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A 338 REGULAR BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1993 Can this law in effect be modified? TOWN HALL 7:30 P.M. Supervisor Kennedy: Yes. This could include all areas in town not covered by Erie County Water. Joyce Corlett: If this was going to be on a case by case basis, we would know the areas that are having problems. Town Attorney Perley: We canriot expand the legal description of this Local Law without another Public Hearing. We can reduce it but we cannot expand it. Ed Landsman, 8096 Cole Road: How would you determine, would you ask the people on either side of a lot? What if these people don't tell the truth. How is this plan based? I never run out of water. But I also want to sell a lot if I have to. Supervisor Kerinedy: There definitely are some real difficulties in the implementation of a law like this. We do have documentation in certain areas and are aware that in some areas there is a serious problem with water. Glen Orser: I think expediency is important here. We have a law before the Board. I think that law should be acted on upon rather than amended so that we don't have to delay the process again. That our district could be a sample of how other districts could do the exact same thing. Dave Regan: There are people living on the east hill that do not have water. Empty lots don't need water, people do. If there is water running by a lot and there is no problem with the neighbors let them build there. The reason that this law has to go in is because there are people on the hill who don't have any. They are raising families and they don't have water. Ernie Celani, 6872 Omphalius Road: I have a lot of compassion for the people on the east hill. I believe that we are looking at this wrong. The real solution here is to bring water up the hill. I don't think it is right to put neighbor against neighbor in this situation. Betty Schmidlin, 7443 Crestwood Circle: I have lived in Boston for thirty-five (35) years and have never run out of water. I feel sorry for these people, but I don't think you can take this privilege away from them because they live in a certain area. Bea Bender: In areas where lots are one hundred (100') feet apart that's alright but where acreage is involved like with my children, that's a difference circurastance. Supervisor Kennedy: What you are saying is that the Board should probably make special dispensation where there are one hundred (100') foot lots and the people are living in close proximity there should be a different consideration than where there might be acreage involved. Where there is a much less chance of infringing upon the same water system. Pat Gurney, 7052 Chestnut Ridge Road: One of the things I think we are overlooking, when we had our spring problem it was the result of a house being built. Just after the well was drilled we lost our water. This is not the lot next to us. It is more than probably a half-mile to three-fourths of a mile down the road. It is just the fact that when a well is drilled, it does not have to be right next door. I thihk the proposed law is one part of the solution, and we are not talking about forever. We are talking about until the water goes through. I would really be in favor of this. ] yn I •

LO ] REGULAR BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1993 TOWN HALL 7:30 P.M. Supervisor Kennedy: I hope that everyone understands that once the water is in that particular area then this law would no longer be in existence. This law can easily be repealed by the Board. It is just a temporary solution and certainly not a long time solution. A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilman Flowers to close the Public Hearing at 8:49 P.M. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilman Wohlhueter to table the adoption of Local Law #1 1993 until the next Town Board Meeting on October 6, 1993. five (5) Ayes Carried Building Perrait application from Kandefer Plumbing & Heating, Pin Oak Drive referred to the Planning Board. A motion was made by Councilman Wittraeyer and seconded by Supervisor Kennedy to issue a Soil Removal Perrait to Larrie Palmer, Feddick Road. five (5) Ayes Carried A raotion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by (:ouncilman Flowers to grant permission to Highway Superintendent Ruchalski to attend NYS Association of Town Superintendents of Highway 64th Annual Conference at the Pines Hotel S Fallsburg, N.Y. September 28 thru October 1, 1993. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and Seconded by Councilman Zimmerman to grant permission to Assessor William Kleis to attend the Erie County Assessors Association and the Institute of Assessing Officers at Concord Town Hall, Springville, N.Y. October 14, 1993. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was made by Councilman .Zimraerman and seconded by Councilraan Flowers to authorize Supervisor Kennedy to establish an account for the Coraraunity Room Expansion and to accept the recommendation that has been offered by the Capital Improveraent Comraittee to accept the #1 Proposal which is for $125,000 dollars, and also, there will be bid, an alternate which will allow for a concrete floor with the possibility of expansion. Maximum kitchen equipment of $75,000 not to exceed $200,000 for the total project. There is $90,000 in Community Development and $10,000 in grants that were secured from the NYS Assembly. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was made by Councilraan Wohlhueter and seconded by Supervisor Kennedy that a building permit be granted to Roy Emerling 7287 Boston State Road provided that they conform with the recomraendations set forth by the Planning Board. five (5) Ayes Carried A raotion was raade by Councilraan Ziramerman and seconded by Councilman Wittmeyer that a building perrait be granted to Carl A. Emerling and Roy L. Emerling, 9000 Boston Stated Road as per the recomraendations set forth by the Planning Board. five (5) Ayes Carried 339' L J

A<br />

338<br />


SEPTEMBER 15, 1993<br />

Can this law in effect be modified?<br />


7:30 P.M.<br />

Supervisor Kennedy: Yes. This could include all areas in town not<br />

covered by Erie County Water.<br />

Joyce Corlett: If this was going to be on a case by case basis, we<br />

would know the areas that are having problems.<br />

Town Attorney Perley: We canriot expand the legal description of<br />

this Local Law without another Public Hearing. We can reduce it<br />

but we cannot expand it.<br />

Ed Landsman, 8096 Cole <strong>Road</strong>: How would you determine, would you<br />

ask the people on either side of a lot? What if these people don't<br />

tell the truth. How is this plan based? I never run out of water.<br />

But I also want to sell a lot if I have to.<br />

Supervisor Kerinedy: There definitely are some real difficulties in<br />

the implementation of a law like this. We do have documentation in<br />

certain areas and are aware that in some areas there is a serious<br />

problem with water.<br />

Glen Orser: I think expediency is important here. We have a law<br />

before the Board. I think that law should be acted on upon rather<br />

than amended so that we don't have to delay the process again.<br />

That our district could be a sample of how other districts could do<br />

the exact same thing.<br />

Dave Regan: There are people living on the east hill that do not<br />

have water. Empty lots don't need water, people do. If there is<br />

water running by a lot and there is no problem with the neighbors<br />

let them build there. The reason that this law has to go in is<br />

because there are people on the hill who don't have any. They are<br />

raising families and they don't have water.<br />

Ernie Celani, 6872 Omphalius <strong>Road</strong>: I have a lot of compassion for<br />

the people on the east hill. I believe that we are looking at this<br />

wrong. The real solution here is to bring water up the hill. I<br />

don't think it is right to put neighbor against neighbor in this<br />

situation.<br />

Betty Schmidlin, 7443 Crestwood Circle: I have lived in Boston<br />

for thirty-five (35) years and have never run out of water. I feel<br />

sorry for these people, but I don't think you can take this<br />

privilege away from them because they live in a certain area.<br />

Bea Bender: In areas where lots are one hundred (100') feet apart<br />

that's alright but where acreage is involved like with my children,<br />

that's a difference circurastance.<br />

Supervisor Kennedy: What you are saying is that the Board should<br />

probably make special dispensation where there are one hundred<br />

(100') foot lots and the people are living in close proximity<br />

there should be a different consideration than where there might be<br />

acreage involved. Where there is a much less chance of infringing<br />

upon the same water system.<br />

Pat Gurney, 7052 Chestnut Ridge <strong>Road</strong>: One of the things I think we<br />

are overlooking, when we had our spring problem it was the result<br />

of a house being built. Just after the well was drilled we lost<br />

our water. This is not the lot next to us. It is more than<br />

probably a half-mile to three-fourths of a mile down the road. It<br />

is just the fact that when a well is drilled, it does not have to<br />

be right next door. I thihk the proposed law is one part of the<br />

solution, and we are not talking about forever. We are talking<br />

about until the water goes through. I would really be in favor of<br />

this.<br />

]<br />

yn<br />

I •

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