Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...

Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ... Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...


Preventive Mechanisms established under the Optional Protocol to the International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, CAT and other UN agendas report that violence was still used against the detainees and prisoners and that it was not prosecuted. Strengthening the NPMs and monitoring their effectiveness remain the priority for CAT. Once again the ombudsmen, who implement the NPS in the Eastern Partnership countries, have an important role to play. f. Another area, where violation of human rights was identified in all the reviewed countries, was that of children’s rights. These issues cover the whole range of rights and freedoms, beginning with the use of torture and detention, through the position of minors in court proceedings, problems associated with adoption and children’s institutions, to economic, health and educational concerns. g. Countries, where there are certain territories which de facto are not controlled by the State, are unable to effectively enforce the rights and freedoms of persons in those territories. Any urges to establish international cooperation between the stakeholders in order to ensure the protection of human rights and freedoms in those areas are ineffective due to their complicated geopolitical situation and the involvement of third countries. 58

Preventive Mechanisms established under the Optional Protocol to the International<br />

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or<br />

Punishment, CAT and other UN agendas report that violence was still used against the<br />

detainees and prisoners and that it was not prosecuted. Strengthening the NPMs and<br />

monitoring their effectiveness remain the priority for CAT. Once again the<br />

ombudsmen, who implement the NPS in the Eastern Partnership countries, have an<br />

important role to play.<br />

f. Another area, where violation of human rights was identified in all the reviewed<br />

countries, was that of children’s rights. These issues cover the whole range of rights<br />

and freedoms, beginning with the use of torture and detention, through the position of<br />

minors in court proceedings, problems associated with adoption and children’s<br />

institutions, to economic, health and educational concerns.<br />

g. Countries, where there are certain territories which de facto are not controlled by the<br />

State, are unable to effectively enforce the rights and freedoms of persons in those<br />

territories. Any urges to establish international cooperation between the stakeholders<br />

in order to ensure the protection of human rights and freedoms in those areas are<br />

ineffective due to their complicated geopolitical situation and the involvement of third<br />

countries.<br />


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