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688 A!}so!ut8ly Pora. - Amazon Web Services 688 A!}so!ut8ly Pora. - Amazon Web Services

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699 T H E B A P T I S E UMX. TO JSS13. rAm U% Jt«H«.cliui«»lnn«>"- L Mr* tiiat liAntfioe ^ trw*; U-nr bl» pl-titi«« "tunr"*"- Tinali. Un rniffoma tJU» hr Uim. Uf ti»Ui lj«ra« UiT "J"* »orrow», n TIi"a«ii Uionax joar p«Ui be lUnwu. Itw will ilTK a PJtiB lit bwair, !t» wUl »ite a Mt^rf emra. < Llm to Je«u», tTTUit ao (jtu«r, Wli«a tlm huar uf «l«»tu ilutn h^vo * fhurch-hoa^. jost Uni^hed, afty by thirty ftrtst. \\.urs fralernallij. ^^ ^^^^ miiaioo wj-i with our S-ivlor, r.ot TiUi tny one else, and that th-oea peryjus wh . cunsliluti- the church were '>aly p«r3oii* liva! llie church .-.ja'.J control, so that I.' any oaa of tliose p».-*.as cosimifsd aa oN faaci*. thf ch'nrco maid uke cog:i;z!i:;tboat preiadice. aad wilii a d.t.-riui.i:itioii U, ino* ani to Jo the traiu wUea i.- -v.-l i.-um the ejuminafon fuliy cx^tiviaced U.at 1I.3 13 a church oniiniBce. aaJ oalv tl.e ol the church cei8braU!>3 ordinam-f havs auy uihl to parUkB of It t..ced>i5r, and »iuoe .-!mr>:hed do not p , , ^ a 8lxaJo» »t author,ty, lJ»-y canuot give a ri^Ut that Ca...,; h.-(.r » p n r i ...ei with- llervi* a bruthi-r ia [ar-oir i)rev-on. who ywr?. SR". who. -ilhoul aid jr du-^c'i.'U troiu uthi-rs. sat down to the caadid aj»i.iia--i:ioa of 1..0 by tha word of liod oaly, aud we h..-ar »t.iti.mca; TUe fact u. Uxjre an.-to Jay thoa^uas * bo ferwiuly Joubt thf propriety of inti-r cvmia.uuioa. «ho axe mora Uiaa half wnvincfd of iu. uoa'.-rii.tara!n..« .^ad laconBiatency. bulb»cic tlu- ra..r.i! ooar^g, !o .lamine the subject fully au.l to .»ct out lh«ir cou-... «io--ue Usp- Ustaare. Uie thosi-iands ol P.-io!-ptistj. i^^u^ly iJmd to «amiaa the .luestion for Irar they might be convincsd that iht-y art- w roa«. and to -consistent would liate to opiH^se what they have so long preached. TII D ACK .SOw 1.1-:ini M T. (ur - r..«mT. J B... rM.vmrry. on, ofU.. To..r,s u.. ..a^.r.us a. IlPO till VVt>;i-Yotir tind letter r>f tbo »t!, ii,it. A> rtme to hand this cvfnini. 10 >».v sincuro thant. for r^cM-mb^ri^a ^ gn-at batJ.n of care and b-uinca^. M.-^y U»1 ble-.. yoo, taJ rensJt your Btrea-rfth. . „ , risMo roiuro tay thank, to Si.t.-r C. .M. broaUw^J. who. far away in t-.niman*. romeiubers t!.e yonns! miaUter. at Jackson. Tenn. .May our loving lather bU-Mthat noWe moth. r. and c.mioft her wiih the hope of a haoi'V re-iaion wiih hltlc Toiuniy. Thi? touching trU.ute of a mother-. t..ve .ec.iIU days of the past that wero hri^hUueJ by a ujothe'-s i .v-. Imt that cannot nturn. . . Oar K4th». In heaven oaly knol.o w ehwr.nB .t to a vwnc miat»t4.r to n-aliia that h'l < ff'r;* are rtmembertsl br lo«in« aud thannhtful friend-. ; tuidntsbt .tn-lu** bevaie lighter and c.trt^worn oxf-re^ion* »o.t- eaed. Jacition, .Kpril 7. USi THE RELATION OF BAPTISTS TO UN- SCUIPTI IIAL CIIL UClltii. VOW, if the bodies to which reference h-os U-eu uiede. cr.-- net Bciiptural churcbci. their uiiti- isters cannot be .Scriptara'.ly orJaiui d ministers. Ti e ortliDatiun can have no force or validity l.ryoud 1! .it which la iaipartei by the body whose act ii Ls; a:.d il thatbo-ly Ix not .s .Scriptaml church, of loursi- iLs - rdi- nation cannot conft.-r Scriptur*! iiu'.Lonly In vie* of these coasideratiOLij, it foli jws thaiS -r.p- tara! churches should not recotnizo. io any way. ih.-£.i nnscriptursl organizitious as ."rcnptural cuher l.y word or action, its to the boli.-a theni.-H-iv«s, or tl.eir otEcors. The churchi-s of Chria: aJe to opi-oae a.I de parturea from tta laith as delivered in the New T« la- ment. Thay may not fratertizel witii or coujiive at heresy. Aud ths obliia-.ion thus resl.u- on .-. ririural churchas bears also upon ev-ry mrD.ber au.l Olhcer of those churches. The wh...e b^.ly, and ea. 1. individual, are called upon by fidelity to Chn=t aud the truth to make a solemn. consi;.tect acd ui;rra.-! .—May lioj bless you ana givo Tou can, r.ghtly or consislttutly. recognize a l'8.1ob..p'...-il B slhIjui lo cuntiuiie on diu ioo-J work, esi>eciaUy church as a Scripturai cbun-h. or a I'ed-.baptist ii.i'.iis- on tho commaaion (laestioa 1 .im iaii»fied yoa are ter as a Scriptural cam^ster. ' - [ A M. l-.iudoxter, m ri*Ut, fur I gtaJie.! the Tf-.uai«at orx-iully years ago "The liaptis: •• .May 1 s'O. on tho subject of " c'.o^o commanion." m char^ by redoes 3t:iiuit the ISaplJ'J. and I loan.l thai the eom- Will not Uro. I'lckinson cO[^y Uie above, and acfi-.i-r this qaealion : — .\r. tho imaiersious of •nlaptl7.d sn.l oncniain. d mBii. «i:hout aathority from auy J^cr.ptur^i cbun h, valid " S')Ui; TlIiiOAT TUorBl.E OF CI.F.R>i V M KN — A CI KE WANTKl). V. ,11 n-.l minister wbo ha.- bad t!..' -orv ibro.it l.idiy aad go: car.Hl, let tls know ho« ntila n; a "lil not wtue know* t,„ t,s wLa! parl- .f ilie country are most fav .rahie t.> . leniyu-en are ,i,.;iiied to throat troubles ' A Si r.n Riiittt. I wish to tell that subscribsr that no ii.au every ha.1 a Kv.rrr ibroat and rured. than I had twei^ty-fiva ag^.fur.in addition lo the bronchuis. I ent,r..y Io»t my voice. 1 tully Irom it. and Bsiiiied a tirst^lass voicB in volume and power, .lad oae that •ever gets rough and hoar«, or sore, by the simj.le use of thelSodyand I.ung Ura.-e, adverf^ed .n . mk lUrrt^r the past thirty year,. 1 le.I that 1 should bo almost an eu.my to my rare if 1 should uot „.i u>y onoe fellow-setferers know h.w they msy l-e rmeved and remain at home and continue to use their v .ice. sow Ii TrtE TIMH. AS 01.1' MiNifrKK. W.. offer to giv„ thil braco, inv&luablo f every miai.,ter and public npeaker. as lull 1,0(W ,niu>...or» tn the South wUl taatify. to every minister «ho « .11 pro- cur, a club of ten subscribers at each to this pa- ,.er T!ie protractad meotings will soon be h.r-. aud money less easily to raise tor papers thau now, and we urge all to go to work now aaJ get a brace. MKSEY FUK "KIND WORDS. - BKSD ir TO TIIC iVSvasTtON Subecribers and (ri.nds who have the money for " Kind Words." or who may wish to remit lunds to that pai-er. are r.minded that it will U- cnveni.-nt to s,.nd, or bring, the money to the S-utUern Uapti.t Convention, b meet.Hat Columbus. tb. tlr.l week in Mav. M Ibo C. nvcnt: thoy lau p.iv ..v.-r the money to nn...or to U-v. M. U, a. l...h will be pres.J'nt. In t!,e meantime, all the friends of t:.e l.u..v„„i,on, and cf •• Kind Words." are Mlirit.-d to ore .nbi. , .,.- ti,.us [or Ihi. 'iuud.^ys.-hool pa;.or of the C. ,, > r nU-.,,, nn.l briUiJ. or up the (unds to L-olum1.,is ,n M.iv, Veryresp..:!ull>. S. Hat Ms. K U...r. We invito »t;.ctJon to Dro. IMykm s and ho;K. il will Iv beeded b.v those fnend.s o| •• Kind WvrJs" a-J the Coaventi .n who read our pa.-er. ll.rcrs.v. The !»'< ' I-"-" «rl:l»n telwrei, Mr. J i . K.irruM in-l 1" J t n.v»r a-Ll.tn. )•,« I • |.rlnl.-.l m lr-...k ..'ml. «'y " ' r nsaU. on r.wi!i>l of pru-. - I" c n'- i-' .. .(.y.'^r ft p -r t!u»*n. I I. t II.. of Tuor Hiar onx-t A to tum ^aar Tnsa 1T T/SAT ai Diart-iTM aaCAcaaorTHaTacrn. ^l-*. i R.WRav»*. • • t . It. nEHtiRI("K''i--i r.>nneeted with the work throairhout t he city, and i.? Centralization, but th.it ti.oy may be le?niikciy each occasion will wituesBthc disable u, arouse the watrhKlcgs of tiie rhurv-htas, he pro- lic.-n of iwlpit and pew. lUimanism and (.\tuiv p^iSOS a milder tenii, !. •.. Viiifira!i.ia." and In iKllisiB arc the formidable aata^viuisis lo his r'ai'e: ho stales that this 1« ju«t what " L.iy- BaptisU at the prusent time Ui the city.' mtn," whose pica f-t centraliz-^tion was rnbll^hed The pmyer of Uro. Bhu-k should ciiiusliiully ri-t iti.l ' warmly indorw.! by the J-J-.iniincr a«i | from every I3U|.tiil heart iu that rity. Il w an C7irr„i(V/., and several our Sonth.-;u j easy matter for minister.- and rue.-ubi-t^t, ut a j;ri:-l meant by his inulcaditJj terra. Chunh Ir.tcr-1 gathaiips of liaptlst-s from ho;uologelic m.^naer of prf^-.uti. G.id'8 truth, is nothing more than a publi.- p.-ot.-t against it. «.>ar bretliren in .\ugusln w ill aud, .n- a'tweJve month i>a.ssert, w ho amoii^ uiinb^u-rs :u..l members of that eity are "chosieu. - ibe " rt- called," picked, rJioiet cf G.kI b> -lo ll.i- w«uk. Thoy need not be surprised If only a fnt Urn ul the railed fonvs of Augu.-ta will pn.vi tht-msrlvi-s chosen, but let the f.sithlul f^ w ri'meaibpy for . > Uib of F"1T». — iV'l «»»»'• Bi.fE Ciuws.—.\11 w bo «ii! the X on their pape A I lli.i" ralMlBec:.«h ioa»t roma wllb ttie e'nb i.mg yoiir- en frownoil down and rejiroliafed a.s this wi-ck, will take noth-e that we Khali drop .llll»"»l pr.n.h.iu l« glvt-n ^Thru naBiMa!-..cnS IR al c«l ID ibnt our own, to our readers In that ipeeeh he boklly the aaplLsts years «gos.M-r«ed, Ufor« Carapbrll- «udlM. and arooof tba ronat Uklentml and |mi.-ni«iu| w- avvert-s, mnnuu cu,Ura,Ur,>ile, tho lollowing as ism was originated, and which, had they been brvr al ttis UiiHetwIlr. wba «»rnlln.lr d..p«mUi.l 0|">a faithful to th. ir rrds.ion, th-fy could aud ihould tl.la FudU U. l» rnaWed to «" lUrouib tl.ia aoa^Ion - l» ia» " The time carrT tu*.." tbr.«ikh lo -jut June, uri n. Iiaar Irmn««« buntlrw^ ipi. d of of riirrf'it rtirrrnt m- in-trnncn:.', ,rrincntt, 1 i will v%iii My tint " tne j This nici-ting therefore, dfterm!non aud «lal*ra UjU m'mUi. nt thought and work Is towarus t Mnia- tw wi»in> and Eld. Carsweii seU-eteil to ri«-ak for the mln- lire a lUw.tm, Arltanaa< tells how well end clo- Ir^.. A U Irion. I.tiam * r*;" "'i We call the sllcntifn of wvor.il of our exchanges, .luently Ik- I" ifon>;«''t the strvicp. an I n-p.-clslly the Iiityi>- libuk, deau of We aro the Kirsr kv A Ki«-iv Ark. Tie; Mr« II M H»i«»«, I*. IJ*. ^ " sat .M E l»ntU«. >lo 1 u, J K lurr.r, * .U. I lU- u«nVn liCafltfU Ara.I m-. Wm AlllMtb Mo 10. >il.;>i ft,r

e 9 4 r t h k b a f t i b t . flIU-:VITIEH. M e n i p f C u i v c f s i t y h a j b u t u v p r y l i m i t e i l c n d i f w u i f l n t , a m i y e t iirdoinif • p l r n d i i i w o r t . I t h a » tut e n d o w m a n t . In utiicka n n i l b u a i h , of fj^iMJO, tititl riiitl M t a l B vjiJucd a t u b o u l 1 1 0 0 , o n l y J-jH.wXi beariaii iataejit; If at fix i»er c c n t , t-O.hSO i n f U M B ; 1/ a t l e n p e r c c n t , W.SW). l i m . I ^ n d r u m h a ^ a g n a U w o r k b c r c r o h i m . " F i m i a n e n - fJijaura ' u r i h x e c o f thamt l i l U o book-i Ih.-it w o a r c n ^ i r n w i itut ti» r f s U . I wi*j3 to g i v e m y p a s t o r oiio, (-•to 1 l u i r o a l t e a i i y hijIU t o a a e i n h b o r , a m i t h e (jthi r I will k e e p to rcatl a n d t o h a v e m y f a m i l y tt-vl, iinlil I iSiu ficU ii t o b u y a m t i i c r . " — / J < j f ! t f /MiziiiUUr, 'lenmtstr. T l i w id t h e w a y frir t v f r y fr of t h n t r u t h t o w u r k , a n i l tliis ia t h e w a y fiiu i i i i n f i j i l i ^ i r a u b e a L - H c m i a . i t n l . W h a t u t h c r firi.thir wjlJ M n t l f o r Ol.i I j u i d K j a r k w m f u r lii^ IMsiwf. a n i l i j H l a w ! o d h o r t w o of h w nciu'iibor.^ t o b u y im.' -.' r i i e t u a n ; ^iCO j j n a t l y n e t U e U b y th;? It.^uil u l J . t r k a o n to e n a t . l c It to c a r r y l o u r y u u n a mlHistOEf t l i n i u c i j IhLi iicsnioa. W h e n a w a n t liiai iit a v i n ai.[)r(iv«i ia m a a o k n o w n , it ha.t e v e r b c c u I'ur . • ' i n v k t U i n l h a t U o t l w i l l p u t it i n t o t h p U e a r u lhl, b u t t h - r p a r n t h o u s a m l i of b r t l h r a u at)|p If. t a a e t w o p a p e r , , a t d w e W(juld.-Uv.aysliki-our.^ ti> t>«! Iii« iiiULt a f t e r tliB S t a t e o r } , - m . - — - " I l L s umu.,iiiij to n o t i c o t h u efforld of s o m e c d i t u r s to Uiiuct' t b f cirt-uhitiou of y o a r p a p o r . Y o u r ci.urse i-t n u l u , i n d yfju w d l b n v i u t a r in i h o e n d . T r u t l i will i-ri.vail. H o l d o n R u d liald L ' a V - J . JI. -li It . I o e > n o t e-p.-.;Ljlly ani!t«,, it UH to tint heart tu luuk Uul aaiUHa of -hni-i- vihti r t " to jirt'juijiin o u r b r e t h r e n a^jalnst u.«, a n d till ir t ffort? to i v i i a n - p n a e n t w h a t w e d o a d v o « - a l c . S l a y tlio F a t h e r t o r s i v e t h e m , a n d givt- tljiaii b f t t i r hpsirti. T r u t h w i l l n o t p r e v a i l o v i r t h e Miirth u i i t d t3al.'.n is l>.)und — b u t w e b e l i e v e i h u t t h f tiad f h i l d n ' i i of ( k j d w i l l r e c e i v o it — i t w i l i p n ^ v a i l a n u i E g Ltiri-.tiaud o n l y . W s s h o u l d :iU lafiur lo d i i i s e m i n a t e it. W e h a v e c v i d s c c e f r o m f a r d i s t . i n t Sl.ittr-, N u t U i an w e l l tw i r o u t h , tlvat o u r rnjiliia to D r . Burrow:-, a r e g i v i n g t h s a t m i J s t a a U s - f u r l i o n to o a r r i a d o r s . T l i c y a t e b e i n g r e a d w i t h intere^f. If I f . B t i r r ; j * s c a n n o t stsataia a c h i i r s e aK-.iittHt otir lUtIa bi»)k, w h o c a n ? " T h e p j j p c r id b t i - o m i u j f m o r e a n d m o r e i n t a r c ^ t i n g a n d v a l u - a b l e . I h a v o bot-n a i n c l i i n l o r e a t o d i n tlie s u b j o c t o f I n t e r c - j m m a s i a n . a n d t h p J c i W n n o f t h e u m p i r e s . " — ( 7 . .V., «>[if .if (ivM m o s t i D t e l U s e n t b r e t h r e n , w h o k C o i j i t u i n la ^ p p f c c i a l e d . W e t h i n k f u r t h e p a s t ni ialiLuth a c o p y for o n e n«>w s u b . ^ y i o r — t w o a t m a i t . A n d s | H . « k i n g of n e w s u b - s c r i b e r s , tiic t h o u . » a n d t h a t w e . l u i e t l y . - p o k e for a f e w m o n t l w a g o , c o u l d n o w l»o c n t c r e t l ui>on o u r tonka w i t h o u t t h e U-a.it r(,inpl.iini f n . m t h e gooil- n a t j r c r l b o o k keeiK->r. T h e y b a s s ; c o l u m e a c c t l TOUiinR in, a n d l o o m - o u r a s p for o a e , w o h a v e rcfluctM t h e p r i c e of tiie juipcr Irr.m tf:n lo t w o i U y p e r cciat t o cluli? i n n to t h o fiiniiiy. It ^ m t at ali '.urpriiin}; .1 boinn;^s th.sl a n y N o w A | « i i U e M ' T » » ^ t a m e n t , a i i o u l d b e i i e v e t h a t tiie ( s r e e d " id the«>, " w o r d fur w o r t l . " nui>. U u A V K ^ : — i n T h e U a i t i - t of M . s y a ; . I s . . , V o l . X., N o . i:S. p a i ^ ' a S i . y o t i r i n t r i H l u c t n r y c h a p t e r of t h e S e v e n Ln.-spuns.tti.ni-s, y o u a f f i r m M I U A C K K S A . M ) .MLS.SIO.\.«s. V E K V »TH.\N-..|I:! — " T i r r . . i f t o k m.-. u I N l . " K K n r . N E H t o t h e « 111 Rl H ? f o l l o w i n g Kccoiint of t h e " ( J i f t of H o a i j n - " - I iuaiiirc8tiu>{ il.self iu Chin.T, t l i r o u g h o n e oi [i.o nsilive B a p l U t p r c a e h e r ? , i.-, f r o m H r u . Y a t o - . o u r o l d e s t m i s s i o n a r y i n ( hinti, H e i.- n o t a f r n s ^ - t i o n a l m a n , a n d w h a t he-a:iy.s ir.-o ln)plii-,tiy relied .on. 11 .s letter is ( a k r n f r o m t h e lj,\ J/iAsiiJii J m i r i i a / , llio tir.n-< fwr t r e a t r . r - ; pay:i h i m i i m-Ti — - n 1 u i., f •fnt-* —1.-: ins w u m ' s g o to ' ;iie out- r l - o i:i t h f Tvork, as w h a t h e r t c v i v w Lh e n o u t ^ i f..r hi.i •support Si-e . ^ - n - S i i n s a y s lh.it »1) i-hu-.-fv. „i .I.- an-.l ri-ma'.e, l.i^h a n d h w — r v r n hitrh i.tli. -.a!- IhrMtig l":!y'< p ' a . v f-.r lrr,-\tmrnt ; a n d th.i! it-. • all attriluiti- tt.e w o n . i e r f u l .-arp- to -iiiH^-rn i( .'i I n y w e r c - o n n e c t e d w i t h t h e n e w r e l i u i o n w h i c h I ~ n y prenerjf-s, a a t i n o t t o hht m e U l r l n e . N d w w h a t ron al! tliis m e a n ? W h e r o u a t o w i i l it R n n v ? W i s h i n g : to g.-t m o r e in.'ormrtti(j:i in r e g a n i to thi-j m o v e m e n t , an.I, if dir.-,-! it lor p o o < l — f.ir l " i i y is y . n i n g , a m i is a s i m p u l « i v e e v e r P e t e r w a s — 1 at .ia»iehin>,r t t s e m t o o l » e r v e all tl-.ing* w h f t i n o e v e r I h t v e i - o m m a n d t t i y o u , " w h i c h w ^ H a d r i - o n l - ' d in lh."t c o m m L ' s i o n , e e a s - t o b e cf f n r c e a t t h e s a m e l i m e ? A m i if it d i d , p l o a j o teil U3 t h r o a ; f h T t i n U\!»r!!?T b y w h a t h i w o r c o m - m a n d m e n t w e c a n c l a i m a c h n r e h s u c c e s s i o n aii.l a n o n l a i n c d m i n i s l r i \ I'leaso a n s w e r so'>n, a.< I a m i n t m a b l e i n res;ard t o y o u r f«jsition of t h e e n m m L ^ i o n . J n t i : ; K . M . t;T')NK. E l l s a b e t h t n w n . H a n t i n e o y n t y , I'l. 1'. H . — l'tc-a.«e « p ! a i n L u k e x v i . 'J. I l e m a r k s . — O u r i«jiiti-on Ls t h a t all s p e c i a l aisd {>crsonal c o m m i s s i o a i e x p i r e d w i t h t h e p e r j o n o r p e r « » ! M t o w h o m t h e y w e n ? c i v e n . 1. J . } h n t h e I m m e r - e r ' s c o m m i s s i o n e x p i r e d w i t h h i m . H e h a d n o a u l i i o r i t y to ap}>oint auc- Cffiisons, a n d d i d c o t . T h i ? m a s t b e p i a i n t o all. 2. T h e c o m m i s s i o n t o I ' h i l i p e . x p i r e d w i i h P h i l i p . N o d e a c o n , tiy v i r t u e of tliat corai-nL-aion o r e . t a m p l e , h - w t h a r i s h t to b a p t i w w h o m h e m a y c h a n c e t o m e e t o n t h e p u b l i c h i g h w a y . T h i j i m a - . t Iw? c l e a r t o all. .1. T i ; c s e v e n t y t!Uciple.« h a d n o r i g h t t o . x p p o i a t j o c c t s ^ o r s , a n d t h e y d i d n o t ; b a t if t h e y h a d s>uc cr9?or:4, -

699 T H E B A P T I S E<br />

UMX. TO JSS13.<br />

rAm U% Jt«H«.cliui«»lnn«>"- L Mr* tiiat liAntfioe ^ trw*;<br />

U-nr bl» pl-titi«« "tunr"*"-<br />

Tinali. Un rniffoma tJU» hr Uim.<br />

Uf ti»Ui lj«ra« UiT "J"* »orrow»,<br />

n<br />

TIi"a«ii Uionax joar p«Ui be lUnwu.<br />

Itw will ilTK a PJtiB lit bwair,<br />

!t» wUl »ite a Mt^rf emra.<br />

< Llm to Je«u», tTTUit ao (jtu«r,<br />

Wli«a tlm huar uf «l«»tu ilutn h^vo * fhurch-hoa^. jost Uni^hed,<br />

afty by thirty ftrtst. \\.urs fralernallij. ^^ ^^^^<br />

miiaioo wj-i with our S-ivlor, r.ot TiUi tny one else,<br />

and that th-oea peryjus wh . cunsliluti- the church<br />

were '>aly p«r3oii* liva! llie church .-.ja'.J control,<br />

<strong>so</strong> that I.' any oaa of tliose p».-*.as cosimifsd aa oN<br />

faaci*. thf ch'nrco maid uke cog:i;z!i:;tboat<br />

preiadice. aad wilii a d.t.-riui.i:itioii U, ino* ani to<br />

Jo the traiu wUea i.- -v.-l i.-um the<br />

ejuminafon fuliy cx^tiviaced U.at 1I.3 13 a<br />

church oniiniBce. aaJ oalv tl.e ol the<br />

church cei8braU!>3 ordinam-f havs auy uihl to<br />

parUkB of It t..ced>i5r, and »iuoe .-!mr>:hed do not<br />

p , , ^ a 8lxaJo» »t author,ty, lJ»-y canuot<br />

give a ri^Ut that Ca...,; h.-(.r » p n r i ...ei with-<br />

llervi* a bruthi-r ia [ar-oir i)rev-on. who ywr?. SR".<br />

who. -ilhoul aid jr du-^c'i.'U troiu uthi-rs. sat down<br />

to the caadid aj»i.iia--i:ioa of 1..0 by tha word<br />

of liod oaly, aud we h..-ar »t.iti.mca; TUe fact u.<br />

Uxjre an.-to Jay thoa^uas * bo ferwiuly Joubt thf<br />

propriety of inti-r cvmia.uuioa. «ho axe mora Uiaa<br />

half wnvincfd of iu. uoa'.-rii.tara!n..« .^ad laconBiatency.<br />

bulb»cic tlu- ra..r.i! ooar^g, !o .lamine the subject<br />

fully au.l to .»ct out lh«ir cou-... «io--ue Usp-<br />

Ustaare. Uie thosi-iands ol P.-io!-ptistj. i^^u^ly<br />

iJmd to «amiaa the .luestion for Irar they might be<br />

convincsd that iht-y art- w roa«. and to -consistent<br />

would liate to opiH^se what they have <strong>so</strong> long<br />

preached.<br />

TII D ACK .SOw 1.1-:ini M T.<br />

(ur - r..«mT.<br />

J B... rM.vmrry. on, ofU.. To..r,s u.. ..a^.r.us a.<br />

IlPO till VVt>;i-Yotir tind letter r>f tbo »t!, ii,it.<br />

A> rtme to hand this cvfnini. 10 >».v<br />

sincuro thant. for r^cM-mb^ri^a ^<br />

gn-at batJ.n of care and b-uinca^. M.-^y U»1 ble-.. yoo,<br />

taJ rensJt your Btrea-rfth. . „ ,<br />

risMo roiuro tay thank, to Si.t.-r C. .M. broaUw^J.<br />

who. far away in t-.niman*. romeiubers t!.e yonns!<br />

miaUter. at Jack<strong>so</strong>n. Tenn. .May our loving lather<br />

bU-Mthat noWe moth. r. and c.mioft her wiih the hope<br />

of a haoi'V re-iaion wiih hltlc Toiuniy.<br />

Thi? touching trU.ute of a mother-. t..ve .ec.iIU days<br />

of the past that wero hri^hUueJ by a ujothe'-s i .v-.<br />

Imt that cannot nturn. . .<br />

Oar K4th». In heaven oaly knol.o w ehwr.nB .t<br />

to a vwnc miat»t4.r to n-aliia that h'l < ff'r;* are rtmembertsl<br />

br lo«in« aud thannhtful friend-. ; tuidntsbt<br />

.tn-lu** bevaie lighter and c.trt^worn oxf-re^ion* »o.t-<br />

eaed.<br />

Jacition, .Kpril 7. USi<br />



VOW, if the bodies to which reference h-os U-eu<br />

uiede. cr.-- net Bciiptural churcbci. their uiiti-<br />

isters cannot be .Scriptara'.ly orJaiui d ministers. Ti e<br />

ortliDatiun can have no force or validity l.ryoud 1! .it<br />

which la iaipartei by the body whose act ii Ls; a:.d il<br />

thatbo-ly Ix not .s .Scriptaml church, of loursi- iLs - rdi-<br />

nation cannot conft.-r Scriptur*! iiu'.Lonly<br />

In vie* of these coasideratiOLij, it foli jws thaiS -r.p-<br />

tara! churches should not recotnizo. io any way. ih.-£.i<br />

nnscriptursl organizitious as ."rcnptural cuher l.y<br />

word or action, its to the boli.-a theni.-H-iv«s, or tl.eir<br />

otEcors. The churchi-s of Chria: aJe to opi-oae a.I de<br />

parturea from tta laith as delivered in the New T« la-<br />

ment. Thay may not fratertizel witii or coujiive at<br />

heresy. Aud ths obliia-.ion thus resl.u- on .-. ririural<br />

churchas bears al<strong>so</strong> upon ev-ry mrD.ber au.l<br />

Olhcer of those churches. The wh...e b^.ly, and ea. 1.<br />

individual, are called upon by fidelity to Chn=t aud<br />

the truth to make a <strong>so</strong>lemn. consi;.tect acd ui;rra.-! .—May lioj bless you ana givo Tou<br />

can, r.ghtly or consislttutly. recognize a l'8.1ob..p'...-il<br />

B slhIjui lo cuntiuiie on diu ioo-J work, esi>eciaUy<br />

church as a Scripturai cbun-h. or a I'ed-.baptist ii.i'.iis-<br />

on tho commaaion (laestioa 1 .im iaii»fied yoa are<br />

ter as a Scriptural cam^ster. ' - [ A M. l-.iudoxter, m<br />

ri*Ut, fur I gtaJie.! the Tf-.uai«at orx-iully years ago<br />

"The liaptis: •• .May 1 s'O.<br />

on tho subject of " c'.o^o commanion." m char^ by<br />

redoes 3t:iiuit the ISaplJ'J. and I loan.l thai the eom- Will not Uro. I'lckin<strong>so</strong>n cO[^y Uie above, and acfi-.i-r<br />

this qaealion : —<br />

.\r. tho imaiersious of •nlaptl7.d sn.l oncniain. d<br />

mBii. «i:hout aathority from auy J^cr.ptur^i cbun h,<br />

valid "<br />

S')Ui; TlIiiOAT TUorBl.E OF CI.F.R>i V M KN<br />

— A CI KE WANTKl).<br />

V. ,11 n-.l minister wbo ha.- bad t!..' -orv ibro.it<br />

l.idiy aad go: car.Hl, let tls know ho« ntila n; a<br />

"lil not wtue know* t,„ t,s<br />

wLa! parl- .f ilie country are most fav .rahie t.> . leniyu-en<br />

are ,i,.;iiied to throat troubles '<br />

A Si r.n Riiittt.<br />

I wish to tell that subscribsr that no ii.au every ha.1<br />

a Kv.rrr ibroat and rured. than I had twei^ty-fiva<br />

ag^.fur.in addition lo the bronchuis. I ent,r..y<br />

Io»t my voice. 1 tully Irom it. and Bsiiiied a<br />

tirst^lass voicB in volume and power, .lad oae that<br />

•ever gets rough and hoar«, or <strong>so</strong>re, by the simj.le<br />

use of thelSodyand I.ung Ura.-e, adverf^ed .n . mk<br />

lUrrt^r the past thirty year,. 1 le.I that 1 should bo<br />

almost an eu.my to my rare if 1 should uot „.i u>y<br />

onoe fellow-setferers know h.w they msy l-e rmeved<br />

and remain at home and continue to use their v .ice.<br />

<strong>so</strong>w Ii TrtE TIMH.<br />

AS 01.1' MiNifrKK.<br />

W.. offer to giv„ thil braco, inv&luablo f every<br />

miai.,ter and public npeaker. as lull 1,0(W ,niu>...or» tn<br />

the South wUl taatify. to every minister «ho « .11 pro-<br />

cur, a club of ten subscribers at each to this pa-<br />

,.er T!ie protractad meotings will <strong>so</strong>on be h.r-. aud<br />

money less easily to raise tor papers thau now, and<br />

we urge all to go to work now aaJ get a brace.<br />


BKSD ir TO TIIC iVSvasTtON<br />

Subecribers and (ri.nds who have the money for<br />

" Kind Words." or who may wish to remit lunds to<br />

that pai-er. are r.minded that it will U- cnveni.-nt to<br />

s,.nd, or bring, the money to the S-utUern Uapti.t<br />

Convention, b meet.Hat Columbus. tb. tlr.l<br />

week in Mav. M Ibo C. nvcnt: thoy lau p.iv ..v.-r<br />

the money to nn...or to U-v. M. U, a. l...h<br />

will be pres.J'nt.<br />

In t!,e meantime, all the friends of t:.e l.u..v„„i,on,<br />

and cf •• Kind Words." are Mlirit.-d to ore .nbi. , .,.-<br />

ti,.us [or Ihi. 'iuud.^ys.-hool pa;.or of the C. ,, > r nU-.,,,<br />

nn.l briUiJ. or up the (unds to L-olum1.,is ,n M.iv,<br />

Veryresp..:!ull>. S. Hat Ms. K U...r.<br />

We invito »t;.ctJon to Dro. IMykm s and<br />

ho;K. il will Iv beeded b.v those fnend.s o| •• Kind<br />

WvrJs" a-J the Coaventi .n who read our pa.-er.<br />

ll.rcrs.v. The !»'< ' I-"-"<br />

«rl:l»n telwrei, Mr. J i . K.irruM in-l 1" J<br />

t n.v»r a-Ll.tn. )•,« I • |.rlnl.-.l m lr-...k ..'ml. «'y " ' r<br />

nsaU. on r.wi!i>l of pru-. - I" c n'- i-'<br />

.. .(.y.'^r ft p -r t!u»*n.<br />

I<br />

I. t<br />

II..<br />

of<br />

Tuor Hiar onx-t A to tum ^aar Tnsa<br />

1T T/SAT ai Diart-iTM aaCAcaaorTHaTacrn. ^l-*.<br />

i R.WRav»*. • •<br />

t . It. nEHtiRI("K''i--i r.>nneeted<br />

with the work throairhout t he city, and<br />

i.? Centralization, but th.it ti.oy may be le?niikciy each occasion will wituesBthc disable<br />

u, arouse the watrhKlcgs of tiie rhurv-htas, he pro- lic.-n of iwlpit and pew. lUimanism and (.\tuiv<br />

p^iSOS a milder tenii, !. •.. Viiifira!i.ia." and In<br />

iKllisiB arc the formidable aata^viuisis lo<br />

his r'ai'e: ho stales that this 1« ju«t what " L.iy- BaptisU at the prusent time Ui the city.'<br />

mtn," whose pica f-t centraliz-^tion was rnbll^hed The pmyer of Uro. Bhu-k should ciiiusliiully ri-t<br />

iti.l ' warmly indorw.! by the J-J-.iniincr a«i |<br />

from every I3U|.tiil heart iu that rity. Il w an<br />

C7irr„i(V/., and several our Sonth.-;u j<br />

easy matter for minister.- and rue.-ubi-t^t, ut a j;ri:-l<br />

meant by his inulcaditJj terra. Chunh Ir.tcr-1<br />

gathaiips of liaptlst-s from ho;uologelic m.^naer of prf^-.uti.<br />

G.id'8 truth, is nothing more than a publi.- p.-ot.-t<br />

against it. «.>ar bretliren in .\ugusln w ill aud, .n-<br />

a'tweJve month i>a.ssert, w ho amoii^ uiinb^u-rs :u..l<br />

members of that eity are "chosieu. - ibe " rt-<br />

called," picked, rJioiet cf G.kI b> -lo ll.i- w«uk.<br />

Thoy need not be surprised If only a fnt Urn ul<br />

the railed fonvs of Augu.-ta will pn.vi tht-msrlvi-s<br />

chosen, but let the f.sithlul f^ w ri'meaibpy for . > Uib of F"1T». —<br />

iV'l «»»»'•<br />

Bi.fE Ciuws.—.\11 w bo «ii! the X on their pape<br />

A I lli.i" ralMlBec:.«h ioa»t roma wllb ttie e'nb<br />

i.mg yoiir- en frownoil down and rejiroliafed a.s<br />

this wi-ck, will take noth-e that we Khali drop<br />

.llll»"»l pr.n.h.iu l« glvt-n ^Thru naBiMa!-..cnS IR al c«l ID ibnt<br />

our own, to our readers In that ipeeeh he boklly<br />

the aaplLsts years «gos.M-r«ed, Ufor« Carapbrll- «udlM. and arooof tba ronat Uklentml and |mi.-ni«iu| w-<br />

avvert-s, mnnuu cu,Ura,Ur,>ile, tho lollowing as<br />

ism was originated, and which, had they been brvr al ttis UiiHetwIlr. wba «»rnlln.lr d..p«mUi.l 0|">a<br />

faithful to th. ir rrds.ion, th-fy could aud ihould<br />

tl.la FudU U. l» rnaWed to «" lUrouib tl.ia aoa^Ion - l» ia»<br />

" The time carrT tu*.."<br />

tbr.«ikh lo -jut June, uri n. Iiaar Irmn««« buntlrw^ ipi. d<br />

of<br />

of<br />

riirrf'it<br />

rtirrrnt<br />

m-<br />

in-trnncn:.', ,rrincntt, 1 i will v%iii My tint " tne j This nici-ting therefore, dfterm!non aud «lal*ra UjU m'mUi.<br />

nt thought and work Is towarus t Mnia-<br />

tw wi»in><br />

and Eld. Carsweii seU-eteil to ri«-ak for the mln- lire a lUw.tm, Arltanaa< tells how well end clo- Ir^.. A U Irion. I.tiam * r*;" "'i<br />

We call the sllcntifn of wvor.il of our exchanges,<br />

.luently Ik- I" ifon>;«''t the strvicp.<br />

an I n-p.-clslly the Iiityi>- libuk, deau of<br />

We aro<br />

the Kirsr<br />

kv A Ki«-iv Ark. Tie; Mr« II M H»i«»«, I*. IJ*. ^ "<br />

sat .M E l»ntU«. >lo 1 u, J K lurr.r, * .U.<br />

I lU- u«nVn liCafltfU Ara.I m-. Wm AlllMtb Mo 10.<br />

>il.;>i ft,r

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