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- ] REGULAR BOARD HEETING FEBRUARY 3. i9y.» TOHN HALL 7:30 P.M. methods used in tne construction of Route 219 near Rice hili Road, cold Springs wnl proviae a i-ertormance Bond to oe used to correct any well water problems resulting from excavation or tne pond. James Smolinski, 550y James Drive: l am a member of tne Tovm of Boston Planning Board. I voted against this project. Mainly, because 1 am concerned for trie welfare ot the residents tnat live in that area. 1 experienced a very similar problem with my well When the expressway was started and finished oacK in i9iiu. I had plenty ot water, good water, clear water, cleiin water. Atter the road was done, opened up and contractors gone. 1 started getting a lot ot sediment m my well. Okay, now 1 start getting rusty water. However, I was very fortunate, i live in a water district. Ke have City water. Thanks to this board. Some ot the members are stiii nere, som.e are gone, however, i was very lucxy. «ow, the pecpie up there on tnat hiii a^reii't lucky. They don't have any water, i xnow what their concerns are. I experiencea it. As tar as blasting goes. 1 was tvia at the Public hearing at tne Boston yaiiey Eie.n^entary scriooi iri regaras to tne project, a lot ot you people here tonignt were there I'm sure. That same question was asxea. A,re you going to blast? Weil, we aon't Know. It's ripabie. I got news tor you they blasted and tney blasted. Lets race it. He can all stai.a here and say well, maybe, maybe this, maybe that. That is not my concern. Hy concern is tor the well being of those property ovmers up there, ihat is why i voted "No" against this project. YnanK you. James Coyle. 4647 Zenner Roaa: l iiave lived in Boston rcr fourteen (14) years and I am very proud ot it. I love tnis area. I vjant to corf:piiment tne coie springs Construction on tneir presentation. 1 thihK it was a very tine presentatioi^. However. 1 aiso. worked in tne construction business tor tnirtytive (35) years. 1 nave seen presentations liKe this Detore. 'I'ney showed you a pond. This is not really a pond, it is v/nat they call a "Borrow Pit". i worKed on the 290 Expressway (Youngman Expressway). Right behina Syracuse Supply caterpiiar. otherwise Known Military Roaa-ana tne 290 there is a "isorrow Pit". 1 worKed on the 400 Expressway at Lein Road by Transit Road. There is a "Borrow Pit". At the time when tney dug these "Borrow Pits" they toid the residents that it was going to tiii up with viater ana become a pond, iou could ice sxate on there. The Kids couid nave tun and swim in the svuriRieriime. ana nave a good time, it you go c-y there toaay, there are no ponds tnere. Hnat these are, are "Borrow Pits" noies in the ground junxyards. There are cars in there. Tney became race tracks. There is junK. tires, garbage and everything else in there. Both ot these Sites are eye-sores. I cannot understand why trie Cold Springs Construction would go^aiter the nil up there on that hiil. Hhen right on tne corner of Zenner Road and Feddick Road IS approximately ninety acres or Agriculture Land known as tne Hinxelman t'arm. Tnere is an existing mining permit on that property now. There are thousands and thousands of yards ot gravel and no one is going atter it. it is approximately a mile and a halt away rrom the project. They ar= talKing approximately a miis naul from this pond down to their joo site. That halt mils is not going to make tnat much ot a ditrerence. That land over tneie is agriculture. It is being viorxeo as rar.ti land agriculture, aiso, it viouia be returned to agriculture, it will i^ot atteot any viater tables in any way. I live rignt next aoor to the land. 1 iook at tfiat lana. Right now it iiei dormant. it nas ar. existing mining permit. People throvi garbage there. Hyseir and my neigJioor Sadie Parysex, a liteioi-ig resident or tne rown ot Boston. We r-otn clean up t.ie garba;'e there ana dispose ot it. TryiVig to Keep our area clean. Tnere IS gravel tnere. ninety (90i acres ot it. It would be retu;.ri=a oacK to Eai;r:i3:ia. i.ian.t: yoi: veiy jviucri; A

L .yiy.i' '-> REGULAR BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY i. i.'i'n ruMN .nALL / :3L' f .i'l. .'.narew Forestal: Betore the Bia 1 took a IOOK at the prop-1" across the street trom Edaie faryse/.. Just to see it l co'"a acquire gravei that would be suitanie tor the construction ot our yard which is now located on Hest Hiii Road. T.nat material wnl not meet tne specifications ot t.ie contract. I'm assured ot that. I nave not tested it independently. I have taken a looK at it and also looked at other material, and I Know wnat the requirements ot tne coritract are and that will not meet the specifications of the contract. A couple ot comments about the clearing operation. it was a late contract, it was a late award. As everybody knows snow tiies early up or. tne hill, Hs aia not nave the opportunity to carry on very many operations nere. He had to get the tress down so the utilities companies would be aole to relocate utilities. That is all we had time to do. He will be going on with construction in the spring and continue through tne construction year and on into 1994. Tne way that tne site la lett currently is just an absolute condition on weather. Ke were not abie to pursue it, once it got to be inclement weather. Lisa Rood, 8798 ZimiTierman Road: I wouid like to give trie arouna water expert ana opportunity to expiain how it coula not ariect weils on the hill. BOD Vandernorst: The upgrading wells. Lisa Rooa: Any ot trie wells on that end of the hill. \}si in reterence how water tables viorx. wnats unaer grcund there, .low ea a large noie ripped trom the earth coula not afreet scmecne'srjj well that IS a nait rinie or viiiie away. Teil me how you can go ^ down or up the 21» Expressway atter it has rainea and see water coming out or tne sides of the ciitts. Hhere viould that water have been, do you think if that 219 Expressway was not there. It would still be in tne earth. It would still be in our welis. I just want to echo the concerns ot everyone else up here on tne west hill t.hat neea water. That neea the water that is still in tneir wells. Tnat cannot afford in any way to loose one drop ot It. I would iiKe you to explain now it can't aftect water. Uphill or down mil. Bob Van Der Horst: Basically, the area that 1 surveyed is mostly in the lower vicinity ot the lower eno ot t.rie property. As i stated earner the property that is downhill on the other side ot tne ravine, it is my opinion that the water is not charged trom this area at all. This project will not have any attect. The ground water flow in that area would be more from that area up gradient towards the right area. Now wnat you are saying basically is, wnat type of attect will I have on the up gradient wells also. Your ground water from the up gradient wens IS mostly coming trom above. Then your wells will charge. Your water on the uphill wens is actually oeing cnargea from water tnat is up gradient ot this site. Your weiis win be p

-<br />

]<br />


FEBRUARY 3. i9y.»<br />


7:30 P.M.<br />

methods used in tne construction of Route 219 near Rice hili<br />

<strong>Road</strong>, cold Springs wnl proviae a i-ertormance Bond to oe used<br />

to correct any well water problems resulting from excavation or<br />

tne pond.<br />

James Smolinski, 550y James Drive: l am a member of tne Tovm of<br />

Boston Planning Board. I voted against this project. Mainly,<br />

because 1 am concerned for trie welfare ot the residents tnat<br />

live in that area. 1 experienced a very similar problem with my<br />

well When the expressway was started and finished oacK in i9iiu.<br />

I had plenty ot water, good water, clear water, cleiin water.<br />

Atter the road was done, opened up and contractors gone. 1<br />

started getting a lot ot sediment m my well. Okay, now 1 start<br />

getting rusty water. However, I was very fortunate, i live in<br />

a water district. Ke have City water. Thanks to this board.<br />

Some ot the members are stiii nere, som.e are gone, however, i<br />

was very lucxy. «ow, the pecpie up there on tnat hiii a^reii't<br />

lucky. They don't have any water, i xnow what their concerns<br />

are. I experiencea it. As tar as blasting goes. 1 was tvia at<br />

the Public hearing at tne Boston yaiiey Eie.n^entary scriooi iri<br />

regaras to tne project, a lot ot you people here tonignt were<br />

there I'm sure. That same question was asxea. A,re you going to<br />

blast? Weil, we aon't Know. It's ripabie. I got news tor you<br />

they blasted and tney blasted. Lets race it. He can all stai.a<br />

here and say well, maybe, maybe this, maybe that. That is not<br />

my concern. Hy concern is tor the well being of those property<br />

ovmers up there, ihat is why i voted "No" against this project.<br />

YnanK you.<br />

James Coyle. 4647 Zenner Roaa: l iiave lived in Boston rcr<br />

fourteen (14) years and I am very proud ot it. I love tnis<br />

area. I vjant to corf:piiment tne coie springs Construction on<br />

tneir presentation. 1 thihK it was a very tine presentatioi^.<br />

However. 1 aiso. worked in tne construction business tor tnirtytive<br />

(35) years. 1 nave seen presentations liKe this Detore.<br />

'I'ney showed you a pond. This is not really a pond, it is v/nat<br />

they call a "Borrow Pit". i worKed on the 290 Expressway<br />

(Youngman Expressway). Right behina Syracuse Supply caterpiiar.<br />

otherwise Known Military Roaa-ana tne 290 there is a "isorrow<br />

Pit". 1 worKed on the 400 Expressway at Lein <strong>Road</strong> by Transit<br />

<strong>Road</strong>. There is a "Borrow Pit". At the time when tney dug these<br />

"Borrow Pits" they toid the residents that it was going to tiii<br />

up with viater ana become a pond, iou could ice sxate on there.<br />

The Kids couid nave tun and swim in the svuriRieriime. ana nave a<br />

good time, it you go c-y there toaay, there are no ponds tnere.<br />

Hnat these are, are "Borrow Pits" noies in the ground junxyards.<br />

There are cars in there. Tney became race tracks. There is<br />

junK. tires, garbage and everything else in there. Both ot<br />

these Sites are eye-sores. I cannot understand why trie Cold<br />

Springs Construction would go^aiter the nil up there on that<br />

hiil. Hhen right on tne corner of Zenner <strong>Road</strong> and Feddick <strong>Road</strong><br />

IS approximately ninety acres or Agriculture Land known as tne<br />

Hinxelman t'arm. Tnere is an existing mining permit on that<br />

property now. There are thousands and thousands of yards ot<br />

gravel and no one is going atter it. it is approximately a mile<br />

and a halt away rrom the project. They ar= talKing<br />

approximately a miis naul from this pond down to their joo site.<br />

That halt mils is not going to make tnat much ot a ditrerence.<br />

That land over tneie is agriculture. It is being viorxeo as rar.ti<br />

land agriculture, aiso, it viouia be returned to agriculture, it<br />

will i^ot atteot any viater tables in any way. I live rignt next<br />

aoor to the land. 1 iook at tfiat lana. Right now it iiei<br />

dormant. it nas ar. existing mining permit. People throvi<br />

garbage there. Hyseir and my neigJioor Sadie Parysex, a liteioi-ig<br />

resident or tne rown ot Boston. We r-otn clean up t.ie garba;'e<br />

there ana dispose ot it. TryiVig to Keep our area clean. Tnere<br />

IS gravel tnere. ninety (90i acres ot it. It would be retu;.ri=a<br />

oacK to Eai;r:i3:ia. i.ian.t: yoi: veiy jviucri;<br />


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