Landscape Architect Selected for Lenfest Plaza - Pennsylvania ...

Landscape Architect Selected for Lenfest Plaza - Pennsylvania ...

Landscape Architect Selected for Lenfest Plaza - Pennsylvania ...


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Ms. Joellyn Ross<br />

Ms. Susan Ross<br />

Ms. Lee Rothberg<br />

Mr. Dan H. Rothermel and Mr. Michael Hairston<br />

Dr. Bernard N. Rothman<br />

Ms. Ellen G. Rothman<br />

Mrs. Arnold L. Rothman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Rounick<br />

Mrs. Estelle Rubens<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rubenstein<br />

Mr. David A. Rubin and Mr. James O’Neill<br />

Emanuel Rubin, M.D. and Linda A. Haegele, M.D.<br />

Ms. Judith S. Rubin<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Lionel F. Rubin<br />

Ms. Marilyn S. Rubin<br />

Mr. Nathan Rubin<br />

Ms. Carole J. Rubins<br />

Ms. Libby Rudnick<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Ruff<br />

Ms. Harriet Ruffin<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Karl F. Rugart<br />

Mr. Ron Rum<strong>for</strong>d<br />

Ms. Virginia G. Rumsey<br />

Ms. Sallee Rush<br />

Mr. Robertson Rushton<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Ellier Russ<br />

Marjorie Russell<br />

Mr. William D. Russell<br />

Mr. Rocco E. Russo<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Russo<br />

Ms. Barbara Ruth<br />

Mr. John M. Ryan and Ms. Mary Gregg<br />

Dr. and Mrs. David M. Sachs<br />

Ms. Phyllis L. Sacks<br />

Mrs. Katharine Grove Sailer<br />

Mr. Nathan Saltz<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Norman N. Salvat<br />

Ms. Lucinda Sanders<br />

Mr. Steven L. Sanders and Dr. Kelly Sanders<br />

Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Sanderson<br />

Mr. James L. Sanderson<br />

Dr. Alan R. Sandman and Mr. John Pcsolar<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Satir<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Saul<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan H. Savadove<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Savaria, Jr.<br />

Ms. Joan Savett<br />

Ms. Daphne Sawyer<br />

Guy D. Sbar, M.D.<br />

Ms. Ella B. Schaap<br />

Ms. Betty S. Schaefer<br />

Dr. and Mrs. M. Harris Schaeffer<br />

Ms. Barbara W. Schaff<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Philip Schein<br />

Ms. Karyn L. Scher<br />

Ms. Lois Schlachter<br />

Ms. Helen Schneeberg<br />

Ms. Julie Schneider<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Schneider<br />

Mr. Robert Schoenberg<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schorling<br />

Ms. Irene Schrank<br />

Mr. Donald Schreiber<br />

Ms. Cate Royer Schubert<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwartz<br />

Mr. Robert G. Schwartz<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Schwartz<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Les J. Schwartzberg<br />

Mrs. Frank S. Schwarz<br />

Mrs. Robert D. Schwarz<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schwarz, Jr.<br />

Carol and Bill Schwarzchild<br />

Mr. Edward Sciamanna and Mr. Richard Panati<br />

Ms. Miriam Sealfon<br />

Ms. Nadine Secarea<br />

Ruth and Robert Seeley<br />

Ms. Thelma M. Segal<br />

Nina Segre and Frank Furstenberg<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Seidel<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seligman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer N. Sellers<br />

The Honorable Nicholas Sellers<br />

Ms. Louise E. Seltzer<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Seltzer<br />

Joseph P. Senft, Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Antoinette Farrar Seymour<br />

Mr. John P. Sgrillo<br />

Ms. Georgia A. Shafia<br />

Mr. Edward O. Shakespeare III<br />

Mr. Michael Shannon<br />

Ms. Rose Shannon<br />

Dr. Stanley H. Shapiro<br />

Mr. Robert G. Sharrar<br />

Mr. Edward F. Shay<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shearer<br />

Mark A. Sheehan and Lorna Weir<br />

Mr. H. Geoffrey Sheffer<br />

Ms. Carol C. Sherman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Shestack<br />

Mr. Philip Shiekman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shipley<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley, III<br />

Keith D. Shively and Thomas Williams<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Shore<br />

Ms. Helen Holmstine Short<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Showler<br />

Mr. and Mrs. M. Melvin Shralow<br />

Henry and Bonnie Shuman<br />

Mr. Brian J. Siegel<br />

Ms. Carolyn B. Siegel<br />

Mr. James G. Siegel<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Siegel<br />

Mr. and Mrs.Michael A. Sienkiewicz<br />

Dr. Willys Silvers<br />

Mr. Jean Simard<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Murray A. Simmons<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Brian Simon<br />

Mrs. Deborah K. Simon<br />

Ms. Evy Simon<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simon<br />

Mr. Dolph Simons<br />

Anne Weldon Sims<br />

Ms. Cynthia K. Sinclair<br />

Stan and Lois Singer<br />

Shirley Sivitz and Harriet Rubin<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Sklaroff<br />

Mr. Alan P. Slack<br />

Ms. Marcia Glickman Slade<br />

Mrs. John Sloan<br />

Karen and David Smallen<br />

Corey and Jonne Smith<br />

Mr. David G. Smith<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith<br />

Dorothy H. Smith<br />

Mr. G. Daniel Smith<br />

Mr. George R. Smith<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Lawther O. Smith<br />

Dr. Maria B. Smith<br />

Meredith S.S. Smith<br />

Ms. Rheta Smith<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Smith<br />

Ms. Stephanie J. Smith<br />

Ms. Theresa Smith<br />

Ms. Mina Smith-Segal<br />

Mr. Mark Smylie<br />

James Smyth, Jr. and James Rodgers<br />

Mr. John Smyth<br />

Miss Mary Anna Snowden<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder<br />

Mrs. Harriet Soffa<br />

Mrs. Arthur Solmssen<br />

Deborah E. Solo and Angel Franqui<br />

Dr. Jack L. Solomon<br />

Dr. Carol E. Soltis<br />

Mr. H. Peter Somers<br />

Mr. Marc J. Sonnenfeld<br />

Barbara Sosson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Spaeth<br />

Boyd Lee Spahr, III<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spahr<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Tully Speaker<br />

Samuel and Rosanne Spear<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spector<br />

Edward Spector and Sharon K. Corbin<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Gus Spector<br />

Ms. Arleen F. Speizman<br />

Mr. Stan Sperlak<br />

Tad Sperry and Ellen Harvey<br />

Ms. Marcia Spiegle<br />

Ms. Helen M. Stailey<br />

Mrs. Blair D. Stambaugh<br />

Ms. Jeanne Stanek<br />

Ms. Marilyn Steeg<br />

Mrs. Nancy Steel<br />

Mr. Carl Steele<br />

Ms. Karen Steen<br />

Mrs. Pearl Zeid Steinberg<br />

Dr. Stephen P. Steinberg<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Stephano<br />

Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff<br />

Ms. Alicia A. Sterling<br />

Mrs. Sylvia Stern<br />

Mr. Gary Sternick and Ms. Suzanne Griffith<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Stevens<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stevens<br />

Mrs. Corinne R. Stone<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Bayard T. Storey<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Strieb<br />

Dr. Marie Stuart<br />

Ms. Clare Stuempfig<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stutman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Sunstein, Jr.<br />

Ms. Barbara Billings Supplee<br />

Ms. Patricia Surette<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Svanda<br />

Miss Helen L. Swain<br />

While every ef<strong>for</strong>t has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list, we recognize that mistakes can occur.<br />

Please let us know if you are listed in error and accept our sincere apologies <strong>for</strong> any discrepancies.<br />

Mr. Ralph E. Swan<br />

Ms. Sara Fischer Swanson<br />

Cy and Lois Swartz<br />

Jane W. Swartz and E. Talmage Brennan<br />

Mr. Gerard H. Sweeney<br />

Joan and Dudley Sykes<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Sylk<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Tabas<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Albert Tama<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Tamaccio<br />

Mr. James R. Tanis<br />

Ms. Nancy H. Taplin<br />

Ms. Roberta K. Tarbell<br />

Dr. and Mrs. William Tasman<br />

Dr. J. Edward Taylor<br />

Mr. Michael L. Templeton<br />

Mr. Alan Teplitsky<br />

Robert and Terri Teti<br />

Ms. Letty D. Thall<br />

Mr. Eugene Thaw<br />

Ms. Susan Thomas<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Fairman R. Thompson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Thorkelson<br />

Charles Thrall and Sally Simmons<br />

Mr. John J. Tierney II<br />

Mr. Levin H. Tilghman<br />

Mrs. M. Wright Tilghman<br />

Mrs. Joseph F. Tilghman<br />

Dr. and Mrs. J. Peter Tilley<br />

Philip C. Timon<br />

Mr. Richard C. Tinucci<br />

Mr. Joseph Tishler<br />

Dr. Richard S. Tobey, Jr.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Todd<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tognini<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Tom<br />

Mrs. Marie S. Tomasso<br />

Mr. Kim D. Tomlinson<br />

Mr. Peter P. Tonelli<br />

Ms. Rochelle Toner<br />

Ms. Margaret Toogood<br />

Ms. Marilyn W. Toub<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toy<br />

Jean and Frank Tracy<br />

Ms. Barrie Trimingham<br />

Mr. Febo F. Troilo<br />

Mr. George Trotman<br />

Ms. Louise Tucker<br />

Mr. Donald Tumini<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Turberg<br />

Drs Barbara J Turner and Francisco<br />

Gonzalez-Scarano<br />

Mr. and Mrs. F. Jonathan M. Turner<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Tyler<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Uhlmann<br />

Jane M. Unkefer<br />

David Unkovic and Cathleen Judge<br />

Mr. John R. Urofsky<br />

Ms. Lee Cooper van de Velde<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan W. Van Dusen<br />

Mr. Robert D. van Roijen, Jr.<br />

Mr. Ken Vavrek<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veloric<br />

Renee Veloric<br />

Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown<br />

Mrs. Virginia M. Verges<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Vincent<br />

Mrs. Judith B. Viner<br />

Mr. Ralph E. Vining, Jr.<br />

Midge and Jack R. Vinson<br />

Ms. Ingrid M. Virok<br />

Mrs. Magda Vitale<br />

Mr. Steven Volla<br />

Ms. Nancy A. Vonada<br />

Ms. Sandra Vondeling<br />

Mrs. Ernest R. vonStarck<br />

William Wade and Jeanne Patrick<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Milton S. Wahl<br />

Mrs. T. F. Dixon Wainwright<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waitzer<br />

Mr. Douglas C. Walker<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Walkup<br />

Mr. Mark Wallison<br />

Dr. Robert J. Wallner<br />

Mrs. Richard J. Walsh<br />

Ms. Byrle S. Walters<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Bryce Warden<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Warren<br />

Mrs. Clark Warren<br />

Mr. Thomas Watkins<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Waxman<br />

Ms. Helen S. Weary<br />

Ms. Helma N. Weeks<br />

George and Carol Weinbaum<br />

Ms. Millicent Weinstein<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weinstock<br />

Mildred L. and Morris L. Weisberg<br />

Arnold and Beverly Weiss<br />

George H. Weiss M.D.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh<br />

Joan and David A. Wenger<br />

Mr. Kenneth R. Werner<br />

Martin and Marcia Werner<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. West<br />

Mr. Lewis A. Wexler<br />

Ms. Carol L. Wheeler<br />

Mr. Larry T. White<br />

Mr. and Mrs. E. Jeffrey Wiernik<br />

Ms. Marjean Willett<br />

Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris Williams, Jr.<br />

Dr. Charles K. Williams, II<br />

Mr. Horace E. Williams<br />

Ms. M. Jane Williams<br />

Ms. Merrily Williams and Mr. Richard Summers<br />

Mr. Oliver P. Williams<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Sankey V. Williams<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wilmerding, Jr.<br />

Mr. Frank R. Wilson<br />

Murray and Vera Wilson<br />

Ms. Penelope P. Wilson<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Wind<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Windt<br />

Rachel Winslow and Peter Ogle<br />

Ms. Harriet Wiseman<br />

Ms. Lisa Witomski<br />

Judith E. Wolf, M.D. and Howard J. Eisen, M.D.<br />

Ms. Carol C. Wolfe<br />

Mr. Gregg Wolff<br />

Bertram and Lorle Wolfson<br />

Mr. Gene A. and Mrs. Patricia M. Woock<br />

Ms. Anne Wood<br />

Mr. Thomas C. Woodward<br />

Richard Woosnam and Diane Dalto Woosnam<br />

David W. Wright<br />

Mrs. Betsy Wyeth<br />

Mr. Robert S. Yablon and Ms. Marlene Kline<br />

Mrs. Charlton Yarnall, II<br />

Ms. Susan Yashan<br />

Mr. F. Gordon Yasinow<br />

Mr. Nelson Yeardley III<br />

Ms. Deanna M. Yerka<br />

Mr. Joseph Yohlin<br />

Ms. Jane Young<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young<br />

Ms. Angela Zager<br />

Ms. Barbara Zalkind<br />

Mrs. Gail Fischman Zelikovsky<br />

Sarah L. Zimmerman<br />

Ms. Patricia Zolfaghari<br />

Mr. Michael Zuckerman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Zug<br />

Ms. Joan Zylkin<br />


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