Integration of Conservation Strategies of Plant Genetic ... - Genres

Integration of Conservation Strategies of Plant Genetic ... - Genres Integration of Conservation Strategies of Plant Genetic ... - Genres


References Andrzejewski R., Weigle A. 1992. Polish Study on Biodiversity. National Fundation of Environment Protection. Buli_ska-Radomska Z., Góral S. 1991. Current Status of Genetic Resources Activities in Poland. Genetica Polonica vol.32,1-22. Buli_ska-Radomska Z., Podyma W., Góral S. 1991.Plant genetic resources conservation programme in Poland, a multi-institutional collaboration. Crop network- New concepts for genetic resources management. International Crop Network Series.4 IBPGR. GEF 1992. Poland. Forest Biodiversity Protection Project. January 1992

CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES IN PORTUGAL PRESENT STATUS AND PROSPECTS L. GUSMÃO 1 , H. GUEDES-PINTO 2 Intoduction As a result of its particular geographic localization, a wealth of diversity of plant germplasm was developed in the Portuguese continental territory and island. Furthermore, the early enterprise of the overseas' discoveries, at the end of the XIV century, and the long-lasting permanence in overseas territories promoted a wide introduction of exotic germplasm, subsequently subjected to periodic gene introgressions. This enormous potential was recognized by the scientific community, throughout the world, and several collecting missions were undertaken in Portugal during the present century (e.g. as by Vavilov or, more recently, by Gladstones). With the progression of modern industrial agriculture (in particular with the development and generalization of the idea of pure line for autogamous species) a large number of landraces of most of all the cultivated species became endangered by urban pressures which, in some particular areas, represent a menace to ecotypes of some wild relatives of the cultivated species. A noticeable National effort was, already, undertaken in this area, in particular since 1977, when FAO/IBPGR gave support to a few collecting missions and, afterward, to the implementation of the Portuguese Germplasm Bank. However, as the responsibility for plant germplasm conservation and utilization is spread over four Ministries (and by Institutions within the same Ministry and groups within the same Institute), it lacks an appropriate coordination that would make the most of current endeavours and those for the future. Ex situ conservation In most cases, the germplasm collections of plant material directly involved in plant breeding projects, in Portugal, until 1977, were field collections, either of forest and fruit trees or annual crops. In particular, for annual crops, this method, besides being expensive (too much time and labor consuming) did not allow for the safeguarding of genotype integrity, due to the introgression to which the material is permanently exposed. Authors' addresses: 1 Estação Agronómica Nacional 2780 Oeiras Portugal 2 Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro 5000 Vila Real Portugal - 1 -

References<br />

Andrzejewski R., Weigle A. 1992. Polish Study on Biodiversity. National Fundation <strong>of</strong><br />

Environment Protection.<br />

Buli_ska-Radomska Z., Góral S. 1991. Current Status <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genetic</strong> Resources Activities in Poland.<br />

<strong>Genetic</strong>a Polonica vol.32,1-22.<br />

Buli_ska-Radomska Z., Podyma W., Góral S. 1991.<strong>Plant</strong> genetic resources conservation<br />

programme in Poland, a multi-institutional collaboration. Crop network- New concepts for<br />

genetic resources management. International Crop Network Series.4 IBPGR.<br />

GEF 1992. Poland. Forest Biodiversity Protection Project. January 1992

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