Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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woo CITY DIRECTORY. WOO 453 ... - Wood. Grenville, agent, h. s. e. cor. Brush and '~ronson. wood, Jackson B. grocer and carpenter, 151 and 153 Williams ave., h. same. Wood, James W., clerk, h. 21 Charlotte ave. ' Wood, John, 3aloou, 512 Woodbridge w., h. same. Wood, John S., clerk. h. 139 George. Wood, John W., hostler, h $68 Croghan. Wood, Josepll, fireman: h. 374 Macolllb. Wood: Joseph, gnrdner, h. 32 Seventeent,h. Wood, Nicholas, (col'd), lab., h. n. e. cor. Grove and Hastings. Wood, Obediah C., (col'd), sailor, 11. 241 Congress e. Wood, Snrah A., (wid. Henry M.,) h. 122 Oak. Wood, Solomon F., customs, h. 85 Eliza- beth e. Wood, Theodore, carpenter, h. 61 Bron- son. Wood, Thomas, lab. h. 18 Front. Wood, Thomas, painter, h. 109 Tenth. Wood, Thomas M., butcher, bds. 161 Ab- bott. Wood, William, bds 539 Guoin. Wood, William A., clerk, h. 2 Lewis. Wood, William H., machinist, h. 37 Har- rison ave. Wood, William L., bookeeper, h. Brush, n. e. cor. Marion. Wood, William S., Secy, Republican Cen- tral State Committee, office Congress, under Second NationalBank, bds. Antis- del House. Woodward; Mrs., boarding, h. 234 Con- gress e. Woodbridge, William L., real estate dea- ler, h. Grand River cor. Ninth ave. Woodcock, Alfred C., mill wrighf h. 429 Fort e. WOODHAMS, THOMAS: furniture mnfi.. Gilman, nr. Cass Union School, h. 357 C ass. (See Idex, page 17). Woodhonse, John, nlason, h. l# Bronson. Woodhull, Mrs. H. J., bds. 289 Jefferson ave. Woodhull, John C. H., h. 526 Fifteenth. , Woodhull, Joseph C., bookeeper, h. 455 Fifteenth. Woodin, Orsan, letter carrier, h. 49 Pine. Woodlock, Ellen, (wid. Michael), h. 146 Beech. Woodlock, Mnthew, h. 241 Seventh. Woodmere Cemetery, J. W. McGrath, agent, office 2 Larned e., (up stairs). Woodruff, Charles B. bookkeeper, h. 630 Woodbridge w. . Woodruff, Charles P., real estate agent, opp P. O., Butler block, h. 630 Wood- bridge w. Woodruff, Thomas H., lumber dea1er;h. 135 National ave. Woods, Charles, boiler maker: h. 276 Twelfth. / NORTHWESTERN Adutual Life Insurance CO. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. CEAf$$. ~ ~ ' & # , ~ ~ @ B ~ , STATE AGENT, 111 JefFerson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - MICH, WAgents Wanted. See adrertisement, page 101.- Woods, Edward, hack driver, h. 42 Henry. Woocis, Edward, lab, h. 0. 14 Spruce. Woods, George, carpenter, h. 57 Jay. TVoods, George, lab., h. 1'74 Sixth. Woods, George L., steam fitter, h. 253 Seventeenth. Woods, John, (col'd;, whitewasher. h., 37 Laftlyette e. Woods, John H., lab., h. o. 218 Franklin. woocls, MatiIda, (wid.) h. 498 Wood- bridge e. Woods, Nelson R., teamster, bds. Goodman House. woods, William, baker, bds. 133 Franklin. Woodward, Andrew, bookkeeper, bds. Russell House. Woodward Ave. Congregational Church, n. S. Sibley, nr. Woodward ave. Woodward, Joseph, clerk, bds. 67 Gris- wold. Woodworth, Benjamin R., bookkeeper, h. 91 Ledyarci. Woodwofi, Stephen E., merchant tailor, 359 Franklin, h. same. Wool, George W.: lawyer, room 2 Buhl Block, h. 359 Lafayette. Woolenzen, Charles, baker, h. cor. St. Bn- toine and Whitney. Woolfenden, Edward, bookkeeper, h. 54 ' Selden. . Woolfenden, Frank J., clerk, h. 54 Selden. Woolfenden, Frederick, bookkeeper, h. 66 Charlotte ave. Woolfenden, George R. A., clerk, h. 52 Sel- den. Woolfenden, Joseph B., clerk, h. 44 Char- lotte ave. Woolhouse, Henry, saloon, 94 Wood- bridge w., h. salne. W oollacott, John H., clerk, bds. 166 Larn- ed e. Woolley, James K., clerk, h. 73 Sibley. W oolley, . Smith R., (Woolley & Hi1 ton,) h. 158 Congress ~v. Woolley Hilton, (Smith R. Woolley and Thomas Hilton,) distillery and vinegar factory, 36 First. Woolnough, Elizabeth, (wid. William,) seamstress, h. 420 Lafayette e. Woolsey, John W., milkman, h. o. 240, n. 261 Park. Woolson, Henry C., stove mounter, bds. o. 920 Jefferson ave. Woolson, Thomas, stove mounter, b&. o. 920 Jefferson ave.

- - Reliable Practical Business School. ' Wottke, Frederick, lab., h. 381 Bronson. XAYHEW I Wotruba, Joseph. musician, bbd I18 Butternut. BV$B~E~~ Q(&ea~g~@ Wrather. John, sailor, h. 98 National ave. Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, .4UTHOR OF Mayhew's PyacticaZ sook-kee~ifig For Common and 'Cinion Schools, and MAYIIEW'S U niversity Book-keeping for Business Colleges and Counting-rooms. See 31st page of Directory. Wonders, Elias, clerk, h. 322 Second. Worcester, Ira, insurance agent, office 64 Griswold, h. 14 Adnms ave. w. Worcester, James H., (Worcester, Laible & Standish,) h. 91 Elizabeth e. Worcester, Laible & Standish, (James H. Wray , William, (Harrison & Wray ,) h. 780 Jefferson ave. W re ford, George, butcher, h. 9 1 Colum- bia w. wreford: william, meat market, 355 Jeger- sun ave., h. 345 Larned e. Wrey, James. lab., h. 406 Lame I e. Wright, Adams, clerk, bds. 41 Michigan ave. Wright, B. Franklin, reporter Daily Post, h. 15'1 Sixteenth. Wright. Charles, machinist M. C. R. R., Worcester, Eugene Laible and John I bds. - Abbott D. Stan dish), props. Detroit White Lead I Wright, Edwin, (Wright & Watton,) bds. Works, Jones: nr. Third, office 14 and 1 320 Cass sve. 16 Congress e. Wright, Ezra, Dep. Marshal, h. 382 Fort w. Workan, William. marble polisher, bds. 7 Wright, Frances, (wid. Hugh H.), h. 76 W ilkins. Howard. Workman, Francis, Detroit Bending JVright, Frederick, tailor, h. 86 Harrison Works, h. 103 Thirteenth. ave. Workmnn, Joseph, (col'd,) porter, h. o. 160 Wright, Henry M., U. S. Lake Survey, bds. n. 228 Maple. 4335 Woodward ave. Workman, William, foreman, h. 148 Sev- Wright, Hiram T., joiner, h. 169 Gratiot. enteenth. Wright, Isabella, dressmaker, h. 26 Ma- Workum, David J., (Fecheimer & Work- comb. urn,) h. 29 Adelaide. Wright, James, clerk, bds. 167 First. Worlds. Harrison R., (col'd,) barber. 165 Wright: James H., engineer, h. 160 Orleans. WooclbriClge w., h. 472 Macomb. Wright, James M., insurance, bds. 203 Worleick. John, marb:e cutter, h. 313 High. First. Worley, Daniel, (col'd,) lab., bds. 170 Gris- Wright, James P., plumber, h. 261 Mawold. comb. Worm, Andrew, printer. bds. 101 Lar- Wright, Jesse D., lab., h. 717 Macomb. ned w. Wright, John, furniture, 25 Michigan ave., Wormer, Clark C., clerk, bds. 57 Hi~h. h. 132 Griswold. Wormer, Frederick, lab., 172 Twentieth. Wright, John B., mason, bds. o. 233 Wood. Wormer, Grover S., (G. S. Wormer & Son,) ward ave. h. 51 High. Wright, Mdcom, tanner, h. 71 Croghan. Wormer, Henry G.. (G. S. Wormer $ Son.) Wright, Marous, coachman, House of Corh. 165 Park. rection, bds. same. Wormer, G. S. & Son, (Grover S. and Henry Wlight, Mary, (wid.), h. 65 Sherman. G. Wormer,) machinery, 99 to 103 Jet: Wright, Moses, clerk, bds. 186 Jefferson ferson ave. ave., (up stairs.) Worpell, John, shoemaker, 354 Michigan Wright, Nancy, washerwoman, h. 134 ave., h. same. I Bates. Worsewick. Henry, cooper, h. s. s. Web- Wright, Orange, lab., h. 187 Seventeenth. ster, bet. Russell and Prospect. Wright. Philo E., Vice President Eagle Worth, John, engineer, h. 22 Division. Transportation Co., h. 12 Madison aye. Worthington, Rev-George, rector St. John's Wright, Ralph H., agent, h. 203 First. Church, (Episcopal,) h. Woodward ave., Wright. Richard, (col'd), white washer, next church. h 134 Bates. Worthman, Charles, cigar maker, bds. 276 ' Wright, Robert M., tailor, 39 Larned w. h. Randolph. Worthy, James, ship carpenter, h. 195 Chene. Wortley, Rumbel, foreman, h. 66 Seven- teenth. Wortmann, Henry, upholsterer, bds., 169 Macomb. Wortmann, John, lab,, h. 387 St.Aubin ave. Worton, James, ornanlental japaner, h. n. s. Twenty-fourth, bet. Dix road and R. R same. Wright, Sarah, (wid. Henry), grocer, 438 Congress e., h. same. Wright, Sidney, clerk, bds. 41 Nichigan ave. Wright, Thomas, h. 41 Michigan ave. Wright. William, carpenter, bds. 27 Beau- bien Wright, William, omnibus driver, h. 58 Jefferson ave.

woo CITY DIRECTORY. WOO 453<br />

... -<br />

Wood. Grenville, agent, h. s. e. cor. Brush<br />

and '~ronson.<br />

wood, Jackson B. grocer and carpenter,<br />

151 and 153 Williams ave., h. same.<br />

Wood, James W., clerk, h. 21 Charlotte ave. '<br />

Wood, John, 3aloou, 512 Woodbridge w.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Wood, John S., clerk. h. 139 George.<br />

Wood, John W., hostler, h $68 Croghan.<br />

Wood, Josepll, fireman: h. 374 Macolllb.<br />

Wood: Joseph, gnrdner, h. 32 Seventeent,h.<br />

Wood, Nicholas, (col'd), lab., h. n. e. cor.<br />

Grove and Hastings.<br />

Wood, Obediah C., (col'd), sailor, 11. 241<br />

Congress e.<br />

Wood, Snrah A., (wid. Henry M.,) h. 122<br />

Oak.<br />

Wood, Solomon F., customs, h. 85 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Wood, Theodore, carpenter, h. 61 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Wood, Thomas, lab. h. 18 Front.<br />

Wood, Thomas, painter, h. 109 Tenth.<br />

Wood, Thomas M., butcher, bds. 161 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Wood, William, bds 539 Guoin.<br />

Wood, William A., clerk, h. 2 Lewis.<br />

Wood, William H., machinist, h. 37 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Wood, William L., bookeeper, h. Brush,<br />

n. e. cor. Marion.<br />

Wood, William S., Secy, Republican Cen-<br />

tral State Committee, office Congress,<br />

under Second NationalBank, bds. Antis-<br />

del House.<br />

Woodward; Mrs., boarding, h. 234 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Woodbridge, William L., real estate dea-<br />

ler, h. Grand River cor. Ninth ave.<br />

Woodcock, Alfred C., mill wrighf h. 429<br />

Fort e.<br />

WOODHAMS, THOMAS: furniture mnfi..<br />

Gilman, nr. Cass Union School, h. 357<br />

C ass. (See Idex, page 17).<br />

Woodhonse, John, nlason, h. l# Bronson.<br />

Woodhull, Mrs. H. J., bds. 289 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Woodhull, John C. H., h. 526 Fifteenth. ,<br />

Woodhull, Joseph C., bookeeper, h. 455<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Woodin, Orsan, letter carrier, h. 49 Pine.<br />

Woodlock, Ellen, (wid. Michael), h. 146<br />

Beech.<br />

Woodlock, Mnthew, h. 241 Seventh.<br />

Woodmere Cemetery, J. W. McGrath,<br />

agent, office 2 Larned e., (up stairs).<br />

Woodruff, Charles B. bookkeeper, h. 630<br />

Woodbridge w. .<br />

Woodruff, Charles P., real estate agent, opp<br />

P. O., Butler block, h. 630 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Woodruff, Thomas H., lumber dea1er;h.<br />

135 National ave.<br />

Woods, Charles, boiler maker: h. 276<br />

Twelfth.<br />

/<br />


Adutual Life Insurance CO.<br />


CEAf$$. ~ ~ ' & # , ~ ~ @ B ~ ,<br />


111 JefFerson Avenue,<br />

DETROIT, - - - MICH,<br />

WAgents Wanted. See adrertisement, page 101.-<br />

Woods, Edward, hack driver, h. 42 Henry.<br />

Woocis, Edward, lab, h. 0. 14 Spruce.<br />

Woods, George, carpenter, h. 57 Jay.<br />

TVoods, George, lab., h. 1'74 Sixth.<br />

Woods, George L., steam fitter, h. 253<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Woods, John, (col'd;, whitewasher. h., 37<br />

Laftlyette e.<br />

Woods, John H., lab., h. o. 218 Franklin.<br />

woocls, MatiIda, (wid.) h. 498 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Woods, Nelson R., teamster, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

woods, William, baker, bds. 133 Franklin.<br />

Woodward, Andrew, bookkeeper, bds.<br />

Russell House.<br />

Woodward Ave. Congregational Church,<br />

n. S. Sibley, nr. Woodward ave.<br />

Woodward, Joseph, clerk, bds. 67 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Woodworth, Benjamin R., bookkeeper, h.<br />

91 Ledyarci.<br />

Woodwofi, Stephen E., merchant tailor,<br />

359 Franklin, h. same.<br />

Wool, George W.: lawyer, room 2 Buhl<br />

Block, h. 359 Lafayette.<br />

Woolenzen, Charles, baker, h. cor. St. Bn-<br />

toine and Whitney.<br />

Woolfenden, Edward, bookkeeper, h. 54<br />

' Selden.<br />

. Woolfenden, Frank J., clerk, h. 54 Selden.<br />

Woolfenden, Frederick, bookkeeper, h. 66<br />

Charlotte ave.<br />

Woolfenden, George R. A., clerk, h. 52 Sel-<br />

den.<br />

Woolfenden, Joseph B., clerk, h. 44 Char-<br />

lotte ave.<br />

Woolhouse, Henry, saloon, 94 Wood-<br />

bridge w., h. salne.<br />

W oollacott, John H., clerk, bds. 166 Larn-<br />

ed e.<br />

Woolley, James K., clerk, h. 73 Sibley.<br />

W oolley, . Smith R., (Woolley & Hi1 ton,)<br />

h. 158 Congress ~v.<br />

Woolley Hilton, (Smith R. Woolley and<br />

Thomas Hilton,) distillery and vinegar<br />

factory, 36 First.<br />

Woolnough, Elizabeth, (wid. William,)<br />

seamstress, h. 420 Lafayette e.<br />

Woolsey, John W., milkman, h. o. 240, n.<br />

261 Park.<br />

Woolson, Henry C., stove mounter, bds.<br />

o. 920 Jefferson ave.<br />

Woolson, Thomas, stove mounter, b&.<br />

o. 920 Jefferson ave.

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