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288 REGULAR BOARD MEETING JUNE 2, 1993 TOWN HALL 7:30 P.M. Town Attorney Perley at the request of Supervisor Kennedy defined the use of a Special Permit as having to be specifically authorized in the zoning to be subject to Town Board approval or to have jurisdiction over its approval given to any Board of the Town. Therefore, if the zoning law does not have a Special Use Permit for processing firewood, this Board lacks the jurisdiction to issue that permit. The application before the Board is a zoning application. It is the recommendation of Town Attorney Perley to refer this application back to the Planning Board for their comments specifically on the rezoning issue, which is the issue before the Board and is the only issue on which this Board can presently act. Supervisor Kennedy would like to refer Greg and Julie Dake's Rezoning application back to the Planning Board and ask the Planning Board to report back to the Town Board what their thoughts are on the rezoning application prior to the Public Hearing. Supervisor Kennedy made a motion seconded by Councilraan Flowers that a Public Hearing be set for the Rezoning of the Dake Property at 7825 Back Creek Road for Wednesday, July 21, 1993 at 8:00 P.M. five (5) Ayes Carried A raotion was made by Councilman Wittmeyer and seconded by Councilman Zimmerman to approve the request of Diane Skinner, Pre-K Teacher, Churchill Child Center, to use the Town Park and Lions Shelter on Thursday and Friday, June 10 & 11, 1993 respectively, from 10:30 A.M. until 12:00 noon for their Annual Graduation Ceremonies. five (5) Ayes Carried .—. A motion was made by Councilman Wohlhueter and seconded by Supervisor Kennedy to approve the request of Emma Dusch, First Baptist Church of Hamburg to use the Lions Shelter and Town Park for their Annual Sunday School Picnic on Sunday, July 17, 1993. Insurance certificate will be provided and no alcohol will be served. five (5) Ayes Carried Letter received from Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wojtaszczyk, 7609 Feddick Road requesting use of the Community Room in the Town Hall for a Christening Supper on Sunday, July 11, 1993. Supervisor Kennedy commented that this would be setting a new precedent that we have here to fore not done. The only use that we have actually used the Community Building for has been for Community sponsored projects and/or civic organizations that wish to use the facility. We have hot made the facility available for weddings, christenings etc. Supervisor Kennedy directed the Town Clerk to draft a letter to Mr. & Hrs. Wojtaszczyk indicating to them that it is not the policy nor has it been the policy of the Town Board to open the Community Room to private individuals. A motion was made by Councilman Wohlhueter and seconded by Supervisor Kennedy to deny the request of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wojtaszczyk to use the Community Room in the Town Hall for a Christening Supper on Sunday July 11, 1993. Advise them of the availability of the Lion's shelter and the Town Park as an alternative. five (5) Aye Carried ^'^-^ i 1 ' I J 1 1 J J

l.C ~1 J REGULAR BOARD MEETING JUNE 2, 1993 TOWN HALL 7:30 P.M. Letter received from Gerald G. Knight, 253 Ivey Drive S.W., Hilledgeville, G.A. with reference to purchasing property in the area of Back Creek Road where he could place a mobile home. Referred to Town Attorney Perley. Letter received from Jo and Ormus Davenport, 4957 Appletree Road regarding the resurfacing and restoration of Appletree Road. Superintendent of Highways Ruchalski responded that he has talked with Hr. Davenport regarding this situation and after reviewing the road there is more major work to be done than anticipated. Supervisor Kennedy will contact the Tovm Engineer and see if the road can be surveyed and staked out. SUPERVISOR'S REPORT A) Supervisor's monthly report for May 1993 received and on file in the Clerk's office. A motion was made by Councilman Zimmerman and seconded by Councilman Flowers to authorize payment of a bill submitted by Kenneth P. Mooney for labor, equipment and material-to install a sanitary sewer road crossing to include a 6" clean out at Chestnut property, 5621 Southside Drive, Creekside Subdivision, North Boston, in the amount of $1,250.00 charged to Sewer District #2. five (5) Ayes Carried A raotion was raade by Councilman Zimmerman and seconded by Councilman Flowers to authorize payment of bill submitted by Southtowns Equipment Rental for work on the Nature Trail in Boston Town Park in the amount of $1,650.00 to be charged to the Town Park Improvement Project. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was raade by Councilman Wittmeyer and seconded by Councilman Wohlhueter to authorize Supervisor Kennedy to enter into a contract with Nussbaumer & Clarke to redesign and draw specifications and bid documents for the steps on the front of the Town Hall. five (5) Ayes Carried A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilnan Flowers to direct the Town Clerk under the direction of the Town Attorney to loan facsimile machine (fax) bearing Town of Boston serial number 12336 and Kex/Copy Source identification number JK054 to the Boston Barracks, Troop A, New York State Police. While the machine is in their custody it shall be the responsibility of the State Police to maintain, repair and purchase supplies for the said fax machine. This loan is subject to recall under one of two conditions. (1) If trade-in is called in by current vendor, (2) if the Town Board of Boston for any reason requests the machine back). five (5) Ayes TOWN CLERK'S REPORT A) Registrar of Vital Statistics Report for Hay 1993 on file in the Clerk's office. Carried 2B A J

l.C<br />

~1<br />

J<br />


JUNE 2, 1993<br />


7:30 P.M.<br />

Letter received from Gerald G. Knight, 253 Ivey Drive S.W.,<br />

Hilledgeville, G.A. with reference to purchasing property in the<br />

area of Back Creek <strong>Road</strong> where he could place a mobile home.<br />

Referred to Town Attorney Perley.<br />

Letter received from Jo and Ormus Davenport, 4957 Appletree <strong>Road</strong><br />

regarding the resurfacing and restoration of Appletree <strong>Road</strong>.<br />

Superintendent of Highways Ruchalski responded that he has talked<br />

with Hr. Davenport regarding this situation and after reviewing the<br />

road there is more major work to be done than anticipated.<br />

Supervisor Kennedy will contact the Tovm Engineer and see if the<br />

road can be surveyed and staked out.<br />


A) Supervisor's monthly report for May 1993 received and<br />

on file in the Clerk's office.<br />

A motion was made by Councilman Zimmerman and seconded by<br />

Councilman Flowers to authorize payment of a bill submitted by<br />

Kenneth P. Mooney for labor, equipment and material-to install a<br />

sanitary sewer road crossing to include a 6" clean out at Chestnut<br />

property, 5621 Southside Drive, Creekside Subdivision, North<br />

Boston, in the amount of $1,250.00 charged to Sewer District #2.<br />

five (5) Ayes Carried<br />

A raotion was raade by Councilman Zimmerman and seconded by<br />

Councilman Flowers to authorize payment of bill submitted by<br />

Southtowns Equipment Rental for work on the Nature Trail in Boston<br />

Town Park in the amount of $1,650.00 to be charged to the Town Park<br />

Improvement Project.<br />

five (5) Ayes Carried<br />

A motion was raade by Councilman Wittmeyer and seconded by<br />

Councilman Wohlhueter to authorize Supervisor Kennedy to enter into<br />

a contract with Nussbaumer & Clarke to redesign and draw<br />

specifications and bid documents for the steps on the front of the<br />

Town Hall.<br />

five (5) Ayes Carried<br />

A motion was made by Supervisor Kennedy and seconded by Councilnan<br />

Flowers to direct the Town Clerk under the direction of the Town<br />

Attorney to loan facsimile machine (fax) bearing Town of Boston<br />

serial number 12336 and Kex/Copy Source identification number JK054<br />

to the Boston Barracks, Troop A, New York State Police. While the<br />

machine is in their custody it shall be the responsibility of the<br />

State Police to maintain, repair and purchase supplies for the said<br />

fax machine. This loan is subject to recall under one of two<br />

conditions. (1) If trade-in is called in by current vendor, (2) if<br />

the Town Board of Boston for any reason requests the machine back).<br />

five (5) Ayes<br />


A) Registrar of Vital Statistics Report for Hay 1993<br />

on file in the Clerk's office.<br />

Carried<br />

2B<br />

A<br />


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