.85%<br />

Visual disability 21 3.18%<br />

Hearing impairment 25 4.24%<br />

Learning difficulty 29 4.39%<br />

Mental health problem 63 9.55%<br />

Cognitive impairment 13 1.97%<br />

Longstanding illness/health problem which limits<br />

your day to day activities 142 21.52%<br />

Depression 97 14.70%<br />

Prefer not to say 13 1.97%<br />

Not Answered 91 13.79%<br />

Page 112

Ethnic Origin Sexual Orientation /Sexuality<br />

Asian 1 Heterosexual/Straight 483 73.18%<br />

Asian Bangladeshi 3 Bisexual 8 1.21%<br />

Asian Indian 18 Lesbian/Gay 6 6.06%<br />

Black 2 Prefer not to say 40 5.91%<br />

Black British 3 Not Answered 123 18.64%<br />

Chinese 4<br />

English 7<br />

Gypsy Travellor 2<br />

Mixed White & Black 4<br />

Other 4<br />

Other asian 7<br />

Other European 7<br />

Sikh 1<br />

White & Asian 2<br />

White British 512<br />

White English 6<br />

White Irish 5<br />

Prefer not to say 9<br />

Area of residence<br />

Aston Flamville 0<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> 87<br />

Braunstone Town 97<br />

Cosby 25<br />

Countesthorpe 40<br />

Croft 8<br />

Elmesthorpe 1<br />

Enderby 46<br />

Glen Parva 25<br />

Glenfield 43<br />

Huncote 10<br />

Kilby 0<br />

Kirby Muxloe 21<br />

Leicester Forest East 21<br />

Leicester Forest West 0<br />

Lubbesthorpe 0<br />

Narborough & Littlethorpe 48<br />

Potters Marston 0<br />

Sapcote 21<br />

Sharnford 6<br />

Stoney Stanton 21<br />

Thurlaston 2<br />

Whetstone 47<br />

Wigston Parva 1<br />

I live outside the district 34<br />

Not Answered 56<br />

Page 113

Religious Belief<br />

Christian 347 52.58%<br />

Hindu 9 1.36%<br />

Jewish 0 0%<br />

Sikh 10 1.52%<br />

Muslim 3 0.45%<br />

No religious belief 167 25.30%<br />

Prefer not to say 27 4.09%<br />

Other (please tell us) 12 1.82%<br />

Not Answered 85 12.88%<br />

Other, Agnostic, Catholic, C of E, Wait till I see the man upstairs, Athiest Devout,<br />

Jehovah’s Witness, Don’t know, Wiccan, Pagen, Pagan, Jain, Jedi, Methodist<br />

(Scottish)<br />

First Language:<br />

English 548 84.18%<br />

Prefer not to say 11 1.69%<br />

Not Answered 64 9.83%<br />

Other - please specify below 8 1.23%<br />

Hindi 1<br />

Russian 1<br />

Portuguese 3<br />

Polish 4<br />

Punjabi 2<br />

Gujarati 4<br />

Latvian 1<br />

Cantonese 2<br />

Goan 1<br />

British Sign Language 1<br />

Page 114

Responses<br />

Q1.<br />

Do you think that everyone apart from pensioners should pay something towards<br />

their council tax?<br />

Yes 293 44.39%<br />

No 299 45.30%<br />

Don't know 64 9.70%<br />

Did not answer 4 0.6%<br />

Q2.<br />

Pensioners are not affected by these changes. Do you think that everyone else<br />

should pay a minimum of 15% towards their council tax?<br />

Yes 282 42.73%<br />

No 318 48.18%<br />

Don't know 54 8.18%<br />

Did not answer 6 0.91%<br />

Q3.<br />

At the moment people who live in more expensive properties get more <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Benefit. In the new support scheme we plan to limit the amount of council tax<br />

support to Band D of <strong>Council</strong> Tax rates. Do you agree with this?<br />

Yes 421 63.79%<br />

No 155 23.48%<br />

Don't know 80 12.12%<br />

Did not answer 4 0.61%<br />

Q4.<br />

At the moment people with savings of more than £16,000 don’t get any council tax<br />

benefit. Under the new scheme we plan to use a lower savings limit, Do you agree<br />

with this?<br />

Yes 417 63.18%<br />

No 184 27.88%<br />

Don't know 58 8.79%<br />

Did not answer 1 0.15%<br />

Q5.<br />

Page 115

If we used a lower savings limit in the new support scheme, what do you think it<br />

should be?<br />

£12,000 201 30.45%<br />

£10,000 179 27.12%<br />

£6,000 210 31.82%<br />

Not Answered 70 10.61%<br />

Q6.<br />

At the moment any savings below £6,000 are ignored when calculating <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Benefit. If we reduced the amount that is ignored in the new support scheme what do<br />

you think it should be?<br />

£4,000 393 59.55%<br />

£3,000 104 15.76%<br />

£2,000 89 13.48%<br />

Not Answered 74 11.21%<br />

Q7.<br />

At the moment if the amount of income people have is more than the Benefit<br />

Regulations say they need to live on, the current benefit calculation reduces their<br />

council tax benefit by 20p for every £1 of extra income. In the new support scheme<br />

we plan to increase this to 25p for every £1 of extra income. Do you agree with this?<br />

Yes 291 44.01%<br />

No 239 36.21%<br />

Don't know 120 18.18%<br />

Not answered 10 1.52%<br />

Q8.<br />

At the moment the benefit rules allow help for people who live with someone who is<br />

not their partner to get help with council tax. This is called “second adult rebate”. In<br />

the new support scheme we plan to end this rebate. Do you agree with this?<br />

Yes 331 50.15%<br />

No 223 33.79%<br />

Don't know 98 14.85%<br />

Did not answer 8 1.21%<br />

Q9.<br />

At the moment all income in the form of Child Benefit is ignored when calculating<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit. In the new support scheme we plan to ignore Child Benefit<br />

income for the first or eldest child only and include all other Child Benefit income<br />

when calculating the amount of support provided. Do you agree with this?<br />

Yes 278 42.12%<br />

No 307 46.51%<br />

Page 116

Don't know 65 9.85%<br />

Did not answer 10 1.52%<br />

Q10.<br />

At the moment Lone Parents have the first £25 of their weekly earnings ignored<br />

when calculating <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit. In the new support scheme we plan to reduce<br />

this to the first £10.00 per week (the same amount that is ignored for a couple). Do<br />

you agree with this?<br />

Yes 211 31.97%<br />

No 372 56.36%<br />

Don’t Know 71 10.76%<br />

Did not answer 6 0.91%<br />

Q11.<br />

At the moment if people receiving <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit work extra hours an extra<br />

amount of their earnings are ignored. This is called an “additional earnings<br />

disregard”. In the new support scheme we plan to count all of this “additional” income<br />

when calculating the amount of council tax support. Do you agree with this?<br />

Yes 286 43.33%<br />

No 280 42.42%<br />

Don’t Know 78 11.82%<br />

Did not answer 6 0.91%<br />

Page 117

Appendix 3 - The draft proposals that were the subject of the consultation<br />

Proposed change Impact Potential<br />

saving<br />

(£000)<br />

85% maximum award for all<br />

working age householders<br />

Limit the amount of Child Benefit<br />

which is disregarded to the first<br />

child payment of £20.30<br />

This will have an ‘across the<br />

board’ effect on those under 60,<br />

lone parents, couples, single<br />

people and disabled people<br />

This will affect all families with<br />

more than one child, the more<br />

children the greater the impact.<br />

Band D restrictions Restricts those in larger<br />

properties (band E and above)<br />

to a discount equivalent to a<br />

Band D property.<br />

Increase taper to 25% For every £1 over the needs<br />

allowance the benefit is reduced<br />

by 25p (this is currently 20p)<br />

Second Adult Rebate This will affect householders<br />

who reside with a second adult<br />

who is on a low income<br />

Limit the amount of disregarded<br />

capital to £3,000<br />

This will affect claimants who<br />

have savings between £3,000<br />

and £16,000<br />

Reduce Lone Parent disregard Presently a lone parent has £25<br />

pw ignored from their earnings.<br />

This proposal suggests<br />

reducing this to £10 pw<br />

Remove Additional Earnings<br />

Disregard<br />

The first £17.10p of “Additional<br />

earnings” are currently<br />

disregarded for working<br />

claimants who work more than a<br />

certain number of hours. The<br />

proposal is to remove this<br />

enhancement and will impact on<br />

those working full time.<br />

Number<br />

of<br />

h’holds<br />

Reason for inclusion<br />

333 2284 Generates a significant<br />

amount of saving & due to<br />

its generality will affect<br />

more equally<br />

64 357 All child benefit used to be<br />

taken account pre-2008<br />

39 181 Those living in substantially<br />

larger properties are<br />

expected to pay more<br />

towards their council tax<br />

73 1098 This is an increase to a<br />

taper that already exists<br />

and brings it more in line<br />

with the taper proposed for<br />

Universal Credit.<br />

30 42 This enables people who<br />

would not qualify for a<br />

reduction if they lived alone<br />

to qualify for benefit if they<br />

have a low paid second<br />

adult living with them.<br />

35 603 Those with savings can<br />

afford more <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

54 342<br />

91 593<br />

This amount of disregard<br />

would be the same allowed<br />

for a couple.<br />

Generates large savings<br />

All the above would generate a total benefit reduction of £546,999 This is not the sum of each<br />

measure as application of<br />

the <strong>pack</strong>age results in<br />

smaller savings.<br />

Page 118

Appendix 4 – Examples of how the proposals could impact upon existing<br />

cases<br />

Scenario 1<br />

Mr R is a single man and has recently lost his job.<br />

Mr R receives Contribution-based Job Seekers Allowance and has savings of<br />

£1,500. His total household income is £71.00 per week<br />

His weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £14.71 and he currently receives maximum<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit (100%).<br />

This means that he has to pay £0.00 every week/month towards his <strong>Council</strong><br />

Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Mr R’s circumstances remain the<br />

same he might receive £12.50 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that he might have to pay<br />

£2.21 each week or £9.60 every<br />

month (over 12 months) towards his<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra amount to<br />

pay is 3.1% of his weekly income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mr R are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 85%<br />

If Mr R’s circumstances remain the<br />

same he might receive £13.45 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that he might have to pay<br />

£1.26 each week or £5.48 every<br />

month (over 12 months) towards his<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra amount to<br />

pay is 1.8% of his weekly income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mr R are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 91.5%<br />

Page 119

Scenario 2<br />

Mr and Mrs W are a working couple with no children. Mr W is disabled.<br />

Mrs W works and brings home £211.92 every week in earnings. They also<br />

receive Working Tax Credit and Disability Living Allowance. The total<br />

household income is £358.77<br />

Their weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £18.95 and they currently receive £6.73<br />

every week <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit.<br />

This means that they have to pay £12.22 each week or £53.10 every month<br />

towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Mr and Mrs W’s circumstances<br />

remain the same they might receive<br />

£0.00 every week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support.<br />

This means that they might have to<br />

pay the full charge of £18.95 each<br />

week or £82.34 every month (over<br />

12 months) towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

The extra amount to pay is 1.8% of<br />

their weekly income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mr and<br />

Mrs W are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 85%<br />

• taper increase to 25p<br />

• removal of additional earnings<br />

disregard<br />

If Mr and Mrs W’s circumstances<br />

remain the same they might receive<br />

£2.07 every week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support.<br />

This means that they might have to<br />

pay £16.88 each week or £73.34<br />

every month (over 12 months)<br />

towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra<br />

amount to pay is 1.3% of their weekly<br />

income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mr and<br />

Mrs W are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 91.5%<br />

• taper increase to 25p<br />

Page 120

Scenario 3<br />

Mrs T is a lone parent not working with 2 children under 10.<br />

Mrs T receives Income Based Job Seekers Allowance, Child Benefit and<br />

Child Tax Credit. Her total household income is £218.38 each week.<br />

Her weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £14.71 and she currently receives<br />

maximum <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit (100%).<br />

This means that she has to pay £0.00 every week/month towards her<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Mrs T’s circumstances remain the<br />

same she might receive £12.50 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that she might have to<br />

pay £2.21 each week or £9.60 every<br />

month (over 12 months) towards her<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra amount to<br />

pay is 1% of her weekly income<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affects Mrs T<br />

are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 85%<br />

If Mrs T’s circumstances remain the<br />

same she might receive £13.46 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that she might have to<br />

pay £1.25 each week or £5.43 every<br />

month (over 12 months) towards her<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra amount to<br />

pay is 0.6% of her weekly income<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affects Mrs T<br />

are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 91.5%<br />

Page 121

Scenario 4<br />

Mr and Mrs B are a couple, not working with 4 children.<br />

Mr B has recently been made redundant and is now claiming Contributions<br />

Based Job Seekers Allowance along with Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit.<br />

They have savings of £12,500. Their total household income is £388.81 each<br />

week.<br />

Their weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £27.88 and they currently receive<br />

maximum <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit (100%).<br />

This means that they have to pay £0.00 every week/month towards their<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Mr and Mrs B’s circumstances<br />

remain the same they may not<br />

receive any <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support as<br />

their savings may exceed the<br />

proposed capital and savings levels<br />

under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that they may have to<br />

pay the full charge of £27.88 each<br />

week or £121.15 every month (over<br />

12 months) towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

The extra amount to pay is 7.2% of<br />

the weekly income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affects Mr and<br />

Mrs B are:<br />

• changes to the maximum<br />

permitted capital/savings amount<br />

levels<br />

If Mr and Mrs B’s circumstances<br />

remain the same they might receive<br />

£25.51 every week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support.<br />

This means that they may have to<br />

pay £2.37 each week or £10.30<br />

every month (over 12 months)<br />

towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra<br />

amount to pay is 0.61% of the weekly<br />

income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affects Mr and<br />

Mrs B are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 91.5%<br />

Page 122

Scenario 5<br />

Mr and Mrs A are a working couple with two children under 11.<br />

Mr A works full time and brings home £249.87 every week in earnings. The<br />

total household income is £400.46 which includes the earnings, Child Benefit,<br />

Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.<br />

Their weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £22.72 and they currently receive £6.56<br />

every week <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit.<br />

This means that they have to pay £16.16 each week or £70.22 every month<br />

towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Mr and Mrs A’s circumstances<br />

remain the same they might receive<br />

£0.00 every week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support.<br />

This means that they might have to<br />

pay the full charge of £22.72 each<br />

week or £98.72 every month (over<br />

12 months) towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

The extra amount to pay is 1.6% of<br />

their weekly income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mr and<br />

Mrs A are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 85%<br />

• taper increase to 25p<br />

• removal of additional earnings<br />

disregard<br />

• changes to the amounts of Child<br />

Benefit that are ignored<br />

If Mr and Mrs A’s circumstances<br />

remain the same they might receive<br />

£0.59 every week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support.<br />

This means that they might have to<br />

pay £22.13 each week or £96.16<br />

every month (over 12 months)<br />

towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra<br />

amount to pay is 1.5% of their weekly<br />

income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mr and<br />

Mrs A are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 91.5%<br />

• taper increase to 25p<br />

Page 123

Scenario 6<br />

Miss S is a single woman and working.<br />

She has an income of £105.68 every week and savings of £1,700.<br />

Her weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £25.71 and she currently receives £18.77<br />

every week <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit.<br />

This means that she has to pay £6.94 each week or £30.16 every month<br />

towards her <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Miss S’s circumstances remain the<br />

same she might receive £12.50 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that she might have to<br />

pay £13.21 each week or £57.40<br />

every month (over 12 months)<br />

towards her <strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra<br />

amount is 6.4% of her weekly income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Miss S<br />

are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 85%<br />

• taper increase to 25%<br />

• removal of additional earnings<br />

disregard<br />

If Miss S’s circumstances remain the<br />

same she might receive £16.10 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that she might have to<br />

pay £9.61 each week or £41.76<br />

every month (over 12 months)<br />

towards her <strong>Council</strong> Tax. The extra<br />

amount is 2.5% of her weekly income.<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Miss S<br />

are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 91.5%<br />

• taper increase to 25%<br />

Page 124

Scenario 7<br />

Ms V is a lone parent working with 2 children under 16.<br />

Ms V works and brings home £87.60 every week in earnings. Her total<br />

weekly household income is £308.99 which includes Child Benefit, Working<br />

Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.<br />

Her weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £19.61 and she currently receives £16.65<br />

every week <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit.<br />

This means that she has to pay £2.96 each week or £12.86 every month<br />

towards her <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Ms V’s circumstances remain the<br />

same she might receive £1.59 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that she might have to<br />

pay £18.02 each week or £78.30<br />

every month (over 12 months)<br />

towards her <strong>Council</strong> Tax. This extra<br />

amount is 4.9% of her weekly income<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mrs V<br />

are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 85%<br />

• reduction of unearned income<br />

disregard to £10.00<br />

• changes to the Child Benefit<br />

ignored amount<br />

• taper increase to 25%<br />

• removal of additional earnings<br />

disregard<br />

If Ms V’s circumstances remain the<br />

same she might receive £14.24 every<br />

week under <strong>Council</strong> Tax Support.<br />

This means that she might have to<br />

pay £5.37 each week or £23.33<br />

every month (over 12 months)<br />

towards her <strong>Council</strong> Tax. This extra<br />

amount is 0.8% of her weekly income<br />

The elements of <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal that affect Mrs V<br />

are:<br />

• maximum benefit of 91.5%<br />

• taper increase to 25%<br />

Page 125

Scenario 8<br />

Mr and Mrs H are pensioners<br />

They receive Pension Savings Credit, a small private pension and have<br />

savings of £13,000. The total weekly household income is £243.80.<br />

Their weekly <strong>Council</strong> Tax charge is £19.08 and they currently receive £11.50<br />

every week <strong>Council</strong> Tax Benefit.<br />

This means that they have to pay £7.58 each week or £32.94 every month<br />

towards their <strong>Council</strong> Tax.<br />

Original Draft Scheme Proposed Scheme<br />

If Mr and Mrs H’s circumstances<br />

remain the same the benefit they are<br />

receiving will not change.<br />

This is because <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal does not affect<br />

pensioners.<br />

This means that they still have to pay<br />

£7.58 each week or £32.94 every<br />

month (over 12 months) towards<br />

their <strong>Council</strong> Tax. There is no extra<br />

amount to pay.<br />

If Mr and Mrs H’s circumstances<br />

remain the same the benefit they are<br />

receiving will not change.<br />

This is because <strong>Blaby</strong>’s <strong>Council</strong> Tax<br />

Support proposal does not affect<br />

pensioners.<br />

This means that they still have to pay<br />

£7.58 each week or £32.94 every<br />

month (over 12 months) towards<br />

their <strong>Council</strong> Tax. There is no extra<br />

amount to pay.<br />

Page 126

Meeting: <strong>Council</strong><br />


Date: 27 November 2012<br />

Subject: New Customer Complaints Policy<br />

Report author<br />

and contact<br />

details:<br />

Portfolio Holder:<br />

Status: <strong>Public</strong><br />

1. Purpose of Report<br />

• Leona Bendall<br />

• Interim Democratic Services & Governance<br />

Manager<br />

• <strong>Council</strong> Offices<br />

• 0116 272 7706<br />

Cllr David Clements<br />

Corporate Services, Performance & Leisure<br />

1.1 To provide information on a proposed new approach to customer<br />

feedback and seek approval for a new Customer Complaints<br />

Policy.<br />

2.<br />

2.1<br />

3.<br />

3.1<br />

Recommendation<br />

The <strong>Council</strong> is requested to approve the new Customer Complaints Policy.<br />

Reason for Decision Recommended<br />

Listening and responding to customer feedback, including dealing with<br />

complaints effectively, is an essential part of the service that the <strong>Council</strong><br />

provides to customers. The new policy will help strengthen the culture of<br />

learning and lead to improvements in service design and delivery.<br />

4. Forward Plan<br />

Not applicable.<br />

Page 127<br />

Agenda Item 15

5. Key Decision<br />

No.<br />

6. Matters for Consideration<br />

Background<br />

6.1 The <strong>Council</strong> is developing a new approach to customer feedback based on<br />

the principles of concerns; compliments, comments and complaints. All staff<br />

are being encouraged to address customer concerns as soon as they arise to<br />

try and prevent these escalating into complaints. Compliments are<br />

acknowledged and welcomed and then passed-on to the relevant staff.<br />

Comments and suggestions for improvement to services are also warmly<br />

welcomed and will be actively considered by the relevant service areas. A<br />

more positive approach will be used to promote and address complaints<br />

within a structured policy framework.<br />

6.1 Currently the <strong>Council</strong> responds to complaints through procedures that were<br />

put in place some years ago. On the whole the <strong>Council</strong> promotes its feedback<br />

and complaints service well. This was evidenced by a recent Leicester &<br />

Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership survey that measured all the complaints<br />

processes for public authorities in Leicestershire, however when it came to<br />

‘what will happen next’ <strong>Blaby</strong> scored less well.<br />

6.2 The purpose of the new policy is to provide a clear and transparent process<br />

for customers and provide procedures (implementation), guidance (advice), to<br />

assist staff to understand their responsibilities in respect of complaints from<br />

members of the public, partners and the organisations and businesses that<br />

operate within <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong>.<br />

6.3 In addition to the formal policy, a new customer leaflet is being produced, and<br />

these documents together with the Complaints Management Toolkit will be<br />

made available to the public and published on the <strong>Council</strong> website to guide<br />

customers through our processes and help manage their expectations. A<br />

guide to help Elected Members fulfil their community champion role in respect<br />

of complaints will be produced.<br />

The Policy<br />

6.4 A copy of the policy is attached as Appendix 1.<br />

6.5 The principle elements of the policy are:<br />

• Providing a definition for a complaint and explaining what will not be<br />

considered under the complaints policy (such as complaints where a<br />

statutory process already exists or complaints against elected members.)<br />

• Outlining the three stage complaints process: initial report, review and<br />

ombudsman.<br />

Page 128

• Guiding principles of the policy are: welcome opportunity; access;<br />

investigation; confidentiality; timely; admitting fault; explaining; learning<br />

from complaints.<br />

• Support for customers and staff<br />

• Learning from complaints<br />

• Reporting and Monitoring<br />

• Dealing with vexatious (and unreasonably persistent) complaints<br />

• Responsibility, implementation and review<br />

6.5 The proposed implementation date for the policy is 1 January 2013 and in the<br />

meantime staff awareness and training will begin.<br />

6.6 Lessons learned will be shared and the insight from this information will be used<br />

to review practices and policies and inform decision making.<br />

6.7 Statistics on complaints will be reported through the quarterly performance<br />

<strong>reports</strong> to Cabinet. Once a year a formal report on the complaints process and<br />

the lessons learned will be discussed with Scrutiny Commission and this<br />

information, together with the findings from Scrutiny, will be reported to Cabinet.<br />

6.8 The policy will be monitored to ensure that it delivers equality of access across<br />

our diverse communities and officers will endeavour to identify which sectors of<br />

our communities are not using the process and try to address any perceived<br />

barriers.<br />

7. Other Relevant Considerations<br />

Human Rights Act 1998<br />

• Human rights have been considered but there are no overarching matters<br />

for concern in relation to this report.<br />

Legal Implications<br />

• There are no legal implications.<br />

Human Resources Implications<br />

• The Human Resources implications will be dealt with through changes to<br />

the induction programme and inclusion of complaints handling within the<br />

e-learning and training programmes. Staff awareness will also be raised<br />

by the inclusion of the Policy on NETconsent – a new software programme<br />

that requires all staff to read, consider and accept <strong>Council</strong> policies.<br />

Risk Assessment & Business Continuity<br />

• There are no risks, business continuity or resilience issues.<br />

Page 129

Equalities<br />

• An initial EINA has been prepared and this will be kept as a live document<br />

and amended in light of feedback and monitoring of the policy.<br />

• Training and awareness of equalities and access issues for staff will<br />

enable them to better support customers who make complaints.<br />

Nottingham Declaration and Climate Change<br />

• N/A<br />

Crime & Disorder<br />

• N/A<br />

8. Other Options Considered<br />

• None<br />

9. Appropriate Consultations<br />

• Internal only.<br />

10. Financial and Efficiency Implications<br />

• The recommendations can be implemented within existing resources<br />

11. Appendix/Appendices to this report<br />

Appendix 1: Corporate Complaints Policy – November 2012<br />

Appendix 2: Extract from the Complaints Management Toolkit on identifying<br />

“Vexatious (and unreasonably persistent) complainants “<br />

12. List of Background Papers<br />

None<br />

The following Officers/Members have been consulted:<br />

(insert � below to show relevant consultation has taken place)<br />

� Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)<br />

� S. 151 Officer (Deputy Chief Executive)<br />

� Monitoring Officer (Corporate Services Group Manager)<br />

� Cabinet Executive Portfolio Holder (Cabinet Executive/<strong>Council</strong> <strong>reports</strong> only)<br />

Page 130

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>: Corporate Complaints Policy<br />

Version 1: November 2012<br />

APPENDIX 1<br />

Introduction<br />

1. Putting the customer at the heart of everything we do is the way we work at<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. As an organisation, the <strong>Council</strong> is committed to getting<br />

things right first time, but recognises that sometimes things go wrong and<br />

customers might not always be happy with the service they receive. If this<br />

happens or customers feel <strong>Blaby</strong>’s services are failing to meet their needs, then<br />

the <strong>Council</strong> wants to know to put things right.<br />

2. The lessons learned from complaints, and customer feedback in general, will be<br />

shared across the organisation and embedded into operational practices and<br />

reflect the <strong>Council</strong>’s passion to become a truly learning organisation.<br />

Purpose<br />

3. The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear and transparent process for<br />

customers if they wish to make a complaint against the <strong>Council</strong>. It also provides<br />

guidance to assist staff to understand their responsibilities in respect of<br />

complaints from members of the public, partners and the organisations and<br />

business that operate within <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong>.<br />

4. This policy applies to all employees working for the <strong>Council</strong>, including those<br />

working from home or at non-<strong>Council</strong> locations. It also applies to Elected<br />

Members, consultants, agency staff and contractors working for the <strong>Council</strong><br />

while engaged on <strong>Council</strong> business.<br />

5. This formal Complaints Policy is supported by a new approach to customer<br />

feedback (while the operational aspects will be delivered and guided through a<br />

Complaints Management Toolkit. The Feedback leaflet, Complaints<br />

Management Toolkit, together with Policy will all be available to customers and<br />

published on the <strong>Council</strong> website to better manage customers’ expectations.<br />

Definition of a complaint<br />

6. Complaints arise when the <strong>Council</strong> has failed to<br />

• provide the standard or quality of service promised<br />

• followed its own policies<br />

• responded promptly to an enquiry or request for service<br />

• treat a customer fairly or with courtesy<br />

7. A first request for a service, or reporting of a fault is not a complaint.<br />

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8. Complaints that have a statutory appeals process (such as appeals against<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Tax) or where a customer is reporting a nuisance to be dealt with<br />

through the Enforcement Service will not be dealt with under this policy.<br />

9. Complaints against Elected Members will continue to be dealt with through the<br />

Standards Committee.<br />

10. Anonymous complaints cannot be handled under this process as a guiding<br />

principle is the need to respond to customers; however information provided<br />

anonymously will be carefully reviewed and where relevant, action will be taken.<br />

Policy Statement<br />

11. <strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is committed to dealing with complaints in ways that are<br />

open, fair and proportionate. The <strong>Council</strong>’s policy-led approach helps staff to<br />

understand clearly what is expected of them, what options for action are<br />

available, and who can authorise these actions.<br />

12. There are three stages to the <strong>Council</strong>’s complaints process<br />

a. Initial stage: where the complaint is received, logged on a shared central<br />

system and answered by an officer who will be familiar with the<br />

circumstances of the complaint. This process will normally be completed<br />

within 15 working days.<br />

b. Review stage: should a customer be unhappy with the response they can<br />

request a review of the response to their complaint. This will be logged and<br />

the Monitoring officer will appoint a suitable officer, who has not been<br />

involved in the complaint or the initial response, to review the case and<br />

respond to the customer. This review will normally be completed within 15<br />

working days.<br />

c. Local Government Ombudsman (LGO): if following the independent officer<br />

review, a customer is still unhappy with the complaint they will be advised of<br />

their rights to approach the LGO for support. Contact details for the LGO are<br />

given on our website and in the customer leaflet.<br />

13. The Complaints Policy comprises five elements:<br />

13.a The guiding principles<br />

13.b Support to customers and staff<br />

13.c Learning from complaints<br />

13.d Reporting and Monitoring<br />

13.e Dealing with vexatious and unreasonably persistent complaints<br />

13.a Guiding Principles<br />

i. Welcome opportunity: complaints are welcomed for the opportunity they<br />

give the <strong>Council</strong> to re-shape its policies and improve service delivery.<br />

ii. Access: it has been made easier for customers to make a complaint using<br />

a range of communications channels and staff are briefed to facilitate this<br />

process.<br />

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iii. Investigation: all complaints are investigated thoroughly , objectively and<br />

without bias to any individual or group.<br />

iv. Confidentiality: complaints are handled in confidence.<br />

v. Timely: all complaints are dealt with promptly, and within the published<br />

timescale. If however a longer timescale is required to complete a<br />

thorough investigation, then the customer will be advised.<br />

vi. Admitting fault: if the <strong>Council</strong> is at fault, a sincere apology will be issued<br />

and steps will be taken to put things right. In cases of maladministration<br />

it may be appropriate to make financial redress.<br />

vii. Explanation: if after investigation the <strong>Council</strong> concluded that it was not at<br />

fault, an explanation will given to the customer to show why this view has<br />

been reached.<br />

viii. Learning: lessons learned from complaints will be shared across the<br />

organisation and embedded into practices and procedures. Lessons<br />

learned will also be used to inform future decision making.<br />

13.b Support for customers and staff<br />

i. Representative: the <strong>Council</strong> is happy to work with a customer representative<br />

who has been asked to support or take forward a complaint on their behalf.<br />

The customer will be asked to provide confirmation of the appointment of a<br />

representative (preferably in writing) to ensure data protection requirements<br />

are met.<br />

ii. Role of Elected Members: acting as a Community Champion is a key role for<br />

ward councillors. Officers recognise this, and will help councillors to support<br />

their constituents in taking forward complaints.<br />

iii. Stress: making a complaint can be a stressful process for a customer and the<br />

<strong>Council</strong> will help customers to express themselves effectively. Staff training<br />

on complaint handling will reflect appropriate access and equality standards.<br />

iv. Duty of care: the <strong>Council</strong> will exercise its duty of care to support staff who<br />

face abusive or threatening behaviour when dealing with a complaint. Such<br />

behaviour will not be tolerated. The initial step will be to offer support to the<br />

customer, but if behavioural issues continue, a warning will be issued and<br />

appropriate action will be taken to support staff (see paragraph:13.e.vi)<br />

v. Multiple complaints: at times staff can be overwhelmed by multiple complaints<br />

on the same issue and the <strong>Council</strong> will balance the rights of customers for<br />

timely and appropriate responses with the need to support staff and allow<br />

them to operate efficiently.<br />

vi. Simplicity: the council’s processes enable staff to respond to complaints with<br />

straightforward and efficient processes.<br />

13.c Learning from complaints<br />

i. The <strong>Council</strong>’s performance framework, online learning platform and other<br />

channels will be used to ensure lessons from complaints are captured,<br />

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shared and embedded into operational practices and processes. This<br />

information will also be used to inform the decision-making process.<br />

ii. Trends will be identified to see if practices (or policies) need to be amended<br />

and this insight will be reviewed on a regular basis by the <strong>Council</strong>’s senior<br />

leadership team.<br />

13.d Reporting & Monitoring<br />

i. Statistics on complaints will be reported through the quarterly performance<br />

process to Cabinet<br />

ii. Each year (usually between January and March) the Scrutiny Commission<br />

will be asked to consider the complaints process and statistics in the year and<br />

make recommendations on what could be done better.<br />

iii. Each year (usually between April and June) a formal report will be presented<br />

to Cabinet on complaints received in the year and the lessons learned from<br />

these, together with any recommendations from Scrutiny.<br />

iv. Complaint management processes will be monitored on a regular basis to<br />

ensure they are fit for purpose<br />

13.e Dealing with vexatious (or unreasonably persistent) complainants<br />

i. On occasions the <strong>Council</strong> may receive complaints where the customer<br />

displays unreasonable behaviour or becomes unreasonably persistent in their<br />

demands for information or contact with the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

ii. At times contact between the customer and officers involved may be<br />

emotionally charged and stressful for everyone involved – even after support<br />

is offered to help the customer through the process By contrast the contact<br />

may be amicable but the nature of the complaint or unreasonable persistence<br />

can still place very heavy demands on staff time and council resources.<br />

contrast<br />

iii. Unreasonable behaviour does not mean that a customer’s complaint is not<br />

justified and the <strong>Council</strong> will always do its best to pursue its open and fair<br />

approach to complaint management but if this is clearly not working then the<br />

complaint will be handled through a different process. This type of complaint<br />

is generally known as a ‘vexatious’.<br />

iv. Declaring a customer as ‘a vexatious, abusive or an unreasonably persistent<br />

complainant’ is not something to be undertaken lightly and it will only ever be<br />

undertaken by the Chief Executive, acting on advice from the <strong>Council</strong>’s<br />

Monitoring Officer. (The attributes and method of dealing with vexatious<br />

complainants are included in the <strong>Council</strong>’s Complaint Management Toolkit).<br />

v. If a customer is declared ‘vexatious’ the <strong>Council</strong> will follow one of two options.<br />

For both options, an action plan will be prepared and shared with the<br />

customer. Staff will be given clear guidance on how to proceed and detailed<br />

records will then be kept of all and any contact.<br />

a. management – sending a letter with a clear explanation to the<br />

customer that sets out proposals on how the customer can approach<br />

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the <strong>Council</strong> on this issue (detailing both the method and timescale for<br />

contact) and explaining how the council will respond.<br />

b. disengagement – sending a letter to the customer that ‘for this issue<br />

and relevant associated matters’ the <strong>Council</strong> will no longer respond to<br />

communications from the customer and give the reasons. It will be<br />

explained that any communication will be read and if appropriate the<br />

relevant officers will be informed but no response will be sent.<br />

vi. A similar route of management or disengagement may also be implemented if<br />

a customer is abusive.<br />

vii. The disengagement route is only applicable when a customer is pursuing a<br />

particular issue and should the customer return in the future with a completely<br />

‘new’ complaint they will not be excluded from exercising their right to make a<br />

complaint.<br />

Responsibility, Implementation and Review<br />

14. The overall responsibility for corporate complaints monitoring and management<br />

within the <strong>Council</strong> rests with the Monitoring Officer who will assign specific<br />

responsibility to an officer (officers) to manage and monitor complaints.<br />

15. All staff will be provided with access to training and guidance on procedures to<br />

enable them to implement the policy. Deliberate failure to follow the policy after<br />

training may result in informal or formal disciplinary process.<br />

16. The implementation date for the policy is 1 January 2013 to enable training and<br />

guidance to be put in place.<br />

17. The policy, complaints management process and customer information will be<br />

monitored to ensure they remain fit for purpose and that equality of access is<br />

being facilitated. The first formal review will be in January 2014, with further<br />

reviews on a two year rolling programme.<br />

Document Control<br />

Document Title Date approved<br />

Version Date Modified<br />

Review due<br />

Author Sign & Date<br />

Owning Service<br />

Equality Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

Date undertaken I<br />

Issue found<br />

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This page is intentionally left blank<br />

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Appendix 2<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Report: 27 November 2012<br />

<strong>Blaby</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>: Corporate Complaints Management Toolkit<br />

Extract to provide members with a better understanding of how<br />

vexatious complainants will be identified.<br />

a. A vexatious or unreasonably persistent complainant is an individual whose<br />

behaviour puts undue pressure on staff and resources and as a<br />

consequence hinders the <strong>Council</strong>’s ability to operate effectively.<br />

b. Persistence in itself is not a reason to categorise a customer as vexatious.<br />

Examples of where behaviour is persistent - but not unreasonably so -<br />

might include:<br />

o Criticising <strong>Blaby</strong>’s complaints procedure if our standards are not met<br />

is not unreasonable. If complaints procedures are operating<br />

properly, then responding to expressions of dissatisfaction and<br />

requests for information should not cause us particular problems.<br />

o The fact that a customer is unhappy with the outcome of a complaint<br />

and seeks to challenge it. Customers have the right to challenge<br />

and we will accept challenge in a positive way and this should not<br />

cause them to be labeled unreasonably persistent.<br />

o Seeking more information if the information supplied by <strong>Blaby</strong> or the<br />

formal response to a complaint lacks clarity. We need to ensure<br />

that information or responses are in plain English and use of <strong>Council</strong><br />

jargon is avoided so that we do not regard reasonable requests for<br />

clarification as a problem..<br />

c. The characteristics of a vexatious or unreasonably persistent complainant<br />

are likely to include two or more of the following:<br />

• Refusing to specify the grounds of a complaint, despite offers of<br />

assistance.<br />

• Refusing to co-operate with the complaints investigation process.<br />

• Refusing to accept that certain issues are not within the scope of a<br />

complaints procedure.<br />

Page 137

• Insisting on the complaint being dealt with in ways which are<br />

incompatible with legislation, <strong>Blaby</strong>’s adopted complaints policy or with<br />

good practice.<br />

• Making unjustified complaints about staff who are trying to deal with the<br />

issues, or seeking to have them replaced.<br />

• Changing the basis of the complaint as the investigation proceeds.<br />

• Denying or changing statements made at an earlier stage.<br />

• Introducing trivial or irrelevant new information at a late stage.<br />

• Raising numerous, detailed but unimportant questions and insisting that<br />

they are answered.<br />

• Covertly recording meetings and conversations.<br />

• Submitting falsified documents from themselves or others.<br />

• Adopting a 'scatter gun' approach: pursuing parallel complaints on the<br />

same issue with a variety of other organisations.<br />

• Making excessive demands on the time and resources of staff with<br />

lengthy telephone calls, emails to numerous council staff, or<br />

detailed letters every few days, and expecting immediate responses.<br />

• Submitting repeat complaints with minor additions/variations that the<br />

complainant insists make these 'new' complaints.<br />

• Refusing to accept the decision; repeatedly arguing points with no new<br />

evidence.<br />

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