Post-Paleozoic activity - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory ...

Post-Paleozoic activity - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory ...

Post-Paleozoic activity - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory ...


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Several studies of the intrusions were made early in the<br />

twentieth century, culminating in a thorough paper by Watson<br />

and Cline (1 9 13), who described alkalic dikes of kaersutite camptonite,<br />

"teschenite" (analcite monchiquite?), nepheline syenite,<br />

and "granitic" felsite, as well as numerous intrusions of olivine<br />

dolerite and a few bodies of quartz gabbro. Johnson and others<br />

(1971) describe mica peridotite and pyroxenite in the province,<br />

and intrusions that may be called kimberlite are found to the<br />

southwest and northeast of the province (Plate 5A).<br />

Although all of the intrusions were originally assumed to be<br />

Triassic or older (Watson and Cline, 1913), more recent petrologic<br />

and radiometric work indicates different ages. Zartman and<br />

others (1970) dated minerals separated from a nepheline syenite<br />

dike near Staunton, Virginia, at 145 and 153 Ma by K-Ar methods<br />

(old decay constants) and 114 Ma by Rb-Sr isotopes, or<br />

roughly Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. However, many or most<br />

of the Shenandoah Mountain intrusions are apparently middle to<br />

late Eocene in,age^as shown by Rb/Sr and K/Ar dates for more<br />

than a ddn examples, with ages ranging between 42 Ma and 47<br />

Ma (Wampler and Dooley, 1975; Ressetar and Martin, 1980).<br />

Both mafic and felsic intrusions are represented in the Eocene<br />

data. It therefore seems likely that if the Staunton dike is actually<br />

Jurassic, it is not a member of the group and that the only "true"<br />

Shenandoah Mountain province magmas are Eocene.<br />



The reactivation of <strong>Paleozoic</strong> and older Appalachian struc-<br />

tures is apparent in the alkalic Jurassic and younger igneous<br />

provinces in eastern North America. In particular, a series of<br />

'Â¥:-2 + K20 MGO<br />

Figure 26. AFM ternary diagram showing the average Monteregian<br />

plutonic trend and the average Monteregian camptonite, compared with<br />

the Hawaiian alkaline trend.<br />

' <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>Paleozoic</strong> <strong>activity</strong> 361<br />

high-angle fracture zones, major faults, and geophysical linea-<br />

ments is present both parallel with and perpendicular to the<br />

central and western Appalachians (Plate 5A). In many cases, the<br />

linear features could represent important deep-lithospheric<br />

boundaries, such as basement sutures and ancient, buried rifts<br />

(King and Zietz, 1978). The cross-trending features are parallel to<br />

or colinear with oceanic fracture zones off the east coast of North<br />

America (Plate 5A).<br />

The dike orientations and pluton arrangements in eastern<br />

and southern New England appear to be controlled by northeast-<br />

trending fractures and structures aligned with north-south linea-<br />

ment structures, especially for the Early Jurassic members,<br />

whereas the Early Cretaceous intrusions of northwestern New<br />

England and southern Quebec are aligned with east-west to<br />

northwest joints and lineaments. The northwest-trending linea-<br />

ments apparently were the latest associated with Mesozoic<br />

igneous <strong>activity</strong>.<br />

Consistent with this scenario, the trend of the Cretaceous(?)<br />

New England seamounts extends into New England along a<br />

northwesterly line (Plate 5A) and aligns with Line F of Diment<br />

and others' (1980) geophysical lineaments. Along the same zone,<br />

Wise (1982) notes major northwest-trending joint and strike-slip<br />

fault sets in northwestern Massachusetts. Although lamprophyre<br />

dikes are known in southern New England, they are rare, and no<br />

post-Jurassic ages of intrusions have been determined.<br />


Rather than relying on undemonstrated deep-mantle<br />

plumes, Mesozoic magmatism in eastern North America can be<br />

explained by lithospheric fracture tectonics that are modeled after<br />

well-established rift-related events so evident in East Africa, the<br />

Rhine Graben, the Rio Grande, and other rift areas of continents.<br />

The argument for fracture controls on magmatism is supported<br />

by igneous and structural patterns and satisfies several not solved<br />

by the fixed "hot-spot" model.<br />

The principal magmatic feature, the huge eastern North<br />

American dolerite/basalt province, is actually part of an even<br />

larger zone that in Early Jurassic time extended from present-day<br />

Spain and Morocco (Manspeizer and others, 1978) to northern<br />

South America, over an area roughly 4,600 by 1,500 km. No<br />

single hot spot can explain either the lack of age progression of<br />

magmatism along this zone or its geometric relation to the Ap-<br />

palachian orogen. The absence of any progressive north-south<br />

change of chemistry (Table 1) is also inconsistent with an early<br />

Jurassic hot spot located at either end of the eastern North Amer-<br />

ican province. The intrusions and flows are virtually confined to<br />

structural basement provinces of the eastern Appalachians and<br />

equivalent areas on the other side of the Atlantic. Many of the<br />

Early Jurassic rifting patterns reflect Appalachian-parallel<br />

structures.<br />

Although roughly contemporaneous with eastern North<br />

American dikes, Early Jurassic intrusions of mildly alkalic plu-<br />

tons in New England (the White Mountain Magma Series) are

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