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A<br />


FEBRUARY 3, i9»3<br />


7:30 P.M.<br />

Supervisor Kennedy asKed the Town Attorney to comment on that.<br />

Town Attorney Periey: it is my opinion that a recess opposed to<br />

a close of this Public Hearing is m order. Hhen tnis<br />

application came in I had a conversation with D.E.C. and l_<br />

suggested to tne Board that this matter should be subject to"<br />

coordinated review. The reason tor aoing tnat was tairiyL<br />

simple. The Town Boards jurisdiction over this entire<br />

application is reaiiy a yea ot no in the first instance on a<br />

rezoning application, subject to certain other factors tnat we<br />

have opened tne tioor to tonight. Tne D.£.o.'s involvement witn<br />

tne application is much more intricate. it also includes<br />

reconstruction ot the road, design ot the road tor tne<br />

transportation ot the shale. Specitic design ot how tne shaie<br />

is going to be taxen out. The reconstruction ot the Borrow Pit.<br />

The storage ot tne clay and tne topsoil and tne regrading. Hitn<br />

a coordinated review you have to nave a lead agency ana tne<br />

D.E.C. because ot its expertise in trie area and because ot its<br />

involvement in tne area is the lead agency. He intend to sena<br />

a detailed transcript of the proceedings tonig.it to D.E.C. as<br />

part of their review ot the application. The D.E.C. as tne lead<br />

agency win then maxe a determination. The Town Board and tne<br />

Planning Boara have deferred to trie expertise ot tne D.E.C.<br />

subject to tne intormation that we have been able to obtain<br />

tonight trom tne resiaents. subject to the intormation that tne<br />

Engineers provided ana we will send that down to D.E.C. to<br />

incorporate within tneir review process. Until that review<br />

process is complete it is not appropriate for tne Town Board to<br />

act. Since this is an ongoing review process trom D.E.c.'s<br />

standpoint there may be moaiticatlons in the project. Not<br />

saying there wnl be but there might ne. To the extent tnat<br />

there may be moditications in the project that wouia attect t.ie<br />

rezoning application tne Town mignt nave to. not necessarily<br />

would, might nave to republish zue a Notice tor i-ublic rteati.^g.<br />

Town Attorney suggests to the tovm Board that rather than close<br />

this Hearing they merely recess it to a aate and time certain so<br />

tnat everybody Knows when tne next time the Hearing win be<br />

reopened is going to occur. At that time it there is any new<br />

intormation trom trie D.E.C or otherwise it can be taken. Tne<br />

meeting may or may not be recessed again. Depending on tne<br />

status ot D.E.C. processing ot the application. It we recess<br />

the Hearing, we recess it to a date certain, make sure that tne<br />

people here are aware of it. Tnen continue to keep you<br />

intormed. inat is the way SEQR piaYs into the zoning<br />

application. Tnat is wny the Town Board is not in a position to<br />

take any action. That is why 1 suggest to the Town Board that<br />

rather than close this Hearing they recess it,<br />

Hr. Buyers: I too, had a conversation with Hr. Taft. His point<br />

to me was that tnis Town Board because it has a zoning ordinance<br />

in being. It is tne ultimate authority. That it this Town<br />

board should decide either to accept or reject this application<br />

the D.E.C. would drop out because this is the last authority on<br />

this thing.<br />

Town Attorney Periey: There is concurrent jurisdiction. The<br />

point IS that the D.E.C is the lead agency. Under 3EQR we<br />

Should deter to them lor their determination. rneir<br />

determination may wen affect tne way tnat this Boara nanaies<br />

tne application, not saying it win out it mignt.<br />

Supervisor Renneay: i will asK the Tovm Attorney to review th':<br />

SiyR Law ana review this with Hi. . Tait. Hy unaerstanaing is<br />

that we have aeterrea to tne u.E.c. as tne leaa agency ana<br />

consequently, tney want to review at least the documentatiov\ ana<br />

the presentations tnat were maae oy tne citizenry here tonignt<br />

betore that make a aetermination ot noU they would proceed.<br />

i<br />

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In<br />

'jr.-<br />

.J<br />

A<br />

J<br />

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