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Ol o ] REGULAR BOARD MEETING JULY 21, 1993 Damian wiktor Recreation Supervisor Salary From: $2,200 To: $2,400 TOWN HALL 7:30 P.M. five (5) Ayes Carried Letter received from Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee regarding the hiring of a Town Planner referred to the Planning Board. Letter of resignation received from Joan Zelasko, Chairman of Conservation Advisory Council on file in the Clerk's office. Supervisor Kennedy directed Town Clerk Shenk to draft a letter to Joan Zelasko expressing the Town Board's appreciation for her years of dedication and commitment to this board. A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilman Flowers to approve a permit to Weller Home Corp. to cut open a portion of the shoulder on side of premises located on the north side of Meadow Drive. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilraan Zimmerman to submit Charlap's Dairy Building Permit to the Planning Board. five (5) Ayes Carried Complaint letter received from Evelyn Woodring, 7799 Boston-Colden Road, regarding a notice she received from the Town Recreation Department, announcing a Series of Summer Concerts in the Park '93 under the aegis of the Boston Republican Committee. Such an action gives the appearance of partisan political activity to what must be a non-partisan governmental function. Supervisor Kennedy as Chief Fiscal Officer, there is nothing I can do to prohibit anyone from reproducing anything within this community and mailing it out at their own expense. Evelyn Woodring: Mr. Kennedy are you a member of the Boston Republican Comraittee? Supervisor Kennedy: I ara not a member of the coramittee. Evelyn Woodring: Are there members of the Boston Republican Committee present in this room? Supervisor Kennedy: Councilman Wohlhueter is. Evelyn Woodring: Then Mr. Wohlhueter is one of those who I hold responsible for this. This was not properly presented. It was presented in a partisan manner. Supervisor Kennedy: Mrs. Woodring, members of this Board, myself included did not authorize this flier to be reproduced and sent out. Councilman Wohlhueter who serves on the Republican- Committee responded that he did guestion this mailer with, other members cf the committee at the tirae. However, he does not see any problem with this. He also stated that it is difficult to get people to come to the concerts and feels that it was sent in the interest of getting more people to attend concerts. Maybe the letter should have been sent to everybody in town. L J ?/3 J

i> • I.-- TOWN OF BOSTON NEW YORK R E S O L U T I O N NUMBER 1993-31 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Boston, Erie County, New York , held at the Boston Town Hall, 8500 Boston State Road, Boston, New York, on the 21st day of July, 1993 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening Eastern Time there were: Present; Absent: Richard L. Kennedy Hilton I. wittmeyer David 6. Zimmerman Don A. Wohlhueter Hark W. Flowers Supervisor Councilman Counoilman Councilman Councilman supervisor Kennedy presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Boston purchase the property designated as a private road (sometimes known as "Lower Crestwood Circle") from the Ulinger family for the sum of $1500 with the Town of Boston to pay for the preparation of a search and survey of the property and to pay all filing fees. Said purchase to be of fee title, subject to Easements and Rights-of- way of record, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to complete this transaction. Seconded by Councilman Flowers and put to a vote which resulted as follows: Supervisor Kennedy Councilman wittmeyer Councilman Zimmerman Councilman wohlhueter Councilman Flowers Vot i no Aye Voting Aye Voting Aye Voting Aye Vot i nq Aye AYES:FIVE(5) NOES:NONE(0) ABSENT:NONE(0) David J. Sh^k-Town Clerk A A J

i> •<br />

I.--<br />


NEW YORK<br />

R E S O L U T I O N<br />

NUMBER 1993-31<br />

At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of<br />

Boston, Erie County, New York , held at the Boston Town Hall, 8500<br />

Boston State <strong>Road</strong>, Boston, New York, on the 21st day of July, 1993<br />

at 7:30 o'clock in the evening Eastern Time there were:<br />

Present;<br />

Absent:<br />

Richard L. Kennedy<br />

Hilton I. wittmeyer<br />

David 6. Zimmerman<br />

Don A. Wohlhueter<br />

Hark W. Flowers<br />

Supervisor<br />

Councilman<br />

Counoilman<br />

Councilman<br />

Councilman<br />

supervisor Kennedy presented the following Resolution and<br />

moved its adoption:<br />

BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Boston purchase the<br />

property designated as a private road (sometimes known as "Lower<br />

Crestwood Circle") from the Ulinger family for the sum of $1500<br />

with the Town of Boston to pay for the preparation of a search and<br />

survey of the property and to pay all filing fees. Said purchase to<br />

be of fee title, subject to Easements and Rights-of- way of record,<br />

and<br />

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he is<br />

hereby authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to<br />

complete this transaction.<br />

Seconded by Councilman Flowers and put to a vote which<br />

resulted as follows:<br />

Supervisor Kennedy<br />

Councilman wittmeyer<br />

Councilman Zimmerman<br />

Councilman wohlhueter<br />

Councilman Flowers<br />

Vot i no Aye<br />

Voting Aye<br />

Voting Aye<br />

Voting Aye<br />

Vot i nq Aye<br />


David J. Sh^k-Town Clerk<br />

A A<br />


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