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150 Courses of Instruction/Art Arrowmont Pi Beta Phi School of Arts and Crafts 484 Museology 111 : Field Projects (1-12) Spedal field projects including restoration, preservation, registration, and other related research on oroff campus . Prereq :481 and 482. May be repeated . Maximum 12 hours . (Same as Anthropology 484 .) 485 History of Printmaking (3) Survey of prints from the 15th century to the present . Emphasis on 20th century in Europe and the United States. Prereq : 172 and 173 . 486 Art of Indian Asia (3) History of Indian art with consideration of the art of Central Asia and Southeast Asia . Writing-emphasis course . 489 Studies in Art History (3) Concentration in individually selected area. Prereq : 12 hours of art history and consentof instructor. May be repeated . Maximum 6 hours . 491 Foreign Study (1-15) 492 Off-Campus Study (1-15) 493 Independent Study (1-15) 494 Individual Problems (3) Prereq : Consent of instructor . May be repeated . Maximum 12 hours . 495 Visiting Artist Seminar (2) Study and discussion of contemporary art issues conducted by different visiting artists each semester . (Does not applytoward art history requirement.) May be repeated . Maximum 8 hours . 496 Advanced Airbrush (3) Advanced techniques of airbrush drawing ; skills and use in illustrations emphasized . Prereq : 396 . 499 Special Topics (3) Student or instructor-initiated course offered at convenience of department . Prereq : Determined by department for individual topic . May be repeated . Maximum 12 hours. ART ARROWMONT PI BETA PHI SCHOOL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS 200 Special Topics (2-4) Student- or instructor-initiated course offered at convenience of department . May be repeated . 210 Drawing (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be repeated . 220 Ceramics (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be repeated . 230 Photography (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be repeated . 240 Painting (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be repeated . 250 Metal Design (2-4) Beginning to intermediate. May be repeated . 260 Fibers (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be repeated . 270 Fabric (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be repeated . 280 Enameling (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be repeated. 290 Wood (2-4) Beginning to Intermediate . May be repeated . 400 Special Topics (2-4) Student or instructor initiated course offered at convenience of department. May be repeated . 410 Drawing (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated . 420 Ceramics (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated . 430 Photography (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated . 440 Painting (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated . 450 Metal Design (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated . 460 Fibers (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated . 470 Fabric (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated . 4tso tnamenng (2-4) intermediate to advanced. Maybe repeated. 490 Wood (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be repeated. ART EDUCATION (141) 301 Foundation of Art Education (3) Basic philosophy and structure including directed learning activities in two and three dimensional design, art appreciation, and teaching methodology . Prereq : Admission to Teacher Education Program . F, Sp 302 Concepts of Drawing and Painting (3) Processes in teaching of drawing and painting including consideration of pertinent literature and research . F, Sp 303 Concepts of Sculpture and Crafts (3) Processes in teaching of sculpture and crafts including pertinent literature and research . Prereq : 301 and admission to Teacher Education Program . F 304 Concepts of Printmaking, Graphic Design and Lettering (3) Processes in teaching printmaking, graphic design and lettering including pertinent literature and research . Prereq :301 and admission to Teacher Education Program . Sp 350 Field Experience (1) Tasks related to teaching and to teacher roles . May be repeated . Maximum 2 hours. Prereq : Admission to Teacher Education Program . Satisfactory/No credit only . Sp 400 Curriculum Planning and Teaching Strategies (3) Program development, instructional methods, professional literature, contemporary issues, simulation and micro teaching situations . Prereq : 301 and admission to Teacher Education Program . F, Sp 410 Pre-Internship Seminar (1) Orientation describes the objectives and policies of the internship program . Must be completed the term immediately preceding the internship. Prereq : Admission to Teacher Education Program . Satisfactory/No Credit only . Sp, Su 481 Internship I : Grades K-12 (3-6) Test of materials and theories of teaching . Internship is completed in local public schools . Application for internship should be made upon admission to Teacher Education Program . Prereq : 410 and admission to Teacher Education Program . Satisfactory/No Credit only . F 482 Internship II : Grades K-12 (3-6) Demonstration of professional competence in planning, instruction and classroom management . Internship is completed in local public schools . Prereq : 481 and admission to Teacher Education Program . Satisfactory/No Credit only . Sp 490 Special Topics (3) May be repeated . Maximum 6 hours . 493 Independent Study (3) May be repeated . Maximum 9 hours . ASIAN LANGUAGES (144) 131-132 Elementary Chinese 1, II (5,5) Must be taken in sequence . F, Sp 151-152 Elementary Japanese 1,11(5,5) Must be taken in sequence . F, Sp 161-162 Elementary Persian (4,4) Taped language program . Must be taken in sequence . 199 JapaneseLanguage and World Business (2) The course will examine the importance of foreign trade at the local, state, and national level . An interdisciplinary team of faculty from the College of Business Administration and Liberal Arts will provide an overview of the value of language study and international cultural awareness in world business . Restricted to students majoring in the Language and World Business major concentration . See the Director for further information . F 231-232 Intermediate Chinese 1, II (5,5) Prereq : 131- 132 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Must be taken in sequence . 251-252 Intermediate Japanese 1,11(5,5)Prereq :151- 152 orconsent of instructor. Must betaken in sequence. F, Sp 311-312 Chinese Literature in English Translation (3,3) 311-Classical literature. 312-Vernacular and modern literature . Writing-emphasis course . 313-314 Japanese Literature in English Translation (3,3) 313-Classical/traditional : masterpieces of poetry, fiction, and drama to 1800 . 314-Modern : masterpieces of fiction since 1800 . Writing-emphasis course . 331-332 Advanced Chinese I, II (4,4) Prereq : 231-232 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Must be taken in sequence. 351-352 Advanced Japanese I, It (4,4) Includes conversation, drill, and composition practice with native speaker as well as reading and translation . Prereq :251- 252. Must be taken in sequence . 431 Readings in Chinese Literature (3) Prereq : Mastery of intermediate-level of Chinese or consent of instructor . May be repeated . Maximum 9 hours . 451 Readings in Japanese Literature (3) Prereq : Mastery of intermediate-level of Japanese or consent of instructor. May be repeated . Maximum 9 hours . 490 Internship (1-15) Career-related experiences in the United States or abroad with permission of the Language & World Business Director. For Language & World Business majors only . Satisfactory/No Credit only . ASIAN STUDIES (145) 101-102 Asian Civilization (3,3) Comparative study of development of religion, social institutions, and high culture in India, China, Japan, and the Islamic world . 101-India and the Islamic World . . 102-China and Japan . Writing-emphasis course . 121-122 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I, II (5,5) Literary Arabic, language of the press, broadcasting, literature and formal situations . Meets every day, three days with instructor and two with native informant in addition to language lab . Must be taken in sequence . 141-142 Elementary Modern Hebrew I, If (4,4) Taped language program . Must be taken in sequence . Enrollment by permission of instructor . 161-162 Elementary Persian (4,4) Taped language program . Must be taken in sequence . Enrollment by permission of instructor . 221-222 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic 1, II (5,5) Literary Arabic, the language of the press, broadcasting, literature, and formal situations . Meets every day, three days with instructor and two with native informant in addition to language lab . Must be taken in sequence. Prereq : 121-122 or equivalent or consent of instructor . 241-242 Intermediate Modern Hebrew 1,11(4,4) Taped language program . Prereq : 141-142 or equivalent or consent of instructor . Must be taken in sequence . 261-262 Intermediate Persian (4,4) Taped language program . Prereq : 161-162 or equivalent or consent of instructor . Must be taken in sequence . 319 Islamic Literature in English Translation (3) Selections from the Koran, classical Arabic and Persian poetry, and classical Arabic, Persian, and Turkisk prose, including history, philosophy, mysticism, and belleslettres . 321 Spoken Lebanese-Palestinian Arabic (4) Informal Arabic for use in daily life . Emphasis on appropriate response and understanding of cultural context . All work is oral, including exams, but grammatical analysis is based on standard (written) Arabic. Prereq : 121-122 or consent of instructor. 322 AdvancedModern Standard Arabic (4) Advanced grammar and readings in modern Arabic . Prereq : 221- 222 or consent of instructor. 332 Classical Islam (3) (Same as Religious Studies 332) . 333 Islam in the Modern World (3) (Same as Religious Studies 333) . 471 Selected Topics in Asian Studies (3) Content varies . May be repeated . Maximum 9 hours . 491 Foreign Study (1-15) 492 Off-Campus Study (1-15) 493 Independent Study (1-15)

150 Courses of Instruction/Art Arrowmont Pi Beta Phi School of Arts and Crafts<br />

484 Museology 111 : Field Projects (1-12) Spedal field<br />

projects including restoration, preservation, registration,<br />

and other related research on oroff campus . Prereq :481<br />

and 482. May be repeated . Maximum 12 hours . (Same<br />

as Anthropology 484 .)<br />

485 History of Printmaking (3) Survey of prints from the<br />

15th century to the present . Emphasis on 20th century in<br />

Europe and the United States. Prereq : 172 and 173 .<br />

486 Art of Indian Asia (3) History of Indian art with<br />

consideration of the art of Central Asia and Southeast<br />

Asia . Writing-emphasis course .<br />

489 Studies in Art History (3) Concentration in individually<br />

selected area. Prereq : 12 hours of art history and<br />

consentof instructor. May be repeated . Maximum 6 hours .<br />

491 Foreign Study (1-15)<br />

492 Off-Campus Study (1-15)<br />

493 Independent Study (1-15)<br />

494 Individual Problems (3) Prereq : Consent of instructor<br />

. May be repeated . Maximum 12 hours .<br />

495 Visiting Artist Seminar (2) Study and discussion of<br />

contemporary art issues conducted by different visiting<br />

artists each semester . (Does not applytoward art history<br />

requirement.) May be repeated . Maximum 8 hours .<br />

496 Advanced Airbrush (3) Advanced techniques of<br />

airbrush drawing ; skills and use in illustrations emphasized<br />

. Prereq : 396 .<br />

499 Special Topics (3) Student or instructor-initiated<br />

course offered at convenience of department . Prereq :<br />

Determined by department for individual topic . May be<br />

repeated . Maximum 12 hours.<br />


PHI SCHOOL <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ARTS</strong> AND<br />

CRAFTS<br />

200 Special Topics (2-4) Student- or instructor-initiated<br />

course offered at convenience of department . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

210 Drawing (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

220 Ceramics (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

230 Photography (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May<br />

be repeated .<br />

240 Painting (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

250 Metal Design (2-4) Beginning to intermediate. May<br />

be repeated .<br />

260 Fibers (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

270 Fabric (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

280 Enameling (2-4) Beginning to intermediate . May be<br />

repeated.<br />

290 Wood (2-4) Beginning to Intermediate . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

400 Special Topics (2-4) Student or instructor initiated<br />

course offered at convenience of department. May be<br />

repeated .<br />

410 Drawing (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

420 Ceramics (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

430 Photography (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May<br />

be repeated .<br />

440 Painting (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

450 Metal Design (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May<br />

be repeated .<br />

460 Fibers (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

470 Fabric (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be<br />

repeated .<br />

4tso tnamenng (2-4) intermediate to advanced. Maybe<br />

repeated.<br />

490 Wood (2-4) Intermediate to advanced . May be<br />

repeated.<br />

ART EDUCATION (141)<br />

301 Foundation of Art Education (3) Basic philosophy<br />

and structure including directed learning activities in two<br />

and three dimensional design, art appreciation, and<br />

teaching methodology . Prereq : Admission to Teacher<br />

Education Program . F, Sp<br />

302 Concepts of Drawing and Painting (3) Processes<br />

in teaching of drawing and painting including consideration<br />

of pertinent literature and research . F, Sp<br />

303 Concepts of Sculpture and Crafts (3) Processes<br />

in teaching of sculpture and crafts including pertinent<br />

literature and research . Prereq : 301 and admission to<br />

Teacher Education Program . F<br />

304 Concepts of Printmaking, Graphic Design and<br />

Lettering (3) Processes in teaching printmaking, graphic<br />

design and lettering including pertinent literature and<br />

research . Prereq :301 and admission to Teacher Education<br />

Program . Sp<br />

350 Field Experience (1) Tasks related to teaching and<br />

to teacher roles . May be repeated . Maximum 2 hours.<br />

Prereq : Admission to Teacher Education Program . Satisfactory/No<br />

credit only . Sp<br />

400 Curriculum Planning and Teaching Strategies<br />

(3) Program development, instructional methods, professional<br />

literature, contemporary issues, simulation<br />

and micro teaching situations . Prereq : 301 and admission<br />

to Teacher Education Program . F, Sp<br />

410 Pre-Internship Seminar (1) Orientation describes<br />

the objectives and policies of the internship program .<br />

Must be completed the term immediately preceding the<br />

internship. Prereq : Admission to Teacher Education<br />

Program . Satisfactory/No Credit only . Sp, Su<br />

481 Internship I : Grades K-12 (3-6) Test of materials<br />

and theories of teaching . Internship is completed in local<br />

public schools . Application for internship should be<br />

made upon admission to Teacher Education Program .<br />

Prereq : 410 and admission to Teacher Education Program<br />

. Satisfactory/No Credit only . F<br />

482 Internship II : Grades K-12 (3-6) Demonstration of<br />

professional competence in planning, instruction and<br />

classroom management . Internship is completed in local<br />

public schools . Prereq : 481 and admission to Teacher<br />

Education Program . Satisfactory/No Credit only . Sp<br />

490 Special Topics (3) May be repeated . Maximum 6<br />

hours .<br />

493 Independent Study (3) May be repeated . Maximum<br />

9 hours .<br />


131-132 Elementary Chinese 1, II (5,5) Must be taken<br />

in sequence . F, Sp<br />

151-152 Elementary Japanese 1,11(5,5) Must be taken<br />

in sequence . F, Sp<br />

161-162 Elementary Persian (4,4) Taped language<br />

program . Must be taken in sequence .<br />

199 JapaneseLanguage and World Business (2) The<br />

course will examine the importance of foreign trade at<br />

the local, state, and national level . An interdisciplinary<br />

team of faculty from the College of Business Administration<br />

and Liberal Arts will provide an overview of the value<br />

of language study and international cultural awareness<br />

in world business . Restricted to students majoring in the<br />

Language and World Business major concentration .<br />

See the Director for further information . F<br />

231-232 Intermediate Chinese 1, II (5,5) Prereq : 131-<br />

132 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Must be taken<br />

in sequence .<br />

251-252 Intermediate Japanese 1,11(5,5)Prereq :151-<br />

152 orconsent of instructor. Must betaken in sequence.<br />

F, Sp<br />

311-312 Chinese Literature in English Translation<br />

(3,3) 311-Classical literature. 312-Vernacular and modern<br />

literature . Writing-emphasis course .<br />

313-314 Japanese Literature in English Translation<br />

(3,3) 313-Classical/traditional : masterpieces of poetry,<br />

fiction, and drama to 1800 . 314-Modern : masterpieces<br />

of fiction since 1800 . Writing-emphasis course .<br />

331-332 Advanced Chinese I, II (4,4) Prereq : 231-232<br />

or equivalent or consent of instructor. Must be taken in<br />

sequence.<br />

351-352 Advanced Japanese I, It (4,4) Includes conversation,<br />

drill, and composition practice with native<br />

speaker as well as reading and translation . Prereq :251-<br />

252. Must be taken in sequence .<br />

431 Readings in Chinese Literature (3) Prereq : Mastery<br />

of intermediate-level of Chinese or consent of<br />

instructor . May be repeated . Maximum 9 hours .<br />

451 Readings in Japanese Literature (3) Prereq :<br />

Mastery of intermediate-level of Japanese or consent of<br />

instructor. May be repeated . Maximum 9 hours .<br />

490 Internship (1-15) Career-related experiences in the<br />

United States or abroad with permission of the Language<br />

& World Business Director. For Language & World Business<br />

majors only . Satisfactory/No Credit only .<br />

ASIAN STUDIES (145)<br />

101-102 Asian Civilization (3,3) Comparative study of<br />

development of religion, social institutions, and high<br />

culture in India, China, Japan, and the Islamic world .<br />

101-India and the Islamic World . . 102-China and Japan .<br />

Writing-emphasis course .<br />

121-122 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I, II<br />

(5,5) Literary Arabic, language of the press, broadcasting,<br />

literature and formal situations . Meets every day,<br />

three days with instructor and two with native informant<br />

in addition to language lab . Must be taken in sequence .<br />

141-142 Elementary Modern Hebrew I, If (4,4) Taped<br />

language program . Must be taken in sequence . Enrollment<br />

by permission of instructor .<br />

161-162 Elementary Persian (4,4) Taped language<br />

program . Must be taken in sequence . Enrollment by<br />

permission of instructor .<br />

221-222 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic 1, II<br />

(5,5) Literary Arabic, the language of the press, broadcasting,<br />

literature, and formal situations . Meets every<br />

day, three days with instructor and two with native<br />

informant in addition to language lab . Must be taken in<br />

sequence. Prereq : 121-122 or equivalent or consent of<br />

instructor .<br />

241-242 Intermediate Modern Hebrew 1,11(4,4) Taped<br />

language program . Prereq : 141-142 or equivalent or<br />

consent of instructor . Must be taken in sequence .<br />

261-262 Intermediate Persian (4,4) Taped language<br />

program . Prereq : 161-162 or equivalent or consent of<br />

instructor . Must be taken in sequence .<br />

319 Islamic Literature in English Translation (3)<br />

Selections from the Koran, classical Arabic and Persian<br />

poetry, and classical Arabic, Persian, and Turkisk prose,<br />

including history, philosophy, mysticism, and belleslettres<br />

.<br />

321 Spoken Lebanese-Palestinian Arabic (4) Informal<br />

Arabic for use in daily life . Emphasis on appropriate<br />

response and understanding of cultural context . All work<br />

is oral, including exams, but grammatical analysis is<br />

based on standard (written) Arabic. Prereq : 121-122 or<br />

consent of instructor.<br />

322 AdvancedModern Standard Arabic (4) Advanced<br />

grammar and readings in modern Arabic . Prereq : 221-<br />

222 or consent of instructor.<br />

332 Classical Islam (3) (Same as Religious Studies<br />

332) .<br />

333 Islam in the Modern World (3) (Same as Religious<br />

Studies 333) .<br />

471 Selected Topics in Asian Studies (3) Content<br />

varies . May be repeated . Maximum 9 hours .<br />

491 Foreign Study (1-15)<br />

492 Off-Campus Study (1-15)<br />

493 Independent Study (1-15)

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