Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...

Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...

Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...


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c. Right to life, liberty and security<br />

CAT expressed its concern about the widespread use of torture, inhuman treatment<br />

and excessive brutality of the law enforcement officers. The Committee also commented on<br />

the use of violence in armed forces and restricted access of detainees to legal assistance. The<br />

Committee, together with HRC, expressed its concerns and recommendations concerning the<br />

overcrowding of prisons and the required improvement of the conditions in detention<br />

facilities. CAT, CESCR and CEDAW reported widespread violence against women, domestic<br />

violence, and insufficient protection of the victims of such violence. CAT, UNCT, CRC,<br />

CESCR, CEDAW, HRC and the Special Rapporteur on violence against women commented<br />

at length on the role of Moldova as the country of origin and transit for human trafficking,<br />

including the trafficking in children, and on the need to ensure the protection of victims and<br />

effective prosecution of traffickers. Evaluating the situation in Moldova, UNCT noted the<br />

labour exploitation of children, while CAT mentioned violence against children (also at<br />

schools) and the situation of the “children of the streets”. CESCR recommended that the State<br />

authorities improve the situation of patients in psychiatric confinement and ensure full<br />

protection of their rights.<br />

d. Justice system and right to trial<br />

Comments concerning the functioning of the justice system begin with HRC’s<br />

concerns about the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the justice system and violation of the<br />

fair trial guarantees, and the HCR’s and CAT’s concerns about the use of torture and pre-trial<br />

detention, and insufficient independence and impartiality of the courts. CAT and UNCT<br />

stated that the use of torture was not punished severely enough, nor was it effectively<br />

prosecuted. UNCT reported a drop in the number of children in detention, but at the same<br />

time noted that the judicial system was ineffective in combating discrimination against<br />

women.<br />

e. Right to family life, right to privacy<br />

UNCT and CRC expressed their concern about the large percentage of children placed<br />

in institutions. UNCT and CESCR also highlighted the need to ensure protection of and<br />

assistance to children with disabilities.<br />


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