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L I in X ~i REGULAR BOARD HEETING OCTOBER 20, 1993 TOWN HALL 7:30 P.M. Local Law #1 - Town Attorney Perley suggested that the Town Board table Local Law #1 in anticipation of taking action on it at the first raeeting in Noveraber at which tirae he will have prepared for the Board Members completed resolutions containing the items that were discussed in full written textual form. He will give this to the Board Members well in advance of the meeting so that it can be discussed at the Agenda Review, then if any modifications need to be made as a result of that discussion they will be raade by the meeting on Wednesday. A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilmari Wittmeyer to table Local Law #1 until the November 3, 1993 Regular Town Board Meeting. five (5) Ayes Carried A letter from Glen Orser, 7147 chestnut Ridge Road, asking that he be considered for appointment to a Review Committee for Issuance of Building Permits when Local Law #1 has been structured, received and on file in the Clerk's office. Councilraan wittmeyer: This letter will be taken into consideration when Local Law #1 has been passed. A raotion was raade by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilman Wohlhueter to authorize the Supervisor to poll the Town Board Members when he receives four requests for proposals to reconstruct the TOwn Hall Front Entrance Stairs and award it at that time to the company with the lowest proposal and to go forward with the reconstruction of the Town Hall front entrance stairs. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was raade by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilraan Wittmeyer to approve the issuance of a Teraporary Certificate of Occupancy for lot #8 in the Boston Hills Estates Mobile Home Park, contingent upon the Code Enforcement Officer's report. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was made by Couriciiman Wittmeyer and seconded by Councilman Flowers to appoint Robert J. Ganey to the Assessment Board of Review, term to expire September 30, 1998. five (5) Ayes Carried Letter received frora Gus Palraisano, General Manager, Adelphia Cable, Re: Free Your Mind Campaign, received and on file in the Clerk's office. A motion was made by Councilman Wittmeyer and seconded by Councilman Zimmerman to grant permission to the North Boston Volunteer Fire Company to conduct a special solicitation by mail to the residents within their fire protection area to help raise monies to defray the cost of a new pumper. five (5) Ayes SUPERVISOR REPORT Carried Supervisor Kennedy received a letter from the Erie County Clerk's Office, in which a copy of a Press Release was enclosed, indicating that nearly $8,000,000.00 was distributed to twenty-five (25) towns in Erie County during October of 1993. Boston should be receiving a stipend which has been increased by 10%. •^$3^^^ J y

?;35y REGULAR BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1993 TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT TOWN HALL 7:30 P.M. Town Attorney Perley delivered to the Town Clerk the Search for the George Drive turn-around. The deed has also been delivered to the Town Clerk's office. Town Attorney Perley has been in contact with Nussbauraer S Clarke and their Surveyor, Mike Seridoir, concerning the Crestwood Circle property and received a quotation of no more than $1,600.00 for that survey. A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilman Wohlhueter to grant permission to Town Attorney Perley to retain Mike Sendof of Nussbaumer & Clarke to do survey work on Crestwood Circle at a fee not to exceed $1,600.00. five (5) Aye Carried Town Attorriey Perley announced that Adelphia Cable with the riew Cable Act and the pricing structure that evolved, now charge in all areas $33.00 for standard installation, even in areas where new lines are being built. This is the result of the recent Cable Policy Act. Town Attorney Perley sent a draft of the contract recently approved in substance by the Town Board to BFI for their approval, for the raodification of the existing contract to reduce the nuraber of trash items. A copy is with the Supervisor. When this has been approved by BFI it will be submitted to the Board. COUNCILMEN REPORT Councilman Flowers announced that on November 5, 1993 from 9:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M. at Chestnut Ridge Park there will be Erie County's First Annual Pesticides & Insecticides drop-off sponsored by the Department of Environment & Planning. This is for farmers, only by invitation. Councilraan Wohlhueter announced that there will be a Fall tire drop-off on Noveraber 6, 1993 frbm 9:00 A.M. till 2:00 P.M. between the Lions Shelter and the Highway Garage. Two (2) tires per resident. No truck tires. The Town Clerk was directed to place an ad in the Hamburg Sun, Springville Journal and the Pennysavers. Councilman Zimmerman stated that there has been some concern voiced by the State Police regarding the Emergency Squad standard procedure of Squad Member vehicles being left at the scene of a call, more specifically on Route 219 Expressway. This has been referred to the Town Attorney who will meet with the State Police to resolve this problem. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 1993 - 40 1993 - 41 ERIE COUNTY SHERIFF REPORT KATHY SUCHAN 45 MPH SPEED LIMIT BOSTON STATE RD A) Erie County Sheriff's Report for September 1993 received and on file in the Clerk's office. A motion was made by Councilman Wittmeyer and seconded by Councilman Zimmerman to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 P.M. V^ri ~1 A A

?;35y<br />


OCTOBER 20, 1993<br />



7:30 P.M.<br />

Town Attorney Perley delivered to the Town Clerk the Search for the<br />

George Drive turn-around. The deed has also been delivered to the<br />

Town Clerk's office.<br />

Town Attorney Perley has been in contact with Nussbauraer S Clarke<br />

and their Surveyor, Mike Seridoir, concerning the Crestwood Circle<br />

property and received a quotation of no more than $1,600.00 for<br />

that survey.<br />

A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilman<br />

Wohlhueter to grant permission to Town Attorney Perley to retain<br />

Mike Sendof of Nussbaumer & Clarke to do survey work on Crestwood<br />

Circle at a fee not to exceed $1,600.00.<br />

five (5) Aye Carried<br />

Town Attorriey Perley announced that Adelphia Cable with the riew<br />

Cable Act and the pricing structure that evolved, now charge in all<br />

areas $33.00 for standard installation, even in areas where new<br />

lines are being built. This is the result of the recent Cable<br />

Policy Act.<br />

Town Attorney Perley sent a draft of the contract recently approved<br />

in substance by the Town Board to BFI for their approval, for the<br />

raodification of the existing contract to reduce the nuraber of trash<br />

items. A copy is with the Supervisor. When this has been approved<br />

by BFI it will be submitted to the Board.<br />


Councilman Flowers announced that on November 5, 1993 from<br />

9:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M. at Chestnut Ridge Park there will be Erie<br />

County's First Annual Pesticides & Insecticides drop-off sponsored<br />

by the Department of Environment & Planning. This is for farmers,<br />

only by invitation.<br />

Councilraan Wohlhueter announced that there will be a Fall tire<br />

drop-off on Noveraber 6, 1993 frbm 9:00 A.M. till 2:00 P.M. between<br />

the Lions Shelter and the Highway Garage. Two (2) tires per<br />

resident. No truck tires. The Town Clerk was directed to place an<br />

ad in the Hamburg Sun, Springville Journal and the Pennysavers.<br />

Councilman Zimmerman stated that there has been some concern voiced<br />

by the State Police regarding the Emergency Squad standard<br />

procedure of Squad Member vehicles being left at the scene of a<br />

call, more specifically on Route 219 Expressway. This has been<br />

referred to the Town Attorney who will meet with the State Police<br />

to resolve this problem.<br />



1993 - 40<br />

1993 - 41<br />




A) Erie County Sheriff's Report for September 1993 received<br />

and on file in the Clerk's office.<br />

A motion was made by Councilman Wittmeyer and seconded by<br />

Councilman Zimmerman to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 P.M.<br />

V^ri<br />

~1<br />

A<br />


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