Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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WIN CITY DIRECTORY. WIZ 461 Winn, James A., gilder, bds. 79 Congress e. I HOmE Winn, John, drayman, h 123 Baker. Winn, John, lab., h. 125 Twentieth. Mutual Life Insuraace. CO., Winn, Owen, blacksmith, h. 546 Seventh.. OF CIXCINNATI, OHIO. Winship, Cyrus, saloon, 194 Michigan, wm ,a mAa-y 1,. .m'Bmi . h. same. GENERAL AGENT, Winslow, George A., letter carrier, h. 30 S4 GRISWOLD WT., Croghan. DETROIT, - - MICH, Winsor, Harve D., Vice-Prest. Detroit -See advertisement, page 27.a Ironizing an 2' Paving Co., h. 29 Eliza beth w. Wister, Mary, huckster, 44 C. H. M., h. 199 Winter, August, cabinet maker, h. 365 Eighteenth. Fort e. Witbeck, Frank A., clerk, bds. Goodman Winter, Booth, clerk, h. 262 Montcalm e. House. Winter, Charles, saloon, 356 Hastings, h. Witbeck, Charles S., (Witbeck & Chittensame. den), bds. Russell House. Winter, George, news dealer, 240 Jeffer- Whitbeck: Preston B., teacher, bds. Goodson ave., h. 168 Larned e. man House. Winter, James, collector, h. r. o. 61 Cro- Witbeck & Chittenden, (Charles S. Witwhan. beck and William J. Chittenden,) props. ~?nter, ~a&, (wid. George,) boarding, h. Russell House. 152 Howard. Withcomb, William, baker, 121 Larned e., Winter, William, farmer, h. 175 Macomb. h. same. Winterfeeld, John, lab, h. r. 35 Croghan. Witherspoon, Alexander, painter, h, 131 Winterha1 ter, George, (P. Huf nagel 62 Co.,) Baker. h. 149 Cro han. Witherspoon, George, gas fitter, bds. Per- Winterich, i athew, painter, h. 154 Adams kins' Hotel. ave. e. Witherspoon, John, Deputy Collector Cus- Wipfler, August, carriage trimmer, h. 238 toms, M. C. R. R. Ferry slip, h. Porter. Macomb. Witherspoon, John, baker and confection- Wipfler, Charles, sculptor, h. 170 Second. er, 82 C. H. M., h. 67 George. Wippert, Joseph, lab., h. Twentv-fourth, Witherspoon, Robert, clerk, bds. 61 n. Michi an ave. George. Wirkes, &cholas: teamster, h. 187 Bron- Witherspoon, William, mason, bds. 67 son. George. Wirth, Adam, grocer, 408 Gratiot, h. sanie. Witherspoon, William, slater, bds. 67 Wirth, George, clerk, bds. 408 Gratiot. George. Wirth, Henry, lab., h. 148 Antietam. Witherspoon, William W., machinist, bds. Wirth, John, grocer, h. 408 Gratiot. 131 Baker. Wirth, Louis, teamster, h. 226 Lafayette. Withey, Chas. A., carria e maker, 42 Lar- Wirth; Marx, blacksmith, bds. cor. Gra- ned e., bds. Brighton %ouse. tiot and Russell. Withey, Joel, express messeager, h. Fourth, Wirth, Peter, saloon, 818 Michigan ave, h. bet. Abbott and Porter. same. Withey, William, shoemaker, h. 243 Wirtsckeck, Albert, lab., bds. 9 Silver. Fourth. Wirtz, August, clerk, bds. 14 Columbia e. Witte. Frederick, lab., h. 597 Hastings. Wirtz, Charles, milkman. h. 133 Twelfth. Witte. Henry, tailor, h. 440 Catharine. Wirtz, Jacob, teamster, h. St. Joseph, bet. Wittelsberger, John, farmer, h. 352 Twen- Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. tieth. Wischkoff, Louis, machinist, h. 166 High. WITTELSBERGER, FRANK, baker, o. Wise, Frank, cigar maker, bds. 79 Con- 257, n. 311 Michigan ave., h. same. gress e. Wittelsberger, Joseph, baker, 257 Hastings, Wise, Jesse, (col'd), plasterer, h. 220 Wat- h. same. son. W itterneyer, Anthony, lab., bds. 16 Fort e. Wise, John, brais moulder, bds. 401 Lam- Wittenberg, Albert, lab., h. 450 Eighed e. teenth. Wise, Joseph, lab., h. 271 Clinton. Wittenberg, Lewis, match dipper, h. 450 Wish, Henry, stone cutter, h. r. 119 Grand Eighteenth. River. Wittenberg, William, lab., h. 332 Six- Wishte, Cornelius, lab., h. 267 Guoin. teenth. Wisker, George, lab., 11. 199 Eighteenth. Witwer, Ignaz, lab., h. 10 Chase. Wisneau, Frank, sawyer, h. 185 Chene. Witzky, Charies, carpenter, h. 20 German, Wisneau, Samuel, teamster, h. 519 Fort e. Witzky, William: cigar maker, h. 75 Cro- Wissel, Frank, baggageman, M. C..R. R., ghan. bds. 616 Biopdle. Wizschnowsky, Johann, carpenter, h. e

462 WOE CLARK'S DETROIT WOO PHYSICIANS & DRUGGISTS Are cordially invited to call at our ofiice, No. 52 Larned Street, West, And examine our Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical PREPAILATf oms, PAHEFJ5, JXNNINGS & CO- -See advertiaement, page 16. James, n. s., bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Woehler, Henry, tailor, h. 161 Marion. Woellman, Frederick, tanner, h. 253 Chestnut. Wohlfarth, Gottlieb, proprietor St. Lawrence Hotel, cor. Atwater and Randolph. Wohlfeld, Albert, brewer, h. 458 Gratiot. Wohlgemuth, Felix, grinder, bds. e. s. Brush, bet. Fort and Congress. Wohlrab, Charles, bartender. h. 122 Lafayette e. Wohnlich, Louis J., mathematical instrument maker, 55 Woodward ave., bds. 381 Woodbridge e. Wolf, August, lab., h. 331 Twenty-thlrd. Wolf, August, shoemaker, h. 395 St. Aubin ave. Wolf, Charles, shoemaker, h 542 Gratiot Wolf, Christian, carpenter, h. 471 Sixth. Wolf, Christins, (wid. Friederich), h. 314 Clinton. Wolf, Edward, lab., bds. 314 linto on. Wolf, Frederick, lab., h. 314 Clinton. Woll, Frederick, saloon, 782 W oodbridge w., h. same. Wolf, George, lab., h. 250 Maple. Wolf, George, lab., h. 522 Woodbridge e. Wolf, Henry, carpenter, h. 368 Fort e. Wolf, Jacob, lab., h. 813 Bronson. Wolf, John, pop d., bds. 399 Seventeenth. Wolf, John B., carpenter, h. 244 Sherman. Wolf, John C., lab., h. 471 Sixth. Wolf, Joseph, pop mnfr., bds. 399 Seventeenth. Wolf, Julius, confectioner, bds. 256 Beau- . bien. Wolf, Louis, clerk, bds. 315 Croghan. Wolf, Louis, rag picker, h. 359 Orleans. Wolf, Mary, (wid. William), h. 119 Labrosse. Wolf, Michael, stone cutter, bds. 250 Maple; Wolf, Paul, vinegar mnfr., h. 399 Seven: teenth. Wolf, William, carpenter, h. 369 St. An. toine. Wolf. William, shoemaker, h. Gratiot, cor. ~e~uindre. Wolfarth, James, painter, bds. 36 Russell. Wolferts, Robert, (F. Wuelfing & Co.,) h. 190 Macomb. Wobgton, Joseph, clerk, h. 44 Charlotte. ave. WOE, Bernhard, tailor. h. 482 Orleans. Wolff, George, lab., h. 522 Woodbridge e. WolfT. Frederick. lab., h. 628 Riopelle. Wolff, Henry, (Wolff Bros.), h. 201 Biopelle. Wolff, L. Hermann, (Wolf Bros.), h. 271 Elizabeth e. Wolff, Jacob, lab., h 313 Bronson. Wolff, Julius, confectioner, bds. 256 Beaubien. Wolff Bros., (L. Hermann and Henry Wolff,) trunk mnfrs., 211 Jefferson ave., Wolfschlaeger, Andrew, carpenter, h 22 Seventeenth. Wolfschlaeger, John, carpenter, h. 265 Thirteenth-and- a-half Wolfschlaeger, John P., carpenter, h. 305 Catharine. . Wolfschlaeger, Joseph H.. baggageman, h. 198 Lafay ette. Wolfschlaeger, Lewis, carpenter, h, 273, Thirteenth-and-a-half. Wolitscher , John, lab., h. 813 High. Wolfy, Wm., carpenter, h. 396 St. Antoine. Wollenweber, Anton, stone cutter, h. 234 Marion. Wollenweber, George, brakesman, bds. 114 Fifth. Wollenweber, Peter, h. 116 Macomb. Wollenzin, Charles, baker, h. 506 St. Antoine. Wollison, Francis, lab., h. 105 Fifth. Woilier, Herbert, cabinet maker, h. Abbott bet. sixth and' seventh. Wollpert, John, cigar maker, h. 255 St. Antoine. Wolter, Charles, cabinet maker, 11. 259 Maple. Wolter, Edward, mason, h. 403 Maple. Wolter, Frederick, carpenter, h. 715 Croghan. Wolter, Lewis, carpenter, h. 719 Croghan. Wolverton, Eugene T., clerk, bds. 25 Columbia w. Wolverton, George T., clerk, bds. 25 Columbia w. Wolverton, G. W., insurance agent, h. 25 Columbia w Wood, Albert P.: turner, h. n . s. Congress bet. Nt. Elliott and Elmwood aves. Wood, Alexander, blacksmith, h. 75 Fifteenth. Wood, Andrew C., leather, bds. 153 Williams ave. Wood, Charles, (col'd), bar tender, bds. 241 Congress e. Wood, Charles D., clerk, h. 85 Fifth. Wood, David, blacksmith, bds. 146 Larned m-. Wood, Edward H.: ship carpenter, h. 109 Beech. Wood, Elizabeth, (wid. William), dregsmaker, h. 33 Lafayette e. Wood, Francis, spring bed maker, h. 81 Larned e.



Are cordially invited to call at our ofiice,<br />

No. 52 Larned Street, West,<br />

And examine our Standard<br />

Chemical & Pharmaceutical<br />

PREPAILATf oms,<br />


-See advertiaement, page 16.<br />

James, n. s., bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Woehler, Henry, tailor, h. 161 Marion.<br />

Woellman, Frederick, tanner, h. 253 Chestnut.<br />

Wohlfarth, Gottlieb, proprietor St. Lawrence<br />

Hotel, cor. Atwater and Randolph.<br />

Wohlfeld, Albert, brewer, h. 458 Gratiot.<br />

Wohlgemuth, Felix, grinder, bds. e. s.<br />

Brush, bet. Fort and Congress.<br />

Wohlrab, Charles, bartender. h. 122 Lafayette<br />

e.<br />

Wohnlich, Louis J., mathematical instrument<br />

maker, 55 Woodward ave., bds.<br />

381 Woodbridge e.<br />

Wolf, August, lab., h. 331 Twenty-thlrd.<br />

Wolf, August, shoemaker, h. 395 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Wolf, Charles, shoemaker, h 542 Gratiot<br />

Wolf, Christian, carpenter, h. 471 Sixth.<br />

Wolf, Christins, (wid. Friederich), h. 314<br />

Clinton.<br />

Wolf, Edward, lab., bds. 314 linto on.<br />

Wolf, Frederick, lab., h. 314 Clinton.<br />

Woll, Frederick, saloon, 782 W oodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Wolf, George, lab., h. 250 Maple.<br />

Wolf, George, lab., h. 522 Woodbridge e.<br />

Wolf, Henry, carpenter, h. 368 Fort e.<br />

Wolf, Jacob, lab., h. 813 Bronson.<br />

Wolf, John, pop d., bds. 399 Seventeenth.<br />

Wolf, John B., carpenter, h. 244 Sherman.<br />

Wolf, John C., lab., h. 471 Sixth.<br />

Wolf, Joseph, pop mnfr., bds. 399 Seventeenth.<br />

Wolf, Julius, confectioner, bds. 256 Beau-<br />

. bien.<br />

Wolf, Louis, clerk, bds. 315 Croghan.<br />

Wolf, Louis, rag picker, h. 359 Orleans.<br />

Wolf, Mary, (wid. William), h. 119 Labrosse.<br />

Wolf, Michael, stone cutter, bds. 250 Maple;<br />

Wolf, Paul, vinegar mnfr., h. 399 Seven:<br />

teenth.<br />

Wolf, William, carpenter, h. 369 St. An.<br />

toine.<br />

Wolf. William, shoemaker, h. Gratiot, cor.<br />

~e~uindre.<br />

Wolfarth, James, painter, bds. 36 Russell.<br />

Wolferts, Robert, (F. Wuelfing & Co.,) h.<br />

190 Macomb.<br />

Wobgton, Joseph, clerk, h. 44 Charlotte.<br />

ave.<br />

WOE, Bernhard, tailor. h. 482 Orleans.<br />

Wolff, George, lab., h. 522 Woodbridge e.<br />

WolfT. Frederick. lab., h. 628 Riopelle.<br />

Wolff, Henry, (Wolff Bros.), h. 201 Biopelle.<br />

Wolff, L. Hermann, (Wolf Bros.), h. 271<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Wolff, Jacob, lab., h 313 Bronson.<br />

Wolff, Julius, confectioner, bds. 256 Beaubien.<br />

Wolff Bros., (L. Hermann and Henry<br />

Wolff,) trunk mnfrs., 211 Jefferson ave.,<br />

Wolfschlaeger, Andrew, carpenter, h 22<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Wolfschlaeger, John, carpenter, h. 265<br />

Thirteenth-and- a-half<br />

Wolfschlaeger, John P., carpenter, h. 305<br />

Catharine. .<br />

Wolfschlaeger, Joseph H.. baggageman, h.<br />

198 Lafay ette.<br />

Wolfschlaeger, Lewis, carpenter, h, 273,<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Wolitscher , John, lab., h. 813 High.<br />

Wolfy, Wm., carpenter, h. 396 St. Antoine.<br />

Wollenweber, Anton, stone cutter, h. 234<br />

Marion.<br />

Wollenweber, George, brakesman, bds. 114<br />

Fifth.<br />

Wollenweber, Peter, h. 116 Macomb.<br />

Wollenzin, Charles, baker, h. 506 St. Antoine.<br />

Wollison, Francis, lab., h. 105 Fifth.<br />

Woilier, Herbert, cabinet maker, h. Abbott<br />

bet. sixth and' seventh.<br />

Wollpert, John, cigar maker, h. 255 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Wolter, Charles, cabinet maker, 11. 259 Maple.<br />

Wolter, Edward, mason, h. 403 Maple.<br />

Wolter, Frederick, carpenter, h. 715 Croghan.<br />

Wolter, Lewis, carpenter, h. 719 Croghan.<br />

Wolverton, Eugene T., clerk, bds. 25 Columbia<br />

w.<br />

Wolverton, George T., clerk, bds. 25 Columbia<br />

w.<br />

Wolverton, G. W., insurance agent, h. 25<br />

Columbia w<br />

Wood, Albert P.: turner, h. n . s. Congress<br />

bet. Nt. Elliott and Elmwood aves.<br />

Wood, Alexander, blacksmith, h. 75 Fifteenth.<br />

Wood, Andrew C., leather, bds. 153 Williams<br />

ave.<br />

Wood, Charles, (col'd), bar tender, bds. 241<br />

Congress e.<br />

Wood, Charles D., clerk, h. 85 Fifth.<br />

Wood, David, blacksmith, bds. 146 Larned<br />

m-.<br />

Wood, Edward H.: ship carpenter, h. 109<br />

Beech.<br />

Wood, Elizabeth, (wid. William), dregsmaker,<br />

h. 33 Lafayette e.<br />

Wood, Francis, spring bed maker, h. 81<br />

Larned e.

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