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S1 (FriAM 1-65) - The Psychonomic Society S1 (FriAM 1-65) - The Psychonomic Society

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Friday Noon Posters 2090–2096 subjects rated the lesson on several subjective measures. Subjects were most enthusiastic about lessons that included visuals and interactivity, but those features may or may not actually increase learning, depending on whether they promote processing that transfers to particular test types. (2090) A Testing Effect With Multimedia Learning. CHERYL I. JOHNSON & RICHARD E. MAYER, University of California, Santa Barbara (sponsored by Richard E. Mayer)—In Experiment 1, participants viewed a short, narrated animation about lightning formation, and then either watched the animation again (study–study group) or took a retention test (study–retention test group), before taking an immediate or delayed retention test. In Experiment 2, in addition to the study–study and study–retention test conditions, a third condition took an intervening transfer test (study–transfer test group), and all groups took an immediate or delayed retention test followed by a transfer test. Across both experiments, the study–retention group outperformed the study–study group on the delayed retention test but not on the immediate retention, thus replicating the testing effect obtained with word lists. In Experiment 2, taking an initial retention test benefited final retention test performance but not final transfer test performance, whereas taking an initial transfer test benefited performance on both the final retention and transfer tests, as predicted by levels-of-processing theory. • IMPLICIT COGNITION • (2091) Semantic Organization: Possible Individual Differences Based on Handedness. VARALAKSHMI SONTAM & STEPHEN D. CHRIST- MAN, University of Toledo (sponsored by Stephen D. Christman)— Previous research indicates that there are handedness differences in semantic switching flexibility. That is, in comparison with stronghanders, mixed-handers switch between different subcategories within a semantic tree more readily. The present study hypothesizes that these handedness differences are due to differences in semantic organization based on differential link-strengths between the concepts, which in turn affects the spread of activation. Specifically, it is proposed that for mixed-handers, the strength of links connecting the concepts belonging to different subcategories (relatively less relevant concepts) is very close to the strength of the links connecting the concepts within a subcategory (more relevant concepts). This idea was tested using ambiguous words (e.g., bank), which are related to other concepts via dominant (e.g., money) or subordinate (e.g., river) meanings. Consistent with the hypothesis, in a controlled priming task, mixed-handers demonstrated equal facilitation for both dominant and subordinate associates, whereas strong-handers showed facilitation only for the dominant associates. (2092) Evidence of Cross-Modal Grammar Learning. JASON J. JONES & HAROLD E. PASHLER, University of California, San Diego (sponsored by Harold E. Pashler)—Many researchers have argued that the mechanisms of statistical learning are modality specific. We present data from an artificial grammar learning experiment demonstrating that subjects learn statistical relationships between auditory and visual stimuli. We argue this is evidence for a form of statistical learning occurring at a level of cognition at which modality information has already been abstracted away. (2093) The Implicit Learning of Concurrent Spatial Sequences. JACQUE- LINE C. SHIN, Indiana State University—Can implicit learning occur for concurrent sequences in two spatial dimensions? In a serial reaction time task, a visual stimulus was presented in one of three sets of four horizontal positions, each set in a different region of the visual display. The location of the stimulus within these localized (horizon- 82 tal position) and macroscopic (region) spatial levels was manipulated independently. Response selection was based on the localized information, but the macroscopic information was incidental. In different conditions, the two types of spatial information followed same-length sequences that were phase matched or followed different-length sequences. In the same-length condition, the two sequences were integrated into a common sequence representation. Although the individual sequences were learned simultaneously in both conditions, learning for the macroscopic spatial sequence was greater in the different- than in the same-length condition. The pattern of results suggests an interactive relationship between integrative and independent sequence learning in the visuospatial modality. (2094) Monitoring Not Versus Not-Monitoring in Automatic Memory for Context. YAAKOV HOFFMAN, Bar Ilan University & Ben Gurion University, & JOSEPH TZELGOV, Ben Gurion University (sponsored by Joseph Tzelgov)—Automatic (AA) memory is monitored neither at encoding nor at retrieval. Direct measurement of AA memory is examined with a recognition context paradigm, where larger gray (perceptually nonsalient) words appear behind smaller black (salient) words. Context was manipulated by instructions telling participants to remember either a gray (gray = target, black = context) or a black (black = target, gray = context) word. Although significant AA memory was obtained for both contexts, the result pattern differed. Shorter lists, deeper encoding, and full attention enhanced memory for nonsalient context, yet impaired memory for salient context. Longer lists, shallower encoding, and divided attention, which typically weaken memory, enhanced AA memory for salient context. It implies that nonsalient context is not triggered by task requirement and is thus not monitored. However, salient context interferes with target monitoring and has to be intentionally ignored. (2095) Interaction Between Spatial Context Learning and Learning Strategy. NOBUTAKA ENDO, Hiroshima Shudo University, WALTER R. BOOT, ALEJANDRO LLERAS, & ARTHUR F. KRAMER, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, & TAKATSUNE KUMADA, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology—Visual search performance is improved when participants repeatedly experience the same spatial layout (contextual cuing). Contextual cuing suggests that the spatial layout is implicitly learned, and can guide spatial attention to the target location (Chun & Jiang, 1998). Recently, Lleras and von Mühlenen (2004) manipulated participants’ search strategy (active or passive between participants) and showed that contextual cuing occurred only when participants with passive strategy conducted the search task. Moreover, Endo, Boot, Kramer, Lleras, and Kumada (2006) replicated the results of Lleras and von Mühlenen’s study even when participants used each strategy in the different session of the experiment. However, it was unclear whether search strategy affected context learning or use of the learned context because they used the different set of stimuli in each session. In the present study, we controlled the set of stimuli between the sessions, and examined the interaction between context learning and search strategy. (2096) Accommodating “Backward” Repetition Priming Effects in a Transfer Appropriate Processing Model. WENDY S. FRANCIS, EDGAR GRANILLO, MARTHA G. OROZCO, & VICTORIA ALEXANDER, University of Texas, El Paso—Word comprehension and word production involve access to common mental representations, but the associated flow of information goes in opposite directions. Two experiments with Spanish–English bilinguals measured the long-term effects of forward and backward process repetition on response times in picture naming and word translation. Experiment 1 (N = 84) used picture naming, translation, and semantic classification as encoding tasks for later translation. Experiment 2 (N = 84) used picture nam-

Posters 2097–2103 Friday Noon ing, translation, and word naming as encoding tasks for later picture naming and translation. Comprehension processes benefited from prior production in the same language, and production processes benefited from prior comprehension. However, these response time reductions were smaller than with identical process repetition, suggesting some degree of process directionality. Error rate reductions followed a different pattern, with comprehension at encoding eliciting the largest benefit in production. Possible methods of incorporating backward processes into a quantitative transfer-appropriate processing model are examined. (2097) Picture Priming in a Successive Two-Choice Discrimination Task in Pigeons. SUZETTE L. ASTLEY, HOLLY LATTERELL, & SASHA BURNETT, Cornell College—In a study of picture priming, pigeons were first trained to respond differentially in a two-key choice task in the presence of 1 of 20 pictures of cars or people to a criterion of 80% correct. In test sessions, target pictures were presented relatively briefly, and were preceded 60 sec earlier by a 10-sec presentation of either the same picture (e.g., Person 1 → 60-sec ISI → briefly presented Person 1) or a picture from the other category (e.g., Car 1 → 60-sec ISI → briefly presented Person 2). The results showed that seeing the same picture 60 sec earlier facilitated performance in some of the birds. (2098) Intuitive Gestalt Perception Rests on the Unconscious Activation of Semantic Concepts. ANNETTE BOLTE, Braunschweig University of Technology, & THOMAS GOSCHKE, TU Dresden—Intuition denotes the ability to judge stimulus properties better than chance levels without being able to express the basis of the judgments verbally. Here, we show that intuitive judgments in a gestalt perception task are based on the unconscious activation of conceptual object representations. Participants were presented fragmented line drawings which depicted meaningful objects (coherent fragments) or contained randomly displaced line segments (incoherent fragments). In three experiments, participants discriminated coherent and incoherent fragments at better than chance levels even if they did not recognize the objects. Moreover, object names produced faster lexical decision latencies when they were preceded by coherent rather than by incoherent fragments. Coherent fragments producing larger priming in the lexical decision task (indicating stronger activation of object representations) were more frequently judged as coherent. The results indicate that intuitive gestalt judgments rest on the activation of semantic object representations, which bias conscious decisions without being consciously retrieved. • TOUCH • (2099) Haptic Memory Capacity. TOMOHIRO NABETA & TAKASHI KUSUMI, Kyoto University—The present study examined the capacity of the haptic memory and its modality specificity. The experiment consisted of the haptic study and the recognition test phases. In the haptic study phase, 100 or 500 objects were presented with the haptic modality. In the recognition test phase, the studied and distractor objects were presented with the haptic or visual modality. We obtained four main results: (1) Hit rate was very high after studying 500 objects as well as after studying 100 objects. (2) Hit rates in the haptic test and in the visual test were almost identical. (3) False alarm in the haptic test was lower than in the visual test. (4) The difference in the false alarm between the haptic and visual modalities after studying 100 objects was comparable with the difference after studying 500 objects. The results suggest that the capacity of the haptic memory depends on the modality specific system. (2100) The Haptic Horizontal–Vertical Curvature Illusion. MORTON A. HELLER, ANNE D. MCCLURE, MICHELLE E. KERR, STEPHANIE 83 KIBBLE, KRISTEN RUSSLER, & ANDREANA BASSO, Eastern Illinois University—Blindfolded subjects used their index fingers to trace tangible convex curved lines with heights equal to their widths at the base. A generalized overestimation of height in comparison with width was found, showing a horizontal–vertical illusion with tangible curves. Overestimation of height and underestimation of width also occurred with stimuli in the frontal plane as well as flat on the table top. The illusion was obtained with curves that were closed as well as open. Finally, an experiment manipulating stimulus rotation showed evidence of radial–tangential scanning effects. The theoretical and practical implications of the results will be discussed. (2101) Haptic Stiffness Identification and Information Transfer. STEVEN A. CHOLEWIAK & HONG Z. TAN, Purdue University (sponsored by Hong Z. Tan)—This experiment investigated static information transfer (IT) in a stiffness identification experiment. Past research on stiffness perception has only measured the Weber fractions. In many applications where haptic virtual environments are used for data perceptualization, both the ability to discriminate stiffness (Weber fraction) and the number of correctly identifiable stiffness levels (2^IT) are important for selecting rendering parameters. Ten participants were asked to tap a virtual surface vertically using a customdesigned haptic force-feedback device and identify the stiffness level. Five stiffness values in the range 0.2 to 3.0N/mm were used. The virtual surface was modeled as a linear elastic spring and exerted an upward resistive force equaling the product of stiffness and penetration depth whenever it was penetrated. A total of 250 trials were collected per participant. The average static IT was 1.57 bits, indicating that participants were able to correctly identify about three stiffness levels. (2102) Haptically Guided Grasping and the Perceptual Effects of the Tactual Sander Illusion. ALAN C. SCOTT & RANDOLPH D. EAS- TON, Boston College (sponsored by Randolph D. Easton)—The Sander illusion has been used to demonstrate the lack of an effect on grip aperture during visually guided grasping despite the presence of a perceptual illusion which produces differentiable estimates of the lengths of the two equal diagonals (Stöttinger & Perner, 2006). With plans to investigate the possibility of differentiable effects of illusions on haptic perception and haptically guided grasping, two studies were conducted. Without the aid of vision, 20 participants attempted to reach out and grasp items of various lengths and orientations using left-handed exploration and right-handed grasping (Experiment 1). Haptically guided grasping did produce differences in grip aperture which were dependent on differences in stimulus length as small as 0.35 cm. In Experiment 2, 28 participants made judgments under blindfold about the length of various stimuli (including Sander’s parallelogram) using simultaneous right-handed exploration and lefthanded adjustments of a haptic ruler. Müller-Lyer and Sander stimuli both produced perceptual illusions of length. (2103) Discriminating Smooth From Grooved Surfaces: The Role of Skin Conformance. GREGORY O. GIBSON & JAMES C. CRAIG, Indiana University—The role of skin conformance and penetration on discriminating a smooth from a grooved surface (the smooth–grooved task, SM/GR) was examined at two locations (fingerpad and fingerbase). To establish a baseline, the penetration produced by a 100-g force was determined for each subject. One psychometric function was generated using a constant level of penetration (the baseline level). A second psychometric function was generated using five different penetrations (baseline, ±1,000, and ±500 μm of penetration); these were achieved by varying force. The results indicate that randomly varying penetration of the contactor into the skin had no significant effect on SM/GR performance. If subjects had based their decision of smooth versus grooved on overall intensity, thresholds should have increased substantially in the variable penetration condition. Greater confor-

Friday Noon Posters 2090–2096<br />

subjects rated the lesson on several subjective measures. Subjects<br />

were most enthusiastic about lessons that included visuals and interactivity,<br />

but those features may or may not actually increase learning,<br />

depending on whether they promote processing that transfers to particular<br />

test types.<br />

(2090)<br />

A Testing Effect With Multimedia Learning. CHERYL I. JOHNSON<br />

& RICHARD E. MAYER, University of California, Santa Barbara<br />

(sponsored by Richard E. Mayer)—In Experiment 1, participants viewed<br />

a short, narrated animation about lightning formation, and then either<br />

watched the animation again (study–study group) or took a retention<br />

test (study–retention test group), before taking an immediate or delayed<br />

retention test. In Experiment 2, in addition to the study–study<br />

and study–retention test conditions, a third condition took an intervening<br />

transfer test (study–transfer test group), and all groups took an<br />

immediate or delayed retention test followed by a transfer test. Across<br />

both experiments, the study–retention group outperformed the<br />

study–study group on the delayed retention test but not on the immediate<br />

retention, thus replicating the testing effect obtained with word<br />

lists. In Experiment 2, taking an initial retention test benefited final<br />

retention test performance but not final transfer test performance,<br />

whereas taking an initial transfer test benefited performance on both the<br />

final retention and transfer tests, as predicted by levels-of-processing<br />

theory.<br />


(2091)<br />

Semantic Organization: Possible Individual Differences Based on<br />


MAN, University of Toledo (sponsored by Stephen D. Christman)—<br />

Previous research indicates that there are handedness differences in<br />

semantic switching flexibility. That is, in comparison with stronghanders,<br />

mixed-handers switch between different subcategories<br />

within a semantic tree more readily. <strong>The</strong> present study hypothesizes<br />

that these handedness differences are due to differences in semantic<br />

organization based on differential link-strengths between the concepts,<br />

which in turn affects the spread of activation. Specifically, it is<br />

proposed that for mixed-handers, the strength of links connecting the<br />

concepts belonging to different subcategories (relatively less relevant<br />

concepts) is very close to the strength of the links connecting the concepts<br />

within a subcategory (more relevant concepts). This idea was<br />

tested using ambiguous words (e.g., bank), which are related to other<br />

concepts via dominant (e.g., money) or subordinate (e.g., river) meanings.<br />

Consistent with the hypothesis, in a controlled priming task,<br />

mixed-handers demonstrated equal facilitation for both dominant and<br />

subordinate associates, whereas strong-handers showed facilitation<br />

only for the dominant associates.<br />

(2092)<br />

Evidence of Cross-Modal Grammar Learning. JASON J. JONES &<br />

HAROLD E. PASHLER, University of California, San Diego (sponsored<br />

by Harold E. Pashler)—Many researchers have argued that the mechanisms<br />

of statistical learning are modality specific. We present data<br />

from an artificial grammar learning experiment demonstrating that<br />

subjects learn statistical relationships between auditory and visual<br />

stimuli. We argue this is evidence for a form of statistical learning occurring<br />

at a level of cognition at which modality information has already<br />

been abstracted away.<br />

(2093)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Implicit Learning of Concurrent Spatial Sequences. JACQUE-<br />

LINE C. SHIN, Indiana State University—Can implicit learning occur<br />

for concurrent sequences in two spatial dimensions? In a serial reaction<br />

time task, a visual stimulus was presented in one of three sets of<br />

four horizontal positions, each set in a different region of the visual<br />

display. <strong>The</strong> location of the stimulus within these localized (horizon-<br />

82<br />

tal position) and macroscopic (region) spatial levels was manipulated<br />

independently. Response selection was based on the localized information,<br />

but the macroscopic information was incidental. In different<br />

conditions, the two types of spatial information followed same-length<br />

sequences that were phase matched or followed different-length sequences.<br />

In the same-length condition, the two sequences were integrated<br />

into a common sequence representation. Although the individual<br />

sequences were learned simultaneously in both conditions,<br />

learning for the macroscopic spatial sequence was greater in the<br />

different- than in the same-length condition. <strong>The</strong> pattern of results<br />

suggests an interactive relationship between integrative and independent<br />

sequence learning in the visuospatial modality.<br />

(2094)<br />

Monitoring Not Versus Not-Monitoring in Automatic Memory for<br />

Context. YAAKOV HOFFMAN, Bar Ilan University & Ben Gurion<br />

University, & JOSEPH TZELGOV, Ben Gurion University (sponsored<br />

by Joseph Tzelgov)—Automatic (AA) memory is monitored neither<br />

at encoding nor at retrieval. Direct measurement of AA memory is examined<br />

with a recognition context paradigm, where larger gray (perceptually<br />

nonsalient) words appear behind smaller black (salient)<br />

words. Context was manipulated by instructions telling participants to<br />

remember either a gray (gray = target, black = context) or a black<br />

(black = target, gray = context) word. Although significant AA memory<br />

was obtained for both contexts, the result pattern differed. Shorter<br />

lists, deeper encoding, and full attention enhanced memory for nonsalient<br />

context, yet impaired memory for salient context. Longer lists,<br />

shallower encoding, and divided attention, which typically weaken<br />

memory, enhanced AA memory for salient context. It implies that<br />

nonsalient context is not triggered by task requirement and is thus not<br />

monitored. However, salient context interferes with target monitoring<br />

and has to be intentionally ignored.<br />

(2095)<br />

Interaction Between Spatial Context Learning and Learning Strategy.<br />

NOBUTAKA ENDO, Hiroshima Shudo University, WALTER R.<br />


Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, & TAKATSUNE<br />

KUMADA, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and<br />

Technology—Visual search performance is improved when participants<br />

repeatedly experience the same spatial layout (contextual<br />

cuing). Contextual cuing suggests that the spatial layout is implicitly<br />

learned, and can guide spatial attention to the target location (Chun<br />

& Jiang, 1998). Recently, Lleras and von Mühlenen (2004) manipulated<br />

participants’ search strategy (active or passive between participants)<br />

and showed that contextual cuing occurred only when participants<br />

with passive strategy conducted the search task. Moreover,<br />

Endo, Boot, Kramer, Lleras, and Kumada (2006) replicated the results<br />

of Lleras and von Mühlenen’s study even when participants used each<br />

strategy in the different session of the experiment. However, it was unclear<br />

whether search strategy affected context learning or use of the<br />

learned context because they used the different set of stimuli in each<br />

session. In the present study, we controlled the set of stimuli between<br />

the sessions, and examined the interaction between context learning<br />

and search strategy.<br />

(2096)<br />

Accommodating “Backward” Repetition Priming Effects in a Transfer<br />

Appropriate Processing Model. WENDY S. FRANCIS, EDGAR<br />


University of Texas, El Paso—Word comprehension and word production<br />

involve access to common mental representations, but the associated<br />

flow of information goes in opposite directions. Two experiments<br />

with Spanish–English bilinguals measured the long-term<br />

effects of forward and backward process repetition on response times<br />

in picture naming and word translation. Experiment 1 (N = 84) used<br />

picture naming, translation, and semantic classification as encoding<br />

tasks for later translation. Experiment 2 (N = 84) used picture nam-

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