Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...

Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...

Prawa człowieka w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego UE z ...


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g. Social, economic and cultural rights<br />

Concerning the issues associated with the right to employment and the conditions of<br />

work, the ILO Committee of Experts noted the disadvantageous position of women in the<br />

labour market and restricted rights of trade unions. CRC, CEDAW and CERD reported a high<br />

level of poverty, affecting in particular women and children. The United Nations<br />

Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) noted the difficulties in maintaining an<br />

adequate level of healthcare and problem of infant mortality rates, but at the same time<br />

progress in sexual education. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)<br />

reported significant progress in the field of preventing HIV/AIDS infections, noting, however,<br />

that further effort was required. The condition of the educational sector was analysed by CRC.<br />

The Committee recommended that the State increase budget allocations to schools, in<br />

particular in regions inhabited by minorities.<br />

h. Rights of minorities<br />

CERD positively evaluated the measures taken by Georgia to protect the rights of<br />

minorities, at the same time noting the need to strengthen their representation in public life<br />

and stressing the language issues.<br />

i. Internally displaced persons<br />

The Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights of internally displaced<br />

persons reported, after a number of visits to Georgia, numerous groups of “old” persons<br />

displaced from South Ossetia and Abkhazia and “new” persons displaced as a result of the<br />

2008 armed conflict. The Representative acknowledged the measures taken by the State<br />

authorities to guarantee protection of the rights of displaced persons and to establish an<br />

infrastructure to enable their normal existence. The Representative’s recommendations<br />

include suggestions to carefully evict displaced persons from collective centres.<br />

j. Situation in specific regions or territories<br />

The Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights of internally displaced<br />

persons expressed his regret about the fact that access to certain regions of the country was<br />

restricted due to legal and administrative obstacles. The Representative urged all the parties<br />

involved to enable the displaced persons to return home and recover the property they had<br />

abandoned. UNHCR noted the strict laws regulating economic activities and citizenship,<br />

imposed by Georgia and, de facto, also by Abkhazia.<br />


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