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<strong>688</strong><br />

JBUra «8. JBiUnaar. Q W OnuHwrry Beaaont tiir Decoratzut^a BaptUt. 10 rniMHOVHir OF REI.I«IOX. By w. the Yoon*. Py Clia^ Fcsur. It han been the<br />

T n j B<br />

Irap Klaahm of BapUiU. Jeter anJ Slicr- C. Boitk. ,'.a able work, and one iLks can l^e entJ«AVor of me author, 2c UiU<br />

TOOrl 10 rtad with t^roflt by KludentH ai.d mlui^ttrr^ H'ork, U>U6e Micii bimpid laajcxaAst- .Miil forms<br />

>>e!>*iaal!ral Uniljr. A.Ji>nts,jr ^10<br />

tJi-i »ul,i-«i. la ele^ Klc^taof • ita at Lavaini. W. E. Paxton lu 4'IIFBriI.BK31JJER!«' UAaiO-BOOU dli>>pi«i>aalof: to moncultured ruittvU) ali&il It*<br />

tliureii..<br />

10 or TUliOLOer. By Norrcll Eobertaoa. tsteilicltte to coUdrezi aad uueducaited<br />

Oruwem, MjLttMjTj- Co„ ftapat^ tsmrttiaiu. J. it. GnTaM .<br />

TUia la on able tre^ohire on tlic -wliJ. on adoJla. '«7iU:;out further expliisation.<br />

Urla^ of HpriaUlDC lac Eaptlini<br />

10 i-li-ctlon, tafvatli.n by erac, Btrjienimt,—<br />

Price, MOO<br />

Ssc«uid 3Icaip]Us, Tejm. A Paifca Quapci Contlemnoil. l)r. Ilea- W<br />

drlekxic<br />

on the whole p^n uf !^vAUon. Korchurch- OTT orr €F AIGXIT. liy Mt» Urzle<br />

•rkm JuatDK bM Been onpuund tat Uw poT- — T z a e t a . Erery iUpSUt ouis^i to<br />

meintcrs. ur Toasg &t^«*nU af tiii-o,'ogT. C. Dnafherty. 7bU Utile book portnys th«<br />

Ujji work wlii be very TaiaaWe. Price Iia.<br />

pc^ nt nqiriTlsg UieileniffiitiuJ^aa asd tb» aid in Uie clrealatloa of thou traetn.<br />

a.llra«tlona of tte Cei«»Ul Ctty ; the -.Tay u><br />

inuls •mtXii sU uw stuulud l^pUal pubit- UairU ts'-UP Patau In poclusis, 60 CU. poat- TIU: BIBLE I>OCTAI.%F. OF THE ULI*. It; the copl of UieJoumty, ctc. A deil£liiral<br />

ootiaa ssd HaSKtajr-iefaooi lUantnn pub- paM; liuee packzgea. SLDO. ^<br />

&1.1: i.jrcj Asn ExroKtTio.v or cMId sbuo^. iacioth.<br />

UJAHJ sDj-irtUEn, and al pntOlihen' prlsw.<br />

Ji»a£KX «1>IB1T1.SJI, By J.K. »r£Teii.<br />

ArOSTOUC CBCBCII. iljr WJS.PluitaB.<br />

Uj.It.—Tau want to fcrm a (iiirlptaral Idea<br />

sisfiualAs<br />

X!;.-xi««T«T >Ma tmUUa on Ui* daetrisa<br />

UlATOBICAl.<br />

oj yoot slate srjrrdeat.'i and bftote the rt»- TOE DAILY TRKAKrttrrectloa.<br />

Ycu waat to prctect your lamily<br />

a»C rsatr or Uw S^w T>!atBmant eluireh. OCt-RAKD-S niSTOKT. liy G. U. ass!s*t tiie pemleicsa ftschlnES c! splrlt-<br />

MYa Ry Ebenexrr Tcniplc. TUi»<br />

Tlo styiaUrJiw xnA loekt: tlui ai^puneat OrrharU or EE^land. Vol. I. U a aialarj ot naivsv. Oct tha hook, read li, ted i»t ali fbmishes a filiort and KhnrpJy pointed trin*-<br />

B^tarty aiul aintroicioit. Tbl* book wi^ tormipx Aiptutff. Vol. II. ta a hUloiT ot the yocr ^ully to read It. It 1» the nio-.: suterllfte oa »i>me text cf »»rr!n!iirt* for ercry day<br />

piim a Itusx auiiel irotk la aar detuum- UapCUOa ta £nslasd. Both ehrcnofoKicaUy eaUng Utile l«ok yoa CTcr read, xad wl"! ei- in the ye*r. There are ihtve hundr»^f and<br />

natUiT^aJ lll*tatnr», jntoi Ia clotia, V ^ acmc<strong>so</strong>d. Vo!. I_ pp.S«: VoL pp. STS. plaln a lar^ naaabrr br the ra>is.-HHi a<br />

jnnas. It will ba Oiunil m r ntntti "' eopt»a.i tabilH oX cootoata and »l!l»-coles.<br />

• booi TTllii prls'od Articles of KalJ'i,<br />

KklET ptiwimi. to eiuUi, suio.<br />

tni pH(t!«, i2.».<br />

MUEBTVOOII'S XOTL:S OS THE XI.W Ua-r't * f L>ocr«rtM:i. . xvillnMc t-T R-»j-<br />

TEST.lllMr. rtila wrk, by tii>> vonera<br />

» -;pir.us ir.dcr for riaiut.-s »>/ rue m-<br />

BUOKIXATIOa.tl.<br />

nUeDOAtA CR^IZarr: or Ten UayV bU .Xdli^l an aM.><br />

Vii^K Ltfivy pnppr. »ccnr»t'jy ru —t.<br />

Traael im mrnrett af tlie C°ttiirc:i. Cy and icUoIar. L* tJir fcpst vrt-rk know ojad tJ.e waver.Ject iiii.l U".. fuJ<br />

Lt.l MLtiUUBH-* UAV W IT ? A. C. Diyton. VoU lUjio.CI.<br />

uf Inr SciujAy.whQoLi and SuikUj-Khor.l Rrojid-S-^k ever oCVr^l to th-: eLurf ».«>..<br />

Cy J U UrsTW. la tills work UuauShor ilu<br />

Ptlw. in cJoUi, tl.V. Uachers. I'wo volurc. c«ch Sl.TS.<br />

Whft haT^ thb rSnok for itKXT.J<br />

ecjMMOiut'^iiclanp," b/ ttertptRml amJ hls- BaptUt Ulatory. By J M Cramp. D D. A Xotra Slnichm. 3arh, I.cke ar:tl ihf* roinutts l»n5Lno*».s limr^s&cui ux •»tttranU<br />

suithorttjr.au ifie Old iMSUlmarla oJ cQ:.ipi«ta hiatory from the foandatlftn of the Jobn —KxplJiar'.ery sr;d [irR«»cai.<br />

cl.r^-hen lhcii.i pciJ.-t ; 10<br />

afmtnlla and primitive ctiarcixm, ant! UiriitUi: chnrcii to th8c:oaaofU;ae1»ht««nUi u:ar cijm:i.pnt?ir5- Dfon a crltlrat i riA.*- exerj' pxrtical.ir. The biudiiig I* sup.-:<br />

atmU'OMmtaii ••hoi baa l»i»n Uio ccaerai eentnry. Prlo«j t; I pecialiy lor iiA.«ior» ur-l Sur.dtif-<br />

Trie*, ?;»<br />

pmcUi-saf U!Be3iUch«)uflr.s wh«fa.sal:on. Ji Is tx-.ruine<br />

il. * artl, U~l».—Toa onjnt to be arnllL-u<br />

tluii. Prtitf etMk<br />

ry Uiv nrT5»at, ami t.y miatuW-s<br />

with- the History of yoor own dencmlnatica,<br />

Tbrrp hanmiia fi»a " KaptJai,<br />

ticiic toiniii:ot>ft everywhcii*. i^ricc, f!^.<br />

at theonUlaa of It. Too hare ao tlms<br />

ajad M trvntiMf on t'onoaniftlna.—TUia W to raail a bno HtUc booL ol<br />

oMBaiisr-s j^nhj.«:<br />

a taltiitaa UtUa -matiL^ and liaa tsn-n blcsaoi ispocaayon harat'.a:! tna nct^hrll. IT-.e tjr.i I.VKI:T.tl.-. or tite .tri» of ao- Mis^inij of ih* ^ m-.ns Men o{ The !Sr«.u»tcJn:; i>ibl«* Dlrtiouar^.v.<br />

ftrHyTM. Ijl_».-r!il.u»ami".etjookuwit Raa<br />

Pft^c, in ctntii. r,H ci*. 1 Bj. .M.tv r.ini^T fi-1 A Ml<br />

t'Mntl'ie LVjucfir^i.-*!:!^. fv<br />

proVKd tbe dmtli af lantUUstM of Ptilobna-<br />

Ttie NuS rint fUorrn. By !!»••>. tv I. rs SI; BrmR. '1: i-;- «!.>. i" i:.<br />

s pw^i-n'rj In a (^»:np«i-t lurm «M»ir.r:»r. •.<br />

tsts. II aUjra Item by Ujo acllirtw <br />

• mil rir^aagB^T^ Br B- la doth, «m<br />

ocbToJ t?

699 T H E B A P T I S E<br />

UMX. TO JSS13.<br />

rAm U% Jt«H«.cliui«»lnn«>"- L Mr* tiiat liAntfioe ^ trw*;<br />

U-nr bl» pl-titi«« "tunr"*"-<br />

Tinali. Un rniffoma tJU» hr Uim.<br />

Uf ti»Ui lj«ra« UiT "J"* »orrow»,<br />

n<br />

TIi"a«ii Uionax joar p«Ui be lUnwu.<br />

Itw will ilTK a PJtiB lit bwair,<br />

!t» wUl »ite a Mt^rf emra.<br />

< Llm to Je«u», tTTUit ao (jtu«r,<br />

Wli«a tlm huar uf «l«»tu ilutn h^vo * fhurch-hoa^. jost Uni^hed,<br />

afty by thirty ftrtst. \\.urs fralernallij. ^^ ^^^^<br />

miiaioo wj-i with our S-ivlor, r.ot TiUi tny one else,<br />

and that th-oea peryjus wh . cunsliluti- the church<br />

were '>aly p«r3oii* liva! llie church .-.ja'.J control,<br />

<strong>so</strong> that I.' any oaa of tliose p».-*.as cosimifsd aa oN<br />

faaci*. thf ch'nrco maid uke cog:i;z!i:;tboat<br />

preiadice. aad wilii a d.t.-riui.i:itioii U, ino* ani to<br />

Jo the traiu wUea i.- -v.-l i.-um the<br />

ejuminafon fuliy cx^tiviaced U.at 1I.3 13 a<br />

church oniiniBce. aaJ oalv tl.e ol the<br />

church cei8braU!>3 ordinam-f havs auy uihl to<br />

parUkB of It t..ced>i5r, and »iuoe .-!mr>:hed do not<br />

p , , ^ a 8lxaJo» »t author,ty, lJ»-y canuot<br />

give a ri^Ut that Ca...,; h.-(.r » p n r i ...ei with-<br />

llervi* a bruthi-r ia [ar-oir i)rev-on. who ywr?. SR".<br />

who. -ilhoul aid jr du-^c'i.'U troiu uthi-rs. sat down<br />

to the caadid aj»i.iia--i:ioa of 1..0 by tha word<br />

of liod oaly, aud we h..-ar »t.iti.mca; TUe fact u.<br />

Uxjre an.-to Jay thoa^uas * bo ferwiuly Joubt thf<br />

propriety of inti-r cvmia.uuioa. «ho axe mora Uiaa<br />

half wnvincfd of iu. uoa'.-rii.tara!n..« .^ad laconBiatency.<br />

bulb»cic tlu- ra..r.i! ooar^g, !o .lamine the subject<br />

fully au.l to .»ct out lh«ir cou-... «io--ue Usp-<br />

Ustaare. Uie thosi-iands ol P.-io!-ptistj. i^^u^ly<br />

iJmd to «amiaa the .luestion for Irar they might be<br />

convincsd that iht-y art- w roa«. and to -consistent<br />

would liate to opiH^se what they have <strong>so</strong> long<br />

preached.<br />

TII D ACK .SOw 1.1-:ini M T.<br />

(ur - r..«mT.<br />

J B... rM.vmrry. on, ofU.. To..r,s u.. ..a^.r.us a.<br />

IlPO till VVt>;i-Yotir tind letter r>f tbo »t!, ii,it.<br />

A> rtme to hand this cvfnini. 10 >».v<br />

sincuro thant. for r^cM-mb^ri^a ^<br />

gn-at batJ.n of care and b-uinca^. M.-^y U»1 ble-.. yoo,<br />

taJ rensJt your Btrea-rfth. . „ ,<br />

risMo roiuro tay thank, to Si.t.-r C. .M. broaUw^J.<br />

who. far away in t-.niman*. romeiubers t!.e yonns!<br />

miaUter. at Jack<strong>so</strong>n. Tenn. .May our loving lather<br />

bU-Mthat noWe moth. r. and c.mioft her wiih the hope<br />

of a haoi'V re-iaion wiih hltlc Toiuniy.<br />

Thi? touching trU.ute of a mother-. t..ve .ec.iIU days<br />

of the past that wero hri^hUueJ by a ujothe'-s i .v-.<br />

Imt that cannot nturn. . .<br />

Oar K4th». In heaven oaly knol.o w ehwr.nB .t<br />

to a vwnc miat»t4.r to n-aliia that h'l < ff'r;* are rtmembertsl<br />

br lo«in« aud thannhtful friend-. ; tuidntsbt<br />

.tn-lu** bevaie lighter and c.trt^worn oxf-re^ion* »o.t-<br />

eaed.<br />

Jacition, .Kpril 7. USi<br />



VOW, if the bodies to which reference h-os U-eu<br />

uiede. cr.-- net Bciiptural churcbci. their uiiti-<br />

isters cannot be .Scriptara'.ly orJaiui d ministers. Ti e<br />

ortliDatiun can have no force or validity l.ryoud 1! .it<br />

which la iaipartei by the body whose act ii Ls; a:.d il<br />

thatbo-ly Ix not .s .Scriptaml church, of loursi- iLs - rdi-<br />

nation cannot conft.-r Scriptur*! iiu'.Lonly<br />

In vie* of these coasideratiOLij, it foli jws thaiS -r.p-<br />

tara! churches should not recotnizo. io any way. ih.-£.i<br />

nnscriptursl organizitious as ."rcnptural cuher l.y<br />

word or action, its to the boli.-a theni.-H-iv«s, or tl.eir<br />

otEcors. The churchi-s of Chria: aJe to opi-oae a.I de<br />

parturea from tta laith as delivered in the New T« la-<br />

ment. Thay may not fratertizel witii or coujiive at<br />

heresy. Aud ths obliia-.ion thus resl.u- on .-. ririural<br />

churchas bears al<strong>so</strong> upon ev-ry mrD.ber au.l<br />

Olhcer of those churches. The wh...e b^.ly, and ea. 1.<br />

individual, are called upon by fidelity to Chn=t aud<br />

the truth to make a <strong>so</strong>lemn. consi;.tect acd ui;rra.-! .—May lioj bless you ana givo Tou<br />

can, r.ghtly or consislttutly. recognize a l'8.1ob..p'...-il<br />

B slhIjui lo cuntiuiie on diu ioo-J work, esi>eciaUy<br />

church as a Scripturai cbun-h. or a I'ed-.baptist ii.i'.iis-<br />

on tho commaaion (laestioa 1 .im iaii»fied yoa are<br />

ter as a Scriptural cam^ster. ' - [ A M. l-.iudoxter, m<br />

ri*Ut, fur I gtaJie.! the Tf-.uai«at orx-iully years ago<br />

"The liaptis: •• .May 1 s'O.<br />

on tho subject of " c'.o^o commanion." m char^ by<br />

redoes 3t:iiuit the ISaplJ'J. and I loan.l thai the eom- Will not Uro. I'lckin<strong>so</strong>n cO[^y Uie above, and acfi-.i-r<br />

this qaealion : —<br />

.\r. tho imaiersious of •nlaptl7.d sn.l oncniain. d<br />

mBii. «i:hout aathority from auy J^cr.ptur^i cbun h,<br />

valid "<br />

S')Ui; TlIiiOAT TUorBl.E OF CI.F.R>i V M KN<br />

— A CI KE WANTKl).<br />

V. ,11 n-.l minister wbo ha.- bad t!..' -orv ibro.it<br />

l.idiy aad go: car.Hl, let tls know ho« ntila n; a<br />

"lil not wtue know* t,„ t,s<br />

wLa! parl- .f ilie country are most fav .rahie t.> . leniyu-en<br />

are ,i,.;iiied to throat troubles '<br />

A Si r.n Riiittt.<br />

I wish to tell that subscribsr that no ii.au every ha.1<br />

a Kv.rrr ibroat and rured. than I had twei^ty-fiva<br />

ag^.fur.in addition lo the bronchuis. I ent,r..y<br />

Io»t my voice. 1 tully Irom it. and Bsiiiied a<br />

tirst^lass voicB in volume and power, .lad oae that<br />

•ever gets rough and hoar«, or <strong>so</strong>re, by the simj.le<br />

use of thelSodyand I.ung Ura.-e, adverf^ed .n . mk<br />

lUrrt^r the past thirty year,. 1 le.I that 1 should bo<br />

almost an eu.my to my rare if 1 should uot „.i u>y<br />

onoe fellow-setferers know h.w they msy l-e rmeved<br />

and remain at home and continue to use their v .ice.<br />

<strong>so</strong>w Ii TrtE TIMH.<br />

AS 01.1' MiNifrKK.<br />

W.. offer to giv„ thil braco, inv&luablo f every<br />

miai.,ter and public npeaker. as lull 1,0(W ,niu>...or» tn<br />

the South wUl taatify. to every minister «ho « .11 pro-<br />

cur, a club of ten subscribers at each to this pa-<br />

,.er T!ie protractad meotings will <strong>so</strong>on be h.r-. aud<br />

money less easily to raise tor papers thau now, and<br />

we urge all to go to work now aaJ get a brace.<br />


BKSD ir TO TIIC iVSvasTtON<br />

Subecribers and (ri.nds who have the money for<br />

" Kind Words." or who may wish to remit lunds to<br />

that pai-er. are r.minded that it will U- cnveni.-nt to<br />

s,.nd, or bring, the money to the S-utUern Uapti.t<br />

Convention, b meet.Hat Columbus. tb. tlr.l<br />

week in Mav. M Ibo C. nvcnt: thoy lau p.iv ..v.-r<br />

the money to nn...or to U-v. M. U, a. l...h<br />

will be pres.J'nt.<br />

In t!,e meantime, all the friends of t:.e l.u..v„„i,on,<br />

and cf •• Kind Words." are Mlirit.-d to ore .nbi. , .,.-<br />

ti,.us [or Ihi. 'iuud.^ys.-hool pa;.or of the C. ,, > r nU-.,,,<br />

nn.l briUiJ. or up the (unds to L-olum1.,is ,n M.iv,<br />

Veryresp..:!ull>. S. Hat Ms. K U...r.<br />

We invito »t;.ctJon to Dro. IMykm s and<br />

ho;K. il will Iv beeded b.v those fnend.s o| •• Kind<br />

WvrJs" a-J the Coaventi .n who read our pa.-er.<br />

ll.rcrs.v. The !»'< ' I-"-"<br />

«rl:l»n telwrei, Mr. J i . K.irruM in-l 1" J<br />

t n.v»r a-Ll.tn. )•,« I • |.rlnl.-.l m lr-...k ..'ml. «'y " ' r<br />

nsaU. on r.wi!i>l of pru-. - I" c n'- i-'<br />

.. .(.y.'^r ft p -r t!u»*n.<br />

I<br />

I. t<br />

II..<br />

of<br />

Tuor Hiar onx-t A to tum ^aar Tnsa<br />

1T T/SAT ai Diart-iTM aaCAcaaorTHaTacrn. ^l-*.<br />

i R.WRav»*. • •<br />

t . It. nEHtiRI("K''i--i r.>nneeted<br />

with the work throairhout t he city, and<br />

i.? Centralization, but th.it ti.oy may be le?niikciy each occasion will wituesBthc disable<br />

u, arouse the watrhKlcgs of tiie rhurv-htas, he pro- lic.-n of iwlpit and pew. lUimanism and (.\tuiv<br />

p^iSOS a milder tenii, !. •.. Viiifira!i.ia." and In<br />

iKllisiB arc the formidable aata^viuisis lo<br />

his r'ai'e: ho stales that this 1« ju«t what " L.iy- BaptisU at the prusent time Ui the city.'<br />

mtn," whose pica f-t centraliz-^tion was rnbll^hed The pmyer of Uro. Bhu-k should ciiiusliiully ri-t<br />

iti.l ' warmly indorw.! by the J-J-.iniincr a«i |<br />

from every I3U|.tiil heart iu that rity. Il w an<br />

C7irr„i(V/., and several our Sonth.-;u j<br />

easy matter for minister.- and rue.-ubi-t^t, ut a j;ri:-l<br />

meant by his inulcaditJj terra. Chunh Ir.tcr-1<br />

gathaiips of liaptlst-s from ho;uologelic m.^naer of prf^-.uti.<br />

G.id'8 truth, is nothing more than a publi.- p.-ot.-t<br />

against it. «.>ar bretliren in .\ugusln w ill aud, .n-<br />

a'tweJve month i>a.ssert, w ho amoii^ uiinb^u-rs :u..l<br />

members of that eity are "chosieu. - ibe " rt-<br />

called," picked, rJioiet cf G.kI b> -lo ll.i- w«uk.<br />

Thoy need not be surprised If only a fnt Urn ul<br />

the railed fonvs of Augu.-ta will pn.vi tht-msrlvi-s<br />

chosen, but let the f.sithlul f^ w ri'meaibpy for . > Uib of F"1T». —<br />

iV'l «»»»'•<br />

Bi.fE Ciuws.—.\11 w bo «ii! the X on their pape<br />

A I lli.i" ralMlBec:.«h ioa»t roma wllb ttie e'nb<br />

i.mg yoiir- en frownoil down and rejiroliafed a.s<br />

this wi-ck, will take noth-e that we Khali drop<br />

.llll»"»l pr.n.h.iu l« glvt-n ^Thru naBiMa!-..cnS IR al c«l ID ibnt<br />

our own, to our readers In that ipeeeh he boklly<br />

the aaplLsts years «gos.M-r«ed, Ufor« Carapbrll- «udlM. and arooof tba ronat Uklentml and |mi.-ni«iu| w-<br />

avvert-s, mnnuu cu,Ura,Ur,>ile, tho lollowing as<br />

ism was originated, and which, had they been brvr al ttis UiiHetwIlr. wba «»rnlln.lr d..p«mUi.l 0|">a<br />

faithful to th. ir rrds.ion, th-fy could aud ihould<br />

tl.la FudU U. l» rnaWed to «" lUrouib tl.ia aoa^Ion - l» ia»<br />

" The time carrT tu*.."<br />

tbr.«ikh lo -jut June, uri n. Iiaar Irmn««« buntlrw^ ipi. d<br />

of<br />

of<br />

riirrf'it<br />

rtirrrnt<br />

m-<br />

in-trnncn:.', ,rrincntt, 1 i will v%iii My tint " tne j This nici-ting therefore, dfterm!non aud «lal*ra UjU m'mUi.<br />

nt thought and work Is towarus t Mnia-<br />

tw wi»in><br />

and Eld. Carsweii seU-eteil to ri«-ak for the mln- lire a lUw.tm, Arltanaa< tells how well end clo- Ir^.. A U Irion. I.tiam * r*;" "'i<br />

We call the sllcntifn of wvor.il of our exchanges,<br />

.luently Ik- I" ifon>;«''t the strvicp.<br />

an I n-p.-clslly the Iiityi>- libuk, deau of<br />

We aro<br />

the Kirsr<br />

kv A Ki«-iv Ark. Tie; Mr« II M H»i«»«, I*. IJ*. ^ "<br />

sat .M E l»ntU«. >lo 1 u, J K lurr.r, * .U.<br />

I lU- u«nVn liCafltfU Ara.I m-. Wm AlllMtb Mo 10.<br />

>il.;>i ft,r

e 9 4 r<br />

t h k b a f t i b t .<br />

flIU-:VITIEH.<br />

M e n i p f C u i v c f s i t y h a j b u t u v p r y l i m i t e i l c n<br />

d i f w u i f l n t , a m i y e t iirdoinif • p l r n d i i i w o r t . I t h a »<br />

tut e n d o w m a n t . In utiicka n n i l b u a i h , of fj^iMJO,<br />

tititl riiitl M t a l B vjiJucd a t u b o u l 1 1 0 0 , o n l y<br />

J-jH.wXi beariaii iataejit; If at fix i»er c c n t , t-O.hSO<br />

i n f U M B ; 1/ a t l e n p e r c c n t , W.SW). l i m . I ^ n d r u m<br />

h a ^ a g n a U w o r k b c r c r o h i m . " F i m i a n e n -<br />

fJijaura ' u r i h x e c o f thamt l i l U o book-i Ih.-it w o a r c<br />

n ^ i r n w i itut ti» r f s U . I wi*j3 to g i v e m y p a s t o r oiio,<br />

(-•to 1 l u i r o a l t e a i i y hijIU t o a a e i n h b o r , a m i t h e<br />

(jthi r I will k e e p to rcatl a n d t o h a v e m y f a m i l y<br />

tt-vl, iinlil I iSiu ficU ii t o b u y a m t i i c r . " — / J < j f ! t f<br />

/MiziiiUUr, 'lenmtstr. T l i w id t h e w a y frir t v f r y<br />

fr of t h n t r u t h t o w u r k , a n i l tliis ia t h e w a y<br />

fiiu i i i i n f i j i l i ^ i r a u b e a L - H c m i a . i t n l . W h a t u t h c r<br />

firi.thir wjlJ M n t l f o r Ol.i I j u i d K j a r k w m f u r lii^<br />

IMsiwf. a n i l i j H l a w ! o d h o r t w o of h w nciu'iibor.^ t o<br />

b u y im.' -.' r i i e t u a n ; ^iCO j j n a t l y n e t U e U b y th;?<br />

It.^uil u l J . t r k a o n to e n a t . l c It to c a r r y l o u r y u u n a<br />

mlHistOEf t l i n i u c i j IhLi iicsnioa. W h e n a w a n t liiai<br />

iit a v i n ai.[)r(iv«i ia m a a o k n o w n , it ha.t e v e r b c c u<br />

I'ur . • ' i n v k t U i n l h a t U o t l w i l l p u t it i n t o t h p U e a r u<br />

lhl, b u t t h - r p a r n t h o u s a m l i of b r t l h r a u at)|p<br />

If. t a a e t w o p a p e r , , a t d w e W(juld.-Uv.aysliki-our.^<br />

ti> t>«! Iii« iiiULt a f t e r tliB S t a t e o r } , - m . - — - " I l L s<br />

umu.,iiiij to n o t i c o t h u efforld of s o m e c d i t u r s to<br />

Uiiuct' t b f cirt-uhitiou of y o a r p a p o r . Y o u r ci.urse<br />

i-t n u l u , i n d yfju w d l b n v i u t a r in i h o e n d . T r u t l i<br />

will i-ri.vail. H o l d o n R u d liald L ' a V - J . JI.<br />

-li It . I o e > n o t e-p.-.;Ljlly ani!t«,, it<br />

UH to tint heart tu luuk Uul aaiUHa of -hni-i-<br />

vihti r t " to jirt'juijiin o u r b r e t h r e n a^jalnst u.«, a n d<br />

till ir t ffort? to i v i i a n - p n a e n t w h a t w e d o a d v o « - a l c .<br />

S l a y tlio F a t h e r t o r s i v e t h e m , a n d givt- tljiaii<br />

b f t t i r hpsirti. T r u t h w i l l n o t p r e v a i l o v i r t h e<br />

Miirth u i i t d t3al.'.n is l>.)und — b u t w e b e l i e v e i h u t<br />

t h f tiad f h i l d n ' i i of ( k j d w i l l r e c e i v o it — i t w i l i<br />

p n ^ v a i l a n u i E g Ltiri-.tiaud o n l y . W s s h o u l d :iU<br />

lafiur lo d i i i s e m i n a t e it. W e h a v e c v i d s c c e f r o m<br />

f a r d i s t . i n t Sl.ittr-, N u t U i an w e l l tw i r o u t h , tlvat o u r<br />

rnjiliia to D r . Burrow:-, a r e g i v i n g t h s a t m i J s t a a U s -<br />

f u r l i o n to o a r r i a d o r s . T l i c y a t e b e i n g r e a d w i t h<br />

intere^f. If I f . B t i r r ; j * s c a n n o t stsataia a c h i i r s e<br />

aK-.iittHt otir lUtIa bi»)k, w h o c a n ? " T h e p j j p c r<br />

id b t i - o m i u j f m o r e a n d m o r e i n t a r c ^ t i n g a n d v a l u -<br />

a b l e . I h a v o bot-n a i n c l i i n l o r e a t o d i n tlie s u b j o c t<br />

o f I n t e r c - j m m a s i a n . a n d t h p J c i W n n o f t h e u m p i r e s . " — ( 7 . .V.,<br />

«>[if .if (ivM m o s t i D t e l U s e n t b r e t h r e n , w h o k C<br />

o i j i t u i n la ^ p p f c c i a l e d . W e t h i n k f u r t h e p a s t<br />

ni ialiLuth a c o p y for o n e n«>w s u b<br />

. ^ y i o r — t w o a t m a i t . A n d s | H . « k i n g of n e w s u b -<br />

s c r i b e r s , tiic t h o u . » a n d t h a t w e . l u i e t l y . - p o k e for a<br />

f e w m o n t l w a g o , c o u l d n o w l»o c n t c r e t l ui>on o u r<br />

tonka w i t h o u t t h e U-a.it r(,inpl.iini f n . m t h e gooil-<br />

n a t j r c r l b o o k keeiK->r. T h e y b a s s ; c o l u m e a c c t l<br />

TOUiinR in, a n d l o o m - o u r a s p for o a e , w o h a v e<br />

rcfluctM t h e p r i c e of tiie juipcr Irr.m tf:n lo t w o i U y<br />

p e r cciat t o cluli? i n n<br />

to t h o fiiniiiy. It ^ m t at ali '.urpriiin};<br />

.1 boinn;^s<br />

th.sl a n y<br />

N o w<br />

A | « i i U e M '<br />

T » » ^ t a m e n t , a i i o u l d b e i i e v e t h a t tiie<br />

( s r e e d " id the«>, " w o r d fur w o r t l . "<br />

nui>. U u A V K ^ : — i n T h e U a i t i - t of M . s y a ; .<br />

I s . . , V o l . X., N o . i:S. p a i ^ ' a S i . y o t i r i n t r i H l u c t n r y<br />

c h a p t e r of t h e S e v e n Ln.-spuns.tti.ni-s, y o u a f f i r m<br />

M I U A C K K S A . M ) .MLS.SIO.\.«s.<br />

V E K V »TH.\N-..|I:! — " T i r r . . i f t o k m.-. u<br />

I N l . " K K n r . N E H t o t h e « 111 Rl H ?<br />

f o l l o w i n g Kccoiint of t h e " ( J i f t of H o a i j n - "<br />

- I iuaiiirc8tiu>{ il.self iu Chin.T, t l i r o u g h o n e oi [i.o<br />

nsilive B a p l U t p r c a e h e r ? , i.-, f r o m H r u . Y a t o - . o u r<br />

o l d e s t m i s s i o n a r y i n ( hinti, H e i.- n o t a f r n s ^ -<br />

t i o n a l m a n , a n d w h a t he-a:iy.s ir.-o ln)plii-,tiy<br />

relied .on. 11 .s letter is ( a k r n f r o m t h e lj,\<br />

J/iAsiiJii J m i r i i a / , llio tir.n-<<br />

fwr t r e a t r . r - ; pay:i h i m i i m-Ti — - n 1 u i., f<br />

•fnt-* —1.-: ins w u m ' s g o to ' ;iie out- r l - o<br />

i:i t h f Tvork, as w h a t h e r t c v i v w Lh e n o u t ^ i f..r hi.i<br />

•support Si-e . ^ - n - S i i n s a y s lh.it »1) i-hu-.-fv. „i .I.-<br />

an-.l ri-ma'.e, l.i^h a n d h w — r v r n hitrh i.tli. -.a!-<br />

IhrMtig l":!y'< p ' a . v f-.r lrr,-\tmrnt ; a n d th.i! it-. •<br />

all attriluiti- tt.e w o n . i e r f u l .-arp- to -iiiH^-rn i( .'i<br />

I n y w e r c - o n n e c t e d w i t h t h e n e w r e l i u i o n w h i c h<br />

I ~ n y prenerjf-s, a a t i n o t t o hht m e U l r l n e .<br />

N d w w h a t ron al! tliis m e a n ? W h e r o u a t o w i i l<br />

it R n n v ? W i s h i n g : to g.-t m o r e in.'ormrtti(j:i in<br />

r e g a n i to thi-j m o v e m e n t , an.I, if dir.-,-! it<br />

lor p o o < l — f.ir l " i i y is y . n i n g , a m i is a s i m p u l « i v e<br />

e v e r P e t e r w a s — 1 at .ia»iehin>,r t t s e m t o o l » e r v e all tl-.ing*<br />

w h f t i n o e v e r I h t v e i - o m m a n d t t i y o u , " w h i c h w ^<br />

H a d r i - o n l - ' d in lh."t c o m m L ' s i o n , e e a s - t o b e cf<br />

f n r c e a t t h e s a m e l i m e ? A m i if it d i d , p l o a j o teil<br />

U3 t h r o a ; f h T t i n U\!»r!!?T b y w h a t h i w o r c o m -<br />

m a n d m e n t w e c a n c l a i m a c h n r e h s u c c e s s i o n aii.l<br />

a n o n l a i n c d m i n i s l r i \ I'lea<strong>so</strong> a n s w e r <strong>so</strong>'>n, a.< I<br />

a m i n t m a b l e i n res;ard t o y o u r f«jsition of t h e<br />

e n m m L ^ i o n . J n t i : ; K . M . t;T')NK.<br />

E l l s a b e t h t n w n . H a n t i n e o y n t y , I'l.<br />

1'. H . — l'tc-a.«e « p ! a i n L u k e x v i . 'J.<br />

I l e m a r k s . — O u r i«jiiti-on Ls t h a t all s p e c i a l aisd<br />

{>cr<strong>so</strong>nal c o m m i s s i o a i e x p i r e d w i t h t h e p e r j o n o r<br />

p e r « » ! M t o w h o m t h e y w e n ? c i v e n .<br />

1. J . } h n t h e I m m e r - e r ' s c o m m i s s i o n e x p i r e d<br />

w i t h h i m . H e h a d n o a u l i i o r i t y to ap}>oint auc-<br />

Cffii<strong>so</strong>ns, a n d d i d c o t . T h i ? m a s t b e p i a i n t o all.<br />

2. T h e c o m m i s s i o n t o I ' h i l i p e . x p i r e d w i i h<br />

P h i l i p . N o d e a c o n , tiy v i r t u e of tliat corai-nL-aion<br />

o r e . t a m p l e , h - w t h a r i s h t to b a p t i w w h o m h e<br />

m a y c h a n c e t o m e e t o n t h e p u b l i c h i g h w a y . T h i j i<br />

m a - . t Iw? c l e a r t o all.<br />

.1. T i ; c s e v e n t y t!Uciple.« h a d n o r i g h t t o . x p p o i a t<br />

j o c c t s ^ o r s , a n d t h e y d i d n o t ; b a t if t h e y h a d s>uc<br />

cr9?or:4, -

6 9 6 T E t E B A F T I B T ,<br />

CmilSriAN GIVING.<br />

| « IVING i8 an essential part of relitpon- Huiuan<br />

^ hiattjry opeas with relieiww offerings to G, or blind, or nick, o,r iuipetfc-t.<br />

or wiirthlesH. And Giid rcught to kUip it<br />

of Pliariifiiie abuse and restore it a* an iajtrument<br />

of guud.<br />

AnJ<br />

tiaver uieil to di--l;;u:iti.' the L.tIN -ui j.or. Thi.-'<br />

i.s iniltt'd a jtr with bread alone. I biiit in<br />

both bread and wine, and then fore, 1 rvpct all<br />

I-6, and<br />

ihfn he can "smile," It is neit claimed that<br />

(hei« brethren went with i'aui to JeruMlem,while<br />

the fuurth verse states they, " accompanicti him<br />

into A'ie." I hope these good brethren will not<br />

liut an cna to the discu-sshin. I am »»rry they<br />

gave thoir npinion Of to the imi>ortano;>ulons celrhratrd<br />

the i^onl's supi-er with tiie First Capti-t<br />

ihureh at "froH-s, loluu H m in /miof, I In most con<br />

riit.'in, l/ial l/irn ira.< nil n rhurch ur! Iifhr : Witiiout gniliing, bul wiih<br />

ihc utmost gra\ .ly an'-l .•^cti^.lusnl•s.s, we wiii put<br />

our [Hjsiti'jn i:it'> tlu' lorm of a canon—in tin'<br />

vory wvjr'ii of Cremcr iiim.^elf, who was ijuotcd<br />

again u* :—<br />

" A7«ii (iiitiniti vo) /'Ui eir/ori i.s tht i'tn<br />

/or tfir fti'tttmtion t*f t/u .Si/y//>»/•.<br />

This in.-.»i..> that n ht'ii tiu' Loril's ^upjH r i.t<br />

UtaijtiiaU.'O, tlie Uetlnite article tJir, In Qrei-k, Is<br />

•ilwayt eiprt>s.«r*l or understood before arCun, anti<br />

Hit' vi rh Hiio wiieu th" dircct ol>jt'ct or to break.<br />

Tlie facts in tlie i-a.-w-, and not finiUa or per<strong>so</strong>nal<br />

Opinions alone, will '•u.«tain or disi-omtit this stat*uunt,<br />

HtuI thi-r^ is not the lea.st ncetl of any<br />

particular "energy of ciprcs.sioii" in their pre-<br />

M'otiilioii.<br />

1. Tl.i" first ir.-tarer is<br />

iinUoui'lPdly ailuiti-'l to is Ads il. •«: : "And they<br />

• i.ii'.inueii s5i-:idfa«tly in tiie ap^«, au esthU ton<br />

uWuii, "t/if loaf," et. .<br />

5. The fifth is verse al same chapter : " So let<br />

him eat "—ion arlon—" of IJ^e ler, ounht<br />

not the IntPErlty of CJoa's word to havu tho l>enoai<br />

of the doubt until It can be provetl, beyond ii<br />

rc.'u<strong>so</strong>nsblo doubt, that tliere was a cbun-h al Troa»<br />

at '.his tiiiio, whlrh lias never yet liwni done?<br />

But If thii couhl l>o proved, there is n iihin;: in<br />

the inspired narrative that intltnstrs tii.'il any<br />

save I'aul and his companions came iogrlhur tiist<br />

evening " to l>reik bread." There were .«. o/i<br />

brolhron w ho, to see mi I bear I'sul, hnii.-li atod<br />

hi.s toui-hing at Tross on hit wsy tn Jcrusalvm,<br />

wont forward and wallfd for his arrival .it Trn.is.<br />

Paul, with Luke, " camr from I'bllippi to it<br />

Tro. . lu Ni.rlli<br />

\'a.-oU!ii SLroli^ Rrv rol^rtalu.-d 11.*: t'r<br />

w-iK noo'l-t IKi* iwlt. •ii.l U W.J J* ''.1 i.lj<br />

ti'-u U< • !.< cii I.: 1 tJ ("Ot litil.rl.l «••- »1. . 1 • tsi<br />

Or \\ Ik u acj a.-t-omj. i.Ii*>l i l.ii-i.a»<br />

ll«tu.-ii T i-l .1 «».«r- a .1".- ITia.i- 11. . 1 p.,. S. ... .<br />

lufi ml.. Li|'IH»r I ftU.fli'l^ .tra .t ; trrv-.L^.^ilt<br />

n. » 11 A I'.iu "n. 111- .>;a«»i . I..-i.l.) . 11. Ul. i.^lU ,. ni Kor tl.«<br />

|.ii»t t« nij .i,»r. li» l>».u « 11, i.i.-'-T "I llie llii'Oil<br />

,i, ur:u.li»u0u. Iin.l si oi..- llnir »!!» I'l'HJ. U; ul ll.«<br />

F--It;, urii.ftl * . • ip, I .<br />

Korlli I nrnllnn. K. » T W ^.l„.,^•l. o( iU.t-'If . \.«<br />

h.rli..T . ••( M.in..-.M 1-. . r i«« • ••»»i<br />

arl'<br />

r. 11 II I. 1. » I . 1 s .1 [. h . t'.r^l<br />

L -1 Ki. in Apr.. Tuy-H. • ii.> /.V —<br />

l.-irlini lii Li*<br />

l'..rl.ir.i u,' la hC^n.lir.fc- tn's wlUi Er\<br />

OlfCUll.l* Hl.l!'.|i tl.Il. 1" 1 M."*'.!!!);. •<br />

.1 it.iir.-ti. . o\«' r*. It , In Marrli. flr ii » f r«<br />

T '.apU- -1 .1<br />

J- '.Pt W titi.<br />

nr.. • .M'U.ofnliirr<br />

'* 'tin<br />

1,... II<br />

• . . .1 l..t.<br />

i-L. .11 •<br />

a. !<br />

I.,...<br />

ea.<br />

t r.'i. .«<br />

\IrKlnln. 1! e / •<br />

.a, J t 1...<br />

m.i 14.1.1 I<br />

. ucli- m-.r. i,^'. r«ivr»<br />

I. I •o n ' \li .D,. Til C 11 M*.<br />

I ' k.itoo 1 u n.. II ' !ill--l ~ H!i 1<br />

.-.al-l I.I<br />

!. ^ J. .<br />

U.<br />

J-:%, all' 1 T,T b »<br />

S^iT" Or '<br />

t l.o- I'li; -<br />

1. ..t i :r.t rliurcli 1 H.,<br />

c liaa ......a.l liia I.ut tliera ci^tiMuuv*<br />

KO»' Ml»i,»iinary <strong>so</strong>f-'.etj- b:i» Iw-sn organuM u.<br />

LM* I'liurx ii, wit.-i imroii.i'iMi—*s II..-V —<br />

e IT M.:..>1:1.1 U,: 1... ..-. :i.rcli at<br />

I.-i.. nil- ril.icU Od.r J.E. : m tilt" U.<br />

I.,.-* U.. ai a!! li'n tliun »rcurtl!n; ui lli« «ivi«i.il.- return.<br />

-Tt- Briar Braac-ti .-nurrii. MUtn aiMali»«»l<br />

Ki.l ...« foil srori. W Urn Uitii.»ir.v. oa U..iui,<br />

ajl<br />

XfUB^sat^. llnu ' «l.i..iauc«'» M..' Uf- wi.. j-ub.;*lj<br />

II.r .VtJil-, » -u.-li'li Initf.iJ al t-i^l'i- »•<br />

-K.Jr- J H \ui.r. It) tLu- uo t nl Ui«<br />

•,..|.1»:-) > ^r. .1, rulTii. UilTtl.T.tl.^ n-"'!<br />

J \ : 1. I u.ra. M.iupliB -o.r IM-.U<br />

T.t "l drU- n:... 1 fc.-. U •• * "'<br />

\ ..uaTi.p th* .<br />

th ' < ' Mc-r : " r .e • I C'"<br />

4.0 u WH 41 lltr<br />

» . 1. Il ta<br />

M. • t> I<br />

n.- u> "<br />

Is 1<br />

^ .. i H ..» «• I. .ul U-<br />

1 -A 1 t ; •r V ^,<br />

i ' V.ri M- . i.<br />

u- • ir '• 1 .1. .) '.^.l a -,»<br />

a srami ...<br />

I •»»:.•• K.<br />

1 !]• ctiurc<br />

1.1.... •<br />

«l i .<br />

. rUa-r^ ittjfir<br />

• > K.<br />

• J Iti".<br />

T..; . »>. I. fiLJ -<br />

V I.. U<<br />

...i, 11-.- n- . • - .11<br />

1 0'.ii> I (UltU.! 11*.<br />

T w o — * c-l-iuri i w f<br />

T K .. I 1.- . -<br />

,! - . - .. .i-r.i.<br />

„ 1.1 .. : III -Stli. ' •<br />

.1<br />

.1 U..<br />

t»o * •. t. I.V • 1- -<br />

U '<br />

C....1 •t-r.<br />

..I'-t-i.i.j 111 1- i.lV<br />

< i.K-k r. .-L<br />

V\<br />

1 i.H,<br />

ri.a Ir u .1..- !<br />

. .<br />

t.'<br />

.<br />

.. I fc.J<br />

.. l-ari*. I'<br />

U"0 I a, k--Ce;i|.<br />

? • f'-er.<br />

. ..i.c »r<br />

u 1. W 11...-i an I<br />

1,<br />

111.:<br />

Tl.i<br />

« aiiti, i.B n-1<br />

K.. J 1. . w<br />

1. t<br />

a[ I--"<br />

IH plai.-^<br />

ITEMS.<br />

.1. 1.<br />

k I'tN V I VI -il* M""<br />

rm * lits ri arriu ir'*'- r. r u I |.ri ^r h 111 .^i:.^ I l..i.<br />

Muip.II.T: ; f'Uodnl-ii.-d tint<br />

" The N.-elhreii 1 hnicgHnn 1 llie S.ala. 1 r vtinm liro. I>. sh-iul'l It-as-i rl thr..vi>l i-UUr<br />

ha I. 11 .veil ah'l l-al'.vej i.ir til. aarnest laticrm In Uii- eiiunof^^tate<br />

Miwma. .InrUig ttth'. year*, w-lll tnpaUiice<br />

menLs. It i» ib-t a fact that 11 >g. r Williams was<br />

trull llr«.. T-ninar Ih this cslamlvi. anj «e dt.ul.l Dot U.»t ever a Uiiptist oue liour of his life ; it l- lu-l b fart<br />

iiian.v of Oieni w.H t»tlfy a •.a'-atanllal iu».iiier tlil' that he ever founded any churcli. And it Is not<br />

.-x'.ent of lhas lyinpathJ Wo Jeerlj lynii.»tl.!ia wIiii oor<br />

s fact thut he over oltalne.-! chatU'r thai rarud<br />

hmt'.ai -ti >1. Iiiianortuut The pr.,perty w«j. laanrai<br />

Itev. J. f. Uii'laiiii ha* lAUeii ill® care of liurbaa a Llau*<br />

to vide nee tjr anyone the mj-oyment of r.ligious<br />

church, ru-e.1}- IliTer Ala<br />

liUrty, and why BaplL^ts (-boald coaliuue tu<br />

SllaSAarl. W l-MLam. Jr . vaa url»lti»l lo llic fum-rit^ to Itogcr Williams whai }u.st!y belt ags ic<br />

wur« i-f tin* luU.l'.try by UitK'llj cLnrrh. li«iU OfKinljr. Uie auother, we rannot c .cceive. We hope t.. lie able<br />

flik ulL I'he church a! liocne»i:!o haa rl'.piij».t a rail<br />

lo A Maeaei . of I 'lltilon. He Ua* ar.-. i>le.L ElJer<br />

U>pnbiish« fvri^ « tUlru of bis life." yet, endowed<br />

sno.l*} 1= Marc I'r Wlr.ki.r c: tt- Alal^Trti B-!]>arton<br />

—to break hrtttd^ TO AF»-.>f.u A ssialow to<br />

nmohtev we nevertbo.e!B! bszzaid the prwliCUon<br />

(ur. h»» in hit lUirary oar.p.T uf Ibe - Cp loiue .if th? Tliaolnsj g^Hn than ten from tbl^t w ^ ^<br />


698 Tfllfi<br />

Tlie Young South.<br />

mm ISOEUL ua^V£». Ecitua.<br />

Ta ctuazazmlcatiocs far thiii DrpArtiacal maj b«<br />

addrtflawl, GU» XHZ ILLPTMT.<br />

rOBT-OFFICE.<br />

A >iaWrEIlS to enlginasviiie nHhing in uooa me,<br />

ao that I will have to a always write yt,ur aii.-iwer-.<br />

out in fall, sb4 I ^iveyou crctlit lor ocly thcese 1<br />

receive, nar will I (aedit you for any answer n><br />

ceivcd after it baa been once publiahnl. in this<br />

way I may be able to give you all a Liirehancc for<br />

the prizE b'.>nt row<br />

icg with an old .lugar coolor for a boat, I might<br />

try f.jr it, if I am but tea years old. Aa it is,<br />

mamma says I must show my gallantry, and lal<br />

the Ltdi»< win the priz-'. .-Vunt Nora, 1 wilt help<br />

you wilii the libniry, if you will tell me what to<br />

do. Goodbye ; your friend. WiLi.tE Gaujo.<br />

CtdarOia, I.;!*., March ISth, IS-Sl.<br />

: Thatik y iu, Willie, wiiat 1 want ij^ for<br />

you to save up your iiickeLs and dime», and stud<br />

theui lo Uiv (or the library the " Young South" is<br />

trying to raise to give to ^me destitute place.<br />

Miw Claiidii- luw -jet.!, me Ecventy ovc cents of her<br />

owa earnings, and liow if you will add your name<br />

I will start a Library Fund down here in the<br />

Djrutr aad see hov/ many wiil add Ihtrir iiaiaes<br />

eiich week.<br />

l>K.\r. Ar.vT -Nou*: —Wil! yoa plpjise admit<br />

another girl into your ciianuing circle. l\i t.nkes<br />

Tuk B.mtut, and I have Ix-i-n reading it for a<br />

good while. I'a ami ins are ItiiptisU, aud uiy old-<br />

rat -i>»t>'r an of Ora r,;->lry'-, itcr.jnlio. Wtu.ro was Jc^us<br />

the ni-lit he wad belruycd? — Uardea of OetiiSLiu-<br />

ailf. The i>r«'achcr'.H name would then bo J. W.<br />

Graliaiii 1^1 uw h»-ur Irurii lar-ofT < )rpgon oftsn.<br />

Drt.'kK At N'T .NoR.^ :—1 itave <strong>so</strong>lveu cou.-ID<br />

il.'.s :i.er«wiic in thf J^th numl>er of THE<br />

iJ-viTL-iT. 1 iu.ike if K lht-r ; " that of<br />

Flai! Li'i..f'y. It in " wept." I will send one<br />

or two next \ie"k. 1 l>'.vct!ip" Young South," aad<br />

will ilii al! 1 can. 'i ourx rQecfully,<br />

V. t'. KEVXOI.IM.<br />

Big Liine, M.ir 'h i). HM.<br />

l)i.Ai: AL.N r Noua :—r'.»si-i' admit another<br />

struii-i-r into your cirde of little friend.'.<br />

Pa t tkcs Tin: T.\i ri.-r and lik^-i it very much,<br />

iii.i and iny~tlf are numbers of ttio B,>pti?t<br />

churth at I.:ihctto City. Wo have S^blmth-sehool<br />

at the church house; we go most every Sabbath.<br />

1 «iil ?end answer to Mi.-^ Miiry IJarrington's<br />

enigma ; it i.^ L, C!elli--i. 1 hoite il Ls right. 1 al<strong>so</strong><br />

seni! yoa oce of my own this week.<br />

1 will cI'HO, for feHr luy letter will tw^ engulfed<br />

in that borid waite basket. From your friend,<br />


l.«t)etteCity. Kun., .MarrhSI, Is^iiO.<br />

Dr..\R .\tNT Nora:—I wonder if you would<br />

sdmit anntlj-T country girl into your delightful<br />

family coloma-i. I am more th.^n twelve yean<br />

Rid. but mt old enough by many long years to<br />

Htacd aloni-- in my tfen.s. Tn h.M l)eon taking<br />

The B.vm.'T for more thtn thirty years, and<br />

•^.till res'U it with increasing interest. I go to<br />

Sunday I'cbool rvery Sunday and to prcaching<br />

once a month. I Havo six brothers and thret^<br />

sisters. I enjoy reading the nice letters in the<br />

Young South vf-ry mnch, bt:t ilo not liavo time to<br />

work out the cnigni.Lx. lyi-. o to ail the cousin?,<br />

csav(>^. I send you an<br />

enigma." if you think it vv')rihy a place in the<br />

Young Sv'Uth. Affectiouately,<br />

M.VTTIE WurrTEs.<br />

JoacHborough, Mi=.-J., .\pril 1, ISv^l.<br />

1 expect Mi?s il:iry Harrington wiil have to<br />

come to the rt??cne of her little coMias a^ no one<br />

seemj able to Dnd htr pnstrr'.-' name. Sec, MLss<br />

Mary, it you did not make a mistake in your<br />

Re.\t to the last qxieation.<br />

Duvk .\t ST Nor.a: —Will you please let an-<br />

otlier boy. thirteen j-eara old, join your happy<br />

circle? \Ve havo prn<br />

is one. il. B.MiKh-rr.<br />

imil.E Al tUWTIi .<br />

Who liftiHl u[> the seriwnt iu the wIMernosn?<br />

Whii-ii of the twelve ?<br />

Who ilid Christ rai»e' from Iho de-id after he<br />

h.id lirci! iu the grave l.iur day--?<br />

Who was the father of Jesse?<br />

Wi-.at did David cnlrt-at bis <strong>so</strong>n Salomon to<br />

pray for ?<br />

\Vho was the wife of Isaac ?<br />

Who was cirried lo imiven without dying?<br />

What did (Christ p.iy for ns to talie Ujwa us tiiat<br />

we might learn of him ?<br />

The iuitial i to the answer will s[X>ll tho n inie<br />

•if. ,;ir pastor, w ho was oniv the e-litor of the<br />

Misii.-i.sipi>i 11'iKirtmeut of ihe gixxl old BArrui.<br />

M. WlIIITK.V<br />

ALliiWTli AI. EXKJMA.<br />

On? of the twrlvp a|M>stlc5.<br />

The name of the llitlile.<br />

A city where Je^us Iivr^l when he w n a e'.iil.l.<br />

city that wai vi.-sit(Mi l)y rmt oa hi.s w.iy to<br />

A ruler of the Jews.<br />

The servant of Paul.<br />

O.no of the <strong>so</strong>ns of Jac il).<br />

The place where the discij.|-si weri-li-^t callcil<br />

Christians.<br />

Tho iuitials form the name of oac whom we all<br />

very much love.<br />


C.jvington, Tenn. AN E.MiiMA.<br />

It is not in derti, hut 'tis in thought.<br />

It is nf)t in hog, t ut 'tis in U)ught.<br />

It 13 not in <strong>so</strong>me, hut 'lis iu naught.<br />

11 is not in ea-t, hut 'im in wrought.<br />

II is not in sight, but 'tis in <strong>so</strong>ught.<br />

It is not in mild, but in retort.<br />

The whole is an unruly evil, conerrning which<br />

my little friends will tlnd <strong>so</strong>me grxwl adviixi in a<br />

beautiful letter, written by a devout Christian<br />

whom Ileroii killed with a sword.<br />

Jliss Nora, I send this by wny of recreation for<br />

the little folks. If it is publishoi,permit me to<br />

to Jliss Mary B. of Itistrop, that I wouM be<br />

pleased to have her make MLsa Jessie »nd B,>y i<br />

Ca<strong>so</strong>n, acquainted with the Young South, hoping<br />

they may become interested.<br />

Wishing you a hnppy si<br />

though much-to-be prais^ task, you have under-<br />

hnppy<br />

1 raised sncotsi In the te-Jioas,<br />

taken, 1 am your si.l ot cilling your iv<br />

S . 't n tc ihc Cflt-brstv'-'i BtxiT^sjid Lii.".;<br />

!:i.-rx, which 1 havf toUi for ti.e list<br />

f^iiuc 1 ycir>, that 1 may mate it »<br />

1- : . f. L In Y.T pajicr hj mskiaj il a fat<br />

fr^^jt't ) ,ie \ UT Toa.<br />

I rrn bnpftv (Ti-? r->a m? rrr-*>iu for<br />

I- ••• r.ir. rr.-lins liii'" ;;iTaiaiti« arliclf IQ<br />

) rc ihs.;, e!.-!i-./«n years tjo, I<br />

ir. .-. uijijlv brek.-n ilii»a in voice<br />

f - rd 'i j-iwvc rrti. hinj , I r loi 1 nj^cal<br />

i- I 1 liwhi!?'wilhoul gr Uinj Ln.-.rse ,<br />

n • •.i.'r-.'.t V.TJ jjr; rTC.;!T »(i!t, nr. i riiilj-<br />

i. \U ^ sr.tl '1.1 L- r" tHr^-sn.' Lox^y tr^ii<br />

liii-' . I. \ l.acti! s i.-cujh BCl .i, ihil<br />

I 1. ri.Li'i .'M ihf tl.-. and Sr-.-'lly IrKnchili-i in rnhlir<br />

li;cw syniploa:!of "drac-<br />

pi: - down," ^•ncae.ti. pxhsuMion alvt<br />

sr.J » o f l!:c l-tick und<br />

I- ii;s pilf!', ir!d uorcia ta ffi" sli-j'it n-<br />

'.• -...'/on cf Uif n^iamival vitiKJe.i.<br />

tr'ti-J^ rjioxrs the (xartlj to tin/:, r.ad<br />

i:;'-^ n< 'he fnp^ Now all tnow lhat<br />

in- i-.irj;' Il ihc «lota!ir!i arc coTiKcctrd<br />

«-'.h l'"w.c of ihe diroat and aCeet<br />

' v-^-ai orpan-, st! wh'-n tho H:>tnach<br />

n slrjiaing L" broiig^lu tn beEj<br />

«!•);! Ihs threat. aDcl spcatinc or lAlt-<br />

in^ ftiil irriuup il s.nd produce hearye<br />

r IS, Rnd if c"n'.!r.;:('1 ««re throat, aad<br />

5 th."* ir.-iiii of iLrvl pub .c pjicslii rs<br />

•to wout lo ojmplaiii of, and which k-v<br />

c-r-i.'i !in.-iirTii'< lo ih'ir prs-.t-, ai.d<br />

T-i'lrar.^ aside Zf<br />

ban'.-(fls of ••Uierx<br />

•Vo-T. •r.Pt a j»-r"on.«l ri,?nc'« o!<br />

c r 'r iwJMy Tvar:, and the addcj rijo-<br />

r1'•:'is.tr:d nini-v<br />

iM-i pii'ii.r f^-ivi.'Pi Gpon jjhr-n 1<br />

C'.'rv^ the Triiii inrariab'e<br />

• ' I r-ni (.rr-par'-d lo testily of i;,<br />

! -nj-r.tv Wn^ oui il. I am •sii..Srd 1<br />

r"m piildir<br />

hive be-n laid '.'i-Ir fr-<br />

' righ'!"*-:! y^ars Rrts the l>ack, abi!di\I: i. e.,<br />

the uplifting of the Ixiwuls, ami reiioj<br />

of all o' prolajtros of the in-<br />

tein:il t-rti-.ino.<br />

1 one of your Bmco? to<br />

a lady ;«tient of mine'lan fall. She<br />

say- s'.ic would not t:ike one hundred<br />

d()H:m for it, iffhe ooulil not get an-<br />

otb' r otie of the wnu- kind.<br />

H. TL'luvrji, M.D.<br />

nJiynevillc. La., April 19. 1S77.<br />

.\li the Urpct« which I have or-<br />

dtn.tl jjive the jfii-atcsl R«tig£arti»:n.<br />

Fo.' all kin Ucipcctnillj.<br />

J KS. D. PORTCR.<br />


an\H BltO. MB.\TEi yatira airo. or onr<br />

or CannlBK^ K.nna and B«dv Itracra. I<br />

aerrptrd antl krpt II lor tbrr^ yrsrx<br />

vlthoQI irffarina It, ratlirr rlaaalnc<br />

•arZl thlHir« uaJrr tbe brad of ** hom-<br />

b-ninrrrj." Kor^-nily, lb* biwty aiMl<br />

AltiKulns f-Dbrta ol tba- cxpm thalr d^lsbt. Tba<br />

IriTare 2 orderad tor mptura, wlAi two<br />

r aupportad the penon ao wall ba<br />

fcavi be bu tjo utad of tbe ruptsia pad now.<br />

Hr h«» nerrr worn II at all. They h«»% ali<br />

f .Tin r eaUajkrUtfy; bf tcbar nf<br />

t.i> piTtt

700<br />

sectrLAB iTEas.<br />

Allwrt B. HioilR.r, a pj.>n«irauil ounuaJtofKit<br />

C«f*.(a, ta(i...jMl,<br />

It.iii. llirau, .rf |«w.<br />

Jimtwl • ..mmWiom-r..flu,iiiu. aflaim tu.<br />

Tli!iitia»t Jf. jfj. uol^ re»l4(uwl.<br />

J: » «.•. Kr»in .Irill i,iaj,.inK.t..ry ut<br />

I M.fLt. t||„ It. by Br,<br />

.Ui Inirt. ».ja,uu»: itiKuran.-.. |lH.u«).<br />

•tlm l,|„,„| ,.Iprtl«„ |,„ia<br />

mi ta,. i,,^. ru.. II. pi.l.lU-ttu Ut li..t» a.<br />

iilif Ml li}- A rt'ilm-«>«l Biajtrily.<br />

All Ui. T., sayii:<br />

"riiu m?itiivrn.'tiuiia'i«.|il anU the »ltua-<br />

Uim lj.=«>mc» mure irrimi* Kill „,„i .iim,<br />

^ iiil OKi.l i.,. „i, r,i ill, .i„,| .,..,1 ,1,<br />

-II.-. «....,u!,.i. r.,..„„ ,,.ii,.„„„<br />

.tmn,li | lit ,loi„ ,|„„-.,.<br />

H » '. Il;iiii.t..,i,l, .„|,. rliii, ii.|. Ill ,.|<br />

I'ltl'li.- I11.I111.1I..11 of Kii..» ,.,i„i,<br />

liii. ri-»lj:tn>il,<br />

Ji.L.i. TIII.T, «I,O kiU,.i |.„I;i,. ,,<br />

n.'l.-li' r, ill .,,,1,..<br />

iif. I'-" t«rii raplun.! uii.i J.ill. ,1<br />

Will. Iiiiui|.!ir..\ i ws. killi.l t„ ihiiiur»linj;<br />

of il inlij ,ti,i„.. f,.„ .i^.j,<br />

iijjii, iii-ai- tilouiit.rll!,.<br />

I»'iviil SlaiiehliT. liriiii; lu-ni r.loiiin.<br />

liiM hi, ,,„.„:), |V.„„ ii,.<br />

ftUi'i i* of ('X|>ii«un*.<br />

Till. Iliirk l-itT «Jutiriv*t on iho |.«ri of tin; moiuUr*.<br />

It 1» aUtiil llmt o»rr 500 iicjrTm n left<br />

Huntington s ti-v dsyn ago fur Kan-<br />

S-arlrt f.^vcr I1.11 a«iim I iirnii,!,,',^<br />

A nu n .|ii.|,.li.„| ol IJio / .(imi i ."<br />

ink,. « l,..H|,|„a |„|.|„,<br />

.•|>">"l.ftll of .nlll«l..,'. piilvill^r. mill<br />

|i.il lull, n iijili. ,-,i „,„„,.. Sill Iihill nil<br />

j« >4l.«i,h,,l, n,„| ,„<br />

!'»«• niv nil i„ ,i„. m„„,„i ,|„,<br />

"Mil.' |.|.ii,|., |,ik,. 11 |.|,il .1,1, ,,f ||„.<br />

•"iliiiliiii iiii.l |u,ii, Il r„i| „|„,„ ,i„.<br />

"Mil II will kill .1,1, |.„j, Il |,.„<br />

If III 111, iM.i km.,I 111. iii-.i ,.„,<br />

II on iiaiilii. I'l,,. «.,ii|,i.|,.| I, „„ ,,<br />

'i lU'iii i'. iiiii/,.i, ,,,„i ,vlii |.t,i 1,1, ,i„i,„<br />

ii« ...»i 111 ii... i.,|,i,| ,{,.,,„ Il,<br />

tllll'., Iliull,- |,„,| ,1 ii,<br />

'•illi I oil, I, I'l.,- il. .„.,<br />

. ii.tiiiii,.<br />

Ul-otv (lie .1111111,1 1 Iii.ll,!, I,, ,„.,<br />

Ii'll..ti, Ihi. „.|| ,.1,1, „,„,<br />

Sii. H III, llini, ,|. |,.,„|.<br />

»Wi..|lj on ,1 ,,,||,k i-ioHil,. If ,|„,<br />

• oil llol ,-1. I, , ,1,. ,<br />

•IOHII . UI„| ,,r, ii.„ul, ,,|„|<br />

rnili.l, U i,o,i|,|. ,, I I,, , „,,, ,<br />

i«li< , III I.. ,,„i ,., II , „ ,, I,,<br />

11.1- 111.- Ih.I, f. 1 ..ll.l,,;.,. „, |,,„ I,...,,<br />

11,1 IV i, .1 iniliu ,.,11,,I ,)„. ,<br />

I11--I' l!..u,, « 1,1,1, I. , x,,||,.„, |'„<br />

In II..- |;,i,. Il, ||„, II,<br />

M.I- ...ir II, |-..n l,..,.| ,v..,|. |,„||<br />

I. - I ln-,li 111, ill.<br />

1,1 llig<br />

MNIt,.<br />

1 , 111...,. ,„„„,,( „l|, 1,1<br />

111.11,1 l.lviilv., II,.. ,,,,,<br />

I'll- ..> »i. 1-, oii.i-. ,,,iii,. i, .„i.,,ii,iir<br />

I li.-v 11 .(iiirr al. .Ill II,. .,,„„. i,,..,,<br />

111. ill 1 11 111,- .„||,<br />

I" Hi; i-'all .1,:; lt„ ,„ i,„.| ,,,„ k j,,<br />

l».\. « of saii.i, aii.i put ans* in il„<br />

.rlhir.<br />

iiil.i •••lit 'or .itMMi, ni„| >r I-<br />

'I'liiMi Mill, ,-n.:ii„, Imii. r ,<br />

afiii •alcii u iil, rrm kor^. n, il,„ n.j,i<br />

o>«irr i». il„-T are '-i,.,!<br />

talii," ami h.iv,. i-..n,i.|ri;,l,lp „f (|„.<br />

triio oystpr llavorami ini. ll.<br />

it.M.n li'fi in ihi' k'niiiiiii ovrr U iiit.T<br />

aro viTv .-lisj. and ui.-c vriioi, dnin<br />

liio t«jiriug.<br />

Ilcn IIati.<br />

-Tff—r-ir<br />

iK-ain." lint !„., „.,// ,.,<br />

.•II |,,«.r ...ii, ,1 ,„.<br />

ll.:ii tl,..» .|i.,i,i.| I., , , , ^<br />

Ii' 1111., llkr o i l , I<br />

f'.r III,' . yii, ||„.,|,<br />

« .Till n , ,,(• ,)„ I, ^, I,<br />

Hum "..ii„:i|,ii,i. 1,, , . ,<br />

l.llll II..TI i. .i„,i|| .,, ,,<br />

lliiii, M..11,-0111 .,,11. n III I.. I,.. ,<br />

li'liilcr ill n I j, li ...il<br />

I'or |,i, klii,,. III, , nr.M« 11, . ,<br />

•"111. Ill,If. . :il|, .1. I. .1 , n , ., .,1 , ,<br />

t>, 11. II,r |»„|. l.„i;, 1,,,, <<br />

l.li.loi 11,11 f.,- ..H.1,1,,^ ,„ .<br />

till y ,11-1 iioi \ aiii:il.li,<br />

I'n .110 .1 .il , , . , , I<br />

III, tl, ilitiriii'liu, III ini.ii,., I I V|<br />

• T ,'r .\i. t-iiii.iilii Ml,.. ,,, I ,<br />

Itlllll.-.l ,111.1 . .11,.,. ,,,, ,,,<br />

1 111 iPli. • 1 , 1 . , , , ,<br />

^ I' iirili , iii .l |,,,t I, „ ,.f I<br />

"III. r \ iirl. Il, • „ ii; ,, m 1, , ^ ,<br />

mil t »r II,.. .•^r. li. «.„||,.,. , , .<br />

kll.'Vlll ll,;lii "T II,. \|,,„.,,, \|<br />

' iilrl lliii u liiii ,> K „.,,, 1,<br />

III. Ir fsj...-, 1,. r II I ,<br />

I. Il'll.! I„ III,, lir, (,,.„, ,. , ,<br />

Si \ 11 roll, „,,,,,.I I, > ,1<br />

I'll"* Ml I I I . I I , r<br />

1 aUlii nil,III,fI ;iI. 1 .1,1,., ,<br />

1. • , III .I.1I1 ihiii 1 II , ,<br />

• 1" "I I, 11-1. I. . ,1 „ 1, . , ., ,<br />

I' . Ml' II. 1. I,. I I<br />

I.-11 11.<br />

il I. ,-il-ll. ,;,..„ ,, 1,1,1,,<br />

I-"-' • .11 IH i,,., |. I,, , ,,,<br />

11<br />

I I<br />

i-'^V'' I' ..I. I','<br />

1.. (1 »(.,-,ii.i. ... r,.i ii<br />

'.''•'•Ill l-\l, .,1 , I,..<br />

' mil. Il "I .1 Ih.iI,,., „, „ ,„ I<br />

Il'll- Il h.il.l. , I,. J., I , i,| , f II,, I,<br />

l-l^ I" II.- . ..II, »<br />

' - 'l-l.- I'.l li.. I, ,,<br />

I -I" • •!' 1.1 I-: ...I-, .. 1 ,,,<br />

'I- I .1. r - 1. .1 I.I, . .<br />

- 1 I .<br />

II • , --.ir\ !. • .,! I. ,,: . , . !<br />

I'..I II...<br />

•|" !.'r"« ,1 1, -1 . ,|, , . .<br />

."il .(,...il,l ,. .; 1„. ,. .<br />

ili"'l, I ,1,1, 11 ,, , ,,<br />

"M""llli-| .-III.I li, I, . I II, ,1, ,, I<br />

ill a v, ry ri. Ii «,i| 11, . „<br />

a. laryp, I.IU .i/r j. ,„ 1 , f . ,<br />

••f.iiiil « ill, iKi, I, . ,,„|<br />

•ar.' nii-in- li r.r lii, :„.r!,'. i<br />

ri.,' y.,,1,1;. nil.I I. ,i,|. r !.<br />

•-i rit.- inaKr rv. ..l e,,, „,<br />

wiKi vonii- 111.., ,<br />

•Y lli.-y mipply n i.i.innn. . .1 ;l<br />

tliil Uip iHfi i« v,l...lh 1^,1,<br />

.Any om- win. i. f,.,i,| ,,(• „,„...,,. |<br />

It 1' a mi.iakf to pKnre tho iM.le,<br />

.Mr. y. H. Pritia?, formrrlr a wi- diflrmit licigiil., li,!,,;;<br />

*vill liki- lior.0 ra.iiMi 1. n. .<br />

ilt-ntof SiieltiT counlv. hn^ W n front. !«•«,,i„, all will .irire to got „„<br />

Ilii.« way.<br />

jHiint.Hl lralnina«tfr for tlii> I.ouI.Til!(> Dip hi?I„-,t onh. ami the wr.nkpr one.<br />

KvfT> f.ill r .u 1.1, , -! I ,.<br />

"vJ-l llinningliam. •ire ri-0H.I,,l off ami fre,jii»nllT fall |„<br />

liiii'. f,.r U iiii, r I.., 1' I 1 - li, K<br />

llip ground,oni.T t.. ri'iH-ai llu'<br />

I'tin- V ill . II ,,,. ( , I ',. .<br />

.ir ifnijnrr.!, remain on the eronn.i<br />

A iVw iIaT»,i,ire small pox wa, .li,-<br />

pii-M-r\.-, il. tl 1- , , „,. • '<br />

all niKht. i'l.are all thp p.,!., at iIip<br />

••pv9ml In a fainllv namnl TaT|..r i-e-<br />

-iioul.i U- f..„:„| , , , , • ^^ ,<br />

vwni- rli'vation. ami i.avi-a .i.Tini-iiiP<br />

"idinpat KuUiorford Station," Tipton<br />

niiLlani i... It i. 1., j.. ,,. , ,<br />

ladd.r for i-arh. Jh, „.,t harp I|,P<br />

••onnt}-. '<br />

III<br />

••all,^ >^I>riii;'. :ui,l i- s„ , , , 1, , ,<br />

poip, .•oinl.imti. for tin- la,t t«l,>< will<br />

Hon. Ilonuf ilaynani is pn.niinoni- 'h- ih.- nw^t. or tiip fow l, will think «.<br />

tifr ill 11,at «i'a...r, « |,. „ .|<br />

Iv talkctl<br />

— . . .<br />

r<br />

.<br />

a« niini«f< r t.i<br />

I.i<br />

Turfci-v ,••1 an\ roip.<br />

in.'«tn,ii-^- ., , ,<br />

any kiiowli.Ip. K i, vpit i,.„.ier<br />

thmwn her infant ciiild to tlio Uon^^<br />

whom m-,r..li.ition. f.,r tl,.<br />

ni h. ami prolili.-, ami i. ,|„it,. carlv<br />

airfl alTOof h.avln'frati.wi anothprrhfl.t<br />

aiarpp tni.toflami i„ no,,!,,,<br />

a ^hcll-lH-an. tiiP olii-fa^hionci<br />

to dwtroyet! in the samo manner<br />

low.a liavp I.P,.,, r,.^<br />

( nm!^rry_.-i "pol.--or piiniliins va-<br />

a year ago.<br />

lii^ili. iiu.l ,\i„, I i. an<br />

....•• i II i'.ii I,.,, n .1 ||„ i . . I<br />

-•I I' ".111 I - . \ . I 111, IT, ri.« . .n j.l .<br />

I .1 I • I' -I III I I . I nil il liii ,11 111 11„<br />

I 'II » 1" . ., ,1.1. H lilllll.'l |..<br />

'"•' f 11 I •'". k .1 fill 111 ill l.'\, ,1,<br />

I 1 1,1, I . i l f ,'l,,,l.|, ,| I.. |.,|| U 1,;,|<br />

i " I 11' r 1. n • ill ii''|.i,., Iliu I'll ,„-<br />

> l'i> •'•.. 1..., Ill .1 •» II iiit.j |l„.<br />

' ' • 1 .1 II" ''1 - I IIIK I llu 11 '.111 »i \ |..<br />

• 1 . Il • lu .1 ml' "I ll„. ii,,.., li,.<br />

i l l III- lun , 111 i. ii>l t l l i m<br />

1 il. .' 111. (..LiaiiT ill,,I . 11<br />

I • I >, ,<br />

\ M 111- iif Uiicii...<br />

I • II' I //...,./• I'i,11,,.,,.,<br />

I . , 1 ^ t, , ..1 1 „. A. |,(, .<br />

U . ...Il III ill. \ „il. I ..| I -„,.,.l<br />

'I >• I'' I. HI .1 11 .111 i'lmii 1 iiiin,<br />

I 1 > ' I I' M l..,l.,l|.|» ll.Ul.i. I-..,!<br />

II I. m '. 1 ,1 ' I . I".1,1.. I hi ..i„.<br />

1' .1 i,n I 11...il, I. .|\,' I,,. I, n . I,<br />

' - -- I '.. 1.1 I I.- ..I Ml<br />

II ..11,. 11.. 01,,. Iiiii, r,, ,1.<br />

I'lii '.' 1 II I I'I |.> 11, 1,1 II,.<br />

I'I' I mull., i. I,.,. l.,, ii M p., ki I<br />

' I.' ' l,.". I I. .>. .1 III III II., , ii)<br />

1. Mi 1,1...I I,.,Ill, „,„| |„,..<br />

I 'II r, I 'I II, . I II,. i,i 1,1,,,.<br />

t I . .1 I .. „ U ..I iiii,i |..|<br />

' , 1. I I- '^1 , . III.<br />

I I .i-i . . i . l all.'t ,.| I I,,,,. ,<br />

nil. I I. M 1 l.lll.,ln I, 111,, |.<br />

I I' i.|. I ',.1' 1: li. . .<br />

..-I,'- I ..: u il' 1. i,i,,t . i.il.li.<br />

1 I . . '• ...I .1<br />

> I . ill I ' I 1,. 1,1- Ifill ,| .llllilill<br />

I . -. V, III I'I- ,11111 l-l liii-,nml.,,iii I',.-<br />

I I. , I ..f il.i ( l-ili.-ii,. I.-,.,,. in,-<br />

:•• •','••'.••' I'v'-. iH'ivi • » 111 ,1 1<br />

• ' 1"" I-' II .III ri...i.. I,..,.- „,.,i<br />

1 .1 '1. »i, II,. ramilli-. »i". :ili,-a'l\<br />

I - * ' il ll" \ till. 11.1 ,l,,ii,n a. «,..,i,<br />

'• ' ' ' 'I' "I I" I. .!>,- Ml I'llll,-<br />

I - I 11.^1 .11-. ".Ill,.11, an,I<br />

I I I .. .»-1 ll,. .11-, .-I. .at. r<br />

I I i ll" > " . - -I I', M » kt 11^,.'<br />

V. iii'.ri. . „l .Mniii-null Jarkviii.<br />

I.1' I llii. I" :,ll ,1 ,1 k.,.|i.<br />

. I" kii,-,\ , CI \ u.ii. I..,,<br />

1' I' -11,1 --||.' ».i.ii .liiijiiliir 111 ill<br />

li' "I 1 ]""'r , ,.ii\,-|-»-ili,,;.li«l 11.<br />

" ' - '1. .turn .111,1 liilh.-r .lij ; not \.'r><br />

-,11, "I iiiiiul. paili. iilarlr lo uilk :<br />

, .'I ll, \\,.iil.l n,.I arum- at all. Whili-<br />

1 > |> il ui-.'al viili.'i. I hanlly think<br />

I • v\ il. .,II J.i;.,.„., «iwi c|il loil.i lii. ,Inty<br />

I '1, I tl.aii uiiTl-o'ti Th» ivlij;-<br />

1.5 -i.ii- i.riiij iialuri' « ill !.|niii((. '^"oii<br />

111,I limi it ililll. iili. uii-ept from liis<br />

I • iiv lo iiiaku iiii Inu .-vaiin^ pil-tun'<br />

I I .ill in III. i-aiiip. »o ni:i,-li wrnt on<br />

,| .Mil. ..Iiow ii i.l sili-ii. As an iu-<br />

II... ..f li.iw link- he woiii.i ai jriKi, i<br />

i 11, li.U r .if l.iiiij; Willi liiiii nt Mal-<br />

» I I lill. « I.-11 (.cii. liilin,;. u na<br />

i, ,, ..I \.-.v i;,!'^-1 I ii.l. \i ho "rl-^.'li .'I,<br />

. - I - .-'.-Li " -M KiUfii al I 'Tl Ki-!.. r<br />

1 1..- H In at rroji in ..inn- .^..-lions ..f<br />

• l,!r:in ha. U-. ii hii-ll, .l.iiiiiu;..,! li\<br />

• i'. riiiii;;: I'M ll;.- u tii-al ami «in,illi-<br />

' iiij it.<br />

1.1 -...„,• |«,r!. \ iriiinia th" « i-alli-<br />

. ! .,- Inn v,-r\ ,.>!,! till pa*! u.-rk.<br />

• ! il t'.-ar.-.l ih. iViiii rr>.|, i« .-i111,01.1<br />

, • lil.-l. nitllnl.<br />

\ I i!„- \ i. k-!.iir.- //. .-i/-/<br />

-. l.-"il t.>p:i, Mi-.i-.i|., i Iri.<br />

THEBAETISTr 701<br />

l.a.iU ,laiii.i!ri-.| if i,..t u holly ,l,>Mr\M<br />

'-'i I', ll,, l.ll. I'l...!.,<br />

( n.p I'|K.n. .!,.,« ihiii ,1.1,1, .<br />

» « li.-M 111 I. alifornia Ih.' 1 r,"p. • i.-iiv<br />

I'liN ..r.il.l,. I'.ir a l'.".,! av, r i_n \ i. l.i<br />

111' i. i.iMi- a-, r.ir il- ni-, l\ .Il^u<br />

al«...i I, lit a iiiilli .n Ion. ,.| hi-al 111<br />

.1' 1. . Ih,' liiti'rior.<br />

Tor Two<br />

Generations<br />

Tho tcocxl nntl ftUunrh ohl<br />

Mau(|.bi, MEXICAN MI S-<br />

1 ANU lNIMKNT, hiM dono<br />

nioro to ttwtuago imlu, irllovo<br />

HuirtTiiiK, itnU wvo UtP llvc.Hof<br />

iiivu niu boiuU Umi all oilier<br />

liuliufiitii ) |)ut i»ut toKothcF. Why I<br />

I)(«C«IM(« Ch» I XuttAUff<br />

IrnUw Utrou nh Kkln mill flMh<br />

to tht> very iwiio, drlviiu; out<br />

nil pnlu nnd MiittiiiHt niitl<br />

luortiiil wH>ivtiou'«, autl mtui**<br />

littf tho nllUrtoil tuirt to <strong>so</strong>uutl<br />

ttutl tiuitnlo IioalU).<br />

Kilitorial Noiico.s.<br />

Nrw Ue\ luiHtiui Kvt^rvT^ri)<br />

M> V lu ltiavl> >lrh\cf) Ul<br />

Tiia ^vMiti CAi«luU3 iMxt i^U<br />

M l' U»>*tsr).uf tkuX<br />

gr««Uy >iit|< t v«i| Kiut «»!»»• Um)cr tlof-tfii. 11^4): KUllUlr olalh. |%«r<br />

IJJO. K.m.1 l-y innll, on rfK^oljH nt<br />

of prUH«, AiltlrvtM<br />

TIIK HArilST IUH)K llol hi^<br />

Mrtni^ilK. Tt un<br />

Uoll iV Itoconl Book.<br />

4 IU..\NK U«»«»K. wilh prli.l.>tl .\iUoIe« nf<br />

** Kulth Uiilc>«i»( rtf , »uUjkt>)e fitr<br />

tut '-liuri-hcK i\>|.<strong>so</strong>iirntenta2ul ns«(nl lt»our>i lkx)k cTcr ojtfm]<br />

to rtiuroti«M. C'lvrka who hav« iimh] ibU<br />

l>Ui>k for rf- partlculAX. Tbr Xtlndlug<br />

IS aiirr^rt.!.<br />

rinn vanrUtii of nmrs,at:d t«!U tkU a^ioul .hetr<br />

cii^xxzrm and trc-a^meiit IX U ttrf on<br />

appjwatmn. A ^'onarcH\>3Jp*nj'<br />

ha*-*« Ifir^ d« ml^nl to aJ»»n*»,<br />

and ar* th» moKt ^•xtrnsfT- Rro-wrm of r«#«5<br />

lo thin countrr. Tb^r v*ut1 safety by<br />

//.''mrm tsi BLOOD.<br />

I>b. ttuHnn'ii iMiiR TOM«<br />

,n,irUtr.i til*<br />

»..->.l."l hr llirlQ - ^<br />

t MM<br />

-•<br />

• nf I Puk Htl tl» r^m.<br />

Miudctrtdl|THE DR. liMTIR MQHCilE Ca. lo. 213iHtlliikStrut,St. IJrii.<br />

DYSPEPSIA.! /mm/c.<br />

ttiaetU t<br />


till: nii^tiKiirt I. vHUAUKTri.<br />

(UUKKIMMi.<br />

STKl.NWAY<br />

& KNAHb<br />

PIANOS.<br />

.MASOX ^ UABIUN,<br />

Hl'llUCTT A<br />

SEW K.NULAM)<br />

OIKJ ANS.<br />

».TT.»,.I4N»RH««,.I R I B M 4 I * M T R K K T .<br />

Till: N O V R % » U : V U K U F I I. U R T U I : NUT,.<br />

iitsrut 3»<br />

».»11, |M.<br />

Vi'r, 1,.,. K iKiitinkl r«|>uuil>ui tur |.r«iiit.i<br />

.,..1 Ut>rr,l .t.«llii||. Mllvl U, KIV.<br />

m.«r.. Ibaii nrtj ll»i«Mua rnw * yw<br />

11, i-n-tiiiuiu. lo ihoir ru.tiiiaAiv<br />

Order Departmont.<br />

JAN. BAIIArrT. ordar^rurk.<br />

The Lung and Body Brnco.<br />

THE BKA«-B BT HAIU-Ta •n«l>!( ci<br />

I,1 .enil Ui« bj mail, w» h«T*ti»d »<br />

.l.«rrlpuv* clrcttUr pnnt»l, flTUtf fuU<br />

dir»i3Uoa» ftir pouibg no uid vaarlnx; al*o<br />

till* ui pnt iHccttior. M bjiT* te tak* U<br />

wbsn Mni by suttl tn kvqU Vrvaktat<br />

By tbli tn wu, tlwM «be UT« m a dlMuM<br />

finin ao Kxprwi Offlt«. cu bar* tiiMn Mat<br />

to ttietr IVMtnffliM. A eiroQlar wiu tM ant<br />

to anyone wDdlOf tu poatal raid.<br />


OK Tltti<br />


(I1.SI--IIIII. i.niTio.s<br />

Tbr tilkira la III. .inl> aultmita.Kl r.lithiii<br />

lU il.c IWvlacI New T.'«tai«t.ul, Ui» of<br />

Dr. W. ('. «-M%iiaklt,<br />

lb. t^ntaitiary i-t.mn,tita«. iutiui-m.^ ul<br />

Momi'tiK Ti'tiii., wrilr* r Fur VMk dl( »Unii, '<br />

ointucnt EnKUab and Aiuanaan M-I.I>I«,V<br />

»l>iwi"iu>*! eTiwWffijr<br />

bla llavUl.ill, MtiUb , bigu<br />

I.I.Ms'. Ui.ius.l ICiuwt of Bref una Tottli.ii. auid liy nil OrunUui. U W<br />

l,i.mi .t Hi.. Acuiitx, Uamplil*, Taiiu.<br />

MTVLIM 4I\D PltlClIA.<br />

,Nau|iari»i. s::uin i<br />

T^OTH UTI,|,<br />

I'rauel, k.il•runM^ (in adcm<br />

illn>Ti«t, iiiino I<br />

I lalb 1.1 mi', l-rd vduiw<br />

l'-r»nrt, M.'n.« i<br />

Ihtatxla. ti«l adsra .<br />

VanML'.an UiH-^vrw. yiii , m<br />

. I'lca, I «vo i<br />

O.itb. UoTallad lk-ian:t, tnd aitcna : „<br />

Taikey Uororpa. baarda : i«<br />

ll'Ica, UoyaJ Iro l<br />

Ootb, [}«T-(.lli,d lliiarda. rwl Miyr', 4 ne<br />

Torkay Hanwiu ic in<br />

TJia flrat adJURn »lll ba n,aM«kBM Joly, IMB. and Bn« tt |<br />

all ll Uracwmai.nJail M tw. To raa It t« In- i<br />

Uk'U. ubnv^ VMM ma.bla, *a« artiy lainUler ahooM (iraoar* I<br />

• . , • I- • ., i . .1 i.y h'* .-, -u i'l 11- •' NMrt^H. U%rrtNT IXMIU IIOV!«r.. • oO ti»n»a." ;<br />

•111 1 . i I 1 .. 11 cnlfr. 1 |r I-. I ill. .] cr b^H-^JUU fuxs^u SIeia|»tiU. Teaci.<br />

th« TMtlinoa^ wr a l*lkysi.Aaa<br />

•net rrvarbpr.<br />

'|..LH>,III,.-I Ih,. PIIPIIIV T,.M.INL<br />

nn-> 'iRAiraa--Tfc« Brae. I bmght ot<br />

• l..".v ho 1. -.1 not 111,- Ciriiiti, , ami<br />

->u iiM mr m.-iaiaarcnlscrti-^a.<br />

na M; Sart r.cMdy tor UTtaU<br />

, .1 . 1., ,-:ll-|-, . .Ill I in-"I.l. r .ilniiri^.-<br />

ria»l llcnaitrni Ro^rm.<br />

II..n^ Afl,%r «MbrlBc li n«ar;y fvart^r,. I<br />

aad H*V FCVEK. It taM aa^tr a<br />

*>• ',.> aav ui.l !t h*M ct In,-<br />

paaiiiwtaanialec. PnrarMptr<br />

i.HI).I 'iI .lal. IIK nl. a» I II.",IE1U HprtuR has ni;alu, aticl w UI t** MII )ovvr*<br />

lo rai. I wcnW no» talia<br />

fadiafc. >«iiiiJ«par1U(ruidtea-<br />

1 . !l\ kii. w \»lio 111' wa-i. .lai-k'-in «i/ ti->w»nt ar«< making up lh«tr l}«t.« of<br />

ilul.ui tor raina rouM 1 aai ^t<br />

IhiHmlab. fr*-.,. Jidirm<br />

I •! l.iiii « ilh. lit any n-]>ly miiil ih.<br />

and iW.rv rarftinaiaa-T!t<br />

anil * in«« AiiJ oihrr j^-ity tbin^ to two<br />

UXB E U m m Ckoe. CMn^<br />

u> .ii pclitlc Tuata L.-tily,<br />

«t xi. 4 ~<br />

1, !,.'i! Ill- ..-li.i ; '(i.-n.-ral. yon h.-ivi- In tlir ^TT>UDa. ve wU:.. to speak a vnrU fat<br />

C. MWAWTR, M. n,<br />

1 , .-nli-r". 'i'hat is all I iiai. t.- Hc^ulPQl Ilo^Hn i*i?nvi aa many otb^r<br />

I^isinr UoDUoallu napUatationli.<br />

Mootloaila. ria,, Oct. U, ittt.<br />

>1' ',;i il. "ir!' .\i..! h.' wonl.l i-ay<br />

bcl Jcn*T fbrt^at to {vlanl a bet) of<br />

Taatlmanjr at m INDUSTRIAL IRON WORKS.<br />

rhftcf llTftrblcKimlu^ lUf*. '•xoe^.i I amT» -wnra iha Lqbs aod Borty Rn«* aent<br />

a'l cihcT T««-cr« lo l»r»ui.r ami tr.4jr»nc«». and oia .laca tha litta af Jnir, tSTT, aixl delay*.]<br />

vnuaK yen caul 1 ba» »tr»n«theninc ot the mtlra Bn-vnu<br />

Maaurat-mrTT. -4 aU l.in.i» -1<br />

to nt** t'uiiure.- I wMUhrd by lbf» Dlngiw A •ntcm. I can chwfnlly rmtciincaa tt tc<br />

l\inan! Vomjtany. U j^*- Orowf^fn, Charter all tboae «bo ara KBScrinc ax I arna.<br />

IE.» AN", ntv-i.l tJLSTl>.,>. 14.\. inv6<br />

1*A. !t flnrlr i!la*traJ«-d. df^crlbra ovrr<br />

J. WltTAKTURlGHT.<br />

UT<br />

PalcKtine. Amianua OolTrxaa IVot. Ik. T)<br />

Xlu Xi* 1,KW<br />

M A C H I N E R A P A I R I N Q prompt!, atlBn-<br />

ded to. at re-'<strong>so</strong>nafale pricc5,-<br />

.V05.1. s..% ami 7. n:ovr ^^^.•l;^:T<br />

Mi..Ml'm« i I \M>-::i

7oa T HK BAP T' i BT.<br />

Good Books. I d a P R A T T COTTOX GIXS<br />

. r at PocUcaJ Uliutn*<br />

tJaaa. Dr B«>r. Eton lCo«i«r. E m U n ^<br />

t»» bBnyelccBon<strong>so</strong>u >11 aaUeeu aa Uunu^UoB uul biinc tr«m to CtirUL<br />

bu^aoM la ii4sliiisnUT« anrmbUM. iT<br />

av^.t^BlM.<br />

nxUMLXAttK ASD BJlKlaUl UFE.<br />

B; J. M. U. Ciit«a. This Book •I'uuU lateitst<br />

etery pen»a. aa the rmllns mix will rwuli<br />

in (R»a to Uif mvri«t and lae «lasli>, ap«oljUly<br />

U>« Uatsr. UoUi. SBi lages. llS.<br />

TMAuisa or c m u m s s . By a<br />

Jnn«», Jr. Ervrj parent •boaW ay all mean*<br />

trr^m una tnu aau read it t»rBrttUy. In<br />

eitiuj, 73 pacm, SB ««.<br />

CUILOMUt rAIX£l> TO JtJiX H. A<br />

•aaaaJ arTkroloKr. By J. U IMci. A<br />

vajnablft wnrk wbleb ao ttUul!^t«:r kbuaU be<br />

wltbuut. (I.Jil.<br />


MempbLi. Tenn.<br />

P*rice Xleduced!<br />

Biugiupliical Skcti'kes<br />


Baptist Ministers.<br />

B T J O S E P U U . UORL:tI.<br />

•rnUM boax ttiatalna tb» bingrapliln rl<br />

A abautthrra tmnaml BUtbmriabnren In<br />

ttw vtn«y«Rl nt u>« Maatn-, Munanrwltom<br />

»«»• BOOB lu tlM •> natt tluu ratnameth to the<br />

r ^ l a ol Uod," wbllB inany ranro art. •tin<br />

w^tlo* anil watrhinit an th« walla of Zbm.<br />

T»la h««jk WIU nrj>»« .d Inlenae IblereM lu tli«<br />

brt.Ui.i^Kl and partlenlarty<br />

tn UiK (rtonda aad kindiwd nf tlia cnat tad<br />

Kinml man wbdae Urn am chronelMl tn lia<br />

IMOaa. It will Btn a elear lnal(iit Into (be<br />

eliaracter ami mrkaaf imr mtniaur In Una<br />

t uraraanwvalta, frimi lbs Umii of tba nobti*<br />

an. Mr«enapa« pnme.r |.«»u.h.ni do<br />

Ut U» p.iHwnt day. It euulAUia »w<br />

F E E D E R S A S a COXOESSERS. " '<br />


Vk call yoar »p«ui alieation to these «Jebra:al<br />


offtr Uie best UlBalns Maeiilnsry mid*.<br />

TUo KcTalvtsc Head Uia<br />

claaiw th'-fVcd perfccily. holdntb- Roll •::bn.k<br />

Cica, rralrn nad Candensera<br />

Xtii« VRATT tiv CO- illanalm:iHrer«.<br />

— Mf»n|ihl«.Tfna.<br />

Va 1 ual>le JJo^>k£j^Pai>er Covei<br />

——^^^ TllK mi-lIsT Kii-JK lli>r.->itr:4. ix: . n r* ^ ,<br />

,,, _ ••barcU.at«i»|r.;»<br />

Uf.fit Hu- «»f fht- - .r<br />

<strong>so</strong>vcB oa titmrxM. or x a t t h c w MI. Per»«»w«ar, ar Ui« .Salni^ .X Uealrlrird rumiiinnlon. " Uy II, v tr..' Pif'tirf w.il .'» . ' V<br />

Ers.il.vruiiamvu.l.. T h u t i t " " ? * ; Cy A C l>ajt a m »tanaaril •tn rnnr* .le-<br />

T i; .^v aiicoiWon ..n Ue>t.-ictrt<br />

nnmtnntInMM( afc t» i. k uFfn ai<br />

cenlly l,«.n pablUlicd. l>clois ri.ond In<br />

f^iii! t»y Ii: • i-i.fjMHjj, r I T. ""<br />

nn^nntlo^ " ^^ »ir>.an!T<br />

.ni!j3ulun oj pnicfc<br />

nian~ many I Mn.l nnd wiu..! WIXMI ••niimvlnc'. i J'rScr . V .5t><br />

^BLE jC,0MMENTAT0R<br />

K<br />

kM.<br />

a. liJluiarwA.* i CtircMU<br />

Akiiaxiiie<br />

»«««<br />

I M a ^ rtaaaa Hits an<br />

Waaniagto^-, JIT J. a(<br />

•>'r«m Jm'j.irvmnt of J/rxlic,,, i anniljor In Ul;r»ri l.lo. .V'ii lno i<br />

Dr. Ab. MmruIe(IaIeriA>nd«!ii whomi%k>« allien, cloia back. Hi.ou.<br />

« i"p. r^ty or Epllejwey. I.M witJioui donoi I Ii-ii« oa,«iic.-. , ,<br />

tn-«i«l and e-ir«l more cajiCTttian any o t h e r y a . a t i o n a. uji.<br />

tlvlnif phT»le|.ii. Hu ^ro-esa liaa .imply ' » "l*. I-and 11., l acb. cLa.<br />

b^enj«lonl.hIn«: w. UaT.I.eardof ciieaofl Mt-Ub Dti.«L r-, . - „<br />

lilni. ue bait pnbllnhrd aTaluVdu WUlk on «»eli.3cis.<br />

lil.dl»-ai«iwhu-hba»eml»wllbaInri»Lut ITliMii Catecham la lu.rtr-o .Mr, * •<br />

tin of hia wonderful enre fr» to *ny anfferer a, i Mr" A l<br />

We iidvt.*. any on.'wtsbICK aaiire u> addrew : l^ner Caleeblwu o-a Biblo l>»clrlii» (Ur j<br />

l>r. AU. Mta^ERf .LE, No. 8fi Jotin 81., .New ! P. li.yce) p..r Ooten, TO eh».<br />

" " " " U.<br />

per dozen, 60 eta.<br />


VANOUZCN 4 Tin, Ci.ciaa.ti. O. iJ^D.Wrla.<br />

Uzll«xtUa Ollld'.Qiieat'on !lo.ik. l^iru, (ij. Manlr<br />

— Jr-lpfrdoiea, IIJO.<br />

SIW LID IIPMVEB STVIB TBIS Sl.iSO\ ' «o"k.i-artu.,(ii.<br />

If A V O V<br />

iUAiSVll<br />

,UKHT15THKWuHU>:wlainer.<br />

ol htkbeai dUtloeUon at<br />

- grrtU tuarWt/iHr Ma lor nrr Ihtr-<br />

P^'i w<br />

vr k • • .. I'l'UiTt^r inoArt^r mn^l KQ^t upward i t.VtA- Vt*. i — ^ " '<br />

'IniniHtt frvn. ti A I Anv nf t>ir. I*letn .\d-<br />

Vlc r.,r n,i;u r«ta». r.e!:ii a tVllecuon<br />

of serm-.ns on Sunday and<br />

Th .••naltit (.vriili.c. at Ui.- .\!,-trop<br />

a.:drc!>>£j U> Ibe Rtadi-ati ot !j-a<br />

r:;.«tor*. to;:,.tt:er wl'Jh a llyl of<br />

Sj-ttrfc'^ujii Kcccsitrlc<br />

rn*fvt»b«T% filfct* ft ctimjilfie U«1 ot hU<br />

of Kpinr^on'H Sirrtaoo* pabllnJiCKi tn<br />

Ihl* c«»unlry. \rtJU t!je ScTlptr.rf text*<br />

I v.»;, l2ino |<br />

Tliv Malciilt^w My^'tcry loitl otlit-y i^r-<br />

. M-iih nf lV'rlj»tcrr Text*,<br />

feuNjecte to the 11 o.' iiif Am lid I ^<br />

bot.t, po«t-(Miiil.ou rcftflpl uf prlco. Adiln^^-v<br />

nAPTisT nooii iicirai:. in* mr»bi«, T«Ba.<br />


CTer^re^a llytnna. (Word.* only). A<br />

collection of l.*»0 of the brat on.l sweeu*l ol<br />

oar •• old Ume " bym.a. Tlils book ba. bt«n<br />

compiled to meet a want lotij teu In our<br />

country ehurcbea, and the prayer aud Mictal<br />

njceHn(.i jf lli« cSinrch.>i n cl'.l.a and town.,<br />

tat a »mall and cheap Hymn Eoo2 cctxuin-<br />

Irc tbe brjit approved and mo»t popular<br />

byiuna, both old and new. Price, '.n paper<br />

covca, ISc. pe Ga.t^t Itymn and Tnae Rook.<br />

lly I-owry 4 lv>ane, A elmlee coUectlon ol<br />

llynttil aad Mu«c. old and Devr, f,.r use Ir;<br />

prayoaw^etlDC, family circle at-d rhutct<br />

Si rvlce. II eonvilns lii Hymn. f»ii>i:iar tt.<br />

all Oirlttlams and w) th.^niujUty classdOed<br />

tb.t Uia puslor or leader will b* able to<br />

cetve aImo« at a tlanre tb« ctCTter of b; mn»<br />

frnul which to mate bt. In band,<br />

•oma cloth blcdln* and black nt-vmp. red<br />

eds^Mi, pru*e 50 ct* tx-r copy, in all tjaantltt*.*<br />

Klv.* cenui rxtra wi,cn ordpre.1 by m^ll<br />

Address ail*Tlxr DWIK IHU *!:.<br />

Stemfihla. Tenn.<br />

D. W. ilUUUES,<br />

Dealer IB<br />


Jewelry, SIlTcr .«id Plated i<br />

Ware. I<br />

\ .iiloral rat.lu>.iis{i\e.<br />

Phlla-SelphM, l"*. xl!l H t!v ji<br />

t an viuver. rr.akc frpm J.t! lo per we.-*<br />

« lUnrf et»Kl» f.-r RIur.Ot'T tXk.. 1!.<br />

Carcliij Street. New Tort. Sieiid ^>r eat*l.T«a<br />

i:ii II li<br />

ftor etir IX>\r.rKirCO U>t ffiudM I<br />

IfTw eti ar ^Ucaacal aaiS Use sartter erf<br />

RARE PLANTS "f^^Sii<br />

Oar Qrr^n'hvcmn frrrrcrtg- C »cr=i in CZua:} I<br />

|af» tbe Ur^l? IB {<br />

I Peter Hender<strong>so</strong>n & Co,]<br />

35 Corttandt St, KiarYcrk.<br />

t^AV^r^r (iOLDEN DAWN,<br />

ttr l^:uHT «m ih** CJr^at !'» ih:» l^if^<br />

ittron^h t^r* l»7»rta Vailrv an-i in ifce<br />

A 510XTII<br />

i for Apronts<br />

E<br />

Kifpuaiover<br />

igJLlHlttXTtlX, fV-U-* QMl iVr*<br />

f«-*• Aj^rrpi*<br />

fr>rtT»«t »»f HJwJ tfio<br />

chMrr' Ht^rator* for mt%<br />

A'HSrt** W A LO..<br />

M3 Arch r.rvfct n.UmsicIphlx T*.<br />

xUl r?<br />

T. to GwEkMs? RiiiU tj sail SLiO. :•«<br />

" li or Oeraaiavaa. or 7 ofS<br />

p . r D > i l . HvtiaQ. D.uaent f>ee..5<br />

••n itA ilTr.«.vrjcl> hr (!u><br />

bt^wt "r^^M^ax .rer vAtrv^<br />

fr. At*»U Mfet<br />

>u VI K^-^r-^rifgi*<br />

tt S M^sa-t m<br />

Tl,* ei,.rt:>-«iab'» eoo. atretna. 1 Vl4-. purr.*.<br />

|! OwinMt.<br />

X1U» rs -m.<br />

I Aim'**""<br />

Pram nmtretad,<br />

anamania<br />

tan. t. u w " , *<br />

evw ^liJ. Hiaj t* Ifcyr ts ffwa<br />

tew<br />

; A.C.Prcna Co.UPa(k f>tac*.N««Vr%e<br />

• xili. »II mtm

704.<br />

JBihnm. JBM*haltr. Q W UraolwriT<br />

T f i E<br />

Baptist Book House,<br />

t i r m n x . Xj>lutS> « PropiL.<br />

2-lT « e r s n d S t . I f f c n i p l i U , T e n n .<br />

Thl» ittira- fr»lx>«n onpiaiwd ftar th* put-<br />

imrsDerEr »ial mt pubUrJim' ptlcm.<br />

A f w r o u * : c a C K C I I . Uy WJE-Paxlon.<br />

j c j ^aity of S plaoi ta tio fessd* of tll«<br />

rmiajf. it n i u aimid very proOUbla u<br />

(•WCT Husrta. ai eltuT. fljib.<br />

o e s o s u r A T i M .11.<br />

„ " t J B - W I I A T I S r r ?<br />

B t J U UmTcs. In tti» Wtir» Uurauiiuu' Uis<br />

iVripjuail acd iu».<br />

Uiia-ai »aU!t.rtty.3a lie iikl I.ajulmaiJO of<br />

Urn »iM»iaHe !Uja mirutave rhiiniJw», anil<br />

ri»by<br />

attmM t&> Uiiouia CaUinJic cAnrelt Co l:« a<br />

traa eitarcit of iair!»t. ami UuU User ajr. ii«r-<br />

•UaaaaUariilMualtni; ami imvlns x-nuatni<br />

tnaumad brra nxrammnnlmnlhr it, hava<br />

tiariattttDtspUx»«rtopn«eli. i/tlifyiKiT<br />

-M.^'nium amr a-vxut liiirtrowii havij^l<br />

• inn-all ( k d r o n U n a n c n caniB Uraai Hnni«<br />

N^iUr ArfJillTr;^<br />

Wiraua of BpT«t»{S«iji4 Uirn ITrHHatant<br />

K J f i ^ m , tme ai.d •!!. ar« h»r " bSrinr"<br />

.I ^mmBni^n. and L» rUii» In Ijiaumntl n u R v r<br />

w ® hapltanu of<br />

• atlMiU, U,,. iu.tt-*la»i„a«n«« and S S<br />

«:unpi«uilf«, OD» BOil alt. tame from Hatrtlat<br />

e-iaielM. aixi U ilu. Uapuimia oif B a p u m J ar.<br />

n..l tttttepuaal. w>lt of EanUat hisinry. TliU work U<br />

» valeabie coutrl&aUua ta B^ IHrratans.<br />

h-sln* a eulU-clhm of lu«-:orfcal wi:h<br />

w f i uf cuatanu a i d ald-utiUa.<br />

T U e u ^ J M I A E S a E n - : o r T e n Daya'<br />

TraT«l l a itrarcb ar I t e C b o r t t a - ^ T<br />

A. C. Uayton. v ^ . I I , po. «I. '<br />

_ . Fritx. In eioui, si.ja.<br />

B a p l l a t a i a t o r r . By J M Cramp, D D. A<br />

u;;.. Ut,tonr tnim t:i» foundaUoji of the<br />

U:rt iilan chiireXi u. titt cl'awof Ui»»>lihteeiitli<br />

eauittry Pi icw<br />

T h r anpUata. By T G Jonea, D D.<br />

a muipSeu. hliLury «< Ui*!r ur.c:m, ThLi la a freah. vulnabla a n i<br />

J.r«j.ly intefi,t!nj w.jrk on a m < « Im-<br />

(v rtaiit tabjrvi. Every p,T»on who deairr*<br />

i s i o t i ^ i o n either aa a teacher orato.leute<br />

(ioald kaTo una b.wk. iTlca lo cloth, tLM.<br />

r o u i a i C A i .<br />

T H E r : B . k T E S . I > I T Z L E K D E B A T E .<br />

Xhla la tile ableat and moat IramnI dl^euit-<br />

•lim nt thvatte. K o inch valaabie Uxik oa<br />

the drs'tmlnational dlin>rau««a between<br />

Baptlata and MethodUU haa a v r twoo pre-<br />

aentpil to tli« American pnhtte. IIM tmt--<br />

Priated on Caa p«pw. Prhv. ta eioth. f u L<br />

a popular demand tbeaboTa book<br />

Will be divided let* atx Toiamai. Uitw: Im-<br />

sirrakia, k m ; liitant BapUam, U M : CUarefa<br />

Sriianrli BapUattt, W eta.; Floal F r a a a m<br />

T » a S a y E a e a a I>«lMt*-Ou rampball.<br />

Prlca. K M<br />

B « p U a i B . Thla U ona of Uia<br />

ablan s^jrka oa U m auhjeet axtant No<br />

mlalatar can well aObrd to t>«<br />

o«t««. of e»er MD pa,em. PrleTltoi.<br />

c x r o j i r n « . a t><br />

g r r i t i V y i : l i - s i j i ' s i . d ^ ^<br />

t'rtc*. In aiota. II j a<br />

fVUat a a a raiaBlM-lllta I m .<br />

A.C.t«ayti«i. rfii. la a r ^ , ! ^<br />

nt the ar0ua..>nta of IWii, Waller.<br />

W »TUna.\jra«d« and o t h . ^ ' ^ A 'vijSible<br />

eloth, JW patprn, metrn.<br />

K e y ta (°aa»^l||aM>. By I» M I U t i<br />

valital»l» witfK all wtjo i o M Ui mfder<br />

»t«iid UmipbeiUaM. - l ^ i ^ ^ U M<br />

O e u o m l a a t l ^ W a r k a l . rnp*.<br />

d o < - t u . \ a i . A . 1 0 E X E u m C A I .<br />

r«llrr>a W a r k a . In thnw arc* octavo<br />

w«jrk » » m ! a almoat a et>nipi,,|F ly^teni ol<br />

M«e»a.«y. an.1 la «lual.te beyoad ^ m a b<br />

I n a a y mmlatar-kUlmry. rteWiBia<br />

€ M B t j i T u s i r A K A n o x t s n . B* iw M<br />

M . n a w i . ^ ThI. la a i , « k<br />

» the mcmt, «« »fco,„ a r J ^ A d a k S<br />

» m i iti* aeent 'itti Mnti>th:al M e n u M t^iT<br />

tali^l wtiiiiB 1,5 Tw. ^ i Z l ^ ' ^ S i<br />

w h op la U« Into. «Ed, with a K ^ u S<br />

kw.»ti to v e n ikw wttl»f«. l»atifnlu»<br />

hMDonlaliHitlwttt v'>y<br />

l ^ i w IB rktit. f IJli<br />

noxtAxisn.<br />

M L I ' L t S E V A L : or I h e Aria of Bo-<br />

m a n i a u i . By Mrs. A. C. urarnn. In tin.<br />

In iMrliijt^l 111., a r u aad wIIm of the<br />

Knaun Caliinj.c ciia.'cli in u.ou.'dliiis and<br />

miniUof ihe rising senen:t;on.<br />

I'rlco. In cloth, S^iM.<br />

.Til*^ W O M A . " « t a U I M . E A.\Di«l-AB.<br />

1.CT: O K . T H E n o W S T A E E O F t 1-<br />

TlIt>(.U'I.S9. I.y S!I« "I; th!.<br />

Ux.k by a m»i.terly baud, the curtain U<br />

lllle.1. iiud the aiitoid mi»»rll.ii« of 11,^<br />

pi 'mliimt r!i.lr^rten>tirs of tha Xloinau<br />

hlimt.-Iry. i;; Jo.<br />

D e r d a « f U a r h n n . * 01«rIoi>e«l—Iti tativc<br />

- -VurloiliT .;!-wtl.in. and ILs'rela'iloiis'io<br />

SiUtrdotal ccUbacj. onvenl*. lUon.jtorleH<br />

n>cr.dlty. and riTll and ri-lifloua Uber.y Bv<br />

Kev J U White. Z'Jlj'p. ITIci-. Jl A<br />

l l T j f j l BOOKIE.<br />

Uyoin andTtine Boot la every famllv<br />

aa rho)ce«.lecUon of the very b i t o f l y i ^<br />

that teiurh wmnd doctrine, and a lolection^<br />

U.e a w e ^ e ^ U-votloualJjivlval a n d ^ i n d a ? :<br />

acl.c. 1 !Ip. and ona for cuch child. ThliUdo-<br />

^ n e d to ^ c lA. piaco of the oid iimlhern<br />

lawied twenty via-Ti a«o. Examine<br />

It be«ir» yon porcb^tae. ^ " a j o i n e<br />

l^lca, J1.00 t-ach, by mall<br />

T I i e M K W U A m w T I I T a x B O O K<br />

wrlthoat nnalr.-s5cia. b o o h ,<br />

• o n t l i r m Pa.->liulal. .\ uew imnr.,,.-..!<br />

and r e v a ^ ^It.on. In wblrh t ' l l2 h<br />

type, and aleo many k^v aad Uvorlte<br />

hymna. taklne Ihe place of other* w M - h<br />

were wanting la ni.>ri:. The arranaemeni<br />

w S h y T i r ' " '<br />

Plain roan. ,, _<br />

Morocco, gut I H L Z Z <br />

- ^ ' i * ? ® - Ijm!<br />

the Toons. By Chaa Foatar. 1% haa been th*<br />

endeavor of the author. In preparing thla<br />

work, tuuse such simple laacnaceand jonaa<br />

of ezpre-kiou iwhii* aot aodlgnlSed nor<br />

diapleaaing lo ni- re caitnrcd niiada) thai] b«<br />

li.tFlIl(Ii>le. to ccitdren and onedacaled<br />

adaiu, «ItCout fanhto- explanation<br />

Price, taoo<br />

C I T T o r r O F ByKlaaliiaie<br />

C. Unaghorty. ThU litUe book portraya Uia<br />

attranloua of the Celeatlal tnty ; the way to<br />

it; tlie toid of th* journey, elc. A dril,:hiful<br />

chlid'tbink. Iq cloth. W pa^es, ai cu.<br />

B I M E L L A S E O r M .<br />


" T . By theuexcr Temple. Tlila boi^k<br />

fumlahe:^ a abort and sharply pointed trea-<br />

tise on Bome text of Scripture lor every day<br />

In the year. Tbcra ixe Ihrt-e hundred and<br />

slxty-Ilve alrart aermoaa la ii. To a minister<br />

who aeoJaaugzeKtloua^cd analytical help,<br />

this work U £ m o a t IndUpeaalble. It aiay<br />

alw be ot great vaina la the daliy readtaa<br />

of the Christian: tt may bt-coma hla tieasu-<br />

xy. Price t l » .<br />

T H E ( ' B C B c a B E C O K D - B O O K ta a<br />

b U a k book with printed Artlclei of Faith.<br />

Kule* of I>ecomta, etc.. aallabla fur Baptlat<br />

ch archer. CVjpioua ludez tor aamea of mcm-<br />

bcw. Fine heavy paper, accurmtciy raled,<br />

and u the moat coavenleat and asefoi<br />

Kecord-B.jok aver oOured to the charchea.<br />

• lorka w t o have u n d ttla B M k tor recording<br />

Uie :uinatM and btulnei,* ItmaucUous ^<br />

thair chorchaii prunouca Uiem perfcci in<br />

evary porUcalar. Tha blodlag Umperb.<br />

Prlcc. ».oo.<br />

T h a D a a e r of Doatb. By WlUl-un lUr-<br />

injui- A bosk ihat U uniqne. In plain<br />

forelt>le. and elegant lanfuajre. It aaplct« the<br />

eViiauf the luoderu dance. Im publlcaU"Q<br />

C ruduced •luitr a aansation. It b> c u m u e n d ^ l<br />

>• ine prtto, and by leading inluUttalnali.3ni« evary where. Price. l U i<br />

O S B O U X E ^ L E I T I - B E S . Sutu^ru :<br />

Miwlon of the Young Men of the !fc)uth : The<br />

^'phei* and Miwlon ol W o m a n ; The Uenlus<br />

"f MiUioary. ill Jjagca, 3u eta.<br />

T h e Paatvr. By Rev 11 ll.rvcj . B D A<br />

I w k ev»0' liaptut preacher, who o.'nirtj. to<br />

t n o w how lu lr<br />

should have. It u ciieap rvtn" ara5rBuh nilile -<br />

Pabllihed by tlie l oodon Tract ijoclely rbi«<br />

U tlie hifl ,11.1 i». Ihble n u j y yet puoliUi.-d<br />

lt» are brief ana lull enough. wittjoiU<br />

being ranilH:nii)m,- U U rccuiumruUe.1 l,y<br />

all le idlus u;lnl.-4» !•». .\ .> lib. .irj- m .-..iiipl -u,<br />

W"*^""' " ITI.T, 111 fcbr.-, . {.lUO<br />

BibllriU I h i n g a .Hot U r t t e m i l v<br />

K i i o n n . .\ .-otiipilatloii of ll^euarlul ililu;^<br />

dlr-Kwy toa right unii,-r»iiiudiiji; of ,he Bible<br />

and which have never bef-ru been put btlurJ<br />

the pahllo la toch cunvculeat uu clirap<br />

Price. II. Ja<br />

I ' r a n o n n r i n g Bibia D i c l l v a a r r . wi<br />

ViDtfftt^ Voncon*—«e. Y h e in-<br />

Js paeaentcd In a c»>mpact f o r m - ! ; ' , ; - '<br />

n.""^j t"B«her with fUur t h o a m n d T J ^<br />

tlona aad aaawera on U.e Old and S e w<br />

Utmenia, with a larger m a u of ScTiot.-Sl<br />

n ^ a . a t l o a for litbSTeachrr»Vnd?tudeI^i<br />

than ever N>uBd In one roiumr<br />

c l ^ , tljo. Till, 1, nut a'SSTt or<br />

motu.<br />

— . .. M IXIOK<br />

I pri-iuiraUon i.l «t.r-<br />

Ijige •Ize. moroS^vgiTCpaTpIt ed"..Z ijo<br />

T B f c U T T U : H K B A P n U tha Bone.<br />

Book yen want kir yonr ^andiS-achoot<br />

h j i ^ n «lraltlyl t ^ , tl.la £ 1 5 to^<br />

i«e»nj/ our nrertnt m>gt that hax a v i r b ^<br />

too .WMt to i n . n u « a . " p r l « b y ^ ss^Jl!<br />

tliriatlan B a r v o u y . Contalni.,.<br />

and Anihem»rrom the l 5 « an<br />

tlwm In Koropeand America. t«,eih«wTih<br />

a lame trnmberof .v,w T u n ^ ^<br />

c.ta|«wta never be|,« pufciiai,^. . j n E J ^ f " '<br />

a giMt variety of M. tre» •tiltc.l;<br />

ta. Metrea containe.1 la the »art.«a livn<br />

an.1 l-Mlm Book* u«hI by Uie<br />

n.«n!natM.na. lie«igu„d a l i for tha aJ^^i<br />

Waging ^ h o o ! ^ tiSdSi K^tal l a d<br />

Pr!.-e »1AI. K«lnctl.H» whar. one «<br />

more ara ordeind at on. U. E. M E I . V I N , I.OXGTI'VVN, rAXliI.A<br />

(X)l NTV, Sll.ss. !<br />

It bccoiiieth u. to fuiail all rlsbteoa»n.-.-- ]<br />

Matt. 111. 15. I<br />

R IGIITEOL^XESS is w h a l m a n I m I b y t h e fail<br />

of the first A d a o i ; righteoasnp^ss Is wluit is<br />

rtstored to h i m l>y t h o o b c d i p a c e of Chri.st, iht-<br />

s w o n d A d a m . T h e p r o p h e t Isaiah, in vision of<br />

Christ, » n d vit w i n g t h f future M t h f pa^l, d w l a r ^ l<br />

of h i m : " T h o Lfinl is wn'J plesnoU for hi.s right-<br />

i-ousnisi' sako, h o h a t h magnlSieU Lilo l a w a u d<br />

m:idt> it h u u u r a b l e . "<br />

" T h e r e w a s a m a n seal f r o m U o d iuise nuiiio<br />

w a s Jol'ii," w h o d e c l a r n i o o n c e r n i n s the designs<br />

of his luiasioiw, " Ihat h o [Jtsu."] s h o u l d be m a d e<br />

uianife^it to Israel, therefore a m I c o m c b a p t i t i n g . "<br />

" J o h n d i d Uiplizi- in the w U d e r n & s , a n d prtiich<br />

tiio b a p t i s m of n p e n t a u c c for t h t remissloi. of<br />

!>iti.s." Ju(iu.-i deuiandtHl b a p t l - m , a u d lUvUretl<br />

thai in rceaiviug it lliey ( J o h n the a d u u n i s t n i i o r<br />

a n d h e the rti-elver) " fuliiikd all ri-!itet.usntj«s ; "<br />

a n d w h e n t h e act w a s c u n s i ^ m m a t e d , i h o eternal<br />

F u t u e r set u p o n it hia seal of a p p r o b a t i o n , in t h e<br />

voice f r o m t h e excellent glory, l a a l m o s t t h e w r y<br />

l a n g u a g e o f t h o p r o p h e t , " T h i s fa n i y S o n the be-<br />

— " - ' a m w e l l pltased,*'<br />

I aopoaiplislied b y lh»- lifis, a n d d e a l h , i^iid burial,<br />

I aail resarreetion, of a n d oouid not, thefi-<br />

fore, be thus fulfilU«J b y a n y oiie act, riiual or<br />

• t h c r w i s e . X-jverlhp!.:.-«3 h e d e c U u J to J o h n tb.-.t<br />

in that act all righteoasiH^s w a s fuiail.xi; u p o n its<br />

i-ujipletioa t h e F a t h e r detlart-l hinis»!f well<br />

a d f c l a r a t i o h i n s c j a r a b i y o>iinectt-.l by<br />

the p r o p h e t w i t h m a g n i f y i n j a n d makiiti; h.njor<br />

j J t t w b o m X<br />

T h e ' q t t « t I o n , ' ^ % l i y w a s J e s a a baplizetl ? " h a s<br />

elicited aa m u c h d i s c u s s h m , probabl:^, as a n y oUter<br />

tact i n B I b l o hLstoTjr. T h e w b o t e troublu i n u a ^ t r<br />

stiindlnj; it appi?ara to h a v e g r o w n out of the<br />

phrase, " ItaptUiiii i>f rcix Jitano' f.ir tl-.i- rea i.s-i-.ti<br />

o( ! reinisiion will, in its<br />

p r i m a r y sense, a d m i t , m u c h nivessiUte, the<br />

c.itis.tructi«n, " in order li> r e m i s s i o n . "<br />

If, then, w e can Giid in the .Scripturwl .-iKnilic.i-<br />

tion of " Uipttsni for the r e m K s i o n r he ^hall<br />

!=ave his peopls f r o m tneir siuo," at:uount%d<br />

c-jnceminj; hioi a n d his w o r k bcfon' h e wa.^ born.<br />

" H i m h a t h (rod exa'tetl H ith hL- ri^jht h a n d , U.<br />

R i v e rejit-atant* to Israel, a n d forsiveataa of sins,"<br />

W.H3 declared c o n c e r n i n g h i m a n d his w o r k after<br />

he h a d liaishwl that w o r k a n d a^^vudcd to hi?<br />

F a t h e r .<br />

Before m a n becjirae a trar.s^ n a i i m l • UK ,,(<br />

u r the remi-!>i.jn of «itis," m i in urder tn rcirii^-<br />

^ion, bu; a n e.xhil.itiin nl Uie Uiviiie j-lati el<br />

remittii.- sin, a n d v! lue pru.riple ta ihe Uiviu.-<br />

i-conomy on w h i c h siti b» reuiitltxl.<br />

T h i s v i e w ol the «ubje t c s h i b i l s the M.i»tcr .ind<br />

Ihe d i s c i p U , l.ap!is-.>l I.,r Uie s.-u-it- p irj--.. - bt.th<br />

/"or Ihe i i i u b t M o n of sin.- — t o i.i.hilal U.«l's j;r:t-<br />

cioas plan of t o i - i v i n g , but in ti. ithcr the<br />

procuriivi a g e n l of r- ttiLsil ••i.<br />

Ill order, lh>'u, to u n d i r-Lnnd iho .(U<br />

W l i a t Ls baptisni for the riiiiii.«ion "f s i n s ? W h y *<br />

w a s J e s m b a p l U s l r W h a t w .ii t h e " a l l riijiil- }<br />

•K>u»ne»'»" fiiltlll.'d In his ' w p t i M n ? H o w .Ii,| !<br />

J o h n , b y 1..;piizUii; J.nu-. iii.iaij,-,! lu.'ii lo L-r?.-! ? '<br />

it I" o n l y II. til liiid. s^iaiid llie aiiui !iiice-!<br />

ni. nt b y tli.- iini,-. I : H e fUall m v c hi-- |^-..ple !<br />

f r o m their - m s to nii.!. r-i;,!.,! u iui' i.- Involvi,-.! ><br />

in lM'i;i^ a Kinncr. whi.t i:i t.riM^- jwvi-! tr-.ni sin. !<br />

1. A state iif sin Is a st.ii,' i ; .t.uk n.^si. i,i,ri(l<br />

lurs.-. Uiliidiil b y Ui'- ,, .1 ihl.. «iirl.l is U „<br />

l.uiiiili;!!!...; I. oiu;., dniiirii I.y tue p, n of lit-pira |<br />

li">ii ut faili tii.iu. II.. > \!iu!v ! ;h;it ( . ' a t '<br />

itid thai l!!l:idncs< h.tve n o c.jiic pti..u uutii, !<br />

b y tlie tuili,;iiti iii:)^ ii;{l-4t ii(v f the a „ | y ta< an- inr U l. vv il,>-s.i-i r^'slily, !<br />

W c k l l A , llj WI lit U. I. iVl' -I l ! . »..II.< t>.:u;; „t<br />

the Iw-s ifi i.lout !• a -i t. l.!iji>: ;<br />

.»c kiic l y ,Ri.d..ii vj< n . tj(N', iH'tjiftiiii.j^<br />

ll;lt it is In lie |^lV'Jl^(^l ill j'hy» cji d ttklies'. i<br />

W b a t t vt f physical d.ingep« m a y U- lii.'itU n! to « I<br />

s U t e of physical bliadnisvi a n d darku.>ss, », f ,,t t.,!jl,' ,..r-<br />

1 "f t. . I .l;:iti . .. •• . ; , J.„„.<br />

I A sUii- "t •(•.! is f^f di 3i .srid p 1<br />

lufloa. I n er.f..r

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