Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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Funke, - Loewenstein, S. Cornehl, A. bins, John Cadwallader, Mrs. William Roehler, August Glessner, J. Brede. I Wiley, Mrs. E. S. Booth, Mrs. A. W. Leg- Detroit ~&nan Building and Sapings getto Society xo, 3-president, A. Narfiausen ; Detroit fie8 Trade h~gu*fiesident, Vice President, F. pohl ; Financial Secre- William A. Butler ; Vice Presidents, James tary, F. Fulda ; Recording Secretary, - F. Joy, G. V. N. Lothrop, Duncan Stewart, Schmidtbauer ; Treasurer, Gee, Oldekopp ; Dr. Clark, Peter Henkel, Richard Directors, F, Pohl, Philip Hasselbach, Hawley ; Treasurer, Hiram Granger ; Set- Wm. Martinstein, Charles Weisensrein, J. reta J- M. B. Sill ; Executive Committee, W. Eppms, Chas. Fett, Joseph Spitzlei, H* Bridge, C. 1- Walker, William A- George Oldekopp. Moore, 2. R. Brockwa , Elisha Taylor, L. M. Mason, Willard 8 arker, William H. Detroit German Building and 8urings 80- Craig, D, C. Whitwood, C. W. Noble, eiety 30. 4-Organized in 1869. Capital when paid Out, $250,000 ; No* shares, 2>000. Detroit Plaaterera, Union - President, President, Col. L. Dillman ; Vice Presi- Peter Roberts ; Vice President, Edward dent, Bernhard ; Financial Secre- Flaniwan ; Recording Secretarg, Lanni- Iary, Borgman ; Treasurer, gan ; Secretary, John Roe; Tress- Philip Kling ; Recording Secretary, C. R. urer, Henry Bummershine ; Corresponding Brand ; Directors, L. Dillman, B. May er, Secretary, Charles Fitzhug,h, M. C. Borgman, C. R. Brand, Charles Detroit Tgpographical Unwn, No. 28-Dele- Stange, P. Groesbeck, L. Griesinger, Chris. ate to N.T.U., Jeremiah Morley; President. Kaiser. be~itt C. Hotchkiss ; Vice-president, Detht Geman J$7&rkingma9s BUiuing Holton Cronk ; Recording Secretary, M. and fio~ngs society - Incorporated July H. Alfred ; Financial secretary, John lst, 1869. Capital when paid out, $300,- McVicar ; Corresponding Secreta~, John 000. President,.Anton &hl Vice Presi- H01t ; Treasurer, D-ennis J. Curtin ; Janident, Paul Gies ; Treasurer, Francis Ec- tor, T'homas Fourby; Board of ~irectors, card:; Financial Secretary, Charles Schultz ; Benj- F= Duncklee, (Ch'n)~ Fred- lhrn- Recording Secretary, F. W. Duvernois ; man, John Taylor, A. A- Chidsey, Directors, John Baumeister, Frederick Ersten* Dahlinger, Frederick I\larschner, Chris- Gernaan Wmskingmn's Aid Society-Artian Hattie, Bernhard Mayer, George Goetz, beiter Hall, corner Russell and Catharine Francis Jelsch, Anton Kuhl, Paul Gies. streets. Society organized 1852. Nunber of members, 450. Meetings every Germanh Building and Sazings society Tuesday evening. President, Julius Jahn; -Organized August, 1869- Capital when Vice Prest. Ruble; Recording Seer* paid out, $300,000. PresiCent, Julius St011 ; bry, a1oys Fiering ; Correspondin Set- Vice President, F. W. Duvernois ; Treas- retary, Philip Buelow ; Treasurer, urer, J- C* Scherer ; Secretary , %, Thee. Ruoff; Librarian, Adolph Buchbinder ; Grueninger ; Directors* Julius Stall, W- Trustees, Francis Jelsh, Peter Guenther, Duvernois, Thee. Grueninger, J. S~hnoer- John Beaumeister, Gregor Bus&, Julius ing, Adam Ochsenhirt, C- Jansen, J- P- Stol], John Schwenk, John Rauss ; Board Hensien, R. Diepenbeck. of Managers, Fr. Myll, J. Jahn, J. Zach- ~~~b fia--Ameriean ~ ~ a and d i ereder, ~ ~ Ph. Erlenbach ; Superintendent of 8avings Society - hcorporated October. J. Munz. 1869. Capital when paid out $250,000. Democratic State Central Cmmittw- President, F. J. Barbier ; Vice-President, Committee morns, northwest corner Jeffel - Thos. M. Dolan ; Financial Secretary, C. son avenue and Griswold street, over Ives H. Borgman ; Recording Secretary, F. X. Bank. Chairman, M. I. Mills. DeMay. Directors, F. J. Barbier, F. X. Detroit rmng an)$ cMth Associa- DeMa~, Thomas Dola% F* Chambe, th-Rooms 12 and 13 Merrill Block, up Gee. Anderson, A. Hagemann, Ovide Terti- ,tab, corner Jefferson and woodward feuille, Louis Walters, James Goffinet. . aves. The reading-room is open from Detroit li" &@rage Association- 8 A. M. to 10 P. M., and free to all, and Officers elected quarterly. Meets weekly contains all the leading periodicals, Ameriat the houses of the members. President, can and English. Prayer meetin every ; Vwe-Presidents, Miss Monday evening. President, David fireston; Emeline Ward, Mrs. G. B. Stebbins, Vice-Presidents, 0. S. Gulley, C. S. Trow- Mr. Collin Campbell ; Recording Sec bridge; Corresponding Secretary, J. F. retary, Miss Dr. Eleanor S. Howe; Henderson ; Recordins Secretary, E. E. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. Coch- Kane ; Treasurer, Bra ford Smith ; Emran ; Treasurer, Miss Octavia Bates; Ex- ployment Committee, F. D. Ta lor, J. T. ecutive Committee, Messrs. G. B. Steb- Lowe,Jr., D. A. Ross; Boarding Ef ouse Com-

mittee, R. Gillis, C. H. Barbour, S. E. Bolles. These committees having been formed for the assistance and active aid- ing of the young men of our city, we desire thnt any opportunity for so doing may be brought to our notice by those needing aid, or their friends. Detroit Industrial League - President, John B!mt ; Vice Presidents, Henry Weber, D. M. Richardson, L. Beecher, John Carroll, J. S. Newberry, L. M. Mason, Chaunct+y Hurlbut ; Secretary, Giles B. Stebbins ; Treasurer, M. W. Field ; Execu- tive Committee, E. B. Ward, C H. Buhl, >I. I. Mills, Jerome Croul, J. B. Wayne, Ed- lnund Trowbridge, J. D. Hayes. Detroit Young Ladies7 Benevolent AMOciatwn--Organized for the purpose of seeking out the poor and destitute at their homes and relieving their necessities. President. Miss Fannie Adams ; Vice Presidents, Miss Alice King, Miss Jennie Merick ; Treasurer, Miss Carrie Godfroy ; Secretary, Miss Rebecca Backus ; assistant Secretary ; Miss Kittie Moran ; Auditor, Miss Jane D son; Ilirectors Miss Alice Parker, Miss E oui~a Stron Miss Louisa Pitkin, Miss Lillie erno or, %kiss Nora Malony, Miss Sylvia Allen, Miss Annie Wat- Ens, Miss Louisa Safford, Miss Lillie Walker, Miss Mattie Joy, Miss Mary Brooks, Miss Hattie Benson, Miss Adele Strong, Miss Carrie Watson, Miss Marie Lansing, Miss Emilie Piquette, Miss L. Elbert, Miss Emma Cico tt, Miss Lizzie Fitzsimons, Miss Ermina Merrick. Byemen's find Assocktion for the Relief of DGabled Eremen-Assembly room, corner Wayne and Larned streets. President, John Kendall; Vice-President, Joseph Arnold ; Secretary, Michael Quinn ; Treasurer, Anthony McLogan ; T1.usteesfor Engineers, James R. Elliott; Hook and Ladder Co., Thomas P. Tuite, and Wm. C. Croxell; Engine Co. No. 1. P. W. Nolan ; Engine Co. No. 2, Martin Caplis ; Engine Co. No. 8, Anthony McLogan, James Broderick; Engine Co. No. 4, Michael Quinn ; Engine Co. No. 5, Frank Beaufait, Louis Lebot. F'riendly Sons of St. Patrick-President, James Daly ; Vice-President, John Monaghan; Recordinc Secretary, Edward F. Ryan ; Corresponding Secreta~, Bernard J. Dolan ; Treasurer, Daniel bhanahan ; Executive Committee, Nicholas Kean, Daniel Sullivan, John Collins, D. Saughnessy, M. Lally, B. J. Dolan, Lawrence Verdon. German St. John's Society of St. John's Gtmvtan; Lutheran Chu~ch-Monroe Ave. Xembers 175. President, Rev. Charles S MUNICIPAL RECORD AND LOCAL REGISTER. 57 ; Haas ; Vice President, A. Paul; Trea- surer, John Bornman ; Secretary, Gott- lieb Hermann. Hebrew Widozos' and Orphans' So&@- Mrs. S. Schloss, President; Mrs. S. Freed- man, Vice President ; .\!IS. Hugo Hi].', Secretarv : Mrs. E. S. Heineman. Treasurer. High Sc7.Z Alumni Assoaatwn-President Joseph C. Jones ; Vice President, Harriette A. Warner; Secretary, Magdalene A. Anderson ; Treasurer, David Inglis., Executive Committee, Martha G. Bond; Edward E. Kane, Catherine B. Thornson: Henry A. Chaney, Margaret F. Buchanan; Orator, George F. Campau ; Alternate, Henry A. Cbaney; Poet, William A. Warner ; Alternate, Emma M. Smith ; Essa 'st, Margaret L Barclay ; Alternate, Zary May bury. Jesus Mary Joseph Benel~olent Society (German)-Room at St. Mary's school house. President, John Heuft ; Vice- President, Nicholas Kuetten ; Secretary, Mathew Doetsch ; Treasurer, Jacob Han- sen. Joumymen Tailor's Protectiae Union-- Pres't, H. Zerbe ; Vice-Pres't, Julius Groll ; Treasurer, Go ttfried Lenan ; Secretary John Dallas. Lafayette Benevoknt Society-Organized February, ,1857. Meetings, the second Thursday evening of every month, at La- fayette Hall, Gratiot, between Beaubien and St. Antoine streets. An election of officers first Monda in July. President, Charles Longtin;

mittee, R. Gillis, C. H. Barbour, S. E.<br />

Bolles. These committees having been<br />

formed for the assistance and active aid-<br />

ing of the young men of our city, we<br />

desire thnt any opportunity for so doing<br />

may be brought to our notice by those<br />

needing aid, or their friends.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Industrial League - President,<br />

John B!mt ; Vice Presidents, Henry Weber,<br />

D. M. Richardson, L. Beecher, John<br />

Carroll, J. S. Newberry, L. M. Mason,<br />

Chaunct+y Hurlbut ; Secretary, Giles B.<br />

Stebbins ; Treasurer, M. W. Field ; Execu-<br />

tive Committee, E. B. Ward, C H. Buhl,<br />

>I. I. Mills, Jerome Croul, J. B. Wayne, Ed-<br />

lnund Trowbridge, J. D. Hayes.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Young Ladies7 Benevolent AMOciatwn--Organized<br />

for the purpose of seeking<br />

out the poor and destitute at their<br />

homes and relieving their necessities. President.<br />

Miss Fannie Adams ; Vice Presidents,<br />

Miss Alice King, Miss Jennie Merick<br />

; Treasurer, Miss Carrie Godfroy ;<br />

Secretary, Miss Rebecca Backus ; assistant<br />

Secretary ; Miss Kittie Moran ; Auditor,<br />

Miss Jane D son; Ilirectors Miss Alice<br />

Parker, Miss E oui~a Stron Miss Louisa<br />

Pitkin, Miss Lillie erno or, %kiss Nora Malony,<br />

Miss Sylvia Allen, Miss Annie Wat-<br />

Ens, Miss Louisa Safford, Miss Lillie Walker,<br />

Miss Mattie Joy, Miss Mary Brooks,<br />

Miss Hattie Benson, Miss Adele Strong,<br />

Miss Carrie Watson, Miss Marie Lansing,<br />

Miss Emilie Piquette, Miss L. Elbert, Miss<br />

Emma Cico tt, Miss Lizzie Fitzsimons, Miss<br />

Ermina Merrick.<br />

Byemen's find Assocktion for the Relief<br />

of DGabled Eremen-Assembly room,<br />

corner Wayne and Larned streets. President,<br />

John Kendall; Vice-President, Joseph<br />

Arnold ; Secretary, Michael Quinn ;<br />

Treasurer, Anthony McLogan ; T1.usteesfor<br />

Engineers, James R. Elliott; Hook<br />

and Ladder Co., Thomas P. Tuite, and<br />

Wm. C. Croxell; Engine Co. No. 1. P. W.<br />

Nolan ; Engine Co. No. 2, Martin Caplis ;<br />

Engine Co. No. 8, Anthony McLogan,<br />

James Broderick; Engine Co. No. 4,<br />

Michael Quinn ; Engine Co. No. 5, Frank<br />

Beaufait, Louis Lebot.<br />

F'riendly Sons of St. Patrick-President,<br />

James Daly ; Vice-President, John Monaghan;<br />

Recordinc Secretary, Edward F.<br />

Ryan ; Corresponding Secreta~, Bernard<br />

J. Dolan ; Treasurer, Daniel bhanahan ;<br />

Executive Committee, Nicholas Kean,<br />

Daniel Sullivan, John Collins, D. Saughnessy,<br />

M. Lally, B. J. Dolan, Lawrence<br />

Verdon.<br />

German St. John's Society of St. John's<br />

Gtmvtan; Lutheran Chu~ch-Monroe Ave.<br />

Xembers 175. President, Rev. Charles<br />

S<br />


;<br />

Haas ; Vice President, A. Paul; Trea-<br />

surer, John Bornman ; Secretary, Gott-<br />

lieb Hermann.<br />

Hebrew Widozos' and Orphans' So&@-<br />

Mrs. S. Schloss, President; Mrs. S. Freed-<br />

man, Vice President ; .\!IS. Hugo Hi].',<br />

Secretarv : Mrs. E. S. Heineman. Treasurer.<br />

High Sc7.Z Alumni Assoaatwn-President<br />

Joseph C. Jones ; Vice President,<br />

Harriette A. Warner; Secretary, Magdalene<br />

A. Anderson ; Treasurer, David Inglis.,<br />

Executive Committee, Martha G. Bond;<br />

Edward E. Kane, Catherine B. Thornson:<br />

Henry A. Chaney, Margaret F. Buchanan;<br />

Orator, George F. Campau ; Alternate,<br />

Henry A. Cbaney; Poet, William A. Warner<br />

; Alternate, Emma M. Smith ; Essa 'st,<br />

Margaret L Barclay ; Alternate, Zary<br />

May bury.<br />

Jesus Mary Joseph Benel~olent Society<br />

(German)-Room at St. Mary's school<br />

house. President, John Heuft ; Vice-<br />

President, Nicholas Kuetten ; Secretary,<br />

Mathew Doetsch ; Treasurer, Jacob Han-<br />

sen.<br />

Joumymen Tailor's Protectiae Union--<br />

Pres't, H. Zerbe ; Vice-Pres't, Julius Groll ;<br />

Treasurer, Go ttfried Lenan ; Secretary<br />

John Dallas.<br />

Lafayette Benevoknt Society-Organized<br />

February, ,1857. Meetings, the second<br />

Thursday evening of every month, at La-<br />

fayette Hall, Gratiot, between Beaubien<br />

and St. Antoine streets. An election of<br />

officers first Monda in July. President,<br />

Charles Longtin;

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