Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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TOU CITY DTRECI?OR~~ TR~ 425 and Lake Shore Line Steamers, h. 119 1 NORTHWESTERN High. Tourongo, Andrew, saw filer, b. n. s'. Guoin, I Nutual Life Insurance CO. bet. cehene and Joseph Cimpau ave. Tovell, George, carpenter, h. 80 Jay. Towar, Charles, pattern maker, h. Indian ave., Springwells. Towar. Mrs. E. C., telegraph operator, bds. 305 Lafayette ave. Towar, George W., dairyman, h. Park Place w., nr. Grand River. Towar, Fletcher 31., U. S. Lake Survey, bds. Park Place w., nr. Grand River. Towers, James O., (B. DeForest & Co.,) bds. 222 Jefferson ave. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DE. 0868. hU'bBIB@BP, STATE AGENT, 1 11 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICW, -Agents Wanted. See advertisement.= Treadwell, John, painter, h. 91 Brady. Treahy, William, lab., h. 261 National ave. Tregaskis, Richard, collector of revenue h. 181 Third. Tregent, Patrick, real estate agent, room.4 Towle, Chester B., clerk, bds. 207 Fourth. Butler Block. Towle, Emeline, (wid. Simon M.,) board- Treiuc, Frederick, boiler maker, h. 315 ing, h. 207 Fourth. I Clinton. Towle George, clerk, bds. 207 Fourth. Tremont House, n. e. cor. Randolph and Town,Hiram, carpenter, h. 3li.Congress w. Jefferson ave., D. C. Goodale, propr. Town, Nathan F., clerk, bds. 212 Wood- Trempler, Frederick J., saddler 3% Michiward ave. gan ave., h. Williams ave., bet. Butternut Towney, William painter, h. 221 St. Aubin and Ash. ave. Trempler, John P., jr. harness maker, 516 Townsend, William A., detective, h. 23 Michigan ave. h. Williams ave. nr. Nineteenth. Michigan ave. Townsend, Williaill H., h. 246 Congress e. Trendel, John B., engineer, h. 178 Ab- Toynton, Henry W., letter carrier P. O., h. bott. 52 1\1Iontcalm e. Trent, John W., lab., bds. Chene nr. Gra- Toynton, Joseph, (Gray, Toynton & Fox,) t.iot. h. 50 Nacomb ave. Trepa, Anton, cabinet maker, h. 519 St. Tracy, Dennis, watchman, bds. 91 Sullivan Aubin ave. ave. Trepa, Joseph, lab., bds. 519 St. Aubin ave. Tracy. John, engineer, h. 227 Fourth. Trepa, Martin. lab., bds. 519 St. Aubin ave, Tracy, Mary, (wid. Arthur,) huckster, 17 Trepolcl: Peter, teamster, h. 86 Yontcalm e. C. H. &I., 11. 1,032 filicl'i6an ave. Trepp, Phillip, huckster, 33 C. H. &I., h. Tracy, Patrick, lab., h. 91 bullivan ave. 118 Maple. Tracy, Theresa, (wid. Addison,) bds. 263 Tress, Srthur, (Tappan, McKillop & Co.,) Park. h 162 ICandolph. Traescher, George, tanner, h. 278 Maple. TREVALLICK, RICHARD F., Pres. Twger, George, carpenter, h. 114 Napo- National Labor Union, room 1 Fisher leon. Block, h. 329 Fort e. Train, Francis, broom maker, bds. Fin- Tresize, Philip, boarding, h. 164 Larned w. ney's Hotel. Tribune, James, (col'd), lab., h. 91 Divis- Train, Henry, brakesman, bcls. Garrison ion. House. Trinder, Raymond, pattern maker, bds. Trainor, Hugh, coachman, bds. 494 Jeffer- 89 Seventh. son ave. Triuder, Thomas, lab., h. 330 Ninth ave. Trapold, Peter, driver, h. 86 Montcalln e Trinder, Thomas clerk, h. 89 Seventh. Traub, Christian N., (Traub Bros..) h. 6 Tringham, John W., clerk bds., 56 Adams Clinton. ave. Traub, Jacob N., (Traub Bros.,) h. 806 Trinity Catholic Church, n. e. c. Porter and Jefferson ave. Sixth. Traub, William, brewer, h. s. w. cor. Na- Trinity Catholic School, n. s. Porter, nr. poleon aud Praspect. Trinity Church. Traub Bros., (Christian N. and Jacob N.' I Trinity German Protestant Church, cor. Traub), jewelers, 206 Jefferson ave. Prospect and Gratiot. Traver, Jonas, carpenter,, h. 19 Lewis. Trinkaus, Christian, engineer, h. 201 Chest- Traverse. Gilbert, captain, 11. 239 Third. nut. Trayner, Peter, carpenter, bds. 298 Frank- Trinkaus, Philipp, tanner, h. 193 Chestlin. nut. Treacy, John C., carpenter, h. li5 Brew- Tripler, Eunice, (wid. Charles S.,) h. 86 ster. Howard. Treadway, Arthur, real estate, 111 Gris- Tripy, Ansen, carriage maker, bds., 84 wolcl, L EIamUaack. Adelaide. W

426 TRO cI&E~X'S DETROIT TU# Trowbridge, Luther S., lawyer, office Seitz Block. h. GO9 Jefferson ave. B@sk#&88 Q"@&pb Trowbridge, Smith, h. 700 Jefferson ave. COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. Trowbridqe, Wilcox, & Co., (Edmund DETROIT, ~rowb&d~e, &i Orville Wilcox), ship Conducted by fin. Zia XayAew, chandlers, foot Bates. Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING Truax, Lucinda C., (wid. George), h. o. 455 For Busineas Co1lep:es and the Counting-room. -The only ~&kkeeping published pruvidin corn lete instruction in practical ac- Woodward ave. ccuntantahip. See notice 07 CO~&, Book-keeping and Busiuees Truba, Charles, joiner, h. 267 High. Practice, at the Slstpage of Directory.- - --- Trudell, Samuel, physician, h. 604 Fort m. Troester, John, (John Troester & Son), h. Trudell, William, blacksmith, h. 183 Bron- 83 Rio~elle. Lcon. ~roester,~ John S., (John Troester & Son), True, John J., artist: bds. 25 Abbott. bds. 83 Riopelle. Trufner, Fred, lab., bds. 182 Larned w. Troester, John 62 Son, (John and John S.), Trurnbull, Joseph E., lab., bds. e. s. Thirpacers, 7'7 Riopelle. teenth. bet. Fort and Woodbridge w. ~rollo~e. Albert, (Hill & Trollope), h. 183 Trump, Simeon, carpenter, B. 266 Fourth. Second. Trunk, Henry, pedlar, h. 241 Adam sve. e. Trombley, Adeline, (wid. Ambrosej, h. 302 Tschopp, Henry, supt. Water Works Res- Franklin. ervoir, h. Detroit nr. Riopelle. Trombley, Alexander, moulder, bds. 302 Tubbs, Jane, (wid. Robert), news depot 105 Franklin. Grand River, h. same. Trombley, Charles J., real estate, h. 4.2 Tucker, Abby JI., dressmaker, 103 Grand Miami ave. River, h. same. Trombley, Charles K., clerk, bds. 42 Miami Tucker Anson, stove dealer, o. '77 n. 127 ave. Columbia e. Trombley, David, shoemaker, bds. 9 Jef- Tucker, Cassius M., barber, h. 340 Maferson ave. comb. Trombley, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. 105 Tucker. Gaylen, fireman, engine No. 1, h. Catharine. 14'7 Croghan. Trombley, Francis, teamster, h. 152 Tucker, George D., captain, bds. 33 Joy. Wight. Tucker, John D., traveling agent, res. Trombley, John, teamster, h. 477 Fort e. Adrian. Trombley, John, ship carpenter, h. r. IT0 Tucker, Samuel H., shoemaker, h. 103 Franklin. Grand River. Trombley, John H., lab., bds. r. 170 Frank- Tuetke, Joseph, lab., h. Jay, bet. Chene and lin. Dubois. Trombley, Joseph, lab., h. 99 St. Aubin Tufts, Francis, sail maker, h. 130 Williams ave. ave. Trombley, Leo, ship carpenter, h. 396 Tuite, Thomas P., sheet iron works, bds. 58 Franklin. Wayne. ~rimble~, Levy, carpenter, h. 629 Lar- Tukes, Samuel, bds. 43 Congress w. ned e. Tull, . Charles, shoe maker, h. 48 Catha- Trombley, Peter, drayman, h. 433 Fort e. rin e. Trompeter, Frank, shoemaker, h. 391 Tulley, John, lab., h. I42 Jones. Mae. Tulley, Michael, lab., h. 24 South. Trondale, John B., engineer, h. 80 Porter. Tunis, William E, book store 90 Wood- Trosell, Peter S., car smith, h. 239 Thir- ward ave., h. 69 Miami ave. teenth. Tunison, Eugene, .,co17d), horse trainer, Trost, Alexander, lab, 293 St. Aubin ave. bds. 107 Russell. Trost, Nicholas, teamster, bds. 493 St: Au- Tunny, John, shoemaker, bds. 107 Russell. . bin ave. Tupper, Royal. cooper, h. 481 Russell. Trotzky, Francis, lab. h. 587, Twenty-third. Turnbull, John, gardener, h. 550 Franklin. Trounstine; Morris, clothier, IS9 Jefferson Turnbull, Walter A., machinist, h. 825 ave., h. 199 Larned e. Seventeenth. Trounstine, Philip clerk, bds. 120 Adams Turnbull, William, confectioner, h. 35 Croave. e. ghan. Troy, James, bds. 103 Beaubien. Turnbull, Willia~ J., sash and blind fac- Troyen, Veit, lab., h. 112 Sullivan ave. tory, 585 Atwitter e.: h. 62 St. Aubin ave. Trowbridge, Anna E., teacher, h. 234 Turner, Alexander, carpenter, h. 509 Larn- Cass. ed e. Trowbridge, Charles C., president D. & M. Turner, Francis W., glue maker, h. n. w. R. R., h. 494 Jefferson ave. cor. Walker and Woodbridge. Trowbridge, Edmund; (Trowbridge Wil- Turner, Frank, plasterer, h. 119 Sherman. cox, & Co.), h. 362 Jefferson ave. Turner, Horace, h. 60 Lafayette ave.

426 TRO cI&E~X'S DETROIT TU#<br />

Trowbridge, Luther S., lawyer, office<br />

Seitz Block. h. GO9 Jefferson ave.<br />

B@sk#&88 Q"@&pb<br />

Trowbridge, Smith, h. 700 Jefferson ave.<br />

COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. Trowbridqe, Wilcox, & Co., (Edmund<br />

DETROIT,<br />

~rowb&d~e, &i Orville Wilcox), ship<br />

Conducted by fin. Zia XayAew, chandlers, foot Bates.<br />

Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING Truax, Lucinda C., (wid. George), h. o. 455<br />

For Busineas Co1lep:es and the Counting-room. -The only ~&kkeeping<br />

published pruvidin corn lete instruction in practical ac- Woodward ave.<br />

ccuntantahip. See notice 07 CO~&, Book-keeping and Busiuees Truba, Charles, joiner, h. 267 High.<br />

Practice, at the Slstpage of <strong>Directory</strong>.-<br />

- ---<br />

Trudell, Samuel, physician, h. 604 Fort m.<br />

Troester, John, (John Troester & Son), h. Trudell, William, blacksmith, h. 183 Bron-<br />

83 Rio~elle.<br />

Lcon.<br />

~roester,~ John S., (John Troester & Son), True, John J., artist: bds. 25 Abbott.<br />

bds. 83 Riopelle.<br />

Trufner, Fred, lab., bds. 182 Larned w.<br />

Troester, John 62 Son, (John and John S.), Trurnbull, Joseph E., lab., bds. e. s. Thirpacers,<br />

7'7 Riopelle.<br />

teenth. bet. Fort and Woodbridge w.<br />

~rollo~e. Albert, (Hill & Trollope), h. 183 Trump, Simeon, carpenter, B. 266 Fourth.<br />

Second.<br />

Trunk, Henry, pedlar, h. 241 Adam sve. e.<br />

Trombley, Adeline, (wid. Ambrosej, h. 302 Tschopp, Henry, supt. Water Works Res-<br />

Franklin.<br />

ervoir, h. <strong>Detroit</strong> nr. Riopelle.<br />

Trombley, Alexander, moulder, bds. 302 Tubbs, Jane, (wid. Robert), news depot 105<br />

Franklin.<br />

Grand River, h. same.<br />

Trombley, Charles J., real estate, h. 4.2 Tucker, Abby JI., dressmaker, 103 Grand<br />

Miami ave.<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Trombley, Charles K., clerk, bds. 42 Miami Tucker Anson, stove dealer, o. '77 n. 127<br />

ave.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Trombley, David, shoemaker, bds. 9 Jef- Tucker, Cassius M., barber, h. 340 Maferson<br />

ave.<br />

comb.<br />

Trombley, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. 105 Tucker. Gaylen, fireman, engine No. 1, h.<br />

Catharine.<br />

14'7 Croghan.<br />

Trombley, Francis, teamster, h. 152 Tucker, George D., captain, bds. 33 Joy.<br />

Wight.<br />

Tucker, John D., traveling agent, res.<br />

Trombley, John, teamster, h. 477 Fort e. Adrian.<br />

Trombley, John, ship carpenter, h. r. IT0 Tucker, Samuel H., shoemaker, h. 103<br />

Franklin.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Trombley, John H., lab., bds. r. 170 Frank- Tuetke, Joseph, lab., h. Jay, bet. Chene and<br />

lin.<br />

Dubois.<br />

Trombley, Joseph, lab., h. 99 St. Aubin Tufts, Francis, sail maker, h. 130 Williams<br />

ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Trombley, Leo, ship carpenter, h. 396 Tuite, Thomas P., sheet iron works, bds. 58<br />

Franklin.<br />

Wayne.<br />

~rimble~, Levy, carpenter, h. 629 Lar- Tukes, Samuel, bds. 43 Congress w.<br />

ned e.<br />

Tull, . Charles, shoe maker, h. 48 Catha-<br />

Trombley, Peter, drayman, h. 433 Fort e. rin e.<br />

Trompeter, Frank, shoemaker, h. 391 Tulley, John, lab., h. I42 Jones.<br />

Mae.<br />

Tulley, Michael, lab., h. 24 South.<br />

Trondale, John B., engineer, h. 80 Porter. Tunis, William E, book store 90 Wood-<br />

Trosell, Peter S., car smith, h. 239 Thir- ward ave., h. 69 Miami ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Tunison, Eugene, .,co17d), horse trainer,<br />

Trost, Alexander, lab, 293 St. Aubin ave. bds. 107 Russell.<br />

Trost, Nicholas, teamster, bds. 493 St: Au- Tunny, John, shoemaker, bds. 107 Russell. .<br />

bin ave.<br />

Tupper, Royal. cooper, h. 481 Russell.<br />

Trotzky, Francis, lab. h. 587, Twenty-third. Turnbull, John, gardener, h. 550 Franklin.<br />

Trounstine; Morris, clothier, IS9 Jefferson Turnbull, Walter A., machinist, h. 825<br />

ave., h. 199 Larned e.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Trounstine, Philip clerk, bds. 120 Adams Turnbull, William, confectioner, h. 35 Croave.<br />

e.<br />

ghan.<br />

Troy, James, bds. 103 Beaubien.<br />

Turnbull, Willia~ J., sash and blind fac-<br />

Troyen, Veit, lab., h. 112 Sullivan ave. tory, 585 Atwitter e.: h. 62 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Trowbridge, Anna E., teacher, h. 234 Turner, Alexander, carpenter, h. 509 Larn-<br />

Cass.<br />

ed e.<br />

Trowbridge, Charles C., president D. & M. Turner, Francis W., glue maker, h. n. w.<br />

R. R., h. 494 Jefferson ave.<br />

cor. Walker and Woodbridge.<br />

Trowbridge, Edmund; (Trowbridge Wil- Turner, Frank, plasterer, h. 119 Sherman.<br />

cox, & Co.), h. 362 Jefferson ave. Turner, Horace, h. 60 Lafayette ave.

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