Post-Paleozoic activity - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory ...

Post-Paleozoic activity - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory ...

Post-Paleozoic activity - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory ...


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tomac Formation. They also report that successively smaller dis-<br />

placements were found in strata of Paleocene, Eocene, Miocene,<br />

and Plio-Pleistocene age in the same general area. Prowell and<br />

O'Connor (1978), Reinhardt and others (1984), and Dischinger<br />

( 1979; 1989) report similar sequential displacements on other<br />

Appalachian fault zones.<br />

The oldest reported displacements along reverse faults in the<br />

Appalachians are found in early Cretaceous strata in Virginia and<br />

Maryland. Nothing is presently known about initiation of com-<br />

pression and reverse faulting in the Appalachians, but some infer-<br />

ences can be made from other types of Mesozoic regional<br />

tectonism. Triassic rifting, Triassic and Jurassic rift basin sedi-<br />

mentation, and lower and middle Jurassic diabase intrusions are<br />

commonly associated with extensional stresses created during<br />

continental separation. An extensional stress field would gener-<br />

ally prohibit the formation of compressional reverse faults and<br />

would therefore place a lower age limit on the propagation of<br />

reverse faults. This suggests that the reverse faults could have<br />

formed as early as the Late Jurassic, if no significant amount of<br />

time was required for reversal of the stress field from extension to<br />

compression.<br />

The geologic evidence of late Cenozoic fault movement is<br />

poor, largely because of the limited distribution of well-defined<br />

late Cenozoic materials and the small amounts of fault move-<br />

ment. Late Cenozoic fault movements have been reported by<br />

Mixon and Newel1 (1977, 1978), Pavlides and others (1983),<br />

Prowell (1983), and Reinhardt and others (1984) in Virginia,<br />

Maryland, and Georgia. These reports show clear evidence of<br />

relatively young tectonism in the eastern United States. The fault<br />

described by Pavlides and others (1983) is the youngest known<br />

reverse fault involving crystalline basement (Fig. 28). The fault is<br />

located proximal to the <strong>Paleozoic</strong> Mountain Run fault zone and<br />

offsets the base of Pleistocene(?) colluvium about 1.5 m. The<br />

location of the faulting within the mylonitic rocks of the older<br />

Mountain Run fault zone has tentatively been attributed to reac-<br />

tivation of this old zone of weakness by late Cenozoic<br />

compression.<br />

Fault Slip Rates<br />

Comparison of amounts of offset in different chronostrati-<br />

graphic horizons provides a basis for calculating fault slip rates<br />

over geologic time. Wentworth and Keefer (1983) compiled data<br />

published by Mixon and Newell (1978), Prowell and O'Connor<br />

(1978). and Behrendt and others (1981) for three fault zones in<br />

the eastern United States and concluded that the average rate of<br />

vertical displacement is 0.9 m/ m.y. New and more detailed data<br />

have been used to construct the slip-rate curves shown in Figure<br />

29. The new slip-rate curves imply that fault movement in the<br />

eastern United States has ranged from about 0.3 to 1.5 m/m.y.,<br />

with an average of about 0.5 m/m.y., since the Early Cretaceous.<br />

This observation is an important element in the evaluation of<br />

recent faulting in the eastern United States and the assessment of<br />

the seismic potential of these faults. The consistency of fault<br />

. <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>Paleozoic</strong> <strong>activity</strong> 365<br />

Figure 28. <strong>Paleozoic</strong> phyllonite (left) faulted over Pleistocene (?) col-<br />

luvium (right) along a small reverse fault near Everona, Virginia. Vertical<br />

displacement is 1.5 m (photo looking northeast). Photo by D. C.<br />

Prowell.<br />

movement through geologic time indicates that the compressive<br />

stress responsible for the deformation was relatively uniform and<br />

unidirectional.<br />


Other types of Cretaceous and Cenozoic tectonism have<br />

been recognized in the eastern United States and compare favor-<br />

ably with the faults found in the Atlantic Coast fault province.<br />

The relatively small number of seismic events recorded in eastern<br />

North America in the last 250 years (see York and Oliver, 1976)<br />

may be explained by the small slip rates of regional reverse faults.<br />

Where localized seismic networks have provided focal-plane so-<br />

lutions, the resulting fault-plane solutions have typically been<br />

attributed to reverse fault movement. Seismicity consistent with<br />

reverse faulting has been recognized along the Ramapo fault zone<br />

in New York (Ratcliffe, 1971; Aggerwal and Sykes, 1978; Yang<br />

and Aggerwal, 1981), near Charleston, South Carolina (Tarr and<br />

Rhea, 1983), and at the North Anna Reservoir in central Virginia<br />

(Dames and Moore, Inc., 1976). Seismological data in the eastern<br />

United States, however, are far from conclusive proof of recent<br />

reverse-fault <strong>activity</strong> because many seismologists disagree over<br />

the interpretation of seismic evidence. In addition, no observed<br />

fault displacements can presently be attributed to historical seis-<br />

mic events.<br />

The crustal stress in the pre-Cretaceous rocks beneath the<br />

Appalachians is probably responsible for the origin and orienta-<br />

tion of the reverse faults. Zoback and Zoback (1980) summarized<br />

the state of stress in the conterminous United States and described<br />

the eastern United States as in a northwest-southeast compres-<br />

sional regime. However, very few actual stress measurements

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