Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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WEB CITY DIRECTORY. WEE 439 Weber, Austin B , tobacco and cigars, 27 HOME ,Jefferson ave., bds. Cass Hotel. Weber, Catharine, (mid. Nicholas,) h. 180 Adutual Life Insurance Co., Marion. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. Weber, Catharine, (wid. William), h. 288 Lafayet te. GENERAL AGENT. Weber, Charles, builder, bds. 555 Jefferson 84 GRISWOLD STREET, ave. (up st airs.) DETIROIT, - - XICH- Weber, Charles, saloon, 188 Russell, h. WSee advertisement, page 2 7 . a same. ---- Weber, Charles, tol~acconist, 21 Jefferson Weber, Sebastian, tanner h. 173 High. ave bds. 263 Jefferson ave. Weber, J. F., & Co., (Joseph F. Weber and Weber, Charles, jr., tinsmith, bds. 188 Conrad Lehr,) lumber dealers, cor. Mich- Russell. igan and Ninth aves. and 250 Gratiot, Weber: Ferdinand: brewer, h. 59 Na- and sash and blind factory, -. Sherman, nr. poleon. Hastings. Weber, Ferdinand shoelllaker, h. 560 Webster. . - - - - - - Clara, teacher. bds. 210 Pork r. Seven tll. webster: Daniel, (col'd,) carriage driver, Weber, Frederick, clerk, h. 125 Sher- bds. 497 Larned e. man. Webster, Daniel E., lithographer, h. 252 Weber, Frank, butcher, 199 Gratiot h. Seconcl. salne. Webster, David, traveling agent, res. Grand Weber, Frank, machinist, h. 92 Mullett. Rapids. Weber, Frank, stone cutter, h. s. w. c. Webster, Edwin F., (Holmes & Webster,) North and Hiopelle. h. 201 First. IVeber, George, baker? h. 79 Croglian. Webster, Frank, cashier, bds. Orleans bet. Weber. George F., lab.: h. n. w. c. Fourth Slaco~llb and Clinton. and Marcy. Webster, Hugh, broker, h. 136 George. NTcher, Georgc L., butcher, bds. 199 Gra- Webster, James, carpenter, h. 220 Thirtiot. t eel1 t h and-a-half. Wcber Heul-y, clerk, bds., n. w. c. Gratiot Webster, James, jr., boiler maker, bds. 220 nlicl St. Antoine. Thirteenth-and-a-half. JVel)er, Henry, furniture mnfr. and dealer. Webster, Jeremiah, switcllmnn, h. n. e. cor. 141 Woodward ave. and cor. High and Hastings and Franklin. Jobn R.? h. 30 and 32 High. Webster, Jesse T., Rev., rector St. John's Weber, Johu, carpenter, h. 186 St -4ubin Church (Episcopal), h. Bagg. ave. Webstcr, John, carpenter, h. 313 Sherman. Weber, John, cooper h. 229 Colunlbia. e. Webster, John H., (Smith, Doolittlt: & Co.), Weber John, tailor, h. 290 Twenty-se- bds. 293 Second. cond. Webster, Joseph, (col'd,) waiter, h. 257 Weber. Joseph, lab., bds. cor. Jay and Watson. Chene. Webster, Moses R., ship carpenter, h. 124 Weber, Joscph, shoemaker, h. 213 Fort e. Eighteenth. Weber, Joseph F., (J. F. Weber & Co.,) h. Webster,Oliver H., overseer House of Cor- 58 Front. rection, bds. same.' Weber,Joseph F., sliocmaker, h. 211 Fort e. Webster, Robert, (firn. Cosgrove & Co.), Weber, Lawrence, merchant toailor, Larned bds. 220 Thirteenth-and-a-half. nr. P. 0. h. 481 Fifteenth. Webster, Sarah J., h. o. 256 Woodward Weber. Leonhard,, upholsterer, h. 433 St. ave. Antoitle. Webster, Thomas, fireman, bds. 193 Frank- Webber, Lorenzo, tailor, 571 Michigan ave. lin. saulc. Webster, William, clerk, bds. 83 Gratiot. Weber. Mathew F., saloon, h. 13 and 15 Webster, William A.: clerk, h. Orleans bet. Porter. Macomb and Clinton. Weber, Nathaniel, carpenter, bds. 32 Wcckesser, Conrad, lab., h. 244 Croghan Congress w. Weckesser. John, lab.: h. 253 Nacomb. Weber, Natha!~iel W., physician: h. 52 Con- W eckman, John, shoemaker, bds. 19'7 Rivgress w. ard. Weber, Peter, tailor, 11.338 Clinton. W edow, Charles, lab., h. 288 Eighteenth. Weber, Phillip, carpenter, h, 154 Catha- Wedge, Jameg, teamster, bds. 18'7 Laxrine. nett e. Weber, Philip, trunk maker, h. 228 Lafay- Wdrl. George, lab., h. 412 Antietam. ette. Weetl. Arthur B., clerk, bds. '75 Bagg. Weber, Robert, warehouseman, h. 78 Wcecl, Bedjamin F., shoemaker, h. 529 Sir- Eighth. , teenth. w*, :ge @:g&!&NB;BB&$M*

440 WEE CLARK'B DETROIT WE1 @rmE];j$ggg@A&4s OF STANDARD QUALITY. Weiland, Frederick, lab., h. 497 Catharine. Weiler, Anton saloon, 506 Gratiot, h. 456 Manufactured and for sale bv I Orleans. / ~eiler, Frank, lab., h. 279 Juliette. 868mhg%! & Weiler, Joseph, carpenter, h. 259 &Iaple, Office 52 Larned St-, West Weiler, Philip, shoemaker, h. 23 Silver. @T See advertisement, page 16. Weiler, Sebastian. carpenter, bds. 259 Maple. Weed, Porter L., bookkeeper, 11. 75 Bagg. Weiler. Severn, general store, Gratiot, bet. Weeden, Stephen,. carpenter, h. 356 Mt. Elliott and Elmwood aves., h. same. High. Weimer, Anthony, shoemaker, h. 837 Weeks, Jacob W., (with J M. Bradstreet Twelfth. & Son), bds. Russell House. Weimer., Christian, blacksnlith, h. 85 Weeks, William, carver, h. 10 Catharine. Twelfth. Weeks, William, machinist, h. 61 Nont- Weinsncl, Joseph, finisher, bds. 123 Divicalm e. sion. Weeney, Henry, (col'd) carpenter, h. r. 130 Weinand, Peter, lab.: hh. 123 Division. Lafayette e. Weinberg, Ber~ihard, lab.. h. 175 Division. Wehr, Anthony, carpenter. h. 348 Wat- Weinberg, George, teamster, bds. I75 Dison. vision. Wellrle, Joseph, engineer, h. 287 Colum- Weinberg, Jacob, teamster, h. 175 Divibia e. sion. Weibel, George, blacksmith, h. 3i2 Cro- Weingarten, Marcus, milkman, h. 3 17 Maghan. rion. Weibel. John, joiner, bds. 278 Lafayet te. Wein hoid, Frederick, sawyer, h. s. s. St. Weibel, Michael, cooper, h. 279 Marion. Joseph, nr. Riopelle. . IVeibel, Peter, lab., h. 379 Marion. Weins, John B., saloon, n. e. cor. Hastings Weicbsel, Joseph, butcher, 11. 178 Na- and Whitney. rion. I Weinstein, Dorothea, bead worker, h. 119 Weicl~selbaum, Charles, fur dealer, h. 119 Laf'a~ett~e e. Hastings. Weir, Albert, cigar packer, bds. hntisdel Weichsel oaurn, Solomon, cigar maker, House. I~ds. 119 Hastings. Weir, Hon. James D., Judge Probate, 13 Weichsler, Charles, lab., h. 179 Mullett. Congress w., h. 695 Jefferson ave. Weick, Frederick, iab.. h 297 Columbia e. Weiser, Annie M., (wid. William,)boarcling, Weick: Jacob, helper, h. 260 Sixteenth. h. 209 Michigan ave. Weiclemarn, Christian, fresco painter, 8. Weiser, Christopher, plasterer, bds. 77 Na- 182 Clinton. I tional ave. Weideman, Henry, printer, bds. 85 Cal- I Weiser, Gottlieb, lab., h: 190 Sherman. houn. I Weiser, Joseph, carpenter, h. 138 Lafay- Weideinann, .John, carver. h. 152 Sixth. ette e. Weiden, Joseph, lab., h. 290 Columbia e. Weiss, Bernhardt, shoemaker, h. 221 Cro- Weiden, Stephen, lab., h. 3.56 High. ghan. Weidenhach, aIathew, porter, h. 513 Or- Weiss, Edward, pedlar, h- 443 Hastings. leans. Weiss, Ernst, model maker, h. 193 Catha- Weidenborner, Henry, machinist, h. 135 riue. Antietam. / Wtaiss, Fanny, clerk, h. 122 Michigan ave. Weigel, Charles, grocer, 401 Mulllett: h. Weiss, Ferdinand, cabinet maker, h. 169 same. B ronson. Weigel, Joseph, basket maker, bds. 484 Weiqs, Fidelus, lab., h. 414 Lafayette Catllari~ e. Weiss, G~orge, butcher, h. 475 Hastings. Weigel, Ferdinand lithographer, bds. Ho- Weiss, Herman: (Weiss & Bro.). bds. 112 tel Mauch. Michigan ave. Weigert, Frederick, turner, h. 240 Lafay- / Weiss. Jacob, teamster, hds. 16 Fort e. ette. j Weiss. John, wheel wright, shop 389 Weil, Edward, carpenter, h. cor. Antietam Michiman ave., h. 449 same. and Dubois. Weiss, fohn N., stone cutter, bds. 379 At- Weil, Edward, machinist, h. Fort, bet. water e. Chene and Joseph Campau ave. Weiss, John P., music and pianos, 78 Weil, John: lab., h. 341 Mullett. Woodward ave., h. 293 Larned e. Weil, William, blacksmith, bds. cor. Rio- Weiss, Leopold. teamster, 11. 56 Chestpelle and Juliette. 1 nut. Weilacher, Nathias. lab., bds. cor. Third , Weiss, Mayer, huckster, 11. 112 Michigan and Fort. i ave.


Weber, Austin B , tobacco and cigars, 27<br />

HOME<br />

,Jefferson ave., bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

Weber, Catharine, (mid. Nicholas,) h. 180 Adutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />

Marion.<br />


Weber, Catharine, (wid. William), h. 288<br />

Lafayet te.<br />


Weber, Charles, builder, bds. 555 Jefferson 84 GRISWOLD STREET,<br />

ave. (up st airs.)<br />

DETIROIT, - - XICH-<br />

Weber, Charles, saloon, 188 Russell, h. WSee advertisement, page 2 7 . a<br />

same.<br />

----<br />

Weber, Charles, tol~acconist, 21 Jefferson Weber, Sebastian, tanner h. 173 High.<br />

ave bds. 263 Jefferson ave.<br />

Weber, J. F., & Co., (Joseph F. Weber and<br />

Weber, Charles, jr., tinsmith, bds. 188 Conrad Lehr,) lumber dealers, cor. Mich-<br />

Russell.<br />

igan and Ninth aves. and 250 Gratiot,<br />

Weber: Ferdinand: brewer, h. 59 Na- and sash and blind factory, -. Sherman, nr.<br />

poleon.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Weber, Ferdinand shoelllaker, h. 560 Webster. . - - - - - - Clara, teacher. bds. 210 Pork r.<br />

Seven tll.<br />

webster: Daniel, (col'd,) carriage driver,<br />

Weber, Frederick, clerk, h. 125 Sher- bds. 497 Larned e.<br />

man.<br />

Webster, Daniel E., lithographer, h. 252<br />

Weber, Frank, butcher, 199 Gratiot h. Seconcl.<br />

salne.<br />

Webster, David, traveling agent, res. Grand<br />

Weber, Frank, machinist, h. 92 Mullett. Rapids.<br />

Weber, Frank, stone cutter, h. s. w. c. Webster, Edwin F., (Holmes & Webster,)<br />

North and Hiopelle.<br />

h. 201 First.<br />

IVeber, George, baker? h. 79 Croglian. Webster, Frank, cashier, bds. Orleans bet.<br />

Weber. George F., lab.: h. n. w. c. Fourth Slaco~llb and Clinton.<br />

and Marcy.<br />

Webster, Hugh, broker, h. 136 George.<br />

NTcher, Georgc L., butcher, bds. 199 Gra- Webster, James, carpenter, h. 220 Thirtiot.<br />

t eel1 t h and-a-half.<br />

Wcber Heul-y, clerk, bds., n. w. c. Gratiot Webster, James, jr., boiler maker, bds. 220<br />

nlicl St. Antoine.<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

JVel)er, Henry, furniture mnfr. and dealer. Webster, Jeremiah, switcllmnn, h. n. e. cor.<br />

141 Woodward ave. and cor. High and Hastings and Franklin.<br />

Jobn R.? h. 30 and 32 High.<br />

Webster, Jesse T., Rev., rector St. John's<br />

Weber, Johu, carpenter, h. 186 St -4ubin Church (Episcopal), h. Bagg.<br />

ave.<br />

Webstcr, John, carpenter, h. 313 Sherman.<br />

Weber, John, cooper h. 229 Colunlbia. e. Webster, John H., (Smith, Doolittlt: & Co.),<br />

Weber John, tailor, h. 290 Twenty-se- bds. 293 Second.<br />

cond.<br />

Webster, Joseph, (col'd,) waiter, h. 257<br />

Weber. Joseph, lab., bds. cor. Jay and Watson.<br />

Chene.<br />

Webster, Moses R., ship carpenter, h. 124<br />

Weber, Joscph, shoemaker, h. 213 Fort e. Eighteenth.<br />

Weber, Joseph F., (J. F. Weber & Co.,) h. Webster,Oliver H., overseer House of Cor-<br />

58 Front.<br />

rection, bds. same.'<br />

Weber,Joseph F., sliocmaker, h. 211 Fort e. Webster, Robert, (firn. Cosgrove & Co.),<br />

Weber, Lawrence, merchant toailor, Larned bds. 220 Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

nr. P. 0. h. 481 Fifteenth.<br />

Webster, Sarah J., h. o. 256 Woodward<br />

Weber. Leonhard,, upholsterer, h. 433 St. ave.<br />

Antoitle.<br />

Webster, Thomas, fireman, bds. 193 Frank-<br />

Webber, Lorenzo, tailor, 571 Michigan ave. lin.<br />

saulc.<br />

Webster, William, clerk, bds. 83 Gratiot.<br />

Weber. Mathew F., saloon, h. 13 and 15 Webster, William A.: clerk, h. Orleans bet.<br />

Porter.<br />

Macomb and Clinton.<br />

Weber, Nathaniel, carpenter, bds. 32 Wcckesser, Conrad, lab., h. 244 Croghan<br />

Congress w.<br />

Weckesser. John, lab.: h. 253 Nacomb.<br />

Weber, Natha!~iel W., physician: h. 52 Con- W eckman, John, shoemaker, bds. 19'7 Rivgress<br />

w.<br />

ard.<br />

Weber, Peter, tailor, 11.338 Clinton. W edow, Charles, lab., h. 288 Eighteenth.<br />

Weber, Phillip, carpenter, h, 154 Catha- Wedge, Jameg, teamster, bds. 18'7 Laxrine.<br />

nett e.<br />

Weber, Philip, trunk maker, h. 228 Lafay- Wdrl. George, lab., h. 412 Antietam.<br />

ette.<br />

Weetl. Arthur B., clerk, bds. '75 Bagg.<br />

Weber, Robert, warehouseman, h. 78 Wcecl, Bedjamin F., shoemaker, h. 529 Sir-<br />

Eighth.<br />

, teenth.<br />

w*, :ge @:g&!&NB;BB&$M*

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