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efforts in other jurisdictions. PWRDF has also formed alliances with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, the<br />

Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, the Anglican Council of Indigenous People, and Imagine Canada. PWRDF has<br />

joined the Canadian Christian Business Federation.<br />

We learned more about the constraints that CIDA is now imposing. Only certain countries, larger grants but<br />

fewer, and emphasis on such things as health and food security.<br />

This means that a larger portion of gathered monies is needed for projects that do not fit these criteria.<br />

Regular giving is needed and new booklets are out to tell you how to give! If you leave the gift undesignated<br />

the money can go where it is most needed. Some gifts can be given through a gift booklet (like other charities<br />

have been doing for a while)<br />

The Anglican Youth have developed new tools. They used the electronic devices that fit into computers as<br />

well as catchy booklets in print. There have been Leader conferences to fit our young for leadership. If you<br />

have someone in your parish please put her/his name forward.<br />

In the Forum, we also followed up with work we had done earlier about job descriptions for Parish Reps., and<br />

Diocesan Coordinators, and Diocesan Reps. Many Dioceses combine these last into one person. One<br />

strong recommendation was to appoint someone for a term of 3 years, with a maximum of 3 terms. This is to<br />

prevent burn out and to introduce new Leadership.<br />

This, like other potential shifts in the strategic plan will mean that although the work will continue, the<br />

PWRDF we know will look different at the next AGM in 2 years.<br />

Respectfully Submitted<br />

Susan Roe-Finlay<br />

Memorials Annual Report 2011<br />

Donations to the memorials Fund are gratefully appreciated and may be made on a regular basis or at any time.<br />

They may be donated for a specific purpose, such as in lieu of flowers in memory of someone, or in the form<br />

of a regular donation or as a bequest in a parishioner’s will. These funds help to ensure the ongoing<br />

maintenance of the building, or to complete specific projects.<br />

The memorial and pet memorial boards, on the rear wall of the church, are available for Memorial Plates -<br />

installed at a cost of $20 each, at any time.<br />

The bibles should remain in the pews for use during the service.<br />

I can be reached at 256-729 for further information.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Norma Edwards<br />

Wednesday Bible <strong>St</strong>udy Group Annual Report for 2011<br />

The bible study group has met regularly throughout the year, taking a break from June to September. We have<br />

continued to use the Seasons of the Spirit curriculum which is itself undergoing some changes, and have<br />

rotated the leadership between our members. The study follows our lectionary and we find it helpful to study<br />

the readings for the up- coming Sunday in fellowship and friendship. We meet at noon and say the Mid-day<br />

prayers from the BAS followed by a bag lunch and study. The group has also supported <strong>St</strong> Matthews <strong>Mary</strong>land<br />

Community Ministry by making sandwiches for their drop-in centre from time to time. New members are<br />

always welcome.<br />

Submitted by Heather Birtles<br />


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