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200 Gaelic Society of Inverness.<br />

Daorghlas, who this /ear ccwl was, Fionn answered that his name<br />

was now Caoilte. Here thoy got victorious arms, but they had to<br />

be temj)ered in human blood. Fionn, by a stratagem, got the<br />

smith's mother to take the place tliat fell to him by lot, and she<br />

was unwittingly killed. And Fionn's own sword was tempered in<br />

the smith'.s own blood.<br />

" B'e Mac an Luin lann Mhic Cumhail,<br />

Gum be Drithleannach lann Oscar,<br />

'S b'i Chruaidh Ohosgarrach lann Chaoilte,<br />

Gum b'i an Liomharrach lann Dhiannad,<br />

Agam fein bha Gearr-nan-colann."<br />

Every hero's sword had a name, as we see from this.<br />

Distressed people came to the Feine for protection. In Macpherson,<br />

nearly every other j)oem presents such, but in the ballads,<br />

t<strong>here</strong> is only one good INIacphersonic case. Tliis is found in<br />

" Duan na h-Inghinn," or Essroy of the Dean of Lismore. The<br />

daughter of the King of Under-waves Land flies from the love of<br />

the son of the King of the Land of Light (Sorcha). She comes in<br />

a gold " curach" to Fionn. Her lover follows on his steed riding on<br />

the waves. He fights the heroes and falls. Some ballads<br />

represent him as killing the Nighean, others that she was with<br />

Fionn in the Feine a year. This is nearly exactly the same as<br />

Macpherson's Maid of Oraca and Faine-soluis. It is the only<br />

poem of his that agrees with the ballads in any satisfactory<br />

respect.<br />

same.<br />

But his language differs widely, though the plot is the<br />

Foreign invaders are numerous. Sometimes they are singlehanded,<br />

as in the case of Deai'g, and his son Conn after him.<br />

Other times t<strong>here</strong> is a regular invasion. The stories of single<br />

invaders are all of a type ; he comes, challenges the champions<br />

and lays them low in ones, twos, tens, and liundreds. Then Goll<br />

or Oscar goes, and after a stifl" fight annihilates him. Their<br />

wounds are healed by Fionn. The Kings of Lochlinn are the<br />

chief invaders. Manus we liave already considered. Earragon,<br />

another Lochlinn king, got his wife stolen by Aide, one of<br />

Fionn's men, and came to Scotland to fight them over it. The<br />

ballad is called " Teanntachd JMhor Na Fein6," and forms the<br />

groundwork of Macpherson's Battle of Lora, or as he says himself,<br />

calling it Irish of course—<br />

" It appears to have been founded<br />

on tlie same story with the * Battle of Lora,' one of the poems of<br />

the genuine Ossian" ! A most serious invasion of Ireland was<br />

made by Dare Donn or Darius, King of the World, helped by all

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