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Graduate School of Library and Information Science Jose-Marie Griffiths, Director Glenn E . Estes, Assistant Director Professors : Glenn E . Estes, M.L .S, Kent State ; Jose-Marie Griffiths (Director), Ph .D . London (UK) ; Gary R Purcell, Ph .D . Case Western ; Carol Tenopir, Ph .D ., Illinois ; P.C . Wilson (Emeritus), Ph .D ., Michigan . Associate Professors : J . Michael Pemberton, Ph .D ., Tennessee ; Richard Pollard, Ph .D ., Brunel (UK) ; William C . Robinson, Ph .D ., Illinois ; George M . Sinkankas, Ph .D . Pittsburgh . Established in 1971, the Graduate School of Library and Information Science provides a graduate program for the preparation of librarians and other information professionals for work in all types of information environments . The program of study offers the Master of Science in Library degree . In addition, the Graduate School of Library and Information Science provides elective courses at the undergraduate level . UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM The Graduate School of Library and Information Science offers undergraduate courses that reflect the overall mission of the school : to educate people to live, work and flourish in an information society through excellence in teaching, research, and public service in library and information science . The undergraduate courses support a heightened awareness of today's informationrich environment. Increasingly, college gradu- ates must understand the nature of information : sources, value, creation, organizing principles, transfer, and uses in society . Those who thrive in the information society must know how to identify and respond to their information needs . First as students, and then as professionals and citizens, graduates need to apply techniques and technologies in the search, retrieval, and evaluation of relevant information to meet their information needs . They must prepare to use a rapidly increasingly array of information systems and technologies to seek and to manage information resources. These abilities constitute information survival skills in the twenty-first century . Graduates need to know when they can help themselves and when they should seek assistance from various information professionals . Certain courses are open to students in the College of Liberal Arts who are interested in preparation for graduate study in the profession of library and information science . For a list of recommended courses, contact the Graduate School of Library and Information Science . The undergraduate courses are planned for the following groups of people : 1 . Students who wish to develop a better understanding of the role of information in society . 2 . Students whose academic major stresses understanding and use of information in society . 3 . Students whose academic major and/ or minor requires significant use of research libraries. 4 . Students who are prospective candidates for the graduate program in library and information science . For information about undergraduate courses, contact the Graduate School of Library and Information Science . GRADUATE PROGRAM The Graduate School of Library and information Science offers a graduate professional degree program accredited by the American Library Association . Information concerning the graduate program is given in the Graduate Catalog. COMPUTER FACILITIES The Graduate School of Library and Information Science provides a teaching demonstration computer laboratory at Temple Court . The laboratory includes a large-screen display system and more than 20 networked computers . The laboratory is designed to reflect the current computing environment . The laboratory serves as a classroom for undergraduate and graduate courses offering hands-on instruction in information technology . Equipment is available for individual use when the laboratory is not reserved for class instruction . The computers are connected to the GSLIS Local Area Network (LAN) . In addition, the computers are connected to the campus ethernet network from which they access all the increasingly important communications and information resources of the Internet . Networked laser printing and X-server terminals are included in the laboratory . The advanced laboratory is designed to serve the research and curriculum needs of the school . Equipment includes high-end Macintosh Quadra, Sun SPARStation, and IBM Ultimedia computers. The advanced laboratory activities provides a gopher server, high-level database and information retrieval software, and multimedia authoring and display tools .

University Honors ThomasW. Broadhead, Director Dorothy Hendricks, Associate Director University Honors programs have been carefully designed to give academically outstanding students a special undergraduate honors experience comprising special courses, seminars, mentoring programs, senior research projects and other features . Students are invited to become University Honors students prior to enrolling at the University . Alreadyenrolled students are ineligible . Prospective University Honors students are selected on the bases of previous academic performance, demonstration of an eagerness to be active learners and leaders, and extracurricular activities . The University Honors Office administers three separate programs : the Tennessee Scholars Program, the Whittle Scholars Program, and the Chancellor's Scholars Program . The Tennessee Scholars and Chancellor's Scholars programs are administered by the University Honors Committee which includes faculty representatives from each of the ten baccalaureate colleges and schools and students elected by the Tennessee Scholars and Chancellor's Scholars . The Whittle Scholars Program is administered by the Whittle Scholars Committee which includes faculty appointed by the Chancellor, representatives of the University Administration, alumni, and representatives of Whittle Communications . TENNESSEE SCHOLARS PROGRAM Each year, twenty-five outstanding high school students will be selected by the University Honors Committee for a four-year program of honors work . These students may have any major in any college offering the Bachelor's degree . In addition to required work in their respective colleges, Tennessee Scholars are required to complete a minimum of four lower division honors courses ; complete a one credit hour Tennessee Scholars seminar each term in residence (summer not included) ; develop a positive relationship with a faculty mentor ; have an extensive conference with a member of the University Honors staff each term in residence ; and complete a senior honors research project of merit and originality . In order to graduate in the program, students must enroll in and successfully complete at least 3 credit hours of University Honors 493 while doing their senior projects. Failure to meet the above requirements can result in removal from the program and loss of scholarship assistance . Students are selected on the bases of ACT/ SAT scores, high school GPA and the difficulty of the high school course of study, academic references, and a personal statement . Students who are selected as Tennessee Scholars are awarded substantial four-year scholarships . Students enrolled in five-year programs will receive a fifth year of financial assistance . WHITTLE SCHOLARS PROGRAM The Whittle Scholars Program is made possible by a substantial endowment given the University by Chris Whittle, Chairman of Whittle Communications and a 1969 UT Knoxville alumnus . Each year, twenty outstanding high school students will be invited to become Whittle Scholars . These students may have any major in any college offering the Bachelor's degree . In addition to required work in their respective colleges, Whittle Scholars are required to complete a one credit hour seminar each term of their first year (one on contemporary issues and one on aspects of leadership) ; complete at least one University Honors course during their second year ; complete a one-year seminar preparatory to international travel/study/work ; complete a one-year international experience ; develop positive relationships with a faculty mentor and a non-faculty career mentor ; have an extensive conference with a member of the University Honors staff each term in residence ; attend monthly meetings of the Whittle Scholars ; and complete a senior research project of merit and originality . In order to graduate in the program, students must enroll in and successfully complete at least 3 credit hours of University Honors 493 while doing their senior projects . Failure to meet the above requirements can result in removal from the program and loss of scholarship assistance . Students are selected on the bases of leadership experience and skills, academic performance and potential, and extracurricular activities (including community service) . Students selected to become Whittle Scholars receive full five-year scholarships . 129 Whittle Scholars may have to supplement the scholarship during their year abroad . CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARS PROGRAM Each year the University awards Roddy, Bonham, Neyland, Holt, and Reeder-Siler scholarships to outstanding high school students . Roddy, Bonham, Neyland, and Reeder-Siler Scholars are selected by the General University Scholarship Committee, composed of faculty and University personnel . Holt Scholars are selected by a committee of alumni . Criteria for selection include academic performance and academic and professional promise . All recipients of the Roddy, Bonham, Neyland, Holt, and Reeder-Siler scholarships are invited to become Chancellor's Scholars . In addition to required work in their respective colleges, Chancellor's Scholars are required to complete a minimum of four lower division honors courses ; complete a one credit hour seminar each term in residence ; develop a positive relationship with a faculty mentor ; have an extensive conference with a member of the University Honors staff each term in residence ; and complete a senior honors research project of merit and originality . In order to graduate in the program, students must enroll in and successfully complete at least 3 credit hours of University Honors 493 while doing their senior projects . Failure to meet the above requirements can result in removal from the program . Retention in Tennessee Scholars Program, Chancellor's Scholars Program, and Whittle Scholars Program Tennessee Scholars are selected on the bases of past academic performance and their potential for academic excellence . As Tennessee Scholars, they are expected to adhere to the written policies and requirements of the Tennessee Scholars Program and are encouraged to enroll in courses that will stimulate and challenge them as well as broaden their horizons . As a result, the University Honors Committee will not be concerned if grades in occasional courses fall below superior range . However, all Tennessee Scholars are expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 . Whittle Scholars are selected on the bases of leadership experience and skills, academic

University Honors<br />

ThomasW. Broadhead, Director<br />

Dorothy Hendricks, Associate Director<br />

University Honors programs have been<br />

carefully designed to give academically outstanding<br />

students a special undergraduate<br />

honors experience comprising special courses,<br />

seminars, mentoring programs, senior research<br />

projects and other features . Students are<br />

invited to become University Honors students<br />

prior to enrolling at the University . Alreadyenrolled<br />

students are ineligible . Prospective<br />

University Honors students are selected on the<br />

bases of previous academic performance,<br />

demonstration of an eagerness to be active<br />

learners and leaders, and extracurricular activities<br />

. The University Honors Office administers<br />

three separate programs : the Tennessee<br />

Scholars Program, the Whittle Scholars Program,<br />

and the Chancellor's Scholars Program .<br />

The Tennessee Scholars and Chancellor's<br />

Scholars programs are administered by the<br />

University Honors Committee which includes<br />

faculty representatives from each of the ten<br />

baccalaureate colleges and schools and students<br />

elected by the Tennessee Scholars and<br />

Chancellor's Scholars . The Whittle Scholars<br />

Program is administered by the Whittle Scholars<br />

Committee which includes faculty appointed by<br />

the Chancellor, representatives of the University<br />

Administration, alumni, and representatives<br />

of Whittle Communications .<br />


Each year, twenty-five outstanding high<br />

school students will be selected by the University<br />

Honors Committee for a four-year program<br />

of honors work . These students may have any<br />

major in any college offering the Bachelor's<br />

degree . In addition to required work in their<br />

respective colleges, Tennessee Scholars are<br />

required to complete a minimum of four lower<br />

division honors courses ; complete a one credit<br />

hour Tennessee Scholars seminar each term<br />

in residence (summer not included) ; develop a<br />

positive relationship with a faculty mentor ; have<br />

an extensive conference with a member of the<br />

University Honors staff each term in residence ;<br />

and complete a senior honors research project<br />

of merit and originality . In order to graduate in<br />

the program, students must enroll in and<br />

successfully complete at least 3 credit hours of<br />

University Honors 493 while doing their senior<br />

projects. Failure to meet the above requirements<br />

can result in removal from the program and<br />

loss of scholarship assistance .<br />

Students are selected on the bases of ACT/<br />

SAT scores, high school GPA and the difficulty<br />

of the high school course of study, academic<br />

references, and a personal statement . Students<br />

who are selected as Tennessee Scholars are<br />

awarded substantial four-year scholarships .<br />

Students enrolled in five-year programs will<br />

receive a fifth year of financial assistance .<br />


The Whittle Scholars Program is made<br />

possible by a substantial endowment given the<br />

University by Chris Whittle, Chairman of Whittle<br />

Communications and a 1969 UT Knoxville<br />

alumnus .<br />

Each year, twenty outstanding high school<br />

students will be invited to become Whittle<br />

Scholars . These students may have any major<br />

in any college offering the Bachelor's degree .<br />

In addition to required work in their respective<br />

colleges, Whittle Scholars are required to<br />

complete a one credit hour seminar each term<br />

of their first year (one on contemporary issues<br />

and one on aspects of leadership) ; complete at<br />

least one University Honors course during their<br />

second year ; complete a one-year seminar<br />

preparatory to international travel/study/work ;<br />

complete a one-year international experience ;<br />

develop positive relationships with a faculty<br />

mentor and a non-faculty career mentor ; have<br />

an extensive conference with a member of the<br />

University Honors staff each term in residence ;<br />

attend monthly meetings of the Whittle Scholars ;<br />

and complete a senior research project of merit<br />

and originality . In order to graduate in the program,<br />

students must enroll in and successfully<br />

complete at least 3 credit hours of University<br />

Honors 493 while doing their senior projects .<br />

Failure to meet the above requirements can<br />

result in removal from the program and loss of<br />

scholarship assistance . Students are selected<br />

on the bases of leadership experience and<br />

skills, academic performance and potential, and<br />

extracurricular activities (including community<br />

service) . Students selected to become Whittle<br />

Scholars receive full five-year scholarships .<br />

129<br />

Whittle Scholars may have to supplement the<br />

scholarship during their year abroad .<br />


Each year the University awards Roddy,<br />

Bonham, Neyland, Holt, and Reeder-Siler<br />

scholarships to outstanding high school students .<br />

Roddy, Bonham, Neyland, and Reeder-Siler<br />

Scholars are selected by the General University<br />

Scholarship Committee, composed of faculty<br />

and University personnel . Holt Scholars are<br />

selected by a committee of alumni . Criteria for<br />

selection include academic performance and<br />

academic and professional promise .<br />

All recipients of the Roddy, Bonham,<br />

Neyland, Holt, and Reeder-Siler scholarships<br />

are invited to become Chancellor's Scholars . In<br />

addition to required work in their respective<br />

colleges, Chancellor's Scholars are required to<br />

complete a minimum of four lower division<br />

honors courses ; complete a one credit hour<br />

seminar each term in residence ; develop a<br />

positive relationship with a faculty mentor ; have<br />

an extensive conference with a member of the<br />

University Honors staff each term in residence ;<br />

and complete a senior honors research project<br />

of merit and originality . In order to graduate in<br />

the program, students must enroll in and successfully<br />

complete at least 3 credit hours of<br />

University Honors 493 while doing their senior<br />

projects . Failure to meet the above requirements<br />

can result in removal from the program .<br />

Retention in Tennessee Scholars Program,<br />

Chancellor's Scholars Program, and Whittle<br />

Scholars Program<br />

Tennessee Scholars are selected on the<br />

bases of past academic performance and their<br />

potential for academic excellence . As Tennessee<br />

Scholars, they are expected to adhere to<br />

the written policies and requirements of the Tennessee<br />

Scholars Program and are encouraged<br />

to enroll in courses that will stimulate and challenge<br />

them as well as broaden their horizons .<br />

As a result, the University Honors Committee<br />

will not be concerned if grades in occasional<br />

courses fall below superior range . However, all<br />

Tennessee Scholars are expected to maintain<br />

a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 .<br />

Whittle Scholars are selected on the bases<br />

of leadership experience and skills, academic

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