Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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THU CITY DIRECTORY. TOD 423 Thuerwachter, Philip, carpenter, h. 285 HOME Franklin. Thurber, Philip, insurance agent, ogice Xutual Life Insurance CO., under First National Bank, h. o. 177,n. OF CLNCINNATI, OHIO. 207 Lafayette ave. KV. We @, @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thurken, Lewig, tailor. h. 328 Hastings. GENERAL AGENT. Thuener, Henry, hairdresser, 224 St. An- 84 GRISWOLD STREET, toine, h. same. DETBOIT, - - XICH- Tibble, Edmund brass finisher, bds. 787 gZ9-See advertisement, page 27.a Congress e. - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - Tibble, George, lab., h. 787 C!ongress e. Tinnette, John, lab.. bds. 61 German. Tibble, James. machinist, bds. 787 Con- Tinnette. Joseph D., musician, bds 232 gress e. Rivard. Tibble, Thomas. machinist. bds. 787 Con- Tinnette, J. George, musician, bds. 232 gress e. Rivard, Tibble, William, moulder, bds. 787 Con- Tinnette, J. Peter, saloon, 232 Rivard, h. gress e. same. Tiedt, Henry, lab , h 227 Antietam. Tinnette, Nicholas, musician, h. 197 Adams Tieman, John, lab., h. 481 Lafavette. ave e. Tiener, Frederick grocer, 289 Orleans, h. Tipel, Ferdinand, joiner, h. 9 German. same. Tirks, John. chairmaker, h. 251 Macomb. Tierney, James, lab., h. e. s. Tillman be., Tisdall, William N., captain, U. S. A., bds. nr. Michigan ave. Russell House. Tieruey, William, lab., h. 400 Baker. Tisler, Elizabeth, (wid. George), h. 282 Tietsort, Ira, clerk, h. Indian ave., Spring- Clinton wells. Tisler, Kicholas, constable '7th ward. office Tietsort, Perry A., clerk, h. 119 Baker. 31 Larned w., h. 367 Croghan. Tiffany, Elizabeth, (wid. Louis L.), h. 107 Titlow, Angelo, engineer, bds. 4% Fif- Farmer. teenth. Tiffany, Mary, (wid. John), washerwoman, Titlow. George, deputy sheriff, h. 437 Fifh. 138 Grand River (up stairs). teenth. Tihr: Joseph, shoemaker, 59 St. Aubin ave. Tittert, Herman, cigar makcr, h. 311 Clinh. 476 Woodbridgc e. ton. Tilden, Catharine, E., (wid. Titus), seam- Titus, J. H., bds. Franklin House. stress, h. 401 Larned e., (up stairs.) Titus, Martha, (col'd), washerwoman, h. Tilford, Robert, bridge builder: h. 170 Clin- 20 Clinton. ton. Titus, Smith, h. 65 Adams ave w. Tiller, James A., printer, h. 81 Plum. Tivnan, Patrick, agent: h. 29 Seventeenth. Tillman, Henry C., student, bds. 150 Wood- Tobble, Anthony, lab., h 2'26 Clinton. bridge e Tobin, James, lab., h. 144 Franklin, Tillman, Martha C., (wid. James W.,) h. Tobin, James, machinist, bds. n. e. c. Plum 1'70 Woodbridge e. and Seventh. Tillman, William, (Tillman, Silsbee & Co.;) Tobin, Michael, boiler maker, h. 2i8 h. -125 Congress e. Seventh. Tillman, silsbee & Co.? (William Tobin, Michael, lab., h. 69 Labrossc. Tillman and Chas. E Silsbee,) furniture, Tobin, Patrick W., clerk, h. 201 Con- 44 Jefferson ave. (~%e Index. page 27.) gress e. Tillotson, Charles N., clerk Free Press, Tobin, Thomas, cigar maker, bds. 75 Grisbds. Monroe ave. wold. Tillotson. William H., (Sales & Tillotson), Tobin, William, lab., h. 15 Griswold. h: 48 Lewis. Todd, David, clerk, h. 69 Sherman. Tillotson, Whiting A., agent, h. 2i4 Se- Todd, David, jr., clerk: bds. 69 Sherman. cond. Todd. Gilbert H., grocer, h. 865 Grand Tilly, Frederick, boilermaker, h. 455 Ger- River. man. Todd, Luther I?., carpenter, h. cor. First Timons, Eugene, silver plater, bds. 59 and Michigan ave. Beaubien. Todd, Mary, dress malrer, bds. 335 Mont- Tiney, John, lab., h. 358 Franklin. 1 calm e. Tinker, Allison H., conductor, h. 240 Todd, William. machinist, h. 158 La- First. brosse. Tinker, Lowell W., (L. W. Tinker & Co.,) Todd, William, (Copland & Co,) h. 229 bds. Russell House. Cass. Tinker, L. W. & Co., (L. W. Tinker and Todd, William, tailor, h. 535 Mont- R. H. Edwards), wholesale grocers, 6 calm e. Atwater e, Todt, Herman, lab., h. 294 Jay.

4% TOD CLARKis DETROIT I'ou PUKE, JENNINGS & CO'S., STA~DABD Fluid and Solid Ex tract SUGAR COATED PILLS, Rose 0il~ end. Cbemieele. For sale by all Drugdstu throughout the United Stater. w See advertisement. page 16. Todt, Max. F., h. 448 Woodbridge e. Todtenbier, Frank, printer, h. 132 Antie- tam. Todtenbier, John, clerk, bds. 132 Antie- tam. Todtenbier. Mathew, carpenter, h. 223 Elizabeth e. Todtenbier, William, cooper, h. 132 Antie- tam Toelle, Charlotte, (wid. Henry), h. 274 Beaubien. Toelle, Charles, clerk, bds. 274 Beaubien. Toelle, Edward, butcher, bds. 86 Gra- tiot. Toelle, Freclerlck, jr. clerk, bds. 274 Beau- bien. Toehne, Frank, lab., h. 76 Sherman. Toepel, John H., hardware I10 Grdtiot, h. same. Toepfer, Charles, upholsterer. h. 527 St. An- toine. Toepfer, Henry, carpenter, h. 321.St. Anto- ine. Toepfer, Henry, plasterer, h. 204 Brews- ter. Toepfer Julius, clerk, h. 519 St. Antoiue. Toepfer, Willianl, cabinet maker, h. 525 St. Antoine. Tolman, Joseph, carpenter, h. 376 St. Au- bin ave. Toilette, Peter, ship carpenter, h. 328 Fort e. Toles, Charles H., undertaker, h. 50 Xa- comb ave. Toles, Edward W., undertaker, h. 155 Clif- ford. Toles, Frank H., painter, bds. 155 Clif- ford. Tomlinson, Maranda, (wid. Nelson,) h. 135 Nichigan ave. Toms, Robert P., lawyer. 124 Jefferson ave., a , h Fulton, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Toms, William, stone cutter, h. 23 Spencer. Tone, Wolf, blacksmith, bcts. n.e. cor. Fifth and Porter. Toner, Charles L., carpenter, h. w. s. Twelfth, nr. Myrtle. Toohey, Dennis, saloon, 139 Michigan ave., h. same. Toohey, Peter, saloon, h. 79 Woodbridge west. Tooker, M. B., policeman, bds. Blichigan Exchan e. Tooley, If. Russell, (Estey 6; Tooley,) h. 185 Larned e. Toomey, Bartholomew, lab., h. 772 Woodbridge e. Toomey, Catharine, (wid. Michael,) h. 16 Howard. Toomey, John, teamster, h. TweUth nr. Baker. Toomey, Michael, clerk, bds. 301 Franklin. Toomey, Thomas, drayman, h. 301 Franklin. Toomey, Thomas, jr., clerk, bds. 301 Franklin. Tooiney. William, drayman, h. 151 National ave. Toomey, William, fireman, bds. 301 Franklin. Tooney, Michael, lab., h, 200 Fourth. Toot, John, lab., h. s. e. cor. Tenth and Ab- 1 bott. Tookern, William, carpenter, h. 589 Lafayette. Torrens, Alexander, engineer, h. '75 Montcnlm e. ' Tormy, Thomas, lab., bds. 169 Beech. I Torry, Abel R., h. 303 Jefferson ave. Torry, George G., clerk, h. 214 Park. Tortellet, George W., carpenter, h. 784 Sixteenth. Tortellet, Hiram H., carpenter, bds. 784 1 Sixteenth. Toles, Mrs. Nathan H., h. 155 Clifford. 1 Tossy, Charles, harness maker, h. 59 Toles, Willia~n T., painter, bds. 155 Cliord. W oodbridge e. Tolesky, Adam, mason, h. 129 Clinton. Tossy, Frank, blacksmith, bds. 242 Cath- Toll, A , bds. 1311ssell House. arine. Toll, John, tailor, h. o. 80 Cherry. Tossy, John, blacksmith, h. 92942 Catharine. Tolland, Charles, carpenter, h. 217 Na- Tossy, Louis, blacksmith, h. Catharine, tional ave. bet. Joseph Campau and Elmwood aves. Tolland, Edward, carpenter, h. e. s. Seven- 1 Tossy, Louis, blacksmith, h. 372 Croghan. teent,h, bet. Butternut and Michigan ave. , Tossy, Louis, sailor, h. 89 Congress e. Tolland, Elizabeth, (wid. John) h. 164 Sev- Tossy, Octavius, blacksmith, h. 242 Cathenth. I arine. Tomes, James T., varnisher, h. 370 Frank- Totten, William, machinist, h. 389 Mullett. lin. Tough, James, lab., h. 160 Fifteenth. Tomes, Peter, picture frame maker, h. 199 Tough, James, machinist, h. 149 Twelfth. Twelfth. Tough, James, machinist, h. 149 Bronson. Tomle , William, carpenter, h, Beanbien, Touissant, Lafferty, h. 22 Wight. bet. f~inois and Leland. Toulman, tllfred P., vice-president Rive1

4% TOD CLARKis DETROIT I'ou<br />


STA~DABD<br />

Fluid and Solid Ex tract<br />


Rose 0il~ end. Cbemieele.<br />

For sale by all Drugdstu throughout the United Stater.<br />

w See advertisement. page 16.<br />

Todt, Max. F., h. 448 Woodbridge e.<br />

Todtenbier, Frank, printer, h. 132 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Todtenbier, John, clerk, bds. 132 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Todtenbier. Mathew, carpenter, h. 223<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Todtenbier, William, cooper, h. 132 Antie-<br />

tam<br />

Toelle, Charlotte, (wid. Henry), h. 274<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Toelle, Charles, clerk, bds. 274 Beaubien.<br />

Toelle, Edward, butcher, bds. 86 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Toelle, Freclerlck, jr. clerk, bds. 274 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Toehne, Frank, lab., h. 76 Sherman.<br />

Toepel, John H., hardware I10 Grdtiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Toepfer, Charles, upholsterer. h. 527 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Toepfer, Henry, carpenter, h. 321.St. Anto-<br />

ine.<br />

Toepfer, Henry, plasterer, h. 204 Brews-<br />

ter.<br />

Toepfer Julius, clerk, h. 519 St. Antoiue.<br />

Toepfer, Willianl, cabinet maker, h. 525 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Tolman, Joseph, carpenter, h. 376 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Toilette, Peter, ship carpenter, h. 328<br />

Fort e.<br />

Toles, Charles H., undertaker, h. 50 Xa-<br />

comb ave.<br />

Toles, Edward W., undertaker, h. 155 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Toles, Frank H., painter, bds. 155 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Tomlinson, Maranda, (wid. Nelson,) h. 135<br />

Nichigan ave.<br />

Toms, Robert P., lawyer. 124 Jefferson ave.,<br />

a , h Fulton, bet. Sixth<br />

and Seventh.<br />

Toms, William, stone cutter, h. 23 Spencer.<br />

Tone, Wolf, blacksmith, bcts. n.e. cor. Fifth<br />

and Porter.<br />

Toner, Charles L., carpenter, h. w. s.<br />

Twelfth, nr. Myrtle.<br />

Toohey, Dennis, saloon, 139 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Toohey, Peter, saloon, h. 79 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Tooker, M. B., policeman, bds. Blichigan<br />

Exchan e.<br />

Tooley, If. Russell, (Estey 6; Tooley,) h.<br />

185 Larned e.<br />

Toomey, Bartholomew, lab., h. 772 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Toomey, Catharine, (wid. Michael,) h. 16<br />

Howard.<br />

Toomey, John, teamster, h. TweUth nr.<br />

Baker.<br />

Toomey, Michael, clerk, bds. 301 Franklin.<br />

Toomey, Thomas, drayman, h. 301 Franklin.<br />

Toomey, Thomas, jr., clerk, bds. 301 Franklin.<br />

Tooiney. William, drayman, h. 151 National<br />

ave.<br />

Toomey, William, fireman, bds. 301 Franklin.<br />

Tooney, Michael, lab., h, 200 Fourth.<br />

Toot, John, lab., h. s. e. cor. Tenth and Ab-<br />

1 bott.<br />

Tookern, William, carpenter, h. 589 Lafayette.<br />

Torrens, Alexander, engineer, h. '75 Montcnlm<br />

e.<br />

' Tormy, Thomas, lab., bds. 169 Beech.<br />

I Torry, Abel R., h. 303 Jefferson ave.<br />

Torry, George G., clerk, h. 214 Park.<br />

Tortellet, George W., carpenter, h. 784 Sixteenth.<br />

Tortellet, Hiram H., carpenter, bds. 784<br />

1 Sixteenth.<br />

Toles, Mrs. Nathan H., h. 155 Clifford.<br />

1 Tossy, Charles, harness maker, h. 59<br />

Toles, Willia~n T., painter, bds. 155 Cliord. W oodbridge e.<br />

Tolesky, Adam, mason, h. 129 Clinton. Tossy, Frank, blacksmith, bds. 242 Cath-<br />

Toll, A , bds. 1311ssell House.<br />

arine.<br />

Toll, John, tailor, h. o. 80 Cherry. Tossy, John, blacksmith, h. 92942 Catharine.<br />

Tolland, Charles, carpenter, h. 217 Na- Tossy, Louis, blacksmith, h. Catharine,<br />

tional ave.<br />

bet. Joseph Campau and Elmwood aves.<br />

Tolland, Edward, carpenter, h. e. s. Seven- 1 Tossy, Louis, blacksmith, h. 372 Croghan.<br />

teent,h, bet. Butternut and Michigan ave. , Tossy, Louis, sailor, h. 89 Congress e.<br />

Tolland, Elizabeth, (wid. John) h. 164 Sev- Tossy, Octavius, blacksmith, h. 242 Cathenth.<br />

I arine.<br />

Tomes, James T., varnisher, h. 370 Frank- Totten, William, machinist, h. 389 Mullett.<br />

lin.<br />

Tough, James, lab., h. 160 Fifteenth.<br />

Tomes, Peter, picture frame maker, h. 199 Tough, James, machinist, h. 149 Twelfth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Tough, James, machinist, h. 149 Bronson.<br />

Tomle , William, carpenter, h, Beanbien, Touissant, Lafferty, h. 22 Wight.<br />

bet. f~inois and Leland.<br />

Toulman, tllfred P., vice-president Rive1

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