Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1872 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1872 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1872 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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ANNUAL<br />


OF THE<br />



OF THE<br />


DETROIT:<br />


54 G?-i.cwold Street, B1111e-r Rvilclh, q.<br />



Are offering the largeet and beet asortment of<br />


IN THE WEST,<br />




Warerooms 226 JefYerson Avenue.<br />

Factlory cor Woodbridge and Brush Sts., DETROIT.<br />

NORRIS WINSLOW, Prest 3. M. DAMS, Secy. C 8. WAITE, Gen. Agent.<br />



CASH ASSE TS, $400,000.00.<br />


I~lszcres nothzng more hnznrdous than PRIVATE RESIDENCES and their<br />

contents. No Shops, $fills, Stores, Rblel.~, or otiie~ business property taken.<br />

Insures against a11 Loss or Damage by Fire or Lightning.<br />

NO COMPAm canJe on a SAFEB BASTS. and none MORE PROSPEROUS than the WATXg<br />

TOWN. It 1s not. subject to sweeping fires or heavy losses. Its r~sks .'&lug SAFER<br />

makea its assets the stronger, securlty is therefore doubly perfect.<br />

N. A. BIERCE, Agent.<br />

Moflatt Block, Griswold St.? - . DETR

N presenting this, the Eleventh Volume of the <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>, to the Public<br />

we desire to express to its many patrons our sincere thanks for their encourage-<br />

ment and assistance. Among our advertisers may be found the names of those<br />

!i!<br />

who are always in 'the van of public improvement and business enterprise, and<br />

the leaders in their especial line of trade ; and in conseqence, the liberal @it<br />

which characterizes their pursuit of the " almighty dollar,'' is manifest in everything<br />

that will enhance their own interests while doing a public good.<br />

To the croakers and faultfinders, that are alwa_vs those who " don't have any use for<br />

the book," but wbo nevertheless, continually borrow of their neighbors, we would ssy<br />

" croak," as this is your annual opportunity.<br />

' That errors in a <strong>City</strong> <strong>Directory</strong> are unavoidable, been proved by the experience of<br />

all publishers, and we trust that our many friends will overlook such as may appear in<br />

this work, and give us credit for the energy and skill displayed in its production.<br />

Tmsting that our efforts may meet the approval of our patrons, we remain<br />

Very respectfully, '<br />



- - --- - - - --<br />


Buhl's New Block, - I<br />

No. 98 Griswold Street,<br />

DETROIT,<br />

MICE.<br />




OF NEW YORE, * - ASSETS, 82,500,000.<br />


OF BROOX-LPN, - - - ASSETS $1,800,000.<br />


BANGIOR, - I 9 - - ASSETS 8540,000.<br />


NEW YORK, I I I ASSETS, $400.000.<br />

mka:ppgm@ ~ ~ f g N ~ - ~ ~ ~ @ @ ~<br />


B \NUOR, I m 9 ARSETS, $540,000.<br />

&lE1@ ~?@~ag@am@@@<br />


NEW YO==, I -<br />

I<br />

$2O,OOO,OOO.<br />

Policies Issued. Losses Promptly Paid.<br />

IRA WORCESTER, Agent.<br />


Page . '<br />

Adair. William ..................... 91 Dewey. Middlewood & Co.. .......... 96<br />

Adame. Samuel. ..................... 94 Efcks. John J.. ..................... 524<br />

Ashley. Lewis & Co.. 549 Donaldson & Co.. 114<br />

................<br />

........................<br />

Atlantic 62 Pacific Tel . Co.. outside cover .<br />

Austin E... 104<br />

Baldwin . H . P . & Co... .............. 7<br />

Ballard & Starratt. .................. 115<br />

Barnurn. E . T.. ..................... 100<br />

.................<br />

..................<br />

Bates. W . L. & Co.. 85<br />

Baxter & Gourley. 102<br />

Beatty. Fitzsimons & Co... ........... 79<br />

Belle Isle Ice Co... ............ . .. ... 81<br />

Benoit. J . P . & Bro... ................ I17<br />

Berry Bros... ....................... 4<br />

Berry. J . A . & Co.. .................. 524<br />

Bierce. N . A... ..................... 24<br />

Black. A . H.. ...................... 66<br />

Borchard . F... ...................... 524<br />

Bour~e. Oliver. ........... . .... 13<br />

Brady & Co... ...................... 113<br />

Brown. A . S... ...................... 100<br />

Buhl. Ducharrne & Co... ............ 8<br />

Buhl. F . Newland & Co... ........... G<br />

Burt Manufacturing Co.. ............. 82<br />

Busch Charles. ...................... 94<br />

Cameron John. ..................... 11 1<br />

Campau Theodore J.. ............... 32<br />

Campau Dennis I.. .................. 32<br />

Campbell. Colin & Sons. ........... .Map<br />

Carlisle. F . W.. .................... 97<br />

Carr. L . W.. ........................ 93<br />

Chandler. Geo . C.. ......... .outside cover<br />

Cheney. Son & Bartlett. ............. 20<br />

Christie . Philip. .................... 512<br />

Cleveland Liue of Steamers .......... 548<br />

Cornwells. Price & Co... ........... 78<br />

Curtiss. Charlev H... ................ 89<br />

Davis. Taplin & Co... ............... 90<br />

Davis & Newberry. ................. 11<br />

Dennison 62 Co ........ back bone and 83<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car Works. ................. 22<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory. .............. 30<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Cement Sewer Pipe Co.. opp . name<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Dry Dock Engine Works. .... 86<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gas Light Co ................ 115<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Locomotive Works .......... 34<br />

Uetroit Mattress Co.. .............. 51 9<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Co... ........... .... .... 15<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> 6i; Ivrilwaukee Railroad. ...... 545<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Ornamental Stone Co.. ....... 114<br />

Page .<br />

...................<br />

...................<br />

Dougherty. J . H.. 112<br />

Dow Bros... ........................ 113<br />

Duffield 5 . P... ....... .outside line and 36<br />

Duncan. William .................. 33<br />

Dunks. Charles H.. ................. 118<br />

Dunlap. Donaldson & Co... .......... 66<br />

Dwight. Willlam M . & Co... ........ 108<br />

Elliott L Bros ...................... 97<br />

Erie Railroad ....................... 547<br />

Ferguson S . & Co... ................. 104<br />

Ferguson. William .................. 116<br />

Ferry . D . M . & Co.. ................ 79<br />

First National Bank ................. map<br />

Ford & Sons 522<br />

......................<br />

Frankfort Iron Co... ......... ., ..... 107<br />

Freund. Kast & Co .................. 102<br />

Friedericks 6t Staffin ................ 116<br />

Frost's Wooden Ware Works ........ 10.5<br />

Fyfe. Richard H .......... ..outside cover<br />

Goldsmith. J . H ........... .opposite name<br />

Graves & Laurense .................. 98<br />

Great Western Railroad .............. 544<br />

Greusel. John & Sons ............... 116<br />

Hall. R . H ........................ 93<br />

Hamtramck Iron Works ............. 22<br />

Hanmer. L . C ....................... 115<br />

Hargreaves Manufacturing Co.. ...... 95<br />

Hawksley & Ilsley ................... 534<br />

Heames. H . & Son .................. 117<br />

Heames. W . E . & Co ................ 521<br />

Hempel. Charles .................... 522<br />

Hensien. J . P ....................... 35<br />

Hesselbacher. 0 ..................... 99<br />

Hinden. M . J ....................... 523<br />

Holmes dt Webster .................. 80<br />

Hubbard & Davis ................... 90<br />

Hufuagel. P . & Co .................. 109<br />

Jackson & Wiley ............ front paster .<br />

James & Martin .................... 21<br />

June & Co ......... running card and 38<br />

Kengel. Joseph ..................... 528<br />

King. Charles . a .................... 523<br />

Koerner. Conrad .................... 524<br />

Kuhn & Burghard .................. 116<br />

Kuster. Theodore ................... 623<br />

Ladd. E . W .......................... 114<br />

Lansing & Lake Michigan Railroad .. 543

Also Additions, AZteratJons, Cow, ctions, etc.<br />

Atkinson Thomas, painter, h 462 Macomb.<br />

Backus Andrew, lawyer, res. 171 Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Backus Sylvanus, lawyer, res 1'71 Joseph<br />

Campau aye.<br />

Beamer John, telegraph repairer, h 62<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Brady Geo. N., offlce foot Woodward aye,<br />

h 156 Congress e.<br />

Bussell Walter, butcher, bds 66 Montcalm<br />

west<br />

Carney Patrick, gardener, h cor Howard<br />

and Twen ty-fourth.<br />

Carney Thomas, traveling agent, bds cor<br />

Howard and Twenty-fourth.<br />

Cavanaugh Edward, lab., h 509 Fort e.<br />

Cavanaugh James. carpenter, bds s w cor<br />

Wight and Walker.<br />

Clark John M., artist, 187 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Corning George A., printer, h 116 Division<br />

Crongeyer John, jeweler, 239 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Crongeyer Theodore, wood carter, 239<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Ducharme, Fletcher & Co., (Alfred J. Du-<br />

charme, Charles T. Fletcher, lheodore<br />

P. Bheldon, Wm. C. Duncan and LeRty<br />

J. Heath,) wholesale hardware, 67 and<br />

69 Woodbridge w.<br />

Flannery Michael, grocer, 7 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Flannery Patrick, (C. D. Widman 62 Co.),<br />

h 526 Seventh.<br />

Fuerstenaw Qustav, mason, h o 297 n 305<br />

Clinton.<br />

Funke Charles. grocer, cor Catherine and<br />

Hastin s h same.<br />

Gaeon %il:illiam, weigher, h 303 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Gillis Samuel W., salesman, Charles Root<br />

r& Co.<br />

Haug Christian F., grocer, 255 Watson, h<br />

same.<br />

Hibbard D. B., jr., lawyer, Bank Block, 93<br />

. Griswold.<br />

Hudson Thomson J., editor Daily Union,<br />

h 257 Twelfth.<br />

Town Phaebe, (wid Zenas), h 21 Oak.<br />

Town Walter, silver plater, bds 21 Oak.<br />

Toynton Henry W., express clerk, h 52<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Toynton Joseph, (Gray Toynton & Fox,)<br />

I h 50 Macolrb aye.



Our new "RevoZPlng,<br />

Bocktrrq and Z%Zting9'<br />

chair, patented April %th,<br />

1871, by F. Barber, made a<br />

specialty. (See- engraving.)<br />

This chair is adjnstable to,<br />

*<br />

light or heavy persons, and<br />



is particularly adaptcd to<br />

the court room, lodge room,<br />

ofEce, library, dining rocm,<br />

in fact to any po~itic n ~ Ltn<br />

ease and comfort is a de-<br />

sideratum, and is superior<br />

to all similar chairs in<br />

let. Its simplicity of construction, the form of spring used ensuring great strength, elasticity and<br />

durability.<br />

2d. Its solidity when upright, and the easy and pleasant motion with which it is operated.<br />

3d, It makes a COlKPLICTE Rocking Chair, dispensing with the long projecting rockers eo injurious<br />

to carpets and furniture.<br />

4th. It is.NO1SELESS and free from any grating or jarring sensation, the front and rear support<br />

being fitted with elaetlc bnfferrl to prevent concussion.<br />

5th. It is the ONLY sprin that can be adjusted to the weight of the occupant, which is done by<br />

aimply turning the set screw wig the thumb and anger, and regulating the height of the lulcrum, a<br />

heavy person requiring a stiffer spring than a light one, and vice vema.<br />

6th. It is admirably adapted to people with a Consumptive tendency, as when LL tilted " the should~rs<br />

are thrown back, the chest 10 expanded, thereby promoting a we physlcal development, counteracting<br />

the bad habits formed by ~itting in ordinary chairs.<br />

lllwtrated Catalogue and Price Lists famished to dealers on application.<br />

LVTHBB WB160T, President. wiueglIA BARBEB, Bec'y, HENRY SMITE, ~reuure"



9<br />


Towns, Xerchants, Bankers, Insurance,<br />

And Railroad Companies, etc.,<br />

Made on short notice, of the best Material and Work-<br />

manship.<br />


Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Statements,<br />

Shipping Receipts, Bills of Lading,<br />

\<br />

etc., etc., etc.,<br />


No. 113 Griswold Street.<br />

One door below Mofatt's Block, DETROIT, XICH.


tsuccessor to WM, DUNCAN & CO. and DUNCAN BROTHERS,)<br />



Carriage Goods, Horse Blankets and Hoods,<br />

Whip and Lashes, Sheets and Fly Nets<br />


.+nd all binds of Leather Goods usually kept in like Establishments.<br />

165 JEFFERSON AVL,<br />

5<br />





Hi~h and low Pressure En~iues,<br />

For Boats, Propellers, Rolling lills, Saw lills, &c.<br />




Repairs promptly attended to, night or day. Works on<br />

Larned and Congress streets, from<br />

Third to Fourth streets.<br />


C. H. bVIIL, President. D. R. PElRCE, Sec'y. and Treas, J. W. BARTLETT, Mech. Supt-<br />




Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware,<br />



109. 132 k 131, Cor. ST. AFOIXE Si FORT STREETS, DETROIT, MICH.<br />



%allon Patent<br />

Boxed Cane.. . . 47c.<br />

aallon Patept<br />

soxed Cans. . . . 63c.<br />

qallon Patent<br />

Bosed Cane.. . . 76c.<br />

qallon Patent<br />

Boxed Cans.. . . 95c.<br />

5 gallon Patent<br />

Alcohol Cans.. 1.00<br />

10 allo on Patent<br />

Alcohnl Cans.. 1.60<br />


132 and 134, Corner St. Antoine and Fort Streets,<br />



SANUEL Pa DUFFIELD, Ma Da, PH. 1).<br />


Of the Pharmaecetial by the DIlffiald Process.<br />



Chloroform, Sweet Spirits Nitre and<br />

Ammonia.<br />



@ @ & B1@N,<br />

78 & 80 JEFF.ERS0N ATEL<br />

Ofice and Laboratory, .I rn -<br />


a<br />




Where they are prepared to offer at LOW RATES a full stock of<br />


ROUND and SQUARE, all sizes Rom 36 to 5 inch ; FLAT BAR all sizes from to 7 inches wide ;<br />

SCRAP IRON, a full assortment made,from selected Scrap ; BOlLEK and SHEET IRON, from hammer-<br />

ed Lake Superior Charcoal Blooms. Ihe t'ensile strength marked on all flang iron, and- on C. H. If<br />

requested.<br />


Jfude frcm Extra Refined Lake Superior Iron.<br />




Lake Superior Charcoal Pig.<br />

Call and see, or addvesa<br />

The Higheat Price will be paid, either in Cash or Iron, for<br />



28 Michigan Grand Avenue.<br />

Wholesale and Retail,<br />

C. JUNE, & GO.,<br />

28 Michigan Grand Avenue.



Bankers, Merchants, Lawyers, Physicians and Clergy men,<br />

Unite in a CompIimenrtary Address.<br />


More than fifty graduates of the Mayhew Business College engaged as banken and<br />

merchants ir; <strong>Detroit</strong> and Michigan, and twenty other cities and States, in the Departments<br />

at Washington, in railroad and insurance offices, and in other equally important<br />

positions-including graduates of the University, Normal School, Agricultural College,<br />

and other colleges of the State and country, and embracing lawyers, physicians, and<br />

clergymen-have united in an address to the Hon. Isa MAYHEW, President of this<br />

College, in which they say :<br />

" Raving been students of the Mayhew Business College, and being hence able to<br />

judge of its excellences; we take pleasure in commending it as eminently worthy of<br />

patronage. Its privileges cannot be too highly prized. Its popular business practice is<br />

~nvaluable. We heartily concur with those business men who say of its University<br />

Book-keeping, they would not for one thousand dollars part with the instruction they<br />

have gained from it. The regalar cou-ses of lectures by the President clear up all difficulties<br />

and enable students to thoroughly understand their work. The professors are<br />

acconlplished in their several departments, and like the President manifestly have the<br />

m-elfare of their students at heart. We have never elsewhere enjoyed school privileges<br />

which wevalue so highly, and which we can with such confidence recommend to<br />

others."<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Michigan may well cherish such an institution, which prepares so<br />

many of our youag men for business, and whose publications are used as text-books in<br />

the leading colleges and schools of lhe country. Although established and maintained<br />

by individual enterprise, this Business College is doing a work of greater value to the<br />

public than that of many institutions deriving their support from municipalities and<br />

States, and fostered by contributions and bequests from wealthy and benevolent citizens.<br />

--<strong>Detroit</strong> Tribune of Narch 9,<strong>1872</strong>.<br />

This College received Eight Diplomas and First Premiums in 1871, all that were<br />

awarded at Sir State and Union Fairs for best Book-keeping and ftusiness Practice.<br />

Its publications are used in the best colleges of the country, from New York to San<br />

Francisco. Students come not only from <strong>Detroit</strong> and Michigan, but from huudreds of<br />

miles away to attend here, nod upon their success and recommendation their brothers<br />

and friends come after them. A fi~rmer governor of Nebraska, on recently placing a<br />

second son at this college remarked to his friends that he considers the mental discipline<br />

resulting from making its course of study of greater value to a young man than<br />

that gained from all theLstin and Greek of a regular college course.<br />

For Tm MAYHEW COLLEGE JOURNU, giving full information, address,<br />

Corner Congress and Randolph Streets,<br />





I and I18 'Woodward Avenue,<br />

mmwE@UI[ws<br />

Cordially invite Book-Buyer8 to visit their elegant Stores and inspect one of the best collections of<br />


To be found at any Book house in the West.<br />

We give special atteo t ion to Fine Stationery, and exocu te Crests, 3ionogmms, Initials ,<br />

Wedding and Vitjiting Cards in the late. t Styles.<br />

Is well stocked with School qnd Blank Books and Office stationery, and we invite the Eook t.rade to<br />

examme it ; in yrrcea we are prepared to compete wlth all.<br />

Catalogues of School, Mi~cellaneous and Standard Library Books mailed free on application. Parties<br />

pnrchtteing Books for School, Township or private libraries, will find it to their advantage to examine<br />

our stock, or send for terms, &c.<br />

116 and it8 Woodnrard Avenue,<br />


'L <strong>Detroit</strong> can now take pride in its new Bmk-sfore-one of tho largest and I think the nwst beaut~ul,<br />

jn the whole country."- C~l~@j~)n.dent of the Bo8tom Trmf~9cTjpt.<br />

'- The most elc ant Book-store in the country."-Delroit Adrertiser and Mune.<br />

bb E. B. Smith % Co., in their new and elegmt eptahlishment. will more than ever deserve the encouragement<br />

of all lovers of books in their vicinity; and friexlds of litcratnre throngho~hnnc the couutm will<br />

be qlad to leap that pa@t*ial book-storee, like the crJ!lree ofernpire, Westwarcl take their way."-PMaddpI~ia<br />

Inqutrer ,


FOR THE YEAR <strong>1872</strong>.<br />

FOR THE YEARS <strong>1872</strong>-53.<br />

,'Ifayor-Huqh ni1ofEl t.<br />

Reco~*de?*-George S. Swift.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Cle1.7c-Chs1~le~ lI. Borgman.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Controller-Ellery I. Garfield.<br />

<strong>City</strong> -4tto~r~ey-Francis G. Russell.<br />

<strong>City</strong> C'oul~.s.ellor-Den7itt C. Holbrook.<br />

Cfit,y 'rre~~.s~o~e~~-EcZ~vi~~<br />

C'. Hins~lale.<br />

<strong>City</strong> St~rce.yo~lEugene Hobinsou.<br />

Director of the Pdor-Luther' B. Willard.<br />

Receiver of Td.zes- Win. IT. Rumney.<br />

Asses.~nr-H. H. Leroy.<br />

Clerk of Rewrde?*'s Coulst--J. T. hIelclrut:1.<br />

Ssp'l. 1&)1;,2ue of C'orrectio?~-Z R. Brockmay.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Collccto 1- John JIcBride.<br />

PoLke Ju,dice-Albert G. Boyoton.<br />

Clerk of Police Cou~~l-Frank A. Noah.<br />

Inspecto]* of Gas ,lfite]r -J:lmes T. 1Irrig.h t.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Se.clou -George Heron.<br />

Ckrk of the L~fi~~?c;al-A. Lichtenberg.<br />

fi~pel~intende~zt of P,~r.7;a-C. Schenk.<br />

Ei~gir~eeta qf Swers-Tlms. Lectdbetex-.<br />

Ash.s&t.trzt Cit.q Ck~t~k-J\~m. 13. Christian.<br /> t~zt C~~zlrolier*-W 1111. hT, Ladue.<br />

dsaiukrtz t AssessomJohn Van Schoick,<br />

--<br />

-/i.vsktrcitt Police Justice-Florens Krecke.<br />

Dep~ty Director of t7~ Poor-J. Martin.<br />

A.~sistclnt <strong>City</strong> Collector-Miles W. Hall.<br />

Erzqineer oj' Cylty HaU-Thomas Hill. '<br />

Cily P/~gsiCi~)~s-First District, Henry F.<br />

6<br />

Lyster; Second District. John Flinterman;<br />

Third District, Hamilton E. Smith ;<br />

Fourth District, William C. Cox.<br />

Street Cotn~ni*ak~~ze~*~-E.Istern District,<br />

Theodore Funke ; Westeru District,<br />

Henry Knomles.<br />

Pwnd Kee~~ers-Eas tern District, Harris<br />

Jacobs ; Western District, Robert Wat-<br />

SOU.<br />

IVeCqh iTAcste~le,a-Eastern District, Daniel<br />

Shehan; Western District, David Uick-<br />

SOU.<br />

lVood I1~~~1ectors-3Iarl~e t, Eastern District,<br />

Geo~ gc 0. ?Valker ; Market. Western<br />

Distr~ct, Frederick C. Niep2th.<br />

C'?~imn(!y Szceepela- Wm. Dalton, Wm.<br />

Griffin.<br />

Jctraitors-JIayor's Office, Wm. Edmonds.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, Amos Burgess.<br />



E'irqt TPard-Fmucis Adanis,' Smith R.<br />

Woolley.<br />

Second ~urd-Wm. H. Langley, Guy<br />

F. Hinchman.<br />

Tlti?d IVa18d-C. 31. Welch, James<br />

Flo ivcr.<br />

Fou~th IV~x?*rl--Joseph Kuhn, Wm.<br />



Fifth Ward-Simeon Folsom, David<br />

Preston.<br />

Sixth Ward-31. P. Christian, Pllilo<br />

Parsons.<br />

Smenth fT7ic7*d-Frede rick Fuldtt, Fl-ed-<br />

erick I

lveissenstein ; Seventh Ward, Peter Bie-<br />

ber; Eighth Ward, 31ichael Kenealy !<br />

Ninth Warcl, Engleber t Maltz ; Tenth<br />

Ward, John Happe.<br />

Constnbles-First Ward, .Tames 31cICen-<br />

zie ; Second Ward, Thomas JIcCarthy ;<br />

Third MTard, Peter I(:~llenl,nch ; Fourth<br />

Ward, John Gnan; Fifth Ward, Frank<br />

Giclcley ; Sixth Ilrard James Love ; Seventh<br />


King, Augustus E. Bissell, Walter H.<br />

Coots.<br />

Borlrd of Grade Commissioners--James<br />

Anderson, .James Dubois, Simeon Folsom,<br />

Theodore J. Campau.<br />

Co?nmissionem on Plan of <strong>City</strong>-Emory<br />

JT7endell, John V. Ford, Theodore J Cam-<br />

pau.<br />

Inspectom of IIoz~se of Correction-Jeffer-<br />

l17ard, Kicholas Tisler; Eighth TVarJ ; sou IYiley, Edward Kanter, James E.<br />

John 07Connell ; Ninth TVard, August Pittman, and the Nayor ez oflcw.<br />

Eggers ; Tenth IYarci . Slichn el ,411or.<br />

Thcse officers are electecl for the tern1 of' 1 WARD BOUNDARIES.<br />

one gear, at charter elections. Compmsa- / First Ward-That part of the <strong>City</strong> situ<br />

tion is paid by the city only to Overseers / ated west of the center line of Shelby, and<br />

of Hiphmays, who receive annual salaries, south of tho centre of Michigan avenue,<br />

to be fixed by the Council. 1 and east of tile Forsyth farm.<br />

Secoj~cl l~~u~d-All south of the centers<br />

NISCELLA;?r'EOUS. I of )Ionroe and Michigan avenues, and be-<br />

I<br />

tween the centers of Shelby and Randolph<br />


...................<br />

St. At1 toiue t~nd Iiivard streets.<br />

Msyor..<br />

Recorcler*. ..................<br />

<strong>City</strong> Clerk .................<br />

Controller. ..............<br />

<strong>City</strong> Attorney.. ..........<br />

<strong>City</strong> Counsellor ..........<br />

<strong>City</strong> Treasurer .............<br />

<strong>City</strong> Surveyor ...............<br />

Director of the Poor. - -. . - -<br />

<strong>City</strong> Co!lector ...............<br />

Clerk of Herorderye Court.. .<br />

Receiver of Taxes ........<br />

-4ssessor.. ................<br />

Supt. ofHouse of<br />

Police<br />

Correction.<br />

Justicet.. ............<br />

....<br />

Clerk of Police Court:. ...... 1.400 j 1 ! 2.000 I Eigl~tl~ Ifib~~d-Comprises the Forsyth,<br />

Inspector of Gas Xeters .... l,OoO 1<br />

Engineer of Sewers.. .......<br />

/ 2,000 1 Labrosse and Baker farms.<br />

1,*200 1 .......<br />

Sonerintendent of Sewers ... 1,200 ( .. 1 ..... ...AT/~~TL JPk/*(Z--~ll south of the southerly<br />

city Seston ............... LO 1 i 5,000 line of the Detrolt, Monroe & Toledo Railclerk<br />

of the Market ......... SOO 1 1 I 5.O(JO I<br />

Superintendent of Parks .-..<br />

road, and m-est of tire Baker &rm, to the<br />

Assistant <strong>City</strong> Clerk.. ...<br />

j : 1 2,000 , West line Of ....<br />

the porter fama<br />

As~ietantC'ontroller ......... 1,400 1 1 I Te~sth m%1.c2-~411 east of the west line of<br />

Chief Cl'k Treasnrer'~ Office. 1.4UO . ' :: ::: 1 tile Witherell fidrm, and west of the center<br />

ChiefC7k in Aseesor.s Oftice.<br />

Assistant Assessors.. ....... 1.400 1 .. 1 ..... i line of JJ-~. ~lli~tt avenue, and souther?y of<br />

$4 pr day , ......<br />

Assistant Collector.. .... 1,200 i 1 / .... ' the northeriy line of Leland and Gratioh<br />

Uepaty Director of the Poor.<br />

Assistant Pollce Juetice.. ... $,",",P. 1 i i 1<br />

streets.<br />

2.000<br />

<strong>City</strong> Pily.:ciacs.. ...........<br />

For election puryses the Fifth Ward IS<br />

Street Commissioners.. .... 1,200 'Os divided into two election districw ; the<br />

Pound Keepers.. ........... 450 1 8.0UO Sixth ward i~to two election districts ; tile<br />

Engineer of <strong>City</strong> Hall.. ... 1,200 .......<br />

Jauitors in <strong>City</strong> Hall.. ..... pr dav 1 .... 1 Seventh Warcl into three election districts ;<br />

Janitor in Mayor's OAice ... $tjO pr ni. I 1<br />

Weigh Masters.. ........... i Fees. . 1<br />

Inspectors of Chimneys ..... Fees. . :<br />

Wood Inspector .......... 1 Peer. ,<br />

he Ninth Ward into two election districts ;<br />

i the Tenth JL7ard iuto four election dis-<br />

;: I trict~.<br />


*ByState$1,500, <strong>City</strong> $500.1.Countr$1.200, <strong>City</strong> $600, /<br />

$County $1,200, <strong>City</strong> $200. IIGas CO, $600. <strong>City</strong> $460. 1 brz',"qedqnarters<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Station, FVood.<br />

street, between Woodward avenue and<br />

Board of Water Cmnmissioners-Cnleb / at& street.<br />

Van~usan, Jacob S. Farrind, John Owen, Commissionem-Jacob S. Farrand, Alex-<br />

C'hauncey Hurlbut, Samuel 3'. Hoda e. i nnder Lcnis. Sidney D. NlUer, John .J.<br />

hard of &u)e~ CommG3&ners-Harvey I Baglelep. -<br />



President-Jacob S. Farrand.<br />

13 Corner Gratiot ancl Ranctolpll streets.<br />

Secretary-J. S. Booth.<br />

14 Engine I-Iouse No. 2, Corner Lnrned<br />

Attorney-J. Logan C hipman.<br />

and St. Antoine streets.<br />

Surgeon-Dr. D. 0. Fnrrrttnc?.<br />

15 Corner Brush street and Je'fferson ave.<br />

Supe~intenclent-31. V. Borgman.<br />

16 Police Station on Woodbridge street.<br />

Captniu-11. J. Rogers.<br />

21 Corner Atwater ancl 1-!:%stings streets.<br />

8ergectnt.s-Daniel W. Fales, A. II. Bach- 23 Corner ,itwater and Riopelle streeys.<br />

man, C~arles E. Reynolds, P. N. Girardin 24 Corner htwuter street and St. hubin<br />

and A. I.. Britton.<br />

avenue.<br />

Detectires-J. B. Stacller, A. J. Bishop, 27 Frost's Wo~den l17are Works on Wight<br />

Patrick O'Neil.<br />

street .<br />

Doormen-hbijah *Joy, Dennis Driscoll. 32 Corner Jefferson and Elnlwood aves.<br />

35 Corner Jefferson avenue ancl Dubois<br />


street.<br />

Fire Co~~~missioners-Jerome Croul, The- 36 Engine House No. 5, corner Riopelle<br />

odore H. Hinchman, Benjamin Vernor, and Larued streets.<br />

Lucretius H. Cobb.<br />

57 Corner Croghan ancl St. Antoine sts.<br />

President-Lucre tius H Cobb.<br />

41 Corner Croghan and Itussell streets.<br />

Secl-etary-Fred. H. Seymour.<br />

12 Corner Croghali and Dequiudre streets,<br />

Chief Engineer- James Battle.<br />

Car 1Vorl;s.<br />

Assistant Engineer-James K. Elliott. 43 Corner (':inton ancl Elmwoocl aves.<br />

District Engirieer-M. H. Gascoigne. 45 Corner Cli~lton ave. and Chene street.<br />

Superinte dent l'eleg~~c~pl~ ccncl Sztpply 46 C'orner High street and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Agent-31. ki. Gascoigne.<br />

5 1 Corner Itussell ancl Catherine streets.<br />

Rescue Book and Lcctlde~ C'omyctny, 3%. 1. 52 Corner Gratiot ancl Hastings streets.<br />

-Corner Wayne and Lamed streets.- 53 Engine House Xo. 6, corner Itussell<br />

Foreman, William Cooper, Assistant Fore- and High streets.<br />

man, Jas. A. Broderick.<br />

54 Corner Grzttiot and Dequindre strce! s.<br />

L%fuyeltct 8teum fie Engine, ATo. I. 61 House of Correction.<br />

Wayne street, near Larned. Foreman, P. 64 Corner St. ilntoine and Watson sts.<br />

W. Nolan. Engineer, Ales. Torrance. 71 ('orner Beiiubieu and 31arion streets.<br />

~Veptufie Sieun~ li'ire E'lsgirze, 30. 2.-Cor- '72 Coruer Beaubien street and hdams<br />

ner of St. Antoine an(\ Larneci streets.- avenue.<br />

Foreman, Adclison A. Blackwell. En,' ~ineer, 121 Corner lli'ooclward ave. and George<br />

James McKer~lan.<br />

street.<br />

P72cenz.z Steam E'ire Erzyi~ie Conzpany ATo. 124 Corner C~ooc~mard avenue and Peter-<br />

3-On Clifford street, near woodward ave. boro street.<br />

Foreman, G. 31. Eolbrook. Engineer,<br />

126 Corner ~Vood~vnrct and TITillis aves.<br />

Alvarado 3Iayer.<br />

134 Corner Second and Brainard streets.<br />

61: C. Eurker Steurn Fire Engine 3-0. 4- 133 Corner Sibley street and Cass ave.<br />

Corner of Sixth and Baker streets. - 136 Corncr Grand Ever ave and Xicldle st<br />

Foreman, Dennis Dullea. Engineer, John 141 Corner Grarltl Ilircr Live and Thircl st.<br />

Laing.<br />

14% Corner Grand liiver ave and Sixth st.<br />

Jcts. A. Jkn Dyke Steam Bire Engine ATo.<br />

143 Corner Grand River and Ninth aves.<br />

$-Corner ICiopelle and Larned streets- I52 Corner Kational avenue and Canfield<br />

Foreman, Frank Smith. Engineer,. Frank<br />

street.<br />

Beaufait.<br />

153 Corner Locust and Seventh streets.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Steclm Fire Engine A\%. 6- Corner 154 Engine House No. 4, corller Sixth and<br />

of Kussell and High streets. Foreman,<br />

Baker streets.<br />

John Holler. Engineer, John 31. Cronen-<br />

161 Corner Nichigan ave. and First st.<br />

weth.<br />

162 Chair Factory, corner Fourth and Porter<br />

streets.<br />


163 Corner Fifth anct Plum streets.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> EYL're Aktrm Tekgrctph. 171 Corner 31ichigan avenue and Tenth st.<br />

I78 C'orner 3Iichigan avenue and Thirteen-<br />

No.<br />

and-a-Halt street.<br />

3 Engine Eouse No. 1, Wayne street. 212 Corner Blichigan avenue and Eight-<br />

4 Corner Larned street and Woodward eenth street.<br />

avenue.<br />

214 Corner Baker and Seventeenth sts.<br />

6 Corner Shelby and Woodbridge st3., 216 Corner Abbott arid Twelfth streets.<br />

Board of Trade Building.<br />

217 Corner Porter and Tenth streets.<br />

6 Corner Second and w oodbridge sts. 231 Corner Abbott and Seventh streets.<br />

7 Engine House No. 3, Clifford street. 232 Corner Lafayette awe. and Third st.<br />

12 <strong>City</strong> Hall.<br />

234 Corner Woodbridge and Fifth sts.


235 Corner Woodbridge and'Eiglith sts.<br />

341 Corner Fort and Eleventh streets.<br />

242 Corner .Woodbridge and Thirteenth<br />

streets.<br />

251 Corner Woodbridge and Seventccn-<br />

and-a-Half streets.<br />

252 Gas Works on Twenty-second street.<br />


ALARXS.<br />

A key will be left with tlie occupant of<br />

a budding near each alarm box, and it<br />

will be designated on the box where the<br />

same may be fbuncl. The officers and men<br />

of the Police Department will also possess<br />

a key.<br />

The tollowing directions will he observed<br />

when a fire is discovered :<br />

I. Go to the nearest box and open the<br />

door, pull the hook clown as far as you can<br />

(firmly without jtrkinc), and then let it<br />

slide back ; remove the key and close the<br />

door.<br />

11. If you do not immediately hear the<br />

number of the box struck upon the small<br />

bell within, or upon the tower bells, go to<br />

the next nearest box to the fire and repeat<br />

the operation.<br />

111. If, upon going to a box to give an<br />

alarm: you hear the small bell inside ringing<br />

(which is an indication that an alarm<br />

is being sent over the lines), do not open<br />

the box until it has done riuging. In all<br />

such cases count the signal being sounded,<br />

and be certain that it is sot for the same<br />

fire.<br />

Key-holders are cautioned-<br />

1. To not open tlie box exce;>t in case<br />

of fire<br />

2. To not give an alarm until certain of<br />

a fire.<br />

3. To not give an alarm for a fire seen at<br />

a distance.<br />

4. To pull down the hook but once in<br />

giving an alarm.<br />

5. To be sure, after giving an alarm,<br />

that the door is securely closed before leaving<br />

the box.<br />

6. To not let the key go out of their<br />

possession, except when delllanded by<br />

proper authority.<br />

d:<br />


OfEce, Bidclle House Block.<br />

Presideat Boc61-d of lkter Commisxioneru<br />

-Jacob S. Farrand.<br />

Secre'etury-Ro bert E. Roberts.<br />

Sz~yerintende~zt of Bzteles.ion and Repairs<br />

-Benjamin B. 31oore.<br />

Envineer- John E. Eclmards.<br />

&e&%cing Clerk-George Kunze.<br />

fJolZecb?~s-James Fenton, L. N. Case.<br />

Iteserzoir Keeper-Heury R. Tschopp.<br />

Members-Jacob 9. Farrand, John Owen,<br />

Caleb Van I-Tusan, C. Hurlbut, and Samuel<br />

F. Hoclge.<br />

Stancling Committees-Wa ys and Means<br />

-Commissioners Farrand and Owen. Ex-<br />

tension and Repairs-Commissioners Van<br />

IIusan and Farrand. Supply of Water-<br />

Colllmissioners Hurlbut andHodge. Claims<br />

-Comnlissioners in rotation.<br />


Russell street, near the <strong>City</strong> Reservoir.<br />

Superintendent, Z R. Brockvap ; Assist-<br />

a nt Superintendent, H. B. Brockway ;<br />

C ha,plain, Rev. C. C. Pemens ; Physician,<br />

Dr. J. A. Brown ; Board of Inspectors<br />

-Edward Kanter, James E. Pittlnan,<br />

Jefferson wiley and the Nayor ex o$ico.<br />


Offices in <strong>City</strong> Hall, Campus Martins.<br />

Circuit Jztdge-Jared Pwhin.<br />

County C'le9.k-Stephen P. Purdy. Depu-<br />

ties-M. J. blognahan and Daniel B.<br />

Brown.<br />

Circuit Court Cb~nrnisszbners-Bro~se T.<br />

Prentiss and Edward Minuck.<br />

Judge of P~obate-James D. Weir.<br />

Regisfey of Probate-Samuel D. Craig.<br />

Treusu re~--Paul Gies. Deputy-James<br />

Collins.<br />

County Su~ceyol-A. H. Wilmarth.<br />

Xegtkter of DeedsSA4lonzo Eaton. De-<br />

puty-Henry Campau.<br />

Prosecuti?zg Attorney-Ph ilip J. D. Van<br />

Dyke.<br />

Coroners-John Gnau and James Cahill.<br />

8helvif-George C. Codd. C'iz.2 Deputy<br />

-Benjamin F. Briscoe.<br />

Board of C'ounty Auditors-Alexand er<br />

Blue, Michael Kennedy, 3 ames A. Visger.<br />

Hold sessions daily.<br />


General State and County Elections are<br />

helcl on the first Tuesday after the first<br />

Monday of Xovember of each year, end-<br />

ing with an even fiyure. The general city<br />

election is held on the first Tuesday follow-<br />

ing the first BIontIay of November in each<br />

alternate year. Ward officers are elected<br />

annually.<br />


German Orpha~t ds,ql?~m-For German<br />

orphans of St. Mary's Congregation, St.<br />

Antoine, near Crogh,an street. Uncler<br />

charge of St. Mary's Church.<br />

Home of the .F~*iendZess-Located at 53<br />

High street. President, Mrs. Illorse Stewart<br />

; Vice President, ~3l.r~. Wttshiugtou


Throop ; Treasurer, Mrs. David Carter ; have been honorably discharged, needing<br />

Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. A. CIe- medical care, admitted free. L3iny-in Deland,<br />

23 State street ; Recorciing Secretary, partment-All pregnant females desiring<br />

Ifis. D. W. Brooks.<br />

1 skillful medical attendance and esperienced<br />

L ~ I~~~~~~~~~<br />

~ ~ ~,lOol-Grand ~ ~ -<br />

I nurses. can be admitted to the general<br />

near Washington avenue. President, wards at $5 00 per week. Those desiring<br />

31~~. colin Campbell ; F~~~~ vice Presi- private rooms, in which the patient is endent,<br />

>lrs. W. G. K~~~~ ; Second Vice tirely secluded, will be charged according<br />

President, Miss blon tgomery ; Correspond- to itccommodations. A deposit of the<br />

ing Secretary, RIiss R. 31umford ; Record- amount of tour weeks7 board vill be reing<br />

Secretary, Mrs. John Harvey; Trea- quired, and patients leaving before that<br />

surer, Mrs. George N. Fletcher.<br />

time will have the unexpended amount<br />

refunded.<br />

Protestnnt Orp71an kqlum-9.18 Jeffer- st. Lws HospettaZ-Clinton street beson<br />

avenue. Bleets annually, on the second tween st. Antoine Hastings streets,<br />

Thursday in Jaouary,nnd monthly as agreed Under charge of the Sisters of Charity.<br />

upon. officers for 18i2-First Directrrss, Organized, 1850.<br />

Mrs. Lewis Allen ; Second Directress, Mrs.<br />

James Burns ; Third Directress, Mrs. Mary<br />

St. Luke,s Hospital and Churc7L Hone-<br />

C. Canfield. Treesurer, Mrs. E. A. Davis<br />

Fort street, Springwells. Officers for the<br />

;<br />

Recording 'Irs. E. year 18ia : President, P. Baldwin ;<br />

;<br />

Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. IV. J. Chlt-<br />

Vice-president, Theodore H. Eaton ; Tresstenden.<br />

urer, Allen A. Rabineau ; Secretary, Chas.<br />

L. Atterbury ; Medical and Surgical Staff-<br />

St. ~nthon~'? I3oys7 O?p7~(ln ~lsylu~n- Henry F. Lyster, Y. D., 421 Jefferson ave-<br />

(Catholic)-Situated four miles out on lhe nue ; Hamilton E. Smith, 31. D., 50 Lafay-<br />

Gratiot Road. Under charge of the Sisters ette avenue ; J. B. Book, 31. D., 221 Jefferof<br />

the Immaculate Heart. Officers for son avenue ; William&. Gustin, 31. D., 21<br />

187'3-3 : President, P. J. D. Van Dyke; Heury street. Resident Physician, Sparrow<br />

Vice President, Alexander Chapoton ; Snow 31. D. Matron, Mrs. N. L. Maynard,<br />

Secretary, W. B. Noran ; Treasurer, W. at Hospital. The spiritual interests of the<br />

Buchanan ; Chairman Executive Commit- illstitution are under the direction of a<br />

tee, J. Calnou.<br />

board, consisting ot'the Bishop and Clergy<br />

St. Vincent's Orphan A.sylum-Randolph of the Episcopal Church of the city, who<br />

street, between Congress and Lamed. Or- officiate monthly in their respective order.<br />

gsnized July, 1851, under charge of the 0: S. ilfarine Hospitccl-Jeff erson avenue,<br />

Sisters of Charity.<br />

near easterly city 11mits. Optned in No-<br />

Women's Hospital and Foundling's vember, 1857. Physician Dr. J. 31. Bige-<br />

Borne.-Harper's Hospital. President, low ; Apothecary, Dr. Jas. A. Brown ; Su-<br />

Mrs. F. .B. Terry ; Vice President, Xrs. perintendent, George Jerome ; Steward,<br />

S. N. Kendrick; Secretary, Mrs. M. J. E. Thos. Hurst ; Matron, illrs. Elizabeth<br />

Miller ; Treasurer, Mrs. Henry Glover. Hurs t.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Pest Hoztse-St. Aubin avenue, between<br />

Summer and Winter streets. Under<br />

BANKS.<br />

charge of the Sisters of Charity.<br />

C~ty Bank.--Organized 18'12. Capital<br />

Harper Hospital-Woodmard avenue. $50,000. President. Samuel E. Knnady ;<br />

For tue reception ol all diseases (not con- Cashier, N. Terry Taylor. Office, MoFdt's<br />

tagious). ancl lying-in women. The build- Block.<br />

inrs have dl the modern impr0~eIIIents ;<br />

I<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> s(laings Fund Jnstitute.-Iacorthe<br />

physicians and surgeons are of the first ],orated in 1849. President, Hen. Elon<br />

rank in the 13rofcssiou, and the greatest Farnsworth;VicePresident,tI.K.\Valker;<br />

Care is t:lken in the selecti0~ of nurses and Cashier, Alexander Haclams.<br />

and thing 'or 1 BlirSt Ll%tb,d(d<br />

the comfort of patients is provided. Pres-<br />

BGRk i?f ~e~roit.-Sol~th<br />

I<br />

corner of Jetferson avenue and Grisident;<br />

Buclcminster Wight ; Secretary, R<br />

1. King<br />

street. (llpilal $600,000. President,<br />

; Treasurer, Davitl Cooper. ,<br />

Application for ailmission<br />

Jacob s. Vice President, L. E.<br />

to the Hospi- . Clark ;<br />

tal may be matie to the Trustees or<br />

Cashier, Elllory<br />

attending Physicians and Surgeons, or : Gew~zc~~~-Arnericnn Bunk.-Capital $100,at<br />

the HospitLrl. Price of Board in 000. Ofice, 80 Larned street west. Prt.slwards,<br />

including medical attendance and dent, Edward Tianter ; Treasurer, Henry L.<br />

nursing, $3 50 to $8 GO per week, and in<br />

private rooms according to accommoda- i ~Vechunics' Bnnk -Butler Block, Gristions.<br />

Nichigan Volunteer Soldiers, who I wold street. Capital $lOO;oO0. m. A

Butler, President ; Ed ward H. Butler, Cash-<br />

ier.<br />

Merchants' and ,Manu fact urertvl Bunk of<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>-Organized May 13, 1869. Conl-<br />

menced business June 1,1869. Offire, Bank<br />

Block, Griswold street. Capital, $100,000.<br />

President, Theo. H. Hinchnlan ; Cashier,<br />

Charles C. Cadman.<br />

People's saving^ Bank-Southeast corner<br />

of Griswo!d and C:on~ress streets. Presi-<br />

clent, Francis Palins; Vice President, Tolln<br />

Heffron ; Cashier, 31. W. O'Brien. Capital<br />

$60,000.<br />

Sscond Nalio?zal Btcnk-Soutllwest cor-<br />

ner of Grisivold aud Congress streets.<br />

Capital $1,000,001). President, H. P. Bald-<br />

win ; Vice President, C. H. Bull1 ; Cashier,<br />

C. 31. Davison ; Assistant Cashier, R. 31.<br />

Rcilly.<br />

The Acmericnn A%twnnl R(x;?zk - Seitz<br />

Block, Gr iswolcl street. Capital. $250,000.<br />

President, A. H. Dey ; TTice Preqident, L.<br />

>I. Mason ; Cashier, George B. Ssrtwell.<br />

Wayne County Savi?tgs &nk - Xorth-<br />

west comer GI-iswold and Congress streets.<br />

Incorporated 18 71. Capital $30,000. Yresi-<br />

dent, Wm. B. Wesson ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, S. D. Elwood.<br />


Elliott avenue. Officers, <strong>1872</strong> : President<br />

John Heffron ; Vice-Presiden t, Wm.<br />

Buchanan ; Treasurer, P. McTerney ; Clerk<br />

Richard R. Elliott ; Supsrintendent, John<br />

Reicl, office and residence at the cemetery.<br />

Elmwood hetery- ( Protes ant ) -On<br />

Elnnwood ave., between Crogllan street<br />

and Clinton ave. A. D. Fraser, President ;<br />

John Owen, Treasurer ; D. B Duffield,<br />

Secretary ; Superintendent, W. R. Hamil-<br />

ton.<br />

Woodlne~e Ce~nete~y-(Protestant) Loeat -<br />

ed miles from the <strong>City</strong> gall. at Lun c-<br />

tion of Fort street at~d Dearborn road.<br />

President, John J. Bagley ; Vice President,<br />

E. IT. Hudson ; Secretary, C. I. Walker ;<br />

Treasurer, 3I. S. Smith ; Agent John W.<br />

bIacGrath.<br />


BSPTIST.<br />

First .Bctptist-Corner Cass ave. and Bagg<br />

street. Erected, old, 1833 ; new, 1860 ;<br />

sqain IS?% Organized October 20, 182'i.<br />

Pastor, Rev. 1,. 31. Woodruff, Clerk, J. L.<br />

Val~ghan, residence corner of Clifford and<br />

Duffield streets.<br />

First Frenc7~ Baptist-Sherman street,<br />


between Russell and Rivarcl. Society or-<br />

Ofiwr3 fo~ 27~e year ending .&farch, 1873- ganized Septembv 'LO, 1857. Church erect-<br />

Presic'lmt, C. 31. Garrison ; First Vice ed May, lSG1: Pastor, Rev. R~muald B.<br />

President, Theo P. Hall; Second Vice DeaRoches,rc sidence adjoining the church.<br />

President, E. IT. Moore ; Secretary and Clerk, P. Rodier.<br />

Treasurer, Rsy Haddock.<br />

Fimt German Bzptist-Corner of 31 ulIett<br />

Janitoy-Richard Cullen.<br />

street and St. Aubi~l avenue. Church erected<br />

1870. Rev. C. Jung, Pastor, reaicience,<br />


235 (old ro. 205) St. hubin avenue.<br />

Lutheran-9 Protestant cenletery, lo- Lafayet& Avenzte Baptist-On Lafayette<br />

cated on >It. Elliott avenue, north of avenue, between Citss and First streets.<br />

Gratiot road, In Haintrnmck.<br />

Orgauizecl June 29, lSGO. Pitstor, Rev.<br />

Bet7~ El-A Jewish cemetery, owned by Alfred Owen. Clerk, 0. S Gulley.<br />

the Beth El Temple congregation, and lo- Second Baptist-( Colored ) - Croghan<br />

cated on Ellnwood avenue, nest south of street, between Brush and Beautlien. So-<br />

Elnlwood cemetery.<br />

ciety organized 1849. Church erected<br />

S7taary Zedeck-A Jewish cemetery, January 26, 1856. Pastor, Rev. S. Chase,<br />

owned by the Society of the Synagogue of residence, 75 Larned street west. Clerk,<br />

Shaary Zedeck, and located on the Marsh N. R. Page.<br />

I<br />

~oaci near the Grand Trunk Junction,<br />


about three miles from <strong>City</strong> Hall, in<br />

Springtvells<br />

C( of St. Pete? and 8t. Paul-<br />

Corner of Jefferson avenue and St. Ao toiue<br />

FTee Sons of I~mel-~4 Jewish cemetery, street. Bishop of Diocese, Right Itev. J.<br />

owned by tne Society of the Free Sons of H. Borgess, 1). D. Vicar General, Very<br />

Israel, located on &It. Elliott avenue, on Rev. Peter Hennaert, Pastor, Rev Ernst<br />

the corner of Alack Road in EIaultramck. Van Dyke. Asststant, IEev. James Dono-<br />

King Dnaid's Lodge-A Jewish cemetery, van.<br />

owned by King David's Loclge, and locn ted Most Iioly Trinity-Corner of Porter and<br />

on a road north of Fort street, about three Sixth streets. Organized 1849. Church<br />

miles from the <strong>City</strong> Hall, opposite Fort erected 1855. Pastor, ,4. F. fileyenburgh.<br />

Wayne.<br />

Assistant, Rev. Jm1le.s Savage, residence<br />

Jfl. Ellid Ce,~lete?*y-(Catholic)-On Bit. adjoining the church.<br />



Our Lady of Blp-Elmwood avenue.<br />

Rev. G. Limpens, Pastor, residence adjoin -<br />

ing the church.<br />

~ t ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ - -~~rth ( ~ ~ si je e of ~ Lar- c h<br />

ned, between Bztes and Randolph strreets.<br />

Pastors, Rev. Bzrnard G. Soffers, Iiev. T.<br />

Anciaus. Sexton, Peter Coureur. Resideace<br />

of Pastor and Sexton, Lamed street,<br />

northeast corner of Bates.<br />

St. Boniface-Corner of Michigan avenue<br />

and Twelfth stred.<br />

ner of Fort and Second streets. Rev. M-<br />

C. Lightner, Rector. Senior Warden, E.<br />

W. Hudson, Junior Warden, -: Marcus<br />

) Stevens. Secretary, H. G Jones. Treasurer,<br />

Marclls Stevens.<br />

,lIarine~.+ PI-ee C~LUI-ch-Woodward avenue,<br />

cor. Woodbridqe street. . Organized<br />

in 1848. Rev. A. M. Lewis, Rector.<br />

St. Jo7~n'sCorner IVoodward avenue<br />

and High street. Cl~apel erected in 1859.<br />

Church erected in 1860. Society organized<br />

St. ,JoSel17~-[Germao) -Corner of Gr.itiot,<br />

and Orleans streets. Erected 31 lrch 18-76.<br />

PastorJ Rev. J. Friedlaud. S-ston, 31.<br />

b toltz.<br />

St. i~ary1,9-(Germau)-Corner of St. Antoine<br />

and Croghan streets. Erec; ed 1841.<br />

Under charge of Francisciao Fathers and<br />

two lag brothers Residence in rear of<br />

the church.<br />

St. Pctt~ick's Chapsl-Adelaide, corner<br />

John R. street. Church colnlnenced June<br />

24, 1860. Organized JInrc:1 17, 186.'. Pastor,<br />

Rev. James A. Hennessy.<br />

St. Pincent De street,<br />

near Michiganavenue. Pastor, Rev. Edward<br />

Ton Palmer, Resldeuce adjoining<br />

church.<br />

CHRIST [,QK.<br />

December 9, 1858. Rector, Rev. George<br />

Worthiugton. r~sidence adjoin in,^ the<br />

church. Senior marden, H. P. Baldwin.<br />

Treasurer, H. P. Baldwin.<br />

St. Piczd's-Corn er Congress and S helby<br />

SfJXets- Organized Nov. z, 1824.<br />

Present church rebuilt 1851. Pastor, Rev.<br />

T. C. pitkin, D. D. Rectory acljoining<br />

the church, Senior Warden, P. E. Demill.<br />

Junior Warden, A C. Hubbard.<br />

St. Pete?"~-Corner of' Churcll street and<br />

Ninth avenue. Organized in 18.59. Rev.<br />

W. R. Tillinghast: Rector. Wardens-<br />

Thomas May berry, Joseph Desotell.<br />

Secretary aod Treasurer, F. Walllnglon.<br />

St. ~~7~en'~-~orth side of Catharine,<br />

between Dequindre street and St. Aubin<br />

avenue. Organized April 3, 1869. The<br />

Rev. Nilton Ward, Rector, residence 323<br />

Catharine.<br />

Centsral C'ILristian Ci~zcrch-Washington ,<br />

avenue, between Grand River and State<br />

streets. Beorganized 31arch 1571, by the<br />

union of tlie First and Jefferson Avenue<br />

Christian Churc,hes. Rev. Mathew 8. Clapp<br />

Pastor.<br />

Disciples of Chid-Corner of Fourth<br />

and Plum streets. Services at lo* A. 31.<br />

and 79 P. N. Sunday School at 24 p. 31.,<br />

Thursday evening meeting at 7%. Elders,<br />

A. Linn, P. C. Gray, 31. Rlarr.<br />


Rrst CongregationaZ-Sou thwest corner<br />

oi Wayne and Fort streets. Orgauized<br />

December 23, 1844. Church erected 1~54.<br />

Pastor, -. .<br />

Second Co12g1'eptionccdCorner Wood-<br />

ward avenue and Sibley street. Society<br />

organized April 8, gs(r~. Numbbr of<br />

members, 205. Pastor, Rev. 8. 31. F*ee-<br />

land, ~esidence Selden street, Sexton, E.<br />

C. Ketchuil , 14 Sibley street.<br />


Christ cfiurc7h-Soutb side of Jefferson<br />

LUTHER4N.<br />

Bct.'Lel, Gdrmnn Eon?~pZRclicnl (TrilLitt18).-<br />

Corner of Hastings and &lootcalm streets.<br />

society organized, 1857, C tlurch erected<br />

1635. Pastor, Rzv. Carl Dsike. Sexton,<br />

Felix Phillipl~ske.<br />

Fi,*~t German Refor~~tcd Ziolz's Cl~urc7~-<br />

Russell, between Catharine and Sherman<br />

streets. Society or~anized A.~gust 15, 1842.<br />

Church erected lS57. Pastor, Rev. ' John<br />

B~umgartlner, residence nest to church.<br />

Gerlnan Eoan.9ehl Lutheran 8C5k?n<br />

Ch~r~h-Catllariue stl'eet Dear Gratiot.<br />

Organized March 9, 1862. Pastor, Rev.<br />

John Jacob Schmidt, residence, new 18<br />

street.<br />

~~nman,~el German Luthereran Cfi,urch-<br />

Si~teentll street near Michigan avenue.<br />

Society organized Augllst 15!:5.<br />

8t. Jolbn's Ge~mun Ecnngelical. - Corner<br />

of Monroe avenue and Farrar street. Society<br />

organized 1833. Church erected<br />

18.51. Number of members, 1,:314. Pasavenue,<br />

between Hastings :tnd Ilivard tor, Rev. Chas. Haas, residence 253 Brush<br />

streets. Socie1~ organized fi'rly 29, 1815. street. Sexton, Henry Henkel, residence<br />

Chapel erected 186 1. Cliurch erected 186::. 298 &comb street.<br />

'. Rector, "*<br />

Woodbridge east.<br />

St. Mc~ttl~eus Germall E ~a~zgeZ~~~l-N~~~<br />

the comer of Congress and Rivard streets.<br />

Grace Churcmrganized in l8Gi. Car- Churcl~ erected 1915. Pastor. Rev. J.


IIenry Meyer, residence in rear of the<br />

church.<br />

Trinzty , German Euan.qelica1-C orner of<br />

Gratiot and Prospect streets. Organized<br />

1551. Old church erected 1852. New<br />

church erected 1867. Pastor, Rev. John<br />

A. Huegli, residence, 377 Gratiot street.<br />


Central Methodist Episwpal-Corner of<br />

Woodward and Adams avenues. Society<br />

orqanized Narch 21,1822. Present church<br />

erected 1867. Pastor, Rev. Wm. X.<br />

Ninde, residence Henry street, between<br />

Cass ave and Third.<br />

Fir~t German M. E.-Corner Beaubien<br />

and Croghan streets. Society organized<br />

1847. Church erected 1850. Pastor, Rev.<br />

A. Warns? residence, 63 Croghan street,<br />

Sexton, David Gassman, residence, basement<br />

of the church.<br />

Jeferson Auen2t.e Chupel, M. E.-Southwest<br />

comer of Jefferson and St. Aubin<br />

avenues. Organized January 1867. Rev.<br />

E. E. Castor, Pastor. Residence, 413 Fort<br />

street east.<br />

Lafayette Avenue M. E.-Corner Lafayette<br />

avenue and Fourth street. Society<br />

organized 1850. Church occupisd 1850.<br />

Pastor, Rev. J. McEldowney, 107 Abbott<br />

street .<br />

Pine Street Methodist ( Protestant )-Pine<br />

street between Sixth and Seventh. The<br />

Rev. JV. M. Goodner, Pastor.<br />

Second German M. 3.-Fourteenth street,<br />

near Michigan avenue. Church erected<br />

1838. Number of membe~s 40.<br />

Simpson M. E.-Corner Grand River<br />

and Sixth streets. Pastor, Rev. Wiliiam<br />

H. Shier. Residence, 190 Henry street.<br />

Secretary, E. A. Noble. Treasurer, J. BI.<br />

Stevens.<br />

African -N E.-Lafayette street, between<br />

Brush and Beaubien. Society organized<br />

1840. Church erected June, 1845-<br />

Pastor, Rev. J. 5. Booth. Sexton, S.<br />

Robinson.<br />

Independent (Colored)-Corner Prospect<br />

and Watson streets.<br />


First Presbygerian-Corner Grat iot and<br />

Farmer streets. Society organized 1824.<br />

Church erected 1534. Rev. Geo. D. Baker,<br />

Pastor, residence, - -<br />

Fort Street Presbyterian-Corner Fort<br />

and Third streets. Society organized<br />

February 21,1849. Present church occu-<br />

pied November 18, 1855. Pastor, Rev. A.<br />

T. Pierson, residence 209 Lafayette avenue.<br />

Sexton, John Fernerty, residence corner<br />

Oak street and National avenue.<br />

P<br />

i<br />

Jeferson Avenue Presbyterian-Jefferson<br />

avenue, between Rivard an2 Russell streets.<br />

Society 01-ganizecl January 25.1854. Church<br />

erected 1855. Pastor, Rev. Wm. Hogarth,<br />

D.D. ; residence, 359 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Treasurer, L. E. Clark.<br />

Scotch Presbyterian-Corner Bates and<br />

Farmer streets. Society organized and old<br />

church erected in 1843 ; new church erected<br />

in 1871. Pastor, Kev. George M. Milligan,<br />

residence 38 Maconlb street. David<br />

Kendall, Sexton.<br />

United Presbyterian-Coro er of Wayne<br />

street aud Latayette avenue. Organized<br />

1833. Pastor, Rev. J. P. Scott, residence<br />

112 Wayne street.<br />

Westminster Presbyterian-East side of<br />

Washington avenue, between State and<br />

Grand ltiver streets. Erected 1860. Society<br />

organized October 6, 1857. Pastor,<br />

Rev. W~lliam Sikman, D.D. Residence, 25<br />

Elizabeth street west. Treasurer, H. K.<br />

White. Sexton, G. 0. Walker, residence,<br />

584 Croghan street.<br />


Beth El Temple-Corner Washington<br />

avenue and Clifford street. Organized<br />

September, 1852. New temple erected<br />

1867. Rabbi, Rev. Dr. K. Kohler. Presi-<br />

dent, Simon Heavenrich ; Vice President,<br />

M. Cahen ; Secretary, M. C. Fechheimer ;<br />

Cashier, S. Freedman ; Sexton, E. Rosen-<br />

garten.<br />

Cltristndelphian Society 3%. 1 - Meets<br />

every Sunday at IO* s.~., at 109 Griswold<br />

street.<br />

CILristadeZpi~ian Society No. 2- Meets<br />

every Sunday at 103 A.M., at Old Odd<br />

Fellows' Ilall, Woodward avenue.<br />

First Congregutwnat Unitarian-Corner<br />

She1 by street and Lafayette avenue.<br />

Pastor, Rev. Calvin Stebbius.<br />

First Met7iodist - In Good Templars'<br />

Hall, Grand River street, near the corner<br />

of Seventh. Rev. W. H. Bakewell,<br />

Pastor.<br />

New qJe~usakm (Saedenborgian) -Corner<br />

Csss avenue and George street. Services<br />

morning and evening. Church dedicated<br />

August SG, 1860. Rev. E. C. Mitchell,<br />

Pastor.<br />

Synagogue of S1ILaal y Zedeck-Corner of<br />

Congress and St. Antoine streets. Pastor,<br />

Rev. B. Moskowi tz. Society organized<br />

September 27, 1862.<br />


Calvn~y Mission--On Mayberry avenue.<br />

Organized in 1868; in present quarters,<br />

since December, 1869; under the care of<br />

Westminster church ; average attendance,<br />


50<br />

*<br />

Clinton Avenue UILW~ MissMn-On Clinton<br />

avenue, opposite the Duffield Union<br />

School. Organized February 21, i858.<br />

,3?@7~th wu~d unhn dlfisskn-3feets in<br />

basement of Fort Street Presbyterian<br />

Church,at 9 o'clock A.M. every Sabbath;<br />

organized in 1853.<br />

Bench Baplist M&.~wn-In Frencll Bap-<br />

On between Rivnrd<br />

and Russell streets. Organized in 18(i0.<br />

Wood~ard Acer~we Mission ScAool-In<br />

Harper Hospital ; organized in 1865.<br />


every two years. Hon. 8. H. Emmons,<br />

Circuit .Judge ; Hon. John W. Longyear,<br />

District Judge ; Addison Mandell, Clerk ;<br />

Aaron B. Maynard, U. S. District Attor-<br />

ney ; *J. TV. Finne~,<br />

and H. H- Swan, As-<br />

sistants; Joseph R Bennet, U- s- Marslid<br />

; Henry G. Blanchard, Chief Deputy<br />

JIarshal.<br />

Terms of Circuit-First Tuesdays in<br />

>larch, June and Novelllhqr, in the District<br />

court room, Post Ottice Building, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

District CourdDistrict Judge,<br />

John W. Longyear ; U. S. District Attorney,<br />

A. B. Maynard ; Jos. fi. Bennet, U.<br />


S. Marshal ; Dnrius J. Davison, Clerk ;<br />

Conee nt of the Sisters of Cknrity-Ran- John Graves, Deputy Clerkdolph,betweenCongress<br />

and Larned streets. Supreme C'ourt, Slate of Mic7~igan-Chief<br />

Sister Superior, Nary Ednoncl.<br />

Justice, James V. Campbell ; Associate<br />

Con~ent of the Sacred Beart-310 Jcffer- Justices, Thomas U. Cooley, Isaac P.<br />

son avenue. Organized 18GO. Lady Su- Chrisliancy ancl Benjamin F. Graves ; Atperion,<br />

3Iadam 31. Brennan.<br />

torney General, l) wight May ; Reporter<br />

Convent of iYotre Dame-(German)-155 Hoyt Post,<br />

St. Antoinc street. OrgaIlized 1840. Es- Terms, First Tuesday after the first<br />

tablislled in <strong>Detroit</strong> in 1848. Sister Supe- Jfonday in January md J U ~ at ~ , Lansing;<br />

rior, Mary Samuells.<br />

and sa~ne days in April and October, at<br />

Court rooms, New Seitz Block, Congress<br />

COURTS.<br />

street west.<br />

United Stules Courts of the ;flustern. Dis- KTr;yne County Circuit Court-Circuit<br />

Cn'ct of Michigan-The United States is Judge, Jared Patchin ; Cierk, S tepllen P.<br />

divided into nine juclicial Circuits, in each Purdy ; Deputy Clerk, M. J. Moytlahan.<br />

of which a Circuit Court is held for each Terms, first 31onday iu each month.<br />

district within each Circuit. The Act of Recorder's Court -Recorder, George S.<br />

Congress approved April loth, 1869, pro- Swift ; Clerlr, John T. 3Ieldrum.<br />

vides as follows : " The Circuit Courts in Terms, first and third >Iondays in each<br />

each Circuit shall be held t)y the Justice mouth. Court room, <strong>City</strong> Hall.<br />

of the Supreme Court allotted to the Cir- Probare Cou?*t-Judge, James D. Weir ;<br />

cuit, or by the Circuit J~zdge of the Circuit, Register, Sam. D. Craig.<br />

or by the District Judge of the District Terms, first Monday in each month ;<br />

sitting alone, or by the Justice ot the also every T~~esila~. Court room, Ci~y Hall.<br />

Supreme Court and Circuit .Judge sit.tiug<br />

together, in which case the Justice of the Police Court-Police Justice, Albclrt G.<br />

Supreme Court shall preside, or in the Boynton ; Assistant Police Justice, Florens<br />

absence of either of them by the other Krecke ; Clerk, Frank A. Koah. Court.<br />

(who shall preside) and tl.le district Judge." room, Clinton street, rear. of Jail, and a!so<br />

The St~te of >Iicllican, by tile Act of at Central Police Station.<br />

February 24th, 1565, was divided into two United States Commissioners- Add ison<br />

.Judicial Districts. The Col~rts fix the Nandell, George G. Bull, Wm. D.Wilkins,<br />

Eastern District are held at <strong>Detroit</strong>, and George Jerome, Sidney D. Miller, Wm.<br />

for the IVcstern District at Grand Rapids. Jennison, D. J. Davison, Erwin Palmer.<br />

Both Districts are attached to the 6th ..iMwters in Chancery-George E. Hand,<br />

Judicial Circuit, which comprises the George G. Bull, Ac1dir;ou Maudell, James<br />

States of Nichigan, Ohio, Kentucky ancl IT. Campbell, Levi Bishop, \Vm. Jennison,<br />

Tennessee.<br />

J. W. A. S. Cullen, D. J. Davisoo, Geo. A.<br />

Justice Swayne has beer1 allotted to the IYilcox.<br />

6th Judicial Circuit, and Ilon. Hal~ner H. Zi. S. Marultal -Joseph 1%. Bennet.<br />

Emmons was, under said Act of April 10, Assistant M(crsr7~al-H. G. Blanchard.<br />

1869, appointed Circuit Judge of said Ueputy Harshals-James Henry, Theo-<br />

Circuit.<br />

dore W. Ray, Frederick Frei burger, D. D.<br />

The Courts for said Eastern District are bI arshall, George Davie, Ezra Wright, H.<br />

organized as follows :<br />

W. Bartlett.<br />

Cireuit CourdHon. N. d Swayne, Jus- Xernbers of Sccrel Seraice-D. K. Sullitice<br />

of the Suprelne Court is by said Act van, H. G. Blanchard. Special Agent,<br />

required to attend one tcrm at least in E. LeFztvour.



Compton, Bliss 0. Bates, Miss M. Robin-<br />

Po~toEce Building, Griswold st., Corner Larned. Son.<br />

~~llecto?~ of Cwu(o~12s- George Jerome. Wilkins School, Miss ,J. Cltmen ts Precep-<br />

Deputy C'o1lecto~-Digby V. Bell. 2~e.c.s-Miss N. Fancher, Miss A. Gold-<br />

Cuuhier--H. C. Christ imcy.<br />

smith, Niss A. Joyce, MissM &loore, Miss<br />

Bond TCitre7~ouse--F. G. Baker.<br />

M. Kiley, Miss 6. Paton, Miss E. Phelps,<br />

Reportr and Accotmts--James M. Sligh. Miss S. Hem pstead.<br />

EI~ ?*olli?i~ Ck,rm1~-TVm R. Dodsley. Abbott St~eet School, 31isss B. CZrrX; Pre-<br />

Er~t1.y Cle?-k--Gcorgc W. Lamson. ccpt?~es.q-M iss N. Brown.<br />

Dep. Co~kector. foot of Jf'o'oodcard uz.enue- Third TVard School, ITfi$s E. Hopper Pre-<br />

F. Fulda.<br />

ceg)t~*ess-Miss E. 3Iurphy.<br />

Mesxunyer--0. ('. Woo~l<br />

2\ii,q1~t Deputy--\FTm. S. Tall~nan. Everett School, lWi.vs -31. Iiose P~*ecql?*ess--<br />

~nsprctors--\iirgi~ W. J I - ~ G J, ~ D. ~ ~ Miss , 31. Tracy, Jliss I. Higgins, Miss F.<br />

Allison, Frank pol-ter, G ~ ~ w ~ . . L ~ ~ ~ P Richards, ! ~ ~ h.Iiss ~ ~ $1. ~ Bond, Miss Id. Smith.<br />

John Wit) el-spoon, A. IV. Leggett, J. W. C'c/s.s Sc7~oo1, H?*. J. Xcllols<br />

Funlie, . Smitll, John Higgs, W. W. 1 Mias L. Munaer, Miss 31. Jloore, Miss L.<br />

Howland, A. 1X. Sewell, George Jackson, Bi-omley, Miss J. Morse, Miss A. Brown,<br />

S. F. Wood, Jt~col, Neuscliafer, A. N. Miss R. Watkins, Jliss 31 Hall, Miss J.<br />

Edwards, D. M. Freeman, J. D. Richards, Donald~on, Miss S. Bloore, Miss L. Gil-<br />

George Jackson, A Barlow, Thos. Hig- more, Miss C. Saunders, Niss L. Perkins,<br />

gins, Mrs. Wutll Humphrey.<br />

Miss E. Belman, Bliss EI. Finney, Miss M.<br />

Clark, Miss N. Tate,<br />

EDUCATIONAL. C(tpito1 ~9cl~ool, ~Wi.vs 1. Thirh-ell Precept~*eus-Jliss<br />

6. JlcGolclrick.<br />


Irving &cl~ool, iCIi8s I? Wingert Precep-<br />

President, Chas. g. Bflclius ; Sccrelary I treus-Yiss R. Lumsden, Miss M. xaman.<br />

and Snpcrin!endcnt of Schools, Duane<br />

Doly : Treasurer, Albert Ives ; >lessenger, BisIlop School, fvr. d -*?c/Lo~~ P~in~ipad<br />

John B Cousins.<br />

hliss J. Colville, I\l iss 3f. Gorclon, Miss F.<br />

goommiltee on ~e~re~Le~~,y-~nspectors Wil- Martin. Miss 31. Rampton, Miss J. Johnkins,<br />

King, Reilly, Weir, M ilkinson. son, Miss N. Eclwards, Miss E. Smith, Niss<br />

On ScI~oolu-Inspectors Farrand, ,Berry, K. Rose, Miss M. Bannerman, Miss J.<br />

Roberts. Finnegan and Flanigan. Bolio, Rliss D. Turner, Miss H. Armstrong,<br />

On Li~ary-Inspectors ~ i Rumney ~ ~ MisdI. , Russell, Miss M. Sabins, -Miss A.<br />

and Jennison.<br />

B:gelow.<br />

On Cluirns and Acw?i 12 ts-Inspectors M~usilington Iccilool, Mr. TV SiZbcil. P9Yinci-<br />

Hunt, Goodale and EIttll.<br />

pcrl-Miss M.Stead ,Miss M. W ickware,IkIiss<br />

On Ways and Means-Inspectors Col- -\I. Xiller, Miss E. Sabine, Bliss S. Riggs,<br />

burn, Flintermann 2nd 3fcGrath.<br />

Miss E. Hanley, Miss L. Earle, Miss I.<br />

On Renl Estate und Eu&-lin//-Inspec- Hunter, Miss M. Teller, nlias E. Cockroft,<br />

tors Flanigan, Wllkins, Ford, Berry ~tnd Miss E. Capron. Miss V. Smith, Miss G.<br />

Hunt.<br />

Foote, Miss H. Young.<br />

On ~ycl~ool Houses, W. D--Inspectors LJfiicc?niiico~ue~c7~oo~, XLSS 1.~0s.g~re-<br />

Fi~negdn, Co1l)urn and Wilkinson. ceptres.9-Miss S, Perry, Miss F. Riggs.<br />

On SC~UZ Il~uxes, E. D.---Inspectors Ohio B~,"~~ &7L00~-Mrs. S. Cook Prel<br />

Reilly, IVeir ancl Gooclale.<br />

ceptress.<br />


Clinton Street Sc fiool, Xiss C. II~~~ime?/er<br />

First Tvard, C. w ,Jennlson ; l?re~eplrt8~-Miss ?d. Kelley, hIiss R. Hart-<br />

Second Ward, D. 0. Farrand, C. g. Back- meyer, Miss L. Long, Bliss A. IVPS.<br />

us ; Third \vsrd, W. T. Rullnley, G. S. Burstoto ~C~LOOZ, dfi. H. %. PO~~Y P?Y~c@u-<br />

Goodale ; Foclrrh Ward. c. 6. Reilly, -~\I~ss R. Holbrook, Miss E. Gillies, Miss<br />

G. B. Hall ; Fifth Waul, 1%. W. King, S.Standish, SlisS B. Curtis. J ~~ss S. Lamhe,<br />

H. JVilkinsc)n; Sistll Ward,>[. Flsnipan, J. 3fi.s~ A. Laureuse. Miss E. Hart. Miss B.<br />

Flintermann ; Seventh Wnrcl, W. D. Wil- Walkins, Miss C. 07Flynn, Miss I. J.<br />

kins, R E. Roberts ; Eighth Ward, J . Fin- O'Flynn, Miss C. Crossnla,n, Xiss G. Snow,<br />

negsn, T. McGrath ; Ninth Ward, ,. . C. >I\IiSS s. carrier, ~ I~ss F. Hudson.<br />

Colburn, J. Ford ; Tenth Ward, J. D. HoII~",~~~o?L<br />

SC~WO~, af?'. A. I&TT~T~~(L?L Prh-<br />

Weir, J. A. Berry.<br />

cipad-31iss S. Howe, Miss A. Nichael,<br />

Miss N. Ryan. 3liss F. Wyles, Miss N.<br />

BCHOOLS AND TEACHERS. ;).Iunson, Miss K. Allen, Mrs. L. Sabin,Miss<br />

.@gh Scl~ooE, Mr. I: Wellington Principal C. Ruddlnlan, Miss I. Van Dorp, Misa S.<br />

-Miss Hunt, 31r. J. Jacklin, Mra. B. Ihgers.


Franklin Sc7tool, Miss M Ilodge T'recelp- dent, Geo F. Bagle-y; Secretary, James<br />

tress-Miss I. Xackay, JIiss 3t. Sullivan, Aspinall; Treasurer, alvin Wikins.<br />

%lies E. Marsh, Miss M. Mahoney, Miss 11. B~~~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ c f ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ r ~ i<br />

Warrin, Miss H. Holbrook.<br />

facturera of car wheels and iron mineral<br />

Tappnn School, ~llrs. P. Robinson P?*e~p- paint. Works at Hamtramck, near toll<br />

ire88 Miss S. Smith, BIiss C. Webster, gate. Incorporated ,4pri1, 1868. Capital,<br />

nfiss F. milletts, Miss S. Bartemley, Miss $~00.000; shares, $25 ench. President,<br />

E. Wright, Miss 31. Sheerau, Miss 31. &%ustin Burt ; Secretary, H. E. Burt.<br />

Church, Miss J. Lockhart, Bliss H. Marsh,<br />

Miss E. Crank, Miss S. Robinson, aliss C7~as. Stotne Timber Company-Chsrlrs<br />

J. Levington, Miss A. Magill.<br />

Stone, President, Sandy Hill, N. Y.; E. T.<br />

Hughes. Vice-President, Au Sable, Mich.;<br />

Thqon Street ~C~LOOZ, Miss 31. Sullivan W. Livingstoue, Jr-, Secretary and Tress-<br />

Preceptress.<br />

urer, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Capital stock, $100,000.<br />

Jefer'on Sc7'ooz, Miss ~7- P r e ~<br />

tress-Miss J. Carmichael, Niss M. Carmd<br />

Cheland Steam fivignthn<br />

michael, Miss --Wallace, "iss E. Pen-<br />

Compu.y-Capital stock, (300,000;<br />

field.<br />

$25 each. President and Treasurer, John<br />

Owen; Secret3ry) David Carter.<br />

Pitcher School, M6s J. dlbir Preceptress- <strong>Detroit</strong> and Lake 8uperz.h Iron Manu-<br />

Miss F. Evans, Miss 31. Brewster, Miss J. fcActaring ,yompanl/ -Office works in<br />

B'iss A. Barker, Miss 0. Phelps* Hnmtramck. Incorporated BIarcb, 1825.<br />

Trmbr;dge Sciiool, Miss C. Blodgect Bee- Capital, $150,000. President, Edward C.<br />

ceptress-Miss 31. Cradd ~ck, Miss A. Batty, Walker; Vice-President, TV. H. Barnurn;<br />

Miss 31. Henderson, Miss M. ~cKoogh. Secretary and Treasurer, W. IM. Gaylord.<br />

D@eM Schol, dlrs. 8. Perkins Precep- <strong>Detroit</strong> Bending TVwks - Incorporated<br />

tress-Bliss A. Clark, Miss C. St. Amour, 1 President, Wm. Livingstone, Jr.;<br />

Miss M. &Tasters, Miss L. Oockroft, Miss Vice-President, James Walker, Treasurer<br />

M. Beardslee. Miss J. Andrews, Miss M. and Secretary, John 3lcBride.<br />

Jones, Hiss 31. Fleming, Miss a. Bridge, Detr&t and ~ ake Superim Cowr corn-<br />

Miss M- Law, ~I~ss P. Perkins,~3Iiss B. pang - EIsrern corporation, with<br />

Willard, Miss J. Hulme.<br />

branches at <strong>Detroit</strong> and Portage, L. S.<br />

Tenth Ward Sciwol.~i&~ M Rednzond Pre- Agent at <strong>Detroit</strong>, John R. Grout. Office<br />

~e~~ress--~Iiss A. Wakeley, Miss E. Smith. and works, Springwells, near Fort Wayne.<br />

port Street East School, dl& E. Foote <strong>Detroit</strong> Bridge and IFon Work-Office<br />

P~~~tres~g-hfiiss I. Walker, Mr. A. New- and works, corner Foundry street and<br />

by, Mr. S. Jackson, Yiss B. &illy.<br />

M. C. R. R. Incorporated 1853. Capital<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> -male &minary-S4 Fort street $900,000 ; 800 shares at $93 each. Secre-<br />

West. Incorporated in 1859. Frederick tary and Treasurer, Wm. c. Colburn ; En-<br />

Buhl. President ; E. C. Wallrer, Secretary gineer, Willard S. Pope.<br />

and Treasurer. J. M. B. sill, principal. <strong>Detroit</strong> Burzicl Crcse Compan y-Capital -<br />

$60,000. George F. Bagley, President ;<br />


Henry C. Penny, Secretary and Treasurer.<br />

8. E. corner Third and Congress.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> to Winho~, f'm doek foot wood- Detr& W~k,~-Office and works,<br />

a3enue-~bS4 Capt J. Forbes; DP corner Adair and Wight streets. Incortroity<br />

ca~t- Gee. King; Favorite, Capt. J. . porated <strong>1872</strong>. Capital $100,000. President<br />

Horn; Hope, Capt. Oeo. Clinton.<br />

and Treasurer, Edward C. Walker ; Secre-<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> & Mih%m&ee R.R. 2Zeryy, f ram-. tary, Geo. H. Russel.<br />

d? M; R- DePotUnion. Capt. John D. <strong>Detroit</strong> cur Company-Office Slim-<br />

Great Western, Capt. - - son block. Capital stock $300,006. OB-<br />

Mwhigan central 23. R. Ferry, from M. (7. cers : President, Henry A. Ha den, Jack-<br />

R- 11. BepotUnion, Capt. John D. Sulli- son ; Vice President. C. S. B rane, Yarvan;<br />

Great Western, Capt. -<br />

shall ; Secretary and Treasurer, James A.<br />

Night Pe~ry-F'avorit~, Capt J. Horn. Amstrong, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

-<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car and Man? flacturing CornlNCoRPoRATED<br />

COMPANIES. pany-Branch of the Pullman Car Works.<br />

Ofice and works corner Croghan and Deof<br />

Trade Building Association- quiodre streets. Incorporated January<br />

Office, No. 1 Board of Trade Building. In- 24, 1867. Capital $100,000. Shares. $50<br />

corporated March 12, 1864. Capital, $41,- each. C. F. Allen, General Manager;<br />

000; shares, $25 each. The followin are M. B. Tiffany, Superintendent ; J. H.<br />

the oacers and directon for 1572: gesi- , Huu?phreys, Auditor.<br />

~ ~ - M<br />



<strong>Detroit</strong> Car Wheel Company-Office and works, 278 Atwater. President, Thomas<br />

works, 407 Stwater street east. Incor- 3IcGraw ; Treadurer, E. W. Ladd ; Secreporated<br />

July, 1865. Capital, $100,000 ; tary, J. E. Sexlon.<br />

shares $25 each. Presideu t. John S. New- <strong>Detroit</strong> Railroad Ekcator Company-Deberry<br />

; Secretary and Treasurer, James troit and Milwaukee Railway dock. In-<br />

BlcMillan.<br />

corporated May, 1868. Capital $72,000.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Cen tra l ~Vilb Con? pnng-Mill s, President, John S. Newberry ; Secretary<br />

Woodbridge, between Eighth and Tenth and Treasurer, James McBIillan ; Manager,<br />

streets. Office, 214 \', oodbridge street Henry E. Gould.<br />

west. Incorpo~~ated September, 1868. Capital<br />

$100,000. Shares, $25 each. Presi-<br />

Det~oit Rher Plank IZoad Companydent,<br />

J. D. Hayes ; Secretary and Trea-<br />

President, John P. Clark ; Treasurer, S. S.<br />

sarer, A. Burnham.<br />

Barnard ; Secretary, Bela Hubbard.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Compa ny-Office and works<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Cluir Facto~y-Office and works, Atwater street, between Hastiugs and Kicorner<br />

Fourth and Porter streets. Presi- varci. Incorporated 1865. President, John<br />

dent, Luther Wright ; Treasurer, Henry J. Bagley ; Treasurer, Z. It. Brocrkway ;<br />

Smith ; Secretary, Franklin Barber. Trus- Secretary, 21. TV. Rice ; Superintendent, b.<br />

tees-Luther Wrighi, of Oswego, N. Y. ; 0. Paige.<br />

Henry Smith, of <strong>Detroit</strong>, and Henry<br />

Weber, of <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Pruimk LWund Plunk Boad<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Piye and 31arin.e Insurance Com-<br />

Company-From <strong>Detroit</strong> to Utica, hIaconlb<br />

panyrOffice, 124 Jefferson avenue. Capi-<br />

County. Capital stock, $22,000. Presital<br />

stock $500,000 Paid up capital; $150dent,<br />

P. W. Norris ; Treasurer, Joseph<br />

000. Cash capital and surplus, $230:000.<br />

Hardy ; Secretary, M. A. Perkins.<br />

President, Caleb Van Husan ; Vice Presi- Det~oit Btoae Works-Foun dry, Hamdent,<br />

Edward Kanter ; Secretary, James tramck, on River above >It. Elliott avenue.<br />

J. Clark.<br />

Incorporated 1866. Capital $I( 0,000.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gas Light Company-Chartered Shares $25 each. President W. H. Tefft;<br />

in 1849 for fifty years. Commenced sup- Secretary, E. S. Barbour ; Superintendent,<br />

plying gas September, 21, 1851. Works J. Dwyer. Office and store, 46 and 48<br />

located on River Road, between Twenty- Woodward ave. .<br />

First and Twenty-Second streets. Office, Dry Dock Engilze Works-Offico and<br />

8 Larned street east. President, *4lexan- works, 451 Atwater street. Incorporated<br />

der H. Dey ; Treasurer, Jacob S. Farrand ; November, 1866. Capital $35,000 ;' shares<br />

Secretary anci Superintendent, P. E. De- $8.5 each. President and Treasurer, Wm.<br />

mill ; Assistant Seeretary, R. &Master. Cowie.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Ironizing and Paving Co ~npnny- Eureka Iron Company-Office dock foot<br />

Office, 108 Griswold street. Incorporated of Wayne street. Furnace at Wyandotte,<br />

March 24, 18'70. Capital $150,000. Shares, Wayne county. Incorporated 1855. Cap-<br />

$25 each. The following are the officers ital, $500,000. Shares $25 each. President<br />

and directors for <strong>1872</strong> ; President, Hubbard and Treasurer, E. B. Ward. Secretary and<br />

Smith ; Secretary, E. B. Chope ; Treasurer, Asent, W. H. Zabriskie.<br />

J. H. Farwell.<br />

Fulton Iron and Engine Wwks-Bmsh<br />

Det~oit Locomotive Work-0 ffice, corner street, near D. & 41. depot. Incorporated<br />

Larned and Third streets. Works, Larn- November 1867. Capital $100,000. Presied,<br />

between Third and Fourth streets. dent. John S. Newberry ; Secretary, James<br />

Incorporated April 1, I 854. Capital $200.- Mc3lillan ; Treasurer, and Superin tenden t,<br />

000. Shares, $25 each. President, C. H. James B. Wayne.<br />

Buhl; Secretary and Treasurer, D. H. Hanatmmck Iron Wwks-Office at foun-<br />

Peirce ; Mechanical Superintendent, J. W. dry in Hamtramck. Incorporated April<br />

Bartlett.<br />

17th' 1866. Capital $100,000. Shares $25<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> No~elty Works - ~anufacture' each. President, Edward C. Walker ; Busibrass<br />

gooda and machine knives. Office ness &Ianager, R S. Dillon ; Secretary, Geo.<br />

and works, northwest corner Brush and El. Russel.<br />

Woodbridge streets. Incorporated Blarch Lake St. Ch5r and Up River Ice Cm-<br />

6th, 1869. Reorganized April 1, 1871. puny-Office Seitz Block, Griswold street,<br />

Capital $100,000. W. H. Tefft, President ; near Post Office. Capital $30,000. Presi-<br />

John J. Bagley, Vice President ; WIU. dent, E Chope ; Xanager, J. H. Seitz ; Sec-<br />

Peek, Secretary and Manager ; Walter retary, F. L. Seitz.<br />

Thompsor, Mechanical Superintendent. Mechanics and Inwentors' Association-<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Ornamental Stone Company- Head office, 31 Congress street west, De-<br />

Capital $50,000. Office, 2 Atwater; b troit. Branches at Chicago and Washing-


ton. Incorporatecl February 27th; 7 867.<br />

Capital $20,000. Shares $25 each. Presi-<br />

dent, Thomas S. Sprague ; Treasurer, R.<br />

Fred. Eberts, <strong>Detroit</strong> Mich. ; Secretary,<br />

Henry S. Sprague.<br />

The Bargreaaes Manufactumizg Cm-<br />

pany-Office and works corner Eighteenth<br />

and Howard sweets. H. N. ltTalker, Pres-<br />

ident ; Samuel E. Pittman, Secretary and<br />

Treasurer; Geo. Hargreaves, Superinten-<br />

dent. Capital $150,000. Shares $25 each.<br />

NicI@an Bridge and Const~uctwn Com-<br />

pany-Office 71 Griswold street. Elijah<br />

Smith. President ; J. A. Briscoe. Secretary;<br />

Geo. B. Hill, Treasurer:; Samuel Buel, En-<br />

gineer.<br />

itlichigun Car Company - Office and<br />

works corner Larned and Fourth streets.<br />

Iucorpol-ated 3Iarcb ,1864. Capital $200:000.<br />

Shares $25 each. President, John S.<br />

Newberry ; Vice President, E. C. Dean ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer James BlcMillan ;<br />

Superintendent, James McGregor.<br />

Michigan Health Insu~ance a nd Relief<br />

Society-Incorporated .January, 1869. Cap-<br />

ital $10,000. President, R. Diepenbeck.<br />

Secretary, Emil Landsberg.<br />

Michigan Mutz~al Ltfe insurance Com-<br />

pany-Commenced business uuder charter<br />

November 12th, 1867. Paid up capital<br />

$100,000. Office, over First National Bank.<br />

earner Griswold street and Jefferson<br />

avenue. Election oi directors and officers,<br />

last Tuesday in January. President, Jacob<br />

S.. Farrand ; Vice President Wm. A.<br />

Moore ; Secretary. John T. Liggitt ;<br />

Actuary, James C. Watson, Michigan Uni-<br />

versity ; Medical Examiner. Dr. I). 0. Far-<br />

rand ; General Agent, L. M. Thaper.<br />

Michigan Stove ~orn~any-~ncor~orated<br />

1572. Capital stock, $200,000 ; (paid in,<br />

$1 00,000.) President Charles Ducharme ;<br />

Vice President and Treasurer, 31. I. 3Iills ;<br />

Secretary, Richard H. Long ; General<br />

Manager, Jeremiah Dwyer. Works and<br />

Office corner of Jefferson aaenue and<br />

Adair street.<br />

blichigan Nut and Bolt Company-Incor-<br />

porated April 4th, 1868. Capital stock,<br />

$20,000. President, Elijah Smith ; Secre-<br />

tuy, J. A. Briscoe ; Treasurer George B.<br />

Hill.<br />

Northwestern Ikmportatwn Cmpany of<br />

ilfichigan-Office foot of First street. Pres-<br />

ident, E. M. Peck ; Vice President, Henry<br />

Hackett ; Secretary and Treasurer, Robt.<br />

J. Hackett.<br />

Peninsular Iron, Company-Office and<br />

works, Hamtramck, near Marine Hospital.<br />

Incorporated July, 1856. Capita1 $500,000.<br />

Bhares $25 each. President, John Burt ;<br />

- - - - -<br />

Eecr~tary and Treasurer, Austin Burt.<br />

Agent, Solon Burt.<br />

Ricer and Lab SAure Steamboat Line-<br />

Office foot Cnss street. President, Solo-<br />

mon Gardner ; Vice President. A. P, Toul-<br />

I min ; Secretary, John D. Baer.<br />

Wynndoi;le SiZ~er Smelting and Re3ning<br />

1 Company-Office foot of Wayne street,<br />

, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Works, Wyandotte. Capit.pitn1,<br />

1 $100,000. President, E. B. Ward ; Secretary,<br />

W. H. Zabriskie.<br />

1 Missouri Lea%? Mining Company of <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

--Office, foot of Wayne street. Capital,<br />

1 $200.000. President, D. M. Richardson ;<br />

1 Secretary, J. C. Lillibridge ; Superintendent,<br />

D. C. Batchelder.<br />

I The Calzert Litlrograpi'kinng Cmpany-<br />

I Capital, $40,000. Oflice and operati~g<br />

rooms, Arcade Building, Larned street<br />

west. President and Superintendent,<br />

Thomas Calvert ; Secretary, C. H. Candler<br />

; Treasurer, C. B. Calvert.<br />

Tyandotte Rolling Milk Company-0 ffice,<br />

dock foot of Wayne street. Mills at Wyandotte,<br />

Wayne County. Incorporated 1855.<br />

Capital, $750,000. Shares $50 each, President,<br />

E. B Ward ; Secretary and General<br />

Agent, W. H. Zabriskie ; Superintendent,<br />

S. L. Potter, Wyandotte.<br />

Bankfwt fion Company--Office 2 Seitz<br />

block, Congress street west, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; works<br />

at Frankfort Benzie County, Lake Michigan.<br />

Incorporated 1869. Capital stock,<br />

$100 000 ; shares, $25 each, full paid.<br />

President, Albert Ives ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, Silas L. Fuller.<br />



Grand Lodge-Meets in 1573 at East<br />

Saginaw, second Tuesday in February.<br />

Officers for <strong>1872</strong>-73 : F. H Rankin, Flint,<br />

Grand Master ; F. 31. Foster, Jackson,<br />

Grand Secretary.<br />

Grand Encampmend-Meets in 1873 at<br />

East Saginaw, second Monday in February.<br />

Grand Officers for <strong>1872</strong>-3 : L. C.<br />

Tillotson, Hillsdale, Grand Patriarch ; F.<br />

31. Foster, Jackson, Grand Scribe.<br />

MiciLiyan Encampment, No. I-At <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Meets second and fourth Wednesda s 'in<br />

each month. Joseph Neltner, Jr., 8. P.;<br />

Albert M. Harris, Scribe.<br />

Zngerso El Encampment, No. 29-Meets<br />

first and third Wednesdays in each month.<br />

Jno. F. C. Hollings, C. P.; Chas. A. Rooney,<br />

Scribe.<br />

German& Encampment, No. &-(German)-Meets<br />

first and third Thursday in<br />

each month. Jonas Nebe, C. P.; G. Goelluer,<br />


Michigan Ldge, No. I-Meets Monday.<br />

Wm. Siggins, N. G.; Fred. Kunzie, Sec.<br />

retary.<br />

Vaym Lodge, No. 2-Meets Friday.<br />

George Spring, N. G.; .John Major, Sec -<br />

retary.<br />

Olive Branch Lodge,No. 38-Xeets T hurs -<br />

dsy. Thos. J. Crowe, N. G.; David Holmes,<br />

Secretary.<br />

Wasiington Lodge, No. 54-(German).-<br />

Meets Tuesday. Julius Zoellner, N. G ;<br />

John Harni~g, Secretary.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Lodge, No. 128-31eets Wednesday.<br />

Samuel Lewenbarg, N. G.; Robert<br />

Fo wles, Secretary.<br />

.First French Lodge of the Test, iVo. 147-<br />

(French)-Meets Tuesday. N. G. Boissonneau,<br />

N, G.; Fred. J. Barbier, Secretary.<br />

Sides Lodge, go. 155-Meets Monday.<br />

Jno. W. MacGrath, N. G.; W. J. Hildreth,<br />

Secretary.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Public Library-First floor Capi-<br />

tol Union School, Grismold street, facing<br />

Grand River ave. Organized 1865. Under<br />

charge of the Board of Education. The<br />

revenue is derived from fines in criminal<br />

cases in the Police and (jentral Station<br />

Courts. 23,000 volumes. Open from 10 A.<br />

M. till 8 P. M., for consultation and delivery<br />

of books to all citizens free of charge.<br />

Professor Chaney, Librarian.<br />

Mechanics' Soczkty Library-111 Griswold<br />

street. 4,000 volumes. John Farrar, Li-<br />

brarian. .<br />

Young Menys Libra y-Young Men's<br />

Hall. Organized 1833. 12,000 volumes.<br />

Jas. N. Gatland, Librarian. Library open<br />

from 10 A. M. to 9+ P. M.<br />

IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. Carson Grand Lodge of Perfection-Jex.<br />

J. Bardwell,<br />

Great Council of Anproved Order of Red<br />

32O: <strong>Detroit</strong>, T. P. G. &I.; D.<br />

B. Tracy, 33O, Petersburgh, G. Secretary.<br />

Men of Bikhigan-Great Sachem, Samuel<br />

D. Craig ; G. S. S., ddolp11 Bechestob~el ; (!arson Cozsncil of P~m'nces of Jerusalem-<br />

G. J. S., Emil Landsberg; G.C. of R., Julius A. B. Taber, 330, <strong>Detroit</strong>, 31. E. S. P. G. M.;<br />

4 Rhaesa ; G. K. of W., Frank Kolb. C. G. Curtis, 320, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. H. P.; C. F.<br />

Pocaiwntas Trihe 3-0. I-Hall I6 Monroe<br />

Gil~son, 320, Bay <strong>City</strong>, JI. E. S. G. W.; A.<br />

L. Harrison, 320 East.Saginaw, 31. E. .J. G.<br />

avenue. S., JVilliam Repp; S. S., Lucien<br />

Zink; J. S., Frank Schwab ; C. of R., August<br />

W.; R. JV. Landon, 330. Niles, G. Treas.;<br />

D. 13. Tracy, 330, Pctersbnrgh, Val. G. S.;<br />

Kolb ; Assistant C, of R , George Hansel- Rev. R. Bird, 320, Birmingham, G. Chapman<br />

; K. of R., David Buehler : P.. George lain; J. S. Patten, 32O, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. M. of C.;<br />

Wirth.<br />

A. Bisbg, 320, Lansing, Val. G. J1. ot E.;<br />

Tecumseib Tribe No. 3-Hall 16 Monroe 1'. V. GrifEth, 920, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Tiler.<br />

avenue. S., William T. Sldous, S. S., Nt. Olivet Chapter of Rose Croia: of ths<br />

John J. Perrien; J. S., George Schneider; C. Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite-320, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

of R , .John Stork; Assistant C. of R., Wal- Br W. and P. M.; James Fenton,330, Deter<br />

V. Kies ; K of W., Albert J. Deneke ; troit, 31. E. and P. R. S. w.; riug. 13. Taber,<br />

P., Adolph Beckestobiel.<br />

33, Oetroit, 31. E. and P. I(. J. W.; S. C.<br />

Chippexln Tribe 30 +Hall 16 Xonroe Cottinbury, 320, Constantine G. Orator ; R.<br />

avenue. S., Adolph Rhaesa ; S. S , Henry W. Landon, 3'20, Niles, R. and P. K. Treas.<br />

Freund ; J. S., C!mrles Richards; C. of R., D. B. Tracy, 3S0, Petersburg, R. and P. K;<br />

George Leonl~ard ; Assistant C. of R., John Secretary ; Joseph Godfi-ey, 3J0, <strong>Detroit</strong>, R.<br />

Schm~dt ; R. of W., Charles Wohlrab ; P., and P. K. Hos.; J. J. Rhodes, 32O, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

IViliiam Kocb.<br />

K. and P. K. M. of C.; J. S. Patten, 320,<br />

Red Cloud l'ribe No. 5-S., Frank R olb ; <strong>Detroit</strong>, R. and Y. K. C. of G.<br />

S. S., John G. Hommel; J. S. Mrilliam 111ichigan Socereign Comktory, 8:. P:. R:.<br />

Deausan ; C. of R., August Hessinq ; I


annual meeting of the Grand Chapter, at<br />

6 o'clocl~, P.M. Grand officers for <strong>1872</strong>-3 :<br />

Comp. H. Shaw, Noble Monroe, T. I. G.P. ;<br />

Comp. Garra B. Noble, G. Recorder, De-<br />

troit.<br />

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, cf<br />

the State of ~Mici~igan-Annual convocation,<br />

second Monday of January. Grand offi-<br />

cers for <strong>1872</strong>-3: Leonard H. Randall,<br />

Grand Rapids, G. H. P. ; J. Eastman,<br />

Johnsen, Centreville, G. Secretary.<br />

Grand Lodge of Bee and Arxepted IW;lsons<br />

of the Stale of ~Vic7~igun-.4nnual communi-<br />

catitbn, 2d Wednesday in January. Gzand<br />

officers for <strong>1872</strong>-3 : Henry Chamberlain,<br />

Three Oaks, G. 31. ; James Fenton, De-<br />

troit, Grand Secretary.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Commandery No. I, of Knig7bt8<br />

Templur-Stated meetings first Monday of<br />

each month. E. I. Garfield, E. C.; G. R.<br />

Noble, Recorder.<br />

Monroe Cl~cxpkr No. 2. R. A. IIL-Reg-<br />

ulars, Thursdays on or before the full<br />

moon each month. John F. Fenert-y,<br />

M. E. H. P. ; Jes J. Bardwell, Secretary.<br />

peninsula^ Chapkr -To. IG, R. A. ,W.-<br />

Regulars, Wednesday, on or before the full<br />

moon each month. Joseph B. Barnpton,<br />

H. P. ; Alfred I. >lay, Secretary.<br />

Monroe Council 3%. 1, R. ad 8. N.-<br />

Regular meetings Monday succeeding the<br />

full moon each moath. E. A. ELliott, T.<br />

I. G. M. ; J. Jex. Bardwell, Secretary.<br />

Kilminnin,q Lotlye A70. ?.%'-David Pat-<br />

terson, W; M. ; Jex. Bardwell, Secretary.<br />

Zwn Lodge AVO. &-Meets every Wednes-<br />

day evening, at Masonic Hall. Alex.<br />

Hosie, W. M. ; Wm. Jackson, Secretary.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Lodge iVo. ,%Meets every Tues-<br />

day evening at Masonic Hall. Ecl\v.<br />

Mayes, W. 31 ; W. H. Smith, Secretary.<br />

Unwn Lodge of 8. O., No. 3-Meets every<br />

Monday evening at Jlasonic Hall. Richard<br />

S. Dillon, ?V. BI.; Ephraim R. Koberts,<br />

Secretary.<br />

Ashlar Lodge No. 9 2 - Meets every<br />

Thursday evenin? at Masonic Hall. Wm.<br />

Saxby, W. M. ; fohn H. Berry, Secretary ;<br />

Alex. McGregor, Tiler.<br />

Oriental Lodge 1Vo. 240->bets every<br />

Tuesday evening at Nasonic Hall. Ge:,.<br />

Morhous, W. ill. ; J. B. *Jones, Sdcretary.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Masonic Mut unl &lief Association<br />

-Garra B. Noble, <strong>Detroit</strong>, President ;<br />

William F. Moore. <strong>Detroit</strong>,Vice President ;<br />

Jex. J. Bardwell, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Secretary ; Trea-<br />

surer, 0. Bourke.<br />

Meetings of th Several dVa.~onic Bgdies-<br />

All the regular >I+sonic bodies of the city<br />

of <strong>Detroit</strong> meet at Masonic Hall, 133<br />

Jefferson avenue, as follows : Zion Lodge<br />

No. 1, Wednesday evening : <strong>Detroit</strong> Lodge<br />

No. 2, Tuesday evening ; Union Lodge of<br />

S. O., No. 3, Monday evening; Ashlar<br />

Lodge No. 91, Thursday evening ;<br />

Lodge No. 240, Tuesday evenine ;<br />

Schiller Lodge No. 263. Friday evening ;<br />

Kilwinning Lodge KO. 207, Slonday evening<br />

; 3Ionroe Chapter No. 1, Thursday<br />

evening ; Peninsular Chapter No. 16, Wednesday<br />

evening; Monroe Council No. 1,<br />

Monday evening ; <strong>Detroit</strong> Commandery<br />

No. 1, Frid-~y evening.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> ~Hiedical College-Woodward ave.,<br />

near the terminus of the street railway.<br />

Organized April, 1868. President,, Hon.<br />

James F. Joy; Vice-President, -4. C. >Ic-<br />

Gmw; Secretary, Philo Parsons; Treas-<br />

urer, \Fm. A. Butler.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Academy of Medicine-A society<br />

of Physicians and Surgeons for the pur-<br />

pose of individual improvement in the best<br />

interests of the profi.ssion. Officers for<br />

1572 : President, H. F. Lyster ; Vice-Presi-<br />

dent, N. W. Webber; Secretary. J. H.<br />

Carstens ; Treasurer, Leartus Connor.<br />

Meetings are held on the second and fourth<br />

Tuesdays of each month.<br />

Stute Xidical Society-0 rganized May,<br />

1866. Meets at Grand Hapids on the second<br />

Wednesday in June.<br />

Wayne County ~Vedicnl Society-Organ-<br />

ized May, 1866, Annual election ot' officers<br />

first Wednesday in Jn?e. President, Ham-<br />

ilton E. Smith ; Vice-President-: .J. 8.<br />

Book, A. S. Heaton ; Treasurer, J. Flinter -<br />

mann ; Secretary, W. H. Rouse.<br />

Wnvne Cozsnty nompathic Institute-<br />

Organized July 3. 1868. President, E. H.<br />

Drake ; Vice-President, F. X. Spranger ;<br />

Secretary, E. T. Adams ; Treasurer, W. R.<br />

Gorton.<br />

Wom.nn's State Medical ds.sociatwn.-<br />

President, Dr. Lucy M. Arnold; Vice:<br />

President, Dr. Eleanor E. Howe ; Secretary<br />

Dr. Sarah L. Jones; Treasurer, Mrs. L.<br />

Hunter.<br />


Department qf the Lakes-Embracing<br />

the States or Ollio, Michigan, Wisconsin<br />

and Indiana, excepting the post of' Jeffer-<br />

sonville. Indiana, and all the frontier as<br />

far east as Ogdensburg. N. Y. Headquar-<br />

ters, s. w. corner of Rivard and Wood-<br />

bridge streeis. <strong>Detroit</strong> Brevet Major Gen-<br />

eral, P. St. George Cook, Brigadier-Gen-<br />

era1 U. S. Army commanding.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Light Guards--Firemen's Hall,<br />

s. w. corner Jefferson avenue and Ran-<br />

dolph street. This company was organized


-<br />

on the 16th of November, 1855, was reor- troit-A beceficial society of German<br />

ganized on the 9th day of January, 1860. butchers and drovers. Organized April,<br />

Regular monthly meeting on the first 1865. Meetings on the first Monday of<br />

Monday of each month, and drills on Mon- each month, at.Tinnette's Hall, corner of<br />

day and Thursday evening of each week. Rivard and Catharine streets. President,<br />

Officers-Capt.ain, David F. Fox ; First Max Broeg ; Vice President, Frank Blum;<br />

Lieutenant, Edward Marum ; Second Secretary, John Blanken heim ; Treasurer,<br />

Lieutenant, John C. Pierce ; Quarter George Rcichenbach ; Flag Bearer, H.<br />

Master, John Jordan ; Color Sergeant, Tapert ; Messenger, P. Seibert.<br />

Hubbard Smith ; First Sergeant, Charles Cakdonia Society-Presiden t, A. Grant ;<br />

Dup~nt ; Second Sergeant, Nathan Stod- Vice President, Archibald BIcKay ; Treadard<br />

; Third Sergeant, H. W. Colman ; surer, F. Eatherly ; Recording Secretary,<br />

Fourth Sergeant, Max Hochgraef ; Fifth Wm. Dotlie jr. Meetings held the<br />

Sergeant. Lewis C. T wombly ; Corporals, second Monday of every month.<br />

Phillip Porter, John T. Smith, John Dyer,<br />

Albert J. Deneke, John George Davis,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Bar Society-A voluntary as-<br />

George Corns, George Cowles, Ross<br />

sociation of lawyers, numbering about 100<br />

Bro wne.<br />

~nembers. Organized, 1880. President,<br />

9. D. Fraser ; Secretary, D. Bethune<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> National mar&--Armory in Duffield. Bar library room, new Seitz<br />

Fireman's Hall s. w. corner Jefferson ave. block, Congress street west.<br />

and Randolph street. This company was<br />

organized November 7, 1869, and was<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Betliel Association - Organized<br />

mustered into the service of the State<br />

March, 1870. President, Caleb Van<br />

Narch 25, 18'70. Officers: Captain, John<br />

Husan ; First Vice President, J. F. Con-<br />

Atkinson ; 1st Lieutenant, J. W. Fisher<br />

over ; Second Vice President, David<br />

;<br />

2nd Lieutenant, 6. O'Keefe ; 1st Sergeant,<br />

Preston ; Secretary, Z. R. Brockway,<br />

P. H. Monaghan ; 2nd Sergeant, John 31c-<br />

Treasurer, David Preston.<br />

Glade ; 3rd Sergeant, Edward Flanigan ; <strong>Detroit</strong> Mechanics' Society-Hall and<br />

4th Sergeant, - Ferguson ; 5th Sergeant, library 111 Gris wold street. Organized<br />

Michael Moynahnn.<br />

May 20,1820. Library open every Wed-<br />

Civil Officers-President, Dennis P. Mc- nesda and Saturday afternoon and even-<br />

Carthy : First Vice President, John D. ing. 5 resident, I. W. Ingersoll ; Vice-<br />

Finnegan ; Second Vice President, P. H. President, J. B. Wayne ; Secretary, John<br />

Monaghan ; Recording Secretary, Michael Farrar ; Treasurer, James Burns.<br />

Halloran ; Financial Secretary, Robert <strong>Detroit</strong> German Building and ' Savzng~<br />

Webster ; Treasurer, Jobn 0' Eeefe. Society No. I-President, A. Marxhausen ;<br />

Vice-President, C. Schulz ; Treasurer, F.<br />

MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES. Fulda ; Financial Secretarv. Geo. Olde-<br />

Anlerican Protestant Association-Mornkopp<br />

; ' Recording secretary, L. Stark ;<br />

ing Star Lodge, No. 7, A. P. A.,<br />

N~~~~~ public, Carl Schmemann.<br />

rooms in<br />

St. Andrew's Hall, corner of Woodward <strong>Detroit</strong> Oemn BuiIding and Savinggs<br />

avenue and &ate street. Recording Secre- No. 2--Organized July 1, 1868 ;<br />

tary, Robert S. Orr.<br />

Capital when paid out $300,000. President,<br />

Jirlius Melchers ; Vice-President,<br />

Board of ~CY fyissiom-or~anized, June, L. Stark ; Treasurer, Anton Roehler ;<br />

1867 Headquarters at You% Men's Cashier, C. Kaufman ; Secretary, H. Reif ;<br />

Christian Association Rooms, Merfill Notary Public, Florens Krecke.<br />

Block. President, Z. R. Brockway ; Vice <strong>Detroit</strong> G~~~~ ~ ~ iand l<br />

President, J. F.<br />

Saoings a ~ ~<br />

Conover ; Secretary, Sam- Asso&ikn<br />

uel Zug ; Treasurer, 0.<br />

No. $-President, 8. ]Ylarx-<br />

S. Gulley. hausen; Vice President, F. Pohl ; Finan-<br />

Bryant Literary Society-Officers : Presi- cial Secretary, Wm. Pieper ; Recording<br />

dent, E. B. Moody; Vice President, C. E. Secretary, John Eppens ; Treasurer, Geo.<br />

Pairent ; Secretary, J. N. Gallagher ; Trea- Oldekopp.<br />

surer, J. W. Mason; Critic of Composi- <strong>Detroit</strong> Germn Buzyding a& &Dings<br />

tions. C. C. Yemans ; Critic of Elocution, No. 4-organiaed in 1869<br />

L. L Howe ; Musical Director, Wm* Capital when paid out $950,000 ; Number.<br />

Lyons.<br />

of shares. 2,000. President, M. V. Borg-<br />

Burns CZub-Meets monthly in the Club man ; Vice President, F. Gresbeck ; Fin-<br />

Rooms, Masonic Hall building. President, ancial Secretary, Charles H. Borgman ;<br />

John McGregor ; Vice President, John Treasurer, Christ Kaiser ; Recording Sec-<br />

Pord ; Treasurer, Robert Hosie ; Secretary, retary, B. Tillman.<br />

James G. Blair.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gemn Workingmen's Building<br />

Butchrs' and DTozeers' Association of De- and Savings Association No. I-Incorporat-<br />



ed July lst, 1869. Capital when out Martin ; Corresponding Secretary, Johu<br />

$300,000. President, Anton Kuhl ; Vice Clancy ; Treasurer, Daniel Shanahan.<br />

President, Peter Roebling ; Treasurer.Pau1 German American Seminary-Orqanized<br />

Gies ; Financial Secretary, C has. Schultz. and incorporated 1361. Mern$ers, 75.<br />

Germctnia Building and Savings Society School building on Lafayette street, near<br />

-Organized August, 1869. Capital when R.ussel1 street. Dr. H. Kiefer, President ;<br />

paid out, $300,000. President, Michael Chas. Busch, Secretary ; Traugott Schmidt,<br />

Nartz ; Vice President, - - Treasurer.<br />

Treasurer, J. C. Scllerer ; Receiving Secre- German Workingmen's Aid Soctetytary,<br />

Theodore Grueninger; Financial Sec- Arbelter Hall, corner Rr~ssell and Catharine<br />

retary, Eugene Fecht.<br />

streets. Society organized 1552. Number<br />

German Building and SIonday in each<br />

P. W. Nolan; Vice President, Joseph month. Annual dinner St. Andrew's day.<br />

Arnold ; Secretary, John Kendall ; Treas., President, Thomas McGregor ; Treasurer,<br />

James R. Elliott.<br />

Robert Hosie ; Secretary, Archibald Gi llis-<br />

Friendly Sons of St. Patrick-President. St. George's S9ciety.-Meets second Nou-<br />

James Daly ; Vice President, Lawrence day in every month at their hall in the<br />

Verdon ; Recording Secretary, James J. Masonic Block. Objects to relieve and



Concordiu Society - Hall, 133 Gratiot<br />

street. President, Robert Qlaesner ; Vice<br />

President, Wm. Cornehl ; Secretary, Otto<br />

Salzmann ; Treasurer, Francis Kuhll;<br />

bers,.20O. Meets Wednesday and Friday<br />

evenings, at Bloynk's Hall, corner Fort<br />

and St. Antoine streets. President. C.<br />

Bnsch ; Vice President, Louis Schimmel,<br />

Hecording Secretary, G. Bachmann ;<br />

Corresponding Secretary, C. A. Biischler ;<br />

Treasurer, Louis Barie ; Librarian, E.<br />

Sae nge r.<br />

Busical Section of tile German Working<br />

men's Aid Society-Members, 40. President,<br />

George Qiitz ; Secretary, A. Diegel ; Trea-<br />

surer, .Wm. Deuther ; Director, H. Bishop.<br />

advise distressed Englisl~men. President,<br />

John Gibson ; Vice Presidents, Wm. T.<br />

Jupp, Henry Rowell : Treasurer, Joseph<br />

Granger ; Secretary, Wm. Haste; Assistant<br />

Secretary, T. C. Prosser.<br />

Associntw~z St Jean Baptiste of the State<br />

of LiiCi~@a~~-Established in 1868. President,<br />

Joseph Belanger ; Vice President,<br />

Dr. R. Tanguay ; Secretary, Julien Roy,<br />

Spiritual Director, Rev: B. G. Soffers.<br />

Next annual general meeting to be held<br />

in Detrolt, September, <strong>1872</strong>.<br />

St. Jean Baptiste Society of Wayne Co.-<br />

Chaplain, Rev. T. Anciaus ; President, E. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES.<br />

N. Lacroix; Vice President, Charles Nantin;<br />

Treasurer, Chas. Rousseau ; Corresponding<br />

Secretary, Chas. Tetrau ; Recording<br />

Secretary, C. Govin.<br />

St Patrick's Benezolent Society.-Organized,<br />

April, 1857. President, John Patten;<br />

First Vice President, Mark &IcGram ; Second<br />

Vice President. D. Bheehan ; First<br />

Secreta~, &I- J- McDowd ; Second Secretary,<br />

C. J. O7Reilly; Treasurer, Patrick<br />

Blake.<br />

Wayne coo. BBibk Society-President, J. 8.<br />

Farrand ; Vice-Presiden ts-John Omen, H.<br />

P. Baldwin, C. C. Trowbrid e, R. W. Hall, N. E. corner of Woodward and<br />

King, John Cameron, Thomas B axter, H. Grand Hi~er avenues.<br />

K. Clarke, E. C. Walker, 0. 9. Gulley ; &fuge Lodge, Xo. 506-Meets every<br />

TI easurer, Caleb Van Husan.<br />

Friday e~ening at Good Templars' Hall,<br />

Western Art Association-An association N. E. corner of Woodwarcl and Grand<br />

for the purpose of fostering and encourag- River avenues.<br />

ing Art. It is designed to plaoe on exhi- &chabite Lodge. NO. I-Meets Wedneabition<br />

celebrated paintiugs, and also to day evening at Good Templars' Hall, N.E.<br />

have an annual drawing on the plan adopt- corner of Wood ward and Grand River<br />

ed by the Art Union. Rooms 159 Jeffer- avenues.<br />

son avenue, up stairs. B. Frodsham, man- FATHER MATHEW TOTAL ABSTINENCE<br />

ager.<br />


Young Ben's Society-Young Men's Hall. dK T. A. B. Socie~, 3% 1, of <strong>Detroit</strong>--<br />

President, L. 9. Trowbridge ; Vice-Presi- Public meeting Sunday, aud business<br />

dent, TIr. R. Candler ; Corresponding Sec- meeting Wednesday evening at the hall,<br />

tflry, John M. L. Campbell ; Recording corner of Fourth and Porter streets.<br />

Secretary, Cornelius J. Reilly ; Auditor, p. AK T. A. B. Catholic s~ciety, n. 2-<br />

Joseph B. Moore ; Treasurer, Butler Ives ; ;\Ieets every Sunday evening at their hall,<br />

Librarian, J. N. Gatland.<br />

78 Congress street east.<br />

Fcitiul* ill;~t?~zo Cadet% (Junior )-Meeta<br />

every Thursday evening, at corner Fourth<br />

and Porter streets.<br />


[Officers elected every three montha,<br />

,rJ therefore omitted in the <strong>Directory</strong>.]<br />

Amaranth Lodge, ,To. 386-Meets every -<br />

Thursday evening at ~~~d<br />

Hall, N. E. corner of Woodward and<br />

~~~~d River avenues,<br />

A&r,+son fidge, go, &I-Meets everg<br />

Tuesday evening at Good Templars' Hall<br />

N. J.J. corner of Woodward and Grand<br />

River avenues.<br />

Rechabite Lodge, iVo. 271-Meets e v q<br />

Wednesday evening at Good Templars'<br />


Avdubon club Organbed Februaly,<br />

lvardens---G. Henning- J. Wagner ; Mu- 1866. Its objects are to aid in the pnforce<br />

sical D~rector, John Tinuette. Members, rnent of the game laws of the State of<br />

110.<br />

Michigan, and to collect specimens of<br />

Det~oit Philhar~mnic Society-;in asso- natural history. Reylar meetings are<br />

ciation af vocalists, formed for the purpose held on the first Tuesday evening of each<br />

of studying classical music. Organized month, at room 13, Buhl Bank Block.<br />

January 1,1868. President, Adam Elder. President, Gordon W. Lloyd; 1st Vice<br />

Secretary, W. A. Scripps.<br />

President, Dr. Wm. Brodie ; 2d Vice Pre-<br />

Harm fiie Bennan Singing Society-Or- siden t, Benj. Vernor ; Secretary,ganized<br />

1849. Incorporated 1869. Mem- a Treasurer, C. C. Cadman.


Banner Boat Club-Organized April 24,<br />

1869. Boat house foot of Seventh street.<br />

Regular drill Tuesday and Friday evenings.<br />

President, B. B. Mitchell ; Secretary<br />

and Treasurer, Henry F. Baker; Coxswain,<br />

Frank Newcok.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Boat Club-Boat house foot of<br />

Rivard street. Drill Monday, Wednesday<br />

and Friday evenings. President, Levi T.<br />

GrifEn ; Vice President, L. L. Hotchkiss ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, Edward C. D.<br />

Clark ; Coxswain, Theo. G. Lyster ; First<br />

Assistant, L. C. Twombly ; Second Assistant,<br />

J. H. Strachan ; Third Assistant, Will<br />

Higham. Club Rooms in Bagg Block,<br />

N. E. corner of Jefferson avenue and<br />

Griswold street.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Raver iVT.avy-Organized June,<br />

1867. Composed of the following boat<br />

clubs : <strong>Detroit</strong>, Excelsior, Edmmd and<br />

Campau. Number of cratt, 40. Two<br />

grand regattas will take place each year<br />

during the boating season, one in June<br />

and one in August. Commodore,<br />

Vice Commodore, F. Raymoncl, Jr ; Signal<br />

Officer, ; Secretary and Treasurer,<br />

Representahves to Naval Board :<br />

H. C. ~unson, <strong>Detroit</strong> Boat Club ; L. H.<br />

Baldwin, Excelsior do ; Alfred E. Brush,<br />

Edmund do ; Samuel E. Pittman, Zephyr<br />

do.-Pleasure boats: E. H. Butler,<br />

W. N. Carpenter, W. C. Williams.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Sharpshooters - President, A.<br />

Kurz ; Vice President, M. Haller ; Cashier,<br />

P. Kling ; Secretary, M. Broeg ; Shooting<br />

Master, C. Dreher ; Flag Bearer, P.<br />

Mathauer.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Shooting and liishing Club--Organized<br />

October, 1868. Meetings on the<br />

first Thursday evening of each month at<br />

corner of Lafayette street and St. Aubin<br />

avenue. President, John St enton ; Vice<br />

President, Edward Wilkinson ; Treasurer,<br />

Alhed Delazenne ; Recording Becretary,<br />

Andrew 8ommerfield ; Corresponding Secretary,<br />

Chas. Eggemann.<br />

Edmund Boat Club-Organized September,<br />

1868. President, Alfred E. Brush;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, Joseph Roberts ;<br />

Coxswain, H. Whiting.<br />

Excdahr Boat Club--Organized May,<br />

1867. Number of members, 51. Boat<br />

house foot of Chene street. Regular drill,<br />

Monday, Wednesday and Frida evenings.<br />

President, F. Raymond, jr. ; $ice President,<br />

J. M. L. Campbell ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, James Johnston ; Captain, Lyman<br />

H. Baldwin; Commander, N. C.<br />

O'Brien ; Lieut. Comnmnder, F. S. Lewis ;<br />

Ensi n, J. D. Standish ; Representative to<br />

the fi aval Board, L man H. Baldwin.<br />

Zake 8t. @ai~ ~3Kin~ and Shooting Club<br />

-Organized March, <strong>1872</strong>. President, Wm.<br />

C. Colburn ; First Vice Prc sident, L. W.<br />

Tinker ; Second Vice President, George<br />

Foote ; Secretary, Colin Fox ; Treasurer,<br />

Chas. C. Cadman. Meetings first Tues-<br />

day in every month.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Tribune-Office 42 Larned street<br />

west. <strong>Detroit</strong> Advertiser and Tribuu e<br />

Cornpan y, proprietors. Capi tall $100,000.<br />

(Republican) Daily, established in 1836.<br />

Psblished every morning and evening.<br />

Price $10 per year. Tri-weekly Aclver-<br />

tiser and Tribune, published every Tues.<br />

day, Thursday and Saturday morning, at<br />

$5 per year. Weekly establisl~ed 1329,<br />

published every Thursday morning, at $2<br />

per year.<br />

The Bet~oit Free Press-Office, 18 Wood-<br />

bridge street west, corner of Griswold.<br />

The <strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press Company, proprie-<br />

tors (Democratic.) The Daily Free Press<br />

publishecl every morning, at 20 cents per<br />

week, or $10 per annum ; by mail $8. The<br />

Tri-weekly Free Press, published every<br />

Monday, Wednesday and Friday morn-<br />

ings, at $4 per annum. The Weekly Free<br />

Press, published every Tuesday morning<br />

at $2 per annum.<br />

The Daily Post-Northeast corner of<br />

Larned and Shelby streets. A joint stock<br />

company. Capital, $100.000. Established<br />

March 271h, 1866. Daily, Tri-weekly and<br />

Weekly. Daily published every morning,<br />

at $10 per year. Tri-weekly, published<br />

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, $5<br />

per annum. Weekly, published every<br />

Saturday, at $2 per year.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Daily and Veekly Union-Offlce<br />

17 Larned street west. Proprietors, 31. H.<br />

Marsh, T. J. Finn, Wm. F. Moore, John<br />

Drew, P. Forsyth, Beecher Skinner,<br />

David Rankin ; Business Manager, M.<br />

H. Marsh. Terms, $6 per year by mail ;<br />

65 cents per month to city subscribers;<br />

weekly, published every Thursday, at<br />

$1 25 per year or $1 in clubs of 5.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Daily Abend Post-(Liberal Re-<br />

form) official German paper of the city.<br />

August Marxhausen proprietor. By mail<br />

$6 per year; 65 cents per month to city<br />

subscribers. Office 10 and 12 Larned<br />

street east.<br />

Familien Blii tter (German)- Weekl y. A.<br />

Marxhausen, proprfetor. Office 10 and 12<br />

Larned street east. Tertns, $2 50 per year<br />

by mail ; to city subscribers, $3.<br />

Mic7~igan Volhblatt (German)-Dail y and<br />

Weekly. (Democratic.) Math. I3 ramer &<br />

Co., proprietors. Dafy, $7 80 per ear.<br />

Weekly, $2 50. Office, Free Press bnil&ng.


Mic7Lzgan JournaT (German)-Daily and Crawford Park, corner Fifth and Oak<br />

weekly. (Republican). Pope 62 Cornehl, streets.<br />

proprietors, 31 Woodbridge east. Daily, East Park, Randolph, between Bates<br />

$7 80 per year, weekly, $2.<br />

and Farmer streets.<br />

The <strong>Detroit</strong> C~rnme?*cial Adverter and Elton Park, corner of Fifth and Orchard<br />

Michigan Home Journ([l-Office, 42 Larned streets.<br />

street west. Wm. H. Burk, editor a.nd pro- Grand Circus Park, on Woodward aveprietor.<br />

Published every Saturday morning nue, from Park and William streets to<br />

at $2 50 per year.<br />

Adams avenue.<br />

?he Western Rural-A week1 y journal<br />

Macomb Park, Rose, Seventeenth and<br />

for the farm and fireside. H. N. F. Lewis,<br />

Eighteenth streets.<br />

publisher and proprietor. Terms, $2 per<br />

Randolph Park, Randolph street, beyear.<br />

Chicago and <strong>Detroit</strong>. <strong>Detroit</strong> office,<br />

tween Centre street and Madison avenue.<br />

Arcade building, 48 Lamed street west.<br />

School Park, State street, between Gris-<br />

I wold and Rowland.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Journal of Commerce-Office, 157 Stariton Park, Marquette, Seventeenth<br />

Jefferson avenue. Published by the Journal ' and Eighteenth streets.<br />

of Commerce Printing Co., every Saturday West Park State street, between Park<br />

morning. Terms, $2 per annum.<br />

' and West Park Places.<br />

The Mici~igan Farmer and State Journal<br />

of Agriculture-A weekly newspaper de-<br />


voted to the agricultural, horticultural and Situated on the northwest corner of Larindustrial<br />

interests of Michigan. R. F. ned and Griswold streets. Postmaster,<br />

Johnstone, editor. Published every Satur- Col. F. W. Swift ; Assistant Postmaster,<br />

day at 42 Larned street west, by Johnstone J. H. Kaple ; Chief' Clerk, (delivery depart-<br />

62 Gibbons. Terms, $2 50 per year. ment,) John C. Hardy ; Chief Clerk, (dis-<br />

T7Le My~lic Star-A monthly magazine tribu tion department) Morris M. Williams.<br />

devoted to Masonry and its literature. F. Superin tenden t , money order department,<br />

N. Kewman, publisher. Subscription price Geo. R. A. Woolfenden. The fiee delivery<br />

$1 50 a year. Office, corner of Monroe ave. system is in successful operation. The city<br />

and Farmer street.<br />

is divided into twenty-five districts. In ad-<br />

The flew Torld-Published every Thurs- dition to the regular weekday collect ions,<br />

day morning at the office, corner of 3Ionroe a collection is made in business districts<br />

avenue and Farmer street. F. N. New- on Sunday afternoons.<br />

man, proprietor. Subscrip tion, $2 a year.<br />


American Hbmctqathic Observer-Pub- Dhtpict No. I John C. Ferguson. Five<br />

lished monthly by Edwin A. Lodge, M. D., deliveries, 6 collections daiZ3-From Woc ,d-<br />

61 Wayne street. Terms, $2 per annurn. ward avenue all south of Jefferson avenue<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Review of AWedicine and Pharmacy to Shelby, and on Woodbridge, and south<br />

-Published monthly at No. 41 Congress to Wayne.<br />

street west. Terms, $3 per year.<br />

Distrl-ict No. 2 ill. B. 'P. Decker Eve<br />

Mechanie and Inaentor---Published month- delive~ies. 6 wllectians-Toodward avenue,<br />

ly at Chicago and <strong>Detroit</strong>, by the Me- from Larned to river, Jefferson avenue<br />

chanics' and Inventors' Association. De- from Woodward to Bates street, and south<br />

troit office, Seitz Block, Congress street to the river.<br />

west. Devoted to practical and reliable District No 3, John M. Evans. Pive &-<br />

information regarding patents and patented liveries, 6 collections-Woodward avenue<br />

articles. Terms, 50 cents per year. from Larned to Fort and Michigan Grand<br />

The Michigan Almanac-Publish ed an- : avenue, Bates from Larned to Randolph,<br />

nually by the Advertiser and Tribune<br />

1 Randolph from Lafayette to Larned, Con-<br />

Company. Devoted to political and statis- gress from Brush to Woodward avenue.<br />

tical information in regard to this State. I)iSt'PiCt NO. 4, Orwn' Woodin. Five deliverks,<br />

6 collections--All south of Lsrned<br />

from Shelby to and Jefferson avenue, and<br />

PARKS.<br />

south from Wayne to Fourth.<br />

Adelaide Campau Park, Joseph Campau District No. 5, Gw. L. Nadolleck. flv8<br />

avenue, between Mullett street and Clinton deliuem'es, 6 collections - Griswold from<br />

avenue.<br />

Grand River to Jefferson avenue, and west<br />

Cass Park, between Ledyard and Bagg to Shelby between Jefferson avenue and<br />

streets, on Cass Farm.<br />

Congress, east to Woodward avenue.<br />

Clinton Park, between Gratiot, Clinton, 1 District No. 6, Wm. J J.ikE1"eth. Xae de-<br />

St. Antoine and Paton streets,<br />

, Z;veries, 6 collectwszs--Lamed fiom Bates to



Brush, and Jefferson avenue from Bates District No. 18, Suturinus Jasnowak'.<br />

to Beaubien and south of Jefferson avenue Two deliver;es, 3 colkctions frm damp-post<br />

to the river.<br />

boxes ; 2 collecttons from tin bms-Fort<br />

Datricl No. 7, George DingweU. five &- street west from Second to Eighth? and<br />

liveries, 6 collections-Wosdward avenue north from Second to Eleventh to Porter.<br />

from Michigan ave. to Grand' Circus, and District No. 19, August Ballieite. Two de-<br />

>Ionroe ave. to Gratiot.<br />

liveries, 3 wltectwns from lamp post boxes; 2<br />

District No. 8, Jams M. Willett. Two collectCns from tin boms-Jefferson avenue<br />

deliveries, 3 collections. All north of Fort from Beaubien toMcDougal1 ave. and north<br />

street from Griswold to Second to Adams Jefferson avenue ab0t.e Dequindre to<br />

avenue, not including Michigan avenue or Croghan and south above Chene.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Dist?$ct No. 20, H. D. Coombs. Three de-<br />

District ,.KO. 9, PhiZZ@ Weyermiller. Two liveries, 3 wlkctions from lamp-po3t boxes ;<br />

delzeerieu, 3 colkctw~zv from lamp post boxes ; 2 collectwns from tin boxes- All betwe en<br />

2 collections from tin bozes-All north of Larned ancl Fort west, west of Shelby to<br />

Jefferson avenue from Brush to Rivard, Eighth and Fort, and all south to Eighto<br />

and including Clinton.<br />

teenth-and-a-half, and Fort, afternoon de-<br />

~i~i.~ict go. 10. Ben. D. ~ ro~k~. T~~ de livery is extended to Clark avenue and<br />

live~ies, 3 collections porn lamp-post boa8 ; St- Luke's Hospital-<br />

2 cotkctiom from tin boxes-All north ot Distrkt Bo. 21, James Podsom. Two &-<br />

alichigan avenue from Second to and in- liveries, wllectwna-East of McDougall<br />

Seventh, to and including Grand to city limits, and all south of Clinton to<br />

River cludlnf rom Rowland to Eighth.<br />

River.<br />

District No.11, James HcKay. Tuo dc- District No. 22, Henry Tenewinkle ; 2 delive.l.ies,<br />

3 collections from lamp-pout boxes ; 2 liveries, 2 collections-All north of Grat io t<br />

~ollectio~~sfrorn tin boxes-From Woodward to Division and between Randolph and<br />

avenue to and including Third and north ot Brush to Prospect.<br />

rand River asd dams avenues to and ~utrict No. 2.3, AIbert Banke (mounted).<br />

including Bagg street.<br />

One delivery, 1 wlZectwn-All north of<br />

DGtrict ATo 22, Geo H S'rague Two &- Division to city<br />

-<br />

limits, and east of John R<br />

limeries, 3 wllecliorzs from lamp-post bms, and Croghan street and north between St.<br />

2 collections jrom tin bms-All north of Aubin ave. and city limits.<br />

Gratiot to Edmond, including Woodward ~ktkt ictrOo. 24, 0. Q. ~b~ (mounted).<br />

avenue from Aiiams avenue, and east from One delivery, mllect&n-Mi&ignn av-<br />

WoodwarJ to and enue west of Twentieth street, including<br />

Br~zsh, above Adams avenue.<br />

Grand Trunk Junction, and north of Mich-<br />

District &lo. 13, Ped. Busch. Tmo deliv- igan avenue west of Seventh, and north of<br />

eries, 2 colbctwns-All north of Jefferson Grand River ave. west of Third.<br />

avenue to Catharine, and east of Rivard to i)isl& 25, G ~ A. ~ Winslow . (rnnM)<br />

Dequindre, below Croghan, and to and 0, deliae~y, one collection-All north of<br />

including St. Aubin ave., above.<br />

Fort w to Michigan ave. and west of Tenth<br />

District 30. 14, Joseph Greusel. Ft.~o deliveries,<br />

3 collections from lamp-post boxes, 2<br />

&leC:tions from tin boxes-Michigan avenzle<br />


from ~riswold to Twentieth streat, Porter Arbeiter Hall, corner Russell and Catharand<br />

north to Michigan avenue and Tenth. ine streets.<br />

mtrict No. 25, Augustin Barre. Three Bloynk's Hall, corner Fort and St. Andeli~e&s,<br />

3 co&?ctwns f ~ h~ p post-boxes; n toine streets.<br />

2 eolkotions frm t,n .bms-ul south of Board of Trade Hall, corner of Shelby<br />

Jefferson ave from Beaubien to Chene. and Woodbridge streets*<br />

Father Mathew Hall, corner Fourth and<br />

District No. 16, Fred. Bichele. Two deliu- streets.<br />

e')*s, 3 ~ l ~ fym ~ zm~-~ost n s boxes ; Firemen's Hall, corner Jefferson avenue<br />

2 colkctions froon tbn boxes-Gratiot from ,d Randolph street.<br />

Randolph to st* dubin and Catharine, and<br />

north to Division (including House of Cor<br />

Germania Hall, corner Croghan streets<br />

and ~~~~~~d avenue.<br />

rection) from Rivard to St- Aubin ave. Good Templar's - Hall, 208 Woodward<br />

District No. 17, James Ward. Two de-<br />

Ziaeries 3 collections from lamp-post bozes ; 9<br />

Hall, Russell, between Mulco&ctions<br />

from tin bms-Allnorth of<br />

street to <strong>City</strong> limits, and between John Gymnasium Hall, Congress, near corner<br />

and Third streets. Randolph street.

---<br />


Kanter's Hall, Larned street, in rear of Superintendent, George C. Kimball ; Au-<br />

Postoffice.<br />

ditor and General Ticket Agent, Gilbert<br />

Kieler's Hall, corner Lafayet te and Or. W. Ledlie ; Lancl Commissioner, Wm. L.<br />

leans streets.<br />

Webber, East Sa,' (.maw.<br />

Lafayette Hall, Gratiot, near St. Antoine<br />

Masonic Hall, Jefferson avenue, between Grand Trunk Railway-Passenger office,<br />

Griswold and Shelby.<br />

corner of Woodward and Jefferson<br />

Merrill Hall, comer of Jefferson and avenues. Freight office, depot foot of<br />

Woodward avenues.<br />

Third street. Extending from <strong>Detroit</strong> to<br />

New <strong>City</strong> Hal1,Campus Ma~tius, between Portland, 861 miles, and <strong>Detroit</strong> to Buffalo,<br />

Fort street and Michigan avenue.<br />

241 miles. Officers are as follows : Presi-<br />

New Odd Fellows' Hall, Campus Mardent,<br />

Richard Potter, London, England ;<br />

tius, between Woodward and Monroe<br />

Managing Director, Charles J. Brydges,<br />

avenues.<br />

Mon trcal ; Secretary and Treasurer, Joseph<br />

Old <strong>City</strong> Hall, Campus Nartius.<br />

Hickson, Montreal ; Lxal Superidendent,<br />

Old Odd Fellows' Hall, Woodward W. J. Spicer, Xontresl ; General Agent,<br />

avenue, between Larned and Congress<br />

Henry Shackell, Montreal : General Eaststreets.<br />

ern Freight Agent,F.C. Stratton, Montreal ;<br />

Opera House, Campus Martius, between General Western Freight Agent, P. S.<br />

Woodward and Monroe avenues.<br />

Stevenson. Toronto ; Passenger Agent,<br />

Schloss T'sraldeck Hall, Gr ~tiot, Setwcen Edward Reidy, Dltroit ; Freight Agent,<br />

Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

W. C. Campbell, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Stadt Thegter, Rivard, near corner " Blue Line "-Geuer tl Manager, J. D.<br />

Croghan street.<br />

Hayes. Office, foot of Third street, 81. C.<br />

St. Andrew's Hall, corner Woodward 13. R. Company's buildings.<br />

avenue and State street.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Hilludde and Indiana Railroad<br />

Strass burg Hall, 185 Randolph.<br />

-From Ypsilanti to Bankers via Saline,<br />

Turner Hall, Sherman, between Russell Slnnc hester, Bro 3klyn and Hillsdale, 1%<br />

and Riopelle streets.<br />

miles. C. H. Buhl, President ; D. L.<br />

Weber's Hall, corner Mullet and Rus- Quick, Vice-President ; H. C. Goodell,<br />

sell.<br />

Superintendent ; F. Xilligan General,<br />

Young Men's Hall, Biddle House Block, Freight Agent ; C. H. Richard, Treasur-<br />

Jefferson avenue.<br />

er ; Geo. S. Norison, Chief En,' omeer.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Eel River and ~llinois Railroad<br />

-From Auburn, Indiana, to Logansport,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee Railrozd-Offices via Columbia <strong>City</strong>, SO miles. James S.<br />

and depot foot of Brush street. <strong>Detroit</strong> Collins, l'residen t ; D. L. Quick,- Viceto<br />

Grand Hi~ven, 189 miles ; thence by President ; H. C. Goodell, Superintendent;<br />

steamers to 3Ii'iw,zukee, 89 miles. Presi- F. Milliaan, Geoeral Freight Agent ; C. H.<br />

dent, C. C. Trowbridge ; Vice President, Richard, Treasurer ; Geo. S. Morison,<br />

Joseph Price ; Secretary, James H. Muir ; Chiet Engineer.<br />

General S~~aerintendent, Andrew Watson-; Ed River Ra il~oad Line-Through 1 ine<br />

General Freight and Passenger Agent, from <strong>Detroit</strong> to Logansport, 220 miles v:n<br />

Alfred White ; Chief Engineer, George M. C. R. R. to Ypsilanti, D. H. & I. R. M.<br />

Masson : Mechanical Superintendent, Ben- from Ypsilanti to Bankers, Ft. W., J. &<br />

j amin Briscoe ; General Purchasing Agent, S. R. R. from Bankers to Auburn, D. E.<br />

John S. Lorimer; Abraham Fell, Agent, R. & I. R. R. fr~m Auburn to Logansport.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Offices corner Third and Voodbridge<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Monroe and Toledo Railroad- streets.<br />

Office and depot, Atwater street, foot of C7r.en.t Western Rlzil?oay of Ca~~ada--<br />

Brush. This railroad is owned and con- Freight office below 31. C. H. R. Depot.<br />

trolled by the Lake Shore and Xichigi~n General ticket office, corner Jefferson ave-<br />

Southern Railway, having precisely the nue and Grismold sjreet. Freight and<br />

same officers.<br />

passenger stations, \Vindsor, Onrario, op-<br />

P~int and Pere Marq7wtte Ruilway-From' posite <strong>Detroit</strong>. N iagara Falls to Windsor,<br />

Holly to Pere Marquette, Frankrort or some Ontario. 229 miles. General Superintendpoint<br />

between Pere Marquette and Tra- ent, W. K. Muir, Hamilton, Ontario ; Asverse<br />

<strong>City</strong>, via Saginaw and Midland <strong>City</strong>. sistant Superintendent, W. W. Wallace,<br />

Road not yet completed. Take cars at London, Ont.; General Freight Agent,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee Railway Depot, John Crampton, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; Chicago Agent,<br />

foot of Brush street. President, E. B. A. Wallingford; Freight Agent, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

Ward ; Vice President, Samuel Farwell ; T. J. Craft; Western Passenger Agent,<br />

8ecretary and Treasurer, H. C. Potter; Frank E. Snow, corner Jefferson avenue


and Griswold street, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; General<br />

Western Passenger Agent, Henry C. Went-<br />

worth, Chicago.<br />

L&ke Shore and Michigan Southern<br />

Railroad--Ticket office and depot, foot of<br />

Brush, President Horace F. Clark, New<br />

Pork ; Vice President, Aug. V. Schell, do.;<br />

Treasurer, J. H. Bunker, do.; Assistant<br />

Treasuler and Secretary, George B. Ely,<br />

Cleveland ; Auditor C. P. Leland, do.<br />

General Manager, J. H. Devereux, Cleve-<br />

land ; General Superintendent, Chas.<br />

Paine, Cleveland ; Passenger Agent at<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, H. T. Miller, corner Jefferson and<br />

Woodward avenues. Freight agent at<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, D. Edwards, Atwater, foot Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Michigan Central Raz7road-Ofice and<br />

depot foot of Third street. <strong>Detroit</strong> to<br />

Chicago, 284 miles. President, James F.<br />

Joy ; Vice President, Nathaniel Thayer ;<br />

Treasurer, Isaac Livermore ; General Su-<br />

perintendent, H. E. Sargen t ; Assistant<br />

General Superintendent, C. H. Kurd ;<br />

General Freight Agent, Chicago, Thomas<br />

Hoops.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Railway-Opened Au36ust<br />

1863. President, Joseph Godtrey ; Lessee,<br />

George Hendrie ; Superintendent, Thomas<br />

Cox ; Directors-G. V. N. Lothrop, R. N.<br />

Rice, John &I. Bcrrien, Joseph Godfrey, K.<br />

M. Dean, B. Bethune Duffield, E. N. Wil-<br />

COX.<br />

Fmt Wayne and Eln-mood A~enue Railway-Commenced<br />

operations September<br />

7, 1865. Capital, $100,000, increased since<br />

to $1 30,000. Shares, $100 each. President,<br />

F. Buhl ; Treasurer, Robert Rosie ; Secretary<br />

and Deputy Treasurer, James S.<br />

Stridiron ; Superintendent, G. S. Hazard.<br />

v -<br />

&and River Street Railwq-Corn-<br />

menced operations October 23d. 1868.<br />

Capital, $50,000. Shares, $50 each. Presi-<br />

dent, M. I. Mills ; Treasurer, Joseph<br />

Dailey ; Secretary, James W. Dailey;<br />

Superintendent, Chas. M. Dailey.<br />


Atbntio and Pmifi Tekgraph Company<br />

-Office 64 Griswold street, branch office<br />

59 Woodward avenue. C. J. Ryan Mana-<br />

ger. Lines connecting the principal cities<br />

rn the United States.<br />

Western Union TeQrnph Company-0 f-<br />

fice in Telegraph Block. C. C. Corbett,<br />

Nana.ger Michigan District.<br />



Collector's office, Seitz' Block, Congress<br />

meet west. Collector, Harvey B. Rowlson;<br />

Deputy Collectors-Richard Tregaskis,<br />

W. W. Brewster, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; 3. P. Schliiter,<br />

Monroe County, Almon Day, Hillsdale<br />

county.<br />

Assessor's office, Bank Block, corner<br />

Griswold and Consress streets. Assessor,<br />

Mark Flanigan; Chlef Clerk, Jacob Cooke;<br />

Copying Clerk, Mrs. A. K. Howard.<br />

Wayne county is divided as follows,<br />

viz:<br />

Division No. 1 -J. W. McMillan, Assist-<br />

ant Assessor, Bank Block.<br />

Division Xo. 2-John Flanigan , Assist-<br />

ant Assessor, Bank Block.<br />

Division No. 3-Henry Von der Heide,<br />

Assistant Assessor, Bank Block.<br />

Division No. 4--John Hitchcock, Assist-<br />

ant Assessor, Brownstown, Wayne<br />

county.<br />


GEO. SOWDEN, Proprietor,<br />

Gratiut Street, Crossing<br />


Dealer in all kinds of<br />






Nos. 12 and 13, llderrill Block, up stairs, cor.Jefferson & Woodward Aves.<br />

READING ROOM is open fiom 8 o'clock, A. M., to 10, P. x., and FREE TO ALL, and contains the<br />

leading secular and religious papers and magazines of England and America.<br />

PRAYER MEETINGS every Monday evening, also EVERY NOON, from 12 to 1k.30.<br />


......................................<br />

.........................................<br />

...............................................<br />

.............................................<br />

......................................<br />

........................................<br />

.........................................<br />



A. C. BURT, TT1c~ PRESIDE~T.<br />





Reading Rooms-D. W. Brooks, L. S. Trowbridge,<br />

C. R. Gaston.<br />

Devotion-F. D. Taylor, ,W. C. Ross, S. Farmer.<br />

Finance--D. Preston, W. Buhl, N. T. Taylor.<br />

Lectures-S. Farmer, N. T. Taylor, J. F. Hen-<br />

derson.<br />


Membership-E. E. Kane, A. C. Burt, A:B. Sears.<br />

Employment-James H. Smith, H. H. James, 0.<br />

S. Gulley.<br />

Boarding Houses-W. S. Craig, J. H. Lescher, R.<br />

Gillis.<br />

Mus'ic-P. A. Billings, J. F. Lokie, C. A. Arnold.<br />


Raneom Gillis,. ..................... . ................................<br />

I). W. Brooks,. ......................................................... 1 First Preebyterian Church.<br />

B. Smith ,................................................. . - ' 1 Fort Street Presbyterian Church.<br />

Walter Buhl.. ...................................... : ................<br />

I,. R. Casey ...................................................<br />

L. s. Trowbridge ,... ...................................---..--<br />

/Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church.<br />

J. T. .Ligget,. ....................................................<br />

H. Kirk White ,.... .............................................. 1 Westmineter Presbyterian Church.<br />

Nicol Mitchell,. .........................................................<br />

W, R. Hamllton ,.... ..................................-......--.-........ } United Presbyterian Church.<br />

F. R. Blaki e, ........................................................<br />

A. C. MeFedris ,.... ....................................................... /- Scotch Presbyterian Church.<br />

S. E'armer, ..................................................................<br />

D. Preston, ...............................-.............................. 1 Central M. E. Church.<br />

J. F. Henderson ........................................................<br />

F. D. Taylor<br />

} Second. Congregational Church.<br />

A. Tredway,. .......................................................-.............<br />

H. H. James, ..... .............................................................. 1 First Baptist Church.<br />

. ,.........................................................<br />

A. C. Burt,. ................ . ......................................<br />

0. S. Gulley .......................................................... / Lafayette Street Baptist Church.<br />

J. M. I,. Cam~beu ,.... .....................................................<br />

J. W. Amphlett ,... ....................................................... Central Christian Church.<br />

W. C. Ross ,............................................................... 1<br />

Jeremiah Oalces,. .................................................... .Jefferson Avenue M. E. Church.<br />

E. E. Knne,. ............................................................ St. Paul's Episcopal Church.<br />

D. M. Richardson,. ..................................~.................... .First Congregational Church.<br />

I?. C. Stoepel, .............................................................<br />

T. D. Hawley ,.... ......................................................... 1 Central Christian Church.<br />

- 9


DETROIT, I<br />

H I<br />

217 Jefferson Ave.,<br />

-<br />

I<br />

-<br />




WhoZesaZe ar~d Retail Dealers in<br />




Sails, Awnings, Tents, Flags, etc., Made to Order.<br />

-<br />



FOR THE YEARS <strong>1872</strong>-73.<br />

ABBREVIATIONS.-N. for North ; N. E. for North East ; N. W for For North West : S. for South: 9. E.<br />

for South East ; S. W. for South West; E. for East; W. for West ; ave. for avenue ; street implied.<br />

ABBOTT W. from Mich- Woodward ave. Riopelle. .<br />

igan avenue to eastern John R.<br />

Orleans.<br />

boundary of Thompson Brush.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Farm, near Twelfth. ALEXBNDER, N. FST. St. -subin ave.<br />

Michigan ave. from Fifteenth to Dnbois.<br />

First.<br />

Twentieth, parallel Chene.<br />

Second.<br />

with the track of the Joseph Campan ave.<br />

Third.<br />

Jd. C. R. R.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Fifth,<br />

Sisteenth.<br />

ARCH, W. -om Fourth<br />

Sisth.<br />

Sevententh.<br />

to Crawford.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Ei~hteenth.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Eighth.<br />

~Geteenth,<br />

Fifth.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Twentieth,<br />

Crawford.<br />

Tenth.<br />

ALEXANDRINE APE. ASH, W. from Grand<br />

ADAIR S. from Jefferson W. from line of Brush River city limits.<br />

avenue to the River. Farm to Third.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

John R.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Woo(1bridge.<br />

Woodward aye. National ave.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Cass aye.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Wight.<br />

Second.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Third.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Atwater.<br />

ALFRED E from Wood- Huron.<br />

ADAMS AVE., EAST, ward avenue to St. Thirteenth-&-a-half.<br />

E. from Mroodward av. Aubin avenue.<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

to Hastinge.<br />

Woodwvard ave. Fifteenth.<br />

Woodward ave. John R.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

M'illiams.<br />

Brush.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

John R.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Whitina.<br />

Randoly h.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

~umboYdt ave.<br />

Brush.<br />

Hastinga.<br />

Sullivan ave.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Mayberry ave.<br />

St. antoine.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Williams ave.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Tillman ave.<br />

ADAMS AVE. WEST, Dequindre.<br />

Twenty-third.<br />

W. from Woodward St. Aubin ave.<br />

Twen ty-iourth.<br />

ave. to Grand River ANN, W. from Crawford ATWA4TER WEST, W.<br />

ave.<br />

to Seventh.<br />

from Woodward ave. to<br />

Woodward ave. Cra~vford.<br />

Shelby.<br />

Park.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Seven tli.<br />

Griswold,<br />

Casv ave.<br />

-4NTIETAN N. E. and Shelby.<br />

Grand Ri~er ave. E. from ' Rivard to ATWATER EAST, E.<br />

ADELAIDE E. from Elmwood ave.<br />

from Woodward aye.<br />

Woodward avenue to Rivard.<br />

I to Adair.<br />

Brush.<br />

Russell. Woodward ave.<br />

Bates.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Brush.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rrvard. -<br />

Riopelle .<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Chene.<br />

Jos. Campau ave.<br />

McDongall ave. *<br />

Walker.<br />

Adair.<br />

Leib.<br />

BURELIB, . from<br />

Twelfth to Thirteenth<br />

&-a-half north of<br />

Grand River avenue.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteen th-62-a-half.<br />

BAGG, West from Wood-<br />

ward ave. to Third.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Park.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Case ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

BAKER, W. from Sixth<br />

to Twenty-fourth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Eighth.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Tenth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Thirteenth-&-a-half.<br />

Fourteenth ave.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />



Nineteen t.h.<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Twenty -second.<br />

Twenty-third.<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

BATES, N. from the<br />

River to Randolph.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Farmer.<br />

Randolph.<br />

BEACON, E. from Beau-<br />

bien to westerly boun-<br />

dary of Moran Farm.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

BEAUBIEN. N. from<br />

Atwater, 'E. to city<br />

limits.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Franklin,<br />

W oodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Mechanic.<br />

Harriet.<br />

Beacon.<br />

-4dams ave.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Montcalm.<br />

High.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Marion.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Division.<br />

Alfred.<br />

Brewster.<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Watson.<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Benton.<br />

Grove.<br />

Ohio.<br />

Kentucky.<br />

Indiana.<br />

1 llinois.<br />

Leland.<br />

Ontario.<br />

Superior.<br />

Georgia.<br />

Fremont.<br />

BEECH, W. from First<br />

to Seventh.<br />

First.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

BELLAIR, E. from Rio-<br />

pelle to St. Aubin ave.<br />

Kioyelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

BENTON, E. from Brush<br />

Farm to Russell.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoinc.<br />

Hastings.<br />

BERLIN, East to West<br />

line of Joseph Cnmpau<br />

Farm.<br />

Joseph Campnu ave.<br />

BID WELL, E. from Rus-<br />

sell to liiopelle.<br />

Rus~ell.<br />

Kiopelle.<br />

BRADY, E. from W oocl-<br />

ward avenue to Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

John R.<br />

Beanbien.<br />

BRSINARD, W. frop<br />

Cass ave. to Third.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />


across Fifteenth and<br />

Sixteenth near and<br />

South of Graud River<br />

ave.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

BREWSTEB, E. from<br />

Brush to Prospect.<br />

Brush.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Alfred.<br />

1 Edmund.<br />

BRYANT, West from<br />

/ Twelfth to Thirteenth-<br />

I Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

1 Thirteenth-&-a-half.<br />

I BUENA VISTA, West<br />

1 from Crawford to Sev-<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Sixth.<br />

South.<br />

1 Seventh.<br />

BUTTERNUT, West<br />

I from Seventh to Twenty-fourth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

National ave.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

) Fifteenth.<br />

I Sixteenth.<br />

Seventeenth<br />

1 Whiting.<br />

I Humboldt ave.<br />

1 Sullivan ave.<br />

Mayherry ave.<br />

Williams ave.<br />

I Tillman ave.<br />

Twenty-third.<br />

Pros ect.<br />

T wenty-fourth.<br />


from Twenty.second.<br />

CALHOUN, W. from<br />

Twenty-second.<br />

Russell to eastern<br />

1<br />


boundary of Brush<br />

from Twenty-second.<br />

Farm.<br />

Tweut -second.<br />

Russell.<br />

BRIGH~~, West from<br />

Procjpect.<br />

Fourth to Grand-River<br />

Hastings.<br />

ave.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

CAXYBfiLL, W. from<br />

Sisth.<br />

Woodward ave. to<br />

Seventh.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

BRON S ON, East from CAMPUS MARTITJ'S.-<br />

Brush to Gratiot.<br />

1 open space in front of<br />

Brush.<br />

1 the new <strong>City</strong> Hall at<br />

Beaubien.<br />

the intereection of<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Michigan ave., Wood-<br />

Hastings.<br />

wmd ave., and Fort<br />

Prospect.<br />

W.<br />

Rnssell.<br />

CANFIELD, W. from<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Sixth to Hnmboldt<br />

Orleans.<br />

ave., (unopened, how-<br />

Dequindre.<br />

ever, across the Baker,<br />

Gratiot .<br />

Thompson, Lafferty<br />

BRUSH, N. from At- and Godfroy farm8).<br />

water to Edmund. Sixth.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

J etierson ave.<br />

National'ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

C'ongress.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Fort.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

linron.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Thirteenth- &-a-half.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Fourteenth ave.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Harriet.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Adams ave.<br />

Trowbridze.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Humboldt ave.<br />

Montcalm.<br />

CAROLJ[NE, N. of Grand<br />

Hich.<br />

River ave., W. from<br />

~aF&eon.<br />

Twelfth to Thirteenth<br />

Winder.<br />

&-a -half.<br />

Marion.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Adelaide,<br />

Thirteenth-&-a- half.<br />

CASS, from Woodbridge<br />

to Grand River ave.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Howard.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

State.<br />

Palmer.<br />

Spencer.<br />

Lewis.<br />

Macomb ave.<br />

Jones.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

CASS AVENUE, N. from<br />

Grand River ave. to<br />

Holden road.<br />

Grand River aye.<br />

Adams ave.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Gilman.<br />

Montcalm.<br />

Georqe.<br />

Dufi'eld.<br />

Henry.<br />

Sibley.<br />

Sproat.<br />

Bapg.<br />

Charlotte.<br />

Charlotte ave.<br />

Peterboro.<br />

J0.Y<br />

Stimson.<br />

Pitcher.<br />

Davenport.<br />

Brainard.<br />

Parsons.<br />

Selden.<br />

Alexandrine ave.<br />

Willis ave.<br />

Canfield ave.<br />

Forest ave.<br />

Hancock ave.<br />

Warren ave.<br />

Putnam ave.<br />

Holden road.<br />

CATHAHINE. E. from<br />

Gratiot to westerly<br />

boundary of Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Russell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dubois. Chene.<br />

Jos. Cam an ave.<br />

~c~ougaE ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

CEDAR, W. from Third<br />

to Fourth.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

CELIA.W. from Twelfth<br />

to Thirteenth-and-ahalf.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Thirteenth- and-half.<br />

CENTRE, S. E. from<br />

John R to Randolph.<br />

John R.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Rand01 h.<br />


Woodward to Cass aye.


Woodward ave.<br />

1 intersection of Brush Ann.<br />

Marion.<br />

Park.<br />

and Gratiot to St. Charles.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Fulton.<br />

North.<br />

CHARLOTTE ATE., W. Gratiot.<br />

Irving.<br />

Mary.<br />

from Cass Third. Brush.<br />

Miller.<br />

Juliette.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Maria.<br />

Railroad.<br />

Second.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Frank.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Third.<br />

Eastings.<br />

Cuttler.<br />

Pierce.<br />

Rivard.<br />

CHASE, E. from Russell<br />

McLean.<br />

Scott.<br />

Russell.<br />

to Riopelle.<br />

Brigham.<br />

Hale.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Russell.<br />

Lysander.<br />

Bellsir.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Eolden road.<br />

St. Joseph.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

CHARLES, W. from St. Aubin ave.<br />

CROGHl'N, East, from Margaret.<br />

Crawford to eastern<br />

Randolph to Elmwood Federal.<br />

boundary of Wood- CLITZ, W. from Twelfth ave.<br />

Witherell.<br />

bridge farm.<br />

to Thirteenth.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Spring.<br />

Crawford.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Brush.<br />

Summer.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Winter.<br />

Seventh.<br />

COLUMBIA, E. from St. entoine.<br />

Fremont.<br />

CHEh E N.from Atwatef Woodward ave. to Hastings.<br />

Farnsworth.<br />

to citv limits.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Rivard.<br />

R. R. Junction.<br />

~t6ater.<br />

W oodward ave. Russell.<br />

DETROIT, E. from Rio-<br />

Wight.<br />

John R.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

pelle to St. Aubin<br />

Guoin.<br />

Brush.<br />

Orleans.<br />

ave.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

St. Aubin aye.<br />

Uequindre.<br />

Larned.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Dubois.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Congress.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Chene.<br />

DICKINSON, W. from<br />

Fort.<br />

COLUMBIA, W. from Joseph Campau ave. Fourth to Gmd River.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Woodwardave. to Cass McDongall ave. Fourth.<br />

Croghan.<br />

ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Crawford.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Woodward ave. CROSS, S. E., 'from John Seven1 h.<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Park.<br />

H. to Randolph.<br />

Eighth.<br />

Mullett,<br />

Clifford.<br />

John R.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Catherine.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Sherman.<br />

CONGRESS, E. from CUTTLER, West, from Grand Hiver.<br />

Maple.<br />

Woodward ave. to Mt. Crawford to eastern<br />

Chestnnt.<br />

Elliott ave.<br />

DIVISION, West, from<br />

boundary of Wood-<br />

Antietam.<br />

St. Anuin ave. to<br />

Woodward ave. bridge farm.<br />

Jay.<br />

Brush.<br />

Bates.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

German.<br />

Randolph.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Brush.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Seventh.<br />

CHERRY, W. from<br />

Orleans.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Eighth.<br />

GrandRiver to Twelfth St. Antoine.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

DALZELL. W. from<br />

. Grand River.<br />

Hastings .<br />

Rns sell.<br />

~hirteenth to eastern<br />

Third.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Prospect. -<br />

boundary of the Stan-<br />

Fourth. ,<br />

Russell.<br />

Hastings.<br />

ton farm.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Beanbien.<br />

Thirteen-and-a-half.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Uequindre.<br />

Brush.<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

DUBOIS, North, from<br />

National ave.<br />

Dubdis.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Jefferson ave. to Wat-<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Chene.<br />

DAVENPORT, W. from eon.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Joseph Campan are. PCToodward ave. to Jefferson ave.<br />

CHESTNUT, E. from McDou,yall ave. Caps ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Russell to Elmwood Elmwood ave.<br />

Wood ward ave. Congress.<br />

ave.<br />

Leib.<br />

Caes ave.<br />

Fort.<br />

Russell.<br />

Mt. Elliott ave. DEQUINDRE, N. from Lafayett e.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

CONGRESS WEST, W. Atwater alone the line Croghan.<br />

Orleans.<br />

from Woodward ave. of the ~etro7t & Mil- Macomb.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

to Seventh.<br />

waukee Railroad track Clinton.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Woodward ave. to the Junction of the Mullett.<br />

Dubols.<br />

Griswold.<br />

L. S. '35 35. S. R. R. Catharine.<br />

Chene.<br />

Shelby.<br />

Atwater.<br />

S hernian.<br />

Joseph Campau ave. Wayne.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Maple.<br />

McDougall ave. Cass.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Chestnnt.<br />

Elmwood ave. .<br />

1 First.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Antietam.<br />

CHURCH,W. from Mich- Second.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

German.<br />

igan ave. to Tenth. Third.<br />

Larned.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

1 Fourth.<br />

Congress.<br />

Alfred.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Fort.<br />

Bremster.<br />

Tenth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Labyette.<br />

W ilkins.<br />

CLAY, E. from Pros- Seventh.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Watson.<br />

ect to Russell. CRAWFORD, N. from Macomb.<br />

DUFFIELD, West from<br />

CEIN*ON AVENUE, E Grand River ave. to Clinton.<br />

Woodward avenue to<br />

from St. Acbin ave. td Holden road.<br />

?M ullett.<br />

Cass avenue.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Catherine.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Holden Road.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Park.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Arch.<br />

Maple.<br />

CliEord.<br />

Chene.<br />

Vine.<br />

Che~tnut.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Joseph Campau ave. No yea.<br />

An tietsm.<br />

EDMUND, East from<br />

bIcDougal1 ave. Marcy.<br />

Jay.<br />

Woodward avenee to<br />

Elrnwood rtve.<br />

Bueua Vista.<br />

German.<br />

Brush.<br />

CLINTON, E. from the Pitcher,<br />

Gratiot.<br />

, Woodward aye.


John R.<br />

FARRAR, N. W. from<br />

Brush.<br />

Bates to Qrand River.<br />

EDWARD, East, from Bates.<br />

Russell to:Riopelle. Monroe ave.<br />

Rnesell.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Grand River.<br />

EIGHTH,. North, from FARNS WORT K, East<br />

Woodbr~dge W. to from Woodward ave.<br />

Jbichigan ave.<br />

to western boundary<br />

Woodbridge W. of Brush farm, and<br />

Fort.<br />

from Russell to De-<br />

Lafayette ave. quindre.<br />

Howard.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Abbott.<br />

John R.<br />

Porter.<br />

Russell.<br />

Labroese.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Baker.<br />

FEDERAL., East, from<br />

Leverett.<br />

Dequindre and across<br />

Mlchigan we. Wicherell farm.<br />

EIGHTEEN-&-A:HALF De uindre.<br />

N. from the Rlver to FIFTE! NTH, N. from<br />

Fort W.<br />

Fort W. to Grand<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

River ave.<br />

Fort.<br />

Fort.<br />

Henne in.<br />

ELIZSBETH, E. from<br />

Woodmard ave. to<br />

~oaar!<br />

~ar~uette.<br />

western boundary of<br />

Rivard farm,<br />

Wright.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Franc~s.<br />

Williams.<br />

Dalzell.<br />

John H.<br />

Xichigan ave.<br />

Brush.<br />

P~ne.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Can field.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Ash.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

ELTZABETE, W. from Magnolia.<br />

Woodward ave. to Linden.<br />

Grand - - -- River.<br />

Poplar.<br />

woodward-ave. Buchanan.<br />

Park.<br />

Breckenridge.<br />

ClifYord.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Cass ave.<br />


Grand River ave. N. from Woodbridge<br />

ELM, W. from Seventh W. to Fort W.<br />

at intersection of Woodbridge.<br />

Grand River ave. to Fort.<br />

Thirteen-and-a-half. FIFTH, CQRTH, from<br />

Seventh.<br />

Woodbridge west to<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Marcy.<br />

National ave.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Rarrison ave:<br />

Congress.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Fort.<br />

Thirteen-and-a-half. Lafayette ave.<br />

ELMWOOD AVENUE. Howard.<br />

N. from Jefferson ave. Abbott.<br />

to Gratiot.<br />

Porter.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Larned E.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Congress E.<br />

Jones.<br />

F~rt E.<br />

Beech.<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Plum.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Oak.<br />

Nullett.<br />

Locust.<br />

Catherine.<br />

Pine.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Spruce.<br />

Maple.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Antietam.<br />

Enion. .<br />

Jay.<br />

Arch.<br />

German.<br />

Tine.<br />

Preston.<br />

No yes.<br />

Ludden.<br />

Pularcy.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

FIRST, North from De-<br />

FARHER, N. & N. W. troit River to Grand<br />

from Randolp h toJohn River ave.<br />

R. Front.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Bates.<br />

Larned.<br />

Xonroe ave.<br />

Congress.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Fort W.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Job R.<br />

I Howard,<br />

Abbott.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Spencer.<br />

Lewis.<br />

Jones.<br />

Beech.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

FOREST A'JE, West,<br />

from Bush Farm to<br />

Cass ave.<br />

John R.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

FORT, EAST, from<br />

Randolph to Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Randol~h.<br />

Brush.-<br />

Beau bien,<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Ruseell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joseph Campan ave.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

FORT, WEST, from<br />

Woodmard ave. to city<br />

limits.<br />

W oodward ave.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Shelby.<br />

Wayue.<br />

Caes.<br />

First.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Eimhth.<br />

sibnth ave.<br />

Tenth ave.<br />

Xieventh.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth<br />

Fo~zrteenth.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Fifteenth and a-half.<br />

Sisteenth.<br />

Seven teen th.<br />

Seventeenth and a-<br />

half.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Eirhteenth and a-<br />

hualf.<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Twenty-second.<br />

Twentv-third.<br />

Twent5-fourth.<br />

FOUNDRY, South. from<br />

Michigan ave. to Baker<br />

Michican ave.<br />

Franci's<br />

M. C. R. R.<br />

Alesander.<br />

Baker.<br />

Washinhon.<br />

FOURTH, %orth, from<br />

Woodbr~dge W. to<br />

Grand Kiver avenue.<br />

theuce unopened to<br />

Liberty, and from Lib-<br />

ert to Holden Road.<br />

?600dbridge.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette are.<br />

Howard.<br />

Abbott .<br />

Porter.<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Lewis.<br />

Jones.<br />

Beech.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Plum.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Oak.<br />

Locust.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Liberty.<br />

Tuscola.<br />

Orange.<br />

Grand.<br />

Cedar.<br />

Waterloo.<br />

Pierpont.<br />

Gold.<br />

Jane.<br />

Louisa.<br />

Mark.<br />

Haven.<br />

Stanley.<br />

Prescot~.<br />

Chase.<br />

Water.<br />

Holden road.<br />


North, from Fort to<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Howard.<br />

Marquette.<br />

Baker.<br />

hlarantette.<br />

Dalzell.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Locust.<br />

Pine:<br />

Can field.<br />

Walnut.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Ash.<br />

Mvrtle.<br />

3Iignolia.<br />

Linden.<br />

Poplar.<br />

Buchanan.<br />

Breckenridge.<br />

FRA4NCIS, N. W., from<br />

Fifteenth to E~gh-<br />

teenth, parallel w~th<br />

the track of the Michi-<br />

gan Central R. R.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

FRAKK, West. from<br />

Crawford to 'eastern<br />

line of Baker farm.<br />

Crawford.<br />

Sisth.<br />

FRANKLIN,. E. from<br />

Bruth to Leib.<br />

Brush.<br />

Beanbien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

nastings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Deqnindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />


--<br />

Joseph Campan ave.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Walker.<br />

Adair.<br />

Leib.<br />

FREDERICK, E. from<br />

Woodward avenue to<br />

western boundary of<br />

Brush farm.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

John R.<br />

FREM ONT, East. from<br />

Woodward ave. to B.<br />

line of city limits.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

John R.<br />

Beau bien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

FRONT, East f r 0 rn<br />

Third opp, Michigan<br />

Central R.trilroad depot<br />

across First.<br />

Third.<br />

Second.<br />

First.<br />

FULTON, West from<br />

Crawford to eaetern<br />

line of Woodbridge<br />

farm.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

GEORGE, West from<br />

Woodward avenue to<br />

Third.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Park.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

GERMA4N, East, from<br />

Dequindre to Mt. El-<br />

liott ave.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joseph Campau ape.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

GILLMAN, West. from<br />

Cass ave. to Second.<br />

Cass are.<br />

Second.<br />

GOLD, West, from<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />


E. from Woodward<br />

ave. to Randolph.<br />

Woodward.<br />

Farrar.<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Centre.<br />

Rnndolph.<br />


N. W. from W oodward<br />

ave. to city limits.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Rowland.<br />

Wa~hington ave.<br />

Park Place.<br />

Macomb ave.<br />

Middle.<br />

Jones.<br />

Gas8 we.<br />


C<br />

Adams ave.<br />

First.<br />

Second.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Cherry.<br />

$F:fe*<br />

Fourth.<br />

Pine.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Sixth.<br />

South.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Eiwhth.<br />

AS%.<br />

Sycamore.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Fourteenth -&-a-half.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Naeon.<br />

GRAND, West. from<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

GRATIOT, N. E. from<br />

Woodward ave. to city<br />

limits.<br />

W oodurard me.<br />

Farmer.<br />

Farrar .<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Brush.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Bastings.<br />

Maple.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell,<br />

Riopelle.<br />

High.<br />

Jay.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Bronson.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

GRISWOLD, N. from<br />

the River to Grand<br />

River ave,<br />

Atwater.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congre~s.<br />

Fort W.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

State.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

GROVE, East, from<br />

Brush fa~m to Russell.<br />

Beauh~ en.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastinga.<br />

Prwpec t.<br />

Russell.<br />

GUOIN, East, from<br />

Hastings to Marine<br />

Hospital.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Bivard.<br />

Russell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joseph campan' ave.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Walker.<br />

Adair.<br />

Leib.<br />

HALE, East, from Ria-<br />

to<br />

{EEdarY farm. of st* Aubin<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleane.<br />

De nindre.<br />

BARRfET, ,East, from<br />

Randolph to westerly<br />

line of St. Antome.<br />

Randolph. '<br />

Brush.<br />

Beaubie~.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

HANCOCK, Weet, from<br />

Woodward ave. to<br />

Case ave.<br />

Woodward me.<br />

Case ave.<br />


from Michigan ave. to<br />

a oint north of lau-<br />

ree<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Oak.<br />

Locust.<br />

Pine.<br />

Spruce.<br />

Can field.<br />

Walnut.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Elm.<br />

Ash.<br />

Sycamore.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

La11 rel.<br />

HASTINGS, N. from<br />

Atwater E. to city<br />

limit-.<br />

A twater.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Catherine.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Gratiot .<br />

Adams ave.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Montcalm.<br />

High.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Marion.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Division,<br />

Whitney.<br />

Brewster.<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Watson.<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Benton.<br />

Grove.<br />

Ohio.<br />

Fremont.<br />

HA\:EN, West from<br />

Th~rd to Thirteenth-<br />

& a-half.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Thirteenth- &-a-half.<br />

HAZEL, E. and W. of<br />

Twelfth across Thomp-<br />

son farm.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

HEIDELBERG, South<br />

of Gratiot, E. and W.<br />

acrose Joseph Campan<br />

farm.<br />

HENNEPIN, E. and W.<br />

of Fifteenth and SIX-<br />

teenth. across ~afon-<br />

taEftesi.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

HENRY, West from<br />

Uroodward avenue to<br />

Third.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Park.<br />

Clifford,<br />

Case ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

HIGH, E. from Wood-<br />

ward ave. to the ilrter-<br />

section of Riopelle<br />

and Gratiot.<br />

Woodward ace.<br />

John R.<br />

Brush.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Ha~tings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Ruesell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

HOLDEN ROAD, West<br />

and North-west from<br />

Woodward avenue to<br />

Twen tg -second.<br />

Woodurard ave.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Twen ty-second.<br />

HOWARD. West from<br />

Cass to city limits.<br />

Cass.<br />

Firet.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Ei-ghth.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Tenth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Fourteenth ave.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Sineteenth.<br />

Twent!eth.<br />

T wenty-second.<br />


from Michigan ave. to<br />

Poplar.<br />

Michiman ave.<br />

~anfidd.<br />

Aeh.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

' Butternut.<br />



Linden.<br />

Poplar.<br />

HURON, North from<br />

Michigan ave. to Wal-<br />

nut.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Ottawa.<br />

Iowa.<br />

Walnut.<br />

ILLINOIS, East from<br />

Beaubien to Russell.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Has tinge.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell.<br />

INDIANA, East from<br />

Beaubien to Russell.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell.<br />

IRVING, W. from weet-<br />

erly limite of Fomyth<br />

farm to Woodbridge<br />

farm.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

IOWA, Rest across<br />

Lafferty farm.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Thirteenth -&-*half.<br />

Huron.<br />

JANE, W. from Twelfth<br />

to Thirteenth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

JAY, E. from Gratiot to<br />

westerly line of Elm-<br />

wood aye.<br />

Qratiot.<br />

r Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joeeph Campau ave.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />


E. from Second to city<br />

limite.<br />

Second.<br />

First.<br />

Cass.<br />

Wayne.<br />

Shelby.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Bates.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Brush.<br />

Baubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Ha~tings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Russell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Chene.<br />

Jogeph Campau aye.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Walker.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Adair.<br />

Leib.<br />

Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

JOHN R, E. N. E. and<br />

N. from Woodward<br />

ave. to Edmund. .<br />

Woodward aye.<br />

Farrar.<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Centre,<br />

Madieon ave.<br />

Adams ave.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Mon tcalm .<br />

High.<br />

Winder .<br />

Adelaide.<br />

Alfred.<br />

Edmund.<br />

JONES, W. from Case<br />

to Sixth.<br />

cass.<br />

First.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Filth.<br />

Sixth.<br />


N. from the River to<br />

city limits.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Wight.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafaye t t e.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Catherine.<br />

8herman.<br />

Maple.<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Antietam.<br />

German.<br />

Jay.<br />

L. Campau.<br />

Theo. J. Campau.<br />

Michipicoten.<br />

Berlin.<br />

Heidelberg:<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Hale.<br />

Bellair.<br />

St. Joseph.<br />

Marearet.<br />

JOY, Rf from Cass ave.<br />

to Third.<br />

Caes aye.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

JTJLIETTE, East from<br />

Russell to St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Ruseell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin aye.<br />

KRNTDCKY, E. from<br />

, Beauhien and Moran<br />

farm to Russell.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell.<br />

LABROSSE, W. from<br />

Fonrth to eaetern<br />

boundary of Thompson<br />

farm, and from E. line<br />

of Porter farm to<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fifth.<br />

I<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Ei-ghth.<br />

Nm th.<br />

Tenth.<br />


Randolph to<br />

liott ave.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Brush.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

E. from<br />

Mt. El-<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Russell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joeeph Campau ave.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Leib.<br />

Blt. Elliott are.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Shelby.<br />

Wayne .<br />

Cass.<br />

First.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Eiohth.<br />

~ k t aye. h<br />

Tenth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Twznty-first.<br />

Twenty-second.<br />

LARNED. Eaet from<br />

w oodward. ave. to city<br />

limits.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Bates.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Brush.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Russell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubins ave.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Chene<br />

.Tor-eph Ccmpau aye.<br />

McDougall aye.<br />

Elmwood aye.<br />

Lieb.<br />

Mt. Elliott aye.<br />

LARNED, West, from<br />

Woodward aye. to<br />

Fifth.<br />

Woodward aye.<br />

Griewold.<br />

Shelhy.<br />

Wayne.<br />

Cass.<br />

First.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fifth.<br />

LAUREL, West, from<br />

western boundary of<br />

Woodbridge farm to<br />

Lafferty farm.<br />

National ave.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

LEDYARD, W. from<br />

Caes to Third.<br />

Cass.<br />

second.<br />

Third.<br />

LEIB. N. from River to<br />

Croghan.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Gnoin.<br />

Wight.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress..<br />

Fort E.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Cro hau<br />

LELA~D, East. from<br />

Brush farm to Russell.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Prospect,<br />

Ruseell.<br />

LEVERETTE, W. from<br />

Ninth ave. to Twelfth.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Tenth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

LINDEN, West, from<br />

eastern boundary of<br />

LaFontaine farm to<br />

city limits.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Whitin .<br />

~umbofdt aye.<br />

Tillman aye.<br />

Twenty-third.<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Mount HOD^ ave.<br />

LOCUST, West, from<br />

Grand River ave. to<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Ninth are.<br />

National ave.<br />

Harrison aye.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

LOUISA. West, from<br />

Fourth to Twelfth.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

LYSANDER, W. from<br />

Crawford to Thirteenth.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Sisth.<br />

Seventh,<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteent,h.<br />

MACOMB AVE., N. W.<br />

from Cass avenue to<br />

Grand Circus.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Park.<br />

MACOMB, East from<br />

' Randolph to Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Randolph.<br />

. Brush.<br />

Beaubien .<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastinge.<br />

Rivard.<br />


Riopelle.<br />

Thirteenth and - a- -. Second.<br />

MT. ELLIOTT Am.,<br />

Orleans.<br />

half.<br />

Third.<br />

N. from the River to<br />

Dequindre. MARQUETTE, West, Fonrth.<br />

Gratiot .<br />

, St. Aubin ave. from Thirtee~th-and- Fiith.<br />

Dubois. . a-half toTwenty-secoud Sisth. I E~%on ave.<br />

Chene.<br />

Wight.<br />

seventh.<br />

Congress.<br />

Joseph Campau ave. Fourteenth.<br />

Eiwhth.<br />

Fort.<br />

McDou,..sll ave. Fifteenth.<br />

in nth ave.<br />

Lafa~ette.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Tenth.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

MADISON AVE, W. Twentieth.<br />

National ave. MULBERRY, W. from .<br />

from Randolph to Twenty dret.<br />

Harrison ave. Twelfth.<br />

Grand Circus.<br />

Twent -second. Twelith.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Randolph. MARY, HAST, from Thirteenth. MULLETT, Faet froo?.<br />

John R.<br />

Riopelle to St. Aubin Huron.<br />

St. Antolne to Elm<br />

Williams.<br />

ave.<br />

Thirteenth and wood ave.<br />

. MAGNOLIA, W. from Riopelle.<br />

half.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

a point E. of Twelfth Dequindre.<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Bastings.<br />

to city limits.<br />

St. Aubin ave. Fifteenth.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

MAYBERRY AVE., X. Sixteenth.<br />

Russell.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

from Michigan ave. to Seventeenth.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

the city limits.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Whiting.<br />

Michig~~n ave.<br />

Waitina.<br />

Deqnindre.<br />

Humboldt ave. Bu tternut.<br />

~umboydt ave. St. Aubin ave.<br />

Tillman ave.<br />

Aeh.<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Duboia.<br />

Twenty-third. McDOUGALL AVE., N. Sullivan ave.<br />

Chene.<br />

Twenty-fourth. from River to Qerman. Mayberry ave.<br />

Joseph Campan ave.<br />

Mt. Ho e ave.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Foundry.<br />

31 cDougall rrve.<br />

NAIDEN EANE, ~ast. Guoin.<br />

Tillman ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

from Russell to Bo- Wight.<br />

Twenty-third. MYRTLt3, West from<br />

pelle.<br />

Franklin.<br />

T wenty-fourth. the Woodbridge farm<br />

Russell.<br />

W oodbridge.<br />

Mt, Hope ave. to city limits.<br />

Rio elle.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

MAPL~ from Qratiot Lamed E.<br />

MICHIGAN GRAND National aye.<br />

to Elmwood aye.<br />

AVE., E. from Wood- Harrison ave.<br />

1 p y a E.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

ward ave. to Randolph Twelfth.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Woodward aye. Fifteenth.<br />

,<br />

Russell.<br />

1 Croghan.<br />

Bates.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Whitino ave.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Clinton.<br />

MICHIPICOTEN, South ~umboidt aye.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Mnllett.<br />

of Gratiot E. and W.<br />

Tillman Irve.<br />

St. Anbin.<br />

Catherine.<br />

across Joseph Campau<br />

Twenty-third.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Sherman.<br />

farm.<br />

Twen fourth.<br />

Chene.<br />

Maple.<br />

MIDDLE. East from<br />

NBPOLEBN, E. from<br />

Joseph Campau ave. Chestnut;.<br />

Grand kiver to Clif- Brush to Russell.<br />

'<br />

McDougall ave. Antietam.<br />

ford.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

- -<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Jay.<br />

rand River.<br />

St. Antoine. -<br />

MARANTETTE, West, German.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Hastings.<br />

from Thirteenth and- McLEAN, West, from MILLER, West from Prospect.<br />

a-half across Godfrog Crawford to Wood- Sixth. .<br />

Russell.<br />

farm.<br />

bridge farm.<br />

Sixth.<br />


N. from Michigan ave.<br />

Thirteenth and a. Crawford.<br />

MONROE AVENUE, N. to ?rand River.<br />

half.<br />

Sisth.<br />

and N. E. from Mich- Mlchlgan ave.<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

an Grand avenue to Cherry.<br />

MARCY, West, acrosE MECHANIC, W. from %ndolph<br />

Oak.<br />

the Forsyth farm. Betlnbien.<br />

~ichi~8'n Grand ave. Loc~B~,<br />

Fifth:<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Farmer.<br />

Pine.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

MERICK, Weet, from Farrar.<br />

Spruce.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Twelfth to Thirteenth. Rand01 h.<br />

Cantield.<br />

MARGARET, E. from Thompson. MORSE. Lt from Walnat.<br />

Dequindre acrosE Thirteenth.<br />

Pros~ect to Russell. Butternut.<br />

Witherell farm.<br />

Thirteenth and a-<br />

Elm.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

' half.<br />

~u~s'elli -<br />

Ash.<br />

MARLA, West, from MESSMORE, R 0 AD, MONTCALM, E. from Sycamore.<br />

Crawford to Wood- continuation of Whit- Woodward avenue to Myrtle.<br />

bridge farm.<br />

ing due north. Russell.<br />

Laurel.<br />

Crawford.<br />

MIA& AVENUE S. E. Woodward:ave. Grand River.<br />

Sisth.<br />

from Grand Circus to John R<br />

NINETEENTH, North<br />

Seventh.<br />

Gratiot .<br />

Brush.<br />

from Fort W. to M. C.<br />

MARION, East, from William.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

R. R. track.<br />

Brush to Orleans. John R.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Howard.<br />

Brush.<br />

Grand River ave. Hastins.<br />

Mar uette.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Prospect.<br />

St. &air Place. .<br />

St. Antoine. MlCHIGAN AVENUE Russell.<br />

Wing Place.<br />

Haetings.<br />

W. from ~~dwarci MONTCALJI. W. from Lincoln.<br />

Proepect.<br />

ave. to city lirmte. Woodward 'a~enne to Washinaton.<br />

Russell.<br />

I Woodward ave. Cass ave.<br />

lexan&r,<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Griswold.<br />

W oodward ave. Baker.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Park<br />


MARK, West, from Shelbv,<br />

Clifford.<br />

Fonrth to Thirteentk<br />

f~om Fort W. to city<br />

~ashkgton aye. Cass ave.<br />

hmits.<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Wa e.<br />

MOORE, East from Fort W,<br />

Fonrth.<br />

parr~lace. Russell to Riopelle . Lafayette aye.<br />

Thompson.<br />

Cass.<br />

Russell.<br />

Howard.<br />

Thirteenth,<br />

Firet.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Abbott,<br />



I<br />

Porter.<br />

Franklin.<br />

PIERCE, from Riopelle Benton.<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

, to St. Aubin ave. Grove.<br />

Baker.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Ohio.<br />

Leverette.<br />

Larned E.<br />

St. Anbin ave.<br />

Kentucky.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Congress E. PLERPONT. W. from Indiana.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Fort E.<br />

I Third to ~ourth. lllinoie.<br />

Plum.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Third.<br />

Leland.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Fonrth.<br />

Ontario.<br />

Oak.<br />

Macomb.<br />

PINE, West from Grand Superior.<br />

Locust.<br />

Clinton.<br />

River to Seventeenth. Georgia.<br />

Pine.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Fremont.<br />

Spmce.<br />

Catherine.<br />

Fifth.<br />

RANDALL, W. from<br />

Canfield.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Twenty-third to Twen<br />

Walnut.<br />

Maple.<br />

Seventh.<br />

ty;fourth.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Chestnut.<br />

National ave.<br />

I'wenty-third.<br />

Elm.<br />

An tietam.<br />

Harrison aye.<br />

Twent -fourth.<br />

Ash.<br />

Jay.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

RSNDOL~H, N. from<br />

Grand River ave. German.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

the River to Adams<br />

NOR'L'H. E. from Russel! Gratiot.<br />

Seventeenth. ave. E.<br />

to St. kubin ave. Marion.<br />

PITCHER, W. from Atwater.<br />

Russell.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Cuss ave to Third. W oodbridge.<br />

Riopelle,<br />

North.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Xary.<br />

Second.<br />

Larned.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Juliet.<br />

Third.<br />

Congress.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Scott.<br />

PLUM, W. from Grand Fort.<br />

NOYES. West from Hale.<br />

River to Ninth ave. Lafayette.<br />

Third ko Sixth.<br />

Bellair.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Third.<br />

St. Joseph.<br />

Second.<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Fonrth.<br />

OSCEOLA, West fkom Third.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Third to Fourth. Fourth.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Third.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Center.<br />

OAK, W. from Grand Fourth.<br />

Sixth. .<br />

Grand River.<br />

Biver ave. to Twelfth. OTTAWA, West across Seventh.<br />

Madison ave.<br />

Grand River ave. the LafTerty farm. Eighth.<br />

Harriet.<br />

Third.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

,<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Cross.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Thirteenth and .a- PONTIAC, E. from Adams ave.<br />

Fifth.<br />

half. - --.<br />

Russell to Riopelle. RIOPELLE, N. from the<br />

Sixth.<br />

Huron.<br />

Russell.<br />

River to a point due<br />

Seventh.<br />

PALMER, N. E. from Rio elle.<br />

east of Geneva.<br />

Nlnth ave.<br />

Cass to CliEord. POPL&, from a point Atwater.<br />

National ave.<br />

Cass.<br />

east of Fifteenth to Guoin.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Grand River. city limits.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

C Word.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

OAKLEY, West from<br />

Twelfth to Thirteenth.<br />

PARK PLACE, N. from Sixteenth.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Michigan ave. to Grand Tillman ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

River ave.<br />

Twenty-third.<br />

Congress.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Fwenty-fourth. Lafayette.<br />

OHIO, E. from Beanbien<br />

to Rnssell.<br />

State.<br />

Mt. Hope ave.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Grand River ave. PORTER, West from Macomb.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

' PARK, N. W. and N. Michigan avenue to Clinton.<br />

Hastings.<br />

from Woodmard ave. Thompson farm. Mullet t.<br />

to a point north oi , Michigan ave.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell.<br />

Peterboro.<br />

Third.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Woodward ave. Fourth.<br />

Maple.<br />

ONTARIO, West from washing to^ ave. Fifth.<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Beaubien to Russell. Macomb ave.<br />

Sixth.<br />

I Antietam.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Adnms ave. W. Seventh.<br />

Jay.<br />

St. htoine.<br />

Elizabeth W.<br />

E?,vhth.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Columbia W.<br />

Niuth ave.<br />

High.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Montcalm W.<br />

Tenth.<br />

Marion.<br />

Russell.<br />

George.<br />

PRESCOTT. W. from Bronson.<br />

- -<br />

ORbNQE, West from ,<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

Duffield.<br />

~hird to ~ourth. North.<br />

Henry.<br />

Third.<br />

Mary.<br />

Third.<br />

Sibley.<br />

Fonrth.<br />

Juliette.<br />

Fourth.<br />

I Sproat.<br />

PROSPECT, N. from Watson.<br />

ORCHARD, West from I Bagg.<br />

Gratiot to city limits. <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Grand River ave. to Charlotte ave.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Pierce.<br />

Ninth we.<br />

Peterboro.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Scott.<br />

Grad River ave.<br />

Montcalm.<br />

Moore.<br />

Second.<br />

PARSONS, West from High.<br />

Hale.<br />

Third.<br />

Woodward avenue to Napoleon.<br />

Edwards.<br />

Fonrth.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Marion.<br />

Bidwell.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Woodward-ave.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Clay.<br />

Whi ple.<br />

Bronson. RIVARB N. ~ t -<br />

Seventh.<br />

PEARL, E. from Pros- Silver.<br />

water d. to Bratiot.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

~ect =--- to Russell.<br />

Division.<br />

Atwater,<br />

ORLEANS, North from Prospect.<br />

Webster.<br />

Guoin.<br />

the River the Wa- Rnssell.<br />

W hi tney.<br />

Franklin.<br />

ter Reservov and from PETERBORO, W e 8 t Pearl.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

north side of the Wa- from Woodward aye. Brewster.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

ter Reeervoir due N. to Caas ave. Y orse.<br />

Larned.<br />

to St. Joseph.<br />

Woodward ave. Wilkins.<br />

Congress.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Park.<br />

Watson.<br />

Fort.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Calhonn.<br />


Croghan.<br />

Macomb,<br />

Clinton.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Maple.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

ROSE, W. from Sis-<br />

teenth to Eighteenth.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

RO WLAND, North from<br />

Michigan ave. toGrand<br />

River ave.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

State.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

RUSSELL, N. from Jef-<br />

ferson city limits<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress E.<br />

Fort E.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Mullet!.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Maple.<br />

Chestnut.<br />

An tietam.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Montcalm.<br />

High.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

1M arion.<br />

Clay.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Silver.<br />

Web~ter.<br />

Alfred.<br />

Pearl.<br />

Morae.<br />

Wat~on.<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Benton.<br />

Grove.<br />

Ohio.<br />

Edwards.<br />

Kentucky.<br />

Indiana.<br />

Bidwell.<br />

Whipple.<br />

Maiden Lane.<br />

Ontario.<br />

Superior.<br />

Georgia.<br />

Fremont.<br />

Parnsworth.<br />

ST. ANTOINE, north<br />

from Atmater east to<br />

Fremont.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson me.<br />

Lamed.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Harriet.<br />

Beacon.<br />

Adams aye.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />


Columbia.<br />

M on tcalni.<br />

High.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Marion.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Division.<br />

Whitney.<br />

Brewster.<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Watson.<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Benton.<br />

Grove.<br />

Ohio.<br />

Kentucky.<br />

Indiana.<br />

Illinois.<br />

Leland.<br />

Seward.<br />

Ontario.<br />

Superior.<br />

Georgia.<br />

Fremont.<br />

ST. AUBlN ATE., north<br />

from Atwater east to<br />

near the city limits.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Franklin.<br />

W oodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Catherine.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Maple.<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Antietam.<br />

Jay.<br />

German.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

North.<br />

Mary.<br />

Juliette.<br />

Watson.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Pierce.<br />

Bellair. -<br />

St. Joseph.<br />

Fremont.<br />


from Eighteenth to<br />

~ineteench.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

ST. JOSEPH, east from<br />

western boundary of<br />

Riopelle farm to St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

SCOTT, E. from Riopelle<br />

to St. Aubin farm.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

SECOND, N. from River<br />

to!city llmits.<br />

Front.<br />

Woodbridge. .<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lsfayette ave.<br />

Howard.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Porter.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Spencer.<br />

Lewie.<br />

Jonee.<br />

Beech.<br />

Orchard.<br />

' Yium.<br />

Grand River are.<br />

Gilman. .<br />

George.<br />

Henry.<br />

Ledyard.<br />

Bagg.<br />

Charlotte ave.<br />

Jxy.<br />

Pitcher.<br />

Brainard.<br />

Selden.<br />

Alexandrine me.<br />

Willie ave.<br />

Canfield ave.<br />

Holden road.<br />

Antoinette ave.<br />

Bohemian ave.<br />

Vienna W.<br />

Amsterdam N.<br />

Bobton N.<br />

SELDEN, W. from Cass<br />

ave. to Third.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

SEVENTEENTH. north<br />

from Fort W. to Ash<br />

atreet.<br />

Fort.<br />

Howard.<br />

Stanton Park.<br />

Baker.<br />

Wright.<br />

Francis.<br />

Rose.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Pine.<br />

Can field.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Ash.<br />


HALF. N. from the<br />

River to Fort west.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Fort.<br />

SEVENTH, North from<br />

Woodbridge W. to Ly-<br />

sander.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafay ette ave.<br />

Howard.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Porter.<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Baker.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Beech.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Plum.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Oak.<br />

Locnst.<br />

Pine.<br />

Spruce.<br />

Csnfleld.<br />

Walnut.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Elm.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Bnena Vista.<br />

Ann.<br />

Charles.<br />

Fulton.<br />

Irving.<br />

Maria.<br />

Cuttler.<br />

McLean.<br />

Brigham.<br />

Lysander.<br />

SHELBY, north from<br />

the River to Michigan<br />

avenue.<br />

Atwater,<br />

Woodbndge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

SHERMAN, East fiom<br />

Hastings to Elmwood<br />

avenue,<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Russell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

St. Anbin ave.<br />

Dnbois..<br />

Chene.<br />

Joseph Campan ave.<br />

McDongall ave.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

SIBLEY W. from Wood-<br />

ward ave. to Casa ave.<br />

Woodward aye.<br />

Park.<br />

I Clifford.<br />

Caes ave.<br />

SILVER, E. from Pros-<br />

~ect x-- to Russell.<br />

-<br />

Proepect.<br />

Russell.<br />

SIXTEENTH, N. from<br />

Henneuin to Grand<br />

~iver.-<br />

Henne~in.<br />

Howard. -<br />

Marquette.<br />

Baker.<br />

Alexander.<br />

Francis.<br />

Wright.<br />

Dalzell.<br />

Rose.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Pine.<br />

Canfield.<br />

Bntterfleld.<br />

Ash.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Linden.<br />

Poplar.<br />

Buchanan .<br />

Breckenridge.<br />

Grand River.<br />

SIXTH, N., from Foodbrldge<br />

W. to Bnght~m.<br />

W oodbridge. -<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Porter.<br />

Labrosee.<br />

Baker.<br />

Xichigan are.<br />

Beech.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Plum.<br />

Chsrd<br />

Oak.<br />

L0cu.t.<br />



Spruce.<br />

I National ave.<br />

1 Dickinson.<br />

Canfleld.<br />

Harri~con ave.<br />

Lyeander.<br />

Walnut.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

I Caroline.<br />

Grand River ave. Thirteenth.<br />

Celia.<br />

Noyes.<br />

TENTH, North from Clitz.<br />

Marcy.<br />

Woodbridge W. tc Aurelia.<br />

Buena Vista. Michigan ave.<br />

Jane.<br />

Ann.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Oakley.<br />

Charles.<br />

Fort.<br />

Bryant.<br />

Fulton.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Merick.<br />

Irving.<br />

Howard.<br />

Mark<br />

Miller.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Havens.<br />

Maria.<br />

Porter,<br />


Frank.<br />

Labroese.<br />

EALF, from Howard<br />

Cuttler.<br />

Baker.<br />

to city limits.<br />

McLean.<br />

Leverette.<br />

Howard.<br />

Bri ham.<br />

Church.<br />

Marquette.<br />

BOUT$ N. from Grand Michigan ave.<br />

Baker.<br />

Fiver ave to Buena THIRD, North from Marantette.<br />

Ji~tfi. . - .-..<br />

the River to the Hol- Dalzell.<br />

Grand River ave. den road.<br />

Ottawa.<br />

Buena Vista.<br />

Front.<br />

Iowa.<br />

SPENCER. West from Woodbridge.<br />

Walnut.<br />

Case to Second.<br />

Larned.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Cass.<br />

Congrees.<br />

Elm.<br />

First.<br />

Fort.<br />

Ash.<br />

Second.<br />

Lafayetta aye.<br />

Sycamore.<br />

SPRfNG, East from Howard.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Dequindre a c r o s s Abbott.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Witherell farm.<br />

Porter.<br />

Ly eander.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Caroline.<br />

SPROAT, Weat from Lewis.<br />

Celia.<br />

Woodwarda~e. to Cass Jones.<br />

Clitz.<br />

avenue.<br />

Beech.<br />

Aurelia.<br />

W0odwa.d ave. Orchard.<br />

Jane.<br />

Park.<br />

Plum.<br />

Oakley.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Bryant.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Oak.<br />

Merick.<br />

SPRUCE, West from Grand River ave. Marks.<br />

Fifth to Twelfth. Henry.<br />

Railroad.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Ledyard.<br />

TILLMAN, AVE. North<br />

Sixth.<br />

Bag-.<br />

from Michigan aye. to<br />

Seventh.<br />

~imsur~. city limits.<br />

Ninth me.<br />

Joy.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

National ave.<br />

Pitcher.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Liberty.<br />

Ash.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Brainard.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

STANLEY. West from Tuecola.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

belden.<br />

Linden.<br />

Third.<br />

Orange.<br />

Popular.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Alexandrine ave. Buchanan.<br />

STATE. W. from Wood- Grand.<br />

TUSCOLA, Weat from<br />

ward avenue to Cass. Cedar.<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

Woodward ave. Willie ave.<br />

- - - ..<br />

Qriewold.<br />

Canfield ave.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Rowland.<br />

Osceola.<br />

TWELFTH, North from<br />

Washington ave. Waterloo.<br />

Fort W. to city limits.<br />

Park Place.<br />

Pier oint.<br />

Fort.<br />

Cass.<br />

GolZ<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

STIMSON, West from Haven.<br />

Howard.<br />

Woodward avenue to Stanley.<br />

Baker.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Prescott.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Woodward ave. Chase.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Water.<br />

Oak.<br />

SULLIVAN AVE. North Holden road.<br />

Locust.<br />

from Michigan avenue THIRTEENTH. N ~ rth<br />

' to Magnolia.<br />

3tZ:i.<br />

Michi wan ave.<br />

Sycamore.<br />

~anfiad.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Laurel.<br />

Ash.<br />

Howard.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Mamolia.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Hazel.<br />

SUMqR, East from Baker.<br />

Linden.<br />

Dequindre a c r o s s Marantette.<br />

Mulberry.<br />

Witherell farm.<br />

Dalzell.<br />

Grant.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Ottawa.<br />

Bri ham.<br />

SUPERIOR, Weet from Iowa.<br />

~ictson.<br />

Beaubien to limits of Walnut.<br />

Lysander.<br />

L. Beanbien farm. Butternut.<br />

Caroline.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Ash.<br />

Celia.<br />

SYCAMORE, W. from<br />

Clitz.<br />

the Woodbridge farm<br />

Aurelia.<br />

to the Latferty farm. Grand kiver ave. Jane.<br />

Oakley.<br />

Bryant.<br />

Merick.<br />

Marks.<br />

Havens.<br />

Stanley.<br />

TWENTIETH N. from<br />

Fort W, to Id. C. R. R.<br />

track.<br />

Fort.<br />

Howard.<br />

Baker.<br />


from Fort W.<br />

Fort W.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Howard.<br />

Brsvoort place.<br />

Beecher.<br />

Marquette.<br />

Bristol.<br />

Lambie.<br />

Baker,<br />

Washin ton.<br />

~ailroarf.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Bridge and<br />

Iron Works.<br />


from Fort W.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Howard.<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Baker.<br />

Dix road.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Ash.<br />

Xyrtle.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Linden.<br />

Popular.<br />


from the River to c~ty<br />

limite.<br />

- - Woodbridge.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Howard.<br />

Labroeee.<br />

Dix road.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Ash.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Linden.<br />

Buchanan.<br />

mION, E. from Fifth<br />

to - - Jones' farm.<br />

Fifth,<br />

WALKER, N. from Atwater<br />

E. to Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Wight.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

WALNUT, West from<br />

Sixth to the Qodtroy<br />

farm.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

National are.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Huron.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />


-<br />

WALTER, We~t from<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

WASHINGTON, West<br />

from Nrneteenth to<br />

Stanton farm. and<br />

from foundry to<br />

Twenty-second.<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Foundry.<br />

Twent -second.<br />


N. from Michigan ave.<br />

to Park.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

State.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Park.<br />

WATERLOO, W. from<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

Third.<br />

Fonrth.<br />

WATSON, Eaet from<br />

Brush farm to Russell.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Sntoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell.<br />

WAYNE, North from the<br />

River to Michigan ave.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jeffereon ave.<br />

Larned.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Michiman ave.<br />

WEBSTE~, East from<br />

Prospect to Russell.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Russell.<br />

WESLEY, South from<br />

Michigan avenue to<br />

Church.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Church.<br />

WHIPPLE, East from<br />

Itue~ell to Riopelle.<br />

Russell.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

WHITING, North from<br />

-<br />


Michigan ave, to city<br />

limits.<br />

Michiman ave.<br />

~anfie?d.<br />

Butternut.<br />

Ash.<br />

Maple.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Linden.<br />

WIGHT, East from<br />

Chene to Mt. Elliot<br />

avenue.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joseph Cnmpau ave.<br />

McDougtlll ave.<br />

Walker.<br />

Adair,<br />

Leib.<br />

ML. Elliott ave.<br />

WING PLACE, West<br />

from Eighteenth to<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

WILLIAN. N. E. and<br />

from N. from Wood-<br />

ward ave. to Montcalm<br />

East.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Madison aye.<br />

Adams ave.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Mon tcalm.<br />


irom Michigan ave. to<br />

Linden.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Butkernut.<br />

Ash.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Linden.<br />

WILLIS AVE., W. from<br />

Uroodward avenue to<br />

Third.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

WILKINS, East from<br />

Brush farm to Prospect.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

H YENTSCH,<br />

No. 187 Woodward Ave., I<br />

Hastings.<br />

Pros ect.<br />

WINDE~, : Eaet from<br />

Woodward avenue to<br />

to Brush.<br />

Woodward aye.<br />

John R.<br />

Brush.<br />

WINTER, East from<br />

Dequindre a c r o s s<br />

Witherell farm.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

WITHhRELL, E. from<br />

Doguindre a c r o s s<br />

Witherell tam.<br />

De uindre.<br />

WOOD~~RIDGE, East<br />

from Woodward ave<br />

with aome intermis-<br />

sion to Marine Hos-<br />

pital.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Bates.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Rrush.<br />

Beanbien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Orleans.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Chene.<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

McDougall ave.<br />

Walker.<br />

Adair.<br />

Leib.<br />

WOODBRIDGE. West<br />

W. from Woodward<br />

ave. to city limits.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Shelby<br />

Wayne.<br />

Cass.<br />

First.<br />

Second.<br />

Third.<br />

Fourth,<br />

Fifth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Eighth.<br />

Tenth.<br />

Eleventh.<br />

-<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Fifteenth & a-half.<br />

Seventeenth & a-half<br />

Eighteenth & a-half<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

WOOD WARD A V E.<br />

N. from the River to<br />

city limits.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Lamed.<br />

Congress.<br />

Fort.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Campus Marartiua.<br />

State.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

John R.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Park.<br />

Williams.<br />

Adsms ave.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Columbia.<br />

Montcalm.<br />

High.<br />

George.<br />

Duffield.<br />

Henry.<br />

Winder.<br />

Sibley.<br />

Adelaide.<br />

Sproat.<br />

Alfred.<br />

Rage.<br />

Ediund.<br />

Charlotte ave.<br />

Peterboro.<br />

Stimeon.<br />

Brady.<br />

Pareons.<br />

Campbell.<br />

Alexandrine ave.<br />

Willis ave.<br />

Fremopt.<br />

Forest ave .<br />

Hancock ave.<br />

Warren ave.<br />

Putnam ave.<br />

Farnsworth.<br />

Frederick.<br />

Holden road<br />

DETROIT,<br />

Dealer in<br />


The Latest Styles in<br />

Fine Roll Plate Jewelry Received Daily.<br />




PRESSES,<br />

SHADES,<br />



BOOK<br />

WALL<br />

PAPERS,<br />


Flour and Grocers' Paper Sacks.<br />

-<br />





Warehouse, Cor. Jefierson Ave. and Shelby St..<br />


JOHN 8. PRICE,<br />

MORRIS M. PECK. '<br />



FOR THE YEdRS <strong>1872</strong>-73.<br />


Oflce, Store and Warehouse, 187, 180 & 101 Woodward Aue.,<br />



BEBF..P~ - RBTIIH~~Q~~<br />

@@aB<br />

76, 78 and 20 Woodward Avenue,<br />


TEAS-<br />


We have in storh a large<br />

Stock of<br />


Coffees, Bnp, Voodenware,<br />


GLASS, ETC.,<br />


-<br />


Baker, Smith & Co's LOW Pressure Self-Regulating Steam<br />



Wrou~lht Irou Pipe, Lead Pipe, Sheet Zead, PZumln*s9 Goods, &c.<br />





ICE. ICE.<br />

Belie gbt cJdi<br />

To CONSUMERS :<br />

Oor Ice is all of the firat qnality, and fit for the table, having been<br />

cut nea.r Lake St. Clair and the head of Belle Island.<br />

Thankful for past favors from the citizens of <strong>Detroit</strong>, we solicit<br />

their custom for the present season, and will supply them with the<br />


And give them prompt and courteous treatment. Those wanting cheap<br />

Ice, from below the tanneries, slaughter houses, gas works, aud below<br />

the sewerage of the city, had better apply where such can be had.<br />


Manager Belle Isle Ice Company,<br />

146 Jefferson Avenue, up stair F,<br />

145 JEPFERSOX ~ENUE,<br />

DETROIT, April 1, 1871<br />

MR. C. A. LORJZAN :<br />

Dear Sir-We desire vou to blace us npon pour list of customers<br />

for the present year, and shall expect to be arnong them as long as you<br />

remain in the ice business, and while we shall be in need of ice. In<br />

our past dealing we have always found that you call be thorougllly depended<br />

upoo, and we know vour ice to be exclusively from up the river,<br />

and of pure quality. We hannot afford to be caught in hot weather<br />

without a s~tpply that' we can absolutely depend npon, and we apprise<br />

yon thus early of our wants, because we know that you will not receive<br />

more customers than you can serve faithfully, and we wish to be included<br />

among them. Other dealers offer to furnish us at a lower price than<br />

you offer but we are willing to pay your figures, for the certainty of<br />

pure ice, and a reliable supply. (Signed)<br />

JOHN HEFFRON. Wholesale Fruit, HULL BROS., Grocers.<br />

0 HESSELBACHER, Confectionery, D. D. MALLORY & CO., Oysters,<br />

E. LYON & CO., Michigan Exchange, WITBECK & CHITTENDEN, Russell Honae.<br />

A. B. TABER, Biddle House, C. D. ERICHSEN, Hotel Erichsen,<br />


Mrs. G. 0. WILLIAMS, 1 JOHN F. ANTISDEL & BRO., Antisdel Hon~e.<br />

1 I<br />



Works on Jefferson Avenue, HABITBAXKCK,<br />

Haring bought out<br />

(Formerly HILL & TROLLOPE),<br />


And placed ALBERT TROLLOPE in charge of thcir foundry, and .WM. H. RODDA in<br />

chrrrge of their machine shep. are prepared t.o receive orders at their oftice in Hamtrxmck, or at the<br />

oflce of H. A. HOWE, Esq., 25 Woodward avenue, <strong>Detroit</strong>, for a11 descriptions of<br />


Sample eheets. showing vsrions styles of columnq, sent, free upon application. Send for circular<br />

also r;f the EUHEEA PUMP the best ehip, house, farm, garden and firt: pump madc.<br />

H. E. BURT,<br />

Secretary and Treasurer.<br />




Office and Works just above Marine Hospital,<br />


JOHN BURT, President. AaSTIIY BURT, Sec,'y and Tnas. SOLO! BWT, Hana$ng Agcnt.




Cheapest Reliable Tag in TJse.<br />



USE TEEM<br />

For Sale by Printers and Stlationers Everywhere.<br />




Dry Goods, Cloths, Clothing, -<br />


-AND-<br />

Gum Labels and Fancy Tickets,<br />

For Sale by all the Pri~cipal Stationers, at Manufacturers' Prices, and by<br />

DENNISON & CO.,<br />

f 202 Broadway. New Perk.<br />

] 71 Milk street; Bornten.<br />

34 South Canal Street, Chicago.<br />

632 'Chemtnot Street, Philadelphfn.<br />

[ 6 1 W. F~ur*h Bt., CIaacinaLi, Ohio.<br />



J. M. McINTYRE,<br />


Chandelie~s, Gas Fixf ures.<br />



AggJ3rnt $i8~ Hall8day0s Paten8 Wind,MilE19<br />

For raising water for country residences.<br />

ALSO Fa=<br />



ET All orders frdm the country promptly Attended to.


THE<br />



Is the Latest Improved a ~ most ~ d reziable Lock-Stitch Sewing Mac?cine<br />

now in use. They use n straight<br />


Have a most perfect Tension, and are in every respect,<br />


In all' their werkinge. They will sew with equal facility from the finest to the heaviest<br />

work, and for all kinds of Family Sewing have no equal.<br />

t3 L.<br />

BITES & C811.,<br />

5 Opera House Block, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich., and 73 S, Halsted St,, Chicago, Ill.<br />






Mill Bearing and Mining Machinery of all Descriptions,<br />


Particular Attention gvtn to Steamboat Repairs and Ship Work,<br />


-<br />

WM. COWIE,<br />

Pr8.s. ntzd Treaszc rer.<br />

Office 6 works Atwater St. bet. Orleans 61 Dequindre Sts.,


WEED<br />


Office, 245 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, XICH.<br />

M. B. COOK, Manager.<br />





It haw the NOVEL cO~ENRATINQ TAKE-UP, which prevents all train on the thread. It runs licht and<br />

without fatigue to the operator. It makes a perfect stitch on both ~idee. It has athchments for all<br />

kind^ of work, and they cannot be eet wrong. It has an anti-friction bobbin. Its short, and straight needle.<br />

Its small and eimple shnttle, which need not 1)e taken out of the Machine to change the tension, Its<br />

movements are oaitive and depend on no springs.<br />

Ite fine an$ workman-like finieh and ease of adjustment. Its freedom from broken thread or<br />

dropped &itches.<br />

The machinery is easily cleaned and oiled. The working parts are protected from duet. The only<br />

machine that has a fold hemmer and binder. The F. F. is a combination of ~osilive movements. with<br />

lightness of action. The F. F. does light and heavy work with equal facility, using cotton, sak or<br />

linen with perfect ease.<br />




Runs Quiet. Has Eighteen Inches Space under the Arm.<br />

Is the Largest Machine Made.<br />


Its Sim licity and Durability. Its ~s&e Shuttle. Itas Adj~~stable Take-up, (no other machine hae<br />

one.) Its girect Action and Positive Movements. Its being so well adapted to Hrnvg Work, and yet<br />

doinlr Light Work erfectly.<br />

The Neerllc is Etraizht and raises Fery high. The Wnrke are Protected from Dnet, yet can be cleaned<br />

and oiled easily. The Shnttle doe^ not strain the thread in passing through the Loop.<br />

Shoe fibers, Tailors and Carriage Trimmers should see this Hachine.



KO. 101 Briswold Street, WESSON BUILDING,<br />


66 Undenuriters Agency," New York, W h Assets, $4,000,000<br />

66 iVat$ol~aZ,~~ of Boston, 6 6 4,000,000<br />

" Howard," of New Pork, 6 6 Nw 4 00,000<br />

'bNf~tion.tZ,v<br />

of Hlzrtford, 6 6 750,000<br />

Life Association of America, (XutuaL,) 3,500,000<br />

Massuchusetts IllutuaZ Life Iizsurawce Co., 3,000,000<br />

f taksn a% bqtn#a~e~<br />

J a hate8<br />

t4J and<br />

b~gtre~ brsm~llp ~dj@tad.<br />



(Successor to F. ALQNZQ BURGER.)<br />







DEALER I?S<br />

Lace add Linen Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, &c.<br />


9<br />




Sruit and #mamental<br />





Otjiac, ad Greenhouse, 39 Cass Street; A-uruery, 24th street, near Fort.<br />

A. C. HUBBARD,<br />


Dealers in all kinda Of<br />




e<br />


Ofece and Greenhouse 89 Caps SLreet. Nuraery Fort Street corner Twenty-fourth,<br />



-<br />



Fruit and Ornamental Trees,<br />

pfi@wmmEm(@ @mm@JBB9<br />

Choice Roses, Bulbs, Green House and Bedding Plants.<br />

GnAP*''WSm3ge, &@*$<br />

All of the moet popular sort8 constantly on bald at the loweet ratee.<br />

Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Crosses. Wreathe, &c., for decorative purposes, furniohed at short notice.<br />

Garden, Field and Flower Seeds of the best quality and in great variety.<br />

?.<br />

WMe AB&EE8<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Miomgan.<br />

OFFICE<br />


I78 Griswold Cor. State Street.<br />

THOMPSON DEAN, New York. E. W. MEDDAUGrH, and WM, H. FITCH-Sfd<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>-<br />




Agricultural Warehouse<br />

AND<br />





121 Woodward Aye., DETROIT, MICH I<br />

- ---<br />


AND-<br />


212 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, MICH.<br />


Wholeeale and Retail dealers in<br />

Fath, Cloth, lertltry, Silver ad Plated<br />


Fancy Goods, Sea Shells,<br />

Watches, Jewelery, Etc., .Made and Repaired. All Work warranted<br />

Silver and Gold Plating done in all its branches.<br />

Door Plates, House Numbers, Etc.<br />

A large assortment of everything in our line always on hand.<br />


212 Jefferson Avmzwc.


Is the Great Desideratum of Humanity<br />

The E -ECCPnO-RTDRXU X NSTX'PXJWE was opened<br />

expressly to CURE thoee old Chronic Diserses oflong standing, which have hitherto resisted<br />

the egorts of all other forms of Treatment, viz :<br />

Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic, Neuralgia, Diseases of the Brain and Spine all disarrange-<br />

ments of the Nervpus Systev, as Epilipsy, and all kinds of Fits, all weakness of the Nervous<br />

System, whether In the Pelvic Organs or any other part.<br />

Disease8 of the Throat and Lungs, Heart, Liver and Kidne s, Dyspepsia and General<br />

Debility. Catarrh, in all its forms ia easily cured : all Diseaaes of domen including all weakness<br />

or disease in the Pelvic Organs. Loss of appetite, loss of sleep, heat and pain in the top of<br />

Head, &c., &c., and as<br />


in almogt every case ; those suffering from impaired health need not deepair, but apply at the INSTI-<br />

TUTE where they will see an improveme~lt after from one day to one weeks treatment.<br />

The InstitWe is<br />


Corner of' State and Rowland Streets.<br />

L a W. CARR, Ma Da, Proprietors.<br />

MRS. M m Em CARR,<br />



$&ewer and other prick .s and @ilea<br />

Brick Yard at Grand Trunk Junction<br />

OBBcc 147 Grirwold Street, '1<br />

a<br />

Orders from abroad PromptZy attended to.<br />

.<br />

Branch of 31. C. R. R. track running directly through kiln shed.<br />

All brick loaced from kiln on cars without hauling, thereby lessening<br />

breakage, etc., in handling.





Stoves, Mantles, Furnishing Goods<br />


Agent for the Sale of the NEW AMERICAN COOK STOVE.<br />

205 (0. n. 20 1) JEFFERSON AVENUE,<br />

D@tr~%$ = a Mi@&.<br />


4k<br />

ESTABLISHED FEE, 1, 1857.<br />

2) and 11 SPRUCE STREET, 1<br />

Nr cor. Filth and Grand Bver aye, f g&@@@@fi&o<br />

cL<br />


Manufacturer of Brags and Iron<br />

Plaln and Ornamental Wire Work,<br />

Hereens for Flouring and Fan Mills and<br />

Threshing Machines,<br />

Sand and Coal Screens, Window Guards, Fire Fenders,<br />

Riddh, Sieaes, Leaer Spring But Traps and Cheeas Safeee, Wtd<br />

and Tin Bird Cages and Wire dl088 Baskets, Annealed and Bright Iron WiTe.<br />



THE<br />

WILLIAM ORTON, Pres't, New York- I ANSON STAGER, Gen'l Supt., Chicago.<br />

Lines extentzing to nZZ parts of the U~aited States and Canada.<br />


Principal Offlce in <strong>Detroit</strong>, Corner Griswold & Congress Sts., Buhl's<br />

Telegraph Block.<br />

Branch Offlce~ : Board of Trade ; G. W. B, ticket office, corner Jefferson Avenxe and Oriswold Street ; O. T. E. ticket oflc e,<br />

corner Jefferson and Woodward Avenues ; Braiy's Block, foot Wooiwiwd Ave., and at all the Bailrcal Depots.<br />





Looking Glass,<br />

Frames,<br />

Seventeenth, Howard and Eighteenth Sts.,



ALSO-<br />

Trunks, Boxes and Mouldings ef all kinds. I<br />


Also Dealers Zn Flooring, Slding and Shtngtes.<br />

Corner Atwater and Riopelle Streets,<br />

DETROIT,<br />





Plated aoodrs,<br />


No. 10 Michigan Avenue,<br />

Opposite the New <strong>City</strong> Hall, DETROIT, MICH.<br />



128 Woodward Ave., Fronting <strong>City</strong> Hall,<br />


JAMES R. ELLIOTT, j ~*%a@%%*<br />

Tailors9 T~*irnntings, Billiard Cloth, Co~*duroys, Silk Fvelvets.<br />



Def roit.<br />

Established in Detr oit<br />

Septemberl - 1841.<br />

Having direct correspondence With friends and Old Houses in the principal cities of Europe, used as<br />

emigrating points for people comlng to Arnwica, in Antwerp. Bremen, Bergen, Belfast, Cork, Christians<br />

Chiistiansand CopenhaZen, Derry, Dublin, Glauqo w, Gothenburc. Havre, Hull, Hamburg, Liverpool,<br />

London. ~ay;nce and Rotterdam, I can control the speedy and safe tranciportfttion from almost every<br />

point in Europe. in connection with all the railway and steamboat routes In Mlchigan at very low rates.<br />

BILLS AXD DRAFTS at sight on England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany and Ruseia drawn<br />

for any amount.<br />

(Secretary 01 <strong>Detroit</strong> Mineralogical, Mining and Assaying Association.)<br />

Buys and sells Stocks in different mining companies.<br />

Real Estate<br />

IN THE<br />

CIT-Y-D AND suruR-Rs.<br />

No Sales on Clommission.<br />

Office over 154 Jeffersorl Avenue.<br />






We also make the best quality of Pine Backing and Rustic Frames.<br />

S, W, LOVETT,<br />



No. 40 Michigan Avenue,<br />

Bath Tubs, Water Caosets, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead Wash<br />

Basins, Iron Pipe and Fittings.<br />

A S<br />

ON HAND-<br />

Residences aud Public Buildings filtcd up u ith all the modern improvements.<br />

S, W, LOTi'ET'X'..<br />

40 XBchigart Avenue, Detroat, Mgch.


-<br />

. 9 - -<br />

S. W. WALKER. -.- . ,. If. M. GRAY.<br />


- t , -<br />

. * . - a . .<br />




Yard and Office foot of Griswold St.,<br />

- MICHIGAN.<br />

DETROIT, - I<br />




Choice and original candiea of fine quality and neat deaigne. Parties furnished with complete table ware.<br />

220 Jefferson Ave., = DETROIT




Wire railing and Wire Landscape Window Screens for Offices and Banks, Wire Diokion Fencirg<br />

for Lam and Cemeteries, Wire Cloth and Wire Goods Xanafactured by<br />

E. T. BARNUM,<br />

118 Woodward Ave., Russell House Block.<br />



Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Denlers in<br />


Nos. 68 & 70 East Fort Street,<br />













Merchant Tailors,<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods.<br />

DETROIT,<br />

Fine Shirts t o Ueasure,<br />






Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window Frames & Uouldings,<br />

Woodbridge St., bet. Beanbien and St. Antoine Sts.,<br />


-<br />

Pls~niag and Sewing Bone to OrBer.<br />



All lunds of Saws Promptly and Skillfully Gummed and Straightened.<br />

Dealer in every description of<br />


' DETROIT, I<br />

162 Gratiot Street, Near Beanbien Street,<br />

I -<br />




---- ---<br />

Country Orders should be Accompanied with dimensions of Rooms.<br />

264 Woodward Ave., near Centmi Methodist Church.<br />





No. 91 Jefferson Avenue,<br />


Speclab Attention given to Heating Churches and Factozies by Steam).<br />



Blain ant @rnamealal kast~r@e#,<br />


-AND ALL-<br />




78 Congress St. East bet. Randolph and Brush.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Lumber 2 Wooden Ware Works<br />

Coolers, Kannakins, Butter Pails and ,Tubs.<br />



Bent and Stave Measures.<br />


Packing Boxes of All Sizes,<br />




Street Cars pass the Works. DETROIT, BXICH.<br />



DEALER N<br />




Tin, Coppar and Sheet iron 'Ware.<br />


No, 780 Woodward Auenue, DETROIT, EICH.<br />


Telegraph, Round<br />


MATCHES.<br />


DETROIT,<br />


A. IVES, Pree't. SILAS L. FULLER, Sec'y and Treas.<br />




05ce, No. 2 Seitm New bloc^.<br />

Congress St., in rear Second National<br />

-<br />

Bank, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

The following Brands of Foundry, Mill and Malleable Irons constantly for Sale.<br />

No. I. Open Gray, No. 3. Chills 1-8 to 3-8 inch. No. 5 Mottled.<br />

No. 2 Just below a Chill. No. 4 Chills 3-8 to 5-8 inch. No. 6 White.<br />


Slnare Round and Parlor FAatches,<br />

Thirteenth Street near Grand River Ave.,<br />

DEiTIZOIT, "'<br />

r<br />





Black Walnut, Whitewood, Ash, Cherry, Et:.,<br />


Yard Atwater Street, Foot of Riopelle.<br />


Ha A. & S. G. WIGHT,<br />

Mannfacturers and dealers in all kinds of<br />

Pine Lumber, Lath, Ee.<br />

Saw Mill, Atwater St., foot of McDougall Ave.,<br />




Pa HUFNAGEL & CO.,<br />

Manufacturers of and Dealers in<br />

Parlor, Chamber & Dining lloom Suits, 1<br />



213,215 & 217 Woodward Avenue,<br />

Factory 50 and 52 Monroe Avenue, .. - DETROIT, MICH. .<br />

*:<br />


FORT WMNE SOAP #OR.#$,<br />

Manufacturer of<br />

Potash, Soap and Candles 3<br />

945 & 941 Woodbridge Street West,<br />




B, Fa MORTON'S<br />

General Union<br />


Tickets for Sale to All the Principal Places in the<br />


REID & HILLS,<br />

(Succsssors to WM. WRIGHT & GO.,)<br />



Mirrors, Picture Frames, Chrom os, Engravings,<br />


DETEOIT, I<br />



-AND-<br />


No. 34 Atwater Street,<br />

I I MICH.<br />


Agelct for T7&atcl&er7s Patent Heatilag Furnaces for DweZZimgs,<br />

and t78e Celebrated New Pork Coo7cing Ranges.<br />

DETROIT, - I<br />

No. 64 BATES STREET,<br />


DEPOT,<br />

288,290 & 292 Jefferson Ave.<br />

Core Jefferson Avo. md Beanbien St*.<br />



mN,B.--First-class Livery and Sales Stables connected with the above Establishment.<br />



To be Found in the WEST.<br />

Our GILT and WALNUT FRAMES are SUPERIOR to any<br />

made in Detr6it. SEND FOR PRICE LIST.<br />

287 Jefferson Avenue,<br />






New York, Philadelphia, and all Points East.<br />




W Consign Goods "Care of BRADY & CO."<br />


NO. 52 Woodward Avenue,


E, w- L -A%, 'I, D,<br />




Hantles & Grates, Table Tops & Billiard Beds, .<br />

280 Atwater Street, = - DETROIT, MICE.<br />

~ZQBB@&N @BN&~-XP@&<br />

Manufacture all kinds of<br />

ks?m@~~<br />

go, .<br />


Belt and SilI Coarse, Chimneys, Garden Vases, Dog, Statuettes, &c.<br />


DETROIT, g<br />

J. W. DONALDSON.<br />

I* HI DQNALDSONq 1<br />

Manufactory 278 Atwater Street,<br />

-<br />

No. 166 Jefferson Ave.,<br />

'<br />

g<br />

-<br />

AIICHm<br />






Brands furnished to order. My Tea Caddies are made from best of .White Wood, which is far better<br />

than pine, and are labeled with the latest cargoes of Choice Teas.<br />

Factory, Cor. Port and Beaabien Streets, - - DETROIT, MICH.<br />



Fire Clay and Fire Brick, Glass and Stone Fruit Jars.<br />

Manufacturers' Agents for Ohio Stone Sewer and Water Pipe,<br />

Office and Rarehouse, No, 60 Woodbridge St, Opposite Board of Trade. DETROIT, MiCH.<br />

L. C. EXANlMER,<br />


No. 29 BATES STREET,<br />


Orders from the country scplicited. Highest Market Price paid for Good Barley.<br />

OFFICE<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gas Light Company,<br />


ALEX H DEY. President. P E. DeMILL. ec. and Supt.<br />

JACOB S: FBRRAN D, Treasurer. I R~BERT XCMB~~TER, ~ss~stant ~ec.<br />







For Churches, Dwellings, Steamboats and Railroad Cars.<br />




Manufacturers and Dealers in every variety of<br />



Brick Yard at Grand Trunk Junction.<br />

Office, 237 Third Street, DETROIT, MICE.<br />


- WM. FERGUSON,<br />

gllarist aad $l!Jarndsciye Bndents;<br />



Boquets, Wreaths and Designs of all kinds. arranged in perfect Taste and Style,<br />

to order.<br />



No. 100 Randolph St,, Schulenburg's Block,<br />

3'. KUHN,<br />

E. N. BCRGEARDT. 1 lim!i~~@~~B !EI@@@


a. Em LEECEX,<br />



Grad, Lime, Water Lime, Calcined Plaster, Mortar and Pat@ Ready for Dsc,<br />

laterial Delivered on Short Nutice.<br />


Between Riuard and Riopelte Streets,<br />


H. HEAMES. W. E. HEAMES.<br />


Kellev Island and Malden Lime.<br />




DETBOIT, M X C H I ~ A N -<br />

Coach & Light BLACKSMITHING,<br />



-ALSO- CONE TO<br />



Wagons, &c. ALL ORDERS PRoxpTLY ATTENDED To. Latest Style.<br />

Factory, Corner Randolph and Franklin Streets.<br />

In Rear of Biddle House, - - - DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Ja PBPHH%1"BB#@HP<br />

dk BB@BRB<br />



Shm Engnes with Ietal Packing. Pat. September 25, 4866. Halt rllIs of all Sizea, Pat. October 23, 1866.<br />

1001 Holders for &chine Shops, Pat. February 27, 1865. Pitching Iachine, Pat. October 26 1869.<br />


Also, Agents for A. Babbett9s Patent Bolt Cutter, the beat in tlce WmZd.<br />


Nos. 207 and 209 CROGHAN STREET.<br />


*<br />

IS THE<br />


AND<br />



2 fe:t 10,ll and 3 feet wide .<br />

3 1, 2 and 31nch '* . 9<br />

3 " 4, 5 and 6 inch .<br />

FOR<br />

+<br />


AND<br />


Has r~o Equa<br />

3 bL 7, 8and9inch bb . . 650<br />

3 " l0,ll and 4 feet 7 03<br />

4 " 1, 2 and 3 inch " . . 750<br />

4 *' 4, 5 and 6 inch '' 8 00<br />

4 " 7, Q and 9 inch :: . . . . . . 850<br />

4 . 6' 10,ll and 6 pet 9 00<br />

5 bb 1, 2and 3 inch : . . 950<br />

5 " 4, Sand 6 inch . 10 50<br />

Office, 167, 169 and 171 Griswold St,,.<br />

B&PB@HFm . - - . eWHQ"'B@HeW.<br />

A Home Luxury that has Become a Home Necessity.<br />

" The hours that leave the slightest came to weep,<br />

Are those we passed in childhood or asleep."-4. (3. SAXE.<br />

Walking along Griswold street, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich., the other day, I observed in front of the premises4<br />

Nos. 167,169 and 171, something which attracted my aitention at once, and proved to be the Dunks' steel<br />

spring bed bottom. Having heard of the courtes of the manufacturer, and using the artclie myself, I<br />

dropped in, and was shown round, and htid a5 the merits of this truly meritoriuua article explained<br />

to me, and was fully convinced that it was entitled to all that is claimed for it.<br />

It is certainly the most simple, durable and cleanly bed bottom I have ever seen. and m experience<br />

1s a very wide one, being fully aware of the importance of sleeping comfortably, and also Besirous that<br />

the public should share the result of my experience without the trouble and expense of experimenting.<br />

I therefore take this method of benefitting my fellow men by recommending to their notice the simple<br />

patent steel spring bed bottom, which can be procured from every first class furniture dealer throughout<br />

the United States and Canada.<br />

If yon do not see it, ask for it; and see yon get it.--JVcstcmr Burat.<br />




For Nnmzes not $28 this List, see Page Too Late for I~asertion."<br />


ab. above. col'd colored. n. s. north side.<br />

agt. agent. c. or cor. corner. n. w. north west.<br />

al. alley. e. east. nr near.<br />

asst. aseistant. e. s. east side. op. oppoeite.<br />

ave. avenue. est. estate. P. 0. Post Office.<br />

bds. boards. h. honse. propr. proprietor.<br />

bel. below. lab laborer. r. rear.<br />

b. or bet between. mnfr manufacturer. Rcv. Reverend.<br />

bldg. building. n. north. e. south.<br />

bk. block n. e. north east. s. e. south east.<br />

The w0r.I Lb street " is always understood.<br />

ABA ABE<br />

BADIE Eugene H., medical director<br />

A Department of the Lakes, 207 J efferson<br />

ave, h same. .<br />

Abadie William B., bds 297 'Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Abate Louis, sailor, h 65 Harrison are.<br />

Abbare Louis, foreman, h 684 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Abbey Charlotte. milliner, 164 Hastings<br />

h same.<br />

Abbey Leonard, lab., h 164 Hastinga.<br />

Abbot Thomas F., (Abbot 62 Ketchum,)<br />

h 297 Fort w.<br />

Abbot & Ketchum (Thomas F. Abbot<br />

62 Ccphlts B. Ketchum,) carpets, 107<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Abbott Annie, boarding cor. Bates and<br />

Congress.<br />

Abbott Charles H., traveling agent, bds<br />

Michigan Exchange<br />

Abm~ C!~rne!, dress maker, bds 551<br />

Cass ave.<br />


8. 6. south eide.<br />

8. w. south west.<br />

sec. secretary.<br />

supt. superintendent.<br />

trans. transportation.<br />

tress. treasurer.<br />

w. west.<br />

wid. widow. .<br />

w. s. west side.<br />

Abbott C. K., hack driver, bds <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Exchance.<br />

Abbott El'lzabeth, (wid George), bds 187<br />

Third.<br />

Abbott Theresa, (wid James W.), h 248<br />

Wood w ard ave.<br />

Ahhott William, bds 47 Lafayette.<br />

Abbs Charles, bar keeper, h 105 Larned w.<br />

Abel Charles, teamster, h n. s. Lysander,<br />

bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Abel Frederick, music teacher, h 207<br />

Lafayet te ave.<br />

Abel George, mason, h 434 Croghan.<br />

Abel Philip, lab., h s. e. cor. Leib and<br />

Fort.<br />

Abel Mrs., h 92 Abbott.<br />

Abeler Frederick, janitor, h 298 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Abend Post Daily (German,) 10<br />

and 12 Larned east.<br />

Aber Wesley, cigar maker, bds Tremont<br />

House<br />

Aber William A., cigar packer, bds Tre-<br />

mont House.


@ usin$$$ aivtte<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Abere Maurice, sawyer, h 184 Twentieth.<br />

Aberle John, furniture, 493 Hastings h<br />

same.<br />

Aberneth~ Annie, (wid Robert,) h 190<br />

Clifiord.<br />

Aberneth~ Isaac H-,butcher, h190 Clifford.<br />

Al,ernethy John E. plumber, bds 190 Clifford.<br />

Abcrnethy Samuel, hardware, 455 Grand<br />

River ave., h same.<br />

Abraham Alfred W., furniture, 118 Michigan<br />

ave., h 16 Spencer.<br />

Abraham Amelia, (wid John), seamstress,<br />

h 300 Montcalm e.<br />

Abraham Frederick. shoemaker, h S e cor<br />

Dequindre and Julliette.<br />

Abraham Nichacl, laborer, h 296 Lafayette.<br />

~hrahams William, carpenter, h 185 St.<br />

~ubin ave.<br />

AbrY 31larg (wid Charles), bds 59 Crawford.<br />

Academy of Sacred Heart, 322 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Acken C. J.. clerk, bds Perkins Hotel.<br />

Acker ~amual, War C:aim and Insurance,<br />

90 Griswold h same.<br />

Ackerhalt Aaron, peddlar, h 257 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Ackerman Bernard, tanner, bds 66 Catharine.<br />

Ackerman Frank, fireman, bds 34.2 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Ackerman Henry, painter, h 137 Shermsn.<br />

dckerman House, Joseph . A- Kutz Proprietor,<br />

8 1 At water.<br />

Jacob, 389 Stwater,<br />

271 Clinton.<br />

Ackermao James W., traveling agent, h<br />

63 Coiumbia e.<br />

Ackerman John, laborer, h 111 Beauhien.<br />

Ack1t.y Hercules A., (col'd) waiter, h o<br />

132 Griswold.<br />

Adair William, (V-illiam Adair & Co.,)<br />

residence Ham tramck.<br />

Adair Wm. & Go., (William hdair,<br />

Charles Cameron & Cl~as. W. Robinson),<br />

seed merchants, nurserymen and florists<br />

16 Michigan ave.<br />

Adam Frank, laborer, h 30 i Riopelle.<br />

' Adam Henry, laborer, h n s Joseph Campau<br />

ave bet Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Adam James? laborer, bds I62 Larned m.<br />

Adamek John, laborer, h 53 Eighteenth.<br />

Adam Alexander H, cashier, h 201 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Ada~ns Charles, night. watchman, Brooks<br />

& Adams.<br />

Adaws Chi~rles, captain, h 54 Seventeenth.<br />

Adams Charles, undertaker, bds 245<br />

TVoodmard ave.<br />

Sdams Charles F., clerk, bds Michigan<br />

Exchan~e.<br />

Adstns DeForest R., bookkeeper, bds 50<br />

park place.<br />

AdiLms Francis, (Brooks & Adams), h n e<br />

cor Fifth ancl Lafdyette avenue.<br />

Adams George H., student, bds o Soon<br />

380 Ilownrcl.<br />

Adams George S., 1,ookkeeper (Holmcs<br />

& Webster), h S3l Third.<br />

Adarns I-Ienry B., foreman N. C. R. R.<br />

car works, h 290 Second.<br />

A&ms I-Ienry I(., clerk, bds 106 Fort w. .<br />

Adams Hotel, 80 Front, John II1ohrmann<br />

pnlpr.<br />

Adams James, blacksmith, h 23 Naybury<br />

ave.<br />

Adams James, malster, bds 41 Congress w.<br />

Adltms ,John, h 108 Division.<br />

Actams John, blacksmith, bds 151 Cass.<br />

L\dams john, tailor, h 195 Fifth.<br />

Adams Job Boswell, clerk, bds 50 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Adnms John Q., cabinet maker, bds 195<br />

Fifth.<br />

Adams John s., conductor, h 118 woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Adams King, (col'?) cooper, bds 73 Fort e.<br />

Adams Louis, saloon, 281 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Adams Nichael 9., grocer, 1'75 Nichigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Adsms Platt, harness maker, h n e cor<br />

nuffield and Clifford.<br />

Adams Robert, blacksmith, bds 23 Maybury<br />

ave.<br />

Adanls Robert, paving, bds n e cor Sixth<br />

and Fulton.<br />

Adams Samuel, clerk, bds 409 Sixth.<br />

Adams Samuel, wire works, 9<br />

Spruce, h same. (See adaertisemen$.)<br />

*dams Thomas, brass *ounder,<br />

Third aud Coogress, h 06 Lewis.<br />

Aclams Thomas K. h n e cor Fort and<br />

Cass.<br />

Adams Walter E., dealer in safes, h 50<br />

Park Place.<br />

Adams William, shoemaker, h 361 Sixth.<br />

Adams stone cutter, h s e cor<br />

Twelfth and Walnut.<br />

Adams William D., clerk, bds 106 Fort w.<br />

Adams William O., blacksmith, bds 23<br />

Maybury ave.


*4damson Frederick C., clerk, M. C. R. R.,<br />

h 351 Howard.<br />

Adderly John, (Warren, Adderly & Appelt),<br />

h 102 Seventeenth.<br />

Addis William, teamster, bds 217 At-<br />

water.<br />

,4de Glaria Andre, musician, h 123 Brush.<br />

Sderhold Frederick C., helper, h 14G 3Ia-<br />

rion.<br />

Adjutant General's office. Firemen's Hall,<br />

cor Randolph and JeBerson ave.<br />

Adler Charies, laborer, h 181 Antietam.<br />

,i dler Darid, bookbinder, h 81 Lsrned e.<br />

9dler Gottlieb, laborer, h n s Gratiot, be-<br />

yond toll gate.<br />

*idler Hra. Pauline, millinery, 81 Larned<br />

e h same.<br />

Adlington Emma, finisher, h 115 Maple.<br />

Adlington William, shomaker, h 115<br />

Maple.<br />

hdloff Louis, shoemaker, 21 390 Croghan,<br />

A.ciolph Charlotte, dressmaker, h 201 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Adrian John, laborer, bds SO Front.<br />

Adshead Augustus, 'cigar packer, h 271<br />

First.<br />

Adshead Augustus, cigar packer, h 90<br />

Fort e.<br />





Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Aikman Rev. JVilliam, D. D., pastor, Westminster<br />

church, h 28 Elizabeth IV.<br />

Ainslie Franci~, collar-maker, bds 21 Farrar.<br />

Airy George, laborer, 31. C. R. R.<br />

Airy Michael, laborer, h 237 Porter<br />

Airy Thomas, laborer, h 623 Sixteenth<br />

Akruth Frederick W., clerk, h 549 Fort w.<br />

Albert John, carpenter, h 547 Hastings.<br />

Albert William, watchmaker, bds 315 Gratiot.<br />

Albertson Henry, shirt cutter, h 329 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Albertson Henry M., agent, h 57 Sibley.<br />

Albrasch August, laborer, h 533 Dequindre.<br />

Albro Clark, farmer, h s s Grand River<br />

ave., near Railroad crossing.<br />

Albro John, farmer, h s s Grand River<br />

ave., near Railroad crossing.<br />

Ady John, laborer, h 169 Eighth.<br />

Albrecht August, h 494 Catherine.<br />

degerden Charle~, tinsmith, h 521 Cathe- ,4lbrecht Herman, laborer, h 496 Catherine.<br />

rim.<br />

Albrecht John, teamster, h w s Dubois, bet<br />

Aemar Christopher, laborer, h 265 Wat- German and Gratiot.<br />

son.<br />

Mbrecht Louis, laborer, bds 298 Wood-<br />

,lendel-lin Gertrael, (wid Joseph) h 126 bridge ~ v.<br />

Antietam.<br />

Albrecht William, mason, h 262 .Eliza-<br />

Aertz Emanutl (E. Aertz & Co.), h 290 beth e.<br />

Montcalln e<br />

Slbrecht William, porter, 99 Woodward<br />

Aertz E. L . Co. (Eman~iel Sertz, Alexan- ave.<br />

der Eans, and Felix Biry) furniture Albus Angelica, midwife, h 143 Maple.<br />

mnfrs 400 Gratiot.<br />

Albus Emile, cigar-maker, bds 143 Maple.<br />

,\f'$ Fritz, teamster, bds 253 Chestnut. Albus Julius, cigar-maker, bds 143 Maple.<br />

Agents John, lab., h Indiana bet Hastings Slbus William, cigar-maker, h 143 31aple.<br />

aild Prospect.<br />

Alder Charles, helper, bds cor Fort and<br />

Ag11ew ,indrew J., clerk, h 40 Sibley. Abbott.<br />

,Lcncw John, V. K., tel. operator, (D.&M.) Alder Edward, tobacco-cutter, h 244<br />

bds 118 St. Antoine.<br />

Seventh.<br /> Paulus, laborer, h s s St. Joseph, Alder Josephine (wid. Jacob), h 207 Mabet<br />

Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

comb.<br />

,1111 Ferdinand, carriage trimmer, bds 32 Aldous 'William T. (Aldous & Bliddleton),<br />

Lzrned e.<br />

h 123 Columbia e.<br />

,\hl t )erg Peter, machinist, h 64 Butternut. Aldous C& Middleton, (William T. Aldous<br />

,ililer Herman, laborer, bds 266 Dubois. and George illiddleton,) painters, s e cor<br />

,\I. lers Henry, weaver,h 356 Michigan ave. Brush and Gratiot.<br />

*lhlert Henry, clerk, bcis Goodman House. adrich Charles W., clerk, bas 151 Wood-<br />

,\hnert iluwst, laborer, bds cor Wood- bridge w.<br />

bridge and Seventh.<br />

Aldrich Edgar R., clerk, h 51 Charlotte.<br />

hhrenz Christian, laborer, h n s German Aldrich J. brakesrnan, M. C. R. R.<br />

bet Joseph Campau and Elmwood ave's. Aldrich Frank R., traveling agent, bds<br />

hhsesohr Theophil, shoemaker, h 292 Antisdel House.<br />

Mitl y.<br />

Alef John, joiner, h 518 Orleans.<br />

Aiken Lucy, h 314 St. Antoine.<br />

Alef John P., blacksmith, h 199 Russell.<br />

Siken Robert E., carpenter (Candler Alef Peter, lab., h 518 Orleans.<br />

Eros.)<br />

j Alef nTilliam, h 510 Orleans.<br />



a&rHBw<br />



SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Allen Edwin, bds 357 Cass ave.<br />

Allen Elbridge G., lumber dealer, 437 Atwater,<br />

h 67 Adelaide.<br />

Allen Elizabeth, matron, House of Correction,<br />

bds same.<br />

Allen Elijah (col'd), coat boy, Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Allen Frederick, tailor, h w s 3It. Hope,<br />

bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Allen George (col'd), waiter, Russell House.<br />

Allen Harvey, yardsman D. & 31. It. R.,<br />

h 20s Orleans.<br />

Allen Isabella (wid Thomas F.), bds 27<br />

Crawford.<br />

911cn Isaac (Patterson & Allen), h 283<br />

Second.<br />

Allen 3 ames, laborer, h 401 Franklin.<br />

Allen John, helper, h 85 Harrison ave.<br />

,411en John H., ship carpenter, h 404<br />

Fort e.<br />

Allen John J., jr., car builder, bds 308<br />

Mullett.<br />

Allen John J., carpenter, h 308 Mullett.<br />

Allen Joseph, baker, h 49 Beach.<br />

Alexander D., traveling agent, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Alexander Gale A., plumber, h 356 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Alexander George, baloon maker. bds 67<br />

Atwater.<br />

Alexander John, currier, bcls 163 Wight.<br />

Alexander Jsbn, agent, h 117 Chene.<br />

Alexander Jlol~ert, clerk, bds 77 Beaubien.<br />

Alexander J. It., bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchanqe.<br />

Alexander Thomas, plumber, 87 Shelby,<br />

bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Alexander Thos., printer, h 72 Columbia w.<br />

Alexander Thomas B., (D. 65 M.,) bds 401<br />

Congress e.<br />

Alflen John, cabinet maker, h e. s. St. An- Allen Lt~fayette: laborer, h SO Orchard.<br />

toine, bet. Watson and Calhoun. Allen Lewis, h 178 Griswold.<br />

Alford George JI., pattern maker, h 165 Allen Marvin A., overseer, h 46 Abbott.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Allen Orville C., (W. H. Allen 6% Bro) bds<br />

Alfred Eugene S., foreman, h 306 Porter. 46 Elizabeth w.<br />

Alfred Michael, printer, h 207 Brewster. Allen Mrs. R. JV., hair im~orter, 175<br />

Alfreds Cornelius, lab., h 162 Rivard. Woodward ave., bds old 175, new 179<br />

Alger Russell A., (Noore & Alger,) h 126 Woodward ave.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Allen Richard W., bds 179 Woodward ave.<br />

Alkin Robert C., coachman, bds 284 Jef- Allen Rollin C,, clerk, bds 172 St. Aubin<br />

ferson ave.<br />

ave.<br />

hlitska Jacob lab., h 50 Sullivan ave.<br />

Allan Aretus H., clerk, h47 Harriet.<br />

-<br />

Allen Sarah, wid Orville S., h 46 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Allan Edward, R. V., (Island No. lG,) room Allen Sarah, (wid George) Assistant Ma-<br />

10, Stimson's block.<br />

tron Home of the Friendless.<br />

Allan George, c col'd,) barber, bds 69 Har- Allen Thomas, carper ter, h 85 Plum.<br />

riet.<br />

Allen Thomas, forernan Bagley's tobacco<br />

Allard George, painter, bds 98 Beaubien. factory, h 149 Cherry.<br />

Allan John, carpenter, h 847 Sixteenth. Allen Thomas (col) sailor, h 87 Division.<br />

Allan John, carpenter, h 249,4bbott. Allen William, capenter, 11 19 Beaubien.<br />

Allarmot Joseph, laborer, h 264 Catharine. Allen William,traveling agent, h 409 Sixth.<br />

Allaston James, engineer, h 37 Fifteenth. Allen William H., insurance agent, h 139<br />

Aliaston John, bds 37 Fifteenth.<br />

Cass.<br />

Alldritt George, guilder, h 146 Clifford. Allen William H., (Allen & Bro) bds 46<br />

Kildritt Bf artha (wid. Joseph), nurse, bds Elizabeth w.<br />

339 Fifth.<br />

,411en William T., agent, h 409 Sixth<br />

Allen Albert, moulder, bds 475 Larned e. Allen William W., Plasterer, bds 98 Beau-<br />

Allen Alpheus D., bookkeeper, h 44 Char- bien.<br />

lotte.<br />

,411en'W. H. & Bro., (Wm. H. and Orville<br />

Allen Augustus C., bds 104 Congress w. C.,) whoiesale photograph material and<br />

Allen Bennett G., manager Wing's Gal- frames, 14 and 16 Larned e.<br />

lery, 149 Jefferson ave, bds 82 Wayne. Alley John O., machinist, h cor Lalayette<br />

Allen Benjamin (col'd), laborer, h 157 ave and Twenty-third.<br />

Hastings.<br />

,illey Sarah ,4., (wid. Wm. L.,) h cor La-<br />

Allen Birde, moulder, bds 475 Larned e. fayette ave and Twenty-third.<br />

Allen Miss Catharine, teacher Houghton Allgeier Nicholas, laborer, h 303 Alfred.<br />

School, h 45 Henry.<br />

Allison David, harness maker, bds Good-<br />

Allen C. F., manager <strong>Detroit</strong> Car Manu- man House.<br />

facturing Co., bds Russell House. Allison James D., Inspector Customs, h<br />

Allen Charles T., detective, h 160 Cass. 493 Russell.


Allemann Peter C., foreman, h 351 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Alleman Maurice, cigar maker, h 211<br />

Catherine.<br />

Alleman Victor, laborer, h 139 Macomb.<br />

Allison William II., painter, bds 493 Rus-<br />

sell<br />

Allport Byron, laborer, h 162 Fifteenth.<br />

Allport Leonard P., laborer, 21. w side Mt.<br />

Hope, bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Allor Adolphus, sailor, h 31'7 Guoin.<br />

Allor Michael, constable lOth Ward, h 378<br />

Franklin.<br />

Allsop Henry, watchman 51. C. R. R., bds<br />

216 Porter.<br />

Allsop J., fireman 35. C. R. R.<br />

Allt James. clerk, h old 121 Farrar.<br />

Allstedt i Chrjstoyher. lab., h s. s. Abbott,<br />

bet. Eleventh and Twelfth.<br />

Almond Daniel, lab, w. s. Williams ave., n.<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Altfeltis Henry, carpenter, h 706 Fort e.<br />

Altenbrand August, tailor, h 207 Croghan.<br />

Altenbrand Benedict, grocer, s. s. Gratiot ,<br />

bet. hlt Elliott ave. and Elmwood ave., h<br />

same.<br />

Altenburg John, lab., h 505 Lafayette.<br />

Alter Henry, tailor, h 432 Beaubien.<br />

Alter Jacob, (Alter & Brueckemann,) h 208<br />

Russell.<br />

Alter & Brueckemann, (Jacob Alter and<br />

Adam Brueckenlann,) grocers, 208 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Alterauge Anna E., (wid Ignatius J.,) h<br />

145 Congress e.<br />

Alterauge Icpatius J., bds 145 Concress e.<br />

Alterauge Julius T., bcts 145 Congress e.<br />

Altermatt Joseph, lab., h 264 Catharine.<br />

Altermatt Victor, cooper, h IS8 Division.<br />

Altogether Peter, carpenter, h 604 Crogban.<br />

Altman Isaac, hats and furs, 97 Woodward<br />

ave., h 130 Michigan ave.<br />

Altz Anthony, shoemaker, bds n. e. cor<br />

Riopelle and Clinton.<br />

Altz John, lab., h 3SS Brewster.<br />

Alvord Tompbins C., lake capt. h 271<br />

Clinton.<br />

Amber Edward, machinist, bds 12'7 Larned<br />

W.<br />

Amberg Adolph, harness maker, 379 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Amberg David, bds Howard House.<br />

Ambler Edwin J., machinist, bds 12'7<br />

Larned m.<br />

Ambridge insurance agent 172<br />

3 efferson ave., h Pi1 t, Win dsor.<br />

Arnl~rose Basil S., (col'd) carpenter, h 191<br />

Hasting s.<br />

Ambrust Theresa, saloon, 193 Larned w<br />

h same.<br />

Ament Edward H., mail, - . h 410<br />

Third.<br />

h e r Christian, cabinet maker, h 264<br />

Watson.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Ofice, 52 IT. Larned St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

American Merchant's Union Express Co.,<br />

s e cor Larned and Griswold.<br />

American National Bank, 89 Griswold.<br />

Ames Charles E., traveling agent, bds 55<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Ames G. William, brakesman, bds 200<br />

Clifford.<br />

Ames - Horace B., traveling agent, h 186<br />

Hagg.<br />

Ames John, machinist, bds s s Fort bet<br />

Orleans and Rio~ell e-<br />

Ames Sarah (wid ~a&e), h 200 Clifford.<br />

Anlmal Henry, blacksmith, h 507 Lafayette.<br />

Amolet Christian, laborer, bds 202 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Amos Hugh, carriage maker, bds 89 Atwater.<br />

Amos Jacob, fireman, bds 434 Franklin.<br />

Amos John, carver, bds 434 Franklin.<br />

Amos Paul, confectioner, bds Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Amphlett John W., stone ware, 64 and 66<br />

Woodbridge w. h 316 Congress e.<br />

Amrbein Peter A., jeweler, bds Hotel<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Amrhein Wm., laborer, h 158 Marion.<br />

Amrhein William, pressman, h 258 Brush.<br />

Ams Frederick, brewer, h 248 Maple.<br />

Amsden Amasa, laborer, h 158 St. Aubin<br />

avenue.<br />

Arnsden Dwight S., music dealer, 197 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 490 Third.<br />

Anaheim Christian, watch maker, 91<br />

Croghan, h same.<br />

Anciaux Theophite, pastor St. Ann's<br />

church, h 19 Larned e.<br />

Andetl Levi, moulder, h s w cor Joseph<br />

Campau and Clinton aves.<br />

Anderhalt Frank J., laborer h 153 Mullett.<br />

Anders Anthony, hammersmi th, h Tillman<br />

ave nr Locust.<br />

,4nderson Andrew, carriage trimmer, bds<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

Anderson Carlisle, architect, bds 280 Randolph.<br />

Anderson Catharine A. (wid William), h<br />

'77 Lafayette.<br />

Anderson Charles, carpenter, h 59 Fifteenth.<br />

anderson Charles, waiter, 2 Adams ave w.<br />

Anderson Charles jr, carpenter, bds 30<br />

Beach.<br />

Anderson Charles sr, lawyer, h 30 Beach.<br />

Anderson Daniel, engineer, h 235 Second.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Anderson Ebenzer, h 642 Fort w.<br />

Anderson Ella, saloon, Beaubien, bet<br />

Franklin and Woodbridge, h same.<br />

,4nderson Frederick, clerk, bds 115 Russell.<br />

Anderson George, clerk, bds 45 Congress w.<br />

Anderson George, laborer, h 13 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Anderson Gustavus (col'd) , waiter Russell<br />

House.<br />

Anderson James, carpenter, h 236 Third.<br />

Anderson James, machinist,, h144 Franklin.<br />

Anderson .Tames A., architect, rooms 5 & 6<br />

Rotunda, 11 11 Grand River ave.<br />

Anderson Joseph (col'd), laborer, h 2'75<br />

Maple.<br />

Anderson L.: fireman, 31. C. R. R.<br />

Anderson Oscar F., conductor, h 620 Sixth.<br />

Anderson Robert, engineer, h '791 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Anderson Robert H.,commission merchant,<br />

room 3 Stimson Block, h '771 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Anderson Thomas H., conductor, bds<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Anderson Warren C., lake capt, h 213<br />

Ben ton.<br />

Anderson William, blacksmith, h 1 29<br />

BIulle tt.<br />

Anderson William, painter,bds 59 Seventh.<br />

Anderson TVilliam W., porter Worman's,<br />

h 164 Wilkins.<br />

Andre Anton, clerk, bds 444 Orleans.<br />

Andre hen^, grocer, 508 and 510 Gratiot,<br />

h 446 Orleans.<br />

Andre John, h 150 Chestnut.<br />

Andre Peter, laborer, h 510 Gratiot.<br />

Andre Servas, clerk, h 157 Maple.<br />

Andreas Joseph, carpenter, h 203 Clinton.<br />

Andreoli Charles, marble cutter, h 479<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Andrews Allan, hatter, bds SO Columbia e.<br />

Andrews Anna, (wid John,) h 516 Croghan.<br />

Andrews Charles H., clerk, bds An-<br />

tisdel House.<br />

Andrews Corry L.,insurance agent, bds 162<br />

Howard.<br />

Andrews Court C.,bds 55 Washington ave.<br />

hdrews Eliza, (wid William,) h 336<br />

Seventh.<br />

Andrews Frederick, blacksmith, h 935<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Andrews George E., agent, h 17 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Andrews George P., physician, 55 Fort w.<br />

Andrews G. V. N., h old 16 w Park Place.<br />

Andrews J. Seward, clcrk, bds 483 Sisth,<br />

Andrexs James, (Andrews & Sanders,)<br />

h 458 Woodbridge e.<br />

Andrews James, conductor, D. & M. R. R.<br />

h 80 Elizabeth e.<br />

Andrews James S., clerk, h 423 Sisth.<br />

Andrews John L., carpenter, h 194.National<br />

ave.<br />

Andrews Joseph, bricklayer, h 76 National<br />

ave.<br />

Andrews Lewis, mechanic, bcls 353 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Andrews Lewis, painter. h 445 .Sixteenth.<br />

Andrews Libbie bfiss, foreman, bcis 336<br />

Seventh.<br />

Andrews Maria F., (wid Hiram R.,) h 55<br />

mTashington we.<br />

Andrews Mary, (wid of --,) h 32'7 Mullett.<br />

Andrews Nyron H., physician, office 147<br />

Griswold, h 16'2 Howard.<br />

Andrews Rugcne H., clerk, bds 16 w Park<br />

Place.<br />

Andrews Samuel, (Andrews & Bristah,) h<br />

69 Duffield.<br />

Andrews Wellington D., carpenter, h 516<br />

Croghan.<br />

Andrews Wm. gardener, h cor Twentyfourth<br />

and 31. C. R. R.<br />

Audrews & Bristah, (Samuel Andrews,<br />

James Bristah,) butchers, 339 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Andrews dtT Sanders, (James Andrews and<br />

Charles; sanders,) painters, 488 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Andris Sharles, (col'd,) sailor, bds 220 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Angell Alexander, furrier, h 85 Twelfth.<br />

Angell George, teamster, bds (0) 520 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Angell George R. photographic stock and<br />

frames, 1% Jefferson ave., h 44 Stimson.<br />

Angell Ephraim G., teamster, h (0) 820<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Angell Frederick, lab., bds 362 Twentieth.<br />

Angell Thomas, gardener, h 34 Twentieth.<br />

Anger .John, drayman, h 2G German.<br />

Anglim Daniel, jeweler, bds 144 Abbott.<br />

Anglim John O., grocer, n. e. cor Fifth<br />

and Abbott, h same.<br />

Angulo Joachim, cigar packer, 39 31ich.<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Annett Henry lab., bds 396 Franklin.<br />

Anscomb George C., blacksmith, h 26E<br />

First.<br />

Anscomb John, printer, bds Goodman<br />

House<br />

Ansell Thomas B., bds Franklin House.<br />

Anson j., fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />



hst Augustus, upholsterer, bds 60 Miami LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

ave. I sHon c m AT<br />

Anthony Benjamin, traveler, h 76 Miami<br />

ave. I 8UNB & CNB28<br />

- - - -<br />

Antior Antoine ship carpenter, h 6 Thirteenth.<br />

I FnIton: Market Ovster House.<br />

antior Mary A., seamstress, h 113 Wood- I u .<br />

- -- 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

bridge e.<br />

AD tisdel House, WilliamW. Antisdel, proprietor,<br />

n. e. cor Michigan and Washington<br />

aves.<br />

Antisdel John F., proprietor Biddle House,<br />

cor Jefferson ave. and Randolph.<br />

Antisdel William W., proprietor Antisdel<br />

House, n. e. cor Michigan and Washington<br />

aves.<br />

Antons John, lab., bds Woodward ave., n.<br />

Fremon t.<br />

Antre Jacob, mason, h 300 Division.<br />

Anzerott Henry, lab., h 186 Fort e.<br />

Apger Charles, clerk, bds 397 Fifth.<br />

Apger Ira, house mover, h 391 Fifth.<br />

Appel Charles, clerk, bds 32 Jay.<br />

Appel Charles, teamster, bds 446 Orleans.<br />

Appel Christopher, grocer, cor Howard and<br />

Twenty-first, h same.<br />

Appel Christ~pher W., carpenter, h 50<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Appel Frank, prof music, h 52 Jay.<br />

Appel George H., shoemaker, bds 281<br />

Sherman.<br />

Appel Henry, cabinet maker, h 242 Lafayette.<br />

Appel Henry, carpenter, bds 13 Buena<br />

Vista.<br />

Appel Henry, peddler, lr 13 Buena Vista.<br />

Appel John, gilder, bds 434 Croghan.<br />

Appel John G., shoemaker, h 281 Sherman.<br />

Appel John, stone cutter, h 277 Macomb.<br />

Appel Mary, tailoress, bds 281 Sherman.<br />

Appel Jlichael, gilder, bds n s Grove bet<br />

Russel and Prospect.<br />

Appelt Chas., (Warren, Adderly & Appelt,)<br />

b 276 Seventeenth.<br />

Appelt Edward, frame maker, bds 276<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Appelt Emil, carpenter, bds 27G Seventeenth.<br />

Appelt Wendell, engineer, h 276 Seventeenth.<br />

Appert Emil, cigar maker, bds cor Frtrrar<br />

and Randolph.<br />

Appleby Franklin R., machinist, h 94 Baker.<br />

Appltby Mary, waiter, bds Railroad Exchange.<br />

Appleby William W., clerk, 145 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Appleyard James,contractor.h 338 Fourth.<br />

Appling James, painter, bds Perkins Hotel.<br />

Appling William, policeman. h 55 Spruce.<br />

Arata Joseph, laborer M. C. R. R.<br />

Arbciter Hall, n w cor Catharine and Russell.<br />

!EST' Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

;<br />

and Retail.<br />

Arbeiter Henry, laborer, s s Gratiot bet<br />

blt Elliott and Elmmood aves.<br />

Arban William, laborer, bds 42 Fort e.<br />

Archembeau Lawrence, stone cutter, h 322<br />

National ave.<br />

Archenbronn William, merchant tailor,<br />

cor Griswold and Latapette ave, 11 327<br />

Clinton.<br />

Archenbrunnen Andreas, stone cutter, h<br />

427 Nullett.<br />

Archenbrunnen George, stone cutter, h<br />

501 Catherine.<br />

Archibold Alice (wid John), h 472 Fort e.<br />

Archibold Kalph, machinist h 474 Fort e.<br />

Archibold William, machinist, h new 152<br />

Fort e.<br />

Arden Henry, merchandise broker, 133<br />

Jefferson ave, bds Cass House.<br />

Arenberg August, cabinet maker, h 264<br />

Hasting.<br />

Arenett TVilliam, cabinet maker, bds 243<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Arens Leonhart, lab., h 312 Brewster.<br />

Arens Waldinimir, clerk, bds 18 High.<br />

Argle Charles H., teamster, bds Eisenlord7s<br />

Hotel.<br />

,4rgleben Ferdinand, cabinet maker, h 85<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Armbruster Catherine (mid Ignatz), dress-<br />

maker, h 342 Randolph.<br />

Armitage Robert, stone cutter, bds 87<br />

W asington ave.<br />

Armitage TVilliam, carpenter, h 368 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Armitage William, secretary American<br />

plate glass Co., bds 54 Adarns ave w.<br />

Armleder Joseph, carpenter, h 231 Alfred.<br />

Armory of State Nilitia, Firemen's Hall.<br />

Armstrong Alexander, brakeman, bds 189<br />

Franklin.<br />

Armstrong Archibald, teamster, h 584<br />

Sixth.<br />

Armstrong Benjamin, (B. Armstrong &<br />

Co.), h 290 Randolph.<br />

Armstrong Charles W., publisher, h 16<br />

Sproat.<br />

Armstrong Edwin A., hats and caps, 176<br />

Jefferson ave, bds 472 Woodward ave.<br />

Armstrong Edwin E., clerk, bds 446<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Armstrong Frank S., clerk, h 288 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Armstrong Hattie, teacher Bishop Union<br />



SENT FREE.<br />

Address, iRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Armstrofig Henry J., chemist, h 510<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Armstrong Jacob C., carpenter, bds 130<br />

Jones.<br />

Armstrong James, brakesman D. & M.<br />

R. R.<br />

Armstrong James, carpenter, h 349 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Armstrong James, distiller, bds 196 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Armstrong James A., secretary room 7<br />

Stirnson block, h 39 Fifth.<br />

Armstrong John, painter, bds 65 Larned e.<br />

Armstrong John (Armstrong Bros), h 290<br />

Randolph.<br />

Armstrong J. B., painter, bds 65 Larned e.<br />

Armstrong John J., h 314 Fourth.<br />

Armstrong Launcelot, clerk, h 41 Cherry.<br />

Armstrong Elizabeth, bds 82 Wayne.<br />

Armstrong Luzerne D. F., lightning rod<br />

agent, h 61 Campbell.<br />

Armstrong Oliver W., carpenter, bds 211<br />

Cass.<br />

Armstrong Richard, brakesman (D. & 31.<br />

R. R.1<br />

Armstr6ng Richard, nursery, h Arch, cor<br />

Fourth.<br />

Armstrong Robert, machinist, h 4.2 Marion.<br />

Armstrong Robert, shoemaker, bds Michi-<br />

gan ave, cor Fourth.<br />

Armstrong Steward, lab., ebde 196 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Armstrong Thomas, h 510 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Armstrong Thomas H.,h old 4'72Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Armstrong Underwood, carpenter, n s<br />

Clifford, bet Woodward ave and Wash-<br />

ington ave, h cor Washington aye and<br />

Clifford.<br />

Armstrong William, laborer, h 272 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

ArmstrongWilliam, sailor, h 111 Sycamore.<br />

Armstrong William, traveling agent, h 105<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Armstrong William E., carpenter, h 130<br />

Jones,<br />

Armstrong W. R., assistant special agent<br />

Treasury Department,bds Russell House.<br />

Armstrong William T., printer, h cor<br />

Wayne and Larned.<br />

Armstrong Bros (John and Benjamin<br />

Armstrong), billiard parlor 219 and 221<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Armstrong B. & Co. (Benjamin Armstrong<br />

and Frank Vaugban), composition roof-<br />

ers, office 219 Jefferson ave.<br />

Arndt Albert F. R., traveling agent, h 142<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Arndt Christian, laborer, h 501 Croghan.<br />

Arndt Ernest, blacksmith, h 403 Maple.<br />

Arndt Helmuth, laborer, h 234 Chestnut.<br />

Arndt Henry, brewer, h Gratiot, bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Arndt Wm., carpenter, bds 243 Beaubien.<br />

Arnold Albert, (col'd,) waiter, bds 189<br />

Hastings.<br />

Arnold Andrew J., engineer, h 709 Fort e.<br />

Arnold Chas. W., clerk, h 165 Henry.<br />

Arnold David H., shoemaker, 159 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Arnold Edwin W., (Kauffman & Arnold,)<br />

h s w cor Sixth and Lafayette ave.<br />

Arnold Jacob, barber, bds 218 Orleans.<br />

Arnold John, (co17d,) laborer, bds 189<br />

Hastings.<br />

Arnold John M., (J. M. Arnold & Co.,) h<br />

165 Henry.<br />

Arnold Joseph, artificial limb maker,<br />

Windsor.<br />

Arnold Dr. Lucy M., h 22 Columbia w.<br />

Arnold Phillip, barber, 218 Orleans, h<br />

same.<br />

Arnold Philip, saloon, 17 Michigan Grand<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Arnold Winifred,(wid Renry,) h 115 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

ARNOLD J. M. & CO., (John M. Arnold<br />

and Charles H. Gaston,) books and sta-<br />

tionery, 189 Woodward ave.<br />

Arns Frederick, laborer, h n s Sherman,<br />

bet Joseph Campa,u and McDougaU<br />

ave7s.<br />

Arns Henry, trunk maker, bds 434 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Arnst Hermuth, laborer, h 342 Chestnut.<br />

Aronheim Aaron, - cigar - maker, bds 109<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Aronheim Sigmund, clerk, bds 109 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Arpintine, Jouissan, drayman, h 15 Chestnut.<br />

Arriver Abraham, shoemaker, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Arthur Archibald, moulder bds 43 Porter.<br />

Arthur George, laborer, h 39 Twentysecond.<br />

Arthur Margaret, (wid Peter,) h 43 Porter.<br />

Arthur Peter, blacksmith, bds 43 Porter.<br />

Arthur Thomas, apprentice, bds 43 Porter.<br />

A~thur Wm. mason, bds 43 Porter.<br />

Ascher Simon A., tailor, h 179 Clinton.<br />

Ash Richard, grocer, 79 Montcalm w, h<br />

212 Griswold.<br />

Ash Thomas, engineer, h 387 Mullett.<br />

Ashdown Thomas, machinist, h 18qPorter.<br />

Ashley Christina, (wid Atkinson), h 53<br />

Fort e

-<br />


Ashley Edgar, gilder, bds 36 Bradp.<br />

Ashley Edward H., clerk, bds 249 First.<br />

Ashley Henry, produce merchant, Grand<br />

River av w Twelfth.<br />

Ashley Louis C., carpenter, h 491 Sixth.<br />

Ashley Walter O., (Ashley, Lewis & Co,)<br />

bds Russell House.<br />

Ashley, Lewis & Co., (Walter 0. Ashley,<br />

John Lewis, and Horace blitchell,) for-<br />

warding and commission merchants,<br />

foot Griswold.<br />

Ashmore George, teamster, bds 59 First<br />

Ashworth Edmund, cigar maker, bds 33<br />

Church.<br />

Askney George, laborer, bds 501 Larned e<br />

,4spinall Emma, (wid Phillip) h 1 Aspin-<br />

all Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Aspinall Matilda, (wid Joseph,) h 1 As-<br />

pinall Terrace, &lacomb ave.<br />

Sspiczll James, (J. Aspinall & Co,) h<br />

32 Macomb ave.<br />

Aspinall J. & Co., (James Aspinall &-)<br />

commission, 1 Board of Trade building.<br />

Aspenleiter Joseph, shoemaker, h 186<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Asperschlach Lenhardt, chairmaker, h 97<br />

Chene.<br />

Assessor Theodore, cigar maker, bds 107<br />

Jay.<br />

Assessor Tarel, shoemaker, h 392 Brewster.<br />

Assenmacher Arnold, cabinet maker, h 250<br />

Clinton.<br />

Assman Mathias, laborer, b 28 Jay.<br />

Astram Lewis, laborer, bds Keystone<br />

House, Jefferson ave.<br />

Atchison Fred, laborer, bds Bates bet Lax-<br />

ned and Congress.<br />

Atchison James H., laborer, ]I Bates bet<br />

Larned and Congress.<br />

Aterhold Charles, blacksmith, h 146<br />

Marion.<br />

Atherton Daniel W., conductor, D. 6t; 31.<br />

R, R., h 44 Henry.<br />

Atkins John H., mason, h 44 Canfield.<br />

Atkinson Alexander W., clerk city H. R.,<br />

bds 269 Jefferson ave.<br />

Atkinson George, clerk Brooks G; Altztms,<br />

h 85 Nineteenth.<br />

Atkinson John, painter, h 85 Second.<br />

Atkinson John, (Trowbridge cSt Atkinson,)<br />

h 91 Ledyard.<br />

Atkinson Robert, agent, h n. e. cor. Third<br />

and Plum.<br />

Atkinson William, machinist, bds 61 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Atlarnt,ic and Pacific Telegraph<br />

Co., office 64 Griswold ; branch office<br />

57 Woodward ave. ; C. J. Ryan,<br />

manager. (See adv. on back of waer.)<br />

Atloff Lewis, shoemaker, bds 370 Croghan.<br />

Atterbury Charles L., lawyer, 101 Gris-<br />

wold, up stairs, h 14 High.<br />

Atterbury Henry S., clerk, bdu 40 Edluund.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Larned St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

-- - - --<br />

Atterbury Rev. John G., h 40 Edmund.<br />

Attwood Julia, (wid Nicholas,) h 221 Park.<br />

Auberlin Theophilus A., with <strong>Detroit</strong> Safe<br />

Co., h 243 Catharine.<br />

Aubry Joseph, currier, h 563 Fort e.<br />

Xuchinleck A., U. S. engineer, bds Russell<br />

House.<br />

Audubon Club Room, 13 Bank Block.<br />

Auer Anthony, gilder, bds h s. s. St. Joseph<br />

bet. Deqiiinclre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Auer Peter J., lab., h s, s. St. Joseph, bet.<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Auener Frederick, (Biddle House barber<br />

shop,) h Congress, bet. Hastings and<br />

Rivard.<br />

,4uerner Peter, carpenter, bds 463. Croghan.<br />

Auerner Peter, lab., h 421 AIullet.<br />

Auger Charles S., carpenter, Lafayette,<br />

bet. Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

Augerer Anthony, clerk, Heineman & Co.<br />

August John, lab., h 546 Sixteenth.<br />

Augustine, Sister at House of Providence,<br />

235 Fourteenth.<br />

Augustus Charles, (col'd,) cook, h 363<br />

Croghan.<br />

Augustus Frank, cabinet maker, bds 392<br />

Croghau.<br />

Aufhausen ik.. agent, bds Franklin House.<br />

,4111 Adam: sitloon, 528 Gratiot, h same.<br />

,411ld John currier, bds 457 Jefferson ave.<br />

Auleppe Christian, miller, bds 74 Twelfth.<br />

Ault Claus, cabinet maker, h old 164 new<br />

180 Fort e.<br />

Auner Peter, laborer, h 510 Croghan.<br />

huriet Oswald, clerk, bds 618 Gratiot.<br />

Auringer Charles, State agent North<br />

Western Mutual Life Ins. Co., 111 Jeffer- .<br />

son ave, h 361 Cass ave.<br />

Ausher Charles, engineer, h 345 Macomb.<br />

Aust Augus tus, upholsterer, bds 60 Niami<br />

ave.<br />

Austerman August, carpenter, h 489<br />

Fort e.<br />

Austin Andrew, traveling agent, bds 182<br />

Second.<br />

Austin Albert S., traveling agent, bds 755<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Austin Benjamin F., guilder, h 240 Third.<br />

Austin Edmnnd, plain and ornamen-<br />

tal plasterer, 263 Woodward ave, h 22<br />

Charlotte (see &.)<br />

Austin Isaac V., chairmaker, h Fifteenth<br />

w s near Poplar.<br />

Austin James, mason, h 12 Plum.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Austin John, clerk, House ot Correction,<br />

bds same.<br />

Austin John, clerk, bds 123 Shelby.<br />

Austin Ledia C. (mid Julius A.), h 73 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Austin Lorenzo B., h 755 Woodward ave.<br />

Austin Rlchard, traveling agent, h 163<br />

- -<br />

Park.<br />

Austin Thomas, clerk, ads 75 Ledyard.<br />

Austin Thomas El., sailor, h 75 Leclyard.<br />

Austin William C., carpenter, 51 Spencer.<br />

Autretsch Henry, carver, bds 200 Croghan.<br />

Autretsch Jacob J., clerk, bds 200 Croghan.<br />

Autretsch Martin, potter, 200 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Ave Henry, lab. h 288 Maple.<br />

Averbeck Joseph, carpenter, h 700 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Averbeck Joseph jr, bds 700 Cass ave.<br />

Averp Benjamin, finisher. h 300 Xarion.<br />

Avery Edward L., car builder, bds 41<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Avery John, h 149 Beach.<br />

Avery Newell, (Avery 6; Murphy), h 212<br />

Fort m.<br />

Avery Richard G., wood turner, h 318 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Avery Silas H., harness maker, h 267 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Avery & Murphy, (Newel1 Avery & Simon<br />

J. Blurphy), lumber merchants, room 7<br />

Merrill Block.<br />

Aveling Richard, printer, h 223 Williams<br />

ave.<br />

Avis William, sailor, h 169 Franklin.<br />

Avison Victor Q., fancy goods, 307 Michi-<br />

gan ave, h same.<br />

Axelson Charles, . cigar - maker, bds 299<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Asmand Rudolph, stock dealer, h 429<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Axtell Hannah 3Irs.. h 89 Adams ave w.<br />

Axtell Joshua, iron inspector, 31. C. R. R.,<br />

- h 219 Howard.<br />

Ayres - Charles N., (Richmonds & Backus),<br />

res Wayne.<br />

Ayres Henry, clerk, bds Goodman House.<br />

Ayers Lewis H., clerk, h 357 Sixth.<br />

~iers Samuel P., lost freight and baggage<br />

%gent, D. & BI. R. K, h 261 Brush.<br />

I<br />

- -- - - - - --<br />

Ayers W. H., engineer M. C. R. R.<br />

Aykroyd George &I., job printing, cor<br />

Jefferson and Woodward aves, h 62<br />

Russell.<br />

B<br />

hASCH Eugene, trame maker, h 94<br />

B Macomb.<br />

Bsatz Charles, laborer, h 390 Chene.<br />

Bnbcock Anna E, proof reader evening<br />

edition Tribune h 57 Howard.<br />

Babcock ,4lvin, agent, h 496 Croghan.<br />

Babcock Charles M., insurance agcnt, 23<br />

Rotunda. h 63 Georce.<br />

Babcock Harriet A.,'P. 0. clerk, h 25 Ab-<br />

bott (up stairs).<br />

Babcock William, upholsterer, bds 88<br />

Larned e.<br />

Babillion Charlotte G., (wid Peter), h 652<br />

TVoodwarcl ave.<br />

Ballillion John, (Babillion, Hinchman 6t;<br />

Co.), h 65, Woodward ave.<br />

Babillion, Hinchmau & Co., r John Babil-<br />

lion, Joseph B. Hinchman & Guy F<br />

Hinchman), flour and feed, on dock cor<br />

Wayne and Woodbridge.<br />

Babinow Peter, teamster, h cor Franklin<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Babo Peter, agent, 49 Nonroe ave, bds 304<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Babold Wm., brewer, h 40 Maple.<br />

Babreitz John, Mason, h 285 Chestnut.<br />

Bachelder Milo, laborer, h 220 Sixth.<br />

Bschmann Au,pst, vinegar maker, h 217<br />

Clinton.<br />

Bachmann August H., sergeant police, h<br />

459 Seventh.<br />

Bachmann Charles, traveling agent, h 175<br />

Fort e.<br />

Bachmann Ferdinand, cigar maker, bds<br />

217 Clinton.<br />

Bachmann Gustave T., clerk, h 217 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Backbauer Julius, cigar maker, bds 374<br />

Hastings.<br />

Backhold Frederick, chair maker, h 212<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Backus Absalom, jr., (Backus 62; Bro.), h<br />

273 Fort w.<br />

Backus Albert. clerk, bds 24 Sibley.<br />

Backus ill bert P., clerk,bds Antisdel House.<br />

Backus Albert S., (Backus 53 Bro.), res Au<br />

Sauble, 3Iich.<br />

Backus Charles K., managing editor Tri-<br />

bune, bds 354 Jefferson ave.<br />

Backus Frederick H. h., (Richmonds &<br />

Backus), h 262 Fort e.<br />

Backus G. Fitzhugh, student bds 86 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Backus Henry N., clerk, bds 273 Fort w.<br />

Backus Henry T., lawyer, 6 and 7 Kanter<br />

block, res Grosse Point.<br />

Backus Herbert A., clerk, h 62 Sibley.<br />

Backus Mary, operator, bds 43 Clinton.


Backus Annie, operator, bcls 43 Clinton.<br />

Bnckus Newton D., clerk, bas 27'3 Fort w.<br />

Backus Theodore L., bcls 262 Fort e.<br />

Backus L! Bro, (Absalom, jr & Albert S.), .<br />

lumbermeu, office and mill foot of<br />

Eleventh.<br />

Bacon Artemus C., clerk, h 104 Adelaide.<br />

Bacon Washington A., teacher, h 509 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Bade Charles, laborer, h 446 Catharine.<br />

Bade Christian, laborer, h s s Mullett nr<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Bade John, laborer, h 409 Riopelle.<br />

Badeit Albert, cabinet milker, h s s Nont-<br />

calm bet Prospect aud l


-- - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Baldwin Henry P. &Co., (Henry<br />

P. Baldwin, Samuel P. Wilcox, Samuel<br />

C. Sutter, ancl Henry P. Baldmin 2~1.)<br />

wholesale boots and shoes, 25 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See a&.)<br />

BaleWer HenLY, carpenter, h 283 Mullett.<br />

Ball Henry S., (col'd,) barber, h 201 Brew-<br />

ster.<br />

Ball Oliver, lab., h 163 Se~enteenth.<br />

Ballard Aldison Rev., h 159 First.<br />

Ballard Anthony, blacksmith, h 23 Walnut.<br />

Ballard Epriam J., (Ward & Ballard) h 18.'<br />

National ave.<br />

Ballard Elford M., clerk, bds Finney7s<br />

Hotel.<br />

Ballwrd George B., clerk, h '78 Silby.<br />

Ballard Hiram P., commission merchant, h<br />

408 Sixth.<br />

Ballard 0. Lawrence, (Ballard & Sta,rrat,)<br />

-<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Bsndemer Ludwig. cutter, h 528 Catherine.<br />

Bandie Michael, laborer, b 420 Lafayette.<br />

Ban tle John, carpenter, h 342. Adams ave<br />

east.<br />

Banks Frank, (co17d) porter, bds 26 Adams<br />

czve w.<br />

Banks Friederick, lab., h s s jay bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Banks Layafette, (col'd) lab., h 288<br />

bds 104 Congress m,<br />

Watson.<br />

B:? lIard & Starrat, (0. Lawrence Banks Thomas P., clerk, bds 121 Cass.<br />

Eallard and James Starrat,) stonewwe, . Banks William, photographer, 59 Monroe<br />

6 0 Woodbridge w. (See adu.)<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Ballard Emery A., ~tableman, bus Union Bankstahle .John: laborer, h 204 German.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Bannun Patrick, laborer, h Twenty-third<br />

Ballentine James M., tug owner, h 739 Jef- nr Michigan ave,<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Bannenberg Frank, boiler maker, h 456<br />

Ballantine John, plumber, h 4 Church. Riopelle.<br />

Ballentine Robert, captain, h 438 Wood- Banner, Andrew, fireman, h 532 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Balleray William J., (Balleray, Glass & Banner William, carpenter, bds 169 Cass.<br />

Co.,) bds 375 Cass ave.<br />

Bannermann Martha, teacher, Bishop<br />

Balleray, Glass & Co., (William J. Bal- Union School.<br />

leray. JamesGlass and Jobn W.Kermott,) Bannister William, chair maker, h '72<br />

patent medicines, 208 TVoodward ave. Fourth.<br />

Ballosky J. lab.. h n. s. Bellair, bet. Rio- Banowsky David, pedlar, h 185 Clinton.<br />

pelle and Dequindre.<br />

Bantler -John, carpenter, h 239 Adams aye<br />

Ealls James, steam fitter, bds 335 Grand east.<br />

River ave.<br />

Banyard Jacob, (col'd) cook, h 161 Beau-<br />

Balls Williams, grocer, 333 Grand River bien.<br />

ave.. h same.<br />

Banzaram Lorenz, laborer, h 200 3laple.<br />

Balls William S., musician, bds 333 Grand Baptiste Benjamin D., (col'd) mason, h<br />

River ave.<br />

141 Brewster.<br />

Balmer James L., clerk, h 68 Joy. Baranowski August, lab, h n s Antietam,<br />

Bttlmes Theresa, (wid William,) h 259 bet. Dubois and Chene.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Baranowski Frederick, lab., h e s Thh-<br />

Balsley Samuel, h 7'46 Fort.<br />

teenth-a-half above Grand River ave.<br />

Balsley Theodore S., potter, n. w. cor Baranowski Gottfried, laborer, 200 Maple.<br />

Thirteenth and Howard, h 105 Thir- Baranowski William, lab., h 115 Dequindre<br />

teenth.<br />

Barba Christopher, machinist, bds n w C O ~<br />

Barnberg ,4ugust, lab., h s.s. Chestnut, bet. Croghan and Dequindre.<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves. Barba Nicholas, laborer, h 573 Fort e.<br />

Bamberger Morris, fancy goods, 117 Wood- Barba Peter, - bds 573 Fort e.<br />

ward ave, bcls Woodward ave near Barbara Anna, (wid George,) huckster,<br />

Alfred.<br />

stall 29, C. H. M., h 122 Macomb.<br />

Bamford Frederick, grainer 65 Larned e. Barber Charles, clerk, bds 73 Elizabeth w.<br />

bds 71 Beaubien.<br />

Barber David H., truckman, h 236 Third.<br />

Barn ford George, carpenter, bd~ 581 Fort Barber Franklin, secretary <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair<br />

west.<br />

Factory, h 349 Third.<br />

Bamlet George, clerk P. O., h 29 Grand Barber John, laborer, h 465 Beaubien.<br />

River ave.<br />

Barber Mary S., teacher, bds 349 Third.<br />

Bampton Joseph B., clerk, h 68 Jones. Barber Nicholas, laborer, h 5'33 Fort e.<br />

Bancroit George A., news depot, 113 Gris- Barbier Frederick, saw filer, h 315 Lafaywold,<br />

h 95 Locust.<br />

ette.<br />



ave east.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. / Barkley<br />

I Barker Stoney, laborer, Candler Bros.<br />

Barker William E., (Mills, Barker 6; Co.),<br />

bds Eisenlord House.<br />

Barker I(. C. S; Co.: (Kirklsnd C. Barker<br />

& Charles Ducharme), tobacco manufac-<br />

tor?, 74 and 76 Jefferson ave.<br />

Barkley Edward, cutter h 480 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Barkley John, ship builder, h 140 Adams<br />

. - L~UI a Miss.. music teacher, h 140<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name. . 1 Adams ave e.<br />

Barbier Frederick J., justice of the peace,<br />

137 Griswold, h 476 Croghan.<br />

Barbour Charles H., clerk, 91 Woodmard<br />

ave.<br />

Balbour Edwin S., secretary <strong>Detroit</strong> Stove<br />

works, h 204 Lafayette ave.<br />

Barbour Levi L., lawyer, 16 Bank block,<br />

bds Blddle House.<br />

Bnrceia Dennis, lab., bds 139 Eigh-#<br />

teen th.<br />

B arceia William, lab., bds 139 Eig h-<br />

teenth.<br />

Barclay Charles, leather cutler, h 250 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Barclay William, engineer, h 86 Farrar,<br />

Barclay William, h '76 Farrar.<br />

Barcrolt James, stone cutter, h 711 Fort e.<br />

Bardie John, laborer, h 409 Riopelle.<br />

Bardlesu Albert, lab., h s s Chestnut,<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Bardscher Casper, lab., h 450 Sherman.<br />

Bardscher John, cigar maker, h 460 Shcr-<br />

man.<br />

Bardwell Jex J., landscape pho~o-<br />

grapher, 32 &Ionroe ave, h 128 Bational<br />

ave.<br />

Bare1 Peter, carpenter, bds 145 Slaple.<br />

Bargen Joseph, ship carpenter, h 315<br />

Franklin.<br />

Bargert William, saloon, s e cor Four-<br />

teenth and Baker, h same.<br />

Bari August in. letter carrier, h 187 Rivard.<br />

Barie John P., hatter, 123 Woodward aye,<br />

1903 Michigan ave, h same (up stairs).<br />

Barie Louis, grocer, 196 and 198 Beaubien, 1<br />

h same.<br />

Barie Louis W., baker, 126 Fort e, h same.<br />

Barie Louis W. jr., machinist, bds 126 F ol~<br />

east.<br />

Barkenowitz Clara, (wid Gustav), Yankee<br />

notions, 179 Croghan, h same. .<br />

Barkehowitz Emil, tobacconist, bds 1'79<br />

Croghan.<br />

Barker George, miner, h 165 Franklin.<br />

Barker Jacob, saloon, 346 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Barker Kirkland C., (K. C. Barker & Co.),<br />

res Grosse Isle.<br />

Barker Martha, (wid Samuel A.), Intelli-<br />

gence office, 3044 Woodward ave.<br />

Barker Robert, machinist, h 130 Wight.<br />

I Barkley Mary, confectioner bds 448 Wood-<br />

bridge em<br />

Barkley P.itrick, lab., h 156 Orchard.<br />

Barkley l3omas moulder, h 156 Orchard.<br />

Barliune Eli, clerk County Treasurer office,<br />

res Springwells.<br />

Barlage Snthony, grocer, If G Franklin, h<br />

same.<br />

Barlage Joseph, furrier, bds s e cor Frank-<br />

lin and Hastin@-<br />

Barlet William, grocer, cor Fort and<br />

Twenty -first, same.<br />

Bar Library, 64 Seitz Block.<br />

Barling Henry, cigar maker, bds 81 At-<br />

water.<br />

Barlinn Maria, (col'd, wid) washing, h 140<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Barljnn f3amuel A., (col'd) clerk h 125<br />

Hastings.<br />

Barlow Alfred, custom house officer, h 75<br />

Lewis.<br />

Barlow Ha1 ltrakesman M- C. R. R.<br />

Barlun Thomas, meat market, stall 6 C. H.<br />

M. and 90 Grand Kiver ave, h 444 Fifth.<br />

Barmou Bennett, hide dtaler, h 143 Lafay-<br />

ette e-<br />

Barnarci Harry,clerk, bds 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Barnard James T., clerk Adjuttmt Gen-<br />

eral's'office, Firemans Hall, h 56 Abbott.<br />

Rarnard John, clerk, Howard House, h 6<br />

Tenth-<br />

Barnard Samuel F., h 155 Congress w.<br />

Albert, clerk, bds 245 Second.<br />

Barnes Amos, (col'd,) waiter, bds 128 La-<br />

h~ette.<br />

Barnes Arthur J., shoemaker, h 840 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Barnes Charles E., printer, bds 102 Brush.<br />

Barnes Clrarles O., (Barnes Bros.,) bds 2i8<br />

Lalayette ave.<br />

Barnes Chauncy A., clerk, bds 165 Henry.<br />

Barnes Cyrus B., (Barnes Bros.,) h 278 Lafa~elte<br />

ave-<br />

Barnes Edward, shoemaker, h 840 Blichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Barnes Emma, (wid Thomas Ha,) old 90,<br />

new 30 Henry.<br />

Barnes George, tailor, bds 127 Larnt.d w-<br />

Barnes George L., bds 48 Abbott.<br />

Barnes James, gardener, h 116 Lamed w.<br />

Barnes John, core maktr, bds 504 Fifteenth.


Barnes John. h 27 Locust.<br />

Barnes Mary K., braiding and embroidery,<br />

840 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />

P H YS 1 CIA N S<br />

Barnes Morris, steamfitter, h 326 St. Aubin '<br />

ave.<br />

Who will favor us by a call at our ofice, 52 Wee<br />

Barnes Hobert, moulder, bds GlCongress w.<br />

Larned street.<br />

Barnes William H., (Barnes Bros.,) res<br />

Rochester. I\l ich.<br />

Parke, Dav4s d? CO.<br />

Barnes ~ros:, (Cyrus B., William H. and see Adverti~ement, page 9.<br />

Charles O., ) paper manufacturers, 141<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Barrage Lewis, engineer, h 95 Catharine.<br />

Barnett Alexander, carpenter, h 42 Har- Barrel Catharine, (vid Cornelius,) h 145<br />

mon ave.<br />

Maple..<br />

Barnett James, laborer, h in rear 390 Barrel John, cigar maker, h 104 Chestnut.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Barrel Peter, carpenter, bds 145 Maple.<br />

Barnett James, machinist, h 550 Michigan Barrel Walter, carpenter, bds 145 Maple.<br />

ave.<br />

Barrett Anthony, carpenter, h 122 Abbott.<br />

Barnetl Joseph, glazier, h 15 Beacon. Barrett Charles P., teamster, h old 240, new<br />

Brt~nett Louis, tailor, I01 Gratiot, h same. 268 Sixth.<br />

Barnett Solonlon, clerk, bds 15 Beacon. Barrett Cath~ike, (wid Thomas,) h 7 Far-<br />

Barney Charles, carpenter, h 255 Antietam. mer.<br />

Barney Charles, carpenter, h 415 Dubois. Barrett Daniel, bds 390 Fifth.<br />

Barney Jonathan L., canvasser, h 430 Barrett David T., saloon, 708 Woodbridge<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

w, h 706 same.<br />

Barney Patrick, bds 139 Cherry.<br />

Barrett George G., clerk, h 310 Congress w<br />

Barnhart George, clerk, (Freund, Kast & Barrett John, bartender, bds 88 Woo d<br />

Co.,) bds 61 Sixth.<br />

bridge w<br />

Barnier Amelia BIrs., millinery store, 382 Barrett John, laborer, h 106 Plum.<br />

Grand River ave., h same.<br />

Barrett John, laborer, h cor Labrose and<br />

Barnier Charles, lab., h 524 Franklin. T wen ty-second.<br />

Barnier Stephen, wagon maker, h 382 Barrett Yamice, capt tug M. I. Mills.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Barret t Mary, (wid Daniel,) h 390 Fifth.<br />

Barris Andrew F., (co17d,) barber, h 168 Barrett Morris, laborer. h 390 Fifth.<br />

Division<br />

Barrett Patrick, laborer, h 106 Plum.<br />

Barns Alonzo T., h 27 Nineteenth. Barrett Patrick, shoemaker, bds 66 Lar-<br />

Barns Charles, printer, bds 102 Brush- ned w.<br />

Barns Frank T., clerk, bds 27 Nineteenth. Barrett Peter, cigar maker, h 579 Croghan.<br />

Barns George A., news agent M. C. R. It., Barrett Richard, helper, bds 183 Twelfth,<br />

bds 27 Nineteenth.<br />

Barrett Samuel,carpenter,h 310 Congress w.<br />

Barns Helen D., h 67 Sibly.<br />

Barrett Thomas, laborer, h 278 Sixth.<br />

Barns John, lab, h 27 Locust.<br />

Barrett Thomas, laborer, h 183 Tweli th.<br />

Barns John A., machine bakery, 8 Grand Barrett William, carpenter, bds Miners'<br />

River ave., h 30 Henry.<br />

House.<br />

Barns Marceline M., h ti7 Sibly.<br />

Barrett William, h 411 Larned e.<br />

Barns Mary I?., (wid Henry,) h 110 Miami Barron Charles L., engineer, h 69 George.<br />

ave.<br />

Barrows Milo W., trav agent, bds '78<br />

Barnum Dennis A., clerk, bds 104 bn- Congress w.<br />

gress w.<br />

Barrows Willis S., messenger American<br />

Barnurn Engene T., hardware and Nationel Bank, bds 146 Sixteenth.<br />

wire goods, 118 Woodward ave., bds Barry David, clerk. h 89 Columbia w.<br />

Russell House. (See adv.)<br />

Barry David E.,freight agent D. L. & L. 31.<br />

Barnum H. M., clerk, bds Howard House. 33. R., h 382 Abbott.<br />

Barnum Rev. Herman N., h 461 Wood- Barry Edward, carpenter, h 241 National<br />

ward ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Barnum Rosina, (wid William,) h 309 Barry Hannah, t,ailoress, h s e cor Hast-<br />

Mullett.<br />

ing~ and Ohio.<br />

Barnamam John, carpenter, bds 154 Sher- Barry Israel J., printer, h 462 Fifth.<br />

man.<br />

Barry Jackson J.,printer, h 441 Thirteenth.<br />

Barr Alexander, carpenter, h 155 Labrosse. Barry James, boiler maker, h 551 Seventh.<br />

Barr David, carpenter, bds 69 First. Barry James, moulder, bds 141 Porter.<br />

Barr Joseph, clerk, G. W. R. R., h Wind- Barry James W., sailor, bds 52 Joy.<br />

sor, Ont.<br />

Barry John, carpenter, bds 141 Porter.<br />

Barr Samuel L., (Grovier & Barr,) h n. e. Barry John,carpenter,bds Eisenlord Hotel.<br />

cor Second and 8elden.<br />

Barry John, laborer, h 139 Cherry.


@&xmBw9s<br />

Bartlett Henry N.; livery, h 60 Lamed w.<br />

Bartlett James W., superia tenden t <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Works, h old 47, new 83<br />

Locomo:ive Leverette.<br />

WITH A COMPLETE Bartlett Joseph C., blacksmith, h '79 Lewis.<br />

Bartlett Mrs. Mary, matron Protestant Or-<br />


FOR MAYHEW COLLEGE JOURNAL, Bartlett Oliver G., chief foreman machine<br />

shop 31 C. R. R.. h 23 Sixth.<br />

Addre~s I RA MAYH EWg<br />

DETROIT. Bartlet William. gi!der, bds 147 Riv~rd.<br />

-- , Bart1t.y - .- Henry, blacksmith, bds 306 Wood-<br />

Barry John, laborer, h 23 Hastirgs. bridge w.<br />

Barry John, laborer, h 270 Sixth. Bartley Mary E. (wid. Hugh), h 88 Wayne.<br />

Barry John, painter, bds 3 Aspinall Ter- Bartley Sarah E., bds 88 Wayne.<br />

race, Macomb ave.<br />

Barton David, engineer, bcls 26 Bates.<br />

Barry John, saloon, 113 Franklin, h same. Barton George, clerk, bds 96 Porter.<br />

Barry John J., carpenter, bds 241 National Barton George W., carpenter, h 96 Porter.<br />

ave.<br />

Barton J. F., excelsior plater, 63 Fort e<br />

Barry Joseph, bookkeeper, bds 212 Wood- 1 up stairs, bds 47 Fort e.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Bartshar Casyer, lab., h 450 German.<br />

Barry Bfichae1,chair finisher, bds 183 Sixth. Barwise John W., engineer, bds 25 Bates.<br />

Barry Michael, laborer, h 5G1 Fort e. Bary Henry, (H. & W. Bary,) h 262 Gra-<br />

Barry Owie, teacher, bds 68 Sibley. tiot.<br />

Barry Patrick, carpenter, h 141 Porter. Bary William, (H. & W, Bary,) h 202 Gra-<br />

Barry Patrick, carpenter, bds 139 Cherry. tiot.<br />

Barry Patrick, clerk, h 113 n n George. Bary H. r& W., (Henry & William,) paper<br />

Barry Patrick, laborer, h 174 Orchard. dealers, 262 Gratiot.<br />

Barry Patrick, trav agent, h 126 Williams Basch Joseph, sailor, bds s e cor Riopelle<br />

ave.<br />

and Watson.<br />

Barry Patrick F., engraver, bds 113 George. Bascfiel Elizabeth, gent's furnishing goods,<br />

Barry Robert, clerk, h cor Fiftb and Marcy. 338 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Barry Thomas, laborer, h cor Foundry and Ba~ckel Louis J., cigar maker, h 338 Gra-<br />

Baker.<br />

tiot.<br />

Barry Thomas J., clerk, h 66 Charlotte ave. Bascorn Frank, (Kelley & Bascom,) bds<br />

Barry William, grocer,'i.5 Franklin, h same. 342 B1ichigan ave.<br />

Barschmand Charles, lab., h 372 Sherman. Base Joseph, ship carpenter, h 640 Sixth.<br />

Barschmand Frank, lab., h 372 Sherman. Basemann Blichael, tailor, h 143 Bronson.<br />

Barse Joseph R., clerk, bcls 315 Third. Basmon John, c0oper.h 517 Seventh.<br />

Barse Mrs. Mark L., h 315 Third. Bass George H., shoemaker, bds 227 Cass.<br />

Barse William, confectioner, h 315 Third Bassett George, drover, bds Brighton<br />

Barse jr., Wm. H., peddler. h 315 Third. House.<br />

Bartel John, lab., bds 127 MuTlett. Bassett Peter C., sailor, h 343 Mullett.<br />

Bartcl Nicholas, lab., bds 127 Mullett. Bassett William, bird store, 196 Woodward<br />

Bartelsky Meyer, peddler, h 2 15 St. An- ave., h same.<br />

toine.<br />

Bassmen Joseph lab., h 203 Brewster.<br />

Bartenbach George A., tanner, 232 Cro- Bast Caspar, mason, h 175 Clinton.<br />

ghan, h same.<br />

Bast Engelberth, contractor, h 146 Clinton.<br />

Bartemly Sarah, teacher Tappan Union h Basterash Joseph, saloon 301 Atwater, h<br />

186 Howard.<br />

same.<br />

Bnrtels Wm., grocer, 448 Grand River ave, Batak Emanuel, painter, h 142 Bronson.<br />

h same.<br />

Batchelder John W.,stone yard, cor Shelby<br />

Barthal Mathias, street car driver, h 716 and Atwater, h 206 Ninth ave.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Batchker Frederick, lab , h n. e. cor Dubois<br />

Bartholomew William E., chemist, h 127 and Gratiot.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Bate Abraham, stone cutter, h 23 Spencer.<br />

Bartleng Charles, timer, h 380 Michigan Bate Joseph E. W., stone cutter, h 210<br />

ave.<br />

First.<br />

Bartlett Charles, shoemaker, h 205 Cro- Bates Alfred, machinist, h cor Beach and<br />

ghan.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Bartlett Eugene F., machinist, h 69 Baker. Bates Anthony, (Bates 62 Dee.) h 54 Cass<br />

Bartlett Francis W., (Cheney Son (& Bart- Bates Edward, moulder, h 50 Mt Elliott<br />

lett,) res Toledo, Ohio.<br />

ave.<br />

Bartlett George, finisher, bds old 47, new Bates Eugene F., painter, h 243 Fourth.<br />

88 Leverette.<br />

Bates George, lawyer, h 16 DufEeld.

-<br />


Bates George, street sprinkler, h 82 A bbott<br />

Bates George A., mason, h 11 Porter.<br />

Bates George C., baker, h 367 Dubois.<br />

Bates George L., carpenter, h 50 Saventeenth.<br />

Bates George W., law student, bds 15 Duffield.<br />

Bates Henry C , commission merchant,<br />

bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Bates Joseph, pattern-z~aker, h Canficld<br />

s w cor Second.<br />

Bates Joseph G., pattern-maker, bds Canfield<br />

ave s w cor Second.<br />

Bates Lewis J., editor Daily Post, h 253<br />

Park.<br />

Bates Samuel, lawyer, h 15, Duffield.<br />

Bates Samuel, cutter (Aaron, Brunstine<br />

& Co.) h 15 Duffield.<br />

Bates Sidney M., teamster, h rear 137<br />

Abbott.<br />

Bates William C., grocer, 227, Wooclward<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Bates W. L., (W. L. Bates & Co.) res<br />

Chicago, 111.<br />

Bate@ w. L. & Co., (W. L. Bates<br />

& -.), general agents Victor Sewing<br />

Machine, Opera House Block. (See adu.)<br />

Bates & Dee (Anthony Bates and John<br />

Dee) livery stable, 96 and 98Larned w.<br />

Bateson Paul (Bateson & Bro.) h cor<br />

Fifth and Orchard.<br />

Bateson Samuel R., merchant tailor, 141<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Bateson Solomon S. (Bateson & Bro.) bds<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

BATESON (S; BRO. (Solomon S., & Paul)<br />

merchant tailors. 10s BIichigan ave.<br />

Batlier hlpheus IT., blacksmith, h I21<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Bather John, belper, h 167, Abbott.<br />

Bather John, machinist, h 73 Leverette.<br />

Bather Ricltard, foreman, h 167 Abbott.<br />

Bathishill, TVilIiam, grainer, h 66 Brady.<br />

Battle James, (Batrie & Earman) chief<br />

engineer fire department, h 166 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Battle Nathew, tobaconist, bds 166 St Antoine.<br />

Battle & Harman (James Batt!e, Samuel<br />

Rarman, hardware, 323 Jeff. ave.<br />

Batton James W., painter, bds 237 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Batton Mary, (wid. James) h 237 Montcalm<br />

nve.<br />



JUNE & GO.' S<br />



oysters in Shell a Reta~ specialty. 1. Wholesale and<br />

Bauclry Delima, clerk, h 316 Catherine.<br />

Bauer Andrew, stone cutter, h 110 Bronson.<br />

Bsuer Andrew, teamster, h TV s Twentythird,<br />

bet Butternut and Ash.<br />

Blruer Anthony, lab., h 099 Michigan ave.<br />

B:tuer Anthony. painter, bds 328 Sherman.<br />

B:tuer Casper, shoemaker, h 301 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Bituer Charles, carpenter, h 656 Macomb.<br />

Bauer Charles, planer. h 155 Seventeenth.<br />

Btkuer Henry, painter, h 160 Hastings.<br />

Bauer Jacob sr., laborer, h 121 Calhoun.<br />

Bauer John, laborer, h 457 3Iullet.<br />

Bnuer John jr., mason, bds 121 Calhoun.<br />

Bauer Joseph, file maker, bds 66 Clinton.<br />

Bsuer Louis, carpenter, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Bauer Mathias, laborer, h 510 James.<br />

Bauer Mathias, painter, h 248 Sherman.<br />

Bauer 31athiasJ shoemaker, h 248 Sherman.<br />

Baugh John B., blacksmith, 326 Woodbridge<br />

w, h 402 Lafayette.<br />

Baugh Samirei h., helper, bds 402 Lafayette,<br />

B;~uler Michael, bds 110 Sherman.<br />

Baumann Christian, laborer, bds 529 Macomb.<br />

B:tumann Conrad, blacksmith, 358 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

1B;~uznan~ Dsaiel, gardener, h n e cor Hastings<br />

2nd Illinois.<br />

B;~umilnn Herman, laborer, h n s Maple,<br />

bet Dubois aud Chene.<br />

Bnumann Jacob, gardner, h e s Elmwood<br />

ave, ab Clinton.<br />

Baumann John, laborer, h 85 Prospect.<br />

Baumann John, laborer, h 529 Macomb.<br />

Bitunlann John, h 47 Charlotte.<br />

Baumaun John G., carpenter, h e s Dubois<br />

bet Clinton ave and Mullett.<br />

Baumann John K., carpenter, h Dubois<br />

nr Clinton ave.<br />

Buurneister George, painter, h 381 Dequin-<br />

Batty Al~ce, principal Trowbridge school, dre.<br />

bds 437 Twelfth.<br />

Baumeister John, hardware, 332 Gratiot, h<br />

Batyo Thomas, teamster, h 876 Michigan same.<br />

ave.<br />

Bau~ileister John, laborer, h 486 Railroad.<br />

Bauch Christian, teamster, Ir w. s. Hum- Bnumgart Christian, car driver, h e s<br />

boldt ave. nr. Ash.<br />

Eighth bet Ful ton and Irving.<br />

Bmde David, h s. s. Maple bet. Joseph Bnumgartner Rev. John, pastor Zions (Ger-<br />

Campau and McDougall aves. I<br />

man) church, h 214 Russell.<br />

Baudrian Simon P., varnishel, h 399 Sher- Bausca George, laborer, h 332 Franklin.<br />

man. Baust Peter, printer, hds 334 Hastings.


@&v&bfa* -*<br />

/<br />

Beach Walter P., insurance agent, 69 Gris-<br />

wold, res Ypsilanti.<br />

Beachum Roscoe J., clerk, bds Goodman<br />

Beadle House. Sons,) GeorgeW., George h 236 Park. W., jr., clerk, (G. W. h 74 Beadle Eutternut. &<br />

Beadle Henry T., clerk, h 243 Third<br />

Beadle Janles T., (George W. Beadle &<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Son,) h 39 George.<br />

Beadle George W. 62 Son, (George W.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office Beadle and James T. Beadle,) merchant<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

tailors, 158 Woodward ave.<br />

Beal Edwin, machinist, h 215 Abbott.<br />

Baust Phillip, printer, h tor Hastings and Beal 311.s. Sarah. (wid,) h 36 Elizabeth W.<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Beal William, h 41 Charlotte.<br />

Baut Mathias, laborer, h 264 Clinton. Beales Thomas, lab., bds 294 Franklin.<br />

Baut Paul, laborer, h 360 Catharine. Beamer James, telegraph line repairer, l.<br />

Baut Peter, laborer, h 277 Sherman. 490 Orleans.<br />

Baxter Charles, (Baxter & Gourla~,) h 30 Bean A1 villda E., (wid George E.,) h 353<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Lstrned e.<br />

Baxtcr Charles R., clerk, bds 288 Third-<br />

Baxter Gilbert H., saloon, 482 Woodbridge<br />

Bean Frank, putty nlanufacturer h 185<br />

lvilliams ave.<br />

W, h same.<br />

~eaie George, engineer, ferry <strong>Detroit</strong>, bds<br />

Baxter James, laborer, h 516 Seventh. Horn's saloon.<br />

Baxter John, moulder, h 276 Howard. Beane Henry, lab., bds 185 Williams ave.<br />

Baxter John, conductor, bds 59 First. Beane John V., h o. 2 46, n. 296 Lafajette<br />

Baster John, (John Baster & Son,) h 295 ave.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Beard George R, book-keeper, bds 104<br />

Baxter John A., clerk, bds 288 Third Congress w.<br />

Baxter Robert, brass finisher, h 516 St. Beard Marshall, clerk, bds 16 Sproat.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Beard William L., fruit, fish and game, 1<br />

Baxter Thomas; rope manufacturer, h 52 Russell House Block, h 104 Abbott.<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Beard Wilson, (col'd,) porter, h 42 Cro-<br />

Baxter William, . (J. . Baxter & Son,) h 14 ghan.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Beardslee Narcus W., agricul turd agent,<br />

Baxter William H., ciiy editor Tribune, h 55 Farmer.<br />

Joseph Campau ave, bet Fort and Lafay- Beardsley Milton J., trav agent, bda 73<br />

ette.<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Baxter William J., lumberman, h 288 Bearss John H., (Foster & Bearss,) bds<br />

Third.<br />

Eisenlord's Hotel.<br />

Baxter John & Son, (John and William) Beasley John, (col'd) waiter, Ruasell<br />

meat market, 295 Woodward ave. House.<br />

Baxter & Uonrlay, (Charles Baxter Beasley Richard, clerk, h 205 Elizabeth e .<br />

and James Gourlay,) merchant tailors, Beasle Robert, (col'd) laborer, h 329 Ma -<br />

156 Jefferson ave. (See ada.)<br />

comb.<br />

Bayles Frank, hack driver, h 202 3Iacomb. Beazek Joseph, tobacconist, h 477 St. An-<br />

Bayers Joseph, carver, h I55 Bronson. toine.<br />

Bayer Martin, clerk, bds 523 Gratiot. Beath Thomas, porter, h McLean near<br />

Bayer Michael, shoemaker, 514 Gratiot, h Fourth. .<br />

same.<br />

Beattie Eliza, (M. & E. Beattie,) h 330<br />

Bayer Peter, clerk, bds 614 Gratiot. Woodward ave.<br />

Bayley Volney P., clerk, bds 19 Rowland. Beattk Margaret, (M. & E. Beattie,) h 330<br />

Bea John, (col'd,) lab., h 37 Center.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

' Bea Wilson, (col'd,) sailor, bds 37 Centre. Besttie John, plasterer, h 143 George.<br />

Beach Byron B., clerk, h 14 Lewis. Beattie Richard, machinist, h 15 Beau-<br />

Beach Edward, shoemaker, h 311 Lafayette b ien.<br />

ave.<br />

Beat tie Robert, trav. agent, h 400 St An-<br />

Beach Jacob, clerk, bds 53 Catharine. toine.<br />

Beach M. D., sailor, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange. Beattie Robert, clerk, cor High and Pros-<br />

Beach clerk, h w s Prospect, bet. pect.<br />

Indiana and Kent,ucky.<br />

Beattie &I. & E., (hlargret and Elizs ) mil-<br />

Beach Rodney H., book-keeper, 165 Jeffer- linery and straw goods, 330 Woodward<br />

son ave.<br />



Beatty Captain David, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Beatty James, (Beatty, Fitzsimons & Co.,)<br />

.h 819 Jefferson ave.<br />

Beatty John, carpenter, bds n w cor Wood-<br />

bridge and Fourteenth.<br />

Beat ty John, confectionery, 49 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Beatty, Fitzsimons & Co., (Jas.<br />

Beatty, Pa trick Fitzsimons, and Jo4n<br />

V, Moran.) wholesale grocers, 16, IS, 20<br />

Woodward ave. (See adnt.)<br />

Beaton David, lab., bds 95 Sixth.<br />

Beaubien Adolphus, mason, h 349 Fort e.<br />

Beaubien Alfred, telegraph operator, bds<br />

60 Rivard.<br />

Beaubien Andrew, telegrapher, bds Rivarci<br />

bet Franklin and Woodbridge.<br />

Beaubien Anthony, carpenter, h 56 Foun-<br />

dry.<br />

Beaubien Cleophus, trunkmaker, h 349<br />

Fort e.<br />

Beaubien Edward,engineer,h%91 Larned e.<br />

Beaubien Edmund, machinist, h 342 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Beaubicn Elizabeth, (wid Alexander,) h<br />

530 Macomb.<br />

Beaubien George, teamster, (Hurley & Co.)<br />

Beaubien Isador, cabinet maker, h 159<br />

Brewster.<br />

Beaubien Louise, (wid James), h 172 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Beaubien Napoleon, mason, bds 56 Forin-<br />

dry.<br />

Beaubien Phillis, (wid Henry), h 673 Jef-<br />

ferson ave,<br />

Beaubineau Peter, drayman, h 164 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Beauchamp Ann, (wid Samuel), h 261<br />

Columbia e.<br />

~eauchimen John, carcenter, Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Beauclr~ir Edward, h 98 Eighth.<br />

Beaudry Delima, clerk, h 816 Catherine.<br />

Beaudoin Joseph, carpenter, h 100 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Beaudrian Simon P., finisher, h 399 Sher .<br />

ma 11.<br />

Beaufait Frank, engineer, h 396 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Bea.uprey Charles, lab., bds 724 Jefferson<br />

avr.<br />

Beauregard Edward, moulder, h 218 Mich-<br />

igan sve.<br />

Beauregard Frank, carpenter, h 224 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Beavis George, furniture dealer, 357 Frank-<br />

lin, h same.<br />

Bcbbee Frances, boarding house, 101 Cass.<br />

Becher Frederick, mason, h 246 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Becherer Paul, painter, h Twenty-fourth<br />

nr Magnolia.<br />

Bechill Isaac, lab., h 222 Gu0i.n.<br />

19<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our offic e<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Becht Georqe, lab., h 31 Walnut.<br />

Becht Williitm, teaming, o 354 n 430 Fifth.<br />

Bechtholy Adam, basket maker, h 414<br />

ltiopelle.<br />

Becht hold F'er~linand, s lone cutter, h 429<br />

Orleans.<br />

Becb thold Frederick, chairmaker, h 212<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Beck Carolina, (wid Gottlieb), h 84 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Beck Charles, clerk, bds 172 Macomb.<br />

Beck Charles, house mover! h o 450 n 462<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Bcck Charles, tinsmith, bds 84 Croghan<br />

Beck Charles F., chewing gum manufac-<br />

turer, 56 Jeffet.son avenue, h same.<br />

Becker Conmd, citrpenter,h 129 Sherman.<br />

Beck Frederick, machinist, h 430 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Beck George; butcher, h 349 Larned e.<br />

Beck Henry, mason, h 430 Catharine.<br />

Beck Hugo, lab., h 157 Nullett.<br />

Beck James In., clerk, h 15 Macomb ave.<br />

Beck John, fireman, liussell House.<br />

Beck Jobu L., porter, h 1'72 Jlacomb.<br />

Beck John porter, h 345 Riopelle.<br />

J3eck Julius, bookbinder, h 163 Fort e.<br />

Beck Louis H., foreman, h 1'76 Croghun.<br />

Beck Michael, lab., h 107 Jay.<br />

Heck Rosiiii, (wid. Glegor,) h 24 Beacon.<br />

Beck Rudolph, helper, h cor Kivard and<br />

Mullett.<br />

Beck Thomas, clerk (Moore, Foote & Co.)<br />

h 309 Cass ave.<br />

Beckbissinger Jacob, lumber teller, h 267<br />

Clinton.<br />

Beckbissinger Jacob jr., tinsmith, bds 267<br />

Clinton.<br />

Beckbissinger Louis, blacksmith, bds 1<br />

Abbott.<br />

Beckbissinger, Louis, printer, bds 267<br />

Clintc )n.<br />

Beckbissinger William L., butcher, bds<br />

5'74 Clinton ave.<br />

Beckel Cyrus, clerk, bds 34 Croghan.<br />

Beckel Moses, clerk, bds 34 Croghan.<br />

Becker Andrew, carpenter, h 273, Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Becker Czsper, emigrant agent M. C. R.R.<br />

h 244 Mullett.<br />

Becker Casper, jr., brakesman, h 244, Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Becker CIrarles, cigar maker, h 150<br />

Has ti ngs.<br />

Becker Charles, printer, bds 312 Alfred.




SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Becker Conrad, carpenter, bds 59 Chestnut.<br />

Becker Conrad, lab., h 269 Clinton.<br />

Becker Ferdinand, tinner, h 292 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Becker Francis, blacksmith, bds 242 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Becker Frederick, csrpenter, h 202 Divi-<br />

sion.<br />

Becker Frederick, machinist, h 487 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Becker Henry, cigar maker, bda Hastings<br />

bet Kentucky and Indiana.<br />

Beclter Ignatz, painter, h 34'7 Clinton.<br />

Becker John, cooper, 483 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Becker John J., saloon, s e cor Gratiot and<br />

Russell, h same.<br />

Becker John P., grocer, 158 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Becker Joseph, cigar maker, h s s St. Jo-<br />

seph bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Becker Julius, carpenter, h 334 Hastings.<br />

Becker Lawson, student, bds 8 Beach.<br />

Becker Louis, upholsterer, bds 60 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Becker Msthias, lab., h 177 Hastings.<br />

Becker Michael, lab., h. Bellair, nr. Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Becker Peter, huckster, h 177 Hastings.<br />

Becker Peter J., clerk, bds 177 Hastings.<br />

Becker Regina, (wid Christian,) h 312 81-<br />

ired.<br />

Becker Theodore, lab., h 98 Clinton.<br />

Becker Theodore, (Becker & Palmer,) h<br />

774 Michigan ave.<br />

Becker & Palmer, (Theodore Becker &<br />

Joseph S. Palmer,) manufacturers of<br />

earthen ware, 774 and 776 3Iichigan ave.<br />

Beckmann Herman, clerk, bds Hotel<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Beckmann John, lab., h 507 James.<br />

Beckman Louis, cigar maker, h 197 Rivard.<br />

Beckstein Frederick, carpenter, h 195<br />

Thirteenth and-a-half.<br />

Beckwith Charlotte, (wid,) h 142 Hastings.<br />

Beckwith George, planer, h 15 German.<br />

Beckwith George, tailor, bds 15 John R.<br />

Beckwith George, trav. agent, h 43 May-<br />

berry ave.<br />

Beckwith George W., (Green 62 Beckwith,)<br />

bds lti John R.<br />

Beckwith Waiter, blacksmith: h 323 Fifth.<br />

Beschestobill Adolph, lithographer, h 193<br />

Clinton.<br />

Beechestobill Elizabeth, (wid Jacob,) h 193<br />

Clinton.<br />

Bed Jacob, lab., h 203 Twenty-second.<br />

Bedar Alvin, butcher, bds 249 Griswold.<br />

Bedard Joseph, j biner, h 269 Chene.<br />

Bedell A. F., conductor M. C. R. R., bds<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Bedell Miss Julia, clerlr, bds 87 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Beddow Arthur, carpenter, h 121 Labrosse.<br />

Beddow George, leather cutter, h 119 Labrosse.<br />

Beddow Wm., painter, h new 18 Macomb<br />

ave,<br />

Bedford Mary, (col'd wid William,) h Hasting~<br />

bet Alfred and Brewster.<br />

Bedford William, lab., h 67 Humbold ave.<br />

Bee Elizabeth, milliner, bds 56 Seventeen<br />

th.<br />

Beebe James A., printer, h 141 ~lizabeth e.<br />

Beebe Lemuel D., silversmith, h 141 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Beecham Frederick, clerk, bds 108 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Beecham R. J., cutter, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Beechw E. B., telegraph operat,or, bds<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Beecher James A., cutter, bds 236 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Beecher John A., cutter, bds 236 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Beecher Luther, real estate, h 437 Jeffer-<br />

. Son 8Ve.<br />

Beecher Marshall, clerk, bds 280 Larned e<br />

Beecrof t John, bottle dealer, 15 Congress.<br />

e, h same.<br />

Beedzler ,4rthur, clerk, bds 26 Bagg.<br />

Beedzler Joseph, grocer, 119 Woodmard<br />

ave. h 26 Bagg.<br />

Beedy Joseph, clerk, bds Tremont House.<br />

Beeler David, clerk, bds 299 Catharine.<br />

Beeler John, (col'd) asst. janitor <strong>City</strong> Hall,<br />

h 241 EIitstings.<br />

Beeler Thomas, confectioner, h 268 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Beeliel Louis. teamster, h rear 9 Wilkins.<br />

Beer Peter, superintendent <strong>Detroit</strong> Match<br />

Works, h 150 Fourteenth.<br />

Beerkanlp August, carpenter, bds 177<br />

Frrtn klin.<br />

Beerling Henry, carpenter, h 344 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Beers Jameu, plasterer, h 4-49, Sixteenth.<br />

Beers John, cabinet-maker, h 333 Fifteenth.<br />

Beers, John IV., lumberer, bds. 211 Cass.<br />

Beeson Henry W., ;(with Jacob Beeson<br />

& Co., bds 127 Congress e.<br />

Beeson Jacob (.Jacob Beescn & Co.) h 127<br />

Congress e.<br />

Beeson Strother J., clerk, bds 127 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Beeson Jacob cB; Co., ( Jacob Beeson and<br />

-) flour and grain, 58 Woodbridge w.<br />

Begg George, clerk, h 31 Columb~a e.


Be g John, clerk, (D. & M. R. R.) h 31 LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

8olumbia e. SHOUI~ CALL AT<br />

Beggs Thomas, boiler maker, bds 101<br />

Lamed w.<br />

Begin Louis, blacksmith, bds s. W. cor<br />

Hastings and Croghan.<br />

Begin Peter N., carpenter, h 99 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Begria John, mason, h 4'76 Alfred.<br />

Begune William, lab., h s. e. Gratiot, bet.<br />

FnItOn Market Oyster Hans@,<br />


Oy etere in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Belanger Noel, lab, h 167 Twelfth.<br />

nubois and Chene.<br />

Belanger - Touissant, teamster, h 96 Divi-<br />

Behan John, mason, bds 96 Columbia w. sion.<br />

Behan Peter, tailor, h 236 Abbott. Belanger Victor, carpenter, h 393 Fra~k-<br />

Behn Alfi.ed, carver, bds 39 Sproat.<br />

lin.<br />

Rehroke Joachim, lab., h 41 Eighteenth. Belanger William, car builder, b 351 Du-<br />

Behr, Friederich, wine and liquors, 70 bois.<br />

Con ress e, h same.<br />

Belanger William, carpenter, h cor Fit-<br />

Behr Jg ohn, lab., h 420 Sixteenth.<br />

tcenth and Howard.<br />

Behr Otto. clerk, bds ?O Congreus e. Belanger William ,carpenter, h 355 Dubois.<br />

Behrendt David, cigar maker. h 184 Ma- Belch William E., cigar maker, bds 369<br />

comb.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Behrendt John, lab, h w s Joseph Cam- Belcher Charles, carriage maker, h 701<br />

pau ave bet Chestnut and An tietam. Sixteenth.<br />

Behrens Augustus, cigar maker, h 309 St Belchcr Charles E., clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Antoine.<br />

Hotel,<br />

Behrmann Israel, tailor, h 236 Columbia e. Beles Jacob, carpenter, bds 341 Macomb.<br />

Behrsheim Anton, mason, h s s Gratiot Beles J-lseph, lab, h 241 Macomb.<br />

5et St. Aubin ave and Dubois.<br />

Belford James, h 279 Howard.<br />

Beig John, lab, h 411 Sherman.<br />

Belfeke Gottfried, lab, h 65'7 Sixteenth.<br />

Beiss Albert, carpenter, h 56 Pierce. Belgarde Joseph, carpenter, h 806 Guoin.<br />

Beier Charles, cooper, h Theodore Cam- Belgarde .Joseph, jr., joiner, h 306 Guoin.<br />

pau aye, bet Chene and Joseph Campau Belkntlp John, (Belknap 65 Drake) h 56<br />

aye.<br />

Madison ave.<br />

Beier Frank, teamster, h 374 Hastings. Belkn~p Philo G., wagon maker, h 33<br />

Beier Frederick, lab, h 54 Pierce.<br />

Fifte~nth.<br />

Beier George, lab, h w s Foul ccnth nr Belknap & Drake, (John Belknap Q Aaron<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

S. Drake,) pork packers,l9 and 21 Wood-<br />

Belerle Conrad, shoemaker, h 263 Rio- bridge m.<br />

pelle.<br />

Bell Alexander, clerk, bds 71 Abbott.<br />

Beierle Josephine, Yankee notions, 465 Bell Alexander, boarding, 412 Wood-<br />

Hiopelle, h same.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Beininger Andrew jr., lab, bds 221 Hast- Bell Alexander, lab,h 179 Grand River ave.<br />

ings.<br />

Bell Alexander, sailor mate, h 138 Orchard.<br />

Beisel Fred C., telegraph operator, bds Bell Alexander, teamster, h Grand River<br />

Biddle House.<br />

ave bet First and Second.<br />

Beitz Casper, carpenter, bds 296 High. Bell Daniel, carpenter, h e s Mt Eliott ave<br />

Beitz Ferdinand, milkwan, h 296 High. bet Lafayette and Croghan.<br />

Beit2 Joseph, candle maker, h 173 Frank- Bell Digby V., special deputy collector<br />

lin.<br />

cust3ms, h 68 t-igh.<br />

Beitz William, carpenter, bds 296 High. Bell George, currier, bds 457 Jefferson ave.<br />

Beiveir Homer, clerk, bds 41 Congress w. Bell George, (col'd) lab, bds s s Jay bet<br />

Belanger Andrew, boots and shoes, 975 Chene and Joseph, Campau ave.<br />

Blichigan ave, h same.<br />

Bell Isaac, lab, h 680 Sixteenth.<br />

Belanger Eli, carpenter, h 37 Mayberry Bell James, carpenter, h 313 Michigan ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Bell John A., telegraph editor Free Press,<br />

Belanger Frederick, carpenter, h 133 May- h 57 Columbia w.<br />

berry ave.<br />

Bell John, clerk, bds, '71 Abbott.<br />

Belanger George N., painter, 11 291 Mullett. Bell John, currier, bds 457 Jefferson ave.<br />

Belanger Henry, car builder, h 283 Mullett. Bell Joseph E., grocer, 538 Michigan ave,<br />

Belanger Hypolite, carpenter, h n w cor h same.<br />

Chestnut and Chene.<br />

I<br />

Bell Lewis, lab, h 101 Jay.<br />

Belanger Joseph, (Peltier & Belanger), bds Bell Margeretha, tailoress, h 101 Jay.<br />

143 Congress e. Bell Mary,(wid John,) millinery, 467 Michi-<br />

Belanger Louis, carpenter, h 310 Franklin. gan ave., h same.


@usiue#n; g.aiversitg,<br />

Seitz Block, next to the post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

liott ave., bet Lafayette and Croghan.<br />

Bell William J., clerk, bds 68 High.<br />

Bellair Joseph O., clerk, h 293 Larned e.<br />

Bellair Oliver, h 22,s Fort e.<br />

BELL*; ISLE ICE Co., Charles A.<br />

Loman, superinten dent, 145 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

Beller Jacob, saloon, 11 State, h same.<br />

Bellisle rienrp, horse dealer, h s. e. tor<br />

Riopelle and Bellair.<br />

Bellisle Louis, teamster, h 9 Wilkins.<br />

Bellinger William A.: sawyer, h s. w. cor<br />

Fifteenth and Howard.<br />

Belloes Baltiso. lab., h 280 Guoin.<br />

Bell wood Robert, clerk, bds 61 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Belman Emma L., teacher, bds 82 George.<br />

Belman Hannah C., (mid John,) h 82<br />

George.<br />

Belman John ,4., clerk, h 82 George.<br />

Below Joachim, lab., h 239 Chestnut.<br />

Belpocbe Louisa, (wid Louis,) h 12cj Wight<br />

Belville Israel, caulker, h 277 Guoin<br />

Belz Guetav. carpenter, h 368 Dubois.<br />

Belz William carpenter h 369 Fort e.<br />

Bement Miss) bnie clerk, (Bradstreet<br />

& Son,) bds 19 High.<br />

Bena Joseph, cabinet maker, bds Ohio,<br />

bet Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Benda John, helper, h Lincoln.<br />

Bendall William, policeman, h 182 Oak.<br />

Bender John, h Nineteenth nr M. C. K. R.<br />

Bender John, piano maker, h 163 Rivard.<br />

Bender Joseph, last maker, h 699 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

BenditWilliam, clerk, bds 31 Michigan ave.<br />

Benedict Dwight, clerk, h 99 High.<br />

Benedict E. J. student, h 17 Ledyard.<br />

Benedict Edwin S., carpenter, h 248 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Benedict Hiram, dentist, 158 Jefferson ave,<br />

res Grosse Isle.<br />

Benedict James, canvasser, bds 72 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Benedict Levi, h 302 Twenty-second.<br />

Benfey Lewis, clerk Freedman's, h 971<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Benge A4111ert, fireman, h 67 Atwater.<br />

Benham Ebenezer, clerk Dept. M. C. R. R.,<br />

h 48 Clinton.<br />

Benbam Theron D., (Widins ;o CO.), biis<br />

48 Clinton.<br />

Benine Elizabeth, (wid Emst), h s s <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

bet St. Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

Beniteau Ame P. T., student, bds 135 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Bell Montgomery, lab., h 374 Maple.<br />

Bell Morris, saloon, 485 Atwater, h same. Beniteau Israel I., iIl~pect0r of customs, of-<br />

Bell Noah S., shoemaker, bds 370 Third. fice 8 Woodward ave, (up stain), h 135<br />

Bell Robert, city railway, h 71 Abbott. Congress e.<br />

Bell Robert R., h 228 Con ess e.<br />

Beniteau Ornmi, law student, bds 135 Consell<br />

Thomas bds Biddle f ouse,<br />

gress e.<br />

Bell William, brakesman M. C. R.R. Benjamin Van Rensselaer A*, upholsterer,<br />

Bell William H., machinist, h 16 Pearl. bds Cass House.<br />

Bell William J., carpenter, h e. s. ~ 1 - Benke Friedericb, lab, h w s ~ubois bet<br />

German and Gratiot.<br />

Bennet Joseph R., U. S. Marshall, Custom<br />

Building, res Adrian.<br />

Bennett Arnold A., brakeman, h 58<br />

Bennett Edward, porter, bds 85 At water*<br />

Bennett Ira, carpenter, h 577 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Bennett Isabella, (wid James), washer-<br />

woman, h 238 Sixth.<br />

Bennett J. E., photographer, bds Franklin<br />

Bennett James E., sailor, bds 577, Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Bennett John H-9 CarPe~te~, h 230 Porter-<br />

Bennett Joseph, sdoon,44 Michigan Grand<br />

ave~ same*<br />

Bennett Margaret (wid- Samuel) h 407<br />

Guf)in,<br />

Bennett Robert, carpenter, h 153 Twentyfirst.<br />

Bennett Robert, (col'd) cook h old 198, St-<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Bennett Wiiiiam, carpenter, bcis 399 " I wentieth.<br />

Bennett Williilm, rope-maker, h 508 Fifth.<br />

Bennett William A,, sailor, h 392 Twentieth.<br />

Bennett C. steward, h 331 Fort w.<br />

Bennett Wiltshire C., lab, bds 376 Sixth.<br />

Benoit Camille P. (Benoit & Bros.) h 255<br />

Croghan.<br />

Benoit Charles P*, (Benoit & Bro.7) b 255<br />

Croghan.<br />

Benoit Emile P., grocer,217 Fort e.,h same.<br />

Benoit John Petit, (Benoit & Bras.) h 255<br />

Croghan.<br />

Benoit Peter, pedlar, h 207 Sherman.<br />

BENOIT & BROS , (Charles P., John P.<br />

and Camille D.) machinists and brass<br />

founders, 257 and 259 Croghan. (r9es<br />



Bensalzy Charles, saloon, 11 1 Randolph,<br />

h Beauhien, cor Lamed.<br />

Benson Helen S. (wid Henry E.) h 597 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Benson Henry, (Benson & Elein) h 246<br />

Congress e.<br />

Benson John IT., clerk, h 60 Beaubien.<br />

Benson lblichael, foreman, h 358 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Benson William, bds 597 Jefferson ave.<br />

Bensor William, leather dyer, h 99 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

' Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Ome, 52 W. Lamed St.,<br />

DETROIT, X X C H .<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Bergvr Charles sr, lab, h 556 Fort e.<br />

Berger George, wire weaver, 11 143 Mul-<br />

Beuson -- , market stall, h 40 Blich- let t.<br />

igan grand ave.<br />

Berger Gustav, cigar manufr, 2 2 Jefferson<br />

Benson & IKlein., (Henry Bcnson me, h 203 Lafayette.<br />

and Martin Klein) wholesale lumber Berger Henry, cabinet maker, 1 357 Dudealers,<br />

foot of Iiiopelle.<br />

bgis.<br />

Benster, Menzo M., machinist, h 225 Fjrst. Berger Jacob, wire weaver, h 251 Hast-<br />

Bentley Edwin R., clerk, bds Antisdel ings.<br />

House.<br />

Berger Jacob, wire weaver, h Mullett bet<br />

Bentley George, silver plater, bds 4 Tus- ltivard and Russell.<br />

cola.<br />

Berger John, cigar maker, h 450 Sllt~rm an.<br />

Bontley Hanuah, (wid Samue1,)h 179 How- Berger John, weaver, bds 145 Mulard.<br />

lett.<br />

Bentley Martin V., oils, 40 Jefferson aye, h Berger John w. N.. h 9 Maria.<br />

448 beven th.<br />

Berger Joseph, wire worker, bds 145 Mul-<br />

Bentley William, overseer, h 59s Jeffemon lett.<br />

ave.<br />

Berger Joseph J., engraver, bds 46 Rus-<br />

Bentel 3I:ary, (wid Peter,) h 337 Hastin-gs. sell.<br />

Benton Orlin E., butcher, h 126 E~,YII- Berger Louis. lab., h 558 Fort e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Berger Louis jr, lab., h 656 Fort e.<br />

Benz Frederick, tinsmith. h 332 Gratiot. Berger Marcus, cigar mirker, 11 191 Lafay-<br />

Benzien John, lab, h 301 Chestnut.<br />

ette.<br />

Benzing Conrad, tinsmith, bds 37 Mullett. ' Berger 3Iary, (wid) cigar maker, h 188<br />

Benzing George,chair maker. h 37 Mullett. Macomb.<br />

Benzritter John lab,h 207 Chestnut. Berger Michael, lab., h Bellair s s nr Joseph<br />

Beraneck Martin, shoemaker, h 38 Twen- Campau ave.<br />

tieth.<br />

Berger Simon, cigar n~aker, bds 154 Ma-<br />

Berbig Frederick, carpenter, h 21 Beacon. comb.<br />

Berbon Isadore, painter, h Beaubien n Berger William, lab., h 392 Yullett.<br />

Frernon t.<br />

Berger Wm., sailmaker. bds 31 Larned e.<br />

Berceia Daniel, teamster, bds 685 Fort a7. Bergh Andrew S., h 199 Fort e<br />

Beresford Wiliiam A.,casllier G. T. R. R, 11 Berghoff Joseph, lab, h 245 ES-aubien.<br />

300 Third.<br />

Bergmann Christopher, lab., h 443 31 aple.<br />

Berg August, cigar maker, bds 159 Chest- Bergmann Gustave (H@pson & Bergmann)<br />

nut.<br />

h 21': Srstiot.<br />

Berg Charles, cigar maker, h 159 Chestnut. Bergolet Ernest, boiler maker, h s e cor<br />

Berg Christian, lab, h 356 Sherman. Riopelle and Br onson.<br />

Berg John, lab, h 356 Hastin-gs.<br />

Berkeny VI illiam A., clerk, bds 335 Lamed<br />

Berg John, lab, h 411 Sherman.<br />

e.<br />

Berg Louis, engineer, h 95 Catharine. Berkeny John, carpenter, h 100 Porter.<br />

Berg Peter J., chairmaker, 193 Baker, 11 Berkery William A.,clerk, bds 335 Larned<br />

same.<br />

east.<br />

Berg Peter, drayman, h 110 Clinton. Berle Edward, moulder, bds 458 Gratiot.<br />

Bergen Gottlieb,cabinet maker$ 124 Ynr- Berlin F., real estate agent, bus Goodman<br />

ion.<br />

House.<br />

Berger Abram, cigar maker, h 163 Latay- Berling Henry, carpenter, h 344 Montette.<br />

calm e.<br />

Berger Casper, cigar maker, h 305 Lafay- Berlinger Peter, lab, h 975 Nineteenth.<br />

ette.<br />

Bernard Charles, cstrpenter,bds 335 Frank-<br />

Berger Casper, gunsmith, h 46 Russell. lin.<br />

Berger Casper jr, engraver, bds 46 Russell. Bernard James T., clerk, h 56 Abbott.<br />

Berger Charles, confectioner, h 184 Y a- Bernart William, (R8s~h & Berll-) h 112<br />

rion. . Winder.


Berry Thomas H. & Co., (Thomas H.<br />

Berry & -,) furniture, 9,7 Michigan ave.<br />

Bersey John, clerk, h 88 Howard.<br />

Berthet Adolph, tinsmith. h 58'7 Macomb.<br />

Bertanon Joseph, h 164 Franklin.<br />

Bertram Friederich, shoemaker, h 488<br />

Sherman.<br />

MICH.. Bertram Henry, cabinet maker, h 454<br />

corner congress and Randolph rtr. 1 Maple.<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />

Bernatz Geo. M., varnisher, h 24 Crawford.<br />

Beruell Lemuel, clerk, bds 212 Park.<br />

Ber~ier Charles, lab, h s o 524 Franklin.<br />

Bernoicl Eli. lab. h w s Sherman bet Mc-<br />

Dougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Berns Henry, cabinet maker, h 203 Bronson.<br />

Bernstein Jacob, peddler, h 98 Mullett.<br />

Berrien John M , bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Berrien John W., lab., h 9 Maria.<br />

Berritt William, niqht watchman, h 348<br />

Antietam.<br />

Berry Adelaide H., h 311 Larned e.<br />

Berry Charles, clerk, h 566 Seventh.<br />

Berry Edward, (col'd) waiter, fi 180 Napoleon.<br />

Berry Frank, wood turner,h 283 Catharine.<br />

Berry George E.. shoemaker, bds Jefferson<br />

ave bet Brush and Beaubicn.<br />

Berry Henry, lab., h s s Franklin nr St Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Berry Henry, machinist, h 79 Henry.<br />

Berry James, carpenter, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Berry John, clerk. h 68 Harrison ave.<br />

Berry John, shoemaker, bds Jefferson ave<br />

bet Brush and Beaubieu.<br />

Berry John, ltib., 11 139 Cherry.<br />

Berry John, lab., bcls 101 Larued w.<br />

Berry John, nlachin ist, h 420 Sixteenth.<br />

.4 Berry John d., (Berry Brothers,) h s s<br />

Wight bet Leib and Mt Elliott ave.<br />

Berry John G., clerk, h 154 Harrison ave.<br />

Berry John H., machinist, h 79 Henry.<br />

Berry Joseph H., (Berry Bros.,) h old 475<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Berry Rain, machinist, h 143 Park.<br />

Berry Sarah, clerk, bds 143 Park.<br />

Berry Thomas, carpenter, h 139 Sixth.<br />

Berry Thomas, (Berry Bros.,) h s. e. cor<br />

Wight and Leib.<br />

Berry Thomas H., (Berry & Co.,) h 43<br />

Spencer.<br />

. Berry William, lab., h National ave., e. s.<br />

nr Sycamore.<br />

Berry William L., clerk, h 19 Grand<br />

River e.<br />

BERRY BRO$., ( Joseph H ,<br />

Thomas and John A.,) varnish and glue<br />

manufacturers, s. e. cor Wight and Leib.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

BERRY J. A. & Co., (John A. Berry, John<br />

R, Reid, mcl Edward Woolfenden,)<br />

paper box manufacturers, 26 Woodbridge<br />

we (& a&.)*<br />

~ertram Julius, clerk, h 126 Catharine.<br />

Bertram Martin, tobacconist, h 41 mTebster<br />

Bertram Peter W., painter, h 342 Fifth.<br />

Bertram William, carpenter, h 497 Catharine;<br />

Bertrance Xavier, lab., h 462 Atwater.<br />

Bertrsnd Charles, coachman, bds 284 Jeff<br />

erson ave.<br />

Bertrand Bosil, lab.. h Guoin, n s near<br />

Joseph Campau we.,<br />

Bertsch Jacob: butcher, 589 BIiclligan ave.,<br />

h same.<br />

Besancon Frederick, woody ard, 84 Fort w,<br />

h same.<br />

Bescher John, lab., h 4'7'1 Bastings.<br />

Bessin mer Cbristoph F., cabinet maker,<br />

188 eatharim, h IS4 same<br />

Bessinger George E. sail maker, h 119<br />

National ave.<br />

Betbusch Louis, lab., fi 517 3lacomb.<br />

Bethee Francis, agent, h 315 Seventh.<br />

Bethel Michael lab., bds 29 Fifth.<br />

I3ethga.y Clara, midwife, h 358 Lufayette.<br />

Bethgay, Juiius, artist, h 368, Lafayette.<br />

Bethroel Christian, lab., h 436 Maple.<br />

Bethune Donald, lawyer, h 873 Brush.<br />

Bethwell Christian, lab., h 436 Maple.<br />

Bethwell Michael, lab., h Hale nr Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Bethwell 'IViliiam, blacksmith, bds., 46<br />

Park Place w.<br />

Betkirowitz August, sacldler, h 1G2 Xarion.<br />

Betkirowitz Salameah, tailoress, 11 162 Marion.<br />

Betre Michael, shoemaker, h 520 Beaubien.<br />

Bettman Sigmund, (Prell (& Bettman), h<br />

131 Adams ave. e.<br />

Retts Frances, (wid), h 558 Sixteenth.<br />

Betts George I., U. S. lndiaa Agent, 105<br />

Woodward ave, res Saginaw, 311ch.<br />

BettsIra G., supt. of machinery, Weber<br />

Furniture Co., h '72 Montcalrn m.<br />

Betts William G., machinist, h 367 Lafayet<br />

te.<br />

Betyhold Herman, carpenter, h 264 Sherman<br />

Betzing Adam, grocer, 190 Russell, h same.<br />

Beuchlein Jacob, coopcr, h 646 Gratiot.<br />

Beuermann Frederick, lab., h 197 Marion.<br />

Beuker Laurence, shoemaker, bds Sherman<br />

House.<br />

Beutel August, jr., locksmith, bds 225<br />



Beutler Baldwin, basket maker, h 444 LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

C~therine. 1 SHOULD<br />

8ukhSZa<br />

CALL AT<br />

& @@B88 ~eutlir Frederick, sheomaker, 4 Montcalm<br />

e, h same.<br />

Beuver John, barber shop, 97 Atwater, h<br />

208 Columbia e.<br />


Beveridge James, moulder, bds Jefferson 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

ave, n s: nr Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

Beveridge James, blacksmith, h 380 Six- O~~ters in Shell a @pecialt~. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

teenth.<br />

Beverly James P., boots and shoes, 21 I Bieber Peter, lab., h 172 Sherman.<br />

Grand River ave, h 42 Harriet.<br />

Biechele Regina, (wid Robert,) h 144 La-<br />

Bevier Homer J., clerk, bds. U Congress w. favette.<br />

Bewick Charles, colnmission merchant, h Biechner Louis, coachman, bds 440 Jeffer-<br />

741 Jefferson ave. son ave.<br />

Beyer Charles H., gents furnishing goods, BieIler Adolph, yankee notions, h 147 St.<br />

114 Jefferson ave, h 141 Congress e. An toine.<br />

Beycr Frederick A. C.. decorative painter, Bieke Frank A., peddler, h 238 Maple.<br />

207 Jefferson ave, h 169 Lafayette. Bieker Frederick, grocer, 159 Fort e, b 120<br />

Beyer John: baker, 169 Lafayctte, h same. &stings.<br />

Beyer John B., printer, bds Purdy House. Bieler John, lab, h 327 Division.<br />

Beyer John H., baker, 11 218 Columbia e. Biehur August, lab, h 365 Bronson.<br />

Bcyer Joseph, saloon 436 NToodbridge W, Bierce Nichloas A., fire insurance<br />

h ssme. Moffat building, 11 56 Joy. (See a&.)<br />

Beyster John. carpenter, h 74 Cherry.<br />

i<br />

Bierce Olie, clerk, bds 56 Joy.<br />

Bezaeu Andrew,carpenter,h 598 Congress e. - Biererth Frank, teamster, h St. Aubin ave,<br />

Bezeau Peter, clerk, Franklin House. bet St. Joseph, and Belair.<br />

Bezner Jacob, machiuist, h 22 North. Bicrley Samuel, baggage mall M. C. R. R.,<br />

Bialk Frank. lab., h TiIlman ave nr Linden. h 31 8 Seventh.<br />

Bialk John, lab., bds Tillman ave nr Lin - / Bienvirth Louis, carpenter, h n s St Joseph<br />

den. 1 bet Duquindre and St Aubin ave.<br />

Bialk John, lab., h 476 Riopelle. Bigelow Albert E., lumber and waterElime,<br />

Binka Frank, lab., h w s Orleans nr Gra- s e tor Macomb are and Cass, h same.<br />

tiot.<br />

Bigelow Alice, teacher, Bishop Union<br />

Bibbins Henry J., (col'd) cook, h I77 Wil- scllool.<br />

kins.<br />

Bigelow Hamilton, clerk, 11 56 Henry.<br />

Bibelhous Casper, 1 sb., h 220 Calhoun. Bigelow Hannah, (wid George,) bds 56<br />

Bichele Ferdinand, letter carrier, h 274 j Henry.<br />

Croghan. Rigelow Louis. clerk, bds 50 Sproat.<br />

Biddiere Edward jr, ship car~enter,b Con- Blgelom IAcwis H., engineer M. C. R. R., h<br />

gress bet IClcDougall and Joseph Cam- 119 Baker.<br />

pau aves. / BigeIom Willi~m C., h 70 Sproat.<br />

Biddiere Peter sr, ship carpenter, h s s Bi~harn IIn~nilton, brakesman M C. R. R.,<br />

Fort e bet McDougsll and Joseph Cam- bds 203 Howard.<br />

pau aves.<br />

Bigley Charles S., clerk, bds 91 Adams<br />

Biddie Xaria C., (wid Hiram,) h 120 ave e.<br />

I Bigley J ohn, (John Bigley & Co.,) h 91 Ad-<br />

Biddle ouse, John F. Antisdel proprietor, I alns ave e.<br />

cor Randolph and Jefferson ave. Birley Thomas B., (John Bigley & Co.,) h<br />

Biddman Peter, last maker, h 41i do lie- 1 881 Woodbridge w.<br />

tam.<br />

Birrley John & Co., (John Bigley and<br />

Bidinger SibyIle. (wid Peter,) washer- il'homas B. Bigley,) pork and beef packwoman,<br />

h 178 Marion. ( ers, 72 Woodbridge w.<br />

Bidinper William, silver smith, h 403 Rio- j Bike Joseph, cabinet maker, h 538 Orpelle.<br />

leans.<br />

Bidliagmeier Joseph, lab., h 181 Antie- Bilfshn Gottfried, gardener, h w s Sixtam.<br />

/ teenth nr Magnolia.<br />

Bidor Henry, mmon, 11 495 Woodbridge e- I Bilger John, shoemaker, 420 Grand River<br />

Bidor Joseph, cau1kcr.h 498 Woodbridge e. ave h same.<br />

Bidon Henry, lab., h 583 Lahyette e. Bilkowsky Anthony K., butcher, 416 Hast-<br />

Bidwell Charles T., clerk, 11 old 17 new 55 ings h same.<br />

Seven teen th.<br />

Bilkowsky Anton, lab, h 402 Alfred.<br />

Bieber;John A., peddler, h 253 Fort e. Billedean Augustine, boiler maker, h 326<br />

Bieber John, carpenter, h 279 Fort e. I Croghan.


Birge John, blacksmith, h 128 St. Aubin ave<br />

Birk Andrew, turner, h 178 Mnllett.<br />

Birmingham Thomas N., (W. H. Gilman<br />

rSt Co.,) 11 191 Lafayette.<br />

Birmingham John, shoemaker, h 132 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Bil re11 Miss Catharine, fore woman, (J. A.<br />

Berry & Co.,) h 642 Fort w.<br />

Bischoff Conrad, lab., h 411 Alfred.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Bischoff John, ~nachinist, bds 351 Orleans.<br />

Bischoff nllichael, machinist, bds 381 Or-<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office leans.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Bischoff Joseph, cigar maker, h 4 Cutler.<br />

Bishop Adanl, car repairer, h 147 Third.<br />

Billel Frank, clerk, bds s e cor T\.'oodw:~rct Bishop andrew J., detective, bds Michigan<br />

and Jefferson aves.<br />

Exchange.<br />

Billette John, moulder, 11 198 TV ght. Bishop David L., paver, h 220 Michigan<br />

Billinger Nelson, ship carpen tcr, bcJs Con- ave.<br />

gress s s bet Joscph Campau and Mc- Bishop Frank, carpenter, h s. s. Mechanic,<br />

Dougall aves.<br />

bet. Brush and Beabien.<br />

B~llings Jonathan B., clerk, bds 2G Madi- Bishop Frztnk, lab., h s. s. Crawford, near<br />

SOU ave.<br />

Lysantier.<br />

Billings Kate, saloon, 121 Woodbridge w Bishop George, (col'd,) h Grove, bet. Hasth<br />

same.<br />

ing~ rtrd St. Antoine.<br />

Billings Pulaski A., mantles and grates, Bisllop John, harness maker, 729 Jefferson<br />

29 Woodbridge w bds 26 3Iadison ave. ave., h same.<br />

Billings Samuel E., bds 2G Madisou ave. Bishop John, lab., M. C. R. R., bds 20<br />

Billroat Eusecl, organ rn:~ker, h 59 Cro- Mechanic.<br />

ghsn.<br />

Bishop Levi, lawyer, 4 Bank block, h 299<br />

Bilz Frank, (Bilz & Co.), h 238 Ru~sell. Jefferson ave.<br />

Bilz 62 Co., (Frank Bilz & Chitrles Kaiser), Bishop Louis, lab., bds 120 Elizabcth w.<br />

brewers, s e cor Russell ar~d Shermun. Bishop Randolph, butcher, bds 1 Gillman<br />

Bimberg Joseph, cigarmaker, 31 3 Laf ayette Bishop Robert, artist, h 51 Henrg.<br />

h 208 same.<br />

Bishop Union School, n. s. Marion, bet.<br />

Bina Nicholas, lab, 11 299 Marion.<br />

Hastins and Prospect.<br />

Binder Cassitnire.tailor, 11 314 R~lssell. Bishop TVilliam, meat market, 321 Wood-<br />

Binder Charles H., carpenter, 11 259 31111- ward me, h same.<br />

lett.<br />

Bissell Angustus E., (A. E. Bisscll & Son)<br />

Binder Jacob, blacksmittl, h 205 Watson. h 153 For!.<br />

Biuder Thomas, carpenter, 11 431 Congress Biasell Edward W., (A. E. Bissell cSZ Son,)<br />

east.<br />

h 118 First.<br />

Binga Adam, (col'd) eoglneer, h 382 Ma- Bissel Ellen, (wid Charles,) h 1'79 Third.<br />

comb.<br />

Bissell George W., vessel owner foot First,<br />

Biuga James H., (col'd) barber, 307 Wood- h 144 Lafiayette ave.<br />

ward sve h 457 Croghan.<br />

Bissel John, carpenter, h 60 Wayne.<br />

Binga Thomas, (col'd) waiter, h 113 Clin- Bissell .Tohn El., lawyer, Butler's block, h<br />

ton.<br />

226 Woodbridge e.<br />

Binga William W., (col'd) barher, 42 Mich- Bissell John W., lawyer, bds 245 Congress<br />

igan Grand ave, h 569 Beaubien.<br />

e.<br />

Bingham Henry S., clerk, h 0lit4j; new 84 Bissell Roinan A., engineer, bds 155 Fort w.<br />

Adanls ave w.<br />

Biasell A. E. & Son, (Agustus E. and Ed-<br />

Bingham Mary, (wid Kinsley S.), h 52 ward W., ) forwarding and commission,<br />

Madison ave.<br />

dock foot First.<br />

Binhke Louis, 11 233 Seventeenth. Bissonette Albert, painter, h Lafayette ave<br />

Binns Jonathan W., cigar maker, h 439 bet Twenty-first and Twentp-second.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Bissonette August, lab., h 95 Riopelle.<br />

Birch Adam, lab, h Twenty.fourth nr Bissonet t Joseph, saloon, 25 Bates h same.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Bissontte Lcwis, milk pedier, bds Penin-<br />

Birch Philetcs Y., confectionary, 85 Grand sular House.<br />

River ave., h '79 E1izat)eth w.<br />

Bite L~uis, miner, bds 65 Atwater.<br />

Bird Benjamin N., h 155 Larned e. Bitely David B., blacksmith, bds Tremont<br />

Bird Eugene, printer, bds 185 Larned e. House.<br />

Bir~ Warden E., printer, h 185 Lnrned e. Bitherowtz August, harness maker? h 162<br />

Biry Frank, (Eaerts & Co.) 11 283 Catharine. Marion.


I<br />

Bitterling John, lab., h 392 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Bittmann Christopher, mason, h n s An- Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

tiefam bet Joseph Campau and AScDoug-<br />

a1 aves. I 52 west Larned St.,<br />

Bittmann Peter, last maker, h 417 Antie-<br />

tarn.<br />

Bittinan Phillip, mason, h 423 Antietsm.<br />

Bitz Frederick. lab.. h 106 Antietam.<br />

Bjalk Joseph, hb., h 581 Dequindre.<br />

Black 39rs. Agnes, h old 12 w Park Place.<br />

Black Andrew XC., merchant tailor,<br />

317 Jefferson ave, h 176 Bag. (See eendvt.)<br />

Black Charles, bar tendel, bds Howard<br />

House.<br />

Black Charles H., clerk, bds I76 Bagg.<br />

Black Daniel, clerk. h 73 Labrosse.<br />

Black David, (D. Black & Co.,) res N. Y.<br />

ci tp.<br />

Black Fsnny, forewoman Pre!l& Bettman<br />

bda 152 Howard.<br />

Black Francis S. P.. clerk, bds 137 Cass.<br />

Blsck James, carpenter, h 52 >layberry<br />

ave.<br />

Blitck James, lab, bcls 62 Mayberry nve.<br />

Black James, (Black 65 Young,) res Wind-<br />

sor.<br />

Black John, lab, bds 715 Fort e.<br />

Black John, ropemaker, h 162 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Black John, jr., blacksmith, bds "i5 Fort e.<br />

Black John, sr., blacksmith, h 715 Fort e.<br />

Black Joseph A., painter, h Holclen Hoad,<br />

nr K. R crossing.<br />

Black Judson H.. clerk. h 362 Sixth.<br />

Black Louis, optician, 194 Jefferson ave, h<br />

38 Rl:~dison ave.<br />

Blaclr Koble,carpenter, h 52 Mayberry ave.<br />

Black Robert, lab, h 584 Seventeenth.<br />

Black Thomas, carpenter, h 233 Third.<br />

Black William Thurston, portrait painter,<br />

74 Seitz Block, bds 25 Croghan.<br />

Black D. & Co. (David Black and Adolph<br />

Felclheim,) wholesale notions, 45<br />

Woodmard ave.<br />

Black & Young, (James Rlack and Peter<br />

Young,) forward~ng and commission<br />

dock bet Shelby and Wayne.<br />

Blackburn Naggie Xss, dressmaker, bds<br />

78 Congress w.<br />

Blackburn Mrs. Sabrina, dressmaker, old<br />

175, new 179 Woodward ave, bds same.<br />

Blackeby William, gardener, h s e cor<br />

Whitinq and ,%sh.<br />

Blacker Frederick, lab, h 663 Atwater.<br />

Blacker John, auction and commission,<br />

61 Monroe ave, h same.<br />

Blacker Nargaret, (wid. Edward,) h 47<br />

Sproat.<br />

Blackhart John, blacksmith, 452 Gratiot,<br />

bds s w cor Riopelle and Chestnut.<br />

Blackman Edward, carpenter, h 34 Brain-<br />

ard.<br />

Blackman Esborn R., clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel. .<br />

19<br />




See sdvertisemcnt, pnge 9.<br />

Blackman Eben B., clerk, bds 139 F8rra1'.<br />

Blackmore Francis, carpenter, bds 197<br />

Thirteenth-~nd-a-hlf.<br />

Blackinore TrTilli21n, joiner, h 19'; Thirtceri<br />

t h-and-a-half.<br />

Blackmllr Annie, (wid. John,) h 59 First.<br />

Blaclmnith Edwtt:.d, butcher, bcls 250'<br />

Fort e.<br />

Blackstone Henry, (col'd) cook, bds 177<br />

Be:tubien.<br />

Blackwell Adclison A., tinsmith, bds 83<br />

Congress e.<br />

Black~ell John, policeman, h 164 Seventh.<br />

Blnckmell Thomas, blaclcsmith, h 259<br />

Sixth.<br />

Blackwood Willialn, carpenter, h 79 Freemont.<br />

Blackw3od Ann, (wid John,) h 243 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Blackwood John, clf~rk, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Blackwood .John, clerk, bds 243 Larned e.<br />

Blackwood John, plumber, bds 79 Fren~ont.<br />

Blackwood TVilliain, carpenter, h 79 Fremont.<br />

Blsckmood William, plumber, bds $9 Fremont.<br />

Blade1 Christian, shoemaker, h 348 ~ ontcalm<br />

e.<br />

Blaclel John, cigarmaker, bds 348 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Blades Rev. Francis ,4., h 419 Cass ave.<br />

Blades Henry, pedrilar, h 450 Croghan.<br />

Blades William H., clerk, his 419 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Blaikie Thomas E., clerk, h 141 Park.<br />

Blain Alexander, lab, h 27 Jefferson ave.<br />

Blair Clements, jr., mason, h 435 Riopelle.<br />

Blair Clements, sr., painter, h 435 Riopelle.<br />

Blair Edward, painter, h 374 Beaubien.<br />

Blair Frank, mason, h 346 Bronson.<br />

Blair James S., commission merchant, h<br />

50 Xadison ave.<br />

Blair Nelson, capt. barge Emerald.<br />

Blair William, teamster, (Hurley & Bro.)<br />

Blake Freeman, currier, h s e cor Chene<br />

and Guoin.<br />

Blake John, carpenter, h 190 Wilkins.<br />

Bltllie Patrick, undertaker and furniture,<br />

27 Michigan ave, h 25 Lafayette ave.<br />

Blake Thomas, waiter at Christians.<br />

Blake William, (col'd) cook Franklin<br />

House, h 126 Macomb.<br />

, Blake William, (col'd) cook, h 135 Fort e.



Blasser and Ohio. Joseph, sash maker, n w cor :Grove<br />

Blasser Mathias, finisher, h 117 Macomb.<br />

B USINESX COLLEGE, Blath Chris tien, tailor, h 1?1 Wilkins.<br />

Blay Benjamin, lab., h 433 Congress e.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, Blay John, lab., bds, 13 Hastings.<br />

l3lay Michael, mason, h 205 Napoleon.<br />

SEE PAGE 39. 4<br />

Blay Bloses, lab., h 13 Hastings.<br />

Bleil Frederick, forgeman, h s s Congress<br />

Blakely Spelicer, switchman, h 6s Harri- bet Leib and Elmwood aveson<br />

ave.<br />

Bleil George, shoemaker, h Fzzrnsworth e<br />

Blagers George, painter, h 291 JZullett. Woodward ave.<br />

Blan~hard Caroline, (wid William), h 718 Bleinmaster Frederick, lab., h 55 Twenty-<br />

Crog ban.<br />

second.<br />

Blanchard Frank, clerk, h 718 Crogh~n. Blenliugs George, teamster, h 936 Wood-<br />

Blanchard George. machinist, bds I7G bridge m-<br />

Howard.<br />

Rlenman Harry, butcher, bds 345 Larned e.<br />

Blanchard Henry G., Dep. U. S. JIarsha]l, Blaman Ixenr~ A., shoemaker, h 187<br />

h 177 hlontcal~n e.<br />

Wight.<br />

Blanchard H., engineer, h 322 Congress Blenman Henry sr., shoemaker, h 38 Mawest.<br />

ple.<br />

Blanchard John, lab, SO? Croghan. Blenman Thomas, carpenter, h 683 Frank-<br />

Blanchard Joseph K., agent John J. Bag- linley<br />

& Co., h Elizabeth w.<br />

Blessed John, grocer, 333 Woodward ave,<br />

Blanchard Nichael, lab, h 83 Franklin. h 323 Third.<br />

Blanchard Nelson, lab, h $18 Croghan. Blessing Thomas, watchmaker, h 79 Fort<br />

Blanchard Silas, clerk, bds 203 Columbia east*<br />

east.<br />

Bletch George, shoemaker, bds 212 Colum-<br />

Blanchard Silas, clerk, bds 76 Columbia w. bia e.<br />

Blancbett Frank H., bar tender, bds 718 Bletch Henry, carpenter, bds 218 ~olnm-<br />

Croghan.<br />

bia e.<br />

Blanchett John C., lab, 11 714 Croghan. Bleyenbergh Rev. Francis A., past or<br />

Blancke Ferdinand, clerk, bds 4 6 Orleans. Church of the Nost Holy Trinity, h 116<br />

Blaney James A., S. C. conductor, bds<br />

Porter.<br />

Railroad Exchange.<br />

Bliar Solomon, fruits, 1904 Woodward ave,<br />

h salne.<br />

Blanfeld Herman, Yankee notions, h 153 Bliesuth Frederick, boot and shoemaker,<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

315 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Blank Frederick7 lab, h 319 Twenty-sec- Bliemastdr Fredrick, lab., h 55 Twentyond.<br />

second.<br />

Blank George, cabinet maker, bds Blight John, carpenter, hn. s. Noble, near<br />

Alullett and Riopelle.<br />

Craw ford<br />

Blank Gotfried, lab, h 9 Nineteenth. Blind bury Mrs. Maria, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Blanke John, lab, h 361 Juliett.<br />

blind bur^ Volney, clerk, h 140 Rivard.<br />

Blanke John, i Blanke Butler),h el Or- Blings JJ. peter, lab., h 102 Catharine.<br />

leans.<br />

Biings Mathias, tailor, 63 Elizabeth e., h<br />

Blanke Margareth, (mid Ferdinand), h 305<br />

blarion.<br />

Blink Godfrey, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Blanke & Butler, (John Blanke & Milton Blinn Louisa, (wid L ~ ~ h ~ 39 ~ co;um- , )<br />

H. Butler,) potash factory, n e cor Hast- bi, e.<br />

ing~ and H~gh.<br />

Bliss Hale, clerk, bds 78 Congress w.<br />

Blankenheim John, saloon, 301 Orleans, h Blitz Israel, h 309 Congress e.<br />

same.<br />

Block Edward, h 96 Division.<br />

Blankerts Albert, machinist, h 3G4 St. An- ~ l John, ~ lab., ~ h 188 k Sherman.<br />

toine.<br />

Blodel Christian, shoemaker, h 348 Mont-<br />

Blankerts Andrew, steam filter, h n e cor calm e.<br />

Columbia and S!. antoine.<br />

Blodel John, cigar maker,bds 348 Nont-<br />

Blaser Peter, carpenter, bds 256 Beaubien. calm e,<br />

Mask Frank, tinsmith, h 66 Mullett. Blodpt Carrie A., principal Trowbridge<br />

Blasser Frank, tanner, bds 235 bfullett. School, bds 236 Congress e.<br />

Blzssm Johu, grocer, 598 Michigan ape, h Blodgett Charles C., vessel owner, h 396<br />

same.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Blasser Jo~eph, blacksmith, bds 391 Mich- Blodgett Frederick J., clerk, bds 236 Conigan<br />

aye,<br />

gress e.


- -<br />

Blodgett Mary E., (wid Alvak,) board-<br />

ing, h 236 Con ress e.<br />

Blodgett Silas #, printer,h283 Third.<br />

Blodgett William J., travelling agent, bds<br />

836 Congress e.<br />

Bloen Frank, carpenter, h 146 Dequindre.<br />

Blome Frederick C., dry goods, 61 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h 111 Columbia e., .<br />

Blondell John, carpenter, h 376 Gratiot.<br />

Blonk Frank, carpenter bds 236 Mullett.<br />

Blonk Joseph, carpenter, bds 236 Mnllett.<br />

Bloom Conrad, mason, h 298 Columbia e.<br />

Bloom Emily, dress maker, h 211 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Bloom Frederick, clerk h 84 Prospect.<br />

Bloom Gardner, cigar maker, h 116 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Bloom George,gardener,h n. e. cor Dequin-<br />

dre and James.<br />

Bloom Henry, clerk, bds 247 Fort e.<br />

Bloom Henry, lab, h 71 Russell.<br />

Bloom John, sail loft, Stimson Block, foot<br />

Shelby, h 61 First.<br />

Bloom John, jr., sailmaker, bds 67 First.<br />

Bloom Lena, gilder, bds 188 Macomb.<br />

Bloom Leo, varnisher, bds 211 Columbia e.<br />

Bloom Nelson, machinist, h 20 Jones.<br />

Bloom Nelson, sailmaker, h 168 Clifford.<br />

Bloom Oliver C. mail carrier, h 478 Sixth.<br />

Bloom Regina, (wid. Robert,) h 188 Bla-<br />

comb.<br />

Bloom Robert, cabinetmaker, h 211 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Bloom Silas N., machinist, bds 20 Jones.<br />

Bloomfield George H., bartender, bds 117<br />

Congress w.<br />

Bloomberg Jacob, cigar maker, h 158 31ul-<br />

lett.<br />

Bloquelle Louis, editor Michigan Journal,<br />

h 155 Clinton.<br />

Bloss Charles E., bds 64 Howard.<br />

Bloss Joseph B., commission merchant, h<br />

64 Howarcl.<br />

Blossom Alonzo, engineer L. S. & M. S. R.<br />

R., h 244 Lafayette.<br />

Bloum Joseph, teamster, h 282 Division.<br />

Blow William, yardmaster, D. & >I. R. R.,<br />

h245 Fort e.<br />

Bloxham John, gas engineer, h 118 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Bloynk Gottfried, carpenter, h 10 Hum-<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Bloynk John, saloon, 128 Antoine, h same.<br />

Blue Alexander, county auditor, office No.<br />

7 first floor <strong>City</strong> Hall, res Livonia.<br />

Blue James, lab., h'old 73, new 83 Lsbrosse.<br />

Blue John M., steward, bds Howard House.<br />

Blufeld Herman, pedlar, h 153 St. Antome.<br />

Bluger John, lab, h 305 Thirteenth.<br />

Blum Frank, drover, h 283 Lafayette.<br />

Blum John, lab, h 84 Pr.)spect.<br />

Blum John, milkman, w s Mt. Elliott ave<br />

nr cemetery.<br />

Blum Michael, shoemaker, h 372 Chene.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />


28 MICHIGAN G W D AVE.<br />

g23- Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholeeale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Blum William, shoemaker, bds 247 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Blutna Adelbert, 'tailor, h 716 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Bluma Frank, notary public, bds 716 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Blumberg Jacob, cigarmaker, h 158 Mul-<br />

lett. -<br />

Blumberg Louis, clothing, 38 Jefferson ave,<br />

h 35 same.<br />

Blumgarden Louis. Rev., JewishRabbi,h 116<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Blundy Joseph, barber, bds 295 Atwater.<br />

Blunt James, cabinet maker, bds 241 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Blunt James, morocco case mnufr, bds<br />

436 Clinton ave.<br />

Blydom Frederick, blacksmith, h 371<br />

Brewster.<br />

Blythe Thomas, confectioner, h 9 3 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Boachel Frederick, lab., h 386 North.<br />

Boardman David, lab., h 577 Larned e.<br />

Boardwine August, sash maker, h 189<br />

Chene.<br />

Boatwell Susan, (mid John,) h 175 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Bobisch, Albert, lab., h 289 Hi@.<br />

Bobrey John, lab., h 490 Fort e.<br />

Bobzin Charles, clerk, bds 160 Cass.<br />

Bock August, lab., h w B Dubois bet Ger-<br />

man and Gratiot.<br />

Bock Frederick, mechanic,h 168 Brewster.<br />

Bock George, baker, h 248 Sherman.<br />

Bock John, carpenter, h 237 Brush.<br />

Bock Marianne, (wid Theodore,) dress-<br />

maker, 227 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Bock Robert, painter, bds 168 Brewster.<br />

Bockheim John, grocer, s e cor High and<br />

Beaubien, h same.<br />

Bock haus William, lab. , bds 453 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Bodamer Jacob, lab., h 230 Calhoun.<br />

Bodde Casper, tailor, h 72 Sherman.<br />

, Bodde Frank, boots and shoes, 948 Mch-<br />

I gan ave, h same.<br />

Bodde John, tanner, h 244 Mullett<br />

1 Boden John, (F. D. Hart & Co.), bds old<br />

1 B~d~s"~~$l,<br />

clerk 1st National Bank, bds<br />

123 Shelby.<br />

Boden William, h 13 Washington ave.<br />

Boden William, grocer, 108 Adam ave W,<br />

h 87 Elizabeth w.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Bodgener Henry, carpenter, h 309 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Boeberitz John, mason, h 527 Mullett.<br />

Boebritz William, last finisher, h 497 Cro-<br />

ghnn.<br />

Boebertz Rachel, (wid Christian), h 497<br />

Croghan.<br />

Boehm Frederick, lab, h 179 Bronson.<br />

Boehm George F., blacksmith, h 11 Irving.<br />

Boehmer John, cabinet maker, h 273 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Boehnlein George, (a. & 31. Boehnlein), h<br />

131 St. Antoine.<br />

Boehnlein Matilda Bliss, clerk, bds 131 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Boehnlein Michael, (a. & 51. Boehnlein),<br />

bds 131 St. Antoine.<br />

Boehnlein GI. & M., (George &<br />

Michael), watch makers and German<br />

book sellers, 49 Monroe ave.<br />

Boehold Charles, lab, h 255 Chene.<br />

Boell Otto, lab, h 827 Sixteenth.<br />

Boemer Peter, lab, h Antietam, bet Rivard<br />

and Russell.<br />

Boenning Charles, clerk, bds n e cor St.<br />

Antoiue and Catherine.<br />

Boenninghausen Hugo, traveling agent, h<br />

18 Lafayette.<br />

Boenninghausen William, agent, h 89<br />

Catharine.<br />

Boenninghausen William sr., clerk, h cor<br />

Russell and Antietam.<br />

Boepple John, shoemaker, h 227 Clinton.<br />

Boer Joseph, lab, h Twenty-fourth nr<br />

Nagn olia.<br />

Boernstein Michael, shoemaker, h 70 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Boess Andrew, tailor, h 294 St. Antoine.<br />

Boess Charles, huckster, stall 34 C. H. M.,<br />

h e s Hastings nr Fremont.<br />

Boettcher John, shoemaker, bds s s New,<br />

bet Uubois and Chene.<br />

Boettcller William, lab, h 308 Antietam.<br />

Boettger Henry, saloon, 533 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Boettinger Jacob, shoemaker, bds 462<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Boettinghauben August, cigar maker, bds<br />

110 Maple.<br />

Boganni Joseph, shoemaker, h n s Mar-<br />

ion, bet Riopelle and Orleans.<br />

Bogart George, clerk, bds 366 Brush.:<br />

Bogg John A., carver, h 130 Locust.<br />

Boggs Thomas K., U. S. Guager, h 86<br />

Larned e.<br />

Bogie James, capt., bark Alexa~der.<br />

Bogle Benedict, lab., M. C. R. R., h.<br />

Bogle John, teamster. M. C. R. R.<br />

Bogue Peter :H., i (Bogue, Murray & Go.,)<br />

11 7 Grand River ave.<br />

Bogue Denis R., (Bogue, MurrG & Co.,)<br />

druggist, 117 Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Bogue & Bogle, (Peter H. Bogue B Daniel<br />

Boyle,) gold a ~ silver d plating, 14 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Bogue, Murray & Co., (Denis R. Bogue,<br />

'FVilliam D. Murray, John H. Granger &<br />

Peter H. Bogue,) perfumery and drugs,<br />

wholesale, up stairs, 11'7 Grand River ave.<br />

Bohen John, saloon, 61 Franklin, h same.<br />

Bohcne Charles, lab., h 96 Twelfth.<br />

Bohlinger Anton, tailor, h 226 Alfred.<br />

Bohmer Caspsr, jeweler, bds 273 31acomb.<br />

Biihmer Charlea, tanner, bds 236 Mullett.<br />

Biihmer John, carpenter, h 2'73 Macomb.<br />

Bohn Andrew, lab., h 594 Woodbidge w.<br />

Bohn Frederick W., lab., h William ave<br />

nr Myrtle.<br />

Bohn Hubert, moulder, bds 398 Croghan.<br />

Bohn John, blacksmith, bds 398 Croghan.<br />

Bohn John A., moulder, h 398 Croghan.<br />

Bohn Phillip, h 187 Napoleon.<br />

Bohn Theodore, tinsmith, h 187 Napoleon.<br />

Bohn William, blacksmith, h 398 Croghan.<br />

Bohnsar John tailor, h 2 Paton.<br />

Bohrer Henry, lab., bds 202 Larned w.<br />

Boice Edwin, lab., bcis 313 Sixteenth.<br />

Boice Hiram, farmer, h 313 Sixteenth.<br />

Boielle John P., watchman, h 55 Brewster.<br />

Boielle John Y.,carpenter, bds 55 Brewster.<br />

Boik John. lab., h e s Twenty-fourth nr<br />

R. R. track.<br />

Boillotat Joseph, stone cutter, h 231 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Boillotat Jose~h H., stone setter, h 353<br />

Antietam. A<br />

Boinay Henry, joiner, bds 337 Franklin.<br />

Boindoa Eugene, lab., h s s Scott, bet Rio-<br />

pelle and 'Dequindrc.<br />

Bois Peter, shoemaker, h 433 Ldayette.<br />

Boissonault Joseph, shoemaker, h 8ix-<br />

teenth bet 3;Iyrtle and 31agnolia.<br />

Boissomeau Napoleon J., shoemaker,<br />

h Sixteenth, nr. BIagnolia.<br />

Bojar Frank, lab.,h Tillman ave nr Linden.<br />

Boland Abby, dress maker, h 175 Clinton.<br />

Boland Charles, fireman, h 231 Mullett.<br />

Boland Frank, shoemaker, bds cor Orleans<br />

and Marion.<br />

Boland Joseph, St. Charles Hotel, 85 At-<br />

water.<br />

Boland Margaretha,' (wid-John,) h 204 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Boland Michael, lab., h 364 Twelfth.<br />

Bold John,r(col'd) lab., h cor Hastings and<br />

Fre mont.


Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Boldeduke Rosa, seamstress, h 298 Chestnut.<br />

Bolden Robert, (col'd), waiter, bds 188<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Croghan. I Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Boler Henry, (col'd), plasterer, h 121 Cro- S~irits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

ghan. C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Boler Henry, jr., (col'd) plasterer, bds 121 1 Chemicals generally.<br />

Croghi~n.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Bolger Dennis, porter, h Porter, bet Fourth<br />

and Fifth.<br />

Bommerscheim Joseph, - . lab, h 316 Mont-<br />

Bolger James, h 53 Howard. I calm e.<br />

Bolger James, teamster, h 15 Howard. Botnmershine Henry, plasterer, h 183<br />

Bolger John, sailor, h 561 Seventh.<br />

Solger Patrick, driver, h Seventh nr Or- I Bgzirshine John, plasterer, h 510 Oass<br />

chard.<br />

ave.<br />

Bolger Patrick, grocer, 341 Michigan ave., Bou. Parker C., (col'd) peddlar, h 145 Fort<br />

h same.<br />

east.<br />

Bolger Patrick J., sailor, h 561 Seventh. Bonamy Louis jr., carpenter, bcls 12 Hast-<br />

Bolyer Thomas, sawyer, bds 561 Seventh. ing~.<br />

Bolger -, clerk, h 85 Porter.<br />

Bonarny Louis sr., carpenter, bds 12 'dast-<br />

Bolger William, painter, h 268 Seventh. ings.<br />

Bolinging Catharine, (wid. Louis,) h 519 Bond Charles G. M., clerk, h 184 Park.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Bond George W., bridge builder, h 920<br />

Bolio Charles, lab., bds 546 Croghan. Fort w.<br />

Bolio Francls, grocer, 291 rSixteenth, h Bond William, h 70 High.<br />

same.<br />

Bond William S., bds Antisdel House.<br />

Bolio John, shoemaker, h 391 Franklin. Bondermer William, butcher, bds 460<br />

Bolio Josie, teacher Bishop Union School. Clinton ave.<br />

Bolio Mary, (wid. Charles,) h 546 Croghm. Bondie Antoine, clerk, bds 714 Wood-<br />

Eol io Oliver, clerk, bds 297 Sixteenth. bridge w.<br />

Bolitho John, painter, bds 184 Second. Bonds Charles (col'd) sailor, bds 363<br />

Bolitho William, miner, h 184 Second. Croghan.<br />

Eolivcr James: lab, bds 4 Miller.<br />

Bondv Jose~h. teamster. h 168 Twentieth.<br />

.I - I 7<br />

Bolles John E., (Snow & Bolies,) bds 79 Bong Adam, cabinet miker, bds 123 Na-<br />

Miami ave.<br />

poleon.<br />

Bolles Joseph b., lab, h in alley bet. Fourth Bong Gottfried, lab., h 420 Alfred.<br />

and Fifth and Jones and Michigan ave. Bonnali David, carpenter, h 245 Howard.<br />

Bolleger Jacob, shoemaker, h 463 Clinton. Bonne John, lab., h 109 Fort e.<br />

Bollmann August, lab, h w s Orleans nr Bonne Peter T., lab., h 109 Fort e.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Bonney George C., shoemaker, bds Penin-<br />

Bollmeyer John C., printer, h 13 Bpencer. sular House.<br />

Bolon William, blacksmith, h 56 Division. Bonniksen Hans, lab, h 418 Alfred.<br />

Bolsendale John, lab, M. C. R. R., h 121 Bonse Bernard, lab, h 86 Jay.<br />

Twen ty-second.<br />

Bonswar Frederick, carpenter, h w s<br />

Bott August, gardener, bds 1 Jefferson ave. Fourth bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Bolt William D., carpenter, h 525 Fort w. Book .I. B., pnysician, 823 Jefferson ave,<br />

Bolt Wil!iam J., blacksmith, bcls 146 Oak. bcls Biddle House.<br />

Bolt William S., carpenter, h 525 Fort w. Bookbinder Adolph, carpenter, h 581 Cro-<br />

Bolter Susie, with Pelgrim & Co., bds 263 ghan.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Bookbinder Charles, bookbinder, bds 581<br />

Bolton -, brass finisher, bds 23 Seventh. Croghan.<br />

Bolt on Lafayette, (col'd), conductor, h 292 Booker Edward, (col'd) saloon, 160 Beau-<br />

Lafayette.<br />

bien, bds 52 Croghan.<br />

Bolton George W., carpenter, h 359 Du- Bookya Louis, blacksmith, h 196 Wight.<br />

bois.<br />

Bookya Oliver, engineer, bds 196 Wight.<br />

Bolton George TV., carpenter, bds 71 Boost Charles, harness maker, n. w. cor<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Fourteenth and Woodbridge, h same.<br />

Bolton Robert, carpenter, h 378 Fort e. Booth Charles N., watchman, bds s. .w. cor<br />

Bolton Thomas, porter, 153 Michigan ave. Humbold ave. and Butternut.<br />

Bolz Rudolph, cabinet maker, h 436 Chene. Booth Edward, operator, bds 55 Michigan<br />

Bolzentahl Job, cigar maker,h 121 Twen- Grand ave.<br />

ty-second.<br />

Booth Elisha G., (Fisher, Booth & Co.,) h<br />

Bommerscheim Thomas, shoemaker, 485 cor Henry and Woodward aves.<br />

BIacomb, h same.<br />

Booth Frank A,, clerk, bds Biddle House.


mAYBEwSa<br />

.-I<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Booth Rev. George C., (col'd,) pastor A.<br />

31. E. Church, h 206 Congress e.<br />

Booth James S , agent Averill Chemical<br />

Paint, 151 Griswold, h 81 Howard.<br />

Booth Patrick,shoemaker, bds 7OCatharine.<br />

Booth Uriah, bds 363 Woodward ave.<br />

Booth Walter R., clerk, bds 81 Howard.<br />

Booth bds 3 Columbia e.<br />

Boothly Jesse, carpenter, h 821 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />

Boothroyd Richard, stage carpenter, bds<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

Boothroyd William H., (Boothroyd &<br />

Gibbs,) h 22 Blechanic.<br />

Boothroyd & Gibbs, (William H. Booth-<br />

royd and Fred. Geo. Gibbs,) books, 191<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Bootz Christian, lab., h n. s. Maple, bet.<br />

Joseph Campau and i\'IcDougall aves.<br />

Bootz Charles lab., h Maple n s bet. Dubois<br />

and Joseph Campa-il ave.<br />

Bootz Frederick, lab., h 304 Maple.<br />

Bootz Wendel, peddlar, h 263 Gratiot.<br />

Bootz William, lab., h s. s. New, bet. Du-<br />

bois and Chene,and German and Gratiot.<br />

Bopp Ignatz, cooper, h 41 Catharine.<br />

Borar Frank, lab., hds 102 jay.<br />

BORCHARD FERDINAND, furniture<br />

manufacturer, s. w. cor Rivard and<br />

Nacornb, h same. (&e udv.)<br />

Borchard Ferdinand, cabinet maker, bds<br />

s. w. cor Rivard and 3iIacomb.<br />

Borchman Charles A., boots and shoes, 682<br />

Woodbridge m, h same.<br />

Borchman Otto, shoemaker, bcls 682<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Borck Martin, watchman, h 124 Hastings.<br />

Border Abraham, lab., bds 65 Atwater.<br />

Border Lewis lab., h 461 Fort e.<br />

Kordman Ferdinand, lab., bds 235 MuIIett.<br />

Bordman John, blacksmith, h 5'71 Lsrned<br />

east.<br />

Bordone Eliso, plasterer, 80 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Bordwell Warren, actor, h 313 Catherine.<br />

Bore1 Paul, watchman, bds 313 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Borgess Rt. Rev. Casper H., (Bishop of the<br />

Diocese,) h 353 Jefferson ave.<br />

Borgman Charles E., clerk, bds 8 Clinton.<br />

Borgman Charles H., city clerk, German<br />

book store, cor Monroe ave and Ran-<br />

dolph, (Liug & Borgman,) h 8 Clinton.<br />

Borgman Hirsch, peddlar, h 196 Antoine.<br />

Borgman Martin V. superintendent of po- ,<br />

lice, h 45 Sibley.<br />

Borico Anthony, carpenter, h Twenty-<br />

fourth, nr Magnolia.<br />

Borland Peter, lab., h 260 Croghan.<br />

Borlin Charles, lab., h 456 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Borman Henry, lab., 31. C. R. R. elevator.<br />

Born Gottfried, porter, s s Scott bet De-<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Born Henry, cigar maker, h 143 Clinton.<br />

Born Peter, tinsmith, bds s s Scott bet De-<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Borneman John, cabinet maker, bds 154<br />

Sherman.<br />

Bornman John, printer, h 233 Lafayette.<br />

Bornman Henry, clerk, h 225 Lafayette.<br />

Borrowman Andrew, physician, 133 Jeffer-<br />

son ave, bds 77 Beaubien.<br />

Bortle Frederick, sailor, bds 560 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Borton A. B., h 166 Woodward ave.<br />

Bosel Jacob, lab., h 99 Bremster.<br />

Bosel John, carriage trimmer, bds 99<br />

Brewster. i<br />

Boshaw John, saloon, 115 Atwater, h<br />

same. i<br />

Boshaw Francis cnptain, h 30 Grand River 1<br />

east. I<br />

!<br />

Bosilius Charles iab., h s s New bet Du-<br />

bois and Chene,and German and Gratiot.<br />

Boss James, (cord) waiter, bds 56 Macomb.<br />

Bossen Rachel, (wid James,) h 435<br />

Seventh.<br />

Bossman Joseph, carpenter, h 522 Brews-<br />

ter.<br />

Bossman Rudolph, lab., h Twenty-fourth<br />

nr 3Iagnolia.<br />

Bossmer Nicholas, carpenter, h 46 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Bosquet George, lab., h 232 Franklin.<br />

Boston Chas., sai1or.h second h from Lafay-<br />

ette n on Twenty-first.<br />

Boston Square Dealing Cloth-<br />

ing Pii ouse, 137 Woodward ave.<br />

Boston George, carpenter, h 109 Twentieth.<br />

Bostwick Henry E., clerk, h 249 First.<br />

Bostwick James, junk store, 106 Wood-<br />

bridge w, h 372 Abbott.<br />

Bostwick Joel, junk store, 106 Wood-<br />

bridge w, h 106 Twelfth.<br />

Bostwick Noble, carpenter, h 394 Abbott.<br />

Bostwick William J., watcnman, House of<br />

Correction, bds same.<br />

Boten Elizabeth, (wid. Timothy,) h 71<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Bothan John, lab., h 549 Larned e.<br />

Bottle Henry E., horse collar maker, 147<br />

Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Botsford Alanson, (J. H. Durand 62 Co.,)<br />

h 122 Sixteenth.<br />

Botsford Albert (8. & A. Botsford,) h 188<br />

Congress w.<br />

Bo~forcl A. Lee, carpenter, h 3GG Cass ave.

*<br />


Botsford Smith, (S. & A. Botsford,) h 26 '<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Botsford William R., commission mer-<br />

chant, 68 and 70 Woodbridge w, h 49<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Botsford S. & A., (Smith and Albert,) com-<br />

mission merchants, foot Crtss.<br />

Bouargett Wilfred, painter, bds 545 Fort e.<br />

Boucher Bfargaretha, (wid) h 175 Maconlb.<br />

Boucher Paul, lab., 11 175 Macomb.<br />

Boucher Peter, carpenter, h 601 Larned e.<br />

Boucher Remi, lab., h 175 Macom b.<br />

Boudreau Alexander, cooper, h 220 Adarus<br />

ave.<br />

Boundreau Charles, ship carpenter, h 550<br />

Congress e.<br />

Bourdrcau Victoria, (wid Etienne,) h 20<br />

Orleans.<br />

Boughton George W., carpenter, h 96<br />

Porter.<br />

Boughton Tliom(zs C., clerk, h 1 Walnut.<br />

Boughton William, photographer, bds 1<br />

Walnut.<br />

Eouphton William, traveling agent, bds<br />

164 George.<br />

Boullee John, teamster, h 537 Lamed e.<br />

Boullee William H., clerk, bcls 96 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Boulter Stephen, shoemaker, 11 239 Fourth.<br />

Bouiter William, boots and shoes, 123<br />

Grand River avenue, h 263 Fourth.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />


I<br />


I WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

1 Retail.<br />

Eonrke W a1 ter, commission merchant, 25<br />

Woocthridge w., h 182 Lafayette ave.<br />

Bourq ]in Fred., machinist, h 104 Leverett.<br />

Bourrell Peter, lab., h 361 Franklin.<br />

Bourscher Peter, carpenter$ 601 Larned e.<br />

Bousean Andrew, carpenter, h 597 Fort w<br />

Bonshey Frank, painter,h 202 Adnms ave e.<br />

Boushey Joseph, lab., h 372 Gratiot.<br />

Rousqua Hyacintl-r, tailor, h 282 Franklin.<br />

Boussneur Nicholas, carpenter, h 46 Craw<br />

fbrd.<br />

33011 t elje Eleszer, second hand clothing,<br />

16 Fort e, h same.<br />

Boutell Alexander A., manager, Mowry &<br />

Co., h 306 Abbot.<br />

Boutin Flavier, ship carpenter, h 649 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Boutineau Louis S., farmer, h Fourth nr<br />

Holden Road.<br />

Boutt Francis, lab., h 175 Chene.<br />

Boutt Paulus, saloon, s w cor Dequindre,<br />

noulton Joseph, machinist, 51. C. R. R. s St. ,Joseph, h same.<br />

Bounca David, blacl~smith, bcls 19,r Frank- Boutw ell Minson W., sailmaker, bds 65<br />

lin.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Bour ,4ugustus D., h 363 Congress e. Boverat Peter, cigar maker, h 5'79<br />

Bour Edward, clerk, bds 368 Congress e. Croghan.<br />

Bour Elizabeth, wid Joseph,(J. Bour & Co) Bovit George, mason, bds 25 Bates. -<br />

h 258 Jefferson ave.<br />

Bow Isabella, (wid. John) h 4 Lewis.<br />

Bour Jacob, lab., h 546 Fort e.<br />

13ow James, carpenter, bds 4 Lewis.<br />

Bour Jxrnes, clerk, h 159 Nuilett. Bow John, stone cutter, bds 4 Lewis.<br />

Bour Joseph (J. Bour & Co.) h 258 Jef- Bowdrou Charles, carpenter, h 570 Conferson<br />

ave.<br />

gress e.<br />

Boor Joseph 6: Co. (Joseph and Elizabeth Bowe Edward, lab., h 62 Park.<br />

Bour) boots and shoes, 258 Jefferson ave. Bowe John, enqineer, h 202 Chestnut.<br />

Bourbran Charles B., painter, h 53 Rivard. Bowen Annie E., dressmaker, 191 Larned<br />

Bourdoin Alexander, horse-shoer, bda 8.1: e, h same.<br />

31aco1nb.<br />

Bowen Charles C., (D. M. Ferry & Co.,)<br />

Bourdoin Charles, hackdriver, h 450 St, h 551 Cltss ave.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Bowen Colon, brakeman, h 169 Four-<br />

Bourdoin John, horse-shoeing, 34 Fo'rt e., teenth.<br />

h 84 Macomb.<br />

Bowen Emory, lab., h 423 ~oward.<br />

Bourgeois Henry, grocer, 21 1 St. Aubin Bowen George, painter, bds 395 Lafayette.<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Bowen George M., clerk, h 72 Henry.<br />

Bourgeois Edward, lab., h 255 Third. Bowen Herbert, lawyer, 68 Seitz block, bds<br />

Bourgett Joseph, jr., painter, h bds 545 Antisdel House.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Bomen John.bung maker, bds 72Larned w.<br />

Bourgatt Joseph, sen., yainter,h 545 Fort e. Bomen Josiah S., (col'd,) caterer, h 191<br />

Bourke John >I., clerk, bds Goodman Larned e.<br />

House.<br />

Bowen Lewis, engineer, bds 433 Howard.<br />

BO URIIE OLIVE= (wholesale Bomen Michael restuarant, Bank Exchange<br />

wine and spirits) 100 Jefferson me., h old 96 Griswold and 11 Congress w, h 250<br />

28 new 32 Madison ave. (& adv.) Second.<br />

Bourke Richard, grocer, 5@2 Michigan Bowen Thomas, lab., h Dequindre, near<br />

avc., h same.<br />

Federal.<br />



Boyd Edward, planer, bds n e cor Congress<br />

and Fifth.<br />

Boyd Fred., hrakesman, h 458 Fort w.<br />

Boyd Henry, hack driver, h 123 Mullett.<br />

Boyd James, lab., h 210 Abbott.<br />

Boyd James P., trav. agent, bds 120 Henry.<br />

Boyd John, engineer, h 214 Abbott.<br />

Boyd Kate, (wid Robert,) dressmaker, h<br />

65 Columbia w.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Bovc! Robert. mason. h 280 Park.<br />

~oyd ~arah'<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

l., (wid Robert,) bds 250<br />

Park.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Bopdell John, paints and oils, 104 Randolph,<br />

h 370 St. Antoine.<br />

Bowen Thomas R., bds 19 Rowland. Boydell William, clerk, bds old 85 new 91<br />

Bomen William, sailor, bds 423 How- La.rneCt e.<br />

ard.<br />

Boy1n.u James N., sewinq nlachiue agent,<br />

Bowen Winfield C., sailor, bds 423 How- 135 Bates, h 781 Woodward ave.<br />

ard.<br />

Boy12 Bnrtholomew, tanner, h 107 Twelfth.<br />

Bower William W., machinist, h 210 Boyle Bendie, lab., bds 164 Porter.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Boyle Daniel, (Bogue & Boyle,) h 117<br />

Bowerman Diana, (wid John,) h n. w. cor Grand River ave.<br />

Frank and Crawford.<br />

Boyle John, boiler maker, h 320 Catharine.<br />

Bowers Charles, machinist, h 158 Seven- Boyle John A,, clerk, bds 88 Howard.<br />

teenth.<br />

Boyle John, lab.. h 242 3Ion~cal1n e.<br />

Bowers Louise, (wid Thomas,) washer- Boyle John D., (Boyle Bros.,) 11 212 Porter.<br />

woman, h 108 Division.<br />

Boyle Joseph, shoemaker, h 241 Alfred.<br />

Bowers William, lab., h 210 Fifteenth. Boyle Robert S., (Boy-le Bros.,) h 163<br />

Bowhall David, lab., bds 302 Atwater e. Fourth.<br />

Bowler Frank, lab., bds 457 Twelfth. Boyle Thomas, boiler maker, bds 320 Cath-<br />

Bowler John, clerk, bds 68 Macomb ave- arine.<br />

Bowler John, teamster, h n. w. cor Grand BoyleWilliam,moulder, bds 61 Congress w.<br />

Hiver and Thirteenth and-a-half. Boyle Bros., (John D and Robert 8.,)<br />

Bowler Thomas,car cleaner,h 447 Twelfth. architectural iron wol.ks, cor Congress<br />

Bowles Ann J., (wid John,) h Twelfth near and Fourth.<br />

railroad.<br />

Boynton Albert G., (police justice,)lawy er<br />

Bowles Elizabeth, (wid Samuel,) h 130 20 Rotunda, h 44 Bagg.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Boynton John, bds 292 'Third.<br />

Bowles Joseph, clerk, h Third, cor Tus- Braan Wm. teamster, bds 62 First.<br />

cola.<br />

Brabant John, ship carpenter, h 35 Tven-<br />

Bowles M. Amelia,clerk, h Third, bet. Ful- tieth.<br />

ton and Tuscola.<br />

Brabbetts Joseph, lab., h e s Whiting nr<br />

Bowles William, (col'd,) lab., h s. w. cor Ash.<br />

Grove and Ohio.<br />

Brabeau Michael, lab., h e s of Chene bet<br />

Bowles William, (col'd,) lab., bds 130 Cro- Maple and Chestnut.<br />

qhan.<br />

Brabetz Jogeph, lab., h Eighteenth 3rd<br />

~owrn, Louis A., engineer, h 323 Howarl. block n Michiqan ave.<br />

Bowman Byram, mechanic, h 556 Cro- Brabo Anthony, lab., h Twelfth w s W.<br />

ghnn.<br />

Dickinson.<br />

Bowman Eustace C., clerk, bds 77 Beau- Brabyn Susan, (wid William,) h 359 Labien.<br />

fityette.<br />

Bowman Henry, porter, h 208 Rivard. Brace Champion, confectioner, h 12 Paton.<br />

Bowman John S., engineer, h 125 Eighth. Brace Elijah, la\)., bds 12 Paton.<br />

Bowing Edward, clerk, bds 19 Adelaide. Brace William H., (William Phelps & Co)<br />

Bowring Frank, clerk, h 166 Larned e. h 75 Miami ave.<br />

Bowring Robert S., millinery, 1498 Ran- Bracht Barbara, (wid Jacob, 107 Marion.<br />

dolph, bds 166 Lltrned e.<br />

Bracht John, tailor, h 309 Marion.<br />

Bowring Mrs. Susan, h 166 Lnrned e. Bracht John B., clerk, h 309 Marion.<br />

Bowring Thomas, clerk, h 166 Larned e. Bracker Marsh, engineer, h 137 Twentieth.<br />

Boyce Charles,captain, h 611 Lafayette ave. Bradel Richard, (Jahn & Co.,) h 299 Beau-<br />

Boyce James, peddlar, h 514 Seventh. bien.<br />

Boyce Peter, shoemaker, h 433 Lafayette. Braden John, machinist, h 770 Lafayette.<br />

Boyd Alice, finisher, bds 200 Beaubien. Braden Robert A., painter, h 172 National<br />

Boyd David, engineer, h 258 Park.<br />



Bradford Charles W., saloon, 104 Gris-<br />

wold, h 113 Elizabeth e.<br />

Bradford Henry J., painter, h 70 National<br />

ave.<br />

Bradford J. L., clerk, Campbell LE Son's,<br />

bds 44 Abbott.<br />

Bradford Otis, h 40 Jones.<br />

Bradford Walter H., painter, h 180 Na- I<br />

tional ave.<br />

Bradley Frank, carpeiter, h 3 Aspinall<br />

Terrace &lacomb aye.<br />

Bradley James, hack driver, bds 278 Jeff er-<br />

son ave.<br />

Bradley John, mason, h 703 Macomb.<br />

Bradley Judson, physician, n e cor Jeffer-<br />

son ave and 3It. Elliott ave, bds same.<br />

Bradley Theodore F., clerk Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Bradly Warren, clerk, h 47 Adams ave e.<br />

Bradon Dorcas (col) seamstress, h 487<br />

Hastings.<br />

Braclshaw Nark, engineer, 452 Ninth ave.<br />


(Improved Mercantile Agency) Nathaniel<br />

J. Hubbell Superintendent, room 4 Butler<br />

Block.<br />

Bradt Simon, carpenter, h 128 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Brady Bernard, lather, h 16 3Iarion.<br />

Brntly Charles, J. jr., box factory, cor. At-<br />

water and St.Aotoine, h 188 Congress e.<br />

Bmdy Charles J., sr., machinist, h 188<br />

Congress e.<br />

Brady Charles W., foreman, h 245 Mullctt.<br />

Brady Fred. P., book agent, bds Fin-<br />

ney's hotel.<br />

Brady George N., h 156 Congress e.<br />

Rrady James, carpenter, h 21 1 Gu~in.<br />

Brady John, agent, bds 199 First.<br />

Brady .John, foreman, h '70 Chestnut.<br />

Bra dy John, trunk-maker, bcls Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Brady Joseph, porter, Franklin House.<br />

Brady Lewis P., gunsmith, bds Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Brady Patrick, pedlar, h 437 Fifteenth.<br />

Brady Preston (Brady & Co.,) commission,<br />

foot of Woodward ave., h old 28 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

'Brady Thomas, lab., h 112 Canfield.<br />

Brady Thomas, porter, bds 508 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Brady Wallace, clerk, h 181 Second,<br />

Brady William, house-mover, h 308 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

BRADY & Co,, (Preston Brady and<br />

John W. Thomson) forwarders, foot of<br />

Woodward ave. (See Adv.)<br />

Brainard Julius, teamster, h 204 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Bramson John, painter, bds 142 Grand<br />

River aye.<br />

20<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who mill favor up by a call at our office, 52 W ee<br />

Larned street.<br />

Parke, Davis Le- Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Branbury August, fireman, h Grand River<br />

ave cor Eighth.<br />

Branch Philiip (Vena & Branch), h 130<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Brand Charles, carpenter, bds 295 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Brand Charles BI., plasterer, h '73 Brainard.<br />

Brand Charles R., manager <strong>Detroit</strong> Paint-<br />

ing Co., h 208 Park.<br />

Brand George, helper, bds 295 Franklin.<br />

Brand Jacob, builder, h 53 Columbia e.<br />

Brand Jacob, lab., h e s Dubois bet. Eala -<br />

nor L. Campau and Gratiot.<br />

Brand William, brewer, h n w cor Elm-<br />

wood ave and Macomb.<br />

Brand W. P., drover, h 20 Lafayette.<br />

Branda Andrew, moulder, h 708 Lafayette,<br />

Brandan Justus, blacksmith, h 415 Fort e.<br />

Brandan Charles W., printer, h 64 Thir-<br />

teen th.<br />

Brande Joseph, bds 238 Columbia e.<br />

Brandenbush Angust, car builcler, h e s<br />

Eighth bet. Irving and Maria.<br />

Brauder Colin G., saloon, 20 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Brander John C., bds 20 Grand River ave.<br />

Brandle Anthony, machinist, h 637 'Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Brando George, carpenter, h 42 Fort e.<br />

Brando Henry, blacksmith, h 421 Fort e.<br />

Brandon J. C., moulding maker, h 361<br />

Catharine.<br />

Branclt Charles, carpenter, bds n e cor Ma-<br />

berry ave and Ash.<br />

Brandt Frederick H., saloon, 205 Michi-<br />

gan ave, h silme.<br />

Brandt Fritz, wagoner, bds 347 Dubois.<br />

Brandt Leon, lab, h n e cor. Mayberry and<br />

Ash.<br />

Brandt William, farrier, h 593 Croghan.<br />

Brandy Alvin B., lab., h 4'78 Orleans.<br />

Brangard John, carpenter, bds $9 Gratiot.<br />

Bremner Donald, clerk, h 10 West Park<br />

Place.<br />

Brant Charles P., clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Brant Lyman, printer, bds 127 Larned w.<br />

Brantman Fritz, carpenter, h 391 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Branviette David sr, machinist, h 767 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

BrashikMichael, lab, h e s Whiting nr Ash.<br />

Brasna Frank, boot and shoemaker, 532<br />

I Michigan ave, h same.


a&FmEw<br />



SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Breen Jeremiah, lab.? h 800 Eighth.<br />

Breeri John, clerk, h Porter, bet Fifth and<br />

Sixth.<br />

Breen John F., clerk, bds 162 Abbott.<br />

Breen Patrick, lab., h 319 old, Fifth.<br />

Breen Thomas lab., h 104 Porter.<br />

Breen IVilliam, clerk, bds 82 Labrosse.<br />

Breen William, teamster, bds 59 Fir-t.<br />

Brehmer John, lab,, h 132 Seventeenth.<br />

Brasner John, carpenter, h 646 Michigan Breisaci~er Leo, (Diederich & Brcisacher,)<br />

ave.<br />

h 310 Congress e.<br />

Bra,tsl~aw Joseph B. II., wholesale grocer, Breitenbucher ltobert, jeweler, h 119 BIa-<br />

98 Jefferson ave, h 69 Winder.<br />

con~b.<br />

Bratt Benjamin, lamp lighter, h 310 Cro- Brei t feld John, laF)., h 516 Riopelle.<br />

ghan.<br />

Breithaupt Anilre~v, carpenter, h 413 St.<br />

Eratz Joscph, engineer, h 344 Chestnut. An toine.<br />

Brau Chttrles, lab, h 41 7 Rfacomb. Breithrtupt Jacob, nlalst cr, 11 365 Antoi~~e.<br />

Braoch Edward, shoemaker, h 593 Seventh. Breithaupt Johu, carpenter, h 567 St. Au-<br />

Braun George, lab, h 335 Chestnut.<br />

toine.<br />

Brrtun William, lab, 11 n s Sherman bet<br />

Breitwieser Iklichrtcl, stove mounter, h n e<br />

cor Congress and Chene.<br />

BfcDougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Breline S~mon, pedlar, h 159 Mullett.<br />

Braunstein Jacob, peddlar, h 89 l\Iullett. Brell Andrew, machinist, h 335 Lnfayette.<br />

Brautau August, blacksmith, h 415 Fort e. Bremer Fritz, lab.. b 277 Sherman.<br />

Brava Margaret, (wid Joseph), h 505 Ha- Bremnler Henry, blacksmith, h 301 Juliet.<br />

collib.<br />

13remner Donald, clcrk, h old 10 w Park<br />

Brava Conrad, photographer, bds 505 Xa- Place.<br />

con1 b.<br />

Brender Titus, brush maker, h e s Riopelle<br />

Brava William, carpenter, bds 505 Ma- bet Croghan and Macomb.<br />

comb.<br />

Breildle Anthouy, machinist, h 637 Con-<br />

Braw Theophile lab, h 50 Mayberry ave. gress e.<br />

Braxton L.. mason, h 298 \\'atson.<br />

Brelldley Gcorge, helper, bcls s w cor Rus-<br />

Brayton Francis L.' real estate, h 359 Fort sell and Clinton.<br />

west.<br />

Brennan Catherine, (wid John,) h old 30,<br />

Brazel George, fireman engine No. 2, h new 24 Palmer.<br />

219 Larned e.<br />

Brennan David J., clerk, h 31 Abbott..<br />

Brazel George J., steam fitter, bds 219 Brennan Edward bds 58 hrlalns ave e.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Brennan Edward, boiler maker, h Pitcher<br />

Brazel Thomas P., restaurant 50 Wood- n w cor Second.<br />

ward ave, ii same.<br />

Brennan James, h 58 Aclams aye e.<br />

Brazel don Villiam, (col'd) barber, bds s e Brenaan James, machinist, bds 164 Larned<br />

cor Beaubien ancl Crogl~an.<br />

W.<br />

Brearley Will H., clerk, Tribune bds 790 Brennan James, (Brennan Bros,) h 100<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

B1 ich igan ave.<br />

Brebau John lab, h 266 Clinton.<br />

Brennan Jitll~es, (Gallagher & Brennan,) h<br />

Breauttc Leon, painter, h 128 Mayberry 63 Fifteenth.<br />

aye.<br />

Brecell Patrick, lab, bds 136 Larned w. .<br />

Brennan John, boilcr maker, 194, 196 198<br />

Larned w, b cor Fort anct Ninth ave.<br />

Brechr. George, saloon, 87 Gratiot, 11 same. Brennan John, cigars and tobacco, 3204<br />

Breckman Fredriclr, saloon, $53 31icLigan Woodmard ave, h same.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Bren11an John, clcrk, bds Goodman<br />

Brede Albert, blacksmith, h 48. Sullivan House.<br />

Brcde Frederick, cleik bds 268 Croghan. Brennan John. lab., h 265 Franklin.<br />

ave.<br />

Brennan John. store keeper, L. H. dept., h<br />

Brede John J., saloon, 268 Croghan h foot Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

same.<br />

Brennan Joseph, bar tender, bds Mansion<br />

Bredenstein Peter, lab., bds 320 Chestnut. House.<br />

Bredlow Fredrick, carpenter, h n e cur Brennan Joseph, carpenter, h 485 Fifth.<br />

Cedar and Fourth.<br />

Bredow August, mason, bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Brennan Miss Kate, (Misses Breonan,) h<br />

Bredow William, blacksmith, h 515 St.<br />

173 Woodward ave.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Brennan Lawrence, lab., h Lsrned bet<br />

Breekett Alexander, lab., h 216 Calhoun. Riopelle and Orleans.<br />

fjreen David, lab., h 199 Third.<br />

Brennan Nargaret, (wid Denis,) h 44<br />

Breen Den@, draprnan, h 162 Abbot, Adams avt: e,


Brennan Michael, lab., h 5'75 Congress e.<br />

Brennan Michael, lawper, 149 Jefferson ave,<br />

bds 243 Third.<br />

Brennan Michael A., engraver, h 44<br />

Adarns ave e.<br />

Brennan Patrick, dairyman, h Woodward<br />

ave nr railroad crossing.<br />

Brennan Patrick, foreman, h 91 National<br />

ave.<br />

Brennan Peter, grocer, 298 Sixth, h same.<br />

Brennan Peter, plasterer, h 31 0 Sixth.<br />

B reman Sarah Miss, (Misses Brennan,)<br />

bds I73 Woodward ave.<br />

Brennan Th~mas, lab., h n s Porter bet<br />

Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Brennan Thomas, lab., h 143 Seventeenth.<br />

Brennan William, grocer, 405 Blichigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Brennan William, cooper, h 87 Sibley.<br />

Brennan Bros, (James Brennan,) dry<br />

goods, 190 Michigan ave.<br />

Brennan IkIisses, (Kate and Sarah,) dealers<br />

in hair work; 173 Woodward ave.<br />

Brent Frederick, carpenter, h 315 Seventeenth.<br />

Brenxinger Louis, brush maker, bds 36<br />

Monroe ave,<br />

Bresler Adolph, (Einstein & Bresler,) h 119<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Bresler Charles, clerk, h 119 St. Antoine.<br />

Breslin Frank I., baker, 174 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Bresawitz Christian, stone cutter, bds 119<br />

Sherman.<br />

Bresnahan Ann (mid. llichael) boarding,<br />

107 Porter.<br />

Bresnahan Cornelius, fireman, h e s National<br />

ave w Sycamore.<br />

Bresnahan Cornelius, lab., h 440 Beaubien.<br />

Bresnahan Cornelius, lab, h 275 Homerd.<br />

Bresnahan Cornelius, lab, h 211 Porter.<br />

Bresnahan Daniel: lab, h 149 Plum.<br />

Bresnahan Daniel, plasterer, bds 440<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Eresntihan Jeremiah, lab, h 131 Labrosse.<br />

Bresnahan John, gilder, bds 2'75 Howard,<br />

Bresnahan Nargaret, refreshment stall, U.<br />

C. EI. M., h 209 lDorter.<br />

Bresnahau Michael, blacksmith, h 60C<br />

Lamed e.<br />

Bresnahan Nichael, lab, h 99 Porter.<br />

Bresnahan RZorris, drover, h 739 3Iichi-<br />

$an ave.<br />

Bresnahan Patrick, porter, bds 614 Sev.<br />

enth.<br />

Bresnahan Jeremiah, cabinet maker, bds<br />

88 Woodbridge m.<br />

Bresnahan Timothy, lab., h 199 Beach. .<br />

Bresnahan Timothy A., carpenter, h 12C<br />

Eighth.<br />

Bretz Anton, grocer, 197 Gratiot, h same<br />

Bretz Joseph, lab, h 344 Chestnut.<br />

Bretzer John, lab, h 41 Sherman.<br />



8uNm &!k @@B8B<br />

FnIton Market Oyster Honse,<br />


Oysters in the Shell a t;pecialty. Wholepale<br />

and Retall.<br />

Breu Carl, lab, b 461 BIacomb.<br />

Breuer Henry, second hand store, 198 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Breuer John, lab, h 533 Dequindre.<br />

Breuer 3Iichae1, wire weaver, h 122 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Brenning John ,saloon, n e cor Riopelle and<br />

Brewster, h same.<br />

Breunig Joseph, lab, h 298 Alfred.<br />

Brevier Harry, printer, bds s e cor Fort<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Brem John, cigar maker, bds '78 Cherry.<br />

Brew Joseph, coppersmith, h 308 Cherry.<br />

Brew Mathew, lab, bds $8 Cherry.<br />

Brew Martin, painter, h 78 Cherry.<br />

Brem Micbael, painter, h n e cor Fifth<br />

and Cherry.<br />

Brewe Charles C., photographer, bds 505<br />

Macomb.<br />

Brewe John, tailor, h 515 Crogh~n.<br />

Brewer John, (col'd) barber, 11 208 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Brewill Jane, (wid Charles), h 96 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Brewirth Fredrick, lab, h Humboldt ave<br />

e s nr Linden.<br />

Brewster Harvey TV. D., h 259 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Brewster William W., Dep. Collector In-<br />

ternal Revenue, bds 87 Shelby.<br />

Breyer Baptiste, upholsterer, h 92 Clinto~.<br />

Brezranek John, lab, h 369 Juliett.<br />

Brichta Frank, lab, h 98 Sullivan ave.<br />

Brichtu Joseph, lab, h 757 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Brick Patrick, lab, h 59 Orchard.<br />

Bricker Frederick, tobacconist, h n s Sulli-<br />

van ave, bet Twenty-first and Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Brickmann William, carpenter, h 166 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Brickner Charles, brakesman, h.206 Alfred.<br />

Brickner Edward, las tmaker, h 205 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Bridge David, machinist h 296 Wood-<br />

bride w.<br />

Bridge David H., blacksmith, bds 296<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Bridge Fred, helper, bds n w cor Sixth<br />

and Woodbrid~e.<br />

Bridge Henry P:, (Bridge & Xorton), h<br />

116 Congress e.<br />

Bridge Henry, draughtsman; h 388 Third.<br />

Brid~e John. for~emm. h 78 Seventh.<br />

~ridie - ~ose'~h, ';lairyman, h Fremont e<br />

Beau bien.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Bridge & Norton, (Henry P. Bridge &<br />

Edward I(. Norton), commission mer-<br />

chants, No. 2 Stimson Block.<br />

Bridgeman Patrick, lab, h 145 Cherry.<br />

Bidgeman Patrick, lab., h 191 Fifth.<br />

Bridgeman Willianl P., (Bridgeman &<br />

Hurd, h 83 Howard.<br />

Bridgeman & Hurd, (William P. Bridge-<br />

man and John P. Hurd,) fancy goods, 1<br />

Opera House block.<br />

Bridler Dominick, machinist, bds n. e. cor<br />

Larned and Second.<br />

Bridonbeck Peter, plasterer, h 127 Tillman<br />

ave.<br />

Bridneizer George, moulder, h 146 Chene.<br />

Briers James, cabinet maker, bds 62 Ma-<br />

comb ave.<br />

Brieserneister Hermann, cutter, h 150 3Xa-<br />

comb.<br />

Briggs Alexander A., cigar manufacturer,<br />

h 373 Croghan.<br />

Briggs Augustus, lab., 31. C. R. R.<br />

Briggs A. Pomeroy, engraver, h 1 Noyes<br />

block.<br />

Briggs Benjamin ,I., teamster, h Grand<br />

River ave., bet. Third and Cherry.<br />

Briggs Dexter J., wood dealer! 185 and 187<br />

Eighteenth, h 189 Eighteenth.<br />

Briggs Frank M., painter, h 576 Larned e.<br />

Briggs Henry L., bds 31 Grismold.<br />

Briggs Orin, varnisher, h 8 Columbia e.<br />

Brigham Edward, engineer, h old 8 w.<br />

Park Place.<br />

Bright E. B., steward, Russell House.<br />

Brighton House, cor Grand River ave. and<br />

Second, Harvey King, proprietor.<br />

Brighton John, horse shoer, bds 83 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Brill John C., carpenter, h e. s. Fourth,bet.<br />

Fulton and Tuscola.<br />

Brinkmann Louis, saloon 506 Gratiot, h 513<br />

Orleans.<br />

Brinker Herman, (Brinker & Co.,) h s. s.<br />

Ohio, bet. Prospect and Russell.<br />

Brinker & Co., (Herman Brinker and<br />

Henry Merdian,) wood yard, 362 At-<br />

water e.<br />

Brinkerhoff Frederick, clerk, bds 75 Larned<br />

W.<br />

Brinkmann Albert, lab.. (Candler Rros.)<br />

Brinkmann Charlt s, lab., bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Brinkmann Ferdinand, carpentel, h 370<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Brinning John, lab., h 265, Franklin.<br />

Brinning John P., miller, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Brinning Lina, seamstress, bds 275 Fourth.<br />

Briody Bryan, pattern-maker, h 434 La-<br />

Fayette ave.<br />

Briody James, clerk, bds 434 Lafayctte<br />

ave.<br />

B~wiody Michael, saddler, bds n. w. cor.<br />

Woodbiiclge and Fourteenth.<br />

Briocly Bernard, patern maker, h 434 Lafayette.<br />

Brisbois Ambroise, lab., h 571 BIullett.<br />

Brisbois Joseph, sailor, bds 571 Blullett.<br />

Briscoe Benjamin, superintendent mechanical<br />

department, depot D. & 31.<br />

B. R., h 95 Farmer.<br />

Briscoe Benjamin F., deputy sheriff, h 57<br />

BIontcalm w.<br />

Briscoe Benjamin H., cl~rlc, bds. 13<br />

3Iacomb ave.<br />

Briscoe James F., e~gineer, h WLarned e.<br />

Briscoe John J., storekeeper, (W-oolley's<br />

Distillery) h 13 Macomb ave.<br />

Briscoe Joeseph A., Secretary Michigan<br />

Bolt and Nut Co., h 335 Congress e.<br />

Briscoe William, sailor, h 495 Lafayette.<br />

Briscoe William E., clerk, h 62 Duffield<br />

Brissette, Eugene, clerk, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Bristah James, (Andrews & Bristah) h 62<br />

3lontcalm w.<br />

Bristol Henry L., carpenter, h 88 Labrosse.<br />

Bristol Jacob, clerk, bas 8 Lafayette.<br />

Bristol John, lab., h 161 Fourtb,<br />

Bristol Mary A. (wid) B Seldon, s. w. cor.<br />

Second.<br />

Bristow Andrew, painter, bds 161 Fourth.<br />

Bristow John, foreman, h 161 Fourth.<br />

Bristow Thomas W.,contractor, h 23 Cbarlotte.<br />

Briti Francis, machinist, h 98 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Britt Coiaelius, drayman, h 29 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Britt John, lab., bds 50 Orchard,<br />

Britt Pat,rick, lab., h 50 Orchard.<br />

Britt Patrick, saloon, 169 Woodbridge w,<br />

h same.<br />

Brittan William C., dentist, 114 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Eritton Alexander H., sergeant police, h<br />

7 Center.<br />

Broad John F., gardener, bds Erskine,<br />

nr Woodward e.<br />

Broadbeck William, butcher, h 21 Spencer.<br />

Broadrick James, lab., bds 119 Elizabeth e.<br />

Brondwell Sarah, (wid Edward,) h 41<br />

Beach.<br />

Broadwell William C., clerk,bds 41 Beach.<br />

Rrondy Henry, (col'd) sailor, h 150 Divis-<br />

. ion.

'<br />


Brober August, cabinet maker, h 217 ,41ired.<br />

Broche Catharine, huckster, stall 31 C. H.<br />

M., h 129 Rlacomb.<br />

Broche George, engineer, h 137 AZacomb.<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our ofice<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Pnrlce, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Br~cher Joseph, coppersmith, h 211 Labrosse.<br />

Brock Anclrew, boiler maker, h 231 Abbott.<br />

Brock Conrad, clerk, bds a37 Larned e. Bromley William, clerk, b&, Peninsular<br />

Brock John, carpenter, h 99 Atwater. House.<br />

Brock Martin, teamster, h 123 Grand River Brom~ner Charles G., confectimer, 134<br />

ave.<br />

Randolph, h same.<br />

Brockmueller Henry, lab., h 506 hIacomb. Bronner Stephen, plumber, 21 180 Clinton.<br />

Brockmueller John, lab., h 506 Maconlb. Bronson Floyd B., clerk, bds 460 Second.<br />

Brockner Frederick, sawyer, h 352 Seven- Bronson Frederick W., clerk, bds Finney<br />

teen th.<br />

Hotel,<br />

Brockway Clark A., clerk, h 45 Sibley. Blonson Louis C., agent, bds Wayne w s<br />

Brockway Hugh B., asst. supt. house corbet<br />

Michigan ave and Lafayette.<br />

rection, h 263 Russell.<br />

Bronson Russell, undertaker, 92 and 94<br />

Lamed w, bds Mich~gan Exchange.<br />

3rockway Zebulon R., superintendent Br-onson Sarah A., 5ds 440 Jefferson ave.<br />

house correction, h same.<br />

Bronson Willia~u II., (with E. B. Ward,) h<br />

Brodbaecker John, lab., h 657 Franklin. 460 Second.<br />

Broael John, undertaker, h 150 Maple. Brooks Amanda, teacher, bds 43 Palmer.<br />

Brodel Mathias, lab., h 145 Croghan. Brooks Agustus, (col'd) sailor, bds 145<br />

Brodel Kicholas, huckster; stall 22 C. H. Beau bien.<br />

&I., h 188 Hastings.<br />

Brooks Benjamin D., letter carrier, h 22.5<br />

Broderick Barnsrd, shoemaker, h 197 Second.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Brooks Conrad, clerk, bds 243 Beauhien.<br />

Rrcderick Denis, pl0essman, bds Adam ave, Brooks Daniel, carriage maker, h 460<br />

bet Cass and Clifford.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Broderick James B., shoemaker, bds 197 Brooks David W., (Robinson &t Brooks),<br />

Fourth.<br />

h 479 Woodward ave.<br />

Broderick Mary, shoe-fitter, bds 482 Con- Brooks Degrtcsse E., clerk, bds 43 Palmer.<br /> e.<br />

Brooks Edwin J..printer,bds 66 Larned m.<br />

Brodle William, physician, 64 Lafayette Brooks George, carpenter, h 695 Macomh.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Brooks Henry G., saloon, 55 Clinton, h<br />

Brodkorb William, grocer, 615 Hastings, h same.<br />

same.<br />

Brooks Jacob, (col'd) lab, h n s Grove bet<br />

Broe William, lab., h r 20 Dequindre. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Broe William, sawyer, 11 28 Orleans. Brooks James, (King IE; Brooks), h 43<br />

Broebecker Frank, lab., h 369 Watson. Palmer.<br />

13roeg Max., (Gruenewald & Brocg,) h 46 Brooks John, lab, h 263 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Brooks John, machinist, bds e s Twentynroehling<br />

Joseph, cabinet maker, h 480 iourth n 31ichigtlll ave.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Brooks John, machinist, h 397 Sixteenth.<br />

Broell John, lab., h 609 Maconlb.<br />

Brooks John T., moulder, bcls 225 Second.<br />

Brohl Joseph, foreman, h 299 Fourth. Brooks John A., machinist, h 444 Hast-<br />

Brokasko Joseph, shoemaker, h '756 ings.<br />

T w enty-four th.<br />

Brooks Joseph, currier, h $54 Woodbridge<br />

Broker Christopher, lab., h 313 Twenty- east.<br />

secolid.<br />

Brooks 'DIoses, (cd17d)_basket maker, h 182<br />

Broker John, coppersmith, h 21 1 Labrosse. Wilkins.<br />

Broker Joseph, lab., bds 413 Russell. Brooks Myron H., clerk, h 193 Third.<br />

Brokey Joseph, teamster, b 271 She~man. Brooks Nathauiel W., (Brooks & Adama,)<br />

Broley John, helper, h Fiiteenth n Locust. Ir 233 Fort m.<br />

Bromley Edward, electro plater, 55 Wood- Brooks Oliver G.,shoe manufacturer,House<br />

ward ave, h 48 Labrosse.<br />

of Correction, h 346 Kandolph.<br />

Bromley John, jr., sail maker, bds 67 First. Brooks Samuel, machinist, h Laiayette ave<br />

Bromley Joseph, freight agent D. SZ L. R. nr Thirteenth.<br />

R., bds 121 Cass.<br />

Brooks Samuel B. stock fitter, bds Fin-<br />

Bromley Lizzie M., teacher, bds 254 First. ney's Hotel.<br />

Bromley Orin B., sailor, h 178 Harrison aye, Brooks Stephen, printer, Lds CG Larned W.

158 BRO DETROIT m D ~ E ~ R Y . BR6<br />

Brown Andrew, lab., G. T. R. R., bds<br />

~&~~~~ 1 Ninth ave.<br />

baniege gaurna'!, 1 Brown Archibald, lab., h 71 Abbott.<br />

Brown Arthur, carpenter, h 307 Fifteenth.<br />

-<br />

Brown Ashber C., bds 125 Clifford.<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

I Brown Bell, fruit packer, bds 20 Plum.<br />

Brown Carmichael, fireman, h Porter bet<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />

1 Eleventh and Twelfth.<br />

DETROIT, MICH., 2rown Charles, barber, bds 96 Catharine.<br />

corner Con,rnese and Randolph sts. l3rown Charles,brake~man 31. C. R. K.<br />

Brown Charles, liquor room, 11 Kanter<br />

Brooks William P., cabinet maker, h 237<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

~~~~k~ $ adams (Nathanitbl W. Bmoks<br />

and 60'7 Woodbriclge Francis w. lumber<br />

BrOque+, Barnard, leather finisher, h 96<br />

Tw e~tiet~h.<br />

Plroquet John, lab, bds 3'79 Orleans.<br />

Broquet Rosa (mid Franz) h 379 Orlean8.<br />

Brosier Jolln, machinist, bds 144 Russell.<br />

Brossard Hubert, wood yard, foot Third, h<br />

239 Seventh.<br />

Brassard Joseph, grocer, Bristol Place,<br />

bet Twenty-first and Twenty-second, h<br />

same.<br />

Brosset Aimable, lab, h 1050 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Brossy Francis, h 523 Gratiot.<br />

Brassy Louis, French Steam Dying, 69<br />

Randolpll, h same.<br />

Brolllcr Edward, wagon maker, h 399 St.<br />

Aubin 'ave.<br />

Brother Louis, lab, (Illinois Leather Co .)<br />

Brotherston Thomas, blacksmitll, h 1.W<br />

Canfield.<br />

Brobche George, engineer, h 127 Macomb.<br />

Broukes John, well digger, h Twentyfourth<br />

nr Magnolia.<br />

Broushie Joseph, shoemaker, h n w &r<br />

Mullett and Hastings.<br />

Broutp John, captain, h 221 Franklin.<br />

Brouviecte David, jr., macbiriist,, bds 767<br />

Congress e.<br />

B~~~ Anclrem J., ( D ~ Brow ~ ~ , co.,) h<br />

3 Cottage Place, Elizabeth w.<br />

Brow Jnhn, sawyer, h 581 Port w.<br />

Brow Theo~hilus, 'One maker, 50<br />

berry we.<br />

Browely Henry, (col'd) ccok, h 180 Di;ision.<br />

Browiegge David, lab, h 767 Congress e.<br />

Browu Abbie R., teacher, bds 12.5 Clifford.<br />

Brown Albert J., painter, h Fifteenth w<br />

nr Linden.<br />

Brown Alden S., merchant tailor,<br />

1 11 Griswold. (5ee uclv.)<br />

Brown Alexander K., moulder, h 307<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Brown Alice, bds 103 Atwater.<br />

Brown K~len, caulker, h 459 31aconlb.<br />

Brown Amos, pattern maker, h 475 Lar-<br />

- -<br />

ned e. Brown Henry, cabinet maker, bds 183<br />

Brown Andrew, lab.,'bd~ 101 hmfd W. 1 Fifth.<br />

Brown Charles,(col'd) lab.,bds 160 Clinton.<br />

Brown Charles F., clerk, bds 106 Colllmbia<br />

e.<br />

Brown CharlesEI., painter,h 346 Ninth ave.<br />

Charles H-, policeman, l1 w s-<br />

Fourth bet Dicliinson and Lysander. .<br />

Brown Charlotte, (wid John), seamstress,<br />

nr Prospect-<br />

Brown Christol)her, lab*, 147<br />

second.<br />

Brown Clara, h 310 Jefferson ave.<br />

D.s engineer, bds 353<br />

e.<br />

Brown Clesson L., trav. agent, h 98 Jop<br />

Brown C., fireman C* R- R-<br />

Brown Daniel B., clerk, h 153 Fourth.<br />

Brown David, lab, h 85 Mullett.<br />

David, (David Brown sons,) h<br />

352 Grand River ave.<br />

David H., 13 Eighteenth*<br />

Brown Edward 9., shoemaker, h new 593<br />

Seventh.<br />

BrO S., (wid h JVoodward<br />

ave.<br /> Ninth ave-<br />

B"wn E'nma (wid John,) h 135 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Brown baker, 144 Maple.<br />

Brown Frank, foreman, h 280 Orleans.<br />

Brown Frank, stableman, bds Union Hotel.<br />

Brown Francis, switchman, h 315 Porter.<br />

Brown F., surveyer, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Brown Frech=iclc, notions, n w cor Croghan<br />

and St. Antoine, 1; same.<br />

Brown Frederick W.; crimper, bds 269<br />

Catherine.<br />

Brown George, h 98 Baker.<br />

Brown George, carpenter, h 348 La fayette<br />

ave.<br />

George, lab*, 335 Chestnut.<br />

pattern maker, h 41 Congress<br />

Brown George F., clerk, h s s Maria, bet<br />

ford and Fourth*<br />

Brown Geqrge H., supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> Truck Co., ' 25<br />

Brown George N., music teacher, h w s<br />

Fourth, bet Dickinson and Lyssnder.<br />

Brown George P., agent, h 147 old, Grand<br />

River ave.


Brown Henry, cabinet maker, h Second n<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Brown Henry, carpenter, h 37 Chase.<br />

Brown Henry, clerk, bds 13 Sixth.<br />

Brown Henry, drayman, h 26 Eighteenth.<br />

Brown Henry, clerk, bds 48 Elizabeth e.<br />

Brown Henry, (col'd,) cook, h 63 Lafityette.<br />

Brown Henry, lab., h alley bet. Fourth<br />

and Fitth and Michigan ave and Jones.<br />

Brown Henry, lab., h 311 Fifteenth.<br />

Blown Henry B., (Newberry, Pond &<br />

Brown.) h 712 Jeffersoa ave.<br />

Brown Henry E., (Palmer & Brown,) bds<br />

Railroad Eschan ge.<br />

Brown Henry EI , geucral insurance agent,<br />

51 Griswold, h 23 EIoward.<br />

Brown Ilenry J., physician, h 107 Leverett.<br />

Brown Henry J., bds li,7 Levcrett.<br />

Brown Rev. Hcnry M., h 45 Adams are e.<br />

Brown Henry M. jr., clerk, bds 45 Adams<br />

aye e.<br />

Brown Herbert, carpenter, h 307 Fifteenth.<br />

Brown Hiram L., (Scott St Brown), h 920<br />

Jefferst )n ave.<br />

Brown Horace, (col'd) lab, h 3GI Xaconlb.<br />

Brown Jacob, (J. Brown & Co.), 11 48 Eli-<br />

zabeth e.<br />

Brown Rev. Jacol), pastor German 31. E.<br />

church, 11 310 Sixteenth.<br />

Brown James, butcher, bds 48'7 Fifth.<br />

Bromn James, carpenter, h 95 Divisiou.<br />

Brown James, (col'd) lab, h 9G Catharine.<br />

Brown Jttnles, (col'd) lab, h 393 Macomb.<br />

BI o wn James, machinist, h 339 Abbott.<br />

Brown James, saloon, 189 Wood1)ridge w.<br />

Brown James, (col'd) waiter Blichigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Brown James, (David Brown & Sons), bds<br />

352 Grand River ave.<br />

Brown James, (col'd) waiter Biddle<br />

IIouse.<br />

Brown James, (Brown & Mathewson), bds<br />

cor Fitth.and Noyes.<br />

Brown Jallles *4., physician, 43 Lafayette<br />

aye, h same.<br />

Brown James F., carpenter h 178 Porter.<br />

Brown James J., lawyer, 19Rotunda) h 320<br />

Watson.<br />

Brown James M., omnibus line, h 63 HOT-<br />

ard.<br />

Brown John, blacksmith h 280 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Brown John, car smith, h ns Walnut bet<br />

Kinth and Natiooal aves.<br />

Brown - , engineer L) S: M. R. R.,<br />

Brown John, lab, )1 n e cor Fourth and<br />

Ful ton.<br />

Brown John, lab, h 126 W;llnut.<br />

Brown John, illason, h 20 Chase.<br />

Brown John, (David Brown & Sons), bds<br />

352 Grand River ave.<br />

Brown Jobn B., machinist, h 46 Lewis.<br />

Brow11 John C., clerk, h 125 CliEord.<br />

Brown Jobn T., mason, h 19 Chase.<br />





pj!T Oysters in Shell a epfcialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retall.<br />

Brown J. C., captaio Schooner Melrose.<br />

Brown J. D., (col'd) waiter Russell Ilouse.<br />

Brown John F., shoelnsker, h 268 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Brown J. G., driver, <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> R. R.<br />

Brown John T. R., (J. T. R. Brown 6r;<br />

Bro.,) 1)ds cor Wiilis and Fecond nves.<br />

Brown Rcv.John W.,rector Christ Church,<br />

h 242 V\ToodIridge e.<br />

Brown Jos~ph H., mason, bds 19 Chase.<br />

Brown Libbie Ii., house ketbper, 24 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Bromn Louisa (w~d. Wilkinson) h 220<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Brown Margaret, (wid. John,) milkwo-<br />

man, h I 67 Beach.<br />

Brown lCIilry Ann, (col'd) (wid. George,)<br />

washerwoman, h 89 Division.<br />

Brown Mary, paper uox maker: bds 469<br />

-. - -<br />

Crogh an.<br />

Brown Mary A., (wid Francis,) h 84 Third.<br />

Brown iIlerby H.; grocer. n w cor First<br />

and Spencer, h 46 Lewis.<br />

Rrown 31ichae1, lab, h 115 Jfarion.<br />

Brown Nathan, F., physician, 793 Fort w,<br />

h same.<br />

Brown Nathan H., teacher, h '73 George.<br />

Bromn Palmer, Jl eat Market, 225 Wood-<br />

ward ave, bds 19 Spencer.<br />

Brown Philip, crimper, h 268 Catherine.<br />

Rrown It31 yh, clerk, h 176 flastings.<br />

Rrown Robert: butcher, h 39 Blady.<br />

Brown Robert, plumber at Cameron's.<br />

I3row1l Robert, vnrd master, h 125 Twelfth.<br />

Brown Robert H.,(J. T. R. Brown & Bro.,)<br />

h cor IVillis and Scconcl aves.<br />

Browu Rose (wid Jsmes) h n e cor Beau-<br />

bien and Ohio.<br />

Brown Boss, clerk, bds 180 Michigan ave.<br />

1 Brown Rufus, physician, room 14 Rotunda<br />

1 h 139 Larnid e.<br />

I Brown Samut.1, bookbinder, h 78 Eighth.<br />

I Brown ~amuel; teamster, h Ninth ave first<br />

h n Michigan ave.<br />

Brown Sarah, yankee notions, 180 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Brown Sarah (wid. William) (col'd)<br />

washerwoman; h 189 Hastiugs.<br />

Brown Thomas, carpenter, h 307 Fifteenth.<br />

Brown Thomas, (col'd ) carpen tcr, 15<br />

Congress e, h o 194 n 212 Congress e.<br />

Brown Warhanl S., bds 23 Howard.<br />

Brown Willett, conductor, bds 59 First.



Seitz Block, next to the 'Post Office, I<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name. I<br />

Brown TVilliam, brass finisher, bds 374<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Brown William, brakesman, D. & M. R. R.<br />

Brown William, carpenter, bils 698 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Brown William, carpenter, h 316 High.<br />

Brown William, carpenter, h 92 31ontcalm<br />

e.<br />

Brown Willia.m, furniture, 193 Jefferson<br />

ave., h 144 Orleans.<br />

Brown William, hatter, bds 365 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Brown William, lab., h 91 Charlot,te nve.<br />

Brown William F., machinist, h 365 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Brown William J., carp&ter, h 198 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Brown W. V., porter, 337 Jefferson ave.<br />

Brown D. & Sons, (Duvid,John and James,)<br />

butcher shop, 352 Grand River ave.<br />

Brown J. & Co., (Jacob Brown and Henry<br />

L. Kanter,) Tobacco Works, 25 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

BROWN J. T. R. & Bros., agents<br />

for Commercial Union Insurance Com-<br />

pany, Tradesman's Insurance Corn pan y,<br />

Williamsbury <strong>City</strong> Insurance Company.<br />

and North American Life Insurance<br />

Company, Moffatt's building.<br />

Brown & Itfatheson, (James Brown and<br />

James W. Mat heson,) bu tchers,406 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Brownell Charles G., clerk, bds 23 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Brownell Frank, sewing machine agent,<br />

bds hntisdel House.<br />

Brownell William, printer, bds 41 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Browning Robert, gardener, bds 194 Ran-<br />

dolph<br />

Browning Samuel C.,hardware, 21 0 Wood-<br />

ward ave.. h 28 Elizabeth w.<br />

Brownlee William; lumberman, office foot<br />

Shelby, up stairs, h 146 Willis ave.<br />

Brownson Henry F., (Van Dyke & Brown-<br />

son,) h 181 Congress e.<br />

Browsick Joseph, chair maker, h 323 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Brozau Freeman, carpenter, h 544 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Bruack August, lab, M. C. R. R.<br />

Bruce George, upholsterer, h 41 Congress e.<br />

Bruce Sarah E., h Williams ave. nr Linden.<br />

Bruce Thomas J., confectioner, h Williams<br />

ave. nr Linden.<br />

Briickemann Adam, hack driver, h 169<br />

3Iullett.<br />

Bruckrmann Adam,(Alter & Bruckemann,)<br />

h 208 Russell.<br />

Bruckemann Jacob, hack driver, h 169<br />

Mullett.<br />

Bruckemann Theodore, plumber, h 169<br />

3lullett.<br />

Bruchner Charles, brakesman 31. C. R. R.<br />

Bruder Carl L., bookbinder, bds 145 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

~iuder Charles, Wagner, bds 395 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Bruder Ernst, wagner,h 305 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Bruder Frank, lab., h 209 Twenty-second.<br />

Brudcr Ludwiq, lab., h n s Sherman bet<br />

. Chene and Joseph Camyau<br />

Bruder William, lab., h n s Alley bet Dubois<br />

and Chene.<br />

Brue Leon, carpenter, h cor Ash and Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Bruebaker Henry B., druggist, 705 Fort w,<br />

h same.<br />

Bruecllert John, lab., h s s Chestnut bet<br />

Joseph Citmpau and McDougall aves.<br />

Brueckner Edward: last maker, h 305 Alfred.<br />

Bruett John, (col'd) sailor, h 165 Marion.<br />

Brugbacher Franz, sliver plater, bds 202<br />

Larned w.<br />

Br~ije TiVilhclmine, (wid Christian,) h 116<br />

Antietam.<br />

Bruka Michael, lawyer, h 350 Hastings.<br />

Brumme Carl, physician, h 301 Fort e.<br />

Brumrne >linnie, music teacher, bds 301<br />

Fort e.<br />

Brun John, lab., h 411 Catharine.<br />

Bruna Anton, shoemaker, h 162 Brewster.<br />

Brundage Gilbert T., lab., h 71 Marion.<br />

Brundo Henry, blacksmith, h 421 Fort e.<br />

Bruutiell Louis, carpenter, h ri s Larned<br />

bet Chene and Dubois.<br />

Brunett Jessie, lab ,bds 880 Woodbridge w.<br />

Bruner Frederick R., carriage manut. 70<br />

Grand River ave. h 67 Division.<br />

Brunke Henry, lab., h w s Dubois bet German<br />

an3 Gratiot.<br />

Brunke William, lab., h n s New bet Dubois<br />

and Chene and German and Gratiot.<br />

Brunner Jacob, lab., h 292 3Xullett.<br />

Brunner Victor, carpenter, h 2'78 Mullett.<br />

Brunswick Joseph, sawyer, h 325, Sixteen<br />

th.<br />

Brnnton Andrew (Brunton & Marvin) h 14<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Brunton Robert, agent, h 84 Lafayette e.<br />

Brunton & Marvin (Andrew Brunton<br />

and Russell Marvin) stone dealers, yard<br />

and office on dock bet Brush and Nandolph.


Bruruk Michael, lab., h. Ohio s. s. bet<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Brush Alfred, moulder, h Thirteen-and-a-<br />

half bet Sycamore and Myrtle.<br />

Brush Alfred, student, bds 194 Randolph.<br />

Brush Edmund A., gentleman, h 194 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Brush Henry T. (J. V. Smith & Co.) bds<br />

104 Congress W.<br />

Brush James A., photographer, s. w. cor.<br />

of Woodward ave. and Larned, h 128<br />

Adamsave e.<br />

Brush f it, student, bds 194 Randolph.<br />

Brush Joseph, engineer, Russell House.<br />

Brush Oliver P., traveling agent, with F.<br />

Buhl & Co., Congress w.<br />

Brush Sophia, (wid. Fred.) h 59 Foundry.<br />

Brusha Joseph, shoe maker, h 634 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Brushaber Henry, shoemaker, 19Q Wood-<br />

ward ave., h 430 Mullett.<br />

Brushaber John, furniture, 42 John R, h<br />

477 Beaubien.<br />

Brushaber William, carpenter, h 477 Beau-<br />

bien,<br />

Brushruaker Joseph, carpenter, h 112 Ab-<br />

bott,<br />

Bruso Edward, carpenter, h 408 Rastings.<br />

Brusseweitz Chris., stone cctter (Brunton<br />

& Marvin.)<br />

Brust Peter, brewery, 351 Russell ; h same.<br />

Bryan James A., clerk, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Bryant Alexander, (col.) conductor, h 158<br />

Division.<br />

Bryant Arthur, engineer, h 521 Lamed e.<br />

Bryant Elizabeth, teacher, bds Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Bryant Elizabeth, (wid John), h 521<br />

Larned e.<br />

Bryant George W., sailor, h e s:Mt. Elliott<br />

ave nr cemetery.<br />

Bryant James, pressman, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Bryant John, cabinet maker, h n e cor<br />

Montcalm and B eaubien.<br />

Bryant John E., lab., h s e cor Hastings<br />

and Clinton.<br />

Bryant Roswell, machinist, h 123 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Bryant Sanford, (col'd) cook, h 160 Di-<br />

vision.<br />

Bryant William, lab., h 199 Wilkins.<br />

Bryant William, cabinet maker, h 123 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Bryce Charles O., (Hadger & Bryce,) bds<br />

78 Concress W.<br />

Bryce William, conductor <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Railway, h 30 Harriet.<br />

Brychta Joseph, machinist, h Michigan<br />

ave nr Twenty -fourth.<br />

Brydon Jane, (wid James,) h 203 Maple.<br />

Brydon Joseph, boiler maker, bds 203<br />

Maple.<br />

21<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Ome, 52 W. Lamed St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Brydon William, lab., h Mullett cor Or-<br />

leans and Dequindre.<br />

Brydon William, tinsmith, bds 303 Maple.<br />

Buchan George, (Wilson & Buchan,) com-<br />

mission merchant, h 451 Grand River<br />

are.<br />

Buchanan August H., policeman, h 459<br />

Seventh.<br />

Buchanan James, boiler maker, h 262<br />

Baker.<br />

Buchanan John, boiler maker, h 24 Baker.<br />

Buchanan John A,, shoemaker,h 81 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Buchanan Patrick, clerk, h I74 Fort w.<br />

Buchanan Susan, (wid James,) h 24 Baker.<br />

Buchanan Thomas, engineer, h 24 Baker.<br />

Bucllanan William, boiler works, 209 and<br />

211 Atwaler, h 72 Labrosse.<br />

Buchanan William J., boiler maker, bds<br />

72 Labrosse.<br />

Buchard Nicholas, helper M. C. R. R.<br />

Bucher Anthony sr, grocer, 276 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Bucher Anthony jr, wood dealer, 129<br />

Sherman, bds 2'76 Gratiot.<br />

Bucher Henry, engineer, h 848 Orleans.<br />

Buchert August, cooper, h 223 Calhoun.<br />

Buchheister Gnstav, piano tuner, h 344 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Buchthelen Joseph, blacksmith, h 3&<br />

Watson.<br />

Buck George H., carpenter. h 13 Jones.<br />

Buck George, fireman, h 248 German.<br />

Buck George W., machinist, h 104 Porter.<br />

Buck Gottlieb, cooper, h 177 Benton.<br />

Buck William H. carpenter, h s s FlJton<br />

bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Buckbee Julian E., clerk, h 543 Second.<br />

Buckbee Walter H., clerk, h s w cor Ri-<br />

vard and Macomb.<br />

Buckel G. Christopher, h 144 Clinton.<br />

Buckenburger Jacob, saloon, 20 Fort e. h<br />

same.<br />

Buckland Don C., (D. C. Buckland & Co.),<br />

res Pontiac.<br />

Bnckland Don. C. & Co., (Don. C.<br />

Buckland, Am brose C. Smith and James<br />

0. Stevens,) produce and commission<br />

merchants, I1 and 13 Woodbridge w.<br />

Buclar Charles, lab, bds 353 Eigh.<br />

Buckley Bridget, (wid James), h 30 Spen-<br />

cer.<br />

Buckley Cornelius, lab., h 472 Sixteenth.<br />

Buckley Cornelius, lab., h 18 Jones.


MQYBaW<br />

Buenfeld John, lab., h 297 Clinton.<br />

Buers John, lab., h 327 Maple.<br />

Buestler Charles, helper, bds 353 High.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE, Buffalo Frank, mason, h 285 b1ontcalm e.<br />

Buffum George W., mason, h 19 Joy.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, Buffum James bl., h 34 Edmund.<br />

Bugart Frank, lab., h 224 Dubois.<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Bugart Frederick, roofer, h 108 Maple.<br />

Bugbee Clark B., concrete pavement, h<br />

152 High.<br />

Buckley Ernest L., brakesman, bds 200 Buhl Christian H.,(Buhl, Ducharme & Co.)<br />

Fourth.<br />

h 63 Lafayette ave.<br />

Buckley George T., engineer 31. C. R. R., Buhl Frederick (Buhl, Newland & Co.)<br />

h 315 Nineteenth.<br />

h Fort w., Kiverside.<br />

Buckley Helen, (wid John,) dressmaker, h Buhl TheodoreD.,(Buhl, Ducharme & Co.)<br />

13 Porter.<br />

h 149 Fort w.<br />

Buckley John, lab., h 36 Leverette. Buhl Walter (Walter Buhl cG. Co.) bds Fort<br />

Buckley Mary, (wid Henry J.) (Buckley c!! w. Riverside.<br />

Co.,) h old 98 Washington ave. Buhl, Ducharme & Co., (Chris-<br />

~uclrlk~ Patrick, blacksmith, h 357 Wood- tian H. Buhl, Charles Ducharme and<br />

bridge e.<br />

Theodore D. Buhl, wholesale hardware,<br />

Buckley Patrick, lab., h 36 Leverette. 103, 105, 107,109 and 3 11 Woodbridge<br />

Buckley Theopolis F., lawyer, h 200 w. (See adv.)<br />

Fourth.<br />

Buckley Timothy, fireman, h 229 Baker.<br />

Bmh1, Newland & Co., (Frederick<br />

Buhl, IJenry A, Newland and Walter<br />

Buckley & Co., (Mary Buckley, Frederick Buhl) wholesale hatters, 146 and 148<br />

L . Laiser &nd Thomas J. Perry) cornmis- Jefferson we. (See adv.)<br />

sion and forwarding merchants,foot first, Buhl, Walter & Co., (Walter Buhl , Fred-<br />

Buckner Daniel, porter, bds 22 Fort e. erick Buhl, and Henry A. Newland)<br />

Buckner Demill (col'd) plasterer, bds 210 hats, caps and furs. 109 Woodward ave.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Biihler John, tanner, h 327 North.<br />

Buckner John (col'd) blacksmith, bds G2 Biihler John, tinsmith, h s. s. Russell bet<br />

Macomb.<br />

Leland and Ontario,<br />

Budd Frank D., clerk, h 163 Wayne. Biihler Joseph, butcher, 210 Randolph, h<br />

Budd Frank D.. clerk, h 72 Lewis.<br />

881118.<br />

Ridd Samuel, h 163 Wayne.<br />

Buhrer Afe (wid.) h 428 Fifteenth.<br />

Budd Stephen, h 72 Lewis.<br />

Ruhrer Charles, printer, bds 428 Fifteenth.<br />

Budden Charles, stone cutter, bds 40 Har- Buick David, bds cor St. Antoine and Coriet.<br />

$<br />

lumbia.<br />

Budden Edward, marble cutter, bds 40 Buick David B., machinist, h 32 Charlotte.<br />

Harriet.<br />

ave.<br />

Budden - -. . . - - Frederick, architect, h 40 Harriet. Buick James S,, pattern-maker, h 26 Char-<br />

Budden ~uido. machinist, bds 40 Harriet. lotte ave. '<br />

Budroh ~lexbder, cooper, h 239 Adams Buie Eliza (wid William) h 203 Congress e.<br />

ave e.<br />

Bulkley John S., abstract maker, office<br />

Budewig August, lab., h 255 Chestnut. Register of Deeds, room 8 <strong>City</strong> Hall h 56<br />

Budwig Frantz, lab., h.s s Maple bet Du- Adams ave m.<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Bllll James, agent, bds 80 Jones.<br />

Budwig Gottfried, carpenter, h 21'7 Gal- Bull Joachim, lab., h 246 Sherman.<br />

houn.<br />

Bullay Charles, sailor, bds 595 Lafayette.<br />

Budwig Martin, cooper, h 21 9 Calboun. Bullard Ephraim J., (Ward, Bullard & Co.)<br />

Buckendorf Herrmann, butcher, bcls 435 h IS2 National ave.<br />

Hastings. .<br />

Bullay Joseph, lab., 712 Sixteenth.<br />

Buehler David, joiner, h 299 Catharine. Bullay Joseph, jr., lab, bds 595 Lafayette.<br />

Buehler Jacob, stone cutter, h 26 Clay.<br />

Buehringer John, cooper, h 112 Marion.<br />

Bullay Joseph, sr., lab., h 595 Lafayette.<br />

Buel Samuel, jr., bds Russell House. Bulles L., clerk bds 92 Larned e.<br />

Buelow Charles H., restaurant, 113 Ran- Bullett George, musician, h 69 L arned w.<br />

dolph, h same.<br />

Bnllian John, teamster, h 537 Larned e.<br />

Buelow Ferdinand, carpenter, h s s Ma- Bullio Leonard J,, clerk, bds cor Larned<br />

ple bet Dnbois and Chene.<br />

and Brush.<br />

Buelow Phillipp, tailor, h 200 Marion. Bullock Charles, painter, h 158 Harrison<br />

Buenfeld Albert, carpenter, bds 297 Clinton.<br />

I Bullock ave-<br />

Joseph H., clerk, h 19 Howard.


Bullock Samuel, blacksmith. bds s w cor<br />

McDougall and Clinton aves.<br />

Bullock Silas W., lumberman, room 4<br />

Merrill block, h cor Second and Canfield<br />

aves.<br />

Bullock William, carpenter, h s w cor<br />

McDougall and Clinton aves.<br />

Bulther August, blacksmith, h cor Butternut<br />

and Eighteenth.<br />

Bumele James, cigar maker, h cor Ohio<br />

and Russell.<br />

Bumele Joseph, cigar maker, 4i6 Riopelle<br />

h same.<br />

Bummer Nicholas) teamster, h I53 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Bunchex' Charles, jobber goods, h:93<br />

High.<br />

Bunckstall John, machinist, h 204 Sherman.<br />

Bunclark Alfred, hlsurance agent, bds tor<br />

Willis and Second aves.<br />

Buning John, miller, bds Antisdel House*<br />

Bunnell Hiram, h 81 Brady.<br />

Bunyea h n s &comb<br />

bet Russell and Riopelle.<br />

Burau Ferdinand, lab., h 450 Maple.<br />

Burau John, blacksmith, h 242 Chestnut.<br />

Burau John, lab., h n s New bet Dubois<br />

and Chene, and German and Gratiot.<br />

Burbank C. T., printer, bds 27 Lamed<br />

Burch Henrp, lab., h 492 Railroad.<br />

Burch Joseph, engineer, h 56 Maple.<br />

**, 518<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Burch Sebastian, lab., 285 Clinton.<br />

Burchard Mathew W., bds Howard House.<br />

Burchardt John, lab., h 343 Twentysecond.<br />

Bur chart Louis, lab., h 317' T wenty-secon d.<br />

Burchell Ferdinand, letter carrier, h 274<br />

Croghan.<br />

Burchell George W., license collector<br />

ce, room 16 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 7'50 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Burck Emil, stove moulder, bds 336 Croghan.<br />

Burck Henry, painter, h 336 Croghan.<br />

Burckheiser ,4dam, mason, h 1% Rivard.<br />

Burdeneau Henry, teamster, (Hurley &<br />

Bros.)<br />

Burdeneau Louis, peddlar, h 271 Alfred.<br />

Burdge John F., agent, h 7 Labrosae.<br />

Burelot Paul, clerk, h S. s. Hale, bet. Dequindre<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Burenfeldt John, lab., h 29'7 Clinton.<br />

Burg Victoria, (wid Edward,) h 255 Third.<br />

Burdgard Francis, lab., h 444 Clinton ave.<br />

Burge Ernest, brewer, bds 142 Sherman.<br />

Burge Jacob, saloon, 181 and 189 Larned<br />

w., h same.<br />

Burgenger Franz, lab., h 436 Mullett.<br />

Burger Edward G., h 103 Nineteenth.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />


28 MICHIGAN G W D AVE.<br />

Oysters in the Shell a ?pecialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Burger Frank, finisher, bds s. e. cor Clin-<br />

ton and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l l .<br />

Burger John, grocer, 157 Yacomb, h same.<br />

Burger Joseph, clerk, bds 5.38 Gratiot.<br />

Burger Joseph, lab., h 231 Hastings.<br />

Burger Joseph, policeman, h 158 Mullett.<br />

Burger Oliver, mason, h 471 Fort e.<br />

Burgess Alonzo J ., carpeater, h 306 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Burgess Amos, (col'd, (janitor <strong>City</strong> Hall, h<br />

327 Macomb.<br />

Burgess James, house mover, h 16 Naple.<br />

Burgess John, machinist, h 241 Second.<br />

Burgess Louzier J., carpenter, h 306 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Burghardt Antoine, (Burghart & Schmidt,)<br />

h 716 Michigan ave.<br />

Burghardt Ernest M., (Kan & Burg-<br />

hardt,) h 122 Lafayette.<br />

Burghardt & Schmidt* (Antoine Burghard<br />

and Daniel Schmidt,) bakery, 716 Michl-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Burgo Ed ward, lab., h 285 Third,<br />

Burgoine John, carpenter, h 5 Charles.<br />

Bugt Samuel, teamster, h 8. e. cor Hum-<br />

boldt ave. and Pine.<br />

Burhans Ira L., mail agent, h -60 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Burhart Henry, ship carpenter, h 492<br />

Woodbridge. e.<br />

Burhenne Henry, carpenter. h 203 Bronson.<br />

Burk Catherine, (wid Daniel,) h 239 Sixth.<br />

Burk David, lab., h 253 Sherman.<br />

Burk David. lab., h 86 Sullivan ave.<br />

Burk Edward, (Burk, Moebs & Co.,) h 155<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Burk Frederick, cigar maker, bds 45<br />

Catherine.<br />

Burk Frederick, lab., (Candler Bros.)<br />

Burk Henry, lab.) 1)- R- B.9 h 249<br />

Watson.<br />

Burk John, boiler maker, h 42 Wight.<br />

Burk John, proprietor Collins House, 42<br />

Third.<br />

Burk John, cabinet maker, bds 159 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Burk John, moulder, h 688 Franklin.<br />

Burk John, (col'd.) teamster, bds Macomb.<br />

Burk Martin, watchmsker,h 121 Hsstings.<br />

Burk Michael, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Burk Patrick, Itzb., h 147 Nayberry ave.<br />

Burk Richard, h 12 Beach.<br />

Burk Richard, warehouseman, h 502<br />

Michigan ave.


@ ~ k i ~ t ~ k<br />

affi~crkif<br />

Seitz next to the Office'<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Burk Thomas, agent, bds central Hotel*<br />

Burk William H., proprietor and editor<br />

Commercial Advertiser, 42 Larned w, res<br />

Petite Cote, Ont.<br />

Burk, Moebs & Co., (Edward Burk,<br />

George Moebs & Bernard Srroh,) leaf<br />

tobacco and cigars, '36 Congress e.<br />

Burkar Josephine, shoe sewer, bds Mont-<br />

cairn nr Russell.<br />

Burkard Catherine, tailoress, bds 62 Ear-<br />

riet.<br />

Burkard Melchor, shoemaker, 356 Beau-<br />

bien, h same.<br />

Burkard Nicholas, blacksmith, h n s Har-<br />

riet be6 Beaubien and Antoine.<br />

Burkard Peter, shoemaker, bds 256 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Burkard Frank J., butcher, h n w cor<br />

Hastings and Gratiot.<br />

Burke Charles M., clerk, bds 109 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Burke DeWitt C., clerk, A. A. G., h cor<br />

Jefferson ave and Rivard.<br />

Burke Henry, engineer, h cor Orleans and<br />

James.<br />

Burke James, teamster, bds 37 Sullivan<br />

ave.<br />

Burke John, boiler maker, h 42 Wight.<br />

Burke John, lab, h Twenty-fourth nr.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

BnrBe PaWick-, teamster, bcis 386 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Burke Thomas, carpenter, h 405 Twelfth.<br />

Burke Thomas, lab, h 37 Sullivan we.<br />

Burke Thomas, shoemaker, h o 202 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Burke Timothy, tailor, h cor Crawford<br />

and Maria.<br />

Burke William, dep. sheriff, h 9 Mami ave.<br />

Burke William, saloon and boarding, 188<br />

Larned w.<br />

Burkey John, lab, h 312 Prospect.<br />

Burkhardt Adam, lab., h 45 Catharine.<br />

Burkhardt George, machinist, h 45 Catha-<br />

riB R.<br />

Burkhardt Herman, tanner, h 236 Russell.<br />

BurkheiserCharles, mason, h407 Brew-<br />

ster.<br />

Burkheiser Joh, dry gooiis, 93 Croglum,<br />

h same.<br />

~9<br />

Burla e Gottlieb (Burlage & Funke) h n e<br />

cor 53 ivard and Catharine.<br />

Burlage John, farmer, h w s Mt. Elliott<br />

ave, nr. Cemetery.<br />

Burlage 62 Funke, (Gottlieb Burlage and<br />

Charles Fun ke,) grocers, n e cor Rivar d<br />

and Catharine.<br />

Burleman Casper, peddlar, h 272 Colum-<br />

.:;,",.am, Daniel, messenger, A. 31. U.<br />

Ex. Co., bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Burlison Nicholas, conductor, street car, h<br />

97 Columbia w.<br />

Burrnann Henry, h 346 Sixteenth.<br />

Burmeister Henry, shoemaker, h 273 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Burn Godfrey, lab., h s's Scott-bet Dequin-<br />

dre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Burn Peter, tinsmith, h s s Scott bet De-<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Burnemann Ferdinand, cabinet maker,<br />

bds n w cor Mullett and Riopelle.<br />

Burnett Edgar, clerk, bds Biddle House.<br />

Burnett Frank, jeweller, .bds -131 Xichi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Burnett John H., clerk, bds n e tor Fifth<br />

and Howard.<br />

Burnett Joseph, lab*, h 517 Clinton aye.<br />

Burnett Orsnn H., jeweler, n w cor Wood-<br />

ward and Michigan aves, h 134 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Burnett Thomas, (col'd) barber, 197 Mich-<br />

igan ave, h same.<br />

Burnett William, (col'd) barber, 197 Mich-<br />

igan ave, res Windsor.<br />

Burnham Andrew, secretary and treasurer<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Central Mills Co., 214 Wood-<br />

bridge w, h Park Place bet State and<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Burnham Hiram, commission merchant, h<br />

14 Columbia.<br />

Burnham James K., (Allen,' Sheldon &<br />

Co.), h 5 Davenport.<br />

Burnham Louis, lab., <strong>Detroit</strong> railroad ele-<br />

vator.<br />

Burnie George H., printer, h 121 Locust.<br />

Burnish Peter, carpenter, h 226 Riopelle.<br />

Burnick Kuba, lab., h e s Riopelle bet<br />

Railroad and <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Burns Arthur, lab., h o 396 Franklin.<br />

Burns Arthur, sail maker, h 253 Riopelle.<br />

Burns Bernard, lab., h 66 Thirteenth.<br />

Burns Barbara, (wid Patrick), h 258 Lsr-<br />

ned e.<br />

Burns Catharine, (wid Patrick), h 181<br />

Franklin.<br />

Burns Chancey A., clerk, bds 165 Henry.<br />

Burns Club Room, 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

Burns Daniel, engineer, bds 19 Atwater e.<br />

Burns Daniel, tailor, h S3 Franklin.<br />

BurnsDanie1,teamsterM.C.R.R.<br />

Burns Dennis, grain broker, h 11 Middle.<br />

Burns Edward, blacksmith, h 4-42 Con-<br />

gress e.


Burns Esther, wid John, h 65 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Burns Flora, (wid Thomas), boarding,<br />

27 Filth.<br />

Burns George, h 272 Thirteenth.<br />

Burns Gerhardt, h 223 Lafayette e.<br />

Burns (Tames, lab., h 416 Guoin.<br />

Burns James, lab., h 100 Pine.<br />

Burns James, miller, h 198 Tirteenth-and.<br />

a-half.<br />

Burns James, packer, lids S8 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Burns James, teamster, h 625 Twelfth.<br />

Burns James, (Burns c52 Smith,) h 158 Fort<br />

W.<br />

Burns Johanna, (wid Richard,) h 405<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Burns John, clerk, h 222 Seventeenth.<br />

Burns John, furnace man, h '76 Labrosse.<br />

Burns .John, foreman, h 114 Oak.<br />

Burns John, horse shoer, bds cor Chene<br />

and Larned.<br />

Burns John, lab., bds 329 Croghan.<br />

Burns John, lab., h 476 Macomb.<br />

Buns John, lab., h 166 Seventh.<br />

Burns John, watchman, bds 442 Congres~<br />

e.<br />

Burns John E., foreman blacksmith shop<br />

Michigan Car Company, h 222 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Burns John F., carpenter, bds.65 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Burns Joseph, boiler maker h 216 Porter.<br />

Burns Joseph, clerk, h 125 Elizabeth e.<br />

Burns Leonard, milkman, h 45 Leverett.<br />

Burns Louisa, machine operator, bds 272<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Burns Mark, carpenter, h 244 Sixteenth.<br />

Burns Martin, blacksmith, bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Burns Michael, carpenter, bds 405 Twelfth.<br />

Burns Michael, lab., h w s Fourth bet<br />

Dickinson and Lyoander.<br />

Burns Michael, stone cutter, bds Sherman<br />

House.<br />

Burns Fatrick, boiler maker, h 164 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Burns Patrick, sexton Mt. Elliott cemetery<br />

h same.<br />

Burns Peter, carpenter, h 276 Sixteenth.<br />

Burns Peter H., office boy, bds 19 Middle.<br />

Burns Richard, carpenter, h 416 Twelfth.<br />

Burns Robert, lab., h 65 Mayberry ave.<br />

Burns Robert, shoemaker, bds 76 Labrosse.<br />

Burns Thomas, carpenter, h 245 Twelfth.<br />

Burns Thomas, lab., h Twelfth w s near<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Burns William porter, bds 13 Middle,<br />

Burns William M., photographer, h 475<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Burns & Smith, (James Burns 62 Lucian<br />

A. Smith), dry goods, 75 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Burnstine Aaron, (Amon Burnstine & Co.,)<br />

bds Russell House.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 weet Lam& St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Burnstine Marcus, broker, h 13 Sibley.<br />

Burnstine Nathan, fancy goods, 103 Wood-<br />

ward ave, res New York <strong>City</strong>.<br />

Burnstine Aaron & Co., (Aaron Burnstine<br />

& Simon Ferner), wholesale clothing,<br />

135 Jefferson ave.<br />

Burpee Francis L., carpenter, h 24'7 Fourth.<br />

Bure Charles A,, clerk, bds 31 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Burr Charles M., cutter, bds 55 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Burr Emiel, carpenter, bds 224 Sherman.<br />

Burr Harvey W., (Butterfield & Burr), h<br />

348 Jefferson ave.<br />

Burr James H., (Burr & Leonard), res Glov-<br />

ersville N. Y.<br />

Burr William H., h 37 Montcalm w.<br />

Burr & Leonard, (James H. Burr & Theo-<br />

dore 0. Leonard), wholesale grocers, 53<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Burrell Albert, livery stable, 25 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 100 High.<br />

Burrell Frank, sailor, bds Clinton ave nr<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Burrell Isiah, (col'd) lab., h 10 Harriet.<br />

Burrell John, sailor, h Clinton nr Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Burrell Maxirnilian, sailor, h 434- Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Burrell Samuel, sailor, h 442 Woodbridge e<br />

Burrell William, bds 100 High.<br />

Burridge George, stone cutter, h 271 Lo-<br />

cust.-<br />

Burridge James, lab., h 125 Wight.<br />

Burridge John, carpenter, h 89 'Crawford.<br />

Burrough 'William, painter, bds 314 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Burrow George, lab., h 450 Maple.<br />

Burrows Cornelius W., physician, office<br />

360 Michigan ave, h same<br />

Burrows Edward O., carpenter, h 166<br />

Howard.<br />

Burrows George, plcmber, bds 3 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Burrows Mrs. C. W., music teacher, h 360<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Burrows Orson, overseer round house, h<br />

166 Howard.<br />

Bursha Peter, fireman M. C. R. R., bds 53<br />

Howard.<br />

Burt -, tinsmith, bds 92 Larned e.<br />

Burt Alvin C. (P. J. Ralph & C0.j h 328<br />

Fort w.<br />

Burt Austin (Burt Manufacturing Co.) h<br />

Jefferson ave., beyond toll gate.





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Burt Elihu C., printer, h 63 Harrison sve.<br />

Burt John, President Peninsular Iron Co.,<br />

h 48 Adzms ave w.<br />

Burt Lee, h Jefferson ave, beyond toll<br />

gate.<br />

Burt Solon (agent f eninsular Iron Co.) h<br />

b 30 Russell.<br />

Burt Manufncturing Co., Hemtramck,<br />

nr city limits- (Xee adv.)<br />

Burtchaell John, expressman, h 254 First.<br />

Burtenshaw James, (W. D. Hobinson, Burtenshaw<br />

& Co.,) h 22 Winder.<br />

Burton Anthony B, shoemaker, h 168<br />

Woodward ave,<br />

Burton Captain, wrecking master, bds <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Exchange.<br />

Burton Charles F.,lawyer, 8 and 9 Rotunda<br />

bds Eisenlord Hor el.<br />

Burton Frederick W., miller, h 120 Michican<br />

ave.<br />

Busch Gregory, boots and shoes, 354 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Busch Gustave A., agent, h 242 Rivard.<br />

Busch Jacob, tailor, h 22 i Benton.<br />

Busch James, cooper, h 114 Jay.<br />

Busch John, gardener, bds 177 Sherman.<br />

Busch Joseph, shoemaker, 354 Gratiot, h<br />

290 Montcalm e.<br />

Busch Mrs. Josephine, milliner, 187 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Rusch William, milliner, 187 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Buschkovsky Carl, lab., h 725 Twentyfourth.<br />

Busenberg Henry, teamster, bds s. s. alley,<br />

bet. Dubois and Chene and Gratiot and<br />

German.<br />

Busenherger George, lab., h s. s. alley,<br />

bet. Dubois and C'hene and Gratiot and<br />

German.<br />

BQsh Adolph, cooper, b 230 Mullett.<br />

Bush Anthony, helper, h 28 Sullivan ave.<br />

Bush Edward C., h 130 Congress e.<br />

Bush Geo~ge, lab., h 151 Oak.<br />

Bush Ira D., Det. Brass Works, 470 Woodbridge<br />

w., h 992 same.<br />

Busch John Q. A., (col'd,) h 133 Catharine<br />

Bush Nargaret, (wid Theodore L.,) h 218<br />

Third.<br />

Bush Richard, conductor, h 180 Macomb.<br />

Bush Thomas, bds 992 Woodbridge w.<br />

~ k o Henry n (col'd) white-washer, h 55 Bush Walter, clerk, bds 166 Second.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Bush William L., lab., bds 218 Third.<br />

Burton James, tailor, h 193 Fifth.<br />

Bush William R. T., clerk, bds 269 Jeffer-<br />

Burton James C., agent,bds 81 Congress w. son ave.<br />

Burton John, confectioner, bds Woodward Busha Joseph, shoemaker, h 374 Gratiot.<br />

ave e. s. nr Gratiot<br />

Busha Lawrance, harness maker, h 18<br />

Burton John, h 187 Congress w.<br />

Brewster,<br />

Burton John, painter, h 528 Fort e. Busha Felix, teamster, h 336 Chene.<br />

BURTON NARY J., bakery and confec- Bushell William, lab, h 55 Butternut.<br />

tionery 120 Michigan ave., h same. Bushmaw Joseph, engineer, h 760 Wood-<br />

Burton Nathan, peddlar, h 192 Latayette. bridge w.<br />

Burton Nicholas, lab., h 143, Humbold<br />

ave.<br />

Bushnell Xrs. D. P., h 45 Congress w.<br />

Burward Henry, carpenter, (Candler Bros.) , Bushnier Sophie, (wid Maximil.,) dress<br />

Burwell William H., h 402 Seventeenth. maker, h 207 Sherman.<br />

Burzee John W., carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Bushor Butterfield, horse dealer, h 299<br />

McDougal ave. and Catharine.<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Buscey Emery, sailor, bds 1-48 Harrison Bushor Henry, horse dealer, h 291 Montave.<br />

1 calm e.<br />

Buscey John, sailmaker, h 148 Harrison Bushway Joseph, carriage maker, n e cor<br />

ave.<br />

Park Place and State, h 159 Fifth.<br />

Busch Albert, pattern-maker, h 134 High. Bushy Frank, lab., h 171 Rivard.<br />

Busch August, csrpenter, h 160 National Buslap Herman, musician, h 220 Clinton.<br />

ave.<br />

Bussang Phill~p W., proprietor Sherman<br />

Busch August, lab., h n. s. Scott bet House, 67 Atwater.<br />

Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Bussell Walter, butcher, bds 66 Mont-<br />

Bu~h Charles, hardware 205 Jeffer- calm w.<br />

son, h 134 High. (See adv.)<br />

Busson Claude A*, engineer, h 40 Eigh-<br />

Busch Frank, cigar-maker, h 295 First. teenth.<br />

Busch Frederick, letter carrier, h 65 Ma- Busson John, engineer, h 40 Eighteenth.<br />

comb.<br />

Butler Alexander, h 760 Woodbridge e.<br />

Busch George, cigar maker, bds 354 Gra- Butler Andrew, (col'd) cooper, bds 73<br />

tio t.<br />

Fort e.


Butler Charles H., clerk, bds 161 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Butler David, (col'd) waiter, bds 178<br />

Larned w.<br />

Butler Edward H., cashier Mechanics<br />

Bank, bds 125 Fort w.<br />

Butler Eliza M., teacher, h 81 Congress w.<br />

Butler Frederick E., clerk, bds 125 Fort w.<br />

Butler James, (Marsh & Butler,) h 123<br />

First.<br />

Butler John, carpener, bds 137 Larned e.<br />

Butler John, distiller, bds 129 Larned w.<br />

Butler John, engineer, h 10 Harriet.<br />

Butler John, lab., bds 103 o Larned w.<br />

Butler John, peddlar, h Twelfth w s nr<br />

Linden.<br />

Butler John, speculator, h 152 Orchard.<br />

Butler Mary, (wid Bernard,) h 268 Franklin.<br />

Butler Mary A,, (coi'd, wid Alexander,)<br />

boarding and laundry, 178 Larned w.<br />

Butler Michael, lab., bds 827 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Butler Milton, H., (Blanke & Butler,) h n<br />

w cor Congress and Second.<br />

Butler Nancy, (col'd, wid Henry,) h 29<br />

Marion.<br />

Butler Rachel A., (col'd, wid Thomas,)<br />

dressmaker, h 135 Fort e.<br />

Butler William, carpenter, h 318 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Butler Wm., carpenter, bds 129 Larned e.<br />

Butler William A., president Mechanics<br />

Bank, h 125 Fort w.<br />

Butler William A. jr., clerk, bds 125 Fort w.<br />

Butterfield, Charles, agent, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Buttefield Edwin, (John J. Bagley & Co.,)<br />

h 55 Wsshington ave.<br />

Butterfield Leander S., (Butterfield &<br />

Burr,) h 93 Cass.<br />

Butterfield Orrin H., policeman, h 303<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Butterfield William, picture frame maker,<br />

h 451 Beaubien.<br />

Butterfield & Burr (Leander S. Butterfield<br />

and Harvey W. Burr,) <strong>Detroit</strong> Paper<br />

Co., 36 and 38 Wuodward ave.<br />

Butter Silss, hatter, h 234 First.<br />

Butter Siltts, hatmaker, bds 1 Jefferson ave.<br />

But t.erworth John, clerk, bds An tisdel<br />

House.<br />

But tman William, conductor, bds Cass<br />

Hotel.<br />

Buttner George, saloon, 155 Fort el h same.<br />

Button Edward, C. policeman, h, 121 Sixteenth.<br />

Button W.. brakesman, N. C. R. R.<br />

Butzel Mamus, (Heineman, Butzel & Co.,)<br />

h 4.2 ~kder. '<br />

Butzel Martin, (Heineman, Butzel & Co.,)<br />

h 397 Woodward ave.<br />

Buvelot Paul, ~warehonseman, b cor Dequindre<br />

and Hale.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Bnysse Louis, tailor, 295 Lafayette, h same.<br />

Buzzo Benjamin F., machinist, bds 141<br />

Rivard.<br />

Byen John, printer, bds 272 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Byers Joseph, teamster, (6. Clancy 8 Co.,)<br />

Byfield Reuben, mason, h 381 Franklin.<br />

Bylmaker Henry, carver, bds 212 Clinton.<br />

Byram Charles, (Morbouse, Mitchell &<br />

Byram,) h 807 Jefferson ave.<br />

Byram Theodore P,, clerk, bds 801 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Byram Wm. H., draughtsman, bas 807<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Byrd Joseph, coachman, bds 591 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Bprne John, foreman, h 114 Oak.<br />

Byrne Joseph. boilermaker, h 216 Porter.<br />

Byrue Michael, furniture, n e cor Michigan<br />

ave and Cass, h same.<br />

Byrne Peter, carpenter, h 216 Sixteenth.<br />

C<br />

ABLE Daniel C., foreman, h 50 Mt.<br />

C / Elliott ave.<br />

Cacak Joseph, lab., h 231 Williams ave.<br />

Cadieus Moses, sailor, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Cadman Chnrles C., cashier merchants '<br />

and manuhcturers bunk, h 228 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Cadman Florey, (wid Edwin,) h 113 Wilkins.<br />

Cadman Morris, lab., h 115 Wilkins.<br />

Cadoret Peter C., mouider, bds 50 Xayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Cadotte Frank, capt,ain, h 12 Hastings.<br />

Cadwell Frederick A,, oculist, 52 Lafayette<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Cadwell James, clerk, h 43 Randolph.<br />

Cady Allan H., carpenter, h 29 Ash.<br />

Cadv Henrv B., brakesman 31. C. Ii. R., h<br />

18 31adisbn ave.<br />

Cady John N., clerk, bds 139 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Cady Leander, h 271 Guoin.<br />

Cady Margaret, (wid Henry,) h 280 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

cady Milton O., clerk, h 428 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Cady William, stableman, bds 254 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Cahen Frederick H., clerk, h 59 DuEeld.


--<br />

I<br />

'<br />

Calnon Charles, sailor, bds 363 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Calnon Edward, lab., h 396 Fifth.<br />

Calnon Giles, lab., h 191 Thirteenth-and-<br />

- a-half.<br />

Calnon Jeremiah, grocer, 50 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 225 Howard.<br />

Calnon Jeremiah, lab., h 155 Porter.<br />

Calnon Mary, (wid Thomas), h 171 Or-<br />


Calnon Patrick, machinist, h 245 Howard.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Offices CaInon Thomas, plasterer, bds cor Fifth<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

and Marcv.<br />

Calvert Charles B., Treasurer Calvert Lith.<br />

Cahill James, saloon, 100 Michigan ave, h Co., bds 131 George.<br />

same.<br />

Calvert George, street car driver, bds 59<br />

Cahill John, lab., h Franklin n s bet Leib First<br />

and Adair.<br />

Calvert John, agent, h 459 Lafayette ave.<br />

Cahill Michael, drayman, h - Seventh. Calvert Thomas, Pres. and Supt. Cslvert<br />

Cahill Patrick F., h 971 IIIichigan ave. Lithographing Co., h 131 George.<br />

Cahill Stephen, forgeman, h n s Leib near Calvert Lithographing, En-.<br />

Wight.<br />

ing and Map Publishing Co.,<br />

Cahoe Charles, lab., h 719 Franklin. Arcade Building, Larned w. (See ada.)<br />

Cahoon William, h~~.rance agent, 1 10 Calvin James, paio ter, bds 151 Cass.<br />

Griswold, h 328 Abbott.<br />

Cameron Alexander, clerk, h 270 How-<br />

Cahoon William jr, clerk, bds 328 Abbott. ar(j.<br />

Caille Joseph, furniture, 593 Gratiot, h Cameron Alexnncler, lab., bds 109 Russell.<br />

sc~me.<br />

Cameron Allan P., cashier M. C. R. R.<br />

Cain John, blacksmith, h 90 old Oak. freight office, h 84 Ninth ave.<br />

Cain Michael, lab., h 280 Eighteenth. Camer-m Charles, (Wm. Adair & Co.), bds<br />

Cain Nicholas, blacksmith, 149 Larned W, 16 Michigan ave.<br />

h 202 Fourth.<br />

Cameron Charles, shoemaker, h 211 Ab-<br />

Cairns Edward, cooper, h 17 Walnut. bott.<br />

Calder Norman, cutter, h 76 Eighth. Cameron D.V., clerk, bds 87 Washingtm<br />

Caldwell Clinton A., bill poster, bds Per- ave.<br />

kins Hotel.<br />

Cameron Elizabeth, (wid Coalan), h 109<br />

Caldwell James, agent, bds 266 Randolph. Russell.<br />

Caldwell James, lab-, Indian aye, Cameroh John, carpenter, h 588 Macomb.<br />

Springwells,<br />

Cameron John, machinist, bds 164 Larned<br />

Caldwell James W., clerk, bds Franklin west.<br />

House.<br />

Cameron John, plumber and gas<br />

Caldwell John, conductor, h 79 Walnut. fitter, 64 Bates, h 203 Park. (See ad.^.)<br />

Caldwell John, lab-, h n e tor St. Aubin Cameron John M., clerk, bds 45 Fort e.<br />

ave and Guoin.<br />

Cameron Robert, builder, h o 40 n 21<br />

Caldwell Robert, clerk, h 153 Harrison Center.<br />

ave.<br />

Caminsky Stephen, wood carver, bds 249<br />

Caldwell Samuel, shoemaker, h w s Mt. &stings.<br />

Hope bet Michigan ave and Butternut- Cammon Frank, baggageman, D. dt M. R.<br />

Calhoun Charles, agent, bds 96 Congress e. 204 Woodbridge e.<br />

Callaghan Daniel, lab. Candler Bros. Campau Alexander, cigar maker, h 201<br />

Callaghan Edward, h 517 Beaubien. Congress e.<br />

Callaghan James, moulder, bds 1 Jefferson Campau Alexander, real estate, office cor<br />

ave.<br />

Jefferson ave and Bates, h 487 Jefferson<br />

Callaghan Jeremiah, drayman, h 101 Por- ave.<br />

ter.<br />

Campau Alexander T., 124 Jefferson ave.<br />

Callaghan John, sailor, h 244 Fourth. h same.<br />

Callaghan Lawrence, lab, h 144 Orchard. Campau Alexis, machinist, h 378 Wood-<br />

Callaghan Michael, lab.. h old 185 Abbott. bridge e.<br />

Callaghan William, lab., bds 395-Frank- Campau Barney, clerk, bds 41(1 Jefferson<br />

lin.<br />

ave.<br />

Callaly Michael, hostler, bds Brighton Campau Barney, clerk, bds Larned e.<br />

House.<br />

Campau Charles, finisher, h 378 Wood-<br />

Callister C. H., agent,bds 287 Jefferson ave. ' bridge e.<br />

Calnon Charles, agent, h 484 Cass aye. , 'Campau Charles F., h 73 Grand River e


Carnpau Daniel J., real estate, h 508 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Campau Daniel J. jr., student, h 505 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Campau Denis J., real estate and<br />

administrator estate Joseph Campau,<br />

140 Jefferson ave., h same. (See adv.)<br />

Campau Geo. T,, lawyer, I01 Griswold, up-<br />

stairs. h 487 Jefferson ave. .<br />

camDau Gregory, architect, h 769 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Campau Henr~, deputy register of deeds,<br />

h 1 ' Centre.<br />

Campau John B., clerk, register of deeds,<br />

h413 Fifth.<br />

Campau Josephine mid. James) h Chene<br />

w. s. nr Franklin.<br />

Campau Louis P., student, h 405, Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Campau Peter, clerk, bds Goodman House.<br />

Campau, Hon. Theodore J., Ad-<br />

ministrator estate of Joseph Campau<br />

and Commissioner on the plan of: the<br />

city, 140 Jefferson ave., h 500 same<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Campau Theodore, jr., h 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

Campbell Alexander, shoemaker, n. e. cor.<br />

Twelfth and Leverette.<br />

Campbell Archibald, engineer, h 150<br />

Franklin.<br />

Carnpbcll Benjamin, agent, h 36 'iVillis ave.<br />

Campbell Bridget, (wid. J3-illiam) b 119<br />

. Sixth.<br />

I Campbell Charles H., machinist, h 107<br />

National ave.<br />

Campbell Colin. (Colin Campbell & Sons)<br />

h 3.53 Woodward ave.<br />

Campbell C. J., clerk, bds Tremont House.<br />

Campbell, Cortland R., clerk, bds 160<br />

Larned e.<br />

Campbell Daniel, clerk, h 62 LafalFette.<br />

Campbell Duncan, carpel;ter,h 343 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Campbell Duncan -M., tailor, h Congress<br />

w nr Griswold.<br />

Campbell Forrest S., (Colin Campbell &<br />

Sons) bds 353 Woodward ave.<br />

Campbell George, clerk, bds 272 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Campbell George. mason, h Arch bet<br />

Crawford and Fifth.<br />

Campbell George, sexton, h 131 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Campbcll George G. S., clerk, h 44 Joy.<br />

Campbell Gordon, (Campbell, 0 wen &<br />

Co.) h 859 Jefferson ave.<br />

Campbell Hugh, engineer, bds 223 At-<br />

water.<br />

Campbell James, engineer, h 627 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Campbell James, bds 255 Howard.<br />

Campbell James, lab., M. C., R. R.<br />

Campbell James, saloon, 309 Atwater, h<br />

same.<br />

22<br />

1<br />

I<br />

Parke, Davis & co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Sirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Campbell .James E., physican, h 681 Jefferson<br />

aye.<br />

Campbell James >I., mason, h 297 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Campbell James T., (Farrington, Campbell<br />

& Co.,) hds 32 Elizakth w.<br />

Campbell Hon. James V., juclre of the Supreme<br />

Court, office Butler's Block, h 141<br />

Larncd e.<br />

Campbell John, h 15 Elizabeth w.<br />

Campbell John, grocer, 451 Grand River<br />

ave, h 55 Elm.<br />

Campbell John, helper; h 172 Beach.<br />

Campbell John, land agent, bds 263 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Campbell John jr., cigar maker, bds 15<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Campbell John, lab., h 1'72 Beach.<br />

C inlpbell John, (col'd,) lab., h $7 >lac-mb,<br />

Campbell John, lab., h n e cor Sixth and<br />

Ahbott.<br />

Campbell John, policeman, h 84 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

Campbell John 31. L., (Colin Campbell &<br />

Sons,) bds 352 Woodward ave.<br />

Campbell John P., teamster, h;' 401 Fifteenth.<br />

Campbell Joseph, carpenter, h 76 Fifteenth.<br />

Campbell Mrs. Julia, (aid Thomas,) h 160<br />

Larned e.<br />

Campbell Limington, clerk, bds Finney7s<br />

Hotel.<br />

Campbell Neil, watchman, h 201 Chene.<br />

Cam~bell Richard E.. clerk. h 253 First.<br />

campbell Robert, expressman, h 149<br />

Third.<br />

Campbell Robert, wagon maker, h 453<br />

Fifth.<br />

. Campbell Sarah, bds 229 Thirteenth-and-<br />

a- half<br />

Campbell Silas TV., niachinist, h 105 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Campbell Thomas, expressman, bds 59<br />

First.<br />

Campbell Thomas, mason, h 213 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Campbell' Thomas &I., engineer, h 4 Tenth.<br />

Campbell Walter E., captain, bds 284 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Campbell Walter S., clerk, bds 17 Madi-<br />

son ave.<br />

Campbell William, commission merchant,<br />

h 86 Pine.<br />

Campbell William, drover, h 338 Four-<br />



Canniff Ja.mes, bds 723 Tlroodward nvc.<br />

Canning 31. J., printer, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Cannon Frank, baggage master, D. &. M.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE. R. It., h 196 Woodbridge e.<br />

Cannon John P., hostler, 1 - Franklin.<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, Cannon Joseph, pattern maker, h 87 Marion<br />

SEE PAGE 39<br />

Cannon b9icLae1, lab., h 196 Woodbridge e.<br />

---<br />

Cannon Patrick, lab., h 196 Woodbridge<br />

Campbell William, painter, bas 25 Bates. east.<br />

Campbell l~T~lliam C., agent G. T. R. R., h Cannon Thomas, lab., tds 106 Woodbridge<br />

450 Lafayette ave.<br />

east.<br />

Campbell William P., ~essel owner, office Canterwitch Ella, operator, bds 92 Fort c.<br />

foot Woodwarcl ave., h 284 JeRerson ave. Canterwitch Rachel, operator, bds 92 Fort<br />

Campbell Colin rC: Sons., (Colin, east.<br />

John hX. L. and Forrest S.,) dry goods, Cantin Kelson, saloon, 302 Atwater e.<br />

&c., 111 and 113 Woodward ave. (see Cantlin 31ichac1, carpenter, h Third a s<br />

adat.)<br />

bet. Fulton and Tuscola.<br />

Campbell, Owen & Co., (Gordon Cantlin, Winnifred: (mid Patrick), lr Thircl<br />

Campbell, .John Owen, Eltlridge G. Mer- bet Tnscola and Liberty.<br />

ick, Jobn Emery Owen, John N. Fow- Canto Franciska, (wid Jaco6: h 287 Ciinler,<br />

Henry Esselstyn, and Stephen R. ton.<br />

Kirby,) dry dock and ship yard, foot of Canture Remi. baker, h 404 i\.Iullctt8.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Caplis James, l:rmyer, room lG Fotunda,<br />

Camus Peter, file maker, 1250 Gratiot, h lids Biddle House.<br />

same.<br />

Caplis James, n~illrman, h 18 Humboldt<br />

Canaba Stephen, painter, h 55.5 Russell, ave.<br />

.I., sewer pipe Co., h 58<br />

I' 11n.<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Canney Frances, (wid. Casimir,) h 107 Carey George S., sewer pipe Co., h 17<br />

Franklin.<br />

Brady.<br />

Canney Osmer B., expressman, bds 230 Carey James, drayman, h 64 Duffield.<br />

Second.<br />

Carey Patrick A., moulder, h 586 Lafay-<br />

CanniE Abraham C., h 65 Congress w. ette.

Clsn DE'TRO'rT' CITY DIREC?'I'ORY. cim<br />

Carey Robert J., painter, h 71 Brady. ( LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Carev William. lab.. h 279 Franklin. SHOULD CALL AT<br />

~sriill ~ e n r II., ~ 'auditor ' for Grover &<br />

Baker S. M. Co., h 24 hlontcalm e.<br />

Cttrcill James A., auctioneer '7 Michican<br />

Grand ave and 223 Jefferson ave, h 226 FnIton Market Oyster ]CXODS€?,<br />

Fort e.<br />

Cnrit Michael, lab., 11 206 Brush.<br />

28 3lICHIGAN GRAXD AvE.<br />

Cark John, blacksmith, bds s e tor Russell 0yst.r~ in the shell a s~ectdlt~. Whole@a1e<br />

and Retail.<br />

and Croghan.<br />

Carl -, clerk, bds 77 Beaubien. Carolan John B., clerk, h 297 A11red.<br />

Carl RIargret, h 45 National ave. Carolan John, lab., h 405 Twelfth.<br />

Carl Willlam, carpenter, h s m cor Mc- Carp Daniel, furrier, bds 218 Moore.<br />

Dougal ave and Catharine.<br />

Carp Frank, clerk, h 342 Orleans.<br />

Carlan Thomas, lumberman, bds 25 Bates. Carp Peter, clerk, bcls 842 Orleans.<br />

Carle John, lab., h 277 Bronson.<br />

Carpenter Alice, (wid Thomas,) h 181<br />

Carl Loui~, shoemaker, h 268 Alfred. Fraa klin.<br />

Carleton EIenry, bds Antisdel House. Carpenter Alida, id James II.), h 381<br />

CarletonBenry,shoemaker.'L)ds 319 Fort w. Larned e.<br />

Carlin Arthur Mrs., h 521 Croghan, Carpentc.r Betsy, (-id 3. B.), h 137 Bates.<br />

Carlin Fredericli, J., organ tuner, h 192 Carpenter Charles F., agent western<br />

Lafayette.<br />

brewery, bds Perkins Hotel.<br />

Carlin Frederick jr , organ tuner, bds 180 Carpenter Frank, mason, h 270 Fifth.<br />

LaEaye tte.<br />

Carpenter George, carpenter, b Twenty-<br />

Carlin John, lab , h 405 TnTeltth.<br />

fourth n Magnolia.<br />

Carlisle Frederick IV., real estate, Carpenter Henry, physician, h ,544 Second.<br />

oflice over 154 Jefferson ave, h 459 Carpenter dames, mason, h 43 Cherry.<br />

Wooclward ave. (See Adv.)<br />

Carpenter James a., clerk, bds 137 Bates.<br />

Carlisle William L., insurance agent, h Carpenter Nettie, confectioner, bds 92<br />

364 Sixth.<br />

Lew 1s.<br />

Carlo Williaw, lab., h Scottcn ave, bet Carpenter Orrin B., miller, h 101 Fifteenth.<br />

Michigan ave and Railroad.<br />

Carpenter Sarah Mrs., h 98 Louis.<br />

Carlton Henry, shoemaker, bds 310 Fort w. Carpenter Thomas, clerk, bds 54 Michigan<br />

Carlyson Charles, coachman, bds 406 Jef- Grand ave.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Carpenter Thomas, helper, h Abbott bet<br />

Carmichael Jennie T., tescier, bds 323 Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Fourth. -<br />

Carpenter Thomas, lab., h 81 Franklin.<br />

Carmichael Jessie, (wid Archibald), h 323 Cmpenter Tinlothy, mason, h 92 Lewis.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Carpenter Wal1ac:e P.,printer, h-12 Middle.<br />

Carnlichael Blnry L., teacher, bds 323 Carpenter William N., (C. E. Letts cSs Co.),<br />

Four h.<br />

office 53 Woodward ave, h 444 Jefferson<br />

Carmichael Robert T., mason, bds 323 ave. .<br />

Fourth.<br />

Carpenter TVilliam W., building con trac-<br />

Carmichael William, pattern maker, h tor, h 41 Cherry.<br />

355 Franklin. ' Carpenter Zephaniah, foreman lime kiln,<br />

Carmileson Theodore, lab., fi 557Lafayette. h 951 Woodbridge w.<br />

Carmody James, (O'Donnell & Car~nocly), Carr Andrew, meat market, 338 Michigan<br />

h 47 IVilkins.<br />

a~e, h same.<br />

Carmody Thomas, clerk, h 60 Colunlbia TV. Cilrr Ann, (wid Janles), h o 215 Park.<br />

Carne George W., brewer, 40 Woadbridge Carr Elizabeth, cashier, bds 186 Orchard.<br />

e, h 266 Jefferson are.<br />

Carr Frederick, lab., h 106 Harrison ave.<br />

Carneal David, (col'd) drayman, h 157 Carr James W., h 124 Jefferson ave.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Carr James, coachnlan, h 229 Second.<br />

Carney Anna, shoe presser, h 162 Division. Carr John, plumber bds 186 Orchard.<br />

Carney Edward, engineer, h 43 Et. Aubln Carr Josephine, operator, h 186 Orchard.<br />

ave.<br />

Carr Lyma~r IV., electro hydropath-<br />

Carney Elizabeth, (wid Michael ) bds 162 ic physician, 19 Rowland, h same. (See<br />

L)iv~sion.<br />

adv,)<br />

Carlley James, sailor, h 303 Fifth<br />

Carr Michael W., jewelry, n e cor Wood-<br />

Carney John, stove moulder, h 632 Con- bridge aud Third, h 102 Porter. ,<br />

gress e.<br />

Carr Patrick H., clerk, 31. B. Kean, h 787'<br />

Carney Lawrence, lab, h 20 Warren. Larned e.<br />

Carolan Bernard,gardener, h 186 Michigan Carr " Richard, plumber, 1SG Orchard, h<br />

aye.<br />



Carse Robert, blacksmith, h 150 Hastings.<br />

Carsen Andres, lsb., bds 203 Nineteenth.<br />

Carson James, clerk, bds 372 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Carson John W., clerk, bds Finney's .<br />

Hotel.<br />

Carson Samuel, ship carpenter, h 445<br />

Franklin.<br />

carson William, clerk, h 108 @us imns 3 ni~ers if g,<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Carstens Henry J., physician, h 14 Macomb.<br />

Seitz Blockg next to the Office' Carter Alonzo, captain, h 552 Croghan.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Carter Andrew, boiler maker, h 51 Na-<br />

Carr Theodore clerk, bds Biddle House. tional ave.<br />

Carr Thomas, plumber, bds 186 Orchard. Carter David, secretary <strong>Detroit</strong> and Cleve-<br />

Carrer Joseph, lab., h 400 Alfred.<br />

land steamers, office foot Shelby, h 830<br />

Carrier Albert, lab., h n 261 o 235 Twelfth.<br />

ave*<br />

Carrier Augustus, lumber merchant, 1 Carter David, (col'd,) teamster, bds 23<br />

Bra.dy7s Block, h '72 Miami ave.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Carrier Byron, bds 72 Miami ave.<br />

Carter George C.,Truckman, h 396 La-<br />

Carrier John, carpenter, h 345 B oward. fayette ave.<br />

Carrier l\loses, teamster, h t2 Twentieth. Carter Henry7 (co17d,) waiter, 3Iichignn<br />

Carrier, Rosedilama, (wid Paul), tailoress, Exchange.<br />

h 550 Congress e.<br />

Carter Irving V., express messenger, h 119<br />

Carrier Thos., carpenter, h 548 Congress e. Ninth aveo<br />

Carrier Theodore, boots and shoes, 604 Carter James, lab., 215 Second.<br />

Congress e, h same.<br />

Carter James, (col'd) saloon, 7 Fort e, h<br />

Carrig Thomas, clerk, bds 563 Croghan. same.<br />

Carroll Daniel, baggageman, h 17 Spruce. Carter carpenter, h 179 oak-<br />

CarrollDaniel, plasterer, bds 193 Napoleon. Carter James D.7 (~~l'd) carpenter, s e tor<br />

Carroll Daniel, saloon, 49 Shelby.<br />

Lafayette and Beaubien, h 336 Macomb.<br />

Carroll Dennis, picture frame maker, bds Carter John V* B-7 foreman, bds I47<br />

65 Larned e.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Carroll George, clerk, bds '77 Beaubien. Carter Levi, conductor M. C. R. R., h 284<br />

Carroll John, (Carroll Bros.), h 247 Third. LafaJ'ette<br />

Carroll John E., carpenter, bds Eisenlord Carter BIargaret, (wid milson,) h 65 Ab-<br />

Hotel.<br />

bott..<br />

Carroll Joseph, lab., h 67 Twentieth. Carter Robert, lab., h 360 Michigan ave.<br />

Carroll Julia, (wid L; wrence,) grocer, 51 0 Carter R~bert, teamster, h 313 Michigan<br />

Xichigan ave, h same.<br />

ave.<br />

Carroll Martin, (Carroll Bros.,) h 245 Third. Carter 7 bds Wood-<br />

Carroll. Mary, (wid Michael,) boarding ward avehouse,<br />

270 Congress e.<br />

Carter William, (col'd) barber, 253 Grand<br />

Carroll Michael, fireman) h 148 Franklin. River ave, h same.<br />

Carroll Michael, lab., h 532 Third. Carter IVilson, painter, bds 65 Abbott.<br />

Carroll Michael, painter, bds 31 Griswold. Carty Dennis, lab., h 19 Franklin.<br />

carroll Blichael, (Carroll Bros.,) h 245 Carthwright Abram, captain, h 171 Clin-<br />

Third.<br />

ton.<br />

Carroll Patrick A., tallow chandler, 74 Ka- Cartwright IIenry, engineer, bds 410 Fort<br />

tional ave, h same.<br />

e.<br />

Carroll Thomas, drayman, h 496 Fifth. Cartwright John H., machinist, h 410 Fort<br />

Carroll Thomas, blacksmith, bds 510 e.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Cartwright Walter W., sailor, bds 410 Fort<br />

Carroll Thomas R., grocer, s e cor Con- e.<br />

gress and Dubois, h same.<br />

Cartwright Wilson, captian tug A.F. Bart-<br />

Carroll William, carpenter, h 154 Franklin. lett, bds 4 Woodward ave.<br />

Carroll William S., mate, h 257 Franklin. carver Adelberl L., pail tuner, h wood-<br />

Carroll B~cs., (John, Michael & Martin, 1 bridge bet ~ d and ~ i ~ ~ i ~ .<br />

boiler makers, cor Franklin and St. hntoine.<br />

Carver Enoch H., trav. agent, h Wood-<br />

Carruthers James H., harness maker, bds bridge s s bet adair and Leib.<br />

90 Michigan ave.<br />

Carver David, merchant tailor, 181 Jeffer-<br />

Carrti thers Wilson, blacksmith, h 592 Con- son ave, bds 34 Congress w.<br />

gress e.<br />

Cary Charles, Woodbridge foot of First.<br />


.<br />


Cary John, (col'd) barber, cor Larned<br />

and Woodward ave under Prestons<br />

bank, h 315 Congress e.<br />

Caryl Charles &I., pattern maker, h 64 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Caryl Horace B., clerk, h w s Fourth bet<br />

Cuttler and b1cLt.a~.<br />

Case Alanson B., clerk, bds 54 Adarvs ave<br />

m.<br />

Case Arthur G., student, bds 252 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Case Hiram P.. machinist, h 470 Macomb.<br />

Case Homer G., traveling agent, h 82<br />

Howard,<br />

Case Leverett N, collector, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Case S. Charles, clerk, bds 26 Elizabeth w.<br />

Case Sydney C., jr., clerk, bds 2G Eiza-<br />

beth w.<br />

Case Sidney W. D., carpenter, h 201 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Casey David, lab., bds 53 Franklin.<br />

Casey Ellen, (wid. Patrick) h 296 Fifth.<br />

Casey F. L., clerk, h 299 Macomb.<br />

Casey James, drayman, h 64 Duffield.<br />

Castly Jeremiah, lrtb., h 218 Porter.<br />

Casey John, bds 83 Franklin.<br />

Casey John, captain, h 160 Seventh.<br />

Casey John, lab., h 410 Michigan ave.<br />

Casey John, shoemaker, bds 31 Griswold.<br />

Cssey Lyman R., <strong>Detroit</strong> Novelty Works,<br />

Casey Mrs. Nary, (wid. Owen) h $0 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Casey Patrick, lab., h $4 Eighth.<br />

Casey Patrick, lab., bds 41 0 Michigan ave.<br />

Cashin Thomas, express driver, h 154<br />

Orchard.<br />

Cashin Thomas, lab., h 144 Beach.<br />

Cashman Patrick, broom maker, h old 520<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Caskey Samuel G. (A. C. &Gram (& Co.)<br />

h 336 Fort w.<br />

Caspary Henry, jeweller, bds 331 Fort e.<br />

Caspary John, clerk, t,C. Stange) h 331<br />

Fort e.<br />

Casper Henry, l~b., 31. C. R. R.<br />

Casper Jacob, lab., b I51 Jay.<br />

Casper Peter, lab., bds 63 Atwater e.<br />

Cassar Frank G., (col'd) clerk bcis 299<br />

hIncqmb.<br />

Cassell Joseph, lab., h. 104 Suliivan ave.<br />

Casserly Patrick, grocer, n. w. cor. Elm-<br />

wood ave. and Fort, h same.<br />

Cass Hotel (Ty


SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MeYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Central Hotel, opposite M. C. R. R. Depot,<br />

Patrick Yalvev, proprietor.<br />

Central Police Station, n s Woodbridge<br />

bet Woodward ave and Bates.<br />

Ceschinske William, lab., h w s Dubois<br />

het German and Gratiot.<br />

Chabe Emile, draughtsman, bds s w cor<br />

Third and Gold.<br />

Ch~lde Herman, stone cutter, h 550 Beaubien.<br />

Chadwick Hiram, bolt maker, h IlG Division.<br />

Chadwick John, moulder, bds 142 Cherry.<br />

Chaerlipour Lucia, (wid. Francois,) h 180<br />

Latayette.<br />

Chtlffee Amos, h 784 Woodward ave.<br />

Chaffee John E., clerk, h 90 Howard.<br />

Chaffee Mtrick J., clerk, 31. C. R. R., h<br />

178 Fifth.<br />

Chaffee Cliver N., (Chicago Seed Co.,) h<br />

n e cor High and Brush.<br />

Chalmers Robert, lab., h 343 Clinton.<br />

Chalubsky hlathew, cabinet maker, h 284<br />

Alfred.<br />

Chambe Frederick, confectioner, 290 Gra-<br />

~iot, h same.<br />

Chambe Frederick, grocer, 225 Sherman,<br />

h same.<br />

Chamberlain A. H., (31. H. Chamberlain<br />

& Co.,) h 444 Seventh.<br />

Chamberlain Alonzo, bds 444 Seventh.<br />

Chamberlain Augustus W., clerk, h 404<br />

Sixth.<br />

Chamberlain Ernest, clerk, h 48 Brainard.<br />

Chamberlain Maroni H., (11. H. Chamberlain<br />

& Co.,) bds 444 Seventh.<br />

Chamberlain Thomas J., clerk, bds 88<br />

Wayne.<br />

Chamberlain Maroni H. & Co., (Xaroni<br />

and Alvin) rectifiers and wholesale liquor<br />

dealers, 12 Atwater w.<br />

Chamberlin Charles A., vessel owner, bds<br />

87 Shelby.<br />

Chamberlin Charles N., (Mumford, Foster<br />

& CO.), h 83 Elizabeth e.<br />

Chamberlin Curtis, artist, bds 120 Henry.<br />

Chamberlin Daniel C., clerk, h 160 Rivard.<br />

Chsmberlin Erastus H., clerk, bds 83 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Chamherlin George IV. F., clerk, h 48 Labrosse.<br />

Chamberlin John S.,agent,98 Jefferson ave.<br />

Chamberliu Lewia II., clerk, h 257 Park.<br />

.<br />

Chamberlin Zesire, (wid Roderick,) h 83<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Chambers Charles, brakesman 31. C. R. R.<br />

Chambers Fitz William H., lawyer, h 156<br />

Abbott.<br />

Chambers FrancisC., special police, Opera<br />

House, h 60 George.<br />

Chambers Robert, ship carpenter, h 183<br />

Orleans.<br />

Champ George, (col'd) lab., bds Benton<br />

bet Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

Champ Miss Lizzie, h 163 Adams ave e.<br />

Champ William,clerk, h 163 Adams ave e.<br />

Champaigne ~ntuony, miller, h 18 Tweu-<br />

tieth.<br />

Champaigne Frelerick, ship carpenter, h<br />

w s Ducluindre bet Woodbridge and<br />

Franklin.<br />

Cllampion Charles T., miller, h 323 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Champion George JV., miller, h n e cor<br />

Cass and Woodbridge w.<br />

Champion Henry E., (D. Showerman (53<br />

Co.), old 94 Washington ave.<br />

Champlin George, miller, bds 112 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Champort Minnie, (wid Zenerine,) h 5Gl<br />

Croghan.<br />

Chancy James, mail agent, h 64 Baker.<br />

Chancey James, (col'd) waiter, Rassell<br />

House.<br />

Chancey John, shoemaker, h 216 Fourth.<br />

Chandler Ednlund S., (G. S. Chandler &<br />

Co.), h 93 Farrar.<br />

Chandler Frank, carver, bds 29 Clinton.<br />

Chandler George C., gents furnish-<br />

ins goods, '71 anu 73 Woodward ave, h<br />

2% Cnss ave. (See adv.)<br />

Chandler George S., (G. S. Chandler &<br />

Co.), h 237 Brush.<br />

Chandler George TV., insurance agent, 100<br />

Griswold.<br />

Chandler Harry, mason, bds 911 Cass.<br />

Chandler John A. R,, gilder, bds 93 Farrar<br />

Chandler Thomas, mason, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Chandler IVilliam A., physician, 90 31ont -<br />

calm e., h same.<br />

Chandler Zachariah Hon., W. S. senator, h<br />

n w cor Second and Fort.<br />

Chandler G. S. & Co., (George S. and Ed-<br />

mund S.,) organs and melodeons,7 Opera<br />

House Block.<br />

Chaney Allen, h 181 Third.<br />

Chaney Henry, sup't. pub1.i~ library, h old<br />

101 new 121 George.<br />

Chaney Henry A., lawyer, bds 121 George.<br />

Chaney Lucieo C., carpenter, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Chaney Noah, sailor, h 522 Lafayette.<br />

Chanlysky Mathias, cabinet maker, h 282<br />

Alfred.<br />

Chantler Henry, physician and insurance<br />

agent, 201 Woodward ave., h cor George<br />

and Park.


Chantler James, lab., 558 Gratiot.<br />

Chantler John II., clerk, bds cor George<br />

and Park.<br />



C h apano Frederi~k~peddlzlr, h 219 Chesnut.<br />

Chaphon Peter, carpenter, h 107 John R.<br />

Chapin J. B., agent, bds Franklin House.<br />

Chapin James H., reporter Free Press, h FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSE,<br />

89 Colurnbia e.<br />


. chaplin Richard, carpenter, h 6 Paton. Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Chappan Albert, bar tender, bds 34 L&- / Retail.<br />

ned w.<br />

Chappell Henry, horse dealer, h 299 Con-<br />

CHAPMAN ALBERT J., lawyer, gress e.<br />

room 11 Rotunda, bds Eisenlord's Hotel. Chappel1 Royal, brakeman, bds 67 Lewis.<br />

Chapman Andrew, moulder, h Leib Chappell & Vanduzer (Albert J. Chappell<br />

bet Congress a.nd Fort.<br />

and Ashley N. Vanduzt:r) Home sewing<br />

Chapman George, blacksmith, 11 620 machine agents, 178 *Jefferson ave.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Charbolleau John, clerk, h 257 Franklin.<br />

Chapman George, mason, 11 366 Duhois. Charboineau Noah, policeman. h 357<br />

Chapman Henry, currier, h 330 Lafayette Seventeenth.<br />

ave.<br />

Charbotte Anthony, cigar maker, h 100<br />

halfm man James, h w s Woodward ave., nr Catharine.<br />

31. S. R. R.<br />

Charbotte William, lab., h ,540 Croghan.<br />

Chapmann John, carpenter, h 1'79 Sixth. Charison John, saloon, 217 Atwater, h<br />

Chapman Joseph, R., h 261 Jefferson ave. same.<br />

Chapman Nerritt J.: clerk, bds 45 Monroe Charlan Baptiste, carpenter, h 350 Frankdve.<br />

lin.<br />

Chapoton Alexander, builder, h 126 Con- Charlan Richard, sailor, h 728 Franklin.<br />

rress e. * Charlan Zebulon, blacksmith, h 358 MichicGapoton<br />

Alexander, jr., builder, h 155 gan ave.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Charles Thomas, car1 enter, h 489 Lar-<br />

CIlapoton Angiline, bds 238'0rleans. ned e.<br />

Chapoton Anthony C., plasterer, h. 91 Chlrlie John, machinist, h 189 Twenty-<br />

An tietam.<br />

first.<br />

Chspoton Augustus B., bds Biddle House. Charlton Andrew, (col'd) teamster, h n w<br />

Chapoton Benjamin, mason, h 205 Con- cor Hastings an3 Kentucky.<br />

gress e.<br />

Cba,rlton David L., clerk, h 256- Grand<br />

Chapo ton Elizabeth, (wid. Charles) h 190 River aye.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Charlton Williax, watchman, bds 434<br />

Cllapoton Frederick, painter, bds 107 Woodbridge w.<br />

Johu R.<br />

Charodake Augustus, lab., h 49 Eimmood<br />

Chapoton Henry, clerk, bds 2.38 Or1 eans. ave.<br />

Chapoton Julia, (wid Eustace) h 301 Jef- Charon Rosa. (wid Mitchel.) bds w s New<br />

ferson ave.<br />

bet St. Aubin ave and Dubois, and Ger-<br />

Chapoton D. Lewis, lab., h 543 Clinton ave. man and Gratiot.<br />

Chapoton Lydia (wid. IIenry) h 238 Charpear Joseph, tailor, 786 'l'wenty-<br />

Orleans. *<br />

fourth, b same.<br />

Chapoton Lucretia, silver polisher, bds Charvier C. Felix. clerk, h $5 Lnbrosse.<br />

238 Orleans.<br />

Charrow Mitchell, clerk, bds 252 Brush.<br />

Chapoton Peter G., mason, h 2,38 Orleans. Chart Charles, carpenter, (Candler Bros.)<br />

Chapoton Theodore, bds 301 Jefferson ave. Chase Abraham W., foreman: bds Antis-<br />

Chnpoton William, builder, h 330 Con- del House.<br />

gress e.<br />

Chase Barton W., (Chase Bros,) h 231<br />

Chapotoll William, jr., builder, bds 330 Second.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Cbase Clinton S., (Chase Bros.,) b 121<br />

Chappee Benjamin; (cold'd) h 51 Centre. Michigan ave.<br />

Chapee Burnie (col'd) bds 51 centre. Chase Douglass J., conductor 31. C. R. R.,<br />

Chappell Albert J. (Chappell & Van Duzer) bds Russell House.<br />

res. Adrian.<br />

Chase Egbert, h 83 High.<br />

Chappell Alonzo, (Jennings 65 Chap- Chase George A., student, bds 287 Jefferpell)<br />

h 120 Congress e.<br />

son ave.<br />

Chappell Alaerson L., horse dealer, h 106 Chase John M., clerk, h 26 Sibley.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Chase Laura, (wid David,) h 83 High.<br />

Chappell Augustus F., machinist, h 160 Chase Malisha, (wid Isaac,) laundry, h 357<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Laiayette.<br />




Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

H'l (Chase ' Van Dusen7)<br />

h 13'7 Griswold.<br />

Chase Rev. Supply, h 75 Lamed w.<br />

Chase cutter, Lds<br />

House.<br />

Chase Bros.y W* 6;<br />

drugpists, 121 Michigan ave.<br />

Chase & Van Dusen, (Reuben, H. & Har-<br />

Van =usen), physicians, 137<br />

Griswold.<br />

Chabba Em'', engineer* bds s w 'or Third<br />

and Gold.<br />

Charolot Peter> shoemaker, 48 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Chateau John, (Adam Orth 6: J*<br />

h s w cor Russell and Ontario.<br />

Chatterson Alfred, lab*, bds 115 FranHin-<br />

Chaurret Charles, carpenter, h 370 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Chauvin Anthony, lab., h 52 Lafayette.<br />

Cheek George W., (col'd) barber, bds 299<br />

Macon1 b.<br />

Cheeseman George, sailor, h 133 .Tones.<br />

Cheever Henry M. (H. M. & W. E.<br />

Cheever), h 48 Adams ave ~v.<br />

Cheever William E. (H. &I. & W. E.<br />

Cheever), res Ypsilanti.<br />

Cheever H. N. & W. E. (Henry M. &<br />

William E.), lawyers, 8 and 9 Itotunda.<br />

Cheillott Louis, carpenter, h 48 Crawford.<br />

Cbeillot Peter, shoemaker, bds 48 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Cbeli Valerio, cabinet maker, h 362<br />

Rivard.<br />

Chene Alexander $., student, bds 839 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Chene Charles, wood dealer, foot of Chene,<br />

h 116 Chene.<br />

Chene Gabriel H., clerk, h 839 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Chene Isodore, carpenter, h 378 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Chene Peter, carpenter, h 499 Muller t.<br />

Chene William, mason, h 571 Clinton ave.<br />

Cheney E bein (Cheney, Sons & Bartlett) ,<br />

h 230 First.<br />

Cheney George H., policeman, h 373<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Cheney James W. (Cheney, Sons & Bart-<br />

lett), h 230 First.<br />

-<br />

Cheney Lucius C., pattern maker, bds<br />

Goodman House.<br />

Cheney Wi!liam, carpenter, h 132 Griswold.<br />

Cheney, Son & Bartlett (Eben<br />

James W. Cheney and Francis W. Bartlett),<br />

general acents, New Wilson sewing<br />

machine, 178 Woodward ave. (See adv.)<br />

Chequin ~ohn, wire worker, bds 68 Con-<br />

press w.<br />

a- --;<br />

Chequin Louis, sailor, h 249 Dubois.<br />

Chequin Napoleon, sailor, bds 249 Dubois.<br />

Clierving Joseph, lab., h 123 Tillman ave.<br />

Chesebrough Alfred, agent Union Steam-<br />

boa Co.,office foot Second, h 171 Fort w.<br />

Chesebrough Alfred L., cle k, bds 171<br />

Fort w.<br />

Cheesehroug'h Isaac, engineer, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Chesebrough William G. L. (,J. M. Seely &<br />

Co.), bds 1'71 Fort w.<br />

Chester John W., clerk, bds 55 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Chester David R , porter, bds 105 Lamed e.<br />

Cllevalier *icholas, lab., h 583 Frank, in.<br />

Chevilot Louis, carpenter, h 48 Cramford.<br />

Chleas Christian, lab., h 180 Maple.<br />

Chicago Prepared JTTheat Co. (Mrs. William<br />

and Mrs. John H. Leonard<br />

Prop), 34 Atmater e.<br />

Chicago Seed Companv, (Pber F. Cllurch,<br />

Oliver N. Chaflee, D. Farrand Henry,)<br />

I17 and 1 19 Woodbridge w.<br />

Chidsey Augustus, (W. H. Thompson &<br />

Co.,) h 307 Sixth.<br />

Childs Charles D., auditor and purchasing<br />

agent, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Lansing & Lake Mich.<br />

Ry, h256 Randolph.<br />

Ch~lson Catharine, (wid. Rufus W.,) h 275<br />

Brush<br />

Chilson James >I., pecldlar, bds 275 Brush.<br />

Chilson Rufus W., jr., student, bds 275<br />

Brush.<br />

Chiltson ,Justine. (wid. William,) h 329<br />

Bronson.<br />

Chilvers Margaret, (wid. Thomas,) board-<br />

'ing, 26 Fort e.<br />

Chilvers William, restaulant, 6 Wood-<br />

ward ave, h same.<br />

Chiplnan Adelbert Z., clerk, bds 55 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Cllipman J. Logan, lawyer, 12 Kanter's<br />

Block, h 802 St. Antoine.<br />

Chisholm James L., &gent, h 492 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Chisley Louise, (col'd wid.,) masherwo-<br />

nlan, h 382 St. Antoine.<br />

Chisholm Thomas, pattern maker, h 322<br />

Mullett.<br />

Chisholm Walter, pattern maker, h 673<br />

Congress e.<br />

Chitson Murray, lab., h 33'7 Oileans.<br />

Chittenden Elizabeth, (wid. William,) h<br />

[ 666 Jefferson ave.


Chittenden W. Jared, (Whitbeck & Chit-<br />

tenden,) h 68 Fort w.<br />

Chittick William R., waiter, Franklin<br />

House.<br />

. CboateGeorgeE.,engineer,>l. C. R. R.,h<br />

229 Fifteenth.<br />

Chope Charles H., (E. Chope & Son,) h<br />

108 Randolph.<br />

Chope Edward, (E. Chope 6t; Son,) res<br />

Greenfield.<br />

Chope Edward B., clerk, sewer commis-<br />

sioner's office, h 46 Brady.<br />

Chope William A., agent, h e s Sixth nr.<br />

Michigan are.<br />

Chope E. & Son, (Edward and Charles H.)<br />

carriage and wagon manufdcturers, 106<br />

and 108 Randolph.<br />

Chorley Frederick, tanner, h 166 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Chorley John, machinist, h 187 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />

Chorley -, checker, bds 313 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Christ Joseph, lab., h 29 Catharine.<br />

Christa John, carpenter, bds 216 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Christa Nicholas, grocer, 371 Hastings, h<br />

same.<br />

CHRISTA PHILIP, Western Steam Mar-<br />

ble Works, n e cor Monroe ave and Far-<br />

mer, h 107 Columbia e. (See adv.)<br />

Christian Benjamin. book pressman Trib-<br />

une office, n 408 Beaubien.<br />

Christian Edgar A., h 343 Howard.<br />

Chrisrian Hannah S., (wid Thomm,) bds<br />

345 Howard.<br />

Christian Joseph, (christian & Son,) res<br />

Springwells.<br />

Christian Lorenzo D., (Christian & Son,)<br />

h 253 Second.<br />

Christian Louis, clerk, bds 402 Beaubien.<br />

Christian3lark,machinist ,bds 402 Beauhien.<br />

Christiau Montgomery P., foreman Trib-<br />

une News Room, alderman sixth ward,<br />

h 402 Beaubien.<br />

Christian Serval G., stewart, h 293 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Christian William H., asst city clerk, bds<br />

169 Elizabeth e.<br />

Christian & Son, (Thomas and Lorenzo,)<br />

restaurant under Russell House.<br />

Christiancy Henry C., cashier, h 33 JOT.<br />

Christiansen Hans A.,grocer, 263 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 223 Brush.<br />

Christiansen Martin B., butcher, 255 Beau-<br />

bien, h 50 Harriett.<br />

Christie George, core maker, bds 298<br />

Franklin.<br />

Christie James A., clerk. h 186 Congress e.<br />

Christie John E., car builder, h 142 Eighth.<br />

Christie Joseph, tailor, 298 Franklin, h<br />

same.<br />

Christie Thomas S., (Pllilbrick, Christie &<br />

Co.), h 150 Henry.<br />

23<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our oEce<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parlce, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

-<br />

Christoph Julius, lab., bds 603 Gratiot.<br />

Christoph William, carnage trimmer, 38<br />

Larned e, h same.<br />

Chrysler Justus, carpenter, h 13 Oak.<br />

Chuclleigh Wi1;iam H., baker, 159 Michigzn<br />

ave and 274 Grand River ave.<br />

Chuillot Annie, h 22 Jones.<br />

Church E her, shoemaker, hds 48.3 Crogl~an.<br />

Church Et~er, (Chicago Seed Co.), h 27<br />

Lafayctte.<br />

Church Elijah >I., scale powder manuf., h<br />

84 Baker.<br />

Church George, student, bdj 483 Croghan.<br />

Church hlaggie, teacher Trtppan Union, h<br />

84 Baker.<br />

Chnrch Myron H., draughtsman, bds 84<br />

Baker.<br />

Church Orpheus B., printer, h 139 Orchard.<br />

Church Patrick, lab., h 683 Sixteenth.<br />


African $1. E., Lafayette bet Brusb and<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Bethel, Ger T an Evangelical, cor Hasting~<br />

and 3Iontcalm.<br />

Satlledral of St. Peter and St. Paul,<br />

(jatholic, cor Jefferson ave and St. Antoine.<br />

Central Christian, Washington ave bet<br />

Grand River and State.<br />

.Central 31eihodist Episcopal, cor Woodward<br />

and Adams aves.<br />

Christ Church Episcopal, s s Jefferson<br />

ave bet Hastings and Rivard.<br />

Disciples of Christ,cor Fourth and Plum.<br />

First Baptist, cor Cass ave a ~ Bagg. d<br />

First Congregational, s w cor Wayne and<br />

Fort.<br />

First French Baptist, Sherman bet Rivard<br />

and Russell.<br />

First German Baptist, cor Mullett and<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

First German 31. E., cor Beaubien and<br />

Croghan.<br />

First German Reformed Zion's, e s Russell<br />

bet Catharine and Sherman.<br />

First Presbyterian, cor Gratiot and Farmer.<br />

Fort Street Presbyterian, cor Fort and<br />

Third.<br />

Grace Episcopal, cor Fort and Second.<br />

:<br />

German Evangelical Lutheran Salem,<br />

Catharine nr St. Antoine.<br />

Imma~luel German Lutheran, Sixteenth<br />

nr Michigan ave.


( Westminster Presbyterian, e s Washington<br />

ave bet State 2nd Grand River ave.<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

Churchess Joseph G., huckster, stall 11 up-<br />

~erC.H.M..h10Tuscola.<br />

~liurchill Arthur P.,carpenter, h 490 Michi-<br />

& 4 ~ ~ ~<br />

SEE PAGE 31). a<br />

Lnfc~yette Avenue Bsptist, Layayet:e ave<br />

bet Cass and First.<br />

Jefferson Avenue Chapel 31. E., s w cor<br />

Jefferson and St. Aubin aves.<br />

Jefierson Avenue Presbyterian, Jefferson<br />

ave bet Rivard and Russell.<br />

Lafayette Avenue M. E., cor Lafayette<br />

ave and Fourth.<br />

Mariners' Free Episcopa1,cor Woodward<br />

ave and Woodbridge.<br />

Most Holy Trinity, Catholic, cor Porter<br />

and Sixth.<br />

Our Lady of Help, Catholic, Elmwood<br />

ave, bet Larned and Congress.<br />

Pine Street Methodist, Pine bet Sixth<br />

and Seventh.<br />

St. Ann's, Catholic (French), Larned bet<br />

Bates and Randolph.<br />

St. Boniface, Catholic, cor Michigan ave<br />

and Twelfth.<br />

St. John's Episcopal, cor Woodward ave<br />

and High.<br />

S1. John's German Evangelical, cor<br />

Monroe ave and Farrar.<br />

St. .Joseph, Catholic (German), Gratiot<br />

nr Orleans.<br />

St. Mary's Catholic (German), cor Cro-<br />

ghan and St. Antoine.<br />

St. Matthew's German Evangelical, nr<br />

cor Congress and Rivarii.<br />

St. Patrick's Catholic, Adelaide, cor<br />

John R.<br />

St. Paul's, Episcopal, cor Shelby and<br />

Congress.<br />

St. Peter's. Episcopal, cor Church and<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

St. Stephen's, n s Catharine bet Dequin-<br />

dre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic, Four-<br />

teenth nr Michigau ave.<br />

Scotch Presby teriad, cor Bates and Far-<br />

mer.<br />

Second Baptist, (col'd), Crogllan bet<br />

Brush and Beaubien.<br />

Second Congregational, cor Wooctward<br />

ave and S~bley.<br />

Second German 35. E., cor Fourteenth nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Simpson M. E., cor Grand River ave and<br />

Sixth.<br />

Trinity German Euangelical, cor Gratio t<br />

and Prospect.<br />

United Presbyterian, cor Wayne and<br />

Lafayettc ~FC.<br />

Unitarian, cor Lafayette aye and Shelby,<br />

gan ave.<br />

Churchill John, stone cutter, bds 10 Haw-<br />

ley Block.<br />

Churchward H., conductor, Det. city rail-<br />

yayo<br />

Chichonski August, lab., h 181 German.<br />

Cicotte Edward, porter, h 43 Sixteenth.<br />

Cicotte Edward V., h 315 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cicotte George, carsmith D. L. & L. M.<br />

R. R.<br />

Cicotte George F., h 352 Fort w.<br />

Cicotte Joseph, engineer, h IV s Craw ford<br />

bet Maria and Tuscola.<br />

Cier Anton, mason, h 225 Napoleon.<br />

Cieske Frederick, tailor, h n s New bet<br />

Dubois and Chene and German and<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Ciliax Charles H., cabinet maker, h 65<br />

Maple.<br />

Ciliax Wil!iam, carpenter, h 160 Bronson.<br />

Cinn Justis, lab., h 283 Brush.<br />

Cink John, moulder, bds 502 Croghan.<br />

Cirkel John, lab., h Williams ave nr Mag-<br />

nolia.<br />

Cisch Rokus, machine hand, h Juliett s s<br />

bet Riopelle and Russell.<br />

Cisiler John, ship carpenter, h 805 Sulivan<br />

ave.<br />

Cissico Abraham painter, bds 205 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Cistin Louis: gilder, h 160 Beaubien.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Bank, S. C. Kanady, President, N.<br />

T. Taylor, cashier, aloffatts block cor<br />

Fort and Griswold .<br />

<strong>City</strong> Ifotel, Joseph Boland, proprietor, 85<br />

Atxater.<br />

Cizak Antony, tailor, h 40 Ohio.<br />

Claap Martin, agent Michigan Volkblatt,<br />

h 116 Maple.<br />

Claigg Mary, (wid James,) saloon, h 101<br />

Atwater.<br />

Clairage James, trav. agent, bds 98 Lewis.<br />

Clairmont .Joseph, carpenter, h 400 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Clairmont Louis, shoemaker, h 354 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Clairmont Louis, shoemaker, h 146 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Clairoux Louis D., grocer 537 Macomb, h<br />

same.<br />

Clan Samuel, lab., h 150 Seventh.<br />

Clancey Cornelius, h 261 Howard.<br />

Clancey John, butcher, h 407 Seventeenth.<br />

Clancy John, potash maker, h 28 Seven-<br />

teenth,<br />

Clancy John (John Clancy & Co.) h s. 8.<br />

Howard bet Eleventh and Twelfth.<br />

Clancy Michael, lab., bds 598 Woodbridge.<br />

Clancy Patrick F., bds 261 Howard.




Clancy William, lab., h 646 Congress e.<br />

Clancy John &- Co., (John Clancy and<br />

George Davis? dealers in coal, wood<br />

stone, .&c., .518 ,and1515 .Woodbridge w. JUNE & CO.'S<br />

C1app;Benjamin IT.',. news, stationery and<br />

notions, 310 tWoodwrtrd ave, h same. FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSEj<br />

GIttpp ~Eliza, (wid Allen B.) h 352 Con- 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

gress e.<br />

@T Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

Clapp Francis H., store keeper, 31. C. R, R.<br />

and Retail.<br />

h 123 Ninth ave.<br />

Clapp Lucy A., (wid Mathem S.) h 33 Clsrk George H.. physician, 226 Wood-<br />

Sibley.<br />

ward ave, h same.<br />

Clapp Mary, (wid Jacab) h 108 Twelfth. Clark George P., carpenter, bds 191 old<br />

Clare John, paper hanger, bds Grand River Thirteenth and a-half.<br />

ave nr Cass.<br />

Clark Hamilton A., machinist, h 191 old<br />

Clare Theodore, expressman,h 138 Abbott. Thirteenth and a-half<br />

Clare William bds Grand River ave Clark Ha.rve C. (Farrand, Williams &<br />

bet Eighth and Ninth.<br />

Co.), h 53 i lizabeth w.<br />

Clarey nlartin, lab., h 115, Franklin. Clark Henry, carpenter, bds 343 Lafayette<br />

Clarey htichael, sailor, bds 115 Franklin. ave.<br />

Clarey Olive A,, seamstress h 526 Clinton Clark Henry, clerk, bds 253 Franklin.<br />

ave.<br />

Clark Henry, cook, bds 86 Marion.<br />

Clarey Patrick, -machinist, h 525 Clinton Clark Henry O., commission merchant, 56<br />

ave.<br />

Woodbridge w, h 59 Congress w.<br />

Clark Alexander, music teacher, bds 156, Clark Henry T., lab., h 110 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Clark James, baker, h 12 Howard.<br />

Clark Alexander (Clark Bros.) res. Gin- Clark James, painter, h 395 Twelfth.<br />

cinnati.<br />

Clark James (Clark Bros.), h 12 Howard.<br />

Clark Almira (wid. Loren) h 59 Con- Clark James J.. secretary <strong>Detroit</strong> Fire and<br />

gress w.<br />

Marine Ins. Co., h 145 Port w.<br />

Clark Alvin S., steward, h '72 Columbia e. Clark James S., painter, h cor Twelfth and<br />

Clark Andrew, .bds 94 Seventeenth. Locust.<br />

Clark Anna L., h 26 Madison ave. Clark John, lab., bds 49 Jefferson ave.<br />

Clark Belle, saloon, 51 Franklin, h same. Clark John, lab., h 113 Bronson.<br />

Clark Benjamin, provision inspector for Clark J. H., brakesman M. C. R. R.<br />

Board of Trade, h 175 Sevcnteenth. Clark John M., fireman, h 94 Seventeenth.<br />

Clark Bertan L., (col'd) physician, h Clark John M., artist h 332 Brusb.<br />

276 Clinton.<br />

Clark Joseph, (co17d), whitewasher, h s s<br />

Clark Carey, (col'd) teamster, 31 63 Mullett. Jay bet. Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Clark Chas., carpenter, bds 348 Lafayette. Clark Josiah, meat market, 257 Seven-<br />

Clark Charles, stone mason, h 247 Howard. teenth, h same.<br />

Clark Charles T., clerk, bds Michigan Clark Lorenzo E., Vice President First<br />

Exchange.<br />

National Bank, h 483 Woodward ave.<br />

Clark Cyrus, barber, h 225 Ninth ave. Clarke Lorenzo W. insurance agent, I Ho-<br />

Clark Cyrus A., merchant, h 68 Sproat. tunda, n 244 Second.<br />

Clark C. W. lab., h n w cor St Antoine Clark Lucien C., foreman, Mowry & Co.,<br />

and Grove.<br />

bds 125 Lamed w.<br />

Clark Daniel C., carpenter, h 347 High. Clark Margaret F., (wid. Ueorge A.,) bds<br />

Clark Dennis (col'd), shoemaker, h 20 69 Shelby.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Clark Mary, (wid. Ilichael,) tailoress, h<br />

Clark Edward C. D., clerk, h 77 High. Mt. Hope ave nr Milgnolia.<br />

Clark Elliot C., engineer, bds Michigan Clark Miss Mary, teacher, bds 53 Eliza-<br />

Exch~nge.<br />

beth w.<br />

Clark Edward Miner, shoe dealer, 200 Clark Mettiah, ship carpenter. h 102<br />

Woodward ave, h 312 Cass ave.<br />

Eighth.<br />

Clark Fanny B. (wid of E. &I.), h 124 Clark Michael, (co17d), laundry, I35 Fort e,<br />

Fort w.<br />

h same.<br />

Clark George, butcher, h 355 Twelfth. Clark Michael, jr., (col'd,) bartender, bds<br />

Clark George, carpenter, h 84 Sixth.<br />

135 Port e.<br />

Clark George, moulder, h 255 Howard. Clark Robert, carpenter, h 281 Dequindre.<br />

Clark George (George Clark & Co.), bds Clark Robert, waiter, bds 49 Shelby.<br />

251 Jefferson ave.<br />

Clark Robert TIT., agent, bds 268 Congress<br />

Clark George A,, shoemaker, h old 34, new , East.<br />

36 Montcalm w.<br />

I Clark Samuel C. lab., bds 250 Randolph

180 CLA DETROIT<br />

@ 4' niuax5 itg?<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Clark Samuel J., (Clark Bros.,) res Cher-<br />

ubelusco, lnd.<br />

Clark Samuel J., lumber dealer, h 318<br />

Third.<br />

Clark Sarah, h 21 Eighteenth.<br />

Clark Septimas, currier, h 107 Farmer.<br />

Clark Stephen, (col'd) cook, h 63 Mullett.<br />

Clark Thomas, peddlar, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Clark Thomas, sailor, h 169 Wight.<br />

Clark Thomas W., gardener, h e s Cass<br />

ave nr Holden Road.<br />

Clark William, clerk, h 149 Fifteenth.<br />

Clark William, meat market, 144 Larned<br />

W, h same.<br />

Clark William, teamster, bds 221 Park.<br />

Clark William H., clerk, bds 253 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Clark William H., teamster, bds 457 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Clark Wm. H., engineer, bds 203 Howard.<br />

Clark Wm. J., clerk, h 41 Pitcher.<br />

Clark W. J., tailor, bds 41 Congress w.<br />

Clark Bros., (Samuel, James and Alexan-<br />

der,) cream cracker bakery, 5, 7 and 9<br />

Orchard.<br />

Clark George (IZ Co., (George Clark and<br />

-- ,) fish depot 331 Woodmard ave.<br />

Clarke Hovey K., register in bankruptcy,<br />

66 Seitz block, h 72 Lafdyette ave.<br />

Clarke James M., painter, h 305 Lafayette<br />

e.<br />

Clarke Nettie, clerk, h 102 Eight.<br />

Clarke Walter Y., laundry, h 323 Fort e.<br />

Clarki Wm., teamster, (Hurley & Bro.,)<br />

Clarkin James, shoemaker, bds 90 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Clarkson Anthony F., painter, h 164 Hast-<br />

iags.<br />

Clarsom Christian, carpenter, h 77 Nation-<br />

al ave.<br />

Clay George S., machine hand, bds '70<br />

Montcalm.<br />

Clay George W. N. H., clerk, h 306 Third.<br />

Clay William, wig manufactory, 119 Jef-<br />

ferson, h 11 Rowland.<br />

Clayton Ebe, clerk, bds Howard House.<br />

Clayton Rev. Joshua A., h 201 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Clayton John, (col'd,) h 387 Clintbn.<br />

Clayton J. B., clerk, bds Howard House,<br />


I<br />

Cleary Henry, teamster, bds 42 Wight.<br />

Clee John, (Clee & Coville:) res Trenton,<br />

Michigan.<br />

Clee & Coville, (John Clee & Lucus D.<br />

Coville,) millers, n e cor Michigan ave<br />

and First.<br />

Clegg John H., clerk, h 36 Sproat.<br />

Cleland Henry A., physician, 23 State, h<br />

CGZ I S ~ C , ,,inter, h 424 \VbitinP.<br />

Cleland James, dentist, room 1 Fisher<br />

block 131+ Woodward ave,h 18 Warren.<br />

Clenlens Anthony, bottom hooper, bds 116<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Clemens Charles, (col'd) mason, h 139 Lafiayette.<br />

Clemens Goen, shoemaker, bds 491 St. Antoine.<br />

Clemens John, janitor <strong>Detroit</strong> Medical<br />

College, 11-Harper hospital, Woodwrlrd<br />

ave.<br />

Clemens Joseph, pail turner, bds 116 Doquindre.<br />

Clemens Joseph,saloon,456 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Clemens Peter, lab., h 115 Dequindre.<br />

Clement Annie, sewing, h 43 Hastings.<br />

Clements Jennie Miss, teacher Wilkins<br />

school, bds 95 Locust.<br />

Clements Phoebe, artist, h 88 Wayne.<br />

Clements Samuel, wood turner, 395 Atwater,<br />

h 43 Hastings.<br />

Clench Freeman S., foreman M. C. R. R.,<br />

h 15 Seventh.<br />

Clench James, carpenter, h s a Baker be:<br />

Twentieth and Twenty-first.<br />

Clenhan James, fireman M. C. R. R.<br />

Clerkin James, finisher, bds 90 Larned e.<br />

Clessen Adolph, cigar maker, bds 150 Russell.<br />

Clessen Peter, grocer, 1.50 Russell. h same.<br />

Clessen Peter jr., painter, bds 150 Russell.<br />

Cleveland Charles W., (with Robinson and<br />

Brooks), bds 251 Howard.<br />

Cleveland James, builder, h 45 Porter.<br />

Cleveland J. NT., clerk, bds 45 Porter.<br />

Cliff Horatio T.. bookbinder, h 366 Sixth.<br />

Cliff John W., (Cliff & Doran), h 366 Sixth.<br />

Cliff & Doran, (John W. Cliff and Richard<br />

Doran), job printers, n e cor Jefierson<br />

ave and Griswold.<br />

Clifford Charles, lab.: h 578 Woodhrid e w.<br />

Clifford Cornelius, lab., h 152 Grand if iver<br />

ave.<br />

Clifford Daniel J., saloon, 303 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Clifford Henry, tinsmith, h s w cor Third<br />

and Cedar.<br />

Clifford James, tinsmith, h 578 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Clifford John, lab., h 107 Plum. .<br />

Clifford Michael, lab., h 202 National ave.<br />

Clifford Nathan, (Lake hrvey office,) bds<br />

'Eisenlord's Hotel.<br />

Clifford Patrick, lab., h I22 Walnut.


Clifiord Thomas A., carriage shop, Randolph<br />

cor Franklin, h 140 Croghan.<br />

Clifton Arthur, carpenter, h 158 Howard.<br />

Clifton William, clerk, h 11 Plum.<br />

Cline George, planer, h 313 Clinton.<br />

Cl~nes Charles, painter, h 241 Second<br />

Oflce, 62 W. Lamed St.,<br />

Cling John, lab., bds n w cor Jefferson ave<br />


- and Second.<br />

Clinton John, sailor, h G44 Sixteenth.<br />

See advertieement, page 9.<br />

Clinton Lawre~.ce, merchant tailor, 229<br />

Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Cobb James, (Cobb, Wallace & Law) bds<br />

Clinton Richard, gardener, h 118 Lab- 85 Congress e.<br />

rosse.<br />

Cobb Lucretids H., physican, h 544 Jeffer-<br />

Clitz William F., U. S. Pay Dept., 12 Bank son ave.<br />

Block.<br />

Cobb, Wallace & Law, (James Cobb, Ar-<br />

Cloney James, teamster, h 235 Abbott. thur Wallace and 'John Law) stone-<br />

Close Christian, wood turner, h 341 Or- cutters cor briacomb and Beaubien.<br />

leans.<br />

Cobellar Louira, lab., h 549 Congress e.<br />

-<br />

Close John, carpenter, h 331 Orleans. Cochrane Corneilcs, packer, h Abbott bet<br />

Close Joseph, painter, h 314 Riopelle. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Close William H.,saloon,Gymnasium Hall, Cochrane George B., lawyer, 41 Seitz<br />

Congress el h 111 Randolph.<br />

block, bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Clossett Andrew, salocm, 183 Grand Hiver Cochrane John, carpenter, h 346 Fourth.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Cochrane Lyman, lawyer, 11 Bank block,<br />

Clost James, (col'd) lab., bds 109 Forte, h 106 Clifford.<br />

Clost William R., (col'd) whitewasher, h Cochrane Margaret, (wid Danielj h 33<br />

109 Fort e.<br />

Beacon.<br />

Cloon John, miller, bds n e cor Cass and Cochrane William, clerk, bds 287 Jefferson<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

ave.<br />

Clough Hamilton, bds 22 Montcalm e. Cochy Joseph, carpenter, h 516 Fort e.<br />

Clough James E., (Simmons, Clough & Cockle Samuel E., carpenter, h 25 Sixth.<br />

Cc.,) h 22 Montcalm e.<br />

Cockroft Elizabeth, teacher, bds 454 St.<br />

Clough Nelson, carpenter, h cor Charles An toine.<br />

and Crawford.<br />

Cockroft Joseph, music printer, 21 Merrill<br />

Clough William H., foreman, h 268 Con- block, h 454 St. Antoine.<br />

gress e.<br />

Cockroft Lilly, teacher, bds 454 St. An-<br />

Cloutier Alexander, blacksmith, h 4$ St. toine.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Codd George C., sheriff, Wayne county,<br />

Cloutier Charles, jr., joiner, bds 93 Napo- room 26 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 210 Beaubien.<br />

leon.<br />

Codde August, tailor, 65 Randylph, h 607<br />

Cloutier Oliver, joiner, h 93 Napoleon. Croghan.<br />

Clow Ambrose, carpenter, h 509 Howard. Codde Gustav, tailor, bds 607 Croghan.<br />

Cluckey Alexander, lab., h 40 St. Aubin Cody Ellen, boarding house, 502 Wocdave.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Cluckey Joseph sailor, h 164 Franklin. Cody John, clerk, h 565 Congress e.<br />

Clydesdale Soap Works 3, 5 and 7' Cody Richard, lab,, h 275 Franklin.<br />

Branltlin, J. & T. McGregor propietors. Coe George L., lab., Ir 96 Congress e.<br />

Coa George, clerk, bds 96 Congress e. Coe James A., clerk, h 06 El~zabeth e.<br />

Coaks Elizabeth Miss, dr essrnaker, bds Coe L. F. W., clerk, h 835 Congress e.<br />

249 Fifth.<br />

Coe WiHis H., engineer, M. C. R. R., h 1,54<br />

Coan John, lab., h Sherman bet Joseph Howard.<br />

Campau ave and Chene.<br />

Coeverden John Henry, clerk, bds 60<br />

Coats David, jr., agent, h 141 Adams ave e. Division.<br />

Coats Harvey, foreman, h 334 Croghan. Coffee Henry (col'd), waiter, Michigan Ex-<br />

Coats Henry, teamster, h 18 Mt. Elliott change.<br />

ave.<br />

Coffee John, tailor, h 549 Michigan ave.<br />

Coats James G., insurallce agent, h 83 Coffee John, hatter, bds 202 Larned e.<br />

TValnut.<br />

Coffee Patrick, lab., h 131 Cherry.<br />

Cobb Eban, painter, bds Ackerman House. Coffee Patrick, farmer, h 748 Sixth.<br />

Cobb Eldridge G., agent, h 81 ~~ontcalm Cogger John, mason, bds 129 Cass.<br />

W.<br />

Cohen Aaron, peddlar, h 342 Elizabeth e.<br />

Cobb Ebenezer, W., clerk, bds 119 Cass. Cohen David, clerk, bds 366 Randolph.<br />

Cobb Elisha M., meat market, 1 Abbott, h Cohen Harris, upholsterer, h 107 Mullett.<br />

same.<br />

Cohen James, agent, h 73 Harriet.<br />

I<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />






Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

-<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Cohen Judah, tailor, b ds 90' Fort e.<br />

Cohen Marcus, h 366 Randolph.<br />

Cohen Micbael, teamsler, h 200 Eighth.<br />

Cohen Moses (8. -& 31. Cohen), h 368<br />

Randolph.<br />

Coken Simon (S. & 31. Cohen), h 31 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Cohen Solomon, cigar maker, h 173 Orleans.<br />

Cohen 8. & M., (Simon and hiIoses Cohen,)<br />

millnery, 165 Woodmard ave.<br />

Cohn Abraham, peddlar, h 340 Russell.<br />

Cohn Daniel, agent. h 28 Catharine.<br />

Cohn Elizabeth, (wid Dennis,) h 106 Porter.<br />

Cohn Emanuel, clerk, bds 136 Congress e.<br />

Cohn Ernest, lab., h Jay, bet. Chene and<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Cohn Frederick S., cigar maker, h 198<br />

Beventh.<br />

Cohn John lab., h Sherman nr St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Cohn Lguis, clerk, bds 112 Adams ave e,<br />

Cohn Lewis A., clerk, bds 257 Columbia e.<br />

Conn Marcus, leather dealer, h 112 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Cohn Moses, jr., (Cohn & Bros.,) h 338<br />

Randolgh.<br />

Cohn Moses, sr., (Cohn & Bras.,) h 338<br />

- .-<br />

Randolph.<br />

Cohn Samuel B., agent, bds 119 Mullett.<br />

Cohn Sigmar (S. Cohn Bi Co.), bds 112<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Cohn Sigmar & Co., (Sigmar Cohn and M.<br />

A. Aaderson,) pawn brokers, 110 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Colbert John, tobacconist, h 458 Fifth.<br />

Colbert Michael, tobacconist, bds 488 Fifth<br />

Colbrath Charles C., proof reader, h 43<br />

iYIontcalm w.,<br />

Colburn Elizabeth M., (wid William B.,)<br />

bds 333 Howard.<br />

Colburn George W., clerk., h 158 Congress<br />

W.<br />

Colburn Peter, planer, h 112 Harrison ave.<br />

Colburn William C., secretary and treasur-<br />

er Det. Bridge and Iron Works, h 335<br />

Howard.<br />

Colburt Richard, (col'd,) cooper, h 326 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Colby Charles E., a arb ell, Smiley & Col-<br />

by,) bds old 115 new 179 Woodward ave.<br />

Colby Isaac, clothing, 181 Woodward ave,<br />

h 75 Jones.<br />

Colcord C. Edwin, clerk, bds Perkin's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Cole Charles S., lawyer, 147 Jefferson ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Cole James H., (col'd) livery stable, 157<br />

Gratiot, h 64 Harriet.<br />

Cole James P., chairman, h 274 Sixth,<br />

Cole John, clerk St. Charles Hotel, 85 Atwater.<br />

Cole Benjamin, captain, h 291 Franklin.<br />

Cole Charles B., carpenter, h 90 Brady.<br />

Cole Charles L., meat market, 6953. Woodward<br />

ave, h 88 Brady.<br />

Cole Daniel, (col'd) packer at E. B. Smith<br />

& Co.'s, bds 262 High.<br />

Cole Darius, h 125 Cass.<br />

Cole Frank. bds 125 Cass.<br />

Cole ~ arr~; horse shoer, bds Eisenlord's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Cole Henry, watchman, h 37 Twentysecond.<br />

Cole Herman H., insurance agent, 54<br />

Michigan ave, h 51 Larned w.<br />

Cole James A., painter, h 156 Orchard.<br />

Cole John C., farmer, h 143 Henry.<br />

Cole John E., saloon, 53 Larned w and 54<br />

Michigan ave, h 31 Larned w.<br />

Cole Martin, house mover, h n w cor Fifth<br />

and Spruce.<br />

Cole Mary, refreshment stall, 56 C. H. M.,<br />

h 262 High.<br />

Cole Moses, peddlar, h s s Chestnut bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Cole Osborn, (col'd) lab., h 181 Russell.<br />

Cole Richard, foreman, h 525 Congress e.<br />

Cole Walter B., gents' furnishing goods,<br />

108 Gris weld, h I24 Wayne.<br />

Cole William, teamster, h Arch cor Four?.<br />

Cole Wiliiam, teamster, h 75 Beaubien.<br />

Cole William, F., painter, h 275 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Cole William H., painter, bds 166 Orchard.<br />

Cole William R.,(Hagadorn (52 Cole,) h 350<br />

Sixth.<br />

Coleman George, harness maker, h 3 Harriett.<br />

Cole~uan Isaiah B., (J. Michels 62 Co.,) h<br />

s w cor Pearl and Russell.<br />

Coleman Martin, (col'd) porter, bds 216<br />

Adamv ave e.<br />

Coleman Michael, stone cutter, bds 265<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Coieman Oliver, (col'd) waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Colem~n S~muel, (col'd) waiter, bds 131<br />

Larned e.<br />

Coleman Stephen G., turner, h Locust nr<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Coleman Thomas, American express, h -<br />

Eiqhtcen th.<br />

Coleman Thomas, lab., h 267 Sixteenth.


Coleman Thomas R..hsmcorAsh and ) LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Coleman Thomas R., painter, h 280 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Coleman William, (col'd) wbitewasher, h<br />

e s Riopelle bet Juliette and Watson.<br />

Colesby Alfred, lab., h 61 Croghan.<br />

Colquitt John J., cigar maker, bds Hamtramck.<br />

Coliman John, drzyrnno, h 3 Harriett.<br />

Collacott James, carpenter, bds 81 First. I<br />

Collar Charles, expressman, h 22 llontcalm<br />

w.<br />

Collar Charles, express messenger, h 121<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Collar Edmund, expressman, bds 121 (301umbia<br />

e.<br />

Collar John, h 121 Columbia e.<br />

Collar Wnl. J., painter, bds 372 Seventh.<br />

Colliau Victor, dranghtsman, h s w tor<br />

Third and Gold.<br />

Collier Benjamin, plasterer, h 14 JIayberrY<br />

ave.<br />

Collier Harry, sailor, bds 588 Fort e.<br />

Collin Francis, mason, h 88 Elizabeth ww<br />

Collills Charles, insurance agent, 69 Griswold,<br />

h 145 Alexanclrine ave.<br />

Collins Charles F., clerk, bds 46 Howard.<br />

Collins Charles P., sailmaker, bds 59<br />

M ichignn ave.<br />

Collins Dennis, caller, bds 298 ~bboit.<br />

Collins Deouis, lab., h e s Fourth bet Tuscola<br />

ana Fulton.<br />

Collins Edwin S., joiner, h 189 Nauoleon.<br />

Collins Frank, mason, h rear 36 Elixabeth<br />

w.<br />

Collins George, horse shoer, bds Atwatcr<br />

bet Kiopelle and Orleans.<br />

CollinsGeorge1F.,overseer, bds318Congress<br />

e.<br />

Collins Henry, mason, h 334 Cass ave.<br />

Collins Henry, mason, h 32 Colunibin w.<br />

Collins Heury H., heeler, bds 334 Cass ave.<br />

Collins Honora, dressmaker, 11 304 St Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Collins House, John Burk proprietor, 42<br />

Third.<br />

Collins James, blacksmith, bds Michigan<br />

ave nr Eighth.<br />

Collins James, boiler maker, h 28 MTillis<br />

ave.<br />

Collins ~amei, carpenter, h 843 Croghsn.<br />

Collins James, deputy countly treasurer,<br />

room 11 clty ball, h Willis ave bet<br />

Woodward and Cass aves.<br />

Collius Johanna, (wid Dennis,) bds 208<br />

Abbott.<br />

Collins John, clerk,Peoples Savings Bank,<br />

h 46 Howard.<br />

Collins John, brakesman, bds 27 Beaubien.<br />

Collins John, carpenter, h 3U4 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Collins John B., clerk,bds Franklin House.<br />


JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOyster~ in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Collins Joseph, frame maker, h 46 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Collins Lot t, (col'd) white washer, h 635<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Collins Mary, washerwoman, h w s Third<br />

bet Cedar and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Collins Maria, (wid Hiram,) bds 372 Ab-<br />

bolt.<br />

CoIlius Mav, ((wid William,) h 147 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Collins hlichael, ship carpenter, bds 318<br />

Congress e.<br />

Collins blichael, teamster, h 193 Franklin.<br />

Collins Morgan, lab., ~ds 412 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Collins Richard, drayman, h 314 Third.<br />

Collins Robert, harness maker, bds 42<br />

Thlrd.<br />

Collins Robert, lab.,bCls 774 Woodbridge w.<br />

Collins Thomas, h nr 390 Woodbridge e.<br />

Collins Thomas, carpenter, h 51 Adams<br />

ave ,.<br />

Collins Thomas, currier, bds 932 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Collins Thomas, mate, bds 537 Congress e.<br />

Collins Thomas, teamster, bds 103 - Pranklin.<br />

Collins William, carpenter, bcls 97 Riopelle.<br />

Collins William H., taxidermist, room 18,<br />

Studio Building, 176 Griswold, h same.<br />

Collister Charles W., h 47 Monroe ave.<br />

Collof Joseph, tailor, h Humboldt ave, n.<br />

Ash.<br />

Colluan George, carpenter, h Napoleon,<br />

bet Brush and Beaubien.<br />

Colman Henry W. sr, lurnishing goods,<br />

131 Jefferson ave, h 114 George.<br />

Col~llan Henry W. jr, trunks, 132 Jefferson<br />

ave, bds 114 George.<br />

Colman Martin (col'd), portel, h 216<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Colt Charles, mason, bds St. Antoine, nr<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Colton Edward, carpenter, h 413 Mullett.<br />

Colvilie John G. (Scotten, Lovett & Co.),<br />

h 97 High.<br />

Colville John G. jr, clerk, bds 97 High.<br />

Colville Julia E., Bishop Union School.<br />

Colvin Isaac M. (Cotharin & Colvin), h<br />

607 Cass rtve.<br />

Colwell Eugene F., druggist, n e cor Jefferson<br />

and Xt. Elliott ttves, h same.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Colwell W. D., student, bds 287 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Conlboe Greogrey, fireman, h 769 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Combs Liga (col'd), whitewasher, h 93<br />

Division.<br />

Comer Patrick, bds 169 Franklin.<br />

Comer Patrick, lab., h 171 TVoodbridge e.<br />

Comer Patrick, lab., bds 83 Franklin.<br />

Comer Robert C., printer, h 90 Marion.<br />

Comer William s., captain, h oltl 185<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Comfort B. Newel, pattern-maker, h 78<br />

Cong-<br />

ress W.<br />

Comfort John C., clerk, bds 78 Congress w.<br />

Comfort Lucrefia G., boarding house, 78<br />

Congress w.<br />

Comfort, Silas H., (Comfort Bros.) h 353<br />

Sixth.<br />

Comfort Thomas 13. (Comfort Rros.) res,<br />

Lapeer.<br />

Comfort Bros., (Silas H. and ThomBs B.,<br />

druggists, cor. Grand River ave and<br />

Third.<br />

Cmiski James, shoemaker, h s. m. c.<br />

Hastings and Brewster.<br />

Comly David S., (Droege and Comly) h<br />

cor Clifford and Sproat.<br />

Comming Samuel W., huckster, stall 6 U.<br />

C H. M., h 3 Union.<br />

Common George, J., lithographer, bds 43<br />

Larned w.<br />

Colnmon Richard,mason,h 26 Columbia w.<br />

Comoskie James, shoemaker, h 517 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Companie Charles, carpenter, h 373<br />

Twenty-second.<br />

Compton Henry E., clerk, bds 87 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Comrho Adolph, lab., h 82 Harrison ave.<br />

Comstock Benjamin F,, baggeman, bds<br />

150 Third.<br />

Comstock Gen. Cyrus B., superintendent<br />

U. S. Lake Survey. cor of Grand River<br />

and Park Place, h 99 Cass.<br />

Comstock John A., traveling agent, bds<br />

147 Rivard,<br />

Cornstock Wm. H., agent (<strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Co.) h 216 Howard. '<br />

Conant John S, lumber, h 107 Fort w.<br />

Conant Walter N., Treas. Weber Furniture<br />

Co., h 140 High.<br />

Conant William S.; policeman, h cor. Sixth<br />

and Plum.<br />

.<br />

Conboy Michael, lab., h 186 Fort e.<br />

Co~del John, carpenter, h 326 Orleans.<br />

Conder Henry, carpenter, h 210 IVIullett.<br />

Condo Jacob, blacksmith h 247 Riopelle.<br />

Condo John, lab., n s h Sherman bet Dequindre<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Condo Peter, helper, bds s s Lafayettc; bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Condon Bridget, (wid Michael,) grocery,<br />

266 Ftft h, h same.<br />

Condon James, grocer, 2 Tuscola. h same.<br />

Conclon John, clerk, bds 159 Seventh.<br />

Condon John, lab., h 272 Fifth.<br />

Condon John, painter, bcls '734 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Condon John B., soap maker, h 724 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Condon Michael, broom maker, bds 144<br />

Larned e.<br />

Condon Michael, lab, bas 159 Seventh.<br />

Condon Patrick, grocer, 159 Seventh, h<br />

same.<br />

Condon Peter. lab.,bds 724 Woodbridge w.<br />

Condon Patrick jr, lab., bds 159 Seventh.<br />

Condor John P., joiner, h 224 Sherman.<br />

Cone Frederick H., agent U. S. Express<br />

CO., .h 100 Adelaide.<br />

Cone John, Yankee Notions, 15 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 359 Congress e.<br />

Conely Edwin F., lawyer, 30 Seitz block,<br />

bds 113 Larned m.<br />

Conely Wm. B., artist, room 25 Studio<br />

building cor Grisvrold and State, h s s<br />

Canfield ave bet Second and Third.<br />

Co~et Hiram, street car driver, bds 370<br />

Sixth.<br />

Conet Ira, gardner, bds 270 Sixth.<br />

Conet Wilf~am, polieeman, h 2i0 Sixth.<br />

Congdon Annie V., dressmaker, h 75 Macorn<br />

b.<br />

Congdon Charles A., messenger ICouse of<br />

Correction, bds same.<br />

Congdon Dal-id, (Fitch & Congdon, h s e<br />

cor Woodward ave and Farnsworth.<br />

Congdon Henry, clerk, bds 95 Fort m.<br />

Conge Theodore, lab., h 181 German.<br />

Conklin Amy, (wid John,) h 198 First.<br />

Conklin Dexter D., (Sullivan'& Conklin,)<br />

bds 198 First.<br />

Conklin James S., .jeweller and<br />

watchmaker, s w cor Woodward ave<br />

and Larned, h 37 Adams ave e,<br />

Convery Micliael, ship carpenter, h 380<br />

Fsan klin.<br />

Conway Elenor, (wid James,) dressmaker,<br />

h 398 St Antoine.<br />

Conway Edward, lab., bds cor Ninth ave<br />

and Walnut.<br />

Conway Frederick, clerk, h 42 Orchard.


Conklin William B., clerk, bds 59 Michi<br />

gan aye.<br />

Conklin William H. cabinet maker, h<br />

260 Harrison ave.<br />

Conkling Joseph W., clerk, bds cor Clifford<br />

and Sproat.<br />

Conlan Francis, traveling anent, bds 163<br />

First.<br />

Conlan John, lab., 39. C. R. R.<br />

Conlan Malachi, boiler maker, h 96<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Conlan Malachi, lab., bds 2 J 3 Fourteenth.<br />

Conlan Peter, lab., h 503 Mullett.<br />

Conlan Patrick, clerk, bds 162 First.<br />

C'onley Francis, sawyer, h 282 Guoin.<br />

Conley James, bread peddlar, bds 182<br />

Sixth.<br />

Conley James, carpenter, h 203 Fourth.<br />

Conley Miss Mary, dress maker, IS6 3Iichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Conlisk Peter, cigar maker, h n w cor<br />

Brush and Jeffe. son ave.<br />

Conn David, tinsmith, G. G. Standart &<br />

Co.<br />

7<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Larned St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Connor Patrick, lav., bds 164 Franklin.<br />

Connor Thornas, lab., h s s Kentucky, bet<br />

Hitstings and St. Antoine.<br />

Connor Thomas, varnish maker, h Kentucky<br />

s s bet St. Sntoine and Hastings.<br />

Connor William H., carpenter, h n e cor<br />

Fifteenth and Chestnut.<br />

Connor William H., painter, h 261 Twelfth.<br />

Connors Charles, miller, h n s Iloward<br />

nr R. R. track.<br />

Connors Daniel, lab., h 241 Abbott.<br />

Connors David, lab., bds 245 Sixth.<br />

Connors Dennis, lab., h 168 Franklin.<br />

Connors Dennis, lab., h 690 Franklin.<br />

Connors Edward, lab., bds 435 Thirteenth.<br />

Co~loay Charles: lab., h 171 Abbott. Connors Henry, clerk, bds 383 Franklin.<br />

Connay Christopher, shoemaker, 177 Ab- Connors Jeremiah, lab., bds 245 Sixth.<br />

bott, h same.<br />

Connors John, chair maker, h 255 Fifth.<br />

Connell Dennis, clerk, h '75 Columbia w. Connors John, drayman, h 295 Sixth.<br />

Connell Henry, varnisher, bds 63 Col- Connon Joseph, lab., h n w cor Third and<br />

umbia w.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Connell Patrick, lab., h 63 Columbia w. Connors Martin, lab., h 522 Third.<br />

Connelly Alexander, carpenter, h 177 Connors Michael, lab., h 212 Cherry.<br />

Porter.<br />

Connors Patrick, lab., h 99 Plum.<br />

Connelly Christopher, lab., bds 128 Gris- Connors Patrick, lab., h 235 Sixth.<br />

wold.<br />

Connors Patrick, sheet iron ' worker, bds<br />

Connelly Edward W., confectioner, bds cor Crawford and Noyes.<br />

395 Concress e.<br />

Connors Thomas, saloon, 681. Jefferson<br />

Connelly Fraak, overseer, h 282Guoin. ave, bds 3-52 Franklin.<br />

Connelly John, carpenter, h 163 Chene. Connors Timothy, stone cutter, h 638<br />

Connelly John, lab., h rear I28 Sixth. Sixth.<br />

Connelly Martin, lab , h 372 Twenty- Comors William, core maker, h Wight, n<br />

fourth.<br />

s bet. Walker and McDougall ave.<br />

Connelly Maurice, farmer, h 435 Fifteenth. Connorton Cornelius, traveling agent, h<br />

Connelly Mrs (wid Phillip), conlectioner, 80 Sixth.<br />

h '700 Croghan.<br />

Conrad Charles, tailor, h 221 Adams rave. e.<br />

Conolly Patrick, mason, h 295 Congress e. Conrad Charles G., tailor, bds 221 Adams<br />

Conolly Peter, lab., h 185 Sixteenth. ave. e.<br />

Connor Catharine, (wid Lawrence,) h 291 I Conrad Ferdinand, carpenter h 115 An-<br />

Third.<br />

tietam.<br />

Connor Charles, fireman, M. C. R. R., bds Conrad Henry, cigar maker, h 187 Na-<br />

89 Fifth.<br />

poleon.<br />

Connor Ellen, (md James) h 73: Crawford. Conrad Henry, lab., h 100 Clinton.<br />

Connor Jeremiah, speculator, h 75 Craw- Conrad Jesse H., shoemaker, bds Goodman<br />

fbrd.<br />

House.<br />

Connor John, carpenter, h n e cor Chest- Conrad Joseph, bds 285 Atmater.<br />

nut and Fifteenth.<br />

Conrad Emigunde, Yankee notions, 187<br />

Connor John, machinist, h Third bet Napoleon, h same.<br />

Brainard and Selden.<br />

Conrad Louis, stone cutter, h, 116 Baker.<br />

Connor John clerk, bds 449 Twelfth. Conrad William, tailor, h n s Sherman,<br />

Connor John, pressman, h 22 Division. . bet. Dubois and Chene.<br />

Connor John, shoemaker, bds 65 Mich- Conrad William, tailor, h 324 Catharine.<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

Conroy John, painter, bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Connor Lawrence, sailor, bds 291 Third. Conroy Joseph Farrel, painter, h 19 St.<br />

Connor Patrick, cigar maker, bds 19 Cass. Aubin are.<br />

24<br />



Cook Charles, (Hale cP; Cook,) h 340 Fourteenth.<br />

Cook Charles, bookbinder, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE. Cook Charles T., (Farqnhar & Co.), h<br />

Grand River ave n city limits.<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, Cood Edwrrrd G., clerk, bds '79 Miami ave.<br />

SEE PAGE 39<br />

Cook Emma. (wid Charles II.), h 20 Jones.<br />

Cook Franklin, blacksmith, h 312 Gratiot.<br />

Cook Frank T., agent, bds Russell House.<br />

Conroy Michael, ~nusician, bds 10 St. Aubin Cook Frank, clerk, bds 77 Beaubien.<br />

ave.<br />

Cook George W., policeman, h 208 First.<br />

Conroy Thomas, drayman, h 96 Abbott. Cook Henry, apprentice, bds 75 National<br />

Constantiae William, core maker, bds 4'7 ave.<br />

Spruce.<br />

Cook Henry, malster, bds Brighton House.<br />

Constantinople Henry, lab..h 301 Chestnut. Cook Henry G., machinist, h 265 Jefferson<br />

Considine Edward, lab., h 161 Abbott. ave e.<br />

Consicline John, carpenter, h 393 Sixth. Cook Jalncs I., clerk, bds 20 Jones.<br />

Considine Patrick, eupreasnlan, h 47 Cook James P., stone yard, 50 IVoodbridge<br />

Spruce.<br />

w, b 217 Eiglith.<br />

Consler Albert F., (Consler Bros.,) bds 63 Cook Jane, (wid Joseph,) h 171 Park.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Cook John, lab., h 75 Kationsl ave.<br />

Consler Francis W., (Consler Bros.,) bds Cook John L., blacksmitll, h 180 Porter.<br />

63 Randolph.<br />

Cook John P., machinist, h 75 George.<br />

Consler Bros., (Francis TV. and Albert F.,) Cook Joseph, carpenter, h 171 l'srk.<br />

picture frames, 63 Randolph.<br />

Cook Joseph, Inspector of Customs post<br />

Conter Henry, cabinet maker, h 210 Mul- office building, h old 16: new 193 Lafayiett,<br />

' ette ave.<br />

Continental Life Insurance Company of Cook IAomax B.,(col'cl) barber, 21 Atmater,<br />

New York, Charles Tenwinkel general h 165 bIullett.<br />

agent for Michigan and Wisconsin, 10 Cook Major, (col'd) shoemaker, h 12'2, Rus-<br />

Bank Block Griswold.<br />

sell.<br />

Conto Frank, lab., h 1'75 Clinton.<br />

Cook Mary Bliss., tailoress, bcls GO Wayne.<br />

Conto Jacob, blacksmith, h 243 Riopelle. Cook Myron B., agent TVeed Sewi~g<br />

Contou Peter, blacksmith, bds 395 Lafay- Machine Co., 215 Woodward ave., h<br />

ette.<br />

49 Columbia w.<br />

Convery Jlichael, ship carpenter, h 380 Cook Olney, farmer, h Grancl River avc.,<br />

Franklin.<br />

n. s. nr. toll gate.<br />

Conway Elenor, (wid James,) dressmaker, Cook Olney B , clerk, h 82 Shelby.<br />

h 398 St. Antoine.<br />

Cook Peter, h 8 Palmer.<br />

Conway Edward, lab., bd~ cor Ninth ave Cook Phillip, carpenter, h 96 Maple.<br />

and Walnut.<br />

Cook Sarah A., (col'd,, widow Wilson) h<br />

Conway Frederick, clerk, h 42 Orchard. Beaubien nr Fremont.<br />

Conway Helen, (wid Cornelius,) h s e cor Cook Stephen, blacksmith, bds 66 Lar-<br />

Ninth ave and Walnut.<br />

ned w.<br />

Conway Homer, carpenter, h 242 Thir- Cook S. K., bds 130 Brady.<br />

teenth-and-a-half.<br />

Cook Thomas B., machinist, bds 180 Por-<br />

Conway James, grocer, 360 Franklin, h ter.<br />

same.<br />

Cook William, stone-cutter, h 151 Wilkins.<br />

Conway Thomas, chair finisher, bds 20<br />

Cooke Jacob, clerk, internal revenue office,<br />

t)ds Russell House.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Cooke John L.. shipsmith, n w c Wood-<br />

Conway Timothy, engineer, h cor Ninth bridge and Wayne, h 180 Porter.<br />

ave and Walnut.<br />

Cooke Peter B., night watchman, bds 112<br />

Conway William J., lab., h 20 Crawford. Woodbridge w.<br />

Cogwell J. M., clerk, bds 77 Beaubien. Cook P. St. George, Brig.-Gen. Military<br />

Cook Andrew J., clerk, bds Goodman Department of the Lakes, h 432 Jeffer-<br />

House.<br />

son ave.<br />

Cook Anthony, teamster, h 383 Brmson. Cooke Walter, blacksmith, h 170 Clinton.<br />

Cook Benjamin F., clerk, h 183 St hbin 1 Cookla Joseph, lab., h s. s. Summer bet<br />

ave.<br />

St. Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

Cook Calvin A,, (<strong>Detroit</strong> Ironizing and<br />

1 Cool Michael, bds 182 Larned w.<br />

Paving Co.), h cor Eighth and Leverette. Coombe Frederick, shoemaker, bdrj cor,<br />

Cook Cecelia, (wid James,) bds 114 Cass. of Jefferson ave and Second.


Coombs Alonzo, F., h 281 Twelfth.<br />

Coombs Horace D., letter carrier, h 484<br />

Fifth.<br />

Coombs John, plumber, bds 101 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Coon Caspar, peddlar, h 121 Mullett.<br />

Coon Daniel, city express, bds 220 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Coon J.3. N., student, bds 254 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Coon George W. (W. S. and G. W. &Coon)<br />

h 243 Woodward ave.<br />

Coon Joseph E., lab., bds 631 Congress e.<br />

Coon Richald Jl., contractor, h 631 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Coon Mrs. Sarah E., millinery and dress<br />

making, 243 Woodward ave., h same.<br />

Coon William, blacksmith, h 640 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Coon William H., helper, bds 640 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Coon William S., (W. 8. & G. W. Coon) h<br />

215 Clifford.<br />

Coon W. S. LG G. W. (William S. and<br />

George W.) clothing, 145 Woodward ave.<br />

Cooney John, teamster, h e side Mt. El-<br />

liott ave. nr. Cemetery.<br />

Cooney Michael, lab., bds 293 Third.<br />

Cooney Michael C., Steamboat Steward, h<br />

138 Montcalm e.<br />

Cooney Patrick, sailor, h 223 Second.<br />

Cooney Patrick, tinsmith, bds 118 BXichi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Cooney Patrick, lab., h 293 Third.<br />

Cooney Thomas, hammersmith, h 171<br />

Beach.<br />

Cooper Miss h na C., school, 6'7 John R.<br />

Cooper Alfred, confectioner, 17 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h 183 Randolph.<br />

Cooper Charles, cigar maker, bds 268<br />

Howard.<br />

Cooper David, h 21 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Cooper David M., clerk, bds 97 Congress e.<br />

Cooper George, painter, bds, 175 Larned w.<br />

Cooper George E. clerk, h 92 Farrar.<br />

Cooper Henry, (Dermont St Co.,) res. Ham-<br />

trztmck.<br />

Cooper James, conductor, bds 42 Third.<br />

Cooper John, carpenter, bds 348 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Cooper Joseph, builder, h 20 Wilkins.<br />

Cooper Joseph F., clerk, bds 123 Larned w.<br />

.Cooper Patrick. lab., h 311 Fifteenth.<br />

Cooper Richard, plumber, h 455 Sixth.<br />

Cooper Russell K., clerk, bds 20 Wilkins.<br />

Cooper Thomas, clerk, bds 55 Sixteenth.<br />

Cooper Thomas TV., jeweler, h 120 Ad-<br />

ams ave \v.<br />

Cooper Walter, confectioner, 17 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 183 Randolph.<br />

Cooper William, foreman Hook cE; Ladder,<br />

h 123 Larned w.<br />

Cooper Wm H., carpenter, bds 80 Wilkins.<br />



Fniton Market Oyster House,<br />


Oysters in the Shell a ? ecialty. Wholeeale<br />

and ~ etaZ<br />

Cooper William S., life insurance agt, 230<br />

Jefferson ave, bds 163 Congress e.<br />

Cooper Wm. T., clerk,bds Franklin House.<br />

Cootes Charles, livery stable, 44 & 46<br />

Larned e.<br />

Coots Walter H., butcher, stall 4,C H &I, h<br />

62 Elizabeth w.<br />

Copeland Edward G., clerk, bds 5 Aspinall<br />

Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Copeland Wm F., drug@st,h 157 Larned e.<br />

Copland Alexander W., (A. W. Copland<br />

& Co.,) bakery 16 Monroe ave, h 584<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Copland John, bakery cor Randolph and<br />

Woodbridge, res Ecorse.<br />

Copland A. W. & Co., (Alexander<br />

W. Copland & William P.Sumner)Palace<br />

Bakery, Russell House block.<br />

Copleston Henry, clerk, h 179 Michigan<br />

ave, (up stairs).<br />

Copp James, brewer, bds 101 Catharine.<br />

Copp, James, grocer, Grand River ave., w<br />

s, nr Twelfth, h same.<br />

Copp John L., shoemaker, bds 8 Montcalln<br />

west.<br />

Copp Joseph, carpenter, h Indian ave., lot<br />

16.<br />

Copper Frederick, messenger, h cor Grove<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

Copper George, (coi'd) bds Grove w Beaubien.<br />

Copper Henry, (col'd) waiter, h 69 Harriet<br />

Copper Peter, (col'd) teamster, h Grove w<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Copway Geo., physician, bds 128 Hastings.<br />

Coquard Edmund, dentist, cor Woodward<br />

ave and Larned, bds 27 Abbott.<br />

Coquard Nicholas, h 27 Abbott.<br />

Coquillard Henry, clerk Singer Manufacturing<br />

Co., h Cass.<br />

Corbeil Anthony, agt, bds 463 Grand River<br />

avec ue. a<br />

Corbin Louis, captain, h 191 Napoleon.<br />

Corbett Chas. J., engineer, h 14 Pearl.<br />

Corbett Cornelius C., manager Western<br />

Union Telegraph, 101 Grlswold, bds<br />

118 Howard.<br />

Corbett D. Edmund, telegraph operator,<br />

bds 118 Howard.<br />

Corbett Jerrod El, lab, h 39 Twentieth.<br />

Corbett Michael, clerk, bds 118 Howard.<br />

Corbett Patrick, expressman, h n 206, o<br />

, 180 Abbott,


@$i#e$$ B~ivt#f@,<br />

next to the Office'<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

- Corbett Patrick, mood dealer, h 537 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Corbett Thomas, lab., h 118 Howard.<br />

Corbett Thomas jr., grocer, 219 Michigan<br />

ave, h 118 Howard.<br />

Corbett fi illiam,painter,bds 127 Larned w.<br />

Corbs Charles,' cigar maker, h 186 Maple.<br />

Corcoran John P., grocer 314 Prospect, h<br />

same.<br />

Corcoran John W., clerk, h 91 Brainard.<br />

Corcoran Thomas,clerk, h 149 Montcalm e.<br />

Cordy Louis, surveyor, h 678 Franklin.<br />

Corey Aaron L., Deputy Sheriff, bds 210 .<br />

Beaizbien.<br />

Corey Jerome B., h 50 Locust.<br />

Corey John, carpenter, h 150 Labrosse.<br />

Corey Searle C., lab., bds 175 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Corkay Cornelius, pork packer, h 1'73<br />

Abbott.<br />

Corkins Abner A,, h 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Corlies Hubbard, carpenter, bds 7 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Corl Louis, shoemaker, h 263 Alfred.<br />

Cormier Joseph, carpenter, h 203 Gratiot.<br />

Cormier Joseph jr, carpenter, bds 203<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Cornehl Friederich, boarding, 29, Clinton.<br />

Cornehl Frederick jr, (Pope 6: Cornehl), h<br />

32 Prospect.<br />

Cornehl Joseph. mason, h e s &It Elliott<br />

ave nr cemetry.<br />

Cornehl William, bookbinder, h 11s BIa.<br />

comb.<br />

Cornelius Charles, (co17d) barber, h 120 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Cornell James, painter, h 153 Third.<br />

Cornell R. O., finisher, bds 81 Atmater.<br />

Cornell Washington E., card writer, 135<br />

Michigan ave, (up stairs).<br />

Cornel Charles,machinist, h 161 Michigan<br />

ave. .<br />

Corning Charles G., clerk, bds 87 Shelby.<br />

Corning John, clerk. bds 128 Cass.<br />

Corning John J., clerk (Charles Root 6:<br />

Co.), bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Cornish Jay C., h 41 Michigan ave, up-<br />

stairs.<br />

Cornish John, carpenter,.h 186 Labrosse.<br />

Corno hlexasder, lab., L 285 3Iaple.<br />

Corno John, lab.-, h 175 Dubois.<br />


' Corns Joseph, furniture, 121 Grand River<br />

ave, h 233 same.<br />

Corns Theodore J., shoemaker, bds 365<br />

Third.<br />

Cornwell Jay II., clerk, bds 77 Beaubien.<br />

Cornwells Cornelius (Cornweils, Price &<br />

Co), res Ypsilanti.<br />

Cornwells, Price & Co. (Cornelius Corn-<br />

, wells, John B. Price and Morris 3f.<br />

Peck), paper manufacturers and whole-<br />

sale dealers, 116 Jefferson ave.<br />

Corrie Daniel T., lithographer, bds 243<br />

Larned e.<br />

Corrie9s <strong>Detroit</strong> Lithograph Ofi<br />

fice, room 20 Merrill block. (&e a&.)<br />

Corrigan James, saloon, 108 Woodbridge<br />

w, h same.<br />

Corrigan John, lab, h 248 Antietam.<br />

Corston Charles J., painter, h 279 Clinton.<br />

Corte Barney (Theut cZ;s Corte), h 126 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Cortell John H., printer, bds 66 Lsrned w.<br />

Corwin Barnard, machinist, h 11 Bates.<br />

Cosgrove James, bds S5 Congress e.<br />

Cosgrove John, carpenter, bds 425 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Cosgrove John, plumber, bds 91 Abbott.<br />

Cosgrove Lawrence, blacksmith, h 425<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Cosgrove Peter, lab., h 101 Orchard.<br />

Cosgrove William, painter, 295 Michigan<br />

ave, h 197 Labrosse.<br />

Costello Geoffrey, carpenter, bds 73 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Costello Johanna, grocer, 284 Sixth, h<br />

same.<br />

Costello John, clerk, h 28 Humboldt ave.<br />

Costello John, lab., h 173 Chene.<br />

Costello Samuel, drover, h 28 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Costello Thomas, lab., h 195 Labrosse.<br />

Costello Thomas, gardener, bds 546 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Costello 7Villiam, lab., 313 Porter.<br />

Costigan Catharine, (wid Daniel,) h 342<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

C wtigztn James, shoemaker, h 67 Bronson.<br />

Coston Henry W., finisher, h 319 Fifth.<br />

Cotchett Valentbe, clerk, h 344 Randolph.<br />

Cotharin Frank, clerk, bds 25 George.<br />

Cotharin George, clerk, bds 2.5 George.<br />

Cotharin John D., (Cotharin rPs Colvin,) h<br />

25 Georee.<br />

Cotharin & Colvin, (John D. Cotharin and<br />

Isaac M. Colvin,) boots and shoes, 163<br />

Wo3dward ave.<br />

Cotillcr John, (col'd,) sailor, h 168 Bean-<br />

bien.<br />

Cotiller William, (col'd,) sailor, bds 163<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Cotter Dennis, checker, bds 88 Howard.<br />

Cotter Morris, lab., h 241 Second,<br />

Cotter Pzttrick,lab.,h w s Sixteenth,bet Ash<br />

and Myrtle.


Cotter Richard, lab., h 52 Spencer.<br />

Cotteral George, mason, bds 138 Labrosse.<br />

Cottingham David, flue maker, h w s<br />

Seventh, bet. Porter and Abbott.<br />

Cotton Clarence W., pen maker, bds 62<br />

Madison ave.<br />

Cotton David A., optician, 157 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 62 Madison ave.<br />

Cotton J. L., custom house, bds 121 Cass.<br />

Cotton James P., lake captain, h 287<br />

Second.<br />

Coughey Edward, carpenter, h 13 Cherry.<br />

Coughlin Catharine, seamstress, bds 130<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Coughlin Charles, carpenter, bds 193<br />

Franklin.<br />

Coughlin Cornelius, h 125 Sixth.<br />

Coughlin Daniel, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Coughlin Daniel, gilder,bds n e cor Eighth<br />

and Abbott.<br />

Coughlin Daniel W., gilder, h 132 Sixth.<br />

Coughlin Dennis, lab., h 124 Sixth.<br />

Coughlin Jeremiah, grocer, 232 Abbott,<br />

h same.<br />

Coughlin Jeremiah, machinist, bds 282<br />

Porter.<br />

Coughlin John, carpenter, h 86 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Coughlin Keeran, teamster, h 112 Beach.<br />

Coughlin Michael, drayman, h 282 Porter.<br />

Coughlin Patrick, lab., bds Cass House.<br />

Coughlin Thomas, carpenter, h 190 St<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Coughlin Thomas, drayman, h 783 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Coulson Nicholas, (C~ulson, Fisher and<br />

Stoddard), h 245 Woodward we.<br />

Coulson Fisher 62 Stoddard, (Nicholas<br />

Coulson, James L. Fisher and Edward<br />

W. Stoddard), hardware, 95 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Coulthart Sarah, (wid Henry B.), h 93 Ba-<br />

ker.<br />

Couralt J. E., (with F. Buhl, Newland &<br />

Co.), bds Biddle House.<br />

Courier A., clerk, (Freedman's,) res Wind-<br />

sor, Ont.<br />

Courne John, lab., h 19 Beaubien.<br />

Course b arry, blacksmith, bds 19 Cass.<br />

Courtney George, tobacco cutter, bds 23<br />

Clay.<br />

Courtney James, clerk, bas 503 Congress e.<br />

Courtney John, grocer, 148 Sixth, h same.<br />

Courtney Mary A. J., (wid John), dress-<br />

maker, 398 Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Courtney William, carpenter, h 503 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Courtot Henry, carpenter, h 2'78 Twelfth.<br />

Courville Joseph, organ maker, bds 57<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Courville Octave, (Perrault and Courville),<br />

h 362 Atwater e.<br />

Cousin Robert, telegraph operator, bds old<br />

23 Palmer.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. PI Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Cousino Morris F., clerk, bds 335 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Cousins John B., messengm school board,<br />

h 259 Elizabeth e.<br />

Cousins William P., student, bds 328 Fifth.<br />

Cousso John, lab., h cor Eighteenth and<br />

Ash.<br />

Coustich Frank D., lab., h 216 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Coutour Augustin, carpenter, h 235 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Coutour Charles, lab., h 559 Congress e.<br />

'Coutour Max, plasterer, h 351 Dubois.<br />

Couts Harry, blacksmith, bds 253 Congress<br />

W.<br />

Cove11 Henry L., clerk Biddle House.<br />

Covert Wm. S., carpenter, h 151 Elizabelh<br />

e.<br />

Coville Lucius D., (Clee & Coville,) bds<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Covitz Ludwig, carpenter bils Gratiot nr<br />

railroad.<br />

Covyeow Joseph, lab., h 160 Franklin.<br />

Covyeou Joseph B., saloon, 122 Franklin,<br />

h same.<br />

Cowan Charles, express messenger, h 286<br />

Second.<br />

Cowan Robert, lab., h '787'Fifteenth.-<br />

Cowan Samuel, clerk, bds 53 Washington.<br />

ave.<br />

Cowan Wm. checker, h 741 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Cowen Daniel, engineer, bds 706 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Cowen 1SIichae1, picture frame maker, bds<br />

706 Woodbridge w.<br />

Cowhey Dennis, lab., h 351 Woodbridge e.<br />

Cowhey Edward, carpenter, h 138 Chery.<br />

Cowie Henry, dentist, s w cor Woodward<br />

ave and Larned, h 22 Columbia e.<br />

Cowie Wm., dry dock engine works, h 42<br />

Russell, v<br />

Cowing David C , carpenter, h 93 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Cowley Alexander, (col'd) barber, bds 1@3<br />

Mullett.<br />

Cox Abraham, (col'd) lab., h 12 Indiana.<br />

Cox Frank, plumber, bCis 377 Croghan.<br />

Cox Frank O., teamster, h n w cor De-<br />

quindre and Croghan.<br />

Cox Frederick, mschinist, bds 377 Cro-<br />

ghan. .<br />

cox George, h 33 Centre.<br />

Cox George (Cox Bros.) h 233 Third.<br />

, Cox M., conductor, <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Railway.


SENT FREE,<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

- -<br />

Cox Thomas, boilermaker, bds 163 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Cox Thomas, (Cox Bros.) h 30 centre.<br />

Cox William, physician, 65 Adams ave w,<br />

h same.<br />

Cox William W., druggist 128, Grand<br />

River ave., h same.<br />

Cox Bros. (Thomas Cox and George Cox)<br />

sale stables, 154 and 136 Larned w., and<br />

woodyard, foot Third.<br />

Coy Perry, machinist, bds 379 Atwater.<br />

Coyle Edward, porter, bds 273 Larned e.<br />

Coyle Edward, shoemaker, h 318 Alfred.<br />

Coyle James, trunk maker, bds 466 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Coyle Samuel B., h 57 Leverette.<br />

Coyle Theodore, printer, bds, 185 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Coyle William K., h 6-1: Farrar.<br />

Coyne Edward, lithographer, bds 182 Or-<br />

leans,<br />

Coyne Hugh, vessel owner, h 149 Lafay-<br />

ette avc.<br />

Coyne Uichael, porter, h 19 Washington<br />

aye.<br />

C'rabb Christopher C., clerk, h cor Beau-<br />

bien and Jefferson ave.<br />

Crabb George, h I85 Foundry.<br />

Crabb James, janitor, h 463, old, Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Crabb James, jr., clerk, bds 463, old, Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Crabb Lenton, broom maker, old 820 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Crabb-, clerk, bds 269 Jefferson ave.<br />

Crabbe James I., proiessor of languages,<br />

bds '774 Wooclbriclge w.<br />

Crackle Louisa, (wid George) h 493<br />

Croghan.<br />

- Craddock Humphrey H., mason, h 31<br />

3Iontcalm w.<br />

Craddock James, tobacconist, h rear 166<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Craddock John, engineer, h 185 Wight.<br />

Craddock John H., clerk, L 185 Wight.<br />

Craddock Mary A.. teacher Trowbridge<br />

School, bds 31 Montcalm m.<br />

Craft Thomas J., agent Great Western R.<br />

R., 11 337 Abbott.<br />

Craig Henry, blacksmith, h 106 .Eighth.<br />

Craig James, fish and commission,<br />

fbot 'fhird, h %8U Congress w.<br />

Craig John tray. agent, bda 64 George.<br />

Craig Samuel D., register probate court,<br />

h 230 Congress e.<br />

Craig Michael, captain barge Edward<br />

Kean.<br />

Craig Thomas, engineer, h old 15 new 19<br />

Baker.<br />

Craig Thomas G., clerk, bds 106 Eighth.<br />

Craig William, clerk, bds 106 Eighth.<br />

Craig William, machinist, h 70 Butternut.<br />

Craig William H., plne land, 59 Woodward<br />

ave., h 1 Alfred.<br />

Craig TViiliani J., clerk probate court, bds<br />

230 Congress e.<br />

Craigh John, lab., h 433 Biac~mb.<br />

Craine Charles R., chair maker, h 309<br />

l'ourth.<br />

Crain Horatio, reporter, h Plum bet Sixth<br />

and Seventh.<br />

Cramer Antone, machinist, h 162 Maple.<br />

Crammond Alexander, carpenter, h 56<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Crampton John, general freight agent G.<br />

W. R. R.., 60 Griswold, h 156 Third.<br />

Cranage Thomas, h 132 Shelby.<br />

Cranage Thomas, jr. (Pitts cf; Cranage)<br />

res. Bay <strong>City</strong>.<br />

Cranage William J.. physician, cor Lafayette<br />

ave and Shelby, bds same.<br />

Crandall Gordon E., conductor, h 327<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Crandall John S., clerk, bds 66 Locust. .<br />

Crandall Theodore F., carpenter, h 41<br />

May berry ave.<br />

Crandell William A., conductor, h 94<br />

Porter.<br />

Crane Amzi, sewing machine agent, h 1G<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Crane Dominck, shoemaker, h 3'76 Gratiot.<br />

Crane F. J. B., real estate, rear office 1'72<br />

Jefferwn ave., bds Biddle House.<br />

Crane .James W., sailor, h 36 Twentieth.<br />

Crane Mrs. Jane L, artist, room 21 Studio<br />

Building, cor Griswold and State, h 278<br />

Congress e.<br />

Crane Thomas, agent <strong>Detroit</strong> Daily Union,<br />

h 795 Congress e.<br />

Crane Walter, real estate, 156 Jefferson<br />

ave, bds Michigan Eschsuge.<br />

Crane William S., (Vail, Crane S3 Curtis),<br />

res Ypsilanti.<br />

Cranshaw Jas., carpenter, (Candler Bros).<br />

Cranston Caleb, bds 40 Park Place.<br />

Cranna Louis, carpenter, bds 287 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Crayo William W., lumber yard, 268 Atwater<br />

e, res New Beclford Mass.<br />

Crary Charles E., clerk, (Campbell &<br />

Sons j, h Springwells.<br />

Craton William, lab., h 568 Fort e.<br />

Cratty Williani, lab., h 180 Sixth.<br />

Crauthers Wilson, foreman novelty works,<br />

11 592 Congress e.<br />

Crawf'ord Alexander, engineer, >feteor, h<br />

434 Fort e.


Crawford Andrew B., vessel owner, h 245 ! LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Congress e.<br />

Crawford Christopher, painter, bds 44<br />

First.<br />

Craw ford David, lab., h 144 Franklin.<br />

Crawford Fred., produce, bds 105 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Crawford Frederick lab., bds 44 First.<br />

Craw ford George, saloon, 112 Wood bridge<br />

west.<br />

Cr;~wford Harrison (col'd) gardner, h 60<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Crawford Henry, clerk, h 367 Clinton.<br />

Crawford 13. F., clerk, 181 Jefferson avc.<br />

Crawford Oliver El., wood yard, s mT cor<br />

ilIichigan ave rind S belby, h 238 Fifth.<br />

Craw ford Rc )bert, procluce, 105 Grand<br />

biver me, h same.<br />

Crawfiwd Thomas enineer, h new 14 Ma-<br />

comb ave.<br />

Crawford Thomas, groom Dctroit <strong>City</strong><br />

Railway<br />

Crawford Tholn.zs, niachinist, h 95 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Critwfbrcl lVilli;~nl, gwdener, h n w cor<br />

Crawford and Lysander.<br />

Crtlwley Catharine, dress maker, 107<br />

Woodward ave, h 2'76 Montcalni e.<br />

Crawley Richard, lnachinist bds 272 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Creasey Eletcher, carpenter shop, oltl 19<br />

Palmer, h S6 Wilkius,<br />

Creasey George, carpenter, h 63 Wilkins.<br />

C'rebbin Frederick, engineer, 1)ds 2-19<br />

Second.<br />

Crebbin John, painter, h 240 Second.<br />

Creder Albert, teamster, bds 21 1 Cass.<br />

Cree James, clerk, h 35 3lacolnb.<br />

Crehean Annie, seamstress, h 96 Franklin.<br />

Creiccy Alfred, shoe burnisher, bds 1<br />

Pairner.<br />

Crements James, lab., h 212 Sixth.<br />

Crenschow James, carpenter, h 249 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Crew Henry, lab., h Illinois, n s bet Pros-<br />

pect and St. Antoine.<br />

Creydon Cornelius, brass finisher, bds 112<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Creydon Dennis, lab., h 112 Eighteenth.<br />

Creydon Denuis jr, frame maker, bds 112<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Creydon Timothy, frame maker, bds 112<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Crickett Charles (col'cij, lab., h 10 'Harriet.<br />

Crimmins Ed ward, tinsmith, bds old 112<br />

Third.<br />

Crimmins George, tailor, h 43 Lamed e.<br />

Crimmins John, clerk, bds 112 Third.<br />

Crimmins John, tinsmith, h 113 Third.<br />

Crimmins Margaret (wid Patrick), h 201<br />

Third.<br />

Crior Thomas, lab., h 469 Seventeenth.<br />

Crippel Frederick, cooper, h FifGlr, cor<br />

Union.<br />




Oysters in Shell a epecialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Crippel Paulina, (+id Daniel,) cooper<br />

shop, shop Union near Fifth, h cor Union<br />

on Pitth.<br />

Cripenthall Christian, h 425 Antietam.<br />

Crisp Christopher, sailor, h 455 Lafayette.<br />

Criss Lewis, carpenter, h Sixteenth, nr M.<br />

C R. n.<br />

Crist Christina, ~ressmakcr, bds 60 Tayne<br />

Crisup Charles H., lab., bds 317 RTacomb.<br />

Crisup George B., barber, h 317 Mxcomb.<br />

Crisup Thomas R., lab., bds 311 blacomb.<br />

Crockett Benjamin, cabinet maker, h 177<br />

Lahiyet te.<br />

Crockett George, h 3% Sixteenth.<br />

Croclcett Henry, lab., bds 3 18 Sixteenth,<br />

Crockett James, engineer, h 88 JIontcalm<br />

W.<br />

Crockett James, shoemaker, h 177' Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Crockett John, clerk, bcls SS 3Iontcalm w.<br />

Crockett Martha, (wid George,) h 328 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Crofts Charles, saw maker, h 108 Bagg.<br />

Crofoot Chauncey N., printer, bds 46 Lewis<br />

Crofoot Eltlert, lawyer, h 839 Beaubien.<br />

Crogan Helen, dressmaker, bds 459 Tj~ir-<br />

teen th.<br />

Crohn Elias, clerk, bds 117 Jefferson ave.<br />

Crohn Mas, clerk, bils 117 Jefferson ave.<br />

Crolins 11lfi.ed S., clerk. h '73 31ontcalm w.<br />

Crolley Jeremiah, farmer, h 276 Mont-.<br />

calm e.<br />

Croma Henry carpenter, h - Russell.<br />

Cromar David, lab., h 177 Twenty-first.<br />

Cromar Thomas, brakesmnn, h 59 First.<br />

Cromwell Oliver, student, bds 96 Alexan-<br />

drine ave.<br />

Cronbach Charles, lab., h 510 Catharine.<br />

Cronbach Jacob, milk peddlar h w s<br />

Chene, bet. Jay and German.<br />

Cronenwett Frederick, brakesman, h 93<br />

Leveret te.<br />

Cronenwith John IE., engineer, No. 6<br />

stcam fire engine, h 351 High.<br />

Cronenwett, Louis, printer, h 528 Sixtb.<br />

Crongeyer Charles A. watchnlaker, h Ri-<br />

vard bet Croghan and Macomb.<br />

Crongeyer Peter, moulder, h 581 Clinton<br />

a ve.<br />

~ronhei Lewis, h 109 Adams ave e.<br />

Cronin Alexander, printer, bds 197 Fourth.<br />

Cronin Bridget, (wid Jeremiah) h 271<br />



Cross William, porter, bds 48 Elm.<br />

Cross William H., carpenter, h 41 Plum.<br />

Crossley Luke, carpenter, h 196 Fourteenth<br />

Crossley Silas, cooper, bds 59 Croghsn. .<br />

Crossman Adam, upholsterer, bds 20 Jay.<br />

Crossman Charles, L.H. Department, h 360<br />

I Congress e.<br />

roti in; August W., painter, h s. e. cor<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY I c ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ o - , h " Second ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~<br />

-<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. I Spencer,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Croul Almon T., overseer, h 539 Guoin.<br />

( Croul Jerome, (Croul Bros.) h 566 Jeffer-<br />

Cronin Cornelius, machinist, h 78 Humson<br />

ave.<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Croul Joseph L., (with Croul Bros.) bds<br />

Cronin Cornelius, plasterer, h 271 Sixth.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Cronin Daniel, clerk, h 192 Orchard.<br />

Croul William H. (Croul Bros.) h 578 Jef-<br />

Cronin John, yankee notions, cor Second<br />

ferson ave.<br />

and Grand River ave, h 15 Pine.<br />

Croul Bros., (William H. and Jerome)<br />

Cronin John, ship carpenter. h 15 Abbott.<br />

leather dealers and tanners, 27 and 29<br />

Cronin Nichael, lab., h 200 First.<br />

Bates.<br />

Cronin Albert, h 15 Abbott.<br />

Croun Henry (col'd) waiter, Russell House.<br />

Cronk Albert, agent,h 49 National ave.<br />

Crouse Agust, lab., h G:t2 Woodbridge w.<br />

Cronk Albert, sallor, bds w s Fifteenth, nr<br />

Crouse Fred., engineer, h. s. side Fort nr.<br />

Linden.<br />

Seventeeth.<br />

Cronk Amelia, teacher Tappan Union, h<br />

Crouty Thomas, lab., h. s. w. cor Brush<br />

'753 Fifteenth.<br />

and Fort.<br />

Cronk Caroline, (wid Peter) nurse, h 753 Crow Benjamin, lab., (Backus & Bro.).<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Crow Thomas, blacksmith, bds 357 Wood-<br />

Cronk Clinton, soda manufacturer, h 214 bridze e.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Crow William, blacksmith, h 324 Fort e.<br />

Cronk Edward Y., manufacturer ginger Crowa David, lab., bds cor R~opelle and<br />

beer, h 28 Macomb,<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Crooks Charles J., clerk, bds 223 Con- Crowe Cornelius, porter, h 46 Jones.<br />

gress e.<br />

Crowe Patrick. lab., h 723 Lafayette.<br />

Crooks Miron A., clerk, bds 115 Miami Crowe Stephen, sailor, h w s Crawford,<br />

ave.<br />

bet McLean and Brigham.<br />

Crosby Hiram, conductor, M. C. R. R. Crowe Thomas, blacksmith, h 357 Wood-<br />

Crosby Jefferson R., telegraph, h 90 Far- bridge e.<br />

rar.<br />

Crowe Thomas J ., engraver, room 9 Fisher<br />

Crosby Job, brakesman, M. C. R. R. Block, 133 Woodward ave, h 313 Third.<br />

Crosby John, painter, h 64 Sullivan ave. Crowl Henry, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Crosby .l\lIarianna (col'd) (wid Charles) Crowley Coruelius, grocer, 91 Porter h<br />

washerwoman, h 187 Lafavette.<br />

same.<br />

Crosby Michael, clerk, bds 229 Second. Crowley Daniel, lab., h Crawford w s bet<br />

Crosby W. George, carpenter, h Third n. s, Maria and Irving.<br />

bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Crowley Daniel, lab., h Sullivan ave w<br />

Cross Alexander, porter, bds 48 Elm. nr Linden.<br />

Cross Caleb, h 46 Plum.<br />

Crowley James, lab., h 82 Sixth.<br />

Cross Charles, carpenter, bds 539 St. An- Crowley James, tobacco dresser, bds 22.5<br />

toine.<br />

National ave.<br />

Cross Donald, butcher, 269 Michigan ave., Crowley John, lab,, h 57'7 Twentv-Third.<br />

h same.<br />

Crowley John J., druggist, 425 Michigan<br />

Cross Elias W., lumber agent, h 114 sve, h same.<br />

Henry.<br />

Crowley Michael, cutter, h 111 Jefferson<br />

Cross Elisha, farmer, h 68 Abbott.<br />

ave.<br />

Cross Elisha M., carpenter, h 347 Fourth. Crowley Michael, grocer, 78 Seventeenth,<br />

Cross JeromeO., clerk, h 190 Congress w. h same.<br />

Cross John, porter, bds 48 Elm.<br />

Crowley Patrick, lab., h s s Grove bet<br />

Cross Lawrence, upholsterer, bds 114 Hastings and St. Antoide.<br />

kl enry.<br />

Crowman Thomas, brakesman, bds 59<br />

Cross Margaret, cook, bds 68 Lamed e. First.<br />

Cross Thomas, plasterer, bds 539 St. An- Croson Richard, horse farrier, h 27 Besutoine.<br />



Crozier Thomas, sawyer, bds 337 Franklin.<br />

Crudden James, teamster, bds Ontario<br />

House, Woodbridge w.<br />

Crumb Lee H., engraver, room 17 Rotunda<br />

bds 316 Congress e.<br />

Crure Frank, carpenter, h 260 Porter.<br />

Cuchois Joseph, lab., h n s Mullett bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Cudmore Catharine, (wid Dennis), h 73<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Cudtnore John, teamster, h 73 Nineteenth.<br />

Cuddy Alexander. lab., h 226 Third.<br />

Cuddy James, mason, h 460 Croghan.<br />

Cuddy James I1 ., capt bark Francis Palms,<br />

h 337 Fourth.<br />

Cuddy William, carpenter, h 266 Brush.<br />

C uembach Peter, cooper, h 193 Maple.<br />

Cuenat Catharine, store, h 53 Eighteenth.<br />

Cueney Edward, tinsmith, h 355 Clinton.<br />

Cueney Joseph, h 243 Lafayette.<br />

Cuaney Peter, music teacher, h 150 Hastings.<br />

Cueney Simon, teamster, bds 337 Franklin.<br />

Cuenot Emil, machinist, bds cor Tenth and<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Cuer Robert F., clerk, Russell House.<br />

Culbert Anthony, painter, h 100 Clinton.<br />

Culbert George, painter, h 100 Clinton.<br />

Culber Henry F., sailor,h 560 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Culhan John, drayman, bds 141 Labrosse.<br />

Ci~lcoit Charles, clerk, bds Perkins Hotel,<br />

Culdrick James, carpenter,bds 83 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Cul hean James, fireman, h 104 Canfield.<br />

Culleeney Patrick, gardener, h 13 Bronson.<br />

Cullen Andrew, (Cullen Bros.), h 165<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Cullen James, (Cullen Bros.), h 161<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Cullen James, grocer, 303 Woodward ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Cullen John F., (Cullen Bros.), h 235<br />

B irst.<br />

Cullen John W. A. S., lawyer, 36 Seitz<br />

block, res Ann Arbor.<br />

Cullen Patrick, teamster, h 338 Fifteenth.<br />

Cullen Richard, bartender, Michigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Cullen Richard, clerk, h.49+ Sibley.<br />

C ullen Richard. janitor Board Trade build-<br />

ing, h 43 plum.<br />

Cullen Wm. F., machinist, h foundry nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Cullen Bros., (hdrew, John and James<br />

Cullen.) blacksmiths and wagon ma-<br />

kers 167 Grand River aye.<br />

Culley Mary, (wid John,) h Mount Hope<br />

ave cor Ash.<br />

Culliford Thomas, foremall book room<br />

Tribune office, bds 81 Congress e.<br />

Cullinan John, clekk, bds 55 Howard.<br />

25<br />

. .<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our ofEce, 52 West<br />

Larned ~treet.<br />

Parlse, Davh &- Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Cullum Charles, lab., bds 392 Clinton.<br />

Cullum Crofton, carpenter, bds 329 Mullett.<br />

Cullum John, carpenter, h 329 Mullett.<br />

Cullum Wm. H., carpenter, bds 329 Mullet<br />

t.<br />

Cullnane John, clerk, bds 55 Howard.<br />

Cullnane John, grocer, 938 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Cullnane Margret, (wid Timothy,) h 55<br />

Howard.<br />

Culver Agustus W., trav agent, 308 Wood-<br />

ward ave 2d floor.<br />

Culver Edmund F., chairmaker, h 266<br />

Second.<br />

Culver Geo. M., merchant tailor, 1 Opera<br />

House block, h 258 Woodward ave.<br />

CuIver Harrison W., shoemaker, h 65 Harriet.<br />

Culverd John, fireman, bds 412 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Culy Hezekiah, conductor street car, h 61<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Cumberlidg John, boiler maker, h cor<br />

First and Congress.<br />

Cumbim Richard, (col'c,) bar5er, bds s e<br />

cor Beaubien and Croghan.<br />

Cumbo Frederick, lab., h 250 - Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Cummiugs Anna, (mid,) h 407 St. Antoine.<br />

Cummings - Flora G., (wid,) nurse, bds 100<br />

Joy.<br />

Cummings Harry, news agent, h 108 Farrar.<br />

Cummings Henry, agent, h 74 Porter.<br />

Cummings Henry M., engineer, h 47<br />

Ba.k er.<br />

Cummings James, lab., bds 280 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Cummings James D., teamster. h 219 First.<br />

Cummings James L., clerk, 120 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Cummings Nargaret, boarding, h 145 Abbott.<br />

Cummings Patrick, machinist, bds 47<br />

Fort e.<br />

Cummings Patrick, steward, h 277 Fifth.<br />

Cummings Samuel M., cooper, h 3 Union.<br />

Culnmings William, painter, bds 145 Abbott.<br />

Cummiskey James, cigar maker, h 491<br />

Catharine.<br />

Cunga Theodore, lab., h 181 German.<br />

Cunningham Alexander, blacksmith, h cor<br />

Fifth and Congress.<br />



MgbyHBw<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Cunningham Arthur, lab., bds 379 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Cunningham Mary, (wid Bartholomew,) h<br />

49 Spencer.<br />

Cunningham Edward, lake captain, h 326<br />

Franklin.<br />

Cunningham Elizabeth, operator, h 97<br />

Porter. . .<br />

Cunningham Eugene, machinist, h 33'7 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

C unningham Frank, blacksmith, bds 357<br />

Wood bridge e.<br />

Cunningham Fulton, porter, h 143 Baker.<br />

Cunningha~ George W., gunsmith, 33<br />

Monroe ave., h 272 High<br />

Cunningham, George, saloon, 299 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h same.<br />

Cunningham Henry, saloon, 667 Atwater,<br />

h same.<br />

Cunningham James, engineer, h 471 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Cunningham James H., policeman, h I71<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Cunningham James R., boat builder, h 32<br />

Clifford.<br />

Cunningham John, lab., h 249 Sixth.<br />

Cunningham John, moulder h 13 Pine.<br />

Cunningham John W., moulder, h 202 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Cunningham Louis N., plumber, bds 231<br />

Fourth.<br />

Cunningnam Xichael, h 130 Twelfth.<br />

Cunningham &lichael, carpenter, bds Fin-<br />

ney's Hotel.<br />

Cunningham Peter, barber, 15 Randolph,<br />

bds 667 Chene.<br />

Cunrlingham Phillip, printer, h Sixth, cor<br />

Abbott.<br />

Cunningham Patrick, lab.,h 620 Congress e.<br />

Cunningham Patrick, lab., bds 379 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Cunningham Thos., bds I58 Lamed w.<br />

Cupit J.,hn W., clerk, 5ds 81 Congress w.<br />

Cupple Robert, telegraph. operator, bds 77<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Cureton John H., clerk, bds 120 Hexlry.<br />

Curley Elizabeth, tailoress , bds 73 Miami<br />

avenue.<br />

Curley James, carpenter, h 49 Napoleon.<br />

Curley James P., foreman, h 49 Wayne.<br />

Curley Thomas, horse shoer, h 190 Third.<br />

Curley Wm., carpenter, (Candler Bros,)<br />

Curmey Joseph, carpenter, h n e cor Gra-<br />

tiot and St. Antoine,<br />

Curran Catharine, (wid Neil), h 323 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Currie Cornelius, carpenter, h I01 St An-<br />

teine.<br />

Currie Daniel, tanner, bds 127 Twelfth.<br />

Currie John C., grocer, 127 Twelfth, h<br />

same.<br />

Currier Adna S., spoke manufacturer, h I6<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Currier James M., clerk, h 32 Elizabeth w.<br />

Curry Isadore, gardner, h 131 Humbold av.<br />

Curry Laurence, lab., h 127 Harrison ave.<br />

Curry Michael, lab., bds 265 Franklin.<br />

Curry William, clerk, h 155 Clifford.<br />

Curry William R., carpenter, h 8 Lafayette<br />

Curtie Thos., plumber, h 29 Fort e.<br />

Curtin Denis J., printer, h 304 Brush.<br />

Curtin Walter J., organ maker, bds 79<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Curtin Michael, lab., h 285 Fifteenth.<br />

Curtin Timothy N., clerk, bds 239 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Curtis Alfred G., (Curtis Brothers,) h 600<br />

Fort e.<br />

Curtis Anna L., dressmaking, h 326 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Curtis Charles H., ladies' furnishing<br />

stolle, 202 Woodward ave, h same.<br />

(See advt.)<br />

Curtis Edward C ,'(Curtis Brothers,) h 265<br />

Croghan.<br />

Curtis Flank T., baker, bds 219 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Curtis George E., (Geo. E. Curtis & Co.,)<br />

h 348 Jefferson ave.<br />

Curtis James, cooper, h 317 Prospect.<br />

Curtis .John, brakesman, bds 27 Beaubien.<br />

Curtis John B., carpenter, h 251 Hastings.<br />

Curtis John E., clerk, bds cor of Adams<br />

ave and Woodward ave.<br />

Curtis Louis &I., (Vail, Crane St Curtis) h<br />

123 Park.<br />

Curtis Ransom, (Wilkins & Co.,) bds Bid-<br />

dle House.<br />

Curtis Stephen W.,carpenter,h 513 Fort w.<br />

Curtis William, carpenter, h 121 Cass.<br />

Curtis William, teamster, h 326 St.Antoine.<br />

Curtis William L., carriage painter, h 345<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Curtis Brothers, (Edward C. and Alfred<br />

G., ) bakery, 252 Jefferson ave.<br />

Curtis George E. & Co., (George E. Cur-<br />

tis), dealers in leather and findings, 118<br />

Jefferscn ave.<br />

Cushing Edward, lab, h 281 Guoin.<br />

Cushing Otis, trav. agent, 43 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

C ushman Charles S., lawyer, 12 Kanter's<br />

block, Larned w.<br />

Cusnman Mary, (wid. Jerome) h e s Chene<br />

bzt. Maple aud Chestnut.<br />

Cusky Isaac, carpenter, bds 5G Henry.<br />

Cuson Charles A., policeman, h 131 Six-<br />



Cuson Richard, sailor, h 554 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Cussino Morris, lab., h 142 Lafayette.<br />

Custer Fritz, carpenter, h 91 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Custer Henry, engineer Lake Survey, bds<br />

cor Washington ave and Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Cutcher Louis, mason, h e s Dubois, bet<br />

Jay and German.<br />

Cutmore William, painter, bds 337 Gro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Cutmore William, painter, h 37 Third.<br />

ACHNAN John, tailor, h n s Ma-<br />

D comb, bet Chene and Joseph Campau<br />

ave.<br />

Dacy John, turnkey, jail, h 212 Abbott.<br />

Dacp Michael, hammersmith, bds 21 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Dacy Patrick, lab., h 51 Harrison aye.<br />

Dadom John, lab., h 83 Jay.<br />

Dager Andrew, lab., h 8 Eighteenth.<br />

Daglar Ferdinand, painter, h 88 Russell.<br />

Dahlinger Frederick, carpenter, h 186 Napoleon.<br />

Dnhlingtr John, carpenter, h 189 Fort e.<br />

Dahlke William, moulder, h 464 Mullett.<br />

Dahlman John, lab., h 516 Mullett.<br />

Dahlman William, lab., h 3'76 Catherine.<br />

Dahmer George, h 35 Laf ayette.<br />

Dahnke Frederick, lab., h rear of 123 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Dailey Charles >I., supt. Grand River<br />

street railway, bds 267 Lafayette ave.<br />

Dailey Daniel, h $0 Larned e.<br />

Dsiley Henry B., drover, h 365 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Dailey Joseph W., secretary Grand River<br />

street railway, bds 267 Lafayette ave.<br />

Dailey Joseph, Ir 267 Lafayette ave.<br />

Daily Florence, clerk, bds 187 Congress e.<br />

Daily George V., sailor, bds 61 Congress w.<br />

Daily John (Daily & BlcS1auus), h 187<br />

Congress e.<br />

Daily John H., sailor, bds G1 Congress w.<br />

Dailey John W., boarding h 61 Congress<br />

~v.<br />

Daily Patrick, machinist, bds 147 Seventh.<br />

Daily Post Co., n e c Larned and Shelby.<br />

Daily William H., miner, h 162 Divison.<br />

Daily, -, brakesman, bds 27 Beaubien.<br />

l)aily & NcManns (John Daily and George<br />

31. McManus) restaurant, 40 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Dalach Gustav, cigar-maker, h 311 Clinton.<br />

Dalcher George, carpenter, h 259 Mullet t.<br />

Dale Henry, musician, bds 123 Brush.<br />

Dale Timothy, lab., h St. Aubin ave., nr.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Dalecki Adam, mason, h 129 Clinton.<br />

Dalecki John, shoemaker, h 129 Clinton.<br />


I<br />


/ JUNE 8 CO.'S<br />



g2T Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Dalgetty Elizabeth, clerk, bds 125 Lafayet<br />

te.<br />

Daliske John, shoemaker, 277 Jefferson<br />

are., h 129 Croghan.<br />

Da11 George, lab., 31. C. R. R.<br />

Dizll George J., clerk, h 659 Larned e.<br />

Dallas John, tailor, h 103 Mullett.<br />

Daller Anthony, lab., h 523 Gratiot.<br />

Dallie Joseph, lab., h 148 Croghan.<br />

Dalloz John, tinsmith, h 127 Maple.<br />

Dalloz John, cigar-maker, bds 127 Maple.<br />

Dally Frederick, carpenter, h 33 Church.<br />

Dally John R., U. S. marine service, bds<br />

Alfred bet Brush and John R.<br />

Dally Joseph, (Dally cft McMahon) h 96<br />

Alfred.<br />

Dally 65 Mc3Iahon (Joseph Dally and<br />

Eucene Blc31ahon, groceries, 332 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Daltnan William, lab., h 376 Catharine.<br />

Dttl ton Patrick, lab,, b 157 Porter.<br />

Dalton Peter, lab., h 381 Clinton.<br />

Dalton Robert, lab., bds 125 Lafiayette.<br />

Dalton, William J., ladies' furnishing<br />

goods, 153 TVoodward ave., bds ltussell<br />

House.<br />

Daly Anne, (wid. Peter) h 196 First.<br />

Daly Catharine (wid. John) h 273 Sixth.<br />

Daly Catharine, (wid. Owen) h 336 Seventeenth.<br />

Daly Daniel, lab., h 185 Labrosse.<br />

Daly Dennis, tinsmith, h 336 Seventeenth.<br />

Daly Edmor,(wid Thomas,) h 364 Riopelle,<br />

Daly Eneas, lab., h 86 Plum.<br />

Daly Eugene, lab., h 268 Baker.<br />

Daly James, carpenter, h 305 Fourth.<br />

Daly James, carpenter, bds 145 Larned w.<br />

Daly James, civil engineer, bds 21 Fort e.<br />

Daly James. '(Alderman Ninth Ward, )<br />

grocer, 699 Fort ~ v, h same.<br />

Daly Johu, lab., h 85 Baker.<br />

Daly John, lab., h 74 Eighth.<br />

Daly John, lab., h 362 Lafayette.<br />

Daly John, teamster, bds 336 Seventeenth.<br />

Daly John, watchman, h 212 Abbott.<br />

Daly Michael, grocer, 906 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Daly Nichael, shoemaker, bds 355 Atwater.<br />

Daly Patrick J., sailor, bds 175 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Daly Patrick W., moulder, h 169 Porter.<br />

Daly Rosanna, (wid William,) h 181 Or-<br />

I chard.


Daniels Christian, shoemaker, h 171<br />

Twen ty-second.<br />

Daniels Daniel L., lumberman, h 454 Sixth<br />

Daniel Eliza, (wid Orvell), h 603 Sixth.<br />

Daniel Frank, plinter, h n w cor Fourth<br />

; and Alexandrine ave.<br />

, Daniel Frederick, carpenter, h 456 Lafay-<br />

@u$iueks %.uiutreitg, / D 3 s Frederick w., painter, bds 454<br />

SeitzBlock,nextiothePo~tOffi~~.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Daniels JeromeT-,travelingagent,h8<br />

Beach.<br />

Daniels Lucina. teaeher. h 603 Sixth.<br />

Daly Miss Sarah, tailoress, h 280 Twelfth. Daniels TaylorJ E., general insurance agt,<br />

Daly Thomas, clerk, bds 196 First.<br />

55 Griswold, h 97 Farrar.<br />

Daly Thomas, engineer, h 126 Abbott. Daniels Thomas, foreman, h 336 Fort e.<br />

Daly Timothy, planer, bds 336 Seven- Daniel Thomas, shoemaker, h 154 Twentyteenth.<br />

second.<br />

Daly William, clerk, bds 161 Orcha~d. Daniel Thomas I., stenographer, h Fourth<br />

Daly William &I., en,sineer, h 163 Abbott. nr Alexandrine ave.<br />

Daly William, machinist, h 17 Labrosse. Danielson Andrew E., painter. h Fourth<br />

Daly William J., clerk, h 249 Third. e s, bet Fulton and Tuscola.<br />

Dalzell John, lumber inspector. office 5 Dttnielson Charles W., saloon, 107 Grand<br />

illerrill Block, bds Michivan Exchange, River ave, h same.<br />

Dsmak John A., lab., h 75 Eighteenth. Danielson Eugene, painter, bds 107 Grand<br />

Damford James, cabinet maker, bcls 278 River ave.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Danielson Thomas, painter, h 113 Grand<br />

Damm Caroline, (wid Louis), h 100 Jay. River ave.<br />

Damm Frank, painter, bds 270 Beaubien. Dann Elizabeth, (wid Henry,) h 226 La-<br />

Uamm Frederick, trunk maker, bds 226 fayette e.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Danz William, blacksmith, 396 and 398<br />

Damm Henry, brewer, b3s 342 Gratiot. Gratiot, h same.<br />

Damm Henry, trunk maker, bds 226 Lafay- Darby George, conductor D. & h1. R.R., h<br />

ette.<br />

381 Congress e.<br />

Damm Louis, machinist, h 352 Dubois. Darby James, conductor, D. & IN., h 645<br />

Dammes Frank, lab., h 291 Clinton. Congress e.<br />

Danahey Bridget, (wid Michsel), h 34 Darby Sarah, (wid Henry), h 645 Congress<br />

Pine.<br />

east.<br />

Danahey Bridget, h 231 Franklin. Darby Wm. H., agent B. F. Thompson &<br />

Danahey Cornelius, tinsmith, bds 232 Co., h 303 3Iacomb.<br />

Fifth.<br />

D'hrcus 33. Be~jamin, clerk, bds 46 Sibley.<br />

Danahey James, lab., h 321 Fifth. D'Arcus Claude H,foreman House of Cor-<br />

Danahey James D., engineer, bds 231 rection, bds 16 Sibley.<br />

Franklin.<br />

D'Arcus Hellen, (wid John), 46 Sibley.<br />

Danuhey James J., h 31 Abbott.<br />

Dardis Edward, painter, bds cor Fifth and<br />

Danahey John, clerk, bds 234 Third. Orchard.<br />

Dnnahey Mary A., dress making, bds 231 Darling Frederick, miller, h s e cor Baker<br />

Franklin.<br />

and Fourteenth.<br />

Danahey Thomas, fireman, bds 231 Frank- Darling George, jr., (Darling & CO., bds<br />

lin.<br />

29 Miami ave.<br />

Danbruck Frederick, lab., h 685 Macomb. Darling George, sr., (Dsrling & Co.,) h<br />

Dancey John E., cooper, h 346 Hastiugs. 29 Miami aye.<br />

Dandell Otto, cigar mnf'r, 123 Michigan Darling Theodore S., travel*g ~ e nDe- t<br />

ave, h same.<br />

troit match works.<br />

Dandy withF* Buhl<br />

& CO., 14G and 148 Jefferson ave. Darling & Co., (George Darling, sen., and<br />

Dane Frenand, bgokbinder, bjs 202 Lar- George jr-9) wholesale liquor<br />

ned w.<br />

dealers, cor Second and Abbott.<br />

Dane Mark N., professor music, 176 Gris- Darlington Richard, sawyer. h 168 Eighwold,<br />

h 118 Sixteenth.<br />

teenth.<br />

Danforth G. M., law and real estate. ' 145 Darman Wm.9 sailorjbds 108~oohbridge<br />

Jefferson ave,-bds 81 Congress w.<br />

Daniels Charles R., Custon House, bds 101 Jacob, brewer, 400 Howard,<br />



- -<br />

Darmstaetter Wm., brewer, 217 Catha-<br />

rine, h same.<br />

Darosa Edward, la%., h 563 Fort e.<br />

Darragh Allen F., book-keeper, h 180<br />

Brewster.<br />

Darragh John, clerk, bds 18QBrewster.<br />

Darragh Neil, lab., h n s Fullton bet Sixth<br />

and Seventh.<br />

Darras Alphonse, machinist, h 595 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Darrow Augustas A., book-keeper, h 256<br />

Park.<br />

Darse Stephen, ba.r tender, h 31 Fort e.<br />

Dart Charles, engineer, h 154 Croghan.<br />

Dartus Mrs., \wid John,) h Twelfth e s nr<br />

railroad.<br />

Darwin George, clerk, bds 3 Aspinall Ter-<br />

race Macomb ave.<br />

Darwin Louis, tailor, h 44 Catharine.<br />

Darwin Racine &I., painter, h new 153<br />

Fifth, old 183.<br />

Dash Jacob, tobacco and cigars, 115 Grand<br />

River, ave, h same.<br />

Dash John, h 78 Elizabeth e.<br />

Dash John, lab., h 108 Mullett.<br />

Dash John jr, carpenter, h Thirteenth s w<br />

cor M rtle.<br />

Daskel 8 harles, lab., h 207 Antietam.<br />

Dassbach Peter, tanner, h 358 Clinton.<br />

Dasso Arthur, mason, h 339 Dubois.<br />

Datengar Jacob, milk peddler, h 243 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Dates George E., assistant superintendent<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Railway, bds Larned w.<br />

Dsu Mathias, mason, h 105 Chestnut.<br />

Daugber Edward, carpenter, h 197 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Dauke Frederick, malster, h 139 Congress<br />

W.<br />

Daulkar John, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Dauphin Oliver, night watchman House of<br />

Correction, bds same.<br />

Dauphin Oliver, lab., h 350 Bronson.<br />

Davenport Catharine, (wid Dennis,) h 95<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Davenport George, painter, bds 37 Third.<br />

Davenport George C., meat market, 674<br />

Clinton me, h same.<br />

Davenport George W., painter,h 329 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Davenport Francis O., (McLane and Da-<br />

venport,) Sec'y Michigan Dept Life As-<br />

sociation of America, h 316 Randolph.<br />

Davenport Henry, lab., h 372 Lat'ayette.<br />

Davenport Louis, physician, n e cor Jeffer-<br />

son and Griswold, bds 203 Jefferson ave.<br />

Davey Dora, milliner, 453 Jefferson ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Davey George, butcher, bds 157 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Davey Jabez, news depot, 440 and 451<br />

Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Davey Joseph, helper, bds 449 Jefferson<br />

aye.<br />


Will find it to the-ir advantage to call at oar oBce<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertieemect, page 9.<br />

Davey Mary, (wid George,) h 159 Locust.<br />

Davey Thomas, clerk, h 453 Jefferson ave.<br />

Davey Thomas, meat mnrket,l53 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Davey William, b-iltcher, 235 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Davey W. D., clerk. bds 163 Congress e.<br />

Uavid Alfred, galvanic battery, h 171 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Davie George, U. S. deputy marshal, h 134<br />

Larned e.<br />

Davie Harriet, clerk, bds 134 Larned e.<br />

Ilavies Benjamin N., clerk, h 77 Lewis.<br />

Davignon Joseph, shoemaker, h Franklin<br />

nr Chene.<br />

Davis Aaron, clothing, 18 Nichigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Davis Albert H., grainer, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Davis Alexander,blacksmith, bds 159 Fif~h.<br />

Davis Alonzo C., (Davis & Newbery), h<br />

341 Fort w.<br />

Davis Andrew, engineer, h 361 Brush.<br />

Davis Angus, carpenter, h 12 Marquette.<br />

Davis Ben jamin &I., (Hubbard & Davis,)<br />

h Twenty-fourth bet. Fort w and Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Davis Charles, clerk, bds Fancher House.<br />

Davis Charles, carpenter, h 221 Park.<br />

Davis Darwin D., clerk, h 44 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Davis David, blacksmith, bds 23 Seventh.<br />

Davis Davld W., (S. H. Davis & Co.,) h 75<br />

John R.<br />

Davis Edward >I., Lieut. U. S. A., h 81<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Davis Edward B., carpenter, h 194 First.<br />

Davis Emily L., dressmaker, bds 133<br />

Henry.<br />

Davis George, moulder, bds Railroad Exchange.<br />

Davis George, moulder, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Davis George, tinsmith, bds 75 Beaubien.<br />

Davis George L., grocer, s w cor Seventeenth<br />

and Butternut, h same.<br />

' Davis George 31., machinist, h 55 Locust.<br />

Davis George S., (Parke, Davis & Co.,)h 19<br />

I<br />

Farmer.<br />

Davis George T., (John Clancey 62; Co.,)<br />

h 417 Howard.<br />

Davis Gittelson, tailor, bds 238 Columbia e.<br />

Davis Harry M., bartender, bds 151 and<br />

153 Woobridge w.<br />

, Davis Hattie, dress maker, h 308 Orleans.


~ y ~ ~ ~ B s<br />


/ h 117 Congress m. -<br />



Addre~s IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Davis Ira, steamboat owner, h 816 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Davis Israel, clothing, 2 Blichigan ave, h<br />

93 31ullett.<br />

Davis Jacob, cabinet maker, h 46 Brews-<br />

ter.<br />

Davis James, harness shop, 345 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Dsvis James E., clerk Farrand, Williams<br />

& Co., bds 19 Farmer.<br />

Davis James 31., machinist, h 73 Wayne.<br />

Dams John, teamster, bds 156 St. Antoine.<br />

Davis John H., clerk, bds 40 Congress- w.<br />

Davis John M. K., Lieut. U. d. A., h 88<br />

Lafavette ave.<br />

Davis J. George, clerk, bds cor Beaubien<br />

and Jefferson ave.<br />

Davis J. Harry, clerk, bds 40 Congress w.<br />

Davis Joseph, blacksmith, h 69 Labrosse.<br />

Davis Josiah W., clerk, bds 194 Fourt b.<br />

Davis Lewis, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Davis Mrs. Lina, machine operator, h 202<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Davis Louis, tailor, h 232 Columbia e.<br />

Davis Marla T., machine operator, bds 251<br />

Second.<br />

Davis Mart.ha (wid Martin), h 69 Brsdy.<br />

Dav~s Mary A. (wid William), h gt5 Fort w.<br />

Davis 51rs. Minnie, b 03 Miami ave.<br />

Davis Morris, clerk, bds Goodman House.<br />

Davis Nathaniel D., children's shoemaker,<br />

152 Grand River ave, h 254 Second.<br />

Davis Oliver, produce dealer, h 167 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Davis Miss Sally (col'd j, washerwoman,<br />

cor Woodbridge and Jefferson ave.<br />

Davis Samuel H. (S. H. Davis & Go.), h<br />

274 Brush.<br />

Davis Patrick, lab, h n e cor Thirteenth<br />

and Locust.<br />

Davis Solomon, h 19 Farm er.<br />

Davis Solomon, clerk, bds I8 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Davis Thomas, captain, h 686 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Davis Thomas A., foreman G. M. Holbrook<br />

& Co., bds 62 Beaubien.<br />

Davis Violet, engineer, h 115 Baker.<br />

Davis William, clerk, bds 3 Aspinall<br />

terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Davis William, painter, bds 81 Fifth.<br />

Davis Walter, '' Post Office," 71 Lewis.<br />

1<br />

Davis William, sail maker, bds 68 Larned e.<br />

Davis William, saloon, 30 Jefferson ave,<br />

, Davis Will C., clerk, bds 9.5 Fort w.<br />

I Davis S. H. $ Co. (Samuel H. and David<br />

, W. Davis arid Thomas B.Rayl), produce,<br />

1 2 Russell House Block.<br />

Davis, Taplin & Co. (Benjamin 3J.<br />

/ Ilavis and Stcphen Taplin), florists, 39<br />

Cass (see adv.)<br />

Davis & Newberry (Western Brew-<br />

ery), Alonzo C. Davis and Henry W.<br />

Newberry), cor Abbott and Seventh (see<br />

a&.)<br />

Dsvison Clement A., (with Moore and<br />

Alger,) bd3 Michigan Exchange.<br />

Davison Clement BI., cashier Second Na-<br />

tional Bank, bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Davison Crozier, land agent, 6 Hawley-<br />

Block, h 244 First.<br />

Davison Darius J., lawyer and clerk U. S.<br />

District Court, post-office building, h 10<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Davison Ime, clerk, Nichigan Exchange.<br />

Davison James, clerk, h 417 Beaubien.<br />

Davison John &I., clerk, bds Michigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Davison Thomas, h 417 Beaubien.<br />

Davison William, moulder, h 276 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Davlach Gustav, cigar maker, h 311 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Davrn Dennis, lab., h 104 Orchard.<br />

Dawson Christopher, lab., bds 99 Porter.<br />

Dawson Gilbert, lab., bds 220 Third.<br />

Dawson 6. H., bds Perkins Hotel.<br />

Dawson John M., porter bds Howard<br />

House.<br />

Dawson Jonathan, mason, bds 220 Third.<br />

Dawson Richard, lab., bds 99 Porter.<br />

Day Aaron L. C., (col'd,) physician, bds<br />

175 Larned w.<br />

Day Augustus, inventor, h 191 Third.<br />

Day August, pork packer, bds 580 Croghan.<br />

Day Caroline, (wid Norris, h 389 Bronson.<br />

Day Daniel, physician, 21 Rowland, h<br />

same.<br />

Day Edward H., clerk, bds 21 Rowlancl.<br />

Daymon Ira B. T., traveling agent, h 15 3<br />

National ave.<br />

Day John, carpenter, h 197 National ave.<br />

Day Licurgus W.,(A. Ross & Co.,) h 17<br />

C<br />

Siblev.<br />

Day Minerva A,, (wid James,) h 146 Mont<br />

calm e.<br />

Day Samuel A., tinware, s . e cor Larned<br />

and Russell, h same.<br />

Day Theodore S., U. S. land office, bds 21<br />

Row land.<br />

Day West, (col'd,) lab., h 362 illacomb.<br />

Day William, carpenter, (Candler Bros.,)<br />

D'Bruex Leon, agent, h 326 Russell.<br />

Deacon Thomas, cigar-maker, s. s, Illinois<br />

bet Russell and Prospect.<br />



Deakin David L.: physician, h n. w. cor LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Fort w. and Tenth.<br />


Dean Ann, (wid. Walter) housekeeper, h<br />

89 Labrosse.<br />

Dean Edgar S., painter, h 76 Crawford. JUNE & CO.'S<br />

Dean Edmund, clerk, h 31 Alexandrine<br />

ave.<br />


Dean Edward, (Dean Bros.) h 136 Ninth 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

ave.<br />

Dean Edward C., (blc3Iillan & Co.) treas. @Toystere in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retall.<br />

Michigaw Car Co.) h 36'7 Lafayette ave.<br />

Dean George, blacksmith, bds 166 Second. DeBrabander Henry, cooper, bds n e cor<br />

Dean Horace N., (Dean, Brow & Co.) h Fulton and Eighth. '<br />

85 State<br />

DeBrabander William, cooper, bds n e cor<br />

Dean James, (Dean Bros.) h 149 Ninth Fulton and Eighth.<br />

ave.<br />

Debrey John, carpenter, h 10 Jay.<br />

Dean James N., (Dean, Brow & Co.) h $0 DeCaussin Adrienne H., saloo~l and board-<br />

W. Park Place. and 30 Palmer.<br />

ing house, s e cor Franklin and Talker.<br />

Dean John, h 489 Woodward ave. necellie Anthony, lab., bds 287 High.<br />

Dean John, moulder, 11 Porter n. s. nr. Decker Frank, cabinet maker, bds s w cor<br />

Tenth. '<br />

St. Antoine and Calhoun.<br />

Dean John K., bricklayer, bds 250 Ninth Decker James, wire worker, bds s w cor<br />

ave.<br />

St. Antoine and Calhoun.<br />

Dean Joseph, h s. e. cor Cass and Willis Decker Martin V. B., letter carrier, h 405<br />

aves.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Dean RichardW., (Dean Bros.)h 250 Ninth Decker printer, bds 293 Lafayave.<br />

ette.<br />

Dean Thomas, drayman, h 137 Beach. Decker -, carpenter, bds 67 Larned e.<br />

Dean Thomas P., bricklayer, h n. w. cor DeCiaire Charles, tailor, h 370 Dubois.<br />

Ninth ave and Spruce.<br />

Declaire Henrv, peddlar, h 307 Dubois.<br />

Dean William, starch and paper agent, h Declaire Theodore, tailor, h 370 Crooan.<br />

409 Grand River ave.<br />

Deconinck Joseph, p. ounce, 296 St. Aubin<br />

Dean Wllliam H., baker, h 293 Fifth. ave, h same.<br />

Dean Bros., (Edward, James and IEichard) DeCostar Peter, music: teacher, h 434 Conmason,<br />

136 Ninth ave.<br />

gress e.<br />

Desn, Brow & Co., (Horace 31. Dean, DeCrockett Benjamin, carpenter, h 177<br />

Andrew J. Brow, and James 31 Dean) Lafayette.<br />

painters an2 paper-hangers, 161 Jeffer- Decroupet Jhristopher, blacksmith, h' 1 10<br />

son ave.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Deare Henry W., wholesale vegetables, 58 Decuise Joseph, ginger beer mnfr, h 341<br />

Michigan Grand ave., h 111 Larned e. Antietam.<br />

Deary Peter, pail maker, h 54 St. Aubin Dedericks Carrie, shoe fitter, bds 175 Grand<br />

ave.<br />

River ave.<br />

Deatzsch Charles, carpenter, bds 334 Dedericks, Joseph, plumber, h 489 Gratiot.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Dedericks Dlathias, carpenter, h 496 Or-<br />

De Baptiste Catharine (wid Edward) h 378 leans.<br />

Benubien.<br />

Iledericks peter, (Dedericks & Heller) h<br />

De Babtiste George. confectionery and 36 Bronson.<br />

dining room, 7 Fort w., h 293 Jeffer- Dedericks & Heller, (Peter Dedericks &<br />

son rtve.<br />

John Heller), sash and blind manufac-<br />

De Baptiste William E., barber, 220 Jef- turers, b 561 Gratiot.<br />

terson ave.. h 508 Croghan.<br />

Dedman Xichael, carpenter, h 489 Rail-<br />

Debbaudt ~ u~ene, physician, h 563 Lar- road.<br />

ned e.<br />

Dedow John, lab., h 53 Jay.<br />

Debbaudt Euginie, tai!oress, bds 563 Lar- Degulce Joseph, bur factor, 146 Guoin.<br />

ned e.<br />

Dee Ebenezer, teamster. bds 23 Seventh.<br />

DeBeer Emanuel, !anner, h 474 Lafayette. Dee John, (Dee 62 Bates), h 105 Larned w.<br />

Debert Joseph, caulker, bds 40 Dequindre. Dee Michael, 181 Park.<br />

DBbipare Adolpll jr, blacksmith, bds 647 Dee Patrick, (Dee 62 Mackey), h 10 Middle.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Dee Timothy, lab., h 256 Franklin.<br />

Debigare Adol~h sr, h 647 Larned e. Dee & Bates, (John Dee and Anthony<br />

Deboers Solomon, clothing, 36 Michigan Bates,) iivery, 96 and 98 Larned w.<br />

ave, h 132 Griswold.<br />

Dee dt Xackey, (Patrick Dee and James<br />

Debow Dennis, carpenter, h 1.52 Napoleon. Mackey,j builders, 10 Middie.


#<br />


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Deering Arthur, painter, bds 251 Seven-<br />

teen th.<br />

Deering Edward, sign writer, bds 124 o<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Deering James, h 251 Seventeenth.<br />

Deering James, clerk, h 37 Eighteenth.<br />

Deering Laurence, cigarmaker, bds cor<br />

Mullett and Orleans.<br />

Deering Wm. J., notion jobber, bds '78<br />

Leverett.<br />

Decs Clifford, csrpenter, h n s Baker bet<br />

Twentieth and Twenty-first.<br />

Deesner Frederick, boilermaker, bds 458<br />

Fort e.<br />

De Fer Henry, peddlar, h 365 Franklin.<br />

De Fer Joseph, grocer, 312 Franklin, h<br />

same.<br />

De Fer Peter, clerk, bds 312 Franklin.<br />

Deffer Henry, carpenter, h 521 St Antoine.<br />

Deffingbeg Michael, lab., h 133 Watson.<br />

Defield, Hettie, clerk, bds 532 Fort.<br />

Defield Sarah, (wid Wm. W.,) boarding,<br />

253 Congress w.<br />

Defield Wm., fireman, bds 253 Congrecs w.<br />

De Foe James. paver, h 220 Michigan av.<br />

De Forrest Benjamin, liquors, cor Con-<br />

gress and Randolph, h 112 Congress e.<br />

Degalan Frank, wood turner, h 133 Ches-<br />

nut.<br />

Deaalon Leon, wood turner, h s Whiting<br />

nr Ash.<br />

Deger Henry, lab., h 320 Chesnut.<br />

Deginder George L., barber, 187 Randolph<br />

h same.<br />

Degle Frank, moulder, h 192 Seventh.<br />

Degle Joseph, moulder, h 192 Seventh.<br />

Degrace Joseph, carpenter, h s e cor Na-<br />

tional ave and Ash.<br />

Degrace Louisa, tailoress, bds s e cor Na-<br />

rional ave and Ash.<br />

Degraff Harmon, clerk, h 41 Elizabeth e.<br />

Degraff Isaac, (Philbrick, Chris tie & Co.,)<br />

h 41 Elizabeth e.<br />

Degraff Mary, (wid Harmon,) h 41 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Degraff Wm. T., teiler, bds 41 Elizabeth e.<br />

Degrsn tchamp Joseph, blacksmith, h 407<br />

Lafay e t te.<br />

Uegrath John, shoemaker, bds 406 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Degroot Albert confectioner, 444 Gratiot,h<br />

same.<br />

Degroot Leander, clerk, bds 444 Gratiot.<br />

Deguise Joseph B., physician, 162<br />

Randolph, h same.<br />

Dehaan J. J., second hand clothing, 119<br />

Gratiot. h same.<br />

Dehn august, lab., h 315 lfaple.<br />

Dehn Ferdinand, paper cutter, bds n e cor<br />

Second and Larned.<br />

Dehneit Fanny, (wid John,) grocer, 183<br />

St. Aubin ave, h same.<br />

Dehneit Leonard, carver, bds 153 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Dehnhard Lenhardt, lab., h 69 Clinton.<br />

Deiakal Phillip, lab., h 424 Mullett.<br />

Deibel John, lab., h 265 Twelfth.<br />

Deibel Lawrence, carpenter, h 198 Division.<br />

Deichmann John, cutter, h 579 Macomb.<br />

Deihl Henry, shoemaker. h 125 Maple.<br />

Deike Rev. Carl, pastor German Evangelical<br />

church, 36G Hastings.<br />

Deikers Cornelia, (wid Andrew,) b 145<br />

Maple.<br />

Deikers John, lab., bds 145 Maple.<br />

Deimel Anton, butcher, h 144 Prospect.<br />

Deirnel Eugene, jeweler, bds 112 M inder.<br />

Deipzer Frederick, furniture manuf r, 285<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Deinzer John J., upholster, bds 285 Gratiot.<br />

Deissner Frederick, blacksmith, h 458 Fort<br />

e.<br />

Deitrich David, street car driver, h Crawford.<br />

Deitrich Matthew, enqineer, h n w cor<br />

bfullett and Joseph Csmpau ave.<br />

Deja Frank, (Deja & Steber,) bds Tillman<br />

ave nr Railroad.<br />

Deja & S teber, (Frank Dej s & Frank Steber,)<br />

meat market, 999 Michigan ave.<br />

Dekay Almson, currier, bds 922 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Deklaw Ferdinand, lab., h e s Dubois bet<br />

Eleanor Campau and Gratiot.<br />

Deklaw Michael, lab., h s s alley bet Dud<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Dekrapp Christian, blacksmith h 110 Lafayette.<br />

Delaga J arnes, teamster, bds 259 Franklin.<br />

Delaha~ty Mary, (wid John,) washerwoman,<br />

h 247 Mullett.<br />

Delamater Dewitt C., clerk, bds 132 Park.<br />

Delamater Nellin J., clerk, bds n e cor<br />

Beaubien and Jefferson ave.<br />

Deiano Alexander, clerk, h 297 Abbott.<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Delano Frederick M., insurance agent, h<br />

Delano Sarah E., (wid Frederick M ), h 175<br />

175 Woodbridge e.<br />

Delaney A., furniture finisher, bds 165 Cass.<br />

Delane James, engineer D. & M. R. R., h<br />

573 t arned e.


Donaldson John, jr., clerk, bds n 41 Ma-<br />

comb ave.<br />

Donaldson Jobn W., (Donaldson & Co.,)<br />

h 90 Napoleon.<br />

Donaldson Robert, Dry Dock Engine<br />

Works, h 467 Larned e.<br />

Donaldson William C., clerk, \ 74 Ma-<br />

comb ave.<br />

Donaldson William L., (eol'd), cook, h 586<br />

Croghan.<br />

Donaldson & Co., (John W. and<br />

James H. Donaldson,) merchant tailors,<br />

166 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Dondero Antonio, willow ware manufac-<br />

tory, 48 Grand River ave., h 50 same.<br />

Dondoron Catharine (wid. Anthony) h.<br />

421, St. Aubin ave.<br />

Donlan John, watchman, h 355 Abbott.<br />

Donlan Thomas, bds 29 Larned w,<br />

Donnan David, clerk, bds 121 Park.<br />

Donnan Eliza (wid. William) h 121 Park.<br />

Donnan William, clerk, h 121 Park.<br />

Donnelly Alexander, carpenter, h 352 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Donnelly Daniel, engineer, h 39 Bates.<br />

Donnelly Daniel, moulder, h 37 Beach.<br />

Donnelly Edward, engineer tunnel, bds St.<br />

Lawrence Hotel.<br />

Donnelly Edward S., clerk, bds 224 Third.<br />

Donnelly Ellen (wid.Ed win) h 48 Orchard.<br />

Donnellv Frank. shoemaker, bds 254<br />

~hird:<br />

Donnelly John, lawyer, 91 Griswold, bds<br />

88 Howard.<br />

Donnelly John, watchman, h s. w. cor Ab-<br />

bott and Eleventh,<br />

Donnelly Peter, clerk, h 254 Third.<br />

Donnelly Robert, carpenter, 352 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Donnelly Thomas, lab., h 316 Porter.<br />

Dunner Henry, cigar maker, bds 464<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Donner Regina (wid. Jacob) seamstress, h<br />

464 Riopelle.<br />

Donner Willism, conductor, h .55 Prospect.<br />

Donnpierre Joseph, ship carpenter, h 371<br />

Dubois.<br />

Donoghue Charles, saloon, 702 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Donoghue, Daniel J., lab., bds 1'73 Eigh-<br />

teen th.<br />

Donoghue Humphrey, clerk, bds 441<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Donoghue James, helper, bds 342 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Donoghue James P., lab., bds 661 Sis-<br />

teenth.<br />

Donoghue Theresa, clerk, bds 215 Second.<br />

Donoghue Joseph, lab., bds 173 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Donoghue Mary, clerk, bds 215 Second.<br />

Donoghue Mathew, lab., h 153 Eighteenth<br />

Donoghue Michael, carpenter, h 130<br />

Twelfth.<br />

27<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Donoghue Nichael, carpenter, h 215 Second.<br />

Donoghue Nelson, express driver, Sds 153<br />

National are.<br />

Donoghue Pat.rick, drayman, h 106 Ab'uott.<br />

Donoghue Patrick, lab., h 267 Fifteenth.<br />

Donoghue Roger, lab., h St. Joseph bet<br />

Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Donoghue Samuel, clerk, bds 3303 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Donoghue Thomas, porter, bds 106 Abbott.<br />

Donoghue Timothy, shoemaker, IT Brewster,<br />

h same.<br />

Donoghue Timothy, h 441 Ninth ave.<br />

Donoghue Wiliiam, lab., bds 173 Eighf<br />

eenth.<br />

Donovan Daniel, lab., h 290 Abbo tt.<br />

Donovan Daniel, h 148 Seventh.<br />

Donovan Denis, boiler maker, h 519 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Donovan Dennis, mason, bds 148 Seventh.<br />

Donovan Edward, lab., bds 605 Congress e.<br />

Dogovan James, lab., bds 410 St. Antoine.<br />

Donovan James H., clerk, bds 187 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Donsvan James, lab., h 51 Sullivan Lve.<br />

Donovan John, grocer, 537 Congress e., h<br />

same.<br />

Donovan John, painter, bds n. s. Croghan<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Donovan Michael, drayman, bds 163 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Donovan Michael, lab., h 97 Eighth.<br />

Donovan Michael, teamster, h 605 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Donovan Paul, carpenter, bds 187 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Donovan William, moulder, bds 519<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Doody Ann (wid George) h 109 Mayberry<br />

aye.<br />

Doody Jeremiah, boiler maker, Twentyfirst<br />

n Michigan ave.<br />

Doody John, lab., bds 109 Mayberry ave,<br />

Doogan Thomas, blacksmith, bds 101<br />

Larned w.<br />

Dooley James, lab., h 201 Abbott.<br />

Dooley John, blacksmith, bds 101 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Dooley - - Maria, (wid James,) h 205 Franklin.<br />

Dooley Thomas, grocer, n w cor Chene<br />

and Congress, h 165 Joseph Campau ave .


m&Haaw<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Dooley Thom:ts, lab., h 399 Franklin.<br />

Dooley Thornas, lab., h 45 Harrison ave.<br />

Doolep William, lab., h '708 Fort e.<br />

Dooling Daniel, lab., h 105 Plum.<br />

Doolittle Charles, clerk, bds 62 Winder.<br />

DooliLtle George E., (Smith, Doolittle &<br />

Co.,) h 62 Winder.<br />

Doolittle George L., clerk, bds 62 Winder.<br />

Doolittle Reuben, coachman, bds 405 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Dopfer Elizabeth, (wid William,) h 15 Ger-<br />

man.<br />

Dopfer George, lab., h 15 German.<br />

Doran Edward A., clerk, h 116 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Doran Edward H., clerk, bds 90 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Doran Elizabeth bliss, tailoress, bds 301<br />

Third.<br />

Doran Frank, clerk, bds 90 Adams ave. w.<br />

Doran George, cigar maker, h Eiqhth, nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Doran James, ship:carpenter, h 97 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Doran John, chair maker, h 234 Sixth.<br />

Doran John, carpeuter, h 170 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Doran John, machinist, h 120 Labrosse.<br />

Doran Michael, h 90 Adsms ave. w.<br />

Doran Richard, (Cliff & Doran,)-bds 111<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Doran Thomas, "grocer, 126 Labrosse, h<br />

same.<br />

Dorflinger Henry, machinist, h 520 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Doriety John, huckster, h cor Fourth and<br />

Vine.<br />

Dorington John, lab., h 324 Franklin.<br />

Dorion Joseph, teamster, h 762 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Dork Louis. lab., h 476 Riopelle.<br />

Dortnan Ernest, saloon, 71 Twelfth, h<br />

same.<br />

Dorman Frank W., clerk, 11 51 Porter.<br />

Dorruann Frederick, h 200 Abbott.<br />

Dorman Henry, lab. (G. W. Hudson & CO.)<br />

Dorner Frederick, cigar maker, h n s Ann<br />

bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Darner Henry, lab., h n e cor Russell and<br />

Webster.<br />

Dorner John J., printer, h Riopelle bet<br />

Gratiot and Marion.<br />

Dorr Henry, cigar maker, bds +i9 PQcE-<br />

gara ave,<br />

Dorr Henry, lab., h 449 Michigan ave.<br />

Dorr George (Dorr's Hotel), 368 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Dorr John, blacksmith, h 423 A1 fked.<br />

Dorr John, lab., h 404 St. Anbin ave.<br />

Dorr Philip, lab., h 586 Seventh.<br />

Dorr Philip, machinist, h 114 Twelfth.<br />

Dorren John, lab., h n s Harriet, nr St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Dorsch Charles, tailor, bds Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Dorsey Allen (col'd), waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Dorsey Michael, carpenter, h 492 Fifth.<br />

' Dorsey William (col'd), whitewasher, h<br />

216 Adams ave e.<br />

Dorsey William H., clerk, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Dorst Maurice, moulling works, h 149<br />

Maple.<br />

Dorst Michael, carpenter, h 149 Maple.<br />

Dorward David (Miller & Dorward), h<br />

Sycamore s s nr Ash.<br />

Dosey Allen (col'd), waiter, h 370 Macomb.<br />

nosey James (col'd), mason, bds 178<br />

Larned w.<br />

Doss Frederick, lab., h 529 Macomb.<br />

Dossin Charles J., foreman Weber sash<br />

and doJr factory h 118 Jay.<br />

Dostee Adelaide, (wid Edward,) h 219<br />

Mullett.<br />

Dostee Edward jr, lab., bds 319 Mullett<br />

Dostee Josephine, seamstress, bds 319 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Doston Alexander R., (col'd,) bds 113 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Doston Peter, (col'd) waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Dotch Amos, (col'd) waiter, Russell House<br />

Dott Herman, lab., h s s German bet Du-<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Doty Alexander H., clerk, h 161 Wayne.<br />

Doty Charles B., clerk, bds 85 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Doty Duane, superintendent <strong>Detroit</strong> Pub-<br />

lic schools, office Capitol building, h 86<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Doty Ellis A., clerk, bds 83 Lafayette ave.<br />

Doty George jeweller, old 49, new, 57<br />

Woodward ave, h 31 0 Jefferson ave.<br />

Doty Henry, h 83 Lafayette ave.<br />

Doty John, mason, h 10 Clinton.<br />

Doty Rosa, dressmaker, h cor Congress<br />

and Russell.<br />

Doty Sarah, (wid Sidney,) tailoress, h 239<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Doty Thomas P., clerk, bds 83 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Doubleday George A., clerk, h 162 Second.<br />

Dougher Edward, ' carpenter, h 197 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Doughertg Jeremiah, machinist, h Wil-<br />

liams ave nr Linden.<br />

Dougherty J., clerk, bds 223 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dougherty John, lab., h 69 Pbe.

Dougherty John, lab., h 419 Twelfth.<br />

Dougherty John, plasterer, bds 130 Sixth.<br />

Dougherty John, hack driver, bds 41 Cass.<br />

Dougherty John H., mirror and<br />

picture frames, 287 Jefferson ave, h 52<br />

Russell. (See auv.j<br />

.Dougherty Joseph, sailor, h 133 Chestnut.<br />

Dougherty Mary, millinery, bds 382 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Dougherty Patrick, lab., h Williams ave nr<br />

Linden.<br />

Dougherty Patrick, plasterer, bds 130<br />

Sixth.<br />

Dougherty Samuel K.,clerk,bds 47 Fort w.<br />

Dougherty Theodore, clerk, bds 100 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Dougherty Thomas, bartender, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Dougherty Thomas, lab., h 256 Fifth.<br />

Douglass James G., clerk, h 346 Thira.<br />

Douglass Luther N., engineer, h 722<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Douglass Samuel T.,lawyer,68 Seitz block,<br />

res Grosse Isle.<br />

Douglass William M., clerk department of<br />

lakes, h 323 Fort e.<br />

Douhos, Julius, mason, h 575 Lafayette.<br />

Dourville Frank, shoemaker, h n s Bellair<br />

bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Dourville Henry, carpenter, h 369 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Doury Louis,lab., bds 594 Woodbridge w.<br />

Doussault Peter, bricklayer, h 391 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Dousseau Gabriel, mason, h 402 Franklin.<br />

Dow Albert G., (Dow Bros.), bds 82 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Dow Marcus F., assistant cashier <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Savings Bank, h Grosse Point.<br />

Dow Warren, (Dow Bros.), h old 21 Win-<br />

der.<br />

Dow Bros., (Warren and Albert G.<br />

wiregoods, 52 Woodward ave. (See adv.)<br />

Dowd Edward, carriage trimmer, bds 96<br />

Franklin.<br />

Dowd James, upholsterer, bds Sixth, cor<br />

Howard.<br />

Dowd Mary, (wid Patrick,) h 114 Howard.<br />

Dowdal Thomas, grocer, 400 Twelfth, h<br />

same.<br />

Dowe Weighty Elvira, h 96 Riopelle.<br />

Dowdell James O., cigar maker, h 108<br />

Broa son.<br />

Dowler William, boat builder, h 661 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Dowling Lawrence, trunkmaker, bits 270<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Dowling Morgan E., notary public, bds 104<br />

Congress m.<br />

Dowling Patrick, carpenter, h 270 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Dowling William. clerk, h 98 Porter.<br />

Dowling Richard, lab., h new 27 old 23<br />

Seventh.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />

OYSTER<br />


Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Downer Andrew O., bds 12 Columbia e.<br />

DOWNER HENRY E., engraver, 103<br />

Woodward ave., h 12 Colulllbia e. (&s<br />

adv.)<br />

Downer Martin L., baggageman, bds 66<br />

Howard.<br />

Downey Catharine, (wid Hugh,) h n s Ful-<br />

ton bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Downey Jeremiah, drayman, h 1'78 Beach.<br />

Downey John, bds 89 Fifth.<br />

Downey Jonn, carpenter, h n s Fulton bet<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Downey John, drayman, h 294 Fifth.<br />

Downey John, meat market 1 C H 31, and<br />

723 BIich ave, h same.<br />

Downey John J., clerk, h cor Joy (B; Third<br />

Downey Margaret, (wid Owen), bds 332<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Downey Maurice, boots and shoes, 243<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Downey Michael, drayman, h 13 Maria.<br />

Downey Michael, lab., h 233 Seventh.<br />

Downey Patrick, lab., h 203 Seventh.<br />

Downey, Wm., painter, h 419 Fort e.<br />

Downie Andrew (A. Downie & Son,) h 84<br />

Porter.<br />

Downie Charles, (A. Downie 62 Son,) bds<br />

84 Porter.<br />

Downie John, (Robert Downie 62 Son,) h<br />

7'68 Woodbridge w.<br />

Downie Julia, (wid Geor~e,) Seventh, bet<br />

Orchard and Plum.<br />

Downie Robert, (Robert Downie 62 Son,)<br />

h 1769 Fort w.<br />

Downie Wm., lab., h 447 Seventeenth.<br />

Downie A. & Son, (Andrew and Charles,)<br />

grocers, 117 Michigan ave.<br />

Downie Robert & Son (Robert and John),<br />

groceries, 769 Fort w.<br />

Downing Andrew, captain, bds Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Downing David,pressman ,bds 264 Seventh<br />

Downing Wm., carpenter, h Laf~yette<br />

1 Place bet Twenty-first and Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Downing Wm., plasterer, bds 272 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Downlock Thomas, boarding house, 3<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Downs Catharine, (wid James), h Arch<br />

bet Crawford and Fifth.<br />

Downs James, produce, h A.rch bet Craw-<br />

iord and Fifth.<br />

1 Downs Joh, lab., h 169 Seventeenth.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Doyle Cornelius, engineer, h 130 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Doyle Dennis, carpenter, h 22 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Doyle Edward, carpenter, h 20 Seventh.<br />

Doyle Edward, manager <strong>Detroit</strong> Manufac-<br />

turing Co., 76 Woodbridge w, h 24 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Doyle Edward, teamster, (Backus 62 Bro.)<br />

Doyle Edward W., machinist, h 197 Sev-<br />

en teenth.<br />

Doyle Henry, lab., bds Railroad Exchange<br />

Doyle James, lab., bds 173 Fort e.<br />

Doyle James, lab., h 117 Macomb.<br />

Doyle John, blacksmith, bds 571 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Doyle John, carpenter, h 123 Eighth.<br />

Doyle John, fireman, bds Fourth nr 31arcy<br />

Doyle John, lab., h Dubois e s bet Mullett<br />

an6 Clinton.<br />

Doyle John,lab., bds old 820 Jefferson ave.<br />

Doyle Elizabeth Mrs., fancy goods, 156<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Doyle Louise, (wid) h 173 Fort e.<br />

Doyle Mary (wid Martin) boarding house,<br />

123 Sixth.<br />

Doyle Mathew, shoefinisher, bds 55 REch-<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

Doyle Michael, drayman, h Fourth nr<br />

Narc y.<br />

Doyle Michael A., h 156 Gratiot.<br />

Doyle Patrick, porter, h 301 Abbott.<br />

Doyle Patrick, sawyer, h 531 Larned e.<br />

Doyle Thomas, tailor, h 296 Abbott.<br />

Doyle Timothy, tug mate, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Doyle William, lab., h 75 Plum.<br />

Drage John P., street car &iver, old 433<br />

Macomb.<br />

Drager Ludwig, lab., h s s German nr.<br />

Bloody Run Ditch.<br />

Drago Miss Eliza, h old 100 Farrar.<br />

Urahoral Adolph, shoemaker, h 386 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Drake Aaron S. (Belknap & Drake) h 183<br />

Cass.<br />

Drake Daniel C., clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Drake Elijah H., physician and surgeon,<br />

34 Fort w., h same. .<br />

Drake Harlow B., student, bds 34 Fort w.<br />

Drake James, carriage maker, bds 92<br />

Larned e.<br />

Drake Bush E., student, bds 34 Fort w.<br />

Dralshagen Clements, grocer, n. w. cor.<br />

of Joseph Campau ave and Sherman,<br />

h same.<br />

Dramburg Charles, carriage builder, h w.<br />

s. Fourth, bet Cuttler and McLean.<br />

Dramburg Frederick, engineer, bds cor<br />

Grand River ave., and Cherry.<br />

Drank Henry, peddlar, h 241 Adams ave e.<br />

Draper Charles, carpenter, h 307 Dabois.<br />

Draper Edward W., shoemaker, h 568<br />

Seventh.<br />

Draper James H., (col'd) barber, h Fort e.,<br />

bet Brush and Randolph.<br />

Draper William, carpenter, (Candler<br />

Bros.)<br />

Drecher Henry, lab., bds 320 Chestnut.<br />

Dreger Louis, lab., h s. s. German bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau sve.<br />

Dreger William, lab., h 236 Chestnut.<br />

Dreher Caspar, blacksmith, h 164 Rivard.<br />

Dreher Charles L., confectioner, bds 324<br />

Ri ope11 e.<br />

Dreher Gustav, machinist, bds 324 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Dreher Henry (Dreher Bros.) h 68 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Dreher Joseph, (Dreher Bros.) h 68 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Dreher John B. (Sanders & Dreher),<br />

h 355 Hastings.<br />

Dreher Louis F., watchmaker, h 324 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Dreher Bros. (Henry and Joseph), grocers,<br />

68 Columbia e.<br />

Dreigel Ludwig, carpenter, bds 334 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Dreisenberg Ernest, bar tender, bds 24<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Drellick Charles, butcher, h 356 Franklin.<br />

Drenberg William, porter, h 3'70 Juliett.<br />

Drennan Joseph, carpenter, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Drering Christine (wid John), h 234 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Dressler Christian, cooper, h 310 Colum-<br />

1 bia e.<br />

1 Dreves Christian, lab., h 349 Sherman.<br />

Drew Caroline (wid William T.), boarding<br />

' h 1164 Randolph.<br />

, Drew George A., cigar maker, bds 116+<br />

I Randolph.<br />

Drew Edward, sailor, tds 1164 Randolph.<br />

Drew John, Daily Union, h 318 Fourth.<br />

Drewes Christian, cigar maker, bds n w cor<br />

Chene and Sherman.<br />

Drewes Frederick, cigar maker, h 389<br />

Sherman.<br />

Drewes John, saloon, n w cor Chene and<br />

Sherman, h same.<br />

Drewery Mrs. Fidilia, bdu 135 Columbia e.


-<br />

Drewery William J., carriage maker, h 17<br />

Baker.<br />

Drexel Mary (wid John A.), druggist, 603<br />

Croghan, h same.<br />

Drexler Frank J., printer, h 273 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Drexler John, lab., h 240 Montcalm e.<br />

Drexelius Peter, grocer, 270 &lacomb, h<br />

same.<br />

Dreyer John, cigar maker, h 369 Brewster.<br />

Dreyer William, helper, Ir 236 Chestnut.<br />

Dridame John, ci ar maker, h 60 Division.<br />

Driggs Frederick %. (Meddaugh & Driggs),<br />

h 46 Lafayette ave,<br />

Driggs P., encraver, bds 101 Cass.<br />

Dringberg V?illiam, pork packer, h 370<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Drinkaus Philip, machinist, bds 229 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Drinkel Jacob, saw?er, bds 201 Chestnut.<br />

Drinkwater Jonah, bonnet bleacher, 206<br />

Riopelle, h same.<br />

Driscoll Cornelius, engineer, h 14 Chene.<br />

Driscoll Cornelius, sailor, bds 200 Franklin.<br />

Driscoll Dennis, lab., h 455 keventeenth.<br />

Driscoll John, moulder, bds 455 Seventeenth.<br />

Driscoll John O., lab, bds 667 Atwater.<br />

Driscoll Margaret, (wid Patrick,) h 201<br />

Franklin.<br />

Driscoll Patrick, house mover, h w s<br />

Twelfth nr Dickson.<br />

Driscoll Thomas, policeman, bds 200<br />

Wight.<br />

Drodh Charles, tanner, h 115 Gratiot.<br />

Droege Frederick, (Droege & Coluly,) h<br />

156 Marion.<br />

Droege 62 Comly, (Frederick Droege &<br />

David S. Comly,) cabinet mzmuf. 55 and<br />

57 Farmer.<br />

Droele John, drayman, h 329 Bronson.<br />

Droste Henry, wire weaver, bds 436 Fifteenth.<br />

Droster William, tinsmith, bds 285 Atwater.<br />

Drolet Peter, carpenter, h 328 Fort e.<br />

Drolshagen Frank, saloo13, 71 Griswold, h<br />

205 W ilkins.<br />

Drouillard Ely, machinist, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Drouillard Oliver, sailor, h 12 Hastings.<br />

Drowley Richard, boiler maker, h 272 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Druillardt Henry, cabinet maker, bds 112<br />

Marion.<br />

Drulliea Julius,pipe fitting,h 240 Sherman.<br />

Drum Abraham, lab., h 539 Larr ed e.<br />

Drurnmon Charles, boiler maker, h 418<br />

Franklin.<br />

Drummond James, tailor, h 574 Congress e.<br />

Drummoncl Johanna, (wid Thomas,) h 223<br />

Howard.<br />

Drummond John, lab., bds 223 Howrlrd.<br />

Drummy Xichael, drayman, h 233 Hwrison<br />

aye.<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our oace, 52 West<br />

Larned street.<br />

Parke, Davds (e- Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Drury Hmnah,nurse, h 115 Woodbridge e,<br />

Drury Thomas,drayman,h 224 Fourteenth.<br />

Drury William H., finisher, bds 44 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Druscher Frederick, lab., h 529 Macomb.<br />

Druyou Oliver,mason, h 575 Lafayette.<br />

Dryclame John, cigar maker, h 61 Division.<br />

Dry Dock Engine Works, Wm.<br />

Cowie president and treasurer, 451 At-<br />

water e. (See ada.)<br />

Dryden John, lab., h 23 Crawford.<br />

Drysdale Alexander, clerk, h 91 Abbott.<br />

Drysdale James &I., clerk, bds 91 Abbott.<br />

Drysdale Patrick, malster, bds 146 Larned<br />

W.<br />

Dubach John, foreman Michigan Central<br />

car shop, h 135 Baker.<br />

Dubay David, bds s e cor Second and<br />

Larned.<br />

Dubay David, omnibus driver, bds 63<br />

Howard.<br />

Dubo Abraham, lab., h 26 Wight. -<br />

Dubois Aziah, lab., h 460 Woodbridge e.<br />

Dubois Charles, mason, h 209 Alfred.<br />

Dubois Charles, teamster, h 128 Hastings.<br />

Dubois Ezra, agt, (C. D, W idman & GO.,)<br />

h 408 Woodbridge e.<br />

Dubois Ganure, corker, h 557 Congress e.<br />

Dubois James, farmer, h 724 Jefferson ave,<br />

Dubois James D., clerk, h 1 ti1 F&h.<br />

Dubois John, clerk, h 258 High.<br />

Dubois John, tailor, h 231 Croghan.<br />

Dutjois John M., clerk, h 368 High.<br />

Dubois Louis, planing mill and sash fac-<br />

tory, 585 Atw ater, h n w cor Larned<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Dubois Melinda, wid Samuel,) h 161 Fifth<br />

Dubois Stephen, mason, bds 231 Croghan.<br />

Dubray Thomas, brass moulder, bds cur<br />

Twelfth and Lafayette.<br />

Du buar James A., proprietor Det. Block<br />

Works, Atwater, bet. Bates and Ran-<br />

dolph, bds 75 Larned w.<br />

Duchain Charles, lab., h 329 Nontcalm e.<br />

Dnchain Charles, jr., Messenger Director<br />

of the Poor, h 329 8lontcalm.<br />

Duchain Charles, trunk maker, bds 329<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Duchain George, sailor, bds 25 Bates.<br />

Ducharme Alfred J., (Ducharme, l'rentiss<br />

& Co.,) h 348 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ducharme Charles, (Buhl. Duchme &<br />

Co.,) h Jefferson, s s nr Joseph Campau<br />



myjflwqg<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Ducharme, Prentiss & Co., (Alfred J. Du-<br />

charme, George Prentiss, and Charles T.<br />

Fletcher,) wholesale hardware, 67 and<br />

69 Woodbridge w.<br />

Duck Jacob, engineer. h Larned e bet<br />

Bruh and Beaubien. -<br />

Duck James, saloon, 45 Atwnter e, h same.<br />

Ducker Henry, lab., h 184 Napoleon.<br />

Ducker Sarah, huckster, 78 C. H. M., h<br />

179 Congress e.<br />

Duckwitz William, lab., h 533 Catharine.<br />

dncloe Mary (wid Anthony) tailoress, h<br />

n s New bet St, Aubin aye and Dubois<br />

Gratiot and German.<br />

Ducrot Edward, tailor, bds 202 Larned w.<br />

Duddie John, helper, bds 109 Mapberry<br />

ave.<br />

Dude Patrick, lab., h 188 Porter.<br />

Dudgeon Frank C., with Gillatt & Hall,<br />

bds'cor Howard and Second.<br />

Dudgeon John A., clerk, h 324 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Dudley Freeman, huckster, 52 C. H. M.,<br />

h n s Cross bet Brush arld John R.<br />

Dudley John, crockery, h 25 Washhgton<br />

ave.<br />

Dudley Thomas, clerk, h 134 Elizabeth e.<br />

Dudley Thomas R., (Weber Furniture<br />

Co.,) bds Michiean Exchange.<br />

Dudlin John, carpenter, bds 125 Chene.<br />

Dudlow Jerome, musician, h 628 Congress<br />

East.<br />

Duehring William, carpenter, h 28 Michi-<br />

picotten.<br />

Duellmann Bernhardt, cabinet maker, h<br />

574 Orleans.<br />

Duemmel Christian, lab., h 217 German.<br />

Duengel August, carpenter, h 197 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Duengel Julius, machinist, h 144 Hastings<br />

Duer Martin C. (col'd) hostler, bds Pin-<br />

ney's Hotel.<br />

Duerneberg Henry, lab., bds 41 Webster.<br />

Duerselen Maximillim, clerk, bds cor<br />

Monroe ave and Farrar.<br />

Duesrelen Mart, clerk, bds 50 Monroe ave.<br />

Duesrelen Wilhimine, (wid Gustave),<br />

boarding, h o 58 Monroe ave.<br />

DufF Elizabeth, (wid James), h 58 Orch-<br />

ard.<br />

Duff Lockhart, butcher, bds Brighton<br />

Eouse. [<br />

I<br />

Duff Mary, (wid William), h Fifteenth<br />

nr R. R.<br />

Duff William L., butcher, h Mteenth nr<br />

R. R.<br />

Duffield D. Bethune (D. B. & H. M. Duffield),<br />

h 165 Congress w.<br />

Duffield Henry M., (D. B. & H. M. Duffleld),<br />

h 707 Jefferson ave.<br />

Duffield Samuel P., manufacturing<br />

chemist I abratory and works, Dearborn.<br />

(See udv).<br />

Duffield D. B. & H. N., (D. Bethune &<br />

Henry M.), lawyers, room 30 Seitz<br />

Block.<br />

Duffy Charles, machinist, h 469 Croghan.<br />

DufQ Edward, tinsmith, bds 4'2 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

duff^ James, blacksmith, h 126 Wight*<br />

Duff' John, hack dr~ver, bds 41 Cass.<br />

duff^ John machinist, bds 220 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

duff^ BIatthew, boiler maker, h n 155 Orleans-<br />

D~ffy Michael, blacksmith, h 211 Second.<br />

Duffy Philig, lab., h 126 Wight.<br />

Peter, lab., h 133 Porter-<br />

Dufor Lucy, seamstress, 1 Lafa~ette eo<br />

D~orce Joseph, carpenter, h 412 Guoin.<br />

Duirene Antoine R., h 142 Rivard.<br />

Dufrene George W.9 grocer, tor Congress<br />

and Rivard, h 142 Rivard.<br />

Dufresme John, carpenter, h 237 Orleans.<br />

Duggan Adam, Llacksmith, h 58 Foundry.<br />

DWPn Hugh, blacksmith, h -121 Sixth*<br />

Duggan James A., blacksmith, h 181 Nine<br />

teentho<br />

Duggan John, lab., bds 59 First.<br />

Duggan John, news agent, bds 224 Guoin-<br />

Duggan Patrick, painter, bds li9 Larned e.<br />

Duggan Thomas,blackslr,ith,lOl Larned w.<br />

Duggan Thomas, tanner,h 167 Eighteenth<br />

Dungan Timothy, tinsmith, h 245 National<br />

ave.<br />

Dutrgan Wm., clerk, bds 384 Michigan av.<br />

Dugge Archibald, (col'd), barber, h 505<br />

Croghan.<br />

Dugray Joel, shoemaker, bds 217 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Duke Thomas, saloon, 306 Woodbridge w,<br />

h same.<br />

Dullea Chas., plumber. bds 264 Howard.<br />

Dullea Dennis, alderman Eighth ward,<br />

brewery n w cor Seventh aud Baker, h<br />

264 Howard.<br />

Dullea Louis, sailor, h 284 Franklin.<br />

Dulso John, peddlar, h 342 Croghan.<br />

Dulso John P.,blacksmith, h 221 Napoleon<br />

Dumar Joseph, lab., h e s Dubois bet<br />

Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Dumas Joseph, carpenter, h 451 Congress e.<br />

Dumas Leon, carver, h 540 Fort e.<br />

Dumas Peter, painter, h n s Twelfth9 bet<br />

Baker and Howard


Dumble Francis D., plasterer, bds 141 Lo- ] LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

cust.<br />

Dumgay John, carpenter, h 415 Lafayette e<br />

Dummel Christian, lab., h 217 German.<br />

Dumo Joseph, carpenter, h 523 Fort e.<br />

Dumon Fabien, shoemaker, h 197 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Dumond Mrs. Margaret, dressmaking, 132<br />

Labrosse, bds same.<br />

Dumont Chas. E., h 174 Macomb.<br />

Dumont Frank, plasterer, h 366 Riopelle.<br />

Dumont James, caullier, 11 94 Dequindre.<br />

Dumontier Alexandei., blacksmith, h 450<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Dulnontier Chas., mason, bds 450 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Dutnontier Louis, lab., h Thirteenth nr<br />

Fort.<br />

Dutnontier Richard, clerk, bds 360 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

nurnphy James, clerk, h 62 Henry.<br />

Dumpier John, lab., h s. e. cor Dubois and<br />

New below Gratiot.<br />

Dumpier Lucy, (wid. Frank) h n. w. cor<br />

Dubois and New,-below Gratiot,<br />

Dumpier Margeretha (wid. Frank) h n.<br />

s. New, bet St. Anbin ave and Du-<br />

bois Gratiot and German.<br />

Drimrowske Michael, lab., h e. s. Joseph<br />

Campau ave., bet Catharine and Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Dun R. G. & Co., mercantile agency, Geo.<br />

H.Minchener,manager, 159 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dunar, Robert, mason, h n. s. Fulton, bet<br />

Fourth and Crawford.<br />

Dunbar Henry, (col'd) porter, bds Clinton,<br />

opposite hospital.<br />

Dunbrock Frederick, cigar maker, h 585<br />

Macomb.<br />

Duncan Archibald, ship carpenter, h 73<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Duncan Catharine, (wid. Dugald) h 107<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Duncan Ellison, bds 100 Congress e.<br />

Duncan Ellison E., h 100 Congress e.<br />

Duncan Frank C., bds 108 Lafayette ave.<br />

Dnncan George, shoemaker, bds Good-<br />

man House.<br />

Duncan Harriet (wid Henry) h 15 Winder.<br />

Duncan Harriet S., (wid. John L.) bds 631<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Duncan James T., engineer, h 312 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Duncan John, bds '13 Fifteenth.<br />

Duncan Margaret (wid. Hathew) tailoress<br />

h 646 Fifteenth.<br />

Duncan Margarette, L., (wid. Thomas)<br />

washerwoman, h 138, Grand River ave.<br />

Duncan Mary, h rear 206 Woodward ave.<br />

Duncan Mary. (wid. John) washerwoman,<br />

h 12 Spruce.<br />

Duncan Moses, clerk, h 73 Duffield.<br />

Duncan Symington, machinist, h 184<br />

Orleans.<br />


JUNE & CO.'S<br />



-Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Dnncan IVillinm, saddlery hardware<br />

165 Jefferson ave, h old 74 Miami ave.<br />

(See Adv.)<br />

Duncan William C., h 108 Lafavette nve.<br />

Duncklee Benjamin F., printer, h 236<br />

Watson.<br />

Duncklee William C., pressman, bds 216<br />

Congress e.<br />

Dunckiee William S., mailing clerk Tribune<br />

office, h 216 Congress e.<br />

Dung Adolph, shoemaker, h 6 Pcarl.<br />

Dilngnn Alexander, (col'd) saddler, h 141<br />

Brewster.<br />

Dungrow Moses, carpenter, h w s Twelfth<br />

nr Clitt.<br />

Dunham David B., (Dunham & Co.,) h<br />

131 Congress e.<br />

Dunhhm & Co., (David B. Dunham and<br />

Sulnner Knight,) oil, 52 and 54 Shelhy.<br />

Dunivan Charles, h 45 Sproat.<br />

Dunivan John, teamster, h 45 Sproat.<br />

Dunk David, painter, bds 19 Cass.<br />

Dunk Thomas, painter, bds 19 C~tss.<br />

Dunkel Theodore,, morocco fin~sher, bdq<br />

w s Twenty-third bet Butternut a.nd Ash.<br />

Dunks Charles H., spriog bed manufacturer,<br />

167,169 and 171 Griswold, h<br />

40 Gratiot. (See ada.)<br />

Dunlap George, (Dunlap, Donalclson &<br />

Co.), h 11 Elizabeth w.<br />

Dunlap John, moulder, h 97 St Antoine.<br />

Dunlnp Nelson, plasterer, h 10 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Dunlap William H., lab., h 95 St. Antcline.<br />

Dunlap William H., tailor shop, 35 Bates,<br />

h same.<br />

Dunlap, DonaIdson & C'o.,<br />

(George Dunlap and James P. Donaldson,)<br />

ship chandlers, 22 Woodward ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Dunlop Alexander F., architect, h 78 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Dummal Christopher, lab., h 21 German.<br />

Dunn Catharine, (mid Thomas,) h 177 Orchard.<br />

Dunn Frederick, saloon, 209 Woc ~dbridge<br />

w, h same.<br />

Dunn Frank, moulder, h 382 Fort e.<br />

Dunn George, flagman, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Dunn George, joiner, h 59 First.<br />

Dann George, lab., bds 59 First.<br />

Dunn Ignatius, (Dunn Bros.), h 105 Larned<br />




Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Dunn Isaac, (col'd) sailor, bds 67 Clinton.<br />

Dunn James, lab., h 375 Franklin.<br />

Dunn James H., moulder, bds 382 Fort e.<br />

Dunn John, blacksmith, h 83 Crawford.<br />

Dunn John, hackman, h 32 Lafayette.<br />

Dunn John, (Dunn & Bros.,) h 105 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Dunn Lawrance, lab., bds 177 Orchard.<br />

Dunn Mary, clerk, bds n e cor Crawford<br />

and Fulton.<br />

Dunn Peter, (Hilsendegen & Dunn, h 578<br />

Con~ress e.<br />

Dunn Pllillip, drayman, h s w cor Croghan<br />

and Orleans.<br />

~Gnn Rol~ert, clerk, h 65 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dunn Robert H., moulder, h 232 Thirteenth<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Dunn Robert W., car maker,h 107 Abbott.<br />

Dunn Sarah, clerk, n e cur Crawford and<br />

Fulton.<br />

Dunn Stephen D., clerk, h 250 Park.<br />

Dunn Thomas, bds 63 Michigan ave.<br />

Duon Thomas, lab., h 175 Orchard.<br />

Durln Thomas G., car builder, h 260 Thirteen<br />

th and .a-half.<br />

Du~n Thomas P., mason, h 141 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Dunn William, back owner, h 138 Mullett.<br />

Dunn William, machinist, bds 65 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Dunn Bros., (John and IPatius Dunn,)<br />

grocers, s w cor Larned and First.<br />

Dunncbacke Anton, carpenter, h 32 Clinton.<br />

Dunnebacke P. Ferdinand, baggage master<br />

M. C. R. R.. h 213 Fifth.<br />

Duunebacke Henry, harness maker, bds<br />

99 Gratiot.<br />

Dunnebacke John, carpenter, h 56 Fort e.<br />

Dunnebacke John H., grocery, 196 Franklin,<br />

h same.<br />

Duunebacke Joseph, harness msker, 99<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Dunnebacke Miss Mary, clerk, bds 56 Fort<br />

e.<br />

Dunnebacke William J., (Jelsch & Co.,)<br />

bds 56 Fort e.<br />

Durney Henry R., printer, h 746 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Dunning Darwin, carpenter, h 16 Beach.<br />

Dunning Edward H., clerk, bds 287 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Denning George W., carpenter, h 16 Beech<br />

Dunning William H., insurance agent, h<br />

156 Adams ave e.<br />

Dumyiere John, lab., h cor Dubois and<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Dunphy Phillipp, carpenter, h 69 St. Antoine.<br />

Dunphy Richard, lab., h 142 Orchsrd.<br />

Dunton Isaac W., stone cutter, h 477<br />

Sixth.<br />

Dupert Andreas, lab., h 356 Sherman.<br />

Dupont Alexarlder, carpenter, (Backus &<br />

Bro.)<br />

Dupont Alesandre, machinist, h 102 Benton.<br />

Dupont. Miss Celia, dress maker, bds 328<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Dupont Charles, cigar maker, bds 474 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Dupont Charles, wagon maker, h 102<br />

Franklin.<br />

~a~ont -Charles A., foreman M. C. R. R.<br />

car shop, h 220 Sixth.<br />

Dupont Charles, jr., clerk, bds 102 Franklin.<br />

Dupont George, carpenter, h s s High bet<br />

Russell and Riopelle.<br />

Dupont George H., telegraph operator,<br />

151 Jefferson ave, bds lo2 Frankliu.<br />

Dupont Louis, confectioner, 253 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 345 Sixth.<br />

Dupont Peter, agent, h 340 High.<br />

Dupont Samuel A,, clerk, bds 348 Sixth.<br />

Dupont William, agent,druggist, 172 Xichigan<br />

ave, h 255 Fourth.<br />

Duprat Charles B., clerk, h 12 Mechanic.<br />

Duprey Frank, wood dealer, foot Kiopelle,<br />

h 613 Lafayette.<br />

Duprey John, carpenter, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Lluprey John, lab., bds 613 Lafayette.<br />

Duprey Joseph, carpenter, h 546 Fort e.<br />

Duprey Louis, sailor, h old 524 Franklin.<br />

Duprey Peter, carpenter, h 260 Franklin.<br />

Dupuis Augustus J. (Johnson & Dupuis)<br />

h s w cor Jefferson ave and Walker.<br />

Dupuis Henry C. (Johnson & Dupuis), h -<br />

960 Jefferson ave.<br />

Durrtnd John H. (J. H. Durand 62 Co.), h<br />

199 Howard.<br />

Durand William M., clerk, bds 199 Howard.<br />

Durand J. H. & Co. (John H. Durand and<br />

Alanson Botsford), carriage makers, 389<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Durant Archer J., clerk, bds 15 John R.<br />

Durant William C., clerk, h 113 Howard.<br />

Dureraoy Louis, carpenter, h Gratiot,<br />

nr Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Durfee Benjamin C., jobber, h 187<br />

Grand River ave.


Donaldson John, jr., clerk, bds n 41 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Donaldson John W., (Donaldson 62 Co.,)<br />

h 90 Napoleon.<br />

Donaldson Robert, Dry Dock Engine<br />

Works, h 467 Larned e.<br />

Donaldson T'Villiam C., clerk, h 74 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Donaldson William L., (col'd), cook, h 586<br />

Croghan.<br />

Donaldson & Co., (John W. and<br />

James H. Donaldson,) merchant tailors,<br />

166 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Dondero Antonio, willow ware manufactory,<br />

45 Grand River ave., h 50 same.<br />

Dondoron Catharine (wid. Anthony) h.<br />

4.21, St. Aubin ave.<br />

Donlan John, watchman, h 355 Abbott.<br />

Donlan Thomas, bds 29 Larned w.<br />

Donnan David, clerk, bds 121 Park.<br />

Donnan Eliza (wid. William) h 121 Park.<br />

Donnan William, clerk, h 121 Park.<br />

Donnelly Alexander, carpenter, h 352 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Donnelly Daniel, engineer, h 39 Bates.<br />

Donnelly Daniel, moulder, h 37 Beach.<br />

Donnelly Edward, engineer tunnel, bds St.<br />

Lawrence Hotel.<br />

Donnelly Edward S., clerk, bds 224 Third.<br />

Donnelly Ellen (wid.Edwin) h 45 Orchard.<br />

Donnelly Frank, shoemaker, bds 254<br />

Third.<br />

Donnelly John, lawyer, 91 Griswold, bds<br />

85 Howard.<br />

-<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spi ;-its Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. Po Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Donoghue Michael, carpenter, h 215 Second.<br />

Donoghue Nelson, express driver, ads 153<br />

National are.<br />

Donoghue Patrick, drayman, 4 106 Abbott.<br />

Donoghue Patrick, lab., h 267' Fifteenth.<br />

Donoghue Roger, lab., h St. Joseph bet<br />

Riopelle and Dequind~.<br />

Donoghue Samuel, clerk, bds 330+ Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Donoghue Thomas, porter, bds 106 Abbott.<br />

Donoghue Timothy, shoemaker, 17 Brewster,<br />

h same.<br />

Dmoghue Timothy, h 441 Ninth ave.<br />

Donoghue TITilliam, lab., bds 173 Eighteenth.<br />

Donovan Daniel, lab., h 290 Abbott.<br />

Donovan Daniel, h 148 Seventh.<br />

Donovan Denis, boiler maker, h 519 RIichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Donovan Dennis, mason, bds 145 Seventh.<br />

Donovan Edward, lab., bds 605 Congress e.<br />

Dof~ovttn .James, lab., bds 410 St. Antoine.<br />

Dol~nelly John, watchman, h s. w. cor Ab- Donovan James H., clerk, bds 157 Conbor<br />

t and Eleventh,<br />

gress w.<br />

Donnelly Peter, clerk, h 354 Third. Donavan James, lab., h 51 Sullivan ave.<br />

Donnelly Robert, carpenter, 352 St. Aubin Donovan Job, grocer, 537 Congress e., h<br />

ave.<br />

same.<br />

Donnelly Thomas, lab., h 316 Porter. Donovan Joliil, painter, bds n. s. Croghan<br />

Donner Henry, cigar maker, bds 464 bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Donovan Michael, drayman, bds 163 Lar-<br />

Donner Regina (wid. Jacob) seamstress, h ned w.<br />

464 Riopelle.<br />

Donovan Michael, lab., h 97 Eighth.<br />

Donner William, conductor, h 55 Prospect. Donovan Michael, teamster, h 605 Con-<br />

Donnpierre Joseph, ship carpenter, h 371 gress e.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Donovan Paul, carpenter, bds 187 Con-<br />

Donoghue Charles, saloon, 702 Michigan gress w.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

I Donovan William, moulder, bds 519<br />

Donoghue, Daniel J., lab., bds 173 Eigh- Michigan ave.<br />

teen th.<br />

I Doody Ann (wid George) h 109 Rlayberry<br />

Donoghue Humphrey, clerk, bds 441 ave.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Doody Jeremiah, boiler maker, Twenty-<br />

Donoghue James, helper, bds 342 Lafay- first n Michigan ave.<br />

ette.<br />

Doody John, lab., bds 109 Mayberry ave,<br />

Donoghue James P.. lab., bds 681 Six- Doogan Thomas, blacksmith, bds 101<br />

teen th.<br />

Larned w.<br />

Donoghue Theresa, clerk, bds 215 Second. Dooley Janies, lab., h 201 Abbott.<br />

Donoghue Joseph, lab., bds 173 Eigh- Dooley John, blacksmith, bds 101 Larned<br />

teenth.<br />

' w.<br />

Doqoghue Mary, clerk, bds 215 Second. Dooley Maria, (wid James,) h 205 Frank-<br />

Donoghue Mathew, lab., h 173 Eighteenth lin.<br />

Donoghue Xichacl, carpenter, h 130 Doolep Thomas, grocer, n w cor Chene<br />

Twelfth.<br />

, and Congress, h 165 Joseph Campau ave .<br />



JJfArflaw<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

- - -<br />

Dooley Thomas, lab., h 399 Franklin.<br />

Dooley Thomas, lab., h 4.5 Harrison ave.<br />

Dooley Willia~n, lab., h 708 Fort e.<br />

Dooling Daniel, lab., h 105 Plum.<br />

Doolittle Cha.rles, clerk, bds 62 Winder.<br />

DooliLtle George E., (Smith, Doolittle &<br />

Co.,) h 62 Wincler.<br />

Doolittle George L., clerk, bds 62 Winder.<br />

Doolittle Reuben, coachman, bds 408 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Dopfer Elizabeth, (wid William,) h 15 German.<br />

Dopfer George, lab., h 15 German.<br />

Doran Edward A., clerk, h 116 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Doran Edward H., clerk, bds 90 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Doran Elizabeth, Niss, tailoress, bds 304<br />

Third.<br />

Doran Frank, clerk, bds 90 Adams ave. w.<br />

Doran George, cigar maker, h Eighth, nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Doran James, ship:carpenter, h 9; Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Doran John, chair maker, h 234 Sixth.<br />

Doran John, carpenter, h 179 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Doran John, machinist, h 120 Labrosse.<br />

Doran Michael, h 90 Adzzms ave. w.<br />

Doran Richard, (Cliff & Dorm,)-bds 111<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Doran Thomas, 'grocer, 126 ,Labrosse, h<br />

same.<br />

Doriiinger Henry, machinist, h 520 Sixteen<br />

th.<br />

Dorivty John, huckster, h cor Fourth and<br />

Vi ae.<br />

Dorington John, lab., h 324 Franklin.<br />

Dorion Joseph, teamster, h 762 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Dork Louis. lab., h 4'iG Riopelle.<br />

Dorman Erfiest, saloon, 77 Twelfth, h<br />

same.<br />

Dorman Frank W., clerk, 11 51 Porter.<br />

Dormann Frederick, h 200 Abbott.<br />

Dorman Henry, lab. (G. W. Hudson & Co.)<br />

Dorner Frederick, cigar maker, h n s Ann<br />

bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Darner Henry, lab., h n e cor Russell and<br />

Webster.<br />

Darner John J., printer, h Riopelle bet<br />

Gratiot and Marion.<br />

Dorr Henry, cigar malrer, bds 449 Michj-<br />

.ga ave,<br />

Dorr Henry, lab., h 449 Michigan ave.<br />

Dorr George (Dorr's Hotel), 868 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Dorr John, blacksmith, h 423 Alfred.<br />

Dorr John, lab., h 404 St. Aabin ave.<br />

Dorr Philip, lab., h 586 Seventb.<br />

I Dorr Philip, machinist, h 114 Twelfth.<br />

Dorren John, lab., h n s Harriet, nr St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Dorsch Charles, tailor, bds Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Dorsey Allen (col'd), waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Dorsey Michael, carpenter, h 492 Fifth.<br />

Dorsey William (col'd), whitewasher, h<br />

216 Adams ave e.<br />

Dorsey William H., clerk, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Dorst Xaurice, moulriing works, h 149<br />

Maple.<br />

Dorst Nichael, carpenter, h 149 Maple.<br />

Dorward David (Miller & Dorward), h<br />

Sycamore s s nr Ash.<br />

Dosey Allen (col'd), waiter, h 370 Macomb.<br />

Dosey James (col'd), mason, bds 178<br />

Larned w.<br />

Doss Frederick, lab., h 529 Macomb.<br />

Dossin Charles J.. foreman Weber sash<br />

and dox factory h 118 Jay.<br />

Dostee Adelaide, (wid Edward,) h 219<br />

31:ullet~t.<br />

Dostee Edward jr, lab., bds 319 Mullett<br />

Dos tee Josephine, seamstress, bds 319 Dlul-<br />

lett.<br />

Doston Alexander R., (col'd,) bds 113 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Doston Peter, (col' d) waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Dotch Amos, (col'd) waiter, Russell Honse<br />

Dott Herman, lab., h s s German bet Du-<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Doty Alexander H., clerk. h 161 Wayne.<br />

Doty Charles B., clerk, bds 85 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Doty Duane, superintendent <strong>Detroit</strong> Pub-<br />

lic schools, office Capitol building, h 86<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Doty Ellis A., clerk, bds 83 Lafayette ave.<br />

Doty George jeweller, old 49, new, 57<br />

Woodward ave, h 310 Jefferson ave.<br />

Doty Henry, h 83 Lafictyette ave.<br />

Doty John, mason, h 10 Clinton.<br />

Doty Rosa, dressmaker, h cor Congress<br />

and Russell.<br />

Doty Sarah, (wid Sidney,) tailoress, h 239<br />

Lafa ette.<br />

Doty i! homas P., clerk, bds 83 Lnfayette<br />

ave.<br />

Doubleday George A., clerk, h 162 Second.<br />

Dougher Edward, carpenter, h 197 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Dougherty Jeremiah, machinist, h Wil-<br />

liams ave nr Linden.<br />

Dougherty J., clerk, bds 233 Jefferson ave,<br />

Dougherty John, lab., h 69 Pine,

9<br />

~ O U ~ T Rm O ~<br />

Dougherty John, lab., h 419 Twelfth.<br />

Dougherty John, plasterer, bds 130 Sixth.<br />

Dougherty John, hack driver, bds 41 Cass.<br />

Dougherty John H., mirror and<br />

picture frames, 287 Jefferson ave, h 52<br />

Russell. (See adv.)<br />

Dougherty Joseph, sailor, h 133 Chestnut.<br />

~RECTORT. DOW 211<br />



JUNE & COeYS<br />



oysters in the She]] a specialty. wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Do~'ghert~ millin~~ bds 382 Grmd<br />

River ave.<br />

Dougherty Patrick, lab., h Williams ave nr<br />

Linden.<br />

Downer Andrew O., bds 1% Columbia e.<br />

Dougherty Patrick, plasterer, bds 130 DOWNER HENRY E., engraver, 103<br />

Sixth.<br />

IVoodward ave., h 12 Columbia e. (See<br />

Dougherty Samuel K.:clerk:bds 47 Fort w. adv.)<br />

Dougherty Theodore, clerk, bds 100 Con- Downer Martin L-, baggageman, bds 66<br />

gress e.<br />

Howard.<br />

Dougherty Thomas, bartender, Michigan Downey Catharine, (wid Hugh,) h n S Ful-<br />

Exchange.<br />

ton bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Dougherty Thomas, lab., h 286 Fifth. Downey Jeremiah, drayman, h I78 Beach.<br />

Douglass James G., clerk, h 346 Third. Downey John, bds 89 Fifth.<br />

Douglass Luther N., engineer, h 722 Downey Jonn, carpenter, h n s Fulton bet<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Dfjuglass Samuel T.,lawyer,GS Seitz block, Downey John, drayman, h 394 Fifth.<br />

res Grosse Isle.<br />

Downep John, meat market 1 C H H, and<br />

Douglass William N., clerk department of 723 Mich ave, h same.<br />

lakes, h 323 Fort e.<br />

Downey John J., clerk, h cor Joy & Third<br />

Douhor, Julius, mason, h !X"7 Lafayette. Downey B'argaret, (wid Owen), bds 332<br />

Dourville Frank, shoemaker, h n s Bellair Grand River ave.<br />

bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Downey Maurice, boots and shoes, 243<br />

Dourville Henry, carpenter, h 369 Hast- Michigan nve, h same.<br />

ings.<br />

Downey Michael, drayman, h 13 Maria.<br />

Doury Louis,lab., bds 594 Woodbridge IT. Downey Jfichael, lab., h 203 Seventh.<br />

Doussault Peter, bricklayer, h 391 Frank- Downey Patrick, lab., h 203 Seventh.<br />

lin.<br />

Downey, Wm., painter, h 419 Fort e.<br />

Dousseau Gabriel, mason, h 402 Franklin. Downie andrew (A. Downie & Son,) h 84<br />

Dow Albert G., (Dow Bros.), bds 82 Ab- Porter.<br />

bott.<br />

Downie Charles, (A. Downie & Soq,) bds<br />

Dow Marcus F., assistant cashier <strong>Detroit</strong> 84 Porter.<br />

Savings Bank, h Grosse Point.<br />

Downie John, (Robert Downie & Son,) h<br />

Dow Warren, (Dow Bros.), h old 21 Win- 768 Woodbridge w.<br />

der.<br />

Downie Julia, (wid George,) Seventh, bet<br />

DOW Bros., (Warren and Albert G. Orchard and Plum.<br />

wiregoods, 52 Woodward ave. (See adv.) Downie Robert, (Robert Downie & Son,)<br />

Dowd Edward, carriage trimmer, bds 96 h 769 Fort W.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Downie Wm., lab., h 447 Seventeenth.<br />

Dowd James, upholsterer, bcls Sixth, cor Downie A. & Son, (Andrew and Charles,)<br />

Howsrd.<br />

grocers, 11'7 Michigan ave.<br />

Dowd Mary, (wid Patrick,) h 114 Howard. Downie Robert & Son (Robert and John),<br />

Dowdal Thomas, grocer, 400 Twelfth, h groceries, 769 Fort w.<br />

same.<br />

Downing Andrew, captain, bds Mansion<br />

Dowe Weighty Elvira, h 96 Riopelle. House.<br />

Dowdell James O., cigar maker, h 108 Downing David,pressman,bds 264 Seventh<br />

Bronson.<br />

Downing Wm., cafpenter, h Lafayette<br />

Dowle~ William, boat builder, h 661 Frank- Place bet Twenty-first and Twentylin.<br />

second.<br />

Dowling Lawrence, trunkmaker, bds 270 Downing Wm., plasterer, bds 272 Wood-<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Dowling Morgan E., notary public, bds 104 Downlock Thomas, boarding house, 3<br />

Congress m.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Dowliug Patrick, carpenter, h p70 Elim- Downs Catharine, (wid James), h Arch<br />

bet11 e.<br />

bet Crawford and Fifth.<br />

Dowling William, clerk, h 98 Porter. Downs James, produce, h Arch bet Craw-<br />

Dowling Richard, lab., h new 27 old 23 ford and Fifth.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Downs John, lab., h 169 Seventeenth.<br />



A I Drake James, carriage maker, bds 92<br />

Larned e.<br />

Drake Hush E., studeat, bds 34 Fort w.<br />

Dralshagen Clements, grocer, n. w. cor.<br />

of Joseph Campau ave and Sherman,<br />

h same.<br />

Dramburg Charles, carriage builder, h w.<br />

s. Fourth, bet Cuttler and McLean.<br />

Dramburg Frederick, engineer, bds cor<br />

Grand River ave., and Cherry.<br />

Drank Henry, peddlar, h 241 Adams ave e.<br />

Draper Charles, carpenter, h 307 Dubois.<br />

Draper Edward W., shoemaker, h 568<br />

Seventh.<br />

Draper James H., (col'd) barber, h Fort e.,<br />

bet Brush and Randolph.<br />

Draper William, carpenter, (Candler<br />

Bros.)<br />

Drecher Henry, lab., bds 320 Chestnut.<br />

Dreger Louis, lab., h s. s. German bet<br />

Chene - - and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Dreger ~illiam, lib., h 216 Chestnut.<br />

Dreher Caspar, blacksmith, h 164 Rivard.<br />

Dreher Charles L., confectioner, bds 334<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Dreher Gustav, machinist, bds 324 Riopelle.<br />

Dreher Henry (Dreher Bros.) h 68 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Dreher Joseph, (Dreher Bros.) h 68 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Dreher John B. (Sanders & Dreher),<br />

h 355 Hastings.<br />

Dreher Louis F., watchmaker, h 324 Riopelle.<br />

Dreher Bros. (Henry and Joseph), grocers,<br />

68 Columbia e.<br />

Dreigel Ludwig, carpenter, bds 334 Hastings.<br />

Dreisenberg Ernest, bar tender, bds 24<br />

Monroe ive.<br />

Drellick Charles, butcher, h 356 Franklin.<br />

Drenberg William, porter, h 370 Juliett.<br />

Drennan Joseph, carpenter, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Drering Christine (wid John), h 234 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Dressler Christian, cooper, h 310 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Dreoes Christian, lab., h 349 Sherman.<br />

Drew Caroline (wid William T.), boarding<br />

h 116+ Randolph.<br />

Drew George A,, cigar - maker, bds 1163<br />

Randolph.<br />

Drew Edward, sailor, tds 1163 Randolph,<br />

Drew John, Daily Union, h 318 Fourth.<br />

~rewei Christian; cigar maker, bds n w cor<br />

Chene and Sherman.<br />

Drewes Frederick, cigar maker, h 389<br />

Sherman.<br />

Drewes John, saloon, n w cor Chene and<br />

Sherman, h same. -<br />

Drewery Mrs. Fidilia, bdu 135 Columbia e.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Doyle Cornelius, engineer, h 130 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Doyle Dennis, carpenter, h 22 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Doyle Edward, carpenter, h 20 Seventh.<br />

Doyle Edward, manager <strong>Detroit</strong> blttnufac-<br />

turing Co., 16 Wood bridge w, h 24 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Doyle Edward, teamster, (Backus & Bro.)<br />

Doyle Edward W., machinist, h 197 Sev-<br />

en teenth.<br />

Doyle Henry, lab., bds Railroad Exchange<br />

Doyle James, lab., bds 173 Fort e.<br />

Doyle James, lab., h 117 3Eacomb.<br />

Doyle John, blacksmith, bds 577 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Doyle John, carpenter, h 123 Eighth.<br />

Doyle John, fireman, bds Fourth nr 3Iarcy<br />

Doyle John, lab., b Dubois e s bet Mullett<br />

and Clinton.<br />

Doyle John,lab., bds old 830 Jefferson ave.<br />

Doyle Elizabeth Mrs., fancy goods, 156<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Doyle Louise, (wid) h 1'73 Eort e.<br />

Doyle Mary (wid Martin) boarding house,<br />

123 Sixth.<br />

Doyle Mathew, shoe finisher, bds 55 Mich-<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

Doyle Nichael, drayman, h Fourth nr<br />

3Iarcy.<br />

Dojle Michael A,: b 156 Gratiot.<br />

Doyle Patrick, porter, h 301 dbhott.<br />

Doyle Patrick, sawyer, h 531 Larned e.<br />

Doyle Thomas, tailor, h 296 Abbott.<br />

Doyle Timothy, tug mate, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Doyle William, lab., h 75 Plum.<br />

Drage JohnP., street car tlliver, old 433<br />

Macomb.<br />

Drager Ludwig, lab., h s s German nr.<br />

Bloody Run Ditch.<br />

Drago Niss Eliza, h old 100 Farrrtr.<br />

Drahoral Adolph, shoemaker, h 356 Wal-<br />

son.<br />

Drake Aaron S. (nelknap & Drake) h 183<br />

Cass.<br />

Drake Daniel C., clerk, bds Finney7s Hotel.<br />

Drake Elijah H., physician and surgeon,<br />

34 Fort w., h same. .<br />

Drnkc IIaxlow B., student, bds 34 Fort w.


-<br />

Drewery William J., carriage maker, h 17<br />

Baker.<br />

Drexel Mary (wid John A,), druggist, 603<br />

Croghan, h same.<br />

Drexler Frank J., printer, h 273 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Drexler John, lab., h 240 Montcalm e.<br />

Drexelius Peter, grocer, 2'70 Macomb, h<br />

same.<br />

Dreyer John, cigar maker, h 369 Brewster.<br />

Dreyer William, helper, h 236 Chestnut.<br />

Dridame John, cigar maker, h 60 Division.<br />

Driggs Frederick E. (Neddaugh & Driggs),<br />

h 46 Lafayette ave,<br />

Driggs P., engraver, bds 101 Cass.<br />

Dringberg William, pork packer, h 3'iO<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Drinkaus Philip, machinist, bds 229 3Iont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Drinkel Jacob, sawyer, bds 201 Chestnut.<br />

Drinkwater Jonah, bonnet bleacher, 206<br />

Riopelle, h same.<br />

Driscoll Cornelius, engineer, h 14 Chene.<br />

Driscoll Cornelius, sailor, bds 200 Franklin.<br />

Driscoll Dennis, lab., h 455 keventeenth.<br />

Driscoll John, moulder, bds 455 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Driscoll John O., lab , bds 667 Atwater.<br />

Driscoll Margaret, (wid Patrick,) h 201<br />

Franklin.<br />

Driscoll Patrick, house mover, h w s<br />

Twelfth nr Dickson.<br />

Driscoll Thomas, policeman, bds 200<br />

Wight.<br />

Drodh Charles, tanner, h 115 Gratiot.<br />

Droege Frederick, (Droege & Comly,) h<br />

156 Marion.<br />

Droege & Comly, (Frederick Droege &<br />

David S. Comly,) cabinet manuf. 55 and<br />

57 Farmer.<br />

Droele John, drayman, h 329 Brcinson.<br />

Droste Henry, wire weaver, bds 436 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Droster William, tinsmith, bds 285 At-<br />

water.<br />

DroIet Peter, carpenter, h 325 Fort e.<br />

Drolshagen Frank, saloon, 71 Griswold, h<br />

205 W ilkins.<br />

Drouillard Ely, machinist, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Drouillard Oliver, sailor, h 12 Hnstings.<br />

Drowley Richard, boiler maker, h 252 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Druillardt Henry, cabinet maker, bds 112<br />

Marion.<br />

Drulliea Julius,pipe fitting,h 240 Sherman.<br />

Drum Abraham, lab., h 539 Lamed e.<br />

Urummon Charles, boiler maker, h 418<br />

Franklin.<br />

Drummond James, tailor, h 5'74 Congress e.<br />

Drummond Johanna, (wid Thomas,) h 223<br />

Howard.<br />

Drummond .John, lab., bds 223 Hownrd.<br />

Drummy Michael, drayman, h 233 Harri-<br />

son me.<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Lamed etreet.<br />

Parke, Dav8s & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Drury Hsnnah,nurse, h 115 Woodbridge e,<br />

Drury Thomas,drayman,h 224 Fourteenth.<br />

Drury William H., finisher, bds 44 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Druscher Frederick, lab., h 529 Macomb.<br />

Druyou Oliver, mason, h 5'75 Lafayette.<br />

Drydame John, cigar maker, h 61 Division.<br />

Dry Dock Engine Works, Wm.<br />

Cowie president aud treasurer, 451 At-<br />

water e. (See udv.)<br />

Dryden John, lab., h 23 Crswford.<br />

Drysdale Alexander, clerk, h 91 Abbott.<br />

Drysdale James M., clerk, bds 91 Abbott.<br />

Drysdale Patrick, malster, bds 146 Larned<br />

W.<br />

Dubach John, foreman Michigan Central<br />

car shop, h 135 Baker.<br />

Dubay David, bds s e cor Second and<br />

Larned.<br />

Dubay David, omnibus driver, bds 63<br />

Howard.<br />

Dubo Abraham, lab., h 26 Wight.<br />

Dubois Aziah, lab., h 460 Woodbridge e.<br />

Dubois Charles, mason, h 209 Alfred.<br />

Dubois Charles, teamster, h 128 Hastings,<br />

Dubois Ezra, agt, (C. D, W idman (B; Go.,)<br />

h 408 Woodbridge e.<br />

Dubois Ganore, corker, h 557 congress e.<br />

Dubois James, farmer, h 724 Jefferson ave,<br />

Dubois James D., clerk, h 1 cil Filth.<br />

Dubois John, clerk, h 258 High.<br />

Dubois John, tailor, h 231 Croghan.<br />

Dut~ois John M., clerk, h 362 High.<br />

Dubois Louis, planing mill and sash factory,<br />

585 Atwater, h n TV cor Larned<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Dubois Melinda, wid Samuel,) h 1G1 Fifth<br />

Du bois Stephen, mason, bds 23 1 Croghan.<br />

Dubray Thomas, brass moulder, bds cur<br />

Twelfth and Lafayette.<br />

Dubuar James A.,proprietor Det. Blouk<br />

MTorks, Atwater, bet. Bates and Randolph,<br />

bds 75 Larned w.<br />

Duchain Charles, lab., h 329 3Iontcalm e.<br />

Dnchain Charles, jr., hlessenger Director<br />

of' the Poor, h 929 bIontcalru.<br />

Duchain Charles, trunk maker, bds 389<br />

ltlontcalm e.<br />

Duchain George, sailor, bds 25 Bates.<br />

Ducharme Alfred J., (Ducharme, l'ren tiss<br />

62 Co.,) h 348 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ducharme Charles, (Buhl. Ducharme &<br />

Co.,) h Jefferson, s s nr Joseph Campau<br />



Dumble Francis D., plasterer, bds 141 Lo- LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

cust.<br />

Dumgay John, carpenter, h 415 Lafayette e<br />

Dummel Christian, lab., h 217 German.<br />

Dumo Joseph, carpenter, h 523 Fort e.<br />

Dumon Fabien, shoemaker, h 197 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Dulnond Mrs. Margaret, dressmaking, 132<br />

Labrosse, bds same.<br />

Durnont Chas. E., h 174 Macomb.<br />

Dumont Frank, plasterer, h 366 Riopelle.<br />

Du~nont James. caulker, h 94 Dequindre.<br />

Dumontier Alexander, blacksmith, h 450<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Dumontier Chas., mason, bds 450 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Dumontier Louis, lab., h Thirteenth nr<br />

Fort.<br />

Dumontier Richard, clerk, bds 360 Franklin.<br />

Dumphy James, clerk, h 62 Henry.<br />

Dumpier John, lab., h s. e. cor Dubois and<br />

New below Gratiot.<br />

Dumpier Lucy, (wid. Frank) h n. w. cor<br />

Dubois and New, below Gratiot.<br />

Dumpier Margeretha (wid. Frank) h n.<br />

s. New, bet St. Anbin ave and Dubois<br />

Gratiot and German.<br />

Dururowske Michael, lab., h e. s. Joseph<br />

Campau ave., b8t Catharine and Sherman.<br />

Dun R. G. & Co., mercantile agency, Geo.<br />

H.Minchener.manager, 159 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dunar, ~obert,'mason, h n. s. Fulton, bet Dunk Thomas, painter, bds 19 Cass.<br />

Fourth and Craw ford. -<br />

Dunkel Theodore, lnorocco fin~sher, bds<br />

Dunbar Henry, (col'd) porter, bds Clinton, w s Twenty-third bet Butternut and Ash.<br />

opposite hospital.<br />

Dunks Charles H., spring bed man-<br />

Dunbrock Frederick, cigar maker, h 585 ufacturer, 167,169 and 1'71 Griswold, h<br />

Macomb.<br />

40 Gratiot. (See nda.)<br />

Duncan Archibald, ship carpenter, h 73 Dunlap George, (Dun lap, Donaldson &<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Co.), h 11 Elizabeth w.<br />

Duncan Catharine, (wid. Dugald) h 107 Dunlap John, moulder, 11 91 St Antoine.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Dun1:tp Nelson, plasterer, h 10 Humboldt<br />

Duncan Ellison, bds 100 Congress e. ave.<br />

Duncan Ellison E., h 100 Congress e. Dunlap William H., lab., h 95 St. AD toine.<br />

Duncan Frank C., bds 108 Lafayette ave. Dunlap William H., tailor shop, 35 Bates,<br />

Dnncan George, shoemaker, bds Good- h same.<br />

man House.<br />

Dunlap, Donaldson & Co.,<br />

Duncan Harriet (wid Henry) h 15 Winder. (George Dunlap and James P. Donald-<br />

Duncan Harriet S., (wid. John L.) bds 631 son,) ship chandlers, 22 Wood ward ape.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

(See ada.)<br />

Duncan James T., engineer, h 312 Lafay- Dunlop Alexander F., architect, h 78 Coette.<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Duncan John, bds '73 Fifteenth.<br />

Dummal Christopher, lab., h 21 German.<br />

Dun can Margaret (wid. Mathew) tailoress Dunn Catharine, (wid Thomas,) h 177 Orh<br />

646 Fifteenth.<br />

chard.<br />

Duncan Margarette, L., (wid. Thomas) Dunn Frederick, saloon, 209 Woodbridge<br />

washerwoman, h 138, Grand River ave. w: h same.<br />

Duncan Mary, h rear 206 Wood ward ave. Dunn Frank, moulder, h 382 Fort e.<br />

Duncan Mary. (wid. John) washerwoman, nunn George, flagman, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

h 12 Spruce.<br />

Dunn George, joiner, h 59 First.<br />

Duncan Moses, clerk, h 73 Duffield. D~nn George, lab., bds 59 First.<br />

Duncan Symington, machinist. h 184 Dunn Ignatius, (Dunn Bros.), h 105 Lar-<br />

Orleans.<br />

ned w.<br />


JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysteru in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

-<br />

Duncan WilJiam, saddlery llardware<br />

165 Jefferson Eve, h old 74 Miami ave.<br />

(,See Adv.)<br />

Duncan William C., h 108 Lafayette we.<br />

Duncklee Benjamin F., printer, h 236<br />

Watson.<br />

Duncklee William C., pressman, bds 216<br />

Congress e.<br />

Dunckiee William S., mailing clerk Trib-<br />

une office, h 216 Congress e.<br />

Dung Adolph, shoemaker, h 6 Pearl.<br />

Dnngan Alexander, (col'd) saddler, h 141<br />

Brewster.<br />

Dungrow Moses, carpenter, h w s Twelfth<br />

nr Clitt.<br />

Dunham David B., (Dunham & Co.,) h<br />

131 Congress e.<br />

Dunhtim & Co., (David B. Dunham and<br />

Sumner Kniqht.) oil, 52 and 54 She!l)y.<br />

Dunivan Charles, h 45 Sproat.<br />

Dunivan John, teamster, h 45 Sproat.<br />

Dunk David, painter, bds 19 Cass.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Dunning Edward H., clerk, bds 281 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Denning George W., carpenter, h 16 Bezch<br />

Dunning William H., insurance agent, h<br />

156 Adams ave e.<br />

Dumpiere John, lab., h cor Dubois and<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Dunphy Phillipp, carpenter, h 69 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Dunphy Richard, lab., h I42 Orch~rd.<br />

Dunton Isaac W., stone cutter, h 477<br />

Sixth.<br />

Dupert Andreas, lab., h 356 Sherman.<br />

Dupont Alexaader, carpenter, (Backus &<br />

Bro.)<br />

Dupont Alexandre, machinist, h 102 Ben-<br />

ton.<br />

Dupont. Miss Celia, dress maker, bds 328<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Dupont Charles, cigar maker, bds 474 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Dupont Charles, wagon maker, h 102<br />

Frankliu.<br />

Dupont Charles A., foreman M. C. R. R.<br />

car shop, h 220 Sixth.<br />

Dupont Charles, jr., clerk, bds 102 Frank-<br />

Dunn Isaac, (col'd) sailor, bds 67 Clinton.<br />

Dunn James, lab., h 375 Franklin.<br />

Dunn James H., moulder, bds 382 Fort e.<br />

Dunn Jolln, blacksmith, h 83 Crawford.<br />

Dunn Joiln, hackman, h 82 Lafayette.<br />

Dunn John, (Dunn & Bros.,) h 105 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Dunn Lawrance, lab., bds 177 Orchard.<br />

Dunn Mary, clerk, bds n e cor Crawford<br />

and Fulton.<br />

Dunn Peter, (Hilsendegen & Dunn, h 578<br />

Congress e.<br />

Dunn Phillip, dragman, h s w cor Cro- lin.<br />

chsn and Orleans.<br />

Dupont George, carpenter, h s s High bet<br />

~hnn Robert, clerk, h 65 St. Aubin ave. Russell and Riopelle.<br />

Dunn Robert H., moulder, h 232 Thir- Dupont George H., telegraph operator,<br />

teen th and-a-half.<br />

151 Jefferson ave. bds 102 Franklin.<br />

Dunu Robert W., car maker, h 107 Ahbott. Dupon t Louis, confectioner, 283 Jefferson<br />

Dunn Sarah, clerk, n e cur Crawford and ave, h 348 Sixth.<br />

Fulton.<br />

Dunn S-ephen D., clerk, h 250 Park. Dupont Peter, agent, h 310 High.<br />

Dunn Thomas, bds 63 Michigan ave. Dupont Samuel A., clerk, bds 348 Sixth.<br />

Dunn Thomas, lab., h 175 Orchard. Dupont William,arent,druggist, 172 Mich-<br />

Dunn Thomas G., car builder, h 260 Thir- igan ave, h 235 Fourth.<br />

teen th and .a-half.<br />

Duprat Charles B., clerk, h 12 Mechanic.<br />

Duan Thomas P., mason, h 147 Harrison Duprey Frank, mood dealer, foot Rioave.<br />

pelle, h 613 Lafayette.<br />

Dunn William, back owner, h 138 Mullett. Duprey John, carpenter, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Dunn William, machinist, bds 65 St. Au- Duprey John. lab., bds 613 Lafayette.<br />

bin ave.<br />

Duprey Joseph, carpenter, h 546 Fort e.<br />

Dunn Bros., (John and Ignat.ius Dunn,) Duprey Louis, sailor, h old 524 Franklin.<br />

grocers, s w cor Larned and First. Duprey Peter, carpenter, h 260 Franklin.<br />

Dunn~backe Anton, carpenter, h 32 Clin- Dupuis Augustus J. (Johnson & Dupuis)<br />

ton.<br />

h s w cor Jefferson ave and Walker.<br />

D u~ebacke P. Ferdinand, baggage mas- Dupuis Henry C. (Johnson & Dupuis), h<br />

ter M. C. R. R.. h 213 Fifth.<br />

960 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dun nebacke Henry, harness maker, bds Durand John H. (J. H. Durand di; Co.), h<br />

99 Gratiot.<br />

199 Howard.<br />

Dunnebacke John, carpenter, h 56 Fort e. Durand Wiiliam M., clerk, bds 199 How-<br />

Dunnebacke John H., grocerg, 196 Frank- I ard.<br />

- - --<br />

lin, h same.<br />

Dunnebacke Joseph, harness maker, 99<br />

Durand J. H. 2% Co. (John H. Durand and<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Alanson Botsford), carriage makers, 389<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Dunnebacke Miss Mary, clerk, bds 56 Fort<br />

e.<br />

Durant Archer J., clerk, bds 15 John R.<br />

Dunnebacke William J., (Jelsch & Co.,) Durant William C., clerk, h 113 Howard.<br />

bds 56 Fort e.<br />

Durernoy Louis, carpenter, h Gratiot,<br />

Durney Henry R., printer, h 746 Wood- nr Joseph Campau ave.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Durfee Benjamin C., jobber, h 187<br />

Dunning Darwin, carpenter, h 16 Beach. Grand River ave.


Durfee Edgar O., clerk, city attorney's<br />

office, h 96 Montcalm e.<br />

Durfee Miss Julia M., physician, 30G<br />

Woodward ave, 2d floor.<br />

Durk Augustus, tobacco cutter, h 312<br />

Larned e.<br />

Durk Jacob, refreshment stall 58 C. H. M.,<br />

h 112 Larned e,<br />

Durker William, lab., b 184 Labrosse.<br />

Durker Frank, shoemaker, bds 392 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Durker Michael, shoemaker, h 392 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Durker Theodore, shoemaker, bds 392 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Durmflinger William, apprentice, bds 312<br />

Chestnut.<br />

I<br />


Will find it to thtir advantage to call at our oBce<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


I Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Duyuette Oliver, blacksmith, h 487 Croghae<br />

Duzenger Joseph, lab., h 381 Juliett.<br />

~~~l~ J~~US,<br />

butcher, bds 353 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Dwight Alfred A,, lumberman, h 181 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Durnau Charles. printer, bds 164 ~ ~ w. ~ Dwight e Alfred d T., clerk, (E. Jerome $;<br />

Durney Anthony, lab., bds 26 Monroe ave. co ), h 165 Congress e.<br />

Durnell George, carpenter, h 213 Watson. Dwight Charles, machinist, bds 206 Por-<br />

Durney Henry R., printer, h 746 Wood- ter.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Dwight Edwin A., machinist, h 206 Porter.<br />

Durniog Patrick, harness maker, h 173 Dwight Lyman B., manager Montreal<br />

Beach.<br />

telegraph, h 268 Brush.<br />

DurOcke Frank, grocer, 214 Prospect, h Dwigl. t Walter T., (Walter T. Dwight &<br />

same.<br />

Co.), bds 165 Con, oress e.<br />

Durocke Louis, clerk, bds 214 Prospect. Dwight William M., (W. M. Dwight &<br />

Duross John, lab., h 135 Wight.<br />

Co.), h 751 Jefferson ave.<br />

Duress Michael, grocer, n w tor con- Dwight Walter T., & Co., (Walter T.<br />

g ess and Hastings, h same.<br />

Dwight,) advertising agents, rooms 24<br />

Duross Patrick, lab., h 433 Guoin.<br />

and 25 Rotunda.<br />

Duross Peter, lab., h 674 Franklin. Dwight W. M. & Co., (William M.<br />

L)U~OSS Thomas, moulder, h 756 Franklin. Dwight, Josellh Hawley, & El;jah C.<br />

Jhrst Jacob, carpenter, h 144 Eighteenth. Morse,) wholesale hardwood lumber, of-<br />

Durt Thomas, painter, bds 19 Cass.<br />

fice and yard Atwater e foot Riopelle.<br />

Duryea Abrsm, foreman Boston shoe store, (& ndn).<br />

h 80 Pitcher.<br />

Drouillard Henry, cabinet maker, h 112<br />

Duryea Ruliff, printer, h 435 Fort e. Marion.<br />

Duryea William S., clerk, h 209 Fourth. Drouillard Henry, joiner, h 304 3Iontcalrn<br />

Dusner Fred, boiler maker, 458 Fort e. e.<br />

Dussaul John, porter, h 15 Griswdd. Dwonak Alois, bds 532 Michigan ave.<br />

Dust Frederick, teamster, h 522 Macomb. Dwyer Cornelius, grocer, 81 Eightecnth, h<br />

Dust William F., lithographer, bds 522 same.<br />

Macomb.<br />

D wyer Daniel, lab, h 96 Division.<br />

Dustie Edward, carpenter, hds 519 Mullett. Dwyer Denis, shoemaker, bds 85 Plum.<br />

Dustin Samuel C., (Fernald & Dustin), res D wyer Edward, engineer, M. C. R. R.<br />

Elgin Ill.<br />

Dwyer James, <strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Works, res.<br />

Dustin Sealah, steam boat captain, h 134 Hamtramck.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Dwyer Jeremiah, and confectionary,<br />

Dustille George, boiler maker, h 28 Beau- 125 Jefferson ave., h 68 same.<br />

bien.<br />

Dw yer Jeremiah, superintendent Michigan<br />

Dutch John H., lab., h 430 St. Antoine. Stove Works, h 1024 Jefferson aye.<br />

Dutton James R., chief clerk statistic Dep. Dwyer John, carpenter, h 94 Franklin.<br />

M. C. R. R., h 175 Fifth.<br />

Dwyer John, fireulan, h 117 Twenty-<br />

Duval Frances, bar maid, bds 16 Franklin. Second.<br />

Duvernois Adolph W., clerk, bds 7'7 Bla- Dwyer John, grocer, 92 Porter, h same.<br />

comb.<br />

Dwyer John, switchman, h 205 Abbott.<br />

Duvernois Frederick W., insurance agent, Dwyer John M., (Dwyer & Vhay, h 182<br />

60 Monroe ave, h 17 Macomb.<br />

Howard.<br />

Du er Mrs. Norah, (wid Edward), h 65 Dwyer Michael, lab., h 103 Porter.<br />

8olurnbia w.<br />

Dwyer Patrick, drayman, h 85 Plum.<br />

Duynsluger Henry, grocer, Croyhan bet Dwyer Patrick, lab., h 22 Leland.<br />

Joseph Campau and McDeugall aves, h Dwer Patrick, moulder, bds n w. :tor<br />

same.<br />

Wight and Joseph Campau ave.<br />





SEE PAGE 39<br />

Dwyer Timothy, carpenter, h 279 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Dwyer William, carpenter, h 71 Wight.<br />

D wyer William, lab., bds 92 Porter.<br />

Dwyer William B., h 46 Pitcher.<br />

Dwyer & Vhay, (John M. Dwyer and<br />

James H. Vhay,) wholesale fruits, 68<br />

Jeffersoc ave.<br />

Dwyn Thomas, lab., h 217 Xontcalm e.<br />

Dyer George A., carpenter, h Alacomb,<br />

bet. St. Antoine and Hastiugs.<br />

Dyer George R., clerk, bds 104 Congress w.<br />

Dyer Hugh W., clerk, bds 55 Fort w.<br />

Dyer James, moulder, h s e cor Mullett<br />

and BlcDougall ave.<br />

Dyer John W., agent, 98 Jefferson ave., bds<br />

287 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dyer Joseph, core maker, h 116 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Dyer Joseph, teamster& 476 Woodbridce e<br />

Dyke Alfred, shoemaker, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Dyke James, sailor, bds 305 Crogl~an.<br />

Dyke Thomas J., clerk, bds 101 Cass.<br />

nykman Walker B. clerk, h 69 Second.<br />

nyson Miss Jane, h o 483 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dyson \V m., superintendent of poor, h 215<br />

Park.<br />

Dzur Chas., lab., h 296 Benton,<br />

E<br />

ADY JOHN, lab., bcls 320 Congress<br />

E west.<br />

Eady Jonathan, machinist, bds cor Eighth<br />

and Labrosse.<br />

Eagan James, lab., h 62 Laflyette.<br />

Eagan .James, printer, h 3 Franklin.<br />

Eagan John. bds 21 2 Wooclward ave.<br />

Eagan P~trick, lab., h 259 Sixth.<br />

Eagan Patrick, tailor, bds 160 Crawford.<br />

Elzgnn Thomas, boiler-maker, h 4'76 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Eacan Thomas, (T.Eagan & Co.,) h 190<br />

Third.<br />

Esgan William, lab., h alley bet Porter<br />

and Abbott and Third and Fourth.<br />

Eagan Wineford, (wid Thomas) h 573<br />

Congress e.<br />

Eagan T. & Go., (Tl-romas E~gan and<br />

George Cox,) horse shoers, 153 Larned w.<br />

Eagle Jdhn E., trunk maker, bds Division<br />

bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br /> Tmnsport.ation Co., P. E. Wright,<br />

President, foot Griswold.<br />

Eakins Henry, gardener, h St. John's<br />

Rectory, Woodward ave.<br />

Eakins John H., patent right, h 108 Farrar<br />

Eakins Walter, teamster, h 319 Hastings.<br />

Eaman John M., druggist, h 25 Henry.<br />

Eatnan Mary A., teacher, bds 25 Hecry.<br />

Earns William, butcher, h 213 Catharine.<br />

Earey George, lab., h Sixteenth, w. s. bet<br />

Ash and Myrtle.<br />

Earl Edward P., glass, 44 Jefferson ave,<br />

h 192 Congress w.<br />

Earl Ezra R., contractor, bds 236 Congress<br />

emt.<br />

Earl John, saloon, 3 Church, h same.<br />

Earl William, jr., wood engraver, bds 305<br />

Croghan.<br />

Earl William E., engraver on wood, 42<br />

Larued w., h 305 Croghan.<br />

Earle Jefferson, (commission) h I14 Cass.<br />

Earle Emma W., (wid. Washington) h 114<br />

Cass.<br />

Early Sylvester N., clerk, bds 164, Park.<br />

Earnshaw Abram W., sailor, h 1'78 Harris-<br />

on ave.<br />

Earnast Godfried, lah., h 65 Chestnut.<br />

Earnst Henry, lab., h Farnsworth e Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Enstabrook Chauncy, conductor <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

city rail way.<br />

Eastabrook Mary, (wid. William) h Third<br />

e. s. nr. Bruinsrd.<br />

Easson David, blacksmith, h 644 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Eastman Daniel. bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Eastern Malt House, Thomas D. Haaley<br />

proprietor, 135 a,nd 137 St. Antoine.<br />

Easton Henry H., clerk, bds 318 Randolph.<br />

Easton James T., clerk, M. D. T. Co., ' bds<br />

315 Randolph.<br />

Easton Jane A., (wid. Henry) h 31 8 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Easton Thomas C., clerk, bds 318 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Eastwell Martin, blacksmith, h 314 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Eastwick Eugene, machinist, bds 29 I<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Eathe Stephen, carpenter, h 8% Antietam.<br />

Eaton Alonzo, register of deeds, room 8<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, h 4 Nacomb ave.<br />

Eaton Caleb, clerk, register deeds, bds<br />

44 Maconlb ave.<br />

Eaton Carolina, (wid. George) h 329<br />

Congress e.<br />

Eaton Charles H., boat builder, bds 329<br />

Congress e.<br />

Eaton Charles S., clerk Michigan Es-<br />

change.<br />

Eaton Elizabeth (wid. Robert) h Mt. Hope<br />

ave., nr Magnolia.<br />

Eatherly Florence D., clerk, bds 379 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Faton George, policeman, bds 8, e, cor<br />

Fourteenth and Howard,


Eaton James Ray carpenter, bds Mt. Hope<br />

ave nr Magnolia.<br />

Eaton Joseph, carpenter, bds 402 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Eaton 0. P., physician, bds 72 Adelaide.<br />

Eaton Theodore H., (Theo. H. Eaton &<br />

Son,) h 484 Jefferson ave.<br />

Eaton Theodore H., jr., (Theo. H. Eaton<br />

& Son,) bds 484 Jefferson ave.<br />

Eaton Theo. H & Son, (Theo. H. Eaton<br />

and Theodore H. Eaton, jr.,) wholesale<br />

druggists, 18 Woodward ave.<br />

Eavens Thomas, drayman, h 207 Lafayette<br />

Eber Coon, carpenter, h 55 Bronson.<br />

Eber John, clerk, bds Goodman House.<br />

Eberbach Wm., (Sauter & Go.,) h 55 Sher-<br />

Ln8ll.<br />

3i)erhardt Chas., lab., h 163 Fori e.<br />

Eberhar dt Andrew, carpenter, bds 2S2<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Eberhardt Henry, h 192 Macomb.<br />

Eberle Fred, h s e cor Charlotte ave and<br />

Second.<br />

Eberle Peter, meat and vegetables, Cass<br />

market, h 867 Cass ave.<br />

Eberson Gordon, lab., bds n s Fremont nr<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Ebert Christ, lab., h 133 Williams ave.<br />

Ebert Michael, boots and shoes, 142 Fort<br />

e, h same.<br />

Eberts Henry, teamster, bds 271 Sherman.<br />

E berts Herman F., mechanical engineer,<br />

37 Congress w, h 60 Madison ave.<br />

Eberts, Matilda Jane, (wid Robert M.,) h<br />

356 Fifth.<br />

Eberts Wm. H., patent roofing, 356 Fifth,<br />

h same.<br />

Ebertz Joseph, painter, 31 19 German.<br />

Ebertz Margaretha, (wid Peter,) h 19<br />

German.<br />

Ebler August, teamster, h 135 Division.<br />

Ebling Chas., baker, h 521 Croghan.<br />

Ebner Lewis, (Ebner & Foster,) h 194<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Ebner & Foster, (Lewis Ebner and Chas.<br />

E. Foster,) barbers, 194 Woodbridge w.<br />

Ebstein Richard, tailor, h 23: Columbia e.<br />

Eby John F., printer, h 490 Ninth ave.<br />

Ebp Samuel C., printer, bds 20 Plum.<br />

Eccctrd Eduard, grocer and tobacconist, n<br />

e cor Russell and Catherine, h same.<br />

Eccard Francis, tobacconist,l52 Randolph,<br />

h 160 same.<br />

Eccard Frank E., clerk, bds 101 Gratiot.<br />

Eccard George, moulder, h 146 Chene.<br />

Eccard Joseph, h 101 Gratiot.<br />

Echlin Roger, sign painter, h 148 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Eclrel Joseph, machine hand, bds 371<br />

Bronson.<br />

Eckel Nicholas, shove moulder, h s e cor<br />

Congress and. Joseph Campsu ave.<br />

Ecker George, stove moulder, bds 146<br />

Chene.<br />



FnXton Market Oyster Bonse,<br />


Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Eckert Charles, engineer, h 141 Clinton.<br />

Eckert Frank, fireman, bds 141 Clinton.<br />

Eckstein John, stone cutter, bds 324 Sherman.<br />

Eddington James, clerk, bds 92 Larned e.<br />

Eddi~gt~)~? J~hc, cgrpmter, h 24Charlotte.<br />

Edely Charles B., upholsterer, h 89 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Eddy John, (col'd) lab., h Benton bet<br />

Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

Edelhoff Levi, peddlar, h 93 Mullett.<br />

Ede . Thomas, moulder, bds 283 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Edens George, carpenter, h 450 Fifth.<br />

Edgar George, carpenter, bds Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Edgar James, (W. H. Edgar & Son ) bds 56<br />

Winder-<br />

Edgar ~illiam H., (W. H. Edgar & Son,)<br />

h 56 Winder.<br />

Edgar William H. & Son, (William H.<br />

and James,)wholesale sugars and syrups,<br />

4 and 6 Atwater.<br />

Eke George W., (col'd) carpenter, h 70<br />

Clinton.<br />

Edgerton Fanny L., h 24 Howard.<br />

Ectgerton Oliver N , h 24 Howard.<br />

Bdloff Moses, peddlar, h 262 Montcalm e.<br />

Edmonds Jarries F., moulder, bds 40 Dequindre.<br />

Edmonds John, lab., h w s Crawford bet<br />

Cutler and McLean.<br />

Edmonds William, clerk Mayors office, h<br />

96 Harrison ave.<br />

Edmondson George D., (Edmondson Spectacle<br />

Co.), h Springwells.<br />

Edmondson American S p e c t a m<br />

cle Co., (George D. Edmondson pres.,<br />

and S. W. Smith secretary and treasurer,)<br />

11 and 12 Larned e.<br />

Edmund Daniel, lithograph printer, h 252<br />

Second.<br />

Edmunds Mrs. Harriet, machine operator<br />

at Mrs. Stevenson's, h Michigan ave.<br />

Edson Alexander B., painter, 33 Fort e., h<br />

98 Beaubien.<br />

Edson E. J., clerk, M. S. Smith & CO., bds<br />

46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Edson James L. (Edson, Moore & Co.), h<br />

s e cor Woodward and Brady.<br />

Edson Lizzie, dress maker, bds 28 Beaubien.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Edson Robert H., engineer, h Mt. Elliott<br />

ave, bet Congress and Fort<br />

Edson, Moore & Co. (James L. Edson,<br />

George F. Moore and Ransom Gillis),<br />

wholesale dry goods, 190 and 192 Jefferson<br />

me.<br />

Edwards Albert M., dept.-col. U. S. Custom<br />

house, h 389 Cass ave..<br />

Edwards Alexander, clerk,bds 90 Larned e.<br />

Edwards' Annie, telegraphic operator, bds<br />

104 Congress w.<br />

Edwards Benjamin, h 68 Montcalm e.<br />

Edwards Clement J., clerk, bds 78 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Edwards Daniel (Daniel Edwards & Co.),<br />

h 124 Miami ave.<br />

Edwards Dayid, freight agent, Lake Shore<br />

& M. S. R. R., h 52 George.<br />

Edwards Edmund, carpenter, h 46 Hamson<br />

ave.<br />

Edwards Ellis (co17d), lab., h 67 Brewster.<br />

Xdwards George, bottler, bds 155 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Edwards George W. (H. D. Edwards &<br />

Co.), h 19 Spencer.<br />

Edwards Gilbert, mason, h 36 Vine.<br />

Bdwards Griffith, aachinist, bds 368<br />

Larned e.<br />

Edwards Henry, clerk, h 48 Beach.<br />

Edwards Henry D. (H. D. Edwards & Co.),<br />

h 103 Washington ave.<br />

Edwards Jesse G., checker, h 166 Porter.<br />

Edwards John, painter, h 23 Macomb.<br />

Edwards John, real estate dealer, h 30<br />

Edmund.<br />

Edwards John E., engineer, h 386 Congress<br />

e.<br />

~dvwards Nettie, teacher. Bishop Union<br />

School.<br />

Edwards R. Hill (L. W. Tinker r& Co.), bds<br />

-.<br />

47 Fort w.<br />

Edward Reuben, engineer, h 135 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Edwards Thomas J., spring maker, bds n<br />

w cor Croghan and Dequindre.<br />

Edwards William, clerk, bds 386 Riopelle.<br />

Edwards Walter, engineer, bds 25 Bates.<br />

Edwards William, painter, h 330 Hasrings.<br />

Edwards William D,; clerk, bds 41 Wash-<br />

ington ave,<br />

-<br />

Edwards William E., engineer, h 463 Larneci<br />

e.<br />

Edwards William G., bds 103 Wsshington<br />

ave.<br />

Edwards W. H., (L. W. Tinker & Co.) bds<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Edwards William S., (Daniel Edwards &<br />

Co., ) Hillsdale, Michigan.<br />

Edwards Daniel 62 Co., (Daniel Webster<br />

Edwards and William S. Edwards) real<br />

estate, nf)te and loan brokers, 12 Rotunda.<br />

Edwards H. D. & Co., (Henry D. Edwards<br />

and George W. Edwards) ornamental<br />

iron work, 105. Woodward ave.<br />

Edwick William H., carpenter, h 85 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Egan Michael, lab., h 91 Seventeenth.<br />

Egan Patrick, lamp liqhter, h 19 Sproat.<br />

Egan Peter, lab., h 44 Cherry.<br />

Ege Frederick, gunsmith, h 12 Catharine.<br />

Ege Herbert, plasterer, h 192 Napoleon.<br />

Ege Jacob, plasterer, h 322 High.<br />

Eggemann Bernard (Kolb & Eggeman) h<br />

279 Lafa ette.<br />

Eggeman 8 harles, butcher, h 121 Dubois.<br />

Eggeman Oodfrey (McKendrick & Eggeman)<br />

h old 263 new 253 Woodward ave.<br />

Eggeman Henry B. (Eggeman & Livingston)<br />

11 571 Beaubien.<br />

Eggemann John P., butcher, bds 279 Lafayette.<br />

Eggeman & Livin ston, (Henry B. Eggeman<br />

and Allen ivingston) grocers, 105<br />

Gratiot.<br />

f<br />

Eggers August, blacksmith and Wagon<br />

maker, 838 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Eggert Charles, engineer, h 141 Clinton.<br />

Eggert Frank, fireman, bds 141 Clinton.<br />

Eggert Joachin, lab., h 397 Catharine.<br />

Eggert Joseph, lab., h 391 Catharine.<br />

Eggleston Moses H., traveling agent, with<br />

Jkloses W. Field, bds Mansion House.<br />

Egllnton John, currier, h n s Fort, bet.<br />

Nineteenth and Twentieth.<br />

Egnew, Edwin R., clerk, h 241 Third.<br />

Egnew George, (Eldridge & Co., res. But-<br />

ler, Ind.<br />

Ehland Joseph, lab., h s s Gratiot, bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Ehle John, butcher, h 353 Montcalm e.<br />

Ehlert Carl, lab., h 525 Wenty fourth.<br />

Ehlert Carl,sr., lab., h 725 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Ehlert Charles, shoemaker, 109 Bronson, h<br />

same.<br />

Ehlert E'rederick, lab.. h 666 Gratiot.<br />

Ehlert Herman, lab., bds 666 Gratiot.<br />

Ehley Frederick, painter, h 294 Rivard.<br />

Ehrenberg August, cabinet maker, h 264<br />

Hastings<br />

Ehrgott Reinhardt, switchman, h 512<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Ehrrnann Adam, peddlar, h 319 Montcalm<br />



Ehrmann M., cigrtrs and tobacco, 289<br />

Woodward ave.. h same. 1 Parke, Davis & CO.,<br />

Eib Frederick, gold plater, bds 389 Orleans<br />

Eib John, shoemaker, h 359 Orleans. I MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS,<br />

Eich ~enry, h 260 Franklin.<br />

Ome, 52 W. Lamed St.,<br />

Eichbnum Frederick H., secretary Illi~lois<br />

Pneumatic Gas Co., h old 924 Jefferson DETROIT, XICH*<br />

ave.<br />

Sea advertisement, page 9.<br />

Eichbauer Frederick, trunk maker, bds 242<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Elbert Caroline S., (wid John N.,) h 1025<br />

Eichbauer J. George, farmer,h e s Russell, Jefferson ave.<br />

nr Fremont.<br />

Elbert William, watchmaker, bds 389<br />

Eichler Anthony, cigar maker, h 104 Gratiot.<br />

BIapl e.<br />

Elbert William L., blacksmith, h 636<br />

Eichler Frank, shoemaker, h 358 Brewster. Seventh.<br />

Eick Phillip E., tailor, h 113 Russell. Elbisser Louis, helper, h 284 Chpne.<br />

Eidc n Adam, porter, h I91 Wil~ialns ave. EIlurz Fred C., shoemaker, h 270 Gratiot.<br />

Eiden Nicholas, ragman, h Williams ave., Elcom Robert J., clerk, bds 160 Harrison<br />

nl Michigan.<br />

ave.<br />

Eiden Peter, fishmonger, stall 93 and 96 Elder Adam, wall paper and picture<br />

C. H. M., h 112 Sliclligan ave.<br />

frames, 164 Jefferson ave, h 87 Second.<br />

Eigenbrod Adam, grocer, 292 Fifteenth, h Elder Frederick H., local editor Tribune,<br />

same.<br />

h 217 Park.<br />

Eikstein John, stone cutter, (Brun ton & Elder James, huckster, stall 15 C. H. M.<br />

Marvin.)<br />

h 365 Russell.<br />

Eilers Frederick, porter, h 197 Mullett. Elder John, blacksmith, h 101 Plum.<br />

Eilke Charles, lab., h Chestnut n s .nr Elder Joseph, house mover, h 84 Clifford.<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Elder Joseph, meat market, s e cor Third<br />

Eilke William, lab., bds 386 Sherman. and Willis ape, bds same,<br />

Einshler Anton, cigar maker, h 104 Maple. Elder Mathew, lab., h 512 Beaubien.<br />

Einfeldt Henry W., shoemaker h 372 Six- Xlder Mathew, lab., h cor Bronson and<br />

teenth.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Einstein Aaron S., (Einstein & Bresler,) h Elder Mrs., boarding, h 262 Second.<br />

119 St. Antoine.<br />

Elderkin James D., musician, h 140 Eliz-<br />

Einstein Albert, clerk, bds 35 Hamet. abeth e.<br />

Einstein & Bresler, (Aaron S. Ninstein and Eldred Lymsn,coachman, bds 333 Howard.<br />

Adolph Bresler,) tanners, n e cor Maple Eldred Mercy A., (wid Francis E ,) bds 245<br />

and Orleans.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Eipper John, clerk, bds 81 Atwater. Eldridge Barnard, (Eldredge & Co.,) h 221<br />

Eirich Lizzie, machine operator, bds 225 Fourth.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Eldridpe C. L , clerk, bds 306 Randolph.<br />

Eisenach George, cutter, h 86 Lafapette.. Eldridge Edwin, steward, h 612 Lafay-<br />

Eisenach William H., cabinet finisher, h ette ave.<br />

233 Fort e.<br />

Eldridge John V. D., adjustor sewing ma-<br />

Eisenhut Lorenz, finisher, bds 212 Mont- chines, h 306 Randolph.<br />

calm e.<br />

Eldridge Thomas W., real estate, op. P. 0.<br />

Eisenlord Nathan, Free Press agent, h h 79 Washington ave.<br />

594 Cass ave.<br />

Eldridge & Co., (Bernard Eldridge, George<br />

Eiseniord Spencer, teamster, bds 211 Cass Presley, Frank Brownell, John Egnew,<br />

ave.<br />

D. Mulholland) domestic sewing ma-<br />

Eisenlord William, Eisenlords Hotel s w chine, 214 Jefferson ave.<br />

cor Lewis and Cass, h same.<br />

Ellair Archer G. corn. merchant, 44 Gris-<br />

Eisenlord House, William Eisenlord pro- wold, bds 287 Jefferson ave.<br />

prietor, 211 Cass.<br />

Ellaire Charles, joiner, at Dewey, Middle-<br />

Eisenmann John, government ser., bds 44 wood & Co.'s.<br />

Cass.<br />

Ellair Francis X., (Harris 62 Ellair) h 54<br />

Eisnach George, tailor, h 86 Lafayette. Sherman.<br />

Ekliff Andrew A., engineer, h 262 Ran- Ellen J. C. Miss, music teacher, h 174 Addolph.<br />

ams ave e.<br />

Ellenstein Beathe, h 131 Mullett.<br />

Xlbart Albertine, (wid Charles,) h Dequin- Ellen stein Minnie (wid Jacob,) peddlar, h<br />

dre be: Jay and Gratiot.<br />

131 Mullett.<br />

Elbert August, lab., h Twenty-second nr Ellinwood Walter S., captain,h 440 Wood-<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

, bridge e.


SENT FREE,<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

--<br />

Elliott Andrew, clerk, bds 75 Howard.<br />

Elliott A. Brush, machinist, bds 405 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Elliott Chas. F., Clerk, h 123 Harrison ave.<br />

Elliott Clifford, clerk, bds 45 Congress w.<br />

Elliott David, drayman, bds 130 Sixth.<br />

Elliott Edward A., h 44 Mich~gan ave.<br />

Elliott Frederick, confectioner, bds 123<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Elliott Frederick, teamster, bds 880 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Elliott James E., clerk, bds Russell House.<br />

Elliott James R., (Elliott 62 Bro.), h 134<br />

Congress e.<br />

Elliott Jasper, carpenter, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Elliott Margaret, washerwoman, h 138<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Elliott Richard R. (El!iott & Bro.), h 146<br />

Congress e.<br />

Elliott Richard T., clerk, h 97 Abbott.<br />

Elliott Robert, baker, 226 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Elliott Thomas, grocer, 426 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Elliott William H. (George Peck & Co.),<br />

bds 73 Elizabeth w.<br />

Elliott & Bro, (Richard R. and James<br />

K. Elliott), cloth house, 128 Woodward<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

Ellis Erastus R., physician, h 3 Gratiot,<br />

same.<br />

Ellis Gilbert J., Rev. pastor, Christian<br />

Church, bds 353 Woodward ave.<br />

Ellis James E. D., plasterer, h 0 w cor Ash<br />

and Fifteenth.<br />

EIhs John, butcher, h I1 Montcalm w.<br />

Ellis Harv W., clerk, bds 7 Park Place.<br />

Ellis Oscar A., expressman, h 104 Sixth.<br />

Ellis Otis C., foreman, h 79 Adams ave w.<br />

Ellis Richard, butcher, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Ellis William, butcher, bds Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Ellis William (col'd), porter, with Ducharme,<br />

Prentiss & Co.<br />

Ellpiser Lewis, lab., h 284 Chene.<br />

Elmer Aaron W., Mich. Agricultural<br />

Works, 830 Fort w, h E26 same.<br />

Elmer Edmin L., bookkeeper, bds 54<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

Elmiger Emil, carver, h 128 Sherman.<br />

Elmore Latimer S., clerk, h 245 Larned e.<br />

Elowske Ludwig, lab., h n s New, bet<br />

Dubois and Chene and German and<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Elser Gottlieb jr, carriage trimmer, bds<br />

296 Wilkins.<br />

Elser Gottlieb, sen., stone cutter, h 296<br />

W il kins.<br />

Elsey Levi, carpenter, h 314 Alfred.<br />

ELSEY SAMUEL, marbleworka, 422 St.<br />

Antoine, h same. (See dv.)<br />

Elson Henry, blacksmith, bds 23 Abbott.<br />

.Elson Th0s.j lab., bds Miners' Home.<br />

Elson Thomas, checker, bds 9 First.<br />

Elton Charles, clerk, h 553 Macomb.<br />

Elvert Lawrence, drayman, h o 437 n 473<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Elvy George M., chair maker, h 358 Sixth<br />

Elward Frank, lab., h 4'76 Riopelle.<br />

Elwell John, brakeman, M C R R.<br />

Elwood Lawrence, teamster, M C R R.<br />

Elwood S. Dow, sec. and treas. Wayne<br />

County Savings Bark, 101 Griswold, res<br />

Hamtramck.<br />

Ely Wm. P., wire weaver, bds 149 Ran-<br />

dolpb.<br />

Embach John, apprentice, bds 603 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Em bach Matthias, tailor, 603 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Embach Mathew P., cigarmaker, bds 603<br />

Michlgan ave.<br />

Embury Sophia R., (wid Daniel,) bds 404<br />

Jeffers. In ave.<br />

Emesworth James; sailor, h 105 Franklin.<br />

Emerson Charles, real estate, h 61 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Emery Andrew J., moulder, h 121 Elm-<br />

Emery A. H e , p~oprietor Finney7s Hotel,<br />

cor Woodward ave and Gratiot.<br />

wood ave.<br />

Emery Capo R., (Car Co. office Larned w,)<br />

h Windsor, Ont.<br />

Emery F., clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Emery Frank, cabinet maker, h 121 Elm-<br />

wood ave.<br />

Emhoff Joseph, cigarmaker, h 324 Bfacomb<br />

Emmons Charles A., agt., bds Howard<br />

Hwse.<br />

Emmons Halmer H., circuit judge, Cus-<br />

toms building, res Ecorse.<br />

Emmons Harold, student, bds 49 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Emmons Lewis W., merct. broker, 156<br />

Jefferson ave., bds 73 Elizabeth w.<br />

Emmons Meston, gardener, bds 442 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Emmons Mallery, engineer, h 413 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Empey Henry, insurance agent, h 211<br />

Park.<br />

Empey James, carpenter, bds 107 Abbott.<br />

Empke Henry (willow worker) bds 50<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Empray Marselle, lab., bds 294 Franklin.<br />

Enderlen Jacob F., lab., h 554 Michigan<br />



Endicott Charles, (Newcomb, Endicott<br />

& Co.) h w. s. Woodward ave nr Holden<br />

Hoad.<br />

Enwright Michael, lab., bds 357 Woodbridge<br />

e. U<br />

Endriss Charles, brewer, s. e cor Maple and<br />

Rivard, h same.<br />

Endres Christian, lab., h 464 Macomb.<br />

Endres George, farmer, h Gratiot, nr toll<br />

gate.<br />

Endris Gottlieb F., beer bottler, 42 Maple,<br />

h same<br />

En Earl William L., assist.-foreman pain-<br />

ter, M. C. R. R., bds n. s. Howard, bet<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Engel Alexander, furrier, h 85 Twelfth.<br />

Engel Charles, h 299 Gratiot.<br />

Engel Charles, lab., h Twentieth, nr Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Engel Conrad, saloon, 294, Rivard, h same.<br />

Enrrel Daniel, meat market, n. w. cor<br />

Marion and Prospect, h same.<br />

Engel George, jr., carpenter, bds 243 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Engel George, sr., carpenter, h 243 Russell.<br />

Engel Joseph, foreman, h 81 Croghan.<br />

Engcl Theodore, bds 165 St. Antoine.<br />

Engel William, lab., bds 830 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Engelam Edward, carpenter, h 520 Alfred.<br />

Engelhard Caspar, grocer, n. e. cor Third<br />

and Abbott, h same.<br />

Engelhardt William, harness maker, h 396<br />

St. Aubin me.<br />

Engelhardt Catharine G. (wid Adolph) h<br />

e. s. Dubois bet Mullett and Catharine.<br />

Engelhardt Charles, teamster, (J. Clancy &<br />

Co.)<br />

Engelhardt George, cigar packer, bds 271<br />

First.<br />

Engelund Peter, repairing instruments, h<br />

154 Catharine.<br />

Engels John, cigar mnfr. and saloon, 251<br />

Grand River ave. h same.<br />

Engerman Barbrs, (wid John), tailoress, h<br />

496 Croghan.<br />

Egqass Adolph, wholesale jewelry, 14'7<br />

Jefferson ave, bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Engine House No. 1, cor Wayne and Lar-<br />

ned.<br />

Engine House No. 2, cor St. Antoine and<br />

Larned.<br />

Engine House No. 3, Clifford nr Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Engine House No. 4, s w cor Sixth and<br />

Baker.<br />

Engine House No. 5, cor Larned and Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Engine House No. 6, s e cor Russell and<br />

High.<br />

England John G. L., clerk, h 410 Sixth.<br />

England William G., shoemaker, h 413<br />

St. Antoine.<br />



auma &<br />



Oysters in Shell a ~pecialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Engleman Edward, carpenter, h 520<br />

Alfred.<br />

English David, lab., bds 103 Division.<br />

English James, lab., h 103 Division.<br />

Engler Mary, (wid William), washer-<br />

women, h 379 Ninth ave.<br />

Engstler .John, mason, h n s Sherman bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Enin, John, teamster, h s s Hale bet De-<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Ennis Waring H., clerk, bds 7 Pmk.<br />

Enion Peter, sawyer, h 567 Fort e.<br />

EnguhartyJohn, confectioner, bds 59 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Ens Alexander, (E. Hertz & Co.), h 226<br />

Russell.<br />

Enscomb George C., blacksmith, h 268<br />

First.<br />

Ensign Henry P., clerk, h 45 Madison<br />

ave.<br />

Ensign Lewis H., printer, h c-,r Fourth<br />

and Alexandrine ave. *<br />

Ens worth Henry, carpenter, (Candler<br />

Bros. )<br />

Enton Willlam, engineer, h 115 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Enwright Cornelius, lab., h r 194 Alibott.<br />

Euwriyht David, civil engineer U. S., h<br />

116 noward.<br />

Enwright John J., clerk, bds 116 Howard.<br />

En wrieht Xichael, lab., b ds 357 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Enzelberger Leonhardt G., lab., h 327<br />

Sherman.<br />

Eppengar Christian, carpenter, h n w cor<br />

Russell and Gratiot.<br />

Eppens John W., tailor, h 276 High.<br />

Eppenon William, confectioner, bds 144<br />

Jones.<br />

Epperson William J., confectioner, h 144<br />

Jones.<br />

Eppestein Harry, circus man, h 372 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Eppstein Isaac, peddler, h 257 Fort e.<br />

Erb Charles, cigarmaker, bds 379 Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Erb George, tinsmith, bds 45 Monroe ave.<br />

3rb Peter, street paver, h w s Dequindre,<br />

nr Water- works.<br />

Erb Peter, cutter, h 345 Antietam.<br />

Erden George, sailor, bds 63 Atwater.<br />

Erhart John, lab., h 179 Napoleon.<br />

Erhart 3Iichae1, lab., bds 186 Haxion.


I<br />

. Esselstyn Elton A*, (Fonda & Esselstyn)<br />

bds 359 Woodward ave.<br />

Esselstyn Harriet B. (wid John N.) h 27<br />

Sproat.<br />

- Esselstyn Henry (Nerick, Fowler & Esselstyn)<br />

h 359 Woodward ave.<br />

Esselstyn Justus N., photographer, bds 27<br />

Sprost.<br />

Esser John, saloon, 343 Beaubien.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Esser Peter, lab., h Illinois s s bet Hastings<br />

Seitm Block, next to the Post Office. and Prospect.<br />

Esser William, saloon, 46 Monroe ave, h<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

same.<br />

Essler William, wagon maker, bds 821<br />

Erichsen Clans D., prop. Hotel Erichsen, Fort w.<br />

h 148 and 150 Randolph.<br />

Essich John, carpenter, h 50 Baker.<br />

Erishson John, clerk, bds 44 Front. Estell Hiram, sailor, h 149 Napoleon.<br />

Erit Conrad, carpenter, h s w cor Mullett Estill S. Nelanchton, painter, h 294 High.<br />

and Maple.<br />

Esterbrook Chaucer, railroad conductor, h<br />

Erldenbach Albert, cirgarmaker, bds 65 34 Woodward ave.<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Estey D. M., (Estey & Tooley,) res, West<br />

Erlenbach Arthur, shoemaker, bds 65 Mon- Haven, Mich.<br />

r e ave.<br />

Estey & Tooley, (D. M. Estey 2% H. R.<br />

Erlenbach Phillip, shoemaker, 65 Monroe Tooley ,) wholesale furuiture, cor Atave,<br />

h same.<br />

water and Bates.<br />

Erlenstein Leiten, peddlar, h 199 Mullett. Eticr Ben jamin, lab., h 686 Franklin.<br />

Ernest Charles W.. foreman House of Cor-<br />

y -<br />

Etinger George, carpenter, h 278 Bronson.<br />

rection, h 115 ~rewster.<br />

Eizler August, cigar maker, h 11 31echanic<br />

Ernest Julius, cigarmaker, h 7 Clay. Eugene Kris, sailor, h 241 Second.<br />

Ernest L. H., physician, bds 34 Croghan. Eukler John, gardener, h Hastings, nr<br />

Ernesti Hermann, grocer, 369 Orleans h Fremont.<br />

same.<br />

Eusterman Henry, carpenter, h 46 Fort e.<br />

Er nst Arndt, blacksmith, h 403 BXnple. Evans Bridget, (wid Patrick, milk seller,<br />

Ernst George. dyer, 27 Cass, h same. h 1018 Micliigan ave.<br />

Ernst Gotttried, lab., h 65 Chestnut. Evans Christie, h 41 John R.<br />

Ernst Hermuth, lab., h 342 Chestnut. Evans Frank M., lithograpller, bds 241<br />

Er rio Sinlon, peddlar, h 165 Croghan . Columbia e.<br />

Erschig Albert, carriage maker, h 178 Na- Evans James R., clerk, bds Howard<br />

tional ave.<br />

'House.<br />

Ert Pe tcr, cigar maker, bds cor Dequindre Eva~s John, (Evans & Walker,) h 61 High<br />

and Juliett.<br />

Evans John M., letter carrier, h 291 Syca-<br />

Erwin Arthur, driver, <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> R'y. more.<br />

Erwin Frederick, cigm maker, bds 429 Evans Patrick, lab., h 247 Sixth.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Evans Peter, moulder, bds 61 St. Aubin<br />

Erwin George, commission, 232 Third. ave.<br />

Erwin John, policeman, h 94 Locust. Evans Rohert passenger agent, bds 24<br />

Erwin John G., (Erwin & Dickinson) h 56 Montcalm e.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Evans Samuel, (col7d,) mason, bds Grove,<br />

Erwin & Dickinson, (John G. Erwin and w. Beanbien.<br />

George B. Dickinson) insurance agents, Evans William, printer, hds 102 Brush.<br />

s w cor Jefferson ave and Griswold. Evans William F., carpenter, h 297 Thir-<br />

Erz John, carpenter, h 337 High.<br />

teenth.<br />

Erz Peter, carpenter, h 7 Silver. Evans & Walker, (John Evans and F. I(.<br />

Erzstaaler John, carriage smith, h 277 Walker:) wholesale tea, coffee, spices,<br />

Watson.<br />

&c., 96 3 efferson we.<br />

Eschmann Charles, cigar maker, bds 265 Evered William, machinist, bds 127 Lamed<br />

Mullett.<br />

e.<br />

Eschmann Gottfkied, machinist, h 265 Mul- Everett Charles, saloon, h 305 St. Antoine.<br />

lett.<br />

Everett Gregory, (col'd,) lab., (G. W. Hud-<br />

Esdale James, moulder, h 532 Fort e. son & Co.,)<br />

Esienach Anna (wid Henry 1 h 233 Fort e. Everett James, (with Tappan, McKillop 62<br />

Esienach William, lab., bds 233 Fort e. Co.,) h 104 Abbott.<br />

Esling Zachariah, clerk, h 24 Elizabeth w. Everett Sidney J., agt Commercial Regis-<br />

Esper Priederich, carpenter ,h 482 Orleans. I ter, h GO ~ h dtte o ave.


Everett Wm., machinist, bds 137 Lamed e.<br />

Evers Barney, cigarmaker, bds 251 Sherman.<br />

Evers James, teamster, h 257 Sherman.<br />

Everts Albert, lab., bds 161 Abbott.<br />

Everts James, (col'd,) laundry, 191 Conqress<br />

e, h same.<br />

~von Louis, carpenter, h 461 Croghan.<br />

Ewald Frances, (wid Edwin,) h 85 *Jay.<br />

Ewald Henry, bricklayer, bds 280 Sixteenth.<br />

Ewald Jacob, bricklayer, h 280 Sixteenth.<br />

Ewald Martin, blacksmith, bds 280 Sixteenth.<br />

Ewers Jane G., (wid Elry,) h 224 First.<br />

Ewing Samuel, coachman, bds 409 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Eyler John, lab., h 191 Wilkins.<br />

Ezekiel Jacob IV., auction and commission,<br />

h 165 Park.<br />

-<br />

F<br />

ABER Adam, saw filer, h 175 Hast-<br />

F ings.<br />

FaGer Anthony, carpenter, h e s Seventh<br />

bet Franlr and Cuttler.<br />

Faber David, lab., h 102 Calhoun.<br />

Faber Alathias, stone cutter, h 117 Croghan.<br />

Faber Nicholas, cabinet maker, h 562 Orleans.<br />

Faber Nicholas, teamster, h 39 National<br />

ave.<br />

Facier William, sailor, bds 58 Larned e.<br />

Factue Octave, machinist, h 563 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Factue Thomas, lab., h 550 Congress e.<br />

Fackle Andrew, carriage maker, h 426<br />

Clinton.<br />

Fagell August, tailor, h n e cor Russell<br />

and Ant ietzzm.<br />

F?gen Nrs. Johanna, (wid MichaelJboarding,<br />

h 144 Larned e.<br />

Fakay John, milk peddlar, h 48 Hnmbolt<br />

ave.<br />

Fair Bernard, assistant superintendent car<br />

department M. C. R. R., 11 356 Fort w.<br />

Fair Wenzel, lab., h e s Tillman ave bet<br />

Butternut and Ash,<br />

Fairbairn George D., carpenter, bds 338<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Fairbairn James, h n e cor Beaubien and<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Fairbairn James R., carpenter, h 457<br />

Seventh.<br />

Fairbairn John, carpenter, h n e cor Elizabeth<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

Fairbairn Robert, clerk, h old 32, new 34<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Fairbairn Thomas, mason, h 92 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Fairbairn Thomas jr, carpenter, h 94 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

29<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Larned St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Fairbairn Tllo~nas A., physician, 233<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Fairbairn Walter, grocer, 337 Woodmard<br />

ave, h old 32, new 34 31ontcalm w.<br />

Fairbrother Frank, clerk, h cor Macomb<br />

aud Josepll Csnlpau ave.<br />

Fi~irbrother George W., clerk, h 160 Third.<br />

Fairbrother Henry, coachluan, bds 406<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Fairbrot her William E., grocery, n e cor<br />

Montcalm e and Beaubien, h same.<br />

Fairchild Elizabeth J., copyist, bds 319<br />

Third.<br />

Fairchild Frederick, lather, h 39 Michigan<br />

ave up stairs.<br />

Fairchild John H., h 319 Third.<br />

Fairchild John J., farmer, h 14 Cuttler.<br />

Fairchild Miss Martha A., artist, bds 319<br />

Third.<br />

Faircloth William, printer, btls 59 Michi-<br />

gan are.<br />

Falrey Timothv, ship carpenter, h cor<br />

Howard and T wenty-third.<br />

Fales Charles, clerk, h 461 Riopelle.<br />

Fales Daniel W., sergeant police, h 60<br />

CampSell.<br />

Fales George W., lab., h 368 Sixth.<br />

Fales dames W., with Barnes Bros. & CO.,<br />

bds SGS Sixth.<br />

Fales Nancy, (mid. Timothy,) h 723<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Fall Henry, sailor, h 124 Bagc.<br />

Fallen Hugh, watchman, Ir n. w. cor Lo-<br />

cust and Thirteenth.<br />

Fallert Joseph, carpenter, h 186 Division.<br />

Fa1 Iihee Miss Ellen, dressmaker, bcis 64<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Falling J. D., lu~nber merchant, h 983<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Faleg Wendlane, carpenter, 11 123 Calhoun.<br />

Falvey Daniel, h old 324 Sixth.<br />

Falvey Daniel, pec,dlar, h 277 Montcalm e .<br />

Fwlvey Dennis, jr,, boilermaker, bcls 71<br />

Baker.<br />

F:tlvey Dennis, lab., h 71 Baker.<br />

Fztlvey Jeremiah, checker, h cor Sixth and<br />

Pine.<br />

Falvey Michael, :plumber, bds Central<br />

Hotel.<br />

Frtlvey Patrick, proprietor Central Hotel.<br />

Falvey Peter, pedcllar, bds 271 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Faminy John, teamster, h Beach bet<br />

Fourth and Fifth.


~ , & y ~ ~ ~<br />

Farquhar & Co. (Samuel S. M. Farquhnr<br />

and Charles T. Cook), grocers, n w cor<br />

Woodward and Graud River aves.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE. Farquharson Robert, tailor, h 182 Sixth.<br />

Farr Mary (wid Joseph G.), h 22 Sibley.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, Farrand David O., physician, office and h<br />

85 Congress w.<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Farrand Jacob S., Pres. First Nat. Bank,<br />

(Farrand, Williams & Co.), h 435 Wood-<br />

Fancher Charles H., boller maker, bds 131 ward ave.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Farrand Mattie, finisher, bds 332 St. An-<br />

Fancher Loren, boiler maker, h 131 Ab- t oine.<br />

bo tt.<br />

Farrand Michael, lab., h 343 Fifth.<br />

Fanchion House, 3 Jefferson ave., L. Farrand Royal T., student, bds 85 Con-<br />

Quin proprietor.<br />

qress w.<br />

Frandanable John, carpenter, h 129 ~hrrand, Williams & Co., (Jacob<br />

S Farrand, Alanson Sheley, William C.<br />

Fande CheTfo enry, shoemaker, h n. s. Antietam Williams, & Harvey C. Clark,) wholebet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

sale druggists, 96 Woodward ave. (Will<br />

FanslerNewton O., chromo broker, bds remove to cor Bates and Larned about<br />

Ruesell House.<br />

Sep*. 1st.)<br />

Fansca Gotlieb, teamster, h 235 Eighteenth. Far1 ar Edward, tin and coppersmith, bds<br />

Fante Henry, shoemaker, h Antietam, s s 107 Michigan ave.<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Farrttr John, librarian Mechanics Library,<br />

Farabar Elias, machinist, h 47 Twentieth. h 207 Howard.<br />

Fare John, lab., bds Miners' Rome. Farrar John JYesley, carpenter, h 454<br />

Fargo Thomas B., agent A. &I. U. Express Sixth.<br />

Co., h 88 Adelaide.<br />

Farrar Nelson 11.) mschinist h 335 Seven-<br />

Farley James, saloon, 508 Woodbridge w, teenth.<br />

h same.<br />

Farrell Anne, (wid Philip,) h 197 Cass.<br />

Farley John, lab., bds 505 Woodbridge w. Farrell Bridget, (mid William,) h 431<br />

Farley John H., clerk, h 357 Larned e. Twelfth.<br />

Farlcy Peter, brooin maker, bds 404 Con- Farrell Charles J., brewer, h 338 Howard.<br />

gress e.<br />

Farrell Dennis, engineer, h 674 Sixteenth.<br />

Farlin Charles D., lumberman, rooin 4 Farrell Ellen, (wid Lawrence,) h o 71 n 61<br />

Nerrill Block, h cor Woodward and Labrossz.<br />

Putman aves.<br />

Farre?: James, builder h a s Third, bet<br />

Farmer John H., dentist, 31 Monroe ave, Cedar and Slexandrine ave.<br />

h 27 Farmer.<br />

Farrell .James, lab., 11 94 Canfield.<br />

Farnm Micbael, drover, h 624 Michigan Farre11 James, painter, bds 431 Twelfth.<br />

ave.<br />

Farrell John, sailor h 57 Labrosse.<br />

Farmer Silas, map publisher, 31 Monroe Farrell John, teamster, bcts 101 Lnrned w.<br />

ave, h 56 Adams ave e.<br />

Farrell Michael, pattern fiuisher, h 173<br />

Farmer Sylvester, machinist, h 332 Third. Wight.<br />

Farmer William S., student, bds 27 Farre11 Philip, bagpageman, bds 107 Cass.<br />

Farmer.<br />

Farre11 Tinlothy, lab., h 358 Chene.<br />

Farnsworth Charles, clerk, bds Russell Farrington Benjamin F., (Farring ton,<br />

House.<br />

Campbell & Co.), h 11 Howard.<br />

Farns worth Elon, president Savings In- Farringron, Carn;>bell & Co., (Beqjamin<br />

3titute. h 462 Jefferson ave.<br />

F. Farrington, James T. Campbell, LVil-<br />

Farnsworth Frank H., clerk, bds cor liam H. Jenuings Ss Ward H. Jennil~gs.)<br />

W oodward ave and Frederick.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> coffee anci spice mills, 102 Jeffer-<br />

Farns~orth James H., dentist, 99 Jeffer- son ave.<br />

son ave, h 12.3 Congress e.<br />

Flzrschneider Jacob, tailor, h 201 Rivard.<br />

Parnsworth Leancier L., boots and shoes, Farstl Thomas, lab., h 522 Sixteenth.<br />

Campus Martius, Wood ward ave, nr Farwell Jesse H., (<strong>Detroit</strong> Irollizing and<br />

Michigan ave, Ir cor Woodward ave and paving Co.,) h 28 w Park Place.<br />

Frederick.<br />

Farwell Simeon, chair maker, h 79 Pine.<br />

Farnsworth Lorenzo L., physician: h old Fassbinder Prank, saloon, 221 Atwater, h<br />

64, new 58 Grand River ave.<br />

same.<br />

Farnsworth Tera B., insurance agent, Fasbinder John, cooper, h 10 Soutb.<br />

offlce 11 Congress e, bds Antisdel House. Fahsnacht Ddniel, brewery, 419 St. An-<br />

Farquhar Samuel S. 31. (Farquhar & Co.), toine, h same.<br />

h 187 Cass.<br />

Farnacht Phillip, contractor, h 55 Chestnut.


Faster Andrew, machinist, bds cor St An-<br />

toine and Lafayette.<br />

Fastion George, shoemaker, h 125 Dubois.<br />

Father Charles, helper, bds 8 Eighteenth.<br />

Father Mathew Society, 76 Congress e.<br />

Father Illathew Temperance Hall, s e cor-<br />

ner Fourth and Porter.<br />

Faucett J. H., exp. messenger, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Pltucet Robt, watchman, h 123 Congress w<br />

Failchel Charles A., cigarmakcr, bds 370<br />

Hastings.<br />

Faucloth William, printer, bds 304 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Faulconer Robert C., (R. C. Faulconer &<br />

Co.,) h 324 Congress e.<br />

Faulconer H. C. & Co., (Robert C. Faul-<br />

coner & Luther L. Hotchkiss,) lumber,<br />

315 Atwater.<br />

Faulkner Chas., shoemaker, bds 172 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Faulkner Charles If., shoemaker, bds<br />

55 3Iichigan Grand ave.<br />

Faulkner John, lab., bds 265 Lafayette ave.<br />

Faulkner Thomas, huckster, stall 34 C. H.<br />

M., h 106 Randolph.<br />

Fauser Christian, machinist, h 295 High.<br />

Fauser Wm., carpet weaver, h 122 Clinton.<br />

Faust Friedrich, h 486 Mullett.<br />

Faustmann, Edward, machinist, h 395<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Faustmann Edward, engineer, h 83<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Favens Hiram, furniture, h 225 Third.<br />

Favre Jacob, currier, h 305 Third.<br />

Favre Nicholas, cigar maker, bds 39 Na-<br />

tional ave,<br />

Pawcett Robert, boots and shoes, 110<br />

Michigan ave, h 146 Adams ave e.<br />

Fawcett Robert, clerk, bds 176 Riopelle.<br />

Fay Edmonds, captain, h 86 Marion.<br />

Fay George W., clerk, h 19 Sibley.<br />

Fay Henry, omnibus driver, bds 252<br />

Woodbridge w. 1<br />

Fay Jonathan, hack driver, bds Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Fayram Amos, clerk, h 106 Cherry.<br />

Fayse Louis, sawyer, h 349 Fifth.<br />

Fealla Frank, lab., h 123 Tillman ave.<br />

Fearnett Joseph, jr., lab., bds 403 North.<br />

Fearnett Joseph, cooper, 11 403 North.<br />

Fearson John, painter, h 374 Hastings.<br />

Featherstone George, hostler, h old 200<br />

Grismold.<br />

Fecon Sigmund, bookbinder, bds 282<br />

Gratio t.<br />

Fecht Emil, clerk, bds 167 Gratiot.<br />

Fecht Eugene, lawyer, 2 Hilsendegen<br />

Block, h 161 Gratiot.<br />

Fechheimer Herman C. (~echheimer &<br />

Workum) h 43 Madison ave.<br />

Fechheimer Morris C. (Fechheimer &<br />

Workum) h 27 Adelaide,<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />


28 MICHIGAN G W D AVE.<br />

W Oysters in the Shell a epecialty. Wholeaale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Fechheimer Sismund (Freund,East & Co.)<br />

bds Hotel ~%nry.<br />

Fechheimer & Worlmm, (Blorris<br />

C. - -'echheimer. - David J. Workum, Herman<br />

C. ~echh&mer) wholesale liquors,<br />

230 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fecteau John, clerk, bds new 223 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Fecteau Octave, mechanic, h 563 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Fecteau Felix, lab., h 564 Congress e.<br />

Fecteau Frank, carpenter, h 177 Twelfth.<br />

Fecteau Lrank, lab., h n w cor RIcDougall<br />

ape and Macomb.<br />

Fecteau Joseph, boiler packer, bds 103<br />

German.<br />

Fecteau Michael, hb., h 103 German.<br />

Fecteau Rose (wid Frank) carpet weaver,<br />

h s s Macomb bet Chene and Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Fecteau Thomas, lab., h 556 Congrese e.<br />

Fedderken Frederick, baker, h 153 Sherman.<br />

Federlein Christian, cabinet maker, h 80<br />

Sherman.<br />

Federlein Frmtz, lab., h 16 Webster.<br />

Federlein George, carver, h 80 Sherman.<br />

Feehon Cornelius, clerk, bds 54 Oak.<br />

Feany Charles, clerk, bds room 15 s e cor<br />

Woodward ave and Congress.<br />

Feeny Thomas, grocer, 57 National ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Fegan Robert, soda water maker, h 398<br />

Nichigan ave.<br />

Fehr Charles, lab., h 454 Clinton ave.<br />

Fehr Peter, lab., (Candler Bros.)<br />

Fehsenfeld H., clerk, h 287 Fort e.<br />

Feicht John, teamster, h 350 Maple.<br />

Feidler Bernard, shoemaker, h 319 High.<br />

Feiertag Rudolph, shoemaker, 74 Atwater<br />

e, h old 187 new 207 Congress e.<br />

Feiferline: Thomas, tailor, h T wenty-fourth<br />

nr M. e. R. R. -<br />

Feigion Fred, baker, bds 326 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Feill George, teamster, bds Union Hotel.<br />

Feinhart Isaac, mason, h 108 Napoleon.<br />

Feisher Gustavus, thsmith, bds s w cor<br />

Ash and Sixteenth.<br />

Feitl Anton, lab., h cor Locust and National<br />

ave.<br />

Felch Theodore A., student, bds Harper<br />

Hospital, W oodward ave.


Fendler Ferdinand, tailor, 482 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Fenerty John F., photographer,h 61 National<br />

ave.<br />

Fenerty John R., carpcnter, bds 6'7 National<br />

ave.<br />

Fenner David E., watchman, h cor Crawford<br />

and Cutler.<br />

Fenry Patrick, lab., h new 593 Beaubien.<br />

Fenton Ann, (wid Patrick,) h 143 Jones.<br />

Fenton Daniel, fireman, engine No. 2.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. Fenton Daniel, plumber, bds 143 Jones.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Fenton Henry, watchman, bds 701 Fort w.<br />

Fenton Henry L , clerk, bds 34 Macomb.<br />

Feldheim Adolph, (D. Black & Co.,) bds Fent~n James, collector Water Works Of-<br />

Biddle House.<br />

fice, h 34 Macomb.<br />

Feldherr Bern hardt, mason, h 159 Mullett. Fenton James, shoemaker, h 128 Micl~igan<br />

Feldkner J obn, cabinet maker, h 455 Clin- ave.<br />

ton ave.<br />

FENTON .JA4MES Mrs., Yankce notions<br />

Feldman Anthony, carpenter, h 371 North. 128 Michigan are., h same.<br />

Feldman Englebert,switchman, M. C. R.R., Fenton William M., clerk, A. 31. U. Es-<br />

'h 304 Eighteenth.<br />

press Co., h 256 Second.<br />

Feldman Ernst, lab., h n s Margaret, bet Ferdinand Amos, omnibus agent, h 7<br />

Dequindre and St Aubin ave.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Feldrnan Frederick, harness maker, bds 38 Ferebauer Alois, lab., h 47 Sullivan ave.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Ferguson Albert, (A. Ross dZ Co.,) h 124<br />

Feldman Frederick, lab., h 371 North. Elizabeth w.<br />

Feldmann Henry, wood turner, h 692 Gra- Ferpon Alexander R., physician, 68<br />

tiot.<br />

Elizabeth e., h same.<br />

Feldmann Henry jr., wood turner, bds -692 Ferguson Charles E., (A. Ferguson & Co.,)<br />

Gratiot.<br />

bds 124 Elizabeth w.<br />

Felclraan Joseph F., clerk, bds 376 Juliett. Ferguson David, machinist, h 844 Michigan<br />

Feldner, Edward, (Director German-Amer- ave.<br />

ican Sesinaxy,) h 299 Lafayette. Fer>guson Donald, boiler maker, bds 166<br />

Felder John, Sailor, h 168 Chene.<br />

Second.<br />

Felix Caul, carriage smith, An tietam, bet Ferguson Eralsey, depot master,:h 164<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Felix Charles, tinsmith, h 209 Antietam. Ferguson John, mason, h 139 Thirteenth-<br />

Fell Abraham, agent D. & 31. R. R., <strong>Detroit</strong>. and-a-half.<br />

Fell C. H., foreman, bds Cass House. Ferguson John, sawyer, h 133 Thirteenth-<br />

Fell Michael, engineer, bds 430 Wood- and-a half.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Ferguson John C,, letter-carrier, bda 315<br />

Feller Edgar E., merchandise broker, bds Congress e.<br />

cor Brush and Larned.<br />

Ferguson John MacW., bds Finney's<br />

Fellers Morgan S., (Gould & Fellers), h Hotel.<br />

2 OHigh.<br />

Ferquson Joseph, lab., h 42 Eighteenth.<br />

Fellhauer Eugene, clerk, bds 81 Riopelle.<br />

Fellow William, potter, h 304 Catharine.<br />

Ferguson Joseph, (col'd) physician, 189<br />

Felner - , lithographer, bds 87 Wash-<br />

Congress e., h same.<br />

ington ave.<br />

Ferguson Joseph, shoemaker, h 58 Porter.<br />

I Felratz Josepll I., lab., h 140 ~went~-first. Ferguson Philo, plasterer, h 1 Clay.<br />

Felste-a,d William, shoemaker, h Crawford, Fergusnn Samuel (S. Ferguson & Co.) h<br />

bet BIarcy and Beuna Vista.<br />

1 288 Brush.<br />

Felt John Q., civil engineer, bds Michigan 1 Ferguson Thomas, (Merrell dZ Ferguson) 21<br />

Exchange.<br />

321 Larned e.<br />

Felt 3 ohn W., engineer, h 157 Franklin. Fergu90n Thomas, mason, h 504 Fifteenth.<br />

Felter Ebenezer, carpenter, h s TIT cor &fa- Ferguson William, florist, garden,<br />

comb and McDougall ave.<br />

Erskine, e Woodwarci me., h same.<br />

Feltis John, lab., h 215 Wight.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Feltis Patrick, huckster, 22 C. H. M., h 15 Ferpson William, teamster, h 66 Seven-<br />

Pine.<br />

teenth.<br />

Feltner Isaac, pecidlar, h 92 Russell. Ferguson William H., asnt, h Jtaran tette<br />

Felton IIenry, lithographer, h cor Wash- bet Thirteenth-a- and Fourington<br />

and Grand River aves.<br />



Ferguson William W., stableman, bds cor<br />

Larned and First.<br />

Ferguson So & Coo, (Samuel Ferglson,<br />

Archibald NcKay, John D. Mouat)<br />

plumbers, steam and gas fitters, 91 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See dv.)<br />

Ferkie John, teamster, h Orchard cor<br />

Sixth.<br />

Ferle John, tailor, bds Antietnm, bet<br />

Rivard and Russell.<br />

Feruan Joseph, carpenter, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Fernald J. W., (Fernitlcl & Dustin) bJs<br />

104 Congress w.<br />

Fernald & Dustin (J. W. Fernald and<br />

Satnuel C. Dustin) <strong>Detroit</strong> steam laundry,<br />

107 Bates.<br />

Ferner Simon '(Anron, Burnstine &i Co.)<br />

h 104 St. Antoine.<br />

Ferra Jacob, furrier, h 308 Third.<br />

Ferra John W., clerk,bds 28'3 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ferrin Issac, machinist, h 248 Congress w.<br />

Ferrin S. C., engineer, M. C. 33. R.<br />

Ferrington Stephen, shoemaker, bds 55<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Ferris Albert, conductor, D. L. & L. M.<br />

R. R., bds Antisdel House.<br />

Ferrls George F., traveling agent, bds 120<br />

Henry.<br />

Ferris George W., conductor M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds Antisdel House.<br />

Ferris Henry B., clerk, h 540 Third.<br />

Ferris John, painter, bds 253 Congress w.<br />

Ferris Joshua C.. express messenger, h<br />

292 Third.<br />

. -<br />

Ferris William H., carpenter, h 231 Fif-<br />

-<br />

teenth.<br />

Ferry Dexter M. (D. M. Ferry $ Co.), h<br />

31 Winder.<br />

Ferry John, cigar maker, bds Sherman<br />

House.<br />

Ferry Do M. & Co. (Dexter M. Ferry,<br />

H. Kirk White and Charles C. Bowen),<br />

importers, growers and dealers in seeds,<br />

199, 201, 203 and 205 Woodward ave.<br />

(See &.)<br />

Fessard Henry, lab., h 120 ~alnnt.<br />

Fessard Honore, sawyer, h 113 Harrison<br />

. ave.<br />

Fesser Sebastian, carpenter, h 84 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Festner John, furrier, h 177 Beach.<br />

Fetes Louis, carpenter, h 257 Antietam.<br />

Fett Charles, stone yard, 223 and 225<br />

Gratiot, h 223 same,<br />

Fetterden Frederick, baker, h 83 Sherman.<br />

Fetters Edward J., grocer, old 349 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Fetters Gustave, clerk, h 179 Lafayette.<br />

Fencht Jacob, currier, h 423 Nacomb.<br />

Fewins William, barber, 110 Woodward<br />

ave, bds Howard House.<br />

Fey Conrad, grocery and saloon, 833 acd<br />

835 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P- Chlorofcrm,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Fey John, grocer, s e cor Nichigan ave<br />

and Sixteenth, b same.<br />

Fic.k Henry, lab., h s s Maple bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Field Alfred N., painter, bds 237 Sixth.<br />

Field Daniel D., Insurance agent, 149 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 95 Columbia e.<br />

Field Edward H., conductor, bds Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Field Eliza (wid John), h 227 Sixth.<br />

Field George L., dentist, 105 Woodward<br />

me, h 54 Stimson.<br />

Field J. Bcntley (Field, Wallace & Co.),<br />

h 64 Adams ave w.<br />

Field &loses W., wholesale grocer, foot of<br />

Griuwold, res Hamkamck.<br />

Field Robert L)., clerk, bds $16 Randolph.<br />

Field, Wallace & Co. (J. B. Field, Hu h<br />

H. Wallace and D. C. Whitwoo 8 ),<br />

manufacturers, agents and dealers in<br />

farm rntichinery, 184 and 186 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Fieldman Albert H., (Edmondson Speetacle<br />

Co.,) h 118 St. Antoine.<br />

Fielding Henry M., clerk, bds 50 Shelby.<br />

Fielding James, P. 0. clerk, h 123 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Fiedler Bernhart, shoemaker, h 319<br />

High.<br />

Fields Edward, painter, h old 820 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Fielitz William, mason, h s s Jay bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Fierne Gaetano, cigar maker, bds Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Fildew Edward, painter, bds new 219 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Fildew Henry, carpenter, bds new 219<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fillicm John, belt maker, h 311 Franklin.<br />

Fillman Edwin, machinist, h 711 Lafayette<br />

Filplnen Engelbert, switchman, h 304<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Finan John, groom, bds 278 Second.<br />

Pinan John, lab., h 20 Dequindre.<br />

Finan John, lab., h Second cor Spencer.<br />

Pinan John, lab., h 53 Sixteenth.<br />

Finch Charles J., builder, h 11 Warren.<br />

Finch George, waiter, cor Woodward ave<br />

and William.<br />

Finch Mathew, tobacco cutter, h 143<br />

Crogh an.<br />

Finch Theodore, lab., h 300 Montcalm e.<br />

Flnehardt Joseph,machinist, h 145 Clinton,


I Firth Thomas, saloon, 223 Atwater, h<br />

san~ e.<br />

First ~melia, (wid John,) h 30 Fort e.<br />

UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING, First National Bank, cor .Jefferson<br />


ave and Griswold. (&e adv.)<br />

BVS31WE$S %BACT%f E. Firtz Bdward, lab., h 344 Prospect.<br />

Fisbee Sophia, (wid Richard), 4 Marcy bet<br />

FOR MAYHEW COLLEGE JOURNAL, Fourth and Fif~h.<br />

Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

Fischbach Frank, clerk, bds 56 Michigan<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Fischbach Nicholas, grocer and saloon, 56<br />

Finigan Bridget (wid Lawrence) h n w and 38 Michigan Grand ave, h same.<br />

cor Seventh and Orchard.<br />

Fischbach Phillip, clerk, bds 56 Michigan<br />

Finigan John, machinist, bds n w cor Grand ave.<br />

Seventh and Orchard.<br />

Fischer Albert, clerk, bds 403 Catherine.<br />

Finigan John, h 101 St Antoine.<br />

Fischer Albert,watchmaker and jeweler, 16<br />

Pink Jacob, grocer, 418 Hastings, h same. Larned e, h 442 Lamed e.<br />

Fink John C., cigar manufacturer, 89 Fischer Catherine, (wid Frantz,) nurse, h<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

100 Maple.<br />

Fink Peter, peddlar, h 148 Mullett. Fischer Charles, lab., h 403 Catherine.<br />

Finley James, track layer, h 30 Hnrriett. Fischer, Chas., lab., h 187 Fort e.<br />

Finley Thomas, conductor, bds 30 Har- Fischer Charles C., boot maker, 345 Woodriet.<br />

ward ave, h new 136, old 58 Columbia e.<br />

Finlayson Kenneth, captain, h 62 Twenty- Fischer Edward, j eweler,bds 146 Larned e.<br />

first.<br />

Fischer Francis H., book-keeper, bds<br />

Finlayson Philip, helper, bds 661 Franklin Franklln House.<br />

Finn Barbara, (wid Jeremiah,) h 82 Fischer F. W. Christian, carpenter, h 612<br />

Eighth.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Finn Jeremiah,carpenter, h n w cor Michi- Fischer Gustav, tinsmith, h cor Ash and<br />

gan and Natianal aves.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Finn John, carpenter, bds 82 Eighth. Fischer Henry, lab., h 321 Bronson.<br />

Finn Richard, lab., h o 555 Beaubien. Fischer Henry, tailor, bds 54 Fort e.<br />

Finn Tirr!othy, printer, h 19 Abbott. Fischer Joseph B., saloon, 287 Marion, h<br />

Fiun William H., carpenter, h 214 Eighth. same.<br />

Finnbauer John, tanner, h 242 Sixteenth. Fischer Max, clerk, bds 160 Randolph.<br />

Finney H. Seymour, bds 345 Cass ave. Fischer Peter, engineer, Russell House.<br />

Finney Miss Hattie E., teacher, bds 345 Fischer Peter, (P. and W. Fischer,) h 442<br />

Cass we.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Finney Jared W., U. S. ass't dist. attorney, Fischer Thomas, machinist, bda Larned<br />

bds 345 Cass ave.<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

Finney Seymour, h 345 Cass ave.<br />

Fischer William (P. and W. Fischer,)<br />

Finney Theodore, (col'd,) tailor, h 125 h 440 Larned e.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Fischer Willi2~rn jr, jeweller, bds 440 Larn-<br />

Finney William, (col'd), sailor, bds 125 ed e.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Fischer P. and W., (Peter and William<br />

Finney's Hotel, cor Woodward ave and Fischer,) jewelry, 217 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gratiot,<br />

Fish Abraham, clock repairer,h 76 Colum-<br />

Finnistei George,painter,h276 Nineteenth. bia e.<br />

Fiunister Jonah,painter, h 408 E ighteenth. Fish David D., (Fish, Schroder cSt Co.,) h<br />

finton Herschel, teacher music, bds 86 178 Twelfth.<br />

Fort w.<br />

Fish Joseph, carter, h 42 Second.<br />

. Finucan John, foreman, (Hurley & Co.) Fish Stephen W., carpenter, h 34 Craw-<br />

Firby Thomas R., printer, b& 68 Con- ford.<br />

gress w.<br />

Fish William, (Randall & Fish,) bds 184<br />

Firby Thomas R., h 112 Fort e.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Fireman Francis, (August Vier & Co. ,) h Fish William C., clerk, h 724 Fort e.<br />

n e cor Michigan ave and Griswold. Fish William S., book-keeper, h 204 Eliza-<br />

Fireman's Hall, cor Jefferson ave and beth e.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Fish Schroder & Co., (David D. Fish, Ed-<br />

Firnane John, lab., h 20 Dequindre. ward C. Schroder and Harmon Shear,<br />

Firnane Michael, jr., student, bds 568 Jef- wholesale tea, syrup and cigar dealers,<br />

ferson ave.<br />

64 Jefferson ave.<br />

Flrnane Michael, lib., h Hill, bet Fourth Fisher A,, book-keeper, Lda Franklin<br />

and Fifth,<br />



Fisher Aaron C., (Fisher, Baker & Co.), h<br />

488 Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher Albert C., clerk, bds n w cor Woodward<br />

ave. and Duffield st.<br />

Fisher Alonzo , mason, bds 308 Adams ave e.<br />

Fisher Bendic, lab., h 89 Calhoun.<br />

Fisher Benjamiu, mason, h 38.3 Brush.<br />

Fisher Campbell S., clerk, bds 180 Fifth.<br />

Fisher Miss Carrie, dress maker, h 39 Michigan<br />

ave. up stairs.<br />

Fisher Catharine, (wid. Henry,) h 78 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Fisher Charles, shoemaker, h 100 Clinton.<br />

Fisher Charles, clerk, h 181 Fort e.<br />

Fisher Charles, tailor, h 237 ,%dams ave. e.<br />

Fisher Elam, (Fisher 6t Long), 89 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Fisher Esther, (wid. Isaac), h 308 Brush.<br />

Fisher Frank E., captain, bds Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Fisher FrederickH., clerk, bds 57 Beaubien.<br />

Fisher George W., bricklayer, h 55 Campbell.<br />

Fisher Henry 8.: tailor: h 51 Fort e<br />

Fisher Henry C. Machinist, 90 Walnut.<br />

Fisher James L., (Coulsen, Fisher & Stoddard),<br />

bds 30 Alexandrine ave.<br />

Fisher James W., clerk, bds 30 Park Place.<br />

Fisher John, lab., h old 171, new 191<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Fisher John. lab., bds 96 Labrosse.<br />

Fisher John T., saloon, 221 Michigan ave.,<br />

h same.<br />

'Fisher Joseph, lab., h 35 Humbolt ave.<br />

Fisher Joseph, lab., h 263 Catharine.<br />

Fisher Joseph, teamster, (J. E- Pittman), h<br />

- Second.<br />

Fisher Mary Mrs., h 371 Grand River ave.<br />

Fisher Maxwell x.9 (Fisher, Booth & Co.),<br />

n. w. cor Woodward ave. and Duffield.<br />

Fisher Thomas, wholesale wooden ware,<br />

46 Jefferson ave., h 365 Brush.<br />

Fisher William. carpenter, h 41 Labrosse.<br />

Fisher William, carpenter, bds 78 Wa~e- Fisher William, t&mVX, h 71 Eighteenth.<br />

Fisher, Baker & Co., (Aaron C. Fisher,<br />

David Baker, and William Weitzel,) carriage<br />

goods, 174 Woodward aye.<br />

Fisher, Booth & Co., (JI. M. Fisher, E. G.<br />

Booth, and D. G. Preston,) bankers, 68<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher & Lonq, (Elam Fisher and J. E.<br />

Long,) sporting goods, 110 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Fisk Edwin D., clerk, h 34 Alexandrine<br />

ave<br />

Fisk Eliza S., (wid David,) h 37 George.<br />

Fisk James E.. clerk, bds Biddle House.<br />

Fisk William, bootmaker, h 50 Centre.<br />

Fiske John P.,(Fiske & Jenness,) h 249 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Fiske & Jenness, (John P. Fiske and John<br />

S. Jenness,) wholesale crockery, 88 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



wOysters in a and<br />

Retail.<br />

Fitch Edward D., (Fitch 62 Congdon,) h<br />

old 413 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fitch Edward R., foreman box factory, h<br />

567 Fort w.<br />

$'itch Lewis R., iron dealer, h 272 Third.<br />

Fitch Melvin J., porter, bds Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Fitch William H., President 31utual Gas<br />

Co., h 1165 Jefferson ave.<br />

& Congdon, (Edward D. Fit& and<br />

David Co~~pdon,) merchant tailors, 76<br />

7,Qoodward ave.<br />

Fitzhue William, teamster, h 792 Woodbridqe<br />

w.<br />

Fitz Charles W., joiner, h 114 Macomb.<br />

Fitzgerald David, blacksmith, h 321 Pint.<br />

Fitzgerald Edward, lab., h 256 Howard.<br />

Fitzgerald James, lab., bds 25 National<br />

ave.<br />

Fitzgerald John, boiler maker, bds 88<br />

Porter.<br />

Fitzgerald John, coachman, h 537 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Fitzgerald John, lab., h 311 LaK2yette.<br />

Fitzgerald John, lab., h 103 Fifteenth.<br />

Fitzgerald John, soda water works, h 398<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Fitzgerald John W., marble cutter, h s s<br />

Grand River ave. nr Twelfth.<br />

Fitzgerald Mary, (wid Thomas.) h 273<br />

Sixth.<br />

Fitzzerald Martin, mason, h 429 Twelfth.<br />

Fltzgerald Michael, h 118 Labrosse.<br />

Fitzgerald Michael, drayman, h 16 National<br />

ave.<br />

Fitzgerald Patrick, boiler maker, h 83<br />

Porter.<br />

Fitzgerald Patrick, dragman, h 348 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Fitzgerald Patrick, lab., h Union cor<br />

Fourth.<br />

Fitzgerald Patrick, hb., h 199 Bbbott.<br />

Fitzgerald Richard, boiler maker, h 360<br />

Bronsou.<br />

Fitzgerald Richard fireman, h 135 Twentyfirst.<br />

Fit zgerald Richard, printer, h 447 Fifth.<br />

Fitzgerald Thomas, blacksmith, h s s Congress<br />

nr Leib.<br />

Fitzgerald Thomas, shoemaker, h 141<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Fitzqerald Stephen, boiler maker, h 235<br />



Fitzsimmons.Myron S., telegraph operator,<br />

bds 5 Aspinall Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Fitzsimons Patrick (Beatty, Fitzsimons &<br />

Co.,) h 58 Congress w.<br />

Fitzsimons Thomas, captain,'h 77 Porter.<br />

Fiz Julius, cigar maker, h 43 Catharine.<br />

Fizette George, sailor, h 36 Wight.<br />

Flabbi John, tinsmith, bds 99 Jay.<br />

Flach Charles, cabinet maker, 63 and 65<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Fort e, h 375 Lafayette.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. Flach E~nest, lab,, h 375 Lafayette.<br />

Flach Frederick, cabinet-maker, h w s<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Third nr Holden Road.<br />

Flach Frederick, carpenter, h 317 Clinton.<br />

Fitzgcrald William, lab., h 445 Fifth. Flaherty Mary (wid John) h 185 Labrosse.<br />

Fitzgerald William, lab., h 25 National Flaig John G., lab., bds s e cor Grand Rivave.<br />

er ave (rind Twelfth.<br />

Fitzqibbons Bridget, (wid Miles), bcts 192 F1:tislcins Thom~s, lab., h cor Ash and<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Fil zgibbous Maurice, blacksmith, h 334 Flanigan David, tuck-pointer, bds 253<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Fitzqibbon Patrick, blacksmith, h 657 Con- Flanigan Edward, plasterer, bds 242 Sevgress<br />

e.<br />

en th.<br />

Fitzgibbon Patrick, lab., h 10-1 Plum. Flanigan Frank, switchman, h 9 Beauhien<br />

Fitzgibbon Patrick lab., h 90 Tillrnan ave. Flanigan James, brakesman D. & M. R.<br />

Fitzhugh Edwin G., upholsterer, bds 55 R., bds 9 Beaubien.<br />

Joy.<br />

Flanigan James, sailor, h 559 Twenty-'<br />

Fitzhugh Mark, traveling agent, h 58 Joy. third.<br />

Fitzpatrick - , lab., h 69 National ave. Flanigan Jeremiah, boiler-maker, h 13<br />

Fitzpatrick Cornelius, shoemaker, h 21 Labrosse.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Flanigan John. U. S. Assistant Assessor,<br />

Fitzpatrick Daniel, baggagernan, h 340 bds Biddle House.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Flani~an John, carpenter, h 387 Fifteenth.<br />

Fitz patrick Dennis, cutter h 188 Michigan Flanigan John, lab., h 230 Alfred.<br />

ave.<br />

Flanigan Mark. U. S. assessor, 2 Bank<br />

Fitzpatrick Henry B., boiler maker, bds 21 block, h 92 Nigh.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Flaunigan Michael, carpenter, h 108 Por-<br />

Fitzpatrick James, grocer, 691 illichigan ter.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Flauignn Mort, lab., h 313 Michican ave.<br />

Fitzpatrick James F., stove moulder, bds Flanigan Parrick, carpenter, 11 110 Chcrry.<br />

lti2 Third.<br />

Flanigan Patrick, lab., h Beaubien cor<br />

Fitzpatrick James jr., clerk, bds 691 Mich- Franklin.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Flanigan Peter, car cleaner, h 358 Wood-<br />

Fitzr~atrick John, shipcarpenter, h 454 bridge e.<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Flanigan Thomas, lab., h 187 National<br />

Fitzpatrick, Michael, lab., h 300 Wight. ave.<br />

Fitzpatrick Patrick, checker, h 340 Ab- Flanigan William, blacksmith, h 110<br />

bott.<br />

C h erry .<br />

Fitzpatrick Peter, (Fitzpatrick & Bro.,) h Flanipan William,butcber, bds Peninsular<br />

691 Michigan ave.<br />

~oilse.<br />

Fitzpatrick Richard, moulder, bds 162 Flattery Dennis (Flattery Bros.) bds 175<br />

Third.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fitzpatrick Thomas, h 162 Third. Flattery James, (Flattery Bros.) h 175 Lar-<br />

Fitzpatrick Thomas (Fitzpatrick $; Bro.) ned e.<br />

bds 69 1 Michigan ave.<br />

Flattery Neil, (Flattery Bros.) h 100 Lar-<br />

Fitzpatrwk Thomas, lab., h Macomb bet ned e.<br />

Elmwood and McDou.qal1 we.<br />

Fln.ttery William J., clerk, h 880 Con-gressl<br />

Fitzpatrick Thomas, tin smith, bds 21 Flattery Bros., (Neil, Dennis and James)<br />

Fort e.<br />

furniture, 98 Woodward<br />

Fitzpa trick L ! Bro., (Peter and Thomas) Flavel Peter, blacksmith, 190 Macomb.<br />

butchers and drovers. stall 2 U. C. H. 31. Fleek Charles F., brtunscheidist,h 261 Cro-<br />

Fitzroy Charles, traveler, bds 19 Cass. ghan.<br />

Fitzsimons James, lab., bds 77 Porter. Fleck George (Rhaesa dt Co.) bds 17'7<br />

Filzsimons Michael, h 312 Fifth.<br />

Michigan ave.

-<br />


We will take pleasure in qhowing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned street.<br />

Parke, DavZs b CO.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Fleet Thomas, lab., h w. s. Crawford, bet<br />

McLean and Brigham.<br />

Flege Friederich, lab., h 451 Maple.<br />

Fleischer ~dolph, cigar maker, bds 67<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Fleischer, Mrs. Mary, intelligence office,<br />

67 Monroe ave., h same.<br />

Fleischer Peter, intelligence, 55 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h same,<br />

Jii'leischman Charles, butcher, h 27 Colum- Fletcher Charles T., (Ducharme, Prentiss<br />

bia e.<br />

L% Co.,) h 51 Columbia e.<br />

Fleischman Frank, shoemaker, h 163 Fletcher Frank E., physician, h 77 Miami<br />

Rivard.<br />

ave.<br />

Fleischmann Frank, shoemaker, h 46 Fletcher George, clerk, bas 15 John R.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Fletcher George, huckster, s e cor Grand<br />

Fleischman Henry (Fleischman & Son), River ave and Fifteenth.<br />

bds 27 Columbia e.<br />

Fletcher George C., traveling agt, h 11<br />

Fleischman Louis, clerk, bds 27 Colum- Howard.<br />

bia e.<br />

Fletcher George R., clcrk. bds 10 John R.<br />

Fleischman Martin, lab., h 283 High. Fletcher George N., lumber merchant, h<br />

Fleischman Samuel, butcher, 4 <strong>City</strong> Hall 215 Fort w.<br />

Market, h 83 Fort e.<br />

Fletcher Georce W., clerk, bds I5 John R.<br />

Fleischman 62 Son (Charles and Henry), Fletcher Hadley. druggist, '70 Jefferson av,<br />

butchers, 3 C. H. M.<br />

Fletcher Herbert, clerk, bds 15 John R.<br />

Fleitz John P. (Fleitz 62 Gmahl), h 130 Fletcher James, clerk, bds 15 John R.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fletcher John I., carpenter, h 455 Sixth.<br />

Flemer George, lab., h 651 Clinton ave. Fletcher John W., switchman, bds 513<br />

Flemmer John, porter M. Limbach, h cor Fort w.<br />

Clinton and McDougall aves.<br />

Fletcher Thomas W., carpenter, 6 45<br />

Fleming Andrew, mechanic, h s w cor Prospect.<br />

Woodbridge and Walker.<br />

Fletcher Wm., gardener, h e s Fourth bet<br />

Fleming Constantine, blacksmith, h 419 Putnnm ave and Gold.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Fleurmont Peter, shoemaker, h old 3-17<br />

Fleming David, pile driver, h 253 Six- Lnrned e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Fleury Francis, carpenter, h 383,Bronson.<br />

Fleming David, lab., h 352 Howard. Flewelling Anthony P., contractor, h 105<br />

Fleming David, saloon, 880 Woodbridge w, Sixteenth.<br />

h same.<br />

Flier1 Peter, blacksmith, h 190 Macoml.<br />

Fleming Duncan, lather, h 119 Benton. Flinn Daniel, lab., h 2'70 Franklin.<br />

Fleming Frederick, lab., h w s Mc- Flinn Patrick, lab., h 234 Sixth.<br />

Dougall ave, bet Maple and Chestnut. Flinn Timothy, lab., h 107 Woodbridge e.<br />

Fleming Herman% lab., h n s Maple, Flintermann John, physician, h 304 St.<br />

bet Joseph Campau and McDougall Antoine.<br />

aves.<br />

Flood John, tailor, 22 Bradv, h same.<br />

Fleming James, harness maker, h '70 Flood John B., machinist, bds 117 Oak.<br />

Lewis.<br />

Flood Mary. (wid James,) h 117 Oak.<br />

Fleming John, checker, bds 4 Tenth. Florie Frank, lab., h 432 Catharine.<br />

Fleming John, ship carpenter, h 554 Con- Florin Victor, lab., h 369 Duhois.<br />

gress e.<br />

Flowers Charles H., baking powder, cor<br />

~1Gming John, commission merchant, 32 Eighth and Baker, h same.<br />

Michigan Grand ave, h 35 Lafayette. Flower George, (James Flower & Bros. ,)<br />

Fleming Miss Mary F., 130 Labrosse. h 97 Lnrned e.<br />

Fleming Patrick, lab., h 580 Seventeenth. Flower James, (James Flower & Bras.,)<br />

Fleming Richard, checker, h 180 Four- h 113 Lnrned e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Flower Solomon, clothing, 33 Jefferson<br />

Fleming Thomas C., potter, bds 119 Till- ave, h same.<br />

man ave.<br />

Flower Thomas, (James Flower & Bros.),<br />

Fleming Wil@, engineer, h 144 Has- h 110 Woodbridge e:<br />

tine.<br />

Flower James & Bros., (James, George &<br />

Fleming William, lab., h 99 Chene.<br />

Thomas,) brass and iron foundry, cor<br />

Fler Henry, lab., bds 191 Wilkins.<br />

Brush and Woodbridge.<br />

Fletcher Archibald, switchman M. C. R. R. Flowers Charles, (Flowers & Nichols), h<br />

Fletcher Benjamin, traveling agent G. T. 713 Third.<br />

Ry., h 67 Montcalm w.<br />

Flowers John, lab., h 348 Fort e.<br />



a&rHEw<br />

Foley James, lab., h 55 Labrosse.<br />

Foley James jr, clerk, bds 55 Labrosse.<br />

Foley Jeremiah, blacksmith, bds 2G6 Lafayette<br />

nve.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1 Foley John, baker, 506 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, ~oley John, lab.* h 30 Orchard.<br />

@T SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Foley Jessie, gilder, hds 48 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Foley Mary, gilder, bds 48 St. 4-ubin ave.<br />

Flowerg (ft. Nichols, (Charles Flowers Ji; J. Foley Michael, billiards, bds 2GG Lafay-<br />

Benton Nichols,) stenographers, 20 Seitz ette we.<br />

Block.<br />

Foley Michael, boiler maker, h 7,r7 Michi-<br />

Floyd Andrew, (col'd) porter, h 335 East- gan am.<br />

in@.<br />

Foley JIichael, h 129 National ave.<br />

Floyd Sarah, (wid William), h 104 National Foley Patrick, saloon, YSO Michigan ave, h<br />

ave.<br />

same.<br />

Floyd Thomas, boiler maker, bds 104 Na- Foley Robert, clerk, h 266 Lafayette ave.<br />

tional ave.<br />

Foley Timothy, lab., h 199 Labrosse.<br />

Flumerfelt B. J., student, bds Goodman Foley Timotlly, lab., h 1L9 Beech-<br />

House.<br />

Folices Phillip, gardener, h 37 Labrosse.<br />

Fluy Francis, painter, h 382 Lafayette. Foiieu John, lab., h 343 Sherman.<br />

Flynn Anna, operator, bds 25 Jefferson Foljon Albert, lab., h n s German bet Deave.<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Fl_vnn Daniel, heiper, h 270 Franklin. Follett Herman, shoemaker bds 9'73 Mich-<br />

Flynn Edward porter, h 46 Sprout.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Flyna Elisha, H., lawyer, 149 Jefferson Follius George, sailor, h 592 Seventh.<br />

ave, bds 85 Washingtom ave.<br />

Follius Job, captain barge Ylymout h<br />

Flynn Hugh, h 81 Third.<br />

Rock.<br />

Flynn James W., (Bag & Flynn,) h 248 Fo1so.n Frank, (S. Folsonl 6s CO.,) bds<br />

Park.<br />

Congress w cor Second.<br />

Flynn James, lab., h 90 Humboldt ave. Folsom James, letter carrier, h 239 Con-<br />

Flynn John, builder, h n 144 o 124 How- gress e.<br />

ard. -<br />

Folsom Mrs. Nary A., seanlstress, h 88<br />

Flynn Timothy, moulder, h 16s Fifteenth. Adnms ave w.<br />

Flynn Wi!liam, bds 81 Third.<br />

Folso~n Simeon, (S. Folsoln & Co.,) h 106<br />

Foex Charles, tanner, h 82.5 Congress w. Washington ave.<br />

Foex Francis tancy goods, &c., h 325 Con- Folsom S & CO., ( Simeon and Frank Folgress<br />

w.<br />

som,) wood deal(hrs, 14 Congress e.<br />

Fdex Mrs. Hortense, stamping and c:m- Fonda Isaac H., (Fonda & Esselstyn,) h 10<br />

broidering, 187 Woodward ave, h 323 Henry.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Fonda & Esselstyn, (Isaac H. Fonda and<br />

Foqwty Helen, (wid Thomas), h 206 First. Elton A. Esselstyn,) wholesale dry<br />

FOGARTY JAMES, wood yard, 138 JIich- goods, 111 and 113 Jefferson ave.<br />

igan ave, h 206 First.<br />

FGte Rev.Charles C..h n 88 o SOColumbia e<br />

Fogarty Timothy, lab., h 169 Beach. Foote Charles T., contractor, h 775 Wood-<br />

Fogler Ferdinand, moulder, h 242 Joseph ward ave.<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Foote George, (IIoore, Foote& Co.,) h 232<br />

Fogler Henly, tailor, h 240 Joseph Cam- Fort w.<br />

pau ave.<br />

Foote Horace, broom maker, h 103 Chene.<br />

Foisie A4ugustus, drayman, h 234 Catha- Foot Jerome, policeman, h 395 Twelfth.<br />

rine.<br />

Foot TYilliam, (col'd,) carpenter, h 281<br />

Foisie Charles, drayman, bds 231 Catha- Fort e.<br />

rine.<br />

Forbes Frederick A., telegrapher, bds 88<br />

Foisy Arthur, clerk. h 42 Sherman. Adams ave w.<br />

Folce John, carver, h 63 Abbot t.<br />

Forbes Frederick J. B., auctioneer, h 80<br />

Foley Daniel, lab., h 109 Beech.<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

Foley Daniel, weighmaster, h 368 Abbott. Forbes James, shoemaker, 121 Harrison<br />

Foley David, tanner, h o 359 n 361 Orleans. ave., h same.<br />

Foley Dennis, jobber, h 600 Seventh. Forbes John, clerk, h 46 ~jrriett.<br />

Foley dames, cierk, bds 51 Labrosse. Forbes Michael, carpenter, h 252 Croghan.<br />

Foley James, helper, bds 48 St. Aubin Forbes M. S., agent, (C. D. Widman & Co.,)<br />

ave.<br />

bds Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Foley James, lab., h 213 Porter.<br />

Forbes Robert, S., cleric, bds 88 Adam<br />

Foley James, lab., h 63 Sullivan ave.<br />

aye. w.


Ford Peter, carpenter, bds 149 Marion,<br />

Ford William C., painter, h n e cor Sixth<br />

and Abbott.<br />

Ford William M., (Wamsley & Ford), h<br />

57 Elizabeth w.<br />

Ford William W., carpenter, h 273 Second.<br />

Ford Wyron, bds 744 Jefferson ave.<br />

FORD JOHN Br; SONS, florists, (John,<br />

John Frederick and Henry P. Ford,)<br />

785 Michigan ave. (See adv.)<br />

Eordsham Bridge, fine arts, 159 Jefferson<br />

rtve, bds Howard House.<br />

Foremann Peter, tanner h 9 Marion.<br />

Forest Frank, lab., h s e cor Guoin and<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Foret August, carpenter, h 562 Croghan.<br />

Fogarty Charles, brass finisher, bds 154<br />

Sixth.<br />

Forhan Patrick, lab, h 418 Seventh.<br />

Forsey Arthur E., porter, h 42 Sherman.<br />

Fijrkel Julius, grocer, n e cor Beaubien<br />

and Brady, h same.<br />

Furkel Louis, grocer, 447 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Forn Patrick, lab., h 415 Seventh.<br />

Forni Vital, grocer, 523 Gratiot. h same.<br />

Forney John A., printer, bds 66 Lamed w.<br />

Forsdick Horace, painter, h 805 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-halt'.<br />

Forster John, photographer, h 418 Mullett.<br />

Forster Joseph, mason, h Fourteenth, n<br />

side, nr Michigan ave.<br />

Forrest August, carpenter, h 560 Croghan.<br />

DIRECTORY. FOE! 235<br />

Forbes Thomas, shoemaker, h 374 Beau- LOVERS of those DELlClO US BIVALVES<br />

bien.<br />

Forbes William A., clerk, bds 88 Adams<br />

amma<br />


ave w.<br />

Forcher John B., carpenter, h 140 Orchard & @@8'@<br />

Forcier John, sailor, bds 8s Larned e.<br />

Forcier Joseph, carpenter, h 31 2 Guoin. FnIton JYkrket Oyster 18[0Il~e,<br />

Forcier Louis, sailor, h SS Larned e.<br />

Ford Charles R. cigar maker, h 56 La- 28 MICHIGAN GRAND ATE.<br />

brosse.<br />

Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholeaale<br />

Ford Elizabeth, (wid John H.,) h 53 Riva.rd<br />

and Retall.<br />

Ford George, clerk, h 56s Jefferson ave.<br />

Ford George, machinist, h 468 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Ford Henry P., (John Ford & Sons,) bds<br />

449 Eighteenth.<br />

Ford James, clerk, bds 72 Larned w.<br />

Ford James,'bds 744 Jeffirson ave.<br />

Ford John, (John Ford & Sons,) h 449<br />

Eiqhteent h.<br />

Ford John, sailor, h 237 Fourteenth.<br />

Ford John Frederick, (John Ford & Sons),<br />

h 447 Eighteenth.<br />

Ford John N., steam forge, foot Mt. Elliott<br />

ave., h 744 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ford Mrs. Julien, (col'd) city laundry, 62<br />

Second.<br />

Ford Mary, (wid. Richard), bds 259 Franklin.<br />

Fordes Michael, carpenter, h 252 Croghan.<br />

Ford Neeweth, (wid - ,) h 82 Wayne.<br />

Forrest Daniel, carpenter, h 352 Howard.<br />

Forrest James O., book-keeper, h 81 Wasb-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Forrest William, boiler maker, h 148 Bs-<br />

ker.<br />

Forrester Joseph, hostler, bds 31 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Forsch Anton, lab., h 54 Clinton.<br />

Forsdick Horace, painter, h 305 Thb-<br />

teenth-and-a-half.<br />

Forshay Louis, carpenter, h 424 Guoin.<br />

Forster John T., photographer, 33 Gra<br />

tiot, h 418 Nullett.<br />

Forsyth George, with 3s. A. M. SneU,<br />

h 47 Brady.<br />

Forsyth James, lab;, h 44 Spencer.<br />

Forsyth John, caller, bds 146 Porter.<br />

Forsyth John, clerk, h 279 Michigan ave.<br />

Forsyth Mrs. John, mdlinery, 279 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Forsyth Oscar F., clerk, h "J Rowland.<br />

Forsyth Patrick, printer, h 401 Twelfth.<br />

Forsyth Peter, (Daily Union) bds 44 Spen-<br />

cer.<br />

Forsy th Thomas R., (<strong>Detroit</strong> Bung Fac-<br />

tory) 'h 14 Montcalm w.<br />

Fort Wayne and Elmwood R. R Co.'s<br />

office, 141 Griswold.<br />

Fortain James N., joiner, h 710 Fort e.<br />

Fortain William, pail maker, h Franklin<br />

s s bet Adair and Leib.<br />

Fortier Sarah (wid Charles) h 59 Grand<br />

River ave e.<br />

Fortier William H., captain schooner<br />

William McGregor.<br />

Forton Frank, carpenter, h 127 Maple.<br />

Forton Peter, jr., carpenter, bds 149 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Forton Peter, sr., carpenter, h 149 Marion.<br />

Fortune Sarah A. (wicl William) h 194<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Fortune William, carpenter, bds 194 Thir-<br />

teenth-and-a-half.<br />

Foss August, barkeeper, bds 11 State.<br />

Fossy Augustus, drayman, h 204 Cathrine.<br />

Fossey Fred, confectioner,bds 84 Larned e.<br />

Foster Allen, carpenter, h 29 Fifth.<br />

Foster Arthur, carpenter, h 267 First.<br />

Foster Charles E. (Ebner & Foster)bds 202<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Foster Charles J., engraver, bds 9 Center.<br />

Foster Edward,cabinet milker, h 49 Marion.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Foster Edward D., (31umford, Foster &<br />

Co.) h 19 Macomb.<br />

Foster Fred. S., travelling agent, (Hayden<br />

& Baldwin) bds 431 Cass ave.<br />

Foster George A., physician, h Harper's<br />

Hospital, Woodward ave.<br />

Foster James, barber, 77 Atwater, h 202<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Foster James, mate ferry boat' <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Foster James A., artificial limb manufacmanufacturer,<br />

172 Jefferson we., h 460<br />

Congress e.<br />

Foster John, builder, h 244 Fifth.<br />

Foster John A., clerk, bds Howard House.<br />

Foster John A,, machinist, bds 76 Atwater<br />

east.<br />

Foster John Y., barber, 202 Jefferson ave.<br />

Foster Josdph E., (Foster & Bearss) h 9<br />

Centre.<br />

Foster Nicholas, cutter, bds 442 Twelfth.<br />

Foster Susan, dressmaker, h 5'7 George.<br />

Foster William N., saloon, 94 Michigan<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Foster & Bearss (Joseph E. Foster and<br />

John H. Bearss) hardwood lumber<br />

dealers cor of Park Place and State.<br />

Fourllier Achilles, druggist, h 181 St.<br />

Aubin.<br />

Fournier George, lab., bds 284 Franklin.<br />

Fournier John, carpenter, h 370 Frospect.<br />

Fournier John, planer, h 141 Wight.<br />

Fournier Magloire, cnrpenter, h 284 Franklin.<br />

Fountain Frank, iron fence 'manufacturer,<br />

n. e. cor State and Park Place h 222<br />

High.<br />

Fountain Joseph, engineer, h 435 Macomb.<br />

Fowler Alexander D., lawyer, room 5<br />

Telegraph Block, h cor. Grand Kiver<br />

and Woodward aves.<br />

Fewler Miss Emma, music teacher, bds 47<br />

Fort w.<br />

Fowler Frederick W., box-maker, bds 28<br />

Orchard.<br />

Fowler George H., clerk, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Fowler Henry W., b0.x factory, 17 Jeffer-<br />

-.<br />

son ave., h-28 Orchard. tam.<br />

- --<br />

Fowler William, carpenter, h Oak bet<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Fowler William H., box maker, bds 28<br />

Orchard, h 108 Congress.<br />

Fowler William J.,refreshment on steamer<br />

Union, 108 Congress e.<br />

Fowler Worthen J., harness maker, bds<br />

60 Wayne.<br />

Fowler Caroline (wid Richard,)h 5 Cottage<br />

Place, Elizabeth w.<br />

Fowles Norman C., agent, h 176 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Fowles Robert, S. BI., agent, h 175 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Fowlet Christopher, mason, h Mt. Hope<br />

ave, nr Magnolid.<br />

Fox Angus, supt. telegraph office (D.<br />

& M.), bds 118 St. Antoine.'<br />

Fox David F., lawyer, office I01 Griswold,<br />

up-stairs, h 231 Brush.<br />

Fox Fred, machinist, h 191 Orleans.<br />

Fox George, bds 245 Congress e.<br />

Fox George W., policeman, h 44 Orchard.<br />

Fox Jacob B. (Grey, Toynton & Fox), h<br />

44 Elizabeth e.<br />

Fox James B., guilder, h 80 Elizabeth e.<br />

Fox James L. T., lawyer, h 29 Lafayette.<br />

Fox Jane (wid George), boarding h 65<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fox John, lab., h 345 Twenty-second.<br />

Fox John, lab., h 107 Bronson.<br />

Fox John C., carpenter, h 157 Mullett.<br />

Fox John G., farmer, bds 373 Sixteenth.<br />

Fox John J., lab., bds 167 Mullett.<br />

Fox Joseph P., clerk, bds 351 Howard.<br />

Fox L. (Griffin & Fox), bds 48 Abbott.<br />

Fox Lawrence M., merchant, h 327<br />

Tweltth.<br />

Fox Lucian H., State agent, Ins. Co. of<br />

North America, h 141 Cass.<br />

Fox Martin, Yankee notions, h 79 Fort e.<br />

Fox Micbael H., engineer, M. C. R. R., h<br />

70 Harrison ave.<br />

Fox Oscar G., conductor, bds Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Fox Robert, h 231 Brush.<br />

Fox Theodore, clerk, bds 65 Lamed e.<br />

Fox Thomas B., clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Fox William, machinist, bds 135 hbbott. ,<br />

Fox William F., confectioner, bds 252<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Foxen John T., clerk, bds 30 Howard.<br />

Foxen William, real estate (J. L. Matthews<br />

& Co.), h 30 Howard.<br />

Foy Bernard, saloon, 547 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Foy Michael, teamster, h 280 Thirteenth.<br />

Foy, Phillip, clerk, bds 547 Michigan ave.<br />

Frace Henry, clerk, h 7'6 Bagz.<br />

Frahm Chas., lab., h 374 Antietam.<br />

Frahm Dorethea, (wid John,) h 374 Antie-<br />

Fowler John N., (Campbell, Owen & Co,) Frain Hcnry. conductor, h 64 Elizabeth e.<br />

h 500 Woodward ave.<br />

1 Fraleigh Edgsr, bds National Hotel.


Fralick Edgar, sailor, bds 560 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Framback Henry,~clerk,bds Finney's Hotel<br />

France Alfred J., brass finisher, bds 111<br />

Clinton.<br />

France John, confectioner, 181 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

France Joseph, polisher, bds 187 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Francis John R., painter, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Francis Sophia, (col'd) , dressmaker, h 268<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Franck John, upholsterer, bds '70 Antietam<br />

Francony Francis, sailor, 384 St Aubin av.<br />

Francois Charles N., h 5 Opera House<br />

Block, (up stairs.)<br />

Francz Aloys, brass finisher, bds 111 Clinton.<br />

Francz Bernard, mason, bds 111 linto on.<br />

Frank Abraham, clerk, bds 37 Michigan av<br />

Frank Albert, letter carrier, h 22 Clay.<br />

Frank Albert, hisher; bcls 218 Napoleon.<br />

Frank Andrew, basket maker, 54 Antietam,<br />

h same.<br />

Frank Andrew, milkman, h s s St. Joseph<br />

bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Frank Anthony, h 680 Croghan.<br />

Frank Anton, lab., h 199 Antietam.<br />

Frank Augustus, cabiuet maker, bds 380<br />

Croghan.<br />

Frank August, tailor, h 218 Napoleon.<br />

Frslnk Benjamin, mason, h 56 Bronson.<br />

Frank Diterach, shoemaker, bds s e cor<br />

Chestnut and McDougall ave.<br />

Frank Herman, carpenter, h 0 s Sherman,<br />

bet Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Frank Henry, carpenter, h 268 Dubois.<br />

Frank Henry, spectacle maker, bds 200<br />

Mary.<br />

Frank Henry A., druggist, 174 Rivard, h<br />

same.<br />

Frank John, painter, h 229 AbbotL<br />

Frank John, upholsterer, bds 14 Antietam.<br />

Frank Julia, seamstress, h 51'7 Gratiot.<br />

Frank Louis, tanner, h 392 Croghan.<br />

Frank Michael, mason, h 217 Maple.<br />

Frank Nicholas, shoemaker, h w s Mc-<br />

Dougall ave bet Maple and Chestnut.<br />

Frank Nicholas, cigarmaker, bds 65 Atwater<br />

e.<br />

Frank Oswald, fireman, engine No. 6, h<br />

n s Illinois bet Prospect and Russell.<br />

Franke William, saloon 61 . Larned e, h<br />

same.<br />

Franke William H., moulder, h 465 Fifteenth.<br />

Franke Adolph, carriage trimmer, h 193<br />

Clinton.<br />

Frank John, carpenter, h 298 Brewster.<br />

Frank Jose~h. shoemaker, h 141 Benton.<br />

Frankenstein ' Jacob, (Frankenstein and<br />

Kallmyer,) h 127 Jeffersou ave.<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our ofice<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & CO.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Frankenstein Maurice, boot and shoes, 47<br />

Jefferson ave, h 96 Fort e.<br />

Frau kenstein William, peddlar, h 219<br />

Congress e.<br />

Frankenstein & Kallmyer, (Jacob Frank-<br />

stein and Levi Kallmy er,) clothing<br />

store 35 Jefterson ave.<br />

Franker Richard, h 705 Franklin.<br />

Frankf'ort Iron Co., ofice 37 Con-<br />

qress w. (& adv.)<br />

~iankfurth Lucinda, bds 364 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Franklin Abraham J., clerk, h 280 Brush.<br />

Franklin David, carriage painter, bds 94<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Franklin Henry, col'd lab., h 326 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Franklin House, cor Bates and Larned,<br />

Charles Ruhl proprietor.<br />

Franklin Lorenz, cooper, h 94 Napoleon.<br />

Franklm Mathilda, wid Alfred, dress-<br />

maker, h 202 Beztubien.<br />

Franklin William, teamster, h old 345<br />

Larued e.<br />

Frantz Joseph, machinist, h 11 1 Clinton.<br />

Frantz Joseph J., finisher, bds 140<br />

Seventh.<br />

Frantz Samuel S., confectionery, GI+ Mon-<br />

roe ave, h same.<br />

Franz Fred, hackdriver, bds 111 Clinton.<br />

Fratnz John, carpenter, h 4'11 Mullett.<br />

Franz Joseph, machinst, h 111 Clinton.<br />

Franz Peter, carpenter, h 411 Mullett<br />

Franz Peter J., woodsman, bds 111 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Frary Thomas J., tinsmith, h 32 Harriet.<br />

Praser Alexander D., lawyer, 194 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 338 same.<br />

Fraster David, porter, h 107 Russel3.<br />

Fraser E. P., insurance agent, room 16<br />

telegraph block.<br />

Fraser Pamelia Bf., (wid Alexander J.), h<br />

810 JeCeison ave.<br />

Fraser Thomas, civil engineer. h 164 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Fraser Thomas, clerk, bds 164 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Frauly Annik Miss., operator, bds 212 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Fraunt Henry butcher, bds 181 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Frawley Daniel, lab., h 459 Seventeenth.<br />

Frayne Frmk, dramatic, h 2'77 Larned e.<br />

Frazell James M., cutter, h 455 Lafayette.

J Freeman David M., inspector of customs,<br />

1 bds Harper Hospital.<br />

Freeman Prederick, tailor, h cor Prospect<br />

Freeman George L., h 134 Lafavette ave.<br />

SENT FREE,<br />

Freeman Harry, porter, Russell House.<br />

Freeman Jefferson C., grainer, h 83 Adams<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW, ave w.<br />

DETROIT, HICH., Freeman Joel, engineer, h 52 Macomb ave<br />

Corner Congress and Randolph sts. Freeman John A., h 31'7 Congress w.<br />

Freeman John D., clerk, bds 175 Wood-<br />

Frazer Abrs~m C., h 532 Jefferson ave. ward ave.<br />

Frazer Frank, captain, h 143 Napoleon. Freeman Mrs. Julia A., matron, Harper<br />

Frazer Frank, policeman, h ~1cDougall Hospital, Woodward ave.<br />

ave bet Macomb and Croghan. Freeman Kalrnsn, grocer, 270 Beaubien,<br />

Frazer James, captain, h 14? Napoleon. h same.<br />

Frazer William, holse shoer, bds I70 Freeman Mary, h 217 First.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Freeman 31a~thew M., builder, n w cor<br />

Frazier Ella, bookbinder, bds 141 Macomb. Dubois and Franklin, h same.<br />

Frazier Frank, policeman, h Mcbougall Freeman Moody R., artist, bds 61 Adams<br />

ave nr Croghan.<br />

ave. w.<br />

Frazier James, hack driver, bds Franklin Freeman Seth, carpenter, h 6 Lewis.<br />

House.<br />

Freeman Ziba, sailor, h 671 Franklin.<br />

Frazier William, carriage trimer, bds 143 Freer Charles D. B., carpenter, h s w cor<br />

N apoleon.<br />

Walnut and Thirteenth.<br />

Freda August, lab., h 92 Marion. Freiburger Charles, clerk, bds 954 Jeffer-<br />

Freda Jacob, tbilor, h 236 Alfred.<br />

son ave.<br />

Prede Frederick, drayman, h 68 Blaple. Freiburger Frederick, saloon, 954 Jefferson<br />

Frederick Fr auk, carpenter, h 343 High. ave. h same.<br />

Frederick John, photographer, bds Hotel Freiburger Hermann, lab., bds Dubois<br />

Henry.<br />

w. s., bet. Gratiot and German.<br />

Frederick Louis, gilder, h 94 Mullett. Fremont .James,(col'd ,) lab., h 390 Wilkins.<br />

Frederick Peter, sawyer, h 475 James. French Adeliza, (wid Joseph,) h 123 Ab-<br />

Freclerlck William, carpenter, h cor Sixth bott.<br />

and Congress.<br />

French Miss E. L., millinery and dress<br />

Fredericks John, butcher, h 542 Croghan. making, 51 Brush, h same.<br />

Fredericks Peter, meat market, s e cor French George, (col'd,) cook, h 339 Ma-<br />

Chene and Croghan, h saule.<br />

comb.<br />

Fredie Herrmann, drayman, h 312 High. French George, finisher, h 131 Abbott.<br />

Free John, clerk, bds 269 Jefferson ave. French George W., carpenter, h old 539<br />

Freedman -, carpenter, bds 83 Gongress Beaubien.<br />

east.<br />

French James, paving contractor, h 171<br />

Freedman Herman (Freeman Bros.) h Adams ave e.<br />

481 Woodward ave.<br />

French Joseph M., h 63 Congress w.<br />

Freedman ?dyer, lab., h 844 Hastings. French Lafayette, planer, h 217 Twenty-<br />

Freedman Samuel, Peddlar, h 218 Clinton first.<br />

, Freedman Simon (S. Freedman (& Bros.,) French Norman T., foreman, h 41 Fifh<br />

e s Woodward bet Alfred and Edmund teen th.<br />

Freedman William, foreman, bds n w cor French Samuel, (co17d,) lab., h 100 Benton.<br />

Thirteenth and W oodbridge.<br />

French William, painter, bds 151 Adams<br />

Freedman S. (42 Brds. (Solomon, Simon ave e.<br />

and kierrnan)'dry goods, 1 a?, 149 and 151 Frenchy William, wood turner, bds 337<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Freeland Charles J., carpenter, h 82 Sev- Frencke Albert, letter carrier, h 22 Clay.<br />

enth.<br />

Fretz Henry, helper, h 125 Maple.<br />

Freeland John, (col'd) lab., h s s Ken- Fretz - carpenter, h Kentucky, bet Besutucky<br />

bet Hastings and S!. Antoine. bien and St. Antoine.<br />

Freeland Samuel &I. Rev:, pastor Second<br />

Congregational Church, h 37 Selden.<br />

Freund Adolph, (Freund, East cSZ Co.,) h<br />

Freeman Mrs. A., h 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

136 Congress e.<br />

Freeman Bolivar, policeman, h 4b9 St. Freund Charles, carpenter, h 147 Fort e.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Freund Ernst, lab., h 76 Jay.<br />

Freeman Charles J., millwright, bds Cass Freund Ignatz, agent, bds Hotel Erichsen,<br />

House.<br />

1 Freund Macus, merchant, h 11 Harriet.


Freund, East & Co., (Adolph<br />

Freund, Gustavus East and Sigmund<br />

Fechheimer,) fancy gooh, 185 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See a&.)<br />

Freundner Job, shoemaker, h 185 Division.<br />

Freu Archibald, clerk G. W. R. R., h 101<br />

Eighteenth,<br />

Frey Gotlieb, saloon and tinsmith 384<br />

Croghan, h same.<br />

Frey Joseph, shoemaker, 2'38 Randolph, h<br />

186 Croghan.<br />

Friecie Adolph, recruiting office, 185 Jefferson<br />

me., h same.<br />

Friede Franz. carpenter, h 18 Silver.<br />

Frieder Prank, tailor, h 18 Silver.<br />

Friederich Carl, shoemaker, h 403 Maple.<br />

Friederichr Charles, (Friederichs & S taffin),<br />

h 301 Lafiayette.<br />

Friederich Frank, carpenter, h 343 High.<br />

Friederichs Joseph, glass stainer, bds 316<br />

Croghan.<br />

Friederich Mary, bds 316 Croghan.<br />

Friederich Peter, h 574 James.<br />

Friederich Thomas, cooper, h 307 Bremster.<br />

Friederich William A., printer, h 124 Lafagette.<br />

Friederichs & Staffin, (Charles<br />

Freiderichs 62 Peter Staffin,) glass<br />

stainers, 100 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Friedlaud Rev John T., pastor St. Joseph's<br />

(Roman Catholic1 church, h 48'7 Orleans.<br />

Frieland Moses, h 214 St Antoine.<br />

Frielander Aaron, clerk, h 303 Larned e.<br />

Frielander Isaac wire worker, bds 48 Abbott.<br />

Friel James, blacksmith, h 152 Siutll.<br />

Frieling Henry, grocer, 517 Clinton ave., h<br />

same.<br />

Frie~nann Frederick, tailor, h 135 Prospect.<br />

Frier Frederick, teamsler, (House of Correction,)<br />

bds same,<br />

Frier John, confectioner, bds Michigau<br />

ave., nr Twentieth.<br />

Friesa Martin, stone cutter, h 232 Nontcalm<br />

e.<br />

Frietag Carl, cabinet inalrer, bds 32 Clinton<br />

Frietag Christopher, lab., h German s s, nr<br />

Dubois.<br />

Fritz Henry, helper, h 125 Maple.<br />

Fritz Joseph, currier, bds 382 Croghan.<br />

Fieink John B. clerk, h 23 Howard.<br />

Frisbie -James W., dry goods,<br />

145 and 14.5 Woodward ave., h 459 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Fritsch'charles BI., peddler, h 349 Dubois.<br />

Fritz Joseph, tanner, h 3% Croghan.<br />

Fritz Thomas, tailor, h 280 Sherman.<br />

Froese Martin, stmecutter, h 232 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Frohenrath Stephen, blacksmith, h 26<br />

Webster.<br />

Froman Edward, drover, h 436 Fort e,<br />

Fromm John, carpenter, h $38 Fort e,<br />





Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Frombach Henry,c!erk, bds Finney's Hotel,<br />

Fromberg David, shoemaker, h 306 Third.<br />

Fronrath John, lab., h n. s. Joseph bet<br />

Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Frordsham Bridge, fine art publisher and<br />

manager Western k t Association, bds<br />

Howard House.<br />

Frost Alexander, teamster, h 479 St. Aubin<br />

. ave.<br />

Frost Genrge S., (Geo. S. Frost & Co.)<br />

h 203 Fort: w,<br />

Frost Milton, (Frost's wooden ware<br />

works) h 960 Jefferson ave. (See a&.)<br />

Frost Nicholas, teamster, bds 479 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Frost Peter, teamster, bds 419 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Frost Robert N., clerk, bds 960 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Frost Georqe S. & Co., (Charles Noble,<br />

Geo. 3. Frost, Charlcs IT. Noble) land<br />

dealers, 103 Griswold.<br />

Frast9s <strong>Detroit</strong> Lumber At<br />

Wooden Ware Works, 960<br />

Jefferson ave. (See adu.)<br />

Friihorn Peter, carver, bds 29 Clinton:<br />

Frumveller Alexander, clerk, (with Ira<br />

Worcester) h 110 John R.<br />

Frurnveller Joseph, sheet iron smith, bds<br />

872 WWoodward ave.<br />

Frumveller Louis, coppersmith h 154 Beaubien.<br />

Frumveller Louis, jr., tin and copper<br />

smith. 284 Atwater e.. h 431 Beaubien.<br />

Frumviller Alexander, insurance agent, h<br />

21 Jones.<br />

Frumviller Anthony, copper smith, 5<br />

Miami ave., h 7 same.<br />

Frumviller Anthony, jr., copper smith, bds<br />

43 Croghan.<br />

Frumviller John, tinsmith, bds 1'79 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Frumviller Joseph, cigar rpaker, bds 43<br />

Croghan.<br />

Friis Henry J., clerk, h 253 Grand River<br />

ave., up stairs.<br />

Fly James 13.. gilder, h 80 Elizabeth e.<br />

Fry James W., gilder, bds 80 Elizabeth e.<br />

Fry John, shoemaker, bds 61.5 Gratiot.<br />

Fry John H., clerk, bds 80 Elizabeth e.<br />

Fry Robert, lab., h 31 Leverett.<br />

Fryer Shou, drayman, h 41 Joncs.

240 FRY mom CITY DIRECTORY. FYI?<br />


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

- -- - - - -<br />

Fry William H., carpenter, h 324 Mullett.<br />

a Fry William T., clerk, bds 80 Elizabeth e.<br />

Fuchs Adams, cigar maker, bds 112 Na-<br />

poleon.<br />

Fuchs August, carpenter, h 18 Clay.<br />

Fuchs Charles, clerk, bds 53 Fort e.<br />

Fuchs Edward, cigar maker, h 104<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Fuchs Erhart, turner, h 410 Hastings.<br />

Fuchs Joseph, lab., h 135 Lafayette.<br />

Fudel Anthon, lab., h 86 National ave.<br />

Fuehrer Frank, teamster, h 265 Sherman.<br />

Fuerstenan Charles, upholsterer, tds 4-42?<br />

Catharine.<br />

Fuerstenaa Martin, carpenter, h 448 Cath-<br />

a.rine.<br />

Fuhrlnann Anton, grocer, 695 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Fulda Frederick, alderman 7th ward,<br />

clepllty collector of custolns, office foot<br />

of Woodward ave, h 182 Mullett.<br />

Fuller Abel, small beer maker, 577 Michi-<br />

gan ave, h Thirteenth and a-half bet<br />

Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Fuller Charles W., conductor, Fort st. and<br />

E. R. R., h 51 Eighteenth.<br />

Fuller Emery L., mail agent, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Fuller Garrett, plaster, bds 133 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Fuller George F., editor, h 35 Brady.<br />

Fuller Henry, engineer, h 473 Congress e.<br />

Fuller Horace, carpenter, bds 45 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Fuller Mrs. Horace, boarding, 45 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Fuller Mrs. Josie, housekeeper, Biddle<br />

Fulton Iron and Engine Works, J. B.<br />

Wayne, manager, cor Franklin and .<br />

Brush.<br />

Funke Anthony, pop manufacturer, 94<br />

Maple, h 95 Mapie.-<br />

Funke Carolina (wid Fricderich) h 76 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Funke Caspar, carpenter, h 309 Alfred.<br />

Funke Baspar, 1a.b.. bds 241 Montcalm e.<br />

Funke Charles (Rul-lace & Funke) h n e<br />

cor Rivard a.nh cat Garine.<br />

Funke Friederich, jeweler, h '76 Macomb.<br />

Funke Gustavus, peddlar, h e sEighth bet<br />

1rvin.g and Fulton.<br />

Funk Gustave, lab. Milwaukee Brewery,<br />

h Eighth nr Granill River ave.<br />

Funke Henry, machinist. h 102 Wilkins.<br />

Funke John W.. (U. S. Customs) h 39<br />

I .<br />

Spr0a.t.<br />

Funke Joseph, carpenter, h 125 Macomb.<br />

Funke Joseph, mason, h 161 Division.<br />

Funke .Jose~h.teamster. h 241 Mon tcalm e.<br />

Eunke ~uli6s. cicar makerb s s Belair bet<br />

Dequindre and' St. Aubin ave.<br />

Funke Martin, blacksmith, h 376 North.<br />

Funke Sopfie Miss., teacher, hds 39 Sproat<br />

Funke Theodore, Street Commissioner<br />

Eastern District. office <strong>City</strong> Hall, h n w<br />

cor Bellair and Deqnindre.<br />

Funke William, tailor, bds 354 Clinton.<br />

Funke William, teamster, h Belair s s bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Anbin ave.<br />

Furcott Virginia (wid John) h 496 Wood-<br />

-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Fnrgason Charles, clerk, bds Cass Hotel.<br />

Furguson Willam (col'd) lab., h 121 Ma-<br />

conlb.<br />

Furel Julius, stone cutter. bds 283 Gratiot.<br />

Furesthuener Thomas, bds n e cor Sher-<br />

man and Rivard.<br />

Furman Peter, trrnner, h 9 Marion.<br />

Furman Wilmarth A., clerk, bds Perkins<br />

Hotel.<br />

Furie Andrew, lab., h 280 Fifteenth.<br />

Purie Patrick, carpenter, h 549 Sixteenth.<br />

Furstanu Martin, car smith, h 448 Catha-<br />

- rine.<br />

Furtain Frank, captain, bds 28 Beacon.<br />

Furtain Henry, sailor, h 28 Beacon.<br />

Fury Andrew, sailor, h 180 Fifteenth.<br />

Fury Elizabeth, (wid John),L 429 i+ biting<br />

Fury James, blacksmith, h 149 Abbott.<br />

Fury John, h 29 Seventeenth.<br />

Fury Patrick, carpenter, h 459 Sixteenth.<br />

Fuss Thomas A., editor Michigan Farmer,<br />

bds 774 Woodbridge west.<br />

Fussy Timothy, brewer, h 403 Howard.<br />

House.<br />

Fuller Lucius 0.. clerk, Pitts and Cranage.<br />

Fuller Silas L., sec. Frankfort Iron Co., 14<br />

Seitz Block,*h 795 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fuller William, lab., h 150 Abbott.<br />

Fuller William P., proprietor steam carpet- Futvove Charles. broom maker, bds 412<br />

I<br />

beater, and editor Tribune, h 19 Croghan. hii id.<br />

Fuljan John, lab., h 343 Sherman. Futvove Susan. (wid Charles,) h 412 Third<br />

Fullington William J., foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> Fnvoi John, h 378 Seventeenth.<br />

car works,-h 78'7 Larned e. Fyfe Richard H., boots and shoes,<br />

Fulton Josiah, conductor, h 165 National 1 101 Woodward me., h 101 Elizabeth w.<br />

ave.<br />

1 (Sec dv.)


a-<br />

ABTJER Josepn, harness maker, bds<br />

G 482 Gratiot.<br />

Gabler Lorenz, harness maker, 482 Gratiot, , MANU FACTURlNG CHEMISTS,<br />

h same.<br />

I<br />

Gabriel Frank, express messenger, h 2 12<br />

0,@ce,52 7V. LargherZ St.,<br />

Laf avette. DETROIT, XICH.<br />

~abriei Robert, cooper, h 336 Riopelle.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Gabriel William, machinist, h e s Prospect<br />

nr Indiana.<br />

Gabriel William, painter, h n w cor Cro-<br />

Gagnon Henry, steward, h 376 Croghan.<br />

ghan and St. Antoine.<br />

Gagnon Henry F., stewttrd steamer North-<br />

Gabriels John, cigar maker, bds 346 Pros- west, h 435 Fort e.<br />

.<br />

pect.<br />

Gagnon John, saloon 50 Fmnt, h same.<br />

Gabriels Walter, tailor, h 346 Prospect.<br />

Gail Willizm, lab., h 400 Twelfth.<br />

Gadd William, messenger, h 6 Hastinas. Gaines Arthur F., clerk, bds 474 Cass ave,<br />

Gadway Peter P., engineer, h 142 Hast-<br />

Gaines John, clerk, h 474 Cass ave.<br />

ing s.<br />

Gajois George, sawyer, h 587 Fort e.<br />

Gadanitz Edward, joiner, h 43.5 Riopelle. Gakenk John, lab., h 40 Ohio.<br />

Gaegler Ferdinand, painter, h 88 Russell.<br />

Galbraith James, lab., h 137 Twelfth.<br />

Gaenicke William, blacksmith, h 435 Mul-<br />

Galbraith Wm., cigarmaker, bds 69 Lamlett.<br />

ed e.<br />

Gaetz Georqe, carpenter, h 232 Clinton.<br />

Gale Benjamin H., painter, h 505 Congress<br />

Gaeyman Joseph, carriage maker, h 266<br />

east.<br />

RI ullett.<br />

Gale David, blacksmith, bds 505 Congress<br />

Gaffney Charles, traveling agent, h s e east.<br />

cor Tillman ave and Butternut. Gale John, lab., bds 334 Cass ave.<br />

Gaffney Xary Anne, (wid Patrick,) h 110 Gales Timothy, (col'cl) waiter, Michigan<br />

Fifth.<br />

Exchange.<br />

Gaffney Mathew, lab., h 569 Congress e.<br />

Galev John. house mover, h 148 Dubois.<br />

Gage Dewitt C., foreman, bds 410 Fort w. Joseph, lather, bds7 Clay.<br />

Gaze George B., (Gage & Rentz,) bds Gal~enmever Jacob, cabinet maker, h 321<br />

~ranblincE3[ouse.<br />

wilkin;<br />

Gage Jerome, (S. C. Shepard & Co.), h 23 Galick William H., clerk, h 163 Sixteenth.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Galke Isidor, lab., h 330 Division.<br />

Gaqe Thomas. tinsmith, bds 83 Congress e, Gallagher Catherine, (wid Patrick,) h 1'7<br />

Buenarista.<br />

Gage & Rentz, (George B. Gage & Al- Gallagher David, vessel owner, h e s<br />

fred Rentz), copper, tin, and sheet iron Woodward ave nr Hancock.<br />

workers, 297 Franklin.<br />

Gallagher Edward, carpenter, h 193 Fort e.<br />

Gagel George, bookkeeper, bds 25 Fort e. Gallagher Edward, real estate, h 142<br />

Gagel John, machinist, h 554 Clinton ave. Larned e.<br />

Gagel Peter, umbrellas and para- Gallagher Francis, painter, bds s s Gratiot<br />

sols, 25 Fort e, h same.<br />

bet Rivard and Russell.<br />

Gager Fred, lab., h 168 Twentieth. G:tllagher Frank, lab., h 259 German.<br />

Gagneau Joseph, carpenter, h 201 Wight. Gallagher James, engineer, h 10 Craw ford.<br />

Gagneau Martin, lab., h 576 Lafayette. Gallagher James N., student, bds 142<br />

Gagnier -, lab., h 190 Chene.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Gagnier Charles, painter,bds 197 Napoleno. Gallagher Jeremiah, mason, h 62 Pine.<br />

Gagnier Cilcilie, (wid John B.,) h 431 St. Gallagher John, carpenter, h 95 St Antoine<br />

Gagnier Emery, sailor, h 567 Lafayette.<br />

1 Gallagher Julia, (wid Thomas,) h 62 Pine.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

I Gallagher Nicholas, (Gallagher & Bren-<br />

Gagnier Hilier L., painter, h Fourteenth I nan,) h 755 Michigan ave.<br />

nr railroad crossing.<br />

Gallagher Patrick, rope manufacturer, old<br />

Gagnier Joseph, carpenter, h 216 Wight. 400 Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Gagnier Julius, carpenter, h old 366 Con- 1 Girlla~her & Brennan, (Nicholas Gallagher<br />

gress e.<br />

1 and James Brennan,) grocers, n e cor<br />

Gagpier Pierre Paul, billard maker, h 187 ' Michigan ave and Seventeenth.<br />

Rivard.<br />

! Galling Charles, lab., h 229 Twelfth.<br />

Gagnier Sophia, (wid. Oliver) h 197 Napo- Gallings Henry, carpenter, h 100 Brewster.<br />

leon.<br />

Galloway Andrew J., P. 0. clerk, h 175<br />

Gagnier Samuel, mason, h 12 Wight. Montcal~n e.<br />

Gagnon Alexander, painter, h Beaubien n Galloway Francis M,, printer, bds 118 St.<br />

Frem ont.<br />

An toine.<br />

31<br />

Parke, Davis & CO.,


MQHPNW<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE %. a<br />

Galloway Mrs. J. H., dressmaker, h 140<br />

Third.<br />

Galloway William. lab., 189 Ninth ave.<br />

Gallup James, carpenter, h 210 Abbott.<br />

Galorneau Isaac, stone cutter, 11 491 Lafayette.<br />

Galvin Denis, teamster, h 281 Porter.<br />

Galvin John, (Ghlvin Bros.,) h 281 Porter.<br />

Galvin Mary, dress maker, bds 281 Porter.<br />

Galvin Mary, (wid Martin,) h 49 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Galvin Martin, jr., mason, bds 49 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Galvin Michael,carpenter,h 91 iliontcalm w<br />

Galvio Nancy, operator, bds 281 Porter.<br />

Galvin Patrick, fireman, s s Lafayette<br />

Place, bet Twenty-first and Twentysecond.<br />

Galvin Thaddeus, (Galvin Bros.,) h 283<br />

Porter.<br />

Galvin Thos. F. sawyer, h 43 Dubois.<br />

Galvin Bros., (Thaddeus andJohn,)Central<br />

Brass Works, cor Third and Congress.<br />

Galvin Bartholomew, lab., h 72 Eighth.<br />

Galivan Dstniel, lab., bds 83 Franklin.<br />

Galivan Michael, - h 19 Franklin.<br />

Gdwey James M., car maker, bds 2'72<br />

Congress w.<br />

Galwey John H., engineer, bds 272 Con.<br />

gress w.<br />

Gal wsy Mary (wid William) boarding<br />

h 272 Congress w.<br />

Galwey Wiiliam E., waiter, bds 272 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Gamble Frank W., medical .student, bds<br />

Marine Hospital.<br />

Gamble Hugh, butcher, 77 Lamed w.<br />

Gamble Joseph Rev., bds 25 George.<br />

Gamble Patrick M., lumber dealer, h 331<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Gamble Robert, painter, h 105 Locust.<br />

Gandett Joseph, teamster, h 319 old Fifth.<br />

Gandson Adolph, cabinet maker, 225 Fort<br />

e., h same.<br />

Gmer Napoleon, cutter, bd5 287 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Ganey John, lab., h 108 Porter.<br />

Ganley John R. (Ganley & Mitchell) bds<br />

23 Abbott.<br />

Ganley William, car smith, h 202 Abbott.<br />

Gttnley & Mitchell (John R. Ganley and<br />

Anthony:&litchell) wholesale liquors, cor<br />

Abbott and First.<br />

Gannsn James, lab., bits 91 Congress e.<br />

Gannon Dennis, saloon, h 23 'Hastings.<br />

'<br />

- --<br />

Qa-nnon Joseph H., pattern maker, h 87<br />

Marion.<br />

I Gannon Thomas, lab., h 133 Seventh.<br />

Gantier Jacob, cigar manufacturer, h 430<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Garbit John, confectioner, 264 Gratiot, h<br />

sasme.<br />

Gardner Andrew 31.) moulder, bds 199<br />

F~rst.<br />

Gardner Sylvester, book agent, bds 41<br />

Congress w.<br />

Gardner George A., traveling agent,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Match Works, h 232 Secbnd.<br />

Gardner Henry, (J. El. Peabody & Co.) h<br />

107 Miami aye.<br />

Gardner Hiram T., printer. h 243 Second.<br />

Gardner Nannette B., (wid Miles T.) h old<br />

257 new 323 Howard.<br />

Gardner Solomon, President River and<br />

Lake Shore line of steamers, h 396 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Garfield Ellery I., city controller, of-<br />

fice room 20 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 162 Congress w.<br />

Garfield Marietta, (wid Major A.,) h 255<br />

Randolph.<br />

Gargrave William, builder, bds 295 Brush<br />

Garland Francis, hats, 171 Woodward ave,<br />

b same.<br />

Garland Maggie, bookbinder, bds 54 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Garland Nary Ann, bookbinder, bds 54<br />

Locust.<br />

Garland Nichael, carpenter, h 54 Locust.<br />

Garland Bxichael, carpenter, bds 209 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Garland Michael, ~llillwright, bds Cass<br />

House.<br />

Garlst Charles, cabinet maker, bds s w cor<br />

Mullett and Rivard.<br />

Garlich Phileaon, carpenter,h 213 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />

Garlick James, machinist, h 448 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Garlick William H., foreman, h 272 Thir-<br />

teen-an d-a-half.<br />

Garling Daniel, blacksmith, h iflt Elliott<br />

ave.<br />

Garling Joseph, tanner, h 118 Seven teen th .<br />

Garnett George A., ticket agent, 62 At-<br />

water, h same.<br />

Garnon Johanna, (wid Thomas,) h 20<br />

Seventh.<br />

Garratt Edward, builder, h 60 Cl~fford.<br />

Garratt Edward N., builder, bds 60 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Garretson, Allen T., watchmaker, 43<br />

Michigan ave., h 83 Brainard.<br />

Garretty Frank, engineer, bds 412 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Garrett Hiram C., ship builder, h 86 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Garrett John H., commission merchant, bds<br />

189 Third.<br />

Garrett Joseph, lab., h 138 Benton.


Garrett Thomas, lab., h 161 Abbott. I LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Garrick - - Joseph, (col'd,] waiter, Blichigan SHOULD CALL AT<br />

Exchange.<br />

I Garrison Charles M., (C. 31. Garrison &<br />

CO..) h 359 Jefferson ave. JUNE & CO.'S<br />

~arrigon David D., carpenter, h 71 May-<br />


Garrisbn John J., h 55 Lafayette ave.<br />

Garrison Thomas, (col'd,) saloon, 116<br />

Bates, h Division nr Beaubien.<br />

Garrison Charles 31. & Co. (Charles N.<br />

Garrison and Lawrence Depew), whole-<br />

sale grocers, Board Trade Building.<br />

Garrity Michael, boiler maker, h cor<br />

Hastings and Franklin.<br />

Garrity Patrick, boiler maker, h 63<br />

Larned w.<br />

Garsham Ernest, teamster, h 121 Brush.<br />

Gartland William, drayman, h 223 Fourth.<br />

Gartling Daniel, blacksmith, bds cor<br />

Fourth and Abbott.<br />

Garvey John, cooper, h 81 Sixteenth.<br />

Garvey Mary (wid Peter), h 35 Croghan.<br />

Garvey Martin, conductor D. H. & I.<br />

R. R., h 334 Sixteenth.<br />

Gaspber Engelbert, cooper, h 305 Wilkins.<br />

Gascoigne Mark H., supt. fire alarm tele-<br />

graph, h 121 Larned w.<br />

Gascon John, carpenter, h 80 Pine.<br />

Gas light office, s e cor Larned and Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Gaspard John P.. wood turner. h n w cor<br />

Histings and Mullett.<br />

Gasser George, carpenter, h 198 Bronson.<br />

Gassman Adam, boiler maker, h 276<br />

Prospect.<br />

Gassman Albert, finisher, bds 10 Clay.<br />

Gassmann Albert, shoemaker, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Gassman George, merchant tailor, 233<br />

Jefferson ave, h n s Pitcher bet Second<br />

and Third.<br />

Gassmann George, shoemaker, h 10 Clay.<br />

Gassmann Jacob, shoemaker, h 195 Alfred.<br />

Gassmann Uichael, peddlar, h 101 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Gassman Peter, cigar maker, bds Anne bet<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Gaston Charles H., clerk, h 2 Walnut.<br />

Gaston C. S. C. (J. 31. Arnold (& Co.), bds<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Gaston Ogden, watchmaker, h Walnut cor<br />

Sixth.<br />

Gates Adolph S., harness maker, bds 97<br />

Sixth.<br />

Gates Edward E,, conductor, bds Blichi-<br />

gan Exchange.<br />

Gates Christian, machinist, bds I76 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Gates William E., peddlar, h 197 Benton.<br />

Grttewood Richard (col'd), cook Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Gathherlu Jacob, blacksmith, h48S Alfred.<br />


Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

-- -<br />

Gatlttnd James N., librarian Y. M. Hall, h<br />

s e cor Lafayette and Brush.<br />

Gatling John, tanner, h IS Seventeenth.<br />

Gatriel William, {<strong>Detroit</strong> Painting Co.),<br />

h n e cor st Antome and Croghan.<br />

Gaulin P. Paul, cabinet maker, h 187 Ri-<br />

---a<br />

Y w1-u .<br />

Gault William, carpenter, h 66 Fifteenth.<br />

Gaunt James, upholsterer, bds 61 Croghan.<br />

Gaunt Joseph, baker, h 61- Croghan.<br />

Gaunt Samuel, grocer, 508 Michigan ave.,<br />

h same.<br />

(fautier Paul, caulker, h 155 Chestnut.<br />

Gauss Anthony, lab., h 313 Twenty-second.<br />

Gautsch Charles, cigarmaker, h 216 Clinton.<br />

Gawlev Edward, (Wm. V. Gawley 62 Bro.),<br />

bds ~oodman 'House.<br />

Gawley George C.,clerk, bds 68 Congress w.<br />

Gawley William V., (Wm. V. Gawley &<br />

Bro.), bds Goodman House.<br />

Gawley William V. & Bro., (William V.<br />

and Edward), flour and feed,59 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

/ Gay Hiram, (Hiram Gay & Co.,) bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

1 Gay J. R., (Hiram Gay & Co.,) res Boston,<br />

1 Mass.<br />

Gay Marshall S., clerk, bds 72 Jones.<br />

Gay Hiram & Co., (Hiram Gay and<br />

J. R. Gay,) Alhambri Dollar Store, 93<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Gayley Hatthew, lab., h 354 P eventh.<br />

Gaylord Charles A., clerk (Ihhl, Ducharme<br />

& Co.), h 185 Sixth.<br />

Gaylord Frank A., clerk, bds 138 First.<br />

Gaylord Harriet, (wid Henry.) h 138 First.<br />

Gaylord John A., clerk, bds 138 Third.<br />

Gaylord James I., engineer, bds 138 First.<br />

Gayney Edward, plumber, bds Seventh.<br />

Gear Joseph, carpenter, h 318 Lafayette.<br />

Gearin Elizabeth, (wid Timothy,) 87 Port<br />

er.<br />

Gearin John, city expressman, h 87 Porter.<br />

Gearin Edmund, lab., M. C. R. R., tds 87<br />

Porter.<br />

Geason Peter, ship carpenter, h Fort bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Gebhardt Adam, clerk, bds 219 Clinton.<br />

Gebhardt Christian, h 55 Sherman.<br />

Gebhardt Gottlieb, lab., h 1'78 Clinton.<br />

Gebhardt John 8.. clerk, bds 219 Clinton.<br />

Gebhardt Peter, foreman, h 219 Clinton.<br />

Gebney Owen, produce, h 61 Crawford.


Gelaman Louis, carpenter, h 433 Franklin.<br />

Gellasch August, mason, h 318 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Geleno Mary Jane, (wid Antnine,) bds 91<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Geller Peter, grocer, 472 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Gemeinhart Abraham, wagon maker, 145<br />

Grand River ave, h 287 First.<br />

Gemond Joseph, shoemaker, h 535 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office, Genehr Henry, glass stain er,, 100, Jefferson<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

I Generson Aynion E., clerk, bds 108 St.<br />

Gecianitz Edward, cabinet maker, h Rio- An ave* toine.<br />

pelle bet Marion and High.<br />

Gt nschow :oham, lab., h 174 German.<br />

Geddert Jacob, blacksmith, h 536 >facomb. Gensler Cyril, lab., h 48 Wight.<br />

Gee James A., lab., bds 220 St. Antoine. Genther Charles, lab., h 143 Twenty-first,<br />

Geegan Theodore, tailor, bds 67 St.Antoine Genther Frederick, meat market, 465 and<br />

Geer Hardy E., clerk, bds 37 Georqe.<br />

461 Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Geer Rosetta Mrs. artist, h 205 First. Gentle William E., (John I. Ray & Co.,)<br />

Geering Henry, scale maker,bds 175 Third. h 324 Beaubien.<br />

Gehrkenn Frederick, moulder, h 633 Clin- Gentner George, lawyer, bds 211 Cass.<br />

ton ave.<br />

Gentsch Charles, cigarmaker, h 21 ti Clin-<br />

Gehrkenn John Hi, moulder, h 363 Cath- 1 ton.<br />

arine.<br />

1 Gentzen John, sawyer, h ' 185 Nineteenth.<br />

Gehrkin ~erman, stove mounter, h 633 Geoffroy Nicholas, sawyer, h 470 St. An-<br />

Clinton ave,<br />

, toine.<br />

1 Gehrkin John, moulder, h 633 Clinton ave. George Altheir, (wid,) h 158 Fifteenth.<br />

George Amos, millwright, h 262 Second.<br />

Gehringer Sebastian, shoemaker, h 84 George Charles, gardener, (Adair's nursery,<br />

Catharine.<br />

Hamtramck.<br />

Geier David, baker, bds 5 Jefferson ave. George Cbas J.,saloon,285 Atwater, h same<br />

Geiger Benjamin F., clerk, h 160 Cass. I George David, machinist, h 118 Fort e.<br />

Geiger John, carpenter, h 781 Sixteenth. George Henry, builder, h w s Fourth, bet<br />

Geiger Martin, paving contractor, h 32 Dickinson and Lysander.<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

George Mary E., (wid James,) laundress,<br />

Geilish Julius, cigar maker, bds 242 Beau- bds Perkins' Hotel.<br />

bien.<br />

George Norgor, manager (R. Hawley &<br />

Geimer Balsharsar, saloon and cooper, 267 Son,) h 295 Porter.<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

George Samuel, apprentice, bds 175 Maple<br />

Geip John, carpenter, h 505 St. Aubin ave. George Wm. H., (col'd), waiter, Michigan<br />

Geiquer John, carpenter, h Sixteenth w. s., Exchange.<br />

nr Poplar.<br />

Gepford Joseph, conductor, D & M R R.<br />

Gem Peter, butcher, old 505 St. Antoine, 'n Gephart John, lab., h 169 Twenty-second.<br />

same.<br />

Gephart Peter, carpenter, (Candler Bros.)<br />

Geisel Albert, teamster, bds e s Twelfth nr<br />

Sycamore.<br />

Geppersch Anthony, shoemaker, h 366<br />

Geisle Henry, teamster, h 227 Fourteenth.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Geisler August, blacksmith, h 52 Pierce.<br />

Gerber Frank, teamster, h 55 Chestnut.<br />

Geisler August, cigarmaker, h 261 Altied.<br />

Gerber John, tinsmith, 11 w s Dequindre nr<br />

Giesler John, stone cutter, h 577 Clinton<br />

Water Works.<br />

ave.<br />

Gerber Joseph, butcher, h 301 Croghan.<br />

Geisse Augustus H., clerk, h 613 Jefferson GERBER SIMON, old brass, iron and<br />

ave.<br />

rags, h 210 Rivard.<br />

Geisse Thomas S., lithographer, bds 613 Gerechter ma nu el Rev. ,h 306 St.An toine.<br />

3 eff erson ave.<br />

Gerginskey John, lab,, h - Seventeenth.<br />

Geist Adam, cabinet maker, h 327 St. An- Gerhardt Anthony, carpenter, h 556 St,<br />

toine.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Geist Anna, bds 111 Marion.<br />

Gerhardt August, lab., h 220 Antietam.<br />

Qeist Casper, bds 327 St. Antoine. Gerhardt Charles, machinist, h 124 La-<br />

Geist Valentine, undertaker, 51 3Ionroe fayette.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Gerbardt Frederick, printcr, bds 124 La-<br />

Geiyer Jacob, carpenter, h 41 Sherman. fayette.


Gerhardt Helena, (wid Hugo,) h 248<br />

Crocrhan. / Parke. Davis & CO.,<br />

~erha7dt Nicholas, clerk, h 125 Division.<br />

Gerischer Adolph, gardener, h e s Russel,<br />

nr Fremont.<br />

Gerke Charles, lab., h 3IcDougall w s bet<br />

Maple and Chestnut.<br />

Gerke Geo., lab., h 570 Nacomb.<br />

Gerke Joseph, carpenter, h 11 2 Xacomb.<br />

Gerke John, lab., h n s Maple bet Joseph<br />

Cam prtu and B'IcDougall aves.<br />

Gerke William, lab., b 268 Dubois.<br />

Gerlach William. tailor, h 206 Croglian.<br />

Gerlach William, carpenter, h 301 St. Antoine.<br />

Gerlach William, carpenter, h 2G0 Mullett.<br />

Gerlat Charles, lab., bcls 138 Mullett.<br />

Gerling Frederick, machinist, h 68 MuIIett<br />

German Anthony, confectioner, 61 Michigan<br />

ave., h same.<br />

German John A., confectioner, bds 61<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Germain Daniel, agent real estate, bds 129<br />

Cass.<br />

Gerrnain George, clerk, bds 48 Abbott.<br />

Germain Ignatz, confectioner, h s e cor<br />

Brush and Gratiot.<br />

Germain Isaac, confectionsry stand, cor<br />

Jefferson ave. and Riopelle, h 503 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Germain Isidore,carpenter, h 561 Larned e.<br />

Germain John J., clerk, bds 253 3Iacomb.<br />

Gerrnain John J., mate tug Brady.<br />

Germain Joseph,blacksmith, h 101 Dubois.<br />

Germer Albert, machinist, h cor Franklin<br />

and Riol elle.<br />

Gernhards Mathias, teamster, h s e cor<br />

Riopelle and Pierre.<br />

Gero Christopher, porter, h 24 Silver.<br />

Gero Jacob, cigar maker, bds 24 Silver.<br />

Gerry James X., roofer, bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Gerth Dorothea Z., (wid Frederick,) h 403<br />

Mullett.<br />

Gerth Herman, saloon, new 218, Fort e., h<br />

081118.<br />

Gerwens Joseph, shoemaker, 243 Randolph,<br />

h same.<br />

Gesaech Gotlieb, lab., h 222 Elizabeth e.<br />

Geschke Charles, lab., h n s New, bet. Dubois<br />

and Chene, German and Gratiot.<br />

Geschke Charles, teamster, h n s Mullett,<br />

bet. Dubois and Chene.<br />

Geschw ent Dominick, milkman, h Gratio t,<br />

nr Dubois.<br />

Gesenionske Phillip, moulding works, h<br />

Dubois nr Bratiot.<br />

Gesner John, lab., h s w. Rivard and Sherman.<br />

Gessenhard August, carpenter, h 358 Clinton.<br />

Gest Charles, lab., h 386 Maple.<br />

Gester Frank, shoe maker, h 356 Sixteenth.<br />

Getman Julia A,, (mid Solomon) bds 44<br />

Clinton.<br />

r<br />

52 west Lamed St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Getthart Jacob, blacksmith, h 536 Macomb.<br />

Gettke John, meat market, 623 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Getz Edward, butcher, bds 199 Gratiot.<br />

Geub John, carpenter, h 165 Chestnut.<br />

Geyer Ginder, shoe maker, 147 Catharine,<br />

h same.<br />

Ge er Louis, saloon, 138 Randolph, h 140<br />

larned e.<br />

Geymam John, machinist, h 491 Beaubien<br />

Geymann Joseph, wagon maker, h 266<br />

Mullett.<br />

Geymann Joseph T., printer, bds 266 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Geymann Louis, cigar maker, h 540 C'atb-<br />

arine.<br />

Giasson Peter, ship-carpenter, h Fort e bet<br />

McDougall and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Gibbings Marian, (wid William) h 28<br />

Park Place.<br />

Gibbings Richard, carpenter,'bds 28 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Gibbings Thomas, carpenter, h 36 Selden.<br />

Gibbings William, bds 28 Park Place.<br />

Gibbons Benjamin J., agent, h 187 High.<br />

Gibbons Margaret, (wid Benjamin,) h 187<br />

High.<br />

Gibbon8 Michael, painter, bds 493 ~hir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Gibbons Patrick, lab., h 153 Oak.<br />

Gibbons Robert, (Johnston 62 Gibbons) h<br />

131 Columbia e.<br />

Gibbons Robert, printer, h 263 Larned e.<br />

Gibbons Thomas, peddlar, h 493 Thir-<br />

teenth. -<br />

Gibbrich Fredericke (wid Franz,) h 168<br />

Maple.<br />

Gibb Henry, tinner, h 301 Congress w.<br />

Gibbs Fred Geo., (Boothroyd & Gibbs) h<br />

191 Woodward ave.<br />

Gibbs Mary Ann (wid George) h rear 25<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Gibbs Elijah B., physician, bds 377 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Gibbs William, machinist, h 185 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />

Gibson Adam, machinist, h 90 Columbia e.<br />

Gibson Miss Elizabeth, h 159 Wayne.<br />

Gibson Emerson J., saloon, 13 State, h 49<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Gibson George, shoemaker, h s. e. cor<br />

Huron and Canfield.<br />

Gibson George, shoemaker, h 106 Thir-<br />






Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

- --<br />

Gibson George, gilder, h cor Fourth and<br />

Dickinson.<br />

Gibson James, h 81 Second,<br />

Gibson John, real estate dealer, h 377<br />

Sixth.<br />

Gibson John T., builder, bds 377 Sixth.<br />

Gibson Tydia, (wid. Charles) h 16 Jones.<br />

Gibson William D., h m. s. Fourth bet<br />

Dickinson and Lysander.<br />

Gibson William H., clerk, bds 377 Sixth.<br />

Gibson Wllliam J., literary editor Post,<br />

h 175 Sixteenth.<br />

Gidday Frank, constable Fifth Ward, h<br />

197 Clifford.<br />

Gidday James, mason, h 391 Cass ave.<br />

Gidday Richard, fish and fruit, 151 Michi-<br />

gan ave., h same.<br />

Gidday Samuel J., mason, h 27 Ledyard.<br />

Gidday William J., artist, h 391 Cass ave.<br />

Gidley Thomas, chairmaker, h 413 Guoin.<br />

Gieaskie Frank, lab., h s. s. Grove, bet<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Gieffels John, carpenter, h 118 3Iul!ett.<br />

Gieffels Joseph, boots and shoes, 62 Lar-<br />

ned w., h same.<br />

Gieffels Stephen, cabinet-maker, h 125<br />

BIullett.<br />

Gie!ow Christ, bds 114 Seventeenth.<br />

Gielow John, carpenter, b 114 Seventeenth.<br />

Gienster Paulus, carpenter, h 181 Clinton.<br />

Gienike William,blacksmith, h 435 Mullett.<br />

Gierschke Frederick, dyer, bds 350 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Gierschke Frederick, trunkmaker, h 301<br />

St. Antohe.<br />

Gierschke Gustave, tinsmith, ,bds 191<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Gierschke Henry, lab., h 350 Mullett.<br />

Gierschke John, grocer, 191 Adams ave e,<br />

h same.<br />

Gierschke John G., tinsmith, bds 191<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Gierschke Richard, cigar maker, h n e cor<br />

Fourth and Fulton.<br />

Gies Charles, photographer, bds Finney7s<br />

Hotel.<br />

Gies Charles, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Gies Charles L., baker, h 193 Marion.<br />

Gies Conrad, carpenter, h 241 Rivard.<br />

Gies Edward, blacksmith, 510 Wood bridge<br />

e, h 508 same.<br />

Gies Frederick B., csrpentcr, bds 265<br />

Russell.<br />

Gies Frederick, grocer, 91 and 93 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Gies Frederick, tanner, h 351 Twentysecond.<br />

Giesel George, teamster, h 184 Fifteenth.<br />

Gies George H., saloon, 12 Nonroe ave, h<br />

47 Miami ave.<br />

Gies George J., photographer, bds Antisd<br />

el House.<br />

Gies Gustave, clerk, bds 123 Elmwood ave.<br />

Gies Henry, saloon and boarding house,<br />

423 Franklin.<br />

Gies Henry, cigars, 138 Macomb, h 142<br />

same.<br />

Gies John, carriage smith, bds 235 Lafayette.<br />

Gies John BI., bds 241 Rivard.<br />

Gies Louisa (wid John), h 20 Fort e.<br />

Gies Magdalena (wid Conrad), h e s St.<br />

Antoine bet Croghan and Macomb.<br />

Gies Paul sr, county treasurer, osce 11<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, h 265 Russell.<br />

Gies Paul jr, carpenter, bds 265 Russell.<br />

Gigier Ferdinand, carpenter, h 687 Sixteenth.<br />

Giff James, lab., h new 172 Fort e.<br />

Giff James F., lab., h 75 Woodbridge w.<br />

Giff John, lab., h 182 Fort e.<br />

Gifford Anna (wid James), h 31 Joy.<br />

Gifford Frederick D., clerk, bds 31 Joy.<br />

Gifford George, insurance agent, n e cor<br />

Jefferson ave and Griswold, h 1099<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Gifford Joseph, conductor D. rSZ M. R. R.,<br />

h 294 Fort e.<br />

Gifford Mary (wid Joseph), h 58 Montcalm<br />

w.<br />

Gilbert Caleb B., physician, William cor<br />

Adams ave e, h 500 Woodward ave.<br />

Gilbert Charles, ship carpenter, h 302 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Gilbert Charles, (co17d) waiter, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Gilbert Charles T., clerk, h 376 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Gjlbert George, moulder, h 111 Baker.<br />

Gilbert George, painter, bdu n s Woodbridge<br />

nr Twenty-first.<br />

Gilbert George W., adjuster, h 58 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Gilbert George W.. cashier If. G. R. R., h<br />

V<br />

146 First.<br />

Gilbert Henry, printer, bds 213 Randolph.<br />

Gilbert Henrv. slater. h 4'35 Tweltth.<br />

Gilbert am&; moulder, h 111 Baker.<br />

Gilbert James W., (J. W. Gilbert & Co.),<br />

h 58 Elizabeth w.<br />

Gilbert John, carpenter, h 640 Seventh.<br />

Gilbert Samuel, clerk, bds 98 Larned e.<br />

Gilbert William, lab., (Candler Bros.)<br />

Gilbert William, (J. W., Gilbert & Co.,) h<br />

51 Madison ave.<br />

Gilbert - , brakeman, bils 96 Congress<br />


- - -<br />


Gilbey Thomas W., saloon, 194 Wood- LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

ward ave, h same.<br />


Gilbo Albert, .farmer, h Grand River ave<br />

n Twelfth.<br />

JUNE & CO.'S<br />

Gilbo Francis, (wid Joszph), h 57 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Gilday John, lab., h 152 Grand River ave. FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSE,<br />

Gileczek Albert, shoemaker, h 282 Alfred. 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

Giles Eva. (wid Joh~,) h 189 Macomb. WOystem in Shell a specialty. Wholeeale and<br />

Giles Phillipp, finisher, hds 189 Macomb.<br />

Retail.<br />

Gilford Alexander, (col'd) barber, bds s e<br />

cor Beaubien and Crogllan.<br />

Gillman George E., (Gillman Bro.,) bds<br />

Gllman Ellen Nrs., h 91 Farrar.<br />

91 Fa,rrar. --<br />

Gilman henry, civil engineer, 80 h Eliza- Gillman Edward, grocer, 135 St. Aubin<br />

beth w.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Gilnlan Henry M., (D. D. 31allory & Co.), Gillman Edward H., (Gillman Bros.,)<br />

bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Elizabeth nr cor Park.<br />

Gilman Ricl1;~rd P., clerk, bds 91 Farrar. Gillman Richard P. H., clerk, bds 91 Far-<br />

Gilrnan William H, (W. H. Gilluan & Co.) r8r.<br />

bds 91 Farrar.<br />

Gillman Geo. E., , (Gillman . Bros.) bds 91<br />

Gilman W. H. L& Co., Wm. H. Gilman and Farrar.<br />

T. N. Buruingham, saloon, 57 and 59 Br N., (George E., and Edward<br />

Randolph.<br />

H.) Ovster Ocean restaurant cor Wood-<br />

Gilmartill Peter Paul, physician, h s e cor warddand Jefferson aves.<br />

Jefferson and St. Aubin aves.<br />

Gillet John R., clerk, h 108 Congress w.<br />

Gilmore Charles W., moulder, h 590 Larn- Gillet Samuel, clerk, h 306 Woodward<br />

ed e.<br />

ave.<br />

Gilmore George N., blacksmith, h '73 Ab- Gillet Sarah, (wid Thaddeus K.,) bds 28<br />

bott.<br />

&lacomb ave.<br />

Gilmore Leonora S , teacher, bds 73 Ab- Gillet Shadrack, clerk <strong>City</strong> Controller's<br />

bott.<br />

Office, bds 51 Elizabeth e.<br />

Gilmore Lucian B.. clerk. h '73 AbSott. Gillet Mrs. S. O., dress making, and pattern<br />

Gilmore ~ar~aret, wid Francis, h 238 rooms, 306 Woodward ave h same.<br />

High.<br />

Gillett Rufus W., (Gillett & Hall,) h 198<br />

Gilmore .James, clerk, h 127 Farmer. Lafayette ave.<br />

Gilmore John, shoe finishing, bds 55 Nich- Gillett &; Hall, (Rufus W. Gillett and<br />

inan Grand ave.<br />

Theodore P. Krill,) commission mer- '<br />

~iimore Julius P., book-keeper, h 98 Alex- chants, 61 and 63 Woodbridge w.<br />

andrine ave.<br />

Gilligan Patrick, boat bnilder, bds 337<br />

Gilmore P. James, painter, h 4 Union. Franklin.<br />

Gilmore Robert A., lake captain, bds new ~illikan Thomas, b iler maker, bds 113<br />

223 Cou.qess e.<br />

~x?.nklin,<br />

Gilmore Thomas H., shoe finisher, bds 55 gill in^ Michael, shoemaker. h 86 Brewster.<br />

Nichigan Grand ave.<br />

ill is hhibald, sawyer, bds cor Fourth<br />

Gill Charles, blacksm~th, bds Twenty- and Sbbott.<br />

second nr Michigan sve.<br />

Gillis Archilbald, captain B. F. Wade, bds<br />

Gill George, lab., h foundry nr Michigan 53 Shelby.<br />

ave.<br />

Gillis Effie, operator, 163 Cass.<br />

Gill Zlermannn, cabinet maker, bds 342 Gillis Margaret, (wid Hugh,) h 487' Con-<br />

Gratiot.<br />

gress e.<br />

Gill James, stoves and tinware, s e cor Gillis Hansom, (Edson, Moore & Co.,) h<br />

Michigan ave and Cass, h 107 Nichigan 59 Duffield.<br />

ave.<br />

Gillis Snlnuel W., clerk, h 55 FJizabeth s.<br />

Gill John, painter, h Dequindre bet Jay Gillis William, machinist, h 487 Congress<br />

and Gratiot.<br />

east.<br />

Gill John, lab., h Alexander nr Seven- Gillispy James W., shoemaker, s s BIaria<br />

teenth.<br />

bet Crawford and Fourth.<br />

Gill John, painter, h 455 Dequindre. Gillroy Anna BL, (wid Hugh,) h w s<br />

Gill Peter, teamster, bds 61 Wayne. Twenty-fourth bet Slichigan are and<br />

Gill Wm., butcher, h foundry nr railroad. Butternut.<br />

Gillman Charles, horse shoer, 163 Larned Gillroy John, frame maker, bds w s Twenty<br />

west.<br />

fourth bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Gillman Charles H., (col'd) barber, h 205 Gillroy Thomas, machinist, Dry Dock En-<br />

Riopelle.<br />

gine Works.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

--<br />

Gilsbrtcb Ausust, lab., h 336 Seventeenth.<br />

Ginagh Patrick, car smith, bds Monroe<br />

House.<br />

Gingea Peter, tanner, h 333 Michigan ave.<br />

Ginsburg Herman H., (Ginsburg & Son,)<br />

bds 227 Croghan.<br />

Ginsburg Moses, (Ginsburg & Son,) h 221<br />

Croghan.<br />

Ginsburg 91 Son, (Moses and Herman H.,<br />

paper stock and woolen rags, 237 Croghan.<br />

Ginsterblum Anton, bds n s Harriet bet<br />

Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

Ginsterblurn Mathias, carpenter, h n s<br />

Harriet bet Beaubien and St Antnine.<br />

Ginter Henry, cabinet maker, h s e c Hast-<br />

ing~ and Bronson.<br />

Gipeau Dennis, machinist, h I52 Napoleon.<br />

Gipert Charles, tanner, h lG9 Twentysecond.<br />

Girard Albert E., cigar maker, bds! 176<br />

Beach.<br />

Girard Edward, fireman, h. n. w. cor<br />

Wight and McDougall ave.<br />

Girard Francis, lab., bds 588 Jefferson ave.<br />

Girard Jacob, carpenter, h 176 Bench.<br />

Girard Julia, (wid. Joseph) tailoress, h s.<br />

w. cor Congress and Chene.<br />

Girard Julius F., cigar maker, bds 17G<br />

Beach.<br />

Girard Peter, moulder, h 457 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Girard Vincent, lake captain, h. 675 Franklin.<br />

Girardin Charles, carpenter, bds 40 Dequindre.<br />

Girardin Charles, boiler maker, h 204<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Girardin Elizabeth, (wid. Peter) tniloress,<br />

h w. s. Mt. Elliott ave., bet Fort and<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Girardin James A., real estate agent, room<br />

15 Telegraph Block, h 140 Plum.<br />

Girardin John B., clerk, h 16 Montcalm w.<br />

Girardin Joseph E., clerk, h 501 Gratiot.<br />

Girardin Peter N., Sergeant Recorder's<br />

Court, office room 1G <strong>City</strong> Hall, h s. w.<br />

cor Mt. Elliott and Lafayette.<br />

Giro Christoph, clerk, h 24 Silver.<br />

Giro Jacob, cigar maker, bds 24 Silver.<br />

Gisler Martin IN., carriage factory, 135<br />

Larned w., h 1062 Woodward ave.<br />

Gitre Joseph, grocer, 506 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Gitsclilag August, lab., bds water works,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> n r Riopelle.<br />

Gitschler Louis, porter, Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Gittar John, lab., h n. s. Chene bet Gratiot<br />

and German.<br />

Gladewitz Daniel, proprietor Unser Winter<br />

Garden, h s e cor Clinton and Mc-<br />

Dougal ave.<br />

Gladewitz Frederick W., florist and<br />

huckster, C. H. M., h Elmwood bet<br />

Gratiot aud Clinton ave.<br />

Gladwin Charles A., boots and shoes, 114<br />

Michigan ave., An~isdel House, Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Glaeser Gottlieb, painter, h 55 Sherman.<br />

Glaesner Anthony, malster, h s. s. Columbia<br />

bet Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Glaesner Robert, J eweller, h 145 Catharine.<br />

Glaizer Peter, finisher, (<strong>Detroit</strong> Burial<br />

Case Co.) h nr water works.<br />

Glasiter Richard, stone-cutter, h 369 Fifth.<br />

Glaser Henry, mason, h 210 Hastinas.<br />

Glaser Henry C., mason, h 398 Thirteenth.<br />

Glasen Peter, carpenter, h n. s. Belair bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Glaser Wil!iam, saloon, 625 Michigan ave.,<br />

h same.<br />

Glassie -, upholsterer, bds 45 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Glass Archibald A., (James Glass c& Bro.)<br />

bds i37.5 Cass ave.<br />

Glass Charles, sailor, h 207 Russell.<br />

Glass Daniel, shoe maker, bds 93 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Glass James, (James Glass & Bro.) bds 375<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Glass John, boots and shoes, 93 Jefferson<br />

. ave, h same.<br />

Glass James & Bro., (James and<br />

Archibald O.,) leather and findings, 11<br />

and 13 Grand fiiver ave.<br />

Glaesner August, local agent bend Post,<br />

h 233 Adams ave e.<br />

Glstster John, carpenter, hds 220 Third.<br />

Glaster Maurice, lab., h 136 Orchard.<br />

Glate Albert, cigar maker, h 415 Eighteenth.<br />

Gleason Edmund, helper, bds 343 Twelfth.<br />

Glei~son Bliss Ellen, clerk, bds 311 Porter.<br />

Qleason J., fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Gleason James, painter, h Porter w s bet<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

, Gleason. John, wagon maker, h 322 Sixth.<br />

Gleason 3l~rcellus, brakesman, h 15 Oak.<br />

, Gleason Marcellus, meat market, 912<br />

Michigau sve, h same.<br />

Gleason Nathew, drayman, h 343 Twelfth.<br />

Gleason Michael, lab., h 73 Wight.<br />

Gleason Patrick, drayman, h 146 Spruce.


Gleason Patrick, trainer, bds Central<br />

Hotel.<br />

Gleason William, lab., h 197 Chene.<br />

Gleir John, tinsmith, h Maple nr Russell<br />

Gleim Henry, sr., lab., h 438 Clinton me.<br />

Gleim Martin, machinist, bds 488 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Gleisen Anthony, brewer, h 214 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Glendinniag Andrew, machinist, h 318<br />

T wenty-secon d.<br />

Glendinning David W., foundry, 166<br />

Michigan ave, h Grand River ave beyond<br />

city limits.<br />

Glendinning Mary Ann.. (wid Henry)<br />

dress maker, 6.5 Fifteenth, h same.<br />

Glendinning William H., moulder, h 233<br />

Third.<br />

Glenn Charles J., (Baker, Glenn St Co.,)<br />

res Fowlerville, Mich.<br />

Glessner John, huckster, stall 67 C. H. M.,<br />

h 55 Sherman.<br />

Glessner Robert, jeweler, h 148 Catharine.<br />

Glogner Erenest L., marble cutter, h 407<br />

Sherman.<br />

Glover Arthur J., hardware, 114 Woodward<br />

ave, h 101 Congress e.<br />

Glover Charles B., (Glover & Wallace), h<br />

37 Rowland.<br />

Glover George, clerk, bds 417 Congress w.<br />

Glover Henry, h 47 Congress w.<br />

Glover James, bds h 47 Congress w.<br />

Glover William, carpenter, h 463 Macomb.<br />

Glover William H., telegraph operator,<br />

bds '78 Elizabeth m.<br />

Glover & Wallace, (Charles B. Glover &<br />

Elmer D. Wallace): commission merchants,<br />

15 Nichigan Grand ave.<br />

Gluckstein Abram J., shoemaker, h 104<br />

Catharine.<br />

Gluecklich Anthony, fancy goods, 297<br />

Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Glynn John, teamster, h 146 Jones.<br />

Glynn Patrick, lab., h 341 Porter.<br />

Glynn Kichard, engineer, h 132 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Gmenier Julius, wood engraver, h 259 Lafayette.<br />

Gnau Elizabeth, (wid Casper,) sewing, h<br />

328 St. Antoine.<br />

Gnau John, constable and coroner, 31 Larned<br />

w, h 110 Mullett.<br />

Gnau Louis, stone cutter, bds 110 Mullett-<br />

Gnich Frederick, lab., h next 616 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Gnich John, lab., h 201 German.<br />

Goebel Frantz, lab., h 344 St. Subin ave.<br />

Godbout Louis,shoemaker, h 107 Croghan.<br />

Godfrey Frank E., railroad, bds 146 Clifford.<br />

Godfrev Jeremiah, h 45 Rowland.<br />

~odfrcy Joseph, (~odtrey & Go.,) h 99<br />

Winder.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P. Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Godfrey Lorenzo D., lawyer, 19 Rotunda,<br />

- -<br />

h 141 Croghan. -<br />

Godfiey Marshall H., (Godfrey & Co.,) h<br />

243 Woodward ave.<br />

Godfrey Thomas, blacksmith, h 216 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Glodfrey & Co., (Joseph and Marshall<br />

H. Godfrey,) painting and paper hang-<br />

ing, 257 Jefferson ave and 233 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Godfrey Mary (wid Peter,) h 133 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Godlout Theodore, tinsmith, h 267 Fort e.<br />

Godwin Henry, painter, h 268 Mullett.<br />

Goebel August, clerk, h 358 Fort e.<br />

Goebel Christian, cigar maker, h 469<br />

Catharine.<br />

Goebel Christian, cigar maker, 103 Four-<br />

teenth, h same.<br />

Goehel Henry, lab., h 196 Maple.<br />

Goebel John, teamster) h '70 Antietam.<br />

Goebel Valentine, blackslllith, h 193 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Goelcher Sebzastian, carpenter, h. 37 Ger-<br />

man.<br />

Goellner Gustav, saloon, 209 Grat.iot, h<br />

same.<br />

Goermer Louis, shoemaker, h 293 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Goers Aumust, lab., h 475 Russell.<br />

Goesch #m., carpenter, h 327 Division..<br />

Goeschel Frederick, blacksmith, bds 166<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Goeschell Wm., teamster, h 166 Napoleon.<br />

Goetrch Gustav, cabinet maker, h 367<br />

Orleans.<br />

Goetrch Herman. teamster, h 50 German.<br />

Goetsch Wm., carpenter, h 327 Orleans.<br />

Goetz Adolph, cigar maker, h 226 Adam s<br />

ave east.<br />

Goetz Carolina (wid Anton,) h 98 Brewster<br />

Goetz Charles, engineer, Biddle House.<br />

Goetz Christian, huckster, h 55 Sherman.<br />

Goetz George, builder, h 232 Clinton.<br />

Goetz Gustave, clerk, bds 159 iSCnllett.<br />

Goetz Lewis, grocer, 55 Sixth, h same.<br />

Goetz Mary (wi 1 Anthony), washer-<br />

woman, h 226 Adams ave e.<br />

Goffinet James, wines and liquors, 66<br />

Larned e, h same.<br />

Goffray Nicholas, cabinet maker, h 470 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Gohier Edward, lab., h 585 Lafayette.




SE'E PAGE 39 a<br />

Gohringer John G., watchman, h 5'11<br />

Seventh.<br />

Goka Frank, tsnoer, P. Jewel1 & Sons.<br />

Gold Frank M., clerk, cor Beaubien and<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Gdden Edward H., clerk, bds '704 .Frank--<br />

lin.<br />

Golclen Gottlieb, h 65 Chestnut.<br />

Golden Hugh, lab., h 38 Harrison ave.<br />

Golden Margaret, machine operator, bds<br />

45 Fort e.<br />

Golden Thomas, carpenter, h Fort Wayne.<br />

Goldenbogen Charies, h 438 Eighteenth.<br />

Goldenbogen Frederick, car builder, h<br />

248 Russell.<br />

Goldenbogen William, saloon, 43 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h same.<br />

Goldenberg Lewis, watchmaker, h 167<br />

First.<br />

Goldensberg Mark, bookkeeper, bds 161<br />

First.<br />

Goldman George, clerk, bds cor Randolph<br />

and Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Goldman Moses, hair dressing, 35 Monroe<br />

ave, h 120 Lafayette-<br />

Goldsmith Charles L., bookkeeper, bds 195<br />

Howard.<br />

Goldsmith George W., student, bds 327<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Goldsmith Henry, shoemaker, bds 159<br />

Macomb.<br />

Goldsmith Isaac, cigar maker, h 85 Fort e.<br />

Goldsmith James H. (Goldsmith,<br />

Bryant & Stratton), h 195 Howard.<br />

(See lzdv.)<br />

Goldsmith John, printer, h 545 Seventh.<br />

Goldsmith Louis, shoemaker, h 159 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Goldsmith Mrs. Margaret, h 327 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Goldsmith Moses, clerk, bds 35 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Goldsmith Oliver, tobacco and cigars, 163<br />

Jefferson ave., h 383 same.<br />

Goldsmith, Bryant & Stratton<br />

Business ' College, 91 Griswold.<br />

(8% adv).<br />

Godstein Abraham, bds 221 Cass.<br />

Goldstein Daniel L., bookkeeper, bds 214<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Goldstein David, peddlar, h 137 Mullett.<br />

Goldstein Jacob, agent, h 326 Randolph.<br />

Goldstein Lewis, cigar maker, h 127<br />

Catharine.<br />

Goldstein Nathan, peddlar, h 221 Cass.<br />

Goldwater Joseph, cigar maker, bds Ma-<br />

comb, bet. Russell and Riopelle.<br />

Goldwater Samuel, cigar maker, h Ma-<br />

comb, bet. Russell and Riopelle.<br />

Gollings Henry, carpenter, h 551 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Goltz Frederick, lab., h 458 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Goltz William, roofer, h w s Dequindre nr<br />

Water Works.<br />

Golze William, brewer, bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Gonia Louis, painter, bds 800 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Gonia Remi, ship carpenter, h 800 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Gonyee Comb, cooper, h Dequindre, bet.<br />

Bronson and North.<br />

Good Ellen, (wid William,) h 197 Maple.<br />

Good Christian, shoemaker, h 156 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Good Emma, tobacco stamper, bds 359<br />

High.<br />

Good Robert, apprentice, bds Jay, bet.<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Good Robert, tail&, 239 Jefferson ave., h<br />

same.<br />

Good William, carpenter, h s s Jay, bet..<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Good William, finisher, bds 26 Gratiot.<br />

Gocdale Agnes C., clerk, bds 389 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Goodsls Charles, printer, bds Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Goodale George P., city editor Free Press,<br />

h 6 Clinton.<br />

Goodale Hiram, grocer, 695 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Goodale James D., clerk, bds 101 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Goodall Henry, shoemaker, h 265 Michi-<br />

gan sve.<br />

Goodall Henry S., clerk First National<br />

bank s w cor Jefferson ave and Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

GoodchildZRobert, painter, h n e cor Third<br />

and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Goode Bernard, trunk maker, bds 428<br />

Congress e.<br />

Goode Fannie, (wid Bernard,) h 428 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

~6ode James, (col'd) drayman, h 375 Macomb.<br />

Goode James, machinist, bds 428 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Goodell Phipps B., clerk, h 41 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Goodfellow Bruce, clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Goodheart Louis, h 229 Jefferson ave.<br />

Goodheart Napoleon G., grocer, 331 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 229 same.<br />

Gooding Charles .Ma, engineer, hl15 Baker.<br />

Gooding George, switchman, bds & Fort e.

Business Practically Taught.<br />

After the Countinz House system, the only true and practical system for illustrating<br />

real business requirinq Bnnlcs, Stores, Business Houces. Offices, Boards of Trade, etc.<br />

A f'oreign business is also carried on by the teachers and students through the United<br />

Sta:c:s mail with other colleges belonging to the 1ntern.ttional Business College Associa-<br />

tion, the only orgarlization or the kind known, this being a branch of the same A11 the<br />

busi-less tr insacted 111 this institution, passes under the supervision of the best practical<br />

accountants to be found. aud wlio are fitted for their positions trom long experience.<br />

After h iviug had an experience of over 80 yesr; in this specialty, besides ten or fifteen<br />

yesrs a.; R pr tctic 11 business lnan :lud an accountant, the public can as heretofore rest<br />

assured that the hest k110wn fhcilities will be made use of to meet the demands of the<br />

BUSINd5S CO,M\lUSITY and advance the INTERESTS of our PATRONS.<br />

We wish it distinctly u!ldcrstood by the public, that the course of actual business<br />

practice as taught at this, institution, is not nor caa it be represented in any printed<br />

work on book-keeping. All trans .ctions must originate throush individuals ; otherwise<br />

it cannot be c;tlleLl actual bujii~ess.<br />

It is an acknowled~ecl ftct that pr tcticc is the b2st esperience that a person can<br />

possibly possess. This being the case, it stands to reiso.1 tbat the nearer the schoolroom<br />

can be nude to represent real business the more practical and thorough will be the<br />

instruction.<br />

We also wish it und~rstood that business penmanship, arithmetic and c~rrect orthography<br />

are specialties at this institution.<br />

Young men ~islling to obtain a busiuess education should not fail to visit our institution<br />

before innking arrangements elsewliere and after wards regretting it when too late as<br />

others have done. We often have young men enter our institution for the full course<br />

after attending other so-called business colleges, and becoming dissatisfied with their incomplete<br />

course of instruction.<br />

No institution ever took a diploma or premium for book-keeping or business<br />

practice over this institution, and any assertion to the contrary is false.<br />

For further particulars, please call or address,<br />

J. H. GOLDSMITH, Pres't.,


Gooding William, lumber, bds 99 Farmer.<br />

Goodman Alfred, prop. Goodman House,<br />

n w cor Grand River ave and Griswold.<br />

Goodman Benjamin, dry goods, 280 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Goodman Daniel, (col'd) lab., h 342 Macomb.<br />

Goodman House, Alfred Goodaan prop.,<br />

Grand River ave and Griswold*<br />

Goodman Robert, tailor, old 550, new 582<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Goodman Theodore E., h old 68, new 104<br />

Congress w.<br />

Goodrich Ichabod, boots, bhoes and news<br />

depot, 93 Grand River aye, h 37 Abbott.<br />

Goodrich James s., correspondent, (D.<br />

Preston & CO.,) bds Russell House.<br />

Goodrich John C., clerk, bds Eisenlord's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Goodship Charles, saloon, h 18 Lewis.<br />

Goodsell Mrs. Jane A,, fashion pattern<br />

agent, 80 Jones.<br />

Goodsell John B., captain, h 80 Jones.<br />

Goodsell Oli-ier C., fruit, 15 upper C. H.<br />

M., h 262 Park.<br />

Goodsell Peter, cooper, b 351 St. Antoine.<br />

Goodson John, teamster, h 149 Twentieth.<br />

Goodwin Aaron, *(col9d) waiter, Ocean<br />

restaurant, bds Fort e.<br />

Goodwin Charles P., sewing machine<br />

agent, h n 386 o 326 Second.<br />

Goodwin Hon. Daniel, Judge eleventh<br />

district, h 588 Jefferson ave.<br />

Goodwin 4 N., clerk, bds 588 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Goodwin M. C,, editress Light and Comfort,<br />

bds 66 Congress w.<br />

Goodwin Robert, carpenter, h 351 Fifteenth.<br />

Goodwin Sarah, (wid Martin), h 275 Seeond.<br />

Goodwin Seth, meat market, h 96 Alexandrine<br />

aye.<br />

Goodwin Wallace, clerk, h 49 Cherry.<br />

Goodwin Wallace, restaurant, h 275 Second.<br />

Goodyear, - , clerk, bds 269 Jeflerson<br />

ave.<br />

Goodpear John, machinist, bds 301 Sixth.<br />

Goodyear John, produce dealer, bds o 463<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Goodyear Nicholas, clerk, bds 69 Duffield.<br />

Goodyear Nicholas, contractor, h 151<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Goodyear N. Barlow, clerk, 91 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Goodyear Thomas, teamster, h o 301 Sixth.<br />

Goodyear William G., carpenter, h 204<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Goray James, helper, h 120 Labrosse.<br />

Gordon Andrew, (col'd) lab., bds 133 Hastings.<br />



aumm & @@e8B<br />

FnItonr Market Oyster ]~XOXS~,<br />

28 MICHIGAN G-D AVE.<br />

Ogatars in the Shell a s ecialty. Wholeaale<br />

and ~etaiE<br />

Gordon Catharine, (wid Linius D.), h 22<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Gordon Giles, plasterer, h 518 Sixteenth.<br />

Gordon Henr . h 152 Abbott.<br />

Gordon Rev. %emy D., (col'd) h 175 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Gordon Henry R., baker, h 192 Prospect.<br />

Gordon James, clerk, h 273 LP-tByette.<br />

Gordon Mary A., (cord wid Andrew,)<br />

seamstress, h 123 Napoleon.<br />

Gordon John, vessel owner, h 251 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Gordon Mary J., bds I12 Miami ave.<br />

Gordon Richard, (col'd) barber, cor Wood-<br />

ward and Jefferson ave, h 84 Joy.<br />

Gordon Samuel S., teller, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Gordon Wilkinson, lab., h w a Dubois bet<br />

Fort and Congress.<br />

Gordon William, mason, h n e cor Craw-<br />

ford rmd cuttler.<br />

Gordon William F., machinist, h 129 St.<br />

Aubin aye.<br />

Gordon William S., saloon, 516 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Gore Arthur, saloon, 19-21 Atwater, h<br />

same.<br />

Gore John, boiler maker,bds 166 Larned w.<br />

Gore Julia (wid James), h w a Crawford<br />

bet Tuscola and BIaria.<br />

Gore Ralph, grocer, 313 Twenty-second, h<br />

same.<br />

Gore Thomas, boat house, 62 Atwater,<br />

h 19 Atwater..<br />

Gore William, engineer, h 17 Wight.<br />

Gorenflo Theodore, brewer, h 173 Clinton.<br />

Gores John, fireman, Russell House.<br />

Goreham Henry, Clerk, American Na-<br />

tional Bank, h Windsor, Ont.<br />

Gorham Samuel B., conductor, bds Michi-<br />

gan Xxchange.<br />

Goring John, clerk, h 77 Elmwood ave.<br />

Gorius Joseph, shoemaker, h 109 Mullett.<br />

Gorman Ann (wid Michael), h 42 First.<br />

Gorman James, carpenter, h 132 Locust.<br />

Gorman Martin, lab., h 343 Seventh.<br />

Gorman illartis, maltster, h 94 Twelfth.<br />

Gorman Robert (ce!'G), teamster, h n s<br />

Kentucky bet Hastings andaSt. Antoine.<br />

Gorman Thomas, boiler maker, bds 42<br />

First.<br />

Gormao Thomas, shoemaker, 551 IlIichi-<br />

gm ave, h same.


@usime$ti &[miocraifg,<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Gorman Timothy, saloon, 6 Woodward<br />

ave, h 376 Congress e.<br />

Gorozynske J ohn: lab., h s w cor Whiting<br />

and Butternut<br />

Gorton William R., physician, h 266<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Gortshaw John, lab., h 545 Catherine.<br />

Gortwarth Christian, drover, h 525<br />

Seventh.<br />

Gory Catherine (wid Edward), h 43 Lewis.<br />

Goshenhofer John, watchman, h n. e. cor<br />

Fort and Lieb.<br />

Goshens John, cigar-maker, bds Catharine<br />

and Rivard.<br />

Gosen Henry, (col'd) teamster, n. s. Grove<br />

bet Hastings and Antoine.<br />

GOSS John C., sail-maker, h 65 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />

Goss Joseph, caIpenter, h lot 62 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />

Gosselin Rudolph T., clerk, bds Good-<br />

man House.<br />

Gothea Joseph, finisher, h 79 Catharine.<br />

Gotier Paul, caulker, h 155 Chestnut.<br />

Gottlieb Cronenwett, tailor, h 528 Sixth.<br />

Gottschalk Carolina, tail oress, h 279 Maple.<br />

Gottschalk Frederick, lab., h 519 Macomb.<br />

Gottschalk Henry, lab., h 527 Macomb.<br />

Gottschalk Henry, lab., h 548 Cathanne.<br />

Gottschalk John, lab., h 511 Lafayette.<br />

Gottschalk John, lab., h 552 Catharine.<br />

Gottschaw Nicholas, rag carpet factory,<br />

414 Michigan ave., h same.<br />

Gottschild John, lab., h 511 Lafayette.<br />

Goudrau Frank, carpenter, h 434 Lafayette<br />

Gougeon Joseph, broom maker, h 579 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Gough Giles M., (Gough (Ts Co.) h 230<br />

Woodward aye.<br />

GOUGH & Co. (Giles M. Gough) cmfec-<br />

tioners, 230 and 232 Woodmard ave.<br />

Gouin Maxime, plasterer, bds 60 Foundry.<br />

Goula Lenhardt, lab., 197 Mullett.<br />

Gould --, clerk, bds 269 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gould Henry E., supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> elevator,<br />

h 144 High.<br />

Gould James, machinist, 300 Fort e.<br />

Gould Erich, machinist, h 3E5 Clinton.<br />

Qould Walter J., (Gould & Fellers) h 270<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Gould & Fellers (Walter J. Gould and<br />

Morgan S. Fellem) wholesale grocers<br />

32 Woodward aye.<br />

Gouldin Thomas, carpenter, h 41 Twentysecon<br />

%<br />

Goulet Hilaire, carpenter, h 493 Fort e.<br />

Goulet Joseph &I., clerk, bds 103 Catharine.<br />

~&rla~ James, (Baxter & Gourlep,) h 239<br />

Fowfh.<br />

Gourlay William, machinist, h 504 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Gouss Anthony, lab., h 313 Twenty-sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Goutman Solomon, peddlar, h 92 Russell-<br />

Gouting Edward, carver, 73 Adams ave e,<br />

h 505 Gratiot-<br />

Gous James J., carpenter, h 409 Third.<br />

Goye Andrew, steam fitter, bds 71 JOY-<br />

Govin Charles, tGovin & Lacour), h 288<br />

Fort e. @ t<br />

Govin & Lacour, (Charles Govin & Alex-<br />

ander Lacour), merchant tailors, 251<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Gow George B., shoemaker, h 239 Twelfth.<br />

Gowdy Norman D., printer, h n e cor<br />

Ninth ave and Butternut.<br />

Gowen Charles, ship carpenter, bds 91<br />

Orleans.<br />

Goyer Edward, lab., h 555 Lafayette.<br />

Golzow William, lab., bds 342 Gratiot<br />

Goyette Nicholas age~t h 250 Randolph.<br />

Goyette Peter, blacksmith, h 147 Sherman.<br />

Grabo James, carpenter, (Candler Bros.)<br />

Grabowsky William, peddler, ,h 149 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Grach Frederick, lab., h w side Tweatysecond<br />

nr. Baker.<br />

Gradwell James T., advertising agent, h<br />

130 Adams ave e.<br />

Gradzon Charles, conductar, h 71 Crawford.<br />

Graessle Charles, shoemaker, 368 Franklin,<br />

h same.<br />

Graff August, lab., bds 313 Congress w.<br />

Graff Charles, lab., h 313 Sixteenth.<br />

Graff Christian, lab., h 313 Sixteenth.<br />

Graff Frederick, lab., h 167 Chestnut.<br />

Graff Frederick, stone cutter, Maple nr<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Graff Frederick, stone cutter, bds 191<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Graff Mary (wid Joseph), washerwoman,<br />

s e cor James and Dequindre.<br />

Graff Susan (wid Samuel), midwife, h 176<br />

Clinton.<br />

Graftpn John J., assist.-supt. <strong>Detroit</strong>, Hillsdale<br />

& Ind. & <strong>Detroit</strong> Eel River &<br />

Illinois R. R., bds Biddle House.<br />

Gragan Julius, boiler maker, h 279 Marion.<br />

Graham Andrew, clerk, bds 96 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Graham Annie, waiter, bds G8 Larned e.


Graham Ansel B., clerk, h 332 Lafayette.<br />

Graham Colin, watchman, h 89 Fifteenth.<br />

Graham Daniel, clerk, bds 89 Fifteenth.<br />

Graham Duncan E., engineer, bds 89<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Graham Frank, clerk, bds 332 Lafayette.<br />

Grahen Henry, lab., h - Catherine.<br />

Graham Henry, shoemaker, h 101 Adams<br />

gve w.<br />

Graham Isabella (wid Creighton), dress<br />

maker, h 270 First.<br />

Graham James, clerk, bds 281 Dequindre.<br />

Graham James, coachman, bds 194 Randolph.<br />

Graham James, painter, bds 130 3lichlgan<br />

ave.<br />

Graham John, agent, h 120 Michigan ave.<br />

Graham John, baker, h 196 Franklin.<br />

Graham John A., Pattern maker, WS 89<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Graham John P., telegraphic operator, bds<br />

old 175 new 179 Woodward me.<br />

Graham Joseph, cigar maker, bds 156<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Graham Joseph H., grocer, 327 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Graham Peter, policeman, h 640 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Graham Saloma (wid Jacob), huckster, 26<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall Market, h n s Lafayette bet<br />

Hastinqs and St. Antoine.<br />

Graham Samuel, boardmg, 68 Larned e.<br />

Graham Samuel, carpenter, h 228 Twelfth.<br />

Graham Thomas, mason, bds 45 Fort e.<br />

Graham Thomas, sawyer, h 318 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Graham Mrs. Thomas, dress making and<br />

pattern rooms, 315 Woodward ave., h<br />

same.<br />

GRAHAM WILLI.%M, book and job<br />

printing 52 Bates, h 621 Cass ave.<br />

Graham William, fitter, bds 4 Tenth.<br />

Graham William, lab., h 124 Wight.<br />

Grahame William, engineer, bds 8 Tenth.<br />

Graham William A., printer, h 621 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Graham William L., (Tyler, Graham, &<br />

Co.) res. Grand Eapids.<br />

Gr~llle John, h 10 Joy.<br />

Grall Sebastian, lab., h 167 Division.<br />

Grambubch Hubert, lab., h 103 Napoleon.<br />

Grandah1 Carl, shoemaker, h 515 Croghan.<br />

Grand Trunk Railroad Depot. foot of<br />

Third, ticket office cor Jefferson and<br />

Woodward aves.<br />

Grandt Henry, cabinet maker, h 156 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Graneist Otto, boarding, h 212 Croghan.<br />

Graney Cornelius, lab., bds 103, old, Larned<br />

w.<br />

Graney David, lab., h 19 Franklin.<br />

Grancy Daniel, lab., h 474 Fifth.<br />

Graney David, lab., h 182 Woodbridge e.<br />

Graney Thomas, lab., h 46 Orchard.<br />

b<br />

We will take pleasure in qhowing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


who will favor us by a call at our ofice, 52 West<br />

Larned street.<br />

Parfie, DavZs & CO.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Granger Charles, pump maker, bds 103<br />

Orleans.<br />

Granger Charles W., painter, h 299 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Granger Edward, pump maker, 101 Or-<br />

leans, h same.<br />

Granger George I?., messenger, bds 986<br />

Jefferson are.<br />

Granger Henry W., draughtsman, h 368<br />

Congress e,<br />

Granger Hiram, with Walher, MeGraw<br />

& Co., h 3ti St~mson.<br />

Granger John H., (Bogue, Murray & CO.)<br />

fi 66 Adams ave w.<br />

Granger Joseph, mason, h 66 Adams ave.<br />

west.<br />

Granger Joseph jr., bds 66 Adams ave w.<br />

Granger Mntilds (wid Sylvester) h 50<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Granger Sidney, builder, bds 84 Baker.<br />

Grant Alexander, clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Grant Alexander, painter, h 34 <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Grant Alexander, (col'd) soda xater<br />

maker, 116 Bates, h 302 Macomb.<br />

Grant Archibald, fancy dyeing, 42 Con-<br />

gress e, h same.<br />

Grant Charles E., student, bds 307 Sisth.<br />

Grant Duncan, engineer, tug Zouave.<br />

Grant Edmond, painter, h 138 Maple.<br />

Grant George, printer, b& 102 Randolph.<br />

Grant Henry, carpenter, h 156 St. Antoine.<br />

Grant James, moulder, h 484 Sherman.<br />

Grant John, saloon, 56 Larned w.<br />

Grant John, tanner, h 28 Thirteenth.<br />

Grant Hichnrd, watchman, h 36 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Grant Theodore, painter, h 161 Brewster.<br />

Grant Thomas, scroll sawyer, bds 199 First.<br />

Grant Thomas H.,pressman, bds 307 Sixth.<br />

Grant Thomas L.. (Journal of Commerce),<br />

bds Franklin House.<br />

Grant Thomas IV., foreman Daily Post,<br />

h 307 Sixth.<br />

Grant William C., mathematical instru-<br />

ment maker, 55 Woodward ave, bds 104<br />

Con ress w.<br />

rant killiam H., watchman 31. C. Depot,<br />

bds 307 Sixth.<br />

Grant William L., h 355 German.<br />

Granville Joh, physician, h s e cor Porter<br />

and Third.<br />

Grmvillc Sarah, teacher, brls 227 Lafay-<br />



Gray Alexander, shipper G. W. R., h 139<br />

~ ~ 1 Columbia ~ e. ~ *<br />

Gray Alexander 'M., carpenter, bds 16<br />

45 #!kg $ @@a<br />

IM&!,<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Gram John C., book-keeper, bds Cass<br />

Hotel.<br />

Grauf August, lab., h e s Fifteenth nr R. R.<br />

Graull Charles, cigar maker, bds -271 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Grauert Frederick W., foreman, A. Wend-<br />

riner, h 217 Clinton.<br />

Graul Charles C., musician, h 271 Mullett.<br />

Graulich Louis W., carpenter, h 212 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Graumann Charles, cabinet maker, h 110<br />

31 aple.<br />

Graumuller Herman, lab., h 177 Bronson.<br />

Graumuller Julius, tanner, h 74 Croghan.<br />

Graus Andrew, porter, bds 123 Marion.<br />

Graus ConraO lab., bds 503 Croghan.<br />

Graus George, painter, bds 123 Marion.<br />

Grms John, teamster, h 123 Marion.<br />

Graus Joseph, lab., h 503 Croghan.<br />

Graus Peirce, lab., bds 503 Croghan.<br />

Grauser Frederick carriage maker, bds 509<br />

Macomb.<br />

Grauser Mary, (wid Fredrick,) h 509 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Grauzow Charles, conductor Grand River<br />

st h Crawford.<br />

Gravline Daniel carpenter, bds 608 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Graves Albert, painter, Hoxard bet Twen-<br />

ty-first an& Twen ty-second.<br />

Graves Frank K., tinsmith, bds 261 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Graves Henry A., (Graves & Laurense), h<br />

o 62 Miami ave.<br />

Graves Henry W., furrier, h 220 National<br />

ave.<br />

Graves Horace P., traveling agent, h 23<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Graves Horatio, painter, Howard bet<br />

Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

Graves Mrs. (wid John,) washerwomen,<br />

Twenty-four lh, nr R. R. crossing.<br />

Graves John, lawyer, Dep. Clerk U. S.<br />

District Court, h 54 Jtontcalm e.<br />

Graves P.. tinsmith, bds 265 Jefferson ave.<br />

Graves William W., painter, h Bristo] Place<br />

bet Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

Graves & Laurense, (Henry A.<br />

Graves & Leonard Laurense), moulding<br />

manufactory, 37 Atwater. (See adv.)<br />

Grawley Hichard, boiler maker, bds 272<br />

Congress w.<br />

Grrrser Frederick,tanner, h 505 Clinton ave.<br />

Gray Adam, carpenter, h-40 Columbia w.<br />

Gray cuttler* Alfred A., upholsterer, h Third bet<br />

Gold and Y ierrepon t.<br />

Gray Andrew T., painter, bds 702 Lafayette.<br />

Gray Archibald Y., clerk, h 77 Duffield.<br />

Gray Catharine, (wid Philip), h 222 Second.<br />

Gray Charles W., clerk, bds 616 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Gray Daniel J., machinist, bds 99 Eighth.<br />

Gray David D., clerk, bds 35 Seventeenth.<br />

Gray David W., grocer, 230 Congress e, h<br />

same.<br />

Gray ~dward E., clerk, bds 212 Park.<br />

Gray George T., machinist, h 468 Macomb<br />

Gray Hobart, spectacle maker, bds 308<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Gray James, (col'd,) lab., bds 22 Fort e.<br />

Gray James, machinist, h 99 Eighth.<br />

Gray James, moulder, bds 40 Columbia w.<br />

Gray James L., switchman, h 333 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Gray John A., blacksmith,h 708 Lafayette.<br />

Gray John H., shoemaker, h 16 Cuttler.<br />

Gray John S., (Gray, Toynton & Fox,) h<br />

'78 George.<br />

Gray Mary, (wid William,) h 616 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Gray Nary L., boarding, h 251 Lamed e.<br />

Gray Maud, operator, bds 248 Division.<br />

Gray Philip C., clerk, h 328 Randolph.<br />

Gray Robert, cabinet maker, h cor Fourth<br />

and Vine.<br />

Gray Robert, cabinet maker, h 133 Jones.<br />

Gray Robert M., (S. W. Walker & Go.,) h<br />

40 Macomb.<br />

Gray W~lliam, frame turner, h 304 Porter.<br />

Gray Wm. B., machinist, h 73 Eighth.<br />

Gray WilliamH. H.,(C. D. Widman<br />

& Co,.) bds 6 Aspinall Terrace, Blacomb<br />

ave.<br />

Gray, Toynton & Fox, (John S. Gray,<br />

Joseph Toynton and Jacob B. Fox,)<br />

manufacturing confectioners, 22 and<br />

24 Woodbridge e.<br />

Greaher Arthur, moulder, h 252 Croghan.<br />

Great Western Railway and Blue<br />

Line Freight Office, Thomas J. Craft,<br />

a@, Woodbridge bet Eighth and Tenth.<br />

(See ada.)<br />

Great Western & C, R, R,<br />

Ticket office, Frank E. Snow, agt, 151<br />

Jefferson ave. (See ado.)<br />

Greatwich A. (wid) bds 120 Henry.<br />

Grebe Wm., watchman, h Twentieth nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Greeger John, shoemaker, h 135 Twentysecond.<br />

Green Andrew (col'd,) cook, h 251 130pelle.


I<br />

Green Andrews, lab., h 114 Russell. LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Green Ann, (wid Charles), dressmaker, h<br />


150 Marion.<br />

Green Archleus, nursery gardener, h 11<br />

Lewis.<br />

Green Charles, ~ainter, bds 158 Marion.<br />

Green Caroline, waiter,Railroad Exchange. FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUS E,<br />

Green Charles C., h 64 Lafayette ave.<br />


Green Charles M., painter h 150 Main.<br />

Green Charles P.,bricklayer, bds 72 Fourth. W Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Green Charles W., (Green &.Beckwith,) h<br />

265 Lafayette ave.<br />

Greene Andrew C., h 11 Bronson.<br />

Green Daniel, lumberman, room 4 Merrill Greene Annie (wid William), h 135 Jones.<br />

Block, h 711 Jefferson ave.<br />

Greene James W., druggist, h 177 Clifford.<br />

Green Daniel D., drover, h 409 Twelfth. Greenfield Frank, machinist, h 26 Twen-<br />

Green Daniel W., clerk, bds 717 Jefferson tieth.<br />

ave.<br />

Greening Alfred, upholsterer, 212 Wood-<br />

Green Garrett, (co17d) waiter, Michigan ward ave.<br />

Exchange.<br />

Greening Hennon, dry goods, 63 Wood-<br />

Green George, col'd) lsb., h 271 Congress ward ave, h 926 Fort w.<br />

east.<br />

Greening Hermon jr, clerk, bds 926 Fort w.<br />

Green George B., (Ives, Green & Go.,) h Greenke Stephen, lab., h 376 Juliett.<br />

'7 17 Jefierson ave.<br />

Greenland William, printer, bds 81 Con-<br />

Green Edmund, kook-keeper, h 17 John R. qress e.<br />

Green George W., captain, h 66 Baker. ~ieenow Albert, clerk, h 2 Jay.<br />

Green Henry, shoe laster, h 166 Woodward Greenslade John, vinegar manufacturer<br />

ave.<br />

and oil dealer, 45 Jefferson ave, h 255<br />

Green James clerk, h 177 Clifford.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Green James, grocer, 223 Sixth, h same. Greensteudel Frederick, baker, h 1'76<br />

Green John. lab. <strong>Detroit</strong> railway elevator. Sixth.<br />

Green .John, (col'd) sa~lor, bds 67 Clinton. Greenstine Yenlile, merchant, h 331 St.<br />

Green Lizzie, operator, h 135 Jones. Antoine.<br />

Green Mary, shoe fitter, bds 135 Jones. Greenthall Louis, grocer, cor Prospect and<br />

Green 31av F., (wid George,) h 235 Brush. Calbonn, h same.<br />

Green Peter, mason, h G83 n 655 o 31ich- Greenthall hlorris, grocer, s e cor Dubois<br />

igan ave.<br />

and Fort e.<br />

Green Preston, (col'dj whitewasher, 11 35 Greenwood Martha (wid John), h 93 St.<br />

Clifford.<br />

An toine.<br />

Green Purdy, lab., h 319 Nineteenth. Greenwood Thomas, clerk, bds cor Sixth<br />

Green Sullivan D., reporter Free Press h and Howard.<br />

2'74 First,<br />

Greenwood TVilliam, grocer, n w cor Sixth<br />

Green Thomas, lab., h 169 Beech.<br />

and Howard, h same.<br />

Green Wesley A., lawyer, oilice 108 Gris- Greer Arthur, moulder, h 252 Croghan.<br />

wold up stairs, bds Howard House. Greer James, blacksmith, h 661 Congress e.<br />

Green Whitmore, hostler, bds 63 Lafayette Greer James jr, lab., bds 661 Congress e.<br />

ave.<br />

Greer William sr, moulder, h 661 Con-<br />

Green William, painter, h 219 Michigan gress e.<br />

ave.<br />

Greffry Bertrand, waiter, bds 270 Ma-<br />

Green William, painter, h 207 Third. comb.<br />

Green William C., insurance agent, 101 Greffly Jacob, tailor, h 270 Macomb.<br />

Gnswold, bds Russell House.<br />

Greg Alexander, boiler maker, bds 159<br />

Green William R., barber, bds 236 Ran- Fourth.<br />

do1 ph.<br />

Gregg John, carpenter, h o 922 Jefferson<br />

Green William S., insurance agent, 101 ave.<br />

Griswold, bds Michigan Exchange. Gregor Bernard, machinist, h Twenty-<br />

Green & Beckwith, clothiers, 115 Wood- fourth, nr Michigan ave.<br />

ward ave (Charles W. Green & George Gregory Charles, teamster, with L. Pea-<br />

W. Beckwith).<br />

cock, bds - Nullett.<br />

Greenaway Edmund, boiler maker, bds 27 Gregory Ellen, (wid Mark) h 36 Columbia<br />

Beaubien.<br />

west.<br />

Greenbaum Bernard, clerk, bds 13 Jeffer- Gregory Everet E., sawyer, h 406 Maple.<br />

aon ave.<br />

Gregory George, clerk, bds 75 Larned w.<br />

Greenbaum Joseph, clothing, 200 Jefferson Gregory John C., veterinary surgeon, 63<br />

ave, h 13 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rdndolph, h 14 Sherman.


><br />


-<br />


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Greme Frank, machinist, h 325 Bronson.<br />

Grevels Edward, grocer, 435 Hastings, h<br />

same.<br />

Gridley William H.,expressman, 141 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Grieg Michael, lab., h Pierce s s bet St.<br />

Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

Griem Henry, carpenter, h n s Sherman<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Griem John, lab., h 219 Maple.<br />

Griengarden Louis J., tailor, 212 Gratiot,<br />

h 99 Mullett.<br />

Griepentrog Christian, lab., h s s Antietam<br />

bet Joseph Campau and 3IcDougal<br />

Gregory Reuben, (col'd) shoemaker, h 210<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Gregory Samuel, lab., bds 3 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gregory William, sailor, h 379 Maple.<br />

Grehl William, yardman, Biddle House.<br />

Grehn Henry, lab., h 449 Catharine.<br />

Grehn William, lab., h 345 Sherman.<br />

Greichert Nicolaus, lab., h w s Xt. Eli<br />

ott ave bet Gratiot and Jay.<br />

Greier Mathias, coo per, h 277 Marion.<br />

aVeS-<br />

Griepentrog William, lab., h 148 Antietam.<br />

Grier George, clerk, bds 25 Macomb ave.<br />

Grier *John, baker, bds 63 Atwater e.<br />

Grier Thomas, teamster, h 105 Orchard.<br />

Grieser Frederick, brewer, n e cor Sherman<br />

and St. Aubin ave, h same.<br />

Griesbaber Burkhardt, manufr gold pens,<br />

164 Jefferson ave, h 393 Congress e.<br />

Greig David, tailor, 60 Lamed w, h Griesinger Louis, mason and saloon, 178<br />

same.<br />

Russell, h same.<br />

Greig David J.9 Bc Greig) 306 Griest Henry B., lab., h n s Labrosse bet<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Eighth and Ninth.<br />

Greiner Frederick-, carpenter, h 2a Col- Griffin Charles, ear driver, bds 212 ifumbia<br />

e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Greiner Mary. machine operator, bds 89 Griffin C. E., (Griffin &j Fox,) bds Michi-<br />

Napoleon.<br />

gan Exchange.<br />

Greis Charles, painter, h 449 Clinton ave. Griffin Daniel, lab., h 18 Cuttler.<br />

Grelling Gottschalk, photo- artist, 231 Jef- Gritfin Heorg,shoemaker, bdslm Lamed w.<br />

ferson ave, h 74 El'izabeth w.<br />

Gremmer August, shoemaker, bds<br />

Griffin Henry A$., machinist, h 2'76 La-<br />

368 fayette ave.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Griffin Hiram, machinist, bds 2'76 Lafayette<br />

Grendel Charles,. shoe maker, h 515 Croghan.<br />

Griffin James, clerk, bds cor Alexandrine<br />

Greneng Frank, tailor, bds water works. and Woodward ave.<br />

Greney Cornelius, mal~ter, bds 103 Larned Griffin >lrs., James,) h<br />

west.<br />

ave e Woodward ave.<br />

Grenke Martin, lab., h 37 German. Griffin James, (col'd,) cook, h 225 Colum-<br />

Grenke Martin, lab, h 113 Jay.<br />

bia e.<br />

Grssler Charles, car~etr, 11 BI'(3wster. Griffin John E., clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Gressler Louis, lab., h 106 Brewster. Griffin John J., ex;)ress, h 153 National av.<br />

Goettmann George P*, printer, h 182 Grifiin John S., (Griffin & Lake,) h 51<br />

Clinton.<br />

Michigan ave (up stairs.)<br />

Goetz Adolph, cipr maker, h 226 Ad- Griffin Lawrence. lab., h cor Buens Vish<br />

ams ave e.<br />

and Crawford.<br />

Greuchar Joseph, peddlar, h 105 Benton. Griffin Levi T., (Noore Grimn,) h 94<br />

Greusel Edward h.; tinsmith, bds 101 Adelaide.<br />

Baker.<br />

Griffin Miss Mary, bds 235 Seventh.<br />

Greusel John, (John Greusel Son%) Griffin Noah, (col'd,) cook, h 149 Clinton.<br />

235 Third.<br />

Griffin Sidney, lithographer, bds 59 Michi-<br />

Greusel Joseph, letter carrier, h 101 Baker. gan ave.<br />

Greusel Joseph,jr., reporter Free Press, h Griffin Thomas s., h 77 Cramford.<br />

237 Third.<br />

Griffin Thomas J., grocer, 179 National<br />

Greusel Sylvester, machinist, bds 101 sve, h same.<br />

Baker.<br />

Griffin Mrs. Thomas, boots and shoes, 121<br />

Greusel John & Sons, (.John and Woodward ave.<br />

John jr, Isaac L. Greusel,) brickmakers, Griffin Wm., (col'd,) city chimney sweep,<br />

in Springwells, h 237 Third. (See adv.) h 61 Mullett.<br />



Griffin & Fox, (C. E. Griffin and L. Fox,)<br />

merchandize brokers, foot Griswold.<br />

Griffin & Lake, auction and commission,<br />

(John S. Griffin rind George Lake, 51<br />

Michigan aye.<br />

Griffith Alfred, (Swain & Griffith,) h 246<br />

First.<br />

Griffith Chas., grocery broker, bds 135<br />

Cass.<br />

Griffith Edward B., printer, h 68 Porter.<br />

Griffith Jacob. waiter. Biddle House.<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our office<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


ParTce, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Grist Mathias, bar tender, bcls 47 Miami<br />

~riffith John E., clerk, h 36 Stimson. ave.<br />

Griffith John H., druggist, 104 Jefferson av Grist Peter, livery man bds '78 Larned e.<br />

h 50 Lewis.<br />

Grist William, h 995 Brush.<br />

Griffith Patrick, hostler, bds n w cor Griswold Albert B., painter, h 346 Seven-<br />

Woodward Eve and Duffield<br />

teenth.<br />

Griffith Thomas, cigar maker, h 143 Griswold Charles W., clerk, bds '73 Selden.<br />

Brewster.<br />

Griswold Cynthia L., (wid Aaron) h 73<br />

Griffith Thos. H., drumgist, ",7 Michigan Selden.<br />

ave, h cor Fifth and Eabrosse.<br />

Griswold Frederick W., office 108 Griswold<br />

Griffith Wm., (col'd,) lab., bds 23 i Watson. room 14 up stairs.<br />

. GrifEth Wm., tailor, h 116 Brewster. Griswold John, mason, h 334 Fourteenth.<br />

Griffith Wm. S., tel. operator, bds Biddle Griswold John, moulder, bds 67 Larned e.<br />

House.<br />

Gritnlan Janles D., clerk, bds 219 Fourth.<br />

Griffith Wm. V., tyler, Masonic/Hall,-h 41 Gritman Salnuel, foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair<br />

Larned w.<br />

Factory, h 219 Fourth.<br />

Griffor Antnine, lab., h Halley's-Lanc, bet Qrix George, carriage smith, h 235 La-<br />

First and Cass.<br />

fayette.<br />

Orifford Frank, lab., h 489 Lafayette. Grob Anton, tailor, h w s Dubois, bet<br />

Grifore Chas., lab., h 183 Nineteenth. German and Gratiot.<br />

Griggs -- , joiner, hds 357 Cass ave. Grob John, tailor, h 344 Croghan.<br />

Griggs S. Adelbert, P. 0. clerk, bds 66 Grobe Hetmon W. blacksmith, bds Fort,<br />

Congress w.<br />

bet. Randolph and Brush,<br />

Grigqs Stephen, physician and surgeon, Grobel Daniel, wagon maker, h 369 Anoffice<br />

158 Jefferson ave, h 66 Congress w. tietam.<br />

Grober Albert, lab., h 315 Alfred.<br />

Grills Elizabeth, (wid James, h 21 8 Second. Groenke Joseph, lab, h I7 Jay.<br />

Grim John, tailor, h 382 Nichigan ave. Groescher Frederick, lab., h w s- .Joseph<br />

Grimbo Joseph, clothier, 13 Jefferson ave, Campau ave., bet. Chestnut and Antih<br />

same.<br />

etam.<br />

Grimes Samuel. c col'd) saloon and board- Gresbeck Frederick, watchmaker &c., 171<br />

inp., 134 Fort e, h same.<br />

Nichigan ave., h same.<br />

Grimes John, (col'd) lab., h 3 19 Watson. Groesho Frederick, lab., h Joseph Campau<br />

Grimm Henry. (Price, Grimm cF; Haughton) ave., nr Gratlot.<br />

h cor Seventh and Michigan ave. Groguere Ferdinand, carpenter, h 637 Six-<br />

Grimm Nary, (wid August,) h s s Chest- teenth.<br />

nut bet Joseph Campau and 3fcDou- Grogan,Lawrence, lab., h 133 Cherry.<br />

wall aves.<br />

Grogan Peter, lab., h 489 Thirteenth.<br />

~4mm Peter, piano. manufacturer, 260 Groh Nicholas, gilder, bdsqPurdy Hotel.<br />

Macomb, h same.<br />

Grollt Carolina, tailoress, bds 247 Chest-<br />

Grimmer Frederick, lab., h 368 Franklin. nut.<br />

Grimsby Charles J., tailor, bds Goodman Groht Herman, lab., h 34'7 Chestnut.<br />

House.<br />

Groll John, tailor, bds7S34 Hastings.<br />

Grimshaw John MI., ' printer, h 121 :Nay- Groll John C., blacksmith, 451 St. Anberry<br />

ave.<br />

toine,<br />

Grindell Frederick lab., h 193 Lafayette. Groll Julius, tailor, 211 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Grindley David, lab., h 59 Parson. Groll Veronica, (wid Gustav,) washer-<br />

G~i~dley James, machinist, h 671 Congress. woman, h 185 Marion.<br />

east.<br />

Grones Paulus, shoemaker,:h :300 Wil-<br />

Grinea Francis, agent, h 431 Gratiot. kins.<br />

Grinhardt Louis, tailor, h 199 Mullett. Gronkofsky Michael, tailor, bds n w cor<br />

Grinier George, ship carpenter, h 121 Till- Humbolt and Butternut.<br />

man ave.<br />

Groome Louis, painter, h 201 Michigan<br />

Grist Henry, lab., h 162 Labrosse.<br />

ave.<br />



I<br />

Growe Frederick, carpenter, h n s Michipicoten<br />

bet Chene and Joseph Campau<br />

ave.<br />

B USImSs CoLLE GE. Grub* Anton, tailor, h w s Dubois near<br />

Gratiot.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, Gruba John, lab., (Candler Bros,) h -<br />

Rivard.<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Grubell Anthony, machine hand, h 109<br />

Division.<br />

Grope1 Anton, lab., h 109 Division. Gruber Henry, billiard table manufr h 373<br />

Grosfield Anthony, grocer, 973 Michigan Elizabeth e.<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Grubo Gottlieb, h 63 Lafaye tte<br />

Grosfield Theodore, grocer, cor Baker and Gruening Frank, tailor, bds waterworks<br />

Twentieth, h same.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> nr Riopelle.<br />

Groshaw Joseph, clerk, bds 266 Howard. Grueninger Theodore, (P Hufnagel tk Co.,)<br />

Groschen Julius, helper, h 279 Blarion. bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Groskopf Gottfried, tailor, h 265 Clinton. Gruenke Hermannj carpenter, bds 421<br />

Gross Catharina, (wid John,) h 144 Ha- Watson.<br />

comb.<br />

Gruenewald August, lab ,, h 454 Seven-<br />

Gross Ferdinand, tailor, h 402 Mullett. teenth.<br />

Gross Frederick, painter, bds 480 Clinton Gruenemald Henry, (Grueneald 6b Broeg,)<br />

ave.<br />

h 30 Miami ave.<br />

Grow George, tailor, h cor Riopelle and Gruenewald & Broe~, (Henrg Gruenewald<br />

Mulle tt.<br />

and Max Broeg,) cigar manufacturers<br />

Gross Henry, foreman, h 812 Woodbridge and saloon keepers, 57 Alichigan Grand<br />

west.<br />

ave.<br />

Gross Jacob, lab., h 342 Maple.<br />

Gruenstein David, peddlar, h 72 Catharine<br />

Gross John, blacksmith, h 451 St. Antoine. Gruetz Herman, shoemaker, h 436 Chene.<br />

Gross John P., saloon and shoemaker, 445 Gx-ummond Delia E., (wid George,) h 56<br />

Gratiot, h-same.<br />

Adatns ave w.<br />

Gross Louis, carpenter, h 76 Catharine. Grumtnond Stephen B., vessel owner, on<br />

Gross L., agent, h 13 Chase.<br />

dock bet. Cass and First, h 357 Seventh.<br />

Gross Wrm., tailor, h 485 St. Antoine. Grundhsl John, clerk, bds Nichigan Ex-<br />

Grosser Frederick, painter, bds 509 Ma- changecomb.<br />

Grunow Herman, cigar maker, h 90 Ma-<br />

Grosshans Fred, cigarmaker, bds 138 comb. -<br />

Catherine.<br />

Grnpe Henry, foreman at Schulenburg's, h<br />

Grosshans John, teamster, h 133 Seven- 253 Elizabeth e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Gsella Ignatz, carpenter, h cor st. Antoine<br />

Grosskoff Charles, bds 3.51 Seventeenth. and Indiana.<br />

Grosskoff Frank, painter, h 383 St. Aubin Gubbe~ Charles* lab-, h Humboldt ave., nr<br />

ave.<br />

Blichigan ave.<br />

Grosskoff Sophia, (widFred,) h 351 Seven- Gubby Charles, tinsmith; h 86 Fort e.<br />

teent h.<br />

Gubby Francis C. (Gubby & Henriss) 86<br />

Grosstueck John, teamster, h s w cor Du- J!'ort ee<br />

bois and German.<br />

Gubby Henry, tinsmith, bcls 190 ' Wood-<br />

Grosstuck William, lab., h 111 Marion. bridge w.<br />

Gro~stuck Frederick, lab., h 50 Eigh- Gubby James, tinsmith, 488 h Croghan.<br />

teenth.<br />

Gubby James A, tin: copper &c., 54 Jef-<br />

Grostkuff William. carpenter, 264 Labrosse ferson ave-, h 523 BIacomb-<br />

Groth Charles, shoemaker, h 47G Orleans. Gubby John, lab., bds 89 Fifth.<br />

Groth Maria, (wid Henry,) bds 383 St. Au- Gubby & Henris, (Francis C. Gubby and<br />

bin ave.<br />

William Henris) tin, copper and sheet<br />

Ground Jacob, cook, Russell House. iron manufacturers, 196 W oodbridge w.<br />

Grovier Isaac C., (Grovier 62 Barr, bds 31 . Gubert Gisbert, blacksmith, h 462 Six-<br />

Rfonroe ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Grovier (B; Barr, (Isaac C. Grovier and. Guddyhe James, lab., h old 151 Beaubien.<br />

Samuel L. Barr,) druggists, 31 Monroe Gudekunst Christian, clerk, bds 355<br />

ave.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Grout John R., copper works, h 86 Fort Gudseaa Joseph, carpenter, h 566 Larned<br />

west.<br />

east.<br />

Grove Nicholas, guilder, bds 272 Wood- Gudslnidt John, plumber, h 526 Macomb.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Guenther Christopher, baker, h 221 Cro-<br />

Grove William, painter, h 211 Antietam. ghan.


I GuentherJohn,teamster,h564Nullctt. LOVERSofthoseDELlClOUSBlVALVES<br />

Gunther Louis. cabinel-maker, bds 206 * BHOULD CALL AT<br />

Blaco a b.<br />

Guen t her Peter, notar? public, 31 .Lamed<br />

w., h 206 Macomb.<br />

JUNE & C0,'S<br />

Guenther William, shoemaker, h old 213<br />

ICusselI,<br />


Gucuzel John, blacksmith, h s. s. Gratiot 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

bet Mt. Elliott ave and Elmwood ave.<br />

Oysters in the Shell a ~pe'cialty. Wholesale<br />

Guerbert John, tinsmith, h cor Juliett and<br />

and Retail.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Guerin Thomas, clerk, h 95 Adams ave w. Gumbrick Charles, teamster, bds 18 Me-<br />

Guest Adolphus A., clerk bds 87 Washing- chanic.<br />

ton ave.<br />

Gumelton John, lab., bds 356 Eighteenth.<br />

Guest Albert. W., artist, room 15 Studio Gumelton Thomas, blacksmith, h 356<br />

building cor Griswold and State, h I86 Eighteenth.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Gulnont Joseph, shoe maker, h 535 Larned<br />

Guest George, harness maker, h 44 Henry. east.<br />

Guest John, clerk, bds 87 Washington Gumserfield Victor, sawyer, h s s Macomb<br />

aye.<br />

bet BIcDougall and Joseph Campau<br />

Guetschon Charles, lab., h 135 Twenty- aves.<br />

second.<br />

Gundlach Frederick, last turner, h 367<br />

Guick Joseph, clerk Russell House. Fort e.<br />

Guilamann Isaac, drayman, h 591 Lafay- Gunkel Henry, painter, h 162 Bronson.<br />

el te.<br />

Gunn Alexander, carpenter, h 73 Baker,<br />

Guild Eason Z., clerk, bds 355 Randolph. up stairs.<br />

Guilfoile Joseph, shoemaker, bds 102 Gunn Charles K. dry goods, 112 Wood-<br />

Franklin.<br />

ward ave.. bds Russell House.<br />

Guilfoy Lawrence, blacksmith, bds 92 Lo- Gunn ~eorpe, sailor, h 21 Michigan ave.<br />

cust,<br />

Gunning Mary, (wid James) dress maker,<br />

Guillot James peddlar, h e s Riopelle bet h 116 Bronson.<br />

Belair and Scott.<br />

Gunsack William, carpenter, h 212 Ad-<br />

Guilloz Paul, bakery, 517 Gratiot, h same. ams ave e.<br />

Guilloz Peter, saw filer, 145 Sherman, h Guntherodt Fredrick, tailor, h 294 Crosame.<br />

ghan.<br />

Guiman Louis, cigar maker, bds 540 Cath- Gurea Stephen, lab., h 370 Croghan.<br />

arine.<br />

Gurnell George, carpenter, h 213 Watson.<br />

Guina James F., groceries, boots and shoes, Gurnell Thomas, groceries, 209 Watson, h<br />

n w cor Grand River ave and Palmer, h same.<br />

same.<br />

Gurney Anthony, mate, h s e cor Beaubien<br />

Guinans Andre, carpenter, h 228 Adams and Bronson.<br />

ave e,<br />

Gusecke August, yardman, Franklin<br />

Guiney Benjamin, tinsmith, h 78 Abbot. b ouse.<br />

Guiney Daniel, grocer, 245 and 24'1 S~xth, h Guseh Joseph, lab., h 163 Napoleon.<br />

same.<br />

Gussler August, cigar maker, 261 IVhiting.<br />

Guiney Timothy B., musician bds 78 Ab- G-ust Emil, lab., h n s New bet Dubois and<br />

bott.<br />

Chene, German and Gratiot.<br />

Gurke William, lab., h 233 Chestnut. Gustav Otto P., teamster, bds cor Xivard<br />

Gulden Cllarles: clerk, h 102 Bronson, and Congress.<br />

Guldwasser Samuel, cigar maker, h 1% Gustin William C., physician, n e cor Jef<br />

b'ort e.<br />

ferson ave Gris~old, h 21 Henry.<br />

Gulley Alfred, gardner, bds 196 Twenty- Gusrua Henrius, tailor, h 723 Twentyfourth.<br />

fourth.<br />

GalIey Orrin S., book and job print- Gut Jacob, clerk, bds Hotel Mauch.<br />

ing 10 anci 12 Larned e, h 136 Cass. Gut Jacob, watchmaker, h 359 Bigh.<br />

Gulley Santord T., printer, bds 136 Cass. Gutchow Charles, lab., h 135 Twenty-<br />

Gucknau Henry, meat market 494 Gratiot, second.<br />

h same..<br />

Gutckwinst William, stone cutter (Brun-<br />

Gumbinsky Jacob, hair dresser, 188 St. ton t% Marion).<br />

Antoine, h same.<br />

Gutekunst Christian,clerk, bds 385 Twelfth<br />

Gumbinsky Julis, cigar maker, bds 119 Gutekunst John G., boot maker, h 385<br />

Mullett.<br />

Twellth.<br />

Gnmhrecht Augustus, book bindtr, h 64 Gutekunst John G., jr., jeweller, bds 385<br />

Bronson.<br />



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Gutekunst William, stone cutter, h 559<br />

Beacbien.<br />

Gutenau Cornelius, meat market, Orieans,<br />

nr Chestnut, h same.<br />

Gutenau Gerhard, grocer, s e cor Orleans<br />

and Chestnut, h same<br />

Gnthard Jacob, grocer, 350 St. Antoine, h<br />

same.<br />

Guthelf Cunert, lab., h 43 Croghan.<br />

Gutmann Christian, bakery, 126 DXarion, h<br />

same.<br />

Gutmann Frederick, cabinet maker, bds<br />

449 Has t ings.<br />

Gutmann Frederick, cabinet maker, h 124<br />

Marion.<br />

Gutom Christian, lab., h 514 Mullett.<br />

Gutow Joseph, .lab., h 514 Mullett.<br />

Guy Hugh, jr., machinist, bds 17 Beacon.<br />

Guy Hugh, sr., h 17 Beacon.<br />

Guy Bobert, pattern maker, bds 1'7 Beacon.<br />

Guy William, machinist, bds 17 Beacon.<br />

Guyette Joseph, saloon, h 197 Third.<br />

Guyotte Frank, teamster, h 275 Franklin.<br />

Guyotte Louis, teamster, h SSG Kiopelle.<br />

Guyotte Oliver, helper, h cor Croghan and<br />

Dubois.<br />

AACK John, painter, h 398 Rio-<br />

H pelle.<br />

Haacker John, cooper, h 310 Maple.<br />

Haahn John, lab., h 349 Twenty-second.<br />

Haak Joseph, teamster, 169 Napoleon.<br />

Haar Wolfgang, lab, h 81 Chestnut.<br />

Haarman Herman, butcher, h 236 Mullett.<br />

Haass Chas. Rev., h 253 Brush.<br />

Haass George, lab., h 65' Brewster.<br />

Haass George, carpenter, h s s Scott, bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Haass George C., painter, h 649 Sixteenth.<br />

Haass Herman E., clerk, bds 253 Brush.<br />

Haass John, cigar maker, bds s e cor Cath-<br />

arine and St. Antoine.<br />

Haass John, lab., h n s St. Joseph bet De-<br />

quindre and St Aubin ave.<br />

IIaass John, trunk maker, bds 375 North.<br />

Haass Joseph, milkman, h 380 North.<br />

Baasse August J., joiner, h 186 German.<br />

, Woodbridgew.<br />

Raasse Friederich W., shoemaker, h 590<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Harsse Chas, tailor, 18 Hawley block, h<br />

6'78 Gratiat.<br />

HAASSE JOHN F., grocer, 362 St. Aubin<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Haasse Wm., b1ackemith.h 227 Montcalm e.<br />

Habarth Joseph, helper, bds 246 Whitney.<br />

Habarth Anthony. helper, h 294 Alfred.<br />

Habbin Arthur IV., electrotyper, bds 106<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Habbin Harriet E., (wid Henry,) h lOG<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Habbin Henry, clerk, h 106 Columbia e.<br />

Habbin Robert P., jeweler, bds 106 Columbia<br />

- --- e. .<br />

Hzbbiz F?a!ter C.. cierk, h 148 E!izzbeth e<br />

Habbin<br />

- - William F., clerk, bds 106 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Haber Ferdinand, carpenter, h s s New<br />

bet St. Aubin ave and Dubois, and Ger-<br />

man and Gratiot.<br />

Haber John, carpenter, h - Dubois.<br />

Haberkorn August, carpenter, bds 437 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Haberkorn Henry, carpenter, h 437 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Habermass Chas., waggoner,h 277 Watson.<br />

Hack George, lab., h 227 High.<br />

Hack John, shoemaker, h 197 Division.<br />

Hack Joseph, lab., h 102 Bronson.<br />

Hack Joseph, jr., cigar maker, bds 102<br />

Bronson.<br />

Hack Peter, cigar maker, bds 108 Twelfth.<br />

Hack Sebastian,:shoemaker, h 176 Dirision,<br />

Hacker John, clerk, bds 117 Grand River<br />

ave<br />

Hackes John, engineer, h 212 Maple.<br />

Hackes Mary, seamstress h 212 Maple.<br />

Hackett Albert, sailor, h 280 Michigan me.<br />

Hackett Andrew, picture frame maker, bds<br />

n 172 Fort e.<br />

Hackett Catherine, (wid James,) h n' 172<br />

Fort e.<br />

Hackett George R., sailor, bds o 300 n 380<br />

Howard.<br />

Hackett Henry W., h 365 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hackett Michael, National Hotel, 220, 224<br />

Hackett Robert J.. secretary and treasurer<br />

North Western Transportation Co., foot<br />

I First, h o 300 n 380 Howard.<br />

Hackett William waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Hackett William, clerk Western Hotel.<br />

Hackman Diederich, cigar maker, h 254<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Haddock Henry D., clerk Steamer St. Paul,<br />

bCis 168 Adams ave e.<br />

Haddock Ray, Secretary Board of Trade,<br />

h 168 Adnms ave e.<br />

Haddock Roderick, shoemaker, bds 128<br />

/ Grand River ave;<br />

Haddow Axchibald S., car?enter, h 772<br />

I Sixteenth.


Haddow John, jr., ship carpenter, bds 7B '<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Hadger Joseph F., (Hndger & Bryce,) h<br />

37 Cherry.<br />

Hadger 6; Bryce, (Joseph F. Hadger and<br />

Charles 0. Bryce,) job printers, n w cor<br />

Bates and h oodl~ridge.<br />

Hadley Charles, bar-keeper, bds 49 Lafayette.<br />

Hadzits George, clerk, h 49 Macomb.<br />

Haeden Chris, lab., h Mullett bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau nve.<br />

Haenzman Frederick, teamster, h 312 Watson.<br />

Haertz Henry, lab., h 537 Catherine.<br />

Haete Henry, (Haete & Cook,,) h 623 Xichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Haete & Cook, (Henry Haete and Charles<br />

Cook,) wagon makers, 647 Michigan ave.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Ofice,52 W. Lamed St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Hnggerty William, hair stitcher, bd s Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hngley William H., carpenter, h 374 Macomb.<br />

ITahrenyos Jacob, tanner, h 291 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Hahke Frantz, lab., h 325 Sherman.<br />

Hahn Ammdus, saloon, 175 Gratiot, h 74<br />

Harriet.<br />

IIaffey Esther, (wid Thomas,)~seamstress, h Hahn Henry, baker aud confectioner, 5<br />

419 High.<br />

Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Hafermeier Louis, cooper, h 515 Orleans. Hahn Henry, tailor, h s. s. Grove bet<br />

Hsfner John, stone cutter, bds 133 Frank- Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

lin.<br />

Hahn J. H., teacher of music, bds 84 Fort<br />

Hafton August, ciparmaker, h Williams west.<br />

ave 2d irom cor Myrtle.<br />

Hahn Louis, carver, bds 174 Lafayette.<br />

Hagadorn Abraham >I., (Hagadorn & Hahn Louis, carver, bds 29 Clinton.<br />

Cole,) h 266 Randolph.<br />

Hahn Louis, stone cutter, h 215 High.<br />

HAGADORN 6; COLE, (Abraham jf. Hahn William, carpenter, h 203 Napoleon.<br />

Hagadorn and William R. Cole,) Gun- Hahn William, marble works, 127 Gratiot,<br />

smiths and model makers, 226 Wood- sameward<br />

ave.<br />

Haigermuser John, lab., h 178 Marion.<br />

Haigh Henry, druggist, 264 Jefferson ave.,<br />

Hagarsick John G., ciparmaker, bds Ran- 273 Lamed e.<br />

dolph nr Fort.<br />

Haight J. Irwin, clerk, 107 bodw ward<br />

Hagan Alice,(wid Patrick,) h 702 Groghang ave.<br />

~ a ~ ~nne, a n (wid Edward,) boarding, h Haiqht Louis, (co17d) xhitewakher, h S<br />

7 Abbott.<br />

Harriet.<br />

Hagan Thomas, moulder, bds 702 Cro- Hailstock James, barber, h n. s. Grove bet<br />

ghan.<br />

Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Haganmaeer Christian, lab-, bds 1Jeffer- Hailstock James, (co17d) barber, bdscenson<br />

ave.<br />

tre bet John R and Grand River ave.<br />

HaiFmann illism, lab., h 564 Lafayettea Hair Andrew, clerk, bds 77 Beaubien.<br />

Hager Charles, carriage maker, h 370 Mul- IInirshans Thomas, shoemaker, h n. e. cor<br />

lett.<br />

Humboldt ave and Ash.<br />

Hager George We, u~holsterer, bds 122 Haischer Andrew, (Mathsuer & Haischer)<br />

Franklin.<br />

h 31 Beacon.<br />

Hager John, cutter, bds 270 3Iullett. Hakenjois Jacob, tanner, h old 231 new<br />

Haggerty Daniel, lab., bds 118 Franklin. 295 st. Aubiu ave.<br />

Httggerty Daniel, lab., h 533 Fort w. Hakks Jeannie, 48 Jefferson ave.<br />

Haggert~ Daniel jr, sailor, bds old 4177 Halahen Daniel, dr~yman, h 125 Lahrosse.<br />

new 533 Fort w.<br />

Halahen Patrick, drayman, bds 125 La-<br />

Haggprty Dennis, policeman, h 325 Fifth. brosse.<br />

Haggerty Dennis, tinsnlith, bds 60 Ha- Halcomb Henry W., clerk, h 63 Butternut.<br />

rlson ave.<br />

Haldi Jacob, bar keeper, bds 11 State.<br />

Haggerty Elizabeth, h 10 Ma~ljer~ ave- Haley Andrew, lab., h cor Ann and Craw-<br />

L aggerty Hugh, lab., bds foundry nr ford.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Haley Catharine (wid. Edward) h 309 Mul-<br />

Haggerty James, lab., bds 27 Jefferson ave. lett.<br />

Haggerty Jeremiah, shoemaker, h 60 Har- Haley Catherine, (wid. John) h 289 Third.<br />

rison ave.<br />

Haley Edmond, peddlar, h 323 Watson.<br />

Haggerty Patrick, lab., M. C. R. R. Haley Hugh, stone cutter, bds 434 Wood-<br />

Haggerty Robert J., lab., h foundry nr bridge w.<br />

Blichigan aye.<br />

Haley John, lab,, h 701 Fort e.

J@&rm,Jgjp$<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Haley Mary, shoe-fitter, bds cor Anne and<br />

Crawford.<br />

Hall -, clerk, bds 16fi Larned e.<br />

IIall Alfred, printer, h 119 Cougress e.<br />

Hall Alfred ll., clerk, bds 115 Miami ave.<br />

Hall dtosszz Miss, dress maker, h 225<br />

Benton.<br />

Hall Caroline, (wid George) h 217 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Hall Charles (col'd) waiter, Russell House<br />

Hall Charles E., confectionery, 36 Michigan<br />

ave,, h same.<br />

Hall Charles F., clerk, bds 459 Second.<br />

Hall Edgar P., (col'd) bds 191 Larned e.<br />

Hall Edmuud, lawyer; 4 Rotunda, h 62<br />

Adsms ave e.<br />

Hs11 Emma A., teacher, House of Shelter,<br />

bds saille.<br />

Hall George, tailor, h 9 Porter.<br />

Hall George, (col'd) waiter, R~issell House<br />

Hall George B., (with R. H. Hall) l~ds 406<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hall George W., express messenger, bds<br />

450 Sixth.<br />

Hall Henry JZ., mason, h 150 Wilkins.<br />

Hall Henry, pattern maker, h 450 Sixth.<br />

Hall Henry, shoemaker, 26,~ Mullett, h<br />

same.<br />

Hali James (col'd) cooper, h 347 Croghan.<br />

Hall James, tar~uer, n 212 Woodward ave.<br />

Hall James, pattern maker, h 208 Porter.<br />

Hall John, (col'd) plasterer, h 271 Watson.<br />

Hall John, (col'd) fireman, bds 223 Orleans.<br />

Hall John, railroadman, h 19 Marion, second<br />

floor.<br />

Hail John L., lab., h Woodward ave, nr<br />

railroad crossing.<br />

Hall John L., painter, e. s. Dequindre bet<br />

Jay and German.<br />

Hall John W., marine reporter, office foot'<br />

Woodward ave, h 164 Clifford.<br />

Httll Lydia h 248 Adams ave e.<br />

Hall Matilda E.,teacher, h 58 Adams ave w<br />

Hall Miles W., Deputy <strong>City</strong> Collector,<br />

room 17 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 158 Willis ave.<br />

Hall Milton, carpenter, h 158 Oak.<br />

Hall bljlton M., restaurant, 31 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 72 Jones.<br />

Hall Ranombell, cabinet maker, bds 158<br />

Oak.<br />

Hall Reuben H., conductor, bds 86 Brady.<br />

H all Richard H., brick and tile, 147<br />

Griswold, h 406 Jelferson ave. (See udvt.)<br />

Hali Robert, lab., h 211 Xineteenth.<br />

Hall Robert L., book-keeper, h 58 Adams<br />

we, w.<br />

Hall hfiss Ruth, physician women's home<br />

and foundlings hospital, h Woodward<br />

ave., rear Harper's FIospital.<br />

Hall S. S., clerk, bds Larned cor St.Antoine.<br />

Ha11 Theodore P. (Gillett (G Hall,) h 167<br />

Congress e.<br />

Hall Walter. ship carpenter, h 94 Orleans.<br />

Hall William, machinist, h 339 Croghan.<br />

Hall William, jeweler, h 62 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hall William H., clerk, h G2 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hall William H., confectionery, 323 Wood-<br />

ward ave, h same.<br />

Hallam George IT., traveling agent, b 88<br />

Farrar.<br />

Haller George, lab., h 611 Riopelle.<br />

h'aller John, lab., h 141 Macomb.<br />

Haller John, foreman engine No. 6, h '370<br />

Russell.<br />

Haller Michael, tinner, 591 Michigan ave.,<br />

h same.<br />

Haller Nicolas, lab., h 297 St. ~'ntoine.<br />

HalligaqHugh, moulc'er, h 81 Sullivan ave.<br />

Hallagan John, foundryman, h 25 Nayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Hallman Herman, painter, h 255 Macomb.<br />

Hallock Benjamin, lumber, h 9 Spencer.<br />

Hallock Francis R., (H. Hallock & Co..)<br />

bds Rlichigan Exchange.<br />

Hallock Horace, (H. Hallock & Co.,) h 516<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hallock Horace & Co , (H. Hallock & Co.,)<br />

h 516 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hallock Lewis W., traveler, bds 516 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Hallock William A., clerk, bds., 516 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Hsllock H. R., (Horace Hallock, Horace<br />

R, Hallock, & Francis R. Hallock:) cloth-<br />

iers, 168 Jefferson ave.<br />

Halloran David, lab., h 250 Frankliu.<br />

Halloran John, blacksmith, h 250 Fifth.<br />

Hulloran Thomas, grocer, 134 Seventh, h<br />

same.<br />

Hally K?-therine, (wid Thomas,) h 111<br />

Cherry.<br />

Hally Jobn, lab., h 286 Franklin.<br />

Mally John, moulder, h 7 Farmer.<br />

Hally Maurice, shoemaker, bds 111 Cherry.<br />

Hally Patrick, grocer, n w cor Sixth and<br />

Oak, h same.<br />

Halms Frederick, jr., cigar maker, h Lo-<br />

cust n w near Thirteenth.<br />

Halms Frederick, sn., cigar maker, h Lo-<br />

cubt n w near Thirteenth.<br />

Halms Isadore, machinist, bds Locust n<br />

w near Thirteenth.<br />

IIalms Julius, mason, h 574 St. Antoine.<br />

Halter John, teamster, n s Irving bet Sixth<br />

[ and Seventh.


Halter William, teamster, h 530 Wood- LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

bridge e.<br />


Halzmann Joseph, lab, h n s Alfred bet<br />

Orleans and Dequindre.<br />

IIamann Joachim, lab, h 47 Eighteenth. JUNE & CO.'S<br />

Hamblen Cornelius, (Hizinblen, Baker Q<br />

Co.), res., Wellfleet, Mass.<br />


I-Iamblen Cornelius, jr., (ICamblen, Baker 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

& Co.,) res., Jersey <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

g2TOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Ilamblen Joseph G., manager Hamblen,<br />

Retall.<br />

--<br />

Baker & Co., bds Antisdcl House.<br />

HANBLEN, BAKER & Co., (Cornelius Harnnlan Cl~a~rles, lab., h 4'79 Russcll.<br />

I-Iarnhlen, Cornelius Hamblen: j r., Benj a- Hamman Nicholas, carpenter, h 8.7 Kussell.<br />

min Baker,) wholesa.le fruit, and oysters, Hammel Augus: G., saloon, s e cor Russell<br />

168 old and 1 'TO new Woodward ave. and Clinton, h same.<br />

Hambaum Frederick, shoeinaker, h 4'77 Hammond Frederick, grocer, 143 Third,<br />

Hastings.<br />

bcls 152 Howard.<br />

I-Iamberger Henry, cigar packer, bds Hammond George H , meat m:irket, 36<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Michigan Grand ave, h 135 Third.<br />

I-Tarnberger Peder, porter, bds 57 ' Wayne. Hnmmond John A., sail maker, h 474<br />

Hambujer Ephriam, agent, h 179 La- Woodbridge e.<br />

t'nyette.<br />

Hammond John E., harness maker, bds<br />

Hamburger John F., cooper, h 114 Twelfth. 103 Larned w.<br />

IIam burgher Solouion, carpenter, h 128 Hammond Joseph M., clerk, h 162 Cass.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Hammond Rachael J. (wid Sereno C.), h<br />

Ilamel August, lab h 92 Clinton.<br />

52 Park Place.<br />

Hamer Henry, mouldry work, 4.78 Gratiot. Rammond Sereno P., clerk, bds 52 Park<br />

Hamel John, carpenter, h 169 Nineteeuth. Pla.ce.<br />

Hainell Williani I-I., clerk, h 133 Bcaubien. Halnmond Thomas, butcher, 145 Third, h<br />

Hamilton Charles, (col'd) sailor, bds 67 same.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Ha~npe John, cigar maker, h 460 Gratiot.<br />

I-Tam~lton Frank, printer, bds Sl Congress Hanlpfeld William, lab., h m s Dubois bet<br />

east.<br />

German and Gratiot.<br />

I-Iamilton Franklin L.. baggage man 91. C. Hampshire Charles, foreman, h 31 Wash-<br />

R. K., h 361 Fourth.<br />

ington ave.<br />

Hamilton Fred I., associate editor Corn- mamtra~mck Iron Works-E. C.<br />

mercial Advertiser, 42 Larned w.<br />

Walker, president ; George H. .Russell,<br />

Hamilton James, piicker, h 43 National secretary; Wight ab Marine Hosme.<br />

pital. (&Tee ad.v.)<br />

IIaln~lton James, tanner, h 120 National Ilatnmer Michael, ca.lSpenter, h 279 Watson.<br />

ave.<br />

Hanafin Jeremiah. lab., h 111 Spruce.<br />

Hamilton John, draylnan, h 207 Porter. Hamafin John, lab., h 108 Plum.<br />

IIarnilton John B., proprietor Howard Hanaford William, tailor, 138 Alfred, h<br />

House, cor Congress and Griswold. same.<br />

Hamil ton Milton ,4., ni~llwright, bds 119 Hancock Fra,nk, clerk, bds 240 Clifford.<br />

Michigan ave, up stairs.<br />

Hancock George, clerk, h 240 Clifford.<br />

Ms~nilton Palmer, nlillwright, h 119 Michi- Haucock Willialll, cutter, bds 65 Michigan<br />

ave, up stairs.<br />

gan Grand ave.<br />

Harnilton ltobert, blacksmith, h 249 Hancock William H., clerk, bds 240 Clif -<br />

Seventh<br />

ford.<br />

Hamilton Robert, teanlster, h Tbirteevth Hand George E., lawyer, 162 Jefferson ave,<br />

w., bet El111 and JValnut,.<br />

hds Russell House.<br />

Hanlilton Thoaas L., foreman, bds 83 Hand Mary, (mid John,) h 94 Abbott.<br />

Congress e.<br />

IIandy James, (col'd) lab., h 151 Fort e.<br />

Hamlin Alfred, clerk, bds 78 Congress m. Handy William J., clerk, Brich. Mutual<br />

13amlin Alf'recl E. (Hamlin & Demars), h Life Ins. Co.<br />

814 Woodbridge w.<br />

Hnnes John clerk, h 17 Eighteenth.<br />

Httlnlin Louis Alexander, carpenter, h 111 Haney Bridget (wid H. Eber,) bds 333<br />

Twentv-first.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Hamlin & Demars (Alfred E. Hamlin and Haney Thomas, clerk, bds 13 McLean.<br />

Henry Demitrs), groceries and dry HdnforC1 Edward P., shoemaker, bds 90<br />

goods, 814 Woodbridge w.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hamling William H., painter, bds 265 Hanford John, lab., h n e cor Beaubien<br />

First.<br />

and Wilkins.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

Hannimann John B., grocer, 355 Fort e. h<br />

sme.<br />

Hannin William, shoemaker, h 122 Beach.<br />

Hanning Thomas, clerk, bds 182 Beach.<br />

Hanning William, 1st shoemaker, bds 182<br />

~eachu.<br />

Hanning Willlam, 2d shoemaker, bds 182<br />

Beacli.<br />

Hanphf Martin, stone cutter, h 362 Catharine.<br />

IIanrahan Johanna, (wid Thoxras,) h 210<br />

Sixth.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

~anrahan Dager, painter, h 239 Abbott.<br />

Hanraha.n John, sailor, bds 16 Beaubien.<br />

Hanford J. C. Eaton, clerk, h 23 Henry. Hanrnhan John, omnibus ageut bds bf ich-<br />

Ha~ford William P., clerk, h 82 Ciifilrd. igan Eschanpe.<br />

Ilanglin Edward, cigar maker h 264 Fifth. IIanrallan Patrick, machinist, 87 Sullivan<br />

Httngstenffer George, cigar maker, bds 234 ave.<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

IIanrahan Pierce, policeman, h 94 Brai-<br />

Hank Frederick, last turner, h 287 Bron- - nard.<br />

son.<br />

Hanrahan Richard, stove moulder, bds 388<br />

Hank Henry, lithographer, bds 287 Bron- woo(Jbricl,oe e.<br />

son.<br />

Harrahan Roger, fireman, h 359 Sbbott.<br />

Hanks George, teamster, h 315 Michigan Hanraty James lab., h35Y Thirteenth.<br />

ave.<br />

Hanratty Patrick, drayman,, h 193 Wood-<br />

Hankey Lewis, conductor, h in lane bet bridge e.<br />

Porter and Abbott and Third and Hansel1 Charles, upholsterer, bds 212<br />

Fourtb.<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Hanley Ann, (wid Peter,) h 22 Orleans. Hanselmann George, tailor, 263 Gratiot.<br />

Hanley Daniel, lab., h 40 Crawford. Hansen Anthony, lab., bds 353 Columbia<br />

Hanley Elizabeth Miss., bds 70 Columbia east.<br />

east.<br />

Hansen Carl, upholsterer, 212 Woodward<br />

Hanley George, (Roberts &i Hanley,) h 70 ave.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Hansen Jacob, lab., h 253 Columbia e.<br />

Hanley James, clerk, bcls 203 Michigan Hansen Mathias, rag peddlar, h 211 Adams<br />

ave.<br />

ave e.<br />

Hanley John, lab., h 164 Franklin. Hansen Peter. lab., bds 253 Columbia.<br />

Hanley Patrick W., (Hanley Bros.), h 203 Hrtnsen Wendeler, lab., bds 253 Colum-<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

bia e.<br />

Haniey Thomas, (Hanley Bros.), h 203 Hansen Thomas, palnter, h 335 Clinton.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Hanser George, shoemaker, h 99 Napoleon.<br />

Hanley Bros., (Patrick W. and Thomas,) Hanses Ferdi~land,f'oremhn, h s e Hastings<br />

dry goods, 193 Woodmard ave and 203 s Bronson.<br />

6 31 i chigan sve.<br />

Hnnses IIenry, last rnakcr, h 193 Napoleon<br />

Hanlon James, clerk, bds 13 Baker. Hanses John, cabinet maker, bcls 574 Or-<br />

Hanlon John, conductor street car, h Mc leans.<br />

Dougall ave bet Macomb and Croghan. Hanshke ,John, saloon, 4.5 Third, h same.<br />

Ihnnier James, clerk, h 865 Fifteenth IIansing Henry, bellhanger and locksmith,<br />

Hanmer Lewis C., malster, 37 and cor Randolph and Larned, h same.<br />

39 Bates, h 44 Cass. (See adv.) IIansman Chrzs.. lab., bds 124 Catharine.<br />

EIanna Constantine, lab., h 331 Thirteenth. Hansman John, trunk maker, bds 124<br />

Hanna James, carpenter, h 121 Hastings. Catharine.<br />

Hanna Mary, (wid John,) (IIanna & Co.,) Hansman Peter, clerk, bds 124 Catharine.<br />

h 53 Lafcyette ave.<br />

Hanson Anthony, machinist, h 300 Sixth.<br />

Hanna Valentine C., paymaster U. S. A., Hnppee Augu-t, cooper, h 468 Fifth.<br />

12 Bank block, h 144 Congress e. Happy .John, cigar maker, h 524 Croghan.<br />

Hanna William, boat owner, b 432 Lafay- IHitppy John G., engioeer, bds 60 Wayne.<br />

eite ave.<br />

Harbard Ellward, (col'd,) white vasher, h<br />

Hanna & Co., (Mrs. John Hanna and 51 Mullett.<br />

Robert Meginnit y,) wholesale tobacco- I-Iarbarth Joseph, lab., n 246 Alfred.<br />

nists, 24 Woodbridge w.<br />

Harbaugh David B., clerk, bds o 481 n<br />

Hannan Patrick, moulder, h SO Plum. 523 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hanner Xavier, lab., h 43 Mullett. Harbaugh David E., lawyer, 6 & 7 Kanter<br />

IIannernan John, lab., h 178 An tietam. block, h o 451 n 523 Jefferson ave.


Harbeck Anton, cabinet maker, h 115<br />

Mullett.<br />

Harbeck Henry, lumber dealer, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Harbert Wesley, (col'd,) lab., h Calhoun, s<br />

s bet Prospect and Hastings.<br />

Harbor Edward B., (col'd,) barber, h 149<br />

Wilkins. v<br />

Harbor Tug Office, dock foot Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Harbus Kuno, lab., bds 236 Mullett.<br />

Hnrda Joseph, lab., bds 60 Twentieth.<br />

Hardebusch Cuno, lab., s e cor Riopelle<br />

and 3Iullet t.<br />

Harden Owen, (col'd) lab., h 283 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Harding A. D., agent, W. H. Allen & Co.<br />

Harding Charles, coppersnlith, bds 1 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Harding Frank, h 175 Woodbridge e.<br />

Harding Henry, switchman, h 246 Porter.<br />

IIarding William, lab., h 506 Seventeenth.<br />

Harding Wiliiam E.. clerk, h 246 Porter.<br />

Hardman Lawrence D., clerk, h n w cor.,<br />

Ninth ave and Baker.<br />

Hardney John, lab., bds 211 Fort e.<br />

Hardy Charles, tinsmith, (Holmes & Web-<br />

ster) bds 147 Wilkins.<br />

Hardy James S., mason, h 245 Twelfth.<br />

Hardy John, shoemaker, h new 152 old<br />

128 Jones.<br />

Hardy John, printer, bds 212 Randolph.<br />

Hardy John B., helper, bds 42 Third.<br />

Hardy John C., clerk, P. O., h 342<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Hardy Michael, farmer, h w Twenty-<br />

fourth, nr railroad.<br />

Hardy Patrick. porter, h 396 Twelfth.<br />

Hardy Patrick, porter, h 100 National ave.<br />

Hardy Robert, ship carpenter, bds 327<br />

Franklin.<br />

Hardy William, shoemaker, h 150 Jones.<br />

Hardy William, clerk, h 230 Tweltth.<br />

Hare Albert, lab., h 203 Riopelle.<br />

Hare John, ship cmpenter, bds n w cor<br />

Riopelle, and Woodbridge.<br />

I-Iarff Frank, wholesale liquors. 65 Michi-<br />

gan ave, h same.<br />

Harfner John, stone cutter, bds 113 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

IIargreaves Fannie, clerk, bds 35 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hargreaves George, (Hargreaves Blanu-<br />

facturing Co.,) h 85 Seventeenth. -<br />

Hargreaves Robert, trav. agent, h 31 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hargreaves Samur31, jr , bJs 36 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hargreaves Thomas XI., clerk, bctj 197<br />

Macomb.<br />

margreaves Mannfm9g CO.'S,<br />

frames, mouldings, looking glasses,<br />

and children's carriages, Howard cor<br />

Seventeenth and E~ghteentb. (& uda.)<br />

34<br />

Parke, h i s & Co.,<br />

52 west Lam& St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Hark Louis, wagoner, h Hale s s bet Deq~xindre<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Harkes Charles, clerk, be29 Hancock. ave.<br />

Harkes John, paint shop, n e cor Grand<br />

River ave and Griswold, h Hctncock ave<br />

bet Cass and Woodward ave.<br />

Harkins Barney, cigar maker, bds 144<br />

Larned e.<br />

Harkins C., engineer, M. C. R. R.<br />

, Harkins Margaret, (wid. Charles) boardiug<br />

house, 203 Howard.<br />

Hxrkness Timothy, lab., h 111 Porter.<br />

Harland Edward A,, carpenter, bds 167<br />

Cass ave.<br />

IXarland John, butcher, clerk 7 U. C. H.M.<br />

h Ham t ramck.<br />

Harley Williarr,, bricklayer, bds 59 First.<br />

Harlock Charles, clerk, h 120 Eighth.<br />

Harlow Alenzo, physician, h 13 John R.<br />

IIariow Frank A., clerk, bds 13 John R.<br />

Harlow Henry Hock, clerk, bds 13<br />

John R.<br />

Harmer James, carpenter, h 251 Sixteenth.<br />

Harmer Robert, blacksmith, h 19 Eighteenth.<br />

Harmes John, copper smith, bds 334 Hastings.<br />

IXarrnes Julius, cigar maker, h 30 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

narmles Henry, blacksmith, h 112 Baker.<br />

13arrnon Charles, lab., h 478 Seventeenth.<br />

Harmon Eugene S., printer, h 242 Second.<br />

Harmon Henry A*, lawyer, 10 Seitz Block,<br />

bds 123 Shelby.<br />

Harmon John H., (Harmon & Patton) h 21<br />

Adelaide.<br />

Harmon Mathais, planer, bds cor Chestnut<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

Harmon Samuel. (Battle & Harmon), h<br />

325 Jefferson ave.<br />

IIarrnon Seth E., printer, h 242 Second.<br />

Harmon Simon, printer, bds 21 Adelaide.<br />

Harmon Sslomon, painter, bds 198 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Harmon William E., bds 242 Second.<br />

Harmon dt Patton (John H. Harmon an 1<br />

Capt. Joseph T. Patton) insurance<br />

agents, room 14 Rotunda.<br />

Harn Joseph, h 93 Porter.<br />

Hsrnes Herman, cigar maker, h Michigan<br />

ave., bet Thirteenth and Thirteenth-ands-ha1<br />

f.<br />

Harmes Theodore, machinist, n. s. Locust<br />

bet Thirteenth and Thirteenth-and-ab~uli.


a&rHBw<br />

Harrington William, frame maker, h Fremont.<br />

Harris Amash El., clerk, h 49 National ave.<br />

Harris Albert M., clerk, h Third, opp. Can-<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE • field ave.<br />

Harris Alvin, student, bds S Beach.<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, Harris Casper, (coi7d) lab., L Beacon m, n.<br />

SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

S. St. Antoine.<br />

Harris Edwin T., (Harris & Ellair,) h 304<br />

Harneche Henrietta (wid. Augustus) bds National ave.<br />

183 Sherman.<br />

Harris Edward,carpenter,bds 127 Larned w.<br />

Harneike Henry, cigar maker, 183 Sher- Harris Frederick H., clerk, h 175 Adams<br />

man.<br />

ave. e.<br />

Harnek Joseph, cabinet maker, h 254 81- Harris George W., clerk, bds 11 Middle.<br />

fred.<br />

Harris Greenbairn, hair g~ocls, 245 Gratiot,<br />

Hamey Henry, shoemaker h 108 Mullett. h same.<br />

Harney Thomas, sailor, now porter Trib- Harris Henry D., conductor.31. C. R. R., h<br />

une, h 151 Division.<br />

799 31ichigan ave.<br />

Harniag John, tailor, h 410 Eighteenth. ,, Harris James, painter, h 89 Brady.<br />

IIaq Johnathan, blacksmith, bds 12 Harris James, teamster, h 358 Woodbridge<br />

Hasting$.<br />

east.<br />

Harper Caroline, tailoress, bds 531 Wood- Harris Jaines C., carpenter, h 60 Locust.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Harrls John, carpenter, h 94 Franklin.<br />

Harper E. P., barber, h 149 Wilkins. Harris John, carpenter, h 569 Lafayette,<br />

Harper Henry D., la'a., h 294 Riopelle. Harris John C., printer, h s. TV. cor Beacon<br />

IIarper Hospital, W oodward ave n Brady. and Beaubien.<br />

Harper John, cabinet maker, bds 100 Far- Harris John W., carpenter, h 669 Lafayette<br />

rar.<br />

east.<br />

EIarper John, lab., h 507 Fort e.<br />

Harris Joseph, baker, bds 20 Plum.<br />

Harper John L., (David Preston:& Co,,) h Harris Joseph, confectioner, bds 295 Con-<br />

410 Woodmard ave.<br />

gress east.<br />

Harper Lizzie tailoress, bds 534 Wood- Harris Joseph W., engineer, h 320 Franklin.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Harris Louis, peddlar, h 187 Lafayette.<br />

Harper Robert N., sergeant recruiting of- Harris Mary, (wid Charles,) h 38 Canfield.<br />

fice, 187 Jefferson ave h same.<br />

Harris Miss Mary, operator, h 115 Adams<br />

Harpter Ulrich, carpenter, h in rear of 534 ave, e.<br />

Woodbrid, W.<br />

Harris Nrs. Merion, h n. e. cor Rivard and<br />

Harri~an J. A*, conductor, bds 41 Congress Catherine.<br />

west.<br />

Harries Meritt, lab., h 360 Congress c.<br />

Harryman Albert, sailor, h 8 National ave. Harries Moses, tailor, h 200 Uastings.<br />

Harriman Charles, clerk. h 184 High. Harris Samuel C., cabinet maker, h 11<br />

Harriman Elija B.,carpenter, h 306 Twelfth. Middle.<br />

liarriman George E., clerk, bds 76 Henry. Harris Thomas, upholsterer, h new 20<br />

IIarriman Moses, finisher, h 76 Henry. Macomb ave.<br />

IIarrlngton ,4rnold J., carpenter, h 664 Harris Thomas W., carpenter, h 17 Led-<br />

Congress e.<br />

yard.<br />

Harrington Cornelius H., traveling agent, Harris rhomas W., clerk, h 20 3!facomb<br />

bds 72 Adelaide.<br />

ave.<br />

Harrington David B., agent, n 310 Pros- Harris William (col'd), plasterer, h 199<br />

pect.<br />

Blacomb.<br />

Harington Dennis, carpenter, h 73 Jones. Harris William H., bed maker, bds 127<br />

Harrington Dennis, lab., 11 1 Fifth. Larned w.<br />

Harrington George L, clerk, h 55 Parson. Harris William H., manuficturing jewel-<br />

Harrington James, blacksmith, bds 266 ler, bds 301 Larned e.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Harris & Ellair (Edwin T. Harris and<br />

HarfiWton James, drayman, h 154 Cherry. Francis X. Ellair), saloon, 2 Monroe ave.<br />

Harrington John, clerk, h 73 Jones. HARRISON ABRAHAM, hats and caps,<br />

Harrington John, porter, bds, Brighton 260 Gratiot, h same.<br />

House.<br />

Harrison Ali, chair maker, bds 78 Harrison<br />

Harrington John, policeman, h 178 8ixth. ave.<br />

Harrington John, tobacconist, h 288 St. Harrison Edward, traveling agent, h 20<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Hmington Robert, mate prop., Colin Harrison Frank, teamster, h old 10, new<br />

Campbell.<br />

43 Twenty-second.


Harrison F. B., baggageman, h 9 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Harrison Rev. Green C. (col'd), h n s<br />

Kentucky bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Harrison James, clerk, bds 18 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Harrison Joseph, clerk, bds 1.50 Third.<br />

Harrison Lisle R., clerk, h 48 Centre.<br />

Harrison Matilda (wid Thomas), h 223<br />

Franklin.<br />

Harrison Samuel, porter, h 7G Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Harrison Thomas J., bakery, 311 Wood-<br />

ward ave, h same.<br />

Harrison William, carpenter, h 675 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Harrott John, lab., Backus & Bro.<br />

Harschlieh John, h 873 F ifteentll.<br />

HamhaWalter S., assistant clerk Recorder's<br />

Court, bds 113 Larned w.<br />

Parsha William, h 113 Larned w.<br />

Harsha Joseph, carpenter, h Humboldt<br />

sve nr Myrtle.<br />

Hart Abraham, clothing, 46 JVoollward<br />

ave, h 126 Larned e.<br />

Hart Mrs. Bridget, h 92 Farrar.<br />

Hart Dewitt C., foreman Tribune job<br />

room, h 476 Con, aress e.<br />

Hart Edward J. (Edmondson Spectacle<br />

Co.), h 92 firrar.<br />

Hart Elisha S., h 44 Park Place.<br />

Hart F. C'., captain schooner L. L. Lamb.<br />

Hart Frederick D., (F. D. Hart cPls Co.), h<br />

7 Rowland.<br />

Hart George, harness maker, 29 Adelaide.<br />

Hart Gilbert, Supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> Ornamental<br />

stone Co., h 109 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hart Henry H., agent B. F. Thompson 65<br />

Co., bds 303 Macomb.<br />

Hart Isaac, furnishing goods, 230 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 89 Adelaide.<br />

Hart James R., agent Heffron 62 Co.<br />

Hart John, hatter, bds 175 Macomb.<br />

Hart John, lab., h 342 Franklin.<br />

Hart Joseph C., (Weber furniture Co.), h<br />

96 Adams ave w.<br />

Hart Joye R., h 174 Adams ave e.<br />

Hart Michael, lab., bds 174 Beach.<br />

Hart Parker, tollgate, h s e cor Gratiot<br />

and Elmwood ave.<br />

Hart Richard, pattern maker, h 149 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Hart Simeon A*, clerk, bds 29 Adelaide.<br />

Hart Simeon H., azent, h 138 First.<br />

Hart Solomon, dry goods, h 161 Cass.<br />

Hart Thomas, engineer, h n e cor Four-<br />

teenth and Howard.<br />

Hart William, clerk, P 269 Brush.<br />

Hart William, machinist, bds 91 Baker.<br />

Hart I?. D. & Co., (Frederick D. Hart &<br />

John Boden,) grocers, 50 Michigan ave.<br />

Hartenstein Pius, shoemaker, h 209 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />



FnrXton Market Oyster Eonse,<br />


Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholeeale<br />

and Retall.<br />

Barter Frederick A., clerk, bds 322 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Harter John, lab., bds s w cor Rivard and<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Harter Lafayette R., cashier Daily Post, h<br />

322 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hartfield Albert, stove moulder, bds Joseph<br />

Campau ave nr Berlin.<br />

Hartford J. W., agcnt omnibus line, bds<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Hartigan Johanna, (wid Matthew,) h 341<br />

Fifth.<br />

Hartigan Matthew, moulder, bds 341 Fifth.<br />

Harting J., (col'd) joiner, h 59 St. Joseph.<br />

Hartmann Charles, lab., h 229 Chestnut.<br />

Hartman Michael, - cooper, h 597 Dubois.<br />

Hartman William, wagon maker, h 293<br />

Fort e.<br />

Hartman William, blacksmith and wagon<br />

maker 99 Hastings, h same.<br />

Har meyer Edward, clerk, bds 146 St. Antoine.<br />

Hartmeyer Frederika, (wid Cbristoph,) h<br />

146 St. Antoine.<br />

Hartmeyer Henry, carver, bds 146 St. Antoine.<br />

Hartmeyer William, carpenter, bds 146<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hartner John, lab., h 205 JIarion.<br />

Hartness Andrew L., clerk, bds 26 Rivard.<br />

Hartness George T., (James Hartness 6t<br />

Son,) h 377 Fort e.<br />

Hartness James, (James Hartness $ Son,)<br />

h 26 Rivard.<br />

Hartness James jr, soap maker, h 594 Congress<br />

e.<br />

~artness J. Tanners, clerk, bds 26 Rivard.<br />

Hartness & Son, (James & George T.,)<br />

soap and candle ftictory, 174 Franklin.<br />

Hartshorn Anson M., packer, h 21 John R.<br />

Hartshorn Illartin A,, cigarmakcr, h 21<br />

John R.<br />

Hartsruff Dr., bds Russell I-Iouse.<br />

Hartswell Phillip, artist, h 85 Park.<br />

IIartung Peter, painter, h 350 Macomb.<br />

Hartwell Mary, (wid Joseph,) masherwoman<br />

h 592 Fort e.<br />

Hartwell Nicholas, brass finisher, bds 334<br />

Chene.<br />

Hartwell Thomas H.., lawyer, 154 Jeff er-<br />

I ~::z$rederick, grocer, 264 Beaubien,<br />

, h 26G Beaubien.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Hartwig Henry, locksmith, h 270 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Hartios Daniel, lab., h 334 Chene.<br />

Harty James, teamster, h 356 Fifteenth.<br />

Harty John, lab., h 402 Sixteenth.<br />

Hartz Henry, lab., h 537 Catherine.<br />

Hartz Michael, moulder, h 222 St An-<br />

toine.<br />

Harvey H , fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Harvey Henry R., bds 370 Lafayette ave.<br />

Harvey Aibert, (col'd) waiter, bds 128 La-<br />

fayette e.<br />

Harvey Albert W., bds 370 Lafayette ave.<br />

Harvey Andrew, (Andrew, Harvey 8; Son)<br />

h 362 Clinton.<br />

Harvey Andrew jr, (Andrew Harvey &<br />

Son,) h 76 Montcalm w.<br />

Harvey Dennis, helper, h 71 Baker.<br />

Harvey FreGerick W., pattern maker, h<br />

375 Howard.<br />

Harvey Hauibal B., carpenter, h 536<br />

Seventh.<br />

Harvey James, captain, h 522 Seventh.<br />

Harvey James, clerk, bds 362 Clinton.<br />

Harvey James, shoemaker, h s s McLean<br />

bet Crawford and Fourth.<br />

Harvey John, druggist, 205 Woodward<br />

ave, h 353 Woodward ave.<br />

Harvey Joseph, h 370 Lafayette ave.<br />

Harvey Nartin, (col'd), waiter, b1ichigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Harvey Mltry,(col'd,widZach,)h Division<br />

bet Beaubien and Brush.<br />

Harvey Sarah, dressmaker, h 207 High e.<br />

Harvep Thomas G., pattern maker, h 119<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Harvey Andrew & ?on, (Andrew & An-<br />

drew Jr.,) brass founders, 147 and 149<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Harwood Rev Gcorge \V ., chaplain Marine<br />

Hospital, bds 254 First.<br />

Hary George, lab., h w s Sixteenth nr Ash<br />

Hascall Erastus R., agt, bds Michigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Hascall J. E., physician, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Httseer Ignace, carpenter, h 284 Cbene.<br />

Haselberger Auqust,peddlar,h 555 Hastings<br />

Haskell Wm. H., h 376 Fort w.<br />

Haskett Chas., sailor, h 342 Lafayette ave.<br />

Haskett Marcus, printer, bds 102 Brush.<br />

Hsrkett Wm., carpenter, 11 63 National av.<br />

Haskett Wm., grocer, 117 Harrison ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Haskins Albert A., engineer, bds 176<br />

IIoward.<br />

Hass George, mason, bds 347 Dubois.<br />

Hassed John, lab., h 232 Fifteenth.<br />

Hasselback Philip G., saloon, 14 Monroe<br />

room, h 117 St. Antoine.<br />

Hassinger James, h 52 Ahbott.<br />

Hassinger Lewis, clerk, bds 53 Abbott.<br />

Haste William, baker, h 20 Plum.<br />

Hastings Charles, phj~sician and surgeon,<br />

office and residence 100 Lafayette ave.<br />

Htlstirgs Henry, contractor, h 351 Fourteenth.<br />

Hastings Mary, (mid Patrick,) saloon, 78<br />

Plum, h same.<br />

Hastings Michael, bagga~eman, bds 411<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hastings Patrick, lab., 95 Labrosse<br />

Hastings Patrick, switchman, h 413 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Hastings W. H., advertiser, bds 287 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hat Frederick, teamster, h 80 Thirteenth.<br />

Hatch Horace C., assistant inspector, bds<br />

398 Lafa~ette ave.<br />

Hatch Joseph, inspector, h 398 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Hatch Joseph C- 9 deputy inspector board<br />

of trade, bds 398 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hatch Josiah upholsterer, h 53 Rowland.<br />

Hatch Lowring, conductor, h 63 Twentythird<br />

Hatcher Isabella, (wid. William) h 9 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Hatcher Joho, carpenter, (Candler Bras.<br />

Hatchman Robert, pattern maker, h '727<br />

Congress e.<br />

Hatfielci Amos A., (col'd) lab., Scot nr<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

HatfieldCharles3 lab., h Joseph Campau<br />

ave., ar Grstiot.<br />

Hatfield Chase B.9 cutter, h 40 Congress w.<br />

Hathaway Caroline A., shoemaker, bcls 8<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Hathaway Charles S., painter, bds 8 310ntcalm<br />

w-<br />

Hathaway Charles W., edge tool manufacturer.<br />

b old 6 new 8 Nolltcalm w-<br />

Hatie Christian, carpenter, h 243 Mscoinb.<br />

Hatzrnbuhler Henry, blacksmith, h 538<br />

Catharine.<br />

Hatzenbuhler John, saloon, 3 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h same.<br />

Haubrich Jacob, lab., h 123 Division.<br />

daubrich Joseph P., saloon, 233 Michigan<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Haubt William, tinsmith, bds cor St. Antoine<br />

and Catharine.


Hauck George, brewer, h 468 Riopelle.<br />

Hauck Henry, lithographer, cor Bronson<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

Hauck Mathais, lab., h 511 Orleans.<br />

Hauenmier E bielor, carpenter, h 98 Sherman.<br />

Hauer Charles, joiner, h 781 Lamed e.<br />

Hauer Joseph, painter, h 365 Catharine.<br />

Hauer Peter Joseph,boomsman, St. Joseph<br />

nr water war6 reservoir. -<br />

Hauer William, saloon, 156 Sherman, h<br />

same.<br />

Haughst George, lab., h Fifteenth e s nr<br />

Poplar.<br />

Haughton Richard, (Price, Grimm &<br />

Haughton) h 104 Cherry.<br />

Hauh Frank, cigar maker, h 175 Division.<br />

Hauntz Julius, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Haupner Henry, coachman, bds 452 Jet-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Haupt Fred, lab, h 82 Thirteenth.<br />

Haupt Michael, lab.,bds e s Fourth nr Holden<br />

Road.<br />

Haupt William, tinsmith, bds s e cor<br />

Catharine and St. Antoine.<br />

Hausen Lungers, barber, 32 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Hauser Charles, shoe maker, h 127 Catharine.<br />

Hauser Engelbert, peddlar, h 65 Catharine.<br />

Hauser Hubert, printer, bds 65 Catharine.<br />

EIctuser John. grocer, 403 Alfred, h same.<br />

Hauser Joseph, butcher, h 524 Orleans.<br />

Hauser Simon, harness maker, bds 99<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Hauser Theodore, cigar maker, h 292 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Hausbar Charles, lab., h 124 Twen tiet'n.<br />

Hausherr William C., grocer, 478 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Halismann Charles, cabinet maker, h 208<br />

Brons3n.<br />

Hnusman Peter, baker, bds 29 Clinton.<br />

Haustein John, lab., h s s Chestnut bet<br />

Joseph Campau and AlcDougall aves.<br />

Havens Betsy A., (wid Blerrit) bds 289<br />

Cass avs.<br />

Haverck Jeremiah,engineer, h 106 Twelfth.<br />

Haverty Patrick, lah., h 179 Twenty-first.<br />

Havlatka John, carpenter. h 414 Eighteenth.<br />

Havlotgo Joseph, carpenter, h 188 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Havtig Cbarles, musician, h 168 Sherman.<br />

Hawes Dan~el H., trav. agent, h 18 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Hawes Frederick W., patern maker, h 375<br />

Howard.<br />

Hawes Theron, mill wright, h o 59 n 77<br />

Baker.<br />

Hawes Thomas J., carpenter, h 354 Howard.<br />

-<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Hawk William R., with Tiger Bros., bda<br />

13 John R.<br />

Hawkins Edward, sawyer, h 484 Fort e.<br />

Hawkins George C., (col'd) cook, h 344<br />

h1acomb.<br />

Hawkins Henry, carpenter, bds 151 Cass.<br />

Nawkins Henrp. cigarmaker, bds 163 Lar-<br />

net1 w.<br />

Hawkins Henry H., conductor M. C. R. R.<br />

bds Russell House.<br />

Hawkins James S., baggage master, h 254<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Hawkins John P., U. S. A., bds 46 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Hawkins Patrick, brewer, h 101 Plum.<br />

Hawkins Phillip, (col'd) cook, h 121 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Hawkills Richard, stableman, bc7s 41 Cass.<br />

Hawkins Thomas, fireman, h407 Fraaklin.<br />

H.awkius Thornton, (col'd) city scavenger,<br />

h 56 Macomb. a<br />

Hawksley George T., carpenter, bds 345<br />

Fifth.<br />

Hawksley Joseph, (Hawkslev cP, Ilsley,) h<br />

345 Fifth.<br />

HAWKSLET & ILLSLEY, (Joseph<br />

Hawksley and Henry Illsley ,) builders<br />

16 El~zabeth w(See adv,).<br />

Hawley Alonzo, printer, h 340 Mullctt.<br />

Hawley Frank, bds 96 Congress e.<br />

Hawley Herritt, (col'd) porter, h 259 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Hawley James, policeman, h n w cor<br />

Tenth and Porter.<br />

Hawley John, lab., h Franklin s s nr Rlo-<br />

pelle.<br />

Hawley John G., lawyer, 52 Seitz Block, h<br />

140 Coogress w.<br />

Hawley Joseph, (W. 31. Dwight & Co.,) h<br />

454 Congress e.<br />

Hawley Maria, grocer, n w cor Porter and<br />

Te~lth.<br />

Hawley N., brabesman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Hawley Orilla, (wid Joseph,) h 340 Mullett.<br />

Hawley Ransom W., agent, bds 96 Con-<br />

gress e<br />

Hawley Richard, (R. Hawley & Son,) h<br />

379 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hawley Hollin S., foreman lumber yard,<br />

h 289 Cass ave.<br />

Hawlep Thomas D., (R. Hawlcy & Son,)<br />

h 128 Congress w.<br />

IIawley R. & Son., (Richard & Thomas<br />

D.,) malsters and hop dealers, 68 First.


SENT FREE,<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Hawn George S., carpenter, h 109 Fifth.<br />

Hawoth Willidcln, clerk, h Fourth nr<br />

Wiliis ave,<br />

Hawvnhor Frank, lab, h cor St. Antione<br />

and Indiana.<br />

Haxton Benjamin, clerk, h 16 Gillman.<br />

Hay Alfred, engineer, h old 362 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Hay David, boarding house, 93 Lewis,<br />

Hay John, blacksmith, bds 08 Benubien.<br />

Hayball Herry, shoemaker, bds '78 Wayne.<br />

Hayden LaPrussia, bar tender, h 546<br />

Seventh.<br />

Hayden Peter, (Hayden & Baldwin), res<br />

New York <strong>City</strong>.<br />

Hayden Peter H., grocer, 328 Michiga.n<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Hayden & Baldwin, (Peter Hayden &<br />

Lman Baldwin), saddlery ware, 104<br />

' Woodward ave.<br />

Hnpek Mathias, musician, h 138 Ma.comb.<br />

Hayes Albert, (Hayes & Bro.), h 1 Gillman.<br />

Hayes Dennis J , stove. moulder, hds 198<br />

Franklin.<br />

Hayes Frederick W., clerk, bds 271 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Hayes John, lab., h 198 Franklin,<br />

Ha es John, (file manufactory), tds 253<br />

Randolph.<br />

Hayes John, lab, h cnr Fifth and Marcy.<br />

Hayes John, lab, h 324 Fifteenth.<br />

Hayes John, shoe maker, h 478 Thirteenth<br />

Haies john'^., bds 388 Twentieth.<br />

Hayes Joseph, blacksmith, bds 380 North.<br />

Hayes Josiah D., general manager Blue<br />

Line, h 267 Fort w.<br />

Hayes Miss Mary, millinery 16 Gratiot h<br />

same.<br />

IIayes Mary, (wid Michael), h 237 Seventh<br />

Hayes Michael, lab, h 4'7 Porter.<br />

IInyes Michael. lab, h 139 Jones.<br />

Hayes Michael, ship carpenter, h 80 Fifteenth.<br />

Hayes Patrick, clerk, bds 47 Porter.<br />

IIayes Patrick, lab, h 117 Eigli teen th.<br />

Hayes Robert (Hayes & Bro.), h 224 Clifford.<br />

Hayes Samuel, block maker, h 294 Lafayette.<br />

Hayes Solomon, file ~nanufacturer, h 2.33<br />

Rand llph.<br />

Hayes Thomas, carpenter. h 198 Franklin.<br />

Hayes William, block maker, bds 237<br />

Seventh.<br />

Hayes & Bro., (Robert and Albert,) meat<br />

market, 48 Michigan Grand ave and 41<br />

Congress e.<br />

Haymsn Hugh, wagon maker, bds 75 Atwater.<br />

Haymarkct, eastern district, e s Russell<br />

bet Bronson apd Division.<br />

Haymarket, western division, cor Tenth<br />

and Michigan ave.<br />

Haynes John, bds 126 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Haynes John, foreman, h 17 Eighteenth.<br />

Hnystrawn John, peddlar, h St. Joseph<br />

bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hay wood Cleorze W., telegraph operator,<br />

bds 469 ;Michigan ave.<br />

Hay wood Lewis, clerk, bds 41 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Haywood Thomas J., insurance agent, 99<br />

Griswold, h 257 Second.<br />

Hazard George. porter, bds 211. Cass.<br />

Hazard George S., supt. Fort and Elmwood<br />

ra lway, h 247 Randolph.<br />

Hazard James, teamster, h 701 Franklin.<br />

Hi~zard Jarncs H., . policeman, - bds Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hazard Oliver P. (Walker, JIcGraw 6;;<br />

CO.), h 470 Cass af e.<br />

Hazard Rebecca (wid Griffin), h 41 Orchard.<br />

Hazelwood Henry, sawyer, h 223 Nineteenlh.<br />

Hazleton Benjamin G., clerk, bds Eisenlord's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hazleton Homer, conduct or, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

~ead Andrew. shoemaker, h 112 Clint,on.<br />

Head Henry, machinist, h 370 Franklin.<br />

Healy Annie (wid Thomas), boarding<br />

house, 40 Congress w.<br />

Healy Catharine (mid John), h 289 Third.<br />

Healey Daniel, butcher, h 326 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Healey James, lab., h n e alley bet Thir-<br />

teenth and Thirteenth-and-a-half and<br />

Locust and Michigan ave.<br />

Healey James C., machinist, h 399 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Healy John, lab., h 701 Fort e.<br />

Healy John, PI cssman. bds Perkins Hotel.<br />

Heallp John, saloon, 123 Porter, h same.<br />

Heitley John, stone cotter bds 103 old Lar-<br />

n ed- west.<br />

Healey Nicholas W., pressman, h 250<br />

Fourth.<br />

Healy Patrick Mrs., washerwoman, h 627<br />

Larned e.<br />

Henly Timotl~y, porter, h. s. e., cor Abbott<br />

and Thirteenth.<br />

Hesmes Albert, clerk, bds 910 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Hesmes Henry, (W. E. Heamea & Co.3<br />

supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> gas works, h 910 Wood-<br />

, bridge w.

272 HE1 DETROIT ch?? DIRECTORP. HEfi<br />

Heinrich Charles, lab., h w s Joseph Campau<br />

ave bet Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Heinrich Ernst, painter, h 415 Clinton ave.<br />

Heinrich Theodore, clerk, h 144 Clinton<br />

Heinly Emil, gilder, h 79 Fort e.<br />

Heinzerling Adam, blacksmith, bds 40<br />

Randolph.<br />

Heinzman Charles, lab., h n s Benton bet<br />

ltussell and Prospect.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Heinzt Julius, lab., h 43 Sulliran ave.<br />

Heisenbuetel Henry, cigarmaker, h 144<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. Cat hrtrine.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Heiser August, cigarmaker, h 203 Mullett.<br />

Heiser Elizabeth, washwoman, h 200 Mar-<br />

Heidt Pauline (wid Louis) teacher, h 19 ion.<br />

Mechanic.<br />

Heiser Frank, cigarmaker, h 205 Mullett.<br />

Heig Andrew B., butcher, h 151 Twelfth. Heiser Jacob, cigarmaker, h 404 Fort e.<br />

Heig and re^ P., machinist, h 478 Clin- Neiser Peter, lab., h 179 Division.<br />

ton sve.<br />

Heiser Theodore, cigarmaker, bds 404<br />

Heig Frank, lab., h 151 Twell'th.<br />

Fort e.<br />

fIeig Theresa, (wid Frank) h 151 Twelfth. Heiser William, butcher, h 202 Clinton.<br />

Hell Lawrence, butcher,bds 270 Congress e. Heiser IVillia~n jr., cigarmaker, bds 202<br />

Heilick Nichael, lab., G. IT. R. R.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Hei~ub~ch Alfred C., clerk, bds 3 Aspin- Heisline Seaman, clerk, bds lC9 Adams<br />

wall Terrace, Idlacomb ave.<br />

ave e.<br />

Heimes James, cabinet maker, h 419 Al- Heiton George, joiner, h 362 Joseph Camfred.<br />

pau ave.<br />

Heimes John, cabinet maker, h 419 Al- 1 Heitt Elizabeth, (wid Samuel,) seamstress,<br />

fred.<br />

1 h 170 Clinton.<br />

Heimes Joseph, wagon maker, bds 126 Heizer J. Hyronimus, painier, bds 232<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Heimiller Henry, street car c~nductor, h Heizer Michael, 18 b., h 232 Montcalm e.<br />

Heldt Charles, helper, 221 Atwater.<br />

Heldt Henry, boiler maker, h 221 Atwater.<br />

Heldt John L., mason, h 174 Macomb.<br />

Ilelf Margaret (wid. Williani) h 18<br />

Seventh.<br />

Helf William, teamster, bds 18 Seventh.<br />

Helfenbein Joseph, tinsmith, h 418 St.<br />

Antoid.<br />

EIelfer Phillip, builder, h 278 Macomb.<br />

Helferrich Otto F., saloon, 683 Atwater, h<br />

same.<br />

Hellars Nicholas, joiner, h 244 Brush.<br />

Hellbach Mathilda (wid. Louis) h 76<br />

Macomb.<br />

Hellenberg Gustave, mschinist, h 7 Pearl.<br />

Hellenberg G. Frederick, turner, h 146<br />

Brewster.<br />

Hellengs Peter, carpenter, h 171 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Heller Abraham, clothing, 125 IVoodward<br />

ave., h 35 Harriet.<br />

Ileller Louis, butcher, bits 2'75 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hellers John (Dederich 62 Hellers) h 371<br />

Bronson.<br />

Hellers Nicholas, carpenter, h 244 Brush.<br />

Hellers Peter, carpenter, h 244 Brush.<br />

Helm Edward, painter, h 313 Chestnut.<br />

Helm Michael, carpenter, (Candler Bros.)<br />

Helm William, upholster. h 344 Lafayette.<br />

Helmes Joseph, lab., h n. s. Belair bet<br />

Uebuindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

><br />

I 486 Woodbridge w. b<br />

Hein Carl, clerk, bds Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Hein Carl, trav. agent, bds 30 Miami ave.<br />

Hein John, carpenter, h 179 Croghan<br />

Hein John, carpenter, h s e cor Chestnut<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

IIein Christopher, lab.. h 527 Nacomb.<br />

Heine John, mason, bds 464 Clinton ave.<br />

Neineman Emil S., (Heideman Butzel &<br />

Co.,) h 428 Woodward ave.<br />

Heineman 13. H., clerk, bds Erichsen Hotel.<br />

Heinemnn Henry S., (Heineman & Co.,)<br />

h 51 Maconlb.<br />

Heineman Bntzel & Co., (Emil<br />

S. Heineman and Wagpius and Martin<br />

But zel,) wholesale clothiers, 142 and 144<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Heincman cB; Co., (Henry S. and Emil S.<br />

Heineman,) clothing, Russcll House<br />

block.<br />

Heinicke Charles, saloon, 31 Fort e, h<br />

same.<br />

~einicke Christian, wire weaver, h 399<br />

Flf th.<br />

Heinicke Frederick, wile weaver, h 280<br />

Macomb.<br />

Heinecke Henry, wagon maker, h 282<br />

Macomb.<br />

Heinicke Henry C., wagon maker, h 213<br />



fIellmuth Andrew, stone cutter, h 209<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Helson Richard, foreman carpenter, h 61<br />

Clifford.<br />

Helvig Ferdin'ndJ lab., 15' Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Helward August, lab., h 97 Tillman ave.<br />

Helwig Frederick, baker, h 79 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Hellwig William, grocer, h 254 Rivard.<br />

Hellwig William, jr., saddler, bds 254<br />

R~vard.<br />

Hermingway Norman S., millinery, 316<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Hempel Adolph, j r., cigar maker, bds _498<br />

Macomb.<br />

Hempel Adolph, Sr., lab., h 498 Macomb.<br />

HEMPEL CHARLES, hardware, 362 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same. (See adw.)<br />

Hempel Fred., switchman M. C. R. R.<br />

Hempsted Charles A., clerk, h Montcalm<br />

e nr John R.<br />

Hempsted David L., clerk, h 51 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Hempsted John K., (Hempsted & Mussey,)<br />

h 15 Ledyard.<br />

Hempsted & Mussey, (John K. Hemsted &<br />

George D. Mussey,) perfumers, 40 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Henchen M., clerk Russell House.<br />

Henderson A. D. F., clerk, 14 Columbia e.<br />

Henderson David, dry goods, 170 Michigan<br />

ave h same.<br />

Henderson David, physician, 200 Lafayette<br />

ave h same.<br />

Henderson George, blacksmith, bds 166<br />

Larned w.<br />

Henderson Henry, lab., h 19 Pearl.<br />

Henderson James, painter, h 234 Cass.<br />

Henderson James F., clerk, h 21 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Henderson John, porter, h 689 Fort m.<br />

Henderson John, h 38 Selden.<br />

Henderson Joseph, teamster, bds 94 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Henderson Levina A., (wid John) h 219<br />

Nichigan ave.<br />

Henderson'L. Br itsnnia, (wid h<br />

112 Miami ave.<br />

Henderson Mary J., teacher Trowbridge<br />

School, bds 689 Fort W.<br />

Henderson Michael, contractor, h 5'7 Fre-<br />

mont.<br />

Henderson Mollie, dress maker, -bds ?&<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Henderson Norman, bds 166 Second.<br />

Henderson Robert, painter, h 81 First.<br />

Henderson Thomas, h 232 Congress e.<br />

Henderson William, clerk, bds 265 J effbr-<br />

son ave.<br />

Henderson William H., contractor, bds 57<br />

Fremont.<br />

Hendricks Peter, carpenter, h 293 Macomb.<br />

35<br />

W e will take pleasure in qhowing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who mill favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned street.<br />

parfie, DavZs & CO.<br />

See Adyertisement, page 9.<br />

Hendricks Thomas, blacksmith, h 285<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Hendrie George,. (Hendrie & Co.,) h 629<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hendrie Johana, . (wid . Michael,) h 388<br />

/ Woodbridge e.<br />

I Hendrie John, fireman, bds 358 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Hendrie John, lab., h. s. e., cor National<br />

ave and Sycamore.<br />

! Hendrie Michael, engineer, bds 388 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Hendrie Richard, apprentice,bds 388 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Hendrie William, (Hendrie 6t; Co.,) res.<br />

Hamilton Ont.<br />

Hendrie & Co. (William and George Hen-<br />

drie,) carters, fool Brush, office D. & M.<br />

R. R., Dock.<br />

Hendry James, machinist, h 224 Guoin.<br />

Hener John, lab., h 223 llaple.<br />

Hengstabeck Christian, tanner, h n w cor<br />

31ullett and Riopelle.<br />

Hengstabeck John,Tgrocer, 314 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Hengstebeck Nicolaus C., clerk, bds 81 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Hengstebeck Christian, hardware, 81 and<br />

83 Croghan, h same.<br />

Hengelsbach Christian, tanner, bds 235<br />

Mullett.<br />

Henhris Jfichael, boiler maker,h 212 Maple.<br />

Henk Anton, lab., h 189 Antietam.<br />

Henk Conrad, butcher, bds 382 St, Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Henk Ferdinande, (wid William,) h 235<br />

High.<br />

Henk John, clerk, h 225 Macomb.<br />

Henk Peter, carpenter, h 222 St. Antoine.<br />

Henk William, lab.f h 424 Mullett .<br />

Henk Frederich, shoemaker, h 109 Calhoun .<br />

Henke Gottfried Wm., lab., h 424 Blullett.<br />

Henke Joseph, grocer, 317 Lafayette, h<br />

same.<br />

Henkel Alfred, clerk, bds 709 Fort w.<br />

Henkel Anna, (wid John,) h '709 Fort w.<br />

Henkel August, lab., bds 236 Mullett.<br />

Henkel Conrad, (Henkle & Bro.,) h 388 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Henkel Henry, saloon, w Howard, bet<br />

Eighteenth and Nineteenth, h same.<br />

~enEel Jacob, lab., h 322 Macomb.<br />

Henkel John, carpenter, h 186 Porter.

-<br />


HAIINW<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

w SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Henkel John, tailor, h 348 Macomb.<br />

Peter, (henkel & Voorhees,)<br />

wholesale grocer, 100 and 102 Randolph<br />

h cor Fifteenth and Fort w. .<br />

Henkel Phillip, (Henkel & Bro.,) h 91<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Henkel & Bro., (Conrad and Phillip,) mer-<br />

chant tailors, 47 Michigan ave.<br />

Henkel & Voorhees, (Peter Henkel and<br />

Peter Voorhees.) Commercial Flour<br />

31ills, cor Randolph and Woodbridge.<br />

Henn Louis, carpenter, h 210 Mullett.<br />

Henne Jacob, la^., h 299 High.<br />

Hennaert Very Rev. Peter, vicar general<br />

of the diocese, h 353 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hennes Louis, general merchant, h 219<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hennessy Cecilia, (wid John, ) huckster,<br />

20 C H M, h cor Fremont and Beaubien<br />

Hennessy Rev. James A., pastor St. Pat-<br />

rick's Roman Catholic Church, h 292<br />

John R.<br />

Hennessey James, lab., bds 166 Lamed w,<br />

Hennessey John, porter, h 173 Beech.<br />

Hennessy John, lab., h 113 Labrosse.<br />

Hennessy Margaret, operator, bds 696<br />

Franklin.<br />

Hennessy Patrick, teamster, h 696 Franklin<br />

Hennessy Ricl'ard C., bds 319<br />

Fort w.<br />

Hennessy Thomas, lab., h 334 Macomb.<br />

Hennes8~ driver Engine 3, bds<br />

27 Washington ave.<br />

Hennessy Thomas, 'One maker, Wil-<br />

liamv ave, nr Twenty-t hird.<br />

Hennessy Timothy, lab., bds 166 Larned e.<br />

Henning Albert, shoemaker, h 102Mullett.<br />

Henning Charles, porter, h 306 Jay.<br />

Henning Christof,watchman, h 317 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Henoinp Frederick, clerk, h 215 Elka-<br />

beth e.<br />

Henning Gustave, watchmaker, h 317 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Henning John, teamster, h 528 Croghan.<br />

Henning Joseph, carpenter, h 319 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Henning Wm., lab., h 335 Lafayette.<br />

Henny David, clerk, h 267 Eliz*beth e.<br />

Benny John, cooper, 218 Montcalm e, h<br />

same.<br />

' Henries Michael, boiler maker, h 21%<br />

Maple.<br />

Henrioll George, cigar maker, bds 233<br />

Clinton.<br />

Henrion John, carpenter, h 32 German.<br />

Henrion Joseph, carpenter, h 355 High.<br />

Henrion Nicholas, h n e cor Hastings and<br />

Mullett.<br />

Henrion Philip, currier, h 398 Croghnn.<br />

Henris Herrmann, lab., h 335 Bronson.<br />

Henris William (Gubby & Henris), h 277<br />

Clinton.<br />

Henrich William, carpet weaver, 46 Charlotte,<br />

same.<br />

Henry Adam, drayman, h n s Ann bet<br />

Sixth and Seventh,<br />

Henry Alexander, lab., h 264 Twelfrh.<br />

Henry Charles, painter, bds 247 Clinton.<br />

Henry D. Farrand (Chicago Seed Co.), h<br />

113 Congress e,<br />

Henry Isaac, shoemaker, bds 7 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Henry James (co17d), lab., h 58 Mullett.<br />

Henry James E., bill poster, h 'old 19+,<br />

new 23 Washington ave.<br />

John, 414<br />

Henry John, proprietor Hotel Henry, 208<br />

and 210 ~ ~ d ~ l ~ h .<br />

Henry John, tailor, Twenty-fourth bet Lafayette<br />

and Labrosse.<br />

Henry John, teamster, h 22 9nn.<br />

Henry John H., manufacturer of boots and<br />

shoes, 7 Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Henry Joseph, carpenter, h 855 High.<br />

Henry Nicholas, express driver, h 338<br />

Chestnut.<br />

enry Robert, grocer, cor Seventh and<br />

hbbott. h same-<br />

Henry William A,, printer, h 84 Eighteenth.<br />

Henry William G., h 117 Lafayette ave.<br />

Henry William, jr, lab., bds 58 Lamed w.<br />

Henry Howard. William L., fireman engine, bds 18<br />

Henry William sr, lab., bds 58 Lnrned w.<br />

Hensfield Jeremiah, carpenter, h 493 Fifth.<br />

Hehshaw George, printer, bds 305 Marion.<br />

Hnshaw James, carpenter, bds 884<br />

Clinton.<br />

Henshaw John S., blacksmith,h s w cor<br />

CXene and Lafa~ette-<br />

Henshaw Thomas, helper, h Lafayette e<br />

bet Joseph Campau ave and Chene.<br />

Henshaw Warren B., clerk, h 81 Lewis.<br />

Hensien John,<br />

Hensien John P., hardware dealer,<br />

132 and 134 St. Antoine, h same. (See<br />

ccdat.)<br />

Hensien Jodn P., jr., clerk, bds 134 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Hensien Peter, brass finisher, bds 355 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Hemien Peter, lab., h 12 German.


Hensier Barbon. showcase maker, h 68 1 LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Mullett.<br />


Hender Henry, cabinet maker, h 87 Catharine.<br />

Hentig Frederick G., conductor, h 112 JUNE & CO.'S<br />

Howard.<br />

Hentz Julius, cabinet maker, h GO4 Ma- FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSb<br />

comb.<br />


Hepburn James H., guns and jewelry, 253 Oysters in the Shell a fipecialty. Wholesale<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

and Retall.<br />

Herber Nicolaus, carpenter, h 296 Beaubien.<br />

Heron George, hacks, h 278 Jefferson rrve<br />

Herberger Masimillian, milkman, h 368 Herpei Louis, carpenter, h Fourth e s bet<br />

North.<br />

Brigham and Waterloo.<br />

Herbert Andrew J., clerk, bds 87 Washing- Herppich Christian, butcher bds 140 Ranton<br />

ave.<br />

dolph.<br />

Herbert Frank. engineer, bds 295 Thir- Herre John, clerk, bds Hotel Henry.<br />

teen th-and-a-ha~f.'~<br />

Herrmann Flora, yankee notions, 201<br />

Herbert Fredrick, machinist, h 312 Lafay- Gratiot h same.<br />

ette.<br />

Herrmann Gotlieb, teacher, h 201 Gratiot.<br />

Herbert Henry, engineer, h 189 Fort e.<br />

Herbertz Franz, cigar maker, h 2% Ma- -.-- Herrmann John, lab, h 618 Seventeenth.<br />

Herrmann Joseph, marble polisher, h n s<br />

comb.<br />

Bellair bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Herbertz Joseph, cabinet maker, h 212 Herrick George W., overseer D. S. W., h<br />

Clinton.<br />

680 Jefferson ave.<br />

Herbertz William, machinist, h 188 Fort e. Herrick Stephen, h 92 Baker.<br />

Herbst Charles, plasterer, h 255 Eigh- Herring James, lab, 204 Fifth.<br />

teen th.<br />

Herring Julius, carpenter, h 294 High e.<br />

Herbst Frederick, cigar maker, bds 346 Herrington -- Henry, hostler, bds Perklns<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Herbst Peter, carpenter, h 146 Crohan. Herrington Willard, foreman, h 51 Lafay-<br />

Herbst Louis, baker. h 346 St. Antoine. ette ave.<br />

Herde August, cabinet maker, bds 2% Herrion Phillip, currier, h 398 Croghan.<br />

Gratio t.<br />

Herron Patrick, lab, h St. Joseph w s nr<br />

Herfurth Charles, furniture dealer, 100 R R crossing.<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Hersch Adam, butcher, stall 8 upper C. B.<br />

Hergenhan Charles, carpenter, h n s Di- Market, h 270 Congress e.<br />

vision bet Hastings and Prospect. Herschbach Conrad, . . butcher, bds 167<br />

Hergenhan Hyronimus C., cabinet maker, Fort e.<br />

h 181 Division.<br />

Herschback Frank, lab, bds 388 North.<br />

Herkert Herman, clerk, bds 266 Beaubien. Herschbach Godfrey, lab., h 388 North.<br />

Herkert Miss Lina, saleswoman, bds 256 Herschbach William, turner, bds ,388<br />

Beaubien.<br />

North.<br />

Herlihy Maurice, lib, h 74 Sullivan ave. Herschelamann Frederick, lab., h 97<br />

Herlihy Patrick, overseer ol high way, h Marion.<br />

99 Atwater.<br />

Herschleb Ervin, baker, h 515 Clinton we.<br />

XIerlihy Timothy, sewing machine adjust- Hersey Alonzo. saloon, 61 Jefferson ave.<br />

er, bds 66 Lafayette.<br />

Hershberger Isaac W., (S. P. Olney &<br />

Herman Andrew, lab, bds 156 St. Antoine. Co.) h 264 Congress e.<br />

Hermann Charles, gardener, bds 80 Front. Herten Carl, bds 268 Croghan e.<br />

Herman Charles, huckster, 42 C. H. M., h Herter Frank. clerk, bds <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

777 Fort w.<br />

Herter Paul E., carpenter,, h 185 Rivard.<br />

Herman Joseph, machinist, h 123 Tillman Hertzen John, carpenter, h 649 St. hnave.<br />

toine.<br />

Herman Ludwig, mech engineer, room 10 Herwig Caroline, (wid. John) b 278 Beau-'<br />

Kanter block Larned w.<br />

bien,<br />

Herman William, lab, bds 13 Baker. Herz Theodore, carpenter, h 174 Division.<br />

Hermann Carline, (wid Mathias) saloon,<br />

h 711 Clinton ave.<br />

Herzberg Manuel, hoop skirt factory, 29<br />

Hermann Frederick, lab, h 556 Macomb.<br />

1 Michigan ave., h same.<br />

Hermann Caspar, carpenter, bds 288 Jay. Herzfeldt August, lab., h s s Michipicoten<br />

Hero John, carpenter, bds 91 Riopelle. bet Chene and Joseph Ca-mpau ave.<br />

Heron George, city sexton, h 33 Jefferson Herzog Cbnrles P., book keeper, bds<br />

ave.<br />

cor Clinton and St. &ubin ave.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Herzog Ferdinand, book keeper, h 30<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Herzog Harry, traveling agent, h 47 Eliza-<br />

beth w.<br />

Herzog Herman, druggist. s. w. cor 'st.<br />

Aubin ave and Clinton, h same.<br />

Hess Albert, lab., h 346 Sixteenth.<br />

Hess Andrew, painter, h 110 Lafayette.<br />

Hess August, clerk, h 283 Franklin,<br />

Hess Charles G., brakesman, bds 16 Clay.<br />

Hess Charles M., shoemaker, h s. w. cor<br />

Riopelle and Bronson.<br />

Hess Christian, cabinet maker, h 47 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Hess George G., cigar maker, bds cor Gra-<br />

tiot and St. Antoine.<br />

Hess George, musician, h 134 Prospect.<br />

Hess Henry, cigar maker, h 273 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hess Henry, cigar maker, h w. s. Riopelle<br />

bet Marion and Bronson.<br />

Hess John, grocer, h 684 Fifteenth.<br />

Hess Julius, architect, 14 Bank Block, h<br />

n. w. cor John R and Alfred.<br />

Hess Peter, h 273 Jefferson we.<br />

El ess Theodore, painter, h 401 Dubois.<br />

Hess William, clerk, h 16 Clay.<br />

Hesse Francis, proprietor Hotel Hesse, cor<br />

Gratiot and St. Antoine.<br />

Hesse Frederick, clerk, bds 232 Calhoun.<br />

Hesse Henry, blacksmith, h 684 Fifteenth.<br />

Hesse John, carpet weaver, h 270 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Hesse Joseph, cigarmaker, bds 280 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Hesselbacher Oswald, ice cream<br />

and confectionery, 220 Jefferson ave, h<br />

same. (See adv.)<br />

Hesselbacher William, lab., bh 555 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Hessen Joseph, machinist, bds 66 Clinton.<br />

Hessett James, lab., h 173 Oak.<br />

Hessing August, blacksmith, h 8 Tuscola.<br />

Hesslein Sigmund, clerk, 9. Freedman &<br />

Bros, h 161 Cass.<br />

Hesslein Simon, clerk, h 109 Aclams ave e.<br />

Hessler Joseph, carpenter, h 66 Clinton.<br />

Hester Frank, clerk, bds 185 Atwater.<br />

Heszler Herman, mason, h 184 Prospect.<br />

Hetfield A. D., commission, 38 JIichigan<br />

Grand ave, h 408 Sixth.<br />

Hetfield Lida R., h 141 High.<br />

Hetke Gottlieb, lab., h s s Watson near<br />

water reservoir.<br />

Hetke William, lab., h 421 Watson.<br />

hetz Frank, lab., h 556 Seventh.<br />

Heubner Got tlieb, upholsterer, h - Mont-<br />

calm.<br />

Heuer Charles, cabinet maker, h 148 Maple.<br />

Heuer William, cigarmaker, bds 296 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Heuft John, cigarmaker, h 263 Columbia e.<br />

Heuft John, stone cutter, bds s s Russell bet<br />

Leland and Ontario.<br />

Heugh James, clerk, h 144 Bronson.<br />

Heune Fred, cigarmaker, bds 299 High,<br />

Heuson Samuel, carpenter, (Candler Bros.)<br />

Heuwagen John, varnisher, h 299 Wilkins.<br />

Heuwagen John J., lab., h 299 Wilkins.<br />

Heuwagen Joseph, lab., h 299 Wilkins.<br />

Hewey Robert, blacksmith, bds 253 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Hewett Cha.rles E., clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hewett Elizabeth G., (wid Elias,) bds 370<br />

Howard.<br />

Hewett Herbert H., clerk, bds 370 Howard.<br />

Hewitt Isaac B., engineer, h 67 Twentieth.<br />

Hewitt Isaac B., traveling agent, h 98<br />

Charlotte.<br />

Hewitt Robert, blacksmith, h 153 Michigan<br />

ave up stairs.<br />

Hewitt Seranus E., traveler, h 20 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Hewson James T., policeman, h 621 Fort w.<br />

Hewson John, porter, 180 Crclghan.<br />

Heyn Harry, bds 31 Madison ave.<br />

Heyn Meyer, h 31 Bradison ave.<br />

Hayes Thomas, carpenter, 198 Franklin.<br />

Hibbard Augustine G., clerk, bds Russell<br />

House.<br />

Hibler David, grocer, 460 Sherman h same<br />

Hibbard Eliphaz S., clerk, h 52 Brainard. .<br />

Hibbard Sarah &I., (wid Jedediah,) bds 155<br />

Fort w.<br />

Hick Alois, nailsmith, h 80 Mullett.<br />

HickJoseph C., trunk maker, h 154 Cathe-<br />

rine.<br />

Hickey Charles C., lawyer, 140 Jefferson<br />

aye, h 27 Lafayette.<br />

Hickey Cornelius, porter, h 275 Fifth.<br />

Hickey Daniel, hackman, h Sixth nr Mich-<br />

igmn ave.<br />

Hickey Daniel, hack driver, bds 141 Third.<br />

Hickey Daniel L., horseshoer, 40 Larned e<br />

h 335 Firth.<br />

Hickey James, hackman, h 10 Baker.<br />

I Hickey John, drayman, h I15 Cherry.<br />

1 Hlckey John, teamster, bds 39 Jones.<br />

I Hickey<br />

Lawrence, (Hickey & Wynn,) h<br />

281 Sixth.<br />

EIickey Mary, (wid Patrick.) h 47 Jones.<br />

Hickey Michael R., packer, bds 104 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Hickey Nicholas, porter, h 39 Jones.


Hickey Patrick, grocer, 347 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Hickey Patrick, lab., h 400 Woodbridge e.<br />

Hickey Patrick J., (P. J. Hickey &_Co.,) h<br />

281 Sixth.<br />

Hickey Thomas, lab., h n e cor McLean<br />

and Eighth.<br />

Eickey William, lab., h 571 Sixth.<br />

Hickey P. J. cSt Co., (Patrick J. Hickey<br />

and Philip Wilking,) horse shoeing<br />

shop, 93 Larneci w.<br />

Hickey & Wynn, (Lawrence Hickey and<br />

Owen Wynn,) horse shoeing shop, 55<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Hicking John, bds 182 Larned w.<br />

Hickmott Mary, (wid ' Herbert,) h 60<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Hicks George, shoemaker, h '36 Brush.<br />

Hicks George W ., painter, h Beaubien, n<br />

Fremon t.<br />

Hicks Joseph, carpenter, h 313 Nineteenth<br />

Hicks William, painter,h s e cor Brush and<br />

Congress.<br />

Hickson Martha, (wid John,) Boarding, G'i<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hidden W., conductor, BI C R R.<br />

Hieman Michael, carpenter, h 279 Watson<br />

Higbee Hector, cabinet maker,h 72 Eighth<br />

Higby George, sailor, h 4-4 Wight.<br />

Higgmbothsm John, engineer, h 34 willis<br />

ave.<br />

Higginbotham John H., clerk, A M U Ex<br />

Go., bds Biddle House.<br />

lliggins Charles, clerk,h 201 National ave.<br />

Higgins Charles R.,chemist, h 188 Clifford.<br />

Higgins Eliza, (wid Timothy,) h 168 Orchard.<br />

Higsns George, moulder, bds 101 Baker.<br />

H~ggms Henry, confectioner, bds Woodward<br />

nr Grand Hiver ave.<br />

Higgins Hiram H., boot fitter, bds 131<br />

l).lon tcalm e.<br />

I-Iiggins James, moulder, h 129 Baker.<br />

Piiggirrs Jt~mes, pahter, bds s e cor Brush<br />

and Macomb.<br />

Higgins John H., painter, h 26 Macomb.<br />

Higgins John F., clerk, bds 168 Kivmd.<br />

Higgins Mrs., (wid Justin,) seamstress. h<br />

3u7 Brush.<br />

Higgins Leonard, book-keeper, bds 252<br />

W oodward ave.<br />

Higginu Matthew, saloon, n s Michigan<br />

ave, bet Williams and Tillman aves.<br />

Higgins M. Charles, wholesale notious,<br />

182 Jetterson ave, h 84 Elizabeth w<br />

Higgins Patrick, h rear 210 Fifth.<br />

Higgins Sylvester W., machinist, bds 307<br />

Brush.<br />

Higgins Thomas, custom house officer, h<br />

108 Kivard.<br />

Higgins Thomas, lab., h 171 National ave.<br />

Higas William T., painter, bds 26<br />

Macomb.<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our ofice<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Higgs John, custom house ofiicer, h 153<br />

~ixteenth.<br />

High Oliver, waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Higham Alv~ra, (wid. Robert) h 36 Russell.<br />

H~gham William J., clerk D. & M. R. It.,<br />

h 36 Russell.<br />

Hilbert Charles, harness maker, h 175 Antietam.<br />

Hilbert John, lab., h 240 Watson.<br />

Hild Andrew, carpenter, bds 168 Macolnb.<br />

Hild Charles, engineer, (Berry Bros.)<br />

Hild Henry, mason, h 306 Marion.<br />

Hildelbaugh William, pattentright, bds<br />

13'7 Larned e.<br />

Hilder Arthur, cabinet maker, bds 57<br />

Michigan grand ave.<br />

Hildebrand Ferdinand, lab., h 138 Nacomb.<br />

H~lderbrandt Catharine, (wid. Conrad) h<br />

107 Wilkins.<br />

Hilderbraudt Henry, music teacher, h 441<br />

Fort e.<br />

Hildenbrand John, gilder, h 39 Sixteenth.<br />

Hilderscheit John, meat market, $2 Russell,<br />

h same.<br />

Hilderscheit Peter, butcher, 316 Croghan,<br />

Hilderscheit Stephen, lab., h 91 Russell.<br />

Hildreth Mary B., (wid. Joseph S.) bds 227<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hildreth William J., carrier, h 43 Pine.<br />

Hilger Mathias, h 281 Bronson.<br />

Hill Albert, (col'd) h 3 i3 Congress e.<br />

Hill Mrs. Amanda M., boarding housc, 19<br />

High.<br />

Hill Catharine, (wid. John) washerwoman,<br />

h 470 Clinton ave.<br />

IIill Catharine (wid. Milman) h cor Lafayette<br />

Ylace and Twenty-second.<br />

Hill David, machinist, h 286 Fourth.<br />

Hill Xdwin, street car conductor, h 147,<br />

old, Grand River ave.<br />

Hill Frederick J., clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hill Frederick J., clerk, bds 243 Larned e.<br />

Hill George, h 485 old Jefferson ave .<br />

Hill George B. (Michigan Bolt and Nut<br />

Go.), h 605 Jefferson ave.<br />

. Hill George 8. (Hill & Bro.), bds old 486<br />

3 efferson ave.<br />

Hill George W., traveling agent, bds 38<br />

W. Park Place.<br />

Hill Henry, lab., bds 470 Clinton ave.<br />

Hill Hugo, millinery, 78 Woodward aye,<br />

h 203 Larned e.


~ & y ~ Hill ~ & Brother, ~ (George P H. and ~ William<br />

E.) wholesale dealers in teas and syrups,<br />

09 and 101 Larned w.<br />

UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING, Hillebrand John, shoemaker, 406 Rio-<br />

I<br />


pelle, h same.<br />

Hiller John G., shoe maker, 27 BIonroe<br />

ave, h same.<br />

BVg'gE'' PBA1[:g'liE*<br />

' "<br />

Hilley Owen, foreman tobacconist, h 73<br />

Fo MAY EW Co EG O NAL1<br />

Wipe.<br />

Hilley Thomas, tobacconist, bds i3 Wayne.<br />

Addrese IRA MAYHEW, Hillhouse John. machinist, h 271 Seventeenth.<br />

Hillings Peter, carpenter, h 181 Adam<br />

Hill James, machinist, h 405 Congress e. ave e.<br />

Hill James F.,cashier D. & $1. R.K.. freight Hillman Elizabeth, (wid Isiah,) bds 258<br />

office, h 401 Congress e.<br />

JeEerson ave. -<br />

Hill John, blttcksmi?h, bds 118 Benton. Hilmer Godfrey, hostler, bds Perkins<br />

Hill John, lab., bds 123 Mullett.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hill John, lab., h Woodbridge nr cor Ilills Benjamin C., (Reed $ Hills) bds An-<br />

Twenty-sixth.<br />

tisdel House.<br />

Hill John, painter, h 434 Fifrh.<br />

Hills Frank, saloon, 139 Larned w, h same.<br />

Hi!l John, sailor, bds 470 Clinton ave. Hilpling Philip, hostler, h I42 Eighteenth.<br />

Hill John B., millwright, bds 2J Eigll- Hllsendegen hlizabeth, (wid John) washteenth.<br />

erwoman, h 244 illontcalm e.<br />

Hill John H., machinist, h 42 Butternut. Hilsendegen Kronika (wid Dietrich) h<br />

Hill John P., actor, h 146 Clinton.<br />

206 Latayette.<br />

Hill Joseph, trimmer, bds 179 Larned e. Hilsendegen Valentine (Hilsedegen &<br />

Hill Julia (wid William), h old 226 Fif- Dunn) contractor cross walks, h n e cor<br />

teen t h.<br />

Joseph Calnpau ave and Larned.<br />

Hill Nazareth, grocer, s w cor Grand Hilsendegen & Dunn (Valentine Hilsen-<br />

River ave and Sixteenth, h same.<br />

degen and Peter Dunn) contractors, n e<br />

Hill Peter, harness maker, h 56 Elizabeth cor Larned and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

east.<br />

Hilton Henry, carriage trimmer, h 47 Bnt-<br />

Hill Peter, alderman ninth ward, h 90 ternut.<br />

Baker.<br />

Hilton John A,, shoemaker, h 38 Cath-<br />

Hill Richard, teamster, h 394 Woodbridge arine.<br />

east.<br />

Hilts William, picture frame maker, h 78<br />

Hill Robert, engineer, bcls 90 Baker. Brady.<br />

Hill Rufus E., nursery man, Lafayette Himburg Frederick FV., cutter, h 117 Di;<br />

Place bet Twenty-first and Twenty- vision.<br />

second.<br />

Himmels William, tanner, h 113 Jay.<br />

Hill Samuel B., engineer 31. C. R. R., h 48 I;iimmelstoss Michael, lab., h 96 Bronson.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Hinchman Charles C., clerk, bds 117 Fort<br />

Hill Sarah (wid Eenry), h $8 Farrar. west.<br />

Hill Stephen T., arenran M. C. R. R., bds Hinchman Elizabeth N. Mrs., h o 49 n If?<br />

4s Abbott.<br />

Palmer.<br />

Hill Stephen, nursery man, Lafayette IIinchman Ford D. C., (T. H. Hinchmam &<br />

Place bet Twenty-first and Twenty- Sons,) h 117 Fort w.<br />

second.<br />

Hinchman Guy F., (Guy F. Hinchman &<br />

Hill Thomas, bds 182 Larned w.<br />

Co.,) h 128 Griswold.<br />

Hill Thomas (Hinchman, Hill & Co.), h Hinchman James A., (Hinchman, Hill &<br />

37 Fremont.<br />

Co.,) bds Wich. Exchange.<br />

Hill Thomas, engineer, <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 56 Hinchman John &I., (T. H. Hinchman<br />

Fifteenth. '<br />

& Sons,) bds 115 Fort w.<br />

Hill, Thomas S., agent gas works, h 19 Hinchrnan Joseph B., (Babillion, Hinch-<br />

High.<br />

man & Co.,) h 102 Elizabeth w.<br />

Hill Thomas W., clerk, h 62 Columbia e. Hinchrnan Theodore H., (T. H. Hinchman<br />

Hill William, cigar maker, bds 239 Con- & Sons,) h 117 Fort w.<br />

gress e.<br />

Hinchmau, Hill & Co., (James A. Hinch-<br />

Hi11 William, lab., bas 285 Atwater. man & Thomas A Hill,) colnmission<br />

Hill William E., (Hill Brothers) bds old merchants, 30 W oodbridge w.<br />

485 Jefferson ave..<br />

Hinchman Guy F. 62 Co., (Guy F. 62 Theo-<br />

Hill William R., wringers, 243 Randolph, dore H.,) shp chandelry and naval suph<br />

251 Randolph.<br />

plies, 16 and 18 Atwater.


Hinchman T. H., & Sons, (Theodore H.,<br />

John 31.63 Ford D. C. Hinchman, wholesale<br />

druggists, 78 and 80 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hind George, apprentice, hds 61 Twentyfirst.<br />

Hind John, lab., h 6'7 Twenty-first.<br />

HINDEN lf. JOSEPH, mathematical instruments,<br />

194 Jefferson ave, h 46 Sherman.<br />

(See dv.)<br />

Hindenb~ug Charlotte (wid Altred Christian,)<br />

h 411 Whitney.<br />

Hinder Louis, saloon, 159 Macomb, h same.<br />

Hinds Michael, lab., h 81 Labrosa<br />

Hines Bridget, (wid Patrick,) h rear 43<br />

Porter.<br />

Hines Christopher, sailor, h 365 Third.<br />

Hines Edward, lab., h 499 Fifth.<br />

I-Iines James, lab., h Scotten ave, nr M. C.<br />

R. R.<br />

Hines John, teamster, bds 63 Howard.<br />

Hines Mary, (wid i'atrick,) h lane, bet<br />

Porter and ,4bt)ot and Third and Fourth.<br />

Hines James, (Hines Bros.,) h 307 Fifth.<br />

Hines Thomas, lab., h 107 Cherry.<br />

Hines William, boiler maker, bds 163 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Hines William, engineer, h Fort, n. w. of<br />

Leib.<br />

Kines William, (Hines Bros.,) h 11 6 Plum.<br />

Hines William R., huckster, 8.C. H. M. biis<br />

116 Plum.<br />

Hines Bros., (William 6 James,) grocers,<br />

307 Fifth.<br />

Hinkel John, carpenter, bds 47 Fort e.<br />

Hinkle Andrew J., policeman, bds Finney<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hinks Henry, clerk, bds 79 Congress e.<br />

Hinler Emil, gilder, h 73 Fort e.<br />

Hinman hl-fr>d B, h cor Clifford and<br />

Sproat.<br />

Hinman John, brakesinan, IT. C. R. R.<br />

Hinn Isaac, (Hinn Bros.), h 316 Fort e.<br />

Hinn Herman, (Hlnn Bros.), h 316 Fort e.<br />

Hinn Louis, carpenter, h 210 Mulett.<br />

Hinn Bros., (Isaac 65- Herman) grocers,<br />

316 Fort e.<br />

Hiusching Charles, lab, bds 211 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Hinsdale Edwin C., <strong>City</strong> Treasurer, office,<br />

room 21 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 139 Lafhyette ave.<br />

Hintermister Henry, merchant tailor, 209<br />

Jefferson ave, bds Hotel Bfauch.<br />

Hinton Oscar J., clerk, bds 87 Washington<br />

avenue.<br />

Hintz Carl, music teacher, h 7 17 Macomb<br />

Hintz Edward, furrler, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

H~ntz Henry, cigar maker, h 6SG Seventh.<br />

Hintz Friederich, lab, h 340 Dubois.<br />

Hintz William, lab, h 405 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hiott Thomas, sawyer, h 279 Guoin.<br />

Hipp Joseph, teamster, h 179 Macomb.<br />

Hirlbach Frederick, confectioner, h n s<br />

Bellair bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Hirons Mary Ann, (wid Thomas), board-<br />

ing, old No. 10 Grand River ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Hirons William B., liquors, 34 Larned w .<br />

Hirsch Anthony, organ maker, h 79<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Hirsch Charles, agent. bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Hirsch John, lab, h n s Antietam bet<br />

Riopelle and Russell.<br />

Hirsch Mars; cigar maker, bds 144 St. An-<br />

toire.<br />

Hirschlieb John, planing mill, h 873 Fif-<br />

teenth st w S.<br />

Hirscommn Frederick, mechanic, h 191<br />

Marion.<br />

Hirschman Frederick, student, bds cor<br />

Adams are and Brush.<br />

Hirschman Jacob L., clel k, bds cor Brush<br />

and Adams ave.<br />

Hirschman John, wire work, bds 14 Web-<br />

ster.<br />

Hirschman Louis, billiard room, 222 Ran-<br />

dol3h h 112 AAGams ave e.<br />

Hirschman Norritz, h old 52 new 56<br />

Wayne.<br />

Hirschmann Sigismund, machinist, h 232<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Hirst Henry F., (Hirst cP; Stiff,) h 2s 'Fort<br />

east.<br />

Hirst & Stiff, (Henry T. Hirst, and Erastus<br />

Stiff,) commission merchants, 149 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

H~rt Frank, cigar maker, h 254 Chestnut.<br />

Hirt Paulus, lab., h 563 Dequindre.<br />

Hirt Rudolph, lab., h 436 St. hubin ave.<br />

Hisgen Peter, book binder, bds 29 Clinton.<br />

Hisgen Peter, book binder, h 484 Beaubien.<br />

Hitchcock Edward, traveler, h 54 Butternut.<br />

Hitchcock Frances L., (wid Aaron,) 172<br />

Congress w.<br />

Hitchcock Horace, (~itchcock,~sselst~n &<br />

Co.,) h 85 Nontcalm w.<br />

Hitchcock James M.. clerk, bds 129 Farmer.<br />

IIitchcock Joseph, porter, bls n 43 o 51<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Elitchcock, Esselstyn & Co.,(Horace Hitchcock,<br />

Henry Esseltyn, John J. Wllittlesey<br />

wholesale woolens and tailors' trimmings<br />

10o Jefferson ave.<br />

Hitchen Susan, seamstress, bds 77 Brady.<br />

Hitchman George, lab., bds 88 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Hite Frederick, (col'd,) white washer, h<br />

193 Congress e.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Hitler John, bolt maker, bds 310 Sherman.<br />

Hittel John, miller, bds 191 Gratiot.<br />

IIoag William, painter,gbds 1163 Randolph.<br />

Hobart James M., produce buyer, bds 36<br />

Henry.<br />

Hobart William (Sievwright JZ; Hobart,) h<br />

695 Woodbridge w.<br />

Hobbins John, boiler inaker, bds 35 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Hobbs W. H., boot maker, 17 Cass.<br />

Hoben Dennis, private watchman, h 70<br />

Brady.<br />

Hober Frederick, tailor, h 55 Marion.<br />

Hobson Charles,,bar-tender, h 725 Croghan.<br />

Hobson James, taxidernist, h 533 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Hobson Raleigh W., salesman, bds 7 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Hochgraef Blax, engraver, 103 Woodward<br />

ave, h 46 Nacomb.<br />

Hochgraef William, carpenter, h 46 M~L-<br />

comb.<br />

Hochvath John, captain Barge John F.<br />

Warner.<br />

Hockstadt Jacob, butcher, 468 Grand River<br />

ave, h 521 Seventh.<br />

Hochstadt Ludwig! cooper h 294 Alfred.<br />

Hock Jacob J., hardware, 325 Michigan<br />

ave, h 401 Twelfth.<br />

Hock Lewis, lab., h 233 Watson.<br />

Hock Sebastion, shoemaker,h 167 Division.<br />

Hccknol Samuel, lithographer, bds cor<br />

Clinton and Russell.<br />

Hodge Greenbary, (col'd) h old 138 Fort e.<br />

Hodge Joseph, boiler maker,h 278 Nation-<br />

al ave.<br />

Hodge Myra Miss, teacher, Franklin<br />

School, bds 95 Locust.<br />

Hodge Samuel F., jr., machinist, bds 168<br />

Henry.<br />

Hodge Samuel F., sr., machine shop, 369,<br />

371,373 and 375 Atwater, h 168 Henry.<br />

Hodges Beatty , painter, h 205 Fourteenth.<br />

Hodgeb Charles C., (EIodges Bros.,) h 126<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Hodges Henry C., (Hodges Bros.,) h 413<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Hodges Josiah P., lake captain, h 34 Eliz-<br />

abeth e.<br />

Hodges Rollie C., clerk, bds 126 Miami av.<br />

Hodges Bros., (Henry C. Hodges and<br />

Charles C. Hodges,) general agents Con-<br />

necticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., ITG<br />

Griswold.<br />

Hodgkin Margaret E. Mrs., h 315 Fort w.<br />

Hodgkin Robert, manf r fly nets, room 7,<br />

Fisher block, 131+ Woodward ave, h<br />

324 Randolph.<br />

Hodgslon Henry H., commercial agent, h<br />

30 Alexandria ave.<br />

Hoeflein Leopold, lab., h 40 Catharine.<br />

Hoehnow Auguste, (mid Charles) board-<br />

ing, h 217 Columbia e.<br />

Hoebnow William, carrier, bds 317 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Hoek Henry, fresco painter, bds 155 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Hoek Joseph, h 155 St. ,4ntoine.<br />

Hoekstra Egbert, (Ostler dt Hoekstra) h<br />

394 Seventh.<br />

IIoeninghausen August C., glazier, h 170<br />

Fort e.<br />

EIoeninghausen Joseph, agent Abend Post,<br />

h 141 Lafayette.<br />

Hoeninghausen Joseph, jr., trunkm aker,<br />

bds 141 Lafayette.<br />

Hoenningshausen Theodore, clerk, h 198<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Hoerter Frederich, carpenter, bds 487 Mul-<br />

let l.<br />

Hossenhantz Otto, lab., bds 237 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Hoesta Bernard, cooper, h 42 Bellair.<br />

Hoesra Frank, cooper, h 42 Bellair.<br />

Hoetqer Conrad, clothing, 486 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Hoevermeir Alfred, shoemaker, h 313<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Hoff Bartholomew, lab., h 95 Bronson.<br />

Hoff Casper, n e Thirteenth-and-a-half bet<br />

Pine and Locust.<br />

Hoff Edward, saloon, n w cor Croghan<br />

and Elmwood ave.<br />

Koff Valentine, grocer, 327 Montcalm e h<br />

same.<br />

Hoffe Frank, carver, bds 174 Lafayette.<br />

Hoffenstein Charles, lab., h 199 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Hoffmann Adam, la*b., h 143 Chestnut.<br />

Hoffman Aclolph~ carpenter, h 399 Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Hoffman Adolph L., h 361 North.<br />

Hoffman Albert, lah., bds w s Dequindre<br />

bet Jay and Grstiot.<br />

Hoffms~ Andrew, carpenter, h e s Thirteen<br />

and-a-half n Grand River ave.<br />

Hoffman Anna E., (wid John,) h 600 Sixth.<br />

Hoffman Charles, sailor, bds 63 Atmater e.<br />

Hoffman Conrad, engineer, h 80 Baker.<br />

Hoffman Ferdinand, wire weaver, h 462<br />

Fifth.<br />

Hoffman Frank M., clerk, 5 woodward<br />

reve b ds 31 Griswold.


Hoffman Frederick, carpenter, h 365 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hoffman Frederick, currier, bds 358 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Hoffman George cabinet maker, Eigh-<br />

teenth nr Michigan ave.<br />

Hoffman George, lab., h 349' Croghan.<br />

Hoffman George W., insurance agent, 2<br />

Merrill Block, bds 55 Washington ave.<br />

Hoffman Henry door tender Theatre Com-<br />

ique, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Hoffman Jacob, lab., h s s Illinois bet<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Hoffman Jacob, saloon and brewery, 338<br />

Woodbridge w. h same.<br />

Hoffman John, lab., h 444 Clinton ave.<br />

Hoffman John A., hack stable, 135 Rivard,<br />

h same.<br />

Hoffman John F., tealllster, h 358 Dubois.<br />

Hoffman Louis, brewer, bds 142 Sherman.<br />

Hoffman Richard, machinist, bds 312<br />

Watson.<br />

Hoffman William, fireman, bds 82 Baker.<br />

Hoffman William, lab., h e s Mt. Elliott<br />

ave nr cemetry.<br />

Hoffnlan William, shoemaker, h 109<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Iloffrnan William, upholsterer, 336 Brush<br />

h same.<br />

Hoffmann Adam, lab., h 349 Croghan.<br />

HofTmann Adolph, lab., h 181 '<br />

lIoffmann Friedrich, lab. h 411 Dubois.<br />

Hoffmann George, livery stable, 159<br />

Croghan, h same.<br />

Hoffrnann Henry, lab., h 93 Sixteenth.<br />

Hoffmann John, cooper, bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Iloffmann John H., lab., h 93 Sixteenth.<br />

EIoffmann Louis, saloon, 403 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Hoffmann Xadam, dressmaker, h 463 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

IIoffrnann Otto, shoemaker, h 537 Mullett.<br />

Hoffmann Philip, (Jacob & Hoffmanns,)<br />

h 304 Bronson.<br />

Hoffmeyer Charles, carpenter, h 349 Mul-<br />

le tt.<br />

Hoffmeyer Charles, trunk maker, h 208<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Hoffmeyer George, cabinet maker, h s s<br />

Watson bet Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Hoffmeyer John, carpenter (Candler Bros.)<br />

Hoffmeyer Louisa (wid Adolph), h 249<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Hoffmeyer William, butcher, h 121 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Hoffmeyer William, night clerk, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Hoffmeyer William, watchman, 208 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Hoffner George, tanner, h 173 German.<br />

Hoffner Jacob, I&., h 283 Antietam.<br />

Hoffner John (Hoffner & Mayes), h 59<br />

Ledyard.<br />

Hoffner William, butcher, h Sherman.<br />

36<br />

1 Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Otfice,52 W. Lar2led St.,<br />


. Set: advertisement, page 9.<br />

Hoffner & Mayes (John Hoffner and Ed<br />

ward Mayes), sail makers and riggers<br />

foot of Bates.<br />

Hofften Alexander, cigar maker, h Williains<br />

ave nr Linden.<br />

Hoffur Herman, tanner, h 277 Eighteenth.<br />

Hogan Dennis, machinist, bds 400 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Hogan Frank, carpenter, bds 117 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Ho an Frank E., engineer, bds n e cor<br />

6oobridge and Beaubien.<br />

Hogan James, carpenter, h 271 First.<br />

Hogan Jalnes, lab., h Twelfth ave w 8<br />

Dickson.<br />

Hogan James P., drayman, h 241 Second.<br />

Hogan John, drayman, old 240, new 268<br />

Sixth.<br />

Hogan John, fireman, h e s Mayberry ave,<br />

nr Mvrtle.<br />

~ogan 3ohn, helper, h 337 Fourteenth.<br />

Hogan John, lab., bds 55 Howard.<br />

Hogan John, tanner, h 161 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hogan Lizzie, bookbinder, bds 161 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Hogan Maggie, bookbinder, bds 161 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Hogan Michael, blacksmith, h 337 Fourteenth.<br />

Hogan Yichael F., grocer, 288 Michigan<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Hogan P., groom, <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Railwiy-.<br />

Hogan Patrick, lab., h 163 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hogan Patrick, lab., h 98 Marion.<br />

Hogan Patrick, machinist, bds 337 Fourteenth.<br />

~ o ~ Timothy, a n coal cart driver, Viger<br />

Bros.<br />

Hogarth Richard L., clerk, bds 407 Jeffer.<br />

son ave.<br />

Hogarth Rev. WillZam,D. D. pastor Jefferson<br />

ave Presbyterian church,h 407 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hogg John A., paperhanger, h 130 Locust.<br />

Hoggreve Henry, cabinet maker, h 388 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Hogguer, F. F. W., druggist, 395 Yichigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

H6henstei.n F Albert Prof.,dancing teacher,<br />

h 147 Hastinss.<br />

Hohenstein ~Ghard-B., upholsterer, bds<br />

147 Hastings.<br />

Hohenriter rohn M., saloon, 69 Larned e.,<br />

bds Hotel Mauch.


ZdPHBW<br />

Holden John, lab., h NcDougall ave, bet<br />

Macomb and Croghan.<br />

COLLEoE8<br />

Holden Mary, (wid Morris,) h 295 Thirteenth-and-half.<br />

Holden Michael. lab.. bds Perkins' Hotel<br />

Holden ~aniel,' shoemaker, bds 167 Cass<br />


SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Holderreid Anthony, scalemaker, 385 Atwater,<br />

h same.<br />

Hohf Frederick, carpenter, h Seventeenth Holdridge David, painter, bds 319 Third.<br />

e. s. nr. Ash.<br />

Holdsworth John, palnter, h 514 Sixteenth<br />

Hohf Julius, blacksmith, h 208 Maple. Holfield Dora, (widow Chas. S.:I h 84 Jay.<br />

Hohlfeld Charles, nailsmith, h 138 Antie- Holibaugh John R., clerk, Cass Hotel.<br />

tam.<br />

Hollahan Patrick, drayman, h 125 Labrosse.<br />

Hohlfeld Emilia, grocer, 352 Macomb, :h Holland A. C., engineer, M. C. R. R.<br />

same.<br />

Holland Mrs. Barbara, dress making 109<br />

Hohlfeld Henrv, shoemaker, h n. s. Hale, Grand River ave, h same.<br />

bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Holland Charles T., bar tender, bds 397<br />

Hohman Frederick, plasterer, h 213 Nap- Slxth.<br />

oleon.<br />

Holland Daniel, lawyer, room 13 Tele-<br />

Hohman Theresa (wid. Benedict) h 397 graph block, h McLean bet Fourth and<br />

Macomb.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Hohnoro Ferdinand, lab., h 154 Catharine. Holland David, cigarmaker, h 156 Brews-<br />

Hohnoro Frederika, (wid. William) mid- ter.<br />

wife, h 154 Catharine.<br />

Holland Dell, engineer, bds 143 Porter.<br />

Hohnstein Charles, lab., h 187 Twenty- Holland Edward, blacksmith, h 131 Jones.<br />

second.<br />

Holland Ferdinand, painter, h 201 Lafay-<br />

Hoigg Wm., painter, bds 1169 Randolph. : ette.<br />

Hoih Nicholas, peddlar, h 242 Montcalm e. Holland John, flue cleaner, h 69 Xational<br />

Hoisl Caspar, shoemaker, h 95 Napoleon. ave.<br />

Kolbrook Bexaajah, train reporter, bds Holland John, lab., bds 08 Harrison ave.<br />

Cass Home.<br />

Holland Jeremiah, lab., h n s Ann bet<br />

Holbrook Dewitt C., lawyer, office 101 Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Griswold (up stairs,) h 6 Adams ave w. Holland John, switchman, M. C. R. kt. de-<br />

Holbrook Frank H., printer, bds 94 Eliza- pot, h 58 National ave.<br />

beth w.<br />

Holland Hannora, (wid Patrick,) saloon,<br />

Holbrook Frederick A., trav. agt, bds 94 336 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Holland Julla, h 81 Macomb.<br />

Holbrook Gilbert M., ((3. M. Holbroqk & Holland Michael, lab., h e s Fourth bet<br />

Co.,) h 62 Beaubien.<br />

Gold and Peirpoint.<br />

Holbrook Hattie B., teacher, Franklin - Holland Patrick, lab., h 109 Grand River<br />

School, bds 347 Third.<br />

ave.<br />

Holbrook Henry E., trav. agt, bds 94 Eliza- Holland Samuel, foundry man, h 259<br />

beth w.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Holbert Joseph D., (col'd), lab., bds n c Holland Thomas, sailor, h 229 Fifth.<br />

cor Larned and Second.<br />

Holland Thomas, switchman M. C. R. R.,<br />

Holbrook J. Milton,weigh master M. C. R. h cor Sixth and Porter.<br />

R., h 347 Th~rd.<br />

Holland Timothy, lab., bds 537 Michigan<br />

Holbrook Roena Miss, teacher, bds 227 ave.<br />

Lafayette e.<br />

Holland Timothy, peddl~x, h 203 National<br />

Holbrook Theodore, sailor, h 83 Park. ave.<br />

Holbrook G. M. Bc Co., (Gilbert M. Hol- Holland William, pork packer, h - Hastbrook<br />

and - ) manufacturers of ings.<br />

sewed shoes, 3 Woodbridge e.<br />

Hollands Charles T., clerk, bds 397 Sixth.<br />

Holcomb Henry W., clerk, h 63 Butternut. Hollands Frank, captain, bds 397 Sixth.<br />

Holcomb John W.,peddlar,h 224 Macomb. Hollands George A., mason, bds 397<br />

Hold George H., clerk, h 136 Jefferson Sixth.<br />

ave.<br />

Hollands John E., mason, h 397 Sixth.<br />

Holdebaugh John, clerk, Cass Hotel. Holland William C., mason, h 607 Sixth.<br />

Holden Edward G., editor Daily Post, bds Hollaran John, lab., h 37 Ninth ave.<br />

55 Fort w.<br />

Hollenback Nathaniel P., physician, b 297<br />

Holden Henry, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel. Fourth.<br />

Holden Henry P., reporter Daily Post, bds Holler John, (Steiner & Holler,) h 63 At-<br />

65 Fort w.<br />

water e.

- -<br />


Holler John. tinsmith. h 276 Russell. 1 LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Holley ~ob& machinist. h 94 Leverette.<br />


Holley Richard, (col'd) lab., h 216 Adams<br />

ave, e.<br />

Hollings John F. C., - upholster, - h 435 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Hollis Frank, clerk, bds 16 Palmer. I FqXton M[arbet Oyster ]8[0nse,<br />

Hollister Soldmon C., conductor, M. C. R. 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

I<br />

R., h 92 Leverette. Oysters in the Shell a s ecialty. Wholesale<br />

Holloway George B., clerk, bds 424 Wood- and ~ etax<br />

ward ave. -<br />

Hollstein Frederick, carpenter, bds 282<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Hollstein John, saloon, s. e. cor Maple and<br />

Rivard, h same.<br />

Holm William, printer, h 356 Riopelle.<br />

Holmes Allen F., mason, h 261 Brush.<br />

Holmes Ann., (wid-,) h 166 George.<br />

Hollnes Augustus B., agent, bds 31 La-<br />

f ayette.<br />

I-Iolmes Betsy, (wid John B.,) h 95 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Hoh-nes Gamd, cigar maker, h 561 Sixth.<br />

Holmes George, clerk, h 290 CroghHn.<br />

Holmes Georpe, painter, bds 65 Lamed e.<br />

Holmes Harrie, clerk, bdu 55 Grand River<br />

east.<br />

Holmes Hiram S., commission merchant,<br />

h 106 National ave.<br />

Holmes John, lab., h 152 Seventh.<br />

Holmes John C., room 8 Blcrrill Block, bds<br />

47 Fort w.<br />

Holmes John H., clerk, bds 95 Miami ave.<br />

Helmes Oscar F., engineer D. & 31. R. R.,<br />

h 533 Congress e.<br />

Holmes Ross H., with IkIowry & Co., h 64<br />

Madison ave .<br />

Holmes Robert, (Holmes & Webster,) h 55<br />

State.<br />

Holmes Sophia, saloon, 30 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Holmes Thomas, h 6 Park Place.<br />

Holmes Vincent, (col'd,) sailor, bds 148<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Holmes Walter J., clerk, bds 166 George.<br />

Holmes William, moulder, h 120 Harrison<br />

ave<br />

Holmes IT. H., bds Antisdel House.<br />

Holmes William J.. printer, h 22 Nont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Holmes William G., printer, h 68 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Holmes & Webster (Robert Holmes<br />

and Edwin F. Webster), plumbers and<br />

gas fitters, hot air furnaces and steam<br />

heating, 115 and 11'7 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

&.)<br />

Rolst John, cutter, h 114 Russell.<br />

Holat Johu, tailor, h 324 Hastings.<br />

Holstein Adolph, upholsterer, h 217 High.<br />

Holstein Frederick, carpenter, bds 282<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Holstein Isaac, lab., h s w cor Guion and<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Holstein John, cigar maker, bds 202<br />

Eighth.<br />

Holstein John, lab.. h 202 Eighth.<br />

Holstein John, saloon, 352 Rivard, h 353<br />

Rivard.<br />

Holstein Paul, lab.,'bds 337 Franklin.<br />

Halt Ira F. (Holt's Express), h 490 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Holt John, printer, h 102 Brush.<br />

Holt Leon A., overseer, bds 397 Larned e.<br />

Holt Thomas, engineer, h s s Fort bet<br />

Eastings and Rivard.<br />

Holt William F., artist, room 26 Studio<br />

Building, cor Griswold and State, h 81<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

Holten Christian, saloon keeper, h 526<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Holthoefer Casper J., dry goods, old 125,<br />

new 135 Woodward ave, h 363 Cass ave.<br />

Holthoefer Joseph (Holthoefer & 3lullen-<br />

bach), h 147 Mullett.<br />

Holthoefer & Mullenbach (Joseph Halt-<br />

hoefer and Peter Mullenbach), tanners,<br />

315 Riopelle.<br />

Holtz Frederick, lab., h s s Scott, bet Rio-<br />

peile and Dequindre.<br />

Holtz Henry, lab., h 133 ~went~-second.<br />

Holtz John, carpenter, h e s Fifteens, nr<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Holtzworth Mathias, lab., h 519 Macomb.<br />

Holtzworth Robert, moulder, bus 549 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Holub Charles, painter, bds 273 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Holub Frank, carpenter, h 2-13 Columbia e.<br />

Holz William, tailor, h 174 Croghan.<br />

Holzhauer Henry, carpenter, h 38 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Holzman Joseph F., butcher, 298 St. Aubin<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Homberg William, drayman, h 271 First.<br />

Homberger Henry, cigar packer, Burke<br />

Moebs & Co., bds Franklin House.<br />

Homburg Georgc?, cabinet maker, h 41<br />

Marion.<br />

Homburg Henry, tailor, h n w cor Pearl<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Homburg William, carpenter, h 473 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Homepathic College, Opera House Block.<br />

Homideau Mathias, lab., h Lysander e s nr<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Hommel Carl, carpenter, h 16 Chestnut.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Hommel George S., grocer, s w cor Third<br />

andAbbott, h same.<br />

Homlllel George W., gilder, h s w cor<br />

Third and Abbott.<br />

Hommel Gustave, carpenter, bds 16 Chestnut.<br />

Hommel Herman,milkman, Chene cor Gratiot.<br />

Hommel Jacob, merchant, n 99 Twentyfirst.<br />

Hommel John G., cooper, h 221 Montcalm<br />

east,<br />

Hommel.Joseph,engineer, bds 570Fifteenth<br />

Hommel Blichael, cabinet maker, 572<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Hommer Henrv, cabinet maker, bds 101<br />

blacomb.<br />

Horns John, machinist, bds 334 Hastings.<br />

Homyer Charles, sailor, h 232 Franklin.<br />

Honey Margret, : intelligence office, '.I23<br />

Woodward ave, up stairs, bds 1983<br />

Woociward ave.<br />

Hong Henry, carpenter, bds '70 Beaubien.<br />

Hongel William, car maker, h Fifteenth,<br />

w s nr Linden.<br />

Honning William, lasting, h 182 Seventh.<br />

Honor William B., undertaker, shop 352<br />

h 354 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Honsberger Joseph, telegraph operator,<br />

755 Fifteenth.<br />

Honses Catharine, (wid Henry,) h 193 Napoleon.<br />

Hood James C., clerk, bds 88 Howard.<br />

Hood S. W., clerk E. B. Smith & Co., bds<br />

4 Winder.<br />

Hook Samuel T., clerk, bds 77 Beaubien.<br />

Hookway Thornas E., plasterer, h 231 Benton.<br />

Hoolahan Thomas, brakesman D. & Me<br />

Hooley Daniel, lab., h 309 Abbott.<br />

Hooper Alfred, clerk, bds 311 Larned e.<br />

Hooper Charles HaJ (Wiley, Hooper & Co.)<br />

bds 37 Rowland.<br />

Hooper Edward C., (Wiley,Hooper & Co.)<br />

bds 37 Rowland.<br />

Hooper George, clerk, h rear 388 Michigan<br />

aye.<br />

Hooper George F., shoemaker, h 345<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Hooper George W., jr., machinist, bcls 3%<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

f<br />

Hooper John, painter, h 88 Canfield.<br />

Hooper Joseph, carpenter, h 71 Nrt-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Hooper William, engineer, bds Miners'<br />

House.<br />

Hoops Henry, carpenter, h n w cor Or-<br />

leans and Antietam,<br />

Hoops P., brakesman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Hoops William, butcher, n e cor Franklin<br />

and Hastings, h same.<br />

Hoose Brazell, carpenter, h 253 Frar klin.<br />

Hoose David, brewer, h 11 Hawley block. *<br />

Hooton Edward H., carpenter, h 63 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Hopkin Frank, carriage smith, bds old 129<br />

Farrar.<br />

Hopkin John, carria e shop, cor Farrar<br />

and John R, h 46 faher.<br />

Hopkins John H.,,clerk, bds cor Brush and<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hopkin Robert, artist, room 21, Studio<br />

Building cor Grismold and State, h 209<br />

First.<br />

Hopkins Barnarde, shoemaker, 176 Ab-<br />

bolt, h same.<br />

Hopkins Cordelia, (wid William) h old<br />

129 Farrar.<br />

Hopkins George H., attorney, room 14 D.<br />

& 91. Depot, res Ypsilanti.<br />

Hopkins Jamee H., (col'd) cooper, h 270<br />

Alfred.<br />

Hopkins John, tobacconist, bds 116 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Hopkins Emma L. Mrs., h 7 Park Place.<br />

Hopkins Sarah A., (wid John V.,) h 313<br />

Fourth.<br />

Hopkins William,carpent er,(Can dler Bros.)<br />

Hopper August, cooper, h 468 Fifth.<br />

Hopper Ella Miss, teacher, bds 66 Howard.<br />

Hopper William H., R. R. commissary, h<br />

66 Howard.<br />

Hopson Henry C., (McBrearty & Hopson)<br />

bds 90 Columbia, w.<br />

Hopson Nicholas, carpenter, h 41 6 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Hopson Richard, h 186 Howard.<br />

Hopson Richard H., jr., (Hopson & Berg-<br />

mann) bds lS6 Howard.<br />

Hopson & Bergmann, (Richard Hopson &<br />

Gustave Bergmann,) galvanized iron<br />

cornices. 88 Gratiot.<br />

Hopwood George W., sail maker, bds 68<br />

Larned e.<br />

Horal Charles, tailor, .64 Division, h same.<br />

Horan Richard, drayman, h 53 Orchard.<br />

Horan Thomas, moulder, h 207 Fifth.<br />

EIorigan Mary, tobacco packer, bds Sec-<br />

ond bet Abbott and Michigan ave.<br />

Horky John, h Nineteenth nr M. C. R, R.<br />

Horle Edward, printer, bds 31 Griswold.<br />

Horn Edward, lab., b& 282 Macomb.<br />

Uorn Frank, blacksmith, 385 Blichigan<br />

me, b same.


DIRECTORY. HOtf 285<br />

-<br />

Horn John, saloon and dining roon, 4<br />

Woodmard ave, h same. Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Horn John jr., boat owner, 4 woodward<br />

ave.<br />

52 west Lamed St.,<br />

Horn Joseph, editor, bds 6 1 Congress w. FLU1D *IU EXTRACTS*<br />

Horn Lewis, captain Favorite, bds 4 Wood- SUGAR COATED PILLS.<br />

ward ave.<br />


Horn Louis, cigar maker, bds cor St An-<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

toine and Gratiot.<br />

Horn AIaggie, h 111 J&erson ave mom 1. Hotchkiss Luther, L., (R. C. Faulconer &<br />

Horn Patrick, lab., h 129 LaGrosse. Co.,) bds Russell House.<br />

Horn Terrence, bricklayer, b 206 narrison Hotel Erichsen, (Claus D. Erichsen propr),<br />

aye.<br />

148 and 150 Randolph.<br />

Horn Thomas, brakesman, bds 96 Con- Hotel Henry, (John Henry propr), cor<br />

gress e.<br />

Randolph and Croghan.<br />

Hornbeck Jacob, grocer, 315 Croghan h Hotel Hesse, (Francis Hesse propr,) cor<br />

same.<br />

Gratiot and St. Antoine.<br />

Hornbeck Peter, milkman, h 379 Croghan. Hotel Mauch, (3Iatthauer & Hsischer<br />

Hornbogen John, carpenter, b 199 Clinton. propr,) 43 and 45 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Horne Boyne L., clerk, 11 s w cor Canfield Hotger Conrad, cutter. bds 90 Sherman. 4<br />

and Gass aves.<br />

Hotger John, (Knuedler & EIotger), h 622<br />

Horne George W., clerk, bds s s Canfield Riopelle.<br />

ave bet Cass and Second.<br />

Hotger Mathais, bds 85 Russell.<br />

Horner Louisa, bds 43 Hastings.<br />

Hotger Mathias, tailor, bds 102 Adams ave<br />

Hornik John, shoemaker, bds 284 Alfred. east.<br />

Hornik Joseph, cabinet maker, bds 284 Hatter Wendelin, lab, h 2% Webster.<br />

Alfred<br />

Hottum Christ, grocer, 529 Cathaline h<br />

Hornsby Charles, lab., bds 306 Wood- same.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Hots Charles, gilder, h 102 Sixteenth:<br />

Hornung Joseph, cutler, bds 283 Gratoit. Hough Archibald, car inspector, h 144<br />

How Ignatz, carpenter, h 315 Brewster. Bronson.<br />

Horrigan Margreat, (wid Michael), wash- Hough Frederick, car~enfer, h 616 Sevenerwoman,<br />

h 236 Sixth.<br />

teen th.<br />

Horrigan Michael, engineer, h Plum bet Hough Garry A., theatrical, h 91 Niami<br />

Seventh and Eighth.<br />

ave.<br />

Horton Benjamin S., lumberman, h 616 HOU@ George W.9 (Hough, Patten & Coo,)<br />

Second.<br />

h 529 Sixteenth.<br />

Horton Charles H., clerk, bds 50 Miami Hough Hugh G-9 glmsmith, bds 272 High*<br />

ave.<br />

Hough James, clerk, h 144 Bronson.<br />

Horton E. J., painter, hds Goodman HOU& Pattea & C0.v (George W- Rough<br />

House.<br />

rand Silss Patten,) brushes, 109 Jefferson<br />

Horton Joseph, lab, bds 194 Randolph. ave.<br />

Hortin William D., clerk, 235 Woodward H~u@ton IIe-9 teamster, (J- Clanc~ &<br />

ave.<br />

Co. )<br />

Hortop Samuel, harness maker, bds Gm- Il~unhton Jacob, jr., civil engineer, h 51<br />

tiot nr Dequindre.<br />

Blizabeth. e.<br />

Hosack William C., carpenter, h 79 Rtch- Hou,~hton Richard, tailor, h 104 Cherry*<br />

er.<br />

Houghton Wm., clerk, bds s w cor Grand<br />

Eosie Alexander, clerk, bds 162 Fifth. - River ave and Twelfth.<br />

Hosie El~zabeth, (wid James,) 162 Fifth.<br />

noughton Wm., produce, s m cor Twelflh<br />

and Grand River ave.<br />

IIosie Robert, banker, s e cor Jefferson ave Houle paul, fruit stand, s e tor Jefierson<br />

and Griswold, h Grosse Isle.<br />

and Woodward aves, h 715 Franklin.<br />

II~smer George, clerk, bds 19 Lmned e. Houllihan James, csrpenterP574 Congress<br />

Hosmer John, vessel owner, h 285 Lafay- east.<br />

ette ave. I ~oullihan James, saloon, h 193 Franklin.<br />

Hospital James, moulder, h 69 Banison Houllihan Margaret - (wid James), - - h 193<br />

ave.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Hoste Bernard, cooper, bds 42 Bellair. Hou1;ihan Thomas, hair dresser, bds 194<br />

Hoste Frank, clerk, h 42 Bellair.<br />

First.<br />

Hostetter Herman, c~mmi~si~n, h 164 Oak. Houllihan Thomas, lab., bds 26 Ann,<br />

Hostler Collin, lab, h 583 Guoin.<br />

Houllihan Wm., engineer, h 59 Fifteelzth.<br />

Hostrasser john B., conductor I), & M., h , Hound Mary, (col'd; wid John), h 186<br />

142 Rivard, I Bronson.


~A783gW<br />

@@!rts$<br />

@#~t@11,<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Houppert John, conductor, h Locust n w<br />

nr Thirteenth.<br />

HOW Joseph, jobber, h 671 Atwater.<br />

House of Correction, n s Alfred bet Russell<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

House of Providence, Foundling's Home,<br />

235 Fourteenth.<br />

Hoase of Shelter, h s s Alfred bet Russell<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

I-louse WIU., pail turner, h Franklin s s<br />

bet Adair and Leib.<br />

IIouse Wm. C., h 189 Third.<br />

House Wrn. ' (wm' '* Irouse<br />

& Co.,) h 20 Columbia w.<br />

Wm- '-9 ( Wm* House ' John<br />

Slawson,) grocers, 190 Woodward ave.<br />

Housem Chas. C., machinist, bds 67 At.<br />

water.<br />

Housem Joseph, bds 'Iote1<br />

Mauch.<br />

Houses Adam, barber, 478 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Houses Eodokus, saloon, 291 Thirteenth, h<br />

same.<br />

Houses Jacob, lab., h Twelfth w s, bet<br />

Baker and Nichigan ave.<br />

Houston , 84<br />

Houston John, lab., h 254 Thirteenth.<br />

Houston Lewis, (col'd,) whitewasher, h 213<br />

Alfred.<br />

Houston Salmon, (col'd,) h 152 Wilkins.<br />

'I-Iouth John, teamster, h 91 St. Antoine.<br />

Howard Alexander, lab., h 269 Catharine.<br />

Howard Alexander Q., (col'd) barber, 1<br />

Larned w., h 30 Croghan.<br />

Howard Alfred A., clerk, h 86 First.<br />

Howard A. Keith, clerk, city assessor's<br />

office, room 8 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 80 Sibley.<br />

Howard Charles, clerk, h cor Third and<br />

Grant.<br />

Howard Charles Ill., clerk, bds Howard<br />

House.<br />

Boward Charles M., lawyer, 6 & 7 Kanter<br />

Block, h 227 Larned e.<br />

Howard. Charlotte L., seamstress, bds 2441;<br />

Fouth.<br />

Howard Edward, captain h 449 Lamed e.<br />

Howard Elizabeth H., (wid. Alexander K.)<br />

bds 282 Woodbridge.<br />

Howard Emory R., lab., bds 122 Macomb.<br />

Howard Frank P., clerk, bds 137 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Howard Mrs F. S., h cor of Cass ave and<br />

Sibley.<br />

Howard George W., fini~her, h s. w. cor.<br />

AIexanderaveandThird.<br />

Howard Hamilton G., lawyer, 6 L 7 Kan-<br />

ter Block, h 287 Larned e.<br />

Howard Miss Hattie E., dress maker, bds<br />

76 Columbia e.<br />

Howard House, John B. Hamilton, pro-<br />

prietor, cor. Griswold and Congress.<br />

Howard James, blacksmith, bds 193 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Jolln YcL., American<br />

80 Sibley.<br />

Howard John P., gardener, h 692 Clinton<br />

sve.<br />

Howard Joseph, I cold'd) janitor, h 268<br />

Beaul,icn.<br />

Howard Joseph, (col'd.) whitewasher, h<br />

327 Riopelle.<br />

IIoward Lucy, (mid. Franklin) h 128<br />

Macomb.<br />

Howard Patrick C., shoemaker, h 110<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Howard Peter, h 290 Fif lh.<br />

(wid* Robert seamstress,<br />

h 246 Fourth.<br />

Howard. Timothy, lab., h rear 43 Porter.<br />

IIoward Timothy, jr., lab., bds rear 43 Por-<br />

Hi~,"',"d.Welcome 309<br />

HOWHS<br />

George C*,pajnter, h 649 Sixteenth*<br />

Howie Jane, (wit William,) h 588 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Howie Jobn, tinsmith, h 588 Franklin.<br />

Howe Abraham, sailor, h 280 Montcalm e.<br />

Howe Beojamin, sailor, h 90 Abbott.<br />

Howe Benjamin F., clerk, bds 118 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Howe Ernest M., chair maker, bds 512<br />

Michigan ave-<br />

Howe George H., mason, bds 280 Yichl-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Howe George El., engineer, h 307 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Howe Henry A*, agricultural, kls 296<br />

Second.<br />

EIowe James, labb., h I~abrosse s s nr<br />

Eleventh.<br />

IXowe Imnard N., mason, bds 213 Benton.<br />

Howe Leslie L., dentist, room 6 Merrill<br />

block, bds Howard Efouse.<br />

Howe Patrick J., saloon, 127 Franklin, h<br />

same.<br />

Howe Peter, express man, h 359 Abbott*<br />

Eowe Russell jr, cooper, h 204 Divisio-.<br />

Howe Russell sr, cooper, h 381 North.<br />

Howe Sarah Miss, teacher Houghton<br />

school, h 118 Larned w.

-<br />


Howe Solan D., car builder, h 468 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Howe Solan G., carpenter, h 466 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Howe Sophia, (wid GeorgelW.) h 118 Larn-<br />

ed w.<br />

Howe Sylomis, shoemaker, bds 118 Larn-<br />

ed w.<br />

Howell Frederick P., clerk, bds s e cor<br />

Lewis and Second.<br />

Howell Henry, carpenter, h 334 Twelfth.<br />

howell James S., h 144 Jones.<br />

Howell Lea, carpenter, bcls 41 Congress w.<br />

Howell Norman, engineer, h 534 Fort w.<br />

Howell Stephen, cigarmaker, h 145 Brews-<br />

ter.<br />

Howell Thomas, lab., h 176 Riopelle.<br />

Howell William H., painter, h 93 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

How,es Thomas, boiler msker,h 54 Twenly-<br />

thlrd.<br />

Howl Thomas, lab., h 167 Riopelle.<br />

Howland John C., lawyer, office 103<br />

Woodward ave, bds Goodnlan House.<br />

Howland Marcus, clerk, bds Biddle House.<br />

Howland William W., customs, bds 74 old<br />

BIia.mi ave.<br />

IIowlelt Robert, butcher, h 346 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Howley James, policeman, h 180 Abbott.<br />

Howman Samuel, tinsmith, 325 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Howrigan Patrick, blacksmith, h 590 Sev-<br />

teenth.<br />

Howser Charles, lab., h 124 Twentieth.<br />

Howth John jr., lab., bds 91 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Howth John, lab., h 91 St. Antoine.<br />

Howth Mary, (wid Patrick,) h 457 Guoin.<br />

lIosstein-, lab., (Backus & Bro.)<br />

Hoy Clarence, car driver, h s s labrosse nr<br />

Tenth.<br />

Hoy John, grocery, 308 Twelfth, h same.<br />

Hoyt Charles L., jeweler, h 44 Sibley.<br />

Hoy t Fanny Miss, clerk, bds 856 Rnnc.lo!ph.<br />

Hoyt Joseph IT., carpenter, h 33s Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Hoyt Porter H., shoemaker, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hoyt William C., lawyer, room 12 Tele-<br />

graph block, h 6s Winder.<br />

Hubachek Joseph H.: druggist, bds Tre-<br />

mont House.<br />

Huber Christian P., commission, h 164<br />

Park.<br />

Huber Conrad, lab., h 158 Chestnut.<br />

Huber Edmond J., clerk, h 164 Park.<br />

Huber Engelhardt, cabinet maker, h 11<br />

Clay.<br />

Huber Edwin J., book-keeper, h 164 Park.<br />

Huller Frederick, tailor, h 55 Marion.<br />

Huber Henry, furrier, h s e c Hsstings and<br />

Macomb.<br />

Huber John, cabinet maker, bds 4 Clay.<br />





gZT' Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Huber John, grocer, 320 St. Aubin, h same.<br />

Huber 3Iichae1, carpenter, bds 24 Silver.<br />

Huber Stanley B., clerk, bds 164 Park.<br />

Hubert Antoine, lab., h 9 Silver.<br />

Hubert Conrad, lab., h 158 Chesnut.<br />

Hubert Frank, varnisher, bds 21 Pearl.<br />

Hubert Gertrude (wid Andrew,) h 09<br />

&lacorn b.<br />

Hubert Peter, lab., bds 9 Silver.<br />

Hubert Joseph, lab., h 9 Silver.<br />

Hubbard Bela (Hubl~ard & King): h Vinewood<br />

cor Howard.<br />

Hubbard Catherine B. (wid ~mos C.),<br />

Huhbard & Davis, Twenty-fourth, bet<br />

Latayette axe and Howard.<br />

Hubbard Charles E., painter, h w s Third,<br />

bet Cedar and Alexandrine ave.<br />

I-Iul~bard Collins B., with Hubhard &<br />

King, bds Vinewood ave c9r Howard.<br />

Hubbarcl James S., division superin tencleo t<br />

American ;"rIerchants9 Union Express<br />

Co., s e c->r Griswold and Larncd, bds<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Hubbard Joseph, caulker, bds 308 At-<br />

water e.<br />

Hubbard Peter, carriage smith, bds 325<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hul~hard Sarah (wid Thomas), h 127<br />

Park.<br />

Hubbard & Davis (Benjamin &I. Davis,<br />

Catherine B. Hubbard and Sarah bfc-<br />

Knight). nursery,Tnrenty-fourth,bet Fort<br />

and Michigan aye.<br />

Hubbard (5Z King (BeIa Hubbard and John<br />

E.King), lumber dealers, 736 W oodbridge<br />

west.<br />

H~~bbell Nathaniel J., superinten-<br />

dent J. M. Bradstreer & Son's mercantile<br />

agency, h 299 Cass ave.<br />

IIu1)bell William, blacksmith, bds 25<br />

Bates.<br />

Hubbell Williain, clerk, h 46 Charlotte ave.<br />

Hubert Louis, drayman, h 470 Fort e.<br />

Hubert Thomas H., saloon, 7 Brush, h<br />

1 same.<br />

I Huberts Josepl~ina (mid Henry), Yankee<br />

I<br />

notions, 228 St. Antoine, h same.<br />

Hubbert Robert, butcher, h 131 cor Park<br />

and Duffield.<br />

Hubner Mrs. Mary JI., bds 385 Atwater.<br />

1 Huck August, locksmith, h 136 Croghan.<br />

/ Huck William, lab., h 102 Division.


Hudspith James, engineer, h 312 Chestnut.<br />

Huebner Christian, lab., h 359 Columbia e.<br />

Huebner Edward, jr., joiner, bds 246 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Huebner Edward, sr., sash, door and blind<br />

manufacturer, 246 Fort e, h 240 same.<br />

Huebner William, teamster, h 4'71 Macomb.<br />

Hueckstaedt Elizabeth, hair-work, h 169<br />

Fort e.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Hueclrstaedt Johanna, hair-work, h 169<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office, Fort e.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Huegli John A Rev., pastor Trinty Church<br />

(German) 377 Gratiot.<br />

EIuckstein John, clerk, bds s e cor Ctlth- 13uemrnels William, tanner, h 113 Jay.<br />

arine and St. Antoinc.<br />

Hues~nnn Henry, tobacconist, bds 43<br />

Hude Madame M., French embroidery, Hucston George, brakesman, bds Antisdel<br />

1'73 Woodward are, h same.<br />

IIouse.<br />

Hude John N., shoe store, 167 Grand Euether Ernst, gilder. bds 14'7 Lamed e.<br />

River ave, h 169 same.<br />

H~letteman Frank (Huetteman (T; Co.,) h<br />

Hude Peter, h 173 Woodward ave.<br />

Maple nr Orleans.<br />

Hadsmith Thomas 31. jr, moulder, bds 312 Huetteman Joseph, grocer, 147 Russell, h<br />

Chestnut.<br />

same.<br />

Hudson Betsey B. (wid Timothy), h 152 Huettenian (SZ Co., (Frank Huetteman and<br />

Larned e.<br />

Anthony Cramer and A. Schulte) ma-<br />

Hudson Mrs. Caroline, h 59 Jefferson ave. cllinists, 34 At water.<br />

Hudsdn Charles, machinist, )ds 418 Xichi- Huetter Audrew, clerk, bds 366 Riopelle.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Huetter Caspar, vinegar maker, h 370 Rio-<br />

Hudson Charles T,, clerk, bds 66 Char- pelle.<br />

lotte ave.<br />

Huetter William, butcher, h s s Gratiot bet<br />

Hudso~. C. Ward, drugrist, 328 Woodward Chene and Joseph Campah ave.<br />

ave, 11 same.<br />

Huettinger Elizabeth, dress maker, h 310<br />

Hudson Edwin O., traveling agent, bds Sherman.<br />

95 Columbia e.<br />

Huettinger John, blacksmith, h 310 Sher-<br />

Hudson Elon W., vessel owner, room 13 man.<br />

Stimson Block, h 153 Fort w.<br />

Huettinger John, jr., machinist, bds 310<br />

Hudson Frances Miss, teacher Barstow Sherman.<br />

School, bds 152 Larned e.<br />

Huewagen Joseph, varnisher, h 209 Wil-<br />

Hudson George W. (G. W. Huds,on & Co.), kins.<br />

h 20 Henry.<br />

Hufenbeck Cl~ttrles, baker, h 315 Macomb.<br />

Hudson Hannah M., (wid Charles,) h 418 Huff Erastus H., carpenter, h 47 Sixteenth.<br />

3Iichigan ave.<br />

Huff Frederick, carpenter, h 621 Seven-<br />

Hudson Henry B., clerk, h 49 Twentieth. teent h.<br />

Hudson John, car maker, bds 415 Michi- Huff, -. Henry, teamster, (G. W. Hudson &<br />

gan ave.<br />

Go.;<br />

~Gdson John, collar maker, h 349 Watson. Huff Henry D., ticket office, 209 Wood-<br />

Hudson Joseph, saddlery and harness bridge w, h 13 Sixth.<br />

shop, 02 Grand River ave, h same. Huff James S., (Huff 6; Vandermuelen,) h<br />

Huclson Lavinia IMrs., carpet weaver, h 331 Lafayette ave.<br />

349 Watson.<br />

Huff Robert D., clerk, h 89 Elizabeth w.<br />

Hudson Hobert, machinist, bds 418 Michi- Huff & Vanderm~~elen, (James S.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Huff and Peter Vandermuelen, lumber<br />

~udson Thomson J.,editor Daily Union, h dealers, 940 Woodbridge w.<br />

214 Baker.<br />

I Huffman William R., s e cor TVillis<br />

Huclson William, machinist, bds 418<br />

Rlicbigan ave.<br />

1 ave and Third, h same.<br />

Hudson William N., night editor Tribune,<br />

Hufnagel Peter, (P. Hufnagel & Co.,) h<br />

hds 152 Larned e.<br />

120 St, Antoine.<br />

Hudson G. W. & Co., (George W. Hudson HllfnageI P. & Co., (Peter Hufnagel~<br />

and Andrew McPllerson) wood dealers, George Winterhalter, Christian Kirch-<br />

75 Woodbridge w.<br />

berg and Tl~codore Grueninger,) furni-<br />

Hudsonbeater Henry, blacksmith, h 538 ture,213, 215 and 211 Woodward ave.<br />

Federal.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Hndspith Edward,' cordmaker, hda 312 Rntschmidt .Toseph, lab., h 110 .Jay.<br />

Chestnut,<br />

Hug Henry D. M., physician, h 278 Gratiot.


Hughes Anthony G., carpenter, h 186<br />

Second.<br />

Hughes Charles, currier, bds 827 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Hurrhes Charles S., steam-fitter, bds 157<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Hughes Edward, blacksmith, bds 272 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Hughes Edward, teamster, bds 151 Cass.<br />

Hughes Ezra, books, etc., 157 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

' Hughes George W., (Hutchison & Hughes)<br />

h 339 Woodward ave.<br />

Hughes Hannah R., operator, h e s Second<br />

nr Orchard.<br />

Hughes James, lab., hrear 792 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Hughes Jane, (wid Francis W.,) boarding<br />

house, 143 Porter.<br />

Rughas John, helper, bds 40 Dequindre.<br />

Hughes Martha, (col'd) (wid Lucien,) h 188<br />

Croghan.<br />

Hughes Patrlck, grocer, 165 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Hughes Richard, machinist, h 856 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Hughes Thomas, blacksmith, bds 2'72 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Hughes Thomas, carpenter. h 44 Butternut.<br />

Hughes Thomas F., tinner, h s w cor Dal-<br />

zelle and Fourteenth.<br />

HUGO GEORGE, pictures and fi-ames,<br />

340 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Huhler Vinzens, stone cutter, h 534 Cathe-<br />

rine.<br />

Huhn Frank, lab., h 200 Chestnut.<br />

Huid Mary E., artificial flowers, h 67<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Huidle 0. M., conductor, bds Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Huiss Christopher F., tanner, h 310 Michi-<br />

g-an ave.<br />

FIulss Frederick L., tanner, bds 310 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Hullett Chester R., bookkeeper Daily Post<br />

Co. .<br />

Hulan John J., shoemaker, 1'11 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Hulan John, shoemaker, h 737 Sixteenth.<br />

Hull Charles, clerk, h 218 Howard.<br />

Hull Charles B., with K. C. Barker & Co.,<br />

h 388 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hull Edward C., clerk, h 18 Xontcalm w.<br />

Hull George V., bds 74 Washington ave.<br />

Hull Hellen M., (wid John,) h 74 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Hull Jacob, with Hull Bros,, bds 74 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Hull John, t Hull Bros.), bds 74 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Hull Joseph L., clerk, bds 74 Washington<br />

we.<br />

Hull Robert M., bds 74 Washington ave.<br />

a 37<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. PI Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Hull William, (Hull Bros.), h o 42 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Hull Bros., (William, Charles & John),<br />

grocers and butchers, Opera House<br />

Block cor Monroe ave.<br />

Hulme William, machinist, h 135 Abbott.<br />

Human Jacob, lab., h 47 Eighteenth.<br />

Humburg Frederick, clerk, bds s e cor<br />

Mullett and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Humbert George, lab., Twenty-first bet<br />

Lafayette and Howard.<br />

Humbert Peter, sawyer, h 681 Franklin.<br />

I-Iummel Albert, lab., h w s Joseph Campau<br />

ave, bet Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Hummel John L., jeweler, bds 43 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Hummel Philip, boots and shoes, 43 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Hummel Theodore H., edge tool finisher,<br />

bds 43 Michigan ave.<br />

Humpert Adam, tailor, h 205 Adams ave e.<br />

Humpert Louisa, gilder, bds 305 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Humphrey Austin E., cabinet maker, h 75<br />

Montcalm.<br />

Humphrey Edward, clerk, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Hum~hrey Elizabeth, saloon, 20 Franklin,<br />

h same-<br />

Humphrey G. Dallas, cclrk, bds 319 Third.<br />

Humphrey John, clerk, h 256 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Humphrey John, clerk, bds 87 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Humphrey John, engineer, ferry Favorite.<br />

Humphrey John H., auditor <strong>Detroit</strong> Car<br />

and Manufacturing Co., h 163 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Humphrey John, jr., clerk, bds 256 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Humphrey John W., engineer, h 16 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Humphrey Mrs. Ruth, Custom House<br />

i officer, bas 19 Xontcalm w.<br />

I Humphreys Thomas, shoemaker, h Beach<br />

bet Fifth ~ nd Sixth.<br />

I Humphrey William C., painter, h 375<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Humphrey William H., druggist, 12 Grand<br />

, River ave., bds 87 Washigton ave.<br />

Humphrey William H., express messenger,<br />

h 346 Fifth.<br />

Humphrey Austin, carpenter, bds 49<br />

1 Seventeenth.



For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Humrich Carl, lab., h 446 North.<br />

Hundrach Frederick, last turner, h 367<br />

Fort e.<br />

Hundrieser August, shoemaker, h 493 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Hundrieser Martin, lab., h 512 James.<br />

Hungerford, Frank 31, paving, bds n. e. cor.<br />

Sixth and Fulton.<br />

Hungerford Wm. S., paving n e cor of<br />

Sixth and Fulton<br />

Hunser Joseph, butcher, h Orleans and<br />

North.<br />

H~mt Mrs. Alice (wid. Capt. H.) 179 Third<br />

Hunt Charles F., bricklayer, bds cor.<br />

Nineteenth and Baker.<br />

Hunt Cbarles J., lawyer, 31 Congress w.,<br />

h 63 Grand River e.<br />

Hunt Charles W., machinist, h '75 Jones.<br />

Hunt Cleaveland, lawyer, 27 Seitz Block,<br />

h 82 Congress w.<br />

Hunt Daniel, lab., h 88 National ave.<br />

Hunt Edwin M., clerk, bds 357 Cass ave.<br />

Hunt Elias G., grocer, 220 Michigan ave.,<br />

h 210 Fourth. .<br />

hunt Miss F. E., teacher, bds 84 Fort w.<br />

Hunt George W., real estate, 62 Griswold,<br />

h 1105 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hunt James, grocer, 306 Fifth, h same.<br />

Hunt James W., clerk, bds old 155 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Hunt John, boiler maker, bds 79 National<br />

ave.<br />

Runt John H., carpenter, h 490 Sixteenth.<br />

Hunt John P., clerk, h 320 Third.<br />

Hunt Joseph, carpenter, h 490 Sixteenth.<br />

Hunt Martha A., (wid George W.,) h cor<br />

Nineteenth and Baker,<br />

Hunt Nary A., (wid Frank,) washerwo-<br />

man, h 236 Third.<br />

Hunt Patrick, lab, h 502 Woodbridge e.<br />

Hunt Patrick, switchman, h 149 Eigh-<br />

teen th.<br />

Hunt Ronaldson, clerk, h 653 Fort w.<br />

Hunt Miss Sarah, preceptress high school,<br />

h 48 Madison ave.<br />

Hunt Thomas, lab, h 87 National ave.<br />

Hunt Thomas W., clerk, bds 137 Larned e.<br />

Hnnt William B., traveler, h Congress e<br />

nr Lieb.<br />

Hunt William C., produce, h 120 Bags<br />

Hunter Alexander, policeman, h s e cor<br />

Third and Willis'a$e.<br />

Hunter Brooke, clerk, bds 149 Howard.<br />

Hunter Casper C., h 237 Second.<br />

Hunter Charles, clerk, bds 256 First.<br />

Hunter David, clerk, bds 149 Howard.<br />

Hunter Elisha, (col'd) carpenter 11 141<br />

Marion.<br />

Hunter George, carpenter, h 237 Second.<br />

Hunter Hammond, Secretary <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Board of Underwriters, room 2 Tele-<br />

graph Block, bds 149 Howard.<br />

Hunter Henry J:, nurseyman, h 38 Sis-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hunter Jacob, miller, h 68 Farrar.<br />

Hunter James, cartage agent G. T. R. R,,<br />

h 316 Congress w.<br />

Hunter James, engineer, 212 Montcalm e.<br />

Hunter James, cook, Michigan Exchange.<br />

Hunter James, lab, h 56 Bronson.<br />

Hunter .John, clerk, bds 115 Miami ave.<br />

Hunter John, lab, h 85 Bronson.<br />

Hunter John, lumber, h 107 Ledyard.<br />

Hunter John, yard master, h 384 Abhott.<br />

Hunter John, (col'd,) waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Hunter John F., clerk, bds 115 Miami ave.<br />

Hunter John M., engineer, h 321 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Hunter Joseph, cook, h 271 Nichignn ave.<br />

Huuter Lester, carpenter, h 66 Bagg.<br />

Hunter Margarette, bds 120 Henry.<br />

Hunter Rev. Moses H., h 149 Howard.<br />

Hunter Mulford T., engineer, h 25 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Hunter Robert, clerk, bds 364 Ahbott.<br />

Hunter Robert, tailor, h 167 Michigan ave.<br />

Hunter Robert, time keeper, bds 384 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Hunter Rohert sr, yard master M. C. R. R.<br />

dept, h 257 Howard.<br />

Hunter Robert jr, clerk, bds 25 7 Howard.<br />

Hunter William, lab., h Gratiot bet Dubois<br />

and St. Anbin ave.<br />

Hunter William, agent, bds 96 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Huntley Emerson, beer peddlar, bds 103<br />

Catharine.<br />

Huntoon Henry H.,ticket office D. & M. R.<br />

EO R. h 2'71 Jefferson ave.<br />

Huntoon Ransom, machinist, h 12 Wil-<br />

I kins.<br />

Hunzinger Jobn, cabinet maker, h 413<br />

Alfred.<br />

I Hupert Christoper, cabinet maker, h 241<br />

H%Ei'a,rles H., assistant general super-<br />

I intendent M. C. R. E., bds Russell<br />

1 House.<br />

Hurd Henry, lab., h Mather block Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

1 Hurd Henry S., clerk, bds 252 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

, Hurd J. L., (J. L. IIurd & Co.,) res Jolliet<br />


I<br />

r<br />

i:<br />


Hurd John P., (Bridgeman & Hurd,) h 79<br />

hbbott.<br />

Hurd Oscar, bonnet bleacher, h 252Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Hurd 0. W., boarding, h 85 Congress e.<br />

Hurd Stephen E., mechanic h 49 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hurd William T., superintendent N. C. R.<br />

R. cattle yards, h 340 Twentieth.<br />

Hurd J. L. & Co., (J. L. Hurd and Duncan<br />

Stewart,) produce dealers, dock foot<br />

Second.<br />

Hurick George, overseer, h old 630 Jeffer-<br />

son-ave.<br />

Hurkie John, lttb., h Nineteenth nr M. C.<br />

R. R.<br />

Hurlburt Spencer N., book-keeper, bds '77<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Hurl burt Chauncy, wholesale grocer, 30<br />

Woodwa.rd ave, h 661 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hurley Daniel, lab., h 320 Congress w.<br />

Hurley Jeremiah, lab., h 57 Baker.<br />

Hurley John, (Hurley 62 Bro,) bds n w cor<br />

Franklin and Rivard.<br />

Hurley John, coppersmith, h 17 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

EIurley Lawrence, flagman, bds 352 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

IIurley Patrick, carpenter, h 387 Fort e.<br />

Hurley Patrick, lab., bds 23 Abbott.<br />

Hurley Timothy, (Hurley & Bro.,) bds n<br />

w cor Franklin and Hivard.<br />

I'Iurley Wm., teamster, h 173 Fort e.<br />

Hurley & Bro., (Timothy and John,)<br />

carters and wood vard, 286 Atwater e.<br />

Hurney Martin, bootmaker, h 90 Larned e.<br />

Hurst Chas. W., machinist, bds 83 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Hurst Henry, grocer, cor Seventh and<br />

Grand Eiver ave, h cor Eighth and<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Hurst Lewis, (col'd,) lab., h Beaubien s<br />

Fremont.<br />

Hurst Peter, saloon keeper, 213 Wight, h<br />

same.<br />

Hurst Samuel, mason, h 137 Abbott.<br />

Hurst Thos., custom house inspector and<br />

steward Marine Hospital, h same.<br />

Huschner Simon, lab., h 313 Th~rteenth-<br />

and-a-halt.<br />

Huseman Sigmund, machinist, h 232 Cal-<br />

houn.<br />

Huseman -, h 42 Cass.<br />

Huson Chas., waiter, 68 Michigan ave.<br />

Huss Zacob, shoemaker, bds 319 Colum-<br />

bia e,<br />

Hussen Wm., tanner, h Scotten ave,<br />

Springw ells.<br />

Hussey Augustus, book-keeper, h 147 Park.<br />

Hussey Frederick A., book-keeper, h 147<br />

Park.<br />

Hussey Thos., machinist, h 147 Seventh.<br />

Huston Angelina. (wid Alexander,) registry<br />

office, 102 Michigan ave, h same.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Huston Lewis, (col'd,) whitemasher, h 213<br />

Alfred.<br />

Hutchings Edward, clerk, bds 101 Cass.<br />

Hutchings Elizabeth (wid Henry,) Yankee<br />

notions, 161 St. Antoine, h same.<br />

Hutchings George B.,clerk.bds 85 Adelaide.<br />

Hutchings John, b 126 High.<br />

Hutchings John, h 85 Adelaide.<br />

Hutchings Richard >I., clerk, bds 85 Adelaide.<br />

Hutchings Susan, (wid Robert), h 165<br />

Second.<br />

Hutchins Moses P., clerk receiver of taxes<br />

office, room 19 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 114 Baker.<br />

Hutchins Wm. P., pipeman, bds 114 Baker.<br />

Hutchinson Edwin B., book-keeper , with<br />

Backus & Bro.<br />

Hutchinson Frank B., machinist, bds 556<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hutchinson Fra~k T., hatter, h 232 Brush.<br />

Hutchinson Henry, carpenter, bds 26 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Hutchinson Mary, (wid William,) h 68<br />

Sibley.<br />

Hutchinson Mathew, machinist, bds $37<br />

Orleans.<br />

Hutch ison Henry, (Hutchison & Hughes ,)<br />

h 27 Fort e.<br />

Hutchison & Hugb es (Henry Hutchison<br />

& George W. Hughes,) joiner shop, 9<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Ruth Nichael wagon maker, h 200 Clinton.<br />

Huthes John, blacksmith, bds 40 Dequindre.<br />

Hutmaker Catharine,' (wid Christopher,) h<br />

116 Calhoun.<br />

Hutter John, baker, bds 133 Franklin.<br />

Hutter John, clerk, bds 446 Orlerttls.<br />

Hutter Lorenz, carpenter, h 108 Napoleon.<br />

Hutter William, lab., h 251 Eighteenth.<br />

Hutton Charles, contectioner, 273 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 323 same.<br />

Huttoh Edward, harness maker, bds 179<br />

Larned east.<br />

Hutton George, engineer, h 193 Joseph:<br />

Ctzmpau ave.<br />

Hutton William, (Desotell (& Hutton,) h<br />

327 Franklin.<br />

Huttuket Peter, carpenter, h 605 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Husfor Henry, engineer, h 316 Franklin.<br />

Huyer Peter, (P. & R. Huyser,) h 293<br />

: Woodwardave. .


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Huyser Rocus, (P. & R. Huyser,) h 293<br />

Woodwad ave.<br />

Huyser P. & R., (Peter S; Rocus,) grocers,<br />

293 Woodward ave.<br />

Hyde Charles, teamster, with C. E. Leech,<br />

Hyde Julia A., (wid Oliver M.,) h 172<br />

Lata ette ave.<br />

Hyde i! ewis C., h 172 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hyde Valentine IT., lamps and fluid, 183<br />

Woodward ave, bds Goodman House.<br />

Hydeliff C. C., music teacher, h 69 St. Antoine.<br />

Hyer Elias, lab., h 163 Twenty-second.<br />

Hyert Charles, sawyer, h 280 Guoin.<br />

Hyland John, fireman fire dept., bds 27<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Hymus Francis A., milk man, h 82<br />

Twelfth.<br />

-<br />

I<br />

BERTS Hans Kuerth, cabinet maker, h 1 11 1 Marion.<br />

Ibberson Kichard, foreman, h 685 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Ibbotson Anthony, watchman, h 151 Napoleon.<br />

Ibbotson John J., captain schooner Reindeer,<br />

h 315 Mullett.<br />

Ida Peter, huckster, stall 38 C. H. 31.) h<br />

712 Michigan ave.<br />

Idem Frederick, lab., h 578 Orleans.<br />

IhlenfelCt John, lab., h n s Chestnut bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Illges Catharine, tailoress, bds 70 Harriett.<br />

Illges Elizabeth, (wid John,) h '10 Harriett.<br />

Illges Gustave, (Illges & Roemer,) h 5'0<br />

Harriett.<br />

Iliges & Roemer, (Gustave Illges & Albert<br />

W. Roemer,) manfr cigars, 83 Gratiot.<br />

Illian James I., teacher, h 187 Croghan.<br />

Illick Samuel F., dry goods, 310 Woodward<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Illinois Leather Co., J. Mills Spaulding<br />

agent, dealers in hair for mattrasses, lime<br />

&c., 511 Fort w.<br />

Illinois Pneumatic Gas Co., n s Wight nr<br />

Lei'o.<br />

Ilsley Henry, (Hawksley & Ilsley,) h 547<br />

St. Antoiue.<br />

Immal August, clerk, bds 313 Croghan.<br />

Ince Isabella, (wid Henry,) h 16 Oak.<br />

Ince Richard, drugs 291 Woodward ave,<br />

bds 16 Oak.<br />

Ingalls T. Clarkson, shoemaker, bds Good-<br />

man House.<br />

Ingerman Thomas, engineer, h Burlington.<br />

Ingersoll Walter, h 313 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ingersoll Isaac W., builder, 72 and 14 Fort<br />

e, h 145 Congress e.<br />

Inglis George, tobacco and cigars, 301<br />

Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Inglis John, clerk, bds Cass Hotel.<br />

Inglis John S., clerk Blue line, bds 123<br />

Shelby.<br />

Inglis Peter L., clerk Blue line, bds 123<br />

Shelby.<br />

Inglis Richard, physician, 21 State, h same.<br />

Ingold George, (Ingold & Ruehle,) h 332<br />

Hastings.<br />

Ingold & Ruehle (George Ingold 62 Chris-<br />

tof Ruehle,) boots and shoes, 332 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Iogaham A. E., clerk, bds 88 Howard.<br />

hie William, clerk, bds 148 Congress e.<br />

Innis Edward, lab., bds old 270 Congress e.<br />

Innis James R., captain, bds 4 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Innis Captain William, bds cor Atwater<br />

and Bates.<br />

Insfield G. W., hatter, bds Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Inslee Cereno W. (L. J. Staples & Co. j, h<br />

135 Cass.<br />

Intermill Thomas,brakesman, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Ireton Joseph, sexton, h 87 Dufield.<br />

Ireton Thomas, blacksmith, h 479 High..<br />

Irion John, saloon, 429 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Ironfield John, shoemaker, h 246 Seventh.<br />

Ironmonger Edward, policeman, h 157<br />

Abbott.<br />

Ironmonger James, butcher, bds 275 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Irons Charles A., machinist, bds 8 Aspinall<br />

Terrace.<br />

Irons Frank B., machinist, bds 2 Aspinall<br />

Terrace.<br />

Irons John, lab., h 217 Atwater.<br />

Irvin Samuel sr, carpenter, h 53 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Irvin Samuel jr, car builder, h 289 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Irvin William, carpenter, bds 83 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Irvine Frank C., clerk, bds 48 Park Place.<br />

Irvine James, clerk, D. & M. R. R., bds<br />

269 Jefferson ave.<br />

Irvine James, clerk, bds 98 Larned e.<br />

Irvine Matilda (wid John D.), h 48 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Irvine William H., clerk, bds 48 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Irving Avis (wid John), h 160 Howard.<br />

Irving David, carver, h 426 St. Antoine.

- --<br />


Irving D. N., foreman, House of Correc-<br />

tion.<br />

Irving George, ship builder, h 138 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Irving George jr, captain, bds 16 Franklin<br />

ave.<br />

Irving Mark E. (William F. Lay & Co.),<br />

bds Biddle House.<br />

1r;ing Richard S., blacksmith, M. C. R. R.<br />

Irwin George, produce, 81 Lewis.<br />

Irwin James, printer, bds 55 Church.<br />

Irwin John, produce, h 208 Fourth.<br />

Irwin John, confectioner, h 139 Williams<br />

ave.<br />

Irwin William, policenlan, h 55 Church.<br />

Irwin William, porter, bets 34 Larned w.<br />

Irwin William G., trav. agent, bds 364<br />

Sixth.<br />

Tsbell Nilo H., merchant tailor, 126 Mich-<br />

igan ave, h 67 Clifford.<br />

Isbell N illard B., clerk, bds 169 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Isdole James, moulder, h 532 Fort e.<br />

Isham Charles S., (31ajor & Isham) h 2'76<br />

Congress e.<br />

Isham Melissa P., (wid Warren) h 278<br />

Larned e.<br />

Islar August, lab., h w side Twenty-third<br />

bet Butternut and Ash.<br />

Istmare Thomas, lab., 31. C. R. R.<br />

Itsell Stephen W., clerk, h 113 Miami we.<br />

Ivers John, saloon, 245 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Iverson George, lab., bds Fremont e Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Ives Albert, jr., (A. Ives & Sons) h 769<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Ives Albert, sr., (A. Ives & Sons) h cor<br />

Cass and Willis aves.<br />

Ives Butler, (A. Ives (52 Sons) h 79 State.<br />

Ives Caleb (Ives, Green & Co.,) r. Monroe,<br />

Ives Pamelia (wid William J.) boarding, h<br />

22 Lafayet te.<br />

Ives Charles, clerk, bds Howard IIouse.<br />

Ives Xdmard L., cutter, bds 288 Lafay-<br />

el te ave.<br />

Ives George W. L., engineer, h 298 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Ives Hnowles T., bookseller, h 27' Grand<br />

River ave e.<br />

Ives Lewis T., attorney, D. & 31. R. R., h<br />

old 40 new 78 Winder.<br />

Ives M. B., bds Howard House.<br />

Ives Peter B., saloon and billiards, s w cor<br />

Grand River ave and Park Place.<br />

Ives Stephen H., loan office, cor Congress<br />

and Woodward ave, bds Howard House.<br />

Ives William, clerk, bds n w cor Cass and<br />

Willis aves.<br />

Ives A. & Sons (Albert sr., Albert jr., and<br />

Butler) bankers, 149 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ives, Green & Co., (Caleb Ives, George B.<br />

Green and estate of Humphrey Owen,)<br />

lumber dealers, 478 to 500 Atwater.<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, Davgs & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Ivor George B., seeds and produce, 41<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Ivor Letty Miss, 60 Larned w.<br />

J<br />

ACK Adam, lab., h 303 Twenty-<br />

J second.<br />

Jack George T., clerk, h 72 Beaubien.<br />

Jack Mary A., (wid William,) h 248 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Jack William, clerk, h 140 Sixteenth.<br />

Jack William, shoemaker, bits 59 First.<br />

Jack William G., painter, h 429 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Jacklin Charles, clerk, bds 291 Sixteenth.<br />

Jacklin James E., teacher High School,<br />

bds 233 First.<br />

Jacklin Mary Ann Mrs., h 233 First.<br />

Jacklin illathias, cigar manufr, h 291 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Jacklin William T., bds Goodman House.<br />

Jackson Alonzo, lab., h 26 fiabrosse.<br />

Jackson Anthony, lab., h 10 Chase.<br />

Jackson Boyd, (col'd) porter, h 267 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Jackson George, bar tender, bds 7 Brush.<br />

Jackson George, (Custom House,) h 64<br />

Sibley.<br />

Jackson George, janitor, 111 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Jackson Elizabeth, (mid Henry,) h 16<br />

Lewis.<br />

Jackson Henry: sailmaker, h 43 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Jackson Hiram, apprentice, bds 10 Chase.<br />

Jackson James, blacksmith, h 186 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Jackson James, captain, h 425 Sixth.<br />

Jackson James A., (col'd) barber, 42 Fort<br />

e, h 133 Clinton.<br />

Jackson Joseph E., clerk city assessors<br />

office, bds 44 Park Place.<br />

Jackson Miles, carpenter, bds 61 Wayne.<br />

Jackson Rachel, (col'd wid Robert,) h 128<br />

I Lafayette.<br />

Jackson Robert, moulder, h 282 Orleans.<br />

1<br />

Jackson Thomas, butcher, 98 Congress<br />

e, bds 2%' Jefferson ave.<br />

I Jackson Sylvester S., musician, h 75 Duffield.<br />

Jackson William, sole leather cutter, h<br />

157 Bates.<br />

Jackson William, stone cutter, h 137<br />



mArEmw$s<br />

, ,<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Jackson William A., telegraph operator,<br />

bds 247 Woodward ave.<br />

Jackson William H., barber, h 202 Cocgress<br />

e.<br />

Jackson Captain, <strong>City</strong> <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Jackson & Wiley, (Jefferson Wiley<br />

and \Villistm B. Hubinson,) brass and<br />

iron founders cor v\ oodbridge and Fifth.<br />

(&e ada.)<br />

Jacobs Adolph, printer, h 435 Catharine.<br />

Jacobs August, merchant tailor, 133 Jefferson,<br />

h 37 Lafayette.<br />

Jacobs Frederick, lab., h 203 Twentysecond.<br />

Jacobs, Gustave, harness maker, bds 181<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Jacobs Hermann, barber, bds 187 Lafay<br />

et te.<br />

Jacobs John, agent burglar alarm, h 131<br />

Baker.<br />

Jacobs John C., grocer, s. e. cor Rivard<br />

and Clinton.<br />

Jacobs Mathias, lab., h 76 Jay.<br />

Jacobs Obney, peddlar, h 52 Catharine.<br />

Jacobs Otto, clerk, bds 215 Russell.<br />

Jacobs Rudolph, barber, bds 187 Lafayette.<br />

Jacobs William D., cooper, 291 Hastings,<br />

h same.<br />

Jacober Gustave, turner, h 13 Wilkins.<br />

Jacobs Anton, teamster, h 103 Napoleon.<br />

Jacobs Frederick, grocer, s. w. cor. Maple<br />

and Russell, h same.<br />

J~CO~JS Guido, physician, h 215 Russell.<br />

Jacobs Harns, pound master, E. D , h 85<br />

Fort e. .<br />

Jacobs Henry, lab, h '79, Twenty-second.<br />

Jacobs Hollis, saloon, h 866 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Jacobs John, cigar maker, h 180 Labrosse.<br />

Jacobs Louis, peddlar, h 35 Mullett.<br />

Jacobs Louisa, dressmaker, bds s. s. Baker,<br />

bet Ninth ave and Tenth.<br />

Jacobs Mary, seamstress, h 376 Catharine.<br />

J acobs Max, peddlar, h 52 Catharine.<br />

Jacobs Rudolph, barber, bds 187 Lafayette.<br />

Jacobs Shay, h old 13% Griswold.<br />

Jacobs Valentine, carpenter, 621 Michigan<br />

bcve.<br />

Jacobs William, cigar maker, bds 203<br />

Twenty-second,<br />

Jacobson H., cigar maker, h s w cor<br />

Itivard and Macomb.<br />

Jacobson, Herman, cigar maker, bds 43<br />

BI ichigan Grand ave.<br />

Jacobson Henrietta, (S. Simon cSt Co.) h<br />

34 Adelaide.<br />

Jacobson Joseph, proof reader, bds Erichsen<br />

Hotel.<br />

Jacobson bIeyer, peddlar, h $0 Catharine.<br />

Jacobus William, brakesman, 31. C. R. R.<br />

Jadway John, engineer, h 142 Hastings.<br />

Jaeger August, shoemaker, h 208 Calhoun.<br />

Jaeger Catharine, (wid Nicholaus,) h 410<br />

Alfred.<br />

Jaeger Conrad, lab., h 201 Thirteenth-and<br />

a-half.<br />

Jaeger David, cigar maker, bds 410 Alfred.<br />

Jaeger Henry, carpertsr, h 155 Jay.<br />

Jaeger Henry,grocer, 415 Hastings, h same.<br />

Jaeger Jacob, carpenter, h 306 Croghan.<br />

Jaeger John G., mason, h 301 High.<br />

Jaeger Mary M. F., bds 301 High.<br />

Jaeger Peter peddlar, bds 415 Hastings.<br />

Jaeger Sophia, tailoress, bds 301 High.<br />

Jaeserich Gottlieb, tanner h 222 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Jaffrey Rosswell, (col'd) waiter, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Jagerisky Michael, cabinet maker, h 468<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Jahn Adolph, upholsterer. h 323 Macomb.<br />

Jahn Charles, lab h 431 Macomb.<br />

Jahn Ernst, oculist snd aurist, 154 Gratiot.<br />

Jahn Julius, carpenter, h 134 Catharine.<br />

Jahn Julius jr, lithographer, bds 134 Catharine.<br />

Jahn Blichael, carpenter, bds 296 Beaubien.<br />

Jahn William, (Jahn cB Co.), h 299 Beaubien.<br />

Jahn 62 Co., (William Jahn, Richard Bradel,<br />

& Edward Scovill,) cigar mnfrs, 299<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Jahrling Frederick, safe maker, h 68 BIullett.<br />

Jaime Joseph, sailor, h 409 Franklin.<br />

Jaimeyfield Victor, sawyer, h n s &facomb<br />

nr McDougall ave.<br />

Jakle Mathia,~, lab., h 305 Eighteenth.<br />

James Casmer P., traveling agent, bds<br />

Peninsular House. .<br />

James Charles B , (C. 13. James & Co.), h<br />

143 Lafayette ave.<br />

James Edward, sailor, h 193 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

James Emma (wid. Courtney H.) h 169<br />

Congress e.<br />

James Henry H., (James & Martin) h 11<br />

Washington ave.<br />

James Jacob (col'd) lab., h 214 St. Antoine.<br />

James John$ new 45 Washington ave.<br />

James Lewis W,, lab., h 294 Twentysecond.


James William V., wholesale liquor, 52<br />

Grand River ave., h same.<br />

James C. B. & Co., (Charles B. James)<br />

wholesale hardware, 85 and 87 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

James & Martin, (Henry H.,<br />

James, Daniel W, Martin) hardware, 160<br />

Woodward ave. (See adu.)<br />

Jamieson Charles F., tailor, 14 Gratiot, h<br />

42 Elizabeth e.<br />

Jamieson George A., clerk, bds 247 Wood-<br />

- ward ave.<br />

Jamieson Joseph, carpenter, h 264' Mont-<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Jefferd Peter, carpenter, h 157 Wight.<br />

Jeffries John, barber, 301 Woodward ave,<br />

calm e.<br />

h same.<br />

Ja~nieson Richard E., clerk, h old 190 new Jeffers John G., h 69 Grand River rave e.<br />

221 Congress e.<br />

Jeffers Patrick, shoemaker,bds 93 Larned e.<br />

Ja.mies~n Hobert A., physician, 247 Wood- Jefferson James, fireman, bds o 270 Conward<br />

ave., h same.<br />

gress e.<br />

Jamieson Sauuel (Siggins & Jamieson), h Jeffrey Calvin, (col'd), conductor, h 454<br />

115 Filth.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Janda Paulus. mason, h 121 Napoleon. Jeffrey Isabell, h 439 Sixth.<br />

Jandron Moses, lab., h 367 Dubois. Jeffrey James, clerk, h 111 L~cbrosse.<br />

Jandors Isaac, billiard hall, 312 Wood- Jeffrey Roswell, (col'd,) waiter, bds 128<br />

ward ave., h same.<br />

Lafiayette.<br />

Janeran Rose (wid.) h 399 Franklin. Jeffrey Wm., carpenter, h 151 Locust.<br />

Jansen G. George, builder, 40 Columbia Jefikooshy Wenzel, tailor, h 6 Webster.<br />

e, h 37 same<br />

Jehle Vital, farmer, h w s Dequindre, nr<br />

Jansen Hugo, city express, bds 2-02 Lar Frenlont.<br />

ned w.<br />

Jelly Henry, carpenter, h 437 Lafayette.<br />

Jansen Louis, upholsterer, '74 Congress e., Jelly Jane D., (wid Richard,) h o 897 n<br />

h 152 Hastings.<br />

965 Jefferson ave.<br />

Janz John, blacksmith. bds 145 Croghan. Jelsch Francis, (Jelsch & Co.,) h 158 Ran-<br />

Japes John, lumber dealer, 643 Gratiot, h dolph.<br />

same.<br />

Jelsch Joseph, saloon, 425 Congress e, h<br />

Jnrrait Charles, sailor, h 410 Mullett. same.<br />

Jarrait John, painter, bds 86 Adams ave Jelsch Joseph A., carpenter, bds 425 Conwest.<br />

gress e.<br />

Jarrett Frank, clerk, bds 81 Congress e. Jelsch & Co., (Francis Jelsche and IVm. J.<br />

Jarrett Peter, carpenter, h 86 Adams ave Duennebacke,) tobacconists, 1 3Iichi~aa<br />

west.<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Jnrr David, boat builder, h 4.58 Lafayette. Jeneck George, lab., h 340 Antietam.<br />

Jarskey Nicholas, baker, h 467 Hastings. Jenkins Henry, (col'd), barber, n e cor<br />

Jaure Frank, ship carpenter, h 251 Dubois. Third and Woodbridge, and 169 Micbi-<br />

JarvisIrving, clerk, bds 55 Washington gan nve h same.<br />

ave.<br />

Jenkins John, carpenter, h 62 Twenty-first.<br />

Jarvis John, carpenter, (Candler Bros.) Jenkins John, moulder, bds 102 Franklin.<br />

Jar vis Matilda, (wid. George) tailoress. h Jenkins Lewis S., sewing machine agent,<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-hall, e s bet Baker and bds 27 Beaubien.<br />

Maran tette.<br />

Jenkins Reblaca F., (wid John,) tailoress,<br />

Jarvis Wm., clerk, bds Thirteenth-and-a- ' h 463 Lafayette.<br />

half nr Baker.<br />

Jenkins Thomas, lab, h 46 Twenty Third.<br />

Jaskulkae Julia, tailoress, h 12 Silver. Jenks B. W., student, bds 252 Woodward<br />

Jasnowski Philip, cigar maker, bds 107 ave.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Jenks Edward W., physician, 84 Lafayette<br />

Jasnowski Saturnin, letter carrier, district ave h same.<br />

18, h 107 Seventeenth.<br />

Jenks George A., clerk.bds 51 Nacomb ave.<br />

Jauquemain Wm., piano maker, h 403 Jenks James, machinery depot, 29 Atwat-<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

er? h 51 Macomb ave.<br />

Jeanes James, baker, 67 Larned w, h same. Jelnks Mrs. Jennie, saloon, 8'77 and 2'79<br />

Jeckel Lizzie, machine operator, bds 22 Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Jeuks Lucian D.,lclerk, h 135 Montcalm e.<br />

Jeckel Martin, lab, h 22 Chestnut. Jenner A. J. B., physician, 235 Woodward<br />

Jeckley Matthias, carpenter, h 305 Eigh- ave, h same.<br />

teenth.<br />

Jenness Henry L., clerk, 88 Jefferson ave.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

Jenness John S., (Fiske 6; Jenness,) h<br />

Ypsilanti Mich.<br />

Jenness John S., h 269 Lafayette ave.<br />

Jenney Royal A., teacher, s s Gratiot bet<br />

>It. Eiliott and Elmmood ave.<br />

Jenney William, lumber, h 169 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Jennett James R., cabinet maker, h 382<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Jennings Augustus F., assayer, <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

assay office, h 154 Jefferson ave, h 223<br />

Park.<br />

Jennings Charles H., (Jennings & Chappil,)<br />

h 69 Lewis.<br />

Jenuings Mrs. C., Lossing, manager Woman's<br />

Tea Co., room 8 Studio biulding<br />

cor of Griswold and State, h same.<br />

Jennings Edmund E., propr dollar hat<br />

store, 60 Monroe ave, bds 283 Park.<br />

Jennings Ellen C., (mid John M. ,) h 23<br />

Park.<br />

Jetlnings &'rancis A., hack propr, h 41<br />

Cass.<br />

Jennings Hiram D., carpenter, h 11 Jones.<br />

Jennings Jarvis S., merchant tailor, bds<br />

Russell House.<br />

Jennings John, second hand dealer, 212<br />

Gratiot. h same.<br />

~ennings john P., painter, h Sycamore nr<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Jennings Robert, hack driver, Rairoad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Jennings Thomas, hack driver, bds '


Johns David R., blacksmith, h 457 Lar-<br />

ned east. I DRUGGISTS<br />

JO~Q' w., painterybds 294 Croghan*<br />

Johns William jr., lawyer, 42 Larned w.,<br />

h 272 Second.<br />

Johnson -, book-keeper, h 266 First.<br />

Johnson Alexander, lab. , h 758 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

~ohns;n Alexander, (col'd,) farmer, h 5'77<br />

Larned e.<br />

Johnson Albert H., builder, h 73 National<br />

ave.<br />

Johnson Altred, (col'd,) coal burner, bds<br />

196 Franklin.<br />

.Johnson Alfred, baggageman G. W. R. R.,<br />

h 70 Jones.<br />

Johnson Alfred, (Johnson & Dupuis,) h<br />

960 Jefferson ave.<br />

Johnson Anthony, tailor, old 192, new 218<br />

Sixth.<br />

Johnson Augustus S., h 147 Elizabeth e.<br />

Johnson Bernard G., clerk, bds 198 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Johnson B. Scott, clerk, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Johson Caleb D., lab., h 17 Twentieth.<br />

Will find it to adVan!age to at om ofsca<br />

and exarmne our h e of standard<br />


Parlce, Davis & Co.<br />

see ddvertieement, page 9.<br />

Johnson Frederick, teamster, h 109 Seventeenth.<br />

Johnson Gaorge (col'd) barber, bds 69 Harriet.<br />

Johnson George, huckster, stall 2 upper<br />

C. IZ Bf., h 562 Croghan.<br />

Johnson George A., clerk, h 165 Howard.<br />

Johnson George H., . bank teller, bds 8<br />

Palmer.<br />

Johnson George S., clerk, h 312 Second.<br />

Johnson Hamilton (M. Johnson 62 Son,) h<br />

85 Howard.<br />

Johnson Harvey, wood dealer, h old 14<br />

w Park Place.<br />

Johnson Henry, agent, bds 199 Clifford.<br />

Johnson Henry (col'd) lab., bds 66 Harriet.<br />

John~on Catharine, (col'd, wid William,) h Johnson Henry L., brakesman, h 20 Beech.<br />

126 Macomb.<br />

Johnson Henry H., brakesman, h 34 Sev-<br />

Johnson Charles, lab., h 223 Twenty-sec- enteenth.<br />

ond.<br />

Johnson Henry TV., overseer House of<br />

Johnson Charles W., wire weaver, h 'Har- Correction, bds same.<br />

per's Hospital.<br />

Johnson Hiram R., h 74 Lafayette ave.<br />

J~hnson Charlotte, (mid George,) h 66 Johnson Hugh, lab., h 318 Franklin.<br />

P~ne.<br />

Johnson H~gh,~ carriages, cor Uass and<br />

Johnson Christopher, lab., h 195 Third. Larned, h 28 belden.<br />

Johnson David E,, news depot, 161 Wood- Johnson Jacob, wholesale liquor dealer,<br />

ward ave, h same.<br />

27 Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Johnson Da~ld H., waggon maker, h 135 Johnson James, teamster, h 449 Franklin.<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Johnson James (col'd), carpenter, h n w<br />

.Johnson Edward, (Edward Jchnson cor Kentucky and Hastings.<br />

Son,) h 181 Sixth.<br />

Johnson Jane E., teacher, Bishop Union<br />

Johnson Edward jr., (Edward Johnson & School.<br />

Son,) h 187 Sixth.<br />

Johnson James M. (Reeves & Johnson), h<br />

Johnson Edward, (col'd) lab., bde 160 Di- 329 Twelfth.<br />

vision.<br />

Johnson Jesse jr, (col'd), lab, bds 391<br />

Johnson Edward, lab., h 506 Woodbridge Maple.<br />

east.<br />

Johnson John, captain, h 130 Brad .<br />

Johnson Eliza, (wid James! col'd,) h 66 Johnson John (col'd), lrh., h 160 &inton.<br />

Harriet.<br />

Johnson John, lab., h 356 Franklin.<br />

Johnson Ellen (wid Benjamin) huckster, Johnson John, saloon, 331 Grand River<br />

7 C - H. &I., h Brush bet Congress and ave, h same.<br />

Fort, (in alley )<br />

Johnson John, ship carpenter, h 329<br />

Johnson Ellen (wid John) washerwoman, Catherine.<br />

h alley off Brush bet Fort e and Con- Johnson John (co17d), waiter, h 65 Mulgress<br />

e.<br />

lett.<br />

Johnson Eugene, barber, biis 293 Jeffer- Johnson John B., lab., h 27 Eighteenth.<br />

son ave.<br />

Johnson Joseph, engi~eer, bds 573 Lafay-<br />

Johnson Fanney D., h Lewis nr Second. ette.<br />

Johnson Frank A., carpenter, bds 73 Na- Johnson Joseph, fireman, h 600 Congress<br />

tional ave.<br />

east.<br />

JohnsonFrank S.,painter, bds 212 Ran- Johnson Joseph (col'd), lab., h 280 Ordo1<br />

ph.<br />

leans.<br />

Johnson Frederick, teamster, h cor Nine- Johnson Joshua, porter, bds s m cor Cl4-<br />

, teenth and Michigan ave.<br />

ton and Xastings.<br />



a&rmEw<br />

Johnson Wheaton, (col'd,) porter, h 139<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Johnson Wm., (col'd,) burner coal, bds<br />

196 Franklin.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE. Johnson Wm.. (col'd.) h 51 Franklin.<br />

Johnson ~ m.; iab., h'85 Twelfth.<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, Johnson TVm., (col'd, lab., h 2'72 Alfred.<br />

w SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Johnson Wm., (col'd] lab., h 56 Mnllett.<br />

Johnson Wm. H., engineer, h 45 Dubois.<br />

Johnson Julia, h 107 Atwater.<br />

Johnson Wm. H., fkuit store, 95 Atwater,<br />

Johnson J. Q., physician, 13 High, h same. h same.<br />

Johnson Lazarus (col'd), lab., bds 223 Or- Johnson Wm. N., trav. agt, h 163 Howard.<br />

leans.<br />

Johnson Wilmot, (col'd,) waiter, bds 128<br />

Johnson Lewis E., clerk, bds 250- Ran- Lafayette e.<br />

dolph.<br />

Johnson W. W., book keeper, h 85 Sproat.<br />

Johnson Linsey, (col'd), teamster, h 391 Johnson W. H., e~gineer, M C: R R.,<br />

Naple.<br />

Johnson Edward & Son, (Edward and Ed-<br />

Johnson Linsey jr, (col'd), lab., h 391 ward j r,) brewers, s w cor Michigan ave<br />

Maple.<br />

and Sixth.<br />

Johnson Louis, sr, foreman, h 573 Lafay- Johnson & Dupuis, (Alfred Johnson and<br />

ette.<br />

Henry C. Dupuis,) grocers, ,960 Jeffer-<br />

~ohnson Louis jr, clerk, bds 573 Lafayette. son<br />

Johnson Miss Margaret, h 328 Porter. Johnson M. & Son, (Norgan & Hamilton,)<br />

Johnson Margeretha (wid Lewis),<br />

grain commission 62 Woodbridge w.<br />

cor Dubois and New, below Gratiot.<br />

Johnson & wheele;, (Waldo 31. Johnson<br />

and Richard 0. Wheeler,) wholesale<br />

Johnson Morgan (M. Johnson & son), h grocen, 15 Woodward ave.<br />

85 Howard.<br />

Jollnston Bell, confectioner,bds 31 Charles.<br />

Johnson Mrs. (wid), h 172 Porter. Johnson Edwin, h 68 Sibley.<br />

Johnson 3Irs., agent, h 8 Abbott.<br />

Johnston Eugene A., (col'd) barber, bds<br />

Johnson Nathaniel F., engineer, h 328 St. 293 Jefferson ave,<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Johnston George A., clerk, h 165 Eoward.<br />

Johnson N. C., fireman, M. C. R. R. Johnston George A,, (col'd) barber, 93<br />

Johnson Oliver (col'd), waiter, bds 124 Griswold, h 69 Harriet.<br />

Russell.<br />

Johnston Henry, (col'd) cook, h Beaubien<br />

Johnson Patrick, baker, h 498 Third. nr Grove.<br />

Johnson Patrick* ~eddla, h 360 Michigan JoSnston James, carpenter, h o 40 Seventh.<br />

ave.<br />

Johnston James, carpenter, h 31 Charles.<br />

Johnson Peter W., painter, h 265 Eliza- Johnston James, photographer, cor Bates<br />

beth e.<br />

nr Larned, h 332 Woodward ave.<br />

Johnson Phoebe, saloon, 20 Beaubien, h Jolmston James, receiving teller, bds 162<br />

same.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Johnson Phillip, (col'd3 music teacher, . Johnston Jessie F., real estate dealer, h<br />

bds 128 Lafayette e.<br />

152 St. A~toine.<br />

Johnson Richard H e , clerk, h Columbia e, Joh~ston John W., land dealer, Bntler<br />

cor St. Antoine.<br />

Block, h 471 Sixteenth.<br />

Johnson Richard, (col'd,) carpenter, h 303 Johnston Joseph B. W., conductor, bds 86<br />

Clinton.<br />

Brad y .<br />

Johnson Richard, lab., h 375 Franklin. Johnston Richard N., clerk, h 3.58 St. An-<br />

Johnson Robert, (col'd,) deck hand, h 78 toine.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Johnston Thomas, carpenter, hL296 Thir-<br />

Johnson Robert, jr., (col'd), lab., bds 391 teenth-and-a-half.<br />

Maple.<br />

Johnston Thomas, (COW) jab., h Grove w<br />

?ol~nson Samuel, policeman, h 14 Locust. Beaubien.<br />

Johnson Sidney C., oyster and fish house, Johnston Thomas, mason, bds 145 Abbott.<br />

198 Woodward 8% h 169 Adams ave e- Johnston William, cooper, h 636 Beaubien.<br />

Johnson Btepben S., (col'd,) janitor Mer- Johnston William, horse shoer, bds 7 Abrill<br />

Hall, h 136 Laftiyette.<br />

bott.<br />

Johnson Theodore, sawyer, h 696 Wood- Johnston Wm., druggist, 29,153, 155 and<br />

bridge w.<br />

231 Jefferson ave.<br />

Johnson Thomas, carpenter, h Fifteenth Johnstone Hanna JZ., tea caddies, 199<br />

nr Michigan ave.<br />

Michigan ave, h ssme.<br />

Johnqon Waldo &I., (Johnson 2% Wheeler,) Johnstone John, foreman, h 199 Michigan<br />

h 189 Fort w.<br />

, ave.


Johnstone R. F., (Johnstone & Gibbons,) ' LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

bds Congress w bet Shelby and Wayne.<br />

880- CALL AT<br />

Johnstone William H., mason, h 18 Sibley.<br />

Johnstone & Gibbons, (R. F. Johnstone &<br />

R. Gibbons,) proprietors Michigan Farmer,<br />

42 Larned e.<br />

Johr Charles H.. clerk, bds Goodman , FnIton Market Oyster Honse,<br />

House.<br />

Johr Francis, painter, h 267 Lafayette, I 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

oJ'8ters<br />

jollie William, carpenter, h 215 adams I<br />

in the Shell 8 S ecialty. Wholecale<br />

and Reta 9<br />

ave e.<br />

Jolly Wilson, engineer, bds Finney7s Hotel.<br />

Jolum Ernest, whitewasher, h 280 Clinton.<br />

Jones John, (col'd) barber, bds 106 Rus-<br />

Jonas John, carpenter, h 149 Division.<br />

sell.<br />

Jonas Martin, Supt. Western Cigar Co.,<br />

Jones John, carpenter, h s s Kentucky<br />

h 36 Columbia w.<br />

bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Jones Adam, lab, h 618 Seventeenth.<br />

Jones John, engineer, bds 437 Congress e.<br />

Jones Adolph, lab, h 245 Sherman.<br />

Jones John D., clerk, h 208 Rivard.<br />

Jones Alexander, machinist, h n e cor<br />

Jones John F., lab., h 384 Lafayette ave.<br />

Myrtle and Thirteenth.<br />

Jones Joseph, lab., h 158 Benton,<br />

Jones Anna. (wid John), boarding house,<br />

Jones Julia, saloon, 221 Gratiot, h same.<br />

h 437 Congress e.<br />

Jones J. Clayton, clerk, bds 161 Fifth.<br />

Jones Charles W., policeman, h 139 Divis-<br />

Jones J. Huff, lawyer, 162 Jeffersonave.<br />

- ion.<br />

bds Russell House.<br />

Jones Claude, baker, bds 311 Woodward<br />

Jones Loise 3, , (wid . John R.,) , . h 104<br />

ave.<br />

High.<br />

Jones Czar, lawyer, h 346 High.<br />

Jones Yar , (wid avid,) h 77 Brady.<br />

Jones David, painter, bds 151 Cass.<br />

Jones Pau f , bds 151 Cass.<br />

Jones David S., painter, bds 264 Congress<br />

Jones Richard, barber shop, 377 Atwater,<br />

west.<br />

h 382 St. Antoine.<br />

Jones Ebenezer, saloon and boarding<br />

Jones Richarc, (col'd) cook, bds 121 Mahouse,<br />

151 Cass.<br />

comb.<br />

Jones Edward D.,Dry dock engine works,<br />

Jones Robert, (col'd fireman, h 84 Clinh<br />

170 Riopelle.<br />

ton.<br />

Jones Edward P., clerk, bds 55 'iV ashing-<br />

Jones Robert, (col'd) mason, h Indiana<br />

ton ave.<br />

bet Hascings and St. Antoine.<br />

Jones Ernst, lab, h 223 Sherman.<br />

Jones Samuel, shoemaker, h 392 Michigan<br />

Jones Frank, lab, h 158 Benton.<br />

ave.<br />

Jones Fredrick, watchman, h 176<br />

Jones Samuel, jr., painter, bds 392 Michi-<br />

Howard.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Jones Geor e, (col'd) mason, h cor Beau-<br />

Jones Thom~s, bds 136 Larned east.<br />

bien and f eland.<br />

Jones Thomas, helper, bds 112 Baker.<br />

Jones George, (col'd) lab, h 46 Beaubien.<br />

Jones Thomas P., clerk, bds 128 Shelby.<br />

Jones William, painter, h 353 Twenty-<br />

Jones George C., (A. Wendriner r& Co.,) h second.<br />

28 Miami ave.<br />

Jones William, shoemaker, 30 Jefferson<br />

Jones George C., jr,(John Schroder & Co,) ave.<br />

h 28 Miami ave.<br />

Jones William, (col'd) teamster, h 336 La-<br />

Jones George W., ship builder ids 774 faye t t e.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Joues William H., clerk, M. C. R. R.<br />

Jones Harriet. (wid Elias W.,) h 48 Lewis. Jones Zachariah P., insurance agent, h 24<br />

Jones Harry G., agent, h 245 Croghan.<br />

1 Cratiot.<br />

Jones Henry, baggage master, bds 431 Joochmisthall Israel, clerk, bds 37 &Xichi-<br />

Congress e.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Jones Horatio G., classical school, 14 La- Joppich Edward, varnisher, h s sProspect<br />

favette. h same.<br />

- . -- bet Gratiot and Columbia.<br />

Jones ~ amb C.. sewing - machine agent, - . Jordan Anna, h 379 Dequindre.<br />

h 161 Fifth.<br />

Jordan August, lab., bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Jones James, (col'd) sailor, bds 22 Fort e. Jordan Charles, shoemaker, h 108 Mullett.<br />

Jones Jam& A., -insurance agent, 108 Jordan Charles, tailor, bds 234 Beaubien.<br />

Griswold up stairs, h 125 Park. Jordan Frederick, teamster, h 134 Eigh-<br />

Jones .James M., ship builder, h 626 Fort teenth.<br />

west.<br />

Jordan Henry, lab., h 110 Napoleon.<br />

Jones James W., clerk, 126,Jefferson ave, Jordan Hester, (wid William T.,) h 203<br />

bds n w cor Congress and Cass. Franklin.<br />



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Jordan James, boots and shoes, 149 Griswold,<br />

h 442 Twelfth.<br />

Jordan James H., (col'd,) cigar maker, h<br />

299 Croghan.<br />

Jordan John, shoemaker, h 108 Blullett.<br />

Jordan John, shoemaker, h 39 Congress e.<br />

Jordan John J., auctioneer, 189 Jefferson<br />

aye7 h 299 Sixth.<br />

Jordan Joseph, painter, bds 46G Riopelle.<br />

Jordan Louis, cabinet maker, h 2'75 Croghan.<br />

Jordan >Margaret, (wid John,) h 466 Riopelle.<br />

Jordan Mary, seamstress, bds 224 Sixth.<br />

Jordan Philmore, brakesman, bds 379 Dequindre.<br />

Jordan Thomas, clerk, bds 104 Con~ess w.<br />

Jordan Thomas K., carpenter, bds fierkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Jordan Kilian, musician, h 466 Riopelle.<br />

Jordan William, tailor, h 44 First.<br />

Jordan William P., harness maker, h 49<br />

Franklin.<br />

Jiirg Frmk, lab., h s. s. Prospect, bet Grove<br />

and Ohio.<br />

Josefelt Fred, carpenter, bds cor Seventh<br />

and Michig~.n ave.<br />

Joseph Emanuel, cigar maker, b 42 Fort e.<br />

Joseph Joseph, groceries, 333 Fort w., h<br />

same.<br />

Joslin Caroline, (wid Darius,) h 6 Lewis.<br />

Joslin John H., carpenter, h 590 Sixth.<br />

doslin Theodore M., trav. agt., h 252 Park.<br />

Josselyn Herman H., h 495 Cass ave.<br />

Jost Aug., carpenter, h 405 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Journal of Commerce Publishing Co., 157<br />

Jefferson -ave., Thomas L. Grant, managing<br />

editor.<br />

Joy Abijah, policeman.'h 108 Beach.<br />

Joy Edmund, lab., h s w cor Maria and<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Joy Edward, porter, h 220 Guoin.<br />

Joy James, lab., h 169 Oak.<br />

Joy James F., President M. C. R. R, &c., h<br />

140 Fort w.<br />

Joy John, lab., bds 292 Fifth.<br />

Joy Mary, (wid. Robert) h 292 Fifth.<br />

Joy Maurice, drayman, h 245 Fifth.<br />

Joy Michael, drayman, h 15 Cherry.<br />

Joy Michael, horse shoeing shop, 237<br />

Griswold, B 308 Third.<br />

- -p -<br />

Joy Robert, lab., bds 292 Fifth.<br />

Joy Thomas, cigar maker, h 292 Fifth.<br />

Joyce Luke, porter, h plum, w bet Seventh<br />

and Eighth.<br />

Joyce Michael, peddlar, bds 101 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Joyce Thomas, clerk, h 73 Howard.<br />

Jubelow Angeline (wid. Louis) h 52<br />

Wight.<br />

Jubelow Fredenck. lab., bds 52 Wight.<br />

Jubelow Louis, saloon, 651 Atwater, h<br />

same.<br />

Jubb Anne, (wid. Henry) h 1005 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Jubb Edward, riretter, bds 1005 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Jubinville George, painter, bds 41 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Jubinville Charles F., printer, h 93 Natiou-<br />

a1 ave.<br />

Jubinville Eugene T., printer, h 227 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Jubenville George W., painter, bcls 227<br />

Franklin.<br />

Jubenville Henry E., printer, bds 227<br />

Franklin.<br />

Jubenville Lewis, hack driver, bds 275<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Jubenville Mary Anne L., (wid. Fabian) h<br />

227 Franklin.<br />

Judd Asa J., (Twin Bros. Yeast) h 34<br />

Park Place.<br />

Judd Charles W., watchman, House of<br />

Correction, bds same.<br />

Judd Orange D., clerk, bds 34 Park Place.<br />

Judge Aaron, meat market, s e cor Chene<br />

and Congress, h same.<br />

Judge Mary, refreshments, C. H. N., h 134<br />

Bates.<br />

Judge Patrick, teamster, h 083 Sixteenth.<br />

Judson Henry C., tea agent, bds 73 Eliztt-<br />

beth w.<br />

Judson Otis, bds 74 Congress w.<br />

J~xdson William W.,boots and shoes,<br />

16s Woodward ave, h 39 Croghan.<br />

Juergens Anton, lab., h n s Antietam bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Juerjens Frank, grocer, 666 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Juengert John, clerk, h s w cor Brush<br />

and Gratiot.<br />

Juitterat John B., carpet weaver, h 291<br />

High.<br />

Juilleret John C., saw filer, 5G6 Croghan,<br />

h same.<br />

Juliard Emma, bds 81 Blacomb.<br />

Julien Felix, carpenter, bds 35 Hastings.<br />

Jujer James, lab., h 637 Sixteenth.<br />

Jung Charles, upholsterer, bds cor Rivard<br />

and Croghan.<br />

Jung Rev. Conrad, pastor first German<br />

Baptist Church, h 235 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Jung David, civil engineer and architect,<br />

h 200 Prospect.


Jung George, huckster, h 14.2 Clinton.<br />

Jung Mary (wid Nicholas), h 506 Mullett.<br />

Jung Robert, shoemaker, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Jung Sophie, tailoress, h 506 Mu1 lett.<br />

Jungert John, clerk, bds 106 Gratiot.<br />

June Charles, wagoner, h s s German bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

June Thomas (Charles June & Co.), bds<br />

115 Miami ave.<br />

June Charles (Charles June & Co.), . . bds<br />

Brush nr Hairiet.<br />

Jlune Charles & Co, (Charles F.<br />

and Thomas June), ovster house, 28<br />

Michigan Grand avi: (See a&.)<br />

Junie Ida, tailoress, bds Sherman nr rail-<br />

road.<br />

Jnnie Ernest, lab., h 454 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Junker George, carpenter, h 453 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Junker Peter, saloon, 14 Hastings.<br />

Jupp James W., engineer, bds Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Jupp William T., clerk, h 164 George.<br />

Jurdan Frederick, teamster, h 184 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Juret Oliver, carpenter, h 196 Sixth.<br />

Jusek Wenzel, lab., h w s Williams ave<br />

bet Butternut and Ash.<br />

Juslin Andrew, rigger, bds 61 First.<br />

Just Louis,.shoemaker, bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Justen Nicholas, lab., h 392 Juliette.<br />

Justin Andreas, lab., h 489 Croghan.<br />

-K AATZ William, lab., lt 418 Guoin.<br />

LA<br />

Kaeiser Joseph, butcher, h 395 Hastings.<br />

Kaeding Charles, carpenter, h 352 Dubois.<br />

Kaeding John, carpenter, h 1G8 Chestnut.<br />

Kaeding Minna, seamstress, bds 352 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Kaerchner Mary, (wid Valentine,) seam-<br />

stress, 11 236 High.<br />

Kaestler John, painter, h 360 Rivard.<br />

Kagler Fred, lab., h SO Twenty-second.<br />

Kagler Louis,tanner, h 301 Twenty-second.<br />

Kahe Francis, machinist, h 114 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Kahl Louis, cooper, h 26 Catharine.<br />

Kai John, lab., h German, n s bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Kaichen Arnold, U. S. pension agent, 30<br />

Griswold, res Spring w ells.<br />

Kaichen Hermann, saloon, 58 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Kaely Thomas, carpenter. h 254 Franklin.<br />

Kain Daniel, lab., h 144 Porter.<br />

Kaiser Adam, lab., h 314 Division.<br />

Kaiser Adolph, currier, bds 35'7 Clinton.<br />

Kaiser Anthony, clerk, bds 235 Mullett.<br />

Kaiser Anthony, jeweler and watchmaker,<br />

69 Monroe ave, h 254 Clinton.<br />

Kaiser August, butcher, h 486 Catharine.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Oflce,b;2 FK Lamled St.,<br />

DET;ROIT, X XCH.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Kaiser August, lab., bds 602 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Kaiser August, physician, 424 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Kaiser Caspar, lab., h 26 Jay.<br />

Kaiser Charles, cabiflet maker, h 10 IMorw.<br />

Kaiser Charles (Bilz & Co.,) h 145 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Kaiser Charles G., brass finisher, h 357<br />

Clinton.<br />

Kaiser C hristoph, grocer, 235 Mullett, h<br />

same.<br />

Kaiser Ferdinand, lab., h 352 High.<br />

Kaiser Frank, carpenter, h 402 Brewster,<br />

Kaiser Frank X., butcher, h 115 Prospect.<br />

Kaiser George, printer, h Crane Block-<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Kaiser Jacob, blacksmith, h 199 Chene.<br />

Kalser Jacob, gardener, h '712 Croghan.<br />

Kaiser John, grocer, 590 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Kaiser Julia, (mid Mathias,) h 217 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Kaiser hlary, (wid Joseph,) h 185 Maple.<br />

Kaiser Nary, (wid Peter,) h Indiana bet<br />

Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

Kaiser Mina, mid wife, h 529 Macomb.<br />

Kaiser Nicholas, lab., h 318 Wilkins.<br />

Kaezer Robert, lab., h cor Orleans .and<br />

Catharine.<br />

Kalb John, lab., h s s Ohio bet IIastings<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Kalista Joseph, blacksmith, h cor Twen-<br />

tieth and Michigan ave.<br />

Kalkbrenner William, carpenter, h 3218 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Kallenbacfi Peter J., plumber, 588 Michi-<br />

gan ave h same.<br />

Kailer William hI., moulder, bds 150<br />

Wight.<br />

Eallier Christian, lab., h 176 Maple.<br />

Kaljman Charles, clerk, h 484 Cass ave.<br />

Kallmeyer Benjamin, clerk, bds 127 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Kallmeyer Levi, (L. Kallmeyer & Co.), h<br />

127 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kallmeyer,;M~trcus, clothing, h 122 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Ktlllmeyer Levi & Co., (Levi Kallmeyer &<br />

Jacob Frankensten,) clothing, 35 and 12'7<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Kalsow Charles, saloon, 486 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Kalsow Charles, teamster, h 420 Mullett.<br />

Kalsow John, lab., h 350 Duboh.


Kanter Edward, President German American<br />

Bank w, 30 Larned w, h 986 Jeffereon<br />

ave.<br />

Kanter Henry L., cashier German American<br />

Bank, bds 956 Jefferson, ave.<br />

SENT FREE,<br />

Kanter Peter, carpenter, bds 224 Sherman.<br />

Kaol A4ugust, lab., h 446 North.<br />

Addrees, IRA MAYHEW,<br />

Kapap Henry S., machinist, h 541 Twenty-<br />

* DETROIT, MICH., Third.<br />

Corner Congress and Randolph sts. Kapete Wm., shoemaker, h 372 Sixteenth,<br />

Kaple John H., assistant postmaster, h<br />

Kalsow William, machinist, h 547 31s- 71 Miami ave.<br />

comb.<br />

Kapsehinsky Henry, cigarmaker, h 342<br />

Kalt Ferdinand, carpenter, h 141 Lafay- hlontcalm e.<br />

et te.<br />

Karberg Charles, cigarmaker, bds 373<br />

Kaltenbach Henry, cigar maker, h 10 Catherine.<br />

Humboldt ave.<br />

Earberg Mary, (wid Frederick) 3'73 Cather-<br />

Kaltz John, carpenter, h 211 Montcalm e. ine.<br />

Kaltz Mart in, tailor, bds 328 Seventeenth. Karbowskie Christian, lab., bds 308 Anhamen<br />

John, engineer, h 776 Twenty- tietam.<br />

fourth.<br />

Karcher Jacob, White Swan Hotel, 202<br />

Kamen John, lab., h 163 Twenty-second. Larned w.<br />

Ktimerer David, butcher, bds 457 Jeffer- Karkhoff Frederick, lab., 173 Sherman.<br />

son we.<br />

Earn Henry E., ramisher, bds 282 Gra-<br />

Kamien John, lab., h 163 Williams are. tiot.<br />

Kamien William, lab., h alley bet Duboh Karpp Frank, clerk, h 342 Orleans.<br />

and Chene and Gratiot and German. Karpp John, lab., h 13 Morse.<br />

KammerhofF Friederich, mason h 89 Jay. Karpp John A,, clerk, bds 280 Baker.<br />

Kamman Charles, butcher, h 20 Lewis. Karpp Peter, h 400 Alfred.<br />

Karnman Frederick, (Taylor & Kamman,) Karrp Peter, lab., h 280 Baker.<br />

h 237 Cass.<br />

Karpp Peter, clerk, bds 342 Orleans.<br />

Kamp Hen carpenter, h 64 Thirteenth. Karpp Peter jr, lab., bds 280 Baker.<br />

liamphaus %m., shoemaker,. 570 Beau- Karr Frederick, lab., h 106 Harrison ave.<br />

qien, h same.<br />

Karrer Aaron, (J. Karrer & Bros.,) h 284<br />

Kamrow Adam, clerk, h 82 Harrison ape. St. Aubin ave.<br />

Kanady Samuel C., President <strong>City</strong> Bank,<br />

h 107 Geor e.<br />

Karrer Frank, engineer, h 306 Lafayette.<br />

Kane Edwar 3 , physician, Grand River ave Karrer Frank, engineer, h 418 Alfred.<br />

bet Woodward ave and Farmer, h 242 Karrer Joseph, (3. Karrer & Bron.,) h 284<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Kane Edward E., lawyer, room 20 Ro- Karrer Ludwig K., engineer, h 353<br />

tunda, bds .242 Woodward ave. High.<br />

Kane Francis, shoe fitter, h 122 St. Aubin Karrer Peter, harness maker, h 225 Calave.<br />

houn.<br />

liane James H., printer, bds 312 Twelfth Karrer Severin, bds 618 Gratio t.<br />

Kane John, edge tool maker, h 90 Oak. Earrer Simon, grocer, 618 Gra tiot, h<br />

Kane John, helper, h 122 St. Aubin ave. game.<br />

Kane Margaret, (wid Thomas,) h 312 Earrer J. & Bros., (Joseph & Aaron,)<br />

Twelfth.<br />

leather and findings, 34 Monroe.<br />

Kane Martin, messen er, 366 TweLfth. Karsch Albert, lab., h 802 Antietam.<br />

Kane Mason, (col'd,) f ab., h 89 Division. Karsch Frantz. lab., h 202 Antietam.<br />

Ksne Michael, lab., h 492 Seventeenth. Karschnick Frederick, lab., h 51 1 Gratiot.<br />

Kane Michael, teamster, h 396 Franklin. Karsnick Charles, lab., h 42 German.<br />

' Kane Patrick, lamplighter, h 21 Wight. Earsnick Henry, shoemaker, h 410 Du-<br />

Kane Thomas M., printer, bds 318 Twelfth. bois.<br />

Kane Wm., engineer, h 358 Thirteenth. Karsten William, lab., h 586 Gratiot.<br />

Kannaly Michael, lab., h 102 Cherry.<br />

' Krtsch George, malst,er, h Orleans nr Bron-<br />

Kannenberg Chas., lab., h 440 Maple. son.<br />

Kannenberg Friederich, lab., h 438 Maple, Kaschewitz George, lab., h 578 Orleans.<br />

Kannengeisser John, lab., h 432 Mullett. Krt~el John, cabinet maker, bds Hotel<br />

Kanrick Henry, clerk, h 230 Third- M~tuch.<br />

Kanter Beethwold, clerk, bds Hotel gasper Peter. stableman, bds 36 Atwater e.<br />

Erichsen.<br />

~asi ~dolph; clerk, h "1 Sherman.<br />

Kanter Chrts. E., bds 986 Jefferson aye. I East Christian, carpenter, h 226 Russell.


Kast Gustave, (Freund, Kast & Co.,) h 337<br />

Cro han.<br />

Kast k ouis, agent,, h 225 Russell.<br />

Kast Theodore, clerk, h 106 Mullett.<br />

Kastel Frank, shoe maker, h 360 Sixteenth.<br />

Kastemans John, cabinet maker, h s s<br />

Scott bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Kastle Anton, lab., h 760 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Kastor Christopher, lab., h s s New bet<br />

Dubois, German and Gratiot and Chene.<br />

Kater Samuel, h 192 Congress e.<br />

Kathel John, cabinet maker, h 268 Clinton.<br />

Kathell John, carpenter, h 60 Bronson.<br />

Katin Gottlieb, watchman, h 497 Lafayette.<br />

Kating Julius, carpenter, h 1 ii Antietam.<br />

Katon John butcher, h 284 Sixth<br />

Katsher Jakob, lab., h 181 Antietam.<br />

Katus Adam, blacksmith, 151 Macomb bds<br />

147 Macomb.<br />

Katuu Aloys, blacksmith, h 147 Hacomb.<br /> John, salooon, 157 Croghan, h same.<br />

Katus Joseph, blacksmith, bds 261 Rivard.<br />

Ka tus Peter, blacksmith, 213 Macomb, bds<br />

261 Rivard.<br />

Katz Louis, machine hand. h St. Antoine<br />

bet Elizabeth and Adams ave.<br />

Kaufftnan Aaron, h 2% Brush.<br />

Kauffman Alexander, clerk, bds 136 Crogbian.<br />

Ksuflman - -- .- C.. clerk. bds Hotel Ericbsen.<br />

Kauffinan ~Larks, kilder, h 152 Clinton.<br />

Kauffman Christian. blacksmith, h 636<br />

Croghan.<br />

Kauffman Daniel, bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Kauffman Frank J -, saloon,l3:! Bates, h 630<br />

Croghan.<br />

Kauffman Gustave, wood turner, bds 32<br />

- Clinton.<br />

Kauffman Henry, janitor, Theatre Comique,<br />

bds 249 Jefferson rtve.<br />

Kauffinan Isador, (Kauffman & Arnold)<br />

h 255 Lafayette ave.<br />

Kauffmann Margeretha (wid Friederich)<br />

h 13 Mechanic.<br />

Kauffman Alichael, blacksmith, h 92 Clinton.<br />

Kauffman Theodore P., packer, bds 636<br />

Croghan.<br />

Kauffinan St Arnold (Isador Kauffman aod<br />

Edwin W. Amold) wholesale clothing,<br />

90 and 92 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kaulbarsch William, lab., h 402 Catharine.<br />

Kaulf'ersch Frao k, upholsterer, bds 29<br />

Clinton.<br />

Kaupp Christoph, tailor, h 482 Mullett.<br />

Ksusak John, tailor, h 22 Sullivan ave.<br />

KAY EDWARD F., grocer, 81 Grat~ot, h<br />

103 Adams ave e.<br />

Kayle Samuel P., clerk, h 194 Fourth.<br />

Kean Edward, engineer, h 73 Harrison ave.<br />

Kean George, machinist, bds 27 Fifth.<br />

Kean Nrs Julia, Yankee .notions, 101 St.<br />

Antoine, h same.<br />





IJ@T Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Kean Mary, (wid. Michael) h 220 Sixth.<br />

Kean Miss Mary, dressmaker, h 108 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Kenn Michael B., steamboat owner, office<br />

foot Woodward ave., h 9 Montcalm e.<br />

Kean Thomas, saloon, 213 31ichigan ave.,<br />

h same.<br />

K6an Thomas G., grocer, 124 Michigan<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Kenne Catharine, (wid. Michael) b 560<br />

Seventh.<br />

Keane Daniel, gas metre inspector, bds 9<br />

Abbott.<br />

Keane John, gas inspector, h 9 Abbott.<br />

Keane Michael, drayman, h 396 Franklin.<br />

Keaney James, lab., h Myrtle, n s bet<br />

Tweltth and Thirteenth<br />

Kearney James, pressman, bds Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Kearney Michael, engineer, <strong>Detroit</strong> safe<br />

works.<br />

Kearney T.G., agent Edmondson Spectacle<br />

Co., h cor Twenty-fourth and Howard.<br />

Kearney William, machinid, bds 77 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Kearns Edward, cooper, h 17 Walnut.<br />

Kearns Patrick J., cooper, h 308 Flfteerith.<br />

Kearsley Edward, lab., bds 366 Conwress e.<br />

Keatiog Yaurice, engineer, h 215 flirst.<br />

Keating Patrick, clerk, h 215 First.<br />

Keatilig Thomas J., cigar maker, bds 26%<br />

Fifth.<br />

Keavy Ellen, milliner, bds 290 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Keavv Frances, milliner, bds 290 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Keavy JohnLH., machinist, bds 303 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Keavy Joseph, clerk, bds 303 Lafayette av.<br />

Keavy John, clerk, h 68 George.<br />

Keavy Miles, car department, h 351 Sixth.<br />

Keavy Nora (aid Patrick) h 290 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Keavy Patrick, fireman, h 351 Sixth.<br />

Keavy Thomas, carpenter, h 303 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Keay William H., grocer, h 129 Cass.<br />

Kebcka Veuzal, tailor, h 788 Sixteenth.<br />

Keding Charles, lab., h s s German bet<br />

Chene and Josepir Campnu ave.<br />

Kee Charles, drover, h 66 George.<br />

ICeeble Edward, law student, bds 181 Sec-<br />




Seiiz next to the Post Office'<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Reefe John, carpenter, h 267 Franklin.<br />

Keefe Richard M., moulder, h 516 DIulIett.<br />

Keefe William O., moulder, h 267 Frank-<br />

I in.<br />

Keegan John, lab., h 691 Fort w.<br />

Iceel Charles A., corn. merchant, h 303<br />

Randolph.<br />

Keeler Robert B., blacksmith, h 150<br />

Wight.<br />

Keeler William, moulder, bds 150 Wight.<br />

Keelinp Albert, sewing machine maker,<br />

bds 146 Larned w.<br />

Keen Joseph S., clerk, h n s Willis ave nr<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Keen Joseph, farmer. h s s Gra.iot bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDoupall aves.<br />

Keen Aaron, carpenter, bds Gratiot bet<br />

.Joseph Campau and hIcDougal1 aves.<br />

Keen Richard, lab., bds Gratiot bet Joseph<br />

Calnpau and &IcDougall aves.<br />

Kecna James T., passenger a ent Cleveland<br />

steamers, office Cass otel, bds<br />

114 Fifth.<br />

Keena John C., ticket agent G. T. R. &<br />

Cleveland steamers, office Cass Hotel,<br />

h 114 Fifth.<br />

Keenan Daniel, lab., h 155 National ave.<br />

Keenan James J., clerk,bds Purdy's Hotel.<br />

, Reenan Michael W., produce, h 446 Sixth.<br />

Keenan Michael S., carpenter, h 185 Sixth.<br />

Keenan Patrick, express wagon, h 19<br />

Franklin.<br />

Keenan Thomas, telegrapher, h 197<br />

Ei,ghth.<br />

Keenan Timothy, clerk, h 47 Sproat.<br />

Keenan Wlllinm, lab., bds 14'7 Seventh.<br />

Keene George, machinist, bds 50 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Kees N. Bruno, tailor: 52 Napoleon, h<br />

same.<br />

Keevan John, lab., h 232 Seventh.<br />

Kegan Charles, shoemaker, h 202 Fifth.<br />

KhGEL JULIUS, furniture and upholstery<br />

goods, 287 Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Kehl Anthony, plasterer, h 177 Macomb.<br />

Kehl Jacob, baker, 518 Croghan, h same.<br />

Kehl John, plasterer, h 93 Maple.<br />

Kehl hktin, teamster, h 154 Clinton.<br />

Kehl Nicholas, plasterer, bds 154 Clinton.<br />

Keho Frank, lab., h 304 Croghan.<br />

Kehrig Henry, grocery, n w cor St. An-<br />

toine and Brewster, h same.<br />

Kr<br />

-<br />

Kei John, lab., h n s German bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Keicht Reinech, lab., bds n w cor Jefferson<br />

ave and Second.<br />

Keif Patrick, fireman bcls 31 Griswold.<br />

Keigel John, lab., h 173 Twenty-second.<br />

Xeil John, grocer, 494 Riopelle, h same.<br />

Keilholz John J., shoemaker, h 38 Bellair.<br />

Keilholz William, shoemaker, h 38 Belair.<br />

Keiller James, agent, h 368 Cms ave.<br />

Keillor Robert B., blacksmith, h Wight,<br />

s s nr McDougall ave.<br />

Keily John, cigar maker, h 321 Sixteenth.<br />

Kdllg Thomas, painter, h 277 Fifteenth.<br />

Peter, carpenter, h w s ~erman bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Keiter Samuel, Yankee notions h 192 Con-<br />

Gess e-<br />

Keith Alexander, T., clerk, h 26 High.<br />

Keith .John W., colnmission 33 Gn~wold,<br />

h 65 Stimson.<br />

Keith Michael, carpenter, h 75 Plum*<br />

Keith Sarah, (wid,) dress maker, h 103<br />

Mulle tt.<br />

Kelb~ James, engineer, h 66 Locust.<br />

Kelcher George, lab., h 158 31acomb.<br />

Kdeigher James, clerk, bds 61 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Keleigher John, teamster, (Brunton $&Iarvin.)<br />

Keleigher Jeremiah, driver, h 103 Locust.<br />

Keleigher Jeremiah, teamster, 391 Sixth.<br />

geleon Fred, Baker, bds 160 Beaubien-<br />

Kell Charles, notion store, 727 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Kellam Daniel C., (S. A. Kellam L. Co.), h<br />

221 Second.<br />

Kellam Hiram, clerk, bds 221 Second.<br />

Kellam Patrick, peddlar, h 448 Fifteenth.<br />

Kellam Samuel A., (S. A. Kellam & Co.),<br />

207 Woodward ave.<br />

Kellam S. A. & Co., (Samuel A. Kellam,<br />

Charles Ottz & Daniel C. Kellam,) Jaundry,<br />

office room 5, 207 Woodward ave.<br />

Keller Bernhardt, stone cutter, h 536 Mullett.<br />

Keller Charles, lab., h 474 Sherman.<br />

Keller Comas, carpenter, h 364 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Keller Conrad, carpenter, h e s Chene bet<br />

Catharine and Sherman.<br />

Keller Frank, engineer, bds 204 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Keller Henry H., painter, bds 145 Fort w.<br />

Keller Louis. machinist, bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Keller --, machinist, bds 148 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Keller - , bookbinder bds 148 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Kellermrtnn Charles, lab., h 203 Antietam.<br />

Kellett John, harness maker, bds G8 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Kellett John J., collar maker, bds 75 Beaubien.


Kellin William, brewer, bds 232 Russell.<br />

Kelling George A., machinist, bds 146<br />

Larned w.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Larned St.,<br />

Kellogg Benjamin P., lab., h 294 Chest- FLUID EXTBbuTS,<br />

nut.<br />


Kellogg Charles, bridge builder, h 302<br />


Twenty-fourth.<br />

Kellogg Charles, real estate, room I1 Tele-<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

graph Block, h 520 Woodward ave. Kelly John, lab., bds 352 Franklin.<br />

Kellogg Charles H. B-, physician, 226 Kelly John, lab., h 479 Fifth.<br />

Woodward ave, h-338 Woodbridge c- Kelly John, moulder, bds 51 St. Aubin av.<br />

KelloE Dewey C-7 en@neer,h 309 Thir- Kelly John, show case maker, bds n 219<br />

teenth.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Kellogg E., trav. rtgt., bbds Antisdel House. Kelly John 9., blacksmith, h 581 Sevenh'eilogg<br />

Edward D., conductor M. C. R. R. teenth.<br />

Kello;~,n Francis E. D., (Morris & Kellogg) Kelly John, jr., clerk, room 11 Rotunda.<br />

h $7 Grand River ave.<br />

Kelly JIargaret, (mid John,) h 70 Tiflman<br />

Kellogg Henry P., painter, h 169 Abbott. ave.<br />

Kellogg James L., clerk, h 123 Cass. Kelly Martin, hostler Franklin House.<br />

Kellogg Jenny M., (wid Charles,) h 232 Kelly Mathem F., clerk, h 130 Twenty-<br />

F~rst.<br />

fourth.<br />

Kelloge Walter P., (gello~g & King,) h Kelly Jlichael, drayman, h 908 Michigan<br />

213 Park.<br />

ave.<br />

Kellogg -, tinsmith, bds old 175, new Kelly jlxichael, boot maker, h 94 National<br />

179 Woodward ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Iiellogg & King, (Walter P. Kellog: and Kelly JIichael, lab., h 517 Beaubien.<br />

Charles A. King,) stoves and hardware, Kelly Peter, (Kelley & Bascon,) h 342<br />

23 Monroe ave.<br />

Xichigan ave.<br />

Kellow Richard, carpenter, bds 25 mash- Kelly Peter, saloon, 47 Franklin.<br />

ington ave.<br />

Kelly Peter, umbrella 'maker, bds Rail-<br />

Kellum Charles, clerk, bds 40 Congress m. road Eschan9.<br />

Kellum I. Smith, bds Antisdel House. Kelly Owen, clerk, h 646 Congress e.<br />

Kelly Andrew m., clerk, 19 St. Antohe. Kelly Pit~ick, shoemaker, 459 Beaubien,h<br />

Kelly Anthony, shoemaker, h 491 St. An- same.<br />

toine.<br />

Kelly Phillip, teamster, h old 602 Fort e.<br />

Kelly Mrs. A. M..ladiesl furnishing goods, Kelly Robert, cigarmaker, 368 Croghan.<br />

322 Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Kelly Robert, chairmaker, h 125 Locust.<br />

Kelly Arthur W.,clerk, bcls 104 Congress w Kelly Robert sr, lab., h 125 Locust.<br />

Kelly Arthur TV., clerk, bds 147 Rival cl.<br />

Kelly Charles, chair finisher, h 125 Locust.<br />

Kelly Christopher, tailor, bds 35 Bates.<br />

Kelly Daniel, lab., bds 146 Larned w.<br />

Kelly Daniel, lab., h 27 Eighteenth.<br />

Kelly Daniel, moulder, bds 19 St. dntoine.<br />

Kelly George B., (George B. Kelly cE; Co.,)<br />

h 54 Elizabeth w.<br />

Kelly George W., painter, h 170 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Kelly Henry, painter, bds 740 Michigan -<br />

ave.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Kelly Henry, painter, bcls 23 Seventh. Kelly Thomas W., plumber, h 278 Beau-<br />

Kelly Henry IC., cabinet maker, h 368 bien.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Kelly William, 100 Wiqder.<br />

Kelly Hugh, lab., h 431 Lafayette. Kelly William, shoemaker, h 497 St. An-<br />

Kelly James, h 352 Franklin.<br />

toine.<br />

Kelly James H., printer, h 179 Beech. Kelly TVilliam, engineer, h 199 Third.<br />

Kelly James, engineer, h 305 Lafayette av. Kelly William, shoemaker, h 103 Larned<br />

Kelly James D., painter, h 322 Woodmard west.<br />

ave.<br />

Kelly George B. & Co., (George B. Kel-<br />

Kelly John, h 196 Seventh.<br />

ley and George E. Stevenson,) hats, caps<br />

Kelly John, clerk, bds 82 Wayne.<br />

etc,, 105 and 10'1 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kelly John F., cigar maker, bds 45 Fort e. Kelly 65 Bascom, (Peter Kelley and Frank<br />

Kelly John, blacksmith, h 448 Clinton aye. Bascom,) boots and shoes, 342 Michigan<br />

Kelly John, blacksmith, h 208 Clinton. ave.<br />

39<br />

.<br />

Kelly Ronald, insurance agent, room 11<br />

Rotunda, h 269 Lafayette ave.<br />

Kelly Spencer, lab., h 54 Orchard.<br />

Kelly Thomas, clerk, h 129 Harrison ave.<br />

Kelly Thomas, Lab., bds 70 Tillman ave.<br />

Kelly Thomas, polisher, bds 219 Lamed<br />

east.<br />

Iielly Thomas. clerk, h 129 Harrison ave.<br />

Kelly Thomas, B. C., clerk, bds American<br />

House.<br />

Kelly Thomas S., grocer, 746 Michigan



For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Kelman John, lab., h 493 Railroad.<br />

Kelner Cancy, (wid Frederick,) washerwoman,<br />

h 101 Wilkins.<br />

Kelsey Eber L., with E. G. Merick, h 5<br />

Cottage Place Elizbeth w.<br />

Kelsey Frank, clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Kelsey Frank A., clerk, bds 318 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Kelso Charles, teamster, bds cor Noyes<br />

and Fifth.<br />

Kelso Samuel J., lawyer, 71 Seitz block, h<br />

310 Mullett.<br />

Kelso W~lliaru, lab., h 547 Bracomb.<br />

Kelso William T.: clerk, bds 55 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Kelty Dennis, lab., h 349 Michigan ave.<br />

Kemling Christopher, accordian rnanufr, h<br />

471 Seventh.<br />

Kemp Joseph B., foreman, h 377 Larned.<br />

Kempel Lorenz, wagonmaker, h 122<br />

Brewster.<br />

Kemstry Nancy J., (wid. John) dressmaker,<br />

h 75 Montcalm e.<br />

Kenan James J., clerk, bds 212 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Keenen Michael, truclrsman, h 104 National<br />

ave.<br />

Kenary James, pattern fitter, Michigan<br />

stove works.<br />

Kendail Charles W., tinsmith, h 126 Park.<br />

Kendall David, sexton Scotch Presbyterian<br />

church, h 100 Adams ave e.<br />

Kendall Eben W., clerk, h 309 Second.<br />

Kendall Henry A., clerk, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Kendall James G., operator, h 9 Grand<br />

River ave e.<br />

Kendall James H., machinist; h 51 Elm.<br />

Kendall John, foreman H. & L. No. 2, h 384<br />

Larned e.<br />

Kendall John, carpenter, h 491 Cass ave.<br />

Kendall Hichard S., news dealer, 88 Grabds<br />

'1 00 Adams ave e.<br />

Kendall Warren, morocco dresser, bds 827<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Kendrick Frank, rigger, (Hoffner &<br />

Mayes) h 283 Twelfth.<br />

Kendrick Russell F., h 394 Lafayette ave.<br />

Kenealy John, lab., h 205 Fifteenth.<br />

Kenefick Mlchael, car driver, bds 190<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

KENGEL JOSEPH, carriage manufacturer,<br />

55 Gratiot, h 42 .Farrar. (Ses adv.)<br />

Kenker John car pmith, h 226 Mullett.<br />

Kennedy Alfred, liquors, 10 Larned w.,<br />

bds Bank Exchange.<br />

Kennedv Alfred. cabinet maker. h 94 Fort<br />

u I<br />

east.<br />

Kennedy Amanda, tailoress, bds 58 Brady.<br />

Kennedy Arthur, carpenter, h 231 Seventh.<br />

Kennedy Mrs Catharine (wid. James) h<br />

, 45 Randolph.<br />

I Kennedy Charles G., painter, h 364 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Keunedy David (Kennedy & Greig) h 746<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Kennedy Edward, fireman, h 104 Labrosse.<br />

Kennedy Edward, lab., h 279 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-half<br />

Kennedy Edward, moulder, bds 332 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Kennedy E. G. S., designer and contractor,<br />

bds Biddle House.<br />

Kennedy Hannah (wid. James) h 560 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Kennedy Henry, malster, bds 162 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Kennecly James, (col'd) barber, bds 167<br />

RIic higan ave.<br />

Kennedy James, carpenter, h 587 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Kennecly .James, carpenter, h 3!)5 Riopelle,<br />

Kennedy James, varnish maker, h 706 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Kennedy John, tailor, h 58 Brady.<br />

Kennedy John, teamster, bds 786 Congress<br />

east.<br />

ICennedy John, teamster, bds 22 Grand<br />

River e<br />

Kennedy John E., policeman, h 279 Thirteen~<br />

h-and-a half.<br />

Kennedy Margaret, (mid.,) masher woman.<br />

217 Fifth.<br />

Kennedy Nary, (wid James,) washer woman,<br />

h 562 Fort e.<br />

Kennedy Michael: county auditor, office 7,<br />

first floor <strong>City</strong> Hnll, h n. w. cor Thirteenth<br />

and Walnut.<br />

Kennedy Michael, lab., h 132 Cherry.<br />

Kennedy Michael, lab., h old 98, new 68<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Kennedy Patrick, lab., h 134 Jones.<br />

Kennedy Patrick, moulder, bds, 332 Croghan.<br />

Kennedy Patrick ' tinner, h 87 Oak.<br />

Kennedy Samuel, copper smith, 87 Oak.<br />

Kennedy Thomas, carpenter, h 518 Bcaubien.<br />

Kennedy Thomas,gardener,h 435 Beaubien.<br />

Kennedy Thomas, jeweler, 160 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 334 Randolph.<br />

Kennedy Thomas, lab., bds 119 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Kennedy Tllomas 3.. machinist, h 99 Sixth.<br />

Kennedy Thomas H., .moulder, h 332<br />

Croghan.<br />

Kennedy William, lab., h 786 Congress e.<br />

Kennedy William, lab., h 194 Fort e.


-- -<br />

Kennedy William,' machinist, bds i46<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Kennedy W m., piano maker, h 94 Fort e.<br />

Kennedy & Greig, (David Kennedy and<br />

David Greier. ) manufacturers of steam<br />

engines, corw~hird and Congress.<br />

Kenney Aiice, (wid John,) h 411 Twelfth.<br />

Icenney John, drayman, h 233 Seventh.<br />

Kenney, Joseph, joiner, h 351 Catherine.<br />

Kensler Joseph, sailor, h 630 Clinton ave.<br />

Kenney Michael, engineer, h 411 Twelfth.<br />

Xenney Thomas, bricklayer, h 23 Seventh.<br />

Kenngott Gotlieb, grocer, 309 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Kent Barbara T., (Kent Sist ers,) h 18 Mon<br />

roe ave.<br />

Kent Charles A., (Walker & Kent,) h 139<br />

Lafagette ave.<br />

Kent Felicitas, (Kent Sisters,) h 18 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Kent Fred M., mood yard, s e cor Elizabeth<br />

e and St. Antoine, h 18 >Ionroe ave.<br />

Kent Frederick W., machinist, bds 18<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Kent James B., butcher, h 81 Elizabeth e.<br />

Kent John, hackman, h 29 Sproat.<br />

Kent Mary,(Kent Sisters,) h 18 Monroe ave.<br />

Kent Richard, hachman, bds 141 Porter.<br />

Kent Rose, (Kent Sisters,) h 18 Monroe<br />

nve.<br />

Kent Thomas, engineer, h 147 Porter.<br />

Kent William H., engineer, h 147 Porter.<br />

Kent Sisters, (Barbara T., Felicitas, Mary<br />

and Rose,) dress makers, 18 Monroe ave.<br />

Kentle Henry, brakesman, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Kenyon Franklin, machinist, bds 137 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Kenyon Nathan, clerk, bds 9 Spencer.<br />

Keough Michael, engineer, bds 327 Croghan.<br />

IEeough Patrick, mason, h 327 Croghan.<br />

Iceough Thomas, shoemaker, bds 86 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Keough Timothy, blacksmith, bds 272 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Keohane John, teamster, bds 141 Labrosse.<br />

Keppnar August G., basket maker, 104<br />

Maple, h same.<br />

Keppnar Herman, bds 104 Maple.<br />

Keppen Jennie, operator, bds 27 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Kerbs August, carpenter, h 318 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Kercheval Alexander IV., clerk, h 14<br />

&Ion tcalm m.<br />

Kercy James, (col'd) barber, bds Harriet<br />

bet Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

Icerkhoff Frederick, lab., h 178 Sherman.<br />

Kerl iClargaretha(wid William,) seamstress,<br />

h 146 Marion.<br />

Kerrnott John W., M. D., (Balleray, Glass<br />

& Co.) 205 IVoodmard aTe, h 375 Cass<br />

ave.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oy'stere in the Shell a ~pecialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Kern Alfred, cabinet maker, bds 41 Har-<br />

riet.<br />

Kern Anthony, bds 24 Beacon. .<br />

Kern Christian, lab., h 339 Antietam.<br />

Kern Christian, brewer, bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Kern Chris, lab., h n e cor Orleans and<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Kern Christian, lab., h 360 Antietam.<br />

Kern Conrad, butcher, s e cor Lafayette<br />

and Hasting, h 170 Sherman.<br />

Kerr George G., ship carpenter, h 56<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Kern Elizabeth, (wid John), h 83 Chestnut.<br />

Kern George, .teamster, bds 338 St. Aubin.<br />

Kern Herman, cigar maker, h 339 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Kern-Henry, cabinet maker, bds 282 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Kern Herman, clerk, bds 41 Harriet.<br />

Kern John, lab., h 458 Clinton ave.<br />

Kern Louis, agent, h 41 Harriet.<br />

Kern Ludwig, lab., h 341 Antietam.<br />

Kern Nicholas, baggageman, h 124 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Kern William, lab., h 206 old Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Kernaghan William G., hatter. h 68 Duf-<br />

field:<br />

Kernay Louis, saloon, 193 Orleans, h same.<br />

Kerns James, painter, bds 238 Howard.<br />

Kerns John, painter, bds 238 Howard.<br />

Kerns Peter, printer, bds 136 Porter.<br />

Kerns Thomas, painter, bds 238 Howard.<br />

Kerr George, tinsmith, bds 215 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Kerr James, machinist, h 62 Le~erette.<br />

Kerr James, painter, h 319 National ave.<br />

Kerr Peter, gardener, h Hastings n Fre-<br />

mont.<br />

Kerr Robert, teamster, h 215 Seventeenth.<br />

Herr Thomas, captain, h 332 Twentieth.<br />

Kerr Thomas, shoemaker, bds 100 Blich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Kerre John, mason, h 2'72 Montcalm e.<br />

Kerre John painter, h 459 Croghan.<br />

Kerridge James M., machinist, h 181 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Kerrow Frederick, clerk, h 148 Division.<br />

Kerscht John P., dyer, h 197 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Kerscht Mathias, tanner, h 354 Maple.<br />

Kersey George (col'd), teamster, h 275<br />

Fort e.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Kershaw James, moulder, h 135 Sixteenth.<br />

Kerst Paul, lab., h 117 Brewster.<br />

Kersten Rheinhart, billiard maker, h 203<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Kersten August, blacksmith, h 114 Hum-<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Kersting Charles, cabinet maker, h 175<br />

hlullett.<br />

Kersting Charles, cabinet maker, h 128<br />

3Iullett.<br />

Kersting Charles G., cabinet maker, h 126<br />

Sherman.<br />

Kerwick Thomas, joiner, h 349 Franklin.<br />

Kerwick Thomas, joiner, h 496 Franklin.<br />

Kerwin Catharine, dressmaker, h 98 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Kerwin John, blacksmith, h 24 National<br />

ave.<br />

Kerwin Phi!ip,blacksmith, bds 571 Gratiot.<br />

Kescht Rheinhard, mason, bds 65 At-<br />

water.<br />

Kess Albert, machinist, h old 192 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Kess August, blacksmith, bds old 192 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Kessler August, lab., h 460 Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Kesfler Christopher, carpenter, h 124 Bn-<br />

tietnm.<br />

Kesfler Joseph, carpenter, bds 124 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Ketcham Elias S., carpenter, h 22 Sibley.<br />

Ketchum Cephas B. (Abbot & Ketchum),<br />

h 316 Lafqette ave.<br />

Ketchum Henry, clerk, bds 40 Congress w.<br />

Ketrich Peter, moulder, bds 50 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Ketter John, lab., h 485 Sherman.<br />

Kettle Max, grocer, n e cor Chene and<br />

Croghan, h same.<br />

Kettle William, carpenter, h 332 Abbott.<br />

Eeuler John, saloon, 48 Chestnut.<br />

Keusch George A, cigar maker, bds 2'71<br />

Hastings.<br />

Keusch John, boiler maker, bds cor<br />

Second and Jefferson ave.<br />

Keusch Joseph, clerk, h 258 Lafayette.<br />

Keusch Michael, saloon, 271 Hastings, h<br />

same.<br />

Keuter Elizabeth (wid Anton), h 32 Clin-<br />

tan.<br />

Keuter William F,, clerk, bds 32 Clinton.<br />

Keveney Patrick, merchant tallor, 29 Jef-<br />

ferson ave, h same.<br />

Keveney Thos., cutter, h 29 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kevill Margaret, (wid,) washerwoman, h<br />

Pine nr Ninth ave.<br />

Icew John, saloon, 369 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Keyes Jason A., tailor, h 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Keyes James, machinist, h 299 Abbott.<br />

Keyes John, lab., h 241 Second.<br />

Iceyes Maria, (wid John F.,) boarding<br />

house, 81 Congress m.<br />

Keyes Thos., clerk, h 7'7 Orchard.<br />

Keyle Patrick, sailor, bds 173 Larned w .<br />

Kibbee Frederick, shoemaker, h 97 Twen-<br />

ty-second.<br />

Kibbee Henry C., bds Biddle House.<br />

Kibbee Porter, clerk, bds Howard House.<br />

Kidd John, porter, h 332 Fifth.<br />

Kidd Thomas, blacksmith, h 16 Labrosse.<br />

Kidd Thomas, grocer, 136 Fifteenth, h<br />

same.<br />

Kidd Wm., carpenter, bds 166 Second.<br />

Kief Wm., tinsmith, 530 Woodbridge m, h<br />

same.<br />

Kiefer Alfrel K., clerk, bds 48 Gratiot.<br />

Iciefer Christian, lab., h 496 Fort e.<br />

Kiefer Herman, physician, 52 Gratiot, h<br />

48 Gratiot.<br />

Kiefer John, meat market, 204 Wilkins, h<br />

same.<br />

Kiefer John, plumber, bds 411 Sixteenth.<br />

I Kiefer Ludwig, huckster, stall 94 C H 31,<br />

Kiefer Wm., clerk, bds 241 Jefferson ave.<br />

h 411 Sixteenth.<br />

Kiekpocfel Wm., lab., h s s New, bet Du-<br />

bois and Chene, German and Gratiot.<br />

Kieler Christian, cigar maker, h 469<br />

Catharine.<br />

Kieler Henry, tobacconist, h 196. Maple.<br />

Kieler Henry, jr., cigar manufactory, 345<br />

Lafayette, h same.<br />

Kieler Henry, sr., cigar maker, h 235 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Kieler John, clerk, '79 Congress e.<br />

Kiely Ellen Miss, h 427 Beaubien 2d floor.<br />

Kiely Thomas, armor keeper, Fireman's<br />

Hall, h 254 Franiilin.<br />

Kienitz Samuel, wagonmaker, h 99 >la-<br />

comb.<br />

Kienle Christopher, lab., h 339 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Kienle Frederick, carriage painter, h 339<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Kienle William, cigar maker, bds 339 Sev-<br />

enteenth.<br />

Rier Jacob S., physician, h 31 George.<br />

Kierche Joseph, lab., h Williams ave, nr<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Kierstein Reinhold, cabinet maker, h 203<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Kies George A,, traveling agent, bd~ 312<br />

, Fort e.


Kies John, mason, h 300 Orleans.<br />

Kies John jr, clerk, bds 300 Orleans.<br />

Kies John G., contractor, h 220 Hastings.<br />

Kies Mary, tailoress, bds 449 Clinton.<br />

Kies Walter, V., clerk, h 106 Catharine.<br />

Kiesli~g Emil, brewer, h 136 Marion.<br />

Kiffer Louis, clerk, bds 54 Adams ave w.<br />

Kihner John, teamster, h 21 Clay.<br />

Kikan William, shoe maker, bds 52 Sherman.<br />

Kilboyle Patrick, hb., h 560 Macomb.<br />

Kilby Thomas, painter, h 277 Fifteenth.<br />

Kilcline William, machinist, bds 136 BIichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Kiley Dennis, plumber, h 139 Orchard.<br />

Kiley George, lab., h 505 Gratiot.<br />

Kilfoy Patrick, lab., h 302 Guoin.<br />

Kilfoy Thomas, lab., D & 31 R R.<br />

Kilgore Jonathan, carpenter, h 216 Sixth.<br />

Kilgore William, blacksmith, bds 45 Ward.<br />

Kilion John, lab., h s s Calhoun bet Prospect<br />

and Russell.<br />

Killien August, cigar maker, bds 160<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Killien Michael, carpenter, h n e cor Morse<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Killien Michael, engineer, bds 19 and 21<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Killin Hugh, clerk, bds 347 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Killin James, clerk, bds 3-17 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Killin John, traveling agent, bds 347<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Killin Mary, (mid James,) h 34'7 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Rillman Richard, lab., h 243 Croghan.<br />

Kilroy Lawrence F., notions, 60<br />

Nichigan ave, h same.<br />

Kimball Francis J., clerk. ' bds o 18 n 26<br />

Henry.<br />

Kimball Hannah, (wid William, ) tailoress,<br />

h 579 Hastings.<br />

ICimball Isaac W., engineer M. C. R. R., h<br />

201 Howard.<br />

Kimball James E., drugs, 693 Woodward<br />

ave, h 26 Henry.<br />

Kimball J. M., sailor, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Kimball Richard H., agent, h 132 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Hind Frederick, tailor, bds 296 Macomb.<br />

Kindel Joseph, carpenter, h s s Bellair bet<br />

Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Kinevan John, lab , h 20 Ann.<br />

Kinevan John, lab., h 116 Wilkins.<br />

King Arthur, builder, n e cor George and<br />

Cass ave, h 40 Brainard.<br />

King Cassius, tailor, h 293 Jefferson ave.<br />

King Caroline, (wid George S.,) h 38 Macomb.<br />

KING CHAWES, boat builder, 225 Guoin<br />

h 497 Congress e. (& ad%)<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P. Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

King Charles A., (Eellogg & King,) h 460<br />

Cass ave.<br />

King Duncan jr.,grocer, 196 Chene,h same.<br />

King Duncan, sr., shoe maker, h 557 Lafayette.<br />

King D. Wilson, milor, bds 349 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

King Edgar D., stamper, bds ST Larned e.<br />

King Francis W., h 349 Woodward ave.<br />

King George captain, bds 349 Woodward<br />

ave<br />

King George E., clerk, bds n 223 Congress<br />

east.<br />

King G. S., h 32 Macomb.<br />

King Harvey W., Sewer Commissioner<br />

Room 4 <strong>City</strong> Hall, ' proprieter Brighton<br />

House, h cor Grand River ave and<br />

Second.<br />

King James, engineer, h 588 Fort e.<br />

King James, (col'd) lab., h s s Grove bet<br />

Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

King John, boiler maker, h 53 Butternut.<br />

King J., lab., <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Railway.<br />

King John, peddlar, h 464 Third.<br />

King John, printer, h 39 Beach.<br />

King John, sailor, h 205 Wight.<br />

King John, ship carpenter, h 193 Wight.<br />

King John jr, carpenter, h 205 Wight.<br />

King John E., (Hubbard r& King,) h 199<br />

Lafa etteave.<br />

King 3 onathan L., clothing, 174 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 184 b oodbriclge e.<br />

King L., copper tube lightning rod Go.,<br />

bds Franklin House.<br />

King Lorenz, finisher, h 165 Bronson.<br />

King Martha, wid John, bds 384 Abbott.<br />

King Michael, lab., h 123 St. Aubin ave.<br />

King Noah, (col'd) tavern, 1'77 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

King Pamelia, (wid John W.,) h Pitcher n<br />

w cor Cass ave.<br />

King Patrick, helper, h 304 Guoin.<br />

King; P., artist, bds Tremont House.<br />

King Robert J., clerk, h 268 Third.<br />

King Robert W., crockery, 90 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 493 Woodward ave.<br />

King Sterney C., King and Prest, h 145<br />

Georf<br />

King teven B., manufr tonic bitters, h<br />

197 Grand River ave.<br />

King Thomas, boat builder, bds 225<br />

Franklin.<br />

King Thomas, boat builder, bds 352<br />

Franklin.<br />

King William, h 237 Woodward eve.


~ ~ Kipp Jacob, ~ farmer, h w s Riopellenr ~ Fre- f<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

King William H., engineer D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h 551 Congress e.<br />

Kine & Prest, (Sterney C. King and John<br />

rest,) painters, 56 Grand River ave.<br />

Kingsbury Charlotte A.(wid Charles H.,) h<br />

72 Larned w. .<br />

Kingsland lieuben G., pailmaker, h 930<br />

Congress e.<br />

Kingsley Charles C., clothing, 144 Wood-<br />

ward ave, res Utica, Michigan.<br />

Kingsley Edwin, lab., h 109 Catharine.<br />

Kingsley Miss Josephine, matron Women's<br />

Hospital and Foundlings Home,h Wood-<br />

ward ave rear Harper Hospital.<br />

Kingsley Orin D., turnkey Wayne county<br />

jail, h 106 Beaubien.<br />

Kingston Charles, clerk, h Fourth e s bet<br />

Brigham and Westerloo.<br />

Kingston Daniel, clerk, h e s Fourth, bet<br />

Brlgham and Westerloo.<br />

Kingston George E., sawyer, h 13 Nation-<br />

al ave.<br />

Kingston Henry, drayman, h 101 Eight.<br />

Kingston Joseph, drayman, h 132 Baker.<br />

Kingston Daniel, clerk, h e s Fourth bet<br />

Brigbam and Westert.<br />

Kingston Samuel, h 263 Howard.<br />

Kingston Thomas, jr., bds 268 Abbott.<br />

Kingston Thomas, sr., drayman, h 268<br />

Abbott.<br />

Kinner Aaron C., builder, h 274 Brush.<br />

Kinner Aaron W., mason, bds 274 Brush.<br />

. Kinner George W., mason, bds 274 Brush.<br />

ICinner Jacob, mason, h 89 Antietam.<br />

Kinney Abram S., h 113 Abbott.<br />

Kinney Henry, lab., h 81 Grand River ave.<br />

Kinney John, carpenter, h 531 Catharine.<br />

Kinnev 0. L., book-keeper Daily Tribune,<br />

bds 113 Abbott.<br />

Kinney Patrick, boiler maker, h 307 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Kinney Samuel F., clerk, h 282 Fort e.<br />

Kinnucan James, machinist, h 134 Porter.<br />

Kinnucan John, tinsmith, bds 134 Porter.<br />

Kinnucan Patrick J.,(Lynch & Kinnucan)<br />

bds Nichigan Exchange.<br />

Kinsel William, tailor, h 213 Napoleon.<br />

Kinsella Patrick: carpenter, h 109 Baker.<br />

Kint Luke, physician, bds 42 Cass.<br />

Kintel Henry, brakesman, D. 62 31. R. R.<br />

Kintz Edward, famer, h 282 Gratiot.<br />

Kimpp Peter, cigar maker, h 22 Mechanic.<br />

mont<br />

Ripp Joseph, clerk, bds 3'77 Larned e.<br />

Kepurtz Frederick, engineer, bds 81 At-<br />

water.<br />

Kirby Anna 11.) id Zebulon) h 4'73 Jeff-<br />

erson ave.<br />

Kirby George, grocer, se cor Macomb and<br />

McDougall ave, h same.<br />

Kirby George, hides and leather, 33 old<br />

, Woodward ave, h 44 Fort w.<br />

Kirby Harry B., bds 473 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kirby Robert Z., bds 473 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kirby Stephen R., (Campbell, Owen &<br />

Co.,) bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Kirby Timothy, lab., h 26'7 Filth. .<br />

Kirby George T., bds 44 Fort w.<br />

Kirchberg Christian (P. Huffnagle & Co )<br />

h 84 Sherman.<br />

KircM August, carpenter, h Mullett, nr<br />

Joseph Campau.<br />

Kirchner Anthony. dry goods, 18 Monroe<br />

ave., h 308 Randolpb.<br />

Kirchner Fred., cook hlichigan Exchange,<br />

h 44 Napoleon.<br />

Kirchner George, lab., h 878 Twelfth.<br />

Kirchner Jienry, lab., h 381 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Kirchner Leopold, clerk, bds 506 Gratiot.<br />

Kirchner Otto, lawyer, room 13 Rotunda,<br />

h 237 Howard.<br />

Kirchner Phillip, h 283 Howard.<br />

Kirchner Sebastian, dry goods, 504 a ~ 506 d<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Kirchon Charles, painter, bds 469 Clinton.<br />

Kirk Corneleus, lab., h Fateenth nr Michigan<br />

ave n s.<br />

Kirk William, cigar maker, bds 19 Cass.<br />

Kirk TVilliam,teamster, bds 408 Lafayette.<br />

Kirn Jacob, carpenter, h s w cor South<br />

and Buena Vista.<br />

Kirn John L., baker, 8 South, h same.<br />

ICirn Peter, rope maker, h 552 Sixth.<br />

Kirsc Louis, saloon, h 65 Atwater.<br />

Kirsc Jacob, lab., h 15 Chestnut.<br />

Kirsch Joseph, lab., w s Dequindre Set<br />

Mullett and Clinton.<br />

Kirschke Jacob, lab., h 115 Dequindre.<br />

Kirschner Conrad, tanner, h s w cor Antietam<br />

and Joseph Canlpau ave.<br />

Kirschner George, carpenter, h 394 Sntietam.<br />

Kirchoff Guenter, saloon, 469 Clinton ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Kirscht Mathias, tanner, h 345 Maple.<br />

Kirshweng Theodore, painter, bds 237<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Kirska John, lab., h n cor Gratiot and<br />

Rivard.<br />

Kirst Balbist, gilder, h 190 Adams ave e.<br />

Kirsten August, printer, h 89 Napoleon.<br />

Eirsten Carl, grocer, cor Ohio and Hastings,<br />

h same.


Kirtland Jane E., (wid. Blartin L.) h 110<br />

Twenty -fourth.<br />

Kirtle? George, (col'd) waiter, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Kissane Thomas, drayman, h 616 Seventh.<br />

Kisch Anthony, furniture finisher, bds 117<br />

Brewster.<br />

Kisch Henry, furniture, bds 117 Brewster.<br />

Kislingbury Frederick F., clerk, h 318<br />

Fort e.<br />

Kisselem Hubert, tinsmith, h 171 Gratiot.<br />

Kist Charles, cigar maker, h 296 Macomb.<br />

Kistner Charles, painter, bds 381 Russell.<br />

Kistner Henry, cabinet maker, bds 381<br />

Russell.<br />

Kistner Leopold, lab., h 381 Russell.<br />

Kitch Elijah A., clerk, h 148 National ave.<br />

Kitchen John J., agent, bds illichigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Kitchen William, carpenter, h 323 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Kittelberger George, flour and feed, 224<br />

Randolph, h 13 Macomb.<br />

Kittredge Frank S., shoemaker, bds Tre-<br />

mont House.<br />

Kitzmann William, forgeman, bds 689<br />

Clinton.<br />

Rlaas Charles tailor, h 207 Russell.<br />

Klaba Jacob, blacksmith (J. B. Baugh).<br />

Klaba John, teamster, h rear 959 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Klaenscbmet Henry, lab., h 225 Watson.<br />

Klager Hellmuth, carpenter, h 174 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Klager Julius, teamster, h 129 Sherman.<br />

Klaiber Charles, painter, h 249 ISlacomb.<br />

Klalefusz Sebastian, lab., h 521 James.<br />

Klapp Martin, saloon, 298 Woodbridge w,<br />

h same.<br />

Klapp Valentine, shoemaker, h 241 Cal-<br />

houn.<br />

Klarer John, brewer, h 31 Silver.<br />

Klasen John 3 ., printer, bds 43 Croghan.<br />

Klater August, gilder, bds 147 Larned w.<br />

Klatt Albert, tobacconist, bds 184 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Klatt J. Frederick, blacksmith, h n e cor<br />

Fourth and Fulton.<br />

Klatt Theodore, tanner, bds 922 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Klatt William, lab., h 184 Antietam.<br />

Klaus Jacob, agent, h 285 Macomb.<br />

Klawiter Charles, silver plater, bds 234<br />

Brush.<br />

Klawiter Dorethea S., (mid Frederi'ck,) h<br />

234 Brush.<br />

Klawiter Henry, boiler makr:r, bds 234<br />

Brush.<br />

Klawiter William, boiler maker, h 259<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Klebba Frank, cabinet maker, bds 346 Di-<br />

vision.<br />

Klee Emil, lab., bds 68 Catharine.<br />

Klee Ignatz, lab., h 386 Fort e.<br />



/ JUNE & CO.'S<br />



-Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retall.<br />

Klein Anton, lab., h cor Riopelle and<br />

Maple.<br />

Klein Catharine, (wid Frederick) h 147<br />

Maple.<br />

Klein Charles, clerk, bds 64 Hi h.<br />

Klein Charles, conductor, h 47 5 lizabeth e.<br />

Klein Edward, clerk, bds 77 Adams ave, e.<br />

Klein Ferdinand, coppersmith, h 210 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Klein Frederick, grocer, 156 St. Aubin<br />

ave. h same.<br />

~lein'~eor~e, lab., h 311 Clinton.<br />

Klein Henry, tanner, h 17 Silver.<br />

Klein Jacob. car~enter. h 17 Silver.<br />

Klein john, 'lab.; h 8 pearl.<br />

Klein John G., machinist, bds 17 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Klein Joseph, boarding house,337 Franklin.<br />

Xlein Julius, carpenter, h 163 Napoleon.<br />

Klein Martin, (Benson & Klein,) h 505<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Klein Mary E., (wid Charles,) h 77 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Klein Mathias J., physician, h'486 Orleans.<br />

Klein Peter B., physician, h 261 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Klein Satnuel, clerk, bds Russell House.<br />

K lsin William, brakesman, h 77 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Kleinhans. George, butcher, h 388 Eighteen<br />

th.<br />

Kleinsneht John G., carpenter, h n. w, cor<br />

Third and Fulton.<br />

Klengh Louis, manufacturer, bds 107 Leverette.<br />

Kleppa Jacob, blacksmith, h n. s. Hale,<br />

bet Dequindre and St. Aubirl ave.<br />

Klerkin Michael, lab., h 83 Franklin.<br />

Kletl Theodore, currier, bds 922 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Kletti Michael, cigar maker, 114 Naaoleon.<br />

Kletzel Albert, tanner, h 496 Twentythird.<br />

Klie Ignatz, lab., h 386 Fort e.<br />

Klinck John G., saloon keeper, ' h 620<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Klinck Martin, trunk maker, bds cor Riopelle<br />

and Antietam.<br />

Klinck H. Ulrich, trunk maker, h 332<br />

Sherman.<br />

Kline Elizabeth, (wid Peter,) saloon, 54<br />

Brush, h same.<br />

Kline Henry, watchman, house of correction,<br />

bds same.



Klute Joseph, dry goods, 513 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Knaak Christian, lab., h n s German bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

ICnabe Jacob, trunk maker, bds 256 Beaubien.<br />

K~abe John, trunk maker, bds Farrar nr<br />

Bates.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Knack August ,carpenter, bds 3 16 Macomh.<br />

Knack Henry, upholsterer, b& 516 Ma-<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office, comb.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Knack John, lab., h 516 Macomb.<br />

Klinesch Anton, carpenter, h 267 Jay.<br />

Knapman John, clerk, h 233 Second.<br />

Kling Philip, cooper, 285 Gratiot h same.<br />

Knapp Charles, clerk, h 163 Chene.<br />

Klinger Ferdinand, lab., h 725 Twenty-<br />

Knapp Charles, stone cutter, bds 285 Atfourth.<br />

water.<br />

Klingelhoefer Peter, clerk, bds 181 Lafay - Knapp Charles, stone yard, 207 Adams ave<br />

ette.<br />

e, h 238 Elizabeth e.<br />

Klingstein Frederick, clerk, h I2 Cuttler.<br />

Knapp David, h 247 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Klink John, saloon, 133 Napoleon, h<br />

Enapp Edward G., carpenter, bds Persame.<br />

bins' Hotel.<br />

Klinkenstein Hess, peddlar, h 89 Mullett.<br />

Knapp Edward J., carpenter, bds 87<br />

Klinkler Leopold, porter, h 60 Sherman.<br />

George.<br />

Klinkosz Albrecht, lab., h 232 Alfred.<br />

Knapp Emiel, blacksmith, bds 224 Sher-<br />

Klipel Jacob, lab., h 161 Chestnut.<br />

man.<br />

Klippert Thomas, shoemaker, h s w cor<br />

Knapp Eugene D., carpenter, bds 87<br />

Myrtle and Eighteenth.<br />

George.<br />

Klipshitz Isaac, cigar maker, h 186 Ma-<br />

Knapp Jacob, lab., h 111 Bronson.<br />

comb.<br />

Knayzer Henry, lab., h 445 Dequindre.<br />

Klintworth Peter, saloon, 459 Atwater, h<br />

Knarzer Ignazer, baker, h 445 Dequindre.<br />

same.<br />

Knatz Ferdinand, machinist, bds 214 Cro-<br />

Eloenhammer Henry, waggon maker, bds ghan.<br />

726 Woodbridge w.<br />

Knauss William, tanner, h 150 Hastings.<br />

Kloeppel Jacob, lab., h 161 Chestnut. Knecht Conrad, h 247 Eighteenth.<br />

Klokow William, lab., h 197 Antietam. Kneeland Clarance A., clerk, bds 104 Con-<br />

Klopp William, lab., h 384 North.<br />

gress w.<br />

Klopp Valentine, shoemaker, h n w cor<br />

Kneeland Henry, fireman 3%. C. R. R., llds<br />

Russell and Calhoun.<br />

203 Howard.<br />

Klosechiick Jacob, lab., h 470 St. Aubin<br />

Kneeland Lorenzo P., agent, Singer Sewave.<br />

ing Machine, h 584 Second.<br />

Klossen ~icholas, lab., h Williams nr<br />

Kneeland Philo N., hardware and stoves,<br />

Linden ave.<br />

278 Woodward ave, h 40 Pine.<br />

Klotz Adam, iab., h 110 Antie:am.<br />

Kneeland William P.: clerk, bds 40 Pine.<br />

Klotz Christian, lab., h 603 Gratiot.<br />

Kneeler Bridget, (wid John,) washer<br />

woman, h 74 Lahyette.<br />

Klotz Frank V., barber, 275 Croghan, bds Kneets Nary, (wid John,) sewing, h n s<br />

n s Chestnut bet Dequindre and St. Au- Brewster bet Dubois and St. Aubin ave.<br />

bin ave.<br />

Knerinsjildt Christiana, (wid George,) h<br />

Klotz John A., watchman, h 110 Antietam. 100 Fifteenth.<br />

Klotz John L., painter, bds s w cor Russell K nich Frantz, lab., 201 German.<br />

and Clinton.<br />

Knich J ohn, jr., lab., h 201 German.<br />

Klotz Nichael, baker, h n w cor Dubois Knickbein Gottlieb, tailor, h 151 Lafayette<br />

and Brewster.<br />

Knickbein Kchard, tin-smith, bds 151 La-<br />

Klotz Valentine, stone cutter, h 129 Chest- fayette.<br />

nut.<br />

Knies Louisa. (wid Charles,) h rear 407<br />

Kloxin Frederick, lab., h n s German nr St. ~ntoine.<br />

Bloody Run.<br />

Knight Albert S., clerk, bds 252 Fint.<br />

Kluesner John, carpenter, h s s Chestnut Knight Edward. builder, h 3 18 Russell.<br />

bet Joseph Campau and McDougall Kni-ght ~lizahith, (wid Henry,) washer<br />

aves.<br />

woman, h 181 National ave.<br />

Kluge Emil, tanner, h 159 Maple. Knight Frances A., (wid Henry C.,) h 252<br />

Kluge Frank, trunk inaker, h 339 Hastings. First.<br />

Klugh Lewis E., clerk, bds 107 Leverette. Knight Francis, lab., h 23 Hastings.<br />

Kluseen Ludwig, tailor, 235 Chestnut. Knight John G., carpenter, bds 167 Cass.


Knight Lemuel P., freight agent 31. C. R, We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />

R., h '70 Miami avc.<br />

Knight Mrs. Mary, (wid James,) 31iners7 PHYSICIANS<br />

Home. 9 First.<br />

Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 Weat<br />

Knight Oswald, builder, h 118 Russell.<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Knight Sumner, (Dunham &b Co ,) bds 131<br />

Congress e.<br />

ParLe, Davis &- GO.<br />

Knight. Theodore, machinist, bds 505 Lar- See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

ned e.<br />

Knight Thomas, peddlar, h 33 Sproat. Knudeler & Hotger, (John Knudeler and<br />

Knill Frank,conductor, D. & M R. R., h 67 John Hotger) merchant tailors, 496<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Knittmeis Conrad, (I?. & C. Knitiwets,) h 46 Knuth Catharine (wid. Nicholas) h 201<br />

Croghan.<br />

Crogh an.<br />

Knittweis Frank, (F. & C. Knitmeis,) h Knuth George, jr., machinist, h 201 Crog-<br />

234 Macomb.<br />

hau.<br />

Knittweiss John, clerk, h 168 Macomb. Rnuth Geo. sr., lab., h 201 Croghan.<br />

Knittweis F. & C., (Frank and Conrad,) Knutson Gustave Charles, saloon, new 278,<br />

merchant tailors, 44 Monroe are.<br />

Nichigan ave., h same.<br />

Knoakes John, teallister Geo. A. Ross Co., Kobb Frank, boiler maker, bds 115 Sevenh<br />

Brady.<br />

teen th.<br />

Knoch Frederick, butcher, h 460 Clinton Icobien Henry, last maker, h 464 Croghan.<br />

me.<br />

Kobinsky George, peddlar, h 1G9 Olinton.<br />

Kllobe Charles. jr., trunk maker, bds 566 Kobiella August, gardener, h St. Aubin<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

ave bet Margaret and Federal.<br />

Knobe Charles, sr., clerk, h 566 Clinton Koch Amand, principal Jestalozzi school,<br />

ave.<br />

h 216 Prospect.<br />

Knoch Wiiliam, cigar maker, bds 167 Cass Koch August, shoemaker, 40 Fort e., h<br />

ave.<br />

same.<br />

Knoch William, lab., bds 372 Sherman. Koch Christian, (Chr. Koch & Co.) bds<br />

Knocher John, lab., h 226 3Iullett.<br />

Hamtramck.<br />

Icnoll Phillip, lab., h 628 Sevcnth. Koch Christ,ian 2nd (Chr. Koch & Co,) res<br />

Knolting William, teamster, h Tmefth w s Hamtramck<br />

nr Dickson.<br />

Koch Frank, iab., 118 Humboldt sve.<br />

Kno~f<br />

Koch Jacob, cooper, h 308 Montcalm e,<br />

lab., h Catharine s s nr Koch John, brewer, 244 Russell, h same.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Koch John, lab., h 99 Calhoun.<br />

Knopf David1 lab-, h Catharine, bet Joseph ~och Julius, cigar maker, h 554 Croghan.<br />

Calnpau and McDougall aves.<br />

Koch Martin, carpenter, h 596 Macomb.<br />

Knopps Charles, baker, h 249 Clinton. Roch William, tailor, 183 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Knorr Charles, grocer, 407 Gratiot, h Koch William, stone cutter, h 151 Wilkins.<br />

same.<br />

Koch Chr. bZ Co. (Christian and Christian<br />

Kuorr Fred., lab., h 148 Division.<br />

Koch 2d), coal and wood dealers, foot<br />

Knorr Phillip, Lib., h 628 Seventh.<br />

of Rivard.<br />

Kaorth John, tinner, bds 201 Croghan. Kocher John, painter, h 13 Pearl.<br />

Knoss August, lab., h 446 North.<br />

Koehler Anton, cabinet maker, bds 366<br />

Knoth Hillard, carver, bds 201 Croghan. Orleans.<br />

Knowland Ellen (wid. John) h 164 Frank- Koehler Charles, lab., h 234 Chestnut.<br />

lin.<br />

Koehler Charles E., dry goods, 176 Nichi-<br />

Knowland BIaggie, operator, bds 164 &an "Ve, h same.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Koehler Gustave, furrier, 113 Gratiot, h<br />

Knowles Benjamin M., carpenter shop, g same.<br />

bliddle, h same.<br />

Koehler Henry, teacher, h 381 Wood-<br />

Knowles George W., joiner, bds Brighton<br />

House. I ~einich, lab., h 438 Muliett.<br />

Knowles Henry, street commissioner, wes- Koehler Henry, carpenter, bds 260 Clintern<br />

district, h 82 Henry.<br />

ton.<br />

Kowles John, teacher, h 211 Lafayette. Koehler Henry, tailor, h '366 Orleans.<br />

Knox Alonzo, shoemaker, bds 118 Larned Koehler Hermann L., general<br />

west.<br />

agent, <strong>Detroit</strong> Daily Abend Post, bds<br />

Knox Robert, saloon, s e cor Third and 63 Randolph.<br />

Larned, h same.<br />

Koehler John, vinegar maker, h 113 Pros-<br />

Kniideler John (Knudeler & Hotger) h pect.<br />

h 659 Dequindre. .<br />

Koehler John, lab., h 238 Chestnut,<br />





Koehler John, mason, h 457 Beaubien.<br />

Koehler Wilhelmine, sea.mstress, h 324<br />

Catherine.<br />

Koehler Willlam, lab., bds 347 Maple.<br />

Koehler William, milkman, h 460 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Koehn Charles, lab., h e s Chene bet<br />

Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Eoehn Charles, overseer, h 3'79 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Eoehn Ernest, lab., h n s Jay bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Koehn Fritz, lab., h 315 Sherman.<br />

Koehn John, lab., bds 315 Sherman.<br />

Koehn William, lab., h n s Chestnut bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Koehn William, tailor, h 196 Lafayette.<br />

Koenig Anna (wid Henry) grocer, 227 St.<br />

Antoine, h same.<br />

Koenig Anton, lab., h 71 Chestnut.<br />

Koenig Bernhardt, grinder,h 51 Calharine.<br />

Koenig Charles. painter, h 238 Maple.<br />

Koenig John, grocer, 338 Dubois, h same.<br />

Koenig Louisa, Yankee notions, 51 Catha-<br />

rine, h same.<br />

Koenig Peter, wood yard, s s Gratiot bet<br />

Russell and Rivard, h 12 Chestnut.<br />

Eoenig Wilhelm, groceries, 284 Chene, h<br />

same.<br />

Koepcke Wm., shoemaker, h 371 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Koeppel John, lab., h hi9 Twenty-second.<br />

Koeppen Christian, lab., h 330 Maple.<br />

Koeppen Fritz, lab., h 850 Maple.<br />

Koepke Helmuth. lab., h 295 Marion.<br />

Roepernick Wilhelm, lab., h 424 Antietam<br />

Koerber Adolph, printer, h 247 Fort e.<br />

Koerker Adolph, printer, h 67 Maple.<br />

Koerner Charles, clerk, h 186 Eighteenth.<br />

KOERNER CONRAD, wood turner, 161<br />

Rivard, h 154 Orleans. (& adv.)<br />

goester Margaret, (wid Ludwig,) h 553<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Koetchner Henry, lab., bds 91 Congress e.<br />

Koge Joseph, machinist, cor Antoine and<br />

Watson.<br />

Eoge1scha.t~ August E., cigar manufac-<br />

turer, 3223 Woodmard ave, h same.<br />

Kohler Anthony, organ maker, bds 366<br />

Orleans.<br />

Kohler Henry, teacher, bds 381 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Xohler Julius, printel-, h 260 Clinton.<br />

Kohlstein David, pedlar, h 140 Russell.<br />

i<br />

Hohn Chas., cabinet maker, bds 109 Clin.<br />

ton.<br />

Kohn Chas., turner, h n s Frank bet Sixth<br />

and Seventh.<br />

Eohn John, J., upholsterer, bds 109 Clinton.<br />

Kohn Wm., la.b., h n 305 Clinton.<br />

Kohnen Werner, machinist, h I11 Bates.<br />

Kohnke John, lab., h 563 Deqnindre.<br />

Koil Edward, shoemaker, h 318 Alfred.<br />

Koji Joseph, carpenter, h 573 St. Antoine.<br />

Kolb Adam, boot and shoe dealer, 205 Dubois,<br />

h same.<br />

Kolb Frank, (Kolb & Eggemann,) h 39<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Kolb Gerhart, gardener, h w s Dequindre,<br />

nr St. Joseph.<br />

Kolb Jacob, peddlar, h 399 Dubois.<br />

Kolb cTZ Eggemann, (Frank Kolb and Bernard<br />

Eggemann, meat market, 39 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Kolbe Christian, carpenter, h 438 Bea.ubien<br />

Eolhe Jacob, blacksmith, h Indiana n s<br />

bet Prospect and Hastings.<br />

Kol be William, tailor, h 456 Lafitpet te.<br />

Kollar Albert, lab., h 113 Prospect.<br />



-- - -<br />

Kordes Frederick E., traveling agent, bds LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Cass House.<br />

Koren Catharine, (wid John,) milliner 165<br />

8umm<br />


Gratiot, h same.<br />

Korf Charles, carpenter, bds 208 Antietam. &<br />

Korf Henriette, (wid John,) h 208 Antielam.<br />

FnIton Market Oyster House,<br />

Kornman Henry, tailor, h 661 Larned e. 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

Korolewsk~ Nicholas, lab*, h n Be1air oysters in the Shell a 8 eeialty. Wholesale<br />

bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

and etai if:<br />

Kortan John, tailor, h 51 Whiting.<br />

Korte Barney, (Theute & Korte), h 326 Kraiker Frederick, painter, bds 361 Lafay-<br />

Columbia e.<br />

ette.<br />

Korte Frederick, pail maker, h 215 Wight. Krakow William, shoemaker, h n w cor<br />

Korte John carpenter, h 220 Antietam. Croghan and Orleans.<br />

Korth Charles, bookkeeper, bds Biddle Kramer Andrew C., printer, bds new 1'76<br />

House.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Korth Joseph, varnisher, h 500 Riopelle. Kramer Ann E. (wid Peter), h 503 Beau-<br />

Korth William H., clgar maker, bds 21 bien.<br />

John R.<br />

Kramer Christian, lab., h 292 Maple.<br />

Koschinski William, lab ,101 Chestnut. Kramer Eberhard, lab., h 379 Dequindre.<br />

Koschluh Thomas, tailor, h n 162 Watson. Kramer Frank, lab., h 463 Lafayette.<br />

Koslman Ermt, lab., h s s Mullett bet BIc- Kramer George (Kramer 62 Steiner), h 130<br />

Dougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Mullet t.<br />

Kosnow Charles, coachman, bds s w cor Kramer Gustavus, clerk, bds w s Tillman<br />

Fort and Twenty-fourth.<br />

ave bet Michigan ave and Butternut<br />

Ross Franz, lab., h 324 Benton.<br />

Kramer Jacob, lab., h 420 Croghan.<br />

KOSS Jacob, lab., h w s Dubois bet Ger- Kramer Johqbutcher, s e cor Dubois and<br />

man and Gratiot.<br />

Jay, h same.<br />

Koss Joseph, carriage trimmer, bds Scott Kramer John, grocery, 88 John R., h<br />

nr Riopelle.<br />

same.<br />

Koss Martin, lab., h n s Scott bet Wopelle Kramer John, machinist, h new 176 Fort<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

east.<br />

Kossobutzki Frank, cabinet maker, h 321 Kramer Joseph, painter, h 562 Beaubien.<br />

High.<br />

Kramer Louis, barber shop, 225 Atwater,<br />

Kossow John, car maker, h n w cor Eigh- h same.<br />

teenth and Ash.<br />

Eramer Matthew (>fatthew Kramer,& Co.),<br />

Kiister Henry, lab., h 237 Clinton.<br />

h 232 Lafayette.<br />

KBster Henry jr, jeweler, bds 237 Clinton. Kramer Noures, shoemaker, h 731 Jeffer-<br />

Kostow Albert, lab., bds New bet Dubois son ave.<br />

and Chene and Gratiot and German. Kramer Otto, clerk, bds s m cor Gratiot<br />

Kott Anton, joiner, h s s Antietam bet and Rivard. .<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Kramer Peter, cutter, h 565 Beaubien.<br />

Kott Joseph, lab., h s s Antietam bet Du- Kramer Peter, lab., h 97 Gratiot.<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Kramer Philip (Mathew Kramer rPt GO.),<br />

Kiitten Nicholas, shoemaker, h 109 Clin- h 126 Mullett.<br />

ton.<br />

Kramer Philip, h 188 Fort e.<br />

Kour Charles, frame maker, bds 81 Atwa- Kramer Rollin, millwright, bds 14 Pine.<br />

ter.<br />

Kramer William, carpenter, h 184 Fort e. -<br />

Kra John, cabinet maker, h s e cor Clin- Kramer Mathew & Co. (Msthew and Philip<br />

ton and Dequindre.<br />

Kramer), proprietors Michigan Volks-<br />

Eraatzs Anton, cigar maker, h cor Charles blatt, cor Griswold and Woodbridge.<br />

and Sixth.<br />

Kramer & Steiner (George Krarner and<br />

KraatzsEarnst,cigar maker,bds cor Charles Peter Steiner), plumbers and gas fitters,<br />

and Sixth.<br />

21 Congress e.<br />

Iiraatzs Paulina (wid Henry), h cor Charles Kranbuhl Frank, varnisher, bds 252 Clinand<br />

Sixth.<br />

ton.<br />

Kraemer Hubert, carpenter, h 68 Cath- Kranbush.John H., malster, h 103 Napoarine.<br />

leon.<br />

Kraemer Peter, lab., h 277 Wilkins. Kranich Fredreka W., h 185 High.<br />

Kraemer William, last maker, h 339 Maple. Kranich Catharine, n 268 Sherman.<br />

Kraft Fritz, meat market, 764 Michigan Kranich Herman, clerk, bds 268 Sherman.<br />

. ave, h same.<br />

Krantz Frauk, butcher, h 516 Lafayette.<br />

Kraft John F., lab., h 15 Silver.<br />

Krantz John, blacksmith h 86 Tillman ave.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Krantz Joseph, lab., h 250 Lafayette.<br />

Kranz Frederick, lab., bds 68 Tillman ave.<br />

Kranz John, lab., h 182 Sherman.<br />

Kranz John, helper, h 86 Twentieth.<br />

Krapp Catharine, (wid Henry) bda 570<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Krapp Ernest, teacher, bds 328 Thirteenth.<br />

Krapp Peter, h 400 Alfred.<br />

Krapp William, grocer, 624 Gratiot h same<br />

Krapp John, farmer, h s s Gratiot bet<br />

McDougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Krappmann Tobias, basket maker, h 231<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Krass Jacob, lab., h 342 Maple.<br />

Icratz Alfred, sailor, bds 41s Guoin.<br />

Kratz August, carpenter, h 19 German.<br />

Kratz John, lab., h s e cor Riopelle and<br />

Watson.<br />

Kraus Anton, wagon maker, h 154 An-<br />

tie tam.<br />

Kraus Charles, machinist, h 152 Antietam.<br />

Kraus Ferdinand,blacksmith h 228 Watson.<br />

Kraus Henry, helper, h 154 Antietam.<br />

Kraus Joseph, blacksmita, h 26 Eighteenth.<br />

Kraus Lewis, carpenter, h 152 Antietam.<br />

Kraus Louis, cabinet maker, bds 64 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Kraus Michael, cabinet maker, bQs 466 Ri-<br />

opelle.<br />

Krause Charles, veterinary surgeon, h 34<br />

Beacon.<br />

Krause Christopher, lab., Backus r& Bro.<br />

Krause Jacob, tailor, h 311 Antietam.<br />

Erause Ludwig, teacher, h 277 Bronson.<br />

Krause Rudolph, teamster, 4330 Antietam.<br />

ICrause William, shoemaker, h 169 Fort e.<br />

Kraushaar Christian, lab., h n s Sherman<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Kraushaar Hiram, h 853 Larned e.<br />

Kraushaar John, coppersmith, h 339 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Krausmann Adam, upholsterer, bds 20<br />

Jay.<br />

Kraussman John, grocer, n w cor Dequin-<br />

dre and Hale, h same.<br />

Kraussmann John P., manufacturer cigars,<br />

h 209 Mullett.<br />

Kraussmann Matthias A., (P. A. Eraus-<br />

mann & Bro.) h 286, Larned e.<br />

Kraussman John P., cigar packer, 209<br />

Mullett.<br />

Krausmann Phillip, lab., h 20 Jay.<br />

Krausmann Phillip, cigar maker, bds 209<br />

Mullett.<br />

Krausmann Phillip A., (P. A. Krausmann<br />

& Bro., h 286 Larned e.<br />

Krausmann Phillip A. 62 Bro., (Phillip A.<br />

and Mathias 8.) bakers, 286 Larned e.<br />

Kream John, boiler maker, h 219 Maple.<br />

Kreamann John, milkman, h 213 Twentysecond.<br />

Kreamer Anton, lab., h 285 Eighteenth.<br />

Kreber August, cabinet maker, h 217 Alfred.<br />

Krebs Charles, carpenter, h 255 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Hrebs Frank, lab., h 29 Beacon.<br />

Krebs Martin, grocer, n w cor Russell and<br />

Watson, h same.<br />

Kreeke Florens, justice of the peace anci<br />

asst. police justice, 31 Larned w, h 298<br />

Clinton.<br />

Kreeke John G., cabinet finisher, bds 171<br />

Dubois,<br />

Ereger Wm., painter, h 241 Croghan.<br />

Kregowski Friederich, lab., h w s Antietam,<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Kreibich K., cabinet maker 52 Fort e, h w<br />

s Beaubien, bet Bronson and Narion.<br />

Kreinbring Henry, lab., h n s Sherman<br />

bet McDougall and Elrnwood aves.<br />

Kreiss Alwin, clerk, bds 136 Catharine.<br />

Kreiss Arthur, hack driver, bds 136 Catharine.<br />

Kreiss Carl, painter, h 449 Clinton ave.<br />

Kreis Christian, upholsterer, h 136 Cathax<br />

ine.<br />

Kreisin er Emanuel, tinsmith, bds 282<br />

~ltre8<br />

Krerner ~ nthon~, (Huetteman & Co.,) h<br />

lltZaple nr Orleans.<br />

Kremer Anton, milkman, h 66 Catharine.<br />

Kremer Catharine, housekeeper, bds 233<br />

Sherman.<br />

Kremer Christian, lab.,' 292 Maple.<br />

Kremer Edward, clerk, h 379 Dequindre.<br />

Kremer Frederick, (Kremer Bros.) bds<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Kremer Frank, shoemaker, 14 Larned e., h<br />

Spring w el 1s.<br />

Kremor Friederich, lab., h 498 Catharine.<br />

Krerner Hugo, (Kremer Bros.) h 187 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Kremer John, bar tender, bds 3 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Kremer Joseph, lab., bds 66 Catharine.<br />

Kremer Morse, boot and store, '731 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Kremer Peter, saloon, 97 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Kremer Bros. & Co., (Fred. Kremer, Hugo<br />

Kremer and Louis Peters) cigar manufacturers,<br />

235 JefTerson ave.<br />

Kremlicka Jacob, carpenter, h 274 Alfred.<br />

Kremp Hubert, teamster, h 139 Chestnut.<br />

Krengle Leopold, lab., h 90 Sherman.


Krengler Geor e F., lab., h 211 Catharine* I<br />

Krensine ~avif, lab., h 415 Sixteenth. DRUGGISTS<br />

Krentlar George F.9 last maker, h 211 Will find it to their advantage to call at our ofeee<br />

Catharine.<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />

Kreschner Emst, lab., h 84 Jay.<br />

Kress Christian, shoemaker, bds 325 MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

Kreit Ulrich, saloon and barber shop, 282<br />

See<br />

and 284. St. Antoine h same.<br />

Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Kretg ~osepb, lab., e. s. Whiting, nr Ash. Krouse Ferdinand, blacksmith,h 228 Wat-<br />

Kretsch Jacob, clerk, bds 440 Gratiot. son.<br />

Kretsch Herman, millinery and fancy Krouse Joseph,blacksmith,h 26 Eigb teenth.<br />

goods, 440 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Krouser Henry, h Gratiot nr toll gate.<br />

Icretsch Isaac J., clerk, bds 440 Gratiot. Krueger Albert, lab., h 411 Riopelle.<br />

Kretsch Martin, plasterer, G56 Russell. Krueger Charles, gardener, 11 n s Cathe-<br />

Kretzschmar Elnst L , baker, h 49 Chest- rine bet ~~cDougal1 and Elmwood aves.<br />

nut.<br />

Krueger Charles, lab., h n s Chestnut bet<br />

Kreuar Martin, lab., h 12 Silver.<br />

Josepli Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Kreulprs Henry, cigar maker, bds 9G6 St. Krueger Fritz, lab., h n s German bet 8t.<br />

Antoine.<br />

'Aubin ave and Dubois.<br />

Kreschinski Fred., lab., h I78 Antietam. Krueger Gottfried, carpenter, n e cor Morse<br />

Krew William, lab. D. & M., h 510 Dubois. and Prospect.<br />

Kregenbuhl Frank, varnisher, h 216 Eliza- Krueger Wllliam, lob., h 510 Macomb.<br />

beth e.<br />

Kruepel August, talior, .h 395 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Krieger Jacob, lab., h 17 Silver.<br />

Krug Aloys, bookseller, 99 Croghan, bds<br />

lirieger John, lab., h 244 Chestnut.<br />

same.<br />

Kriele John, mason, bds 145 Maple. Krug Charles, carpenter, h 141 Twenty-<br />

Krier Mathias, cooper, h 277 Marion. first.<br />

Krikowa Ferdinand T., shoe maker, 155 Krup John G., bookseller, 99 Croghan, h<br />

Randolph, h 3 German.<br />

same.<br />

Krikowa John, lab., h 3 German. Krug Joseph F., sailor, h 160 Eighteenth.<br />

Krirnan Frank, glue maker, h 364 Lafay- aug Joseph G., teamster, h 169 Eighette.<br />

teenth.<br />

Krimgan Jasper, tailor, h 420 Beaubien. Eug William, engineer, h 299 Twenty-<br />

Kroenke John, carpenter, h 114 Macomb. second.<br />

Kroeper Franz A., cooper, h 349 Croghar. Krug William, lab., h 45 Twenth-fourth.<br />

Krohn Ellis, (E. Iirohn & Bro.), h 204 Kruger Albert, huckster, stall 80, C. H.M.<br />

Wooiibridge w.<br />

h n s Canfield between Sixteenth aud<br />

Krohn Max, (E. Krohn & Bro.), h 204 Seventeemh.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Kruger Anthony F., (Kruger, Zeach &<br />

Krohn E., & Bro., (Ellis Krohn & Max Co.,) h o 271 n 299 Twelfth.<br />

Krohn,) clothiers, 204 Woodbridge w. Kruger Charles, lab., h s w cor Hastings<br />

Krohnberg Karl, lab., h 510 Catharine. and Clinton.<br />

Iirolik Adolph, drv goods, 158 Woodward Kruger Frederick, lab., h 3G0 Antietam.<br />

ave, h 197 John R.<br />

Kruger Gotfried, cabinet milker, n w cor<br />

'Iirolik Henry A., clerk, bds 197 John R. Prospect and Morse.<br />

Krolik Herman, clerk, bds 197 John R. Kruger John, shoe maker, h 139 Twenty-<br />

Kroll Annie, bds 309 Thirteenth.<br />

second.<br />

Kroll Carl lab., bds Fremont e Beaubien. Kruger William, painter, h 241 Croghan.<br />

Erom George W., palnter, h 102 Mayberry Kruger William A*, millinery and faucy<br />

me.<br />

goods, 104 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Kronaway Simon lab., h 117 Benton. Kruger, Zeach & Co., (Anthony F. Kru-<br />

Kronberg Augustus, bookbinder, h 291 ger, Henry A. Zertch, Charles Scho-<br />

Fifth.<br />

warte and John F. Steiner,) cigar man-<br />

Krouberg Bernard, painter, bds 291 Fifth. ufacturers. 45 31ichigan ave.<br />

Kronberg Henry C., bookbinder, bds 291 Knunbach IIenry, lab., bds 361 Orleans.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Brumbach Hermann, clerk, P. O., h 369<br />

Kron berg William, moulder, bds 58 1 Clin- Orleans.<br />

ton ave.<br />

Krumbach Hermann shoemaker, h 361<br />

Kroper John, cooper, h 217 Antietam. Orleans.<br />

Kropik John, saloon, 928 Michlgan ave, h KrumhornPeter, lab-, h 352 Orleans.<br />

same.<br />

Krus Oscar, cigar maker, bds 170 Nacomb.<br />

Eroschinski charlei, bds 178 Antie- , Kruse Charles, tacker, h e s Williams ave<br />

-, , tam.<br />

.<br />

bet Myrtle and Linden.<br />



%maSAVS*W<br />

Q 1 1 $ @ # r 8 8 a ,<br />

Kuhn Francis, (Kuhn & Burghardt), h<br />

252 Russell.<br />

Kchn Frmk, carpenter, h 251 Antietam.<br />

Kuhn Frank, tailor, li 508 Crogllan.<br />

Kuhn Frederick. lab., h Sherman nr Du-<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

bois.<br />

Kuhn Frederick, saloqn, 152 Franklin, h<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW, same.<br />

DETROIT, MICE., I Kuhn George William, wire worker. bds<br />

Corner Congress and Randolph sts. I 126 Napokon.<br />

Kuhn Henry, tailor, h 509 Croghan.<br />

Krust Charles C., lab., h 319 Clinton. Kuhn Hermann, (Schmemann & Kuhn,)<br />

Krocty Thomas, engineer, G. T. R. R. h h 300 St. antoine.<br />

406 Seventeenth.<br />

Kuhn Jacob, varnisher, h 252 Clinton.<br />

Kuanpe Charles, lab., h 566 Clinton ave. Kuhn John, clerk, h 238 Fort e.<br />

Kuba Frederick, mason, h 123 Wilkins. Kuhn Joseph, Alderman Fourth Ward and<br />

Kubck Vencil, tailor, h 783 Sixteenth. notary public, s e cor Woodward ave<br />

Kubitsky Anton, furrier, h 501 Gratiot. and Congress, h 272 Congress e.<br />

ICuch Andrew, furniture store, 72 Larned, Kuhn Joseph, barber 479 Gratiot, h same.<br />

h same.<br />

Kuhn Kchael, lab., h 109 Chestnut.<br />

Kiichler George, lab., h 145 and 150 Ma- Kuhn Oscar, tailor, bds s e cor Clinton and<br />

comb.<br />

Russell.<br />

Kucklrt Frank, la.b., h 118 Division. Kuhn Theodore, book binder, bds 505 Cro-<br />

Kuderle Jacob, blacksmith, h 308 Alfred. ghm.<br />

Kuehl Xilliam, lab., h n s German bet Kuhn TVilliam, last turner, h 297 Clinton .<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Kuhn & Bur hardt, (Francis<br />

Kuehn Albert, tailor, h 160 31acomb. Kuhn and Ernst $ Burghardt,) mer-<br />

Kuehn Frederick A. G., carpenter, h 126 chaut tailors, 100 Randolph. (See adv.)<br />

nap oleo^.<br />

Kuhs Anra >I., Yankee notions, 336 Gra-<br />

Kuehn Henry, cigar maker, bds 48 Sher- tiot, h same.<br />

man.<br />

Kuhs August, cabinet maker, h 336 Gra-<br />

Kuemmel Henry, (Kuemmel, Stiebeling tiot.<br />

and Schmidt), h 83 Harriet.<br />

Kukla Albert, lab., h 194 Bronson.<br />

Kuemmel, Steibling & 8chmitt, (Henry Kukovsky Frank, furier, bds 29 Clinton.<br />

Kuemmel, -. Steibling and -. Scbmitt,) ICull Cbarles F., butcher, 82 Dequindre h<br />

painters, 305 St. Antoine.<br />

same.<br />

Kuenzel August, clerk, bds 256 Gratiot. Kullman Rev. Antl~ony, h 399 Thirteenth.<br />

Kueppen Christian, lab., h 350 3Iaple. Kullmann Catherine Miss., teacher, h 220<br />

Kueppen Frederick, lab , h 350 Maple. John R.<br />

KUESTER THEODORE, cabinet maker, Kullwas Charles, lab., h 5 10 blacomb.<br />

e s Brush bet Croghan and Lafayette, Kulow Charles lab.,h n w cor Sherman and<br />

bits Hotel Henry. (See &.)<br />

Chene.<br />

Kuetter Andrew, clerk, h 366 Riopelle. Kulow Christian, shoemaker, h n w cor<br />

Kuettler Charles, gilder, bds 54 Fort e. Sherman and Chene.<br />

Kuetten Frank, cabinet maker, h 176 Kummerow Charles, tailor, h 377 Seven-<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Kugler Charles, tinsmith,bds 147 Larned w. Kummell Charles H., clerk U. S. Lake Sur-<br />

Kugler George, timer, h 147 Larned w. vey, bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Kuhl Anton, brewer and saloon, 425 Clin- Kummer Judge, tailor, h 192 Wilkins.<br />

ton, h same.<br />

Kummer Nicholas,carpenter, h 154 Clinton.<br />

Kuhll Charles, tobacco and cigars, 50 Nan- Kunarth Frederick, teamster, h 454 St. Auroe<br />

ave, h 276 Randolph.<br />

bin ave.<br />

Kuhlman August, surgical and dental in- Kunath Joseph, lab., h 344 Division.<br />

struments, 102 Randolph, h 113 same. Kundinger Erhard, clerk, h 362 Fort e.<br />

Kuhlow Fritz, lab., h o 412 n 422 Maple. Kuney Bartholomew, lab., h 36 Twentieth.<br />

Kuhlow Joachim, cigar maker, bds 412 Kunican John, teamster, h 251 Franklin.<br />

Maple.<br />

Kunke Henry, carver, h n w cor Rivard<br />

Kuhn Augustus, Yankee notions, h 410 and Clinton.<br />

Orleans. Kunrath Charles, tailor, h w s Dubois bet<br />

'<br />

Kuhn Caspar, lab., h 199 Clinton.<br />

German and Gratiot.<br />

Kuhn Charles, cabinet maker, bcls I71 Kunstman Louise, (wid Martin,) h 477<br />

Clinton.<br />

Nitple.<br />

Kuhn Christian, clerk, h 279 Croghan. Kuntze Henry, carver, h 193 Clinton.


Kunze Carl, brewery, cor Howard and LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Twelfth, h same.<br />

auma<br />


Kunze Charles, machinist, <strong>Detroit</strong> brass<br />

works.<br />

Kunze Emily (wid. John A.) h s. w. & @@e8B<br />

cor Joseph ave.. and Macomb.<br />


Kunze ~iederick J., po~ter, h s w. cor 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

Beaubien and Woodbridge.<br />

Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Kunze George, receiving clerk water<br />

Retail.<br />

works office, h 300 Randolph.<br />

Kunze George, shoemaker, 428 Wood- L<br />

bridge w., h same.<br />

ABADIE J. A., printer, bds Howard<br />

Kunze George E., elerk, bds 300 Randolph. L House.<br />

Knnze Henrietta Miss, clerk, (Campbell Lablanc Joseph, lab., h 412 Guoin.<br />

& Son) bde cor Joseph Campau. ave Labold Louis, clothing, 44 Woodward ave,<br />

and Macomb.<br />

h 135 Larned e.<br />

Kunze Henry, drayman, h 178 Lsfavette. Labold Moses, clerk, bds 135 Larned e.<br />

Kunzie Frederick J., clerk, h 118 Wood- Lnbrecque Ignace, ship carpenter, h 547<br />

bridge e.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Kunzie Louis, real estate, h 118 Wood- La Brun Addie Miss, bds 209 Fourth.<br />

bridge' e.<br />

Lsbruzy Jol~n, tinsmith, Jefferson aye nr<br />

Kunzman Anthony, cutter, (C. R. Mabley) St. Aubin ave, h 886 Riopelle.<br />

h 190 Mscomb. -<br />

Lacey Heman A., (J. B. Walton & Co.,) h<br />

Kutlar Frank, tobacco, h 11s Division. A32 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kutter Joseph, shoemaker, bds 6'7 Atwater. Lacey James, lab., h 113 Porter.<br />

Kuttnauer Louis, cigar store, 167 Wood- La Chance Francois, ship carpenter, h 124<br />

bridge w., h 139 Grand River ave. Dubois.<br />

Kutz Caroline (wid. Charles) h 52 Pierce. La. Chance Henry, ship carpenter, h 124<br />

Kupfersmidt John, brewer, h 125 Sullivan Dubois.<br />

ave.<br />

La Chance John P. D., carpenter, h n s<br />

KUD ferschmitt Michael, tanner, h 171 Sherman bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

~ulle~t.<br />

La Chance Oliver: lab., h 248 Guoin.<br />

Kupts Sugust, lab., h a s alley bet Dubois La Chance Peter, ship carpenter, h St.<br />

and Chene, and Gratiot and German. Joseph n s bet Dequindre and St. Aubin<br />

Kuralske John, lab., h s s Railroad bet<br />

ave.<br />

St. Aubin and Dequindre.<br />

La Chanza John, lab., h 515 Fort e.<br />

La Chapelle Joseph, carriage maker, h<br />

Kurkoosky Frank, furrier, h Riopelle bet 186 High.<br />

Marion and Gratiot.<br />

La Chapelle Wm., boat builder, foot of<br />

Kurs Albert, lab., h 540 Gratiot.<br />

35cDougall ave, h 588 Franklin.<br />

Kurs Louis, h 540 Gratiot.<br />

Lacllrnann Frank, clerk, bds s e cor Cath-<br />

Kursch John, boiler maker, bds n w cor arine and St. Antoine.<br />

Jefferson ave and Second.<br />

Lachman Frank, tailor, h Gratiot n e Jo-<br />

Kursey James (col'd) barber, bds 69 Har- seph Campau ave.<br />

riet.-<br />

Lacour Alexander, (Govin & Lacour, h 13<br />

Kurt Anton, teamster, h 24'7 High.<br />

Chase.<br />

Kurth Frederick W. A., clerk, h 549 Fort Lacroix Edward N., notary public, h 162<br />

we$t.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Kurtzman Frederick, huckster, stall 38 C. Lacroix Henry M., h 768 Jefferson ave.<br />

H. &I., h 642 Gratiot.<br />

Lacroix Paul, clerk, h 201 Elizabeth e.<br />

Kurzrock Charles A,, locksmith, h 396 Lacy Morgan, physician, h 60 Labrosse.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Ladd Burwell W., photographer, h 33<br />

Kusch Joseph, lab., Dequindre bet Jay Adams ave e.<br />

and Gratiot. -<br />

Ladd Charles W., cIerk, bds 135 Michigan<br />

Kurshel John, lab., h Dequindre bet Jay ave (up stairs.)<br />

and Gratint.<br />

Ladd Edward W., marble and roof-<br />

Kusel John, carpenter, h 269 Sherman. ing slate, 280 Atwater e, h 262 Wood-<br />

Kussack Franz, tailor, h 136 Prospect. bridge e. (~%e @.)<br />

KyBn Richard, conductor, h 64 Twenty- Ladd Henry H., policeman, h 206 Eighfirst.<br />

teenth.<br />

Kvdd William, shoemaker, 52 Beach, h Ladd Josiah, conductor, M. C. R. R., h 251<br />

378 Third.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Kidd William H., moulder, h 280 Third.<br />

' Ladd Minerva, (wid Charles,) dressmaking<br />

Kyle Samuel P., clerk, h 194 Fourth.<br />

1 135 Michigan aye, (up stairs.)



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

Ladensack Chas., mason, h s s Hale bet<br />

Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Laderoot Eli, saloon, h 262 Macomb.<br />

Lsderoot Michae1,turner: bds 262 Macomb.<br />

Lad ensk Christian, wagon maker, bds<br />

gater %Forks, <strong>Detroit</strong> nr Riopelle.<br />

Lactgensky J~seph, blacksmith, bds Water<br />

Works, <strong>Detroit</strong> nr Riopelle.<br />

Laduc Charles, printer, bds 105 Catharine.<br />

Laduc George, teamster, bds 5'73 Mullett,<br />

Laduc John, carpenter, h 105 Catharine.<br />

Laduc Joseph, carpenter, h 5'73 Mullett.<br />

Laduc Peter, carpenter, bds 573 Mullett.<br />

Laducke Anthony, sailor, h 532 Lafayette.<br />

Laducke George, teamster, h 175 Macomb.<br />

Laducke Louis, peddlar, h 434 Chene.<br />

Laduke William, carpenter, h n s Berlin<br />

bet Joseph Campau and DlcDougall aves.<br />

Ladue Andrew, h 98 Elizabeth e.<br />

Ladue Arthur G., h 15 Howard.<br />

Ladue George (J. T. Ladue & Co.,) h<br />

84 Howard.<br />

Ladue James C., h 88 Adams ave e.<br />

Ladue John T., (J. T. Ladue & Co.,) h 284<br />

Fort w.<br />

Ladue Mary, (wid John) h 84 Howard.<br />

Ladue William N., asst. city controller, h<br />

700 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ladue J. T. cSt Co., (John T. and George<br />

N. Ladue) tamers, 567 Woodbridge w.<br />

LaFave Emanuel, lab., h 490 Lafayette.<br />

Lafeck Mary (wid Jacob) h 338 Riopelle.<br />

LaFerte Daniel, physician, room I, 207<br />

Woodward ave, bds 117 Grand River av.<br />

Lafferty Alexander, fireman, h 417 Guoin.<br />

LaEerty Alexander J., clerk Stephen I?.<br />

Smith & Co., h Windsor.<br />

Lafferty Clement, h 572 Fort w.<br />

Lafferty Cornelius, lab., h 326 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Lafferty Eugene, mason? bds 226 Second.<br />

Lafferty Felix A., h 226 Second.<br />

Lafferty Peter, groceries, &c., 714 and 716<br />

Woodbridge w, h same.<br />

Lafferty Touissant, lab., h rear 417 Guoin.<br />

Lafferty Valentine (wid Alexander), h 585<br />

Fort w.<br />

L aflamme Charles, brass mouliier, bds 591<br />

Fort w.<br />

Laflamme Frank, engineer, h 758 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Laflamme Orilla (wid Charles), h 591 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Laflamme Theodore, planer, h 60 Thirteenth.<br />

Laflamme Theophile, sailor, h 60 Thirteenth.<br />

Laf~unt~ain B. S., porter, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Lafooutain William, fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Lagenske Joseph, blacksmith, h water<br />

works yard.<br />

Lahey Daniel, lab., h 248 Abbott.<br />

Lahey John, lab., h 160 Franklin.<br />

Lahiff William, maltster, h s s Grove bet<br />

Hastings and St, Antoine.<br />

Lahman George, carpenter, h 304 Lafayette.<br />

Lahmont Henry, carpenter, h n s Maple<br />

bet St. Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

Laible Abby (wid Robert) h 732 Fort w.<br />

Laible Eugene (Worcester & Laible), res<br />

Y psilanti.<br />

Laible Frederick, brewer, h 204 Napoleon.<br />

Laichinger Gustave A., foreman <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

white lead works, h 295 Third.<br />

Laing John, engineer, h 267 Fourth.<br />

Laing Lewis, fbr dealer, bds s w cor Cass<br />

and Willis aves.<br />

Lainger Michael, carpenter, h 201 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Laird James, moulder, h 484 Twelfth.<br />

Laird Samuel, driver, <strong>Detroit</strong> city railway.<br />

Laitner Rev. Andrew, assistant pastor St.<br />

Josephs Roman Catholic church, bds<br />

437 Orleans.<br />

Laitner Casimer (Laitner & Bros.), h 36<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Laitner Alois (Laitner Bros.), h 36 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Laitner Bros. (Cassinlere and Alois), brush<br />

manufncturers, 36 Monroe ave.<br />

Lake George (Grian & Lake), h 192<br />

Fort e.<br />

Lake Huron Stone Co., James Wallace<br />

and George Prentis, grind and scythe<br />

stones, 262 and 264 Atwater e.<br />

Lake Jane (wid Euphrates), h 75 Beach.<br />

Lake John, teamster, h 285 Chestnut<br />

Lake Morris S., miller, h 487 Fifth.<br />

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad,<br />

trt office Atwater bet Hastings and<br />

Rivard.<br />

Lake St..Clair Ice Go., Seitz & Co., managers,<br />

91 Griswold.<br />

Lalley Celia, (wid William,) h 408 Twelfth.<br />

Lallev John, machinist, bds 403 Twelfth.<br />

Lalley Martin, mason, h 333 Thirteenth.<br />

Lalley Michael, teamster, h s Elm bet<br />

Thirteenth and Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Lamb George, clerk, bds o 227 n 237 Catharine.<br />

Lamb Henry, clerk, h 341 Dubois.<br />

Lamb John, blacksmith, h 54 Labrosse.

-<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Lamb John, lab., h 139 Seventeenth.<br />

Lamb John, s m operator, h s s Catharine<br />

bet Dequindre and St Aubin ave.<br />

Lamb Martin, clerk, bds o 227 n 237 Catharine.<br />

Lamb Mary T., (wid Martin,) h o 227 n 237 Ofice,52 W. Lamed St.,<br />

Catharine.<br />


Lamb Michael, lab., h 59 Labrosse.<br />

Lamb Richard, carpenter, h 371 Twenty-<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

fourth.<br />

Lamb Robert, h 42 Beach.<br />

Lampkin - , h 289 Woodward ave.<br />

Lamb Sarah A., teacher, bds 31 Elizabeth Lamport William F., clerk, h 49 Orchard.<br />

west.<br />

Lamson Alvan C., U. S. lake survey, bds<br />

Lamb Thomas, yarn maker, h 589 Larned Russell House.<br />

east.<br />

Lamson George W., depy collector, h 191<br />

Lamb William, machinist, 437 Fifteenth. Larned e.<br />

Lamberg .John, lab., h 168 Antietam. Lamson WilliamF., machinist, h 495 Rail-<br />

Lambert Hanibal D., (col'd) (Lambert & r0a.d.<br />

Son), bds 497 Larned e.<br />

Lamson William, turner, h 26 Catherine.<br />

Lambert Louis, (Robinson & Lambert,) h Lancaster David, (col'd,) whitewasher, bds<br />

s w Woodward ave cor Charlotte.<br />

191 Division.<br />

Lambert Michael, shoemaker, h 202 Rus- Lancaster Thomas J., clerk, bds 98 Larned<br />

sell.<br />

east.<br />

Lambert Modest, h 320 Hastings. Land Charles H., dentist, Opera House<br />

Lambert Thomas, lab., h 495 Fort e. block, h w. s. Fourth, bet Putnam and<br />

Lambert William, (col'd, Lambert cPs Son,) old..<br />

h 497 Larued e.<br />

Land Frederick J., photoqrapher, h w. s.<br />

Lambert William & Son, (col'd, William Fourth. bet Putnam and Gold.<br />

Franklin dt Hanibal D. Lambert,) Land usa an, (wid John,) h w. s. Fourth,<br />

clothes cleaners, s w cor Larned and bet Putnam and Gold.<br />

Bates.<br />

Landam William, (col'd,) lab., h 193 Ben-<br />

~ambie Alexander, ship carpenter, h 91 ton.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Landall Valentine, cooper, bds 262 Col-<br />

Lambie Frank, commission merchant, foot umbia e.<br />

First over Buckley & Co., h 53 Wash- Landen Alexander, plumber, h 98 Leverington<br />

are.<br />

ette nr Tenth.<br />

Larnbie John, (Stone & Lambie), h 148 Landen August, carpenter, bds 145 Cro-<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

ghan.<br />

Lambie John, lab., h 274 Thirteenth. Landen Charles, lab., h 238 Riopelle.<br />

Larnbie Robert C., carpenter, bds 79 Fifth. Landlow Lewis, lab., h 164 Maple.<br />

Lambrecht John, carpenter, h 350 Maple. Landon Albert, tailor, h n w cor St. Au-<br />

Lammerzahl Bernhard, carpenter, h 192 bin and Clinton aves.<br />

Division.<br />

Landon Allison, clerk, h 388 Sixth.<br />

Lamoreux Willihm, clerk, bds 115 Miami Landon Edwin R., conductor G. W. R. R,<br />

ave.<br />

h 145 Adams ave e.<br />

Lamont Peter, drayman, h 308 Atwater. Landon Edwin R. Mrs., Yankee notions,<br />

Lamont Robert, carpenter, h 256 Fifth. 148 Adams ave e, h same.<br />

LaMontague W., fireman, M. C. R. R. Landon John, fireman, bds 353 Larned e.<br />

LaMontague William, bar tender, bds 121 Landon John M., engineer, h 342 Wood-<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

bridge e.<br />

L'Amour Joseph, carpenter, h Twentieth, Landon William W., clerk, bds Antisdel<br />

bet Howard and Baker.<br />

House.<br />

Lamp Mary Ann, (Wid Michael,) boarding Lansdberg Adolph, h 40 Madison ave.<br />

house, 40 Dequindre.<br />

Landsberg Emil, secretary, insurance Co.,<br />

Lamp Michael Henry, fireman, h 45'7 h 188 Hsstings.<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Landschneider Conrad, blacksmith, h s e<br />

Lamp Nicholas, clerk, h 273 National ave. cor Hastings a,nd Indiana.<br />

Lairip Xicholas, fireman, bds 40 Dequindre. Landschneider Henry, wagon maker, bds<br />

Lamper Jacob, cigar maker, bds 292 Beau- 26 Silver.<br />

bien.<br />

Landucci Frank, plaster worker, h 80<br />

Lamper Moses, cigar maker, h 292 B eau- Grand River ave.<br />

bien.<br />

Lane Ambrose M., clerk Michigan Ex-<br />

Lamphese Lemon B., blacksmith, h n. w., change,<br />

cor Fulton and Crawford.<br />

Lane Amos S., h 519 Twenty-third.<br />




For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Lane Daniel, mason, bds 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane Daniel, plumber, bds 214 Howard.<br />

Lane Mrs. Delia F., dress maker, 45 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Lane Dennis, policeman, h 32 Labrosse.<br />

Lane Ellen, (wid Daniel,) h 314 Howard.<br />

Lane Flora, saloon, 63 Franklin h same.<br />

Lane George, plumber, bds 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane George M., commercial editor Tri-<br />

bune, h 170 hdams ave e.<br />

Lane Henry, carpenter, h 301 Montcafm e.<br />

Lane Henry N., cigar maker, h 45 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Lane James, plumber, bds 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane James, (col'd) barber, h cor Hast-<br />

ing and Lafayette.<br />

Lane Joel B., agent, bds 104 Congress w.<br />

Lane John, h 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane John, saloon and boarding, 63 Mich-<br />

igan ave. h same.<br />

Lane John jr, blacksmith, bds 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane Josephine R. Miss, dress maker, 146<br />

Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Lane Mary, (wid Timothy,) h 216 Abbott.<br />

Lane Michael, moulder, bds 92 Franklin,<br />

Lane Xorris, lab., h 92 Franklin.<br />

Lane Nellie, tailoress, bds 92 Franklin.<br />

Lane S. D., tinsmith, Holmes & Webster,<br />

bds 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane Thomas H., pattern maker, bcls 216<br />

Abbott.<br />

Lane Timothy, lab., bds 216 Abbott.<br />

Lane-William, shoe maker, h 110 Clinton.<br />

Lanergan Daniel, lab., bds 651 Congress e.<br />

Lanergan Michael, jr., lab., bds 651 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Lanergan Michael, sr., lumber dealer, h 651<br />

Congress e.<br />

Lang August, clerk, bds 246 Gratiot.<br />

Lang Augustus, machinist, h 354 Rio~elle.<br />

Lang Charles, carpenter, h 122 Sherman.<br />

Lana David, clerk, bds 163 Clinton.<br />

Lang Frank, carpenter, bds 251 Alfred.<br />

Lang George, carpenter, h 122 Sherman.<br />

Lang Henry, carpenter, h 353 High.<br />

Lang Jacob, h 311, Congress e.<br />

Lang John G., agent, h 327 Lafayette.<br />

Lang Leopold, peddlar, h 163 Clinton.<br />

Lang Otto, mechinist, bas 246 Gratiot.<br />

Lang William, lab., bds 285 Atwater.<br />

Lang William, stair-builder, h s s Illinois<br />

bet Prospect and.Russel1.<br />

Langan Fred C., clerk, bds 156 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Langdon James V., insurance agent, 17<br />

/ Seltz Block, h 37 Sixteenth.<br />

Lan don George C., malster, 41 and<br />

43 1 q oodbridge e, h 406 Lafrtyette are.<br />

Lange August, painter, bds 102 Yarion.<br />

Lanp Frederick, carpenter, h 207 Russell.<br />

Lange Fredericke (wid Jacob) peddlar, h<br />

h 102 Mariou.<br />

Lange Henry, baker, h 407 Mullett. I<br />

Langer Charles, bookbinder, h 130 Fort e.<br />

Langer Yary, millinery, 130 Fort e, h<br />

same.<br />

Lange Charles, gardener, h e s Williams<br />

ave bet Butternut and Ash.<br />

Lange Theneria (wid Lorenz) h 263 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Langemann Anthony, carpenter, h 206<br />

Baker.<br />

Langenhagen Henry, lab., h 152 Division<br />

Lance Charles, book binder, h 130 Fort e.<br />

Langer Frantz, tailor, h 294 Jay.<br />

Laogermisch Minna, tailoress, bds 406<br />

Cfiene.<br />

Lsngerwisth William, cigar maker, h 406 -<br />

Chene.<br />

Langford -- D. B., gardener, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Langguth Martin G., lab., h 385 Fifth.<br />

Langier Adolph, lab., h n s Michigan ave<br />

bet Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth.<br />

Langiahr ~ ohn J., lab., h n e coi Fort and<br />

~eib.<br />

Langley George S., mason, h IS1 Brush.<br />

Lnngley-Henry, h 31 Lafayette.<br />

1 Langley Henry W., mason, h 26 8 High e.<br />

Langley John E., shoe manufacturer, 20<br />

hlonroe ave, bds 19 3Iacomb.<br />

Langley William, shoemaker, h 19 Macomb.<br />

Langley William, mechanic, h 217 Sixteen<br />

th.<br />

Langley William H., builder, president<br />

Common Council, h 133 Bates.<br />

Langley William P., builder, bds 133 Bates.<br />

Langlotz George F., broom manufacturer,<br />

200 Beaubien, h 14'7 Catherine.<br />

Langoir Frank, carpenter, h 491 Croghan.<br />

Langrell William, trunk maker, bds 27<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Langr 'se Francis, ship carpenter, h 477<br />

Crog 3 an.<br />

Langs Frederick, cabinet maker, bds 84<br />

Russell.<br />

Langston Stephen, shipwright, h 27 Seventeenth.<br />

Langston William, restaurant, 22 Fort e, h<br />

same.<br />

Langton Charles,plasterer, bds 141 Locust<br />

Langton Francis, plasterer, h 141 Locust.<br />

Laukel Michael, 'carpenter, 26 Silver.<br />

Laukshear Joseph Smith, h Thirteenthand-a-half<br />

w Grand River ave.<br />

t annan Patrick, lab., Bf ichigan Central<br />



Lannan George A., clerk, h 466 Sixth.<br />

Lansing Mrs. Annie D., (wid Edward,) h<br />

333 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lansing Richard R., (Lansing & Palmer,)<br />

bds n 333 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lansing & Lake Michigan R. R.<br />

Co., office cor Woodbridge and Third.<br />

(25% adv.)<br />

Lansing & Palmer, (Richard R. Lansing<br />

and Charles l\I. Palmer,) glass show card<br />

manutacturer, 77 Congress e, up stairs.<br />

Lanstra Henry, painter, bds 104 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Lanstra Jacob, lab., h 794 Woodbridge e.<br />

Laustra -John, lab., h s e cor Guoin and<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Lanstra Lambert, foreman, h Leib w bet<br />

Fort and Lafayette.<br />

Lanstra Wm., lab., h 104 Harrison ave.<br />

Lantz Frederick J., painter, h 185 Naple.<br />

Lantz George, h 233 High e.<br />

Lanzie Henry, cigar maker, h 99 Croghan.<br />

Lapeer Collis, sailor, h r 406 Guoin.<br />

Lapham Noah D., (E. B. Smith & Co.,) h<br />

48 Stim~on.<br />

Lnpine John, hack driver, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Lapier Benjamin, tanner, h 576 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Lapier Frank, painter, h Beaubien n Fre-<br />

mont.<br />

Lapierre Louis, printer, bds n e cor Beau-<br />

bien and Jefferson aye.<br />

Lapieme Fellissa, (wid Robert,) h 183<br />

Franklin.<br />

La Pointe George, ship carpenter, h 107<br />

Orleans.<br />

La Pointe George W., inspector customs, h<br />

120 Adams ave e.<br />

La Pointe Joshua, lab., h 15 Chestnut.<br />

La Pointe Louis E., clerk, bds 180 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

La Pointe Moses A.,'clerk, bds 120 Adams<br />

ave e,<br />

La Point Samuel, clerk, bds 365 Sixth.<br />

La Porte Joseph, porter, h 312 Clinton. -<br />

Lapp Ferdinand, carrier, bds 10 Warren.<br />

Lapparl Ely, lab., h 164 Franklin.<br />

Lars Richard, wagon shop, 9 Bliddle, h 91<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

Laramie Alexander, teamster, h w s Grand<br />

River ave, nr Twelfth.<br />

Lartlncelle Louis, carpenter, h 389:Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Laraway George W. M., carpenter. h 355<br />

Randol~h.<br />

Laraway Benry, car builder, h 365 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Lard Mary A., waiter, Railroad Exchange.<br />

Larevey Joseph, clerk, bds Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Large John, machinist, 61 Congress w.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



w Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Large W. B., jr., policeman, 118 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Larges Noses, peddlar, h 195 Nineteenth.<br />

Larisch Charles, finisher, bds 319 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

L'Arrive Theodule, shoe finisher, bds<br />

cor Larned and Randolph.<br />

Larkins Azldrew, carpenter, h 107 Fifth.<br />

Larkins Andrew, teamster, h 169 Orchard.<br />

Larkins Christopher, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Larkins Daniel, carpenter, bds 107 Fifth.<br />

Larkins Enos, (col'd) lab., h 365 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Larkins Frank, fireman, bde 176 Howard.<br />

Larkins George, foreman, sash, door and<br />

blinds, bds 357 Cass ave.<br />

Larkins Gregory, carpenter, bds 107<br />

Fifth.<br />

Larkins Jama B., blacksmith, h 146 Or- .<br />

chard. -<br />

Larkins John, h 225 Abbott.<br />

Larkin John A., clerk, bds 169 Orchard.<br />

Larkin John, sash and blind maker, bds<br />

Brighton House.<br />

Larkins Margaret, (wid. James) h 107<br />

Fifth.<br />

Larme Michael, cooper, h 284 Sherman.<br />

Larned Sylvester, lawyer, 3 and 4 Tele-<br />

graph Block, h 970 Woodbridge w.<br />

Larose Joseph, carpenter, h 565 Croghan.<br />

Larose Paul, lab., h 221 Chestnut.<br />

Larrow Joseph, carpenter, h 565 Crog-<br />

han.<br />

Larue James B., baggageman, h 254 First.<br />

Laraerson Harris, peddlar, h 89 Mullett.<br />

La Sage Joseph, shoemaker, h 354 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

La Sage Joseph jr., lab., bds 354 Fifteenth.<br />

La Sar Jacob, peddlar, h 473 Lafayette.<br />

Lasaun Margaret, (wid. Joseph) h 234<br />

Dubois.<br />

Lasch Gustav, cooper, h 234 High.<br />

Lass Christopher, cooper, h 234 High.<br />

Lashaw Joseph, carpenter, 546 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Lashaw Henry, lab., h 123 Dubois.<br />

Lasier, Frederick L., (Buckley & Co. ) h 100<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Laskowski Anton, h lab., 610 Riopelle<br />

Lasmar John, carpenter (Candler Bros.)<br />

Lason Stephen, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Latche Albert, harness maker, bds 22 Jay.<br />

Latcher Anthony, lab., h s s Illinois bet<br />

Russell and Prospect.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Latchson Charles, jeweler, h 210 Croghan.<br />

Latchson John, matchmaker, h 210 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Latham James C., clerk city assessor's<br />

office, h 130 Larned e.<br />

Lather Hermann, tailor, 17 Hawley Block,<br />

h 247 Sherman.<br />

Lathrop Henry K. jr, dentist, 153 Wood<br />

ward ave, h 190 Lafayette ave.<br />

Lathrop John, carpenter, h 392 Sixth.<br />

Lathrop Joseph, dentist, 148 Woodward<br />

ave, h 347 Fort w.<br />

Lathrop Samuel M., traveling agent, h 26<br />

Farmer.<br />

'Lathrop William H., physician, 23; State,<br />

h same.<br />

Latimer Burdett G. (G. W. Latimer &<br />

Son), bds 130 Lafayette ave.<br />

Latimer Geor e W., (G. W. Latimer &<br />

Son), h 130 fafayette ave.<br />

Latimer William, tobacconist, h 196 Thir-<br />

teen th-and-a-half.<br />

Latimer George W. & Son (George W.<br />

and Burdett G.), undertakers, 21 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Latour Domique, carpenter, h 168 Xliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Latour Domique jr, wood turner, h 168<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Latour Francis, painter, h 233 Third.<br />

Latournean Samuel, carpenter, h 320<br />

Tw enty-second.<br />

Latscha Albert, harness maker, bds 22<br />

Jay.<br />

htscha George, harness maker, h 22 Jay.<br />

Latscha Philip, harness maker, bds 22 Jay.<br />

Lattl August, brick yard (Springwells), h<br />

455 Eighteenth.<br />

Latulip Henry, groceries, s e cor St An-<br />

toine and Fort, h same.<br />

Latulip Hubert, carpenter, h 407 Watson.<br />

Latulip John, cigar maker, bds 407 IVat-<br />

son.<br />

Lau August, cigar maker, bds 451 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Lau Fritz, lab., h 451 Catharine.<br />

Laubenthal Herman, lab., h n s Belair bet<br />

Dequindre and St. .Aubin ave.<br />

Laubenthal Joseph, lab., h 317 Wilkins.<br />

Lauchs Peter, mechanic, h 608 Riopelle.<br />

Lauder James B., liquor store, 7 Russell<br />

House Block, h 87 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lauenger Michael, carpenter, h 201 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Lauer Joseph, lab,, h 544 Macomb.<br />

Lauer Michael, carpenter, h 540 Macomb.<br />

Lauer Theodore C., grocer, n w cor Sev-<br />

enth and Plum, h same.<br />

Laugbecker Ernest, finisher, h 354 Six-<br />

teen th.<br />

Laughfrey Hugh, mason, h 84 Pitcher.<br />

Laughfrey William, mason and plasterer,<br />

bds Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Laughlin Michael, carpenter, bds 41 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Laukel Blichael, carpenter, h 26 Silver.<br />

Laundry Joseph, lab., h 108 Wilkins.<br />

Lauppe Andrew, blacksmith, h 89 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Laurense Cornelius L., clerk, bds e s BIt.<br />

Elliott ave bet Larned and Congress.<br />

Laurense James, butcher, bds 200 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Laurense James, sailor, bds 198 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Laurense Lewis, machine-hand, h Antie-<br />

tam, bet Chene and Dubois.<br />

Laurense Leonard, (Graves & Laurense) h<br />

cor Congress and Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

Laurense Marinous C., pictures, h e s Mt.<br />

Elliott ave bet Congress and Lnrned.<br />

Lauson Alexander, h 105 Elmwood ave.<br />

Lausterer Albert, machinist, h 11 2 Marion.<br />

Lausterer Theodore, clerk, bds 113 Bates,<br />

Lauterbach George, collector, h 261 &font-<br />

calm e.<br />

Lrtuth Charles, lab., bds 953 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lauth John C., carpenter, h 99 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Laux Peter, varnisher, h 608 Riopelle.<br />

Lauyer Samuel E., butcher, cor 3Iontcalm<br />

w and Clifford, h 89 Marion.<br />

Lavaley Joseph, cooper, h 300 Guoin.<br />

Lavigne Felix, engineer, h 135 Russell.<br />

Lavelle Patrick, grocer, 583 Nlchigan ave,<br />

h same,<br />

Lavelle Peter, cooper, h 40 Wight.<br />

Lavender Robert H., dock builder, h 102<br />

Larned e.<br />

Lavery Thomas, farmer, h w s Sullivan<br />

ave bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Lavhoue Andrew, lab., h 574 Franklin.<br />

Lavier George, mason, h 298 Lafayette e.<br />

Lavin Hess, peddlar, h 10 Beacon.<br />

Laviolette Joseph, carpenter, h 526 Fort e.<br />

Laviolette Joseph, carpenter, h 316 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Lavigne Felix, machinist, h 135 Russell.<br />

Law Auguste Mrs., tailoress, h 424 Fit-<br />

teenth.<br />

Law Katherine S., (wid Joseph,) h 57 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Law Charles, lab., h 451 Catharine.<br />

Law Hiram, tinsmith, h 110 Clinton.


Law Joseph, stone cutter, bds 85 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Law Margaret, (wid John,) h 72 Brush.<br />

Law Theodore V., physician, h 952 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Law 'Wellington J., checker, bds 953 Blichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Law William, tailor, h 136 Adams ave e.<br />

Lawler Dennis, butcher, bds 269 31ichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Lawler John, saloon, 175 Grand River ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Lawler John, painter, h 105 Beaubien.<br />

Lawler Mary, (wid Edward,) h 113 Labrosse.<br />

Lawless Stephen, stableman, 188 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Lawrence Abel L., bds 27 Beaubien.<br />

Lawrence Abel L., cabinet maker, bds 96<br />

Congress e.<br />

Lawrence Adelbert, lab., bds 230 Abbott.<br />

Lawrence Charles, engineer, 97 Twentysecond.<br />

Lawrence Cornelia, milliner, bds 31 3 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Lawrence Frank, porter, bds, n. s. miller,<br />

bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Lawrence Frederick, cigar maker, bds 203<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Lawrence George W., (col'd,) tailor, 114<br />

Bates, h 324 High.<br />

Lawrence Heman P., joiner, h 212 Fifteenth.<br />

Lawrence Henry,distiller,h 208 Nineteenth.<br />

Lawrence John F., cigar maker, bds 203<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Lawrence John H., saloon keeper, bds 129<br />

Cass.<br />

Lawrence Joseph, carpenter, bds 348<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Lawrence Joseph, rivetter, h Michigan ave,<br />

bet Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.<br />

Lawrence Lon., cabinet maker, bds 96<br />

Congress e.<br />

Lawrence Nary d., (mld Charles,) h 247<br />

Congress e.<br />

Lawrance Michael, flask maker, bds 348<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Lawrence Nicholas, moulding, bds e s<br />

Mt. Elliott ave, bet Congress and La rned<br />

Lawrance Thos., carpenter, h 36 Sibley.<br />

Lawrence Wm., carpenter, h 348 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Lawrence Wm. F., clerk, bds 7 Park Place.<br />

Laws D. M., fireman, M. C. R. P,<br />

Litwson Alexander, harness maker, b 59<br />

National ave.<br />

Lawson Andrew, lab., h 400 Michigan ave.<br />

Lawson James, harness maker, 401, Nichigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

~awson James, butcher, h 438 Fifth.<br />

Lawson John, (col'd,) lab., h Beaubien n<br />

Fremont.<br />

Lawson John W., tinsmith, h 165 Alfred.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Larned St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Lawson Richard J., [col'd,) lab., h 51 Mullett.<br />

Lawssn Robt., clerk, h 396 St. Antoine.<br />

Lawtber John, hostler, Grand River stable,<br />

bds n w cor Grand River ave& Eighth.<br />

Lawton Thomas, core maker, h 1'73 Wilkins.<br />

Lay Wm. F., (Wm. P. Lay & Co.,) h 25<br />

Cro han.<br />

Lay v$ m. F. 62 Co., (Wm. F. Lay and Mark<br />

E. Irving,)Vinegar Works,l4 Atwater w.<br />

Layer John, blacksmith, bds 340 Riopelle.<br />

Layer Lizzie, tailoress, bds Riopelle , cur<br />

Sherman.<br />

Layman Chas., bds 182 Larned w.<br />

Layman Jacob, coopeF, bds 53 Fort e.<br />

Layman John H., clerk, h 161 Sixteenth.<br />

Layng George F., (Layng Bros.,) h 204<br />

Jeft'erson ave.<br />

Layng Richard W., (Layng Bros.,) h 204<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Layng Bros., (Richard W. and George F.<br />

Bonnet Bleachery, 204 3 efferson ave.<br />

Lam John, mason, h 318 Prospect.<br />

Leach Alexander, painter, h s s Hancock,<br />

nr Woodward ave.<br />

Leach Elisha, physician, 278 Second, h<br />

same.<br />

Leach Frederick, clerk, h 681 Cass ave.<br />

Leach Louisa M.,clerk,bds 317 Congress w.<br />

Leach Robert, engineer, h 274 Twelfth.<br />

Leach William BI., printer, bds 78 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Leadbeater Eliza, dressmaker, bds 220<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Lesdbeter Joseph, carpenter, h 389 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Leadbeater Joseph, lab., bds 67 Twentyfirst.<br />

Leadbeater Margaretta, (wid Edward S.) h<br />

119 Cass.<br />

Leadbeater Thomas, sewer commissioner's<br />

office 759 Fort w.<br />

Leadley Fred. H. (John Leadley & Son)<br />

h 277 Fourth.<br />

Leadley James E., carpenter, h 355 Sixth.<br />

Leadley John, (John Leadley & Son,) h<br />

277 Fourth.<br />

Leadley Robert, clerk, bds 277 Fourth.<br />

Leadley John & Son (<strong>Detroit</strong> galvanized<br />

iron works) 16; 18 and 20 Atwater e.<br />

Leadey Michael, clerk, bds cor Woodward<br />

and Jefferson aves.<br />

Leahy Charles, engineer, h 253 Sixth.<br />

Leahy James, hack driver, h 472 Thih<br />






Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Leahy James, lab., h 145 James.<br />

Leahy Thomas, groom, <strong>Detroit</strong> city rail-<br />

way.<br />

Leak C., fireman, 31. C. R. R.<br />

Leakey James, clerk, bds 88 Howard.<br />

Leak William N,, carpenter, h 583 Prank-<br />

lin.<br />

. Leaky Mathew H., clerk, bds 88 Howard.<br />

Leal James B., clerk, bds 87 Columbia w.<br />

Leal John H., clerk, h 486 Ninth ave.<br />

Leamen George, carpenter, h 8 Rowland.<br />

Leamer William, car builder, bds 196<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Lean John H., clerk, h 486 Ninth ave.<br />

Leanham Dennis, carpenter, bds 53; How-<br />

ard.<br />

Learned Edward B., commission, 11 1<br />

Bates, h 92 Lsrned e.<br />

Leary Cornelius, cigar maker, h 479 La-<br />

faye tte.<br />

Leary James H., blacksmith, h 502<br />

Sevech.<br />

Leary John, tobacco cutter, h 620 Lmned e<br />

Leary Thomas, tobaconist, bds 42 Cass.<br />

Leavenworth Thomas B., silversmith, 136<br />

Bates, h 60 Montcalm e.<br />

Leavitt Mvah E. (Plumer & Leavitf), h 182<br />

Henry.<br />

Lebegut Joseph, painter, h Clinton bet<br />

Dequindre and Orleans.<br />

Lebens John (Lebens 62 Schubnell), h 43<br />

Croghan.<br />

Lebens cSt; Schubnell (John Lebens and<br />

Leo Schubnell), soap and candle factory,<br />

236 Napoleon.<br />

Lebot Charles, tinsmith, bds 335 Frankli~. I 31<br />

Lebot Dennis, grocer, 335 Franklin, h<br />

same.<br />

Lebot Enos, h new 410 Congress e.<br />

Lehot Louis, with Dennis Lebot, h 325<br />

Franklin.<br />

Lebreck John, ship carpenter, h 490 Cath-<br />

ar ine.<br />

Lebreck Lewis, cooper, bds 490 Catharine.<br />

Lecaron Henry, physician, h 77 Woocl-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Lechner John, lab., h 63 Napoleon,<br />

Leckfelt Ernest, carpenter, h 434 Mullett.<br />

Leckie George, blacksmith, h 223 Abbott.<br />

Leckie Thomas, agent, h 72 Brady.<br />

Leckner Frank, lab., h 154 Haatings.<br />

Leclerc Frank (F. Leclerc & Bro.), h 67<br />

Harrie t.<br />

Leclerc John (F. Leclerc & Bro.), h 87<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Leclerc Frank & Bro. (Frank and John),<br />

boots and shoes, 166 Woodward ave.<br />

Lecompte Alphonse, peddlar, h 315 Bronson.<br />

Leddy Bernard, laster, h 25 First.<br />

Leddy Mrs. John, h 178 Abbott.<br />

Leddy Michael J., steam bakery, 52 First,<br />

h same.<br />

Lederle Anthony, supt. lighthouse department,<br />

264 Jefferson ave, h 633 same.<br />

Lederle Louis A., clerk, h 445 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Ledger William, lab., bds 44 First.<br />

Ledke Andrew, cabinet maker, h 692 Macomb.<br />

Lee Albert B., clerk, bds 270 Second.<br />

Lee Andrew J., engineer, h 179 Larned e.<br />

Lee Bridget (wid John), washerwomrm, h<br />

244 Fourth.<br />

Lee Cbarles E., hostler, h 137 Jones.<br />

Lee Charles H., traveling agent, h 271<br />

Abbott.<br />

Lee George, teamster, bds Orleans nr<br />

Croghan.<br />

Lee George W., real estate owner, room 1<br />

Merrill Block, res Ypsilanti.<br />

Lee Henry, inspector customs, h 2'7 31iami<br />

ave.<br />

Lee James, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Lee John, h 17 Oak.<br />

Lee John, clerk, h 317' Cassave.<br />

Lee John, builder, h 81 Winder.<br />

Lee sfartin, porter, bds 187 Michigan ave.<br />

Lee Nesbi t, Lake Survey Office, h 17 Croghan.<br />

Lee Peter, h 457 Congress e.<br />

Lee William, baker, 156 Randolph. h same.<br />

Lee William, carpenter, bds 41 'Locust.<br />

Lee William, carpenter, h 181 Randolph,<br />

up stairs.<br />

Lee William, (col'd) carpenter, h 343 Macomb.<br />

Leech Charles Em, lime and stone,<br />

&c., office and yard 352 Atwater e, bds<br />

Lafayette. (See aclv.)<br />

Leech Fred, book-keeper, h 681 Cass ave.<br />

/ Leech John, foreman House of Correction<br />

h 194 Napoleon.<br />

I Leech Thomas, lab., h 637 Franklin.<br />

' Leech William M., printer, bds 78 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

' Leek John. porter, bds 70 Clinton.<br />

Leeson William, carpenter, bds 89 Brady.<br />

Leetch Thomas. lab., h 63'1 Franklin.<br />

I Leete Robert, (T. T. Leete & Son,) bds 14<br />

1 Gratiot.<br />

Leete Thomas T., (T. T. Leete & Son,) h<br />

1 14 Gratiot.<br />

Leete T. T. dZ Son, (Thomas T. and Robert)<br />

1 rnanuftlcturers furniture, 18 Gratiot.


LeFavour Edward, appraiser of merchan-<br />

dise custom house, h 80 Farrer.<br />

Lefevre Frank, gilder, bds 490 Lafayette.<br />

Lefevre Alexander, pipeman Engine Xo.<br />

6, cooper, h 320 High.<br />

Lefevre Leo, saloon, 685 Jefferson ave, 11<br />

same.<br />

Lefevre Romeyn J., clerk, 6 s n McLean<br />

bet Crawford and Fourth.<br />

Lelebre Maximilian J., saloon, 136 Grand<br />

River ave, h same -<br />

Legg Otis W., conductor, h 6riA4bbott.<br />

Leggett Augustus W., custom house, h 169<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Lecgett Edmin, clerk, 11 44 Clinton.<br />

Lcggett Richard, clerk, bds 101 Cnss.<br />

Leggett William H., miller, h 566 Third.<br />

Legoir Moses, coppersmith, bds 131 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Lehrnann Andrew, carpenter, h 115 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Lehn:t~nn C.: groom, <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Rail-<br />

way.<br />

Lehmann Ernst, butcher, bds IS1 Miclr-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Lehmann George, carpenter, h 304 Lsfcty-<br />

ette.<br />

Lehmann Henry, joiner, h 293 Maple.<br />

Lchmann Henry, cabinet maker, bds s e<br />

cor Riopelle and Mullett.<br />

Lehmaon Blargaret (wid Joseph) h 300<br />

Brewster.<br />

Lehmann Peter, teamster, h 25 Pcttrl.<br />

Lehmhagen Friederich, carpenter, h s s<br />

Naple bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Lehndorff Re;nhard, . upholsterer, - h 360<br />

Fiith.<br />

Lehner andrew, painter, h 295 Division.<br />

Lchr Conrad (J. F. Webber (B; Co.,) h 429<br />

St. Aubin ape.<br />

Lehr Jost, lab., h 429 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Leib William, lab., h 305 Bronson.<br />

Leich Hubert, stone cutter, h 145 1)ivisiou.<br />

Leigho Thomas, stablcman,bds 163 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Leitch Alexander, (A. & G. Leitch) h<br />

Hancock ave bet Woodward ave and<br />

C ass.<br />

Leitch George, (A. & G. Leitch) h Eeau-<br />

bien n Fremont.<br />

Leitch A. & G., (Alexander and George<br />

Leitch), painters, 190 Woodmard ave.<br />

Leithead James, grocer, 130 St. Aubin<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Leithead Robert, checker, bda n w cor<br />

Second and Michigan ave.<br />

Leland Charles B., express messeuger, bds<br />

261 Rand01 ph.<br />

Leland William, Sreman, bds 253 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Lcll Edward, lab., h 3 German.<br />

Lemaire Charles, lab., bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Lemaire Edward, clerk, 96 Congress e.<br />

Lemaire George, lab., bds 571 Fort w.<br />

,.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Lemaire Henry saloon and stone cutter,<br />

123 Elmwood ave, h same.<br />

Lemaire Jobn, last finisher, h 407 Guoin.<br />

Lemaire Joseph, lab., 11 407 Guoin.<br />

Lemaire Josepb, lab., h 412 Guoin.<br />

Lemaire Louis, wines, 93 Larned e, h same.<br />

Lemaire Louis, lab., h 571 Fort w.<br />

Lemalre Max, clerk, bds 93 Larned e.<br />

Lemaire Raphael, lab., h 571 Fort w.<br />

Lemane Alexander, lab., cor Fifteenth<br />

and Marquette.<br />

Lemay Louis, ship carpenter, h 50 St. Au-<br />

5in ave.<br />

Lemberger David, clerk, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Lemetchek Joseph, lab., h 32 Sullivan ave.<br />

Leming George, printer, bds 116 Division.<br />

Leming Mary Jane, (wid Charles,) washer<br />

woman, h 87 Wilkins.<br />

Leming Richard, painter, bds 116 Division.<br />

Lemirande Edward, shoemaker, h s. s. St.<br />

Joseph, bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Lemitz Charles, lab., bds 42 German.<br />

Lenllin Louis, clerk, bds s s Bristol Place,<br />

bet Twenty-first and Twenty-second<br />

Lemme William, blacksmith, h s s Yher-<br />

man, be'. Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Lemmer August, stone cutter, bds 125<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Lemon Andrew, carpenter, h 115 Antietam.<br />

Lemon Ezra, manf. self raising flour,<br />

174 Griswold, h 277 Michigan ave.<br />

Lemon Harry C., watchmaker, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Lemon James, painter, h 139 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Lemon Joseph, shoemaker, h 768 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Lemon Louis, captain, h 243 Riopelle.<br />

Lemon William, student, bds 96 Alexan-<br />

drine ave.<br />

Lemon William T., clerk, h 333 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Lemonde Peter, sailor, h 305 Atwater e<br />

Lemons William, confectioner. h Michigan<br />

Lemonte Eli, teamster, bds 308 Atwater e.<br />

ave., bet Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Lempke Charles, blacksmith, 571 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Lempke Fredrick, wagon shop 367 Gra~d<br />

Itiver ave., h 365 same.<br />

Lemke Fredrick, gardener, Vinewood ave.,<br />

outside city limits,<br />

Lcluke Joh, saloon, 496 Gratiot, h same.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

Lemke John, ta,ilor, h 564 Gratiot.<br />

Lemke John F., shoemaker, h 314 Maple.<br />

Lemke Victor, clerk, bds 496 Gratiot,<br />

Lernpke Waley, painter, s e cor Gratiot<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

Lenahan Dennis, carpenter, bds 55 Howard.<br />

Lenahan John, peddlar, h 192 Oak.<br />

Lenau Gottfried, tailor, h 353 Montcalm e.<br />

Lenefers Chatarine, (wid Henry), h 84<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Lenehan Benjamin, lab, h 182 National<br />

ave, e s.<br />

Lenehan Jeremiah, lab., h 223 Porter.<br />

Lenehan Patrick, lab: h 174 Porter.<br />

Lenell Alexander, capt. schr Floretta.<br />

Lenfesty James, mant'g. bent wooden<br />

ware, h Twenty-fourth st nr Baker.<br />

Lenfesty John, miller, h 235 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Lengsfeld Hugo, clerk, h 287 Jefferson aye.<br />

Lentlardt Charles, lab, h 491 Sherman.<br />

Lenhardt George, sewing machine, 85 Gra-<br />

tiot, h 68 Sherman.<br />

Lenhardt Henry, lab, h 358 Antietam.<br />

Lenhoff Jacob, clothing, 196 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h salne.<br />

Lenhoff St. Joseph M., clothing, 262 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h 108 St. Antoine.<br />

Lenhoff Louis M., clothing, 186 Jefferson<br />

ave., h 259 same.<br />

Lenhoff Mark, clerk, bds 186 Jefferson avs.<br />

Lenhoff Rheinhardt, foreman upholsterers<br />

M. C. R. R. car dep't, h 360 Fifth.<br />

Lendstrum August, bds cor Jefferson ave,<br />

s e side bet Iron and Meldrum.<br />

Lennon Edward, machinist, bds 333 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Lennon Robert, ship carpenter, h 628 Con-<br />

gress east.<br />

Lentes Mathias, gardener, h Catharine n s<br />

bet Elmwood and McDougall aves<br />

Lenth Augustus J., painter, bds 163 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Lentrells William, printer, bds 41 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Lentz John, lab, h 179 Bronson.<br />

Lentz Wilhehnina, midwife, h 179 Brooson.<br />

Lentzen Henrv, carpenter, h 404 Dubois.<br />

Lenz August, barber, h 352 Mullett.<br />

Lenz Ferdinand, carpenter, h n e cor Rail<br />

Hoad and Dequindre.<br />

Lenz Peter, cigarmaker, bds 391 Orleans.<br />

Leo Andrew, lab, h 594 Franklin.<br />

Leonard August, carpet beater, bds 192<br />

Macomh.<br />

Leonard Bernard A., manufacturer, h 68<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Leonard Charles, clerk, bds 88 Grand River<br />

avenue.<br />

Leonard Clarence H., clerk, bds 82 Jones.<br />

Leonard Edward, boiler maker, h a1 nr s<br />

w cor Thirteenth and Mich. ave.<br />

Leonard Everett A., clerk., bds 60 Stimson.<br />

Leonard Harvey M., painter, h 257 Sherman.<br />

Leonard Henry C., shoemaker, h 239 First.<br />

Leonard Henry J., cutter, cor Howard and<br />

Four te: nth.<br />

Leonard James, fitter, tds cor First and<br />

Beach.<br />

Leonard John, traveler, bds 45 Lafayette<br />

we.<br />

Leonard John J., insurance agl.. h 291<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Leonard John W., groceries, 88 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Leonard Julius, carpenter, h 698 Franklin.<br />

Leonard Major A., h 830 Abbott.<br />

Leonard Mrs. John D., h 82 Jones.<br />

Leonard Mrs. John V., (Chicago Prepared<br />

Wheat Co.,) bds 45 Lafayette ave.<br />

Leonard Oliver BI., clerk Tribune Office,<br />

bds 82 Jones.<br />

Leonard Patrick, la.b, h 133 Porter.<br />

Leonard Theodore O., (Burr (B; Leonard),<br />

h 60 Stimson.<br />

Leonard Thomas, blacksmith, h 161 Third.<br />

Leonard Wm. H., harness maker, bds 55<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Lepky Wiiliam, lab, h 317 Sherman.<br />

Lepp Frederick, helper, h 1 Prospect.<br />

Lepp Martin, clerk, Michigan Exchange.<br />

Leprad Gilbert, hackman, h 329 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Lepscomb Alexander, teamster, bds 193<br />

Franklin.<br />

Lerchen Charles, butcher, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Lerchen Edward, butcher, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Lerew James, bae&ageman, bds 254 First.<br />

Lerose Joseph, painter, bds 76 Brush.<br />

Leroy Alphonse. painter, h 49 Harriet.<br />

Leroy Henry H., city amessor, room 2<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, h 253 Woodward ave.<br />

Leroy Rhoda (wid William H.), h 714 Lafay<br />

ette.<br />

Lesage Alphonso, shoemaker, h 686 Michgan<br />

ave.<br />

Lesage Joseph, bds 354 Fifteenth.<br />

Leschke August, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Lesher George H., cutter P. McTerny's,<br />

bds 252 Congress e.<br />

Lesher Joseph H., cutter, H. Hallock &<br />

Co.'s, h old 226, new 252 Congress e.


Leslie Agnes R. (wid David B.), bds 63<br />

Larned w.<br />

Lesner John, lab. (Candler Bros.), h -<br />

Rivard.<br />

L7Esperance Alexander, spile driver, h s s<br />

Fort bet Eighteenth and Eighteenth-anda-ha1<br />

f.<br />

L'Esperance Francis, lime burner, h 957<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

L'Esperasce Francis, teamster, bds cor Lafayette<br />

and Twenty-first.<br />

L'Esperance Margarette (wid Francis), h<br />

cor Lafayette and Twenty-first.<br />

Less (fottlieb, machine hand, h German<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Letker Adam, carri3ge maker, h 103<br />

George.<br />

Letoureau Henry, carp~nter, h Pine nr<br />

National ave.<br />

Letoureau Philip, carpenter, h Pine nr<br />

National ave.<br />

Letts Charles E. (C. E. Letts & Co.), bds<br />

549 Fort w.<br />

Letts Lewis, captain, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchanse.<br />

Letts E. C. & Co. (Charles E. Letts and<br />

William N. Carpenter), dealers in coal,<br />

&c.. 685 Woodbridge w.<br />

Letz Ferdinand, blacksmith, h 137 Wilkins.<br />

Leuhun Louis, cabinet maker, bds 484<br />

Alfred.<br />

Leundorf Charles, blacksmith, bds 365<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Leurnyck Felix, porter, h 27 Jefferson ave.<br />

Leusell Joseph, clerk, h 229 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Leuschner Carolirla, (wid Otto) h n -e cor<br />

Mullett and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Leuthner Friederich, carpenter, h 426 Antietam.<br />

Leuth' Fredericke, (wrd John) h 163 Sherman.<br />

Leuth William, painter, bds 163 Sherman.<br />

Leuty Robert T., carpenter, bds 491 Cass<br />

avenue.<br />

Leutz John, porter, (B., D. & Co.,)<br />

Levall John, lab., bds 333 Thirteenth.<br />

Levere Alexander, saloon, n w cor Atwater<br />

and St. Aubin ave, h same.<br />

Leverenz Fred, cigar maker, bds 359 Antietam.<br />

Leverenz Henry. lab., h 359 Antietam.<br />

Leverenz John, lab., bds 497 Mullett.<br />

Leverenz Joachim, lab., h 485 Clinton.<br />

Levering Thomas H., brakesman, h 254<br />

Mullett.<br />

Levett Jacob, peddlar, h 83 Fort e.<br />

Leives Charles C., printer, h 277 Third.<br />

Levi Harris, lab., h 30 Beacon.<br />

Levi Isaac, Yankee notions,h 246 Croghan.<br />

Levi Jacob, lab., h 30 Beacon.<br />

Levi Julius, clerk, bds 312 Woodward ave.<br />

Levi Leon, bds 129 Elizabeth e.<br />

Levi Louis, peddlar, h 66 Clinton.<br />

42<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Levi Moses, clothier, 192 Woodbridge w,<br />

h same.<br />

Levi Manual, sailor, h 490 Lafayette.<br />

Levicke Hermann,baker,h 495 Clinton ave.<br />

Leviellia Napoleon, ship carpenter, h 539<br />

Mullett.<br />

Levin Clarice (wid Felix,) saloon, 725 Cro-<br />

ghan, h same.<br />

Levington Jennie, teacher Tappan Union,<br />

h 403 Sixth.<br />

Levington Rev. John, h 403 Sixth.<br />

Levington William A., clerk, h 403 Sixth.<br />

Levinsou Julius, painter, bds 242 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Levy David, huckster, stall 84 C. H. M., h<br />

557 Croghan.<br />

Levy Harris, cigars and tobacco, 23 Grand<br />

River ave, h 30 Beacon.<br />

Levy Isaac, peddlar, h 165 Clinton.<br />

Levy Jacob, clerk, bds 30 Beacon.<br />

Levy Leopold, h 29 Fort e.<br />

Levy Ludwig, merchant tailor, 117 Jeffer-<br />

son ave, and 204 Woodbridge w, h 117<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Levy Moses, peddlar, h 105 Nullett.<br />

Levy Wm., dry goods, 329 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Levyn Jacob, cigar maker, h 200 Hastings.<br />

Lewae John L., peddlar, 246 Croghan.<br />

Lewellyn Thomas, telegraph operator, bds<br />

Howard House.<br />

Lewen Ludwig, teamster, bds Elmwood<br />

ave e s ab Clinton.<br />

Lewenberg Simon,(Lewenbesg & Wendell)<br />

h 9 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lewenberg & Wendell, (Simon Lewenberg<br />

and Moses Wendell,) watchmakers, 9<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Lemerenz Henry, brakesman, h 254 Ml-<br />

lett.<br />

Lewerenz Frederick C.. merchant tailor,<br />

106 Jefferson ave, h 277 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lewiolette Joseph, cabinet maker, h 316<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Lewis Abram, peddlar, h 234 Hastings.<br />

Lewis Abraham E., (col'd,) mason, h 342<br />

Dubois.<br />

Lewis Alexiinder, (Alex. Lewis & Co.,)<br />

Jefferson ave cor Rivard.<br />

Lewis Rev. Ammin M., h 67 Lewis.<br />

Lewis Uhas. B., reporter, Free Press, h 277<br />

TS ird.<br />

Lewis Edward, (col'd,) saloon, 67 Cliaton<br />

h same.




SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Lewis Frank B., clerk, bds 21 Lewis.<br />

Lewis Frank G., Western Rural, bds Bid-<br />

dle House.<br />

Lewis George, carpenter, (Candler Bros.)<br />

Lewis George, (col'ii,) lab, h 204 Wilkins.<br />

Lewis George, (co17d,) printer, bds 202<br />

Congress e.<br />

Lewis Hannah, (wid Samuel R.,) h 281<br />

Brush.<br />

Lewis Henry, clerk, h 236 Thir teent.h-and-<br />

a half<br />

Lewis Horatio N. F., editor and proprietor<br />

Western Rural, res Chicago, Ills.<br />

Lewis James, carpenter, bds 310 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Lewis James H., clerk, 59 Adams ave w.<br />

Lewis John, (Ashley Lewis & Co.,) h 455<br />

Seventh.<br />

Lewis John, teamster, h 167 Cass ave.<br />

Lewis John E., clerk, h 50 Butternut.<br />

Lewis .Joseph, I., printer, h 183 Larned e.<br />

Lewis Julius C., lather, h 379 Sixth.<br />

Lewis Lemis R., meat market, 87 Seventh.<br />

Lewis Louis8 , boarding house, 167 Cass.<br />

Lewis Maggie, bds 284 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lewis Maurice, carpenter, n e cor Fort<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

Lewis Noah, (col'd) fireman, h 255 Gratiot.<br />

Lewis Reuban T., supt. stoneware, h 83<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Lewis S., waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Lewis Samuel, Vice-President Savings<br />

Bank, 4 Butler block, h s s Jefferson ave<br />

bet Orleans and Riopelle.<br />

Lezatt Peter, teamster, h 268 Franklin.<br />

Lezotte Julius, tanner, bds 172 Tweltth.<br />

Lezotte Peter, drayman, h 172 Twelfth.<br />

L'Hommedieu Chas., bds 24 Henry.<br />

L'Hommedieu Frank, clerk, bds 24 Henry.<br />

L9Hommedieu George L., ~cli~ge<br />

tobacco works, 24 Atwater e, h 816<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

L'Hommedieu Isaac, cheese, 71 and 73<br />

Atwater, h 24 Henry.<br />

L'Huilier Ellen L., (wid Edward), h 97<br />

Congress e.<br />

Libginske Charles, lab, h 392 St, Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Licllt Fritz, lab, h alley, bet Dubois and<br />

Chene, and Gratiot and German.<br />

Liche Charles, blacksmith, h 183 Clinton.<br />

Lichtenburg Abraham, clerk of the Market<br />

office, room 17 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 141 Division.<br />

Lichtenberg A. Mrs., huckster, stall 36 C.<br />

H. RE., h 141 Division.<br />

Lichtenberg Christian, lab., h 493 blullett.<br />

Lichtenberg Christian 'J., (Lichtenberg &<br />

Sons,) h 98 Adams ave e.<br />

Lichtenberg Frederick W., (Lichtenberg<br />

62 Sons,) h 205 Fort e.<br />

Lichtenberg George, h 133 Croghan.<br />

Lichtenberg Gustavus B., tobacco factory,<br />

64,66 and 68 Congress e., h 18 Columbia e.<br />

Lichtenberg Henry, sawyer, h 497 3Eullett.<br />

Lichtenberg Louis, lab., h 325 Maple.<br />

Lichtenberg Phillip, cigar packer, h 110<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Lichten berg & Sons. (Frederick W. Lich-<br />

tenberg, Christian J. Lichtenberg,Charles<br />

Rieblinz, & Henry S. Shubert,) grocers,<br />

n. e. cor Jefferson ave and Rivard, and<br />

34 Michigan Grand rtve.<br />

Lichtensteiny Julius, shoemaker, 33 Jeffer-<br />

son ave, h same.<br />

Lidgate Alexandre S., shoemaker, h 61<br />

Congress.<br />

Lieberman Constantine, shoemaker, 86<br />

Fort e.. h same.<br />

Lewis Thomas, lime kiln, 462 Atwater, h Lieberman Emanuel, (Lieberman &<br />

375 Congress e.<br />

Schloss) h 75 Winder.<br />

Lewis Thomas, machinist, h Baker n s bet Lieberman John P., printer, bds 86 Fort<br />

Twelfth and Thirteenth.<br />

- east.<br />

Lewis Walter C., traveling agent. bds Lieberman & Schloss, (Enlanuel Lieber-<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

man and Benjamin Schloss) wholesale<br />

Lewis William, moulder, h Chene w s nr . clothiers, 71 and 73 Jefferson ave.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Liebke William, lab., h 317 Sherman.<br />

Lemis William L., street car conductor, h Liebald Ernst, plumber, h 124 Bronson.<br />

710 Lafayette.<br />

Liebolsky Moses, peddlar, h 131 Lafayette.<br />

Lewis William W., bolt maker, bds Chene Liebschiet Joseph, peddlar, h 92 Russell.<br />

w s nr Jefferson ave.<br />

Liebsitz Louis, peddlar, h 270 Beaubien.<br />

Lewis Alex. Q Co., (Alexander Lewis, SZ Liebtreu Herman, carpenter, h_ cor Michi-<br />

Henry K. Lincoln,) commission mer- gan ave and Seventeenth.<br />

chants, foot Randolph.<br />

Lieckfeld Emst, blacksmith, h 116 Antie-<br />

Leyer John, blacksmith, bds I56 Sherman. tam.<br />

Leyer John, lab, h 156 Sherman.<br />

Lierve, Xavier, machinist, h 347 Bronson.<br />

Leyden Francis, clerk, h 79 Labrosse. Life Association of America, Michigan<br />

Leyden Mary, (wid Patrick), h 81 La- , Department, William C. Green, manager,<br />

brosse. , 101 Griswold.


Liggitt John T., secretary Ech. ~utual LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Life Ins. Co., h 64 Charlotte ave.<br />


Liggitt Robert A., clerk, bds cor Cass and<br />

Lafa ette.<br />

Light P ames, (col'd,) carpenter, h 199 Riopelle.<br />

Light Joseph, conductor, bds 133 Third. Fdton Market Oyster Honse,<br />

Lightfoot Joseph, lab., h 269 Catherine. 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

Lightfoot William, carpenter, h w s St.<br />

Oysters<br />

Antoine, nr Gratiot.<br />

in the Shell a 6 ecialty. Wholesale<br />

and ~etaf:<br />

Lightner Edwin K., (E. N. Lightner &<br />

Co.,) h 114 Bagg.<br />

Lindow Johanna, (wid John,) h 102 Adams<br />

Lightner Rev. Milton C., rector Grace ave e.<br />

Church, h 114 Bag .<br />

Lindow William, tailor, h 97 Riopelle.<br />

Li htner E. N. & go., (E.N. Lightner,) Lindow William upholsterer, bds 347 Ma-<br />

$rug and perfumery manfrs., 39 JeEer- ple.<br />

son ave.<br />

Lilley Henry, clerk, h 97 First. ~indsa~ Archibald GI., insurance<br />

Lilley Henr , clerk, h 237 First.<br />

a ent, 93 Griswold, h 124 Lafayette ave.<br />

Lilley J. d, confectioner, h 504 Ninth (A a ada front mer.)<br />

ave.<br />

Lindsay George, carpenter h 408 Larned e.<br />

Lilley John, agent, h 504 Ninth ave. Lindsay George B., blacksmith, bds 98<br />

Lillibridge Ira C., secretary Missouri min- Beaubien.<br />

ing Co., bds 54 Adams ave w.<br />

Lindsay James, clerk, First National Bank,<br />

Likins John W., traveling agent bds 98 s w cor Jefferson ave and Griswold.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Lindsay James D., saddler, bds n m<br />

Limbach Martin, hardware, 116 Wood- cor Woodbridge and Fourteenth,<br />

b<br />

ward ave, h 57 Winder.<br />

Lindsay Jane (wid James), h 145 Baker.<br />

Lirubacher Louis, lab., h 380 Wilkins. Lindsay Jonathan (Rice & Lindsay), h 276<br />

Limpins Rev. Gustav, priest of the church Grand River ave.<br />

of our Lady of Help, n w cor Elmwood Lindsay Mary (wid John R.), h 361 Duave,<br />

and Larned.<br />

bois.<br />

Linnbary Albert, cigar maker bds 68 Lar- Lindsay Thomas N., carpenter, h 467<br />

ned e.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Linnabury Albert, tob;?cconist, bds 75 Lindsay William, clerk, h 207 Labrosse.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Lindsay William, helper, bds 343 Seventh.<br />

Linnabury Joseph, clerk, bds 28 Hacomb Lindsay W illirtm N., clerk, bds Howard<br />

ave.<br />

House.<br />

Lincoln Henry K. , (A. Lewis & Co.), h 150 Linenberg Raphael, ship carpenter, ' h 17<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Clay.<br />

Lind August, blacksmith, h 481 Catharine. Lines Alfred, engine'er, h 325 Orleans.<br />

Lind CharlesJab., h 119 Jay.<br />

Ling Conrad (Ling & Boreman), h 239<br />

Lindemann Mrs. Alviutt, h 13 Atwater. Brush.<br />

Lindemann Charles, clerk, bds 229 Jeffer- Ling & Borgman (Conrad Ling and Charles<br />

son ave.<br />

H. Borgman), music store, 6': Monroe<br />

Lindemann Charles, butcher, o 164 n 200 ave.<br />

Woodbridge w, h same.<br />

Lingbuker Ernest, machinist, 354 Six-<br />

Lindemann Charles, lab., bds 60 Wayne. teenth.<br />

Lindemann William, butcher, 200 Wood- Lingemann Anthony, sawyer, h 206 Fourbridge<br />

w.<br />

teenth.<br />

Lindemann William, blacksmith, 177 Gra- Lingemann Anton, butcher, 607 Gratiot, h<br />

tiot, h 376 St. Antoine.<br />

same.<br />

Linder Jacob, lab., bds 276 Prospect. Lingemann Caspar, sr, umbrellas<br />

Linder Phillip, teamster, bds 379 At- and parasols, 26 Monroe ave, h same.<br />

water.<br />

Lingemann Caspar jr, clerk, bds 26 Monroe<br />

Lindes Mathias, gardener, h 653 Clinton ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Lingemann Frank, (Lingemann & Bro.),<br />

Lindow Frederick, cigar maker, h 171 h 493 St. Antoine.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Lingemann Fred, watchmaker and jew-<br />

LinCow Frederick, tailor, bds 102 Adams eler, 261 Jefferson ave, h 154 Larned e.<br />

ave e.<br />

Lingemann Henry, cabinet maker, h 429<br />

Lindow Frederick, cutter, h 85 Russell. St. Antoine.<br />

Lindow Gustine (wid Qottlieb,) h 347 Lingemrtnn John, teamster, h 117 Seven-<br />

Maple.<br />



@~$int#$<br />

- -<br />

@,ni~$f $if 9<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

-<br />

Lipke Christian, lab., h s s New bet<br />

Dubois and Chene and German and Gra-<br />

tiot<br />

Lipke William, lab., 317 German.<br />

Lipman Abraham, peddlar, h 218 Clinton.<br />

Lipner Frederick, shoemaker, h 178 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Lippmayer John, lab., bds 165 Sherman.<br />

Lippmayer Lewis, lab., bds 165 Sherman.<br />

Lippmayer Sophie, (wid John,) h 165<br />

Sherman.<br />

Lippold Henry, fancy dyer, 81 Congress e,<br />

h 297 Gratiot.<br />

Lingemann Joseph, butcher, stall 1 <strong>City</strong> Lisee Joseph V., clerk h 318 Catherine.<br />

Hall Market, h s e cor Orleans and Lisk Robert, tailor, h 191 Bronson.<br />

Marion.<br />

Liskey Frederick, lab., h 480 Seventeenth.<br />

Lin~emann Theodore (Lingemann 62; List Phillipp, cigar maker, h 298 Division.<br />

Bro.), bds n w cor St, Antoine and Littell Wm. H., clerk, h 36 Butternut<br />

Division.<br />

Little Andrew A., carpenter, h 606 Six-<br />

Lingemann 62 Bro., (Frank Lingemann teenth.<br />

and Theodore Lingemann,)meat market, Little Charles, brakesman, bds 169 Frank-<br />

425 St. Antoine.<br />

lin.<br />

Liniot Henry (col'd), lab., bds 131 Macomb.<br />

1 Little Charles A., fireman, h 338 High.<br />

Link Henry J., traveling agent, bds 366 Little Charles H., (F. B. Sibley 62 Co.,) h<br />

Con ress e.<br />

488 Congress e.<br />

Link 8 eter, h 366 Congress e.<br />

Little Elial B., saloon, 548 Woodbridge w,<br />

Linke John C., cabinet maker, bds 38 h same,<br />

Clinton.<br />

Little Henry, la.b., h 366 Congress e.<br />

Linn Alexander, h 364 Abbott.<br />

Little H. C., sailor, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Linn Alexander R. (A. R. and W. F. Linn), Little Henry H., draughtsman, bda 602<br />

h o 126 n 146 Howard.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Linn Colin C.,clerk, bds 364 Abbott. Little John, core maker, bds 366 Con-<br />

Linn David, carpenter, h 594 Fort w. gress e.<br />

L~M John D., (Linn & Son,) .bds 594 Fort Little Robert 8.; (John Stephens & Co.,)<br />

west.<br />

bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Linn Hobert, (Linn cPr Son,) h 594 Fort w. Little R. S., roofer, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Linn Thomas, h 40 Adams ave w. Littlefield Arthur E.,,clerk, bds 174 Brew-<br />

Linn William F., (A. R. & W. F. Linn,) ster.<br />

bds 364 Abbott.<br />

Littlefieid Ira B., telegraph operator, bds<br />

LINN A. R. cS5; W. F., (Alexander R. 55 Adams ave e.<br />

and William F. Linn,) wholesale tea, Littlefield Justus, peddlar, h 174 Brewster.<br />

coffee, &c., 120 Jefferson ave. (See ada.) Littlefield Solomon S., book agent, h 56<br />

Linn & Son, (Robert and John D. Linn,) Adams ave e.<br />

grocers, 230 Randolph,<br />

Littlejohn Adam, watchman, h 731 Frank-<br />

Linsel Dorathea, (wid Henry,) h 135 Mul- lin.<br />

leit.<br />

Littleton Wm. H., clerk, h 279 Park.<br />

Linto Joseph, saloon, 480 Gratiot, h same. Littleman Lloyd, (col'd), porter, h 238<br />

Linton William J., machinist, h 85 La- Adams ave e.<br />

brosse.<br />

Litzenburger George, shoemaker, h 229<br />

Lintz EdwardM., cooper, h n w cor De- Macomb.<br />

quindre and Bronson.<br />

Livermans George, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Lintz Frank, cooper, h s s Marion bet Rio- Livermore C. Frederick, general receiver,<br />

pelle and Orleans.<br />

M. C. R. R., h 121 Henry.<br />

Lintz Henry F., miller, h 312 Marion. Livermore Frank, physician, 55 Lafayette<br />

Lintz Hiram, cooper, h 619 Alfred.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Lintz John, clerk, h n s <strong>Detroit</strong> bet St. Au- Livermore W. R. Lieut.,bds Russell House<br />

bin ave and Dequindre.<br />

Livingston Allen, (Eggeman & Livingston)<br />

Linzee Andrew J., lawyer, 131 Griswold h 567 Beaubien.<br />

res Springwells.<br />

Livingston Charles H., clerk, bde 20<br />

Lion Alexander, druggist, h 314 Brewster. Howard.<br />

Lion John, cooper, h 122 Marion.<br />

Livingston Edward D., clerk, bds 216<br />

Lipcinski Charles, lab., bds 666 Gratiot. Congress e.<br />

Lipke Christian, jr.,lab.',!h s s New bet Du- Livingston Jarnee, grocer, 616 Sixth, h<br />

bois and Chene-and German and Gratiot, same.


Livingstone Wm. jr., (Livingstone & Co.,)<br />

b 231 Park.<br />

Livingstone Wm,, sr., (Livingstone 62 Co)<br />

h o 22 n 33 Centre.<br />

Livingstone & Co., (Wm. Livingstone,<br />

sr., Wm. Livingstone, jr., and<br />

George H. Moore,) commission. and<br />

wood yard, foot Randolph (Scc ada.)<br />

Lloyd Elizabeth, (wid Thomas,) washer<br />

woman h 91 Antictam.<br />

Lloyd George O., clerk, h 235 Cass.<br />

Lloyd John H., clerk, h 297 Fourth. .<br />

Lloyd Gordon W., architect, 103 Griswold<br />

up stairs, h 169 Congress e.<br />

Lloyd Harper, fireman, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Lloyd Richard, engineer, bds 35 Hastings.<br />

Lloyd William D., clerk Finney's Hotel.<br />

Lloyd Zina, h 156 Larned e.<br />

Loarch Frederick, stone cutter, h 241 Russell.<br />

Lobdell ~ise~h F., (J. F. Lobdell & Co.)<br />

h 297 Sixth.<br />

Lobdell J. F. 62 Co., (Joseph F. Lobdell<br />

and Clark Stevens .) agents Fleischman's<br />

yeast, 30 Grand Mlchigan ave.<br />

Loch Michael, lab., h 319 Wilkins.<br />

Lochbuehler John, carpenter, h 2'35 Sherman.<br />

Lochbuehler Michael, tailor, s w cor Maple<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

Lochuehhler Weneline, stone cutter, h 156<br />

Clinton.<br />

Lochenfetz William,plasterer,h 361 Maple.<br />

Lock Jane, operator, h 2 1 Division.<br />

Lock Joseph, peddlar, h old 96 Oak.<br />

Lock Peter, (col'd) lab., h Beaubien s Fremont.<br />

Locke Charles, shoemaker, h 21 Division.<br />

Locke Charles H., dry goods, 128 Woodward<br />

ave, h 387 same.<br />

Locke Edwin J., agent, bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Locke 0. M., general agent Florence Sewing<br />

Machine, 158 Jefferson ave, bds<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Lockenzetz Charles, tanner, h 191 German.<br />

Lockhart George, engineer, h 86 Labrosse.<br />

Lockhart Jennie, teacher Tappan Union,<br />

h 86 Labrosse.<br />

Lockhart William, machinist, h 479 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Lochead Elizabeth, (wid John) bds 66<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Lochead William H., carpenter, h 255<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Lockton Walter, butcher, h 24$ Mullett.<br />

Lockwood Albert, printer, bds Larned w<br />

bet Cass and First.<br />

Lockwood Albeitre, (wid Thomas W.,) h<br />

20 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lockwood Charles H., butcher, h 190<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Lockwood George K., block maker, bds<br />

246 Lafayette.<br />

W e will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor ne by a call at our ofRce, 52 We~t<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Pa~ke, Dav2s & Co.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Lockwood J., brakesman, 31. C. R. R.<br />

Lockwood Mary N., h 71 Fort w.<br />

Lockwood Patrick H., hatter, bds 224<br />

Larned e.<br />

Lockwood Stillman D., lab., h 32'7 Nineteenth.<br />

Lodder Charles, patent-right man h 66<br />

Catharine.<br />

Lodge Albert, clerk, bds 57 Wayne.<br />

Lodge Charles, clerk, bds 57 Wayne.<br />

Lodge Edwin, jr., physician, 55 Wayne,<br />

bds same.<br />

Lod e Edwin A., physician, office 57<br />

dyne, h same.<br />

Lodge Edward B., clerk, bds 252 Second.<br />

Lodewyck John E., car builder, h 746<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Loebs Charles, tailor, bds 20 Lafayette.<br />

Loeffler Frederick W., cabinet maker, h<br />

244 Catharine.<br />

Loehr John, carpenter, h 204 Russell,<br />

Loenick David O., peddlar, h 89 Mnllett.<br />

Loeser Mary, (wid Emil) meat market, n e<br />

cor Hastings and Mullett.<br />

Loest Martin, cigar maker, bds 497 Gratiot<br />

Loewe Gottfried, teacher, bds 461 Clinton.<br />

Loewe Holde, cabinet maker, bda 461<br />

Clinton.<br />

Loewe John, cabinet maker, bds ,122<br />

Marion.<br />

Loewe John, cooper, h 122 Narion. .<br />

Loewe Leithtlldt, carpenter, 461 Clinton.<br />

Loewen Frank, carpenter, h 502 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Loewen Peter, teamster, h 494 St Antoine.<br />

Loewenstein Jacob, clerk, h 185 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Loewer Henry, saloon, 316 St. Antoine, h<br />

same.<br />

Loewer Michael, carpenter, bds s e cor<br />

Macomb and Chene.<br />

Loeza Henry, clerk, h 226 Randolph,<br />

Loezs Lucie, dress maker and Yankee<br />

notions, 226 Randolph, h same.<br />

Loftus James, carpenter, bds 144 Larned e.<br />

Loftus James, clerk, h 479 Fifth.<br />

Logan John, coachman, bds Fort w opp<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Logan John, (col'd) lab, h Hastings nr<br />

railroad.<br />

Lo 'e James, ship carpenter, bds 880<br />

#oodbridge w.<br />

Lose William, boiler maker, h 65 National<br />

ave.<br />

Logue ~ary, fitter, bds American Bouse.<br />



SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Logue Peter, fireman, bds 176 Howard.<br />

Lohmann Clemons F., cigar maker, h 6<br />

Irving.<br />

Lohmann Julius, clerk U. 8. lake survey,<br />

h 373 Clinton.<br />

Lohr Adam W., printer, h 263 Hastings.<br />

Lohr Edward, (Nemth & Lohr,) h 704<br />

Franklin.<br />

Lohr Frank, sailor, h 551 Lafayette.<br />

Lokie John patent burner agent, 5 Studio<br />

Building, h 339 Third.<br />

Lombard William, tobacco, h 255 Riopelle,<br />

Lomas William A., foreman, h 141 Baker.<br />

Lomasney James P., cabinet maker, bds<br />

340 Michigan ave.<br />

Lomasney Michael, carpeilter, h 314 Twenty-second.<br />

Lo~nasnev William, tailor shop, 340 Michigan<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Larnasney William M., books and stationery,<br />

98 Michigan ave., h same.<br />

London Frederick, house-mover, h 61 3<br />

Seventh.<br />

Loney Mathew, gardener, h 93 Baker.<br />

Long Alexander, carpenter, h new 461<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Long Andrew,fireman, Michi an Exchange<br />

Long Andrew, jr., yardman lichigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Long Ann, (wid William,) h 102 Orchard.<br />

Long Charles, cutter, bds 457 Second ave.<br />

Long David, miner, bds 164 Larned w.<br />

Long Dennis, moulder, bds 19 Wight.<br />

Long George, mail agent, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Long Gustave, machinist, h 354 Riopelle.<br />

Long Helen, (wid Morris,) h 19 Wight.<br />

Long Henry, painter, bds 212 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Long James, broom maker, h 793 Larned e.<br />

Long Jarnee, clerk, bds 147 Third.<br />

Long Jeremiah, blacksmith, bds 102 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Long John, gunsmith, Grand River ave.<br />

nr Holden Road.<br />

Long John B., lab., h 147 Third.<br />

Long John, sawyer, h 774 Fifteenth.<br />

Long John E., (Fisher & Long,) h 46 Had-<br />

ison ave.<br />

Long John P., saloon, 30 Monroe ave., h<br />

same.<br />

Long Lucretia, teacher, bds 457 Second.<br />

5<br />

Long Mary, (wid John,) h 371 Franklin.<br />

Long Mathew, shoemaker, 1 Clmton, h<br />

29 Centre.<br />

Long Richard H., secretary Michigan stove<br />

works, bds 1,024 Jefferson ave.<br />

Long Stephen, (col'd) teamster, h 168 Antietam.<br />

Long Thomas J., clerk, h 371 Franklin.<br />

Long William L., clerk, h 604 Seventh.<br />

Long Wllliam, plumber, bds 102 Orchard.<br />

Long William G., overseer Michigan stove<br />

works, bds 1,024 Jefferson ave.<br />

Longley Joseph, ship carpenter, h 310 Atwater<br />

e.<br />

Longnon Gilbert, carpenter, h 27 Seventeenth.<br />

Longpre Louis T., (Longprey & Peters,) .<br />

h 405 &ilkins.<br />

Longprey & Peters, (Louis T. Longprey &<br />

John B. Peters,) carriage makers, 4.2<br />

Larned e.<br />

Longthon Albert, shoemaker, h 98 Chestnut.<br />

Longtin Moses, caulker, h 509 Con ress e.<br />

Long ear Eon. John W., U. S. %istrict<br />

B<br />

Ju ge Customs ,Building, h 156 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Lonney Thomas, lab., bds 650 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Lonzer Charles, cigar maker, h cor Cro-<br />

ghan and St. Antoine.<br />

Lonzo Andrew, milkman, h Lafayette ave<br />

bet Tenth and Twelfth.<br />

Lonzo Louis, lab., h 164 Franklin.<br />

Looby James, shoemaker, bds 319 Fort w.<br />

Look Arnold, carpenter, h 193 Macomb.<br />

Look Henry, tailor, h n e cor Randolph<br />

and Macomb (up stairs).<br />

Look Herman, carpenter, bds 256 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Look Peter, carpenter, bds 256 Beaubien .<br />

Look William, clerk, bds 272 Congress e.<br />

Looker J. W., clerk, bds 278 Jefferson ave.<br />

Looker Oscar R., clerk, h 150 Larned e.<br />

Loomer Elliott, painter, bds 76 Brush.<br />

Loomer George W., clerk, In 49 Sherman.<br />

Loomis James, blacksmith, bds 27 Jefferson .<br />

ave.<br />

Loomis Martin, farmer, h e B Eighth nr<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Loomis William, carpenter, h .516 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Loomis William E., (col'd) lab., h 162<br />

W il kin s.<br />

Looney Ellen, (wid William) h 112 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Looney PC&, butcher, bds 112 Franklin.<br />

' Looney William jr., butcher, bds 112<br />

1 Franklin.<br />

Loose Job, machinist, bds 395 Lafayette.<br />

Loosemore John, butcher, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Loosmore Lewis, fireman, M. C. R. R., bds<br />

229 Fifteenth.


Lootens Desere, (L. Lootens & Bros.), h LOVERS of those DELlClOUS BIVALVES<br />

79 Larned e. 1<br />

~~~~<br />


Loote~s Evarast A., (L. Lootens & Bros.),<br />

h 79 Lnrned e.<br />

& Q@egB<br />

Loot~ns Lesnder (L. Lootens & Bros.) h<br />

79 Larned e.<br />


Lootens L. & Bros., (Leander, Evarast A., 28 MICITIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

and Desere Lootens) tailors, 79 Lar ned e. gZ9- Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Lorancel Louis, ship joiner, h 382 Frank-<br />

Retail.<br />

lin.<br />

Lorang John Baptiste, caulker, h 379 Loss Gottlieb, wagoner, h n s German bet<br />

Franklin.<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Loranger Amos J., grocer, 347 Woodward Loston Edward (col'd), teamster, h 51<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Loranger Augustus, cooper, h 205 Marion. Lothammer Louis, tailor, h 153 Marion.<br />

Loranger Eugene, foreman, foot Eigh- Lotharius Matthew, butcher, h old 153<br />

teenth-and-a half.<br />

Alfred.<br />

Loranger George, sailor, bds 81 1 Wood- Lothrop Charles B., bds 84 Fort. w.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Lothrop George H., law student, bds 94<br />

Loranger G. P., agent, bds cor Wood- Fort w.<br />

bridge w and Eighteenth-and-a-half. Lothrop George V. N., lawyer, room 36<br />

Loranger John B., engineer, M. C. R. R., Seitz Block, h 94 Fort w.<br />

h 799 Fort w.<br />

Lottner Frederick, lab., h 341 Bronson.<br />

Loranger Joseph, wood dealer, h 811 Lotterkous Max, baggage master, h 206<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Loranger Richard Joseph, clerk,811 Wood- Lotz Charles, Yankee notions and saloon,<br />

bridge w.<br />

273 Hastings, h same.<br />

Loranger William, second hand store, 19 Lotz Charles jr, carver, hds 273 Bastings.<br />

Nineteenth, h same.<br />

Lotz Henry, shoemaker, h 311 Michigan<br />

Lord Adeline (wid Josiah P.,) h 108 Ad- ave.<br />

ams are e.<br />

Loubenthal John, tailor, h n s Belair bet<br />

Lordan Dennis, watchman, h 196 Lab- Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

rosse.<br />

Loud Alanson, lumber dealer, bds 129<br />

or ens en Lorenz T., lab., bds 212 Marion. Adams ave e.<br />

Lorent Nicholas, carpenter, h 115 Cttl- Loughin Charles A., grocer, 295 Franklin,<br />

houn.<br />

h 301 same.<br />

Lorenz John, salooa, 1052 Michigan ave, Loughlin John, lab., bds 196 Twelfth.<br />

h same.<br />

Louis Charles, lab., h s s Scott bet Riopelle<br />

Lorenz Nicholas, carpenter, h 115 Cath- and Dequindre.<br />

arine.<br />

Louis James, carpenter, h 163 Fifth.<br />

Lorenzer Henry, clerk, h 208 Nineteenth. Lount James, grocer, store 404 Grand<br />

Lorf Charles, tailor, bds 22 Mechanic River ave, h same.<br />

Lorf Frank, peddlar, bds 22 31echanic. Loutzwell Joseph, painter, h 489 Fort e.<br />

Lorf Frederick, cigar maker, bds 22 31e-<br />

Love Homer L., clerk Franklin House, bds<br />

same.<br />

chanic.<br />

Love James, sr., constable 6th Ward, h 40<br />

Lorf Gottlieb, tailor, h 22 Mechanic.<br />

Lorf Gottlieb jr, tailor, bds 22 lVIechallic.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Love Jeanette, (wid Thomas,) h Myrtle nr<br />

Lorf Otto, cigar maker, bds 22 Mechanic.<br />

Lorg Henry, cigar makeribds 75 Sherman.<br />

Thirteen th-a-half.<br />

Love John, carpenter, h 390 Twelf h.<br />

Lorkofske Albert, lab., h Grove n s bet Love John, grocer, 137 Sibley, h same.<br />

Hasti~es and Prospect.<br />

Love William, horse trainer, h 33 Harriet.<br />

Lorkooski Joseph, lab., h s s Benton bet Lovell George, carpenter, h 631 Michigan<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

ave.<br />

Lorman Charles A. (Belle Isle Ice Co.), h Lovell Jane, (wid Edward,) h 187 Third.<br />

Hrtmtramck.<br />

Lovett Alfred, lake captain, bds 34 Eliza-<br />

L mnan Frederick, teamster, h 49 Jlaple. beth e.<br />

Lorimer John S., general purchasing Lo~ett John, clerk, h 185 Congress w.<br />

agent, D. & N. R. R.., h 586 Fort e. Lovett John, tinsmith, bds 266 Franklin.<br />

Lorion Louis, carpenter, h 411 Guoin. Lovet't Ste hen W., plumber and<br />

Lortie Rachel (wid Joseph), h 388 Frank- gas-fitter, 40 'g; ichigan ave, h 231 Fourth.<br />

lin.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Lose Theodore, lab., h s e cor Guoin and Lovett Willttm E., (Scotfen, Lovett & Go.,)<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

h 169 Fort w.


I Lowrie John P., foreman Journal Gom-<br />

, - .<br />

W/UW~/JZ.Z.~&<br />

BUS~NESS<br />


merce.<br />

Lowry Joseph T,, (Scotten, Lovett 62 Co.),<br />

h 340 Randolph.<br />

Lowry Thomas, plumber, Holrnes & Web-<br />

L:$kn Alexander. harness maker, h 58<br />

Loy Owen lab., h 41 Harrison ave.<br />

Patrick. lab h 594 ' Woodbridne w. Y<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. I LO~O avid,' lab., h 419 Guoin.<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

Lo20 David, lab., h 54 Wight.<br />

Lozo Julius, lab., h 406 Quoin.<br />

Low Anna, (mid Peter,) h 37 Brady. Lozon Charles, macliinist, h 148 Labroase.<br />

Low John A., (col'd) barber, h 179 Russell. Lubs Charles. lab., h s s Maple nr Joseph<br />

Low Joseph, clerk, h 16 Columbia e. Campau ave.<br />

Lowd Charles W., clerk, bds Goodman Lul~y -. Ellen, house keeper, bds 160 Frank-<br />

House.<br />

lin.<br />

Lowe Charles, carpenter, bds 306 Wood- Lucas Catharine. . (wid . Rlichael,) h 183<br />

bridge w.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Lowe Eugene S., clerk J. M. Bradstreet & Lucas Elizabeth A.,(wid Rlni,) h 12 Craw-<br />

Fon, bds 73 High.<br />

ford.<br />

Lowe Frederick, carpenter, (Candler Bros.) Lucas John, h 12 Crawford.<br />

Lowe Henry C., clerk, bds 23 Elizabeth e. Lucsq Parker, conductor, s e s Thirteenth-<br />

Lowe John, clerk, h 65 Sibley.<br />

and-a-half cor Myrtle.<br />

Lowe John, teamster, bds cor Rivard and Lucas Peter A., (col'd) barber, bds 280<br />

Franldin.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Lowe John A., (col'd) barber, h 170 Rus- Lucas Solomon A., (col'd) painter, bds 280<br />

sell.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Lowe Robert M., machinist, h 203 Chene. Luce Alonzo D., clerk, h 94 Elizabeth w.<br />

Lowe Thomas, teamster, bds cor Rivard Luce Charles R., engineer. h 210 Rivard.<br />

and Franklin.<br />

Luce Greenleat V , hair goods, 131 Wood-<br />

Lowe Thomas, watchman, h 23 Elizabeth ward ave, h 103 Farmer.<br />

east.<br />

Lucey John B., mason, h 143 Columbia e.<br />

Lowe Thomas, jr., (with Burr & Leonard,) Luchsin er Rudolph, carriage maker, h<br />

bds 23 Elizsbeth e.<br />

h 281 filfred.<br />

Lowell Charles W., shoemaker, bds 62 Lucht Fritz, lab.. h s s New bet Dubois<br />

Beaubien.<br />

and Chene and Gratiot and German.<br />

Lowell William I$., shoemaker, h 128 Lucker Henry, jr., muscian, h 260 Riopelle<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Lucker John, musician, h 312 Macomb.<br />

Lowenburg E. Mrs., millinery, 209 Mlchi- Lucker John, jr., musician, h 308 Macomb<br />

gan ave., h same.<br />

Lucker Peter, musician, h 310 Macomb.<br />

Lowenstamm -, clerk, h 37Michigaa Lucker Wm. B., musician, h s s Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

bet Riopelle and Russell.<br />

Lower John, (Lower & Co.), h 61 Brush. Luckhurst Joseph, overseer, house of cor-<br />

Lower J. & Co., (John Lower & Bernard rection, bds same, n s Allred bet Russell<br />

Vilbrin), tailors, 61 Brush. .<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

Lowman Benjamin T., h Fourth bet Ful- Lucking Joseph, meat market, 249 Griston<br />

rand Tuscola.<br />

wold, h same. '<br />

Lowman Clements F., cigar maker, h 614 Luckwald Frederick, shoemaker, h 138<br />

Seventh.<br />

Mullet.<br />

Lowman J., Benjamin, cigar maker, h Lucy John, groceries and notions, 84<br />

e s Fourth bet Fulton and Tuscola. Grand Riler ave, h same.<br />

Lowman Jane Mrs., cigar maker, h Fort Ludden Henry D., asst surveyor, h 44<br />

Fulton and Tuscola.<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Lowrie George (J. Lowrie & Son,) h 321 Ludden Williston S., conductor, bdg 44<br />

Thir I.<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Lomrie James, (J. Lowrie & Son,) bds Ludd~ngton James, moulder, h 276 Third.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Ludeubach Ignaz, turner, h 435 Riopelle.<br />

Lowrie William, (J. ~obrie & Son.) bds Luderer August W., h 90 Congress e.<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Luderer Richard, musician, bds 90 Con-<br />

Lomrie James & Son, (James, George & gress e.<br />

William,) dry goods, 150 and 153 Wood- Luderer William, musician, bds 90 Conward<br />

ave.<br />

gress e.


-<br />

Luding Geo., clerk, bds Franklin House.<br />

Ludke Andrew, cabinet maker, h Macomb DRUGGISTS<br />

bet Joseph Campau and McDougall aves<br />

Will find it to their advantage to call at our office<br />

Ludlow Byron, clerk, bds 41 Washington<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />

ave.<br />

Ludlow Richard C., engineer, h 94 Lewis. MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS.<br />

Ludwig Charles, news agent, h 148 St.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

An toine.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Ludwig Christian, carver, bds s e cor Croghan<br />

and Rivard.<br />

Lumsden John, gardener, h '152 Wood-<br />

Ludwig Christoph, basket maker, h 243 ward ave.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Lurnsden Miss, teacher, Irving School, bds<br />

Ludwig Conrad, basket maker, 107 Maple, Woodward ave nr Wilis ave.<br />

Zudwig Jacob, lab., h 467 hlacomb. Lumsden Thomas O., picture frame joiner,<br />

Ludwig Jacob, basket maker, h 300 Wil- bds 752 Woodward ave.<br />

kins.<br />

Lulnsden W., produce dealer, bds Finney's<br />

Ludwig Jacob, basket maker, h 13 Chest- Hotel.<br />

nut.<br />

Lunenburg Riper, carpenter, h 17 Clay.<br />

. Ludwig John J., saloon, 164 Rivard, h Lunger John, grocer, G31 Nichigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

same.<br />

Ludwig Itfartin, basket maker, h 25 Ger- Lungershausen C barles, Biddle House<br />

man.<br />

barber shop, h 38 Beaubien.<br />

Ludwig William, blacksmith, h 385 St. Lurchs Frederick, stone cutter, h 241 Rus-<br />

Antoine.<br />

sell.<br />

Ludwig William, lab., h w s Tillinan ave Lurkwald Frederick, shoemaker, h s e cor<br />

bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Mullett and Rivard.<br />

Luebner Charles, painter, bds 513 Sher- Luscombe Elizabeth (wid William), . . h 377<br />

man.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Luehsinger Rudolph, cabinet maker, h 281<br />

Lusk Joseph, mason, h 333 Congress e.<br />

Alfked .<br />

Lutan John, bds 66 Howard.<br />

Luecht Charles, blacksmith, h 183 Clinton.<br />

Lute ath hi as, baker, h Nineteenth bet<br />

Luedman John, teamster, h 385 Seven- Howard and St. Clair.<br />

teenth.<br />

Lutes Martha, (wid Levi), h 15 Jones.<br />

Luedman Charles, tinsmith, h 385 Seven-<br />

Lutge Frederick C., photograp her, 53<br />

teen th.<br />

Monroe ave, h n s Macomb bet Orleans<br />

Luedemann Henry, lab., h e s Dubois bet<br />

and Dequinclre.<br />

E. L. Oa~pau and Gratiot.<br />

Lutman Don, u?holsterer, bds Goodman<br />

Lueders John, musician, h 120 Mlzllett.<br />

House.<br />

Lueky George, shoemaker, bds 127 Adams<br />

Lutman John, (Marcus, Stevens & CO.,)<br />

ave e.<br />

bds n e cor Second and Howard.<br />

Lueky Henry, shoemaker, h 127 Adams<br />

Lutnlan J. S., upholsterer, bds Goodman<br />

ave<br />

House.<br />

e.<br />

Luger Frank, lab., h 195 Lafayette.<br />

Lutnlan William, clerk, bds 140 Cass.<br />

Luger Mary (wid Caspar), laundry, h 195 Luth August, apprentice, bds cor E. L.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Campzu and Gratiot.<br />

Luther Amalic, midwife, h 247 Sherman.<br />

~uhbaum Charles, carpenter, h 183 Bron- Luther Herman, lab., h 247 Sherman.<br />

son.<br />

Luttenberger Cavline, lab., bds 506 Gra-<br />

Luhmann Herman, sailor, bds 83 Congress tiot.<br />

east.<br />

Lutter Henry,carpenter, h 226 Watson.<br />

Luker Henry L., clerk, h 115 Wood- Lutke Henry, overseer highways fourth<br />

bridge e.<br />

ward, h 147 Croghan.<br />

Lum Charles BI., artist, h 112 Fifth. Luttick Joseph, grocer, 16.5 Hasti~gs, h<br />

Lumber Edwin T., clerk, bds 147 Rivard. same.<br />

Lumber William, lab., h s s Riopelle bet Luttecke Josephsnisher, bds 147 Croghan.<br />

Clinton and Mullett.<br />

Lutwyche Edgar J., bds 54 Adams ave w.<br />

Lumberg Lewy, clothing store, h 35 Jeffer- Lutwyche Elizabeth A., (wid John D.,) h<br />

son ave.<br />

54 Adams ave w.<br />

Lummer ~ hdes, taxidermist, h 262 30- Lutz Christopher, lab., h 220 Columbia e.<br />

ghan.<br />

Lutz Frederick, blacksmith, h w s Seventh<br />

Lumsden Charles, clerk, bds 109 Nont- bet Lysander and Brigham.<br />

calm e.<br />

Lutz Frederick, gardener, h 153 Thir-<br />

Lumsden David F., agent, h 109 Mont- teen th-and-a-half.<br />

calm e.<br />

Lutz Henry, butcher, h 146 Twelfth.<br />



~~~H~~<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

SEE PAGE 3. a<br />

Lutz Henry, shoemaker, h 311 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Lutz Hermann, paver, h 224 Bfontcalm e.<br />

Lutz Jacob, carriagemaker, h 309 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Lutz John, butcher, h s s. Chestnut bet Rus-<br />

sell and Riopelle.<br />

Lutz John, upholsterer, bds 30 Cathsrine.<br />

Lutz John, machinist, h 224 31ontcalm e.<br />

Lutz John B., upholsterer, h 30 Catbarine.<br />

Lutz Julius, student, bds 30 Catharine.<br />

Lutz Martin, stone cutter, h 123 Wilkins.<br />

Lutz Nicholas, (col'd) lab, h n e cor Hast-<br />

ings and Grove.<br />

Lutz Peter, currier, h 485 Clinton.<br />

Lutzelschwort Joseph, clerk, bds 113 Bates<br />

Lutzer Gottlieb, milk peddlar, h 110 Ben-<br />

ton.<br />

Lux Frank, butcher, h 595 Gratiot.<br />

Lu ck Theodore, cabinet maker, h 133<br />

%igh.<br />

Liivkns Theodore, cabinet maker, h 133<br />

High.<br />

Lye George S., saloon, 169* Michigan ave<br />

h same.<br />

Lynch Andrew, car conductor, h 68 Mont-<br />

ca11.n w.<br />

Lynch Cathrine Mrs., h 306 Third.<br />

Lynch Catharine, (wid Daniel), boarding<br />

h 66 Larned w.<br />

Lynch Charles, brass finisher, h 154 Sixth.<br />

Lynch Charles, clerk, bds 66 Larnec! w.<br />

Lynch Corneiius, lab, h in lane bet Porter<br />

and Abbot and Third and Fourth.<br />

Lynch Dennis, moulder, bds 137 Larned e.<br />

Lynch Edwin, carpenter, h 38 Canfield.<br />

Lynch James, lab, h 17 Beaubien.<br />

Lynch James, plumber, h 569 Fort e.<br />

Lynch James, fireman engine 2.<br />

Lynch James, D., restaurant, 10 Wood-<br />

ward, h e s Beaubien bet Larned and<br />

Congress.<br />

Lynch Jeriamiah, lab, h 557 Fort e.<br />

Lyncb John, coppersmith, h 128 Clifford.<br />

Lynch John, engineer, h 780 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lynch John, lab, h 569 Fort e.<br />

Lynch John, saIoon, 31 Griswold.<br />

Lynch John, (Lynch cZt Kinnucan), h 123<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Lynch Blichael, moulder, h 121 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Lynch Patrick, lab, h .3 Walnut.<br />

Lynch Patrick, plasterer, h 70 Columbia e.<br />

Lynch Thomas, hostler, bds 68 Fort w.<br />

L-ynch Thomns, h 341 Porter,<br />

LYNCH WILLIAM, window sli~de<br />

factory, 208 Jeffefferson ave, hsame. (See<br />

adv. )<br />

Lynch rSt Kinnucan, (.John Lynch & P. J.<br />

Kinnucan), merchant tailors, 123 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Lynn John W., bds 211 Cass.<br />

Lynn William, carpenter, bds 404 Sixth..<br />

Lyon A., engineer, 31. C. R R.<br />

Lyon Anson E., house mover, h 41 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Lyon Anson W., house mover, bds 41 '<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Lyon Edward, bds 41 Elizabeth w.<br />

Lyon Edward, (E. Lyon Ss Co., h Xichigan<br />

ICxchange.<br />

Lyon Farnham, (E. Lyon cB; Co.,) Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Lyon George W., house mover, h 218<br />

High.<br />

Lyons Harris, clothing store, cor Foundry<br />

and Michigan are., h sdme.<br />

Lyon Isaac L., timber merchant, 1 Woodward<br />

ave., h 448 same.<br />

Lyon James, lab., h 581 Beaubien.<br />

Lyon Susana, h 205 Franklin.<br />

Lyon William, student, bds 368 Fifth.<br />

Lyon William D.. rnalstsr? h 519 Fifteenth.<br />

Lyon E. 62 Co., (Ed ward and Farnham,)<br />

proprietors Michigan Exchange, cor<br />

Shelby and Jefferson ave.<br />

Lyons Adolph, carriage. trimmer, h 230<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Lyons Albert B., physician. bds 55 Fort w.<br />

Lyons James, sail maker, h 241 Columbia e.<br />

Lyons John, hack driver. h 291 JIon tcalln e.<br />

Lyons John, mason, h 468 St Antoine.<br />

Lyons Joseph M., grainer, bds Peninsular<br />

. House.<br />

Lyons Rudolph J., physician 231 Woodward<br />

ave h same.<br />

Lyons ITilliam, manf" r buggy bodies, 5G+<br />

Grand River ave., h same.<br />

Lyoas William n., bds 231 Woodward ave.<br />

Lysaught 31ichae1, lab., h 149 Plum.<br />

Lyster Henry F., physician, 353 Jeffersou<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Lyster Theodore GI, clerk, bcls Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Lyster William 31.: clerk, h 41 George.<br />

-<br />

aAFF Albert, lab., h cor Gratiot and<br />

i\iI Dubois<br />

Maas William, lab., h 489 Sherman. '<br />

Mabes George J., cigar maker, h a e cor<br />

Hastings and Kentucky.<br />

Mabley Chistopher R., clothing, 186<br />

Woodward ave, h 63 Miami ave.<br />

Macaaw David, lab., h 553 Seventeenth<br />

IkXacadau Alexander, bed maker, bds<br />



llIacadam Mrs. Susan F., (wid ~lexander)<br />

millinery, 70 Fort w, h same.<br />

Xacalister Norman, with <strong>Detroit</strong> Car<br />

Wheel Company, h 785 Congress e.<br />

Macauley Alexander, (Nacauley Bros.,)<br />

bds Biddle House.<br />

Macauley James F., (J. F. & W. T. Ma-<br />

cauley,) h 51 Columbia w.<br />

Biacauley Xticllard, (Macauley Bros,) h 406<br />

Congress e.<br />

Macauley William T., (J. F. & W. T. Ma-<br />

cauley,) h 19 TV arren.<br />

Macauley Bros., (Richard and Alexander,)<br />

wholesale millinery, 207 Jefferson ave.<br />

Macauley J. F. $t W. T., (James F. and<br />

William T.,) booksellers and stationers,<br />

257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Xaccallam Archibald, book-keeper, h 521<br />

Fort w.<br />

Maccomb Rob&, grocer, 270 National ave<br />

h same.<br />

Maccombs Michael, carpenter, h '752 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

3Xttce Ferdinand, clerk, b o 129 n 199 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Nacfarland Andrew, clerk, bds 2'75 Fourth.<br />

Macfarland William W., engineer, h n w<br />

cor Walnut and Fifteenth.<br />

Mach Martin, lab., h w s Twenty-third bet<br />

Butternut and ash.<br />

Machau David, lab., h 553 Seventeenth.<br />

Machled Henry, stone cutter, bds 191<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

3Iachris Charles, printer, h 525 Fort e.<br />

Machris Gustave, printer, bds 474 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Machris Joseph H., printer, h n s Macomb<br />

bet Russell and Riopelle.<br />

31achris Peter H., h 261 Fort e.<br />

Machris Theresa, (wid Charles,) h 4'74 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Nschrodd Gottfried, mason, h s s Clinton<br />

ave bet 3IcDougall and Joseph Campau'<br />

aves.<br />

Mack Charles A., clerk, h 32 Russell. -<br />

31ack George L., printer, bds 119 Michigan<br />

ave, up stairs.<br />

Mack James, brush manufacturer, bds 13<br />

Baker.<br />

Mack James K., printer, bds 75 Beaubien.<br />

Mack Jesse, policeman, h 118 St. Antoine.<br />

Mack Joel H., insurance agent, 149 Gris-<br />

wold, h 119 Nichigan &ve.<br />

alack John, farmer, h 841 Michigan ave.<br />

Mack John, moulder, h 316 Chestnut.<br />

Mack John, shoemaker, bds 144 Larned e.<br />

Mack Mary, tailoress, bds 501 Croghan.<br />

Mack Michftel, lab., h o 55 Thirteenth.<br />

Mack Nettie, tailoress bds 501 Croghan.<br />

hlack Patrick, lab., h 237 Michiman ave.<br />

Mack Stephen, trav. agt, h 178 howard.<br />

McAdam Catharine BIiss, flag maker, bds<br />

61 Wayne.<br />

McAdam James, bds 21 Siblep.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oysters in the Shell a !pecialty. Wholessle<br />

and Retail.<br />

McA2am John, painter, h 57 Brady.<br />

McAdam Samuel, printer, bds 68 Co~gress<br />

west.<br />

McAfee John, boots and shoes, 44 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

McAllister David, boot and shoes, 233<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

3XcAllister David J., clerk, bds 263 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

McAllister Edward D., conductor, M. C.<br />

R. R , bds 244 Park.<br />

McAllister Frank J., conductor, bds 197<br />

Park.<br />

McAllister John. machinist, b ds Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

BlcAllister Laura, (wid Joseph,) h 244<br />

Park.<br />

3XcAllister Norman BI., clerk, h $85 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McAlpine -, lake captain, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

McAndrew Bernard, lab., h 319 Sixth.<br />

McAndrew Barney, printer, h cor Sixth<br />

and Oak.<br />

NcAndrew Bernard J., painter, - bds 319<br />

Sixth.<br />

3fcSrdle Edwh M., tinner, h 45 Brady.<br />

McArey Robt., conductor, bds 42 Third.<br />

McArthur hchibald, machinist, h 241 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

McSrthur Jeremiah, fireman, bds 19 Cass.<br />

McA4rthur Neil, painter, bds 190 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

McArthur Wm., lab., bds n w cor. Atwater<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Mc Auley James, captain barge Table Rock<br />

h 327 Sixth.<br />

Meuley- Mary, (wid Hugh,) bds 270<br />

Franklin.<br />

McAuley Wm. R., painter,bds 152 Howard.<br />

McAuliff John. shoemaker, h 257 Brush.<br />

BIc~uliffe-~imoth~, lab., h'390 Fifth.<br />

McAvoy James, lab., h 36 Crawford.<br />

McAvoy Michael, lab., h 36 Crawford.<br />

McAvoy Patrick, lab., h 36 Crawford.<br />

McBean A. J., tunnel contractor, bds<br />

Russell House.<br />

McBean D. S., contractor, bds Michigan<br />

37 Columbia w.<br />

McBrearty Richard, bds 37 Columbia w.<br />

McBride Hugh R,., painter, bds 198 Wood-<br />

, bridge w.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Oflce.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

XcBride - - John, ' city collector, h 78 Columbia<br />

w.<br />

McBride William B., painter, bds 198<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

bIcCabe Andrew. teamster, bds 133 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

3lcCabe Hugh, clerk, >I. C. R. E., 391<br />

- 7<br />

First.<br />

McCsbe James, lab., bds 48 Adams ave e.<br />

McCabe John, lab., h 48 Adams ave e.<br />

3IcCabe Patrick B., engineer, h 108 Sixth.<br />

McCaffrey James. sawyer, h 529 Larned e.<br />

3XcCahill John K., cabinet maker, h 60<br />

Abbott.<br />

3fcCain Edmund S., clerk, h 754 Fort w.<br />

BIcCain Hiram, real estate owner, office<br />

55 Brush, h 3'79 Clinton.<br />

3IcCall Carlos, conductor, bds 353 Larned<br />

east.<br />

3XcCall Mrs E., boarding house, 163 Congress<br />

e.<br />

3IcCall Louis Wallace, blacksmith, h 343<br />

Croghan.<br />

BIcCaI1 Michael L., Union Hotel, 210 and<br />

21 2 W oodbridge w, h same.<br />

3IcCall Thomas, lab., bds 109 Franklin.<br />

Mecallagh George, mate Meteor, bds<br />

Mansion House.<br />

hIcAllister James, tinsmith, h 464 Fifth.<br />

3lcCallum Duncan, carpenter, h 540<br />

Sevcn th.<br />

McCallum John, clerk, bds 166 Second.<br />

31cCallum John, clerk, bds 272 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

. McCann Johanah (wid James), h 155<br />

Larned w.<br />

3IcCann John F., lab., h Vinewood ave<br />

bet M. C. R. R. and Dix Road.<br />

McCarran Hugh M., h 71 Lewis.<br />

BlcCarren Michael, lab., h 461 Beaubien.<br />

McCarrol William, teamster, bds 59 F~rst.<br />

hIcCart James, lab., h 511 Lafayette.<br />

BXcCarthur William, horseshoer, 181 Larned<br />

w, h 201 Columbia e.<br />

3fcCarthy Ben,lab., D. 62 M. R. R.<br />

&IcC arthy Charles, lab., bds 320 Congress<br />

west.<br />

McCarthy Charles, machinist, h 94 Labrosse.<br />

McCarthy Daniel, lab., h 109 Labrosse.<br />

3IcCarthy Daniel, lab., h 204 Fifth.<br />

3IcCarthy Dennis, lab., h 338 Franklin.<br />

McCarthy Dennis F., clerk, h 94 Labrosse.<br />

McCarthy Denis P., clerk, John Stephens<br />

& Go., bds 224 Second.<br />

McCarthy Elizabeth, (wid Mathew) h rear<br />

96 Abbott.<br />

McCarthv Ellen (wid John) tailoress, h<br />

229 Fifth.<br />

McCarthy Eugene, lab., h 244 National av.<br />

EcCarrthy Frank, h Baker bet Twelfth and<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

XcCarthy Flourence, lab., h n s Eighth<br />

bet Lafayette and Fort.<br />

McCtrrthy Garritt, core maker, h 155 Chene.<br />

McCarthy James, conductor, h 52 Jones.<br />

McCarthy Jeremiah, lab., bds re= 96<br />

Abboti.<br />

McCarthy - - Jeremiah, miner, h 114 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

McCarthy Zohanna, tailoress, bds 229<br />

Fifth. -<br />

McCarthy John, blacksmilh, bds 42 Third.<br />

McCarthy John, conductor, h 52 Jones.<br />

McCarthy John, lab., h 96 Franklin.<br />

31cCarthy John, machinist, h 221 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

3XcCarthy John, porter, h 106 Franklin.<br />

BlcCarthy John, shoe maker, bds 103 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

McCarthy Kahlahan, porter, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

&Carthy Letitie S., (wid William) gro-<br />

cery, 276 Lafayette ave, h same. .<br />

3IcCarthy Morris, core maker, h 51 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

&Carthy 0 wen, lab., h 94 Labrosse.<br />

31cCarthy Patrick, lab., bds 318 Franklin.<br />

b1cCarthy Patrick., lab., h 398 Sixth.<br />

3IcCarthy Patrick, lab., h 70 Thirteenth.<br />

McCarthy Patrick, lab., h Fort w, nr cor<br />

Twenty-sixth.<br />

3IcCarthy Patrick, saloon, 44 First h same.<br />

McCarthy Thomas, lab., h 395 Franklm.<br />

McCarthy Thomas, saloon, 179 Abbott, h<br />

same.<br />

McOarthy Timothy, h 15'7 Orleans.<br />

McCarthy William, blacksmith, h 207 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

McCauley James, sailor, h 42'7 Sixth.<br />

McCaul James C., clerk, h 129 Adams ave<br />

east.<br />

3IcCauiBe Jeremiah, h 125 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

McCausland Frank, carpenter, h 192 First.<br />

McCausland Frank, (W. H. McCausland 62<br />

Son), h Sixteenth bet Howard and La-<br />

fayette ave<br />

McCousland William H., (W. H. IIcCaus-<br />

land 62 Son,) h 54 Abbott.<br />

McCausland Willis, carpenter, bds 54 Ab-<br />




(William H. 62 Frank &IcCauslaud,) car-<br />

penters and joiners, shop 69 Larned w.<br />

(& ad%)<br />

McCeine James, carpenter, h 212 Ran:<br />

dolph.<br />

McClaren Anna (wid Samuel,) h 113 Fifth.<br />

McClaren James McD., ornamental wood<br />

worker, bds 113 Fifth,<br />

McClaren John, engineer, h 108 Orleans.<br />

McClaren Peter, painter, h 123 Labrosse.<br />

~IcClellahan William, machinist, h 395<br />

Twelfth.<br />

McClellan Alexander, cook bds 63 Atwa-<br />

ter e.<br />

McClellan Colin, furniture dealer 256 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

hIcClellan John, engineer, h 102 Orleans.<br />

McClellan William J., sailor, h 359 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

McCelland D. F., carpenter, h s w cor Ri-<br />

vard and Croghan.<br />

McClelland John S., telegraph operator,<br />

D. & M. R. R., bds Ackerman House.<br />

Bl-cclclland Robert, lawyer, Butler Block,<br />

414 Jefferson ave.<br />

McClenahen William, machinist, h 388<br />

Twelfth.<br />

McClennan D. F. J., carpenter, bds 214<br />

Croghan.<br />

BlcClosky Charles C. clerk, h s e cor Clif-<br />

ford and George.<br />

3lcClosky Hugh moulder, h 7 Tuscola.<br />

BIcClure Benjamin, teamster, h 2'72 First.<br />

McClure Collin agent, h o 162 Porter.<br />

BIcClure George, sailor, h 165 Chestnut.<br />

BfcClure George I., sailor, h 72 Joy.<br />

McClure John, captain, h 280 Blichigan<br />

ave.,<br />

PvIcClure Robert, engineer, h 301 National<br />

ave.<br />

BlcClure William I., engineer, 303 Natian-<br />

a1 ave., cor Myrtle, w s.<br />

BlcClutchy Robert book-keeper, bds 269<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

McCollum Alice, milliner, bds 317 Third.<br />

McCollum Henry, switchman, D. & 31. R.<br />

R.<br />

31cCollum Isaiah H., <strong>Detroit</strong> Car Wheel<br />

Co., h 130 George.<br />

McCollum Jennie clerk, bds 317 Third.<br />

McCollum William L. ,chemis t, h 185 Third.<br />

BfcCombs Michael, carpenter, h 726 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

BIcComish Patrick, porter, .h 16 ~arrison<br />

ave.<br />

BlcConnell Charles ' H., foreman Post, h<br />

482 Sixth.<br />

McConneli George, printer, bds 274 First.<br />

McConnell James K., bds 166 Rivard.<br />

McConnell John S., printer, bds 55 Howard.<br />


O&e,52 W. Lamed St.,<br />


Set: advertisement, page 9.<br />

McConville James, clerk, s w cor Craw-<br />

ford and Brigham.<br />

McConvill John, lab., h w s Crawford,<br />

bet BIcLean and Brigham.<br />

McCoole Thomas, carpenter, bds 137 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

McCoole William, carpenter, bcis 137 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

NcCormack James, printer, h 325 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

McCormick Andrew, shoemaker, h S2<br />

Jones.<br />

McCormick Caroline, (wid John,) h old<br />

204 Griswold.<br />

NcCormick Charles, carpenter h 87 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

MeCormick David, crockery, 10<br />

Michigan ave., h 78 Lewis. (See ah.)<br />

McCormick David A., carpenter, bds 78<br />

Lewis.<br />

McCormick James, clerk, h 135 Clifford<br />

McCormick Zohn, bds 166 Abbott.<br />

McCormick Mary, burnisher with Bogue<br />

62 Boyle, bds 204 Griswold.<br />

IbIcCormick Michael, lab, bds 247 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

McCormick Patrick S., wood yard, 366<br />

Atwater e, h 309 same.<br />

McCormick Robert H., clerk, bds 78 Lewis<br />

McCoskr Right Rev. Samuel A,, Bishop<br />

of the Siocese. h 226 Fort west.<br />

McCowan Catharine, (wid John), car<br />

cleaner, h P s Labrosse bet Sixth and<br />

' Seventh.<br />

31cCowan J., fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

McCoy John E., cler4, bds 14 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

McCoy Patrick, clerk, bds 257 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

McCoy Timothy, engineer, bds 357 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

McCracken James B., clerk, h 468 Sixth.<br />

McCracken James, switchman, D. & M.<br />

R. R.<br />

McCracken John, shoemaker, h 223, old,<br />

Baker.<br />

McCracken Stephen B., editor, bds 208<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

McCracken Thomas, moulder, bds Con-<br />

gress 'cor Randolph.<br />

McCracken William, mciuldcr, h 145 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

McConnell Joseph, cigar-maker, I-ds 26 ~ccracken W. H., cornice works, bds<br />

Fort e. 1 865 Jefferson ave.


raaw98 I McCune Timothy, car maker, bds 272 Congress<br />

west.<br />

McCune William J., insurance agent, bds<br />

UNlVERSlTY BOOK-KEEPING, Biddle House.<br />


-3IcCurdy Edgar H., traveler, bds 74 Farrar.<br />

%WS%NES$ %BACT%CE. McCurdy John T., clerk, bds 74 Farrar.<br />

McCurdy Sarah, (wid John,) h 74 Farrar.<br />

FOR MAYHEW COLLEGE JOURNAL, 31cCurdv Samuel W.. clerk. bds 74 Farrar.<br />

Address I R A MAY H E W, 1 ~c~url6~ --- - George J., moulder, bds 104<br />

DETRO?. I High.<br />

McCurran Michael, -- jr., . wire worker, bds<br />

McCrady Theron E., carpenter, bds s. e. 46 1 Beaubien.<br />

cor Franklin and Talker.<br />

McCusker Joseph, traveling agent, h 433<br />

NcCreary Benjamin, gardener, h Nine- Eighteenth.<br />

teent n w cor St. Clair.<br />

McDermott John D., teamster, bds 337<br />

McCrea, Christopher, clerk, bds 84 Lafay- Franklin.<br />

ette.<br />

NcDermott-Alfred H., clerk, bds 156 Or-<br />

~ c ~ i eCorneilus, a agent, bds Biddle leans. -<br />

House.<br />

McDermott Bernard, !ub., h 184 Fourteenth<br />

McCrea Linaey, librarian, bds 81 Congress McDermott Bridget,' (wid Owen,) h 17<br />

west.<br />

Howard.<br />

3fcCreary Louis A., clerk, Russell House. McDermott James, lab., bds 226 Russell.<br />

McCrea Milton, newsman, bds 81 Con- BIcDermo tt John, hostler, bds American<br />

gress w.<br />

House.<br />

McCrea Murdock, sailor, h Twelfth e s nr JlcDermott Michael A., sailor, h 156 Or-<br />

S camore.<br />

leans.<br />

31c&ea Bhs. Rcsa, washerwoman, h fif- McDermott Peter, drayman, h 326 Rusteenth,<br />

cor Linden B w s.<br />

sell.<br />

31cCrillis James H., shoemaker, bds 8 NcDonald Alexander, clerk, h 163 Lar-<br />

Montcalm w. .<br />

ned e.<br />

McCrickett Margaret, (wid. Barnard) h 07 McDonald Allan, lawyer, 70 Seitz Block,<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

h 19 Twentieth.<br />

McCrickett Patrick, machinist, h 97 Elm- McDonald Arthur, coachman, h 387 Michwood<br />

ave.<br />

igan ave<br />

McCricket t Peter II., clerk, bds 97 Eliz- McDonald Bartholome w, conductor, bds<br />

abeth w.<br />

96 Congress e.<br />

McCrumb William, cutter, 49 Porter. McDonald Charles, saloon, 2 Beaubien.<br />

McCue John, moulder, bds 922 Jefferson McDonald Colin, mason, h 259 Thirave.<br />

teenth-and-a-half.<br />

3lcCue Peter, carpenter, h 362 Thirteenth. 3lcDonald Cornelius, ship csrpenter, h<br />

McCue T. B., engineer, hds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex- 447 Guoin.<br />

change. .<br />

McDonald Ddvid, ship carpenter, h 433<br />

31cCulley George E., harness maker, 121 Franklin.<br />

Jefferson ave, h 290 Brush.<br />

McDonald Duncan, blacksmith, bils 146<br />

McCullough Charles, clerk, bds 104 Con- Larneil w.<br />

gress w,<br />

McDonald Duncan, carpenter, bds 23 Ab-<br />

McCullough Henry S., telegraph operator, bott.<br />

bds 175 Wooodward ave,<br />

McDonald Duncan F., clerk, bds 12 Lewis.<br />

McCullough EI~ward J.9 sergeant perm& McDonald Edward, h 694 Cass ave.<br />

nent recruiting, bds 31 Griswold. McDonald Edward, lab., bds 54 Twentv-<br />

BIcCumber Warren D., driver hose cart third.<br />

No. 3, bds 27 Washington av e.<br />

McDonald Ezekiel, plumber, 438 Con-<br />

McCullum Alexander, boarding, 45 Fort gress e, h same.<br />

e, h same.<br />

31cDonald Francis, mason. h 63 Pitcher.<br />

McCune George, h 20 Sibley.<br />

McDonald Frank, upholsterer, bds 148<br />

McCune George H., teller Preston 62 Co., Maple.<br />

Bank, bds Biddle House.<br />

McDonalJ'F. Albert, '(NcDonald & CO.,)<br />

McCune James N. M., meat market, 214 h 19 High.<br />

Woodmard ave, h 25 Columbia e. McDonald George A., engineer, h 437<br />

NcCune Michael, coat maker, bds 152 Catharine.<br />

Seventeenth. .<br />

McDonald Harriet B., sewing, h 148<br />

McCnne Michael, sailor, bds 1 Woodward Maple.<br />

aye.<br />

McDonald Hecbr,porter, bds 67 Larned.


McDonald James, huckster, stall 13 C. H.<br />

If., h 179 Wight.<br />

3IcDonald James, lab., h 122 Seventh.<br />

McDonald James, lab., h 54 Twenty-third.<br />

BIcDonald James, painter, h Clinton nr<br />

Hastings.<br />

McDonald James, saloon, 27 Lsrned w, h<br />

same.<br />

McDonald James C., ship cmpznter, h 223<br />

Franklin.<br />

3lcDonald Joel C., (McDonald & Co.,) h<br />

30 George.<br />

McDonald John, helper, h 121 Fifteenth.<br />

McDonald John, lab., h 216 Fifteenth.<br />

IIcDonald John, lab., bcis 122 Seventh.<br />

ICfcDonald John, lab., h 157 Nayberry ave.<br />

McDonald John,machinist, h 215 Sherman.<br />

McDonald John C., clerk, bds 352 Howard.<br />

McDonald. John W., moulder, h 662<br />

Franklin.<br />

31cDonald Margaret, bds 17 Franklin.<br />

McDonald Ma1 tin, carpenter, h 631 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

McDonald Michael, lab., h lS6 Abbott.<br />

McDonald Bfurdock, clerk, bds 272 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

31cDonald Patrick, lab., h 307 Porter.<br />

BlcDonald Peter W., Lithographer, bds 28'7<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

McDonald Robert, pattern maker, h 377<br />

Beaubien.<br />

3lcDonald Robert S., policeman, h 623 Fort<br />

west.<br />

McDonald Rose, housekeeper, h Guoin nr<br />

Hastings.<br />

BfcDonald Stewart, manf r window shades,<br />

31 Monroe sve., h 128 Cass.<br />

McDonald Thomas, carpenter, bds 122<br />

Seventh.<br />

3IcDonald Thomas, clerk, bds 272 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

3lcDondld Thomas, pressman, bds 215<br />

Sherman.<br />

McDonald Thomas D., clerk, h 21 John R.<br />

ll1cDonald Thos. E., clerk, bds 272 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

McDonald T. W., capt., bds 25 Bates.<br />

JIcDonald Wm. F., mason, h 61 Pitcher.<br />

31cDonald Wm. R., engineer, bds 148<br />

Maple.<br />

McDonald & Co. (7. C. McDonald, F. Al-<br />

bert McDonald.) produce and commission<br />

33 Woodbridge w.<br />

McDonald & Sweeney, (Duncan RIcDon-<br />

ald, Patrick Sweeney,) grocers, 294 Mich-<br />

igan we.<br />

McDonald George, lab., h 119 Eighth.<br />

McDonnell Donald L., h 123 Shelby.<br />

McDonnell Henry, sailor, bds 334 Xichi-<br />

gan nve.<br />

McDonnell James, painter, 378 Gratiot.<br />

McDonnell John, lab., h 596 Fort e.<br />

McDonnell John W., carpenter, h 31 Elm.<br />



JUNE 8t CO.'S<br />



'@ITOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

-<br />

McUonnell Patrick, grocer, 334 Miclligan<br />

avenue h same.<br />

hfcDonnel1 Thos., lab., bds 112 Abbott.<br />

&lcDonnell William, porter, h 489 Fifth.<br />

, il1cDonough Dennis, lab., h 24 Ann.<br />

31cDonough John, moulder, bds 24 Ann.<br />

BlcDonough John, clerk, bds 219 Jefferson<br />

avenue.<br />

McDonough John, moulder, bds 36 Ann.<br />

McDonough Patrick, boiler maker, h 440<br />

Congress e<br />

McDougall Alexander, teamster, (Hurley<br />

& Bro.,)<br />

McDougall Alexander, tinsmith, h 268<br />

Beaubien.<br />

McDougall Angus W., carpenter, h 685<br />

Franklin.<br />

3IcDougall James, machinist, h 174 Alfred.<br />

McDougall Neil, clerk, B 294 Porter.<br />

McDougall Thos., lab., bds 577 Michigan<br />

avenue.<br />

SlcDoul Margaret, (wid. James,) h n 277<br />

Guoin.<br />

McDow George, baker, h 9 I'uscola.<br />

McDowd Michael jr., insurance bds 13<br />

Baker.<br />

McDowd James, plasterer, h 56 Clinton.<br />

BIcDowd James B., bookkeeper, h 13<br />

Baker.<br />

BfcDowd Michael J., insurance agent, 55<br />

Woodward ave, h 13 Baker.<br />

McDowell George, baker, h 9 Tuscola.<br />

McDowell George F., brass finisher, bds<br />

306 Woodbridge e.<br />

3lcDowell John, shoemaker, h s w cor<br />

Fourth and Cuttler.<br />

McDowell Wm., engineer, h 489 Fifth.<br />

3IcDuff Ardrew, builder, h 79 Beech.<br />

3IcDuff John, carpenter, h 219 Eighteenth<br />

3IcDuff Peter, carpenter, bds 70 Beech,<br />

b1cElcheran Francis W., painter, bds 72<br />

Lamed w.<br />

BlcElcheran Wm. A., painter, bds $2<br />

Lwnecl w.<br />

McEldowney Alvan S., (J. XcEldowney<br />

& Sons,) h 725 Fort e.<br />

3fc~ldoinev Henry, -. broom maker, h<br />

723 Fort &<br />

McEldowney 'James, (J. McEldowney &<br />

Sons,) h 404 Congress e.<br />

31cEldo wney James H., broom maker,. bds<br />

401 Congress e.<br />

McEldowney R.ev. John, h 119 Abbott.<br />

McEldowney John R., (J. BlcEldowney dt;<br />

Sons,) h 799 Congress e.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

'See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

RIcELDOWXEY J. & SONS, (James,<br />

John R. and Alvan S.,) broom manufac-<br />

tnrers, o 820 Jefferson ave.<br />

McEllgott John, clerk, h 325 Fort e.<br />

BIcElroy Frank, st,udent, bds 34 Edmund.<br />

McElroy James, printer,bds 212 Randolph.<br />

McElroy James, jobber, h Williams ave<br />

nr Myrtle.<br />

NcElroy BIartin M., engineer, b1. C. R. R.,<br />

-<br />

3IcElroy.W. H., engineer, 31. C. R. R., bds<br />

45 Congress e.<br />

McElvan Holmes, blacksmith, h 443<br />

Franklia.<br />

BIcEnerny Cornelius, lab., h 342 Twcnty-<br />

fourth.<br />

31cEnhill Andrew, car builder, bds 236<br />

Porter.<br />

XcEnhill John, car builder, bds 236<br />

Porter.<br />

&Ever Patrick, lab., h 329 Sixteenth.<br />

3fcEver William, clerk, bds 389 Sixteenth.<br />

McEvory James, lab., h 199 Eighth.<br />

McEwan David (James BIcEwan (Sz; Son),<br />

h 71 Joy.<br />

McEwan James (James McEwan & Son),<br />

b 71 Joy.<br />

McEwan James, foundryman, bds 152<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

3IcEwan Michael, lab., h 152 Seventeenth.<br />

McEwan Thomas, carpenter, h 72 Sullivan<br />

ave.<br />

McEwan James r& Son (James and David),<br />

plumbers, steam and gas fitters, 160<br />

Griswold.<br />

McEwen David B., clerk, h 26 George.<br />

McEwen - lab., h 363 Oak.<br />

BIcEwen M J., painter, 13 Congress e.<br />

McEwen Rebecca (wid John), h 26<br />

George.<br />

McEwen William, maltster,bds 23 Seventh.<br />

McFadden James, carpenter, h 438 Third.<br />

McFadden James, lab., h 177 Dubois.<br />

McFadden Jane, dressmakes, h 83 Henry.<br />

McFadden Robert, lab., h 295 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-ha1 K<br />

McFadden Robert, lab., h s s Fort bet<br />

Twelfth an6 Thirteenth.<br />

McFadden Robert C., shoemaker, h 252<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

- -- - - - - - - - - -<br />

McFadden Thomas W., plumber, Holmes<br />

& Webster's, bds 547 Michigan ave.<br />

McFadden William, lab., bds 458 Third.<br />

hIcFadden William J., teamster, h 83<br />

Henry.<br />

BfcFsrlane Daniel, captain, h 73 Lewis.<br />

McFarland Ann (wid Williaa), h 85 National<br />

ave.<br />

McParland Francis, operative on sewing<br />

machine, bds 85 National ave.<br />

McFsrland John, clerk, bds 101 Cass.<br />

McFarland Patrick, grocer, 11 1 Labrosse,<br />

h same.<br />

McFstrland William, engineer, h n e cor<br />

Walnut and Fifteenth.<br />

BIcFarlin William, drover, bds Brighton.<br />

House.<br />

McFaul Thomas, shoemaker, h 21 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

McFergnson J. W., miller, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

hIcFredries Alexander, clerk, bds 160<br />

Cass.<br />

3IcQarry Fannie E., (wid Thos. J.,) h 33<br />

Ro w laud.<br />

McGsrvey Joseph, teamster, h 671 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

McGaven Mathew, lab., h 163 Thirteeath<br />

and-a-half'.<br />

&Gee John, machinist, h 58 Columbia w.<br />

McGee Wm., butcher, h Grand River ave.<br />

McGill Andrew, clerk, bds 206 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

McGill Francis, grocer, 206 Woodbridge<br />

W, h same.<br />

McGill Frank, carpenter, bds 20G Woodbridze<br />

w.<br />

NcGill Melville, printer, bds 206 Woodbrid,<br />

ere w.<br />

3IcGill Robert, clerk, h s s Baker bet<br />

Twentieth and Twenty-first.<br />

RIcGillis Angus, captain, bds 25 Bates.<br />

3IcGilldray Nathews, clerk, h 173 Benton.<br />

McGillycuddy Daniel, con fee tionery, 59<br />

Monroe ave, h 272 Brush.<br />

McGillcuddy Frank S,, mate, bds 272<br />

Brush.<br />

McGillcuddy Valentine T., physician and<br />

surgeon, h 272 Brush.<br />

McGinn John, coppersmith, bds 144 Larnect<br />

e.<br />

McGinn Margaret, (wid John,) h 26 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

31cGinnis Bernard, lab., h 303 Fourteenth.<br />

McOinnis Charles, porter, bds Finneys<br />

Hotel.<br />

McGinnis Charles A., clerk, 4'79 Cass ave.<br />

McGinnis Edward E., engmeer, h 306 Mulleft.<br />

e<br />

3lcGinnis John, coppersmith, bds IS4<br />

Beach.<br />

IfcGinnis Margdret, (wid Peter,) h 32<br />



McGinnis Patrick, auctioneer, 28 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 435 Cass ave.<br />

McGinnis Peter, saddler, bds 32 Jones.<br />

McGinnis Peter J., machinist, h 184<br />

Beach.<br />

McGirney Hugh, shoemaker, bds 38 Fort<br />

east.<br />

McGlade John, wood carver, bds 274<br />

Montcalrn e.<br />

McGlo~an Cornelius, lab., bds 384 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

McGlynn Edward, lab., h 57 Sullivan ave.<br />

McGlynn Fdward M., wirelworker, bds 57<br />

Sullivan ave.<br />

McGoldrick John, (McGoldrick & Tallant ,)<br />

h 266 Third.<br />

h1cGoldrick Miss Sarah, teacher, bds 244<br />

Porter.<br />

McGoldrick Thomas, h 244 Porter.<br />

McGoldrick William, moulder, bds 244<br />

Porter.<br />

McGoldrick & Tallant, (John McGoldrick<br />

& Peter Tallant,) carpenters and builders,<br />

s e cor plum and-Third.<br />

McGonegal James, woodyard, 37 Larned<br />

e, h 351. Croghan.<br />

McGonnell John, lab., h,185 Sixteenth.<br />

McGonnell Patrick, watchman, h 185 Sixteenth.<br />

31cGorman Mary, (wid Michael,) h 200<br />

Cherry.<br />

McGovran Anthony: shoemaker, h 77<br />

Sprout.<br />

McGovran John, plumber, bds 77 Locust.<br />

McGovran Phillip, lab., 164 Franklin.<br />

McGowan George, lab, bds 198 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

McGowan James, h 248 Howard.<br />

McGowan James, helper, h 162 Seventeenth.<br />

McGowan John, moulder, bds 164 Sixteenth.<br />

McGovran Thomas, lab., h 154 Sixteenth.<br />

BlcGrane Daniel, boiler maker, h 1'72<br />

Cherry.<br />

McGrane James H., clerk, bds 32 Park<br />

Place.<br />

McGrane Patrick, (31cGrane & Walker,) h<br />

117 Larned w.<br />

Mc:Grane Richard F., shoemaker, bds 172<br />

Cherry.<br />

McGrane Thomas F., h 32 Park Place.<br />

McGrane & Walker, (Patrick IYIcGrane &<br />

James Walker,) copper, tin and sheet<br />

iron workers, 45 Jefferson ave.<br />

McGrath Daniel, drayman, h 165 Jones.<br />

McGrath James, brewer, h 96 Crawford.<br />

McGrath James, moulder, bds n w cor<br />

Brewster and Beaubien.<br />

McGrath James, tailor, h 20 Macomb.<br />

McGrath James jr, clerk, h w s Third bet<br />

Orange and Grand.<br />

McGrath John, drayman, h 16 Bronson.<br />

44<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Larned St.,<br />




See adverticzement, page 9.<br />

McGrath John jr, lab., h n w cor Brewster<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

McGrath John sr.,lab., h n w cor Brews-<br />

ter and Beaubieu.<br />

McGrath Joseph R., lawyer, 108 Grisviold,<br />

bds 20 Macomb.<br />

McGrath Mary, (wid John) h 205 Plum.<br />

McGrath Patrick, sailor, h 504 Third.<br />

McGrath Samuel S., clerk, bds 112 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

McGrath Thomas, brewer, 498 Grand<br />

River ave.. h same.<br />

McGrath Thomas, carpenter, bds 504<br />

Third.<br />

McGrath Thomas, machinist, bds 20 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

31cGrath William, policeman, h 219 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

31cGraw -, patent rights, h 81 Kchi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

3lcGraw Alexander, captain, h 78 Lever-<br />

ette.<br />

JIcGraw Alexander C., (A. McGraw & Co.)<br />

h 460 Jefferson ave.<br />

14lcGraw Alexander H., clerk First Nation-<br />

al Bank, h old 23 new 19 George.<br />

McGraw Augustus C., clerk, bds 460 Jef-<br />

ferson we.<br />

McGraw Daniel, lab., h 350 Franklin.<br />

McGraw Daniel, lab., bds 46 Eighteenth.<br />

3lcGraw Frederick, lab., h 46 Eighteenth.<br />

lllcGraw Henry, patent right s, h 72 Jones.<br />

McGraw Hugh E., captain propeller, h 442<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

McGraw James, lab., h 507 Fifth.<br />

McGraw John, Isb., bds 46 Eighteenth.<br />

McGraw Mark, wood yard, 202 Michigan<br />

ave, h 200 same.<br />

McGraw Michael, lab., h 457 Twelfth.<br />

McGraw Michael, lab., h 53 Fifteenth.<br />

McGRAW MILLER W., clerk J. M. Brad-<br />

street & Son, bds old 151 Fifth.<br />

McGraw Patrick, lab., h 109 Benton.<br />

3fcGraw Roger, lab., h 46 Eighteenth.<br />

McGraw Theodore A., physician, 545<br />

Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

McGraw Thomas (T. McGraw & Co.,) h<br />

456 Woodward we.<br />

31cGraw Thomas S., clerk, h 399 Howard.<br />

McGraw Virgil W., deputy collector cus-<br />

toms, h 1 51 Fifth.<br />

McGraw William, plumber, bds 53 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

McGraw William A., clerk, bds 460 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.


ZarmEW<br />



BEE PAGE 39 A<br />

McGraw & Co. A. C., (Alexander C. Mc<br />

Graw and Samuel G. Caskey,) manufac-<br />

turers and wholesale dealers in boots<br />

and shoes, 128,130 and 132 Jefferson ave.<br />

McGraw T. & Co., (Thomas RIcGraw and<br />

Jessie E. Saxtor;,) wool dealers, 2 At-<br />

water.<br />

McGreevy John, fireman M. C. R. R., h<br />

149 Sixth.<br />

McGreevy Patrick. switchman, M.C. R. R.<br />

h 149 Sixth.<br />

McGreevy Corne!ius.moulder,h 131 Plum.<br />

McGreevy Richard B., clerk, bds 79 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

McGregor Allen R., clerk, bds 289 Jeffer-<br />

son . ave.<br />

3IcGregor Donald, superintendent, h 142<br />

Baker.<br />

McGregor Eugene, clerk, bds 95 Macomb.<br />

ilkGregor Gregory W;, sailor, h 171 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

McGregor James, superintendent M. Car<br />

Works, h 344 Howard.<br />

McGregor John, (J. & T. McGregor,) 142<br />

Baker.<br />

McGregor John, engineer, bds 382 Fort w.<br />

McGregor John, soap works, 142 Baker.<br />

McGregor John, tailor, bds 164 La.rned w.<br />

McGreggor J. Murray, captain Vulcan, h<br />

169 Barrison ave.<br />

McGregor Lucy, (wid Gregor,) dress<br />

maker, h 95 Blacomb.<br />

NcGregor Nargaret, dress maker, h 222<br />

Howard.<br />

McGregor Roland, 'finisher, bds 81 Atwater<br />

east.<br />

McGregor Sarah, (wid William,) h 93 Jeff<br />

erson ave.<br />

McGregor Thomas, soap boiler, 142 Baker.<br />

McGregor Thomas, (J. 62 T., McGregor,) n<br />

76 Leverette*<br />

McGregor William, picture frame maker,<br />

bds Goodman House.<br />

McGregor William, sailor, bds 25 Bates.<br />

31cGregor John and Thomas, boiler works,<br />

183 Atwater, h and soap works, 3, 5 and<br />

7 Franklin.<br />

McGregory Alexander, stone cutter, h 509<br />

Sixth.<br />

McGregory Henry, .horse trainer, h 723 Lafayette.<br />

MeGregory Seneca, saloon, 1,147 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

&Kay James, clerk, bds 103 Miami ave.<br />

McKay James, engineer, bds 272 Congress<br />

west.<br />

McGregor John A., b 169 Harrison ave.<br />

McGuire Edward,stableman, 132 Larned w.<br />

McGuire Hugh T., piano finisher, h 92<br />

Catherine.<br />

McGuire James,machinist, h 135 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

McGuire James J., captain tug May<br />

Flower.<br />

McGuire John I?., grocer, 221 Orleans, h<br />

same.<br />

McGuire John H., clerk, h 395 Fort e.<br />

McGuire Michael, b 243 Abbott.<br />

McGuire Patrick, engineer, bds 16 Beaubien.<br />

McGuire Patrick H., lake pilot, h 17 Lewis.<br />

McGuire Robert, eating house, h 72 Atwater.<br />

31cGuire Wm., bds 243 Abbott.<br />

3lcGuire Wm. H., ship carpenter, h 221<br />

Orleans.<br />

McGunn John, lab., bds 320 Congress w.<br />

McGurnesky David, lab., 31. C. R. R<br />

XcHale Thomas J., h 163 Seventh.<br />

McHenry James 31. C., shoemaker, h 13<br />

NcLean.<br />

McHenry John P., clerk, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

McHugh Andrew, lab., h 180 Hsstings.<br />

McHugh Brien, sailor, h 268 Baker.<br />

IbIcHugh George, clerk, bds 180 Hastings.<br />

&Hugh John J., clerk, h 184 Hastin-gs.<br />

McHugh Kate, operator, bds 212 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

McHugh Mary, teacher,Trowbridge school,<br />

Seventeenth, bds 642 Woodbridge w.<br />

3fcHugh Thomas, switchman. M. C. R. R.<br />

McHugh Wm., engineer, h 122 Xichigan<br />

ave.<br />

McHutchon Wm., - , h 21 Sibley.<br />

McInerney Patrick, watchman, h 196<br />

Cherry.<br />

McInerney Patrick, porter, h 1'77 National<br />

ave.<br />

McInnie Rev. T.. h 353 Jefferson ave.<br />

McIntosh Miss Catharine, h 162 Larned e.<br />

McIntosh John, machinist. h 541 Guoin.<br />

3IcIntosh Sarah, (wid James,) washer<br />

woman, h 284 Fifth.<br />

McIrltyre Allan, captain prop. St. Paul,<br />

1 foot Woodward ave, with Eber Ward.<br />

McIntyre John, boiler maker, h 191 Porter<br />

McIntyre John, teamster, bds 216 Guoin.<br />

1 Mclntyre<br />

..<br />

.John M, plumber and<br />

gasfitter, 112 Jefferson ave, h 69 Sibley.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

McIntyre Malcom, sawyer, bds 216 Guoin.<br />

NcInt re Samuel, lab., h Nineteenth nr<br />

M. 8. .<br />

McKay Alexander, sailor, h 197 Wilkins.<br />

McRay Archibald, (S. Ferguson & Co.,)<br />

Gds 288 Brush.<br />

McKay David I., clerk, bds 230 Fifth.<br />

McKay George, sailor, h 207 Orleans.<br />

McKay Hugh, clerk, h 391 Fort e.

-<br />


McKay James, letter carrier, h 74 Jones. LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

McKay James M., clerk, bds 384 Congress<br />


east.<br />

3IcKay John, ga.8 fitter, h 41 National ave.<br />

McKay Neil lab., h 291 Seventeenth.<br />

3IcKay Patrick, lab., h 370 Michigan ave.<br />

McK3y Thomas, clerk, bds 251 Howard. Fdton Market Oyster House,<br />

FilcKay William, captain, h 77 Elizabeth w. 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

McKee Dwight, conductor, bds 96 Con- w Oysters in the Shell a s ecialty. ~hGlesale<br />

gress e.<br />

and ~ etal<br />

McKee Kebecca A., (wid Charles,) bds 306<br />

Randolph.<br />

McKeown Michael, painter, h 203 Fifth.<br />

McKeehan W. F., trav. agt., bds Antisdel McKerchoy John, blacksmith, h 289<br />

House.<br />

Macomb.<br />

McKelvey George, agent, h 179 Brewster. BlcKernan James J., engineer, h 87 St. AnblcKendrick<br />

Mrs. Ann, (wid Wm.,) h 148 toine.<br />

Congress e.<br />

McKernan John, hackman, h 15 Washing-<br />

McKendrick Daniel, (McKendrick & Eg- ton ave.<br />

german,) h n 283 o 263 Woodward me. 3lcKerrow John P., (Reekie & McKerrow)<br />

BIcKendrick & Eggerman, (Daniel McKen- h 211 Howard.<br />

drick and Godfkey Eggerman,) painters, McKerrow Robert C., clerk, h 258 Second.<br />

and dealers in wall paper &c., h new 283, McKewin Jennie, clerk, bds 71 Lewis.<br />

old 263 Woodward ave.<br />

McKewin Mary, clerk, bds 71 Lewis.<br />

McKendres Edward J., Ins., h 273 Third. McKimmie John M., chair maker, h 442<br />

McKenley James, blacksmith, h 136 Ab- Third.<br />

bott.<br />

McKimmie Joseph A., . pattern - maker, h<br />

McKenna James, painter, h 252 Xinth ave. 149 Oak.<br />

McKenna James, policeman, h 84 Pine. McKimmie Robert R., clerk, bds 149 Oak.<br />

McKenna John, painter, h 180 Clifford, e s. McKinney George (col'd) huckster, h 51<br />

McKenna John, porter, h 664 Congress e. Mullett.<br />

McKenna Patrick, shoemaker, h 33 Miami McKinney James, carpenter and joiner, h<br />

ave.<br />

Mount Hope ave nr Magnolia.<br />

McKenna William A., (3IcKenna & Rad- McKinney James, carpenter, bds 55 Colcliff<br />

,) h old 455 Woodward ave.<br />

umbia w.<br />

McKenna & RadcliE, (Wm. A. McKenna, McKinney James, policeman, h 84 Pine.<br />

Thomas RadclifF) wholesale grocers, 13 McKinney James, jr., lab., h &fount Hbpe<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

ave nr Magnolia.<br />

NcKenon William, clerk, bds 59 First. McKinney Robert, produce and corn. mer-<br />

31cEenzie Charles, teamster, h 273 Third. chant, h 20 Spencer.<br />

McKenzie Daniel, sailor, h 275 Park. McKinnon Archibald, lab., bds 27 Larned<br />

McKenzie David, bds 804 Croghan. west.<br />

McKenzie James, constable, h 146 Lar- BIcKinnon Christina, housekeeper, h w s<br />

ned w.<br />

Third bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

McKenzie John, carpenter, h 186 Fif- 3IcKinnon Duncan, insurance agent, h 54<br />

teenth.<br />

Russell.<br />

XcKenzie John, carpenter, bds 146 Lar- McKinnon Hugh, blacksmith, h 304<br />

ned w.<br />

Franklin.<br />

McKenzie John G., joiner, h 210 L~rned w. McKenestry James P., commodore U. S.<br />

McKenzie Margtiret, (wid. Nichael) h 105 Navy, h $44 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fifth.<br />

BIcKinzie Albert, blacksmith, 391 Mullett.<br />

McKenzie Wm., tinsmith, h s w cor Fort McKinzie Charles, grocery, 275 Third,<br />

and Meldrum ave.<br />

h same.<br />

McKeough John, tobacconist, bds 371 McKinzie - blacksmith, bds Franklin<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

bet Dequindre and Riopelle.<br />

McKeough Sarah, confectioner, h 289 McKinzie Robert, blacksmith, h 391 Mul-<br />

Macomb.<br />

lett.<br />

McKeough Timothy, blacksmith, h 371 McKinzie William, carpenter, h Noble bet<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Fourf h and Craw ford.<br />

BfcKeo~ n James, boiler maker,bds Frank- McKittrick William, engineer, h 237 Ablin<br />

bet Rivard and Riopelle.<br />

bott.<br />

McKeown John, physician, 261 Jefferson McKnigh t Richard, brakesman , bds 145<br />

ave., h 47 Lafa ette.<br />

Abbott.<br />

McKeown John %., lawyer, bds 47 Lafsy- NcKnight Samuel, lab., h 753 Fort w.<br />

ette.<br />

31cKnight Samuel, potter, h 23 Eighteenth.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

McKnight Sarah, (wid Bheldon), Hubbard<br />

62 Davis, nursery, h Twenty-four~h.<br />

McKragen John, blacksmith, bds 83<br />

Franklin.<br />

NcLane Alexander (McLane & Davenport),<br />

h 122 Elizabeth w.<br />

McLane Edward, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

NcLane & Davenport (Alexander McLane<br />

and Francis 0. Davenport), insurance<br />

agents, 101 Griswold.<br />

McLain Daniel, 172 Cherry.<br />

McLaren John I?., D. D., h 242 Congress e.<br />

McLaren Peter, painter, h 123 Labrosse.<br />

3IcLass John, ship carpenter, h Alexander<br />

nr Nineteenth.<br />

3IcLaughlin Annabella, milliner, 179<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

McLaughlin Andrew, agent, h 443 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

McLaughlin Bridget (wid Henry), farmer,<br />

)1 Holden Road n. R. 33. crossing.<br />

McLa1:ghlln Catherine, h s w cor Twentieth<br />

and Howard.<br />

McLaughlin Dennis, lab., h 147 Seventh.<br />

McLaughlin Frank, fireman,bds '76 Wayne.<br />

3iIcLaughlin James, lab., h Fifteenth nr<br />

railroad.<br />

McLaugblin John, steam fitter, bd~ 441<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

h1cLaughlin John, surveyor, bds 30 Brady.<br />

McLaughlin John, teamster, h 352 Blichigtln<br />

ave.<br />

31cLaughlin John, upholsterer, bds 76<br />

Wayne.<br />

McLaughlin Louis, gilder, bds Tyentieth<br />

cor Howard.<br />

McLaughlin Martha, (wid Joseph,) 6 1<br />

Croghan.<br />

McLaughlin Mary, shoe fitter, bds 40<br />

Adams ave.<br />

BlcLaughlin Mathew ,malater, h 76 Wayne.<br />

McLaughlin Michael, lab., h 66 Labrosse.<br />

McLaughlin Michael, contractor, h 30<br />

Brady.<br />

McLaughlin Michael, lsb.,bdsl38 Labrosse.<br />

BIcLaughlin Patrick, lab., h 131 Harrison.<br />

McLaughlin Simon, agent, h 33 Elm,<br />

McLaughlin Thomas, lab., h 178 Seventh.<br />

McLaughlin Thomm; moulder, h 133<br />

Guoin.<br />

McLaughlin -<br />

, blacksmith, h 122 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

McLaws William, engineer, h 63 old, 237<br />

new Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

McLeau Archibald, ticket agent G. W. R.,<br />

151 Jefferson ave, h 320 Fourth.<br />

McLean David, lab., h 193 Eighth.<br />

McLean Edward, distiller, bds Congress<br />

w bet Shelby and Griswold.<br />

McLean Edward, lab., h 263 Franklin.<br />

&Lean Jacob, car driver, h 140 Abbott.<br />

McLean James R., carpenter, bds Perkins<br />

Hotel.<br />

B1cLean John, machinist, bds 37 Third.<br />

BlcLean Joseph, scroll sawyer, bds 113<br />

Fifth. '<br />

McLellan Andrew, clerk, h 101 Miami ave.<br />

McLellan Daniel, fireman engine 2, h 144<br />

Fort e.<br />

McLellan Rev. John 31., h 103 Miami ave.<br />

McLeod Albert, carpenter, h 44 Pine.<br />

McLeod Alexander, captain on lakes, h 96<br />

Orleans.<br />

DfcLeod Alexander jr, reporter Tribune,<br />

bds e s Mt. Elliott ave bet Fort and La-<br />

hyette.<br />

McLeod Alexander, clerk, bds 161 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

McLeod Alexander, sr., builder, h e s &It.<br />

Elliott ave bet Fort and Lafayette.<br />

bIcLeod Angus, blacksmith, bds 23 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

McLeod Annie, tailoress, h 116 Rivard.<br />

3IcLeod Daniel, brewer, h 229 Gratiot.<br />

BIcLeod Daniel, brewer, h 31 Bronson,<br />

(second floor.)<br />

BIcLeod Dennis, night watchman, h 116<br />

Russell.<br />

McLeod Isabella, candy, cor Wayne and<br />

Woodbridge, h same.<br />

McLeod John, cooper, h s e cor Chene and<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

McLeod 31alcolm, boiler maker, bds 116<br />

Russell.<br />

McLeod Murdock, (Osburn & BlcLeod)<br />

bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

McLogsn Anthony, wood yard, cor Fifth<br />

and Michigan ave, h 201 Fourth.<br />

McLogan Cornelius, lab., h 384 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

McLogan Frank, gilder, bds 384 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

McLogan Michael, ' grocery, 334 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

McLogan Patrick, driller, h Bagg bet<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

MLogan Patrick, machinist, h 332 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

McLone John, car driver, bds 42 Third.<br />

McLott John, carpenter, Ir 216 Seventh.<br />

McMahon Arthur, bds Finnev's Hotel.<br />

McMahon Eugene, (Dally & McMahon) h<br />

96 Alfred.<br />

McMahon Eugene, agent, h 307 Sherman.


McMahon Francis, lab., h 69 Pine.<br />

McMahon Henry, engineer, h 133 Eighteenth.<br />

McMahon Martic, lab., h n e cor Fremont<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

McMahon Michael .J., manager Boston<br />

Square Dealing Clothing House, bds<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

McMahon Peter,malster,bds 146 Larned w.<br />

3icManemy Dennis, engineer, h 703 Croghan.<br />

McManmon Thomas, lab., h 3.51 Mullett.<br />

3IcMann Peter. mal3ter. bds 162 Larned w.<br />

Parke, Davis & co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc.<br />

C. P. Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

-<br />

McMillan Robert, (G. & R. McMillan,) h<br />

48 Washington ave.<br />

BlcMillan Thomas F., clerk, bds 87 Shelby.<br />

McNanus ~eorge a ail^ & McManus) h 79 McMillrtn William N., clerk, bds 53 Wash-<br />

Croghan.<br />

ington ave.<br />

NcMttnus Thomas, boot and shoe store, n McMillan G. & R., (George & Robert,)<br />

e cor Rivard and Congress e, h 219 grocers, 131 Woodward ave.<br />

Fort e.<br />

McMillan & Co., (Hugh McNillan, James<br />

3IcRIanus Thomas, carriage painter, bds ?tIcMitlan, E. C. Dean & J. S. Newberry,)<br />

27 Atwater.<br />

hardware 54 Woodward ave.<br />

Mc31anus Thomas, carriage painter, bds 3IcBIullen Daniel, brakesman M. C. R. R.<br />

cor Beaubien and Woodbridge e. McNally Bernard, pattern fitter, h 123<br />

Mcl1asters Robert, asst. sec. Gas Light Wight.<br />

Co., h Birmingham.<br />

NcNally James, sawyer, h 51 Tweaty-<br />

31c Master William, blacksmith, h 550 second.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

McNamara Daniel, machinist, h 85 Oak.<br />

31cJlaster William, saloon, 562 Michigan McNamara Daniel D., machinist, h 578<br />

ave h 5.50 same.<br />

Fort e.<br />

McMichael Charles, carpenter, h 42 Jones. McNamara Dennis, lab., h 209 Twelfth.<br />

BIc?tIichael Elizabeth A., bds 57 Sixteenth. McNamara Dennis, porter, h 85 Oak.<br />

BIc&lichael Joseph, carpenter, bds 42 McNamara John, agt, h 2 Marquette.<br />

Jones.<br />

McNamara Blartin, lab., bds Leib w s bet<br />

RIcMichael JIary, (wid Samuel,) bds 57 Fort and Lafayette.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

McNamara Michael, h 55 <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

BlcMichael Stalharn H., carpenter, bds 57 McNamara Michael, clerk, bds 58 <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

BlcNamara Michael, drayman, h 735 Michi-<br />

McMichael William J., carpenter, b 57 gan ave.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

NcNamara Michael, fireman, Biddle<br />

McNillttn Archibald, clerk, h 558 Michi- House.<br />

pan ave.<br />

McNamara Michael, stove mounter, h 734<br />

~EMillan Daniel, breaksman, h 70 Ahbott. Franklin.<br />

McMillan Eneas, phot3grapher, Fisher McNamara Patrick, forgemsn, h Leib w s<br />

Block, h 116 Oak.<br />

bet Fort and Lafayette.<br />

McMillan Gardner W., farmer, h 204 hcNamara Patrick, weigher, h 66 Sullivan<br />

First.<br />

axe.<br />

Mc&lillan George, (G. & R. McMillan) h 3IcNamara Patrick J., clerk, h 96 Lev-<br />

748 Jefferson ave.<br />

erette.<br />

McMillnn Harriet, (wid Jessie,) bds 217 McNamara Stephen, lab., h 172 Abbott.<br />

Park.<br />

3IcNanny James, sawyer, h 1'75 Grand<br />

Mc31illan Hugh, (3IcMillan & Co.), h 63 River ave.<br />

Adelaide.<br />

McNanny James, lab., h 51 Twenty-<br />

BlcMillan James, sec. Mich. car Co., Seitz second.<br />

new block, h 321 Jefferson we. McNaught John, traveler, bds 379 Third.<br />

McMillan James, night watchman house 31IcNeil Barbara, (wid Archibaid,) h 95 '<br />

of correction, a s Alfred bet Russell and Shelby.<br />

Riopelle, bds same.<br />

McNeil Chas., clerk, h 95 Sbelby.<br />

McMillan John, engineer, h 76 Chestnut. McNeil George, mason, h 102 Eighteenth.<br />

McMillan John, machinist, h Mary nr St. McNeil Halmer E., lawyer, 10 Seitz block,<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

h 89 State.<br />

McMillan John F., clerk, h 318 Congress e. , McNeil John, shoemaker, bds 616 Wood-<br />

NcMillan Jonn W., assistant assessor, h bridge w.<br />

293 Second.<br />

McNerney Cornelius, lab., h 364 Twenty-<br />

McMillan Jordan P., printer, h 363 Third. Fourth, nr Magnolia.<br />

McMillan Michael, clerk, h 306 Ninth ave. McNerny Jas., lab., h 250 Twelfth.


McSweeney Hannah, (wid. Owen) h 104<br />

Macomb.<br />

BIcSorley John, lab., bds 41 Porter.<br />

I McSorley John, sawyer, h 148 Wight.<br />

McSurley Patrick, porter, h 41 Porter.<br />

McSweeney Daniel P,, porter, h 17 Sproat.<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

McSweeney Edward, lab., h 445 Guoin.<br />

Addreee, IRA MAYHEW, McSweeney John, h 17 Sproat.<br />

DETROIT, MICH., McTerney John, clerk, bds 162 Lafayette<br />

Corner Congress and Randolph ste. me.<br />

McTerney Pstrick, merchant tailor, 211<br />

McNern y Patrick, blacksmith, <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Jefferson ave, h 162 Lafayette we.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Railway.<br />

McVay Henry, teamster, bds 566 Wood-<br />

McNess Thomas R., painter, h 273 Fifth.<br />

bridge w.<br />

McNicol Hugh, tailor, h 17 Beach.<br />

McVay Margaret (wid Alexander), h 269<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

McNight Alexander, sawyer, bds 3 Jeffer- SlcVay William, lab., h 46 Seventeenth.<br />

son ave.<br />

McVittie Alexander, clerk, (Campbell,<br />

McNight A. James S., carpenter, h Lafay- 0 wen & Co.), h 598 Fort e.<br />

ette bet Twenty first and Twent -second McVittie Archibald, tesmster, bds 129<br />

3IcNoah John, traveler, bds 259 4 hird. Mullett.<br />

McNult James F., painter, h cor Marcy t McVit tie James, clerk, bds Howard House.<br />

and Afth.<br />

McVittie John, miller, h 315 Michigan<br />

McNulty James, painter, h 58 Harrison ave .<br />

ave.<br />

McVittie Walter, carpenter, h 202 Clifford.<br />

McNulty John, confectioner. bda 19 Cass. McWilliams Bridget (wid Edward), h 156<br />

McNulty Thos., lab., h 126 Seventh. Porter.<br />

McPartland John, teamster, h 112 Beech. McWilliams Alexander, clerk, bds 163<br />

McPhail Alexander, lab., bds 434 Wood- Congress e.<br />

bridge w.<br />

McWilllams Ediward (Teuton, McWilliams<br />

McPhail Donald, switchman, bds 434 (& Co.), h 183 Woodbridge w.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

McWillian~s Michael, foreman, h 301 La-<br />

HcPharlin James, teamster, h 86 Wight. fayette ave.<br />

3IcPherson Andrew, (A. McPhersou & Co) McWilliams Patrick H., carpenter, h 1'70<br />

98 Elizabeth w.<br />

Abbott.<br />

McPherson Duncan, clerk, bds 6 Wood- MacCalister John, moulder, h 91 Leverette.<br />

ward ave.<br />

NacCallum Archibald, clerk, 521 Fort<br />

McPherson George, machinist, h 193 Tbir- west.<br />

teenth-and-a-half.<br />

MacDonald Alexander, printer, bds 68<br />

McPherson James A., medical student, bds Congress w.<br />

Marine Hospital.<br />

McbcElroy Daniel, brewer, bds 79 Larned<br />

McPherso~ John, clerk, h 603 Seventh. west.<br />

McPherson A. & Co., (Andrew McPherson MacGrath John W., lawyer, tor Lamed<br />

and Albert H. Walcott) commission, 65 and W~odward ave, h 133 Ninth ave.<br />

Griswold.<br />

MacGrath William, asst. city treasurer,<br />

McPike Henry, electro gold and ailver bds 183 Ninth &ve.<br />

plater, 93 Jefferson ave., h 79 hrned w. Machris William, carpenter, h 431 Clinton<br />

McQuade Henry, hostler, bds cor Wood- ave.<br />

bridge and Beaubien.<br />

MacKay James M., clerk, bds 384 Con-<br />

McQueany Catherine. (wid John) bds 122 greas e.<br />

Franklin.<br />

MacKay John, brewery, 117 Beach, h 230<br />

McQueen James, with Hendrie & Co., h Fifth.<br />

136 High.<br />

SlacKay Margaret-(wid Duncan), h 384<br />

McQueen James, jr., clerk,bds 136 High. Congrees e.<br />

McQueen Blichael, lab., D. & M. R. R. MacKay Thomas, clerk, h 143 Beach.<br />

McQueen Thomas, clerk, h 1:36 High. M acKay Thomas W .,cigar maker, bds 143<br />

McQuinn Patrick, lab., h 310 Franklin. Beach.<br />

McQuin~ -, drayman, h 225 Fifth. MacKay William, miner, bds 59 First.<br />

McQuorn Charles W-3 lab*, h 223 Or~ean~. Macke tt Peter, last maker, h 279 Montcalm<br />

McRae Duncan B., clerk, h 81 Congress w. east.<br />

McRae Farquhar, saloon, 190 Woodbridge Mackey James, builder, h 181 Congress w.<br />

west.<br />

Mackimmie George, clerk, bds 147 Oak.<br />

McRoy -Maryan, (wid. Daniel) h 319 Fifth. Mackimmie John A., dsr~ggist, &c., 691<br />

McSheely John, policeman, h 50 Belrch. Fort w, h 147 Oak.


.<br />

Msckimmie Robert, clerk, bds 147 Oak. ' LOVERS of those DELI Cl OUS BIVALVES<br />

Mackofsky Charles A., clerk, h 184 Lafay-<br />

8umm<br />


ette.<br />

Macleod Alexander, lab., h 480 Fort e. & Q@B8B<br />

Macleod Thomrts, agent, bds 235 Park.<br />

MacNamarna Patrick. clerk, h 96 Lever- FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSE,<br />

ette.<br />


Macready Samuel, ~ainter, h 9 Porter.<br />

Macrow John, shoema,ker, <strong>Detroit</strong> st. cor gZT Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Re tail.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Macy Phceba F., (widolirer,) h 74 George. Made & Sears, (Charles J. Magle and<br />

Macy Powell, clerk, (J. M. Bradstreet & William H. Sears,) auction and commis-<br />

Son, ) bds h 74 George.<br />

sion, 39 Michigan ave.<br />

Madden J. Archibald, (col'd,) barber, h 332 Magon~y John, lab., h 455 Lafayette e.<br />

Macomb.<br />

I 31 aguire Lieut. E., bds Russell House.<br />

Madden - . James, boat builder, bds cor Bates 1 3I:ahan Peter. miller. h 304 Ninth ave.<br />

and Atwater.<br />

Mahan ~homas, en$neer M. C. R. R.<br />

Madden John B., shoemaker, h 110 Farrar. Mahiat Peter, fancy goods, h 327 Jefferson<br />

Madden Michael, ship carpeoter, h 157 ave.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

3fnhle Frank, bar-keeper. bds 11 State.<br />

Mniigan Patrick. moulder, h 709 Croghan. Mahler Mrs. August, Yankee notions, s e<br />

Maddock Cornelius, boarding house h 259 cor Hastings and Macomb h same.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Mahler George, machinist, h 264 Seven-<br />

Maddock John, mate schr. Reindeer, h, s teenth.<br />

w cor Frankiin and Chene.<br />

Mahler William, helper, bds 261 Seven-<br />

Made Vonder Henry, lab., h 10 Jay. teen th.<br />

Madell Isaac, harness maker, bds 103 Lar- Mahoes .John, lab., h 476 Macomb.<br />

ned w.<br />

Mahon Catherine, (wid John,) h 475 La-<br />

Madigan John, drayman, h 109 Cherry. fayette ave.<br />

Madigan Margaret, h 201 Abhott.<br />

Nahon E. C., agent (C. D. Widman & Co.,)<br />

Madigan Patrick, drayman, h 286 Sixth. h 307 Sherman.<br />

Madison Andrew J.. ship carpenter, h 50 Mahon .James K., carpenter, h n w cor<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Eighth and Porter.<br />

Madison Byron, painter, 41 Lewis. 'illahon .John, moulder, bds n w cor Porter<br />

Madison Joshua, (col'd,) dray man, h 288 and Eighth.<br />

Whitney.<br />

Mahon Laurence, carpenter, h 144 Eighth.<br />

Madmann Fritz, lab., h 504 Macomb. Mahon Lawrence, clerk, h 22 National aye.<br />

Madmann Jacob, carpenter, h 352 Mullett. Mahon Lawrence, lab., h 270 Sixth. .<br />

Blady Albert, tailor, h 104 Sullivan ave. Mallon Lawrence, moulder, bds n w cor<br />

Maebayer Huger, shoemaker,h 268 Watson. Porter and Eighl h.<br />

Maeder Albrocht, agent. h 192 Macomb. Mnhon Peter, lab., h 304 Ninth ave.<br />

Maehring John, lab., h 549 Cat.harine. Mallon Thomas, clerk, h 302 Ninth ave.<br />

&I aer Charles, meat market, 457 Jefferson Mahon Thomas, engineer, h 190 Porter.<br />

Mave, h same.<br />

Mahoney Bridget, cook, Tremont House,<br />

Maer John, lab., h 43 Chestnut.<br />

Mahoney Conroy, lab., h 182 Oak.<br />

Maertz Henry carpenter, bds s e cor Cath- Mahoney Daniel, h 44 Labrosse.<br />

rine and St. Antoins.<br />

Mahoney Dennis, lab., h 74 Eighth.<br />

blaexner Gouleib, shoemaker, b 773 Six- Mahoney Edward, fireman, bds 337 Woodteenth.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Magee Edward Rev., h old 68, new 104 Mahoney John, lab., h 285 National ave.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Maboney John, lab., h 455 Lafayette.<br />

Magee Grosvenor, student, 1)ds old 68,new Mahoney John, tailor, h 309 Fifth.<br />

104 Congress w.<br />

Mahoney Eane, tailor, h 174 Oak.<br />

Magee William, butcher h s w cor Grand Mahonev Michael, lab., h 142 Porter.<br />

River ave and Ash.<br />

Mahoney Michael, lab., bds 396 Franklin.<br />

Magerman Angels, grocer, 484 Croghan, h Mahoney lllichael W., clerk House of Corsame.<br />

rection, bds same.<br />

Macge William W , butcher, h 509 Grand Mahoney Patrick, lab., h 228 Fifteenth.<br />

River me.<br />

Mahoney Timothy, boiler maker, h s s<br />

Magill William, moulder, h 197 Twelfth. Charles bet Sixth and ? eventh.<br />

Maginn Michael,pla,ner, h 430 Woodbridge Mahoney Dan.el, h 44 Labrosse.<br />

west.<br />

Mahoney Timothy, Alderman eighth ward,<br />

Magle Charles J.? (Magle & Sears,) hds (Quinn & Mahoney) h 247 Sixth.<br />

717 Latayette e.<br />

Mahoney Timothy, lab., h Third nr Gold.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

Mahoney Timothy, porter, h n e cor Baker<br />

and Twelfth.<br />

Mahoney William, lab., h 309 Lafayette av,<br />

Mai Louis, cigar maker, h 276 Randolph.<br />

Mai Theodore, carpenter h 500 Riopelle.<br />

Maibach John, painter, bds 156 St. Antoine.<br />

Maiberger Mathias, tailor, h 331 Chestnut.<br />

Maier Emil, carpenter, h 175 Sixth<br />

Maier Frederick, engineer, h 665 Michigan<br />

ave<br />

BEaier Gustav F., cigar maker, h 66 Catharine.<br />

Maier John, lab., h 240 High.<br />

Maier John, shoemaker, 277 St. Antoine, h<br />

same.<br />

Maier Lewis, machinist, bds 175 Sixth.<br />

Maier Martin, trunk mnrf., 55 &Ionroe<br />

ave, 11 249 Brush.<br />

Waier Nathais, tailor, h 63 Maple.<br />

Mailoux Francis, carpenter, h 225 Sixth.<br />

Mailnee Ebenezer, F., shoemaker, 47 Jeiferson<br />

ave, bds 155 Larned.<br />

Main Joseph, plasterer, h 199 First.<br />

Main Thomas W., overseer, h 46 Dubois<br />

Maiech John, carpenter, .bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Maitland Daniel, (Smith & Maitland,) 5ds<br />

83 Congress e.<br />

Maiyz Xavier, caulker, h 555 Larned e.<br />

Mcjkrod Henry, peddler, h 159 Alfred.<br />

Major Alexander H., clerk, bds 7 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Major Charles, piano teacher, h 234 Randolph.<br />

Major George I., (Major & Isham,) h 163<br />

Park.<br />

Maior John. moulder, h 352 St. Antoine.<br />

~a.or John 'R., machinist, h 126 Sixteenth.<br />

Major & Isham, (George I. Major (e Charles<br />

S Isham,) commission merchants; 66<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Malay Margaret, (wid Bernard,) bds 44<br />

Craw lord.<br />

Malcho John, collarmaker, h 71 Macomb.<br />

Malcomson J. Robert, grocer, 415 Michi-<br />

gan ave, 11 same.<br />

Malcouronne Charles H., clerk, h Joseph<br />

Campau ave bet Fort and Lafavette.<br />

Maledon Adam, macfiinbt, h 342 Anfie-<br />

tam.<br />

Maledon Joseph, carpenter, bds 342 Antietam.<br />

Meiedon Jacob j r, carpenter bds 342 An tietam.<br />

M~ley .I ames, blacksmith, h 33 Fifth.<br />

Malfi Vincent, musician 239 Jefferson ave.<br />

Malin Alexander, blacksmith, bds 16 1<br />

Clinton.<br />

Mallach James, C., agent, bds 26.5 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Mallenhagen Charles, lab., h 580 Croghan.<br />

Mallett Liza, seamstress, bds 43 Hastings.<br />

Mallogan Cornelius, lab, h 75 Franklin.<br />

Mallory D. I). & Co., (Dwight D. Msllory,<br />

Henry 31. G~lman,) wholesale oysters<br />

and fruit, 70 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mallory Dwight D., (D. D. Mallory & Co.)<br />

Baltimore, Maryland.<br />

Mslloy Thomas, lab, h 53 Humbold ave.<br />

Malo Alexls, joiner, 320 Orleans.<br />

Mnllory Henry R., clerk, (Berry Bros.)<br />

Malo Christopher, lab, h 257 Chene.<br />

Ma10 Francis X., carpenter, h 499 Lafayette.<br />

Malo Frank Z., car builder, h 440 Clinton<br />

Mdo Touissant, joiner, h n w cor Cheue<br />

and 3Eacornb.<br />

Malo Valenline, lab, h 467 Croghan.<br />

Maloche Amcry, lab, h Dequindre w s bet<br />

Woodbridge and Franklin.<br />

Maloche Lena, operator, bds 178 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Mnlone John; lab, h n w cor McLean and<br />

Crawford.<br />

Malone Thomas H., clerk, h 474 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Maloney Cornelius, h 193 Labrosse.<br />

Maloney David, blacksmith, bds 101 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Maloney George P., machinist, bds 149<br />

Cherry.<br />

Naloney James, groccr, n w cor Fifth and<br />

Plum, h same.<br />

Maloney James L., grocery, h cor Henry<br />

and Park.<br />

Maloney John, lab, h 187 Thirteenth and<br />

a half.<br />

Maloney John B., peddlar, h 89, Hnmboidt<br />

avenue.<br />

Maloney Jobn F., groceries, n e cor Michgon<br />

ave and Williams ave, h same.<br />

Maloney Michael, lab, h n s Abbott bet<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Maloney Patrick, clerk, bds cor Henry and<br />

Park.<br />

Maloney Patrick, lab, h 215 Fifth.<br />

Maloney Patrick, lab, h 69 Wight.<br />

Maloney Patrick, moulder, h 101 Porter.<br />

Maloney Thomas, plasterer h 356 twelfth.<br />

Maloney Wiliiam, moulder, h 374 Lafayette.<br />

Maltice James, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Maltby Thomas H., land agent, h 162<br />


-- -<br />


Rfaltz Englehard, saloon, Woodbridge<br />

Grove. Michigan ave, h same.<br />

. 3fdtz George, carpenter, h 174 Fourteenth.<br />

Maltz George C., tailor, 184 Third, h 188<br />

same.<br />

Maluette Amabile, carpenter, h 446 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Mamer George, carpenter, h 46 Lafayet te.<br />

Mamer John, carpenter, h 4 Pearl.<br />

Ifamme John, cooper, bds 41 Catharine.<br />

Manlmer John, carpenter. h 4 Pearl.<br />

Manchester Amelia (wid Thomas)), h 1SG<br />

Griswold.<br />

Manchester Eugene W., pressman, bds<br />

186 Griswoid.<br />

Manchester Miles, lab., h 135 aliehigan<br />

ave, up stairs.<br />

Mancus Phillip, carpenter, h 47 Sherman.<br />

3iananson R. S., agent. h 617 Larned e.<br />

Mandelbaum Simon (lfowry & Co.), h s e<br />

cor Fort and Wayne.<br />

Mandelka Maxwell, lab., h 599 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Mandelka Michael, lab, h 599 Seventeenth.<br />

Mandell Addison, lawyer and clerk U. S.<br />

District Court, P. 0. Building, h 666<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Mandell Julius, cooper, bds n e cor Fulton<br />

and Eighth.<br />

Mandennach Mathias, teamster, h s s<br />

Bellttir bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Mangan James, boiler maker, h 384<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mangan John, plumber, h 316 Ninth ave.<br />

Mangan Michael, lab., bds 316 Ninth ave.<br />

Mange John, l,zb., h 257 Sherman.<br />

Mange Joseph, lab., h 277 Sherman.<br />

Mangen John, cooper, bds h in alley bet<br />

Fourth and Fifth nr Michigan rtve.<br />

Mangen John, plumber,bds 316 Ninth ave.<br />

BIangen Thomas, lab., h alley bet Fourth<br />

and Fifth, nr Michigan we.<br />

Mango John, peddlar, bds s s E. L. Cam-<br />

yau bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

>fango Julius, h 107 Croghan.<br />

Mango Julius, lab.. h s s'E. L. Campau bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Manguen Nicolaus, carpenter, h 21 Beacon.<br />

Manheim Mathias, tailor, bds 242 Bastings.<br />

Manheim Noses, tailor, bds 242 Hastings.<br />

BImion James, lab., h 384 Twelfth.<br />

Manion James, tailor, h 41 Spencer.<br />

Manion Mary, machine operator, bds 41<br />

Spencer.<br />

Manion Michael R., plumber, bds 41 Spen-<br />

cer.<br />

Manion Patrick, tailor, bds 41 Spencer.<br />

Manion Thomas, coal cart driver, Viger<br />

Bros., h Fort e.<br />

Manion Thomas, moulder, bds 384 Twelfth.<br />

Manix Michael, lab., bds 170 Cherry.<br />

Manley Wm.. carpenter, h new 172 Fort e.<br />

hlanley William, carpet weaver, 263 Sec-<br />

ond, h same.<br />

45<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, Davts & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

- - - - -- -<br />

bIanmon Thomas, lab., h 251 Mullett.<br />

Mann Alexander H., sea captain, h 41 Elm.<br />

Mann Charles, bookkeeper, bds 16 Maple.<br />

Mann Chester M., cigar ruanufac turer, h<br />

42 Ai~bott,<br />

Mann Ernest, clerk, bds 96 Elizabeth e.<br />

Mann Ferdinand, observer U. S. Signal<br />

Service, 27 Bank Block.<br />

Mitun Frank, clerk, bds 42 Abbott.<br />

Mann Frank G., shoemaker, h 216 Second.<br />

Mann Frank P., agert for the Winsor<br />

& Bradlee Boston oars, h 244 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Mann Frederick, bds 48 Abbott.<br />

Mann George R., cabinet maker, h 361<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Mann Godfrey, cabinet maker, h 216 Second.<br />

Mann Herman, bds 87 Washington ave.<br />

Mnnn Jacob, huckster, stall 3 C. H. &I, h<br />

16 Maple.<br />

Mann Jacob, brewer, 331 Rivard, h same.<br />

Mann Jennie, machine operator, bds 216<br />

Second.<br />

R'iann John, lab., h 282 Porter.<br />

Mann Josinh 31,. agent Onondaga Salt Co.,<br />

h 244 Con,cress e.<br />

Mann Lewis, lager beer bottler, h 311<br />

Rivard.<br />

Mann S. 31. Mrs., machine operator, bds<br />

216 Second.<br />

Mann William, wagoner, bds 331 Hastings.<br />

BIannausau Richard S., builder, h 611 Lar<br />

ned e.<br />

3Iannebach Casper, bookkeeper, bds 361<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Mannebach John, lab., h 361 St. Aubin av.<br />

Mannebach Nicholas, painter, h s e cor<br />

St. Antoine and Calhoun.<br />

hlannebach Peter, baker, h n m cor Benton<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Manneleck Andrew, box maker, 11 s c cor<br />

Macomb and Rivard.<br />

Ilannell. Charles E., (col'd) Biddle House.<br />

Manner Joseph, car maker, h 42 Fort e.<br />

Mannerns Mathias, lab., h 427 Ei,gb teenth.<br />

Mannerns Nicholas, lab., bds 427 Eigh.<br />

teenth.<br />

Manning Anne (wid. Benjamin) bds cor<br />

Clifford and Sproat.<br />

Manning Charles, bds n w cor Woodbridge<br />

and Fourteenth.<br />

Manning George, sailor, h 188 Henry.<br />

Manning James, carpenter, h 50 Pine.<br />

Manning John, lab., h s w cor Pine and<br />



md%mBw<br />

Marcus Peter, lab., h 471 Clinton ave.<br />

Marentette Randolph P., clerk, h Sandwich.<br />

Margach Louis F., Ins., agt., h 14 Plum.<br />

B USINESS COLLEGE Margroff Martin, locksmith, bds 280 Sher -<br />

I man.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, Margrett Sophia, (wid Haycent,) dress<br />

I maker. h 513 Larned e.<br />

~ar~ward Ludwig, lab., h 409 Riopelle.<br />

SEE PAGE 3. a<br />

Marine Hospital, s w cor Jefferson and<br />

Manning 312 Woodbridge<br />

Mt. Elliott aves.<br />

w., h same.<br />

Marion Frank Nelson, lab., bds 313 Con-<br />

Mansbach Peter, machinist, h-350 Hastgress<br />

w.<br />

ings.<br />

Nezerrie, carpenter, 386 Wood-<br />

Mansfield bds<br />

bridge e,<br />

Hotel<br />

Mariott Richard, lithoSrapher, h 182 Or-<br />

Mansfield Ezra S., clerk, bds 152 Woodleans.<br />

ward ave.<br />

M,k John, lumber, bds 130<br />

Mansfield Franklin E., packing, bds 66<br />

Marker P. brakeman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Larned w.<br />

Marker Joseph, glass stainer, h 447 Y t. An-<br />

Mansfield Frederick S., shoe cutter, bds toinem<br />

66 Larned w.<br />

Markey Edward, hackman, h 131 Beach.<br />

Yansfield Henry, shoemaker, bds 66 Lar- Marhe? Jalnes, printer, bds 137 Beachned<br />

w.<br />

Narkham James N., baker, h 89 Twelfth.<br />

Man~ifield James, artist, bds Finney's Markhoff Herman, blacksmith, h, n s Le-<br />

Hotel.<br />

land, bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Mansfield James P., h 439 Sixth.<br />

Msrkley Henry, boiler maker, bds 116<br />

Mansfield Richard, plasterer, h 358 Eighth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Markley John, lab., h 116 Eighth.<br />

Mansion House, Edwin C. Adams, proprie- Marklev William, lab.. bds 116 Eighth.<br />

tor, cor Atwnter and Griswold. Marko ,4lexander, mechanic, bds 318 Cath-<br />

Manske August, shoemaker, bds 103 rine.<br />

Maple.<br />

Marks Emanuel, cigar manfr., 217 Wood-<br />

- Manson James W., cutter, bds 118 Eighth. . ward ave, h same.<br />

Mansur Arthur F., clerk, (Hargreaves Marks Herman, carpenter, h 185 Twentymanfr.)<br />

bds 162 Larned e.<br />

second.<br />

Manthei Arthur, lab., h 137 Maple. Marks Samuel, cigar maker, bds 217<br />

Manz Charles, dyer, h e s Dubois bet Nul- TVoodward ave. .<br />

lett and Catharine.<br />

Marks William, policeman, h 356vood-<br />

Manzermann John, lab., h 424 Riopelle. bridge e.<br />

Manzirscki Ferdinand, lab., h 491 Clinton 3Iarky Louis, ship carpenter, h 546 Conave.<br />

gress e.<br />

Mappebeck James, eating house, 179 Yarnan Simon, teamster, h, n e cor Twen-<br />

Wodbridge w.<br />

ty-fourth and Butternut.<br />

Narak ~ohn, machinist, h 32 Twentieth. Marnell Jsmes,carpe~ter, h 302 Thkteenthand-a-half.<br />

Marnell John, mason, bds 302 Thirteenthand-a-half.<br />

Narnell Michael, lab., bds 302 Thirteenthand-a-half<br />

Marner Patrick, carpenter, h 136 Porter.<br />

Marnich Henry, butcher, 11 294 Riopelle.<br />

Maroch Henry, lab., h n s alley New bet<br />

Dubois and Chene and German and Gratiot.<br />

Maroch Ferdinand, lab., h n s New bet<br />

Dubois and Chene, and German and<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Naroney Thomas, clerk, bds Crawford bet<br />

Noyes and Vine.<br />

Marotke Ferdinand, teamster, h 425 Macomb.<br />

Marorsski August, finisher; h Sixteenth nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Marcel Joseph, lab., h 480 Lafayette.<br />

March Henry, painter, h 286 Sixteenth.<br />

March Phillip, helper, Dequindre, bet<br />

Scott and Hale.<br />

Marchand George, carver, h 357 Orleans.<br />

Marchein Louis jr., machinist, bds 278<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Marcier John, carpenter, h 28 Orleans.<br />

Narcier John, lab., h Franklin, s s nr De-<br />

quin dre.<br />

Marcier Michael, ship carpenter, h 249<br />

Franklin.<br />

Marckofski Charles, furrier, h 184 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Marcotte Israel d., clerk, h 68 Larned TV.<br />

Marcotte Peter, wood turner, h 279 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Marcus David, cigar maker, bds 136 Ran-<br />



Yarquardt Charles W., machinist, h 707 1 LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />


Marquette Peter, carpenter, h 453 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Marquis - James w., ship carpenter, h 455 JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oysters in the Shell a qecialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Lamed e.<br />

Marr George A., U. S. lake survey, h<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Yarr Issabella E'y bds 224<br />

Fourth.<br />

hIarr Jeremiah, cooper, h 497 Gratiot.<br />

Marr Jeremiah* cooper shop, w s Riopelle<br />

bet High and Marion h 397 Gratiot.<br />

Marr John, cooper, h 452 Riopelle.<br />

Marr John, cooper, h 8 Jay.<br />

31arr Lorenz, cooper, h 112 Division.<br />

3larr Malcom C. A., printer, h 76 Baker.<br />

Marr Maurice machinist, h 384 Fourth.<br />

Narriot Frederick, tinsmith, bds 109 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Marriott Rebecca, (wid Samuel,) Yankee<br />

notions 109 Orleans h same.<br />

blarriott William, machinist, M. C. R. R.<br />

Marrock A., carpenter, (Backus & Bro.)<br />

Marrow Patrick, drayman, h 548 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Marsch John, blacksmith, h 572 Gratiot.<br />

Marschal John, carpenter, bds 100 Jay.<br />

&larschell Frauk jr, cigar maker bds 73<br />

Jay.<br />

Marschell Frank, lab., h 73 Jay.<br />

Marschner A. Frederick, boarding, h 342<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Marschoer C. Frederick, boarding, h 283<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Marschner Ferdinand, lab., h 111 German.<br />

Marschner Frederick tinsmith, bds<br />

282 Gratiot.<br />

Marschin Louis, tailor, h 278 Beaubien.<br />

Blarsden Joseph, machinist, h 5% St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Narselmann John, lab., h 424 Riopelle.<br />

Marser Cicarius, lab., bds n e cor Beaubien<br />

and Marion.<br />

Maser Martin, grocery and meat market,<br />

n e cor Beaubien and Marion, h same.<br />

Marsh Alfred, engineer' h 339 Fifrh.<br />

Marsh Charles, musician, h 253 Mullett.<br />

Marsh Daniel E., clerk, bds 201 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Marsh David, lab., bds 22 Winder.<br />

Harsh Emma E., teacher Franklin School,<br />

bds 339 Fifth.<br />

Marsh Frank H. photographer, h 371 Fort<br />

east.<br />

jiIarsh George, jeweler, bds 88 Larned e.<br />

Marsh Harriett A., teacher Tappan Union,<br />

bds 339 Fifth.<br />

Marsh F. G., jeweler, h 84 Larned e.<br />

Marsh Joseph, clerk, bds 339 Fifth.<br />

Marsh Mark H., (Union Printing Co.,) h<br />

287 Third.<br />

Marsh Robert F., (Marsh i% Son,) h 101<br />

Catherine.<br />

Marsh Robert, sr., (Marsh & Son,) h 101<br />

Catherine.<br />

Marsh Robert R., carpenter, bds 475 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Marsh Samuel P., repairing watches and<br />

clocks, 201 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Marsh William, captain, bds 25 Bates.<br />

Marsh & Son, (Robert and Robert F.,) ale<br />

lol Catherine-<br />

Marshall Archibald, engineer, h 79 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Marshall David D., Dep. U. S. Marshal, h<br />

68 Macon,b ave.<br />

Marshall Euphemia, house-keeper, h 78<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Marshall Frantz, butcher, bds 542 Croghan.<br />

Marshall Frank, cigar maker, bds 67 Jay-<br />

Hrtrshall Frederick, undertaker, bds 51<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

JIarshall George, clerk, h 370 St. Antoine.<br />

Marshall George, machinist, h 228 Howard.<br />

Marshall Harry, moulder, h 67 Lamed e.<br />

Marshall Mrs. Harriet, (wid William,) dress<br />

maker, 11 same.<br />

$larshall Henry, lab., h 56 Eighteenth.<br />

Marshall John, hack driver, bds 41 Cass. .<br />

Marshall John, machinist, bda 78 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Marshall Pauline, tailoress, bds 73 Jay.<br />

Marshall Robert, machinist, bds 130 Har-<br />

rison aye.<br />

Marshall Robert, sailor, h 508 Larned e.<br />

Marshall Thomas, machinist, h 130 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Marshall William, boot fitter, h 501 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

BIarshick John, shoemaker, h 168 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Marshick Paul, butcher, h 168 Fourteenth.<br />

Marson Ludwig, h 499 Macomb.<br />

hlartz Frank (F. Martz & Co.), h 331<br />

Croghan.<br />

Martz George (F. Martz & Co.), h n w cor<br />

Orleans and Marion.<br />

Martz Henry, teacher, bds 319 Division.<br />

Msrt Henry, teacher, h 37 North.<br />

Martz John, upholsterer, bds 331 Croghan.<br />

Martz Joseph, knife grinder, bds 473 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

IrIartz Blichael, h 409 Congress e.<br />

Nartz Blichael, lab., h 473 St. Antoine.<br />

Martz Phillin H._ carnenter- h 319 Division


-<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Martz F. & Co. (Frank and George J.<br />

Martz), brewers, s w cor Orleans and<br />

Bronson.<br />

Martel Antoine, carpenter, h 304 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Martel James, ship carpenter, h 62 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

&lartens Charles, lab., h 222 Jay.<br />

Martens Charles, lab., h 432 Clinton ave.<br />

3Iarter Charles J.,, cigar manufr., 151 Ran-<br />

dolph, h same.<br />

Blarter Edward, lab., h 156 Franklin.<br />

Xarterer Louis, shoemaker, tds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Martin Abraham S., clerk, bds 701 Fort w.<br />

31artin Miss Annie, machine operator, bds<br />

75 Beaubien.<br />

Martin Antoine, lab., h 304 Chestnut.<br />

Martin Augustus, carpenter, bds 130 Sixth.<br />

Martin Catherine (wid Andrew), h 106<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

>fartin C., fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Martin Cha.rles, lab., bds old 820 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Martin Charles, lab., h 358 Chene.<br />

Martin Charles, lab., h 383 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Martin Charles, messenger to pest house<br />

for city of <strong>Detroit</strong>, h 297 Alfred.<br />

Martin Charles, tobacbonist, bds 508 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Martin Charles, teamster, h 297 Alfred.<br />

Martin Charles C., engraver, h 160 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Martin Daniel W.. (James cSZ Martin), bds<br />

54 Adams ave w.<br />

Martin Edward, clerk, h 156 Franklin.<br />

Martin Edward, drayman, h 705 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Martin Emanuel, cigar maker,: h 72 3Ia-<br />

comb.<br />

Martin Emma Mrs., clairvoyant, h old 64<br />

new 58 Grand River ave.<br />

Martin Brooka E., miller, h old 64 new 58<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Pllartin Frances A,, teacher, bds 99 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Martin Francis, U. S. revenue service, h 6<br />

Aspinall Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Martin Frank, carpenter, bds 291 Clinton.<br />

Martin Frank, lab., h 364 Antietam.<br />

Martio Frank jr., lookingglass framer, bds<br />

364 An tietam.<br />

Martin Frederick, carpenter, h 46 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Martin Frederick, carpenter, h old SS Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Martin George: carpenter, bds 39 Lewis.<br />

Martin George, lab., h 84 George.<br />

Martin George, moulder, h 612 Sixteenth.<br />

3Irtrlin George, plum her, bds 50 Brady.<br />

Martin Hugh, saloon, 42 Griswold, h same.<br />

Martin Isaac R., bank teller, bds 211<br />

Fourth.<br />

Martin Jacob, h 182 Twelfth.<br />

Martin Jacob, carpenter, h 211 Fourth.<br />

Martin Jacob, lab., h 315 Seventeenth.<br />

Martin James, (Martin Bros.,) bds 182<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Martin James, h 79 Leverette.<br />

Martin J ames, baker, h 89 Txelfth.<br />

Martin James, carpenter, h 703 Nichigan<br />

ave.<br />

BIartin James, lab., h s s 3Iargaret bet De-<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

, Martin James, machinist, h 185 Leverette.<br />

I Martin Janles, mason, h 424 Fort e.<br />

Martin James, mason, h 238 Seventh.<br />

I Martin James, tinsmith, bds 332 Croghan.<br />

1 Martin James, (col'd) waiter, h 124 Itus-<br />

sel.<br />

Martin James J., (James J. 65 Jos. R. Mar-<br />

1 tin,) h 311 Seveath.<br />

1 Martin Jarnas S., engineer, bds 143 Portctr.<br />

Martin John, (Martin Bros.,) bds 182<br />

Twelfth.<br />

1 Martin John, bed maker, bds 188 Michi-<br />

, - gan ave.<br />

I Martin John, bricklayer, h 486 Sixteenth.<br />

I Martin John, butcher, 1001 Michigan ave<br />

, h same.<br />

I Martin John, cigar maker, 425 Eighteenth.<br />

1 Martin John, helper, h e s Croghan bet<br />

Orleans and Dequindre.<br />

Martin John, lab, h 656 Congress e.<br />

Martin John, lab, h s w cor of Gratiot and<br />

Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

Martin John lab, h 490 Maple.<br />

Martin John, painter, bds 311 Seventh.<br />

Martin John, sailor, h 384 Franklin.<br />

Martin John, tailor, h 360 Catherine.<br />

Martin J., engineer, M. C. R. R.<br />

Martin John C., teamster, bds Goodman<br />

1 House.<br />

Martin John E.,bookbinder,h 45 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Martin John J., boot and shoe store, 395<br />

Lafayette, h same.<br />

Martin John.F., dept. of the poor, h 382<br />

Mullett.<br />

Martin John F., peddlar, h 399 Macomb.<br />

Martin John L., (col'd) messengez, h 361<br />

Croghan.<br />

Martin Joseph, cooper, h 168 Watson.<br />

Martin Joseph, lab, bds 592 Croghan.


Martin Joseph, lab, bds 703 Michigan ave.<br />

Martin Joseph, mason, h 317 Seventh.<br />

Martin Joseph, sawyer, h 555 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Martin Joseph, stewart, h 254 Ninth ave.<br />

Martin Joseph, tinsmith, h Michigan dve<br />

bet Thirteenth and Fourteenth.<br />

Martin Joseph H., (Jamcs J. & Joseph R.<br />

Martin,) bds n w cor Fourth and Beach.<br />

Martin Julia, dressmaker, bds 242 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Martin Julius, tailor, h'l50 Catharine.<br />

Ma.rtin Louis, h 188 Clinton.<br />

Martin Margaret (wid. James) h 50 Brady.<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our offlce<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Marvin Josephine, (wid James,) seams tress.<br />

h 383 Orleans.<br />

Marvin Russell, (Brunton 62 Marvin,) h 102<br />

Latayette ave.<br />

Marvin William, carpenter, h 21 Blontcalm.<br />

Martin Mary 9., house keeper, h 199 Clif- west.<br />

ford.<br />

Msrwilisky Abraham,peddlar, h 14 Beacon.<br />

Martin Michael, lab., h 510 Orleans. Marwilsky Nathan, peddlar, h 163 Lafay-<br />

Martin Michael, porter, 52 Jefferson ave. ette.<br />

Martin Nicholas C., shoemaker, h Ham- Marwilsky Rimon, cigar maker, bds bet<br />

tramck.<br />

Laiayette and Croghan, and Hestings<br />

Mzirtin Peter, notions, stall 16 C. and Hivard.<br />

13. BI., h 870 Croghan.<br />

Marx Abraham, peddlar, h 10 Beacon.<br />

Martin P., carpenter, h 137+ Twelfth. EvIarx David, lab., h 96 Clinton.<br />

Martin Peter J., painter, bds 170 Maple. Narx Frederick jr., clerk, bds 438 St. An-<br />

Martin Richard, lab., bds 59 Nayberry ave. toine.<br />

Martin Robert, clerk, h 222 Williams ave. Marx G. Frederick, (Weber furniture<br />

hiartin Samuel, bds 63 Howard.<br />

Co., h 438 St. Antoine.<br />

Martin Stephen, finisher, h 701 Fort w. Marx I3 arris, peddlar, h 10 Beacon.<br />

Martin Stephen, builder, h Forest ave., e Marx Henry, carriage trimmer, h 409 St.<br />

Woodward.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Martin Stephen J., city circulator Daily Marx Isaac, (Marx & Bro.,) h 96 Clinton.<br />

Tribune, h 280 Second.<br />

Marx Jacob, lab., h 193 Labrosse.<br />

Martin Thomas N., clerk, bds 2.52 Wood- Marx John, confectioner, h 473 St. Antoine.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Marx John, helper, h 233 Orleans.<br />

Martin Walter, machinist, bds n w cor St. Marx Blargaretha, (wid Theodore,) ge;srde-<br />

Antoine and Fort e.<br />

ner, h 561 Dequindre.<br />

Martin William, cigar maker, bds 190 Marx Meyer, clerk, bds 159 31ullett.<br />

Woodwftrd ave.<br />

Marx Moses, (Mark & Sro.,) h 102 Gratiot.<br />

Martin William, tinner, bds 50 Brady.<br />

Martin William J. K., clerk, h 142 Six-<br />

Marx &loses, peddlar, h 35 Beacon.<br />

teenth.<br />

Marx William, helper, h St. Aubin ave,<br />

Martin Bros. (John and James) boots bet Chene and Dequindre.<br />

and slloes, 175 Michigan aye.<br />

Marx & Bro., (Moses & Isaac,) leather and<br />

Martin Jas. J. & Jos. R., sign painters .3 hides, 102 Gratiot.<br />

Larned w.<br />

Marxhausen August, prop. Abend Post, h<br />

Martina Joseph, cooper, h 168 Watson. 20i Adams e.<br />

Martina Julius, tailor, h 150 Catharine. Masacgek Joseph, cabinet maker, h 92<br />

Martina Rudolph, blacksmith, h 280 Sher- Bronson .<br />

man.<br />

Maschg Joseph blacksmith, h Ohio, n s bet<br />

Martmer Edwarcl, paii turner, bds 506 Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Mashart, Mary, (wid Jacob,) washerwoman,<br />

Martmer Theodore, lab., h 508 Fort e. h 393 Riopelle.<br />

Nartmer William, carpenter, h 508 Fort e. Maskey Adolph, flue setter, h 401 Larned<br />

Martinius Frederick, clerk, bds 175 Fort e. east.<br />

Marum Edward, clerk, h 308 Second. Maskill William, clerk, h 69 Charlotte ave.<br />

81arur.u James H.. music teacher, h 343 Mason Charles E., lumber, 550 Woodbridge<br />

Third.<br />

w., h 131 Latayette ave.<br />

Marvin Charles H., clerk, bdg239 Wood- Mason Edward sr, editor, h 124 George.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Mason Edward J., agent, John J. Bagley<br />

Marvin Charles L., printer, h 21 Montcalm. & Co.<br />

west.<br />

Mason Edward J., carpenter, h 300 Fort e.<br />

Marvin Daniel, trav., h 30 Elizabeth w. Mason George, carpenter, bds Perkins'<br />

Marvin Everett S., clerk, s s McLean, bet I Hotel.<br />

Crawford and Fourth.<br />

1 bIason George, painter, bda Central Hotel.


-<br />

I Massnick T. William, clerk, bds 59 Eigh-<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Mason George A. A., clerk, bds perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Mason George F., carpenter, shop 50 Char-<br />

lotte.<br />

Mason George W., cutter, h 210 Third.<br />

Mason Henry, engineer, h 237 Seventh.<br />

Mason James, (col'd) lab., s s Division bet<br />

Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Mason James H., clerk, h 375 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Mason John, h 223 Cass.<br />

Mason John, rivetter, h 355 Eighteenth.<br />

Mason John, jr, lab., bds 353 Eighteenth.<br />

Mason John sr, butcher, h 353 Eighteenth.<br />

Mason John W., builder, b 283 Park.<br />

Mason John W., clerk, h Michigan ave nr<br />

toll gate.<br />

Mason John W., physician, 137 Griswold,<br />

h 223 Cass.<br />

Mason Joseph T., clerk, bds 124 George.<br />

Mason Lewis, lab., h w s Twenty-fourth<br />

nr Railroad.<br />

Mason Lorenzo M., (T. S. Donahue cP, Co.),<br />

lumber merchant foot First, h 125 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Hason Robert, butcher, shop 8'7 Wayne, h<br />

same.<br />

Mason Robert S., bank teller, h 36 Canfield<br />

ave.<br />

Mason Thomas, clerk, h 283 Park.<br />

Mason Thomas carpenter h Fifteenth nr<br />

cor Narantette.<br />

Mason William J., clerk, h 279 First.<br />

Mason William T., butcher, h 351 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Xasonic Lodge, 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mass Ernest, printer, bds Sherman bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Mass Frederick, lab., h 405 Sherman.<br />

Mass John lab., h 668 Gratiot.<br />

Mass John, lab., h 528 Mullett.<br />

Mass Louise, seamstress, bds 405 Sh erman<br />

Mass William, lab., h 191 Maple.<br />

Masseau Xavier, carpenter, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Mawelis Joseph, tanner, h 480 Lafayette.<br />

Maser Moses, peddlar, bdu 10 Beacon.<br />

Massnick Anna (wid Gottlieb), h 187 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Massnick Ernest, gilder, bds 187 Macomb.<br />

Massnick Oswald, cooper, bds 187 Hacomb.<br />

I teenth.<br />

Masson Geor e, chief engineer, D. & M.<br />

R. R , h 65 8 olumbia e.<br />

Blasters Harriett M. (wid Israel), h 153<br />

Chene.<br />

Masterson Emma, operator, bds 94 Colum-<br />

bia.<br />

Masterson Hannora (wid John), washer-<br />

woman, h 577 Hastings.<br />

Masterson Mac C., steward, Michigan Ho-<br />

tel.<br />

Matzen Mathias, lab., h 240 Seventh.<br />

Mathsurer Paul (Mathaurer & Haischer),<br />

h Hotel Mauch.<br />

Mathaurer & Haischer, (Paul Mathaurer &<br />

Andrew Haischer,) proprietors Hotel<br />

Mauch, 43 and 45 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Matheas Ludwig, shoemaker, h 200 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Mather Rev. Asher E., supt. missions, h<br />

661 Cass ave.<br />

Mather Elizabeth (wid Atla E.), h 250<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Mather Frank B., traveling agent, <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Safe Co., Lalayette cor Brush.<br />

Blather George B., clerk, bds 55 Fremont.<br />

Mather Joseph, blacksmith, 692 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Mather Spencer J., h 81 Selden.<br />

Mathers John, printer, h 99 Plum.<br />

31athes Jacob, stone cutter, h 303 High.<br />

Nathes Joseph, blacksmith, h 692 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

31athews Chase P., telegraph operator, h<br />

142 Adams ave e.<br />

Mathews Francis (col'd), sailor, h 280 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Mathews Jacob, stone cutter, h 105 High.<br />

Mathews Rev. John, pastor, Park Baptist<br />

Church, n e cor Park and Duffield., h 53<br />

George.<br />

Mathews Martin J., agent, <strong>Detroit</strong> Paper<br />

Co., res Birmingham.<br />

Mathews Samuel D., carpenter, h 31 Far-<br />

mer.<br />

Mathews Thomas, saloon, 2 19 Woodw ard<br />

me, h same.<br />

Blstthewson Cornelia (wid James T.),<br />

boarding house, new 223 Congress e.<br />

Mathewson James W. (Brown & Mathew-<br />

son)', h 18 Craw ford.<br />

Mathison John, joiner, h 165 Bronson.<br />

Mathison William, harness maker, bds 211<br />

Cass.<br />

Mat1 Frank, cooper, h 108 Napoleon.<br />

Matland Daniel, tinsmith, bds 83 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Matousek Peter, engineer, h cor St. An-<br />

toine and Ohio.<br />

Matsen Margaretha, (wid Joseph) h 181<br />

Fort e.<br />

Matson William T., harness shop, 65<br />

Grand River ave, bds Eisenlord's Hotel.

- -<br />


Matthim Bartholomew, shoe maker, bds<br />

137 Larned e.<br />

Matthews Chase P., telegraph operator, h<br />

142 Adams ave e.<br />

Matthews James L., (J. L. Matthews &<br />

Co.,) h 127 Cass.<br />

Matthews Samuel. painter, bds Central<br />

Hotel.<br />

Mntthews J. L. & Co., (James L.<br />

Matthews and William Fosen), cigar<br />

manufacturers and dealers in leaf tobacco,<br />

216 Jefferson ave.<br />

Matthewson Nelson, omnibus agt, rooms,<br />

7 Sixth.<br />

Matthewson Robert A., engineer, h n e<br />

cor Ninth ave and W alnut.<br />

Mattice James S., clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Matt,ick William, lab., h 419 Maple.<br />

Mattison Eliphalet D., intelligence office,<br />

1953 Woodward ave: h 43 Beach.<br />

N.. ttison Elmore, painter, h 43 Bench.<br />

Mattoon Edmund S., organist, bds 8 Asp:nall<br />

Terrace, Maconlb ave.<br />

Mattoon John, tinner, 11 9 Columbia w.<br />

Mntzeg Edward, carpenter, bds 334 Hastitigs.<br />

Matzka Ernest, gilder, h 119 Maple.<br />

BIauer Peter, lab., h n s Belair, bet Deguindre<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Maul John, cabinet maker, bds 292 BIontcalm<br />

e.<br />

Maul John, drayman, h 292 Montcalm e.<br />

Maul Paul. lab., h Ohio n s bet Hastings<br />

and prospect.<br />

Maurer Henry, lab., h 289 Wilkins.<br />

Maurermann Mathew, veterinary surgeon,<br />

office e s Russell bet Antietam and Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Maures John, painter, bds s e cor Catha-<br />

rine and St. Antoine.<br />

Maurice George jr., clerk, h 72 Farrar.<br />

Maurice Nazaire, carpenter, h 36 Duhois.<br />

Maury John, saloon keeper, 239 ISIIichipan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Maur Henry, tailor, h 101 Maple.<br />

Maus John, painter, bds 814 Co1uml)ia e.<br />

Maus Joseph, peddlar, bds 214 Colunlbia<br />

east.<br />

Malls Julius, grocer and baker, s e cor<br />

Rivard and Sherman, h same.<br />

Mausllach Peter, lab., h 350 Hastings.<br />

Max Levy, peddlar, h 70 Catharine.<br />

Maxfield James E., artist, room 16 studio<br />

Building, cor Griswold and State, bds<br />

Finney 's Hotel.<br />

Maxfield James E., shoemaker, h 408 Third.<br />

Maxfield Samuel, teamster, h 321 High.<br />

Maxon Charles S., machinist, h 64 Russell.<br />

&laxon Emma, h 64 Russell.<br />

Max well Andrew, car maker, bds 236 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

DlsxweU. Edward, clerk,' h 181 Seventh.<br />

-<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



-Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Maxwell George W., (col'd) barber, h 301<br />

Clinton.<br />

Maxwell George H., clerk, h 239 Larned e.<br />

Maxwell James, looltout ferry Favorite,<br />

bds 4 Woodward ave.<br />

Maxwell James, steward Biddle House, h<br />

89 National ave. .<br />

Maxwell John, carpenter, h 235 Seventeenth.<br />

Max well William, clerk. bds 181 Seventh.<br />

May Alfred F., clerk, h 80 Columbia e.<br />

May Conrad, saloon, h 599 Gratiot.<br />

May Henry, grocer, 421 Clinton ave, h same<br />

May Isaac, carpenter, h 106 Mullett.<br />

May James R., confectioner, 139 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

May John, confectioner, 263 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

May John, express messenger, h 88 Labrosse.<br />

May .Joseph, teamster, h 555 Larned e.<br />

May Natilda, dress maker, bds 151 Fifteenth.<br />

May Nelson H., carpenter, h 7'7 Labrosse.<br />

May Oliver D., carpenter, h 31 German.<br />

May Stephen James, saloon, 76 Atwater, h<br />

same.<br />

May Theodore lab., h 500 Riopelle.<br />

May Theodore, saloon, 44 Monroe ave, h<br />

%me.<br />

May Thomas, clerk, h 160 Oak.<br />

Nay Victoria, meat market, h '700 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

May William, printer, bds 160 Oak.<br />

Mayburn David, iab, h 402 Mullett.<br />

&fayburn Frederick, lab, bds 402 Rfullett.<br />

Naybury Henry, h 356 Lafayette ave.<br />

Maybury Henry, contractor, h 148 Porter.<br />

Msybury Thomas, h 355 Lafayette ave.<br />

Maybury William C, lawyer, 30 Seitz<br />

block, h 355 Laf:~yette ave.<br />

Maychine Louis, machinist, with A Harvey<br />

& Son.<br />

Mayden -, tinsmith, bds 83 Congress e.<br />

Mayer Alvarado, engineer fire department,<br />

h 122 Miami ave.<br />

Mayer Charles, wagon maker, bds 365<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Mayer Charles A, clerk, h 140 Fort e.<br />

Mayer Christian, fancy store, 410 Croghan,<br />

h same.<br />

Mayer Elisha, car;enter, h 280 Franklin.<br />

Mayer Fred A., cigar-maker, h 66 Catherine.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

Mayer Henry W., lab, 11 275 Lafayette.<br />

Mayer Herman, druggist, s w cor St Aubin<br />

ave and Clinton.<br />

Mayers John, gardener, h 451 Lafavette.<br />

Mayer Louis, upholsterer, h 267 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

3layer Martin, clerk, h 451 Lafayctte.<br />

Xiayer Nicholas, lab, h 346 Division.<br />

Mayer William, pattern maker, h 214 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Mapes Edward, (Hoffner & Mayes) h 83<br />

Columbia w<br />

Mayhew Bnsiness College. Ira<br />

Mayhew, president, n e cor Randolph<br />

and Congress (see adv.)<br />

nlayhew David P., bds Fort w, opp Nine<br />

teenth.<br />

Mayhew Henry H., teacher Mayhew busi-<br />

college, bds 249 Larned e.<br />

Mayhew Ira, president Mayhew busi-<br />

ness college, h 249 Larned e, (see a&)<br />

Mayhew John, carpenter, bds 271 High e.<br />

Mayhew Nazareth, lab, h 114 St Aubiu ave,<br />

Bfslyuard Addison B.. U S district attorney,<br />

postoffice building, bds Michigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Maynard Charles W, clerk, bds 5 Aspin-<br />

all Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Maynard Edwin F, student, bds 226 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Maynard Henry, cabinet maker, bds 226<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Mayo William P, clerk, bds 51 Larned w.<br />

Mays Henry, (col'd) carpenter, h 51 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

BIayser William, tanner, bds 145 Crog-<br />

han.<br />

3Ia.yville Anthony, saloon, 19 St. Aubin<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Mayville Louis, h 272 Guoin.<br />

Blayville Mitchell, caulker, h 480 Wood-<br />

bridge e,<br />

Mayville Peter, caulker, h o 4 1 Guoin.<br />

Mayville Theodore, sailor, h 157 Chene.<br />

Mazurette Solomon, prof. of music, bds 236<br />

Congress e.<br />

Mazzoni Pascal, illusionist, h 157 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Meacban Henry, clerk, bda 88 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Meachan James H., organ maker, bds 40<br />

Congress w.<br />

Mead, Allen. fireman, h 74 Miami ave.<br />

&lead Amos J., agent, bds 100 Brush.<br />

Mead Delazin E., sewing machine, bds 27<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Mead Edward H., printer, bds n e cor.<br />

Michigan ave. and-First. .<br />

Mead Elvin H., - traveling agent, h 100<br />

Brush.<br />

Mead George, machinist, h 436 Sixteenth.<br />

Mead Miss Mary M., music teacher, bds 11 1<br />

George.<br />

Mead Philip, conductor, h 314 Franklin.<br />

Mead William IV., engineer, h 41 1SIontcalm<br />

w.<br />

Meadows John, Monroe House, 37 Thir?..<br />

Me;t,aher Daniel, blacksmith, h Porter bet<br />

Eleventh and Twelfth.<br />

Meagher Daniel, clerk, bds 31 Sullivan<br />

ave.<br />

Meagher Daniel, grocer, 500 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Meagher James, carpenter& 440 Thirteenth.<br />

Meagher James, grocer, n w cor Twelfth<br />

and Baker, h same.<br />

Meagher John, lab., bds 311 Porter.<br />

Meagher Blichael, helpel, h 154 National<br />

ave.<br />

Meagher Michael, lab., bds 31 Sullivan ave.<br />

Meapher Patrick, cabinet maker, bds 31<br />

Sullivan ave.<br />

Meagher Patrick, ca~penter, h 435 Twelfth.<br />

Meagher William, blacksmith, h 710 Croghan.<br />

*<br />

Meaken H.? roo111 18 Merre'll block.<br />

Meaken John W., clerk, h 83 Congress w.<br />

Meakle George, mechanic, h 379 Ninth ave.<br />

Means Alexander, warehouseman, 279<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Means William, second-hand dealer, 182<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Mears John, night watchman, h Seventh -<br />

near Grand River ape.<br />

Mears Stephen, blacksmith, bds 25 Crawford.<br />

Xearars Alexander, sail maker, bds 3'79<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Meath Jamcs, plumber, (Holmes & Webster.)<br />

hfeathe John, plumber, (Holmes & Wcbster.)<br />

Meatherew John, wire worker, bds 68<br />

Congress w.<br />

Mechanical Department <strong>Detroit</strong> & Milwaukee<br />

R. R., Atwater bet Beaublen<br />

and Antoine.<br />

Mechanics' Library, rooms 143 Griswold. .<br />

Nechtley Jacob, h 34 Prospect.<br />

Meckeicheik Joseph. porter, h n s <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

bet St. Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

Meckelburg Henry, lab., h 432 3Iullettbledbury<br />

Lewis, bds 444 Woodward.


Medbury Samuel, h 444 Woodward ave.<br />

Meddaugh ElijahW., (Meddaugh $ Driggs,<br />

36 Madison ave.<br />

Meddaugh & Driggs,. (Elijah W. Meddaugh<br />

& Frederick E. Drlggs) lawyers, 7,8, and<br />

9 Bank Block.<br />

Meddel John, lab., 275 Juliett.<br />

Meddleton James, printer, h 252 Third.<br />

Meek George, carpenter, h 555 Croghan.<br />

Meek William, lab., h 715 Croghan,<br />

Meeker Simon B., foreman, h 246 Lafa-<br />

yette e.<br />

Meeker E. Oliver,blockmaker,bds 246 Lafa-<br />

yette e.<br />

Meeth James plumber, h 92 Locust.<br />

BIeetleite Henry, stone cutter, bds 191<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Aleginnity Robert, (Hanna & Co.) 20<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Meherline Vincent, cabinet maker, h 100<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Mehkal George, lab., w side Ninth ave bet<br />

Locust and Spruce.<br />

Mehling Frederick, lab., h 119, Clinton.<br />

Mehling George F., foreman, h 381 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Mehling John V., jr., clerk, bds 550<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Mehling John V.. grocer wholesale, 25 and<br />

27 Michigan Grand ave., h 550 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Mehlish Charles, lab., h n s <strong>Detroit</strong> bet<br />

St. Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

31eibolm Henry, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Meiborn Frederick, lab., h 402 Mullett.<br />

Meicler John, lab.. h 513 St. Aubin ave.<br />

31eier Agnes, (wid Cnristian) boarding<br />

Farrar nr Bates.<br />

Meier Alois, lab., h 43 Mullett.<br />

Meier Carl, lab., h 442 Mullett.<br />

Meier Charles, clerk, bds 68 Beaubien.<br />

Meier Edward, clerk, bds 68 Beaubien.<br />

Meier Henry F.: clerk, h 139 Montcalm e.<br />

Meier Jacob F., hatter, h 343 Fort e.<br />

Meier Pauline (wid Henry), teacher of<br />

French and German, h 68 Beaubien.<br />

Meigle Frank, lab., h Eighteenth nr Xichi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Meilbyer Hugo, shoemaker, h 268 Watson.<br />

Meili Casper, machinist, h 11 Scott.<br />

Mciner Frank G., lithographer, h LaFayette<br />

bet Rivard and Russell.<br />

Jleiaer Gottlieb, shoemaker, h 773 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Bleimhold Julius, machine hand, bds s w<br />

cor Riopelle and Mullett.<br />

Meineke William, lab., h 151 Antietam.<br />

Meinhalt Julius, lab., bds 235 Blullett.<br />

Meinkodt Charles, cooper, h 167 Antietam.<br />

Meirer Michael, organ maker, h 243 Beau-<br />

bien .<br />

Meikly George, carpenter, h 37'7 Catharine.<br />

3Ieissner Henry, barber, bds 160 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

46<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Ofice,52 7P. Larned St., .<br />


Set: advertisement, page 9. I.<br />

Afeissner Julius, lab., h 640 Maple.<br />

&leissuer William, barber shop, 131 Wood-<br />

I<br />

ward ave, h 160 Adams ave e.<br />

Melssner Gottlieb, shoemaker, h w s Sixteenth<br />

nr Linden.<br />

Melan Albert, tailor, h 163 Napoleon.<br />

Melan John, lab., h 649 Clinton ave.<br />

Melbeck Charles, lab., h w s Humboldt bet<br />

Canfield and Butternut.<br />

Melcher Egnes, h Twenty-fourth ar railroad.<br />

Melcher Gustave, tobacco and cigars, 63<br />

Randolph, h same.<br />

Melcher John, shoemaker, h 160 Hastings.<br />

Melcher Jnliws, sculptor, modeler,<br />

and carver, 63 Randolph, h 250 Croghan.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Neldrior John, carpenter, bds 173 Clinton.<br />

Meldrum John T., clerk Recorder's Court,<br />

h 148 Larned e.<br />

Melanaphy Peter, lab., h 594 Labrosse.<br />

Melick James O., justice of the peace, s w<br />

cor Griswold and Congress, h 354<br />

Sixth.<br />

Melie Peter, boiler maker, bds 101 St. Ant<br />

oine.<br />

Meling Wodek, tailor, h 163 Napoleon.<br />

Xellen Ross, janitor, h s e cor Park PIace<br />

and Grand River ave.<br />

31ellin Frank, tailor, h 161 Clinton.<br />

illellin Stanislaus, tailor, h 469 Riopelle.<br />

Mellon Henry, waiter, 219 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mellus Christian, grocer; 782 Jefferson ave,<br />

h 54 Fort e.<br />

Mellus George, saw maker, bds 86Fort e.<br />

31ellus Henry (H. & P. BIellus), h 100 Sixteenth.<br />

Mellus John, hds 100 Sixteenth.<br />

Mellus John Henry, clerk, h 982 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Mellus Louis, clerk, bds 84 Fort e.<br />

Mellus Peter (H. & P. Mellus) h 82 Fort e.<br />

Hellus H. &Po, (Henry and Peter),<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Saw Works, 66, 68 and '10 For e.<br />

(See advt.)<br />

Meloche John M., clerk.'bds Sl Crawford.<br />

Melody Patrick J., grocer and butcher, s e<br />

cor Howard and Third, h same.<br />

Melousky Carl, cutter, h 556 St. Antoine.<br />

Melville Geor e B., lumber inspector, bds<br />

Franklin &House.<br />

Melville John, wagon maker, bds 12 Eastings.<br />

Melvllle William, watchman, h 14 Locust.<br />





BEE PAGE 3 a<br />

-- --<br />

Melvin Alexander, carpenter, h 315 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Melvin Augustus, carver, h 367 Lafayette<br />

east.<br />

Melvin James, agent, h s e cor Twenty-<br />

third and Howard.<br />

Melzer Elizabeth, (wid George) h 411 A1-<br />

fred.<br />

Melzer Murec, watchmaker, old '706 new<br />

762 Michigan ave.<br />

Blende Gottlieb, saloon 258 St. Antoine,<br />

h same.<br />

Mendelsohn Architect,bds Springwells, In-<br />

diana ave.<br />

Mendelson Isaac, clerk, bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Mendelson Reuben, porter, h 111 Fort e.<br />

Menden Peter, lab., h 318 Wilkins.<br />

Mandenshall J. F., clerk bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Meneck Francis, machinist, bds 32 Sulli-<br />

van ave.<br />

Mengal Moritz, tanner, h 291 St. Antoine.<br />

Menhenick Joseph B., cabinet maker, h<br />

252 Woodward ave.<br />

Menk Constantine, cabinet maker, h 305<br />

Marion.<br />

Menke John, merchant, tailor, 133 Larned<br />

W, h same.<br />

Menten Anton, lab., h 610 Riopelle.<br />

Mentzels Henry, lab., h w s Fourth, nr<br />

Holden Road.<br />

Menzel Adolph, engineer, h 292 Randolph.<br />

Menzels J. H., clerk, bds Mansion House.<br />

Nenzies Alexander, carpenter, h 460 NIL-<br />

comb.<br />

Menzies David, machinist, h 183 Third.<br />

31enzies Henry D., printer, bds 130 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Rfenzies James, clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Nenzies James H., clerk, bds Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Menzies Margaret, (wid Peter,) boarding,<br />

46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Mercier, Joseph, lab., h rear 275 Guoin.<br />

BIercer Joseph, shoemaker, h 137 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Nenchants and Manufacturers Bank, Bank<br />

Block, Griswold.<br />

Bferchants' and Peoples' Despatch, Tele-<br />

graph Block, Congress w.<br />

Mercier Michael, sailor, h 28'7 Guoin.<br />

Mercy Joseph, lab., h 245 Mullett.<br />

Nerdain Conrad, machinist, h 667 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Merdain George, carpenter, h 2 Morse.<br />

Merdain Henry, (Brinker & Co.,) h 416<br />

Croghan.<br />

Merick Eldridge G., (Merick, E'owler &<br />

Esselstyn,) h 150 Fort w.<br />

Merick Hiram, (Blerick & Tucker,) h 105<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Merick Moses B., h o 27, n 39 Macomb ave.<br />

Merick Melzior F., ship builder, bds 150<br />

Port w.<br />

Merick, Fowler 6t Esselstyn, (Elbridge G.<br />

Merick, John N. Fowler & Henry Es-<br />

selstyn,) lumber and vessel owners, foot<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Meriot James, l.ab., h 190 Twentieth.<br />

Merker Herman, furrier, bds Mauch Hotel.<br />

MerBt Trutpert, mason, h 320 High e.<br />

Mero Alexander, lab., h, s w cor Mullett<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Mero Jacob, shipcarpenter, h 329 ~heiman.<br />

Nerrell Harry B., (Merrell & Ferguson,) 1<br />

But tler Block.<br />

Merrell Henry, drain commissioner, h, s e<br />

cor R. R., and Dequindre.<br />

Merrell John, trav. a@., h 106 Elizabeth e.<br />

&1errell& Ferguson, (Harry B. Merrell and<br />

Thomas Ferguson,) gen. agts., Mutual<br />

Life Ins. Co., of N. Y., 1 Buttler Block.<br />

Merrick James H., trav., h Miller nr Sixth.<br />

Merick Orrin, sailor, h 356 Fra~klin.<br />

Merril A., brakesman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Xerrill Andrew C., clerk, h 46 Beach.<br />

hiIerril1 Charles, lumberman, room 4 M er-<br />

rill Block, h 994 Woodward ave.<br />

Merrill Helen C., (wid Silas L.), h 198 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Merrill Joseph, engineer, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

3Ierrill Levi, carpenter, h 295 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-half<br />

31errill M. C., engineer bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Merrill Robert., millwright, h 538 Croghan.<br />

Merrill Rollin W., machinist, h 42 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Bferrili Squire W.. conductor D & M R R,<br />

h cor T hirteenth-and-a-hslf and Myrtle.<br />

Merrill Thomas E., <strong>Detroit</strong> fish house, 137<br />

Larned w, h 198 Lafayette ave.<br />

Merriman' Alfred M., teacher, 153 Plum.<br />

Merriman Charles, brakesman M C R H.<br />

Merritt Adolphus, painter, h 65 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Merritt Adolphus, - paiiter, - h St. Antoine<br />

nr cor ~ i ~ h .<br />

Merritt Anne, (wid Adna,) h 364 Fifth.<br />

Merritt - George. sailor. h 467 Fort e.<br />

Merritt ~osegh: lab., cor Grand River ave<br />

and ~ixte&th. '<br />

Merritt Peter, lab., h 61 Division.<br />

Merritt Purdy, h 54 Michigan ave (up<br />

stairs).<br />

Merritt William Henry, packer, h 49<br />



Merritt William Mrs., emporium of fashe<br />

ions, 47 and 49 Monroe are.<br />

Merron Bernard, moulder, h 548 Franklin.<br />

Merrow Frederick, painter, h 557 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Merten Frederick, baker, bds 5 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Mertens sr, grocer, 345 Cat'arine,<br />

h same.<br />

Mertins Charles, lab., h 222 Jay.<br />

Mertz Philip, blacksmith, h e s Dequindre<br />

bet Hale and Scott.<br />

Merwin Howard, cigar maker, bds 36<br />

Henry.<br />

Meserve Lincon R., clerk, bds 25 Howard.<br />

Messeaw Peter, barber, bds 67 Congress e.<br />

Messaoer Charles, teamster, h 124 Seventh.<br />

Messe Hortense, (Misaes Messe,) h 5 Opera<br />

House Block.<br />

Messe Mary (Misses Messe), bds 5 Opera<br />

House Block.<br />

Messe Misses Horten se and Mary, embroi-<br />

aery and stamping, 5 Opera House<br />

Block.<br />

Messing Fratz, baker, h 128 Chestnut.<br />

Messing Louis, cigar maker, bds 128 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Messinger Charles O,, fruit trees, bds 211<br />

Cass.<br />

Messinger Miram K., collector, Tribune, h<br />

124 Cass.<br />

Messmore Albert, brakesman, h Spruce bet<br />

Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Messmore Charles, clerk, bds 40 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Messmore Phinias, butcher, h 48 Jones.<br />

Messmore William, bnilder, h 304 Third.<br />

Meston James, foreman car works, h 307<br />

Larned e.<br />

Metcliff William, clerk, bds 40 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Metherell John, wire worker, bds 68 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Met te Adam, porter, Michigan Exchange-<br />

Blette Anton, watchman, h 268 Clinton.<br />

Mette August, clerk, bds 282 Croghan.<br />

Mette Clemense, blacksmith slnd wagon<br />

shop, 550 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Mette Ferdinand, lab., h 536 Orleans.<br />

Mette John, peddlar, h 282 Crochan.<br />

MetteJohn,u~holsterer,h168Lafa~ette.<br />

Mette Joseph, carpenter, bds 419 Alfred.<br />

Mette Peter, painter, h 372 Gratiot.<br />

Metting Hiram, carriage maker, h 103<br />

Gewge.<br />

Metner Joseph, lab., bds cor Macomb and<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Metzger Christian, saloon, h 457 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Metzger William, shoemaker, h 356 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Metzker Christina, (wid Frederick), h 169<br />

Macomb.<br />

.<br />

DIRECTORY. MEY 363<br />

-<br />



FnXton Market Oyster Honse,<br />


oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholeeale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Metzner John (J. Metzner & C0.h h 7%<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Metzner J. $ CO. (John Metzner, John<br />

Diedrich and George Miller), soap manu-<br />

facturers, 794 and 796 Michigan ave.<br />

Meurer John, carpenter, h 140 Croghan.<br />

Meurer John J., bds 140 Croghan*<br />

Meyer lab., 43<br />

Meyer Aloysius, lab., b 43 Mullett.<br />

Me~er August, teamster, bds 312 Seven-<br />

~eeenth.<br />

Me~er Bernhardt, cigar maker, h 203 n, 183<br />

Meyer Charles F., clerk, bds 78 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Meyer Enstiener, (wid Frederick) h 312<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Me~er Frederick, carpenter, bds312 Seventeenth.<br />

MeYer Gottlieb, printer, bds 287 L~fayette*<br />

Meyer Henry, butcher bds 45 Twentysecond*<br />

llIeyer Johannah (wid Frederick), h 45<br />

Twenty-second-<br />

Meyer John, barber, h 290 Macomb.<br />

Me~er John, clerk bds lo5 Jefferson ave-<br />

Me~er John, huckster, stall 27 <strong>City</strong> Hal1<br />

market.<br />

Meyer John, moulder, h 278 Maple.<br />

Meyer John, shoemaker, bds s s Gratiot,<br />

~~~~i~~~ and ~ i ~ ~ ~ d .<br />

Meyer John. silversmith, h 43 Mullett.<br />

Meyer John B., produce dealer, h 33;<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Meyer Joseph, stone cutter, bds 285 Atwater.<br />

Meyer Julius, tailor, 308 Woodward ave.,<br />

h same.<br />

Meyer Lewis, mattrass maker, 261 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Meyer Martin J., cigar maker, h 532 Sixth.<br />

Meyer, Otto, carpenter bds 312 Seventeenth.<br />

Me er Mrs. Pauline J., hair curls, 308<br />

T$oodward ave.<br />

Meyers.Peter, ship carpenter, bds n s Macomb,<br />

bet McDougall and Joseph Campau<br />

aves.<br />

Meyer Peter, tailor, h 28 Prospect.<br />

Meper William, clerk,bds 312 Seventeenth.<br />

Meyers Catharine (wid Hamilton), drestmaker,<br />

h 35 Croghan.<br />

Meyers Charles, wood yard 134 Gratiot, h<br />

244 Beaubien.



Michigan Cigar Box Co., s w cor John R<br />

and Alfred.<br />

Michigan Exchange, s w cor Jefferson ave<br />

and Shelby.<br />

Michigan Journal, Pope & Cornehl, proprietors,<br />

31 Woodbridge w.<br />

Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company,<br />

office First National Bank Building, cor<br />

Jefferson ape and Griswold.<br />

@ #$itX<br />

5 $ 3 ivaf $itg Michigan Ornamental Stone<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office, Works, E. W. Ladd, manager, h 278<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Atwater e. (& 'adv.)<br />

Michigan Stove Works, s e cor Jefferson<br />

Meyers Frederick, carpenter, bds 442 Mul- ave and Adair.<br />

lett.<br />

Nicky George, agent, bds 96 Congress e.<br />

Meyers Gussie, clerk, bds 244 Bcaubien. Micolic Joseph, lab., h 32 <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Meyers James, gardener, h e Cass ave, Middel John. lab, h 315 Wilkios.<br />

near Warren ave.<br />

Middleton Alex. P., printer, h 171 Oak.<br />

Meyers Louis, painter, h 79 Croghan. Middleton Charles W., student, bds 104<br />

Meyers Marcell, packer, bds 249 Lafayettz Congress w.<br />

east.<br />

Middleton George, (Aldous & .Middleton,)<br />

Meyers Matt J., clerk, bds Russell House. h SO Baker.<br />

Me~ers Jvilliam, Porter First National Middleton Geo. ,painter, bds 413 Ninth ave.<br />

Bank, s w tor Jefferson and Grls- Middleton John, printer, bds 71 Brady.<br />

wold.<br />

Afiddleton William, harness maker, bds 71<br />

Meyers William, carver, h 307 St. Antoine. Brady.<br />

Meyers William J.9 clerk, bd3 Shelby tor Middlewood'George, (Dewey, Middlewood<br />

Larned.<br />

& Co.,) h 0357 n 363 Catharine.<br />

Michael Abby, Miss, teacher 13oughton, h Middlewood Joseph, carpenter, h 333 Mul-<br />

32S, Cass ave.<br />

lett.<br />

Michael Jacob, lab., h 296 Lafayette e. Midgley Richard, huckster, stall 21, C. H.<br />

Michael John C., clerk, bds 328 Cass ave. M., h 406 Fifth.<br />

Michael John, lab., h 296 Lafayette. Micbohm Henry, clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Michael Louis, lab., bdu 285 Atwater. Hotel.<br />

~lichael~anPa~, gardener, h w s Hastings Mierlein Jacob, varnisher, h 100 Calhoun.<br />

bet Leland and Fremont.<br />

Miero Louis, lab., h 248 Sherman.<br />

Michaels hna,dress making, bds 59 Sher- Mierov Frederick, tanner, h cor St. Aubin<br />

man.<br />

aqe and Juliette.<br />

Michaels anton, teamster, bds 522 Gratiot. Mietke August, lab.? h n s German bet Dubllchaels<br />

Catharine, (wid Michael,) h 59 bois and Chene.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Miglionico Vincenzo, musician, 239 Jef-<br />

Xichaels Louis, cigar maker, h 237 Brush. ferson ave.<br />

Michaels Matthew, clerk, with C. M. Gar- Mignault John, sheet iron worker, bds<br />

rison & Co.,'h 341 Rivarci.<br />

252 Elizabeth e.<br />

DIichaeis Peter, carpenter, h n m cor St. BIignault John B. K., physician, h 255<br />

Antoine and Brewster.<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Mignault Louis, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

MichaloEsky Michael, peddlar, h 95 Mul- Mignau]t Theodore, tinsmith, bds 252<br />

i- lett.<br />

Blizabeth e.<br />

BIichels Jacob, (BIichels 3. & Co-,) h 86 Mihrlein Vincent, cabinet maker, h 100<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Michele J. 6s CO., (Jacob Michaels and I. Milan ~ ~ hsawyer, n , h 151 Fourteenth.<br />

B*Coleman,)macbhesho~,necorFort BlilanTimothy, lsb.,h158 Porter.<br />

e and Beaubien.<br />

Milburn Eliza, G. Miss, bds Alexandrine<br />

Nichelsen Henry, cabinet maker, 132 Gra- ! ave tor Second.<br />

tiot, h 130 Gratiot.<br />

Nilburn Henry I., clerk, h cor Alexan-<br />

Nichenfelder Anton, brewer, n e cor Riv- drine ave and Second.<br />

ard and Sherman, h same.<br />

Mildon Walter, lab., bda 425 Twelfth.<br />

Blichenfelder Bernard, brewer, h 69 Sher- Milean Patrick, tanner, h n s Grove bet<br />

man.<br />

Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

achigan Car Company, office 208 Lar- Miles Edwin C., clerk, bds 179 Woobridge<br />

ned w.<br />

west.<br />

Michigan Central Railroad Miles Harriet S., (wid Nathan) h 18 Sib-<br />

Bepot, foot Third. (See adp.) I ley-


Miles Henry, carpenter, h 475 Seventeenth.<br />

Miles Henry, coachman, bds 94 Congress / Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

west.<br />

Milet John, lab., h n to cor Sixth and<br />

Charles.<br />

Miles John, pressman, h 114 Lafayette.<br />

MILES THOMAS, jeweler, room 8 Fisher<br />

Block, 133 Woodward ave, h 63 Grand<br />

River ave. (See adat.)<br />

3Zilet Thomas, policeman, h 684 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Milette Napoleon J., carpenter, h 185<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Milke John, lab., h 673 Gratiot.<br />

Millar Henry, policeman, h 222 Napoleon.<br />

Blillar John, boiler maker, bds cop Second<br />

and Jefferson ave.<br />

Millar Orville, gilder, h 77 Division.<br />

Millar Peter, baker and confectioner, 1li.O<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Millar Robert, ( W. & R. Millar) h s e cor<br />

Walnut and Twelfth.<br />

Millar Robert S., (Millar & Darwood) h<br />

52 west Larned St.,<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Miller Charles, tinner, 296 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Miller Charles, truckman, h 583 Macomb.<br />

Miller Charles F., switchman, h 1030 Michigan<br />

aie.<br />

Bliller Conrad, lab, h 596 Macomb.<br />

Miller Connor, saloon n w cor Jefferson<br />

ave and Second.<br />

Bliller Edgar L., clerk -4 A G, h 289 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Miller Elizabeth, doctress, h 20 Sibley.<br />

Miller Brnest, hammersmith, bds 353<br />

Twelfth.<br />

S camore s s, nr Ash.<br />

1Slil!er Ferdinand, bookbinder, h 204 Har-<br />

~ilLr T. H., clerk, bds 287 Jefierson ave. rison ave.<br />

BIillar Thomas H., machinist, bds Syca- Miller Frank, brewer, bds 953 Jefferson ave.<br />

mores s nr Ash.<br />

Miller Frank, lab, bds cor Cass and Wood-<br />

Millar William (W. & R. Mlllar),h s e Wal- bridge.<br />

nut and Twelfth.<br />

Miller Frank, ship carpenter, h 702 Franklin.<br />

Millar & Darmood, (Robert J. Millar 62 Miller Frank, teamster, bds 112 Wood-<br />

David Darwood) builders, house and bridge w.<br />

shop Sycamore s s nr Asb.<br />

Miller Franklin S., carpenter, Lnf:lyet te<br />

MillarW. & R.,(mrilliam and Robert) whole- place between. Twenty-first and Twentysale<br />

grocers, 178 Woodward ave. second.<br />

Millenbach Anton, lab, 89 Antietam. Miller Frederick, boiler maker, h 300<br />

Millenbach Matthias, leather dealer, 146 Clinton.<br />

Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Miller Frederick, clerk, bds 40 Mayberry<br />

Millenthal Henry, peddlar, h 84 Catherine. ave.<br />

Miller Abrallam, bookbinder, 194 Lafay- Miller Frederick, tanner, n w cor Russell<br />

ette.<br />

' and Clinton.<br />

Miller Albert (A. Schuneman & Co.) bds Miller Frederick, teamster, h 1031 Nichi-<br />

194 Lafayette e.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Milier Albert, music teacher, h 233 Char- Miller Frederick, upholsterer, h 331 Th irlotte.<br />

teenth-and-a-iaalf<br />

Miller Alice B., bds 68 Sproat.<br />

Miller Frederick C., clerk, h 204 Adams<br />

311ller Andrew, blacksmith, bds 340 Four- ave e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Miller George, h 144 Orleans.<br />

Miller Miss Annie, shirt maker, bds 361 Miller George, lab., h 153 Williams ave.<br />

.Brush.<br />

Miller George C., mechanic, h 229 Thir-<br />

Miller Antoine, carpenter, h 712 Michigan teenth-and-a-half,<br />

ave.<br />

Miller George H., gardener, h Williams ave<br />

Miller August, lab, h n s Morse nr Russell. nr Magnolia.<br />

Miller Austin, lab, cor e s E L Campau Miller George W., foreman, h 953 Jefferson<br />

and Heidle burg.<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Miller Charles, barber shop, 231 Michigan Miller George IT., student, bds 96 Alexanave,<br />

h same.<br />

drine ave.<br />

Miller Charles, barber shop, 67 Grand Miller Henry, h 1034 Michiaan ave.<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Miller Henry, grocer, 370 %lichigan ape.,<br />

Miller Charles, painter, bds n e cor Fht h same.<br />

and Michigan ave.<br />

Miller Henry, hostler, bds 71 Atwater.<br />

Miller Chas., planer, h 430 Woodbridge w. Miller Henry, lab, bds 31 Rowland.<br />

Miller Charles, plumber, h Charlea bet Miller Henry, policeman <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 222<br />

Sixth and Beventh.<br />

napoleon.<br />



Miller Michael, lab., h 230 Sherman.<br />

Miller Michael. lab., . h, - n e cor Pine and<br />

Huron.<br />

Miller Michael, moulder, h 708 Croghan.<br />

Miller Blichael, painter, bds 297 Marion.<br />

SENT FREE, Miller Michael, shoemaker, h 406 Brewster,<br />

Miller Morris, shoemaker, h 196 St. An-<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW, toine.<br />


I<br />

Miller Nicholas, stove moulder, bds 702<br />

Corner Congress and Randolph sts. Croghan*<br />

Nillcr Peter, butcher, 382 Sf. Aubin we, h<br />

3Iiller Henry, sr., brewer, propr Miller's same.<br />

Garden, cor Elmwood and Jefferson Miller Peter P., cigar maker, h 151 Gratiot.<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Miller Robert, lab., h, s w cor Orleans and<br />

Miiler Hol ace G., carpenter, h 88 Seven- Catharine. -<br />

teenth.<br />

Miller Robert, saloon, 47 Atwater e., h<br /> Humphrey T., ticket agent, cor same.<br />

Jefferson and Woodmard aves, bds Bld- Miller Samuel, real estate, bds 3 Columbia<br />

dle Honse.<br />

east.<br />

Miller Henry U., maluter, bds 953 Jefferson Miller Samuel H,$uilder, Lafayette Place,<br />

ave.<br />

bet Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

Miller Jacob, clerk, h n s Scott bet De- Miller Sebastian, varnisher, bds 77 Alfred.<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Miiler Sherman R., traveling agent, bds 31<br />

Miller Jacob, engineer, h 186 Fourteenth. Vintler.<br />

Miller Jacob, finisher, h 15 Silver. Miller Sidney D., lawyer, Butler Block, h<br />

524 Jefferson ave.<br />

Miller Jacob, porter, Scott bet Dequindre<br />

and St. Aubin.<br />

Niller Simon, finisher, h 214 Adams ave e.<br />

Miller James, sailor, h 2 Hawley Block,<br />

Miller Ptephen, sailor, h 475 Mullett.<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

3Iiller William, drayman, bds Fanchon<br />

Miller Jacob, saloon, 153 Gratiot, h same.<br />

House.<br />

Miller John, boiler maker, bds n w cor<br />

3Iiller William, lab., h 235 Sixth.<br />

Jefferson ave and Second.<br />

Miller William A. C., clerk, bds 169 Jeffer-<br />

Miller Johqcarpenter, h 320 Ninth ave.<br />

son ave.<br />

Miller John, carpenter, h 24 North.<br />

Miller William J., agent, bds '75 Beaubien.<br />

Hiller - , clerk, bds 269 Jefferson ave.<br />

Miller John, cigar maker, bds 67 Congress 31illigan Frank. general freight agent Deeast.<br />

troit, Hillsdale 62 lndiana & <strong>Detroit</strong>, Eel<br />

Miller John, currier, h 120 Muliett.<br />

River & Illinois R. R. h 141 Park.<br />

Miller John, helper, h 528 Sixth.<br />

Milligan Rev. George, Scotch Presbyter-<br />

Miller John, locksmith, bds 91 Congress e. ian church, h 38 Macomb.<br />

Miller John J., peddlar, h 245 Gratiot. Millin ton Ceciro, clerk, h 75 Adelaide.<br />

3liller John, skip smith, 303 Atwater, h Millis 5 saac T., artist, bds Tremont House.<br />

494 Congress e.<br />

Millis Robert, lab., h 209 Twenty-first.<br />

Miller John, teamster, h 209 Seventeenth. Millis Wilson, nurse Harper Hospital, h<br />

Miller John H., clerk, h 854 Congress e. 138 Grand River ave.<br />

Miller John M., sewing machine operator, Millote Thomas, lab,, h 684 Michigan ave.<br />

h 40 Mayberry ave.<br />

Mills Andrew H., captain on lake, h 759<br />

Miller Joseph, miller, h 353 Twelfth. Jefferson ave.<br />

Miller Joseph, watchman, h w Fourth, Mills Annie, saloon, h 105 Atwater.<br />

bet Abbott and Porter.<br />

Mills - , carpenter, bds 23 Seventh.<br />

Miller Joseph, peddlar, h 457 Macomb. Mills Carton H., (Mills, Barker & Co.), h<br />

31iller Lewis, lab., bds 953 Jefferson ave. 452 Seventh.<br />

Miller Lewis M., Ins. agt., 100 Griswold, h Mills Daniel, (col'd) barber, opp 31 C R R<br />

221 Larned e.<br />

depot, h 153 Clinton.<br />

Miller Louis, book binder, bds 194 Lafay- Mills Frederick A., agent, h 180 Orleans.<br />

ette.<br />

Mills John, sailor, h 393 Franklin.<br />

Miller Louis, planer, h 443 Sherman. Mills John, shoemaker, bds 92 Larned e.<br />

Miller Margaret J. E., (wid Robert,) h, s s lklills Maria D., (wid William,) bds 257<br />

Sycamore, n Thirteenth.<br />

Second.<br />

Miller Mary, (wid Jacob,) h, n s Scott, bet 31ills Hon. Merrill I., (Nevin & 1SIills,) h 44<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin.<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Bliller Mary, (col'd, wid John,) h 29 Mills Parker, hack driver, bds 135 Rivard.<br />

Marion.<br />

Mills Robert, lab, 116 Calhoun.<br />

Miller Michael, lab., h 124 Chestnut. Mills William A., captain Urania.


Mills, Barker r& Co., (James Dewey, C. H.<br />

Mills cFr; W. E. Barker,) mnfrs lounges,<br />

mattresses and spring beds, 212 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

I\lilllspaugh Daniel, conductor M C R R,<br />

. h 519 Fort w.<br />

Rlilne James, ship carpenter,bds 880 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Milne John, carpenter, h 792 Congress e.<br />

Blilona Marcus T., clerk, bds Howard<br />

House.<br />

Miltke Hermann, tailor, h 449 Dequindre.<br />

Milton Samuel, cigar maker, h 490 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Milton Sylvester (col'd), barber, 229 .Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Milward Harry, clerk, bds 184 Woodwarcl<br />

me.<br />

Milward Henry G., merchant tailor, 184<br />

Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Minard Charles, blacksmith, bds 91 Adalns<br />

ave w.<br />

Minard Charles W. jr, mason, h 75 Lever-<br />

ette.<br />

Mi~ard Elizabeth A., clerk, bcls 164<br />

George.<br />

Mincer Henry, printer, h s w cor Hastings<br />

and Benton.<br />

Mincer Israel, cigar maker, bds 186 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Minchener hthur, clerk, bds Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Minchener George H. (R. G. Dun I& Go.),<br />

h 105 Adelaide.<br />

Minde Charles, lab., h 283 Xaple.<br />

Minde Louis, lab., bds 283 Maple.<br />

Mine Frederick, gardener, h e s Scotten<br />

ave bet Baker and Railroad.<br />

Miner Alfred B. (Tyler, Graham & Co.), h<br />

501 Woodward ave.<br />

Miner Edward, merchant tailor, 10 Con-<br />

gress e, h 158 Adams ave e.<br />

3Ilner Henry, mason, h 223 Mullett.<br />

hher Henry J., traveling agent,, h 43<br />

Canfieid.<br />

>!liner John, captain on lakes, h 361 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Miner John, lawyer, 3 Bank Block, h 155<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Miner John, mason, h 322 Mullett.<br />

Miner Joseph L., Belle Isle Ice Co., 587<br />

Conqress e.<br />

MinerPeter, sailor, h 74 Wight.<br />

Miner Victoria (wid 01 iver), h 139 Wiqht.<br />

Miners' Home, cor First and Front, Xrs.<br />

.Mary Knight. prop.<br />

Ning Ferdinand, Istb., h s s German bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

&Zing John, lab., b s s German bet Dequin-<br />

dre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

&fingold Martin, engineer, h 34 Jay.<br />

Minich John, lab., h 190 Sherman.<br />

Minig Charles, Ic~b., M. C. R. R.<br />





g39- Oysters in Shell a ~pecialty. Whole~ale and<br />

Retail.<br />

D1ink Constantine, cabinet maker, h 308<br />

Marion.<br />

Minke Fred., stone cutter, h 183 Russell.<br />

Minke Henry, engineer, bds 183 Russell.<br />

Minkler Charles, carpenter, h 101 Mullett.<br />

Minnch Blichael, watchman, h Twelfth w<br />

s nr Myrtle.<br />

Minne Herman, grocer, 506 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Minns Edward, lab., h 317 Catbarine.<br />

blinock Edward, (Jfinock & Baker) bds<br />

Howard House.<br />

>hock J. K., saloon, 29 Larneti w, h<br />

same.<br />

Minock R: Baker, (Edward BIinock and<br />

Fred A. Baker,) lawyers, 2 Telegraph<br />

Block.<br />

Minor Narceline, seamstress, bds s e cor<br />

Chene and Clinton ave.<br />

Minor Moses, carpenter, bds s e cor Chene<br />

and Clinton ave.<br />

&finer Oliver, carpenter, bds s e cor Chene<br />

and Clinton ave.<br />

Miuse 'Henry, lab., lab., h 597 Hastings.<br />

31in~ter Frederick, blacksmith, h e s<br />

Fourth bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Minster Henry, blacksmith, w s Fourth bet<br />

Orchard and Plum. I<br />

Mintah Jacob, tailor, h 469 Riopelle.<br />

hlinten Adam, carpenter, h 64 Church.<br />

Minwagen Jacob, blacksmith, h 330 Xul-<br />

lett.<br />

Minwagen Madison, blacksmith, h 435<br />

1 Beaubien.<br />

Minwagen Mathew, blacksmith, h 435<br />

1 Beaubien.<br />

Ninmagen Peter, carriage painter, h 430<br />

Beaubien.<br />

I Mirault Meroneg, (co17d) barber, 255 Gra-<br />

1 tiot, h same.<br />

Nisen Frank, carpenter, h 322 Wilkins.<br />

Mitchell Aaron, painter, h w s Mt. Hope<br />

I bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

1 Nitchell Andrew W,, machinery, n w cor<br />

1 TVoodbridge and Wayne, h 86 Elixabeth<br />

w.<br />

Mitchell Anthony, (Ganley & Nitchell) h<br />

23 -4bbott.<br />

Mitchell Barrett B., clerk, bds Russell<br />

House.<br />

Mitchell Benjamin, Id)., bds 89 Bmdy.<br />

Mitchell Catharine. (wid William) huckster,<br />

stall 53 C. H.'M., hn e cor Franklin<br />

and St. Antoine.


Mitchell William W ., bookkeeper, bds 20<br />

Macomb.<br />

Mitchell -, clerk, bds I58 Randol p h.<br />

Mitchell -, 144 Franklin.<br />

Mitchells John, switchman, bds, 509 Woodbridge,<br />

w.<br />

Mitmesser Joseph, lab., h 48 Catherine.<br />

Mitte Aoson (Mitte & Carbray), h 99<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Mitte George, brakesman, M. C. R. R.<br />

M~tte Phillip, teamster, h 261 Eighteenth.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

Mitte & Carbray (Anson Mitte & Edward<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Carbray), saloon, 99 Grand River ave.<br />

Mitchell Charles F., fresco painter, 251 Mittelhoff Conrad, huckster, stall 51 <strong>City</strong><br />

Congress e, h same.<br />

Hall market, h 22 Maple.<br />

Blitchell D. N, express messenger, h 257 Mittelstaedt Ludwig, lab, h n s Antietam<br />

Fourth.<br />

bet Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Mitchell Easau, cutter, bds Goodman Mitentila1 Aaron, peddlar, h 187 Lafayette.<br />

House<br />

Mittenthal Samuel, peddlar, bds 1817 Latay-<br />

Mitchell Frede~ick D., (col'd) bricklayel, ette.<br />

bds 126 Macomb.<br />

Nitzelfeld Charles, machinist, h 262 A1-<br />

Blitcflell George W., lake captain, h 328 fwd.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Mix Florence W., carpe~ter, h s s Mullett<br />

Mitcbil Horace, (Ashley, Lewis & Co.,) bet Joseph Campttu ~tnd ~~cDougal1 ave.<br />

bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Mix Lawrence, carpenter, (no number) s s<br />

Mitchell Jacob, shoemaker, h 258 Mullett. Mullett.<br />

BIi~chell James, printer, bds Finney's 51izner Johanna, (wid Fredrich H) 284<br />

Hotel.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mitchell James F. (co17c\). grocer, 52 Crog- Mizner Thomas W., attorney at law, rooms<br />

han and 165 Beauhien, h same.<br />

88 Wayne.<br />

Mitchell James J., clerk, 56 Harriet. Mizner William, lawyer, bds 82 Wayne.<br />

Nitchell John, blacksmith, h 588 Sixth. Moth John W., cutter, h 63 Chestnut.<br />

Mitchell John, clerk, bds 147 Twelfth. 3loczinski Joseph, carpenter, h 581 De-<br />

Mitchell John, wagon maker, h 120 St. quindre.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Moe Henry, cooper, bds 311 Montcalm e.<br />

Mitchell Learnard, clerk, bds 185 Cath- Jloebs George, saloon, 55 Prospect, h same.<br />

erine.<br />

Noebs George, (Burk, Moebs & Co) h s e<br />

Mitchell Maria (wid Thomas), h 271 cor Hastings and Kentucky.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Moeller Andreas, orqan builder, 245 Rus-<br />

Mitchell 1\11ilton, porter, bds 70 Clinton. sell, h same.<br />

Mitchell Newell,expressman, h 257 Fourth. Moeller August, cabinet maker, bds 245<br />

bfitchell Nicol (Morhous, Mitchell & Russell.<br />

Byram), h 224 Lafayette ave.<br />

lCIo1ler Charles, confectioner, 46 Croghan.<br />

Mitchell Ormsby &I., 16 Bank block, h 74 Moeller Charlotte T., (wid Bernard) h 128<br />

Congress w.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

IIIitchell Peter, bookbinder, bds 185 Cath- Moeller Henry, tailor, h 435 Mullett.<br />

erioe.<br />

Moeller John S., carpenter, 78 Jay.<br />

Mitchell Peter, miller, h 182 Fourteenth. Moeller, Lambert, cigar maker, h 187 Fort<br />

b,Ii tchell Peter, miller, h 149 Thirteen-and- E.<br />

half.<br />

Moerau Mathias J.: scroll sawyer, h 383<br />

3iIitchell Thomas, blacksmith, bds 76 Russell.<br />

Larned w.<br />

Moerschel John, lab, h 1 German.<br />

Mitchell Washington (col'd), carpenter, s Momit Hugh Eon., mayor, lumber<br />

s Lafayette e, near Hasting.<br />

dealer, toot of Cfiene, h 150' Jefferson<br />

3lit chell William, cigar maker, bds 166 ave.<br />

Larned m.<br />

Moffat William, clerk, bds 750 Jefferson<br />

Mitchell William, lab., bds Railroad Ex- ave.<br />

change.<br />

Mogford John, teamster, h 79 Jones.<br />

Mitchell William,machinist, h 147 Twelfth. Mogh, John W., tailor, h 63 Chestnut.<br />

Mitchell William, Engineer, h 1.3 Marion. Mogridge Thomas? ctirpenter, h 407 Six-<br />

Mitchell William C. cigar packer, bds teenth.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Mohan Frank J., clerk, bds 55 Labrosse.<br />

Mitchell William, jr., machinist, bds 147 Mohan James, teamster, h 53 Labrosse.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mohan James F., clerk, h 53 Labrosse.


Mohan John E., clerk, bds 53 Labrosse.<br />

Mohan Lawrence, tinsmith, bds 270 Sixth,<br />

Mohan Peter, carpenter, cor Hastings and<br />

Bronson.<br />

Mohn John, machinist, e s Brush bet Cro-<br />

ghan and Lafayette, h 26 Croghan.<br />

Mohr Jacob, tailor, h 296 Brewster.<br />

Mohr Peter, carpenter, h 803 Antietam.<br />

Mohormaun John, Adams' hotel, 80<br />

Front.<br />

Morguen Charles, confectioner, Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Moir Mary (wid William), h 44 Abbott.<br />

31oir Mellvile, teacher, h 568 Macomb.<br />

Moir Robert, confectioner, bds 2 1 0 Fifth.<br />

Moir William, shoemaker, h 210 Fifth.<br />

Mok Andreas, trunk maker, 225 Maple.<br />

Moldenhauer August jr, mason, bds 414 An-<br />

tietam,<br />

Moldenhauer Friederich jr, basket maker,<br />

bds 414 Antietam.<br />

Xoldenhauer John, lab.. h 414 Antietam.<br />

MO1er Illia A* (wid Sylvanus), h 2%<br />

First.<br />

Moles Peter, lab., h 427 Xacomb.<br />

>loll Rev. Conrad L.9 pastor, man<br />

Evangelical Lutheran Church, h 253<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Moll Peter, mason, h 183 Napoleon.<br />

Moll Theodore, teamster, h 141 Chestnut<br />

DIRECTORY. MON 369<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Monaghan John, lab., 40 Brewster.<br />

Monaghan John, moulder, h 58 Howarli.<br />

Monaghan John H., moulder, h 175 Bentou.<br />

Monaghan John, physician, bds cor Congress<br />

and Randolph.<br />

Monaghan Joseph J., stone cutter, bds 213<br />

Baker.<br />

Monaghan Martin, carpenter, h 213 Baker.<br />

Monaghan Nichael, blacksmith, bds 207<br />

porter.<br />

Monaehan Nicholas, druggist, 95 and 97<br />

Grand River ave, bds Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Monaghan Patrick, clerk, bds 50 Oak.<br />

Yonaghan Patrick, lab., h, s w cor Fourth<br />

and Union.<br />

Monaghan Patrick, policeman, bdS Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

>Tonahan Patrick H.. (Teuton, IllcWilliams<br />

& Co. ,) h 250 Third.<br />

Monagllan Patrick K., grocer, 256 Baker,<br />

Mollison James, teamster, h BY1 Atwater e. h same.<br />

~ollosk~ ~ohn, blacksmith, h Clinton ave<br />

Petor J., clerk, bds 50 Oak.<br />

bet Railroad and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Molloy, Edward, bds 55 Abbott.<br />

bIonaghan Thomas,(3fonaghan & O'Brien,)<br />

hlolloy Michael, carpenter, h 55 Abbott. bds 213 Baker.<br />

Moloney J. F., grocer, 346 Sixth, h same. 350naghan Timothy, bds<br />

Molone~ "artin (T. ' ".Maloney), h 293 Goodman House.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Monahan William, saloon keeper, h<br />

Moloney Patrick, lab., h 101 Porter. Congress and Randolph.<br />

Moloney Thomas (T. & M. BIoIoney), h Monamus Robert, (col'd,) lab., bds 191 Di-<br />

292 Michiqan ave.<br />

vision.<br />

Moloney William, grocery, 82 Jones, h Monamus Samuel, (col'd,) whitewasher, h<br />

same.<br />

191 Division.<br />

Moloney William, moulder, h 374 Lafay- Monchamp Henry F., clerk, bds 7'59 Conet<br />

te.<br />

gress e.<br />

Moloney T. and M. (Thomas and Martin Monchamp Jerome, bolt maker, h 789<br />

Moloney), grocers, 292 Michigan ave. Congress e.<br />

Yolitor Edward. civil engineer, lake sur- Monck Henry, Sutcher. bds 195 Rivard.<br />

vey office, h 168 Bagg.<br />

bfondny Rachael, (wid Henry,) sewing, h<br />

Monaghan Annie (wid Patrick), h 50 Oak. 126 Clinton.<br />

Monaghan Burnett, teamster, h 149 Chene. Monderall Peter, public truck, h 475 Cro-<br />

Monaghan Charles, brtker, h 91 Porter. ghan.<br />

Monaghan Christopher, lab., h s s Grove Monderman Mathias, blacksmith, h 303<br />

bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Monaghan George, clerk, bds 50 Oak. Mondis Joseph, lab., bds 255 Atwater.<br />

Monnghan Henry J., painter, h 90 Lamed Moneaux George, confectioner, bds Raileast.<br />

road Xxchange.<br />

Monaghan Hugh, miller, h 222 St. AU&. Monette Louis, blacksmith, 125 Chene, h<br />

BTouaghm James, clerk, bds cor Congress s e cor Chene and Clinton.<br />

and Randol?h.<br />

Mong J. W., clerk, <strong>Detroit</strong> Fish House, h<br />

Monaghan John expressman, h 90 La- Winasor Canada.<br />

brosse.<br />

Mongarman Mathew, blacksmith, h 303<br />

Monaghan Jobn, grocer and ship chand- Croghan.<br />

ler, 165 Woodbridge w, h 54 Oak. Mongold Martin, lab.., h 34 Jay.<br />

L<br />



aAyHaw<br />

Monteguy August, teacher, h 59 Beaubien.<br />

Monteguy Mrs. dressmaker, 59 Beaubien.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE, Montrose Henry W., telegraph editor<br />

Tribune, bds 73 Elizabeth w.<br />

Montrov Eli, foreman, h w s Eighteenth<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, nr Riverside.<br />

Mouwepen Peter, h 25 Beacon.<br />

BEE PAGE 3. a<br />

Moodie Robert G., blacksmith, 518 Nichi-<br />

-- - gan ave., h same.<br />

Monaghan & O'Brien, (Thomas Monaghan Moody C. C., contractor, bds 46 Lafayette<br />

and Thomas O'Brien,) builders, 79 ave.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Moody Edward B., librarian Young Men's<br />

Monnet George, tanner, h 586 Woodbridge Christian Association, room 12 and 13<br />

west.<br />

Merrill block, h 23 Charlotte.<br />

Mopnich Frederich, painter, h 316 Chest- Moody George T., clerk, bds 23 Charlotte.<br />

nut.<br />

Moody Robert, barber shop, 346 Michigan<br />

Blonnier Ferdinand, lab., h 35 Twentieth. ave., h 23 Charlotte.<br />

Monnier James, tailor, h Gratiot cor Jo- Moody Samuel B., clerk, bds 23 Charlotte.<br />

seph Campau ave.<br />

Mooler August, cabinet maker, bds 245<br />

Mon~ig John, grocer, 99 blacomb, h same. Russell.<br />

Monpah Aziar, lab., h 712 Franklin. IIooney Hugh, lab., h 316 National ave.<br />

Monroe Alexander, grocer, 195 Chene, h Mooney -, h 310 Cass ave.<br />

same.<br />

31ooney Anthony, wood finisher, bds 403<br />

Nonroe Donald, cabinet maker, bds 50 Twelfth.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Moore Alexander D. (col'd), barber Russell<br />

Monroe George, carpenter, h 157 Wil- House. h 257 Macomb.<br />

liams ave.<br />

Moore -4lice E., h 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

Monroe John, carpenter, h 298 Catharine. Noore Miss A ., dressmaker, 296 Woodward<br />

Monroe Louise, millinery, 538 Fort e, h ave., h same.<br />

same.<br />

Moore Benjamin B., Superintendent of Es-<br />

Nonroe Marquios F., lab,. h 157 Wil- tension and Repairs Water Works, h cor.<br />

liams ave.<br />

Park and Elizabeth, s w.<br />

hlontague Barney, engineer, bds 176 How- Moore Charles H. (Noore & Co.), h 25<br />

ard.<br />

Brainard.<br />

Rlontaigue Emile D., painter, h 59 Crsm- Moore Charles W., clerk, h 52 Russell.<br />

ford.<br />

Moore Christopher F., captain, old 62 new<br />

Xontambau John, sailor, h 454 Wood- 54 Abbott.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Moore Edward C., Dentist, 148 Woodward<br />

Montambau Julia (wid John) h 482 Wood- ave., bds same.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Moore Ellen (wid Samuel) h 163 Seventh.<br />

Montgomery Caroline M., (wid Campbell) >loore Esther, (wid Thomas) h 96 Baker.<br />

h 70 Siblev.<br />

;Moore Everett W. (Moore & Co.), h 120<br />

~ont~omerf Clinton W., bds 182 Larned Elizabeth w.<br />

west.<br />

31oore Francis B., clerk, h 80 Walnut.<br />

3fontgomery Mary E., h 86 Congress w. Moore Frank, varnisher, 121 Fort e.<br />

blontgomery Robert L., forwarding and ?txoore Franklin (Moore, Foot cS; Co.), res<br />

commission, foot Wayne, bds 357 Caas Fort w, Springwells.<br />

avenue.<br />

&loore Frederick, butcher, stall 8 C. H. &I.,<br />

Montgomery Thomas, gardener, h Twen- h 66 Montcalm w.<br />

fourth nr Magnolia.<br />

Moore Frederick, lab., bds 305 Porter,<br />

Montgomery rhomas G., U. S. mail agent, Moore Frederick C., broom maker, 11 93<br />

h71 Sibley.<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Montgomery William, carpenter, bds 945 Moore George, bds-s w cor. Fort and<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Montgomery William C., clerk, h Willis Moore George, peddler, h 248 Seventh.<br />

ave bet Cass and Second.<br />

Moore George E.,machinist,bds 48 Seventh.<br />

Montique Augustus, driver engine No. 6, Moore George F. (Edson, Moore & Co.), h<br />

h 333 Russell.<br />

78 Winder.<br />

Montique Lewis, agent, h 161 Sherman. Moore George H., (Livingston & Co) h 17<br />

Montique 'Mary, dressrnakcr, h 113 Mul- Abbott.<br />

le tt.<br />

Moore George W., clerk, bds 249 Park.<br />

Montique Xavier, cgbinet maker, h 113 Moore George W., (col'd) lab, h 362 Ma-<br />

Mullett.<br />



&loore George W., lawyer, room 15 tele- 1<br />

graph block, bds Eisenlord's hotel.<br />

Moore Gertie, clerk, bds 448 Twelith.<br />

3100re Henry, coachman, h 73 Rivard.<br />

Moore Henry, stone cutter, bds cor Riopelle<br />

and Juliette.<br />

Moore James (Allen Shelden & CO) h 93<br />

Winder,<br />

Moore James W., clerk, bds 93 Winder,<br />

Moore James, lab, bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Moore James, lab, bds Sherman House.<br />

Moore James, lab, bds 434 Woodbridge w.<br />

hloore James A., waiter, bds 6 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

JIooreJamesH.,painter,h282Clinton.<br />

Moore James H. jr, clerk, bds 282 Clinton.<br />

Moore Jerome, firemen, bds 48 Seventh.<br />

Moore John,shoemaker,hssPorterbet<br />

Fourth and Fith.<br />

Moore John, foreman, h 47 Fort e.<br />

Moore John, vessel owner, h 93 washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Moore John A., bus driver, bds 4 Third.<br />

Moore J. B., fireman M C R R.<br />

Moore John N., clerk, h 448 Twelfth.<br />

Moore John IV., harbor master, h 147<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Moore J. Wilkie, U S cuatoms, 11 &8 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Moore Joseph B., clerk, bds 425 La.ayette<br />

ape.<br />

Moore Joseph E., machinist, bds 48 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Moore Josiah W., clothing, h 249 Park.<br />

Moore Lewis, moulder, h 318 Franklin.<br />

Moore Louis, moulder, bds 328 Franklin.<br />

Moore Lucien bds s w cor Fort and Twen-<br />

ty-fourth.<br />

Moore Martin, fireman, bds 430 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Moore Marvin S., printer, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Moore Mary Ann, (wid Martin,) h 430<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Moore Mary, dressmaker, 89 Porter, h 155<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Moore Michael, carpenter, h 150 Napoleon.<br />

Moore Nelson .K., harness maker, h 266<br />

Fifth.<br />

Moore Nicholas, cooper, h 51 1 Alfred.<br />

Moore Peter, boiler maker, h 115 Plum.<br />

Moore Robert, clerk, h 276 Sixteenth.<br />

Moore Robert, clerk, 448 Twelfth.<br />

Moore Reubin, (col'd) lab., h 629 Beaubien.<br />

Moore Samuel, janitor county offices, reg<br />

Romulus.<br />

Moore Samuel, carpenter, h 28 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Moore Samuel, machinist, h 147 Crawford.<br />

Moore Sarah A., teacher, bds 249 Park.<br />

Moore Stephen, (F. & S. IbIoore,) h s w cor<br />

Fort and Twenty-fourth.<br />

Moore Thomas, clerk, h 86 Leverette.<br />

Moore Thomas, joiner, h 248 Fifteenth.<br />

,<br />

1<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />


28 MICHIGAN G W D AVE.<br />

Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Noore Thomas, lab., bds o 410, n 430<br />

moodbridge e*<br />

Moore Thomas, machinist, h 45 Seventh.<br />

MooreWilliam,engineer,bds261Secondo<br />

JMoore William, lab*, h '305 Porter*<br />

Moore William, (co17d) lab-, h Hastings bet<br />

AltredandBrew6ter-<br />

Moore William, (col'd) lab., bds 1294 Wil-<br />

kins.<br />

310ore William, livery, ILarned bet Ran-<br />

dolph and Brush, h 78 Larned e.<br />

Moore William A*, (310ore 65 Griffh) h<br />

875 Woodward ave.<br />

1\Ioore William F., Director Daily Union<br />

h 40 Cherry-<br />

Moore William S., gardener, h e s Russell<br />

nr Pontiac.<br />

Moore F. & S., (Franklin and Stephen,)<br />

lumber dealers, 775 moodbridge w-<br />

REoore, Foote & Co., (Franklin<br />

Moore, George Foote, George F. Baglev)<br />

wholesale grocers, foot Cass. (& adv.)<br />

Moore cSt Alger, (Franklm Moore and Rus-<br />

sell A. Alger, dealers in timber, sham and<br />

pine lands, office foot First, up stairs.<br />

Moore d; Co., (Charles H. and Everett<br />

W .>loore,) commision merchants, 7 and<br />

9 Woodward ave.<br />

3iIoore & Griffln, (William A. BIoore, and<br />

Levi T. Griffin,) lawyers, 149 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Moorehead John, lab., h 302 Lafayette e.<br />

Moorey James, mason, h 266 Clifford.<br />

Moorehart Jacob, lab., bds 1 Jefferson ave.<br />

Noorhead John, lab., h cor John R. and<br />

Erskine.<br />

Moorman Asa P., builder, h 43 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Moracy Alexander, lab., bds 520 Lafavette.<br />

Moracy Richard, teamster, h 388 woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Morahan Patrick J.,gduger, bds 218 Lame 1<br />

east.<br />

Morahan Peter, clerk, h 40 Abbott.<br />

Morahan Thomas, policeman, h 194 Seventh.<br />

Moran Andrew, lab., h 318 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Moran Charles, real estate, h 373 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Moran Eliza, clerk, bds 61 Wayne.<br />

Moran James, carpenter, h 946 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

.<br />

k<br />



-<br />

Seie Block, next to the Post Offi-ce.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

- --<br />

Moran John, saloon Hamtramck, h '720<br />

Fort e.<br />

Moran John, tailor, bds $9 National ave.<br />

Noran John J. traveling agent, bib Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Moran John V. (Beatty, Fitzsimons & Co.),<br />

bds 373 Jefferson ave.<br />

Moran Joseph, engraver, bds 102 Brush.<br />

AIoran Joseph, lab., h 436 Catbarine.<br />

Moran Joseph, sash maker, bds 190<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Moran Louis, contractor, bds Howard<br />

House.<br />

Moran Oliver, broom maker, h 60 Park.<br />

Moran Patrick, core maker, 11 toll gate,<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Moran Patrick, lab., h Third nr Gold.<br />

Moran Patrick H., lab., h 178 Napoleon.<br />

Moran Sarah (mid Patrick), h 178 Napoleon.<br />

&loran Thomas, printer, bds 206 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Moran William, junk dealer, 286 Atwater<br />

h 193 Franklin.<br />

Moran William, h 125 Oak.<br />

Moran William, lab., h 235 Michigan ave,<br />

up slairs.<br />

Noran William B., lawyer, 22 Seitz Building,<br />

h 610 Jefferson ave.<br />

3Iorant Thomas H., clerk, bds 28 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Mordhorst John, cigar manfr., 202 Woodbridge<br />

w, h same.<br />

Mordhorst John, physician, h 207 Fourth.<br />

Morean Mathias, finisher, h 383 Hussell.<br />

Morehouse William A. R., traveling agent,<br />

h 296 Third.<br />

Morehad Isabella,tailoress, h 302 Lafayette.<br />

Morel1 Ferdinand, vessel owner, h 495<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Morel William, lab., bds 337 Franklin.<br />

Mores John, carpenter, h 47 Fort e.<br />

Moreton Barbara, (wid James) h 171<br />

Seventh.<br />

Morcton Edward, clerk, bds 171 Seventh.<br />

Moreton Edwin H., collecting clerk, 171<br />

Seventh.<br />

Moreton James A. X., clerk, bds 171<br />

Seventh.<br />

Dlorgan Albert R., boot and snoe manufacturer,<br />

106 TVoodward ave, h 147 Park<br />

Morgan Barney, mason, bds 107 Porter.<br />

Morgan Benjamin B., a~tist, room 25 Stndio<br />

Building, cor Gnswold and State,<br />

bds 368 Fifth.<br />

Morgan Charles, brick maker, h Twentyfour<br />

nr Magnolia.<br />

Bforgan David E., sailmaker, h 537 Sixteenth.<br />

Morgan James, carriage trimmer, bds 185<br />

Beach.<br />

Morgan James G., carriage trimmer, bds<br />

183 Beach.<br />

Morgan Jobn, clerk, h 114 Lafayette.<br />

Morgan John, moulder, h n e cor Seventh<br />

and Locust.<br />

Morgan Moroni, engineer, h 606 Fort.<br />

Morgan Quinton, saloon, 310 Woodbridge<br />

m, h same.<br />

Morgan Samuel C., collector, 64 Henry.<br />

Morgan -William, chair maker, h 118 Labrosse.<br />

Morgan William, harness maker, h 185<br />

Beach.<br />

Morgan William (col'd) lab,, h s s Ohio,<br />

bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Morgan William, sawyer, h 118 Labrosse.<br />

BIorgan Nathan, teamster, h cor ITastings<br />

and Franklin.<br />

Morgan william!H., sailmaker, h 94 Wal-<br />

- .<br />

nut.<br />

3lorhous George, (3Iorhous, Mitchell &<br />

Byram) h 134 George.<br />

Morhous William A. ,clerk, bds 134 George.<br />

Morhons, ~itehell & Byram,<br />

(George Morhous, Nicol Mitchell,<br />

Charles Byram and Ernest Nappenau) ,<br />

sash, door and blind manufacturers, 132<br />

and 134 Woodbridge e. (See adv.)<br />

Moriarty Bridget, (wid Michael) h 280<br />

Sixth.<br />

Moriarty Michael, plasterer, bds 280 Sixth-<br />

Moross Antoine, land agent, h 339 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Moross Christopher, h 291 Beaubien.<br />

Moross Mathilda, tailoress, 210 Jiy.<br />

Moross Teresse (wid Vlctor) h 532 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Moross Victor J., mason, bds 291 Beaubien.<br />

Morowitz - - Thomas, peddlstr, h 215 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Morlev Arthur R., clerk G. W. R. R., res<br />

Windsor.<br />

Morley Frederick, manager Daily Post, h<br />

133 Congress e.<br />

Morley Henry, butcher, 286 Michigan ave.,<br />

h same. .<br />

Morley James J., printer, h 50 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Morley Richard, teamster, h 388 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Morley Thomas, butcher, 50 Sibley.<br />

Morley William L., clerk, bds 104 Congress<br />



Moromitz John, rag peddlar,. h 109 Brews-<br />

ter.<br />

Moroney Thomas, butcher, bds 34 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Moroney Patrick, brkesman, bds 13 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Moroney tvilliam H., cigar maker, bds 34<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Morphp, Robert, peitdlrtr, h Grand River<br />

ave e s, n Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Morphy Thomas A., express messenger, h<br />

269 Second.<br />

hIorrell & Co. (William Morrell, Martin<br />

Eastwell), horse sboers, 356 Gratiot.<br />

Morrer Andrew, teamster (J. Clancy &<br />

Co.)<br />

Morris Arthur, sen., plaster, h 216 High e.<br />

Norris Barney, shoemaker, h 355 Croghan.<br />

Morris Bernard G., clerk, bds 132 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Morris Cathrine (wid Miles), h Twenty-<br />

fourth, near M. C. I-t. R.<br />

Idorris Francis Joseph, Sexton, h 79<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Morris Frederick, paver, h 211 Fort e.<br />

BrIorris George, clerk, bds 190 Benry.<br />

Morris George, clerk, bds 67 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Morris George, hats and caps, h 132 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Morris George, watchman, h s e cor. Ab-<br />

bott and Ninth.<br />

Morris Henry, clerk, bds 104 Congress a.<br />

Morris hers P., civil engineer, h 538 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Morris James, Keystone Hotel, 198 Wood-<br />

bridge w, h same.<br />

Morris James (col'd), waiter, bds 128 La-<br />

fayette e.<br />

Norris John, carpenter, bds 197 Porter.<br />

Morris Joseph, bill-poster, bds 216 High.<br />

Morris Joseph, carpenter, h Twenty-fifth,<br />

near Woodbridge.<br />

Morris Joseph, carpenter, Nineteenth; bet<br />

Howard and St. Clair.<br />

Morris Joseph, clothing, 552 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Morris Joseph >I., physician, h 198;) Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Morris Kirk A., clerk, bds 4cJ Lewis.<br />

Morris Mary, (wid James H. ,) h 13 Guoin.<br />

Morris Moses, pcddlar, h 170 Macomb.<br />

Norris Peter K., (Morris & Kellogg) h 87<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Morris Rachel Mrs., hats and caps, stall 26<br />

upper city hall market, h 132 Larned e.<br />

Morris Richard D., engineer, bds 538 Fort<br />

W.<br />

Morris Richard W., printer, bds 197 Porter.<br />

Morris Robert, (col'd) boarding, 148 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Morris Robert, grocer, 197 Porter, h same.<br />

Morris, William, clerk, bds 195 Porter.<br />

Morris William El., grainer, h 472 Fifth.<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, Davgs & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9. .<br />

--<br />

Morris & Kellogg, (Peter K. Morris and<br />

Francis E. D. Kellogg) wholesale liquor<br />

dealers, 87 and 89 Grand River ave.<br />

Molissette Joseph, ship carpenter, h 56<br />

Wight.<br />

~orrson Alexander, commercial editor<br />

Daily Post h 106 Adams ave e.<br />

Morrison Alexander, machinist, h 361<br />

Twelfth,<br />

Morrison Angus W., carpenter, h 240 Orleans.<br />

Morrison Charles H., clerk, bds 20 High.<br />

Morrison &1rs Elizabeth P., news depot, 16<br />

Grand River ave, h same.<br />

3Iorrison George H., grocer, 621 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Morrison Hamilton, (foreman M C R R car<br />

dept) h 410 Lafayette ave..<br />

Morrison James, carpenter, h 427 Howard.<br />

Morrison James, engineer, h 171 Tw elith.<br />

Morrison James, painter, h 81 Fifth.<br />

Morrison John, pattern maker, h 537<br />

Guoin.<br />

Morrison John H.,watchmaker, h 20 &h.<br />

Morrison Joshua, (col'd) lab, h 288 Allred.<br />

Morrison Itobert, boiler maker, h 191 Porter.<br />

Morrison Thomas, moulder, bds 312 Chestnut.<br />

3lorrison William, (col'd) sailor, h 206 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Morrissey James, painter, h n w Fifth and<br />

Laiay e tte.<br />

3Iorrissey John, painter, bds 144 Larned e.<br />

31orrissey John, printer, bds 343 Fifth.<br />

hlorross Cleophas, bds 291 Beaubien.<br />

Rlorross Joseph, h 93 Adams ave e.<br />

Morrow Thomas, trav agent, h 221 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Morse A. J., lab, bds 90 Larned e.<br />

Blorschel Eva, (wid Astor,) h 59 Chestnut.<br />

Msrse Cass, dentist, 160 Jefferson ave.<br />

Norse Charles R., clerk, h 137 Park.<br />

Morse S. Edward, carpenter, h Fourth e s<br />

bet Cedar and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Morse Elijah C., (W. M.-Dwight 62 Co.)<br />

Morse Ella (wid JohnW.,) bds 41 Beach.<br />

Morse F: Hall, editor, bds Goodrran<br />

House.<br />

Morse George, clerk, bds n w cor Seventh<br />

and Chene.<br />

Morse Jennie C., teacher, bds 27 Lafayette<br />

Blorse John B., foreman, h 366 Brush.<br />

Morse Orlando D., photographer, h 155<br />

Adanm ave e.


~ ~ Mott John ~ T. jr, clerk, bds ~ 833 Woodward ~<br />



%u$%xE$$<br />

pRAcy% cE<br />


Addrest IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT-<br />

Mortlock Edwin, clerk, h 57 Parsons.<br />

&lortlock George, clerk, h 57 Parsons.<br />

310rt0n Andrew, lithographer, bds 522<br />

Macomb.<br />

Morton F*9 Union<br />

Ticket Office, Russell House, bds same.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Morton (wid D',) 354<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

BIorton Frank, carpenter, bds 364 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Morton Fraser, engineer, bds 27 Lafayette.<br />

Morton John D., steel engraver, h n s<br />

Warren nr W oodward ave.<br />

Morton Romulus, (col'd) white washer, h<br />

373 3Iacomb.<br />

Morton William, (col'd) carpenter, bds 20<br />

Clinton.<br />

JIorton IVilliam D., (W.D. Morton & Co.,)<br />

bds 233 Fort w.<br />

MottonWilliam P., agent, Det. Paper Co.,<br />

bds Seventh.<br />

Morton William D. & Co.,(Wm. D.<br />

Norton & N. W. Brooks,) bankers and<br />

brokers, n w tor Third and Woodbri'ke<br />

Bforenus Rose A., (wid William 9.) fancy<br />

goods, 307 Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Mosby Frank, (col'd) lab, h 442 St, Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Moser Edward, engineer, h 605 Gratiot.<br />

Maser George, maker,<br />

bet Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Moser Reueben C., butcher, bds 22 Jlont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Moser Theodore, druggist, 234 Randolph,<br />

h same.<br />

Mosher Alonzo, painter, bds Perkins Hotel<br />

Mosher C. A., clerk, bds 3 Columbia e.<br />

Mosher Thomas A., clerk, bds 21 1 Cass.<br />

Mosier F. C., lawyer, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Mosier Jared, lab., h 12 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Moskowitz Rev. Benjamin, rabbi of Sharry<br />

Zedeck, h 193 Larned e.<br />

Moss Anton, farmer, h e s Elmwood ave,<br />

bet Lafayette and Gratiot.<br />

Moss John, lab., h 584 Mullett.<br />

Moss Morris, cigar maker, bds 73 Harriet.<br />

Motriewsky August, lab., h 92 Marion.<br />

Noting James (col'd), huckstw, stall 4<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall Market, h 75 Larned e.<br />

Mott Henry, machinist, h 280 Seventeenth.<br />

Mott John T., larmer, h 833 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

ave.<br />

~ott~oseph,tanner,bds10~la~-<br />

Mott Victoria, dressmaker, h cor Lafayette<br />

and Twenty-first.<br />

Mottel Frank, cooper, h 108 Napoleon.<br />

Motz Frederick, tinshop, 155 Grand River<br />

aVe, h same.<br />

Mouat Henry, teamster, bds 58 Larned w.<br />

Mouat James, sailor, bds 58 Larned w.<br />

Mouat James L., block maker, h 146<br />

Beach.<br />

Mouat John D. (S. Ferguson & Co.), h 212<br />

Moulton henry J., clerk, bds 92 Washington,<br />

Moulton John (col'd), domestic, bds 55<br />

Washington ave.<br />

31ounce John, clerk, h 27 Beaubien,<br />

Bfountaiin Andrew, painter, h 389 Brocson.<br />

M0urar Nicolaus, lab., bds 221 Napoleon-<br />

3Zousseau Louise, (col'd,) dressmaker, h 165<br />

Clinton-<br />

Mousseau Xavier, carpenter, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Iklowers John, jeweler, bds 6 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

MowV Granville G., clerk, bd~ 115 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

3x0"~ J- Rodney, clerk, bd9 115 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Mowry Thomas, lab., h 117 Labrosse-<br />

>lowry & Co., (Simon Mandlebaum,) tobacconists,<br />

53 55 and 57 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mox John, lab., h 233 Orleans.<br />

Moylan Jamen F., foreman, 11 n e cor Superior<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

lab., Nineteenth,<br />

nr M. C. K. R.<br />

Moynahan R. lab., bds Nineteenth, nr<br />

M. C. R. David,<br />

Jlooynahan Jeremiah, h 123 porter.<br />

Moynahan Jeremiah, city express, h 253<br />

Moynahan Johanna, (wid Daniel,) h 109<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Moynahan Mrtthew J., deputy county clerk,<br />

h 2*% Third.<br />

Mozley Brandon, clerk, h 114 Cass.<br />

B1roch Ludwig, lab., h 210 Jay.<br />

lklroseveski Ferdinand, lab., s s Jay, bet<br />

Ckene and Dubois.<br />

Mroseveski Harris, cigar maker, bds 215<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Mroseveski William, lab., h 328 Chestnut.<br />

Mudlaf Albert, lab., bds 603 Gratiot.<br />

Mueciel Heinrich, lab., h 411 Naple.<br />

Muedel Heinrich, jr., lab., h 411 ,Maple.<br />

Muehleck John, bakery, h 114 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Muelenhagen Carl, lab., h 580 Croghsn.<br />

Nueller Abraham, bookbinder, h 194 Lafayet<br />



Mueller Adm, butcher, bds 316 Croghan. LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Mueller Andrew J., cabinet maker, h 186 1 SHOULD<br />

Croghan.<br />

3lueller Anione, lab., h s s Heidelberg, bet JUNE & CO.'S<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Mueller Anton, gardener, h w s Dequindre FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSE!<br />

nr St. Joseph.<br />


&Iueller Anton, stone cutter, h 87 Mullett. WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Mueller August A., lab., bds 408 St. An-<br />

Retail.<br />

toine.<br />

I<br />

Mueller Catharine (J. Youngblood & Co.) ' Muffat Eugene, clerk, h s s Grand River<br />

h 502 Gratiot.<br />

bet Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Mueller Charles, chocolate manufacturer, Muhlman Jacob, grocer, 134 Clinton, h<br />

185 Croghan, h same.<br />

same.<br />

Mueller Charles F., h IS5 Michigan ave, Miihlman John, cigar maker, bds 134 Clin-<br />

(up stairs.)<br />

ton.<br />

Mueller Christian F., saloon, 397 Hastings Muhlman William, painter, bds 134 Clinh<br />

same.<br />

ton.<br />

alueller Frederick C., clerk, h 204 Adams Mubllle Gustave, barber Michigan Exave<br />

e.<br />

change, bds 218 Orleans.<br />

Dlueller George, grocer, 234 Hastinps, h Muir Alexander H., agent M. D. T. Co., 13<br />

same.<br />

Congress w, bds 460 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mueller George jr., lab., h 151 Clinton. Muir hsa, carpenter, h 200 Park.<br />

1Slueller George sr., lab.. h 151 Clinton. Muir James H., secretary D. 65 &I. R. R.<br />

Mueller George &I., wagon maker, h 2.76 bds 46 L afayet te ave.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Muir John, waiter Biddle House.<br />

Mueller Henry, tailor, h 85 'b1ullett. Muir William, moulder, bds 501 Larned e.<br />

Mueller Herrmann, furrier, h 332 Gratiot. 31ulcahy Patrick, lab., h Congress s s bet<br />

Mueller Herrmann, tanner, h 177 Bronson. E~IIIWOO~ and Mt. Elliott aves.<br />

Mueller Jacob, grocer: 5 10 dt. Antoine, h &Iulcshy William, lab., h o 413 n 539 Fort<br />

same,<br />

west.<br />

Mueller Jacob, peddlar, h 242 Hastings. Mulcahy James, lab., n s Lafayette bet<br />

Mneller John, currier, h 120 Mullett. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Mueller John, druggist, 203 Jefferson Mulch John, huckster, stall 48 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Market, h n s Clinton nr Elmwood ave.<br />

Mueller John, lab., h 432 Mullett. >lulembrook William, lab., bds 349 Fifth.<br />

IVIueller John, marble cutter, h 63 Pros- Blulford Rebecca, (wid Nelson,) seamstress,<br />

pect.<br />

h 583 Croghan.<br />

Mueller John, mason, bds 393 Sherman. Mulhearn Nichael, carpenteqbds 86 Woodhlueller<br />

John U., engineer, h 84 George. bridge w.<br />

Mueller Joseph, chair maker, bds 408 St. Mulhcron Henry, marble polisher, bds 282<br />

Antoine.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

AvIlleller Josephine, (wid Joseph washer- Mulheron J. J., physician, 271 Jefferson<br />

woman, h 178 Clinton.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Mueller Michael, lab., h 229 Shcrman. Mulheron Thomas, moulder, h 396 Frank-<br />

Mueller Lewis W., jeweler, bds 81 and 83 lin.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Mulholland D., (Eldridge Co.,) res Mon-<br />

Mueller Louis, bookbinder, bds 194 Lafay- roe, Mich.<br />

ett e.<br />

Mulholland James, lab., h Twenty -third nr<br />

Mueller Louis, lab., h 443 Shermm.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Nueller Louis, shoemaker, 83 Lafhyet te, Mu1 tlolland John M., painter, (D. & M.,)<br />

11 81 same.<br />

bds Gratiot.<br />

Mueller Oscar, clerk, bds 59 Atwater. - Mulllolland n'lichael, grocery, 232 Fifth, h<br />

Mueller Otto, confectioner, 124 Gratiot, h same.<br />

same.<br />

Mulholland William, lab., bds 101 Larned<br />

Mueller Rheinhart, machinist, h 242 3lul- west.<br />

lett.<br />

~Iiillenbach Peter, (Holthoefer & Muellen-<br />

Mueller Sebastian. lab.,h 403 Mullett. bacll,) h 149 Blullet.<br />

Muenz Anthony, joiner, h 60 Jlaple. 3liiller Anton, drttymsn, bds 108 Clinton.<br />

bluer Anton, saloon, 320 Gratiot, h same. 3Iiiller Catharina, (wid Nicolaus,) h 108<br />

Muering John, lab., h 549 Catharine. Clinton.<br />

Muer Joseph, grocer, 60 Catharine, h same. Muller Carl F., traveling agent, bds Hotel<br />

Muer, cigar maker, bds 320 Gratiot. Henry.<br />

Muefleisen Elizabeth, bds h 501 Catharine. REiiller Charles, painter, h 136 Macomb.<br />




Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Miiller Charles R., lab., h 242 &lullett.<br />

Miiller Edward,shoe maker, h 235 Calhoun.<br />

Ill uller Frank,cigar maker, Thirteenth-ancla-half,<br />

near Michigan ave.<br />

Miiller Frederick, boiler maker, h 300 Clinton.<br />

Mulier Frederick, upholsterer, h n m side<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-ha If, bet Locust and<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Xiiller Joseph, huckster, stall 92 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h 86 Clinton.<br />

bluller Lewis, tailor, n w s Thirteenth-anda-half,<br />

bet Locust and Michigan ave.<br />

Miiller Matheaus J., milkman, h s s hussell,<br />

bet Leland and Ontario.<br />

Miiller Michael, shoemaker, h 406 Narion.<br />

BIiiller Morris, shoemaker, h 196 Antoine.<br />

Miiller William, meat market, 330 Orleans,<br />

h same.<br />

Mullet John, peddlzbr, h 655 Chnton ave,<br />

Mulligan Michael, sailor, h 44 Fifteenth.<br />

Mullin T. H., clerk, bds 287 Jefferson aye.<br />

Mullins .iknnie (wid Patrick),447 Sixteenth.<br />

Mullins Patrick, carpenter, Dds 417 Sixteenth.<br />

Blulvay James, switchman, h 405 Fort e.<br />

Mulvrry Nary A , dress maker, h 134 Croghan.<br />

Mulviel Timothy, stone sawyer, bds 265<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

M~llry John, clerk, h 268 Twelfth.<br />

Mulry Michael, bds 262 Twelfth.<br />

Mumford Benjamin P. (blumford, Foster<br />

& Co.), h 128 Shelby.<br />

Murnford F. A., policeman, h 121 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Mumford Frederick A. (col'd), fireman, h<br />

78 Clinton.<br />

Mumford George (cijl'd), teamster, h 269<br />

Watson.<br />

Muma Gustine, barber bas 218 Orleang.<br />

Mumford James (col'd), barber, cor. .Jefferson<br />

ave ar d Brush, h 210 Lafayette.<br />

Mumford Williatn (col'd), barber, 265 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 164 Marion.<br />

Mu~nford, Foster & Co (Benjamin P.<br />

Mumford, Edward D. Foster, Douglas<br />

Payne), leather findings and lasts, 20<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Yummery Charles, boiler maker, o 65 n 85<br />

Franklin.<br />

Nunch Frederick, painter, h Ohio n s, bet<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Munch William, watchman, h 121 Maple.<br />

Munck Edward, tailor, h 1813 Maple.<br />

Munck Masirnillian, blacksmith, h 129<br />

Maple.<br />

Munck William, clerk, bds 121 + Jlaple.<br />

Mundt Christian, lab, 184 Naple.<br />

Mundt Henry, wood. turner, bds 184 Maple,<br />

Mundt John, lab., h 436 Catharine.<br />

Munger Albert H., clerk, bds 285 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Munger Alonzo S., clerk, bds 76 Adelaide.<br />

3Iunger Frank S., clerk, bds 287 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Munger George A., clerk, bds '76 Adelaide.<br />

Munger E., clerk,fbds 20 Montcalm w.<br />

Munger Louisa E., teacher, h 20 Blontcalm<br />

w.<br />

Rlunger Thomas, Illeat market, n w cor<br />

Jefferson and Elmwood aves, h same.<br />

Munk Charles, butcher, h 194 Division.<br />

Munk Charles, butcher, bds 512 Gratiot.<br />

Munn Alexander, condizctor, h 52 Twentythird.<br />

Munn Malon, carriage maker, h 159 Croghan.<br />

Munro John F., surveyor, room 10 Fisher<br />

Block, 131+ Woodward ave, h 35 Bagg.<br />

Munroe Almond, carpenter, h 338 St. Antoine.<br />

3funroe Daniel, clerk, bas 89 Fifth.<br />

Munroe William S., carpenter, h 9 Wilkins.<br />

Afunson Almira (mid Carlos), bds 303<br />

Thfrd.<br />

Xunson Henry C., insurance agent, 48<br />

Griswold, bds Biddle House.<br />

Munson nil: iss Nettie, teacher, Houghton<br />

School, bds 803 Third<br />

Muntennann Paulus, lab., h 295 Bronson.<br />

Munz Anthony, carpenter, h 60 Maple.<br />

Munz Jacob, janitor, Arbeiter Hall, h<br />

satne.<br />

Munz ,Mary, confectioner, bds Dubois bet<br />

Catharine and Mullett.<br />

Xunzer Julius, actor, h 301 Nacomb.<br />

Nurdoch Cooley A., (Dunham & C'O.,) h<br />

152 Third.<br />

31urdoch Maggie, tobacco packer, bds 1'11<br />

Clinton.<br />

IkInrdoch - - Robert. checker. D. & M. R. R.<br />

Murdoch ~illia&. teamster. h 1'70 Clinton.<br />

Murdoch Engene, engineer, h 256 Gratiot.<br />

Murdoch Frank D., cigar maker, bds 36<br />

Henry.<br />

Mardoc tl .James, lab., h I T1 Clinton.<br />

Murdoch William, teamster, h 170 Clinton.<br />

Murheir Charles C., engineer, h 160 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Murnane Martin, teamster, h o 351 n 423<br />

Larned e.<br />

Murnane Michael, lab, h 4C0 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Murnane Daniel, lab, h 178 Riopelle.


Murpby Aaron, (col'd) lab, h 56 Mullett.<br />

Murphy Arthur, lab, h 564 Seventeenth.<br />

Murphy'Bernard, lab, h in lane bet Porter<br />

and Abbott and Third and Fourth.<br />

Murphy Bartholomew, grocer, n w cor<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our office<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />

Chene and Franklin, h same.<br />

Murphy Br~dget, bds 246 Third. I MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS.<br />

ParJce, Davis & Co.<br />

Murphy Bridget (wid Michael) h 103<br />

Franklin.<br />

Murphy Catharine, shoe stitcher, bds 246<br />

Third.<br />

Murphy Mrs Catherine, (wid Dennis) h 55<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Murphy Catherine, (rid James) h 198 Cass.<br />

Blurphi Catherine, (wid John) h 145<br />

Plum.<br />

Murphy Charles E.,Zumber, bds 232 Fort w.<br />

Murphy Daniel F., chair manufacturer,<br />

bds 246 Third.<br />

Murphy Dennis, lab, h 59 Abbot.<br />

Murphy Dennis, lab. bds 113 Franklin.<br />

Murphy Dennis, clerk, bds 47 Fort e.<br />

Murphy Edward, helper, 221 Beach.<br />

Murphy Edward, lab, h 296 Fifth.<br />

Murphy Eliza, operator, bds 105 Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Murphy Edward, painter, bds Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Murphy Eliza, (wid Nartin) h n w cor Huron<br />

and Canfield.<br />

Murphy Ellen, (wid Patrick) h 148 Sixth.<br />

Murphy Evaline, (col'd ,) (wid Charles)<br />

washerwoman, h 109 Benton.<br />

3Iurp.hy Henry, grocer, 700 Croghan.<br />

blurphy Hugh, carpenter, bds 495 Fifth.<br />

Murphy Hugh, carpenter, bds 198 Cass.<br />

Murphy Hugh, lab. h 485 Fifth.<br />

Murphy Ja.mes, engineer, h 189 Cass.<br />

Murphy James, lab., h 305 Seventh.<br />

lklurphy James, lab., h 240 Howard.<br />

Murphy James, sheet iron works, bds 160<br />

Sixth.<br />

Murphy Ja*mes, teamster, h 619 Larned e.<br />

Murphy James C., confectioner, bds 55<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Murphy James S., clerk, bds 198 Cass.<br />

Murphy Jeremiah. checker, h 307 Porter.<br />

Murphy Jeremiah, shoemaker, h 135<br />

Watson.<br />

Murphy John, clerk, bds 305 Seventh.<br />

Murphy John, lab., h 631 Larned e.<br />

Murphy John, lab., h 123 Sixth.<br />

Murphy John, lab., h 564 Seventeenth.<br />

Murphy John, miner, bds 165 Franklin.<br />

Murphy John, moulder, bds 684 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Murphy John, packer, hds 27'7 Fifth.<br />

Murphy John, porter, 305 Seventh.<br />

Murphy John, printer, h 71 Franklin.<br />

Murphy Julia, clerk, h 393 Clinton.<br />

Murphy J. T., hatter, bds Tremont House.<br />

Murphy Margaret, (wid Jeremiah,) h 166<br />

Larned e.<br />

48<br />

See Advertieement, page 9.<br />

Murphy Margaret, (wid Felix,) h 246<br />

Th~rd.<br />

Murphy Mary, operator, bds 246 Third.<br />

Murphy Mary, clerk, h 393 Clinton.<br />

Murphy Mary E. Miss, teacher, bds 189<br />

Cass.<br />

Murdhy Mathew, lab., h 262 Fifth.<br />

Murphy Mathew, student, bds 83 Franklin.<br />

Murphy Maurice, lab., h National ave, e s<br />

nr Sycamore.<br />

Murphy Michael, lab., h 44 Eighteenth.<br />

Murphy Michael, lab., h 24'7 Fifth.<br />

;Murphy Morris, drayman, h 300 Fifth.<br />

Murphy M. J., clerk,bds 185 Michigan nve.<br />

Murphy Nonie, clerk, h 393 Clinton.<br />

Murphy Patrick, drayman, h 622 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Murphy Patrick, lab., h 326 Fifth.<br />

Murphy Patrick, lab., h n 3 Cuttler bet<br />

Crawford and Fourth.<br />

Murphy Patrick, mason, h 564 Seventeenth.<br />

Murphy Patrick, C., hatter, bds Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Murphy Peter, checker, h 109 Franklin.<br />

Murphy Peter, lab., h 71 Sullivan ave.<br />

Murphy Simon J., (Avery & Murphy) h<br />

838 F~rt w.<br />

Murphy Stephen,carver, h Thirteenth-anda-half<br />

nr Pine.<br />

Murphy Thomas, carpenter, h 254 Locust<br />

Murphy Thomas, carpenter,h 547 &liehigan<br />

ave.<br />

Murphy Thomas, lab., bds 83 Franklin.<br />

Murphy Thomas, lab., bds 305 Seventh.<br />

Murphy Thomas, lab., h 67 Sproat.<br />

Murphy Thomas, porter, h 51 Labrosse.<br />

Murphy Thomas, teamster, h 71 Eighteenth.<br />

Murphy Timothy, saloon, 3 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Murphy-Timothy, teamster, bds L66 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Murphy William,lbricklayer, bds 198 Cass.<br />

Murray Alexander, clerk, h 90 Pine.<br />

lblul~ay Alexander, light house department,<br />

office 35 Congress w, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Murray Alexander J., veterinary surgeon,<br />

89 Congress e, h same.<br />

Murray David, blacksmith, bds 113 Franklin.<br />

Nurray David M., watchman, h 349 Lafayette.<br />

Murray Eliza, h 145 Beach.




SEE PAGE 39 4<br />

Murray Frank, painter, bds 187 Larned w.<br />

Muxray Hugh, painter, bds 145 Beach.<br />

Murray James, clerk, bas 95Beach.<br />

Murray James, deputy sheriff, room, 26<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, bds cor Beaubien and Clinton.<br />

Murray John, clerk, h 444 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Murray John, lab., h 103 Bronson.<br />

Murray John, lab., h 444 Grand River ave.<br />

Murray John A., jr., clerk, bds n s Mont-<br />

calm e., nr John R.<br />

Murray Rev. John A., (Presbyterian), h<br />

Montcalm e., nr John R.<br />

Murray Joseph, lab., h 59 Baker.<br />

Murray .Joseph, lab., bds n w cor Macomb<br />

and Rusell.<br />

Murray Martin, marble polisher, h 43<br />

Beau bien.<br />

Murray JIartin, stone polisher, bds 98<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Murray Peter, printer, h 245 Lafayette.<br />

Murray Peter, jr., engineer, h 66 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Murray Richmond, (wid Francis H.,) h 73<br />

Orchard.<br />

Xurrap Thomas G., bar tender,hIOO Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Murray William, lab., h 69 Fifteenth.<br />

Murray William D., (Bogue, Nurray 6;<br />

CO.,~ h 179 Park.<br />

Xurrell William, blacksmith, h 184 Napoleon.<br />

Murrer Barbara, (wi,i Jacob,) h 135 Benton.<br />

Nurriett Richard, lithographer, bds 182<br />

Orlesns.<br />

Murrin Patrick, lab., h 548 Franklin.<br />

Murtagh Julia, (wid Peter,) h 413 Lafayette.<br />

Murtagh Minnie, gilder, bdu 413 Lafayefte.<br />

Murtagh William, printer, bds 413 Lafayette.<br />

Murtha Francis D., clerk, bds 41 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Miiser William, lab., h 245 Beaubien.<br />

3IUSSCHE JOHN B., Det. Marble Works,<br />

38 Monroe ave., h n w cor Croghan and<br />

Joseph Campau ave. (See ad^.)<br />

Mussche Blichael, lithographer, bds 43<br />

Larned w.<br />

Mussey George D., (Hempsted & Mussey,)<br />

bds 15 Ledyard.<br />

Mustan Thomas, plasterer, h 157 Abbott.<br />

Nutch Percy, clerk, bds 293 Larned e.<br />

Mutti August, carver, h 133 Prospect.<br />

Nutti Lawrence, clerk, h old 86 Rivard.<br />

Mutton Robert, plasterer, bds 83 8ibley.<br />

Nuylle Emile G., clerk, bda 289 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Muzzy Alfred D., bookkeeper, bds 87<br />

Shelby.<br />

Myer Charles, carpenter, h 125 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Myer Charles, watchman, h 442 Mullett.<br />

Myer Frank. carpenter, h 527 Lattyette.<br />

Myer Henry, carpenter bds 527 Lafayette.<br />

Myer Jacob, lab, h 343 Fort e.<br />

Myer Jacob L., tailor, h 216 Columbia e.<br />

Myer John C. M., cigar maker, h Seventh,<br />

near Grand River ave.<br />

Myer John R., lake survey, h 70 Bagg.<br />

Myer Joseph, stone cutter, bds 285 Atwater.<br />

Myer Otto. carpenter, bds 312 Seventeenth.<br />

3Zyera A. Ktrk, clerk, bds Eisenlords Hotel.<br />

Myers Charles, tailor, 5.5 Shelby, h same.<br />

Myers Charles, teamster, h 389 Lafdyette e.<br />

Myers Daniel, agent, h 166 Hastings.<br />

Myers Elizabeth (wid Frederick), h 40<br />

Spencer.<br />

Myers Frank, shoemaker, h 43 Mullet.<br />

3lyers Hamilton, blacksmith, h 777 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Myers Hamilton C., carpenter,h 777 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Myers Henry, butcher,h45 Twenty-second.<br />

Myers Henry, switchman D. & 31. R R.<br />

Myers James, engineer, h 545 Sherman.<br />

Myers John, engineer L. Black, h 43 Mullett.<br />

Myers Margaret (wid Michael), huckster,<br />

stall 73 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h 142 Third.<br />

Myers Martin, cigar maker, h 552 Seventh.<br />

Myers Martin, clerk, btls 451 Laiaye!!e.<br />

Mrers Matthew J., clerk, bds Russell<br />

House.<br />

Myers Morris S., manufacturer dgars, 100<br />

illicbigan ave, cor. Park Place, h same.<br />

Myers William, clerk,bds1A1exandrine ave ,<br />

first from Woodward ave s s.<br />

Myers W~lliam, cigar maker, bds Crughan<br />

and Rivarc!.<br />

Mylan Patrick, tanner, (P. Jewel1 & Son).<br />

Myler Andrew, h 279 Larned e.<br />

Myler James T., printer, bds 279 Larned e.<br />

3Iyler John, mason, bds 517 Muliett,<br />

Myler Peter, hat maker, bdr 1 Jefferson<br />

avenue.<br />

Myler Thomas J., policeman, h 55 Columbia<br />

w.<br />

Myler William H., policeman, h604 Third.<br />

Jlylne William M., bookkeeper, bds 150<br />

moodward ave.<br />

Nylon John, lab., D. 86 M R. R.<br />

My11 Frederick, (W. & F. 3fyll), 87<br />

Croghan.<br />

My11 Henry, carver, h 85 Croghan.<br />

Xyll %'illiarn, (W. & F. Myll,) h 86 Croghan.


My11 W. & F., (William and Frederick),<br />

liquors, 86 and 87 Croghan.<br />

Myr Brazil, peddlar, h 643 Congress e.<br />

Mythen John, porter, h 307 Tirteenth.<br />



1 FnIton: Market Oyster House,<br />

ACKAR Christopher, lab, h N bafa~ette e.<br />

463<br />


Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholeeale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Nach'wey cigar maker, 202<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Nail James, jr., &z Co., (James Nall<br />

Nadeau Joseph, saloon, 45 Atwater e, h<br />

jr.,)dry goods and carpets, 87 Woodward<br />

avegame.<br />

-. --<br />

Nadvornick Charles, e s Whiting nr Ash.<br />

Nsmetz Charles, waggon maker, h 559<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Nadolleck George L., letter carrier, h 45 Nametz Ferdinand, lab., h 31 German.<br />

Marion.<br />

Nangle Eliza, taiioress, bds 14 National<br />

Naecker Antoine, cabinet maker, h 350 ave,<br />

Dubois.<br />

Nangle James, boiler maker, 103 Harrison<br />

Nstemann Ludwig C., blacksmith, h 580 St. ave.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Nangle John, boiler maker, bds 103 Har-<br />

Naere Detlef F., wagon maker, h 248 rison ave..<br />

Seventh.<br />

Nangle Owen, lab., h 103 Harrison ave.<br />

Nagel Antoinel painter, bds 34 Gratiot* Nanson William, shoemaker, h 116 Eighth.<br />

Nagel Emil, carpenter, h 490 James. Nargan Charles, engineer, h 233 Labrosse.<br />

Nagel Frederick, carpenter, h 370 St. An- Nasasch Joseph, blacksmith, (J. B. Baugh).<br />

bin.<br />

Nash Alonzo, (col'd,) gardener, h, n w cor<br />

Nag$ Johanna, tailoress, bds 408 Csth- Fremont and Prospect.<br />

erine.<br />

Nash Nary A., (wid Robert,) h 283 Porter.<br />

Nagle John, lab, 323 Maple.<br />

Nash Maurice G., stenographer, Prospect,<br />

Nagle Lewis, wa oner, h s s Gratiot bet cor Watson.<br />

Mt. Elliott and % lmwood aves.<br />

Nash Patrick, hack driver, bds 218 Jeffer-<br />

Nagel Theodore, shoemaker, h 574 Orleans. son ave*<br />

Nagel William, carpenter, bds 32 Clinton. Na~h Palrick, fireman, L. 8. & 5. R. R-<br />

Nager August, lab, h 99 Sherman. Nash Thomas, cigar maker, bds 101 Baker.<br />

Nagle Antoine: porter Michigan Exchange. xash William, pail turner, h Woodbridge,<br />

Nagle John, blacksmith, h 462 Ninth aye. s s, bet Adair and Leib.<br />

Nagle John, lab, h 132 Baker.<br />

Nasmyth Charles E., clerk, bds Mansion<br />

Nagle Margaret, (wid Morris) h 301 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Nagle Michael, foreman lumber yard 1\I, C.<br />

R. R., h 152 Seventh.<br />

Nagle Michael, grocer, 164 Porter, h same.<br />

Nagle Morris B., clerk, h 301 Lamed e.<br />

Nag1e W*, wood dealer, h 403 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Nagorsen lab, 2Y2 Bronsono<br />

Nagre Joseph, painter, h 248 Macomb.<br />

Nahon August, shoemaker, h 477 Beaubien.<br />

Nahrgang Charles, lab, h 233 Labrosse.<br />

Nahorn John, mason, h 52 Sherman.<br />

Nailey August, lab, h 108 Dubois.<br />

Nais Joseph, blacksmitdhh, h 389 Lafayettern<br />

Naismith Ebenezer, carpenter, h 387 Eighteenth.<br />

Nakel Phillip, brewer, h 128 Sherman.<br />

Nall Arnott A., clerk, bds 422 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Nall Arthur A., clerk, bds 160 Third.<br />

Nall James, jr., (James Nall jr., & Co., h<br />

421 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nall Rev. James, bds 421 Jefferson ave.<br />

x~~,"~Daniel, Beacon,<br />

Nathan 350ses~ i eweler, 153 Gratiot, h same-<br />

Natt William, (col'd,) whitewasher, , bds<br />

366 Macomb.<br />

Natus Charles7 carver, h 379 St- Antoine.<br />

Natschke Charles, lab., h, s s new bet<br />

Dubois and Chene, and Gratiot and German.<br />

Natus John, painter, 207 Jeflerson aye., h<br />

211 Lafayette .<br />

Nau Henry, mason, h 214 Clinton.<br />

Nau John, blacksmith, h 10 Wilkins.<br />

Nau Peter, lab., h 611 Riopelle.<br />

Naubauer Au,oust, shoemaker, bds 682<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Nauck William, upholsterer , h 456 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Nauhom Albert, mason, h 200 Clinton.<br />

Naumann John, grocer, 138 Division, h<br />

same.<br />

Naumsnn Joseph, helper, h 346 North.<br />

Navara Alexander, sailor, h 224 Riopelle.<br />

Navett Charles, cook, Russell House.<br />

Nay D. Dewitt, clerk, bds 137 Cass.<br />

Nay N. North, clerk, bds 101 Cass.


&$i##$$<br />

@niv#r$ifg,<br />

Seitz next to the Office'<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Aaylor Frank, shoemaker, bds s e cor<br />

Chestnut and 31cDougall ave.<br />

Naylor Mary (wid Thomas) h 255 Fourth.<br />

Neal Benjamin So Bl-, agent, h 86 BI~Y-<br />

berry ave.<br />

Neal Jonas M. 8., State agent atria Ins.<br />

Co., room 2 Merrill Block, h 351 Third.<br />

Neal Levin F., plasterer, h 433 Hastings.<br />

Neandorf Frederick, lab,, h Chestput, n s<br />

bet Dubois and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Near John, lab., h 433 Eighteenth.<br />

Hear Harriet A*, (wid Charles C.3 bds 345<br />

Howard.<br />

Nebe Henry, grocer, 51 Michigan Grand<br />

ave bds Hotel Blauch.<br />

Nebe Jonas, grocer, 400 Grand River ave,<br />

h 23 Crawford.<br />

i<br />

Nebel Joseph, farmer, h 305 Lafa ette.<br />

Necker Christopher, lab., h 143 afayette.<br />

Nederlander J oseph, cigar maker, 100<br />

Macomb, bds 119 Mullett.<br />

Nederlander Zachariah, h 119 Mullett .<br />

Needham James (co17d) cook, bds 6 31ichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Needham Sarah (wid Samuel) h 436 Fifth.<br />

Needham Wallace, bds Tremont House.<br />

Neef Gustav, locksmith, bds 199 Marion.<br />

Neef Jacob, shoemkaer, h 199 Marion.<br />

Neef William A., clerk, h 27 Brady.<br />

Neep Simon, gardener, h 353 Division.<br />

Neff Gilbert, teamster, bds w s Mt. Hope<br />

bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Neff Henry, mason, bds 168 Macomb.<br />

Feff Joseph, machinist, bds 214 Croghan.<br />

NEFF XEWTON N., safe agent, 90 Griswold,<br />

bcls 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Neff &lag, (wid George F.), h w s 3It.<br />

Hope bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Negra Theodore, stone cutter, h 13 Mechanic.<br />

Nehee Charles, lab., h 122 Baker.<br />

Nehls John, carpenter, h 341 Catharine.<br />

Nehmitz Otto, helper, bds 42 German.<br />

Nehsen Casper, lab., b 290 Antietam.<br />

Neibour John, carpenter, h 360 Gratiot.<br />

Neib John, mason, bds 424 Riopelle.<br />

Neib Leven, mason, h 424 Riopelle.<br />

Xeibert Frederick, lab., h 371 Orleans.<br />

Neich John, varnisher, h 73 Chestnut.<br />

Neideck John, cigar maker, bds 131 Haple.<br />

Neideck Regina,(wid hton,) h 131 Maple.<br />

Neig John, stone cutter, h 113 Catharine.<br />

Neihling August, porter, h 311 St. Antoine.<br />

Neij John, varnisher, h 73 Chestnut.<br />

Neijebanor Joseph A,, peddlar, h 55 Napoleon.<br />

Neil1 Thomas, printer, h 118 31ichipan ave.<br />

Neiport John, carpenter, h w s Indiana<br />

bet Prospect and Hastings.<br />

Neiss John, tailor bds 45 Chestnut.<br />

Nelson Henry, (co17d) cook, h 328 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Nelson James, captain, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Nelson John, clerk, bds 97 Congress a<br />

Nelson J. Wesley, general agent<br />

3Iassachusetts Mutual Life Insurance<br />

con, 174 Griswold, h 2-10 Fourth.<br />

Nelson Samuel, foreman A. C. McGraw &<br />

co., h 49 Miami ave.<br />

Nelson Samuel T., h 3 Ledyard.<br />

Nelson Simon, clothing, 165 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Neltner Joseph jr, machinist, 11 248 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Neltner Joseph sr, carpenter h 252 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Nemecek Chas.,engineer,h 32 Sullivan ave.<br />

Nemerek Joseph, shoemaker, h 768 Twen-<br />

ty-fourth.<br />

Nemitz Carl, wagon maker, h 159 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Nemetz Ferdinand, lab., h 31 German.<br />

Xemitz Ludwig, lab., h 42 German.<br />

Nesbitt Daniel H., clerk, h 100 Fourteenth.<br />

Nesbitt William J., surveyor, h 67 Wayne.<br />

Nesbitt the Misses, h 67 Wrtyne.<br />

Neskie August, lab.. h 497 Catharine.<br />

Nessel J. fireman, M. C. R. R.,<br />

Nester Lawrence,;la.b., h 152 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Nester Mathew, lab., h 266 Eighteenth.<br />

Nester Thorn-, machinist, h 462 Fifth.<br />

Nestler Harmon, baker, bds 133 Franklin.<br />

Nestley William, butcher, h 122 Franklin.<br />

Nestor James, blacksmith, bds 125 Seventh<br />

Nestor John, lab., h 128 Seventh.<br />

Nestor Michael, varnish maker, h s e cor<br />

Beaubien and Fremont.<br />

Nestor, Patrick, lab., h e s Harrison ave,<br />

bet Walnut and Butternut.<br />

Netting John, drayman, 116 W oodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Nett Jacob, porter, h 23 <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Nette Richard, vanisher, h 329 Napoleon.<br />

Netzel Ferdinand. lab., h w s Dubois, bet<br />

German and Gratiot.<br />

Netzger Jacob, lab., h 248 Mullett.<br />

Neubauar John, carpenter, h 360 Bronson.<br />

Neubeuer Adhm, cigar maker, h 176 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Neubeuer John, carpenter, h n s Indiana,<br />

bet Prospect and Hastings.

- --<br />


Neubronner John C., wagon maker, 33<br />

Fort e., h 185 same.<br />

Neue Charles, lab., bds 122 Baker.<br />

Neuendorf Julius, blacksmith, h cor Bel-<br />

lair and Dequindre.<br />

Neuhiluser Anthony, cabinet maker, h 76<br />

Sherman.<br />

Neuhtluser Franz, wire works, h 225 Cro-<br />

@]an.<br />

Neuhtluser Gustave, cigar maker, bds 225<br />

Croghan.<br />

Neuhoff John, carpenter, h 195 IIacomb.<br />

Neuhoff Joseph, upholsterer, h 195 Na-<br />

comb.<br />

Neukenbauer Ferdinand. blacksmith. h<br />

122 W ilkins.<br />

Neumann Charles, carriage driver, h 1%<br />

Antietm.<br />

Keumanu Charles, lab., h 346 Division.<br />

Neumann Frederick, cooper, h 316 Pros-<br />

pect.<br />

Neumaun Joseph, blacksmith, bds 316 Di-<br />

vision.<br />

Neumann Peter F., upholsterer, h 169<br />

Muliett.<br />

Neumer George, cooper (saloon), 800 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Neuendorf Frederick, lab, h 198 German.<br />

Neuendorf Fritz, lab., h n s Chestnut, bet<br />

Joseph Campau and %lcDougall aves.<br />

Neuschafer George, engineer, h 191 Wil-<br />

liams ave.<br />

Xeuschttfer Jacob, Custom House oficer, h<br />

750 Sixteenth.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Ome,52 W. Lamed St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Newberry George (Shiwassee Paper Co.),h<br />

380 Congress e.<br />

New berry Henry W. (Davis & Newberry),<br />

h 140 Cass.<br />

Newberry Homer (Shiawassee Paper Co.),<br />

res Shiawassee.<br />

Newberry John S. (Newberry, Pond &<br />

Brown), h o 445 n 483 Jefferson ave.<br />

new be^^ Oliver, traveling agent, bds An-<br />

Pr<br />

tisdell ouse.<br />

Nemberry Walter, brakesman, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

New berry William, bds Biddle House.<br />

Newberry, Pond & Brown (John S. New-<br />

berry, Ashley Pond & Henry B. Brown)<br />

lawyers, 6 Bank block.<br />

Newberry Willism, frame finisher, h 41<br />

Marion.<br />

Newby A. J., teacher, 38 Sibley.<br />

Newcomb Andrew, heiper, h Indian ave.,<br />

Springwells.<br />

Newcomb Andrew, saloon, 71 Griswold,<br />

bds 72 Larned w.<br />

Newcomb Cyrenius A., (Newcomb, Endi-<br />

cott & Co.) h 457 Woodward ave.<br />

Neuschafer<br />

- - Joseph G., painter, h'191 XTil- Newcomb John A., bds Antisdel House.<br />

liams ave.<br />

Xewcomb Lucy A:, (wid George) h w s<br />

Neusel Henry, carpenter, h 207 Macomb. Fourth bet Dickinson and Lysander.<br />

Nevell John, lab., h 215 Fifth.<br />

Newcomb William, machinist, h 852<br />

Ncvens Hugh, lab, bds 203 Howard. 31 ichigan ave.<br />

Neveux Joseph, forgemany h McDougall Newcomb Walter, h 36'7 Lafayette ave.<br />

eve w s, bet Mullett and Catharine.<br />

Xewcomb, Endicott & Go., (Cy-<br />

Neville John, shoemaker (with F. Wotzke renius A. Newcomb, charlts Endicott<br />

& Bro.), h Springwells.<br />

and Frank D. Taylor,) dry goods, 2 and<br />

Neville L. %I., engineer, bds 45 Fort e. 3 Opera House Block. (See ada.)<br />

Neville Thomas, blacksmith, bds National Newcomer Alfred H., student, bds 180 La-<br />

Hotel.<br />

fayette.<br />

Ksville William, shoemaker, h 738 Wood- Newel1 John auditor, 3:. C. R. R., bds<br />

bridge w.<br />

Dorr House, River Road, Springwells.<br />

Nevin David, clerk, h 239 First.<br />

Newel1 Hichard G., teamster, h 36 Henry.<br />

Nevin Frank (Nevin & Mills), bds Biddle Newhafer Marcus, agent, h 192 Macomb.<br />

House.<br />

Newhall Clark W., commercial broker,<br />

Nevin James, baker, h Columbia, near &c., office foot Shelby, up stairs, h 489<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Nevin 6t Mills,(Frank Nevin and Merrill I. Newhall Elija, captain, bds 321 Second.<br />

Mills), tobacco tactory, 193 and 195 Jef- Newhaus Anthony, lab., h 519 Michigan<br />

ferson ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Ne~in Frederick, watchman, h Guoin n Newhauser Charles, bookbinder, bds 76<br />

6, near Chene.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Nevins Hugh, lab, bds 103 Howard. Newhoff William, cigar maker, bds 26<br />

Nevius Louisa (wid James), h 439 Sixth n. Fort e.<br />

Newberry Charles P.,clerk,bds Indian ave, Newington Edward W., clerk, h 27 Silvernear<br />

Fort.<br />

NEWKIRK WILLLAM R, produce corn.,<br />

Newberry Frank, bds 510 Michigan ave. , 82 Woodbridge w, k 229 Casa


SENT FREE,<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph ste.<br />

Kewland Henry A. (F. Buhl, Newland 62<br />

Co. ,) bds 158 Fort w.<br />

Ne wman Asa, , printer, bds Ant,isdel<br />

House.<br />

Newman Charles, carpenter, bds 195<br />

T wenty-second.<br />

Newman Charles, groceries, saloon and<br />

meat market, '741,743 and 745 Wood-<br />

ward ave,h hlexdrine ave s s first from<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Xewman Edward, roofer, bds Goodms<br />

House.<br />

Newman Frederick, carpenter, bds 195<br />

Twen ty-second.<br />

Newman Frederick, upholsterer, b 169<br />

Mulle tt.<br />

Newman F. N., bds Antisdel Rouse.<br />

Hewman George W., clerk, h 235 Park.<br />

Newman Harris, cigar maker, bds 40<br />

Fort e.<br />

Newman Harry, clerk, bds 42 Fort e.<br />

Newman Henry, lrtb., h 5% Pine.<br />

Newman John, carpenter, h 195 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Newman Joseph, fruit and oyster dealer,<br />

h 13 Elizabeth e.<br />

Newman Nathan, clerk, bds 13 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

XewmanNicholaa, blacksmith, h 84 Bn-<br />

tittam.<br />

Xewman Roderick, blacksmith, h 580 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Newman Samuel, peddlar, h 42 Fort e.<br />

Newman Samuel, oysters and hit, 232<br />

Jefferson ave, bds 13 Elizabeth e.<br />

Newman Theodore, lab, h 195 Twenty-<br />

second<br />

New man William, lab, h 358 Seventeenth.<br />

Newman James, lab, h 168 Sixteenth.<br />

Newsome James, engineer, h s w cor of<br />

Bellair and Dequindre.<br />

Newth Edwi., (Newth & Lohr) h 104<br />

Franklin.<br />

Xewth & Lohr (Edwin Newth and Ed-<br />

ward Lohr) grocers, 704 Franklin.<br />

Newton Adam, trunkman, h 295 Bronson.<br />

New ton Calvin A., overseer House of Cor-<br />

rection, bds same.<br />

Newton Henry, lab, h 302 Atwater e.<br />

Newton Henry C., cabinet maker, h 27<br />

Leverette.<br />

Newton Loretti, (wid Reuben) h 275 5ch-<br />

fgan aye.<br />

Newton William, sub-marine diver, bds 49<br />

Michigan ave, up stairs.<br />

Nibler Charles, boiler maker, h 456 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Nicaese Zatherine, Yankee notions, stall<br />

21 upper C H M h 169 Gratiot.<br />

Nicase Charles, carpenter, h 169 Gratiot.<br />

Nich John, rag-peddlar, h 121 Wilkins.<br />

Niche11 John, lab, h Twenty-fourth nr<br />

Magnolia.<br />

NICHOLS CHARLES H., baking pow-<br />

der, 55 Baker, bds 51 Leverette. (See<br />

&a. )<br />

Nichols Capt. Charles W., h 51 Leverette.<br />

Nichols D. Bromley, boarding, 287 JeEer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Nichols James, sailor, bds o 270 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Nichols Jeremiah L., lumber, h 397 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Nichols J. Benton, (Floviers & Kichols)<br />

bds Antisdel House.<br />

Nichols John F., principal Cass Union<br />

school, bds 289 Cass ave.<br />

Nichols John J., agent, house 209 park.<br />

Nichols Jobn S., clerk, bds Bidiile House.<br />

Nichols Thomas, (col'd) barber shop, 171<br />

Woodbridge w, h same.<br />

Nichols Thomas, porter, h 207 Croghan.<br />

Nichols Wallace, engineer, h 141 Orchard.<br />

I Nichols William, boarding housa, 164 Lsr-<br />

ned w.<br />

Nichols William, carpenter, h 165 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Xichols William, teamster, h 65 Twenty-<br />

third.<br />

Nicholson ,4lexander, helper, h 3 Cass.<br />

Kicholson Alexander, blacksmith, bds n<br />

w cor Cass and Adams aves.<br />

Nicholson Anna, (wid Francis,) bds GS<br />

Congress west.<br />

Nicholson Edward, steward, bds <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Exchange.<br />

Nicholson George, (Nichols~n & Van<br />

Syckle), h 438 Fifteenth.<br />

Nicholson George, drayman, 668 Fifteenth.<br />

Nicholson Mrs. George, confectioner, 268<br />

Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Nicholson John, sailor, bds 67 Atwater.<br />

Nicholson Joseph, marine inspector, 124<br />

Jefferson ave, h 416 Ltlfayette ave.<br />

Nicholson Mathew H., carpenter, bds 69<br />

Charlotte ave.<br />

Nicholson ~Pickering, carpenter, Gilman<br />

bet Cass and Second, h 31 Ledyard.<br />

Nicholson Richard, moulder, h 84 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Nicholson Thomas, clerk, bds 192 Frank-<br />

, lin.<br />

1 Nicholson Wm., moulder, h 392 Clinton.<br />

Nicholson William S. carpenter, bds 31<br />

1 Ledyard.


Nicholson &VanSyckle (George Nichol-<br />

son 62; James Van Syckle,) blacksmiths<br />

282 Grand River avs.<br />

Nicolai Philip, carpenter, h 22 Chestnut.<br />

Nicol John M., with Eber Ward, foot<br />

Woodward ave, h 47 Congress w.<br />

NICOLL ROBERT C., rope manufacturer,<br />

Woodbriilge Grove, h 465 Michigan ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Nicol William, carpenter, h 165 Sixteenth.<br />

Nicols Harlow H., cooper, h s s Mullett<br />

bet Rivard and Russell.<br />

Nickrant Frank. lab., h 101 Jav.<br />

Nickrant Frederick, teamster, bds s s Mul-<br />

lett bet McDougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Nickrant Joseph, lab., h s s Bfullett bet<br />

McDougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Nido Paul, baggageman, bds o 270 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Niebling August, hardware, h 309 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Niebling Englehart T., clerk, bds 91 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Niebling Peter, shoemaker, 83 Larned e,<br />

h 91 Catharine.<br />

Niederlaender Joseph, cigar maker, h 119<br />

Mu1let.t.<br />

Niederlander Sirach, cigar maker. 100 M a<br />

comb, h 119 Alullett.<br />

Niedermueller Charles, barber, 1.38 Mul-<br />

lett, h same.<br />

Niedermueller Christian, saloon, 315 Fort<br />

east, h same.<br />

Niedermueller Frederick, saloon, 139 Mu1<br />

lett, h same.<br />

Xiedham Mattison, (col'd,) cook, h 365<br />

Croghan.<br />

Xiehaus August, teacher, h 201 Lafayette.<br />

Niehause John, lab., h 476 Macomb.<br />

Niekranz Ed,+ ard, engineer,bds 333 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Niekranz John, mechanic, h 333 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Nielson James, tea store, 6 Russell House<br />

Block, h 2 Ash.<br />

Nielson William, baker, 140 Gratiot, bds<br />

148 Congress e.<br />

Nielson IVylie, clerk, bds 145 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Xiemann Charles, lab., h 351 Antietam.<br />

Niepoth Charles K., blacksmith, bds 314<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Niepoth Frederick C., iuspector of wood,<br />

W. D., h 314 Sixteenth.<br />

Nier William, agent, h 36 Centre.<br />

Niet John, brewer, h 48 German.<br />

Nieths Joseph, lab., h 482 Sherman.<br />

Nigg Clemens, stone cutter, h 113 Catha-<br />

rlne.<br />

i Joseph, trunk maker, bds 11 3<br />

Catharine.<br />

Nihill Peter, carpenter, bds 40 Dequindre.<br />

Nikes Nicholas, clerk, h i! e cor Joseph<br />

Campau ave. and Fort e.<br />

DIRECTORY. NOE 383<br />


aHouLD CALL AT<br />

a@ma & QBe8'B<br />



Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Nilands Ahram, carpenter, h 255iAbbott.<br />

Niles Charles, medical student, bds 66<br />

Sibley.<br />

Niles Ira, (John J. Bagley & Co.,) h 66<br />

Sibleg.<br />

Niles Peter, hatter, bds 1 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nimmo Hugh, horse s hoer, bds 20'7 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Ninde Rev. William X., pastor Central<br />

Methodist Episcopal Church, h 123<br />

Henry.<br />

Nitchke August, tsilor, h 344 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Nitling William, apprentice, bds 116<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Nivel James, baker, h 11 ColumSia w.<br />

Nixon John, painter, bds Goodman House.<br />

Noack Wiliiam, drayman, h 157 Lafayette.<br />

Noah ,Qndrem, tanner, h 257 Clinton.<br />

Noah Charles, gardener. h 215 Mullett.<br />

Noah Frank 8.. Clerk Police Court, h 217<br />

RIullett.<br />

Noah Orbon, shoemaker, h 318 Clinton.<br />

Noble Adelbert L., clerk, bds 96 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Noble Charles (Geo. S. Frost clt; Co.), h 213<br />

Fort w.<br />

Noble Charles W. (Geo. S. Frost & Co.), h<br />

old 53 new 105 High.<br />

Noble Elmathan C., h 69 Adams rtve e.<br />

Noble Emery, upholsterer, h 93 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Noble Emery A., clerk, 93 Harrison ave c jr<br />

Pine.<br />

Noble Francis W., clerk, h 407 -Cass ave.<br />

Noble Garry B., clerk, h 359 Larned e.<br />

Noble James, clerk, h 180 Bagg.<br />

Noble Jennie, extract maker: bds 160 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Noble John, clerk, h 212 Alfred.<br />

Noble Lucy (wid Albert G.), dressmaker,<br />

h 160 Beaubien.<br />

Noble Lucy E., extract maker, bds 160<br />

Beaubien.<br />

NOBLE SYLVESTER, manufacturer<br />

whips and lashes 128 Woodward ave, up<br />

stairs. bds Tremont House. (See adv.)<br />

Noble S. C., clerk, bds 287 Jefferson ave.<br />

Noble T. J., engineer M. C. R. R.<br />

Noble William H. L., age^ t Singer Sewing<br />

Machine, h 13 Madison ave.<br />

Noe Michael, maoon, h 98 Catharine.<br />

Noeker Anton, joiner, h 350 Dubois.<br />

- Noel Peter, lab, h 32 Twelfth.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Noethen Louis, tailor, bds 170 Macomb.<br />

Kogle Jane Mrs., grocery, 233 Third, h<br />

same.<br />

Noble John, blaclrsmith, h 233 Third.<br />

Nokes John, lab, h 16 Wilkins.<br />

Nolan Christopher, lab., h 141 Seventeenth.<br />

Kolan Clemens, boiler maker, h 349<br />

Franklin.<br />

Nolan Daniel, clerk, hds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Noian Fanny, (wid Edward,) h 4 Cass.<br />

Nolan Gregory, h 118 Chene.<br />

Nolan James, teamster, bds 526 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Nolan John, bds Railroad Exchange.<br />

Nolan John C., printer, h 131 High.<br />

Nolan John M., organ turner, bds 30<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Nolan Lawrence, moulder, h 297 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Nolan L. Eugene, student, bds 222 Second.<br />

Nolan Luke, h 222 Second.<br />

Nvlan Luke, jr., moulder, bds 282 Second.<br />

Kolrtn Luke, helper, bds 141 Seventeenth.<br />

Nolan Michael, lab., h 2.53 Fifth. -<br />

Nolan Michael, moulder, bds 2'32 Second.<br />

Nolan Michael-J., moulder, bds 553 Fort e.<br />

Xolan Patrick, lab., bds 141 Seventeenth.<br />

Kolan Pitnck, lab., h 389 Twelfth.<br />

Nolan Patrick, lab., bds 502 Woodbridge e.<br />

Nolan Patrick W., saloon, 91 Michigan<br />

ave, 11 same.<br />

Nolan Thomas, moulder, bds 297 Lafay-<br />

ave.<br />

Nolan Thomas H., clerk, bds 222 Second.<br />

Nolan William, core maker, bds 101 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Nolan William, policeman, h 553 Fort e.<br />

Nolan William J.; drayman, h 182 Orchard.<br />

Nolde Edward, foreman, h 386 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Nolde Louis, printer, bds 385 St. Antoine.<br />

Nolde Anthony, lab:, h 12 Buenavista.<br />

Nolde Fredexick, carpenter, h 12 Buena-<br />

vista<br />

No11 John, carpenter, h 363 Lafayette.<br />

Nolte Anthony, carpenter, h 13 South.<br />

Noonan Johu, lab., h 148 Woodbridge e.<br />

Noonan John R., painter, h 87 Elmwood<br />

me.<br />

Noonan Patrick, lab., h 152 Sixteenth.<br />

Noon Patrick, engineer, h 509 Fort e.<br />

Norholm Lawrence, saloon, 299 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Norman Paul 'shipcarpenter, h 347 Macomb.<br />

Normandin Francis X., boarding, h 81<br />

Congress e.<br />

Normandin Henry E., printer, h 81 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Normandin John, lab., bds 46 Sherman.<br />

Slormoyle James, lab., h 189 Fifth.<br />

Normoyle James B., clerk, h 227 Second.<br />

Nornberg Frederick, lab., h s s Jay bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Norris Edward A., (Norris, Perkins 62 Co.),<br />

11 231 Cass.<br />

Norris Edward C., shoemaker, 319 Fort w.<br />

Norris George, (Norris & Bro.), bds 69<br />

Second.<br />

Norris George sailor, h 65 Larned m.<br />

Norris George M., agent (C. D. Widman &<br />

Co.), h 59 Gratiot.<br />

Norris James, lab.. h 119 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Norris James, sailor, h e s Whiting nr<br />

Ash.<br />

Norris John, (George Norris L Bro.), bdi<br />

67 Second.<br />

Norris Josidh James, clerk, h 461 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Norris Philetas W., (Norris, Perkins &<br />

Co.), h 231 Cass.<br />

Norris George & Bro., city bottling works,<br />

63 and 65 Second.<br />

Norris, Perkins cE Co., (Philetor W. Norris,<br />

Mason A. Perkins & Edward A.<br />

Norris,) real estate agents, Butier<br />

Block, Grisvrold.<br />

North George, lab., h 113 Larned w.<br />

North James, slater, bds 142-National save.<br />

North Jesse, slater, h 142 National sve.<br />

North Peter, cooper, bds 273 Hastings.<br />

North William, mason, bds 142 National<br />

ave.<br />

Northern Transportation Co., office Atwater<br />

bet Griswold 'and Shelby.<br />

Northwestern Tra,nsportation Co., R. J.<br />

Hackett, sec , foot first.<br />

Northrop Charles B., gents. furnishing<br />

goods, 170 Jefferson ave h 18 High.<br />

Northrop Frank, carpenter, h 46 Elm.<br />

Northro~ Westley J., conductor st R. R., h<br />

539 Seventh.<br />

Northrop - , painter, bds 67 Larned e.<br />

Nort" .-----<br />

11 UL~ )LO Joseph, driver baker wagon,<br />

J. Copland.<br />

Norton Charles W., marine reporter and<br />

artist, h 137 Cass.<br />

Norton Daniel, cabinet maker, bds 272<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Norton Edwin E., policeman, h 155 Abbott.<br />

W orton Edward K., (Bridge and Norton)<br />

bds Russell House.<br />

Norton Frank, cooper, h 322 Croghan.


Norton Horace, physician, bds 46 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Norton James R., news depot, 540 Nlichi-<br />

gan ave, h same.<br />

Norton John E., pattern maker, h 457<br />

Fort e.<br />

Norton Nicclo, st..ige manager Theatre<br />

Comique, h %I Jefferson nve.<br />

Norton Norvil, lab., h 452 Fort e.<br />

Norton Stanley, clerk, bds 46 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Norton Thomas, lab., h 105 Mayberry av.<br />

Norton Warren A,., clerk, h 409 Congress.<br />

Norton William A., clerk, 409 Congress e.<br />

luorvall A. C. collector, bds Biddle House.<br />

Norvall Freeman. Sec. <strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press<br />

Co., h 535 rJefic.rson ave.<br />

Norwood Hugh D., policeman, h 40<br />

Nichigan ave.<br />

Nossack Joseph, furrier, h 128 Lafayette.<br />

STote Leopold, bds 349 Fifth.<br />

Nothheifer Sigismund, brewer, h 301<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Nother Frederick, milkman, h 90 Twelfth.<br />

Nothhaft Johu, boot fitter, h 405 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Nothwang Adam, lab., h 115 Eenton.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Larrked St.,<br />




- -<br />

See adverti~ement, page 9.<br />

- -<br />

Nuttall Thomas. lab.'h 165 Harrison ave.<br />

. -<br />

Nutley william,' lab; h $05 Fort w.<br />

Nutter James, hatter, h 458 Sixth.<br />

Nutting Rufus, professor, h 25 Henry.<br />

Nutsinger August, trunk maker, bds 256<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Xye George B., clerk, Brighton House.<br />

Nye James, upholsterer, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Nye Theodore, butcher, bds Twelfth e s<br />

nr Linden.<br />

OADy<br />

0<br />

bols. S h JOHN, 469 Congress shipwright, e. foot of Du-<br />

Oades John Xr., ship carpenter, bds 469<br />

Congress e.<br />

Notker Ausnst. lab.. h 99 German. Oades Walter IT., ship carpenter, bds 469<br />

Notzel ~rnsiina, (wid Christian) h 43 Har- Congress e.<br />

rison ave.<br />

Oakes Ann Mrs., dressmaker, 136 Beach.<br />

Noueoth Frank, driver, h n s Hale bet Oakes George E., lab., bds 96 Riopelle.<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Oakes Jane (Wid John), bds 96 Riopelle.<br />

Nouvion Frederick, watchman, h 409 Oakes Jeremiah (D. A. Ross & Co.), h 474<br />

Guoin.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Novark Albert, lab., h e s Williams ave Oakes Peter, moulder, h 136 Beach.<br />

bet Butternut and Ash.<br />

Oakes William, lumber dealer, office 112<br />

- Novark Wensoh, shoemaker, h 924 31ich- Griswold, up stairs, h 12 High.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Oakes William E., machinist, bds 136<br />

Nowland William, tobacconist, bds 275 Beach.<br />

Brush.<br />

Oakland Nelson, corder, h 586 Macomb.<br />

Notwitzky Joseph, lab., h w s Orleans nr 0akley:De witt J., student,bds 32 1 Second.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Ottkley Edwin C., student, bds 321 Second.<br />

Noyes Alexander G., insurance agent, 11 Oakley George W., student, bds 204 How:<br />

Congress e, 11 Springwells.<br />

ard.<br />

Koyes Benjamin B., insurance agent, 32 Oakley George; engineer, bds 9'7 Nine-<br />

Larned w, h 110 Henry.<br />

teenth.<br />

Noyes J, F., physician, office 101 Shelby, Oakley Hiram, express messenger, h 2.73<br />

bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Noyes Thomas J., stove store, 11 Cougress Oskley James, machinist, h 86 IIarrison<br />

e, h Springwells.<br />

1 avenue.<br />

Nuber William, wood polisher,-ht41 Ma- Oakley John II., farmer, h 204 Howard.<br />

rion.<br />

Oakley John J., physician, office 114 Gris-<br />

Nilckley William, kb, h 705 Fort e.<br />

1 wold, up stairs, h 321 Second.<br />

Nugent Edward, switchman, M. C. R. R., I Oakinan John, grocer, 260 Howard, h same.<br />

h 409 Fort e.<br />

Oakman William, printer, bds 260 Howard.<br />

Nugent: Owen, sailor, h cor Howard and Oamka Frederick, lab, h s w cor bherman<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Nugent Patrick, driver, h 76 Orchard.<br />

, Oats John, helper $1. C. R. R.<br />

Nuner Peter, lab, h 481 Mullett.<br />

Oats Michael, lab, h 84 National ave.<br />

Nunn George hostler, bds Perkins Hotel. ' O'Beiroe Mary (wid Hugh), h 82 First.<br />

Nuppenau Ernest G., (Morhous, Mitchell Obelher Fred., car smith, h 216 Columbia<br />

& Byram, h 313 Russell.<br />

east.<br />

Nusseman John R., clerk, h 233 Larned W. Ober6illig Michael, currier, b.& 143 Elm-<br />

Xussle Galous, butcher, h 123: Fraukliu. wood we.<br />



&&raaw<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

BEE PAQE 39. a<br />

Oberhoff William, drover, h 94 Alncomb.<br />

Oberst Frank A., insurance agent, 69 Gris-<br />

wold, bds Windsor.<br />

Oberst George, clerk, bds 75 Lamed w.<br />

Obnei Benjamin, peddlar, h 100 Macomb.<br />

O'Brien Alice (wid John), h 324 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

O'Brien Benjamin, shoemaker, bds 102<br />

Franklin.<br />

O'Brien Charles, lab, h 191 Oak.<br />

O'Brien Charles, stableman 132 Larned w.<br />

O'Brien Daniel J., clerk h 334 Congress e.<br />

0' Rrien Dennis, clerk, bds 88 National ave.<br />

O'Brien Dennis, lab, bds 13 Jefferson ave.<br />

O'Brien Dennis, lab, h 234 Sixth.<br />

O'Brien Dennis, teacher private school, h<br />

60 Russell.<br />

O'Brien Edward, vegetable dealer, 91s<br />

Michipan ave, h same.<br />

O'Brien Herbert L., teller Secoud National<br />

bank, bds Biddle House.<br />

O'Brien James, carpenter, b.ds 90 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

O'Brien James, carpenter, h 19 Labrosse.<br />

O'Brien James, conductor, bds 59 First.<br />

O'Brien James, engraver 37 Congress w, h<br />

54 Adatns ave e.<br />

O'Brien James, lab, h 168 Abbott.<br />

O'Brien Jeremhh, lab, h w s Third bet<br />

Cedar and Alexandrine ave.<br />

O'Brien Johanna, (wid TVilli am) washer-<br />

woman, h 193 o Baker.<br />

O'Brien John, blacksmith, h 914 3Iichigan<br />

ave.<br />

0' Brien John, lab, bds 226 o Fifteenth.<br />

O'Brien John, lab, bcls 396 Franklin.<br />

O'Brien John, sailor, bds 25 Bates.<br />

O'Brien John time-keeper, h 375 Fort e.<br />

O'Brien John F., grocer, 701 Jefferson ave,<br />

h same.<br />

O'Brien Lawrence, lab, h 53 Harrison ave.<br />

O'Brien Lorenze, tinsmith, bds 395 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

O'Brien Martin, lab, h 155 Larned e.<br />

O'Brien Mary (wid Thomas) h 111 Porter.<br />

O'Brien Mary, saloon, h 103 Atwater.<br />

O'Brien 3Iichael: bds 324 Lafayette ave.<br />

O'Brien Michael, moulder, bds 655 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

O'Brien Michael W., cashier People's Sav-<br />

ings bank, h 28 3Iontcillm w.<br />

O'Brien Noel C., clerk, bds 207 Larned e.<br />

O'Brien Patrick, engineer tug N. I. Rlills.<br />

O'Brien Patrick, grocer' 88 National we, h<br />

same.<br />

1 O'Brien Patrick, saloon, 862 Michigan ave,<br />

, h same.<br />

' O'Brien Patrick, stllooll and boarding, 175<br />

I Woodbridge w.<br />

O'Brien Patrick, saloon, 19 Woodbridge<br />

w, h same.<br />

O'Brien Thomas (Monaghan & O'Brien)<br />

bds 47 Fort e.<br />

O'Brien Thomas, engineer, bds 915 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

O'Hrien Thomas, lab., h 187 Abbott.<br />

O'Brien Thomas, lab., h 175 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

O'Brien Thomas, moulder, h 73 Rivard.<br />

O'Brien Thomas B., merchant tailor, 295<br />

Fifih, h same.<br />

O'Brien Timothy, ailo or? h 287 Fifth.<br />

O'Brien W illiam, lab., h cor Tewelfth and<br />

Sycamore.<br />

O'Brien William, printer, h 90 Porter.<br />

O'Brien William, student, hds 295 Fifth.<br />

0' hien Winneford, (wid Thomas) h 656<br />

Franklin.<br />

O'Callahan Nary (wid Jeremiah, h 240<br />

Abbott.<br />

O'Calaghan Michael, lab., h 67 Porter.<br />

O'Callaghan William, h 45 Lafayette ave.<br />

O'Callaghan William Mrs., (Chicago Pre-<br />

pared Wheat Co.,) h 45 Lafayette ave.<br />

Ochs August, butcher, h 514 Croghan.<br />

Ochs Henrietta, gilder, bds 108 Mullett.<br />

Ochs John, lab., h 450 Catharine.<br />

Ochsenfeld Caspar, lab., h 94 Jay.<br />

Ochsenfeld Joseph, pressman, h 20.5 Ad-<br />

arns ave e.<br />

Ochsenferd Lawrence, tailor, bds 358<br />

North.<br />

Ochsenferd Theodore, tailor, h 3.58 North.<br />

Oclrsenhirt Adam, brewery, 148 Sherman,<br />

h same.<br />

Ockford Edward, gilder, bds 255 Twelfth.<br />

Ockford Enos N., painter h 255 Twelfth.<br />

O'Connell Dennis, barber, bds 65 Macomb<br />

me.<br />

O'Connell Frank >I., printer, bds 58 Lar-<br />

ced w.<br />

O'Connell Henry, !cigar maker, bds 19<br />

Cass.<br />

O'Connell Jeremiah, lab., h w s Crawford<br />

bet Cutler and BIcLean.<br />

O'Co~nell John, h 275 Fifth.<br />

O'(:onoell John, firew, Columbia bet<br />

Park and Clifford.<br />

O'Connell Mary (wid ~osz~h F.) boarding,<br />

h 58 Larned w.<br />

O'Connell Patrick, clerk, h 535 St. Aubin<br />

we.<br />

09Connell, Patrick, lab., h 158 Porter.<br />

O'Connor Bartholmew, lab., h 26 Ann.<br />

O'Connor C., fireman, M. 0. R. R.<br />

O'Connor Cassie, operator, 221 First.<br />

O'Connor Catharine, (wid Arthur,) huckster,<br />

stall 9 C. 13. M., h 199 Congress e.<br />

O'Connor Daniel, grooxll, b 2.56 Fifth.


O'Connor Daniel, machinist, h 241 Abbott.<br />

O'Connor Elizabeth, (wid Thomas,) h 241<br />

Brush.<br />

O'Connor Eugene, stone cutter, h 31 Locust.<br />

O'Connor Felix N., carpenter, h 98 Plum.<br />

O'Connor James, butcher, h 289 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

O'Connor James F., carpenter, h Third, s e<br />

cox Selden.<br />

O'Connor Jeremiah, iab., h old 360 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

conno nor Jeremiah, police, (D. & 31.<br />

depot,) h 209 Sixth.<br />

O'Connor John, bar tender, bds 16 Beau-<br />

hien.<br />

O'Connor, John, clerk, bds 382 Fifth.<br />

O'Connor John, moulder, bds 265 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

O'Connor John, shoemaker, h 61 Grand<br />

River e.<br />

O'Connor Michael, lab., h 354 Franklin;<br />

O'Connor Patrick, coppersmith, bds 40<br />

Crawford.<br />

O'Connor Patrick, lab., bds 135 Franklin.<br />

O'Connor Pierce, lab., h 142 Porter.<br />

O'Connor Pierce, clerk, bds 382 Fifth.<br />

O'Connor Roderick, foreman machine<br />

shop, Det. Iron Works, bds Abbott, bet<br />

First and Second.<br />

O'Connor Thomas, check clerk, 31. C. R.<br />

R, h 382 Fifth.<br />

O'Connor Thomas, clcrk, bds 241 Brush.<br />

O'Connor Thomas, lab., h 82 Sullivan<br />

ave.<br />

O'Connor Tirnothy, machinist, h 60 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

O'Connor Timothy, machinist, h 410 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

O'Connor Timothy, stone cutter, h 628<br />

Sixth.<br />

O'Connor William, lab., h 171 Wight.<br />

O'Connor William, blacksmith, h 449<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Odder Peter, car smith, h 191 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Odds John, pressman, bds 553 Qratiot.<br />

O'Dea Patrick, lab., h 160 Seventh.<br />

O'Dell Charles, packer, Brush bet Jeffer-<br />

son ave and Larned.<br />

O'Dell Frank, clerk, bds 47 Fort e.<br />

07Dell Henry, baggageman, I). 62 M. R. R.,<br />

h 432 Lafayette.<br />

07Dell Henry P . , engineer, h 267 Seventh.<br />

O'Dell Hiram M., builder, bds 68 Congress<br />

west.<br />

07Dell James, undertaker, h 119 Lahrosse.<br />

O'Dell Stephen, painter, bds 198 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

O'Dett Guorchin, carpenter, h 85 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

O'De~te Joel, engineer, h 745 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oysters in the Shell a !pecialty. Wholeralr<br />

and Retall. '<br />

O'Donnell Ann, (wid John,) bds 98 Seventeenth.<br />

O'Dollnell James, lab., Abbott bet<br />

Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

O'Donnell Ellen, bds 222 Seven teen th.<br />

O'Donnell Hanora, tailoress, bds 678 Congress<br />

e.<br />

07Donnell James, lab., h 76 Porter.<br />

O'Donnell John. dravmcm. h 109 Beach.<br />

O'Donnell ~ohd H.; grocer, 315 Woodave.<br />

h 1 Columbia w.<br />

~'~onnell John, lab., h I78 Sixth.<br />

O'Donnell John, painter, bds 77 Porter.<br />

O'Donnell Joseph, printer, bds 181 Beach.<br />

O'Donnell Nary, (wid Thomas,) h 98 Seventeenth.<br />

O'Donnell Nary, milk vender, h 98 Franklin.<br />

O'Donnell Michael, lab., h 392 Franklin.<br />

07Donne21 Michael W., clerk, h '76 Porter.<br />

O'Donnell Patrick, lab., bds 63 Atwater e.<br />

O'Donnell Patrick, plasterer, 13 Franklin.<br />

O'Donnell Stephen, lab,, h 390 Franklin.<br />

0' Donnell Thomas, carpenter, h 181 Beach.<br />

O'Donnell Thomas, (O'Donnell & C'armody,)<br />

h 6'78 Congress e.<br />

O'Donnell8; Carmody,(Thomas O'Donnell<br />

and James Carmody,) horseshoers, 19<br />

Congress e.<br />

O'Donnovan- Rev. Michael, h 353 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

O'Donoghue Joseph, farmer, h 661 Sirteenth,<br />

w side.<br />

O'Donohue John, tailor, bds n m cor<br />

Beaubien and Woodbridge.<br />

O'Donohue Martin, tailor, b 153 Porter.<br />

Oehlke Freidriech, wagoner, h e s Chene<br />

bet Antoine and Jay.<br />

Oehlke Gottfed, h 323 Seventeenth.<br />

Oehlke Michael, lab., h 379 Twelfth.<br />

Oehmig Peter, peddlar, h 192 Macomb.<br />

Oellrich Henry G., clerk, bds 2 Lewis.<br />

Oellrich Mltthias Bl., lab., h 147 Elmmood<br />

ave.<br />

Oelschlaeger Harman, coppersmith, h 71<br />

Leveret ~e.<br />

OelschlaegeriHenry, coppersmith, bds $1<br />

Leverette.<br />

Oesterle John, helper, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Oesterling George, printer, h 241 Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

0' Connor Daniel, livery gtable~, 51 Jefferson<br />

we, bds 253 Congress.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Oesterling John, mason, h 58 .Baker.<br />

Oesterling Joseph, carpenter, h 207 Thir-<br />

teeenth-and-a-half.<br />

Oestermen Thomas, lab., h Hurnboldt ave,<br />

e s nr Myrtle.<br />

Oettinger William O., Sherman House, 1<br />

Jefferson ave, h aame.<br />

O'Fay Mary, (wid James,) h 149 Cass.<br />

Ohmer Phillip, lab., h 703 Lafayette.<br />

Ohse John, shoemaker, h 49 Dequindre.<br />

O'Huroghan Patrick, lab., h 154 Seven-<br />

! teenth.<br />

O'Keefe Arthur, ship carpenter, Alderman<br />

of the Tenth Ward, h 572 Fort e.<br />

O'Keefe Dennis, plasterer, h 610 Third.<br />

O'Keefe James, plumber, bds 208 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

07Keet'e John, lab, h 267 Franklin.<br />

O'Keefe John, policeman, h 183 Beach.<br />

O'Keefe John, saloon, 208 Woodbridge w.<br />

O'Keefe John, tobacconist, 11 211 Sixth.<br />

O'Keet'e John, sr., lab., h 211 Sixth.<br />

O'Keefe Michael, lab, h 184 Woodbridge e.<br />

O'Keefe Michael, tobacco packer, bds 183<br />

Beach.<br />

O'Keefe Nicholas, lab, h 102. Beach.<br />

O'Keefe Patrick, lab, h 598 Woodbridge w.<br />

O'Keefe William, clerk, bds 208 Wood-<br />

bridge m.<br />

WKeleigher John, teamster$ 381 St. Aubin<br />

Ofenmayer Adolph, cooper shop, h 415<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Oldbaugh Herman, lab. M. C. R R.<br />

OBb Henry, lab., h 288 Naple.<br />

Oldekopp George, grocer, 291 St. Antoine,<br />

Offer Louis, furrier, bds Lafayette, bet h same-<br />

Hastings and Antoine.<br />

Oldenburg John. lab, h 506 Lafayette.<br />

Offerman Joseph, drayman, h 81 Colum- Older Edward, )lab., h z44 Seventhbia<br />

e.<br />

Olderbrand Francis, expressman, h 264<br />

Offinger John, baker, h 248 High e.<br />

Abbott.<br />

OIFlanagan Edward, clerk, h 333 Sixth. Oldham William, engineer, h 59 Fifteenth.<br />

O'Flaunigan Edward, clerk, h 164 Porter. Oldman Albert, clerk, bds 243 Lamed e*<br />

Ofher Jacob, engineer, h 283 Antietam. Oldriclge John W., boot and shoe Store,<br />

O'Flyno Cornelius J., lawyer, room 13 237 Michigan ave, h same*<br />

Telegraph Block: h 32 Winder. Olds Mary, bda 52 Madison ave.<br />

O'Flynn, family of Cornelius, (deceased,)<br />

O'Leary Arthur, hostler, h 165 Franklin.<br />

h 562 Jefferson ave.<br />

O'Leary Charles, waiter, bds 6 Michigan<br />

Ogden D. Bf., bcls Antisdel House.<br />

ave.<br />

Ogle James, h 32 Montcalm e.<br />

O'Leary Cornelius, lab, h 1SS Abbott.<br />

wletree W. L.,clerk, bds 269 Jefferson ale. O'Leary Daniel, blacksmith, h 49 Labrosse.<br />

3Gorman Patrick, lab., h 170 Cherry. O'Leary Daniel, clerk, bds 180 Larned w.<br />

O'Grady Adelia E., (wid Bernard ,) h 72. O'Leary Daniel, moulder, h 49 Labrosse.<br />

Adelaide.<br />

O'Leary Daniel, paver, 90 Franklin.<br />

O'Grady George J., traveling agent, h 281 O'Leary Daniel J., moulder, bds 49 La-<br />

First.<br />

brosse.<br />

O'Grady Henry, clerk, bds 72 Adelaide. O'Leary James, h IS0 Larned w.<br />

07Grady James, cigar maker, bda 14.4 O'Leary Patrick, carpenter, h 208 Abbott.<br />

Larned e.<br />

O'Leary Timothy, conductor street rail-<br />

O'Grady Jas., car cleaner, bds 144Larned e. way, h 462 Fort e.<br />

O'Grady J ohn, lab, h 100 Plum.<br />

Olewine Avery, mechanic, h n w cor Ma-<br />

O'Grady John, shoemaker, 393 l?ranhlin* Olewine Edward JI., clerk, Campau ave,<br />

O'Grady Patrick, printer, bds 100 Plum. nr Macomb.<br />

O'Grady Wm., printer, bds 100 Plum. Olewine Ellen,(wid George W.,) h n w cor<br />

O'Hallaran James, carpenter, bds 82 Plum. comb and Joseph Camyau ave.<br />

O'Hallaran Patrick, carpenter, h 82 Plum. Olfs Herman, safe maker, h 122 Lafayette.<br />

O'Hare Arthur, clerk, bds 113 Bates. Olfs John, confebtioner, h 210 Hastings.<br />

O'Hare Dennis, lab, h rear 210 Fifth. Olfs Peter, machinist 261 Fort e.<br />

O'Hare George, carpenter, bds 40 Dequin- Olin George, stair builder, h 597 Congress<br />

dre.<br />

east.<br />

Ohlert Peter, grocery, 393 BIichigan ave, h Oliver Geo. W., chemist, h 64 Columbia e.<br />

~ame.<br />

Oliver Joseph,carpenter, bds 137 Larned e.<br />

Ohlhorst William, blacksmith, h 403 Eigh- Oliver Margaret, (wid Mathew,) h 224 -<br />

teenth. , Woodward ave.


Oliver Mathew, mason, h 60 Pitcher.<br />

Oliver Robert, clerk, bds 308 Montcalm e.<br />

Oliver William, tailor, h 308 Montcalm e.<br />

Olk Marx, porter, bds 428 Woodward ave.<br />

Ollenbrook Herrruan, teacher, h 230 Brush<br />

Olney Sanford P., (S. P. Onley & Co.,) h<br />

2'75 Congress e.<br />

Oluey S. P. & Co., (Sanford P. Onley and<br />

Isaac W. Hershberger,) vinegar manu-<br />

facturers, 98 Randolph.<br />

O'Lone John, lab., h 163 Jones.<br />

O'LoIle Michael, lab., h 341 Michigan aVe.<br />

Olsted Christopher, lab., h 369 Abbott.<br />

Olsz Henry, lab., h 133 Twenty-second.<br />

Oltz Charles (S. A. Kellam & Co.) h 207<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Olvias Peter, machinist, h 261 Fort e.<br />

O'Mallery William, truckman, h 254<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

O'Mara Benjamin F., clerk, 1 Aspinall<br />

Terrace.<br />

O7S1ara Cornelius, lab'., h 39 Pine.<br />

O'Mara Mary Ann (wid John,) h 17<br />

Sproat.<br />

O'BIara Patrick, porter, h 103 Porter.<br />

O'Mara Timothy, watchman, h 169 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

O'31eara Hugh, clerk, h 288 Seventh.<br />

O'Meara Joseph, shoe maker, h 706 3lich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Omher Philip, lab., h 703 Lafayette.<br />

07Neii Albert, lab., h 345 Franklin.<br />

O'Neil Bridget, (wid Eugere) h 255 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

O'Nell Charles, lab., h 361 Franklin.<br />

O'Neil Charles, h 49 Larned w.<br />

O'Neil Conroy, omnibus driver, bds 198<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

O'Neil Daniel, grinder, (W. L. Works) bds<br />

'70 Elizabeth e.<br />

09Neil David, moulder, bds 318 Franklin.<br />

O'Neil Francis, lab., h 144 Franklin.<br />

O'Weil James, clerk, h 154 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

0' Neil James, cashier Det. Truck Co., h 36<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

O'Keil James, lab., h 268 Franklin.<br />

07Neil James, moulder, h 588 Congress<br />

east.<br />

O'Neil James, sailor, bds 61 Ifonroe ave.<br />

07Neil James F., (Jas. F. O'Neil & Bra.,)<br />

h 6 Michigan ave.<br />

O'Neil John, blacksmith, h Tillman ave, nr<br />

Linden.<br />

O'Ncil John, fireman, bds 2G 3Iacomb<br />

ave.<br />

O'Eeil John jr., bds 70 Elizabeth e.<br />

O'Neil John, sr., drayman, h 70 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

O'Neil John C., (Jas. I?. O'Neil & Bro.,) h<br />

6 3lichigan ave.<br />

O'Neil Mary, car cleaner, bcls 358 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

DIRECTORY. 09RE 389<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Xanufacturers of<br />

Aqua Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P. Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See'advertieement, page 9.<br />

O'Keil Mary, (wid Patrick), washerwoman,<br />

h 96 Wilkins.<br />

O'Neil NoraMiss, clerk, bds 137 Jones.<br />

O'Neil Nora, housekeeper, bds 268 Franklin.<br />

O'Neil Oliver W., blacksmith, bds 36 Fort<br />

east.<br />

O'Neil Owen, blacksmith, h 36 Fort e.<br />

O'Neil Owen, stableman, h 49 Spencer.<br />

O'Neil Patrick, detective, bds 26 Nacomb<br />

ave.<br />

O'Neil Patrick, lab., h 396 Franklin.<br />

O'Neil Patrick, lab., h Tillman ave, nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

O'Neil Patrick H., captain, h 61 Dnffield.<br />

O'Neil Thomas, iron melter, h 583 Fort<br />

east.<br />

O'Neil Thomas, lab., h 448 Sixth.<br />

O'Neil Thomas, printer, h 412 Sixth.<br />

O'Neil William, captain tug Castle, h 61<br />

Dufield.<br />

O'Neil Jas. F.




Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Orian Frank, carpenter, h 477 Fort e.<br />

Oriskell John, lab., h 152 Franklin.<br />

Orleman Anthony, huckster, stall 91 C. H.<br />

M., h 141 Croghan.<br />

Orleman John A., huckster, stall 8s C. H.<br />

&I., h 44 Fort e.<br />

Ormarod Jonathan, carpenter, h 236 Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Orme John, gardener. h RicDougall ave<br />

nr cor Macorn b.<br />

Ormond Alexander, lab., h s s Grove cor<br />

Prospect,<br />

Ormonde Ann (wid John) Yankee notions,<br />

stall 17 upper C. H. M., h 305 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Ormsby George, shoemaker, bds 179<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Ormsby William, lab., h 248 Seventh.<br />

Ormsby William J., painter, bds 8 First.<br />

O'Rourk James, coachman, bds 36.2 Jeflerson<br />

ave.<br />

Orr Edward, wholesale dry goods, 120 and<br />

122 Jefferson ave, h 97 Congress w.<br />

Orr Thomas, blacksmith, 734 W oodbridge<br />

w, h 117 Sixteenth.<br />

Orschel Hermann, clerk, bcls 13 Xont-<br />

. calm e.<br />

Orth Adam, (Adam Orth and F. Chateau)<br />

h 111 Macomb.<br />

Orth Adam, moulder, h 272 new 194 old<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Orth Anthony, printer, bds 111 Macomb.<br />

Orth Charles, carpenter, bds 107 Macomb.<br />

Orth Conrad, gilder, bds 143 Clinton.<br />

Orth Fred, clerk, bds cor Hastings and<br />

Whitney.<br />

Orth George, shoemaker, h 274 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Orth Henry, carpenter, bds, 243 Clinton.<br />

Orth John, cooper, h 295 Columbia, e.<br />

Orth Jacob, lab., h n 272 o 194 Columbia e.<br />

Orth John, shoemaker, h 107 Macomb.<br />

Orth John J., bookbinder, bds 107 Nacomb.<br />

Orth John L., jeweler, h 267 Alfred.<br />

Orth Louis W., carpenter, bds 251 Alfred.<br />

Orth Mary, (wid Michael,) h 251 Alfred.<br />

Orth Nicholas M., grocer, 713 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Orth Rudolph, h Ill Macomb.<br />

Orth Adam 62 J. Chateau, tin, copper and<br />

sheetiron workera,(Adam Orthzand John<br />

Chateau,) 190 Hastings.<br />

Ortman Frank, porter, h 63 Harriet.<br />

Ortman Frank jr., switchman, bds 63 Ear-<br />

riet.<br />

Orton John, lab., h 412 Thirteenth.<br />

Orttenburger Randolph, shoemaker, h 170<br />

Brewster.<br />

Orttenburger William, shoemaker, 130<br />

Catherine.<br />

Ortwine Catharine, (wid John,) h 489 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Ortwine John, tinsmith, bds 489 Macomb.<br />

Ortwine Peter, tin smith, h 575 Fort e.<br />

Ortwein William, silver plater, h 205 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Osborne Charles F.,(C. F. Osborne 6; Co.,)<br />

h 694 Woodbridge w.<br />

Osborne David S., ( F. Osborne & Co., h<br />

Twenty-fourth nr % ix Koad.<br />

Osborne George F.. clerk, bds cor Gris-<br />

wold and Congress.<br />

Osborne Samuel, blacksmith, bds Seventh<br />

nr cor Abbott.<br />

Osborne Samuel, machinist, bds 15 1 Cass.<br />

Osborne Sarah A., (wid Elihu,) h 28<br />

Henry.<br />

Osborn IVilllam, cigar maker, h 55 Siu-<br />

teenth.<br />

OSBORNE C. F., & Co., (Charles F. &<br />

David S. Osborne), lumber, sash, doors,<br />

blinds, &c., cor. Twenty -first and Mich-<br />

igan ave.) (See adv.)<br />

Osburn Frank A. (Osburn 65 McLeod), bds<br />

46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Ooburn Robert H., printer,cor. Larned and<br />

%ape.<br />

Osburn 62 McLeod (Frank A. Osburn &<br />

Murdock McLeod), lumber 51 Griswold.<br />

Osbolde Anthony, tailor, h 366 Division.<br />

Osbold Joseph, tailor, h 197 Chestnut.<br />

Osgood Daniel, gardener, h Hastings near<br />

Fremont.<br />

0s ood David,carpenter,bds Hastings near<br />

Bemont.<br />

Osgood David, carpenter, bcls n e cor<br />

I-livard and Larned.<br />

Osgood Henry E., h 360 Lafayette ave.<br />

Oagood William, baker, h 61 Abbott.<br />

0 Shaughnessy James, lab, h 182 Cherry.<br />

O'Shaughnessy John, lab, 128 Canfield.<br />

O'Shaughnessy John, teacher, h 704 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

07Shaughnessy Margaret, h 213 Second.<br />

O'Shaughnessy Patrick, blacksmith, h 151<br />

Orleans.<br />

O'Shea Charles, engineer, h 345 Macomb.<br />

O'Shea Michael, lab, h 184 Cherry.<br />

0' Shea Michael, jr., clerk, bds 184 Cherry.<br />

O'Shea Patrick, clerk, bds 184 Cherry.<br />

Osher Morris, waiter, bds 80 Front.<br />

Ostermyer Thomas, lab, h Nineteenth, nr<br />



Ostler William S., (Ostler & Hoekstra), h<br />

360 Sixth.<br />

Ostler & Hoekstra (William S. Ostler &<br />

Egbert Hoekstra), book and job printers,<br />

67 Griswold.<br />

Ostroskee Anthony, lab, h n s Hale, bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin aye.<br />

Ostroskte Mart~n, lab, h n s Hale, bet Dequindre<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

O'Sullivzln Daniel, shoemaker, h 133 Fort<br />

east.<br />

O'Sullivan Dennis J., stationery, 217 Michiqan<br />

ave h same.<br />

O'Sullivan John, general store, 33 Franklin,<br />

h same.<br />

Orwalcl Frederick, teamster,h 706 Macomb.<br />

Osz Martin, lab, h 101 Jay.<br />

0 tntroura Joseph, confectioner, bds 59<br />

First.<br />

Otis Amos, Drain Commissioner Wayne<br />

County, office <strong>City</strong> Hal1,residence Greenfield.<br />

Otis Marv, dress making, h 139 Jones.<br />

O'Tool John, lab, bds 1 138 Woodnrard ave.<br />

O'Tool John, tailor, h 98 Cherry.<br />

O'Tool Thomas, lab, h 1133 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Ott Charles, shoemaker, h 371 Orleans.<br />

Ott John, lab, h 453 Grrit~ot.<br />

Ott John G., shoemaker, 61 Brush, h 371<br />

Or1 eaas.<br />

Ott William, lab, h 574 James.<br />

Ottenburger Paul, clerk, bds 68 Randolph.<br />

Otter Charles, painter, bds 19 Cass.<br />

Otter Henry, lab, h '76 Fifteenth.<br />

Otterer John, shoemaker, h 53 Detrait.<br />

Ottley Oswald S., sign painter, 46 Larned<br />

w h 275 Russell.<br />

Ottmar Panlus, lab, h 282 Montcalm e.<br />

Otto Charles, mechanic, h 120 3lul:ett.<br />

Otto Claudius, cabinet maker, h 174 Lafayette.<br />

Otto Frederick, cabinet maker, bds 1'74<br />

Lttfayette.<br />

01to Frederick, shoemaker, h 474 Seventeenth.<br />

Otto Herman, wagon maker, bds 474<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Otto Jdmes, carpenter, h 266 Thirteenthand-a-ha1<br />

f.<br />

Otto John, blacksmith, h 474 Seventeenth.<br />

Otto Juliils,'clerk, h 2.31 Orleans.<br />

Or to Martin, lab, h 558 Mullett.<br />

Otto Theodore, steward, h 530 Croghan.<br />

Ou~heltree William L., time-keeper, bds<br />

289 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ouellette Dennis, agent: h 338 Fifth.<br />

Ouellette Patrice, carpenter, h 159 Twelfth.<br />

Outte Eh., dress maker 153 National ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Overton Dewitt E., policemen, h 592 Bracorn<br />

b.<br />

Overland George, waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Overton Jeremiah, h 265 3lichigttu ave.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



-Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retall.<br />

Owen Mrs. Agnes, (wid) h 236 First.<br />

0 wen Albert, clerk, bds 236 First.<br />

Owen Rev. Alfred, pastor Lafayette ave<br />

Baptist church, h 140 Geor~e.<br />

Owen Francis, caulker, h 477 Fort e.<br />

Owen Gaffney, lab., bds 224 Sixth.<br />

( )wen George W., printer, h 309 Third.<br />

Omen Henry P., agent, h 265-Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

I Owen John, (Campbell, Owen & Co.), h<br />

i 61 Fort w.<br />

Owen John, carpenter, bcls 40 Dequindre.<br />

Owen John Emery, (Campbell, Owen &<br />

Co.), bds Biddle House.<br />

Owen John J , carpenter, bds 40 Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Owen Julia A., dress maker, store 350<br />

Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Owen Lafayette, clerk, bds 61 Fort w.<br />

Owen Michael, clerk, bds 60 Wayne.<br />

Owen Leverit, mailing clerk Tribune, h 470<br />

Fifth.<br />

Owen Thomas, sawyer, h 6 Park Place.<br />

Omen Thomas D., (col'd) barber, shop 106<br />

Griswold, h Mac( rmb nr Rivard.<br />

Owen Tnbel C., lawyer, room 6 Tele-<br />

graph Biock,h 353 Fort w.<br />

0 wen Richard, (col'd) waiter, Xiaigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Owen Robert A., canvasser, Dds Antisdel<br />

Hc )use.<br />

Owen William, engineer, h 3\38 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Owen TViliiam A., butcher, stall 7 C. H. 31.<br />

h 335 Larned e.<br />

Owen Hannah, (col'd wid Shephard,)<br />

washerwoman, h 212 Lafayette.<br />

Owen Richard, (col'd) wailer, bds 212 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Oxnard John E., clerk, h 432 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Oyster Ocean Restaurant, Gillmrtn Bros.<br />

proprs., cor TVoodward and Jefferson.<br />

aves.<br />

-<br />

F<br />

P<br />

ACKSRD Marcus W., engineer, h<br />

393 Bronson.<br />

Packbauer August, mechanic, h 374 Hastings.<br />

Packbauer Edward, mechanic, h 811 High<br />




Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Packbauer Henry, mechanic. h 217 Iligh<br />

Packbauer Julius, cigar maker, bds 374<br />

Hastings.<br />

Packer L% illiam, hack driver, bds Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Padberg Bernard, jr., cabinet maker, bds<br />

175 Lafiiyette.<br />

Pndberg Bernard, sr., cabinet maker, h 175<br />

Lafttyette.<br />

Padberg John, B., teller German American<br />

Bank, h 343 IIontcalm e.<br />

Padberg Joseph, tailor. h 405 Division.<br />

PadbergWilliam, tinsmith, bds I 75 Lafayette.<br />

Paddock Ira H., shoemaker, bds 227 Cass.<br />

Paddock W. W., agent (Heffron cFt Co.)<br />

Padelt Albert, cabinet maker, h 342 Blon t-<br />

calm east.<br />

Padeit Joseph, bartender, bds 348 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Paetov Frederick, lab, h 527 Lafayette.<br />

Page Charles R., harness shop, 326 blichigan<br />

ave, h sare.<br />

Page Douglass M., machinist, h 331 Fifteenth.<br />

Page Dustin H., clerk, hds 29 Columbia w.<br />

Page -- Frederick, clerk, bds 96 Elizabeth e.<br />

Page George A., saloon, 571 31 ichigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Page Henry, agent, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Page Henry, shoemaker, bds 46 Lewis.<br />

Page Joseph, carpenter, h 132 Fifth.<br />

Page Norman (co17d), barber, 43 Atwater<br />

e, h 264 Macomb.<br />

Page Sarah (wid John), h 373 Abbott.<br />

Page William, pictiire frame maker, bdg<br />

639 Seventh.<br />

Pagel Charles, carpenter, h 538 Macomb.<br />

Pagel Ernst, teamster, h 198 Dubois.<br />

Pagel Frederick, carpenter, 411 Sixteenth.<br />

Pagel Frederick, lab, h 455 Chene.<br />

Page1 John, lab, 410 Dubois.<br />

Page1 Willianl. mason, h Sherman, near<br />

Chene.<br />

Pagels Christian, lab, h 497 Catherine.<br />

Paget James, wagon maker, h 65 Hsrrison<br />

ave.<br />

Paglow Charles, lab., h 4SG Howard.<br />

Pai~e - David 0.. Supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Co.,<br />

hoold 113 new 179' IIenry.<br />

Parnacott Samuel, painter, h 117 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Paine Isaac (col'd) cook, h 139 Lafayette.<br />

Palsley Alexander J., foreman, h 376<br />

Sixth.<br />

Paizalus Charles, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Pajet Joseph, sawyer, h 156 Wight.<br />

Palaski Michael, watchman, h 35 Mullett.<br />

Palfrey Edwin, bds National Hotel.<br />

Palm Augustus, (D. 62 M. R. R.) bds<br />

Bitldle lIoust.<br />

Pallnam August F., shoe~nnker, 142 Ran-<br />

dolph, h same<br />

Palmer Charles, painter. h 7 Porter.<br />

Palnler Charles A., painter, h 306 Thircl.<br />

Palmer Charles M. (Lansing & Palmer)<br />

bds 255 Larned e.<br />

Palnler Corydon B., physician, h 82 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

Palmer Ervin, (Ward & .Palmer) h 19<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Palmer Eli, agent, h 253 Larned e,<br />

Palmer Frederick, lab., h 80 Thirteenth.<br />

Palmer Friend, real estate, 62 Griswold, Ir<br />

63G Jefferson ave,<br />

Palmer F. H , brakesman, bds Finney's<br />

Eotel.<br />

Palmer T., omnibus agent, bds<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Palmer Henry, clerk, bds 239 TVoodward<br />

ave.<br />

Palmer Jacob, lab., bds 18s High.<br />

Palmer James B., (Palmer Bros. & Co. ),<br />

h 93 Abbott.<br />

Palmer. Jane, [mid John), h 69 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

, Palmer John, expressman, h old 374 new<br />

400 Sixteenth.<br />

Palmer John F., cigar maker, bds Finney's<br />

, Hotel.<br />

Palmer Joseph, ship carpenter, h 504 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Palmer Joseph S., (Becker & Palmer) h<br />

774 Michigan ave.<br />

Palmer Lutber.T., machinist, h 254 Hom-<br />

ard.<br />

Palmer Mary A. W., (wid Thomas) h<br />

650 Jefferson ave.<br />

Palmer Nathan H., engineer, M. C. R. R.,<br />

11 311 Sixteenth.<br />

Palmer Rachel (co17d) dress maker, bds<br />

Division bet Beanbien and Brus11.<br />

Palmer Nemiah (Palmer Bros. & Co.), h<br />

269 First.<br />

Palmer Hipley M., brakesman, h 62 Locust.<br />

Paltner Russell, carpenter, bds 89 Fifth.<br />

Palmer Tllomas, lab, h 139 Eighteenth.<br />

Palmer T. H., brakesman, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Palmer Thomas W., lumberman, room<br />

4 Merrill block, h cor Farnsworth and<br />

Woodward aves.<br />

Paimer William, carriage trimmer, bds<br />

270 Catharine.


Palmer William H., (col'd) cook, h 155<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Palmer William P., clerk, h 2'30 Catharine.<br />

Palmer Bros. 62 Co., (N. and J. B. Palmer)<br />

builders, Congress bet Third and Fourth.<br />

Palmieri Pasqual, fresco artist, h 157 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Palms Francis, real estate, o 345 n 357<br />

Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Palms Mrs. Catharine, h 258 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Palfrey George, clerk, bds 87 Shelby.<br />

Pander Michael, blacksmith, h 50 National<br />

ape.<br />

Pankow Christopher, blacksmith, h 702<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Pankow Frederick, blacksmith, h 476 Sev-<br />

en teen t h.<br />

Panko John, lab, h 230 Chestnut.<br />

Pannell Henry, h 264 Clifford.<br />

Panzner Frank, tailor, h 429 St. Antoine<br />

2d floor.<br />

Panzer Henry, lab, h 226 Benton.<br />

Panzner Joseph, farrier, h 192 Wilkins.<br />

Panzner Josephine, (wid Wenzel) bets 197<br />

Bronson.<br />

Panzner Peter, lab, h 197 Bronson.<br />

Panzer Wendell, furrier, 192 Wilkins.<br />

Papke Edgar, boiler maker, h s w cor Six-<br />

teenth and Ash.<br />

Papka Jacob, lab, Seventh nr Grand-River<br />

ave.<br />

Papke Ludwig, lab, h n s of Chestnut bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDouqall aves.<br />

Papp .Joseph E., editor Michigan Volks-<br />

blatt, h 162 Rivard.<br />

Papst Joseph R., lab, h 180 Clinton.<br />

Paquett Jervais, carpenter, 472 Congress<br />

esst.<br />

Paradise Adolph, engineer, M. C. R. R., h<br />

140 Ninth ave.<br />

- Paradise Felix, ship carpenter, h s s Fort<br />

e bet McDougall and Joseph Campua<br />

ave.<br />

Paradise Thomas A., engineer, h 158 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Pami Sylvester, carpenter, h 24 Wight.<br />

Parch Friederich, tailor, h 402 Mullett.<br />

Parcher William K., clerk, h 101 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Pardington William T., clerk, h 79 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Pare Louis, shoemaker, h cor Larned and<br />

Randolph.<br />

Parent Charles, h 344 Woodbridge e.<br />

Parent Charles E., gents' fknishing goods,<br />

264 Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Parent Charles F., clerk, bds Bank Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Parent Eugene, carpenter, h 361 Sixth.<br />

Parent James A., clerk, h 77 Brainard.<br />

Parent John, ship carpenter, h 97 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />

Parent Joseph, butcher, bds 77 Nineteenth.<br />

50<br />

W e will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by s call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, DavSs & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Parent Margaret,(wid Eli) h 77 Nineteenth.<br />

Parent Thomas, butcher, h toot Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Parent Thomas F., printer, h 510 Sixth.<br />

Parett Josee)h, tinsmith, bds 92 Larned e.<br />

Paris Henry J., huckster, stall 3 Upper<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall Market, h 23 Farmer.<br />

Paris Henry B., poultry stall, 23 Upper<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall Market, h 77 Jones.<br />

Paris William, photographer, bcls 282<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Parish James jr, book finisher, h 247 Macomb.<br />

Parish Ramour, ship carpenter, h 653<br />

Congress e.<br />

Park Henry C., clerk, bds 82 Porter.<br />

Park Henry- M., wagon wheel man, h 82<br />

Porter.<br />

Park John (col'd), mason, h 239 Fort e.<br />

Park John Q., mail agent P. O., h 56<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Park Thaddeus, tinsmith, Bds 63 Howard.<br />

Parke Abraham P., clerk, h 27 Henry.<br />

Parke Hervey C. (Parke, Davis & Co.), h<br />

18 High.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co. (Hervey C.<br />

Parke, George S. Davis, John R. Grout,<br />

and William H. Stevens), manufacturing<br />

chemists, s e cor Henry and Cass ave,<br />

office 52 Larned w. (See adv.)<br />

Parker Aaron A., saw mill, h 468 Fort e.<br />

Parker A., brakesman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Parker Charles H., clerk, bds 122 Wayne.<br />

Parker Charles. teamster, h Beaubien. n<br />

Leland.<br />

Parker Edward, waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Parker Edwin R.. agent Empire Line, 50<br />

Grisvrold, h 29 Columbia w.<br />

Parker Eugene K., conductor, h 53 Porter.<br />

Parker F., brakesman If. C. R. R.<br />

Parker George H. (col'd.), barber, 270<br />

Woodward ave., h 300 Croghan.<br />

Parker George H., tanner, 28 Gratiot, h 30<br />

same.<br />

Parker Henry, (col'd.), porter, h old 200 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Parker James, carpenter, h s e cor Freemont<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

Parker James, lab., h 292 old Sixth.<br />

Parker John C., carpenter, bds 475 Larned<br />

e.<br />

~arker Lucm, conductor D. & M., h cor<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half and Myrtle.


Parnacott Ann, (wid Henry,) boarding, h<br />

I 117 Woodbridge e.<br />

Parry Henry, c;rpenter. h 479 Sixth.<br />

Parry John, clerk, h 84 Montcalm e.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE 8 Parry John C., lumber inspector, custom<br />

house, h 383 Clinton.<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, Parry ivilliam H., draughtsman, bds 78<br />

SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Congress w.<br />

Parshall Charles H., machinist, h 203<br />

Parker Lydia (wid of Hiram), h 1 41 Michi- First.<br />

gan ave, up stairs.<br />

Parshall Frank D., painter, bds 203 First.<br />

Parker Marshall (col'd), teamster, h cor Pax-~man John, CooPer, h 517 Seventh-<br />

Dequindre and Antietam.<br />

Parsnip Samuel, mason, h 129 Fort e.<br />

Parker Raizemond, lawyer, h 88 Colum- Parsons Andrew, clerk, bds 81 Washingbia<br />

w, up stairs.<br />

ton a;-e.<br />

Parker Roswell, cabinet-maker, h 147 Ab- Parsons Clharles F-, cigar maker, bds 0 175<br />

bott.<br />

n 179 Woodward ave.<br />

Parker Silas A., carpenter, h Fourth nr Parsons D. P., painter, h 202 Beauhien.<br />

Marcy.<br />

Parsons Edwin A., lawyer, 36 Seitz Block.<br />

Parker Thomas, rigger, h 239 Sixth. Parsons Eli W., clerk, h 196 Fourth.<br />

Parker Thomas, leather belt manufacturer, Parsons Frederick, carpenter, bds n 219<br />

28 Gratiot, up stairs, h 345 Mullett. Larned e.<br />

Parker Thomas A., wholesale grocer, 93 Parsons Hiram P.1 teamster, h 137 Lamed<br />

Woodward ave, h 433 Jeferson ave. east.<br />

Parker Willard (Willard Parker & Co.,) Parsons Marrillee, (wid Andrew,) bds 85<br />

56 Lafavette ave.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Parker Willard F. (Willard Parker& co.,) Parsons Philo, ald. sixth ward, office 103<br />

h 35 State.<br />

Griswold (up stairs) h 460 Woodward<br />

Parker William, harness-maker h 140 Lo- ave.<br />

cust.<br />

Parsons Robert, draughtsman, office <strong>City</strong><br />

Parker William, teamster, s e cor Fif- Surveyor, bds 272 woodward ave.<br />

teenth and Magnglia.<br />

Parsons William F., h o 175 n 179 Wood-<br />

Parker Wilber F. (Tunis & Parker,) h 27 ward me-<br />

Henry.<br />

Partello Byron, spring bed mnfr., 117<br />

Parker, William F., purchasing agent De- Woodbridge W, h 193 Howard.<br />

troit, Hillsdale r& Indiana and <strong>Detroit</strong>, Parte!lo Charles, painter7 h 49 Lewis*<br />

Eel River $ Illinois R. R. h Ypsilanti, Partlon John, lab., h 248 'I'hird-<br />

Blich.<br />

Partlon Michael, clerk, Gas Co., h r 11<br />

Parker Willard & Co. (Willard Parker and Plum-<br />

Willard F. Parker,, pork packers, 38,34 Partlon Peter7 gardener, h Cass aye, nedr<br />

and 36 Woodbridge e.<br />

Forest ave.<br />

Parkes Charles (J. & C. Parkes,) h Au Sau- Parflon Thomas, gas meter inspector, h 369<br />

ble, Mich.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Parkes John F. (J. & C. Parl;es,)jh Eigh- Parflon Thomas, janitor Cass Union<br />

teenth, cor Howard.<br />

School, h same.<br />

Partue Fredrich, lab, h 527 Lafayette.<br />

JoSEPHy wood turner, 62<br />

Third, h 118 Eighteenth.<br />

Pas Theodore, carpenter. h $6 Cher: y.<br />

(& a&.)<br />

Paechkel Frank, tailor, bds 429 Orleans.<br />

Parkes Theodore, lab, bds e- Pasco Albert M., traveling agent, bds 113<br />

Parkes J. & C. (John F. and Charles,) Lamed w.<br />

lumber, 553, 555 Michigan ave. Pasco Mrs. Catherine J., dress maker, n<br />

Parkbill Joseph, lab., h 340 St. Aubin ave. a 18 Macomb ave, h same... .<br />

Parkhurst R. J., conductor M. C. R. R. Pasco Charles E., caller, h 18 Macomb ave.<br />

Parkhurst Wright, conductor, h 163 Ab- Pasco Clinton M., clerk, 112 Larned w.<br />

bott.<br />

Pasco Emily (wid Charles), h 112 Larned<br />

Parkin Charles, pattern maker, h 391 La- west.<br />

fayette.<br />

Pasco Mark S., student, bds 112 Larned w.<br />

Parkinson Charles A., clerk, bds 96 Wash- Pascoe Richard A., harnessmaker, h 87<br />

ington ave.<br />

Second.<br />

Parkinson Joseph, grocer, cor Grand River Passolt Earnest, 32 Fort e.<br />

ave and Third, h 174 Henry.<br />

Passolt Hermann, tobacconist, bds 32 Fort<br />

Parkinson W~lliam, foreman, o 96 Wash- east.<br />

ington ave.<br />

Patchet Jane (wid William),h 97 Seventh.<br />

Parmentier Joseph, h r 430 Woodbridge e. Patchin Abel, h 340 Third.

,<br />


Patchin Henry A., vessel owner, 56 Ma- LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

comb ave. 1 SHOULD CALL AT<br />

Patchin Jared Hon., Judge Circuit Court,<br />

bds 321 Second.<br />

Paton Aqness (wid Walter S.) ,h 198 Park.<br />

Paton Alice, machine operator, bds 81<br />

Porter.<br />

FnIton Market Oyster Honse,<br />

Paton Allen A,, h 107 Henry. 28 MICHIGAN GRAND ATE.<br />

Paton Catherine (wid Charles), h 81<br />

Robert. . I Optirs in the and Shell Retarl. 8 *prcialty. Wholegale<br />

Paton Charles, moulder, h 441 Fort e. I<br />

Paton Mrs. Isnbella (wid Alexander), h 71<br />

Jones.<br />

Patterson James W., jr., harness maker,<br />

Paton James, clerk, h 25 South,<br />

bds 71 Columbia w.<br />

Paton James, hackman, h 33 Sproat.<br />

Patterson John, carpenter, bds 322 Catha-<br />

Paton James S., clerk, bds 290 Catherine.<br />

rine.<br />

Patterson John, helper, h cor Rose and<br />

Paton Minerva (co17d wid Broxtg), h 195 Seventeenth.<br />

Third.<br />

Patterson John, stove mounter, bds r e cor<br />

Yaton Peter, dealer in Howe Sewing ma- St. Aubin ave and Franklin.<br />

chine, 178 Jefferson ave, h 290 Catherine. Patterson John, teamster, Holmes (PG Web-<br />

Prtton Robert (Paton & Son) bds s s Gra- ster.<br />

tiot cor Paton.<br />

Paterson John, machinist, h 68 National<br />

Paton William (Paton & Son) h s s Gra- avenue.<br />

tiot cor Paton.<br />

Patterson John TV., carpenter, bds 100<br />

Paton & Son, (William and Robert) fur- Adams ave e.<br />

niture, cor Gratiot and Paton.<br />

Patterson Joseph, clerk, h 190 Labrosse.<br />

Patrick Alexander L., paver, h 105 Elm- Patterson Margaret, (wid Ovenb) h 66<br />

wood ave.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Patrick Edward, joiner, h 311 Lafayette. Patterson Philo BI., principal private<br />

Patrick H. C., lumberman, bds Biddle school, 109 Griswold, h 226 Woodbridge<br />

House.<br />

east.<br />

Patrick William S., pine lands, 114 Grie- Patterson Samuel, expressman, bds 24<br />

wold, (up stairs.)<br />

First.<br />

Patridge James, lab., h n w cor Rose and Patterson Samuel P., marble cutter, bds<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

cor First and Nichigan ave.<br />

Patten Chmles, clerk, bds 97 Congress e. Patterson Thomas, fireman, h 236 Four-<br />

Patten Edward, tailor, bds Grand River teenth.<br />

ave nr Twelfth.<br />

Patterron William, bottler, h 151 Seventh.<br />

Patten Henry, teamster,. h cor Franklin Patterson William, carpenter, ' bds 127<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Larned w.<br />

Patten John H., drover, h 323 Cass ave. Patterson William, cigar packer, bds 81<br />

Patten John S., agent Erie and Korth<br />

Congress e.<br />

Shore Line, s w cor Jefferson ave and<br />

Patterson Willialn, carpenter, bds 206<br />

Griswold, h 27 Columbia w.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Patten Silas (Hough, Patten 6: Co.), h 114<br />

Patterson William, printer, bds 27 Nonroe.<br />

National ave.<br />

Patterson William, printer, bds 103 Byush.<br />

Patterson Ann (wid James) h St. Aubin<br />

Patterson TVilliam F., sailor, h 281 Montave<br />

w s nr Franklin.<br />

calm east.<br />

Patemon A., clerk, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Patterson, William, engineer D. & 11. R.<br />

Patterson Charles J., carpenter, h 322 R.,bds- Larned e.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Patterson William J., physician, h 71 Co-<br />

Patterson Daniel W., (Patterson r5t; Bllen) lumbia w.<br />

h 77 Beach.<br />

Patterson & Allen, (Daniel W. Patterson<br />

and Isaac Allen) ornamental bracket<br />

PATTERSON DAVID, marble works, makers, 195 Cass.<br />

95 and 97 Larned w) h Twenty- st Pattison Charles W., old book store and<br />

bet Fort and Lafayette. (Xee advt.) tobacconist, 67 Griswold. bds 40 Congress -<br />

Patterson Edward H., carpenter. h 321 west,<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Pattison George W., old books, 198 Wood-<br />

Patterson Edward H., clerk, h 308 Fourth. ward ave, h 115 Larned east.<br />

Patterson George, drayman, h 248 Ma- Pattison John, machinist, h 68 National<br />

comb.<br />

sve.<br />

Patterson IXamilton E., clerk, h 20G Pattison Joseph, warehouseman, h 192<br />

Fourth.<br />

Labrosse.<br />

8umm & a@B88


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Pattison Miss Julia, assistant librarian <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

public library, h 115 Larned e.<br />

Pattison William, printer, bds 45 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Pattnit Alexander, lab, h Twelfth w s nr<br />

Dickson.<br />

Patton James, (Patton & Sawney, h Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Patton John, (John Patton & Son) h 110<br />

Larned e.<br />

Patton Jobn, conductor,h 140 Tillman ave.<br />

Patton John J., (John Patton & Son) h<br />

102 Elizabeth e.<br />

Parton John R., carriage trimmer, bds 237<br />

John R.<br />

Patton Capt. Josenh T., (IIarmon & Pat-<br />

. ,<br />

ton) h 160 First.<br />

Patton Joseph, tanner and currier, bds 508<br />

Franklin.<br />

Pauliat Joseph, carpenter, h 653 Larned e.<br />

Paulus August, grocer, 159 St. Antoine, h<br />

same.<br />

Paulus Charles, hardware, 55 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 865 Fort w.<br />

Pzrulus Charles H., tinsmith, bds 865 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Paulus Emil G., clerk, bds 159 St. Antoine.<br />

Pavey Samuel, stock agent, h 127 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Paxton Ethelbert P., fish dealer, h 151<br />

Larned e.<br />

Paya Charles, apprentice, bds 5 Maple.<br />

Paya Charles, heel blacker, bds 180<br />

Maple.<br />

Paye John, shoemaker, h 121 Maple.<br />

Payette Charles, lab., h 552 Congress e.<br />

Payette Henry, carpenter, (Candler Bros.)<br />

Payette Peter, shoe store, 327 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 111 Lafayette.<br />

Payne Chauncey P., sewing machine<br />

agent, bds Goodman House.<br />

Payne Douglas (Mumford, Foster & Co.), h<br />

105 Elizabeth m.<br />

Payne Joseph, h 23 Sproat.<br />

Papne Nelson (col'd), whitewasher, h 420<br />

Watson.<br />

Payne Robert (col'd), lab., h 225 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Pa~ne Thomas, assist. supt- <strong>Detroit</strong>, Lan-<br />

sing and Lake Michigan R. R., h 118<br />

Patton William H., carriage trimmer, h khms ave e-<br />

350 St. Antoine.<br />

Payne William L. (Waring, Payne lk Co.),<br />

h 183 Second.<br />

Patton J.) carriage John manufacturers, & ISon9 (John cor and Brush John Peabody Almon, captain, barge Saginaw.<br />

and Woodbridge, repository 236 Jeffer- Peabody David W*, wood merchant,<br />

son ave. (See a&.)<br />

439 W oodwsrd are.<br />

Patton 6; Sawney (James Patton and Peabody James H* (J* H* Peabody Co* 1,<br />

Michael Sawney) Peninsular House, s w loo<br />

cor Grand River and Macomb aves. Peabody Sherwood R., h 12 High.<br />

Paugel Charles, carpenter, h 538 Macomb. PEABODY J. H. & COO (James Pea-<br />

Paugel Frederick, lab, h 432 Clinton ave. bady and Henry Gardner), wood yard,<br />

Paul Albert, lab, h 498 Watson.<br />

s w cor William and Miami ave.<br />

Paul Charles, grocer $94 Michigan ave, h Peach August, lab., h German bet Duboia<br />

same.<br />

and Chene.<br />

Paul Charles, lab, h Silver bet Russell and Pearce Anna, (wid Edwin,) h 92 Brady.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Pearce Charles, plasterer, h 19 Oak.<br />

Paul Charles D., printer, bds s w cor Pearce David, carpenter, h n e cor Fourth<br />

Wayne and Larned.<br />

and Orange.<br />

Paul Gideon, clerk, h 114 First.<br />

Pearce David, photographer, h n w cor<br />

Paul Henry cigar, maker, bds o 324 Gra tiot. Seventh and Oak.<br />

Paul John, lab, h e s Mt. Hope bet Michi- Pearcc Edwin, plumber, bds 92 Brady.<br />

gan ave and Butternut.<br />

Pearce Henry, harness maker, o 331 n 343<br />

Paul Reinus, grocer, 145 Adams ave e, h ~~odward we, h same.<br />

same.<br />

Pesrce James, clerk, h 158 Crawford.<br />

Paul Robert J., agent sewing machine, 191 Pearce John, architect, h I79 Woodbridge<br />

Randolph, bds 68 Sherman.<br />

east.<br />

Paul Thomas J., h 40 Montcalm e. Pearsall Cornelius, block pump maker, h<br />

Paul William, lab., h 299 Thirteenth. 380 Fort w.<br />

Pauley Charles, saloon, n e cor Larned Pearsall Oscar, lab., h 172 BIullett.<br />

and Second, h same.<br />

Pearsall William, clerk, bds 380 Fort w.<br />

Pauli Frsnz J., grocer, 213 Croghan, h . Ik~son George, ship carpenter, bds 175<br />

same. I Abbott.


Pearaon James, malster, h 175 Abbott.<br />

Pearson Smith C., route ;agent, A. M. U.<br />

Ex. Co., h 63 Marion.<br />

Pearson Thomas, drayman, h 92 National<br />

ave.<br />

Pearson William O., clerk, bds 456 Xinth<br />

ave.<br />

Pearson William S., safe finisher, 456 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Pease E. Brooks, clerk, bds 169 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Pease George B., h 32 Fort w.<br />

Peate George, tailor, h 155 Division.<br />

Peatee Samuel, clerk, bds 41 Washington<br />

ave,<br />

Peaters David, melter, h 181 Twelfth.<br />

Peavy Frank general agent New<br />

England Mutual Life Insurance Co., 174<br />

Griswold, h 196 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Peay Sophia, (wid George,) h 273 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Peck George, (George Peck cT; Co.), h SO<br />

Miami we.<br />

Peck George H., student, 254 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Peck Henry, teamster, 683 Fifteenth.<br />

Peck Morris BI., (Cornwells, Price 65 Co.),<br />

h 33 George.<br />

Peck Richud, clerk, bds 714 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Peck George & Co., (George Peck, Walter<br />

Sparling & William H. Elliott,) dry<br />

goods, 155 and 157 Woodward ave.<br />

Pecor Frank, h 41 Congress w.<br />

Pedrick Alfred L., varnisher, h Twelfth nr<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Peehler Jacob, stone cutter, h 26 Clay.<br />

Peek William, secretary and treasurer<br />

Detioit novelty works, h 37 Ivashington<br />

ave.<br />

Peel Mary (wid John), h 196 W ~odbridge<br />

west.<br />

Peers James W., carpenter, h 108 Beach.<br />

Peetz William, carpenter, h 404 Dubois.<br />

Pegchak Wenzel, lab., h 346 Watson.<br />

Peif'er Gregory, h 474 Beaubien.<br />

Peiger Adolph, painter, h 167 Bronsou.<br />

Peil Peter, lab., h 315 Montcalm e.<br />

Peilow Peter, drover, h Forest ave nr<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Peine Albert, h 246 Alfred.<br />

Peirce Charles W., bds 20 3Iadison ave.<br />

Peirce David R., secretary and treasurer<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> locomotive works, h 15 Nadison<br />

aye.<br />

Peirce Edwin J., ticket agent, office 172<br />

Jefferson ave, bds Biddle House.<br />

Peirce Frank, waiter, bds room 12 Ro-<br />

tunda Buildin w<br />

Peirce George E., clerk, bds 15 Madison<br />

ave.<br />

Peirce. John C., clerk, h 3 Davenport.<br />

Peirce Wiiliam (col'd), lab., h 343 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />


Will find it to their advant,sge to call at our oi3ce<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

P&Z Mary (wid Anthony), h 173 Franklin.<br />

Peitz Joseph, soap maker, h 173 Franklin.<br />

Peitz William, carpenter, h 296 High.<br />

Peld Michael, lab., h 405 Riopelle.<br />

Pelgrim Christopher, manager Pelgrim &<br />

Co.'s, h 486 Third.<br />

Pelgrim JZ Co. (Ida Pelgrim and Barnes<br />

Bros.), confectioners, 14d Jefferson ave.<br />

Pelham Robert (col'd), plasterer, h o 192<br />

n 210 Congress e.<br />

Pellen Nelson, shoemaker, h 95 National<br />

ave.<br />

Pellrin Louis, shoemaker, h 474 St. An-<br />

toine. '<br />

Pelo Charles, lab., h 486 Howard.<br />

Pelouze Louis H., major and assist. adjut.-<br />

general U. S. A., h 331 Larned e.<br />

Peltier Angeline (wid Fabien), h 390<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Peltier Adolph, captain, h 161 Napoleon.<br />

Peltier Charles, (Peltier & Belianger,) h<br />

143 Congress e.<br />

Peltier Charles F., clerk, h 501 Larned e.<br />

Peltier Dessire, shoemaker, bdo 31 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Peltier James, carpenter, h 153 Jay.<br />

Peltier John, yaintzr, h Crane Block,<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Peltier Joseph, blacksmith, h 161 Dubois.<br />

Peltier Matthew, mate tug May Flower.<br />

Peltier Moses E., carpenter, bds 153 Jay.<br />

Peltier Patrick, lab, h 18 Wight.<br />

Peltier Peter, shoemaker, h 31 Chestnut.<br />

Pel tier Thomas, plasterer, h 184 Clinton.<br />

Peltier & Belmger (Charles Peltier and<br />

Joseph Belanger,) insurance and real es-<br />

tate agents, 2 Rotunda.<br />

Pelton Emma (wid Daniel,) boarding<br />

house 68 Congress w.<br />

Pemberthy James R., machinist, h 74<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Pemberthy Josiah, machinist, bds 78 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Pender John A., saloon, n e c Woodbridge<br />

and Wayne, h same.<br />

Pender Thothy, expressman, h 30 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Pendergast Michael, horse-shoer, h 50 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Pendleton Alexander, engineer h 397 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Pendleton William, porter, Cass Hotel.<br />

Pendry William A., machinist& 145 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Penfield David O., bcb 38 Selden.


Pepin Magloire, carpenter, h 478 Croghan.<br />

Pepin Napoleon, trav. agent, h 85 C'hene.<br />

Pepper Henry, blacksmith, M. C. R. H.<br />

Pepper Leander E., overseer, House of<br />

Correction, bds same.<br />

SENT FREE,<br />

Peppercorn Gottfried, peddlar, h 502<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW, Congress e.<br />

DETROIT, MICE., Pequiiguot Augustus, ship carpenter, h<br />

Corner Congress and Randolph sts. 66 Twentieth.<br />

Penfield William, millwright, h 175 Con- Peran Peter, carpenter, h 284 Guoin.<br />

gress e.<br />

Perkins Andrew S., engineer, M. C. R. R.,<br />

Penfield IVilliston S,, agricultural<br />

h 252 Howard. .<br />

implements, seeds, hardware, etc., 121 Perkins Mrs. Annie Walker (Mrs. J. H.<br />

Woodward ave, h 26 Adams ave w. Thomas ch; Co.) h 223 Woodmrtrd ave.<br />

(& advt.)<br />

Perkins Charles, peddlar, h 751 Twelfth.<br />

Penlold Elizabeth, seamstress, . bds 43 Perkins Elizabeth (mid Andrew), h Grand<br />

Hastings,<br />

River ave w s nr Twelfth.<br />

Peufold Mary (wid James,) h 140 Sixth.<br />

Perkins George, carpenter J. S. Thomas.<br />

Pengelly, John H., shoemaker, h 374 Fort Perkins John, gardener, h 336 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

W.<br />

Pengelley William, upholsterer, bds 17<br />

Perkins John J., h 283 First.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Perkin3 John R., stencil cutter, 16 Merrill<br />

Peninsular Iron Gompany,<br />

Block, h 31 Charlotte.<br />

office and works Hamtramck nr <strong>City</strong> Perkins Louisa W., teacher, bds 66 Adams<br />

limits. (&e adv.)<br />

ave w.<br />

Peninsular House, 77 and 79 Grand River Perkins Horace, lumber dealer, h 322 Fort<br />

Penniman George, clerk, bds <strong>City</strong> Hotel, west.<br />

Penuirnau George H., lawyer, room 7 Ro- Perkins' Hotel, William Perkins, jr., cor<br />

tunda, h 50 Brainard.<br />

Grand River ave and Middle.<br />

Pennindgon Drewerp, sailor, h 518 Fort e, Perkins Mason A., (Norris, Perkins &<br />

Pennock Charles, currier, bds 928 Jeffer- Co.,) bds Tremont House.<br />

son ave.<br />

Perkins Sarah (wid James), h Marcy, bet<br />

Penny George, lab, h 183 Foundry.<br />

/ Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Penny Henry C. (Secretary and Treasurer / Perkins William, peddlar, 111 Grand River<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Burial Case Co., h 813 Fort w. avenue.<br />

Penny Orville W., prop. <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange, PERKINS WILLIAM H., clerk George C.<br />

h same.<br />

Chandler, h 154 Harrison ave.<br />

Penny Mrs. Percy C., (mid James T.), h<br />

29 Sixth.<br />

Perkins William, proprietor Perkin's<br />

Pennycook Miss Jane, teacher, bds 154 Hotel, cor Grand River ave and Niddle,<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

h same.<br />

Pennycook Robert, tanner, h 154 Eliza- Perkins William, lab, h on Fourth, near<br />

beth e.<br />

Marcy.<br />

Penrose Pierson BI. commission, bds 55 Perkins William, jr., groceries, 96 Grand<br />

Washington ave.<br />

River ave, h 100 same,<br />

Penrose William, commission, bds 55 Perley Jonas H., lumber, 1 I Nerrill block,<br />

Washington ave.<br />

h 141 Fort w.<br />

Penz Joseph, teamster, h 887 Marion. Perley Willard H., lawyer, G Buhl block,<br />

Penzin Leopold, furrier, h 192 Wilkins. bds 141 Fort w.<br />

Peococ~ Benjamin, clerk, bds 227 Cass. Perant Christian, lab, cor Antietam and<br />

Yeocock Charles W., wood yard, 184 Con- Joseph Catnpau ave.<br />

gress e, h 227 Cass.<br />

Perrean Peter,ship carpenter, h 248 Guoin.<br />

Peocock Frederick, painter, h s w cor Du- Perrault Neptune, lab, h 144 Bt. Aubin<br />

bois and Mullett.<br />

avenue.<br />

Peacock Leister, wood yard, cor<br />

Perrault Louis (l'errault (B; Courville), hl5O<br />

Clifford,and Griswold and on dock foot St. Aubin ave.<br />

of Wa ne, h 412 Seventh.<br />

Perrault Zephiriq ship carpenter, h 625<br />

PEOPL E S HUGH S., paint shop, 950 Michigan avez<br />

Nichigan ave, h 948 same. (See ad%) Pcrrault & Courville (Louis Perrault &<br />

Peolter Auysta, tsiloress, bda 397 Ju- Octave Courville), grocers, &c., 362 Atliett.<br />

water east.<br />

Peolter Hermann, tanner, 11 277 Eigh- Perrget George L., carpenter, h 285 Alfred.<br />

teen t h.<br />

Perrien Dominick (Perrien & Bros.) h 31<br />

Pepiq Francis, teamster, h 261 Sherman. Catharine.

-<br />


r<br />

Perrien Edienne (Perrien & ~ros.1, h 36<br />

Catharine.<br />

Perrien Jobn, clerk, h 175 Mullett.<br />

Perrien Joseph (Perrien 61; Bros.), h 31<br />

Catharine.<br />

Perrien Bras. (Joseph, Dominick<br />

& Etienne), Fort Gratiot Mills, 236 Gratiot.<br />

Perrin Abel, bds Railroad Exchange.<br />

Perrin Darius, dentist, 95 and 97 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Perrin Isaac, carpenter, bds Railroad Exchange,<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Perrin Jacob, sailor, h 333 Seventh.<br />

Perrin John, clerk, h Ulrich.<br />

Perrin Joseph, teamster, h 344 Franklin.<br />

Perrin Lester, teamster, h 242 Guoin.<br />

Perrin Thomas R., printer, bds 147 Rivard.<br />

Perrin William, clerk, bds 333 Seventh.<br />

Perry Charles, carpenter, h old 268 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Perry Darius, carpenter, w s Humbold ave,<br />

bet Canfield and Butternut.<br />

Perry Dominick, shoemaker, h 170 Franklin.<br />

Perry Edward. blacksmith, h 123 Chene.<br />

Perry George H., fur dealer, h 64 old Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Perry George W., bricklayer, 279 National<br />

we.<br />

Perry Isaac, machinist, h 330 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Perry Peter, lab, bdr I70 Franklin.<br />

Perry Steward, lab, h 149 Twenty-first.<br />

Perry T., expreas messenger, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Perry Thomas J., (Buckley 6; Co.) bds 98<br />

Washineton ave.<br />

Perry William C., machinist, h 414<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Perry William H. ,clerk, bds 78 Congress w.<br />

Person Hiram B., clerk. h 137 Larned e.<br />

Pesha Mac, lab, h 540 Franhlin.<br />

Peshick Albert, lab, h Twenty-fourth nr<br />

Michigan are.<br />

Petcholt John, wire-worker, h 206 Croghan.<br />

Polherbridge Richard, miller, h 100 Fifteen<br />

th.<br />

Peter Frank, teamster, h 298 Riopelle.<br />

Peter Henry, printer, bds 409 St. Aiibin<br />

Peter Joseph, lab, h 405 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Peter Joseph, carpenter, h 63 Bronson.<br />

Peter Michael, gardener, h w s &It. Elliott<br />

ave nr cemetery.<br />

Peter Richard, clerk, bds Franklin House.<br />

Peterkin David L., fireman, h 227 Seventeen<br />

th.<br />

Peterkin .James, clerk, bds s e cor Fourth<br />

and Orange.<br />

Peterkin James, clerk, h 287 First.<br />

Peters Augiist, lab, h 463 Croghan.<br />

Peters Baptiste, lab, bds n IT cor McDougall<br />

aye and' Mullett.<br />



ammm & QBB8@<br />



@T Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Peters Charlotte A., dress .maker, h 325<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Peters Christian, lab, 382 Sherman.<br />

Peters David, moulder, h 181 L'welfth.<br />

Peters Earnst lab, h 55 Twenty-second.<br />

Peters Eber, student, bds ,Third w s bet<br />

Cedar and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Peters James S., marble works, 159 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Peters J. B., produce dealer, h Grand River<br />

ave w s nr Twelfth.<br />

Peters John, lab, h n German bet St. Aubin<br />

ave and Dubois.<br />

Peters John, sailor, h 294 Franklin.<br />

Peters John B., net manuf., h 228 Napo-<br />

leon .<br />

Peters John B. jr., (Longprey & Peters) h<br />

288 Napoleorr.<br />

Peters John P., carpenter, h s s Leland,<br />

bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Peters Joseph, machinist, h 181 Twelfth.<br />

Peters Louis W., upholsterer, bds 228 Na-<br />

poleon.<br />

Peters Louis (Kremer Bros. & Co.), h 194<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Peters Medore, lab, h 589 Mullett.<br />

Peters Moses, lab, bds 150 Dequindre.<br />

Peters Moses, teamster, bds Guoin, nr Rio-<br />

'pelle.<br />

Peters Peter S., bds Mullett, cor McDou-<br />

gall.<br />

Peters Richard, plasterer, h 46 Iiilkins.<br />

Peters Samuel, mason, h Third w s, bet<br />

Cedar and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Peters Samuel, plumber, bds 181 Twelfth.<br />

Peters William, coachman, bds 118 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Peters William, shoemaker, 53 Monroe<br />

ave, h 1C5 Macocnb.<br />

Peters William E., engraver, h 328 Cass<br />

avenue.<br />

Peters W. E., marble worka, 149 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Peterson, August, sailor, h 661 Atwater.<br />

Peterson Charles, carpenter, h 4 Irving.<br />

Peterson Charles, lab, h 516 Riopelle.<br />

Peterson Edward drayman, h 490 Clinton<br />

avenue.<br />

Peterson George, saw maker, h 360 Fort e.<br />

Peterson Mina, saloon, 130 Elmwood, h<br />

same.<br />

Peterson Nicholas,peddlar,h 288 Lafayette.<br />

Peterson Nicholas shoemaker, h 282 La-<br />




Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

Peterson Thomas, lab, h 187 Franklin.<br />

Peterson William H., searnztn,h 312 Guoin.<br />

Peterson William H., sailor, h 412 Guoin.<br />

Petley James, sr., huckster, stall 1 C. H.<br />

M., house 498 Sixth.<br />

Petley Jamcs, jr., cutter, bds 498 Sixth.<br />

Petrequin Eli, tanner, bds 126 Croghan.<br />

Petrequin Elisha, cabinet maker, bds 126<br />

Croghan.<br />

Pet requin Frederick, baker, 126 Croghan,<br />

h same.<br />

Petrequin Louis, carpenter, h n e cor Na-<br />

tional ave and Laurel.<br />

Petrequin Paul, carpenter, bds, Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Petsch August, lab, h n s German, bet Du-<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Pettee George M., (Commission,) h old 216<br />

new 240 Congress e.<br />

Pettee Samuel, clerk, bds 41 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Pettie John paint shop, 553 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 788 Woodbridge e.<br />

Pettrik Frank, lab, h 399 Maple.<br />

Pettrik John, mason, h 417 Maple.<br />

Pettrik John jr., mason, h 409 Maple.<br />

Petty Francis A., expressman, bds 47<br />

Baker.<br />

Petty Joseph, blacksmith, bds 9 Abbott,<br />

Petty Walker R., ex messenger, h 123 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Petz Anton, butcher, stall 3 C. H. M., h 170<br />

Russell.<br />

Petz Cherles, lab, h a s Sherman, bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Petz Francis (F. & J. Petz,) h 22 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Petz John (Petz $r Young,) h 26 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Petz John, butcher, bds 179 Russell.<br />

Petz John, cabinet-maker, h 306 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Petz Joseph (F. & J. Petz) h 258 St *4ubin<br />

ave.<br />

Petz William, lab, b 521 Macomb.<br />

Petz William, wagoner, h 404 Duboiu.<br />

Petz F. and J. (Francis and Joseph) watch-<br />

makers and Jewelers, 22 Monroe ave.<br />

Petz & Young (John Petz and Frank<br />

Young,) shoemakers, 46 Monroe ave.<br />

Petzhold Emily, clerk, bds 204 Elizabeth e.<br />

Petzholt John, wire-worker, h 206 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Petzner Jacob, locksmith, h 22 North.<br />

Peucsn Hortenese (wid Joaeph) seam-<br />

stress, h 587 Macomb.<br />

Peulenthy Josiah, machinist, h 75 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Peureux Hubert g?rdener, b 269 Seventh.<br />

Peyton Emma (wld Daniel), h 68 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Pezan Harriet Mrs., tailoress, h 375 Wood-<br />

bridpe e.<br />

Pezan John, lab, h 375 Woodbridge e.<br />

Pfeiffer Conrad, machinist, bds s e cor<br />

Catharine and St. Antoine.<br />

Pfeiffer David, saloon, 204 Napoleon, h<br />

same.<br />

Pteiffer Gustav, machinist, bds n e cor<br />

Hastings and Mullet t.<br />

Pfeiffer Jacob, cigar maker, h 954 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

~feiffer Johanna, (wid William,) h 786<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Pfeiffer John, cabinet maker, h 1'79 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Pfeiffer John, machinist, h 273 Croghan.<br />

Pfeiffer Joseph, tailor, h 954 Michigan ave.<br />

Pfeifle Adam, grocer, 364 Riopelle, h same.<br />

Pfeifle Christian, watchmaker, cor Monroe<br />

ave and Farmer.<br />

Pfeifle Frederick J., shoemaker, h 306<br />

BIontcalm e.<br />

Pfeifle Friedericke, (wid Frederick,) h 290<br />

Bronson.<br />

Pfeifle Jacob, shoe store, 32.5 Woodward<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Pfeifle ,John, carpenter, h 126 Benton.<br />

Pfeifle Jolln, clerk, bds 446 Orleans.<br />

Pfeifle Peter, cabinet maker, 96 Lafavette,<br />

b 226 Macomb.<br />

Pfeifle Peter, saloon, h 226 BXstcomb.<br />

Pfeifla Frederick, bookbinder, bds 290<br />

Bronson.<br />

Pfistcr John. lab., h 375 Gratiot.<br />

Pfister Joseph, tailor, h 148 and 150 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Pfister Joseph jr, carpenter, h 166 Brems-<br />

tec<br />

Pfister Joseph sr, peddlar, bds 166 Brews-<br />

t er.<br />

Pfltzner Herman, (Ulrich & Pfitzner,) h 32<br />

Lafayette. a<br />

Pfluge Frank, lab., h s w cor Clinton and<br />

Russell.<br />

Pflugk August, porter, h 576 Gratiot,<br />

Pframm Henry, lab., h 148 Jay.<br />

Pfromm Jacob, meat market, 446 Croghan,<br />

h same.<br />

Pfromm Martin, butcher, 319 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Pfromm Peter, saloon, n e cor St. Aubh<br />

Aubin ave and Jay, h 148 Jay.


Phalan Ella, saloon, 4 Beaubien.<br />

Phalan Francis, fitter, h 200 Jefferson<br />

ave. C<br />

Phalan James, sailor, 4 Beaubien.<br />

Phaneut' George, clerk, bds 194 Clinton.<br />

Phaneuf Julius, boat captain, 11 437 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Phellossa William, carpenter, bds 379 At-<br />

water.<br />

Phelps Mrs. Caroline (wid William E.), h<br />

85 Elizabeth w.<br />

Phelps Eliza (wid Francis B.), h n 269<br />

Congress e.<br />

Phelps Frank M., drayman, C. J. Whitney<br />

& Co.'s, h 189 Orleans<br />

Phelps George E., clerk, h 773 Larned e.<br />

Phelps James A., clerk, George E. Curtis<br />

& Co.'s, h Royal Oak.<br />

Phelps Jesse, machinist, h 269 Congress e.<br />

Phelps Martin F., clerk, h 189 Orleans.<br />

Phelps Ralph, real estate dealer, h 171<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Phelps Samuel, bds 52 Washington ave.<br />

Phelps Truman, oyster dealer, h 201 First.<br />

Pbelps Willism (William Phelps & Co.),<br />

h 58 Washington ave.<br />

Phelps William & Co. (William Phelps,<br />

Orin Staples and Wm. H. Brace), whole-<br />

sale grocers, 81 and 83 Jefferson ave.<br />

Phledean John, ship carpenter, 185 Fran&-<br />

lin.<br />

Philbrick Avery E., harness maker, bds<br />

Peninsular House.<br />

Philbrick El bridge G. (Philbrick, Christie<br />

clt Co.), h 813 Jefferson ave.<br />

Philbrick, Christie & Co. (El-<br />

bridge G. Philbrick, Thomas S. Christie<br />

and Isaac DeGraff), founders and ma-<br />

chinists, foot of Chene.<br />

Ph~llips Alonzo W., with E. W. Ladd, h<br />

243 Larned e.<br />

Phillips Augusta (wid John), h 96 Blaple.<br />

PhiIIipu Edgar F., telegraph operator, bds<br />

45 Parson.<br />

Phillips Eli J., picture frame maker, h 63<br />

Br~tdy.<br />

Phillips Eveases D., clerk, h 43 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Phillips Francis, plasterer, h 158 Chene.<br />

Phillips George, butcher, hds 295 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Phillips George, carpenter, h 158 Chene.<br />

Phillips George, carpenter, h cor Fourth<br />

and Vine.<br />

Phillips Harriet (wid Christopher), washerwoman,<br />

h 183 Marion.<br />

Phillips Henry (Quenbp & Phillips), h s<br />

w cor Twenty-fourth and Michigan ave.<br />

Phillips Henry J., csrpenter, bds 75 Brady.<br />

Philips Henry T., (Henry T. Phillips &<br />

Co ), h 11 Spencer.<br />

Phillipp Hermann, clerk, h 176 Hastings,<br />

Phillips Llerman, map@. l+ce collarg,<br />

176 Hastings, h same,<br />

61<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


O@ce,52 W. Larvied St.,<br />

DETROIT, XICH. :<br />

Set: advertisement, page 9.<br />

Phillipps Isaac, gardener, h 75 Brady.<br />

Phillips James T., trav. agent, h 134 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Phillips James, teamster, bds Congress e<br />

nr Randolph.<br />

Phillips James H.,dry!goods, 97 Grand River<br />

ave, bds Perkius' Hotel.<br />

Phillips James Bf., clerk, h 393 Brewster .<br />

Phillips Jasper B., saloon, 399 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Phillps John, blacksmith, bds 114 Alfred.<br />

Phillips John (Pollard & Phillips) h 300<br />

Brush.<br />

Phillips John P., lumber dealer, h 278<br />

Fort w.<br />

Phillips Joel, lab., h 21 6 Alfred.<br />

Phillips Louis A., carriage trimmer, bcis<br />

96 Maple.<br />

Phillips Louis, peddlar, h 12 Beacon.<br />

Phillips Lyman, clerk, bds 280 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Phillips Nargaret (wid Francis) h 158<br />

Chene.<br />

Philli~s Patrick 31.. h 171 Porter.<br />

~hilfibs Philander ' S., trav. agent, h 76<br />

Bradv.<br />

philipis Shottler, shoemaker, h 27 Silver.<br />

Phillips Simon A., carpenter, h 103 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Phillipps William, carpenter, h 42 Bra3y.<br />

' Philips William, engineer, h 638 Franklin.<br />

Philips William, engineer, h 358 Franklin.<br />

Phillips William, lab., h 216 Abbott.<br />

Phillips William, wire werker, bds 68<br />

Congress m.<br />

Phillips William H., baker, h 6 Spruce.<br />

Phillips H T. & Co., (Henry T. Phillips<br />

and R. 31. Baker,) game and commission,<br />

42 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Philo Arthur E., clerk, h cor Gratiot and<br />

Hastinqs.<br />

Phister John, lab., h cor Gratiot and Russell.<br />

Phoenix Isaac (cord), gardener, h 118 Calgoun.<br />

Phurtz John, trunk m&er,bds 13 Webster.<br />

Piatt B. Anthony, clerk, bds 60 31iami av.<br />

Picard A., gas fitter, Holmes & Webster.<br />

Picard Alexander, grocer, 186 St. Aubin<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Picard Joseph, jr., builder, 385 Dequindre.<br />

Picard Leander, carpenter, h 27 Beacon.


mQYaaw<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

BEE PAGE 39. a<br />

- --<br />

Picard Theresa, (wid Newberry) h 236<br />

Brush.<br />

Picha Michael, tailor, h Williams ave nr<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Pichky Christian, mason, h 8 w cor of<br />

Nineteenth and Baker.<br />

Pichky Fred., carpenter, h s w cor Nine-<br />

teenth and Baker.<br />

Pickert Charles, musician, h 162 Sherman.<br />

Pickert Ferdinand, carpet weaver, 234<br />

Sixth, h same.<br />

Pickett John, tobacco cutter, h 477 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Pickett Patrick, lab, h 194 Oak.<br />

Pickford Thomas, cooper, h 114 Larned w.<br />

Pience Albert D., with Allen Shelden &<br />

Co.,'h 812 Jefferson ave.<br />

Pieon Albert, lab, h 163 Napoleon.<br />

Pieper William, eciitor Daily Abend Post,<br />

bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Pierce Allred, street car driver, h 710 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Pierce David, photographer, s e cor Michi-<br />

gan ave and Wayne, h 146 Oak.<br />

Pierce Imogene, seamstresa, bds 166 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Pierce E. L., steward Tremont House.<br />

Pierce Jonathan S., trav. agent, bds 401<br />

Sixth.<br />

Pierce Leroy E., met. police, h 166National<br />

ave.<br />

Pierce Louis, (col'd) whitewasher, h 41<br />

Watson.<br />

Pierce -, painter, h 150 Jones up stairs.<br />

Pierperto Louis, carpenter, h St. Joseph.<br />

Pierr Nicholas, painter, h 517 James.<br />

Pierson Rev. .Arthur T., pastor First Street<br />

Presbyterian church, h 209 Lafayette ave.<br />

Pierson Eraemus D., livery stable, h 227<br />

Cass.<br />

Pierson John, (col'd) barber, h 283 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Pieraon Lewis, carpenter, h 51 0 Lafayette.<br />

Piers09 Smith, route agent express, h 63<br />

Marion.<br />

Pierson Thomas F.: furniture,h 319 Fourth.<br />

Pierson William H., carriage painter, h<br />

134 Columbia e 2d floor.<br />

Piezka Hermann, shoemaker, h 177 R9s-<br />

sell.<br />

Piggott Henry, cabinet maker, h Pine bet<br />

Ninth and National aves.<br />

Piggs Blahula, (wid Elijah,) dress making,<br />

h 73 Adams ave e.<br />

Piles Charles, cigar maker, h 65 Michigan<br />

aye.<br />

Pilkey Alfred, currier, bds 272 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Pilker Charles. captain prop. Jones.<br />

Pillon Frank X., foreman car Co., h 313<br />

Conmess w.<br />

~illon%oses, sailor, bds 12 Hastings.<br />

Pindar Edward W., h 145 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pine Jonathan P., clerk, h 11 Centre.<br />

Pinegar John, machinist, h 101 Sixteenth.<br />

Pinet Alphonse, clerk, h ,500 Congresss e.<br />

.Pinger Michael, tailor, h 324 Latayette.<br />

Pingree Everett -W., cutter, bds 387 Casa<br />

ave.<br />

Pingree Frank C., stock fitter, h 387 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

~ingree Hazcn S., (Pingree & Smith,) h<br />

387 Cass ave.<br />

Pingree & Smith, (Hazen 13. Pingree &<br />

Charles H. Smith,) wholesale mnfrs ladiee<br />

shoes, cor Woodbridge and Griswold.<br />

Pinkus Leopold, clerk, bds Hotel Henry.<br />

Piunel Henry, saloon, 227 Atwater, h<br />

same.<br />

Pinnel William, saloon, 35 Hastings, h<br />

same.<br />

Pinney Dennis T., clerk, bds 28 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Pip Anna (wid Fidus) h 314 Divison.<br />

Pip Caspar, machinist, bds 254 Croghan.<br />

Pip Casper (Pip & Spitzley Bros.,) h 254<br />

Croghan.<br />

Pip & Spitzley Brothers (Casper Pip and<br />

Henry and Joseph Spitzley,) sash and<br />

blind factory, 55 Beacon.<br />

Pippy Edward, caulker, h s e cor Franklin<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Piquette Angeline, (wid John B.,) h 376<br />

.Jefferson ave.<br />

Piquette Chas., carpenter, h 472 Congress e.<br />

Piquette Ch~rles L., bds 376 Jefferson ave.<br />

Piquette Joseph, lab., bds 294 Franklin.<br />

Piquette Gold Pen Co., cor Congress and<br />

Griswold.<br />

Pisha Archange, (wid Frank,) h 22 Wight.<br />

Pisha Louis, lab., h 430 Guoin.<br />

Pisba Mack, sailor, h 540 Franklin.<br />

Pisha Peter, lab., h 405 Guoin.<br />

Pishke Fred, carpenter, h 19 Baker.<br />

.Piskin Rudolph, shoemaker, bds 5'72 Qxatiot.<br />

Pitcher Emily L., (wid Zula,) h 86 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Pitcher L. brakesman M. C, R. R.<br />

Pitcher Nathaniel, clerk, h 149 Second.<br />

Pitkin Rev. Thomas C., rector St Pauls<br />

Episcopal Church, h 42 Congress w.<br />

Pitt Edward, carpenter, h 384 Clinton.<br />

Pittis William H., atewa.rd, h 332 Muilett.<br />

Pittman James E., coal and pig<br />

iron, yard and office Woodbridge w, between<br />

Cass and First, h old 252 n 260<br />

Woodbridge e. (& advt.)<br />

Pittmnn John H., currier, h 83 National<br />





JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Opters in the Shell a ? ecialt~. Wholemlc<br />

and ~ e t d<br />

Pittman Samuel E , Secretary Hargreaves<br />

Manufacturing Co., h 323 Lamed e.<br />

Pitta Sarah (wid Samuel,) h 510 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Pitts Thomas (Pitts cSZ Cranage,) h 97 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Pitt.s & Cranage (Thomas Pitts and<br />

Thomas 'ranage, jr*,) saw-mi11 and<br />

lumber yard, Atwater nr St. Aubin ave.<br />

Pixley Albert (Pixley Bros.,) h 290 Lafayeltee<br />

ave.<br />

Piieth William, lab., h n s Chestnut bet<br />

Pixley Frank, street car conductor, h 955 Dubois and Chene.<br />

Fort w.<br />

Pligge Fred, lab., bds Fremont e Beau-<br />

Pixley John H. (Pixley Bros.,) reaidence bien.<br />

Y ysilanti.<br />

Plimley Alfred, brakesman, h 54 Jones.<br />

Pixley Bros. (Albert and John H.,) mat- Plimley Arthur, engineer, bds 85 Sibley.<br />

tresses and furniture, 197 Woodward ave. Plimley William, carpenter, h 85 Sibley.<br />

Plager Ferdinand J., clerk, 207 Fourth. Plinske Ferdinand, lab., h 450 St. Aubin<br />

Plamberg Ernest, lab, bds 167 Sherman. ave.<br />

Plamberg Ferdinand, lab, h 167 Sherman. Plits Henry, carpenter (Candler Bros.)<br />

Plank Edward T., printer, bda 171 Larned Plourde Prosper, lab., h 666 Franklin.<br />

west.<br />

Plover William, lab., h 643 Sixteenth.<br />

Plank John, printer, bds 127 Larned w. Plugge Charles, teacher, h 170 Cro han.<br />

Planker John, potash maker, h 429 Or- Plumb William W., clerk, bds howard<br />

leans.<br />

House.<br />

Plansker Charles, upholsterer, bds 31 Plumber George, plumber, bds 3 Colum-<br />

Silver.<br />

bia e.<br />

Plansker Joseph, shoemaker, h 31 Silver. Plumer Samuel A. (Plumer & Lcavitt), h<br />

Plant John, tanner, h nr cor Abbott and 126 Twent -fourth. .<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Plurner bc Zeavitt (Samuel A. Plurner<br />

Plantz ~dclm, blacksmith, h 205 Beaubien. and Alvah E. Leavitt), real estate office,<br />

Plascoe Frank, tinsmiih, G. G. Standart & 108 Griswold, up stairs.<br />

Co.<br />

Plummer Henry, blacksmith, h 391 Juli-<br />

Plass Charles, boat builder, h 689 At- ette.<br />

water.<br />

Plummer Julia (wid James), h 136 Eliza-<br />

Plass Henry jr., student, bds 539 Guoin. beth e.<br />

Plas~ William, boat builder, 62 Wight, h Plummer William, cabinet maker, h 31<br />

uame.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Platner David, teamster, 120 Michigan Plumphoff Charles, teacher, h n s Elizaave.<br />

beth e nr Hastings.<br />

Platner James, miller, bds 120 Michigan Po& Barnard, lab., bds 230 Twelfth.<br />

ave.<br />

Podlasrak Joeeph, musician, h w s .Hum-<br />

Platner John, teamster, bds 94 Michigan boldt ave nr Nyrtle.<br />

ave.<br />

Podvan Francis, ship carpenter, h 67<br />

Platt Ariel Pardee (with Moore & Alger,) Wight.<br />

h 41 Rawland.<br />

Poe Orlando M., brigadier general U.S. A.,<br />

Platt L.ouls, clerk, bds Hotel Msuch.<br />

h 405 Jefferson ave.<br />

Platt Simon F., conductor, h 279 Porter. pogel William, lab., h 213 Calhoun.<br />

Plattmeier Christoph, fishmonger, h 416 Poggensee Henry, lab, bds n 217 old 199<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Platz Ambros, teamster, h 473 Mullett. Poggensee John C., lab., h new 217 old<br />

Platzer Hermann, trunk maker, bds 271 199 Twelfth.<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Pogloif William, ship builder, h Fifteenth<br />

Plemondin John J., carpenter, h n 209 nr Grand aiverave.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Pohl Anthony, h 139 Congress e.<br />

Plessner Henry, clerk, bds Finney's Pohl Charles E. F a , (Pohl Brop.,) h 546<br />

Hotel.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Plessner Louis, clerk, bds 234 Randolph. Pohl Frederick D. A., (Pohl Bros.), h 145<br />

Plessner Paul, clerk, bds 3 Aspinall Ter- Lafayette.<br />

race, Macomb ave.<br />

Pohl Bros., (Charles E. F. and Frederick<br />

Pletch George, shoemaker, bds 212 Colum- D. A.), photo raphers, 149 Randolph.<br />

bia e.<br />

~ohl Frederick 5. A. $ Co., (Frederick D.<br />

Plets Frank, hilor shop, 65 St. Antoine, h A. Phol) paper box manufactorp, n e<br />

67 same.<br />

cor Jefferson ave and Griswold.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. I<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Poiuts George, (col'd) lab., h s e cor St.<br />

Antoine and Benton.<br />

Polcarny Wenzel, shoemaker, h 305 Narion.<br />

Pokensee John C., tanner, h 217 Twelfth.<br />

Polan John, conductor, 31. C. R. R.<br />

Poland Frank, shoemaker, bds 564 Orleans.<br />

Poland Frederick, bds Hastings w s bet<br />

Leland and Fremont.<br />

Poland Peter, lab., h 260 Croghan.<br />

Poland William, horse shoer h 16 Maple.<br />

Polanskie Albert, tailor, h 706 St. Antoine.<br />

Pol kin William, carpenter, h 201 Wilkins.<br />

<strong>Polk</strong>inghom Thomas, brewer, bds 287<br />

Nichiaan ave.<br />

Pollard hederick (Pollard cP; Phillips) res<br />

Cleveland. Ohio.<br />

Polldrd JOG, rag shop, 377 Nichigan<br />

ave h 375 same.<br />

Pollard & Phillips (Frederick Pollard and<br />

John Phillips) manfr. show cases, 34<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Poller Thomas, lab., h 447 Tweifth.<br />

Pollock Jiilius, lab., h 421 Watson.<br />

Pollock Samuel, druggist, 463 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Pollock Wenzel, tanner, h 103 Seventeenth.<br />

Pollock William J., clerk, bds Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Polonsk Albert tailor, h 706 St. Antoine.<br />

Polzin $ riederich,,carpenter, h n s New<br />

bet Duboia and Chene, Gratiot and German.<br />

Pomeitzkie Qustave O., lab., bds 147 Rivard.<br />

Pomeroy Thomas Fey physician, 99 Congress<br />

e, h same.<br />

Pominville Joseph, clerk, bds 118 Lafayette<br />

e.<br />

Pominville Octave, grocer, 118 Lafayette,<br />

h same.<br />

Pominville Ovid, bookbinder, h 308 Croghan.<br />

Poncelet Hathew ,tinsmith, h 176 Macomb.<br />

Pond Ashley t Newbmy,Pond & Brown,)<br />

h 546 Woodward ave.<br />

Pond Rufus, cutter, h 218 First.<br />

1 Pond Rufus, boot cutter, bds 78 Congress<br />

I west.<br />

Pongert Charles, lab, h 513 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Ponken Albert, lab., h 344 Division.<br />

Ponken Anton, lab, bds 344 Division.<br />

Ponken John, lab, bds 344 Division.<br />

Pontius John C'.,agen t Fechheimer 62 Wor-<br />

kum, bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

I Poole Henry, sailor captain, h 3 14 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Poole Richard, bitters manufacturer, h 202<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Poore Fremont E., carpenter, h 579 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Poore Joseph, carpenter,bds 579 Lafayette.<br />

Pope Ferdinand (Pope & Cornehl), h 200<br />

Macomb.<br />

Pope Jacob, foreman, h 186 Hastings.<br />

Pope William, lab, h n s James, bet De-<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Pope Willard S., Prest. and Eng. <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Bridge & Iron Works, h 348 Fort w.<br />

Poposh Albert, tobacco a:tter, h 289 High.<br />

Porat William, lab, h e s Tillman ave, bet<br />

Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Porter Anna (wid George), dress maker,<br />

h 249 Hastin s.<br />

Porter Cyrus 2, (Porter 6: Wstkins), h<br />

502 Cass ave.<br />

Porter Eliza G. (wid George F. 1, h 294 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Porter Emmett E., with F. L. Seitz $ Co.,<br />

h 58 Russell.<br />

Porter Frank, Custom Rouse, h 405<br />

Seventh.<br />

Porter Frederick, lab, h Mount hope ave,<br />

nr Magnolia.<br />

Porter Gove, agent Wilder's patent stove,<br />

shelf 71 Oriswold, h 294 Jefferson ave.<br />

Porter Hen , clerk, Michigan Exchange.<br />

Porter H. 3, clerk, bds Goodman House.<br />

Porter John, hostler, bds 53 Cass.<br />

Porter Joseph, tacker, bds 203 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Porter Mary (wid Napoleon), h 93 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Porter Mary A. (wid Hamlin), tailoress,<br />

. h 320 Fort e.<br />

Porter Phil, clerk, bds 408 Seventh.<br />

Porter Sarah E. (wid Frank W.), h 361<br />

Dubois.<br />

Porter William, clerk, h 76 Columbia w.<br />

Porter Willia'm sr, clerk, h 203 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Porter William jr, printer, bds 203 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Porter William E. (Potter rSt Porter), bds<br />

80 Congress w.<br />

Porter & Watkins, (Cyrus K. Porter<br />

and George Watkins), architects, room<br />

10 Telegraph Block.<br />

Porteus John, clerk, foot Wayne.<br />

Porteus William, clerk, h 95 Twenty-<br />

first.<br />



Porton John, lab., h 247 Antietam.<br />

Portri Peter, carpenter, h 495 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Ports John, trunk maker, bds 18 Webster!<br />

Poschmann John, cabinet maker, h 4'79<br />

Macomb.<br />

P09ey Charlotte (wid Sebastian), h 325<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Posey John, carpenter, h 140 Russell.<br />

Pusner Adolph, lab., h 103 Maple.<br />

Posonke An ton, lab., h s e cor German<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Posonke Joseph, lab., h s e cor German<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Pospeshil Jacob, engineer, h 313 High.<br />

Yopishil Gottlieb, engineer, h 313 High.<br />

Posselius Adolph sr, furniture, 412 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Posselius Alphonse (Posselius, Van Der-<br />

poole & Co.), bds 412 Gratiot.<br />

Posselius, Van Derpaole & Co. (Alphonse<br />

Posselius, Charles Van Derpoole, Carnie1<br />

Van Damme, Charles Singelyn and<br />

Frank Posselius), manfr. of furniture,<br />

rear 412 Gratiot.<br />

Possil James, rectifier, h 731 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

post August, cooper, bds 314 Antietam.<br />

Post Charles, cooper, h 314 Antietam.<br />

Post David D., butcher, h 133 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Post Geo. H., clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Post- I-Ioyt (Wilkinson &r Fost), h 72<br />

Sibley.<br />

Post Joseph, brakesman, M. C. R, R.<br />

Postendale John, lab, n 121 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Poston John, (col'd) barber, 423 Franklin,<br />

bds 425 same.<br />

Potratz Frederick, lab, h 412 Dubois.<br />

Potratz Robert, lab, bds 109 Jay.<br />

Potrie Edward, baker, h 458 Mullett.<br />

Yotter Andrew, machinist, h 457 Sixteenth.<br />

Potter Benjamin, rope dealer, h 217 La-<br />

ftiyette.<br />

Potter George W., (Potter & Porter) h 80<br />

Congress w.<br />

Potter H. C., clerk, bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Potter. Harry C., clerk, bds 70 Howard.<br />

Yotter Harry P., clerk, h s w cor Elizabeth<br />

and Woociward ave.<br />

Potter Henry Z., Justice of Peace, 98 Gris-<br />

wold, h 370 Fort e.<br />

Potter Hugh, moulder, h McDougall ave<br />

bet Macomb and Croghan.<br />

Potter James, machinist, bds, 437 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Potter John, car builder, h 36G Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Potter Joseph S., Major and Quartermas-<br />

ter U. H. A,, bds Biddle House.<br />

Potter Julian C., Yankee notions, stall 14<br />

upper C. H. If., h 45 Michigan am up<br />

stairs.<br />

1<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Lamed St.,<br />




See advertieement, page 9.<br />

Potter Robert, porter, h 412 Seventeenth.<br />

Potter Samuel L., supt. Wyandotte rolling<br />

mills, h 439 La!ayette ave.<br />

Potter Thomas, lab, h Twenty-fourth cr<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Potter William, lab, bds n w cor McDou-<br />

gall ave and Catharine.<br />

Potter -, 199 Fort e.<br />

Potter & Porter, (George W. Potter and<br />

William E. Porter) gents' turnishing<br />

goods, 130 Woodward aye.<br />

Puttinger George, sailor, h 10 Hawley<br />

block.<br />

Pottras August, tailor, h 109 Jay.<br />

Potts James, sailor, bds Detrolt Exchange.<br />

Pougeot Louis, carpenter, h 285 Alfred.<br />

Poulsen Leanert, lab, h 299 Gratiot.<br />

Pounds David, helper, bds cor Franklin<br />

and Rivard.<br />

Pound James R., student, bds 17 National<br />

ave.<br />

Pound James H., machinist, h 17 National<br />

ave.<br />

Pound Robert, machinist, bds 17 Kational<br />

ave.<br />

Poupard Simon J., helper, h 413 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Pouson John B., cabinet maker, h 185<br />

Abbott.<br />

Powell Charles F., U. S. Lake survey, bds<br />

Russell House.<br />

Powell Elijah (col'd), lab, h 58 Mullett.<br />

Powell Elizabeth, dress maker, bds 501<br />

Larned e.<br />

Powell Frederick, lab, M. C. R. R.<br />

Powell James, agent, h 124 Elizaheth e.<br />

Powell James, shoemaker, h 233 Abbott.<br />

Powell John, clerk, h 164 Adams ave e.<br />

Powell John W.., clerk, bds 164 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Powell J. W., carpenter, b6s 137 Larned e.<br />

Powell Miases (Susan and Frances), milli-<br />

nery, 271 Michigan, h same.<br />

Powell Patrick, boiler maker, bds 304<br />

Fifth.<br />

Powell Richard, lab, h 304 Flfth.<br />

Powell Samuel, clerk, bds 124 Elizabeth e.<br />

Powell Samuel W., clerk, bds 257 Michi-<br />

gan avenue.<br />

Powell William R., clerk, bcls 117 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Powelson Benjamin F., photographer, 223<br />

Jefferson aye, h 33 Columbia e.<br />

Power John N., clerk, h 174 Joseph<br />

Campau ave.




Preba Adolph, lab, h 313 Congress TV.<br />

Prell Andrew, mechanic, h 113 Mullett.<br />

Prell Barnarcl (Prell & Bettman,) h 385<br />

Brush.<br />

Prell John, lab, h James nr Gratiot.<br />

Prell & Bettman (Barnard Prell and Sig-<br />

mund Bettman,) wholesale clothing, 50<br />


Address IRA MAYHEW, Pre~eou John, carpenter, h 280 Dequin-<br />

DETROIT. dre.<br />

Prentis Browse T., law er, office 101 Gris-<br />

Powers George P., turner, 155 Fifteenth. wold, up stairs. bds sussell House.<br />

Powers Hannah (wid Thomas),h 57 Baker. Prentis George H., lawyer, office 101 Gris-<br />

Powers James, gilaer, bds 153 Fifteenth. wold, h 141 Second.<br />

Powers John, switchman L. S. & &I. S. R. Prentis John F., bds 287 Jefferson ave.<br />

R., bds 402 Larned e.<br />

Prentiss Beni.. hardware dealer. bds Nichi-<br />

Powers Joseph N, carpenter, h 153 Fif- gan ~schahge.<br />

teenth.<br />

Prentiss Edward, clerk, h 77 Columbia w.<br />

Powers Thomas, lab., h 218 St. Aubin ave. Prentiss George (Prentiss, Wood 6;- Co.,) h<br />

Powers William, lab, h 176 Porter.<br />

old 26 w Park Place.<br />

Powers William H., clerk, bds 153 Fif- Prentiss Loren (Solon Prentiss & Co.,)<br />

teenth.<br />

Cleveland, 0.<br />

Pownietzky Albert, butcher, bds 88 Brady. Prentiss Seymour C.. clerk, bds 91 Farmer.<br />

Pqrocker Ernest, furrier, h 129 Croghan. Prentiss Solon, (Solon Prentiss & Co.), h<br />

Yrabel Charles, lab, h n s Sherman, bet 91 Farmer.<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

PRENTISS WILTON E., clerk, (J. 31:<br />

Prager David T., packer, bds 2G1 Jeffer- Bradstreet & Son,) Columbia cor<br />

son ave.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Praigg Nelson S., apprentice, bds 147 Prentiss Solon & Co., (Bolon and<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Loren Prentiss) wholesale hardware, 91<br />

Prall Theodore H., traveling agent, bds TVoodmard ave. (Sce adv.)<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

Prentiss, Wood & Co., (George and Perry<br />

Pramstaller Francis, clerk, h 58 Chestnut. Prentiss, and James W. Wood,) whole-<br />

Pramus James, (col'd) ,lab, bds 363 Croghan. sale hardware, old 17 Woodward aye.<br />

Prance Albert, lab, h 16 Sullivan ave. Prenzlauer Joseph, h 144 St. Antoine.<br />

Prange Anton, lab,h s s Gratlot, bet Chene Preober Frederick, cabinet maker, h 217<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Division.<br />

Prangnell Alfred, watchman, h 90 Fif- Prescott Dudley J., h 270 Second.<br />

teenth.<br />

Presley Charles, house mover, h 165 Di-<br />

Prantz Albert, lab, h 16 Twentieth. vision.<br />

Prater Joshua, (col'd) whitewasher, Beau- Presley George (Eldredge (Ss Co.), res<br />

bean, s Fremont.<br />

Cleveland, Ohio.<br />

Pratt Allen cabinet maker, bds 272 Wood- Presley Solomon, engineer, h 165 Diward<br />

aye.<br />

vision.<br />

Pratt Catherine (wid Charles,) bds 121 Six- Presjent Arthur, confectioner, h old IS3<br />

teenth.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Pratt Edward B., bds 93 Cass.<br />

Prest John J., (King & Prest) bds Brigll-<br />

Pratt George apprentice, bds 251 Thir- ton House.<br />

teenth. and-a-half.<br />

Prest William J. G., student, bds 375 Cass<br />

Pratt George, en ineer, h 221 Howard. avenue.<br />

Pratt Henry C., 6 . S. Paymaster, room I2 Preston Charles, carpenter, bds 87 Eigh-<br />

Bank Block, h 95 Cass.<br />

teenth.<br />

Pratt James, machinist, h 193 Joseph Preston Charles, draughtsman, h 93<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Twelfth .<br />

Pratt James E., clerk, h 221 Howard. Preston Charles A., (col'd) barber, bds<br />

Pratt John H., steward, Antisdel House. 202 Congress e.<br />

Pratt L. Henry, clerk, h 85 Jefferson ave. Preston David (David Preston cSr, Co.,)<br />

Pratt Martin V. B., carpenter, h 251 Thir- h 431 Woodward ave.<br />

teenth .and-a-half.<br />

Preston David G., (Fisher, Booth 8: Co.),<br />

Pratt Stephen, bds 58 Elizabeth e.<br />

h 621 Woodward ave.<br />

Pratt Stephen jr., manufacturer of boilers, PreatonEgbert C., insurance agent, h 68<br />

2 14,216 and 218 Congress w,h 159 Fourth. Twent -first.<br />

Pratt William, chair manufactory, bds rear Preston 6 eorge C., (col'd) tobacconist, 11<br />

58 mabeth e.<br />

361 Croghan.


Preston Jane, boltrding, 212 Randolph.<br />

Preston Joanna (wid John A.), 'h 87 Eighteenth.<br />

Preston Julia E., (wid Simon) h 93<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Preston Martin (Smith, Doolittle cSt Co.),<br />

h 32 Elm.<br />

Preston Sylvester, engineer, h 47 Madison<br />

avenue.<br />

Preston 8. G., tanner, h 51 Madison ave.<br />

Preston William, carpenter, bds 18 Eighteenth.<br />

Prefton William, tanner, bds 57 Eighteenth.<br />

Preston Wiliiam A., machinist, bds 93<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Preston David & Co., (David Preston<br />

and John L. Harper,) bankers, 84<br />

Woodward aye. (See adv.)<br />

Prerzer Frederick, lab., h 108 Catharine.<br />

Preusel John, teamster, h Illinois w Beaubien.<br />

Prevost Edward, lab., (Candler Bros.)<br />

Prevost Fabien, finisher, h 827 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Prevost Israel, carpenter, h Jefferson ave<br />

s s nr Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Price Amos W., a ent, (Sheldon Jk Co.,<br />

publishera,) 130 Yoodward ave, h 398<br />

Third.<br />

f<br />

Price Mrs. Caroline (wid) boarding, h 269<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Price Charles W., tray. agent, h 20 Madi-<br />

son ave.<br />

Price E. De Forrest, editor Daily Post, bds<br />

225 Cass.<br />

Price Edward, baker, h 219 First.<br />

Price E W., clerk, bds Finney's Holel.<br />

Price Eliza J., (wid Andrew J.) h 263 Lar.<br />

ned e.<br />

Price Ferdinand, cigar maker, 84 Chestnut.<br />

Price Hannah, boarding, h 126 Shelby.<br />

Price Hubert M., cornice worker, bds 265<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Price Isaac, bds 126 Shelby.<br />

Price James, hatter, bds 219 First.<br />

Price Jaines T., clerk h 133 Montcctlm e.<br />

Price John, tailor, h 104 Cherry.<br />

Yrlce John B., (Cornwells, Price & Co.) h<br />

183 John R.<br />

Price John B., (Price, Grimm & Haughton)<br />

h 104 Cherry.<br />

Price Joseph &I., lab, 348 Beaubien.<br />

Price Nelson, blackslllith, h 356 Clinton.<br />

Price Peter, lab, h w s Sullivan ave, bet<br />

Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Price Shem, agent, h 3'31 National ave.<br />

Price William (col'd) porter, bds 281 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Price Wilson G., (col'd) shoemaker, h 140<br />

Crozhan.<br />

~rice,%rimm & Haughton (John B. Price,<br />

Henry Grimm and Richard Haughton,)<br />

tailoring and cutting, 93 Michigan ave.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Prick Christian, lab. h 344 Chene.<br />

Pridgeon Eliza (wid Robert), h 122 Franklin.<br />

Pridqeon John, vessel owner, office Foot<br />

Woodward ave, h o 443 Jefferson ave.<br />

Priest Allen B., h 376 Laiavette avo.<br />

Priest ~erome; carriage "maker. h 295<br />

Franklin.<br />

Priest Joel, carriage maker, h Franklin n<br />

e cor Riopelle.<br />

Priest John, blacksmith, h 287 Thirteenthand-a-half.<br />

Priest Sewell E., telegraph operator, h 82<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Priest Thurlow W., telegraph operator, h<br />

82 Elizabeth w.<br />

Priester Catharine (widow), seamstreso, h<br />

324 Montcalm e.<br />

Priestley John S., sailmaker, h 11 Tuscola.<br />

Prieur Xavier,.lab, h s s Division, bet Riopelle<br />

and Orleans. .<br />

Priggen Catharine (wid John), 466<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Primeau George, shoemaker, bds 23 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Primeau Gilbert, shoemaker, h 23 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Primus James (col'd), lab, bds 363 .Croghan.<br />

Prince Mrs Albert, h 585 Clinton ave.<br />

Prine William A., teamster, s w cor Rivard<br />

and Atwater.<br />

Pringle Fred., engineer Jennie Bell.<br />

Pringle W. G., brakesman, h 2*51 Fourth.<br />

Prior Mrs. BIaria (wid William H.), h 268<br />

First.<br />

Pristley John, sailmaker, h 11 Tuscola.<br />

Pritcbard Samuel, engineer, h 626 Conpress<br />

e.<br />

~rittie Wilv~rn He, Ceutrai drug<br />

store, 133 M oodward ave, h same.<br />

1 Probazco Frank H., clerk, bds 104 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Probble Charles, lab Backus & Bro.<br />

Prochaska Frank, tailor, h 194 Bronron.<br />

Prochaska John, lab, h Williams ave, near<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Prociwa Wansloff, shoemaker, h w ts Whiting,<br />

bet Canfield and Butternut.<br />

Prockorirer John, shoemaker, h 52 Sherman.<br />

Proctor Charles, clerk, bds 151 Fifteenth.<br />

Proctor Isaac (col'd), Government employ<br />

h 350 Lalayette.

'<br />


Puhl Margretta. (wid Michael,) h 248<br />

/ Brush.<br />

Puhl Peter, baggageman, h 202 Adams ave<br />

east.<br />

Puhl Thomas, carriage trimmer, bds 248<br />

Brush.<br />

Puigh Bridget, (wid John,) florist, h w s<br />

Mt. Elliott ave, bet Fort and Latayette.<br />

Puigh Charles, moulder, h Mt Elliott ave<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY nr cemeterv.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. 1 ~uktola ~osg~h, blacksmith, h 342 Wat-<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

son.<br />

Pnlfer Charles, tinsmith, h 402 Larned e.<br />

Proctor John, drover. e s of Nt. Hope, bet Pulf'erd John, h 459 Congress e.<br />

Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Pullan Edwin F., furniture, h 226 Wood-<br />

Proctor John, switchman, h 203 Lahrosse. bridge e.<br />

Proctor Robert H., riveter, bds e s Mount Pullen Charles, chairmaker, b3s 147 Ri-<br />

Hope, bet Michigan ave and Butternut. vard .<br />

Proeschle A410ys, mason, h 64 Prospect. Pulling Henrv P.. broker, h 19 Elizabeth e.<br />

Prokara Christian, shoemaker, h 52 Sher- Pulte Anton jr, (Pulte A. db Son,) h 375 St<br />

man.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Prompa August, lbb, h 385 Clinton. Pulte Anton sr, (Pulte A. & Son,) h s w<br />

Prosser John W., assistant librarian De- cor Gratiot and St. Aubin ave.<br />

troit Public Library, hds 20 Plum. Pllete August, blacksmith, bds 424 Whit-<br />

Protestant Orphan Asylum, old 942 Jeffer- ing.<br />

son ave.<br />

Pulte Joseph, teller, h s e cor St. Aubin<br />

Protira Charles, shoemaker, bet Walnut ave and Gratiot.<br />

and Cmfield, on Eighteenth-and-a-half. Pulte William, jeweler, bds 181 Larned e.<br />

Proulx Nelson, lab, h 307 Franklin. Pulte A. 62 Son (Anton sr, and Anton jr),<br />

Prout Robert J., blacksmith, h 165 Eigh- grocers and wholesale liquors, 32 Monteenth.<br />

roe ave.<br />

Prouty Fayette, (F. Prouty & Son,) h 201 Pulvern~acher Ludwig, clerk, h 285 St.<br />

Cass.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Prouty Nathariel, h 441 Sixth.<br />

Puncner Frank. tailor, 429 St. Antoine.<br />

Prouty William, (F. Prouty rPs Son,) bds Pungs William, h 13 Humholdt aye.<br />

201 Cass.<br />

Punga Wiiliam A,, mach~nist, bds 215<br />

Prouty William F., lrth., h 346 Twentieth. Elizabeth e.<br />

Prouty F. & Son. (Fayette & William) Pungs Wm. C..clerk,bds 13 Humboldt ave.<br />

grocers, $3 Graud River ave.<br />

Punisky William, apprentice, bds 240<br />

Provan Walter, clerk, h 354 Twelfth. = Hastin BS.<br />

Prove1 William. lab., h w s Sixteenth bet Pump William, lab., bds 214 Twelfth.<br />

Myrtle and 3Iagnolia.<br />

Purcell Henry, engineer, h 271 First.<br />

Provis William, vessel owner, h 27 Eliza- Purcell James, porter, h Holden Road.<br />

heth e.<br />

Purcell Janlej E., clerk, city treas. office,<br />

Provost Israel, carpenter, h 890 Jefferson bds 78 Sixth.<br />

:me.<br />

Purcell John, policeman, h 212 Sixth.<br />

Prulx Boniface. teamster, h 460 Fort e. Purcell Nargaret (wid James W.), h 585<br />

Prndence Grennon, carpenter, h 549 Lar- Seventeentb.<br />

ned e.<br />

Purcell Miss Margaret, tailoress, bds COT<br />

PI-nmlee Pratee, drayman, h 433 Fort e.<br />

I FirstandBeach.<br />

P1-11no John, carpenter, li 280 Franklin.<br />

1 Purcell William, foundryman, h 78 Sixth<br />

Pr.yor Thomas, lab.. h 477 Seventeenth.<br />

I Purchase William H., drayman, h 66<br />

Pryor Patrick, boiler maker, h 477 Seven- 1 Henry.<br />

t.oenth.<br />

Purchell Mary A., bds 161 St. Antoine.<br />

Pry libske Felix, shoemaker, 376 Gratiot, h Purdue Eliza, dress maker, 526 Michigan<br />

same.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Pnlldefoot Charles, tinner, h I70 Fifteenth. Purdue James, policeman, h 526 Michigan<br />

Pudritzky Charles, machinist, h 3i4 Jn- ave.<br />

liett.<br />

Purdon John, pattern maker, h 385 Sixth.<br />

Pnph Bridget, (wid John) huckster, stall Purdon Richard H., printer, h 501 Sixth.<br />

50,C.H. N., h w s Mt.Elliottnr Lafay- Purdy James, boiler maker, bds 69 Fifette.<br />

.<br />

teenth.<br />

Puhl John, groccr, 311 3licbigan aye, h Purdy James, apprentice, bds 209 Fowsame.<br />

teenth.<br />



Purdy John, tanner, h 209 Fourteenth.<br />

Purdy Lewis, lab., h 8 Jay.<br />

Purdy Lewis, h 530 Fort e.<br />

Purdy Mary (wid William T.), Purdy's<br />

Hotel, s e cor Woodward ave and Wil-<br />

liam.<br />

Purdy Stephen P., county clerk office, 9<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, h 280 Randolph.<br />

Purmenn Frederick, clerk, h 234 Croghan<br />

Purmenn Theodore, gunsmith, h 338<br />

Bronson.<br />

Purrucker Ernest, tanner, h 129 Croghan*<br />

Purvis John, painter, bds 21 Fifth.<br />

Purvis William, blacksmith, 76 Lamed w,<br />

h same.<br />

Purcell James, blacksmith, h 439 Franklin.<br />

Puson Richard, engineer, h 179 Claord.<br />

Puson Roger, lab., h 179 Clifford.<br />

l'utnam Arthur, lab., bds 1 Jefferson ave.<br />

Putrow Charles, carpenter, ]I n s Charles<br />

bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Putrow Joseph, Cox's wood yard, h n w<br />

cor Seventh and Irving.<br />

Putnam Thomas J., clerk, city assessor's<br />

I Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. Po Chloroform,<br />

i Chemicals generally.<br />

See !<br />

advertisement, page 9.<br />

- --<br />

Quimby George, harness maker, 240<br />

' Woodward ave, h 167 High.<br />

Quirnbfl~lliam E., managinq editor <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Free Press, h 777 Jefferson ave.<br />

&uimby William ' (Quimby & Phillips) h<br />

55 Duffield.<br />

Quimby & Phillips (William Quimby and<br />

Henry Phillips) butchers, stall 5 upper<br />

C. H. 3r.<br />

Quinkert Frank, tailsr, h 200 Maple.<br />

Quinkert John, teamster, h 454 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Quinn Barney, fireman, M. C. R. R., bds<br />

20'3 Howard.<br />

Quinn Catharine, (wid Arthur) washerwoman,<br />

h 622 Congress e.<br />

office, room 2 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 14 Beach. Quinn Bridget, (wid Thomas), h Union cor<br />

Putnam - -- William O., painter, 708 Wood- Fourth.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Quinn Hannora (wid Dennis) h 165 Or-<br />

Purwinskey Louis, vanisher, bds 574 Or- chard.<br />

leans.<br />

Quinn Henry, carpenter, bds 137 Larned e.<br />

-<br />

Quinn James, lab, h 270 Twelfth.<br />

Quinn John, lab, h 183 Orchard.<br />

Q<br />

Quinn John S., sub-marine diver, h s w<br />

UACK Christian, lab., h 351 Maple. cor Crawford and Maria.<br />

Quinn Joseph, saloon, 223 Jefferson ave<br />

Martha. tailoress, bds 351 Maple. and 66 Randolph, h 223 Jefferson ape.<br />

Quackenbush Scctt R., clerk, h 73 Adam3 Quinn Louis, hotel, 16 Beaubien.<br />

ave w.<br />

Quinn Margaret (wid Thomas), h 478 Cro-<br />

Qualey John, moulder, h 117 Twenty- qhan.<br />

third.<br />

&;inn Michael, fireman, Michigan Ex-<br />

Qualter William, butcher, bds 444 Fifth. change.<br />

Quandt August, (Quandt & Bro.), h 135 Quinn Michael (Quinn & Mahony), h 195<br />

Maple.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Quandt Frederick (Quandt & Bro.), h 176 Quinn Patrick, lab, hlOl Plum.<br />

Maple.<br />

Quinn Peter, lab, h 658 Frank1:n.<br />

Quandt L Bro., (Frederick and August) Quinn Peter, lab, 187 Labrosse.<br />

cigar makers, 96 Gratiot.<br />

Quinu Thomas, sailor, h 97 Atwater.<br />

Quay Andrew B., printer, h 283 Croghan. Quinn IVilliam, mac~nist, h Guoin s s, nr<br />

Queaster Mathias, carpenter, h '106 Ma- Riopelle.<br />

comb.<br />

Quinn & Nahoney (Michael Quinn & Tim-<br />

Queen Edward, carpenter, h 768 Sixteenth. othy Nahoney), saloon,12 Michigan ave.<br />

Quermbech Peter, cooper, h 183 Maple. Quinnlivan Mary (wid John), boarding 47<br />

Quelch Hemy, joiner, bds 47 Fort e. Fort east, h same.<br />

Quick James T., butcher, h 553 Jefferson Quirk Cornelius, lab, h 334 Fifteenth.<br />

avenue.<br />

Quirk James, mason, h 233 Thirteenth.<br />

Qui ley John, ship carpenter, 5ds 410 Quirk J., fireman, M. C. R R.<br />

&ht<br />

Quirk John, lab, h 217 Nineteeth.<br />

Quigley John, copper and tin smith, 42 Quirk Michael, watchman, h 483 Seveo-<br />

Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

teenth.<br />

Quigley William, plumber, h 233 Croghan. Quirk Michael, watchman, h w 8 Twelfth,<br />

Quegweir John, lab., h cor German and bet Chestnut and Michigan ave<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Quirk Patrick, tailor, h 712 Fort e.<br />

Qulow Joachim,cigar maker, h 412 Maple. . Quirk William,fireman, h 483 Seventeenth.<br />

Quimby Edward G., clerk,h 199 Cass. 1 Quirk William, cigar maker, bds 19 Casu.


Rae Archibald, sailor, h 551 Howard.<br />

Rae Bryce, saiIor, h 551 Howard.<br />

Raef John, cutter, h Montcalm bet Hastin@<br />

and Prospect.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE. Raer Frank, lab, h Twenty-four th nr Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, Raetz Emst, carpenter, h 317 Chestnut.<br />

BEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Rago Fred., lab, h 55 Foundry.<br />

Raheley Michael, cutter, h 220 First.<br />

R<br />

Raheley Michael. h 13 Abbott.<br />

AA3S Henry, shoemaker, bds 40 Fort Rahley Thomas, lab, h 206 Cherry.<br />

R east.<br />

Rahn Jacob, lab, h 399 Maple.<br />

Raass Joseph, shoemaker, h 49 Prospect. Raheley Patrick, boiler maker, h 220 First.<br />

Rabaut Charles P., (Dinjeman & Rabaut,) Raikes Frederick, tanner, h 223 Twentyh<br />

171 St. Antoine.<br />

second.<br />

Rabaut Charles P., Mrs. laces, 171 and 169 Rairden John, teacher of langusges,<br />

St. Antoine, h same.<br />

176 Griswold.<br />

Rabaut Paul, agent, bds 171 St. Antoine. Rainforth John B., lab, bds Perkins' HoteI.<br />

Rabedeau Emery, cooper, h 415 Railroad. Raizon James (Willemin (B; Raizon) h 6<br />

Rabedeau Lewis N., carpenter, h 218 Four- Jefferson ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Rolph Charles, teamster, h 120 Twelfth.<br />

Rabineau Allen A., treasurer S t.Lukes Hos- Ralph Herman C., clerk, bds 328 Fort w.<br />

pital, b 347 Howard.<br />

Ralph Peter J., (P. J. Rzzlph & Co.) super-<br />

Race H. A, clerk, bds Biddle House. vising inspector of steamboats 8th dis-<br />

Rach James, foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Rail- trict, h 328 Fort w.<br />

way.<br />

Ralph P. J. & Co., (Peter J. Ralph and<br />

Racico Elizabeth, clerk, bds 94 Lewis. Alvin C. Burt) vessel owners and insur-<br />

Racico Jane, (wid Antoine,) bd3 94 Lewis. ance agents, foot First.<br />

Rackets Rudolph, hackdriver, h 119 Con- R.tlston Alexander, painter, h 87 Walnut.<br />

gress w.<br />

Ramsden George, sailor, bds 91 Atwater.<br />

Radeke William, cabinet maker, h 516 Ramsdell George, saloon, 172 Michigan<br />

Beaubien.<br />

me, h same.<br />

Radcliffe John, machinist, 124 Harrison Ramsey Albert A., p~inter, h 797 Congress<br />

ave.<br />

east.<br />

Radcliff Thomas, (BIcKenna r& Radcliff,) h Ramsey Alexander, ship carpenter, h o 93<br />

201 Lafayette ave.<br />

n 101 Twelfth.<br />

Radcliff William T., clerk, bds 124 George. Ram :ey David, engineer, h 533 Larned e.<br />

Radcliff William F., clerk, bds 201 Lafay- Ramsey Eliza, (wid John H.) Sullivan ave<br />

ette ave.<br />

w s nr Ash.<br />

Rademacher Burghard, tailor, h 308: Clin- Ramsey Nathan *I., cabinet maker, bds<br />

ton.<br />

21 2 Woodward ave.<br />

Rademacher John, mason, h Dazelle bet Ramsey Robert T., lab, h 279 Howard.<br />

Thirteenth and Thirteen t h-and-a- half. Ramsey Sarah J., dress maker, bds 16<br />

Rsdemacher John J., cabinet maker, h 573 Beacon.<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Ramsey Thomas, boiler maker, h 273<br />

Rademacher William, carpenter, h 9 Clay. Third.<br />

Rademacher William, cigar packer, (0 tto Rampton Anna, (wid) h 52 Narion.<br />

Starck,) h 330 High.<br />

Rampton James, h 52 Marion.<br />

Rademacher William, grocer, 330 Prospect, Rlzmpton Maria, teacher, Bishop Union<br />

h same.<br />

School.<br />

Rademacher William, planer, h 516 Beau- Rand Nathan S., (Wood & Rand) bds<br />

bien.<br />

Howard House.<br />

Radiger Edmund F., clerk, bds 301 Beau- Ranscier Charles, cooper, h Pt. Aubin ave<br />

bien.<br />

bet Guoin and Atwater;.<br />

Rr~diger John, clerk, h 301 Beaubien. Rancour Joseph, jr., teamatkr, bds 657<br />

Radford Robert W., painter, e s Eighth Larned e.<br />

bet Charles and Ann.<br />

Rancour Jos. sr., caulker, h 657 Larned e.<br />

Radloff Charles, blacksmith, h 540 Catha- Rand Laura J., teacher, h 410 Fort w.<br />

rine.<br />

Rand Samuel G., clerk, h 410 Fort w.<br />

Radloff Fredericke, (wid John,) h 487 Ma- Randall Coradon C., photograph gallery,<br />

comb.<br />

217 Woodward ave, bds 430 Second.<br />

Radloff William, lab., s s Catharine bet Randall Edward, clerk, bds 120 Henr<br />

McDou 11 and Joseph Campau avea. Randall James A,, lawyer, 3 and 4 %el,-<br />

Rndloff &]ism, lab, bds 487 Macomb. graph B!ock, res Wayne, Mich.

Randall James J., photographer, h 430<br />

Second.<br />

Randall John C., clerk, bds 14 Woodward<br />

avenue.<br />

Randall Joseph, saloon, n w cor Jefferson<br />

ave and Cass.<br />

Randall Millism, (Randall C% Fish) res<br />

Y nsilan ti.<br />

anb ball & Fish, (William Randall and<br />

William Fish) publishers, 55 Brush.<br />

Rando Joseph, gilder, h 267 Fort e.<br />

Rando Joseph jr., gilder, bds 267 Fort e.<br />

Randolph Charles, baker, bds 18 Jones.<br />

Randolph Merritt, clerk, bds 52 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Randolph Noah, lab., h 105 Calhoun.<br />

Randolph William H., baker, bds 18 Jones.<br />

Rang Joseph, hostler, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Itanker Lorenz, shoemaker, bds 1 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Rankin David, editor Daily Union, h 40<br />

Abbott.<br />

Rankin Hamilton R., carpenter, h 65 Locust.<br />

Ran kin James E., brassfounder, 97 Eighteenth,<br />

h 198 same.<br />

Rankin John S., civil engineer, bds 198<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Rankin P. Edward, clerk, h Third w s bet<br />

Cedar and Brigham.<br />

Rankin Robert C., machinist, bds 198<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Rankin William, frame maker, h 86 Seven<br />

teen th.<br />

Rannein John, wire weaver, h 332 Locust.<br />

Runo Ida, (wid Thomas) h 334 Mullet.<br />

Rano Thomas, carpenter, h 334 Mullett.<br />

Ranoahan Michael J., engineer, h 388<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Ransom Asel W., lake captain, h 33 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Rany Patrick, lab., 31. C. R. R, h -<br />

Seventh. -<br />

Raper Henry W., carriase maker, h 47<br />

Pine<br />

Raper Sarah, sewing woman, bds 47 Pine.<br />

Raphael Robert, confectionery, 63 Monroe<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Raquet Jacob, tanner, h 408 Beaubien.<br />

ftasch Andrew, furrier, h 59 Napoleon, 2d<br />

floor.<br />

Rasch August (Rasch & Bernart), fi 120<br />

Winder.<br />

Rasch Willism, teamsteqbds 82 Ltlfavette.<br />

Rasch & Bernart (August Rasch<br />

and William Bernart), merchant tailors,<br />

137 Jefferson ave. (& ada.)<br />

Rasch Albert, tailor, h 328 Seventeenth.<br />

R:tschke Gottfried, carpenter, h 4l. 9 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Raesel August, mason, bds 133 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Rasemann Charles, tailor, h 18 1 Cr0gba.n.<br />

Rdsenke Charles, lab., h 38 Ohio.<br />



8WNB & @@bet@<br />

FnIton Market Oyster House,<br />


w Oyeters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retall.<br />

Rasico Francis, car builder, h 530 Lsfayette.<br />

Raska John, carpenter (Candler Bros.)<br />

Rasmusson Hans, bar tender, bds 190<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Raspberry John, lab., h 13 Hastings.<br />

Raspach Otto, lock maker, h 217 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Rastawl Henry, teamster, h 543 Guoin.<br />

Ratcliffe Mary A. (wid Charles), h 386<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Rathe C., M. C. R. R., bds Antisdel House,<br />

Rstthbun William, agent, h 139 Twelfth.<br />

Rathbone W. D., clerk, bds 239 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Rathmann Henry, lab., h 14 Clay.<br />

Raths Natthias (IEaths (5Z Bro.), h 587<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Raths Nicholas, clothes cleaner and repairer,<br />

103 Bates, h same. -<br />

Raths Peter (Raths & Bro.), h s e cor Thirteenth<br />

and Marantette.<br />

Raths & Bro. (Peter and Matthias), groceries<br />

and hardware, 587 Michigan ave.<br />

Raticrah Ferdinand, lab., h 723 Twentyfourth.<br />

Ratky Carl, lab., h 761 T wenty-fourth.<br />

Ratt Joseph, lab., h 169 Benton.<br />

Ratteray Alexander, captain tug Wilcos.<br />

Ratteray Andrew, captain Burnside, bds<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Ratzek Herman, clerk, bds 34 Adelaide.<br />

Ratzel Rudolph, tailor, h 183 Fort e.<br />

Raurn John, tanner, bds n w cor Fifleenth<br />

and-a halt and Woodbridge.<br />

Rau George, shoemaker, h 229 Twelfth.<br />

Rauch Alexander, wagoner, bds 334 Hast-<br />

inps.<br />

Rauff William, lab., h 233 High.<br />

Raupps Joseph, lab., M. C. H. R,<br />

Rausch John, wood turner, bds 132 Cheet-<br />

nut.<br />

Rausch Peter, lab., h 132 Chestnut.<br />

Rauscher Jacob, saloon, 393 Rclssell, h<br />

same.<br />

Rsuss jhnthony, lab., bds 053 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Rauss John, butcher, 143 Randolph, h<br />

same.<br />

Rauss Minnie, (wid Bernard,) butcher, 2.<br />

H. M., h 18 Fort e.<br />

R~utelstere Anthony, atone cutter, b 114<br />

Marion.<br />


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office. I<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Itavenscroff William, boiler maker, 8 Hast-<br />

inqs.<br />

Rawlet Charles, grinder, h 244 Antietam.<br />

Rawley Walter, moulder, h 158 Seventh.<br />

Rawlins Elizabeth, (wid) h 232 Macomb.<br />

Ray Slouzo T., undertaker, 125 Grand<br />

River ave, h 100 Adams ave w.<br />

Rsy Flora L., (wid Joseph,) h o 19 n 23<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Ray James, blacksmith, h 14 Crawford.<br />

Ttny James,-moulder, h 406 Larned e.<br />

Ray Jane, (mid John,) h o 255 n 321 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Ray John A., 5ookkeeper, h 300 Be~ubien.<br />

Ray Joseph I., builder, 253 Beaubien, h<br />

300 same.<br />

Rav Theodore TV., U. S. Dep. Marshal, h<br />

132 &Ion tcalm e.<br />

Ray William, engineer, 31 ilton -D. Ward.<br />

Kay1 Thomas B., (8. H. Davis & Co.), bds<br />

95 Fort w.<br />

Ravmo Joseph R., porter, h Crawford bet<br />

Frank and Cutler.<br />

Ravmo Oliver, policeman, 127 Larned w.<br />

Raymond Charles, clerk, bds 81 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Raymond Edward R., clerk, bds 25 Croghan.<br />

Raynlond Francis jr, clerk? h 247 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Raymond Francis, sr., bookbinder,<br />

42 Larred w, h n ~v cor Croghan and<br />

Brush. (~5% adv.)<br />

Raymond Jennie, dress maker, bch 242<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Raymond Triphena, (wid George) h 81<br />

Congress w.<br />

Raymond William, lab, h n s St. Joseph,<br />

bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Raymond William, sailor, h 81 Wight.<br />

Raynor Albert II., printer, h 127 Croghan.<br />

Rztynolds Ann, (wid. Michael) h 136<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Raynold Charles, shoemaker, h 86 Park.<br />

Raynolds John J., machinist, bds 136<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Raynolds Margaret A., furrier, bds 136<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Razny Frank, grocer 144 Prospect, h same.<br />

Rea William J., printer, h 105 Beach.<br />

Rea Willlam J., (Eirchner & Rea) h u 355<br />

n 321 Howarcl.<br />

Read Archibald, porter, (with S. & A.<br />

Botsford).<br />

Read George, bookkeeper, h 131 Cass.<br />

Read William, tobacconist, bds 98 Hum-<br />

bolt ave.<br />

Read IVilliam R., carpenter, h 54 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Ready William, overseer, h 647 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Reaher Charles, blacksmith, h 68 Hum-<br />

boldt me.<br />

Ream Alexander R., cabinet maker h n s<br />

Prospect, bet Watson and Morse.<br />

Ream David W., painter, h 957 Fort w.<br />

Reamer Joseph, lumber, h 118 Chestnut.<br />

Reamer William, tanner, h 3 19 Fifteenth.<br />

Reaney Henry, clerk, h Fort n s nr Leil).<br />

Reaney Patrick, lab, h 286 Seventh.<br />

Iteardon Daniel, horseshoeing shop, cor<br />

St. Antoine and Franklin, h 201 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Reardon John, carriage trimmer? bds cor<br />

Randolph and Larned.<br />

Reardon John, lab, h 432 Seventh.<br />

Reardon John, lab, h 84 Sullivan ave.<br />

Reardon John, malster, bds 80 Front.<br />

Reardon Michael, huckster, h e s Eighth,<br />

nr Grand River ave.<br />

Reardon Timothy, lab, h 175 Thirteenth-<br />

and a-half.<br />

Reares Ollie, dress maker, bds 242 ,%dams<br />

avenue e.<br />

Reasha Louis, bar tender, bds 47 Miami<br />

avenue.<br />

Reath Thomas S.,saloon and diring rooms,<br />

14 Woodward ave, h o 233 n 261 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Reaume Adolphus, sr., clerk, h 4.2 Cass.<br />

Reaume Alexander, chair binder, Pr~spect<br />

nr Wilkins.<br />

Reaume Frank, lab, h 408 Guoin.<br />

Reaume James, lab, bds 361 Franklin.<br />

Reaume Jane, (wid Oliver) h 205 Franklin.<br />

Reaume John, fanner, bds 561 Franklin.<br />

Reaume John, lab, h 372 Frankhn.<br />

Reaume Joseph, lab, h o 38 n 48 Wight.<br />

Reaume Josephine, operator, bds 205<br />

Franklin.<br />

Reaume Peter, blacksmith, bds 4.23 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Reaume Robert, brick manufacturer, h 315<br />

Franklin.<br />

Reaur David W., painter, h 957 Fort w.<br />

Rebar Henry, engineer, h 88 Twelfth.<br />

Rebbeck Benjamin, clerk, h Third w s, bet<br />

Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Rebbeck Benjamin, painter, bds w s Third,<br />

bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Rebbeck M. Hannah, clerk, bds Third w<br />

s, bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Reber Charles, clerk, bds 308 Randolph.<br />

Reber Joseph, clerk, bds 308 Randolph.

Rehlin Ferdinand, carriage maker, h 212<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Reck Rudolph, baker, h 135 BKullett.<br />

Rectanus William, clerk, bds 91 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

liector Charles N., millinery. bds 159 Beaubien.<br />

Rector Nickolaua, millinery, h 159 Beau- I<br />

bien.<br />

Redan Martin, lab, w s Mt. Elliott ave, nr<br />

Cemetery.<br />

Redcap Franl;, teamster, h 557 Hastings.<br />

Reddick Philip, teamster, h 19 German<br />

Reddy Josepll, carpenter, h 395 Sixteenth-<br />

Redeke Wiilirrm, h 516 Beautien.<br />

Redel John, h 388 Seventeenth.<br />

Reder Herrmann. cabinet maker, h 58<br />

Prospect.<br />

Reclfield Judd F., Freight Department 31-<br />

C?. R. R.<br />

RedgewellJoseph, expressman, h 166 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Redich John, lab, h n e tor Sherman and<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Redloff Charles, carriage smith, h 540<br />

Catherine.<br />

Redmond Edwud, shoemaker, h 195 Ma-<br />

corn b.<br />

Redmod James, ship-carpenter, h 714<br />

Fra~ klin.<br />

Redmond Mary L., teacher, bds 71 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Redmond Nicholas, carpenter, h 20<br />

Wight.<br />

Redmond N. H.,lawyer, room 15 Rotunda,<br />

h 176,kdams ave e.<br />

Redmond Sibley H., painter, bds 156<br />

Adams ave.<br />

Redmond William H., chairmaker, bds cor<br />

Sixteenth and Chestnut.<br />

Reece John, miner, bds 164 L~rned w.<br />

Reed *4., clerk, bdu Finney's Hotel.<br />

Reed Alfred, cabinet-maker, bds 306 Beaubien.<br />

Reed Alexander, shoemaker, 78 Wayne.<br />

lieed Ann, matron House ot Correction,<br />

bds same.<br />

Reed Frank E, miller, bds 306 Beaubien.<br />

Heed George C., patent right man, h 306<br />

Bea-iibien.<br />

Reed George H., clerk, bds 306 Benubien.<br />

Reed Harvey s., freight agent, h 113 Winder.<br />

Reed James, clerk, h s e c Twelfth and<br />

Sycamore.<br />

Reed Jessie W., h 279 Second.<br />

Reed John, painter, h 146 Fifteenth.<br />

Reed John, Sup't Nt. Elliott Cemetery,<br />

bds Franklin House.<br />

&ed Joseph, conductor, h National ave, e<br />

s w Sycamore. .<br />

Reed Joseph F., lake captain, h 103 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Reed Louisa, seamstress, 103 Orleana.<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, Davis d? Co.<br />

See page 9.<br />

Reed Maria (wid Alonzo,)h 8 Madison ave.<br />

Reed Mary A. (wid George, h 414 Croghan.<br />

Reed Peter, lab., h 269 Catherine.<br />

Reed Robert, painter, h P~tteenth bet<br />

hlarquette and Baker.<br />

Reed Samuel, stone quarryman, h 591<br />

sixth.<br />

Reed Ste~hen, plumber, h 1'77 Harrison av.<br />

Reed Thomas, conductor, h National ave<br />

e s nr Laurel.<br />

Reed Thomas, ship carpenter, h 93 Flf-<br />

teen th.<br />

Reed Thomas, saloon keeper, h old 233<br />

new 261 Con ress e.<br />

Reed Thomas g., upholsterer, h 293 set-<br />

ond.<br />

Reed Thomas W., h 99 Mayberry ave.<br />

Reed William, clerk, h 99 Mayberry ave.<br />

Reed William, teamster, bds 406 Guoin.<br />

Reed W. L., physician, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Reefe John, butcher, bds 210 Randolph.<br />

Reeg Leonard, dry goods, 210 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Reekie Alexander, clerk, h old 132 new<br />

116 n w George.<br />

Reekie James F., auditor <strong>Detroit</strong>, Lansipc<br />

& Lake Mich. R. R. Co., h 92 Fourth.<br />

Reekie William (Reekie & McKerrow) h<br />

234 Cass.<br />

Reekie & McKerrow, (William<br />

Reekie and John P. McKerrow) commis-<br />

sion. dock foot of Second.<br />

Reens Israel, cutter, bds 20 Adam ave w.<br />

Reese Alvin H., superintendent De-<br />

troit Lansing & Lake Michigan R. R.,<br />

bds 135 Park.<br />

Reeve Lewis, clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Reever Joseph, plasterer, h 238 Clinton.<br />

Reeves Charles, cooper, h 204 Division.<br />

Reeves Eugene, painter, bd.9 162 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Reeves Frank N., (Tyler & Reeves) bds<br />

tor Beaubien and Jefferson ave.<br />

Reeves Henry, painter, h '85 Fifteenth.<br />

Heeves Henry J., (Reeves 62 Rooks) h 336<br />

Franklin.<br />

Reeves Henry L., (Reeves & Johnson) bds<br />

229 Twelfth.<br />

Reeves James grocer, bds 92 Larned e.<br />

Reeves Jane A., boarding, n w cor Caas<br />

ave and Adams ave w.<br />

Reeves Orson E., painter, bds n w cor Cnss<br />

, ave and Adams ave w.

SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Reeves Robert H., painter, h 152 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Reeves Thomas, carpenter, bds s e cor<br />

Fourth and Westerl.<br />

Reeves TVilliaz, butcher, h 419 Lafrtyette.<br />

Keeves & Johnson, (Henry L. Reeves<br />

and James M. Johnson), insurance<br />

agents, office 189 Jefferson ave,<br />

Reeves cft Rooks (Henry J. Reeves and<br />

Thomas Rooks) grocers. 336 Franklin.<br />

Refeor John, tailor, h 229 Macomb.<br />

Regan Catharine (wid Dominick), h 99<br />

Abbott.<br />

Regan Catharine, (wid Patrick,) h 127 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Regan Charles M., plumber, bds 99 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Regan Cornelius, helper, h 28 South.<br />

Regan John, painter, h 156 Howard.<br />

Regan James H., pressman, bds 99 Abhot t.<br />

Hegan, hlarp (wid Thomas) washer-<br />

woman, h 26 National ave.<br />

Regan Timothy, moulder 424 Sixteenth.<br />

Regan William, boiler maker, h 357 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Rrggentien Frederick, pail turner, bds 250<br />

Antietam.<br />

Reg1 Robert, carpenter, bds 80 Front.<br />

Reglep Charles E., clerk, bds 495 Sixth.<br />

Begnery Jacob, huckster, stall 37 C. H M.,<br />

h 568 Congress e.<br />

Regnery John, lab., h 479 Fort e.<br />

Reha John, carpenter, h 397 Maple.<br />

Behahan Louis, tailor, h 234 Beaubien.<br />

Rehahan William, merchant tailor, 154<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Renberg Louis, lab., h 184 Division.<br />

Rehfeld Charles, painter, h 229 Alfred.<br />

Rehl Jacob, tailor, h 192 wacomb.<br />

Reibling Charles (Lichtenberg & Son), h<br />

202 Croghan.<br />

Reich Frederick, tailor, h 198 Marion.<br />

Tteichenbtlch Bernard, teamster, h 268<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Reichenbach Frederick IV., lab., h 312<br />

High.<br />

Reichenbach George, butcher, 158 BIa-<br />

comb, h same.<br />

Reichenbach George jr, butcher, bds 158<br />

Macomb.<br />

Reichenbach Henry, teamster, s e cor<br />

Locust and Huron.<br />

Reichenbach Mary (wid Henry), h 194<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Reichenbach William, lab., h 312 High.<br />

Reichert Charles, carpenter, h 349 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Reichle A., bds o 337 n 377 Larned e.<br />

Reichle Adam, upholsterer, h 214 Clinton.<br />

Reichle Adolph, cabinet maker, h 230 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Reichle Ambrose O., machinist, bds Gra-<br />

tiot bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Reichle Ferdinand, carriage re-<br />

pository, 258 and 260 Jefferson ave, h<br />

o 337 n 377 Larned e. (See adv.)<br />

Reichlen Henry, groceries, kc., 534 Wood-<br />

bridge w, h same.<br />

1 Reichrath Peter, shoemaker, 956 Jefferson<br />

1 ave, h same.<br />

' Reid Alexander C., shoemaker, bds 78<br />

Wayne<br />

Reid Charles F., clerk, bds 113 Winder.<br />

Reid David, carpenter, h 500 Fifteenth.<br />

Reid George, clerk, h 131 Cass.<br />

Reid James, clerk, s e cor Twelfth anci<br />

Sycamore.<br />

Reid James, clerk, i48 Jefferson ave.<br />

Reid James H., engineer, h 31 Sibley.<br />

Reid John J., h 14 Pine.<br />

Reid J. R. (J. A. Berry 62 Co.), hds n e<br />

cor Leib and Wight.<br />

Reid Robert (Wood & Reid), bds 407 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Reid Samuel, stone cutter, h 591 Sixth.<br />

Reid William, (Reid 62 Hills), h 66 Farrar.<br />

Reid William H., conductor, Grand River<br />

cor National are.<br />

Reid & Hills (William Reid & Benja-<br />

min C. Hills), painters and dealers in<br />

glass, wall paper, kc., 108 Woodward<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

Reidel George,foreman Grand River stable,<br />

h Seventh.<br />

Reidel Peter, shoemaker, 'h 643 Fifteenth.<br />

Reider Henry, lab, h 3'78 Antietam.<br />

Reider Henry, jr., lab, h 378 Antiet am.<br />

Reider Jacob, mason, h 126 Calhoun.<br />

Reider John, lab, h s e cor Illinois and1<br />

Hstings,<br />

Reider Nicholas, shoemaker, h 227 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Reidy Dennis, lab, h 253 Abbott.<br />

Reidy Edward, passenger agent G. T. Ry.,<br />

172 Jefferson ave, h 135 Howard.<br />

Reif Frederick, upholsterer, bds 302 Mont-<br />

I calme.<br />

Reif Hermann, German books, 126<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Reif John, tailor, h SO2 Montcalm e.<br />

Reifer John, plasterer, h 299 Wilkins.<br />

Reifler Joseph, carpenter, bds s w cor Mul- .<br />

lett and Maple.<br />

Reifschndider Jacob, butcher, 292 Fort e.<br />

Reifschneider Joseph T., clerk, bds 3 As-<br />

pins11 Terrace.<br />

Reifstahl Charles, saw filer, bds 523 Ma-<br />

, comb.


Reifstrahl John, grinder, h 453 Joseph LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Cam~au ave. I aHouLD c u AT<br />

~eiher'charles, blacksmith, h 68 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

8UMB & O:@e8B<br />

Reilich Frank, tobacconist, bds 481 St. Antoine.<br />


Reilich Joseph, tobacconist, h 481 St. An- 28 - - MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

W O~gter8 in Shell a @~ecialt~- Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

toine.<br />

Reilly Cornelius J., lawyer, 39 &itz Block,<br />

bds Biddle House.<br />

Reilly Eslher M. (wid James B*>) 285<br />

Congress e.<br />

Reilly tobacco cutter, St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Reilly James, boiler maker, h 321 Frank-<br />

1:-<br />

1111.<br />

Reilly John, clerk, h 601 Michiwan ave.<br />

Reilly John, machinist, h Mt. klliott ave,<br />

nr Jefferson ave.<br />

Reilly Jolln, plumber, 224 Jefferson ave.<br />

h 317 Sixth.<br />

Reilly Michael, dryman, h 115 Oak.<br />

Reilly Robert M., Assistant Cashier Second<br />

Natio~al Bank, h 96 High.<br />

Reilly Thomas, apprentice, bds 211 Abbott<br />

Reilly Thomas J. insurance agent, h Abbott,<br />

bet Third and Fourth.<br />

Reilly William F., machinist, h 190 Lafayetre.<br />

Reilly William J., clerk, bds 96 High.<br />

Reinhardt Christian, la b, h bet 74 Thirteenth.<br />

Reinhardt H. S., traveling agent, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Reinhardt John M., carpenter, h 142 Hasting~.<br />

Reinhard t Julius, shoemaker, h 5 15 Gra:<br />

tiot.<br />

Iteinhardt William, lab, h 100 Fifteenth.<br />

Reinholtz Albert, painter, h 230 Sherman.<br />

Reinke Charles, machinist, h e tor b h<br />

and JVilliams ave.<br />

Reinke Ferdinand, lab, h 282 Bro~son.<br />

Reinle Xavier. brewer, bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Reisch Christian, tailor, h 126 Catharine.<br />

Reischmann Benedict, blacksmitll, h n s<br />

Grove, bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Reissler Jacob, brewer, h 40 Mxple.<br />

Keitelsleiz FI ederick: upholsterer, bds 214<br />

Marion.<br />

Reiter Liza, tniloress, n 235 Chestnut, h<br />

839 Antietam.<br />

Reiter Mathias, lab, h n s Chestnut bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McUougall aves*<br />

Reiter Philip, mason, h 122 Napoleon.<br />

Reithard Jacob, painter, 65 Larned e, h<br />

269 Xontcalm e.<br />

Rithmiller Blichael, wood turner, bds 301<br />

Lafayet te.<br />

Remer William, lab, h 319 Fifteenth.<br />

Remick Royal C., lumberman oflice 5 Merrill<br />

block, h 37 Lafayette aye.<br />

Reminmton Frederick &, broom<br />

bds 89 Grr ~d River ave.<br />

Remington William H,, broom factory, 63<br />

Grand River ave, bds 69 same.<br />

Kemington William L, G9 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Remley John A., printer, bds 58 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Renley Lee A., printer, bds 58'Larned w.<br />

Remoe christiana, (wid J ~ 794 ~ ~ ~ ~ )<br />

Woodhridge w.<br />

Relnus William, lab, h 279 Maple.<br />

Renahan James, car driver, bds 190 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Renaud Frederick N., h 112 Catharine.<br />

Renaud Frederick, teamster, h w s Joseph<br />

Campau ave bet Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Renchler John, cooper, h 381 Russell.<br />

Renga Thom~s, waiter. Biddle House.<br />

Rengenthin Fritz, lab, h 250 Antietam.<br />

Renick Christian, bds 518 Woodbridge e.<br />

Renick Johannn Mrs., huckster, stall 10 C.<br />

H. &I., h 518 Woodbridge.<br />

Renick Joho, teamster, it 884 Latayette e.<br />

Renick Lawrence, planer, h 518 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Renick Otto, sailor, bds 384 Lafayette e.<br />

Renick William, lab, h 884 Lafayett e.<br />

Renk Frederick, tanner, bds 508 Franklin.<br />

lhke John, carpenter, h 591 Croghan.<br />

Renke Peter. lab, h 215 St. Antoine.<br />

Renner Charles, boiler maker. h allej' bet<br />

Macolnb and Clinton and bet Hastings<br />

and Rivard.<br />

Renner Charles, lab, 11 144 Clinton.<br />

Renner Frank, barber,<br />

Renner Frank, j r.,barber, bds 434 Franklin.<br />

Rennie Henry, machinist, 169 Altred,<br />

Rennie .John, shoemaker, h 305 Third.<br />

Reno Angeline (wid Frank),h 38 Clinton.<br />

Heno Anthony, shoe.maker, h 99 Chestnut<br />

Reno George L., clerk, bds 592 Jetferson<br />

avenue.<br />

Reno George, grocer, 133 Grand River ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Reno George F., express messenger, h 308<br />

Lafayettc are.<br />

Reno John. grocer, 594 Jefferson ave, h<br />

5'32 same.<br />

Reno Jobn, jeweller, h 211 Macomb.<br />

Reno John b., jeweller, bds 209 Macomb.<br />

Reno Joseph, carpenter, h 171 Benton.<br />

Reno Joseph, cooper, h 316 Russell.<br />

Reno Joseph, tobacconist, bds 31 6 Russell.


Reske August, lab,. h s s alley bet Dubois<br />

and Chene, German and Gratiot.<br />

Reske Charles, lab, h e s alley bet Dubois<br />

and Chene, German and Gratiot.<br />

Reske Henry, carpenter, h n s alley bet<br />

Dubois and Chene, German and Gratiot.<br />

Retclrffe John, machinist, h 124 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Retelle Charles, sailor, h 32 Twelfth.<br />

BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Retelle John, spring-maker, bda 1 Clay.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office, Retslow Frederick, lab, h s s alley bet Du-<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

bois and Chene, Gratiot and German.<br />

Retting August, car.srnith, h 438 Mullet.<br />

Reno Louise (wid Noah), seamstress, h Rettke August, lab, h n s German, bet Du-<br />

816 Russell.<br />

hois and Chene.<br />

Reno Blichael, carpenter, h '209 Macomb. Retter Charles, sawyer, h 471 I\lacomb.<br />

Reno Peter A., machinist,bds 593 Jefferson Retter Christ, dyer, 564 Munett.<br />

avenue.<br />

Retter John, mason, h 379 North.<br />

Reno Thomas, stove moulder, bds Larned Retz Augustus, carpenter, bds 151 Wiln<br />

s, nr Dubois.<br />

liams ave.<br />

Renshaw Henry, clerk, h s w cor Cherry Retz Henry, lab, h n e cor Chene and Gerand<br />

Seventh.<br />

man.<br />

Renshaw John, brass finisher, bds Seventh Reuhle Ferdinand, tailor, h w s Sevena<br />

~ Cherry. d<br />

teenth nr Ash.<br />

Renshaw Sidney, clerk, h s w cor Cherry Reulbach Martin, baggage master 31. C. R.<br />

and Seven ih.<br />

R., h 38 Twelfth.<br />

Renshaw William H.! engineer, h 18 Har- Reumer Jacque, lab, bds 532 Woodbridge<br />

rison ave.<br />

W.<br />

Renshed A., baggageman 3f C. R. R. Reuter Anton, lab, h 644 Riopelle.<br />

Rhensched John J., machinist, h 103 Ab- Reuter Christian, lab., h 471 Macomb.<br />

bott.<br />

Reuter Frederick, carpenter, h e s Tillman<br />

Rentcher John, merchant tailor, 27 Mon- ave bet 3Iichigan ave and Butternut.<br />

roe ave, h 127 Clinton.<br />

Reuter John, carpenter, h 426 Whiting.<br />

Rsnte Frederick, wire weaver, h 14 Me- Reuter John C., lab., h e s Prospect bet<br />

ch anic.<br />

Waston and Morse.<br />

Renterop Charles, peddlar, bds 46 St. Au- Reuther George, brewer, h 188 Sherman.<br />

bin ave.<br />

Reuther George, brewer, bds 227 Catha-<br />

Renterop John C., tailor, h 403 Mullett. . rine.<br />

Rentner John, lab, h 586 Gratiot.<br />

Reuther Herman, trunk maker, h 105 Ma-<br />

Rentner John, lab, h 529 Macomb.<br />

ple.<br />

Rentschler John, cooper, h 281 Russell. Reutter Mathew, saloon, s w cor Rivard<br />

Rentz Alfred CGage & Rentz,) h 91 Or- and Sherman, h same.<br />

leans.<br />

Reutelsterz Anton, stone cutter, bds 314<br />

Renz Frank, butcber, h 516 Lafayette. Marion.<br />

Renz Henry, furrier, h Bronson, bet Rio- Reutelsterz Frederick, upholsterer, bds 314<br />

pelle and Orleans.<br />

Marion.<br />

Rentz Henry, tanner, h 301 Bronson. Reutelterz Peter, stone cutter, h 314 BIar-<br />

Kentz Theodore, grocer, 394 and 396 ion.<br />

a<br />

Gland River ave, h same.<br />

Revall Mary, bds 10'7 Atwater.<br />

Renz Frank, lab, h 516 Lafayette. Revell Henry, drayman, h 111 Fifth.<br />

Renz Henry, tanner, 380 and 282 Gratiot, Rever Martin, stove moulder, h 179 Chene.<br />

h same.<br />

Rewa Joseph, carpenter, bds 252 Gratiot.<br />

Renz Leopold, cutter at Hintermister's,bds Reycraft Joseph, lab., h 166 Porter.<br />

Hotel Henry.<br />

Reynolds Albert, painter, 56 Croghan, h<br />

Reuz Louisa Mrs., h 59 Croghan.<br />

230 Sherman.<br />

Repp William, tailor, h 244 High. Re nolds Albert N., carpenter, h 531<br />

Reschke Cllarles, lab, h I 18 Antietarn. Jeven th.<br />

Reschke William, mortice machine, bds Reynolds Charles E., Sergeant metropoli -<br />

409 Riopelle.<br />

tan police, h 293 Second.<br />

Rsschke,Earnest, sawyer,bds 411 Riopelle. Reynolds Charles W., shoemaker, h Park.<br />

Resico Frederick, cooper, bds 98 Maple. Reynolds Daniel C., Ex. messenger, bds<br />

Resico Joseph jr., cooper, bds 98 Maple. 532 Jefferson we.<br />

Kesico Joseph sr., cooper, h 98 Naple. Reyuolds E. Willard, engineer, h 293 Sec-<br />

Resinger Jacob, lab, h 366 Orleans.<br />



Reynolds Frank P., clerk, bds 98 Eliza-<br />

beth w.<br />

Reynolds James, lab., h 619 Sixth.<br />

Reynolds John J., finisher, bds 136<br />

Twelfth:<br />

Reynolds Michael, clerk, Mansion House.<br />

Reynolds M. J., bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Iteynolds Nelson, (col'd) drayman h 128<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Reynolds Miss Ruth A., select schoo:, 112<br />

Adams ave w, bds 412 Third.<br />

Reynolds Thomas, drover, bds 253 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

I<br />

I<br />


I Will find it to their advantage to call at our ofice<br />

I and examine our line of standard.<br />


Parlce, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertieement, page 9.<br />

Rice Fqancis, lab., h 722 Fort e.<br />

Rice Frank, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Rice Garrit, mason, h 48 Crawford.<br />

Rice George, lithographer, 166 Adams ave<br />

Reynolds Thomas, lab., M. C. R. R. east.<br />

Reynolds Whitney, (c~l'd) cooper, 73 Fort Rice George, trav. agent, h 104 Congress e.<br />

e, h same.<br />

Rice Henry, machinst, bds 211 Porter.<br />

Reynolds William, plumber, bds Ran- Rice Henry M., collector, bds 166 Adams<br />

dolph.<br />

1 ave e.<br />

Reynolds William B., shoemaker, bds 100 I Rice James, machinist, h 217 Porter.<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

Rice James (col'd) sawyer, bds 344 &la-<br />

Reeanke Albert, cabinet maker, h 96 Ohio. comb.<br />

Itezanke Frank, cabinet maker, h 126 Rice John (Rice & Lindsay) h 376 Grand<br />

Brewster.<br />

River ave.<br />

Rhaesa Adolph, cigar maker, 111 Bates. Rice John, clerk, h 166 Adams ave east.<br />

Rhaesa Julius (J. Rhaesa & Co.), 177 Rice John, clerk, bds 77 Beaubien.<br />

Michigan nve.<br />

Rice John, grocery, h 374 Grand River av.<br />

Rhaesa Julius 6t Co. (Julius Rhaesa and Rice Jobn, jeweler, bds 722 Fort e.<br />

George Fleck), cigar manufacturing, 177 Rice John, machinist, bds 217 Porter.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Rice .John D., boarding, h 141 Rivard.<br />

Rhiel Joseph, blacksmith, h 160 Gratiot. Rice Loiiis J., carpenter, h 66 Lafayette<br />

Rhein George, lab, h 120 Jay.<br />

Place.<br />

Rhein Joseph, butcher, h 81 Adams ave e. Rice Nary (wid Aaron) h 188 Second.<br />

Rheiner Theodore, gunsmith, bds 133 Rice Mary A., (wid George), bds 51 Eigh-<br />

Hastings.<br />

teenth.<br />

Rheiner William A., gunsmith, 63 Ran- Rice Pink (col'd) teamster, h 335 Hastings.<br />

dolph, h 133 Hastings.<br />

Rice Preston, restaurant, 50 Shelby, h<br />

Rhines James, ticket agent, h 32 Brady. same.<br />

Rhode George, clerk, bds 475 Gratiot. Rice Robert, lab., bds 695 Macomb.<br />

Rhode John, tailor, bds 4'75 Gratiot. Rice Samuel, cigar store, 289 Jefferson ave<br />

Rhode Joseph, grocer, 4'15 Gratiot, h bds same.<br />

same.<br />

Rice Theopilus jr., (col'd) sleeping car<br />

Rhode Joseph, pattern masker, h 474 Gra- conductor, bds 20 Marion.<br />

tiot.<br />

Rice Theophilus, sr., (col'd) sleeping car<br />

Rhodes Ebenzer, carpenter, h 31 Croghan. conductor, h 20 Marion.<br />

Ribbon John W., clerk, bds Finney's Rice Thomas, lab, h 255 Franklin.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Rice Thomas, sailor, bds 258 Franklin.<br />

Ribbsome Frederick, pattern maker, h Rice William, teamster, bds 188 Second.<br />

189 Benton.<br />

Rice & Lindsay, (John Rice and Jonathan<br />

Rice Abraham W., (<strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Co.), bds Lindsay) grocers, 216 Grand River ave.<br />

107 Elizabeth w.<br />

Rich Edward, clerk, bds 242 Third.<br />

Rice Augusta (wid Louis), grocer, 283 Jef- Rich George M., h 242 Third.<br />

erson ave, h same.<br />

Rich James W., clerk, h 72 Orchard.<br />

Rice Benjamin B., contractor, h 394 Sixth. Rich Paul, coppersmith, bds 342 Third.<br />

Rice Catharine, bead worker, h 258 Frank- Rich Sylvester, finisher, bds 242 Third.<br />

lin ; *, t/~: . Richall John, beamsman, h 602 Wood-<br />

Rice Carlo, butcher, h 834 Michikan ave. bridge w.<br />

Rice Calvin (col'd) lab., h 170 Wilkins. Richard Frantz, lab, h 2-42 Antietam.<br />

Rice Charles R., with Chicago Seed Co., Richard Henry, carpenter, h 551 St. Anbds<br />

80 Wayne.<br />

toine.<br />

Rice Cyrus B., clerk, h 284 ~ ort e. Richard Peter, ship carpenter, h 302 At-<br />

Rice Delos E., machinist, 191 and 193 At- water e.<br />

water, h 30 Lafayette.<br />

Richard Thomson, porter, h 73 Butternut.<br />

Rice Delos W., machinist, bds 147 Ri- Richards Adolph, stone cutter, bds 12 Hasvard.<br />

ting~.<br />

* 53


liIAkhliE38HW<br />


Richert Julia A. (wid Jonas), h 133 Franklin.<br />

Richert Juliett, boarding, h 133 Franklin.<br />

Richmond Arouet (Richmonds & Backus),<br />

For Opinions of<br />

h 17 High.<br />

Business Men, Richmond B. Barton (Richmonds &<br />

SEE PAGE 3. a<br />

Backus), h 3s Henry.<br />

-<br />

Richmond Charles H., Secretary and Trea-<br />

Richards Ephraim P., foreman, h 468 Con- surer <strong>Detroit</strong>. Hillsdale & Indiana, and<br />

b<br />

gress e.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Eel River rG Illinois R. R., bds<br />

Richards Frances,(wid:of John) seamstress, Michigan Exchange.<br />

h 71 Eighth."<br />

Richmond Eliha, carpenter, h 376 Bcau-<br />

Richards -Frank, ship carpenter, h 402 bien.<br />

Frankliu.<br />

Richmond Elkanah D., joiner, h 64 Pine.<br />

Richards Frank, jr., caulker, bds 402 Richmond Mary (wid Martell), tailoress, h<br />

Franklin.<br />

473 Fort e.<br />

Richards Henry, (col') barber, h 130 La- Richmond Naffa (wid Wellington), h 324<br />

fayette.<br />

Cass avenue.<br />

Richards Henry currier, h 84 Pluni. Richmond William, clerk, h G i Pine.<br />

Richards Henry A., sawyer, h 557 St. An- Richmond William V., clerk, bds 61 Pine.<br />

toine.<br />

Richmonds & Backus (Arouet Richmond<br />

Richards Israel, baggage agent G. IT. R. F. H. A. Backus, Barton 13. Richmond,<br />

R., h 70 Jones.<br />

and Charles N. Ayers), stationers and<br />

Richards James, (col'd) painter, h 297 blank book manufacturers, IS5 Jefferson<br />

Croghan.<br />

aye.<br />

Richards James, (col'd) porter, bds 130 La- Richter Charles, saloon, Seitz Building,<br />

fayette.<br />

cor Griswold, h Lafayette ave; bet Gris-<br />

Rictlards John B., tailor, bds 71 Eighth. wold and Shelby.<br />

Richards John C., clerk, h 62 Montcalm e.<br />

Richards John D.; (co~d) inspector of cus- Richter Conrad, tailor, h 2 11 Thirteenthtoms,<br />

h 260 Congress e.<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Richards Samuel D., physician, St. An- Richter Frank, bolt maker,h 98 Humboldt<br />

drews hall, h 24 Oak.<br />

avenue.<br />

Richards Sarah, (wid William) h 79 Jones. Richter Frederick, lab, h e s Mount Hope,<br />

Richards William B., (col'd) barber, 66 bet Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Griswold, h 315 Congress e.<br />

Richter Gustsve, painter, 123 Woodbridge<br />

Richard -, painter, bds 9S Beaubien. e, h same.<br />

Richter Leonard, saloon, 85 Beaubien, h<br />

Richardson Albion, shoemaker, bds 227 same.<br />

Cass.<br />

Ricwine Peter J., traveling agent, bds<br />

Ricllardson Mrs. Albion, machine opera- Michigan Exchange.<br />

tor. bds 62 Beaubien.<br />

Rickards Frank (col'd), barber, bds 43<br />

~ichirdson Albion S., shoemaker, bds 62 Croghan.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Rickel Frederick, saloon, 464 St. Antoine,<br />

Richardson David M., agent bds 18 Henry. h same.<br />

Richardson ~ a G d M., ~etr4t Rickel George (Rickel Bros.), h 464 St.<br />

match works, Eighth bet Fort and Wood- Antoine.<br />

bridge, h 409 Lafayette ave. (See adv.) Rickel Henry (Rickel Bros.), h 464 St. An-<br />

Richardson Henry, crimper, 137 Larned e. toine.<br />

Richardson John, lab G. W. R. R. nickel Henry W,, grocer, ,313 Croghan, h<br />

Richardson John, mason, h 194 Abbott.<br />

Richardson John I., baggage agent, h 1 01 1 Ii%t1"~ros. (George and Henry), grocers,<br />

Mayberry ave.<br />

I h 464 S1. ~ntoine:' -<br />

Richardson Richard, clerk, bds 110 Baker. Ricker William A., b,oot-finisher, bds 171<br />

crwf@jfplp, 1,-<br />

Richardson Richard B., clerk, bds 107<br />

*%<br />

George.<br />

Rickerick Conrad. tanner. bds cor Fif-<br />

Richardson Richard B., brass founder, h teenth and woodbridge w.<br />

110 Baker.<br />

Ricketts Samuel, confectioner, 43 keffer-<br />

Richardson William, machinist, h 234 Ab- son aver h same.<br />

bott.<br />

Ridciett George, h 20 Bngg.<br />

Richarth William, shoeshop, 15 Atwater, Hider Bertha, gilder, bds 105 Maple.<br />

bds Sherman House.<br />

Rider Emma, gilder, bds 105 Maple.<br />

Richert Charles, baker, 133 Franklin, h Rider Fredrick, sausage maker, h St. Ansame.<br />

toine s Grove.<br />

- --

gider Frederick, stove mounter, h 182 LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Catharine.<br />


Rider John, wiper, h e s Prospect bet<br />

Morris and Watson.<br />

Rider William, fruits and oysters, 48 JUNE & CO.'S<br />

Monroe ave, h same.<br />

Rider William F., ticket agent, M. C. R. R., FULTON MARKET OYSTER<br />

bds 48 Brainard.<br />


l8clgewell Joseph, driver, h 166 Abbott.<br />

Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

Kidgley Robert B., agent Welch c.. Grif-<br />

and Retail.<br />

fi th3, saw mmufac%urers, 42 Woodbridge<br />

e, h 35 State.<br />

Riha Frank, carpenter, M. C. R. R.<br />

Ridiger Henry, tailor, 142 Randolph, h Riley Allan, hucksterj stall TG C. H. M., h<br />

same.<br />

114 Bates.<br />

Rldley Alfred, carpenter, h 171 Croghan. Riley Barnard, ship-carpenter, Beechef<br />

Itihdale James, painter, bds 89 Fifth. Place, cor T wen ty-second.<br />

Riebling Charles (Lichtenberg & Sons), h Riley Catherine (wid Patrick,) saloon, 213<br />

o 166 Croghan.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Riecker Robert. carver, bds 80 Front. Riley Charles, carpenter, h 229 S~xth.<br />

Riedel George C., stable, h 524 Seventh. Riley David, sailor, bcis 12 Hastings.<br />

Riefstahl Friederich, lab., h n s Chestnut Riley David, switchman, L. S. & M. S. R.<br />

bet Joseph Campau and McDougall R.<br />

aves.<br />

Riley David G., machinist, h 553 Second.<br />

Riefstahl John, lab., h 463 Joseph Csmpau Riley Edward, tobacconist, bds 481 Anave.<br />

toine.<br />

Riege Adolph, brewer, bds 342 Gratiot. Riley George W., shoemaker, h 123 >la-<br />

Riege Frederick, lab., h 456 Clinton ave. ple.<br />

Kiegel Miss Emma L., clerk, bds 1% Riley James, blacksmith, h 24 Mayberry<br />

Henry.<br />

ave.<br />

Rieger Christian, peddlar, h 329 Russell. Riley James, boiler maker, 331 Franklin.<br />

Riehl John, stone cutter, h 689 Clinton Riley James, Captain, h 232' Williams<br />

ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Riehel Joseph, lab., h 50 Pierce.<br />

Riley John, plumber, bds 98 Larned, e.<br />

Riekerby James, saloon, 247 Gratiot, h Riley John, plumber and gas fitter, 234<br />

same.<br />

Jefferson ave, h 317 Sixth.<br />

Rielly Francis, h 25 Nationa, ave. Riley Michael, boiler maker, h 19 Frank-<br />

Rielly John, clerk, h 601 Michigan ave. lin.<br />

Rielly Nrs. Rose, h in lane bet Porter and Riley Peter, lab, 4 Park Place.<br />

Abbott and Third and Fourth.<br />

Riley Richard, stone cutter, bds 21 Beau-<br />

Rielly Thomas J., Insurance agent, h 103 bien.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Riley Thomas, teamster, h Lafttyette bet<br />

Rielner John, lab, Catherine s s, bet Mc- Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

Dougall and Joseph Ca~npau ave. Riley Thomas, tinner, h s w cor Sixth and<br />

Riemer Joseph, foreman, h 11 8 Chestnut. Canfield.<br />

IZies Jacob, tanner, h 190 Russell. Riley V* illiarn (coi'd) lab., h Ohio bet.,<br />

Tties, William H., tailor, h 5 1 Marion. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Rieser John, lab, n s New, bet Dubois and Rimmer Charles, tailor, h 414 Eighteenth.<br />

Chene German and Gratiot.<br />

Rino Anthony, shoemaker, h 99 Chestnut.<br />

Riester John, carpenter 455 Gratiot. Rinde Friederich, wire weaver, h s s Me-<br />

Itifenburg Samuel, carpenter, h 96 Twen- chanic bet Brush and Eeaubien.<br />

tieth.<br />

Rindfleish Charles, lab., h 468 Riopelle.<br />

Rigby Susannah (wid Robert,) h 756 Rindskoff Moses, merchant, h 145 St. An-<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

toine.<br />

Rigge Adolph, lab, bds s e cor Rivard and Rindskoff Samuel, clerk, bds 145 St. An-<br />

Gratiot.<br />

toine.<br />

Riggins Frank (col'd,) barber, h 134 Bates. Rindskoff William, clerk, bds 145 St. An-<br />

Riggs John H., grocer, s e cor Rnndolph toine.<br />

and Fort e, h 97 Farmer.<br />

Rines John, lab., h 245 Alfred.<br />

Riggs Joseph, tack business, h 87 Farmer. Ringer Charles, lab., h 500 Catharine.<br />

Right John (col d,) mason, h 196 Frank- Ringwald William A.! (Ringwald & Baer) ,<br />

' lin.<br />

h 79 Crawford.<br />

Rigley Charles E., clerk, bds 493 sixth, n. Ringwald & Baer (William A. Ringwald<br />

Tiielev Edward. neddlar. h 493 Sisth n. and Baer) cigar makers, 404 Michigan<br />

~iglei ~eor~e E., clerk, bds 493 Sisth. ave.


Ritter Frank, pail turner, bds 786 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Ritter Frederick, engineer, h 215 Clinton.<br />

Ritter John, carpenter, h 426 Eighteenth.<br />

ltitter William, cooper, h 262 Columbia e.<br />

Ritz Louis, lab., h s s German bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

RivardeCatharine, (wid Ferdinand,) h cor<br />

Franklin and Hastings.<br />

Rivard Maxim J., blucksml th, Jefferson<br />

-<br />

nr Mt Elliott ave, h 801 Jefferson ave.<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office, Rivard John, hackdriver, h 143 Hrtstings.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Kivenet t Theadore, tin'shop, 569 Croghan ,<br />

Ringwald Robert R., clerk, 67 and 69 h sclme.<br />

Woodbridge w,<br />

River and Lake Shore Line Steamers, of-<br />

Rink -, bds Hotel Mauch.<br />

fice foot Wayne, Solomon Gardner pres.<br />

Rink Simon, lab., Bds 816 Woodward ave.<br />

and treas., John D. Baer sec.<br />

Rinke Charles, carpenter, h 166 Lafayette.<br />

Rivett Peter, baggagemaster, L. S. & 31. S.<br />

R. R., bds Biddle Ilouse.<br />

fiinke Chrjstoph, carpenter, h 321 Chest- Roach James, dgar maker, h 526 Third<br />

nut.<br />

Roach James, lab., h 142 Beach.<br />

Rinke George, blacksmith, h 389 Chestnut. Roach James, painter, bds 165 Cass.<br />

Rinke Peter, lab., h 215 St. Antoine. Roach John, blacksmith, h 391 Eighth.<br />

Rinsalla Patrick, carpenter, h 109 Baker Roach John, engineer, h 291.Michigan ave.<br />

Rio sbedt Anthony railroadman, h 1 Tus- Roach John, machinist, bds 391 Eighcola.<br />

teenth.<br />

Riopelle Claude, lawyer, Rotonda, bds 397 Roach Michael, worker in furs, h 198 Con-<br />

High.<br />

gress e.<br />

Rio~elle Dominik, real estate dealer, h 397 Roach Terressa, tailoress, bds 7 Beaubien.<br />

H'igh.<br />

Roache D., coachman, bds 73 Congress w.<br />

Riordan John, lab., h 84 Sullivan ave. Roalof Carl, lab., h 419 Maple.<br />

Ripplinger Allen, (wid Peter) tailoress, Roat Charles P., engineer, h 407 Sixth.<br />

h 231 Riopelle.<br />

Itoback John, lab., h 413 Eighteenth.<br />

Ripliuger ~Ghn, currier, bds 163 Riopelle. Robarge Eugene, ship carpenter, h 655<br />

Tiisch Thomas, lab., h 264 Franklin. Larned e.<br />

Rischak Christina, (wid ), h s B Maple bet Robarge Joseph, ship carpenter, h 308<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Risenborough James, hostler, bds Yer- Robarge Peter, peddlar, h 13 Chene.<br />

kins' Hotel.<br />

ltobb David, tinsmith, h Leib w bet Con-<br />

Risher Silns JI., pressman, h 33 Ash. gress and Fort.<br />

Risico Edward, ship carpenter, h '717 Robb George A., cornice worker, bds 37<br />

Franklin.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Rising Austin, h 476 Woodbridge e. Robb James, clerk, bds 73 Miami ave.<br />

Risley Rosana, (wid Edwin) h 3352, Cass Robb John H., bds 112 Miami ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Robb Peter, caTpenter, bds 402 Seven-<br />

Risse Henry, lab., h 333 Bronson.<br />

teenth.<br />

Risse Joseph, grocer, s w cor Riopelle and Robeck John, lab., h 413 Eighteenth.<br />

Russell.<br />

Robeler William k'., printer, bds l'i8 Ma-<br />

Ritchie James, boiler maker, h 524 Con- comb.<br />

gress e.<br />

Robenan Rosa C. (wid Peter), h n s alley<br />

Ritchie John W., boiler maker, bds 327 bet Dubois and Chene and Gratiot and<br />

Franklin.<br />

German.<br />

Ritchie Thomas, carpenter, h 51 George. Robens Camill, teamster, bds n e cor<br />

Ritchie William, engineer, h 541 Larned e. Franklin and Orleans.<br />

Ritchley Frank, carpenter, h 17 Se~en- Robeson Charles (col'd), waiter, h 142 Lateenth.<br />

fayette.<br />

Ritka John, lab., h 163 Napoleon. Robert Eugene, French dyer, 114 Ran-<br />

Rittan Joseph, bunch breaker, bds 345 dolph, h 143 Croghan.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Robert Franz, lab., h 136 Prospect.<br />

Ritter -- - Anton mason, h n s Bellair bet Rio- Robert James A., foreman, h 150 Twelfth. ,<br />

*ell& and ~e~uindre.<br />

Robert John, cigar maker, bds 110 Adam<br />

Ritter Charles H., traveling agent, bds 249 , ave e.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

i Roberts Adelaide (wid Anthony), h 255<br />

Ritter Christian, lab., h 564 RIullett.<br />

1 Mullett.


Roberts Arraminta D. (wid Griffith),<br />

matron Home of the Friendless, 53 High ,<br />

Roberts Daniel, tailor, bds 56 Second.<br />

Roberts David, carpenter, h 505 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Roberts David, peddler, h 13'7 Mullett.<br />

Roberts Edward, sailor, h 45 Fifteenth.<br />

Roberts Ellen (wid Joseph), h 25 May-<br />

berry rtve.<br />

Roberts Ellis, bds 121 Congress e.<br />

Roberts Ephraim K., teller, bds 19 High.<br />

Roberts Frederick, cooper, bds 395 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Roberts Frederick W., bds 642 Fort w.<br />

Roberts Herbert S., clerk, h 46 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

Roberts Isaac P. (noberts & TVest), h 397<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Robe'rts James, clerk, Sycamore s s cor<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Roberts James, engineer, h 150 Twelfth.<br />

Roberts John, h 410 Woodward ave.<br />

Roberts John, cooper, h 395 Bronson.<br />

Roberts John G., millwright, h 296 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Roberts John >I., cigar maker, bds 162<br />

*%darns ave e.<br />

Roberts Joseph, (Roberts rft Hanley) h<br />

I25 Columbia e.<br />

Roberts Louis, carpenter, bds 330 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Roberts Luther D., baggageman 31. S. R.<br />

R., h 128 Oak.<br />

Roberts Melvin, watchman, h 137 Abbott.<br />

Eoberts Michael, carpenter, h 594 Gratiot.<br />

Roberts Oliver, carpenter, h 230 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Roberts Peter J., lawyer, 3foff.t block, 1st<br />

floor, h 125 Columbia e.<br />

Roberts Peter R., buteber, h 386 Catharine.<br />

Roberts Richard J., clerk, h 551 Fort w.<br />

Roberts Robert E., secretary water works,<br />

h 596 Jefferson ave.<br />

Roberts Stephen, lab., bds 59 First.<br />

Roberts Thomas B., carpenter, h 33'1 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Roberts Washingtbn, (col'd) cook, h 133<br />

Fort e.<br />

Roberts & ZIanley, (Joseph Rob-<br />

erts and George Haoley) plain and orna-<br />

mental plasterers, 78 Congress e. (See<br />

adet. )<br />

ROBERTS & WEST, (Isaac P. Roberts<br />

and John West) flour, grain and feed,<br />

397 Michigan ave.<br />

Robertson Mrs. Agnes (wid Robert) hZ100<br />

El~zabeth w.<br />

Robertson Alexander, blacksmith, h 286<br />

High.<br />

Robertson Alexander clerk, h:29 Camp-<br />

bell.<br />

Robertson David D., painter, 154 Third.<br />

Robertson George, distiller, bds cor How<br />

ard and Third.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


0me,52 W. Lamed St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Robertson James! expressman, h 143 Thircl.<br />

ltobertson James, trav, agent, h 63 Elizrt-<br />

beth e.<br />

Robertson Jennie (wid James) h 19 Plum.<br />

Robertson John, Adjutant General oflice,<br />

Fireman's Hall, h 17 George.<br />

Robertson Louisa Mrs., (wid James) h 159<br />

Abbott nr Sixth.<br />

Robertson Robert, blacksmith, h 201 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Robertson Robert, carpenter, bds 100 Eliza-<br />

beth w.<br />

Robertson Robert, policeman, h 13 IVal-<br />

nut.<br />

Robertson Robert, jr., apprentice, bds 270<br />

Mon tcalm e.<br />

Robertson Ross, joiner: h 239 Sherman.<br />

Robertson Samuel, (col'd) blacksmith, bds<br />

148 Beaubien.<br />

Robertson William, carpenter, bds 100<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Robinett Dominic, plasterer, h 49 Prospect.<br />

Robinett Henry, plasterer, h 251 Rivard.<br />

Robinett John, plasterer, bds 281 Rivard<br />

Robinett Nicholas, plasterer, bds 251 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Robinett Thomas, bds 43 Mayberry ave.<br />

Robinson Abram, peddlar, bds 92 Cather-<br />

ine.<br />

Roblnson Adolph (Robinson ~ros.;) h<br />

109 Adams ave e.<br />

Robinson Albert, second mate Jay Cooke,<br />

h 91 Antietam.<br />

Robinson Ancirew, lab, h 130 Seventh.<br />

Robinson Ann (col'd, wid Frank,) laundry,<br />

h uew 208 Congress e.<br />

Robinson Ann (wid IVillitlm,) 31 49 Sibley.<br />

Robinson Crtss G., clerk, bds 243 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Robinson Catherine (wid William sr.,) h<br />

53 Baker.<br />

Robinson Charles C., Assistant Surveyor<br />

bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Robineon Charles jr. (col'd,) bell-boy Biddle<br />

House,<br />

Robinson Charles W. carpenter, h 312<br />

Seventh.<br />

Robinson Charles W., farmer, h 544 Sixth.<br />

Robinson Charles IV. (Wm. Adair & Go.,)<br />

bds s w cor Lafayette and Brush.<br />

Hobinson Charlotte (wid James,col'd,) h 251<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Robinson Clinton D., mmon, h s s Call<br />

houn, bet Russell and Prospect.


)pJWBS<br />



BUS%NE$$ PBftAC'TlCJZ.<br />


Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Robinson Cordelia (wid Nortimer, col'dj)<br />

h 163 Mullett.<br />

Rollinson Cornelia (wid Theodore P.,) h<br />

3'72 Brush.<br />

Robinson Edward, lab, bds 406 Maple.<br />

liob~nsan Edward C., p:linter, h 253 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Robinson Eugene, <strong>City</strong> Silrveyer office,<br />

room 6 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 108 High.<br />

Robinson Frank Mrs., h 85 Michigan ave.<br />

Robinson Gamalien, teamster, old 193, new<br />

209 Congress e.<br />

Robinson George, clerk First National<br />

Rank,s w cor Jefferson ave and Griswold.<br />

Robinson Qeo., lab, h old 82 Fifteenth.<br />

Robinson George, machinist, h 2'7 Sixth.<br />

Robinson George 0. (Robinson & Brooks,)<br />

h 15 Centre.<br />

Robinson George W., clerk, h 142 Locust.<br />

ltobinson Harriet (wid Henry, h 34 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Robinson Henry, blacksmith, bds 152<br />

Sixth.<br />

Robinson Henry (col'd,) porter, h 264 BIullett.<br />

Robinson Henry S. (Robinson, Burtenshaw<br />

S; Co.,) h n e cor Second and<br />

Henry.<br />

Robinson Henry S., cigar box<br />

manufacturer, e s Fort, bet Beaubien and<br />

St. Antoine, h Third w s, nr Plum.<br />

(See adn. )<br />

Robinson Henry W., butcher, 335 Woodward<br />

ave, h 33 George.<br />

Robinson Hudson, wood sawyer, h 119<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Robinson Isaac P., clerk, bds320 Michigan<br />

me.<br />

Robinson J., conductor, bds Biddle House.<br />

Robinson Jacob, clerk, bds 170 Griswold.<br />

Robinson Jsacoby (Robinson Bros.), bds<br />

Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Robinson James (col'd), barber, h 295 Macomb.<br />

Robinson James, conductor (D. & M.), h<br />

290 Brush.<br />

Robinson James, painter, h n 219 Larned e.<br />

Robinson Jane (wid William), h 320<br />

Michigan ave. '<br />

Robins Jesse, engineer, h 210 Porter. -<br />

I3obinson John, butcher, h 680 Croghan.<br />

Robinson John, butcher, 399 Nichigan<br />

ave, b same,<br />

Robinson John, carpenter, h 79 .Henry.<br />

Robinson John, clerk, bds 320 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Robinson John, engineer, h 385 Mullett.<br />

Robinson Jobn, lab., bds 163 Larned w.<br />

Itobinson John, pork packer, h 580 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Robinson Ctiptain John, river and lake<br />

shore line stetmers.<br />

Robinson John, stone cutter, bds 224 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Robinson Joseph, farmer, h 151 Fifteenth.<br />

Robinson Joseph B., clerk, h 3% Sisth.<br />

Robinson Julius (Robinson & Lambert), 11<br />

41 Henry.<br />

Robinson Levinn (wid Edward), h 412<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Robinson Lucien, carpenter(Cand1er Bros.)<br />

Robinson Lucinda (col'd), (wid Willis),<br />

washerwonlan, h 9 1 Division.<br />

Robinson hilalcolm C., clerk, bcls 544<br />

Sixth.<br />

Robinson Marcus, clerk, h 170 Griswol(1.<br />

Robinson Mary (mid William), h 251 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Robinson Mary A., teacLer, bds 325 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Robinson RIiss Nary J., music teacher, bds<br />

53 Baker-<br />

Robinson Mathem, printer, h 281 Third.<br />

Robinson Moses, peddlar, h 92 Catharine.<br />

Robinson M. D., clerk, bds 250 Fourth.<br />

Robinson Phaebe L. (wid Loran), teacher,<br />

bds 289 Cass ave.<br />

Robinson Pilla, dressmaker, bds 44 Pine.<br />

Robinson Mrs. Rebecca I(., clothing 57<br />

Michigan ave, h 1 SO Griswold.<br />

Robinson Reuben, clerk, Hargraves Nan-<br />

ufacturing Co., bds 45 Twentieth.<br />

Robinson:Reuben, shoemaker, h 221 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Robinson Robert, h Cass ave s TV cor Al-<br />

exandrine nve.<br />

Robinson R., carpenter, h 541 Congress e.<br />

Robinson Riissell carpenter, h 2 1 Leland.<br />

Robinson Samuel (col'd) blacksmith, h 148<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Robinson Sarah Miss, teacher, bds 320<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Robinson Sarah ,I?., music teacher, bds 325<br />

BIichigan ave.<br />

Robinson Snyder, plasterer, h 85 Brainsrd.<br />

Robinson Stephen (col'd) mason, h Cal-<br />

houn s s bet Ilastings and Prospect.<br />

Robinson Thomas, lab., h 23 Twentieth.<br />

Robinson Thomas, printer, bds 281 Third.<br />

Robinson Thomas, sailor, bds 223 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Robison Thomas, watchman, h 149 Wight.<br />

Robinson Thomas F., clerk, bda 320 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Robinson Thomas L., sailor, h 431 Fort e.<br />

Robinson Wellington L., printer, bds<br />

544 Sixth.

--<br />


Robinson William, (col'd) barber, h 208<br />

Croghan.<br />

Robinson William, blacksmith, h 197<br />

% hene.<br />

Robillson William,(ml'd) h T wenty-fourth<br />

nr Magnolia.<br />

Robinson Willian~, moulder, h 807 Rlont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Robinson William, tailor, h 131 Lafavette.<br />

liobinson William B., (Jackson & Wiley)<br />

h 335 Fort w.<br />

Robinson William D., (W. D. Robinson,<br />

Burtenshaw & Co.,) h n e cor Henry cor<br />

Second.<br />

Robinson William G., policeman, h 93<br />

Baker.<br />

Robinson Bros., (Ado1 ph and Jaco by)<br />

wholesale liquors, s e cor Randolph and<br />

Congresg.<br />

Robix~son W. D., Bnrtemshaw<br />

& Co., (\Tillism D. Robinson, James<br />

Burtenshaw and Henry S. Robinson)<br />

manufacturers of boots and sllocs, 7%<br />

and 15 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Robinson & Brooks, (George 0. Robinson<br />

and D. W. Brooks) lawyers, 149 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Robinson & Lambert (Julius Robinson and<br />

Louis Lambert) liquors,40 Woodward av.<br />

Robison Albert, sailor, h 184 Clinton.<br />

Robison Frank (col'), sailor, h 162 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Robison Robert D., pine land, 114 Gris-<br />

mold, up stairs, h o 122 n 142 Howard.<br />

Robison Sophia (wid), 450 Catharine.<br />

Robison William, tailor, h S9 Mullett.<br />

Robit.alle Joseph, joiner, h 132 Twelfth.<br />

Robitttille Robert, carpenter-h 138 Twelfth.<br />

Roblin James, clerk, bils 227 Cass.<br />

Robothan Joseph, clerk, bds 16 Rfont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Robson Mrs. Margaret (wid John), h 6G<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Robey Daniel, carpenter, h 697 Franklin.<br />

Roby G. Q., engineer M. C. R. R.<br />

Rohy Lucinda R.,(widow), h 357 Cass ave.<br />

Rochalman Frederick,clerk, bds 16.3 T wen:<br />

tieth.<br />

Rochalman John, samyer,h 163 Twentieth.<br />

Roche Luke, hatter, h 480. Ninth ave.<br />

Roche Joseph, shoemaker, 360 Atwatcr e.<br />

Roche Joseph, tailor, h 388 Twentieth.<br />

Roche Robert, lab, h 301 Guoin.<br />

Roche Thomas, undertaker, 109 Randolph,<br />

h 111 same.<br />

Rocliford Thomas, engineer D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h 416 Fort e.<br />

Rochford William, clerk, h 118 Franklin.<br />

Rock Frank, painter, h Fort, cor Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Rock Patrick, lab, h 219 Fourteenth.<br />

Rockalmiem Adam, lab, 195 Twentieth.<br />

Rockalmiem John, lab, h 195 Twentieth,<br />

cor Baker.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Rockaellow Baltice T., clerk, bds II~wrtrd<br />

House.<br />

Rockerman Christopher, shoemaker, bds n<br />

e cor Baker and Eighteenth.<br />

Rods Doratha, washerwoman, h 228 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Roda Edward, cigar maker, bds 228 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Roda Simon J., machinist, 11 100 Joy.<br />

Rodecker William, agent Victor Sewing<br />

Machine, bds Franklin House.<br />

Rodenberg Henry, lab., h 386 Chestnut.<br />

Rodenbostel William, plasterer, h n s St.<br />

Joseph bet Dequi~tdre and St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Rodenbostel William ir, lab., h n s St.<br />

Joseph bet Deduindre and St Aubin<br />

are.<br />

Roder Frederick, lab., 135 Catharine.<br />

Roder Joseph, moulder, h 474 Sherman.<br />

Rodger Caroline, (wid Robert,) h Farns-<br />

worth e Woodward are.<br />

Rodger William, machinist, h 79 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Rodgers David, plumber, bds 79 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Roclgers Frank, painter, bds 120 Henry.<br />

ltodgcrs Frederick, shoelnaker, h 45 Spen-<br />

cer.<br />

nodgers Phabe, (wid William,) bds 35<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Rodgers William E., 37 Seitz Block.<br />

ltodier Antonio D., commission merchant,<br />

Atwater, bet Griswold and Shelby, 11 70<br />

Sibley.<br />

Rodier Edward J., clerk. h 77 Columbia w<br />

ltodier Louis, printer, bds 46 Sherman.<br />

Rodier Lucretia, (wid) h 46 Sherman.<br />

Rodier Noel J., agent, Verniont central<br />

line, office Atwater bet Griswold and<br />

I Shelby, h 38 Charlotte.<br />

1 Rodier Peter, machinist, h 355 Congress e.<br />

Itodgier Henry. collector Third Ward, h<br />

713 and 80 Fort e.<br />

Roding Ephraim, (col'd) white washer, h<br />

s s Benton nr Hastings.<br />

Rody Charles, witgun maker, bds 01 Ad-<br />

ams ave w.<br />

Roe Alfred, drover. h 43 Columbia w.<br />

Roe Annie, (wid Nelson,) washerwoman,<br />

h 235 Russell.<br />

Roe Charles, h 41 Washington ave.<br />

Roe Charles, drover, h 47 Columbia w.<br />

. Roe Charles jr, clerk, bds 41 Washington<br />

aye.<br />




Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Roe Henry, cattle broker, h 150 Park.<br />

Roe John, carpenter, h e s Mt. Elliott ave<br />

bet Lafayztte and Croghan.<br />

Roe RZicllael, lab., h 32 Harrison ave.<br />

Roe Thomas, lab., h 32 Harrison ave.<br />

Roe TVilliam, drover, h 95 Columbia w.<br />

Hoe William, fireman, M. C. R. R., 376<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Roedel John F., lab., h 1 Clay.<br />

Roeder Herman, cabinet maker, h 53 Prospect.<br />

Roeder John, cabinet maker, h 133 Napo<br />

leon.<br />

Roediger William, machinist S. F. Hodge<br />

Roegner John, saloon, s w cor Gratiot and<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Roehalmen Adam, sawyer, h 163 Twentieth.<br />

Roehl Charles, huckster, stall 66 C. H. M.,<br />

h 355 Mscomb.<br />

Roehl Jacob, tailor, h 192 Macomb.<br />

Roehler Anton, crockery dealer, 232 Randolph,<br />

h same.<br />

Roehm Augustus (Roehm Bros.), h 15<br />

Sixth.<br />

Roehm Charles G. (Roehm Bros.), h 22<br />

Seventh.<br />

Roehm Charles I;., bookbinder, s e<br />

corJefferson ave and Shelby, h 81 Lafayette.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Roehm Christens (wid John W.), farmer,<br />

h e s Grand River ave, s s beyond car<br />

track.<br />

Roehm Elizabeth (wid David), h 19 Mechanic.<br />

33oehm Emil, clerk, bds 19 Mechanic.<br />

Roehm Herman (Roehm Bros.), h 172<br />

George.<br />

Roehm John G., farmer, Grand River ave,<br />

beyond car track, s s.<br />

Rochm Julius (Roehm Bros.), h 85 Lafayette.<br />

Roehm Richard, farmer, Grand River ave,<br />

beyond car track s s.<br />

IioehmRobert (Roehm & Wright), h 30<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Roehm William F., h 100 Ei hth.<br />

3oehm Bros. (Charles G. Augustus),<br />

meat market, 331 Fort w. i<br />

Roehm Bros. (Herman & Julius), carriage<br />

goods, 34 Woodward ave.<br />

Roehm & Wri-ht (Robert J. F. Roehm &<br />

Henry M. %right), jewelers, n e cor<br />

Woodward and Campus Martius.<br />

Roehriz Fredinand, blacksmith, h 60 Catharine,<br />

Roemer Auguste (wid August), h 152<br />

Marion.<br />

Roemer Charles, lab, bds 332 Randolph.<br />

Roemer John B., saloon and tailor, n w<br />

cor St. ,4ntoine and Fort e, h same.<br />

Roerner Otto (Illges cJ;t Roemer), h 152<br />

Marion.<br />

Roepke Helmuth, mason, h 345 St. Aubin<br />

avenue.<br />

Roerig Frank, carpenter, h 530 Orleans.<br />

Roesch Caroline, pedcllar, h 225 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Roeser Guenther, meat marker, 196 Orleans,<br />

h same.<br />

Roeske August, teamster, h Dubois near<br />

Gratio t.<br />

Roessler William, saloon, s w cor St. Antoine<br />

and Latayette, h same.<br />

Roetz John, cabinet maker,bds 38 Clinton.<br />

Roggemann Catharine, (wid) h 60 Catharine.<br />

Roggenkamp Henry, 1a.b) h 405, St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Roger Charles A., ship carpenter, h 291<br />

Alfred.<br />

Rogers Alexander, clerk, h 372 Cass ave.<br />

Rogers Alexander T., conductor street<br />

cars bds 141 Michigan ave up stairs.<br />

Rogers Alice, huckster, stall No. 2 C. H.<br />

>I., h 770 Michigan ave.<br />

Rogers Andrew J., captain met. police, h<br />

63 Spront.<br />

Rogers Benjamin M., carpenter, h 324<br />

Cass me.<br />

Rogers Don C., clerk Antisdel House.<br />

Rogers Ebenezer H., lawyer, office 1'74<br />

Griswold, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Rogers Frank, carpenter, bds 6 Tenth.<br />

Rogers George B., conductor M. C. R. R.,<br />

h 9s Adams ave w.<br />

Rogers Jamesh., clerk, bds 372 Cass ave.<br />

Rogers James B., street car conductor, h<br />

141 Michigan ave up stairs.<br />

Rogers John, lab, h Williams ave nr Linden.<br />

Rogers Mary, (wid David) h 324 Cass ave.<br />

Rogers Mary J., (wid James) h 156 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Rogers:Mary R., clerk, bds 372 Cass ave.<br />

Rogers Moses, carpenter, h 770 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Rogers Sarah Miss, teacher Houghton<br />

school, bds Antisdel IIouse.<br />

Rogers T. B., agent, bds 287 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rogers Uriah B., clerk, bds Howard House.<br />

Rohcla August, lab, bds 603 Gratiot.<br />

Rohda Herman, lab, bds 603 Gratiot.<br />

Rhode John, carpenter, h Campau ave.<br />

Rohet Anton, lab, h 603 Gratiot,


Rohtoff Anton, lab, h 610 Riopelle.<br />

Rohloff August, lab, h 420 Antietam.<br />

Rohloff, Charles, lab, h 419 Maple.<br />

Rohnert Frank, varnisher, h 85 Lafayette.<br />

Rohnert Wm., canvasser, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Rohns August, h 287 Fort e.<br />

Rohns Herman (Rohns & Schaefer) h 47<br />

Macomb.<br />

Rohns rSt Shaefer (Herman Rohns and<br />

Frederick Schaefer,) carriage hardware<br />

and woodwork, 10 Nonroe ave.<br />

Rohr Charles, tinsmith, h 4'78 Orleans.<br />

Rohr Felix, shoemaker, h 581 Dequindre.<br />

Rohreg Frank, grocer, 3G1 Franklin,<br />

same.<br />

Robrl Charles, butcher, h 3%<br />

Rohrman Herman, milkman, Fort w, bet<br />

Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth.<br />

Roland, bds Hotel Maucl~.<br />

Ihland Peter, carpenter, h 293 Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Roue Alonzo, Great Westem Carriage<br />

and Harness Depot, 288, 290 and 292<br />

Jefferson ave, h cor Lafayette and Ninth<br />

aves. (See adat.)<br />

Rolfe Anton, tanner, h 389 Orleans.<br />

Rolfe Joseph, watchman, h 707 Fort e. ,<br />

Rolfe Phillip, grocer, 266 Howard, h<br />

same.<br />

1Zoll August, machinist (Parke Davis &<br />

Co.)<br />

Roll Bernard, shoemakerih o 140 Seventh.<br />

Roll Frank, machinist, h 140 Seventh.<br />

Roll Margaret, clerk, bds 140 Seventh.<br />

Rollbuehler John, lab, h 178 Macomb.<br />

Rollbuehler William F., printer, bds 1'78<br />

Macomb.<br />

Rolier Christian F., soapmaker, h 304<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Rolff Edward, Yankee notions, 181 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Rollman John, masan, h 222 Benton.<br />

Rollins C. M., traveling agent, bds Antis-<br />

del House.<br />

Rolshoven Frederick, jeweler, Jeffer-<br />

son ave, h 312 Congress e,<br />

Homer Bertha (wid Adolph,) seamstress)<br />

h 248 Russell.<br />

Rorneyn James 1aw~er,19<br />

bds 404 Jefferson ave.<br />

Itomeyn Theodore, lawyer, 19 Bank Block,<br />

h 404 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rommel Christian bds<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Romus William, sise maker, h Gratiot cor<br />

Chene.<br />

Ronalds John, agent, 116 National ave,<br />

Ronan Ellen (wid Timothy, h 113 Porter.<br />

Ronan Michael, lab, h 105 Orleans.<br />

Roney Charles O., clerk, bds 76 Lewis.<br />

Roney James M. (M. Roney & Son), bds<br />

76 Lewis.<br />

DIRECTORY. nos 495<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Lamed St., .<br />




See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Roney Iklichael (M. Roney & Son), h 76<br />

Lewis.<br />

Rone* Peter, machinist, h S7 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Boney Winfield S. H., cler-




SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

Rose Henry, captain, h 63 Baker.<br />

Rose John, cabinet maker, h 464 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Rose John, lamp lighter, h 50 Twenty-<br />

third.<br />

Rose John Allen, clerk, bds 60 Miami ave,<br />

Rose Kittie, teacher, Bishop Union School.<br />

Rose Levi C., physician, h 60 Miami ave.<br />

Rose Priscilla, (wid George .W.), h 368<br />

Brush.<br />

Rosemere Jessie, store room, Biddle House.<br />

Rosen David, boarding house, 86 Fort e.<br />

Rosenbaum August, bds 542 Gratio t.<br />

Rosenbaum Jeanette, (wid) nurse, h 131<br />

- - .<br />

Blullett,<br />

Rosenberg Davis, peddlar, h 234 Hastings.<br />

Rosenberg George, cigar maker, bds 31<br />

Michigan ave. -<br />

Rosenberger Gottlieb, peddlar, h 154 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Rosenberger Mathias, clothing, 139 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Rosenberry Charles E., broom maker, h 348<br />

Third.<br />

Rosenburg George, cigar maker, bds 37<br />

Michigan ave,<br />

Rosenburg Isaac, cigar maker, bds 37<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Rosenburg Samuel, watch maker and jem-<br />

eler, 37 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Rosencranz Hugh; lab., bds 146 Twelfth.<br />

Rosenfield Albert, Yankee notions, 34 Fort<br />

e., h same.<br />

Rosenfield Henry, (I. Rosenfield & Co.),<br />

bds 337 Congress e.<br />

Rosenfield Isaac, (I. Rosenficld C% CU.),<br />

337 Congress e.<br />

Rosenfield Lewis E., clerk, bds 32 Fort e.<br />

Rosenfield Moses, tobacconist, 13 and 15<br />

Jefferson ave, h 87 Adams ave w.<br />

Rosenfield Reubin, h 129 Elizabeth e.<br />

Rosenfield I. dZ; Co., (Isaac Rosenfield and<br />

Henry Rosenfield), tobacconists, 23 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Rosengarten Abraham E.,; clerk, bds 161<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Rosengarten Elias, teacher, 161 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Rosenstock May, clerk, bds 338 Rantiolph.<br />

Rosenthal George, cigar maker, h '78 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Rosenthal Levi, peddlar, h 14831ullett.<br />

Rosenthal Max, fancy goods, 305 Michi-<br />

gan ave, h same.<br />

Rosenthal Samuel, cigar maker, h 224 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Rosh John, engineer, h 158 Maple.<br />

Rosier August, cabinet maker, bds 211<br />

Croghan.<br />

Rosier Francis E., merchant, h 236 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Rosier Frank, cabinet maker, h 2 1.1 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Roskey Joseph, carpenter, h 209 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Rosnew Fritz, Jab., h 420 Sixteenth.<br />

Rosa A., waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Ross Andrew (A Ross & Co.), h €38 Joy.<br />

Ross Charles H., teamster, h 439 Franklin.<br />

Ross David, ticket agent, h 53 Shelby.<br />

Ross Daniel A., (D. A. Ross & Co.,) h 403<br />

Congress e.<br />

Ross Edward H., plumber, 71 Larned w,<br />

h same.' b<br />

Ross Emeley, dress m%ker, h 496 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Ross Fanny, house keeper, bds 164 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Ross Frank D., printer, h 190 Abbott.<br />

Ross Fritz, lab., h 345 Maple.<br />

Ross Garrett S., bds 581 Sixth.<br />

Ross George, h 357 Lafayett-e ave.<br />

Ross George A., (George A. Ross & Co.),<br />

h 298 Third.<br />

Ross Henry, bds 357 Lafayette rtve.<br />

Ross James, carpenter, h 232 Benton.<br />

Ross James, lab., bds 357 Lafayette ave.<br />

Ross James, riveter, bds 76 Abbott.<br />

Ross James, riveter, h 194 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-ha1 f.<br />

Ross James E., harness maker, bds Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Ross John, carpenter, h 112 Abbott.<br />

Ross John, expressman, h I42 Third.<br />

Ross John A. \V., foreman, hds 147 Rivard.<br />

Ross John, lab., h 496 'Michigan ave.<br />

Ross John, shoemaker, h 556 Gratiot.<br />

Ross Jules, clerk, bds 310 Congress e.<br />

Ross Julia, (wid George) washerwoman,<br />

h 189 Beach.<br />

Ross Melivne B., clerk, bds Michigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Ross Richard C., conductor D. & N., h 252<br />

Brush.<br />

Ross Robert B., printer, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Ross Thomas, lab, bds, 357 Lafa ette ave.<br />

Ross William, confectioner, 304 Tfoodward<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Ross William A., lithographer, bds 40 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Ross William C , (Geo. A. Ross & Go.) h<br />

32 Park Place.<br />

Ross A. & Co., (Andrew Ross, Albert Fer-<br />

guson and Licurgus W. Day, lumber<br />

dealers. s e cor Woodward ave and<br />

Elizabeth and Grand River we, bet<br />

Second and Third.


Ross D. A. & Co., (Daniel A. Ross,<br />

Jeremiah Oakes,) lumber, cor Rivard<br />

and Atmater. (See ad^.)<br />

Ross Geo. A. Cu., (George A. and William<br />

C. Ross) lumber, n m cor Griswold and<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Rossbach Mathias, lab, h 61 Dequindre.<br />

Rossbsch Henry, cigar maker, h 479 Mullett.<br />

Rossberg Adam, bar-tender h 636 Croahan.<br />

ltossel John, mason, h 363 Dubois.<br />

Rossiter Boaz, machinist, h 412 Fort e.<br />

Rossiter Fred, printer, bds 412 Fort e.<br />

Kossman Thomas, bds Woodward ave.<br />

Itost Charles C., boiler maker, h 319 Clinton.<br />

Rost John, lab, h cor Grand River ave and<br />

Seventh .<br />

Rostucher Jacob, joiner, bds 621 Con-.<br />

gress e.<br />

Rostucher Joseph, cabinet maker,lbds 621<br />

Congress e.<br />

Rostucher Joseph, farmer, h 621 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Rosowske Albert, lab, h s s New bet Dubois<br />

and Chene and Gratiot and German.<br />

Rosovskie Wilhelm, lab, h 328 Chestnut.<br />

Rote CharlesJab, h 225 Nineteenth.<br />

ltotsfutz Johannas, baker, bds 126 Fort e.<br />

130th Adolph, machinist, bds 149 Mullett.<br />

Roth August, lab, bds St. Aubin ave, nr<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Roth August, machinist, bds 93 Prospect.<br />

Roth Frank, stone cutter, h 316 Clinton.<br />

Itoth J. Henry, grocer, 93 Prospect, h<br />

same.<br />

Roth Harris, peddlar, h 170 Clinton.<br />

Roth Jacob, baker, bds 114 Woodbridge e.<br />

130th John, blacksmith, h 121 Sherman.<br />

Roth John, carver, h 271 Riopelle.<br />

Roth John lab (Backus cS1; Bro).<br />

Roth John, peddlar, h 271 Riopelle.<br />

Roth Rudolph, cigar-maker, bds 271 Riopelle.<br />

Roth Mnthias, cooper, h 467 Riopelle.<br />

Roth hleinrad, cooper, h 293 Mullett, h<br />

same.<br />

Roth Morritz, Yankee notions, 341 Croghan,<br />

h same.<br />

Roth William, cooper, bds 293 Mullett.<br />

Roth William C., engineer, h I87 Fort e.<br />

Rothacken Jacob, butcher, bds 512 Gratiot.<br />

Rothenberg Frank, clerk, h 203 Fort e.<br />

Rothenberg Henry, watchman, h 139 Sherman.<br />

Rother Charles F., cigar-maker, 186 Hasting~.<br />

Rothschild David A., clerk, h 113 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Rothschild Feist (Rothschild & Bro.,) h<br />

13 Montcalm e.<br />

Rothschild Kaufmann S., clerk, h 379<br />

Brush.<br />



FarIton Market Oyster Borxse,<br />


W Oysters in the Shell a e ecialty. Whole~ale<br />

and Itetaif<br />

Rothschild Sigmund (Ro thscbild & Bra.,)<br />

h 15 Montcalm e.<br />

Ro$hschilil& Bro.,lSigmund & Feist<br />

Rothschild,) dealers in leaf tobacco and<br />

importers of fancy goods, 77 and '79<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Rothwell James, groceries, etc., h 840<br />

Woodbridgz w.<br />

Rouiller Mary, tailoress, h 305 Jay.<br />

Rouiller Raphaile, lab, h 308 Jay.<br />

Rountree Thomas, carpenter, bds ?OO<br />

Wight.<br />

Rourke Daniel, peddlsr, bds 741 Twelfth.<br />

Rourke Garrett, shoemaker, h 93 Brainard.<br />

Rourke John, lab., h 163 National ave.<br />

Rourke John, peddlar, h 741 Twelfth.<br />

Rourke Mary (wid Michael), h 107 Plum.<br />

Rourke Michael, lab., h 741 Twelfth.<br />

Rourke Patrick, h 452 Eighteenth,<br />

Rourke Thomas, drayman, h 321 Abbott.<br />

Rourke William, fireman, <strong>Detroit</strong> Gas W.<br />

Rouse Francis H., engineer, 221 Second.<br />

Rouse Michael, carpenter, 466 Riopelle.<br />

Roush Valentine, moulder, h 652 Fort e.<br />

Rouse William H., physician, h 401 Sixth.<br />

Itous~eau Adolph, cigar maker,h 111 Bates.<br />

Rousseau Bernard, overseer, bds 84 Wight.<br />

Rousseau Caroline (wid John), h s s German<br />

bet Chene and Joseph Campau<br />

ave.<br />

Rousseau Charles, lab., German bet Joscph<br />

Campau ave and Chene.<br />

Rousseau Charles M., printer, h 291 Mullett.<br />

Rosseau Fridericke (wid John), h s s New<br />

bet St. Aubin ave and Dubois and Gezman<br />

and Gratiot.<br />

Rousseau Jesse, lab., h 81 Franklin.<br />

Mousseau Joseph, engineer, h 45G Macomb.<br />

Rousseau Mary (wid Joseph), h 285 31 ullet<br />

t.<br />

Rosseau Thomas, lab., h 358 Riopelle.<br />

Rosseau William, lab., h s s New bet St.<br />

Aubin ave and Dub59 and German and<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Routier Elzior, carpenter, h 460 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Rowe Alexander, carpenter, h 649 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Rowe Charles, finisher, h 83 Sibley.<br />

Rowe Charles R., clerk, bds 116 Larned w.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Howe George (Rowe & Hearth), h 806<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Rowe Henry, machinist, h 418 Lafayette.<br />

Rowe John, butcher, bds 555 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Rowe Jonas, file cutter, h 364 Lafayette.<br />

Rowe Peter A., operator A. & P. Telegraph<br />

Co., bds Goodnian House.<br />

Rowe William, butcher, bds 555 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Rowe William, fireman, bds 59 First.<br />

Rowe & Hearth (George Rowe and Peter<br />

Hearth), butchers, 32 Atwater.<br />

Rowel1 John, furniture, kc., 147 and 194<br />

Michigan ave, h 38 Abbott.<br />

Rowen Daniel, shoemaker, bds 47 Pine.<br />

Romland John W., carpenter, h 332 Fort e.<br />

Rowland Peter, sash maker, h 298 Joseph<br />

Campnu ave.<br />

Rowland Richard, grocer, 236 Woodward<br />

ave, h same. .<br />

Rowley Edwin W., clerk, bds 67 Grand<br />

River ave e.<br />

Rowley Frank C., clerk, bds 67 Grand<br />

River ave e.<br />

Rowley Harvey E., (Rowley & Cu.), h 67<br />

Grand River ave e.<br />

Rowley Morris N., scale work, cor Wood-<br />

bridge and Bates, h 175 Third.<br />

Rowley Norton B., agent Buffalo scale<br />

work, h I75 Third.<br />

Rowley Theodore, apprentice, 14 Bank<br />

Block.<br />

Rowlson Harvey B., coll. int. rev. 23 and<br />

25 Seitz Block, bds Eussell House.<br />

Roy Joseph; baker, bds 59 Larned w.<br />

Roy Julian, carpenter, h 127 Mayberry ave.<br />

Roy Peter, h 158 St. Aubin aye.<br />

lioyce Clayton H., clerk, h Sycamore, bet<br />

Twelfth and Thirteenth.<br />

Royce Clayton H., clerk, 11 557 Fifteenth.<br />

Royer Charles A., ship carpenter, h 391<br />

Alfred.<br />

ROYS JAMES A., news depot cor Larned<br />

and Oriswold, h 305 Cass ave.<br />

Ituan Walter, clerk, bds 45 Congress w.<br />

Rubenach Joseph, furniture finisher, h 240<br />

Maple.<br />

Rnbenau Catharine, h n s alley bet Dubois<br />

and Chene and German and Gratiot.<br />

Rubert Adam, lab., h o 505 n 591 Seventh.<br />

Rubert Arnold, wagon maker, h n s Bellair<br />

bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Rubik Francis, h Nineteenth nr M. C. R.<br />

R.<br />

Rubner John C., chairmaker, h w s Fourth<br />

nr Holden Road.<br />

Ruby Silas, ship carpenter, h 167 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Ruch Christian, lab., h 4 Morse.<br />

Ruch Joseph, bookbinaer, bds s s Morse<br />

nr Russell.<br />

Ruck William, lab., h s s Antietam bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Ruclter Alexander, clerk, bds 16 High.<br />

Ruckerman Frederick, h 345 Seventeenth.<br />

Rudden Hugh, moulder, bds 701 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Ruddilnan Clara RIiss, teacher IIoughton<br />

school, bds 44 Abbott.<br />

Ruddon Patrick, gardner, h cor Twentyfourth<br />

and 31. C. R. R.<br />

Ruddy Joseph, carpenter, h 395 Sixteenth.<br />

Rudolph August, carpenter,(Candler Bros.),<br />

Rudolph Benjamin, physician, 168 Randolph,<br />

h same.<br />

Rudolph Phillip, tanner, h n s Webster,<br />

bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Rue George, blacksmith, h 385 Atwater.<br />

Ruebelman Albert, brewer, 278 Russell.<br />

Ruebelman Charles, trunk maker, bcls<br />

Croghan, nr Rusaell.<br />

Ruebelman Elias, brewer, 278 Russell, h<br />

same.<br />

Ruedisueli George L., cigar maker, h 52<br />

Cherry.<br />

Ruedisueli Jacob, cigar maker, h 327 Fifth.<br />

Ruedisueli Louis, cigar maker, 72 Cherry.<br />

Ruehle Adolph, cabinet maker, h 230 Lafayette.<br />

Ruehle Albert, carpenter, bds cer Fort e<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Ruehle Alexander, captain on lake, h 453<br />

Fort e.<br />

Ruehle Charles, watchmaker, leds, 70 Russell.<br />

Ruehle Christopher (Ingold & Ruehle), 11<br />

n s Pierce, bet St. Aubin rtve and Dequindre.<br />

Ruehle Frederick, ocer and Alderman<br />

Seventh ward, 70 y tussell, h same.<br />

Ruehle John G., carpenter, h 355 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Ruehle John V., jr., Wayne Couuty Srtvings<br />

Bank, bds Henry's Hotel.<br />

Ruehmkorff Vli illiam, cooper, n w cor Gratiot<br />

and Riopelle, h 467 Riepelle.<br />

Ruembach John, cooper, h 84 Chestnut.<br />

ltuess Charles, cigar maker, h 296 Macomb,<br />

Ruetener Joseph, finisher, h 210 Maple.<br />

Ruetz Henry, lab, h s s German, bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Ruetz Ludwick, lab, h s s German, bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Rugens Charles A.,clerk,h 67 Montcalm w.


Ruhl Charles, Proprietor Franklin House, '<br />

h same.<br />

Ruhl Louis, printer, h 279 Hastings.<br />

Ruhl Theodore, clerk, bd 8'7 Croghan,<br />

Ruhland George, draughtsman loco. dept.<br />

M. C. R. ,R., h 247 Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Ruhloff August, lab, h 420 Antietam.<br />

Ruhl Ferdinand, tailor, h Seventeenth, nr<br />

Ash.<br />

Rull Henry, blacksmith, h 112 Benton.<br />

Rumney John, h '31 High.<br />

Huinney John G., clerk, bds 91 High.<br />

Rumney Mason Y., clerk, bds 91 High.<br />

Rumney Robert R., clerk, bds 91 High.<br />

Rumney William Y., receiver of taxes,<br />

room 19 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 102 Congress e.<br />

Rumne~ William jr*j log<br />

Congress e.<br />

Rump Carl, lab*, Tillmar ave, nr<br />

Rumsta Joseph, lab., h n s Hale, bet De-<br />

cluindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Runge John, boots and shoes, 227 Gratiot,<br />

11 same.<br />

Runkel George, lab., h s s lleildelberg, bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougal aves.<br />

Runkel John, lab., h s s Heildelberg, bet<br />

Joseph Campau and &IcDougall aves.<br />

Runkel Phillip J., stone cutter, 371 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

nlloffAugust, brewer, 335 Gratiot, h 345<br />

same.<br />

Ruoff Angustus, saloon, 28 Monroe ave, h<br />

341 Gratiot.<br />

Ruoff August jr., brewer, bds 345 Gratiot.<br />

Ituoff Charles. teamster, (J. Clancy & Co.<br />

Ruoff Charles, saloon, 268 Jefferson avr,<br />

and 11 Brush, h 139 Bates.<br />

Ruoff 'la<br />

Ituoff Henry9 shoemaker) 302 Lafayette e*<br />

Ruoff Robert, jr., teamster, h 123 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

R~PP Frank, drayman, h 176 Clinton* .<br />

Rupp Jacob, baker, Russell House.<br />

RUPP~~ carpenter, h 530 Orleans*<br />

Ruppel Jacob, stone cutter, h 228;Chestnut<br />

Ruppel John, mason, 11 363 Dubois,<br />

Ri~sch Otto H., sewing machine agent, h<br />

254 Beaubien,<br />

Ruschetzky Friederick, lab., h n s Prospect,<br />

bet Watson and Morse.<br />

Ruscoe Edward, carpenter, h 461 Fort e.<br />

Rush Michael, furrier, h 199 Congress e.<br />

Rush Thomas, lab., h 264 Franklin.<br />

Rushing George W., clerk, bds Locust, bet<br />

Nilzth and National aves.<br />

Rushing Lurana, meat market, Locust, bet<br />

Ninth and National, h same.<br />

Rushinm Robert G., carpenter, b Locust,<br />

bet ?&nth and National aves.<br />

Russel Georgei B., manager <strong>Detroit</strong> Car<br />

Works, h Jefferson ave aboye Marine<br />

Hospital.<br />

DIRECTORY. RUT 429<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

bianufacturers of<br />

*qua Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P. Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

RusselGeorge H., Sec. Ilamtramck Iron<br />

Works and <strong>Detroit</strong> Car Works, h Jeffer-<br />

son nve Marine Hospital.<br />

Russell Alfred, lawyer, 48 Seitz Block, h<br />

220 Lafayette<br />

Russell Anna, (vid Myron,) dress maker,<br />

h 667 Michigan ave.<br />

Russell Charles P., editor New World, n<br />

s Charles bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Ruesell Edward, carpenter, bds 47 Fort e.<br />

' Russell Francis, peddlar, h 107 Beaubien.<br />

Russell Fraucis U., c~ty attorney, 41 Seitz<br />

Block, h 10 Sproat.<br />

Russell Geelge, carpenter, h 138 3liclligan<br />

avenue.<br />

Russell George, lab., bds 706 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Rllssell,Henr~, cooper, bds w s Russell bet<br />

Russell Henry, fireman, bds 61 Wayne.<br />

Rus6ell House, Whitbeck Chittenden,<br />

proprietors, Campus Martius.<br />

Russell Jeremiah, (col'd) waiter, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Rev* 'pruce*<br />

lab*, Uroghan.<br />

~~~~~~~ ~ ,",P~~,~~;~~I~","~<br />

366 Macomb.<br />

Russell Louis, carpenter, bds 415 ~~~ssell.<br />

Russell Mmgaret, (co19d) (wid Isaac) h 276<br />

Watson.<br />

Russell Mary E., teacher, bds 199 Clifford;<br />

Russell Michael, switchman, bdg 12 Hst-<br />

i~gs.<br />

Russell Reuben, lab., bJs 706 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Russell Walter S., organ tuner, h 351 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Russell William, carpenter, h 415 Russell.<br />

Riissell Wil)lam, clerk, bds 90 ibbott.<br />

Russell William, lab., h 288 Eighteenth.<br />

Russell William A,, printer, h $0 Spruce.<br />

Rubhenberg, Henry, lab., h 386 Chestnut.<br />

Rutherford Adam, sailor, bds 45 Atwater e.<br />

Rutledge George,grocer,44 Mt. Elliott ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Rutledge Hannah, (wid William), h 378<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Rutsay George P., carpenter, h 287 Mich-<br />

igan<br />

Rutson Albert, plumber, 221 Woodward<br />

ave, h 310 Lafayette.<br />

Rutson William, gardener, h 310 Lafay-<br />



SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph eta.<br />

Ruttenberg Charles, lab., h 122 Baker.<br />

Rutten Christina, seamstress, bds 326 Sherman.<br />

Rutten Joseph, cigar maker, h 326 Sherman.<br />

.<br />

Rutten Peter, baker, h 324 Sherman.<br />

Rutter Henry L., Secretary National Fence<br />

Co., bds lEussell House.<br />

Ruttledge William, teamster, h 4 Cass.<br />

Itu tz Charles, lab, bds 237 Elmwood ave.<br />

Rutzel Carl, lab, h 12 Chestnut.<br />

Ruye Mary, (wid Narcis) h 290 Division.<br />

Ruye Narcis, tanner, bds 890 Division.<br />

Ryan Annie, dress maker, 303 Abbott.<br />

Ry-an Benjamin, (col'd) lab, h 56 Mullett.<br />

Ryan Catharine, (wid John) h 46 Spencer.<br />

Ryan Charles, tailor, h 9 Labrosse.<br />

Ryan Crosby J., manager, Atlantic<br />

and Pacific Telegraph Co., office 5'7<br />

Woodward ave, h 90 Farrar.:<br />

Ryan Daniel, lab, h 368 Harrison ave.<br />

Ryan Daniel, watchman, bds 101 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Ryan Dennis, bds 266 Co~gress e.<br />

Ryan Dennis T., clerk bds 46 Spencer.<br />

Ryan John, teamster, 101 Lsrned w.<br />

Ryan John F., conductor, D. L N. E. R.<br />

Ryan John T., clerk, bds 46 Spencer.<br />

Ryan Margaret, (wid Martin) 3 340 Lad<br />

fayette.<br />

Ryan Margaret, (wid William) h 280 Mich-<br />

-.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Rvan - Martin. wood vard. 306 and 3C 8 At-<br />

.I<br />

water e, h'401 LaTayette.<br />

Ryan Mary, (wid James) h 11 7 Franklin.<br />

Ryan BIichael, blacksmith, bds 101 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Ryan Wchael, clerk, h 132 Beach.<br />

Ryan Michael, lab., n 408 Franklin.<br />

Ryan Michael, lab., h 383 Ninth ave.<br />

Ryan Nora H., teacher, bds 303 Abbot!.<br />

Ryan Patrick, clerk, h Seventh nr Beach.<br />

Ryan Patrick, lab., h 141 Michigan ave,<br />

up stairs.<br />

Ryan Patrick, lab., bds 117 Woodbridge e.<br />

Ryan Patrick, moulder, bds li8 Cherry.<br />

Ryan Peter, gardener, h 251 Sherman.<br />

Ityan Philip, lab., bds 152 Franklin.<br />

Ryan Philip, miner, bds 165 Franklin.<br />

Ryan Richard, drayman, h old 505 Beaubien.<br />

Ryan Thomas, carpenter, bds 324 Sixth.<br />

Ryan Thomas, lab., h 30'7 Lafayette ave.<br />

Ryan Thomas, lab., h Russell nr Ftlrnsworth.<br />

Ryan Thomas, mason, bds 153 Franklin.<br />

Rvan Thomas It., steward steamer R. N<br />

- d<br />

Rice, h 32 ~ourth.<br />

Ryan Timothy, lab., bds 236 Abbott.<br />

Ryan William, carpenter. h 224 Sixth.<br />

Ryan Donald F., moulder, h 268 Harrison Rvm William. lab.. h 305 Franklin.<br />

aye.<br />

kyan ~i11ia1.n' c., iechanic, h 16 Palmer.<br />

Ryan Edmund, cigar maker, s e cor Bates<br />

and Jefferson ave, bds 266 Congress e.<br />

Ryan William T., (Ryan & Saunders,) bds<br />

Ryan Edward, watchman, h 303 A bbott.<br />

Goodman House.<br />

Ryan Francis T., clerk, bds 32 Tenth. Ryan & Saunders, (William T. Ryan and<br />

Ryan Henry, lab, h 494 Clinton ave, John Saunders,) painters, cor Wood-<br />

Ryan lsaac H., distiller, h 220 Second. ward and Grand River aves.<br />

Ryan James, coal maker, bds 207 Fifth. Ryckman Joseph, lab., h 136 Xacomb.<br />

Ryan James, blacksmith, bds s e cor Frank- Ryder Joha, plumber, bds 45 Columbis e.<br />

lin and Rivard.<br />

Ryder Redmond S., boat captain, h 15 Co-<br />

Ryan James, finisher, bds cor Seventh and lumbia w.<br />

Locust.<br />

Rymer William,engineer,bds 21 Beaub ien.<br />

Ryan James, lab, h n w cor Hastings and Rymer William, fireman, bds 412 Wood-<br />

Bronson.<br />

bridqe e.<br />

Ryan James, shoemaker, h 19 Franklin. Rypsam Frederick, pattern maker, h 189<br />

Ryan James, ticket agent, h 32 Brady. Benton.<br />

Ryan Lawrence, baggageman, bds 412<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Ryan John,blacksmith, s e cor Rivard and<br />

S<br />

Atwater, h s e cor Franklin and Rivard. ABIN Mrs. Sarah A., teacher Hough-<br />

Rya~ J ohn, cigar manf., s e cor Bates and S ton school, bds 35 Brady.<br />

Jefferson ave, h 266 Congress e. Sabin Alvin N., commission merchant,<br />

Ryan John, grocer, 181 Michigan ave, h Atwater bet Griswold and Shelby, h 32<br />

same.<br />

Craw ford.<br />

Ryan John, lab, h 502 Michigan ave. Sabin Oren T., clerk, bds 32 Crawtord.<br />

Ryan John, lab, h Beaubien bet Benton Sabin 0. Y., bds Antisdel House.<br />

and Grove.<br />

Sabine Alfred, harness maker, 189 Grand<br />

Ryan John, lab, h 178 Cherry.<br />

River ave, h 58 George.


Sabine Elizabeth A., teacher Bishop Union LOVERS of those D ELlClO U S BIVALVES<br />

School.<br />


Sabine Henry G., clerk, h n w cor Baker<br />

and Ninth ave.<br />

Sabine James W., saddler bds 331 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />


Sabine John C., saddler, 145 Grismold, bds<br />

h 331 Woodward ave.<br />


sabine Joseph E,, saddler, bds 331 Wood- Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Sabine Louis A., clerk, bds 42 Henry. Salliet August, letter carrier, h 503 Con-<br />

Sabine Mary, teacher, Bishop Union gress e.<br />

school.<br />

~aller Martin, machinist, h 135 Maple.<br />

Sabine William C., harness maker, 38 Jef- sdow James, h 54 George.<br />

ferson ave, h 42 Henry.<br />

Salomon Isidore, cigar maker h 146 St.<br />

Sabine William H., clerk, 42 Henry. An toine.<br />

Sachan Henry, shoemaker, h 351 Sixteenth. ssloY Theodore, lab, h 332 Sheman.<br />

Sachinskie Anton, lab*, h n s <strong>Detroit</strong> bet Salter Charles H., grocer, 334 Fort w, h<br />

St. Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

same.<br />

Sacker Edward, lab.,-h 529 Macomb. Salter John R., clerk, bds 66 Macomb aye.<br />

Sackett Ezekiel, clerk, h s s Butternut bet Salter john L., h 79 Sherman.<br />

Humboldt and Sullivan sves.<br />

Salter Martha (wid Robert H.), h 66 Ma-<br />

Sackett Martin, teamster, h s w cor Hum- ave.<br />

boldt ave and Butternut.<br />

Salter Narvin R., clerk, bds 334 Fort w.<br />

Sackmann arayman, Lafay- Salter Volney Y., teamster. 49 Fifteenth. '<br />

ette.<br />

Saltzer James, lab. h 382 Clinton.<br />

Sackm~nn9 Frederick, cigar maker, h 142<br />

Frederick, cigar maker, h 485<br />

Hastings.<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

&3ckmann Theodore, cabinet maker, h S;rltzman Otto, cigar maker, bds 46 Ma-<br />

108 Russell.<br />

comb.<br />

Saeger George, brewer, h 1365 %atharine Salnple George C. (col'd), barber, h 295<br />

Saenger Alexander A, clerk, bds 132 Fort Macomb. -<br />

east.<br />

Sample James, carpenter, h cor Marcy and<br />

Saenger Charles, tinsmith, h 22.5 Alfred. Fifth.<br />

Saenger 132 Fort e* Sampson George L., agent, bds 69 Winder.<br />

Saenger Frederick, huckster, h 133 Ma- Sampson Lizzie, saloon, 16 Franklin, h<br />

comb.<br />

same.<br />

Saenger, Ma~ary, huckster3 stall 2s C- H- Sampson Michael, tailor, 295 Atwater.<br />

h 133 Macomb.<br />

SANTER SIMON, mattress manufactur-<br />

Safford Alfred N., clerk, bds 252 Fourth. er, 267 Nichigan ave, h same. (Ses<br />

Safford Arthur, (<strong>Detroit</strong> Novelty Works,)<br />

bds I7 Madison ave.<br />

Samter Rudolph, cle~k, bds 267 Michigan<br />

Satlord Charles E,, clerk, h 258 Fourth. avenue.<br />

Safford Horace teamster, h 97 Nineteenth. Sanborn Josiah G., cutter, i,ds 227 Cass.<br />

Safford Mary, (wid Charles L.), h 17 Mad- Sanborn William N., agent Glen & Hail,<br />

ison ave.<br />

50 Larned w, h 86 Henry.<br />

Safford Samuel T., clerk, bcls 91 Larned e. Sancks Jacob, cabinet maker, h s s Rio-<br />

S~fford Thomas, miller, h 393 Thirteenth. pelle bet Croghau and Nacomb.<br />

Safner John, carpenter, h 426 Croghan. Sanco John, lab., h 118 Whiting.<br />

Sa a Anton, lab, h s s Jay, bet Dubois and Sanders Adam (Sanders & Dreher), h 355<br />

8hene.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Sage Michael, real estate dealer, h 180 Mul- Sanders Alfred (col'd), lab., h 155 Beaulett.<br />

bien.<br />

Sagmeister Michael, brewer,h428 Croghan. Sanders Charles, printer, h 142 Hastings.<br />

Saladin Joseph, bookbinder, bds Morse, Sanders Charles (Andrews & Sanders), h<br />

bet Prospect and Russell.<br />

485 Woodbridge e.<br />

Salero Antonis G. ,musician, hds 123 Brush. Sanders Charles, clerk, h Vinewood<br />

Sales William (col'd) sailor, h 313 Latby- ave, Springwells.<br />

ette.<br />

Sanders Charlotte E., teacher, bds 87<br />

Sales William, hardware, 169 Woodward Michigan ave.<br />

ave, h 77 Si bley.<br />

Sanders George, clerk, h 87 Michigan ave.<br />

Salhoff Frederick, lab, h Twentieth, nr Sanders James, clerk, h 156 First.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Sanders John, painter, h 72 Montcalm e.<br />

ealinski Max, grocer, h 210 Rivard. Sanders John, porter, bds 355 Hastings.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

-<br />

.<br />

Sattler Caroline, (wid William) washcr-<br />

woman, h 408 St. Antoine.<br />

Satter John, trav. agent. h 131 Elizabeth e.<br />

Satterthwait Howard H., stove moulder, h<br />

265 Jefferson ave.<br />

Saudrell Nicholas, lab,h 360 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Saurer Henry, clerk, bds Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Sauer Nicholas, shoemaker, 592 Gratiot, h<br />

~~~~%illiam, cooper, h n e cor Oratiot<br />

and Berlin.<br />

Sa1.nders Mrs. Emily, physician, 90 Montcalm<br />

e, h same.<br />

Sanders Moritz, Yankee notions, stall 13 Sa~nders mason, Chestnut.<br />

U. C. EI. M., h I47 St. Antoine. Saunders Harry H., lawyer, 3 and 4 Tele-<br />

Sanders Peter, grocer, s e cor Brush and graph 2f;<br />

El~sabeth e, h same.<br />

Snunders James, (Ryan & Saunders,) bcls<br />

Sanders William (col'd), lab., h 52 Mul- Finney's IIotel.<br />

lctt.<br />

Saunclers Mary, saloon, 107 Atwnter.<br />

Sanders & Drc?her (Adam Sanders and Saundera Moses, saloon, 107 Atwater, h<br />

.John R. Dreher), grocers, 365 Hastings.<br />

Panderson Isaac, painter, bds 151 Cass. Saunders Peter, carpenter, h 201 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

sandrrson mal ter, real estate &gent, But- Saunden William, teamster, (with L. Pealer<br />

Block, h 330 Randolph.<br />

cock) h - Mullett.<br />

Sandmann Anna, dressmaker, h 164 Clin- Saunkel Ludwig, lab, bds 467 >Iscomb.<br />

ton.<br />

Saurinck Peter, lab, h 127 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Sandmann Christina (wid August), Saulter Anthony, lab, bds 577 Michigan<br />

maker, h 164 Clinton.<br />

Sandmann Joseph, carpenter, h Chest- S$:dr Qotleib, (Sautter & Co.,) h 48 Sbernut.<br />

man.<br />

Sands John, painter, h 254 St. Subin ave. Sautter 65 co., ( ~~tl~ib Sautter and wil-<br />

Sands Patrick, lab., bds 123 Sixth.<br />

liam Eberbach) cigar factory 55 Sher-<br />

Sands Willibm, brass finisher, bds 234 man.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Savage Daniel, contractor, h 14 Cslhoun.<br />

Saner Peter, saloon, 353 Fort e, h same* savage Henry, waiter, bds 6 &ficlligrn ape.<br />

HanfordAlfred~bricklayer,h4GhIari()n- Savsge,James,en~ineer,h19Labrosse.<br />

Sfinlord Charles R.. restaurant, 228 Jeffer- Savage James, Re:., pastor Trinson<br />

ave, h 2'70 same.<br />

ity Church, h 116 Porter.<br />

Sanford John H-3 clerk, bds 41 Sixteenth. Savage John, shoemaker, h 202 Jefferson<br />

Sanford Sarah (col'd), dressmaking, 218 ave.<br />

Adams nve e, h same.<br />

Savanac Charles W., clerk, h 554 Wood-<br />

Sanford Thorn=, clerk, h 125 Larned w. bridge w.<br />

Sanford William (col'd), lab., h 2 18 Adams Savarine christina (wid Henry) h 614<br />

ave east.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Sanford William H., clerk, h 41 Sixteenth. Savarine M ~ 614 ~ Seventh. ~ ,<br />

Ssn fleben Charles, carpenter, w s Whiting Sawyer Charles N., clerk,bds 95 Michigan<br />

bt t Canfield and Butternut.<br />

Grand sve.<br />

Sansbacon Etienne, caulker, h 125 Dubois. Sawyer Winthrop G., clerk, bda 9s Mlchi-<br />

Sansfacon George, machinist, bds 126 Da- gan Grand ave.<br />

bois. Sawyer Joseph, agent, h 3'7 Sible ,<br />

Peter, ship carpenter, h 636 Clinton Sawyer Lernuel R., agent 8. M. 8. Ex. Co.,<br />

avc.<br />

h 158 Lafayette w.<br />

Ssntini Dominique, plaster worker, h 80 Sawney Michael (Patton & Sawney,) h<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Peninsular House.<br />

Sartor Mathew, tailor, bds 133 Larned m. Sawtell Amaziah, painter, h Woodbridge<br />

Ssrtwell George B., cashier American Ns- 8 s, bet Adair and Leib.<br />

tion~l Bank, h 757 Jefferson ave. Saxby Walter, traveling agent (Nowry &<br />

Sasher Charles, engineer , h s w cor Niuth Co..) h 21 Howard.<br />

ave and Baker.<br />

Saxby William (Sauby & We therbee,) h 139<br />

Sass Charles, carpenter, h 481 Mullett. George.<br />

Sass John, lab, 529 >lacomb.<br />

Saxby & Wetherbee (William Saxby and<br />

Sass Mary (wid August) bds 341 Antietam. GeorgeC. Wetherbee), wholesale wooden<br />

Sass William, tanner, h Foundry nr Baker. ware, 66 Jefferson ave.

-<br />


Saxon Alvena (wid John) h 69 Walnut.<br />

Saxon Thomas, fireman, bds I76 Howard.<br />

Scagrove Job, engineer, h 409 Lafayette e.<br />

Scallion Sarah (wid of Corneilus,) h 119<br />

Eighth.<br />

Scalley Nichael, lab, h 2l8 Fourteenth.<br />

Scallion J., engineer, M. C. R. R., h--<br />

Sc~mmon George, engineer steamer Idand<br />

Queen.<br />

Scanlan Edward S., carpenter, h '775 Fort<br />

W.<br />

Scanlan John J., fireman, h 90 Seventeenth.<br />

Scanlon Mathew, teamster, bds Twentythird,<br />

nr Michigan ave.<br />

Scanlon Patrick, lab, bds 348 Lafayette<br />

av e.<br />

Scrtnlon Patrick, lab, h 392 Seventeenth.<br />

Scanlan Thomas, lab, h 105 Porter.<br />

Scanlon Sarah (wid Patrick,) h 137<br />

Twenty-third.<br />

Scerl Fred W., clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

8cerl Friederich, clerk, bds 292 Macomb.<br />

Scerl Gott.lieb, shoemaker, h 292 Macomb.<br />

Scerl Nontague, clerk, h 157 Beaubien.<br />

Schaab Frank jr., broom-maker, bds 559<br />

Crogl~ an.<br />

Schaab Frank sr., carpenter h 559 Croghan.<br />

Schaaf Peter. foreman. h 245 Montcalm e.<br />

~cbaale ~erman, meat market, 775 Fort<br />

w, h 777 same.<br />

Schaas John, engine'er, h 429 fils~le.<br />

Schade Herman, stone cutter, h 553 Beaubien.<br />

Schade John, lab, h a s German, bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Schaeberle Adam (T. Schmidt & GO.), h<br />

117 Catharine.<br />

Schaefer Albert, cigar maker, bds 48<br />

James.<br />

Schafer Amand, tobacco peddlar, h 200<br />

Congress e.<br />

Schaefer Ambrose, varnisher, h 396 Sixth.<br />

Schaefer Anton, blacksmith,h 228 Clinton.<br />

Schaefer Anton, plumber, h 291 Hastings.<br />

Schaefer Antony, butcher, h 149 Third.<br />

Schaefer Charles, baker, h 300 St. Antoine.<br />

Schaefer Charles, cigar maker, h 42 Fort e.<br />

Schaefer Clara, tailmess, bds 240 Maple.<br />

Schaefer Charles, cabinet maker: bds 61<br />

Atwater.<br />

Schaefer Eli, plasterer, h 118 Macomb.<br />

Schaefer E., brakesman M. C. R. R.<br />

Schaefer Francis M., barber, h 45 Michigan<br />

ave, up stairs.<br />

Schaefer Fred, painter, blis 186 Porter.<br />

Schaefer Frederick (Rhons & Schaefer), h<br />

300 St. Antoine.<br />

Schaefer Frederick, blacksmith, h 510<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schaefer Henry, tailor, h 145 Macomb.<br />

Schaefer Henry, baker, bds 63 Atwater e.<br />

55<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, Davgs & CO.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Schaefer Henry, cigar maker,h 40 Catharine.<br />

Schaefer Henry (Scheider & Schaefer, h<br />

201 Croghan.<br />

Scheafer Henry, tailor, h 14.5 Clinton.<br />

Schaefer Jacob, cabinet maker, bds 67<br />

Atwater.<br />

Schaefer Jacob F., helper,h 510 Catharine.<br />

Schaefer Jacob, shoemaker, bds 240 Maple.<br />

Schaefer John, blacksmith, h 276 Macomb*<br />

Schaefer John, cigar maker, bds 920 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Schaefer John, carpenter, h 572 Orleans.<br />

Schaefer .John, lab, h 180 Division.<br />

Schaefer John, lab., h 318 Alfred.<br />

Schaffer John, mason, h 267 Twelfth.<br />

Schaefer John, marble polisher, h 322<br />

Has tings.<br />

8chaefer John, stone cutter, h w s James bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Schaffer John, wheelwright, h 86 Mullett.<br />

Schaefer John C., bill poster, bds Perkins'<br />

hotel.<br />

Schaefer Joseph, lab., h e s Grand River ave<br />

nr Thirteenth.<br />

Schaefer Louis, grocer, 407 Alfred, h same.<br />

Schaefer M., conductor, M. C. R. R.<br />

Schaefer Nicholas, plumber, h 264 Hasting~.<br />

Schaefer Nicholas, lab., h 228 Elizabeth .e.<br />

Schaefer Rudolph, shoemaker, bds 267<br />

Lzifayette.<br />

Schaeffer Philip, permanent recruiting<br />

station, bds 31 Griswold.<br />

Schafberger Joseph, peddlar, h 536 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Schaferansky Frank, lab., h 167 Antietam.<br />

Schaffler Christian, boots and shoes, n w<br />

cor Michigan ave and Sixteenth, h<br />

same.<br />

Schaffler Jacob, saloon, 404 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Schaft Elphege, carpenter, h 451 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Schaft Fridolin, cabinet maker, bds 317<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Schngen Frank C., painter, h 454 Gratiot.<br />

Schaible Frederick J., tanner, h 53 Nineteenth.<br />

Schaible Nichael, porter, h 383 Bronson.<br />

Schalk Charles, lab., h 133 Twelfth.<br />

Schalk Frederick, shoemaker, h 474 Orleans.<br />

~cbal-k John, lab., h 293 Sixteenth.<br />

Schallbag Charles, carpenter, h 302 Fort<br />



aArHaw<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

:m SEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Schalles Cyrirtcus, rulemaker, h 436 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Schallow Ambrose, shoemaker, h 117 Maple.<br />

Schaltenbrandt Albert, carpenter, h 532<br />

Cat barine.<br />

Bchamadcln Frank, stove moulder, bds<br />

180 Plum.<br />

Schamandan James, blacksmith, h 36 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Schamadan James, coppersmith, - - h 180<br />

Plum.<br />

Schamadan Thomas H., lab., h 180 Plum.<br />

Schamadan Thomas, blacksmith, bds 180<br />

Plum.<br />

Schamadan William, steam fitter, bds 180<br />

Plum.<br />

Schanany Charles, cooper, h Prospect cor<br />

High.<br />

Schander Frank, currier, bds 29 Clinton.<br />

Schank Annie (wid Christian) h 497 Macomb.<br />

Schanken Gustave, lab., h German bet<br />

Joseph Campau ave and Chene.<br />

Schanz George, lab., h 187 Division.<br />

Schanz Michael, shoemaker, h 29 Center.<br />

Schdofskie John, shoemaker, h 2'70 Watson.<br />

Scharf Carl, lab., h n s Chestnut bet Joseph<br />

Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Schart William C., jeweler, 291 Gratiot.<br />

Scharlebrant Augustus, tinsmith, bds 248<br />

Catharine.<br />

Scharlebrant Celestin, bds 248 Catharine.<br />

Scharlebrant Joseph, carpenter, h 335 Orleans.<br />

Scherlebrant Mary (wid Joseph) h 248<br />

Catharine.<br />

Scharnwever HenryC., sailor, h 394 Third.<br />

Schars Miss Josephine, clerk, bds 96 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Schatzberg Catharine (wid) h 504 St. Antoine.<br />

Schaetzlein Efa (wid Sebastian) h old 164<br />

new 180 Fort e.<br />

Schaetzlein Herman J., cierk,zbds 180<br />

Fort e.<br />

Schatzlein Peter, printer, h 180 Fort e.<br />

Schaub Albert R., jeweler, bds 240 Macomb.<br />

Schaub Anthony, carriage maker, bds 159<br />

Fifth.<br />

Schaub Charles, shoemaker, h 240 ;Macomb.<br />

SchaumZJoseph, machinist, h 270 Gratiot.<br />

I Schauroth Clernens, cleili. bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

, Schauna Rosalia, (mid) h 459 Beaubien,<br />

second floor.<br />

Schawasenak Joseph, lab., h 574 Orleans.<br />

Schawerenski Anton, lab., h 167 Antietam.<br />

Scheckenburger Charles, confectioner, h<br />

IS4 Marion.<br />

Scheere Charles, carpenter, h 3 Tuscola.<br />

Scheere Christian, carpenter, h 212 Alfred.<br />

Scheere Christian, lab., h 863 Fifteenth.<br />

Scheere Ida, dress maker, h 3 Tuscola.<br />

Scheere Michael, car builder, h 9 Harriett.<br />

Scheere Oscar, harness maker, h 3 Tus-<br />

cola.<br />

Schehing Joachim, lab., h 340 Antietam.<br />

Schening .John, lab., h n s Catharine bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Schehr Adam G., tanner, h 192 Catharine.<br />

Schehr Henry, currier, bds 192 Catharine.<br />

Schehr John, currier, bds 192 Catharine.<br />

Schehr Louis, currier, bds 192 Catharine.<br />

Schiebeck Ignaz, butcher, n e cor Hastings<br />

and Montcalm e: h 273 High.<br />

Scheibeck John, palnter, h 279 High.<br />

Scheibel John M., stone cutter, h 256 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Scheible Lander, carpenter, h 138 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Scheider Anton, lab., h 290 Wilkins.<br />

Scheider Martias. lab., h 180 Antietam<br />

Scheidt Bal thasaar, carpenter, h 532 James.<br />

Scheidt Frank, lab., h-606 Rlopelle.<br />

Scheidt Henry, lab., bds Toledo Exchange.<br />

Scbeidt John, carpenter, h 21 German.<br />

Scheidt John, painter, bds 85 An tietam.<br />

Sclleidt John G., clerk, bds 147 Rivard.<br />

Scheidt Nathias, carpenter, h 88 Antietam.<br />

Scheidt Nicholas, carpenter, h n s Mar-<br />

garet bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Scheidt Nicholas, painter, bds 88 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Scheining Christian, lab., h 401 Catharine.<br />

Scheining John, lab., h 437 Catharine.<br />

Scheland August, cigar maker, h 186 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Scheble August, grocer, 487 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Schell Peter,farmer,h Nayberry av, e s nr<br />

Myrtle.<br />

Schellberg Benhard. tanner, h Wight s s,<br />

bet Adair and Lieb.<br />

Schelle Caspar, lab, h 1'70 Croghan.<br />

Scheller George, cledc, Biddle House, Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Scb elhammer William, brewer, h 309<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Scheltgses John Peter, h 119 Sherman.<br />

Schemansky Albert, blacksmith, bds 239<br />

High.<br />

~chei~ansk~ Frank, lab, h 239 High.<br />

Schenk Conrad, seaweed spmner, h 108<br />



Schenk Martin J., huckster, stall 35 C. H.<br />

M., h 133 Clinton.<br />

Schenk Rudolph, carpenter, h 303 Alfred.<br />

Schepler Vincent, lab, h 193 Bronson.<br />

Scherach Julius. ~ainter, Whitinn nr<br />

, A V<br />

Ash.<br />

Scherban Charles, cooper, h 53 Prospect.<br />

Scherer August. lab. h 104 Benton.<br />

Scllerer ~auiel,' carpenter, h 563 Croghan.<br />

Scherer Daniel, carpenter, h 194 Chestnut.<br />

Scherer Frederick (Bieler & Co.,) h 719<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Sharer George, lab. h.n s St- Jose~h, bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Scherer John C., druggist, 41 BIichigan<br />

Grand ave, h 305 Congress e.<br />

Sherer Joseph, shoemaker, h 95 Wilkins.<br />

Scherer Martin, plasterer, h 303 Eighteenth.<br />

Scherer Mrtthias, lab, h Washington, nr<br />

Baker.<br />

Scherer Rudolph, clerk, bds 64 High.<br />

Scherff Charles, tailor, h 92 Antietam.<br />

Schermerhorn E. S., conductor 31. C. R.<br />

K., bds hntisdel House.<br />

Scherr John, plumber, bds 257 Clinton.<br />

Sherr Michael, carpenter, h 9 Harriet.<br />

Sckn Albert (Guentller She%) h 196<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Schen John, carpenter bds h 481 Catherine.<br />

Schen seamstress, bds h 481 Catherine.<br />

Scheuer Charles, mechanic, bds 610 Riopelle.<br />

Scheuer Frank, Stone cutter, bds Riopelle<br />

bet Prospect and Pierce.<br />

Scheurmbthias, marble polisher, h 612 Riopelle.<br />

Scheug Arnold, carriage maker,:h n w cor.<br />

Hastings and Clinton.<br />

Scheuren Charles, carpenter, h 372 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Schewe Rudolph, lab, h 689 Clinton are.<br />

Schiek Joseph, printer, bds 508 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Schieber Andrew, shoemaker, 451 Grand<br />

River rtve, h same.<br />

Schikber George, shoemaker,b8s 481 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Schiefelbein Frederick, lab. h 171 Antietam.<br />

Schiefelbein John, lab, bds 171 Antietam.<br />

Schemer Martin, lab, h 316 Mary.<br />

Schiesling Anna, bds 235 Alfred.<br />

Schiesling Theresa, (wid Joseph) h 235<br />

Alfred.<br />

Schiffer Peter, shoemaker, 77 Croghan? h<br />

75 Chestnut.<br />

Schildbacli Adolph G., cigar maker, h 79<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schildbach William, tailor, h '79 Catharine.<br />

Schildbach JVilhekuina, midmite, h 79<br />

Catharine.<br />



JUNE $ CO.'S<br />



oysters in the shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail. .<br />

Schildt Joachim, lab, h 451 Catharine.<br />

Schiller Elizabeth, (wid George) h 78<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Schilling ~ugust, lab, h s s Sherman bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Schilling Frederick, shoemaker, h 369 Sixteenth.<br />

Schilling George, jr., lab, bds 226 Calhoun.<br />

Schilling George W., lab, h 226 Calhoon.<br />

Schilling Henry Ch., carpenter, h 374 Riopelle.<br />

Schilling Herman, chair maker, h 462 Sev-<br />

,teenth.<br />

Schilling John, locksmith, h 48 Catharine.<br />

Schilling John, machinist, h 396 Wooclbridge<br />

e.<br />

Schilling John, pipe fitter, h 48 Thirteenth.<br />

Schimanski Adolph, marble cutter, bds<br />

487 Watson.<br />

Schimanski Frantz, lab, h 239 High.<br />

Schimanski Otto, marble cutter, bds<br />

High.<br />

Schimke ~dolph, I&, h s s Antietam bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Schimmel Frederick, butcher, bds 330 Orleans.<br />

Schimmel Louis, cap h 112 Mullett.<br />

Schimmelfeld Frank, tailor, 212 Gratiot, h<br />

344 Bronson.<br />

Schimmer Martin, lab, h 316 Brewster.<br />

Schindler George, butcher, h 108 Napeleon.<br />

Schindler George, sen., slloemaker and<br />

butcher, h 398 St. Antoine.<br />

Schinglor George, moulder, bcls 26 Twentieth.<br />

Schinkoeth Christopher, mason, h s s Mullett,<br />

bet NcDougall and Elmwood ave.<br />

Schipanski Herman, shoemaker, h 65<br />

Chestnut,<br />

Schipper John, blacksmith, h 135 BIullett.<br />

Sch~rekal Ernst, lab, h e s Elmwood ave,<br />

bet Lafayette and Gratiot.<br />

Rchirmeur Henry, joiner, h 297 Sherman.<br />

Schirra Joseph, carpenter, h 400 St. Aubio<br />

avenue.<br />

Schlag Christina C., washerwoman, h n s<br />

Fulton, bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Schlag George F.,peddlar, h cor Cramford<br />

and Pitcher.<br />

Schlagenhauff Frederick, lab,h 384 Porter.<br />

Schlauh John, lab, h 84 Chestnut.<br />

Schlaut Joseph, varnisher, h 183 Marion.


--<br />

@ u$itl#$$ @,&ir#r$ if g,<br />

Seitz next to the Office'<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Schlaut Peter, shoemaker, bds 133 Marion.<br />

Schlesinger Emanual grocer, 396 Hastings,<br />

h same.<br />

Schlesinger Marcus, optician, bds 396<br />

Hastings.<br />

Sclrleuss Charles, shoemaker, h Chene, bet<br />

Catharine and Sherman.<br />

Schleuniger Frederick, machinist, h 159<br />

Marion.<br />

Schleyer Ernest, cabinet maker, bds 256<br />

Croghan.<br />

Schlicker Louis, saloon, 453 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Schlicker Xavier, tailor, h 248 BIacomb.<br />

Schlichting George, lab, h s s Jay, bet<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Schlitt Conrad, huckster, stall 5 C. H. JI.,<br />

h 32 Croghan.<br />

Schlitt John, merchant tailor, 71 Croghan,<br />

h same.<br />

schlorff Henry. clerk, h 356 Seventeenth.<br />

Schloss A C., clerk, bds 100 Winder.<br />

Schloss Benjamin (Liberman 8: Bchloss),<br />

h 67 Adams ave w.<br />

Schloss Emanuel (Schloss & Bro.), h 100<br />

Winder.<br />

Schloss Joseph, lab, h 350 Division.<br />

Schloss Seligman (Schloss & Bro.), h 65<br />

Winder.<br />

Schloss Sigmund B., clerk, bds 67 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

Schioss & Bro. (Seligman and Emanuel),<br />

wholesale cloth and clothing, 180 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Schlossm- Christian, bds 202 Larned w.<br />

Schlorser George, cabinet maker, h 144<br />

Clinton.<br />

Schluder Leopold, cabinet maker, h 221<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Schmacker William, teamster, h e s Elm-<br />

wood ave, bet Lafayette and Gratiot.<br />

Schmaltzke Adolph, stone cutter, h 487<br />

Railroad.<br />

Schmeiser Frank, butcher, bds Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Schmelz Henry, cigar maker, h 29 Pearl.<br />

Schmelzer John, mason, h 357 Juliette.<br />

Schmelzer Joseph F., plasterer, h 269<br />

Maple.<br />

Schmelzer Peter, helper, bds cor Dequine<br />

dre and Juliette.<br />

Schmemann Karl (Schmernann & Kuhn),<br />

h 185 Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Schmemann & Kuhn (Karl Schmemann<br />

and Hermann Kuhn), insurance agents,<br />

95 Griswold.<br />

Schmidt Adolph, tailor, h 6 Jay.<br />

Schmidt Alexander, clerk, bds 326 Has-<br />

ting~.<br />

SchmidtjAnthony, carpenter, h 211 Ma-<br />

ple.<br />

Schmidt Andrew, lab., h 302 Columbia e.<br />

Schmidt Anthony, mason, h 283 Cathar-<br />

ine.<br />

Schmidt, Anton, shoemaker, h 146 Cal-<br />

houn.<br />

Schmitt August, butcher, bds 76 Brush.<br />

Schmidt August, carpenter, h 451 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Schmidt'August, lab., h li4 German.<br />

Schmidt Caspar, meat market, 327 Clinton,<br />

h same.<br />

Schmidt Charles, architect, h e s St. An-<br />

toine cor Macomb.<br />

Schmitt Charles, butcher and grocer, 25<br />

Prospect, h same.<br />

Schmidt Charles, carpenter, bds 204 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Schmidt Charles, furrier, h 541 Croghan.<br />

Schmidt Charles, lab., h 367 Orleans.<br />

Schmidt Charles jr, machine hand, h<br />

Prospect bet Columbia and Montcalm.<br />

Schmidt Christian, barber, 555 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Schmidt Christian, lab., h m s Seventeenth<br />

nr Ash.<br />

Schmidt Christina (wid John), h 331<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Schmidt Daniel, (Burghart & Schmidt) h<br />

716 Michigan ave.<br />

Schmidt Edward, cigar maker, bds 493<br />

Croghan.<br />

Schmidt Ernst, grocer, 338 St. Antoine, 11<br />

same.<br />

SchmidtEmst, lab., w s Twenty-second<br />

nr Det. B. & I. Works.<br />

Schmidt Frank, grocer, 455 IImtings, 11<br />

same.<br />

Schmitt Frank, meat market, s e cor Con-<br />

gress and Orleans, h same.<br />

Schmitt Frederick, cabinet maker, h 349<br />

Nullett.<br />

Schmitt Frederick, carpenter, h 493 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Schmidt Frederick, carpenter, h Macomb<br />

bet Elmwood and McDougall aves.<br />

Schmidt Frederick, (I?. Schmidt & Co.),<br />

h 117 Catharine.<br />

Schmidt Frederick, lab., h 533 Catharine.<br />

Schmidt Frederick, lab., h e s Dubois bet<br />

Croghan and Macomb.<br />

Schmidt Frederick, shoemaker, h 211 Cal-<br />

houn.<br />

Schmidt Fred, truck maker, h Twenty-<br />

second nr foundry.


Schmidt George, cigar maker, h 143 Macomb.<br />


Schmid! Ge' jrge, lab., bet find it to thejr advantage to all at our oflee<br />

Howard and Baker.<br />

and examine our hne of etandard<br />

Schmidt Gott.lieb, carpenter, h 399 Brewster.<br />


Schmidt Gustav, lab., h St. Aubin ave bet<br />

Padbe, Davis & Co.<br />

Belair and St. Joseph.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Schmidt Gusttlve A., tanner, h 23 Clay.<br />

Schmidt Henry, billiard maker, h 04 Na- Schmidt Jvilliam, engineer, 541 Croghrun.<br />

poleon.<br />

Schmiclt William, huckster, h St. Aubin, n<br />

Schmidt Henry, carpenter, h s s Leland tor Federal.<br />

bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Schmidt William, printer, h 381 Wood-<br />

Schmidt Jacob, machinist, h 85 Wilkins. bridge e.<br />

Schmidt John, cigar maker, bds 309 Du- Scllmidt Wilhelm, wagon maker, h 134<br />

hois.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Schmidt John, lab., h 357 Antietam. Schmidt Frederick c.. Co. (Frederick<br />

Schmidt John, lab., h 799 Clinton ave. Schmidt, Adam Shaeberle,) butchers and<br />

Schmidt John, lab., h s s Maria bet Sixth drovers, h 117 Catharine.<br />

and Seve~th.<br />

Schmidter Anton, shoemaker, h 283 Cath-<br />

Schmidt John, peddlar, bds 351 Rivard. erine.<br />

Schmidt John, teamster, bds 200 Larned W. Schmidtke Anthony T., shoemaker, h 746<br />

Schmidt hhn C., lab., h 493 St. Aubin av. Calhoun.<br />

Schmidt john G.9 clerk, h 326 Hastings- Schmidtke Henry, tanner, h 720 Macomb.<br />

Schmidt John J. Rev., pastor German Schmidtke Herman, blacksmith, h s s New<br />

Evan Luth. Salems Church, h 18 Cath- bet Dubois and Chene and German and<br />

arine.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Schmidt John M., lab., h 262 Franklin. Schmidtke ~obn, lab, h 138 Juliette.<br />

Schmidt Joseph, lab., h 389 Marion. Schmieding Gustave, lab, saloon, h 116<br />

Schmidt Joseph, lab, h 501 James.<br />

Russell.<br />

Schmidt Louis, farmer, h w s Dequindre, Schmieldiig William, bds 104 Russell.<br />

nr Fremont.<br />

Schmiel Charles, saloon, w s Crawford bet<br />

Schmidt Louis, peddlar, h 96 Blullett. Brigham and Lysander, h same.<br />

Schmidt Louis, peddlar, h 613 Macomb. Schmitt George H., (J. Schmitt & Son) h<br />

Scllmidt Marthias, lab, 204 Antietam. 37 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Schmidt Mathias J. lab, h. 384 Juliett. Schmitt Henry, (Schmitt & Schmittdiel),<br />

Schmidt Noah, painter, bds 54 Fort e. Grand River ave, bet Twelfth and Thir-<br />

Schmidt Otto, organ maker, bds Hotel teenth.<br />

Mauch.<br />

Schmitt John C% Son (John, George H. and<br />

Schmidt Peter, carpenter, h e s Dubois, Ernest L.) grocers, 37 Michigun Grand<br />

bet Antietam and Jay.<br />

ave.<br />

Schmidt Peter, lab, h 438 Eighteenth. Sichrnitt dk Schrnittdiel (-<br />

Schmidt Peter, shoemaker, bds 124 Rus- Schmltt and A. Henry Bchmittdiel)<br />

sell.<br />

match factory, cor Twelfth and Grand<br />

Schmidt Peter, porter, h Clinton, bet Has- River ave, (SM advt.)<br />

tings and Rivard.<br />

Schmittdiel A. Henry, (Schmitt & Schmitt-<br />

Schmidt Peter J., lab, h 389 Brewster. diel), cor Twelfth and Grand River ave.<br />

Schmitt Phillip, lab, h 409 Dubois. Schmittdiel J. B., bds 120 St. Antoiue.<br />

Schmidt Phillip, varnisher, h 130 Mullett. Schmittdiel John S., clerk Wayne County<br />

Schmidt Richard, furrier, h n e cor Cro- Savings Bank, h 129 St. Antoine.<br />

ghan and Chene.<br />

Schmitz Frank, carver, bds 6 Pearl.<br />

Schmidt Richard, paver, bds 541 Croghan. SHMITZ HENRY, carver, Gratiot nr Ran-<br />

Schmidt Theodore,carpenter, h 457 Cath dolph, bds s s Pearl bet Russell and<br />

erine.<br />

Prospect. (See 0d.o.)<br />

Schmidt Theodore, mason, h 325 Sher- Schmitz Jardens, carpenter, bds s s Pearl,<br />

man.<br />

bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Schmidt Theodore W., grocer, s e Gra- Schmitz Blathias, cigar maker, 130 Marion,<br />

tiot and Rlvard.<br />

h same.<br />

Schmidt Traugott, hides, leather and tan- Schmitz Peter, varnisher, h 165 Fort e.<br />

nery, 58,60, 62 and 64 Croghan, h 80 Schmitz Peter J., Lab, h 181 Clinton.<br />

same.<br />

Schmoeker August, lab, h s s Maple bet<br />

Schmidt Valentine, carpenter, h 58 Jay. Dubois and Chene.<br />

Schmidt William, blacksmith, h 460 Cath- Schmoock Theodore, carpet weaver, bda<br />

erine.<br />

I l77 Croghan.





Addrese IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Schmoock JITilliam, carpet weaver, h 177<br />

Croghan.<br />

Schmuck George, cooper, h s e cor Dubois<br />

and Brewst er.<br />

Schmu.t Rudolph, lab, h 82 German.<br />

Schmutz, Frederick, lab, bcls 364 Fort e.<br />

Schmutz John, latmakar, h 364 Fort e.<br />

Schrlabel Gottlieb, lab, h 401 Antietam.<br />

Sch~abel Gotllieb, lab, h 502 31ullett.<br />

Schnabel Robert ,tobacconist,h 502 Nullett.<br />

Schnait Christian, baker, bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

' Schneck August, 92 Kivard.<br />

Schneck August H., clerk, bds 260 Brush.<br />

Schneck Frederick W., cabinet maker, h<br />

29 Beacon.<br />

Schneck William, cabinet maker h 260<br />

Brush.<br />

Srhneck William, jr., cabinet maker, h 258<br />

Brush.<br />

Schneckenberg John, machin~st, h 441<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Schnedler John, laster, bds 308 St. Antoine.<br />

Scbneidemiller August, machinist, h 191<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Schne idemind dharles,cabiuet maker, bds<br />

107 Marion.<br />

Schneider Adam, teamster, bds 433 Franlilin.<br />

Schneider Andrew, varnisher: h Juliette,<br />

bet Biopelle and Orleans.<br />

Schneider Anthony, blacksmith, 40 Larned<br />

e, h 48 Cbestaut.<br />

Schneider Anton, lab, h I00 Thirteenth.<br />

Scbneider Anthony, shoemaker, h Catharine,<br />

bet Orleans and Dequindre.<br />

Schneider Anthony, tailor,h744 Sixteenth<br />

Schneider August, upholsterer, h 77 Catharin<br />

e.<br />

Schneicler August F., upholsterer, h 288<br />

Clinton.<br />

Schneider Caspar, blacksmith, h 167 Riopelle.<br />

Schneider Casper, grocer, s e cor Fort e<br />

and Beaubien, h same.<br />

Schneider Charles, draughtsman, 71 Grisworld,<br />

h 397 Larned e.<br />

Schneider Charles, varnisher, 366 Riopelle.<br />

Schneider Christoph, teamster, h 683<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Schneider Conrad, cabinet maker, h 241<br />

Watson.<br />

Schneider Daniel, cabinet maker, Ir o 81<br />

Brewster,<br />

Schneider Elizabeth, bds 359 Dubois<br />

Schneider Elizabeth (mid Detleff C. H.),<br />

tailoress, 560 Woodbridge w, h same.<br />

Schneider Emanuel, cabinet maker, h 77<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schneider -- - Frank, stone cutter, h iSS<br />

Marion.<br />

Schneider Freclerick, wood turner 63 and<br />

65 Fort e, bds 45 Clinton.<br />

Schneider George (Schneicler Bros.), h s<br />

w cor Rivard and blacomb.<br />

Schneider Henry, engineer D. 6: 31. R. R .,<br />

h 307' Maple.<br />

Schneider Henry, lab, bds 291 31acomb.<br />

, Schneider Herman, carpenter, h 8 Morse.<br />

Schneider Herman F. P., clerk,bds 291 Macomb.<br />

I Schneider Jacob, lab, 225 Sherman.<br />

Schnejder Jacob, peddlar, h 131 Lafnyette.<br />

Schneider Jacob, pecldlar, h 159 Blullett.<br />

Schneider John, carpenter, h 311 Alfred.<br />

Schneider John, carpenter, h 131 Jlullett.<br />

Schneider John, finisher, h 300 Riopelle.<br />

Schneider John, grocer, 145 Qratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Schneider John, lab., h 244 Watson.<br />

Schneider John, lab., h 35 Hastings.<br />

Schneider John, machine hancl, h cor<br />

Gratiot and Elmwood ave.<br />

Schneider John (Schneider & Schaefer), h<br />

236 Beaubien.<br />

Schneider John, saloon, n e cor Michigan<br />

ave and Griswold, b same.<br />

Schneider Joseph, clerk, bds cor Third<br />

and Oak.<br />

Schneider Joseph (Schneicler Bros.), h s w<br />

cor Rivard and Macomb.<br />

Schneider Joseph A., cooper, h 49 Mullett.<br />

Schneider Leonard, boiler maker, h 330<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Schneider Louis,carpenter,bds 223 Gratiot.<br />

Schneider Paul J., printer, bds 77 C'tiltharine.<br />

Snider Peter, carpenter, h e s Whiting nr<br />

Ash.<br />

Schneicier Peter, lab., h Joseph Camprtu<br />

ave nr Gratiot.<br />

Schneider Philip John, bakery, 679 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Schneider Sebastian, lab., h 1GO Napoleon.<br />

Schneider Stephen (Schneider & Wallich),<br />

h cor Third and Oak.<br />

Scnneider William, h Fifth nr Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Schneider William, fish dealer, h 291 Macomb.<br />

Schneider William, lab., h 266 Abhott.<br />

Schneider William, machinist, bds 35<br />

SZ:S&!iam, mason, h 20 ~u~livan<br />

ave.<br />

Schneider William, teamster, h 558 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Schneider Bros. (George and Joseph),<br />

saloon, s w cor Rivard and Macomb.


Schneider & Schaefer (John Schneider<br />

and Henry Schaefer), tailors, 67 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

SCHNEIDER & WALLICH (Stephen<br />

Schneider and Joseph C. Wallich),<br />

manfrs. of sash doors, blinds, lumber,<br />

shingles, lath, kc., office and yard cor<br />

Grand River ave and Fourth, tactory 20<br />

and 32 Oak. (See ad%)<br />

Schniderhinge August, groceries, n e cor<br />

Consress and Chene, h same.<br />

Schne~derling Charles, painter, bds 236<br />

Mullett.<br />

Schneiderling Ferdinand, painter, h 255<br />

Macomb.<br />

Schneiderling Henry, painter, bds 236<br />

Mullett.<br />

Schnitt Frederick, car shop, h German nr<br />

Chene.<br />

Schnoering Julius, traveling agent, h 188<br />

Hastings.<br />

Schober Elnil, book and job printer, 12<br />

Congress e, h 63 Lafayette.<br />

Schoch Ludwig, bar tender, bds 47 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

Schodatnann Frederick, lab., h 506 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Schoeffer Apollonia, washerwoman, h 206<br />

Latayette.<br />

Schoell hammer William, brewer, h 309<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Schoeman John B., insurance agent, h 185<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schoen Joseph J,, engineer, D. & M. R.<br />

R., h 234 Maple.<br />

Schonau George, lab., h 113 Antietam.<br />

Schonau Henry, machinist, h 109 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Shoenborn Frank, cigar maker, bds, 162<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Sclloenborn Jacob, mason. h 162 Chestnut.<br />

Schoener Naggie, bds 224 Sherman.<br />

Schoener Nicholas, carpenter, 11 234 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Schenert Frederick, carpenter, h 215 A1-<br />

ired.<br />

Schoenilerr Christof, peddlar, h 146 Jay.<br />

Schoenheer Frank, cigar maker, bds 215<br />

Itussell.<br />

Schoenheer .Joseph', clerk, bds 246 Russell.<br />

Schoenlierr Theodore, paper box maker,<br />

h 254 Beaubien .<br />

Schoepe Ervin, cigar maker, bdsl133 :Cro-<br />

@an.<br />

Shoeppe Hcinrich, carpenter, h 374 Hast-<br />

ing~.<br />

Schoeppe Peter, core maker, h 536 Wood-<br />

bridge e,<br />

Schoettle Charles, saloon, 191 Larned w, h<br />

~ame.<br />

Schoettler Charles, lab., bds 80 Front.<br />

Schoettler John, cigar maker, h 196 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Schoettler Phillip, shoemaker, h 27 Silver.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Schoettler Therese (wid) h 196 Lafayette.<br />

Schoffero Michael, lab., h 432 Seventh.<br />

Schoffrensky J., lab., h s s Scott bet Rlo-<br />

pelle and Dequiudre.<br />

Schofield Joseph (col'd) barber, h 157 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Scholes Adam, toremsn, h 49 Porter.<br />

Scholes Henry, lab., h 124 Seventeenth.<br />

Scholes James, machinist, h 36 Charlotte<br />

avenue.<br />

Scboles Margaret Miss, bds 134 Orchard.<br />

Sclloles Richard G., boots and shoes, 173<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Scholes IVilliam, shoe maker, h 134 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Scholl Nartin, drzzughtsmsn, bds 267 Lab-<br />

rosse.<br />

Scholl Martin, mason, h 267 Labrosse.<br />

Scholz Frederick, lab, 176 Sherman.<br />

Scholz Frederick L. tanner, bds 257 Cath-<br />

eri ne.<br />

Scliooff Theodore A., joiner, h s s Cather-<br />

ine, bet St. Aubin ave and Dubois.<br />

Schoolcraft Emmet D. Z., gro-<br />

cer, 483 Grand River ave. h same.<br />

Sclloolcraft John, foreman yard D. L. & L.<br />

Al., bds 209 Woodbridge w.<br />

Schosinky Anthony, lab, <strong>Detroit</strong>, bet<br />

water works and rai1roa.d.<br />

Schossov Frederick, lab, h Lieb, bet Jeffer-<br />

son ave and Congress.<br />

Schott, Iqnace, painter, h 181 Gratiot.<br />

Schott Xoses, clerk, bds 30 Miami ave.<br />

Schowarte Charles (Kruger, Zech & Co.,)<br />

h Hotel Mauch, Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Scllritch Frederick, lab, h 409 Riopelle.<br />

Schrage John, packer, h 159 Maple.<br />

Sclxage Joseph, saddler, 505 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Schratz Conrad, upholsterer, h 88 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Schrauft John G., farmer, h s s Maria, bet<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Schreckel Martin, clerk, h 382 Lafayette.<br />

Schreckenberg John, machinist, h 131<br />

Mullett.<br />

Schreiber Adolph, confectioner, h 69 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Schrein Joseph, blacksmith, h 113 Maple.<br />

Schreim Christian, cooper, bds 212 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Schreve Elizabeth (wid Bernhard,) 363 St.<br />

Aubin ave.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Schreve Joseph, peddlar, bds 362 St. An-<br />

bin aye.<br />

Schrick Michael, saloon, 383 Russell, h<br />

same.<br />

Scringer William A., teamster, h 182 Sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Schroder Edward, h 140 old 160 new La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Schroder Edward C. (Fish, Schroder &<br />

Co.,) h 258 First.<br />

Schroder John (Schroder & Co.,) h 86<br />

Catherine.<br />

Schroder Vincent, traveler, cor Sixth and<br />

Miller.<br />

Schroder Wiliiam (Schroder & Co.,) bds 86<br />

Catherine.<br />

Schroder & Co. (John Schroder, William<br />

Schroder and George C. Jones jr.,) flour<br />

and grain, 75 Gratiot.<br />

Schroeder August, lab, h s s Sherman bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Schroeder August, helper, bds Williams<br />

ave, bet Twentieth and Twenty-first.<br />

Schroeder Cherles, grocer, 246 Beaubien,<br />

h same.<br />

Schroeder Charles, lab, h 398 Catheri~e.<br />

Schroeder Charles, lab, h 190 Antietam.<br />

Schroecler Charles, lab, h 403 Antietatn.<br />

Schroeder Carl, printer, bds 190 Antietam.<br />

Schroeder Christian, barber, 236 Randolph,<br />

h same.<br />

Schroeder Christian, lab, h 294 Jay.<br />

Schroeder Ernst, tailor, h 37 German.<br />

Schroeder Edward, druggist, 446 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Schroeder Frank, lab, h 108 Jay.<br />

Schroder Frederick, lab, h n s Bellair, nr<br />

Gratio t.<br />

Schroeder Fritz, lab, h 522 Mullett.<br />

Schroeder Fritz, lab, h 392 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Shroeder Frederick, machinist, 437 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Schroeder Frederick, ship-carpenter, h 154<br />

Sherman.<br />

Schroeder George, carpenter, h 141 Jay.<br />

Schroeder Herman, carpenter, h 301 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Schroder Henry, lab, h 204 Illinois.<br />

Schroeder .John, carpenter, bds 68 Cather-<br />

ine.<br />

Schroeder John, la$, bds 398 Catherine.<br />

Schroeder John, teamster (W. M. Dwight<br />

& Co.,) h 213 Antietam.<br />

Schroeder John H., tinsmith, h 26 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Schroeder Valentine, clerk, bds 40 Fort e.<br />

Schroeder William, brewer, h 291 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Schroeder William, carpenter, h 362 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Schroeder William, carpenter, h 12 Jay.<br />

Schroeder William, lab, bds 213 Antietam.<br />

Schroeger John, mason, h 503 Orleans.<br />

Schroeliog Albert, cigarmaker, bds 202<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Schrosanka Frank, cabinet maker, h 162<br />

Brewster. .<br />

Schrotz Carl, lab, h Iudiana s s, bet Pros-<br />

pect and Hastings.<br />

Schubert Edward, shoemaker, h 411 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Schubert Henry S. (Lichtenberg & Sons,) h<br />

178 Adams ave e.<br />

Schubert John, blacksmith, h 376 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Schubert Minna, (mid Henry,) h 180 Ad-<br />

ams ave e.<br />

Schubnell Fritz, trunkmaker, 313 Maple.<br />

Schubnell Leo, (Lebens & Schubnell,) h<br />

232 Napoleon.<br />

Schuch Conrad, carpenter, h 66 Marion.<br />

Schuch Lewis, mattress mnfr., bds 177<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Schuebel Catharine, (wid Christian,) h 168<br />

Antietam.<br />

Schueer Lewis, lab., h 468 Catharine.<br />

Schuenwald Catharine, (wid John,) h 262<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Schneker, Gusare, lab., 21 n s Joseph Cam-<br />

pau ave nr Gtsatiot.<br />

Schune~nan Albert (A. Schuneman &<br />

Co.), bds Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Schuneman Theodore, cigar factory, 63<br />

Griswold, h same.<br />

Schuneman A. & Co., (Albert Schuneman<br />

& Albert Miller,) cigar factory, 226 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Schuetz Bertha, (mid Frank,) h 480 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Schuetz Frantz, lab., h 192 German.<br />

Schuetz John C., saloon, 11 and 13 Lafay -<br />

ette ave, h same.<br />

Schuetz Joseph, lab., h 192 German.<br />

Schuhknecht Fritz, lab., h 298 Maple.<br />

Schuknecht Joachim, bookbinder, h e s<br />

Chene bet Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Shucknecht Fred, trunkmaker, h 313<br />

Maple.<br />

Schulenburg Charles, billiard ta-<br />

ble mnfr., 98, 100 and 102 Randolph, h<br />

18 Lafayette. (~5% adv.)<br />

Schuler Adam, engineer, bds e s St. An-<br />

toine bet Macomb and Clinton.<br />

Schaler Albert, jeweler, 160 Jefferson me,<br />

h 307 Congress e.


Schuler Cresetin, (wid George,) h 307 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Scholer John, tanner, h 505 Croqhan.<br />

Schuler William, lab., h s s German bet<br />

McDougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Schtllke August, lab., b 12 Silver.<br />

%chullner Lorenz lab., h 206 Watson.<br />

Schulte Adam. saloon, n e cor Joseph<br />

Calnpau and McDougall aves.<br />

Schulte Adolph, clerk, h 232 Seventeenth.<br />

Schulte Anton, carpenter, h 522 Orleans.<br />

Schulte Anton F., clerk, h 104 Blacomb.<br />

Schulte Anthony, cigar maker, h 104 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Schulte Anthony, el&, b& 230 Mullett.<br />

Schulte grocer* lo2<br />

h 104 same.<br />

Schulte h 241 Clinton.<br />

Schulte August [Hutternan & Co ,) h 162<br />

Maple.<br />

Schulte August, upholsterer, h 170 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Schulte "'comb*<br />

Schulte Caspar, clerk, bds 288 Orleans.<br />

Schulte Gaspar, physician, 26 Monroe ave,<br />

same.<br />

Schulte Catharine, (wid of John) 307<br />

Division.<br />

Schulte Charles F a , gardener, h 544 s~e-<br />

enth.<br />

Schulte Christine, (wid John) h 202 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Schulte Elizabeth, (wid Frank) h 168 La-<br />

fayet te.<br />

Scllulte Ferdinand, cigar maker, bds 475<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Schulte Frank shoemaker, h 359 North-<br />

Schulte Frank A.. with People's Savings<br />

Bank, h s w cor Gratiot and Brush.<br />

Schulte Frank W., currier, bds 285 Russell,<br />

Schulte Herman, grocer, 65 Dequindre, h<br />

same,<br />

SchulteJohn, carpet weaver, h 156 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Schulte John, lab, h 288 Jay.<br />

Schulte John, tailor, h 230 Nullett.<br />

Schulte John, (Schulte Bros.) h 288 Or-<br />

leans. .<br />

Schulte Joseph, cigar maker, bds 202 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Schulte Joseph clerk, bds 393 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Schulte Joseph, grocer, 357 North, h same.<br />

Schulte Joseph, (Schulte Bros.) h 187 31~1-<br />

lett.<br />

Schulte Ludwig, plasterer, h 313 Division<br />

Schute Richard, mason, h 417 Lafayette.<br />

Schulte Theodore J., clerk, h 174 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Schulte Otto, gardener, h 564 Seventh.<br />

Schulte Oscar, bds 232 Seventeenth.<br />

Scllulte Peter, grocer, 240 Eighteenth, h<br />

same.<br />

66<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Omce,52 V. Larned St.,<br />


Set: advertisement, page 9.<br />

Schulte Peter, grocer, 265 Lafayette, h<br />

same.<br />

Schulte Peter J., clerk, bds 104 Macomb.<br />

Schulte Willibald, clerk, bds s e tor High<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

Scbulte William, carpenter, h 436 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

schulty Willism. carpenter, bds n w cor<br />

Jefferson ave and Second.<br />

Scbultp. mTillinm, maker, bds 202<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Schulte William, overseer, bds 255 &la-<br />

comb.<br />

Schulte William teamster h 59 Marion.<br />

Schnlte (John ahd Joseph) soap<br />

and candles, 194 Franklia.<br />

Schultheiss Frank, marble cutter, h407 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Schultheis Henry, marble cutter, bds 176<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Scllultheis John, lab., h 407 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Schultheis Philip, painter, h '72 Maple.<br />

Schultheis William, marue works, n w<br />

cor Michigan Grand ave and Bates, h<br />

176 Elizabeth e.<br />

Schultz Albert, lab., h w s Indiana bet<br />

Prospect and Hasting+<br />

Schultz Albert, tailor, h 145 Catharine.<br />

Schultz ~ugust, carpenter, h 444 Elaple. .<br />

schultz ~ ~ u slab., t , h s s Grove bet Russell<br />

and Prospect.<br />

schultz ~ ugu~t, lab., bds s s BIlluett, bet<br />

Elmmood and McDou: all avenues.<br />

Schultz August, lab., bds 677 Sixteenth.<br />

Schultz Charles, farmer, h e s >It. Elliott<br />

nr Cemetery.<br />

Schultz Charles, foreman, (E. Eccards),<br />

h 203 Adams ave e.<br />

Schultz Charles G., lab., h 167 Antietam.<br />

Schultz Charles, teamster, h s s German<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Schultz Christian, lab., h 123 Twentieth.<br />

Schultz Christopher, cabinet maker, h 13<br />

Warren.<br />

Bchultz Christopher, lab., h 411 Fifth.<br />

Schultz Ferdinand, lab, Twenty-fourth nr<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Schultz Frank, carpenter, h 140 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Schultz Francis, tailor, h 145 Catharine.<br />

Schultz ,Frederick, tailor, bds 677 Sixteenth.<br />

Schultz Friederich, h 516 Catharine.<br />

Schultz Frederick, boiler maker, h 660<br />





SEE PAGE 39 a<br />

-<br />

Schultz Julius, lab, h n s Jay bet Dubois<br />

and Chene.<br />

Schulz Frederick, grocer, s w cor Orleans<br />

and Catharine, h same.<br />

Schulz Frederick, tanner, h I55 Twentyk.<br />

first.<br />

Schulz Frederick, wagon maker, h 13 Mechanic.<br />

Schulz Frederick, jr., clerk,h 13 Mechanic.<br />

Schulz Frederick AI., painter, h n e cor<br />

Howard and Thirteenth.<br />

Schulz George, saloon, 535 Hastings, h<br />

same.<br />

Schulz Gustave, cabinet maker, h 12<br />

Warren,<br />

Schulz Hermann, cabinet maker, h 455 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Schulz Hermann, sawyer, 825 Sixteenth.<br />

Schulz Henry, clerk, bds Franklin House.<br />

Schulz Henry, lab, h 263 Labrosse.<br />

Schulz Henry, lab, h 124 Seventeenth.<br />

Schulz Henry, lab, h 270 Sherman.<br />

Schulz John, carpenter, h 318 St. Aubin<br />

avenue.<br />

Schulz John, lab, h 90 Thirteenth.<br />

Schulz John, lab, h 145 Calhoun.<br />

Schulz John, lab, h 277 Fourteenth.<br />

Schulz Leopold, lab, h 203 Williams ave.<br />

Schulz Louis, carpenter, h 176 Macomb.<br />

Schulz Martin F., huckster C. H. &I., h<br />

Hamtramck.<br />

Schulz Pauline (wid Gottleibl, h 758 Sixteenth.<br />

Schulz Robert, billiard maker,h 10 Warren.<br />

Schulz ~obert; cabinet maker, h n e cor<br />

Prospect and High.<br />

Schulz Rudolph, lab, h 17 Clay.<br />

Schulz Rudolph, lab, n s alley, bet Dubois<br />

and Chene, Gratiot and German.<br />

Schulz Theodore, lab, h 10 Jay.<br />

Schulz William, blacksmith, h 115 Macomb.<br />

Schulz William, cabinet maker, 1~ 10 Warren.<br />

Schulz William, lab, h 6C3 Gratiot.<br />

Schulz Wilhelmima (wid Charles), huckster<br />

C. H. M., h cor Seventh and Maria.<br />

Schulz Wilhemine (wid Carl), h 677 Sixteenth.<br />

Schumacher Conrad, lab., h 448 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Schumacher Herman, shoemaker, h 401<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Schumacher John, lab., h 241 Columbia e.<br />

Schumacher John J., huckster, stall 43<br />

C. H. M., h 225 Michigan 've.<br />

Schumacher Joseph, tinsmith, h 170 La-<br />

I Sz~Pt%er Nartin, lab., h 348 -Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Schumacher Mary (wid Mathias), h 79 a<br />

Croghan.<br />

1 Scbumacher Samuel, gardener, h Wood-<br />

ward ave nr Farnsworth.<br />

Schumacher Peter J., gardener, h s 8<br />

Prospect bet Benton and Grove.<br />

Schuman Hartman, news and fruit, 191<br />

Woodbridge w, h same<br />

Schumberg Andrew, lab, h 28 German.<br />

Schumberg August, tailor, h 22 German.<br />

Schumer Mathias, clothes cleaner, s e cor<br />

Bates and Congress, h 80 Lafctyette e.<br />

Schumert John, lab., h 22 German.<br />

Schummer Peter, tailor, h 245 Sherman.<br />

Schumeyer Andrew, baker, h 563 Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Schupp Henry, saloon, 43 Atwater e, h<br />

same.<br />

Schure Charlcs, engineer, bds 218 Marion.<br />

Schure John, boiler maker, bds 218<br />

Marion.<br />

Schure Simon, mason, h 218 Marion.<br />

Schustrner Henry, carpenter, h 297 Sher-<br />

mad.<br />

Schuster Emilie (wid Henry), washerwo-<br />

man, h 193 Clinton.<br />

Schut Augusta, stamper, bas 480 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Schutter William, carriage painter, h 481<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Schwab Frederick, lab., bcls n w cor Tenth<br />

and Woodbridge.<br />

Schwalm Sebastinn, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Schwandeck August, lab., h 220 Alfred.<br />

Schwandner Mathias, lab., h 115 Na-<br />

poleon.<br />

Schwanebeck Albert, lab., h 172 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Schwanebeck Frederick, packer, h 337<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Schwanebeck William, porter, h 228<br />

Marion.<br />

Schwarm Frederick, painter, h 168 Nul-<br />

lett.<br />

Schwartfiger Frederick, engineer, M. C.<br />

R. R., h 331 Nineteenth.<br />

Schwartz Charles, Yankee notions, 77<br />

Woodward ave, h 321 Congress e.<br />

Schwartz Charles jr, clerk, bds 321 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Schwartz Conrad, carpenter, h 34 Pros-<br />

pect.<br />

Schwartz Frank, lab, h 353 Clinton.<br />

Schwartz Frederich, carpenter, h 372<br />

Franklin.<br />

Schwartz Frederick, teamster, h 592 St.<br />

Aubin ave.

-<br />


Schwartz Herman, machine hand, h 538<br />

Orleans.<br />

Schwartz Hermann, shoemaker, h 484 A1-<br />

fred.<br />

Scllwartz Jacob, lab, h s s Jay, bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Schwartz Jacob, machinist, h 517 3Xul-<br />

lett.<br />

Sch wartz Jacob, tailor, h 180 Elizabeth e.<br />

Schwartz John, lab (Candler Bros.,) h 328<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Schwartz John, watchman, h 157 Na-<br />

pl)leon.<br />

Schwartz John, cooper, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Schwartz John, joiner, h 430 Mullett.<br />

Schwartz John N., farmer, h 184 Bronsm.<br />

Schwartz Ludwig, lab, h 231 Maple.<br />

Schwarrz, Nicholas, cigarmaker, bds 157<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Schwtlrtz Peter, lab, h 531 Woodbridge m.<br />

Schmartz William, machinist, bds 199<br />

Catherine.<br />

Schwartzbach Frederick, cooper, bds 252<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Schwarzenberg Franz, finisher, h 197 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Schwarzenberg Herman, finisher, bds 197<br />

Russell.<br />

Schwegler August, printer, bds 05 Atwa-<br />

ter.<br />

Schweigardt Friederich, cigarmaker, h 316<br />

Sherman.<br />

Sehweiger Michael, carpenter, h 151 Jay.<br />

Scb weikart Charles, mate steamer War-<br />

rington, h s s Congress, bet Elmwood<br />

ave and Leib.<br />

Schweikart Walter, marble works, e s<br />

Elmwood ave, opp Croghan, h same.<br />

Suhweim Christian, cooper, bds 212 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Schweim Christian, lab, h 212 Marion.<br />

Schweinsberger John, carpenter, h e s<br />

Fourth, nr Holden road.<br />

Schweitzberger Charles, lab, h 65 Jay.<br />

Schweitzer Christian, butcher, h 5l0 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Schweitzer Christian, ropemaker, h 299<br />

Brewster.<br />

Schweitzer David G.. soapmaker, h Grand<br />

River ave w s, nr Thir teenth-and-a-half.<br />

Schweitzer Frederick, teamster, h 433 Nul.<br />

lett.<br />

Schwei tzer Gottfriend, grocer, cor Has-<br />

tiugs and Franklin, h same.<br />

Schweitzer Jaeob, h 639 Clinton ave.<br />

Schweitzer Joseph, lab, h 79 Croghan.<br />

Schweitzer J. T., harness maker, bds 27<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Schweitzer Louis, saloon, 153 Randolph, h<br />

same.<br />

Schweitzer William, currier, h 47 Tmenty-<br />

second.<br />

Schweitzer William, wagon maker, h 340<br />

Watson.<br />



FnIton Market Oyster Bonse,<br />


@23T Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Whole~ale<br />

and Retail.<br />

--<br />

Schw emler Nicholas, cigar maker h 88<br />

Russell.<br />

Schwendeman Martin, shoemaker, h 269<br />

Croghan.<br />

Schwenk Edward, wood turner, h 20<br />

Beacon.<br />

Schwenk John H., cabinet maker, h 97<br />

Sixth.<br />

Schwenk John B., shoe store, 119 Grand<br />

River ave, h same,<br />

Schwenk Joseph, shoemaker, I~ds 119<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Schwenke Rudolph, clerk, 20 Beacon.<br />

Schwieger Caspar, carpenter, h 447 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Schwinden Frank T., trav. agent, bds 335<br />

Franklin.<br />

Scb woob Michael, peddlar, h 504 Riopelle.<br />

Scigan John, frame maker, h 110 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Scullins James, clerk, h 383 Frmklin.<br />

Scollin~ William, lab, h 383 Franklin.<br />

Scott Andrew, lab, h n w cor Fourth and<br />

Tuscola.<br />

Scott Andrew J., clerk, h 482 Cass ave.<br />

Scott Benjamin, carpenter, h 32 Locust.<br />

Scott Benjamin F., express messenger, h<br />

316 Fourth.<br />

Scott Charles N., -OF. U. Telegraph opera-<br />

tor, h 87 Columbia e.<br />

Scott David, saloon, n w cor Grand River<br />

ave and Twelfth, h same.<br />

Scott Elijah, carpenter, bds cor Wood-<br />

bridge and Beaubien s e.<br />

Scott George, painter, bds 43 Abbott.<br />

Scott George Captain, bds 64 Sibley.<br />

Scott Henry (col'd) cook, h 144 Calhoun.<br />

Scott Henry W., carriage manf., 254 Cass<br />

ave, h 32 Locust.<br />

Scott James, bds Russell House.<br />

Scott James D., carpenter, h 324 Fourth.<br />

Scott John, barber, h 166 Lafayette.<br />

, Scott John, hose cart driver steamer No<br />

1, h 298 Abbott.<br />

Scott John A., produce dealer, h Grand<br />

River ave w s, nr Twelfth.<br />

Scott Rev. Jon P., pastor United Presby-<br />

terian Church, h 130 Wayne.<br />

Scott Joseph B. (Scott & Brown), h 133<br />

Henry.<br />

Scott Mary (wid John), h 43 Abbott.<br />

Scott Moses (col'd), waiter, Russell House.<br />

Scott L. Sydney, expreas messenger, bds<br />

Biddle House.


-<br />

Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Scott P. T., joiner, bds Franklin House.<br />

Scott Robert (col'd), lab, h Farnsworth e,<br />

TVoodward ave.<br />

Scott Robert J., painter, h 154 Russell.<br />

Scott Samuel B., fur dealer, h o 54 n 56<br />

Wsshington ave.<br />

Scott Sylvester, teamster, h 38 Pine.<br />

Scott Thomas G., soap manufacturer, 12<br />

Marion.<br />

Scott Thomas \V., student, bds 252 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Scott Vincent J., banker, 159 Jefferson ave,<br />

cor Brush and Columbia.<br />

Scott T~Tilliam,civil engineer and architect,<br />

316 Woodbridge w, h 'CVindsor.<br />

Scott William, gardener, Grand River ave<br />

s s, beyond the car track.<br />

Scott William B., sailor, h '77 Eighth.<br />

Scott TV~lliam D., artist, h 91 Eighteenth.<br />

Scott TVilliam J., shoemaker, h 338 Ninth<br />

avenue.<br />

Scott & Brown (Joseph B. Scott & Hiram<br />

L. Brown),ship brokers and ship owners,<br />

4 Woodmard aye.<br />

Scotten Daniel (Scotten, Lovett 8; Co.),<br />

res Springwells.<br />

Scotten, Lovett & Co. (Daniel Scotten,<br />

William E. Lovett, Joseph T. Lowry &<br />

3 ohn G. Colville), tobacco manufacturers,<br />

104 to 110 Randolph.<br />

Scovel Edward (Jahn & Co.), bds 110 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Scovell Massie W,,caapenter, h 74 Walnut.<br />

Scoevell Joseph, bds 105 Grand River ave.<br />

Bcovel Rebecca (wid John B.), h 110 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Scribner Elbridge A., stencil cutter, bds<br />

147 Rivard.<br />

Scribner Semel B., carpenter, h 1567 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Scrimanager William A., teamster, h 182<br />

Second.<br />

Scripps George C., subscription clerk, bds<br />

135 Lafayette ave.<br />

Scripps James E., business manager Daily<br />

Tribune, h 135 Lafayette ave.<br />

Scripps Uriah, (col'd), cook, h 794 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Scripps William A,, Tribune, h I73 Fifth.<br />

Scudder John, clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Scudder Frank, lab., h 231 Adam ave e,<br />

Scudder Lucinda E., matron, House of<br />

Shelter, bds same.<br />

Scully Andrew, helper, bds Congress bet<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Scully James, machinist, h 501 Thirteenth.<br />

Scully John, lab., h 220 Fourth.<br />

Scully Lawrence, clerk, bds 220 Fourth.<br />

Scully William, machinist, h Leib w s bet<br />

Congress and Lafayette.<br />

Seaberry Thomas, drayman, 291 Sixth.<br />

Seacord Joseph, engineer, h Crawford bet<br />

Frank and Cutler.<br />

Seage Rev. John, h 224 Second.<br />

Seager Frederick, csrpentzr, h 128 Catherine.<br />

Seager Frederick, jr., printer, bds 128<br />

Catharine.<br />

Seager Hen , lab., bds Antietam bet Rivard<br />

and ussell.<br />

x<br />

Seagrave Frederick, clerk, h 129 Hum-<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Sealey Henry A., commission, h 24 Brainard.<br />

Sealy Thomas J. G., boiler maker, h 56<br />

Leverett. .<br />

Seaman John C., sailor, h 59 Labrosse.<br />

Searle Daniel C., sheet iron worker, 64<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Searle Daniel v"., carpenter, h 64 Harrison<br />

avenue.<br />

Searing Almira, saloon, 12 Beaubien,<br />

Seering Gottlieb, machinist, h 363 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Searing William R., clerk Second National<br />

Bank, h 47 Fort w.<br />

Sears Asa B., undertaker, 183 Woodward<br />

ave, h 699 same.<br />

Sears Frederick S., farmer, h cor flastings<br />

and Ohio.<br />

Sears William, huckster, stall 40 (1. H. BI.,<br />

h Hamtramck.<br />

Sears William H., (Nagle & Sears) h 517<br />

Lafa ette e.<br />

Sears 3 ulinia (wid Itheman) h IIt. Hope<br />

five nr Magnolia.<br />

Seaton James, clerk, bds 21 George.<br />

Seaton John, clerk, h 154 Benton.<br />

BEATOX ROBERT, builder and contractor,<br />

I93 and 195 Cass, h 21 George.<br />

(See ada.)<br />

Seauzman Louis, peddlar, h 787 Second.<br />

Sebastian Frederick, lab., h 342 Division.<br />

Sebetzki Michael, carpenter, h 457 Sherman.<br />

Sebille Celesline, (Misses Sebille) h 21 6<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Sebille Victorjne (Misses Sebille,) h 21 6<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Sebille Misses (Celestine 6t; Victorin e,)<br />

millinery, 216 Woodward ave, h same.<br />

Sebraro Angelus, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Seckmann Theodore, carpenter, h 108 Russell.<br />

Sedlow Gilbert, shoemaker, b 302 Croghan.


Sedlom Joseph, shoe maker, h 342 Chene.<br />

Sediow Lewis, shoe maker, b 483 Croghan.<br />

Seefred Charles, carpenter, h 195 Fort e.<br />

Seefred John C., carpenter, bds 195 Fort e.<br />

Seefred Silas S., clerk, bds 163 Congress e.<br />

Seegau Frank, lab.. (witt~ C. E. Mason.)<br />

Seeger Charles, cigar maker, bds 128 Cath-<br />

erine.<br />

Seeger Frederick A., printer, h 128 Cuther-<br />

ine.<br />

Seek Julius Herman, blacksmith, h w cor<br />

Russell and Clinton.<br />

Seeley John, h 336 Fourth.<br />

Seeley John, furniture dealer, h 162 31ich-<br />

igan ave: h same.<br />

Sueley Merret, cashier A. M. EX. CO., h 183<br />

Howard.<br />

Seely Jarrles >I., (J. 31. Seely & CO.,) bd8<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

seely Mark A*, hats and caps, 123<br />

Woodward ave, h 320 Randolph*<br />

( Set? adv.)<br />

Seely J. &I. & Co., (James M. Seely and<br />

William G. L. Chesebrough,) manufnc-<br />

tUlaer3 perfumery and extracts, 195<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Seereiter John, h 115 Croghan.<br />

Seereiter John, jr., bds 115 Croghar.<br />

sjstedt Henry, carpenter, tor Ash and<br />

Seven teen th.<br />

Segar Albert, painter, bds 92 Larned e.<br />

Hegervitz George, lab., h 11 1 Marion.<br />

Sehass John, lab., h 429 Maple.<br />

Sehl Martin, carpenter, h 41 Wilkins.<br />

Sehnig F. William, mason, h 49 Prospect.<br />

Seibert Henry, sawyer, h 3G0 Blaple.<br />

Siebert August, brakesman, h 162 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Seibert John, blacksmith, bds 468 Chestnut.<br />

Seibert John, shoemaker, h 184 Clinton.<br />

Seibert.Maria A., bds 455 Sherman.<br />

Seibert Peter, butcher, h 455 Sherman.<br />

Seibert Philip, lab., h 137 Division.<br />

Seider Adam, butcher, h 102 Maple.<br />

Seidig Charles, teamster, h 27 National<br />

ave.<br />

Seidorf Charles, lab., bds 63 Atwater e.<br />

Seifer William, carpenter, h 164 Chestnut.<br />

Seiffert h Ameali, cigar maker, bds 417<br />

James.<br />

Seiflerth Edward, cigar maker, h 396<br />

Catharine.<br />

Seifert John F., conductor, bds 308 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Seigers Alfred, painter, bds 63 Larnecl e.<br />

Seigle John, helper, bds 192 Williams ave.<br />

Seiler Jacob, carpenter, 11 46 Bronson.<br />

Seitz Charles B., wood turner, 37 Atwater<br />

e, h 2i.j Larned e.<br />

Seitz Frederick L. (F. L. Seitz dt CO.), h<br />

149 First.<br />

Seitz George F., h 58 Russell.<br />

Seitz John H. (F. L. Seih & Co.), k 940<br />

Jefferson me.<br />

Parke, Davis & Ca.,<br />

62 west Lam& St.,<br />



(IO?Yer, saloon, 359<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Sens Peter, lab, h Baker bet Twelfth and<br />

and Thirteenth.<br />

Seremberg Christian, clerk, h 311 Colu m-<br />

bia e.<br />

Sepmann Joseph, lab, h 603 Woodbridge w.<br />

Sevald John B., clerk. h n e cor Cathrine<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Sevenberg Christopher, clerk, 311 Colurn-<br />

bia e.<br />

Severance Albert L., lab., bds 135 National<br />

ave.<br />

Severance George, lab, h - Clinton.<br />

Sevigne Louis, (Michigan Bolt and Nut<br />

Co.) h 779 Congress e.<br />

Sewalt John B., clerk, bds 298 St. Ailbin<br />

ave.<br />

Sewell Augnstus R., custom house officer,<br />

h 165 Alams ave e.<br />

Sewell L., mail dispatcher G. W. R. R.,<br />

bds Biddle House.<br />

Sexaucer George A,, tinsmith, h 83 Pros-<br />

pect.<br />

Sexton Cornelius, (with R. Bronson) h 78<br />

Wayne.<br />

Sexton Edward, (upholsterer) bds 53 Row-<br />

land.<br />

Sexton James, bds 245 Nineteenth


Shannon Mary (wid James), h in lane, bet<br />

MAvs*w I Second and Third. and Porter and Abbott.<br />

Q a 11 g t a rn 8 a 1 , Shannon Patrick, mason, h 130 Sixth.<br />

Shape John, lab, h 35 Chestnut.<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

Shapplow Vincent, helper, h 138 Prospect.<br />

Share Moses A., machinist, h 485 Cass ave.<br />

Addrese, IRA MAYHEW, Sharen Joseph, shoemaker, h 95 Wilkins<br />

a .<br />

DETROIT, MICH., n side.<br />

Corner Conppss and Randolph sta. Sharen Nicholas, tinsmith, h 72 Sherman.<br />

Sharp Bernard, bds 148 Wight.<br />

Sexton Jesse E. (T. McGraw & Co.,) bds sharp John, carpenter, h 304 Second-<br />

456 Woodw ard ave.<br />

Sharp Lucinda (wid Richard), h 22 How-<br />

Sexton John, h 245 Nineteenth.<br />

ard.<br />

Sexton John bill poster, 143 Lafayette. Sharp Richard, brewer, h 93 Labrosse.<br />

Sexton Patrick, bill poster, bds 102 Brush, Sharrow Michael, clerk, bds 252 Brush.<br />

Sexton Thomas, fireman, h 176 Howard. Share Josie, clerk, bds 96 Congress e.<br />

Seutol;, finisher, No. 1 engine Shaver Oscar A., telegraph operator, bds<br />

house, bds 53 Ho wland.<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Sexton William H., clerk, h n e car Guojn Shaftick Army (wid Frank), Clinton, bet<br />

md AlcDougrtll ave.<br />

Dequindre and Orleans.<br />

Seyfferth Edward, cigar maker, h 369 Shaughnesp Daniel, fireman, h 138 Locust.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Shaughnessy James, carriage painter, h 37<br />

Seyfert Gustavus, bds 221 Adams ave e. Vine.<br />

Seyler Louis, finisher, h 316 High e. Shaughness Jeremiah, grocer, s m cor Oak<br />

Seymour Abraham, boat maker, h 468 and<br />

Catharine.<br />

Shaunessy Jolm, lab., h 128 Csnfield.<br />

Seymour Alfred, ship carpenter, h 459 Ma- Shaughnessy Mary (wid William) grocery,<br />

comb.<br />

284 Third, h same.<br />

Seymour Arba M., clerk, h 285 Park. Shaughnessy Michael, baggage msster, h<br />

Seymour Charles, lab, bds 342 Gratiot. 18 Eighteenth.<br />

Seymour C. Prentiss, clerk, bds 91 Farmer. Shsughnessy Michael, lab., h 282 Sixth.<br />

Seymour Edward, fur cutter, h 74 Colum- Shaughnessy Patrick, blacksmith, h old<br />

bia w.<br />

99 new 151 Orleans.<br />

Seymour John, lab; h 550 Larned e. Shaughnessy Timothy, lab., h 24 South.<br />

Seymour John, ship carpenter, h 720 Shaughnessy RTilliarn, iron moulder, h 470<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Seymour Joseph, ship builder. bds 468 Shaw Alfred W., clerk, bds 22 Macomb.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Shaw Albert E., dealer in West India<br />

Seymour Theopilus, clerk, bds 720 Wood- staves, h 372 Fort w.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Shaw Charles M., joiner, bds 22 Macomb.<br />

Sllackelford Henderson (co17d), tanner, h Shaw 2hester J., clerk, bds 92 Blichigan<br />

94 Brewster.<br />

avenue.<br />

Yhackelford James (col'd), tanner, h 94 Shaw Daniel L., harness ;manufactory, 90<br />

Brewster.<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Shackett Peter, sailor, h 143 Marion. Shaw Edward, shoemaker, bds 46 Lewis.<br />

Shaddock Samuel, moulder,bds 402 Lamed Shaw Frank, engineer, h 253 Congress e.<br />

east.<br />

Shaw George, clerk, bds 41 Washington<br />

Shafer J. C., bill poster, bds Perkins Hotel. avenue.<br />

Shafer Joseph (col'd), Ssrber, 147 Gratiot, Shaw George A., carriage maker, bds 598<br />

h 147 Lafayette.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Shallow Ambrose, shoemaker,h117 Baker. Shaw George H., clerk, bds 481 :Congress<br />

ShtzloW.D.,sailor,bds<strong>Detroit</strong>Exchange. east.<br />

Shanahan Daniel, mason, 161 Oak. Shaw George R., student, bds 58 Colum-<br />

Shanaham Daniel, grocer, 300 Michigan bia w.<br />

ave h same.<br />

Shrtw Henry H., clerk, bds 22 31,acomb.<br />

Shanahan John, drayman, h 463 Fifth. Shaw John C., clerk, bds 90 Michigan av.<br />

Shanahan John, lab, bds 89 Fifth. Shaw Phillip, lab., h 299 Clinton.<br />

Sllanahan Patrick, mason, h 215 Fifth. Shaw Robert, painter, h 293 Catharine.<br />

Shank Christopher, grocer, s e cor Dubois Shaw Samuel, manager <strong>Detroit</strong> Edge To01<br />

and Macomb, h same.<br />

Works, h 22 Macomb.<br />

Shannon Deckler, carpenter, bds 173 Ab- Shaw Samuel C., carpenter, h 165 Abbott.<br />

bott.<br />

Shaw Thomas B., planer, h 165 Abbotl<br />

Shannon James, machinist, h 64 Jones. Shaw William, h 52 Columbia w.


Shaw William, painter, h s e cor Grand LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

River and Woodward aves.<br />

Shaw William C., machinist, h 133 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Shaw William H., clerk, h old 61 new 81<br />

Baker.<br />

Shaw William H., Yankee notions, wholesale,<br />

162 Jefferson ave, h 97 Elizabeth w.<br />

Shaw William S., merchant tailor, 181 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 481 Congress e.<br />

Shaw William W., clerk, h 206 Woodward<br />

avenue.<br />

Shay Bridget (wid Dennis) h 19 Franklin.<br />

Shay Daniel, lab, bds 125 Grand River ave.<br />

Shay Dennis, lab, bds 103 o L~rued w.<br />

Shay Honora, (wid John) h 48 Orchard.<br />

Shay James, helper, 115 Plum.<br />

Shay John, lab. h grove s s bet Hastings<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Shay Michael, boiler maker, Jones bet<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Shay Timothy, drayman, h 316 Third.<br />

Shea Anthony, h 382 Macomb.<br />

Shea Daniel, tailor, h 160 Park.<br />

Shea Daniel, porter, h 632 Seventh.<br />

Shea Ellen, (wid Edmond) h 115 Plum.<br />

Shes John, shoemaker, h o 331 n 423 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Shea John lab, bds 272 Woodward ave.<br />

Shea Michael, checker, h 184 Cherry.<br />

Sliea Patrick, checker, h 184 Cherry.<br />

Shea Rodger, shoemaker, h 132 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Shes Thomas, lab, bds 272 Woodwnrd me.<br />

Shea Timothy, tobacco cutter, bds 97 Plum.<br />

Sheahan Catharine, (wid Michael) h 154<br />

Seventh.<br />

S!ieahp Mrs. Elizabeth, h 50 Beach.<br />

Sherthy John, policeman, h 50 Beach.<br />

Shear Frederick, , carpenter - h Sixteenth nr<br />

Poplar.<br />

Shear Harmon, (Wsb, Schroeder rE Co.) h<br />

70 Howard<br />

Shears Leonard R., h 630 Cr0gha.n.<br />

Hheedy Thomas, lab, h 133 Twenty-first.<br />

Sheehan Daniel, saloon, 35 and 40 Congress<br />

e, h 392 Congre3s e.<br />

Sheehan Eliza, (wid James) 11 78 Porter.<br />

Sheehan James, clerk Gould & Fellers, bds<br />

150 Jones.<br />

Slleehnn John, tailor, h n w cor Fifth and<br />

L'lum.<br />

Sileehsn John, lab, h 165 Seventh.<br />

Sheehan John, milkman, h 150 Jones.<br />

Sheehan Michael. printer bds 150 Jones.<br />

Sheehan Patrick, watchman, h n s Abbott,<br />

bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Sheehan Patrick, meat market, rear cor<br />

Sixth and Howard, h 79 Porter.<br />

Sheaban Thomas, butcher, h 79 Porter.<br />

Sheahan Tbomas P., tinsmith, h 252 Fifth.<br />

Shenhan William, butcher, h 78 Porter.<br />

Sheehy Cornelius, passenger agent M. C.<br />

R. R., h 164 Second.<br />




Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholeeale and *<br />

Retail.<br />

Sheehy William, horse-shoer bds 308<br />

Third.<br />

Shceler Andrew J., lab., h 646 Congress e.<br />

Sheen John M., policenlan, h 458 Third.<br />

Shean Patrick, lab, h rear 194 Sbbott.<br />

Sheenan Simon, carpenter, h $81 Larned e.<br />

Sheeran Nary, teacher Tappan Union, h<br />

97 Michigan ave.<br />

Sheeran Richard, clerk, h 97 Mir.higa2<br />

ave.<br />

Sheering Peter, lab, h 127 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Sheffer Charles A.: druggist. h 396 Sixth.<br />

Shefferly Adolph H. (Shefferly Bros.,) h<br />

192 Cro~han.<br />

Shefferly F. ~osa~h (ShefTerly Bros .) h<br />

102 Croghan.<br />

Shefferly Frank X. (Shefferly Bros.,) h 192<br />

Croghan. '<br />

Shefferly Jacob, carpenter, h 264 Russell.<br />

Shefferly John, manufacturer doors, sash<br />

ancl blinds, h 336 Congress e.<br />

Shefferly John sr! carpenter, h s w cor<br />

Congress and Russell.<br />

Shefferly John B., crockery and glassware,<br />

140 Woodward ave, h 113 Heory.<br />

Shefferly Theodore, shoemaker, h n e cor<br />

Rivard and Catharine.<br />

Shefferly Bros., (Joseph, Frank H., John<br />

13. atld Adolph H.,) builders, 191 Croghan.<br />

Shelden Allan & Co. (Allan Shelden,<br />

Janles Moore, and James I(. Burnham,)<br />

wholesale dry goods, 87,39 and 41<br />

Woodward ave. (See adv.)<br />

Sheldeu Allan (Allan Shelden 62; CO.,).~ 94<br />

Congrcqs m.<br />

Shelclenbrand Albert, boxmaker, h 532<br />

Catherine.<br />

Sheldon Charles A.,commission merchant,<br />

foot Second, h new 267 Congress e.<br />

Sheldon Frank W., clerk, bds 49 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Sheldon Harriet E. :wid Theodore,) h 149<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Sheldon Henry 9., driver, bds cor Front<br />

and First.<br />

Sheldon Garwood, clerk, bds 49 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Sheldon, Hattie M. (wid Garwood T.,) h<br />

49 Columbia e.<br />

Sheldon Mrs. H.C. teacher, bds 84 Fort w.<br />

Sheldon Louis, paving, bds n e c Sixth and<br />




Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Sheley Alanson (Farrand, Willitims &<br />

Co.), bds 479 Woodward ave.<br />

Shell Daniel, conductor, bds 315 Michiqan<br />

ave.<br />

Shelley Anthony, n w cor Ninth ave and<br />

La brosse.<br />

Shells John, lab., h 120 Xayberry am.<br />

Shelp Charles, silver plater, 15 Wood-<br />

bridge e, h 4 Tuscola.<br />

Shepard Ellen V., clerk, bds 55 Washing-<br />

ton are.<br />

Sht pard James B., clerk, bds 33 Joy.<br />

Shepard James H., cutter, Heclvenrich,<br />

bds Franklin House.<br />

Shepard Jennie, tailoress, room 19, 302<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Shepard Samuel C. (S. C. Shepard &; Co.),<br />

h o 33 Joy.<br />

Shepard Sylvanus, grocery, 273 Second, h<br />

same.<br />

Hhepard S. C. & Co. (Samuel C. Shepard<br />

and Jerome Gage), wholesale clothiers,<br />

162 Jefferson ave.<br />

Shephard William, stone cutter, h 578<br />

Croghan.<br />

Sheppard Alfred E., clerk, bcls Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Sheppard Catharine (wid Aclolphus), h 72<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Sheppard Elgin R., clerk, at Newcomb,<br />

Endicott & Co.'s.<br />

Sheppard Frederick, insurance agent, h<br />

522 Fort e.<br />

Sheppard Samuel, cutter, :bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Sheppard William, stone cutter, h 578<br />

Croghan.<br />

Sherburn George, plumber, Holmes &<br />

Webs ter's. '<br />

Sheridan Francis, lab., h 95 Eighth.<br />

Sheridan James (col'd), waiter, Michigan<br />

Exchanfe*<br />

Sherlock James, h 335 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sherlock Patrick, painter, bds 130 Sixth.<br />

Sherlock Peter, machinist, bds 34 Cass.<br />

Sherratt George, tailor, 446 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Sherrill Miss M. E., preceptress, bds 84<br />

Fort w.<br />

Sherman Annie, operator, 109 Atwater.<br />

Sherman Qodfrey, patent rights, h old 21<br />

Palmer.<br />

Sherman House, Phillip W. Bussang, 67<br />

Atwater,<br />

Sherman James G., conductor M.'C. R. R.,<br />

h 275 Lafayette ave.<br />

Sherman John, lab., h 42 Second.<br />

Sherman Minnie, bds 109 Atma ter.<br />

Sherman Nettie saloon, 109 Atwater.<br />

Sherman Sylvester, brakeman, bds 275<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Shermood Anson S., lighterling rods and<br />

weather strips, 121 Wooclward ave, h 190<br />

Bagg.<br />

Sherwood Christopher, printer, bds 212<br />

Randolph.<br />

Shelton George, car builder, h 5234Gratiot<br />

Shetterley George, cooper, bds 157 Larnecl<br />

west.<br />

Shevlien IXichael, grocer, 721 Michigan<br />

ave h same.<br />

Shevy Joseph, peddlar, h 692 Fifteenth.<br />

Slleill Robert, clerk, 39 Sibley.<br />

Shiawassee Paper Co., Ne wberry Bros.,<br />

proprietors, 42 Woodward ave.<br />

Shields Caroline, (wid George,) h 305 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Shields Charles, painter, h 305 Marion.<br />

Shields Hensham, printer, bds 305 Marion.<br />

Shields James, (Shields & Walsb,) res<br />

Springwells, .<br />

Shields Joseph, palnter, h 3 German.<br />

Shields William, painter, h 305 31rtrion.<br />

Shields & Welch, (James Shields and John<br />

Walsh, butchers, 291 Michigan ave.<br />

Shier Rev. William H., pastor Simpson<br />

M. E. Church, h 190 Henry.<br />

Shildey Hugh, porter Frallklin House.<br />

Shingler George, moulder, h 26 Twentieth.<br />

Shipley John, lab., h 193 Bronson.<br />

Shipley Joseph H., tailor, h 14 Benton.<br />

Shipman Adelbert, conductor D. & M. R.<br />

It., h 240 Lafayette.<br />

Shipman Girard J., engineer, h 133 Park.<br />

Shipman John, bar tender, bds 312 Wood-<br />

bridge w .<br />

Shipman Royal M., agent, h 406 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Shipp Daniel, harness maker, bds 389 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Sllippey Clark W., builder, h 627 Cass ave.<br />

Shippey George W., meat market, 362<br />

Grand River ave, h 44 Plum.<br />

Sheridan ames, lab., bds 502 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Sheridan Thomas, lab., h s e cor Fourth<br />

and Tuscola.<br />

Sheridan Thomas, lab., h 231 Twelfth.<br />

Sheridan Thomas S., rinter, h 33 Parson.<br />

Sherlock Ellen (wid ? ohn), h 34 Cass.<br />

i Shire John, carriage maker, h 175 Twelfth.<br />

Sherlock James E., clerk, bds Howard nr Shirtz Samuel L., painter, h 151 Third.<br />

Eighth.<br />

Shoales Alanson, painter, h 694 Croghan.<br />



Sboe:nnker hntoiue, draymzn, h 501 St.<br />

,4ntoine.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Shoemaker John, confectionery, 225 Mich-<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

igan ave, h same.<br />

Shoemaker Phillip, lab., bds 112 Abbott. Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Sholton George, carpenter, h 583 Gratiot. Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

Shook Edgar H., clerk, h 54 Madison ave.<br />

C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Shook Robert D., clerk P. O., h 53 Ma-<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

comb ave.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Shore Thomas, painter, h 293 Catharine.<br />

Shorran Henry, carpenter, h 274 High. Sickle David &I., cigar maker, bds 138<br />

Sborts John, (col'd) waiter, bds cor Or- Randolph.<br />

leans and Macomb.<br />

Sickle Soloman, peddlar, h 138 Randolph.<br />

Shotwell Abel, grocer, cor Nineteenth and Sickler Benjamin E., druggist, 191 Jeffer-<br />

Alexander, h same.<br />

son ave and 164 Woodward ave, h 116<br />

Shotwell Carlos B., clerk, h 214 First. George.<br />

8110t~di S. R., engineer, M. C. R. R. Sickles Abraham J.,painter, h 290 Seventh.<br />

Shourds Amy, clerk, bds 55 Washington Sidebottom Peter, drayman, h 19 Cass.<br />

ave.<br />

Sidebottom Samuel, carpenter, h rear<br />

Showerman Delos, (Showerman, Cham- 41 Spencer.<br />

pion & Co.,) h 40 Fort w.<br />

Sieb Jacob, upholsterer, h 409 Clinton.<br />

Showerman Walker, clerk, bds 40 Fort w. Sieber Martin, drover, h 468 Sixteenth.<br />

Showerman, Champion . & Co., (Delos Sieberg William, shoemaker, h 300 Maple.<br />

Showerman, Henry E.. Champion, Wm. Siebert August, brakesman, h 162 Napo-<br />

Jennings and Ward H. Jennings) flour leon.<br />

mills, 128 and 130 Woodbridge IT, and Siebert Ernest, shoemaker, h 264 Brush.<br />

56 and 58 Jefferson ave.<br />

Siebert Louis, blacksmith, 177 and 159<br />

Shreeves Charles B.? peddlar, h s m cor Gratiot, h same.<br />

Sixth and Fulton.<br />

Sieder Peter, tanner, bds 425 Clinton.<br />

Shrimpton William J., adjuster, 11 27 Sieferle William, cigar maker, h 841 Mul-<br />

3Iontcslm w.<br />

lett.<br />

Shubridge Samuel, bricklayer, bds Mi- diegel Gotlieb, huckster, stall 16 C H. M.,<br />

ners' Home.<br />

h cor St. Aubin and St. Joseph.<br />

Sliuell Anthony, moulder, bds s w cor Siegel Frederick, lab, It 344 Bronson.<br />

, Sixth and Ann.<br />

Siegel John, shoemaker, h 405 Hastings.<br />

Shiiell Anthony, lab., h 429 Whitinq. Siegel Veronica (wid Joseph): bds 96 Maple.<br />

Shuell Ellen, (wid Edward) h 222 Howard, Siegler Mathias, tailor, bds 103 Bates.<br />

Sliuell John, tinsmith, h 167 Seventh. Siegler Charles, carver, h 292 Montcalm.<br />

Shueter William, ship carpenter, h 456 Sielaff Ludwick, lab, h 33 German,<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Sielaff Frantz, lab, h 208 Antietam.<br />

Shulte Casper, Fort Wayne Soap Siering Alois, machinist, h 263 Columbia<br />

Works, h 221 Clinton. (See adv.) east.<br />

Sliumard Harry L., clerk, h 78 Con~ress w. Siering Gotlieb, machinist, bds 263 Colum-<br />

Sliumntick Frank, lab., h 199 Williams av. bia e.<br />

Shurburn Qeorgc R., plumber, bds 21 Sievers Christopher, bds 172 Fourteenth.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Sievewright George, sail maker, h 279<br />

Shurburn Thomas, foreman, h 21 Croghan. Twelfth.<br />

5hury Wm., cigar maker, bds 218 Marion. Sivke Helen (wid-Louis), saloon,h 3 Frank-<br />

Shye James, (col'd) horse trainer, h 311 lin.<br />

Maple.<br />

Sievre Zavier, machinist, h 347 Bronson.<br />

Sibbert Mary (wid Wm.) h 151 Antietam. Siewert Edward, clerk, bds 264 Brush.<br />

Sibbett Samuel D., physician, bds 250 Siemert Ernest, shoemaker, h 262 and 264<br />

Third.<br />

Brush.<br />

Sibley Charles, potter, h 593 Fort w. Siggins Elizabeth, (wid William) h 39<br />

Sibley Ehenezer S. h o 361 Jefferson ave. Church.<br />

Sibley Franklin. potte~ , h 593 Fort w. Siggins William, (Sigqins & Jamison) h 39<br />

Sibley Frederick B. (F. B. Sibley dZ Co.), Church.<br />

bds Biddle House.<br />

Si~gins & Jamison, (William Siggins and<br />

Sibley Frederick T., clerk, bds 361 Jeffer- balnuel Jamison) grocers, -137 Michigan<br />

son ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Sibley Louis, machinist, h 211 Elizabethe. Sigler Theodore, picture frame manf.<br />

Sil~ley F. B. & Co. (Frederick B. Sibley cSS 31 Atwater e, 11 33 Abbott, (See adv.)<br />

Charles H. Little), dealers in lime and Sigrn~nn Fred., cabinet maker, bds 301<br />

stone 340 Atwater e.<br />

Alfred.<br />



Simon Charles J., professor of music, h<br />

1 137 Elizabeth e.<br />

~imon avid, ~ankee notions, h 126<br />

B USINESS COLLEGE. I Mullett.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, 1 Simon Jacob, tanner, h 338 Lafayette.<br />

Simon Nicbolas, currier, h 499 Mullett.<br />

:r SEE PAGE 3. a<br />

Simon Peter, tanner, h 2?6 Maple.<br />

Simon Reinhold, bricklayer, h: 285 Eigh-<br />

Sigman Jno. J.,fhr cutter,h 74 Columbia m. teenth.<br />

Sigman Jacob F., lab, h 307,4lfred. Simon Sigmon, h 338 Randolph.<br />

Sigrist Louis, tailor, h s s Grove bet Rus- Simon Sigmon, millinery and fancy goods,<br />

sell anci Prospect.<br />

131 and 133 Michigan ave.<br />

Sihler Charles, carver, h 292 Montcalm e. Si~non Siegmund S., (Simon & Co.), h 34<br />

Sihler J. H. Louis, musician, h 197 Lafay- Adelaide.<br />

ette.<br />

Simon S. & Co. (Siegmund Simon and<br />

Sihler George B., musician, h 197 Lafayette. Henriett~ Jacobson), dry goods and no-<br />

Sikorsky Joseph, lab, h n s Bellair bet tions, 152 Woodward ave.<br />

Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Simonds George D., printer, h 75 Eliza-<br />

Silverman George, clerk, bds 220 Wood- beth e.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Simonds Sumner J., clerk, h 83 Mont-<br />

Silverman Jacob, cigar factory, 224 Jeffer- calm w.<br />

son ave, h 2'20 Woodward ave.<br />

Simons Abbott,tinsmith, 280 Michigan ave.<br />

Silberstein Joseph, cigar maker bds 234 Sirnms George, cutter, h Franklin nr<br />

Hastings.<br />

31cDougall we.<br />

Silliman Don D., moulder, bds 797 Con- Simonson D. G., clerk, bds 16 Montcalm w.<br />

gress e.<br />

Simons P. H., cooper, h 284 Micbiyan ave.<br />

Silke Charles, butcher, bds 158 Macomb. Simpson Adam, pipeman, engine No. 6, h<br />

Silkenstaedt Justus, cigar maker, h 256 n s Montcalm e bet Hastings and Pros-<br />

Brush.<br />

pect.<br />

Sill John M. B., Principal <strong>Detroit</strong> Female Simpson Andrew, lab., h 184 Abbott.<br />

Seminary, h 84 Fort w.<br />

Simpson Allus W., broker, omce 111 Jef-<br />

Silsbee James D., clerk, bds 115 ~iami'ave. ferson ave, room 53, bds Russell House.<br />

Silverman David, peddlar, h 259 Hastings. Siinpson Edward W., cabinet maker, h 90<br />

Silverstein Joseph, cigar maker, bds 834 Wilkins.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Simpson G. Robert, carpenter, h w s Third<br />

Silverstein K~lman, peddlar, h 4 Clinton. bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Silverthorn Gideon, carriage maker, 516 Simpson Isaac, clerk. Ids 18 Columbia e.<br />

Michigan ave, h 311 Sixteenth.<br />

Simpson James, conduct or, h 11 1 Howard.<br />

Simac Wachlom. lab, h Twenty-fourth and Simp9on Jabez, plasterer, bds 348 Lafay-<br />

N. C. R. R.<br />

ette ave.<br />

Simes John, fireman, bds 353 Larned e. Slmpson John F., saloon and boarding<br />

Simelton D., clerk, bds 84 Lrtfayette. house, 46 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Simmonds William, machinist, h 31 Na- Simpson William, clerk, bds cor Atmater<br />

tional ave.<br />

and Bates<br />

Simmons Alfred A., h 30 Madison ave. Simpson William H., (col'd) teamster, h<br />

Simmons Bridget, (wid Nicholas) peddlar, 381 Maple.<br />

274 Montcalm e.<br />

Simpson Lionel, traveling agent, bds 18<br />

Simmons Fred J. (Simm~ns, Clough & Columbia e.<br />

Co.), bds 46 Montcalm e.<br />

Simpson Mat thew, painter,, h 726 W~od-<br />

Simmons George B., clerk, bds 45 Con- bridge w.<br />

gress w.<br />

Sims Alexander A., c~nductor, h 140: Jones<br />

Simmons Geo., checker, h 143 Adams ave. Sime Peter, painter, bds 59 First.<br />

Simmons Mary A. (wid William), h 612 Sims William, (col'd) waiter Michigan Ex-<br />

Seventh.<br />

change.<br />

Simmons Walter, carpenter, bds 281<br />

Sinc Fridolin, shoemaker, h cor High and<br />

Russell.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Sinclair Alexander, grocery, 197 Park, .<br />

Simmons Solomon, clothing, 139 Jefferson h same. -<br />

ave, h same.<br />

' Sinclair James, lamp lighter, bds 453 Six-<br />

Simmons, Clough 6; Co. (Frederick J. teenth.<br />

Simmons, James E. Clouqh, Joseph A. Sinclair John, clerk, a e cor Irving and<br />

Warren and Jesse H. Farwell), manfrs. Sixth.<br />

cabinet organs, n e cor Congress and Sinclair Margaret, (wid Patrick,) h 453<br />

Sixth.<br />



Sinclair Peter, painter, h 606 Sixth.<br />

Sinclair Robert C., clerk, bds 197 Park.<br />

Sinclair Samuel B., traveling agent, bds 77<br />

~iGTr-chsrles, tinsmith, h 225 Whitney.<br />

Singer Manufacturing Co., sewinn<br />

machines. 70 Woodward ave and 151<br />

J eBerson ave.' (See acT0.)<br />

Singelyn Charles, (Posselius, Vanderpool<br />

& Co.,) h 412 Q-ratiot.<br />

Sink John E., builder, h 94 Brady.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

- -<br />

Sinkel N~tin, basket maker, bds 282 Gra- Skinner Louis M., clerk, h 54 Clinton.<br />

tiot.<br />

Skivington James, boat builcler, h 592<br />

Sinkel Michael, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Sinn Charles, blacksmith, 11 181 Twenty- Skoda Frank, distiller, h 231 Adanls ave e.<br />

first.<br />

Slackford Edward F., captain, h 50 Sibley.<br />

Sinsbizrgsf Conrad, milk man, h Twenty- Sladden T., engineer, Urania.<br />

fourth nr Railroad Crossing.<br />

Slade Ira, commission, 4 Russell House<br />

Sinz Joseph, painter, h 121 Clinton. Block, 55 Grand River ave.<br />

Sipler Edward, lab., bds 264 Franklin. Slater Anna (wid John,) h 31 Baker.<br />

Sirret William B., (R. Stafford $ Co.,) res Slater H. Murray, drayman for C. J.<br />

Buffalo. N. Y.<br />

Whitney & Co., bas 27 Monroe ave.<br />

Sisman Otto, engineer, h 591 Larned e. Siater James M., h 75 Adams ave w.<br />

Sit tig Judah, millinery and fancy goods, Slater John E., clerk, h 31 Baker.<br />

31 and 33 Michigan ave,h 136 Congress e. Slater Sylvester, barber, bds 218 Or-<br />

Sisauer George, tinsmith, h n s Morse bet leans.<br />

Prospect and Russell.<br />

Slater Thomas, lab, h 18 Benton.<br />

Sjostedt Anton, <strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Works, h 6 Slater William, J., h 108 National ave.<br />

Tuscola.<br />

Hlattery Dennis, lab, bds 1038 Nichigan<br />

Sjosted t Olof, painter, bds 6 Tuscola. ave.<br />

Skehan Edward, lab., bds 156 Franklin. Slattery Jeremiah, f~rgeman, h 193 Frank-<br />

Skehan James, engineer, h 213 Congress e. lin.<br />

Skehan Mary A., operator, bds 156 Frank- Slattery Jeremiah, lab, bds Grand River<br />

lin.<br />

ave, nr Fourteenth.<br />

Skehan Thomas, lab, h 156 Franklin. Slattery John, peddlar, Ir 1038 Jaichigan<br />

Skelding Samuel, conductor, M. C. R. R., we.<br />

h 402 Lafayette av6.<br />

Slattery John, farmer, h Grand River ave,<br />

Skelton James, gardner, h Prospect, n nr Fourteenth.<br />

Fremont.<br />

Slattery Michael, lab, bds Grand River ave,<br />

Skelton Jordan, gardener, bds Prospect, n nr Fourteenth.<br />

Fremon t.<br />

Slawson John, h 55 Adelaide.<br />

Skerritt John, clerk, bds 55 Washington Sleeper Daniel P., carpenter, h 6 Pston.<br />

ave.<br />

Sleets, Thomas W. (co17d), barber, bds cor<br />

Skibbo Cornelius F., shoemaker, h 97 Fort and Brubh.<br />

Twenty-second.<br />

Slemenn John, lab, h 79 Seventh.<br />

Skilling John, carpenter, h 304 Four- Sleven Andrew, machinist, bds 372 Conteenth.<br />

gress w.<br />

Skillman Isaac (col'd,) whitewasher, h 131 Sligh James M., Custom House, h 58<br />

Larned e.<br />

Howard.<br />

Skinner Beecher, printer, h 55 Geor e. Sliter John, engineer, h 178 Fourteenth.<br />

Skinner Charles, joiner, bds 434 %ood- Sliter Samuel, fireman N. C. R. R.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Sloan Ann N. (wid John), h 155 Adams<br />

Skinner Edmin A, paymaster M. C. R. R.,) ave e.<br />

h 114 St. Antoine.<br />

Sloan Bernard, forgeman, 'u 658 Franklin.<br />

Skinner Eugene C.,lawyer, 41 Seitz Block, Sloan Bernard, engineer, h 379 Franklin.<br />

h Bagg, cor Second.<br />

Sloan John A., captain Dove, bds 155<br />

Skinner Frances (wid Beecher,) h 65 Adams ave e.<br />

George.<br />

Sloan John W., porter, h 127 Sixteenth.<br />

Skinner Frederick F., clerk, h 158 Lafay- Sloan Mary A., h 127 Sixteenth.<br />

ette ave.<br />

Slocom C. &,bird dealer,iO C. H. M.,h 523<br />

Skinner Gratia (wid Dolphus,) bds n w Clinton ave. .<br />

cor Bagg and Second.<br />

Slocom James, baggageman M. C. R. R., h<br />

Skinner Henry W., clerk, bds 114 St. An- 230 Second.<br />

toine.<br />

Slocom Perry E., cutter, bds 82 Howard.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Sloman Mark, agent, h 159 Adams aye e.<br />

Slosson Charles C., upholsterer, bds Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Smale William, painter, h 191 Orleans.<br />

Small Frances (wid of Charles, h old 79<br />

Miama ave.<br />

Small Henry, clerk, bds 61 Larned e.<br />

Smalley Survalon W., picture store, h 88<br />

Locust.<br />

Smtillidge Frank, clerk, bds 86 Park.<br />

Smart Henry A., lab, bds Perkins Hotel.<br />

Smeaton Hen watchmaker, 189 Jefferson<br />

ave, bds St. ?2 awrence Hotel.<br />

Smeaton John, clerk, h 85 Second.<br />

Smedemer Rev. William, pastor Christian<br />

Church, h 501 Larned e.<br />

Smeller Louisa (wid Charles), washer-<br />

woman, h 129 Macomb.<br />

Smedtey Jackson (col'd), lab, h 284 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Smiley Delavan P. (Tarbell, Smiley 2% Co.),<br />

bds Russell House.<br />

Smile Joseph, baggageman, G. W. R. R.<br />

Snlit f saac ill., pawnbrober, 219 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Smit Joseph M., clothing, 38 Nichigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Smit Maurice H., h 5 Fort e.<br />

Smith Adelbert E., asst. freight agent,<br />

M. C. R. R., h 370 Howard.<br />

Smith Albert C., clerk, bds Howard<br />

House.<br />

Smith Alexander, insurance agent, h 78<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Smith Alexander, file cutter, h 443 Frank-<br />

-]in.<br />

Smith Alice (wid Stephen), h 854 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Smith Allen (col'd), carpenter, h s s Illi-<br />

nois bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Smith Allexina (wid Charles R.), h 361<br />

Dubois.<br />

Smith Ambrose C. (D. C. Buckland & Co.),<br />

h 38 Elizabeth e.<br />

Smith Amel W., h 530 Woodbridge w.<br />

Smith Ann (wid James), h 67 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Smith Ann B1. (wid E. John), seamstress, h<br />

49 Michigan are, up stairs.<br />

Smith hdrew, lab., 136 Franklin.<br />

Smith Archibald S. (col'd), barber, 306<br />

Atwater e, h same.<br />

Smith A. Harvey, physician and druggist,<br />

drug store 280 Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Smith Barbary (wid Henry), h 351 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Smith Barkley, miller, h 100 Beaubien.<br />

Smith Barney, lab., h 268 Abbott.<br />

Smith Benjamin (col'd), sailor, h St. Antoine,<br />

n Calhoun.<br />

Smith Bentley, storekeeper, <strong>Detroit</strong> Car<br />

Manutacturing Co., bds 98 Farrar.<br />

Smith Bradford, real estate, Bank Block,<br />

Griswold, h 180 Lafayette ave.<br />

Smith Catharine (wid James), h 125<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Smith Catharine (wid John), h 310 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Smith Catharine (wid Peter), washermoman,<br />

h 227 High.<br />

Smith Catharine (wid Patrick), h 108<br />

Fifth.<br />

Smith Charles, agent, bds Goodman I-Iouse.<br />

Smith Charles, carpenter, h 61 Wayne.<br />

Smith Charles, lab., h w s Eighth bet<br />

Fulton and Charles.<br />

Smith Charles, fireman, bds o 270 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Smith Charles, lab., h 17 Prospect.<br />

Smith Charles, horse shoer, bds Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Smith Charles, sr., moulder, h e s 3It. Elliott<br />

me, near cemetery.<br />

Smith Charles I\'., stove mounter, h 46 lilt.<br />

Elliott ave.<br />

Smith Charles, bds 156 Antoine.<br />

Smith Charles A. tinsmith, h 223 High e.<br />

Smith Charles C., machinist, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Smith Charles E., wood yard,cor Bates and<br />

Woodbridge, h 75 Beaubien.<br />

Smith Charles F., carpenter, bds 308 Mullett.<br />

Smith Charles G., car Suilder, h 308 Mullett.<br />

Smith Charles H., druggist, 504 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Smith Charles H. (Pingree & Smith), h 21<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Smith Charles M., porter in Russell House,<br />

h 83 Elmwood ave.<br />

Smith Charles T. (Stephen F. Smith & Co.),<br />

254 Lafayette ave.<br />

Smith Christens (wid Frederick), h 502<br />

F~rt e.<br />

Smith Mrs. C., millinery and fancy goods,<br />

253 Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Smith C. B., clerk, bds 527 Clinton ave.<br />

Smith Daniel, boiler cutter, h 816 Guoin.<br />

Smith Daniel, clerk, bds 261 Brush.<br />

Smith Daniel, carpenter, bds 353 Larned e.<br />

Smith Daniel, teamster J. E. Pithan.:<br />

[ Smith D. B., bds Russell House.


Smith ~arwin B., news depot, opposite M. We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

C. R. R. depot, h Lewis, bet Second and<br />

Manufactures to<br />

Third.<br />


Smith Daniel J., grocer,37'1 and 3'79 Grand<br />

River rtve, h 453 Seventh.<br />

Who will favor us by a call at our of3ce, 52 Rest<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Sinith Edward (col'd). cook, h 38 Clinton.<br />

Smith Edward J., with 3.. S. 3miih & Co., Parke, - Dav.2~ & Co.<br />

bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

See Adverti~ement, page 9.<br />

Smith Edmond (Smith & Son), h.75 Beaubien.<br />

Smith Gordon, street car conductor, h o<br />

Smith Ellen (wid Nathaniel), refresh- 472 Woodbridge e.<br />

ments. stall 7 2 G. H. M., h 40 Bates. Smith Gregory, shoemaker, bds 405 Bcau-<br />

Smith Emma J., teacher, bds '777 Jefferson bien.<br />

ave.<br />

Smith Hamilton E., physician, 50 La.fay-<br />

Smith Emma BI., teacher, bds 76 Mout- ette ave. h same.<br />

calm w.<br />

Smith ~arriis, lab, h 81 Elmwood ave.<br />

Smith Miss Emily, h 134 Montcalm e. Smith Henry, blacksmith, bds 21 Ger-<br />

Smith Elijah (Smith, Doolittle cPt Co ), h man.<br />

491 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith Henry, overseer highways, h 126<br />

Smith Elij ah, driver, bds 472 Woodbridge Larned w.<br />

east.<br />

Smith Henry, carpenter, h 64 Napoleon.<br />

Smith Elizabeth, tailoress, h 21 German. Smith Henry, peddlar, h 21 8 Third.<br />

Smith Ephram, carpenter, h 405 Beaubien. Smith Henry, Treasurer <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair<br />

Smith Eugene, blacksmith, 11 305 Third. Factory, h 160 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith Eugene, oculist and aurist, 3304 Jef- Smith He~lry (col'd,) porter, h cor Hasferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

tings and Calhoun.<br />

Smith E. Burnham (E. B. Smith & Co,,) Smith Henry, shoemaker, bds Jefferson<br />

bds 48 Stimson.<br />

ave, opp Biddle House.<br />

Smith Eugene A., painter, h 141 Na- Smith Henry, moulding preparer, bds 44<br />

poleon.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Smith Florence, lab (Sibley's lime kiln.) Smith Henry A., bds Peninsular House.<br />

Slnith Fmnk, clerk, bds 2'76 Congress e. Smith Henry, B., (col'd) (Barnurn's Wire<br />

Smith Miss Frank A., machine operator,55 Works) h 39 Center.<br />

Nichigan Grand ave.<br />

Smith Hiram H., Pres. <strong>Detroit</strong>, Lansing<br />

Srnith Frank A., clerk, bds 254 Lafayette. & Lake Michigan Railroad, h Jackson,<br />

Smith Frank C., clerk, bds 314 Wood- Mich.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Smith Hobart H., dentist, 169 Woodward<br />

Smith Frank G. (Id. S. Smith & Co.,) h 35 ave, bds 31 Sibley.<br />

Winder.<br />

Smith Homer, printer, bds Finney House.<br />

Smith Franklin F. J., painter, bds 65 Lar- Smith Horatio N., commission merchant<br />

ned e.<br />

with G. W. Balch, h 66 Montcalm e.<br />

Smith Frederick, shoemaker, h 405 Smith Hubbard, (<strong>Detroit</strong> Ironizing and<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Paving Co.), h 29 Elizabeth w.<br />

Smith Frederick, machinist, bds s w cor Smith Hugh, clerk, bds s e cor Jefferson<br />

St. Antoine and Larned.<br />

and Woodward aves.<br />

Smith George, billiard manufacturer, 69 Smith Hugh, lab., h IT3 Franklin.<br />

and 71 Ltlrned e, h same.<br />

Smith H. H. jr., D. & M. R.R.,bds Michigan<br />

Smith George (col'd,) blacksmith, h 287 Exchange.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Smith H. H. H. C., agt. for William V.<br />

Smith George, brakesmm, bds Franklin Crapo, 268 Atwater, h 789 Jefferson ave.<br />

House,<br />

Smith Jacob, packer, h 240 Montcalm e.<br />

Smith George, stove moulder, bds 146 Smith Jacob, tailor, h 112 Prospect.<br />

Chene.<br />

Smith Jacob, rocer, 133 Wllkins, h same.<br />

Smith George, tinware, 2 Porter, h same. Smith Jacob %., porter, h 425 Lafsyette.<br />

Smith George, telegraph operator, h 183<br />

Smith James, shoe maker, bds 374 Fort w.<br />

Chene.<br />

Smith James, captain, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

Smith George, brewer, h 40 Twentieth. change.<br />

Smith James (col'd) lab., h 294 Wilkins.<br />

Smith George B, alabaster works, Smith James, carpenter, h 476 Antletam.<br />

office foot First, h 327 Howard. Smith James, truckman, h 304 Woodward<br />

, Smith George O., clerk, bds 80 Seven- avenue.<br />

teenth.<br />

Smith James F., clerk, bds 162 Larned e.<br />

mith George XI. (E. 13: Smith & Co.,) h Smith James G., boarding house, h 78<br />

66 Stimsom.<br />



~~~~~S<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Smith James S., grocer, 314 Woodward<br />

ave, h 10 Adarns ave w.<br />

Smith Jane, (wid Charles) boarding house,<br />

89 Fifth.<br />

Smith Jane (wid James) h 153 Chene.<br />

Smith John, wagon maker, e s Third nr<br />

Michigan ave, h 196 Third.<br />

Smith John, clerk, bds 133 Third.<br />

Smitb John, carpenter, h 129 Dubois.<br />

Smith John, drayman, h 230 Porter.<br />

Smith John, grocer, 822 and 834 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Smith John jr., moulder, bds 678 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Smith John, lab., h 118 Narion.<br />

S.nith John, musician, h 253 Jefferson av.<br />

Smith John, shoemaker, bds 405 Beaubien.<br />

Smith John, (Dry Dock Engine Works,) h<br />

578 Lafayette.<br />

Smith John, helper, bds s e cor Franklin<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

Smith John, lab, h 99 Columbia w.<br />

Smith John, lab, h 225 Maria.<br />

Smith John, lab, e s Whiting nr Ash.<br />

Smith John, machinist, bds n e cor Larned<br />

Reaubien.<br />

Smith John, ship carpenter, h 313 Mullett,<br />

Smith John, stove moulder, h 722 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Smith John A., grocer, h 313 Cass ave.<br />

Smith John A., tinsmith, h 101 Sixth.<br />

Y mith John C., physician, h 182 Catharine.<br />

Smith John D., brewer, bds 577 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Smith John P., plasterer, h 521 Gratiot.<br />

Smith John T., agent, h 56 Montcalm w.<br />

Smith John T., teamster, h 12 Chase.<br />

Smith John V., (J. V. Smith & Co., h n e<br />

cor Third and Ledyard.<br />

Smith John W., painter, h 163 Beech.<br />

Smith John W., shoemaker, h 68 Henry.<br />

Smith John W., shoemaker, h 26'7 Fourth.<br />

Smith Joseph, grocer, 436 Grand River ave,<br />

h 142 Cherry.<br />

Smith Joseph, grocery, s w cor St. Antoine<br />

and Calhoun, h same.<br />

Smith Joseph, painter, bds 521 Gratiot,<br />

Smith Joseph, lab, 117 W oodbridge e.<br />

Bmith Joseph, shoemaker, 82 Grove.<br />

Smith Joseph G., shoemaker, bds 374 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Smith Joseph L., plasterer, bds 499 13eeu-<br />

bien.<br />

' Smith Joshua W., (Smith & Wood, h A1fred<br />

w John R.<br />

Smith Judin, painter, h 141 Napoleon.<br />

Smith Julius R. (Smith & Son,) bds<br />

352 Gratiot.<br />

Smith Laura M., (col'd) (wid Lewis) h 341<br />

Lafa ette.<br />

Smith 5 eman, checker, h 176 Fourteenth.<br />

Smith Lewis, porter, h Orchard bet Eighth<br />

and Ninth.<br />

Smith Miss Louisa, book canvasser, bds<br />

Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Smith Louis, lab, bds 48 Dequindre.<br />

Smith Louisa, teacher Fourth Ward<br />

school, bds 320 Fort e.<br />

Smith Louisa (mid William H.,) h 280<br />

Mich:g an ave.<br />

Smith Lucian A. (Burns & Smith,) h 410<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Smith Lyman B., agent, h 66 Elizabeth e.<br />

Smith 31 iss Margrate, h 134 Montcalm e.<br />

Smith Margeretha, dressmaker, h 152 Macomb.<br />

Smith Maria (wid John,) h 76 Moncalm w.<br />

Smith Martin, blacksmith (J. B. Baugh.)<br />

Smith Martiu S. (M. S. Smith (SL: CO.,) h<br />

74 Congress w,<br />

Smith Mary E., saloon, 167 Woodbridge<br />

W,<br />

Smith Mathew, finisher, bds 113 Fraaklin.<br />

Smith Mathew, lab, h 168 Seventh.<br />

Smith Milo A., cashier <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory,<br />

h 115 Howard.<br />

Smith Mortimer L., architect, rooms 8 and<br />

9 Telegraph Block, h Springwells, Iudima<br />

ave.<br />

Smith Niel M.,'painting, 143 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Smith Norman, clerk, bds 66 Randolph.<br />

Smith Oscar J., toll gate Grand River are,<br />

h same.<br />

Smith Patrick, teamster 31. C. R. R.<br />

Smith Peter, painter, h 165 Fort e.<br />

Smith Peter, huckster, stall 39 C. H. >I., h<br />

267 Park.<br />

Smith Peter, helper, h 432 Eighteenth.<br />

Smith Peter, fieman, No. 5 fire engine, h<br />

194 Na~oleon.<br />

Smith ~eier, bitter dealer,39 C.H.JI.,h 267<br />

Park.<br />

Smith Peter, lab, h 259 Labrosse.<br />

Smith Phillip, rag shop, h cor Ash and<br />

Mt. Hope ave.<br />

Smith Ralph C., real estate, Tele<br />

graph Block, Griswold, h e Woodward<br />

ave, opp Willis ave. (See a&.)<br />

Smith Robert, barber, bds cor Lamed and<br />

Randolph.<br />

Smidt Richard, butcher, bds cor Hastings<br />

and Franklin.<br />

Smith Robert (col'd,) oeok, h 161 Mul-<br />

1 let$.


SmithRobert G., nurseryman, h e s Set- I LOVERS of those DELlClOUS BIVALVES<br />

ond, nr Canfield ave.<br />


Smith Robert H., agent, bds Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Smith Robert P. (col'd,) mason, h 131 Ca- JUNE & CO.'S<br />

I herine.<br />

Smith :Samuel, grocer, 80 Seventeenth, h FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSE!<br />

same.<br />


Smith Samuel A,, baker, h 34 Randolph.<br />

WOystem in Shell<br />

Smith Sanford A., jeweller, 83 Grand<br />

a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Smith Sarah M., teacher Tappan Union,<br />

Smith William, lab., bds 12 Hastings.<br />

h 340 Third.<br />

Smith William, lab., bds o 16 Franklin.<br />

Smith Seth, h 443 Grand River ave. Smith William, mail carrier, 157 Franklin e<br />

Smith Sidney, clerk, bds 40 Fort e. Smith William, meat market, 157 and 159<br />

Smith Sidney D., teacher, h 94 Adams ave Woodbridge w, h same.<br />

west.<br />

Smith William, sailor, h 3.55 Brush.<br />

Smith Susan, (wid Eber) h 66 Montcalm Smith William. (Smith-& Maitland,) bds<br />

west.<br />

'700 Beaubien.<br />

Smith Susan, (wid John) h 86 Wilkins. Smith William G., clerk, h 136 Montcalrn e.<br />

Smith Stanley B., clerk, Berry Rrothers. Smith William K.,printer, bds 2'7 Beaubien.<br />

Smith Stephen F., (Stephen I?. Smith & Smith William H., porter P. O., B 7G Ma-<br />

Co.), h 21 Elizabeth w.<br />

comb me.<br />

Smith Stephen H., lab., h 190 Napoleon. Smith William H., engineer,:h 375 Clinton.<br />

Smith Steven, lab.. h 66 Spruce.<br />

Smith William L., clerk, h Orchard nr<br />

Smith Sylva, (wid Uriah P.,) h 391 Eighth.<br />

Twell th.<br />

Smith S. Elizabeth, seamstress, bds 140<br />

Smith William S., fruit dealer, 140 Grand<br />

River ave, h same.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Sunley Wesley T., clerk, 162 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith S. W. (Edmondson Spectacle Co.), Smith Wright D., engineer, h 97 S~xteenth.<br />

bds Biddle House.<br />

Smith W. Harry, clerk, h 76 S ibley.<br />

Smith Theohore L., wire worker, bds Smith W. R., waiter Biddle House.<br />

cor Russell and Croghan.<br />

Smith Xavier, engineer, h 410 Mullett.<br />

Smith Terrence, lab., h 44 First.<br />

Smith Mrs., (wid Nathan,) market stall,<br />

Smith Theodore, wireworker, bds 124 40 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Russel 1.<br />

Smith, Doolittle & Co., (Elijah Smith and<br />

Smith Thomas, drayman, h 194 Lsbrosse. George E. Doolittle. John<br />

Smith Thomas, stove moulder, bds 722<br />

H. Webster<br />

and Martin Preston,) wholesale liquors,<br />

Macomb.<br />

24 Woodward ave.<br />

Smith Thomas, painter, bds new 223 Con- Smith & Maitland, (William Smith and<br />

gress e.<br />

Daniel Maitland,) custom feed mills, 30<br />

Smith Thomas, journal of Commerce, bds Atwater e.<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

Smith 62 Son (Theodore W. :and Julius<br />

Smith Thomas, machinist, bds 59 Michi- R.,) wire-workers, 352 Gratiot.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Smith Thomas L., clerk, bds Mather Smith & Wood, (Joshua W. Smith<br />

Block.<br />

and Philander T. Wood,) furniture, 250,<br />

Smith Washington (col'd) porter,: h 151 252,254 Woodward ave.<br />

Croghan. -<br />

Smith Eo Be & CO., (E. Burnham<br />

Smith William, brickl%ryer, bds 7 99 First. Smith, Noah D. Lapham and George H.<br />

Smith William, butcher, bds 151 Wood- Smith,) booksellers and stationers, 116,<br />

bridge w. -<br />

1 18 Woodward ave,Russell House Block.<br />

Smith William, butcher, h 125 Twenty- (See adv.)<br />

first.<br />

Smith J. V. & Co., (John Smith and Henry<br />

Smith William, carpenter, h 229 Ca'houn. T. Bush,) architects, room 10 MerriU<br />

Smith William, carpenter, h 459 Second. Block.<br />

Smith William, currier. h 289 Montcalm e. Smith Me So & Coo, (Martin S. Smith<br />

Smith William, customs offlcer, bds 4 Frank G. Smith,) jewelry, cor Jefferson<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

and Wooaward ttves. (& dv. j<br />

Smith William, carver, bds n e car Chene Smith Stephen Fo & Coo, (Stepben<br />

and Croghan.<br />

I F. and Charles T. Smith,) boots and<br />

Smith William, lab., bds Cathanne s s nr shoes, 90 Woodward sve. (,%e ah.)<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Smithberg Peter, machinist, h 145 Con-<br />

Smii h Wiliiam, lab., 99 Franklin.<br />

gress e.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Ofice.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Snlithers Samuel H., street broker, h 31<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Smolk Abraham, livery, h 24 Adams ave w.<br />

Smolk Charles A., livery, 17 Lafayette ave,<br />

h 24 Adams ave w.<br />

Smokhart Gustave, blacksmith, h 515 St<br />

Au bin ave.<br />

Srnythe George V., secretary, h 75 Lewis.<br />

Smythe William M., clerk, h 80 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Snell Amanda M., nianfr. millinery goods,<br />

150 IVoodward ave, h 100 Adelaide.<br />

Snell Samuel C., plumber, 9 Fort e, h<br />

same.<br />

Snell William, clerk, bds 9 Fort e.<br />

Sneliing Maurice, confectioner, h 25 3Iont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Snoad George, checker, h 2CO Howard.<br />

Snod y Daniel. farmer, h 180 Lafayette.<br />

Snody John A., student, bds 180 Lafap-<br />

elk.<br />

Snook Samuel, carpenter, h 27 Sullivan<br />

ave.<br />

Snover George W., life insurance agent,<br />

156 Jefferson ave, h 282 Third.<br />

Snow David S., agent, bds 169 Elizabeth e.<br />

Snow Frank, wire weaver, bds 79 Miami<br />

rave.<br />

Snow Frank E., passenger agent, 151<br />

Jefferson ave, h 115 Abbott.<br />

Snow George, clerk, h 200 Howard.<br />

Snow Henry E. (Snow & Bolles), h 79<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Snow James, captain, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Snow Julia, millinery, bds 75 Beach.<br />

Snow Leonard P., bottomer, h 15 Beach.<br />

Snow Minnie, clerk, bds 75 Beach.<br />

Snow William, h 79 Miami ave.<br />

Snow Willis H., G. W. R. R. ticket offlce?<br />

cor Third and Jefferson aves, bds 45<br />

Abbott.<br />

Snow & Bolles (Henry E. Snow and<br />

John E. Bolles), wire goods, 62 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Snyder Hattie (wid Charles), tailoress, h<br />

301 Brush.<br />

Snyder Joseph, painter, bds 222 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Snyder M. W., painter, bds 3 Jefferson ave.<br />

Snyder William S., ship joiner, h 203<br />

Qratio t .<br />

Soanhart Henry, lab., h 331 St. Antoine.<br />

Boast Joseph, shoemaker, h 387 Bronson.<br />

Sobrea Angelo, lab., h s s E. L. Campau,<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Sobreo Josephine, tailoress, h s s E. L.<br />

Campau, bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Soelling Charles, tailor, bds 221 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

/ Soenen Levy, cooper, h 787 Jeffrnon ape.<br />

Soest Lorenz, lab., h 497 Gratiot.<br />

1 Soest Martin, cigar maker, bds 497 Gratiot.<br />

Sohn Aaron, peddlar, h 80 Catharine.<br />

I Sohn Jacob, cigitr maker, bds 80 Catharine.<br />

Solberg Ole, carpenter, h 151 Third.<br />

Soldiers' Home, Harper Hospital, Wood-<br />

ward ave n Brad y.<br />

Solger Charles P., cigar packer, h 265 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Solo Charles, sailor, h 58 Wayne.<br />

Solomon David, peddlsr, h 11 Fort e.<br />

Snloman Henry, second-hand clothing, 11<br />

Fort e, h same.<br />

Solomon Isaac, cigar maker, h 146 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Solomon Moritz, traveli~g agent, h 7<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Soloman William S., carpenter, bds 382<br />

Fort w.<br />

Solway Alexander, lab., h w s Twelfth nr<br />

Dickson.<br />

Sommer Anthony: blacksmith, h Michigan<br />

ave, bet Twenty-second and Twenty-<br />

third.<br />

Sommer August, lab., bds 147 Larned w.<br />

Sommer Mrs. Frances, h 94 Adams ave w.<br />

Sommer Bartholomeus, lab., h 656 Russell.<br />

Sommer Frank, lab., h 131 Antietam.<br />

Sommer Hermann, cabinet maker, h 136<br />

Catharine.<br />

Sommer Joseph, priuter, h cor Fort and<br />

$Hast incrs.<br />

Sommer julius, confectioner, 185 Croghan,<br />

h same.<br />

Sommers L. H., conductor 31. C. R. R.,<br />

bds Antisdel House.<br />

Sommers Norton, clerk, h 251 Brush.<br />

Sommers Frank F., carpenter and joiner,<br />

101 Lmned e, h 535 Beaubien.<br />

Sommerhof Peter, butcher, h 90 Catherine.<br />

Sommerville Wllliam, policeman, h 2 10<br />

Cherry.<br />

Sone Leo, cooper, bds 780 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sonner Frank, mason, 11 17 Chestnut.<br />

Sonnabend Frank, shoemaker, bds 470<br />

Marion.<br />

Sonnabend John, shoemaker, h 410 Marion.<br />

Sonntag Charles F., tailor, h 68 Harriett.<br />

Sopcr Utley H., clerk, bds 265 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Sopf Lenhardt, lab., h 201 Nineteenth.<br />

Sorg John, lab., h 75 dherman.<br />

Sorgat David, lab., h 324 Montcalm e.


I<br />

Sorrel1 George (col'd), plasterer, h 91<br />

Marion. I DRUGGISTS<br />

Sortman John, machinist, bds Brush bet Will find it to their advantage to call at our ofice<br />

Harriett and Beacon.<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />

Soules Nancy, dressmaker, h 66 Catharine.<br />

Soults James R., varnish maker, h 706 MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS.<br />

Lrtfage t t e.<br />

Parlce, Davis & Co.<br />

Southall James H., clerk, U. S. Lake Sur-<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

vey, bds 125 Cass.<br />

Southart1 Walter, moulder, bcls 275 Fourth. Sparling ~lTilliam H., student, bds 173<br />

Southee William W ., fruit and vegetables, Clifford.<br />

3 Abbott, h same.<br />

Spalh Ferdinand, carpenter, h 195 Benton.<br />

Southey Edward, baker, bds 103 Locust. Sprtulding Burr M., traveling agent, bds 30<br />

Southwick James P., policeman, h' w s Elizabeth w.<br />

Fourth bet Putnam and Gold.<br />

Spaulding Charles &I., sawyer, h 112 La-<br />

Southwick James P., blacksmith, h w s brosse.<br />

Fourth bet Putnam and Gold.<br />

Spaulding Dewitt C., time keeper <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Souzrt Miss Harriett (EI. and BI. Souza), h Locomotive Works, bds 52 Brainar d.<br />

330 Woodward ave.<br />

Spaulding Edmund, turner, h 577 Fort w.<br />

Souza Melanie (11. and M. Souza), h 320 Spaulding George, special agent Treasury-<br />

Woodward are.<br />

Department, Customs Building, h Kala-<br />

Souza Misses H. and 31. (Ixarriett and nlazoo Mich.<br />

Milanie), French einbroidery, 320 Wood- Spaulding George A., moulder, h e s Mt.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Elliott ave, bet Lafayette and Croghan.<br />

Soloden George, Clayton mills, 539 Spaulding Miles J., agent Illinois Leather<br />

Gratiot, h s s An tietam bet Riopelle and Co., h 511 Fort w.<br />

Orleans. (See advt.)<br />

Spauler Charles, lab., h 257 Chene.<br />

Sowden George, miller, h 451 Dequindre. Spaun Abr am, clerk Probate Court, bds<br />

Somcrsby Alfred J., saddler, bds 23 Antisdel House.<br />

Winder.<br />

Spaunberg Robert, teamster, h 183 Or-<br />

Sowersby Thomas, teamster, bds 23 leans.<br />

Winder.<br />

Spear John, porter, Cass Hotel.<br />

Sowersby William, h 23 Winder.<br />

Specht Ferdinand jr., sailor, bds 455<br />

Spaclden Andrew, cooper, bds 73 Fort e. Tl'oodbridge w.<br />

Spahr Charles, saloon, 58 Monroe ave, h Lpecht Ferdinand, captain, h 486 Woodsame.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Spsht Mary (wid Victor), h o 418 n 464 Specht Nargret, (wid Louis), h 524 Fort<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

W.<br />

Spnllar Charles, lab., h 257 Chene, S y eck, Henry, shoemaker, h 175 Macomb.<br />

Spangler Anthony, switchman, h 509 Speck Conrad, cutter, h 577 Clinton ave.<br />

Woodbriclge w.<br />

Speclcman Jacob, blacksmith, h 430 Fort e.<br />

Spangler Henry, cabinet maker, h 20 Speed Horace, clerk, bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Speed John J., lawyer, 124 Jefferson ave,<br />

Spsnn John, lab., bcls s w cor Rivard and h 69 Shelby.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Speirs Andrew D., lab., h 155 Thirteenth-<br />

Sparkhall Richard H., veterinary surgeon, and-a-half.<br />

bds 243 Larned e.<br />

Spelear Cuny, carpenter, h 514 Fort e,<br />

Sparks Alfred C., clerk, bds 53 Locust. Spence Harry, clerk, bds 262 Macomb.<br />

Sparks George W., composition roofing, Spence Thomas, traveling agent, h 328<br />

ofice 10 Merrill Block, h n 30 Park I Beaubien.<br />

Place.<br />

I Spencer Benjamin, (col'd) barber, b& 261<br />

Sparks Henry, clerk, h 344 Third.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Sparks Joseph, clerk, h 53 Locust. Spencer Edward, clerk, bds Goodman<br />

Sparks Joseph E., draughtsman, bds 53 House.<br />

Locust.<br />

Spencer Garry, h 64 Larned w.<br />

Sparks William IV., cooper, h 267 Fort e. Spencer George, teacher, h 209 Benton.<br />

Sparling Benjamin, deputy sheriff, h cor Spencer Harvey W., clerk, h 44 Nichigan<br />

Oak and Seventh.<br />

ave.<br />

Snarling Charles J.. clerk. bcls 173 Clifford. Spencer Isaac, (col'd) barber shop, 25<br />

$arlinz ~annah,' (wid' Joseph), h 173 Grand River ave, h 261 Clinton.<br />

Clifford<br />

Spencer James, traveling agent, bds Good-<br />

Sparling Joseph, clerk, bds 173 Clifford. man House.<br />

Sparling Walter, (George Peck & Co.), h Spengler Charles, saloon, IS9 Gratiot, h<br />

173 Clifford.<br />

same.<br />





BEE PAGE 39<br />

Spengler Henry, carpenter, bds 29 Clinton.<br />

Spenlien Adam, grocer, 575 Hastings, h<br />

same.<br />

Spenlien Henry, raq peddlar, h 108 Cal-<br />

houn.<br />

Sperry Enlline M. (wid Volney), h 180<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Sperry George, tailor, bds 180 Beaubien.<br />

Sperry George F., h 30 Fourth.<br />

Sperry Joseph, milk dealer, foot Third, h<br />

80 Fourth.<br />

Spey John, tailor, h 288 North.<br />

Spey Joseph, tailor, h 388 North.<br />

Spickett Thomas J., lab., bds 252 Second.<br />

Spiegel Frederick, musician, h 208 High.<br />

Splegel William, musician, bds 208 High.<br />

Sp~ekerman Herrman, lab., h 550 Orleans.<br />

Spiel Peter, sr., stone cutter, h 120 Napo-<br />

lean.<br />

Spitzley Jacob, carpenter, bds 181 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Spitzley Joseph, (Pip & Spitzley Bros.,) h<br />

55 Beacon.<br />

Spitzley -, blacksmith, h cor Elizabeth<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Spoetter William, carpenter, h 201 Mullett.<br />

Sprague Christopher C., millwright, h 525<br />

Guoin.<br />

Sprague Edward L., plumber, bds 260<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sprague George H., letter carrier, h 92 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Sprague Hannah, (wid Lawrence,) h 260<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sprague H. S., 37 Congress w., bds 253<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Sprague Laura, clerk, h 260 Fifth.<br />

Sprague Margurette H., (wid Thomas,) h<br />

253 Howard.<br />

Sprague &I. A., (wid George W.,) h 92 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Sprrt,gue Oscar F. Stewart, carpenter, bds<br />

1 253 Howard.<br />

1 Sprague Thomas S., presiclent Mechanics'<br />

and Inventors' Association, 37 Congress<br />

, w, h 253 Woodward ave.<br />

I Sprague William B., clerk, h 251 Seventh.<br />

Spiel Petrr jr., trirnmer,bds 120 Napoleon.<br />

S~ieles Mathias, lab., h 372 Catharine.<br />

Spranger Anton, lab., h 88 Mull~tt.<br />

S'bieles ath hew; carpenter, h 250 Joseph<br />

1 ~pran, aer G~orge, tanner, h 168 Mullett.<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Spranger Francis X., (F. X. & M. J.<br />

Spielmann John, grocer, h 516 Riopelle, h<br />

Spranger,) h 13 Miami ave.<br />

same.<br />

Spranger Michael J., (F. X. & M. J<br />

Spieis Andrew D., switchman, h 155 Thir- Sprhngt r,) h 12 Rlacomb.<br />

teen th-and-half.<br />

Spranger F. X, & M, J,, (Francis X-<br />

Spillane Daniel, blacksmith, bds 160 Frank- and Michael J.,) homceopathic physi-<br />

1 in.<br />

cians, 11 Miami ave.<br />

Spillane Helen E. (wid Morris), bds 94 Ab- Spreckley George, clerk, h 313 Twelfth.<br />

bott.<br />

Spreng Joseph sr., painter, 378 St. An-<br />

Spillane Jane (wid .Thomas), milliner, 363 toine, h same.<br />

r rand River ave, h same.<br />

Spreng P. Joseph jr., ruler, bds 378 St.<br />

Spillane James J., machinist, bds 363 Antoine.<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Sprenger John, (Sprenger Bros.), h n w<br />

Spilanne John S. S., guilder, bds 94 Ab- cor Sixth and Labrosse.<br />

bott.<br />

Sprenger James, sailor, h 778 Congress e.<br />

Spjlane John T., policeman, h 158 Porter.<br />

Spillane Patrick, clerk, h 30 Sproat. Spre~ger Joseph, (Sprenger Bros.), h 55<br />

Spindler Conrad, lab, h 515 Beaubien. Baker.<br />

Spindler George, lab., h 132 Macomb. Sprenger Michael, tanner, h 77 Jay.<br />

8pindler Marcus, painter, h 285 High e. Sprenger Bros., (Joseph and John) boiler<br />

Spindler Michael, lab, h 186 Hrtstings. shop, 538,540 and 542 Woodbridge w.<br />

Spindler Vit, shoemaker, 177 Macomb. Sprent William, bds Tremont House.<br />

Spinks John, teamster, bds 151 and 153 Sprich Barbara (wid Gustav) washerwo-<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

man, h 229 Columbia e.<br />

Spinning Daniel J., clerk, h 151 Gratiot. Spriggs James, gardener, bds 171 Eliza-<br />

Spinney A. B., physician, 15 Merrill Block. beth e.<br />

Spitz Simmon, peddlar, h 226 Columbia e. Spring George, engineer, h 46 Monroe nve.<br />

Spirzenpfeiler John, basket maker, h 271 Springer Ann M., (wid Conrad) h 70 Lab-<br />

Clinton.<br />

rosse.<br />

Spitzlein Peter, butcher, 90 Croghan, h Springer Barbara (wid William) h 291 St.<br />

same<br />

Antoine.<br />

Spitzhold Andreas, brewer, h 271 Clinton. Springer George, clerk, bds 277 Clinton.<br />

Spitzley Henry, (Pip & Spitzley Bros.,) h Springer Henry, stone cutter, h 28 1 St.<br />

181 Montcallu e.<br />


Springer Henry .4., atone cutter, bds 287 LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

St. Antoine. 1 SHOULD CALL AT<br />

Springer John, mason, h 19 Chestnut.<br />

Springer Joseph, h 96 Napoleon.<br />

Springer John, boiler maker, h 70 Lsbrosse.<br />

FcrIton Market Oyster House,<br />

Springrnann William, lab., h 25 Clay.<br />

Springsteen Lewis, carperter, bds 54 Co- 28 MICHIGAN GRAND AVE.<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Oyster8 in the Shell a specialty. Wholeeale<br />

and<br />

Spriugstsen Nancy M., (wid Jacob) bds<br />

Retad.<br />

93 Walnut.<br />

Stafford & Co., (Robert StafFord and<br />

Springateen Nelson E., agent, h 93 Walnut. William B. Sirret,) hatters and furriers,<br />

Springsteen Silas, carpenter, h 54 Colum- gg Woodward ave.<br />

bia w.<br />

Stagg Henry, lab., h 160 Twentieth.<br />

Springsteen ~illiam E., clerk, bds 54 CO- Stah1 Charles, lab., h 439 Mullet t-<br />

lumbia W.<br />

Shhl Frederick T., cigar store, Russell<br />

Sprinmteen William, (col'd) lab., h 42 HouseBlock, h 419 Lafayette e.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Stahl John, clerk, 419 Latayette e.<br />

Sproul Charles A*, plasterer, h 39 Colum- Stah1 Jacob, lab., h 517 Lafdyette.<br />

bia w.<br />

Stah1 Lewis, tobacconist, h 517 Lafayette<br />

Sproul Rol~ert, plumber, bds 60 Wayne. Stah1 William, engineer, h 517 Lnf~yette.<br />

Sproul James, teamster, 3. Clancy & Co. Stair John, confectioner, h 2'79 Clinton.<br />

Sproul William ?d., machinist, h 202 HOW- Stair John E , confectioner, bds 279 Glioard.<br />

ton.<br />

Sprunk Fred, Wagon maker, h 413 Baker. Skley Henry, captain, barge Spaulding.<br />

Spurwa George, plasterer, h 286 Park. Staley Nartin, cap tsin, schooner Ayr.<br />

Squair 5 obert, miller, h 102 Sixth. Stalder Gottfried, carpenter, bda 159<br />

Squier Roxanna, dressmaker, 120 Eizh- Bxarion.<br />

teenth, h same.<br />

Stalker Herbert W., foreman, h 181 Adams<br />

Squire John, shoemaker, 86 Abbott, h ave e.<br />

same.<br />

Stalker John, sailor, h s Elm bet Thir-<br />

Squires Charles D., carpenter, 11 108 Beau- teenth and Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

bien.<br />

Stallowsky William, lab., h 196 Maple.<br />

Stackpole James, drover, h 246 Fifth. Stamlan Frank, harness maker, h 503 St.<br />

Stackpole *John boiler maker, h 345 Sixth. Aubin ave,<br />

Stackpole Richard, lab, bds 123 Sixth. Stamm Benjamin F., grocery, 259 Second,<br />

Stackpole Richard, teamster, h 143 Plum. h 261 Second.<br />

Stackpole Martin, lab, h new 363 Hum- Stamm Charles, wagon maker, h 883 First.<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Stamm Robert, lab., h Washington bet<br />

Stade Frederick, clerk, bds 268 Sherman. Eighteenth and Nineteenth.<br />

Stsdler Christopher, restaurant, 65 Bates, Stamm Freeman, clerk, bds 261 Second.<br />

h same.<br />

Stanard James (col'd), lab., bds 96 Cat&<br />

Stadler Joseph, carpenter, bds 94 Pros- arine.<br />

pect.<br />

Standart George G. (G. G. Standart 2k (20 1,<br />

Stadler Joseph, cabinet maker, h 201 Ma- h 20 Howard.<br />

rion.<br />

Standart Henry W., h 97 Lnfayette ave.<br />

Stadler John B., detective metropolitan Standart Henry W. jr, (Standart Bros 1,<br />

police, h 432 St. Antoine.<br />

bds 91 Lafayette ave.<br />

Stadler Mathias, lab., h 96 Napoleon. Standart Joseph G. (Standart Bros.), h 20<br />

Stadler Michael, engineer, h cor Fifth and George.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Staodart Robert W. (Standart ~ros.), bd9<br />

Stadler Ulrich, carpenter, h 159 Marion. 97 Lafayette ave.<br />

Staffin Adam, lass stainer, bds 350 High. Standart William H., clerk, bds 239 Wootl-<br />

Stafen Peter (grederichs dt StaBin,) h 350 ward ave.<br />

High.<br />

Standart Bros. (Joseph G., H. W. jr, and<br />

Stafford James, lab., h 117 Harrison ave R. W. Standart), wholesale hardware,<br />

Stafford Leslie H., clerk, bds 37 Fremont. 78 Jefferson ave.<br />

Stafford Louis (col'd,) waiter Biddle Standart George Q. & Co. (George Gb<br />

House.<br />

Standart and George R. Watson), hard-<br />

Stafford Michael, lab.,h 271 Fifth.<br />

ware, 102 Woodward ave.<br />

Stafford M. (col'd,) waiter Russell House. Standboor August, lab., M. C. R. R.<br />

Stafford Patrick, lab., h 163 Seventh. Standish Bliss, clerk, bds 252 First.<br />

Stafford Robt. (R. Stafford & Co.,) h 364 Standish Fred D., clerk, bds 10 High.<br />

Jefferfion aye.<br />

, Standish Frederick D., clerk, bds 10 High.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Stnndish James D. (Standish & Co.), bds<br />

10 High.<br />

Standish John D. (Standish & Co.), h 10<br />

Hign.<br />

Standish Samuel J., clerk, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Standish & Co., (John D. and James<br />

D. Standish), packers, wholesale dealers<br />

in pork and wool, 38 Michigan Grand<br />

ave.<br />

Stange Charles, mason, h I1 Beacon.<br />

Stange Charles, Noni tor limekiln,<br />

570 Atwater, alderman of the Tenth<br />

Ward, h 959 Jefferson ave. (&e adv.)<br />

Stange Catharine (wid Henry), h 653 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Stange Edward, grocer, 106 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Stange Jacob, malster, h 405 St. Antoine.<br />

Staoge John, mason, h 777 Congress e.<br />

Stanger Daniel D., jobber, bds Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Stanley Alice (wid John JI.), h 4'2 Woodward<br />

avenue.<br />

Stanley Clarence B., insurance agent, office<br />

5 Bank block, bds A4ntisclel House.<br />

Stanley Louis, fireman, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Eschange,<br />

Stansell Hiram, commission, 3 Russell<br />

House block, h 69 Elizabeth m.<br />

Stansbury Miss Jennie, artist, room 23<br />

st~~dio building, cor Griswold and State,<br />

bds 4G Lafayette ave.<br />

Stansbury William K., traveler, h 102<br />

Larned e.<br />

Stanton Alexander Mrs., bds 219 Fort ~v.<br />

Stanton 31. M., clerk, bds Antisdel House.<br />

Stanton Stephen K., h 219 Fort w.<br />

Stapperfeune Henry, cabinet maker, h 11<br />

Chase.<br />

Staples Orin (William Phelps & Co.), h<br />

159 Congress w.<br />

Staples Sarah (wid Lyman J.), (L. J. Staples<br />

& Co.), h 424 Woodward ave.<br />

Staples L. J. cCt CO. (Mrs. L. J. Staples &<br />

C. W. Inslee), wholesale grocers, 89 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Stapleton Bridget (wid Patrick), h 211<br />

Sixth.<br />

Stapleton John, plaster, h 07 Cherry.<br />

Stapleton Michael, moulder, h 211 Sixth.<br />

Stapleton Simon J., painter, h 247 First.<br />

Stapleton William, plasterer,bds 97 Cherry.<br />

Stapleton William J., popshop, bds Ctlsv<br />

Hotel,<br />

Starck Otto, cigar factory, 232 Jeffer-<br />

son ave, h 185 Lafayette.<br />

Staring Mrs. H., Farrar, bds 207 Howard.<br />

Starng Jacob, cook, h 350 Croghan.<br />

Stark Edward, carpenter, bds 124 Russell.<br />

Stark George, machinist, h 279 Russell.<br />

Stark George (col'd), fireman, h alley, e<br />

John R bet Alfred and Adelaide.<br />

Stark Gottlieb, turner, h cor Rivard and<br />

Catharine.<br />

Stark Leonard (Stark cCs Co.), 11 74 Maple.<br />

Stark Robert (col'd), lab, bds 63 Adelaide.<br />

Stark William, machinist, h 91 Baker.<br />

Stark & Co. (Leonard cFs Jacob Zerbe),<br />

tailor shop, 20 EIawley block.<br />

Starkes James, carpenter, h 109 Beaubien.<br />

Starkey Henry, clerk, h 128 Gratiot.<br />

Starkloff Charles, saloon, 161 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Starks Robert, (col'd) barber, h 18 Beacon.<br />

Starks William H., gold pen manufacturer,<br />

bds Congress D r Grismold. -<br />

Starkweather C. C., policeman, h 8 Beach.<br />

Starkweather Perry, sailor, h 28 Blaconlb<br />

ave.<br />

Starnberger Valentine, lab., h 334 Watson.<br />

Starling Adolphus F., cutter, h 1 Palmer.<br />

Starling Adolphus F., heeler, bds 1 Palmer.<br />

Starling William P., cementer, bds 1 Pal-<br />

mer.<br />

Starling John G., printer, bcls 1 Palmer.<br />

Starrat James, (Ballard & Starrat,) h 46<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Starrs William, carpenter, bds 236 Porte;..<br />

Stassltr Jokob, meat market, 564 Michigan<br />

me, h same.<br />

Stattion James, engineer 31. C. R. R., bds<br />

261 Howard.<br />

Stauch Charles, tinsmith,*bds 254 Macomb,<br />

Stnuch George &I., Lake St. Clair Ice Co.,<br />

h 254 &lacomb.<br />

Stauch Louis, shoemaker, h 235 Croghan.<br />

Stauch Louis, shoemaker, h s s Atwater nr<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Stay Mary, (wid Zachre,) dress maker, h<br />

283 St. Antoine.<br />

Stay Joseph, broom maker, bds 183 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Stead John, drover, n e Thirteenth-and-ahalf<br />

bet Michigan ave and Locust.<br />

Stead Robert, gardener, h 674 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Stead William, h 241 Wood ward ave.<br />

Steadly John, lab., h 518 Woodbridge w.<br />

Steadly Martin, fireman, bds 518 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Steadly George, box maker, bds 518<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Steaf Edward, carpenter, h 366 Croghan.


Stearns Frederick, drug store, S9<br />

Woodward ave, h Lafayette ave cor<br />

Ninth.<br />

Stearns Howard F., clerk, bds 97 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Stearns Martin, bds 26 Fort e.<br />

Stearns Margaret, (wid Joseph A,,) h n m<br />

cor Seventh and Walnut<br />

Sterns Pauline, children and baby clothing,<br />

285 Jefferson zve, bds 71 Larned e.<br />

Stearns Sanluef S., agent, h 296 Wood-<br />

ward ave third floor.<br />

Stearns TVillard E., bds Brighton House.<br />

S tebens Willialu, blacksmith, bds 117 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Steber Frank, (Deja & Steber,) bds bet<br />

Twenty-second and Twenty-third, n s<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Stebbe Jacob, fireman, h cor Michigan<br />

ave and Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Stebbins Annie, (wid Henry,) h s s La-<br />

broase nr Tenth.<br />

Stebbins Engelhardt, picture frame maker,<br />

bds s s Labrosse nr Tenth.<br />

Stebbins Fraok, shoemaker, h 253 Orleans.<br />

Stebbius Giles B., bds 55 Washington ave.<br />

Stebbins Jason, farmer, h 601 Sixth.<br />

Stech Peter, iurrier, h 249 Lafayette.<br />

Steckel Balter, carpenter, h 96 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Steckel George L. R., catholic bookstore,<br />

454 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Steele Alfred, clerk bds 8 Madison<br />

ave.<br />

Steele Frederick, stone cutter, h 335 Mul-<br />

lett<br />

S teele A.? pine lands 11 2 Griswold, room<br />

2, up stuirs, h n s Fort w, bet Fourth<br />

and Fifth.<br />

Steele Edward, engineer, (Park, Davis &<br />

Co.,) bds Woodward ave.<br />

Steele Frank, actor, bds 65 Larned e.<br />

Steele Samuel H., painter and paper<br />

hanger, 58 State, h same.<br />

Steevens Sears, attorney, h 116 Cass.<br />

Stehlschmidt Casper, lab., h 116 Twen-<br />

tie th.<br />

Steffen Frederick, cabinet maker, bds 53<br />

Prospect.<br />

Steffes Joseph, car smith, h 67 Croghan.<br />

Steffes Peter, car smith, h 125 hlacomb.<br />

Stegmeier Frank, brewer, h 325 Hastings.<br />

Stegrneir William, carpenter, bds 385<br />

Hastings.<br />

Stegner Elizabeth, (wid Andrew,) h 2 Jay.<br />

Stegry Frank, carpenter, h s w cor Mc-<br />

Dougall ave and Catherine.<br />

Stehler John B., tailor, bds 22 Jay.<br />

Steibling Conrad, painter, h 18 Bronson.<br />

Steich Frederick, lab., h 232 Calhoun.<br />

Steier Otto, carpenter, bds 0 e cor Cath-<br />

arine and St. Antoine.<br />

Steiger Charles, cqonter, h 331 St. 'An-<br />

toine.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


0flce,52 W. Lamed St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Steiger Jacob, h 225 Columbia e.<br />

Steigler John, upholsterer, h 335 Catherine<br />

Stein Leon, clerk bds cor Cass and<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Steinbach Louis He, clerk, h 214<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Steinberg Daniel, currier, bds Clinton, n<br />

s nr Riopelle.<br />

Steinberg Isaac, peddlar, h 215 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Steinberg JohnJab., h 92 Jay.<br />

Steinbrecher Henry, drayman, h 315 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Steinbrecher Mary (wid John) h 180 Ad-<br />

ams ave e.<br />

Steinbrecher William, blacksmith, 653<br />

Fort w, h same.<br />

Steinburger Caspar, wiper, h 51 Maple.<br />

Steiner Frank, tinsmith, bds 821 Marion.<br />

Steiner George, agent, bds 80 Front.<br />

Steiner Henry, saloon, 959 Jefferson ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Steiner John, saloon, 22 Franklin, h same.<br />

Steiner John, jr., brewer, bds 327 Marion.<br />

Steiner John, sr., mmon, h 32'7i&Iarion.<br />

S teiner John F., (Eruger, Zeach & Co.,)<br />

h 357 Sixteenth.<br />

Steiner Joseph, lab., bds 959 ~efferson ave.<br />

Steiner Joseph (Steiner & Holler) h 63 At-<br />

water.<br />

Steiner Ivlichael, pile driver, btis 989 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Steiner Peter (Kramer & Steiner) h 2 84<br />

Lafayette. '<br />

Steiner & Holler (Joseph Steiner and John<br />

Holler) saloon 63 Atwater e.<br />

Steinhaiser John W., teamster, In 89 Brady.<br />

Steinhauser Martin, painter, h 497 Rail<br />

Road.<br />

Steinhauer John, lab., h 306 Alfred.<br />

1 Steinheiser Elizabeth (wid William) h 215<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Steinheur Conrad, shoemaker, h 233 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Steinmann Edward, dyer, h 206 Maple.<br />

Steinmetz Anthon, moulder, h 293 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Steinmetz Barbara: Miss, b& 464 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Steinke Herman, tinsmith, bds n e cor<br />

Larned and Second.<br />

Steinworth John, shoemaker, h 519 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Stejskal Charles, grocer, 310 Gratiot, bds<br />

52 Michigan ave.


SENT FREE,<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Stejak a1 Frank, merchant tailor, 52 Mich-<br />

igan ave, h same.<br />

Stejskwl Joseph, jr, cabinet maker, bds 52<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Stejskal Joseph, tailor, bds 52 Michigan<br />

avenue.<br />

Stellberger Christian, grocer, 272 ~iatiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Steller August, lab, h 343 BIontcalm e.<br />

Stelt Martin, carpenter, h 360 Dubois. .<br />

Stelltmrtn Jacob, tailor, h w s Humboldt,<br />

coy Butternut.<br />

Stellwagen Michael, mason, h 507 Cath-<br />

erine.<br />

Stendel Anna, Yankee notions, stall 4 U.<br />

C. H. M., h 193 Lafayette.<br />

Stendel Angust, clerk, bds 193 Latayette.<br />

Stendel Henry, h 193 Latayette.<br />

Stendel Louis, clerk, h 193 Lafayette.<br />

Stendel William, h 319 Antietam.<br />

Stender George, clerk, bds 211 Cass.<br />

Stender Thomas, sailor, h 587 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Stengay John, teamster, h 126 Twen-<br />

. tieth.<br />

Stenalein Michael, teamster, h 624<br />

Seventh.<br />

Stenken William, painter bds 65 Atwa-<br />

ter.<br />

Stenz Lebrecht, butcher, bds n e cor Has-<br />

tings and Ivlullett.<br />

Stenton Ann (wid Francis,) h 222 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Stenton Fred 9. hats and caps, 184 Jeffer-<br />

son ave, h Springwells.<br />

Stenton Goff, meat market, 747:JefTerson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Stenton Henry H., sailor, bds 275 BIichi-<br />

gan sve.<br />

Stenton John, grocer 932 Jefferson ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Stephen Alexander D., carpenter, h 292<br />

Thirteeth-and-a-halt<br />

Stephen Frederick, cabinet maker, bds 63<br />

Prospect.<br />

Stephen Michael, teamster (Sibley's lime<br />

kiln).<br />

S tephena Alexander W., sailor. bds 68<br />

Larned e.<br />

Stephens Charlotte (wid Jonathan T. ,) h<br />

631 Caw ave.<br />

Stephens George, printer, h 70 Porter.<br />

Stephens Halsey L., clerk, bds 631 Cass<br />

We.<br />

Stephens Jacob, lab, h 213 Nine teen th.<br />

Stephens John (John .Stephens (& Co.,) h<br />

177 Fort w.<br />

Stephens John E. clerk, bds 1'77 Fort w.<br />

Stephens Miss Lucy, teacher bds 631 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Stephens Roe (Whitternore, Swan dZ Ste-<br />

phens), h 217 Congress e.<br />

Stephens & Co (John Stephens & Robert<br />

A. Little), wholesale grocers and com-<br />

mission merchants, 45,4ii and 49 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Stephenson David, clerk Central Hotel.<br />

Sephenson Eli L., overseer House of Cor-<br />

rection, bds same.<br />

Stephenson John, blacksmith J. B. Baugh,<br />

Stephenson William, carriage maker, h<br />

483 Macomb.<br />

Stephenson William, carriage maker, h<br />

Lafayette, bet Hastings and St. Antoiue.<br />

Steptoe Charles, painter, h cor Michigan<br />

ave and Fifteenth.<br />

Steptoe. William. conductor. h 211 Fifth.<br />

~teilin~ Alva, cirpenter, h' Myrtle, near<br />

Twelfth. - . - - - --<br />

Sterling Edward A,, telegrapher, bds 797<br />

Fort w.<br />

Sterling Frank,carpenter,h cor Nyrtle and<br />

Tweltth n w.<br />

Sterling Jesse, grocer, 79'7 Fort w, h same.<br />

Stern Abraham, fancy store, 441 St Antoine,<br />

h same.<br />

Stern Christine (wid Anton), h 123 Antietam.<br />

Sternberg Daniel, lab., bds 291 Clinton.<br />

Sternburger Caspar, lab, bds 51 Maple.<br />

Stetson Sarah (wid Turner), h 61 Second.<br />

Stetter Francis, machinist, h 554 Eighteen<br />

th.<br />

Stevens Amos, tailor, h 1 Paton.<br />

Stevens Alexander, sail maker, bds 6s<br />

Larned e.<br />

Stevens Alesecder D., carpenter, h 292<br />

Thirteen th-and-a-half.<br />

Stevens Barbrra (wid Antoine), dyer, 158<br />

Fort e, h same.<br />

Stevens Clark (J. F. Lobdell cG Co.), h 158<br />

St. Aubin aye.<br />

Stevens Charles, engineer, bds 184 Lafayette.<br />

Stevens Charles, lab., h Holden road, nr R.<br />

R. crossing.<br />

Stevens Charles, machinist, h 129 Bronson.<br />

Stevens Charles D., insurance office,<br />

1 Merrill block, h 320 Cass ave.<br />

Stevens Charles H., shoemaker, 78 Henry.<br />

Stevens Charles L., clerk, bds 163 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Stevens Edward P., cutter, bds 269 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Stevens Edward S., cutter, h 269 Jefferson<br />

avenue.<br />

Stevens Francee (wid Nelson H.), h 98<br />

Larned e.


Stevena Frank M., machinist, bds 234 Con- ] LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

gress e.<br />

Stevens Frank M., shoemaker, bds 78<br />

Henry.<br />

Stevens Frank P., policeman, h 204 Eighteenth.<br />

Stevens Frederick J., clerk, h 42 Sibley.<br />

Stevens George R., (Mdrcns, Stevena &<br />

Co.), bds 154 Lafayette ave.<br />

Stevens Herbert E., chair maker, bds 161<br />

Abbott.<br />

Stevens Hiram, chair maker, h 161 Abbott.<br />

Stevens James, carpenter, h 34 German.<br />

Stevens James O., (D. C. Buchland & Co.),<br />

h 12 Marion.<br />

Stevens James F., trav. agent, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Stevens John, engineer, h 184 Lafayette.<br />

Stevens John, car trimmer, h 77 Adelaide.<br />

Stevens John M., clerk, h 171 Henry.<br />

Stevens Lemire C., (wid William) h 378<br />

Sixth.<br />

Stevens Miss Lucy, principal, Irving<br />

School, bds cor Cass are and Brainard.<br />

Stevens Narcus (Marcus Stevens & Co.), h<br />

154 Laiayette ave.<br />

Stevens Mark B., with Rich. H., Fyfe, bds<br />

77 Adelaide.<br />

Stevens Martin, carpenter, h 147 Chestnut.<br />

Stevens Marx, mouider, h 177 Riopelle.<br />

Stevens Nicholas P., lab., h 195 Congress e.<br />

Stevens Robert R., carpenter, h 281 Third.<br />




gS%r Oyster8 in Shell a specialty. Wholeeale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Stewart Duncan, (J. L. Hurd & Co.), h 264<br />

Fort w.<br />

Stewart Mrs. Fanny A., clerk, h 49 Orchard.<br />

Stewart Henry, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

.Stewart Homer V., clerk, bds 78 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Stewart Horatio C., traveler, h o 1'70 n 236<br />

Second.<br />

Stewart Hugh D., clerk, h 60 Butternut.<br />

Stewart Isaac, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Stewart James, brass founder, bds 362<br />

Clinton<br />

Stewart James, capt. U. S. A., h 142 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Steward James, joiner, bds 50 National<br />

we<br />

Stewart James, seaman, h 2002 Fifth.<br />

Stewart James E., musician, h 39<br />

Ma comb.<br />

Stewart John, h 189 Congress w.<br />

Stewart John, fireman, bds 78. Wavne.<br />

Stevens Washington >I., foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> Stewart John, apprentice, bds 38 Harriso<br />

Chair Factory, h 75 Beach.<br />

ave.<br />

Stevens William H.. (Parke, Davis & Co.), Stewart John, (col'd) barber, h 162 Rush<br />

52 Adarns ave w.<br />

sell.<br />

Stevens Marcus & Co., (Marcus Stewart John, tanner, h 99 Nineteenth.<br />

Stevens, George Stevens and Johrl Lut- Stewart Joseph, lab., bds Tremont e Beauman),<br />

furniture, 15 and 17 Monroe ave. lien.<br />

(See c~dat.)<br />

Stewart Michael, clerk, bds 63 Atwater e.<br />

Stevenson Annie Mrs., h 86 Locust. Steward Morse, physician, 440 Jefferson<br />

Stevenson George E., (George B. Kelley ave.<br />

& Co.). h 95 Adams ave e.<br />

Steward Morse, jr., student, bda 440 Jeffer-<br />

Stevenson Isiah, mason, h 164 Firat. son ave.<br />

Stevenson James H., mason, h s w cor Or- Stewart Peter, physician, 57 Lafayette ave<br />

chard and Eighth.<br />

h same.<br />

Stevenson John, blacksmith, bds n w cor Stewart Robert, clerk, h 114 Miam ave.<br />

Cass ave and Adams ave w.<br />

Stewart R. S., bds Biddle House.<br />

Stevenson John, clerk, bds 33 Center. Stewart $;muel S., express messenger, h<br />

Stewart Albert, printer, h 201 Fifth.<br />

460 Tbira.<br />

Stewart ,4lbert, caprain steamer Keewee- Stewart Susan, (mid David,) h 185 Connaw,<br />

h 31 Elizabeth w.<br />

gress w.<br />

Stewart Alexander, ship carpenter, bds Stewart William, carpenter, h 280 Four-<br />

780 Woodbridge w.<br />

teen t h.<br />

Stewart Andrew, engineer, bds 31 Gris- Stewart IVillinm, clerk, h 78 Catha-<br />

\void.<br />

rine.<br />

Stewart Andrew, plumber, bds 262 MR- Stewart William, clere, h 373 Ninth ave.<br />

comb.<br />

Stewart Willianl, painter, bds 945 Michi-<br />

Stewart Barbara, (wid Henry) h 166 Sec- gan ave.<br />

ond.<br />

Stewart William, teamster, First.<br />

Stewart Bezaleer (cold) barber, h s w cor Stewart William, ship owner, h 166 La-<br />

Fort and Brush.<br />

favette ave.<br />

Stewart Charles F., clerk, bds 410 Lafay- 1 Stewart William A., blacksmith, h 53 Deette<br />

ave.<br />

troi t.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

-<br />

Stewart Willialn G., broom mal bds 258<br />

Gratiot.<br />

stieving Bras- (Max, and<br />

saloon, 258 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Stiner John, sailor, bds 108 Woodbridge w.<br />

S:iner Wi111am7 bds 394 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Stiff Erastus (Hirst tb Stiff), res Clarka-<br />

town, Mich.<br />

Stiles Mrs. Ellen R. (mid William B.), 79<br />

Lnrned e.<br />

Stilson Harry, traveling agent, bds 34<br />

Macomh<br />

Stillwell Mary (wid Smith), h 126.Sixth.<br />

Stimel Jolln w., harness maker, h 62<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Stimson&Irs. Cordelia (wid Benjamin G.),<br />

n e cor Stirnson and Woodward ave.<br />

Stimson George, cond~ct~or, h 113 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Stinchcomb Frederick R., carpenter, bds<br />

Perkins' Hotel.<br />

-<br />

Stinehiser Henry, lab., h 647 Beaubien.<br />

Stirling Archibald, checker, h 257 Porter.<br />

Stirling Frank, carpenter, h m s Twelfth<br />

nr BIyrtle.<br />

Stirling Freind, carpenter, h w s Twelfth<br />

nr Myrtle.<br />

Stirling John, clerk, h 11 Abbott.<br />

Stirling John jr, clerk, bds 11 Abbott.<br />

Stirling w., fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Stirling Mary (wid James), saloon, 434<br />

Woocibridce w.<br />

Stoar John, carpenter, h 430 Croghan.<br />

Stobbe Jacob, lab., h e s Huron, bet. Wal-<br />

nut and Canfield.<br />

Stocker Adam, buicher, h 236 Marion.<br />

Stocker Jolm, butcher, bds 369 itussell.<br />

Stocker John, butcher, h 167 Fort e.<br />

Stocker William, butcher, 369 Itussell, h<br />

same.<br />

Stockham William J., lulnher merchant,<br />

434 Grand River ave, h 472 same.<br />

stockin William, editor <strong>Detroit</strong> post, h<br />

143 Elizabeth e.<br />

Stockman Alois, druggist, 151 Randolph,<br />

h same.<br />

Stockman Frederick, lab., h 372 Catharine.<br />

Stockwell Isaac, teamster, h 243 Ri~pclle.<br />

stockwell J~~~ shoemaker, bds Fin-<br />

ney,s hotel.<br />

Stockwell Peter, carpenter, h 512 Fort e.<br />

Stockwell Warren, clerk, bds Perkins'<br />

hotel.<br />

stcndard averill chair maker, 381<br />

North.<br />

Stoddard D., brakesman, &I, C. R. R.,<br />

Stoddard Nathan A.. clerk, h 28 Lafityette<br />

Stoddard Edward W., (Coulson, Fisher &j<br />

Stoddard,) h 208 Griswold.<br />

Stoddard Oscar, agency, bds 284 Third.<br />

Stoddard Putmsn, agent, bets 284 Third.<br />

Stoddard William F., carpenter, h 153<br />

Chene.<br />

Stoehr John, cabinet maker, h 450 Croghan.<br />

StoeDel Frederick, clerk, bds 23 Caml,hell.<br />

Stoepel William, carpenter, h 23 Campbell.<br />

Stoepel William C., clerk,bds 23 Campbell.<br />

Stoetley John, cabinet maker, h Orleans,<br />

bet Croghan and Macomb.<br />

Stoffel August J., grocer, 371 Russell.<br />

stoffel A~~~~~ J., grocer, clay.<br />

Stohr George, machinist, bds 114 Twclf th.<br />

Stokes Caroline, (wid Fen. A.,) h 41 Adelaide.<br />

Stokes Francis M., agent, h 378 Twelfth.<br />

Stokes John, policeman, h 69 Sproat.<br />

Stokes, peter. lab., h 203 ~atharine.<br />

St~kes Robert, (col'd,) cook, h 406 ~a~le.<br />

Stokes William D., ( col'd,) lab., h Grove.<br />

nr Hastings.<br />

Stoll Albert, cigar maker, bds 80 Nacomb.<br />

Stoll Andrew, lab., bds 79 Macomb.


Stoll John, lab., h n w cor Riupelle and<br />

Pierce. I Parke, Davis & CO.,<br />

Stoll Julius, notary public, 185 Randolph, 52 west Larned St.,<br />

h 80 Macomb,<br />

Stoll Julius H., insurance agent, bds n e FLUID ANJ) 80LIJ) EXTRbCTS,<br />


cor Jefferson ave and Beaubien.<br />


Stollcr Wenzel, tanner, h 148 Lafayette.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Stolle Doris (wid Frederick,) h n s Frank,<br />

bet Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Storm Magdalena (wid John), huckster,<br />

Stolt Henry, carpenter, h 424 Whiting. stall 30 C. H. &I., h 205 Lafayette.<br />

Stoltz Mathias, teacher, h 80 Jay.<br />

Storm Stephen, huckster, stall 24 C. H. M.,<br />

Stommel Herman, saloon, 293 St. Antoine, h 207 Lafayette.<br />

h same.<br />

Storm Theodore, trunk maker, h 445 Beau-<br />

Stone Amos, Yankee notions, stall 5 U. bien.<br />

C. H. &I., h 142 Harrison ave.<br />

Storm Nicholas, trunk maker, bds Michigan<br />

Stone Benjamin, baths, 80 and 82 Wayne, ave, nr Sixteenth.<br />

h same.<br />

S corms Margarette, washerwoman, h 138<br />

Stone Chas. (Timber Co.,) W. Livingstone Grand River ave.<br />

Sec. & Treas., office dock foot, Ran- Stortz John, cabinet maker, h 360 St. Audolph.<br />

bin nve.<br />

Stone Charles H., shoemaker, bds 66 Lar- Stortz John, barber, h 286 Gratiot.<br />

ned w.<br />

Story Albert, BrIachinist, h 117 Harrison<br />

Stone C. L., shoemaker, bds 66 Larned w. avenue.<br />

Stone Edson, cigar~naker, h 504 Sixth. Story Catharine (wid Daniel), o 50 n 53<br />

Stone Francis M., clerk, h 295 Lafayette Miami ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Story John, bds o 50 n 73 Miami ave.<br />

Stone George, clerk, h ,167 Macomb. Story Joseph, huckster, stall 7 C. H. BI., h<br />

Stone Harriet (wid William G.,) h 19 13 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Sibley.<br />

Story Sarah (wid Joseph), washerwoma.n,<br />

Stone Henry, painter, bds 85 Congress e. h 169 Clinton.<br />

Stone Haratio R. (Stone & Lambie,) h n Stlory William H., machinist, h 98 Wood-<br />

TV cor Lafayette and Thirteenth.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Stoner Joshua, carpenter, h 81 Pitcher. S toten Charles, clerk, bds 41 Congress m.<br />

Stone J. William, clerk, bds 19 Sibley. Stouedick Henry, lab, h 1'71 Division.<br />

Stone Morice, hair-dresser, 373 Grwtiot, h Stoudei Paul, potter, bds s m cor Ninth<br />

same.<br />

and Walnut.<br />

Stone Samuel, clerk, bds 212 Woodward. Stouder ~ominick, saloon, 64 Randolph, h<br />

Stone Wm., lab, 272 Franklin.<br />

same.<br />

Stone c!! Lambie (Horatio R. Stone and Stouder Peter, stone cutter,h Gratiot road,<br />

.John Lambie,) wool pullers and moroc- 'nr toll gate.<br />

co manufacturers. 699 Woodbridge w. Stoughton Charles O., clerk, bds 41 Con-<br />

Stonier John, cashier G. W. R. R. freight gress w.<br />

office, h 162 Twelfth.<br />

Stoutenburgh John B., clerk, h 132 Park.<br />

Stoner Joshua, cnrpenter,h s s Pitcher, bet Stover Henry, lab., h 2$9 Sixteenth.<br />

Second and Third.<br />

Stover Joshua, carpenter, h 81 Pitcher.<br />

Stoner Nicholas B., moulder, h 223 Six- Stowe Charles H., night watchman,Biddle<br />

teen th.<br />

House, Jefferson ave.<br />

Stonehouse, Willis, blacksmith, bds n e Stowe Arthur E., clerk, bds 28 Macomb<br />

cor Ledyard and Third.<br />

avenue.<br />

Stoners Peter, lab, h 335 Twenty-second. Stowe Charles H. P., clerk, bds 34'7 How-<br />

Stool Albelt, cigarmaker, h 81 Croghan. . ard.<br />

Stool John, tailor, h 924 Fifteenth. Stowe Edward C., artist, h 50 Cbarlotte.<br />

Stooke John, policeman, h 69 Sproat. Stow Edward C., painter, e s Cass, nr cor<br />

Stoors George, carpenter (Candler Bros.), Putnam ave.<br />

Stork Bernard, lab., h 102 Jay.<br />

Stow Henry, wood worker,'bds Cass ave,.<br />

Stork Henry, teamster, hds s w cor Gratiot opposite Fremont.<br />

and Aubin ave.<br />

Stowe Lyman E., cabinet maker, h 191<br />

Stork Jacob, saloon, 247 C . ~lumbia, h Ben ton.<br />

same.<br />

Stow Salem, teamster, h cor Grand River<br />

Stork John, marble cutter, h 129 Elm- ave and Sixteenth.<br />

wood ave.<br />

Stowell Alexander H., custom house,h 255<br />

Stork John J.,;confectioner 129 Elmmood First.<br />

ave, h mme.<br />

Storell Charles T., clerk, bas Perkins'<br />

Stork Paul, mason, h 869 Catharine. Hotel.<br />



mAYmaw<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

: SEE PAGE 3.<br />

Strachan James H., clerk, bds 136<br />

Howard.<br />

Strachan John, secretary and tre~surer<br />

Eagle Transportation, h 136 Howard.<br />

Strackbein Henry, carpenter, h 100 Maple.<br />

Stracke Anton, cigar maker, bds 242 Al-<br />

fred.<br />

Stracke Eva, (wid Caspar,) h 242 Alfred.<br />

Strange Mary (wid Henry,) h 466 Sixth.<br />

Strassburg Herman, Prof. of music, h 286<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Strassburg William, lab., h 3.70 Maple.<br />

Strasburg Wilhelm, lab., h 494 Catharine.<br />

Straasburg Mrilliam, cigar maker, h 181<br />

Brush.<br />

Stratton Jane, (wid George,) h 88 Howard.<br />

Stratton Frederick, picture frame maker,<br />

bds 88 Howard.<br />

Straub Bartholomew, stone cutter, h 186<br />

Marion.<br />

Strab George, carpenter, h n w cor :Hast-<br />

ings and Indiana.<br />

Straub John, carpenter, h 364 Chene.<br />

Strauss Charles, cigar maker, bds 225 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

S trauss Frederick, saloon, 2,25 Russell, h<br />

same.<br />

Strau William, carpenter, h 395 Clinton.<br />

Streckfues Max, butcher, bds 39 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Stredder James, lab., bds 87 Second.<br />

Streeter Emmet, clerk, bds 15 Prospect.<br />

Streeter William H., mason, bds 15 Proe-<br />

pect.<br />

Streeter William L., clerk, h 15 Prospect.<br />

Strehlhe Ferdinand, carpenter, h 339 High.<br />

Strehlor Ernst, lab., h 37'7 North.<br />

Stre bler Phillip, engineer, h 157 Marion.<br />

Strieber, Louis, shoemaker, bds 80 Front.<br />

Streicker, Gottlieb, blacksmith, h 8 Hum-<br />

boldt rsve.<br />

Streiker John, blacksmith, b 188 Sherman.<br />

Strelinger Charles. clerk, bds 113 Bates.<br />

Strelinger George, clerk, bds 118 Bates.<br />

Btreluger Julien, saloon, 113 Bates, h same.<br />

Strezziere Anthony, lab., h 446 North.<br />

Strelke Ferdinand, cabinet maker, bds 581<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Strengson Christian, h 158 St.' Antoine.<br />

Strengson Gustave, jeweler, 158 St. An-<br />

toine, h same.<br />

Stricker Albert, blacksmith, h 188 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Stricker Gottlieb, blacksmith, h 8 Hum-<br />

- boldt aye.<br />

I Stricker Nartin, butcher, 144 Russell, h<br />

1 ~t:i"z; William, painter, bds cor Ran-<br />

I dolph and Congress.<br />

Strickland - , painter, bds 265 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Stridiron James S., secretary Fort St. and<br />

Elmwood Railway, h 588 Fort w.<br />

, Stridiron William, trav. agent, h 233 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Striker William, painter, bds 116+ Randolph.<br />

Strinad Charles, bunch breaker, bds 113<br />

1 Bronson.<br />

; String John, teamster, h 264 Watson.<br />

I Stringer Ann (wid Williau~) bds 23 Winder.<br />

Stringer George W., builder, h 228 TVilliams<br />

ave.<br />

Stringer James sailor, h 629 Larned e.<br />

Stringer Blarshall H., clerk, bds I27 Farrar.<br />

Stringer Samuel, carpenter, bda 948 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Stringham Henry, ins. agent, 111 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 120 Cass.<br />

Stringhnm Joseph, jr., ins. agent, old 92<br />

Washington ad.<br />

Strobe1 Phillip, helper, bds 352 Clinton.<br />

Stroh Bernard jr., clerk, bds Gratiot bet<br />

Ha8 tings and Rivard.<br />

8:roh Bernard, brewer, n s Gratiot bet<br />

Hastings and Rivard, h next to same.<br />

Stroh Casper, lab., h 379 North.<br />

Stroh Frederick, butcher, 86 Gratiot, h<br />

sa111e<br />

Stroh John, carpenter, h 535 St. Aubin av.<br />

Btroh Julius, clerk, bcls Gratiot bet<br />

Hastings and Rivard.<br />

Stroh Peter, lab., bds 91 Congress 0.<br />

Stroker Anthony, cigar maker, bds 242<br />

Alfred.<br />

Strold Henry, collector Michigan Journal,<br />

h 150 Cathari~e.<br />

Stromer Catharine, (wid), Yankee notions,<br />

n e cor Michigan ave and Sixteenth.<br />

Strong Miss Ann J., h 99 Elizabeth e.<br />

Strong Edward R., with F. Buhl, Newland<br />

& Co., bds Russell House.<br />

Stroug Esther L. (wid William N.), bds<br />

'75 Adams ave w.<br />

Strong H. Norton, vessel owner, foot<br />

First, h 101 Fort w.<br />

Strong John, machinist, h 35 Church.<br />

Strong John W., h 46 Winder.<br />

Strong Norton, student, bds 101 Fort w.<br />

Strong Rlarshal C., clerk, h 101 Fort w.<br />

Strong Rucsel, teamster, h w s El~wood<br />

ave bet Ludden and Preston.<br />

Stron Thomas, baggage master, G. T.<br />

R. fi., h 74 Charlotte me.<br />

Strong Walter, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Stroups Fred, lab., h 345 Twenty-second.


Stroutman Caspar, lime dealer, 3i5 ~ t -<br />

water.<br />

Strubank William, pork packer, h 745<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Strubel Christian D.: hardware, 197 Jeffer-<br />

son ave, h 95 Adelaide.<br />

Strobe1 Johana (wid Joseph), 474 Cathar-<br />

ine.<br />

Strubel Minna, tailoress, h n s Joseph bet<br />

Joseph Campau ave and Chene.<br />

Strubel Philip, helper, bds 352 Clinton.<br />

Strubenk Wilhelm, lab., h 641 Clinton<br />

me.<br />

Strudley John, painter, h w s Fourth bet<br />

Tuscola and Maria.<br />

Struzt Fred, h 345 Twenty-second.<br />

Strzesewski Jacob, lab., h Tillman ave nr<br />

Linden.<br />

St. Amour Francis E.,'tobacconist, h 520<br />

Fort e.<br />

St. Amour Francis X., builder, h 244 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

St. Ange Andrew, lab., h 649 Atwater.<br />

St. Ange Ambrose, lab., h 649 Atwater.<br />

St. Ange James, lab., h I31 Wight.<br />

St. Aubin Frank, moulder, bds cor Frank-<br />

lin and Orleans.<br />

St. Aubin John, Marion bet Riopelle and<br />

Orleans.<br />

St. Aubin Louis, farmer, h St. Aubin ave,<br />

n e cor Brewster.<br />

St. Aubin Peter, lab., h 213 Chene.<br />

St. Aubin Peter, lab., h 61 Dequindre.<br />

St. Clair George, machinist, h Pine, 3d h<br />

from Ninth ave.<br />

St. Clair John, hostler, h 69 Franklin.<br />

St. Clair Julius, lab., h 167 Wight.<br />

St. Elair, Louis, glue maker, bds 167<br />

Wight.<br />

St. ~irnes Bruno, jr., clerk, bds 224 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

St. James Bruno, sr., shoemaker, h 224<br />

Rivard.<br />

St. John Edward, blacksmith, h 39 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

St. John J. H., agent X C. Higgins, bds<br />

Finney House.<br />

St. John Myron, clerk, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

St. John Richard, blacksmith, bds 287<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

St. Jorre Dex, gold pen manufacturer, h<br />

223 Maple.<br />

St. Lawrence Hotel, (Gottlieb W ohlfarth,)<br />

59 Atwater.<br />

St. Louis John, peddlar, h 346 Fort e.<br />

St. Vincent Orphan Asylum, cor Larned<br />

and Randolph. .<br />

Stuart Charles J., moulder, bds 742 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Stuart Catharine Miss, seamstreas, bds 371<br />

Clinton.<br />

Stuart Isaac P., baker, bds Finney House.<br />

Stuart James, moulder, bds 362 Clinton.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S '<br />



Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Stuart Kenneth, carpenter, h 371 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Stuart Patrick, mouldt r, h 742 Woodbridae<br />

w.<br />

~tuartkobert, clerk, bds 84 Lafayette.<br />

Stuart Samuel S., express messenger, h<br />

460 Third.<br />

Stuart William A., blacksmith, h 53 <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Stuart William J.,lnoulder, bds '742 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Stubble Michael, lab., 31. C. R. R.<br />

Stubbel Herman, finisher, bds 474 Ccttharine.<br />

Stuckfish Albert, lab., bds 80 Front.<br />

Studer Jacob, lab., h 673 Gratiot.<br />

Studener John, lab., h 109 Napoleon.<br />

Studer John, atone cutter, bds 120 Walnut.<br />

Steuckle Louis, tanner, h 454 Maple.<br />

Stuen kel Henry, teacher German school,<br />

Seventeenth, nr Michigan ave,, h 446<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Stuermer August, tailor, h 123 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

S tulz Albert,-saloon ,255 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Stulz Frederick, pressman, bds 255 . Gratiot.<br />

stupf Henry, carpenter, h 902 Sherman.<br />

Stupinsky Henry, sailor, bds 257 Lat'ayette<br />

ave. .<br />

Stupinsky John, vessel owner, h 257 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Stump Eli, paper hanger, bds 90 Larncd<br />

east.<br />

Stutgie Gottlieb, shoemaker, bds 412 Riopelle.<br />

Stutte Andrew, justice of the peace, office<br />

32 Monroe ave, h 268 Randolph.<br />

Stuttes James A., clerk, bds 391 Macomb.<br />

Stutting Henry, lab., h 1'71 Division.<br />

Stmirtne John, saw filer, h 455 Hastings.<br />

Suckert Edward, ruler, bds 209 Fourth.<br />

Suckert William, bookbinder, 50 Larned w,<br />

h 209 Fort e.<br />

Sudbrink William, moulder, h I14 Abbott.<br />

Sudden Cornelius, stone cutter, bds 378<br />

Chene.<br />

Sugden Frederick, stone cutter, 378 Chene.<br />

Sughiu Michael, lab., h 432 Seventh.<br />

Sugrue Cornelius, lab., h 113 Porter.<br />

Sufinsky Jonas, peddlar, h 183 Bfullett.<br />

Sullivan Benjamin, butcher, bds 87 Locust.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

- -- - - - - -<br />

Sullivan Catharine, dress maker, h 318<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sullivan Catharine (wid Daniel) h 125<br />

Bronson.<br />

Sullivan Charles, hatter, bds 258 Fort e.<br />

Sullivan Charles, clerk, h 357 Fifteenth.<br />

Sullivan Cornelius, lab., h 177 Oak.<br />

Sullivan Charles (Sullivan 55 Conklin), h<br />

40 Macomb ave.<br />

Sullivan Daniel, lab., h 139 Plum.<br />

Sullivan Daniel, boiler maker, bds 351<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sullivan Daniel, contractor, h o 172 n 208<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sullivan Daniel, contractor, h nr s w cor<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half and Michigan ave.<br />

Sullivan Daniel, mason, h 136 Elizabeth e.<br />

Sullivan Daniel,printer,bds cor Abbott and<br />

First.<br />

Sullivall Daniel, wood yard, s e cor Fourth<br />

and Michigan ave, h n e cor Oak and<br />

Kinth ave.<br />

Sullivan David, bcls 39 Leverett..<br />

Sullivan Daniel, lab., h cor Porter and<br />

Ninth.<br />

Sullivan Dennis, bricklayer, h 291 Cherry.<br />

Sullivan Dennis, lab., h 54 Marion.<br />

Sullivan Dennis, moulder, h 261 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan Dennis, lab., bds 107 Porter;<br />

Sullivan Dennis, machinist, h 482 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Sulli~an Dennis, plumber, h n e cor Seventh<br />

and Locust.<br />

Sullivan Dennis K., U. S. Detective, h 258<br />

Fort e.<br />

Sullivan Eugene, vegetable and produce,<br />

25 Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Sullivan Eugene, policeman, bds Peninsnlar<br />

House.<br />

Sullivan Florence, lab, bds 320 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Sullivan George, baggageman, bcls 39 Leverette.<br />

Sullivan George, lab, h 213 Twelfth.<br />

Sullivan Hannah (mid Patrick ,) h Twelfth<br />

nr Clitt.<br />

Sullivan Jeremiah, drayman h 110 Sixteenth.<br />

Sullivan Jeremiah, lab, h 667 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Sullivan Jeremiah, tailor, h 89 Bronson,<br />

Sullivan Jeremiah, lab, h 496 Lafayette.<br />

Sullivan Jeremiah, lab, h Williams ave, nr<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Sullivan Jeremiah, janitor Wilkin's school,<br />

nr cor Third and Porter.<br />

Sullivan John, lab, 540 Seventeenth.<br />

Sullivan John, cellarman, h 59 Abbot t.<br />

Sullivan John, showcase maker, bds 35<br />

Center.<br />

Sullivan John, lab, h 71 Labrosse.<br />

Sullivan John, moulder, h 263 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan John, moulder, h 108 Locust.<br />

Sullivan Johu, lab, h Ninth ave, bet<br />

Elm and Ash.<br />

Sullivan John, switchman, h 213 Na-<br />

tional.<br />

Sullivan John, machinist, h 110 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Sullivan John,mason, bds 18 Berrubien.<br />

Sullivan John C., telegrapher, h 97 NR-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Sullivan John C. (Sullivan cSt; Dettmer,) h<br />

454 Third.<br />

Sullivan John D., huckster, h 35 Center.<br />

Sullivan John P.. groceries, ship stores,<br />

etc., 151 and 153 Woodbridge w, h same.<br />

Sullivan John R., carpenter, h 318 Fifth.<br />

Sullivan John T., clerk, h 183 Oak.<br />

Sullivan James, carpenter, h o 210 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Sullivan James, lab, h 215 Labrosse.<br />

Sullivan Jane (wid Samuel,) h 39 Seventh.<br />

Sullivan Joseph, carpenter, h 748 Wood-<br />

bridge e<br />

Sullivan Judd, lab, h 496 Lafayette.<br />

Sullivan Julia (wid Daniel) h cor Abbott<br />

and First.<br />

Sullivan Louise S., (wid Sylvester J.), h<br />

499 Beaubien.<br />

Sullivan Margaret, tailoress, bds 125 Bron-<br />

SOL<br />

Sullivan Mary (wid Daniel) h 569 Twenty-<br />

third.<br />

Sullivan Mary (wid Daniel) grocer. 304<br />

Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Sullivan Mary (wid Patrick) h 642 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan Mary, (wid Timothy) h 90 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Sullivan Michael, lab., h 93 Spruce.<br />

Sullivan Michael, lab., h 122 Walnut.<br />

Sullivan Michael, lab., h Elm nr Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Sullivan Michael, lamp lighter, bds 100<br />

Abbott.<br />

Sullivan 31ichae1, policeman, h 96 Brain-<br />

ard.<br />

Sullivan Myron, fireman, h 51 Sixteenth.<br />

Sulliyan Patrick, clerk, h 81 Leverett.<br />

Sullivan Patrick, lab., h 251 Franklin.<br />

Sullivan Patrick, lab., h 161 Beach.<br />

Sullivan Roger, blacksmith, h 160 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Sullivan Roger, boiler maker, k 262<br />

Porter nr Tenth.


Sullivan Roger, drayman, h 141 Plnm.<br />

Sullivan Samuel, machinist, bds 39 Leverett.<br />

Sullivan Stephen, lab., h Sixth nr Porter.<br />

Sullivan Thomas, shoemaker, h 131 Fort e.<br />

Sullivan Thomas, lab., h 298 Fifth.<br />

S~~llivcln Thomas, lab., bds 39 Leverett.<br />

Sullivan Thomas, engineer, h 7483 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Silllivan Thomas H., drayman, h '718 Fifteen<br />

th.<br />

Sullivan Thomas J., h491 Larned e.<br />

Salliv3n Timothy, lab., bds 161 Beach.<br />

Sullivan Timothy, lab., bds 304 Nichigan<br />

avenue.<br />

Sullivan Timothy, lab., h 252 Fifth.<br />

Sullivan Timothy, lab., h 34 Sibley.<br />

Sullivan Timothy, lab., h 100 Abbott.<br />

Sullivan Timothy, lab., h n s Frank bet<br />

Sixth a ~ Seventh. d<br />

Sullivan Timothy, grocer, 138 Labrosse,<br />

h same.<br />

Sullivan William, machinist, h 286 Second.<br />

Sullivan William H., vegetables, 161 and<br />

163 Woodbridge w.<br />

Sullivan & Conklin, (Charley Sullivan and<br />

Dexter Conklin,) painterq, 44 Griswold.<br />

Sullivan & Dittmer, (John C. Sullivan and<br />

Frederick Dittmer,) cigar manufacturers,<br />

n e cor Jefferson ave and Griswold.<br />

Sully William, machinist, h Leib bet Congress<br />

and Fort.<br />

Sully John, teamster, h 104 Dubois.<br />

Summerfield Andrew, saloon, 334 Franknli,<br />

h Franklin n s bet Rivard and Riopelle.<br />

Summerfield Alexander, violinist, bds 273<br />

Franklin.<br />

Swmerville William, policeman, h 210<br />

Cherry.<br />

Summers Morton, cigar case, BiddleiHouse<br />

h 251 Brush.<br />

Summer Alonzo Bay clerk, bds 218 Park.<br />

Summer Anthony, blacksmith, h 974 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Sumner James, upholsterer, h 413 Mullett.<br />

Sumner ~arnes.~.; (Sumnir 65 Son,) bds<br />

749 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sumner Stephen, mason, h 308 Marion.<br />

Sumner Tillism A.. bds 749 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sumner William P.,'(A. W. Copland & Co,)<br />

h 212 Park.<br />

Surnner & Son, (Frederick N. sr. and<br />

James D.,) wholesale grocers, 749 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Sunderland Henry, machinist, h 65 Eighth.<br />

Sunderland Thomas, boiler maker, h 293<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Sundland Thomas, lab., h 130 Beach.<br />

Sunkel Louis, cigar maker, 467 Macomb.<br />

Sunley George, fireman, h 278 Fifth.<br />

Sunsek Esther, (wid William,) h 292 Division.<br />

Supper Fred, tobacco, 79 bda Congress e.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P. Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertieement, page 9.<br />

Supper John, lab., h 203 Thirteenth-and-ahalf.<br />

Supple Henry, hostler, bds 50 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Supple Henry, teamster, h 191 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Supple Michael, shoemaker, h 393 Sixth.<br />

Supple William R., druggist, 211 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Suppus Henry, huckster, stall 7 C. II. &I., h<br />

e s Hastings nr Fremont.<br />

Supreme Court Room, 69 Seiiz Block.<br />

Surles John W., machinist, h 292 Lafayet te<br />

ave.<br />

Surmont Felix, saloon, Rivard bet Jefferson<br />

ave and Larned.<br />

Sus George, crimping, bds cor James and<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Sus Xichael, lab., h n w s Dequindre and<br />

Alfred.<br />

Suess Joseph, lab., h 610 Orleano.<br />

Summan Louis, Yankee notions, stall 24<br />

U. C. H. N., h 187 Second.<br />

Suter Rudolph, shoemaker, h 116 Division.<br />

Sutherland Brainard, saloon, 315 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Sutllerland Charles E., agent Howe sewilig<br />

machine, bds 129 Cass.<br />

Sutherland David S., assist. train manager,<br />

M. C. R. R., h 115 Abbott.<br />

Sutherland Daniel W., car builder, h 245<br />

Macom b.<br />

Sutherland George, clerk, Ceu tral Hotel.<br />

Sutherland George L. G., foreman car department<br />

M. C. R.R., h 188 Twelfth.<br />

Sutherland George W., rocer, 59 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 140 8 econd.<br />

Sutherland James, h 115 Labrosse.<br />

Sutherland James G., agent, bds 137<br />

Larned e.<br />

Sutherland John, bar tender, bds 49<br />

Shelby.<br />

Sutherland John B., supt. car department,<br />

M. C. R. R., h 333 Brush.<br />

Sutherland Blalcom, bds 229 Brush.<br />

Sutherland Neil I., clerk bds -6G<br />

Larned w.<br />

Sutherland William, foreman, car depart -<br />

ment, M. C. R. R., h 34 Baker.<br />

Sutherland William B., clerk, bds 161<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Surtmrtn Robert, shoemaker, h 237 Columbia<br />




.<br />

Swan Silas, porter, h 587 Clinton.<br />

Swan Thomas, fruits and oysters, n e cor<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @<br />

Griswold and Larned, h 81 Henry.<br />



Swan William H , machinist, bds 4'75<br />

Larned e.<br />

Bu$%MEg$ % ~ Swan William ~ J., student, ~ bds 22 Miami ~ ~<br />

avenue.<br />

FOR MAYHEW COLLEGE JOURNAL, Swanton James, lab, h 404 Brewster.<br />

Address IRA MAYHEW, Swanton James, lab., jr., bds 404 Brewster.<br />

DETROIT. Swartwout I., agent, 50 Larned w.<br />

Swartout Edwin, student, h 68 Pine.<br />

Sutter Albert, student, bds 295 First. Swasey D. L., traveling agent, 91 Wood-<br />

Sutter Adolph (Sutter Bros.), h 180 Henry. wood sve.<br />

Sutter Edward A., clerk, bds 295 First. Sweeney Alexander, blacksmith, e e cor<br />

Sutter Jacob t Sutter Bros.), h 395 First. Gratiot and St. Antoine, h 18 Spruce.<br />

Sutter Jacob, loreman, h 53 Bronson. Sweeney Bernard, saloon, 290 Michigan<br />

Sutter John, clerk, bds 295 First.<br />

ave. h same.<br />

Sutter Joseph, engineer* h 0 18 Park sween'ep Dennis, truck driver, h 463<br />

Place w.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Sutter Louis (Sutter Bros.)~ h Cottage Sweenqr Edward,conductor <strong>City</strong> Railmay,<br />

Fiow, Elizabeth w.<br />

bds 63 Howard.<br />

Sutter Victor jr, tobacconist, bds 395 Sweeney Edward, fu;niture, 169 &atiot, h<br />

First.<br />

145 Marion.<br />

Slltter Victor, s~~ooII, 295 First, h Same. sweeneY F~&, barkery, 71 Grand River<br />

Sutter Samuel C. (H. P. Buldwin & Co.), h a,e, ,a,e.<br />

93 Columbia e.<br />

Sweeuey Henry N., canvasser, h 400 Con-<br />

Sutterimon,lab..hnsGrove bet Has- gresse.<br />

tings and St. Antoine.<br />

Bweeney James, clerk, bds 198 Woodward<br />

Sutter Bros. (Adolph, Louis and Jacob), ave.<br />

Woodward and Jefferson Sweeoey James,clerk, bds 29OBIichigan ave.<br />

ave8.<br />

Sweeney James, harness maker, bds 81<br />

Sutfor James W., factory, 478 and -480 ~ l ave. ~ ~ ~ ~ d<br />

Fort w, h 476 Fort w.<br />

Sweeney James, lab., bds 81 Elmnood<br />

Sotton, photographer, 211 Jefferson ave.<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Sweeney James, painter, bds 19 Washing-<br />

Sutton Noah, h 261 Larned e,<br />

ton ave.<br />

Su tton 'OCTilliam, slup carpenter, lFoun- Sweeney John, blacksmith, h 144 Porter.<br />

dry, nr Baker.<br />

Sweeney John J., lab., h 157 Division.<br />

Sutton William D., bar-tender, bds 42 GGs- sWeeney ~ ~ lab., h h 385 ~ Fifteenth. ,<br />

wold.<br />

Hweeney John, steward, bds 19 Washing-<br />

Swail Ovid, (wid William), h 73 Sibley. ton ave.<br />

Swain Albert (cord), plasterer, h 41 Cro- Sweeney Joseph, teaming, h 250 Dequinghan.<br />

dr e.<br />

Swain Charles F. (R. A. Tyrrell and C. F.<br />

Swain), h 239 Howard.<br />

Sweeney Michael, expressman, h 61 Har<br />

Swain Charles P., bds 239 Howard. rison ave.<br />

Swain Matthew W. (Swain & GrifBth), h Sweeney Michael, lab*, h 206 Porter*<br />

62 Adarns ave w.<br />

Sweeney Rodger, lab., h $4 Eighth.<br />

Swain & Griffith (Matthew W. Sw~in & Sweet, Allen S., supt. locomotive depart-<br />

Alfred GrifBth),furniture,l6 Grand River ment M- C. R. R., h 445 Fort w.<br />

avenue.<br />

Sweet Albern K., clerk, h 505 n Sixth.<br />

Swales Charles E., h 46 Nontcalm w. Sweet Bnrley, slater, bds 67 Larned e.<br />

Swan Charles F., post office clerk, bds 22 Sweet George W., engineer, bds Mansion<br />

Miama ave.<br />

house.<br />

Swan Henry H., assistant V. S. District At- Sweet Horace W., painter, h 68 Walnut.<br />

torney, Post Ofice building, h 22 Miami Sweet Jesse, boot fitter, h 64 Columbia e.<br />

avenue.<br />

Sweet John, prlnter, bds 252 Seconci.<br />

Swan Julius, tobacco cutter, h cor Orleans Sweet Wilson, (col'd,) lab., bds 165 Clinand<br />

Maple.<br />

ton.<br />

Swan John, book agent, h 339 Catharine. Swift Charles N., clerk, bds cor Park and<br />

Swan John D., editor, bds 22 Miami ave. Sproat.<br />

Swan Joseph A. (Whitternore, Swan & Swift Edward Y., lawyer, 103 Woodward<br />

Stevens, bds 22 Miami ave.<br />

ave., h 25 Rowland.<br />

Swan Joseph G., commission merchant, h Swift Frederick W. Col., (H. I?. Swift<br />

22 Miami aye,<br />

Bro.,) postmaster, h 39 Henry.


Swift George, clerk. bds 183 Park.<br />

Swift George S., Judge Recorder's Court,<br />

office 12 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h s w cor Park and<br />

Sproat.<br />

Swift George W., American Consul for<br />

Canada, L. 105 Abbott.<br />

Swift Henry F., (13. F. Swift & Bro.) h 49<br />

Rowland.<br />

Swift Joseph, (cord) porter, h 344 Macomb.<br />

Swift L. P., bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Swift Susan A., (wid George) h 14 Tuscola.<br />

Swift H. F.&Rro., (H. F. andF. W. Swift)<br />

druggists, 120 Woodward ave.<br />

Swingbanks Francis, watchman, h 390<br />

31uTle t t.<br />

Swink Henry, carpenter, bds 222 Guoin.<br />

Swink John, carpenter, h 462 Croghan.<br />

Swinscoe Henry .EL, clerk, h 5 Labrosse.<br />

Sylies H. B., Physician, bds Goodnirrn<br />

House.<br />

Sykes Nitchell, clerk, h Fifth, bet Spruce<br />

and Grand River aye.<br />

Sylvester Charles, shoemaker, h 700 Fifteenth.<br />

Synlington, Miss Bella, teacher, bds o<br />

-94"Jeffersou ave.<br />

Sy~nington Campbell, clerk, bds 84 Lafayette.<br />

Symington Duncan, machinist, h 184 Orleans.<br />

Symonds Herbert, cornice worker, bds 225<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Sy lna Thomas J., barber shop, 880 Wood<br />

bridge w. h foot Eighteenth-and-ashalf.<br />

Sypli George J., tailor, bi;s 353 High.<br />

Szirkr Rolius, carpenter, h 27'7 Juliette.<br />

- *<br />

T<br />

ABACH Lewis, door and sash maker,<br />

T h 553 Larned e.<br />

Tnbb TVilliam H., car smith, bds 98 Lewis.<br />

Tack John, lab., h s s Maple bet Dubois<br />

aud Chene.<br />

Tack Joseph, teamster, h 105 Twentysecond.<br />

Tackdury Robert M., map publisher, h 2<br />

Aspinall Terrace, Rlacomb ave.<br />

Tacktibury tjamuel T., map publisher, bds<br />

2 Aspinall Terrace, Blacomb ave.<br />

Taeger Anton, carpenter, h 270 Mullett.<br />

Taeger Henry, tanner, h 156 Naple.<br />

Tetfeita Bartholomew, tailor, h 235 7Villiams<br />

ave.<br />

Taff Samuel S., . (S. . S. Taff & Son), res London.<br />

Ont.<br />

Taff William S., (S. S. Ta.R Q Son), h 121<br />

Congress e.<br />

Taff S. S. & Son, (Samuel S. and William<br />

Taff), takle block manf r., 50 Jefferson av.<br />

Taft S. K.,dealer in grain, 62 Woodbridge<br />

w, h 3 Gratiot.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



WOystern in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

--<br />

Tagen Caroline, (wid William) h 501 Croghan.<br />

Tnpan William. lab., 11 207 Eighth.<br />

Taggert Timothy, lab., h 313 Michigan<br />

avenue.<br />

Tallash Charles H., teamster, h 62 St.<br />

Subin ave.<br />

Tahash Isaac,drayman, h 62 St. Aubin nv.<br />

Tait IVllliarn, clerk, h m s Middle bet<br />

Grand River ave and Clifford.<br />

Tttite John, printer, bds Franltlin House.<br />

Tabbert Simon, wagon maker, 11 62 Sixtll.<br />

Talbert William H., collar maker, h I68<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Talbo t Caroline, (wid James) h 27 Crawford.<br />

Tolbo t Simon, cabinet maker, h 148 Sixth.<br />

Talk Ernst, teamster, h s s Maple bet Dubois<br />

and Chene.<br />

Tallent Peter, (BIcGoldrick & Tallent), h<br />

463 Ninth tcve.<br />

Tallmrtn James Mrs., bds 119 Congress e.<br />

Tallman Joseph, manfr. ginger beer, h 402<br />

Clint on.<br />

Tallman Julia (wid Gabriel) h 559 Lafayette.<br />

Tal llnan Louis, carpenter, bds 559 Lafagette.<br />

Tallman Moses, ship carpenter, bds 559<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Tallman Peter, lab., bds 539 Lafayette.<br />

Tallman William, caryenter, h 284 Maple.<br />

Talmadge Charles, plasterer, bds-272 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Tal~nau Robert F., clerk, bds 305 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Talmnn William S. (W. S. Talman & Co.),<br />

h 305 L~trned e.<br />

Talnian W. 8. & Co. (Willism S. Tnlman<br />

and Edmuncl S. Wheeler), ship and insurance<br />

agents, 15 and 16 Stinsou<br />

Block, Rlver front.<br />

Talpeer Leonard, saloon, 106 St. Aubin<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Tank Charles, lat., h 437 Seventeenth.<br />

Tank Louis, lab., 31. C. R. R.<br />

Tanley Thomas, butcher, s e cor Franklin<br />

and St. Sabin ave, h n s Larnecl bet<br />

Dilbois and Chene.<br />

Tannenholz Alexander, cigar maker, h<br />

30 Baker.<br />

Tanner Francis, adjustor sewing machines,<br />

h 50 Michigan ave.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

- --<br />

Tanner Frank, machinist, h 36 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Tan~er George, cigar maker, bds 163<br />

Larned w.<br />

Tnnner Nancy 31. (wid Palmer), h 15<br />

Guoin.<br />

Ta~ney Michael, lab., h IS4 Sixteenth.<br />

Tannu hill Julia (wid Jatnes),h 122 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Tapert August, wood yard, 120 JI:a.ple, h<br />

same.<br />

Tapert Charles (Tapert Bros.), h 140 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Trtpert Emil, meat market, 512 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Tapert Herman (Tapert Bros.), h 351 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Tapert Bros (Herman and Charles), meat<br />

market, 351 Riopelle.<br />

Taple Henry, packer, 88 Jefferson sve.<br />

Taplin Stephen (Davis, Taplin & Co.), 116<br />

Larned w.<br />

Tappan, 3IcEillop & Co.), commercial<br />

agency (Arthur Tress, m~nager), 157<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Tal-hell George S., h 6.5 Clifford.<br />

, Trarhell John G., h 51 Washington ave.<br />

Tarbell John R. Q. (Tarbell, Smiley and<br />

Colby 1, h 168 George.<br />

Tarbell, Smile & Colby (John<br />

Tarhell, Delevan $ Smiley and Charles<br />

E. Colby), boots and shoes, 124 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Tasico Richard (col'd), maiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Taskcr William, farmer, h Woodward ave<br />

nr Holden Road.<br />

Trtte Daniel, cook, h 276 Sixth.<br />

Tste Edward M. saloon, 74 Woodbridge<br />

W, h same.<br />

Tate Miss Maria .I., teacher, bds 105 Eliza-<br />

beth w.<br />

Tatrean .4lexander, grocer, h 25 Nay-<br />

berry ave.<br />

Tauber Joseph, clerk, bcls cor Woodward<br />

and Jefferson aves. .<br />

Taullitz August, watchman, h 474 Clinto~.<br />

Tauchel Gustave, cigar maker, bda 374<br />

Has tings.<br />

Taufer Joseph, cabinet maker, h 331 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Tautschnlimann John, sash and door ma-<br />

ker, h 181 Catharine.<br />

Tavois Noah, lab., h 176 Chene.<br />

Taws Charles, car maker, bds 857 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Taws Christopher, car maker, bds 857 Pif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Taws Michael, gardener, h 857 Fifteenth<br />

west s.<br />

Taylor Adrian, confectioner, bds 67 At-<br />

water e.<br />

Taylor Albert, painter, h 214 Second.<br />

Taylor Mrs. Alvira B.(wid Sterling,) h 130<br />

Jones up stairs.<br />

Taylor Andrew, engineer, h Fort n s, nr<br />

Chene.<br />

Taylor Andrew Q., blacksnlith, 145 Wood-<br />

bridge w, h 185 Howard.<br />

Taylor Cassius P., clerk, bds 101 Cass.<br />

Taylor Catharine, h Llequindre w s, bet<br />

Wood bridge a.nd Franklin.<br />

Taylor Charles, grocer, 225 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Taylor Charles R., clerk, h 481 Sixth.<br />

Taylor Charles W, clerk, bds 47 Labrosse.<br />

Taylor Charles W., clerk, bds 41 Wash-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Taylor Davicl, boiler maker, h 641 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Taylor David, lab., h 312 Third.<br />

Taylor David R., conductor M. C. R. R., h<br />

146 Sixteenth.<br />

Taylor DeLoss H., route agent, bds 245<br />

Second.<br />

Taylor DeWitt H., clerk, bds 274 Jeffereon<br />

ave.<br />

Taylor Edward, confectioner, bds 67 At-<br />

water.<br />

Taylor Edward P., clerk, bds 47 Labrosse.<br />

Taylor Elisha, lawyer, 154 Jefferson ave, h<br />

274 Jefferbon ave<br />

Taylor Frank, painter, h 214 Second.<br />

Taylor Frarik, (col'd) lab., h 340 Jlacomb.<br />

Taylor Frank D., (Newcomb, Endicott &<br />

co.,) h 16 Madison ave.<br />

Taylor Frank P., clerk, bds 47 Labrosse.<br />

Taylor George, finisher, h 121 Eighteenth.<br />

Taylor George A., carpenter, bds 249 Bea-<br />

con.<br />

Taylor Henry, boilcr maker, h 10 St. Au-<br />

bin aye.<br />

Taylor Henry machinist, bds 79 Henry.<br />

Taylor Henry, macliiniot, bds 90 Fifteenth.<br />

Tayl lr H. D., route agent A. M. C. Ex. Co,<br />

bds 245 Seconc?.<br />

Taylor Henry P., h 244 Congress w.<br />

Taylor Henry W., clerk, bds, 19 High.<br />

Taylor Herman, iron dealer, bds 272 Third.<br />

Taylor James, bds 272 Third.<br />

Taylor James, machinist, h 523 Lamed e.<br />

Taylor James A,, druggist clerk, bds n 185<br />

o 149 Howard.<br />

Taylor James H., car builder, h 374 Sev-<br />



Taylor John, (Taylor 62 Kamman,) h 239<br />

Cass.<br />

Taylor John, broker,'h Twelfth w s Grand<br />

River ave<br />

Taylor John, clerk, bds 21 George.<br />

Taylor John, engineer, h 17 Harrison ave.<br />

Taylor John, gardener, h Beaubien n Fre-<br />

mont.<br />

Taylor James A., clerk, bds 185 Howard.<br />

Taylor John, printer, h 14 Irving.<br />

Tavlor John A., baker, h 101 Elizabeth w.<br />

TGlor, John A., peddlar, h Cass ave nr<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Taylor John H., produce dealer, h 104<br />

Montcnlm e.<br />

Taylor John J., printer, bds 17 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Taylor Rev. John L., h 381 Seventh.<br />

Taylor Jonathan, commission merchant, h<br />

75 Sibley.<br />

Taylor Nary, (col'd wid William), h 130<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Taylor Neil, carpenter, h 102 Fifteenth,<br />

Taylor Nellie, h 138 Shelby Bressler Block<br />

Taylor N. Terry, cashier <strong>City</strong> Bank, h 72<br />

Miami ave.<br />

T~ylor Oscar, engineer, (8. F. Bartlett,)<br />

bds 4 Woodward ave.<br />

Taylor Robert J., sash and blind mnfr., cor<br />

Fourteenth and Fort, h 648 Fort w.<br />

Taylor Samuel, carpenter, h 59 George.<br />

Taylor Sauadra W., clerk, h 47 Labrosse.<br />

Taylor Thomas J., sash and blind mnfr.,<br />

h 48 Twentieth. .<br />

Taylor Thomas L., joiner, h 88 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Taylor Thomas, plumber, h 88 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

T:tyll)r William, baker, h s s Maria, bet<br />

Crawford and Fourth.<br />

Taylor William, clerk, bds IO'FXigh.<br />

Taylor William, clerk, h 130 Jones.<br />

Taylor William, lab, bds 598 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Taylor William, news depot, 693 Fort w,<br />

h same.<br />

Taylor William,. painter, h 129 Larned e.<br />

Taylor William (col'd,) sailor, h s s Illi-<br />

nois, bet Russell and Prospect.<br />

Taylor William, saloon, 196 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Tayloi William H., carpenter, h 556 Beau-<br />

bicn.<br />

Taylor William H. tobacco worker, bds<br />

130 Jones.<br />

Taylor & Kamman (John Taylor (& Fred-<br />

erick Kamman,) butchers, s w cor Cass<br />

and Jones.<br />

Tea William, peddlar, h 409 Seventh.<br />

Teagan Charles, teamster, h 246 Baker.<br />

Teagan George, carpenter, h 344 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Teagan George P. clerk, h 148 Cherry.<br />

Teagan Jonathan, bds 115 Elizabeth e.<br />

60<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Mailufactures to<br />


Who will favor ue by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, DavJs & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Teagen Jonathan,blncksmit h, h 204 Porter.<br />

Teagan Jonathan, lab., h 242 Thirteenth.<br />

Teagan Robert, lab., bds 320 Congress w.<br />

Teagan Willianl, clerk, h 115 Elizabeth e.<br />

Teahen Timothy, lab., h 302 Sixth.<br />

Tearney Michael, lab., h 273 Sixth.<br />

Tearnin Patrick, lab., h 105 Cherry.<br />

Tebus William, painter, h 229 3Iaple.<br />

Tefft William H., president Det. Store<br />

Works, h 205 Lafayette ave.<br />

Tegeler Charles, sash, doors and blinds,<br />

High, bet Beaubien and Antoine, h 182<br />

High.<br />

Tecge John, lab, h n s Chestnut, bet<br />

Joseph Ca~npau and McDougall ave.<br />

Tegie Elias, lab., b 466 Clinton ape.<br />

Tehlc Fritz, clerk, bds cor Fort and Beaubien.<br />

-<br />

Tehsenfeld Jehu, clerk, bds s e cor Catharine<br />

aud St. Antoine.<br />

Teichner Emanuel, tanner, h 70 Macomb.<br />

Tcichner Jacob F., clerk, bds $0 Macomb.<br />

Teichner Samuel, agent, h 283 Ninth ave.<br />

Teicpel Ferdinand, carpenter, h 9 German.<br />

T~ipel Ferdinand, upholsterer, bds 26<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Teipel Henry, porter, bds 26 Monroe ave.<br />

Teipel ,Joseph, clerk, bds 26 Monroe ave. v<br />

Teiper Henry, machinist, bde 401 North.<br />

Telegra,ph Co., Atlantic and<br />

Pacific, 64 Griswold. (See adv.)<br />

Telegraph Co., Western Union,<br />

cor Congress and Griswold. (See adv.)<br />

Felfair Frederick A., upholsterer, h n e cor<br />

Ninth ave and Elm.<br />

Telfer Edward, student bds 332 Twentieth.<br />

Telfer Gavin, lab, h 163 Wight.<br />

Telford Robert, stone cutter, h 444 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Tell Nicholas, coppersmith, h 245 Thirteen<br />

th.<br />

Teller Charles H., clerk, bds 175 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Teller Charlotte, (wid Henry) h 43 Catharine.<br />

Teller Edgar E., bds 44 Lafayette.<br />

Teller Edgar E.. broker, bds 25 Howard.<br />

Teller ~nnie E.. V., (wid James P.,) bds<br />

173 Adams ave e.<br />

Teller John, clerk, bds 119 Miami ave.<br />

Teller William C. B., bank teller, h 119<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Telli Frederick, border maker, h 460 Shcrman.




BEE PAGE 39 a<br />

-- pp<br />

Tellinghast Wilbur R., rector St. Peter's,<br />

h 87 Leverette.<br />

Temple George, blacksmith, h 169 Porter.<br />

Tenay Michael, lab, h 184 Sixteenth.<br />

Tendor August, lab, h Joseph Campau<br />

ave, nr Gmtiot.<br />

Tenerley John, carpenter, h 67 National<br />

awn<br />

U1U.<br />

Tenet Arnold, carsmith M. C. R. R., h -<br />

Peter.<br />

Tenette Arnold, lab, h Thirteenth-and-a-<br />

half, e s bet Baker and Marantette.<br />

Tenk Charles, lab, h 437 Seventeenth.<br />

Tenk Louis, lab. h 437 Seventeenth.<br />

Tennant Selah, student, hds 197 Fifth.<br />

Tenner Michael, carpenter, h 328 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Tenney Barney, bath attendant, bds 82<br />

Wayne.<br />

Tenney George P., h 399 Sixth.<br />

Tennison James, bricklayer, bds 138 Lab-<br />

rosse.<br />

Tenwinkle Augusliis, artist, h 30 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Tecwinkle Charles, insurance office, 10<br />

Bank block, Griswold, h 128 Henry.<br />

Tenwinkle Henry, letter carrier, h 30 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Tenwinkle Herman, carver, bds 3u Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Tepke Charles, lab., h 510 Twenty-third.<br />

Tepke Henry, lab., h 512 Twenty-third.<br />

Tepke Julius, nioulder, h 506 Twenty-<br />

third.<br />

Terteting Theodore, painter, h Beaubien<br />

n Frernont.<br />

Termot Sophis, (wid Joseph) saloon, 95-St.<br />

Aubin ave, h same.<br />

Terner Peter (Terner cB; Theisen) h 317<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Terner & Theisen, (Peter Terner and Peter<br />

Theisen) sash and blind makers, 606<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Terney William, Ex. Co., h -<br />

Baker.<br />

Terrigee John, Chinese iaundry, 180 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Termole Alexander, marble worker, bds<br />

583 Congress e.<br />

Terrein Peter, lab., l n s Sherman bet Mc-<br />

Dougall and Elmwood aves.<br />

Terry Archibald G., harness maker, bds<br />

144 Jones.<br />

Terry Charles, clerk, h 104 Winder.<br />

Terry Dwight L., clerk, h 38 Macomb ave.<br />

Terry George, blacksmith, h 89 National<br />

avenue.<br />

Terrey George, clerk, h 214 Park.<br />

Terry Henry C., clerk, h 38 Macomb ave.<br />

Terry John F., physician, room 2, 207<br />

Woodward ave, h 82 Winder.<br />

Teske Frederick, lab., h 133 Napoleon.<br />

Tessler John, lab., h 266 Columbia e.<br />

Teufel Jacob, cabinet maker. h Brewster<br />

bet Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

Tkufel John, cabinet maker, h 496 St. Antoine.<br />

Teuton Frederick, machinist, bds 155 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Teuton Robert C. (Teuton, McWilliams &<br />

Go.), h 58 Front.<br />

Teuton, McWilliams & Co., (Robert C.<br />

Teuton, Edward McWilliams and Patrick<br />

H. Monneghan) grocers, cor Second<br />

and Woodbridge w.<br />

Tewsleg Wiliiam, lab., h 46 Mt. Elliott av.<br />

Tezlot Frank, lab., h 384 North.<br />

Thadour Peter, lab., h 570 Macomb.<br />

Thagel Adolph, machinist, h 51 Maple.<br />

Thans August, lab., h 580 Croghan.<br />

Thatcher Marshall P., editor Journal of<br />

Commerce, h 346 Lafayette ave.<br />

Thayer Slbert, traveling agent, h 44 Lafayette.<br />

Thayer David A., bill poster, h 127 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Thnyer George W., safe maker, h I16<br />

Franklin.<br />

Thayer John L., brakesman, h 190 Orchard.<br />

Tilayer Lansing C., machinist, h 255<br />

Lamed e.<br />

Thayer Leo, painter, h 59 Spruce.<br />

Thayer Lyman, insurance agent, h 72<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Thayer Mary F., operator, bds 116 Frank-<br />

/ Tz$er Wm. H., clerk, bds 44 Lafayette.<br />

1 Theatre Comique,Charles M. Welch, prop.,<br />

, 243 and 243 Jefferson ave.<br />

Thebo Francis L., machinist, h n e s Lafayette<br />

and Twelfth.<br />

Thebo Frauk, lab., bds 313 Congress w.<br />

Thebo Victor, fircman, h s e cor T welf~h<br />

and Latayette ave.<br />

The Calvert Lithographing Co.,<br />

Thomas Calvert, superintendent, Arcade<br />

Building, h 131 George.<br />

Thede Adolph, boarding house, 101 Macomb.<br />

Theile Augustus, coachman, 86 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Theile Augustus, butcher, bds 192 Hastings.<br />

Theile August, grocer, 192 Hastings, h<br />

same.<br />

Theile Joseph, cis maker; h 192 Hastings.


Theimer Gunther, blacksmith, h 153 1 LOVERS of those DELlClO U S BIVALV-ES<br />

Brew ster.<br />

amam<br />


Theisen Mathias, far~er, h 338 Bronson.<br />

Theisen Peter (Ternes & Theisen), h 606 & oa8'B<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Theisen Peter, lab., h 416 Alfred. FnIton Market Oyster Bonse,<br />

Thelen Anthony, plumber, h 184 Prospect.<br />


Thelen Anton, shoem&er, h Chene bet Oysters in the Shell a a ecialty.<br />

and Itetaif<br />

Catharine and Sherman.<br />

Thelen Mrs. Margaret (wid Nicholas), h ThollPeter N., baker, bds 502 St. An-<br />

168 Larned e.<br />

toine.<br />

Thelen Michael, plumber, h 17 Silver. Thomas Albert, lab., bds 111 Oak.<br />

Thema John, lab., h 581 Lafayette. Thomas Alfred, h 439 Beaubien.<br />

Therrein Wilrood, painter, h 149 Chene. Thomas Alfred, 127 Twentieth.<br />

Therry Rosa, (wid Theodore,!h 376 Juliett.. Thomas Almond, wood sawyer horse<br />

Thery Joseph, billiard maker, h 197 Di- power, h 111 Oak.<br />

vision.<br />

Thomas Anthony, carpenter, bds o 292<br />

Theurer Alexander, editor Daily Abend Sixth.<br />

Post, bds Hotel Mauch.<br />

Thomas Charles R., bds Michigan Ex-<br />

Tileaus Ferdinand, shoes and boots, h 137 change.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Thomas Cyrus J., clerk, h 147 Cass.<br />

Theut John, (Theut C% Corte,) h 192 Fort e. Thomas Erastus A., baker, 85 Congress e,<br />

Theut 65 Corte, (John Theut and Barney h 98 Larned e.<br />

Corte,) wagon makers, 49, 51 and 53 Thomas Francis A., clerk, bds 40 Con-<br />

Croghan.<br />

gress w.<br />

Thielert Anrelius, tailor, 478 Beaubien, h Thomas Frederick C., bds 359 Dnbois.<br />

same.<br />

Thomas Fred J., paymaster and cashier,<br />

Thieler Joseph, tailor, 53 Brush, h 78 Ma- D. & M. R. R., h 198 John R.<br />

comb.<br />

Thomas George H., policeman, h 225 Ma-<br />

Thiemer August, cigar maker, 11 168 Na- comb.<br />

poleon.<br />

Thomas George R., dentist, Opera House<br />

Thiemer Robert, carpenter, h 218 Columbia Block, h s w cor Edmund and John R.<br />

Thomas Henry T., machinist, h 154 How-<br />

TFt Albert, machinist, bds Dix: Road ard.<br />

bet ndian and Scotte~ aves.<br />

Thomas Jeremiah, (co17d) waiter, bds<br />

Thierry Augustus, (A. & L. Thiery,) h 224 Michigan Exchange.<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Thomas John, (co17d) barber, h 172 Hul-<br />

Thierry Emma,operator, bds 256 Antietam. lett.<br />

Thierry George, carpenter, h 28 Silver. .Thomas John, blacksmith, h 98 Seventh.<br />

Thierry James, draughtsman, h Dix Road Thomas John, (col'd) cook, 54 Michigan<br />

bet Indian and Scotten ayes.<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Thiery Joseph, cabinet maker, h 197 Di- Thomas John P., engineer, h 308 Clinton.<br />

vision.<br />

Thomas Joseph, carpenter, h 350 Watson.<br />

Thierry Joseph, carpenter, h 217 Nap- Thomas Mrs. J. H., (Mrs. J. H. Thomas dZ<br />

leon.<br />

Co.), h 223 Woodward ave.<br />

Thierr~ Joseph jr, carpenter,bds-21'7 Napo- Thomas J. S., builder, 13 Congress e, h 223<br />

leon .<br />

Wood w ard ave.<br />

Thierry Louis, (A. & L. Thierry,) h 252 Thomas Martin, lab., h 225 Williams ave.<br />

Antietam.<br />

Thomas Peter, (col'd) huckster, stall 8 C.<br />

Thierry Peter, agent, h 256 Antietam. H. M., h 167 Mullett.<br />

Thierry A. & L., (August and Louis,) hard- Thomas Richard, (col'd) lab., h 340 Lafayware,<br />

500 Gratiot.<br />

ette.<br />

Thiers John, lab., h 214 Twelfth.<br />

Thomas Rumina, (wid Francis T,,) h 10.5<br />

Thiess William, cigar maker, h 124 Hast- Prospect.<br />

ings.<br />

Thomas Mrs. Sarah, tniloress, h 111 Oak.<br />

Thiessen John B., cigar maker, h 10 Cath- Thomas Mrs. J. H. & Co., (Mrs. J. H.<br />

arine.<br />

Thomas 62 Mrs. Annie Walker Perkins,)<br />

Thill Nicholas, bar keeper, bds 202 Lar- ladies' furnishing goods, 223 Woodward<br />

ned w.<br />

ave.<br />

Thirkell Isabel, school teacher, bds 122 Thompson Angness, (wid Niel,) n e cor<br />

Wayne.<br />

Baker and Tenth.<br />

Thirkell Mary Mrs., h 122 Wayne. Thompson Alexander, moulder, bds 101<br />

Thison Peter, lab., h 395 Divigion.<br />

National ave.<br />



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Thompson Alexander, policelllsn, h 334<br />

Porter.<br />

Thompson Alexander TV., furniture fin-<br />

isher, r of 27 Washington ave.<br />

Thompson Alonzo, cutler, h 82 Howard.<br />

Thompson Avery, clerk, bds 158 Howard.<br />

Thompson Benjamin, nlachinist, bds 7'74<br />

Woodbridqe w.<br />

Thompson Bradley H., livery stable, rear<br />

Fireman's Hall, h 257 Congress e.<br />

Thompson B. James, mason, h Third w s<br />

bet Bingham and Westerl.<br />

Thompson Charles, moulder, h 396 Cro-<br />

ghan. '<br />

Thompson Charles, painter, h 480 Fort e.<br />

Thompson Charles, paper deliverer, h 98<br />

Coiumbia e.<br />

Thompson Charles IT., fireman Engiue 2,<br />

h 89 St. Antoine.<br />

Thompson Charles W., (col'd) janitor, h<br />

305 Macomb.<br />

Thompson Cyrus (col'd) lab, h 103 Wil-<br />

kins.<br />

Thompson David, checker, h 18 Seventh.<br />

Thompson Degarmo, shoemaker, h 537<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Thompson Duncan, clerk, bds s e cor Ba-<br />

ker and Tenth.<br />

Thompson Elisha hI., chair manf., 103<br />

John R., h 570 Third.<br />

Thompson Ephraim, teamster, h 285 Chest.<br />

nut.<br />

Thompson Frances Angeline, dress maker,<br />

27 Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Thompson George, painter, h 555 Croghan.<br />

Thompson George, steward, Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Thompson George, (col'd) waiter, bds 198<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Thompson George B., expressman, bds 10<br />

National ave.<br />

Thompson George E., messenger D. Pres-<br />

ton 62 Co., bds 570 Third. .<br />

Thompson George F., clerk, h 46 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Thompson Henry B., clerk, bds 257 Con-<br />

Thompson Jacob, (col'd) stewart, bds 23<br />

Fort e.<br />

Thompson James, (col'd) bell boy Bidclle<br />

House.<br />

Thompson James, boiler maker, h 403<br />

Fort e.<br />

Tlao~npson James, policeman, h 74 Harri-<br />

SOIL ave.<br />

T hornpson James, waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Thompson James A., agent bds Bidclle<br />

House.<br />

Thompson James S., (col'd) barber, bcls<br />

169 Michigan ave.<br />

Thompsoli John, cabinet maker, h 95 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Thompson John II.,clerk,bds 4'72 Cass ave.<br />

Thompson John, boiler maker, bds 129<br />

Cass.<br />

Thompson John, lab., bds 143 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

' Tllompson John, real estate, 12 Rotunda,<br />

h 268 Jefferson ave.<br />

Thompson John, upholsterer, h 95 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Thompson John B., clerk, h 329 Sixth.<br />

Thon~pson John D. F., clerk, 257 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Thompson John H., clerk, bds 479 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Thompson John J., clerk, city controller's<br />

office, bds Goodman House.<br />

Thompson John W., carpenter, h 330<br />

Fort e.<br />

Thompson Joseph G., gardener, h w s<br />

Eighth bet Lysander and Brigham.<br />

Thompson Joseph M., clerk, 472 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Thompson J. A., traveling agent, bds<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Thompson J. D., painter, bds 19 Cass.<br />

Thompson Louis, boiler maker, bds 337'<br />

Franklin.<br />

Thompson Mary (wid David), h 51 Fort w.<br />

Thompson Neil, foreman, M. C. R. R. elevator,<br />

h 134 Baker.<br />

Thompson Bev. Oren C., h 1140 Wooclward<br />

ave.<br />

Thompson Peter, mason, h 220 Third.<br />

Thompson Preston B., clerk, bds 257 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Thompson Richard, h 73 Butternut. \<br />

Thompson Robert, bookbinder, h rear 27<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Thompson Robert, foreman, G. T. R. K.<br />

yard, h 18 Seventh.<br />

Thompson Robert, plasterer, h n w cor<br />

Orchard and Eighth.<br />

Thompson Samuel It., agent, h 335 Fort e.<br />

gress e.<br />

Thompson Samuel W. jr, stave buyer,<br />

TKomp~on Henry H., (co17d) porter, bds 66 office 4 Brady Block, foot Woodward<br />

Harriet.<br />

ave, h 57 Adams ave w.<br />

Thompson Henry P., express-man, h 10 , Thompson Sears P. (Thompson & Wag-<br />

National ave.<br />

, ner), h 168 Howard.


Thompson Susan (wid Robert), h 101 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Thompson Thaddeus, physician, bds 149<br />

Fon rteeeth.<br />

Thnmpson Thomas, finisher, bds 113<br />

Franklin.<br />

Tllompson Thomas, policeman, h 418<br />

Twelfth.<br />

T holllpson Thomas J., machinist, bds cor<br />

Caas and Howard.<br />

Thompson Thomas T., ship carpenter, h<br />

304 Watson.<br />

Thompson William, machinist, h 101 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Thompson TVillianl, policeman, h 141 Lab-<br />

rosse.<br />

Thompson William F.,railroad contractor,<br />

h 946 Jefferson ave.<br />

Thompson William G., (E. B. Ward cCs Co.)<br />

Thompson William G., lawyer, bds 194<br />

Randolph.<br />

Thompson William H., (TY. H. Thompson<br />

cf; Co.), h 338 Sixteenth.<br />

Tllon~pson William M., chemist, h 242<br />

Park.<br />

Thonlpson B. F. & Co., pictures and frames,<br />

108 Griswold, u;, stairs, res RIemphis,<br />

fiiich.<br />

Thompson W. H. r& Co., (William H.<br />

Thompson and Augustus Chidsey), boo lc<br />

and job printers, 208 Jefferson ave.<br />

Thompson & Wagner, (Sears P. Thomp-<br />

son and Robert Wagner), general ticket<br />

office, cor Woodbridge and Second.<br />

Thomson George, engineer, h 497 Seven-<br />

teen th.<br />

Thomson John (col'd) coolr, rear 35 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Thomson John L., iron fen'ce maker, 33<br />

Bates, h 335 Third.<br />

Tllomson John W., (Brady & Co.) h 1 2<br />

Sproat.<br />

T homson IVal ter, Supt. Novelty Works, h<br />

334 Lafayette.<br />

Thomson William H., chemist, h 476 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Thomson William P., clerk, b 3s 12 Sproat.<br />

Thone Francis A., teamster (Schroder &<br />

Co.) , h 283 St. Antoine.<br />

Thorburn Elizabeth, (wid Andrew), h - 263<br />

Larned e.<br />

Thorburn William jr., clerk, bds 559 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Tholeburn William, sr., carpenter, h 589 La-<br />

fayet te.<br />

Thorley Thomas, butcher, h 583 Larned e.<br />

Thorley Thomas, polisher, bds 150 Six-<br />

teen1 h.<br />

Thorman August, cooper, 86 Sherman, h<br />

same.<br />

Thorn Charles, sailor, h 355 Seventeenth.<br />

Thorn Henry, tailor, h 164 Fourteenth.<br />

Thorn James, painter, bds 164 Fourteenth.<br />

Thorn Nathaniel, clerk, h 142 Riopelle.<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our oBce<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Adverti~ement, page 9.<br />

Thorn Stephen T., clerk, bds 142 Riopelle.<br />

Thorn William, lake captain, h 31 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Tllordike William F., currier, bcls 45.7 Jcf-<br />

ferson nve.<br />

Thorne Henry, tailor, h 297 Sixteenth.<br />

Thorne Samuel, clerk, h 184 Riopelle.<br />

Thornton Sophia, (mid William,) h 193<br />

Congress e.<br />

Thornton Thomas, student, bds 96 Alex-<br />

andrine ave.<br />

Thorp Albert, clerk, bds 441 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Thorp Horace H., chair maker, h 69<br />

Porter.<br />

Thorp James, upholsterer, 11 26 Brady.<br />

Thorp John, liquor dealer, 441 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Thorp Thomas, teamster, bds 23 Seventh.<br />

Thorp Thomas, upholsterer, h 42 Char-<br />

lotte ave.<br />

Thorp George, printer, h 270 Fourth.<br />

Thorpe Joseph O., carpenter, h 41 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Thorpe William, checker, bds 79 Seventh.<br />

Thrombley Barney, carpenter, h 209<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Thrombley Benjamin, painter, h 241 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Thrombley Hypolite, undertaker, 241 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Throop William A., sewing machine aat.,<br />

220 Jefl'ersonave, h cor Sixth and ee-<br />

brosse.<br />

Throop Washington, clerk, bds 73 s s<br />

Elizabeth m.<br />

Thuener- Mrs. Jenny, hair work, 224 St.<br />

Antoine, h same.<br />

Thuemling G. Henry, boots and shoes, 288<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Thuerwachter Charles, carpenter, bds 285<br />

Franklin.<br />

Thuerwachter Jacob, carpenter, h I1 2<br />

Catharine.<br />

Thuerwachter Peter, car builder, bds 281<br />

Frank1 in.<br />

Thumb Charles, lab., h Farnsworth e<br />

W oodw ard ave,<br />

Thurber Jefferson M., clerk, bds 123 Cass<br />

Thurber Philip, brickmaker, h 207 Lafay-<br />

ette ztve.<br />

Thurman William blacksmith, M. C. R. R.,<br />

h - Scott.<br />

Thurmare Alexander, stone cutter, bds 593<br />


478 T9U DETROIT CITY<br />

~AVS*W<br />

11 t 8 8 8 l,<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Thufiton Arbs O., picture frame maker,<br />

bds 2'75 Congress e.<br />

Tibble Edmund, brass finisher, bds 787<br />

Congress e.<br />

Tibble George, lab., h '78'7 Congress e.<br />

Tibble James F., machinist, h 787 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Tibble Thomas, machinist, bds 787 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Tibble Walter >I., printer, bds '787 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Tibble William, moulder, bds $87 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Tichner Samuel, clerk,Ninth ave nCB1ichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Tid ma n Edward, bonnet bleacher, bds<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Tiefenbach Charles, teamster, h '70 Jay.<br />

Tiefert John, carpenter, bds 331 St. Antoine.<br />

Tieman John, lab., h 581 Lafayette.<br />

Tierney James, core maker, h 306 Franklin.<br />

Tierney James, lab., h e s Tillman ave nr<br />

Butternut.<br />

Tierney Patrick, lab., h 105 Cherry.<br />

Tierney William, lab., h 400 Baker.<br />

Tilpel John, carpenter, h 401 North.<br />

Tiepel Joseph, clerk, bds 26 Monroe ave.<br />

Tiet Henry, lab., h -277 Antietam.<br />

Tietenberg Emil, cigar maker, bds 163<br />

Larned w.<br />

Tietsort Ira, clerk, res Indian ave, Springwells.<br />

Tietsort Perry A., clerk, h 119 Baker.<br />

Tiffany Benjamin F., supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> Car<br />

and Manfr. Co., h 291 Croghan.<br />

Tiffany Frank L., medical student, bds 150<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Tiffany Fred, car builder, bds 291 Croghan.<br />

Tiffany James, medical student, bds 88<br />

Howard.<br />

Tiffany Mary (wid John), washerwoman,<br />

h 138 Grand River ave.<br />

Tfflin Niroa, carpenter, h 114 Clinton.<br />

Tilli Frederick, boiler maker, h e s Joseph<br />

Campan ave bet Catherine and Sherman.<br />

Tilburt John, lab., bds 10 Jay.<br />

Tilery John, stone cutter, bds 26 Fort e.<br />

Tilford Robert, moulder, h 448 Wood-<br />

Tiller bridY ames e- A,, printer, h 81 Plum.<br />


Tilley John, lithographer, bds 252 Second.<br />

Tilley Otto, boiler maker, h 369 Chestnut.<br />

Tillman Harry C., bds 499 Woodward ave.<br />

Tillman Joseph, cooper, h 239 Elizabeth e.<br />

Tillman Martha C., (wid James W.) h 499<br />

lTToodward ave.<br />

Tillotson Charles N., at Daily Post, bds 15<br />

John R.<br />

Tillotson Whiting A., fur buyer, h 134 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Tilly John, lith.printer, bds 259 Second-<br />

Timmins Eugene, teamster, bds 15 Jones.<br />

Tinan alichael. lab, h 159 Wight*<br />

Tinker Alson II., clerk, h 240 First.<br />

Tinker Lowel W., (L. W. Tinker (5Z Co.)<br />

bds Biddle House-<br />

Tinker L. W. & Co., (Lowel W. Tinker,<br />

R. Hill and William H. Edwards)<br />

wholesale grocers an6 commission<br />

merchants, 11 Woodward ave.<br />

Tinnette John, musician, h 83 Catharine.<br />

Tinnette John G., musician, bds 239 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Tionette .John P., musician, h 232 Rivard.<br />

Tinnette Joseph T., musician, bds 292<br />

Rivard.<br />

Tipple Edmund, brass finisher, bds 787<br />

Congress e.<br />

Tipple George, lab, h 787 Congress e.<br />

Tirrell William, (col'd) warehouseman, h<br />

281 Watson.<br />

Tise Fred., lab, M. C. R. R.<br />

Tisler John, blacksmith, h 173 Division.<br />

Tisler Ticholas, constable 7th ward, h 367<br />

Croghan.<br />

Titcombe Thomas V., gardener, Grand<br />

River ave nr Holden Road.<br />

Tite Jacob, wagon maker, h rear 194 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Tite John, blacksmith, h 192 Fort e.<br />

Titlow Angelo, fireman, bds 372 Twelfth.<br />

Tltlom George, notary public, h 372<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Titsort Perry, clerk, h 119 Baker.<br />

Tittert Herman, cigar maker, h 278 Rio<br />

pelle.<br />

Titus Hanna, (mid. Smith,) h 247 Third.<br />

Titus John W., pail maker, bds s e cor<br />

Franklin and Walker.<br />

Titus N. Dunning, printer, h 49 Nadison<br />

ave.<br />

Titze Ernst, upholsterer, h 156 Chestnut.<br />

Tivnan Patrick, peddlar, h 29 Seventeenth.<br />

Tobe Anton, lab., h 266 Clinton.<br />

Toberer Charles, butcher, 615 Gratlot, h<br />

same.<br />

Tobias Albert, clerk, bds 34 Adelaide.<br />

Tobin James, lab., h 144 Franklin.<br />

Tobin James, machinist, bds 278 Seventh.<br />

Tobin Michael, boiler maker,h 275 Seventh<br />

Tobin Thomas, cigar maker, h 134 Yul-<br />

lett.<br />

Tobin William, miller, h in lane bet Sec-<br />

ond and Third and Porter and Abbott.

~<br />


1<br />

Todd David, clerk, bds 97 Congress e. LOVERS of those DELICIOUS BIVALVES<br />

Todd William. h 235 Montcalm e. I SHOULD CALL AT<br />

Todd ~illiam; lab., h 726 Croghan.<br />

Todd William, machinist, h 158 Labrosse.<br />

Todd William, ship carpenter, bds 94 Orleans.<br />


TODENBIER FR14NK X. W., printer,<br />

bds 132 Antietam.<br />


Todenbier John B., clerk, bds, 132 Antie- Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

tam.<br />

Retail.<br />

Todenbier Natthev, carpenter, h 223 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Toner Charles L., carpenter, h Myrtle cor<br />

Todenbier William, cooper, h 132 Antie- Tmeltth.<br />

tam.<br />

Toohey Bridget, (wid Dennis,) h 864<br />

Todt Maximalian, h 448 Woodbridge e. Michigan ave.<br />

Toelle Charles F., clerk, h 91 Catharine. Toohey Peter, saloon, 173 Larned w.<br />

Toepel Charles, tinsmith, bds 110 Gratiot. Tooley Russell H., (Es tey cPI Tooley,) h 248<br />

Toepel John H., hardware, 110,112 and Congress e.<br />

114 Gratiot, 7 Clinton, h same.<br />

Toomey Bartholomew, lab., 11 _Congress s<br />

Toepter Charles, upholsterer, h 587 St. An- s bet Leib and Elmwood.<br />

toine.<br />

Toomey Catharine, (mid Nichael,) h 16<br />

Toepfer Henry, carpenter, h 521 St. An- Howard.<br />

toine.<br />

Toomey James, bds 16 Howard.<br />

Toepfer Henry, plasterer, h 204 Brewster. Toornep John, clerk, h 248 Twelfth.<br />

Toepfer John, lab , h 250 Antietarn. Toomey Michael, forgeman, bds 301<br />

Toepfer Julius, , clerk h 519 St. Antoine. Franklin.<br />

Toepfer William, cabinet maker, 525 St. Toomey Richard, moulder, bds 16 Howard<br />

-4ntoine.<br />

Toomey Thomas, drayman, h 301 Franklin<br />

Toisul William, lab., h 473 Sherman.<br />

Toklow Charles, carpenter, h 540 Gratiot.<br />

Tnomey Thomas, j r., agent, bds 301 Franklin.<br />

Toles Bessie, (wid Nathan,) h 60 BIont- Toomey William, draymm, h 151 Nacalm<br />

w.<br />

tional ave.<br />

Toles Charles H., undertaker, h 23 Lafay- Toomey William, fireman, bds 301 Frankette<br />

ave.<br />

lin.<br />

Toles Edward W., undertaker, h 60 Mont- Toothy Ellen, washerwoman, h 231<br />

calm w.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Toles Frank H., painter, h 60 3Ion tcalm w. Topp August, lab., h s s Jay bet Dubois<br />

Toles William D., painter, bds 60 Mont- and Chene.<br />

calm w.<br />

Torick Henry, (col'd) lab, h s s Kentucky<br />

To11 Herman, printer, bds 437 Mullett. bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Toll John, teamster, h 437 Mullett. Tortlet Hiram, carpenter, h Tweltth w s<br />

Tolland Charles, carpenter, h 217 Nation- nr Grand River ave.<br />

al ave.<br />

Tolland John, brakesman, bds 145 Abbott . Torrance Alexander, engineer, h 88 Lafay-<br />

Tolond Edward, carpenter, h 534 Sevenette.<br />

teenth.<br />

Torrance Andrew, clerk, bds 25 Croghan.<br />

Tronlbley Luvi, carpenter, h Franklin s s Torrance William, moulder, bds 501 Conbet<br />

Adair and Lieb.<br />

gress e.<br />

Tomes James, agent, h 512 Lafayette. Torrent Willi ~ ru (col'd) lab., h 281 Wat-<br />

Tomlinson Frank N., clerk, bds 457 son.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Torrey A. R., h 309 Jefferson ave.<br />

Tomlinson John, lumber inspector $!I. C. Torrey George G., c!erk, h 2 14 Park.<br />

It. R., bds 176 Howard.<br />

Tossy Frank, blacksmith, h 242 Catharine.<br />

Tonllinsvn Maranda, h 135 Michigan ave, Tossy John, blacksmith, h 242' Catharine.<br />

up stairs.<br />

Tossy Lewis. carpenter, h 515 Catharine.<br />

Tomlinson William, (col'd) cook, bds 18 Tossy Lewis, blacksmith, h 372 Crogban.<br />

Beacon.<br />

Tossy Louis, blacksmith, bds 240 Catha-<br />

Toms George H., brakesman D. & M. R. rine.<br />

I%., bds 386 Lafrtyette.<br />

Totten William, blacksmith, h 872 Cro-<br />

Toms Robert P., lawyer, 124 Jefferson ave, ghan.<br />

h 11 Farmer.<br />

Totten William, machinist, h 389 BIullett.<br />

Toms Thomas, mason, h n 1s Fulton bet Totzki Anton, lab., h 101 Jay.<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Touche Atnand physician, h 549 Croghan<br />

Tonas Lewis, mason, h 249 Catharine. Tough James, lab., h 362 Twentieth.


- - - - -- ppp -<br />

@&?LA<br />

- -<br />


Seitz 'lock' next to the Ofice'<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Touisignant Frank, carpenter, h 20 or-<br />

leans.<br />

Tou]min Alfred p., vice president River<br />

and Lake Sllore Line Steamers, h 119<br />

High.<br />

Toupalik Joseph, baker, h 188 Division.<br />

Touplik Joseph, baker, 140 Brouson.<br />

Tournour Alfred, artist, h 556 Jeffe~son<br />

ave.<br />

Touronjo Andrew, saloon, h 441 Guoin.<br />

Touisignant Xavier, ship carpenter, h 22<br />

Orleans.<br />

Towar Fletcher M., assistant lake survey,<br />

Lds new 38 w Park Place.<br />

Towar Frank J., bds new 38 w Park Place.<br />

Towar George- W., creamery, 38 Park<br />

Place, h same.<br />

Towar George W., messenger, bds 104<br />

Congress w.<br />

Towner William D., turner, bds 3 Frank-<br />

lin .<br />

Towle Charles C., clerk, bds 91 Joy.<br />

Towle Chester B., clerk, bds 94 Joy.<br />

Towle Eveline (wid Simon) h 94 Joy.<br />

Towle Ge~rge H., clerk, bds 94 Joy.<br />

Towle Simon, lawyer, h 254 Woodbridge e.<br />

Towle William E., clerk, bda 94 Joy.<br />

Town George, silver plater, bds 21 Oak.<br />

Town Hiram, cablnet maker, h 29 Lever-<br />

e: te.<br />

Town Natban F., clerk, bds 281 Brush.<br />

Tracy John, engineer, h 227 Fourth.<br />

Tracy John, moulder, bds 1032 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Tracy John G., carpenter, h 177 Brcwstrr.<br />

Tracy Margaret, (wid William,) h n w cor<br />

National ave and Ash.<br />

Tracy Mary. (wid Arthur,) vegetable deal-<br />

er, stall 17, C. H. M., h 1032 Xicbigan<br />

ave.<br />

Tracy Patrick, clerk, h 91 Sullivan av.7.<br />

Tracy Theresa, (wid Addison,) Gds 253<br />

Park, nr Charlotte.<br />

Tragin Chas., sawyer, h 114 Xichigan ave.<br />

Trainor James A., clerk bds Biddle House.<br />

Trainor William H., clerk, bds 244 Cou-<br />

gress e.<br />

Traner Hugh, coachman, bds 494 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Trap Joseph, lab., h n s <strong>Detroit</strong>, bet St.<br />

Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

-<br />

Trapp Jacob, electro plater, h 196 Division<br />

Trapp Philip, lab., h 396 Riopelle.<br />

Trappa Anton, joiner,h 119 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Traparg Peter, lab., h 86 Montcalm e.<br />

Trapt Albert, lab., h s s Jay, bet Dnbois<br />

and Chene.<br />

Trara Charles, gardener, h 259 Gratiot.<br />

Trara Zachare, traveling agent, h 259 Gra-<br />

TLI Christian hf., (Traub Bros.,) h 6<br />

Clinton.<br />

Traub Jacob F., (Traub Bros.,) bds Hotcl<br />

Henry.<br />

Traub Jacob, gilder, h 196 Division.<br />

Traub Lewis, shoemaker, h 346 North.<br />

Traub Lorenz, brewer, bds 342 Gratiot.<br />

Traub William, brewer, h 408 Hastings.<br />

Traub Brothers, ( Jacob F. and<br />

Christian M.,) jewelers, 212 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See nda.)<br />

Traver Mary L., (wid Jonas,) h 5 Aspinall<br />

Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Traver Theodore, coach builcler, h 256<br />

Second.<br />

Traver William H , P. 0. clerk, h 65 Mont<br />

calm w.<br />

Traverse Gilbert G., marine inspector, 69<br />

Griswold, h 239 Third.<br />

Traverse Harriet, (wid John,) h 21 Henry.<br />

Traverse William H., clerk, bds 21 Henry.<br />

Tray Joseph, shoemaker, h 186 Croghan.<br />

Treacey John, carpenter, h 177 Brewster.<br />

Tread w ell John, traveling agent, bds Mich-<br />

igan Exchange.<br />

Treadwell John Henry, painter, h 91<br />

Brady.<br />

Tred way Stepheqcarpenter, h w B Twelfth<br />

n Linden.<br />

Tregaskis Richard, dept. col. int. rev. bds<br />

464 Third.<br />

Tregent James, clerk, 5ds n s Larned bet<br />

Hastings and Rivard.<br />

Tregise Oscar W., carpenter, bds 17 Sixth.<br />

Trehey Thomas sr, lab., h 163 Seventh.<br />

Trehey Thomas jr, boiler maker, bds 163<br />

Seventh,<br />

Tremaiu Elijah A., inspector, bds 118 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

~iemble~ Benjamin, news agent, h 308<br />

Congress w.<br />

Trernont House, Giles Tucker propr., cor<br />

Randolph and Jefferson ave.<br />

Trenekie John, butcher, h 337 Hastings.<br />

Trepp Martin, mechanic, bds 610 Riopelle.<br />

Treppa Anton, carpenter, h 519 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Trcsler Andrew: shoemaker, bds - Larned<br />

w.<br />

Tress Arthur, manager,(Tappan, McKillop<br />

& Co.), h Winds~r Ont.<br />

Tress John, music, h 383 Lafayette.<br />

Trevellick Richard F., pres. National Labor<br />

Union, room 7 Fisher Block 131+<br />

Woodward. ave, h 329 Fort e.


Trickey George H., shoe finisher, bds 100<br />

Adams ave.<br />

Trichier Louis, lab., h 260 IIigh.<br />

Tricks John, tobacconist, h 116 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Tribe Christiana Yankee notions, 360 Dubois<br />

11 same.<br />

Tribe Friederick boiler maker, h 360 Dubois.<br />

Tsilck Fritz, lab., h 521 3Zullett.<br />

Trilck Henry, lab., h s s German bet Chene<br />

and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Trinder Raymond, pattern maker, bds 80<br />

Seventh.<br />

Trinder Thomas, lab., h 330 Ninth ave.<br />

Trinder Thomas, U. S. dep. marshal, h S9<br />

Seventh.<br />

Trineman William, blacksmith, h s e cor<br />

Rivard and Clinton.<br />

Trinkaus Christian, tanner, h 201 Chestnut.<br />

Trinkaus Phillip, lab., h 193 Chestnut.<br />

Tripler Eunice, (wid. Charles S.,) h S6<br />

Howard.<br />

Tripolle, Peter, driver, h 86 Montcalnl e.<br />

Tripp Anson, carriage maker, bds F'<br />

~lSC11-<br />

iord Hotel.<br />

Trinbe Edmarcl, (col'd,) lab., h 183 Hastings.<br />

Trinbe .James, lab., bds 183 Hastings.<br />

Trochalka Joseph: shoemaker, h 756<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Troeller John, lab., 21 329 Bronson.<br />

Trocster John, (John Troester & Son,) h<br />

81 1tiol)c:lle.<br />

. Trocster John jr., (John Troester & Son,)<br />

bds 81 liiopelle.<br />

Troester John & Son, (.John Troester and<br />

John Troester jr.,) grocers and saloon,<br />

77 Riopelle.<br />

Trollope hll~ert, moulcler, h 216 First.<br />

Trollop John, mouldel, h 216 First.<br />

Tro1lol)e John, produce and fruit dealer,<br />

124 Woodbridge w, h 87 o Second.<br />

Trombley Adelaide, (wid. Ambrose,) h<br />

3O2 Franklin.<br />

Trombley Alexander, lab., h 539 Larned e.<br />

Trombley Alexander, moulder, bds 303<br />

Franklin.<br />

Trombley Charles, lab., bds 313 Congres w.<br />

Trolnbley Charles J., real estate, h 42<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Trombly Charles I(., druggist, bcls 42<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Trombley Frank, tet~rnster, h 152 Wight.<br />

Trombley John, ship carpenter, h 152<br />

Frank1 in.<br />

Trornbley John, ship carpenter, h 189<br />

Franklin.<br />

Trombley John 11.) teamster, h 504 Lafttyette.<br />

Trombley Leo, ship carpenter, h 580<br />

Franklin.<br />

Trombley Levi, carpenter, h 685 Larned e.<br />

Trombley Luca3, carpenter, h202 Dfacomb.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


0fice,52 W. Lar2~edl St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

-- -<br />

Tronlbley lSIasi111 A.? clerk, bds 43 3Iianli<br />

ave.<br />

Troulbley Peter, jr., carpenter, bds GG7<br />

Lal-ned e.<br />

Tronll~ley Peter, sr., carpenter, h 667<br />

Larned e.<br />

Trombley Tlieoclorc, cni-pcnter, h 504<br />

Woodl)rillge w.<br />

Trombley Wallroy, 1 ,<br />

bcls G67<br />

Larncd e.<br />

Trombley Willi~m;carpcnter, h n w cor<br />

Beau bien and Lelanci.<br />

Trompeter Frank, shoemaker, h 391<br />

Mary.<br />

Trondle John, engineer, 11 37 Harriet.<br />

Trondle John, engineer, h 84 Seventh.<br />

Troppe Martin, varnisher, bds 610 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Trosell Peter, lab., h 239 Thirteenth.<br />

Trotzliy Frank, lab., h 129 JVilliams ave.<br />

Trounstine M., merchant tailor, 187 Jeffer-<br />

son ave. h 199 Larned e.<br />

Trousch Albert, cabinet maker, bds s w<br />

cor Clinton and Russell.<br />

T~.owl)riclge Charles C., pres. D. & 341. R.<br />

It., 11 493; Jefferson ave.<br />

Trowbriilge Edm~lncl, (Trowbridge, Wil-<br />

cox LC Co.,) h 3G2 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trowl~ridge Franlc C., lun~ber inspector,<br />

bds 3SG Lsrned c.<br />

Trowbridge Levi, Slzrvcyor, h 325 Frsnk-<br />

lin.<br />

Trowbridge Luther, (Trowbridge & At-<br />

kinson.) h 609 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trowbridge, IVilcox & Co., (Ed-<br />

mund . Trowbridge, Orville Wilcox,)<br />

ship chandlers, foot Bates,<br />

Trowbridge t!k Atkinson, (L. S. Trowbridge<br />

and John Atkinson,) lawyers, 01 Gns-<br />

wold.<br />

Troy James, clerk, h 65 Wayne.<br />

Troy John F., policeman, h 84 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Troyon Vite, lab., h 112 Sullivan ave.<br />

Truas Cllarles I%., bds 533 Woodward ave,<br />

Truax Ellen, (wid George B.,) h 523 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Trube Charles, carpenter. h 241 IIi9.h.<br />

Truckey Barnabas, painter, h 300 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Truckey Nelson, painter, h 300 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Trudell Lewis, harness malrer, h 127<br />



I<br />

TUR<br />


For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

, BEE PAGE 39. a<br />

Tuleian Philip, carpenter, h 315 Lafayette.<br />

Tullp John, cigar maker, bds 407 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Tull George, lab., 11 48 Catharine.<br />

Tulley John, lab., h 245 Fifth.<br />

Tulley Miss Margaret, dressmaker, bds 245<br />

Fifth.<br />

Tulley Michael, soap maker, bds 245 Fifth.<br />

Tully filichael, helper, h 355 Fifteenth.<br />

Tumblen Edward, cigar maker, bds 130<br />

Sixth.<br />

Tunis William E., (Tunis & Parker)<br />

wholesale stationery, printing and<br />

binding, 86 Woodward ave, h 69 Miami<br />

avenue.<br />

Tunis & Parker, (William E. Tun's and<br />

Welber I?. Parker) books and stationery<br />

and periodicals, 86 Wooclward ave.<br />

Tunny John, boot maker, bds 109 Russell.<br />

Tunsky Alois, carpenter, h 577 St Antoine.<br />

Tunny Jacob, brewer, bds 2'27 Catharine.<br />

Tuplick Joseph, lab., h 124 Wilkins.<br />

Tupper Royal S., cooper, h 451 Itussell.<br />

Tuernstein Catharine (wid Wolfgang) h<br />

328 Slullett.<br />

Tunison Eugene (col'd) lab., h 343 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Turel Julius, stone cutter, h 323 Gratiot.<br />

Turko Ludwig, tailor, h 528 Hastings.<br />

Tnrke Michael, shoemaker, h 392 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Turke Theodore, shoemaker, bds 302 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Turn Halle, h s s Sherman bet Russell and<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Turnbull..John, gardener, h 550 Franklin.<br />

Turnbull Kichard E., clerk, h 253 First.<br />

Turnbull William, baker, h 238 Third.<br />

Turn\)ull William, machinist, bds 550<br />

Franklin.<br />

Turner Addie, dress maker, bds 242 Ad-<br />

ams ave e.<br />

Turner Charles TV., clerk, bds n e cor<br />

Fifth and Howard.<br />

Turner Francis W., glue manufacturer, h<br />

81 Walker.<br />

Turner Harris (col'd) cooper, h n s Fort<br />

bet Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Turner Harrison (col'd) teamster, h 149<br />

Fort e.<br />

Turner Xlorztce, office 137 Griswold, bds<br />

46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Trudell Samuel, physician, h 604 Fort w.<br />

Truesdell C. S., with F. Buhl, Newland Ss<br />

Co., 14 and 148 Jefferson nve.<br />

Truesdell Wesley, h 2'71 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trombley Charles, sailor, bds 18 Hastings.<br />

Trumbull Wallace,-lab., h 19 Ge~man.<br />

Trump Louis, carpenter, h 199 Division.<br />

Trump Simeon, carpenter, h 266 Fourth.<br />

Trupa Charles, carpenter ,191 Croghan.<br />

Trupp Phillip, huckster, stall 33 C. U. M.,<br />

h 396 Riopelle.<br />

Traver Charles S., teamster, h 295 Gratiot<br />

Road.<br />

Tschopp Henry, reservoir keeper, h <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

nr Riopelle.<br />

Tschopp Henry R., ruler, bds waterworks<br />

reservoir.<br />

T8chott Wetschek, lab., h 610 Riopelle.<br />

Tubb George, clerk, h 2 Tenth.<br />

Tubbs Jane (wid Jacob D.,) news depot,<br />

53 Farmer, h same.<br />

Tuck Elizabeth, grocery, h 17 Franklin.<br />

Tucker Anson (Merick & Tucker), h 127<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Tucker Cash (col'd), barber, h 340 Macomb.<br />

Tucker Gaylon L., engineer, h 145 Croghan.<br />

~Gcker Giles, Tremont House, cor Jefferson<br />

ave and Randolph.<br />

Tucker Harriett, shoe turner, h 179 Orchard.<br />

Tucker H. B., bed maker, bds 40 Grt~tiot.<br />

Tucker James D., agent, h 197 Fifth.<br />

Tucker Oryro, painter, bds 197 Fifth.<br />

Tucker Miss Mary, clerk, bds 277 Porter.<br />

Tucker Samuel H., bonnet bleacher, 137<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Tucker Mrs. S. H., dress and cloak<br />

maki~g, 137 GrandRiver ave, h same.<br />

Tucker William W., shoemaker, h 179 Or -<br />

chard.<br />

Tuckley Henry, assistant editor Commercial<br />

Advertiser, h Plymouth, Mich.<br />

Tuellman John Bernhardt, cabinet maker,<br />

h cor Orleans and Wilkins.<br />

Turner James W., agent, h 370 Cass ave.<br />

Tueser John P., lab.: h 442 Sherman. Turner Jane A.. . (wid . Porter G.), h 740<br />

Tueste Joseph, lab., h s s Jay bet Dubois Michigan ave.<br />

and Chene.<br />

! Turner Jason, physician, office 485 St.<br />

Tufts Margaret (wid Francis), h 84 Eigh- 1 Antoine,bds66Marion.<br />

teenth.<br />

Turner John, mason, h 214 Mt. Elliott av.<br />

Tuggey Charles, carpenter, h n w cor 1 Turner Lewis I?., clerk, bds 50 Fort w.<br />

Hastings and Ohio.<br />

i Turner Maggie, clerk, hds 206 Cliffl)rd.<br />

Tuite John, porter,' h 309 Tenth.<br />

1 Turner Olivar (col'd) clerk, h 19 Chase.<br />

Tuite Thomas P., foreman, ikIcMi!lan 6; 1 Turner Robert, carpenter, shop 56 Char-<br />

Co., bds Franklin House.<br />

, lotte, h same.

-- --<br />


Turner Ruth, (wid Richard,) h 241 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Turner Septime, carpenter, h 515 Seventh.<br />

Turner Thomas, agent, John J. Bagley &<br />

Co.<br />

Turner Thomas, sailor, h 105 Franklin.<br />

Turner Tillie,teacher Bishop Union School<br />

Turner William, machinist, bds 77 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Turnhar Andrew, lab., bds cor Lafayette<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Tuthill William, clerk, h n w cor Sixth<br />

and Canfield.<br />

Tuttle Charles, 'clerk, h 190 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Tut tle Nancy, (mid Elmerin,) h 311 Rlont-<br />

calm east.<br />

Tuttle William P., painter, h 311 Blont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Tuttle William IX., clerk, h Sixth n w cor<br />

Canfield.<br />

Twaruck Charles, la$., h m s Dubois bet<br />

German and Gratiot.<br />

Twombly Louis C., bank teller, bds 85<br />

Congress w.<br />

Twirzske Albert, gardener, h 165 Has lings.<br />

Twriskie Joseph, spring bed maker, h 130<br />

Fort e.<br />

Tyler Mrs. Catherine, news depot, 113<br />

Grand River sve, b same.<br />

Tyler Charles R., shoemaker, bds Eisen-<br />

lord's Hotel.<br />

Tyler Frank, express messenger, bds How-<br />

* ard House.<br />

Tyler R. D. S., book publisher's agent, 108<br />

Griswold, up stairs, bds Eisenlord's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Tyler Rolland G., (Tyler & Reeves,) bds<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Tyler Russell, drover, h Twenty-third nr<br />

3iIich igau ave.<br />

Tyler Simeon M., (Tyler, Graham & Co.,)<br />

501 Woodward ave:<br />

Tyler, Graham & Co., (Simeon M.<br />

T ler, William L. Graham, Alfred R.<br />

a[ iner, Adelbert E. Worden,) wholesale<br />

y-ankee notions,l45 and 147 Jefferson ave<br />

and Grand Rapids.<br />

Tyler & Reeves, (Rolland G. Tyler and<br />

Frank N. Reeves,) grocers, cor Ran-<br />

dolph and Congress.<br />

Trnan William, lab., bds 171 Wight.<br />

Tyre Andrew, helper,bds 304 Harrison ave.<br />

Tyre Charles, teamster, h 304 Harrison ave.<br />

Tyre James, teamster,h 304 Harrison ave.<br />

Tyre John, teamster, h 304 Harrison ave.<br />

Tyre Robert, lab., h 304 Harrison ave.<br />

Tyrrel ,4aron W., (Tyrrell Bros.,) cor<br />

Woodbridge and Third.<br />

Tyrrel David W., (Tyrrell Bros,) cor<br />

Woodbridge and Third.<br />

Tyrrel Robert A., (R. A. Tyrrel & C. F.<br />

Swain,) h 157 Third.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Tyrrell William, ship carpenter, h 77<br />

-Wight.<br />

Tyrrell Bros., (Aaron W. and David W.,)<br />

Cass House, cor Woodbridge and Third.<br />

Tyrrel R. A. cG C. F. Swain, farm machinery,<br />

21 Jeffer, aon ave. -<br />

u<br />

BERROTH Charles, tailor, h 320<br />

U Wilkins.<br />

Udall Hannah, (wid Albert) h 390 Eighteenth.<br />

Udder Charlotte, (wid Frederick), h 664<br />

Fort west.<br />

Uehler Frederick, lab, h 27 6 Columbia e.<br />

Uebelhoer Jacob, saloon, 295 St. Antoine,<br />

h same.<br />

Ufford Alfred, saloon 546 Woodbridge w,<br />

h same.<br />

Uhlech John, tailor, h 229 Watson.<br />

Uhlik Joseph, tailor, h 216 Napoleon.<br />

Uhrstadt Henry, peddlar, h 369 Hastings.<br />

Ulbricht Heinrich, cabinet maker, h 132<br />

Fort e.<br />

Ullenbroch Joseph, varnisher, h 281<br />

Bronson.<br />

Eller Adam, lab, h w s Dubois bet<br />

German and Gratiot.<br />

Ulrich Albert, printer, bds 64 Columbia w,<br />

Ulrich Ferdinand R., (Ulrich & Pfitzner,)<br />

h 16 Lafayette.<br />

Ulrich Henry, printer, h 64 Columbia w.<br />

Ulrich Henry,watch maker, 318 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Ulrich Herrmann, printer, h 192 Hastings.<br />

Ulrich John, h 240 Brush.<br />

ULRIC K JOHN, carriage trimming, 71<br />

Larned e, h 162 Adams ave e. (See adu.)<br />

Ulrich Joh, upholstererer, bds 2 15<br />

Rivard.<br />

Ulrich Joseph, cutter (C. R. Mabley,) h<br />

216 Napoleon.<br />

Ulrich Joseph, hats and caps, 202 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 319 Cass ave.<br />

Ulrich Joseph, lab, h 394 Mullett.<br />

Urich Joseph, tailor, 472 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Ulrich Martin G., lab, h 533 Dequindre.<br />

Ulrich Peter, jr., hatter, bds 215 Rivard,<br />

'[Tlrich Peter, sr., h 215 Rivard.<br />

Ulrich Victor, hatter, h 494 Sixth.<br />

Ulrich William, blacksmith, h n w cor<br />

Russell and Morse.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Ulrich TVilliam, watch maker, bcls 315<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Ulrich c% Pfitzner, (Ferdinand R. 1,.lrich<br />

and Herman Pfitzner,) hardware, s e cor<br />

Randolph and Lafttyette.<br />

Unclerhill Ellen (col'd), dress maker, h 505<br />

Hastings.<br />

Underhill Jacob, (col'cl) bar tender, bds<br />

54 Lafayette.<br />

Underhill J. (col'd) grocer, h 505 Hastings.<br />

Underhill James, editor, bds 82 Wayne.<br />

Underwood VJilliam A,, carriage maker,<br />

h 417 Dubois.<br />

Unzeker George, lab., h 287' Antietam.<br />

Unsold Caspar, stove moulder, bds 187<br />

Catharine.<br />

Unsold George, blacksmith, bds 197 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Unsold Gottlieb, moulder, h 705 Croghan.<br />

Unsold John jr, moulder, bds 197 Cath-<br />

arihe.<br />

Unsold John G., blacksmith, 141 Grand<br />

River ave, h 195 Catharine.<br />

Unsold Josepb, stove moulder, h 7'05 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Upp George, forgeman, h Croghan nr car<br />

works.<br />

Upton Albert B., foreman, Lichtenberg's<br />

tobacco works, h s s Willis ave bet<br />

Woodward and Cass aves.<br />

Upton IIannah (mid Frederick), h 10<br />

Rowland.<br />

Upton Sidney, clerk, bds 10 Rowland.<br />

Upton Walter, clerk, bds 10 Rowland.<br />

Urquhart John, confectioner, bds 59 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Url Levi (col'd), waiter, Michigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Uridge Philip,,mason, h 260 Clifford.<br />

Uridge R. George, carpenter, h m s Third<br />

bet Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Urwiller Frederick, carpenter, bds 319<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Urwiller Samuel, carpenter, h 319 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

United States Lmd Office, 9 Seitz Block.<br />

Wstroski Anton, lab., h rear reservoir.<br />

Ustrovoski Martin, lab., h rear reservoir.<br />

Utley Henry M., city ,editor Post, h 66<br />

Hlgh.<br />

Utter Henry, lab., h 76 Fifteenth.<br />

v<br />

7T<br />

ADO Charles, lab., h 2% Eighteenth.<br />

Vado John. clerk, bds Eisenlord's Hotel.<br />

V~tes Ferdinand, cabinet nlakcr, h 169<br />

Bronson.<br />

Vail Albert J., clerk, h w s Leib bet 'congress<br />

and Fort.<br />

Vail David, lab., bds 84 Plum.<br />

Vail George BI., (Vail, Crane & Curtis), h<br />

213 t'irst.<br />

Vail Patrick, lab., h S4 Plum.<br />

Vail, Crane cf Curtis, (George M. Vnil ,<br />

William S. Crane and Louis hI. Curtis),<br />

bakers, 136 Randolph.<br />

Vaillnncourt Hercules, lab., h 40 Sherman.<br />

Valcke Itennie, boiler maker, h 306 Clinton.<br />

Valentine Agnes (mid Hugh) dress maker,<br />

h 303 Montcalm e.<br />

Valentine Anton, jeweller, h 70 Lewis.<br />

Valentine Antoine, cutter, h 09 day.<br />

Valentine Anthony,hardmare, 425 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Valentine Anthony C., printer, 11 97 Jay.<br />

Valentine, Charles W., clerk, bds 25 Farmer.<br />

Valentine Frederick, trunk maker, bds 221<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Valentine George, clerk, bds Finncy's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Valentine George, traveling agent, bds 303<br />

Blontcalnl e.<br />

Valentine George, clerk, bds 46 Orleans.<br />

Valentine John, lab., h 217 Elizabeth e.<br />

Valentine John G., clerk, h Woodbridge c,<br />

cor Orleans.<br />

Valentine Otto, trunk maker, bds 291<br />

Xlizabeth e.<br />

Valentine Stephen, cigar maker, h G5G<br />

Russell.<br />

Vallaire Alexander, boarding, h 204<br />

Franklin.<br />

Vallave Joseph, finisher, h 187 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Vallard William J., sawyer, bds 125<br />

Franklin.<br />

Vallee Elizabeth M., (wid John B.,) h s w<br />

cor George and Clifford.<br />

Vallier Angus, carpenter, 11 196 National<br />

avenue.<br />

Vslllier Abraham, shoemaker, h 131 Kational<br />

ave.<br />

Valliere Augustus, drayman, h 405 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Valliere Augustus, lab., h 322 Orleans.<br />

Valliere Edward, dray man, h 410 Wood -<br />

bridge e.<br />

Vallier John, shoe maker, h 85 iNational<br />

avenue.<br />

Valliere John C., shoemaker, h 655 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Valls John, restaurant, 92 3IicLigan ave, h<br />



- --<br />

Valrdn Frank, lab., h Williams ave nr<br />

Linden.<br />

Valyest Henry, shoemaker, h 239 Chcstnut.<br />

Van Anden Cllsrles A., insurance agent,<br />

room 3, Merrill lJlocl


--<br />

~ ~ VanMeter g John H., bar g tender, h 561 La- ~ ~<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

VanDorp Louisa (wid Leon)h 2374 Seventh<br />

Vandor William, carpenter, h 635 Clinton.<br />

VanDorp Isabel, teacher Houghton<br />

School, bds 237+ Seventh.<br />

VanDry Sarah, (wid) was hermoman, h42<br />

o Seventh.<br />

VttnDilrren Anloine, saloon, 724 Croghan,<br />

. h same.<br />

Van Duscn Charles T., clerk, h 80<br />

VanDusen Harlan P., (Chage & VanDu-<br />

sen), h 137 Griswold.<br />

VanDuzer Ashley M., (Chappell & Van<br />

Duzer,) h 143 Fort w.<br />

VanDyBe Elizabeth D., (wid James A.,)<br />

bds 308 Jefferson ave.<br />

VanDyke Rev. Eruest, h 353 JeEerson aye.<br />

VanDyke George W., real estate, h 305<br />

Jefferson ave,<br />

VrtnDyke Henry J.;cooper, h 534 Gratiot.<br />

VanDyke Philip J. D., (VanDyke &<br />

Brownson,) h 150 Congress e.<br />

VanDyke & Brownson, (Philip J. D. Van-<br />

Dyke and Henry F. Brownson,) lawyers,<br />

24 Seitz block.<br />

Vaneps George A., clerk, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Vaness Jacob, soay, manufacturer, h 543<br />

Congress e.<br />

Vssgallow John, carpenter, h 205 Orleans.<br />

Vangallow Joseph, hatter, bds 205 Orleans<br />

Vanhek Cornielus, painter, h 282 Clinton,<br />

Van Herpen George, clothing, 34 Michi-<br />

gan ave, h same.<br />

VanHoogstraten Cornelius, carpenter, h<br />

469 Hastings.<br />

VanHonton Peter, lab, h 459 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

VanHuson Caleb, Pres.' <strong>Detroit</strong> Fire and<br />

Marine Ins. Co., h 165 Fort w.<br />

VanHuyse Leopold, cooper, s w cor Grand<br />

River ave and Ash.<br />

VanHuvse Leopold P. H., n e cor Fulton<br />

and gighth.<br />

VanLarba Peter, sawyer, h 155 Wight.<br />

VanLeen Anthony, mason, h 108 Chestnut<br />

Vanleyen Harmon, carpenter, bds 26<br />

IkIontcalm w.<br />

Vanleyen John, carpenter, h 26 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

VanLien John, tailor, h cor Gratiot and<br />

Russell.<br />

VanLoon John, joiner, h 424 Cratiot.<br />

VanMeter Henry, lab, h 547 Lafayette.<br />

fayette.<br />

VanNourick Peter, clerk, h 84 Larned e.<br />

Vann Isaac M., watch maker and jeweler,<br />

329 Cass ave, h same.<br />

Van Noorden Lewis, clerk, bds o 16 JIich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Van Norman Jonathan M., physician,<br />

room 3,207 Woodward ave, h 22 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

Vanpammer Rev. Edward, pastor St. Vin-<br />

cent Church, h Fourteenth bet Dalzelle<br />

and Marantette.<br />

Van Pelt John, (col'd) barber, bds 202<br />

Congress e.<br />

Van Poucke Ferdinand, h 217 Wight.<br />

VanRensselaer Benjamin ,4., upholsterer,<br />

bds Cass House.<br />

Van Rensselser H. Dwight, clerk, h 83<br />

High.<br />

Van Schoick John H., h 248 First.<br />

Van Sickle James, (Nicholson & Van<br />

Sickle,) h 80 Charlotte ave.<br />

Vansickle Morgan H., teamster, h 141<br />

Michigan ave up stairs.<br />

Van Slyke Rensselaer R., clerk, St eamer<br />

Clintou, h 137 George.<br />

Vanten Frank, carpenter, h 411 Fort e.<br />

Van Vliet A., confectioner, bds 395 Blutlett.<br />

Van Vliet Maurice, cigar maker, bds 93<br />

Mullett.<br />

Van Vliet Moses,cigar maker,h 93 Mullett.<br />

Van Fliet Jacob, baker, h 395 Mullett.<br />

Van Tiffin Myron H., wood dealer, 112<br />

Clinton, h same.<br />

Vanvactor Cyrus, lab., bds 280 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Vanvlasseluer Jean B., :lab., h n w cor<br />

Chene ctnd Franklin.<br />

Vanvlasseluer Phillip, lab., h n w cor<br />

Chene and Franklin.<br />

Vanvooven Edward, cooper, bds n e corner<br />

Fulton and Eighth.<br />

Vanway Charles C., teamster, bds 441<br />

Guoin.<br />

Van Wicklin Perry, cabinet maker, bds 10<br />

Grand River we.<br />

Van Winkel Adelbert, clerk, bds 104 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Van Winkel Ruebec H., clerk, h 651 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Varmiller Frederick, grocer, 537 Hastings,<br />

h same.<br />

Varnbuhler Jacob, tailor, h 227 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Varnbuhler Jacob, jr., vanisher, bits 281<br />

Adams ave e. I<br />

Varn ey George A., 1 iquors, 9 Brush h s am e.<br />

Varnica Gilbert, carpenter, h 588 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Vaughn Charles, clerk, bds 425 Seventh.<br />

Vaughn Christina, bds 109 Atwater.<br />

Vaughn Frank, (B. Armstrong & Co,,) h<br />

425 Seventh.


Vaughan George W., ticket agent, h 138<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Vaughan John W.. (col'd,) blacksmith, s<br />

w cor Lalayette and Hast inp s.<br />

Vau~han J. Loren I., clerk. h 1'76 Clifford.<br />

Vauzhan ~omulus B:, h 191 Congress w.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />

Vaughan Tillie, saloon, 12 Beaubien. 1 FULTON MARKET OYSTER HOUSEl<br />

VeaT~eor~e S.,-drayman, h 79 Sproat.<br />

Veeder W. T., lumber dealer, bds Goodman<br />

EIouse.<br />

Veith John, cabinet maker, hds 66 31;xrion.<br />

Vekelske Frederick, carpenter, h 409 130pelle.<br />

Vellur Herman, tailor, h 357 Bronson.<br />

Vellger Charles, saloon, 205 Gratiot h<br />

same.<br />

Vellger William, carpenter, bds 490 Alfred<br />

Velger Mary, (wid Samuel.) huckster, h<br />

490 Alfred.<br />

Velke Charles, wagon maker, h 381 Bronson.<br />

Vcll ter Andrew, lab., bds 244 Russcll.<br />

Vena Henry S., (Vena & Branch,) h 162<br />

Hnssell.<br />

Vena & Branch,(Henry D Vena and Philip<br />

Branch,) carpenters, 70 Larned w.<br />

Vencilhubecha William, tailor, b 783 Sixteenth.<br />

Vendinter Mathias, organ builder, 11 390<br />

North.<br />

Venohr Richard, shoemaker, 592 Gratiot,<br />

h 666 same.<br />

Venie Haria, dressmaker, h 211 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Venn Charles C., policeman, h 210 Eighteenth.<br />

Venn Henry, plumber and gas fitter, 101<br />

Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Venn Henry, sailor, bds 40 Seventeenth.<br />

Veun John, mason, h 64 Seventeenth.<br />

Venn James A., clerk, h 40 Seventeenth,<br />

Venn Richard, stone cutter, h 101 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Veun Thomas, clerk, h 79 Shelby.<br />

Venn Thomas, meat market, 275 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Venn, William E,, carpenter, Lafayette<br />

ave, bet Twenty-first and Twen ty-second.<br />

Vennett Anthony, lab., h 399 Franklin.<br />

Vennart John, lab., h 262 Franklin.<br />

Vente Henry,clerk,bds 686 Woodbridge w.<br />

Vente Theodore, foreman, h 686 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Veragut Mary, (wid Thomas) milliner, 278<br />

Gratiot, h same.<br />

Verder Von, architect, bda Finney's Hotel.<br />

Verdon Henry, lab., res Indian ave,<br />

Springwells.<br />

Verdier Cladius, machinist, h Beaubien nr<br />

Fremont.<br />

Verhoeff Julia,(wid Peter F.,) h 40 Sproat.<br />

Verlinden Jane, machine operator, bds 391<br />

Gratio t.<br />


WOysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Verlinden Peter J., bds 391 Bronson.<br />

Verlinden Peter, chairmaker, h 391 Bronson.<br />

Ver~uette Anthony, currier, h w s Twenty-fourth<br />

bet Baker and llI. C. R. R.<br />

track.<br />

Verinette Lewis, pattern maker, h 33<br />

Foundry.<br />

Vermette Joseph C., carpenter, h 33 Foundry.<br />

Vermette William, carpenter, Ir 96 Twcntieth.<br />

Vermeulens Frederick, hat pressing, 263<br />

Gratiot, h 530 Hastings.<br />

Vermeulen Peter, grocer, 168 Chene, h<br />

same.<br />

Vernor Benjamin, insurance agent, 99<br />

Griswold, h 222 Fort w.<br />

Vernor Charles H., clerk, h 235 Park.<br />

Vernor James, druggist, 235 Wood ward<br />

ave, bcls 164 Bagg.<br />

Vernor Jeremiah S., insurance agent, 99<br />

Griswold, h 164 Bagg.<br />

Versella Eva, teamster, h 242 Guoin.<br />

Verslair Mary (mid John) h 149 Maple.<br />

Vesterle John,blacksmith, bds 282 Gr~tiot.<br />

Vetterl Charles A. -J.,. clerk, bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Vetterlein Moritz, tanner, bds 21 Clay.<br />

Vettenbrea Fernand, lab., h 484 Fifteenth.<br />

Vetters Gustav, clerk, h 179 Lafayette.<br />

Vezinau Samuel, sash and blind maker,<br />

bds 519 Fort e.<br />

Vezinan Xavier, lab., h 185 Chene.<br />

Vhay James H., (Dwyer & Vhay) h 277<br />

Second.<br />

Vhay John, fruit and confectionery, $1<br />

Griswold, bcls 277 Second.<br />

Viber John, ship carpenter, h 290 Twentysecond;<br />

Vick Henry H. 3rrs., millinery, 281 Michican<br />

ave.<br />

~ick Henv H., carpenter, h 281 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Vick John W., sign painter, bds. 8 Maria.<br />

Vick Joseph, Farmer, Twenty-1 our th, bet.<br />

Baker and Leverette.<br />

Vickers -, h 477 Lafayette ave.<br />

Victhum John, carpenter, h 595 Seventh.<br />

Victor Sewing Machines, W. L<br />

Bates & Co., general agents, Wm. Rodecker,<br />

local agent, 5 Opera House<br />

Block. (See adv.)



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lea1 ODD. name.<br />

Victorson Herman, saloon, 149 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Victorson Lipmann, h 309 Michigan ave.<br />

Vid'esn Wm. (furnace heater,) h Woodhridgc,<br />

nr Eleventh.<br />

Vielhauer Frederick,gardencr, h s s Gratiot<br />

bet. Mt. Blliott ave. and El~llwood ave.<br />

Vier August (August Vier c . Co.) h n e cor<br />

Michigan ave and Griswold.<br />

Vier August CO., (August Vier, Xovicr<br />

Zurcher & Francis Firemen,) manufac'rs<br />

cigars, n e cor Blichigan ave and Grismold.<br />

Vierhot Frederick, gilder, h 174 Macomb.<br />

Vieson Franz . T., shoemaker, h 138<br />

Maple.<br />

Vieson Frederick, butcher, bds 403 Riopelle.<br />

Vieson Frederick, lab., h 157 Maple.<br />

Victth Charles, grocer, 297 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Vieth . John. - tinsmith, bds 297 Gratiot.<br />

Viger ~leiander E., (Viger Bros.) h 157<br />

Congress, e.<br />

Vigcr . , Edward R. (Capt. Northwest): 139<br />

Howard.<br />

Viger Ezra, (Tiger Bras.), bds 130<br />

Howard.<br />

Viger Bros., (Alexander E. & Ezra), . - coal<br />

& pip iron, 41: Atwater e.<br />

Vipineau Joseph, lab., h in rear of 594<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Villvane Henry, carpenter, h 114 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Vilbrin Bernard, (J Lower & Co.,) h 61<br />

Brush.<br />

Vinatieri Felix, musician, 239 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Vincent Benjamin, mason, h 333 Prospect.<br />

Vincent James, cabinet maker, h 182 Riapelle.<br />

Vincent Thomas, carpenter, h 182 Riopelle<br />

Vincent \Villium, cabinet maker, h 182<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Vine Emma C., (mid of George), h 25<br />

Abbo tt.<br />

Vinette Mary, (wicl Charles), h 34 Wight.<br />

VINTON WARREN G., builder, 169<br />

Css, h 475 Second. (See ad.)<br />

Virtue r5Z Yorston, (book publishers), room<br />

3 Fisher Block, 133 Woodward nve.<br />

Visger Charles J., carpenter, h Foundry<br />

nr Baker.<br />

Visqer Janies A., county auditor, room T<br />

city hall, h Hamtramck.<br />

Visger Oliver, F., plasterer, h 60 Foundry.<br />

Visinau Frank, sawyer, h 155 Chene.<br />

Vittie J. M., clerk, bds Howard House.<br />

Vitepush Louis, lab., M. C. R. It.<br />

Vivian1 Carlo, (Zappelli & Viviani,) h 7G<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Vivier Jed, bricklayer, h 150 Maple.<br />

Vize Margaret, (wid) h 17'7 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Vizinau Odillon, lab., h 455 Croyhan.<br />

Vizinaw Samuel, teamster, h 519 Fort e.<br />

ylave John, tinsmith, bds 99 Jay.<br />

Vlier Govert, meat market, 848 Nichigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Voakes Jositth, saloon, 417 Russell, h<br />

same.<br />

Vocelle Oliver, ship carpenter, h 720<br />

Franklin.<br />

Vodow Cllarles, lab., h 288 Eighteenth.<br />

Voddyh Dingena, (wid Henry) 149 Maple.<br />

Voelkel Joseph, brewer, 54 Maple, h same.<br />

Voelker Charles, tailor, 11 324 Catharine.<br />

Voelker Jacob, barber, h s e cor Hastings<br />

and Macomb.<br />

Voelkner John, carpenter, h 455 Clinton<br />

avd.<br />

Vogel Bernhardt, lab., h 123 Clinton.<br />

Vogel Christian, teamster, h 465 Macomb.<br />

Vogel Christopher, teamster, h Sherman<br />

bet Rivard and Russell.<br />

Vogel Charles G., agar maker, h 283 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Vogel Edward H., saloon, GS Randolph, h<br />

same.<br />

Vogel John, lab., h 705 Clinton ave.<br />

Vogel Joseph, meat market, n w cor Fifth<br />

and Locust, bds n e cor Abbott aud<br />

Fourth.<br />

Vogel Leonard, foreman, bds 282 Gratiot.<br />

Vogelsang Sophia, dress maker, h 265<br />

Has tings.<br />

Vogelsanq Wm., carver, bds 265 Hastings.<br />

Vogler Ferdinand, stove moulder, h 284<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Vogeler Henry, lab., h 152 Division.<br />

Vogler Rsinhardt, clerk, h 9 Pearl.<br />

Vog:er Henry, tailor, h 350 Joseph Cam-<br />

pau ave.<br />

Vogler Michael, peddlar, h 175 Macomb.<br />

Voqt Andrew, peddlar, h 436 Croghan.<br />

Vogt Carrie Miss, clerk, bds 436 Croghan.<br />

Vogt Carolina, (wid Peter) h 116 Mullett.<br />

Vogt Charles, teamster, h 523 Clinton ave.<br />

Vogt Christian, (wid John) h 225 Alfred.<br />

Vogt Daniel, cigar maker, h 159 Mullett.<br />

Vogt Gottlob, shoe maker, h 326 Sixteenth<br />

Vogt John, mason, h 384 Brewster,<br />

Vogt John, foreman, h 285 Jay.<br />

Vogt Peter, peddlar, h 521 Congress e.<br />

Vogt William, shoemaker, h 39 Hastings.<br />

Vogt T7Tillism, meat market 447 Fort e, h<br />



Voigt Edward W., (proprietor Milwaukee<br />

Brewery), cor Cherry and Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Voigt Oswald H., blacksmith and wagon<br />

shop 239 Griswold, h 130 Columbia e.<br />

Volk Caroline, (wid Andrew), h 243 Antietam.<br />

Volk Ernest, painter, bds 107 Gratiot.<br />

Volk Herman, painter, h 107 Gratiot.<br />

Volk Herman, jr., carriage painter, bds 337<br />

Orleans.<br />

Volkenstein Frank, porter, h 64 31ullett.<br />

Volkenstein George, lab., h 64 Mullett.<br />

Volkenrath Casper, pelldlar, h w side Tillman<br />

ave.,bet Michigan ave and Butternut<br />

Volkert John, plasterer, h 606 Sixth.<br />

Volkmer Maximilian, furrier, bds Hotel<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Vollbach William, tailor, h 341 Bronson.<br />

Vollmuth John, lab., bds 113 Mullett.<br />

Vollrath Peter, lab., h 325 Clinton.<br />

Vollweiler Martin, tanner, h 180 Sherman.<br />

Volpa Agostino, musician, bds 123 Brush.<br />

Volter Edward, mason, h 403 Maple.<br />

Volz John, wood carver, h 63 Abbott.<br />

Volz John lab., bds 1 Jefferso~ ave.<br />

Vonderheid August, shoemaker, bds 221<br />

Gratio t .<br />

Vonderheide Christian, carpenter, h 236<br />

Orleans.<br />

Vouderheide Henry, assistant U. 8. assessor<br />

h 112 Elizabeth e.<br />

Vonderheide Henry, jr., shoemaker, bds<br />

206 Fort e,<br />

Vonderheide Henry, sr., shoemaker, 53<br />

Michigan Grand ave., h 260 Fort e.<br />

VonderKaeda Christian, carpenter, h 236<br />

Orleans.<br />

VonderKnamm William, carpenter, h 11 1<br />

Chestnut.<br />

VouderNade Frank, lab., h 110 Chestnut.<br />

VonderVelde Liogard P., clerk, bds 149<br />

Maple.<br />

Von~ssen Amandus, clerk, bds 175 Fort e.<br />

VonEssen Henry, grocer, 122 Lamed e, h<br />

175 Fort e.<br />

VonHaak Cornelius H., painter h 282 Clinton.<br />

VonHouten Henry, lab., h s s Mullett bet<br />

Rivard and Russell.<br />

VonWagners William, barber, h s s Riopelle<br />

bet Croghan and Nacomb.<br />

VonWerder Frederick, architect, bds Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Voodrez Charles C., lab., 5ds 304 Catharine.<br />

Voodrez Peter, lab., h 304 Catharine.<br />

Voorhees Peter, (13enkel & Voorhees,)<br />

17 Elizabeth e.<br />

Vortsn Frank, carpenter, h 411 Fort e.<br />

Vosburg James H., (with F. L. Seitz &<br />

Co.), bds Howard House.<br />

Voss Henry, lab., h 390 Chene.<br />

G2<br />

DIRECTORY. \VAG 489<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

~anufaoturers of<br />

Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. Po Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Vought Phillip G., drover, h 355 Gixteenth-<br />

Vradenburg Elijah, grocer, 68 Henry.<br />

Vuellinger John, shoemaker, h 219 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

-<br />

w<br />

w<br />

ACHORIACK Valentine, lab., h n<br />

s Bellair bet Riopelle and Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Wachter August, carpenter, h 542 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Wachter John, shoemaker, h189 Nacomb*<br />

Waclcer Charles, lab., h 312 Chestnut.<br />

Wacker Christian, cooper, h Macomb, n s<br />

nr McDougall ave.<br />

Wacker Johanna, (wid John) h s s Maple<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Wacker John, cooper, h I2 Maple.<br />

Wackermsnn Peter, mason, h 210 Fort e.<br />

Wackersen Conrad, lab., h 244 Croghan e.<br />

wade James, lab., h 84 Harrison ape.<br />

Wade William, horse shoeing, 9 Lafay-<br />

ave, h 45 Oak.<br />

Wadhams George, carpenter, h cor Third<br />

and ~ ~ ~ i ~ .<br />

Wadle Georae, teamster, h s s Antietam<br />

bet &seph eampau and 3IcDougall ~VS.<br />

Wadsworth Thomas, ship carpenter, h<br />

283 Croghan.<br />

WA1)SWORTH THOMAS A., manufac-<br />

turer cigar boxes, tea caddies, etc., 283<br />

Croghan, h 137 Russell.<br />

Wadsworth Wllliam, h 222 Brush.<br />

Wachter Henry, saloon, n w cor Thir-<br />

teenth-and-a-half and Woodbridge, h<br />

same.<br />

Waegner Christian, lab., h 135 Naple.<br />

Waelde Charles F., boots and shoes, 228<br />

Gratiot, h 119 Sherman.<br />

Waelde George P., tailor, h 146 Macomb.<br />

Wafer John, tanner, bds 163 Elizabeth e.<br />

Wafer Margaret, (wid Moses) h 163 Eliz-<br />

abeth e.<br />

Wagenback William J., lab., h 352 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Wagner Albert, shoemaker, h s w cor<br />

Jay and Orleans.<br />

Wagner Anton, pop, 480 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Wagner August, (A. & J. Wagner), h 160<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Wagner Christ (J. B. Wagner 6c Co.), h<br />

326 Woodward ave.


J!R&YHBW<br />

Wagner William W., cutter, bds 55 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Wagner A. 8G J., (August and John,) furniture,<br />

24 Monroe ave.<br />

BUSINESS COLLEGE. wapner J. B. a co., (John B., Edward<br />

aGd ~hristhn wagher,) bakery and con-<br />

FOR COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS, fectionary, 326 Woodward ave.<br />

BEE PAGE 39 a<br />

maggoner Albert, lab., h Tillman ave nr<br />

Linden.<br />

Wagner Christian, carpenter, h 564 Or- wagman Fritz, lab., h 446 Catharine.<br />

leans.<br />

Wagnitz Henry, carpenter, 6 145 Twenty-<br />

Waqner Edward (J. B. Wagner & Co.), h second.<br />

326 Woodward ave. , Wagstaff Robert M.,lake captain& n s Leib,<br />

Wagener Edward, carver, bds 199 Russel. bet Congress and Fort.<br />

Wagner Frank,blacksmith,bds 29 Clinton. Wahrmann Frederick, sawyer, h 108<br />

Waqner Hartman, bolt cutter, h 165 Twentieth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Wain Cornelius J., bds 234 Congress e.<br />

Wagner Frederick, blacksmith, bds n w Wain William, bds 234 Congress e.<br />

cor Bertubien and Clinton.<br />

Wain William A., engineer, h 661 Frank-<br />

Wagner Henry, teamster, h 270 Beaubien. lin.<br />

Wagner Henry, j r, clerk, bds 326 W ood- Wais William, painter, h 302 Alfred.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Wait GI. D., clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Wagner Henry, sr., h 326 Wood ward ave. Wait Ira. drover, h Union cor Fifth.<br />

Wagner Jacob, (col'd,) teamster, h 288 Wake David, teamster, h Howard bet<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth.<br />

Wagner Jennie, saloon, G5 Franklin, h Wakefield Maria, (wid George), h Twelfth<br />

~ame.<br />

nr Dickson.<br />

Wagner John, (A. & J. Vagner,) h 162 Wakeham James, gardener, bds Brighton<br />

Gratio t.<br />

House.<br />

Wagner John, baker, bds 326 Woodward Wakeman Maria L., (wid Will iam h.,)<br />

ave .<br />

h 87 Shelby.<br />

Wagner John, cabinet maker, h 63 Pros- Wakely bliss Annie, teacher, bds 166 Larnpect.<br />

ed east.<br />

Wagner John, cooper, Bellair, nr Joseph Wakely Joseph. clerk, bds 166 Larned e.<br />

Campau ave.<br />

TVALCH EDWARD, boat builder, 53 De-<br />

Wagner John, cutter, h 256 3Iullett.. quindre, h 225 Guoin. (See advt.)<br />

Wagner John, lab., h 143 Elmwood ave. Walcker Edward, billiard maker, h 57<br />

Wagener .John, h 199 Rus-ell.<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Wagner John, lab., h 278 Russell. Walcott Albert H., (NcPherson cSZ Co.,)<br />

Waqner Jobn B., (J. B., Wagner & Co.,) h h 71 Sproat.<br />

326 Woodward ave.<br />

Walcott Edward, lab, h 379 Fifth.<br />

Wagner John, jr, foreman, h n w cor High Walcott George F., clerk, 278 Park.<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Walcott Thomas, lab, 17 South.<br />

Wagner Joseph. butcher, h n s Watson, Wddecker Mathew, grocer, 234 Alfred, h<br />

bet Russell a ~ Riopelle. d<br />

same.<br />

Wagoner Joseph, saloon, 568 Woodbridge Waldeclrer Nicholas, lab, bds 587 Michiw,<br />

h same.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Wagner Dlichael, currier, bds 231 Rio- Walden John H., painter, bds 203 Jefferelle.<br />

son ave.<br />

Wagner Morris, polisher, h 129 Eigh- Waldenar Charles, dept. sheriff, h 374<br />

teenth.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Wacner Nicholas, gardener, bds 37 Waldenbrand F., (Am. Express,) h 264<br />

Winder.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Wagner Nicholas, tanner, h 143 Elmwood Walder John, lab, bds 295 Woodbridge w.<br />

ave.<br />

Walder Nicholas, carpenter, h German s s<br />

Wagner Peter, baker, bds 326 Woodward bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

ave.<br />

Waldon John, painter, bds 265 Jefferson<br />

Wagner Philip, h 97 Chestnut.<br />

ave.<br />

Wagner Robert, (Thompson & TTrgner,) h Waldon Thomas, plumber, bds 3 Jefferson<br />

16 Plum.<br />

ave.<br />

Waqner William, machinist, h 156 Walende John, lab., h 221 Elizabeth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Wales George, clerk, bds 101 Cass.<br />

Wagner William, marble polisher, h 222 Walgemuth Felix, knife grinder, h 486<br />

Narion.<br />


-<br />


. Walkenhut Matthias, butcher, bds 467<br />

Grand River sve.<br />

Walker Alexander, (col'd,) waiter, Michi-<br />

gsu Exchange.<br />

Walker Ancil W, carpenter, h 102 Farrar.<br />

Walker Benjamin, painter, bds 19 Cass.<br />

Walker Charles H., express railroad, h 104<br />

Howard.<br />

Walker Charles H., student, bcls 39 Fort m.<br />

Walker Charles I, lawyer, room 4, cor<br />

Woodmard ave and Larned e, h 39 Fort<br />

W.<br />

Walker Christian, cooper, h n s Macomb<br />

bet hl[cl)ougall and Joseph Campau aves.<br />

Walker Clarence H., coal merchant, bds<br />

17 Madison me.<br />

Walker Dugald, carpenter, h 1/59 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Walker Duncan, machinist, h 395 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Walker Edward, cabinet maker, h 51<br />

Napoleon.<br />

TValker Edward, carpenter, (Candler Bros)<br />

h Thirteenth-and-a-half nr Grand River<br />

we.<br />

Walker Edward C., (Hiram Walker &<br />

Son,) bds 54 Fort w.<br />

Walker Edward C., (Walker &Kent ,) Vine-<br />

wood ave bet Howard and Lafayette.<br />

TValker Eli S., picture and looking glass<br />

dealer, h 166 Labrosse.<br />

Walker Elizrr, (wid Henry,) h 22 Ann.<br />

Walker Frank H., bds 54 Fort w.<br />

Walker Frederick K., Evans & Walker,<br />

h 783 Jefferson ave.<br />

Walker George, carpenter, Lafayette Place<br />

bet Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

Walker George, carpenter, h 209 Abbott.<br />

Walker Gedrge O., wood inspector Eastern<br />

District, h 584 Croghan.<br />

Walker George D., merchandise broker<br />

office, 5 Board Trade Building, bds<br />

Nichigan Exchange.<br />

Walker Hcnry, iron me1 ter, h 141 Oak.<br />

Walker Henry L., h 22 Howard.<br />

Walker Henry N., president <strong>Detroit</strong> Free<br />

Press Co., h 814 Jefferson ave.<br />

Walker Henry O., physician, office, room<br />

6 Eodge's Block, cor Griswold and State.<br />

Walker Hiram, (Hiram Walker b: Sons,) h<br />

54 Fort w.<br />

Walker Hugh, clerk, bds 309 Abbott.<br />

Walker Jabez, porter, bds cor Russell and<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Walker James, (NcGrane & Walker,) h<br />

268 Sixth.<br />

Walker James, copper smith, h 327 Sixth.<br />

Walker James, moulder, h 62 Beaubien.<br />

Walker James E., carpenter, h 139 Alfred.<br />

Walker James H., printer, h '77 Plum.<br />

Walker James H., <strong>Detroit</strong> Wheel Co., bds<br />

130 George.<br />

W~lker Japes, cooper, bds 9 s Calllocn bct<br />

Prcspect and Xtuz;sell. .<br />



FnIton Marlket Oyster Honse,<br />


Oysters in the Shell a specialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Walker John, carpenter, h 152 Labrosse.<br />

Walker John, clerk, bds 127 Abbott.<br />

Walker John, sheet iron worker, h 127<br />

Abbott.<br />

Walker John, moulder, bds 147 Oak.<br />

Walker John D., bill poster, 80 Griswold,<br />

h 40 Park Place.<br />

Walker Manleg, jr., t'eamster, bds n s An-<br />

tietam bet Chene and Joseph Campau<br />

ave.<br />

Walker Richard E., clerk, h 388 Second.<br />

Walker Robert, (col'd) blacksmith, h<br />

Grove bet Brush and Beaubien.<br />

Walker Rosanna (wid Hezkia) h n s An-<br />

tietam bet Chene and Joseph Campau av.<br />

Walker Samuel W., (S. W. Walker & Co.)<br />

res Cincinnati, 0.<br />

Walker Thomas, machinist, h 17 South.<br />

Walker Willibm, carpenter, h 167 Alfred.<br />

Walker William C., carpenter, h 270 First.<br />

Walker William J., photographer, bds<br />

3i9 Third.<br />

Walker Willis E., bds 54 Fort m.<br />

Walker, McGraw & Co., (Hiram Walker,<br />

Thomas McGraw . William A. Moore<br />

and Oliver P. Hazard) Tobacco Works ,<br />

33 and 35 Atwater e.<br />

Walker & Kent (Edward C. Walker and<br />

Charles A. Kent), lawyers, rooms 1 and<br />

2 s e cor Woodward and Larned e.<br />

Walker Sm 'IV, & Co., (S. TiT.<br />

Walker and R. N. Gray) coal yard, foot<br />

Griswold. (See adul.)<br />

Wr~ll Charlotte, (wid Thomas) boarding,<br />

h 77 Beaubien.<br />

Wall Edward, h 174 Seventh.<br />

Wall George, lab., h 253 Eighteeoib.<br />

Wall Joseph, printer, bds 103 Brush.<br />

Wall Thomas J., painter, h 221 Eighteenth.<br />

Wallace Slexander, clerk, h 154 Seventh.<br />

Wallace Ann (wid John,) h 275 Sixth.<br />

Wallace David, clerk, h 24 Alexandrine.<br />

Wallace David, clerk, bds 95 Shelby.<br />

, Wallace David, lab., h 77 Mayberry ave.<br />

Wallace Daniel, tobacconist, bds 334 Sis-<br />

teenth.<br />

Wallace Edward, lab., h 375 Seventh.<br />

Wallace Elisha &I., carpenter, h 87 George.<br />

Wallace Elmer D., (Glover & Wallace) h<br />

541 Cass ave.<br />

Wallace Frank E., shoemaker, bds Fin-<br />

, ncv's IIotel.<br />

I Wallace George, clerk, bds 50 Miami ave.


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Wallace George, machinist, h 526 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Wallace-Harriett, (wid Robert,) h 90 Brain-<br />

ard.<br />

Wallace Hugh W., (Field, Wallace & Co.),<br />

h 24 W illis ave.<br />

Wallace Isaac C., machinist, h 47 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Wallace James, iron moulder, h 53 Camp-<br />

bell.<br />

Wallace James P., (Lake Huron Stone Co.),<br />

h 990 Woodward ave.<br />

Wallace James H., upholsterer, bds 53<br />

Campbell.<br />

Wallace John, carpenter, bds 169 Thir-<br />

teenth-and-a-half'.<br />

Wallace Johil, gardener, h Twenty-four th<br />

nr 31. C. R. R.<br />

Wallace John, lab., bds 107 Cherry.<br />

Wallace John, lab., h Bit. Hope nr Magno-<br />

lia.<br />

Wallace John, lab., h Twelfth e s nr Clitt.<br />

Wallace John, stone cutter, bds 85 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Wallace Nellie, bar maid, bds 24 Franklin.<br />

Wallace Patrick, cabinet maker, bds Mt.<br />

Hope ave nr Magnolia.<br />

Wallace Robert, core .maker, bds 259<br />

Franklin.<br />

1) allace Robert H., commission, 5 Russell<br />

House Block, h 28 Montcalm e.<br />

Wallace Thomas, fireman, h 259 Franklin.<br />

Wallace Thomas, lab., h 169 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-half'.<br />

Wallace William, lab., bds 169 Thirteenth-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Wallast Bozel, lab., h 196 Maple.<br />

Wallast William, lab., h 431 Sixteenth.<br />

Wallaster Nicholas, upholsterer, bds 261<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Waller Nicholas, shoemaker, h 53 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Waller William, h e s Tillman ave bet<br />

Michigan ave and Butternut.<br />

Wallich Joseph C., (Schneider & Wallich)<br />

h cor Cass ave and Bagg.<br />

Walling Conrad, shoemaker, h 105 Brews-<br />

ter.<br />

Walling Mathew, lab,, h (1 a Prospect bet<br />

Fremont and Illinois,<br />

Wallington Fred, baggageman, 31. C. R-<br />

R., h 333 Abbott.<br />

Wallis Frank, carpenter, h 165 Sherman.<br />

Walls Thomas, lab., h 585 Larned e.<br />

Walpole Edward, lab., h 286 Twelfth.<br />

Walpole John, helper, bds 177 Orchard.<br />

Walsdorf William, lab., h Joseph Campau<br />

ave n Gratiot.<br />

Walsdrof William J., lab., h 357 Division.<br />

Walsh Ann, (wid John,) h 97 Plum.<br />

Walsh Edward A., builder, h 936 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Walsh Hannah, (wid David,) h 371 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Walsh James, (Walsh & Bro.,) h 111 Jo-<br />

seph Carnpzzu ave.<br />

Walsh James, lather, bds 191 Bronson.<br />

Walsh James, lab., h 83 Oak.<br />

Walsh James, surveyor, h 207 Twelfth.<br />

Walsh James W., clerk, bds 247 Fourth.<br />

Walsh James W., lab., bds 142 Jones.<br />

Walsh John, (Walsh & Bro.,) h 111 Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Walsh John, 142 Jones.<br />

Walsh John, butcher, h 323 Sixth.<br />

Walsh John, drayman, h 125 Cherry.<br />

Walsh John, teamster, bds 83 Oak.<br />

Walsh John R., watchman, h 7'14 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Wakh Jonathan M., (Walsh & Bro.,) h 111<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Walsh Michael, lab., h 592 Franklin.<br />

Walsh Michael lab., h 105 Plum.<br />

Walsh Michael J., printer, bds 247 Fourth<br />

Walsh Patrick, carpenter, h 191 Bronson.<br />

Walsh Patrick, lab., h 138 Jones.<br />

Walsh Patrick J., jeweler, 132 Woodward<br />

ave, h 328 Congress e.<br />

Walsh Richard, engineer, h 47 Fifteenth.<br />

Walsh Richard, plumber, 63 Wayne, h 450<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Walsh Thomas, lab., 125 Cherry,<br />

Walsh Timothy, tinsmith, bds 97 Plum.<br />

Walsh Walter, peddlar, h 17 Walnut.<br />

Walsh 62 Bro., (Jonathan M. and James,)<br />

grocers, 111 Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Waltensperger Edward, baker, bds 1154<br />

Randolph.<br />

Waltensperger Edward, clerk, bds 70<br />

Beaubien.<br />

I'altendperger Frederick, clerk, h 368<br />

Franklin.<br />

Walter August, cabinetmaker, h 188 Divi-<br />

sion,<br />

Walter Catherine, (wid Joseph), h Twenty-<br />

third cor of Michigan ave.<br />

Walter Charles moulder, h e side Nt Elliott<br />

ave., nr Cemetery.<br />

Walter Frank, lab., h 95 Marion.<br />

Walter Frederick, shoemaker, h 10 Irving.<br />

Walter Frederick,teamster, h 7 17 Croghan.<br />

Walter George, cabinetmaker, k 144 Htrst-<br />



Walter George, gardener, h 407 Macomb.<br />

Walter George D., clerk, h 278 Park.<br />

Walter Henry, cigarmaker, h 183 Sherman.<br />

Walter John, lab., bds 401 Mncomb.<br />

Walter John, lctb., h 253 Mullett.<br />

Walter John, lab., bds 298 Woodbridge w.<br />

N alter John, pressman, tds 63 Brush.<br />

Walter Lewis, carpenter, h 719 Croghan.<br />

Walter Nicolaus, carpenter, h s s Sherman<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Walters Barbara, tobacco stamper, bds 394<br />

Mullett.<br />

Walters Ellen, refreshments, stall 68 C. H.<br />

hl., h 68 Brush.<br />

Walters Hiram A., engineer, bds 45 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Walters Louis, furniture, 222 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Walters Patrick. grade man, bds 3 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Wttlthew Aclsm, painter, 12 Congress e, h<br />

437 Twelfth.<br />

Walton Charles A., architect, 49 Lewis.<br />

Walten Charles W., clerk, bds 21 Madison<br />

aye.<br />

Walton James, tailor, h 22 Chase.<br />

Walton Joseph B., (J. B. Kalton & Co.), h<br />

21 Madison ave.<br />

Walton J. B. 2k Co., (J. B. Walton, H. A.<br />

Lacey and Ed. Le Favor), pavers, 6 Seitz<br />

block.<br />

WttltzAlbert,carpeqter,bds44St.Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Wdtz Bernard, lab., h Dekoit bet Dequin-<br />

dre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Waltz Charles, cabinet maker, h 229 Fort e.<br />

Waltz Daniel F., music teacher, h 221 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

We will take pleasure in showing our<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor us by a call at our office, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, Davis &? Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Wanless George, messenger, A. &I. U. Express<br />

Co., bds Cass Hotel.<br />

Wanwicker John, lab., b~is 80 Front.<br />

Wanzer William H., clerk, h 40 Selden.<br />

Warbach John A., lab., b 45i Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Ward Charles, insurance agent, h 368<br />

Fifth.<br />

Ward Charles, painter, bds 152 Howard.<br />

Ward Charles, produce dealer, bds w s<br />

Fifteenth nr Poplar.<br />

Ward Charles, plater, bds 68 Adarns ave w.<br />

Ward Charles R., drayman, b 74 Sibley.<br />

Ward Cornelius, conductor, bds 190 Woodbrid<br />

e w.<br />

ward %aniel, h 351 Hasting.<br />

Ward Dennis, lab., h s e cor Fourth and<br />

Alexandrine ave.<br />

Ward Dennis, lab., h Williams ave nr<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Ward Xbenezer (Edrnondson Spectacle<br />

Co.),bds112Howard.<br />

Ward Eber, steamboat owner, office foot<br />

Woodward ave, 5 Brady Block, h 8G<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Ward Eber B., office fo~t Wayne, h 792<br />

Fort w-<br />

Ward Edward, photograph gallery, 133<br />

Waltz Frederick, huckster, stall 46 C. H. Michigan ave, bd3 Eisenlord's Hotel-<br />

>I., 11 237 Elmwood ave.<br />

Ward Miss Emily, h Fort w, op. Nine-<br />

Waltz Frederick, huckster, stall 14 C. H. teenth*<br />

N., h 32 Catharine.<br />

Ward Harriett (wid Major), carpet weaver,<br />

Waltz John, grocer, 44 St. Aubin, ave, h h w s Fifteenth nr Poplarsame.<br />

Ward Henry s., bds.792 Fort.<br />

Waltzer Gustave, carriage trimmer, bds Ward Isabella, (wid Thomas,) h464 Wood-<br />

291 Macomb.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Walz Jacob, baker, h 201 Napoleon. Ward James, letter carrier, p. o., h 419<br />

Waminski Charles, tsilor, bds 410 Eigh- Sixth.<br />

teen th.<br />

Ward James, lab, 273<br />

Wamsley Edward (Wamsley & Ford), Ward James, omnibus driver, bds 198<br />

Rochester, N. Y.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Ward Jennie, bds 103 Atwnter.<br />

wamsaey & Ford (Edward Ward John, blacksmith, h 75 Crawford.<br />

ley and tVi1liam M* Ford), lVholesale Ward John, blacksmith, h 82 Seventh,<br />

goods, Woodward Ward John, brakeman, bds 96 Congress e.<br />

Wandeler Charles, painter, h 499 Crog>an. Ward John, machinist, h 97 Porter.<br />

Wandler Michael, peddlar, h Willlams Ward John, (Ward & Palmer), bds Biddle<br />

ave nr Magnolia.<br />

House.<br />

Wandrer Otto, clerk, h 226 Rivard. Ward Jonathan, (Ward cB; Bullard), h 436<br />

Wandrie August, lab., h n s De!roit bet Grand River ave.<br />

St. Aubin ave and Dequindre.<br />

Ward Joseph, contractor, 330 Abbott.<br />

Wanger Christian, tanner, h 324 Alfred. Ward Michael, h 67 Abbott.<br />

Wanless Andrew, bookbinder, 133 Jeifer- Ward Rev. Milton, Pastor St. Stephen's<br />

son ave, h 103 Orchard.<br />

[ Church, h 323 Catharine,


=Av==w I ,acorn,<br />

Warren Charles, printer, h 303 Sixth.<br />

SENT FREE.<br />

Address, IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Ward Robert, (col'd,) barber, bds s w cor<br />

Beaubien and Croghan.<br />

Ward William, music teacher, h Elm~ood<br />

ave and Preston.<br />

Ward W. 1'. A., traveling agent, bds5 As-<br />

pinall Terrace Macomb ave.<br />

Ward William S., music tescher, bds 44<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Ward & Bullard, (Jonathan Ward &<br />

Ephriam J. Bullard), corn. merch'ts, 59<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Nard & Palmer,(John Ward & Ervin Pal-<br />

mer), lawyers, Seitz Block Griswold.<br />

Wardman Jacob, lab, h 110 Labrosse.<br />

Wardrobe Catherine, (wid) h 111 Jefferson<br />

8Ve.<br />

Waring Michael R., (Waring Payne $1 Co )<br />

h 426 Grand River ave.<br />

Waring, Payne & Co., (Michael R.<br />

Waring, William L. Payne, Belden E.<br />

Evans &John M. Connoningwerth,) mat-<br />

tress manufacturers, 208 Second. (See ad.)<br />

Warlop Rev. P., h 353 Jefferson ave.<br />

Warman Fred., teamster, (Det. Match W.)<br />

Warner Achilles W., clerk, h 166 Clifford.<br />

Warner Albert,shoemaker, bds 429 Orleans<br />

Warner Andrew, carpenter, h 35 BIont-<br />

callll w.<br />

Warner Carlos E., lawyer, 149 Jefferson<br />

ave, h 166 Clifford.<br />

Warner Cecil, clerk, bds 44 Cass.<br />

Warner Charles, clerk, bds 574 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Warner Charles, painter, 'h 239 Adams ave.<br />

Warner E., brakesman, 31. C. R. R.<br />

Warner Elisha, waiter, bds 35 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Warner Frances S., (wid William,) h 91<br />

Larned e.<br />

Warner George, broom mnfr, h 140 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Warner George W., hack driver, bds Rail-<br />

road Exchange.<br />

Wrtrner Jared C., h 69 Washington ave.<br />

Warner Morris W., bds Harper Hospital,<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Warner O., conductor, M. C. R. R.<br />

Warnel Seely T. supt. steam carpet beat-<br />

ing works, h 435 Seventh.<br />

Warner Thomas E., printer, bds 13 Spen-<br />

cer.<br />

Warns Rey. Anton, pastor First German<br />

M. E. church. h 63 Croghan.<br />

Warns Robert, bds 63 Croghan.<br />

Warren Robert H., (col'd) plasterer, h 203<br />

Warren Charles A., ticket agent M. C. R.<br />

R.. h 79 Howard.<br />

Warren Edward, clerk, 58 and 80 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Warren Edwin, painter, h 253 Fourth.<br />

Warren George, stable man, h 297 Third.<br />

Warren F. Herbert, clerk, bds 70 Howard.<br />

Warring George W., engineer, h 146 Labrosse.<br />

Warren John L., (Warren, Adderly 82;<br />

Appelt), h 259 Twelfth.<br />

Warren John E., machinist, bds 250<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Warren Joseph H., (Simmons, Clough (SZ<br />

Co.), bds 104 Congress w.<br />

Warren L., marine artist, bds Russell<br />

House.<br />

Farren Louis, (col'd) lab., 287 Watson.<br />

Warren Mary, (wid Archibald,) lr. S9 Gratiot.<br />

Warren Pauline, (wid William A.), h 225<br />

Cass.<br />

Warren Sarah, (wid Henry,) masherwoman,<br />

h 132 Beach.<br />

Warren Rev. Sylvanus, book agent, h 36<br />

May berry ave.<br />

Warren, Adderly $ Appelt, (John L Wt1 r-<br />

ren, John *4dderly & Charles W. Appelt),<br />

mnfrs. picture frames, 67, 69 t~nd 71<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

Warriner James >I., agent h 32 &fontcalm<br />

west.<br />

Warriner William E., lumber dealer, offlce<br />

up stairs over Buckley & Co., foot<br />

First, h 75 High.<br />

Warsaw Horace, (col'd) tobacconist bds<br />

105 Larned e.<br />

Warsaw Horace jr, (col'd) bd9 105 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Warsaw Thaddeus (col'd) tobacconist, h<br />

105 Larned e.<br />

Warsaw Thaddeus sr., (col'd) h 105 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Warshsluer Isaac, furs, h 137 Rivard.<br />

Wart Mary, (wid Thomas) h 146 Porter.<br />

Wartelsk Benjamin, peddlar, h 116 312comb.<br />

Wartelsky Julius, peddlar, h 320 Hastinps.<br />

Wartelsky Louis, pedcllar, h 95 Macolub.<br />

Wasey George E., clerk, bds 853 Fort w.<br />

Washington Albert (col'd) waiter, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Washington George (col'd) cook, h 62 Naconlb.<br />

Washington Henry (col'd) sailor, bds 148<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Washington James (col'd) barber, 131<br />

Nichigan aye, h 95 same.<br />

1 Washington James (col'd) lab., h s s Ohio,<br />

bet Hastings sncl St. Antoine.<br />



Washington Martin (col'd) cook, h Beau-<br />

bien s Fremont.<br />

Washington Thomas, (col'd) lab., h 627<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Waskza Frank, captain, h Lafayette Place<br />

bet Twenty-first and Twenty-second.<br />

Wasmund Charles, cigar maker, bds 112<br />

Bronson.<br />

7Vasmund Frederich, lab., h 372 Sherman.<br />

Wasmund Friederich jr., lab., h 372 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Wassmund Ludwig, mason, 11 112 Bronson .<br />

Wassnick Joseph, lab., h Orleans nr water<br />

works.<br />

Was30 Thaddeuq (col'd) soda water mnfr,<br />

h 302 Macomb.<br />





@T Oysters in Shell a epfcialty. Wholeeale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Watkins Margaret, (wid Balfore), h 315<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Watkins Risa, teacher, bds 306 Porter,<br />

Watkins William S., lab., h 276 Myrtle,<br />

8 Watkins Wilmington F., canvasser, h 542<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Wastell Joseph, clerk, bcls 104 Congress F, / Watko Albert, belt maker, h 359 Dubois.<br />

Watclr Mathew, tea~nster, h 550 Lafay ette. Wntko 'Agnes, operator, bds 108 Jay.<br />

Waterfall John, builder, h 321 Fourth. Watko Johanna, (wid Joseph.) h 108 Jay.<br />

Waterfall John B., carpenter, h 150 Fort e. Watko Simon, tanner, h 246 Maple.<br />

Waterman Amelia A., (wid George W.),<br />

Watson A., bds Tremont House.<br />

h 70 Adams ave e.<br />

Watson Alexander, clerk, bds 73 Miami av<br />

Watson Andrew, gen'l supt D. & M. R. R.<br />

Waterman David, clerk, h 151 lSIontcalm Watson Ann, (wid Charles), washwoman,<br />



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Watson Samuel C., druggist, 557 Jefferson<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Watson Sylvester N., agent boots and<br />

shoes, h 71 Sproat.<br />

Watson Thomas, carpenter, h IS9 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Watson Wellington, photographer, bds<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Watson William, oil refiner, h 568 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Watson William B., engineer, h 150 Six-<br />

teent h.<br />

Watson William J., painter, bds 306 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Watson William J., shoemaker, h 58 Hum-<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Watson Williemina (wid Alexander), h 76<br />

Abbott.<br />

Watt Henry, clerk, h 460 Maple.<br />

Watt Henry T., painter, h Beaubien, n<br />

Fremont.<br />

Watt Robert, tanner, h 460 Maple.<br />

TVatta Nicbael, lab., h 339 Watt.<br />

Watter Charles, lab., h 198 Twentieth.<br />

Watton Walter, (Wright & Watton,) h s s<br />

Canfield ave, bet Second and Third.<br />

Watts Albert, (col'd,) teamster, h 185 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Watts Anna, (col'd) dressmaker, h 156<br />

Br9nson.<br />

Watts Charles E., telegraph operator, bds<br />

247 Woodward ave,<br />

Watts Joseph J., sail maker, h 23 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Watts Josiah S., (col'd,) teamster, h 156<br />

Bronson.<br />

Watts Josiah, teamster, h 156 Bronson.<br />

Watts Thomas H., shoemaker, bds Sher-<br />

man House.<br />

Waukowski Adolph, 58 Monroe ave.<br />

Wayne County Savings Bank,<br />

Wm. B. Wesson, president, Dr. H. Eief-<br />

er, vice-pres., secy-treas., S. D. Elwood,<br />

attorney, Wm. A. Moore, 101 Griswold,<br />

(See ada.)<br />

Wayne Edward, clerk, bds 147 Rivard.<br />

Wayne James B., treasurer Fulton Iron<br />

and Enqine Works, h 443 Larned e.<br />

Wayne James W., machinist, bds 443<br />

Larned e.<br />

Wayson James, painter, h w s Third, bet<br />

Fulton and Tuscola.<br />

1 Weadock Thomas A., law student, bds 88<br />

I Howard.<br />

I Weatherby Wilbert, printer, h 59 Colum-<br />

I bia w.<br />

Weatherby William L., printer, h 299<br />

1 Woodward ave.<br />

Weatherstone John, clerk, h 299 Sixth.<br />

Witherspoon George, plumber, h 61 Du f-<br />

field.<br />

Witherspoon John, baker, h '71 George.<br />

Witherspoon William H., slater, bds 71<br />

George.<br />

Weaver Henry W., carpenter, h 39 Nine-<br />

teen th.<br />

Weaver L. H., clerk, bds Goodman House.<br />

Webb - . traveling agent leather, bds<br />

o 175 n 179 Woodward ave.<br />

Webb Albert H , butcher, bds Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Webb Charles E., conductor, bds 59 First.<br />

Webb Charles H., (col'd) clerk, h 208 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Webb Edward, watchman, house of correction,<br />

bds same.<br />

Webb George J a y butcher, bds Peninsular<br />

douse.<br />

Webb Harvey G., (col d) tradesman, h 439<br />

Congess e.<br />

ebb 'Raymond S., bu tcher,bds Peninsular<br />

House.<br />

Webb Samuel R., policeman, h 84 Adams<br />

ave.<br />

Webb Walter clerk, bds 87 Second.<br />

Webb Bros., (George J. & Albert H.),<br />

meat and vegetables, 60 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Webber Adolpll, machinist. bds 78 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Webber Alexander, foreman, (J. & C.<br />

Parks,) h n w cor Second and Front.<br />

Webber Austin B., liquors, 49 Nichigan<br />

me, bds Cass House.<br />

Webber Charles, tinner, h n e cor Russell<br />

and Mullett.<br />

Webber Eugene, painter, h 103 Sixteenth.<br />

Webber Ferdinand, shoemaker, h 572<br />

Seventh.<br />

Webber George F., blacksmith, h 455 Gratiot.<br />

Webber Gottlieb, currier, bds 243 Lafayette.<br />

Webber Henry, fireman, h 88 Twelfth.<br />

Webber Nathaniel, bds 32 Congress w.<br />

TVebber Nathaniel W., physician, 32 Concress<br />

W, h same.<br />

~.ebber Robert, clerk, h 151 Eighteenth.<br />

Weber Adolph, brass finisher, bds 78 Songress<br />

w.<br />

weber Anna, seamstress, h 431 Gratiot.<br />

Weber August, lab., h 95 Ben ton.<br />

Weber Catharine, (wid Nicholas) seamstress?<br />

h 180 Marion.<br />

Weber Charles, bricklayer: h 245 Lafayette<br />

Weber Charles, saloon, h 188 Russell.


Weber Dominick, plasterer, h 328 Chene.<br />

Weber Edward J., boiler maker, h 338<br />

Clinton.<br />

Weber Ferdiuand,'!brewer,-h s s Sher~ilan<br />

bet --. Russell - and Riopelle.<br />

Weher Frank, butcher, 199 Gratiot, h same.<br />

IVeber Frank, lock maker, h 66 Mullett.<br />

W eber rank; stone cutter, h 32 Division.<br />

Websr Frederick, clerk. h 125 Sllermn,n.<br />

Weber Frederick, shoemaker, h 572 Seventh.<br />


Will find it to their advantage to call at our ofice<br />

and examine our line of standard<br />


Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Webster Clara, teacher, Tappan Union, h<br />

210 Porter.<br />

Webster Daniel (col'd), lab., bds 491<br />

Larned e.<br />

IVeber Furnitl~re Co., 141,143 and<br />

145 W oodward ave, . factory cor High<br />

and John R. (See advt.)<br />

Webster Daniel E., lithographer, - bds 252<br />

-<br />

Weber George, baker, h 133 Marion. Secoud.<br />

.weber Geor,ce, boiler maker, h cor Rio- Webster David R., cook, bds 105 Larned e.<br />

pelle and Gratiot .<br />

Webster Edwin F'. (Holmes 65 Webster), h<br />

Weber George, carpenter, bds 234 *Hast- 56 Howard.<br />

ings.<br />

Webster Elgin E,, brakesman, h 150<br />

WEBER GEORGE L., butcher, bds 199 Third.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Webster Frank, brakesman, bds 96 Con-<br />

Weber Henry, clerk, bds 199 Gratiot. gress e.<br />

Weber Henry, Supt. and Pres. Weber WebsteriFrank B., clerk, h 21 Lewis.<br />

Furuiture Co., h 24 Hi.qh.<br />

Webster James, carpenter, h 220 Thir-<br />

Weber Hubert. carpenter, h 399 01.leans. teenth-and-a-b alf. -<br />

Weber Jacob, cooper, bds 292 Mullett. Webster Jeremiah, stove mounter, h 678<br />

Weber Jacob, cooper, h 41 Sherman. Franklin. .<br />

Weber John, blacksmith, bds 399 Orleans. Webster John, carpenter, h 224 Guoin.<br />

Weber John, carpenter, bds 334 Hastings. Webster John, mason, bds 220 Thirteenth-<br />

Weber John, clerk, bds 4 Jefferson ave. and-a-half.<br />

Weber John, cooper, h 229 Columbia e. Webster John H. (Smith, Doolittle & Co.),<br />

Weber John, organ maker, h Congress e h 62 George. '<br />

nr Elmwood ave.<br />

1 Webster Joseph (col'd), lab., h 226 Watson.<br />

Weber John, policeman, b 338 Clinton.<br />

1 Webster Xatty A., music teacher, bds 21<br />

7Veber John, shoemaker, bds 1 Jefferson I Lewis.<br />

ave.<br />

Weber John A., carpenter, h 369 Croghan.<br />

Webster Moses R., ship carpenter, h 124<br />

Weber Joseph, carpenter, h 104 Hum-<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Webster Oliver H., overseer, House of<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Correction, bds same.<br />

Weber Jowph, shoemaker, h 211 Fort e.<br />

W eber Joseph, tailor, bds 243 Lafayette,<br />

Webste: Robert, clerk, hds 220 Thirteenth-<br />

Weber Joseph, teamster, h 15 Oak.<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Weber Joseph, varnisher, h 102 Division.<br />

Webster, Sarah Jane (wid &David), b 150<br />

IVeber Joseph F.,(J. F. Webe& Co.),h 48<br />

Third.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Webster Thomas, caulker, bds 224 Guoin.<br />

Weber Leonard, upholsterer, h 433 St. An-<br />

Webster Thomas, moulder, bds 193 Franktoine.<br />

lin<br />

Weber Lorenz, tailor, h s e cor Grand<br />

Webster William, clerk, h 286 Orleans.<br />

River ave and Twelfth.<br />

TVebster William, (Principal of Webster's<br />

Weber Martin, moulder, h 179 Chene.<br />

Educational Institute, 176 Griswold.<br />

Weber Mathias J., saloon, 13 and 15<br />

Webster William A,, clerk, h 286 Orleans.<br />

Porter, h same.<br />

Webster William C., music teacher, 21<br />

Weber Nellie, saloon, 67 Franklin, h<br />

Lewis.<br />

same.<br />

Wehr Anthony, carpenter, h 348 Watson.<br />

Weber Peter, lab., bds 399 Orleans. Wetherbee William, printer, h 299 Wood-<br />

Weber Philip, trunk maker, h 228 Lafayward<br />

ave.<br />

ette.<br />

Weed Arthur B., builder, bds 55 Bagg.<br />

Weber Robert, warehouseman, h 151 Weed Porter L., clerk, 75 Bagg.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Weed Sewing Machine Co., M. B.<br />

Weber J. F. & Co. (Joseph F. Weber and Cook, Agt., 245 Woodmard ave. (8%<br />

Conrad Lehr), sash and blind factory ' a&.)<br />

and lumber pard, 292 Gratiot cor Michi- Weeks~Emanuel, tailor,;h 86 Macomb.<br />

gan and Ninth aves.<br />

Weeks Jacob W., (Rubbell & Weeks)<br />

Webling Thomas, butcher, h 49 Sproat. bds Russell House.<br />



HAEBMW<br />


Weil Julius, huckster, h 70 Macomb ave.<br />

Weiland Frederick, lab., h 497 Catharine.<br />

Weiler Frank, lab., h 297 Juliette.<br />

Weiler John, baker h 406 Riopelle.<br />

Weiler Philip shoemaker, h 23 Silver.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men, Weiler Philip, jr, machinist bds 23 Silver.<br />

BEE PAGE 3.<br />

Weiler Severon, grocer, cor Gratiot and<br />

Elmwood ave, h same.<br />

Weimann Samuel, traveling agent, h I 19<br />

Weeks William H., machinist, h 64 Mont-<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ i<br />

calm e.<br />

Weimar Christian, blacksmith, h 443 Six-<br />

Weeler Frank. (col'd) lab., h 156 Sherman.<br />

teenth.<br />

Weese William H., carriage maker, bds IS5 Weimar Frederick, blacksmith, bds 526<br />

Second.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Wedderburn George* lab.,bds 246 Howard* Wein August, jeweler, bds warren, bet<br />

Wedderburn James j r., moulder, bds 246 BNsh and B ~ ~ ~<br />

Howard.<br />

Weinsrd Joseph, finisher h 397 Hastings. '<br />

medderburn James, sr.3 lab.: h 246 Howard<br />

Wedderburn John, lab., bds 246 Howard.<br />

Weinrrrd Peter, jr, cabinet maker, bds 123<br />

Division.<br />

Weger Friederick, lab*, h s s Sherman bet Weinard Peter, sr, lab., h 113 Division.<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Wegner Edward, lab., bds 122 Baker.<br />

Weiuberg Bernhard, teamster, h 175 Division.<br />

Wehlann Adolph, joiner, h 265 Sherman* Weinberg George, lab., h 175 Division.<br />

Wehls Charles F., trav. agent,341 Catherine<br />

Wehn Thomas, machinist, h 173 Fort e.<br />

Wemberg Joseph, trunk bds 175<br />

Division.<br />

Wehner Oscar, locksmith, bds Mauch Weinberg Michael, lab., h 249 Alfred.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Weiner Anton, shoemaker, h 237 Twelfth.<br />

Wehr Alfred* tobacconist* h 61 Elizabeth W Weinert Joseph, varnisher, h n e tor Hast-<br />

Wehr Anton, carpenter, h 384 Watson. ing~ and Prospect.<br />

Wehrle Joseph, engineer, h 287 Columbia e Weinert Louis, merchant tailor, 83 Grand<br />

Weibel Jacob, Carpenter, h 189 Catherine. ~i~~~ ave, h Grand River ave and<br />

Weibel John, cooper, bds 279 Marion. Rowland.<br />

W eibel Michael, cooper, h 279 Marion.<br />

Weingarten Jacob, h 117 BIarion.<br />

Weibly George, h 372 Croghan* weinhold Frederick, lab., h s s St. Joseph<br />

Weich John, cabinet maker, bds 66 Marion. bet xiopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Weichselbaum ( hides and sheep Weinnann John, cabinet rn&er, bds 145<br />

skins), 119 Hastings, h same.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Weichsler Charles, furrier, h li9 Mullett.<br />

weins john B., saloon, h n e tor Hastings<br />

Weichsler Charles., jr, lab., bds 179 Mul- and Alfred.<br />

lett.<br />

Weins Peter, coaper, h old 289 new 142<br />

Weichsler Charles, barber, bds 282 St. An- Brewster.<br />

toine.<br />

Weir Hon. James D., judge of probate,<br />

Weick Jacob F., blacksmith, h 260 Six- roo& 10 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 695 Jefferson ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Weir John, cigar maker, bds 140 Ran-<br />

Weidemam Christian, painter, 11 182 dolph.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Weir William, teamster, House of CormTeidemann<br />

Henry, printer, bds 87 Cath- rection, bds same.<br />

arine.<br />

Weis Herman, joiner, bds 99 Jay.<br />

Weidemann John N., painter, h 49) La- Weise Joseph, cabinet maker, h 138 Lafaybrosse.<br />

ette.<br />

Weiden Stephen, carpenter, h 356 High. Weiseissinger Robert, barber, h Fulton bet<br />

Weidenbach Mathias, clerk, h 18 Clay. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Weidenbach Michael, farmer, h 86 Mul- Weisemann James, carpenter, bds 202<br />

lett.<br />

Lsrned w.<br />

Weidinger John, tailor, h 271 Macomb, Weisenberg John, saloon, 85 Woodbridge<br />

Weihler Joseph, carpenter, h n s Jay, bet w, h same.<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave. Weiser Charles, moulder, bds 126 Larned<br />

Weik Frederick, foreman, h 291 Columbia east.<br />

east.<br />

Weisgerber Phillip, silver gilder, h 263<br />

Weikerd Herman, machinist, bds 67 At- Catherine.<br />

water.<br />

Weiske Gottfried, lab., h s s Chestnut bet<br />

~eikert Frederick E., carver, 63, 65 Fort Dubois and Chene.<br />

e, UP stairs, h 264 Lafayette e.<br />

Weiss Edward, grocer, 443 Hastings, h<br />

Weii John, lab., h 341 Mullett.<br />

same.<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~ ~


Weiss Ernst, pattern maker, D. & 11. ma-<br />

chine shop.<br />

Weiss Frank, grocer, 437 Hastinqs, h same.<br />

Weiss Frederick, clerk, h 414 %afay.ette.<br />

Weiss George, jr., butcher, h 475 Hastings.<br />

Weiss George, sr., butcher,, 475 Hastings,<br />

h same.<br />

Weiss George T., tanner, 237 Catherine, h<br />

same.<br />

W eiss IPaz, peddlar, h 1 11 Marion.<br />

Weiss John P., music and musical<br />

instruments, 72 Woodward ave, h 297<br />

Larned e. (Sce advt.)<br />

Weiss Leopold, teamster, h 58 Chestnut.<br />

Weiss Louis, apprentice, bds Hamtramck.<br />

Weiss Meyer, Yankee notions, 12, U. C. H.<br />

M., h 112 Michigan ave.<br />

Weiss Phillip, notims, 109 Gra-<br />

tiot, h same.<br />

Weis Samael, clerk, bds 109 Gratiot.<br />

Weiss William, painter, h 302 Alfred.<br />

Weiss & Bros., (Samuel Weiss and<br />

Herman Weiss) dry goods & millinery,<br />

112 Michigan ave.<br />

WeissbokerMary, (wid Franz), h 396 Rio-<br />

~elle.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />



Oyster8 in the Shell a specialty. , Wholesale<br />

and Retail.<br />

Welby William, blacksmith, bds 55 Juliette.<br />

Welch Charles, drayman, h 111 Beaubien.<br />

welch Charles M., proprietor Theatre<br />

Comique, 239 Jefferson ave, h 99 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Welch George, carpenter, h 640 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Welch Harry, machinist, bds 48 Abbott.<br />

Welch Henry, carpenter, bds 47 Fort e.<br />

Welch James, carpenter, h 282 Twelfth.<br />

Welch James N., war claim agent, 14.3<br />

Jefferson ave, bds 98 Lsfayette ave.<br />

Welch John, lab., h 282 Park.<br />

Welch John, lab., h 73 Cherry.<br />

IVeissenstein Charles, baker, h 48 Harriet.<br />

Welch John, night watchman, bds 63<br />

Weissenstein Charles H., . Supervisor - 6th<br />

Howard.<br />

Ward, h 52 Harriet.<br />

Welch J. E., bds Howard House.<br />

Weisshoff Adolph, tailor,bds Hotel Mauch. Welch Lawrence, lab., bds 282 Twelfth.<br />

Weissmueller August, watchman, h SS Welch Michael, lab., h w s St. Aubin ave,<br />

Catharine.<br />

1 nr Guoin.<br />

Weissmueller Frank, clerk bds 88 Welch Patrick, lab., h 138 Jones.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Welch Thomas W.,clerk, bds 49 Napoleon.<br />

WeiterbornerHenrv. saloon, n w cor An- Welch Thomas, engineer, h 472 Congress<br />

tietam and Orle


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Wellington Daniel T., clerk, bds 351<br />

Howard.<br />

Wells Alonzo, lab., bds 706 Croghan.<br />

Wells George, tinsmith, h '76 Anletam.<br />

Wells George S., clerk, bds 94 Farrar.<br />

Wells Harvey, carriage maker, bcls 13.7<br />

Larned e.<br />

Wells Jane A., (wid Isaac P.,) h 94 Farrar.<br />

Wells Job, carpenter, ll 15 Bighteenth.<br />

Wells Joseph >I., barber, h 44 Croghan.<br />

Wells Mrs. ' Mary, trimmer, Macaulay<br />

Bros., bds 41 Washington ave.<br />

Wells Joseph H., clerk, bds Biddle House.<br />

IITelIs Mary (wid Thomas J.), bds 78 Con-<br />

gress m.<br />

Wells Mary (wid William 1, h 404 Baker.<br />

Wells Oscar, carpenter, h 706 Croghan.<br />

Tvells Pbaebe (wid Noah B.), h 103 Con-<br />

- gress w.<br />

'Wells W illiam, blacksmith, h 21 5 Thir-<br />

teen th-and-a-half.<br />

Wells William, engineer, bds 706 Croghan.<br />

Wells William, maltster, h 98 Brush.<br />

Welle Willard H., cigar manufactor, 69<br />

Grand River ave, h same.<br />

Wells William P., lawyer, 103 Griswold,<br />

h 103 Congress w.<br />

Welsch Baruey, lzb., h 620 Seventh.<br />

, Welsch John, lab., h e s Fourth bet<br />

Orange and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Welsch John (Shields & Welsch), h Sixth<br />

bet Oak and Cherry.<br />

Weisch Timothy, tinsmith, 115 Plum.<br />

Welsh Charles, warehouseman, h 111<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Welsh Edwa.rd, lab., h 335 Larned e.<br />

Welsh James, stone sawyer, bds 67 At-<br />

water.<br />

Welsh Olivia A. (wid Edgemont), h 11<br />

Porter. - --.<br />

Welsh Robert, blacksmith h 207 Abbott.<br />

Welsh Thomas, lab., h o 103 Larned w.<br />

Welsh William, lab., bds 44 First.<br />

Welton Ferdizand E., ex-messenger, h 40<br />

Elm.<br />

Welton Harrison, Expreas Co., bds 155<br />

Abbott.<br />

Welton Lucian, foreman, American Express<br />

Co.'s stables, 132 Larned w.<br />

Welton Michael, wood turner, bds 262<br />

Macomb.<br />

Welton William, agent, h 24 Sibley.<br />

WeIz George, tinsmith, h 80 Antietam.<br />

Welz J., hardware and stoves, 180<br />

Woodward ave, h 301 Montcalm e. (See<br />

ad%)<br />

IVelz Philip GI, saw rraker, 162<br />

Gratiot, h 550 Croghan. (See ndu.)<br />

Tend Charles, blacksmith, h 450 Maple.<br />

Wendelen Hotter, helper, h 22 Webster.<br />

Wendell August, lab., bds e s Elmwoocl<br />

ave bet Jefferson ave and Lafayette.<br />

Wendell Emory, cashier First National<br />

Bank, h 399 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wendell John H., (John H. Wendell &<br />

Co.), h 303 .Jefferson ave.<br />

Wendell Moses (Lewenberg & Wendell) h<br />

9 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wendell John H. & Co., commission merchants,<br />

50, 52,54 and 56 Woodbridge w.<br />

Wendg Ernst, teamster, h w s Twentyfirst<br />

nr Baker.<br />

Wendland Herman, lab., h 442 Eighteenth.<br />

Wendler IVilliam, lab., h m s El~ilwood<br />

ave bet German and Preston.<br />

Wendriner August, (A. Wendriner S; Co. j<br />

h 34 Croghan.<br />

Wendrimer & Co., (August Wendrimer<br />

and George Jones) willow ware ftrctory,<br />

73 Gratiot.<br />

Wendt Albert, clerk, bds 295 Gratiot.<br />

Wendt Charles, blacksmith, h 450 Maple.<br />

Wendt Ernst, cigar maker, h Twenty-first<br />

nr Howard.<br />

Wendt John F., boots and shoes, 295 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Wen~t William, helper, h 181 Twentysecond.<br />

Wenger Christian, tanller, li 324 Aifred.<br />

WennigJohn H., builder, h 374 Twentieth.<br />

Wenninger John, lab., bds 80 Front.<br />

Went Frederick, lab., 177 Twenty-second.<br />

Went William, lab., h 181 Twenty-second.<br />

Wentworth James I?., shoemaker, h 30<br />

3"ontcalm tii.<br />

Wentz Louis, lab., h 225 Twenty first.<br />

Wenzell Andrew, h 91 Adams ave e.<br />

Werbeck Frederick L., engineer, h Williams<br />

nr Winden.<br />

Wertemberg Charles, gardener, h w s<br />

Crawford bet Brigham and Lysancier.<br />

TVerth Gottfried, lab., h 405 Riopelle.<br />

Wert Henry, cabinet maker,bds 484 Alfred.<br />

Werth Heinrich, cabinet maker, bds 538<br />

Orleans.<br />

Werth Peter, cabinet maker, h 818 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Wertheimer Isaac, h 4 Clinton.<br />

Wertheimer John, clerk, bds 4 Clinton.<br />

Wertheimer Louis, cigar maker, h 120 Lafayette<br />

e.<br />

I Wertheimer Simon E., h 167 Woodbridge<br />

1 west.


Werthmann Anton, grocer, b n e cor<br />

Clinton and Riopelle.<br />

Werthrnan Joseph, lab., bds 169 Macomb.<br />

Werthmann William, shoemaker, 293 Clinton,<br />

h 311 same.<br />

Wermann Frederick. carpenter, h 152 1<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Werner, August, gardner, h 90 Miami ave.<br />

Werner Charles. camenter, h 510 St. An- 1 •<br />

toine.<br />

Werner Charles, gilder, h 3 Franklin<br />

Werner Charles, jr., cigar maker, bds 228<br />

Russell.<br />

Werner Charles, - sr.. , tobacconist, 228 Rubsell,<br />

h same.<br />

Werner Herbert, carpenter, 'Bds 90 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Werner Ludwig, lab., h e s Nt. Elliott ave<br />

opposite Fori.<br />

Werner Robert, 102 Jay.<br />

Wescott D., tailor, 71, and 73 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds Antisdel House.<br />

Wescott. Leoline P., engineer, h 127 Bsker.<br />

Wesell Charles, lab, bds Railroacl Eschange.<br />

Wesley John, clel k, h 514 Twenty-third.<br />

Wesley Samuel, clerk, bds 76 Howard.<br />

Wesley Williain, confectioner, bds 76<br />

Homard.<br />

Wessel Frank, car smith, h 516 Riopelle.<br />

Wessling Charles, lab., h s s German bet<br />

St. Aubin ave., and Dubois.<br />

Wessling Frederick, lab., h s s German bet<br />

St. Aubin ave., and Dubois.<br />

Wesson William B., real estate dealer, 101<br />

Griswold, h Hamtramck.<br />

\Vest ~ug$stus H., dealer in Wheeler &<br />

Wilson Sewing Machine, 139 Woodward<br />

ave., residence Petite Cote, Ont.<br />

West Elisha. carriage milker, h 265 First.<br />

West Henry, carpenter. (Candler Bros.) h.<br />

West John, (Roberts & West), residence<br />

Godrich. Ont.<br />

West John, carpenter, h 280 Columbia-e.<br />

West John, carpenter, h 145 Locust.<br />

West d oseph, carpenter, h 99 National ave.<br />

Wejt L. Burton, blacksmith, bds 263 Firs t.<br />

West Thomas J.. clerk, h 19 Lewis.<br />

weat Wagland E., clerk, h 48 Mt. Elliott<br />

ave.<br />

West millism, insurance agent, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Westaway James, copper smith, 54 Brush,<br />

bds Franklin House.<br />

Westaway John. engineer, h 211 High e,<br />

Westaway William, saloon, 54 Michigan<br />

Grand ave, h 33 Harrison ave.<br />

Westbrook Jobn, eating saloon, opp M. C.<br />

R. R. depot, Third. h 80 Jones.<br />

Westcott David. cutter, bds Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Westcott Leo. P. engineer, &I.<br />

C. R R. ele-<br />

vator, h 127 Baker.<br />

Weste Henry, cigar maker, h 218 Watson.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />


Ofice, 52 TP. Lamed St.,<br />


See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Western Cigar Co., Sigmund Rothschild<br />

pres., 7'7 and 79 Jefferson ave.<br />

Weston Sndrew J., clerk, h 21 Charlotte<br />

ave.<br />

Weston George, fireman, bds 107 Nineteenth.<br />

Weston John, captain, h 35 Sproat.<br />

Weston John, engraver, bds 86 Bronson.<br />

Weston Nathaniel He, engineer, h 107<br />

Nineteeenth.<br />

Weston Robert, meat market and saloon,<br />

201 Eiqhteenth, h same.<br />

Weston Stephen, blacksmith, h 86 Bronson.<br />

Weston Torrance, bds 58 Woodbridge m.<br />

Wetherbee Cvrus vV . tinsmith, h Grtltiot<br />

.I<br />

Road.<br />

Wetherbee George C., (Ssxby and Wetherbee,)<br />

11 36 Howhrd.' '<br />

Wetherbee Wilbert, printer, h 59 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Wetmore Charles H., dealer in crockery,<br />

h 541 Jefferson ave:<br />

Wetmore Frederick, (F. Wetmore 62 C.),<br />

h 452 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wetmore .Henry P., chairmaker, h 293<br />

B'ourth-<br />

Wetmore F. 6r CO., Frederick & Charles<br />

Wetmore,) crockery, glass ware, and pas<br />

fixtures, 100 Foodward ave.<br />

Wett John, lab-, h w s Sullivan aye bet<br />

31ichka.n rive and Butternut*<br />

W etenberg William, shoemaker, h 11 7<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Wetterich George, blacksmith, h 366 St.<br />

Aubin we-<br />

Wettlaufer Augu9t.' cigar maker, bds 233.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Wettlaufer Frederick, merchant tailor and<br />

saloon, 233 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Wetzel August, cabinet maker, h 140 MR-<br />

ple.<br />

We~dolzke~ Frank, lab-, h s s <strong>Detroit</strong> bet<br />

St. Aubin ave and Dequtndre.<br />

We~her Fred, clerk bds 482 Sherman.<br />

Weyermiiller Philip, letter. carrier, h e s<br />

St. Antoine bet Croghan and Macomb.<br />

Weymouth Charles A., cigars and tobacco,<br />

159 Woodward ave, h 90 Elizabeth w.<br />

Whalen Anna (wid Nartin), h 9 Irving.<br />

Whalen Bridget, dry goods and notions,<br />

752 Michigan ave, h same.<br />

Whalen Charles, brakesman, h 384 Michigan<br />



~'~~~~3~<br />

Wheeler Lexus, (c3l'd) lab., h 55 BIullett.<br />

Wheeler Loring B., clerk, h 34 Twentieth.<br />

UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING, Wheeler Orlando B., assistant lake survey,<br />

h 194 Clifford.<br />


Wheeler Richard O., (Johnson dZ Wheeler)<br />

BWSIRESS PRACTIICE. h 445 Jefferson are.<br />

Wheeler Thomas, potter, h 602 Lafayet te<br />


Address IRA MAYHEW, Wheeler William, (col'd) porter, h 156<br />

DETROIT. Wilkins.<br />

- - - - - - - - - -<br />

Wheeler William H., clerk, bds 183 Cass.<br />

Whslen Edward, coachmaqds 484 Jef- Wheeler William T., advertiser, h 25 Walferson<br />

ave.<br />

nut.<br />

Whalen Frellerick, plasterer, h 390 Eigh- Wheeler William T., bds Railroad Esteenth.<br />

change, Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Whalen Henry, printer, bds Charles bet Wheelock Richard saloon, 24 Fort e, h<br />

Sixth and Seveqth.<br />

23 Watson.<br />

Whalen James, moulder, bds 208 Orleans. Whelden Thomas, plumber, bds 3 Jeffer-<br />

Whltlen John, contractor, h 752 Michigan son sve.<br />

ave.<br />

Whilliger Mathew, lab., h 56 Eighteenth.<br />

Whttlen John, policeman, bds 319 Seventh. Whipfler August, carriage turner, h 238<br />

Whalen Patrick, lab., h 210 Abbott. Macomb.<br />

\Vhalen Philip, distiller, h 124 Larned w. Whipple Miss Anna, Twenty-first nr 3Iich-<br />

Whalen William, grocer, h 319 Seventh. igan ave.<br />

Wheat Isaac C. V. (C. J. Whitney & CO.), Whipple Daniel, billiard room, 328 Jefferbds<br />

40 Fort w.<br />

son ave, bds Biddle House.<br />

Wheaton Horace, bookbinder, h 74 Or- Whipple Daniel W., spring maker, bds 65<br />

chard.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Wheaton William W. ( ~ m W. . Wheaton Whyple George, butcher, bds Finney's<br />

& Co.), h 159 Fort w.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Wheaton William W. & Co., Whipple John L..( Whipple Bfanufacturing<br />

(William W. W heaton), m- holesale Co.,) h 38 Gratiot.<br />

grocers, 84 Jefferson ave.<br />

Whipple Mason R., plasterer, h 14 3 High,<br />

Thedon Albert S., lawyer, bds 716 Michi- Whipple Nelson S., traveling agent, h 370<br />

gan ave.<br />

Lafayet te.<br />

Wheeler Adelaide (wid Normac), bds 325 Whipple Manf. Co.,' John L. Whipple,<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

superintendent, Edmund Trowbridge,<br />

Wheeler Albert, lab.. h 109 Brewster. treasurer, 53 and 55 Farmer.<br />

Wheeler Anna E. (mid William W.), h Whissen Wilson, H., engineer, h 149<br />

689 Jefferson ave.<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Wheeler Arthur, agent, bds 311 Cass. Whitaker Byron, (Diuon cC; Wbitaker,) h<br />

Wheeler Benjamin, cooper, bds 73 Port e. 461 Congress e.<br />

Wheeler David P., clerk, bds 98 Alex- Whitaker Charles, clerk, bds 461<br />

andrine ave.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Wheeler Eben. S., assistant, lake survey, Whitiker Mary A*, matron House of Shelbds<br />

64 Elizabeth w.<br />

ter, bds same.<br />

. Wheeler Edward, gardener, h 21 5 Orleans. Whitaker Presco W., clerk, bds 354 Jeff er-<br />

Wheeler Edmund S. (W. S. Tillman & son ave.<br />

Co.), res Buffalo.<br />

Whitaker Thomas G., mason, h 589 Ma-<br />

Wheeler Frederick, lab., bda 778 Con- comb.<br />

gress e.<br />

Whitbeck B., brakesman, 3f. C. R. R.<br />

Wheeler Geor. e >I., druggist, 109 Gris- Mhitbush Louis, lab., h 517 Macomb.<br />

wold, h 115 2 afayette ave.<br />

Wheeler Harrison (col'd), cook, h 138<br />

Whitcomb ~urornin~s D., general ticket<br />

Croghan.<br />

agent, M. C. R. R., h o 452 n 474 Fort w.<br />

Wheeler Henry, lab., bds 318 Franklin. Whitcomb Henry D., printer, bds 128 Ab-<br />

Wheeler Henry (col'd), lab., 23 Watson. bott.<br />

Wheeler Isaac M., sailor, h 778 Congress e. Whitcomb James M., clerk, h 435 Larned<br />

Wheeler John, clerk, h 72 Pine.<br />

east.<br />

Wheeler John, lab., h 9 Irvine.<br />

White Adolph, machinist,'h 573 Fort e.<br />

Wheeler John, porter, b Pine bet Sixth White Albert E. F., trav. agent, bds 19<br />

and Seventh.<br />

High.<br />

Wheeler Lemuel, overseer, bds 960 .Jeffer- White Altired, tailor, 311 Grand Rivcr<br />

son ave.<br />

ave, h same.


White Alfred, general freight and passen-<br />

qer agent, D. (IZ M. R. R., h 61 Adelaide.<br />

white B. Holden, grocer, n e cor Fourth<br />

and Alexandrine ave, h Alexandrine av<br />

n s bet Third and Fourth.<br />

White David, coachman, h '79 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

White David, real estate gent, h 72 pine.<br />

White D. M., porter, h 414 Lafayette.<br />

White Eli, carpenter, h 550 Macomb.<br />

White Eli C., painter, h 50 Pine.<br />

White Miss Elizabeth, h 169 Congress e.<br />

White Fardelious, clerk, h 414 Laf~yette.<br />

White George, plug tobacco maker, h cor<br />

Hasting and D~vision.<br />

White George, saloon, n e cor Atwater and<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

White George C., porter, h 425 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

White Harriet (wid James) 5 50 Sihley.<br />

White Henry, boiler maker, h 347 Clinton.<br />

White Henry, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

White H. Kirk, (D. M. Ferry & Co.), h 15<br />

High.<br />

White Jackson, (col'd) sailor, h 316 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

White Jacob, blacksmith, h 260 Sixteenth.<br />

White James: gardenet, h e s Mt. Elliott<br />

ave nr cemetery.<br />

White James, saloon, 64 BIichigan aye,<br />

bds 50 same.<br />

White-James, teamster, bds 580 mood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

White Jerome, ship carpenter, 11 580<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

white John, clerk, h n s Congress bet<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

White .John, clerk, bds 129 Larned e.<br />

White John, lab., h w s Tbirteeuth bet<br />

Howard and Baker.<br />

White John, stone cotter, h 176 Brcmster.<br />

White John, tanner, h Thirteenth nr cor<br />

Howard.<br />

White Martin, sailor, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change.<br />

White Mary (wid Joseph), h 16.5 Franklin.<br />

White Michael, drayman, h 349 Fifteenth.<br />

White Morris, lab., h 508 Lafayette.<br />

White Napoleon, blacksmith, bds 318<br />

Catharine.<br />

White Nicholas, lab,, h 505 Fort e.<br />

White Orpheus, agent, h 31 Parson.<br />

White Philip. drayman, h w s Dubois bet<br />

Fort e and Congress.<br />

White Patrick, lab., M. C. F,. R.<br />

White Philip, lab., h 400 Macornb.<br />

White Patrick, sailor, bds. 580 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

White Ralph J., sec. <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Mills<br />

Co., h 155 Third.<br />

White Robert H., captain, h 295 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

White Samuel, lab., bds 149 Howard.<br />

LOVERS of those DELlClO U S BIVALVES<br />


JUNE & COe9S<br />



-Oysters in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

White Silas J. (col'd), carpenter, h 140<br />

Lafayette:<br />

White Theresa (wid James C.), h 83<br />

Chene.<br />

White Thomas, moulder, h n s Franklin<br />

bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

White Thomas, sail maker, h 950 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

White William, carpenter, h 149 Bronson.<br />

White William, mason, h 440 St. Antoine.<br />

White William, painter, bds 85 Catharine.<br />

Whiteford Louis, clerk, 181 St. Aubin.<br />

Whiteford Richard, physician, 14 Blerrill<br />

Block, h 181 St. Aubin ave.<br />

WHITEHILL WILLIAM, wood turner,<br />

68 Fort e, h 38 Sixteenth. (See ads.)<br />

Whitelaw IVilliam E., pressman, h 313<br />

Second.<br />

W hiten berg Albert, teamster, h 450 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Wh~tener George, butcher, 201 -Benton, h<br />

same.<br />

Whitesell Sylvester, lab., 11 391 Thirteenth<br />

hiting Alexander T., clerk, bds 282<br />

moodbridge e.<br />

Whit,ing Coney, overseer .House of Cor-<br />

rection, hds same.<br />

Whiting Elizabeth H., (wid John,) h 04<br />

George.<br />

Whiting James A., clerk, bds 64 Georgee.<br />

Whiting John, lab., h s e cor Hastings and.<br />

Indiana.<br />

Whiting J. Hill, moulder, bds 252 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Whiting John L., h 508 Jefferson ave.<br />

Whiting John T., stealnboat agent, office<br />

foot First, h 288 Woodbridge e.<br />

whiting Joseph F.7 ~atdener, h Wood-<br />

ward ave, s Farnsworth.<br />

Whiting Joseph W., blacksmith, h s w cor<br />

Sycamore and Harrison rtve.<br />

Whiting William, (col'd,) lab., h 168<br />

Brewster.<br />

Whiting William, plumber, h 701 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Whiting William, tobacconist, h 168<br />

Brewstere<br />

Whitman Benjamin, stove moulder, bds s<br />

e tor ~oseph Canlpau ave and Macomb.<br />

Whitman Benjamin I-I., engineer, h 97<br />

Adamsave w.<br />

Whitman Charles B., clerk, bds 97 Adams<br />

ave w.

504 W 131 DETROIT CITY<br />


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office<br />

See fly-lea1 opp. name.<br />

whitman Frank, carpenter, h 397 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Whitman John, hostler, bds 265 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Wllitmlm LaFapette, policeman, h 139<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Whit man illicl~ael, stone cutter, (Brunton<br />

& M.,)<br />

Whitman Pelig O., carp~nter, bds 139<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Whitman Tobias, plumber, h 183 Macomb.<br />

Wbitman Mrs. D. C., boarding, 265 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Whitmore John H., clerk, bds 353 Lamed<br />

east.<br />

Whitmore Joseph, h 3.53 Larned e.<br />

Whitney C. Henl.y, clerk, bds 79 Howard.<br />

Wllit.nep Clark J., (C. J. Whitney & Co.,)<br />

437 Woodward ave.<br />

IVhitney David, jr, lumber merchant, office<br />

5 Merrill Block, h 443 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Whitney Francis, clerk, bds 101 Cass.<br />

Whltney Francis Joseph, painter, h s s<br />

Baker, bet Sixteentb and Seventeenth.<br />

Whitney George, machinist, bds 220<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Whitney Gustavis, painter, h 150 Locust<br />

Whitney Henry, clerk, bds 79 Howard.<br />

Whitney Herbert, brakesman, bds 96 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Wbitney C. J. & Co., (Clark J. Whitney<br />

and Isaac C. V. Wheat), music and<br />

pianos, 197 Jefferson ave.<br />

Whitston Thomas, sailmaker, h 19 Sixth.<br />

Whittker B. S., bds Tremont House.<br />

WII itternore Abijah J,, engineer Tribune<br />

office.<br />

Whitternore J. Henyy, (Whittemore, Swan<br />

and Stephens), h 44 Miami ave.<br />

Whittamore Thomas E., ' pictures and<br />

frames, 44 Jefferson ave., bds 193 Congress<br />

w.<br />

19 llitlemore, Swan & Stephens, (J. Henry<br />

Whitternore, J. A. Swan and Roe<br />

Stephens), music store 179 Jetferson ave.<br />

Wl~ittley Charles. lab., h w s Hastings bet<br />

. Kentuckv and Indiana.<br />

Whittlesey John .J., (Hitchcwk;&selyster<br />

62 Co.), bds 47 Fort m.<br />

Tllittlesey William b., der6; kds $47 Fort<br />

west.<br />

-<br />


Whi'tle Lewis, horse shoeing shop, 250,<br />

232 Cass ave., h 103 Adatns ave., w.<br />

Whitwer Andrew, silver plater, bcls 2G9<br />

Catherine.<br />

Whitwood Deodatus C., (Field, Wallace<br />

dk Co.), h 83 Washington ave.<br />

Whalker John F., porter, Michigan Exchange.<br />

Whyte Henry D., carpenter, bds 40 orchard.<br />

Wl~yte William, builder, shop cor Orchard<br />

and Second, h 40 Orchard.<br />

Wi~rd C. G-7 engineer M. C. R. R.3<br />

Wiber Michael, cooper, h 279 Marion.<br />

Tvicllt *Tose~b, carpenter, bds 283 High*<br />

Wick Frederick, teamster, h 476 Sixteenth.<br />

Wick Henry, mason, hs s German bet Dequindre<br />

and Chene.<br />

Wick J" hn, 507 Gratiut-<br />

Wick'Louis, lab.; bds Gratiot cor Orleans.<br />

Wickels Frederick, carpenter, h 218 Calhoun,<br />

Wickham Willialn A., clerk, h 443 Fifth.<br />

Wickman Fritz, lab., h 233 Chestnut.<br />

Wicks Emanuel, cutter, h S6 RIacomb.<br />

Wickmare Cornelius, h 46 Adams ave., e.<br />

Widemann Conrad, carpenter, bds 134<br />

Mullett.<br />

WidHllan John, jr-a carpenter, bds 134<br />

Wideman John, sr., tailor, h 134 Mullett.<br />

Widifield Joseph, machinist. h 214 St*<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

midman Cosmas (C. D, Widman 8;<br />

Co.,) h 18 1SIacotnb.<br />

Widman C. D. & CO., (Cosmas D.<br />

Wictman, William H. H. Gray and Pat-<br />

rick Flannery ) manufacturers of picture<br />

inouldin~s and rustic lrames, 144 and<br />

146 Randolph and 36 to 40 Congress e.<br />

Widow Detlut, lab., h 228 Catharine.<br />

Widtke John, lab., h Jay n s bet Dubois<br />

and Chene.<br />

Wieber Eqnetts, blacksmith, h 255 Gratiot.<br />

Wieber Henly, slloemaker, h 79 Lafayette.<br />

Wieber Peter, blacksmith, 289 Hastings,<br />

h same.<br />

Wiederhold Adanl, machinist, h 271 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Wiederhold Andrew, carpenter, h 362<br />

Iliqh.<br />

Wiederhold Charles, apprentice, bds 362<br />

High.<br />

Wieciederroder, Fricderich, wagon maker, h<br />

497 Catharine.<br />

Wiedersatz Louis, coppersmith, h n w cor<br />

Russell and Croghan.<br />

Wiegancl John, peddlar, h 403 Dubois.<br />

Wieiegel Andrew, confectioner, bds 209<br />

Watson.<br />

W ielancl Miss Mary, boarding, h 79 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Wien Ferdinand, (Wien, Fuchs & Bz),<br />

h 479 Orleans.


Wien Jacob, shoemaker, 498 Gratiot, h<br />

same.<br />

Wien Jotin, h 827 Division.<br />

Wien, Fuchs & Erz (Ferdinand Wien,<br />

John C. Fuchs and John Erz), builders,<br />

Maple bet Rivard and Russell.<br />

Wiencke John, cigar maker, h 199 Bron-<br />

aon.<br />

Wienstatter Thomas, sailor, bds 493 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Wiers .I. M., painter, h 78 Macomb ave.<br />

Wiek John, locksmith, h u s Chestnut bet<br />

Joseph Campau and McDougall aves.<br />

Wiesenhofer John, carpenter, h 279 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Wieser Frank, saloon, 126 Lamed e, h<br />

same.<br />

Wieser lub., bds 'Or Lamed and<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Wiesman Frederick, lab., h old' 460 Sev-<br />

enteenth.<br />

Weisse Joseph, lab., h 497 St. Antoine.<br />

Wietbusch Henry, lab., h 337 Antietam.<br />

Wietchalk Fred, cabinet maker, h 264 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Wiethoff Adam, peddlar, h 413 Sixteenth..<br />

Wiethoff 384 North.<br />

Wiethoff Anthony, St. Charles Hotel, 89<br />

Atwater.<br />

Wiethoff John, grocer, 153 Maple, h same.<br />

Wietmayer B41thasaer, brewer, bds 351<br />

Rivard.<br />

Wigel George. pattern filer, h 207 Wight.<br />

Wigert Wilhelm, locksmith, h 180 Ger-<br />

man.<br />

Wiggin Augustus H., foreman safe works,<br />

h 312 Fort e.<br />

Wiggins Amos 8.. carpenter, h n 510 o<br />

438 Seventh.<br />

Wig@ns Charles E., clerk, bds 74 Baker,<br />

Wiggins Sella, carpenter, bds 85 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Wiqgins William A., traveling agent, h 74<br />

Baker.<br />

Wiggle Charles, grocer, 409 Blullett, h<br />

same.<br />

Wiggle Julius, grocer, s w cor Jay and<br />

Chene, h same.<br />

Wigney George W., clerk, bds 418 Seventh.<br />

Wight Alpheus, livery stable, 46 Congress<br />

e, bds Franklin House.<br />

Wight Buckminster, h 415 Jefferon ave.<br />

Wight Catharine, (wid Richard,) h Brush<br />

bet Fort and Congress, in alley.<br />

Wight Charles H., policeman, h 53 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Wight David. painter, bds 137 Larned w.<br />

Wight Edmin B., (with H. A. dh S. G.<br />

Wight,) bds 415 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wight Francis C., (wid Hugh H.), h 76<br />

Howard.<br />

Wight Henry A., (H. A. & S. G. Wight,) h<br />

403 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wight Mary, (wid Henry,).h 61 Sherman. ;<br />

64<br />

DIRECTORY. . M'IL 505<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.,<br />

52 west Lamed St.,<br />



See advertisement, page 9.<br />

Wight Stanlay G., (H. A. & S. G. Wight,)<br />

h o 503 n 567 .Jefferson ave.<br />

Wight Thomas W., policeman, h 58 Columbia<br />

-w.<br />

Wight William, lab., h 586 Fort e.<br />

Wight H. A. & S. GI., (Henry A. &<br />

Stanley G.), saw mill and lumber yard,<br />

foot McDougall ave. (See ah.)<br />

Wightmau John A,, clerk, bds Finneyys<br />

hotel.<br />

wightman L. James, clerk, bds -pinneys<br />

Hotel.<br />

Wike Frederick, 297 Columbia.<br />

Wilber grocer, 18' Aubin ave,<br />

same.<br />

Wilbur Sanford H., sawyer, h 602 Lafay<br />

ette ave.<br />

Wilbur Warren, clerk, (Sheldon Q; Co.),<br />

bds 41 Washington ave.<br />

Wilbur Warren J., clerk, .h 176 Adams<br />

ave e,<br />

Tvilbush Frederick, machinist, h 517 Macomb.<br />

Wilbush Henry, 337 Antietam.<br />

Wilby Richard C., tea broker, 156 Jefferson<br />

, bds 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Wilcox Alfred F., lawyer, 3 Bank Block,<br />

75<br />

Is0<br />

Clifford.<br />

Wilcox David B., hardware, 17 and<br />

19 Grand River ave, h 19 Grand Ever<br />

ave.<br />

Wilcox Edward C., clerk, h 7 Williams.<br />

Wilcox Frauk M., sawyer, bds 517 Fort w.<br />

Wilcox George, clerk, bds Mansion House.<br />

Wilcox George, lab., h 231 Eighteenth.<br />

Wilcox George A., lawyer, room 4 Rotun-<br />

da, bds Russell House.<br />

Wilcox George G., agent h 45 Macomb.<br />

. IVi'ilcox George L., teamster, bds Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Wilcox Hiram O., clerk, h 69 Butternut.<br />

Wilcou Levi, moulder, bds R. R. Ex-<br />

change, Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Wilcox Orville. (Trowbridge, Wilcox 6;<br />

Co.,) h 171 Elizabeth e.<br />

Wilcox Samuel P., (He-P. Baldwin & Co.,)<br />

h 73 High.<br />

Wilcoxson Adeline, (wid John R.,) h 66<br />

John R<br />

Wilcoxson Charles D., car builder, h 439<br />


,<br />




SEE PAGE 3 a<br />

Wilhelm Anton, saloon, 413 Russell, h<br />

same.<br />

Wilhelm Joseph C., druggist, 293 Gratiot,<br />

h same.<br />

Wilke Carl, carpenter, h 108 Maple.<br />

Wilke Ernest, carpenter, h 283 High.<br />

Wilke John, clerk, 108 Beaubien.<br />

Wilke Julius, carpenter, bds 283 High.<br />

Wilke William, beer peddlar, bds 227<br />

Catharine.<br />

Wilke William, carpenter, bds 108 Maple.<br />

Wilkes Charles, carpenter, bds 477 Croghan.<br />

Wilkes Charles H. (col'd), sailor, bds Has- .<br />

tine bet Alfred and Brewster.<br />

Wilkes George, carpenter (Candler Bros.)<br />

Wilkes Rachel (col'd), wid Daniel), h<br />

Hastings bet Alfred and Brewster.<br />

Wilkes Rachel (col'd, wid Isaac), seamstress.<br />

h w s Hastings - bet Brewster and<br />

.Alfred.<br />

Wilkes Stephen L. kol'd), sailor, bds Hasting.~<br />

bet Alfred and Bre wster.<br />

- -<br />

Wilcoxson George, carpenter, h 123 Eighteen<br />

th.<br />

,Wilcoxson Joha B.,painter, bds (56 John<br />

R.<br />

Wilde Albert, cigar maker, bds 164 Randolph.<br />

Wilde Charles. moulder, bds 266 Morse.<br />

~ z dJohn, e carriage trimmer, h 58 Maple.<br />

Wilde John, physician, h 281 Russell.<br />

Wilde Ludwig, teamster, h n s Morse nr<br />

Russell.<br />

IVilde Martin, carriage trimmer, h 267 Colambia<br />

e.<br />

Wilder Aretus A., invehtor and machinist,<br />

h 45 Lafayette.<br />

~$k& William, carpenter, h 477 Croghhan.<br />

Wilder Charles H., baggageman, h 63 Locust.<br />

Wilder Elizabeth, (wid John,) h 318 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Wider H. H., brakesman, h 146 Oak.<br />

Willder John, carpenter, h 19 Sixth.<br />

.Wilder Joseph L., h 244 Sixth.<br />

Wilder ~ o~al, conductor, h 146 Oak.<br />

Wilderspin James, carpenter, h 596 Seventh.<br />

Wilderspin Samuel, shoemaker, bds 596<br />

Seventh.<br />

Wilds James W., brass finisher, h 160<br />

Porter.<br />

Wildt Christian (wid Aemamamllal), - - h 134<br />

Russell.<br />

Wildt Frelerick, tinsmith, bds 124 Russell.<br />

Wiles Barney, sailor tug, h 178 Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Wiles Edward, D. & M. R. R., bds Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Wiley David, blacksmith, bds 166 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Wiley Denis 0. (Wiley, Hooper & Co.),<br />

bds 55 Grand River ave e.<br />

Wiley Rev. Henry, h n w cor Grove and<br />

Hastings.<br />

Wiley Jefferson (Jackson Q Wiley), h 300<br />

Fort w.<br />

Wiley William, h 457 Second.<br />

Wiley, Hooper & Co. (Dennis Wiley,<br />

Cbarles H. Hooper and Edward C.<br />

Hooper), commission merchants, 13<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Wilford Albert, uoliceman, h 497 Sixth n.<br />

Wilf Michael, Yankee notions, 2 Jay, h<br />

same.<br />

Wilhahn Adam, carpenter, h 281 Fourteenth.<br />

Wilkie Andrew, grocer, 147 Beaubien, h<br />

same.<br />

Wilkee David, roofer and paver, bds 154<br />

IIigh.<br />

b\ ilkie David tinsmith, h 123 National<br />

aye.<br />

Wilkie James, tinsmith, bds 123 National<br />

ave.<br />

Wilkie John A., bds 147 Beaubien.<br />

Wilkin Samuel, cigar maker, h 490 Lafayette.<br />

Wilkings Phillip, (P. J. Hickey & Co.,) h<br />

149 Seventh.<br />

Wilkins Alvan, broker, 107 Griswold, h 72<br />

Congress w. .<br />

Wilkins John H., tailor, h Howard bet<br />

Twentieth and Twenty-first.<br />

Wilkins William,clerk. bds 68 Congress w.<br />

Wilkins William D., U. S. commissioner,<br />

P. 0. building, h 621 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wilkins William G., clerk, bds 72 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Wilkinson Albert H., (Wilkinson & Post,)<br />

h 1 11 George.<br />

Wilkinson Archibald, shoemaker, h 203<br />

Porter.<br />

Wilkinson Charles, . - plumber, bds 177<br />

Franklin.<br />

Wilkinson Charles M., clerk, h 33 Alexandrine<br />

ave.<br />

Wilkinson Edwin clerk, bds n w cor Joseph<br />

Campau ave and Larned.<br />

Wilkinson Frank, fireman, D. N. R. R.<br />

Wilkinson -, fireman, bds 58 Wayne.<br />

Wilkinson George, waiter, Bibble House.<br />

Wilkiison George, (col'd) waiter, :h 63<br />

Mullett.<br />

Wilkinson George, core maker, h Joseph<br />

Campau aye w s bet Chestnut and Antietam.


. .-<br />

e-' --" -<br />

Wilkinson Henry, electrotyper, n e cor LOVERS ofthose DELlClOUS BIVALVES<br />

Larned and Joseph Campau ave. I<br />

$@ma<br />


Wilkinson Isaac, (col'd) lab., h 269 Alfred.<br />

W ilkinson James N. R., saloon, 177 Frank-<br />

I& 0 0 @<br />

lin, h same-<br />

Willrinson John, painter, h 107 Russell. ]Fdton Oyster ]CXonse,<br />

Wilkinson Oliver, shoemaker, s s Catha- 28 MICHIGAN GRAND ATE.<br />

bet Joseph Campau and McDougall<br />

oysters in the shell a ?pecialtp. Wholesale<br />

aves.<br />

and Retall.<br />

Wilkinson Thomas, plumber,' h 185 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Willetts BIartha J., (wid \Vellington.) h 93<br />

Wilkinson Thomas A., engraver on stone, Locust.<br />

oftice n w cor Woodward and Jefferson Willett Michael, hardware, 229 BIicLigan<br />

aves, h n w cor Larned and Joseph ave, h same.<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Willhahn Adam, carpenter, h 278 Four-<br />

JVilkinscn & Post, (Albert H. Wilkinson teenth.<br />

snd Hoyt Post,) lawyers, 17,18 Bank Witlham John, lab., h 401 Sixteenth.<br />

Flock.<br />

Willie Robert, watchmaker, h 294 St. An-<br />

Wilks Charles, clerk, bds 108 Beaubien. toine.<br />

Wilks Charles, lab., bds 1 Jefferson ave. Willi Stephen, basket maker, h 323 wil-<br />

Wilks George, grocer, 31 Jefferson ave, h klns.<br />

same.<br />

Williams Alexander, (col'd, ) barber, bds<br />

Wilks John C., bartender, bds 108 Beau- 169 Michigan ave.<br />

bien.<br />

Williams Rev. Alfred D., pastor, Second-<br />

Will Frederick, carpenter, h Dequindre, Baptist Church, (col'd,) h 281 Clintonbet.<br />

Jay and Gratiot.<br />

Williams A. J., policeman, h 89 Porter.<br />

Will John, lab., h 284 Antietam.<br />

Williams Gen. Alpheus S.,bds 08 Fortjw.<br />

wi,lard ~~~i~ C. B., cabhet maker, 153 Williams Alice [col'd, wid Isaac) washing,<br />

Fort e.<br />

h 215 Atwater.<br />

Williams Alonzo, brakesman, bds Per-<br />

WILLARD LUTHER B., Director of the kios' Hotel.<br />

Poor, office 1 basement <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 189 Williams ha (col,d, wid Prince) wash-<br />

First.<br />

erwoman) h 154 Calhoun.<br />

Willard Richard, picture framer, h 91 Fif- Catharine (wid Theodore), h 296<br />

teen th.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Willars Samuel, carpenter, bds 597 Fort w Williams Charles He, (colyd) cook, h 309<br />

Willat Edward, mood dealer, h 254 e s Macomb.<br />

Twelfth nr Leverette.<br />

Williams Christopher C., ice dealer, h 599<br />

Willatowsky August, machinist, bds 134 Congress e.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Williams Daniel B., painter, h 135 Michi-<br />

Wille John W., cigar packer, h 96 Larned gan ave, up stairs.<br />

east.<br />

Williams Daniel B., painter, h 160 Hast-<br />

Wille Robert, clerk, bds 208 Fort e. ings.<br />

Willebrands Charles L., finisher, h 32 Cro- Williams Edward, livery stable, 36 Larqhan.<br />

ned w, h 85 Larned e.<br />

wLillebrands Peter H. 0.: clerk, h 789 Fort Williams Edward H., spring bed maker,<br />

west.<br />

bds 12 Columbia e.<br />

milleman August, saloon, 213 Jefferson Williams Frances (wid G. O.), h 136 Conave,<br />

h same.<br />

gress w.<br />

Willemin Desire, (Willemin & Raizon,) Williams Frederick, cigar maker, bds 163<br />

213 Jefferson ave.<br />

Larned w.<br />

Willemin & Haizon, (James Raizon and Williams Fowler, lab., h 226 Abbott.<br />

Desire Willemin,) saloon, 3 Jefferson Williams Henry (col'd) barber, h 16 Clinave.<br />

ton.<br />

Willer George, capain, Lafayette Place, Williams Henry, gardener, Grand River<br />

bet Twenty-first and Twenty-second. ave nr Messmore Road.<br />

Wille Edward, clerk, G. W. R., bda Bid- Williams Herbert, h 365 Jefferson ave.<br />

dle House.<br />

Williams Herbert C., clerk, h 204 Rivard.<br />

milletts Miss Frank, teacher 9th Ward Williams James, drayman, bds 243 Michschool,<br />

bds 93 Locust.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Willetts J. H., harness maker, h 241 Fif- Williams James, porter, bds 202 Michigan<br />

teen1 h.<br />

avenue.<br />

Willeft James M., (mail carrier,) h 69 Clif- Williams James S,, shoemaker, h 128 Abford.<br />

- bott,


Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

Williams Jeremiah, engineer, M. C. R. R.,<br />

h cor Nineteenth and Alexander.<br />

Williams Jesse (col'd) lab., h n s Ohio, bet<br />

St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Williams Jesse (col'd) waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Williams Jesse D., watchman, h 152<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Williams JessieiD., watchman, h rcar 1'10<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Williams John (col'd) h 258 Watson.<br />

Williams John, fireman, bds 437 Congress<br />

e.<br />

~illiams John D., (col'd) bds 258 Watson.<br />

Williams Joshua, carpenter, h 188 Fourteenth.<br />

Williams Joseph, foreman, bds 147 Rivard.<br />

Williams Joseph, (col'd) porter, bds 1'18<br />

Larned w.<br />

Williams Julien, lawyer, 194 Jefferson ave<br />

h 737 same.<br />

Williams J. C. Devereaux, h 357 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Williams John D., 34 George.<br />

Williams ; J. Gilbert, pharmaceutist, 34<br />

George.<br />

Williams Letitia (wid Henry), Grand<br />

River ave nr Messmore Road.<br />

Williams Lewis (col'd), lab., h 178 Wilkins.<br />

Williams Margaret (wid George), h 76 Laftiye<br />

tte.<br />

Williams Norys L., clerk, h 75 Howard.<br />

WilJiams Morris M., clerk, h 242 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Williams Nathan G. (Williams L Co.), h<br />

'75 Fort w.<br />

Williams N. G. (col'd), waiter, Russell<br />

House.<br />

Williams N. M., saloon keeper, bds Bowrtrd<br />

House.<br />

Willianls Obediah J., clerk, bds 75 Howard.<br />

Williams Philo., lab., M. C. R R., h - Abbott.<br />

Wllliams Richard (col'd), carpenter, h 442<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Williams Richard P., clerk' F. Williams &<br />

Go.), bds 75 Howafd.<br />

Williams Robert, carpenter, b 1.551 8% A@<br />

f oine.<br />

Williams Samuel (col'd), barber shop, 165<br />

? Woodbridge w, h 16'19 Michigan ave.<br />

Williams Theodore G., real estate, room 3<br />

Rdtunda, h 47 Division.<br />

Williams Thomas. h 365 Jefferson ave.<br />

Williams Walter (col'd), mason, h 400 Lafayette.<br />

Williams William, csrpen ter, 16 Beaubien.<br />

Williams William, lab., M. C. R. R., bda<br />

cor Fifth and Porter.<br />

Williams William, teamstel, bds 25 Nineteenth.<br />

Williams William C. (Farrand, Williams<br />

& Co.). h o 20 n 24 Macomb ave.<br />

~illiami ~illiam H., gardener, e s Grand<br />

River ave nr Messmore Road.<br />

Williams Wolf, peddlar, h 87 Fort e.<br />

Williams & Co. (N. G. Williams), Duncan<br />

Central Brewery, 232 Ivoodbridge w.<br />

Williamson John, clerk, bds 78 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Williamson John, clerk, bds IS5 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Williamson Robert L., agent, Bf. C. R. R.<br />

cattle yard, h Twentieth nr C. R. R.<br />

Williamson Thomas, clerk, bds 113 Lanied<br />

w.<br />

Williamson Thomas, clerk, bds 185 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Williamson William, carpenter, h 141<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Willing - - Samuel G., pattern maker, bds 147<br />

Kivar d.<br />

Willing Samuel J., pattern maker, h 394<br />

, Congress e.<br />

Willington Daniel T., clerk, h 351 How-<br />

, ard.<br />

Willis Elijah, (col'd) lab., h 1GO Wilkins.<br />

Willis H. W., carpenter, h 98 E'arrar.<br />

Willis John, wagon maker, h 156 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Willis William, sailor, h 229 Rlacomb.<br />

Willis William, (col'd) cook, h 262 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Willitts Dennis, carpenter, h 113 National<br />

aye.<br />

Willmarth Dexter, h 8 Beach.<br />

Willmarth Hannah.(~id Oremus B.,) h 244<br />

a,<br />

Third.<br />

Willmer Frederick, shoemaker, h 31'7<br />

Has tings<br />

Willmouth George, moulder, h 278 Lafayette.<br />

Willoughby Lewis, gilder, bds 92 Larned e.<br />

- -<br />

Willou~hbv Xiss Marv J.. seamstress, h<br />

. . .I,<br />

117t'~~~le.<br />

Wills Henw 0.. agent - for W. H. Shaw, h<br />

138 Catharine.<br />

Wills James W., (col'd) h n s Grove bet<br />

Hastings and Antoine.<br />

Willson Robert C., hair jewelry, 167<br />

Woodward ave, h same.


Wilmarth Asa H., county surveyor, offlce<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, res Redfield.<br />

Wilmot Byron, cigar maker, bds 247 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Wil mot Samuel, (William Wilmot,) bds<br />

247 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wilmot William, cigar manufactory, 247<br />

Jefferson ave, h same.<br />

Wilson Charles, capt. Schooner H. P.<br />

Baldwin, h Willis ave.<br />

Wilson Charles, lab., h w s Hastings bet<br />

Grove and Ohio.<br />

Wilson Charles B., (col'd) shoemaker, h<br />

376 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Wilson Charles M., painter, h 99 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

Wilson Charles R., carriage maker, 51<br />

Farrar, bds 160 Cass.<br />

Wilson David, clerk, h 263 Elizabeth e.<br />

Wilson David, saw filer, h 48 Adams ave e.<br />

Wilson Edward, boiler maker, h 140 Di-<br />

vision.<br />

Wilson EIizabeth, (wid George,) h 94 Par-<br />

t er.<br />

Wilson Elizabeth, (wid John,) h 71 Sbbott.<br />

Wilson Frederick, lab., h 273 Fort e.<br />

Wilson George, h 69 Elizabeth w.<br />

Wilson George, clerk, h 71 Abbott.<br />

Wilson George, moulder, h 153 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Wilson George U., captain, h 289 Twelfth.<br />

Wilson George W., sailmaker, h 159 May-<br />

berry ave.<br />

Wilson Harris T., auctioneer and pawn<br />

broker, 4 Monroe ave., h same.<br />

Wilson Henry, green house, 769 Michigan<br />

ave., h 803 same.<br />

Wilson Henry clerk, bds 60 Wayne.<br />

Wilson Hiram D., policeman, h 9 Sixth.<br />

Wilson Jacob, moulder, h 220 Bruuh,<br />

Wilson James, conchman, 433 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Wilson James, painter, bds 224 Guoin.<br />

Wilsoxl James, stableman; bds cor Larned<br />

and First.<br />

Wilson Jane, (wid Daniel), grocer, 364 St.<br />

Antoine, h same.<br />

Wilson Jane, dressmaker, bds 98 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Wilson Jane A. (wid John), h 213 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Wilson John, coachman, bds 460 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Wilson John, merchant tailor, 114 Gris-<br />

wold, h s w cor Spruce and Seventh.<br />

Wilson John, overseer, h 41 Dubois.<br />

Wilson John, painter, h 138 Grand River<br />

we.<br />

Wilson John, printer, bds 220 Brush.<br />

Wilson John, policeman, h 298 National<br />

ave.<br />

Wilson John, (col'd), saloon, s e cm Beau-<br />

bein and Lafayette.<br />

Wilson John, watchman, h 389 Franklin.<br />

DIRECTORY. WIL 509<br />

Parke, Davis & Corn,<br />

Xanufacturers of<br />

Aqua Ammonia,<br />

Spirits Nitre, Dulc,<br />

C. P- Chloroform,<br />

Chemicals generally.<br />

See advertieement, page 9.<br />

Wilson John B., laundry and machine<br />

shop, Fort and Woodbridge cor Thirteenth,<br />

h 175 Howard.<br />

Wilson John F., clerk, bds 138 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Wilson John G., clerk, h 429 Sixth.<br />

IVilson John W., painter, h 404 Maple.<br />

Wileon Joseph H., moulder, bd3 592 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Wilson Margerate, (wid John) h Twentyfirst<br />

bet Lafayette and Fort,<br />

W ilson Margaret C., dressmaker, bds 332<br />

Third.<br />

Wilson Nathaniel (col'd) barber, h 329<br />

Macomb,<br />

Wilson Richard (Wilson & Buchan) h s w<br />

cor Sixth and Ann.<br />

Wilson Robert, carpenter, bds 126 Sixteenth.<br />

Wilson R~bert, boiler maker, _bds 40 Dequindre.<br />

Wilson Sophia, (col'd wid Willis,) washerwoman,<br />

h 164 Marion.<br />

Wilson Sophia, bar maid, bds 22 Franklin.<br />

Wilson Theodore, bds 92 Cass.<br />

Wilson Thomas, marine diver, h 9 Chase.<br />

Wilson Thomas, machinist, h 126 Baker.<br />

JYilson Thomas,shoemaker, h Alexandrine<br />

ave bet Cass and Woodward ave.<br />

Wilson Thomas H., carriage maker, h 185<br />

Second.<br />

Wilson Walstein S., Wyandotte iron store,<br />

h 92 Cass.<br />

Wilson Walter, clerk, h 20 Fort e.<br />

Wllson William, blacksmith, h -441 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Wilson William, captain, h 182 Sixteenth.<br />

Wilson William, coachman, 444 Jeflerson<br />

ave,<br />

Wilson William, house mover, h 493Fifth.<br />

Wilson William, lab., bds 144 Larned e.<br />

Wilson William, lab., bds 412 Woodbridge<br />

east,<br />

Wilson William, machinist, h 19 National<br />

ave.<br />

Wilson William, plumber, bds 441 St. Antoine.<br />

Wilson William, sail maker, h 288 Twelfth.<br />

Wilson William, silver plater, bds 25 Bates.<br />

Wilson William H., shoemaker, h 342 Dubois.<br />

Wilson William R., house fisher, bds s w<br />

cor Crawford and Erwin.<br />

Wilson - clerk, bda 67 Larned e,


SENT FREE*<br />

Addreas, lRA MAYHEW,<br />


Corner Congress and Randolph sts.<br />

Wilson & Buchan, (Richard Wilson &<br />

George Buchan,) house movers and<br />

raisers, 453 Grand River ave.<br />

Wilta Charles, door maker, h 108 Maple.<br />

W ilton Hen ry,sawycr,h 478 Woodbridge e.<br />

Wil ton William EI., stairbuilder, h 242<br />

Benton.<br />

Wily Leo, Jat~., h 68 Catharine.<br />

Wiuans John C., collector, 11 635 Hichigcrn<br />

ave.<br />

Winch Isaac, ice peddlar, h 861 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Winchell John, carpenter, h 121 Fort e.<br />

Winchell John jr, clerk, e s Third nr Alexandrine<br />

ave.<br />

Winder Charles, saloon, cor Hastings and<br />

Columbia.<br />

Winder Hubert, vanisher, bds 610 Riopelle.<br />

Winder John, h n w cor Woodward ave<br />

and High.-<br />

Wderferring John, saw mill, h 463 Fort e.<br />

Windsor Emerson O., cabinet maker, bds<br />

79 Congress e.<br />

Windsor Harvey D., paver, bds 29 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Winemann Henry, h 107 Winder.<br />

Wineman Jacob E., h 108 Larned e.<br />

Winer John, gilder, bds 23 Tweltth.<br />

Wing Francis &I., grocer, 83 Congress e,<br />

h 120 same.<br />

Wing Simon, photographer, 149 Jefferson<br />

ave, res Boston, Mass.<br />

Wing S. J., bds Tremont House.<br />

Wiugerd William, peddlar, h 253 Sherman.<br />

Wingert William, gun store, 10 Congress e,<br />

h 55 Fremont.<br />

Wingrave George, clerk, h cor Fifth and<br />

Marcy.<br />

Wieniker Edward, tailor, bds 200 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Winiker Weudling, tailor and cutter, 200<br />

Larned e, h same.<br />

W inke John, mason, h 120 Bronson.<br />

Winkelmeyer Anton, clerk, bds 484 Alfred.<br />

Winkelmeyer Anton, lab., h 342 Division.<br />

Winkelmeyer Joseph, edge tool maker,<br />

h e s Joseph Campau ave bet Macomb<br />

and Clinton aves.<br />

Winkelmeir William, cabinet maker, bds<br />

454 Alfred.<br />

Winkler Carl, cook, bds 60 Micbigan ave.<br />

Winkler Charles, qerator, b& 1 Jefferson<br />

aye.<br />

Winn John, dra-man, h 123 Baker.<br />

Winn Owen,(Hickey & Winn), h 546 Seventh.<br />

Winne Frank R., dentist, bds old 229<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Winship Cyrus, saloon, 86 Grand River<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Winslow Alonzo B., clerk, h 247 Howard.<br />

Winslow A. D., clerk, h 30 Croghan.<br />

Winslom George A,, letter carrier, h 942<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Winters Alfred, machinist, bds 98 Lewis.<br />

Winter Booth, clerk, h 286 Randolph.<br />

Winter Charles, drayman and saloon, 356<br />

Hastings. h same.<br />

Winter Frederick, carpenter, bds 334 Hastings.<br />

Winter George, agent, h 73 Larned w.<br />

Winter Ludwig, lab., h 179 Bronson.<br />

Winter Mary (wid George), h 158 Howard.<br />

Winter William, farmer, h 175 Macomb.<br />

Winterer ~orenz, blacksmith, h 260 BIul-<br />

'lett.<br />

Winterhalter Georce t P. Hufnagel & Co.),<br />

U \ -<br />

h 1-49 Croghan.<br />

Winterhatter John J.. mixer W. L. works,<br />

h cor Cherry and sixth.<br />

Winterich Mathias, painter, h 154 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Wintermuth August, grocer, n w cor Cro-<br />

ghan and Orleans, h same.<br />

Wipe1 Henry, cigar box maker, bds 70<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Wipfler August, carriage trimmer, h 238<br />

&lacomb.<br />

Wipfler Charles, sculptor, h 248 Croghan.<br />

Wirfs Michael, Yankee notions, stall 1<br />

U. C. H. ill., h 2 Jay.<br />

Wirth Adam (Wirth & Son), h s w cor<br />

Gratiot and Russell.<br />

Wirth August, hotel, 379 Atwater.<br />

Wirth George (Wirth & Son), bds s w cor<br />

Gratiot and Russell.<br />

Wirth Henry, lab., h 148 Antietam.<br />

Wirth Max, clerk, bds s w cor Gratiot and<br />

Hussell.<br />

Wirth Peter, saloon, 818 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Wirth & Son (Adam and George), gro-<br />

cers, s w cor Russell and 'Gratiot.<br />

Wjrt Paul, butcher, bds 764 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Wirts Jacob B., hardware, 786 Michigan<br />

ave, h 734 same.<br />

Wirts John, sailor, bds s w cor Seven-<br />

teenth and Butternut.<br />

Wirtz- Jacob, sa!oon, n s St, Joseph bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave, h same.<br />

Wirz.Louis, lab., h Ohio bet Hastings and<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Wischnowsky Charles, lab., 227 Alfied.<br />

Wischnewsky Otto, upholsterer, bds 464<br />



Wise Dessie (col'd), whitewasher, h 4%<br />

Watson.<br />

Wise Frank, cigar maker, h 42 Crawford.<br />

Wise John, moulder, bds 401 Larned e.<br />

Wisely James, lab., h 861 Franklin.<br />

Wisener Gottlieb, lab., h 185 Sheman.<br />

Wiseman James, moulding works, bds cor<br />

Third and Larned.<br />

Wishnowski John, lab., h n s Jay,bet Du-<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Wisker George, lab., h 199 Eighteenth.<br />

Wisker Mrs. Maria, refreshments, stall 44<br />

C. H. M., h 199 Eighteenth.<br />

TVisler Robert, clerk, bds 113 Bates.<br />

Wisncr George G., civil engineer, h 231<br />

First.<br />

Wissinger August C., upholsterer, bds 319<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Witbeck Charles S., (Witbeck :& Chitten-<br />

den,) h Russell Honse.<br />

W ittbeck Frank A., traveler, Aspinall Ter-<br />

race, Macomb ave.<br />

Witbec~ $ Ch~ttcnclen, (C. S. W itbeck<br />

and W. J. Chittenden,) proprietors Rus-<br />

sell House.<br />

Witgen Anton, grocer, s s Antietam, bet<br />

Dubois and Chene, h bane.<br />

TVithauer, bas Hotel Mauch.<br />

Withcornb William W., baker and confec-<br />



8UNB & Q@B8@<br />



Oysters in Shell a mp$alty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Wittman E::gene, cigar maker h 890 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Wittnlan Frank, carpenter, h 397 Sherman<br />

Wittmann Michael, stonecutter, h 413<br />

Sherm8.n .<br />

Wittner. Bernhnrd, lab., bds 291 Clinton.<br />

Wittwan Andrew. silver plater, bds 264<br />

Catherine.<br />

Fit twer George, lab.. bds 264 Catherine.<br />

Wittwer Ignat z, locksmith, h 2 G4 Catherine.<br />

Witze Christian, shoemaker, h 174 Fort e<br />

Witzki Carl, carpenter, h s s German bet<br />

Dubois aud St Aubin ave.<br />

Witzky William, saloon 55 Croghan, h<br />

same.<br />

Wixtead Patrick, stove moulder, bds 26'1<br />

Guoin.<br />

tioner, 121 Larned e, h same.<br />

Wockrodd Oscar, carpenter, boards 141<br />

Withers Nrs., (wid,) h 13 Columbia w. Twelfth.<br />

Witherspoon Alexander. U. S. customs, Wockrodd Willism, physician, h 141<br />

Witherspoon Alexander,painter, h 230 Six- ' Twelfth.<br />

teenth.<br />

Vodke Ferdinand, lab., h Dubois 3d block<br />

Witherspoon John, customs, h 312 Porter. from Gratiot.<br />

Witherspoon Jobma, (wid William,) h Woehler Henry, tailor, h 161 Marion.<br />

3b2 Third.<br />

Woehler John, cabinet maker, bds 392<br />

witherspoon<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

*<br />

h 302 Third.<br />

mohjfarts Frederick me, saloon, 466 Grand<br />

River we, h 468 same.<br />

Withey Isabella, (wid Oirin A*,) h 81 May- Wohlfarth Gotlieb, St. Lawrance Hotel,<br />

berry ave.<br />

59 Atwater.<br />

Withey Joseph J., ex-messenger, h 245 Wohlfiel John, carpenter, h Fifteenth st w<br />

Second.<br />

s nr Magnolia.<br />

Withey William L,, foreman, (Stephen F., Woblgehagen .John, lab bds 812 Y arion<br />

Smirh & Co.,) h 243 Fourth.<br />

Wohlgemuth Felix, grinder, h 486 Sherman.<br />

Wittl'auer Gustave,<br />

Mauch.<br />

mohulich Lewis J., matl]emstical instru-<br />

Witte Fred, car smith, h 297 Columbia e.<br />

ment maker, bds 381 Woo6bridpe e.<br />

Woibach<br />

Witte Frederick, lab., h 597 Hastings.<br />

Christian, bds 44<br />

Witte Henry, tailor, h 478 Catharine.<br />

Woibach 44 Tweltth. Elizabeth, (wid Christopher,) h<br />

Witte Theodore, bookbinder, bds 579 Wojahn Julius, shoe maker, h 190 Antie-<br />

Hasting.<br />

turn.<br />

Wittelsberger Elizabeth, (wid Conrad,) h Wolike Frederick, cabinet maker, h 107<br />

352 Twentieth.<br />

An tie turn.<br />

W i telsberger Joesph, baker, 2'71 Hastings, Woliver George, brakesman, bds 176<br />

11 same.<br />

Howard.<br />

Wittlesberger Frank, baker, 317 Michican Wolf *4ugust, shoemaker, bds 102 Frankme,<br />

h same.<br />

lin.<br />

Wittman Adrian, stone cutter, bds 393 Wolf Charles, lab, h s s German bet Du-<br />

Sherman.<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Wittman Edmond, cigar maker, h 290 St. Wolf Charles, piano maker, bda n e cor<br />

Aritoine.<br />

Macomb and Antoine.



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office.<br />

See fly-lear opp. name.<br />

Wolf Christian, machinist, h 471 Sixth.<br />

Wolf Christina, (wid Frederick.) h 314<br />

Clinton.<br />

Wolf Christopher, carpet weaver, h 385<br />

Seven teen th.<br />

Wolf Frederick, lab, h 636 Riopelle.<br />

Wolt Frederick, saloon, 782 Woodbridge<br />

w, h same.<br />

Wolf George, saloon, 104 Rtxssell, h same.<br />

Wolf George F., milkman, h 25u Maple.<br />

Wolf Godfrey, lab., h w s Crawford bet<br />

Lysunder and Brigham.<br />

Wolf Henry, carpenter, h 368 Fort e.<br />

Wolf John, bds 397 Seventeenth.<br />

Wolf John, carpenter. h s s Sherman bet<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Wolt John C., carpenter, h 471 Sixth.<br />

Wolf Joseph, (Wolf & Son) h 397 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

W olf Julius, confectioner, h 256 Beaubien.<br />

Wolt Louis, glass stainer, h n e cor Rus-<br />

sell and Lafayette.<br />

Wolf Louis, lab., h Twentieth nr Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

w'olf ~aul, (Wolf L Son) h 399 Seventeenth.<br />

Wolf Sophie (wid Henry) h s s German<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Wolf William, lab., h s s German bet Dubois<br />

and C hen e.<br />

Wolf William, shoemaker, h 71 Chestnut.<br />

Wolf William, upholsterer, bds 488 Orleans.<br />

Wolf & Son, (Paul and Joseph) soda works,<br />

399 Seventeenth.<br />

Wolfelder Albert, brewer, h 246 Mullett.<br />

Wolfertz Robert (Wuelfing & Wolfertz)<br />

h Ohio nr Hastings.<br />

Wolff Bernhardt, saloon, 483 Orleans, h<br />

same.<br />

Wolff Helene (wid Henry) (L. H. Wolff<br />

& Co.), h 199 Lafayette.<br />

Wolff Isaac, cigar maker, h 85 Russell.<br />

Wolff Israel, cigar maker, h 85 Russell.<br />

Wolff Jacob, lab., h 313 Bronson.<br />

Wolff Louis, (Frederick Yunke & Co.), h<br />

89 Catharine.<br />

Wolff L. Herman (L. H. Wolff & Co.), h<br />

271 Elizabeth e.<br />

Wolff L. H. & Co., (L. Herman Wolff and<br />

Mrs. Henry Wolil) trunk makers, 215<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Wolfing Frederick, lab., h 47 Catharine.<br />

Wolfing Robert, grinder, h 264 Clinton.<br />

Wolfschlaeger Anthony, switchman, h I1<br />

Beach.<br />

Walfschlseger H. Joseph, baggageman, h<br />

198 Lafavette.<br />

~olfschla6~er John, blacksmith, bds 60<br />

Wayne.<br />

Wolfschlaeger John P., carpenter, h 305<br />

Catharine.<br />

Wolfschlaeger Louis, carpenter, h 2'73<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-halt.<br />

Wolfschlaeger Lucas, lab., h 273 Thirteenth-ann<br />

-a-half.<br />

Wolfstein Louis, cigar maker, bds 40 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Wollenweher Mathew J., cigar manufacturer,<br />

695 Michigsn ave, h same.<br />

Wolleaweber Peter, clerk, h 116 Macomb.<br />

Wollenzin Charles, baker, 506 St. Antoine<br />

h same.<br />

TVollex Albert, cabinet maker, h 111 Napoleon.<br />

Wollin Albert, cabinet maker, h 408 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Wolner Joseph M., marble cutter, h Prospect<br />

nr R. R.<br />

Wolpert John, cigar maker, h 257 Alfred.<br />

Wolter Edward, stonemason, h 203 Maple.<br />

Wolter Frederick, teamster, h 717 Cro<br />

ghan.<br />

Wolters Theodore, stove moulder, bds 719<br />

Croghan.<br />

Wolverton B. F., contractor patent flooring,<br />

bds Franklin.<br />

Wolverton Eugene T., clerk, bds 25 Columbia<br />

w.<br />

Wolverton George F., clerk, bds 136<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Wolverton George W., insurance agent 53<br />

Griswold, h 25 Columbia w. .<br />

Wolverton Joseph C., stableman, bds<br />

Union Hotel.<br />

Wolverton Samuel W., sailor, h 172 Marion.<br />

Wolverton Stephen, bds 25 Colu.mbia w.<br />

Wolz Blargaret, (wid George,) 361 North.<br />

Woman's Hospital and Foundlings Home,<br />

W oodward ave, rear of Harper Hospital.<br />

Womens Tea Co., (Mrs. C. Lossing Jennings<br />

manager, room 8, Studio Building,<br />

cor Griswold and State.<br />

Wonder Nlias, traveling agent, h 322<br />

Second.<br />

Wonders James, saloon, 500 Gratiot.<br />

Wood Adolph, currier, h 598 Franklin.<br />

WOOD ALBERT P., sash and blinds,<br />

s e cor Napoleon and Prospect.<br />

Wood Alexander, blacksmith, h 77 Pitteenth.<br />

Wood Andrew C., carpenter, h 151 Williams<br />

ave.<br />

Wood Catharine, h 138 Grand River me.<br />

Wood Charles D., U. S. Ex. Co., h 85 Fifth.

woo DETROIT CITY DIRECTORY. woo 513<br />

Wood Edward, lab., h 220 Second.<br />

Wood Emory T.,clerk, bds 27 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Wpood Frank, spring bed maker, h s e cor<br />

St. Antoine and Lafayette.<br />

Wood Frederick, shoe maker, bds 20 Cut-<br />

ler.<br />

Wood George L., steam fitter, h 273 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Wood Granville, (Wood & Rand,) h s e<br />

cor Brush and Bronson.<br />

Wood Jacob, lab., bds 294 Franklin.<br />

Wood Jackson B., grocer, 151 Williams<br />

ave hsame.<br />

Wood James B., carpenter, bds 138 Grand<br />

River ave.<br />

Wood James W. (Prentiss, Wood & Go.),<br />

h 21 Charlotte.<br />

Wood John, lab., h 115 Franklin.<br />

Wood John, shoemaker, h 20 Cuttler.<br />

Wood John R., telegraph .operator, G. T.<br />

R., bds 154 Howard.<br />

Wood John S., clerk, h 102 Bagg.<br />

MTood John Wesley, omnibus driver, bds<br />

63 Howard.<br />

Wood Joseph, lime burner, h 431 Fort e.<br />

Wood 0 badiah C. (col'd), messenger<br />

Custom House, h o 215 n 241 Congress e.<br />

Wood Peleg, h 267 Fort w.<br />

Wood Philander T. (Smith & Wood), h<br />

132 Alfred.<br />

Wood Sarah A. (wid Henry), h 122 Oak.<br />

Wood Solomon, U. S. Customs, h 85 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Wood Theodore F., carpenter, h 57 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Wood Thomas B., painter, h 109 Tenth.<br />

Wood Thomas M. (Wood & Reid), h 407<br />

Michi an ave.<br />

Wood 4 illiam, baker, bds 112 Franklin.<br />

wood William, carpenter, 524 Third.<br />

Wood William H., gravel roofing, h 37<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Wood & Hand (Granville Wood and Na-<br />

than S. Rand), electrotypers, n e cor<br />

Jefferson ave and Qriswold.<br />

Wood & Reid (Thomas M. Wood and<br />

Robert Reid), meat market, 407 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Woodard Mary S. (wid Samuel B.), h 234<br />

Congress e.<br />

Woodbridge William L., farmer, h n s<br />

Grand River ave nr National ave.<br />

Woodcock Alfred C., millwright, h 459<br />

Fort -. --. e.<br />

Woodham Thomas, furniture, bds 357<br />

Casa ave.<br />

Woodhouse John, mason, h 215 Watson<br />

Woodhull John C. H.. 526 Fifteenth.<br />

Woodhull Joseph C., clerk, h 455 Fifteenth.<br />

Woodin Orson, letter carrier, h 49 Pine.<br />

Woodlock Elleu (wid Michael), h 146<br />

Beach.<br />

65<br />

1 W e will take pleasure in showing our<br />

I<br />

Manufactures to<br />


Who will favor ue by a call at our ofice, 52 West<br />

Larned Street.<br />

Parke, Davgs & Co.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Woodlock Matthew, lab., h 247 Seventh.<br />

Wooodruff Charles B., clerk, bds 645 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Woodruff Charles P., land agent, h ' 645<br />

Fort w.<br />

Woodruff John S., agent, bds 15 Jopn R.<br />

Woodruff Rev. Leo M., pastor First Baptist<br />

Church, bds 114 George.<br />

Woodruff Thomas H., clerk. h 135 National<br />

ave.<br />

Woods Benjamin, coachman, bds 151 Cass.<br />

Woods C. fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Woods Charles, boiler maker, h 276<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Woods Bridget, bds 51 Franklin.<br />

Woods Edward, hack driver, h 60 Henry.<br />

Woods Edward, lab., h 14 Spruce.<br />

Woods George, lab., h 174 Beach.<br />

Woods George, lab., h 57 Jay.<br />

Woods George L., *steam fitting, h 273<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Woods James, h rear 194 Fort e.<br />

Woods John, shoemaker, h 20 Cutler.<br />

Woods John H , lab., h 115 Franklin.<br />

Woods John H., (col'd) whitewasher, h 70<br />

Clinton.<br />

Woods Joseph, saloon, 691 Fort w.<br />

Woods Joseph, shoe maker, bds 20 Cutler.<br />

Woods Mary Miss, sewing girl, h 111<br />

Porter.<br />

Woods Peter, lforedan- coal yard, h 151<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Woods Robert (col'd) lab., h 600. St. Antoine.<br />

Woods S. C., fireman, M. C. R. R.<br />

Woods William, baker, bds 113 Franklin,<br />

Woods William A., clerk, h 2 Lewis.<br />

Woodward Joseph, student, bds 34 Fort w.<br />

Woodworth Benjamin, clerk, h 109 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Wool George W., lawyer, 50 Seitz block,<br />

h 172 Elizabeth e.<br />

Woolf August, shoemaker, bds 95 Wilkinr.<br />

Woolf Charles, cigar maker, bds 4'71 Sixth.<br />

Woolfenden E. (J. A. Berry & Co.), bds<br />

103 Miami ave.<br />

Wooltenden Frank J., clerk, bds 54 Selden.<br />

Wolfenden Frederick W., c lerk, kde45<br />

Selden.<br />

Woolfenden Joseph B., clerk, h w s Woodward<br />

ave nr Holden Road.<br />

Woolhouse Henry, maltster, h 406 Guoin.<br />

Woolley F. N., clerk, bds Goodman<br />



I Worswick Henry, cooper, h 204 Division.<br />

Worth Louis. tinsmith, h 168 Russell.<br />

Wortham Rosalvo (coi'd), blacksmith, 155<br />

-<br />

' SEE PAGE 39.<br />

BuSIN'SS COLLEGE. I Gratiot. h 342 Lafavette.<br />

worthiniton Rev. e~~orge, rector St.<br />

For Opinions of Business Men,<br />

John's, h St John's parsonage, Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Worthington Ralph, foreman Mutual Gas<br />

Co., h 312 Mullztt.<br />

Wortmann Charles, cigsr maker, h 296<br />

Macom b.<br />

Wortmann Joseph, lab,, bds 169 Macomb.<br />

Wortmrrnn John, grocer, 385 St. Aubin<br />

ave, same.<br />

Worton James,painter,h 27 Twenty-fourth<br />

Worz Caroline (wid Carl), h 133 Twelfth.<br />

\mtke Ferdinand, lab., h E. L. Cam-<br />

pau bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Wotke Friederich, lab., h 8 Em L. Cam-<br />

p, bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Wotke Gustav, h 8 s E. L.. Campan bet<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Wotzke Frtmk' (F. Wotzke dt Bro.,) h<br />

Lafayette Place bet Twenty-first and<br />

Twenty -second.<br />

W'otzke John, (F. Wotzke & Bro.,) h<br />

Lafayette Place, bet Twenty-first and<br />

Twenty-second.<br />

Wotzke F. r& Bro., (Frank 'and John<br />

Wol tzke,) shoemakers, 820 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Woytta Wenzel, mason, h 305 Marion.<br />

Wrrty James! moulder, h 406 Larned e.<br />

Wray James, jr., moulder, bds 406 Larned<br />

Woo'le~ Frank bds Franklin<br />

House.<br />

oolle~ James 82 Sible~s<br />

Woolle~ Smith R.* lst Ward,<br />

Wdistiller and vinegar manufacturer, n e<br />

First and Larnedw' 230 Lafayette<br />

avb<br />

Woolnough (wid 420 Lat'ayette.<br />

woolse~ John W., 261 Park*<br />

moree~&r fia, insurance agent, 98<br />

Oriswold, h 14 Adams ave w* (See ad^.)<br />

Worcester James H. (Worcester, Laible &<br />

Co. ,) h 91 Elizabeth e.<br />

Worcester James M., foreman, bds Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Worcester, Laible 62 Co. (James H. Worcester<br />

and Xugene Laible), paint manufactory,<br />

Jones bet Third and Fourth, office<br />

14Congress e.<br />

Worden Adalbert E. (Tyler, Graham &<br />

Co.), res Grand Rapids.<br />

Worgor George, foremsn, h 295 Porter.<br />

Workman Francis, foreman, House of<br />

Shelter, bds same.<br />

Workman Francis, manufacturer, h n e east.<br />

cor Brush and Marion.<br />

Wreford ~ eor~e, butcher, h 91 Columbia w<br />

Workman Joseph, lab- (col'd), 222 Maple- Wref'ord William, meat market, 555 Jeffer-<br />

Workman William, mechanic, h 148 Sev- son ave, h 345 Larned e.<br />

enteen th.<br />

Wren James, watch maker, h 220 How-<br />

Workum David J. (Fechheimher & Work- ard n s.<br />

um), h 29 Adelaide.<br />

Wren John, clerk, h 220 Howard.<br />

Worlds Harrison, barber, h 113 Clinton. Wren John W., express messenger, bds<br />

Worlizek John, marble polisher, h 313 Franklin House.<br />

High e.<br />

Wrether John, boatswain, h 98 National<br />

Worman John S. (J. S. Worman & Co.), ave.<br />

h 93 Fort w.<br />

Wright Annie B., (wid Calvin M.,) h 111<br />

Worman J. S. & CO. (John S. Worman Congress e.<br />

and Wllliam Penrose), commission mer- Wright B. C., commission, bds htisdel<br />

chants, cor Atwater and Bates.<br />

House.<br />

Wormer Clark C., clerk, bds 57 High. Wright B. Frank, night editor Daily Post,<br />

Wormer Frederick F., clerk, bds 57 High. h 171 Sixteenth.<br />

Wormer Grover S. (Q. S. Wormer L Son), Wright Charles, machinist. bds 206 Porter.<br />

h 57 High.<br />

Wright Charles W., traveling agent, bds<br />

Wormer Henry G. ((3. S. Wormer & Son), 147 Rivard.<br />

res Chicago, Ill.<br />

Wright Edmund &sewing machine agent,<br />

Wormer M. R., traveling agent, bds Good- 30 Grand River ave, bds Goodman<br />

C<br />

man House.<br />

House.<br />

Wormer G. S. & Son (Grover 9. and Henry Wright Edward H., machinist, h 206 Por-<br />

G.), machinery 99,101 and 103 Jefferson ter.<br />

ave.<br />

Wright Edmund M., (Wright & Watton, ;<br />

Worn Gottlieb, lab., h Tiilman ave nr h 15 Warren.<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Wright Emma, teacher Tappan School, h<br />

Worpell John, shoe shop, 355 Michigan 282 Third.<br />

ave, h same. , Wright Rzra, h Hamtramck House.

Y<br />


Wright Frank E., lab., h 161 Third.<br />

Wright George, tailor, bds 127 Larned w.<br />

Wright George W., shoemaker, h 128<br />

Grand River ave.<br />

Wright Henry M., (Roehm & Wright,) h<br />

'435 Woodward' ave.<br />

Wright Hugh, bds 42 Russell.<br />

Wright James A., clerk, h Elmwood ave<br />

opp Croghan.<br />

Wright James H., machinist, h 334 Fort e.<br />

Wright James M., agent, bds 331 Third.<br />

Wright James T., Gas Inspector, oBce<br />

room 24 <strong>City</strong> Hall, h 49 Baker.<br />



JUNE & CO.'S<br />


28 MICHIGAN G W D AVE.<br />

w Oysters in the Shell a epecialty. Wholesale<br />

and Retall.<br />

.<br />

Wright Jane, (wid Robert,) dress~aker, h<br />

249 Fifth.<br />

Wright John, furniture, 162 Michigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

Wright John, lab., h 156 Sixth.<br />

Wright John, (col'd,) mechanic, h 51<br />

Franklin.<br />

Wright Josiab, lab., h 552 Sixteenth.<br />

Wright J., carpenter, bds <strong>Detroit</strong> EXchange.<br />

Wright Luther, President Det. Chair Factory?<br />

res. Oswego, N. Y.<br />

Wright Malcolm, currier, h 72 Croce;hnn.<br />

Wright Matilda, (wid Thomas,) h 43 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Wright Monroe, clerk, bds Michigan Exchange.<br />

Wright Moses, clerk. bds 122 St. Antoine.<br />

Wright Orange, teamster, h 187 Seventeenth.<br />

Wright Philo E., vessel oxner, h 12 Madison<br />

ave.<br />

Wright Richard,(col'd) ,whitewasher, h 134<br />

Bates.<br />

Wright Robert BI., tailor 39 Larned w, h<br />

same.<br />

Wright Robert W., cabinet maker, bds 14<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Wright Sarah, (wid Henry,) grocer, 423<br />

Congress e, h same.<br />

Wright Sidney A.,clerk,bds 43 Congress W.<br />

Wright Silas, bds 98 Porter.<br />

Wright William, oyster dealer, bb 131<br />

Larned w.<br />

Wright William, printer, bds 13 Spencer.<br />

Wright William, teamster, bds 169 Cass.<br />

Wright William C., clerk Elmwood Cemetery,<br />

h srtme.<br />

Wright 62 Watton, (Edmund M. Wright<br />

and Walter Watton,) dentists, room 2<br />

Fi~her Block,, 131+ Woodward aye.<br />

Wroseh John, lab., h 278 Prospect.<br />

Wuelfing Frederick, (Wuelfing & Wolfertz,)<br />

h 47 Catherine.<br />

W uelfine & Walfertz, (Frederick Wuelfing<br />

and Robert Wolfertz.) cuttlers and machinists,<br />

17 IVoCbriCge e.<br />

Wuellner Frank J., cabinet maker, h 154<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

WQellnes Joseph jr., jeweler, bds 154 BIontcalm<br />

e.<br />

Wuerkes Nicholas, teamster, h 181 Bronson.<br />

Wuertemberg William, shoemaker, bds 21 7<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Wuestemald Casper, jr., mason h 349<br />

Dubois.<br />

Wuesterwald Hugo, mason, h 349 Dubois.<br />

Wuesterwald John, lab.: h 351 Dubois.<br />

Wuesthoff Ernest, apprentice, bds 266<br />

Bigh.<br />

Wuesthoff Joseph, carpenter, h 93 Jay.<br />

Wuesthoff Louis, machinist, h 266 High.<br />

Wuerth Godlieb, porter, bds Harper Hogital,<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

derth ~illiam, music teacher, bds 168<br />

St. Antoine. '<br />

Wurtzburger Bernhard, peddlar, h 5.14<br />

Grstiot.<br />

Wulf Chris& weaver, h 358 Seventeenth.<br />

Wullenburg August, lab., h Scott nr J o-<br />

seph Campau ave.<br />

Wult Frederick, saloon, 483 Lafayette, h<br />

same.<br />

Wunderlich Rev. E., presiding elder M.<br />

E. Church, h 301 Fitteenth.<br />

Wunsch William, saloon, 459 Cliu ton ave<br />

h same.<br />

Wurtzel Arthur, lab., h 351 Sixteentb.<br />

Wurm Ernst, shoemaker, h 124 Twentieth.<br />

Wurster Alexander, actor, h 150 ha sting^.<br />

Wurster Fred, carver, b& 1 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wurtenberp Charles W. F., huckster, 80<br />

C. H. M., h n e cor Crawford and Lysander.<br />

Wurzer Charles, clerk, bds 104 Macomb.<br />

Wusthoff Gustav Heinerick, sailor, h 46<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Wu~thoff BIartin, painter, h 332 St. Antoine.<br />

Wyandotte Rolling Hill, warehouse<br />

and office, dock foot of Wayne.<br />

(& advt.)<br />

Wyber Henry, box maker bds 116+ Randolph.<br />

Wybrands Hartmann, ship carpenter, h<br />

199 Wight.<br />

WyckoERobert, builder, 99 Seventh, h<br />

109 same.<br />

Wyckoff Robert W., pressman, h 47 Canfield.<br />

Wyckoff William, foreman Tribune press<br />

rooms, h 313 Second.<br />

Wylde John, mill wright, 161 Larned W,<br />

bds 59 First.<br />



Seitz Block, next to the Post Office,<br />

See fly-leaf opp. name.<br />

W les Fanny Miss, teacher Houghton<br />

8choo1, bds 41 Cass.<br />

Wyles Frank, fireman in depot, h 238 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Wyman Jane, h 255 Fifth.<br />

Wynkoop Garrett C., timer, h 59 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

W nkoop Horace M., express messenger,<br />

9 102 Montcalm e.<br />

Wynn James D., gilder, h cor Thirteenth<br />

and Myrtle.<br />

Wymnn Peteqgrocer, GO1 Echigan ave,<br />

h same.<br />

W yre William, cabinet mril;er, bds n w cor<br />

Eighth and Lafayette.<br />

AEGER Conrad, tanner, h 81 Sher-<br />

Y man.<br />

Yager Charles, teamster, bds 57 High.<br />

Yager Fredericks, saddler, h 101 Maple.<br />

Yager George, gardener, h 190 Chestnut.<br />

Yager John, ; saloon, 155 ; Randolph, h<br />

same.<br />

Yager Peter, carpenter, h 99 Sherman.<br />

Yardle Theodore, lab., h 317 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Pates C harlea, engineer, bds Biddle House.<br />

Yates Henry W., cabinet maker, 90 Wood-<br />

brid .e w, h 170 Griswold.<br />

Yates ohn W., ex-messenger, h 64 Rus-<br />

sell. f<br />

Pantins Barney, glue maker, h 494 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Yeagle Joseph, fitting, h Tillman ave, cor<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Yearkle Andrew, wagon maker, bds 464<br />

Clinton.<br />

Yegra Joseph, shoemaker, h e s Tillman<br />

ave bet Butternut. and Ash.<br />

Yeilding Richard, inventor, h 194 Chene.<br />

Peilding William, printer, bds 194 Chene.<br />

Yeip John, wagon maker, bds 168 Ohest-<br />

net.<br />

Yeip Peter, carpenter, bds 168 Chestnut.<br />

Yeamans C. C., chaplain, House of Correc-<br />

tion, bds same.<br />

Yelick Job, lab., h e s Ohio Bet R~stings<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Yelsch William, apprentice, bds 415 Rus<br />

sell.<br />

Yendell William, butcher, bds 27 Wood-<br />

bridge.<br />

YENTSCH HERMAN, jeweler and<br />

watchmaker, 187 Woodward ave, h<br />

same. (& In&$, page 19.)<br />

Yeo John, carpenter, h 100 Crawford.<br />

Yeomans Arthur, sawyer, h 109 Fifteenth.<br />

Yerge John, lab., h 570 Macomb.<br />

Yerges Lawrence, watchmaker, bds Fin-<br />

mey's Hotel.<br />

Yerkes Lyman A., director River and<br />

Lake Shore Line, h o 104 n 136 George.<br />

Yesnerson Nymon E., clerk, bds 108 St<br />

An toine.<br />

Yoct Joseph, lab., h 387 St. Antoine.<br />

Yonker Charles, carpenter, h n s Chestnut<br />

bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Yoren Oscar, carpenter, h 1'70 Marion.<br />

Tost August, saloon, 140 Randolph, h<br />

same.<br />

Yost Charles, joiner, h s w cor Jay and<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Post Joseph, lab., h rear 351 St. Antoine.<br />

Yost Vinton, stone cutter, h 7 Farmer.<br />

Youd Thomas, ship carpenter, h 132 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Young Alfred, butcher. h 284 Park.<br />

Young Alexander, moulder, bds 191 Oak.<br />

Young Charles, brakesman, h 252 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Young Charles, coachmm~n, bds 396 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Young Charles E., plumber, h 75 Sproat.<br />

Young Charles L., last turner, h 365 Fort<br />

easC<br />

Young Edward &, jr., clerk, bds 602-Fort<br />

east.<br />

Young Edwara h., engraver, bds 602<br />

Fort e.<br />

Young E. W., brakesman M. C. R, R,<br />

Young Fleming, (wid) h 50 Plum.<br />

Young Francis, (Petz & Young,) h 18 Wila<br />

i kins.<br />

Young Frank O., (col'd) waiter Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Young George, clerk, bds o 20 n 30Henry.<br />

Young George, huckster, C. 8. M., h 142<br />

Clinton.<br />

Young Henry, (col'd) tobacconist, h 62<br />

Clinton.<br />

Young Henry G., last maker, h 389 Fort e.<br />

Young James, student, h 78 Labrosse.<br />

Young James, gun smith, h Grand River<br />

ave nr Sixteenth.<br />

Youne -- - --- James D.. clerk. bds 50 Plum.<br />

Y O U ~ ~oh. ~ buicher, 6 683 Quoin.<br />

young john; gilder, bds 160 Beaubien.<br />

Young John, hair stitcher, bds Finney-s<br />

Hotel.<br />

Young John H., proof reader Tribune, 5<br />

LBacomb aye,


Young JohnP., lake captain, h 328 Beau- ,<br />

bien, I DRUGGISTS<br />

young J. ~ohn, painter, h s e cor ~ourth wu find it to the advanpge to ~II at our ofice<br />

and westerl.<br />

and examme our hne of standard<br />

Young Lewis, painter, h 522 Croghan.<br />

Young Malvina, (wid George,) h 342 MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS.<br />

Third.<br />

Parke, Davis & Co.<br />

Young Michael, h 54 Elizabeth e.<br />

See Advertisement, page 9.<br />

Young Oliver B., sr., broom maker, h 602 Yusten ~ nthon~, coach ma^, bds li05 Jel-<br />

Fort e.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Young Oliver D,, porter, h 602 Fort e. Yuston Frank, clerk, bds Finney's Hotel.<br />

Young Perry, (col'd) cook, h 66 Clinton.<br />

Young Peter, (Black & Youn ) h n a<br />

Elizabet h bet Cass and ~randsiiiver aye.<br />

Young Peter R., machinist, h 50 Plum. ABR1SKIE Frederick, assistsnt secre-<br />

Young Rebecka, (wid William) h 232 tary, bda 519 Jefferson ave.<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Zabriskie William H., secretary Wyandotte<br />

Young Robert, shoe maker, bds 282 Gra- Rolling Mill Co., h 519 Jefferson ave.<br />

tiot.<br />

Zachereder Joseph, shoemaker, 121 Gra-<br />

Young Wesley E., brakesman, bds 270 tiot, h same.<br />

Third.<br />

Zachereder Mary, dressmaker, 123 Gratiot,<br />

Young William, butcher, h 241 Fifteenth. h same.<br />

Young William, jr., engraver, blls 4'7 Na- Zachgerl Joseph, tanner, h 337 Hastings.<br />

poleon.<br />

Zachmann Rudolph, cabinet maker, bds<br />

Young William, engineer, h 66 Mncomb 32 Clinton.<br />

avenue.<br />

%a elmeier David, lab., h 11 0 Brewster.<br />

Young William, shoemaker, h-130 Eliza- Za$inger Nathan, peddlar, h 185 Clinton.<br />

beth e.<br />

Zanco John, teamster, (Backus & Co.,)<br />

Young William, sr., shoemaker, h 47 Na- Zander Nathan, cigtir maker, h 148 St.<br />

poleon.<br />

An toine.<br />

Young William G., clerk, h 75 Sproat. Zander Joseph, shoemaker, h 223 Sherman<br />

Y ouug Zachariah, (col'd) waiter, Michigan Zaner Stephen, mason, h 308 Marion,<br />

Exchange.<br />

Zanger Frank, baker, h 144 Hastings.<br />

Youngblood Bernard, (B. Youngblood & Zappelli Constantino, tZappeili & Viviani,)<br />

Bro.), h 622 Grcttiot.<br />

h 7G Grand River ave.<br />

Youngblood Emma, (wid George) h 133 Zappelli & Viviani, (Constantino Zappelli<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

and Carlo Viviani,) plaster workers, 76<br />

Young blood Jacob,(J. Youngblood & Co.) Grand Kirer ave.<br />

'<br />

h 502 Gratiot.<br />

Zarth Martin, lab., h 517 Macomb.<br />

Youngblood Jacob D., planing mill, h 86 Zmsau August blacksmith, (J. H. Baugh.)<br />

Brady.<br />

Zaunbrecher Herma, cigar maker, h 207<br />

Youngblood Pcter, (B. Youngblood & Russell.<br />

Bro.), h cor Maple and St. Aubin ave. Zaunbrecher Herman, agent for Rheumatic<br />

Youngblood Wallace, clerk, bds 86 Brady. Remedy, 211 Gratiot, h same.<br />

Youngb!ood & Bro., (Bernhard and Peter) Zavitz Thomas, lab., ljetroit Cent BIills,<br />

grocers, 518 and 622 Gratiot.<br />

Zech Henry A., (Kruger, Zech (& Co.,) b<br />

Youngblood J. & Co., (Jacob ~oun~blood 4'2 Sherman.<br />

and Mrs. Catharine Miller), dry goods, Leck Zulius, cabinet maker, h 346 Eigh-<br />

502 Gratiot.<br />

teen th.<br />

Younghusband John, dentist, 3 Gratiot, Zehner Christopher, plasterer, h 92 BIulbds<br />

same.<br />

lett.<br />

Younghusband Lancelot, physician, presi- Zehringer Aaton, blacksmith, h 322 Sherdent<br />

Homaepathic College, 3 Gratiot, h man.<br />

61 Adams ave w.<br />

Zeigin Ferdinand, wood turner, h 101 Jay.<br />

Younghusband William J., dentist, bds 61 Zeisler .Valentine, furrier, h 150 Hastings.<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

Zeiss Ferdinand, finisher, h 45 Napoleon.<br />

Youngs Anson, foreman, h 4 Tenth. Zeiss Henry, shoemaker, h 90 Marion.<br />

Youngs b yron E., clerk, bds 12 Lewis. Zeiter Caltllina, (wid Christian,) bats and<br />

Yousal Fred., butcher, bds 349 Riopellg. caps, 375 Hastings, h same.<br />

Yunghams Charles, lab., h s s Jay bet Du- Zeiter Charles P., furrier, bds 375 Hastings<br />

bois and Chene.<br />

Zelazny Samuel, clerk, h 71 Harriet.<br />

Yunker Gottlieb, wagon maker, h 335 La- Zell John G., teamster, h 11 Division.<br />

fayette.<br />

' Zeller Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 616<br />

Yurgens Anthony jeweler, bds 666 Gratiot. j woodbridge wr h same.

\ Zens<br />





Address IRA MAYHEW,<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Zellner Julius, cutter, h 303 Larned e.<br />

Zellner Raphael, cashier, 5ds 90 Fort e.<br />

Zemlin Julius. helper, bds Nineteenth bet<br />

Howard and Baker.<br />

Zemmin William, painter, h 22 Beacon.<br />

Zender Henry, plow msnfr., s s Gratiot,<br />

bet Mt. Elliott and Elmweod aves, h<br />

same.<br />

Zeni Amabile, statuary figure mantr., h<br />

180 Lafayetie.<br />

Zenner Ernst, baker, 754 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Peter, gracery, 773 Michigan ave, h<br />

same.<br />

Zens Peter, lab., h s s Baker bet Eleventh<br />

and Twelith.<br />

Zepf John, saloon, n w cor Russell and<br />

Silver, h-same. '<br />

Zerbe Henry, tailor shop, 19 Hawley<br />

Block, h 102 Napoleon.<br />

Zerbe Jacob (Stark $I Co.), h 146 Maple.<br />

Zewerin Christian, lab., h 405 St. Aubin<br />

ave,<br />

Zick Henry, porter, h 199 Clinton.<br />

Ziack Henry, house mover, bds 465 Fifth.<br />

Ziik Julius, carpenter, h 364 Eighteenth.<br />

Zieble Julius, lab., bds n w cor Thirteenth<br />

and Woodbridge.<br />

Ziegin Ferdinand, wood turner, h 107 Jay.<br />

Ziegler Charles G., paying teller, <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Savings Bank, h Sandwich, On t.<br />

Ziegler Edward E. G., check clerk, bds G l<br />

Larned e.<br />

Ziegler Ferdinand, lab., h n s Clinton nr<br />

hlmwood ave. I<br />

Ziegler Frederick, mason, h 556 Ha stings.<br />

Ziese Henry, engineer, h s w cor Riopelle<br />

and Chestnut.<br />

Ziegler Henry R., grocer, 1040 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Ziegler H. Henry, teller, <strong>Detroit</strong> Savings<br />

Btmk, Sandwich, Ont.<br />

Ziegler John, door maker, bds 505 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Ziegler Joseph, tailor, h 38 Colnmbia w.<br />

Ziegler William, spice miller, bds n e cor<br />

Beaubien and Indiana.<br />

Ziegenach Albert, lab., h n cor Prospect<br />

aud I~dian~.<br />

Zielke Hermann, shoemaker, bds 353 High.<br />

Zielke Joseph, tailor, h 353 High.<br />

Zielke Joseph, lab., h 599 Gratiot.<br />

Zieman Andreas, lab., bds 171 Antietam.<br />

L<br />

Zieman Charles, lab., bds 171 Antietam.<br />

Ziener FredericE, grocer, 289 Orleans, h<br />

same.<br />

Ziervogel Otto, blacksmith h 542 Gratiot.<br />

Ziesan Alvina, operator, bds n s Gern~an<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Ziesan August, lab., h u s German bet Du-<br />

bois and-Chene. -<br />

Ziesse Adolph, salopn, s w cor Beaubien<br />

and Fort e, h same.<br />

Ziesse Frederick, carpenter, h 283 Alfred.<br />

Ziease Henry, saloon, n w cor Riopelle and<br />

Chestnut, h same.<br />

Ziesse William, carpenter, h 305 Catharine.<br />

Ziesse William, cigar maker, h 376 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Zigaria Schlabinski, peddlar, h 223 Bast-<br />

ings.<br />

i Zigawa Charles, cigar maker, h 183 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Zihsse John, lab., bds 595 Lafayette.<br />

Zimmer George, lab., h 144 Marion.<br />

Zirnmer Charles, roofer, h .8 Silver.<br />

Zi-er Mathias, lab., h 97 Chestnut.<br />

Zimmech John, carpenter, h 175 Williams<br />

aV0. ,<br />

Zimmerman Anna, (wid Baldasar,) washer<br />

1<br />

1<br />

woman, h 52 Sherman,<br />

Zimmermann Gustavus, bds 505 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Zimmcrman Henry, brewer, s e cor Grand<br />

River ave and Cherry.<br />

I Zirnmerman John, cigtr maker, bds 129<br />

Macom b.<br />

Zimmermann John, jr., cigar maker, bds<br />

505 Michigan aye.<br />

Zin~mermaun John, saloon, 505 Michigan<br />

ave, h same.<br />

Zimmerman William, wagon maker, 59<br />

St. Aubin ave, h 525 Larned e.<br />

Zimpher Mathias, lab., h 278 Beabien.<br />

ZinaderMartin, machinist, h w s Humboldt<br />

bet Canfield and Butternut.<br />

Zindler John C., shoemaker, h 594 Seventeenth.<br />

Zlndler Vincent, mason, h 117 Jay.<br />

Zingelman August, lab., h n s Sherman<br />

bet Dubois and Chene.<br />

Zink Lorien, lab., h 502 Croghan.<br />

Zinn Augustus, lab., h 283 Brush.<br />

Zinn Andrew, lab., bds 953 Jefierson ave.<br />

Zinn Justus, fbreman, n 19 Marion.<br />

Zinns William, cigar maker, h 439 Fifth.<br />

Zinser William, carpenter, h 202 Antietam.<br />

Zisowske Mary, tailoress, h 255 Bronson.<br />

Zitsalk Joseph, lab., h 231 Williams ave.<br />

Zittel George, machinst, h 265 Croghan.<br />

Zink George, tailor, h 357 Bronson.<br />

Zlabach Charles, tobacconist, h 34 Sulli*<br />

van ave.<br />

Zoellur Julius, cutter, h 30'3 Larned e.<br />

Zoeat Mar tin, shoe maker, h 5 17 Macomb.<br />

Zohn Hiram, cigar maker, h 158 Division,


Zohn Jacob, cigar maker, bds 80 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Zohn Olin, saloon, 63 Franklin, h same.<br />

Zolik John, lab., h 87 German.<br />

Zoll Henriette, (mid Peter) h 472 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Zopf Leonard, lab., h Humboldt ave, w s<br />

nr Ash.<br />

Zopf William, grocer, 100 Rnssell, h same<br />

Zrock Carl, h e s Mt. Hope bet Michigan<br />

ave and Butternut.<br />

Zrock Johan, lab., h e s Mt. Hope bet<br />

Michigan ave and Butternu?.<br />

Zrock Johan, lab., h 197 Antietam.<br />

Zuck Aionzo, teamiog, h 6-65; Fifth.<br />

Zuck Erctney (wid Henry) h 469 Fifth.<br />

Zuellig Joseph, atone cutter, h s s Bellair<br />

bet Riopelle and Dequindre.<br />

Zuerkmann John, gas fitter, bds 237 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Zuerkmann Robert, shoemaker, h 237 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />



JUNE 8t CO.'S<br />



*Oyster8 in Shell a specialty. Wholesale and<br />

Retail.<br />

Zuelch Ferdinand, lab., h s s New bet Duboi~<br />

and Chene and Gratiot and German.<br />

Zug Hobert M. (Mttnn & Zug), bds 350<br />

Woodbridge west.<br />

Zug Samuel, peculator, h 350 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Zuhn Wiiliam, shoemaker, h 229 Benton.<br />

Zurbudren Abraham, baker, 220 High, h<br />

same.<br />

Zurcher Xavier, (August Vier & Co.), h n<br />

e cor Michigan ave and Griswold.<br />

G. W. STRINGER. I a. F. OSBORNX 8c GO.,<br />

1 Manufacturers and Dealers in<br />

CARPENTER B Ul LD E R I Blinds, Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lath, Shingla , kc.<br />

-AND-<br />

General Jobber,<br />


Ofice and Pard, COT. Hichignlt Awa. &<br />

Ttuenty -first St., Detroft, Xi&.<br />

Dressed Lumber of every description conetantly<br />

on hand. Bills for Houses, Stores, Barns, Etc., -<br />

eawed to order.<br />

Residence, 228 Williams Avenue. 1 C. F. ORBORNE. D. S. OSBORNE.<br />



Patent Hair Mattresses,<br />

b<br />


Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Corn f orters, &c.,<br />

DETROIT, I<br />

208 Second St., cor. Michigan Ave.,<br />

I I MICH.<br />

4 1<br />




The magnitude to which the sewing machine business has grown is only surpassed<br />

by the rivalry of the various competit.or8, few of whom are unfamiliar with the numer-<br />

our artifices resorted to for the commendation and sale of the particular machine sought<br />

to be sold.<br />

If the number of sales be any criterion of the merits of the different machines, it<br />

cannot be denied that the Singer, owing to the popularity of what is known as our<br />

('iViza Pamily" machine far surpasses all others, for we sold in 1871 over $fty-two<br />

thousand more machines than any other company, as shown by sworn returns of the<br />

companies, which returns are made under the licenses granted them by the owners of the<br />

sewing machine patents.<br />

Annexed are the returns spoke^ of :<br />

...........<br />

Wheeler & Wilson Mf'g Co..<br />

Grover & Baker S. M. Co.. .............<br />

Weed S. M. CO ........................<br />

Howe Machine Co. (Jan. 1 to July 1, '72.)<br />

Wilcox & Gibbs S. 31. Co.. .............<br />

Wilson S. M. CO.. .....................<br />

AmerB.H.O.&S. M.Co ............<br />

Original Howe S. M. Co ................<br />

.Florence S. M. Co .....................<br />

Gold Nedal S. M. Co.. ................<br />

Davis S. M. Co ........................<br />

Domestic S. M. Co.. ...................<br />

Finkle & Lyon Mf'g Co.. ..............<br />

Atria S. M. Co ........................<br />

Rlees S. M. Co.. ......................<br />

Elliptic S. M. Co .....................<br />

Empire S. M. Co.. .....................<br />

Parham S. M. Co.. ....................<br />

Bartram & Fanton Mf'g Co .............<br />

Bartlett S. M. Co.. ....................<br />

J. G. Folsom.. ........... ... ..........<br />

McKay S. M. Ass'n.. ..................<br />

C. I?. Thompson.. .....................<br />

Union Button Hole Machine Co..<br />

.......<br />


? 0 Woodward and 17 7 Jeffersm Awes.. Det2-ott.


FOR THE YEARS <strong>1872</strong>-73.<br />


A. R. & w. F. LIL~N,<br />


Cround Coffee, Spices, Mustard, Cream Tartar, Etc.,<br />

JEBmE3EILEPS OP '%?=bas,<br />

No. 120 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Encourage Home Manufacturers by Using the<br />


For Biscuit, Pastry, Etc. , .<br />


Cor. aker and Eighth Streets, DETROIT, MICE.<br />

'w. f.0, . - 'r 7 & @J,@ma<br />



A11 Shapes and Sizes from Jersey and Ohio Clay.<br />




Larned St. West, between Wayne and Shelby Streets,<br />





C ontractor, Builder & General Jobber,<br />

DETROIT,<br />



I <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

Between Woodward Ave and<br />

208 Jefferson Ave., ( Biddle House, ~ ~-st~i&.<br />

The neatest style8 of Window Curtain@ for Stores, Schools, Churches, Public Buildings and Private<br />

Houses, of all sizes, shapes and colors, furnished with dispatch and at greatly reduced prices. Store<br />

Shades lettered to order.<br />


DEALER<br />

Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Hubs, Felloes and Spokes,<br />

Manufacturer of Tin. Co er and Sheet Iron Ware, and ofHempel's Patent Marble Top<br />

an85ront Heaters, and Patent Gntier Hooks.<br />


j Ax. RussEa. / DETROIT, NICH.<br />

362 GRATIOT ST.,<br />



Manufacturer and DsaZer .In PL-4IN and 0 RNAXENT-4 L MARBLE MAN-<br />


Waremom and Shop, For. Monroe Ave, and Farmer Street, DETROIT, MICHI NN,<br />

Designers, Carvers, Sculptors, Modellers and Stucco Workers,<br />



Church Furniture. House. Ship and Purnitnre Carving. Also all kinds of Cast Iron Pattern<br />

,Work Designs made aud orders taken for every variety of Rich Cabinet Work,<br />

Mantele, Cornices, Mirror Frames, Counters, and ofice and Store Fixtures<br />

H. S. PEOPLES, I JIWXEET & $om,<br />

HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER / F 1 0 r i s t s ,<br />

948 Michigan Avenue.<br />

-<br />

A full eupply of ,Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c.,<br />

wnstantly on hand.<br />

1 785 Michigan Ave.. <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Bedding, Flower Garden and Vezetable Plants,<br />

consisting of Rosea. Verbenaa, Fuchsias,<br />

Dahlias, .Geraniums, etc.

f<br />



Newels, Bannisters, Table Legs, Deck Plugs, Hitching<br />

Posts, and every de~cription of<br />

Newel Posts, Stair Bannisters, kept constantly on<br />

hand. Jobbing promptly attended to.<br />

No, 60 Fort Street East.<br />

62 THIRD STREET, DETROPT. I over Mellus' saw ~actory, DETROIT,<br />

- W. H. MGCAUSLANO I SON., I ma 3. HINDEN,<br />

Manufacturer of<br />


69 Larned St. W., DETROIT.<br />



SASH, DOORS, Bi/NDS,<br />

1100B and WINDOW FBBllES, and all kiads of HOULDMGS.<br />

Also, dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Lath, etc.<br />

Oface and Yard ccr. Omd Biver he, and Fourth St.,<br />

FACTORY 20 & 22 OAK St., DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Sawing and Dressing d ~ne to ord$r. All Orders<br />

promptly filled. Lumber, etc., delivered tit Dock<br />

or Depots Free of Charge.<br />


Cabinet Yaker & Joiner,<br />

BBOP a BBU~H ST., ht ~ 0068~~<br />


Electrical and Telegraph Instruments of<br />

every description.<br />

196 Jeferson Ave., DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Engineers' and Surveyors' Instruments Care-<br />

fally repaired.<br />


55 Gratiot St., cor. Farrar St.,<br />

DE'PROXT-<br />

Always on hand a Large Stock of Carriages, Bnsi<br />

ness Wagons, etc. -All orders promptly<br />

filled.<br />


352 Gratiot St., DETROIT, MICH.<br />



WIFAIPTTB 81. 1 Diamond wire Win ic w GUE~S,<br />

I<br />

Wire Window Shadee, Office and Counter Railing,<br />

Etc. Wire Fence made and put up to order.<br />

3-.FZS ;E~-7Z2SA~x~~~ES,<br />

Repairing and Upholstering done. 811 work warranted<br />

and at reasonable rates. xs3 xdc~~d.<br />

Manufacturing and Jobbing<br />

JEWELER.<br />

Room No. 8 X&her Bkck,<br />

DETROIT. - I<br />

MICH<br />


Near Campbell & Owen's<br />

Sh~p<br />

Veeeel Captains will do well by calling on the above,<br />

either for a new boat 05 repairing their old ones-<br />

Private entlemen wantlng a~pleasure~boat, by callon<br />

%e above wlll find it to thew advantage.<br />

EFwork gaYanteea<br />

Yard, ) DETROIT.<br />


Near Caqpbell & Owenss<br />

ship Yard, I DETROIT.<br />

Vessel captains will do well by-callin on the above,<br />

either for a new boat or repairing Seir old onee.<br />

Private gentlemen wantin a pleasure boat, by call-<br />

in0 on the above will fin% it to their advantage.<br />

A$ work guaranteed.<br />

s, NOX331(3E.<br />

Manufacturer and Dealer in<br />


123 Woodward Avenue, up ~taim,<br />

DZTROIT, - MZCH.<br />



ORDER OF<br />

Manufacturers<br />

24 Woodbridge st. W., DETBOIT, MICE*<br />

F. ~ o ~ B ~ x ~ ~ B<br />

Manufacturer of<br />



DETROIT, I16ICH.<br />

R. SEATON<br />

BUILDER,<br />

193 and 196 Cass St,, cor- Spencer,<br />



bfannfsctnrers of Fine<br />

404 Michigan Avenue,<br />

DETBOIT , - - MICEm<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Steam Marble Works.<br />


Manufacturer and dealer in plain and ornamental<br />

aas@&~ agar&&&@<br />


lonnments and Nalble Works in General<br />

49 Yonroe Ave. (h'ew No. 38,) DETECIT,<br />

fi!J18@)8<br />

f&&~~~B,<br />

Manufacturer, .Wholesale and Retail Dealer in<br />


267 Michigan Avenue,<br />


BERRY'S<br />


Manufactured exclusively from Raw Bone,<br />


The Cheapest Fertilizer in use.<br />




Bungs for Barrels,<br />

-AND-<br />

For the Inspection of Molasses, Sugar, Butter,<br />

Wine, Vinegar, etc.,<br />

0.161 Rivard Street, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />


16 Elizabeth Street West. .<br />

. .<br />

Being Practical Workmen, we Solicit Your Orders.<br />


71 Larnea St. E., <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

All kinds of Carriage Trimmin done in the<br />

Latest Style. Carnage and Buggy 8overs on hand.<br />

Jobs from the Country Done on Short Notice.<br />

Carriage Makers in interior towns can have their<br />

Trimmings done by sending Shiftlng Rail or Seat<br />

and the measurement of Cushions and Falls.<br />


Manufacturer of<br />


Wood bridge Grove, Michigan Avenue.<br />

~@BN<br />

a. BJ@B~,<br />


211 Michigan Avenue, Corm<br />

and<br />

Park Place and State Street.


FOR THE YEARS <strong>1872</strong>-73.<br />

Advertising Agents.<br />

Xoehler Herman Z., 63 Randolph.<br />

Agencies.<br />


Bradstreet J, BE. & Son, Butler<br />

Block, Griswold.<br />

Dun R. G. & Co., 159 Jefferson ave.<br />

Tapyan, McKillop & Co.. 157 Jefferson<br />

aye. -<br />

Agricultural Implements.<br />

Field, Wallace & Co., 180 Woodward ave.<br />

Pedeld W. S., 181 Woodward ave.<br />

(See ad@.)<br />

Architects.<br />

Anderson James, 5 find 6 Rotunda.<br />

Koch & Hess, 14 Bank Block, Griswold.<br />

Lloyd Gordon W.. 101 Griswold.<br />

Porter &Wrctkins,Telegraph Block,<br />

Grisw old.<br />

Scott William, cor Third and Woodbridge.<br />

Smith J. V., 10 Xerrill Block.<br />

Smith 3Iort1mer L., 9 Telegraph Block,<br />

Griswold. -<br />

Artificial Limb Mmdacturer.<br />

Foster James A., 172 Jefferson ave. -<br />

Artists.<br />

Academy of Design, 176 Griswold. -<br />

Auctioneers.<br />

Cargill James A,, ? Michigan Grand ave<br />

and 223 Jefferson ave.<br />

McGinnis Patrick, 28 Michigan Grand<br />

ave.<br />

J ordan J. J., 187 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wilson Hahis, 4 Monroe ave.<br />

-<br />

Bakers.<br />

Barns J. A., 7 Grand River ave.<br />

Burton Mrs. M. J., 120 Michigan ave.<br />


Copland A. W., 16 Monroe ave.<br />

Co land John, corner Randolph and<br />

8oodbridge,<br />

Millar Peter, 160 Gratiot.<br />

Baking Powder Manufacturer.<br />

NICHOLS C. H., cor Eighth and Baker.<br />

(See ah.)<br />

Bankers.<br />

Fisher, Booth & CO., 68 Woodward ave.<br />

Hosie Robert, s e cor Jeffersoi. ave., and<br />

Grisw old.<br />

Ives A. & Sons, n w cor Jefferson ave., and<br />

Griswold.<br />

Morton W, D. & Co,, cor Wood-<br />

bridge and Third,<br />

Prestan David & Co., cor Wood-<br />

ward ave., and Larned. (See &.)<br />

Scott Vincent J., 159 Jefferson ave.<br />

Seitz F. L. & Co., 91 Griswold.<br />

Banks.<br />

American National Bank, Seitz block,<br />

Griswold.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Bank, Moffatt block, Griswold.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Savings Bank, A. H. Adams, cashier,<br />

Butler block. Griswold.<br />

First National Bank, s w cor Jefferson<br />

and Griswold. (See dv,)<br />

German American Bank, 28 Larned w.<br />

Mechanics Bank, Butler block, Griswold.<br />

Merchants & Manufacturers Bank, Bank<br />

block, Griswold.<br />

People's Savine Bank. Tel. Block, cor Griswild<br />

and ress:<br />

f<br />

Second Nationa Bank, s w cor Griswold<br />

and Congress.<br />

Wayne County Saving Bank,<br />

-<br />

Baths,<br />

101 Griswold. (& udv.')<br />

Cam L. W., cor Rowland and State.<br />

(& adv.)<br />

Stone Benjamin, 80 & 82 Wayne.


Bell Hangers and Locksmiths.<br />

Baisch J. F., cor Bates and Congress.<br />

Beer Bottlers.<br />

Xann Lewis, cor Russell and Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Billiard Table Manu fBcturers,<br />

Sehnlenberg C., 98,100 and 102 Ran<br />

dolph.<br />

Smith George, 69 and 71 Larned e.<br />

Blacksmiths.<br />


TURERS.<br />

A C -<br />

Blank Book Manufacturers.<br />


R,agmond Francis, 113 Griswold.<br />

(st?% ud.0.)<br />

Richmonds BZ B%ckus, 181 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hoehm Ch&~Ies Lmy cor Jeff- Orson<br />

ave and Shelby. (& adv.)<br />

Smith E. Be & Co., 116 and 118<br />

Woodward ave.. (& udv.)<br />

Block Manufhcturers.<br />

Dubuaz J, A,, 30 Atwater e.<br />

Boat Builders.<br />

KING CHARLES, 45 Dequindre. (See<br />

&.)<br />

WALCH EDWARD, 53 Dequindre. (See<br />

adv. )<br />

---<br />

Boiler Xanufacturers.<br />

Brennan John, 198 Larned w.<br />

Buchanan W., Atwater e bet St. Antoine<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Desotell & Hutton, 508 Atwater e.<br />

McGregor J. & T., 183 Atwater e.<br />

Bolt and Nut Manufacturers.<br />

Michigan Bolt and Nut Company, Wight<br />

above Marine Hospital.<br />

Book and Job Printers.<br />

(SEE &so NEWSPAPERS.)<br />

Cliff & Doran, cor Jefferson ave and Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

GRAHAM W., 51 Bates.<br />

Gulley 0. S., 10 and 12 Lzlrnsd e.<br />

Hadger & Bryce, cor Bates and Woodbridge.<br />

Thompson Wm. H. & CO., 208 Jefferson<br />

ave. -<br />

Books and Stationery.<br />

Arnold J. 3I. & Co., 189 Woodward me.<br />

BOEHNLEIN G. & M., German books, 49<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Boothroyd & Gibbs, 191 Woodward ave.<br />

Mac~uley J. F. 62 T. W., 257 Jefferson ztve<br />

Reif Herman, German books, 126<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Roys J. A., s w cor Larned and Griswold.<br />

smith Em Bo & Coo, 116 and 118<br />

Woodward ave. (See adv.)<br />

Tunis & Parker, cor Larned and Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers<br />

and Dealers.<br />

Cotharin & Colvin, cor Woodward ave<br />

and State.<br />

Fgfe R. Em, 101 Woodward ave. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Griffin & Co.. 127 Woodward ave.<br />

Judson W. W.. 168 Woodward ave.<br />

Leclerc Bros., 166 Woodward ave.<br />

NcCallister D., 233 Michigan ave.<br />

Morgan A. R., 106 Woodward ave.<br />

Tarbell, Smiley & Colby, 124 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Wendt Je Fey 295 Gratiot.<br />

Boots and Shoes Wholesale.<br />

Baldwin H. P. & Co., 25 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See dv.)<br />

McGraw A. C. & Co., 128,130 and 132 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Robinson W. D., Burtenshaw 62 Co., '73<br />

and 75 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith S. F. & Co., 92 ' Woodward<br />

ave. (See adzt.<br />

Box Manufacturers.<br />

BERRY J. A. & CO., 24 Woodbridge w.<br />

(See a&.)<br />

Dewey, I)liddlewood & Coo, cor<br />

Atwater and Rioyelle. (See adv.)<br />

Robinson H. So, Fort e, nr cor Beau-<br />

bien. (See ads.) -<br />

Brewers.<br />

Davis & Newberry, cor Abbott and<br />

and Seventh. (See &.)<br />

Dullea D., cor Seventh and Baker.<br />

Mann Jacob, 38 Maple.<br />

Ochsenhirt Adam, 148 Sherman.<br />

Voigt E. W., Milwaukee Brewery, cor<br />

Grand River ave and Second.<br />

\Villiams & Co., Woodbrige w. bet Third<br />

and Fourth.<br />

Brick Manufacturers.<br />

Grexmel John & son, office 237<br />

Third. (See adv.)<br />

Hall a. He, of6ce 147 Griswold. (r9M<br />


Broom Manufacturers.<br />

McEldowney J. & Sons, (0) 820 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Brushes.<br />

Hough, Patten & Co., 109 Jefferson ave.<br />

Builders.<br />

Hal1 J. L., Dequindre, bet Jay and Qer-<br />

man.<br />

HAWKSLEY & ILSLEY, 16 Flizabeth<br />

w. (See adv.)<br />

Heubner E., 246 Fort e.<br />

Ingenoll I. W., 72 and 74 Fort e.<br />

McCAUSLAND W. H. & Son, 69 Larned<br />

w. (Smadv.)<br />

MILL-4R & DARWOOD, s s Sycamore,<br />

bet Thirteenth and Tllirteenth-and-a-<br />

half.<br />

niorhons, Mitchell & Bymm,<br />

134'Woodbridge e. (See adv. )<br />

SEATON ROBHRT.193 and 195 Cass. (See<br />

adz?.)<br />

Somers F. F., 107 Larned e.<br />

VINTON W. G., 167 Cass. t See ah.)<br />

WOOD J. B., 151' and 153 Williams ave.<br />

Bung and Plug Manufacturers.<br />

KOEKNER C. 161 Rivard. r SM adv.)<br />

--<br />

Car Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car and . Manufacturing Co.? cor<br />

Croghan and Dequindre.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car Works ,cor Adair and<br />

Wight. (See advt.)<br />

Michigan Car Company, Larned w bet<br />

Third and Fifth.<br />


Car Wheel Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car Wheel Go., 471 Atmater e. -<br />

Carpenters.<br />

(SEE BUILDERS. ) -<br />

Carpet Dealers.<br />

Abbott & Ketchum, 107 Woodward ave.<br />

Freedman Bros., 147,149 and 151 Wood -<br />

ward ave.<br />

Greening H., 63 Woodward ave.<br />

Holthotfer C. J., 1.35 Woodward ave.<br />

Nall James jr. (52 Co., cor Woodward ave<br />

and Larned. -<br />

Carriage Hardware.<br />

Roehm Bros., 34 Woodward ave.<br />

Rohns & Schaefer, 10 Mollroe ave.<br />

---<br />

Carriage Trimmer.<br />

ULRICH JOHN, 71 Larned e. (See dv.)<br />

--<br />

Carriage and Wagon Manufacturers.<br />

Chope E. & Son, 80,8:! and 84 Randolph.<br />

Dursnd 3. 13. & Co., 399 Michigan ave.<br />

Hsrtmann Wi1li;tm. 99 Hsstinqs.<br />

Johnson Hugh, cor Cass and Larnecl.<br />

KENGEL JOSEPH, 55 Gratiot, (See ctcZa )<br />

Pathmi bhn dk S B :R. co: Woodbrid.<br />

e and Brush (See aclv.)<br />

Business Colleges.<br />

Goldsmith9s Bryant & Strstton Reic % le F., cor Randolph ~nd Frank-<br />

Commercial College, J. H. Goldsmith, lin. (See adv.)<br />

principal, Seitz block, Griswold. (See --<br />

izdz;. 1<br />

Carriage Repositories.<br />

Meyhew Business College, Ira<br />

May hew, principal, cor Randolph and<br />

Patton John & Son, 236 Jefferson<br />

Congress. ( 8ee adu?.)<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

webst& William, 174 Griswold. Reichle Ferdinand, 258 and 260<br />

--<br />

Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Burial Cases. Rolfe Alonzo, cor Jefferson ave and<br />

Beauhien. (See adv.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>: Burial Case Company, - -. cor Third<br />

and Congress. 1 Carters.<br />

--<br />

Fergvson E. & Co., M. C. R. R.<br />

Butchers.<br />

Hendrie & Co., office D. & hf. R. R. Depot.<br />

Baxter J. & Son, 205 Woodward ave. I Hurleq- & co. office 63 Woodbridge<br />

Clark William, cor Larnecl and First. -<br />

Mc~une J. N. X.212 Woodward ave.<br />

Carver.<br />

,Jackson T., cor Congress and Brush.<br />

Schmidt F. & Co.. cor Catharine and<br />

Melchers Julius, 63 Randolph.<br />

--<br />

IEivarcl.<br />

Taperb Bros., 351 Riopelle.<br />

Chair Manufacturer.<br />

Wood & Reid, 100 Bnlter.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory, cor Fourth<br />

and Porter. (See adv.)<br />

--<br />

Cheese Dealer.<br />

L'Eo~~medieu Isaac, 71 and 73 Atwater e.<br />

Chemist, Analytical.<br />

Do5eld S. P., office Dearbornville.<br />

(See adz.)


Cigar Box Manufacturers.<br />

Rmbinson IS. S., Fort nr Beau-<br />

bien. (See adv.)<br />

Cigar Manufacturers.<br />

Bwk, moebs & CO., 76 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Kremer Bros., 235 Jefferson ave.<br />

Matthews 3, L, & Co., 216 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

RINGWALD & BAER, 401 Michigan<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

Ryan John, cor Bates and Jefferson ave,<br />

up stairs.<br />

Sullivan & Dittmer, cor Jefferson ave and<br />

Griswold.<br />

Stark Otto, 222 Jefferson ave.<br />

SaCter Bros., cor Woodward and Jef-<br />

ferson aves.<br />

Western Cigar Co., 77 and 79 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Wilmot, W., 247 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cloth Houses.<br />

Ell.iott & Bros., 128 Woodward<br />

ave. (See ads)<br />

Hitchcock, Esselstyu 65 Co., 100 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Clothing, Wholesale and Retail.<br />

Boston Square Dealing Clothin; House,<br />

131 Woodward ave.<br />

Colby Isaac. 181 Woodward ave.<br />

Coon W. S. & G. W., 148 Woodward<br />

ave..<br />

Frankenstein cPt Kallmyer, 127 Jefferson<br />

are.<br />

Ectllock H. & Co,, 168 JefTerson<br />

ave.<br />

Heavenrich Bros., 133 and 134 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Heineman, Butzel & Co., 142 and 144 Jefterson<br />

ave.<br />

K~uffman (& Arnold, 90 and 92 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Mabiey C. R., 126 Woodward ave.<br />

Schloss & Bros., I80 Jefierson ave.<br />

Shepard S. C. & Co., 162 Jefferson ave.<br />

~om&ssion Merchants.<br />

Aspinall J. & Co., Board of Trade Building.<br />

Ashley, Lewis & Co., foot Griswold. '<br />

Bagq 62 Flynn, cor Atwater and Randolph.<br />

Beeson Jacob & Co., 60 Woodbridge w.<br />

Botsfard 8. & A., foot Cass.<br />

Brady & Co., foot Woodward ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Bridge & Norton, Stimson Block, Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Buckley & Co., foot First.<br />

Davis S. H., Russell House Block, Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Gillett dZ Hall, cor Woodbridge and Shelby.<br />

Glover & Wallace, 15 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

HEAMES W. E. & CO., 63 Woodbridge<br />

w. (See adv.)<br />

Hurd J. L. 62 Co., foot Second.<br />

Johnson M. & Son, 66 Woodbridge w.<br />

Keith J. W., 31 Griswold.<br />

Lewis Ales. & Co., foot Randolph.<br />

Livingslone & Co., foot Randolph.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

McDonald. & Co., 33 Woodbridge w.<br />

McPherson d & Co., 63 Griswold.<br />

M~jor & Isham, 66 Woodbridge w.<br />

Moore & Co ,7 and 9 Woodward ave.<br />

Newkirk W. R., 83 Woodbridge w.<br />

Reekie & McKerrow, foot Second<br />

Slade Ira, 4 Russell House Block, Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Fheldon C. A., foot Second.<br />

Wallace R. H., Russell House Block,<br />

BIichigan Grand ave.<br />

Wendell John H. & Co., 50 and 52 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Wiley, Hooper & Co., 13 Michigan Grand<br />

ave.<br />

-<br />

Confectioners.<br />

German A., 61 Michigan ave.<br />

Gray, Topnton & Fox, cor Woodbridge<br />

and Bates.<br />

Gough & Co., 230 and 232 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Sommer Julius C., 185 Croghan.<br />

Hesselbacher O,, 220 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Hutton Charles, 278 Jefferson ave.<br />

I --<br />

Coal Dealers. Crockery and Glassware.<br />

Letts C. E. LC CO., 685 Woodbridge w.<br />

Pittrnttn James E., foot Cass.<br />

(&a adv.)<br />

V~per Brothers, Atwater e, bet Bates and<br />

Randolph.<br />

Walker S. W. & Co., foot Griswold.<br />

(& a&.) -<br />

Collecting .Agents.<br />

Edwards D. & Co., Rotunda.<br />

Fiske & Jenness, 92 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hvde V. M., 183 Woodward ave.<br />

King R. W., 90 Jefferson are.<br />

McCormick Do, 10 Michigan are.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Selling L., 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

Shefferly John B., cor Woodward ave<br />

and Crampus Martius.<br />

Roehler Anton, cor Randolph and Macomb.<br />

Wetmore F. 66 CO., 100 Woodward tzve.

Dentists.<br />

Benedict H., 158 Jefferson ave.<br />

Brittan W. C., 114 Michigan ave.<br />

Cowie Henry, cor Larned and Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Farnsworth J. H., 97 Jefferson ave.<br />

Field George L., 103 Woodward ave.<br />

LATHROP H. K., 153 Woodward ave.<br />

Lathrop Joseph. 148 Woodward ave.<br />

Smith H. H., 169 Woodward ave.<br />

Thomas G. R., Opera House Block.<br />

Despatches.<br />

See Transportation Companies.<br />

~ollar Store.<br />

Gay H. & Co., 94 Woodward ave.<br />

Dress ~agers.<br />

Merrit t Mrs. W., cor Monroe avc: and Far-<br />

rar.<br />

Druggists.<br />


Dry Goods, Retail.<br />

Burns & Smith, 75 Woodward ave.<br />

Campbell Colin & Song cor<br />

Wood ward ave.. and,Congress. (& udv.)<br />

Freedman S & Bros., 147, 149, and 151<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Frisbie J. W., 143 and 145 Woodward ave.<br />

Gunn Charles K., 112 Woodward ave.<br />

Locke Charles H., 122 Wood ward ave.<br />

Nall James. jr.. & Co., n w cor W oodward<br />

me., and Laroed.<br />

Nswcomb, Endicott & Co., 2 and<br />

3 Operzt House Block. (&e adv.)<br />

Peck George & Co., 155 and 157 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Simon S. & Co., 152 Woodward ave.<br />

Youngblood & Co., 502 Gratiot.<br />

Dry Goods, Wholesale.<br />

Edson, Moore & Co., cor Jefferson and<br />

Bates.<br />

Fondtl & Esselstyn, 111 and 113 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Root Chas.& Co.,134 and 136 Jefferson ave.<br />

Shelden Allen & Co., 27, 29 and<br />

31 Woodwardave. (Seeadv.)<br />

Bogue Denis .R., 1 17 Grand River ave.<br />

Colwell E. F., n e cor Jefferson and Mt.<br />

Elliott aves.<br />

Edge Tool Manufacturer.<br />

Comfbrt Bros.. cor Third and Oak. Shaw Samuel, 202 Larned w.<br />

Crowley John J., 425 Michigan arc.<br />

Dupont William. agent, cor Michigan ave<br />

Engravers.<br />

and Second.<br />

DOWNER, H. E., 103 Woodward avenue.<br />

Griffith J. H., lC6 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adz).)<br />

Griffith Thomas -*.. cor Michigan ape and Rheiner, William, 63 Randolph.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Haigh Henry, s.e cor Brush and Jefferson Excelsior Works.<br />

ave.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Wooden Ware Works,<br />

Harvey John, 205 Woodward ave.<br />

960 Jefferson ave. (See da.) Ince R., 291 Woodward ave.<br />

Jennings A. F. & Co., cor, Randolph and Express .C ompanies.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Johnston William, 31, 1.53, 155 and 231<br />

American Merchants Union Express Co.,<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

cor Griswold aud Larned.<br />

Moser Theodore, 234 Randolph.<br />

United States Express Co., 68 Griswold<br />

Mueller's Pharmacy, 203 Jefferson ave.<br />

Prittie W. H., 135 Woodward ave.<br />

Fancy Goods, Etc.<br />

Ronnefeld Theodore, 185 Gratiot. Bndgmao & Burd, Opera House Block.<br />

Sickler B., 164 Woodward ave ancl 191 Bttrnstine N., 105 Wootlwzrrd ave.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Dalton W. J., 153 Woodward ave,<br />

Vernor James, cor Woodward ave and I Doeltz G. & Co., 80 and 82 Wood-<br />

Clifford.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Wheeler Geo. &I., 109 Griswold. Freund, Ka~t & Co., 186 Jefferson<br />

---<br />

ave. (See advt.)<br />

I Drugs Wholesale. Messe Misses H. & M., Opera House block.<br />

Eaton Theodore H. (5t Son, 18 Woodward I Simon S. & Co., 152 Woodward ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Farrand, William9 & Co., 96 Fire Brick and Facings.<br />

Woodward ave. ( Wlll remove to corner KEAMES W. E. & Co., 63 Woodbridge w.<br />

Larned aud Bates about Sept. 1st.) -<br />

Hinchman T. H. & Sons, 78 and 80 Jeffer- Fish Houses.<br />

son ave.<br />

Craig James, foot Third.<br />

Stearns Frederick, 87 Woodward ave. Johnson Sidney C., 179 Woodward ave.<br />

Swift H. F. & Bro., 120 Woodward ave. Merrill T. R., 139 Larned w.<br />

67 .

Florists.<br />

Adair William, Jefferson ave nr city<br />

limits. (& advt.)<br />

Davis, Tttplztn & Co.. 29 Cass,<br />

nursery Twenty-fourth nr Fort. (Sec<br />

advt. )<br />

FERGUSON William, Erskine nr Woodward<br />

rtve. (&e ndvt.)<br />

FORD JOHN (& SOXS, '785 Michigan ave.<br />

(&e ad&. )<br />

Hnbbard, Davis & Co,, 29 Cass,<br />

nursery T wenty-fourt h nr Fort. (See<br />

adut.)<br />

--<br />

Flour Mills.<br />

Babillion Hinchman 62 Co., Woodbrldge<br />

w cor Wavne.<br />

Clsvton IllUllil, George Sowden, 5.35<br />

Qratio t. (See ndv.)<br />

Ciee & Coville, Michigan ave cor First.<br />

Commercial Mills. Heo kel (B; Vo:~rhees, s<br />

w cor Woodbridge and Randolph.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Central Mill, ofice cor Third and<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Xills, cor Second and Lsrned.<br />

Fort Gratiot Mllls, Perrien Bros., proprietors,<br />

236 Gratiot.<br />

Showerman, Champion & Co., 56 and 58<br />

Jeff won ti. e.<br />

Smith & Mait1 ~nd, 37 Atwater e.<br />

Flour and Feed.<br />

Hirst & Stiff, 149 Ra~dolpll.<br />

Kittlrbereer, George, 224 Randolph.<br />

Roberts &West, 397 hIichigttn ave.<br />

Schrqder John & Co., cor Gratiot and<br />

Randolph.<br />

Foreign Passage Agents.<br />

Elliott a, R,, 128 Woodward ave.<br />

(SM adv.)<br />

Kanter U. & Co.. 28 Larned w.<br />

Schmemann & Kuhn, Bank Block, Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Forw~rding and Commission.<br />

Ashley, Lewis & Co., foot Griswold.<br />

Foundries and Machine Shops-<br />

BENOIT, J. P. & Bro., 253 Croghan. (Bee<br />

&a.<br />

Burt Manufacturing Co., Ham-<br />

tramck. (See dv.) Detro~t Bridge and Iron Works, foundry<br />

nr Michigan ave.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Locomotive Works, cor<br />

Lamed and Third. (8% adv.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Novelty Works, n w cor Brush<br />

and Woodbridge.<br />

Dry Dock Engine Works, 451<br />

Atwater e. (Bee adv.)<br />


Flower J. 62 Bro., cor Brush and Wood-<br />

bridge.<br />

Fulton Engine (B; Iron Works, e s Brush<br />

bet Woodbridqe and Frau kliq.<br />

Hodge Samuel F., n w cor Rivard and At-<br />

water.<br />

Jackson & Wiley, cor Woodbridge<br />

and Fifth. (See &v.)<br />

Rice D. E., 191 and 193 Atwater e.<br />

Wils~n 2. B., cor Fort and Thirteenth.<br />

Fruits and Oysters.<br />

D wyer & Vhay, 68 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hamblen, Baker dt Co., 168 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Heffron John, 218 Jefferson ave.<br />

Johnson Sidney C., 179 Wootlward ave.<br />

June Charles & Cs., 28 hfichigtm<br />

Grand ave (8% adv.)<br />

Nallory D. D. & Co., 70 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fur Dealers and Manufacturers.<br />

Snhl, F. Newland & Co., 146 and<br />

148 Jefferson ave. (See ada.)<br />

--<br />

Furnaces.<br />

Eolmes & Webster, 115 aud 11'7<br />

Jeffersou ave. (See ado.)<br />

McIntyre, J, M,, 112 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv. )<br />

Furniture Manudac turers and<br />

Dealers.<br />

BORCHARD F,, I61 Rivard. (Sce adv.)<br />

Brown, W~lliam, 199 Jefferson ave.<br />

Estcy cP; Tooley, 82 Atwrrtc~r e.<br />

Flattery & Bros., 98 \Yoodward ave.<br />

HOMMELL MIC KAEL, 572 Fifteenth.<br />

Hufnagel, P. & Cam, 213, 215 and<br />

2 17 Woodwitrd tive. (See ndv.)<br />

Ke el Julius, 251 Woodward ave.<br />

K#STER THEODORE, Brush bet Lafayette<br />

and Croghan. (See adv.)<br />

Smith & Wood, 252,254 and 256 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

St*evens, Marcus & Co., 15 and 17<br />

Menroe we. (See adv.)<br />

Swain & Griffith, 15 Grand River anre.<br />

Weber Furniture Corn, 141 Woodward<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

Gas C ompanies.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gas Light Co., P. E. De-<br />

mill, secretary, 8 Litrned e. (See crde.)<br />

Mutual Gas Light Co,, W. H. Fitch<br />

jr., president, 1'78 Griswold cor State.<br />

(See a&.) --<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods.<br />

Chandler, Cteo, C., 71 snd 18 Wood-<br />

. ward ave. (&c &.)


I Nortbrop C. B., 3 70 Jefferson ave. Johnson & Wheeler. 15 Woodward ave.<br />

Potter & Porter, 130 Woodward ave. McKenna & Radcliffe, 13 Woodward ave. .<br />

-- McMillan (3. & R., s w cor Woodward ave<br />

Glue Manufacturers. and Fort.<br />

Bras', Hamtramckj nr Millar W. & R., 178 Woodward ave.<br />

Hospital. (Eke dv.)<br />

Mehliog John V., 25 and 27 Michigan<br />

Grocers Retail.<br />

Grand ave. .<br />

Moore, Foote & Co., foot Cass. (Se6<br />

Andre Henry, cor Gratiot and Orleans. adv.)<br />

~arie ~ouis, n w cor Beaubien and Ma- Nielson James, 6 Russell House Block.<br />

comb.<br />

Phelps W. & Co., 81 and 83 Jefferson ave.<br />

Brennan Willism. 405 Michigan ave. Pulte As & Son, 32 Monroe ave.<br />

BURLAGE GOTTLIEBy C O ~ Rivmd and Staples L. J. & Co., 89 Jefferson ave.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Stephens John & Co., cor Woodward ave<br />

Canfield & Bro., 182 Woodward ave. and Wood bridge.<br />

Christiansen H. A:, cor Jefferson we md<br />

Brush.<br />

Copland A. W. 62 Zo., Russell House Guns and Fishing Tackle.<br />

Block, Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher & Long, cor Woodward ave and<br />

Dermont R. & Co., cor Congress and Ran- Congress.<br />

dolph.<br />

Hagadorn & Cole. 226 Woodward ave.<br />

Donahue T. S. 62 Co., 82 Grand River ave. Wingert Wm., 10 Congress e.<br />

Goodheart N. G., 331 Jefferson ave. --<br />

Haasse John F., 362 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hardware Retail.<br />

Hull Bros., Opera House Block, cor Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Barnurn Eugene T., 118 Wood-<br />

P. & R., cor Woodward ave and ward ave. (& dv-)<br />

H%izabeth.<br />

Bnsch Charles, 205 JeEerson ave.<br />

Lich tenbere & Sons, 36 Xichigan Grand (h adv.)<br />

ave and Jefferson ave cor Rivard. Coulson, Fisher & Stoddard, 95 Wood-<br />

Linn & Son, 230 Randolph.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Malcomson J. R., 415 Michigan ave. Glover Arthur, 120 Woodward ave.<br />

Nebe Henry, 51 Michigan Grand ave. HEMPEL CHARLES, 362 Gratiot. (Sec<br />

Rhode J ,475 Gratiot.<br />

ndvt.)<br />

Rowland R., Woodward aye cor .John R. Hensien John-, tor St- Antoine<br />

Salter Charles H., cor Fort and Seventh. and Fort. (See adv.)<br />

Schmidt Franlr , 465 Hastings. James & Martin, 160 Woodward<br />

Schoolcraft E. D. Z., 483 Grand River ave. ave- adv-1<br />

Schulte A., s w cor Macomb and Bt. b- Limbach x... 116 Woodward ave.<br />

toine.<br />

Standart Geo. G. & Co., 102 Woodward<br />

Smith James S., 314 Woodward ave. avenue.<br />

Wirth A. & Son, s w cor Gratiot and Rus- Web5 Jacob, 180 Woodward avesell.<br />

(See advt.<br />

Wilcox D.B., cor Grand River ave and<br />

Griswold.<br />

Grocers WholesaJe and Retail, --<br />

BURLAGE GOTTLIEB, n e cor Rivard Hardware Wholesale.<br />

~nd Catharine.<br />

FUK KE CHARLES, ct )r Catharine and Bnh19 Duebarme dz<br />

Hast ings.<br />

Woodbrid e w. (See advt.)<br />

House Wm. C. 6G Co., 185 Woodward ave. Duchame, B letcher bZ Co.* 67 and 69<br />

Hurlbut Chauncy, 30 Woodward ave. Wood bridge w.<br />

McMi~lan G. 8: R., cor Fort and Wood- James C* B. Bc and 87 Jefferson<br />

ward ave.<br />

avenue.<br />

Pulte A. & Son, 36 Monroe ave.<br />

McMillan & Co., 54 Woodward ave.<br />

--<br />

Prenliss, Solon & Co., 91 Wood-<br />

Grocers Wholesale.<br />

ward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Prentiss, Wood & Co., 17 Woodward ave.<br />

Beat* Y Fitzsfmon@ & Co-9 16, 18, R ohms & SchalEer, 10 Monroe ave.<br />

20 Woodward ave. (See adv.) Standart Bros., i 2 Jefferson ave.<br />

Bratsh aw J. B. H., 98 Jefferson ave. --<br />

Burr & Leonard, 53 Woodward ave.<br />

Field Moses W., foot Griswold.<br />

Hardwood Lumber.<br />

Garrison C. M. & Co., Board of Trade Dwight William M. & CQ, foot<br />

Building, Woodbridge w.<br />

Riopelle. (5ee dvt.)


Hats, Caps and Furs.<br />

Altman Ida, 97 Woodward ave.<br />

ARMSTRONG E. A. & CO., 115 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Bnhl F., Newland & Co., 146 and<br />

148 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Buhl W. & Co., cor Woodward ave and<br />

Congress.<br />

Dickerson Charles H., 167 Jefferson ave.<br />

Harrison A., 260 Gratiot.<br />

Kelley George B. & Co., 105 and 107 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Seely Illark A., 123 Woodward ave .<br />

(L% adat .)<br />

Stafford R. 62 Co., 99 Woodward ave.<br />

-<br />

Homampathic Dispensary.<br />

Ellis Erastus R., 3 Gratiot.<br />

Lodge E. A., 59 Wayne.<br />

&t? ada.1 I<br />

\ I --<br />

I<br />

Hotel Manch,Matthauer & Hnischer proprs,<br />

a<br />

43 and 45 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Hnward House, J. B. Hamilton propr, Con-<br />

gress bet Woodward ave and Griswold.<br />

Michigan Exchange, E. Lyon & Co. proprs,<br />

s w cor Jefferson ave and Shelby.<br />

Peninsular House, Patton & Sawney, cor<br />

Grand River and Macomb aves.<br />

Perkins Hotel, Wm. Perkins jr., propr, cor<br />

Grand River ave and Middle.<br />

Russell House, Witbeck & Chittenden<br />

proprs , Woodward ave cor Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Sherman House, William Oettinger, prop.<br />

cor Woodbridge and Second.<br />

St. Charles Hotel, Anthony Wiethoff, prop.<br />

91 Atwater e.<br />

St. Lawrence Hotel, Gottlieb Wohl-<br />

farth, prop., cor Randolph and Atwater.<br />

Tremont House, Giles Tucker, prop., cor<br />

Randolph and Jefferson ave.<br />

Western Hotel, M. G. McCall, prop., n w<br />

cor Woodbridge and Third.<br />

Hoop Skirts and Corset Manufacturer.<br />

C~tim C. H., 202 Woodward aye.<br />

Ice Companies.<br />

Belle We Ice Cornpan y, 145 Jef-<br />

Horse and Carriage Ilda~t. ferson ave. (& a&.)<br />

Rolfe Nonzo. cor Jefferson ave and Lake St. Clair Ice Co.,91 Griswold.<br />

--<br />

Beaubien. (Ses bd~.)<br />

India Rubber Warehouse.<br />

Hotels.<br />

Edwards H. D. & Co., 105 Woodward ave.<br />

Ackerman House, J. A. Kurtz propr, n w -<br />

cor Brush and Atwater.<br />

Insurance Agents.<br />

Adams Hotel, 82 Front.<br />

Aurinper Charles, 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

Antisdel House, W. W. htisdel prop, tor Beach W. P., 69 Griswold.<br />

Michigan and Washington aves. Bferce N. b., Moffat Block, Griswold.<br />

Biddle iiouse, John F. Antisdel propr, s e (& &.)<br />

cor Jefferson ave and Randolph. Brown H. H., 55 Gris w old.<br />

Brighton House, Hmve~ King ProPr, Car Brown J. T. R & Bro., Moffat Building,<br />

Grand River ave and Second.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Cass Hotel, Tyrrell & Bro. prop% tor Jef- Cahoon William, 110 Griswold.<br />

ferson ave and Third.<br />

Chantler H., 207 Woodward ave.<br />

Central Hotel, P. Galv propr, foot Third. Diepenbeck R., 72 Conpress e.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hotel, Joseph Boland propr, n e tor Duvernois F. W. & Son,Hilsendegen Block<br />

Brush and Atwater.<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange Hotel, 0. W. Penny, Field D. D., 3 47 Jefferson ave.<br />

cor Second and Front.<br />

Green William, 101 Grisw old.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Exehange Hatel, John Harmon & Patton, Rotunda.<br />

Mullhman~, 80 Front.<br />

Hebbard Charles B., Telegraph Block,<br />

Eisenlord's Hotel, William Eisenlord Griswold.<br />

propr, 211 Cass.<br />

Hodges Brothers, 176 Griswold.<br />

E'inney's Hotel, A. H. Emeq propr, cor Hoffman G. W., Menill Blo&.<br />

Woodward ave and Gratiot.<br />

Kelly Ronald, Rotunda.<br />

Franklin House, C. Rub1 propr, s e cor Johnson J. GI., 108 Griswold.<br />

Larned and Bates.<br />

Lindsay A. G.. Bank Block: Griawold<br />

Goodman House, Alfred Goodman propr, (& adv.)<br />

cor Grand River ave and Griswold. McLane & Davenport, 101 Gris-<br />

Hotel Erichsen, C. D. Erichsen propr, n e wold. (See ada.)<br />

cor Fort and Randolph.<br />

Elerrell & lt('ergnson, Butler Block,<br />

Hotel Henry, Johu Harp propr, n e cor Grisw old.<br />

Croghan and Randolph.<br />

Miller Lewis M., Telegraph Block, Gris-<br />

Hotel Hesse, Frrzncie Hesse propr, cor St. wold.<br />

antohe and Catharine I Mumson 8. C., 48 Qriswold.

9<br />

Howard nsurance Co. of New York, Mc-<br />

Lane & Davenport, agents, 101 Gns-<br />

wold.<br />

Imperial Fire Insurance Co., London and<br />

New York, Ira Worcester, agent, Tele-<br />

graph Block, Griswold.<br />

Inland Insurance Union of New York,<br />

A. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block, Oris-<br />

wold.<br />

Life Association of America (Mutual),<br />

McLane & Davenport, agents, 101 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance<br />

Co. of Liverpool and London, A. G.<br />

Lindsay? agent, Bank Block, Qriawold.<br />

Manhattan Fire Insurance Co. of New<br />

Pork, A* Lindsay, agent, Bank<br />

Block, Griswold.<br />

Market Insurance Co. of New York, A. G.<br />

LindW, agent, Bank Block, Qriswold*<br />

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />

McLane & Davenport, agents, 101 aria-<br />

wold.<br />


Nelson J. Wesley, Hodge's Block, Gris- BSereantile Insurance Co. of<br />

wold.<br />

Cleveland, P. J. Ralph & Co.,<br />

Peavey Frank, 174 Griswold.<br />

agents, foot First.<br />

Peltier & Belan p;er, Rotunda.<br />

Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co., over<br />

Ralph P. J. & Co., foot First.<br />

First Natioual Bank, cor of Jefferson<br />

Reeves & Johnson, 187 Jefferson ave. ave and Griswold.<br />

Schmemamn & Kmhn, Bank Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of<br />

Block, Griswol(1.<br />

Newark, N. J, A. G. Lindsa~, agent,<br />

Snover George W., 156 Jefferson ave. Bank Block, Griswold.<br />

stevens Charles D.9 oface Memill Nation a1 Insurance Co. of Boston, McLsne<br />

Block.<br />

& Davenport, agents, 101 Griswold.<br />

Stoil Julius, 7 85 Randolph.<br />

Tenwinkle Charles, Bank Block, Gris- National Insurance Co- of Hartford, Con.,<br />

wold.<br />

McLa~e & Davenport, agents, 101 Qriswold.<br />

Vernor Benjami~r, Bank Block,<br />

Griswold.<br />

New York Life insurance Co., New York,<br />

Whiting J. T., foot First.<br />

Ira Worcester, agent, Telegraph Block,<br />

Wolverton George W., 55 Griswold. Grisw old.<br />

Worcester Irs, Telegraph Block, Phenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn, Ira<br />

Griswold. (See ardv.)<br />

Worcester, agent, Telegraph Block,<br />

--<br />

Griswold.<br />

Phenix Insurance Co. of New Pork, A.<br />

Insurance Companies. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block, Gris-<br />

A 'cultural Insurance Co., Watertown, wold.<br />

Y., N. A. Bierce. agent, Moffat Block, Standard Fire Insurance Co, of New<br />

Grisw old.<br />

York, A. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block,<br />

Arctic Fire Insurance Co. of New York, Griswold-<br />

A. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block, Oris- Star Fire Insurance Co. of New Pork, Ira<br />

wold.<br />

Worcester, agent, Telegraph Block G)&-<br />

Continental Insurance Co. of New York, wold.<br />

Ira Worcester, agent, Telegraph Block, St- Louis Mutual Life Insurance Co., cor<br />

Griswold.<br />

Jefferson ave and Griswold.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Fire and Mmke Insurance Go.. Underwriters of New York, McLane &<br />

Joseph J. Clark, secretary, 124 Jefferson D~en~ort, agents, 101 Griswold.<br />

ave.<br />

Union Insurance Co.. Bangor, Ira Wor-<br />

Hoffman Fire Insurance Co. of New Pork, cester, agent, Telegraph Block, Gris-<br />

A. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block, Gris- woldwold.<br />

Watertown Fire Insurance Co. of Water-<br />

Home Insurance Co. of New York, A. a. town, No y., 8. Bierce, agent, Moffa$<br />

Lindsa , agent, Bank Block, ariswold. -Block, Griswold.<br />

Iron Manufacturers.<br />

J- N. gr. Go-7 Bamtramck.<br />

Fmnkfor* Iron Co, 37 C ongrees<br />

west. (& adv.)<br />

Hamtramck won Works, Qeo.<br />

Russd7~ecreta~, Jefferson ave, above<br />

city limits. (See adg.)<br />

Peninsular Co, office Hamtramck-<br />

(&e dv.)<br />

Wgandofte Rolling mi11 Co,<br />

W . H. Zabriskie, secretary, foot Wayne.<br />

(See a&.)<br />

Jewelers.<br />

BOEHNLEIN G. & M., 49 Monroe aoe.<br />

Conklin J. 8.; cor Woodward ave and<br />

L-ed.<br />

Smith dl[. S. & Co., cor Woodward -<br />

and Jefferson aves. (h adv.)<br />

Traub Bros., 212 Jeffemn ave. (h<br />



Justices of the Peace.<br />

Barbier Frederick J., 153 Griswold.<br />

Krecke Florens, assistant Police Justice,<br />

29 Larned w.<br />

Xelick James O., Congress w, under Sec-<br />

ond National Bank.<br />

Stutte Andrew, 32 Monroe ave.<br />

Lager Beer Bottlers<br />

Mann Louis, cor Rivard and Calh-<br />

erine.<br />

Last Manufacturers.<br />

Curtis Geo. E. & Co., 118 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mumford, Foster & Co., 20 Monroe ave.<br />

Laundries.<br />

Clark's Laundry, 323 Fort e.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Steam Laundry, office cor Bates<br />

aud Congreos.<br />

Swift E. Y., 103 Woodward ave.<br />

Taylor Elisha. 156 Jefferson me.<br />

Toms R. P., 126 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trowbridge & Atkinson, Seitz Block, Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

VanDyke & Brownson, Seitz Block, Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Walker C. I., cor Lrtrnecl and Woodward<br />

avenue.<br />

Walker cf; Kent, 2 Larned e.<br />

Ward & Palmer, Seitz Block, Griswold.<br />

Wells W:P., 14 3 Griswold.<br />

Wilcox A. F., Bank Block, Oriswold.<br />

Wilkinson & Post, Bank Block, Oriswold.<br />

Williams Julien, 194 Jefferson ave.<br />

Leather and Findings.<br />

Curtis George E. 62 Co., 118 Jefferson me.<br />

Kirby George. 33 Woodward ave.<br />

MUMFORD, FOSTER & CO., old 20 new<br />

24 Monroe ave. --<br />

Lime and Stone.<br />

Heamea H. & Son., 942 Woodbridge<br />

w. (See advt. 1<br />

Lecch C, E.9 352 Atwater e. (See advt.)<br />

Stange Charles, 370 Atwater e. (See<br />

advt.)<br />

Sibley F. B. & Co., 340 Atwater e.<br />

Lawyers.<br />

Atterbury Chas. L., 101 Griswold.<br />

Brenn an Micbael, 149 Jefferson ave,<br />

Boynton A. G., police justice, Rotunda.<br />

Caplis J., Rotunda.<br />

Cha~rua~ Albert J., Rotunda.<br />

Cheever H. M. & W. E., Rotunda.<br />

Chipman J. Logan, Kanter Building Larn- Lithographers.<br />

ed w.<br />

Clarke Hovey K., Seitz Block, Griswold.<br />

Calvert Lithographing and<br />

Cochrane Lyman, Bauk Block, Griswold.<br />

lMap Pnblisning Co., Arcade<br />

Dickinson & Dickinson, 149 Jefferson ave.<br />

Building, 48 Larned w. (See adat.)<br />

Douglas & Bowen, Butler Block, Griswold. Corrie9s <strong>Detroit</strong> Lithographing<br />

Duffield D. B. & H. M., Seitz Block, Con-<br />

Co,, 3Ierrill Block. (See dt.) gress w.<br />

Edwards Wm. S., Rotunda.<br />

Liquors.<br />

E'inney J. W., P. 0. Building.<br />


Hibbard Daniel B-, Jr,, 93 Griswold.<br />

Livery Stables.<br />

Kane E. E., Rotunda.<br />

Burrell A., Russell House Block.<br />

Kirchner Otto, Rotunda.<br />

Larned Sylvester, Bank Block, Griswold.<br />

Dee & Bates, Larned w nr Cass.<br />

Jennings Frank A., 41 Cass.<br />

Lothrop G. V. N., Seitz Block, Congress w.<br />

Maynard A. B., U. S. District Attorney,<br />

Smolk Charles A., 9 Lafayette ave.<br />

P. 0. Building.<br />

Meddaugh & Dnggs, Bank Bloek, Gris- Lumber Manufhcturers and<br />

wold.<br />

Dealers.<br />

Miller Sidney D., Butler Block, Griswold. Allen E. G., cor Riopelle and Atwater.<br />

Moore & GriEn, cor Jefferson ave., and Avery & Murphy, Merrill Block.<br />

Grisw old.<br />

Backus & Brother, foot Eleventh.<br />

Newberry, Poud & Br~wn, Bank Block, Benson & Elein, foot Riopelle.<br />

Grisw old.<br />

Brooks & Adams, Woodbridge fbot Thir-<br />

07Flynn C. J., Telegraph Block, Griswold. teen th.<br />

Owen Tuba1 C., Telegraph Block, G~is- Crapo W. W., 268 Atvater e.<br />

wold.<br />

Faulconer R. C., Atwater e nr Riopelle.<br />

Penniman Geo. H., Rotunda.<br />

Hubbard & King, 571 Woodbridge w.<br />

Prentis Browse T., 101 Griswold. Huff & Vandermulen, 940 Woodbridge w.<br />

Prent,is Geo. H., 101 Griswold<br />

Ives, Green & C o., 458 to 500 Atwater e.<br />

Redmond N. H., Rotunda.<br />

Mason Charles E., foot Twelith.<br />

Roberts Peter, Telegraph Block, Griswold. Mt;rrill& Palmer, Merrill Block.<br />

RweU Alfred, Seitz Block, Griswold. Moffat Hugh, foot C'hene.

I<br />

--<br />

Marble Works.<br />

EL9EY S., 422 and 484. St. Antoine.<br />

CHR1;jTA PHILIP, n 1: cor Ltionroe are.,<br />

and Farmer. (See adv.)<br />

Ladd E. W., 280 Atwater e. (See czdv.)<br />

MUSSCHE J. B . 32 Monroe (zve. (L% adv.)<br />

PATTERSON DAVID, 60 Lamed w,<br />

(See udv.)<br />

Schu tlies William, Michigan Grand ave.,<br />

cor Bates.<br />

I<br />

Schweikart Walter, cor Elmwood ave., and<br />


Moore F. and 5.; 755 Woodbridge w.<br />

Moore Alger, foot First.<br />

Osboru & McLeod, 35 Griswold.<br />

Pitts & manage, Atwater nr St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Parkes J. 62 C., 555 Xichi, man ave.<br />

Ross A. & Co., Woodward RVB and Elizabeth<br />

and Grand River ave, bet Second<br />

and Third.<br />

Ross D. A. & Co., cor Rivard and<br />

Atwater. (See ah.)<br />

Schneider & Wallaich, 275 Grand River<br />

ave.<br />

Wight Ha A. & 9. GI-., foot McDou-<br />

gall ave. (See adu.)<br />

W~rriner William E., foot First.<br />

Whitney D. jr., office Iderrill Block.<br />

----<br />

Machinery Depots.<br />

Glen & Hall Mauufacturing CO., 50 Larned<br />

West.<br />

Jenks James, 29 Atwater e.<br />

Wormer G. 8. $. Son, 97,99 and 101 Jeffer-<br />

8~n ave.<br />

Machinists.<br />

Dry Dock En%me Works,<br />

Stwater e. (See aclv.)<br />

---<br />

Malsters.<br />

Hanmer L. C., 29 Bntes. (See ado.)<br />

Hawley Re& Son. 68 First.<br />

Langdctrl Gee. c:, 41 and 43 Wood-<br />

bridge east. -<br />

Manufacturing Chemist.<br />

Dnflield s. P., Dearbornville. (See<br />

adv. )<br />

Parke, D~bvis & Co.9 52 hrmd<br />

west. (See adv.). -<br />

Manufacturing Jewelers.<br />

NILES THOMAS. Fisher Block, Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See adv.)<br />

Roelink & Wrigb t. 138 Woodward ave.<br />


nve. (See adv.)<br />

--<br />

Millinery.<br />

536<br />

Masons.<br />

Chapoton Alex. & Son, cor Congress and<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Match Factories.<br />

Richardl~on D. Ma. cor Eighth and<br />

Woodbridge. (& adp.)<br />

schmi$$ Sc?hmittdiell, Thir-<br />

teenth nr Grand River ave. See adv.1<br />

Msthematical Instruments.<br />

W. (',, 55 Woodward ave.<br />

HINDEN M. J., 190 Jefferson ave. (Sm<br />

adv.)<br />

Mattrasses.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Mattrass Co., cor Second<br />

and Michigan ave. (See adv.)<br />

Mills, Barker & Co., 212 Woodward are.<br />

Pixley Brothers, 197 wood ward ave.<br />

SAM'I'ER SIMON, 2G7 Michigan ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

--<br />

Merchant Tailors.<br />

Bateson S. R., cor Xichiqctn ave and First.<br />

BATESON & 3RO., 108 Michigan ave.<br />

Bagter & aourlep, 156 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See udv.)<br />

BEADLE GEORGE W. & SON,158 Woodwarci<br />

ave.<br />

Black Andre w EL, 217 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See ndv.)<br />

Brown Alden 9.. 111 Griswald. (Sea<br />

adv.)<br />

Culver G. W., Campus Martius.<br />

Donaldsom & Co., 166 Jefterson ave.<br />

( S& /L~V J<br />

Englehard E., 751 Michigan ave.<br />

Fitch G; Corgdon, 76 Woodward sve.<br />

GSSSXAN G., cor Jefferson ave and Rando1<br />

ph .<br />

Jacob Aagust, 139 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hnhn & Burghardt, 100 Randolph.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Lewerenz F. C., 106 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lynch and Kinnucan 123 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nilward H. G., 184 Woodward.<br />

msch & Ser-art, 157 Jefferson ave.<br />

I (Seeadv.)<br />


Hill Hugo. 78 Woodwicrd ave.<br />

Nctldam BIrs. Susan. 70 Fort w.<br />

Macauley Bros.. 20'7 Jefferson ave.<br />

Warusley & Ford, 174 Woodward ave.<br />

Weiss S. & Bro., cor Michigan ave and<br />

cass.<br />

Music Stores.<br />

CrogL an. Ling df Borgman, 67 Nonroe ave.


Weiss J, P., 56 Woodward ave. (&<br />

ad?J .)<br />

Whitney C. J. & Co., 197 Jefferson ave.<br />


179 Jefferson ave.<br />

Music Boxes and Fancy Clocks.<br />

Traub Broo,, 212 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Moulding Manufacturers.<br />

Graves & ~aurense,<br />

37 Atwater e.<br />

Hargreaves BIanf. Co., cor Howard<br />

and Seventeetl th. (See &.)<br />

SIGLER THEO., 30 Atwater e. (See ado.)<br />

News Depot.<br />

Clapp B. F., 319 Woodward are.<br />

Macauley J. F. & T. W., 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Tunis & Parker, cor Woodward ave and<br />

Larned.<br />

Roys J. A., cor L arned and Griswold.<br />

Abend Post and Familien Blaetter, 10 and<br />

12 Larned e.<br />

Daily Union, 25 Larned w.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press, cor Griswold and<br />

Woodbridge .<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Daily Post, cor Larned and Shelby.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Tribune, 42 Larnecl w.<br />

Michigan .Journal, 31 Woodbridge e.<br />

Michigan Volksblatt, cor Griswold and<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

New World, cor Monroe ave and Farmer.<br />

Western Rural, 48 LarneC w.<br />

Notary Public, &cm<br />

Guenther Peter, 51 Larned w.<br />

Schmemann & Kuhn, Bank Block, Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

S toll Julius, 185 Randolph.<br />

Notions Wholesale and Retail<br />

BLACK D. & Co., 38 Woodwsrd ave.<br />

Clapp B. F., 329 TV'!odward ave.<br />

Cuenat C., 53 Eigh teen1 h.<br />

Fenton Mrs. James, 128 Michigan ave.<br />

Frennd Xast & Co,, 185 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

Higgins M. Charles, 182 Jefferson<br />

ave .<br />

Simm S. & Co., 152 Woodward ave.<br />

Tyler Gt-aham & Co., 145 and 147 Jefferson<br />

ave. --<br />

Nurseries and Greenhouses.<br />

Adair Wm,, Jefferson ave, nr city<br />

limits. (See ah.)<br />

Davis, Taplin &.Corn, cor Fort an d<br />

T aenty-fourth, office 39 Cass. (& adv.)<br />

Ferguson Wm,, Erskine, nr Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See ada.)<br />

Hubhard & Davis, cor Fort and<br />

and Twenty-tourth, offlce 39 Cass. ($86<br />

adv.)<br />

Oar Manutacturers.<br />

Mann F, P,, Atwater, foot Randolph.<br />

oil' Dealers.<br />

Bentley M. V. & Co., 40 Jefferson ape.<br />

Dunhclm & Co., 52 and 54 Shelby.<br />

Omnibus Line.<br />

Cox Thomas & Co., offlce 150 Larned w.<br />

-- -<br />

Opticians.<br />

Black L. & Co., 194 Jefferson ave.<br />

Edmondson Mpectttcle Co., 10,<br />

12 Larned e.<br />

Organ and Melodeon , -Manufacturers.<br />

Simmons & Clough Organ Co., cor Sixth<br />

and Congress.<br />

Ornamental Plasterers.<br />


Austin E,, 262 Woodward ave. (&<br />

adv<br />

Roberts & Eanley, 76, 78 Con-<br />

gress e. (See adu.)<br />

--<br />

Oysters.<br />


Painters and Paper Hangers.<br />

Brand Charles R., 206 Woodward ave.<br />

Dean, Brow (& Co., 161 .Jefferson ave.<br />

God.frey & Co,, 253 Jefferson and 831<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Leitch A. 62 G., 190 Woodward ave,<br />

McKendrick & Eggemau, 283 W oodward<br />

ave.<br />

Reid & Hills, 108 Woodward ave. (SM<br />

adv.)<br />

Waithew A., 10 Congress e.<br />

Weitz & Spindler, 203 (fratiot.<br />

--<br />

Paints and Oils.<br />

Boydell J. 104 Randolph.<br />

Earl E. P., 44 Jefferson ave.<br />

Farrand, tVilliarns & Co,, 96<br />

Woodward ave ; will remove to cor<br />

Lamed and Bates about Sept. 1st.

Worcester, Laible 62 Co., 12 and 14 Con-<br />

gress e. -<br />

Paper Warehouses.<br />

Barnes Brothers, 141 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cornwells Price & Co,, 116 Jeffer-<br />

son ave. (See advt.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Paper Co., 36 and 38 Woodward<br />

avenue.<br />

I Shiawassee Paper Co., 42Woodward ave<br />

--<br />

Paper Box Manufacturers.<br />

BERRY J. A. & CO., 24 Woodbridge we<br />

(See adat.)<br />

--<br />

Patent Solicitors.<br />

Mechanics and Inventors Association, 37<br />

Congress w. --<br />

Pavers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Ironizing and Paving Co., 108<br />

Griswold.<br />

Walton J. B. & Co., ~eitz Block, Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Perfumery Manufacturers.<br />

Bogue, Murray & Co., 107 Grand River<br />

avenue.<br />

'Seeley J. M. & Co., 189 Woodward ave.<br />

Photograph Artists.<br />

Grelling G., 231 J efferson ave.<br />

Pohl Bros., 149 Randolph.<br />

Powelson B. F., 219 Jefferson ave.<br />

Randall C. C., 217 Woodward ave.<br />

Photograph Materials.<br />

Nlen & Bro., 14 Larned e.<br />

Angel1 Geo. R., 129 Jefferson ave.<br />

Physicians.<br />

BrummeC., 301 Fort e.<br />

Cadwell F. A., 52 Lafayette ave.<br />

Cobb L. H., 644 Jefferson ave.<br />

DeGuise J. B., 162 Randolph.<br />

Inglis R., 21 State.<br />

Jenks E. W., cor Lafayette ave and Cass.<br />

Kermott J. W., 208 Woodward ave.<br />

Livermore Frank, 35 Lafayette ave.<br />

McGraw T. A., 545 Jefferson ave.<br />

McKeown J., 261 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith H. E., 50 Lafayette ave.<br />

Spranger F. X. & M. J. (homaeo-<br />

pathists), 11 Miami ave.<br />

Stewart Morse, 440 Jefferson ave.<br />

Van Norman J. M., 206 Woodward ave.<br />

-<br />

Pianos.<br />

GRIMN PETER, 260 Macomb.<br />

Webs J, P,, 72 Woodward ave. (&<br />

ada,)<br />

68<br />


Picture Frame Manufacturers<br />

and Dealers.<br />

Dongherty J. H., 287 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Graves & Ltcnrense, 37 Atwater e.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Hrcrgraves Manufacturing Co.,<br />

Howard cor Seventeenth and Eigh-<br />

teenth. ($ee adv.)<br />

HUGO GEORGE, 340 Qratiot.<br />

Nigler Theo., 50 Atwater e. (See adv.)<br />

Widtnan C. D. & Co., cor Randolph and<br />

Fort<br />

--<br />

Pine Lands.<br />

Patrick W. 5.. 114 Griswold.<br />

Steele A. M., 110 Griswold.<br />

I<br />

Planing Mills.<br />

Dewey, Middlewa~od & Co,, 395<br />

Atwater p. !L% adv.)<br />

DINGEMAN dt RSBAUT, cor Second<br />

and Grand Rlver ave.<br />

Morhons, Mitchell & Byram,<br />

132 Woodbridge e. (See a&.)<br />

1 Ross D. A. & GO, cor Rivard and<br />

, Atwater. (& adv.)<br />

Plasterers.<br />

Anstain E., 262 Woodward ave. (rS;sc<br />

adv.)<br />

Roberts & Hanley, - 76 and 78 Congress<br />

e. (See dv.)<br />

Plaster.<br />

Smith George C., foot First.<br />

Plating Works.<br />

'Michigan Plating Works, Traub<br />

Bros., 212 Jefferson ave. (See a&.)<br />

Plumbers and Gas Fitters.<br />

Cameron John, 64 Bates. (See adv.)<br />

Fergoson Y. Co, 91 Jefferson ave.<br />

(&e a&.)<br />

Eolmes & Webster, 115 and 117<br />

Jefferson ave. (See adv. )<br />

Lovett S. We, 40 Michigan ave. (&<br />

adv. )<br />

McIio$yre J. Me, 112 Jeffersen ave.<br />

(See adv.:<br />

Reilly John, 224 Jeflerson ave.<br />

--<br />

Pork Packers.<br />

Belknap & Drake, s e cor Woodbridge<br />

and Griswold.<br />

Hammond G. H., 38 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Parker Willard & Co., 32.34 and 36 Woad-<br />

1 bridge e.<br />

Standish & Co., cor Michigan Grand<br />

I ave and Bates.


Portrait Painter.<br />

Watson George H., 162 hfferson ave.<br />

Precious Stones.<br />

Tranb Bros., 212 Jefferson ave. (Set<br />

adn. 1<br />

YEN TSCH HERMAN, 187 Woodward<br />

ave. (Ses ado.) --<br />

Printers Wood Furniture F ac-<br />

tory.<br />

Lynch Wiiliam, 208 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

ada .)<br />

---<br />

Produce and Commission.<br />

(see ALSO COXXISSION.~<br />

Dickinsou Geo. B., Board of' Trade Build-<br />

ing. Woodbridge w.<br />

Glover & Wallace, 15 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Publishers.<br />

Virtue & Yorston, Fisher Block, Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

--<br />

Rag Dealers.<br />


Gerber Simon, 210 Rivard.<br />

Henptebeck C., 81 and 83 Croghan.<br />

Railroad Ticket Agents.<br />

Morton B. F., Russell ouse ~ l ~ ~ k .<br />

(Sec aclv.)<br />

Reidy Edward, tor .Woodward and Jefferson<br />

aves.<br />

Soow Erank E., tor Qriswold and<br />

3 efferson ave.<br />

~hoi~son & Wagner, cor Woodbridge<br />

and Second.<br />

Railroads.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>,, Hillsdale & Indiana<br />

Michigan Central R. IS., depot<br />

toot Third. (See advt.)<br />

Real Estate.<br />

Campau Dennis 3.9 140 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See advt.)<br />

Campan Theo. J.9 140 Jeffers~n<br />

ave. (See advt. j<br />

Csrlisle F,, car Jefferson ave and Qris-<br />

wold. (See advt.)<br />

Foxen William, Eeilz Block, Congress w<br />

Frost Geor e S. & Co., 103 Griswold.<br />

Hunt G. #. 62 Griswold.<br />

Norris, Perkins & Co., 84 Griswold.<br />

Palmer Frierld, 62 Griswold.<br />

Robison R. D., 1 14 Griswold.<br />

SANDERSON W., 84 Griswold.<br />

Smith Ralph a,, T.elegr%ph Block,<br />

Griswold. (See adat.)<br />

Waterman William J., Butler Block, Qris-<br />

wold.<br />

WessonW . B., 101 Griswold.<br />

Restaurants.<br />

Bowen M., Bank Exchange, Telegraph<br />

Block, cor Griswoltl and Cong~eas.<br />

Behr Frederick, 70 Con ress e.<br />

DEWEY W. ti.; cor d oodward and Adams<br />

nves.<br />

Dillman Louis, 46 Griswold.<br />

Hall Milton M,, 31 Jefferson ave.<br />

O'Nril J. F. & Sro., 6 and 8 blichigan ave.<br />

Oyster Ocean Ke~trcurant~. Gillman<br />

Bros.7 tor woodward and Jefferson<br />

aves.<br />

Randall J., cor C ~SS and Jefferson We.<br />

R~ce Preston, 50 and 52 Shelby.<br />

Roofers.<br />

Armstrong B & Co.. 219 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sparks G. IN., Merrill Block.<br />

Roofing Cement<br />

R. Re, office cor. 1'Lird aud Wood- Rodier Louis C.,Atwater w bet Griswold<br />

bridge. (&e adv.)<br />

and ~helby.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Mttrquetre & Ontonagon R. R., -<br />

Henry N. Walker, Prcsideut, 51 Gris- , Rope Maker.<br />

wold.<br />

NCOLL ROBERT C.,Woodbridge Grove<br />

I)e$r~it & Milwamkee R. R.,<br />

office toot Brush. (See advt.)<br />

~ i ~ ave. h (set i ~ ~ ~<br />

--<br />

Fort Wayne & Elmwood Railway, office<br />

147 Griswtjld.<br />

Saddlery Hardware.<br />

Grand River Street Railway, office cor Duncan William, 165 Jefferson ave.<br />

Grand Kiver ave and Eighth.<br />

(See ada.)<br />

G.rand Trunk R. R., W. C. Campbell, Hayden & Baldwin, 104 Woodward ave.<br />

agent, cor Third and JVoodLridge.<br />

Great Western Railroad, ticket Safes and Safe Manufacturers.<br />

o~ce cor Jefferson ave and Griswold. <strong>Detroit</strong> 8sfe Co., Atwater be, Ra3-<br />

(Sce adat.)<br />

ings and Rivard. (L3-e d.)<br />

Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R Neff N. N., 90 Griswold.<br />

Atvater bet Hastings and Rivard. --<br />

Lansing& Lake Lll[lchigan&.R.,<br />

Sail Lofts.<br />

cor Thud and Wocdbridge. (& odd.) Hob nez & Mayes, foot Bates.

Saloons.<br />

Scbneider Bros., cor Rivard and<br />

Macomb.<br />

--<br />

Sash, Door and Blind Manufhc-<br />

turers.<br />

1 Dewey, Hiddlewood & Co., cor<br />

Atwater and Riopelle. (See a&. j<br />

Henbner E., 234 to 246 Fort e.<br />

Xorhans. Mitchell & Byram,<br />

134 Woodbridge e. (8ee aadv.)<br />

SCHNEIDER & WALLICH, cor Grand<br />

River ave and Fourth. (See adv.)<br />

Wood A. P., cor Napoleon and Prospect.<br />

Saw Manufacturers.<br />

dKellns H. & P., 66 Fort e. (& adv.)<br />

Welch & Griffiths, Robert B. Rigley, agt.,<br />

42 Woodbridge e.<br />

Welz G o P., 162 Gratiot. (See adv.)<br />

1 Scales and Trucks.<br />

i Farrand, Williams & Co., 96<br />

i<br />

Woodward ave. Will remove to cor of<br />

Bates and Larned; about Sept 1st.<br />

Rowley M. N., agent Buffalo Scale Works,<br />

cor Woodbridge and Bates.<br />

1 Sculptors and Modelers.<br />

! MELCHERS JULIUS, 63 Randolph.<br />

SCHMITZ H. & Co., Gratiot nr Randolph.<br />

(See ads.)<br />

--<br />

Sea Shells and Corals.<br />

Traub Bros., 212 Jefferson ave. (h<br />

ad*.)<br />

--<br />

Seeds.<br />

Adair Wm. & Co., 16 Michigan aye.<br />

(see a&.)<br />

Ferry D o M. & Co., 187 to 191 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (& &.)<br />

Penfield Mr. C., 121 Wc~dwal d me.<br />

(& adv.)<br />

Self Raising Flour.<br />

Lemon E. M., 174 Griswold.<br />

--<br />

Sewed Shoe Manufacturers.<br />

Holbrook G. M. & Co., cor Woodward<br />

ave., and Woodbridge.<br />

7-<br />

Sewer Pipe Manutacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Cement Sewer Pipe Co.,<br />

cor W oodward ave. and Brady. (Seed)<br />

---<br />

Sewing Machine- Case Manu-<br />

factur era<br />

Droege & Comly, tor Fmtuer aud Gratiot.<br />


Sewing Machines,<br />

American Combination Sewing Machine,<br />

W. A., Throop a t, 222 Jefferson ave.<br />

Domestic Sewing gdachine. 214 Jefferson<br />

aye.<br />

Florence Sewing Machine C'o., 0. M.<br />

Locke, agt., 168 Jefferson ave.<br />

Grover& Balrer Sewingmachine<br />

Co., Frederick A. Van Buren, general<br />

agent, 4 Opera House Block<br />

Howe (A. B.) Sewing Machines, B. P.<br />

Howe, Monroe ave., cor Farrar.<br />

Howe (Elias) 9ewing machine<br />

Go. Chappell & Van Duzer, agts., 178<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Singer RI831~fa~king Co., 70<br />

Woodward and 177 Jefferson aves. (8a<br />

ada.)<br />

Victor Sewing RI[achine Co, W. L.<br />

Bates (52 Co., Opertl House Block. (Ser<br />

a&.)<br />

Weed Sewing Machine Co., 190<br />

Woodward aveT (See adz.)<br />

Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Co.<br />

A. 33. West, 189 Woodward ave.<br />

Wilson Sewing Machine Co.,<br />

Cheney & Son & Bartlett, 110 Wood-<br />

' ward ave. (& adv.)<br />

Ship Brokers.<br />

Ralph P. J. & Co., foot First.<br />

Scott & Brown, foot Woodward aye.<br />

Ship Builders.<br />

CAMPBELL, OWEN & CO., ht Pe-<br />

quin dre.<br />

Oades John, foot Chene.<br />

Ship chandlers.<br />

Dunlap, Donaldson & Co., 14<br />

Woodward ave. (See dw.)<br />

Hinchman 8. F. & Co., cor Atwater and<br />

Griswold.<br />

Monaghan John, 153 Woodbridge w.<br />

Trowbridge, Wilcox & Co., dock<br />

bet Woodward ave and Bates.<br />

Silver Platers.<br />

Tranb Bros., 212 Jefferson ave. (A<br />

adv.)<br />

Soap Manufacturers.<br />

Swte Ca~per, 045 Woodbridge w.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

--<br />

Spring Bed Manutacturer.<br />

Dunks Chae., 165 and 169 Grjswold.<br />

(See ad&)<br />

--- -<br />

Stained Glass Manufhcturers.<br />

Friedrichs & Btafl6in, 100 Jefferson<br />

aye. (&e ade.) . .


Stationers.<br />


-<br />

Steamboat Owners and Agents.<br />

Chesebrough 8.; foot Second.<br />

Strachn John, foot Griswold.<br />

Ward Eber, foot Woodward ave.<br />

Steamboat Companies.<br />


Steam Forge.<br />

Ford John N. & Co., foot Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

-<br />

Stencil Cutters.<br />

Perkina W. H., Merrill Block.<br />

Stone Ware. '<br />

Amphlett John H., 74 Woodbridge w.<br />

Ballard & Starrett, 60 Woodbridge<br />

w. (Skc a&.)<br />

Stock Broker.<br />

Wilkins Alvin, 107 Griswold.<br />

Stone Yards.<br />

Batchelder J. W., foot Shelby.<br />

Brunton & Marvin, dock, Atwater, bet<br />

Brush and Randolph.<br />

Webb, Wallace & Law, cor Ma-<br />

comb and Beaubien.<br />

Cook James P., Woodbridge, bet Shelby<br />

and C3ri~wold.<br />

Michigan Stone Co., 278 Atwater e.<br />

(See aiiv.)<br />

Siblep F. B. & Co., 34-0 Atwater e.<br />

Stange Charles, 370 Atwater e.<br />

Stove Xanufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Works, 46 48 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Kellogg & King, 23 Monroe ave.<br />

Michigan Stove M orks, cor Leib and Jef-<br />

ferson aye.<br />

Wyandotte Stove Works, office 97 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

--<br />

Sugars, Wholesale.<br />

Edgar W. H. & 80n,4 md 6 Atwater e.<br />

Surgicaland DentalInstnunents.<br />

3&uhlman A., 102 Randolph.<br />

Tag Manufactories.<br />

Dennison & Co., Boston, Mass. (fie<br />

adv.) -<br />

IE 3 aaneries.<br />

Ladue J. T. & Co., 667 Woodbridge w.<br />

Parker Qeo. H., ol3ce 28 Qrstiot.<br />

Schmidt Traugott, 58 to 64 Croghan.<br />

Tea Houses.<br />

Fish, Schroder 62 Co., 64 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wheaton W. W. & Go., cor Jefferson ave<br />

and Wa-me. -<br />

Tea, Coffee and Spices.<br />

Evans & Walker, 96 .Jefferson ave.<br />

Farrington, Campbell 62 Co., 102 Jef. ave.<br />

LINN A. R. & W. F., 120 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See ad~t.)<br />

Telegraph Companies.<br />

Atlantic: and Pacific: Telegraph<br />

Co., 64 Griswold. (See advt.)<br />

Western Union Telegraph Co.,<br />

Telegraph Block, Griswold. (See adat.)<br />

Ticket Agents.<br />

Morton Be F., Russell House Block,<br />

Woodward ave. (See &at.)<br />

Reidy E., ticket agent G. T. R. R , cor<br />

Woodward and Jefferson aves.<br />

Timber, Spars, Etc.<br />

Merrick , Fowler t. Easelstyn, foot Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Tin and Coppersmiths.<br />

Gage & Rentz, 297 Franklin.<br />

HEMSEL<br />

Gubb & Henris, 196 Woodbridge w.<br />

CHARLES, 362 Gratiot. (Sce<br />

adat.)<br />

Hensien John P., cor Fort and St.<br />

Antoine. (See adat.)<br />

ORTH ADAM & J. CHATEAU, Hastings<br />

nr Croghan.<br />

W illett M., 751 Michigan ave.<br />

--<br />

Tobacco Manuf&cturers and<br />

Dealers.<br />

Bagley John J. & Co., n e cor Bates and<br />

vb oodbridgs,<br />

Barker K. C. & Co., 74 and 76 Jefferson av.<br />

Brown J. & Co., 25 Monroe ave.<br />

Goldsmith Olivzr, 16S Jefferson ave.<br />

Jelsch & Co., 1 Michigan Graad ave.<br />

Lichtenberg G. B., 74 and 76 Con<br />

gress e.<br />

Mowry & Co., 53 to 57 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nevin & Mills, cor Jefferson ave and<br />

Bates.<br />

Rosenfield I. & Co., 23 Jefferson ave.<br />

&sen field Moses, 19 Jefferson ave.<br />

Scotten, Lovett & Co., 104 to 110 Randolph.<br />

Walker, McGraw 62 Co., 34 and 36 Atwater<br />

e.<br />

Transportation Companies.<br />

Car Loan Co., J. A. Armstrong, president,<br />

Stirnson Block, W oodbridge w.<br />

Blue Line office, foot Third.

---<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Cleveland- Navigation Co., D.<br />

Carter, agent, foot Shelby.<br />

Empire Freight Line, 50 Griswold.<br />

Merchants' Despatch, Telegraph Block,<br />

Congress.<br />

New York Central R, PC, Co.,<br />

Livingstone & Co., agents, foot Randolph.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Northern Transportation Co ., N. J. Hodier,<br />

agent, dock bet Griswold and Shelby.<br />

North Shore Line, John S. Patten,<br />

agent,under 1st National Bank. (See udv.)<br />

North Western Transportation Co., R. J.<br />

Hackett, secretary, foot F~rst.<br />

River and Lake Shore Line, foot Wayne.<br />

Union Steamboat Co,, A. Chesebrough,<br />

agent, foot First. (See ad@.)<br />

--<br />

Truckm en.<br />

(BE P; CARTERS.)<br />

--<br />

Trunk and .Box Manufacturers.<br />

Wolff L. H. (& Co., 211 Jefferson ave.<br />

---<br />

Umbrella Manufacturers.<br />

Gagel P., 25 Fort e.<br />

Dingeman & Coo, 26 Monroe ave.<br />

Undertakers.<br />

Bronson R., 92 and 94 Lttrned w.<br />

Latimer G. W. & Son, 21 Lafayette ave.<br />

Se .rs A. B., 183 Woodward ave.<br />

--<br />

Upholsterers.<br />

Jaasen L., 74 Congre~s e.<br />

Varnish Manufacturers.<br />

Berry Sro~.,<br />

24 Woodbridge w. (&<br />

dv.)<br />

--<br />

VesseU Owners.<br />

Grummond S. B., dock bet Cass and First.<br />

Ralph P. J. & Co., foot First.<br />

Whiting J. T., foot First. -<br />

Vinegar Manufacturers.<br />

9lney S. P. 8 Co., 98 Randolph.<br />

Wooley Smith R., cor First and Larned.<br />

Wagon Makers.<br />

Batus P., 213 Macomb.<br />

--<br />

Watch Makers.<br />

Boehnlein G. & M., 49 Monroe aye.<br />

--<br />

Whip Manufacture=<br />

NOBLE S., 128 Wcodward ave. (See adv.<br />

---<br />

White Lead Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> White Lead Works, office cor<br />

Congress and Bates.<br />


Willow Ware.<br />

Wendriner A. & Co., 73 Gratiot.<br />

Window Shades.<br />

LYNCH WILLIAM, 208 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See advt.)<br />

--<br />

Wines and Liquors.<br />

Bourke Oliver, 100 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See advt.)<br />

Brander C. G.. 20 Granib River ave.<br />

DeForrest B., 113 Randolph.<br />

Diederich & Breisacher, 72 Congress e.<br />

Fechheimer & Worknm, 230 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hirons W. B., 30 Larned w.<br />

Lemaire Louis, cor Lamed and Brush.<br />

Pulte A. & Son., 32 Monroe ctve.<br />

Robinson 62 Lam bert, 40 Woodward ave<br />

Smith, Doolittle & Co., 24 Woodward ave.<br />

--<br />

Wire Works.<br />

Adams Samuel, 9 and 11 Spruce.<br />

(See advt.)<br />

Barnum Eugene To, 118 Woodward<br />

ave. (&e advt.)<br />

Dow Bros,, 52 Woodward ave. (See<br />

dvt.<br />

)<br />

SMITH T. H. & SON, 352 Gratiot. (5ec<br />

adat.)<br />

Snow 62 Bolles, 64 Jefferson me.<br />

Wood Turners.<br />

KOERNER C., 161 Rivard. (& &t.)<br />

PARKES JOSEPH, 62 Third. (See aiut.)<br />

WHITEHILL WM., 60 Fort e. (See &t.)<br />

Wood and Willow Ware. .<br />

Frost's <strong>Detroit</strong> Lumber &. Wood-<br />

den Ware Works, 960 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See &.)<br />

Sexby & Wetherbee, 64 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wood Dealers.<br />

C1rtnc.g. John, 511, 513 Woodbridge w.<br />

Livingstone & Co., dock foot Ran-<br />

dolph. (See a&.)<br />

Fogarty J., cor Michigan ave., aud First.<br />

Hudssn Go W, & Co,, dock bet Shel-<br />

by and Wayne.<br />

Letts C. E. & Co., foot Twelfth.<br />

Meyers Charles, cor Gratiot and Beaubien.<br />

Peabody J. H. & Co., 3 Williams.<br />

Peocock L., loot Wayne, a d cor Clifford<br />

and Griswold.<br />

Smith E. 8 Son, cor 31 Bates.<br />

--<br />

Wool Dealer.<br />

McGraw T. & Co., 4 md 6 Atwater.<br />

Yeast Man&cturer.<br />

Water10 o Yeast Co., 208 Hichigan ave.f



W The only roaa running P'our Uaily Xxpress 'l'rains Detweeu<br />

Four Express Trahs Leave <strong>Detroit</strong> Daily,<br />



On arrival of trains on the Great Western and Grand Trunk Rail ways from the East,<br />



Milwaukee, St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, North Platte New Orleans,<br />

and aJl points West, North-W est and south-best.<br />


The Michigan Central Railroad is acknowledged to be the Model Railroad of the Country with it<br />

Palace Day Cars, Luxurious Smoking Cars an-d Splendid Sleeping Coaches, with the Westinghoaee At<br />

moe.pheric Brake attached, all of whlch have PIX truck*, makl~g this one of the<br />

Tickets by this Rcute can be obtained at all Railroad Stations md<br />

Ticket Offices, in the United Sta,tes and Canadas.<br />

JAMES F. JOY, Presidezt, <strong>Detroit</strong>. B. E. SALGE& T, Gen'l Enpt., Cbicago.<br />

C. H. LVBI>, AE~;'L Gen'l Ln I., DLUQ~~. A. J. IIAELCW, Gen'l Eabte!n Yacs. Ag't, New Pork<br />

H. 0. H hhlt Cli'lcltl, Ocn'l W eptcrrt Pa~eengel Agent, Chrcago.


ROUTE<br />

Between <strong>Detroit</strong> and Xorthwestern Michigan, via the<br />


Howell, Lansing, Ionia, Grcenville. Howard <strong>City</strong>, &c.,<br />


Making close connections at Plymouth with F. & P. M., for Flint,<br />

Holly, &c. At Lansing with J. L. & S., for Owosso and Saginaw. With<br />

P. R. Re, for Charlotte, Battle Creek, &c. At Ionia with D, & M. R. R.,<br />

for Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, &c. And at Howard with the G. R,<br />

& I. R R., for Big Rapids, Clam Lake, and the Pine Districts of. the<br />

State. .<br />


New and Elegant dcaches are Run on Every Train.<br />




A. Ha REESE,<br />







SOUTHERN Hailroade,<br />



Far London, Paris Toronto, Ni~gara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Ogdensbnrg,<br />

BorUngtun, $lmira, Albany, New York, Boston. Philadelphia Baltimore,<br />

Wr\lrhinlptou and all intermediate places.<br />

Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington passengers will flnd this ronte via Rochester and Northern<br />

Central Rcrilroad the shortest and most direct to those cities,<br />



w This is the only route via NIAGARA FALLS and the Ma~xora. SU~PENSION BRIDGE.<br />

During the season of navigation, daily connections are made with LAW ONTARIO Steamers<br />

at Hamllton and Toronto. By this Line Passengere have First Choice ot Staterooma at Ham~lton.<br />

Pullman's Sixteen Wheeled Palace Sleeping Cars !<br />

Run on all night trains between <strong>Detroit</strong>, Rochester rtnd Buffalo without change.<br />

w Sunday Train leaves Windsor at 4.50 A. x., for all points East.<br />

FRANK E. SNOW,<br />

Westm Pam. Agent* Zktrdt.<br />

W. K. MUIR,<br />

Supedmtmdmt, Bam6ltan.





IS N0.W BY THE<br />

ilwaukee #,<br />

I<br />

Fare $3.00 Less than by any other Route.<br />

Four Express Trains Leave <strong>Detroit</strong> Daily with Passengers for<br />



And all poin:e on the Mississippi River.<br />


-<br />

. Close connection made at <strong>Detroit</strong> with the<br />

For Buffalo, Rochester, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Toronto, and with Grand Trunk Railway for<br />

Xontreal, Quebec. and with Cleveland and Lake Superior Line of Steamerr.<br />

For Emigrants this Line offers cheap & comfortable Transit<br />

For particulars see Company's Time Table to be had at any of the Stations on application.<br />

D. M. R. R. Of3oe, <strong>Detroit</strong>, <strong>1872</strong>.<br />

69<br />

A. WATSON, GenyZ Supt.


For warding and Commission,<br />


New Pork Central R. R. Line Screw Steamers.<br />

Forming a Daily Line between Buffalo, Detroi t,<br />

Mackinaw, Pine River, Leland, Frank-<br />

fort, Milwaukee and Chicago.<br />










And all principal Points Eaat, via<br />


All property consigned via this line, will receive<br />

. prompt attention at <strong>Detroit</strong>, and gclrod des-<br />

patch through to destination.<br />


Gtn'l Freight Ag't Erie R'y, NEW YORK, Agent 8. W. Il'y, DETROIT.<br />


Gen'l Freight Ag't Q. W. R'y, DETROIT. Agent Erie & N. S. Line, DBTROIT.<br />

J. W. SMITH, Gen'l Manager E. & N. 5. Line, CHICAGO.

548 DETROIT ~ r DIRECTORY.<br />

m ~<br />


C~PF@ Eva@ t?iw&"E,<br />

a'<br />

Leave the Ma C. R. R. Wharf, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Daily, at - 9.00 P. Ma<br />


Axrive in Cleveland at - - - - 5.00 A. X*<br />




+-<br />

-Agents on Trains and at Depots to receive Baggage.<br />

D- CARTER, Agent, <strong>Detroit</strong>*<br />

La A. PIERCE, Gen'l Agt, Cleveland, 0.



ow L.AlBtrn 3eRIE3.<br />

- -<br />


Cap$. L. B. GOLDSMITE,<br />


rnaB"dPsRI@ZT $sAs?mw@=v,<br />



LEAVE DETROIT every morning (Sundays excepted) at 9 o'clock ; Leave<br />

PUT-IN-BAY at 2 P. M. ; Arrives at SANDUSKY at Q:30 P. M.<br />

RETURNING, Leaves SANDUSKY at 7 o'clock same evening; Arrives at PUT-<br />

IN-BAY at 8:30, remaining there until 12 o'clock, and then leaves for DETROIT,<br />

arriving at 6 A. BJ.<br />

W This boat makes connections at SANDUSKY with Evening Traine for CMCMNATI, DAYTOW<br />


will be men during the peason, with accommodations lor 808 gaeste.<br />

FREIGHT contracted to all points SOUTH at LOWEST RATES.<br />

I For hrther information apply to or address<br />

ASHLEY,<br />

LEWIS & Co., Agents.<br />

Foot of Griswold St., <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />


The Regular Line for the Season will be comprised of the following FIRST-<br />



CAPT. G. W. McGREGOR.<br />


T~*dav~<br />

X ~ W S ~ ~ Y 8$~$~Btav~<br />

AT 4 O'CLOCE P o X.9 FOB<br />

Bay Cily, East Baginaw,k Baginaw <strong>City</strong>,<br />

Tawas, Port Austin, New River,<br />

Huron <strong>City</strong>, Port Eope, Sand Beacb,<br />

Rock Walls, Center Harbor.<br />

-And all ports above ELM CREEK.<br />

ASHLEY, LEWIS & 00, Agents-<br />

Dock foot of Gtriswold Street<br />

-<br />




Wholesale and Retail Dealer in<br />

AND<br />


Sheet Mueic for Piano, Organ, and all other Musical Instruments, of Foreign and American hblication.<br />

General State Agent for the Celebrated and World Renowned<br />

I I<br />

1 -. -7' , \<br />


+<br />

,'.<br />

A lar e aseortment of theae magnificent Steinway Pianos are kept on hand to select from, at my warerooms.<br />

fsell. also, cheaper instruments, ranging in price from $175 to $300.<br />

;<br />

Being a practical piano maker and tuner of many years experience, 1 am enabled to give the best of<br />

satisfaction in repairing 'Pianob. Old Piauos are taken in exchange for new instruments. i<br />

Pianos Tuned, Repaired, Moved, Packed. and Shipped with care and Dispatch. i<br />

J. P. WEISS,<br />

72 Wooduard Avenue.<br />

.. 8<br />

. ,




Mannfactnrers and dealers in Rich, Medium and Plain<br />






-- -.- --<br />





DETROIT, - - MICE.<br />


6 WHICH, FOR<br />

SITBGBOIYS', DUBTISTS' OB BARBEM Pnrposcs are Unrivaled.

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