Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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- Hide and Leather, of Boston, Mass., A. Q. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block. Home Mutual Life, J. A. Jones, agent, 108 Griswold. Hope Mutual Life, of New york, Babcock & Herrick avents, Butler Block. Hope, of New York, A. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block. Idsurance Co. of North America, Philadelphia, C B. Hebhard, agent, 88 Griswold. Irving, of New Tork, A. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block. I Liverpool. London & Globe, of New York, A. G. Lindsa ament, Bank Block. my, a Mauhattan. of New ark, A. G. Lindsay: agent Bank Block. Market Fire, of New york, A. G. Lindsay agent, Bank Block. Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co., Bank Block. Mutual Benefit Life, of Newark, N. J., A. G. Lindsa agent, Bank Block. New York bfe, Solon ificElroy, agency sup't, Peninsular Bank Building. North American Fire, of New York, A. G. Lindsay, agent. Bank Block. Northwestern Mutual Life. of Milwaukee, Wis., Charles Auringer, State agent, 111 Jefferso~l ave. (See ndut.) Security, of New York, C. B. Hebbard, agent, 88 Griswold. Standard Fire. of New York, A. G. Lind- say, agent, Bank Block. Standard Life, of New York, Reeves &. Wiggins, agents, 187 Jefferson ave., (See ado). State Fire, of Cleveland O., C. B. Hebbard, agent. 88 Griswold. Sun Fire, of Cleveland, C. B. Hebbard, agent, 88 Griswold. Union Mntual Life, of Boston, C. B. Heb- bard, agent, 88 Griswold. Western Fire, of Buffalo, N. Y., A. G. Lindsay, agent, Bank Block. Iron Manufacturers. Burt, Manfg. Co., Hamtril~nck. Ford, J. N., & Co., Hamtramck. HAMTRAMCK IRON CO., Geo. H. Rus- sel, Secy., Jefferson ave. above city limits. (See adv.) PENINSULAR IRON CO., office foot of First. (See ada.) Wyandotte Rolling Mill Co., foot of Wayne. (See ndv.) Jewelers. Boehnlein, G. & M., 246 Jefferson ave. Conkling, J. S., cor. Woodward ave. and Larned. (See ad?,.) Fiscller, P. & W., 217 Jefferson ave. HINDEN, M. J., 204 Jefferson ave. (See adu.) Lemon, Harry C., 196 Jefferson ave. Rolshoven, F., 204 Jefferson ave. (See adu.) Smith, M. S., & Go., cor. Woodward and Jefferson aves. Traub, Bros., 206 Jefferson ave. Yentsch, Herman, 187 Woodwasd ave. (& adv. ) Junk Dealers. Bostwick $ Son, 106 Woodbridge w. Lager Beer Bottlers. Nanny Lewis, 343 Rivard- -- Laundry. Dei roit Steam Larundry, Fernald &Dustin, props., cor. Bates and Congress. Law Books. Throop, W. A., & Co. 104 Woodward ave- (b adv). Lawyersm Atterbury, Charles L., 101 Griswold. Barbour, L. L., 16 Bank Block, Grismold Boynton, A. G.. Butler Bloclr, Griswold. Caplis. J., Rotunda Building, Griswold. Cheever, W. E.? Rotunda Building, Gris- ' wold. Chipman.J. Logan, Butler Block, Griswold. Clarke, Hovey K., 14 Bank Block, Griswold. Cochrane, L., I1 Bank Block, Griswold. Dickinson & Dickinson 149 Jefferson ave. Finney, Jared W,, P. 0. Building. Gillett, T. K., Buhl Block Griswold. Green, W. A., over 114 Griswold. Hebden, George. Seitz Block, Griswold. 3IcNeil. Hal E., 15 Bank Block, Griswold. Maynard, A, He, postoffice building. Medciaugh & Drigcrs. Bank Block, Gris- wold. Miller, Sidney D., Butler Block, Gris- ! wold. Moore & Griffin, cor. Jefferson ave. and Grisnold (u y stairs). Newberry, Pond & Brown, Bank Block. O'Flynn, C. J., Rotunda Building, Gh- wold. Penniman, George H., Seitz Block, Gris- wold. Prentiss, B. T., 101 Griswold. Russell, Alfred, Seitz Block, Griswold. Svift, E. Y., 103 Woodward ave., (up stairs.) Taylor, Elisha, 154. Jefferson ave. Toms, Robert P., 126 Jefferson ave. Van Dyke, Philip J. D., Rotunda Building, Gris w old. i Walker, C. I., 2 Larned e. Walker & Kent, 2 Larned e. Ward & Palmer, Seitz Block, Griswold. W.aterman, W. J., Butler Block, Griswold. Wilcox, A. P., Rotunda, Griswold.

476 CLARE'S DETROIT Wilcox, G. A., Rotunda, Griswold. Wilkinson & Post, Bank Block, Griswold. Willmarth, A. H., over 114 Griswold. Leather and Findings. Curtis, George E.9 & Co., 118 Jef- ferson ave. (&e adzlt.) alms, Ja,mee, & Bro., 11 Grand River. Kirby, Geo., 33 Woodward ave. Mumford, Foster & Co., 24 Monroe rtve. Lime and Stone. Fairbairn & Son, 2,86 Atwater e. L7Esperance, F., 955 Woodbridge w. Sibley, F. B., & Co.,-a0 Atwater e. Stange, Charles, 310 Atwater e. (See adut.) Lithographers. CALVERT LITHOGRAPH AND MAP PUBLISHING CO., 48 Larned w. (See ada.) CORRIE, D. L., 10 and 12 Larned e. (See - Liquors. (SEE WINES AND LIQUORS.) Livery Stables. Burrell, A., Russell House Block, Michi- gan Grand ave. Hoffman, Geo., 43 Congress e. Rolf, A., 13 and 15 Monroe ave. Williams, E., 36 Lamed w. Lurhber Manufacturers and Dealers. Allen, E. G., 4-37 Atwater e. BROOKS & ADMS, Wooclbridge foot Thirteenth. (See adv.)' Detroit River Lumber Co., 315 Atwater e. DWIGHT, W. M., & Co., foot Riopelle. (Sce adv.) Hubbard & King, 571 Woodbridge w. Ives, Green & Co., 478 to 500 Atwater e. Klein, Martin, 23'3 Franklin. Mason, L. M., office Rotunda Building, Griswold. Mason & Conant, foot Twelfth. Moore, F. & S.: 755 Woodbridge w. OSBORNE, C. F., & Co., Nichigan ave. nr Twentieth, (See adv). PENINSULAR DRESSED LUMBER CO., Atwater, nr. Russell. (See adv.) - - Pitts & Cranage, Atwater e. St. Aubin ave. Ross, A., & Co., Grand River, bet. Second and Third. ROSS. D. A., & CO., cor. Atwater and Ri- vard. Ross, G. A., cor. Michigan ave. and Gris- wold Whitney, D,, jr., Merrill Bloek. WIGHT,H. A. & S. G., foot Joseph Cttmpau ave ., f See adv) . Machinery Depots. Jenks, James, 29 Atwater e. (See adv.) Wormer, G. S., & Son, 97,99, and 101 Jef- ferson ave. Machinists. Michaels, J., 63 Fort e. (See adv). Blohn. John, e. s. Brush bet. Lafayette and Croghan. Bolinger J. B., 84 Randolph, (See a-a). Maltsters. Duncan, E. E., 41 and 43 Woodbridge, w. Hanmer, L. C., 29 Bates, (See adu). Hawley, It., & Sons, 68 First. Piquette & o., 135 and 137 St. An- toine. Manuiacturing Chemists. Duffield, Sammel P., 20 George (ses adv). 2 Parbe, Jennnings & CO., 3fBce 52 Larned w. (See aclv.) Marble Works. Christa, Philip, 87 and 89 Columbia e. (See adv.) Elsey, S., cor. St. Antoine and Napoleon, (See adz..) Pattcrson, David, 60 Larned w. (See adv). SCHULTHEIS, WM.. Michigan Grand ave. cor. Bates, (See adu). Masons. Albrecht, William, 262 Elizabeth e. Campbell, James M., 297 Michigan ave. Voigt, John, 384 Mary. Match Factory. RICHARDSON, D. M., cor. Eighth. and Woodbridge w. (See adv). Mattresses. Pixley, Mills & Barker, 167, 169, and 171 Griswold. Merchant Tailors. Bateson, S. R., cor. First and Michigan ave. Baxter & Gonrley, 156 Jefferson ave. BLACK & LEWRENZ, 217 Jefferson ave. (See ada). Fitch dZ Congdon, 76 Woodward ave. GASSMAN, GEORGE, 259 Jefferson ave.


Wilcox, G. A., Rotunda, Griswold.<br />

Wilkinson & Post, Bank Block, Griswold.<br />

Willmarth, A. H., over 114 Griswold.<br />

Leather and Findings.<br />

Curtis, George E.9 & Co., 118 Jef-<br />

ferson ave. (&e adzlt.)<br />

alms, Ja,mee, & Bro., 11 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Kirby, Geo., 33 Woodward ave.<br />

Mumford, Foster & Co., 24 Monroe rtve.<br />

Lime and Stone.<br />

Fairbairn & Son, 2,86 Atwater e.<br />

L7Esperance, F., 955 Woodbridge w.<br />

Sibley, F. B., & Co.,-a0 Atwater e.<br />

Stange, Charles, 310 Atwater e.<br />

(See adut.)<br />

Lithographers.<br />


PUBLISHING CO., 48 Larned w. (See<br />

ada.)<br />

CORRIE, D. L., 10 and 12 Larned e. (See<br />

-<br />

Liquors.<br />


Livery Stables.<br />

Burrell, A., Russell House Block, Michi-<br />

gan Grand ave.<br />

Hoffman, Geo., 43 Congress e.<br />

Rolf, A., 13 and 15 Monroe ave.<br />

Williams, E., 36 Lamed w.<br />

Lurhber Manufacturers and<br />

Dealers.<br />

Allen, E. G., 4-37 Atwater e.<br />

BROOKS & ADMS, Wooclbridge foot<br />

Thirteenth. (See adv.)'<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> River Lumber Co., 315 Atwater e.<br />

DWIGHT, W. M., & Co., foot Riopelle. (Sce<br />

adv.)<br />

Hubbard & King, 571 Woodbridge w.<br />

Ives, Green & Co., 478 to 500 Atwater e.<br />

Klein, Martin, 23'3 Franklin.<br />

Mason, L. M., office Rotunda Building,<br />

Griswold.<br />

Mason & Conant, foot Twelfth.<br />

Moore, F. & S.: 755 Woodbridge w.<br />

OSBORNE, C. F., & Co., Nichigan ave. nr<br />

Twentieth, (See adv).<br />


CO., Atwater, nr. Russell. (See adv.) - -<br />

Pitts & Cranage, Atwater e. St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Ross, A., & Co., Grand River, bet. Second<br />

and Third.<br />

ROSS. D. A., & CO., cor. Atwater and Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Ross, G. A., cor. Michigan ave. and Gris-<br />

wold<br />

Whitney, D,, jr., Merrill Bloek.<br />

WIGHT,H. A. & S. G., foot Joseph Cttmpau<br />

ave ., f See adv) .<br />

Machinery Depots.<br />

Jenks, James, 29 Atwater e. (See adv.)<br />

Wormer, G. S., & Son, 97,99, and 101 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Machinists.<br />

Michaels, J., 63 Fort e. (See adv).<br />

Blohn. John, e. s. Brush bet. Lafayette<br />

and Croghan.<br />

Bolinger J. B., 84 Randolph, (See a-a).<br />

Maltsters.<br />

Duncan, E. E., 41 and 43 Woodbridge, w.<br />

Hanmer, L. C., 29 Bates, (See adu).<br />

Hawley, It., & Sons, 68 First.<br />

Piquette & o., 135 and 137 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Manuiacturing Chemists.<br />

Duffield, Sammel P., 20 George<br />

(ses adv). 2<br />

Parbe, Jennnings & CO., 3fBce<br />

52 Larned w. (See aclv.)<br />

Marble Works.<br />

Christa, Philip, 87 and 89 Columbia e.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Elsey, S., cor. St. Antoine and Napoleon,<br />

(See adz..)<br />

Pattcrson, David, 60 Larned w. (See adv).<br />

SCHULTHEIS, WM.. Michigan Grand<br />

ave. cor. Bates, (See adu).<br />

Masons.<br />

Albrecht, William, 262 Elizabeth e.<br />

Campbell, James M., 297 Michigan ave.<br />

Voigt, John, 384 Mary.<br />

Match Factory.<br />

RICHARDSON, D. M., cor. Eighth. and<br />

Woodbridge w. (See adv).<br />

Mattresses.<br />

Pixley, Mills & Barker, 167, 169, and 171<br />

Griswold.<br />

Merchant Tailors.<br />

Bateson, S. R., cor. First and Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Baxter & Gonrley, 156 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

BLACK & LEWRENZ, 217 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See ada).<br />

Fitch dZ Congdon, 76 Woodward ave.<br />

GASSMAN, GEORGE, 259 Jefferson ave.

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