S1 (FriAM 1-65) - The Psychonomic Society

S1 (FriAM 1-65) - The Psychonomic Society

S1 (FriAM 1-65) - The Psychonomic Society


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Papers 29–34 Friday Morning<br />

duction”? NATE KORNELL & ROBERT A. BJORK, UCLA (read by<br />

Robert A. Bjork)—Learning about a new concept or category by observing<br />

examples—that is, inductive learning—happens constantly,<br />

from a baby learning a new word to a doctor classifying x-rays. What<br />

influence, though, does the spacing of such exemplars have on the efficiency<br />

of induction? We designed two experiments to test Ernst Z.<br />

Rothkopf’s assertion that “spacing is the friend of recall, but the<br />

enemy of induction.” In both experiments participants studied paintings<br />

by 12 different artists. A given artist’s paintings were presented<br />

either consecutively (massed) or interleaved with other artists’ paintings<br />

(spaced). Memory was tested using a cued-recall task in Experiment<br />

1 and a recognition task in Experiment 2. To our surprise, inducing<br />

artists’ styles profited from spacing, not massing. Massed<br />

practice, however, apparently created a sense of fluent induction: Participants<br />

rated massing as more effective than spacing for learning an<br />

artist’s style even after their own test performance had demonstrated<br />

the opposite.<br />

8:40–8:55 (29)<br />

Learning Algebra by Exploration. ANGELA BRUNSTEIN &<br />

JOHN R. ANDERSON, Carnegie Mellon University—A major component<br />

of learning a skill like algebra is knowing which operators are<br />

appropriate for what situations. This study investigated learning to<br />

solve algebra-isomorphic problems either by exploration or by a stepby-step<br />

instruction. Instructed participants performed better on early<br />

problems, whereas explorers performed better on solving related<br />

problems later on. Explorers were less likely to acquire shallow operators<br />

that only applied in the original learning situation. Exploring<br />

problems on their own also enhanced participants’ capabilities for debugging<br />

and acquiring new operators. More importantly, exploration<br />

also changed the way they perceived new situations: Although these<br />

situations were new to all participants, explorers were better able to<br />

focus on task relevant aspects. <strong>The</strong>refore, they were more likely to<br />

choose the correct operators in new situations.<br />

9:00–9:15 (30)<br />

What Does It Take to Link a Cue With a Behavior in Human Skill<br />

Acquisition? HAL PASHLER, University of California, San Diego,<br />

EDWARD VUL, MIT, & TIMOTHY C. RICKARD, University of<br />

California, San Diego—Much has been learned about when mental<br />

linkages are (and are not) formed in Pavlovian conditioning and in<br />

contingency judgments, but far less is known about what principles<br />

govern the acquisition of cue–behavior linkages in human skill acquisition.<br />

In several experiments, we had subjects make speeded responses<br />

based upon an instructed stimulus–response mapping. Additional<br />

redundant cues were also presented at certain times within each<br />

training trial, reliably predicting the appropriate response. In some<br />

cases these cues did not appear until it was too late to use them. <strong>The</strong><br />

results (assessed in various types of transfer-test blocks) shed light<br />

upon whether acquisition of cue–behavior linkages requires (1) actual<br />

experience using the cue to select a response during training, (2) perceiving<br />

the cue prior to selecting the response on the training trial, or<br />

(3) merely having the cue appear, correlated with the response, even<br />

if it was not useful or timely.<br />

9:20–9:35 (31)<br />

How Conceptualizing Music Affects Novice Trumpeters’ First Sound<br />


MICHELLE F. LEVINE, New School for Social Research (read by<br />

Michael F. Schober)—To what extent do novice musicians need to<br />

conceptualize music as they acquire musical skill? We tested novice<br />

trumpeters (individuals who could not read written music and who had<br />

never played a wind instrument before) in their first encounter with a<br />

trumpet, under three different conditions: (1) simply following fingered<br />

instructions; (2) hearing the to-be-achieved pitches before following<br />

the fingered instructions; and (3) hearing and singing the tobe-achieved<br />

pitches before following the fingered instructions. If<br />

conceptualizing the music and hearing it internally matter, as McPher-<br />

5<br />

son (2005) has proposed, then novice trumpeters who hear and sing<br />

the pitches should be able to play the desired pitches more often and<br />

more accurately than when they simply follow fingered instructions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> results reflect this pattern, and are consistent with a model of musical<br />

production that suggests working from internally represented<br />

sound to action is more effective than acting without musical conceptualization.<br />

SYMPOSIUM: Mechanisms of Cognitive Development:<br />

Domain-General Learning or Domain-Specific Constraints?<br />

Regency ABC, Friday Morning, 9:40–12:00<br />

Chaired by Vladimir M. Sloutsky, Ohio State University<br />

9:40–9:55 (32)<br />

Mechanisms of Cognitive Development: Domain-General Learning<br />

or Domain-Specific Constraints? VLADIMIR M. SLOUTSKY,<br />

Ohio State University—How do children come to acquire language,<br />

to individuate objects, to navigate in space, to use numbers, and to<br />

have concepts? For the past two decades, the prevailing answer has<br />

been that the environmental input is fundamentally indeterminate and<br />

therefore learning is organized by a set of innate domain-specific constraints.<br />

However, a growing body of evidence indicates that the input<br />

is more systematic than previously believed and that there are powerful<br />

domain-general learning mechanisms capable of exploiting these<br />

regularities and building sophisticated domain-specific knowledge.<br />

Although no single comprehensive learning account of cognitive development<br />

has been offered yet, there are accounts of how infants and<br />

children extract regularities from the input, to acquire language, to<br />

learn to navigate in space, and to form concepts. This symposium will<br />

focus on domain-general learning and its role in language learning<br />

(Christiansen, Smith), conceptual development (McClelland, Sloutsky),<br />

and spatial navigation (Newcombe). Successes and limitations<br />

of the domain-general learning account will be discussed (Goldstone).<br />

10:00–10:15 (33)<br />

Self-Organizing “Constraints” on Word Learning. LINDA B.<br />

SMITH, Indiana University, & HANAKO YOSHIDA, University of<br />

Houston—Growing evidence suggests that children learn how to learn<br />

language, creating language learning mechanisms that fit the learning<br />

task, as they proceed. One line of evidence supporting this view<br />

concerns cross-linguistic differences—not just in what children know<br />

about their language, but in the very processes and strategies they use<br />

to learn language. This talk will present evidence on the developmental<br />

emergence of cross-linguistic differences in language learning<br />

in 12- to 36-month-old children learning Japanese or English as their<br />

first and only language. <strong>The</strong> evidence shows emerging differences in<br />

strategies of noun learning, verb learning, and in such important distinctions<br />

as animate and inanimate.<br />

10:20–10:35 (34)<br />

Statistical Learning and Language: In Search of Underlying Neural<br />

Constraints. MORTEN H. CHRISTIANSEN, Cornell University,<br />

CHRISTOPHER M. CONWAY, Indiana University, & LUCA ONNIS,<br />

Cornell University—Over the past decade, statistical learning—the<br />

discovery of structure by way of statistical properties of the input—<br />

has emerged as an important paradigm for studying domain-general<br />

constraints on language acquisition. <strong>The</strong> basic assumption of this research<br />

is that statistical learning and language are subserved by the<br />

same mechanisms, an assumption for which there is little neural evidence.<br />

We therefore used event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate<br />

the distribution of brain activity while adults performed (1) a natural<br />

language reading task and (2) a statistical learning task involving<br />

sequenced stimuli. <strong>The</strong> same positive ERP deflection, the P600 effect,<br />

typically linked to difficult or ungrammatical syntactic processing,<br />

was found for structural incongruencies in both natural language as<br />

well as statistical learning and had similar topographical distributions.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se results suggest that the same neural mechanisms are recruited

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