Untitled - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble

Untitled - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble Untitled - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble

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• we develop quantum and classical formalisms in molecular physics, relevant to the understanding of the physics and the spectra that we observe; • we compute theoretical molecular physics data, developing and using state of the art ab initio quantum chemistry codes as well as dynamical calculations. Astromol is, therefore, composed of people having very different skills and backgrounds: astrophysical observations, astrophysical modeling, ab initio molecular calculations, and theoretical molecular physics. In the following we will refer to the two major activities of Astromol as the Star Formation and Molecular Physics respectively. Figure 2.1 shows the logical scheme of the interaction between the astrophysical and the molecular Figure 2.1: The activities of Astromol and the synergy of the different components. The logical sequence is as follows: 1- we select the target of our study; 2- we do observations of the target object; 3- by using the collisional coefficients relevant to the observed molecule, we interpret the observations deriving the temperature, density and chemical composition of the studied object, by means of theoretical radiative transfer models; 4- by using the rates of the chemical reactions we build a chemical model; 5- finally, we reconstruct the physics/dynamics/chemistry of the target of our study. physics expertise of Astromol members, taking the example of the study of a solar type forming star. In order to understand the star formation process one needs to reconstruct the physical, dynamical and chemical structure of the matter, as function of time, namely as this structure evolves during the formation process. One of the best tools for this study are the lines emitted and/or absorbed by the gas, because: i) lines intensities (either in emission or in absorption) depend on the gas temperature and density, and, for this reason, multi-frequency line observations allow to reconstruct the density and temperature profile of the gas; ii) lines from different chemical species allow to reconstruct the chemical composition of the gas; iii) lines profiles provide information on the kinematics of the studied region. Given the involved temperatures (between 10 and few hundreds Kelvin) and densities (between 10 4 and 10 9 cm −3 ), molecular lines are the privileged tool for studying forming solar type stars. The sequence in Fig. 2.1 illustrates, in practice, the synergy between the astrophysical observations and modeling, and the theoretical molecular computations. Astrophysical observations and modeling motivate theoretical molecular computations; in turn, theoretical molecular computations feed the astrophysical modeling, and allow the correct interpretation of the data. In synthesis, the research activity of Astromol may be summarized into a few major axes: observations at telescopes (§2.2), development of astrophysical models (§2.3), development of molecular physics theories and codes, plus computation of molecular and intermolecular properties (§2.4). Our research leads to several publications in international specialized journals, as well as to communications to congresses, both invited or not (§2.5). Another important aspect for Astromol is represented by the teaching and student formation, an activity which absorbs a substantial fraction of the team energy and time, and which is vital for the life of the team itself (§2.6). Finally, Astromol is actively involved in national and international activities and collaborations. It is worth here to mention three large national and international projects, where Astromol is a major actor (see §2.7 for a detailed description): “WAGOS”, “FP6 - THE MOLECULAR UNIVERSE”, and “HERSCHEL SPACE OBSERVATORY - HIFI”. Regarding the interaction with the “Programmes Nationaux” Astromol is financially 44

supported by PCMI and PNPS, and members of Astromol have been and currently are members of the PCMI board. Table 2.2 summarizes the Astromol activities at glance. Observations at the telescopes Satellite: CHANDRA + XMM + SPITZER + ISO data reduction Ground-based: IRAM + JCMT + CSO... Development of astrophysical models Lines from collapsing envelopes and LVG codes Molecular physics: theories and codes Ab initio and collision codes development Transition state theory. Intensive computation on National Computer facilities and local Ciment network facilities Teaching and students formation 2 Professors + 1 MdC + 1 Astronome UJF-SD + Master 1 Physics 5 PhD thesis + 5 DEA stages Publications and communications Articles in refereed Journals: 102 Invited presentations in international congresses: 24 Collaborations National: FOST, WAGOS, PCMI, PNPS... International: FP6 “The Molecular Universe” Herschel-HIFI and ALMA projects, JETSET Table 2.2: Astromol activities at glance for the period 2002-2005. 2.2 Observations at the telescopes Astromol members carry out observations with satellite and ground based telescopes, covering a large frequency range, from the radio to the X-ray. Satellite telescopes: Astromol members (TM) are involved in the explotation of the two large X-rays telescope currently in orbit: Chandra and XMM. These facilities, launched in 1999, have allowed to conduct observations of star-forming regions in two directions: (i) characterization of the stellar X-ray sources, from massive stars to substellar objects (brown dwarfs: see FOST chapter); (ii) discovery and study of diffuse X-ray emission in HII regions excited by very massive stars. In turn, this has led, in the context of the Astromol team, to studies of X-ray irradiation effects (both in the vicinity of young stars and from diffuse emission) on the surrounding dense molecular medium. SPITZER, a near to far Infrared telescope currently in orbit, is used (BL) to study regions of massive star formation and the proprieties of the energetic outflows emanating from young protostars. ISO (the ESA far Infrared telescope in orbit until 1999) data are still reduced and used to study regions of low mass star formation (CC, BL). Ground-based telescopes: Astromol members (BL, CC, AF, LW, CK) are heavy users of the IRAM, JCMT and CSO millimeter and submillimeter telescopes. They also regularly use radio telescopes like GBT (10 hours in 2005) or VLA, though at a less extent. Table 2.3 summarizes the amount of 2002-2005 allocated time at IRAM, JCMT and CSO telescopes to proposals where members of Astromol are within the first three co-proposers. The Telescope 2002 2003 2004 2005 IRAM-30m 300 300 363 180 IRAM-PdBI - 1 5 JCMT 128 132 95 330 CSO - 50 90 100 Table 2.3: Time allocated (in hours, except for IRAM-PdBI, where the number of nights are reported) to the different telescopes used by members of Astromol. 45

• we <strong>de</strong>velop quantum and classical formalisms in molecular physics, relevant to the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the<br />

physics and the spectra that we observe;<br />

• we compute theoretical molecular physics data, <strong>de</strong>veloping and using state of the art ab initio quantum<br />

chemistry co<strong>de</strong>s as well as dynamical calculations.<br />

Astromol is, therefore, composed of people having very different skills and backgrounds: astrophysical observations,<br />

astrophysical mo<strong>de</strong>ling, ab initio molecular calculations, and theoretical molecular physics. In the<br />

following we will refer to the two major activities of Astromol as the Star Formation and Molecular Physics<br />

respectively. Figure 2.1 shows the logical scheme of the interaction between the astrophysical and the molecular<br />

Figure 2.1: The activities of Astromol and the synergy of the different components. The logical sequence<br />

is as follows: 1- we select the target of our study; 2- we do observations of the target object; 3- by using<br />

the collisional coefficients relevant to the observed molecule, we interpret the observations <strong>de</strong>riving the temperature,<br />

<strong>de</strong>nsity and chemical composition of the studied object, by means of theoretical radiative transfer<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ls; 4- by using the rates of the chemical reactions we build a chemical mo<strong>de</strong>l; 5- finally, we reconstruct the<br />

physics/dynamics/chemistry of the target of our study.<br />

physics expertise of Astromol members, taking the example of the study of a solar type forming star. In or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand the star formation process one needs to reconstruct the physical, dynamical and chemical structure<br />

of the matter, as function of time, namely as this structure evolves during the formation process. One of the<br />

best tools for this study are the lines emitted and/or absorbed by the gas, because:<br />

i) lines intensities (either in emission or in absorption) <strong>de</strong>pend on the gas temperature and <strong>de</strong>nsity, and, for this<br />

reason, multi-frequency line observations allow to reconstruct the <strong>de</strong>nsity and temperature profile of the gas;<br />

ii) lines from different chemical species allow to reconstruct the chemical composition of the gas;<br />

iii) lines profiles provi<strong>de</strong> information on the kinematics of the studied region.<br />

Given the involved temperatures (between 10 and few hundreds Kelvin) and <strong>de</strong>nsities (between 10 4 and 10 9<br />

cm −3 ), molecular lines are the privileged tool for studying forming solar type stars. The sequence in Fig. 2.1<br />

illustrates, in practice, the synergy between the astrophysical observations and mo<strong>de</strong>ling, and the theoretical<br />

molecular computations. Astrophysical observations and mo<strong>de</strong>ling motivate theoretical molecular computations;<br />

in turn, theoretical molecular computations feed the astrophysical mo<strong>de</strong>ling, and allow the correct interpretation<br />

of the data. In synthesis, the research activity of Astromol may be summarized into a few major axes:<br />

observations at telescopes (§2.2), <strong>de</strong>velopment of astrophysical mo<strong>de</strong>ls (§2.3), <strong>de</strong>velopment of molecular physics<br />

theories and co<strong>de</strong>s, plus computation of molecular and intermolecular properties (§2.4). Our research leads<br />

to several publications in international specialized journals, as well as to communications to congresses, both<br />

invited or not (§2.5).<br />

Another important aspect for Astromol is represented by the teaching and stu<strong>de</strong>nt formation, an activity<br />

which absorbs a substantial fraction of the team energy and time, and which is vital for the life of the team<br />

itself (§2.6).<br />

Finally, Astromol is actively involved in national and international activities and collaborations. It is worth<br />

here to mention three large national and international projects, where Astromol is a major actor (see §2.7<br />

for a <strong>de</strong>tailed <strong>de</strong>scription): “WAGOS”, “FP6 - THE MOLECULAR UNIVERSE”, and “HERSCHEL SPACE<br />

OBSERVATORY - HIFI”. Regarding the interaction with the “Programmes Nationaux” Astromol is financially<br />


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